Insane EXPLOSIVE TERRASTEEL in Minecraft Sky Bees!

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In the last stream we were working on finalizing our automation for steel casing to do that we had to set up The Well of suffering down here beneath our pre-existing blood alar and we had to set up a new mob farm right at the bottom of that well of suffering to

Allow us to provide infinite mobs to our well of suffering which eventually will turn into just infinite witches and also apparently we have a missing torch over here let me quickly do one of those and what I want to work on now now that we have steel casing basically fully

Automated is I want to work on pushing forward to get a few more beads because I think at this point in time we are in a position to start focusing on the end game of this mod pack the end game of this pack requires a lot of ultimate

Singularities and it also requires a lot of ultimate ingots we’ll get to both of those at some point in the not so distant future but essentially both of these here are going to require a lot of resources from a lot of different bees and right now I think there are only a

Handful of bees that we can’t actually produce and so I want to work on trying to produce those bees so that we can then spend a bunch of time getting all the bees required and setting them up in tier 4 apies to get all of the resources

That we need for all of the singularities and all of the ultimate ingots now the bees I have in mind are specifically the teror steel Bee from batania that’s this one right here the draconic Bee from draconic evolution ution and the awaken Draconian B which kind of comes after that Draconian be as

Well and the Draconian B requires the terel B the terel be here I believe also requires a Mana steel be I think this is one of those that we have to get via the spawn egg it does indeed and then the Mana steel be I think is also another

Spawn egg situation where we need the Mana steel B spawn egg and this just is an IMB over a Mana pole this bit here is easy enough and honestly all of the breeding isn’t really the tricky part of getting those bees the tricky EST part I

Think of all of this is going to be getting the Terra steel B nectar block because in order to get the terel B nectar block we need two blocks of Terra steel terce steel is a powerful resource from batania that is made using this terrestrial glomeration plate setup and

It requires half a Mana pool full of Mana per teror steel between streams I have gone ahead and thrown down a few blocks of coal on our Endor Flames to get more mana and real quick one of the first things I am going to do at the

Start of today’s stream is I’m going to get a few more blocks of coal and throw those down again because we’re going to need a ton of Mana today specifically if we are going to get the Terra steel B nectar block we need 18 Terra steel aka

Two blocks worth and that means that we’re going to need nine full Mana pools worth of Mana now it’s not my intention to get those nine full Mana pools worth of Mana just by throwing an endless amount of coal onto these Endor Flames we could do that but where is the fun in

That instead I think we should set up different flowers from that are hopefully going to allow us to generate more Mana in hopefully a more interesting way however before we get started with that there are a few tweaks that I’ve made to the base since the end

Of the last stream the first of which is that I have finally gone ahead and moved our molecular assemblers over to here and I’ve also moved these em interfaces and I’ve made more molecular assemblers as well to accommodate for these Emy interfaces previously we had multiple around one molecular assembler now we

Have one me interface to one molecular assembler and also moved our crafting CPU over here as well and I think basically the first thing I’d like to do here actually is probably look at making a few more crafting CPUs because as I mentioned in the last episode we

Currently can’t do more than one AutoCraft at a time because we only have the one crafting CPU and so real quick what we can probably do over here is we can potentially look at teaching our system how to make the crafting CPU components specifically Al I think I

Want to teach my system how to make the 1K component in code and potentially the 16k component as well I think if I’m not mistaken our system does already know how to make the uh 16k component never mind I really thought we hooked that up although I might have uh messed up the

Cabling a little bit alternatively I might have actually put the patterns back into the system but that is completely fine back over here do we have any patterns lying around we do there we go I knew we encoded these patterns let me take all of these out

And let me go and put them all Bank into any one of these Emy interfaces boom boom and boom perfect and so now let me see if I can’t request for example another onek crafting storage we can we’re just missing a crafting unit again teaching that should be fairly

Straightforward incurred and in between streams I did do a little bit more processor work to where we should have some calculation processes over here for specifically this craft right here so if we go ahead and throw these into our system and we put this pattern into any

One of these em interfaces we should now be able to request hopefully at least one of these 1K crafting storage CPUs we can indeed and my idea here is that I’m kind of going to duplicate the setup that we already have a couple of times as you can see by this little layout

That I’ve done here my plan is to put a 1K CPU here turning this effectively into a 18K CPU 16k here plus two 1ks 18K in total and then we’re going to do that multiple times I’m going to make two three four of those so that we have multiple different crafting CPUs that

Are all available if we need to do multiple different crafts all at once basically we’re going to do something like this boom and then we’re going to duplicate that let’s say three more times and not too long later boom boom and boom we now have four CPUs and under

Here I have begun to run some dense cabling under here as well just to make life a little easier on the channel front we do have three more dense cables here that we can go go ahead and if we uh hit G we can turn hover mode on real

Quick we can do something like this H whoops I did not mean to put that there I meant to have that one further over uh although we should I think be at a point where we can probably request three more dense cable just to get all of that

Connected and keep us within the channel limits and a quick request later one two and three cool all right other things that I’ve done between streams I think maybe the one other thing that I’ve done between stream is I’ve gone ahead and actually moved the automatic wither

Killer that we set up in a previous stream I’ve gone and placed it into another compact machine so just a copy of the large compact machine that we already had and the setup in here is basically exactly the same we have our mob cusher right here with the same tier

4 range add-on it is being powered by the flux point I have of course gone ahead and chunkloaded this compact machine to make sure that this is always online this is also getting power as well via our flux Network and essentially the only thing that we have

To change here is we do have to get the Wither Skeleton skulls and the Soul Sand across Dimensions so we have to teleport them into here I think for that the easiest way for us to do it is going to be using ender chests much in the same

Way that we used Ender tanks for getting the ether gas out of this compact machine I think using ender chests again not the Villa Minecraft ender chests these are the Ender storage ender chests I think these are going to make life so much easier the reason you can’t use the

Vanilla Minecraft by the way is that you can’t Hopper into or Hopper out of these chests where you can do that with the Ender storage versions these are pretty straightforward to make and I’m actually going to make a couple of these here the reason for that is I do want to have

These on different channels in kind of the same way that we did with our Ender tanks so real quick let me throw all six of these down and the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to right click these diamonds onto here as well again

Just like with the end tanks this is going to lock these to me you’ll see already just by putting that on it’s kind of created two different networks despite the fact that the frequency on these are the same uh but once they’re all set to me and nobody else we can

Then go ahead and pick our frequency for us we have a lot of green dye and the green dye we have but I think it’s going to make more sense if we kind of color coordinate this so I’m going to use some black dye for the Wither Skeleton skulls

And of course now we do have a ton of RGB honeycomb so we can make really any die that we like fairly easily and so let’s go and do blank blank blank blank blank blank so now these are going to be used to send Wither Skeleton skulls through into the compact machine we’ll

Then get maybe like a brown D for the Soul Sand and we’ll put that on the next two Ender Chest so the exact same thing here we’re going to go brown brown brown brown brown brown and then the nether stars are the final piece of the puzzle

I think what we’ll do for those is we’ll maybe get some yellow Dy but I think what I might do is I might do potentially white yellow white like this and these are our nether star frequencies and so essentially here what we’re going to do is we’re going to take

Two actually I’ll pick all these up but essentially what we’re going to do is we’re going to have three of these ender chests inside of the compact machine and three of them outside of the compact machine the idea being that if we quickly grab an item pipe as well as a

Wrench which we actually have in our inventory what we should be able to do is in here we should be able to place down our Brown Ender Chest like this along with our black Ender Chest like this this ender chest is going to receive where the skeleton skulls up on

The surface or outside of the compact machine it’s going to extract them and pump them into the with over on this side we’re going to do the exact same thing but this is going to get Soul Sand and we’re going to pump that in as well you could try and do

This with one Ender Chest that could work but I think it’s just more of a convoluted setup that’s not worth the hassle especially given how cheap it is to make these ender chests and then the final piece of the puzzle is going to be the nether stars that come out of this

Whole system and those are going to get pumped around into this Ender Chest right here and in fact we can use the crusher here to just alter push into that chest like so cool and that’s go push basically anything that is produced here into that chest and then we’re

