Insane Terraforming in Brokerock/Foundations – Watch Now!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Never Let Me Go let’s go time to grind get inside your mind yeah we work over time that’s the only way to climb we going make it in our Prime signing on the doted line cash and checks left and right that’s the way I’m living life I feel alive when I got a go sight chip away I got a fight ain’t nobody else sight man I think I See the Light yeah that [ __ ] is so bright follow me I got the GU see you on the other side ain’t nobody know what I’ve been through ain’t nobody know what I do I’m ready to battle I’ll put on I’m about to take off out you can try another day yeah I love the taste of sweat I won’t have any regrets they get upset when they trying just to rest and I’m still right at my desk make them all feel so press yeah but that’s the test if you want to be the best it ain’t easy it’s a mess if you want to have success you keep going like possessed drive it deep into your chest every failure is a test learn the most leave the rest I I’m ready to go in battle I’ll put on the show as I’m about to take off never going to stop I’m chilling at the [Music] [Music] top got to I’m Ching time [Music] ching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] e hello everybody Welcome to the Saturday live streams so welcome I’ve taken over this one just have a little bit of fun evening Jambo how are you so uh I still need to sign into a game a second but I today we are going to go and work over at the observatory again see I’m just connecting to Kai’s computer today um so I can take over the stream I’m doing good jampo I’m doing good cool I’ve loed them it looks like there yeah you might have seen him uh recently but I’ve got a wool shop now over here on the server yeah looking good you might recognize it actually from from the past as it I actually built this on broke rock as well yes I’ve actually stolen Kai’s account jumbo um it’s it’s mine now actually it always has been so there’s actually a secret room under there as well um under this little shop here I just scre down there now you know yeah this clearly isn’t the room that I made um as as I’m clearly not the crafter um so I’m I’m guessing this is probably like Jack or something he’s probably like trying to prank me J can you give me my account back please I’d rather not why quite enjoying taking over this stream I think tell you what let’s have a game of basketball or whatever it is and and whoever wins get to continue with the stream no we’re not doing that I want my account back give me the camera you go back to do what you’re doing hello Jambo I can see you I want my account back please and you know I want to put the old skin on because you’re connected to my computer with all my skins uh sure I’ve even you’ve even stole my sword look that that’s shocking I can see the stre I can see the stream yeah well I’ve had to take everything I can’t just go with just the account oh it’s terrible honestly all right okay go on then what are we doing let just play a game of basketball I presume well your stream you can I haven’t really got a choice now do yeah let’s let’s let’s play some basketball all right okay okay come on then I don’t know okay um who that’s not basketball oh look j s i SL by Kai guess what good morning good afternoon good evening my name is Kai and welcome back to Brook Rock it’s not Brook Rock it’s just foundation’s live J gets back here and I’m back here oh gosh let me just let me just get my skin back on there we are oh I never changed it there we go who would have known no it’s not changing but it’s fine because it as back as me and I’ll just have to live thank you that was oh wait I’m still you it’ll change eventually I think you’ve got my armor as well uh possibly there’s your respiration helmet here’s your wings here’s your chest your leggings here is your boots here is um what else did you have I have no clue um think that’s did you change no I didn’t change my stream settings how what’s up I do see that I’m dropping frames rapidly here but I don’t know why we’ll deal with it it’s fine we’ll talk about later about hey okay I’m actually still stealing those frames okay what’s the plan mate come on we had to do we toch it up a little bit don’t we yeah you know um well oh my my frames are shocking here give me a second to try and figure what’s going on here CU it shows that my B I’m dropping frames every second and no I didn’t change my settings there is some weird artifacting on your screen actually on the stream is it there’s some random lines going across bluring it why is that I’ve not changed anything I don’t my OBS stupidly updated but there’s not nothing changed it looks like the bit rate is super low no the bit rate is fine I don’t understand but we need to fix it again I don’t know I don’t know what to do um please keep chatting English please that’s all right I can I can translate as I go it’s fine FL floting um have you got any suggestions on how to fix the the b r issue my video my era is fine I’ve not changed nothing sorry about this you know we had this huge plan but it looks like my bet rate is just been totally tanked by Minecraft for some reason and I’ve no idea how to fix it so hopefully br will get back to me and how fix it I don’t know what it’s called I don’t know I don’t know how to fix it suggestions anybody I okay you want to talk to the stream I will I go through these settings yeah sure um I’m not sure what to talk about um is that a horse in the background k a horse uh I guess I’ll try and look for the horse that you’re talking about Jambo oh gosh so it seems like Kai’s still having some issues with the stream then um so I guess I am sort taking over for a bit just you’re going to have to be limited to just what I say instead of it looks a bit like an old timey video to be honest that’s horrible so it no no no it’s like um the like noise and stuff you get on them oh okay it’s not bad I’ve got another YouTube notification one second uh YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain a stream stream I sech viewers will not like this great thanks YouTube YouTube know how cheer me up here oh what C said uh if uh does it mean inter one second I’ll have a look it’s OBS so I’ve no idea it looks fine the B video bit ratees at 2 500k BPS which is what it should be at that’s the only it can be oh you know what we’re just going have to go with it folks I’m sorry but we’re just have to go over it I don’t have time to set and do the settings with I’m getting killed by spider oh gosh okay sorry folks we’re just going to have to run with it hopefully there isn’t any further issues what I’ll do is I’ll throw my game in full screen and if there is any there’s no point doing that oh little baby horse it’s every time I go into the game is that a mft setting can’t be in maybe just decrease render distance oh render I didn’t think of that uh no it’s 15 chunks let’s drop the bit right 60 see if that see if that helps all right so what’s today the plan today mate uh well I figured I’m just going to sleep quickly but we could work at the observatory again right yeah so what we’re going to do today folks look that seem fix it uh the we’re going to jump up to the observatory we’re do some terraform and J’s got to show me the professional way professional gosh now when it comes to terraform and you’re a professional I’m not so in the last stream folks we were busy we built this Observatory that I is is a you exact replica of what I built on BR Rock apart from we used all the new copper blocks and new tough blocks and it it’s looking really really awesome be fair I really really like it hello BR you know as you can see we’ve went for the new copper F on inside we we copper Golem type thing in the inside we guarden and then J decided that we really need to get on with um getting this area terraformed so up here I have got four Sher boxes three plus one in my infantry here uh containing diorite dirt and grass we’ve got Stone and we have Cobblestone because that’s all the things that judge said said that we needed I I’m just going for jud’s head on the the mantle piece in here there we go so much powder snow up here I’m trying to like walk up the hill and it’s just yeah okay so terraforming isn’t something folks I’m really really good at turn yeah I’m losing frames again let me just try and turn the elction down uh I’ll turn one what’s the worst that can happen uh so terraforms something I’m really that good at so we’re going to take a lead here from from J um and I think he said oh there a polar be up here uh we’re going to wire frame this so what we’ll do is we’ll wait for him wherever he may be I don’t know where he is oh he’s there okay so we want to talk us this hello Ed how are you hello sir so you got Stone up here right I have stone I have diorite I have Cobblestone and I have a little bit of grass and some dirt oh we can use Cobblestone doesn’t matter okay so um you just tell me what you’re want done and I’ll do it um I say not my area of expertise really but as long as I don’t die this stream we fine I spoke to you after the stream last time about this um so there’s you are aware of the like uh using blocks up right to Mark out a like a skeleton aware that yeah yes that’s the words I couldn’t think of the words okay so we’re going to start by doing that okay so where are we starting out from that’s a good good good yeah that’s a good point okay um probably just awkward silence J decides what he’s doing well let’s just ignore down there for now oh okay right I never brought any tough so we wen’t making any paths today unless you brought tough with you I do not that’s fine we’ll do it in dark make paths it’s fine it’s good just be like sight yeah down a little bit further as well okay just to try and save resources I do apologize with the video issues I have no idea what’s causing them OBS decided to update this week um without asking it just updated I couldn’t stop it dropped five oh God that’s horrible but if if it helps for you guys then that’s all that matters okay so where are we starting and what what block P we using well we’re going to use like Stone and Cobblestone for like the actual Hill okay there okay so what we’re doing so we’re going to you don’t know to pick pick an end point and then pillar