I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)

Video Information

Imagine surviving over 1 000 days of Hardcore Minecraft and adventuring through endless moments in time I’ve traveled back to the Stone Age to face deadly cavemen taking on deadly robots from the future and even explored mystical worlds with the God of Thunder himself what insane Mysteries unfold in

This 1000 days Adventure grab some popcorn and let’s find out ah imagine being sent back in time to the Stone Age I will have just 100 days to form the biggest and most powerful caveman tribe in all of ancient history I will be facing deadly prehistoric enemies crafting powerful ancient tools

Exploring Primal locations and even battling a gigantic T-Rex will I survive the bloodthirsty dinos and become the most powerful gay man that ever lived let’s find out day one was extremely intense I was being chased by a tribe of cavemen and they were Furious if that

Spear got me it would be over before it started so I took a leap of faith I may have escaped those guys but there were more cavemen to take on they were chasing after me I had no choice but to Sprint away as fast as possible I saw refuge in this small building found a chest and grabbed some quick loot my heart was racing I was cornered they

Attacked me with their spear just two and a half hearts but I managed to Sprint away and Escape so there I was stranded in the middle of the Jungle and you’re probably wondering why these cavemen were chasing me while this is ooga Kingdom home of the cavemen

That will be hunting me down for the next 100 days why you ask well you see this guy this is the evil ooga the leader of the UGA tribe and that skull stuff he’s holding has special abilities and I almost got my hands on it until I

Was chased by his goons and now I’m stuck here wondering what ancient and Powerful abilities I could have had if I am to attack again I’m gonna need to be way more prepared so I grabbed some wood made some basic tools and began my journey to get that staff I noticed

There was some Stone Age gear to craft the easiest being the stone ax so I grabbed some Cobblestone combined it with the string and made myself an ancient ax which gave me efficiency it would allow me to collect a ton of resources much quicker I can’t wait to

See what the other ancient items do whilst I was grabbing Cobblestone I was ambushed by a Triceratops I had no choice but to Sprint away which just half a heart I couldn’t risk dying so I headed underground this thing was huge I had indeed in deep underground where I

Felt more safe and did what cavemen do best collecting resources but then I came across this giant Lush cave this place was absolutely mesmerizing filled with glowberries and beautiful water pools this would be the foundation for my new home with such low health I needed some food so I grabbed some

Glowberries and feasted on their squishy texture I then headed down to explore this beautiful area grabbing resources along the way whilst I was mining I heard a strange sound somebody was crying I went to investigate it seemed to be another caveman please don’t tell anyone I’m here I’m being hunted by the

Ooga tribe oh it’s you they’re hunting listen if you can rescue my brother I promise to keep your secret I’ll even join your tribe wow thank you but what happened to your brother we were kidnapped by a nearby tribe I got away but they have my brother locked up in a

Cage with no food and I’m not strong enough to take them on oh no can you remember where the camp is yes they’re on the other side of the jungle you should craft a spyglass it’ll help you get a better View and find where they’re keeping my brother take this bow too

It’s my brothers it contains an ancient power I’ve yet to discover this ancient bow looked awesome but I couldn’t let it distract me from my mission at hand I promise this caveman I would track down that camp and bring his brother back all in one piece so it was time to get to

Work I headed out grabbing resources collecting blueberries for food and I also got stuck under some gravel because I was trying to get flint hello anyone I smeltered up the yours and crafted a full set of iron armor magic I then headed out to track down some amethyst

It took a couple of days but I finally found an amethyst geode once I returned home I sorted my inventory and crafted the spy glass I will use this to spy on the camp I was also curious to find out what abilities this bow would grant me it was time to

Head out and find the caveman’s brother the jungle is an extremely daunting place and it’s filled with Dinosaurs just like these Raptors I had no choice but to defend myself against these ravenous beasts I was countering their bite with my ancient acts picking my shots the ravenous Raptors began to back

Me into a corner and deal serious amounts of damage we just have a heart I defeated two of the Raptors but I had to run away regain my strength and head back in to deal the final blow to the final Raptor all that was left of the

Dinosaur was its meat I made it to the other side of the Jungle and stumbled across this structure with a winged-like creature sleeping nearby but as I approached it launched High into the sky and started spitting venomous goo at me it began to slow me down I had no choice

But to face this pterodactyl so many dinosaurs man give me a break I was ducking and dodging the pterodactyl’s venomous spit and then striking it with my ancient ax finally defeating it I then investigated the area in hopes to find the camp but there was nothing here

So I decided to get a better look and head up top and use the Spyglass to see if I could see something into the distance I noticed a very light array of smoke in the Horizon so I decided to wait until sunset to see if I could get

A better look of the nearby Camp the smoke was really obvious now this had to be the camp that the caveman told me about so I headed in for a better look I used my Spyglass to scope out the area and try and find the caveman’s brother

But all I could see was tribe’s men this place absolutely reeked of danger so I decided why not use the bow that caveman gave me and uncover the powers that he spoke of I pulled the string back and launched an arrow High into the sky wow

I was blind but now I see this both power highlights enemies this would make my life a lot easier when I’m sneaking through the camp it was mesmerizing I waited until the next day before I decided to head into the camp it was my time to strike I pulled out my skull bow

And struck the first caveman I then jumped down and continued to bash him with my ax he was trying to stab me with his spear but he stood no match and I struck him down he dropped a skull that I could use to craft things with later

On with the combination of my ancient bow when ancient ax I was making great progress working through the camp I came across a cage but there was no sign of the caveman’s brother just this Raptor I snuck through the camp dodging the enemies when finally there he is I found

Him I raced to the cage told him that his brother had sent me and freed him from his misery you saved me kid I’m free not yet you’re not we gotta sneak out of here I explained to the caveman that there’s still enemies around so we’d have to

Sneak out of here as quietly as possible we managed to get past the first guard and when I saw a moment to run I took it we sprinted as fast as we could away from the camp we paddled through water and sprinted over land until finally I

Made it back home it was so heartwarming to see the two brothers reunite they both thanked me for everything I’d done and offered to help me get my hands on that skull staff they also asked me the name of my tribe so how about you guys comment below the best name you can

Think of the next day I decided to do a little bit of building so I worked on a small area a workstation where I could store the skulls that I used later on to craft ancient weapons it wasn’t the coolest build in the world but it looked

Okay for now I then made some slight improvements adding campfires here and there because cavemen love fire and then what is that is that diamonds how did I not notice them they’ve been here the whole time I love diamonds so much the little blue twinkle it never gets old

After this I used the little resources I had to craft a brutal caveman Club it looked insane and I was tired of eating glowberries so I decided to head up top and try and get a better source of food my first Target was this Spinosaurus he

Was colossal in size but I used my brutal caveman Club to Funk him on the head and knock him out I then continued to collect as much food as possible taking out dinosaurs left right and Center including this guy I tried to use my bow and take it out from a distance

But I had no choice but to close the gap and defeat this Beast this dinosaurs are pretty scary after killing it it dropped a ton of food a good few days of hunting as the sunset I was completely overwhelmed by Raptors I didn’t think I

Was going to make it I sprinted away as fast as possible I spent the entire night dodging delicious predators and once I finally made it back home I filled my caveman’s bellies with Dino meat and also including my own because I was absolutely starving if I was going

To take out Uber and get that staff I need way more caveman in My Tribe so I decided to head out and start recruiting whilst I was exploring I came across this guy this poor cave man was being attacked by a Triceratops so I headed in with my

Caveman club and took it out saving his life well thank you I thought it was toast the caveman was so grateful he joined my tribe so I informed him of the location of my secret base whilst I continued my hunt over the next few days for new members including these two

You’re the only one that got into this mess how did you not see the Trap rope these guys were trapped so I freed them with my ax oh nice thank you great one you saved us my caveman Army was growing each and every day I couldn’t believe it

Things were going smoothly until this happened I had stumbled across a giant skeleton attacking a caveman I had no choice but to head into help I struck this Undead Beast with my ancient acts but it was fierce and it was strong it was doing extreme damage with its spin

Attacks this Undead creature seemed Immortal and with one strike it got me down to just half a heart I sprinted away grabbed some berries and decided to pick my shots with a bow and finally defeated this ancient creature I’ve battled dinos but nothing like this so I decided to head after the caveman

Hopefully he could explain where this thing came from I’ve got too close to the temple that’s all Temple yeah you know the one with a cape scar oh who’s scar sounds kind of scary scar is the T-Rex almost a fieruga the evil ogre but he struck him down using that skull star

And the Ancients serve anyu wields it suruga made him lock him up he’s been there many years up poor Dino what if I freed him we could defeat ooga together good luck kid those ancient skeletons are tough this was perfect if I could free the T-Rex from the temple

He could help me get my hands on that skull staff and defeat ooga so I headed home to prepare recruiting as many cavemen as I could on the way it was perfect they protected me while I collected resources they followed me everywhere I went we even found one of

Uga’s tribe members hunting us but he stood no match for me and my tribe I made it back home and I was in awe of how fast my caveman Army was growing so I decided to build a small area in which my caveman could rest up I had to make

Sure they were strong and ready to battle Ugo when the time comes but we weren’t prepared just yet so I told my caveman to chill out here whilst I go out and grab some resources I noticed in the crafting table a couple of ancient tools I could craft with skulls and

Diamonds so I headed out to do my favorite thing ever mining I spent the next few days mining resources and battling dinos in this beautiful Lush cave just look at this it’s a caveman’s dream home this cave was real filled with diamonds so I got to work

Collecting them up I stumbled across a mine shaft with chests filled with skulls so I raced back home as fast as I possibly could crafted myself the diamond tools and then used the skulls to upgrade them and the final result was insane the skull pickaxe looked awesome

And the skull sword looked deadly the last few days of hard work really paid off I decided to give my new pickaxe a test and then it was time to head out and find that Temple I was going to free that T-Rex so I got a good nice rest

Said goodbye to my tribe and headed out I clawed through Dino infested jungles for days and still nothing until I came to the edge of the island and noticed some ancient skeletons congregated I was close these little guys attacked me with no hesitation juking left and right

Trying to flank me but I used my new sword to take them down the Ancients tried to conquer me with teamwork but nothing was going to stop me and my new ancient sword I took the final enemy down I then continued my hunt for the

Temple when finally I found it I had it in this thing was absolutely ginormous and the Ancients were waiting for me I was determined to find that T-Rex so I battled the first few minions they weren’t too difficult but then things got tough to prepare to face death

This giant Undead Beast wielded an enormous blade that dealt tons of damage my ancient skull saw dealt bleeding damage so I managed to strike him with my blade and watch as its Soul poured from its bones you are weak the monster towered over me leaving me with just one and a half

Hearts I had no choice but to eat some food step away and start picking my bow shots and with strategic moves I finally managed to defeat the Beast it wasn’t over yet I was being targeted by ancient archers and their bows did extreme amounts of damage it was kind of

Surprising for such a small little bow I regend with food and then chased after this little guy with my caveman Club defeating him I scaled the giant Temple stairway facing the horrors that the Ancients were sending after me the undead Rose from the ground they were doing everything in their power to stop

Me from reaching the top but I was determined to get inside and free that T-Rex so I took them on with my bow I cleared the area of the last few ancients took a deep breath and headed in it was freezing in here this place had been left alone for a long time

Their scar I couldn’t wait to tell him that I was freeing him from this prison I jumped down I was so excited to speak to him Tada I’ve come to sit not part of my plan the giant T-rex was trying to eat me alive listen I’m the

Good guy I’m trying to help you I was reluctant to fight back but the T-Rex left me no choice but it just angered him even more the voices the voices ground pound after ground pound this T-Rex was relentless chasing after me with a swipe of his tail he hit me high

Into the sky I was losing extreme amounts of damage the T-Rex tried to swallow me whole enough is enough I pulled out my ancient skull blade and struck him down please I’m weak the T-Rex dropped to his knees I explained that I’m not the enemy

Here and that I’ve come to save him I didn’t want to hurt you too long have I been locked away trapped and alone not anymore cavemen all around have told me what happened to you I want to help you get revenge for what UGA did I have driven

Then let’s team up you get revenge and I get his staff I need time to heal if we are to face his tribe I must rest goal crafter saddle it would be my honor to ride into battle with you saving me friend a new Ally on this

Stone Age journey I decided to explore the area in which scar was kept and found a chest filled with skulls I also grabbed the resources nearby I guess it’s time to head back whilst exiting the temple I bumped into another evil ancient but I was in no condition to

Fight so I hopped down and clutched with a water bucket I then headed into the woods and made myself a crafting table to check out the crafting recipe for the T-Rex saddle I can’t wait to ride into battle on a T-Rex also who knew mammoths was so aggressive in the Stone Age I

Explored the beautiful landscapes and eventually made it home headed up to my crafting station and I crafted a full set of bone armor using the skulls from scars prison look how amazing this looks the next day I grabbed some members of My Tribe to head out and grab the things

I would need to craft the T-Rex saddle it was a solid few days collecting resources defeating slimes and fighting mobs all whilst collecting diamonds along the way we made a pretty good team my cavemen and I the last component I needed was Leather So I killed few cows

Grab some leather and crafted the T-Rex saddle we were getting closer and closer to getting my hands on that skull staff I was so excited to give Scar the satellite crafted so I headed down to greet him but when I reached the prison he wasn’t here there was no sign of scar

Sorry kid ah ow my head don’t try anything stupid you don’t scare me friends with this tribe if he’s paying them to capture me these guys were terrifying I had to get out of here as soon as possible so I started breaking my way out of the cage and sneaking past

One of the tribal minions I managed to locate the chest with all of my loot inside now all I had to do was escape the caveman mercenaries were Furious I had to think of a way out I jumped between them but then I was completely bombarded by the tribe it was time to

Fight using my caveman instincts I managed to defend myself against the first wave but then the mercenary began to battle me with his giant blade he struck me and sliced me hitting me into the air he may have had brutal attacks but he couldn’t withstand the bleeding

Effect from my sword and I watched as he dropped to his knees he lacked the strength to continue fighting on but it wasn’t over this caveman seemed to be a conjurer of some sorts and was summoning things from the ground he used his giant staff to launch attacks at me doing

Light damage he seemed to be regenerating his own house while sporadically spinning that staff High into the sky his attacks were Relentless I couldn’t seem to breed I was suffocated by enemies after the final wave of these encapsulated bugs he seemed tired so I headed in to strike

Him down after an exhausting fight I managed to defeat the ones that had captured me now it was time to head home through sandstorms you see this is why I like the jungle this is infuriating the sandstorm was kicking me high into the sky and every time I tried to make a

Move the wind blew me backwards once the storm calmed down I headed home and it took me days but waiting for me was scar somehow he managed to find the jungle in which I live so I headed over to ask him how on Earth he managed to find me I

Followed your scent of course now the saddle boy I placed the saddle on scars back this was it the moment Dino and caveman become friends I couldn’t believe it I was riding on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex if this doesn’t make me the coolest caveman ever then I don’t

Know what will we made the ultimate team and dedicated the next few days to recruiting even more caveman into my Army how could they say no there’s a giant T-rex there the cavemen followed me and Scar all the way home the fight for that staff and the battle with uga’s

Tribe was just around the corner but first I wanted to make a small living space for scar I wasn’t just gonna let him roam around the cave I kept it pretty simple terraforming the area using stone brick blocks also scar could have a cozy area to sleep in it was time

Time to head out and face the UGA tribe and get that staff I rallied up my men my brothers this will be a tough fight and some will fall to the UGA tribe but together we can defeat UGA and we can get that staff oh oh oh I headed out

With my caveman tribe towards UGA Kingdom my cavemen were ready and so was Scar and I we headed in this was the moment we had penetrated the perimeter and headed into fight scar noticed enemies up ahead we headed in and battled the UGA tribe men were falling

Left right and Center this was a brutal battle My Tribe and I successfully cleared the area of ooga’s men The Next Step was Finding UGA himself and I needed to do this Quest alone I was in the heart of ooga Kingdom now and I could tell that’s where the evil caveman

Was hiding so I headed in and defeated the bodyguards guarding him their sharp Spears weren’t sharp enough to pierce the bone armor I had crafted it was time to head up the giant evil caveman came stomping towards me from the Shadows come from the school staff again have we

Yeah but this time I brought an army give it up ooga you think a few caveman can save you this time you won’t make it out alive into the ground leaving me with just half a heart he was way stronger than I anticipated so I had to create some

Distance and pick my slices [Applause] I was slipping and ducking his staff but he grew in strength he was relentless chasing me down at every moment was powerful but I saw an opening and decided to strike him with my sword dealing huge amounts of damage and the bleeding effect started to kick in

Few more hits this would be it and then I would have my hands on that staff I defeated the evil caveman there it is the skull staff in all its Glory I headed over to pick it up I couldn’t believe I wielded all of its power but I still didn’t know what its

Ability was but then a strange sound occurred and then I had morphed into a dinosaur I could fly this was amazing I was flying through the Jungle the wind through my hair I was Unstoppable I couldn’t believe this power that I had obtained I perched myself down on a

Beach and decided to look at the actual ability of the staff I could morph into any creature so I tried it out on this Raptor this is unbelievable this makes me the most powerful caveman of all time after this I headed home and celebrated with my tribe that we defeated ooga and I

Managed to get my hands on the skull staff but I had one more idea seeing I had all this power I wanted to use it to unite all of the tribes together to create peace so I disguised myself as each tribe and convinced all the caveman tribes to join together in peace I

Traveled far and wide wielding the power of this staff to morph myself into the different caveman I even convinced the UGA tribe to join together they were on board so they followed me back home One side returned it warmed my heart to see all of the different tribes in unity this was beautiful I successfully ended the hundred days with the greatest caveman Army in all of ancient history Stranded in the middle of the tropical ocean I will have just 100 days to transform my Island into the most valuable Treasure Island in all of the Seven Seas I’ll be looting treasure-filled ships facing dangerous pirate captains exploring mysterious islands and even battling a gigantic cracker will I become the richest pirate

That ever lived let’s find out A1 was extremely intense I was being chased by a pirate and they did extreme amounts of damage already losing half of my heart I had to get out of here the only way I was getting off this island was with a

Wooden raft so I headed towards the tree and started grabbing some wood but I didn’t have much time he was closing in just three logs that was enough I then headed towards the ship I saw some barrels so I grabbed some stuff I even managed to steal a gold ingot I then

Sprinted away he was going to kill me I had to hurry I noticed there was a crafting table so using the materials I grabbed from the barrels I made myself a wooden raft it was time to confidence gently walk the plank the pirate was

Closing in but it was time to get out of here I placed my raft down and started floating away yeah I managed to escape I’ll send every pirate I know after it you’ll regret coming here the Furious pirate had no choice but to watch as I paddled away I couldn’t

Believe I’d escaped but I had took a lot of damage So there I was stranded in the middle of the ocean and you’re probably wondering why this dude was even chasing me in the first place where you see this is Pirate Cove home of the pirates that will be hunting me down for the next 100 days

Why you ask well you see that big red X underneath that is some of the most insane pirate loot in all of the Seven Seas Cannon guns treasure all of it and I was so close but then I got caught not to Sprint away and here I am looking for

Somewhere to stay as day one continued I finally came across a small stranded Island so I headed over with my raft hopped off and took a look around limited resources I know but I knew I could make this place my home I noticed on the floor there was an unlit campfire

And I had a little bit of fish left so I lit that bad boy up but before I could get started cooking somebody in the distance was coming towards me on a raft please don’t tell anybody I’m here I’m hiding from Pirates oh it’s you they’re hunting for well boy

Give me one gold coin I’ll keep you a secret thank you so much you can have me fishing rod to Milady it’ll help you get resources I acted quickly I punched down the tree and made myself a full set of basic tools I then grabbed some Stone crafted a furnace and started smelting

Up that Golding I grabbed into the gold coin I exchanged it for both a fishing rod and secrecy thank you strange man luckily the tree dropped a sapling so I planted that bad boy down and spent most of the night fishing They do consisted of pretty much the basics get the food cook the food eat the food get more food rinse and repeat and then I crafted myself a chest so I could store all of the food I was getting and that’s pretty much it I took

A look around the area saw some pretty beautiful sights I mean check out this whale hello I also spotted Some Coal but as you can see well I can’t breathe underwater and I can’t mine that fast so this was proving to be quite the challenge I had

No choice but to mine the very little space I had just so I could craft basic tools but then I was ambushed a drowned spider it doesn’t look intimidating but it did a ton of damage leaving me with just half a heart I had no choice but to

Swim away whilst I was restoring my house the jungle sapling grew into a beautiful tree lightning struck it was all very intense I chopped up the tree killed the spider and then prayed for a sapling while I chopped into the leaves I had the worst luck ever the more

Leaves I chopped the more worried I overcame yep no saplings I couldn’t believe it this journey just got extremely difficult using the last few planks I had I crafted some doors headed underwater and started creating air pockets in hopes to find a cave the

Deeper I swam the more luck I had I got to work collecting as many orders possible but peace and quiet ended when a skeleton struck me with Arrow leaving me with just one heart I spit it away as fast as possible using my Kenobi instincts I took the high ground but it

Was just too risky I didn’t want to lose my life I managed to find some iron I crafted a furnace rapidly smounted the resources and crafted a shield but not even that was enough to save me I was hit once again half a heart things were getting intense I had to escape

Is there something in my eye I chipped away at Stone and chewed through many different oars I even crafted an iron pickaxe with just half a heart I had to find my way home as fast as possible once I made it back I crafted a full set

Of iron armor so I would be more protected for the future I then did some fishing and then utilized my campfire to cook up the fish and finally regain some health oh I then got to work on a very complicated build this will do for now I crammed as much

As I could in this room and then I crafted myself a boat because tomorrow on day five I want to head out and do some exploring because I can store stuff in my boat day five rolled around and it was time to go exploring I jumped in my boat and

Headed as far away from my Island as possible breathe in that Sierra and finally came across a small island I didn’t think anybody was on it till I approached it and I did try and negotiate with these guys but the Castaways were just too interested in

Beating me over the head with paddles I was on one and a half heart I died into the water and tried to create some space between us but then I noticed he was trying to steal my boat so I had to take him out and then finish off the others

Loot wise I was pretty lucky as I found a diamond a small step in becoming the richest in all of the Seven Seas I noticed there was another little island so I stored my stuff on the boat and then stole pretty much everything I could see on this island including the

Seeds because that would mean I could get some food I then headed over to another Island not too far away and decided to investigate more Castaways and these guys were pretty aggressive but using my ax I managed to strike them down these guys were sort of having

Trouble falling through the hole so it made it pretty easy taking them out once I Glide into the Watchtower I opened up the chest inside was loads of gold and illegal nuggets which I can use to craft pirate pistols I then grabbed a bunch more wood hopped in my boat and

Traversed the Beautiful Seas until I finally made it home an intense few days indeed but I had a long way to go and a lot planned including getting a ton of treasure and also crafting a giant ship because once I make it to Pirate Cove I’ll need plenty of space to store all

That treasure I collect from the hidden vault however I’ve been dodging drowned and sharks all whilst collecting materials because yep you guessed it time to get building Thank you a solid few days making the most of limited resources I had the build finished and then I got to work planting the very little seeds I had so I had an unlimited food source I then made some more gold coins and then well whoa what