Going to import that into our applied energistics 2 system and so now back in the Overworld what we can do is potentially over here we can get rid of this modular router this is no longer required for any of this we’ll take all this out and we’ll throw that bur out

Into the abyss and we’ll go ahead and pick this up and I think basically what we’ll do is we’ll just throw down these three oh a little bit of server like there and we’ll throw down these three ender chests let’s say here here and and here and what we’re going to do we’re

Going to take our export cable here ideally and we’re going to put that down on the brown chest right here we also do want to get another export cable to put on the Wither Skeleton chest and then finally we also want to get an import

Bus as well that we can then use to import from the nether star chest I don’t think any of these should be too difficult for us we’re just missing one piston I think at this point in time we’ve got 3,000 iron we’ve got 70,000 Redstone we’ve got essentially unlimited

Wood and we’ve got I believe unlimited cobblestone as well I think we can safely make a stack of Pistons again so that we don’t have to keep micro crafting those going forward and then the annihilation call super easy at that point we should have basically everything for the import bus as well

That should be perfectly fine and so now back over here we can do an exporter here and we can do an importer here and then assuming we have enough channels which I think we do we should be able to then connect all of these up to our system you’ll know you have enough

Channels if these turn a dark blue they start out pink but then if they turn dark blue like this it means they are connected to the network if they stay pink it means you don’t have enough channels to connect this up and you need to kind of change your your network

Wiring on the underside of the base we also go ahead and get rid of these I’m not too bothered about picking these up we do have a staggering number of Wither Skeleton skulls and soul now because it is coming in automatically although it probably would have been somewhat

Sensible Isaac if you had at least gotten one piece of Soul Sand so you didn’t have to fly back and grab some out of the system either way all we should have to do now is tell this guy here to export soulsand this guy here to export Wither Skeleton skulls and then

This guy here we’re going to leave empty because he is going to import anything that is produced here and so now we should see all of these being exported we do and if we head on over into our compact machine we should hopefully see those items getting pumped into the

Wither Builder we do then we can go ahead and turn off this lever which is currently stopping the Wither Builder from working and now it’s going to continually place down with us we are still safe from the uh the blast because of the Wither proof glass and so

Hopefully the Wither here should just continue to be spawned continue to get killed by the mob Crusher and then continue to produce nether Stars basically forever until we come in and stop it cool with the added benefit now of us not having to deal with the

Explosions or the sound or the damage to our bees with it being in the Overworld so now that’s taken care of let’s pivot back over to this batania work that needs to be done so the first thing that we need to do is we need to figure out

How we’re going to generate our Mana there’s a couple of different Mana generation options from Bania if you get the Alex batania out which I actually thought we had but I guess we don’t that’s fine if we craft up Alex batania which you can do by crafting any regular

Minecraft book along with any regular flower you can then get the guide and the generating Flora is the page that you’re after and by default here we’ve got quite a few different flowers we can choose from there are more that you unlock as you progress further on into

Batania the end of flam is the one we already have this produces Mana when you give it fuel the hydranges here produce Mana from water but they’re quite slow the andropen is a flower that I don’t know if I’ve used before but I think it’s the one we’re going to use today

Because it’s pretty nifty we’ll come back to it the garilla here is a flower that eats food so you give it food and then it will produce Mana the Munch eats leaves which is pretty nifty the Ros Arcana here uses experience the th uses lava and the nimus I believe generates

Mana if you place it into slime chunks but we are going to go with the entrum because this generates Mana by absor absorbing explosions you’ll see here to generate a blast of Mana in fact a blast might be required igniting a block of TNT on Dryland near the entrum will have

The latter absorb the entropy generated by the blast converting it into Mana so you put down TNT you turn the lever it blows up but instead of doing any damage the entrum here will absorb all of the explosive power of that TNT and use it to produce Mana there is only one patch

Though it will only negate a TNT explosion if it has no Mana inside of it so you have to kind of put down TNT blow it up it’s going to produce a ton of Mana then you have to get all that Mana out of the flower as fast as possible using Mana

Spreaders and potentially their Associated upgrades and then once the flower is empty you can then put down another TNT and set it off again to repeat the process all over again and so to make this we do need to get a rune of fire and a rune of Wrath the Rune of

Fire shouldn’t be too bad and I think the Rune of Wrath isn’t too bad either this requires two Mana diamonds one Rune of Earth and one Rune of winter which will come to in a second and then we also need the Rune of fire this guy

Right here so this is of course made using our runic alter I say of course although I think so far what we’ve made on the runic alter is the Mana infused coal that we used to make our staright infusion alter but basically all we have to do is acquire these items right here

In this case we need to get a Nether Brick which we do have perfect we also need to get a Nether wart which which we also have in abundance good stuff we also need a gunpowder we got that in abundance as well fantastic along with

One Mana powder and One Man of Steel so one Mana steel is just one iron ingot dropped into the Mana pool and then one Mana powder is either Redstone Glowstone or gunpowder dropped in the Mana pool you can use any one of those three they will all produce the uh the same Mana

Powder in fact if I show you right here you got Redstone Dust actually any Dy Works apparently as the sugar gunpowder and glowstone cool and once you have all the required items we can just do oh of course that didn’t work for us because of the fact that we have our Catalyst

Underneath here and you’ll see the Catalyst just transformed the glowstone into Redstone and vice versa which is not actually what we want to do instead what we want to do is quickly undo that by picking up our Alchemy Catalyst here we can put this back down later if we

Need it again for example for gas tiers but for now I actually do want to turn our glowstone into Mana powder fantastic and then over here we can add that along with the Mana Steel Ingot and along with all of our other items and once we got

All the items on just like before with the block of infused coal it’s going to start to fill up the progress bar on the right hand side there and once it’s full we have to drop a living Rock onto the runic alter and right click with the w of the

Forest boom and boom cool and now we basically have to do the exact same thing here for the Rune of Earth and the Rune of winter these are both made in Fairly s ways the Rune of Earth is again the Mana powder and Mana Ingot these are

Both required for basically every one of the basic runes on top of that we need Stone of any kind uh coal and a mushroom do we have any mushrooms that is a good question we do not have any mushrooms the second question is can we generate the mushrooms using batania we totally

Can we can turn a poppy into a mushroom I think we might have done that previously in the series that’s completely fine and the Rune of winter here requires a rune of water a rune of Earth a snow block time two a block of wall and a cake this is where things get

A little bit tricky here so the Rune of water and the Rune of Earth again not too difficult the Rune of water here again the same thing this time with a fishing rod we’ll make one of those along with a sugarcane and a bone meal all of that stuff we already have we

Should clear our ventry a little bit here cuz it’s full of stuff we don’t necessarily need to be carrying around with us the cake here is going to require the wheat the milk the sugar and the Egg so we do have an egg quite a few

Of them actually we’ve got a ton of sugar we’ve got quite a bit of wheat we can make more wheat with the seeds of course we just need milk for milk we’re going to need some kind of cow and although I don’t see a cow around the

Bears we do have I think quite a few of them over in the nether that we could potentially hijack to the point where it’s probably worth grabbing a mob imprisonment tool real quick this is from industrial fargoing I had a sneaking suspicion we weren’t going to

Have enough plastic to make that work do we have anywhere near enough tiny dryy rubber to make this work actually real quick I’m being told that the Ender Farmers lead here might actually be useful for us it’s a lead an ender pearl and a gold ingot can I use

That to kind of grab an animal from the nether that’s essentially by the way what the mob imprisonment device does it let you pick up any kind of mob that’s not a boss mob inside of essentially like a Pokeball and then bring it back with you wherever you want it can I use

This to grab like a pig I can’t right click with it I can left click with it though interesting and then can I left click again and I right click interesting so it does kind of work like a a mob imprisonment tool that’s pretty nifty the only downside is

That we seemingly have no cows which is very unfortunate thankfully we should be able to get cows fairly easily back in the Overworld we have kind of two options here we could set up a grass platform somewhere and just kind of hope that they spawn in although to be fair

That hasn’t really worked out too well for us thus far alternatively we can actually make cow seeds and these don’t actually look too difficult for us to make we are going to need more wheat but we need the more wheat for the cake anyway so real quick let’s do something

