INSANE 1 Chunk PISTON HOUSES in Minecraft!

Video Information

[Intro Music] So as you guys may remember, just the other day I released a video on my one chunk piston house. A house that is filled up in with redstone contraptions that fits entirely Within one 16 by 16 chunk in Minecraft. And I have to say I was pretty happy with this thing

It had all sorts of interesting contraptions, moving storage systems, toggleable fireplaces, and my personal, favorite the working garage door with pond exit system You can see that we leave this place by being launched out by a slime block

And then we travel up and over the pond and then out and off into the distance It was pretty cool, but in that video I also challenged you guys to create your own one chunk piston houses

And you have. And I have to say, some of them are amazing. This first one comes from Omega Does Things and they’ve Created almost like a little security compound. This is hyper modern We’ve got all sorts of gray blocks going on and you can see that we actually have a little guarded entrance

At the front here So what we have to do is we have to get an employee’s ID we have to get one of those So let’s just quickly grab that. We’ve got the worker ID here

And then we have to present the ID to the guards, let’s just throw this over the top, and you can see that hopefully, fingers crossed If I’ve done this correctly, our door actually opens up

And that’s really cool! Look! So that door drops down and it also gets covered up by the block, so it’s like a seamless hidden away Little piston door there. That’s really nice *Mumbo laugh™* I really like this. This is awesome. Now, I know what you’re thinking, but what about this wall?

That’s a great security system, but what’s going on here? well They’ve thought of this if you jump over this thing you can see we land on top of that tripwire, and we fall down to the bottom.

And we die. But, if say for example, we’ve got a feather falling boots on and we don’t die if we walk inside here Which is the only way we can possibly go, we could look inside think hey that looks really cool but it’s not going to last particularly very long because

Yeah, lava drops down from the ceiling. That would be painful What a horrible way to go. I always appreciate piston houses that have working toilets Any piston house with a working toilet is, is immediately marked up by about four points in my books

This place is just filled with really cool details, for example, this up and down piston elevator, up being my personal favorite Because, as you can see it relies on this wool being burnt out and then eventually once all of that is gone this flying machine activates, and it sends us off into orbit

I would never have thought to do this whole thing. I mean it’s totally ridiculous, but brilliant. But anyway, I think it’s quite plainly obvious that the- this person has put a lot of time and effort into this We have pretty much everything you could possibly ask for, I mean

Seriously, we got storage systems, furnace smelter arrays, viewing stations That’s just the whole lot, the whole lot. It’s brilliantly well made. With a very stark good change of tune here we’ve got Deviator with a fantastic

Fantastic looking build, I mean this is the sort of thing that I wish I could do. Just how much detail is in here Oh, it’s stunning. And I personally like the fact that they have kept, they’ve kept the Mumbo mustache on the front of the house as well

It’s a brilliant detail. This looks amazing. I can’t wait to get inside and just see what sorts of redstone contraptions That we have going on *Mumbo laugh™* That is amazing! I haven’t seen one of these in years! I love it Aw, that is so much fun. *Mumbo laugh™*

I think the way that I’d describe this place is just smart. For example, this wall right here, just looks really cool It’s got the stairs going up it, but if we flip this lever you can see that a staircase Actually pops out of the wall

Now it’s a very simple redstone contraption not too complicated but it just, it fits in so nicely. This piston house is a piston house that doesn’t look like a piston the house. When I

Build a piston house, there’s redstone all over the place and you can see there’s contraptions everywhere. In this place you actually can’t tell But I think that’s probably one of its biggest assets. I mean look at this! We’ve got ourselves a crazy arrow-firing machine. That’s a mad defense station

Now I have to say this build has given me a lot of inspiration for future piston houses Just because it showed me a completely different way Of creating a piston house. Generally I fill mine with loads of complicated contraptions and make it all over the top. This is simple redstone contraptions

Integrated really nicely, for example, check out that thing I mean how cool is that for an emergency exit? You just get plunked out. You just get plunked out onto the lawn Oh, it’s brilliant, and it’s just so well designed I love it. This is probably one of my favorite piston houses

I’ve seen a very long time, and you know what, speaking of smart, this garage. Look at this, okay? Check out this idea for use of trapdoors So these top trapdoors, they open up, and then these trapdoors retract. It gives you a working garage system. Look at that! How simple is that?

