Insane Hypixel Skyblock gameplay LIVE!

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Let me mut it on Discord that’s probably important okay I am all right oh I got to restart my Minecraft no game audio perfect start absolutely perfect start there you go should be game out now yep whatever m I’m burning I’m burning so right now I have

73 around 73,000 out of 100,000 metal powder I need for the next um PE of the mountain level and I’m pretty sure I’m going to do that this stream just unlock that probably will just be a mostly mining stream I also got a really small um really small um what’s it called dwen

Mines Lobby there we Go I need to find one of those like people somewhere um bro I don’t know like all the spots that they’re at yet okay there should be one like right here yeah here we Go oh and I’m also close to this or no I’m not really close to that actually I already got I had unlocked this this morning and now I can doing this ice Walkers M or okay no one’s up there right now could take advantage of that

Oh here’s where the star people I need to kill these for another commission I was wondering where they were bro why is her always oh now it’s a full door M Lobby great get any ice Walkers oh my God bro this commission is going to take forever cuz of this bro cuz this

Kid he leave please tell me he just left right now please somebody just left yeah I’m going to spam do commissions and get the next um peak of the mountain level as well I’m probably not going to get harder M seven today but what am I with it 32

Okay so I can get the next peak of the mountain I’m at like 70 wait I can check on the side 73k out of um the 100K needed and then also just seeing about I guess doing commission milestones and yeah probably just mining this stream no one’s up on that spot so I’m

Going to do these wave of commissions and then probably go up there actually I can go up there while doing this commission cuz I just need to M myal anywhere let me just not waste this speed boost okay let me go up there regen my Mana because funny

Literally with full Mana I barely make it that’s so crazy I want to get a mining level too and I’ll be mining 49 not quite 50 not yet I do want to hit 50 though it can be live for a while as so should probably break titanium so it spawns back as normal

This texture pack is nice and everything but I missed the way the other texture pack would break the blocks with the square instead of blow the cracks for y some going to take that spot the moment I leave probably but whatever what isn’t there supposed to be a person right

Here wait no I’m throwing more upper golden goblin off Springs okay I’ll do that okay let me go to Lava Springs first it’s like way closer and I got to do a raffle I got to get a raffle wait I did not go the right way I’m so smart that a redstone

Miner where are they at where is this Redstone Miner located well I don’t care about redstones I have no idea where the Redstone place is is like do you mean the Redstone area and the Deep Caverns we have to go there is that like something important I have to do oh okay all

Right let me do this commission while I’m here and I’ll go hey B huh you mean my M door powder oh okay powder okay got it yep I’m three fours of the way there yeah okay so this confuses me so what’s at the top on top over the word upgrade

Is what I have right now and then the what’s under upgrade is what I get when I do it is that what that is I this always confuses me yes okay thanks I don’t I don’t even get a I don’t even get a token of the mount in this next upgrade that

Sucks cuz I wanted I wanted to get this this powder buff cuz this sounds really good and it says it requires 27 too so I wanted to get that but nah I can’t because I don’t get I don’t get a token of the mountain and I guess I need I guess you

Only get really tokens of the mountains from from like getting the hard of the mountain up oh powder DTS maybe yeah it probably is I’m not making bad progress I had just gotten heart of the mountain 6 not too long ago and I’m like 30 something per for hard of

Mountain 7 so I am making progress pretty Well this powder guas there’s no way it died that quickly right there’s no shot it died that quickly it said clip side vein did not there’s not even anyone here how would it have died so quickly bro what what I wanted the the Beast are for

That I guess I guess someone killed it I guess whatever I did clean Milestones right yeah might as well see where I am with that oh I need to kill quite a bit more actually to over till I level that up I’ve killed so little Diamond goblins

I only need to kill two for the next progress thing I haven’t killed a ghost yet Goblin Goblin Raiders I maxed golden goblin ice Walker okay yeah the more be steer the better when it’s possible at least I gu now I was going to now I’ll

Go to the the whatever the Deep caverns and see what the the Redstone Miner wants if I must where is this Redstone M right there what do you want what do you want okay we have we have Max Redstone collection okay let me talk to you again bro okay

Huh tell me please tell me that’s the Cobblestone not the Redstone how much are 128 yeah I probably have enough don’t tell me I need to like hold the Redstone in my hand that’s going to be a bit annoying okay now oh don’t tell me it’s cuz it’s turning into enchanted Redstone and he only wants normal Redstone that’d be so cool check

My oh yeah no it’s just it doesn’t I can’t give it to him for my sack cuz I have this much and he needs two stacks ah nice here take it jeez yay is that it my done with you oh okay is this why you have so many more

Is this part of why you have so many more accessory back slots than me cuz you did this I’m not again Oh I thought it would be why yo what’s up Cappy I kind of thought that would might be why oh like that recently bro all good today’s mostly a mining stream

But I’m getting some Talisman spots cuz I did not know about this stop not leave me Alone stop stop it stop oh my God you’re so Annoying uh H exam is actually nice glad you did good oh it’s cuz I’m mining the Redstone that they attack me I forget that’s how that works whoops I’ve not been down here in quite a minute whoopsy flaming S I didn’t even know that was a

Drop they could do I have never seen this SW this sword before I wonder if that’s like newer no so not enough no I have that already oh by another flaming sword I have that already I’m just getting more slots with this the more the better here let me just like

Stop I think So yay can I give you more okay got it hold on let me go wait sowich Factory time out that like I should have or something intimidation I have intimidation oh cuz he typed intermediate oh I have intimidation I’m so sure I do oh but I need intimidation artifact

Okay cuz what I have is just the normal intimidation okay I’m still getting used to this texture pack so I have no idea what the the new intimidation thing looks like to be honest but uh is it here I have no idea what the intimidation tossman would look like with this texture

Pack you look for items at your inventory I can do that I have no idea how to do that where you see like your hop bar oh here go why did like nothing change and wait inate I’m like nothing changed wait no I didn’t mean to do that

Wait I just saw it for a second I swear where am I going crazy no there it is intimidation ring no it’s cuz I have the I have the colors I have the background colors on like I thought that was part of the texture pack okay well I have the ring how much

Is the artifact I have money I didn’t see the red there’s so many colors I’m not used to this texture pack I literally thought it was part of the texture pack this is like my second day using it oh I got to get rid of this stupid

Search so A Relic oh the relic’s expensive wait huh oh wait I I just get an artifact or 2.6 well no I want to just save up and get the stupid Relic and then be done with it it’s fine the P the piglin aren’t that annoying that’s like oh I’m going

To go like buy this right now it’s fine did I even sell my inventory that’s what I kind of want to do oh my God 20 coins for the the Flaming sword Relic is kind of wased and Grate yourself Isn’t okay whatever I’ll get the I’ll get the the artifact then yay H so this wait this ring is blue and the rest are green it’s a little odd but okay no piglin harassing me you know I actually need to take off the intimidation thing completely for like a

Second because I don’t have any beastiary or the for the what’s it called where are they oh where is it the Deep Caverns no it’s gold mine where’s Gold Mine where is gold mine gold mine’s just not here is in enough hub no wait where’s the gold mine I’m like losing the mind right now there’s no mobs in Gold isn’t there the the sneaky creepers or is that deep Caverns too oh no that’s deep Caverns

Okay but um I need more sneaky creepers but I can’t kill sneaky creepers cuz the only way they appear is if they attack you but they don’t attack me cuz I don’t have the intimidation T cuz I have the intimidation Talisman so I got to at some point take

Out the intimidation tossman from my inventory and like kill a bunch of these for intim for the for the Beast like I’ve killed three cuz I did just don’t appear I’m assuming that’s why they don’t appear at least I’m assuming it’s because of the intimidation thing uh 3 15K oh I don’t have any stored okay okay bro no worce of habit okay I could just click and it Farms it so be careful I don’t want to farm the stupid Cobblestone under it right now but it looks like I’m going to end up doing that a

Lot well I need a lot this time I need like a thousand so whatever I’m to farm like this I’m not going to waste my time trying to click on everyone he look fairy Soul oh my God and Enchanted Cobblestone oh my goodness that one was in my way do I have enough

Yet yay I really haven’t yay five Sky Block XP huge anyways let look at my accessory back now o wow very nice I just got to get more artifacts actually put in there I’ll do that later um okay anything anything for the the Sky Block XP Also Matthew I’m guessing you’ll know more about this than me but is this um is it is this one based Myro powder when mining Myro is that useful is that like noticeable at all or is that like negligible I just out of curiosity cuz you know more about if that’s good or

Not than me cuz it doesn’t sound the greatest but I’m not sure do upper Minds What’s your my IGN it is the same as my YouTube J Vibes just with TV at the end uppercase t uppercase V yeah like 20% % more metal oh that actually sounds a lot better than I was

Thinking 20% Extra metal does not sound bad I would quit school for Sky Block XP real insane blood he’s not using the Tik Tok language he’s not using the Tik Tok language no way blood isn’t saying blood uh o that makes a little easier little present I think I’m no

Wait I just joined the server I’m so smart I say I think I was the one that left that day I do not take Contra no as tempting as it is and as many times I have been offered I do not the yeah chip Attic in chat right

Now is my Co-op and that’s why he gave the quickest no ever like the quickest he’s ever replied to a comet because he does not he does not want Contra we’ve had this um Sky Block profile for a bit and it was only like sort of recently that I got into

Actually streaming Sky Block like once I when I play it so we don’t want to ruin the grind we’ve been doing on our own by accepting Contra nope no thank you yeah and then I’m going to do an Iron Man Too and obviously no Contra an Iron

Man I Need a golden Goin but I’m not getting one nuh uhuh nuh four S with Dolphin pet that’s crazy what is Dolphin pet for is that for the the were you doing the the fishing Festival just now maybe bro where’s this stupid guy for here where whatever I’ll go to a

Different one fine be that way there you are uh lava Springs clip side veins okay I love when they’re in two completely separate areas at least you’re close to each other but yeah I’m pretty sure Dolphin pet is for for uh fishing maybe I’m assuming at

Least cuz it’s like like a a sea creature lava Springs BR Dragon bow uh we don’t talk about it Dragon short bow actually for your information listen I had Juju bow and then they increased the the requirement for it so I don’t care it’s not my fault I got nerfed by Sky Block it’s not my

Fault I was too strong with the jujo so they had they had to Nerf me really quick and I’ve been too lazy to do Ender Slayers to um get back up to where I need to be to use the juuo I don’t even know if I’m strong enough to do ERS

Slayers like tier fours or tier 3es whatever yippe oh wait can I not get carried either oh I guess I can’t get carried either w w I have to do everything myself yeah I could pay I could pay for the carries I could do that

I could I could pay for the carries but I’m not allowed to accept free carries either Apparently that is a new rule I was not aware of no want whatever okay here let me get this SAU titanium and then I will AFK for like like 3 minutes

Maybe okay I will be right back just one Second For for For for that For For I’m back I only took a little bit longer than I was supposed to just a tiny bit it’s fine yay it wasn’t that long it was like five minutes maybe was not that long that’s crazy but I had to use the bathroom damn D to use the Bathroom do I need titanium no yo what’s up M me how are you doing welcome came really fortunate time cuz I just got back from being AFK for a bit so you are very lucky with your timing good nice nice glad to hear you put Play A Sky Block man

Me yeah I took quite a bit like afking and then you came back right as I came back not really all right there finally some content he’s back what up taco how’d you end up here if you don’t mind me asking M like looking for Minecraft streams on

YouTube oh wait hold on I just realized something what is the pick the pick is um what’s it called the pick is a gemstone Gauntlet officious and all that all the all the fancy stuff yeah all the the fainy stuff with the gem Gauntlet s on my recommended Oh okay that’s cool nice

Nice well I apologize that the game play might not be something you’re really interested to in or like understand since you don’t play Sky Block yourself now recommed techn blade Never Dies I was just watching his Sky Block series before going on live today you like chill streams nice nice