Actually I forgot we already have like a little wheat up over here that’s perfect let’s go ahead and Tim mine all of this and as soon as we have a little bit more wheat we should then be able to get the cow seed and the cow seed here kind of

As the name suggests is somewhat bizarrely going to allow us to grow a camp so real quick if I put this down let’s say right about here we should then be able to Sprint to make this grow faster and as soon as it’s fully grown

If we go ahead and ultim we get a cow cool and we could of course go ahead and take this cow with us and place him down wherever we so wish I think for our purposes here it is going to make a tremendous amount of sense for us to try

And keep him somewhat captive inside of a little fence stuff area you know what I’m going to put it down just right here 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 boom and then we’ll just go and do this perfect and then from there we can just feed this guy a

Staggering amount of wheat all right so once we have our fully grown cow let’s get three buckets of milk and the good news here is that due to the way the runes are made using the runic alter we should just require the one Kake actually to make as many of the

Entropian flowers as we like the reason for that is that whenever you do a craft like this whenever you try and make a rune the runes that you use to craft the Rune don’t get used so you’ll notice that when we made the Rune of fire it

Used all the items and it made us the Rune of fire it took all the items away however when we go to make the Rune of WTH we will put all of these items on but we’ll get all of the runes back so it will take the two Mana diamonds but

It will actually give us the Rune of Earth and the Rune of winter big and so we can keep reusing that Rune of winter again and again and again to get as many Runes of Wrath as we like and then we can use those Runes of Wrath to make the

Entrum that’s the idea at least so let’s see if we can’t make the Rune of winter for that of course the Rune of Earth and Rune of water is required do we have the poppy required for that we do indeed let me grab just a bunch of iron ingots so we

Can make a decent number of Mana steel ingots we’ll also do the same with redstone so we can make a bunch of Mana powder so we’d have to keep com back for that over and over again I know that we need sugarcane for the Rune of water I

Also know we need bone meal for the Rune of water as well we need some kind of stone for the Rune of Earth we also need a block of coal for the Rune of Earth as well along with the mushroom that we’ve got the poy for that’s everything there

Then I believe there also everything there it is indeed and then as for the Rune of winter this mod gets a little tricky I guess we do need to get some wo which we can do with string although in fact we did set up a wall B so we do

Have 8,000 wall already in the system however we do also need snow that is going to be a little tricky but actually not too bad thankfully one thing you can do is you can utilize the pure Des to produce snow specifically I believe let me check ji real quick here

To make sure I’m correct here but I believe we can turn water into snow using the pure Daisy we can indeed now the tricky part is doing that without like losing the pure Daisy because of course if you put water down next to the pure Daisy it will just break the pure

Daisy so what you have to do is place the pure Daisy down and then kind of set up areas at the corner where the water can actually go so of course the Pia only works in the one block area around it so this is not right at all we want

This to be here here and here and we want this be here and here this is not a permanent fixture by any stretch of the imagination but these blocks of water here should get transformed into blocks of snow which we can then Harvest with shovel and then craft those snowballs

Back up into blocks of snow which will hopefully then be everything that we need for the Rune of winter while we wait for these to transform I think two should be enough I’ll put third one down just to be safe let’s come back over here and let’s quickly whip up the Rune

Of water and the Rune of Earth and once we have both of those runes back over here this is good to go let me quickly grab a shovel so we can actually acquire the Snowballs from that snow and then I’m hopeful that it should just be

A case of of crafting that back up let’s do one two and three perfect and then if we were to do something like this we could then put two of these snowballs onto here along with our cake our Rune of Earth our Rune of water and then the

Final piece of the puzzle here was of course the wall boom and now I believe that what we should see here is as soon as this is done we once again we’re going to drop on a living Rock right click it with the wand of the forest but

We should get the Rune of water and the Rune of Earth Bank along with a rune of winter and then we’re going to use the same mechanic to get us the Runes of rain we’re going to get the Rune of winter and the Run of Earth B over and

Over again we just have to hand in Mana diamonds and I think that should be fairly easy for us to do we’ve got a ton of diamonds over 70,000 of them in the system here and essentially each one of the entrum that we’re going to make here

Requires one Rune of Wrath so let’s say I wanted to make eight of these I’m not actually quite sure how many of these we’re going to put down yet but let’s say we want to do eight that means I would need 16 Mana diamonds which is surprisingly doable we can just take all

16 of them drop them straight into the pool and boom we got 60 Mana diamonds nice just use a a sizable chunk of Mana but over here let’s do this and this and you’ll see that we got all of those runes back which is perfect so now we

Can do the same thing with the Rune of winter along with the Rune of Earth I believe it was yes and two whoops just one R of Earth shift right click by the way to get items back off and then two man of diamonds boom boom cool and so

I’m going to do that seven more times after this until we have eight of these Runes of WTH and then for that to work if I did want to make eight entrum I’d also need to get eight Runes of fire as well so I would have to do this recipe a

Few more times as well but none of that should be too difficult and then of course all of these petals are super easy for us to get we can just plant them down uh run share them craft them and repeat the process to get really an

Infinite amount of these and so yeah it really shouldn’t be too difficult for us to get a couple of these entrum crafted the tricky pit is going to be timating them to produce mana and not too long later we now have eight Runes of Wrath we’ve also got eight Runes of fire and

We’ve got a bunch of red white and gray petals so now over in our petal Apothecary we should be able to drop two of each petal in along with one Rune of Wrath and one Rune of fire and it’s basically the same as when we made the

Ender Flames all you have to do is make sure there’s water in there drop it a seed and you get the idum nice we can then repeat that process of course if we get a bucket of water we can do this this then we can just double right click

And drop in the seed and boom we get the flower cool and so if we do that six more times we should have a eight edrums and then we go we have eight flowers now one more thing I do want to do before we set this up is I do want to actually

Look at making these into flirting and trinium flowers this is Nifty because it means we don’t have to plant the flower down on dirt or grass because I think I’m actually going to set this up all the way over in one of these kind of back sections of the base and I don’t

Really want to have to plant grass or dirt down there it also allows us to to kind of Stack these as well which is going to be fairly useful so to do that we have to make a floating flower of some persuasion this is pretty straightforward it’s one dirt one

Pasture seed and then one glimmering version of a mystical flower the pasture seed super easy we’ve seen it before we just take some grass of which we now have 24,000 and we drop it over into our manapur we need 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight

Of these and then back over here we then need to get eight glimmering flowers are there any mystical flowers that we have a large number of not really we’ve got five mystical orange flowers and we can turn those into glimmering mystical orange flowers by crafting them with two

Stone like this and then we can take those and craft them with the air forementioned pasture seeds and the dirt and that’s going to get us a flirting orange flower this on its own not particularly useful however we can then of course go ahead and craft the flirting orange flower with our entrum

And that’s going to make floating entrum which are the exact same flower but you can place them down really wherever you like you no longer have to place them down on the ground which is very useful so let’s go ahead and pick both those up thankfully you don’t lose them when you

Break them and we can do the exact same thing over here just with different uh floating flowers so let’s say we wanted to get uh what do we have here mystical flower let’s do two black ones maybe again with Glowstone we do something like this and then we need one more I

Don’t want to use all of my mystical flowers here I want to have at least some left the only reason I did orange is because we have some orange left there uh let’s also do I guess like a magenta as well and then we’ll do this

We’ll do this and then we should be able from there to craft up one two three more flirting flowers and we can craft up our remaining entrum into flirting entrum nice and so essentially what we’re going to have to do here is get another Mana pool and for

Now I’m going to take our pre-existing Mana spreaders but we’ll make more to replace the ones that are over here but for now if I just go ahead and steal this Mana spreader we can see this in action we’re also going to of course need some kind of TNT thankfully that’s

Going to be fairly easy for us and we need some way of activating that t let’s go with a lever for the time being so as the book would suggest over here if we go ahead and throw down our Mana pool like so and we throw down our Mana

Spreader like we did before this should by default be connected it is again if you put it facing the Mana pool from there we can go ahead and throw down an entrum really wherever we want so long as it’s within the range of the Mana spreader and then shift right click here