Is that oh no the Pirates have found me they had to act fast I crafted myself an iron sword and headed out but the sleepless nights had attracted Phantoms I had to deal with these guys first these stealthy nightwalkers were working in unison to dive on me but with

Combination of my sword and shield I managed to deflect their hits taking them out one by one the final Squad swooped in but they were no match for me and my sword the warship had clearly anchored so I took advantage and the next day headed in on my boat I Was

Preparing for the worst I steadily scaled the side of this wooden beast when I reached the top a canonia holding a pistol began firing at me and with no hesitation he knocked me off but then he dived it after me my shield could only withstand so much

And he started to do serious damage I thought this was the moment I would lose my life until I was saved by a shark a shark began attacking the pirate and he became occupied this was my moment with just one heart left I began to swim away

A successful second attempt I made it on a boat but I was met with skeleton pirates the ultimate sword fight began to play out with the deck now cleared it was time to head deeper into this ship I didn’t know what to expect but it definitely wasn’t this an entire Army of

Pirates was waiting for me they began to level my shield with bullets I sprinted away and tried to hide in the corner there was just too many of them the pirate sporadic gunfire ended up damaging each other leaving me with just one pirate to face he tried to take me

Out with his pistol but using my sword and shield I defeated him like seriously I cannot believe I survived that I make a good pirate I seem to have found myself in some sort of treasure room and as I opened the chests it revealed gold coins I also found a resource is like

Sand but I could still hear enemies so it was time to head back up top and clear the rest of the ship battle fiercely to defeat the remaining Pirates but nothing could stop me from being jumped by a creeper man that was a close one I

Got to work raiding the ship I even grabbed myself some wool then headed down to have a proper good look at the treasure room I grabbed some pretty cool stuff like this bone Cutler sword but the best part was the tree saplings you have no idea how badly have any sapling

So finding this was a godsend I continued to investigate and found a map inside a chest more treasure it seems or maybe even a clue on how to get back to Pirate Cove I continue to look around the ship when I came across this room filled with TNT and a little parrot it

Seems the Pirates had captured him here so I tamed him with a little bit of seed but then things went bad quickly lightning had struck the boat it was on fire and with all this TNT I’d have to get out of it fast I tried to mine it

All but I just didn’t have time it was time to evacuate I leapt from the ship and waited for my new little friend I got out of there as fast as possible and watched as the entire ship set Ablaze the TNT had caught fire and a giant explosion erupted

I quickly crafted a bed placed it inside my house and got a good night’s rest and the parrot too day 21 was here so I was working on my Island I made a little perch for my parrot which by the way you can give him a name if you like I then

Built a small area where I could plant my saplings and watch trees grow and then made a small expansion on the island with some wooden walkways and I can also leave my boat here too I then got a good night’s rest because on day 23 I geared up and went to strip mining

Now if you’re a fan of the channel you know how much I love my strip mining so I got to work collecting as many ores as I possibly could until I finally found diamonds look at it beautiful amazing that little twinkly sound it just never gets old he’s strip mined for days collecting

Resources I even came across these weird looking rooms filled with Mobs and crystals there was so much loot too after looting all the chests I really liked the stone bricks on the walls so I decided to mine pretty much the entire room when I returned home I crafted a

Full set of diamond armor ready to head out to that Treasure Island I was hoping to get some sort of map or clue on how I can find my way back to Pirate Cove I voyaged across the tropical ocean day and night looting everything I could find fighting mobs but then I was

Ambushed by an entire gang of drowned one of them was launching their Trident at me but I managed to take them all down and I picked up a trident in the process pretty lucky if you ask me day 45 I almost died because a shark managed

To get inside my boat like what are the chances of that like please explain that to me I finally made it the first island it was colossal inside he’s with broken shipwrecks covered all over the mountains I was pretty intimidated I approached the shore and I quickly noticed there were pirates everywhere

They were well armed and well prepared they knew I was coming I almost had my life taken once my shield was destroyed but I managed to create some distance and they ended up falling in the gap things did get pretty intense though when this one Captain got me down to one

And a half hearts it was a pretty close one I finally came across some sugarcane so I kept it for later and then it was getting too dark and too dangerous so I headed inside the side of the mountain and stayed for the night tomorrow I’d go

Treasure hunting day 47 our first sign of treasure but as I approached I was ambushed by this mantis thing that kept setting me a light I had to battle it I felt bad killing the Little Critter but gotta do what I gotta do I broke through

The ax and fell into the hole there was definitely treasure here when I opened the chest I saw a pirate hat health potions a bunch of gold ingots it wasn’t the best treasure I’d ever seen but it was definitely a great start on this journey at least I looked like a pirate

Now because the Hat’s pretty cool the chest disintegrated to obsidian I continued to Traverse the island dodging giant snakes which I also hate by the way I noticed a bunch of pirates at the top of the mountain so I began to scale the Shipwrecked structure in hopes to

Find any clues about Pirate Cove when I made it to the top they were waiting for me carrying giant cannons which obliterated anything it touched cleared the area as fast as possible knocking enemies off the side and watching as they fall I finally found a chest this

Must have been what they were protecting I opened the chest to find another map when I looked it was another Island containing treasure one step closer to our final goal then I was ambushed a Giant Cannon had hit me leaving me with half a heart but I didn’t want to waste

A health potion so I used my shield I was deflecting his hit successfully until he made a grave mistake see you later I noticed in the distance another pirate ship this must have been the captain that sent these Pirates after me so I headed down to face him if you’re

Enjoying the content so far hit that subscribe button and turn notifications on on that ship was one of the captains that was sending Pirates after me I managed to get up top and prepare for a stealthy attack but then I can hear me out loud I know you’re here my cover was

Blown so I jumped down with a water bucket and decided to face the captain his cannons did extreme amounts of damage but I headed in with my sword and started striking the captain was powerful and his Cannon packed a punch almost killing me in one single blow I

Had to create some distance things turned South pretty quickly though when he hit me with his Cannon and left me with just half a heart I had to choose my next moves intelligently I decided to reach to the bottom of the boat I threw down a health potion and then used the

Maze-like interior to dodge the cannon shots but it wasn’t enough he managed to hit me and get me down to just half a heart once again I had to flee my heart was absolutely pounding and he was chasing after me one hit and it was all

Over I managed to sneak outside eat some food and head back in I was deflecting the hits it was doing a lot of damage but then he broke my shield I had to think fast I ran to the lower deck of the boat it seemed to be some

Sort of Armory I dug my way out the bottom of the boat and swam out to sea but it didn’t stop him this Captain was relentless he fired his cannon at me creating space I used it to my advantage I mined my way back into the ship and

Found a pirate gun and some ammo the boat was clearly carrying a weapon shipment so I use it to my advantage took all of the ammo I could headed out and started firing my pirate pistol at the captain it did severe amounts of damage we had a shootout between each other when finally

I defeated the captain he dropped a ton of loot I couldn’t believe I defeated him he left a colossal amount of XP and loot I headed back to the boat and grabbed all of the chests I could ready for a project back at home an extremely

Intense few days but it was time to head back hey there little buddy I miss you too little guy I planted some sugar canes and then I had the idea to build a storage room for all my treasure let’s get to work thank you I dedicated some time to building a

Small wall around my Island it gave the island a sort of textured feel and looked really nice it continued to make visual improvements including a big red X a63 I was visited by the wandering Trader but I had to kill islamas for the leads sorry bro and then went to the

Storage facility that I had built and stored all of my treasure inside I was feeling pretty rich at this point but I was nowhere near being the richest in all of the Seven Seas I’ll have to get back to pirate cove for that day 64 and

I wanted to visit the new island so I crafted myself a brand new boat it was definitely an upgrade it had a ton of storage and even had sales this time day 65 couldn’t come quick enough I grabbed my map jumped in my boat and set sail it

Was time to find that treasure I sailed day and night in search for this Treasure Island there was no doubt that there were going to be Pirates and captains waiting for me I approached the shore this island was gigantic it was incredible I approached the shore but it was eerily quiet

Began to mind my way through the marking as I fell in it was filled with snakes I was absolutely terrified oh I hate snakes I hate them so much I can’t believe they managed the game here I after defeating the snakes I opened the chest to see a bunch of treasure health

Potions and a sword that gave me special abilities by channeling the power of the Seven Seas I started to wait in my boat overnight and when I woke up it seems a bunch of pirates were transporting TNT I decided to use my pirate pistol like a sniper picking long range shots but then

They were closing in I used the ability of the sword to create distance it’s easier to get away from threats but they can still catch you off guard I decided to investigate where the skeleton pirates were coming from but the door wouldn’t open so I used my

Sword to hop on top and see if I could get over I noticed Two Bomber Pirates but the strangest thing happened they just started throwing bombs at each other like bro what are you doing you better be fighting me I channeled the power of the sea to hop to the other

Building and then use my pirate pistol to take him out I was certainly earning my reputation as a deadly pirate inside the building seemed to be a full set of pirate armor it was incredible I put it on and I looked amazing I knew you would fall for it

The entire Seven Seas has been looking for you boy you’re coming with me what the you’re getting locked away in the prison your stuff’s in the chest and you ain’t getting it back I couldn’t believe it I’ve been captured the captain stunned me and forced me into a

Cell I had no idea how I was going to get out of here alive they made me stay an entire night until a giant Kraken had attacked the boat the captain came running a kraken just ate my entire crew I’m gonna need you lad I can’t face it

Alone but why should I help you I’ll let you go free I mean I’d rather stay here than be eaten by a kraken though please I’ll give you the map to Pirate Cove I know that’s what you’ve been looking for deal an unlikely team but a team

Nonetheless I grabbed my stuff from the chest and prepared to fight Army matey the Kraken was too far to read so we dropped a boat jumped off the ship and leapt in we closed in on the tentacle beast and began shooting we unloaded bullet after bullet into the

Kraken net it was Furious it began attacking us we paddled the bow as fast as we could to get away one hit with that sword it’ll take the Kraken out the captain was right with my Seven Seas Cutlass I would be able to get close enough and channel the power to defeat

This Beast we battled for days on end it’s colossal tentacles obliterated anything in its path but this cracker knew its fate it began to fluster in panic and with a strike of My Sword I defeated the Beast with the power of the Seven Seas I swam to the surface out of

Breath I was exhausted I picked up the loot I guess it’s time to head back to the captain thank you so much because of you my entire ship is saved you’re the best pirate that I’ve ever seen in all of the Seven Seas now as promised here’s

The map to Pirate Cove but be careful it’s extremely dangerous and they’re also expecting you oh and don’t let anyone know that I gave you that map good luck Milady now get out of here quick before I change my mind the captain had given me exactly what I

Needed the map to Pirate Cove I headed home and headed straight for my storage facility I wanted to store all of the pirate treasure I’d collected so far I checked on my sugar canes grabbed some wood and crafted an enchantment table ready to build I wanted a really simple

Open plan build where I could really appreciate the ocean when I looked out I was pretty impressed with the final result I was really proud of everything I’d accomplished so far my Island looked pretty great I put down my enchantment table but realized I didn’t have any

Blue lapis so I quickly went and grabbed some of that headed back and Enchanted all of my items I was prepared to head to Pirate Cove I was so excited this time I was fully prepared for a Pirate Battle it took me a while to find the

Island and I was coming across all sorts of different Loot on the way when finally I made it nobody’s gonna be chasing me away this time I headed in and started firing there was a lot of pirates waiting for me but I was more than prepared using my Seven Seas

Cutlass and my pirate pistol I defeated everybody defending the treasure despite a small army I expected a lot more Pirates it seemed that everybody had left except one Captain agmare it was time to battle it seemed he had stayed to defend Pirate Cove the rest had fleed knowing I was the deadliest

I tactically hop skipped and jumped over the captain blocking his hits with my shield and returning with a slice of my Blade with every hit he dropped Treasure it was incredible the captain persevered he was ruthless he was relentless he wouldn’t stop at nothing but he was no

Match for the channeled power of the Seven Seas the captain fought well but with one final strike he was defeated he dropped a ton of treasure I picked all of it up he even dropped a totem of undying but now it was time to head into

The Vault of treasure I was so excited it’s all led to this moment I mine through oh my goodness it was a drop wow the totem saved me this place was incredible but there was an alligator waiting for me I dodged his snapping jaws and held up my shield the poor

Crocodile stunned himself this place was absolutely incredible it was filled with treasure from top to bottom when I opened the chest it was absolutely crammed with treasure there was even chests filled with cannons and cannonballs I grabbed all of the oars and as much treasure as I possibly could

And then I ate the Golden Banana which gave me a bunch of Health I grabbed a bunch of these crates a bunch I guess you could pardon the pun I managed to mind my way out and finally reach the surface I waited till the next morning

And did a little bit of exploration of the Cove but there was nobody here it was empty couldn’t believe it all that was left was a few angry Enderman which was pretty scary I’m not gonna lie but I used my 7c sword and my Cannon to completely obliterate them I was

Absolutely ecstatic we had conquered Pirate Cove I headed home I stored all of my treasure and then began to change change my Island I wanted to show off how rich I was by replacing a lot of my wood with gold blocks not that I’m a show-off or anything to be fair I don’t

Even care I’ll throw all my treasure in the sea this was a complete waste of time you know I don’t even okay I take that back I take that back I can’t believe I just did that we did it we completed the 100 days have a great day

This volcano could erupt at any moment and for the next 100 days I will be surviving on this dangerous Island will I be able to create a base to stay protected from the eruption what abilities will the volcanic items grant me and can I become strong enough to

Defeat the evil evil liar Dragon Speaking of fire dragons on my first day here I found a dragon egg but if I was to get close I would have to get past these magma beasts they were extremely intimidating so I snuck around and started grabbing some sand so I could

Build up but then they found me these things do extreme amounts of damage and we’re just one and a half hearts left I would have no choice but to Sprint away as fast as possible and start scaling the tree I grabbed some wood made a crafting table placed it down and made a

Full set of basic wooden tools I continued scaling this tree there it was the fire dragon egg I broke the wood beneath it and picked it up wow I wonder what this thing looks like when it’s fully grown up but it was way too dangerous to hatch it here I was

Surrounded by these creatures that were mutated by the volcano itself I took the dragon egg and started my descent and we’re just two and a half hearts left I made a run for it but this volcanic creeper was extremely fast so I had no choice but to build up and create space

Between us I was safer now but then I heard a strange noise coming from the distance it was the volcano the whole island was shaking but then after a while it simmered down I now knew what I had to do I’m located south of the island but I

Want to build my base on the side of the volcano to monitor whether it will erupt day one was coming to a close and whilst the sun was setting I decided to move but then I made a grave mistake I almost lost my life and we’re just half a heart

I was surrounded by enemies I had to find somewhere safe I stumbled across this cave grabbed some coal made some torches and headed in hesitantly but then I realized I couldn’t make any tools because I didn’t have wood or a crafting table because I left it earlier

Okay what are you the crafting table police I decided we’re just half a heart to go out and risk it I didn’t get much wood but it was enough to get back into the cave make a crafting table and upgrade my wooden tools to Stone ones so

I could get to work mining that iron I was constantly on edge with such little health so I decided to block myself in just in case I get creeped on by a creeper I then made a furnace placed it down and started smelting up all of the

Iron I’d collected which was quite a considerable amount I then whipped out my pickaxe and continued mining until I came across sunlight day two I thought it might be a good idea to grab some food but then I spotted this dude and there was no way I was risking it with

Just half a heart so we headed back into the cave and blocked myself in once I made it back I wanted to make a shield but realized I don’t have enough wood so once again I’d have to go out risk it and get some wood speaking of risking it

Look how close I just got to that Cactus bro I am living my life on the edge right now I finally came across some berries though which was a great food source now I didn’t have a lot but it was enough to keep me alive I headed

Back to my little cave finally made the shield and upgraded my stone tools to iron ones and then I took a moment to snack on the berries I then made a full set of iron armor which was amazing bro how am I still alive like what the hell

I continued to gather resources on day two because I couldn’t do much else with just half a heart but then I decided to go and get some food and I had to make it quick because enemies were watching my every move I headed straight for the

Ocean I thought my best bet would be tropical fish because they can’t fight back I got so excited at the prospect I was finally going to eat that I actually forgot how to breathe and almost lost my life seriously how have I survived this long whilst collecting food the volcano

Started shaking once again a quick reminder that I need to stay on track so I rushed home as quick as possible picking up resources and also avoiding ambushes like this snapping turtle I headed back into the cave and ran back home finally I stuck my food in the

Furnace and waited for it to cook whilst it Cooks please hit that subscribe button and turn notifications on it helps me out a bunch I finally regained Health with food and then headed out to go and see that snapping turtle yes I know you’re probably wondering why there

Is a reason number one because it just looked cool look at him put me down please and number two they grow moss on their backs which I’m pretty sure with shears I’ll be able to harvest to do something with armor I don’t know I just

Wanted the turtle okay give me a break I crafted a chest placed all of the items I had collected so far made some axes and headed out on day three to start collecting resources I collected as much wood and sand as possible just in case I

Can’t get my hands on any when I get to the volcano day four was here and I spent most of it underwater I wanted to collect as much food as possible but I quickly learned that the ocean was no longer safe because I was attacked by a hammerhead sharks and even poisonous

Puffer fish day five rolled around and I decided it was time to head out and find the volcano I was sneaking past mom’s left right and Center when suddenly I came across this weird lizard looking thing but it did a ton of damage with its poisonous attacks its poisonous

Bites were ripping through my hearts leaving me no choice but to build up and create some space but I was still in range he was still doing damage I had no choice but to stand and watch my hearts deplete he left me with just half a

Heart I ate some food and then escaped by bridging across and jumping over the Treetops it was time to head for the mountains so I dived off into this water well we can pretend I did I then continued battling mobs zombies and creepers until I finally made it to the

Mountains I grabbed some oars on the way but then the island started shaking once again I had to hurry so I started exhaling the mountain I finally made it to the top there it was there was the volcano This volcanic monster was huge if it were to erupt it would be absolutely devastating but then I heard a strange noise it was coming from behind me I decided to chew some food and head down it seemed to be some sort of Nest a creature came crawling out towards me I

Didn’t know whether it was friendly or not but then it started climbing up and stabbed me with its stinger I was poisoned the poison was doing extreme amounts of damage and I was left with just half a heart the creature chased me stopped and stared me in the eyes This creature was going to eat me alive so I dived off and struck him with my sword but these things don’t take full damage it just floated down crawled around and started circling me enough was enough I bridged across and finished this creature I realized from its skin I

Could craft Tough Armor and weaponry so I decided I would head into the nest the next day and get my hands on more of that stuff but this place was treacherous this sticky maze-like tunnel ran deep I knew I was close to the queen because I could see an egg I headed down

Deeper and deeper and there she was she started swinging her poisonous tail at me it was time to battle this Beast she fired me high into the air doing extreme amounts of damage leaving me with just half a heart and then persistently stabbed me with her tail breaking down

My shield her persistent hits wouldn’t stop I had to look for an opening I started to Sprint away as fast as possible and headed into this small enclosed area of the nest I parked myself in with wood regained my strength placed a crafting table made a bowl and

Scavenged what I could find to make some more food I then headed back in to fight the queen she was swinging her pendulum-like Stinger at me but then stopped and started summoning a small army of creatures they started striking against my shield but I started swinging

Back but then they got the better off me and they managed to poison me Bruno one poison I gotta get out of here I was losing Hearts they were depleting fast I thought this would be the moment I would lose my life the creatures had blocked

Me into the corner I didn’t know what to do I struck them with my sword and managed to create some space between us I then finished off the last few I can’t believe I had just half a heart I regained some strength headed back out to finish off the last few monsters and

Then headed in to finally defeat this queen creature but pendulum-like poisonous Stinger was swinging at me but I finally finished her off she dropped a ton of the material I could use to make the armor I also found a sticky capsule full of food and also one of the Queen’s

Eggs which here you can have that because I don’t want to see any more of these things suddenly the entire Hive started shaking I thought it was going to collapse so we started sprinting away and made it out I then used my parkour skills to navigate the mountain and then

Finally made it to the base of the volcano day seven was here and whilst I was eating I decided to make a very small Hut because I wanted to build a bigger area so I could hatch the dragon egg which we will do very soon I promise

I made a chest and stored all of the things ready for the dragon egg build but that I saw my entire house caught on fire I don’t know what I expected really I quickly put out the fire but then I noticed the chest was engulfed in flames

I couldn’t believe it I lost all of my resources just before I headed out to grab more resources I noticed a couple of illagers climbing the volcano I wonder what they were going there for are they keeping something from me I’ll have to go there later it wasn’t all bad

News though because I still kept what the creatures dropped earlier so I crafted a full set of this weird armor which looked pretty cool I can’t see a thing whilst the volcano was bubbling away I was out collecting resources considering I lost everything in the

Fire earlier I dedicated days 8 to 15 to complete resource collection Cobblestone Darkwood Spruce Wood Iron Coal anything I could get my hands on all was the volcano was bubbling away behind me you know I was pretty worried I thought it was going to erupt at any moment on the

Night of day 16 I decided to do a little bit of exploring considering I’d walked all this way I stumbled across this small campsite and there was this random guy chatting to himself outside I ignored him and headed in anyway inside I discovered a bed and a chest full of

Food and considering its hardcore survival I decided to take it all because every man for himself right I then tried to speak to this guy but he just kept chatting to himself I know it’s up there it’s breathing fire it’s breathing fire I know it’s up there this

Guy was pretty obsessed with the volcano and when I stood in his way he wasn’t too happy about it what are you doing get out of the way get out the way I’m trying to climb it I heard a dragon a real dragon if I make it to the top

That’s my ticket out of here this guy clearly was insane I’m the only one with a dragon egg on this island so I headed home I made it home on day 18 and turned my little Hut into a workstation ready to get building I stepped outside and

Started looking at the area in which I would build my base once I had it all planned in my head I got to work Out of nowhere I was ambushed by this giant creature that looked similar to the queen I had killed earlier but it did a ton more damage and was striking me with its stinger I had no choice but to flee back into my house I was down to

Just half a heart I am sick and tired of being on such low Health on this 100 days I fled to my little workstation and waited for it to go away it wouldn’t leave so I decided to finish it off with my sword finally right back to work Foreign Ly finished the first part of my volcanic base I decided to leave this part as a sort of workstation I then decided it was time to finally hatch the dragon egg I placed it down and watched his particles fizzed around it the egg snap crackled and popped but I really

Didn’t think it was going to hatch I waited around for a really long time when suddenly there it was a cute little baby fire dragon this was hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me in Minecraft ever the dragon was pretty scared of me at first but then it

Crawled into my room and it started asking for food hey mister I’m hungry can you get me some food I immediately headed out to try and get some food for my new baby dragon I made sure they were all tucked up safe in my house that I

Had built and then headed out on day 29 to collect some food I was only coming across small things like mushrooms here and there all whilst battling mobs that were trying to kill me I then took a few moments to appreciate the view because this island is mesmerizing during my

Search for food I was coming across small structures including this mine shaft in which I was ambushed by a giant crimson mosquito which started sucking my blood it was doing a little bit of damage by spitting the blood back at me it creeped me out so I took this thing

Out as soon as possible I then was hoping for food inside the chest but when I opened it up I didn’t find a lot just some iron and a dagger and then this Enderman thanked me for killing the mosquito because it was biting him in his sleep day 31 and this Volcano Island