You will love it here then cuz I literally do not have the ability to talk too loud cuz my throat is quite hurting and the whole family is just a little sick right now you’re muted on Sky Block what did you do to get muted on Sky BL you trash talking people

You learned a lot from him about Sky Block this Sky Block series is quite old though like get get way IRL trading oh damn uh lava Springs upper Minds falsely oh so you weren’t actually trading if I got falsely like muted for that I’d be a little

Annoying oh yeah the potato War that’s like one of his best moments that everyone remembers in by someone random gave you 300 mil bro and I just get reported for our all trading that’s so lucky I’m sorry how far into Sky Block are you you early game mid game late

Game H yeah never D I freaking what’s it called um what’s it called I remember like I was L I think I was we were just chilling the day it happened and like we just saw the news on Twitter and took me forever to believe it was actually

Real two fours nekron oh okay or two out of four nekron got it BR the random quotes he would do the random quotes he would do all the time was was pretty funny or like from like war and everything or when he I remember I

Didn’t get to play it um my Co-op did but I didn’t get to play it cuz I barely played Sky Block at the time but um that what’s it called the um the event when he was mayor or when Dante was May and you needed to take him

Down and like technoblade was chosen as the leader yeah Dante event I know I know you did the I know you did the event because you have the the Dante stuff in your chest but I was not there for that really don’t like most Sky Block YouTubes except Dragon I get

That I’ve had the Sky Block profile for quite a bit but it’s only recently that I started streaming it um sorry Andy I’m not even going to try to read that cuz I’m going to mess it up and it’s going to sound dumb but um I’ve had this profile for a

While it’s only recently that I started streaming Sky Block but it’s been fun every time I’ve gone live it’s been pretty fun for Sky Block so I’ll probably be doing it often right now I’m just trying to get um enough powder and well enough powder to

Um to what’s it called level up my peak of the mountain even though it doesn’t really give me much it’s just might as well cuz I’m pretty close to it and I need a I need a um what’s it called wait what was I even yapping I I

Need a what I don’t remember I lost I love when I lose my train of thought mids sentence I’m so cool I appreciate that mie appreciate you saying that even though especially since this is your first time here really appreciate that I watch this sub Sky Block guy and

Kind hard to take them seriously yeah that’s true that is a that is a a thing with this okay so I don’t I haven’t posted any Sky Block videos and I do have some like random uploads of fortnite and Roblox and stuff but um I haven’t been able to do videos

In quite a bit due to like how my schedule is but I am going to try and get back into uploading like videos Sky Block videos other Minecraft related videos still probably fortnite videos just a bunch of different types of videos I do want to be more active with

That I do play Roblox yes I haven’t done any content on it recently but I do play Roblox and a lot of people in my community also play Roblox so I probably will start like playing it again streaming it and doing videos on it again just so when I can

Come up with what type of videos for Roblox to make is it true you need good ping to mine um I don’t know my Co-op that’s in chat right now would probably know more about that I haven’t noticed any difference I don’t even know what my ping on Minecraft

Is oh yeah for you could add me on Roblox and we could totally play like off stream um if you type it in chat I probably won’t be able to like hold on to it for later but if if you do want to like reach out to me and just kind of chill

And play with me like while I’m off stream I do have a Discord server and that’s probably where it’d be the easiest to reach me oh and by the way I don’t know who here is in the server or not but we are having a um we are having a little

Christmas movie night um this Friday night so in like 2 days so that’s going to be a fun thing to whoever is going to that we are deciding on the movie right now we have a few options we have the Grinch we have uh we

Have the winter Express we have a lot of options and probably join nice nice it is Sunday um 7 to 8:00 p.m. or 88: to 9:00 p.m. it’s Central times wait Eastern times yeah Eastern times you should watch up I mean I’ve already seen up it’s a good movie and we’re watching specifically

Winter movies during the thing but we should yeah I’ve seen that movie as well po bits I’ve seen that movie I need to go to the upper mindes there upper mind I go we’re still deciding on the movie right now up is a Christmas movie is

It oh I not sure about that there’s no way it is cuz Christmas is Red Balloons are red oh of course of course you know you’re right for real for real for real streamers that read chat and chill with viewers yeah I am when I’m not streaming I’m usually like playing a

Game on because I have two monitors so when I’m live I have the game on one Monitor and all my Chats on my other monitor and I say all my chats because I multistream as in like I’m also live on Kick and twitch right now so in case there’s like different people in

Different chats I have all the chats open so I can read from all chats so that’s what I’m doing when i’m streaming but when I’m not streaming I have one monitor for the game and then I have um the other monitor for like somebody else’s stream like I’ll be watching a

Streamer while I’m playing and it’s usually a smaller streamer because then I can chat to them and they usually read it like I always watch smaller streamers for that reason for being able to actually like interact with them and I try to interact as much as I

Can and it’s obviously easy to now but I’m aware that in the future it’s going to be a lot harder to indiv ually read each person’s um chat but I’m always going to try my best to be interactive especially if I’m playing Sky Block the

Sky Block is not a game that needs like my full attention so it’s a easy rehat but if I’m playing like a shooter like if I’m streaming fortnite which I do sort of often it’s obviously going to be a bit harder because there’s going to be

Times where I’m going to need to like Focus up uh what’s your pet and armor now my armor is full sorrow not maxed out at all I do need to work on but yeah it’s full Sor and my pet right now is silverfish I also have the the ball I

For I don’t know how you say it ball or bow one of the two but I have this pet the only reason I’m not using it right now is cuz I’m not in the gemstone mines I’m not like in the the magma Fields so it’s kind of useless if I’m not in there

So I’m just using my silverfish pet for now bow okay so it’s probably bow the way you say it then I’m not on over in the Stream appreciate that I will definitely try to do a Roblox stream some point in the future battle got it uh yeah do exclamation Discord and it

Will come up and um what’s it called mhm I have a optional role in the Discord server called live ping so when I go live you will get pinged in the server when I go live but if you already have noties on on YouTube you don’t need that role cuz

Then you’ll get spammed ping everywhere when I go live it’s just I like to give people the option where they rather receive the notification and the live ping roll will only ping you for my streams it’ll ping you for one other person’s stream so just whichever you whichever way you’d prefer to receive

Notifications but I wouldn’t recommend both cuz then you just get spammed a little bit and then it’s not fun you know you’re you’re you’re on to something you’re on to something Taco you know I put that up on my wall if I could that is one of the the the words

Of all time you don’t care about spam all right I’m actually working on kind of not like upgrading I guess you say but like reworking the server like today after stream to make it look a little nicer not that it looks like terrible right now but you know just upgrade a

Little and part of that is um is um adding adding what’s it called the reaction roles I need I need to reaction rolls I only have one reaction roll up right now there’s supposed to be a bunch so I do need to do that when I can get the

Chance I hate spam like the food there’s food called spam or am I dumb I might be being stupid right now I cannot tell you have a problem what did I do I did nothing Royal mines clip side I’ve done nothing spiced ham ah of course talking to mes Mei

Oh I was a little confused I thought I was being attacked for no reason well he didn’t say he likes a Spam he just said he didn’t care about it there’s a difference yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t know of somebody that likes spam specifically like o spam yes more of

That please I love spam like there’s people that don’t care for it like oh I’m getting spammed whatever and there’s people that hate it obviously but there’s not anyone that’s like happy about spam yep we are talking about spam that is that is not the the topic of stream I suppose

Spam but yeah know he was talking about the Discord server looking good and then for spam he said that he didn’t really care about it haven’t eaten it in my life what talking about eating spam I’m so confused yeah I’m in a co-op they’re not onl right now though actually they’re in

Chat or at least they were in chat I don’t know if they’re still in chat but 56 Ms is in a CL huh huh you lost me now who is 56 is 56 Ms a person all okay you lost me okay look you got guys I know like some of you are

New here but you guys should noce I’m not smart I’m very um special not not like literally as in like I have a condition or anything like it’s not literal it’s like I’m normal or oh my God I can’t for saying that okay listen listen

Listen let me think on my words for a second let me think on my words for a second um so there’s not anything medic bleed that I have I’m just a special as in I’m stupid yeah my condition is stupidity exactly so even though in medical terms

That I don’t that I don’t have um anything I do I am just naturally dumb sometimes I need I need things straight up explained to me or I will not understand is this a horrible hobby what’s a horrible hobby see like that’s so I mean I I need

Specific details and context all the time cuz I have no idea what you were talking about going to random low ballers and saying my maybe yeah no I still don’t understand I mean I am just dumb though I mean there’s multiple ways you could say it like you could say like I guess

Airhead or like I don’t know there’s multiple ways to say it but I am not of the intelligent kind uh no she’s sleeping right now her Wi-Fi did not shut off today though so she’s like she’s here but not here at the same time if that makes

Sense but nope she is she is not here yeah I never heard of him I okay so I haven’t watched Sky Block yoube YouTubers before except like the big ones like dirty virus and last stream um uh not not a Sky Block YouTuber specifically but like a pretty

Big Minecraft Youtuber came into stream and said hello and and someone else in chat was like oh my god oh what are they doing here and I was so confused cuz I didn’t know who they were and I felt so bad I felt so bad m it’s

Fine it took about three minutes to kick me from their stream what did you do you seem to be I I don’t want to make assumptions considering um you um are just here for the first time but you seem a little unhinged a little a little troublemaker what was

The name the name was like snowy okay so it was like snowy or snow or something like that I could go back to last stream there’s oh Frosty okay it was Frosty we are we are we are truly all a little unhinged especially considering you just said that I should I should

Kick you out for that for saying that don’t know him yeah I didn’t know the meter like they have a lot of Subs though like thousands of Subs yo dude wait what happened wait I don’t know I guess the special Discord role was enough videos are fire stop capping stop

Capping I know they’re not oh you stream sniped them I’m not going to lie you should definitely not stream snipe me I do not like getting stream sniped you’re not a horrible person for stream sniping I just don’t stream snipe Nick a30 that’s all I say did you just watch a video right

Now what is your IP address I got you I got you one second let me go let me go like find it really quick cuz I don’t know what by memory all right I’m back I couldn’t find where it would be said so I guess I’m not telling you w w oh

Well let’s not dox me actually no not be very cool M you don’t get to know it you know where I live that’s you might not even be lying I mean the only way you would know is if Emily told you yeah yeah yeah so you take a left do

Redacted and then you go down there and it’s like the fifth one in that in redacted Street oh holy okay the whole Lobby is doing this that’s cool that is sh me besties and I really appreciate that Mesi those even though like those videos are

Um are a little not old but just I don’t know like I’m trying to find my editing Style with those if that makes sense and also like what type of content I want to do with like edited videos like that’s why I stream so much cuz that’s what I’m

Better at I’m in my opinion I’m better at streaming than um like pre-recorded videos so I do have a lot of work to do but I still appreciate you liking them and everything give me give me give me give me tickets give me tickets M de we need to start the the

The what’s it called the Iron Man series soon what’s up uh ronx I’m sorry if I miss say your name I’m also bad at that but what’s up what’s up welcome give me give me give me give me give me tickets give me tickets give me tickets you hate Iron

Man you better not be doing my way today you better not be doing my way like that we could start start today that’s true that’s true I mean my my winter break has started already so like we where where’s the where’s the Box where’s the Box the box there it is there it

Is haven’t watched a Minecraft video like two or one years oh man okay so um so my friend who’s in chat right now Chip addict and my girlfriend they both get mad at me because I have seen no movies that I L was supposed to watch during my

Childhood like um so cuz when I grow up I I I was a YouTube kid growing up I didn’t grow up watching shows and movies I grew up watching like DanTDM on YouTube and because that I’ve seen like no like Disney movies or anything like

That and I get a little attacked for it so well I know cars now I’ve seen cars now I’ve seen all three of them now yeah popular MOS dant DM Jack seai Markiplier Markiplier Cory exension um I’ve seen all that I watched them just as I grew up and that’s

