INSANE Hypixel Player DOMINATES Wynncraft!

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and we are live again for day four of daily content June I think yeah I did I I went live I did it w okay now it’s time to as as you all know it’s time to spam the self-promo channels of Discord oh I also got to put it in my own Discord server that’s a that’s an important step I think I decided to join wincraft with shaders on just to show you how terrible the frames get yeah my computer’s not going to like me for this one if I was in Deb list right now my frames would be literally in like the single digits it’s wonderful okay we’ll PL this [Music] here qu that [Music] there bang this was the requested windcraft stream in the comments of the the announcement video and so the W it won the poll today so we’re wind crafting I’m pretty excited actually okay am I all good now yeah okay not going to undef quite yet we’re streaming with raft today we’re wind crafting yeah okay so look at check check this out okay this isn’t really that bad the frames are okay 70 that’s not oh 50 okay 40 okay yeah frames are not that good like I said if I was in dead lless right now my frames would be dying hold on I got to fix my layout I forgot about that press press yeah what’s up thermite hey hey on how am I doing how am I doing am I doing okay I’m excited to play play some wincraft this is the probably the most chill game in Minecraft it’s pretty chill didn’t even know there was aole oh a pole yeah it was it was in Discord anyway theer’s off but my computer doesn’t explode that’s better anyway um this is my level 46 assassin I think it’s level 46 I actually don’t know how to check uh 45 yeah so uh I’ve played wincraft a little bit before I don’t I don’t know much about it I this this uh account probably has about like 50 hours max put into it why I get I sorry I moved around without my controls if I shift on the edge here I get like sh around I’m not moving right now I wasn’t pressing any buttons what is that oh I’m not pressing I wasn’t pressing any buttons what anyway windcraft yeah I don’t know what else to say I don’t really know much about this game except the fact that I’ve played it before me and me and his Marin did a play through that’s where I got to this level I’m in uh I have no idea where I am I have no idea where I am so uh what I wanted to ask people are should I restart and cuz raft never played before we’re going we’re playing with raft today should I restart and make a new character and play with him or should I just carry him with this character probably should just restart yeah play the game on stream that’d be kind of fun anyway I’m undef and see what has to say hello hi Jack hi hello hi are you a bit lost in the craft of win I’m gonna I can’t wait to I don’t know where I’m looking at are you logged on I just now logged on it says select a character yeah so I got to make a character yeah you got to make a new character oh yeah all you got to do is choose your class I think Shaman like the neon Shaman the neon Shaman but rap I wanted to ask you like I I’m like level 45 in this in this uh game already should I just restart to play with you from level one um what I I don’t know that’s how does I don’t know how this game works so me neither oh uh I guess I don’t know yeah I’m just going to restart also yeah thit’s going to join too yeah join up oh that’s go we can make like a I’m going to do the Archer I’m going to go with archer that’s a good class actually take archers me and AR play we played Archer and it was really good there’s a lot of like movement uh spells with archer which is really useful okay how do I how do I log out oh wait I do SL Hub right yes windcraft the Minecraft MMO RPG uh it’s very dark press shift to continue thank you for using the the win pack enjoy this game select a character each character sa individually type SL stream to I’m streaming what does that do there’s a SL stream command you will only be visible to your friends party in Guild oh so you don’t get stream sniped that’s not fun though getting stream sniped is fun how do I well I turn it on I don’t know how to turn on hey player okay do I wait when do I play with people or do I have to do like a tutorial there’s like a quick tutorial but I think we can do it together so wait up wait up for a sec I’m going to okay okay I’ll stay the horse carriage yeah stay there this reminds me of Skyrim yeah it’s kind of like that but mcraft awesome I can’t wait I just I just popped a can I just popped a can of drink so it’s going to be great duby Strawberry banan yes whoa bad at game what do you mean of course probably my favorite flavor [Music] now I’m excited the WIC so chill oh okay there’s people online um oh wait maybe we can I wonder if I can friend you kind of online yeah slri add oh I jack starart it says it keeps telling me to come over to them why am I playing fake Sky Block because wincraft wincraft is awesome you mind if I start with an already made class uh if you want we’re we’re going to start from level one so if you want to join with us he keeps yelling at me to to come over to them but I’m waiting for you okay I’ll be there a second it needed like a cool down to delete the class to make a slot okay like I think it’s like a 30 seconds yeah there’s a bunch of like information about me it’s kind of creepy what content book I got soul oh no not the souls again I got soul points you going to kill me again jack is this all what this was about it’s not like French bedwars oh no don’t know what soul points do like I said I’ve played this game a decent amount but I don’t really know how to do it efficiently like I kind of just like run around and kill stuff I don’t really know how to what half the stuff means okay okay I only have five Hearts I might die happens if I die I friended you do you have to friend me back party so we get a party then yeah all right let add thermite too cuz if he’s addite nights okay uh do you want me the party since you kind of know what you’re doing at least a little bit a little bit let me see if I can make my new character now yeah I can okay what should I what should I go with I got we got Archer Warrior Assassin Mage or Shaman I kind of want to also do Archer but I feel like that wouldn’t be a good party if we had two archers I already have an assassin so what did grien build everything yes he built every single thing he built everything and he did all the work he coded everything wow wow grien you did a great job you did a good job thermite’s a shaman okay and you’re an Archer I probably shouldn’t go with archer or Shaman then maybe I’ll go with Mage um Mage honestly it fits I’ll do M sure yeah but if it’s isn’t like what isn’t that what a knight is anyway or like a a paladin what are Knights a knight probably a warrior okay okay okay okay well I’m going first impressions it looks pretty nice but that may be just because I have shaders on oh yeah this this Ser will kind of destroy your frames with shaders at some points but if you can run them go for it uh we’ll figure it out I’ll see if it happens okay I’ve had some intense gaming gaming intense gaming gaming and stuff gaming gaming yeah okay I’m in the hor oh my God is that you no that’s a that’s just a chicken wait I see you oh you’re where come come back towards the NPCs huh no it’s stop talking to me I don’t want to talk to you I I swear I hit the same D Boulder every time I make this trip sorry folks why am I slow okay yeah whenever you’re dialog walk all the way fortunately like not far from here just straight path forward something whatever keep moving okay so we got keep moving so is like a MMO RPG it’s just like a story game game yeah okay so what I keep following them if I punch these chickens will I level up will I become a level 10 crook yep oh no or how about a level 100 mafia boss yes awesome uh do faster than that I don’t I they keep talking and that’s annoying yeah I’m trying to figure out how to get to the same area as you I think we’re in different like Realms right now or different like we’re not partied so it’s like yeah it wouldn’t let it said you’re not online when I when I tried to party you SL party uh Jack starart oh that worked H I got how can I make you the party leader slarty leader xar I’m teleporting to your world cool this player is not online oh oh there we go on your world to try again flash party leader Jack starart the provid play is not online Jack get online although trying to see if you’re on my tabl list you’re not you you’re on mine oh wait yeah yeah you are you’re on mine too I I see it now all let me add thermite there we go the province of win where are you me I’m still in the tutorial area oh I see you hello oh there’s music I didn’t know there was going to be music music’s actually pretty good okay should I stop my music then yeah that’s what I did I I’m not playing music I’m just waiting for that to kick in okay okay okay okay okay we’re ging hello hello hello I’m going to turn it down a little bit just barrier blocks for me there we go okay we’re waiting for thermite I invited thermite yeah Okay cool so basically rap this is windcraft you you said you’ve never played an MMO before but basically I don’t think so yeah this is this is like the second biggest MMO RPG in Minecraft second to Sky Block of course where this one’s Much More Much More Quest based and less less uh stat based I suppose where the goal of this one is to progress through a bunch of different fun quests and then uh yeah go through the story kind of like a traditional RPG whereas Sky Block’s more about you know strats but yeah this is pretty F do I have to read a lot you can if you want to I might just probably I’m just going to skip through one of the dialect to be honest oh you can if you want wait this is a bunch of text I’m here but I appear to be at rney says thermite oh cool we we’re about to be at ragy okay so just I’ll follow you then okay yeah we just got to get through this quick tutorial I’m going to speed run it [Music] by the way I also went to Archer cuz I wanted to be an Archer cuz Juju what’s up I also just went Archer cuz I wanted Juju oh okay you want s what are you doing all the way it keeps it keeps pulling me away from you jack here we [Music] go oh [Music] parkour we break this St on the ceiling bam there we go Jack you broke the thing I know it’s good we can get past oh no I can use it oh okay oh good loot hey tell we’re playing wincraft starting a new wincraft playthrough yeah the second biggest in Minecraft second to Sky Block open the loot chest unidentified helmet and emeralds let’s go back wait oh okay hi can I put this on no [Music] okay yes normally these outskirts are pretty safe but we have some corrupted forces slipped through recently we’re not entirely sure how they got here either the way we’ve caused chaos they managed to destroy the bridge any any case you’ve noticed your loot is currently unidentified yes you’ll be able to identify at the item identif fire further down the path on your left thank you all right let’s head thanks for the warning is a pack it’s just a server no mods required mostly resource back yeah log on if you want we’re playing with thermite Knight and raap we’re just like hello item identifier Jo in the party if you want I’m going to put that inside of you and you will give me something I don’t like the way you said that but um I got a toe sack what you got a awesome wait I love toe sacks I got one of those s thank you item identifier how now where do I go oh I see you over here’re trying to cross the bridge now but it’s there’s no Bridge so that’s kind oh the broken bridge we’ll just like jump across it oh GL didn’t let you do that that that soly wasn’t kidding well how are you meant to get to the other side of this Ravine now are we nothing gone wrong that’s weird I fig I think out something from before win but it’s gone I can’t remember oh they have amnesia I think so does everyone here have amnesia something like that I kind of forget what the story is maybe if you read it yeah I’m too anxious wor about that later I like this very pretty and I want toag a really nice nice pretty city my pretty City all right so I got to find a way around where you you keep disappearing how’ you get over there Jack what look at this watch I’m walking on here oh right click to push the tree push it push the stupid tree thank you just kidding trees aren’t stupid I love trees where did you go I’m I’m fallowing I’m going across ref by the way I think what I saw you over here what do you mean where did I go where are you I don’t see you anymore oh there you are I’m going to hit a pig don’t kill the pig okay you killed the pig well I want to become a level 10 mafia boss okay we got to become a Mafia Boss ra what’s your power in Rise of Kingdoms how do you memorize the name of the game just okay where are you jack I whenever I think whenever we enter cut scenes makes like this beer sometimes ah the new recruits wait there a moment there’s a spot of tremble up ahead I got my first what’s going on a group of the corrupted have sieged the underpass it’s not safe to go on armed so you’ll need weapons let’s see a spear for you oh I accidentally shift I can’t read we are we expected to fight already I would have thought we needed training for nah no we just go right into it a perfect world yes but unfortunately that treble up ahead won’t wait for you to train good luck recruits okay so I have a bow yeah we can fire arrows now je you’re shooting me stop it hey T by the way if if you’re figur out that’s the IP is right there over here make a character and you’ll catch up us this is just tutorial okay yeah we got there’s going to be a lot of monsters you ra so be careful oh there’s a dead guy over here look at this dead guy oh skill you he’s got yeah he’s got an arrow maybe we can steal those arrows later I don’t know I think we have infinite Arrow so I should be okay oh oh there’s a there’s a is this a level 100 uh level 100 mafia boss yeah strike it kill it quickly I don’t have any arrows you got to finish dialog first what oh oh it’s after me I don’t have arrows I don’t have arrows [Laughter] help it it didn’t give me any arrows release your inner jujan it keeps telling me to get a pet I don’t I don’t yeah I get that you have not unlocked use a compass what does this mean what it wants me to unlock something in a compass I think we just got to keep walking through I don’t have any arrows how’ you get arrows you get you have you have like infinite arrows you just you just right click oh it wasn’t let me shoot it earlier oh yeah you’re probably in dialogue it doesn’t let you do it in dialog silly Oh weird skeleton Mage thing I killed it just for you jack I protected you I have my own version oh look at the NPC is saving us yay aha there’s more see I can’t shoot anything again oh stupid dialogue what okay this tutorial is kind once we get out of that it’ll be a lot easier die everything oh I got a thingy I got a I got a green thing let’s go oh you get emeralds uh-huh oh my goodness I’m a professional look at me go thank you thank you now we behind us NPCs you weren’t doing anything okay they weren’t doing anything they making me do all the work we got to fix the wall or get over the wall finally some back up help me here would you what happened are you injured were you attacked no of course not no I wasn’t injured talking about this is serious okay oh ability tree moment what’s your name you about this you’re an Archer right walk up to the boulder for me you should be able to unlock your first ability ability tree ooh arob bomb Now cast your arrow bomb spell by right oh like there’s like wait by right left right right yeah like I press my my mouse buttons left right right yep say it’s only for combat level four plus oh there we go it didn’t do anything corrupted oh there we go I did it Well Done recruit it’s a straight path from here what is it’s forcing me to look at things ah what is that thing corrupted skeletal Mage oh what’s this ew uh left right right on it left right right SP left right right left right right I won’t I can’t move let me move uh left right right yes I blew up for you left right right aha ah I can’t move my arrows don’t fire very fast why is a dialogue like make you die it’s stupid oh wait left right right right it’s not working I don’t have enough Mana oh you regular things this bow sucks can’t get across the wall don’t enough Mana oh okay oh it just broke eventually okay cool Helm it okay I got some pants oh give me that I can’t wear him yet ah left right right ah now there’s more walls be called surf surf Jack stop dying oh I got it I’m blowing him up I’m blowing him here we go good that was close thank you for the save I think you three are going to make good recruits ragy time awesome should head to the castle all right I have I have a lot of emeralds I have seven emeralds me too let’s go we’re rich my arrow is fire wa it’s random people are those players that are talking in chat uh yeah those NPCs okay people in my chat are calling me Rich too so it’s true I’m rich you’re super rich yeah yep we’re in ragy we can meet up with thermite oh my goodness yeah we got to look for thermite okay hello thermite where are you where are you we’re in the we’re in the king in the castle by the king can I punch the king I mean you I think you can you can punch like most NPCs in the game I think and just like BL them left right right left right right oh I should probably be reading this you are lost okay there’s a map take this teleportation scroll Oh yay I have a bunch of random crap now yeah random crap oh my goodness it’s thermite thermite’s Ked out what wait where’s do you have thermite do you have a toe sack oh he is he’s here I bet you don’t even have a toe sack toe sack I need to find I need to find a um identifier thing I’ll show you where one is I can identify this oh okay you just know where everything is okay yep welcome to ragy wow this is so cool can I punch the citizen die you can you can Arrow him there’s two handy items I don’t want to read any of this crap is this what is this what all MMO RPGs are like you just read a bunch of stuff well actually yeah kind of this is probably why I don’t play these okay okay I need so where is the identifier he’s over here over there wait where is he over over there underwear you said underwear can you shoot these guys you can cool I got a Scarab a Scarab a Scarab it won’t let me put it on I have to have combat level caness stuff I think I can I have to have combat level two this is this ah what are you shooting me with I want to kill the Cien other stuff wait left right right I blew this left right right left right right right blow the citizen up can I can I crit just why are we killing you know what I’m totally so much HP yeah we killed somebody okay let’s follow the let’s follow the beacon did you did you activate the quest tracking I don’t know what I’m looking at there’s go into your content book at in your eight slot you can like click the green one and click to track it I think I did that yeah and now we got to talk to en enzan hello en xan I want to see you on the Venture Wilder my name is enzan oh speed running tired old what wait up for me Jack I’m supposed to I’m supposed to know what’s going on no no you don’t need to do that it’s supposed to be a good tour guide get back here look see what happens when you run away from me wow oh we’re good now I I did ah stupid zombie Di thank you we’re murderers but we also protect yep we got to we got to get the oh well let’s go in this cave actually what’s in the cave Loot and monsters so we have to loot the monsters to get stuff yes yep ah leave me alone oh no left right right might not have been a good idea left right right left right right I got level two and I’m getting hurt by my own firework what’s killing me why am I so slow something killed me I’m so slow uh awkward left right right boom blow up ah ah leave me alone I died I also died Jack I thought you aren’t supposed to die in this game I mean it’s kind of most games where’d you go why is my name just player yeah why is your name just player where wait where’d you go I’m all the way back in in the castle I have to run out oh in the castle Yeah I lost two Soul points me too where you died yeah I I died before you wow cringe where did you go I’m fighting I’m helping oh are you back out there I’m I don’t know what’s happening I’m somewhere I’m super confused now I’m going to the wait am I in the same place this is not the same place I’m fighting a Pigman Raider die I killed the Pigman Raider that’s because of stream oh okay so the reason why I’m player is because of streamer okay I found thermite turn that off SL streamer okay there we go yay not being able I think I went in the wrong direction I think I got to go the other way I’m just going to follow the beacon and not go in the cave and not get distracted and die my bad the arrows really don’t fly far what if that’s like an early game thing wait thermite’s level 18 bro what is this that’s why okay oh wait do you have stamina oh okay yeah you it’s pretty rough early game I think you can make it better later what is this you look who you look kit it out someone that’s scary wait Jack are we still in the same server I think so I’m so confused I have no idea where you