Insane Minecraft Nether Adventure with LIMMY

Video Information

I do apologize for the overly wet hair I just want offer an apology for that uh so you’re probably wondering what Minecraft what Bend no um uh uh who’s that impression uh uh who’s that ah Bob monk house yes that was a [ __ ] classic winter the nail

Guy I don’t know why why he sort of was a bit like that when he’s coming up with P because it was never that good anyway it’s not to get all hot and bothered b b d weran Chris neosphere CH stacker I’ll Subs can have a blow do assassination

Blam Renard thanks for sub interview is coming up any tips just be yourself 10 out of 10 blams are back um right does that mean I have to have my legs in the air or no well I don’t have a vase do I um right I I’ll tell you about

Minecraft right let’s get let’s get moving let’s get the BET one five Subs in the top 10 that’s what I’m saying two minutes so play Minecraft just G we second would you TR T Sunshine kid thinks subs and bits thoughts on brid hway hilarious and

I went to see him or and more hilarious there as well and in the in the flesh live and fun plan for the the weekend either something something T night I think I can’t remember K thanks the sub big shout out to japal Jo who introduced you to

Me this um stream elements and OBS thing they’ve done an update with it’s got these three gigantic buttons at the top pause alerts skip alert and mute alerts it used to be dead weed it’s gigantic taking up valuable screen real estate Abby thanks for the sub thank you very

Much um so while you’re waiting today Mar BS let me very quickly uh show you Minecraft and give you my thoughts cuz going to go for M BS to the bets to dbd yes we are I just wanted I just want to show you well what happened last night when I was

Streaming off stream he [ __ ] everything up it was close what happened was I had like what was it level TW XP 29 XP I wented 30 right so I went out near my H near my [ __ ] H attacking mobs I got killed playing off stream sorry play off

Stream no off stream uh playing off stream I got [ __ ] killed and I lost I managed to come back to where I’d been killed and get like some of the XP I had I went down to like eight or seven XP for 29 don’t a [ __ ] all that’s be done to 19

After the grinding away um I looked up a thing what’s the best way to get XP farming is one of the best ways so just not I done my [ __ ] nothing um anyway I’ve changed things slightly free range free r villagers um I thought to way I thought to

Myself fix that later I thought to myself actually I I don’t like the look at this big room I don’t want to do the torture stuff just yet what I do want to do though is I just had this idea of building a [ __ ] skyscraper follow [ __ ] villagers follow

It and all I want to do is keep building I just want to go like that stone bricks glass blocks glass panes up and and beds up and up and up and get wheat bring you the wheat at the bread give them the bread get them multiplying up

And up and up and up and up then what better good is that [ __ ] no mud um look I about this I forgot to do that um and then you know this is [ __ ] high quality Manhattan uh apartment living this is this is Billionaire’s role Billionaire’s role and they’re getting it for

Free um what I was actually thinking was get lots of them here right lots of them and then they all come out uh make this see this area here this is just sort of temporary right bigger wall that off so I don’t get any [ __ ] hassle for mobs and all the rest of

It and then maybe you know some sort of thing where they come they come down and they go for a we W nearby and then Maybe I build some traps and all the rest it but I just got I just got to we feeling or um or drown them right I’ve kind of done that and that’s fine I Me Drown again and setting them on fire and all all the rest it

And uh figuring different ways of uh killing them can them be animals and that kind of thing but I like the idea I just going build build build build build there’s [ __ ] tons of them and then you know like I maybe a build we bit that comes out here I don’t quite know

And and while I’m not really thinking about it that much I quite like coming on at Night so basically you got bored because you’ve been killed our stream no it was while I was actually doing this I thought I want more XP because I’m running down my my diamond pickaxe the other one the the um Enchanted one and I thought right I want to put another

Enchantment on it kind of did until it’s level 30 I need to do more stuff I did that I [ __ ] up this came sort of after but I was doing this kind of at the same time as all that um I just changed my mind um again just right I make that horrible

Room with a drowning in it I I I’ll sort that as well that’ll be glass up there um I thought I day wanted did I do want to do some sort of torture rooms there here traps I feel like this I feel like building up I just don’t know if it’ll

Be um much for you to watch really it’s a you know grinding sort of thing that I feel like then do you know what I mean I mean you are already watching me just [ __ ] mining away um I feel like just building a gigantic skyscraper for of people I think that’

Be actually quite good if I have a kind of a monotonous thing to get on me because that’s kind of like Trucking I you know rather than um right what I day what I day see until I’ve got better ideas build that until it’s up to the [ __ ] moon what about the Coliseum

See see when it pops in my mind when I’m just uh lying on the couch or something sitting in the couch and I go like that actually you know what I could do see until that moment I just build that up and up and up I put more beds and I multiply

Them exactly build a whole city Bud a whole city an entire city what happens when you reach the height limit um what am I right now I’m at level 66 what does it go up to so it go up to level 300 or something 320 I feel it building that right

Up I mean it would take them absolutely [ __ ] forever to get f up there done there I don’t think they’d even ever be able to do it but we’ll see building our Tower right next to it no I don’t think so I don’t think so somehow um I want to build this apartment

Expensive there we are I want to build if I know that one is it that one entire city check this out welcome you get B you get B there’s something about just watching him walking I don’t I don’t walk like that right welcome to the great and there

Something about seeing him walking so I don’t I don’t quite know what do like remind me to talk about walking I don’t quite know what to do but what what I’m enjoying about Minecraft is no really knowing what today and just not having any big plans

And just going build that up and then maybe see just building that we wooden thing in front of that building see just building that we thing there and they can come out put a we fence there I love doing that just that just B the we thing there but they can come out

Um that’s it I play it organically I’ve not not I’ve not been to torture stuff that’s coming trust me it’s coming I just wasn’t quite feeling I had the [ __ ] rib I thought what we’re doing and maybe maybe they live there that’s where they live and from there I’ll lead

Them um to get their treatment you know that kind of thing I lead them to get to to the the treatment I don’t feel that I want it in there kind of ruins the look and everything so I’m not quite sure I’ll see how I feel the day though new Minecraft so

What was I talking about walking I’ll never forget H we need Mex M play I’ll never forget Darth K Kev plates please Rocky Adam thanks for subs and bits and and five thank you very much sorry my sub messageer ask you for a shout out a shout out for you not my P

Joe who introduced me to you he deserves nothing all right thank you very much Kev please please thanks for sub 1974 no one kind did that voice ad don’t think the the bits let me can you say that word there to my girlfriend uh

Anna is her birthday and she’s a m a fan of your judge character let me just look up to see what it means pars that means congratulations in Portuguese Anna parin parin parin milk steak and good poock boy the go hunter Barack Obama Grant massive Sam Gabby sleeps shutter Highland KY thanks

For Subs I I I’ll try and get one all I have to reset my PhD exam [ __ ] hell but you know what I’m starting it um I I watched a video once it was H like a was it Tik Tok probably Tik Tok or something about a year ago one of these

Ones podcast [ __ ] big sort of bulky guy you know big sort of bulky guy and all sort of but wasn’t it was one of the weird podcasts I I didn’t recognize any con and I we them you know like up to the um to the mic like that

Um and I I just I’ve said it before on this stream but uh watch key talks on climate change from cop 28 [ __ ] off man but what what was the one in glasa cop what what was that 26 what’s happened what happened that’s it what’s happened since what was it what was that

Um [ __ ] noise am I meting know is the information meant to just feed to me through all the networks or have I actually got actively going to a website and it says here’s what was talked about here’s what was actually decided in laws or something like that I don’t I don’t even know

Maybe there was maybe something was who I I don’t know um I in in this video this sort of podcast thing this guy was saying when big big bulky guy L when you’re walking I can’t remember exactly what it said but they were discussing how to

Walk so that you don’t look weak so that you don’t get like attacked big fu [ __ ] guys and I were talking about you know if if you take short steps when you walk uh it can make you look like kind of injured and I I don’t know if they’ gone

Right into like instinctive stuff or this go back into [ __ ] caveman stuff but you look like like a wounded deer or something you know and that can make you a Target um you know like you should sort of walk I don’t know they didn’t go into a

Lot of details one these just like 30 second videos but they’re talking about um I like how to walk how to carry yourself in in case you get [ __ ] jumped or you know attacked or something like that and these are [ __ ] guys and big guys who spend [ __ ] ages in the

[ __ ] gym making themselves look bigger and they’re not even aware of how [ __ ] scared they talk in this [ __ ] podcast and uh about how to [ __ ] walk so you don’t look weak and it kind of dawned me I thought is that a lot I’m I’m a guy but um I’m

Is a lot of this this whole sort of [ __ ] thing how to walk and all this is all fear fear fear you’re not going to get [ __ ] jumped you’re probably not going to get jumped but it’s it’s almost a lot it’s fear are just how you look do you know

Look strong do you look like a bit of a dick do you look like somebody could maybe B you not that you’re going to get bed but you look like somebody might think they could take you do you know look masculine enough I mean imagine putting all that

Work in and you don’t you know that that you fall short when it comes to how you walk they just seemed in a lot of fear needlessly swager jaer exactly [ __ ] bro s man brilliant s c that man Counting that [ __ ] money man more Stu and ICE buer Rachel Grio thanks for

Subs all the best Brian your trip to the vet glad you like the Minecraft stuff the Minecraft stuff tips all of my best life live it your way get get that paper keeps that RS me San Andreas is it CJ and CJ would say give me that paper after he’d bed

Something the money for it s everybody swag Jago Oh oh my bill what would you like to say J are you an apology thinking we could take the tun ofad Daran Clementine and I think you’re absolutely right I think that um do you know what as well you are right I was wrong for some reason for

Some reason for some reason I thought we were better off and clearly I was wrong well don’t beat yourself up mate listen to all the people that told you we would be I spent the whole morning telling they’ve been whispering in your ear a

Half years for 30 years I was wrong I am so sorry oh Bill M come on to my country to my the villagers are getting when I made that sound like I was greeting it reminded me of the the sensation of drowning and I really want to look at a villager in a

We container of water and go go and take the water away and go that’s it you breathe that’s it you breathe and oh here here it comes again you know like that keep it going for like about half an hour the same you know like um have you seen Creep Show Leslie neon’s character Creep People I don’t Know I sometimes think that when I’m drumming white people like behind the be I don’t know why what was that again oh sorry right first of how many is it one two three oh it’s over yep it’s over okay I set not even five that was a

Joke I just thought five it’s going to be like you know eight nine no I said no I said no black B I don’t know why does that mean I have to have my legs in the air or not I don’t have a v than for GI that

Sub better known as in t Fox K conspiracy most of thanks the subs thank you very much Co for the fourth time it’s going to run again H I bust a dbd teag yes yes I [ __ ] will I will I can do that b Jade thanks for the sub man F into

Pool it’s not really with want Polo but let the story commence um Craig was walking past the pool at the hotel when he came into the hotel you know you’re still got your you know your clay On You’ got your uh suitcase taking to The Room walk past everybody’s like wearing trunks

Shorts uh bikinis and other rest it and you won’t buy overly closed and you feel like you’re inappropriate you’re inappropriate cuz you’re wearing too much like that um anyway and he was sort of like looking he was looking um about and noticed he sort of like looked at somebody and it looked

Like he was looking at them and he wasn’t there he was just looking as and looking about the hotel but he just happened to look at him and he thought [ __ ] and kind of looked away and he was that busy looking up so that he wasn’t

He looking down at the people um that he fell in the pool way bagging everything with a suitcase and and that’s said really the end um that’s it uh um 3 out of 10 that’s not 0 10 that’s not say life 10 out of 10 there it is

Thanks L Apple boy thank you very much 10 out of 10 I I know I said that was a an improv story but in fact it was true how they know there was a very sexy person lying there that he made Craig made eye contact with while accidentally looking at this sexy

Person’s body just as a matter of you know scanning the place and uh that person was me oh don’t start prediction what will it be boring throw Seeker Ultra throw you’ll have one [ __ ] minute we’re going to do two of these it’s on the BET is on the BET is