It yeah Markiplier I still watch I still watch Markiplier oh sorry yeah I saw your question um I saw I saw your question ronx but um I forgot to answer I do stream with phobia yes yes I have a few plugins but yes OBS just watch Dragon videos days and

Night I did watch How to Train Your Dragon recently too so yeah I stream a phobia Studios of plugins what do you mean you good bro you don’t like Markiplier no do not spam do not spam my chat no or do not spam my Discord thing please how do you see chat while

Streaming so I have two monitors um one monitor is the game and the other monitor has all my chats open and that’s how I see your guys’ message oh did I whoops I did not realize I made that mistake you rich nah I’ve had I’ve had the same computer okay so my computer

Started as a um as a pre-built and then over over the years I’ve been slowly upgrading it into my own computer until up to the point that it is now and I’ve had this thing for like maybe eight years now 7 years now cuz I got it when I was around

Actually no around like no around like six years I guess so I’m currently okay so you can yeah you can ask I don’t hide this information it is public but I am 17 right now so I do I don’t like earn a stable amount to like upgrade my computer on my

Own so I’ve been slowly upgrading it with accumulated money or like with Christmas gifts and everything over time you’re 14 nice my streams are 13 plus they’re not 18 plus but they’re not kidfriendly either they’re 13 plus just a heads up for everyone here um okay I stream on Twitch and kick

As well and I read all the chats so no matter where you chat I’ll be reading it you’re 13 all right no no no no no mes me you’re 13 you should not be saying things that would make the stream 18 plus you shouldn’t be okay okay so my um

My 13 plus is not like something that’s enforced it’s kind of like a recommendation like I recommend the stream and I’m letting you know that this stream is 13 plus but you don’t need to be 13 plus to be in here I’m just saying like if you get in

Trouble because you’re watching me and you have me on speaker and then something funny gets said and like your parents get mad at you you can get mad at me for that because I said it was 13 plus it’s it’s a warning basically but I’m not going to I’m not going to ban

You or tell you not to be here if you’re under 13 just saying yeah everyone has headphones see we’re chilling um so yeah I am streaming on both YouTube and twitch together and kick right now like multi streaming at the same time so if you if you go and

Search me on Twitch right now I will be live right there yeah he’s a little special he makes it 16 plus Marina faner that’s true that that will cause 18 pluss not that I would show that on stream but just say where’s clip side I’ve not been paying attention to

The game that’s a little crazy clip side yeah you guys are all fine you got headphones on you’re chilling yeah no I’m streaming on three different places at the same time right now and before yeah that’s how my computer was before though before I could only stream

On one place and my computer would lag like crazy but then I started upgrading it over the years and now I can multistream like this casually and there’s no problems there is that too there is the fact that I use a ethernet cord or wired internet which is a lot better than

Wireless internet and that probably also helps with what I do and my computer setup is still a work in progress I do want to get a third Monitor and I do want to make it more powerful at some point so it’s a work in progress but for right now it works

Perfectly fine for these silly little these silly little Sky Block streams I I am I am that is true I do like McDonald’s and I do have a shotgun currently in my location and that’s a joke YouTube don’t you dare don’t you dare be silly cuz I said that YouTube it was a

Joke I had one F FPS like 10 TNT bro I had a computer that would do that as a kid like it was so bad welcome back welcome back uh my voice died I’m sorry I should not be talking this loud right now so like I have a um

Oh okay I did not realize that was a thing I did not realize Sky Block itself was playing music I’m sorry 16 assult rifles McDonald’s amals a day yes sir um what was I saying I completely forgot what I was saying why am I so intelligent like this um oh please I

Need a commission with you thank you I was bro what do you mean you were this close what made you change your mind Crimson a music is the best Sky Block music maybe I like never go to the Crimson aisle so I wouldn’t know last time I’ve been ever since they updated

The Crimson I have just not gone cuz it’s it’s a little too strong for me uh McDonald’s I can’t read that cuz it’s a stupid Emoji thing in the way but I’m going to guess that says Burger King or five guys um H so I’ve never had five guys I don’t

Even think they have Five Guys where I’m at so that that’s out of the question but um yeah burger bger I don’t even know how you would say that with an i but yeah I’m I know he meant Burger King so I’ve never had five guys that’s out of the question so it’s Between it’s a it’s between um what’s it called it is between Burger King and McDonald’s and um what’s it called probably McDonald’s Burg King has some stuff over McDonald’s but overall McDonald’s didn’t I do toggle music I thought I did Taco music yeah play music is now enabled wait

What there we go be right back all right oh we do have five guys at the mall I never knew that well I’ve never had five guys still then even if we do have one America Jokes Aside McDonald’s is bad yeah I just like the McChicken from

There but Burger King does have a lot over McD yeah and I remember going to shake shack that was after we saw the Mario movie but that’s that’s Shake Shack though where in America do you live in Miami I’m going to be experiencing real life GTA here

Soon I’m going to going to be able to turn in four commissions at once this is going to be so satisfying I do use Discord Cappy um I have okay because of a recent situation I had to turn direct messages off but if you do want to message me you could do

It from my server the city is fine there’s nothing you can do with that information the city is fine you would love to join the server all right and I misspelled it because I’m special Matthew could you be a mod and type exclamation Discord please and thank

You oh yeah he’ll do it never mind um you can get free Nitro right now I did not know that I could do that I guess you see GLE I wonder how it is over there he lives in the ghetto I’m popular opinion moving from Miami to New York to some degrees of

Downgrade not for me yeah I want to live in a big city kind of I don’t know okay well like they don’t know my full name so like we’re chilling I already said where in Miami you will not find me leave me alone I would not live in Europe I don’t

Think okay basically when it is time for me to pick where I want to live and to live on my own it is not going to be where I am now I’ll say that much all yeah it’s not Europe specifically it’s just I don’t want to live in that region of the

World okay but like how do you know like Jay is my name though or like it is but like you know nicknames exist mining 49 yes I am mining 49 I was like staring at that while reading chat but yeah mining 49 um I’m one away from

Max also bro you are like 5 years younger than me if you come here I will punt you like a football so like let’s not well no no no not that my name is Jay is that Jay’s a nickname so like you’re new here welcome welcome probably the youngest in the

Chat no I don’t think you are I don’t know you guys are all like little little people you guys are all little people so hard to say um Goblin Slayer Goblin Slayer mm collection okay you’re 10 oh you might be the the youngest 10 never mind

Bro that’s just most people that are on YouTube I feel maybe hold up just a Clum of Stu 9-year-old who is more responsible than you that is crazy all right um so what’s it called what was what was my point okay so yeah so something I’m doing after stream today is fixing up

The Discord server upgrading it all that and I guess something I’m going to do is because there’s a decent amount of you is add a little Sky Block section 1 AFK that’s all right welcome back you didn’t really miss much just I’m like trying to dox me and then failing

Because I kind of just gave the info anyways and it’s not like crucial info that could really reveal anything so welcome back M yeah at his age you know we playing the Minecraft Pocket Edition getting the diamond blocks getting the getting the the wait what happened when you were gone uh

False St attempts I guess I don’t know just you know dumb stuff as usual the funny stuff wait what do you mean that’s how you get the Nitro did I miss your explanation have to scroll back up in chat now I wonder what do you wonder what what are you

Wondering okay but like how are you going to search who plays Sky Block or not and with that specific name and that age like how you even find that whatever try all you want I will set up booby traps Like Home Alone probably only that probably only

Fits me I mean that is awfully specific to be honest especially the play Sky Block part not that you be able to do that um the thing is cppy I do have direct message I don’t like look at direct messages like at all I have to turn them

Off I haven’t yet I don’t think but Um okay I guess just like okay direct message it to me like soon so that it gets sent before I turn direct messages off yeah exactly exactly you’re saying that while the the kid in question is right there is hilarious so yeah I guess direct message

It to me but then right after you send that I’m going to turn direct messages off no don’t go look what you did Gabe this is what happens when you threaten to kick people like a football they leave crazy do oh wait no you’re saying you’re going

To go to Every House Miami never mind I mean if you want to do that magical trip of going to every House Miami You by all means will I ain’t even going to be here for much longer so you have fun with that not long at all not long at

All I guess okay maybe you’re right but you didn’t have to mention it you could have just accepted the blade you know it would have been a w mod thing of you to do to just accept the blame Don it username is copy okay yeah I see

It oh I already have oper GX so that should be a little easier you don’t have your wrench oh you don’t have your wrench well you’re still a mod technically I just haven’t given you I’m going line them up where do football drills where am I going I’m like not

Paying attention I need to go to the upper mines why am I going to clip side WS nah being nothing without the wrench is crazy bro lives on being a YouTube mod I’m almost there finally I’m here prob okay sorry I just went silent for a

Second I had to like listen in for something but we’re good now wait do I have Discord muted please tell me I do I don’t okay now it’s muted that’s so cool it’s fine your IGN uh same thing as my YouTube Just with uppercase TV at the

End it is there in the scoreboard in the green name section the VIP section I know it doesn’t really it’s a little hard to see or it’s actually impossible to see because of the chat overlay but yeah just J Vibes and then TV I should probably have a Comm in for

That for my Ig since people ask quite often that’d be a little smart of Me Maybe you did dock someone once you’re like I forgot your age already but you’re like barely a teenager you should not be doxing people like that is absolutely crazy of you who is

This oh wait was he asking something oh he wants to the titanium I Guess yeah okay you can grab that that’s fine speed exactly where he’s speed running jail hasn’t started it was for a school what do you mean it was for a school project N I need context on that I need to know how you dock someone for a school project I need

Answers yipp give me give me give me give me give me give me come here thank you you posted where you you dox your entire School nah nah how is bro actually not in prison right now is bro watching the stream from his jail cell oh my God so many golden goblins

What do you mean your teacher made you do an analysis yeah but that document is for like teachers and stuff so they can contact home was the Hitman for dog exactly oh wait I had the wrong thing all right well this Lobby is going to reset so let me SL

Hub just sell my stuff uh okay not like regular items to sell wait Matthew do I have to do I have to um what’s it called do I have to actually recom my gemstone gunet like is that actually something I should do I think we have we should have money for

That yeah should I just do that right now like 20 kids loved that year I mean left that year or something moved oh that would have made wor sense as well as gemstones and PR Cham does it not have those already or at least it has the gemstones

Already you spelled raycon two different ways in the same sentence all right well I guess I’ll Recon my Gauntlet right now oh so if the teacher was just the president then rage Shadow Legends ah yes I actually did do a rage Shadow Legends stream quite a bit ago it was pretty

Fun I’ll try the Discord thing after stream I’m not going to take time during stream to do that sorry think about your armor but you can still upgrade per scene oh okay but I can recom The Gauntlet like the pickaxe right as in that is something I

Need to do right before before I buy this recom and be silly I don’t know anyone who plays that game other than when they’re sponsored to play it like I don’t know anyone that genuinely plays it obviously people do cuz the game actually has a lot of players but I have

Never met someone that plays it I don’t know wait I’m so confused do I need to recom my Gauntlet or not or what are you thinking about the armor No like is legendary just is that just it do I not take it to Mythic recom The Gauntlet and if it not

Work Armor Easy as that I guess you’re right perhaps you have a point chistine recom okay but like I want to recom it right now cuz I’m stubborn and I feel like reconing something because shiny Rarity so I’m getting the recom would probably recom the armor I

Don’t know let me recom the this the funny glove that was not about I was not about to buy a winner girl exactly become Thanos uh wait a second let me do it here wait where’s the Recon oh there is huh am I doing it I’m doing it the wrong thing

Probably yipp I’m doing this right yeah I’m doing that yipp yay hooray all right anyways yeah what’s up M welcome back if you were gone for a bit I don’t looking F5 the gaunlet you know because I’m invisible because of the because of the thing it does really look like I was

Um it does look like I’m wearing it you were gone for a bit that’s fine no do I see at the perfect jump some goet yipp oh get the texture pack down I think it’s cool wait huh I’m confused you mean take this texture pack off watch some more my vids okay

