ibxtoycat – Minecon LIVE 2019 – NEW Update Theme, Biome Vote & More!

Video Information

Hello I’m Abbi extra care and welcome to mine comm live 2019 what you see in the background right now is pre-show we’re gonna turn that up you can listen to it will react to it together but what’s the big event the big thing you want to look

For it’s happening in five minutes time it is Minecon like that it’s it’s I think two ish hours and in that two hours you can expect to see things that you’re probably very already excited about and I don’t need to tell you so how about we just say here’s my con live

Hello let’s buy minecraft going mining maybe doing some reading with some friends so much fun stuff I don’t want to tell you too much because I think a little bit of it should be like a surprise well you can still looking forward to the most I wanted to be so good and looks

Beautiful judging by the noise interesting earlier things are really starting to warm up behind me shall we go and take a peek yeah all right oh my [Applause] yeah everyone looks super psyched up for the show now bringing it back to you guys what do you personally hope that they’re going to tell us about this year not asking you to give away secrets just your what you what you want to see oh man

Hot seat I mean you know I want that update but you know you already know why but I want a big change to caving that’s the big thing for me what would be your ideal change that you would you could potentially receive or that you’re hoping to get more hostile

Mobs all right I’m gonna walk out how to do like nonverbal like donation cues and stuff like that because it’s gonna be a lot of talking but I don’t want to talk over and it’s I can turn it down but it’s pretty good as usual now we are

Ready to go to the main broadcast enjoy minecon live 2019 everybody I look forward to seeing you back here after the show so make sure that you don’t go away because we will have much more for you as soon as the main episode wraps up see you guys in a bit

So yeah mic on stir it’s happening now the pre shows of free show just means pre – show now is real – sure or maybe no all right so we’ve got some downtime what are you really hoping to see in the cave update hostile mobs that’s it just hostile mobs more than

That but I mainly want it to be the hostile mobs like I want it to be more dangerous I want to not just be able to get the diamond armor early on and then just survive I want them to be something that this is kind of a hope that they

Steel armor and yep this guy gets a feeling items yeah Oh huh I mean okay yeah I could that’d be kind of a cool ad I just just sounds so difficult already it’s like what about what about like I guess different types of I mean I know

We have the swamp biome update but what other kind of updates would you want to have happen in a in any random biome Oh in any random cave bio talked about this we want more lion creatures creatures yeah it’s more about the we were talking I wish I could physically be there just

To heckle them all which I’m on something you know like that would be cool to fly on them right take them somehow he attacked by something from the sky cuz sometimes you’re a little too safe yeah and it’d be kind of scary phantoms pose a great threat at night but to have

Something to during the daytime that would really force you to take cover we’re getting better at PvP which would be awesome so what’s one of the coolest things that you guys would say that you’ve ever encountered in the game and it can be anything it could be something

That you built it could be a particular mob moment that you had like what was the first turtle egg hatched like such a great moment did you have your moment of like making the okay so what would you say over the course of the last 10 years

Is your favorite thing I mean what really stuck out to you that I mean because that’s a very long time some of the people even watching the show might not have been been even born yet so what would be the one thing that popped out

To you the most that oh wow this is a really iconic moment for this title I think it’s being able to play with friends I don’t so and also some predictions predictions is they’re gonna they’re gonna give some credence to the cave update thing a prediction is that it’s something between building those

Friendships and staying in touch with people who have moved away has been like the most amazing part of Minecraft for me personally sure Liam really quick cuz I’m getting in my FB that they are ready for the show what would you say is your other than that I would say a redstone

Redstone is added a whole new thing to me the first day I was able to use Pistons was like game-changing for me awesome it was like I got to make this door that I just press a button and I could walk through and it just opens up it was beautiful awesome

I know alright very good folks thanks for joining us in our top secret talk and get ready for a mind okay now now actual stop is there we go I don’t know what it’s funny dad look at almost a minute delay it extra there for now real

Shows beginning we got a trailer to begin with so I’ll get ready for this you hyped I’m hyped let’s go this is for everyone 10 plus get out there 9 year olds which is every minecraft player as we know family Driving on the wrong side There’s a timer upper let you know what I agree carry win froak twin full I agree oh I missed the London shop this is what you do to Gary yeah this is really cool cinematic I like this a lot yeah this is to keep its fire do that some Lydia winters [Applause] Hello and welcome to mind pond live 2019 I’m your host Lydia winters and today we have a great show for you it’s been a really exciting year in May we celebrated ten years of Minecraft that means the game is older than some of you watching right now this game has changed

The lives of so many people watching and I can definitely say that it has completely changed mine today we’ll look back at where we’ve been where we are now and we’ll look into the future of all things minecraft it’s our biggest show yet there’s something for everyone

Helping me out this year we have four amazing co-hosts who are backstage getting ready right now see you all soon that’s not getting ready that’s being ready thank you very much I feel like we have our yearly vote where you get to decide what gets added to the game next

We have three great choices this year but I’ll let our trusty News correspondent tell you more about that later this past year we announced not one but two new minecraft games minecraft dungeons and minecraft earth and today on stage you’re gonna see live gameplay it’s going to be amazing

Between our two new games our 10-year anniversary and all of our new updates 2019 has been a huge year for Minecraft we actually have too much news to wait until the end of the show so this year we’re gonna start right now with the first of four minecraft update segments

Let’s get started with something people have been buzzing about at least they know what people you know we’ll have ten minutes at the end and we got Lady Agnes one more one more nothing please welcome Agnes and Corey from the Minecraft to you you don’t love

Ladies hello so I’m the lead of the minecraft gameplay team and I’m on the minecraft gameplay team very convenient so you’re here to tell us about something pretty exciting and pretty adorable what is it yes so we are going to talk about the very cute and also

Useful beasts bees let’s look at some games yeah so you can see here the bees are going to and from the flowers kind of pollinating the flowers gathering some pollen nectar taking it back to the back as they go you can see those sort of dropping the nectar pollen particles

And growing the crops actually and so you can sort of learn the relationship between the bee and the flowers and crops and that’s awesome they’re a little bigger than I would have thought how did you decide on their size yeah so originally we thought maybe we’ll have

You know tiny bees everyone expects me to be tiny they’re already tiny tiny bees are not cute enough they they that make you feel like they’re kind of annoying they’re kind of swarming in y’all and then big beads we tried bees the size of a full block and we think

It’s the cutest size for a bee that’s awesome okay like the size of the beat apparently so and you actually thought a lot about how the real world and game mechanics go together so let’s look at some of the ways you’re teaching people about these Underneath in order to gather one issue actually is that if you as you can see here if you harvest without putting the campfire underneath the beans get angry at you because there’s why are you invading their home that’s not cool the campfire is smoking and allowing the

Bees to calm down I think it really nice little detail is when they stung you they actually lose their stinger and eventually die which of course is very sad but it’s that’s how it works in life actually okay and you’re really excited because people can learn more about bees

Through Minecraft and that’s something pretty important to the two of you yes so often actually when we add things to Minecraft we are thinking can we teach something and in this case since the bee population is decreasing a lot in the real world which is a big problem we

Really felt that we wanted to like teach the players so that’s why I did one of the reasons so that bees need flowers in order to produce honey and to make speed up the crop growth because if you actually plant more flowers in the real world that would help the bees in the

Real world as well and Cory you took this like learning about bees to the next level tell us about that I did I actually I spent a long time going on and researching I met with several beat experts I went and studied hives I studied nests I lived as a bee for a

While actually I feel like we need to see some footage of that to believe it yeah I think we have that actually believe it they do these segments every year I’ll be honest this is the urban eyes hey Cory it’s a wrap for today all right it

Was good to be here so how much did you learn about the bee is on your little expedition I learned way more than anybody you should ever know about bees except maybe the bee expert except maybe they’d be experts but there are so many fascinating be facts out there that I

Learned and I mean both leaf and Josefina the people I met were incredibly amazing wonderful people taught me everything and so I actually used a lot of that knowledge to work on bees in Minecraft that’s really cool and that’s gonna become a YouTube video that’s a bit of a documentary about the

Process of bees so you’ll be able to watch that in a few weeks I think next week next week no perfect yeah but there’s one thing no one has seen in any snapshots related to the bees and we’re gonna premiere it here at Minecon so what is it yes so we’re actually adding