Wasn’t getting any easier the mobs were absolutely insane this weird terrifying koala bear thing was absolutely tearing through my heart I was using my shield and new dagger in combination to take it out I then headed over to this small structure had a look inside the chest

And found these cool daggers I then continued my search for food and got pretty lucky finding wheat and also this cool looking sword and then day 32 was here and I found a pond filled with fish so I got to work collecting as much meat

As possible so I could take it back for my baby dragon at first they didn’t like the mushroom but when I started feeding them the fish they were loving it after eating a ton of food my baby dragon laid down to relax but then something insane happened they evolved a whole new size

And this wasn’t even their final form I can’t spread my wings can you make this place bigger of course let’s get to work foreign as you can see I spent a ton of time mining as much as possible I dug the base a little bit deeper terraformed the

Entire top and then made a sort of Landing Pad area so I could take the dragon out and then bring them back and land them safely in my base I also left a glass top so I could see that beautiful volcano in all her Glory Day 42 was really important my dragon was

Growing even larger in size which I didn’t think was possible and I also decided to go strip mining which if you’re a fan of the channel you know is like my favorite thing ever but then I stumbled across this cave and the fun ended pretty quickly as I was ambushed

By absolutely tons of mobs I was surrounded by Mom’s left right and center and all I had was these two little daggers to keep me alive but they were pretty cool to use how I survived is pretty much a miracle I had like a moment of Peace before I

Was attacked by mobs again and then I stumbled across diamond I couldn’t believe so I sprinted away plugged myself in and finally mined them up oh diamonds they’re literally the best thing ever whilst I was mining the volcano started shaking once again so I decided to speed

Things up I dedicated the next few days to complete all collection all whilst being stalked up on by evil mobs and then on day 53 I finally made it to the surface took a look around and then headed into this nearby structure in hopes to find some cool loot but when I

Headed down I was met with a really crazy surprise there was a guy captured here called Buck who are you the name’s Burke and well the reason I’m all chained up in here is because I tried to steal some lava crystals from the nether keeper I know I know wait you have no

Idea what I’m talking about do you idea he explained that with lava crystals he could craft lava armor and go swimming in the volcano because there is a Hidden Fortress in there but the nether keeper is what protects the crystals so I said I will go and get the

Crystals myself I promised Buck I would return and free him from these chains but in the meantime I needed to hurry I checked the chest for Loot and did find a name tag and a saddle which would be perfect for my dragon back at home so I headed back as soon as possible

Sprinting past volcanic mobs trying to take me down day 56 I made it back to the volcano base and I was so excited to give my dragon their new name tag I headed in did a few quality of life improvements placed down the Anvil and named my dragon Sparky once I applied

The name tag I also gave them a saddle which I thought looked pretty snazzy are you happy let’s go exploring I want to fly Sparky was just as excited as I was so I got a good night’s rest and made a full set of diamond armor ready to face the nether

Keeper and get my hands on those lava crystals this was the moment day 57 I take flight on a dragon this was something I’ve wanted to do ever since day one when I picked up that fire dragon egg as we flew High into the sky I couldn’t believe what I was seeing the

Views were absolutely breathtaking and as Sparky flew me high into the sky I was thinking about the magical Terrace that I would discover at the top of that volcano but I was in no condition I need to get my hands on that lava armor so it

Was time for me and Sparky to head out over the next few days I was traversing the island on the hunt for the never keeper I was coming across all sorts of structures but no sign of this evil boss that bug spoke of until this moment their Boss Bar appeared so I quickly

Landed Sparky and cleared the area of any Hostile Mobs day 58 time to fight I’ll protect these crystals with my life leave or die I approached the nether keeper ready to battle head-on but I quickly underestimated his power and with one swing he did a ton of damage knocking me

Down to just two and a half hearts so I whipped out my bow and started firing shots my bow was doing small but consistent damage I then decided to Sprint around and see if I could flank this Beast I stuck up from behind and started striking him with my sword but then out

Of nowhere I was flanked by these creatures they seemed to be mutated by the lava and can withstand the heat they were flinging creatures at me it did a ton of damage I had no choice but to run away I took some time to regain some strength all whilst dodging these

Catapulted projectiles I was picking my bow shots and I finally destroyed the creature man these things are really annoying I cleared the area of the creatures and then headed in to continue my battle with the nether keeper I was picking my bow shots but then he did a

Ton of damage I decided it was time to grab Sparky and see if I could fight this beast from the air I lined up my shots and started firing arrows into the Beast I finally defeated the nether keeper all whilst riding on Sparky’s back the ultimate team but but he left behind

Minions that were determined to taking me down I’ve got him boys protect the crystals I finished off the last of the nether Keepers minions and then I could finally get my hands on those lava crystals well they weren’t crystals they were shards but I can craft them into

Crystals when I get home I dedicated the day to just solely collecting these lava shards and also other oars that I came across in the caves after collecting a ton of the lava shards and some obsidian I jumped on Sparky and we headed home with an inventory filled with lava

Crystals I headed back it took me two days to make it back home but once I made it I filled Sparky’s belly up with fish to regain their health because they took some damage it was time to make the armor but first I would need to charge

These crystals in a pool of lava to infuse them I don’t know why I guess that’s just what makes them fireproof I then crafted the full set of lava armor and got rid of my diamond armor because that’s for peasants this full set of lava armor looked incredible and was

Glowing against my skin I also crafted a battle ax which I’m sure would ignite my enemies I took a look at the vote Kano I was wondering what incredible things would be at the top but before we head up I wanted to spend some time with Sparky I thought after everything we’ve

Been through the last few days it would be good to take some down time on day 64 I took Sparky to their favorite spot set up a campfire and we chatted all night when the sun rose the next day me and Sparky headed out flying in and out the

Canyons of the volcano we were coming across loads of structures and decided to take our time looting everything we could find we explored every inch of the volcanic island and we were finding so many little secret hideouts it was incredible we were finding loot left right and Center Sparky’s come a long

Way since that tiny little baby dragon just a few days ago day 75 was here and it was time to head to the top of that volcano as I flew up I was met with an incredible view the pools of lava were radiating tons of heat I was pretty

Terrified the mobs here had been mutated by the volcanic Essence and they were terrifying these mutants were trying to set me a light but with my armor I was fully fire resistant so I found pretty confident heading to that sea of lava was really quiet almost too quiet and then I was

Ambushed by a bone serpent these volcanic monsters would leap High into the air and strike me upon their descent I used my shield and battle ax to strike down this bone serpent it was clear he was trying to protect something once I took him down it was time to head into

The sea of lava and find this Fortress as I headed deeper I came across a structure this had to be it I chewed through the walls and swam through the ball of lava and made it into this Fortress volcanic spores dribbled from the walls and then I was captured there

I seem to be stuck inside this gooey sticky like material once I broke out there was no one to be seen it must have been the spores leaking from the walls once I dropped down I was captured once again something was trying to stop me from finding the heart of this Fortress

But I carried on I was navigating these rooms when suddenly an army of the nether Keepers minions came out of nowhere and started attacking me they were incredibly fast and did a ton of damage I managed to strike them back with my lava sword and continue navigating these maze-like corridors day

77 I stumbled across a chest filled with loot and then I almost lost my life because this creature knocked me down to just half a heart I knew I was close to the heart of this 4 feel it but then the entire Fortress started shaking this was it this was the

Moment the volcano was about to erupt I had to get out of here as soon as possible The Fortress started rising from the sea of lava I bridged across and tried to escape as fast as possible I made it back to Sparky and we flew away as quickly as we could as the

Volcano was about to erupt the volcano’s eruption had devastated the island and the sky began to be filled with the volcanic ash as it filled the sky everything darkened it was almost as if the Nether and the Overworld had merged into one I was surrounded by volcanic mobs it was time

To fight I was completely surrounded and to make it worse the fire dragon appeared it was an intense battle between man and dragon his fire breathing did incredible amounts of damage I had no choice but to return with my bow sharks the dragon scale seemed impenetrable but after hours of

Battling the dragon seemed weak I wonder if Sparky was okay this was the moment I charged at the dragon and struck him down with my battle ax finally defeating him I was still surrounded by tons of mobs though so I fled as fast as possible this must

Have been the dragon that was behind the volcanic eruption the dragon may be down but I had to grab Sparky and get out of here as fast as possible I headed into the volcanic Skies it was an intense flight but the views were quite mesmerizing I quickly realized that

Nowhere was safe on this volcanic island now that it erupted so I found Refuge inside this tree I lit it up and stayed with just one heart and waited till the morning day 86 the storm had passed and things seemed a lot calmer so I dedicated the last few days to Mining

And building a quick little base it was time to build a new life on this once beautiful island it has been an incredible 100 days but me and Sparky made it thanks for watching my name’s the coffee few genius peace well I guess I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my days

Don’t cry I’m here now I’m really sorry I’m late I was like too busy surviving a volcanic eruption and fighting fire breathing dragons you have no idea what I’ve been through how about you come back with me and Sparky and I’ll explain stranded in the tropical ocean in the

Blazing sun I’ll need to take on some of the most dangerous creatures I have ever faced I’ll need to craft epic tools and mystical armor so I can survive the dangers of the tropical seas in Hardcore Minecraft my Journey Begins on this raft with no food or shelter my first

Priority was to find a good spot and start getting to work otherwise I might get eaten by giant crabs oh yeah they’re out there and they are ready to feed so I found a good spot hopped off my raft and headed underwater to explore it was beautiful the tropical

Ocean was filled with life this is the perfect spot to get building To waste too much time though so I grabbed myself a sea pickle considering this is the only light source underwater then headed up grab some air because I wanted to start collecting resources to get building but as I was grabbing sand I quickly realized this is going to be

Very very annoying like I’m gonna drown constantly but I persevered headed down and started grabbing as much sand as I possibly could all boss Dolphins were protecting me from the drowned like that’s so cool I finally had a platform to stand on however it did cost me a few hearts

I felt kind of bad but I replenished my health with raw card and then I noticed something underwater it was a little squid so I headed down to speak to him hey little dude the little tropical creature informed me of a shipwreck nearby but it was surrounded by danger so I headed up

Replenished my house and decided I’d go out hunting for that shipwreck I headed out pretty tentatively but as I got closer the coast seemed holy shock the Beast that emerged from the Shipwreck started chasing me I had nowhere left to go I started swimming away but it was much faster than I am

And did a ton of damage and then I started drowning I headed up to the surface and had no choice but to fight this monster with my bare hands nothing seemed to be killing this Beast I created a little bit of distance and continued smacking the shark when

Finally I killed the creature that was a close one I then headed back to the Shipwreck and started looting inside the chest was a bunch of goodies potatoes iron and even some crab meat so I headed up top and replenish my house I then tried to get as much wood from the

Shipwreck as I could but I pretty much spent the entire time drowning but eventually I had enough wood to head back and make myself a crafting table and inside I noticed an ocean act which is used to kill the Kraken oh yeah cool there’s Krakens now yeah just what I

Need I couldn’t craft the item just yet so instead I used what I had to make some basic tools and head back to the Shipwreck to get as much wood as possible things were finally going a little smoother I crafted the rest of my basic tools and then headed underwater to try

And find some dirt so that I could plant the potatoes I also grabbed myself a little Cobblestone and then headed back up to start working on my base in the middle of the tropical ocean it wasn’t much but it was mine I had food growing furnaces crafting tables and then I took

A look at this map I found in the pirate ship earlier and I was feeling pretty alone until this moment a giant turtle started swimming towards me under the water he then started shooting items from his shell of what was happening what is going on this Turtle just keeps

Shooting items from the chest on its shell it’s crazy he then started to swim away he swam into the distance and was gone this is so Random I decided to just go ahead and pick up all the items he dropped is that a diamond I then spotted some sort of special

Looking fishing rod so I headed over and picked it up it’s been a crazy Journey so far and I quickly found out this fishing rod was very op so I spent the next few days just constantly fishing for food and enjoying the blazing sun food was number one priority considering I’m stranded in

The middle of nowhere so I dedicated a bunch of time to that things were going pretty smoothly until this happened this giant whale-like creature started to rumble underneath the ocean and without a gigantic roar oh my goodness that’s a giant wave I didn’t know what to do the

Wave was approaching me I just held my breath and braced myself wave swept me up and started doing damage and then I plummeted underwater but the wave carried on over it was breathtaking I couldn’t believe I survived it but then another one this is absolutely crazy I had nowhere else left

To turn so we headed underwater and dodged a gigantic wave whale like creature disappeared into the distance that was crazy I headed back to my Island it was destroyed and then I noticed the octopus was stranded I couldn’t believe it I tried to save his life but he died out of nowhere I heard this strange sound and then suddenly crab started spawning on my Island and started doing damage to me can I not just catch a break I cleared the island of crabs and then

Quickly realized I’ve lost everything including the chest filled with all those items that the turtle dropped and speaking of the turtle he appeared out of nowhere and started swimming towards me hey yo I I hope he’s friendly hey new guy that was wild I know right those

Waves were huge must have been sanica she uses her voice to move the water like a sonic boom hey but why would she want to hurt me the tropical life don’t like new guys it’s only a matter of time before more monsters arrive wait wait wait wait like what hi crabs Pirates

Lobster King the lava Lord this goes on my friend these waters are deadly mine dudes you better start building a base hey maybe you could help me out with some items or wait I got an idea the turtle then submerged himself in the tropical water and swam off into the

Distance I hope he comes back with something good it was time to build a base so I prepared for a long mining trip yeah look at this unlimited food supply I headed into the caves and everything was submerged by water so I used the doors to create air pockets and then get

To work mining I was collecting plenty of oars and then I headed down and found a mine shaft but inside were these two Undead miners these guys must have been down here a long time but they were pretty easy to kill they also dropped some iron tools which may be handy in

The future I then looked inside the chest in the mine shaft and grabbed some iron I then found an amethyst geode and performed the classic montage I then came across a huge mine shaft but this one was filled with a lot more Undead miners which proved to be a

Little tougher so I used my agility to dodge the zombies and then take them out I thought I’d take the opportunity to take as much wood from this mine shaft as possible I cleared the whole place out but then things got serious I got hit by a poisonous cave spider and it

Got me down to half a heart so I quickly retreated and started placing blocks everywhere oh that was close one I then returned to mining wood but it wasn’t over a bunch of crabs out of nowhere started attacking me again in groups these crabs can be pretty dangerous but

I finished them off and then used the crab meat to finally craft the oceanic ax this means I could collect wood a lot quicker and do some serious damage I headed back up to my Island patched in all the damaged areas and then got to work building my base I didn’t have a

Ton of materials nor my building skills that impressive but I managed to build a beautiful little home on the tropical ocean we were making some serious progress the next day the toll returned with some bad news Hey listen up kid pirates are on their way newcomers like

You were with a lot of trash you better get to work take these cannonballs when you’re done building your defenses come to me and I’ll give you the Cannons I got to work straight away I headed underground and started grabbing as many materials as I could no pirate was going

To defeat me I built a giant wall which protected my base I wasn’t gonna let this island get destroyed again once I was finished with the wall I placed down the pile of cannonballs spoke to the turtle and set up the Cannons I was locked and loaded and ready for this

Pirate attack I waited patiently the bubbles of the tropical fish were unsettling I started to get nervous would my wall be able to hold back the cannonballs I spent the night fishing for food I was going to need it I haven’t slept in days I spent the entire

Night battling Phantoms I need a bed it was time I stood face to face with a giant pirate ship approaching me from the distance this guy looked mean you were for lie treasure me ladder oh no a second pirate ship this was going to be tough It’s Time to fight I

Headed over to the second Cannon this ship was a lot closer hello newcomer let’s see if your wall can withstand this the pirate ignited the cannon a lit off a cannonball whoa destroyed a huge chunk of my wall I decided to load the cannon and fire one back

I made a giant hole in the bottom of the ship but then he returned another one he missed time to return fire fantastic hit but then the pirate returned one final blow and destroyed my tower I swam towards the giant hole I had made in the boat but the crew were prepared

It was time to battle these Pirates their giant cutlasses were pristine and sharp and did a ton of damage so I used my agility to dodge the pirate slices and then take them out with my Oceanic ax once the pirate was destroyed he dropped his pirate Cutlass so I picked

It up and headed into the next room but these Pirates were armed with pistols well that’s a ton of damage I gotta hide I replenished my house with crab meat and then jumped out to face these guys head on their pistols do so much damage

I had to act quickly one down now for the final blow success I looked up and saw the rest of the crew as waiting for me I was feeling Unstoppable I grabbed a couple of swords and headed up more gunman I’ll have to be smart collectively these pirate gunmen were

Doing some serious damage and I almost lost my life the lack of sleep would cause Phantoms to spawn this was getting too overwhelming I headed back replenish my health with food and finally took out the last few enemies I stood on the edge of the ship and locked eyes with the

Enemy pirate the Captain Octopus doesn’t lose the captain started raining Hellfire on my defenses he destroyed my complete wall I wasn’t going to let him attack my base so I headed down off of the plank and headed towards his ship this wasn’t going to be an easy battle

You don’t have to do this I surrender to no man we don’t like newcomers in this ocean so it’s time to take you down a giant tentacle emerged from the ship and tried to take me down he then started slicing me with his Cutlass this wasn’t

Going to be an easy fight his tentacles did extreme amounts of damage there was no way escaping this guy I tried to close the gap to hit him with my sword but he was just too fast and too powerful I decided to eat my golden

Apple and head back in I did some decent blows but once again he struck me with his sword I was learning his combos first he’d strike me with his tentacles try and hit me with a pistol then slice me with his Cutlass but I was just too

Smart I dodged his hits and headed back in to do some final blow news Dodge smack and finally I defeated the pirate we are safe for now I decided to explore the rest of the boat and I found some music playing from the basement so

I headed down to take a look and there was a little dancing crab it was the strangest thing I’ve seen maybe he was captured here and then and he’s happy he’s free Captain hooked up never loses suddenly a giant tentacle emergency smacked the TNT igniting it oh no Gotta Get Away Gotta

Get Away the TNT exploded the explosion was colossal and destroyed the entire ship this was incredible I was lucky to survive I was observing the damage when suddenly the little crab appeared and he was huge I thought he was going to attack me but instead he just scuttled away in the tropical

Waters that can’t be good enough drama let’s just explore the ship I found some chests and it was filled with saplings gold bones cobwebs all the things that would help me with my survival skills I then headed back over to the other ship to take a look and inside was something

Magical a special sword a map and a book I opened the book and it read inside that the X’s lead to the armor that grants this sword its full power this is insane I looked at the map and it seemed to be a volcano of some sort if I can

Get my hands on that armor I’ll be safe from all the dangers in the tropical ocean a new adventure on this tropical Journey whilst heading out I quickly realized the sword granted me special abilities I can use the force of the water to increase my movement and it

Also allowed me to use the water as an attack I guess the Pirates were also looking for that armor set I couldn’t believe it this sword was insane if I get my hands on that armor I’ll be protected from all the dangers that the turtle was talking about I used the

Sails from the ship to make myself a bed and finally got some sleep next day I extended my Island slightly and planted all of the saplings I had collected and then used bone Mill to make them grow next step was to head out and find that

Island and get my hands on that armor set my journey took days and I saw some absolutely beautiful sights jellyfish dangerous sharks and even some cute little fish like these guys after exploring the tropical ocean for quite some time I finally arrived Really weren’t and then a wave emitted from My Sword I genuinely didn’t mean to do that I had unlocked a bunch of new abilities with the sword I grabbed some wood made a crafting table and used a turtle scoop to make myself some turtle tools this should stop the turtles from

Attacking me because you know they’ll realize they’re messing with the big dog I used the tropical sword to Traverse the island on my hunt for that giant volcano whilst exploring the tropical island I came like truly dragonflies and a bunch of other Pirates who must be looking for

The armor as well yo the sword is crazy I spent a good few days trawling through the maze-like jungle and my goodness this place is beautiful day had turned to night and I had all the tools to survive although not everything was out to kill me

The next day I had found the volcano and this thing was absolutely colossal and although there was no lava inside things were about to get Fiery remove my home newcomer you’re not welcome here suddenly meteors were falling from the sky things got dangerous fast the lava Lord appeared and he’s

Absolutely massive he immediately started attacking me with lava I equipped my magical sword and headed in for battle using tidal waves mixed with slices I lifted him with a giant water bubble he deflected my attacks a whirlwind of lava emerged around him the Beast then looks me high into the

Sky and when I fell I was left with just half a heart he then began to charge at me I had no truth but to face him I started slicing him with my tropical sword but once again a whirlwind of lava had protected him I found a weakness

Behind him and started dealing some serious damage but then he lit out a humongous Roar the lava Lord was Furious and he slammed down shaking the entire volcano I regained my strength and started swiping you with my sword using water attacks the fight was coming to an

End the lava Lord just needed one more strike so I used a tidal wave to take him down the volcano rumbled as the Beast yelped in pain whilst I was replenishing my house lightning struck the volcano from the sky I was expecting the armor to appear but

Instead it was a chest and when I opened it up there was another map inside with a couple of weapons another red X I guess our adventure continues so we headed off the volcano and began my journey home confronted by Turtles I used my new tools to take them out I

Then decided to take some time to grab a bunch of resources for when I head home it’s been a crazy few days I can’t wait to get back and work on my Island Once I made it back home I decided to dedicate a good chunk of time to improving my living space I built a new storage facility and then added walls around my entire Island so I felt a little safer I also padded the island out with sand so it found just a little

More tropical I also planted a palm tree which if I’m lucky I can get some coconuts I also made a place in my storage where I can store my maps that volcano is crazy bro after inspecting the map it’s clear that there’s a lot of water so it’s probably a good idea to

Make some water breathing potions and for that I’d have to head into The Nether and get my hands on some Blaze Rod upon entering I surveyed the area or I noticed there was a Bastion so I used my tropical sword and headed over I scaled the structure and eliminated the

Piglets that were guarding the chests and did a little bit of looting after quite some time I found the Fortress and got to work killing blazes for some Blaze Rod I utilized all my Oceanic tools to extinguish the blazes almost there I headed home made myself a

Brewing stand and then placed it inside my home grab some puffer fish and then started Brewing up oh wait wait I forgot All right back in Action I grabbed my map jumped on my raft and headed overseas I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was attacked by some sort of mob and this time it was a hammerhead shark but using my tropical sword I slammed him to the water and lifted him

Up in a bubble and then when he fell I took him out in the corner of my eye though I noticed a shipwreck so I decided to head down and explore I wonder if there’s any treasure whoa that’s a giant Kraken it seems I was ambushed by this sixth tentacle Beast so

I drank up my water breeding potion and headed in the crack and swallowed me whole and I was suffocating he then did a whirlwind of attacks and launched me across the ocean the creature then performed a Flurry of hard-hitting Blows lightning struck us this showdown continued neither of us were backing

Down I speedily sliced the kraken’s tentacles in an angry flurry but then he swallowed me once again this ends now I sliced myself out from the belly of the Beast oh upon his death the Kraken dropped this old anchor and when I tested it out it worked like a pickaxe and mine three

By three super handy for mining I swam back up top jumped on my route and then headed out to find that armor it took a few days but I finally found it it was a giant Ocean Temple this tropical ocean never fails to amaze me I sloped up my