Um whoa what do you mean hey bro what do you mean by that if I had face cam I’d be doing the biggest like stare right now it looks worse with the texture pack off I think everything looks worse this gross wait that’s weird I’m so confused

What’s going on I’m so confused I need context wasn’t it you that gave me this texture pack too I think get five perfect gemstones I don’t think we I we’re pretty broke right now to be honest with you I should probably be doing money farming instead of like just mining but you

Know yeah we’re a little broke right now we’re five perfect gemstones wait but okay so for you guys’ context I had just unlocked the gemstone mines like not too long ago I was literally using a titanium pick until not too long ago so I have no clue how like the gemstones

Work so I don’t know what that means and this thing it has the five symbols on it doesn’t that mean it has five gemstones it says it has Jade Amber topaz sapphire and amethyst is that not just the five gemstones Already no I’m so confused used it turns gold oh oh is that what you were confused about but it says I have five in it and they got to be perfect is that why that might be why that’s not what I wanted to show you what did you want to show me then

If it is worth 15 mil I don’t know oh cuz you see the price at the bottom I see I see I see I see they not perfect okay well the thing is I don’t think I have the money to get the perfect gemstones for them right now cuz

I’m assuming they cost quite a bit and I’m not even sure what the quote unquote perfect gemstones are I’d have to like get my Co-op to help uh with that cuz I’m not very intelligent in Sky Block stuff his perfect jump zones are 40 mil oh yeah I will not have enough Lego

Fortnite are you home Gabe did you not go to school either okay yeah so it’s going to be a bit before I can get perfect gemstones I do not have enough to spend 40 mil five times right now unfortunately I’m on break yes I’m does m supposed to look really nice

Of like floating jump stones on them H that’s weird whatever Unbreak liquidate huh you mean liquidate okay look let me do this really quick to get coal item I don’t know what liquidate means look let me do this really quick let me take you put you my inventory so

You should not be active right now so I should be getting attacked by stinky creepers Maybe please hello attack me sell everything to buy one item Oh you mean liquid isn’t money okay I understand I’m sorry but like nuh-uh nuh-uh and a sneaky creeper attacking me I want the

Beastiary I took the intimidation thing off why isn’t it working attack me use two for or yeah I don’t have that oh my God whatever I’ll do this later yo what’s up Mr baloney how are you doing let’s put you back in there whatever whatever I’ll do that later it

Actually works well yeah but I’ll do that later whatever it’s not like a pressing thing that needs to be done right now really you found it found what oh the the the thingy that you were looking at I guess not much nice just chilling yeah it’s perfect gemstones yeah that’s

Why you’re home with proper CLS well so then they fly on your onlet okay so I’m sure even with this texture pack it will do that just once I actually have perfect gemstones which might not be yeah I don’t think it’ll be anytime soon that I um get perfect gemstones but okay

Yeah so Mr baloney I’m Live on YouTube twitch and kick and right now there is people chatting on YouTube right now that’s where most people are right now but they can also see your see your messages because of of my chat overlay so you can see their messages they can see

Yours uh I just TP auction see ad at Le yeah so let me just search Gemstone Gauntlet go to the most expensive one and I’m sure it’ll have the little floaty thingies and yeah I’ll check perfect gemstone price too wait I should not have gone by highest the highest

Price yeah okay I see what you mean it does do it you can you can see it like in the little item thing it does do it it has the little the little spinny thingies I see what you mean all right so it’s going to it’s

Going to be quite a bit before my um gaet looks like that because of the price let me check the price right now too though I believe that is bizarre for the gemstones when do you usually stream okay so I usually I used to stream on weekdays but nowadays I most ly stream

On weekends due to schedule change but whenever I do stream on the weekdays like now due to like being on break or whatever I will probably end around I’ll probably end in around 3 hours two to three to four hours around there I will end but usually I will be live on the

Weekends and do long streams on the weekends you want your stream contributions what are you talking about it’s 700 p.m. for you so I will end around 10 p.m. for you like right before midnight probably no three three more hours if I were to stream for three total hours

That means I would end in an hour already and I don’t want to sell your house and buy Sky Block gems of course want to be paid I’ll give you more pizza when you come over there you’re fine um I’m right now I’m working on mining just doing a bunch

Of mining stuff and I’m not doing it right now but I was just Spam doing commissions and getting powder so I need 100K powder um for I need 100K powder for the next peak of the mountain and I’m at like 80k powder right now so I’m working towards

That guys your favorite skill nice I’m trying to Max it out um my Co-op is like way ahead of me way ahead of me and I’m just trying to catch up I’m mining 49 right now I want to get to 50 um okay so Gabe and Chip adct who are my mods also

Do know me Irow as well as agent butterfly but they are not here right now yeah you’re not far ahead anymore but you were far ahead and I’ve just been trying to catch up this whole time I was I was looking at it in the colle collection and I’m like catching

Up to you with uh myal how like how much myal we’ve collected see I’m getting there there you still have 30k more but I’m getting there can you help dogs no I’m not going to help dogs you’re on your own since you’re such a professional perfect yeah they’re wait

They’re not 40 mil they’re like 15 mil each oh oh These are oh this one is 40 mil The Jasper one must go crazy cuz the Jasper one is 42 mil and everything else is like 15 mil why is Jasper so crazy what does Jasper give oh strength huh whatever

Jasper gemstones are rare oh okay that makes sense got it got it got it okay but okay so which gemstones would I want to put on my gemstone Gauntlet though cuz there’s more than five there so I guess I have to pick and choose which ones I

Want they only in fairy groud out okay there’s one 2 3 4 5 6 7 there’s eight types of gemstones and I can put five on so which ones would I want to put on top has Jade and Amber to pass Jade and Amber I mean

That’s doable I have to save up money but wait but that’s three I can have five on though safire amethyst to has Jade and Ruby okay e each slot needs a different gemstone yeah okay they specific got it so like the gemstones that are on it right now

According to this is Jade Amber topaza fire an amethyst but I don’t think they’re they’re not the perfect ones I’m assuming because my my Gauntlet doesn’t have the the spinny thing around it so I’ll probably have to uh like switch them out I guess see I have to do

That you don’t know though yeah I’ll I’ll figure it out I’ll watch a guide or something I guess I don’t know I’ll figure it out it’s whatever back to mining I go I’ll figure it out my brain only hurts a little bit it’s fine doesn’t do anything what you mean it doesn’t do

Anything likeit gemstones don’t do anything pely cosmetic I know another gold medal soon nice uh you know what sure why not I mean I get Social XP too so why not let me see this sorry I keep like straying away from mining but all right what do we got mid minion redstone

Ice iron minion oh Christmas tree I want a Christmas tree decoration cakes eaten 23 you have a little enchanting area now this is not bad some ice minions energy some stuff here oh these are like the heads oh nice nice I guess there was a snow minion there ah oh that’s cool

Whatever right if you guys cannot see baloney’s message from twitch I will put it out there he is looking for people to do dungeons with all right all a fun little visit visit you what is your IGN I guess I’m visiting viewers now you yeah to tell me your IGN

So I can visit you a the server is too laggy to use the bizarre nice okay uh uh please don’t question it oh boy I’m a little concerned just a little bit um okay so some sort of competition here all right I’ll visit un next

This this is a social XP scam your visit got me 10 social XP have some cake to give is a wise hermit I don’t know why you would give me a donation but you can I guess that is CRA I just got scammed into giving into giving social XP oh

No what’s down here oh just nothing in the torturing chamber oh I should probably get out of here I I do not want to be in the torturing chamber with bro all right let’s switch see next balloon oh that’s what you do you say your lowballing to get you to visit and

Then they visit you got it what is that helmet it looks like the warden helmet but like with flowers and green forer mental helmet oh it’s like the war helmet for farming okay that’s cool Oho ooh wait hold on this is pretty good actually come down here little Garden area little this

Thing here Hub island gate bunch of portals down here check out your Mage set okay my Co-op is a mage so he’ll know if this is good or not neotic glitter goggles five star Hollow chest plate five star with the master Stars I guess I those pink Stars

I’m guessing Hollow boots mush cow pet 10 helmets are retextured fermenting God roll Mana Pool Four Mana pool five Mana pool Mana pool damn oh that’s just a rogue sword okay nice also what what’s your combat gear so my combat gear is wooden helmet maxers chest plate maxers legging and necron

Boots and I’m still working on like getting them all the stars and everything and all that it’s being worked on BR said it’s cheap that’s crazy what has no books Sur his enchanting table two build plus 500 mil yeah that’s definitely cheap definitely cheap for real this is cool

Though I like this I really like this Maxi boots it’s like 20 mil a piece for God roll imagine Mana regen six then yeah mining is good for coins I’m kind of aware of that only got 55 mil right now I literally have like 20 mil right now you have you

Have twice as much as me in the bank right now I don’t want to hear it do not try to over broke me do I have black hat probably not nope my pets are pretty trash too I mean I have like so Griffin is my combat

Pet um I have two mining pets I have the silverfish and the the the the ball the B the B I have OT for foraging mush cow for farming I have skeleton for if I decid to use bow for whatever reason and then I have Enderman for zot farming and then

I have Grandma wolf get cat please wait what does cat what does the black cat do you have 1 mil in your Banker now I mean you do have expensive things like on your person though don’t need don’t get well now I’m curious what the pet does

Though TR I get into Enderman stuff yeah I do Slayers wait but I’m confused what does it do headlock speed speed cap speed magic fine that’s the main reason in the speed oh God you were talking to your friends all right welcome back M me all right well I’m going to go mining

Now I got that also yeah no fishing my fishing level is like 15 or something okay no it’s 23 never mind but that’s still really low okay 23 is still pretty low for fishing skill I hate fishing with a passion now you can chat for real all right you

Say 21 or 22 I think 21 I think 21 no it’s 23 actually you have to go bye all right appreciate you coming by and chatting Taco byebye okay so I’m fishing 23 but I’m actually really close to 24 something I’m like there like 17 dang so I’m getting there I

Guess yeah it’s to 26 is there like a set you’re going for that you get at 26 specifically maybe um I need you go s so weip got it for Enderman Slayer wait you need okay so you need a fishing level you need to get a certain fishing level to help with

Enderman Slayer that’s funny if that’s what you meant of course so up for Enderman Slayer I don’t know I don’t even know what the soul whip is to be honest never heard that oh I don’t know I don’t know I’m not late game I’m mid game right now so I’m a

Little clueless with that silly stuff once you get fishing 26 you carry T4 Ender nice so mid game really must be hard to like reach late game then you know what you talking about yeah you missed quite a lot of combo though you die and you die you

Die no no my goblins stop it early Cru like eight building n worth dang dang so is good back use for Life Ste with the enchants oh okay got it I’m burning oh no oh no I’m on fire how many people watching on Twitch

I’m not I can’t see the VR count but as for chatting there’s only Mr baloney currently chatting on Twitch one got you yeah see he can tell he can tell me but I can’t really check that myself I don’t have any sort of way to check the viewer account I can’t

Check for YouTube either although I’m sure it’s higher than it is on Twitch it’s dream gotcha gotcha G SL commission complete h I should probably I should get notifications for Subs I’m sorry that it’s not really working I should be but you know it’s being a little funny and not working so

I’ll get I’ll have working notifications for whenever someone follows or Subs in the next stream most likely I’m sure people here have subbed i’ I’ve gotten a few Subs that’s sure um upper mines lava Springs okay okay is this lava Springs right here no this is Forge you go around almost 100K

XP away from fishing 23 nice I don’t have a good fishing set I don’t know how I got like that high up in fishing when I don’t have a good set for it but um here is there titanium left over that’d be a little cool oh I need myle

Anyways I’m smart it’s upper mines that I need titanium for but to whoever did sub it is greatly appreciated a silly like long-term goal I guess I have would be getting the YouTube rank on Hypixel I think that’d be really cool so that’s like a sort of long-term goal I’m going