Shift right click here that connects this entrum to this Mana spreader just like we did before now if we do this and this it looks a little scary but if all is working well nothing happens because all of that Mana got taken into the floating entrum and now is being sent

Via this Mana spreader over into the Mana pool so what we want to do is we want to get some kind of block Placer thankfully we can do that using the modular routers and the Placer module I don’t think is too difficult to make in fact I think we used this previously for

Our latex we’re going to use that to place down TNT over here we’re then going to kind of resurrect let me do I guess this and this oh actually this already has all the stuff in it fair enough I’ll take these out and put the

Mac in the system for now we’ll leave it with just the block Placer but what we’re going to do is over here we are going to go ahead and teach our system how to make TNT en code the reason for that is that we can get both a creeper bee and a

Sandby to automate the production of both sand and gunpowder to make us unlimited TNT we can then use an exporter to export that TNT over and around to the modular router that’s going to give the modular router hopefully an infinite amount of TNT to continually place down over and over and

Over again and with this lever here all of that TNT is going to get blown up instantly we can then put down all of our entrum all of our floating entrum around that TNT let’s say we do 1 two 3 4 and then maybe five six seven and

We’ll take the eighth one as well I’m going to move you up just for symmetry s let’s say I put this down right about here and at this point our big problem is going to be the Mana spreader because you’ll see it took a couple of

Seconds for the Mana to get taken out of that entrum and sent through the Mana spreader into the Mana pool and that’s our big limiting factor because in order to maximize the amount of Mana that we can produce we want to maximize the amount of TNT that we kind of burn

Through if I go ahead and take like a stack of TNT here and we go back over here we can place down eight pieces of TNT all at once because each and every one of these entrum should go ahead and stop each and every one of those pieces

Of TNT from being blown up so if I do one I can’t really place down more than one but if I put like seven more in here I think like this uh those should get placed down if we set this to place it at the front there we go and that’s just

Going to keep placing those down and they’re going to blow up thankfully the block Placer can place them down kind of faster than I can but all of these are going to get consumed and all of them are going to produce Mana now right now all of that Mana is going through this

One Mana spreader and as you can see it’s not really keeping up this is full it’s not losing Mana because this spreader cannot move that Mana fast enough out of these entrum which is limiting therefore how much Mana we can make the kind of first solution to that

Would be to make just eight Mana spreaders because you can connect one Mana spreader to each and everyone of these andinum and have all those Mana spreaders shoot their Mana at the Mana pole on top of that we can also look at using lenses on our Mana spreader to

Increase the efficiency and the potency of the Mana spreaders themselves again if we go back to the lexic pania here and we type in lens over in the entry index it should show us the Mana lens section of the book A Mana spreader can be upgraded with Mana lenses the most

Basic Mana lens does absolutely nothing that is to be expected but there are Velocity lenses which will dramatically increase the speed at which the Mana burst travels but but at the expense of initial capacity and faster Mana loss so the Mana will deplete more over time that shouldn’t be a problem for us

Because we’re going to keep our distances very short then there’s the potency lens which will double the amount of Mana a Mana burst can carry however the beam travels slower again that slowness shouldn’t really matter too much because we’re not going over a long distance but the even better thing

Is you can actually combine these lenses so uh the idea here is that to make a Mana lens we just need Mana steel and glass and so real quick let me grab maybe like a stack of iron and let’s do something like this thankfully doesn’t require too much

Mana to make this good stuff and then back over here we didn’t quite get a stack but that’s fine 4y should be okay for us back over here we’ll make let’s say two Mana lenses like this now if we wanted to make the velocity lens we

Would craft our Mana lens with a rune of air which we don’t have but we can make and then the potency lens is a Mana lens with a run of fire which again unfortunately we don’t have but we can make so let me get rid of the runes that

We do have and then let’s have a look at getting the items required so Nether wart nether brick which I have on me currently and gunpowder do we have any more Mana powder and Mana steel we do indeed fantastic and then as for the Rune of air that just requires string

Feathers and carpet do we have any feathers we do we got loads of feathers perfect string we have in abundance and then carpet we can of course make from wall so we can do something like this and that’s going to allow us to to make

A couple of the Runes of air and Runes of fire we just need to move this Mana spreader because we’ve stolen the pre-existing Mana spreader that would actually allow us to use the runic alar all right and once we’ve got another set of the Runes of fire and our

First set of air runes back over here let’s see if we can’t get a couple of Mana lenses and then if we can’t upgrade those Mana lenses with their Rune so that gets us a velocity Rune with the air Rune and this gets us a potency lens

With the the fire R so each of these individually have their effects the velocity lens allows the Mana to move faster but with less capacity the potency lens allows it to move more Mana but slower thankfully one really Ney thing you can do here is you can actually combine these runes using a

Slime ball to make a composite Mana lens with both potency and velocity and I can kind of show this off over here because if we uh go ahead and try and make let’s say another fire Rune here right so let’s put in all the items required to

Make the Rune of fire like this and like this you’ll see the Mana starts to come in you’ll see that kind of uh clock face on the right there slowly filling up but if we do this that’s going to start to move the Mana much faster and that’s

Going to start to fill that Rune up on the right hand side there much quicker than it was previously and so I think at least initially what we can try and do here is we can try maybe make eight more Mana spreaders one for every single one

Of our intrinium and we can you can also see about trying to get eight more composite Mana lenses to allow us to move all of that Mana kind of as fast as the basic Mana Lin can into the Mana pool now there are faster Mana spreaders but the higher tier Mana spreaders like

The ELA Mana spreader require quite a bit of work in terms of getting an Elven portal open and so I’m going to try with the regular spreaders and if that’s not enough then we can potentially look at upgrading the spreaders but I think that we should be able to set up a fairly

Good Mana generation system just using these these basic lenses okay so not too long later we now have our eight Mana spreaders we no longer need this one and I’ve also got some more living Rock here as well because one other thing that we can do is we can invest in a Mana

Splitter the Mana splitter here is going to allow us to shoot our Mana at the Mana splitter and then it’s going to take all of the Mana and divide it up amongst up to four Mana pools which essentially is just going to give us more space for all of our Mana because

We need a lot of it so back over here if we do something like this we can then put down these for Mana pools and now what we want to do is we want to have our Mana spreaders shoot at the Mana splitter now one thing I might actually

Do here we are going to lose some Mana doing it but that’s fine there’s not too much in there I might move this forward a little bit potentially put it here just to shorten the pathway and therefore increase the throughput of some of these closer Mana spreaders so

If we do this this this this this this this and you guessed it this all of those those are now pointing at the man a splitter and so now if we do the same kind of eight TNT that we did previously all eight of those should get absorbed

Because we have all of our endrum down and they’re all empty as far as I’m aware they’re not all empty that’s on no maybe they are empty I think they’re all empty I’m fairly certain they were all empty I think the reason why it l like

One wasn’t empty is it had already taken some TNT that’s fine cool so that is working of course Isaac you fall you do have to connect these entrum to the spreaders otherwise nothing is going to work so let’s quickly do that you want to go whoops

You make sure you in bind mode you go here you go here if you shift right click by accident you’ll change it into function mode just shift right click again to get to bind mode we go so now these are all moving H and of course one

Thing I’ve not even done as well is I’ve not put my lenses on which is uh a mistake back over here we do of course have all of those lenses let’s take all those again they do not stank but that is completely fine back over here let’s

Get all of these onto all of these spreaders and hopefully make them all a fair bit faster and then we can try kind of this whole process again and see how fast we we can burn through these and then we kind of from there have to

Figure out how often we want to place the TNT down because I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to end up using a timer to tell the modular rout when to put the TNT down real quick just to be safe let’s check over here these

Are indeed all empty and so again if we put eight in here the all going to get placed down and the all going to start sending their Mana pretty quickly over into that Center spreader and you’ll see it’s going down much much faster now cool so as I mentioned I think my plan

Now is to go ahead and grab one of the timers that we used earlier in the pank and if we place this down on the back of the modular router we should then I believe whoops be able to tell the modular rout when to put the TNT down