Potion and headed in I expected to be surrounded by danger but this place looks abandoned it’s just filled with these beautiful little tropical fish I headed deeper into the monument there were a few sharks hiding away in the depths of the temple but nothing I couldn’t handle and then I noticed it

The armor it was just sitting there in this abandoned library inside the temple I couldn’t believe my eyes I quickly took it off the armor stand and placed the armor on its powers engulfed me I could now breathe underwater and I was super fast time to head back I found

This opening and jumped up when I made it up though I was met by a giant Lobster King oh no oh where am I oh my head the lobster King had captured me on his pirate ship and commanded his crew to take me back to Pirate Cove a tropical island filled with pirates

When I woke up I was imprisoned I finally got my hands on a new camera you’re worth a lot of pennies out here in the tropical ocean boy you won’t get away with this you big red ugly Lobster blah blah I’ll deal with you in the morning watching boys

Dayton tonight and I was still imprisoned with no sign of escaping but then I overheard the guards you keep an eye on him all night all right don’t let him escape the bosses asked me to move his items down into the caves whatever you do don’t let that boy Escape oh yeah

Captain with the new knowledge of my inventories whereabouts it was time to strike fast I started breaking the cage come on come on come on come on yes okay the first one second one let’s go let’s move the pirate guard was completely oblivious to my whereabouts so I made a

Sprint for it I run as fast as I could oh no another pirate I hid behind the brick wall and waited for the enemy to pass and then when the coast was clear I made a run for it I was dodging Pirates left right and center and was getting

Closer to my belongings whilst honing in on my parkour skills the lobster King started shouting out you may ever skip the prison but you won’t escape the island lad I had to move with haste I parked across the island and then headed down into the caves I navigated the maze

Like corridors and then finally came across my stuff I opened the chest retrieved my items but then I was ambushed by a pirate from behind I took him down headed out and stood face to face with the lobster King let’s see what you’re made of boy it could all end

Here I jumped down and prepared to face the lobster King this wasn’t going to be easy his first attack was strategic he launched behind to the sky and when I gained my footing he started battling me with his giant Claws and then following this he started to regenerate his health

While taking mine after dodging his attacks I launched myself penetrating his defenses and letting out a flurry of attacks but it did barely any damage and he returned with a giant slam of his claw he wasn’t done he grabbed me pick me up and launched me he gave me no time

To breathe he jumped into the sky and slammed down doing tons of damage I was there for just half a heart he then tossed me across the battlefield and it gave me a chance to create some distance he tried to regenerate his health once again but I wasn’t going to allow it I

Had it in and started striking him this time I wasn’t backing down when he threw me I ran straight back in launching tidal waves and water attacks this was it this was the moment I started to let out a flurry of attacks to defeat him and finally I killed the

Lobster King the bigger they are the harder they fall time to get out of here I was surrounded by Pirates and in no mood to continue fighting so I started to Sprint away dodging the gunman’s pistol shots as I was running for my life I noticed a crab from earlier had

Also been captured I couldn’t just leave him here to die so I jumped up and started chipping away at the prison I hopped in the cage whoa you’re scary up close I used my anchor to break the base of the prison and free the crab we both sprinted away together and headed back

To my Survival Island we did it we crossed the tropical ocean and survived I promised the crab I would build him a home but in the meantime go chill out in the warm water time to get to work but first sleep oh I’m in so much trouble the next day I

Got to work collecting as many resources as I could for my friendly new crabs home I also traversed to Tropical ocean exploring different Islands but then this happened a giant crab disguised as a palm tree emerged from the island I can’t catch a break this Turtle launched

High into the sky and used as shell as a weapon to attack me he was far too dangerous to take on so I used my tropical sword to launch him high into the sky in a bubble and use the opportunity to escape I sprinted away as

Fast as possible and headed for my raft but this guy was relentless and started chasing after me I paddled and paddled as fast as I could I was just too quick for the turtle and finally I escaped 4 I picked up the last few resources then headed home before I built the crabs

Home I got to work patching up the giant wall from the pirate attack after this I got to work building my new friend a comfy home to live in and I must say this place is pretty cute I fed the giant grabbed some coconuts and then led

Him into his new home he seemed really content he thanked me and then we shared some coconuts together some excellent progress made in just a few days my Island was looking perfect the breeze was blowing the tropical ocean was amazing but it all came to an end

Because Sonica had arrived my new friend fleed in Terror come back I was absolutely Furious Sonica has sent another wave my way but I wasn’t going to let it stop me this ends here as the giant colossal wave approached me I prepared to jump over it with my tropical sword the

Armor’s Oceanic Powers engulfed me and I sped through the ocean dodging the waves as they came at me I leapt over the final wave and then sped through the ocean to find Sonica this ends now she stared me down it was time to fight Sonica fired a Sonic Boom at me so I

Returned with my blade tried chewing through my armor then fired a sonic boom launching me across the tropical ocean the current was too strong to swim again so I used my ocean bow to fire across the distance causing damage sonico was enraged but I continued dodging her Sonic booms and

Firing arrows I saw an opportunity to strike so I closed the Gap and started slicing at sonicar but then she did a ton of damage and whilst I was trying to eat she released an ink sack that was extremely poisonous I couldn’t get close she then started sending lethal tidal

Waves towards me but I used the power of the armor to dodge the attacks I was absolutely exhausted and my bow was no longer penetrating her coral-like scales I had no choice but to use the power of the armor in my sword to finally strike Sonica down was over

He lie there floating still and then suddenly poofed into a bunch of bubbles the fight was finally over so I headed back to my Island to make some last few adjustments I really hope my crab friend returns I kind of miss him I place the

Final map as if it was a souvenir man what a journey we’ve been on the giant turtle returned and also congratulated me hey good job kid thanks dude suddenly lightning struck my Island and summoned the god of the sea it was Poseidon time to explain chosen one come with me

What the where am I it’s so cold wait who are you wait no huh to the Arctic Ocean where Norse gods rule the skies Vikings goblins and the undead run the Arctic seas and giant monsters look everywhere in between all with one goal to hunt me down including

This giant killer whale that was chasing me I was swimming as fast as I could suddenly a flash of lightning illuminated the ocean the whale fleed in Terror I looked up to find an intense storm thunder and lightning crashing against the ocean surface it was Thor the God of Thunder

Boy why do you roam these oceans alone it is far too dangerous you must build shelter and when you’re ready there is a town nearby that may take you in be safe Brave one use your head lightning struck ocean he was gone after Thor disappeared in a vault of lightning I decided to

Explore the Arctic Ocean I stumbled across an iceberg floating on the surface to my surprise when I smashed the iceberg it dropped an item after this I continued to float on my ice raft until I found a small Frozen Island to climb upon in the distance I noticed

More of the icebergs from earlier floating towards me so I decided to go ahead and break them each floating Iceberg dropped useful materials including some dirt and this tree sapling day one came to a close and the night was filled with Mobs so I just chilled underground until it was safe

Day two during my hunt for food the tree sapling I planted had finally grown so I put my fists and wood to good use to craft a full set of basic tools now we just wait for for the tree sapling oh I decided to make a bunch of doors to

Create air pockets so I could get my hands on some Stone to upgrade my tools this way they lasted a little longer when I was gathering materials throughout the day I grabbed a bunch of snow from a nearby Mountain so I could finish the day building a cozy igloo but

This guy wasn’t having it Mr wannabe Poseidon over here launched tridents at me left right and Center dealing some crazy damage it sent me into the next day with just half a heart so I knew I had to get my act together and build some shelter as you can see I hand

Crafted the most intricate and complex Igloo design known to the entire human race the next day after the mobs were done sunbathing I grabbed some more Stone crafted myself a furnace and cooked up some fish them omega-3 juices be busy things suddenly got intense the ground

Beneath me began to shake and to my surprise the killer whale had returned this whale’s bike packed a punch I raced to the igloo to replenish my house but I had nothing I had no choice but to dive into the freezing Waters and grab some grub the whale taunted me lurking in the

Waters the moment I grabbed the fish the whale pounced I launched into a flurry of Sword attacks to keep the beast at Bay but his bone crushing Jaws were too powerful I was down to just half a heart I quickly fed to the surface and into my Igloo to cook the

Food I risked my life for with hearts came bravery I dived back into cold Waters to face the giant whale I sliced and stabbed my stone sword finally the Beast was slain and with it came a reward the Deep rumbles of our battle had shook icebergs free I took advantage

Of the aftermath and smashed the icebergs grabbing even more useful items I may need on my journey when I returned to My Island I had visitors a small waddle of penguins thank you for taking down that well we could finally swim in peace we’ve been watching you for a few

Days good impressive Igloo I must say hey thanks I appreciate that Harold we used to get to the point the kid’s gonna freeze to death wait what are you talking about we wanted to tell you sooner there’s a snowstorm that rolls through these parts every few days and

Well today’s their day kid get inside cover but the icy wind swept me from my feet launching me up and into the Arctic Ocean I finally crawled my way back to shelter and waited for the storm to pass overnight with Sunrise the storm had settled I left my Igloo to find the

Penguins had gone they were equipped for this kind of scenario unlike me no building materials food or company I decided it was time to go out exploring and find one of those settlements Thor mentioned I really hope they were friendly I jumped on my ice raft and

Headed out into the unknown after some time exploring it came to an abrupt end as I discovered some mysterious figures in the distance they were Vikings calling for help a villagers under attack the undead use the stormers cover and then ambushed us we need all the

Help we can get we’re losing more and more men do I look like Viking material to you look at the size of those skeletons you’re braver than you think a viking in battle is always rewarded in our settlement if you survive of course the rewards looked too juicy to turn

Down they looked powerful it was risky but I decided to accept the quest and head into the village to fend off the undead I joined the small army of Vikings nearby in their battle with the undead ax Bearer I hit the skeleton a few times but this creature was huge and

Dialed some serious damage I had to retreat quickly the Vikings finished the Beast off a soldier exclaimed we’ll hold the Sharia go help the others I quickly replenish some health and headed in to face the second creature I dug deep into the front line striking the gutless creature with my small but reliable

Stone sword I stood guard with my Viking peers and pushed the Beast into freezing Waters with his joints Frozen we dived in determined to destroy the undead creature I watched as a viking in Rage struck its skeletal frame until it was no more he signaled to me underwater

Head up and finish off the final attacker it was just me and one other versus the enemy I used the same tactics from earlier forcing the skeleton into the ocean freezing its bones and then striking it with my sword it was gone I did it I swam to the surface to find the

Viking Army waiting for me a true display of Bravery let us cheer Boys The Village I had helped save was called to Khalsa a small but Noble Viking Town filled with life food and materials which hopefully I could get my hands on as promised your rewards for helping us

In our Victory a chest appeared in front of me for completing the quest I had gained three new items an Arctic fishing rod a viking ax and an ice bow infused with an ice mage’s magic so if helping people is your thing Brave one head into town There’s always someone in need of

Help here in jakulsa more quests means more rewards so I headed into jakulsa hoping to get more insane weapons as I wandered through the town the Vikings were greeting me one even gifted me a viking shield with this new tool in hand I headed over to a local bystander to

See if he had a quest for me the village is running low on supplies our Mineshaft is out of bounds and it’s all because of a horrid ice-blooded creature that lurks down there oh listen dude if you take this thing out for me I can use his ice

Shards to craft you some really useful gear and your closest resources will be up and running again it’s a win-win I really needed some better gear and by the looks of those rewards I was in for a pickaxe and some magical staffs I had no choice but to accept the quest from

The Miner before heading out I stocked up on some food using my new Arctic fishing rod and whilst it was cooking crafted myself some more stone tools I then headed into the miners cave using the town’s cart system the cart looped in circles leading deeper and deeper

Into the underground when I reached the bottom I discovered a chunk of the Cave’s wall had been frozen could the creature be behind this wall it was too risky to face this creature unprotected so let’s go ahead and with a full set of iron armor I started

Mining my way into the Frozen wall in search for the monster eventually I’d reached the end of the tunnel to find a large Frozen cave I headed in carefully icicles scattered this creature’s Lair at first I thought I was alone when suddenly the creature emerged the Frozen

Beast rattled the Cave’s walls with its Roar so many chunks of ice that slashed up my heart doing some chilling damage I tried to create some space retreating slightly however the creature let out a monstrous Roar slowing me down I tried to escape but the monster doubled down shooting huge explosive icicle-like

Bombs that rumbled the entire cave forcing me to Pivot around the creature using my ice boat to pierce the monster’s Frozen weak spots it roared in pain summoning more chunks of ice to block the arrows this left me with no choice but to close the gap and strike

The Icebreaker with my Viking ax my brutal strike smashed masses of ice from the creature’s face forcing the ice Monster to summon ice Golems from the chunks of ice scattered now Frozen Arena the gollum sharp Frosty claws bruised Me Knocking me back away from their Guardian but risking my heart so I

Relentlessly beat down the ice golems all whilst dodging the creature’s explosive ice box the creature was weak its accuracy was fading I found an opening and struck at the beach with my ax finally destroying the ice monster it left behind an ice Shard sparkling in this now empty Frozen layer I retrieved

The ice Shard and headed back to the mine shaft mining oars along the way I followed the tunnel home hopped back in the ice cart and followed the tracks back to the surface ready to claim my rewards hooray hooray thank you Brave one and now as for the nice shirt let me just

Oh just take this okay and now a little minor magic all done here you go I just appeared in front of me inside light three items a durable pickaxe a small ice staff and a large glacier staff infused with the shards Ultra abilities The Miner thanked me for completing the quest and headed

Back safely into the mine shaft I decided to leave jakosa for a few days and head home I used my new staff’s ice attacks to clear the sky of phantoms the storm was getting worse so I took shelter in my Igloo until the Beautiful Morning came then headed underground I

Killed this baby zombie then used my tools to collect resources including oars deep slay and wood from a mine shaft I returned home made some space on my Island and built a small and Humble House out of wood and deep slate I added some chests for storage all I needed was

A bed as I was tired of fighting Phantoms so I headed back to jacolster to see if I could grab one whilst walking through the town I stumbled across an argument I headed up to see if I could help the townspeople are tired of eating the same food every day fish fish fish but it’s not my fault I lost my recipe so I can’t cook without my recipe books Hey listen you think you could find them I lost them whilst looking for plants

Out at Sea near the great cold Sierra it’s dangerous out there but nothing your magic staffs can’t handle I was certainly ready for another adventure and the rewards looked insane just look at that what even is that I went ahead and accepted the chef’s Quest I Left the

Viking Island and jumped on my iceberg the boy heads into danger I must keep an eye on him during my Voyage I took on a couple of Undead skeletons using my magical staffs the big dude was tough as nails but I used my Glacier staff to

Line the floor with spikes followed by a summoning of ice crystals that fell from the sky the explosive Frost kept the gutless creature in place whilst I finished him off with my ax and looks like I gave this guy his home back I had finally made it this was the Frozen Sierra

Its Rocky structure was hard to navigate the mountains were filled with deadly Frozen Spirits Frozen mobs and of course Phantoms and creepers this place is how man during the morning I found the first recipe book all the commotion must have shifted the snow with four left to find

I got to work pretty quickly one recipe book was stuck on an ice pillar so I used my fishing rod to pull it down to ground level where I spent the night during a snowstorm I found the third book being guarded on the top of a mountain by a snowy tiger I tried

Sneaking up on him but he heard me coming and sprinted towards me I channeled a beam of ice to keep the tiger back I took out the tiger with my ax and picked the recipe book up I studied the maze like mountains in the Frozen sea areas the puzzling paths led

Me to a structure in the frosty Canyon as I approached the building I heard screams before I could head in the wooden doors were passed open revealing a giant bearded dude he threw one of his axes at me stop right there you little Intruder he grabbed his Ax from the

Ground but I heard screams what are you doing in there do you not know who I am I’m Bjorn Tyrone’s ocean claiming all that is rightfully mine now leave you’re wasting my time and I’ve got a viking town to pillage and I’d like to get there before

Nightfall Viking town you mean jacobsa I can’t let you take it oh someone’s feeling brave I’m gonna enjoy this the Pillager jumped into the air and Came Crashing Down with his axes summoning bolts of lightning he then clauded me with his weapons he missed his second

Swing giving me a chance to strike him with my own Viking ax he counted with another slam attack then threw his ax I returned with a beam of ice using my Glacier staff combined with a flurry of ice bombs freezing Beyond his place when he broke free he tried running the boy

Fights well but is he ready to wield the hammer we shall see with one final strike the giant Pillager was gone he left behind more axes and a helmet turns out the beard were as fake as his threats when I told the mystery hostage he was safe out came a lonely villager

Oh thank you thank you it’s a miracle you came when you did why are you out here anyway no one visits these mountains unless they need to well I’m uh I’m looking for recipe books a chef from a viking Village lost them if I return them he’s gonna give me some

Pretty sweet gear wait you mean these yes how did you find those I found them whilst exploring the mountains you’d be amazed what you find at these parts here take the books thank you so much for saving me the Villager gave me the last two recipe books I needed he headed back

Inside and I headed back ready to claim my rewards I better tell the others fresh meat little did I know that I was being followed by a group of ice goblins back to the Viking town I made it back to jacolsa and returned the recipe books to

The chef I’m so happy you found them let us celebrate with a gathering this evening you can help with the preparation using your rewards build a farm area and plant potatoes and carrots I’ll use them in my recipes to make us all a delicious meal oh and go and speak

To the miner he has a little gift for you to help with the farm prep I had completed the quest another chest filled with rewards I had obtained a brutally sharp and icy spear a bunch of health potions and a water-infused hoe which brought me on to my next task I headed

Underground using the car system to find the miner had resided in the old ice creatures Lair I was really feeling my impact on this town The Miner had used more ice shards to craft me a glacier shovel which I used to grab a load of dirt so I could plant the seeds I’d

Collected from the floating icebergs for the next couple days I built a small farm area where I used my new tool to plan carrots potatoes and other vegetables for the chef’s Gathering I also grabbed some wool so I could craft a bed after the gallery finally Nightfall was here and the Vikings had

Gathered to eat the chef’s tasty meal finally not just fish but things were about to go south did you poison in all of the food in the farm of course I did just enough to send them all to sleep enjoy your little party overlooking the Viking town a goblin watched as we all

Celebrated but little did we know that the Goblins had poisoned the food I began to feel like headed the town was in danger I began to panic I wouldn’t be there to help defend your culsa before I knew it my vision started fading and I passed out ah a large Squad of ice

Goblins watched as their poison knocked out the guards one by one until the whole town was asleep they creeped in house to house their intentions were clearly evil the next morning I awoke to find myself in a secret room and one of the king’s guards were explaining what

Had happened and during the night the garden stuck in stuck in and kidnapped our Town’s best men I think they’re gonna eat them but our Scouts have managed to find the goblin Camp go speak to the I left a secret room and sprinted past the guards into the king’s Humble Home

Oh my this is a total disaster those are our best men you have to help us Brave One the Goblins will spot one of my Viking men from a mile away but you oh yes you you’re small and fierce you’ll be able to sneak right in and rescue my

Men bring them back safely Brave one and you’ll take your place as my captain here in jakusa I’ll have my minor craft you the finest arm of the Arctic Ocean has ever seen this reward was exceptional the armor looked extremely tough and laced with potential magical abilities a full set of Arctic armor

Would be perfect for the ocean’s icy conditions so I accepted the quest and started to prepare I grabbed some potatoes for the road and headed into the mines for diamonds so I could craft a full set of diamond armor just in case I need to fight the Goblins I jumped on

My Iceberg and headed out to the goblin camp on route to the camp I found myself approaching the coast of the Frozen Sierra which was littered with Mobs I used my new spear to work my way through waves of Strays zombies and creepers I discovered the spare knockback enemies

And slowed their movement this was great when dealing with lots of mobs at once whilst working my way through icy peaks I stumbled across an ice Goblin he was on patrol but had no idea I was here I knew I was close to the camp so I tried

Sneaking past the icy Brew but just when I thought I was clearly spotted me and managed to deal some serious damage I rapidly shoveled through snow to make it out on the other side to safety the Sierra was a battle in itself but with the help of health potions I kept my

Hearts up for just enough time to make it to the goblin Camp which was pretty huge and littered with evil my Nimble size and thick snowfall were my only advantages here I climbed up onto one of the goblin ships and I was already met with enemies I creeped past if I was

Caught now they’d surely eat me it was clear no one suspected I was here I perched on the edge of the ship to locate a safe path around the Goblins I jumped off the boat and hopped on the ice sliding past danger I checked to see

If anyone spotted me I was in the clear the next area was being guarded by two huge Goblin Elites protecting a building I suspected a viking was in there I creeped past the Goblins but what almost spotted me so I sprinted to hide behind the logs my stealth skills were

Top-notch I saw an opening and sprinted around the back of the building I then broke into it using my ax you’re safe now get out of the back and I’ll meet you on the other side of the island yes sir I hope you can save the others the

Viking fled up the mountain and I got moving the goblin suddenly reacted hmm In The Wind that was close the icy Goblin made his way down the path so I sprinted away to find the other Vikings I got real close behind this ice Goblin so close that he heard me the goblin had

Spotted me this wasn’t the plan the Camp’s Tower rang piercing Bell noises suddenly the whole Camp knew of my presence and were on alert Spears at the ready the Goblins were acrobatic they launched Spears at my head but I dodged them and struck them down with my ice

Spear I continued to defend myself against another group of deadly goblins then headed into the tall building they were protecting I found two Vikings imprisoned after breaking their cage one of the Vikings stopped to inform me that other Vikings were just one minute away from their demise they were locked away

Above the chief Goblin’s fire pit I had to act fast there was no way I was failing this Quest 60 seconds left the first dude was acrobatic after flinging a spear at my head he front flipped and kicked me mid-air I used my staff to freeze him in place suffocating him I

Was really against the time here so I fought with efficiency striking down enemies with haste after the area was cleared I threw down a health potion get through me yeah the cursed ice Goblin used his staff to summon a snowy hurricane with just 30 seconds on the clock I had to

Act quickly the wind was making it almost impossible to move freely I pulled out my ice staff and fired it into the cloud I was hoping that the staff’s energy was enough to dissipate the snowstorm it worked what how did you no the goblin was enraged we exchanged attacks which left

Me with just half a heart the goblin fell Oh no just five seconds I had to run as fast as possible I sprinted through the doors to find the goblin Chief and his bodyguards yeah too late little worm your Vikings and toast and you can’t save them I jumped into the

Fire pit risking my hearts and used my ice shovel to quickly put out the fire to save the Vikings the goblin laughed oh you may have put out a little fire but try escaping with your life My Bodyguard won’t let you suddenly the building started shaking

And I could hear thunder it can’t be it was Thor bolts of lightning surrounded the Norse God as he descended in a rage striking the town with his elemental powers the Goblins fell like dominoes and the villainous Town began to catch fire I’d ran outside to greet him again

Need a hand Brave One the goblin Chief is about to do something horrible I can’t let the people of jacobsa die because of me Thor turned towards the chief’s home and used his hammer to strike it with lightning not lightning fine take your men but I’ll have my revenge Thor flew into the

Sky I quickly mined the cage freeing the Vikings and then began our Escape we ran through the town which had been devastated by Thor once we made it to the other side Thor was waiting for us impressive work Brave One chacosa’s men lived to see another day how about you