For as well as um 500 Subs on YouTube because then I can turn on memberships and I do want to make streaming like a full-time thing so to anyone who did sub I really appreciate it and I’m sorry that I don’t have the notifications on for those that

Have what’s your prediction on when you get YouTube rank well if I get YouTube rank I’m not sure definitely won’t be this year since it’s you know ending in like two weeks definitely probably won’t be next year maybe if I keep grinding It Could Happen by 2025 maybe if I just

Keep like really grinding it I don’t know we’ll see all right I’ll do that Cappy I recommed the upgrade I got right now is I recommed my gemstone Gauntlet to to Mythic that’s what I did right now when we have like actual money I’ll go into to like recing the armor too and

Everything it’s just we don’t really have the money for that right now that’ll be like 28 mil I guess around so like 30 mil to upgrade all the armor to recom all the armor so not going to worry about that right now if anything I could do the gemstones since they’re

Like 15 mil each but that’s like later in the future and got to get money up first and I’m still working towards getting the um still working towards getting the what’s it called the next pick of the mountain level I’m a little closer now 83k Minds yeah that’s what I’m

Doing I mean would it be worth to just like recom one armor piece like the chest plate or something and then save up for the other I don’t know definitely not enough money to do all of them though yeah what miss me get jaded on them I do have to do that

So I’ll do that I’ll get jaded wait how much is it to put jaded on a piece um so Ms me I’m not going to do that like while I’m live here right now or anything but I do want to do like sort of events like that I guess like

Little community events stuff like that so I probably will do that in the future I will do garlic phone stuff in the future probably little party stuff like that to a legendary piece it’s 300K to apply only my boots have jaded so that be three that only be 900k okay I’m going

To do that then oh and buying up from bizar oh wait never mind it’s 300 K to apply it and then 6 mil to buy it okay never mind so that’ be 18. wait 6 12 yeah okay that’ be 18.3 mil wait 18.9 mil for that yeah Sky

Block is a lot grinding that is true so it would cost me 18.9 mil to put jaded on everything which is within like money range I just have to farm a little bit of money money we’ be extremely broke after I did that but it is possible to do like

Pretty soon maybe maybe this stream cuz I am going to plan on being live for a bit so maybe this stream I could Farm the money and do that There you go 20 mil plus 30 mil for recom is 50 mil total yeah but that’s our recom too though that’s if I’m going to do recom which I am just not like today in the Stream obviously but jaded for the 18.9 is within possibility Sky Block is gr yeah that

That that’s just Sky Block Sky Block is just grinding pretty much that’s that is just what Sky Block is a simply put where’s the the the person here R Parts query now I can like turn the stuff into whatever I’ll just go turn it into the

King now we stream in the background for now all right appreciate the L Royal mines and slay goblins got it well Royal mines is easy it’s right here for oh o two times powder that’s another commission I can do nice um dream for the future I guess when it

Comes to like this stuff I guess I do I do want to do streaming fulltime and everything so you know on the grind trying to go live as much as possible and I will start uploading like normal videos again oh yeah for sure I mean you subbing you know liking and just being

Here chatting being a viewer it helps so much h that you would have to talk to me on Discord about like collab stuff I guess you will have to talk to me on Discord about that yeah but I mean I’m not against it definely could talk about

It if you want after stream I’ll probably have DMS off so you can’t see me a message send me a message but uh just let me know in the server when you want to talk about it and I’ll send you a DM first and then you can message me

Like I have to be the one to reach out for the direct message to work otherwise it will not work yeah so just let me know but for sure could look into it 100 goblins 15 titanium more uh just just add me in general just add

Me in general let me know that you want talk about it and then I’ll message you a dang there’s someone up there already okay mhm oh that’s his yeah that’s his I’m missing so many Le you just disappear you just disappeared I’m only 10K away from the next peak of the mountain level I forget you don’t play Sky Block but yeah it’s just need something that I have to grind for as um everything in Sky Block because of fun let a snack real quick I’ll be right back Bro I’m here getting a snack and these stupid things are jumping me I can’t have nothing can even eat my food in peace because of these funny people like come on of course they got to spawn right there and do not can’t have nothing can have nothing have nice things

This is why we can’t have nice things exactly bro let me let me be in peace let me be in peace no I have no Mana am I even hitting him with that I’m not no I didn’t get to hit it bro give me some time Dam

The ice Walkers and like I have to slay things oh no I am burning I’m burning But mostly but mostly what you play fortnite uh not this stream will I play fortnite yes will I stream or not today maybe sometime this weekend or like tomorrow what are you doing Hypixel Sky Block a little funny game 500 F5 runs St that was me before

Like I would only do dungeons I already have my commission why am I still killing these guys hold on cuz they’re being annoying that’s why there we go how is it supposed to be fun well it’s not it’s okay it’s a different type of fun it’s like you’re grinding

Basically it’s a very grinding game like an RPG and you just spend time getting like stronger and stronger 300K wait what did I do to beat 300K richer I’m so confused you mean the the glass ey Jewels or something those aren’t worth that much to me fortnite’s the best game

That’s crazy you’re not wrong you’re not wrong but like you know I can’t only play fortnite cuz then I get bored because I have short attention span are glass a jewels really 300K each or or 100K each sorry that’s pretty crazy I was not aware of that come here come here come

Here 600 hours in rocket League yeah rocket league is another game I play often I just don’t have a good controller to play with as of right now play on keyboard I’m not playing rocket league on keyboard that’s so cursed no that’s yucky oh yeah I love cupet I have I have

A 300 I have 300% done on cuphead like I love that game I’m crazy at that game you suck at controller that’s fair controller is definitely the default for what most people play rocket league on though get that back open there go I was thinking doing like some

Cuphead videos just for fun like beating the game with um I was think I’m doing a stream of cuphead Right Where I beat the game like no item no no shop just the default gun that you start with no smoke Dash no nothing oh get a call one second

All right I’m back you ever played the strongest Battlegrounds uh yes I have I have indeed so yeah I’m thinking doing that for fun a little cuphead stream why I try to do that do we to ranked for video maybe that could be fun wait hold on let me

Like ah no stop I’m changing my gear being annoying yeah I’m so much slower now but least I can like do damage but yeah it sounds like a fun idea I like that could do that wait what’s a waste of time this game nah you just n trust me trust

Me it’s like a long-term game like you just grind it’s not it’s not a waste of time oh maybe a little but that’s not important it’s fun it’s it’s its own type of fun it’s not like fortnite Um I’ll do another fortnite stream soon and we can we can do all up what do you mean that time I talked to my girlfriend I’m confused now you lost me yeah that’s true fortnite I feel like fortnite’s fun the better you are at it then you can do all these crazy things

And mechanics and everything and that’s make that makes it fun died instantly you mean like when I was playing with my girlfriend or oh I know what you mean yeah no I just kept I kept getting bad drops that’s the thing like I couldn’t go anywhere I’ll spawn cuz everyone wanted

To take my drop spots has a girlfriend play Sky Block I know was so unheard of and absolutely insane I don’t know I’m just different what you can’t you can’t play Geometry Dash and have a girlfriend I didn’t know that was a thing I didn’t know that was a

Thing I don’t know people didn’t I didn’t know women didn’t like Geometry Dash I was not aware of that fact that’s C exactly that’s what I’m saying there’s no way how would the woman not love Geometry Dash 62 upper Minds upper M oh they’re buff from upper Minds

Yipp I love when that happens I love when convenience that’d be crazy although it’ll definitely be a lot more than 7 months before I would be at that point with her but that would be a little crazy if I use Sky Block money for that streaming it too when streaming that

Would be even more crazy every we would just whiff a Hyperion of course I I get her to play Sky Block as well I like oh here’s a Hyperion on you know it’ be a little I don’t I don’t think the answer would be yes just saying I’d be quite surprised if the

Answer was yes to that if that’s how I did it it also be pretty unfunny if she heard this and I it’s muted right now but I’m muted I double checked he was looking at me Funny yeah that’d be a little uncool of you to do a little unepic of you but it’s fine there’s nothing to worry about you’re very happy what that didn’t wow that didn’t count as upper Minds I hate this game this game is so bad this game is so terrible

That little titanium in that corner barely counted as rampart’s query you’re going to have to sleep with no you’re going have to sleep with both eyes open for I would not let that slide where’s funny commission person it’s like over here I guess yeah Royal mines ramp Parts query okay

Oh my God he’s going to join the mining commission grind he’s done he’s done doing Flor SS he’s going to turn his life around and do mining commissions instead oh look at him go what do you mean this is upper mind oh my God I hate this game I’m going to break

Something all those um Invincible block I guess yeah these walks are just invis Invincible here that’s cool H what happened okay you don’t have to do that but you know really appreciate it late all right well I really appreciate it thank you 162 Subs yeah I’m pretty sure I was at like 156 or 158 when I started Stream So this been a very good stream and I appreciate everybody that has subbed and liked and chatted and everything it’s really good this has been amazing and I appreciate so much all of the support just scared

Me mhm I’m going to finish up the Discord server today once I end stream and I will definitely be adding a Sky Block section CU I’m pretty sure we have a decent amount of people in the server now that do play Sky Block so I’ll do that for you

Where am I with part of the mountain 39% not bad yeah I need to go to the Royal mines now and do two commissions there is this where mines right here this is all right this’s Comm Mission will go very easily since it’s just doing both here

I have a similar voice to your friend oh really that’s cool I’m getting close I’m so close I could almost taste it wonder if anyone like thought about eating myal look how it looks I’m just try noming some mol for real wonder how it would taste it looks it looks like blue cotton candy num n it’s a little it’s a little you know

Just a little bit of death for uh for some tasty myal it’s fine uh titanium war and Royal mines titanium War lava Springs got it and there’s two times M powder happening wait where was I mining that stuff before there we go I can get this

Titanium you know I think it that those are some pretty funny last words I wouldn’t mind those being my last words at least it’d be funny it’d be a little comedic for you always got to test if it’s edible you know you never know yeah oh what is a a fun

Fact one grand of of uranium has 20 calories jeez so that’s what these dang Americans are eating getting so big it wasn’t the McDonald’s it was the uranium they’re noming the uranium they made some grilled uranium put it in a bun and ate it like a hot

Dog uh of course some some nice uranium sauce on top I was just there and I have to do that commission again that’s so cool for thank you yeah send the the nerd explanation all right uranium can release a huge amount of energy when it under go spion one gr

Of uranium to 35 the most commonly used isotope for nuclear power can release about 8.22 * 1010 jolts which is equal to 20 billion calories that crazy that is a very nice fact to know oh in class the teacher would always make me be the one to like read

From the book because I can actually read well it was so annoying yeah pretty much you ask them something and they give you the most sophisticated answer Ever I was wondering if I should have like pretended to be bad at reading so um that they would um like not make me read everything I’m going to clip side veins Next all right um I’ll actually be right back just one second yeah yeah one year whatever All right I’m back bro I did not even I did not take that long the crying every time I go AFK is absolutely crazy bro what am I doing uh bro I had to plug Travis cot song of course bro learned this place bro gave up that’s crazy Inventory full no it is not oh my God go away stop I just say bro I hate these things so much h off I’m like about to have enough powder to get the peak of the mountain oh I have enough there we go nice yay I did it that took so long yeah

Nuh uh yeah just farm this right here you challenge me what do you challenge me too the best mining tool in Sky Block you even play Sky Block how you even know what that is this might be the best mining tool I have just like not upgrade

Enough I don’t know I don’t know what the best mining tool in Sky Block is don’t even touch what is it I don’t even know what it is the drill of the wands oh I’ll get it one day it’s fine I’ll get it I’ll still get it somehow trust I’m just like