Now by default you’ll notice that it puts down the TNT kind of nonstop I believe we can change that by changing the Redstone mode here pulse is the correct option there we go if we go ahead let’s say we set this to 80 tick that’s 4 seconds I think there we could

Safely put the full 39 or full stack of TNT in I think this is too slow right I think this is going to be completely fine this entrop here got all that TNT and you’ll see that even before the second one’s blown up that first one is

Not quite done but it’s almost done and by the time the third one’s down that one here is done and so now this one will be the next one taken over so we can definitely bring this down let’s try I’m going to start by adding a zero

Cuz I don’t want to bring it down to like eight ticks that would be bad let’s go with let’s go back down to 50 tick cuz I think 50 ticks might work we do have to be somewhat cautious here and of course we still don’t have and

You’re not connected up a uh let me do this and this we do have to be cautious here uh 50 not 500 ideally because we don’t want things to blow up that would be quite bad now the the only trouble that we’re eventually going to run into

With this setup is that eventually all of these Mana pools will completely fill and once all of these Mana pools have completely filled then the Mana will then backlog in the Mana Strader it will then backlog in the flirting entr trinium and eventually the TNT will actually explode and cause tremendous

Damage which is not ideal and so what I think we might do is we might set up uh some kind of comparator system because the manaa themselves do emit a a redstone signal equal to the level of fullness that they’re currently at so do we have a comparator we do perfect let’s

Grab some Redstone as well what I think we might end up doing is throwing down a comparator onto one of these pools they should kind of fill up equally although it looks like for whatever reason this one at the back is filling up last I think that’s because these Mana

Spreaders I think these they look like they’re trying to send Mana here but I think because they’re solo down I think they’re actually pumping into this pool which I think is why that pool’s getting more Mana I think a similar thing might be going on with like this Mana spreader

Hitting this Mana pole first either way we’ll pick maybe the emptiest Mana pole and if we get a comparator reading from that we can then potentially use that to not use this lever if that makes sense I think what we’ll do is we’ll look to invert this signal so that when this

Signal gets too high basically when this gets too full it turns off the blowing up of the TNT and therefore the modular which will stop placing down new TNT uh and the whole thing will stop okay so I’ve gone ahead and moved the Mana spreaders and the floating entrum up by

One block so that now they all do shoot at the center mana sper and so now the Mana should fill up somewhat evenly and then here we’ve got our comparator we have Redstone running around and then we have that going into a block of stone this can be any block with a redstone

Torch on the other side the idea here is that this redstone torch being in the block next to the TNT will cause the TNT to explode which is good and then uh the idea with this is that right now this is a power one and so obviously every think

Is fine but eventually when the power on this gets high enough it’s going to go ahead and turn off this torch essentially when this Redstone here gets to a power of one it’s going to turn off this redstone torch and then any TNT that is placed down by the modular routa

Should just sit there it shouldn’t actually blow up perfect at least until the Mana in the pool drops low enough to where there’s no longer a high enough Redstone signal at which point the explosions will continue and all of the Mana will continue to be produced that

Is the idea so now the final piece of this puzzle really is just going to be getting that exporter onto the bottom of this modular rout and then using a crafting card to tell our applied energistics 2 system to automatically craft the TNT and send it over to the

Expo card the crafting card here is not too difficult it requires one basic card with a crafting table easy enough and again the export bus just like we made earlier in the episode should be fairly straightforward I do callers being out of formation call so we’ll make some

More of those and then over here all we should have to do and I’m glad to see this is still working there was a part of me that thought I might come back to a fully destroyed base but all that we should have to do here is throw down our

Exporter like this tell it to export TNT and then we put the crafting card in now as soon as we connect this up whenever we don’t have TNT the system is going to request that TNT be made using our molecular assembler and then it’s going

To send that TNT over to the buffer of this module Ro okay so I’ve gone ahead and connected this up so we got our line running all the way over to here this is now good to go and we’ve got our TNT pattern which for whatever reason was

Just inside of the system and so right now there’s no TNT in the system and there’s no TNT in that modular routa I think as soon as we throw this TNT into one of these Crafters maybe this one here it should go ahead and because we

Got the crafting card in look at that instantly go ahead and request TNT be made and then that TNT gets placed down and the hope for us is just that the TNT is being crafted and exported faster than it’s being used and that looks to

Be the case you’ll see we got 6 7 8 7 eight and nine so it is being made faster again I do think there’s still room for tweaking this I think we could still if we wanted to kind of eek out even more from this if we wanted to I

Think we could try and tweak the number down on the timer to try and squeeze a bit more power out of this whole setup but I think for the most part this is fine yes the whole thing has me so worried it’s potentially a needlessly risky setup but it looks like we’re not

Even kind of fully saturating all eight of these fir there are two up here that seem to be permanently offline because it seems to have a dedicated order that goes in so I think that is even more potential here for us to eek out some more Mana to make this even better but

What we now need to do is we now need to start using this Mana to make Terror steel to do that we need to get the terrestrial glomeration plate and we need to set up this little multi-block structure so Bank over here I’m going to leave that over there for now where it’s

Fairly safe I think and back over here the terrestrial glomeration plate is made using three blocks of lampis one block of Mana steel which thankfully we do have the Mana steel to make and then one of each of the basic runes so we need one Rune of water one Rune of Earth

One Rune of fire one Rune of air and one Rune of mana and it looks like we are just missing the Rune of fire the Rune of air and the Rune of Mana thankfully the Rune of Mana is very straightforward and so once again let’s make sure we

Have all the items to make this we’ve got the gunpowder we’ve got the Nether briak and we just need the nether W this is like the billionth uh fire runes we’ve made today but that’s fine do we have any more Mana steel we do we also have more Mana powder fantastic uh the

Rune of air was carpet it was feather we already have the carpet and it was string all of which we have and then I think that’s basically everything that we need so let me quickly go and whip up those runes oh of course the Rune of

Mana here by the way is just a bunch of Mana steel with one Mana Pearl which again fairly straightforward we’ve got 496 end pearls we just need to take one of those and drop that into our Mana pool like so and then the rest is just

Mana steel again over here we go 1 2 3 4 5 along with this guy six and boom all right and a bit more run making later we now have everything for the terrestrial glomeration plate and as far as this setup is concerned we just need five living Rock annoyingly we have

Exactly four and we also need four lapis blocks thankfully we’ve got 8,000 perfect back over here though we were making more living Rock and this is one of those situations where the building Gadget does come in quite useful especially if you’re doing multiple rounds of crafting with the pure Daisy

Because you can take something like stone or wood and just go ahead and set your exchanging Gadget to replace whatever’s down with either stone or wood it makes it a lot easier to to replace what’s there which is perfect so back over here we should now have

Everything that we need in order to get down this terrestrial glomeration plate set up it is quite simply a 3X3 area nine blocks in total we then have kind of a cross pattern of living Rock like this we got one two three four with living Rock in the center and then

Lapis theule goes around like this with this like this and the terrestrial glomeration plate goes in the center now this is basically done all we need to do is get Mana over to it unfortunately unlike basically everything else in batania you can’t actually send Mana to

It using a Mana spreader in order for this to work we need a spark thankfully the Sparks are super easy to make it is two of any color petals with two blaze powder and a gold nugget we have a ton of mystical Brown flowers and uh we need

One spark per Mana pool so I’m going to go ahead and make five of these here and essentially all we have to do is go ahead and right click one of these onto the terrestrial glomeration plant that’s going to place it directly above it you

Can walk through this and then we do the same thing on each of our four Mana pools and essentially that makes all of the Mana inside of the Mana available to the terrestrial glomeration plate and so right now we do have collectively more than half a Mana worth of mana and so in

Theory we do now have everything we need in order to make our first terce steel to make a terce steel we need three things those three things are a Mana Pearl a Mana diamond and a Mana steel right now we’ve got the Mana steel we

Can very quickly get a Mana Pearl and a Mana Diamond like so and then if we go and we just drop or right click all three of these onto the terrestrial glomeration plate one two and three it will begin crafting that into Terrace steel and you’ll see all these particle

