Insane Minecraft Collab with @TaZ-MaN307 + more!

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Can’t even remember what I was doing last oh that looks like what’ you do what’ you do Oh no Queen Ki and Kevin esara Michael carova let’s go friends oh nice you have been on my potatoes have grown nice Nice yeah I’m working on a big melon farm but it’s not flat enough yet I got I’m coming go kill that creeper for you you get him interest all right I am Landscaping I think right now I was thinking today maybe we could beat the Ender Dragon but I think that’s way too

Premature I don’t think I’m ready yeah uh can I get a check from you one two three I got go go go let me see if all right I think you’re a bit too loud but let me get another double check from you I’ll turn myself up That’ll there we go I think we’re good yeah yeah that’s it that’s it I can hear myself good good got to hate my voice you just got to lean into your accent and pretend it’s sexy I can’t do that g bro I can’t do that at all I hate

My and it’s weird because I used to be a metal [Laughter] vocalist what what kind of vocals did you do did you do any kind of Hardcore yeah yeah that’s the whole thing that what I youed to be into nice so it’s kind of like you know what I mean I’ll be

Like and all that it’s kind of yeah I got very i s I kind of got familiar with that my cousin was in a band he was a long lost cousin he was adopted out and then um he found out he was adopted and

He was going on tour with his band so he just added he just added the our local place to his tour so he came and played with his band it was hilarious my parents remember being there and um one family who actually paid to see the show were like what the

[ __ ] is this and they just [Laughter] left um he was his music was known as um a southern it’s kind of like a southern metal St metal it was deep fried country rock or something it was crazy yeah yeah yeah yeah St metal yeah he was Canadian

It’s Kind like a Groove kind of thing to it it was pretty good I remember it yeah yeah I listen to sort of like d and stuff they’re kind of like a southern deep southern New Orleans kind of f to it a royal Dragon what’s up Andy ply happy birthday merry Christmas

Everybody Merry Christmas Kevin esara oh yeah GP in case you don’t get to talk to you tomorrow Happy like Merry Christmas Merry Christmas yeah I don’t know if I’m streaming tomorrow or not I am I you’re streaming for Christmas awesome yeah just a little one hell yeah couple

Of hours you know what I mean it’ be all right oh [ __ ] [ __ ] up me own gone can’t remember what I’m doing with it Royal Dragon wants to join uh no I don’t think I’m letting many people on I did invite a couple of people on to join

Us today we’ll just see if they have the time to they we got some no confirmation well um it sounded like Graz man might be for sure joining us but um no way no Gord he sounded pretty confident he was going to be here

No I love it oh oh GP come here come here come here come here come to my like come to my farm I was going to call it a weed farm I [ __ ] wish come to my weed farm nice I [ __ ] wished uh well I just lost it no here it

Is you haven’t grown ugly at all you bastard look look look got me out what I’m growing it’s uh it’s your weed farm underwater weed [ __ ] how much need how much for gram all right challeng not friends not close friends nice homegrown baby you need any if you need any it’s right here

Instead of going out there cool cool that’s awesome so then we can now make the uh tunnels to you spring up and all that I don’t know how you do that but oh yeah we need to go to the Ender we need you at like one tube of water but then at

The very end you put a soul block at the very bottom Al in the house is it I thought you used that stuff keep kind ofp yeah you do yeah you use the kelp cuz you put a source block on the top but like all the water

Beneath it isn’t a source block but you put the kelp there it becomes a source block okay okay okay I’ll get that get it did you like the song I was playing before oh you didn’t Here the sunglass thing no it’s called Uh roulette from System of the Down ah I’m one of them mellow songs forgot what I was doing I want to change my house I got to take down my two houses as well I think you should leave

Him you’re re oh yeah I kind of like the lived in feel of all the houses oh I forgot my Village I forgot I went on a big adventure yesterday or the last time I played to go get more amethyst and then I left it at my mine

House I got I went mind the whole thing of amethyst I have to go back and get it I got some I’ve got some if you need it oh no I I have a mine about 1500 blocks away so I’m I’m just going to go back and get

It can I um see your little diamond farm see my diamond farm I’ll use it yeah not that I’ll use it but I’m saying can I see it yeah I want to see what you do because I need to learn this [ __ ] yeah for sure um let’s go on an

Adventure take a bed with you just in case oh [ __ ] hang on I got a spare bed I need to grab one of those you can grab one of my beds in here okay see look I even put a boat out for us that’s nice I put a little sign that

Says look at you with your diamond out feel ready you KY bastard I do not want to look at your backside M marshmallow that’s my wife you named your bloody cow Marsh how did you I don’t I got a name tag when I was fishing and then you go to when you have

A name tag you take it to a here there’s your bed all right let’s let’s go on an adventure um you take the name tag and you go to a here I don’t want my pig delete you take a name tag and then you

Go to a an anvil and you rename the name tag and then you place it on whatever you want oh did you see my message oh yeah I did I did I like that and I no it’s the boat all right this way is my diamond

Farm get food come here come here you little pig I want the pig barl had a moan at me because I killed a pig there’s a couple of cows there’s a couple of cows let’s kill them I got some sheepies up here I got

Them I didn’t kill a pig trust me darl I didn’t just kill a pig I didn’t I didn’t honestly all right well we have a long way to go it’s about a th blocks where are you I’m over here uh over here doesn’t help me I’m

Behind you I think let me see oh yeah yeah I see I see all right I see uh I’m trying to get you but God I hate this game but I love it at the same time all right this way oh yeah good point let me know if you lose me I’m

Just going to keep going forward who don’t run away oh for [ __ ] sake these trees yeah let me know if I need to slow down there there we go maybe I should make a path I’m slightly working on one I’ve been here like three four times but all right here’s it’s more over

Here oh I see a little Bridge yeah I love those oh wow you really have been doing some work did you know these uh Cal Farms and sort of like for meat and Lea did I actually work on Bedrock or is it just Java um I’m not too sure I think they

Work on Java I’m not too sure though yeah we need to I’d love to set some [ __ ] up like that that’s what I’ve been wanting to get into is sort of like setting up farms and stuff to sort of like R oh oh different B hang on I want some of

This I want some of this wood I bought one a have I you idiot here I’ll chop one down and we could um get a sapl fishing rod nice there’s a sapling if you want one yeah yeah yeah trying to kill this bloody sheep first I ate it enough bloody H

Oh there’s that sapling be important oh there it is nice one thank you let’s get going we’re only half [ __ ] we’re only halfway there bloody what I died last stream and I um I used the opportunity and I went and died again on purpose to find the spawn location

Oh i’ I’ve spawned there a couple of times trust me where the [ __ ] my Base is this what i s like the map that I told you to yeah try okay go careful there’s some Caverns yeah yeah that you didn’t put a bridge over I’ll work on building the bridge for next time all right let’s get Going I see my little cave in a little while I’m thinking about building a house about halfway through just in case yeah I think that’ be idea yeah that might be a good Idea hello Mr Cow Goodbye Mr Cow all right careful here whoa you have gone some je I can tell where you dropped the Water l oh you’ve been on an adventure and half and you all right this is my mine house huh this is my mine house yeah you um all right okay so this is where I just started digging down so you come with me what made you sort like choose

Here I just didn’t want to do that spawn cuz I didn’t want to mess around with anybody else’s stuff so I went a little bit farther away no real reason so this is at 13 I done it a spoon yeah it’s all good um at 13 this is this is where you

Been getting your your um this is where I get my from my iron I go okay I go I I just go forward for a while and then when I get tired I turn back and when I start a new one I go over on the third one so it’s kind of

Like you have the opal of getting I always go one across so it’s that one and then I’d start with this one oh yeah don’t do that that’s inefficient you want to go another one you just like um because if you do that one you’ve already seen this one

Block so you got to go two on the third so when you’re doing anyway so I’ll show you where I go for Diamonds though okay you got to keep going down I ran into a cavern here so there’s a bit of a turn and then you keep going down here

This is where I found my amethyst mine keep going down he you got one I got one so close to mine I don’t think it’s grubbing though cuz I think it’s all [ __ ] none of them broken so they’re not grow in properly love you too um this

Is where I start the mine okay um okay you come over this way and you see I it’s on the um 80 lo line and I tried to go and then if you go this way instead of doing [ __ ] with 54 negative 54 down here just going on

The 80 and then I went to go instead of doing it two beside it I went all the way to like 16 blocks so I tried to go on each of the spawn chunks or whatever there’s 16x 16 chunk radius and apparently diamonds spawn more there

So that’s why instead of going over by three I go by 16 that’s probably where I’ve been going wrong yeah I heard that someone said it’s 6464 is better eh yeah I don’t know I just that’s just what somebody in chat told me m what’s

Up when we get back to base right I need to show you mine because I’m hitting Bedrock I mean literal Bedrock oh yeah it’s a little bit farther down it’s only 10 more blocks down we’re pretty close no no no this is no this is at 54 yeah

No you keep going down for Bedrock that black stuff that you can’t actually so like go through yeah yeah that’s actual Bedrock that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’ve hit oh wow yeah I stopped going down at 54 because that’s where I was told to stop yeah that’s what I thought I thought it was 54 but yeah that’s my diamond mind it’s not much to look at these go on forever I’ve been mining forever down these I’m thinking about digging back to Camp or to spawn I almost have us away all the way back straight up dig straight up mhm all right I’m heading

Back I’m Dash the way back okay you got to jump that’s what I was actually looking for you’re going to get lost Here I haven’t put in stairs all the way down yet only down to the 133 level I love this stuff I love this stuff this white stuff the calite yeah I haven’t mind that out yet in fact I’m going to grab my amethyst before we head back I’m kind to

Talk a p stairs in mon yeah I do have stairs up to 13 block to the iron level oh yeah yeah yeah I don’t think I need anything else I think I need some Oak saplings I need to grow some trees close to base cuz oh there’s my bed oh I have my

Forging two pickaxe here I got to take that’s just a regular diamond pickaxe there we go I should just upgrade my diamond pickaxe I’m here I’m taking that with me I think go spare Oak a spare Oak yeah oh God it’s not on yeah this is why we brought

Beds yeah I kind of guessed that Oh yeah you got Sparrow sapling Yeah oh my g One one second there you go thank you appreciate that no problem and it’s just a straight shot home to try building a tunnel right right the way through um that could be done I’m not going to bother doing that today it’s my home away from home uh some pumpkins here this just naturally Spawns yeah I kind of want to go on an adventure on the other way okay I guess if this way is North I guess I guess I want to go south I’ll come with you if you want that’ be fun I’ve got um and paper and stuff to make a map

So I hate big hes over this way is where I found found all the bamboo there’s a huge bamboo forest this way I guess this is a jungle biome yeah probably oh I should take some jungle wood saplings maybe nah I don’t need nothing hello piggy goodbye Piggy

We hope I’m going a right bloody way why is a blue parrot Kevin es carga much love running out I should should have gave you some of my pork chops I got some carrots I think one of the best food items you could get in the game is a

Golden carrot and what you do is you I think it’s you get the gold and you make it into nuggets and then you um and then you around a carrot in the crafting thing with gold nuggets you make golden carrots that way wow I’m hoping that I’m heading back

In the right way yep there’s a little Groove there I’m sure that was you that done that yep there’s your bridge I know I’m going the right way yeah just left you behind I’m almost back home Grove Street home at least it used to be before I [ __ ] everything

Up we never named our little our little what our little wonder if you’ve ever played s and J before [Laughter] I think you play might have played the [Laughter] beginning I’ll get loads of [ __ ] food well load of food on the way back all right come here chicken stop running just

Die oh why je really I didn’t even bring an a um oh that looks like a nice cave to sort of go explore that big bridge of yours the big big one the long one oh God yeah tempting no my luck though how’ you um take down a beehive

And keep it ah silk touch pickaxe what I used oh I went fishing I got um a book can’t remember was in it now fing a what’s up I haven’t found a book fishing yet I haven’t spend much time fishing cuz at first it’s pretty slow until you get an Enchanted fishing Rod was quite lucky with the book I got I I can’t remember what was in it but probably load of [ __ ] but yeah how you survive you’re lucky Fu can see houses yeah Y no you made it back I’m thinking about getting villagers maybe that’s what I’ll do

Today I’m just kind of landscaping right now it sucks you have to make two trips though CU you need two villagers yeah together how close was that one Village you found uh I can’t remember now damn sorry oh your bed you I’ll give you your bed back nice no that’s my old

House have you seen my purple yellow purple oh that reminds me I got to go I brought my purple [ __ ] I’m gonna give you a double bed for your cow oh no the other side there you go you got a double bed now for your cat Nice do you you want to see my little one oh right I do it’s quite close actually all right hang on I need to go and grab some stuff just in case some Energy I lose many of this what do I need your house is expertly made I like it did did Daryl help you no oh Wow very nice very nice handywork trying to think of something different to do uh like this is meant to be my storage room but this it’s just not high enough oh made it too low because you can only make it two boxes high No put you in there Anyway we got sleep first Then [Applause] right got a double double purple bed royalty I love my purple can’t help It uh did I bring yeah I did right well this way there’s my pig farm been following you see all these they turned into zombies I come up from here one day and I was like what the [ __ ] they’re all holding swords and they zombies brutal down here Down here oh you went all the way down oh yeah I’ve got a bed down here i’ got a worktable that that that i’ got a Lea to get back up but my quick shoot I us use that water thing another thought son it I’m just going to climb