A new block and that’s the honey block let’s see the honey block hmm so it’s very sticky and as you can see you can’t really jump when you are on the honey block and it’s also sticky on the sides so you fall down very slowly that’s awesome

It keeps you going pretty slowly so you can’t go very fast I can’t really outrun anything we also added some interesting pistol mechanics to it so the planning block moves with piston and also players or animals on it will also move together with the honey blocks so how do you see

Players using this amazing new honey block yeah I think it would be super cool if no players use these moving honey blocks to create some kind of like platform game map and the players have to jump and they move around and I think that could be really fun yeah and I’m

Really looking forward to parkour Maps I really want to see players utilize the sliding mechanics up and down but also the inability once you Oh jump down you can’t jump back up so normally if there’s a one block difference you can just go back and forth but with the honey block you’d be

Stuck that’s amazing and last thing Agnes I know Cory has taken up a big hobby it sounded like it okay started doing it too but Cory what what what is Cory’s hobby yeah so four months everyday there is like at least at least 10 probably more like hundred

Be punks every day at office aha hey Cory then to close out the B section at Minecon live 2019 can you give us a beep on that mean that’s pretty situational though I can’t just wing it and be creative like that nothing out that one really stung sis pile as I said

Earlier here we have four incredible co-hosts they took their Minecon live training to a whole new level Question mark but what are we watching what are you doing I’ve met two of those people aren’t I just a famous person I guess [Applause] each of us work with us to create an incredible game show for the first time ever we’re gonna have a Minecraft triathlon Shelby what is a Minecraft trip the gone the left is so much happier than the rest in Minecraft dungeons Scott maslow and Marielle will

Be competing against our team Mojang who do you think will win that’s for sure we’ll see I’m a little biased so maybe mojo I know that one of the games has been making the co-hosts a bit nervous I think that’s your game Arielle yeah that would be me I’m guilty but

They shouldn’t be too scared there are many some crazy things coming along their way but they should be fine yikes Scott you have some special guests in your segment yes and my show is called mind games data and I’ve invited my good friend strawberry 17 and heat

From 94 and he’ll compete against Shelby and Marielle an award game that sounds awesome and one of our games has been a pretty big secret but maybe you would tell us something about it Masuya please well it will be in Japanese that is a first we’ve never had an old Japanese

Game anything else but I can give you one hint but oh it sounds like it’s going to be amazing okay you all have to go get ready and we will see you very soon thank you co-host minecraft is the game that keeps on giving with updates here’s a look back

At what’s been added over the past 10 years via the compass Erin’s favorite I like the polar bear is the same and totally out of the gang That was two years ago aw did you remember the one where they got that natural celebrity and I forgot that was a thing they really did Oh something broke Yeah how’s that window [Applause] secret spooky games oh I sent those bienvenidos welcome everybody let’s go ahead and have some fun we’re going to be starting with our first game of the day which we like to call digging for diamonds and here are our contestants shall be allowed Scott oh and Matthew hi [Applause]

Are going to have to do the aim of the game is to collect as many diamonds as they can from each of the blocks that are gonna be in front of them no like it always does feel a bit like forced you know like they’re trying to squeeze in

Some time with some vaguely Minecraft related people don’t Begley minecraft related things that’s for them to find out now as you can see the vlogs are also divided into three different minecraft biomes we’re going to assign one biome to each person and to the site who gets which but also to be fair

They’re going to choose from one of these so are you ready pick your biome alright good selection alright we’ll head on over to your stations [Applause] we have Sylvie coming up first with a Plains biome are you feeling a little nervous I’m getting the feeling these

Aren’t very plain yeah that’s what I was going to say just because it sounds easy because of the plain biome it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy so yeah keep that in mind but you’re gonna be fantastic you’re gonna do great thank you now you’re gonna have 15 seconds per

Block to get as many diamonds as you can using one hand only make sure they land inside of this because if they don’t land they’re not gonna count god I hate them to count alright okay let’s go ahead and review your first block you ready ready alright Yeah I know I feel great now all right you’re 15 seconds Tony now go go go go go all right [Applause] there you go is that honey is a lot of chunks a lot of chunks yeah that’s – thanks for this by the way you more cares about this your time begins now

Dive right into it just yeah that’s do we don’t name these yeah that there you just wash them in Mary oh I love men’s making me uncomfortable so it’s a good job left you got five so far oh let’s go stay in their sticky situation all right

Your last block your last chance you everyone it’s go ahead and reveal what’s inside and your time begins now go go go go Oh oh my god it’s your birthday today right happy birthday some cake I knew chocolate was your favorite wonder around I did it smells like George help me so rich

Yeah well there’s no more George’s in here I mean maybe he left a couple of his friends inside feeling quite shell I don’t know anymore yeah well don’t worry we got some cool surprises in store for ya all right well you know the drill 15 seconds per block

One hand the only make sure the older diamonds landing here okay you ready as I’m gonna be people I’m not liking this yeah I know right already 15 seconds now go go go go go Oh so bit chilly in here isn’t it Oh times oh my god

Come on Scott come on Scott come on you can’t do it at least get one I’ll count it out will counted will counted that was too close that was a close second to my hunch oh maybe you have better luck with the next one all right let’s go ahead and review your

Second block oh yeah I know 15 seconds that rifle you only got one though no job why is everything so cold I mean it is the snowy Tundra you knew what you were diving I’m not looking after I’m not looking at just dive into it you’re doing great I think that’s three [Applause] That’s time last chance last chance you’re not doing so great Scott the jump goes this one should be a lot easier okay let’s go here reveal what’s inside they don’t think is easy it is I promise you’re fine you’re fine 15 seconds go go go go go just in time for the holidays

[Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] so the swamps with our final contestant must I can just say I can do it 15 seconds each black make sure the time inside all right all right okay here we go let’s go ahead and reveal your first block and go right in you’re doing fantastic second block okay you’re doing

Fantastic last block we’re gonna go and reveal and your time begins now Japanese energy just hits it’s true Japanese energy is what we need to keep us going [Applause] [Applause] right over here let’s all come together I just have to say I’m very proud of you you’ll you were all super brave just diving into the blogs without knowing what was inside so I just want to say the reader and we’re gonna go ahead and

Tell your points to the winner bounce it back in yourselves instead of voting for the other person really yeah all right well I guess that’s what’s happening but we have a winner and we’re happy to announce that [Applause] at least e1 japanese energy for diamonds stirrers of the world I’m booboo your

Vote correspondent during today’s show all of you will vote on which minecraft biome is updated first with some great new features last year the mighty taiga biome won your vote over the savanna and the desert in a landslide victory which was surprising since landslides themselves aren’t very common in the

Taiga biome I suppose people just couldn’t get couldn’t resist the sweet sweet allure of those berries this year we have a whole new set of biomes for you to choose from there are others different biomes in Minecraft so even James from with some major tasks for the team but they persevered and brought

Three delightful choices as usual tiny agnes and tiny ends will take you through each of your options and tree into end to introduce them we have tiny vu take it away little guy so this is the first segment which thanks giant foo wait wait I’m not a giant I’m just

Average size you’re quite tiny technically I’m just a bunch of pixels so I’m scalable to any size but I suppose it’s all just perspective anyway on to the biomes first up we have the badlands whoa that tumbleweed almost hit me well they don’t call it the badlands because of their good manners ooh

This new cactus is fancy oh what’s that spook about you’re doing vultures are drawn to loot left behind by unlucky explorers dilute imagine looking at that fireman thinking of the good idea is that a boat yes this boat has a chest built-in for all the cool things to find at sea look

It’s our new friend the Frog you actually we’re not that close here’s a mangrove tree that frogs in the swamp frog is look at me funny yeah this is what I’m talking about Oh watch your step the snow is snow we have done before Mountains are getting an upgrade jagged

Cliffs and snow-capped peaks dramatic views the gold is getting away let’s go Wow all three biomes are amazing but you have to choose and whichever you do will go into the game back to you giant boo seriously I am NOT a giant I just seem Jayant to you just

Like you seem tiny to me although who’s to say who’s giant who’s tiny maybe we’re both just infinitely scalable anyway last year before the show started I was sure I knew which biome would win but I was wrong this year I have no idea they’re all