are are you still in the cave we went to I’m I’m in the I’m in the center of the castle and one of my Chatters met up and they look really op um confused why I don’t know where you are anymore though I’m in the middle of the castle okay I’ll try to come back there die hopefully we unlock a movement a movement I keeping who I don’t know why I keep doing that okay Jack where are get over here where are you I’m coming in the castle whereit I’m dying because of you what because in real life in real life I’m just I’m just chilling with shock train shock train that’s a great name yeah yeah they were they were giving me some tips in chat my favorite outfit combo I have y oh my goodness you’re both running don’t shoot shock train guys they were trying to help me in chat that’s a really cool looking staff thing what I know I say they look they look so op I don’t understand no you can’t how do we see what level they are I don’t know that’s a cool hat too what are you an NPC okay ref let’s go towards the the en Zen’s brother and do this Quest oh there’s a there’s a oh there Ellie oh my goodness everyone’s on the server no way I got to I got to identify someu but you can teleport okay okay I think I think we have a helper Jack yay I think we have a helper I think um oh I got a new boat we’re going to win we’re going to win Jack it says they’re closed you’re you’re bothering this man his business is closed for hours oh sorry man stop bothering him it’s night time he closed his shop and you’re like the last customer that comes in you know how Anno that is comes in five minutes before closing jeez I gota get comat for is that Peter Griffin oh my goodness what where’s Peter saw Peter Griffin I see him over there H okay let’s go find the brother and do the quest yes I think our goal should be to get to the uh decrepit sewers I think that’s what they’re called I would love to be in a sewer that’s the first dungeon that’s that’s kind of gross I’m G be honest no it’s wonderful really yep okay okay let’s climb the staircase to this guy uh oh hello yes something read it through I think I should probably get that mod where they T read to you or something oh I forgot yeah there’s like cool mods for This Server wait what is this o give me that I got a bunch of stuff wait you just fall down yeah I just went in the water I think we got to go in this cave over here though okay we cave oh I got a rotten flesh amazing my favorite o give me that thank you what’s up here uh okay we go up here it’s in the identifier side we got to go the other way I think okay why does the identifier have a secret dungeon under his I don’t know we probably should report that yeah I’ll protect you jack I’m killing things there we go what are we doing we got find the energy mushroom I forgot oh I think we’re going to have to I think we have to kill a a block of Terra Cotta I think that’s what I remember what is that thing is this is this Terraria yeah that yeah that what do you that did you get your energy your energy mushroom I don’t no yes I did I did I got one too we can leave what does that mean what does it do that’s that’s what we need for the quest oh okay oh that’s a hard little dungeon I think also we should do that later okay so I don’t understand how these work if they’re multiplayer like everyone else is doing the same thing but you you get loot or what like can’t they steal it from you uh what do you mean I don’t know it’s I think it’s whoever kills the thing gets the loot so I got I got a quest complete let’s go oh my goodness okay so what do I have I have a bunch of unidentified stuff can I put my I can put my scare RAB on now I need to get level four and then I can use my new boat I have I have a new bow why have so many bows I have so many random bows you have bows can I do what what kind of bows can I have multiple I have like a bunch of Bows Oh wait I forgot you’re also AR I have yeah I have like three and then another an unidentified one as well nice here you can identify that at this guy too I have an unidentified wand as well I have a bunch of random stuff okay let me put all this in here give me something good not enough emeralds oh you pay emeralds for this yeah you can also sell uh sell excess stuff for emeralds at this at the blacksmith okay so I got I got first steps like a ring you must complete the cook assistant Quest before you can use First Steps okay I have a I have a scarecrow’s arm okay um is this better than this how do I tell what is better than what health plus 30 Health Plus 6 but I have to level up in order to use it yeah okay let’s let’s pick out the next quest to do so we can level up oh a t here yo how do I how do I how do I sell my things uh at the blacksmith over here okay hello blacksmith sell items I party invite yes thank you now can I put this unidentified bow in the thing how much did that cost 35 emeralds what a scam it’s always worth it not always but well no but I don’t have 35 emeralds so I have to wait okay here let’s open up your content book and then pick out one of those quests and we can start them Pigman Outpost cook assistant which one did you do you you pick and then we’ll start whatever Quest you want all right let’s do cook assistant Okay cool so we can get the ring yeah okay so okay oh so we just follow the beacons okay yep woohoo wincraft yeah I am getting all of the information from this op person it’s great nice is there somebody oh wait we can do we can do okay I’m going to use my scarecrow’s arm I’m going to use just my fist wait it’s I can’t use it cuz I’m not an Archer really you you are an Archer but you can’t use the Mage stuff you always no I can’t use other things that’s that’s kind of silly you you just got to like always sell stuff for other classes okay can I use this bow yet no I can’t bro I have so many bows I can’t use I have one that I have to use level four or I have to go toel four first I want to get that unlocked okay cook assistant time to learn how to cook the cook need to get him eggs milk and wheat grains hello hello I can’t believe what’s happening to me the king ordered me to bake cakes for all these new recruits unfortunately I don’t have the ingredients to make them and nobody sells these ass a fort you think you get me two eggs a bucket of milk three wheat Gams really quickly sure um okay so where do we get those we have to follow the beacon to this to this way we got to start see a beacon I think we got to start a farming Quest oh there it is okay so we just we’re just Farmers now go I think we got to go this way get the milk it looks like it’s moving yeah it’s always like on the edge of your inner distance I think kind of okay oh I see it’s it’s it’s facing through blocks it’s I thought it was closer than it was okay it’s it’s yeah it just marks farther away just marks like the direction you had to go parkour I see I couldn’t make the parkour dang it I was just watching sandwich Lord’s um stream by the way and like I don’t understand so he just uh did they a new record for um uh like the Parkour in the not the dojo um the test server for like people who actually play on MCC oh really um so he passed Dream by like a second or something and cuz dream used to have the world the record and now it’s uh now it’s sandwich Lord are you looking for cooking materials yes yeah for egg you can get them by slaying a few chickens for bucket of milk we have our very own Merchant those right over there for weak R get a sight from Tool Merchant and right click wheat nearby kill some chickens yeah I love killing chickens vegans I’m sorry I don’t see any more chickens I killed two chickens I didn’t get anything from it ah somebody’s hitting me stay away why do why do this town just have random zombies coming through them that’s not safe at all that is not safe so what do I kill the cow to get the milk no we got to buy milk from the merchant oh oh okay from the bucket Merchant where is that he’s over in the stall oh okay killing chickens to get eggs makes no sense yeah how much milk do we need I guess it kind of makes sense the eggs are in the chicken seems like an OD way get the egg out of you just need one oh okay I haven’t gotten any eggs yet where’d you get the Scythe from I haven’t gotten that one yet you got to buy it from the tool Merchant I think I got one egg I got one egg we need two eggs right uh yeah I haven’t even gotten one yet I’m just going to get the okay okay speedrun speedrun let’s find chicken kill chicken where’s the tool oh there you are give me a hoe it’s a scythe Scythe Jack Sky oh my goodness uh EG yeah yeah just just one though you need two don’t you wait you need an axxe to get gather from this what do you mean I got string by accident wait how do you how do you get the am I doing this right I’m I’m just standing still and it’s it’s making noises the farming oh wait what this makes I got wheat string is that what I need or just wheat we need wheat uh grain so you got to you got to right click with the with the sky instead I am egg okay there we go I got enough eggs now bless you thank you I didn’t get anything is it not guaranteed to get yeah it’s not guaranteed BR okay I have three eggs somehow okay um that really hurt my head that sneeze yeah that happens it’s been whining up for days I’ve been like almost sneezing for the past like week wait my my site doesn’t do anything I’m like right clicking it and it doesn’t do anything you got to like wait for a second like right click once and then wait for it to harvest that doesn’t do anything WIS milk okay I have enough stuff down it doesn’t do anything are you trying to get barley I’m trying to get wheat you got to go next to it and then right click like look at this thing that’s what I’m doing no no this thing like see there’s like a thing above it that says like wheat where right there that says 5 Seconds oh oh your shaders might be breaking that hold let me Che let me check your stream it say oh there we go now it says we okay so okay it there was a cool down yeah yeah I didn’t know you had to go to specific spots I thought you could just go to near any Wheat yeah know there’s like little spots for it yeah okay um so I have I I didn’t get anything from that yo shock Train’s got a horse and a skull now what I didn’t wait I I used that wheat but I didn’t get there’s a minute cool down what is this oh there’s more things to farm over here oh oh my goodness okay am I going to get something this time wheat grain how much GRE grain do we need three three oh okay okay now I’m understanding now I’m understanding okay yeah realize there’s like different areas and stuff okay um wow this is so great you have all the stuff you need now no I got to get two more wheat gra okay I’m just going to keep farming in the meantime to get my level up one more wheat grain I think wait what did I get oh yeah wa why are they not stacking okay that’s weird come on is that a weak rain that is a weak grain I am ready Jack I am ready to bake a cake or something did you get the milk too I did get the milk I got one milk awesome okay let’s go we just got to go back to here though okay there’s still a beacon there I just got a legary chest plate there there milk here ow ah not safe stop hitting me behind you oh look Raph that that chain thing up there or the iron bar thing that’s that’s the decrepit sewers oh this the first the first dung I got to do later yeah it’s pretty stinky let’s not go over there our goal is get let’s not bring the food near the stinky stuff that’s a good idea that’s not sanitary oh it tastes say there’s a free pet and create in their website yeah it keeps giving me that but I’m just ignoring it oh we should do that I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever actually had a pet in This Server I don’t know I tell you what does the pet do and how do I get it how do I get is that because their new update coming soon they’re like giving those out that sounds B free stuff I ran out stamina yeah I’m about to run out too I got to keep stopping oh the pet fights like for us oh so we just so you just sit there and do nothing that sounds awesome where’s the where’s the baker over here in this building over here okay Baker I spent some of my own money on this you better be happy you better lock the ring for me can’t wait thank you you should explore around and become stronger I hear you might be something whatever I got the cook I can use my stupid thing now I can use my bow now I can use my first steps thing what does that do woo I I apply it oh no I need combat level now normal okay oh so I can shoot faster now cool heal six three waste apron I’m giving I don’t have a bunch of random okay so I got to sell stuff okay okay okay blacksmith hello let me sell some things for you please thank you there’s that I don’t think I’ll need wheed string right sure uh identify this this this and this oh I just got so rich I just got so Rich where’s the where’s the dude the the identifier legendary chest plate for 10% XP bonus woo oh this already has that um unidentified waste apron unidentified bow 10% exploding BS are cool iron string bow what does that mean you get a better bow I got natural neutral damage 37 to 50 woo okay that’s a that’s a lot but I have to level up to use it don’t I probably that should be level five plus for combat yeah I need to get level five too for a couple my things okay let’s let’s chose another Quest get to level how do I get to level five then just keep doing quests yeah here actually follow me let’s go through this like mini dungeon thing I think hang on I’m trying to figure out my my my inventory situation all right um okay okay okay yeah let’s go where okay so the book content book and then what which one nothing yet we’re going to go through this like mini little mini little like uh thing okay do you do you have a corroded key no okay I’ll show you where to get one so if I just like if like just B just kill a bunch of these zombies what I eventually level up my combat yeah I think so I see I think it shows you you’re like progress somewhere I it says there’s a number four at the bottom so I don’t know if that’s maybe that is yeah that’s your XP level but I forget if it shows you like like a number or not like of how close you are leling up so Jack this is what you do like all the time you just like play just fight things and just do quests this is my yeah this is my style of game RPG Sky Block not really oh but also kind of see I thought was just like you build a thing in the sky but for some reason it’s like way too over complicated for what it is behind you I’m I’m nothing behind me I’m fighting zombie I’m behind you come over here oh wait where where come up this staircase oh you’re up there oh [Music] okay so go to the top staircase yeah punch this corroded key and then grab it it’ll fall in the water I got a corroded no it didn’t fall in the water I picked it up because I’m perfect I catch everything and we can hop in here Jack I’m really good at juggling things okay so I believe that we might die in here but it shouldn’t we should that mean what do you mean you believe that uh nothing let’s go in here and fight the monsters and we can get some decent loot I think okay ho oh we’re good get him yeah die oh there’s a big big egg in the middle corrupted egg what there’s an egg I broke it oh a thing came out of it kill it kill it kill it it’s burning me left right right oh right left right right left right right boom left right right oh yeah we beat it go pick up the stuff pick up the stuff defeated left right right left right right oh Boom die left right yeah we’re doing this jackit I think train might have killed it for us oh oh what happened I got to so easy we got a reward corrupted paway reward interact to open all right where’s that a legendary helmet woo yeah hello emeralds on identified helmet thank you wonderful let’s go that was super we’re gaming we’re gaming we are gaming right now yeah we just like left right right and then boom in oh kill a chicken oh good okay I’m going to go identify this thing Chien in the meantime you you should pick out the next Quest okay um in the content book right yep St tan said they’re using a one with negative 20,000 damage so basically infinite damage I don’t know what that means but they said no they they they didn’t kill it for us I see I think we should do the how does that poisoning the pest one by the way poisoning the pest okay sounds good yeah how do I get back to the castle though oh it’s all the way over here okay it didn’t render for me I’m walking towards the beacon well I’m not I need ready to find what I got things I don’t even know where you are anymore oh you’re I I’m I’m not even in the castle yet I’m not I’m not there either I’m just like at the near the cave we just left don’t we want to identify the things that we have got yeah there’s there’s an identifier here by the cave oh I’m back in the castle oh I unlocked the next thing yeah and the ring I just I just went so I went all the way back to the castle for nothing yep great I can’t find the identif oh it’s a here okay do I have enough emeralds for this though hello identifier I have a helmet a ring um a bow I can afford it wow okay ooh oh I found you oh that’s thermite never mind okay so wait let me look at the stats so my current cap is Health Plus three um this one says plus 109 Health what is that right what I can’t use it cuz it’s too it’s too big wa mine’s 107 yeah and then this is+ 30 plus 6 can I put this on no I’m not I’m not good enough yet um okay I got more bow what do these rings do you can wear them see see the little like slots below your armor oh I’m not I’m not cool enough to put these on yet okay okay and then I have a bunch of bows I have Breeze which does some damage some other damage some other things how do I know when how do I know when I’m able to use it oh combat level minimum 18 okay it tells you when you’re okay okay okay I see I probably should be reting this uh potion of healing I can’t use that I can’t use anything okay whatever um okay so let’s follow the beacons are you in the castle where are you I’m at the the next Beacon I’m at the the the pest you’re poisoning the pest Quest okay just waiting up for you I’m on my way over there I’m on my way Jack fear not I’m on my way level says but for what for just general or for for four combat okay which is basically General ah looks like a fresh recruit did you see my posting good good recently my dear stepfather passed away and I buried him out back said it like that well he’s not there anymore the corruption has got to his body that’s a shame yes yes I know I should have buried him more responsibly but I didn’t and now he’s turned into an Unstoppable Beast that sucks we should use my fresh Coran sprinklers to poison the pest I have a spare one crate of rat poison here but I’m too weak to get past the pest myself that’s where you come in if you poison the water reservoir on the other side of the farm field after you enter I’ll sprinklers he’ll be done for all right cool um so do I did he give me the oh here a r okay that’s th uh where are you I I went inside so I’m I’m in the cut scene right now means I’m nowhere near you see you how do I get oh there’s a door over here I see no rap Raph come back come back to the guy you were talking to what oh just just walk in here oh oh I may be stupid okay so what I just put this in the water ow ow so that guy hurts where’s the water reservoir it’s in the back in the back corner oh there’s do I have to pass by him or do I to go around yes oh I have to pass by him okay shock trains just farming rat poison ah ah ah okay I’m ready sprinkler on I’m ready to sprinkler on sprinkler on I turned the sprinkler on okay but water poisoned sprinkler is enabled now we can watch as he dies you got to kill him is he dying it seems you just made him angry you have to kill him myself no no die ah left right right left right right left right right die wait did I kill him where where’d you go I think you killed him oh I killed him that was easy okay yeah a lot easier than I thought going to be did you kill him already Jack yep oh okay what do I got this guy again goodness that was a little more exciting than I anticipated still good work I’m glad we were able to get rid of that monster AKA your stepdad I mean poor stepdad I don’t know how I explain this to my to the wife might need a buy or something nice anyhow take this well-deserved reward for the risky actions you took today I’ll also give you access to my second farming in the back take whatever you need there thank you what what a good guy just killed his stepdad for the good of the people anyway let’s kill my stepdad I’ll give you free things let’s open your content book where we’re going to do the sewers of ragy sewers of ragy just just not okay okay okay yeah I think this is the one that leads to the dung we can get some decent gear from I think I see W this is so great this is so great the music is kind of a Bop I Love It I like this hor get kill the horse it right right blow it up right wait oh we’re good we did it block that left right right uh left right right oh that was close wait TNT left right really far away I’m low I’m like going to die no don’t do that oh I’m healing up anyway these zomes dungeons now yay I don’t even know we killed some horses and for gaming yeah gaming wincraft go