up is that not how you would do it or yeah yeah so over here we’ve got this little ice thing that sticks up next to the observatory yep so my thought was is we can just make this the peak okay so like I’m just going to P up some blocks and that’s probably like too high we go to like there okay um and then we just pick some numbers going down basically like like that that work okay hello goat that goat has lost a horn it has there one somewhere okay and then I’m assuming we just kind of do the same on the four sides and then just follow it around yeah okay so this thing where this area is I’d imagine would probably be like a like a plateau sort of on it yeah okay so I’m I’m going to bring this dirt around but yeah just keep bringing that down like try and make it look hellish make it make it look hellish yeah judge comment all the day make it look hellish okay I’ll remember that Co um I’m not lost already don’t worry oh I can’t jump this rer distance is Absolut horrible I do agree with you chat I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can Vis do about it I’ll have uh Brett look at something L look at it later on there’s literally nothing I can do while I’m live um so we’re using that as a peak so it’ll be there to there to there and then maybe L I am maybe something like that hellish you just offended an entire eth ethnicity ethnicity to hellies I think maybe I don’t know if that’s what he’s talking about or not that’s just the way it 7 to me that’s what it was meaning H he said that we have offended an entire eth ethnicity but I said hellish yeah I don’t know what he’s talking about with that don’t know does that look H does that look hellish I it doesn’t need to be symmetrical in anyway does it it’s it’s a hill the more random the better the question is will the will the goat lose it other horn this stream and if so who’d be PL Plum plummeting as a result of it it wouldn’t be me I’m not D in this stream and Jud un Jack unfortunately is preoccupied this week he has something come up the last minute he does apology again apologies and hope you are all well he will be back next week I can’t expect folk to be here every single stream we will have lives outside of what we do we do the best we can and we yeah yeah always take your real life first rather than yeah yep exactly you know and have something I say looks very cobblestone yeah yeah but you put the um you put dirt and stuff on top of the Cobblestone well this bit is probably more of like a peak as we’ll just make some Stone into this ah okay I don’t know nothing terraform is not so to do well let’s just let’s just put it that way if youve seen the terraform I’ve done to hide the B location me and Jacks have here it’s ridiculous surprised nobody’s found it yet uh down go down this way potentially curve this round Y and then go along to there I like the the easy bit not the bit lead actually phys spawn well this is like a good starting point to like weave into it and like yeah yeah okay so this is probably a bit too flat here like yeah yeah it works yeah so hope everybody’s well hope you had a great week uh please do let us know what you been up to and we’ll if if there something exciting we’ll talk about it if it’s not so exciting then we won’t not not meaning that in a rud way at all but you know uh are the tasks from Jack’s episode going to be in streams or videos so the tasks are a mixture of both they will be in streams and they will be in videos depending on what the physical task is at the time I don’t know any more than used do this is entirely everything when it comes to the the Lower Side of Things is unscripted I don’t well from our side it’s unscripted I have no idea what’s going to happen and all that kind of stuff we’re playing we’re learning it basically just a week before you do but hopefully we back to BR Rock miss my nether armor which I never got to make because I died oh we could just keep you here no you can’t just no you can’t just keep me here I have a I have I have a life outside the foundation and you’re avoiding lost back on BR Rock and I’ve not got a chance to meet up with him because I can’t log in every time I I log in BR Rock I end up here you know this the Ser I the server details for br rock it just logs in here you know should sounds you need to go to sleep should we talk about Monopoly again or the fact that Kai is bald well M here’s the funny thing this is Mo I gave my haircut a couple hours back um so I’m mostly bald now just a strange coincidence we can talk about monopo if you I’ve not played Monopoly this week yeah we’re on the switch last night that’s too I think that’s too flat no that’s that’s wrong uh P it didn’t happen H unfortunately Mini mos sitting behind me so I can’t even put the webcam on um I also need the okay Mrs MO is sorting that I can put the webcam on and the big light on K is Bal I know I need to move my camera it looks like changing the renderer since it’s fix the stream right I’m back in two seconds I’m going have to make sure my cam works this is shocking imagine being forced to put my cam on to prove F them bald yeah she shouldn’t be uncal now hello no no I’ve got here I’m not bald we better here I need can you no oh wow not that bald I’m not bald I’ve got hair look got hair you I do look bald on camer but I’m not B I have got a we bit hair it’s receding hairl what what comes old age it come it come it comes to everybody they can take they can take the actual crap light no not Mr bald gaming this is my This Is My Summer haircut in Winter I don’t cut my hair because it’s annoying and it’s too cold for short hair especially in Scotland um oh gosh you you try you try to kill yourself there yeah got to bring the things up you bring the polar bears up no no no I mean the numbers of deaths oh right okay yeah yeah Jack’s not being here yeah yeah I’m going to have to do all of them I’m not getting involved in Jambo CH Jambo what’s your chats like a me problem that is uh right so I see I have this um side of the hill going but this side’s like nowhere how would you curve this round which side can’t see I sorry I’m I’m I’m crouching because I’m going to fall for hell all right um well the shape of this hill is actually like kind of matching it if he if he sweats a little bit I can see my reflection wow rast Mr Mo gaming night great I I’ll just not do our live stream is that is that what you all want we just do no more live streams for you what about next next week jud’s live on on his own she got a better quality stream oh hly I can stream just wait just wait a I’m not like scent I don’t I don’t have I don’t have pink wigs to be fair I hear M Mrs Mo to off my head I could have made a wig out of that uh but yeah this is my summer haircut and the sun came out today in Scotland so we we we did [Music] um we did decide to go for the summer get a summer haircut ready it’s fine it’s fine right so smash new pc will come with streams hopefully yeah I know I hope so as well so BR since you’re in stream and in game how did you find other games did you see BR had a NE games video this week J uh I saw it I haven’t seen the video yet though you asking in chat that um no Jambo reading jambo’s comment yeah I noticed yeah I no it’s jambo’s comment but to be fair Jambo thought that Jambo thought that with brexit you moved entire country further away for Europe yesterday so I’m not going to say a word so I’m I’m in a joke about next next time I’ll just move I’ll move Scotland closer to Jack if we could just move the UK that would be cool yeah just move move a closer to the quer it’s amazing how far north we are yeah I’m I’m I’m further north than you are yeah know yeah Smurf made a video and I was like I was a big Nether games guy and never played hyperlands guy and never played Nether games so I thought why not do a video for my first time ever playing it with nether game’s most known YouTuber that’s a valid point yep that’s very very valid point it was a good video I liked it I like I like your reaction to a lot of the deaths and stuff NE game’s most known YouTuber is probably B Dogg I’m not mentioning other YouTubers that I don’t know SM too inconsistent oh my God you real we haven’t done what we haven’t said good night to SMF oh no he going to have to find out Midway through nice SM I don’t I don’t I’m down at the bottom of the hill all right good morning smarf hope you enjoy the stream there we go done so you’re at the bottom of the hill and I’m still trying to figure out how this thing works you’re just trusting me to try to start bring this done I’m about to build a quick little scaff uh yeah that’s word all right okay yeah so yeah as you seen if you um watch Jack’s and my video this week you would see that we have been given the next two tasks Bye Mom I’m not going to go to detail about that in case you haven’t seen the video because that’s not fair on anybody that hasn’t seen it but yeah this week has going to be a very busy week we have some huge things to do this week I’m not looking I’m not fully looking forward to honest it’s going to be a funny feel it’s going be a long week um but yeah the the plan is to do the same as as we did this week so I’m going to do one part and he’s going to do another part which it seems like is a totally fair way to do it because there’s no there’s no point in the two of us showing exactly the same footage you know creeper um yeah uh so one of us will do one one of us will do the other and well we’ll both do both but will show showcase so if you want to see what happens next in the low you have to watch both videos that’s a fair way to do it yeah that’s too straight I don’t like that um bring this around a little bit maybe that one around as well which will give us a chance to go around Jambo says me five months ago would not have thought i’ I’d quit other games so we myself and um but but actually we we logged in NE games was it NE games we no it wasn’t was it the high we l didn’t it yeah it was a high L it h to do some testing on a new feature potentially coming to foundations uh not giving too much detail on that yet in case we can’t get it actually done but there is plan you know if we can get it fully working then it’ll be really really cool and fact we tested on the hive kind kind of says a lot but we like to wait and see if that actually comes if you oh I