That I’m looking for if there’s just like titanium around anywhere doesn’t look like it Though oh I already left how was wait how is diing a straight line better Okay do not mind this close to an entrance oh wait now my inventory is really full can I just go to the crystal Hollows normally yeah okay it says I found a treasure chest but I don’t see anything They I keep saying that that I found a treasure chest and then there’s nothing where where there’s no chest I’m being lied to another Gold Blocks here what oh cuz I’m like here oh oh you know what I should go down to hold on hold on hold on I need to go

Down until it hits the lava area and then put on the other pet that’s what I need to do huh wait no I need to I need to go down to there you go magma Fields put you on there we go oh what’s up toast I’m sorry I was not looking at

Chat my fault Huh I’m like above something h apparently I locked another chest somewhere around here but whatever h why not you know just go for it why not for do this cost gemstone powder okay no he yay warm be scary yippi I’m just going to do this this I like this more for

Finding chests I feel like it just works better I don’t know like it just lets me find a better it just gives me a wider region to find chests is that with the the UAG over and over I’m already finding more chests no know the mean um maybe I do

When I’m just not remembering it right now for some reason but no I can’t think of it Why magma Fields because ball pet or bow Pat whatever oh okay that’s probably fine what am I am I least likely to get chests in the magma Fields though cuz if I am then that’s unfortunate what no it’s fine I don’t need to do that it’s fine I don’t need to do that

At all it’s fine don’t worry about it It’s it’s fine what no I don’t need to it’s fine it’s fine I don’t need to it’s all good oh okay well I guess I have to then if I can earn me money then I guess isn’t my compactor in here now what does the compactor look like with this stupid texture

Pack what Rarity even is it that’s a Deleter what Rarity is it so I can look for it I could search it actually nor there it is wait how do I put something in the compactor again I completely forgot to like do that how do I do this remind me how to put something in the stupid

Compactor oh wait here we go there we go I got it I got it and Enchanted coal too but I can’t put two items can I yeah I can’t put two items I could make the enchanted call like automatically or like manually I guess just get the upgraded version yeah I guess

It’s fine I thought I upgraded this already I thought I had like a high Lev compactor I guess it was the deleter no it’s fine I’m not going to upgrade it right now I don’t want to I just look I’m not going to mine that much coal okay I’ll just like I’ll just

Manually do it for the coal it’s fine I’m I’m barely going to mine any coal and real like realistically yo what’s up vixa how are you doing really uh fine I’ll go upgrade it right now if I have to what’s up beer how are you doing I wouldn’t say I’m good at Sky

Block per se I’ve been playing it for a bit but I wouldn’t say I’m good try skate the mining I don’t even know how to do that skate the mining depressing okay I will not do it then all right so look I’ll um hold on you don’t know how to

Play it it’s pretty it’s like pretty comp it can be complicated at times definitely like it’s not the easiest but it takes quite a grind but it’s pretty fun I like it okay here you know what fine fine fine fine fine I’ll do this

Now I’ll do this now let me let me Let me refresh all right let me just like let me just like me just like Let me refresh this sell everything how I start have armor and sword and pickaxe so you just want to level up your different skills like get

Your mining up get your combat up get your your farming up and everything get your skills up to a decent level get some Minions on your home base or stuff like that my Co-op who’s in my YouTube chat knows would probably know better how to to start from a new profile like

A fresh profile basically you want to get your skills leveled up you want to be making money so you can get upgraded tools and everything you want to be doing all that you have Diamond minions okay that’s good making that’s good money making for start a few seconds behind on stream

Yeah my YouTube stream has a bit of delay since I’m also streaming on Kick and twitch but YouTube does have a bit of delay unfortunately VG for nice for me there’s no delay yeah that’s probably cuz you’re watching on Twitch he’s watching they’re watching on YouTube which has a little more delay

Than um twitch so okay so I have let me let me get it in my inventory so I have uncommon right now personal I need the rare two wait 369 12 wait no wait no that’s twos not threes so we got six um

12 14 2 4 6 8 12 14 just double checking it off uh 14 14 enchanted Redstone blocks and how is it done how how do I put it okay got it that’s the blue and then um what’s it called let do for the purple personel yeah the the 6,000

4812 16 20 wait 16 20 24 28 so I need 28 now y VC I can’t stop it click it I’m guessing it’s going to go the same way purple let me just withdraw from I’m need a little more okay and then finally is legendary which I need 8 16 24 32 40

48 and Ma 56 56 I know we’re broke I’m going to do money I’m going to do money soon I’ll make it back huh did I not math I didn’t math I need four more I need I needed I needed 56 not 52 I did not math properly big surprise

There we go legendary and I got carpentry XP even though it says it does not Grant carpentry XP but okay yeah even is at 23 by at school tomorrow no can make 10 mil H all right well I have legendary now okay so let me go oh wait I should probably put my

Money back I should probably put the money back hold on hold on hold on put that in there okay so now I’m going to go back to the crystal holes Get Some Enchanted hard zone put it in there get enchanted coal put it in

There let me see oh my God I can have all these slots I went from 1 to 12 I didn’t think it was going to give me that many slots I thought it was going to give be like two or three bro that is crazy okay what do you kill first mobs or

Mine uh Matthew which skill is more important starting out combat or mining oh I already has stone in there too it already has both Cobblestone and the stone in there okay that’s useful wait Treasure Chest where see treasure chest so I’m in my co-ops in chat and I’m

Asking them because they probably know more than me but from my thought I’m thinking you want to get oh okay so he actually suggests farming first He suggests farming first and then with that you can like Finance everything else I know but I can’t VC to Long against the tools

For okay but 1 mil an hour is good for early game though like we’re talking this guy is like very early in Sky Block that’s what we’re talking with so what like 1 mil an hour is not bad at all in that case at least I don’t think it is

Like early game 1 mil an hour does not sound bad some words tier too still until I have full oh Nice yeah like that sounds really good at that level just saying that’s the thing you guys cuz I don’t know Sky Block knowledge like that to make decision decisions like that could grab some other materials too I guess it says I uncovered a treasure chest but I don’t see One how do you get budget hoer budget Hopper I believe is in is it iron yeah okay so you can make budget Hopper when you get your iron collection to five so you get your you get your um you get your iron Ingot collection to five and you’ll unlock the budget Hopper

Recipe um so to get to iron tier 5 what what pickaxe do you have right now guess you can start with that what what pickaxe do you have right now that’s pretty important diamond pickaxe efficiency five okay um do you have do you have um do you have like I’m guessing you

Have telekinesis unlocked right as in like you don’t have to walk over things to pick them up cuz if you don’t have telekinesis unlocked I really just that yeah okay well I guess to get that collection up um until you lock unlock the Dwarven mines which is a bit later you want to

Just mine the iron in the Deep caverns and everything and just mine that and get your iron inot if you could get smelting touch on your pickaxe actually should do that get smelting touch on your pickaxe and then once you mine the IR iron ore it’ll immediately

Turn to iron ingots and that’ll help you get your iron ingot collection you have smelting touch okay then you want to just mine the iron until you get the collection and that’s just pretty much what you want to do for now and then once you get once you get

Um once you get um IR get five you can make make the budget Hopper or I think you could also buy budget Hopper from bizaar I’m not sure for how much or if you even can but I think I remember you can you have 130k that might be

Enough that’s the requirement for deep Caverns or you mean Dwarven mines pretty sure that’s for dvin mines now yeah yeah you want to lock door mines too definitely just buy flame sword flame sword probably you don’t want that early game flame sword I don’t know it seems pretty bad to be

Honest I forgot what the good like really early game weapons are but I wouldn’t say flame sword I have no idea what weapons are good early game to be honest glight armor so glite armor which one is that oh oh okay well that’s good for

Mining but you want like a main set for like a just fighting guess which for you early game you might want to farm enough for you want you want Ender Armor probably early game I’d say honestly it’s been so long since I’ve had to worry with early game so I

Might not be the best at it Ender Armor yeah like I I it’s been forever since I’ve had to worry about early game to be honest my Co-op that’s in the other YouTube chat knows more definitely about early game Undead sword is a rock yeah but they’re

Not like Rock Bottom really I don’t think right there’s also ton there are tons of tutorials on YouTube that will help you as well that’s what I did there’s like especially for just starting Sky Block there’s a bunch of tutorial videos that will tell you what

It is you need to do and like in what order and everything and they’ll probably explain it better than I can yeah just don’t don’t watch uh Power owner and yeah also you do want definitely to use something like bad line it helps you so much a Sky Block

And just a bunch of little things so yeah definitely want to get that on iron three nice making progress and then once you get that budget thing you can put on your diamond minions and then if you don’t make it online on time for to sell your stuff

Before it becomes full they’ll Auto sell it not for as much but for mining stack I think mine’s only at rare for my mining stack I don’t I think I got it like all the way I don’t think I got the max one which is another thing I could do but like money

Money I didn’t even know it was too tin as powder right now yeah I’m still streaming hasn’t been that long it’s been like 4 hours I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be going though just finished mine oh nice I didn’t know you’re alive nice though was it a fun stream

Ah and yeah I’m like about an hour or so I’ll be ending all right well yeah I’ll be ending start stream for two days now oh you started recently nice how’s it been so far you enjoying it 24 seconds on that okay I can level this up once which

Will decrease the amount of locks needed which is useful I do with zero viewers yeah that I’m telling you now it’s going to it’s pretty much guaranteed that it’s going to start out like that like you’re going to be at zero viewers for a while even but it does get

Better you do it is a very slow process to get the views going but it is it does happen it just takes time it takes a lot of time and commitment to be the top you know how long have I been streaming well I have a long history with streaming I

Started streaming as like a kid on my PlayStation like a long time ago like almost a decade ago but since then I’ve switched twitch accounts names all that that on this Twitch account under this name I’ve been streaming for about like a year and a half or so almost two years by

Now but my history with streaming in general goes back almost a decade I’m pretty sure when I turn like 20 it’ll have been a decade give advice all right should be consistent yeah I’ve heard a lot I’ve heard a lot I’ve heard that a lot definitely in the streamer world to just

Be consistent with it oh I didn’t realize my inventory is full AFK Time come on I’m allowed to have a life I can be consistent and have a life okay this is what we’ll do I’ll upgrade my mining sack right now 8 * 8 64 64 Enchanted

Coal yeah that’s just how it works got the farming stuff on my toy oh yeah I’ll just put it in here I guess there we go I am Java Edition yeah I’m still playing this it hasn’t been that long there you go okay so that’s done I

Have that my compactor has all these ores for that I mind okay 4 hours sounds like a long time for stream but it’s not super long I’ve done like 12 hours before yeah for Sky BL is no long at all for yeah I’ve done a 12h hour stream before like a few months

Ago yeah exactly five hours plus is kind of the usual there well it’s fun it’s satisfying leave me alone all right copy I appreciate you stopping by and being here for as long you have good luck on the exam I got a yogi a yogi the Mario movie rten tomato criticism is

Crazy oh yeah I appreciate the concern I have um my water bottle here and I’ve been like taking breaks to get snacks and everything I’m fine forgot drinking oh yeah there is something you need to do right for drinking is a thing too right right right forgot forgot is it had happened

To slip my mind that’d be a little op not going to lie and just a tiny bit banable maybe just a little bit banable yeah it only takes two locks now that’s huge I like that that’ be pretty funny that’d be pretty funny but I kind of

Doubt it’ll happen I don’t know cuz there there that’s like a big decision that every YouTuber kind of has to make eventually if they want to have all their content on one page or like separate channels but I’m definitely leaning towards like one channel at the moment

This game looks fun it’s pretty fun it’s it’s very grindy but it can be fun yeah oh what the heck iist resume let’s go my first employee I do not have a donation page the only way I can receive anything right now is through subbing on Kick

Because I do have Subs enabled on there but yeah that’s it for right now that’s why I do want to hit 500 um that’s why I do want to hit 500 Subs on YouTube because then I can turn on membership and I’ll be Cool well because right now I don’t stream necessarily just for the money I want I want to earn in the future because I do want to um I do want to like make streaming full-time you obviously you need to earn to do that but um what’s it called I don’t stream just