pressed you are now enter oh something’s hitting me no it’s not Soldier good timing we’ve been requesting help for ages looks like we have a blocked pipe in the sewers no wonder no one wanted the job Oak there’s a lot of poo or something I’m going to need you to get your hands dirty I’ll need some assistance with the blockage follow me up the hill to the sewer entrance just right at this big drain here okay yes ma’am so are you ready to go now yes I am yes I am yep well selecting options yes I’m ready all right follow me then it’s not far just the stairs ah here we are the entrance to the sewers I’m inside of your face Jack no you’re inside of my face get out here the brief we get in something whatever okay it’s really dark do I just walk let’s go I think I just I think I just missed a lot of important information but it’s okay n it’s fine kill the bats oh they hurt ah sewer bats ew corrupted sew how did poop come alive it’s corrupted left right right on it left right right what is that I don’t know how to left right right consistently there we go I’m so bad at left right ring Under Pressure left right right I can’t it’s so dark in here I know behind you jack oh good okay okay we’re good we’re good oh we’re safe we’re good we’re gaming oh what is that oh more sewage you’re getting all the kills Jack stop it [Music] sorry oh parkour parkour parkour I did it woo ah what is that corrupt the sewage Le die die sewage Jack you keep stealing all the kills oh okay and then gen press just gets here all fine how did you get through all that I found the blockage it’s right up ahead here is a small explosive okay thank you oh great I love small explosives where is this where’s the block you got do you got to do the parkour you’re just it’s so dark I can’t see anything you’re just swimming through it I can’t see anything it is really dark wait what is my brightness set to hang on a second oh it’s at 50 watch out we’re getting swapped out of the tunnel uh Jack what is happening we’re getting swapped out you’re you’re just stuck we’re we’re getting pushed out of the cave by the Water by the poop water oh now where am I oh it’s super dark uhoh we’re in the Deep parts of the sewer now ah bone crawler I don’t like bones okay you need a left right right and a b hold on wait can you like launch yourself ahead no kind of not really uh I saw that you can like you get you do get push I think eventually we’ll we like unlock a movement spot that intentionally launches forwards for good movement level six who are you okay do we do we have to do the parkour again no I don’t think so I think we just got to finish these guys off cuz I didn’t do any parkour I think I activated it for us okay so where how do we use the explosive where do we use that on I already got it I think it I think that’s what that’s what swept us away in the into this part anyway no I just have an exposive cool you just have the explosive now I just have an explosive now okay cool d what is that ah rotting skeleton get out of here yeah we’re getting oh a skeleton Reaper a grim reaper I’m going have enough Mana oh it’s after me ah leave me alone I’m so low I’m low I’m going to die it’s comboing me oh I’m actually going to die wait what I went through iron bars it’s crit chaining me oh no oh wait Jack I’m behind the iron bars how do I get how do I get through here I don’t know I just walked through you walked through them okay never mind okay we’re alive let’s go I’m going to drink a health potion how do I that does not look I’m not I’m not cool enough to drink a health potion yet fair enough those iron bars are really confusing me y I don’t get what the point of the iron bars are then there’s like not like a hole in them or anything they’re just kind of there you just kind of walk through them oh my God I know right okay moment oh this is not a lot brighter now I like this break the pillar sounds good yeah break the pillar let’s collapse the sewage system there it goes I love to collapse the sewage system yeah we love collapsing sewage now the now no one will be able to flush their toilet yay great wind C is way better than Sky Block woo we do what’s this weird sound it sounds like running water maybe it is run the pipe and flood is theer the PIP I can’t through oh you can’t through there I did it I did it it’s way be sucess oh you’re alive looks like we underestimated the amount of sewage Jen let’s get out of here you suck I do have that explosive let’s use it on this wall okay yeah oh it just disappeared blowing up Jen watch out just standing right next to it Jen died how are we oh we did it oh no I fell in the water de it’s stinky it’s Stinky Stink you cool oh now we’re back at the we unlock the dungeon what is this oh gen press again oh no dungeons are sealed for a reason this one used to be an old ragy prison wi now only proen parties of so man you must go in and defeat the dungeon what what wait it just sent me to like a new server did where are you wait yeah you’re where am I you’re in a different server now what oh there you are hi yeah I’m well we’re still I can still see you but you’re you’re in a different server why I don’t know here uh uh slub yeah do SL Hub and then use the thing and click on your character and then join 30 wait what am I in how how I tell what I’m in 43 I’m told yeah yeah no oh oh yes yeah that worked aha thank you thank you shock train thank you let’s go well you’re a pirate now pirate yeah we got a lot of costume changes oh yeah we got to figure out how to it says level 9 can we go in before level 9 or we have to get line first oh just blew up for me cool we have to get a oh wait we can go in let’s go in wait what you have you have 50 seconds what does that mean just jump in the the yeah I’m in the sewer we go the first dungeon these walls could talk die oh you have a lot of Health actually I’m kind of scared now yeah kill it left right right right bam whoa it does have a lot of Health okay jeez I’m suddenly worried oh there’s a sewer scavenger behind you jack little little guy little guy I might have killed the little guy right group them all up and then left right I did the wrong left or right left or right what does that mean we have to get 15 kills and then put the tokens in the wall I think what is that there a ghost after you ah oh I’m getting jump scared it’s running at me oh I tried to kill a different player leave me alone I’m being stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck trying K you’re good you’re good right right okay cool I tried to punch it by accident but but bow but bow indeed ah stupid scavenger get away from me you die skeletal Guardian ah I’m out of man oh these guys are strong oh my God there’s so many of them die please we just need to kill two more things like a ghost it’s a ghost one more thing this game is scary okay I can go through now can you go through uh I don’t know oh yes I can woo okay there’s a bunch of monsters at the entrance though trying to kill me oh now I’m good okay I still have this key thing by the way do we is that do we need that oh someone’s talking to us what was that noise oh parkour section the forces of the humans could not save me when I hid here okay parkour go through the parkour to continue yes oh this is easy parkour woo okay we just got to kill 12 here they should put like triple NEOS in this they should yeah you know I almost did a triple Neo once almost that’s a pretty decent keyword I’ve never done a single Neo or a double Neo but I was on a test server for something and I did a triple I almost did a triple Neo not I did I almost did I got to figure out triple Neo I don’t think I’ve been one of those ever there’s like a there’s like a thing set up where it was like they made it easy for you to do it you just like hit go in the corner and then you just kind of jump and run and then you just kind of do it I see I oh yeah oh there’s more stuff down here yeah I might just get wait for you scavenger I will blow you up there’s things like on the on platform so I wonder if we can shoot them there’s a lot of bouncing skeletons what is this oh I suddenly don’t have very much health and there are a lot of bouncing skeletons why Jack I’ll save you wait I can go through now I don’t know if I I can I can I can I can I can I sign’s kind of what what happening okay oh more parkour parkour parkour Jack you seen the office have you not not much I probably watched like three episodes total you got to watch the whole thing but isn’t it like 10 seasons yeah but it’s not that bad uh it’s it’s block aha what you can block him off and then run the Blazing skeleton kill it I’m shooting it have get 10 kills 10 more kills left left right right blow up what is this wall that keep are you okay don’t don’t don’t try to kill those just run by those oh I was trying to kill the guy up there yeah just run by those they’re kind of scary I was going though left or right I got a missed bam I’m out of M up nice left or right nice never right no shoot it shoot it shoot the stupid ghost tormented ghost that sucks 10 kills remaining I got oh there’s more okay there’s just constant things over here kill 10 mobs to open the exit die everything just using Jack as a shield what nothing nothing nothing left right right I keep I’m so used to using the Assassin things for man to left right right constantly yeah so it’s like woo cool left I did the Left Right There we go nice okay the door’s open oh okay now we got to fight the boss okay I’m going to wait till he it’s a ghost okay wait is the boss over here yep we got to we got to press this button and then we fight the boss I’m going to wait until I heal first though I’m down like 50 health I’m Healed right right okay I’m I’m good enough to go in now let’s go it was just a on me wither head you persisted through the sludge now you will join me like the rest a oh you do a lot of damage pressure plates and then hide behind the walls oh my goodness it uses a lot of damage over here I am nearly dead wait he’s killing it shock train killed it for let’s go we did it we win we win let’s go oh that was we need I random crap now I have a Wither heads rib oh yeah that’s like the that’s like the currency you can use for this shop right here come come come look at this we can buy like a decent bow here I think well I have a bunch of decent bows but I can’t do anything with them oh yeah cuz you’re not we’re high level enough I’m level seven maybe I can do something hang on um I can use oh I can use my one that does 30 damage now I think oh I can also get you can get a few of the uh you can get a few of these uh Gathering tools I might what’s the difference between neutral why is why is this one so I have a bow that it needs combat level eight but it does less neutral damage does it do different types of damage uh oh wait it’s it’s probably a fast speed bow oh yes it is wait is it it’ll say it um combat right below the name Lev eight it says average damage per second 24 this one’s 36 but it does more damage oh but minus two agility agility and minus 4% spell damage but I get five strength I’m going to use the iron string for now okay I’m going to buy the Wither head Talisman so that I can use that for the XP bonus once I at level 12 I think that’s probably a good move bam wait okay wait I have a bunch of wait plus 109 Health though why am I what is that I only need to be level 9 for that that’s confusing um okay I’m going to head to sell some stuff yeah I have a bunch of unidentified stuff we going to go over there yeah let’s go over there I got to sell some stuff too I can one shot zombies now woo yeah me too oh that is pretty slow okay okay it does it is like a little bit slower but it does so much damage okay yeah that’s probably better for killing like bosses but for doing regular it’s easier to just like it’s like the tank it’s like being a tank right is that kind of I mean not really but you got to have like good like health or something yeah when you’re a tank you just steal no damage then what then what do you do you take damage what is the point of that so nobody else takes damage you take it for them oh okay so you basically on you yeah I don’t know if there’s traditional roles like that in this game though like I don’t know if you can really tank maybe you can I don’t know okay okay okay okay okay yeah I changed my brightness to to Max it’s still kind of dark okay what can I sell don’t uh I would like to sell my scare my Scarab mhm mhm um and this thing one of those uh what do I want to get rid of which of these is better what is the decrepid sub fragment exchange this at the dungeon shop that that’s the currency you use at the the place we were just at oh okay okay and then where’s the identifier guy uh identifier oh I’m told there is a tank class Jack oh really on this yeah so that’s cool yeah tanks still do decent damage everything’s going to be somewhat viable for solo questing and such I see it’s a form of warrior class okay I wish I had gone for that okay yeah let me go ahead and put that in I have a bunch of unidentified I think yeah helmet um oh no I have a couple things okay please give me something good skin cap and Thor I got a Thora kick too what does this do Health Plus 45 do I have am I I need level 9 for that I need level n for things level seven Health Plus three Health Plus 16 yeah let’s put that on uh okay cool I think I’m I think I’m kidded so far wait why can’t I put my waste a on I need Quest I need I need to complete the quest infested plants I add the same one do you want to do that yeah let’s do it where is that infested plants here we go let’s follow the beacon woo Beacon time oh that guy almost stabbed me that bounc around there’s so many zombies defend the Golems oh my goodness thermite’s casting like these like blue like streaks that seem pretty pound I know he’s got like he’s got like uh like multishot or something yeah I’m here for I can see how easy it is to level up though I didn’t realize it was that easy yeah it’s pretty good you just do quests and then just yeah okay you do quests and then just yeah you have 12 unus skill points and three unus agility points what that I forgot about this wait hang on pause pause pause pause pause you’re right character info how do I how do I you can uh see like the the five different like colors of books you can like upgrade your stats and all those with your with your points oh not really that important early game cuz like I want you got to like tune tune into those to unlock certain items later on like a certain like chest plate will say like requires 10 strength or something like that so you got to like reset your stuff to like attune to that okay for now I’m going to dump all of mine into doesn’t really matter yeah I’m just going to keep it off I’m just placing things I’m just do I have a lot whoa okay I’m just upgrading all of them nice I’m like I got like oh okay okay I’m I’m I’m kidded Jack let’s okay so what do we do I’m going to the next place oh just follow the thing okay oh here it iser is a mage subass apparently okay the kill these Zombies level seven zombies well guess what I’m a level 100 mafia boss I don’t want to hear about it weird it seems we need to pass through the cwl spiders and stuff your your I keep saying shoulders oh hi op what’s your name what do you need help hey there op wish should also activate the the slave spiders mini Quest while we’re here oh Jack there’s a bunch of spiders after you you’re running through the spiders yeah I’m really scared of spiders I’m just trying not to acknowledge them I I know kill them so you don’t you don’t have to deal with them ref go go into your content there so many spiders Jack go go into your content book and then look for the the slay spiders Quest so we’re going to activate that activate that two just to have it active oh I see it’s the purple one okay the content for okay cool there we go wait do we have to activate that now the slay SP yeah just activate it now so you can have it going in the meantime and now switch your book back to infested plants just to follow that okay W hello at once what you can do like multiple quests at once yeah well that one’s like not really a quest it’s just kind of like a kill spiders in the meantime thing I mean it’s a quest the tree I can defend go look up something something okay what okay so what we got to kill tree climbing time SPID we got climb a tree oh okay I I can’t make a simple jump okay there we go oh come on okay this game sucks don’t hate the player atte the game I guess no opposite of that I’m trying I the stupid shaders make everything so dark you should use shaders no I like the shaders I can’t see the stupid block that’s missing actually you’re very right shaders make it a lot prettier who cares about frames Okay jump here jump here aha okay I’m doing this I’m I’m winning I’m winning where am I I’ve caught up to thermite oh hey okay I’m at the top of the tree now or something I where’d you go Jack I I don’t know I think I might have fall out the tree by accident oh you I thought I was going the right way but I did I went the wrong way there’s a bunch of loot up here ah there spiders on the tree they’re in the trees oh it tells me to go down am I going the right way it told me to go down yeah I think that’s where I did I’m in the Nal I’m in the Nala woods spider eggs ew ew ew ew e spiders oh boy I like this Jack are you down here with me where are you there you are I can’t move that well there’s like there’s slime blocks over there die Forest bounce through it bounce through it Jack just bounce through no I like killing spiders ah how do I hear creeper sounds I don’t [Music] know I got spider Fang okay we go this way which way do we go I’m going to jump over this cobweb wonderful job thank you forest spider wo ah left right right bam must protect must protect no I’m going to kill you wait kill one Elder for to harvest Sak I got to kill hang on I got to kill something I got to kill something Jack okay there we go right click the Harvest I got the spider up a wand you harvested the plant okay cool yeah let’s go let’s leave up here okay that’s it we just har this plant use the Saka rum to leave was how do I oh like it does something okay I don’t know what that does but yeah it’s oh a spider okay okay we’re gaming yes you’re cured you’re cured oh maybe 10 minutes anyway do you have the herb yes thank you kindly they’re not going to pay us wait that’s awkward a we got to talk to them what what the left right right I can’t fight let me fight he didn’t pay us that’s what’s happening I don’t know he he didn’t pay us we got to go talk to the where my money we got to we got to talk to the mayor here in this in this town I’m pull up on block on his block hello chest my inventory so I’m going to shoot him with my bow mayor he didn’t pay us mayor ah Travelers welcome to the humble Forest it’s not very humble he stole from us a tough man to deal with oh he paid us oh we just completed the quest okay what a good guy what did he do I don’t know use the apron now I have um I still have a sewer Key by the way yeah that you can just use those to to play to play the dungeon again we don’t need those we don’t need those right now though okay how do I I my inventory is almost full though how do I yeah mine too there’s there’s an identifier here I might just like sell some stuff after oh your both so slow yeah the king’s Roe whoa oops I rolled by accident whatever I got the out and aldor training bow oh I use this thing now this looks very this looks like a this looks like a crucifix I’m going to scare some ghosts away I think those are for the shaman to use oh Noah’s got some Noah’s got some some crazy stuff cool weapons I don’t knowz this gives 7% XP bonus that gives 10% minus 2% loot bonus oh plus 15 main attack damage though that’s pretty good nice oh I see it low attx speed very low attack speed so I don’t want this bow don’t want this yeah I I much prefer fast attack speed weapons depressing bow I don’t need that uh slow attack speed I don’t need that so I have two bows that I could use that are decent the breeze which has slow attack speed and then the one I’ve been using iron string which is very slow but it does a lot of damage which I’m fine with oh I have another one fast attack speed it’s like a JuJu Juju can I use this Juju oh my goodness it’s Jack I got a JuJu I want that so bad Jack look at this look how fast I shoot that’s so fast oh yeah yeah I’m so jealous I need to sell some things I don’t want this or this or this or this or this um do I still need a gathering sizee I might get rid of that yeah no you should keep that oh okay well we can we can go back to the to the ender chest and r and you can just like store some stuff okay okay um I don’t need actually let see what I get wa I’m rich I am Bing I have two stacks of emeralds and 13 dang oh my goodness look at me go can I use these Rings use I I need I need level 12 for my ring I can use First Steps but two of my rings I have two of the same rings um but I need like so many different things to to check off so yeah for craft is asking how you doing oh hi crab pretty good how are you do you have one of the the morph topaz rings I I have two of those yeah that’s the same one I have we need level 12 for that a bunch of different stats yeah so I’m going to wait on that I put my first steps one on um