Head back on your raft I’ll fly these men back to jocolsa wow thank you Thor you really showed the Moose boss I’ll meet you back at jacolsa another Quest completed I headed back through icy waters ready to retrieve my rewards upon my return Thor the king and his town

Were all waiting for me cheering let us all celebrate for jacobsa’s new captain your armor as promised my friend the chest appeared and fireworks popped above inside was my brand new armor oh I was looking like a true warrior try walking on water Brave one test your Armor’s ability the armor granted me

Frost Walker and Ice resistance which will definitely keep me protected the town celebrated from morning to night we were all drinking The Tavern special drink and some of us had a little too much the next morning I was collecting resources walking on water breaking tons

Of ice bugs with my ice staff I used my armor to run all the way home so I could finally craft a bed and sleep next day I displayed my Captain’s helmet which now marked this small icy Island as property of jocolsa I wanted to expand my home a

Little more and enchant my new armor so I grabbed a bunch of saplings from the Frozen blocks created a small tree farm and headed underground whilst I waited for the trees to grow I mined a bunch of oars and other materials hey yo bro I’m captain of jakul so now I ain’t gotta

Talk to zombie peasants like you all right I of course grabbed obsidian so I could build another portal when I get home which of course would be a totally safe and normal never trip with no evil monster interference whatsoever you’d think right I stumble across a stone

Generator from wish which I took total advantage of and then I headed back hit some Z and then began expanding my base using the wood Stone and deep State I’d collected on my mining trips I built the Nether Portal and lit that bad boy up I’m thinking I’ll put the enchantment

Table here but I’ll need more XP if I want to enchant the rest of my armor so I grab some sleep and prepared to enter the nether but there was someone waiting for me by the portal luckily they were friendly dude you’re not gonna believe this the nether is uh Frozen one minute

I’m trading gold with some piglet friends of mine the next this huge Frosty monster just starts freezing everything I lost a ton of gear and gold in there it’s all Frozen up you think you could go in there and try to get my stuff as Captain of tricolsa I of course

Wanted to help the adventurer plus that little frosco looks like a great companion to help me conquer the Arctic Ocean so I accepted the quest and headed into the now fro to Nether it was freezing here everything was iced over but of course these guys were still

Kicking around our Mind chords for XP then headed to the adventurer’s last known location which was completely surrounded by Undead looters so I used my spear to take them all out then proceeded to try and mount the ice for the flint and steel in hopes that it

Would reveal The Adventurous loot oh you doofus you can’t just melt this stuff I’m guessing you’re a friend a half horn listen listen up yeah about 20 minutes ago some Ram jumping bounty hunters roll two he unlocked up a lava stone Golem now there were serious money for their

Ability to reach high temps luckily for you those Stamps will be enough to melt this place back to normal find the bounty hunters find your Garland good luck kid I trolled through the Frozen nether until I found one of the bounty hunters I tried approaching them stop following me they teleported away from

Me disappearing into the void I carried on Hunting mining XP on the way until I found her again this time the bounty hunter attacked me with a giant claws put my new armor absorbed her hits she fled in frustration again the heads-on approach clearly wasn’t working so I

Used the high ground to track her down and followed her without her knowing suddenly a portal appeared and she jumped through this had to be where they’re keeping the lava stone gone I approached the portal hold my order of the hunters Guild I demand you to stop

Following us we have no business with you release the Golem and I’ll let you walk free captain of what now enough of this you little nerd I’m taking you in you puny humans are worth a lot of money a battle commenced I began striking the Hunter’s long sword with my spear but he

Was too skilled a swordsman he counted with three devastatingly heavy swings knocking the Airborne I returned with more strikes this time dealing damage but he was too smart he looked for an opening and caught me leaving me with just half a half I pulled out my magic

Staff and used its ice energy to finish off the Bounty Hunter bro’s life is in pieces I finally headed into the portal inside was a giant lava chamber I walked up to the lava stone Golem have you come to my by putting out the fires that surround

Me I did as the lava stone Golem instructed then led him to the portal out to the other side how can I ever repay you well I explained my quest and took him to the adventurous frozen gear I asked the Golem if he could restore the nether sounds erupted from the Golem

The entire never felt suddenly extremely hot and in a Flash all the ice had melted and evaporated away revealing The Adventurous items the Golem flew away I retrieved the Frozen items and headed back home to complete the quest I placed down the crate and okay and I gave him

His sword yo you did it he won froze the Nether and got my stuff the quest was completed and my new companion appeared oh bro he’s so sweet Frosty the goat was my new companion he defended my Island all night with his ice attacks then we headed to bed foreign

Things were happening and I had no idea evil was plotting danger was certainly on its way nobody could prepare themselves for the devastation that was to come the next day I wanted to spend my XP on enchanting and I thought as Captain of chicolsa I earned my right to

The bookcases from jakarta’s library so with my new ice guitar in hand Frosty and I headed out to jacobsa I made it to the enchantment table and Enchanted the rest of my gear whilst enchanting the whole town began to shake I looked outside to find the town was being

Attacked and Thor was fighting alone I headed down and started fighting the undead alongside Thor whilst his giant hammer bashed enemies I struck Undead looters with my ice spear Thor’s hammer flew past my head buzzing with electric I’d finish off the last few looters whilst Frosty pierced him with his

Arctic Spike attack Thor finished off the last skeleton by launching his hammer into the air then brought it back I wish I had one of those hammers now because a giant ice Beast reveals himself from under the ice forcing to know the Beast the creature was extremely powerful it began to slam the

Ground bringing down razor-sharp crystals the creature possessed the same Powers as my staff on a whole other level I had to act tactically I fired a few bow shots from a distance then use my staff to pin down the creature Thor then struck him with his deadly lightning the giant Beast retreated you

Think you but Ragnarok is already here we must move quickly Brave one I will explain on the way where are we going as God I held on to Thor’s Hammer as he began to fly up whoa we landed in a crop field I asked why Thor was so worried when the

Creature said Ragnarok is here Ragnarok where ice and fire become one all things come to an end including my home Asgard everyone and everything in the Arctic Ocean will be destroyed the only way to prevent this is to defeat the Lord Of Ice And The Lord of fire but to do this

You’ll need some help from the gods you’ll need your own god-powered Hammer let’s go Brave one I grabbed the hammer and we flew to Thor’s home this was Asgard a city in the clouds filled with beautiful architecture and mesmerizing nature when we landed Thor told me I was

To follow him to the altar before I could be granted the powers of a God he must first ask the gods my Lord with Ragnarok approaching I cannot defeat the ice and firelord by myself the boy has clearly proven himself I leave it in your hands the room felt Eerie I could

Feel the energy from the gods above I was nervous I was nervous they wouldn’t grant me the hammer and Ragnarok would occur destroying all the progress we’ve made this 100 days suddenly lightning bolts struck the Altar and a brand new shiny Hammer was revealed crafted by the

Norse gods I retrieved my own hammer and thanked the gods for letting me join their team the hammer tingled and buzzed it was filled with abilities first I discovered that the hammer could carry me I had gained the ability to fly this was amazing Thor wanted to show me the

Basics on how to use the hammer for combat so we flew over asgard’s beautiful landscapes and into a training Arena let’s make this quick the simulation my first strike was powered by a bolt of lightning the second I could summon lightning strikes from the sky to damage the enemy the third was a

Ground pound attack and finally my favorite I could throw the hammer and it would return no way nice work we were ready equipped for battle the fate of humanity was at stake we entered the portal and returned to the Arctic Ocean we must stop them from joining forces I

Will look for the ice Lord you must look for the lava Lord good luck he flew away on his hunt for one of the Lords I said my goodbyes to Frosty and flew in a bolt of energy traveling past the sound barrier I searched high and

Low for any sign of the Lord’s pairing together but we had no luck until I found the beginning of the end meteors were falling from the sky destroying the Earth beneath it I found Thor battling the lava Lord it was nearly too late they had already found each other inside boy defeat

I did a stall set and flew into the temple ready to face the ice Lord enraged and came stomping towards me I used my Katana to try and cut the Beast limbs off but it was too strong he hurled an ice Burl at me I returned with

A hammer throw but I missed the ice Lord began to spin he was growing stronger it could all end here enough was enough I channeled all my power into fight and hurled myself at the monster beating him down with one Final Smash I defeated the

Ice Lord but I had to hurry as he can be revived if the lava Lord survives we need to destroy both I headed out into meteor showers to help Thor defeat the lava Lord I threw my hammer but it didn’t return wait wait no no no

No no no I’m way too vulnerable this could be the end I retreated back to Thor to see if he could protect me he told me to get my staff out and pin him down with the energy from the ice staff I pinned him down while Thor finished

The lava Lord off we did it we defeated them both and stopped Ragnarok suddenly the hammer came back Best thing that came out of this whole 100 days I thanked Thor look at the devastation it was minutes away from hitting the ocean then everything else I returned home to jocolsa and frosty was waiting for me I have one last Quest and it’s for you go join my Discord you

Won’t regret it I have told many stories I have seen so many great things but there is but only one Adventure in which I truly became a hero there’s a nice word he won’t move the wind’s too strong I’m gonna hit it I somehow survived the storm but then I

Found myself stranded on a tropical island surrounded by tropical friends and tropical enemies it wasn’t going to be an easy task surrounded by flesh-eating Plantation tribal Warriors and Airborne hostility there was nowhere I was going to feel safe on this tropical island while stranded on the island I set myself three goals

My first goal is to set up base and construct a giant ship with storage to explore these tropical lands second goal craft the grappling hook and dip my hands on some top tier loot to take on the tribal leader if I am successful I will be able to free the Island’s people

And so there it is I’m going to attempt to survive 100 days on a tropical island in Hardcore Minecraft can I achieve my three goals my name’s the coffee fuel genius let’s find out day one we start our journey not too far from the giant tropical island let’s get to work

Ish absolutely boiling out here the Ocean looks amazing a tree bright and get some wood and so I did just that in the Blazing heat I punched the tree until I collected all of its wood I then took a look around at the surroundings then made my way to the center of the

Island to make a crafting table so I could craft all of the basic tools I would need I then heard a strange sound erupting from behind me and it was a small Axolotl asking me for help his Island had been taken over by tribal Warriors so I promised I would do it I

Constructed a boat and headed out to Seas it’s time to find the island oh no a tiger shark it was on my tail this could destroy my boat in seconds he was getting closer he knocked me off oh no I bet that if you booked them on the nose

They’ll swim away but he was doing serious amounts of damage it wasn’t working I’d have to swim away I made it to the boat I paddled away as quick as possible to get away from the tiger shark oh I think I was clear that was a close one after escaping the

Shark I knew I was close the axolotls were bouncing in excitement and what I found next was mesmerizing whoa what is this place yo this is incredible we finally made it [Applause] Foreign this place was beautiful I approached the shore and was met with a gathering of axolotls and their leader you there boy boy we EXO crew used to rule these lands now the enemy tribe have taken over will you help us my mission was clear defeat the enemy tribe

And help the axolotls claim back their land it was time to get resource collecting I grabbed wood cocoa beans and made myself a sword so I could head out and grab some food but it wasn’t an easy task flesh-eating Plantation were vicious and they could take my life at

Any second I managed to get my hands on one more sheep but the sun was setting so I headed back there was no escaping the island the Sharks were back but then we were ambushed by a bunch of tribe members Oh I sprinted away as fast as possible but they were chasing after me they even started firing poison darts I can’t believe I dodged it there was no way out I had to head down oh no he hit me it could all end here okay I booked the entrance I can hear them

It’s time to set up a small base underground and cook up the food this tropical island is extremely dangerous I headed deep underground to grab myself some oars I crafted a torch so I could finally see what I was doing and then carried on it was time to make some

Serious progress I headed even deeper and grabbed myself an assortment of oars coal and iron just what I need I finally crafted a stone pickaxe as well after I was finished mining I grabbed the furnace and headed up safety I then spoke with the axo tribe leader and just

Before he could tell me where the enemy tribe leader would be I was ambushed once again I was being chased down by the enemy I ran deep into the jungle winding in and out of the tree to create some distance this guy is fast with nowhere left to turn we had no

Choice but to face each other oh we both hit each other I have to Sprint away oh the flesh eating plants oh God this could be it wait oh the plant got him yes it was time to get out of here I began sprinting home as fast as

Possible but then I quickly got lost in the jungle surrounded by palm trees no idea where to go I had to think strategically but then the flesh-eating Plantation was too much for me they took too much damage I had to be careful another one after escaping the jungle I found a cave

I guess I’d have to explore this later in the meantime I needed food and I needed it fast so I killed a bunch of sheep made myself a furnace and got cooking oh those plants are deadly I’m sure I’m glad they get some food more sharks just what I need I finally

Made it home planted down my furnace took a look at the beautiful view then I made a bed took a look at the dangerous mobs and got a good night’s rest no time to mess around the next morning I made myself a stone spear headed into the

Tropical ocean to grab myself some food look how big this beer is I can finally take out these horrible plants yeah take that I then headed into the ocean and started killing fish it was the only liable food source I had on this tropical island but then I was attacked

By piranhas it was Havoc there really is no place that’s safe on this island I tried to escape but then ended up blinded by a jellyfish I couldn’t see a thing and then finally when my vision came to I saw the shore I tried to get

There as fast as possible half a heart that was a close one thankfully I have enough food to keep me going and now it was time to smelt up my oars and start resource collection I wanted to finally set up camp on this tropical island so I

Headed out grabbing stone wood and sand I then watched the Sun go down and yep you guessed it got to work building Foreign the limitations of the island I was really happy with the final result I then did a bit of underwater building to make it look a little bit more realistic and then finished off adding a couple of campfires pretty good job if you ask me I then started working on the interior adding

All the things I would need and then planted a little chest because this is where I could do a bunch of fishing I then planned out the area in which I would build my giant ship but I was nowhere near ready for that just yet I

Would need a lot more resources and I wanted to craft a bunch more weapons before I’m comfortable setting sail solid progress I spent the night prepping for a gear hunt yes I made an iron pickaxe a chest plate and a bunch of weapons so I could go out and finally get those resources

Let’s head out I would need a bunch of string to make the sails for my ship so I killed a bunch of spiders I then ran into a group of slimes and I need plenty of slime to make the boat so I got to work slaughtering these guys you know I’ve

Never really thought about it but slimes are kind of cute I wonder if these guys like coffee oh I should go and make some coffee and bring it back to them yeah good idea things turned South pretty quickly I stumbled across a group of tribal members oh no they spotted me

This was way too many to handle they’re poisoned darts and their speed it was just too much for me to take on I ran and ran down the hill but they were getting closer and closer oh no oh I fell it could all end here this hill was

Extremely Steep and with every fall I lost Hearts oh I felt a little safer knowing that I lost the tribal crew it was now time to continue exploring I then discovered something incredible a giant volcano this thing was colossal it was definitely the home of the tribal leader

I wasn’t ready to fight him just yet so I headed deep into the giant cave and started mining up horse you know how much I love all collection on this channel so I got to work and finally found some diamonds yes I mind it was much Diamond as I could I was feeling

Ecstatic I needed these resources to craft the grappling hook so I could scale the volcano and fight the tribal leader I guess my time here was done it was now time to head home I was feeling extremely vulnerable the weather conditions were horrific and there was enemies everywhere I turned I had to

Think very strategically about my next moves I was in the heart of the tropical island and I was finding food and wool just the things I need I ran home as fast as possible I didn’t want to lose the wonderful loot that I had oh we did

It the next day was beautiful and I finally crafted a full set of diamond armor just what I needed look at this after an extremely busy few days I finally grabbed some sleep and then got to work making progress on my giant ship I finally made a sale this was huge

Progress I put it all in the chest the tribes come back I’ll warn the others my little Axolotl friend was right an invasion the tribe had hunted where I lived it was time to face them there was a lot but I had no choice but to battle

I tried to create some space between myself and the tribal Warriors but their poison darts were just too much I didn’t know what to do I was using my diamond spear to keep them at Bay but there was like 10 15 of these guys there was just

So many I would do everything in my power to stay alive I wasn’t losing this world now the Warriors bone clubs were brutal in their damage I had to Sprint away the diamond spear wasn’t enough to take on these guys so I switched to my dagger I swiped and slashed at these guys

Causing some serious damage but it all got too much I could lose my life their brutality forced me into shout her to recalculate my next tactics I ate up some food headed out and started taking on the Warriors one two three I finally slaughtered the group and defended my

Home and in the process managed to get my hands on their masks this way I could disguise myself and head into the tribal leaders Lair Undercover it was a close call but with genius tactics I managed to defend my home and fight off the Ambush the next day I

Decided to build the docks for my giant ship I just want to take the time to thank each and every single one of you watching my videos without you I’d be alone on these adventures with the construction of the docks finished I finally crafted my ship with plenty of storage it was finally

Time to explore the Seas surrounding this tropical island let’s go but before we leave I made myself a diamond fishing rod and checked out the storage I was so excited to finally explore the world I got comfortable opened up the sails and enjoyed the fresh air it was absolutely incredible whilst on

My Voyage I came across a small structure so I opened the sails slightly and headed over but it was dangerous this must be the work of the tribal leader they were under some sort of hypnotic trance they were attacking me I took them out the dogs in here seem to

Be okay but I would need to clear the area first before I could check on them I spent all night taking on these hypnotized foes no time to explore the caves I waited until morning and broke through the small structure it was Rex he’s a little scruffy but I got you

Buddy I saved Rex’s life when my ship crashed I never thought I’d see him again I headed back to my boat I headed out and got to work fishing it was nice to enjoy the beautiful crisp bear every Adventurer deserves a little bit of time off

But not for long while the sun was setting I noticed a shipwreck beneath the water’s surface and all of its crew members were zombified they must be guarding something crucial I swam close to the Shipwreck and had a look inside a neptunium shipment no wonder these guys

Were trying to stop me from getting there I finally made it home headed in and used the neptunium to craft full neptunian armor look at this this gives me night vision and swiftness in the water I felt Unstoppable and then this Goose had something to say oh okay

I then realized that I would need Redstone if I was to construct the grappling hook but before I go ahead and get that I wanted to make an extension to my base foreign I added the last finishing touches to a small tower now it wasn’t the coolest

Thing you’ve ever seen but it was to allow me to look over my area just in case I get ambushed by the tribe again also the view is kind of neat time to go cave exploring I grabbed my neptunian weaponry and headed in if you’re a fan

Of the channel you know how much I really love or collection I do love to go mining in these caves also they’re really beautiful and great to look at so but then I let my guard down I was set Ablaze I was on fire I had to

Find a water source quickly I’d ran as fast as possible oh that was so close but it wasn’t over creepers left right and Center almost lost my life once I got my bearings I finally came across some Redstone just what I needed I collected it and then started making my way home

But then something crazy happened look at this this colossal creature was incredible it tossed and turned through the air its giant Wings echoed throughout the caves with every swoosh it doubts some extreme damage and then prepared to fire a giant poison blast towards me this could be it

I could lose my life I had to run away as fast as possible but it was following me I was encased in the creature’s acidic throw Gunk I was losing Health very quickly one heart I’m gonna lose my life oh no I ran away and managed to lose its tail

I guess I’d have to come back and fight this beast and not waste any time I started sprinting home as fast as possible I wanted to come back and slay this creature I trudged through sand made it home and finally crafted the grappling hook this was a huge and

Crucial moment I then crafted the neptunium bow it was time to find and slay the monster I took a look at my base and then headed back into the caves there was no way I could face the tribal leader knowing this Beast would still be alive so I faced him head on Its screams were piercing and echoed throughout the cave I used the water to get some height I began firing my bow shots dealing small damage I then used a grappling hook to scale the ceiling of the cave feeling more versatile and more tactical than ever before I carried on firing my bow shots

This giant bird was intelligent it was maintaining its distance its piercing eyes and played like teeth were incredibly intimidating I decided to head down using a water bucket yes MLG clutch now it’s time to face this Beast I fired my bow shots over and over Incredible it’s thick scales defected the arrow shots I had to carry on I had no choice I headed for the water to try and get height again it spun at me tossing and turning but then using the water I managed to fire the bow shots pushing it back into

The lava I enslaved this Beast once and for all we did it I headed home once again and then improved my grappling hook it was now time to head out and face the tribal leader it was going to be a long journey so I told Rex to stay put it was too

Dangerous for him over mountains and into jungles I finally stumbled across the volcano I was nervous I could see a soul Lantern he was definitely in there I used my grappling hook to scale the rim of the cave I had no choice but to be strategic

One wrong move and I could fall and lose everything finally made it to the bottom and then made it towards the volcano and began scaling my way up I was nervous for what was to come I was worried that my tribal mask wouldn’t be enough of a disguise to keep the tribal

Leader from knowing who I am it was time to head in look at this place not as many tribal Warriors as I thought I guess I’d been doing a good job it worked he really had no idea that I was right in front of him this was my moment I had to strike

This was it this was my moment to free the axolotls and allow them to reclaim their Island the battle commenced I began circling around taking out the other tribe members and getting some height using my grappling hook I did a little bit of damage but he was using

The sun to burn me he was incredibly powerful and I had to act quickly I couldn’t stay in the same spot for more than a second or I’d be burned alive not many hearts left I had to pick my bow shots crucially and Dodge the tribal

Warriors an opening I fired my bow shots but then he channeled the sun’s energy and started firing at me this guy was incredible but then his minions started healing him up I quickly changed my mask granting me Health boost and then headed back in to fight the tribal leader once more

He was spawning more tribal Warriors and then channeled the sun once again this was going to be impossible I had no choice but to fight the Warriors that were healing him up that way it would leave him vulnerable foreign ERS of Health I headed back in to finally destroy the tribal leader I did it wow he dropped his mask picked it up to see what it would do and it turns out I can deploy my own tribal Army these guys would help me look at

This he was healing me up this would be incredible for 200 days this I felt insane with the leader eliminated once and for all I headed back home to Tao the leader of the axo tribe the great news he was just as thrilled as I was and thanked me

For my hard work over the 100 days wow what a journey we’ve been on I can’t believe I have my own tribal Army wow we achieved my three goals and freed the island the war between kingdoms rage is on and I remain imprisoned but all of this changes today

Today is the day I’ve been planning for the last five years it was time to escape this castle and face the open world laughs [Applause] I’m going to attempt to survive 100 days in medieval Minecraft with new places to explore new enemies to take on Fantastical beasts to face will I be able to attain the best armor in the game to tackle those Dungeons and take out the trolls let’s find out Our first day but I wasn’t free just yet they’d already sent a search party after me I had to get out of there as soon as possible otherwise it could all end here I traversed through thick green foliage and beautiful Wildlife it was great to

Breathe in the fresh air I then got on with the basics collecting wood but then I came across some trouble it seemed there was a giant this thing was a massive I tried to creep up on him I didn’t know whether these guys were hostile or not but I could see sheep and

I needed food but then he noticed me and started chasing after me I ran away as fast as possible He was so close my survival instincts kicked in I took a leap I’d made it and sprinted away from the Giant that was a close one after Escaping The Fierce giant I then stumbled across a small Hut I headed in to see if anyone was home but it seemed

Abandoned but there was a fresh pie left I had to eat it I was too hungry I then headed upstairs a place to stay and a chest full of incredible loot this was just what I needed some great progress made in just one day I looked out the