For the money right now I’m kind of just streaming to get up there get subs and you know have fun but I mean I couldn’t make a donation page there’d be nothing wrong with that it’s just I don’t expected to be used too much so I kind

Of thought like why bother but I don’t know I guess I could make One of I mean all right I’ll make it going to be rich I mean I doubt it not right now at least be pretty cool in the future but you know pretty much on the the brook side right now just a little bit a tiny tiny bit po just a little Bit w w um yes anyone can play on this server this is Hypixel this is on Hypixel so it’s all like it’s all um public there is 19 people in my server currently although I will let you know if you’re just starting out you won’t be able to

Do what I’m doing right now for a bit like you have to grind and do other stuff first to get to this point to start doing this but the overall game can be pretty fun is you do a bunch of different things farming combat mining fishing all all that it’s an RPG

Basically just think of it like an RPG but in Minecraft yeah what’s up uh Julie hums I’m sorry I’ll just call you you ham for now welcome welcome yeah Hypixel done it yeah it’s that oh sorry I was not reading the YouTube chat for like a second but yeah

It is is the ay thank you for that vixa yeah I got you wait let me okay there you go I typed it for you right there oh I’m I’m good having a pretty active stream today sorry sorry how just I was swapping between reading chats might have missed your

Message but I’m good I’m chilling I’m glad you’re Good you play Sky Block at all or what brings you to the stream my name I just got called by I just get called Jay by everybody I’m just call me J Just J I like whenever it comes to like like a viewer or streaming or anything like that or just online

General I definitely prefer j i yes an attack helicopter yeah or or call me or call me a attack helicopter you know I wouldn’t mind that either I don’t I quite wouldn’t mind that if that’s what you prefer attack helicopter with a minigun on top of it oo bro this Fancy with

It all right I will call you that attack helicopter with a Minun on top of it yep j j a y I do know technoblade yes watching his Sky Block series is what made me want to originally get into the game and I still watch it often

Yeah we follow a good fight Tech blade Never Dies thank you for follow yeah his dad is still like um what’s it called like posting on his thing and you know keeping the memory alive which is really nice uh born and raised Miami what what Gabe what are you saying

Like you’re going to tell me something absolutely outrageous right now I did I won’t really talk too much about it um on stream um for like obvious reasons but yeah I have full name is whoa I fear to ask what the last name would be that’s

Crazy you don’t know that joke Gabe look say it out out and you’ll probably hear it oh okay he was calling you out just Shack on Gabe for real hey y That’s crazy oh yeah that becomes pretty common in Hypixel like you can you can get op like crazy in high pixel Sky

Block Y what in that be calling it small you know if you have to ask if you have to ask if it’s in or not you know yeah bro that’s a that’s a fire distract what do you mean little pump is Crazy peak level comedy for real I agree best comedy I’ve seen all day you should just like be the streamer like why am I even here no no none of that oh my God no no I’m not answering that no no nuh-uh you can’t make me no me not entering doesn’t mean no

That’s not what that means that’s not what that Mean no it doesn’t mean no hey that’s not there do not do religion religion is no bueno no mean death RSE of course I’m not lying religion is definitely not one of the things you want to talk about in a Minecraft stream nice of course huh I didn’t even know you could get

This from chests do I do I use this I don’t know I’m confused whatever I have that yay I got a thing youim oh wait sorry I just saw your message um okay so I stream on quick quick stab myself I stream on Kick twitch and YouTube the active chat

You’re see on the left is everybody over on YouTube shut up I’m ban all you so yeah I I multi stream on all three platforms um I know I I’ve studied it a decent amount and everything so I could probably help you with whatever problem you’re having it it’s like a tech based

Problem yeah I got some random pickaxe I don’t know pomus picko Nimbus is that rare to get cuz look this guy just showed it off in chat and now they’re saying GG is is that rare did I get something rare and I don’t even know

No he’s running cuz I said I would ban everybody I think rare for powder mining but it’s not that crazy okay got it yeah it didn’t look that crazy looks cool with the texture pack though it’s like all lightning and everything oh bro I am a scholar for real I don’t know how

To play any games though oh that’s okay I mean well it depends what you’re into cuz there’s there’s tons of streamers for things better than gaming like my girlfriend she doesn’t stream games at all she streams just doing art and there’s also IRL streams there’s also there’s tons of other

Streams you could do if you’re not a g gamer if you really do want to stream it depends what you like to do though of course streaming doesn’t really mix with everything and isn’t for everybody yeah you can’t exactly stream reading books unless it’s ASMR actually

So you do like you like read books to chat I guess I’ve seen streamers do that in like ASMR in general but you could you could read you could read books on stream thank you for that magnificent idea yeah also being bad at games can be a little funny on

Stream a little haha Funny what do you mean speak up bro my mic’s loud yeah like I show me exactly poor po guy bro poor guy the ASMR book shamer yeah I mean surprisingly everything’s been fine ever since then like nothing bad has Happened yeah no he did by accident he he acts crazy on purpose cuz he knows it’s funny and that it gets views but he didn’t mean to do that on purpose like you could tell yeah if he if he wanted to do it on purpose he would have said he would have

Kept it out way longer but he he did that completely on accident immediately covered it up and was like just hoping nothing bad would come out of it you mean don’t ask how you know bro observed it bro analyzed it was I fast I wasn’t even in stream I

Wasn’t in a stream when it happened I don’t watch I show speed like at all I just don’t watch him at all meat analyzer crazy getting on but why is this dude flexing leveling up his fishing skill dega suu is crazy bro the OverWatch player guys look it’s an OverWatch player point and

Laugh there you go what do you mean why can’t I save point in laugh H I don’t I don’t accept graphic design things Thomas so that’s what you’re going to say but what do you guys mean I’ll be right back be in like an hour but we’re call for something important

All right I might be I’m not sure let we laugh at you you guys have nothing to laugh at me for though you guys are in my stream what are you going to laugh at me for makes no sense your stream that’s crazy bin boy I don’t think anyone here plays

Val at least not the people I know that have been here before we don’t play bant but if whoever is new here might play valerant I’m not sure but we all got so pissed and valerant won like multiple things at the game awards like it was so dumb By the way guys this you’re new here again we are doing a a Christmas movie night Friday night eastern time at around 9:00 p.m. to 8 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. so if you are interested in that then you free to join in we are still trying to decide the movie Currently yeah free movie woo all right hello thank you God I just started that one forever o okay I’ll be right back this time I promise it is going to take only a second I’ll be right Back all right I’m back see it was not long at all that time it was pretty quick also Matthew you would know if this is rare or not but I got fine gemstone from this chest like instead of the US usual like rough or whatever i’

Get so I just was wondering if that’s like sort of rare let me level up this again oh no I can’t it cost 20K jeez so much bro what do you mean come back come right here bro you guys are delusional okay just level up that a bunch I guess oh my God bro the going on YouTube shorts is crazy BR the intention span is actually crazy I’m not talking what do you mean I’m not talking hello wait hello is it back now hello bro Bruh Bruh well slash ban me and click you oh oh did you look at that oh trolled trolled funny you got trolled you’re fine I’m not going to ban you Troll what oh what w we got trolled yep that’s crazy w W Hey bro wait wait Gabe it couldn’t have been Matthew cuz wait no Gabe doesn’t even have mod wait what happened to his messages did he just did you just ban him Matthew did you just ban him M yo yo unbanned bro he was being so supportive bro untime him out how long

Did you time him out for bro that is actually crazy you was spamming I didn’t see the spam I mean to be fair I was messing with him to be fair I was kind of provoking ah yes of course you should you should ban me for real of course you’re back welcome back

Yippi yippe he’s back y be ah bro it’s going to be quiet now no no one US active chatter no this will be another lurker no No I have enough Lurkers bro bro going be one of those streamers that have like a 100 people in the Stream and like two people actively chatting BR no no not D chill is abuse of power the when will the tire in the end he’s going to be good look he’s he’s he

Promises to be a good person um more time to play Sky Block damn that’s crazy you don’t get checks you get pizza slices it’s so like then he’s going to get banned for saying ooo honestly I understand I honestly understand that’s crazy o ooo is a blacklisted word

For we do not let that slide here yeah those are those are prohibited as well well oh no my inventory finally got full cringe who says sussy soy Jacks what sussy soy Jack is Crazy who’s who is out here saying sussy soy jacks it’s somebody could be saying it but that doesn’t mean I want to think about it all right my inventory is getting full bro he keeps getting the r to get banned every like 10 seconds bro cannot catch a break bro cannot breathe for

Let me go in thank you what bro you can swear bro what do you mean put me back in Sky Block bro oh bro oh my God whoa I didn’t know you going to say a swear like that though oh my God yo calm down all well I guess I’m going to look

For presents around the Hub until the game decides to work any present under the tree no C can I play the game now Yay oh that’s pay again oh you have to pay for the pass there you go oh what is this blue crystal I haven’t seen this before which one is this meth let’s go I’ve seen the other colors but I have not seen this blue one until now blo of

Course bro it’s not even giving me anything it’s a scam it’s a it’s a it’s fake huh wait what’s going on oh but what doesn’t it say in chat like that you found like you found it like that gives you some oh my God chill out bro I’m going to get cancelled man

They’re always listening you can’t get cancelled he’s immune how has he done this oh of course they would never cancel on the attack helicopter hello just there we go they’re canceling you because you’re an attack helicopter are they racist against Attack Helicopters now it’s see now it’s telling me in chat that I

Found um Ruby jump Stone but I wasn’t doing that for the other one use an emoji whichever one oh I have to sign in to do that I’m not doing that wait no n can’t see my YouTube chat oh what have you done to me what have you done to me

No I have to do two-step verification with my phone what did it do what is this why am I on my video on OBS what is this oh my God you’ve broken everything reset docks no I can’t see any of my chats oh my god I’ve been trolled chat no no he killed

Everything oh my God you killed everything bro bro what have you done okay I got twitch chat back and I got kicked chat back uh no l i don’t look at I don’t um like do graphic design people in chat okay twitch and kick chat are back they’re a little they’re being like

Annoying and not attaching but they’re they’re here I can read them but they will attach to literally nothing right now bro why are you dying I’m dying right now why are you dying you don’t have a reason to be dying right now bro attach to the stupid oh my God

I’m about to just end stream I just end stream okay we’re going to do this it’s very scuffed but I have no other choice we’re going to do this for the rest of the stream there you go I’m going to have to read your guys’ YouTube chats with the overlay on my stream

Oh I was in the magma Fields already I should have been am I in magma Fields now I am okay almost suffocated bro it’s not that bad you’re fine you’re fine I was the one suffering more hon like you were suffering bro then just don’t fall off your chair that’s not my

Fault that’s crazy oh my God jump scare your chair actually broke oh my God bro BR did not break his chair from that well karma is really amazing sometimes you Know w W you’ll be fine yeah yes yeah just stay on the floor you’ll be fine like like caveman caveman used to sit on floor caveman do not have have um chair you’ll be fine yeah 5 Hour stream I’ll probably end I’ll probably end soon though especially now that my chat that

I’m reading is like this or computer that’s true For 163 Subs hey somebody subbed on YouTube I have no idea who cuz I don’t have the notifications working but somebody did appreciate it oh that’s your chest bro you will get banned if you do that not by me but by my very active mods I’m just saying not that evil

Yeah I know you are quote unquote a nice person even though you just killed all my chats and murdered them and C blood yeah I’d say that’s a pretty fair that’s a pretty fair return well that’s not my fault you did that to yourself for whatever reason that’s not my fault

I cannot be held accountable for that for your actions I’m burning oh no bro bro is not winning that lawsuit I have top tier lawyers all right you are not waiting that Lawsuit let me out let me out bro bro I’m going to break something and then I couldn’t teleport out was a stupid Block in the way oh my God whatever I didn’t lose anything cuz my piggy bank but I have to buy another like Piggy Bank from bizaar because of my whatever my