Down like build down then make a little water shoot uh where is it so it’s over here oh yeah that’s the other one this is where I get lost I haven’t maed this out properly yet uh that’s that right okay so it’s so I’ve been trying to lay these

Down to sort of like map out things that I might need so it’s not that way sure it’s down oh yeah it’s down here see i’ be doing the old method right just doing down here I’ve got this one nice not great not as not as

Extensive as yours but yeah I’ve been I put a couple of hours in mine nice not too shabby not too shabby that’s where I found diamonds that I’ve lost before here’s the Bedrock yeah it’s like that’s 60 wow you can’t even get to 6 yeah I don’t think you can get

Like this has been a pain up the backside because I’ve got up and down up and down and it goes even further up yeah yeah that’s why you I think that’s the biggest reason why you mine at 54 have nothing to worry about barely any lava that’s nice nice mine

You need to get out follow the yeah I need to put some more markers down I could probably find my way out there you go over oh go past the go past the water go past the water [ __ ] the water I was going to swim up got a lader here oh fell

Down cool oh yeah there we go that’s the way I used to go is down the water for ages I had this one step that wasn’t there I’m just pushing up and it’s so lot hang on a minute why I stop oh got that point haven’t I look my M my rainbow

Sheep I like your sheep yeah they’re nice you’ve been a bad boy no you’ve been a bad boy you have not stopped the zombies from killing my [ __ ] crop what’s wrong with you you e smack bum don’t look at me with puppy eyes you anyway

I got six diamonds left oh I got um made of spy glass enchanted book was fire protection four No One V looting fre and infin infinity1 nice this really need guy level up [Applause] I need to put gates in my house instead of doors J Abely Myself a nice warm and Aid Merry Christmas everyone yeah 12 I don’t have B before I lose that fish make your phone Bigger This is par sheep can’t I love that little touch of purple on the Villager House no just need is those Villagers I believe it’s Christmas Eve can you hear DP run T I can believe it it’s crazy comes up fast though eh I not yeah the old you get quicker it comes stay up all night I’m going to capture Santa and sell him to the Japanese Mafia just a tradition happens around my house this time of year we never catch them your dad’s thinking [ __ ] that they’re going to start doing now I’m giving it [Laughter] up dangerous dangerous I’m sleeping I keep on forgetting to close my bloody door I’ve gone asleep and then like zombies coming like

What where want up this must have been a natural cave looks like you built stairs here though I don’t remember doing that must be your work no not near there it’s just behind the house all right think I done oh that yeah it was like there was a actal

Cave line there and you went to the end and started digging down I’m going to go down see what’s up how far down does it go what am I going to find not much probably why I stopped a dead end going to have to fill in this hole

Just kidding I’m not going to bother ah that means you’ve got to make more [ __ ] it oh jeez give you the invite code uh no this is a private World said special guest not just any guest not to be [Applause] rude Rond to be joining this and she

Who red yeah she might if she has time it is Christmas Eve yeah exactly so so they like there’s yeah we’re not holding anybody accountable Here uh I love landcaping in this game I don’t know why just so fun so relaxing just like yeah mean it is it is bloody relaxing though is just go at it and then before you what [ __ ] they [ __ ] fun as [ __ ] that family you telling

You see they [ __ ] ate my guts and therefore they’re trying to take you out on you can’t get to me get to you that’s a pretty don’t let it get to you don’t let it get to you trust me that’s some pretty scummy [ __ ] it is in it

Yeah that’s his mom’s well he adopt his mom’s family I won’t call her his mom’s family because he’s s of like you know ever since he’s been with me all this [ __ ] starts up and [ __ ] oh my God love you it’s full of [ __ ] you know if you want to have a go

At me have a go at me don’t bring him into it you know I don’t [ __ ] be having to go him for something that I’ve Done pisses me Off BR why what are you playing at are you trying to hurt me or him it’s been a little [ __ ] yeah but haven’t you thought that the fact that you kept me away from him for [ __ ] 8 years might have made a little contribution to that it’s kind of like come

On don’t are [ __ ] Ridiculous least still got to Me we I need another cooker oh there’s a pig come here little biggy biggy biggy let me give you a g with my sword free food now I don’t have to slaughter me own pigies I and get carried away with Landscaping I could just do this all

Day I want to do something else though today let’s see I do need to want to get those villagers I’m putting that off forever but the one Village I found is pretty far away maybe if I could find one close of water just boat Back heyy grass is in chest make map how can I just invite you straight to the game I realm member I’m pretty sure we’re friends are we he yeah yeah F boss um we’re using tasman’s server they’re in my server if Yoo if you want to join up then like you know

What I mean just join my Server I got plenty of raw fr he’s playing FIFA right now so weet much love really you’re playing really right now you’re really playing it right now sounds like a good game to me too busy to too busy to join the boys really it’s Christmas man give him a

Break not today it’s not as tomorrow asking if you’re drunk uh maybe a little [Laughter] bit it’s Christmas well that’s tomorrow no let’s think about this now I don’t have a boat I know how to make boats there’s a boat there there’s a boat right there I made it for both of

Us not just me well if you’re drunk then I’ll could be wiing you the [ __ ] J how you doing bro [ __ ] H you win one game and this is what it turns you into undefeated Champion he never has to play you again Hey listen listen listen that one game was

Important it’s for all the marbles it was like the Super Bowl man be a second hang on I need to go and get a beer [ __ ] hell well that’s the case I’m going getting one it’s a vicious cycle and as a matter of fact J I’m actually joining Arrow over the 51 loss

But still still you got [ __ ] own brother we got [ __ ] over in the second half you did in the second half you did bro we got fed completely you didn’t you should have made your sub still on the motorway never mind on the bus and what is it when I’m cheating North London

Teams [ __ ] both of them MD’s [ __ ] dirty this year both of them totam and Arenal Tottenham and Arsenal you’re right they’re both wankers aren’t they lad they’re dirty bastards that’s what they are and GP just sat there with a smile on his face Bo I don’t have a clue got that Right oh no no no no it’s not football to GP it’s socer oh oh that’s you’re football like you a little oblong thing yeah he’s still confused about why you no he isn’t he just loves Ching you with it because he knows you bited it and I

Don’t oh see you made me open a beer now Taz I wasn’t going to have one tonight you just made me open one oh my God you don’t be blaming me for your alcoholic problems I I don’t drink but I got 10 free ones from work exactly there you go so you’re

Drinking now you’re now it wait till box in there I’ve just got a bag of ice for me bottle of Beres I couldn’t even get any [ __ ] bailees you [ __ ] that’s some good [ __ ] I wouldn’t even come up today I still ain’t been paid by YouTube you didn’t get your first you

No that’s that’s because you didn’t make any money t you owe them money fing ow me 250 quid the bastards no it’s been sent over to my bank but for some reason it’s not cleared yet and it’s all right it’s not even in my bank just all I say oh yeah I

Can check my it’s a good job on cupboard then isn’t it yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying it’s fine mate we’re good we’re good you know we’re good no bro it’s [ __ ] hurting me because he like you’re on my mind and all that and no he

Don’t don’t think about it I want to give it y if I didn’t no I know that I know that but it’s kind of like you know what I mean I’m always on time you know what I mean I’m always on time with you you’re not on time you’re always [ __ ]

20 past 6 you start your [ __ ] streams I got paid from back I got paid it from YouTube two days ago what see you owe them I’m telling you Bas this B bastis bastards you’re wasted well you’re on the way to being wasted aren’t you I’m trying to get there like it’s a

Goal a go bro I [ __ ] Jimmy no I tell you what right I was on Z stream last night and then Jimmy told me to guess a number me and my friend Z yeah go on oh shut up yeah go ahead stop it you [ __ ] help me with that [ __ ] oh really you

Yeah you really don’t know me by now I know I know you will never never never know me maybe reverse a song Reverse I can’t sing in Reverse no what set oh cow hello don’t show me your [ __ ] ass you dumb [ __ ] I looked on the screen freaking GP was twering for

You you idiot no it’s kind of like you know oh you’re getting compliments on your accent there tasmine from here’s some dark is an evil who said I’m not evil keep bowing them some that yeah I got I got a new sland an accent like you’ve got some cand of accent yeah

I love you so much J oh de right okay GP I think it’s time I left he’s wasted yeah no not Li oh for [ __ ] sake do you think I can actually say that to G without Kenny K like ripping my ass [Laughter] apart no cuz she turn say [ __ ] have him

Probably the rapping present yester today I just got told to get out of the bedroom and leave her to it you’re not helping no no no GP way you do things I can’t WRA presents for [ __ ] I just can’t do it bro we’re men what’ you

Expect I paid for the [ __ ] things I CED it all from the complex i’ done my bit exactly what you expect RP that okay what the [ __ ] you call that that was w in it you can’t see it can you [ __ ] duplicate [ __ ] duplicat you know how bad duplicates

Pissed me off doing Squad Builders task so are you both streaming all just GP just GP you’re not streaming Taz man what the heck you asked your community and everybody said yes I like doing I don’t like doing it because it’s sort of like you know what I mean you’re taking away

From the other streamer you’re not if we all share if you share the same Community then it’s kind like you know know told you’re going to get annoyed at me today Taz I can feel it were you eating no all right it sounded like you had a I’m

Fine oh H3 no I don’t have a killed someone yesterday R out of backy [ __ ] just message me if you need any more just let me know no no no I owe you enough bro no you don’t yeah up okay that’s what I meant to be

Doing what shutting me up [ __ ] off how the [ __ ] have I got skeleton in my own house in the closet set up more torches no it’s because I left me fcking door open who in the right mind in his DNA walk around leaving doors open trying to heat the hole

Outside I’m going to say letting all the [ __ ] eat out in he made money are you you [ __ ] wishes up all my food [ __ ] it it can’t be that hard to find a village I have that’s exactly what I heard before the one that I found was mostly

Across land I’m trying to find one across water close to the edge I’m not finding too much luck here if this is the one I’m saying that he’s the one that you B did you say hi Taz turd t Taz Taz turd no T Tad hey Kelly [ __ ] but he’s a tury

[ __ ] that fighting words no no no that’s be taking out on the name not on the person Taz Taz no no no I’m taking it out on the name not the [Laughter] person screw you because you know yeah yeah they share the same name yeah I can’t be polite to Kelly I should

Say oh God don’t get him in evoled hey Crown he joining up G I’m I joining what up the oh [ __ ] I’m not coming play building don’t destroy my home again [ __ ] off oh get out the [ __ ] door [ __ ] you ready for knock him out you jump him two bom

Bastards look he just killed oh my God now I got two [ __ ] great big O in front of me P [ __ ] who I hate this game sometimes only sometimes yeah most of the time like I deleted I been eting it oh damn mate I got enough of going down down and then

Taking an hour to try and get back up to the surface I thought [ __ ] this [Laughter] [ __ ] see what I mean JP this game is so [ __ ] don’t tell me sh woman got a skeleton in my house buger she not long eaten for You covering up both old oh God that sounds so wrong a filling up both holes with that D I’m just looking for a pen can’t [ __ ] find one I’ve always got one with my notebook I’m yeah my name on it the hope will camp in by this time all right heading Home oh I had an end [ __ ] sake why I he an go away Mr Enderman [ __ ] off she [ __ ] off well you probably py doesn’t know it’s your birthday oh is your Kelly’s birthday no unboxing day it is oh okay I’ll be phing you onboxing day then I then it say me’s

On the 28th really I [ __ ] it Jesus you got a lot [ __ ] you got busy no just a busy week oh yeah each pay day on the 28th yay nice don’t tell me that’s my pay down all no it’s my end of the month payday yeah but I’m saying because of Christmas

[ __ ] yeah that’s when is it Wednesday 28 I’m back on no I’m off boxing there that’s Tuesday that’s a b of so where is the if I get thday then oh THS is a 28 then 27 I’ve got the funniest Reading wow is this really 1992 how old were you in 92 T 92 I been I know I was 14 I me 12 then no no 16 no you wouldn’t you [ __ ] older than me you prick he went 12 you [ __ ] G minut I was 14 you’re older than me no near say you’re more than two years older than me no yeah you

Are B 75 exactly you born what year was you born 78 there you go two years you [ __ ] [ __ ] taz’s had a drink he’s getting swer at me oh you made me open a can of bear as well oh I didn’t what you do jackon that’s your own free

Will no but listening to him it’s like I need one speakly of you in my house as you know can hear it well miss son does I hope he does I need some support for [ __ ] sake he’s not the privileg of talking to GP yet oh

No BL GP and um are you still there m yeah yeah he’s concent he’s concentrating bro you just can’t get a word in with me and you everybody knows it I’m not being funny right this game it [ __ ] gets you in a way where you just sort of like you don’t say words

For hours it’s s like huh you just get concentrated on this [ __ ] thing it’s annoying What are you doing I’m so glad I’m not streaming this because everyone think oh my God what is T doing nine times out of 10 we think that when you’re streaming anyway just putting it out there really yeah really really really really I didn’t need to know that part I got one

Villager I sure I’m off to find that same Village again got Play Three G yet would been doing sbcs the P half hour hey hey radila happy Christmas Merry Christmas he r i oh crap I Christmas rats are you hopping on RAD so glad you w so glad you weren’t there last night