Window and could see it was sunset so I got a good night’s rest it seemed I was going to face some extreme dangers on our medieval Fantastical Journey this was only the beginning fresh-faced and bright-eyed day two was here I snatched up the loot and then equipped these trousers like how snazzy

I look I then decided to take the bed with me and head downstairs seemed to just go on forever and ever things got real dark real quickly this place was Haunting I chewed my way through the iron bars had a look around but then I was attacked by a spider

I was so on edge I then notice I could see a troll but then he noticed me his raw echoed throughout the dungeon I had to get out of here as soon as possible that was a close one it’s time to keep moving I headed out into the wild and

Came across this giant castle-like structure filled with soldiers and also this Tower surrounded by these magical flowers but then I heard something it was an evoker summoning vexes I sprinted out of there as soon as possible heading over Hills but then I witnessed something absolutely beautiful a real

Life Pegasus look at this thing it was absolutely magnificent I then stumbled across a medieval-like structure so I headed down but then I was ambushed by a group of zombies so I had to strike them one by one chopping them up into pieces I then headed out

The Pegasus was even following me this was strange I decided to get some sleep today I headed into the faster medieval Plains hoping I’d find civilization but I was so very wrong this my friends was a deathbringer camp they were screeching and roaring at me I had

Walked into their territory and I had to get out as soon as possible I sprinted into the woodlands but a dragon A Dragon’s Nest was nearby I had didn’t know what to do I just ran away he was screaming at me I was panicking the only

Way out of this was down I had to head into the caves he was following me I thought I was gonna lose my life I decided to head deeper and deeper down hoping I’d find some ores after an extremely intense few days I enjoyed the downtime mining I found a

Bunch of iron Redstone blue lapis loads of everything I was feeling so good I then stumbled across some diamonds I couldn’t believe it these things are my most favorite thing in the whole wide world ah I then headed back I thought the best thing to do was just to dig

Straight up away from the Dragon after traversing the Medieval World for a good few days finally stumbled across something that would change the fate of our future a village finally This was just what I needed a safe haven I decided to take some time to get to know the locals and they welcomed me with open arms the town leader even let me stay for as long as I liked I looked up at The Starry Night and got some rest wow

But we had no time to waste we have to keep on moving I used a temporary home to store my inventory look at us go it was time to get the ball rolling I surveyed the area and I found a bunch of structures that I would explore later on

This was great I then decided to explore the town a little more and I found a chest filled with a bunch of amazing loot even some obsidian I then collected a bunch of resources Stone dark wood I even made a chisel so I could make some really beautiful blocks I then headed

Out to find a spot I would build yep you guessed it my new home Oh This structure was complete and I have to say I was pretty impressed with myself I’m getting better at this whole building thing you know I decided to really go for the medieval feel of those glass panes I took a look at the sun blazing in the sky and decided to add

Some Furnishing tables chairs here and there and then I took a seat to enjoy my new home I then utilized the diamond and ore I collected earlier to craft some weaponry and a little bit of armor to keep me protected against the dangers in this Medieval World oh also I completely

Forgot before I started building my house this like Hawk thing was like firing its spikes at me doing some serious damage so I took some time to take this bad boy out collected his feathers and made myself a legendary weapon like how cool is this this was

The fastest sword ever I then collected a bunch of food because things were about to get serious before I could tackle this Tower I need to be more prepared so I headed down and dug for more Ores but then I stumbled across a dungeon yes our second dungeon so far

But I was feeling a little bit more prepared I wonder what danger awaits I could hear the screeches from the undead soldiers crawling towards me I struck down the first rotten beast but they just kept coming they were fully armored I used all of my power and another one down

But another wave another wave of Undead soldiers Their thick armor was incredibly difficult to penetrate but with perseverance and determination I managed to strike them both down it was time to progress foreign I headed deeper into the dungeon taking on enemies one zombie down and then another zombie down but then things got serious my life was almost taken down to

Just two and a half hearts I had to run away I was being stalked by a zombie Pillager those baby zombies can end everything a close call but I had to keep moving I headed deeper into this devilish dungeon I found this room that was radiating

Heat but I was ambushed by a bunch of spiders but with a little bit of dodging and a little bit of Sword work I took them both out I blocked off the wall and I started mining for resources and XP there was even a bunch of

Obsidian in here so I decided to take advantage of the time and the safety and get as much obsidian as possible because I’d need to head into the nether at some point 11 obsidian great progress it was time to keep on mining I mined for days

And days I wanted more diamonds I needed those diamonds and by the end of it well I had a bunch and I was feeling incredibly great look at this it was time to head back as soon as possible I ran and Iran and I ran and finally made

It back home and I crafted myself a full set of diamond armor the helmet looks kind of weird though after getting some sleep I headed the next day to breed some cows together because I need more leather to make the enchantment table yep I planted some sugar canes too but

In the meantime I headed over to that Tower fully lathered up in diamond armor I was feeling more prepared it was time to scale off this Beast thank you I started to accept the fact if I fell it would all be over I was successfully scaling this momentous structure it was incredible I then witnessed a view The View was absolutely breathtaking you see that giant down there wow that castle was also filled with soldiers that I’d have to tackle later I then finally made it to the top I wonder what

Would await me would it be an enemy nope it was a wizard a very friendly wizard that was trapped up here and he’s been here for years he gave me some spell books even his hat we chilled for a little while had a conversation and

Then I got a good night’s rest the next day I thanked him for his time and jumped off this huge structure wow some incredible progress ah look at that giant I’ll be back for you buddy I then planted the brewing stand that the wizard had given me on I

Wanted to keep them the momentum so I doubt on the internet I just didn’t have enough resources at this point so I headed out to breed my cows together and then plant some sugar canes there were like little incremental things but they make a big difference I

Then spent the night killing zombies and then I grabbed a good night’s rest and waited for the sugar canes to grow big things were coming but I just wasn’t quite prepared I had to work harder so I dedicated the next few days solely to my cows and the

Sugar canes and by the end I had a bunch of resources I also felt kind of bad because look at this I had to like Slaughter all of the cows I dedicated so much time to but they didn’t die for no reason so we can just sleep easy knowing

That hey I then spent the next few days making paper making a bunch of books collected a bunch of wood so then I could craft bookshelves and yep you guessed it I finally made the enchantment table planted a bunch of bookcases and leveled that bad boy up I

Even Enchanted my boots with feather falling but I needed more XP and well for that you guessed it we’re heading to the nether so I grabbed some Flint grab the obsidian and crafted but never portal I built the portal as fast as possible that ender dragon fight was just around

The corner using my flint and steel I sparked up the portal this was it it could all end here but I headed in anyway to face the dangers of the nether this place was radiating Heat but I couldn’t believe it I was the luckiest person on Earth my nether portal spawner was underneath

Another Fortress I took full advantage of this I protected my nether portal with Cobblestone and then headed out mining those Courts for that XP I even killed a bunch of Enderman for ender pearls and I mean I killed a lot of Enderman I needed those pearls to get to

The Ender Dragon I then spent some more time collecting quartz and then headed to the nether fortress upon entry I struck down with a skeleton I was feeling like a beast but then I was attacked by a blade and these things lit me up in fire my skin scorching these

Blazers were no joke in groups they could take you out in a matter of seconds I headed deeper into the Fortress striking down the blazes I had to work quickly my first Blaze Rod great work I dedicated days to fighting the blazes I stalked that blade spawner and

As they appeared I strike them down collecting those blaze rods but it got a little bit too overwhelmed it was time to get out of here so I sprinted away deeper into The Nether I couldn’t believe it we had made some serious progress but now it was time to head home

I made it back safely to my nether portal I took one last look at the hell and then headed back to the Overworld it was time to enchant all of my weapons and armor we finally did it I was feeling op the dragon was just around

The corner however I had one more thing to do it was time to face the giant I couldn’t sleep easy knowing my villagers were terrified of the giant nearby so I repaired my shield and headed over to face this Beast once located I created some elevation and then fired my first bow shot

My first shot made contact and he was Furious I missed my second shot so I decided to close the distance but I think it was a bad decision he headed towards me I didn’t know what to do I ran away his colossal stature was incredibly intimidating and also even

Despite his size he was incredibly fast he closed the space I didn’t know what to do so I held my shield up taking the blows of his hits but then he picked me up I held my shield but he broke it I didn’t know what to do I ran away with

Just half Health taking and picking my shots with my bow he chased me and chased me out into the Open Fields had to pick my shots I had to strike him with my bow but he wouldn’t let up I just kept moving I kept striking oh no

My last few shops could I do it could I do it could I beat him yes I defeated the Giant wow we’ve done it ladies and gentlemen are you headed home I crafted another Shield but the fight wasn’t over I grabbed myself some wheat headed out into the

Plains and grabbed myself a trusty Steed with this companion I’d be unstoppable once we bonded I applied some gold armor look how badass he looks wow we’re making some serious progress and the Ender Dragon was so so close are you headed home I let my Steve sleep in the

House because well he’s just a chill dude and I didn’t see any problem with it okay okay before the ender dragon fight I had one last job and that was to get revenge on those that had taken me prisoner so I found their Hideout told my trustee Steed to await and headed in

I surveyed the area and made my way to the front but it was a mistake an entire Army chased me and almost took my life I couldn’t believe I was so stupid I ran away and headed home and came back a few days later more prepared I decided to

Take a distant approach picking my bow shots and taking them out one by one I felt like Rambo hiding in the trees taking their lives I picked my bow shots and I was incredibly accurate foreign Soldier thought he could take me on and well he picked the wrong guy I was

Furious that they had captured me so I decided to strike him down no mercy I then continued to the tower I found the captain boom I took the captain out and the bow and arrow guard swing him into pieces but once again I made a mistake a whole group of them

Were waiting for me at the top I had to jump down I had to get out of there I created some distance between us she couldn’t believe I couldn’t get revenge I needed the information of where the main base was but I guess I wouldn’t be accomplishing that

In this hundred days maybe it was something I would have returned to in 200 days I watched the sun set because tomorrow was a big big day it was time to face the Ender Dragon so I brewed up all of my potions using the blaze powder and never wart I made

Strength two potions and then crafted all of the Eye Of Enders I would need I then took one last look at my house walk around the village I thanked the townskeeper for allowing me to stay I hoped I would return but you never know it could all end here I threw my first

Eye of Ender High into the sky it was time to head out and find the stronghold it took me days and days traversing through extremely dangerous environments I made it to a vantage point and surveyed the area and look at this a giant castle and a fierce Dragon high in

The sky I threw my second Eye of Ender heading deeper in to the world I even came across a wizard and he told me the direction in which to go no I finally found the location in which the Eye Of Enders were pointing to I dug down came across that mossy cobblestone

And found the stronghold I took out a few zombies and then located the portal I took out the spawner oh I was nervous I placed the Eye Of Enders covered up the lava in between the last few this was it the moment I faced the Dragon I headed in

Oh so many Endermen I took out the first Crystal with my bow however the Enderman delayed my progress a bunch of them were attacking me the dragon was Furious that I was destroying all of her healing crystals but I continued striking them down taking away her ability to

Regenerate I then headed down sloped up my strength two potion and began attacking her but her giant wingspan swooped me up into the air but this could be it I could lose my life oh an MLG clutch I couldn’t believe it I then continued striking her down dodging her

Dragon balls and finally taking her life free the end we did it collected all of the XP and then I collected her Dragon egg wow some serious progress made I done it I then headed back home planted the egg on the table and chilled out for a bit

Wow we’d accomplished so much in 100 days I shut my two front doors I’ve got a good night’s rest we’ve done it ladies and gentlemen we’d finished our 100 days in medieval Minecraft Imagine being sent back in time to ancient Egypt with new places to explore op Lou to find a new enemies to take on this is our most exciting Journey yet I will need to uncover the pyramid secrets and defeat the Ancient Pharaoh so I can get my hands on their powerful abilities

I also want to construct a giant desert base to stay protected from the Barbarian warlord and his people can I complete my goals my name’s the coffee if you’re genius and this is 100 days in ancient Egypt will I survive let’s find out day one was pretty intense

Barbarians had already spotted me and started firing their arrows I quickly dodged them and then tried to escape but they were closing in I thought I found a way out but the drop was just too Steep and I didn’t want to take any risks I sprinted as fast as possible over the

Sandy Dune until I came across a pack of hostile wolves now these guys were Relentless it started chasing me and I had no choice but to run its speed was impeccable when it almost caught up with me but I quickly create a distance using elevation climbing up the hill to

Hopefully lose this Relentless wolf it worked the wolf could make the jump so I ran away my legs were aching and I underestimated just how difficult this journey might be but I had to carry on I chopped down some wood and then made a full set of basic tools

Whilst I was chopping down a tree I was ambushed by a giant scorpion he was colossal in size and did a crazy amount of damage two hearts oh no I had to run barbarians I had nowhere to turn I needed food fast I tried to get my hands

On this rabbit they were just so fast one down and then I got another one wait it didn’t even drop anything now I just feel bad a pack of hostile wolves and even more barbarians were closing in I had to create some distance and use this

Time to grab some more food and then started mining up limestone I don’t know why though because I don’t know what it does a cozy up inside a cave I lit it up with torches put down a crafting table and then I realized you use it like Stone so

I made myself a furnace put coal inside and started cooking up all that rabbit and quail it’s so it’s very long though as I spotted a barbarian and I made the worst cover you’ve ever seen but somehow it worked they didn’t spot me guess I’m here for the night I grabbed

Some more Limestone then upgraded my wooden tools I was surrounded by enemies and they were just too powerful to take on Sunrise was here and I decided to brave it and abandon my small cave I ran out into the vast Egyptian world and did some exploring I even came across a

Small mob spawner and grabbed some XP but then I noticed more barbarians so I went and grabbed myself some more food wood and then I found this small structure I decided to mine it up because I might use the blocks later for a build but then I was ambushed by

Bandits look at these guys they wanted my valuables but they weren’t getting them I decided to take them on fighting them with my Limestone sword I tactically picked my hits but then I still had the Archer to take on feeling intimidated I tried to escape but then I

Started taking some serious damage oh no two and a half hearts I dodged the arrow shots made a small obstruction then ran away I think I lost them that was way too close and with just two and a half hearts I had to act quickly so I spent

My night killing camels for food but it was getting too dangerous so I headed underground to cook all of my food Gordon Ramsay style then I headed down and did some strip mining I then discovered this beautiful dark block that I would use for builds later so I

Mined all of it up I headed deeper and deeper until eventually I found a cave I then came across some obsidian which is pretty rare in Egypt so I’ll be coming back here later and then after some exploring I came across a stone guard now these guys look friendly but after

Bashing his head over with a limestone sword he did some serious damage with just half a heart left I thought it could end here in Hardcore Minecraft I would lose everything so I sprinted away as fast as possible blocked myself in checked out the area and then I chewed

On some Camel to restore my health I then headed back to take on this fiend these guys are really durable and take a lot of damage but with a lot of persistence I finally took him out I then came across some iron mined some more and found Redstone but then the

Cave started shaking and a whole Army of stone guards were coming my way so I had no choice but to block them in and start returning to the surface I’ll come back here later once I made it to the top I took a good look around and amongst

Burning foes there was a deadwood forest in this Forest there was wood for Miles so I took advantage and started chopping down trees left right and Center wood chopping didn’t last very long though as I was ambushed by a captain the Barbarian warlord must have sent him to

Take me out but I was just too quick and eventually took him down but it wasn’t over I looked into the distance and spotted an assassin I was Marked for Death I quickly started building up to create elevation and distance between us both but then something unimaginable happened the Assassin can climb I

Started to panic I didn’t know what to do I quickly built an area but then I slipped and fell off oh no poison and we’re just half a heart remaining I had no choice but to turn and run I sprinted as fast as I could started building up

And chewed on some food and then he doesn’t do anything once I no longer feared the Assassin I started to strike dodging his hits and finally eliminating him can I not just get a break I set up camp and then finally crafted myself a shield and battled barbarians most of the

Evening but then the sun foul and the undead Rose I was fighting mummies wraiths and even bone storms most of the night then I spotted a village and decided to risk it I ran as fast as I could through the undead I was so scared

I would lose my life here I ran and I ran through camels bone storms and mummies in hopes that I would make it out alive wooden flooring replaced the cold sand on my feet I finally made it to safety I looked out and saw a ruin

That I would explore the next day but it was too risky now the undead was surrounding me overnight the cool Sandy Breeze brushed against my skin but peace and Tranquility didn’t last long as the village was being attacked more barbarians and with just a limestone sword I have to be tactical two hearts

Oh no I’d have to use my shield I dodged the arrows and finally eliminated them saving the town from this ambush I was awarded lawbringer and the villagers thanked me for saving them and allowed me to stay the Egyptians traded in golden coins and so I took to a small

Well and started cleaning off all the dirty coins I found earlier but in this strange topless man started approaching me no thank you I then almost lost my life with just half a heart and whilst I was escaping I’m still being followed by this weird dude I then took out the rest

Of the Ambush then did some Emma collection planted some seeds and then an Egyptian started telling me about a nearby pyramid and also a ruin this is where I would go tomorrow so I got a good night’s rest some great progress made but I had to keep moving forward I

Ate some food and headed towards the ruins I explored all of their boxes nibu torches I can use these to summon the ancient pharaohs I then tried to carry on raiding the ruin but it got a little bit too much so I headed back and waited

For the other Ambush to calm down close one I sorted out my inventory got some sleep and then headed back to the ruin the next day I got a little bit more successful in the Looting side of things get getting things like camo armor and Saddles but enemies were closing in so I

Had to hurry up I even came across a map which allowed me to look around but peace didn’t last long a bunch of Barbarians were closing in there was no way I was going to succeed in this barbarian battle so I had to take a step back and think tactically about my next

Moves I decided to close in taking them out one by one using the sword I found inside the ruin the barbarians were infuriated and started rushing me but I was just too smart I managed to take them all out I even picked up one of their Shields which is super op I then

Finally took out the spawner destroying one of the warlord’s bases I then collected a bunch more food and then took a look at the map so I could see what was around me I grabbed the cooked food and then headed back to the village and got a good night’s rest I then spent

The next day cleaning all of the jewelry I found once everything was gleaming I realized I could actually wear this stuff so I was looking pretty fresh in all this Egyptian jewelry I then thought it was about time I tame a camel so I used the dates I’d collected from fed

The camel and finally tamed a new best friend I then placed the saddle and Diamond desert armor upon my new friend and then took to looking at the map it was time to head out I could see an oasis at the top of the map so that was

The way I would go I traveled through many different biomes and finally made it wow this place is beautiful foreign this place was breathtakingly beautiful I just couldn’t believe my eyes the villagers were running around and were happy to greet me I’ve never felt more

At home this is the place I would stay I then found a safe place to leave my camel and then I stole the small human beings leather and also his bed what I’m trying to survive out here okay the sun kissed my skin and a new day was

Upon us but first a wonderful cool dip with the fish I then headed out past the dead Mirage into the Sandy dunes and started Limestone collection yep I collected a bunch of resources because here is where I would build my base I decided to do a bunch of terraforming I

Went through a bunch of shovels leveling out the land because this is where I would build my giant base I planted a bunch of flax seeds and then checked on my camel headed back to the area planned it all out and yep you guessed it got to work building thank you I reinforced all four walls with Pathways and then started working on a small build on the inside I decided to use a sort of orange crystal glass alongside the orange Egyptian wool I then joined everything up with paths and then placed lanterns pretty much everywhere then I did the usual storage

Beds you know all the typical stuff we’d achieved so much in just a short amount of time but the next step was to start working on a farm good morning to me I’m pretty I’m happy with the progress so far I’m not gonna

Lie I mean I have a lot more to do and the walls look pretty cool and I mean I have a lot planned I kind of want to work on a farm area over here or something um I made some fertile soil see if this works okay so then all I

Need to do is just put more of this next to it and I can hoe it down okay sweet um we gotta make some more hang on I was worried that if it wasn’t near water it wouldn’t work but let me just go make some more let’s make a small area here

Now this should spread out everywhere I’m hoping so anyway if it doesn’t I’m gonna be upset oh hmm this is annoying I need to get some water I need to see if I have enough iron I think I used all my iron up for the lanterns no iron just have cracked Limestone I

Know she’s like so tired of mining Limestone I cannot tell you um okay so I really I need a bucket so I can then start moving the water over because as cool as this is I kind of want to put the farm in my base as well that means

I’m gonna have to go get some iron which means mining trip before I went mining though I grabbed some flax and turned it into linen I then checked out how good my base was working keeping the barbarians away from me I then used the bolts of linen cloth

To make full wandering armor which was pretty good I needed to go mining with you know what time it is if you’re a fan of the channel you know how much I love my strip mining I got to work collecting that crispy XP then I came across this

Weird soily stuff which actually turns out I can make my own Stone guard Army that’s awesome so when I get back I’ll get to work on that but in the meantime it’s time to carry on mining mining mining mining it’s my favorite thing wait a second Diamonds oh diamonds are my most

Favorite thing in the world there’s nothing that tops diamonds in this game I swear give me give me give me give me give me I mind as many diamonds as I possibly could I went searching and searching and then I grabbed other things like coal iron Redstone all the

Usual things and then I returned home I then smelted up all of my iron and then yep you guessed it combined my diamond armor with my desert armor and made a full set of Desert Diamond Armor I said armor and desert so many times there that’s remember when I found that weird

Brown soily stuff well it turns out it’s called kanumite and with that that’s how you craft the soldiers look at this my own Stone guard God this is just so cool I gave him my sword and he just patrolled around this is the most awesome thing ever I’m gonna have a

Bunch of these walking around my base I decided to do a little bit of a test with an ambush and this guy is Relentless wow I then use the ini collected to craft a bucket and then grab some water from the Oasis and got

To work on my small farm area I got some sleep and then jumped on my bed for a little while while I waited for all of the soil to fertilize and then I headed down into my strip mine to grab some more of that really brown soily stuff so

I could work on making an army of stone guards I assembled my Army Stone guard by Stone guard they were patrolling and so I decided to take a little bit of time for myself I worked on the farm planted a bunch of Emma because I wanted

To work on an infinite food source I used this device called a quern in which you take the Emma and then you spin it and I mean you really spin it like it took me a whole night I then used the flour to make dough which then you cook

Up to make Emma bread and then I worked on stairs some few additions to my base I then crafted a bunch of this white ceramic tile stuff which looked really great so I started working on the bed oh no I was ambushed by giant poisonous scorpions and they were Relentless

Nothing was stopping them and they trapped me in a corner doing some severe amounts of damage I tried to escape the Barbarian must have known that my stone guards can’t detect the Scorpions so I’d have to face them myself I took out the first one and then did all I could to

Take up the second losing Heart By Heart I chewed up all of my bread and then faced the last one that was just way too close and in Hardcore Minecraft I can’t be taking risks like that I need to be more prepared for the next warlord’s Ambush

So I spoke with a local Egyptian and they informed me on a crypt under this town which contained items in which I could use to summon a guard so I headed out down into my strip mine and I finally located the Crypt I had to clear the area of these ghoulish monsters

I cleared the area of these devilish Crypt Keepers and then took a look in the chest it was amazing it was filled with a bunch of items and even a necklace in which I could go invisible when I wear it this was awesome I decided to take all of the magma blocks

Head home past my stone guard Army and get some rest in preparation of the summoning of the Guard I built a shrine with a Burning Flame that pointed towards the sun I really hoped this would work in summoning the guard the Egyptian spoke of I had to go out and grab some lava