On that person was me so jamot thanks to sub what very quick uh you know how I nor go to w herle what other um kind of quick we quiz things can I pop on it right now dead quick I know there’s um very quick no no W in fact let me do

W right see if you’re not done W yet Look Away in fact forget I very good oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I thought I closed OBS here right close that [ __ ] where am I what have I done H minimize that bring that down what did I do I thought they control [ __ ] W thought do

That what a yeah hurry up um plank um sharp thank you thank you let me tell you right now that doesn’t happen very often in fact I did tell you um I about a month or two ago I got it first time there’s a word that I used all the time what was

It um I can’t it it was something like plank I can’t remember it was it’s a word that use all the [ __ ] time all the time was about a month two months ago something that looks like plank or something’s like it’s got an r on a p

Maybe a k or am I don’t know I just use it all the time as a starter and that that was the [ __ ] word [ __ ] brght there we are that is a very rare current Start uh let’s go got be right in the middle here it’s got to be that There boring or sorry to all you throw seel the next bet is on right now the next bet is on right now do dog thanks the sub thank you very much what’s another thing what’s kind a very quick so I could just sort of look at bandle very quick Trad film

Found God these [ __ ] titles are terrible and I said I cookies are fine yeah uh tagline uh set Slickers there you go I’ve not even seen it I just know that it’s like guys for the city going and be like Cowboys or something like that um what else is all

Framed you s image yeah right H uh Die Hard with uh Vengeance die die hard three [ __ ] off man die hard colon no is it even New York with this hell what is that what Dead’s that looks 80s to me doesn’t look doesn’t look seven doesn’t could be 90s that motor there

I’m going be narrow that then uh let’s just do die just to get it [ __ ] not right what what’s in New York what’s in New York Um um what’s that thing to Home Alone to Absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] pish [ __ ] website um right just just to move it on a bit just to move it on a bit um it is need this but just to move it on a bit Good Fellas just to [ __ ] go to

The next thing right what’s that um no don’t know I’m going to I’m going to type anything just to move it on here wait a minute wait a minute what is this that’s thingy and that’s thingy [ __ ] NOS just going to type this anyway I I Tron legacy yeah H

What do the right thing it’s him don’t know who that is um could remember if he was actually in the right thing um uh that’s that’s die hard this is pointless what’s his name again where the Snipes is it snapes or Snape who’s that um oh it’s Casino it’s [ __ ]

[ __ ] jungle F I’ve never seen it and that’s that’s why they’re sh they they see the sort of quizes because what if I just don’t know it the good thing about W though is it’s very unlikely that you have never seen that word boring you just couldn’t quite

Guess it you couldn’t quite guess it using that that way of playing the game like you’ll never you’ll very rarely get a word you’re like all right uh I didn’t know such a wood existed I’ve never seen that wood before you probably know the [ __ ] wood whereas see that I could be like

Let’s see New York um it could be it gets in I don’t even [ __ ] know the film sort of heard it what will it be that’s boring let’s do a third one La a swe thans a sub oh I us to love summoning people then turning my back on

Them oh I I when they summoned me in Dark Souls I would I they summon me when they summon me I’ve got a my full armor on big weapon and all the rest it oh beekeeper noce day do dog thinks of Subs no message not even really watching

You keep doing your little stream thank you very much but then when it actually comes to the boss fight I would take off all my armor un equip my weapon and just Li in the field [ __ ] love it or when I summon people and they they all they

Fighting for me and they come up and the day we cheer a mo or something like that I slowly turned my back on them and then they fade away [ __ ] brilliant [ __ ] excellent what will it be the next bet is on what’s another got one minute

What’s squir um I can I’ve done a normally day squir that I just rattled [ __ ] Woods in square squar them I just type any old [ __ ] sh in Dead Fast what’s that is this it what am I thinking now I’m thinking a square word what’s this time guesser uh what what I

Day 1962 place your pinup right so it’s say you guesser but it shows your picture 1962 is that it pick year in place oh wait is a year an option oh they are right right right oh [ __ ] off right the be cob uh I see what wearing uh could be any

Phones you’d have a [ __ ] phone you would have a phone on you possibly I don’t I think I don’t think it’s as early as the 90s could be don’t think I don’t think he would be wearing thems that’s maybe uh 200 four not a four and

S I’m not seeing a mobile of any but you wouldn’t really walk about looking at your phone if it wasn’t a smartphone you you you don’t could that be the ’90s I’m look at trainers I’m going to go wild and say 2003 and I’m going to place it in Southampton there make

Guess 2001 you were 2 years off oh America no no no Ontario is it Ontario OR Ontario ah Ontario right daily I can’t to be honest with that [ __ ] Manchester City we’re having a good time what’s that you’ve got there no a lot of phones ah is that like a kind of

Early one of the it’s got two two lenses on it so when would that be I’ve know I’ve never never had an iPhone so uh some of you would I actually [ __ ] know that’s Manchester City but they’re wrecking the place please leave the the pitch immediately all right right everybody

There’s a sign there that says oh look what’s that etad stadium and that’s sponsored they’re sponsored Manchester City so it must be then their Stadium Manchester remind me where you’re on Manchester there you right um [ __ ] it that’s close enough for me right there and that is uh 2014 8 years after uh

2022 almost three kilom Away Dave blooda haunted Jack thanks for Subs I I will be enjoying Minecraft for for quite a while just last night I just hit a We what am I doing I don’t really quite know what to do next I was enjoying I really enjoyed just sort of uh grinding away but I also so have I grind away a bit too much I they go like that um could I maybe no day it got dark I

[ __ ] like him when it gets dark that’s when I like stuff the most I’d say why don’t you explore I don’t feel like it you know what I don’t feel like it I’m just going to go away I’m just going to go how I feel and if I’m not feeling

It I’m not feeling it if I’m not feeling it I’m not feeling it we never get in the game are we may maybe not you’re certainly you’re very likely not getting the game that I was actually making you might never see the Coliseum or Co seeum this holiday season comes a toy

You’ll simply die for your new best friend is back with his signature stripes and lifelike eyes this good guy is always ready for some fun you’ll want to keep an eye on him you never know what trouble he’ll get into next if you lose track of him don’t fret

He’ll always find his way back to you I’ve not actually watched this s the way through bring home your friend till the end cuz if you don’t dead you hear me dead disassembly of parts body and otherwise may be required Good Guys is not responsible for naming dismemberment amputation laceration strangulation

Bodily harm or death of any kind adult supervision recommended Gil pants thanks for the sub I don’t like going up against Chucky he’s to B can you see where the [ __ ] he is apparently Prime I’ve got another thing where you get 4,000 Whatchamacallit how’s the VIP is the VIP

Mark Mark congratulations on your [ __ ] VIP they just let me uh pop over to online and lock everybody Anonymous mode on hide other player names on let me just get everything all set up hyper Focus to help with the Gen dja vu in fact this is this is my gen Duty

Complete an utter gen Duty um thingy I’m going to um change that to we make it and change that to lies and that SS right so my question to you is will two or more Escape yes no I’ll be going Survivor You’ve Got 2 minutes I’ll start queing right

Now and I think I’ll maybe alternate between Survivor killer survivor killer I think I think I’ll do that well here we go let’s go I miss Minecraft already I know but I’ve just got to go where the feeling is and I don’t know I don’t know it’s we things it’s

It’s kind of complicated like I was grinding away in the MS right and that was fine the you were watching and that seems all right I was enjoying it and a lot of you were enjoying just the monotony of that and then I started having about a sense of purpose with the

The building and getting the villagers in and that was it then maybe that the the sense of purpose started having a b of monotony and maybe I need to go back to Pure monotony mins mins Ms mins mins mins Ms Ms um do you know what I make there

That that’s not I make there um I feel like I’m focused too much in the villagers and they’re no they’re no they’re no providing for me yet I feel like getting done the good old [ __ ] Ms and just strip mining like there’s a way tunnel one two three blocks new tunnel

And just keep going and just yamp away while I’m doing it just Yap away you can enslave them for items I’m the want to enslave anybody everybody’s got a choice they could walk out there any time they want in fact they’re free range there’s a thing at the bottom at the

Front the button’s there press the button maining and Cha I do that go down get my level up by I think I’ve to do that that’s what I think I’ll do okay keep looking I I I honestly don’t know how Chucky works and it just keeps uping you [ __ ] or

Quiet well is it quiet all the time sometimes how’s it work dorgan I don’t [ __ ] know real AR happen out there the dbd haters are so boring they they can bore themselves right because whatever happens happens Minecraft dbd people will say Minecraft’s getting boring I’ll playing it if I want or not

Don’t put in DVD I’ll play it if I want it’s very important that this streamer is happy I will unhook and because I’ve got my special perk what de C ah can’t [ __ ] it I’m just got to run away somebody else can get him some else can down right okay that’s one

Then something else’s problem heal me [ __ ] can heal me all right in this is a professional team this is a multitasking team this is a team that’s going like well listen there’s a med kit you got on with that I’ll go on by a j you don’t get a lot of teams that

[ __ ] Professional Pro level everybody am I poping am I popping the mic oh [ __ ] please am I popping the mic am I popping it a bit too much oh [ __ ] the hook oh [ __ ] off stay [Applause] alive I can heal you oh that Michaela has been getting T all right are we are we

Cuty [ __ ] off man right g i Jen that’s I went through a tunnel okay do back into two different gens are getting done both almost finished no they they were no I did thinkink I thought it was the last [ __ ] gen I did actually think I I

Couldn’t see them there and I thought oh they’re did another gen exactly the same progress as as my one I think there’s an all J some that’s a bit quar done this should be fairly safe for quite a while D say thanks for sub the games

That we didn’t even make it to the open ceremony listen the games are going to happen all right I just want to get back you know what I really I want to just get back done into the mains I just want to get back into the mains keep

Grinding get my diamonds my eye on the nor rest and get my XP here it comes [Applause] run away sh how I go what sry now what I’m hoping for is if any go pick me up and accidentally step through the window please don’t [ __ ] this up don’t [ __ ] this up go this

Way gate first I like it get the gate to 99 and then come and pick me up because there’s no point in coming to pick me up and then we get away for a we bit and the gate isn’t even [ __ ] open you’re [ __ ] no no what what [ __ ] D [ __ ] [Laughter]

Them let’s see no don’t be a hero I don’t do or don’t do it get out we need to secure the yes Victory there or don’t there it [ __ ] die did they think the the killer was just in the last second going to run away right there go go no go now they’

Went to another portal right go [Applause] now that’s it [ __ ] hell man how everybody how the s for how how everybody’s blood pressure nice we T bager and ey well two more Escape that’s a yes I will now swap to a very fun killer called Thanos is the filter on the filter is

On um I’ll just stick on right I hold really did I well two more Escape I’m the killer this time I’m the nurse hav’t played killer for a couple of weeks that lunch oh that one oh when it tried to get me as I as I dropped

Down oh that’s a good one that’s a good one that Uh my good sorry what is it again the lunge one yeah that one there any else that’s nice I just got points on hold on I have put the B on um where’s the one with points points points that thank you hey wait a minute that’s [ __ ] these PS are [ __ ] are they

Br [ __ ] Str that was for that was for a h wait a minute flutter AG I don’t know deadlock what’s the other one what’s the other one what’s other the other uh gen one this is for a this is for a [ __ ] um what’s the thing I usually do what’s the

It’s no no joke no pop dead man switch that’s it lots and lots of gen stuff I mean I’m not sure if it all works together I think it does it’s just Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen sort of makes it that I don’t have

To [ __ ] think about right I bet go and kick that J I bet go and kick that Jen I just sort of get on with it’s not perfect I don’t think but oh D me um face T thanks for sub last month I was in a club in London

L kapal was there I walked up to him and started blaming blamming and his face he started doing the same and he said he loves your stream better night you’re a [ __ ] liar is what your thing like that don’t happen yoke up little bits thanks for subs thank you very

Much things like that don’t happen oh really glad to hear it uh uh Louis if you’re watching that’s a free BL for you that’s a free blam for the superstars everybody one day you will get a blam for free if you if you work hard if you what

C so about just getting the heat done I I’m really I’m really in the mood for going back down into that good old [ __ ] Main and Ming and Ming getting Diamond you see I I I I overthought it a we bit because I was thinking I don’t