I have ooh let me think so the Thora thoric I need combat level 9 to use but I think I can just use that by just like running around and killing things right because I’m level eight yeah probably let’s uh let’s do another Quest huh let’s do another Quest oh wait I can uh we can finish off that spider slang Quest yeah I was going to say do we finish that one yet or yeah let’s do that we got I got to kill a few more spiders to get more string okay the second biggest amo in Minecraft I am an Archer I I don’t understand how this works okay die spider die we got to get the the string drops that they have oh okay oh I just got one Juju please work for me thank I wish this shot a little faster but you know what it’s it’s still pretty fast oh my God there’s so many spiders I don’t know why I killed the vi but I really wanted to okay I finished the mini Quest woo I somehow got a a bow from what is that be swarm what the like cuz I broke the Beehive my bad oh my God Jack you’re killing me are these the bees whoa what did thermite what did you just do thite thite what did you summon what is this thermite summon a totem P to fight for him what all right finish that if if you look at your ingredient if you look at your ingredient pouch it’ll it’ll appear in there like the forest webs I have six how many so click on the sign you have enough where’s what sign over behind us be over here behind you no not behind you over here why is the sign moving it’s wiggling oh okay five Okay cool so I did it oh sweet and you’re level n now right uh no I’m halfway you level eight oh cool okay let’s do another Quest okay we do wait it says SLI spiders still in progress oh did you but I just it said it was done what what what does it say when you click on it sh it said it’s done but then it’s you are now wait objective complete slay oh that’s a different thing wait what the same right click the sign oh there we go now it’s done there it go cool okay I’m almost to level 9 now just almost there Let’s do let’s do the um Mushroom Man sure wait but it still says it’s in progress sorry sorry I’m in my book it still says it’s in progress even though it says I completed it click click on it to track it and see if it points to the same sign I don’t see a beacon I think it’s pointing to this side I think it’s not I think it’s just kind of be visual visually glitchy cuz you got the XP you’ve already finished this mini Quest yeah okay so then good okay do the do the one called Mushroom Man Mushroom Man all right let’s go woo we’re just doing quests right now cuz we’re trying to just brass cuz it’s fun yay yeah yeah uh okay where is Mushroom Man [Music] oh new bow that’s not good oh hi tasim tamim hello it’s not nice this is awful what’s legary he’s acting a little off okay okay you’re talking you’re talking I you’re you’re this you’re yapping you be you’re up here down where do we have to go to do the quest this way oh literally right here oh why I remember this Quest this is a weird Quest hello Yaya Hi how are you on this on this perfectly fine normal day sorry to interrup we’re solers traveling through the town you know blah blah blah blah blah I don’t care oh oh no there there’s nothing going on not not a thing my my mushrooms are fine why why are you every everything’s gray why would you be a shut up idiot sorry why don’t you play RP again this guy’s up here he needs to be down here um okay we follow him or what uh yeah I guess we follow run away go oh he’s so fast yeah I know we’re following Yaya I love y y y thermite’s still throwing totem PS everywhere okay now I’m fast what yeah yeah you got to speed up I’m kind of passing you right now okay here I feel the mushrooms from here and the special spider what is going on so the mushrooms again you keep talking okay go over here yep y 12 slay 12 shroom Steeler spiders got it okay easy I don’t see any of them I killed a bunch but I don’t know went aha oh wait left right right left right right you don’t have to always do that that used up your Mana yeah but yeah where there I I got one let’s go what I killed one of them oh kill like a whole bunch I hit Level 9 I hit Level n okay let me see if I can put this on now uh new tunic yeah let’s go my health is higher bu the mushrooms what kind of mushrooms are they yeah I wonder if he’s ingesting them improperly wait have I killed how do I know if I’ve killed enough I feel like I’ve killed some here that says how many you’ve killed it’s so dark I literally can barely see it killed seven turn is your brightness up turn your brightness up oh okay I’ve only killed seven I think it’s cuz the Sun’s shining in my room so it’s like hitting the monor and I cannot see oh yeah that doesn’t help I got to get curtains I need to kill one more there we go I need dose m is it done spiders no more spiders is my mushroom patch cleared yes looks clear to me uh there’s spiders everywhere what yeah there’s still spiders uh how do I pay you two emeralds fine with you em that’s nothing it’s nothing there’s a joke okay sure buddy shut up shut up it’s not that’s not funny shut up shut up you’re not funny wait we got to go back to the mayor just got captured by the spiders we we got to go back to the mayor let’s just tell the mayor of course mayor this guy couldn’t pay us again he paid us two emeralds and then got yeed by spiders wait how’d you get over there so fast I went through the Rocks i’ like a speedrunner br I have a bowl where did I get a bowl from Yaya’s Bowl I don’t think I have that mayor please help spiders tooken me yep oh we’re going oh we’re going on dead list yes I don’t know what that means but I love dead list isn’t it this way yeah it is this way yes we’re going on dead list what does that mean this is like the prettiest City in the game and also the one that causes your frames to literally be chopped in half oh we’ll find out right now I’m going to be having I’m going to you have 100 frames Jack I have a 200 with shaders I I have it cap let me let me uncap and see what I get yep still 100 L it’s it’s going to be about 50 once I get there 200 sorry I have 200 with shaders and streaming so I’m also encoding bro I’m getting flexed on I have half your frames L and I’m using a laptop I I feel completely insulted yes you better no I’m just kidding I okay that guy’s riding a horse actually I think we get a horse at some point de L three a bunch of horse people woo you know I had someone come in I was at work and he was telling me how he buys um carrots so he bought a bunch of carrots and I was like what’s doing all these carrots and he’s like oh I buy a bag a day like a bag of carrots a day for his horse and I was like oh sweet you ride cuz it’s like there’s a bunch of trails around here I’m like you ride on the trails he’s like oh I gave up riding on Old Bessie I’m like you are such a typical old man oh my goodness deist suburbs I love de in the suburbs it’s dead I see it is it like a huge City yeah it’s a massive City I love it so much I’m my op the most iconic place in this game see your opinion hang on Jack I’m no stamina me too I’m actually running out of stamina where are you right here oh you pass me as I turn around yeah ah by CLA thanks forc was trying to kill me de oh is this so this is the main H watch the frames drop oh wow the frames drop so much they’re going down oh there they go 50 it brought it down to like it brought it down to like 90 that’s not that bad I’m at like 60 okay it’s not that bad okay what are we doing here is that link no it’s not oh we got to talk to this guy Admiral Aus link from The Legend of Zelda Admiral AIS what are you doing here um I’m here don’t care I don’t care shut up thank you we been evacuated what what happened who’s evacuating who he okay wait oh there’s a beacon over here okay I’m leaving Jack right I’m going to kill this grook suck it grook l l indeed and that’s how we managed to defeat the undead swarm sir that’s good to hear thank you for your work Al there 12 of these there’s no way I’m reading 12 of these just oh my goodness just Spam just Spam shift oh where’d you go proxy lost connection to server I shift too hard is it 43 still you literally exploded wait what aha I’m here I’m no longer exploded okay are you reading through all the 12 things yep I just finished where do we have to go oh over here down here over here follow Ali Aladar oh hey it’s good to see you it tasm again hope you didn’t have too many Advent without me bro got severe fomo oh my goodness sure I’ll come with you perfect okay wait let me press shift there we go there’s a stop you follow me to the powder Master what does that mean powder Master the powder Master Okay okay so I am getting like a little bit of frame hitching but it’s not that bad yeah oh right here yeah it’s right here so there’s something I’ve been told about the tower we’re going to be attacking what you prepare for apparently the big bad at the top of the tower is weak to water damage uh okay pow you can apply various essential powders to the weapons here which will let you deal types of damage they might not have been able to before in this case you can apply a water powder so that your enemies will be more effective against corrupted enemies of the tower I don’t remember the whole Elemental speech top something something whatever you don’t remember okay the point is here take this Elemental powder and talk to the power Master to apply it thank you woo powder Master they look the same they all the same it to add it I’m going to put it on my iron string water powder wait where water powder how do I apply it to my bow okay there we go I have to put on my worst bow okay so what now does this spray water yep water damage 3 to five okay okay yeah okay wa where we going somewhere uh Beacon’s over here Jack probably should have read that uh Quest where’s the beacon oh yeah there it is De L I tried to hit the Golem that would have been inant Death kill the Sheep kill the Sheep kill the Sheep yeah wait I what is I have two Emerald blocks where do I get those from I think they they compact sometimes oh okay cool why are you fighting [Music] me okay Lieutenant Dan I mean van Dirty Dan oh van okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay the tower so we got to kill some people what is that what is that it’s fast oh it’s a key Guardian get it it just ran after me for no reason you’re so mean spider who that’s a big spider no key no key I got a key oh cool infested pit key right nice we can go into the pit now okay I’m going towards the the the tower now yeah I’m going to the beacon Show Yourself apparently someone’s going to hit level 105 they’re going to tank for us awesome great there’s a lot ofone left right right jack left right right you’re right you’re right there’s a lot of them oh my goodness I’m out of Mana I’m going to the tower charge in let’s go charge ah I’m the top of the oh what what am I what is happening there was a lot of things on that in that ledge oh okay loot chest I missed oh I fell back down what we what we what are we going to here Jack where’d you go oh you’re down there stairs wa you got like you got to jump over here no I think we we’re missing something we got to go around the back yeah oh okay I’m running out of inventory space scary stairs hello nice just killed them once hello the slag coat what is that kind of name Oh I pushed myself up the stairs slag coats I pushed myself on the stair I am actually almost dead okay I’m fine why you things Jack just kill them just kill them that was really they get smaller I died I’m going to drink this health potion you died no no oh the things are shooting me I I’m back at the alakin Village Walk over here you’re you’re not that far away I think I’ll wait for you I don’t know where the beacon oh there it is okay this Tower is scary the slag coats are so and slaggy like I shouldn’t be saying that for some reason what I don’t know it’s a weird word slag coat I don’t like that I also do like saying it so I don’t know I’m conflicted here okay Jack I think you need to calm down yeah I really do need to calm down this this this game is super intense wait I jumped in the water and it hurt me okay what like I jumped in water and it hurt me hi are we back to like original Minecraft where you like the water had to be more than a block deep for it to prevent Dage yes we are oh why are you hurting me do you remember that Jack have you played Minecraft play it for that time but I knew I I do know it was a thing I played on like the like the first time it was like when it came out or for the Xbox 360 and that was yeah that was a thing it was great it was great stop respawning on me oh I see okay I’m I’m back at the tower I’m back at the tower oh my God there’s so many things oh my God I just you getting bopped around down there oh my goodness kill everything I don’t have enough Nana I’ll come help you ah I’m just going up the ladder I don’t care hello there’s a lot of things on there around okay I am back okay woohoo oh I go up this ladder here have I cut up to you yet where are you oh you’re down there I fell in the ladder again oh here’s to not dying to slag coats why are there so many things hitting me and I keep falling down these stupid stairs left right right left right right oh no I’m out of Mana up the ladder oh my God I’m going to die again what is this me too I died again I think I killed it I’m now at debtless you died again oh no I’m at De I’m at the top probably about to die too there’s a lot of scary things they keep like respawning but I can go higher up this loot chest up there I missed there’s so many people here five star or four star loot chest whoa you know what while I’m here I’m going to sell some things cuz I don’t I don’t know I have too much garbage oh I got an emerald pouch nice let go how do I how do I decide what to grab that’s Surly better than that level eight bow uh sure I’m ident ifying things I got some things now I need to see what’s better 12 okay that’s gross nine that’s gross 30 that’s see what oh more rewards I mean yay but now I got my inventory is like overflowing oh no I went back to the I’m just here trying to get rid of some stuff 35 ooh is that better and I get water defense and I get intelligent I get intelligent by putting these pants on woohoo okay so wait uh people in chat what does this mean so my Spike Top Hat says it gives you plus 109 Health but it looks different than the health plus 16 so what does this mean what’s windcraft RPG in Minecraft I fell off the tower in a good way Smooth Move [Music] um okay how do I get I need to get rid of some of these things I need to go to the the the thingy where’s the dude blacksmith where’s the Blacksmith I’m heading back towards I finished the tower I found a trade market is that the no I can’t okay I’m going to back what there a trade market but that’s not the blacksmith thought you said like a trademark you’re going to trademark something what this a bonus stat that gets rolled okay wait where’s the where’s the I see item identifier where’s the I don’t I don’t know this place um okay there’s thermite thermite can you lead me thermite please lead me to the to the blacksmith yes no don’t no yes no don’t no no yes no I’m coming back I’ll show you where he is if I can get back there uh I forgot there’s I’m looking too oh thermite doesn’t know either okay okay I know where it is I’ll show you when I get there hurry up I’m right at the entrance I’m coming hurry up Jack I’ll give you some commentary so it doesn’t see like wasting wasting time I’m coming okay sitting here doing nothing the yellow out line there I am he oh thermite just found it where oh there you are over here oh it’s right here the whole time okay it’s like right next to me oh my goodness okay let’s easy game okay let me I my I want I don’t want my stupid Bowl I don’t want no bow um yeah I can get rid of that okay upside down Bowl that’s a cell yeah how do I get rid of a bowl and also which one is better the red HP stat is the same for every helmet right boats so which of these is better the skin cap or Spike top say a legendary item does that mean it’s good pardon me ancient Scout shoes oh I can go faster with those uh Relic normal attack speed uh I want com L minimum 14 loot or XP bonus but that’s fine average damage per second 79 what you got a 79 DPS weapon I got a I got a relic normal attack speed oh wait you can’t you can’t use relics though I I could be level 14 but I’m I’m aren’t relics for Shaman though it’s a relic bow oh okay I see so it’s it does it does 4 to six neutral damage 4 to9 fire 1 to8 water 5 to 8 Air 1 to 12 Thunder 8 to 9 Earth fast is this I I got I just got to be leveled up like a few more times I got an almost juu let’s go that’s 29 79 36 26 so I’m going to get rid of my Breeze I’m get rid of my Breeze I don’t need no Breeze I don’t need no Breeze I have two keys now now um okay these do I use I’m kind of Rich I’m kind of Rich so you say there somewhere I can store things yeah follow me where’d you go okay this is the bank you can there’s like ender chests you can use oh these things transfer wait this is just emeralds though no you can put stuff in there wait are you us not the NPCs but the the chest behind them like these oh oh oh oh oh oh okay cool yeah so I’ll get I’ll throw some of my keys in there my rings wait oh it’s right there okay uh sure okay that’s better I have a lot of I have a lot of emeralds now okay cool I’m gaming I’m gaming gaming so then wait do I still haven’t finished that Quest have I no you haven’t the tower currently did you finish it yeah I just finished it just they do so much damage I don’t know I don’t know how like what the how do you did that they just kill you like immediately yeah you just kind of got to run through and hope for the best wonderful okay I guess I be my my I guess English I guess I’d be on my way we’ll be on that I’m might figure out what what gear I should use you say does we barin what I thought you said does we barin to figure out what gear I should use I don’t know oh that does not sound like Doby bar what quest am I doing right now right now I don’t have one picked out I’m just doing loot waiting for I to finish that Quest oh yes does bar in oh yes this is I I I will say the Builds on this are actually really nice mm I love it buch of stuff too I should probably just use this boat wonder if they use cuz there’s like mods you can use to paint like World Generation and stuff I wonder if they did something like that almost certainly not this the server the server’s been out for way longer than those have been oh true I guess I think the server is like at least 10 years old wait so are all these builds from like that long ago too yeah pretty much like updated like for instance I see some I see some like uh glaz terra cotta in the floor which wasn’t out for that long I see Pro tip loot chest the best side of you can currently get as legendary ring yeah I see I’m Chris for walking next video building all of wincraft from memory that’s an next Korean video okay okay so I go up here yeah yeah I’ll just use this this Dart sling probably go up here even though I like the very fast at attack speed kill those guys go up stairs kill the slag coat but then they turn into little guys where did the little guys come from 15% XP bonus s for like 20K emeralds holy crap surely dude he shoots me so fast 11 though how do you why do they shoot so fast and then they respawn what I’ll come help you and then what happens is I get I shoot myself off actually no I won’t of the um I don’t have enough Mana I don’t have there we go I shoot myself off with the explosion thing um so then I have to go climb all the way back up stop shooting me ow okay okay this how do they shoot so fast oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I made it I made it I made it I made it oh there’s a fire Flack what is a fire Flack there’s a there’s a scary thing at the top of the tower why are you glowing why is there so many of them okay oh okay nice okay is that it level one item well how do you get that oh my goodness from loting chest like you said just a random chest that could happen in that’ be’ be awesome oh there’s a raging Tower rewards oh you got oh my goodness I think I’m well also shock train I think carried me oh that works you notice there was like a like 3 days new update coming something like that let’s go thank you thank you okay so does that mean oh I have to go back to the beacon okay there’s a beacon I got to go there do I go back through the whole thing or can I jump down jump the tower there’s like there’s water you can jump into okay oh it says right there [Music] okay nice we’re waiting until this for you thank you thank you I’m on my way yay please send a letter I will send a letter to you of how I defeated them and I am on my way back home yay the old war days o a lot of things to kill I have to kill level 10 plus mobs NPC right here Lieutenant van has returned well you have you legendary fine work I’ll let Admiral know thank you thank you thank you quest completed I’m a professional we’re gaming Tunnel Trouble oh wait that’s okay so wait okay so go back okay cool I got some more stuff I got to get R what just happened to me Jack stop dying something just like picked me up and threw me around I’m here I’m here yay I see I’m behind you I got to identify a couple things and then