And assemble this small Shrine I lit it up but it didn’t seem to work straight away I couldn’t work out why it wasn’t working was it my offerings I even tried to damage myself in hopes that it would summon the guard but then I realized I

Need to put a fire charge down and with that it was happening it was working fire upon these Egyptian cities okay slightly dramatic and kind of aggressive but if we skip the Egyptian burning stuff I’ll take it I walked up to the shrine and noticed and he’d left

Some kind of remnants of obsidian and and scorched basil so I decided to just leave that there to burn and make a small display because I wasn’t worthy of this gift just yet I would need to be more prepared to take on the warlord so I made a bunch more food and then

Grabbed myself a diamond shovel and decided to go on another mining trip with my Vanishing necklace I headed underground and found an Egyptian mine shaft I took on the stone guards then powered the goddess of thalima’s necklace and stayed well hidden from all of the foes I then came across this

Strange ore I minded up and noticed it was called nibu similar to the nebu Torches I assumed it was to do with the summoning of pharaohs so I grabbed as much as possible headed home and started smelting it up I broke it down into something called nibu drops which then

Makes nibu ingots which I combined with a furnace to make a godforge which is super shiny by the way I then realized that if I sacrifice my necklace very sad I know I can then make a godsards and with God shards I can then make God

Torches that was a lot to explain but with God torches I can summon whatever Pharaoh I like instead of a random one so on the topic of pharaohs I grabbed my camel stuck some storage on him and then headed out to try and find a pyramid so

I could defeat one whilst traveling over Sandy Dunes I just want to take the time to thank each and every single one of you for watching my videos it means the world to me I finally came across the pyramid it took a little while to work out but I

Realized I need nibu torches to activate the doors so with those I opened up the pyramid and the undead came flailing they come running at me but with the power of the sun they burned alive okay they’re everywhere they’re everywhere they’re everywhere yeah break this one let’s break this one

Is like these bad boys that oh I’d have to waste my torches he’s broken I took on the undead inside the pyramid and then did a lot of looting I then found a way down deeper into the pyramid it’s like a maze oh okay what is that what is

That okay okay okay okay there there are traps oh okay you right clicked them it turns them off there’s another one I navigated the maze-like corridors while surrounded by the screeches of the undead I must be getting close because all I can hear is zombies oh mummies all

I can hear is Mummy yo that I’m not getting anywhere ah this way no I’m just gonna put the torch in my off man so much easier for it oh oh okay I think I found a drop okay I feel like we’re getting close oh not good they give me

The weather effect or something oh there’s like loads of different rooms oh I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it let’s go there is a loop I know that jeez I had discovered the room in which I summoned the Pharaoh this was

It no I’m gonna make myself like a minute what you can’t even place blocks in here the Pharaoh was summoned Pharaoh yapamesh I had to take him on with all my power using my stone Club but he was relentless breaking my shield in just a few hits

Drop him in there trap him in there okay okay okay I then used the gift don’t let me down Sparks and fire emitted from my body I was pretty much Invincible for a short time but it didn’t last very long and the Pharaoh started doing some serious damage I managed to catch the

Pharaoh in an awkward position and start doing some damage with the dagger but then he wiggled his way out so I had no choice but to keep tactically running around the pyramid and attacking him from behind stealth became my best friend and I was managing to get some serious shots on

The Pharaoh and then with enough perseverance I finally struck him down and destroyed him oh that was a battle he dropped a sort of hammer that a mummy was carrying it was called Jeb’s might and it did some extreme damage the pyramid was shattered to pieces I took a look around and even

Mined up the sarcophagus that the Pharaoh was in I’ll build a shrine for this when I get home I easily dug my way out of the pyramid and then killed the mobs outside with my new Mighty Hammer I bet there are more weapons with abilities out there I then ran past this

Camel stuck in a tree and then walked towards the village I then found the small structure and mined the entire roof of it because I had an idea for a build I then looted the entire Village and then found my camel and headed back home a serious few days I made my way

Back to my base and then now it was time to make some building improvements let’s go I’d finally finished the construction of the shrine and I would use this sarcophagus as a storage for my weapons with special abilities pretty cool a stone guard Army patrolling a giant desert base I was pretty proud of my progress I won’t lie day 71 I did a

Little bit of fishing because I wanted some me time I then did some exploring headed out with bones and found this giraffe structure I headed inside but what was there to greet me wasn’t so kind it was somehow he had been possessed by some

Kind of evil God so I had to find a way to lure him out I managed to get him out and then spam him with my Dusty bones and finally bring him back finally Sandy boy we then teamed up to then take on The Barbarians used my Hammer’s Mighty

Strength and abilities to then take out the Mobs with some help of Rex also I remember I had some desert armor on a saddle at home so it was time to head back I looted the sarcophagus and then traveled over the Oasis and over Sandy Dunes with Rex we finally made it back

And then I gifted one of my stone guards the role of Captain mate cool I then put down an anvil and had a name tag spare so I put the name tag on breaks obviously along with the desert armor I could ride this thing but then

We were ambushed by barbarians now I am aware I have said the word barbarian about 50 million times this video but now I won’t be saying it so much because my stone guards have now taken the lead on taking them out look at this I just decided to watch the whole events unfold

These Bandits and barbarians will never stand a chance no one will ever succeed in taking over my base this is incredible my stone guard Army is epic it’s time to take on the warlord so I grabbed Rex and then I grabbed a good night’s rest and headed out on my hunt

For the warlord I’d have to cover miles of land and I searched through tons of ruins in search for that Bandit leader whilst looting the ruins I came across some epic gear I found Ra’s Halo which is an awesome looking helmet I then killed the rest of the bandits covering

This checkpoint and headed out covering more land there were a 10 of Bandits near this ruin so I was hoping the warlord would be inside but I got too overrun I was surrounded and taking some serious damage I had no twist but to run

It was too late to lose my life here I searched for Rex grabbed his saddle and got running I then came across another ruin it seemed huge I was hoping this would be it I took out the mob spawner and then the warlord’s Boss Bar appeared

But no sign of him just yet I took out Bandits and looked around the area I couldn’t find him I looted all of the chests and I was finding some extremely Opie gear definitely terrain a bow with special abilities I decided it was too risky to stay here so I decided to grab

Rex and head home I would need a bunch more arrows and upgrade my gear if I was to fight the warlord I made it back home sorted out my inventory grabbed some arrows and then grab some sleep I then tested out this bow turns out like rain

It multiplied with one Arrow this is going to be extremely useful when taking on the warlord I then headed back to the ruin this was it there he was he was mighty his armor thick steel it was going to be a task I started striking him with my mighty hammer and then Rex

Started doing some damage I created some distance and then headed back in firing bow shots this warlord was fierce and he managed to summon more Bandits and barbarians it got pretty overwhelming I almost lost my life so started heading out it was time to strategize I eyed up the area

Thinking of ways to take out the warlord first I decided it’s time to take out his friends so I worked on taking out all of the archers captains and bandits surrounding him perseverance became a crucial part of defeating the warlord myself and Rex did all we could to take him out and with

One final blow with just one and a half hearts Rex saved my life I then took out the final Bandit oh that was extremely intense we did it we defeated the Barbarian warlord I couldn’t believe it I continued to loot the ruins to see what the barbarian was protecting and yes I

Found it the rest of my armor set and also some sort of Staff which allows me to teleport back home this was amazing I decided to take out the rest of the bandits taking out the rest of the warlord’s army now it’s time to head back

Wow we did it 100 days in ancient Egypt wait I love Rex my tail begins like so many others the year is 2086 in the future and robots are our friends but then it all changed our cyborg King turned against us technology could no longer be trusted and they plotted to destroy

Paradise City the most technologically advanced City in the galaxy this was the last time I would ever see my home Futuristic monsters have taken over the world that we once knew are forcing civilization from its once vibrant homes into small colonies I have three goals my first to rebuild civilization second to attain full mecharama and laser weapons third kill the Cyber king for a tier 3 hoverboard I’m going to attempt

To survive 100 days in the future in Hardcore Minecraft I’m the coffee fuel genius can I achieve my goals let’s find out Day one lost in the futuristic planes Our Journey Begins oh looks like an abandoned colony let’s go check it out I hesitantly entered the abandoned city hopping over the Ravine I was hoping to find some juicy loot to help me on my futuristic journey I was looking for anything that

Could help me rebuild civilization I searched high and low to find things but I didn’t have much luck so I decided to head out and try and get some wood to craft the basics but I encountered a problem I couldn’t even craft planks the wood was dead technology no longer needs

Nature this was going to be difficult I decided to head deeper into the abandoned city in hopes to find live wood but I had no luck until this moment came across an old preservation Center so I grabbed a bunch of dirt and built my way up and headed in

I couldn’t believe it a biome filled with nature it gave me hope for mankind life was thriving here I grabbed a bunch of wood and then I made a crafting table and once I made the crafting table I made a full set of wooden tools I then

Came across a chicken a chicken hiding in the bushes finally some food it was just too quiet a rogue cyborg was coming after me so I gave it everything I had striking it down the mechanical zombie was taken care of so I grabbed some more food but it

Wasn’t over more cyborgs and robots were coming after me I tried looking for an escape but I was met with the futuristic planes smothered in robotics there was no way I could survive so instead I grabbed some more resources killed some food and then almost lost my life

Fighting a robot spider but I survived it was time to head underground this was too dangerous heading underground I was met with futuristic blocks but I couldn’t mind them so instead I grabbed Stone iron and coal and made myself some stone tools and cooked up my food I guess I was here

For the night I made myself an iron sword as well look at this great progress made in just a few days no time to waste I grabbed my resources and headed back up grab some more food and headed out into the plains I thought my best bet was to make a jump

Into the water so here goes nothing turns out the water was poisonous Discovery it this is where it could all end the poison wore off pretty quickly that was a pretty close one but I was still surrounded by cyborgs and the Knights enemies this was gonna be a long

Night after battling the robots all night I dedicated some time to grabbing resources coal iron and more Cobblestone it wasn’t easy but with a tactical mindset I survived the night during my exploration I came across a robotic chicken these things are amazing why you ask it’s because they contain

Circuitry and with circuitry I can craft the tech pickaxe and the tech sword making me even stronger so I can survive ambushes like this cyborgs can survive the high temperatures so these guys were more of a challenge than ever before after calculating my moves I turned around and struck back at the cyborgs

Chasing me taking both their lives that was a close one I was feeling pretty Unstoppable but we had to keep moving to rebuild civilization I continued deeper into the futuristic planes and came across a bunch of sheep so I crafted some shears and grabbed as

Much wool as possible so I could make a bed this was huge also the trees were alive here so I grabbed as much wood as possible and crossed my fingers for a sapling and I got one one step closer to rebuilding the colony I also came across another preservation Center but this

Time with buildings inside so I snuck in tackling the enemies I carefully attacked these guys one wrong move and it’s all over one explosion and my life can be taken I dedicated some time to clear the area I could hear villagers but instead I was met with robotic

Skeletons this was a challenge but with perseverance I took them both out it was time to find those villagers I could hear them but I couldn’t see them until this moment he was being attacked by a robotic skeleton so after taking his life the Villager asked me to save the

Others inside so I headed in the Villager asked me to clear the basement so I grabbed the Brewing standard bookshelf I found and then cleared out the cyborgs but it wasn’t an easy task I got to work I destroyed the first cyborg making my way through the

Corridor to take on the second this was going to be a challenge I was taking these robot fiends on left right and Center clearing the basement of all robotic Danger we don’t mess around in the future it was time to continue with my goals I decided to rebuild the colony here this

Is where I would make all of my futuristic builds and Technology I am going to bring back mankind this is gonna be fun I put together a very very small makeshift build so I had somewhere to sleep for the night crafted a bed and got some rest big things were on their

Way however I had a lot of work to do in the meantime so I cooked up my oars stored things in chests and then crafted a full set of iron armor look at that view this is pretty neat I’m not gonna lie I sweeped the area of cyborgs so it

Was a little bit safer I then started working on my strip mine I wanted to head down and get a bunch of oars whilst mining I came across the advanced creeper look at these guys they don’t explode but they’re super fast and when they catch you they’ll take half your

Hearts they’re just so intimidating I mean look at his face but I took him out pretty quickly I then continued mining for days for what I had planned I would need excessive amounts of awes so I got to work collecting blue lapis purple iron Redstone all the ores required to

Craft technology I drilled deeper and deeper into the futuristic depths in my hunt for those beautiful diamonds and yep you guessed it I finally found them oh my most favorite thing of all time thank goodness this was crucial to rebuilding the future if you’re a fan of

The channel you know how much I love strip mining for oars so I continue doing this for literally days and I found plenty of what I need and then it was time to head back up it was time to head back up and start smelting all of the oars I had collected ah

The next day I crafted the tech sword a heavy sword that does a lot of damage I then crafted the exo suit helmet which added a little bit of toughness to my armor I then got to work smelting up all my oars and storing all of the things

That I collected it was time to start building automated Machinery there was no way I was going to craft the mecca suit without it so I made myself a diamond chainsaw and got to work collecting resources time to get to work I chopped down a bunch of wood and

Finally had enough to craft the wood gear and with wooden gears I could make stone gears and stone gears make iron gears and then iron gears make goggy you get what I’m trying to say here I then killed a bunch of cyborgs and then finally crafted the Quarry a vital piece

Of Machinery I would need to continue my journey I placed the Quarry down but I was far from finished I needed glass to craft the engines and for that I’d have to go exploring the futuristic planes so I headed out whilst running I was thinking about the

Laser guns in Mecca armor I would need to fight the cyborg King my tech sword came in clutch when exploring the dangerous futuristic planes and it was pretty rewarding too I found a chest filled with loot and some automated bookshelves I continued exploring the abandoned town on my hunt

For sand but then I encountered a problem a robot had hunted me down and I was so close to sand I had to think on my feet I made a temporary base crafted a laser bow and then took all of the cyborgs out making space to destroy the robot

Finally I headed over and grabbed a bunch of sand and then I heard this chicken asking everybody to subscribe hello that’s my job so anyway subscribe please it really helps me out I then headed home smelted up all my sand and finally crafted the Sterling engine it

Was time to start putting it all together so I made a couple of redstone torches a chest and then a bunch of piping I think this would work uh no I need to place the redstone torch So I placed all of the pipes sorted out the filters and then finally got it working

Look at this it was clearing the area I was so excited this thing is so satisfying to watch man I was so excited one step closer to full Mecca armor oh it’s gonna be so much fun whilst we chill out and watch the Quarry I just

Want to say one thing can you guys comment what you like so much about my videos it would really help me out also I just want to say a massive thank you to each and every single one of you but enough of that it’s time to continue working the automated Machinery was

Taking its time and I just didn’t want to sit around and do nothing so I’m a few adjustments to the Machinery then crafted a chisel this would allow me to make some really beautiful futuristic blocks so then it got me thinking Now’s the Time to start rebuilding my Colony

Making buildings for villagers to sleep in so without further Ado you guessed it it was time to start building You can probably guess that this is my home this is one of the most flashiest things I think I’ve ever had in my life and I was feeling pretty proud of it I then got to work filling the insides with all the Necessities to continue my

Survival look at us go after this I then planted a bunch of tree saplings and then took a look at my Quarry but then I punched this sheep down there which I felt pretty bad about so one like equals one prayer yeah let’s do that I then

Took a look at all of the oars that the choir was missing I then made a few adjustments to my house with the Chisel which I thought made it look really futuristic and really nice but the Quarry was still taking its time so you know what that means time to keep on building

Thank you I was pretty happy with the first house that I had created so I got a good night’s rest and then carried on in the morning as you can see I am constructing a small town maybe three or four buildings which would allow me to move the villagers in and start working on rebuilding

Civilization I was pretty proud of the work that I put in after this I got to work joining all of the builds together with pass and I had a bunch of marble that quarry came in clutch for resource collection pretty happy with this not gonna lie I sure hope my villager

Friends like it the mecca suit and laser guns were just around the corner but in the meantime I just wanted to take a look around and make sure everything was okay I then looked at the Quarry to see if it collected the correct amount of

Resources and oh boy it did it was time to head into my home chill out while my all smelt it’s a pretty bouncy bed and then finally craft all of the components to you guessed it make the full set of macarama I was so excited to put this

Bad boy on look at me look how cool I look however modular power suits do require the Tinker table so I crafted said item and then got to work customizing it a little bit just so it looked you know a little bit cooler I then crafted a bunch of diamond plates

And installed it in my power suit making me pretty strong but I wanted to upgrade it further and for that I’d need to head to the nether to get some blaze rods it’s about to get intense I cleared the area of cyborgs and robots then headed

Down to try and get some obsidian whilst down there I wanted to check out the fire resistance of my modular power suit and man it did not disappoint look at this it takes ages before my suit overheats and gives out I’m like chilling out in a lava jacuzzi over here

This would make the nether way more bearable and taking on those blazes a lot easier I then found a water source and got to work mining it up whilst mining for obsidian I was thinking about my Discord and how active it is at the moment so maybe you should go and check

It out I don’t know I don’t know what I’m trying to plug myself here I then headed back home crafted a flint and steel moved my Quarry over a little bit to make it more efficient and then crafted the obsidian portal obsidian wait a minute the portal I covered it in

Cybernetic technology and lit that bad boy up it was time to head in I made myself a diamond sword and entered futuristic hell this place was absolutely horrific I had to act quickly so I built a small structure around my nether portal to keep it protected and then headed deep

Into The Nether I came across a bunch of different oars I then discovered the cyborg King’s Army was plotting something here so I had to take them on and take them out these guys were extremely quick but nothing could stop me I headed deeper into The Nether collecting glowstone and fighting the

Cyborg King’s Army the nether was no Cakewalk and after a few days I finally found the nether fortress I sneakily entered the terrible Fortress and went hunting for Loot and I got pretty lucky I even came across cybernetic technology that would allow me to modify my bone structure with

Netherwort look at this this would improve my chances of survival incredibly however I’d need more components and I don’t have time right now so I had to keep moving taking on width of skeletons and I finally found the blaze spawner I battled the army of blazes thank you

My modular power suit was keeping me cool while I was taking on waves and waves of these fiery blazes I was collecting Blaze Rod left right and Center it was time to head back I traveled through gory flashy biomes and the deep dark Nether and then I

Finally made it back to my nether portal crazy few days it was time to get some rest the next morning I sorted out everything I collected and then I planned on upgrading my Mecca armor but then I heard a strange sound from above my base it sounded like a hoverboard there he

Was it was the Cyber King flying over my base there he was the Cyber King the cause of all of this I had to get my revenge it was time so I headed back into my base used the blaze powder to upgrade my Mecca armor and obtain a

Plasma cannon I grabbed some sleep and then headed out tackling the Cyber King’s Army as they attacked me I’d have to move my villagers into the colony another time it just wasn’t safe I headed out searching for the Cyber Kings Lair for days but then I finally found

It here it was lavered in cybernetic technology and security cameras he knew I was coming but I headed in anyway there seemed to be a floating card it was a trap but I had to go it was time to fight the Cyber King I activated the card and teleported to his lair I

Left the teleportation chamber and was met with the Cyber King there he was he started firing plasma blasts at me I had to do my best to dodge the shots to survive he then activated a lever which opened two doors sending the Cyber King’s Army after me the first wave of

Cyborgs wasn’t too difficult and when I took them all out it damaged the Cyber King’s Health he then started firing plasma charges and then sent another wave of Creeper robots but I took them on damaging his health after another wave of cyber charges he was infuriated he sent an incredibly large wave of

Robots cyborgs and genetically modified zombies to take me out they were doing some serious damage but I took them on with my technology sword my Mecca Rama’s upgrades powered up and I was feeling pretty Invincible taking on waves after waves of the Cyber King’s Army I then

Ate a golden apple and took on the final way of robots the Cyber King was so angry he chased me and with an explosion I defeated him and obtained my tier 3 overboard we’d done it we took out the Cyber King this thing is so fun to fly

Around I was feeling so happy it was time to head home with my hoverboard I still have to work on my colony to achieve my final goal I headed home and took one last look at the hoverboard look how cool this thing is I then grabbed some sleep because tomorrow is villager day

So now it’s time to get the villagers from here to my base this is going to be really really fun I can already tell this is going to be a massive pain I created a sort of staircase that would make its way down to one of the houses

And then I went and made a bunch of rails on a mine car and started connecting the rails together but my rail building skills are just terrible like for some reason I just couldn’t work out how this is going to work and then I eventually got there gave a

Little test and then went ahead and tried to grab a villager but my goodness me this guy just would not get inside the mine car I have no idea why so I had to think on my feet uh so I thought I’d just ride the minecart myself you know

At least it’ll get some use oh yo this is actually really fun I don’t know why the Villager didn’t want to do this I grabbed some sleep and then the next day I brought a bow and I had much more success the Villager finally climbed

Into the boat and I made my way down very carefully to the bottom I did a little bit of terraforming made space for the bow and then moved them in look how happy they are I think that I think they’re happy they don’t talk a lot I

Guess I just have to move the rest in but you haven’t got to watch that I’m gonna go and do that right now no my part used to tell me it’s better to be a has been than it never was as quick as I can my little leg can’t go

Much quicker Johnny shoot him oh God he’s right behind me oh God hold on he’s gonna get me I’m going to attempt to survive 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft in the wild west with a whole new area to explore new weapons new enemies to tackle our journey begins with me the coffee fuel

Genius let’s go foreign On a wild west journey I kicked off day one with the basics collecting wood once I’d made the crafting table I then went ahead and crafted the wooden tools I needed but then I noticed I was being snuck up on by a wild dog and there was

No way I was dying on day one on our hardcore Journey so I decided to run as fast as I could in the opposite direction I then spotted the temple so I decided to go check it out I made myself a sword and a pickaxe chewed through the side and snuck in

I noticed there was a skeleton spawner there so I decided I wasn’t going to take it on but I also noticed the dogs have stopped following me so I took advantage of the time and went ahead and got some food there were a few ghosts scattered around

So I decided to chop them up get myself some raw mutton I chewed through the raw mutton and continued what’s up I don’t even know what that was I carried on collecting goat’s meat because I’d need food for the rest of our journey then I headed out on day one

Wait a second the dog had returned the dog had returned with a friend and I didn’t know what to do if these wild dogs got hold of me it would be completely over the one had Fleet but one had carried on and hunting me down

So I just had to take it on three hearts of damage from one hit this was dangerous psych you think I was going to be taken down by some stupid dog I strike them down I chewed to the raw mutton and realized this hardcore Journey wasn’t gonna be an easy one so I

Located a nearby cave and got to work mining up some Cobblestone because I’d make it a lot further with stone tools some serious progress made this cave was serving me well I carried on collecting Cobblestone and then I just kind of worked my way down I came across a bunch

Of random ores like uranium and Lead all things I could use to make Machinery I then went ahead and grabbed myself a bunch of coal because I could use coal to make torches and being down in this cave wasn’t so fun in the dark I came across a huge vein of iron which was perfect one step closer to a full set of iron armor the sun had set so I decided to stay in the cave for the night day two was here so I did a little bit of cave exploring and grabbed a bunch of

Iron and then made my way out of the cave as the sun had risen I also realized rats attack you when the sun isn’t fully up great another enemy to fight just what I need I then realized I had the full day ahead of me so it was