don’t need to do here because it’s going to be covered um there and and there is also huge plans for myself and Ja as well but again I can’t go to any detail he isn’t here and yeah it’s still kind of up in the air the most part up in the air but I’m really looking forward to it the channels are going to get some really do no I have one monitor jble only one I’m I’m I’m not going to I’m not I’m not turning my C back on I was got to show you something but I’m not bothered so the way I do my chat and stuff is I’ve got my mcraft window at a certain scale on the screen so that I can see the chat I can see the OBS status and got my iPhone sitting next to me with stream deck installed so from there I’m able to mute the mic change the scenes and you know start and end of the stream so I can do all that for my phone yeah push on yeah right what do you need me to do mate talk to me uh well I’ve done the first W frame here I can’t see it is there a bed up there yes yeah it’s over there I’m not saying that out loud stream yeah the stream deck app on my iPhone I don’t have a stream deck they’re too expensive and I’m you know I’m not monetized other I would buy one potentially all okay so us wireframe here so I take it we’re just doing this kind of um yeah just use that same effort going down so I see what you you’ve done up to that point is create like a bit of an indent here and that’s quite a cool thing so that means there’s likely been a river that flowed down here at some point in the past oh no that was that was quite a spell mistake yeah it was Jambo you’re lucky that normally I I would I would have read that but guess what I’m learning oh sorry that’s all right punish my it’s fine um so yeah the um you know that change my render distance then my stream’s been fine yeah that makes no sense BR I need you to fix it me set for hours fixing the settings and then OBS updates breaks it I couldn’t even stop the update it just come up in the screen said it was installed oh yeah I was telling you what to do um yeah yeah supposed to be here I’m just I’m I’m winging this at the moment so this bit you you’ve kind of went in which means that there’s probably been a river going down here which means it will be eroded so it’s going to have a little indent here uh probably going all the way down uh so that kind of place you leave that kind of end yeah try and create a valley going down so this bit should be steeper oh I didn’t die oh I can’t fly with this render distance okay yeah okay that makes sense and obviously you assume that the way this you probably leave this hell because you can just kind of yeah just like kind of blend it into the one that’s there and come back out after that Valley and blend it in oh my fault is what I’d say yeah that was a lag Spike yep so has anybody exciting this week so J what I think was quite interesting okay so we started the stream like that you you announced something at the start of the stream didn’t you that you built a secret room in my whe shop did I I don’t remember that um it’s been CL I have I have on CL oh no okay oh no um and in that room what does it say I think you’ve been hard oh that’s good jumbo that mean you more more Minecraft time now you can get back on Ember I think I think you might be right there K ah see I’m clever Jo took me what eight months no to be to be fair yeah I know I knew that still uh so we’re going to bring this side I know I know at the moment it’s the straight edge but we’ll cut that in slightly once we get AIT further round and yeah so big Minecraft news this week is has it been the Minecraft news this week I don’t know oh yeah they fixed the update that’s that’s all they fixed the update oh is that the world breaking update the world breaking update yeah which never affected me after heard Minecraft all week I know I know that affected some content creators so you know um but it never affected me in any way I upgraded the way I always do for the Microsoft store I don’t know you know I don’t use the the Xbox app apart from to get my Microsoft edem points so you know I don’t have any issue that way I Hef do you now yeah he’s chasing a goat he’s been here for a while BR leave the goat alone jumped over his head the goat literally I was talking about I was s staring at BR and the Goat just jump right over his head need to be a natural block so it needs to be stone or wood or it doesn’t work why you try to push it off the hill you it to die they survived I know I’m sorry Jambo but it’s the best can do at the moment it’s you know the thing is I’ve got to make the stream as viewable for us as I can and we’re not working outside that area anyway so it just has to be this way I’m sorry I will have BR have a look at it um after the stream see what OBS has broken cuz they obviously broken something um so that cuts down in this way which goes around here which means this one could potentially come over and then you’d need to do something like that maybe oh yeah I was working on that wasn’t I yeah we’re supposed to be yeah we we’re supposed to be terraforming this hill to try and make it not be floating I think it might take one more in one stream yeah maybe where in doubt blame OBS I do blame OBS because me start for hours fixing my OBS settings one Minecraft one OBS update and it breaks so that is an OBS issue not a Miss off gameing issue I think that’s pretty good reason I may be wrong but I think that’s pry good reason we go that way that way and then we need to go down a l how down oh the zombies dying in P snow no one stop with the Mr Baldi gaming comments they’re just they’re just um stuck here ah ow bit stairy it’s staircas I’ll just remove one block near the end just to bring it down uh yeah if you want diamond you can come and put some up in the chest up here if you like um yeah feel free if you want to join us or you can come and join us terraforming I’ve heard you’re quite good at terraforming too run away so I I say I’m not good at this is this is new new for me I’m used to doing small you know maybe the small area around the base maybe not anything this kind of level but MCB crash this was like the size of my base back in um early days of Minecraft so how do you stop it how do you stop it being staircases then just like if it’s consistent of the same block going down it’s just like one down one down one down one down okay ah better S no oh I survived oh look there’s Diamond no no there Diamond I’m not good with skins so so here’s the thing did anybody notice at the start of the stream I I pulled out a really really cool the ultimate Mr Mo gaming skin pack here which has all of my skins these ones were all these these three were created by Jambo this one was created by TC Gamers I haven’t used this one yet uh and this is one I made myself and this is one made by Ja so you know PR cool the timate more gaming scan pack will not be available for download because I don’t no no nobody wants to look like I’m Ming off gaming in trunks I went to oh no I can’t say this kind of Jambo was asking how did I make a skin pack uh if you go into Google and type how do you make uh thank you Diamond um oh he can’t hear me he’s uh if you go to Google and you type in how to make um what’s it called how do you make a Minecraft b. skan pack and it’s the first link I can’t see the name of the site unfortunately um because there is mods on the site because it also does mods that are viewer appropriate as one as in one mentioned our previous stream that we’re not talking about it actually physically flashed up on my screen why not download this no no thank you I’m not adding that mod to my Minecraft um that can go there and then we just kind of Step staircases down maybe something like like that I know it’s kind of flush we just kind I’ll try go back try and sleep I can up if you want more I’ve got a store nearby yeah that’s very true Diamond I’ve also got a base nearby that’s nobody can access because CH isn’t here going use yes I’ll use your shop I’ve got my in chest so it’s fine thank you I don’t even know if this is even more Cobble as well got a cobble I’ve got five double chests I just can’t actually physically access it because I can’t go to the base I mean there is a solution to this not your St oh yeah well we’ve mostly used cobblestone as it is um stone is just going to get mixed in it’s like an occasional book like I’ve done a bit here all right what is the solution show you over the bases uh just go to your base and just show it no I’m not showing the location of my base one minute I’m going to go I’m going to go Google that say it’s not very age appropriate Jambo so just be careful oh my Lord hey um can I just ask a question zombies and powder snow what do they turn into ground why why is that happing cuz it’s a liquid it’s SN oh skeletons strs oh no don’t Ed really I I really I wouldn’t recommend it it’s one we talked about on a broke crck stream recently um which I totally you know shouldn’t have mentioned in the first place um I’m tring to figure out how to connect this next section um block there oh no we can we can leave this but empty can we what the heck my internet service provider says that site is inappropriate that is inappropriate not not of the um um adult nature variety but the J me answer answer Jambo I don’t know how to answer that it it contains mature Minecraft content is that the best stuff that’s not recommended to watch like you hello love dust how are you we are terraforming The Observatory landscape up here above spawn what I’m going to have to go back and see what you said to not look up again K if I get exposed to anything I’m soon yeah I wouldn’t don’t don’t search it just yeah don’t search um in Google Minecraft be skin pack creator oh I’m very well thank you love dust thank you very very much we are so we’re just uh this is we built this in the last um stream this is a ex NE enough exact replica of what I have on BR Rock and we built it here on foundations and now we because we built on this mountain above spawn we have to terraform all this to Fair we could just made like set on top of a volcano and had the slope going down I don’t know how to ter it’s still a mountain to build yeah still Mountain yeah to there’s nothing Jambo that would hurt your your eyes on that site it’s just there is an addon on there which isn’t appropriate yes