then we can choose the next Quest yeah I’m going to do the same thing we’re probably going to catch up to like thermites Quest at some point too yeah we’re already level 11 hello how that happen speed running yeah literally it’s only been like two hours not even yeah [Music] identify kill a chicken but us identify identify identify I got a I got a pair of boots called the toes Tickler oo I got more Mora topazes oh these are really good 133% XP bonus woo what these are really good boots what 133% XP bonus 19% spell damage many boots 16 main or 16 main attack damage what that’s super good uh how do I get rid of my bowl I don’t know keep them never sell those yes I will never these are really good I have two of those I have so many emeralds oh my goodness um okay did I just get like H lucky with those or are these just like kind of stacks upon stacks of they seem really good did I just get really lucky I don’t know not anymore I just wait oh oh I can wait can I put stuff in the in the the emerald pouch yeah like your your emeralds oh yes oh my goodness that’s so helpful I have 531 emeralds woo I am gaming I also have air powder okay more than me um can I use my Relic yet no I’m not 14 yet okay look on the market for those okay um okay okay okay I think we’re I think we’re I’m think I’m ready to start the next uh the next Quest all right all right there’s Tunnel Trouble Elemental exercise Hill there’s a bunch of there’s a bunch of random things okay unlocks fast travel what damn fast travel do you want to do tunn tunnel travel sure okay let’s do tunnel travel where do I go this way wow I just got a pair of boots worth 3,000 U money 3,000 emeralds that’s hell I don’t have any boots I haven’t for some reason I haven’t gotten a single boot oh I just sold a couple whoops Jack I didn’t know no wait you said trouble you can yeah yeah oh so Jack why’ you do that I for I didn’t know you didn’t have boots I told you earlier I don’t remember that okay tunnel turble H like shot chains on a skeleton horse look at him go what I want one of those flexing on us I got I have a horse on my other profile but it’s not very fast oh yeah it’s it’s tunnel time there’s an old cave behind me we used it quick and easy there tunnel there’s things do the thingy thank you thank you thank you whoa we got to we got to clear out the tunnel so we can use it between ragy and deas hello Linton why is there lint on you you should clear clean yourself up or something yeah he needs a lint roller he needs a lint roller what’s go you just oh break the wall I just saw you like face through it I was like what Jack just break the wall nice we are destroying this cave or this tunnel what thermite says what there’s the cave caved in oh they they they do do that thermite says to do the the cow side quest down here if we see a cow we got to do that cow side quest okay how do we get through I don’t know right that didn’t work he’s just he’s just punching PC is just punching the wall are we defending him while he while he breaks through I I guess I don’t know he’s just punching it really slowly uh okay this actually doesn’t like a cow come out of the wall like help it yeah he’s halfway there okay cool what what H I’m like one shotting these does it say what we level 12 I can use my I can use this thing now Woo is it telling you what you need to do I think we’re just waiting for this guy to break the wall oh like now I got an ability point I made a hole Jack come on come through mine’s not mine didn’t hole yet what come through the hole Jack what you just went through the blocks oh there we go there’s a hole now come through the hole wait I just got do ability point I got to I got to do that real quick wait I have six unused points hold on ra cow I found the cow pause for a sec we can unlock we can unlock better abilities well I just went I just follow the cow I’ll wait until I get to where you are hello cow no why did I just do that didn’t expect you to follow me this might sound mad but I’m dril I’m on a mission to free some of these cows these Farmers stole these cows they were scared of animals now they turn into steak if you were to help me maybe you can I can help you I don’t know why I’m doing that voice why are you doing that voice Waits from a slaven quickly before the farmer gets back number 15 before you go before you go we have we can get better stuff if you open up your character info and then go to the ability Tree on the left we can straight up like get more damage for free I think we can get bow proficiency I also got cheaper Arrow bomb got better range and damage so the arrows fire for the cool and we can get cheaper Arrow bomb yeah Bome heart shatter hitting him out directly with arrow bomb shatter it’s hard deal mine doesn’t go down that far you got you can scroll down with the next page button it’s but it’s like in your inventory where yes and we unlocked the movement ability yes unlock double shots ability unlock okay unlock Escape ability which I think is the most important one we we going to kill these cows sorry what we can move really fast with that I think I do feel faster that’s so nice Okay how many more points do I have be free cows be free I’m freeing the cows doubles M attack arrows reses their damage harder to hit distance enemies oh no I freed the cows but or we can get power shot oh no the farmer caught me freeing the cows I’d rather have sharpo kill the farmer kill the farmer are you okay over there I’m trying to kill a farmer oh that’s really because I stole his cows SWS a shield around you that deals damage and knocks miles away from when they touch it whoa okay cool I got a lot more abilities now I can do left the entire side quest can I make a new CL waffling on about some random crap oh yeah farming time I got I was distracted by abilities left left I didn’t can’t use yet right click Gates of the cow pens and free the cows okay that’s not what I’m supposed to do I think I think I’m confused oh these duh come on cows free them Jack free them just don’t let the farmer catch you where what farmer don’t you’re [Applause] Ste guard Golem oh what is that oh slave I’ll help you defeat it don’t worry I’ll help you defeat it oh thanks of emeralds holy crap yeah that thing sucks for that many emeralds jeez are we good now can we leave yeah just talk to Dr oh talk to Dr hello Dr can you read his lines again huh can you read his lines again why cuz I like the voice of in I I can’t right click him anymore oh man oh yeah maybe I can scroll it maybe I can scroll up no they kind they get um oh I found I found I found it I found it wait oh wait I can only read one of them there’s a small opening behind me go through it and help me get these cows on a raft to gaav yeah now I can do I can’t in this area spawned in look at all the cows going on the raft there’s a raft help me push it for the cows push right click the push right click yeah go cows go there go whoa I I’m strong again thank you so much for what you’ve done for this day these couns have a better life being farm animals stay off the boat it’s for the cows you were busy something before you came to help me weren’t you H I might be able to help you with that as well let’s go back to the tunnel yay okay so we have a helper now yeah we made a cow friendo he’s going to help kill things with us wait there we go what took you so long well sorry we were helping cows or something we helping up cow helping out cows yeah yeah oh he brought some of the cows to help what okay oh hello cowboy eat the wall yeah the cows just somehow eat the wall I really confused by that I don’t understand shock train was waiting for rest the end nice okay I’ll be there in a second I’m still talking to them wow yeah they just Yap and Yap don’t they oh what the oh I can use I can fire myself so far now this is awesome wait what ref watch this ready wo I don’t see you behind you I’m up on the oh there you are hi yes now we can travel between ragy and delis really fast ref look at this ready woo how you do that did you did you look at the ability treat I unlocked a bunch of random things I wasn’t looking at them try doing left left left oh I do have that yeah we can go so much faster around now this is great woo can I go straight up I can nice that’s awesome I also unlocked I think left right right oh that’s that’s that’s the noral one we got I got left right left left right right no left left right that’s it oh I have a shield now woo I don’t have that where are the monsters to fight it here Shield does this damage things too when you do left left left what I don’t think so can that damage people too okay the shield does though that’s awesome this is so oh this is so good we can get around so fast now okay so where well we also have fast travel now too yes just just between those two cities though but yeah oh okay um so then what do we do did I finish did we finish that Quest that was that was just the one Quest yep let’s do this fire and water one fire and hang on hang Fire and Water why is it orange oh I see cuz it’s fire I guess so follow the beacon boost yourself away this is so much more fun this is why I wanted to become an Archer cuz doy Barton used to do this class and I was I was so much slower than him when I was when I was the Assassin but this is fun this is great how much Mana only US 19 okay yeah and there’s a there was a uh I notic an ability further down the tree we where we can make this ability cheaper I went past past it woo yeah let’s go that guy just gooa stomped him wait do I I have multishot on my bow all of a sudden oh did you want did you choose that instead of uh I don’t know I just I was just I was just clicking on random things Jack you’re on fire nope yeah you are nope you can’t make a simple jump Jack nope I made the jump but I still got yeah you can’t yeah I made the jump but I still got burned I don’t know why I don’t know that sounds like a you problem I I’m cut parkour swear Jack that’s a skill issue I can one shot things now what I just ran right past the loot chest what’s wrong with me what is that thing I why am I one right cuz I I unlock double double damage but half I don’t know I got to SL more mobs in order to get that chest yeah I just unlocked it I think that’s the end of the oh yeah we finished or I finished hang on hang on hang I need I need ready to unlock it okay I’ll wait wait is that all this Quest is you just kill people I think it’s not really a quest I think that’s what the orange things are they’re just like oh yeah they’re just caves we just got we just explore those caves so yeah we can skip those for now okay now that we know I love the new move ability whoa nice so wa you just got to go back out no there’s a there’s an exit here did you get the chest oh no I didn’t yeah fire powder water powder okay so it just gives you stuff to add to your weapons so what did you do for your ability tree did you go for for uh double shots instead of power shots I just picked random yeah I guess I did yeah cool but now I can unlock Arrow storm left right left nice oh my goodness it’s like a Spam click whoa I kind of regret I going for that yeah machine gun I just killed two things with one bow instead of that I have I have uh this I have left left right which I I have this like Shield thing around me and if I go near an enemy they just die okay yours is way better spam oh wait I don’t have have Mana anymore I use it all I’m jealous of yours L let’s go for the maltic [Music] well where uh one of the quests it’s like oh my goodness I can just I could just like move my camera around and kill everything around that is so cool what it’s like since this bow is so strong it just one shots everything oh I’m jealous that’s so cool so I could speed with this really strong bow which was like one of the issues that I could couldn’t do speed wait which which Quest are you doing maltic well maltic well oh okay it’s just the next one okay I’m in the tree now maltic oh this Quest I remember this quest ah I’m here hello please help us okay sure I’ll help you Le my child in the well Ys o blacksmith yes um is there an fire here I don’t think there is uh why am I so slow oh no that’s a powder Master somewhere there’s got to be one some oh there’s one there is okay I was going to say I got boots finally unidentified boots nice I got a bunch of new bows what are they going to be please exion oh uh that like does plus 21 health it’s not really worth it I I don’t really H do I take four defense but minus three walk speed uh good question I like my speed where’s the Blacksmith he’s over here yep oh there a zombie yeah it’s kind of there that’s awkward he chilling with the blacksmith yeah uh I guess I’ll get rid of Spike top too nice 83 Emerald I have a full Emerald pouch and then plus a bunch of emeralds oh my goodness oh this bow gives me walk speed that’s that’s kind of what I want oops less spell damage I just I almost killed a citizen I did not mean to do that this does less damage but same DPS cuz it’s fast bow More Walk speed this one does that one’s not good we’ll sell that one this one’s not very good either yeah between these two and I kind of want to go with the faster one cuz fast is fun and I get more walk speed wait so what do we have to do in this Quest we got to hop in the well oh okay okay oh my is over I’m in the well me too oh you are I thought you were still looking things I don’t know oh there’s what is this there’s like a trail of barley what look there’s like a trail of like glow and wheat or whatever we follow it right yeah someone the witch is being mean well just kill the witch then don’t worry I’ll machine gun the the witch oh wait what just happened I’m stuck here oh yeah I’m stuck oh she broke the bridge the witch blew up or something I don’t know too bad I have why am I talking about too bad I cannot move fast in any way ah that worked pretty well uh okay kill things kill the rats level 19 rats a grook what where’s the witch at I don’t know what do we even do we walk through the doors I guess and figure it out okay she in there uh I don’t know there’s so many doors we just guess the way oh I found her oh nice you just guessed right gun machine gun let machine gun you no I don’t want to talk I want to machine gun you oh my goodness what just happened the child was turned into something and now the child’s gone what oh I don’t know you’re right oh it’s a bunny machine gun the witch yes I don’t even see you oh the bch is I almost killed the witch I don’t even know where I killed the witch that fast up in the up in the sky oh the child’s a bunny for oh you already killed it oh there we go I saved a child I finished the cut scene and he was already done what I still have to kill it though I have to wait for it to respawn I think I just machine guned the witch like two times and then and then that was it I have to kill it again so I can get the drop though oh yeah yeah I’m going to get in the ceiling and spawn Camp it get on that platform empty bottle now what if I go up here the child’s following can I kill the child I can kill a child 30,000 health I’m trying to kill the child now let me kill the child please can I leave and come back so it’ll spawn I can’t come on witch spawn whatever Oh wrong spell die child has so much health get shielded oh he’s healing I’m kind of stuck the witch didn’t I don’t know what to do I don’t know I think I’ve gotten myself sof locked I’m just trying to kill the child that’s a pretty good SP brought down to 29857 this is going to take forever I think I’m I think I’m all sad then I’m 40 DPS I’m sorry where this come from oh I have I still I can I can almost use my um my level my 79 DPS bow I be 14 for that level 14 oh the Witch Is Here Jack oh really I’m coming yes uh I’m not going to kill it because you need the thingy yes uh Boop just kidding here I’ll I’ll lower I’ll lower her yeah I’ll use I’ll use my my shield uh left left left right Shield Bonk there we go right here Jack yay a bottle Bea there’s two child Childs here Nowa I don’t know something here’s a bottle yay we completed the quest I had I think I had two bottles yeah I I think it dropped an extra one for you for the last the second witch kill okay you know what I’ll take it uh so then I got another ability point for that cheaper escapability yes let’s go oh I can do it again oh that’s cool so wait you can’t I can’t do power shots because I unlocked AOS storm okay yes and I can’t unlock Arrow storm cuz I did power shots okay I have unused skill points now I use them up there we go nice let’s do underwater underwater under water left left left I’m in the tree again those trees are in my way you just get rid of all trees I like trees they’re in my way my name is omongo I a resident of The multic Village on top of the hill as you may know our people came to our land years ago in this ship they used they brought lots of luxurious Goods with them most of them got lost in the wreck but recently a small hole has opened in the Shipwreck here it believes that our Fortune is hidden within it unfortunately no one has been able to explore it it is too deep no creature can survive underwater that long however my old friend sire is a fisherman and I know that he is a very special helmet if you convince him to give up to helmet then find treasure I give part of it okay cool cave time another cave yay so excited I think we have to fish in [Music] here okay I think I just one shot everything I literally just one shot everything okay cool you doo this is great uh I like how the the arrow storm though doesn’t like affect your damage it just does the same damage but faster great like okay sure I’ll take it I’m fishing I tried shooting a player so wait what do we do left click for the left click for huh did you get a fishing rod earlier no I don’t have a fishing rod maybe you can borrow mine later I that J do I need to use that for something yeah I think I think this Quest involves fishing we got to just follow the cave first and talk to the guy I think ah I love this ability so [Music] much wait we there oh wait no go go to the boat I see the Beacon’s over there though yeah I don’t know why the Beacon’s over there that was such a pro move did you do it all on the boat without I just arrowed right to the boat hello s s’s a child no he’s just a small man oh like me okay oh he gave me a fishing rod oh cool okay yeah he gave me one too I already have one though did you waste your money on buying one yes wow okay so what I got to fish for things fishing time fish left click fishing thank you very much you here last me I think so what I got to fish for just anything well you need the meat the gudon meat the meat oh so not the oil not the oil can you stop hitting me please what even is hitting me you are stop begin stopping yeah I leveled up my fishing ability yay who where what am I doing oh there’s also a chest how much meat do I need 10 10 oh uh is that in my ingredient pouch no maybe oh I didn’t catch fish that time I the gungin the G gin yeah I only have three okay I think I only have three too oh no now I have five [Music] cool oh my goodness I’m professional I need more I need more gungan meat G there’s only an end at the end of the word I love my G me don’t like that you’re calling it G oh it’s I don’t know I don’t know G I need two one what if I steal some from myself and I eat it then you’d have to get more fish I have seven I have seven Gan stop saying G oh wait I have 11 now looks oh i c i CAU a three star one though I think that’s kind of rare I’m going to give him only tier one yeah just give him the crap meat yeah I want to keep the good meat for myself the give you keep the great a tier you give him the B or C good meat is I deserve good meat what how much do I have nine I have 11 is that’s enough right yep okay I love this ability so much I think you’ve mentioned that maybe once [Music] yeah I can’t use them on the stairs they get stay the walls get in the way we go and then now we go back to wait where oh we got to go back to the boat that’s right yeah oh nice top you can do the mid a this is so cool Hello steer I okay now what oh maybe not actually now what do I do now we got to go back now we got to bring the helmet back to the other guy oh mango do we got to go back to the cave uh no just go back towards the beacon the beacon was the cave well now I’m confused I won’t let me talk to I gave him the meat oh you’re right we have to we have to go in the ship you’re right I went I went the wrong way apparently I me yeah come back yeah come back to omango we have to go in here wait I it said I gave him the meat but then I didn’t apparently oh I need I have 10 I have I have 11 what do you mean I I have 10 at least I got to apparently I got to get more even though I have enough BR yeah I have some extra I can give it I can give you it no it’s fine I just need one like I guess I guess I have does it have to be the same of the same like level maybe I don’t that cuz I have nine of like the one star and two of the two stars oh maybe that was in the way [Music] maybe okay now I have 10 of one okay there we go woo now it should work maybe I hope I almost went all the way back [Music] down I’m on the sail sail yeah I was a I got up there too I got to learn like the angle that I got to go at for like the right time yeah there we go okay now you will take it okay right yes I