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These are the best moments from my last three Minecraft mob battles enjoy today me and Chi are going to be doing a Minecraft mob battle but anything that you draw comes to life just look it looks exactly like the drawing so let’s just fly over to chippy side past the

Oneway glass and oh my gosh chippy what is up oh hello Waldo well I am working on a new secret entrance to my new house okay can you make a guess on how you get inside here uh I don’t know it just looks like a normal wall to me well try

And right click this torch and see what happens okay oh I missed oh my God I missed again wait what chippy that’s like a secret entrance yep and that’s what I’ve been working on it’s going to become super cool and oh my gosh if I walk through it it even closes behind me

That’s so cool chippy but how is this going to help you in a mod battle wait we’re doing a m battle wait okay I’m going to start right now no no no chippy this is all wrong wait why did all my wolves die chippy I’m sorry but that’s

Not how we’re playing this mob battle come over here with me wo what is this this is an easel and do you see what I have in my hand right now it’s called a pallet check your inventory okay oh I have one too all right now right click

On the painting and you can actually paint on it using these colors on the side wo that’s super cool yeah and try painting something all right let me try and Draw Something using the palette okay D I’m going to draw my favorite mob which is a gorilla a gorilla okay so

Let’s start with the face and add grab some black and get the nose and the mouth okay there we go yeah okay wait wait now that youve drawn the gorilla it should spawn in wa what oh my God that was so fast trippy now do you understand

How this mob battle is going to work I think I understand Waldo but I think we both know that I’m the better drawer what chippy that is just not true oh my go get that out of here chippy why don’t we go to our sides and let’s start this

Mob battle now all right let’s do it all right good luck chippy wow guys chippy is really confident for somebody that’s never cheated in a painted mob battle before but he doesn’t know I’m using this oneway glass to my secret Advantage so let’s just see what he places down

For the first round okay guys so we’re looking through the oneway glass right now in there Chip he is it looks like he’s already drawing something and it’s green wait I wonder what that is it’s kind of got like this tail yeah that’s definitely the head cuz he’s adding eyes

To it and that’s definitely the mouth but I just don’t know what it is yet here let’s see if we can find any clues on his side no I don’t see any here let’s look back it’s got feet now okay I think he’s finally done and that kind of

Looks like a crocodile or I don’t know it looks like some kind of lizard let’s see what he spawns in oh my gosh I was actually right yeah that is a crocodile oh my God that thing is so scary look at its big teeth and oh my gosh I wonder

When shivy is going to spawn in next I mean he is infinite drawing possibilities he’s already placing down another painting well while he’s working on that I’m going to work on countering this crocodile with my own mob so crocodiles like to go in water so I

Think I want to counter it with some kind of fire mob I’m placing down red orange and yellow but I just don’t know what I want to do yet h i wonder wait this is actually giving me such a good idea maybe I should spawn in some kind

Of like demon like here let me draw it red face oh my this like kind of scary already and here I’m going to add its little horns yeah wait he’s actually so devilish and then let me add his eyes wow he looks so scary I would not want

To mess with this guy especially if I was one of chippy mobs and then here’s his body and he’s just got these really big legs and on top of that he’s got these big arms too oh my gosh this guy looks so scary the only thing that can

Make him scarier is a mouse look at this guy oh my gosh I had no idea I was so good at drawing and look oh my gosh wait he just spawned in in real life what the heck I didn’t think it was going to be that good wait he actually looks so much

Like the drawing look you can see his horn horns you can see his long arms and legs you can even see the eyes and mouth that I added in this is so sick now let’s see what chippy place down wait what is that that’s a times 10 multiplier no way that actually just

Spawned in nine more crocodiles making him have 10 in total now dude I had no idea that chippy was going to do that I need to go fix my mob quick I only have one of these guys right now and I think about one of them could take down maybe

Actually I don’t even know if it could fight a whole Crocodile by itself I might need to do a Time 20 multiplier in order to beat chippy so here let me just place down another canvas open it up and make my own multiplier so we here wait

How did chippy do this it looks like he just put down the number 10 and then a little X so if we go back over to mine we can write 10 oh wait no I don’t want 10 I don’t want 10 as I said before the

Imp might not be that strong so I’m actually going to spawn in 20 and then we put the little X and boom Oh my gosh it just spawned in 19 more imps that’s actually so sick now my Army can definitely fight off chippies but oh my gosh it doesn’t look like he’s been