Want to mind just now because I’m I’m close to getting the thing that will it will give me they’ll be able to enchant the thing get extra Diamond so I’m end up no mining for any [ __ ] Diamond cuz I’m waiting to get the thing that will give me extra Diamond so just

I don’t go to the minds that’s just a wa a waste um what you want to do is stay up here and build this [ __ ] tower for the the villagers and torture them and I’m like no no no the the the linear The Hungry Years is where it

Is being do the M’s just simple graft it’s simple graft doing the mins do my Mining and have a chitchat that’s what a lot of people forget about when they talk about people doing the mins like it was hard it was hard to be a CO M on myself before they

Brought in all the the mechanical tools a lot put a lot of good boys out what that we prefer hammer and pick that was it then they brought work 10 men and they nine men you think they all got one each and then rod in me mining no s that computers in

AI kelse thanks for sub H bonel thank you very much I just thought the computers just ruined that the computers that are in the um the drills it was hard but what people forget to mention was we had a laugh we chatted we talked but wanted to know

Silence and that’s what I’m going to do when I go mining chitchat what can I watch I [ __ ] started watching quite highly rated uh but was on Netflix I it’s a Netflix original they cloned Tyrone was it that’s a kind of Comedy science fiction sort of inspired by kind of black exploitation

Sort of films and and they done they kind of that’s the way the intro is it’s got kind of like wobbly wobbly sort of like 70s style thing ah that’s what uh um what um super elf who plays is like a no master that’s it was talk about the

There’s the zoom there’s something weird with the zoom Something’s Happened it seems dark this is this is the filter on I see the [ __ ] filter off I he move And that’s the filter off something something there there’s something about that that see that D oh mean maybe they just changed the animation maybe they just changed it simple as It’s Go oh well done it’s different see that’s weird it’s elastic band it’s just I don’t know what the [ __ ] it [Applause] Is Just he something to go well done yeah oh no oh come on no stop that’s like the old days when you were absolutely piss just swinging about hoping for the [ __ ] best no come on now right don’t don’t miss three no that that’s a j done calm down C down C down come

Then don’t get torched there we Go good stuff how we look up here nothing oh you got your self off well done and then you’re quiet a’t you I’m not going to waste any time with you oh hello I don’t know I’s going I was going to Say that’s weird that that pinging up oh DC is this the final hook I don’t know I see no like no fly about dead man switch will get the mod jump and off to get the gens all locked when I step after them I’ll get that injured one if I leave Them oh they always there there yeah don’t go too far please I mean they is dead yet n’s [ __ ] dead yet two gen to Go as well get H I think some of these after got the other one the B okay you leave the bot on the grin I think this person just I think this is our last Hook is it hi that’s weird that that CH can up with there you’re last one yeah this so I’ve not got you

Yet this is his fost where’s the [ __ ] taking his seat there was he as if to say no me I’ve I’ve had you quite well reward me are you getting yourself killed on the hook cuz you can see how far away don’t communicate with me do not communicate with me

Oh I wonder if a mod could pay out the fall well two or more Escape no oh Good stuff no evil I’m role playing the killer Simon and Neil thanks for the subs it’s called RP it’s very big right now everybody the mains are calling me yeah that means are call on me one more game no no I know you want the gambles and all

The rest it the MS are calling me I want to get a uh take my new diamond pickaxe and get done there I just want to get down there I want to get do the MS I want to get chitchatting that’s what I want to

Do he’s just so good at dbd at bosom I don’t really get much out of that um Survivor I Survivor is definitely the better feeling for me um when I’m playing um dead by daylight it’s a laugh I so see just concentrating on building that I I’m going to enjoy it

But I was s glad I’ll get more of them and get more villagers and get more villagers and build up and I I don’t really know why I like the monotony i’ been doing the [ __ ] Mains does that make me a bad p and this will this will help the

Villagers long term because I’ll get better tools XP um Co the thing in case you missed it earlier last night I’ve streamed yesterday after stream um look at that look at that looks amazing for you um right I think there’s too many to

Use I lost a lot of XP because I die to some uh baddies well try to hunt Baddies um uh [ __ ] lost tons I lost a lot you I was watching yesterday um don’t know if it’s cuz I was daing all this The Silence of the Lambs was it just called Silence of the Lambs too many you are know um was enjoying it a bit quarter

The way I’ve seen it before so I just like right I want to watch something don’t quite know what um oh by the way I set this up last night so the fuel fon the stuff to be you know done there the fuel Fe which is which is run out now

But um what I’m going to do is take that Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone H that that and that put that dot in there go up here and put in that or orak or or and that put that glass glass glass glass glass pans put the leather up there and the wheat

Um how you doing for food what what what what did I just eat I don’t know what I just did but take take a lump of coal just now just plunk it in this good oldfashioned thing I’ll just do that for now ju just before

I right I put whe in there as well and that wood in there as well Hing for torches 22 is not nearly enough not nearly enough get me out of that coal CH coal torch time we’re going mining 64 that we bit more than that I think we bit there

Torch how many four what what my shorter sticks oh I make the sticks set and then torch there we go plent of plenty of torches and we are ready for another session or are we take carrots uh you don’t need to [ __ ] lever put that lever down there you got

You getting mixed up between you see you’re putting things that levers there and you’re putting levers there put sticks up there levers put the flowers there just s put the shears in there take the buckets yes bring the lava back up in fact here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to go

Done and I’m just going to very quickly repair the pick um doesn’t need repaired I’m just going to quickly very good very good oh you did that again clever clever clever clever guy clever guy clever guy right a sh change your title please go what is the what have you changed the title

To thank you very much what have you changed it to lovely be left oh [ __ ] right so the fuel we stick it in there and there we just chalk everything that needs to get [ __ ] made so forget about rocks and things like that just Chu [ __ ] beef Chu all that

Pork chops raw beef the [ __ ] lot get it all chucked in there right that’s it that go in there that will fuel it 100 each 100 fuel that that will cover the lot 64 64 64 what’s that that would do it that that would do it and that that and that’s in there

That’s it that would do a lot right the sticks you don’t need the sticks H got everything got food you’re going to need to the shovel just leave that shovel here leave that other shovel here in there right that’s cool oh I take I’ll get a bucket Sor one bucket for an

Emergency in fact a bucket of [ __ ] water uh for an emergency no wheat growing uh maybe no there there is no there but there is back there’s tons there’s tons let’s get Main in the chat CH done the mains do the mains hello everybody here we are done the mines again nothing

Now D the mains there we go there’s my XP I actually get much for that got a we bit by the time I’m finished I’ll have tons there’s your diamond um I’ll PL that there and there and there and there and there and there and there and

There right I’m not actually want to come all the way along here go all the way so I’ve mined quite a lot quite a bit there I’ve actually I’ve actually already got quite a lot of diamonds in here here um let me remind myself it’s not there it’s a

Double I put a double Torch to let me know look at this look at that and there’s another one near there new Fortune I know but that’s that’s what was sort of getting to me because I was thinking like don’t go mining just yet um wait until you got the fortune thing so that you get more

Diamonds when you m and so then I wasn’t Mining and I was up there doing things it was actually boring me compared to this this is [ __ ] boring um to me 13 diamonds everybody but i’ already I already knew what it was um was I going to say uh there’s another one there

I but then I lost the [ __ ] XP when I fought that I fought the mob and the mob one so I [ __ ] lost it all practically lost all my [ __ ] XP so here I’m try to get it all back try to get it all back back to the good old

Days right here we are uh one uh two uh three uh I just want to get diamond what happened there one two 3 uh back to diamond mining what am I doing right back to diamond mining and while I’m diamond mining I’ll get like that lapis stuff and and Redstone and

All that H gets me XP I’ve went for 20 why you meing cuz I want to I want to get XP that gets me up to XP 30 I can then uh get the uh enchantment and that will help me m faster and then at some point I’ll do something be all

That we’re trying to inform him it’s a shame he can’t read really says jcoa what is it jcoa that you or whoever else it is carore or whoever it is say it uh Jake I Jake would like to inform me Jake what is it you said I can read Jake

Jake what would you like to inform me about uh for your information FES store XP from smelted items that are taken out by hoers breaking your furnace will give you that XP Furness is store XP from smelted items that are taken out by Hoppers breaking your furnace will give you that

XP so the furnace that I’ve got up there where the item comes out of the furnace goes into a hopper then goes into a chest creates XP but the XP is within the fness and I can only get it by breaking the fness is that right XP stored in the fness

So if I go to that furnace right now and I break that it’s going to like bust up me lots of XP is that right Jake Jake who says I can read [Applause] is that correct is that correct cuz what I’m going to do is this

I’m going to go up there and I’m going to do that and if that doesn’t happen after the the the insult that you gave me that’s a ban that’s a Friday ban it’s got to be you know what the way the way I’m going up right there way got up be right there

Going to be right now I’m going to be right oops I’m going up right there Okie doie now the we problem is I’ve got things on the go right now right um halfway to din that you know what it’s something to look forward to I’ll do it in good time whoops it

Just don’t know but I’m going to lose my right here what do right uh that take that um right give me a lava bucket don’t use it and that one so I’m going to lose 50 [ __ ] the potential of 50 by is that right the the fact it’s halfway up does that

Mean I could get another 50 out of that you’ve already lost it just do it wrong I took out the C lava bucket this is the one that’s already in it um I don’t know if that means it’s halfway done I don’t mean I don’t know

If that doesn’t matter right so what I’m going to do is uh right all right and that’s where the fuel is and that’s a hop of that stuff see if I destroy this does that stuff remain in the hopper it’s not affected by it is it all

Does he know he’ll have to Res reset the hopper all right but a lever on the furnace let me switch it and then take one item that has smelted the lens of time the lens of time it would take for me to understand what you’ve just said would be longer

Than how long it would take for me just to get to you know the Ender Dragon and that whole sort of thing I’m not going to ask SC about that and no I’m going no no thanks going to take that out sh take all that out just now take

It all out right just take it out don’t think about it take that out there right take that out there see that take it out no so I have to sort of do things with a h on or the rest it right right so right now I’m going to break this here we

Go that unlocked XP what did they get maybe two 2 XP some like that you’ll get over you’ll be up to over 30 did I just destroy that ah it went in there it dropped in there right thank you very much will that still Work you think that that that’s in there um that’s in there the chat was promised about the CH was promised there we go we’re up and running I could get more than that without any other there we bit more charcoal for whenever why you need charcoal you

[ __ ] make all there there’s RW salmon cheuck that and cheuck everything in everything that needs to go in um that should be enough I feel that should be other things maybe Stone maybe take some of that Cobblestone just to make into stone for later think I think that would be enough

Take the take the Redstone put that in there put the Flint in there Flint is that the right place yeah right that’s say cor’s a lot of [ __ ] wa there’s nothing I can do with it there’s nothing I can do with it so what I’m going to do is mine until

This H pickaxe is [ __ ] until there is no more pickaxe all right did I finish that I did finish that that one M didn’t I so this I’m at 25 what I would really like is to get up to 30 and then see the pickaxe I had

Before the one that’s in Enchanted like efficiency I think it’s efficiency efficiency 4 I’ll then put Fortune 2 which is available on another pickaxe and then combine that pickaxe with efficiency pickaxe which I believe we create a pickaxe with efficiency four and Fortune 2 and also so combine the

Um the durability or health of both of them is that correct you could say wait wait until you’ve got fortune 3 don’t do anything until then no let’s go on it uh the there’s very likely to not be um any torture of villagers a day why not do nether quartz for

Levels I don’t really remember there that nether thing that remember there was that is there any reason why I shouldn’t go to the nether remember that nether portal that was remember I said I was going to do that remember I said oh there’s a nether portal we’ll

Finish quartz is the best way to get XP right now wait wait wait wait right listen so there is quartz matter there’s that portal that was a kind of like a broken portal um here next to that Village remember right I don’t have to go there and like

Tweak that one am I right I just need enough um obsidian in and I make mine portal make mine right I’ve got enough right should have got enough if I make that portal and go through it um what’s the downside any downside me it’s if it’s far away not worth