I mean talk about good design. That is good design That is amazing. I-I-I’ve never seen that before and it is genius. I also like the thought of having a boat garage I wouldn’t mind one of those from my own house, but seriously that is

Wow, okay this is gonna be a difficult one to beat. I’m, I think I’m falling in love with this one I want this in real life. Now I personally would describe this next designer as being very literal. Sian Gaming has built A piston house it It is a piston

That he has transformed into a house, and I have to say it’s a very pretty piston as well. I really like the slime dropping off the top of it That looks great, and if we hit this button down at the bottom here

You can see that that will open up this piston door and allow us to go inside. And the inside of this place Well, it’s very in fitting with the already Grungy kind of theme of the piston. And the first thing that I’ve noticed is this gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous mustache

I mean, I wish- oh my word *Mumbo laugh™* What!? How’s that happened? That’s hilarious So apparently I am now equipped with the creators head I mean you just never expect this sort of thing. So I’ve just sent the elevator up to the top, which I assume is going to

Be the bedroom area, but I couldn’t help but notice this little lever down on the bottom here, which, Wow, okay, so that activates That activates this nether portal now. I wonder have they done stuff in the nether I’m assuming not *Mumbo laugh™*

But we do have we do have a lovely mustache face right there And I guess if we pop back through, I mean, I’m assuming I’m just gonna pop back out at the bottom Still though. I like that. I like that a lot. Toggleable nether portal hidden away underneath

There’s loads of cool details in this place. For example, if I place a redstone torch on this block That will open up this piston door right here, which will give us access to all of these chests

Which of course have boats and hoes, we have got Bumbo Cactoni. We’ve got a bit of netherrack in there. We’ve got a mustache We’ve got I think general redstone related bits, and then also sugercane, pillar, sugercane, brickwall.

I’m liking it. I’m liking that a lot. And the bedroom is pretty interesting as well. We’ve got bedtime alert systems We’ve got an archery shooting game going on over here and a few potion brewing stands and everything like that Just really nice cool, build

And I like the fact that it’s inside a piston. This one by Jin Jocks is really cool because on the surface it looks absolutely Tiny, but then as you make your way down You see that actually it expands quite massively. Here we go, and there it is

Yeah, this place is, this is a pretty huge one. *Mumbo laugh™* Aw, it looks mega on the side of the mountain there, that’s really really cool Now as far as I can tell I need to unlock this vault somehow by using these doors So I think I need to open this one

And close this one Okay Maybe? No, that didn’t sound good There we go, we’ve managed to make our way in! What a crazy way to have to get into a room. Alright, and then I’m assuming we’ve got no more funny business going on here apart from the fact that

I-I clearly have forgotten how to use a piston elevator So let’s shoot through all the floors then. Floor number two is armor equipping station, we’ve got storage for various different items You’ve got an armor stand swap over there and then down here. We have got

An armor equipping station in the floor. Very fancy. Floor number three is the bakery. We’ve got super smelter systems This is the inputs to the super smelter so you put the items in and they will elevate Upwards and then make their way into the furnaces

We’ve got potion brewing station storage and also storage shoots as well So that’s going to be sending the items upwards. Pretty cool. Floor number four is the storage We’ve got all of the essentials there, wood, stone

Redstone and the different farming supplies. Number five is farming, once again, super important. You couldn’t have a base without it And it looks like we’ve got all the important farms, melon, pumpkin, sugarcane, we’ve got cocoa beans right there

And then if we wrap around like this, I do believe I hear the sound of a wheat farm. Villager powered, too. Oh- And it managed to fit in chickens and cows as well. This is really impressive. And then finally on the top floor

We’ve got ourselves a lovely penthouse apartment suit. Once again, filled with just a little redstone details dotted around and a flying machine That will allow us to go right the way up to the top of that hut that we had on the surface

I like this place. Yeah. I like this place a lot. Now this design by Jack Miller looks fantastic, but As I’m sure you can tell My computer does not like this world. It really is. It is seriously struggling with this one

I mean, what on earth has he built in this place? Now that that’s all fixed, one of the main reasons why I really like this Place is because of the way that they transfer between this layer here

And the top layer. When I’m building this sort of thing, I tend to build hidden staircases or piston elevator type things, I’d never really thought of just having a levitating piece of floor I mean how good’s that?