Doing anything else I feel like he’s probably getting a little bit bored over there so maybe we should go mess with him to stop him from growing his army and what chippy doesn’t realize is with just one click of a button I can actually become a crocodile he is not

Going to expect this so I made the first jump and now let’s make the second jump and we are on chippy’s side and he has no idea but I got to be sneaky cuz if he notices that there’s a crocodiles instead of 10 he’s going to be

Suspicious so here let’s just make our way over yeah I’m one of you guys come on okay he isn’t oh wait wait wait he’s looking to his left oh man I love reading books about crocodiles I know so many facts now just like how oh yeah and

Like their skills are made of super strong materials and these guys should be strong enough to kill any of Waldo’s mob wait chippy actually knows a lot about crocodiles I didn’t even know all these facts about them I didn’t know they were this strong wait I need to get

That book so I can learn more facts about crocodiles but I don’t know how I’m going to get it off chippy and look he’s already looking at all of us he’s so suspicious man if I read fact number 10 here it says that all these crocodiles make a certain sound so you

Know I’m just going to go check on all my crocodiles make sure they all make the same sound wait what sound is he talking about okay wait I think that crocodile just growled at him uh oh my gosh does my morph do it I can’t tell if

He suspects me or not okay let me check and make sure all my crocodiles make the same sound okay yep you do okay wait guys he’s starting over there if he makes it over he’s going to realize I don’t make the same sound so I got to be

Quick I don’t think my morph does it I’m just going to crawl over here and oh my God he didn’t even notice me he thinks he already checked me all right that’s all the crocodiles check you know I don’t know what kind of mob Walo spawned

Over there but I have a crocodile and 10 of them which is really op wait a second there seems to be a lot of crocodiles a little bit more than 10 oh no I think he’s catching on 1 2 3 4 guys while he’s

Counting we got to get out of here oh my gosh he actually has no idea 9 10 and 11 wait a second wait I only put a 10x multiplier on here how is there an extra crocodile oh my gosh guys we successfully made it out but he’s realized chippy what are you talking

About I can hear you over there what is this what is all this about counting crocodiles I don’t know Waldo it’s like somehow an I don’t know wough just somehow an extra crocodile spawn on my side even though I only put a 10 next multiplier but how would you know oh I I

I just heard you I just heard you but like maybe you should count again I really don’t think the game would do that chippy well though you know I’m not bad at counting but you know just for you I’ll count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10

Wait a second what yeah chippy it’s okay don’t be too hard on yourself everybody makes mistakes M Waldo I don’t even know how you know what’s on my side and I don’t even know how you know how many I have on my side I think I think we

Should just start the M battle it’s a little weird yeah you’re right chippy let’s start it now 3 2 1 go oh my gosh the walls have come down and look your crocodiles they see my imps and they’re going to fight wait no way guys help him

Out yo this is crazy my crocodile just picked up your imp and just ate him oh my gosh oh my gosh but they’re lighting them on fire that’s actually so sick my Army is strong oh no I should have put water for the crocodiles is not looking good yeah actually you should have

Chippy it doesn’t even look like the rest of them want to fight they’re so scared oh my gosh you have so many imp wait you put a 20x multiplier that’s that’s double mine yeah wait that’s actually so crazy I can’t believe mine was just enough to beat yours and look

They’re about to fight all right I’m going to use the fishing rod come on crocodiles it’s time to fight you guys got this oh it looks like one of them is locked on and he’s One V oneing my imp this is actually crazy he’s lighting

Both of them on fire but he’s dead now nice nice good job we we can win this come on I believe oh no this crocodile is definitely dead now he’s getting attacked by like five imps no come on help him out wait this is actually kind

Of close oh no no no come on survive please no come on a okay I only have one more crocodile left you got this buddy I’ll help you all right let’s see how it faces off against all five of my imps here we go come on you got this oh my

Gosh he actually took out one of them and it looks like he’s going to kill another that’s actually crazy that crocodile is so op but he’s not as op as my imps oh my gosh you only have three more left you can do this I believe wait

No way oh he almost made the comeback chippy but I still won oh man how did you know what to draw man chippy I guess it was just like a lucky guess oh okay well do you know what I’m going to draw something even better next time oh yeah