Going that is um is there any I’m I mean see when a go there I’ve seen it I’ve seen in know fire and things like that um look at this everybody um see though that I’m not pure bothered about diamond right now I’m getting tons here story in my

Life you know what it’s like everybody you wait for a bus and then three come along at once that’s not quite the same actually that’s a different sort of thing I’m starting to sound like yours saying stuff that’s [ __ ] irrelevant cuz it sounds kind of in the region of what I’m talking

About what’s that thing that that that kind of get said in here quite a bit other than ADHD whenever I say anything about feeling anything that’s I IM Mandela effect that kind of thing you know I’ll just say oh I saw um all right I thought it was

I thought it was uh oh that’s right that’s right I forgot it was Julian Mo who was in h Hannibal the see um sinus LS no J Foster and some Mandela effect you know I’ll just say that I forgot somebody was in something or I didn’t know that I’ll just say I didn’t

Know something and it’s something really specific to me it’s not like I everybody body thinks that yeah collectively everybody thinks that and I’ve said before everybody I think the Mandela effect as it as in itself the Mandela effect I think the Mandela effect is the Mandela

Effect because I don’t know of any [ __ ] who thought Nelson Mandela was dead remember the whole Mandela effect thing is meant to be anything where people collectively lots of people all are all rying about this one like thing I don’t mean like did you know that tomato is actually a fruit I

Mean people collectively thought a thing happened and it didn’t and no through some sort of like misinformation they just all kind of got it wrong about something because apparently when Nelson Mandela was freed a lot of people like freed I thought I thought you dead I don’t remember anybody being like

That so I think people talking about this Mandel effect I remembered when everybody was like what now Mandel freed I thought he died but no I don’t remember that that didn’t [ __ ] happen so Mandel effect is in itself no point we getting that gold it’s pointless [ __ ] oh here I didn’t mean

That there we go no point getting that H you didn’t yeah that’s right yep you’re doing all right yep very good jolly good correct yeah put that there don’t put that there round two put that there that shoot right block that up don’t want to see it yeah good and that very good

Right where was I break the F this work I got about like two or three levels maybe at XP right here’s what I’ll do see once I finish ining this this one I I’ll do this we this sort of goes away from my we water

Lift um I’ll go this way come back the way uh do another tunnel and then I’ll go up and I’ll build a [ __ ] portal skeleton Farms are good for XP is just something about these Farms thing things that I’m not sure about then you need gold gold for

What M what I need gold for the nether b l cheating um I kind of like to D we I I kind of like to either fully cheat or no at all you know like like what’s cheating well I don’t know how cheating this but you know something like imagine I just

Felt like that you know what [ __ ] it just just G I’m just going to game myself like 1,000 Diamonds by typing something in right don’t know if I should bother getting gold I’ve I’ve got quite a bit of [ __ ] point don’t get any XP for it

Um like if I see see if I’m going to actually build a literal farm in Minecraft anyway but as’s a big field and I plant lots of drops and I’ve got animals there and lots of them that feels normal that feels right to me my enchanted gear is H all kind of

Wrecked almost wrecked so I’m uh I’ve just kind of got it stored until I want to combine until I want to enchant it and then combine it um with something else by I don’t want to go too DFT with the um stuff it just isn’t very like there’s

No way I would know that you can do this trick unless I was told how to do it it’s just not sort of thing that the average person would work out type of f if I went to too far I mean I have went back quite a bit well that’s still bad

I’ll I’ll come back the way that uh on one two three I’ve went a bit too far I’ll come back this way this will take me to a tunnel perpendicular tunnel pretty quickly I think um and then a head up and then I’ll make a portal and I’ll see

What the [ __ ] that’s all bit Point get what’s the point getting gold getting the XP you’re don’t making anything with the gold just leave it Bugs Bunny wanker Bugs Bunny simulator uh 23 I I will I will drown villagers at some point not a day cuz I really want to do that Leslie

Nelson and Creep Show thing I’ll really enjoy myself doing that I have went quite far this is me heading back the way you Sal in love B I can imagine that I’ve really went quite far I really have went quite far let me D on my shade Great Escape style that wasn’t a

Great escape one it diging the tunnels dropping the dirt that says okay do okay right back we go uh wait a minute no you got you got the lava up there you’re fine Remember You Came done just for it up you go remember you could get that Redstone there if you can be

Asked St it was a fish that stopped me there oh we go you can [ __ ] off you can [ __ ] off uh and you can [ __ ] off you need 10 obsidian I think I’ve got enough have I got 14 so um can I build a portal and you know it’ll be all

Right still going to bring hell to me nothing like that as well Chuck it in [ __ ] it nothing else raw copper pointless here a little moment we got farming I know that wheat wasn’t ready but I don’t care take me longer to [ __ ] Harvest a Runa then it just [ __ ] wed

In now this is a [Applause] farm take that give them to get them all Breeden and fallen in love uh there you go I’m just going to give that to the cows and the Sheep so they make love go that that encourage them to make Love there we go horrible actually saying that is it there you go so you can see the cows are making love oh the sheep on making love horrible how are we getting on one two let maybe just killing three all day three of each one two three um in

Fact I think a few more sheep would day cows I think we can get the numbers up there a we bit oh well thought you were Scottish not Welsh oh s me completely forgot about the [ __ ] we hey tomit H Scottish or cheap shers or all think we were the

First the original the best Nobody Does it Better Carly Simon finally reveals who she was talking about in the song You’re So Vain finally finally got all that there anything right going Taskmaster good idea mhm right uh right I’ve got tons of that wheat oh by the way why we’re talking about wheat you guys want maybe can

Settle making love at all I think there’s enough beds the beds are all together that’s maybe no good some the some people said it doesn’t matter at the beds oh [ __ ] it’s bread they [ __ ] ate it though oh my god oh well next time oh well let’s see some love hearts come on

No oh well right so villagers can open Gates I [ __ ] Google it I say Google but basically I go to [ __ ] Bing AI Bing chat type that and it just tells me don’t have to go to some stupid [ __ ] page this is what it’s like I got to bang AI I don’t

Trust Google B just now cuz it’s full of [ __ ] [ __ ] chat GPT is 2 years old um I got to bang and I go like that can my in Minecraft can villagers open Gates wooden gates and it tells me in the thing bang uses chat gbt I think it uses it to compose

Stuff I’m not quite sure but I think Bing AI gets is he I think it uses it to compose it I think why use AI for that I’ll tell you why because see to just Google that then there is a chance it would take me straight to the Reddit thing where it

Would see up the top can H villagers open that h no they can there you go nice clear answer or it would take me to a Minecraft Wiki sort of thing where it would tell me with lots more details more than the [ __ ] one but there’s

Also a good chance it would take me to a page where there’s a [ __ ] add at the top and add at the left add at the right and add at the bottom and and add it the back and add it the front saying Minecraft is a great way to

Relax and something something something it began in something something something something you know [ __ ] villagers can villagers open Gates or something villagers what villagers can and can’t do or something like that and then below it Minecraft is a great way to something something something you can do this you can do

That you can do that since then is sold and copies lots of people want to know why how of a thing you can do that no no no the one of the main things is villagers and in between each of these paragraphs [ __ ] ad ad video no content

Background image revealed ad next so now getting back to it well waser yes you wanted to know if villagers can open Gates that’s a good question and a lot of people have been asking questions about Minecraft since it started in 200 whatever and you’re like scroll scroll

Scroll or I can just go like that [ __ ] type that and it [ __ ] tells me and it tells me where it got the INF for as well it’s good for all got like that you see a big article you go like [ __ ] that paste Link in summarize

This um I don’t use it a lot I use it for odds and ends right portal time so let’s see I’ll make the portal here no no let’s make it at the front at the front is where it all happens is there any reason why I would not it’s Gemini out the day

Oh the Portal’s loud right so I don’t want it there I don’t want it are we talking like should I put it like that distance away mobs can come out the nether through the portal is Sid CD correct is is that true yes no you [ __ ] tell

Me no you tell me very low chance I need zero chance or I need to mitigate that right right Okie do okay thank you very much Native was really forthcoming with that people like to be smartasses yeah they didn’t say that very quickly they will not attack but they might jump on your

Crops um I’m building a wall they’re passive not interested right I’m building a port I’m building a [ __ ] water in it that’s what I’m doing BR my boys what are they Cobblestone um is there such a thing what other types of gates are there [ __ ] Oak fenil dat was

It can you get through oh can can the mobs that come through the portal Um no not said anything yet actually asked the [ __ ] can the mobs that come through the portal open oak doors oh no can they open Gates nothing can open Gates Right give me give me the oak fence I got any stupid things there no fence are we are we fence in it

There Fence One fence one name you me yeah might want it for some other stuff stick a lovely we gate on it there we go right sun’s coming then sun come up back again um how about how about I build it here how about I build it at the back

Here we hide a bit are we you go right obsidian what’s the what’s the T with the stream by the way I asked but I didn’t get I didn’t read it uh down the mines Minecraft and diamond right thank you very muches up I chopped

In get that out the way move move move right is this far away enough that it’s uh right let me see is that how have to sort that that needs to be done better temporarily it be fine it’ll be fine right Um all you already you’re all right um it’s no neat it’s no neat it’s it’s just no neat just do it do it you can always rip it then can I not so Smokey bruny king of flash toy thinks Subs a bits got me in a big T hello living room

Dracula feels bad River pondlick chippy BR Dy thanks for subs and someone your soft sh should I drop it or you become an Ableton wizard like yourself now cuz every [ __ ] is there and it just if it saves you money if you don’t know what you’re

Doing if it’s costing you a fortune I don’t know it’s your decision really as a New Yorker I’ve really enjoyed the Minecraft streams oh New York everybody mwood thanks for sub Christmas part how to make the most get up the road early don’t go it just GL oh no

Feeling well no feeling well and get up the [ __ ] road circumcised unicorn happy cycl lanard thinks subs and bits or the manual XP worth a shot a done it Jon Janos jav or have it Greg himself thinks he subs and bits put a [ __ ] lotion in a

Basket KY Sean Leed Simon nil NPC Hammer cajj Aaron Kelsey huie bonel sorry I’ve missed so much thanks the subs B Machine thank you very much was in New York last week discussing City listen NE loves M right so right right here’s what I’m going to do first

Of all go for a we only in New York I would say uh L recently I remember I don’t know I think it was talking about glasa or people were talking about cities or something on the T and I remember uh go to sleep I remember some guy dressed as Santa drunk climbed

The the Wellington statue thing the one with a cone on it outside the Galler modern not climbed up and had to get arrest or something like that right drunk Santa and I saw somebody tweeting something like drunk Santa arrested only in glasa and I searched H I was on Twitter

At the time that I think was like a couple of years ago and I searched drunk Santa only in I searched for drunk and Santa and in quotes only in and you had drunk Santa all in Chicago drunk Santa oh all in Liverpool where’ you see something like that drunk

Santa oh only in Seattle it was just [ __ ] everywhere it wasn’t because it was made up it wasn’t like some sort of [ __ ] spam thing just every kind everywhere think in their city or town or whatever it is is there just nowhere like it there’s nowhere like

It that’s what I love about living here it’s a sense of humor he what that portal needs to be three tall and two wide minimum now when you say too wide do you mean the inside of the the portal in other words the blocks are placed in are not too wide

Correct would I be right in saying that your information is not very accurate vague front of mistakes useless how do I build the portal for example start by putting x amount of uh blocks in something like that 4X six triangle blade says 4 by

Five five up meaning what five 1 2 3 4 five or right that’s that and then one up from that that counts as one a 4X five triangle like like five toall but you don’t need the corners haer perfect so like one two and then on the outside of that

Right right let’s get started like that like that so thought I do that and then waste my [ __ ] pickaxe on it I’ll use the [ __ ] uh axe but that kind of shape and then sort of one two 3 four and then one two up there interal has to be 2 by three