have a helmet breathing helmet okay so then I put this on right yes but now we goang where the beacon is yeah oh you can do it in the water yeah oh my goodness that’s so much faster like it does it on the surface of the water too yeah I was doing that too so op okay now we just got to go into the ship hello omango oh okay with the water breathing helmet yeah you Wilding right now what the heck this is a big ship it is what even this isn’t really even a ship it’s just like a tube yeah is this the hole oh no it goes further okay over here damage crate oh I blew it up okay old treasure waa we’re rich ra we’re R we can retire what woohoo retirement it looks like a bunch of potato bars potato we got some potato in yes where omo go there it is yummy potatoes you got it yes I did here’s part of the loot I got a bunch of stuff okay paded Lea legging level 30 these leggings suck I I didn’t even get leggings CU my inventory is so full bro oh I can’t use those yet so I’ll stick with my exons uh I didn’t really get much of anything that’s important okay I’m going to go back to the town and throw some stuff in there yeah actually is there even a bank here I think there’s not what are you okay you’re dead that’s tool Merchant wait can we give the old thing to the a like a uh a thingy what can we give the um the blacksmith the old treasure and we get a bunch of money oh maybe I threw mine out though I hope I hope not uh where’s the Blacksmith at right here blacksmith will you take my old treasure you will not okay oh those are boots that I need to identify I’m so silly yeah they’re not very good well maybe they are good for me I don’t know okay treasure boots yeah well wait yeah they suck hello blacksmith please take these boots um walk speed the breathing helmet is better than my old helmet I think so I might keep that I have so much emeralds now uh yeah I can get these lights oh I can use this now use I just I need to go to is there a bank here I don’t think so okay I use my Relic yet no I’m not 14 I’m only 13 dang it dang it I want to use my Relic uh okay so then I have a a bunch of stuff what of stuff get rid of but it says it says it’s untradeable so I’m wearing two of the same ring oh you I can unlock windy feet cre casting Escape grants the speed buff to you nearby players Jack what come here okay I’m going to use this do you get a speed buff I do nice actually I think I remember bar and casting that on me all the time when I was when we were playing yeah I think I get it when I cast it on myself too though yeah I no I get it too um but I just got a thing that does it to like me and everyone else I think oh co that’s nearby oh was that a new ability point you invested in yeah I just I just unlocked it nice oh was that is that windy feet yep nice [Music] kill everything do 47 damage I I do almost 50 damage with one shot hello Woo is that a lot I think so I’m going to that’s with my so I can only imagine what my Relic is going to be like when I unlock my 14 level 14 yeah probably really good I’m going to do the let’s do the elemental exercise one now cuz that’ll I just saw that one also bring us back to dead L nice oh it’s gotten stuck in the tree stupid tree right that’s what I’m saying we got to get rid of all trees just in the way of [Music] my my abilities are are stupid my abilities I I I was going to say something but I just forgot I was going to say oh that’s fair where did you go are you way ahead of me I’m I’m coming to the beacon slow okay jeez oh there you are I ran out of Mana oh I could yeah I don’t think I want to use it during in the forest or I won’t go high I think do it in front of you yeah I’m trying to like yeah do it like sideways it still kind of launches you upwards yeah well at least I get the speed yeah oh treat I’m I’m like stuck on a treat or the water yes I jumped over the whole river let’s go me too it’s so [Music] fun oh oh this is the tower huh this is that Tower stupid tower Tower how do you SW Mana you just keep going yeah actually I think I have a lot of like Mana regen I feel like I’m not not really running out that much like I keep running out and having to stop actually I don’t really have any Mana region I don’t know why I don’t know why I don’t know oh I just wasted some too great we can use we can use the deas bank though oh I’m going to go over the walls just just hop over the walls yep oh I got stuck in the wall oh I fell down okay whatever oh me too I whatever oh I’m on the wall okay whatever I got to go to the deist Barracks I’m just going to go to the the oh thermite’s here hello thermite night I’m just going to go to the identifier and stuff and the blacksmith and the end chest in the bank I just need to go to the bank I wonder if I have any extra Emerald sacks that aren’t just tier one I could use better storage I’m going to get rid of all this crap I don’t need no bowl I don’t need no treasure I don’t need I don’t need any of this I have so many emeralds okay so I can deposit these emeralds into these Merchants you can compact them into like Emerald blocks and emerald liquid oh give yeah let me do that cuz I have so I have like oh my God 1 2 3 wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I have like over 12 stacks of emeralds and that comeb backs to 12 block blocks of emeralds and okay maybe do they take a fee I hope they don’t take a fee and that was free I don’t think they do okay uh let me put my I have emeralds in here no I don’t whatever what do I do with this these potions put all my tools over here to just sit for a while oops okay that’s good okay sorry about that uh what’s go What’s um what’s what’s uh I’m I’m lost now I okay hang on I’m I’m still at the bank um I just uh uh I don’t know what to do now okay what’s going on Jack what sorry I was I was I was not doing anything we got to pick another Quest let’s go for oh wait Elemental EXT we I we already talking that where is the dude over this way Barrack so it’s over here over Yonder yeah Over Yonder yes oh boy except the trade I have free someone’s trying to trade to me what’s happening huh how do I open trades I don’t know I’m so confused someone just said accept the trade I have free Emerald pouches but I don’t I don’t are you in my chat oh here we go the play is too far away oh I have to be near them oh wait I them I don’t care I don’t care sorry thank you though but um I think I’ll be fine tmimim I’m oh we’re training are we yeah I keep pressing shift but he’s not he’s not giving me more dialogue do I just pick something fire be air I don’t think that makes sense to me oh they have a lot of they have a lot of Health uh left right right oh yes bam shoot oh my God that does so much damage jeez I just shred them okay I killed an air element dummy oh wait I have a oh I see I have elemental bow okay wait what oh it does a lot of damage whoa I can use my Relic now my thing that does crazy damage oh my God wait left right right whoa B okay this bow is op this bow is op that does a lot of Thunder damage I do over half the dummy’s damage with the with the the spam shoot machine gun thing withow fire damage but it’s an air dude that does everything neutral okay Jack I think I have a better bow than you yeah wa do he he just gave us a bow to to try out but I have to give it back I think yeah oh well I have a per this is a bow I’ve had for a bit it does so much damage and then I’d spam the the the thing I do the machine gun thing and it just destroys them dang this is the one that does uh 79 damage looks so cool too yeah wait you just treaded that what I know look holy crap boom dead I keep missing though dead wait left right right I have to dual T why does this shoulder keep trying to shoulder soer keeps jumping in front of me what do you want this is actually annoying take this T Jack do you have a do you have a soldier that keeps jumping and trying to like get in your face left right right oh wait left left right arrow Shield Bonk I jack do you see this Soldier just jumping around me is it is it to see him no it’s just some random Soldier oh I see him yeah he’s following you he’s following me and I can’t shoot them are you in a dialogue no I don’t think so no did you did you dual toest me already keep I can’t when I’m not in first person I can’t or when I am in first person I can’t see they keep following me up the stairs what’s going on there’s two of them there’s two of them do what did I do what are you doing what do you want from me hello I can’t do it try to keep talking to toim or the or the guy I I well okay hello B the funny name every time every time I get no I I get I get he say one thing and then nothing happens good luck RAV have fun with those those guys no no Jack come back here come back Jack no please o I went the wrong way wait there’s like a it’s a I guess apparently the AI is just stupid got it yep I just they just love you yeah wait supposed to like following somebody but I got totally lost deas North okay over here oh yeah there it is I’m here so what we just we just all we did was trained and that’s all we had to do I think so and now we got to go for the battle where is that oh I see the beacon I see the beacon there’s a here oh I’m going the wrong way oh no a corrupted Captain H what are you where are you I got teleported to a cut scene where did you did you go to the weekend Oh what is this yeah I went to the beacon and talked to the guy can’t find where the beacon goes the cast spell B one off the other okay I’m just going to I’m going just kill them I can’t find that Beacon oh left left right wait no no left left right arrow Shield Bonk Arrow Shield Arrow Shield is it inside the castle Arrow Shield Bonk Jack I’m so lost you should get unlost maybe I’m trying to I’m trying to jump over the castle Shi I don’t have enough Mana okay it’s dead or not oh my goodness oh I don’t even know where I’m going anymore so it is inside the couch right a Summoner okay and it’s over here what oh I found it I’m just silly hello Captain regon yes die brute Basher yes die okay I I follow Captain regon yes and then you end up at the North Gate okay am I didn’t cast it oh that’s the wrong spell left right right oh wait but then I’m back down here at the thingy there we go comat level 14 I’m back at the training thing the guards are not letting you leave what do you want me to do what is going on do I just got to kill some of these dummies again maybe did you did you give the did you give the bow back have you noticed the effective Elemental damage I didn’t get a bow you got to get the bow back that’s why he wouldn’t let you leave no no no I have I I never got a bow I think he gave you a bow to practice with us that was part of the oh I didn’t notice Arrow [Music] Shield Arrow Shield okay now I’m I got oh I got to fight tasm huh why do I got to fight tasm yeah it’s a training match oh I killed them though easy okay Pi got the stragglers whatever and then this is exciting but okay so I got to follow captain regon again yep and then you got to I’m actually where where you have to go and just’s like a little like wave of monsters you got to be he’s going so fast oh I see you jack hello hello talk to this guy there’s a little quest to do I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready is sure yep yep cool oh now I’m being teleported I’m flying why am I in the air oh my goodness a bunch of corrupted people have come into the they’re sh the castle oh my goodness oh this is not okay you better put a stop to that ref this is not okay we got to fight these people oh you’re strong you’re strong not not not strong enough though I just killed you wait why you up there now W I’m rich what are you doing oh what’s this oh my goodness defense well I can just machine gun all these guys anyway left right right boom blow up this is too easy ah oh I don’t have enough Mana there we go good stuff are they just going to spawn a bunch of stuff yep oh stop hitting me a lot emeralds here you’re doing great okay it says both of you but there just me I think T’s there too that oh I got to identify this too ah ah leave me alone thank you left right right left right right did I die I died no no soul points have been lost though okay do I still can I still continue it miniator assistance I don’t want to talk to you I want to I want to finish what I was doing are they still attacking I’m so confused now did it just end where did you end up where am I going it’s Jack I’m confused I’m confused too it’s leading me to where there’s a bunch of mushroom cows what oh and they hurt you oh my goodness the mushroom cows hurt you I’m killing a bunch of mushroom cows well that sucks I’m following the S the Aus for a a conversation I guess I’m I’m at a beacon but there’s nothing here I don’t really know what I’m doing I’m just running around whoa what the heck Jack I don’t think I like this game where did you where are you I don’t know this is what this is why I don’t like these games I don’t know what to what I’m doing where did you end up back at like wherever this place is called deas I think so I might as well Identify some items here while I’m here Autumn Tree start of the arachnus ascent Quest by accident I think I accidentally started another Quest too I don’t really know what I’m doing what are your what are your coordinates uh 46050 1592 460 1592 okay oh there you are come come over here to where I am I think you that’s very helpful Jack I think you look at me I’m growing I think you just got to talk to this guy again and you can finish that part uh okay so wait do I got to restart now yeah I think so oh stupid I was doing so well well you shouldn’t have died well maybe you should have been there to help me I was already finished cuz you were wasting time not giving the bow back no I don’t know you kept running ahead of me I didn’t know what was happening I’m sorry I ran out of Mana that’s why okay you know I’ll I’ll I’ll learn to save my Mana yes conservative yes I will shoot I’m I’m an Archer I got to shoot from afar yes oh oh there we go this oh I’m not taking any damage now cuz I’m a professional now okay I see wait but now I’m getting more loot because now I don’t have to uh cuz I’m doing this twice right uh well did you you died the first time so you didn’t get any loot for that one I got loot I don’t know cuz it Dro they Dro like emeralds and stuff on the ground oh I see why are these guys following me all right cuz the sent or whatever well I’m just waiting for you to finish that and then we can do the arach the sent one I think leads us to the infested pit maybe huh ah leave me alone why are you getting so close to me before they get so close try to use a healing pot I don’t what is that I don’t have what oh I do potion of healing oh you’re dead I didn’t know I had a healing potion you got to use those they’re pretty good yummy why I just right click on them when I or something yeah and they give you like a regen effect I think oh yeah I have one of them okay hello I guess I am ready yes get up the oh I can go over there I did okay third times the charm third times the charm let’s let’s do this yeah trying to figure out way to get on the roof there we go I’m on the walls I’m going to sneeze that’s you thank you I’m alerted to these things see why do you guys insist on following me stupid [Music] skeletons those skeletons got perfect SAT scores I keep for I just used the getaway thing it’s scape it is literally called Escape yeah I made it to the roof trying to get to the highest point of deas there’s an Airship up there guess I can’t get to that punch me what I died again what yes I got to the top to the highest tower in De Jack this game’s dooky what you you it sounds like a skill issue to be honest no maybe I I also have like 100 more Health than you so I don’t think you have enough Health what let me pull up your stream and see what you’re doing and see if I can help you I I was I was shooting the guy I was blowing up the guy I was spam shooting the guy I was healing I was shooting the guy I was getting away from the guy but then the guy would teleport back to me I don’t know I don’t know either let me watch you do this one and I’ll see if I can yeah I I don’t think I can enter back in I think I think I’m stuck out of it cuz I’ve already finished it is it this way no that’s not that not that way you must go north with the winds I must go north got it I was just over here what real wait there’s a beacon all the way over here it’s going it’s leaving me back to this thing for some reason it keeps leading me towards these stupid cows I know you’re tracking the potion making Quest now why why did I do that I didn’t do that you do that I don’t know how it called Elemental exercise is the one we’re doing yeah Elemental exercise oh it still says go over here I got to talk to this guy this guy come from no no no no no not that guy it’s telling me to do that it’s it shows the beacons I think sometimes when you’re not tracking them I don’t know why it’s show multiple beacons to be honest I’m kind of confused oh maybe you’re tracking multiple at one time I it says I’m tracking wait what I didn’t click stable story why is it making me track that one I never clicked that over here though oh there’s a bunch of cows following you stop it stupid cows just go to the north gate and talk to the guy I don’t know I was just following the beacons Jack beacons are not always correct apparently well this that’s what I’m saying this game sucks this game is stupid there’s no dude there there’s not did you finish it and not notice there’s no one there anymore he’s gone did you talk to the guy in the barracks wait oh wait we went the wrong way that’s why my bad I fight the dude the wrong way I got confused my bad he’s over here oh my goodness I went to the south gate Jack my bad awkward can really tell South and North apart okay yes I’m ready for battle I have to press it okay okay yes I see that they’re coming I wish I could skip this but no look at these these these soldiers are just sitting here doing nothing while I fight them all myself ow speaking of yeah okay buddy okay buddy meep meep meep I’m going to figure out how to do that maybe while you’re doing that I’ll figure out how to get the the windcraft pet I noticed a thing in chat that said like I can go to the website and yeah I totally heard what you said oh there’s a live stream now I can do next Glam pet okay I did the command in the chat I think will that give me a pet did I get a pet I didn’t get a pet I’m confused now my buttons won’t work there we go okay I killed him okay yeah I had to just lock in all that’s [Applause] why yeah so I guess if you just lock in you win got it now what so then that’s that that Quest is complete then oh in the F before okay got it yeah no I think you got to talk to the guy in the barracks now that’s the last thing oh my goodness then you can grab the arachnids as hello hello yes yes yes yes yes just there’s 10 of these bruh okay I got unidentified rag okay I got to go to the identifier identifier where are you where are you and I’m so sorry Iden is a popular guy he’s we got a good business going on here I’m going to go is C I got green Perfection 50 damage per second helmet of wisdom and the bracelet so the bracelet goes on with like the all I’m not I’m not cool enough to wear it yet wait where do I put it oh there we go I am cool enough to wear it never mind helmet of wisdom I’m going to put [Music] the yeah I’m going to put the helmet of wisdom on there we go look at that I’m gaming oh I got a chest plate I got to identify oopsie yay alligator what 45 this one’s 75 thought you saw one I got to be combat level 16 I’m super close to that cool um okay so then I have some abilities I got to do unlock cheaper Escape thank you and level these up there we go okay okay I think I’m game now I think I’m game let’s go in wir stuff here oh I did you die I gra a bunch of stuff that somebody just threw out wa you just you just throw stuff on the ground apparently nice let’s go okay let’s go to the barracks and there’s a guy to talk to Quest Guy Talk Quest the quest the quest guy talk let’s talk to the talk oh yes follow me okay I’m following I’m just behind you up the stairs ooh exclusive exclusive room I see maybe you know I’m just thinking about like what goes into building all these different buildings yeah and like how you have to think about where things are going to go in this this is a lot of stuff that goes into this game definitely oh sh we’re going to kill more spiders apparently I think yeah let’s go now we got to go to the let’s go [Music] let’s go we’re gaming we’re gaming time to video the game okay where’s the what’s happening out here what the heck a lot of weird sounds that guy just bouncing around I just just just don’t even acknowledge way just don’t even acknowledge where do we have to go oh that way aha the NPC is just jumping try C we found the [Music] Savanah hello private cob I went too far hey there [Music] chaps I’m level combat 16 I can put the thing ow somebody’s hitting me I help you thank you I need to wear something now the alligator cool I’m cool now nice okay we got the supplies now we got to do lava stuff woo lava stuff okay not yet [Music] though is it moving no it’s not okay I don’t have enough Mana a Mana to anent whoa this area is crazy a dungeon in there I think I’m stuck on the box ancient oh