Effects here that’s all of the Mana going from our Mana pools you’ll see these are going down quite quickly and it’s going to transform all of that Mana into ter steel look at that nice and so we just need to do that 17 more times because

Once we’ve done it 17 more times we will have enough terce steel to make the terel B Nector block we can then of course get our terce steel B spawn egg using the Mana steelb and the terrestrial glomeration plate and as soon as we have the terce steel B we can

Of course then get infinite Terror Steel by using the teror steel Honeycombs inside of our multiblock Center fuge and so yeah we just need to do what we just did 17 more times and our limiting factor is definitely going to be Mana production okay so I’ve made four Terra

Steel of course we still need to get the the remaining 14 when I have made all of the Mana diamonds Mana pearls and Mana Steel in order to do that but now it’s just a case of getting enough Mana because you’ll see we don’t have quite

Half a Mana PS worth of Mana here but the Mana is still coming in I’ve tweaked this down ever so slightly we’re at 28 ticks currently uh we’re kind of testing 28 ticks 30 ticks was fine I think 28 ticks is also going to be fine but

Essentially I’m going to leave this here while the Mana poles here accumulate with Mana it has been brought to my attention by the twitch chain that we do have to build the Elven Gateway portal anywhere because there is an elementum Singularity right here that is used as part of the ultimate Singularity recipe

And so we do have to get a ton of elementum we have to get an elementum B We’ll add that to the list uh this is acquired via the spawn egg using a mana and an Elven Gateway call and the Elven Gateway core is what’s going to allow us

To actually build the portal and if we can get the portal that’s also going to allow us to upgrade our Mana spreaders which would then allow us to decrease the time even further on the TNT placements thus increasing our Mana production even further so real quick

The Elven Gateway car here is just three teror steel nuggets and six Living Wood we might and by might I mean we definitely will need to get some more Living Wood that is not a problem we’ve got a bunch of oak or should I say we

Have the ability to get a bunch of Oak using the wood honeycomb here and again if we quickly do one of these and using our exchanging Gadget one of these we can then just go ahead and replace the living rock over here like this and like

This with wood which will then turn into Living Wood and the idea if we once again look inside of the Lexia here and we type in Elvin is we’re going to make the portal to the Aline this is made like this we need one Elven gway C in

The middle we then need three glimmering Living Wood this stuff right here this is just living wood with Glowstone easy enough and then the rest of this is just living wood so we need two four six eight more living wood on top of that and then in order for this to actually

Work there is also a structure that goes around it we need Mana pools and Mana pylons let me I thought it would show me it here but it doesn’t let me go in here we need to get two of these Mana pylons thankfully fairly straight forward they

Just require a Mana Diamond two Mana steel and two gold we’ll take one and two of those we also need to get two more Mana pools thankfully I did accidentally make one too many earlier and so we’ll take that one along with a fresh one and that should basically be

Everything we need it’s now just a case of making sure we have enough Living Wood in fact I didn’t realize I had some in my inventory to the point if we make three glimmering Living Wood here I think we’re basically good to go chant is right actually I do need these nura

Pylons not the Mana pylons and it’s pylons thankfully I made using the Mana pylons with three ter steel nuggets and the live of Ender so boom and boom thankfully all of the recipes here just require one Terra steel because it’s three nuggets for the Gateway core three

Nuggets for each pylon and that’s nine nuggets in total which is equivalent to one ingots worth and so we’ll put this down over here essentially we’re going to put the gateway core in the center we then put the Living Wood either side like this you could fill in the corners

With living wood if you wanted to but they don’t need to be filled in all we need to do is make sure that we have something like this something like this with the glimmering in the middle and then the final piece of the up at the

Top here is to do the exact same thing again it does look like we’re missing just the one living wood however that Living Wood is now available over here and so if we quickly go ahead do something like this that’s going to go ahead and give us the remaining Living

Wood which we can then place down right about here and then just for the sake of appearances I will go ahead and get rid of these horrible Oak planks that we’ve got down and essentially from here we need to put down our two Mana pools these can go anywhere within a a few

Blocks of the portal they don’t specifically have to go right here but they need to be nearby and then you simply place the natural pylons on top of the Mana pools like this and like this and then finally you have to get a little bit of Mana into each Mana pool

It doesn’t require a staggering amount of Mana but we do need a little bit in there the easiest way for us to move Mana now is going to be using a Mana tablet the Mana tablet is pretty nifty and also fairly straightforward you can make it with either a Mana diamond or a

Mana Pearl and then eight living Rock and essentially what we do here is we can throw this Mana tablet into a Mana pool and if we use our wand of the forest you’ll see that by default it is set to pull Mana out of a Mana tablet

Into a Mana pool if we shift right click with the wand of the forest it will change it to be set to pull out of the Mana pool into the Mana tablet at which point if we drop the Mana tablet in it’s going to go ahead and start pulling Mana

Out of that Mana pool into the Mana tablet which is perfect I want to make sure that this Mana pool kind of isn’t the one we pull from every single time I’m going to try and make it a little even of course I do want to make sure

All of these are actually set to uh to pull into the Mana pool actually otherwise we’ll have happen what I just did there where I just put man into that Mana pool which is not what I meant to do uh real quick we can also do uh one

Of these whilst we’re over here and quickly drop one of each item onto our terrestrial glomeration plate and then over here we want to make sure these are set to pull Mana from the template into the pool just like that and we again really only need a small amount of Mana

In each Mana pool in fact I think that’s probably enough and so let me quick quickly get a little bit more Mana into this Mana pool and once we have enough we just right click on the Elven gway call with our W the forest and we should

Be good to go we did make a bit of a tweak here by the way I made the Redstone cable here longer because before this was going to turn the TNT off before the Mana pools were full now it’s still going to turn off before they get super full but um essentially when

This is full it will emit a redstone signal that is 15 and you lose one Redstone single for every Redstone that you have and so if you put it exactly 15 blocks away it would wait until it was full I recommend setting it to at least

14 blocks away so that you can give yourself a little bit of wiggle room and make sure that you never end up in a situation where the TNT explodes either way back over here let’s drop that in that’s going to start pulling even more Mana out and again if we just go ahead

And right click on that it should begin working and like I said I think that’s already enough it’s not enough let me get a little bit more into each one of these here and let’s try that again there we go nice once all the particle effects come in it is good to

Go and so so now what we can do if we wanted to upgrade our Mana spreaders to the Elven Mana spreaders we would need elementum ingots dreamwood and petals the Elementium is made by throwing Mana Steel Two Mana steel equals one Elementium into the portal so if I do

One and two we get one elementum back and it does use a little bit of Mana out of these pools every time you do that uh you can also throw the book in here that is true that’s going to give you an upgraded version of the book with even

More in it and then the dreamwood is just living wood so we take our living wood we throw that through like so and we get dreamwood Bank nice and so real quick let me go get some more Living Wood which we should have over there we do indeed and let me go get

Some more Mana steel as well and I am going to see if we can’t make eight of these Elven Mana spreaders because these are the exact same as regular Mana spreaders we can still put the exact same lenses on them uh you can shift right click to take these lenses off by

The way but they’re just faster they are like the old Mana spreaders but they can move even more Mana which is going to allow us to reduce the timer here put down even more TNT and produce Mana even faster okay so not so long later and we

Are basically good to go I just needed one more dreamwood here that should be everything for our final Elven spreader over here we’re going to go ahead and throw that down into the last slot thankfully whenever you break and replace these spreaders so long as you don’t break and replace whoops so long

As you don’t break and replace the flower the flower will stay linked to the space where the old spreader was you’ll see this is automatically linked to this this is still linked to this it’s all good you’d have to relink it all you have to do place the lens back

On and then shift right click and shift right click with the wand and now if we go ahead and turn this off again uh TNT is instantly going to get placed down but we should see that the Mana leaves the edum even faster than it did

Previously to the point where I think we can quite safely lower the timer speed here once again because I think we’re going to have two entrum here again that are just not even touched because all of the other entum are taking care of the Mana in such a fast time you’ll see that

Basically all of these are are empty and so we definitely have some wiggle room to make this lower I’ll go ahead and change it to 20 ticks maybe here although I think we could potentially go even lower I think 15 would be fine uh apparently when you change this by the