Configuration to get you in but I’m willing to do around anymore I get you no I killed your team partner and all I know was are you if you would have seen that you would have [ __ ] tortured me that’s it we’re done d-rex [Laughter] see you you you keep your hands off my

Tag team partner she killed you not you kill her you should know the rules we not t bully ads I didn’t bully fat B nice right on sounds good Ry Gill is gonna watch a movie with her family then she’ll hop on Sweet you need to pH the bank talk you a bit L Apple’s been taking his [ __ ] money without [ __ ] he ain’t got any things going through Apple yeah that was funny he’s nowhere near the [ __ ] house that’s where he is no he hasn’t no it’s not that’s mine [ __ ] off shut

Up oh no I hear monsters and I’m in Village I’ll tell you when you open it there you go then why have you to know he wants to know what his present is the work when I bought him well there was only one in it no there was not one

Min pie in that box when I buy you a box of M pies it says six on the box no it said one it didn’t say one at all no it no it didn’t no it didn’t not six it was only one there was there was six in that

Box yeah but was i k so is there any left no just one so there is the [ __ ] isn’t one oh s you paid for them you don’t get to eat them I do cuz one’s for Santa no you I’m not eating the carrot and drinking the milk not every year

Hello oh it’s pasty hello Uncle piey boy how you doing Uncle P all right mate Uncle P’s good yeah Mr State bake 18 yeah that’s him yeah who who how’ you know I’m Mr step I change my name me you change your name more than you [ __ ] underwear no

No he doesn’t change that it’s a [ __ ] it’s lived in Lee for so long wow I just ripped my dad’s mic off me ripped it off what RI off where but yeah you know this SC you got a good Christmas yeah we will and you I don’t like

S why why do you not like me what you’re Santa Claus I one night only dad why tell me night you [ __ ] idiot move move that wasn’t me me what’s he doing GP what’s he doing I don’t know he’s not streaming was that my what level am I

Now yeah what level was it don’t leave your door open then who don’t [ __ ] go me oh my God you idiot Oh my days I’m getting raided J what up you’re not gonna got [ __ ] ra I don’t believe this crap it starts picking up my control pad

[ __ ] around we got ra this is why we need people why AR you playing gu what level I am guess what level I am two no zero no I’m the king of it level four B heavy yeah you know that level what four [ __ ] four again I just got up to a level

60 so what happened don’t [ __ ] around that’s one does level four on Minecraft not allowed to get any [ __ ] iron hang on out with well they’ve gone for a square up you g for a level of them two to have you found your village yet GP

Yeah good yeah I found one a while ago I got a villager and I’m on my second villager now and that’s all I need that’s all I need what you kidnapping yep you LP this TR ding now you’re coming off marata you are just [ __ ] turd are you GNA be joining us grass

Monkey I I got rid of Minecraft I don’t do that no more what the heck are you doing here I invited you to play Minecraft you just not playing Minecraft okay story that been set up as an ed fa saw ship we [Applause] after placed on [Applause] Children [Applause] char [Applause] I got to go make some bread to breed my villagers they already did breed a villager I’m up to three Taz I think he might have Died he slipped and fell when he was grabbing another beer I guess I have to play in the Nighttime Oh No Oh where’d my bread Go h huh huh can you the Telly out for me please go oh let’s Go for I wonder where all the monsters are is it because I have too many mobs gentle mobs Made it through the whole Night Hey Claire Santos games good to see you my friend Steve B what’s up back from the dead you’ve been dead so long I don’t even remember who you are much love [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah oh just don’t guide hello hello bro sorry about it no worries got I got interrupted by dazer by who D right up and Daddy had to take care of his little naughty boy tickled and tickled him to death I had to stay up the whole night oh I’m so sorry no worries it wasn’t so bad I got raided like the house got raided and [ __ ] they was in the House I’m back to Landscaping I got my villager breeder started I got to go through them some Food Yes can I help you what do you want uh ask can use her other words babies one [ __ ] really oh I knew that could have been bad people just yeah that [ __ ] helps do it love love you C up G I’m teaching my son new things every day right on

Oh dear funny I to tickle him to death e need to change around I don’t like it anymore I want what you doing down there GP What good point I’m Landscaping I me to uh pay you back [ __ ] watermelon found a whole thing of iron no way can have only one vein oh [ __ ] D the uh oh is there no mountains in about ah [ __ ] use the wrong hey hey ah I hate it when this does it I

Have like a [ __ ] broken thing in my inventory I guess I’m taking that Cobblestone with me oh [ __ ] sakes ah and I girls don’t get excited the needer I hope my pig doesn’t escap forgot about my pig oh it’s not like you ain’t got [ __ ] nothing here what your pigs

But my house pig is special oh your house Pig oh forgot about that one uh your dog needs some attention I think he needs to go to a psychiatrist he’s got his head in a brick wall he’s sad a have you been kicking my dog no it’s because you’re not paying enough

Attention to it blame me for your misdoing no you kicked my dog I saw you I didn’t kick your dog yeah he came up the street he kicked my damn dog don’t I don’t kick dogs oh sure that’s what all dog kickers say oh really really where’s the book

Thing I have enough lever and everything me make a boo all right okay there you go how already you need to make boots considering that you’ve already got an enchanting table no need to kick dogs you ain’t Zuma oh don’t go on about kicking dogs will you that was gr and

Chat yay [ __ ] [Laughter] off blame me for [ __ ] I’m not doing [ __ ] off the way I get blamed for it for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] you G I love him to [ __ ] but [ __ ] you g people just got to understand that i’ forgotten what I’m doing I should go give those villagers that

Bread so they have the opportunity to breed some more more GT o d what up ah the kid just [ __ ] I hate that those f [ __ ] little kid not the little zombie kids no just my one villager kid [ __ ] escaped I’m think I might just kill

Him I no let him grow up all right you got to let him grow up kill him when you’re an adult then yeah exactly then he know AR’s [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] bigger map than that [ __ ] he you could put map on a wall oh need a

[ __ ] frame didn’t I I’m not sure if you need a frame I think you could put a map on a wall all you need for a frame though is like the sticks and a um leather I think I [ __ ] used all my [Laughter]

Lever I made B looks at me Lea I think I might have a leather let me look around no no just some cows got going some cows got to go okay make your own leather the way it goes bro got to make your own leather really I don’t really

Need reminding of what I’m doing stop looking at door no way did you make you did you stupid little bastards I think this the New Concept Minecraft while drunk I’m beating you of a bit of carpet will you please move out my [ __ ] way oh don’t get in front of me little

Guy that’s not fair no I’ve done it to the other piece as well oh you [ __ ] idiot you know what that’s enough I can’t even find me gate because you’re not [ __ ] letting me out you old BS Oh my days where’s my gate oh there you

Are are you really going to do that to me you’re really going to [ __ ] me like that oh don’t make me come in there and [ __ ] start killing you all oh well kill some cows sorry if that was your mother but not my problem you’re on now you’re on your own

Now baby Cavs this is yeah road to becoming a cow look forward to what’s going to happen here listen pal get out my way there you go oh yeah even better than before now be move out my way fing jumping at your pen that’s it run away make me Chase

You you’re going to die [ __ ] wa going to have to go to the Nether world eventually it looks so dangerous though uh from our portal there seene where we spawned in in the nether through the just for like 1 second literally same here I’m like ah there’s

Like Cliffs of and then cools of lava on each side like we’re stuck on a platform yeah oh here’s an Enderman Get Jiggy With It come on the one time I’m asking you lot to get jiggy with it without me and that come out completely [ __ ] right bro oh damn

You ain’t jigging nothing why get jiggy with it who were you enticing to get jiggy with it Taz I’m assuming you’re talking to the cows talking the cows are the shap of and there is reason behind that there is reason it’s because they W fing move out my way bastard being

Idiot really going to make me really Roy Dragon what up I don’t know how people got the cheek to call this a [ __ ] relaxing game I think it’s so [ __ ] stressful I might be able to turn to an easier mode because they still Cliffs and everything I fall off where I die most

Of the time still got worth that one things oh I got that grindstone I remember you asked a while back about one of those I got one I got one I built one oh you built a grindstone okay I found one oh [ __ ] this I’m not going to go searching

Everywhere just head up there TR Royal Dragon got no one to play with oh poor baby I usually play by myself I usually play with myself I mean Tasman jerks is gking Live on YouTube no no no not Li you don’t get me demonetized [Laughter] already that wouldn’t be very

Nice don’t need level four again I forgotten now I haven’t gotten past level two this whole stream but I haven’t done anything for experience for for got my first bit of fish nice it [ __ ] come on bubbles did you name your cow no no I’m trying to [ __ ] do some

Fishing but it’s not fishing too well oh I see what you mean by the bubbles yeah oh I’m doing good Crown much love how are you I have no ideas on yet what up good to see you representing kick son Merry Christmas better miss that that we had someone in Jackson’s

Chat I swear it was called don’t ask me I don’t know where am I from R it off I’m omnipresent I am neither here nor am I anywhere but at the same time I am everywhere just kidding I’m in [Laughter] Canada Oh Canada son and Taz is in

Jail actually I’m I’m in the boat he’s um I’m doing this program where you stream with convicted felons for the like most heinous crimes most heinous crimes yeah he um most heinous most Hein he stole a balloon on free balloon day and then I popped it oh no ah

AC getting robbed by these fish got of fish you should enchant your oh you’re only level four never mind you might be able to do one level of I’m level 11 now oh you should enchant your um fishing rod Pi what the oh god oh I’ve got a spy glass

Somewhere if I didn’t lose it raap my [ __ ] house would you um yo other dude where are you from he said he’s from planet Earth yeah the planet where humans live and I also told you he was in jail what country I’ve got 15 guard I’ve got 15 guards around it’s a country

Called um I don’t even know because I’ve been I’ve been helding SE [Laughter] he’s um I mean solid tree at the moment so I don’t know where the [ __ ] I am it’s a PIR of prison all I know is that I’m allowed to play GTA and Minecraft it’s the best prison in the

World [ __ ] lock me up man no it’s just don’t do that don’t let you you’re ukan ukan ukan that’s what he wrote that could be that could be a thing that could become a thing I’m uking that’s me to BR all nights up and I’m in the middle of the bloody

Ocean better than the selda I live in oh where’s the sign Got park it by the side no one’s allowed to use this boat unless it’s parked by the side no don’t I’m trying to again that’s no rush I’m talking I’m rushing I don’t want to get operating uh

I think my I got to take down my melon patch and put it a whole layer down what oh he’s from the UK so he’s ukan okay I thought you I thought you spelled Ukrainian wrong no no no no UK is the wa say English I have this friend uh he’s an

Old guy that I um that lives he’s practically a neighbor but like a Canadian neighbor it still take me 20 minutes wish he’s about 100 100 miles of away yeah but he’s a pretty interesting old bloke he’s from the UK um he’s retired but he also drives around with

Veteran plates but he wasn’t in the Canadian Army he was in the UK Army the British army the British army the British army I read somewhere that the number one most celebrated holiday is independence from the British and it’s celebrated by several independent nations fcking every one

That’s in Britain that wants to get the [ __ ] out Independence Day July 4th um Canada Day in July 1st like it’s four little piggies I got four little piggies running around us sub my they got going don’t despawn for [ __ ] sake I where my food where am I doing

Come little piggy piggy piggy piggy biggy follow me little biggy biggy biggy biggy biggies oh my gate was left open that’s bloody where are oh [ __ ] Taz you sound like Zippy from the rainbow from Rainbow when you’re drunk really who says it that was gr really G I said I

Jeppy you really gu I Zippy George hey stop having a looky and not giving me the [ __ ] points yes yes i’ got a pig pen like you now GP nice yes the pigs are easiest to raise cuz they take potatoes or carrots and when I pick the potatoes or carrots I use my

Fortune pickaxe so I get a lot of potatoes and carrots right so it’s left keep it left keep that sounds so wrong keep it left me kind left stick left stick no don’t be doing the nookie nookie without me without me getting the points and stuff I don’t mean anything else SP [Laughter]

That don’t mean I’m Welsh and I want a shck shape that’s what I was thinking like what the heck you’re just like don’t get it on without me like you [Laughter] freak oh Dam that it comes out so wrong oh if only I know know how to speak

English yeah go somewhere where they speak proper English not your muddy [ __ ] up language go to like New York or something [Laughter] or got in New York New York it’s what dreams are made Of really though is it really New York’s awesome did I make seeds you [ __ ] idiot there you go now you can go in there I don’t know what water melon’s good for but I’m fing trying to grow this [ __ ] I didn’t even know how to grow watermelons I had to Google

It that’s small thing you oh my God the TV yeah I’m clever I made I I can do it without it okay yes I remember when I was a kid sorry something on TV just making me laugh why people talk over hello there how are you it’s what the [ __ ]

Mate or remember when I was a little kid my grandpa used to say back when I was a little girl you see it was a joke back when he said it now it’s socially acceptable now oh now it’s sort of like if you don’t say it you’re not accepted by the social [ __ ]

Hierarchy so I guess oh that’s what I meant to be doing I guess my grandpa was trans I never knew it yeah well I know it happens GP you know back in those days you know what it was like it was hard on everyone so everyone had to be trans