Simple really right I he good good stuff yeah that’s it get everybody I’m not wasting a [ __ ] thing is that it there everybody okay do okay okay do okay let’s just do this One who am I music reminds me of the kind of lim um who am i l miserab they think that man [Laughter] Is I am d without a second Right wonderful that’s said they kind of get out now whatever comes through whatever Horrors whatever aberration come through they can I get through this right flint and steel yes get on oh [ __ ] what was that oh what button was that my G1 button has got a you see that come across

Here when did I use that I don’t we saying um what there that one there right there’s that one there right what there that one there right that one right that one uhhuh that one aha right um let me press that one right how do I change that

Again just what is that again is it and then a G3 and then I press like let’s see let’s just type G3 and and then I press not again I think that’s it so every come up I you can of see it nothing to see I press that very good

Right right right and if I just do that and that and then that and then that do that i press that oh oh no right press that no right do that silly silly silly press that again then press that then type that and then press that that’s it that’s it done

Right a few we sh cut things I had on that um that I’ve taken off anyway P than to the bits wasted my last bits the message you took an hour to read you me so pop in no force and take these two love thank you very much J mod football special thanks

To Subs the blam’s been taken I could be your hero baby thank me later for getting that song stuck in your head join the [ __ ] C what you really think I’m going to go I can get that song I could be a hero baby that’s not something that get stuck

In my head that’s a song that can of Are We c as it pops and goes that’s nothing so I Swagger Jer with [ __ ] that can I get that my head for edges no [ __ ] I can’t P you that’s that’s like going like that here there’s a

Hero if you I’ll be stuck in your head day know it no red thanks sub I guess you CLI a black a block you need transfer the hand if you have it I see so for example let’s say I’ve got right so let’s say I was

To do that dig that that I know have in my inventory do it’s there right there and while I’m on that obsidian if I look at that and then middle Mouse button uh right wait a minute I’m guessing you know but if you click middle Mouse when looking at a

Block you need it will transfer that block to your hand if you have it that’s grass notot Dot well I grass is growing on it but I mean I kind of you kind of there isn’t a grass block um flint and steel is there we have it right um

Careful I don’t know what the future HS here how you getting on really oh that’s a lot um give me that mutton then and Chuck the carots back in right that’s that what’s that where a piece of gold armal I well the pigeons will attack you leave

Good stuff behind when first going for a peak a piece of gold armor will help you gold armor so the zombie pigmen and the nether don’t attack back out we go you [ __ ] what right did I make gold for that right so did I make gold for that is a gold in

There there you go right right so that’s me go uh a gold helmet that I’m not wearing yet but precious metals right what’s this thing about leaving a gift what’s that all about ganty and the Gonzo thanks the subs thank you very much forget it going blind absolutely no

Way listen I’m at [ __ ] 27 x XP I don’t want to [ __ ] die I want a quick peek oh oh oh oh and then get back can I do that you’ll need a bed right Okie doie I believe I’ve got a bed there we go leave your good stuff behind I don’t

Even want to [ __ ] risk that no don’t don’t take a bed a bed is oh X explodes right hold on give me a a second who said that yes bring bed says Sean STK that’s your Twitter for T there H don’t forget a bed says Chester draws actually 24 hours there should be

Grateful that we’re going into Saturday um right so do not use a bed it [ __ ] explodes right I’ve got a lot of good stuff on me they Point me taking the ax know joyless Bor in chat not brain it’s as simple I go in I follow somebody’s

Advice and take a bed I put a bed down and explodes or however it happens uh I fall it with use I don’t play the game again I don’t really know what to do with myself I’m miserable miserable I know that’ make you happy but need bow and arrows is that right

Everybody do I need B uh bows and arrows in order to go to this place and to come back again they need it or they I like explode if I don’t have them are you do you you mean I recommend you take a bow and arrow it will help

With some of the things there big an says need a bed okay that’s a TW for there right I’m right I’m ready to do this right can I go and have a we look and then see something dangerous and quickly go I’m Shing myself I’m coming

Back right I’m going to put on this gold helmet I put the [ __ ] good one there just know can anybody see something it does me second obsidian may as well put that back in there does anybody see anything that doesn’t look quite right The Shield is damaged I’ll make another Shield just in

Case uh what was that again I it be enough that’ll be enough okay okay uh ignore the [ __ ] stupid torches uh don’t do that do that take the shield you don’t not really going to use any put it there swap up with that actually got that look at your equipped for your

First a skill oh right put that in as well right bring blocks bring an extra flint and steel in order to come back bring blocks to build uh D is that all right Cobble best cobblestone better Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone um and the door don’t need extra flint and steel

But don’t need it but advisable already got one uh extra is the word that I’m using the last ages oh right I see not needed right right right um anything else you see doesn’t look quite right what want work so may as well leave that here

Right right just want have we just have we are we glance to begin with right what the [ __ ] day that’s one for the blooper wheel aha there it goes nothing come on then he where the [ __ ] are this there a lot of them don’t hit the piggies wait a minute I they no

Bodes that did I just get there what was that weeping veins they’re neutral and what may you be a minute nether W block not all Pigmen are neutral right La a [ __ ] everywhere right minute what you just going to hide in I’m just going to hide here for few years what you shrim

L what you oh that hunt nut [Applause] right I see be B no what Hunter um what’s up there what’s the depth XY Z I’m at 64 get the Shader on I what would that look like I see let us see not much different just it’s got a wee bit of glow to

It right oh [ __ ] was that F1 right um so some of you said somebody said oh Marble Marble mining that’s where what’s got a quartz quartz um let’s say you needed to find that port on a [ __ ] Hur why is it taking so long to M these things look at that

Has haven’t hard as [ __ ] Here there right right uh let’s see then let me um you stay there you stay there uh you’re there quartz quartz I’m imagining no that’s glow stone oh all right Wilson thanks for the the bits oh I and the hills the cities that I how you planning St V I’ve got I’ve

Got string NAD thanks the sub not a single gen done right here’s what you’re going going to do you’re going to go in that direction you’re going to no get hit off the side what’s that what’s that what’s that there what’s that what’s that there hi There that what’s that o nether qus careful it will break through and you’ll lose it h Careful everybody want you feel they all want you feel let there be no doubt time for a drill Panic stations you need to get back it’s that way it’s that way it’s up there and then there there and then all the way there that’s it there that’s it there that’s it there right

Good good don’t bother with that [ __ ] can’t even [ __ ] get in what what’s that what’s that a golden nugget is that it nether quartz don’t take the Gold I’ve dropped the gold is that all right I can keep that I know that I’ve done it but don’t do it again don’t do it in front of them right I see right who said don’t you don’t need the [ __ ] torches you won’t need them I need them to get Back I I know I’ve got torches but I mean who place cble stands out you know you’re right nice big [ __ ] thing there and then look down there it’s that way where where where oh Right right uh place that there where you can [ __ ] see it that takes you to that takes you to that takes you to that right there a lot of XP to lose I told I don’t know what kind of Health they’ve got oh they’re the baby ones right if that’s a baby

One you’ve lost track that’s just a baby you died that there put that there I can main that hi careful lava you just don’t know right I should XP coming in is that a lot of XP I could even tell you that’s it let me just check your way I

It Go that that that then to the left right good just periodically check it just in case just in case make sure you kind of see multiple in the same at the same time cuz you’ll be that one to go that one or that

One have we just have a we look out here there’s something in there there’s somewhere there right here put it put it there you need to have a [ __ ] system hey There your pickax is uh struggling up be touch you’re strain quite far I’m all right there some made up there you all right these people are your friends put that there just in in case just in case these people are your friends getting a bit

Dark if I can get up to 30 we this pickaxe that would be lovely do not touch the gold that’s set what B these uh mushies right this is going to be quite a [ __ ] joury here this is subnotica levels oh wait don’t touch subnotica levels of exploration that’s good David that’s gold um right come up here put it there though so you can see it be bit Better can you see that right and then that’s a lot to lose get me up to level 30 then get me the [ __ ] here know the reason I came up here just because I saw this that’s Su just just leave it leave it don’t even bother picking up you got your XP

Get the [ __ ] out of here A system that works oh wait wait you go to that one right right oh there’s lots of them he there hi just s don’t touch follow the way points but simply the system walk and the we one there just in case you can’t see it where were

You you’ve been gone for 10 years but I just I was on the way for 10 minutes I don’t know where you were but it seems that for every minute you were away it was a year and I not get it right everybody saw watch see this pickaxe that I’ve got right

Now now here here’s I’m put my fingers in the my keys um shrim light any of these things actually kind of wa here wait a minute actually go here what new things or an offer what’s that carpet how did I make a carpet oh will

Oh I can use that in the thingy to jump here the the fences glow item frame shroom lights are next nice decoration and they they ligh up cake I’ve got all that sh yeah golden C didn’t open it I think ah I comp part I don’t need all

That I never don’t even use it in [ __ ] creative piston Cobblestone I’m glad I saw that [ __ ] peston what sticky piston an observer never used it never used all that right see all that stuff nether W block I don’t know go go stti it and see your arms shrim light quartz hey

It’s a lot of quartz right um so here’s what I want to do in my storage I’ve got the diamond I’ve got the efficiency 4 pickaxe which is almost done in there it is four quartz for a block course blocks right right there’s that right I’m going to put that right

Inventory um I want to combine that so see that diamond pickaxe there I’ve got I’ve got that other one up there right so I’ve got I’ve got multiple um repairs cost levels right so what I want to do I’m best to I’m right and saying I’m best to make a brand

New pickaxe diamond pickaxe because Diamond Pickaxes just for Scratch yeah I use diamonds and that’s it and when it comes to Diamonds I’m rolling in them rolling in them but to repair stuff if I was to make a [ __ ] 10% Health pickaxe that’s Enchanted and put it another 10% Health pickaxe that’s

Enchanted combine them I get one pickaxe 20% Health two enchantments but I can only use it for a bit that puts my XP down just doing the enchantment stuff and then when I want to repair it that in itself uses even M so if I just straightforward make a [ __ ] pick diamond

Pickaxe that whoops uh that will be that I mean I can combine the pickaxe with another pickaxe to make a slightly better health pickaxe no no no I’ll start with I’ll start with a good one combine the two damaged unenchanted ones for a 5% bonus

Repair but then it uses the XP and I’m not going to use my XP um pickaxe new pickaxe right and so it’s only going to be Fortune 2 right but right I go here and I use my br new one try getting a manding block from villagers fix your weapons with the XP

You gain trade with villagers g g tons of XP really no XP is used combining them really oh I’ve not got the L is right did that and I put Fortune two on it unfortunately unfortunately I don’t have fortune 3 but better than nothing all right Fortune 3 is best is it it’s

Fortune 3 better than Fortune too thank you so much here we go you ready the det is done unbre and I get Unbreaking three by chance let me say this to you right no so what does that mean does that mean the durability long durability let me f you get a mending

For that it would be amazing right I’ll get a mending for that get this amending for this one that’s well Day let’s see what the sword does borderline infinite what was that there no that’s fortune 3 that one so if I get I’m I’m a 27 XP um if I get up to 30 put that on this pickaxe then combine them the would you meall it you’ve gone from thingy blocks to

That with that pickaxe with Unbreaking three uh you’ve gone from 1562 blocks to 6248 with that pickaxe with Unbreaking three how do you what you want about how’ you know the things You’ just said go back to the nether the amount of blocks that can oh

I see I see right I thought I think top of stuff I’ve already done um so right so this is a [ __ ] Mega pickaxe I’ll [ __ ] tell you this right now see if something happens and I lose that pickaxe I’m not just going to uninstall Minecraft I’m going to uninstall my

Computer and the internet the internet for any mind your fness oh that’s right I did quite a bit and um so what I’m thinking is why would I want to go and use this pickaxe why you enchant it with so [ __ ] Fortune cuz it was all that was there

And I’m not just going to Chuck a book on it and another book and another book wait till get fortune 3 XP goes down XP just Chuck something on it I mean I mean I know it only uses One XP in order to do but I’m not not

[ __ ] about um what I was thinking was right I right see see when it comes to Diamonds diamond mining take a look how many diamonds have I got I’ve got a [ __ ] fortune 8 * D 72 plus that 9 99 I’ve got 99 diamonds I got [ __ ] tons