we’re above spawn spawn over there sorry about we’re render distance we’re having bit rate issues thanks to OBS being an absolute pain in the rear end it makes it look like we’re high up we are high up we’re 156 blocks in there what are you doing I’m bringing it out a little bit that all you want no I think this it needs to be steeper us we’re not going to reach the bottom or we’ll end in the shops at the bottom is the issue okay so from here you want maybe three or four drop flush BL flush drops I think I did seven for this section when I’m doing up but probably like four blocks four five blocks okay volcanoes are formed as destructive teonic boundaries with when plates of equal densities Collide forcing each other upwards is that how the observatory was made I never said that so observat was made I said that I said Observatory set on top of a volcano but yeah um I hadn’t planned all this when I I re designed the said I was going to do this but it’s fine it’s all Minecraft practice it’s always fun to learn yeah I I do don’t know yeah it’s good [Music] oh we’re going to have to go looking at this we have to go out one block and then straight down no this isn’t looking too bad and then B again something like that it’s not looking bad I’m scared to fly around oh yeah oh just my hearing what’s wrong with your hearing is this is this going to be a comment about my old music again which isn’t old music it’s actually only released a couple of years ago but you know how you know you have created content yourself Jambo you know how difficult is to find royalty free music free royalty paid music I’m going to say that way so that’s why you make it yourself yeah we’re not all like you with you know that can sound effect training and not I don’t know if you have sound effect training but no have nothing you know I just make it up go long but yes it’s hard to find stuff as you say and I’ve got a couple of content creators that are more than happy uh with me using their their music I have reached out and spoke to them so this is why I don’t really have to license as much as I used to which is good um dude there’s plenty of royalty 3 music it’s literally I’m literally part of it and then again my music gets stolen a lot I’m not commenting on royalty royalty 3 music I think that’s probably the wi way to do it as a you know um the fact that I do videos and live streams it is extremely difficult sometimes that when you you know you you add a video flag as using copyright music well that I B was you know what I mean um and then obviously they realized I had the license at the bot of the video and I was like you said I’ve got permission to use such and such a sound effect oh sorry sorry sorry sorry you know if i’ been monetized I would have been a lot more annoyed Kai is Invincible to cancellation well know two fa’s nothing to cancel is I that actually a similar thing happened um with um music back when I was in like I think season two of break oh gosh um I they claimed the music for even though it was Ro to3 yeah exactly you know the one that actually got me was some that Smurf shared with me a couple of months back that folk were posting his speedrun videos as as their own and he decided not to take any kind of action because they’re only tiny B crators why why would you why would you do that it it’s strange I guess it’s personal preference you know at least he’s got I was say he get some exposure but he doesn’t because they’re obviously saying it’s them it’s doing this Speed Run no speed runs they one of my videos was copyrighted for a song that I made during a time lapse from TF BR exactly there there’s that many any false claims now it’s ridiculous you know I’ll I’ll stick with the creators I’ve been using for the last couple of years that way I know that you know they release new content I’m not going to have any kind of issues whatsoever you know end day I’m try trying to build communities you know we don’t want even false strikes you know don’t look good on you um and it’s just one of my one of my videos copyright because I used my own song but on another account I accidentally press charge press charges I’m not com you copyed your own video I’m not I’m not commenting jumbo how is this looking is this I a fly it does actually once once this textures I think that’ll be okay yeah like add some Stone mixture add some like little Boulders I think add some patches of trees and grass so you want me to continue with the um oh God there’s a lot of persistent mobs in that hill I’ll St a second don’t worry that’s all right I’ll just kill them then there’ll no be persistent mobs anymore cuz we’re not we’re not like we’re not lighting up um bring this one up and around and then long and down again there’s this block underneath we’re just putting the the kids to bed so if you do hear any back your noise that’s what what that is no it’s all right there there there that looks I think that looks okay what do we think folks no not night oh it’s mini Mo say night Mr Mo I was going to say who’s who’s say night is mini Mo going to bed good night mini Mo no more cameras off what you find J what the hill looks good there lighting at the inside yeah all right okay I’m going to mute my mic for two seconds I’m going to get girls a cur cuz they’re going to bed and uh we’ll we’ll stay here looking at um what Jon oh I’m going to be working in the area you just mini Mo literally just said good night baly Mo cheers you started saying K I know started saying see see if see if she wakes up in the morning that’s what I hit with Jambo you’re you’re in trouble any if your audio can’t come through my mic so don’t even think about it yeah okay so you want me to go back over this side and start doing the same with this guy up here uh yeah yeah it’s bit more steeper for this section but for that the side thing so it’s like what I’ve been doing above oh some gaps here yeah that’s what I was trying to jump up to reach I can do it there let’s that right okay so the legend of the bald moth begins no see the next person call call me bald Mo I’m actually put T out I okay I can do that I’ve got I’ve got moderators for that now your Minecraft skins have too much hair who M the snow this ice well I placed torches I didn’t really think yeah baldi’s basic a game the gets play on the game that begins with an R there we go I’ll get rid of the water this really weird is it very strange oh love just loog in hello love D don’t sag the Monty don’t sag that Monty what don’t Jambo going English how are you L us hope you’re good I can’t back out towards you that was for Discord I know hey this is why I need F like you you come in the Stream all the time this is what happens when when Jax isn’t here I’m going to blame ja this is what happens ja Jax has other commitments and then I get picked on by the stream I mean he was sort of picked on last stream When J was here so maybe it’s just streams okay we just stop streaming is that that is that what you should all like no that’s that’s not a good option either well we just go back to doing videos twice a week no I I would never do that I do what is possible exactly love dust we all do we’re not fulltime content creators very much we want that to be true I’d love to do this full time think it’ be a lot of work hours I put in at the moment basally got two fulltime jobs uh I don’t know how oh I’m looking I’m doing the wrong side yes uh cuz she it’s further up and it’s also in game Sorry Mrs M just wondering why the some of the mod tools aren’t working do and then we go out out and then we go down here place that one there which gives you a nice two curved something like that I don’t know why I agre to do this on stream one minute you got to put the siblings to bed mhm jambo’s got put his siblings to bed why can’t I place that block that’s strange hello oh hello hello love dust how are you I’m good I came to bother you you came to bother me okay go for it yes I like to bother you I’m aware of that Jambo jambo’s been doing that for the last two streams how can I help you oh that’s good well uh I am taking over for jumo I guess I missed that sorry uh I’m uh taking over for Jambo I guess okay you’re taking over for Jambo all right okay yeah fine I’m totally okay with that love dust are you at spawn yes yes my game is so oh my God what is that did you build that what in the mountain yes I that spawn yes I think I think you’re talk about the observat on the top uh like like the best I’ve got BR Rock oh there’s crafting tables here there’s crafting tables everywhere blame him see him over there what have you done it wasn’t me it wasn’t me oh wait there’s evidence now um there’s so many TR trap doors where everywhere is this uh it’s not doors it’s just a railway where are you they’re everywhere where are you uh upstairs in in the observatory ah yeah my name tag doesn’t work you know but it looks good does Isn’t it nice coloring and nice nicely textured and hello hello he turn the light off need left quick to break blocks uh I have some kind of tutorial what is that why is that there I have done this before copper Golem yeah he got a red nose it looks like uh Rudolph the red nose thing Cyclops it’s got a red eye oh okay that works as well thanks Ed so as I say yeah we built this last stream because we asked mom told us to build something that reminded us of home so I thought well why not the observatory yeah oh that’s why I recognize it it’s okay for you you still can easily go back to BR Rock anytime you like and I’m stuck here I can’t go back to BR rock that sucks to be you no thanks for that sucks to be great [Laughter] D well am I wrong no it does I to agree with you but it’s not the point just because I agree with you doesn’t mean I have to agree with you have a magent bed here I like it yeah it’s my my V bed oh honestly we were talking about this um off cam um the other week there it’s okay for you know you just can all you know go into the server list or sleep and you end up back on BR Rock I went to the server last P BR Rock I end up on foundations yeah the server just BR doesn’t like me anymore I just end up here in the cold oh hello goat yeah Brett was trying to get a goat horn on it gave up it gave up and ran away yeah I shall get the goat horn from it I have a go horn in my chest but do you have a Viking horn no no I don’t I