You just do it, and you pop up to the next level, and this level is filled with stuff I mean, we’ve got farming machines, we’ve got shulker box storage systems It’s all here, I mean, what more could you possibly want?

Well you could want a bunch more rooms. If we just throw an item on top of this piece of carpet You will see that that will activate this corner over here Which will allow us to drop down into the next few layers. So here

We have a simple little storage system, and if we continue on from there we have got Well, we have got all sorts, I mean we’ve got super smelters. We’ve got potion brewing rooms There’s just, there’s so much, but how much can you possibly fit in one chunk? Lots, because there’s plenty more

I mean, we’ve got this room right here with a diamond sword counting machine Uh, we’ve got these nether rooms that go through into these quartz areas I mean, this place is enormous This place is absolutely enormous Look how much you have to go through to get back up to the surface *Mumbo laugh™*

Crazy, absolutely crazy. Anyway, Mike Miner is another one who has managed to create an absolutely stunning looking one chunk piston house This is a really pretty design. I wish I could build like this I ser- I look at this sort of thing and I just think to myself

I would never ever be able to pull that sort of thing off But anyway, the way that we get inside here is we just flick both of these levers And you can see the walls actually drop down into the floor, which is fantastic. And, if we pop inside

Well this place looks very spooky.. I’m a little bit concerned to press these buttons. I have no clue what’s going to happen. Alright, so those are the lamps And that’s the drop! I knew it was gonna happen! But, that puts us down into this room right here, which, once again

Beautiful! Really really well done, and I love these little They’re almost our little exits. Aw, so cool! This is an armored equipping station with extra things, swords and shovels That’s the most important thing. I will always, as I say, I will always mark up places that have armor equipping stations

I don’t know if this is a good idea or not It seemed like it! That was pretty successful! So that drops us down into this area down to the bottom here Where there’re little storage systems, and we also have, I guess this is a little sorting system as well.

Oh! And we could go down even further Into this area down at the bottom here! Once again, beautifully, beautifully decorated I mean, it doesn’t get much better than that. Not only do we have lava lighting, but we also have a lovely Mumbo face Right there Really smart! All of these piston houses

They’re all so different in so many different ways. People take on Different angles, they try out different ways of building things. Some of them are super technical, some of them super decorative this is why I love holding these sorts of contests, ’cause you just get so many different approaches to the same thing

Oh, and just as a side note, this place keeps going. I mean, we no- we now have farms You’ve got a farming area down at the bottom here. We’ve got enchanting tables. I think that’s it. I mean that’s gotta be it Surely there’s nothing else going on

I think we finally reached the bottom Yeah, it doesn’t get much more important than that Definitely nothing below this place. But do you see what I mean about the different approaches? I mean this one by Glowing Mooshroom I repeat Glowing Mooshroom, apparently I got that name wrong last time

I did a piston house challenge video, has built a UFO And it looks brilliant, and I just want to say as well They did a fantastic video showcasing this thing. It really is interesting. Right, let’s take a look inside

So I’m guessing what we have over the top here are some controls for our alien spaceship. We’ve got lever flickers We also have a useless machine over here, but then if we hit this button. I’m guessing. This is the one that matters It is can you see the elevator on its way up

Here it comes! It’s gonna meet us up at the top in the UFO And down we go, through the- is it a tractor beam? I can’t remember what the name of this thing is, but it’s some form of beam, and they’ve done a Fantastically good job at decorating it

That is a really good combination of colors. It looks amazing, but now we’re dropping down into this area Which is completely different! This looks like something out of Indiana Jones! So here we have fully automatic farming systems. We’ve got a little bread maker right there

Uh, it looks like we’ve got ourselves a lighting system so if you flick that lever you can see all of the fires switched on going around like that. That looks amazing And then also, it keeps going. I mean, it goes even further down

We’ve got this area down the bottom here, which once again is just is beautifully done I love the thought of having these trap doors on top of this lava. I think that just looks that looks incredible

We’ve got shulker box swapping systems. We’ve got a sorting system right here. We’ve got bunk beds on the walls It looks brilliant. It just looks amazing There’s not so much redstone going on