Just so great so here’s how to vote first make sure you have registered for a Twitter account and log on to Twitter later in the show you’ll need to go to the Minecraft Twitter account when we post the voting poll just click on the biome you want to win there will be two

Rounds of voting but don’t worry I’ll let you know when each one begins for now let the debate begin between you and your friends and your family and your pets so you can decide which is your favourite biome to be updated first with some fantastic new features and now

Let’s head over to hear about scripting and minecraft from Jason and Quinn so I mean welcome Jason the two of you are gonna tell us about our amazing new creator tools so what each of you do on the Minecraft team yeah thanks Lydia so I run the Minecraft marketplace Partner

Program awesome and Jason what about you I am a developer on the bedrock platform team awesome before we get into scripting Quinn what is marketplace can you give us a refresher yeah totally so the marketplace is a great place where you can go and buy freak or buy

And there’s also free content to skins textures worlds mashups all made by some of our amazing community creators across all of our bedrock platforms that’s awesome and today you’re gonna tell us about scripting so Jason what is scripting for everyone in the audience yeah so scripting is a way for creators

To be to add things to the game that the developers of the game didn’t actually plan for so we do a lot of cool things that in add-ons where people are able to take behaviors from the vanilla game and mix them up in different ways and get

Come to cool things but with scripting they can do lots of stuff that we’d never see in the vanilla game that’s amazing and I heard you were quite inspired by Nettie’s which is our partner in China because they were doing some work on scripting can you tell us

About that yeah so they had started doing some scripting several years ago and they’ve got some stuff kind of in and we’re like we have to have that so we started hooking up we’ve done some different tech directions but it was definitely inspired by them awesome so

You have some things to show us with editor tools first so let’s take a look at some of the new editor tools you got it so this first one this is called the editor stick and what this allows you to do is it basically allows you to take

Any block and change any of its parameters so you can go to the wall here and change it from being yellow to blue and you can really change any of the different items so here we can look at the the wood where you can change it

From oak to birch and it’s a great way to instead of having to replace that block you can actually just go and change the parameters to be what you want to be so it saves a bunch of time another really big time-saver here is

You can go in and change the crops to be fully grown [Laughter] maybe in the future we should get rid of mobs before so why is that important for creators to be able to move that process along faster yeah well the great thing is sometimes

You need to be able to like not just have to replace the block like you have to take the thing out and put a new one in sometimes you’re like oh I actually wanted this to be a different color or I wanted the sign to be different shift it

A different way it allows you to really quickly make those kind of small tweak modifications for like a polished pass on the map it’s awesome and give you a chance to try some different colors or different ways to see how it looks but you also have some things that speed

Up the process significantly yeah we can look at yeah so definitely in a lot of builds that creators make they they don’t want to just do a single block by block change and they want to do some much much quicker stuff so that some of your quicker changes yeah so here

There’s a the TNT wand where you can actually go and quickly remove large chunks of the world around you just kind of go through and and make big holes and it’s a bring a way to kind of rough out an area and get it close to what you

Want and they didn’t kind of come in and fine-tune it and here’s the one that basically makes like a big hallway so imagine how long that would take destroying block by block and when you have these worlds that sometimes they’re like a kilometer by kilometer or much

Bigger like this can be a huge time saver for them and sometimes if you don’t want to go build the house block by block you can actually go in all I’ve seen the seed that I’ve seen that does it for you and here this one’s great too because

It’s minecraft like this is a way to go build your house in a very Minecraft way instead of just replacing a thing replace a block down and automatically builds a house it’s a TNT block that explodes and makes it for you I really like this homey feel yeah it allows you

If you’re scripting then suddenly you could use those houses and put them everywhere for a build quite like significantly make a whole town pop up just by placing a bunch of TNT and lightening it with the redstone or something it’s a really fun way editor tools are awesome yes so they’re trying

To use some of the most exciting examples of it there’s Asli as a beaches it’s things you can do using the scripting tools that they’ve updated minecraft with yeah this is where I get most excited about that the possibilities a scripting not just being able to make editor tools or things that

Make building faster been able to make things that are changed the entire gameplay of Minecraft they’re not just relying on the vanilla behaviors but being able to make your own unique behaviors and gameplay mechanics so this next clip will show a really really cool

Way it take on that yeah so we just so the Creator here you went and made a very quick rope bridge so he made this cool he made an item and you can actually just go through and just aim to another point and it’ll just build a bridge for you automatically using the

Slabs from inventory now Enderman have always been able to teleport but it’s a very sort of random teleport and this was an ability they went and made where you could actually aim at a point in the world and it’ll actually cast you to that point and and project you there so

It’s kind of a superhero map so it doesn’t just give you the boon to teleport but it also gives you this and like magic missle kind of line blast that you can do to take out all those pesky skeletons that are shooting at you and there’s it adds at least this way

That you can change the entire way that you can explore the world so you can build a city and try and go save all the denizens of this scene there’s another feature of this one too where there’s this big shield that you can put up blocks all the different arrows yeah I’m

Never too much about scripting stuff cuz like protect you for about 30 seconds off only thing I can see so creators can use this to create all new and interesting game experiences for players yeah the possibilities are really endless and you have one other cool thing to show us

For scripting what is that Jason yeah so we’ve been working on Minecraft has had the ability to change skins for a long time you can change the texture on your model and yeah here’s the big persona system in that getting data driving a lot of parts of games with creators

Questions and we made it so that creators could change more than just the texture of the player models he wanted him to be able to change the actual 3d models change the animations add special effects to them etc etc and stuff like that so we have a video to kind of show

Off some of the stuff I personally built in in this case so I think this is one of the coolest animals he’s been wanting to add these to mine so I quickly knocked out a penguin they’re not coming to Minecraft but play I knocked us out and you can see he’s

Got kind of custom animations his arm kind of flap out and he moves very different than Steve and then I replaced the Sprint animation with a fun little belly slide and this was actually kind of a happy accident I wasn’t actually planning for but the sprint particles

Are kicking up and it actually it kind of helps sell the slide animation so it’s always fun when those happen as a developer so what kind of game are you hoping creators make with data-driven player change yeah so we’re always working on this I kind of have this

Vision of like I just I want someone to go make a Velociraptor where it goes around and eat something I did the other players it could be animals or something and it’s um so so please community you could build me a Velociraptor again I don’t have the art skills to make the

Velociraptor your penguin is pretty cute though yeah Queen any games you would like to request I just think like velociraptors cool but I think a racing game where you could actually transform the player into a sweet car haven’t be able to customize it and have a bunch of

Animations a bit like drifting around corners and stuff like that I think that’d be super cool and the cars are pavers and the cars are how can people experiment with scripting so it’s actually available right now so you can go download the bedrock Edition and start messing with scripting there’s

A bunch of tutorials on the wiki and I’ll across the web that you can basically look at and try and mess around with it yourself that is amazing thank you so much Quinn and Jason so I think I’m role scripting changes of ways like – you can only see

Them and look at examples but I mean I’m never like yes we have an exciting event coming to Minecraft on Windows 10 ray tracing as part of our partnership with NVIDIA ray tracing will be coming soon and available from minecraft 10 on for minecraft on Windows 10 for Direct X

Capable GPUs there’s a lot to say there let’s check it out ok minecraft yes this is the this is the beautiful stuff that’s what you want to be safe hopefully we get some new clips and not just all the old ones though because we’ve seen all these I guess not

Oh there we go there we go that’s until look at that beauty again the most intellectual game of Menken 2019 let’s go excited four main games hello I’m Tim zombie we have Shelby and Mario like the confidence on Tim – we have Tim skeleton Jim whoa hey wait a minute we have Megan

And all young we all know what this is what we came before this is why I watch Mike on live I don’t know about you guys but that update stuff takes second place to list our teams will take interns to pick a category from the wall over there

Each category has seven words or freezies one of you must describe the word while the other must get it yes it and obviously you can’t use the word itself you’ll have 45 seconds to guess as many of the words as you can does everyone understand no well too bad let’s begin okay okay

Round one team one what Patti would you like huh let’s do Oh behave Oh behave that’s right going to be a good time agree so 45 seconds on the clock on your marks get set go it’s this really cute animal that collects honey bee correct um they collect this be those animals

Collect that and they honey yes all right they go insane these high yeah they pick up the polling floor from flowers get her foot they I just said this word they eat billon yeah perfect and can hurt you with stinger yes they have these to fly yes more scripted the