Accessories I am reading chat it’s harder for me I wonder why it’s harder for me to read chat I wonder why I wonder Why yeah I know and me trying to click to add an emoji like make made my chat freak out and then everything died and now I reading chat in the most scuffed way Possible bro got to tell you the what what are you yapping about oh no what G say I do not know what he’s what he’s talking yapper exactly actual yapper you know I should not be trying to kill these things again after the funny thing they just did to me but

Whatever it’s probably fine don’t want don’t you watch Family Guide no not Really oh my God why did he get one Tapped yeah mesm does I guess but I don’t I don’t know what bro is talking about yeah I was thinking that maybe he might get Gy yappity yappity yapping it’s a cut away when Quagmire Dres up like Bill Clon oh I’ve not seen that one O that’s crazy I know who Gabe’s going to go after once he gets his mod back oh no no not in the chat oh he didn’t mean it now that’s crazy he switched up really real quick huh why is there a tribe member here what does r want

Why did that take more than two hey look at bro defending me maybe he should be the mod and you don’t get your Mod Game sludge juice you mean the funny thing from fortnite that’s crazy why why am I in Jungle I’m supposed to be in the lava M I don’t know why I’m in Jungle right now there now I’m in magma Fields I just went like too high up for a second I Guess I’m offended by you offending him damn there was a chain reaction that’s crazy a chain reaction of offensiveness four people watching Yippee well whatever there’s going to be lurkers it’s fine what was the chest oh hey I can level up uh what is it this thing again great Explorer right I think that’s why to level up here yeah do that level up more more I guess oh and then it goes to three

Adjacent hardstone blocks okay get sturdy Jay how am I suppos get sturdy no I cannot Vibe obviously why would I be able to nope nuh-uh I can as long as you don’t ask me to play OverWatch cuz then then we are not vibing then we are in fact not vibing nuh-uh nuh-uh bro

Better Together event started except I’m Alone I don’t want to go to you I’m chilling here I want to go all the way over to where you’re at of course of course bro it’s so far away I don’t even cuz I was I don’t know where I was at before I died I don’t go all the way

Back over there that’s Oh boy only going to communicate using emojis I think the nightbot will automatically like time me out for doing that just saying like even if the mods didn’t care I think nightbot themselves times people out for that just letting you know bro Oh my God diamonds diamonds were Rich bro oh no my inventory is going to be full soon no no I can’t believe this no Bro are you traumatizing mess me with Emojis right now that’s so crazy all right Well I’m going have to go clear out my inventory now I guess yeah no I got no no space left for nothing what is this oh okay all right well back to I go you guys doing oh my God exactly bro I’m wondering the same thing

Well this is a bad part to be in I guess isn’t there a chest here this looks like a part of dungeons like there would be a chest here no h okay For Bro why are you guys like this St I swear The grou of Emoji Movie is crazy the role playing of course in your chat hold on now we have a entirely new issue now and in your chat this is bro thinks this is his chat that is so crazy bro thinks he is the streamer is that

Crazy oh my God he’s using he’s using the English language he’s really doing it oh my goodness Yo what’s up Bama how are you doing welcome on your stream nice nice welcome you scrolling for Minecraft streams on kick or Z recommended or just wondering how you found that you ended up there wasn’t you’re recommended all right nice no glad you’re here you play pixel Sky Block

Bont cuz if you don’t then this game play might look a little confusing to you and I apologize for that not really I mostly play Life oh I can’t remember the last time I played Lifeboat to be honest I’ve just been only Hypixel I’d like to give lifeb try soon

Though I remember trying it but like the server before was pretty fun they have some good games I really liked the the one with the the platforms they have to stand on the right color and everything think they have that in Hypixel 2 now but I

Don’t think they did at the time so I would play it on Lifeboat 11:00 p.m. fre you got to go to sleep all right I’ll appreciate you being here for as long as you have good night here thing is the knife for the zombie parkour I don’t think I’ve tried that

That kind of soundss interesting I wonder how that works zombie parkour yo what’s up galacti how you doing all right good night good night appreciate you being here yeah I’ve seen other zombie things is dying am I back now I’m back now okay sorry my mic is dying but um

Yeah I’ve heard of other things in Hypixel Sky Block like other zombie games just I’ve never heard of um never heard of zombie parkour specifically so that interests me O 4,000 jump on Powder okay find twitch stream yes I’m also live on Twitch and YouTube as well other than cick I’m live on all three platforms so if you have a preference on which one you rather watch on the options are there all right the new policy for

N I haven’t really looked I’ll look after stream which should be like any minute now on my end you followed twitch and kick And subscribe to your YouTube channel thank thank you I really appreciate you going to all three and doing that appreciate it that is a massive help massive massive

Help come on there go I to do longer streams longer streams are fun to do I’ve been live for five about six hours actually but I will definitely be ending shortly I don’t see myself going for much longer but I’m glad I streamed as long

As I did cuz it’s got a lot happening a lot of people coming in and being supportive the stream so was really nice and one last reminder to you guys before I go about the movie night Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. no not Sunday not Sunday

Friday night 8 to 9:00 p.m. eastern time just follow your Twitter account oh thank you I I started posting on Twitter again I took a big break from posting on Twitter I’ll probably start posting on there again appreciate it Break all this go but I’ll definitely try life um Lifeboat again now I was reminded of it I want to see how much it changed yep one 1 hour lunch break and then it’s back to work back to work oh my mic died again are we back

We’re back my Sky Mall doesn’t not not have a level all right appreciate you stopping by and being so supportive about thank you for stopping by I really appre appreciate it byebye I messed up the chat gemstone powder myal powder 900 Miss throw powder nice that was good that was a good one

I’ll stream I’ll stream so sad bro said L stream so sad how could you have done this it’s cuz you’re not mod isn’t it Okay bro please thank you yay yippe I predict I predicted the lore yippe for 49 metal powder pretty good holy chest okay we had three here And they all gave powder nice Jone Powder if I die to stupid y again I lose like 1.1 mil coins I would not appreciate that right now Yo what’s up peruka how you doing I’m good been chilling been streaming for quite a bit so I do plan on ending soon but you know I’m still glad to have you here o Diamond Goblin no stop come here come here come here come here

Come stop stop it stop it stop stop stop stop fighting it there we go got it thank you for what what did I do that was worthy of things I’m a little confused I’m a little slow letting you know now I’m definitely on the S side so I definitely miss things

Sometimes I received a yogi I got a yogi 872 jemstone powder yipp oh yeah of course I don’t have a strict time I need to end it’s just kind of when I feel like ending but you know if people come through of course I’m

Going to stay live a bit longer so I can chill for and say what’s up and everything I would hate for like for someone to join and then I just end stream right on them that would be not the greatest I appreciate that sometime there’s times

Where I have to go like I wish I could stay longer but sometimes I have to end stream because I need to do something like important in real life and when that happens I’ll end no matter what but times like this I’m just chilling nothing important’s happening so there’s

No no harm in me going a little extra definitely no armor it’s all right yeah I’m chilling right now though so like I don’t have anywhere to be so yeah chill a bit longer H is that typo oh where am I from M born raised the funny uh s St where it does not snow and it is always 100° no that’s good but yeah Miami city not going to be here much longer though I do not like it here I’m sort of

Mhm I am as you would call a Florida man the The Crazy Ones putan on my inventory California nice never been there I heard it’s pretty nice over there though I wonder does snow over there I wonder they’re experiencing snow right now game is actually good do you play

This uh do you play sua you play Hypixel Sky Block oh I found fairy grot this is new oh you don’t play any game oh okay oh used to play with creativity okay so this is fairy Grotto here but like what is there butterflies down There oh nice my girlfriend’s an artist too no No no Bro I am not really a new on Kick I I started streaming on Kick around when it originally launched so technically I’m not new to kick no I’ve been around that’s why I was able to hit affiliate and everything there are no more butterflies okay yeah definitely been around

Oh what’s up bot sorry my chat got messed up so it’s a little hard to read YouTube chat but um right now I’m doing Hypixel Sky Block yeah I’m not the B cuz I do not do graphic Des sign yeah I’m going to be doing another fortnite stream

Eventually I’ve just been trying H pixel Sky Block I’ve just been doing mining like crazy recently like just mining over and over and I’ve been able to level it up a ton which has been nice Oh there’s a chest here I didn’t even notice oh and a golden goblin oh but it’s not mine okay well no golden goblin for me nuh Uhuh do I have my BC Milestone to claim it’s the question I do one HP let’s go Got my midow powder right there oh my God an Ascension rope let’s go I’m rich wait what oh is this like deep Caverns is that what I found right now like the Deep caverns and and this I forgot that could happen so if I go down will it be yep

Yo what’s up Elite how are you doing sorry I just saw your message now I wasn’t reading chat for a sec for oh what the heck someone’s been mining here like crazy the say for midow mining nice I’ve been just mining nonstop for the past few days including this stream

Which has been going on for like 6 and a half hours now and I’ve just been mining the whole time it’s been good though How much do I need for the next level of treasure R Great explore h I could do Mo I could do more into Mo actually there you go just gives me more of a chance for that which is useful now Jasper Joe is good for powdered grinding

Maybe but I do not have one so I am going to be getting ready to end pretty soon like really really soon I know I keep saying that but I do really need to End oh two times powder vent okay I can’t wait for that to end and then once the two times powder vent is over I will end and that’s what we’ll do maybe or I don’t know if two times pow even helps me like with the chests and stuff

It does so I get I get more out of the chest the chests the chests during two times powder got it so yeah I’ll go till the two times powder vent runs out and then I’m out That so many yogis or yogs oh my God I got everything from that chest please bro there you go o 1 th000 gemstone powder okay bro and then only 89 mythal powder when I want mythal powder more there you go I got a bit of buff powder that time okay

Oh my God an incension rope oh my God clip it I need some good midro powder I need like 1K midro powder there you go 95 that’s good what happened what is this bro yelling about huh why is there just a random why is this block here why can’t I break it oh

Lava I don’t know why I got jump scared I’m literally like immune but whatever for I need more MTO powder not gemstone powder oh my God wishing compasses either stop metal powder yay no not jemstone powder if I if I don’t get midor powder at least jump Stone powder no freaking compasses or

Whatever Oh oh 1K midro powder and some gemstone powder with it was really good yeah are like 5 minutes on the on the the what’s it called the two times Powder 590 so many yogis I have seven yogis right now For 2.7k gemstone powder why couldn’t I get that in myidal powder would have actually been so useful if I did well at least it’s a lot powder oh no whatever I’ll just keep going even though my inventory is full cuz the double powder is about to be over

Anyways no point like going back to HUB now no there’s only 30 seconds left come on give me my thr powder no no mro Powder this the last one it didn’t give me any powder no it’s over and now it gives me 400 myal powder that would have been 800

God let my anger out on yogs no no no no oh my God he didn’t even die he didn’t even die Jesus BR the heart attack I just got for no reason is this the fairy place again is that where I’m at right now looks like it

All right well that’s going to be it for me and sell all our stuff oh this egg has gone all the way up to Epic I haven’t even noticed well all right this just a random structure not a gr oh okay it looked a little like the the fairy grot that’s why

I have a pomus that I don’t want what to do with but whatever put this money away all right well I’m going to end I’ve been live for 6 and 1 half hours almost 7 so I’m definitely a little tired but it was really a really good stream

Today a bunch of new people coming new follows new Subs on YouTube everything I appreciate everyone that followed and subbed anyone that was typing in chat being active really appreciate it byebye awesome all right good night everybody we be live again soon bye-bye I’m Yours With You I’m Yours With You I’m Yours with You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Hypixel Skyblock! |!multistrean !discord’, was uploaded by JaayViibes on 2023-12-20 23:10:59. It has garnered 115 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:21 or 24441 seconds.

-Join my community server to find other friendly gamers and post your clips, aswell as promote yourself! (!discord) in chat

-Music provided by Lofi GIrl

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    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More