Tons so diamonds on the thing right now but you know what’s the thing XP so I take this wondrous pickaxe through to the [ __ ] Nether and I go searching for quarts and I get that back up and I stick fortune 3 on the [ __ ] pickaxe all the

Almost run out pickaxe that I’ve got and then combine that one with this one what’s that fortune not useful for nether is it says cus is that true everybody Cilla says Fortune not useful for nether is it it’s not true Sirus what do you think

About that I know you posed it as a question get yourself B can of get out clause but we all know what you did for extra quotes I extra quots any can anybody confirm that I get extra quarts CA says you need the XP I don’t know what you’re on about you

Said oh I you’re talking about for extra and not you know you’re right you’re right and the it’s not the quartz really that I want it’s not the actual quartz but what it does do is it’ll last for long b anyway no um so I don’t I don’t get any extra XP

Just extra of the stuff the quartz itself that makes me wonder then if I should just um use my other pickaxe by the way I use the other one to get that and use the [ __ ] Kraken one for when I actually want stuff I want multiples of diamonds that kind of

Thing so tell me see if I put that in and that in wait a minute is that got effic efficiency 4 did that combine that is this is this something else oh that’s when I that’s when I made it for a new one I made it for a [ __ ] brand new

One combined for efficiency 5 wait a second so combine it with it with my current amazing one right put the good one in first because cuz if I don’t it’ll do what combining is very expensive what’s the thing that Disney what’s the is it repairing the that doesn’t use

XP it costs more levels right right right uh get fortune 3 first I I’ll do that first right so what I’m going to do then is see this [ __ ] amazing pickaxe that I’ve got put it in a wee box just like that and and and then go to the

Nether and then go to the nether just use it no really you think so use it for work I suppose it does break through things uh quicker didn’t it and then I can add it’s it’s too valuable to use just put it in a box right it’ll mind faster

Right what it is will take it then um use it use the [ __ ] thing use it where is it it’s gone it’s it’s been knocked oh I the XP in the furnish right I think they’re G away that song for free I gets played that much compared to some of these other Christmas ones um what I doing right use the ax on it no don’t don’t don’t don’t be don’t be DED don’t be DED that’s like the be CH Bel WKA please

Put that in there put that in there put that in there and that and that and the sandw gold on that everything else is fine Crimson fungus shift right click on top of h p and you can place blocks right right right right um uh these torches I just put the

Torches away just now put that gold away just now keep the dot nether uh put the dot away keep the Cobblestone put that precious stuff away what have you got on you then that sh pickaxe h no no no where’s the there’s a good one seems like such a

Waste it really seems like such a waste to to use the the [ __ ] Kraken one for this stuff I’m not going to use the [ __ ] good one I’m keeping it in a box where I can look at it and see that efficiency one you you stay there as well just in case I’m

Temped to use you and in a day the WR thing repair it no no no wait wait wait wait wait repair the FL all repairing is fine is it repairing um just adds like Chucks like a diamond on it just just uses like anvil on Anvil H wait a minute that

Uses XP does it know right G second uh right wait I’ve [ __ ] lost it um was it was it in there did I leave it in there no what was it again right I’m going to use that and I’ll s that that that’s what it was right

So don’t use the grin stone is that right the grainstone will remove efficiency is that right it repairs it and disenchants it there’s no there’s no choice I can repair I can also disenchant it’s going to [ __ ] there right so forget about that um this uses XP is that correct right

I don’t want to [ __ ] do this I don’t want I don’t want to drop [ __ ] XP you can get XP EAS enough I won’t use XP for a Repel I’m 99% it [ __ ] it does like if I it actually tells you let’s see if I did that uh go right

Efficiency right and pick one of them [ __ ] two who said that it won’t use XP for a repair I’m like 99% sure says step step what you think of that I sh I [ __ ] up don’t worry about it you join the majority of the [ __ ] viewers here

Right so forget about that I’m not touching that you know what I’m going to do see this see listen right see I know what I’m going to do see that efficiency one I need to [ __ ] keep that nothing must happen to that I’m adding it to the other thing

Right um see that pickaxe there give me that see the good one put it away I don’t want to be tempted these pickaxes I’m using them up I’m using them up and then I’m coming back right because I’m not going to [ __ ] put the XP down let’s get this

Up to 30 come on let’s do the right thing it’s sensible tight miserable jock it just makes good [ __ ] sense diamond pickaxe nothing special on it don’t care if it runs out another one nothing special don’t care if it runs out that those two the will give me I think maybe enough XP

Through quartz farming to get me up that’s what I think do want to take the good one be tempted to use it take it right down to 1% Rend it to [ __ ] zero and lose efficiency [ __ ] four that I’m going to add onto the battle one combine them

And crafting no no no no no blad combine them in crafting what do you mean and your e menu Anvil said forget about the Anvil forget about the Anvil can that even be done oh look if they aren’t Enchanted is that right thank you very very

Much to that person what was the name again thank you best chatter of the day yep what you know we should do that we should start doing that chatter of the day brilliant look at that it works it works [ __ ] club goodbye I a little Every Time We Say Goodbye Thanks um thanks Susan would you just wait a second there love oh I’m [ __ ] talking to you I beig a pardon CL we’re holding a [ __ ] clap no B you mean should about respect B don’t [ __ ] push it di clap B [ __ ] you do B get bunte in here about [ __ ] pushing DHE

Clap than [ __ ] [ __ ] clap oh bro lovely right let’s go let’s be bold all let me check gold yet all right yeah let’s go back let’s be bold um when’s the last time I slept cuz that sounded like the things that come when you don’t sleep I know they on there but

Reminded me of them I know I’m scared do you have did you get them in there oh hey oh hey hey home sweet home home sweet home you know let’s go that way right let’s just keep going that way no I’m not going to go the other way no

I’m going to go this way I’m going to see if any Branch’s outfit though don’t get listen I can sense me getting a bit too confident keep your eyes on that right right up here right don’t get lost right byy I don’t know I don’t know you sure about this look behind you

Lava right on your [ __ ] headat that’s it who cares about actually picking it up though near oh [ __ ] bags it in there bags it in there absolute PES of the stuff you’re all right there’s nothing to be afraid of nothing to be afraid Of ignore the music how the [ __ ] are you going to get in there listen your D [ __ ] what to do is this this is what you do come back up this is what you’re going to do it’s really quite simple it’s really quite simple you’re

Going to go down the way and and then build across to that and then that itself will take you down all right like like this oh no I don’t know what I think I [ __ ] up uh wait don’t do that you don’t know what the next Block’s going to [ __ ] be it’s

Sorry seen Things I [ __ ] knew that I knew you’re doing great just popping in to let you know you’re doing great that’s all than for Leslie n and uh airplane this is a great St careful with that that’s how they get you that’s how they get you there I think you’re ready to build

Across okay I thought that’s how they get you you hear that communicate communicate hard done on that control button that Crouch button like your actual real life life depends on it there we go great stuff Hey there we all don’t accidentally hit him with the axe don’t accidentally get some gold your XP there is flooding in how’s the Sound by the way it’s not loud as [ __ ] is it this thing good that’s your XP flooding in there careful lava could gush out not

Just burn you but actually push shoot out the [ __ ] Edge you going to go down there you will you dare how you going to get back up quick quick quick quick quick than than think start at the bottom are you keeping that are you keeping track of whereever it

Is justbe get out later maybe done maybe get out later get get it just now you don’t have many blocks left just just just ignore just ignore that just just it’s not there we go we don’t need it we got bags here this is what we’re looking

For and this is just a normal pickax wait till I go [ __ ] Mining and what F once I’ve got the uh the stuff on it uh hold on don’t don’t even get that gold and a we accidental [ __ ] tap I then the game’s Completed check check your eyesight is that gold or is that quartz Careful great stuff listen build yourself why don’t you treat yourself to a we bridge that goes all the way across on you go oh don’t that that Crouch button do not fall don’t don’t no laps of concentration here please no [ __ ] lapses all the lapses lapses we W is lapsis

Thingy well now tell me what would you do right now if lava was to come pouring out of that you don’t know didn’t you know have you got an exit plan so I’m much prefer this to distress a dead by daylight this has got this has got enough

Stress leap of faith look leaper Faith personally I would have chocked the the bager whatever it was sand L the leap of faith first Indiana but that’s just me oh it’s just me I go up on our level [ __ ] it don’t touch the mushrooms oh peep boo Ry I know I’ve got 30 but why not 301 excuse me all right we all right we’re in good Terms my couple there I feel like just taking the gold and running like [ __ ] I [ __ ] take what I want I’ll take what I [ __ ] Want bring one them back any other we ones just s sitting in the boat I think that would do it it’s got to be it’s got to be an all cheeky we one just sort of sitting about there’s my path back what’s that not even Caren just wants to X XP

What no I’m um XP uh Centric at the moment this is oh I’m going to go give me back my [ __ ] don’t build up you [ __ ] you Mak an asset I just knowable don’t don’t do it I just I just know what you’re like you will make a [ __ ] asset D be

Increments nice safe increments you’re at level 30 congratulations okay I get killed by them lose about 20 [ __ ] levels here get the [ __ ] right let’s get this done right now John call G Lord Lord Dash zofa hyper bites ero gravy Sam B thanks the subs still can’t work

Out how to unsubscribe from this dble thank you very much I’m going I’m going to look at maybe like we FMV on Monday maybe I’ll see if there’s anything else Big Country I I like a few big country songs I like um L beat ones but I like um chance

Can you pretend I said something smart and wty cheers big man very good John Cole why how can M people not be like see John Co there no this is the last day of Minecraft but you know I might just do something a bit different Monday right there there’s

Been some changes slightly to the prison uh not prison wases that they’ve got a um free range Garden they can get out there though but it’s better than being in there all day right now this is it this is it so I take where’s my amazing pickaxe there it is

There there’s the amazing one right but I can’t combine it just yet cuz it’s not I can after this I’m going to put that there right and then I take I can I can I wait a second what did they fortune 3 first think I so if I see

If I was to take the fortune 2 efficiency 4 Unbreaking three pickaxe am I able to use that with the enchanting table or no it’s already Enchanted I can’t remember D question I know but no right all right and good good good right so come out here with a Sher PL that

On let’s go back come here PL that done I use one two three of that and you want Right why and new one you see what I’m thinking is I’m want to let me put up here for the purposes of illustration I’ve got this efficiency 4 on R three and Fortune 2 diamond pickaxe I want to add to this unenchanted diamond pickaxe fortune 3 which is available to

Me once I’ve got two this is at full health this is only whatever that is 25% or so then combine them which will add does it add them don’t know if it adds them so it doesn’t matter the health is low there it’s actually the best [ __ ] use because

It’s about to pack in this is at 100% oh my God I’m actually right Fortune 3 is a highest so tell me this let me just talk it through just cuz you might be ring about me being right the diamond pickaxe has got efficiency four Unbreaking three fortune two that’s

Fantastic but if I put this diamond pickaxe here the other one I know I’m talking about the same thing again that will put Diamond I that put Fortune three on this right then uh but it’s only got It’s got hardly any health then um walk over to here to the

Anvil and I put in the very good pickaxe first and then I add the fortune 3 and whatever else that might might get added to it after it what does that create does that create an efficiency 4 Unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 pickaxe it would it will keep the highest one it

Keeps the highest one would I be right in saying that see that’s Fortune 2 pickaxe see I added one that was just Fortune one all Fortune 2 all fortune 3 it makes the fortune 2 pickaxe go up to fortune 3 is that correct doesn’t matter what

Number you add it just goes up by one no 2 + 2 goes to three it must be two + 2 it needs to be at least two right 2 + 1 stays at two right I see I see I see I see I see because what I’m thinking

Is that’s already got Fortune to you know what I’m just going to [ __ ] do it I’m just going to do it because you could maybe say no no no no no no no no no combine you’ve already got an efficiency 4 Unbreaking three fortune 2 pickaxe that’s fantastic

You’ve already got you’re going to you’re about to have a fortune 3 pickaxe I would suggest br them off into two separate pickaxes is there anybody that thinks that’s wise or should I just add that to that and get it done your fortune 3 en chant