Reality TV someone says yeah they are heavily scripted I mean hate to give you a glimpse behind the curtain are done I mean they didn’t really sound like zombies there they should be like so what category are you wanting how do you feel about sweet pandemonium I like that

One we have that okay so we will get 45 seconds on the clock and if you’re ready go black and white animal you eat this milk Shelby Shelby put hermit yes yes okay great pandas eat this yes they do this not a cold but they soul says it’s not the

Same about the Japanese energy I totally agree we need more Japanese energy guys Energies I think it’s because it’s a word based game with young for the Japanese person for this so team zombie at one point ahead do you think you keep your leads I hope so okay so what is going to be your second category can we do not on poor boys not

On poor poised okay so we will get 45 seconds on the clock and we will begin no okay friendly sea creatures fish good the other ones I’d like jumped often direct um these if you kill them they drop by their also squid yes perfect um they

Have a green shell turtle all right um this is a fancy fish that we like to eat it’s pink salmon yeah right um this one blows up puffer fish yes yep you break these and you can eat them they’re green help yes yep this is a phrase of the animal

That’s in the water the animal and that is the final category so you have until 7 points we speak of Scottish my college athletes go be here teams come on you can play for even there are you ready yes just even okay what category you wanting how about meow meow very good

One that’s all it will get the final 45 seconds on the clock all right we all begun no they live villagers live in called yes correct animals in the water fish perfect pandas are in this Coco Cats are this before they have a home straight yes kind of cat very popular cat perfect animal that goes meow no no a perfect Albus it of in cat out cat in cat cat outside I heard this phrase I like power energy seems like fun thank you very much and

We are done honestly I haven’t enjoyed myself this much in ages but there can only be one team crowed the winners for that to come forward okay fine for the physical challenge okay and the winners are team one [Applause] was a valiant effort thank you both for taking part wolf it amazingly and you’ve been watching main teams breaking news an update has swept the realm changing village’ life forever but one villager refuses to embrace our new way of life here’s villager number now what would

Your info Thank You villager number five fellow citizen why don’t you want the update what welcome to the most villager friendly update ever there’s campfires berry bushes but there’s taiga villages desert villages Bund tundra villages savanna villages folks villagers all over the realm are loving life thanks to the update I got a

Job as an armorer look at all this stuff they update gave me a whole bunch of new train we all have new jobs now I’m a farmer hey the update is the greatest thing to happen to village again see how much better your life could be get the

Village and village update today the village and Thank You villager number nine the village and pillage update is out now have you updated yet yes not you [Applause] it’s time to vote but let’s review your choices once more first up we have the Badlands lands which some have even going so far as to call bad if you vote for this biome you’re voting for tumbling tumbleweeds funky okay it’s happening now boys hello now Oh tiny

Ends hi yeah but no no I’m telling them right now no okay yeah I will I will get to the vultures yep totally okay okay this just in don’t realize no I was not as has been widely but Ronald reported on the internet steal your loot they’re

Just attracted to loot and will circle around the area you heard it here first folks so it is the truth next up we have this swamp vote for this biome to be updated if you like things to be a bit more mangrove trees frogs and cool and

Finally we have the mountains snow is this biome if you prefer some high-altitude exploration snow-capped peaks epic mountain II views and the snowiest snow since snow snowy snow snowy snow you want to see updated first what will you choose to vote you need to login to your Twitter account go to the

Minecraft account and see the poll that’s just gone live click on your choice to register your vote okay it’s just gonna live now I’ll show you on the screen it’s life requires thinking outside the blocks no pets allowed in the house fill the backyard with muddy pigs Mountain

The perfect pixel party 100% so I’m talking about handcraft some compact cuteness Oh build something a bit more minecraft earth is at your fingertips and above your head oh yeah that’s what I’m that’s what I’m about to surprise chicken showers sometimes things don’t quite go as planned luckily minecraft Earth let you tell

Your own stories you can even upscale an epic fish fails say grab your friends and exploring all right discover new dimensions to your creativity with Minecraft Wow I live in a maybe this oh yeah we 150,000 bucks I’m back and I’m with my friends derpy and Jessica

And we’re here to show you minecraft Earth hey by the way this Jessica and I’m the lead producer on minecraft Earth so minecraft Earth is a brand-new augmented reality game that means that minecraft is all around you in real life you play it on your phone and it uses

The phone camera to place your Minecraft pins and adventures right in front of you adventures are life-size pieces of Minecraft that you find in the real world we have one right here to share with you this is amazing we’re right inside minecraft I know look at these cute mobs they’re so adorable life-sized

Wow and know their food let’s dig down and see what we find okay oh I think I see something under here is this some kind of puzzle is it so cool huh what do you think we should do maybe we should try putting a flower in the

Flowerpot alrighty I will put the orange tulip in this flowerpot Oh something’s happening okay I’ll take this white flower or place a torch don’t shoot it I’ll take the lily of the valley and I’ll put it right there in the white flower pot hmm sound to take one of

These blue flowers oh it went in my backpack I’m gonna go and get it adventures can be puzzles they can be combat they could be mining and so much more I wish they realized these could be way better if they didn’t script them it was live Andrew if I don’t get them I

Know it’s no great way to shop it’s weird to watch on it no life-size zombies where do they come from okay I hope there are no more mobs okay Oh is he gold Oh awesome oh thank you get it well actually in an adventure everyone the adventure shares in what you take

Out really it’s like some sort of utopian resource sharing system does that even work in Minecraft earth it does they just make a community that just happen is this real life that really really Jessica oh okay good okay that’s a cool looking chest yeah let’s

Break it open all right let me get my axe what came out of it I don’t know it fell on the floor I’m gonna get it what is it the new bloom usually plants flowers when it walks on dirt and grass but this one is going over there by

Middle bloom this is amazing how do I get this game well minecraft Earth is coming out in October you can go to minecraft.net slash earth to join us goodbye no bloom please welcome Alina and Frederick who are here to announce something awesome I’m just gonna press on sorry technical

Difficulties guys hi I’m Alina I’m the business manager for romps on the marketplace team I’m Fredrik and I’m the program manager for us so you’re gonna announce something cool but first raus raus plus so recognize real real one we have caramel plate with your friends when you subscribe you get a

Personal server and in the clouds which is always online and always accessible and your friends who play for free with you so you’re the only one who have to subscribe and how many people can play on a server so we have to tears so you

Can either go for the two plates here or the templates here awesome and what are you going to tell us about today France plus it’s our new subscription that combines froms with marketplace content that is awesome so what are that more realms which you just told us about plus marketplace

Content so with Rome’s plus just like before you will have access to your own ten player rom and all the cool features that come with it but in addition you will have the entire catalog of marketplace content skin these titles mashups resource packs that is awesome Fredrik how many pieces

Of content will be coming to the first version of realms plus we will be launching with 50 pieces of content and then they’ll be changing each month yeah every month we get new content on there yeah amazing and Elina your son has a realm I think we have a photo of it of

Course so what does he built here with his friends yes this is his wrong where he plays with his neighborhood and school friends and it’s really fun and it’s joint to their parents it’s cool place to hang out and we really like to see you know what kids do and how they

Show off their secret knowledge of Minecraft with all the strategies and tricks that they get from YouTube videos and reading the Minecraft books do I spy a very adorable Microsoft Building in there yes some people just like to go to work Jesse does I think we definitely have to

Say a hi to your son then so this sounds amazing how do people start using it how do they get Realms plus so when we launch runs plus and we will be launching soon we will have a free trial for new players so you get 30 days for

Free if you’re already a subscriber for the tongue player realm on bedrock we will upgrade you automatically for free and the price won’t change its going to stay $7.99 so how did you decide on that because that’s really cool you’re adding all of this stuff absolutely that was

Very important to us we just wanted to give our players more options more fun things to play with and keep the price the same it’s very simple one subscription $7.99 with roms and content and we will be adding more things every single month so that there will be

Something for everyone that is amazing thank you Alena and Fredrik seeing this time it’s not a marketing speech it literally is like they are just adding sewing two rounds that’s cool it’s weird that it’s like shoe bonding here [Applause] oh no mind ville high school oh no oh no okay that mine like this I’ve come wait a minute Now I’m joined by Sarah and Jared from the character creator team thanks for having us what do you do on the character creator team I’m awesome so today we’re gonna take a look at character creator and we’re just gonna get right into it so you can tell us