Well we’ll see about that literally all right now that we’re on round two we’re going to go spy and see what shippy’s doing okay he’s on his painting and let’s see what he starts to draw it’s got some green legs that’s a good start wow these are really tall legs oh and

There’s the Torso man I really wonder what he’s trying to make right now look it even has arms now oh and it looks like he’s giving it a weapon that’s so cool now it has a red head and oh my gosh is that gold armor guys I seriously

Don’t know what mod this is now it has eyes a mouth and this blue like apron I’m not even sure what he’s doing I’m going to guess that’s a club and it’s hand and I’m just going to put my guess in now is this like a jungle minion oh

My gosh wait I was right that’s actually a really accurate drawing that chippy just made I’m kind of impressed okay that’s pretty good and it looks really cool it’s got a bone I guess I was wrong about the club and yeah okay guys this is going to be pretty hard to counter

But wait chippy’s actually drawing something else look at this guy dance over there let’s see what he’s doing oh he put a 10x in multiplier just like last time oh my God and now all all nine are spawned in and another easel chippy is just going crazy but what could he be

Drawing so far it kind of looks like a chest with a cross on it and a circle but wait that actually looks like a head that might be the body of whatever he’s trying to make it’s got a cool little crown and it’s got eyes wait I think I

Know what this is those are actually the minions of the sun Chief so if I’m guessing correctly yeah wait chippies just made the sun Chief which is a super op boss that thing is so powerful and oh my gosh look it just spawned in dude chippy’s Army is actually so good I’m

Actually terrified right now chippy I can’t believe you got all that on your side what how do you know I have a lot what how do you know I have a big army on my side you wouldn’t know yeah wait I can just like hear all of them though

Chippy and they’re so loud and scary yeah you know yeah do know yeah do know my mobs are pretty scary and they are super powerful cuz I know I’m not not going to lose this round all right guys I think I need to go and gather some

Intel on how I can beat shippy’s mobs cuz they’re super op so guys just like last time I’m going to turn into one of chippy’s mobs and just like that wow I look exactly like his mob so let’s just run on in here and see what kind of

Damage we can cause bro walto is taking way too long I think I’m just going to go to sleep oh my gosh oh my gosh guys chippy is actually so silly it’s day out he can’t sleep sleep in Minecraft right now oh man I can’t even sleep Waldo why

Are you taking so long over there uh chippy I’m just finishing up on my side placing my moms down you know how it is okay can you just hurry up this is getting a little boring over here and some of my moms seem to be you know

Getting a little energized yeah yeah for sure chippy I’ll be done super soon okay Waldo I’m waiting okay while he’s waiting guys let’s go to one of these mobs really far out here and see what we can do so I don’t actually know how how I want to like fight with these guys

With my own mobs yet but I have a theory that Enderman are super powerful against them but I don’t want to test anything too loud so I’m just going to place an endermite down and see how it reacts oh my gosh wait they’re already fighting and yeah look he’s so scared of the

Endermite wait that’s crazy the Enderman just hit him off no way Enderman are super op against these guys good job buddy yo yo what the heck I just saw one of my minions fall off what happened oh yeah my fellow minion fell off oh my gosh chippy no that’s sad hey why didn’t

You help I think I saw like an endermite or something push it off why didn’t you help sir I did help I did help I don’t think so he would have been still alive that is not a good sign okay guys it looks like chippy’s getting kind of

Suspicious and I don’t really want to stick around for much longer uh quick let’s break his bed hey why are you running why are you running oh his bed is gone and I’m going to try and blend in with these other guys and you broke

It my bed yo wait what wait which one are you huh hey was was it you hey come here Mister okay guys we’re just going to back slowly why did you not help him H I don’t understand what kind of language you’re speaking okay now I got

Go now I got to go okay I don’t even know which one you are now oh my gosh I’m just going to have to draw another one of you so now that we’ve successfully made it back to our side and chippy’s back drawing some more I

Think it’s finally time for us to draw our painting and after testing that Ender white I know exactly what I want to do it’s just going to start off with this big black head and then I’m going to go ahead and add Pur purple eyes to

It and while this may not look too scary yet here’s where it’s going to get super duper scary his legs are already huge but then I’m going to add these big massive arms because this isn’t just a normal Enderman like you might have been thinking this is actually a mutant