Fu everyone was confused back then yeah back in the depression yeah that well that was the cause of the depression didn’t you know because I didn’t know they was [ __ ] trans oh that would have been a lot the economy is going down do you know why because I’m [ __ ] tr and No

One Believes In Me if only people could see that I’m really a woman in a man’s body things would be so much better well no he was he was the woman he was a man in a woman’s body you see that’s why he was a little girl when he

Was growing up and he was my grandpa when he was older going to need another shovel here burning through my diamonds digging dig it through your diamond could have [ __ ] gave me diamonds I a [ __ ] Diamond I’m just using I’m using I’m just ding dirt no just [ __ ] Wasing diamonds on

Diging there’s a there’s a simple thing that we use called a shovel it’s a diamond shovel it lasts so much longer than oh you’re so bling then aren’t you you got to be so bling haven’t you some sounds jealous look at me dig through this I’m doing it bling I’m with a

Diamond jelly I’m bling all right oh I should go check out my V villagers see if they bred up need to build a gate so they don’t escape hang on you need to go and check see what sex like what their pronouns Are arguing because right I can’t wait until they bring that into game this villager will not make villager because the other villager got it the Pr [ __ ] up [Applause] There I’m raising the roof get it raising the roof party party party party I’m raising the roof so let’s party party do I not have any freaking oh I must be in my other place when he cheats on his wife he goes to his other Place shut Up oops marshmallows right Here I remember when times used to be so simple ah yes the good old days yeah my villagers might breed cats ouch who knew that raising the roof could be so hard I I [ __ ] love this this people it’s so different from what I bought in my instrument was Rusty and it was

Not looking the best of time and now they bought it back to life and now I’m very excited to replay my instrument L really all righty off to digging identifies as oh I can’t read that word identifi Gob [Laughter] shot the fure no worries gobshite no worries gobshite you got

It got to let your tag team partner know so she don’t see not that’s that’s why that’s why I called him G because he’s sort of like he was confused before now he knows he want to be called Gob go [Laughter] shade he now knows he now knows his identity good for you

G is it Mr or Mrs go shite that’s the one thing we need all pronouns are I’m offended by what you just said that’s my DJ name I’m DJ offended I’m oh okay I was going to say what I’m DJ offended by what you just say no it’s just simplifi just DJ

Offended that’s good I really they’re trying to bring out a Lord that if you go against someone’s pronoun s’s Dead uh you can face two years in prison that sucks my can’t argu my C my counter argument is I’m offended by you being offended two

Years no but how can you argue that if they’re allowed to be offended why can’t you be offended by then be offended so some says to you so like I’m offended by what you just said it’s kind like well I’m offended by your reaction of my reaction to what you’re offended

By this is SC why can’t you do that you know what I mean let’s take this all into contents now you’re offended by [ __ ] [ __ ] and I’m going to be offended by your [ __ ] end the [ __ ] story I need to look at did do that corner so there no The C and law haven’t really F that out though it’s a simple counter argument I’m offended by you being offended this is what I mean about simple life I loved it when it was simple LGB was cool you know had no problem with that it actually I

Did it should have been LGG not LGB you’re not gay lesbian or by you’re gay lesbian or greedy that’s pretty funny bu is this well bu is this Being Greedy end the story I’m sorry but it’s just being greedy you want the Best of Both Worlds but you want your own [ __ ] name

That’s just being pure [ __ ] greedy so it’s by like um gay straight or [ __ ] greedy end the story or lesbian gay or Greedy and this is Tasman 307 on the line and he is a gay expert don’t get me started now Mr GP all I can’t go on with my facts and F back in my day I will tell [Laughter] you uh I down a festival once and we was s

Of like no it w even a festival it was um com games in Scotland I a couple of lesbian friends we had such a great time she saw like y all the girls hanging out together and all like but you’re not a girl like no but I’m

Lesbian TI some fny all the way from me so that makes me lesbian I think you have to be girl a girl to start with like my grandfather no no no no uhuh I didn’t see it like that [ __ ] him but you’re not like what you just

Said you’re not a girl and I went I called one of my friends over and said what’s your preference she went tits and Fanny what’s my PR preference she went tits and Fanny that makes me lesbian she was like yep he’s Lesbian [ __ ] it it’s s like you can’t have fun with people do you know what I mean it’s s like least Oh no you’re disgusting you know [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] if you’re going to [ __ ] you know what I mean if you go straight or [ __ ] whatever I don’t

Give a [ __ ] I just changed one thing about the buy thing and it was just s like no you’re greedy you’re like both best of both worlds end of story you’re [ __ ] greedy everyone agreed with me I asked my gay friends that were lesbian and my gay friends that were male like gays

He s of like and I ask my boy friends as well and he s like bastard you bastard just accepted it they didn’t want [Laughter] to W say [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] greedy you’re like Best of Both Worlds for [ __ ] sake you just being greedy got two of the girls together as

Well that was good so I kept on getting it messages from both of them sort of like you know they knew each other were sort of like lesbians it’s really fan yeah really okay okay don’t say anything think no T don’t say anything it’s I won’t I won’t then I’m getting it from

The other one really fancy and it’s like why don’t you two just get the [ __ ] G she likes you at all oh dear I’ve run out I’m raising the roof are you building your house yeah I’m making my first floor um a bit bigger don’t make me make my house

Bigger taller your house is bigger than mine well I got to show you up somehow throw me up well I’m that rich I’ve got three of them okay you’ve only got the two one of them’s a prison I mean Workshop I mean um a place for your villagers to live what about my

House 1500 blocks away that’s I’m three oh [ __ ] there you go so where am I meant to top that I got more I got the same amount of houses I got a bigger like got two they’re way bigger houses both of them you got a mansion you got and I got a

Little Hut couple of little huts and a [ __ ] house trying to up scow GP I’m trying to be like you I want to build I’ve never successfully built one but I want to build a skyscraper for one of these days I think this might be the world you know

What I think that’s what we should do to be honest just make one big [ __ ] building make loads of rooms for everyone to live in nice so we all live in the same house that would be awesome I don’t think anyone’s ever done a video like that before we’re building the ultimate

Base and it’s shared yeah sh commentation I did this for hours it’s weird this game frustrates me so much but I dream about [ __ ] building my House you know I mean I could put that there I could have that [Laughter] there instead of proving my PVP SK yeah I got [ __ ] nice out of Minecraft yeah do you know what next time I get a message on [ __ ] GTA said you’re [ __ ] this or one little cry or three little

Cry I’m going to say yeah but I got [ __ ] eyes on My I’ll probably get really can I see it sometime only want one block oh that’s an idea was that too confused this game’s got me so much right that when it rains when start a new world or something something it rain I dig into the dirt just protect myself from the brain It’s all not what are you doing I got to protect myself in the rain haven’t I I no Idiots Hang on a minute I’ve raised the roof how the [ __ ] know I’ve got big gap no [ __ ] Is be oh I’ve come wrong somewhere what have you done well I’ve been building my new seeding but I’ve run out of blocks somehow now I thought just putting it a level higher should have been the same amount of blocks but obviously not you might have lost some on the outside of

The house or something and they might have despawned or something boom and the job is done my house looks great I’m going to come take a look and I’m starving I have some pork chops you could have no I’ve got I’ve got plenty of food don’t worry about that

Oh it’s a level higher now ah nice oh beautiful so now I can put another box up here right light in here yeah that’s it feels about it feels much better nice I’m having a sleep over it it does today go to sleep sleep over at my house GP sleep over at taz’s

House stay up all night telling ghost stories well I didn’t sleep because of all those ghost stories that you told me not classic for don’t think the zombies like my Design [ __ ] move away then for there is so much dirt there we go what’s your favorite Christmas movie GP um uh Die Hard yes yipp Kay motherucker Bruce Willis is Bruce Willis has come out and said it’s not a [ __ ] Christmas movie yeah he has dementia so now he

Does yo G I think you should know what kind of film he fil like this is before he had denture um anyway uh more real answer would probably be like Home Alone 2 or Home Alone one really I [ __ ] love those movies nothing like Joe pesy man nothing

Like j p is great but nothing like It’s a Wonderful Life or oh God that’s aw movie train is an awful movie what talking about It’s a Wonderful Life the one with the leg lamp and the guy with the [ __ ] wants the BB gun no it’s sort of like James

Stewart It’s a Wonderful Life Oh my days how the [ __ ] did you just do that you little dirty bastard yo ghost Yoda what up scooped with Bill Murray I haven’t seen that one um what’s another Christmas movie I have a favorite Groundhog Day movie with Bill Murray I was suck I do

Not [ __ ] believe that D to level seven now after all that work just to put one more level on my house you kidding me one zombie took me the [ __ ] out I like those old ranking films whatever the one the Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer and [ __ ] those animations I like

Scrooge Scrooge is one of my f my favorite Christmas favorite favorite Christmas fil is Scrooge and it’s got to be the musical I hate musicals absolutely with a passion hate them but that feel I just I love that film so much I like musicals there’s um the South Park the

Movie is one of my favorite musicals oh yeah that that’s not a musical but you can’t call that a musical that’s just [ __ ] class there’s 15 [ __ ] songs in that they’re all singing all the main characters singing [ __ ] it’s a whole straight up [ __ ] Canada [ __ ] Canada screw can it’s not

Even a real country anyway [ __ ] Canada [ __ ] Canada I love that line love that what would Bri boy Tano do if he was here today he’d make a plan and follow through cuz that’s what Bri boy T do he’d make a plan and follow through yeah it’s straight up a

Music not to be racist right but you know that bit where it’s sort of like the um human shield bit oh [ __ ] that was so funny operation hide behind the dark yeah yeah yeah yeah I did that w have you heard of the Proclamation the emanation Proclamation I don’t listen to

Hip-hop no we was waiting for our supervisor like help um what’s it Stadium managed to turn up to give us a briefing about the next like this game that we’re just facing and blah blah blah blah blah he took his time so and i’ just seen the South Park

Movie and I I spoted his straight away we used to have these agency people that was all African mhm now in West HS are General stewards hang on a second St black white [ __ ] gray pink yellow green you know what I mean and I just seen a set Park movie and I

Went this is the perfect opportunity for it got over to the I’ve got over to the aps now I’ve got APS J your operation human shield then over to the the west down [ __ ] stward West down stward you all get behind the do it’s in bad taste it wasn’t in bad

Taste but it sounds bad but I’m telling you what everyone on the aps side they was all looking at me confused on my side of West D everyone was in stitches and it Demi Stadium manager come along go was a briefing it [ __ ] took a [ __ ] little while to calm everyone down

Because was so Le like I said wasn’t being racist because we’ve got black white yellow [ __ ] whatever in the west damn steward we don’t really have we don’t really have no way man diverse that film is crap the one thing I don’t like about the N word is that they’re allowed to

Say it between themselves but we’re not allowed to say it cuz it’s expensive well how the [ __ ] hell can you well they took it back well it was a word used to like hold them down for so long it was the the slave owners oh come on that’s all [ __ ] the first slave

Owner in America was black sorry but he was yeah they had slaves everywhere there slaves in Canada yeah um yeah that was only it started in [ __ ] Europe and it happened in Africa the [ __ ] yeah well gez one tribe was against another tribe they took the weakest

People at your tribe and [ __ ] made them slaves and what mhm the big problem though is that it’s like what America was built on so it’s a little bit more immigrants immigrants no it was slavery it’s like that built the infrastructure immigrants immigrants actually really it was actually immigrant yeah because so of

Like it was stolen from the [ __ ] a um Native Americans the true Americans which is yeah they’re Native American Americans I mean sorry but that’s the truth of it don’t call yourself innocent when you’re not [ __ ] innocent of the crimes that your country’s committed [ __ ]

Sake you me it’s kind not so anyway they took took the word back and that’s why we can’t say it did I really take it back or they just using it as an excuse well it’s word means nothing it’s just way to say exactly it’s a word yeah but it’s their

Word well then honk is our word if you want it you can [ __ ] take it I don’t give a [ __ ] I probably won’t be calling you my honky though I’ll tell you that probably not cuz we ain’t that shallow Oh come on not again oh you get in my

House karma that’s you get for call a zombie a black person well probably was I don’t know no he’s green actually H interesting but he could have been black before he was turned into a zombie okay well I’ve never seen one on this game but yeah still that’s fair

Enough I guess they do kind of look white the villagers we need black villagers come on exactly come on Bethesda wrong game developer I’m mad at Bethesda for [ __ ] everything anyway did you play that new Starfield game no it’s broken is it yeah it’s more broken than

Broken it’s so bro Pluto is a planet that doesn’t exist in the game but it’s in the game Planet what it’s kind like you know it’s named in the game you go there and you can’t get to it because it’s just not there what yeah exactly this how the [ __ ] do you work

That one out it’s meant to be a planet that exists in the game and yet when you go there you can’t get to it you you just fly through it and then you got like um the mechanics of you shoot The Pedestrian it’s all everyone’s and bothered but yeah in cyber

Punk everyone was bitching about how [ __ ] broken it was but yeah it’s okay because in cyber Punk at least they reacted to your gunshots I think cyber Punk was just a shitty game to be honest wasn’t really broken there just a no it was broken but I get what you mean

I’ve got Stones why can’t I make blocks what I done wrong oh SC through my head right now he’s [ __ ] [ __ ] I love that song almost won an Oscar but apparently they lost to Phil Collins they lost to what Phil Collins the guy from Genesis for what