Way I changed it to 28 and then down to 20 and so when you do that it first does the 28 and then it’ll go back to 20 so 208 is going to take 10 seconds after that they’ll go back like this to going down once a second so uh just be patient

Especially if you put a large number in you can break and replace it if you put a really big number in but uh but yeah and so now we should hopefully be getting Mana even faster I did have to use basically all of my Mana Steel on

Making the Elementium however we do have a ton of iron and so we can get even more here to get all of the required teror steel and yeah now it’s just a case of continuing to make that teror steel but thankfully we should be able

To make it a fair bit faster just due to the fact that the Mana should now be coming in quicker and again there’s just a little bit of tweaking left to do I guess now on trying to get this number to the right place the easier way to do

This potentially by the way is just to turn this off and then once it’s stopped then change the number because that way if you do set it to zero it doesn’t really matter let me try 14 I think 14 should be fine and let’s keep doing this over here we’ll go you you

And you so I’ve gotone all the way down to eight ticks here so we’re placing down more than two TNT per second and it’s holding up just fine which is just go to show the power of these you’ll see these top three are not even being used

Like in an Ideal World we want all of them to be on basically all all the time and so there’s probably still more we could de out we might be able to go to five one thing we are going to run into the problem we’re going to run into is

That we’re not able to make the TNT fast enough here thankfully I think there are a few things we can do and they all involve acceleration cards I really do need to make more acceleration cards instead of stealing them from over here but I believe currently there’s no

Acceleration cards in the crafter over here that’s making the TNT that’s this one and so we can do Under the AR we can put some more in like this and then on top of that I believe we can also put a couple of acceleration cards over into

The exporter as well to make the exporter faster it’s going to kind of check more often to uh to see if it needs the TNT which I think would be sensible thankfully more of these cards are fairly straightforward to make boom and boom 12 should be more than enough

For us to kind of refill our inscribers let’s make sure these all have acceleration cards in them and then back over here we’ll also put acceleration Cards into this xbus as well which would hopefully increase the speed at which we get the TNT to where I’m hopeful that we might get more

Never mind we are completely out of sand we just don’t have any we’ve burned through all of the I think 2,000 sand that we had at the start of the episode and right now our only source of sand is over here and you’ll see the reason it

Stopped is because a fo didn’t lock these drawers earlier because I didn’t uh expect that I would need to lock the drawers but the uh the whole setup here is not fast enough to keep up with the production and so we are definitely going to want to look at getting

Ourselves a a sand B to allow us to to start producing sand Combs and of course using that sand to make make the Terrace steel unfortunately this episode is already extraordinarily long we do have what it takes here to make like one more Terrace Steel Ingot which is almost

Enough to get us to our first block but of course we need two blocks if we’re going to get that Terr steel B uh this is working and so next time chat we’ll come back and we’ll get some more be work done we should hopefully once we

Get sand and potentially the creeper be as well right now we’re getting gunpowder from our mob farm which again is not coming in fast enough we’ve gone down from I think 16,000 gunpowder at the start of the episode to 12,000 now so we are actively losing gunpowder as

Well but next time we’ll come back we’ll get the sand B we’ll probably look at upgrading some of our Apes here so we can potentially get sand and gunpowder even faster with high tier apies if we do that we of course need to look at getting more Elite tenter fuses as well

To process all of those blocks of comb that we’re going to get even faster we’re going to have to do that anywhere for all of the bees required to get all of the ultimate singularities and ultimate ingots that we’re going to need we’ll get those Terra steel bees we’ll

Get the Mana steel bees we’ll get the Draconian bees we’ll get the awaken Draconian bees uh if we can set up the uh the process require for that awakened recording which I think we should be able to do and then yeah from there it’s just a case of getting all of the bees

And all of the resources for the ultimate singularities and the ultimate Ingot and then we can look at making some creative items but of course that is a problem for future Isaac for now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of skybe 2 There A

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | EXPLOSIVE MANA GENERATION & TERRASTEEL INGOTS! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-03-15 23:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.


  • Beanie Breakcore: Honey Hype Nightcore

    Beanie Breakcore: Honey Hype Nightcore In the Minecraft world, where creativity reigns, SmallishBeans brings joy, no need for chains. With honey, honey, honey, the bees do their part, Creating a sweet world, straight from the heart. From Hermitcraft to singing, Joel does it all, Spinning rhymes and beats, never to fall. So let’s dive into the verse, with a playful spin, Minecraft news in rhymes, let the fun begin! Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled: Fallen in Minecraft

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Build: Automatic Sorting System

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Guardian Farm Build

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  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

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  • Join Minewind Server: Conquer Your Fears in Minecraft!

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  • Ultimate Tree Farm Guide – 32,300/HR!

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 2

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  • 🔥EPIC AMBUSH: Seizing New Weapons from Japanese!🔥 #Minecraft

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  • EPIC Steve vs Herobrine Battle in Minecraft #viral

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    ULTIMATE GAMING EXPERIENCE - JOIN OUR 24/7 MINECRAFT SMP NOW!Video Information न्यू क मतलब न्यू माफ्ट स्म एंड हम लोग आज फिर से खेलने वाले हैं माफ्ट एंड सबसे पहले तो हम लोग पिछला स्ट्रीम इसलिए एंड कि क्योंकि कोई आ ही नहीं रहा था भाई अभी पता नहीं आता है कि नहीं लेट्स सी एंड होप कि कोई ना कोई आ जाए एंड अभी चैट थोड़ी बहुत तो चली है सबसे पहले वली बियर देन आ पगन हेड देन आ मा एसम [संगीत] [संगीत] आवाज माय गॉड भाई फायर बस को पता चल गया कि क्या हुआ [संगीत] है लैंड क्लेम हम नोला का बेस हा फोड़ें भाई… Read More

  • Insane Stunt in Minecraft: Flying in Style!

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  • ShadpwRealms

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  • Long Gone Anarchy Java 1.20.6 “Hack, Cheat, Lie, Steal, It’s All In The Deal!” Welcome to LongGone, where chaos reigns and rules don’t exist! Join this new anarchy server inspired by the greatest anarchy servers. Expect zero map resets, swift server updates, and minimal admin interference. Leave your mark on the server today! -SGR_ (LongGone was created on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 and opened to the public on Friday, May 17th, 2024). – I can’t wait to see where this server will be in 5 years! Read More

  • Kholodny-Rubezh

    Cold Frontier is a community of players from all over the world. We try to keep our server simple enough. There are 10-20 active players in our community. Our ages range from 10 to 70 years old, and we all share a love of Minecraft and a sense of community. We have a shopping area, villages created by players, periodic events and much more.Submission in Preview Draft Status. Only you and site moderators can see it.When ready, edit & publish live.– — BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, Hunger Games, Griefer, Murder Mystery, Survival– Clans, an arena for clan battles, as well as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Search for booty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”

    Looks like someone’s search history is about to get a little… shady. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: João’s Azmuth League S5

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  • Hot Mace Sizzles Creepy Pasta & Proboiz 95!

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk about the creative game that has captured the hearts of millions – Minecraft. You may have come across a video titled “DOWNFALL OF MOST CREATIVE GAME @minecraft”, where the content creator shares their subjective opinions on the current state of Minecraft. While opinions may vary, one thing is for sure – Minecraft continues to be a beloved game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community,… Read More

  • Outsmarting Traps in Minecraft

    Outsmarting Traps in Minecraft Escaping the Trap in Minecraft with My Friend Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with your friend as you navigate through challenges, traps, and creative building in this family-friendly gameplay. Join the fun as you explore the best Minecraft traps, survival strategies, and modded gameplay in this engaging Minecraft but challenge. Surviving the Challenges As you and your friend dive into the Minecraft world, you’ll encounter various challenges that test your survival skills. From building intricate traps to navigating through dangerous terrain, every step you take requires careful planning and quick thinking. Building Creative Traps Unleash your creativity by… Read More

  • Join UKILLER on EPIC Minecraft Ramadan Adventure!