Enderman the super powerful op version just look he has like six arms and he’s all angry and he’s got all these particles around him because he’s super dangerous and oh my gosh wao he just spawned in that’s actually nuts it looks exactly like the picture too but I don’t

Even know if this guy is like dangerous I just assumed since he was a mutant Enderman he would be really powerful let’s go into survival and he’s looking at me do I got to make eye contact with him oh yeah now he’s mad he just screw

Some extra arms and what I’m blinded and he’s teleporting around and hitting me wait what help wa guys I’m about to die that was horrifying yeah this guy is definitely going to defeat chippy’s mobs but H he does have a boss and a bunch of minions so let’s just place an easel

Down and make this guy even more op so one of the ideas how I had to make him more strong is actually adding a splash potion to him and in this splash potion I’m just going to put this red little Elixir and I bet you can already guess

What it is and look at that guys that is a splash potion of strength and it’s looking so good it looks just like the real one to be honest and look there you have it he has splash potion of strength particles floating all around him mixing in with his normal particles and making

Him super powerful but just because chippy has a lot of mobs let’s quickly add in a five times multiplier now this is going to be fun chippy are you ready to start this mob battle yes I am Waldo I had you know a couple complications

You know some of my people are kind of killing each other but I think I am ready all right then let’s just drop the walls and get it over with all right I’m going to drop in three two one drop in the walls oh my gosh wait look at them

Go you don’t even have that many minions oh but my sun Chief has the power of the sun oh but look how much damage he’s taking my M Enderman are going nuts oh my gosh what is going on come on use your sun Powers this mob battle is

Totally bananas no this mob battle is totally apples apples are better it’s definitely oranges chippy oh my gosh what is going on wao he’s exploding into the Sun but it looks like he just lost to my Mutant Enderman chippy what I have no more minions either oh my gosh I got

Destroyed it’s fine chippy I may have won the first two mob battles but let’s do a final round for the best of three all right I’m going to draw a super powerful mob so get ready oh yeah well mine’s going to be way better so let’s

Just put up the walls and get it over with all right so I already know what I want to spawn in for this round and it’s going to be super duper op but I just want to know what chippy’s going to draw first just so I can troll him he’s got

His little painting thing out and look he’s drao a foot oh wait now it’s blue it kind of looks like pants but I’m not sure it could just be legs that are a weird color all right all right what is he doing oh my gosh this is taking so

Long chippy can you speed it up hey what do you mean Waldo I’m literally way faster than you you’re super slow oh wait I didn’t know he could hear me uh sorry chippy I I was talking to my other friend chippy what you have another friend I thought we were the only

Friends oh sorry chippy I was talking about my other other you know what just forget about it forget about it chippy I’m never going to forget about it now no that’s mean sorry man this is taking a while what is he even trying to make

You know what I think I actually want to get a closer look at this I’m going to go ahead and drink this potion of invisibility and we’re going to run over to his side and see what he’s trying to make okay I’m closer in and wait what is

That is that Sans oh wait no it’s something else but it’s like a skeleton with a rib cage man I really can’t tell what it is but it looks pretty good okay guys chibi doesn’t even realize even though I’m right here and all these invisibility particles are coming off of

Me but guys look what I can do if I pull out the easel he’s going to see it in my hand so I’m going to stand behind him and look it says someone else is working on this painting right now so I’m going to wait for him to finish and then I’m

Going to edit it and oh my gosh guys it actually looks like chippy’s finished with his drawing wow that kind of looks like The Necromancer and oh my gosh wao it just spawned in and he’s like waking it up that thing is so op look at its

Cape and staff this thing is crazy but wait guys I don’t actually want him to have this this cuz this is like a really op mob it’s already spawning in minions so I’m just really quickly when Shippy isn’t looking I’m going to go into the thing and I’m going to change it okay

Guys first step we have to make this all green because secretly there’s actually something that’s really close to the Necromancer that I can change this into but I have to be fast okay let’s go my Necromancer is already spawning a giant army there’s no way Waldo’s going to

Beat me oh my gosh guys look chippy is right here he’s so close to us I don’t know if I’m going to have enough time to finish this and my painting looks so good I don’t even need to look at it anymore because Waldo is such a bad

Artist oh my gosh wow we’re so lucky right now and there the finishing touches are done this is no longer a necromancer this is the nameless it’s different because it has a green robe instead of a blue one and it’s much weaker yo wait what happened to my