okay yeah oh my God there’s so many things after me what is that fire [Music] Bandit I can’t fire they’re fire Bandits let me leave yeah there’s a lot of just things over here this is far brides are cringe this far I think it’s up just up here though it’s by that mountain I know that yeah here it is I have to run through the forest captain and one out of 16 n we’re skiing that yep you want supplies there we go I finally got here volcano y y [Music] YP okay let’s let’s bring to seam hasim okay wind time or Mount wind time how do we get through this we can’t yet we have to go through the mountain first into the volcano oh Mountain you still right into the wait you mountain is too dangerous to explore it won’t let me go into the mountain what two did you talk to the guy yet I did did you choose which guy to go with you oh [Music] no I was just following you I don’t [Music] know take all Dr I took tum so now we got a full party of forward this is great right now I got to go back We There we go a wand or a bow I mean big old Cave Mountain volcano flaming spiders whoa whoa what the heck be careful of the falling flaming spiders yeah as usual oh uh what’s his name again yeah he’s here too nice whoa what where’d you go I don’t know I don’t know I just suddenly you the wrong way you had to go up you have to go up I don’t know where I am or how I got you and I’m scared oh the spiders you can’t kill okay PL spiders where’s this thing I find an Easter egg nope definitely not okay we’re just running [Music] through I’m behind but I’m coming back uh-oh I don’t know what’s happening me neither flaming spiders falling from the sky everywhere there’s a lava pool it’s rising the floor is lava Jack you got to hurry to get out of there I’m coming I’m it’s not Rising for me the floor is lava you’re going to die pad oh that’s what I missed last time was rocketed by the great I got to get out of here Jack sorry I got to hurry cuz I’m going to die from lava I’ll be okay I’ll be okay it’s fine I’m fire resistant or something do train summoning totem pulse to protect me oh earthquake what’s happening whoa lava Rising on the parkour whatever shall I do to get across I have no movement abilities whatsoever oh no ah now I’m ahead [Music] I’ll wait for you jack I’ll wait for you the bu it doesn’t work sometimes oh yeah it do that sometimes notice myself don’t do the ability on the falling lava platforms just jump oh why does that happen it I it sometimes Falls mid jump and then I can’t jump oh I made it ja is dying while I’m just staring at aladar’s face I made it I made it I made it are you sure you made it nope okay I made it really spider I don’t see you I’m fighting IG ignis oh yeah that oh yeah yeah uh just got to you just got to kill them and then Arrow Shield BK bnk these fruit snacks smell like acetone what’s hitting me who are you oh these things are hitting me okay oh my goodness why’ you heal why are you healing the more that I hit you what just killed them it took me like 30 seconds I’m not good at killing apparently Arrow I I escaped by accident I could just shoot it I’m going there we go easy who what what was that okay flame of Mount worm sick or Mount wind and we can burn through the spider’s Nest [Music] sick okay cool did you go on like a different Quest no I’m here I’m going back to the to the guy in the thing in the hole and the thing and the yeah okay W I’m stuck my tree again [Music] yes I fought off the spiders yes just for you yes thank you okay I got locked the infested pit now cool yes kill the spiders well these are strong spiders okay okay so where in the infested pit must we go the infested pit is in is one of those dungeons key collector oh right here oh I see oh I got to give him a key there you go hello Aladar woo my poor babies are starving but what shall they Feast I can hear them Whispering kill 26 mobs easy sounds good I got to open up some eggs in order to kill them Arrow Shield Bonk [Music] I like The Arrow Shield kill him kill him oh there bu over here too Ms Shield Bonk Bonk I I said farting spider what is wrong with me this the spider farts yeah that’s that makes sense I found a spider cave oh yeah I can just Farm kills right here oh nice five kills remaining easy okay I don’t do much damage I’m realizing think I have defensive stuff but I don’t do much damage I’m really bad damaging okay okay I can go through now oh hello oh I’m stuck in a thing I’m stuck in the ceiling help wait that’s how wait that looks fun actually did I kill 26 mobs I don’t know actually the door’s open for me is it open for you oh it is it is it is yeah oh I didn’t even see there’s a hole there yeah I’m just releasing all these for parkour parkour parkour oh crap disapp forg yeah you just got to bounce on the bouncy things I like the noise it makes it makes like a stupid spiders you okay man up there come on why am I bad at parkour now all of a sudden oh wait it’s Yaya remember he got taken by spiders earlier oh yeah Yaya has survived he’s alive he doesn’t look like he’s doing too good though that’s fine break the web uh I don’t know if you’re going to like this buddy but okay oh he sured I kind of blew him up and it kind of worked yeah he is alive ah kill him he doesn’t deserve anyway really he didn’t pay us earlier so yeah he’s leaving he’s leaving I guess okay whatever good all my homies hate yaa Soul Sand here jum [Music] pad idiot I’m stuck in some goop what how do I get out of this oh I got to talk to Yaya stupid Yaya stupid Yaya Yaya won’t let me through why can’t I walk through nothing there’s a there’s a barrier block cast a spell I can’t even one shot these with my spell what do you mean cast a spell how am I going to cast a spell five kills remaining that was fast Jack you had to cast a spell yeah did you do it yeah how just cast a spell oh oh that’s like the left right right button thing okay yeah I didn’t know those were called spells oh I I do barely any damage what oh this is not good that’s L damage that’s cool slay 20 mobs that be Mana oh it’s already open okay no it’s not it’s not even close [Music] where oh you’re just here okay hello hi whoa completed by [Music] [Music] wait have we enough do we have enough kills I yes or at least I do uh well yeah I okay more parkour easy easy oh oh you just jumped through the parkour look up ref yeah yep I regret this immensely that sounds like a you [Music] problem L Jack I’m coming I’m coming wo I did the same thing again well this is a big old room nice I’m just shred through these guys Jack just coming in like from the ceiling okay lost time where are you you are woo go let’s go let’s go oh radus oh no Aro a something pushed me into it Arrow [Music] shield and it’s dead woo that wasn’t a boss that was easy did it my inventory is so full I’m going to lose all these emerals if I don’t this out uh mine is not full cuz I put mine all in the bank Jack like a smart person I just claimed a thing and I filled my inventory with a bunch of stuff where what did your claim I claim like the the daily Quest or whatever oh okay I have a I have the eye a pit fragment I don’t know oh yeah an eye on off the pet okay so we just got to kill the rest of them I guess is brutal murder wonderful Jack come on we got to kill them what we got to go back and kill the rest of them oh a better bow let’s go how much damage per second uh 77 oh I I need level 20 for that though mine’s still better L mine’s still [Music] better wait so then what do we we just got to kill them I’m confused it says go clean up the pests I’ll buy it for later clean up the pest Beacon I talked to them they’re like go and clean up the rest of the pests talk to who the the people the Tess I don’t know okay I guess I’m coming back up I got confusion I am coming back up oh I see yes is here we go now head on and finish off these pests yeah that that that’s what we just did oh why is it saying it again I don’t know it’s a dungeon You’re supposed to like run it multiple times I think oh I gotta I I gota like get to a city and store some stuff though let’s let’s head to dead lless I think deas is this way think stupid tree [Music] I just wasted one we are on a mission to kill things I guess slang we are an absolute Menace where are you how do we get a horse I think we can actually do that Quest now to get a horse oh oh new ability new ability Point woo I have three points I haven’t used yet oh let me check mine wait I can get the arrow storm could you stop hitting me please I can get I can get Mastery Thunder Mastery Earth Mastery air Mastery I’ll just get two of them I don’t know oh yeah look at that I can also get your your uh Arrow storm ability I might just go for that wait I thought you had to be uh yeah I thought you did too but apparently you can just like d back and get it can you get can you get the arrow Shield ability uh like that’s in power shots oh oh I can yeah I just don’t have I don’t have the ability points for it but yeah I can left right left whoa yeah that’s fun yeah is it isn’t it pretty silly I just got an unidentified bow so that’ll be good huh I got an an unidentified I cannot pronounce that word unidentified bow maybe that’ll be better than the one I have currently to deas I have no idea if I’m going the right way me neither I think oh yeah I found it it’s at like 400-600 400 oh I’m going the complete opposite direction oh no and I just fell into a pit of lava that’s not good he say 400 and then what minus 1600 I shouldn’t be that far -600 this way oh I’m right here I’m already here okay I may be stupid I see you Al what this place called uh do I have anything that I need to thing nope okay I just need to go to I crossbow whoa say what say say what hello sir I would like to get rid of my Di Hune Relic My Autumn trace my light birch wood spear um uh this thing um that [Applause] guy not that guy cool all right now I got to go and I have one thing I need to I need to identify the Wilding 80 damage per second and I can I just need to level up a little bit Jack I got some crazy bows I guess got a better bow too 69 DPS I got one I got one that’s 80 80 what the crap 80 DPS normal attack speed I just got to level up to level 24 77 but I need level 20 before that one also not really I have one that’s 79 but I was able to use it since level 14 what yeah that’s what I’ve been using this one does poison damage I’m selling it the one the one I does does all like damage for everything so it does it does um like fire water air Thunder Earth damage and neutral damage dang and it all like adds up to 79 I I’m this gives me 4% more Sprint speed I’d rather keep the XP bonus um let me see what I can do here so I can get I don’t need these eyes just sitting in my inventory there anything better in here I can use my morph topazes now oh nice yeah I think I have I have two of those equipped at once oh you can do more oh no I can’t do more I’ve used all mine oh okay all my slots wait oh wait what wait no wait yes here we go there we [Music] go and I can’t use those yet so I’m throw those in there what does the teleportation scroll do I think it just brings you back to ragy I don’t really know what soul points are usful for it cost does it does it does it like take away you can use it as long as you have soul points yeah I think cuz I’ve been so I guess so when you die you lose Soul points yes so I think if you have no soul points you die maybe you restart yeah that sounds about right okay you know what I’m level 18 I think I think I want to get to level 20 and then I’m going to end off here all Lev sounds good Let’s do let’s pick up let’s pick up one more Quest oh let’s let’s do lava Springs lava Springs where’s that oh there it is um where’s the oh it’s all the over there okay okay so you have to have the bow in order to use the Spells okay I was wondering that I don’t know where the beacon is I’m lost oh there it is it’s uh in the direction that it is yeah so just go in the direction and then you’ll end up there okay stupid cows die stupid cows stupid mushroom cows trying to kill me you you oh it’s at the lava pit that I fell in that’s funny yeah wonderful hello Colonel Gard oh good good I bet you’re ragy Soldier aren’t you listen up Soldier I going to task you that you can help me with okay you see the lava Spring right there it just went and popped up out of nowhere the brass is real concerned about itm okay they’ve been yapping all about being related to corruption and ye can bet that means trouble bad trouble now this is now this here Savannah has always done some corruption lurking about but not to the point where I can do this it won’t be safe around here if we don’t do something about it anyways I command ain’t going to provide support for this until they know the actual corruption so we’ve got to find some evidence around the Springs understand take a look around the Spring Soldier find me some damn evidence around here now get moving hey jeez this Kitt’s trying to kill us wait what do we have to do I read all that J here I think jump in the lava oh no okay whoa or not got to go over there uh-oh what it it throws me into the sky oh okay you don’t got to go over there I was wrong we got oh crap oh crap stuck in lava bottom of the lake for a second we got to collect these minerals doing right right right and not left left left I blew it up by accident Jack what am I where where do we go oh we go over here wait it says go over here yeah we got to we got to find the mineral things wiggling rocks corrupted evidence where where are you oh you’re all the way there okay here’s the last one y there we go now we can give that to the dude where are you where are you Jer where are you where are you you just got to look at the rocks that are the corrupted stones or whatever they are that are around the lava pit some stupid creep is trying to follow me where are you I don’t know I’m in W I’m near water come back in the lava why’ you leave the lava cuz you said to go somewhere else I don’t know I didn’t you said oh go we going to go over there and then you were like super far away I don’t even know hello look at look at this thing those oh there’s three of those around the lava pit you need you need I can’t pick it up you got to break it what do you mean attack it oh wait what attack attack what the FL thing or attack the Rock and pick it up you already I have two somehow I didn’t even do anything I have two go get the other one it’s over there over here where how are you supposed to find you go in the opposite direction right here I don’t know where you are look I’m glowing I could not be more visible say corrupt the stone level 15 do I just hit it what do I hit sure you just do the same one three times what do I hit oh why do I have five now nothing happens when I hit it you got an item come on it’s not doing anything do you have three now no I have two yeah I have two someone just come back over and break over one the Rocks there’s one right there I have two I thought there’s more over here Jack you were confusing me so right below me so I just shoot it yes oh there we go now I have three I was shooting the other one a bunch of it wasn’t giving me anything it’s cuz you already got that one I think I don’t know [Music] boo I killed a cat huh I’m just kind of enjoying this this isn’t part of the quest I talked to the guy but he said something and then nothing we got to go to Gregor now gor oh the Beacon’s over here wow that’s far Savannah is kind of pretty what the heck is that what’s hitting me I don’t know something invisible is hitting me breing La a fun town name yeah bring aha I love bring La my favorite place to be Gregor your face confidence it gleams with confidence yet you still haven’t spoken to me since you arrived could it be you know that password is penguin eggs but you’re just too shy to talk yeah yeah that’s got to be it you convinced me little you darling you can enter the well go on now why are you EP that was really creepy I did not like that I did not like what I just ran oh what are these kill them toxic brew okay yeah easy kill them and then they’re dead ooh I like the retextured fence post ooh you know what I really I really want to make a texture pack for myself so I I can like build and do things okay we’re here there’s an exit I hate the word Colonel Colonel Sanders okay cool we got the potion of Obsidian Skin see how boring this game is Jack we you’re yawning and stuff like that I’m tired okay we buy a healing potion when I’m tired [Music] too [Music] ype we see me rolling ah stupid cat I like cats but this cat is mean wait so does sprinting use up your Mana as well no it doesn’t what’s the what’s that blue bar then that’s that’s your man okay oh Sprints a different okay I see I see they’re kind of related though like if you have no Mana you can’t Sprint like eat to way your hunger bar you don’t have enough Mana what spell okay so wait I then I can go in no he we got to we got to eat drink the potion first potion of obsidian Sky okay good I did buy the right potion okay I was kind of worried that I didn’t buy the right potion cuz I just bought a random one we got to look for a corrupted heart a corrupted car okay there’s a bunch of babies behind us I think it’s over here assault B oh that’s a player game is easy this game’s too easy yeah it is interesting though I don’t know these I feel like these aren’t my kind of games but you prefer like the mini games like uh like battle box like that wait I died I died no imagine no you died to what combat bat I did dang it I don’t know that’s what it looked like or a assault bat sorry not a combat bat what am I saying those dang Combat Bats ooh I got some legendary bhas that I can’t use how many hearts do you have do you have more than one bar I have 257 only one bar okay I have 268 so I have a little bit more than you but okay do I just keep running I assume I just keep running to the cave this is a pretty good helmet though I can’t use it yet um I’m just run into the cave it’s just endless mobs it seems true bless you thanks okay I’m on my way back now okay wait do I have to get another potion oh no um okay ah okay I see you oh no oh no I think I’m going to die now oh no I don’t want my inventory what the heck what the heck let me get out of here okay okay I got out of here I got stuck in that corner and I was just like a dangerous looking Corner yeah I think we’re looking for like a mini boss that drops the corrupted part mini boss oh this is a I’m really under undergeared I feel what I feel quite undergeared I almost I almost just died from those random guys there it is heart of lava I’ve been having to use my potion a lot ow that hurts that hurts oh my God there’s minions behind us I’m dead chis oh yeah yeah Escape you’re alive how are you still alive I Ed the Escape there was like a million different minions behind us and I didn’t even notice until I died oh oh it’s the wrong one oh my goodness okay I’m fine maybe not oh my goodness oh my damn hello please identify these oh oo got it I think please plus 70 These Boots are crazy I just got boots that give me 70 Health nice plus 70 uh I can’t use these leggings yet dang it okay I got an extra bow 4,000 XP still kind of bad need to go to the go away kitties what’s the dude they HS at [Music] me nice okay where is the kaisa not bad not bad I’m at uh I’m at the city thing trying to like I don’t know I don’t know what I’m trying to do oh fair enough yeah I don’t know can I do this one yet this is that’s oh it doesn’t do as much damage per second okay this is yucky this is yucky this is yucky I like how you can see players from other servers though that’s kind of cool yeah okay I think I’m might actually end up here instead cuz I don’t actually wait are we done with the we’re not even done with the quest yet you got you got to kill the corrupted heart still oh yeah but after that you want to be done yeah okay you can obviously keep going I just this game is not for me I don’t know yeah I’m getting hungry too I got to go do something else for a little bit Relic Guardian what are you please oh you’re going to kill me oh boy oh boy you could also not do that where am [Music] I okay so then let me hop back in I got to find that thing again that’s annoying so far in the I’m out of obsidian Potion No oh what what just what up why did water what happened water water no I need water I was I got knocked into the into the lava and then I was midair above the water when I burn to death what oh no I’m just making other people kill all the things for me I’m just going to try and rush to the way that thing is always the best Strat yes make people do the work for you I can’t R Sprint anymore oh no anyway that was uh we wind crafted that was kind of fun that was day four of daily content June tomorrow pretty good video coming out yeah cuz that’s how that works uh nice it was kind of fun that we voted we did a little a did a little poll in my Discord server for what we were going to play today what I was going to stream today and it was that and that was yeah and it was the wincraft and yep W day four yeah thanks thermite thanks for joining us that was pretty cool um yeah right there m thanks for watching Everybody nobody’s here but they now but yeah yeah daily content to June full swing woohoo all right uh thanks bye-bye I’m going to end the stream now cuz that’s just part of the stream is ending it