What did he do I can’t remember it was some movie song around the same time no Buster they took it really personal though on South Park they they made a couple jokes couple episodes back to back about Phil C so sad I like Phil Collins he’s

Awesome cool dude he quit touring cuz he couldn’t drum anymore but he was the singer so he kind of went back on tour singing just sitting around on his chair all right when he was in Genesis I think that was actually took over more recently he took like uh in

His retirement age here oh was it yeah he drummed in Genesis and then the singer quit and then he took over singing he sounded just like him he sounded better sounded just like it you sounded even more like the singer of Genesis what the Gen the Genesis singer

Sound that was the weirdest thing that I ever heard anyone so like tell me then he sort of like so my ex exgirlfriend her dad was just sort of like such a massive Genesis fan and it sort of like Phil Collins is a drummer and I went but he’s singing as well goes

No that’s not Phil Collins what and he show me Phil cin singing his Oh my days they sound so much alike yeah he has what is he like with Genesis and in by himself as a solo artist have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame yeah but I made haven’t

Been Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a sham yeah it’s just it’s just it’s a boys club you know and the boys are not fans of Music they [ __ ] let in Eminem and [ __ ] and they [ __ ] begrudgingly accept it in Kiss I’m like what the

[ __ ] exactly I know Eminem the [ __ ] but something he’s not rocking no no no Eminem’s Eminem’s the bollocks but he’s not rock yeah exactly he does not that’s n place he doesn’t he loves Rock but he isn’t rock yeah it’s just a lot that’s [ __ ] yeah the whole organization’s a

[ __ ] yeah it’s a boys club they just yeah like it doesn’t mean nothing to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame really it’s almost like oh [ __ ] you’re in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame like almost takes away from your name now yeah exactly is that now it does do

That to you it’s kind of like really that why would I want to join your boys club for that not I made them wanted it for so long I think but now they’re just sort of like you know what go [ __ ] yeah they like they probably would have got them

To perform at the festival and [ __ ] or whatever but they probably won’t do it now oh no they won they almost had kiss reunited like the original band they were all ready to do it and [ __ ] but like their [ __ ] politics just sucks they just ended up not doing nothing

Exactly I think I think Alex life and from Rush said it best during his acceptance speech you should look it up it’s hilarious rila how was the movie what did you watch was it let me think Christmas movie oh you know what a good Christmas movie Gremlin was it Gremlin

Scroe Gremlin Gremlin was through win I wouldn’t call it a Christmas movie though it had some of the best Christmas music scenes I’ve ever seen man she’s going around you know the Gremlins was the movie that actually showed um what’s it actually showed It’s a Wonderful Life oh did it

Yeah I was watching it with my mom one day s like not Gremlins but it’s a wonderful hang on a minute that’s that movie that’s in that movie like yeah that’s that movie that is in that other movie I don’t know how to add IR rad I

Don’t know if you’re ready to join or not but um let me know when you are we’ll get you in on this world I think it’s a little bit harder because you’re on a PlayStation but no I think you can still join it should be multiplay yeah yeah

Yeah it’s cross platforming and [ __ ] so it should be easy yeah I just got to look up your it’s not depends what account you’re now joining on RAD h got two accounts now she’s actually got her own name as an account oh wow on Playstation which Z gifted to her

Yesterday which is quite cool more than ready and she’s on her PC right now okay so wait I’ll get my character in bed oh that’s not right want me to hop on Discord that’d be awesome yeah we’re in tasman’s Discord yeah just jump on my Discord Brad um you in bed

Yet this sounds sock you in bed yet GP you aan B yet um I was but I can’t add okay um invite to game add Realm memb filter players find friends no no Ah the gamer tag would it just be radila RIT she said give me a few minutes perfect um would that be it I’m G try it might be not even sorry about that I think I sent an invite to Rad but I’m not sure I might have just send somebody to an invite

That has someone who has the same name as her Yo what’s up yo yo yo it’s rila in this is the first time I’ve actually talked to you I think yeah it is oh wow are you right hello T how are you I’m good you all right yeah yeah yeah just got Merry Christmas if I don’t

Get to talk to you tomorrow yeah Merry merry Christmas as well to you guys yeah Merry Christmas uh let me just do whatever I got to do to join you cool I don’t actually know how to join you that’s the problem I think I sent you an invite I

Was thinking that myself the other day is your profile picture uh butterfly y That’s me yeah that’s right okay I sent you an invite to the realm I believe yeah so um oh yeah I get it there we go all right I’m joining oh nice I want

To come by and give you some food or something oh yeah I’ll give her some food [ __ ] large um the tag team partner on T yeah yeah yeah yeah uh right you can choose between houses that you want to use there’s couple here that one’s been blown kind of

Open which needs to be reilt really I’m here from the welcoming committee still connecting oh [ __ ] so I can join now I’m all distracted [Laughter] yeah I’ll make that to ding didn’t I here where are you GP I’m behind you right hello Hello’s behind you there you go have a bunch of

Food awesome all right I don’t know what the plan is I don’t know I don’t know if I should I’m just busy Landscaping I guess I could continue doing that and must be fun oh yeah uh can D you don’t need anything right I think you’re pretty good on resource you need

A you need a house hell is this that’s my villager breeding Hall I think ah I see where are you I’m at the breeding Hall thingy buing whatever there’s another baby I have not played this in such a long time oh I need

Food oh yeah me too t I just gave all my food away what is that character what the hell t it’s me it’s me that’s funny as [ __ ] you can choose between two houses these are previously built by me but you can build on it obviously yeah yeah

So got this one I need to put a door in there mhm or you got this one that’s kind bit better oh yeah yeah I need a bed though oh yeah true o smart hope you like purple okay I take everything what one do you want you can this is my garden so

You can take what you want me just awesome uh what one do you want that one yeah just give me that one for now it’s a it’s right next to you as well okay it’s a bed awesome uh hang on I’ll give you storage chests get some storage

Chests where’s my bed I’ve got a single bed now got to go get another purple bed yeah definitely they should be done I should put my beehive up or at least one of them that’s what I put these trees here for can are we playing with Mobs or

Without them I believe with Mobs yeah oh okay it’s on a hard mode I think on hard okay that is all fine I’m usually just down in caves anyway that’s that’s my my like I’m a professional strip I know to do that nice I love strip mining that’s

What I’ve I did a little bit of it I have a little mine about 1500 or uh thousand blocks away oh yeah I’m usually dead yeah that’s true level four I’m I’m I’m level five at the moment oh you overdue level zero obviously I put a

Pickaxe oh you’re already oh I was going to farm for that myself but thank you oo getting hooked up I only gave you the food that’s right well you got to do it got to do it sis me I got to [ __ ] do it got after my little sis

Nice so you need some Stone that’s some my plate as well I don’t remember quite some time ago where’s my other thingy plan or do we just do whatever what’s that I’m trying to build a house but okay no I was just asking does what he does

Okay all right I’m just I’m just making the world into a super flat oh I see I see um I want to I was thinking about when we should tackle the Ender Dragon we’re thinking about maybe this week or maybe we could I need to get

Past level four first put it off till next week or see what we’re doing next week I guess maybe not put it in stone yeah same time Sunday oh okay so Sunday again all right uh I should have time actually yeah that’d be sweet wait what

Day is it let me let me just check next Sunday oh okay never mind I don’t have time uh it’s the um the last day of the year obviously but I’m not I’m not even home I think oh New Year’s Eve yeah New Year’s Eve I think we should do it a new

Year thing the three of us taking on um I’m totally down to play on Sunday still but like it might be you going into oh yeah on Sunday but I’m just saying tell you you want to do it uh don’t wait for me you know what I mean just do it

Okay sounds good yeah maybe all just do don’t wor no no we’ve got to wait for rad no no really you don’t have to make it like a special stream or something she’ll be holding us up exactly to free of us that’d be awesome I can we could

We could wait another we could probably wait another week I don’t think we’ll be ready either I don’t know I’m just kind of having fun I ain’t going to be ready for that [ __ ] you could do the bat strategy though does it work on bat Rock I’ve never

Played bat Rocka player I don’t know yes yes yes it works oh okay okay yeah I’m not used to play this version of Minecraft I’m absolutely not used to that so wait you’re playing Bedrock on your computer yeah I’m I’m on B right now but

I usually play on Java so okay I didn’t even know that was the thing no they they like when I bought it on for PC they only sell it together like bod and Java and this on what are you doing I am cting table Tasman Tas man look at me how dare

You I’m nicking your levels red come get some levels okay I’m taking them back I he took them okay do you need a diamond need some diamonds okay I mean I can just Farm them myself don’t worry about that like I don’t want to seem like I’m

Stealing or anything you know what I mean right yeah I just got 27 I got a fortune 2 pickaxe as well and there’s yeah I need to get a fortune do you think are you should you’re GNA need I think so I think it would be

Killer on your stream I think it would be an awesome fit I just need a freaking capture card jumped in my house on my bed but it’s like don’t want to make jumpy J or anything no reason to No usually I have a double bed oh

Yeah now i’ got to make a new bed got to may find some purple dye how do you make I got purple dye oh you do how do you make it I guess a flower right just blue blue dye and red dye together and then you mix that

Together and then it makes purple ah ah just like art yep oh excuse me want some some what some what purple dye purple dye I would love some purple die I only got two Ah that’s not a big deal I’m be I just be making a purple bed

Too royalty The Color Purple sheep red come and have a look at my sheep all right right right what the nice oh don’t even you get a name tag and you name a sheep Jeb it turns into a rainbow sheep yeah yeah we should do that did

You get a name tag yet Tasman with your fishing no not yet not yet yet there you go GP thank you oh did I just pick that up no I got it no both of them yeah I got them both the two yeah I’m got to Nick

Your coal red Come and Get Some Coal wait oh [ __ ] another level just behind his house wait your house or which house no uh the big big mansion of GPS next to me sheep Hello hi look at me with my basic character model I have a basic character model too but I guess I got I got diamond armor son yeah that’s true I have the black female character I don’t know why it set to that it just automatically set to that when I started

Playing could changed it I could have but I like I I’ve grown to like it it’s being diverse yeah Representing um the diversity of society hell yeah all right I had all those diamonds set aside waiting for a fortune 3 pickaxe but I needed some diamonds to make another pickaxe so that’s why I just wanted to flex in front of you guys like on my de world I have like everything

Max Enchanted I I have like a huge trading Hall full of villagers with the best trades it’s so dumb want to start fing I want to start doing that myself yeah but the trading doesn’t work at least on Java it’s not like it used to be I don’t know if that’s yeah but

You can do the like the farms and [ __ ] and like proper kind of like farms and [ __ ] I hope I’m close enough to my villag do that mean where you can sort of like build the sort of like where you don’t do anything just go to your chest and get it all oh

Yeah you can’t do that on Bedrock yet I got I don’t I know how to build an automatic iron farm on Bedrock too yeah okay that might be handy we need to know that thisinformation [Laughter] it’s pretty use some colored wool for it like I would have to look into it

Again but I can definitely build one hey zon in chat zon hello y bro how you’re doing good can’t see the chat but hello Z I’ll let you know if anything important happens think that’s it do you want some more do you want some more more wood do you want some more

I mean I guess you I don’t really need it right now but sure I’m going to do what I do best in this game what’s that I’m going to do what I do best and stay at level four why is that sand is that sandstone oh nice I found a

Cave that was fast oh there [ __ ] shitloads yeah we we spawned in a particularly cavey area it seems oh yeah apparently so oh uh yeah you just duck straight there okay then hey re come here I’ll show you mine show you mine keep on dying if you need pigs or

Anything kill some mhm freed them hey yeah yeah of course you want some darkg St come down here oh yeah I forgot about darkstone can make some sweet looking bricks pretty easy yeah yeah love my dark stone maybe I’ll make a dark Stone Castle or maybe just a lookout not a

Full-on castle just like a lookout tower H I think that’d be kind of fun working down here oh yeah wow there some to explore oh there’s Redstone over there as well yep oh look look look look come here I found the other day oh I can already hear it

Nice and these are pretty rare actually found one as well I mind out all the Amethyst in mine yeah I I would do the same hav’t done it yet I haven’t done it yet it also has these cool white blocks around it too I haven’t mined out mine yet the

Site might be cool for building they do grow back don’t they I don’t think so no no they don’t youve destroyed them they are gone of course is when it fully grown they can got cracks in them I’m just going to take a look around if you don’t mind yeah yeah go

Exploring yeah I should make a elect turn what should I hold out for for my first uh Library guy would be ideal oh just men I guess eh mending yeah just going to see I know I’m still [ __ ] new at this game even though I try and play

It I need to get play as more Minecraft is such an amazing game gr grz says Lucas left Santa a shot of Yager and two cookies Santa’s going to be happy Santa’s going to be pissed at the end of the night I don’t know I used to leave Santa beer

Especially zon you should come and join us to be honest Zon I would trust 100% hell yeah oh yeah like the only thing I can do damage to is to myself if I like die in lava or something you know that happens to me such like I

Don’t know I always get so unlucky do you what are you digging straight down no as unlucky as me no I don’t I never dig straight down no no no I was [Laughter] wondering all right actually I might just keep that entrance for that cave