May higher thingy just get it done let’s just get it done it’s maybe no n make it fortune 3 and have separate silk touch one um I’m all right with silk touch I’m all right with not having that I’m I’m just going to get it done fortune 3

Might get efficiency 4 which would be amazing right so first things first day the [ __ ] get this done and see what happens am I right first things first let’s see what happens when I get this so this is going to be a fortune three pickaxe right see if I get anything extra efficiency

4 that’s got Unbreaking three which is nice and but I could just [ __ ] constantly add diamonds to I don’t give a [ __ ] that’s a that’s a cracker combine them to get a fishen say five Unbreaking three and fortune five fortune 3 fortune 3 fortune 3 3 + Fortune

2 only 4 + 4 is 5 right combine them you sure us are sure right uh what what one first does it matter that’s my that’s my first one and this is the most recent one best one first as cheaper give her a name oh look how much it’s going to [ __ ] cost

Me buy I what bit the buy no just got bunny know the buy like it’s get an actual buy something and see if it’s cheap right 18 25 interesting there we go I ready for an efficiency five Unbreaking three fortune 3 pickaxe Diamond at that has been

Done there it say look it says it Bunty well we before I I stop the stream I we give it to World shall we give it to world can it break it’ll break it can break gu eventually um torches were all right um right but you know what I want

Though should I just use this just a [ __ ] main um what I mean is I almost feel like going like that no just use the Sher use a a standard one for just knocking and once you see a diamond then [ __ ] there what do you

Think or just use it just use it and just constantly repair it you can always repair the I I read it everybody this is serious use and repair that’s it now I’ve got a purpose for the diamonds and now you could say right so what’s your purpose

Now then to get diamonds to repair your [ __ ] pickaxe that needs repair CU you’re going for diamonds just looking after this [ __ ] pickaxe pickaxe like it’s a way sorry Bunty Bun’s hungry right here we go say up but xp’s up on Ed here we go you know let’s new go this

Way you got a bucket I would have brought a bucket h you might die down here right here we go let’s have a look what I want to see and see see if this is a gravel no gravel um just kind of normal Cobblestone it probably go through it like it’s bom

Whatever have here I been in here before feels like I have right did that get me more than usual I mean what would I usually get for that anyway see there’s nothing here everybody talks about oh there’s lava so there’s you get diamonds where the [ __ ] are they bollocks there

That get that locked off a we bit right let’s see if I can get some diamonds right see if I hit a diamond block did I get one did I usually just get one diamond right oh [ __ ] right let to let me know it’s there it’s

The one that’s on the flare right um here we go let’s let’s see if I can let’s see the first time I get diamonds R1 R2 R three let’s see let’s get diamonds let’s not leave until I get diamonds what’s that new know what go there get diamonds then

Leave I could be this a [ __ ] day all night six iron form two is huge too ni me six iron form to huge that’s your six iron form two there and what’s that is that bad I’m going to have to order a uh part in for a and how long would that

Be 3 months how much that cost 9 Grand is that usual me if if you think I’m L you going get somebody else so that comes as standard there I’d say I’ve went far enough and maybe I’d say that’s far enough um do that [ __ ] it one two three

Right let’s get some diamonds second to get a diamond that’s set off here we are that’s it there a diamond above me there I’m just going to put this a we bit right let’s see right no diamonds Four Diamonds eight diamonds nine that’s not right that’s not right I

11 you get one to four right know kiwi ones no right that’s set let me see that again that’s 11 diamonds 11 diamonds form four did that did that person mean from for I when I talk about the iron oh he go back the way I thought some sort of Shand way I

Speaking see see there like four like a block of four you call that four on four thought it some sort of maincraft expert lingo have we checked behind you I’m waiting to see the light I’m heading back the way here I’m going to tr I’m going to guard

This [ __ ] pickaxe my [ __ ] life I’m going to take any risks with it it’s EV to me you to me are everything I’m it’s going back in the Box believe me just in case you know some sort of rust sort of thing happens and I somehow lose it oh big

Go you’re going to make it the what a bit that’s it diamonds are forever diamonds go in there [ __ ] tons a diamonds there that’s all do nicely 12 blocks of diamonds thank you that is 98 110 diamonds did you hear that box put Bunty back in the box there we go

Safe frame your axe you know [ __ ] should maybe we did that Monday the mining’s the best but see I like building stuff and all the rest it but see just going do just mining magic a well learned rest for a bu I the rest of the day off

Bunte you take the day off put your feet up well earned nether exploration next stream I would can look towards actually completing the game that should be easy and straightforward I imagine team biscuit killer zakai alino da count thanks for Subs Christmas parties did

You enjoy them back in the day I I did the main thing is drinking all my enjoyment was drinking as I said once I stop as I said before once I stopped drinking which is about 20 19 and a half years ago something um it’s [ __ ] lost interest and sort

Of gone meeting people and all the rest of it cuz I think I was maybe never interested really I was never really that um going out meeting up with folk and having laugh unless I can have a [ __ ] drink kind of hear what Cel saying half the

[ __ ] time anyway so just GL [ __ ] I’m getting wrecked Fredy Fred will have to be in Monday killer cuz I’m away there was a magic I drink all along I take [ __ ] Boo at the equation I’m no interested in any [ __ ] um Everybody thanks for Subs res

Subs the bits and the tips this week mods thank you very much for the moding and everybody thanks for watching all week I’ve been really enjoying Minecraft um I think a bit me on Minecraft on Monday see what you think of that but I might have a we game or two in the

Background waiting in the wings when my new shame have that new [ __ ] pickaxe and you just don’t get to see the full benefit yeah I’ll send you D until then I will [ __ ] see you on Monday for more mining bye for now

This video, titled ‘LIMMY Plays | Minecraft Survival (12) – Into the Nether, Dead by Daylight & Improv [2023-12-08]’, was uploaded by Benny Harvey on 2023-12-12 16:30:00. It has garnered 2232 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:55 or 14335 seconds.

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00:00 Intro & marbles 00:25:20 Improv: Man Falls Into Pool 00:46:55 Dead by Daylight – Game 1 (Survivor) 1:04:01 Dead by Daylight – Game 2 (The Nurse) 1:21:45 Minecraft Survival

  • Crafty Grading: Teacher’s Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft

    Crafty Grading: Teacher's Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From teachers marking exams to trees being chopped, Every update delivered, never a flop. With humor and wit, in every line, Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure to find. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Each video a joy, never a trap. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With rhymes that spin and stories that sing, Cube Xuan’s channel, the true gaming king. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building beautiful and simple houses like the Glass House featured in this video, then you’ll love the Minewind server. Join a community of passionate Minecraft players who love to build, train, and even have a little fun with some friendly competition. Whether you’re into survival mode, creative mode, or just looking for some new building hacks, Minewind has something for everyone. Explore unique house designs, modern builds, and even hardcore challenges on Minewind. Connect with players from around the world who share your love for Minecraft and get… Read More

  • Revealing My Garoxlo1545 Skin in Minecraft

    Revealing My Garoxlo1545 Skin in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building towering structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. The World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are placed in a vast open world filled with various biomes, each offering unique resources and challenges. From lush forests to barren deserts, the world of Minecraft is teeming with life and adventure. Building and Crafting One of the core mechanics of Minecraft is the ability… Read More

  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1) In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With duellers and mods, the story molds. Kazutto, the hero, faces fears with grace, Surviving the night, in this eerie place. From One Block Skyblock, the adventure begins, With creatures lurking, as the darkness spins. The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker too, Each mod brings terror, a chilling debut. The Mimic Dweller, The Goatman’s call, Eyes In The Darkness, beware them all. In this world of horror, Kazutto stands tall, Crafting his way, through the night’s thrall. With wit and humor, he faces his fears, Building his world, amidst… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video discussing the top 5 best secret texture packs for Minecraft. While texture packs can enhance your gaming experience, have you ever considered taking it a step further by joining a unique Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With its intense survival mode, player-driven economy, and thrilling PvP battles, Minewind is the perfect place to put your newly discovered texture packs to the test. So, why not take your Minecraft adventures to the next level and join the Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey of Survival and Creativity Minecraft, a game beloved by millions, has undergone numerous changes and updates over the years. From survival challenges to creative building, players have explored the vast possibilities within this virtual world. Let’s delve into some of the recent developments and ideas that aim to enhance the Minecraft experience. Exploring New Horizons Survival mode in Minecraft has always been a test of wit and skill. However, recent discussions have highlighted the need for balancing the game’s mechanics to provide a more engaging and challenging experience. Ideas such as revamping the… Read More

  • Sneaky Spring Minecraft Packs

    Sneaky Spring Minecraft Packs Exploring More Spring Resource Packs for Minecraft Hello and welcome to More spring resource packs for Minecraft! Despite feeling under the weather, our narrator is excited to share some adorable spring-themed resource packs to enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of cute and colorful additions to your Minecraft world! Overgrown Flowery GUI 1.2.2 by km This resource pack adds a touch of spring with purple flowers to the UI. Health bars become little sprouts, hunger bars turn into water droplets, and armor displays as tiny pots with plants. The XP bar is adorned with more delightful… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Starter Wood House

    EPIC Minecraft Starter Wood House Minecraft: A Beginner-Friendly Large Wooden House Introduction In this Minecraft tutorial, the player showcases the construction of a simple yet spacious survival building. The exterior features a farm, pasture, and stable, while the interior includes a kitchen, bedroom, and living room. Key Features – **Materials:** Oak logs, oak wood, white glass, spruce doors, and trapdoors are used for the foundation and structure. – **Aesthetics:** The build is enhanced with Complementary Shaders for lighting effects and the Faithful×32 texture pack for visual appeal. Construction Process 1. **Foundation:** The base is laid out using oak logs and filled with dirt for… Read More

  • Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash’s Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure

    Quakes, Rains, and Blocks: Labrash's Minecraft Outbreak 2 Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Labloush roams, Navigating challenges, finding new homes. From virus outbreaks to earthquakes so grand, Labrash plays with skill, a master hand. Through dark caves and treacherous seas, Labloush explores with playful ease. With ladders and boats, he charts his course, In search of treasures, with no remorse. Parkour and puzzles, he faces with glee, No zombies today, just parkour spree. But fear not, for Labloush will return, With more Minecraft adventures, the crowd will yearn. So like and subscribe, show your support, For Labloush’s journey, a thrilling report. In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • HunterZ: Lost Island HCU Adventure

    HunterZ: Lost Island HCU Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a virus on an island, a story untold. Hector Lemière, a scientist so brave, Called to the island, his family to save. With Louis Pelin, they faced the unknown, A virus that brought the dead back to roam. The military, the infected, all in a fight, For survival, for hope, in the darkest of night. But Hector’s courage, his determination strong, To find a cure, to right the wrong. With Liam by his side, they faced the storm, In a race against time, to find the norm. The cloud of… Read More

  • 🔥 SHOCKING REUNION: MILOClash and Minecraft Legends Unite! 🔥

    🔥 SHOCKING REUNION: MILOClash and Minecraft Legends Unite! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘we Can t forgot this two Minecraft legends ❤️’, was uploaded by MILOClash on 2024-03-18 17:24:10. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🌳 Welcome to our ultimate guide on crafting custom trees in Minecraft! Whether you’re a budding builder or a seasoned pro, this tutorial is your gateway to creating captivating landscapes. Learn the art of tree design step-by-step and discover tips to make your creations truly unique. Watch now and elevate your Minecraft world with custom trees that will leave your friends… Read More

  • Ultimate Decked Out 2 Remake!! #minecraft #EPIC

    Ultimate Decked Out 2 Remake!! #minecraft #EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘Relic Runner is my perfect version of Decked Out 2 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-05 14:00:26. It has garnered 313 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraftshorts #ignitorsmp #relicrunner #deckedout #tangotek #hermitcraft I’m making my own version of Decked Out 2 based on the amazing game by TangoTek on the Hermitcraft Season 9 server! My name is Vid and in this series, I play Minecraft 1.20.1 on a server with a few other players! Join me for shops, farms, automation, building, redstone, villager trading,… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour + Epic Pixel Art (Part 3,657)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour + Epic Pixel Art (Part 3,657)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,657’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-15 11:49:04. It has garnered 217 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,657 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Hogalalla vs Herobrine!