don’t have the Viking horn texture uh resource pack what what uh oh we’re on I there any Cobblestone left what where there’s no Cobblestone left yeah we’re a bit short on that yeah I’ll put some diamonds what are we needed for the mountain oh my God oh God I just crashed redstone oh ow I just fell through it’s all good Kai I give you the server details se’s going to beat me up guess I deserve it I have a server details Ed it’s the same server details I’ve been using for the last three years and just when I push it it sends me here Cobblestone shop Cobblestone shop what’s the what’s the price of the Cobblestone that’s gravel I can’t see name tags at Diamond to right yeah one minute I’ll turn my name tags off for that intro stt turn back on I can’t see the name of the boxes for the costs oh yeah uh it doesn’t sell Cobblestone I I can get some Cobblestone I’ve got like three thing is for yeah he did say he has Cobblestone and there’s no Cobblestone here I found a Trader he sells gray dye Moss lilypad not lime Pickers but SE Cobblestone does it s Cobblestone we could always get light gray wall mix that in as well I a I have a real shop yeah which I stole from you from season four five yeah five four last one whenever the last one was five killed him that actually looks pretty good though my chunk not chunk not loading I think once it gets a bit of snow to why do we need Cobblestone cuz John said to use Cobblestone for this I don’t I don’t do terraform Cobblestone looks good as a terraforming block this thing good mountains then you make some Stone and then you make some like of like things in like and theight I shall go to the Vikings base and check if we have the cobes thank you I just realized you brought diorite instead of Vite I don’t have diorite I don’t I I don’t I don’t have sorry it’s not it’s not the create mod we don’t need andite that that’ll be fine yeah five Brett says you’re going to die right no comment Mr that’s such a dad joke that one you know you didn’t hear me come up with something like that I love dad jokes they the funniest uh you didn’t see what I used to enter here right do you need me to come out and man the Cobblestone sh no no how much do you need um four Shockers jeez what ah I’m again this is silly oh I’ve just done it again oh oh I don’t know folks I don’t know love D we should do dad joke compet challenge yeah that’s that sounds like a mom task what is a mom task at the moment I know I’ve got one task to do must be a new one nothing like those nothing new that one’s finished by the way Mom when you’re watching I didn’t get paid for groundbreaking you paid me for everything else didn’t get me groundbreaking neither no none of us said the bald man’s out of cob I’m sometimes paying and sometimes not I’m not saying nothing say oh my God it’s a baby cat I know mom’s definitely slacking I got paid for every other Challenge and groundbreaking groundbreaking was week one no he’s not this BR is very feminine I don’t think so what I’m going to do folks is I’m going to put myself in the be right back I’m going to fly over to team BR Rock base but where is that I can’t tell you nobody knows where is uh but but I can follow you you I can’t tell you that but you can no nobody can nobody knows where it is apart from me and jck um I’m going to grab some cob I can know you know no you can’t uh I mean yes no you can’t nobody knows but why are we being called folks we aren’t that old yet Mo because it’s just to be our talk can I just double check are my coordinates hidden yeah hidden that’s F I can go back in my cam then there we go I I left you a couple of stacks of um Cobblestone thank you love dust sh by the oh God uh Observatory as you can see here folks ja has been extremely busy killing the server with bees bees he cool bees everywhere like literally everywhere what are your cords I’m not telling you my cords but can you tell me a course nope that’s a good argument that’s a good argument back I really think you can no no member of Foundations has getting access to team BR Rock base does anyone know where it is nope I think I have an idea of where it is now no you don’t really nobody has an idea is it J J be J where is the idea on my shoulder um negative 20 150 BR this far I don’t want to go that far hold left click to break blocks what is this thing small distraction so K can get away unnoticed I think my is broken have you got um is there not tools left click to break blocks I mean we’ll do it we’ll do it then or may stop have have you held left click to break blocks since uh yeah not since the update well there go do it I’ll remember youp animation to say you you’ve you’ve done well I uh I broke a block I fell down they didn’t say I did a good job so here’s here’s an interesting question from Jambo for you’ve sent you both in chat you’re both are here with us let’s ask the two of you and then we’ll ask BR and anybody else that’s a member of foundation that’s in the chat Jambo says what your reasons between playing Bedrock opposed to Java um um let’s start off with my main reason I mean you can’t get RTX can get shaders with Java but you can’t get RTX can you not get rra on Java no no oh interesting yeah is that the the only reason you play yep basically and how about yourself what do you think John what’s your reason for play bed over java I do actually play Java sometimes um but mostly because I know more people in bedrock in the Bedrock community so I can there’s more people to play with it’s more enjoyable that’s interesting how about you k i I also play both um I’m not going into too much detail um I I play both um I’ve played quite a lot of java with Jack recently uh we played we played all the mods 9 which was was great fun you know just the thought of doing it you know playing Minecraft without having to worry creating content on it uh actually doing the content I you know I don’t know about nothing personal it’s just I don’t know how my computer will handle it we see that the issues I’m having streaming today you know Java’s a lot more PC you know jav does get a lot more uh YouTube views it does yeah and that’s that’s always a valid point as well you know there’s a there’s also a lot more Java content creators than there is bed Edition but it’s so we were more of a as well yeah [Music] so I’ve been trying to find female bro Rock content creators but there’s not a lot of them out there no there isn’t and the fers as well there’s there is a lot of them you think of folk like um jasse and all the folk with trly bedrock but the problem you have with them is they’ve all never started playing Java yeah most people that play Bedrock that get big go to Java yeah but is unfortunate and I know there’s a lot of female creators that play on uh what I to forgot the name of the other SMP um uh what’s the Forgotten one where silent this one no that’s TR bad I’ll come that one um there’s a there’s an SMP that’s just started the second season and my memor went completely back the guy’s a Content a great content creator that does what add-ons and stuff oh I think I know which one you’re talking about yeah the guy the guy that done the trail on voice craft yes yes so he’s got a couple of women on his SMP um kids I don’t know what it’s called I’ll find out in I’ll meth about it Jambo says personally I started playing Pocket Edition so when I got my first laptop it made sense to buy Bedrock rather than Java two things led me to buy Minecraft hero Quest and Smurf man crush match okay walking stick there as well can I can play on my phone don’t need a controller which I can’t do on Java I also know more bed up players but I do play Java occasionally but I’m not as comfortable with the control Xbox controller on iPhone or the keyboard or Mouse either okay what’s your cord me I’m at 18us 29 why why I love us why you want my coordinates you going to come and kill me now we at spawn yeah Spa I’m down here building at this hill yeah but 18 29 80 80 80us 29 we’re in the hell yeah on hill Oh that that’s powed snow who are we at we’re at an hour and 20 minutes and we made quite a bit of progress to be fair an hour and 20 minutes hello hello why are you sword uh I have a head I have a not sword yeah do you want to buy stuff from me um do I have anything do I have anything to give a Wonder Trader yeah yeah I’ll trade you this snowball for for a diamond uhhuh huh huh I’ll take it wonder what how do these all feel about the wand trailer changes the fact that he’s always guaranteed to give know buckets and kind of stuff uh what changes is coming to that he’s getting more diverse trades yeah so going back to quickly back to the chat before I miss it and I can’t scroll back up Jambo I used to have an in I used to be insane on the phone never I just can’t go back through Brett says people say crossplay doesn’t count because you can crossplay on certain servers these days but cross crossplay absolutely counts because Bedrock players can’t be the ones to set up a Java crossplay server so it’s unfair to rely on one version and the mechanics on Bedrock are much more userfriendly such as forward block placing and the PVP mechanics and the ability to play on every console Jam then says there’s not there’s not enough roasting Bal this stream and then TF goes last but not least the instability to be able to play with friends such as just joining a set of a friend world or making a realm and not having to worry about setting up a server just to play with friends the real question that should be is why do people play Java what’s the perks so I think the perks of java is it’s more customiz ability um that we I know we finally have mod packs and stuff coming now which is absolutely awesome would be if they weren to expect if I didn’t have to pay for them I’d be more excited in but um yeah if that makes sense I hope that makes sense I mean also Java is just older so like a lot of people grow up playing Java so that’s what they used to yeah I also hear that there’s a lot of red stone benefits yeah like a lot of farms are way better I like I do like I do like the Iron Golem mechanic oh yeah where they Scar the villagers the zombies yeah it’s it just made life that would be like so much easier on here could you imagine not having to set up a stupid 40 Viller trading Hall just for a couple of Golems yeah and like the weaer oh I’m