And just you know take a look at it but I don’t have anything I’m just going to I might have enough or another iron pickaxe if you want oh that for pickax one second I think I had a whole bunch Enchanted at one point I think I have a few

Left I do not why is a cow in here I give you some give you enough iron for oh he has a name it’s um M Marsh marshmallow there you go that’s for a pick yeah yeah that’s cool that’s that’s the that’s the only um what is it that’s the

Only name tag I found so far I think I’ll name if I get another name tag I’m going to name one of tasman’s sheep Jeb yeah but make sure it’s a white sheep oh okay yeah yeah just in case I don’t know if there really is a

Difference but you know yeah don’t take any chances why can’t I go to sleep I don’t know T you got insomnia those are my bloody doors that’s for starters front door is open look all right Tas made it thank God Taz Taz look look T I have the PC [Laughter]

Advantage how the hell did you do that what I just spin my mouse how do you use a shield because the only way I can use it on it with a control ped is by doing that don’t you just equip it on your person yeah but it don’t [ __ ] do [ __ ]

Oh oh okay I’ve never actually used a shield so I can’t help uh can you not put it in your second hand yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but it’s kind of like it won’t let me uh hang on right that there have a feeling my villager breeder is just a little too far

Away see the only way you can use it is like that like what wait let me see wait but you should be able to like yeah what yeah there’s no other way of okay that’s OD cuz usually you can’t just hold it like when you’re walking as well it doesn’t really

Matter oh we got a boat in case you want to go fishing oh okay l TP put the signs up I need to I have so many pigs is it possible to like have so many mobs that you don’t spawn any mobs cuz I have not that I know

Okay I was Wonder I was trying to think of why the hell my um I was having such a peaceful night oops like I had I have like a crazy um Farm on my on my world and I have like so many animals but nothing like they’re still spawning mobs just

Not right next to it good s away wa okay okay so like while I’m in my chunk then I might be safe with because I have a million pigs oh I don’t know if the the pigs really do anything to be honest but maybe if you want to come here I got some

TI sure I will take it Pi these up awesome thank you if you want to pick anything just pick it off here yeah yeah got you got you yeah don’t want to be a burden you know what I mean no no don’t worry about it just replant what it

Takes you know I mean that’s and um in my house there um cook meat if you run out yeah and there’s some meat to cook and sh [ __ ] like that so got plenty of w I can’t imagine different colors got a total of six diamonds yeah you for

Me nice congratulations my friend you are rich I’m a level five I can’t believe that’s amaz after that [ __ ] stupid zombie now you’re going to learn why I’m the king of level four might have something to do with Mr plane issue might be one in the same yeah he just attracts

Trouble yeah I do I just look no no can you breed villagers with potatoes nope not I think you need bread okay like but sometimes it’s pretty weird I don’t know why but sometimes they’re like I don’t know they don’t want to I have no idea what’s going on with

Them like what I say GP they’re just not compatible I got like infinite potatoes or carrots if anybody needs any stacks of potatoes or carrots yeah when you mine or when you’re um picking potatoes or carrots if you use a pickaxe um it works the same the fortune

Pickaxe works works with the potatoes and the carrots but it doesn’t harm your pickaxe it’s cool there’s so much gravel down here what the hell I just brought a um pumpkin sh I don’t know I know with the melons I had to put it in a um in or what I have to

Use the working table I’m drawing a blank on what it’s called right now oh no no no no take out the ground like just do the same thing I hear a cave nearby here a cave a hear a cave yeah Minecraft cave Zounds I Know like honestly GP you have to see I have three automatic iron Farms on my world you have to see that that’s so dumb it looks so bad cuz they are like pretty ugly oh my God they are efficient they are you got to do a [ __ ]

Minecraft stream at some point I I’m going of try to like set it up somehow without a capture card I’m just going to have to see if I can do that can’t you play on your aren’t you playing on your computer yeah I am I am can you use use

OBS and stream right from your computer yeah I should but I’ve never used OBS so I need to you learn how to use that gotcha but yeah I should do that I could show uh some stuff uh Chia Miranda good to see you um that’s radila talking and Tasman

Hello Tasman first time talking on your channel yeah it’s the first for me I have a such guests from abroad both of them privileged privileged privileged I’m privileged well I’m privileged in one way and I’m cursed in another way why have ready but I have it

Right there and C Queen Cari was out doing some last minute Sho and she was not kidding about a week ago she said she does your Christmas shopping last minute it’s [ __ ] Christmas Eve now that is awesome to to top oh I have a question if should I give my villagers more than

One piece of bread each oh yes they need more I think it’s like three or something but I don’t know like usually what they do if it’s too much they like sounds dumb but they kind of spit it out yeah take it there they go They’re breeding right away oh my God I’m

Watching I think oh no I think they just kissed excuse me this is no this is not an over rating stream you know we don’t need to see two villagers going at it to make a little baby villager they all went to bed but it’s not bedtime yet kick it them

Out my V reading from is like a prison it really does look like a prison oh wait oh wait I’m coming back up sorry I’m like all the way down oh no worries I’ll go mine for a little bit or go back to my house just did Some keep that bread with me but not eat It got to take a bed with you all right I need I made it nice yeah yeah I should do that actually I have a you can take one of my white beds in my house there’s a few extra ones just just mine one of them oh okay if you want yeah no

Problem you never me these privileges his [ __ ] was his [ __ ] one of these yeah just anyone yeah okay yeah the purple one is special one don’t touch those ones yeah no of course do why is this boat L [Laughter] wow that’s now the boat the boat I need more pickaxes what the

Hell I got some you want yeah I’m just making I just make some don’t worry it’s incredible how fast you run out of pickaxes if they don’t have any enchantments yeah even the diamond what is this table called a crafting table [ __ ] I was so bogged down on that

Word earlier I couldn’t think of it all right um this has been one hell of a mining not mining um I guess I am mining Landscaping Excursion that that’s when I first started watching you play Minecraft I could sit there for hour it’s watching you doing land oh remember when he was

Like removing the entire Mountain back then yeah that’s what I’m talking about you could just sit there watching him do it and it was sort of like he’s doing the same thing over and over again this isn’t boring what the [ __ ] how is this not

Boring oh I found lapis wow nice oh yeah there’s an enchant need it um I got a bit myself um there’s an enchanting table with 15 books around it and everything um pretty close to the um what is that thing the portal oh yeah yeah F

Away bet you use your going to fly ahead of me why are you looking at dirt I’m here oh no sorry I’m kind fishing nice there’s a underwater cave down here what the hell I always wanted to go explore those but I never had the underwater breathing enchantments or something oh

Yeah I saw a trick with a door that doesn’t work on Bedrock it only works on Java I know what you mean though a what a chicken with the door no no uh you just you go underwater and then you put a door down and then it

Makes an air gap so you can yeah oh so that only works on what did you sayva only works on Java a mhm that’s BS yeah I tried it I tried it I tried it yesterday and it didn’t work yep or the other day and it didn’t work and I thought B

That’s the thing though half the things that like the um Farms don’t work on Bedrock they work on Java yeah yeah like the iron farm I have on Java would never work on Bedrock as well no exactly oh that’s such a shame I know a different

One I know like a few to there’s one B one that is kind of good but not going to likee all the B ones are like nah not that great they are okay yeah no they’re not [ __ ] [ __ ] they’re [ __ ] let’s face it they’re [ __ ] [ __ ] is there any good like

Experience Farms you can set up on Bedrock uh yeah fishing you could do a mob farm I guess that that works but you need a have you guys found a spawner yet no okay okay if you find one don’t like just leave it there I can easily make a

Farm no issue at all cool yeah you can’t even pick him up with a silk uh touch anymore eh you can’t I’m not sure I think I’m now I’m just repeating something I remember somebody else saying but I’m not sure I don’t know I’ve never tried actually cuz

I was too scared if it didn’t work you know yeah I never found one yet myself did you ever see a Monster spawner um Taz no I don’t know pretty rare you really have to get lucky we have like I have two NE kind of next to each other at my

Base that just he luck that’s awesome I got a zombie one and a skeleton one as well o oh there’s also a spider one but I haven’t used the I haven’t build a farm yet out of that one and best starfish I found gold wow great Gold’s been pretty

Rare yeah for me I found I found more diamonds than I found gold oh [ __ ] okay but I I for diamonds I was digging at negative 54 height that’s what I’m going for I don’t know what the the best uh one is in Bedrock I have zero clue I’m not sure

That somebody told me that in chat and it’s been working for me and I’ve been strip mining I usually go to 51 but and I’ve been told to mine along the spawn or the chunk loading zones every 16 blocks I don’t know if that’s been helping me or not but that’s what I’ve

Been doing so instead of doing every long as you find them four blocks to do it every 16 blocks I haven’t made it past level like 20 yet I’ve made it past level well I have made it past level four but I’ve never got pass level four I’m level four right

Now I’m level six I can’t wait to lose it that’s the [Laughter] spirit can’t give up my winning streak I just got to level seven for some coal World Record Man Guinness World Record there’s one thing on this well GP no cat Farms what no we need a c [ __ ] cat

Sanctuaries I’ll have to keep it in my house the last one the last one took the piss that was a lot of cat AO [ __ ] it all people need to do on YouTube when they say about cat lady is you need a female character and then sort of like show your

[ __ ] my cat thing about cats cat b a cat based Vania do they call me Jeep do yeah exactly there’s so many cats the [ __ ] walls are scared that was a cool world it was actually that’s where I learned I’m theing a level four and then I’ve tried many worlds

After they s of like no I can’t get past level four I can hear a spider Cod or Something I one of them things went [ __ ] knows what that’s about I’ve got a house stacker zombie me are you Kidding tra there Some oh T like I think I found your cave don’t worry don’t for it no no I’m just gonna you know dig my own uh entrance somewhere but I have to go through your cave first I can’t can just it’s all right don’t worry don’t worry

Don’t worry all right let me just just mark it up so we know the way out there another and not behind it how do I build this now Have my double bed back nice yay yay oh wait is it night time yes all right let me go to sleep I can’t exactly tell down here you know all right all right yeah I don’t think anybody was waiting on you though so yeah yeah yeah get vocally

Angry I usually just keep a bed with me especially when I’m mining oh yeah that’s kind of useful hello the only issue I have like always have when I play on Realms is that it lags a bit yeah yeah yeah I noticed that too really sucked actually is like I

Downgraded my game when I got a realm going but it is what it is because I can’t build like upwards it just always kicks me off the block oops was just pointing at my door don’t mind me I have to fight against it stay on top of it it’s so I like fighting

Legs okay I almost made it Le and no sticks oh I have a [ __ ] ton of iron I didn’t realize oh wow nice I’m rich how many pigs is two many Pigs let’s find out uh as many as you can possibly squeeze in there they seem to be overlapping it seems that a whole stack of carrots isn’t enough to breed them all anymore I can keep breeding if I would got another stack there you go I should I should uh

Introduce you to automatic Animal Farms maybe yes I have one nice imagine that a cow Farm it’s it’s get a bit mean but yeah Tess do you mind if I take some iron from your cave no no no go for it all right awesome thank

You I always ask cuz you know I don’t want to whatever I hear a witch that’s not good I don’t even have a sword that’s all right they’re making a baby weirdo how the [ __ ] hell can you have not have a sword and do all that what weirdo what

Oh I always forget I have a sword with me I don’t have a sword with me I don’t want them all to be the same do that to me level 11 remember back in the day we had this really cool cactus farm exp Farm old school [ __ ] doesn’t work no

More cactus farm was legit it really was I remember that mhm T what are you doing a little map in your chest thank you there’s bamboo over there there’s some melons oh yeah uh got paper if you want paper there some sugar cane or sugar all right one below

I think I started Landscaping behind my house first but then I started Landscaping towards my prison My my Korean prison where I’m punishing these families for multiple Generations North Korean prison they got to be specific do dirt the guy was so bad I to lock up his grandparents and his future children I wonder if level 13’s enough to get a double enchantment on my table No what you get disconnected K me out the the realm yeah what the heck let me just rejoin oh yeah you’re welcome to play on this realm whenever you want to there’s no no rules yeah okay I just had wall hack for a when I joined back what the

Hell that’s awesome by the way yeah yeah hey RS how you doing that you good what’s up guys yeah I just what no nothing hope you’re doing well I’m great I’m just playing trying to not die okay no I just jumped on quickly at the end to say merry Christmas and I’ll

Speak to you all tomorrow Merry chras thank you so much okay GP always a pleasure yeah dude have a good one my friend good talking to you rad it’s nice to actually speak to you for a change where’s the [ __ ] back gone he’s hiding he heard your voice he’s like oh

[ __ ] his penis retracted into his body I’ve got to go and do me I’ve got to go and do the present thing now that they’re all in bed nice nice nice you Ellie you’re supposed to be in bed you’re supposed to be in bed what are you doing up don’t get

Kidy are you drunk what anything that your mom’s give you I’m drer you better not be drinking my Jagger you have jger I love Jer actually I have a daughter who’s 15 I have a daughter who’s 15 going on 21 you want taking away wait don’t start

Singing honestly GP will be rocking in the corner in a minute I mom’s biscuits yeah do mean mom’s biscuits mom doesn’t have biscuit dad has biscuits crackers Merry Christmas Adam yeah Mom’s crackers mom’s crackers yeah that’s right hey zon ragila and Taz were saying earlier you should pop on with us sometime and