About it sounds good absolutely so the character creator is fun because there’s all sorts of different aspects of your character that you can change like you can change your skin tone and texture your eyes your mouth your hair and change the color of all of those different pieces and then lay your

Clothes on top of it yeah it’s something we came up with for Minecraft earth because just as we’re putting Minecraft into the real world we wanted a new way to let you put yourself into the game and really represent you and so that adding a bunch of more flexibility for

You to build a character piece by piece we’re really inspired by skins this kind of builds off the like history of players like building their own skins but kind of letting you do that inside the game out of all these different parts and one of the cool this is where

All the marketing talk is gonna come in to say you guys want my coaches actually whatever you really like in real life if that’s what you want to do in the game that’s awesome and all of those players get automatically yeah yeah all that stuff comes for everybody to start

Building their character automatically every it’s really cool why wasn’t it that’s right we all get the features boys we all get them why was it important to you added things like prosthetics and all different skin tones and different body shapes why is that important comment well because you know

Minecraft players are from all walks of life right anybody and it’s always fun just to see a part of yourself in the game so we wanted to make sure to try and how many care characters can you have you can make up to five different characters and you can save those in

Either game they’ll sink back and forth between Minecraft Earth and minecraft and we just wanted you to have that flexibility to build maybe like one kind of look is what you use when you’re farming when you’re playing that role with your friends or maybe when you’re playing something competitive PvP you

Must want to be a little more intimidating and try and like do something that really encompasses that so there’s all sorts of different clothing options to build off of that and really trying to put some of the the coolest ideas our teams come up with are like in there

Showoff like what’s possible with this it’s good to note though it is just kind of cosmetic self-expression stuff it doesn’t actually change the way you play just cause everything it’s just how you look really basically and you’ve said that love penguin this is inspired by minecraft Earth how does it fit into

Minecraft earth with a mob of me yeah there’s this cool little thing that when you’re when you’re in Minecraft or if there’s a mode called build mode which lets you put a build plate here like in this case down on my desk and then I can put a little representation of myself

Into the the world I’m creating because maybe it’s like it’s mission makes the world more alive but it’s not just a static structure but if I put a character in there and then I can watch him wander around and it’s super delightful for me especially when he

Wanders off the build plate and takes a look at like my coffee mug or something sitting right next to it so it’s a tiny version of air it’s like a tiny agnes and yet so you’re gonna show us a few things that no one has seen which one is

Achievements and how you get special things for achievements in the case see there is a link up for their Rizzoli slightly after the launch and a golden traitor but we really want to let players show off what they’ve accomplished in Minecraft through what they wear so like in this case you can

Earn a lumberjack shirt when you chop down a tree for the first time or when you craft your first toe will give you a little a toothpick wheat thing there and then if you play the game a really long time I’ll give you a really long hair

And beard that you can equip to your character to show that off and and this is probably my favorite item that we’re adding is this like fish globe that covers your head do you get if you build a conduit in survival mode so all these things will have stuff in Minecraft

Earth and minecraft that you can earn through challenges and achievements and the next thing will jump right into because I know people will be very excited to hear about it yeah for sure so the sort of two things that are upcoming our capes are coming to the character creator five okay you ever

Think what it takes put pace oh wow so you’ll be able to like dab in Lincroft have a cape in the character creator and also awesome okay they can grab them right now in the in the marketplace for free there’s one available for everybody

If you want to go get it right now it just attaches to the skins that come with the pack that you get but when character creator launches you’ll bill to attach it to any one of the skins you’ve used in the past or a new character you build with character crater awesome

Thank you so much Sarah and Jared character creator looks amazing okay so ice I called this earlier they have to give such a big audit branch to make you not hate my connections I think a free cake watching Michael Lichter series running on our YouTube channel each month we feature a different

Minecrafter and how they’re uniquely using the game today you’ll meet a Minecraft named James Delaney I recognize that I think my name is James Delaney and I’m managing director of a company called block works I started playing minecraft when I was about 11 or 12 years old and just a year

After the game came out a friend actually showed it to me and at first I thought it was the kind of stupid stupid thing but after a few hours I really got into the creative mode of Minecraft I started playing online on multiplayer servers with other people who really

Enjoyed the building aspects of the game and then in 2012 I founded block works a team of people with me and three three other friends that I’ve met online so a book works we work on two main areas the Minecraft marketplace as well as the polis energy by the way

Educational projects those projects we build worlds for schools museums galleries but also a lot of work with nonprofits charities and educational institutions so we have about 30 members who all work from home from about 20 different countries but we all connect to the same minecraft server so we’re

All working in this virtual office together in the same digital space so someone builds something in one area of the world and the other people are watching that and then react and respond to that in what they built for my final year thesis at university I looked at democracy and video games

Specifically with a big chapter on Minecraft and urban design and how minecraft could help cities and help communities take part in the health planning process which led me to join the board of block-by-block in 2019 part of the reason block-by-block uses minecraft is because it’s a very democratic tool and rather

Than an architect or a city officials telling people what a design can be anyone can use just one Architects and one person with an idea but were filled by a group of Master Craftsmen each improvising the design as they were building it and minecraft is in some

Ways similar because you don’t have one plan that everyone follows we have multiple people multiple crafters building in the same world using their experience and responding to each other at the same time and maybe this is something that architecture and design today can learn from minecraft I am the seventh [Applause]

It’s basically what he said oh no way yeah this is some talk this is the game show do you want to watch hot chicken goes on today Sione come chaos so no hot chinny chin and again oh we are saying title we must son honorable Hachi Hachi [Applause] there is a pray on your hats any nut say that I did with not even some time we must call my hands there in time you see how are you good are you scared a little bit yeah the gym Vika the coupon their cameras Nicholson of telling a peony

Wattleseed Ignacio need a Santana name this did you get it yeah I ready so never Jim be a dictator so DT so I ready I’m ready yes go [Applause] I kind of like you about something okay CeCe oh there we go done this get off talk calm down together they’re getting their move Cosima do Cassie badge on me yeah honestly that isoka I ready yeah yeah [Applause] [Applause] – please comment there cuz that’s where it went yeah yeah you are awesome no a mosquito my ankles two pair mean the air game is a nice car doctor I’m also just a card Adam oh yeah – cool a Mike on labor and it’s named

Adam at the close to the edge a few minutes on psycho body goes joy that’s right wait a minute okay yo my solo hottie hottie been burned a star Well what there was no winners & Losers just bees and Japanese amazing discussions on which bio most deserves to be updated first and hundreds of thousands of you have registered your votes now for that bittersweet moment to say goodbye to one of your choices to set the stage for the final two

Unfortunately the Badlands receive the least amount of votes and won’t make it to round two the good news is all of you Badlands supporters now get to pick again from the two that are left so what will it be time to vote again and now you’re voting between the mountains and

The swamp point this way correct in the first round the mountains have the majority of the votes just by a bit oh boy they’ll hold its lead and become the next biome to be updated in minecraft no no no Twitter make sure you’re logged in and click on that nipple hole that was

Just posted to the Minecraft to calculus this is exciting folks make your mark on the future of Minecraft snowy snow snowy snow everyone make it happen we need to know what the snowiest snow mean link and homely do that you’re getting a great game that you haven’t even played

Yet minecraft dungeons joining me is David Nissan the executive producer of minecraft dungeons very much why don’t you tell our community all about this new game so I will Minecraft dungeons is a brand new game developed by a dedicated team of about 20 people in Mojang and Stockholm

It’s a passion project it’s an action-adventure game inspired by classic dungeon crawlers it focuses on combat and adventure so minecraft dungeons has a very different gameplay than the minecraft we all know and love the players they’re on a mission to defeat the evil arch imager they will explore the game world in

Search for treasure fight familiar and brand new mobs and collect cool loot to help them on their adventures and since every adventure has a beginning we’d like to show you for the first time the opening cinematic from minecraft dungeons it was a time of great adventure danger shunned by his kin let’s listen

We’ll get man seeking a new I’m Ashley’s I’m actually pretty hype out schedule he found this hatred driven by rage against those who wronged him he warned it blind to whatever end until at long last the illage around something that would change him forever the all of Germany’s