sorry so much different different it’s yeah it’s like a baby weather in Java Edition yes they I’ve seen a lot of things a lot of java players want the Bedrock wither shows that um like people in the community do actually like both versions like oh they want yeah maybe they want the challenge yeah Challenge on Java could you imagine people like hermitcraft fighting the bedro weather I’ve seen a couple of them have done videos on it they didn’t do very well I would have liked that to see that you know there’s a couple of videos with I’m doing it but it’s you know they don’t manage it they do eventually because their videos and they obviously cut them anyway they want but you know I mean it’s you know everever ever Brothers a maniac literally other things yeah you can’t trap in Bedrock yes you do on Java yes you can uh well uh if you’re I mean I’ve got I’ve got weather color tutorial yeah if you’re Kai you can trap it um but yeah jumbo makes a good point as just said to made a walk stuck uh Java Enderman Farms exactly yeah that’s exactly yeah yep that’s uh um entity caps um entity what what’s the word I don’t know why they are so different it’s so annoying yeah it doesn’t make a lot of sense to be fair a lot of the time but it’s it’s quite strange if you think about it a lot of ways that yes I think it’s like optimizations they’ve had to make right for to be able to Port it over to phones have you ever tried playing well we know that my computer has never been the best thing you know it’s always been just a little bit it’s slower than everybody else’s um I don’t you know I don’t deny that I’ve never denied that I’ve always made that a clear point at the beginning when I that great content but I couldn’t play Java Edition until recently until I got that donation a couple of months back I couldn’t I couldn’t play Java Edition at all it wouldn’t even load it just crashed I had to literally get another know three times my r to play Java Edition yes yes I know we’re having issues at the moment with my streaming stability and all that kind of stuff that’s an OBS issue but jav is harder to play because of the issues it takes 15 minutes sometimes for for a world to load and that’s just that’s just loading the mod pack and then if you play on a server you can Tak another 10 minutes to load into the server I like you know I like the fact I can just log out here and log in in two second slot mind I do have similar issues with there has been yeah but they say they have fixed the issue with the 40% issue yeah I think that rabbit just did damage to me yeah you mean what so I’m just I’m just going to jump back to the stream real quick so we don’t miss anything Java has Crystal PVP which instantly puts him at the bottom from Jambo um Ed says it seems like the mod packs are more plenty on Java yeah they are I do love a Java mod pack all the mods n all the op series you know these things are you know some of the things that you can do on these mod packs are insane I do hope that we do get it eventually on bition but isn’t that more of just it’s been around longer cuz yeah Java’s been around 15 years this time year yeah also also the program language is different so the you know the abilities are totally different if that makes sense um but hopefully with with the creation of the new Bedrock um add on to we are getting there you know we have now got Bedrock crate it’s maybe not exactly the same because it us entities instead of what they have in Java but it’s getting there H Brett says me personally I don’t think Java Farms being op is reason enough to prefer over Bedrock because think of the Farms we have uh uh they aren’t as fast but they’re fast enough it’s a different game as uh can’t remember who it is but I think it’s like old guy something like they’re very different games yeah that me you they’re basically the same idea for a game just the different when you actually don’t I’m not I’m I’m my b oh no spawn destroyed oh that’s too bad that’s terrible we’re s here talking we get slaughtered I wanted to kill Brit that’s main target but uh bro got uh yeah he bro got oh he got the stuff oh there you go by TF BR using TF br’s massive Baloo the Balo the fire damage you know yeah I can have my own head H there’s a lot of gear line here I don’t know what’s what which is yeah to go through and collect all of their stuff quick yeah I’m working on there’s stuff everywhere and there’s a Pillager raid coming up somebody wants to eradicate it please oh please don’t tell me there’s powder snow here you imag there is powder snow I will jump back in in chat and I’ll speak to you in a minute that’s mine oh there’s the Pillager raid yeah feel free to kill it um shall punch you down yeah there’s definitely stuff missing I’ve I’ve lost I’ve lost all the stuff I’ve got your stuff I think I I may have some of yours I don’t know what you had before was a problem do you have my pickaxe is that that’s the important thing for me what’s it called it’s the neite pickaxe there you have it yes I have there you go called pickaxe I think this is yours guess that’s yours and that’s yours missing my sword I have yeah I have your sword missing pants oh yeah I’m missing all my armor there your pants as you guys up everything I know you do that’s fine it’s fine and my shovel and my uh bow the Bow’s quite important yeah I can uh probably give you some replacement items what else you miss um my shovel I don’t I don’t have your shovel I see a jack head two jackets in a tunnel oh so I’m I’m just going to quickly jump in the chat because I’ll let you just discuss what you are talking about I’ll quickly see what the chat say um but Bedrock has input delay no that one I can talk about Jambo because if you actually go to your settings here there is a section on um on input delay I don’t know if we can do it from here actually or it’s just the game not sure who that is you have improved input response tole there you go um walking sick I just made an end farm on BR Rock and it’s so much slower than a Java server end farm yep Java and C plus are very similar so Jambo Ed says I’m not a fan of the Minecraft loading screen on the computer they have just updated the Minecraft loading screen on computer Ed then says hello it is nice to use with course Forge yep exactly and then Ed says wow love dust and then Jambo says Kai’s a guy you thought Minecraft never needed but Minecraft still doesn’t need him I’m sorry everyone is a I know yeah yes uh Brit oh I have no idea what’s my uh thing Imaging is I actually got uh everything pants I have got a shovel here J I don’t know if it’s yours so no I think of I have an iron shovel yeah I’ve got my all right I don’t I don’t know where stuff’s came from I’m missing something but I’m not sure what it is I’m missing I definitely had arrows I only have one of those I don’t know we’ll find we’ll sort it later it’s fine yeah it’s nothing important no I’m not I’m also not pants anyway so it’s F I have a lot of arrows but I have no bow I only need one I don’t need I don’t need loads of arrows now try it back to what I was doing that’s a terrible thing for Jambo say is it C BR could you hit me a message later on please BR meit me a DM hopefully catches that message and he’s still in the Stream this actually looking pretty good actually I do like this it looks very it looks very volcano with the the cobblestone how close are we to spawn we’re actually pretty close now yeah we’re down most very close we probably don’t need to bring the Cobblestone down all the way actually we like end it here okay no problem you’re the boss Jambo says I think it’s could look better Jambo if you can do better do on am and show us you have two hours y yeah I agree with Kai exactly I don’t mind back gaming to be the BR actually message me you know no I didn’t even acknowledge uh it’s I’ll change this blocks out here never mind K see I Jambo just backed down he says never mind K look as beautiful unlike my bald head I’m going to say it before you do unlike my bald head sh IM buing me from my you know old age that’s agest oh well so we have got 25 minutes of the stream left I was going to get if if Jack’s here I was going to give you a little bit of spoiler but it hasn’t made it unfortunately so I can’t I can’t disclose anything that I shouldn’t yeah I can’t unfortunately he’s not here no yeah yeah oh no this P snow break it you got you punch it Jambo says yes I’m very agous sorry young people nowadays again you know yeah I know we we to young again it you went down the inste up have any Rockets would you like some Rockets I don’t know where love this is she feels off she sounds off far away oh she’s at bot love D come this way I’m behind you oh hello hello come over here here you go take two stacks one two you get two for a diamond I’m just paid for paid for you have two stacks see I don’t hold you know bad feelings right so thank you you’re welcome um I have no idea where we’re going for here um does say all right all good I’ll just um what were you GNA say I was just waiting for you to do something no you’re about to say something I you asking the question I forgot do was this side I don’t know man no idea I’m going to stand here on the edge here and hope L does come behind and H me oh thank you I’m just juice lose my voice like golden carrots you know oh thank you I do have a villager that gets golden carrots so enemy uh oh there’s golden carots and despawn in the ground here nice that looks good do it looks looks quite natural in bits I do see what you mean the stepping kind of pattern some bit so maybe it need to kind of go around a we bit but this is quite good the fact it varies between each layer as well yeah me I don’t do this type of terraforming I do you know around the farm or something no no nowhere near this kind of level from far I can’t tell up you know I’m going to turn the renders and up just for this and if it if it kills the stream folks I Doe [Music] the extension that let’s try going to my R distance is holding actually there we go does look quite it does look n doesn’t it look good yeah and the minute my Fram start dropping I will kill in the distance again but we’re actually we’re fine oh no I can see it’s starting to drop now oh what a pain in the rear end what a pain in the rear end uh does someone have a magenta bed yes J that was the