Play with us I remember God my house is a [ __ ] mental asyland do we need got cheese and crackers where have you got cheese and crackers from G iot we salted for cheese or nether but nothing but not even cheesy biscuits look cir you got cheese or not

The chea no take them away how can you have just normal crackers no normal crackers I’m normal crackers Ellie I’m going to say this nicely and in a language that you all understand [ __ ] off and go to bed go the [ __ ] to sleep yes oh I wouldn’t swwa through the world but

The would but don’t tell them that anybody’s looking I’m selling jeez I’m going to bring Taz up I think personally s always ignoring me right I’m definitely definitely going I’ll spech you tomorrow all right peace out my friends much love by guys now tasman’s going to crawl back right you actually just leave

Coincidentally at the same time or what yeah yeah know all right oh is he going to be keeping us awake all night he did this last time too I don’t know I definitely can’t stay on my that’s for sure oh I just meant in the Minecraft

Night oh that oh it’s night oh yeah you tell me ignore your meas he’s gone he’s still he just disappeared be well behind on your stream never mind what a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] it’s been a long day I’ve only had three beers as well lightweights I’ll pretend I didn’t hear

That it’s a Canadian breakfast three beers jeez just getting started so funny cuz in in Germany it’s pretty common to get the presents on the 24th oh really 25th yeah yeah I’ve heard always do it I’ve heard of some families doing that um it just depends on family to

Family I guess um in our in our house it would be we’d open one one gift um on Christmas Eve and then we’d open the rest up in Christmas morning mhm yeah I I did that today what do you get what did you get what was your one gift

Mostly uh money to be honest ooh nice but that’s the most useful thing for me well as a student for sure I go real far yeah yeah exactly and I’m going to put it to good use for sure good good this cave I swear to

God I swear having all those pigs is not making the enemies spawn I oh know I mean I I believe you like I’ve never heard that before maybe that’s a thing because yeah I was just a little bit farther away when the nighttime started and there was zombies

And I ran closer to the house and it’s all dark here yeah is the house not full of torches as well I’m outside the house I’m mining the ship mining outside it’s just dark oh yeah okay yeah yeah there’s enough torches in the house to not spawn

Anything just that sh and everything a minute calm down you hear that yeah can I not place the block there fu is the mouse clicking bad can you hear it or uh no I can’t hear it oh never off oh all right sorry um Mrs glucose alone no worries my

Friend fine you know what it’s like GP yeah yeah so um kind of sugar she just had some and our alarm’s going off good know if you got one of them have things that go under your arm but she’s just got um set it for a few a

Couple of months now but your arm’s going [ __ ] nuts so I’ve just done her thing and she’s low so I’m going to have to shoot off that’s fine T don’t worry about it yeah no no worries man all right you just lot take care we’ll do yeah you as

Well um yeah I’ll speak to you all soon all right peace peace and love Merry Christmas have have a great have a yeah I’ll talk to you tomorrow at some point I’ll message you or something GP Brad um I’ll message you as well but if I don’t

Talk to you then Merry Christmas yeah Merry Christmas hope you have a great day thank you you too we do Merry Christmas Jackson if you’re still in chat I’m going to phone you tomorrow anyway wish you a merry Christmas bro nice um yeah look take care everyone

Speak to you all soon peace and love my friend peace yeah and ju and Ju like GP are you still in bed should I just go to sleep I could go to a bed now I was just uh I was mining there’s no monsters spawning outside there no big

Deal all right oh yeah just let me know wait can I oh it looks like Taz is still in the realm oh oh yeah I’m trying to leave h PE later oh yeah peace and love love and peace to everyone made it to minus 50 already let’s go a stone pickax H yeah it’s that um once you get to that deep slate rock man and stuff’s harder to mine takes longer I know right piss me off yeah

I feel that I hear lava that’s not good I I’m very unlucky with that Stuff swimming in Lava Kill me I know I know my love trust me I I track that stuff like a magnet just like Tasman yeah yeah no no I never seen that one pop up yet where Tasman took a swim in lava it’s usually fell from a high place or I see okay awesome

Need like once I started mining I I’m going to live down here oh I’m out of pickaxes I’m planning to make a huge melon farm behind my house just like decided to mine down a Mountain first before I even get that started I do not like that sound what the hell was

That there’s some freaky stuff going on here oh oh bad blck cool uh yeah I’m gonna start grip mining here I think Joker raid hey and pray how’s it going my friend that was the day Joker raid Joker raid oh no way there’s more people showing up you got to be kidding

Me oh D when the Joker first raided me it was the best day of my life I swear to God met you I didn’t even know it was the best day of my life when that happened it was just so crazy let’s go my friends we [ __ ] love Joker Joker

For life baby I used to have a painting of Joker nearby every time I talked about it but I sold him I sold that joker painting thank you so much my friend a dude thank you so much everybody that’s so cool that’s awesome rig gila’s here for this too yeah what’s up

Guys I’m G to start shouting some people out here Ein Jeff to zebra for life yavo and hamson zon Tommy madmax MPT sky fall catcha luck squeaky ankle quick foolish Michael nosek Dan hamson bony 420 oh b420 I’ll have a to to that name npt Skyfall yavon hamson Abraham Roy Donan

Holy [ __ ] it’s Warfare Hammond John 20 Riley Nathan Jones Karma there’s so many freaking names here Oliver Mason Haman 386 oh wow Desmond Wade I told you Ry yo told me Jake foolish somebody saying cck over and over again to time to time got to relax I’m

I’m freaking having a panic attack here it’s crazy Valdes how’s it going Riley much love Merry Christmas my Lord let’s go [ __ ] thank you so much Joker for life and Fram W Joker W Joker man W Joker I love Joker for life more than I love my

Mom and I hate mine I’m just kidding I love my mom now kiss go kiss oh he’s kissing Wayne the mega red sniper yo what’s up Joker for life Merry Christmas my friend thank you so much I hope you have a wonderful [ __ ] everything Joker thank you so much Joker

Is a funny guy Joker is the best yeah he’s hilarious mhm what do we smoke in sativa hybrid indicia um I believe it’s a sativa um sativa is my go-to brand of marijuana the um other stuff the indicas make me too tired it’s more of a mellow bedtime

Highness I’m making my world into a super flat it made me laugh so hard when I first thought of that idea just like cuz I saw some other people spending forever in a super flat world making it the most interesting world empe with the $2 yo thank you so

Much for the two thank you my friend much love R Gila in chat to spreading the love Yeah Yeah I’m watching chat a bit nice might actually need some help with maintaining the chat now now that it’s so active yes we have so many people here yeah

Thank you so much again Joker and Friends of Joker a friend of Joker is a friend of mine you know what I’m saying we’re all we’re all one here we’re all a part of the same Community it feels that’s why I was awesome having Tasman here earlier and having ragila here now

Riley gifted a membership and it was gifted to Marco carova thank you so much yeah Michael carova deserves it too he’s here all the time he’s one he thank you thank you thank you nobody wants indic couch Inda yeah it’s definitely I found what’

You find I found a Cave System but I you can’t exactly go there without the sword ah that you zombies I know what I should do so you can make Lapis Lazuli into blue dye mhm um can you make red dye out of redstone uh no I I don’t know actually

But there are um the red flowers are incredibly common okay like you should have no trouble finding them is this Java no this is bedro F where’s your mine uh it’s uh where actually did I build it it’s in my house yeah yeah there’s a witch by the way as well

I can’t hear like so much stuff going on around me I’m so not used to this keyboard it’s in your house which one’s your house uh the one right next to Taz one the small one I didn’t build it if anyone says it’s says it’s ugly it’s not mine

Right Taz man’s gifted house blame on me nice I I’m grateful to have at this something oh well Nathan Jones what’s up haven’t played m inecraft in so long it must I’ve played it recently wait I’m playing it right now what a long way down oh yeah it is

Yo where yeah it’s right there it’s just in here okay this way oo lava I’m going to attack them with my shovel oh yeah here you sure look what I named it what Christmas gift thank you so much yes I’m sure let’s go let’s just check this out honestly I

Have no clue I have not been here I know more lava here I don’t even have any torch oh I have a few torches more lava it’s a lava staircase oh there’s some iron here you could oh yeah you should take it ah I’m swimming in lava don’t worry

About me I’ll be okay you sure I think so yeah there we go okay yeah um I got a fortune 2 pickaxe I’ll just Grabs and up there as well Where you see some more I saw some oh I do I see it I see oh yeah okay the problem is if it hits me I’m dead right I got the oops where go this one over yeah it’s right There sweet here you go I know keep it okay thank you that’s fine I have I just got it cuz I had the fortune pickaxe oh okay okay awesome I just told jumpy to join the Stream I don’t know I don’t want to go too high up just yeah I got to stay in the diamond range we are already above Diamond so yeah no that’s just looks like some torches were already put up here okay so that’s Taz uh taza’s Cave though

Oh okay cool oh found some gold I don’t know if I should yeah nice I’m going to leave it let it be you want to leave it name nice Taz can have it all right I’m going back to Landscaping I think yeah yeah of course hey MTV come to my

Crib oh I should do an MTV style crib house oh wait I’m lost I follow you back oh well if you follow me you can go uh back that way back the way yeah where are you I’m here H thank you these are safety Doors by the way all right let me continue

No there it is I’m doing good Queen Cari um Taz or did you see that joker raided me that was such a surprise oh yeah such a nice Christmas gift from Joker yeah really I’m surprised he was live at all today to be honest see butw oh yeah that’s awesome

Jason miters what up je yo yeah there he is I recognize that guy been yeah I’ve heard of him before I’ve heard of that guy let’s go good to see you friend JY uh wait let me text it one second I just I’m building something right now JY I don’t want to die

I want to show my stream something this is a picture that um booger Bears 720 made for me it’s uh Brent butt and squaty I’m really happy that she a made it and then B gave it to me I’m really happy with it I didn’t take my morning meds I better

Take it now it’s not too late cuz I slept in today or sleeping normally I mean all right I swear those pigs are the reason why there’s no monsters spawning outside my house which I’m not complaining I’m practically bragging YouTube live notification that looks so official chumpy says it’s strange hearing me in

Your stream no doubt hey that’s kind of f almost feels random it does but I did like I didn’t actually know if I would make it but I was like okay you got to make it somehow you know yeah that’s right that’s why I didn’t put your name in the

Title yeah yeah I was like I wasn’t sure if you’re going to make it or not so what the hell I want to build remember that castle in the in the uh top of that mountain I built that one time that one world that was my first world I want to do that

Again that was fun I think love to help I want to do it with Blackstone this time though ooh because I think it’ll look because I did it was just Cobblestone last time I want to make I want to make it with the bricks this time hell yeah that’d be

Awesome it would hey battery what’s up dang it I missed rila she’s still here I’m here yeah let’s go battery good to see you friend rigil wasn’t even here the whole time so he didn’t even miss much you miss the drunken ramblings of Tasman and grass monkey that was pretty

Funny I didn’t even think about drinking for Christmas that would have been funny doing a drinking stream I do those every once in a while but I’m not like regularly drinking so yeah and if I do have alcohol I normally drink it so then then I don’t have

It Oh I thought it was didn’t know that was me oh that’s hilarious cuz saw ragila in chat yeah ragila is actually here not even joking I am didn’t even know ragila was a her uhoh oh no secret yeah a lot of people have that confusion that is actually quite true

Yeah well is ragila actually just like your name name like you’re born no no okay I was thinking it might be a German name or something no no no it’s just a technical random name that I just I don’t know came up with as as a as a kid

And then I just kept it I I don’t remember like 12 years ago or something I made that [ __ ] up oh that’s awesome yeah so it’s been there for a long long time where’s ragila from uh Germany yeah not very many people in chat tell me they’re from Germany I can’t even

Think of anybody off the top of my head I’m sure it’s happened before people from all over the world not everybody tells me where they’re from too yeah of course oh my inventory is full I can tell yeah it’s going to be nice after we beat

The Ender Dragon we can go get the elytras oh hell yes tease Taz about fine in a whole new game actually I don’t think that’s a good idea to even tell him you [Laughter] know he’s going to crash anyway yeah no we’ve all crash and die on elytra uh especially when we’re just

Learning am I playing on Xbox I am yes ragila is playing on her computer um I don’t even know I’m already ready to go kill the Ender Dragon I guess I am I have well they’re not Enchanted or anything though it’ll be nice when I have the libraries going the

Librarians you play on playstation I used to play on playstation growing up from the PlayStation 2 to the PlayStation 4 and um I just recently switched over to Xbox most for two reasons cuz I couldn’t really play Minecraft too well on the PlayStation 4 wasn’t letting me connect to Realms or

Anything and I found a really good deal on a digital Xbox the voice actor for max pay died I did not hear that but I did see a picture of him so I guess that’s why they posted the picture of him that’s sad it wasn’t me I didn’t kill him I promise you

That ASMR breaking Cobblestone pretty much that’s what it evolves into everybody just gets so sucked into their game too madila was asking earlier if she should stream this game and I was thinking she should you sure I mean I can just in general or just do like next

Time you do a stream should do a Minecraft stream I think it’d be killer on next stream I I’ve got something planned something nobody’s going to expect oh cool awesome new game new game by the way on my channel nice hell yeah it’s it’s so dumb I don’t