Corrupted by River driven by vengeance the arch illa Germain all bow before him and if they did not bow The images raided the land would have Savannah the purity of heart to stand against the arch images reign of terror not like a message I actually think it’s a really cool looking game okay I think there are a bit off point with that either way 54% of people now above mountains it might really have played together go vote now elbow to show you just that but you all know muscle and we also have the game

Director from minecraft dungeons mon-sol song here in the couch four percent still and they will show bone how to play minecraft and goose in couch co-op so what are we seeing here yes so this is actually the first time we show this is a brand new level it’s called creeper woods obviously a

Forest area so you see some other mobs here that you should recognize from your Minecraft and zombies you have skeletons you have all sorts of interesting things I like that it’s just like Minecraft but different the gameplay is different but everything looks familiar all the haters

Of the mobs are like you would expect them there shouldn’t be in the strange surprise we should know and understand how things work but visually it’s quite surprising there’s all these things going on yeah you see those lightning bolts that come from there that’s actually one of

The players that have a enchanted sword that does a thundering enchantment sometimes you get that lightning strike what’s that llama with the arrow in it oh that’s a nice TNT explosion yeah the llama that’s there that’s gonna be so much by one of the artifacts in the game

You see in the lower right on the lower left there’s like this little hot bar and to the right you see is yellow symbol though that’s the wonderful wheat using that summons the llama the llama helps you in battle it spits out enemies there’s even some larger logs here oh

Yes some of the marks they give you to give them a bit more of a challenge they have more armor and a bit more extra weapons this is great this does look very fun I just don’t think it’s very easily shown off by again guys she really wanna play there’s

Just mobs away you can pick what if I get all these sort of cool things on these levels and equip them as you see fit and also I’d like to mention that all of these levels are randomly generated so you can explore them every time you play through the same one

It’ll look and feel quite a bit different so it’ll be surprising each time you play that is correct so now I think we’re approaching Oh spiders a lot of jumps later oh that was a fireworks arrow with there’s a pig with the chest of it of course so we call that the

Piggy bank now this game genre is all about loot so if you manage to find one of those and get some help from it oh wow yeah it drops lots of cooling and that you can equip just since you see things now monsen muscle are actually coming up – rather difficult part so

Let’s get them some expert help so let’s welcome Mario so you can hop join this game at entrance and you can play up to four players together the game scales its difficulty depending on how many players you have so let’s see how they do yes so when you join immediately

Difficulty skills up yeah what if you leave else down okay so if you need go ahead off to the bathroom you can do that so up to the upper right corner you see the projective what the players are supposed to do now there is supposed to free the villagers they just leave

Statement one out of five and zip so there’s four more to discover the same and as you see there are more moms now oh that’s gonna be a tricky TNT oh I love the huge effects of some of these things Oh what is that oh that’s a healing

Totem anything that’s inside that the Roos get extra help and I saw one of them just revived the other that’s all so the game is really designed to be fun to play together so if someone is knocked down other people can help each other out and revive them bringing them

Back into battle so it really makes sense to work together and not just go for your own goals mm-hmm and also if you look closely at the characters the player characters there’s so much stuff going on that if you look below the player characters you have this little

Square that means that those or have that square they have boost the extra damage this is particularly from the guy in the wolf off to go out to the right so when they’re closer they actually help each other and what does the wolf armor do it actually boosts damage for everybody

Who’s nearby and there are many different armors this does different things oh just one more villager to save I wonder where they they’ll read it oh that’s nice that they’ve cleared the moms out of this section mm-hmm oh there you see you have a little guidance to

Tell you where it is oh okay cool well done launce masseur and muriel now saved these villagers from the evil arch villager that there are many more adventures to be had in minecraft dungeons the game is coming to PC PlayStation 4 Nintendo switch Xbox one

And Xbox game pass and if you want to know know again remember to sign up at net slash dungeons so someone asked how do you vote if you’re voting for mountain you go to twist comm slash minecraft if you’re voting for swamp what you do is you write down a piece of

Paper and you mail it into Mojang that’s just to help choose what biome will be updated next in Minecraft but let’s change subjects really quickly one of the things that makes us the most proud to work on minecraft is how the game is inspiring and helping to build a better

World in 2012 we started a partnership with un habitat called bloch-bauer oh what’s that like a cool this was challenging around the world with this incredible initiative oh it’s that I’m basically a seer I can see into the future gonna mention how islands they find a way to use it to make a

Difference around them minecraft introduces people to potential they didn’t know they had we decided and we made a change Block-by-block is a joint program between Mojang and you and habitat that uses minecraft the video game to empower people who don’t typically have a voice in the conversations about their community to help shape the city around them in many parts of the world used to make up a really significant part of the

Population and if we’re not finding ways to speak to them using a language that they can understand their voices are completely left out of the conversation about how urban areas should be improved I swear I don’t just take the people who know the best what a certain part of the

City needs are the ones who actually live there projects can range from anything from a park that’s used by all ages day and night to a route that schoolchildren use to walk to and from school every day we build the physical area itself within Minecraft and participants are able to

Go into the game and use the normal game controls to redesign the area one block at a time anyone can be urban planner and architect point working and this block by block workshop it was very fun because you felt like to be able to help the city while just playing I came up

With a skate park idea and some Chi surrounding the park after the designs are completed the participants themselves present them to all the local stakeholders in the community and elements from each design can be chosen to complete the final model after having worked on this project for a number of

Years now I think it’s amazing that a video game like Minecraft can be used not only as a game that actually has a way to build public spaces better cities and more equal societies some girls Oh even talk with me that okay now they fire all that even they can start

Thinking about choosing some the future job but also thinking too helped them to find that old Potenza after the final model is completed its sent to architects who draw up the final architectural plans and then we fund the construction of the site to me it’s so exciting that in this program you’re

Able to see how Minecraft can tangibly make a difference in the world the workshops are able to give their input to pre-fill yourself change the neighborhoods that they live in something that I worked on is being made in a real life hey friends I made this as I always say stretched and our

Attention attribute is can you taste Africa you change the entire one it’s all starts here with block-by-block we’re using the creative building game Minecraft to empower people to create their world around them Welcome everyone it’s time for another minecraft first the triathalon relay the co-hosts will be going up against emoji in a game of skill knowledge and endurance you’re gonna do is very nice which is why I’m not playing I think we’ll be featuring three different versions of Minecraft starting with Minecraft Earth moving to

Minecraft dungeons and finishing with good old Minecraft huge thanks to ever bloom who created the race map that we’ll be playing today our teams will take it in turns to see who can be the quickest overall three and there may be a few surprises along the way let’s meet

Our teams here we have team co-hosts Japanese energy team Mojang [Applause] so let’s talk about your challenges minecraft Earth will be a build battle minecraft dungeons will be a mini level run and minecraft will be a race challenge the aim of each game should be

Obvious but I’ll be here to help you out if you get stuck are you ready co-hosts yes please line up how can you not love them how can you not love it is the excitement is its unmatched we’ve got the blocks for her ready in her inventory with various greens black I

Appreciate that of course makes it a lot easier for me oh we’re not gonna make it that easy oh really no you’re being timed oh okay I did not say matter first Jake is no we didn’t ask for chickens because we got that meat here please you’re doing great I

See the creeper mouth ready for me there’s the eyes that’s yeah that looks amazing and do you notice that I’m actually using multiple colors so far I see that varying greens if you wanna give me extra points for that I love it I don’t think I’m allowed to do that

It’s really just time one minute left it’s happening we did it snow is okay I can fix it I can you don’t have a lot of fixes but it looks good oK you’ve got a creeper head that’s right what’s that 0 minutes left two levers we’re believers

We won’t make it that easy though there’s a good few monsters in here oh they’re definitely gonna attack you but there’s one you’ve got one now you just need one more try and get there without dying there’s a lot of monsters that are black you you just got a duck and roll through

Them ooh there’s skeleton that stop you That’s alright I think you better go take your nickel there you were right there at the lever that’s all right all right Scott let’s see if you can make up some time in this race does it start the countdown for you anyway snowiest no boys it’s happening we’re getting

Snowiest no we’re getting goats there is a delightful locomotion exactly – one minute left back around final results [Applause] Alright alright in the Wacka fox oh no foxes were harmed in the making of this game your leave I think a great job but I can’t tell you how well you did just yet now it’s team Mojang’s turn are you guys ready yeah okay again you’ll be