smoothest Landing I’ve ever done no Jambo says i’ put my I put my FPS back up oh my FPS is 60 it doesn’t oh no I did to be fair I did turn it down there we go dve store I don’t think that FPS toally makes a difference I’ve I’ve never noticed the difference with it can you set it to below 10 uh no I the minimum I think the minimum is 10 actually yeah oh I can see a difference at 10 I’m bu 10 it looks like 10 FR per second we’re not doing anything Jambo that’s like I I’ll put it back to unlimited see it does say it’s experimental so it doesn’t always work but oh my Lord what is that slow motion no that’s I heard a traitor yeah I hear a Traer he got an let’s let’s kill that before it gets any worse oh that’s horrid sounds like somebody no longer has a magenta bed no I know I know I notic that love just borrowed up go right so where are we at here mate what’s the how are we curving this are we going out a little bit further on this side here or are we kind of stacking it quite close so there’s two opt oh go snow again um there’s two options for like Corners you can either curve it out or you can curve it in so whe the F there’s a hole down there you better cover out cover in that that have to fill it in yeah probably be easier to do that oh I didn’t get it head I’m not saying a word about love just try to kill bunny rabbits for their heads uh what no such such a such a viking thing to do yeah I didn’t even think of that know you know you you would have the inits do that so when you came to my secret Center and you gave me a bunny head yeah you killed a rabbit for that uh I killed many I mean no I mean wait no no nobody’s harmed walking sex says hahaa slow motion no Jambo so why are your streams so late well my streams are late because I have got three kids and you know it’s not it’s it’s not possible to stream or record most of the time when they’re running around it’s just not fair on them to ask them to shut up basically so I I stream on a night that I’m able to stream and that’s just it always has been uh on a Saturday night even my twitch stream back my twitch stream days was a Wednesday on a Saturday night you know I’m going to just apologize for any noise you hear in the background um Mrs M does streaming on another app not Minecraft related so I’m not going to go into it but she’s swearing quite a lot at the moment so I’m going to continue to try and talk and cover it but where is she streaming I’m not going to detail where she streaming no it’s not no it’s not on only fans page before said it no I was just no of game no no it’s not not not game streaming it’s more chatting type thing oh okay I jambo’s going ask going to say only fans so I thought i’ you know say that’s not what it is we’re not that rich not only fans Rich yeah let’s see Jambo says it’s midnight there it’s not it’s only qu two I’m in the same time zone as Jambo is Ed says almost 8:00 p.m. there Sun’s just ready to set it’s bit Darkside here uh oh man I have to go up at 4 wel my world have kids you’re you’re up at that every day my pants oh god I’ve just messed up that I’m doing the wrong side I don’t know why I’m even doing this I’ll leave this B I’m just going to keep doing it and yeah simar Ed says I always assumed it was so you would have similar hours to us to the US players well that’s kind of true as well my audience is primarily us always has been even back in the back in the twitch days um so it’s it’s always has been And obiously the fact I play a lot with Jackson J and stuff now I can stick myself to the as close to their time zones as I can I know you got the same time zone as me so I’m not saying anything J but I mean I do the same thing yeah you know we try and it’s not for me to stream at you know for example 600 p.m. because that’s you know too early in the day in the US which is also the the reason I struggle quite a lot with broke Rock meetings and stuff because they’re quite early even though it’s a Saturday for me I was I’ve got the kids run around so it’s not always possible they’re always around the time that people eat dinner here as well yeah time is funny little thing right so where are we at how come my stream’s holding up now but it wasn’t at the start what why is at the start of my stream it wouldn’t work oh there we go just lost all I look out towards Brett’s base my frames just die let dropped so the issue I don’t know if it’s loaded chunks or what it is over that side but can’t even look over there that we just drop my render distance back five or just kind of does that fix it yeah it goes halfway but it does fix it I’m got torches no I don’t have torches so just have to live with oh God so yeah if you are enjoying this live stream which just seems to be I say should be losing control of every second you haven’t you enjoying it please do hit that like And subscribe button because that means the world and helps my numbers grow and then maybe eventually I’ll see my goal of becoming a fulltime Creator which is which is my goal at the end of this as well as having fun and learning Lots from other people and all kind of stuff hi yes do you have bunny ears yeah I don’t you have want to have um well may keep my my head warm since I’m bald thank you love dust hello my is bunny Mo gaming [Music] yay no B off gaming B off gaming [Laughter] oh stop laughing God dare me what what happened oh your stuff is on one block so that’s good it’s usually like splatters all over where are you I can’t see I can’t see your name tag um oh yeah I see by the carrot flash car sh yep it’ll be fine she be to think oh is she flying the wall yeah how did that happen Jambo said you remember when you blow up probably Jambo you made most of my skin packs I do appreciate that obviously Chad I’ve got an idea I’ve got a lava bucket yes same it’s a water bucket but we water bucket our St don’t there I’m not sure what you’re planning but I don’t like it we’re going to flush your stuff down the hill towards you no we’ll probably wreck the terraform let’s not do that [Music] oh so let’s see Bal Not bunny according to Jambo nope I quite like bunny Mo gaming right anyway as Easter’s coming up so we’ll keep this head for Easter the Easter stream if you come around the side Hill of D there’s there’s water to get up so Ed Ed I’m going to be honest if you okay Ed’s asking is this a familyfriendly stream or an adult stream every piece of content I create is all family friendly I just occasionally might say a bad word or we might talk about something that we shouldn’t happens yeah I do it on occasion die and go up yeah but I do my kids do like watching the streams back so I do try and keep it as PG as possible I I try not to broadcast anything that I wouldn’t want to watch myself if that makes sense go through here let’s go the war I’m worried about the stuff despawn it’ll be fine we got two minutes oh that’s good oh have you collected it no watch this watch this watch watch up the water love dust up the water water water the water I water I’ll then I’ll take the water bucket away and you you fold it no okay I will PM love D the D joke okay oh one one of those jokes okay yeah Ed if you want to say a joke it doesn’t mean I won’t moderate chat out as I just won’t read it I let people oh use one of the Sher boxes J and put the stuff in it uh my is completely full use the Sher box stand um come up night Jambo thanks for always for coming in mate it’s appreciated I don’t even have water to get back up oh no here you go okay yeah if you place it at the top you can place it in this area it’s not a good area I think that you may have a a DM from Ed so we have done a huge bit of progress this week H we have got the top of the mountain sorted and we have got a lot of the totally fell up the wrong side of the mountain um this entire side here done we will obviously start texturing smoing out some of the textures on this changing the block pet we still have this side here to finish okay that’s all and obviously we still have this site here to do so unless myself and Jax get back from the broke Rock next week we will be back here again next Saturday we might as well just continue this task to be fair um we have a couple minutes so we’ll just do our our usual end and yeah and and stuff it’s all in this Sher box love dust um we’re just going to empty empty our chest and tidy up a little bit so that we don’t leave a lot of mess lying about we don’t want to you know we don’t I don’t like leaving mess so that is all that tided up then we just pick up all these boxes just put them inside here till next week G to do next week finish us kind of looks finished though no we’re getting there some the paths and stuff there finished with the terraform I mean the path’s just going to continue down to the hill right and then just come down to behind the town hall yeah main door here so I want I do want to thank you all for coming in it has been an absolutely great laugh as it always is thank you to Ed walking is walking stick thank you to Jambo TF BR mini Mo um I’m to scroll up my chat one second um who else we had TF said um who else do we have we what love D was in chat obviously J was in chat mini Mo and the people right at the very beginning of the stream who was Diamond was here so I was here of course who else was here get the ears Mrs Mrs MO is here BR said I not F was here at the start Co Buster was here at the start but they weren’t too happy with the fact they had to wait but anyway yeah was here yeah so I do appreciate these all thank you very much for coming if you haven’t already please do hit that like And subscribe button because that helps us content creators you know um Keeps Us motivated to be fair and you know it is ABS great love just punched me off to watch so uh where’s J I’ll come up I’ll come up I’ll come up we’ll come upstairs and do it not too late I’m up there now so hope you all enjoyed oh there’s a bed I do hope you have all enjoyed the you know the big trick we played at the begin and next week we’ll be back and there will be a video on Friday there’ll be a live stream on Saturday and yeah as always H please do check out the link to the BR rockers and Foundations members whose links are in the description box below I believe and do check out their content tell I sent you and yeah as always man Mr M gaming good night I and die minute nice shot [Music]