Like I was like already play that game like in private and I was like okay I have to stream this it’s hilarious as [ __ ] oh man I can’t wait wait you sound so excited oh I am I am I’m not going to spoil it cuz you

Just have to be like whoa what the hell are you playing you now right on [ __ ] right I can’t wait let me just going to build a base down here I’m going to live you from no nice I found no diamonds so far but that’s

Okay it’s a pretty bad spot as well cuz there’s lava All Around Me makes the entire thing a bit difficult I have so many um dark Cobblestone things if you need them I’m farming them yeah yeah yeah we’ll uh have to make a depository somewhere soon I’m not sure where the

Castle’s going to be made but um oh battery happy belated birthday sorry I wasn’t live yesterday I took the day off yeah happy late birthday anyway that’s exciting right on you go oh Redstone wow again oo that might be well that will be important for um what will that be important for just

The farms in general eh the uh I don’t know you can never have enough Redstone honestly like even if you think you have a lot of redstone usually it’s nothing right more Redstone wow so that’s like I don’t know where but there’s a witch here and it’s annoying me just laughing in your

[Laughter] ear exactly try to set up OBS and see if that works but the problem is right that I um I’m pretty certain my laptop can’t handle it uh oh right that’s why I was like you know not really thinking into a capture card and anything I don’t know if my laptop can

Actually handle it I have no clue yeah right yeah that sounds like just a bunch of headaches ready to happen to me yeah yeah Jason miters do you come from The Joker stream or do you just stumble in by yourself good to see you my friend I could tell that you’re new here

I don’t recognize your name yeah it feels like a peaceful world right now I [ __ ] around with the settings or something no I’m sure I saw enemies I mean I can hear them yeah for sure uh this is like the worst strip M I’ve ever had cuz there’s like H this so much

Lover Rony yeah that’s why I went and built my diamond mine a thousand blocks away like this area sucks I should do that as well honestly oh cool Jason much love I don’t even play Minecraft all that often but when I do I play for like 8

Hours insane I mean the the game is so addicting it is yeah it’s just like I’m end up you get lost Mhm so good so good it is oh there’s a spider iron look like that’s so weird you would never find iron in Java like at minus 54 never I don’t think I have found iron that low before Oh no I’m not sure I have to go double check okay here’s all the

Monsters all right I’m run into a bed give me one second no rush I could always have a to uh where’s oh no wait I need to one sec I forgot the bed it’s like I made a little base down here but it’s right next to me it’s all

Right okay good there we go just loading up my Bom oh battery that’s when I was playing Vice City every day I would like get up and do a um I want to call it a speedrun but I watched all the cutscenes so not a very typical speedrun though would be a killer way to shave some time off my person personal

Best he you know what I have to build somewhere else there there’s no way like how can I get so unlucky I don’t know yeah something about the seed I can’t remember what exactly the the seed number is something I have to look at taz’s message I think

He like changed my name into brail or something I don’t know not not that complicated but it’s a custom seed custom number I see yeah most players just play like with seeds that are known to be well have some good stuff that would have been smart I just

Yeah of course it’s smart but I don’t know I like the randomness of Minecraft true A mini speedrun then I should do another Speed Run of Vice City I don’t know maybe watching the cut scenes has something to do with the how I played it though too does the money accumulate during the cut scenes I wonder cuz it might [ __ ] up my whole Rhythm if that’s the

Case cuz I had to pretty good route planned out that’s the first time I was ever inspired to speedrun and it was just because there’s no set path to do in the second half of that game because you got to buy businesses and then beat the

Businesses but you could do it in any order you want so then you then you had to then I had to use my brain and use my little brain cells that wasn’t killed by the weed left I’m building a melon farm is my plan I wouldn’t mind doing a speedrun if

I’m skipping the cut scenes of uh Vice City and Grand Theft Auto 3 um Grand Theft Auto 5 I still think is a bit too long to speedrun when I’m skipping the cut scenes GP GP look PE PC whoa what the [ __ ] can you see that

PC what was that that’s your mouse e yeah that’s my mouse so fast wait let me watch that on the stream I got to see that for myself looks like um little glitchy like need to restart your computer what the hell that’s funny oh yeah in F City you buy the sunshine

Autos and then you do the One race that costs 10 grand and you race around the whole map and you win 50 Grand or something win a profit of 40K that was [ __ ] awesome I did that once wait didn’t you give me like half my strats were yours wasn’t it true

Battery like that ledge where I take the pictures of candy sucks and the that dude the dude in a bra oh wait that may help H that is true because it only takes like five minutes to race around the math I always think like getting the one with

The Rob robbing the bank one with the dance club that one’s really fun to do but I don’t think it really helps in speedrun right I’ve never once you told me that trick about the helicopter on that motorbike Mission I’ve never used the motorbike since you’ve lit literally

Altered my game play battery jeez I do remember that cuz that was not my Strat I never developed that one oh wow what do you find someone has been here before but there’s like a really deep cave just a big hole H that’s cool hello sheep oh it’s a baby

Sheep a sheep down in a cave no no no right next to it it’s not down there just build my mine here I guess good and blue flowers last time I played San Andreas I kind of got soft locked but like the whole game was soft locked maybe I have to uninstall the

Game and reinstall it it was like it’s that bad that’s insane mhm it happened really early on in the game so I just restarted the whole game and it happened again starting from a new save file how um it’s on the mission where you get a

Haircut with ryer and then you when I was walking into the pizza shop it wouldn’t load me into the pizza shop it would like load to Black and then it would cut and I would be outside of the pizza shop and I would be running into

It and I couldn’t do a single thing I think I could move the camera around and look around but like CJ was is just stuck running straight forward and that just consistently happened so Tasman had all his pigs turn into I think the um the pig monsters from the

Underworld from the oh yeah that seemed kind of random really pissed him off I wanted to see what happened though that’s crazy that’s funny I’ve never heard that what the hell well somebody told me to put a pig in a cave I was wondering if that had

Something to do with it cuz maybe if you keep a pig in a cave it turns into those things maybe because it’s close to a cave I don’t know I’m just Than Okay I want to know something funny tell me yeah batter’s dangling something Funny Wow a brown sheep they don’t seem that rare I’ve seen like three or four of them now oh [ __ ] this a spider no please go away don’t want no be I just want to build my mine h I [Applause] [Applause] If I go to my live section and press popular all you see is GTA 5 that is pretty funny my most popular stuff it is like even when I stream it it always gets the most attention Mhm but I never it’s never going to be the main game cuz once you get in the GTA loop it’s so difficult to get out Of and there goes another pickaxe cool I’m so used to just crafting like six or seven pickaxes just enough to fill up my inventory with stone oh yeah okay that should okay be Safe oh I just broke my shovel I to think of something to do with all this copper that’s Accumulating C is like kind of useless yeah I think you can make like a lightning rod and I think that’s about it I know Right It’s probably I going to worry about it Te bear 221 or is that tear bear tear or tear I’m guessing tear bear sounds more age appropriate oh I found an iron pickaxe and a golden pickaxe old school stuff of mine I forgot I even had the second one I said tear wait what was the second what I

Said I I don’t know oops okay it took you to the end of the stream oh weird yeah I don’t know YouTube has been behaving so weird lately mhm I think it’s ter bear cuz it Rhymes oh yeah cool um you don’t mind if I like head

Out right cuz it’s pretty late oh no not at all it’s been an honor to have you for what cuz it’s Christmas Eve you know what I’m saying yeah thank you so so much for coming of course of course I will try and play more Minecraft with you guys

Cuz this just you know vibing having fun for sure yeah um definitely I can’t next Sunday I already you know but if you want to do the end don’t wait it’s okay uh right I don’t mind that cuz I know it’s exciting and especially on that day

So just go for it sounds good sounds good and if I’m ever just playing too and you want to hop in whatever no problems all good yeah um I can just hop in anytime right oh yeah totally okay awesome awesome I will definitely be good at yeah right

On all right uh yeah um Merry Christmas again of course right merry Christmas thank you yeah have some blessed days will do um you as well Chad and I will see you very soon next time the stream I’ll probably go say hi at least right right on right on good

Night good night oh yeah have a yeah thank you good well good night later yeah good afternoon good afternoon yeah have a good one GP we do much love much love indeed actually I better at leave leave the Discord chat too so no one else can pop in um deposit my dirt dirt

Deposit how’s my dirt interest would that just be mold my dirt’s gone moldy um I think it’s right here yeah keep on top of those levels I should build a statue with my copper how’s it going Kevin escar SGA much love Merry Christmas everybody it’s

Going to be some ASMR [ __ ] going on now I’m just making Hills doing good Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas let’s go Queen Cari much love I don’t know if you’re chilling today or I guess it is Christmas Eve much love everybody you are here much love that’s awesome I

Just feeling kind of silly shouting you out there for a second I’m like wait what if she’s not even here but it’s no big deal much love my friend just chilling lurking Right on much love I’m really excited I think like I’ve did the stream so early on I’ll probably finish up

Before 6 my time zone and then go hang out with my family a bit you know for I’m going have a to that For It [Applause] [Applause] I got to go pee I’m going to go pee I’ll be right back drop a GP in chat I’m going pull my pants you don’t see my butt oh freak yeah thank you Queen car thank you thank you thank you it is chilly outside and yes I do pee

Outside just a small town thing can’t do that in the city maybe you have a really really big fence maybe what o got a good one am I full up on dirt I have another to before I go to for what the heck sheep for for for for oh for

Am I out of dirt NOP For No I I want to see how many stacks of carrots I could feed my cows or I mean my pigs my pink sheepies cuz I know I could put one full stack can I put two or three I don’t even know Kevin esar Sega much love thank you dropping that GP better late than never that’s what I like to say that’s one full stack of carrots getting pretty close to stack and a half oh the carrots just keep going that’s two stacks of carrots wow and I’m working on a third jeez

Three [ __ ] stacks of carrots silk touch let’s go make another diamond pickaxe let’s keep that so picky safe save them for damn I’m actually making some progress here look at those pigs glitching out man heyj Banks Merry Christmas my friend good to see you I’ll have a to for you AJ Banks much love C oh that was a big tooke E so nice to see you AJ Banks Kevin carga Queen Cari much love everybody ooh this just this one little layer is bugging me oh this is one hell of a project I’ll tell you what I tell you what I’m going to go take care of this one That guy who’s something to 67 what up is this a server or a world it is a world pretty soon it’s going to be my super Flats is I use my fortune two pickaxe on some of this [ __ ] just going to have so much coal it’ll be worth it

What am I planning to build this is going to be my melon farm I think I think I’m going to go ham with the melon m oh all right let’s get this chopping going we’re so close to the bottom for that’s a lot of pigs how long does it take to mine all

Those takes forever I once mined a whole Mountain once I’ll tell you that took forever I don’t know why but I feel like I should get oh when I melt down and get more levels is that my biggest reasoning for using my fortune pickaxe Actually get oh Okay D Damn son where’ you get that super flat world I made it myself I just can’t wait till I start filling in the ocean it’s going to be fun N oops do you think he should do an experience Farm yeah we’re going to make one as soon as we find a um um mob spawner I think it’s a great idea I think we do have plans but I think it’d be Mega handy I’m not too familiar what kind of um exp

Farms work in Bedrock what kind of EX farm farm what kind of exp Farm works on every version the one with the mob spawners but oh yeah let’s go AJ Banks dinner’s almost ready actually I got to sign off pretty quick here too myself I might not be live much love Merry Christmas

I don’t know how to build a mob spawner my friend ragila the does though and she said she’d do it for me let me finish this layer at least I don’t think I have the time cuz I want to replace this level with dirt all right I’ve done this layer h he

Oh I should go get a stack of ters please take ters he wants beets F you you not selling beets in my house Grandpa hey hey is too good hey again hey again beets hold no for ters hey ters Oh he takes melons too that’ll be really handy when I’m selling melons yes dude cheese or pumpkin pie I’m going to eat those nice you got to go kiss that guy go kiss him need keys oh they kissing they kissing I should check what that villager had out here ink sack Moss glow

Stone a cherry blossom oh totally taking one of these look at my cherry blossom I’m plant this [ __ ] I could I have some bone meal let’s just make it happen right now son oh look at all these kids oh yeah let’s go get a [ __ ] ton of ters again and feed those pigs

Let’s use carrots cuz we can’t trade him let’s get this ridiculous h I d almost this is ridiculous I actually should deal with this before it starts lagging the freaking world He Is They’re still eating carrots they’re still eating Carrots if I go To all right all right I give up I’m bored now I’m bored of feeding things all right I think I’m going to save and quit oh I guess I got to all right thank you so much my friends oh yeah the special thanks thanks so much to hold myund bomb Queen

Cari Tasman 307 Joker for life for in me today um that was amazing a merry it was a Christmas miracle I think I don’t know if I’m going to be streaming later today and if I do I probably I almost feel like I just want to play more

Minecraft it was good stuff good stuff holy [ __ ] 40 people raided me that’s crazy thank you so much all right much love Queen Cari much love Kevin es carga much love AJ Banks um I’ll talk to y’all soon much love

This video, titled ‘Minecraft With @TaZ-MaN307 and other guests!’, was uploaded by GP Does on 2023-12-25 08:09:30. It has garnered 286 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 07:15:29 or 26129 seconds.

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  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

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  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

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  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

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  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

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    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

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  • HiveMC

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  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More