    Join UKILLER on EPIC Minecraft Ramadan Adventure!Video Information c all my waysing that’s all my bab I’m Des i got Des I’m Des don’t to you need [Musik] Find My Baby I’m design W baby don’t tell me no Lies today she want to ride the wave Every time we get she feel famous and I don’t even remember what her name is yeah yeah Cuz all these girls out here Brain girl I no that you CH you want to beous wear only that [Musik] desone aku [Musik] [Musik] masih I got design t I’m Des i got design t we don’t got time to… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Sand Art in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] Mr This video, titled ‘Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Helmet 🪖) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #helmet’, was uploaded by HT GAMING on 2024-01-13 20:41:15. It has garnered 2501 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #viral #shortvideos #technogamerz #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #viralvideo #viralshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Helmet 🪖) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #helmet Airoplane Tower 😂😀🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Lava Water Cobblestone Tower 🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Airoplane Tower Only Fun 🗼😀 #shorts… Read More

  • First Day Nightmare in Hardcore Mode! Minecraft Gameplay 2

    First Day Nightmare in Hardcore Mode! Minecraft Gameplay 2Video Information तो गाइस सबसे पहले हम लोगों ने बनाया अपना एक वर्ल्ड वर्ल्ड का नाम रख दिया था हम लोगों ने मिलते हैं तो आप आगे देखिएगा मेरे साथ क्या क्या हुआ है शुरुआत में यह एंड हो जाएगी सीरीज हम लोग यहां पर स्पन हुए थे और हम लोग थोड़े आगे गए हम लोग को विलेज मिला कुछ बेसिक टूल्स और खाना पना इकट्ठा करके और यहां का जितना भी माल टाल था वह चोरी करके यहां पर एक कैमल भी मिला था मेरे को और बस मैं यहीं पर मर जाता हूं जैसे मैं बंद करता हूं… Read More

  • Escape Reality: Drift Away in Minecraft🏔️ – Distant Horizons + Iris Shaders (No music)

    Escape Reality: Drift Away in Minecraft🏔️ - Distant Horizons + Iris Shaders (No music)Video Information This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft World Tour🏔️ – Distant Horizons + Iris Shaders (No music)’, was uploaded by Drift Away Ambience on 2024-03-12 16:09:36. It has garnered 1798 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:57 or 3777 seconds. 🌸Immerse yourself in the peaceful and relaxing Minecraft Cherry blossom forest, calm Mountain valley Ambience, with no music to distract, only, rain, wind, thunder, walking sounds. Let the stresses of the day melt away as you journey through this immersive experience, filled with vibrant colors, beautiful visuals, cute mobs. Whether you’re unwinding after a long day… Read More

  • xVertrexDx – INSANE Minecraft Secrets Revealed!

    xVertrexDx - INSANE Minecraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information have you wonder what it looks like to be amazed at yourself look look at that a hidden passageway I am brilliant that’s how it looks so there’s no harm in taking pride in your feble skills because This video, titled ‘Have you wondered in Minecraft?’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2024-03-25 15:07:00. It has garnered 1189 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Have you wondered in Minecraft? ⏰ Livestreams on Monday to Friday at 9:30 AM AEST. 📲 Social Media Links 🔗 Twitter: 🔗 Discord: 🌟 World… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Earthman Finds Secret Spawner on DAY 9 ~ Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Earthman Finds Secret Spawner on DAY 9 ~ MinecraftVideo Information I’m watch [Music] e oh B what am I doing oh my God I completely forgot what I was doing I think it’s I think it’s this one camera if I remember correctly that’s that’s a way yeah yeah yeah this is the way okay oh no this is not the way hold on hold on guys I changed my settings I did something stupid there we go that’s probably better yeah yeah there we go got it fix hey guys welcome back to the stream and uh today we’re going to be making a spider spawner it’s… Read More

  • Insane Terraforming in Brokerock/Foundations – Watch Now!

    Insane Terraforming in Brokerock/Foundations - Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Never Let Me Go let’s go time to grind get inside your mind yeah we work over time that’s the only way to climb we going make it in our Prime signing on the doted line cash and checks left and right that’s the way I’m living life I feel alive when I got a go sight chip away I got a fight ain’t nobody else sight man I think I See the Light yeah that [ __ ] is so bright follow me I… Read More

  • Join the Team! Slots filling fast! #minecraft

    Join the Team! Slots filling fast! #minecraftVideo Information hallo Leute wir sind das Team und sind auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten die unseren Server bereichern als Bilder bringst du deine Ideen in unsere Welt Bau beeindruckende Gebäude und mache unsere Map Z einem echten Hingucker deine Kreativität und dein könn machen den Unterschied javaentwickler bei uns bedeutet Innovation duentwickel Plugins die das Spielerlebnis auf revolutionieren deine Fähigkeiten helfen neue feat zu erschaffen die unseren Server einzigartig machen du bist ein Meister der Organisation als konent bei uns planst du und organisierst du Events die unsere Community begeistern und planst Videos die unsere Spieler… Read More

  • INSANE! Bro’s Toes Eaten by SHARK?! 😱

    INSANE! Bro's Toes Eaten by SHARK?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Bro got his toes eaten’, was uploaded by Prop on 2024-03-24 20:26:03. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #memes #boxing #minemen #clips #bedwars Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get… Read More

  • Moog

    Moog#How do I play on the Moog Minecraft server? Head to curseforge and install better MC [FORGE] 1.19.2: #What can I play on Moog? You can play however you like! we supply a modded world for you to explore and play in. You can create factions and teams, or play on your own. You can build mega bases or simply explore! The server includes an economy you can trade with other players on, or rent a shop at spawn to customize! You can also claim chunks to protect and forceload your builds. Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy Survival 1.20.4

    1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d), a no rules Minecraft server in an open world environment. Experience complete freedom with no world resetting/trimming – everything is saved for history. Server Details: Online since: 26th April 2021 (3 years old) IP: Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Features: Griefing allowed Build without restrictions Cheating is permitted Join our Discord server: Discord Link Read More

  • LongHaul

    LongHaulWelcome to LongHaul Minecraft server! We are a semi-vanilla server still in its beginning phase. All players are welcome to join in. We are community driven. Looking to build a strong server for all to play on. We keep it close to vanilla Minecraft for all to enjoy the basic game. With a few quality of life plugins. Hope you enjoy! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Unstoppable Milk Maniac

    Minecraft Memes - Unstoppable Milk ManiacLooks like he’s really milking the popularity of this meme for all it’s worth! Read More

  • Garten vs Minecraft vs Gmod: Boss Battle Bonanza

    Garten vs Minecraft vs Gmod: Boss Battle Bonanza In the Garten of Banban 7, chaos reigns supreme, As characters clash in a virtual dream. Syringeon, Nabnaleena, and more in the mix, Facing off in battles, throwing tricks. Naughtified Bittergiggle, Toadster, and Opila too, Each with their own moves, ready to pursue. Senengeon, Sir Dadadoo, and Jumbo Josh Fight, All in the ring, ready to ignite. The tension rises, the drama unfolds, As the story of Banban’s world is told. Will they survive the bosses’ attack, Or will they fall, never to come back? Stay tuned for the ending, the final showdown, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL Edition Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Drawing a Creepy Character While Minecraft Plays in the Bottom of the Screen.” The artist, Jacob Drinking Jones, showcased his talent by creating a unique character while Minecraft gameplay served as the backdrop. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but be inspired by the creativity and innovation on display. It got us thinking – what if you could be part of a community that values individuality, imagination, and fun just like Jacob’s artwork? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a vibrant and diverse player… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK Zoonomaly in MINECRAFT pt 2!

    Insane SKYBLOCK Zoonomaly in MINECRAFT pt 2! The Exciting World of Minecraft Skyblock Zoonomaly Embark on a thrilling adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with Skyblock Zoonomaly! Dakoon Animation brings you the second part of this exciting series, filled with creativity, challenges, and endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With Skyblock Zoonomaly, players are transported to a unique skyblock island where they must use their creativity and resourcefulness to survive and thrive. Build, explore, and conquer the challenges that await in this dynamic and ever-changing world. Key Features: Custom Skyblock Island: Start with a limited set of resources on your own skyblock island and expand it… Read More