This video, titled ‘Brokerock/Foundations LIVE – Home Sick – Terraforming’, was uploaded by Mr Mof Gaming on 2024-03-24 00:07:51. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:02 or 8942 seconds.

#minecraftbedrock @minecraft #FoundationsSMP #subscribe #livestream #terraforming

Whats up everyone today we continue with our live series.

Being stranded on Foundations SMP doesnt mean we cant go live. Tonight I’m joined by Jax and Judd as we continue try to charm M.O.M by completing community tasks in an effort to get back to Brokerock.

This weeks reward is Dragon Essence for the machine that brought us here!!!

Ft. @thejaxster @JuddSamurai @mrmofgaming

I wonder if any of the Founders will make an appearance….

Tune in to find out.

Join us 🙂

Bedrock, Brokerock, Building the nether hub, Minecraft, MrMofGaming, minecraft bedrock, minecraft bedrock smp, minecraft survival, brokerockers, minecraft bedrock edition smp, minecraft smp

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    🔥RAJ DESTROYS RANKS IN VALORANT LIVE🔥Video Information hello guys welcome to the stream let’s start a match again and let’s try to win and re gold match found okay it’s Lotus yes I’m pumped okay it’s a good team but we need a sentinel too I shouldn’t have to say this because you know the vibe but stay clear on my exper exps okay fight there yeah they don’t have smokees that’s nice are there only Us Alive I have this reloading I dropped Spike enemy spotted [Applause] cenade last player standing one eny remaining let’s I’ll take out their Sky it’s something I must… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Battle with @Philippem! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Build Battle with @Philippem! 😱Video Information Kön alle D auch D hört schon jer dich hört man im Video hallo mal ja hallo Test 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jetzt hallo Test 1 4 5 6 ma mal ungefähr so dann auch starten so ma Intro und willkommen Video und heute sind wir in Minecraft mit phip HI heute spielen wir he and Zek auf verschiedene Maps in dem Fall auf welche Map spielen wir heute oder jetzt gerade h ausgesucht kan ach jetzt kann ja jetzt kann ich Beginn wir erstmal mit den kleinen Spiel mal gostown okay dann… Read More

  • Unbelievable Parkour Skills in Minecraft Gojo Boys95 PRO

    Unbelievable Parkour Skills in Minecraft Gojo Boys95 PROVideo Information the world just pass me by pain pills nice Clow if I fall I think I’ll by ey touch me might us make me part of your design to guide us I feel fear for the very last [Music] time sleep while iose my eyes oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft PRO Parkour’, was uploaded by Gojo boys95 on 2024-03-26 23:12:08. It has garnered 1627 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft PRO proper minecraft, minecraft herobrine, minecraft animation, minecraft but, minecraft memes, minecraft entity 303, minecraft null, minecraft herobrine animation,… Read More

  • Axolot bending

    Axolot bendingA craked bendersmc copy with a lot of new moves, join now! >:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Horse Armor Struggles 😞 No Netherite

    Why isn’t there a “build a house in 5 minutes” cheat code in Minecraft? Would that be too OP, or would it just be super convenient for lazy players like me? Read More

  • Kira MC’s Dark Mission: Co-op Chaos!

    Kira MC's Dark Mission: Co-op Chaos! In the latest episode of Minecraft Mega SMP, Kira MC invited herself and Tinnt to see. Together they planned a dark mission to complete, With mods and challenges, their skills to compete. The mod link was shared for all to see, As they embarked on this thrilling spree. Contact email for inquiries, they did provide, For any questions or feedback, they’d be by your side. Happy viewers watched as the story unfolded, In the world of Minecraft, their adventures molded. MonsterMiner, Minecraft YouTuber in the mix, Surviving and thriving, with each new fix. SMP VN, the server they played… Read More

  • Just a normal MINECRAFT video…with lava! 🔥

    Just a normal MINECRAFT video...with lava! 🔥 When you tell yourself you’re just going to play Minecraft for a few minutes but end up building an entire empire and neglecting all responsibilities. #minecraftaddict #procrastinationstation Read More

  • Gay Steve’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Gay Steve's Epic Minecraft Adventure The Evolution of Red Corp in Minecraft Red Corp: A Leader in Redstone Technology Red Corp has long been synonymous with innovation in redstone technology within the Minecraft community. Their creations have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the game, inspiring players to explore new possibilities in automation and mechanization. Adapting to Modern Sentiments As the world evolves, so too must Red Corp. In a recent interview with CEO Firelightfly, the company’s approach to social awareness was brought into focus. While maintaining their commitment to technological advancement, Red Corp is also recognizing the importance of social issues… Read More

  • TropiCraft: Minecraft’s Hidden Gem

    TropiCraft: Minecraft's Hidden Gem The Tropical Paradise of Tropicraft: A Minecraft Mod by Mojang Developer Imagine a world where warm sandy beaches, palm trees, and crystal-clear waters are just a step away. This dreamy tropical paradise was brought to life by Cory Sheviak, a developer at Mojang, through the creation of the Tropicraft mod for Minecraft. Inspired by his vacation in Puerto Rico, Cory set out to craft a whole new dimension within the game, filled with exotic landscapes and unique features. Discovering Tropicraft Tropicraft is not just another biome in Minecraft; it is a separate dimension that offers a refreshing escape for… Read More

  • Insane Update! Minecraft PE Beta with EPIC Enchantment!

    Insane Update! Minecraft PE Beta with EPIC Enchantment!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pe new update official beta update Released |minecraft new enchantment added ❤️’, was uploaded by Avi on 2024-04-11 11:56:50. It has garnered 809 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:40 or 160 seconds. Minecraft new beta update minecraft official beta update Minecraft update | avi new enchantment added minecraft pe new update release minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft pe minecraft pocket edition minecraft beta version minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft 1.21 minecraft beta version nueva minecraft bedrock minecraft pe1.21.0.21 minecraft… Read More

  • Jayjay & Mikey DRAGGED Under Scary Bed!

    Jayjay & Mikey DRAGGED Under Scary Bed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who DRAGGED Mikey and JJ Under the Scary Bed in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Jayjay & Mikey on 2024-01-29 19:37:15. It has garnered 2828 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:24 or 4524 seconds. Who DRAGGED Mikey and JJ Under the Scary Bed in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – Read More

  • Ultimate Fortnitepossu 1.8 Insanity Montage!

    Ultimate Fortnitepossu 1.8 Insanity Montage!Video Information This video, titled ‘1.8 Montage’, was uploaded by Fortnitepossu on 2024-05-05 07:45:43. It has garnered 38 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. ignore: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: CRAZIEST Minecraft SEED 🌱🤯 #viral #gamingfun #mindblown

    UNBELIEVABLE: CRAZIEST Minecraft SEED 🌱🤯 #viral #gamingfun #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best seed.. 🤣🤣 #minecraft #gaming #mincraftfunny #viralvideo #memes #minecraftmemes #trend’, was uploaded by It’s AG shorts on 2024-05-24 02:18:39. It has garnered 6025 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Watch Gods Bicep Get Scared in Minecraft Mod

    Watch Gods Bicep Get Scared in Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Minecraft – Cave Horror Project Mod – COME WATCH ME GET SCARED!!!’, was uploaded by Gods Bicep on 2024-05-18 13:19:19. It has garnered 757 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:25 or 5485 seconds. JOIN THE CHICKEN COOP CLUB TODAY!: / @godsbicep SUPPORT ME DIRECTLY BELOW AT MY PAYPAL: Read More