But it just looks incredible. I have no idea what any of these levers do, but I’m just- I’m flicking them randomly *Mumbo laugh™* And it looks like maybe they do nothing. So there we have it guys, those are all the piston houses That I’m going to be featuring in today’s video

I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed looking through all of the submissions I also just want to say a massive thank you to everyone that built a one chunk piston house and Submitted it. There were so many Awesome entries and I’ll put a bunch of other

Honourable mentions down in the description so that you can read through and check out all of the video. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed! If you did please go to that like button And if it really loved it, then make sure to subscribe, but thanks for watching guys

This has been Mumbo, and I’m out. I’ll see you later. Oh, and as per usual I mean, you know what to do, check out the latest film the filming channel released yesterday! Yeah, you might as well watch it. Go on! [Outro Music]

This video, titled ‘INSANE 1 Chunk PISTON HOUSES in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Mumbo Jumbo on 2017-12-23 20:00:05. It has garnered 4994804 views and 64561 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:21 or 981 seconds.

LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOYED THIS VIDEO! Today we take a look at all the piston houses that you sent in for the 1 chunk piston house challenge! The submissions were incredible, thank you to everyone who sent them in!


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  • KazzyKraft Modded | Whitelist | 15+ | 1.19.2

    Modded Minecraft Server for Building and Exploring If you’re tired of grindy Minecraft servers and want to focus on building and exploring, this server is for you! Created by Ezzy and Katty, we offer a small, no P2W server with around 100 mods including Origins, Cobblemon, Naturalist, and more. Server Specifications: DedicatedMC server 24/7 run time North America based Version 1.19.3 If you’re interested, join our Discord here to get started today! We hope to see you soon! Katty and Ezzy Read More

  • NitroGaming

    NitroGamingWelcome to the NitroGaming server page!We are still a fairly new server.Our main component is the game mode Survival!IP: ng.mineplay.meServer version: 1.20.4Discord; are still looking for team members) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft trend alert ๐ŸŒถ”

    “Looks like this Minecraft meme is hitting a high score of 95 in the meme game! Guess it’s mining its way to the top!” Read More

  • Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft’s Hungry Hero

    Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft's Hungry Hero In the world of Minecraft, where cookies are sweet, There’s a tale of a thief, with nimble feet. He sneaks in the kitchen, with mischief in mind, But the owner yells out, “Hey, don’t touch my food, you’ll find!” The animation is short, but the humor is grand, With TikTok and Instagram at their command. Using mods and shaders, the visuals are bright, Creating memes that bring joy and delight. So next time you’re craving a cookie or two, Remember this tale, and the lesson it drew. Respect others’ food, don’t be a sneaky guy, Or you might just… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft's Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Who needs a superhero when you have a super dog in Minecraft? Watch out Ravager, this pup is about to unleash some serious bark-our!” ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’ฅ #minecraft #meme #memes Read More


    1 JT DAMAGE WEAPON ONE-SHOT MINECRAFT BOSS Minecraft Bosses: Can a 1K Damage Weapon One-Shot Them? From the comments on the previous video, curiosity sparked. Yesterday, we tested the bosses in Eden, and now, we’re here to find out if this weapon can take down Minecraft bosses like the Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither. In this video, we’ll put it to the test. Testing the Weapon As the experiment begins, the weapon doesn’t feel powerful at first. However, as the battle progresses, the damage starts to add up. Upgraded to a million damage, the anticipation builds. Results First up, the Wither. With a single shot, it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!

    Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!Video Information all right definitely didn’t start cuz I have to actually hit like start stream right wait why does it say end stream wait hold up hold up did I just successfully start a stream without any hiccups like at all ain’t no way am I able to find this or is it on like unlisted holy CRA what I actually was able to start a stream without just throwing immediately like I started a few minutes early because I was expecting hey I’ll have technical difficulties like I’ll be failing a few times because I always fail every… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

    Surviving Minecraft Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information in this video I played the Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse mods these zombies are actually insane they can break blocks build dig under your base ah and they’re really fast there’s already something there a what is this all right so we’re in this game so the first thing I always do in Minecraft oh yeah we have a gun it’s insane better find some shelter before night time cuz when it’s night time then it’s going to going to suck funny thing is when you break a tree everything breaks instantly isn’t that insane still the skin from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!Video Information [Music] Eric are you okay man yo what are you saying okay guys no no let’s not put enough torches down oh my God oh my God actual progression has been made nickm oh This video, titled ‘Funniest Minecraft Hardcore Deaths| @GamersReact |#trendingshorts #youtubeshorts ||’, was uploaded by Akshat Gamerz on 2024-01-15 07:45:02. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!

    Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT ๐Ÿ˜ฑ MINECRAFT WEIRD DIMENSION’, was uploaded by MaveMarvy on 2024-03-21 10:20:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found myself in a dimension of strange creatures #minecraft Please subscribe MINECRAFT SERVER MINECRAFT … Read More

  • “Dream_pro’s Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!” #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€

    "Dream_pro's Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!" #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€Video Information are you ready for the official release of [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Nostalgic Minecraft ๐Ÿฅบ #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-05 14:00:15. It has garnered 9041 views and 271 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #nostalgia #nostalgic #dream #dreamsmp #herobrine #herobrinesmp #shorts Read More

  • CaptainSparklez 2 – Ultimate Minecraft Exploits – SDMP #10

    CaptainSparklez 2 - Ultimate Minecraft Exploits - SDMP #10Video Information Hello everybody welcome back to the SDM PP um I’ve been visited by the prank wiin let’s hope you find the gift he left before it finds you who is the prank wiin um remove Astros HOA fine and the king is set free [Laughter] uh H I don’t know I don’t know if I can that’s a mighty friendly greeting after kidnapping the king you know you know I I don’t that doesn’t seem in line with the uh with what has been what has taken place here I don’t know have I found any gifts is… Read More

  • Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information why is he hold the cat like that what he’s he’s holding the c a machine gun why wait guys there’s a [ย __ย ] picture of Neil newon holding this cat and apparently according to the caption this cat is what ins ire the attitude and personality for aaran but he’s holding this cat so incorrectly oh my God oh my God that looks so funny oh my God oh my God ow my head ow ow ow ow ow oh my God oh my God it’s like it’s like he’s holding this cat and this cat’s like leaning… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene Landscapes

    EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene LandscapesVideo Information [Music] [Music] I [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] a e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] for I [Music] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft Infantry War: Battles in Serene Landscapes with Shaders’, was uploaded by DasGamingHaus on 2024-04-06 12:56:48. It has garnered 2490 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. Minecraft Infantry Combat in the trees and hills Mods: BSL Shaders Flans WW2 mod bots Flans mod Modular Warfare Custom NPCs Optifine Read More

  • Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!

    Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!Video Information Allora allora Tano Allora io vedo comunque una descrizione che dice Salve straniero Ok piacere Mi chiamo Luca e sono un ragazzo con come tanti con la passione per detec non penso che sono tanti Tano No beh come come tante Cioรจ nel senso su 60 milioni quando siamo in Italia 70 Insomma Qualche migliaio ci saranno no intera Community almeno 1000 sono tuoi iscritti Quindi penso di sรฌ Quindi Quindi almeno penso che giร  stai raggiungendo il massimo di iscrizioni No no c’รจ c’รจ molto margine Ok ok abito a Pisa Giร  ti sei fatto contro Praticamente… Read More

  • UglyDuckling

    UglyDucklingOn UglyDuckling, our goal is to expand our lovely new community with people who want to have fun and be a part of our community. This server is new and we are willing to expand and improve whenever possible. We strive to make a safe space for players to come together and have fun during these weird times. Our server has extra features that add to the fun of the game while keeping a vanilla feel such as Mob heads, /spawn command, /home bed, and multiplayer sleep. Read More

  • Hermitcraft Style SMP Bedrock Vanilla Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A spicy Minecraft banger!

    I guess you could say this meme is truly mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut!

    Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut! In the world of Minecraft, a hardcore debut, Building and crafting, a tale to pursue. From cherry tree islands to mountain base high, Every step in rhyme, as we reach for the sky. A world of adventure, with challenges to face, Surviving and thriving, in this blocky place. From farms to fish ponds, and rooms with a view, Every detail in rhyme, as we journey anew. So join me in this journey, in Minecraft’s embrace, As we build and explore, in this blocky space. Let’s craft and create, in this world so vast, Every moment in rhyme, as we… Read More

INSANE 1 Chunk PISTON HOUSES in Minecraft!