This video, titled ‘Hypixel Player does Wynncraft’, was uploaded by JackStarHeart on 2024-06-04 19:47:09. It has garnered 161 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:16 or 12796 seconds.

This server is such a wynn #jackstarheart #minecraft #wynncraft

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  • Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server!

    Experience Epic Shield Flying on Minewind Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting Minecraft gameplay like the one featured in the video “полет на щитах #northx #майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the action-packed adventures waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine soaring through the skies on shields, battling fierce opponents, and exploring a vast world filled with endless possibilities. That’s just a taste of what you can experience on Minewind. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who are always up for a challenge and ready to make new friends. With a dedicated server IP like YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily dive into… Read More

  • Escaping the Superflat Jungle

    Escaping the Superflat Jungle Minecraft Adventure: Surviving a Superflat Jungle Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey in an infinite superflat jungle world! Join the excitement as our protagonist navigates through this unique and challenging terrain, facing dangers and discovering hidden treasures along the way. Chopping Trees and Crafting Tools Our adventure begins as we spawn on top of a massive tree in the jungle. With determination, our protagonist starts chopping down the tree to gather resources. Despite the flat landscape, dangers lurk beneath, including slimes that must be avoided. After collecting wood, crafting basic tools becomes essential for survival. As night falls, the… Read More

  • Sneaky Ship Showdown

    Sneaky Ship Showdown Minecraft Battleship: A Fun Twist on a Classic Game Have you ever played Battleship, the classic game where you strategically place ships and try to sink your opponent’s fleet? Well, imagine playing that game in Minecraft! In this unique twist on the traditional game, players place TNT blocks on a grid and call out coordinates to try and hit their opponent’s hidden ships. When a hit is made, the player exclaims “BOOM,” and if they miss, they say “SPLASH.” How It Works Players start by placing five boats on the grid: one 1×4 boat, three 1×3 boats, and one… Read More

  • 10 Mins of Minecraft Beta 1.0_01: Hilarious Commentary!

    10 Mins of Minecraft Beta 1.0_01: Hilarious Commentary! Minecraft Beta 1.0_01: A Journey Through the Game Exploring the World of Minecraft In the world of Minecraft Beta 1.0_01, players embark on a journey filled with creativity and adventure. From gathering resources to crafting tools, every step in the game is a chance to unleash your imagination. The gameplay captures the essence of exploration and survival, offering a unique experience to players of all ages. Woodcutting and Crafting The gameplay begins with the player gathering wood to craft essential tools. As the player navigates through the lush Minecraft world, the process of crafting tools and items unfolds. The… Read More

  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

    Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank Minecraft: A Never-Ending Adventure Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can feel like a never-ending adventure. From building magnificent structures to surviving against the elements, there is always something new to discover in this virtual realm. The Thrill of Exploration When players embark on their Minecraft journey, the possibilities are endless. Each new world offers unique landscapes, resources, and challenges to overcome. Whether it’s mining deep underground for rare ores or venturing into the Nether for dangerous encounters, the thrill of exploration is ever-present. Setting Goals and Objectives One of the key aspects of Minecraft is setting goals and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 Hrs

    INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 HrsVideo Information what is good everyone World created what we are hoping for now I’m actually going to let the world load for a second okay uh we’re hoping for a village we’re going to need iron diamonds obsidian we got to go to the nether so hopefully we can do this uh this is Project e it’s a money game everything has money and we added an expansion pack so this should be fun hopefully we don’t throw you know that’s never fun I just C CED one of those we’re going to need a pickaxe I’m going to… Read More

  • Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in Minecraft

    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More