Building a creeper head for the belt battle ready go [Applause] we’ve got the same inventory same setup just gotta build it as quick as you can because this is all about time some chickens coming in they don’t get in the way four five six seven recount oh yeah

I’m gonna be accurate these are the experts after all right you make the frame first mm-hmm very good check now Oh Tommy’s aren’t supposed to be there yeah don’t get in my way man I got a job to do bumping into each other they’re fine great okay so long all right we see

The mountain with my mommy look there’s a mistake that sorry that okay now we’re gonna get some eyes okay we’re filling in the face now all you got to do is fill in the rest with green that’s right yeah I went for a single color as a simple creeper

That’s smart cuz we’re all about time right now exactly all right so we’re just really nailing in this segment that was so mean all right let’s see if we can over a little bit I will rebuild we will rebuild oh thank you happen that’s 580 the chickens aren’t gonna help it

Much are they chickens no the chickens are helping the creepers zombies but you’re doing great it just put me in trouble what can you watch grass grow I mean like I get why they’re trying to do this they’re trying to build Minecraft it’s a brand-new watch rather than say

Any particular streamer or youtuber or whatever it just isn’t very compelling to anyone I was gonna say over the edge whatever I don’t think it’s impelling to anyone right no one’s like Oh anyone’s game to play ball right first lever I don’t think anyone I could be wrong Around the corner these are cool powers [Applause] we’re gonna start your countdown this shouldn’t be too bad we’ve had some bad experiences with creepers so far okay very excited they might win you know I’m riveted [Applause] all right we’re just gonna cool you off real quick in here but the ice so you guys I turned on the bottom I didn’t realize but you know I’m so just because this isn’t the most compelling thing in the world I’ll say yeah the problem is that they don’t

Desert there’s a real problem in the sense that this is just filler content and when you try to condense a three-day event down to two hours there shouldn’t be anything hey cap you know I no one’s actually watching this and or maybe some people are but

Very few people watching this and so I think that’s the biggest issue here right maybe I’m wrong [Applause] thank you all right you guys all did great but our winner today is team co-host [Applause] look at that Japanese I I I need to follow him off of this this is he is

Safe the shop since 2011 mine Khan has been the time of year that we come together to celebrate the past present and perhaps most excitingly the future of minecraft our event has evolved over the years – what you’re experiencing right now and next year we’re evolving it even further joining our life date

Themes in 2020 will be an all-new in-person event called minecraft festival minecraft festival will take place from September 25th to September 27th in Orlando Florida mine comes coming back again imagine this like not this inclusive gameplay competitive tournaments live entertainment creator and community panels and more to sign up

For more information please head to our website very exciting so why not just use the mind Kong name as my first reaction now my second is just like whatever mine comes come on back my buggy came from this whole thing was a spice expulsion for the two of you you

Were buzzing around yes it’s been super fun yeah really amazing yeah it’s been fantastic Rachel it was very cool to see the dungeons premiere yeah absolutely it’s so fun and I love the opening cinematic it’s so cool it’s beautiful so yeah how does it feel when we have two

New games coming out it’s of course great like we have my craft unguents uh my craft RF but we actually have a third minecraft game coming out it’s a board game called minecraft fielders and biomes that actually sounds like somewhere for people to see so you’re gonna tell us about an update the

Next big update but before that I want to know how you got into gaming Agnes oh yeah so I have played games and loved games as long as I can remember and I used to draw a game before I could program I actually learned programming much later sighs draw my own games yeah

And then one day I thankfully made it into gaming and working games and it’s so fun we have a photo of the original tiny Agnes quite stubborn like I want my bottle were you coding at this point or is that you said much later yeah no coding yet only playing and yen’s how

Was game development how did you get your start yeah it’s a very similar story that I loved games and I made level some on paper and added enemies and when I when a friend showed me a shoot-’em-up construction kit on day on the c64 and then when that’s when I

Realized we can make games and I’ve been doing that since then and of course we have a photo of adorable tiny yen’s there the left playing a game and watch you look the same how old is Jeff that it’s not completely related to the theme of the update but

Still it’s really cool game updates the target block target block find in caves [Applause] See it’s a really cool concept for a block I think there’s until by the oh there’s a strength there’s like okay that actually is really cool different accuracies of different strengths yeah so that’s how it’s different just real quick it’s different to a button because it does have its analog

Redstone it’s not on or off hanging out during the whole process tell us about the target block yes so you can shoot arrows at the target block and it will emit a redstone signal and the closer the arrow hits the bullseye the bigger the signal will be how do you see

Players using this well make mini games and the various contraptions of course and and maybe also create new hidden entrances to their bases that would be amazing so you said this is part of the next update which is yeah we’re super excited to finally have never updates never

Update another update I never thought they would update that area so what’s that what’s that applique a prediction coming through perfect that’s very livable and that is all about to change so how is that changing never caves but you can so we won’t place to be able to

Have a base there so for example you can set your spawning matter you can find food in that er but it’s still really dangerous place food in the nether so that means there’s something whoa its new mob and we will talk more about it later okay so first yeah of course we

Also wanted to make sure that there’s more things to explore and and yeah more things to find more things to do so we we wanted to introduce a biomes to the nether yes so we will actually show some of them today and the first one is the

Soul and body soul sand valley oh man that seeked whole new generation feature if nothing else oh yes and fossils like a good use for the fossils as well cuz who uses them in the overall you get some blue fire okay hi i’m height we’re good

You’re right not sure I would want to live there would you prefer what’s happening in Seoul San Valley it looks incredible yes I was this is a scary biome it’s quite barren and it has this blue fog and a blue fire which is a new block or

Actually if you place fire some assaults on it for now and it’s also like the stalactite and visible fossils new caves there’s a small sound block and that will work in any of this yeah that is very cool I bet people will do really amazing things with blue flames

You did say biomes so we have another biome to look at what biome is that it’s the native word forest oh is that a new type of wood or is that it it’s just crazy cool though it was what I was saying but never needs more blinds it’s

1 by M right now they’ve had at least two more and this is already astounding looking right oh yeah Now this is really cool this is seriously cool is that blue never walk blocks those corals on the floor excellent questions there’s a lot in the nether work for us so what’s happening in there lots of things so yeah as you can see it’s two

Variants of it so the red one has quite unlike very live at Missouri in its own very weird in any way this is like swirling particles and a lot of vegetations it’s very dense like the players should get lost in there and then we have the blue one with hat which

Has really like a unique atmosphere it’s like even more weird if possible and this is the particle service falling and lots of new blocks like lots of new vegetation how did you decide on the colors because it’s so different than the look of the nether when you add

These files yeah when we wanted to make sure that when you explore you get a more variation since more than just red than yellow and we were thinking about how the overworld as much green blue and gray and then this black purple and yellow so we were thinking how can we

Add to the nether that kind of creates a good feeling it’s really beautiful but you said it’s gonna be just as hard so even though this looks quite you know like an oasis it’s not going to be well we still call the network forest and that racist but that doesn’t mean it

Will be easy being there so there will be for example a new hostile mob and I think we could show it now and we temporarily call it the pickling based big limb beast beast Oh see new mob in Minecraft that has some real impact big limb beast I am assuming you get mohawk

That’s got some range on it [Applause] So you said we’re temporarily calling it the penguin beast what does that mean for everyone so we would actually love to get suggestions from the community on a better name so please if you have any suggestions oh it’s like the grammar to be named later and what happens with is

New to be named penguin beast the to be named piddling beast is really aggressive so it’s quite scary but it’s also the food source another actually and so we really want the experience be very unique in that it shouldn’t feel like another overworld so when you get

Your food you can’t you sound like it pretty the farm instead you need to find this scary aggressive pickling beast and get the food from there and this is the first time you have a food source in the nether yes which is really awesome so that does make it livable ish and where

Does pig linz come from so pig Lin is actually what we call the pig man now and we are introducing Pig Lin mob as well we can take a look at the video about Billy let’s see them pig Lin So they’re updating their zombie pigman and let’s be real zombie pigman do need an update oh they don’t like it when you take their chest again I think I think these are all solid changes making the never actually have more than in bed they don’t like the Beast