Time to do a bit of exploring I had to get some food though as well because my house was really really low nope if you think for a single second I’m gonna fight a grizzly bear with a stone sword you’re mad I headed deeper into the Badlands and came across some green

Nature-filled area with goats it was like food heaven so I decided to make myself like a tiny little camp in the corner I cooked up my food and then smeltered up my oars and made myself some iron woohoo I really wanted to make the projector to make automated

Machinery but I just wasn’t there yet so instead I made myself a shield a vital tool on a hardcore survival journey I then went ahead and made myself an iron sword but I didn’t have enough resources to make a full set of iron armor so I

Decided to head out chop up some wood and then go ahead and kill some cows because I needed the food for the journey but then I was ambushed by a pack of wild dogs I did my best to block the dog’s attacks and then I created some distance between

Us to give me some time to calculate the fierce wild dogs were red lettuce and there was nothing I could do to stop them from attacking me I tried to create some distance but they just kept chasing me and then things got serious which is

Two and a half hearts left I had no choice but to run away and try and create some height the only thing I could do is use up the Cobblestone I had in my inventory to create some hype between me and the ravaging dogs foreign Wild dogs chased me up the mountains I felt like there was no Escape I cracked aside in the mountain and created a small little vantage point I think I was safe so I cooked up the meat I had left and then smelted up my oars I guess I’m here for the night

It was glorious to see the sun rise on day three I can’t believe we survived such a close encounter I decided to head up and over the mountains I stayed away from any enemies as much as I could I created a bucket so I could get some more water

It’s always good to have a bucket of water on you I guess it was time to jump down this mountain oh here goes nothing and I died and the whole thing ended and now I’m joking I made it I made it to the bottom of the mountain and then I carried on my

Journey across the wildlands I was hoping to find some civilization and also create that automated Machinery I’d spoken about earlier Day three and I was really enjoying the foresty area that I was in it was a nice refreshing break from the wildlands I also found a minecart chest with a bunch of blue lapis in which was great I also then came across a load of coal which I

Mined up and then headed out across the wildlands but once again I was ambushed but not just from dogs this time but also Rats the sun was setting and these guys turned evil and as you can hear they were chasing me and chasing me I had no choice but to use my height

Tactic I decided to create some distance between me and my foes this was exhausting just three days in and this wasn’t getting any easier so I decided to stay here for the night Day four and I was surrounded by horrific weather conditions but I had no choice but to continue moving forward on our Wild West Journey lightning striked and it was just too dangerous to stay above ground so I took advantage and went into the caves to mine up some more

Oars I wanted to get that Machinery so I could make rifles weapons and more I came across some gold ore which was vital to making the projector I then headed into Bedrock level and yes you guessed it Finally some diamonds some serious progress made on day five I mined up these diamonds and had a total of six in my inventory this was insane so I decided to head back up I wanted to keep the momentum going so I looked down to the distance into the horse ridden

Planes and headed deeper into the wild west I wonder what challenges lie ahead on this hardcore survival Journey Day eight and I was deep within the wildlands I hunted for more food and I quickly realized I was lost I tried to make a bed with the wool I collected but it just didn’t seem to work in the crafting table so instead I made some

Shears to use on the sheep that was stuck up on this mountain with me but it just didn’t seem to work but then I used the big brain and used the goats wall and turned into white wall I don’t know how that worked but anyway I made a bed

And I got some sleep at the end of day eight it was great to get a good night’s rest but I had to keep the ball rolling I smattered up all of my iron ores took out the dogs that were attacking me and they’d made myself a full set of iron

Armor and then crafted a diamond pickaxe look at us go I then made my way down the mountain after cooking up some food we had to keep moving forward I finally escaped the dusty Badlands and headed towards the desert Plains when finally I’d spotted a village let’s go but then this happened the fierce grizzly bear was colossal and stature towering over me his giant bear paws was striking me taking huge help and no amount of steak could save me he

Was striking and striking almost taking my life I used my Obi-Wan like instincts and managed to get The High Ground but he just climbed up I really didn’t know what to do I just carried on striking and striking trying to get close enough and eventually I succeeded I killed the grizzly bear

And taken his bear claw I crawled over to the western town and the villagers healed me up they even thanked me for eliminating the bear and freeing The Village they even rewarded me with the engineer’s hammer this would be crucial to making the revolver I even grabbed myself a wooden storage crate which

Worked similar to a shulker box wow I couldn’t believe it some serious progress made I cleared up the area of enemies and got some sleep day 10 was here it was time to head out and find somewhere to make camp but then this happened we’re heading to the Badlands I found a

Nearby camper but I was also being chased by wild dogs they almost took my life so I ran to the camera to see if he could help me out and to much surprise he did foreign [Applause] this guy had saved my life so we chatted

For a little while and I got to know him He offered me a bunch of insane trades and then sent me on my way informing me of a location of a nearby Camp I headed over and got to know everybody this is where I set up camp I even tamed a hamster nearby because well I was kind

Of bored and I mean look look how cute they are look at it oh he’s so cute I put down all the things I had in my inventory spent the evening defending the camp killing the foes that tried to kill us in our sleep I decided to make a tent

Stick it down and get a good night’s rest day 11 was here so I spent it collecting wood planting weed seeds because I wanted to build a place I could finally call home Foreign 16 was here and I finally finished my little Western build considering I had barely any resources I was happy with the turnout I also need to get a flower for the little puck because it’s looking pretty empty I also have a bunch of animals now so things are looking good

Day 17 rolled around and to get paper I’d need that sugar cane but what stood between me and the sugar cane were these Snappy little beasts who kept jumping out from the ocean at me I mean look at this what on What world is a piranha

Leap from the depths of the ocean to try and bite your legs off I had to think on my feet so I chewed up my meat and then made a bridge over it’s about two blocks high I made it over the little Lake and then I got my hands on that lovely

Little sugar cane and then I was an absolute and I fell off the bridge which like I was laughing the whole time I was doing this but also like like terrified as well I pooped my pants a little bit because I thought I was gonna

Die but can you imagine if I die to piranhas yeah Flappy little monsters anyway I ignored them planted my sugar canes also some wheat seeds and then headed back and got a good night’s rest day 18 and I just realized cows have names this one’s called Angus hello

Angus I I started out all my oars and wait for the sugar canes to grow and then I finally had enough to make one book which then I combined with a lever and yes you guessed it I finally had the engineers manual I could finally make the coke oven which is crucial to

Progressing to make the coke oven I’d have to head out and get a bunch of resources like sand clay so I can make bricks so I kind of just did that like dodging piranhas and got to work I’m loving it After a good few days of dedication I had more than enough resources to finally make the coke oven I looked at the recipe book in the manual and then just got to crafting it uh at first I thought I didn’t have enough when in fact actually I had like way too much

Like too much and then I just kind of bashed my hammer against the front because that’s how engineering works and I finally finished the coke oven which was amazing I made a bunch of buckets and then started to collect creosote oil so I could make treated wood which is

Crucial to making the revolver and speaking of the revolver I’d have to make the engineers workbench and a bunch of other items this thing was not as straightforward as I thought it was a bit of a pain in my backside I won’t lie but I did remember that from the storage

Crate we found in the village earlier there was a few things that would like speed up the process like a like a blueprint and a few steel rods it wasn’t a lot but I got to make the revolver Barrel it was good to get the ball rolling I then grab some creosote oil

And got some sleep while the wild west slept I was thinking about how I could kill the Ender Dragon with a revolver Because it was time to get a wiggle on I soaked all of my wooden planks in creosote oil making them treated with planks which would allow me to construct the engineer’s workbench I built it outside in this really like quickly accessible thing and then it was time to make bullets I was making huge progress I grabbed the blueprint and then had a look at what I need to make the cartridges it was pretty straightforward actually big progress all right partner day 27 was here and I smattered up all my oars and then made myself a couple of wooden

Grips for the revolver which was huge I then like forgot how to make the wooden casings which was like kind of funny so I checked the book and then I made a bunch of bullets for the revolver which which was huge I don’t know I didn’t

Have a revolver yet but it was nice to have the ammo there I wonder what tomorrow would bring please faced and bright eye day 28 I headed into a strip mine everything was cooking back at home and so I thought it was time to get some diamonds Foreign I tore through chunky Cobblestone for a good few days and found myself a bunch of diamonds I was collecting these bad boys left right and Center I even found some emeralds which was like a pretty big bonus and then decided to head back to see if I had enough to make full

Diamond armor I made it home and you guessed it oh I constructed a full set of diamond armor day 43 was a bit more of a chilled one I tended to my little farm my animals and then I thought I’d head into my strip mine because I wanted to grab obsidian

I was pretty determined to make that nether portal so I just dedicate a lot of time to collecting obsidian and then I tried to like look cool for the video and place things with both hands but I was holding obsidian look I placed obsidian but I messed up I was so

Annoyed like do you know how long this thing takes to like mine I know it’s not that long but it’s just a bit of a pain in my backside I then headed back to get some sleep because the next day I wanted to make the Nether Portal so I gathered

A bunch of resources made of flint and steel headed to the area where I’d build it and yep you guessed it got to work The build was complete I sparked up that flint and steel and opened a portal to the underworld I made a secret room as well behind us with terracotta I don’t know I then killed a bunch of Enderman to grab some ender pearls because I’d need that to progress to the Ender

Dragon I then wanted to make the crude Blast Furnace but to make that like you need blaze powder and for that you guessed it we’re heading into The Nether I was so nervous it could all end here as I stepped into hell’s Gates I was greeted with sweltering conditions this

Place was terrifying I could hear Ghasts screaming in the distance I quickly encased my nether portal in protection grab some Netherrack and headed deeper into The Nether trudged through Netherrack for days traversing Over the Sea of lava making my way very carefully around corners but what awaited me was something far more

Dangerous than I could have ever imagined Foreign It was another Fortress enriched in blazes firing their Fireballs towards me I used my shield and Diamond Sword to take them out I was hoping to collect some blaze rods but the first one ah I lost it I just had to carry on fighting I was attacked by waves and waves of

Blazes I didn’t know what to do one fire their Fireball and all I had was defense oh after fighting the places for ages I headed back home with the blaze rods I had to make it back quickly I finally made it home blaze rods ready to go

Day 67 was here and I was ready to make the crew Blast Furnace but I had to let everything cook first so in the meantime I planted some sugar canes you know smash up some ironing gets into steel plates and went out and killed some Enderman you know I was just sort of

Doing like little jobs here and there kill more Enderman what the hell I then finally constructed the crude Blast Furnace I built it outside my house slapped my hammer on the front you know the drill and then finally made myself some steel ingots which was which was a

Pretty big deal to be fair that’s big progress I then killed some more Enderman and then you guessed it I constructed the revolver look at me I feel like a real cowboy hey howdy partner I’m a cowboy who got the gun and stuff and then like day 74 like

A rat Stole My Revolver can you imagine after all that hard work like I lost it anyway back to being cool back to being cool let’s shoot the dog yeah yeah I made a bow and bullets in the thing and killed stuff yeah and then I went and

Killed some Enderman anyway enough of that I had a deeper into the wild west I like how cool this revolver is like bam and the bear was dead in like three four shots that’s insane I then spoke to a local camper got good night’s rests and then sold some emeralds for a pouch

Which then I’d store the ender pearls I collect while I go out killed more stuff with My Revolver and then just kind of spent my time taking out Enderman grabbing those ender pearls you know making big progress I then realized I was running out of time so I guess it

Was time to go and face that Ender Dragon I had big plans for my little area I know I hadn’t built a lot so far but I was hoping in my 200 days to make the enchantment table and build some big Stables I had huge plans I was really

Excited I got a good night’s rest ready for the big day I threw my first Eye of Ender so there it was the first Eye of Ender guiding me in the direction I needed to go I headed deep into the wild west I made my way over huge piranha infested

Waters and then traveled up giant mountains this was a challenge in itself I continued following those eyes heading into different biomes the blazing sun was scorching [Applause] I traveled for days on end trying to find that stronghold fighting different enemies I eventually came to this location but it was underwater and I was gonna drown so I found a nearby cave and like mine sideways inwards mining down deeper and deeper when eventually I came

To those mossy cobblestone walls I had found the stronghold now it was time to find that portal I navigated the maze-like corridors in the stronghold I found a couple of chests here and there with the ender pearls in but I just couldn’t seem to find the end portal I killed creepers

And cooked up some food and then I finally found it eliminating the silverfish spawner I then placed the eye of enders in this was the moment I take on the Ender Dragon so nervous I couldn’t wait to kill this thing with the revolver it was time to jump in

I was here in the end I took out the first Tower with my bow incredible accuracy I tried to take a shot at the dragon with My Revolver okay um this is gonna be really hard to watch and um I I actually like teared up a

Little bit while I did this as well because after hours and hours of work this happened I’m just gonna let the clip play out but I warn you it’s not fun yep so shooting the revolver attracts every single Enderman in the end like

How was I meant to know I I was livid I took a look in spectator mode at everything I’d built so far I had so much plan for this like even my animals were left all alone I guess I just have to move on thank you foreign So I made it to the 100th day and well the revolver decided to do me dirty what a plot twist so annoying if you guys think I should try again you could comment below I really enjoy making this for you guys I now have a twitch Twitter

And Instagram that’ll all be linked in the description below as always I’m the coffee fuel genius peace love and positivity baby I hope you have a great day don’t forget to like And subscribe I’ll see you in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2023-04-21 12:17:26. It has garnered 1174797 views and 4163 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:31 or 13951 seconds.

Hardcore mode in Minecraft is the hardest difficulty in the game, I survived 1000 days! We’ve Will I be able to survive and complete all of the quests? Will I be able to defeat the Minecraft bosses, become the best mc player, obtain all the insane ARMOUR, WEAPONS AND TOOLS! Find out in this epic adventure in Hardcore Minecraft. I’ve compiled 10 of the greatest 100 days adventures, we travel through moments in time! Stone age, wild west, medieval and more! ENJOY ๐Ÿ˜€ GRAB SOME POPCORN AND RELAX!

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb

Hit the like button if you liked the quests! ๐Ÿ˜€

I say stuff here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoffeeFuelledG

Let me know your thoughts in the comments…


PLEASE HIT SUBSCRIBE ๐Ÿ˜€ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoffeeFuelledG Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/coffeefuelledg

Chapters: 00:00 – INTRO 00:21 – 100 DAYS STONE AGE 23:03 – 100 DAYS TREASURE ISLAND 46:46 – 100 DAYS VOLCANO ISLAND 01:10:33 – 100 DAYS TROPICAL OCEAN 01:35:49 – 100 DAYS ARCTIC OCEAN (VIKINGS) 02:07:04 – 100 DAYS TROPICAL ISLAND 02:27:02 – 100 DAYS MEDIEVAL AGE 02:46:02 – 100 DAYS ANCIENT EGYPT 03:11:00 – 100 DAYS FUTURE 03:30:00 – 100 DAYS WILD WEST


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    "๐Ÿ’ฉ PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THE NEW BEGINNING IN SURVIVAL SERIES DAY 3 2024#gaming #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by PooKRi is Live on 2024-01-14 19:10:32. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:25:23 or 19523 seconds. #valorant #valorantindia Hello everyone ๐ŸŒน welcome to the เฒ•เฒจเณเฒจเฒก เฒ—เณ‡เฒฎเฒฟเฒ‚เฒ—เณเฒšเฒพ เฒšเฒพเฒจเฒฒเณKANNADA GAMING CHANNEL Do like share subscribe and support Kannada channel ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน Letโ€™s do fun ๐Ÿ™Œand enjoy the stream ๐ŸŒน โค๏ธ ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅˆ Second Channel Link -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNuY5-nYHVa5eylh32RI4g Join Discord:- https://discord.gg/sdX7HzT6 โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” DONATION ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ธ (Gpay and Phone pay) โœ…Rules of chat ๐Ÿง‘โ€โš–๏ธ NO spam,self promotion or… Read More

  • Breakfast Club

    Breakfast ClubBreakfast club – Minecraft survivalists Features: > Free for all. > Keep inventory is on. > mob griefing is off. > 15 current active players > Java 1.15.2 Breakfast Club is a friendly discord society committed to civility, compassion, and making a difference in the world. We host regular Minecraft get-togethers, movie nights, chess tournaments, and more. Join our community and meet people from around the world! breakfast.apexmc.co Read More

  • KazzyKraft Modded | Whitelist | 15+ | 1.19.2

    Modded Minecraft Server for Building and Exploring If you’re tired of grindy Minecraft servers and want to focus on building and exploring, this server is for you! Created by Ezzy and Katty, we offer a small, no P2W server with around 100 mods including Origins, Cobblemon, Naturalist, and more. Server Specifications: DedicatedMC server 24/7 run time North America based Version 1.19.3 If you’re interested, join our Discord here to get started today! We hope to see you soon! Katty and Ezzy Read More

  • NitroGaming

    NitroGamingWelcome to the NitroGaming server page!We are still a fairly new server.Our main component is the game mode Survival!IP: ng.mineplay.meServer version: 1.20.4Discord; discord.gg/7YyHuQUC(We are still looking for team members) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft trend alert ๐ŸŒถ”

    “Looks like this Minecraft meme is hitting a high score of 95 in the meme game! Guess it’s mining its way to the top!” Read More

  • Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft’s Hungry Hero

    Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft's Hungry Hero In the world of Minecraft, where cookies are sweet, There’s a tale of a thief, with nimble feet. He sneaks in the kitchen, with mischief in mind, But the owner yells out, “Hey, don’t touch my food, you’ll find!” The animation is short, but the humor is grand, With TikTok and Instagram at their command. Using mods and shaders, the visuals are bright, Creating memes that bring joy and delight. So next time you’re craving a cookie or two, Remember this tale, and the lesson it drew. Respect others’ food, don’t be a sneaky guy, Or you might just… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft's Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Who needs a superhero when you have a super dog in Minecraft? Watch out Ravager, this pup is about to unleash some serious bark-our!” ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’ฅ #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most intriguing stories from the world of Minecraft. Today, we have a unique tale to share with you that will send shivers down your spine and make you question everything you thought you knew about the game. Have you ever encountered something strange in Minecraft that made you question reality? Well, in a recent YouTube video titled “Something in the Rain,” a player shares their chilling experience in a survival world that took a dark and mysterious turn. The player starts off innocently enough, exploring a new world and… Read More


    1 JT DAMAGE WEAPON ONE-SHOT MINECRAFT BOSS Minecraft Bosses: Can a 1K Damage Weapon One-Shot Them? From the comments on the previous video, curiosity sparked. Yesterday, we tested the bosses in Eden, and now, we’re here to find out if this weapon can take down Minecraft bosses like the Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither. In this video, we’ll put it to the test. Testing the Weapon As the experiment begins, the weapon doesn’t feel powerful at first. However, as the battle progresses, the damage starts to add up. Upgraded to a million damage, the anticipation builds. Results First up, the Wither. With a single shot, it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!

    Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!Video Information all right definitely didn’t start cuz I have to actually hit like start stream right wait why does it say end stream wait hold up hold up did I just successfully start a stream without any hiccups like at all ain’t no way am I able to find this or is it on like unlisted holy CRA what I actually was able to start a stream without just throwing immediately like I started a few minutes early because I was expecting hey I’ll have technical difficulties like I’ll be failing a few times because I always fail every… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

    Surviving Minecraft Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information in this video I played the Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse mods these zombies are actually insane they can break blocks build dig under your base ah and they’re really fast there’s already something there a what is this all right so we’re in this game so the first thing I always do in Minecraft oh yeah we have a gun it’s insane better find some shelter before night time cuz when it’s night time then it’s going to going to suck funny thing is when you break a tree everything breaks instantly isn’t that insane still the skin from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!Video Information [Music] Eric are you okay man yo what are you saying okay guys no no let’s not put enough torches down oh my God oh my God actual progression has been made nickm oh This video, titled ‘Funniest Minecraft Hardcore Deaths| @GamersReact |#trendingshorts #youtubeshorts ||’, was uploaded by Akshat Gamerz on 2024-01-15 07:45:02. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!

    Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT ๐Ÿ˜ฑ MINECRAFT WEIRD DIMENSION’, was uploaded by MaveMarvy on 2024-03-21 10:20:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found myself in a dimension of strange creatures #minecraft Please subscribe MINECRAFT SERVER MINECRAFT … Read More

  • “Dream_pro’s Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!” #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€

    "Dream_pro's Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!" #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€Video Information are you ready for the official release of [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Nostalgic Minecraft ๐Ÿฅบ #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-05 14:00:15. It has garnered 9041 views and 271 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #nostalgia #nostalgic #dream #dreamsmp #herobrine #herobrinesmp #shorts Read More

  • CaptainSparklez 2 – Ultimate Minecraft Exploits – SDMP #10

    CaptainSparklez 2 - Ultimate Minecraft Exploits - SDMP #10Video Information Hello everybody welcome back to the SDM PP um I’ve been visited by the prank wiin let’s hope you find the gift he left before it finds you who is the prank wiin um remove Astros HOA fine and the king is set free [Laughter] uh H I don’t know I don’t know if I can that’s a mighty friendly greeting after kidnapping the king you know you know I I don’t that doesn’t seem in line with the uh with what has been what has taken place here I don’t know have I found any gifts is… Read More

  • Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information why is he hold the cat like that what he’s he’s holding the c a machine gun why wait guys there’s a [ย __ย ] picture of Neil newon holding this cat and apparently according to the caption this cat is what ins ire the attitude and personality for aaran but he’s holding this cat so incorrectly oh my God oh my God that looks so funny oh my God oh my God ow my head ow ow ow ow ow oh my God oh my God it’s like it’s like he’s holding this cat and this cat’s like leaning… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene Landscapes

    EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene LandscapesVideo Information [Music] [Music] I [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] a e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] for I [Music] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft Infantry War: Battles in Serene Landscapes with Shaders’, was uploaded by DasGamingHaus on 2024-04-06 12:56:48. It has garnered 2490 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. Minecraft Infantry Combat in the trees and hills Mods: BSL Shaders Flans WW2 mod bots Flans mod Modular Warfare Custom NPCs Optifine Read More

  • Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!

    Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!Video Information Allora allora Tano Allora io vedo comunque una descrizione che dice Salve straniero Ok piacere Mi chiamo Luca e sono un ragazzo con come tanti con la passione per detec non penso che sono tanti Tano No beh come come tante Cioรจ nel senso su 60 milioni quando siamo in Italia 70 Insomma Qualche migliaio ci saranno no intera Community almeno 1000 sono tuoi iscritti Quindi penso di sรฌ Quindi Quindi almeno penso che giร  stai raggiungendo il massimo di iscrizioni No no c’รจ c’รจ molto margine Ok ok abito a Pisa Giร  ti sei fatto contro Praticamente… Read More

  • UglyDuckling

    UglyDucklingOn UglyDuckling, our goal is to expand our lovely new community with people who want to have fun and be a part of our community. This server is new and we are willing to expand and improve whenever possible. We strive to make a safe space for players to come together and have fun during these weird times. Our server has extra features that add to the fun of the game while keeping a vanilla feel such as Mob heads, /spawn command, /home bed, and multiplayer sleep. mc.uglyduckling.ml Read More

  • Hermitcraft Style SMP Bedrock Vanilla Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)