    Ultimate Battle: Hogalalla vs Herobrine!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is stronger? | Hogalalla Vs Herobrine’, was uploaded by Zatty on 2024-01-11 16:51:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 256 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hogalalla Vs Herobrine Hogalalla From The Game Minecraft Herobrine From The Game Minecraft 🎶Song Name : Despacito Link Song : 💥App Edit : Capcut Inspiration From : @Upper_gaming Font Name : Bangers ______________________________________________ Hogalalla Animation : Herobrine Animation : ______________________________________________ If I made a mistake or wrong song or the background is too blurry or the animation is too fast… Read More

  • Mindless Orange vs HeroBrine: EPIC NIGHTCRAFT RAGE!

    Mindless Orange vs HeroBrine: EPIC NIGHTCRAFT RAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘[NIGHTCRAFT] I HATE HEROBRINE!’, was uploaded by Mindless Orange on 2024-02-11 17:48:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to nightcraft, a serie of horror minecraft. This is a horror modpack that I have made for me and my friend Brolivier to play … Read More


    UNLOCKING HYPERION IN HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK!?!? F7 GRIND & GIVEAWAYS!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & GETTING HYPERION TODAY??? | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:54. It has garnered 1782 views and 258 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:31 or 10831 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – swerve – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Lockdown Story! Part 3 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Lockdown Story! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lockdown Story Part 3 #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:46:40. It has garnered 1730 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : Instagram: Twitter : Tags ok #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame… Read More

  • Crusalis: Rise of Rome – Semi-Vanilla PVP (Soon) Custom Items Nations

    Crusalis: Rise of Rome | 28th June | Fight for Carthage! Join Crusalis: Rise of Rome. As the most powerful Empire “The Carthaginian Empire” Our Empire has more than 300 people and is one if not the BIGGEST Empire on Crusalis. Rise of Rome is a new iteration that will be coming up this JUNE starting in the year 304BC. This iteration will have: ⚔️Completely CUSTOM MELEE SYSTEM, shield mechanics, ranged mechanics, and everything you can think of combat-wise, it is of our utmost importance to create a system that makes cheating VERY difficult⚔️ 🗺️ Nodes-related changes including; Town and… Read More

  • Alpine Craft

    Alpine CraftUnveil the freshest Minecraft SMP Server experience! 🎉Dive into a world where you can:Establish your domain with Land Claims, securing your territory from the wilderness. 🏰Craft your dream dwelling with customizable Homes, tailored to your taste and style. 🏡Embark on exciting adventures with Random Teleport (RTP), offering endless exploration opportunities at your fingertips. 🌍Engage in community fun and interaction with Streamers, adding a dynamic social element to your gameplay. 🎮👥But hold onto your pickaxe, because there’s so much more in store! 🔧We’re constantly evolving and expanding, with a plethora of features on the horizon. From thrilling events to innovative gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Shady Minecraft Build”

    Minecraft Memes - "Shady Minecraft Build"Well, it looks like this meme is really failing to build up any laughs! Read More

  • Crafting All 9 Wolf Variants: Minecraft’s Howl-tastic Quest

    Crafting All 9 Wolf Variants: Minecraft's Howl-tastic Quest In Minecraft, wolves come in all shapes and sizes, From snowy white to fiery red, each one surprises. To get them all, you must explore far and wide, In forests, taigas, and even by the seaside. The first wolf you’ll find is a classic gray, Tame it with bones, and it’ll be your loyal playmate. Next up is the black wolf, sleek and sly, In the dark forests, it’ll catch your eye. Then there’s the brown wolf, blending in with the trees, Tame it with care, and it’ll aim to please. The red wolf is fiery, with a fierce… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hot Ore Portals #lit #meme

    Minecraft's Hot Ore Portals #lit #meme When you finally find the ore portals in Minecraft and realize you’ve been wasting your time digging straight down for hours. #rookieerror #minecraftfail Read More

  • Join Minewind: Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary!

    Join Minewind: Celebrate Minecraft's 15th Anniversary! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! As we celebrate the 15th anniversary of Minecraft, it’s a perfect time to immerse yourself in the world of blocky adventures and endless creativity. The journey through the updates and memories of Minecraft has been truly remarkable, and what better way to continue this journey than by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server like Minewind? Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges, exciting events, and a welcoming community of fellow players. Minewind offers a thrilling multiplayer experience where you can forge new friendships, embark on epic quests, and unleash your creativity in ways… Read More

  • Sister vs. Brother: Bedwars Showdown!

    Sister vs. Brother: Bedwars Showdown! Playing Bedwars with My Sister in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often team up with friends and family to conquer challenges and have fun. One such popular game mode is Bedwars, where players must protect their bed while trying to destroy their opponents’ beds. Join our adventure as we follow a sibling duo taking on the Bedwars challenge together. Game 1 The first game kicks off with our dynamic duo strategizing their defense and gathering resources to upgrade their gear. Working together, they manage to eliminate several opponents and secure their bed, giving them a competitive… Read More

  • Shocking: I Pretended to be a Girl to Beat the King in Minecraft SMP!

    Shocking: I Pretended to be a Girl to Beat the King in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Disguised as a Girl to Defeat the Corrupt King in This Minecraft SMP!’, was uploaded by ThunDeath Gamerz on 2024-02-24 19:15:58. It has garnered 283 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:58 or 718 seconds. In This Video I Pretended To Be A Girl In A Public Minecraft SMP To Kill A Corrupt King! Information : Email = [email protected] LinkPays = Discord = Tags: Embark on a thrilling #MinecraftAdventure with me as I don the mantle of an undercover queen on a daring mission to defeat the… Read More

  • Ultimate Recoil Mojo: Cry More!

    Ultimate Recoil Mojo: Cry More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Heavy: “Waaaaahhhhh! Uwaaaaaaah! Ahahahahaha! Cry some more!”‘, was uploaded by Recoil Mojo on 2024-03-24 14:01:24. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Step into the infernal depths and beyond in our latest episode. Enjoy a thrilling chapter of our Cursed Walking Minecraft Mod Pack v1.20.1 series that takes us on a journey from the fiery Nether to the peaceful pursuits of farming and exploration in the Minecraft world. 🔥 Nether Annihilation: The episode kicks off with a bang as we step through the Nether… Read More

  • BACK IN ACTION! Insane Minecraft Survival Adventure!

    BACK IN ACTION! Insane Minecraft Survival Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’M BACK IN THE HOLE!! Minecraft SOS SMP’, was uploaded by Solidarity VODS on 2024-03-19 16:00:23. It has garnered 6316 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:54 or 7014 seconds. 🖥 JOIN MY DISCORD!! – 🎥 Solidarity MAIN CHANNEL – 🎥 Solidarity Shorts – 🎥 Solidarity ROBLOX – 📲 SOCIAL MEDIA 🐦Twitter – 📸Instagram – 📱TikTok – Read More

  • 🔥EPIC HACK: Best Minecraft Mini Build Trick!

    🔥EPIC HACK: Best Minecraft Mini Build Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-22 01:51:05. It has garnered 5861 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • 🔥 JAY’S LIVE SMP – Join NOW for EPIC Lifesteal Action!

    🔥 JAY'S LIVE SMP - Join NOW for EPIC Lifesteal Action!Video Information भाई यह सर्वर क्या होता है यार रुको एक मिनट चट य तो रनिंग बता रहा है यार लो जी भाई मैं स्टार्ट कर रहा रुक जाओ ठीक है वेट फस्ट ज बहुत बढ़िया भाई बहुत बढ़िया तुम पहले आ गए हो बहुत बढ़िया भाई अच्छी बात है भाई अच्छी बात है भाई तुम पहले आ गए हो एक मिनट रुक जाओ एक मिनट रुक जाओ भाई सर्वर बार-बार बंद क्यों हो रहा है ब्रदर रम खरीदना पड़ेगा ब्रो हेलो भाई डेडली शैडो कॉम्बैट में सर्वर लीव कर रहा है ब्रदर एक बात बताओ मुझे इस सर्वर के… Read More

  • Gamer Salem’s CRAZY Redo Mission – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Gamer Salem's CRAZY Redo Mission - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information blow your his brains up gear comp okay I spawn in on one HP already at least it’s not like uh like hard where l we diea I’m clipping that no shot I just got a head shot and it was a point and it was a what’s it called a hit marker withg that okay remember me give a [ __ ] how down and I’m Shifty don’t I’mma go out shooting me when I die when I go out the club stupid for 6 minutes chck 6 Shady IR me an angry blonde song Le on… Read More

  • Going Insane on Day 4 of Minecraft Stream-O-Thon!

    Going Insane on Day 4 of Minecraft Stream-O-Thon!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey cuties good morning good evening good afternoon good day how are you thanks for coming in you guys how are you all doing it’s a pleasure to see you on… Read More

  • 100 Days vs Minecraft’s Deadliest – I Survived!

    100 Days vs Minecraft's Deadliest - I Survived!Video Information all right I might actually be in trouble this time guys if you know me for a long time you know I’m a pretty humble guy dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we’re on a different playing field than you what’s wrong with should have should have done one of your talents to give you like strength or something but healing dropsy that way I don’t die like you pushed off the edge man I died from Chorus fruit oh interesting interesting okay oh that’s game oh you yeah that’s game let me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes! You won’t believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSee

    Insane Minecraft Memes! You won't believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSeeVideo Information गोल्डन एरा भी नहीं इसको डायमंड एरा उससे भी बढ़कर था वो टाइम ठीक है तो ऐसे हमको बहुत ज्यादा याद आ रही है उन टाइम की हम बताते हैं ना [संगीत] असली मजा है यार पर तो क्यों लोग वापस टाइम में पैक जाए जो कि इंपॉसिबल है अभी पता है तुम लोग को भी पता है हम रो ब्रांड एसएमपी की ऐसे याद है यानी ये सब चीजें हुई थी वहां पे अभी तक वो [संगीत] ठीक है एंड लेट्स गो बहुत ज्यादा बातें हो गई हम लोग चलते हैं अपने टाइम में [प्रशंसा] वापस ना… Read More

  • ChromsySMP


  • Epoxy SMP 1.20.4 Java Advanced Survival Lands

    Server IP: Welcome to Epoxy! Epoxy is an advanced Survival server with quests, skills, banks, lands, and more. Join us since the season started on 10/05/2024. While we’re still small, we have a dedicated staff to assist you. Come play and experience the challenge of high-level mobs lurking everywhere. Server IP: Version: 1.20.4 (java only) We’ll see you soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who wants to mine with me?

    Minecraft Memes - Who wants to mine with me?Sure, but just be careful not to dig straight down and fall into a pit of lava! Safety first in the mines, right? Read More

  • Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2

    Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With demons and love, the story molds. A boy named Noan, with a sister in need, Seeks a potion to heal, his heart does bleed. But wait, who’s this stranger, Dylan by name, With a plea for help, his eyes aflame. Noan must decide, to trust or to doubt, As danger lurks, shadows about. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, As the plot thickens, and emotions soar. Minecraft animation, a love story told, In rhymes and in pixels, hearts unfold. Read More

  • Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby

    Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby Why did the sigma baby villager in Minecraft become a trending meme? Because he’s always calculating the most efficient way to steal your diamonds while you’re not looking! #sneakysigma #minecraftmischief Read More

  • Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6 Update to Minecraft 1.20.6 – Part 2: Fabric Modding In this video, the focus is on handling errors in the mod development process due to changes in the base Minecraft code. The narrator delves into the intricacies of Fabric item settings and the impact of alterations within Minecraft. Identifying Errors The narrator guides viewers through the process of identifying errors by examining external libraries and code snippets. Emphasizing the importance of meticulous debugging, they highlight the need to scrutinize each line of code to pinpoint and rectify errors. Debugging Process Viewers are taken through the debugging process step by… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecraft Ama Ülkeler Arası Yapı Savaşı #minecraft #shorts.” Although the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the creativity and fun that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine taking part in epic battles, building magnificent structures, and embarking on adventures with players from all around the world. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a… Read More