Oh they hunt the beasts that’s their thing there are caves in the nether that are being affected basically a cave oh they look mean but they also have the floppy ears they’re kind of cute too yes sorry but yeah there’s a lot of going on in this video but at the core

The pig Ling is almost like a new civilization you know that we add to the nether and they will they are actually hostile towards the player they also don’t like wither skeletons and they hunt the pickling beast for food as well but they do collect gold and if you as

In this picture we’re cool armor they will kind of like they will ignore you they won’t like you but they will ignore you unless you open chests or stop poking in their stuff yes I really like this mechanic actually so if you open a chest close to pit lane and they see you

They will get really upset but there’s actually a good reason why the player wants to approach the big length because we will introduce a new kind of trading with them that we call bartering oh no I – villager trader no yeah yeah yeah really to trade you

Know the villagers are like her very friendly the pig lanes do it in their own way so it’s like you can frozen go let them and they will just throw and night then somewhere and they can go pick it up so it’s my piglets time trading that’s amazing so will there be

New things there with you it will but we will not tell what you can barter yes so new things coming to the nether that is a lot of nether things coming any particular favorites in this update for either of you or you love them all

Too much yes I for me it is the pig lines because we we have we have so many ideas so many ideas for that Agnes I think for me it’s two biomes because well it will be so interesting it’s interesting to explore but of course biomes also add so many new resources

Never would actually be different between well there’s yeah I’m very excited for the biomes amazing speaking of biomes we have a vote going on that we now have a winner for snow a snow either swamp or mountains which do you think will take it hmm well I will guess

Swamp okay he knows the mean maybe we should find out is our correspondent somewhere close yeah okay [Applause] they have double-checked it who’s gonna do the honors I think it stances Wow okay all right let’s hear it yeah and the winner is mountains no it’s no yeah look

At that look how snowy that snow is you see you see the level of snow eNOS going on here yeah you will get goats and you will get and kind of a new kind of snow yes the snow Ian type of snow the generation of the mountains to to give them a more

I was hoping they’d explain what snowy snow was here a ton to look forward to thank you so much if we don’t get they’re not gonna explain snow packed full of announcements and to answer some of the questions that have been coming in live during the show stay tuned for a

Developer panel that begins right after this but first let’s take a quick look at what’s happened over the course of this show with so many updates oh yeah the honey block is cool as hell snowy snow chat can we get a snowiest snow whoop everyone spam snowy is

Snowing chat that’s all we need to hear that’s all we need to know there is a time for consolidation but now is the time for victory snowiest snow is dominant snowiest snow has taken over the Minecraft community as I’m talking about snow your snow we’ve earned the right to say snowiest snow

Nice no it’s not snow enough I I think we’ve got to keep making a snow yeah right can snow b2 snowing that’s the This is hype as heck you can’t deny that you some piglets minecraft wouldn’t be what it is today without Oliver hey we gonna be a team thank you so much snowiest no yeah yeah I think the shows basically over so what’s gonna happen now see what’s

Gonna happen now is there’s gonna be a there’s gonna be a post-show and the biggest thing in the post show you want to watch is a panel they usually reveal one or two new features last year we know about the brown mushroom but was in a joke form

That Ron Tommy that was incorrect but who was wrong in the end anyway but um yeah what’s gonna happen now there’s off the panel if you want to watch that you can go to a mine con minecraft not mine con or something but for now yeah this is it’s the show

Is over it is it was fun to stream it we all I all do this again next year I would also be at the physical event next year I don’t again they just announce it in the show mine con is going back to being a real festival a real thing you can go

To it’s in Florida September of next year if you want to see me that’s you know people always asked what conventions do you go to I don’t go to conventions man you do I look like a convention sort of going person but I will be at the Minecraft Festival next

Year and yeah now this is just like Pasha oh you know Agnes is here now I you know that now I’m torn I don’t know what to think but yeah thank you so much everyone watching I am gonna end it here cuz this is again I focus on the main part the

Show the posh show is gonna be less information dense and more just would you like to talk about it dense which isn’t the biggest thing grab got to build them it’s it’s mountains time thank you so much for the Australian $50.00 man thank you to everyone who

Came along and watched this was a fun little party I think and I hope you’ll enjoy it as well you can like this if you want to I don’t know you you can do whatever you do the videos if you really want this was a fun time I’ll do a quick

Older recap video in a few hours if you just came in down your liked I care but I don’t know what happened snowiest snow happened snowiest snow mine cons are festival realms plus and also honey blocks as well as a never update now you know very height so yeah I’ll see you

All in a video hopefully later today again I’ve got like schedule that’s all saying but yeah I’m gonna give you a little bit a recap a roundup and for now if you want to watch more of this I watched on Twitch that you can watch on YouTube you

Can watch them the Minecraft website if you want to I’m gonna recommend you down goodbye I mean I’m gonna recommend you do what you want actually but realistically will probably never have full parody because there are different technical they’re just a different technical platform that each one is on and there’s different

Design considerations as well so like on bedrock we have to make sure that touch and controller work really well and sometimes we have to tweak gameplay as a result of that to get everything to feel as good as it possibly can but we want to make sure at least spiritually the

Game is both on both platforms feel like the same game and when if ever will we be seeing Penguins because I convinced some people

This video, titled ‘Minecon LIVE 2019 – NEW Update Theme, Biome Vote & More!’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2019-09-28 18:05:37. It has garnered 173991 views and 6552 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:13 or 7273 seconds.

Minecon live 2019 – watch the entire event LIVE, with a Minecraft player of 8 years 🙂

– The Previous Video(What Do We Expect?): https://youtu.be/PcngF92bsZI

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

Update Adventures (My Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

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    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

  • Clowdy Skies

    Clowdy SkiesWelcome to Clowdy Skies, where epic battles, cunning strategies, and thrilling adventures await. We’ve meticulously crafted a unique and immersive Minecraft Factions server. Engage in heart-pounding custom raiding, unlock treasures from our exclusive crate system, experience balanced PvP, and prove your skills in dedicated arenas. Our dedicated and friendly community is at the heart of it all, and we’re committed to creating a server where every detail counts. Join us in shaping this evolving network as we build our community and perfect our Minecraft world together. Patience is key, but the journey promises excitement at every turn. play.clowdyskies.com Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Charged Creeper SMP Server Hark, brave adventurers! Welcome to Charged Creeper, an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating and enriched survival experience like no other. What’s in store for you: A lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Quality of Life features like Player Warps, Homes, and Land Claiming A voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Cross-platform play with friends Informative Discord channel and custom Help menu Links: Website Discord Channel Gallery Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 We eagerly await new faces on our server and extend our warmest… Read More

  • Lycana Network

    Lycana Network🌟 Welcome to Lycana Network – Your Ultimate Minecraft Destination! 🌟Get ready to embark on an unforgettable Minecraft journey with Lycana Network! 🗺️✨ Our network offers a diverse range of servers, each meticulously crafted to provide you with unique and thrilling experiences. Whether you’re a fan of classic Survival gameplay or the excitement of Prison servers, we’ve got you covered!🏕️ Immerse Yourself in a Captivating Survival Experience 🏕️Step into a world of endless possibilities with our feature-rich Survival server! Explore beautifully designed worlds, engage in epic PVP battles, and unleash your creativity with our exclusive features:🌿 Discover four immersive worlds… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Ominous Trials ain’t got nothin’!

    Why am I not surprised? With a score like that, this meme is definitely a survivor! Read More

  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes

    Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes When your cat discovers your secret Minecraft world and starts wreaking havoc like a creeper on a rampage. #catpocalypse #minecraftmayhem Read More

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

    Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft Minecraft Crimecraft: Operation Rob Peaches The Heist Begins In the latest episode of Crimecraft SMP, Archie O’Grady sets out on a mission to reclaim his stolen doubloons from the elusive OPPeaches. Armed with determination and a plan, Archie delves into the world of heists and thievery in the modded multiplayer Minecraft server hosted by Finn Sowle. A Phantom’s Deception Discovering that Phantoms like OPPeaches cannot see buried barrels, Archie strategizes to Phantom-proof his future stockpile. With alliances formed and plans in motion, Archie embarks on a quest to outsmart his nemesis and retrieve what is rightfully his. The Comedy… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

ibxtoycat – Minecon LIVE 2019 – NEW Update Theme, Biome Vote & More!