Necromancer it’s changed to the nameless this guy is so much weaker oh my gosh wait guys even though it’s weaker it’s still spawning in mobs okay do you know what the nameless isn’t as good as the Necromancer but you know it’s still an OP mob let’s just hope he doesn’t find

Out how I did that Waldo are you ready with your mobs on your side this is taking a while and something’s weird happening on my side uh no chippy I’m not ready yet but I’m making my way back I mean I’m almost done placing all of my

Mobs making your way back from where uh the convenience store I had to go pick up groceries groceries I thought a m battle Waldo you’re really weird today I don’t know what it is about you but you’re acting kind of strange yeah sorry chippy I’m just really not feeling it

Today oh my gosh guys he definitely knows I need to draw my mob super quick I have like no time because chippy wants to start right now wo what is taking so long come on I’m almost done chippy I’m super close I swear you are taking too

Long you always take way too long these mall battles and I always finish before you okay come on come on I’m almost done drawing I’m almost done drawing art takes time no because the greatest artist in the world Picasso actually draws his paintings in less than a

Second what chippy that is just not true but I’m done now and oh my gosh wow that spawned in so fast that is the cosmic fiend on my side Waldo why can’t I hear giant Roars on your side what’s going on don’t even worry about it chippy let’s

Just start the mob battle all right Waldo I am ready all right drop the walls in three 2 1 go Cosmic go waa what is that is that the cosmic monster what is going on yes it is Chippy I spawned in the most OP mob so I could win the

Mob battle oh my gosh Come on nameless yes shoot your magic at it come on oh my God he’s going he’s just destroying the map and oh my gosh Shippy this battle is basically over what no way all my mobs are dying come on nameless spawn more minions he’s

Just breaking the ground and they’re dying like instantly oh no I don’t have any more minions left it’s just my nameless oh my gosh but the cosmic fiend doesn’t even seem to see him oh what he just got destroyed but look they both have a lot of health and the nameless

Can fly yes okay wait this actually might be even actually no it does not look like it at all your Cosmic fi is way too fast no it looks like he has a chance just let him cook we’re literally going outside the map Waldo is this even

Allowed I don’t know chippy this is the best mob battle ever everything is allowed come on let’s go no my is about to die and your Cosmic fi hasn’t tooken any damage no my nameless has died oh my gosh that was actually so crazy man chippy that was actually insane I can’t

Believe this is the painting that won it all for me oh my gosh dude your drawing doesn’t even look that good mine was so much better and I still lost somehow yeah I guess it’s not your painting skills that matter in a mob battle but

Here chippy I just felt bad for you so check this out all right I’m looking what are you making chippy how can you not tell what I’m making this is a gift of my appreciation for your friendship and doing all these mob battles with me wait Walo why’ you make a heart because

Chippy I just wanted to apologize follow me okay what are you going to show me I’ve been doing something a little bit suspicious over the course of the entire video you mean like drawing something really nice or what no chippy look at this wait a second is this oneway glass

Yep I’ve been able to see what you’ve been drawing this entire time oh my gosh look you can see the heart that you drew no wonder how you knew yep okay I feel so bad about it though cuz it’s kind of like cheating so chippy you can have the

Win even though my paintings were a lot better no it was not but you know I’ll take the win all right let’s go today chippy and I are going to be doing a mob battle and I’m going to be using all of these massive op mobs and Puss and Boots

To beat them but what my friend doesn’t know is anything that I building game turns into a real mob and that I’m spying on him using oneway glass let’s see what he’s placing down right now oh my gosh guys he’s making snow golems that’s actually so interesting but he’s

Cutting off their pumpkins so they just have a smiley face Yay Snow Golems chippy what are you doing over here don’t you know we’re doing a mob battle today wait we’re doing a mob battle I’m the best at these Waldo no chippy you don’t realize that I’m spawning in super

Op mobs on my side oh yeah well I have even better mobs but chippy what’s going to be the prize for the winner well I think that the winner should get a mystery prize oh my God I want to know what’s inside so bad well you’re just

Going to have to win it then okay fine let’s go then so guys I want to start building right now but first I think we need to spy on chippy so we can perfectly counter him okay so I’m walking up to the oneway glass right now

Okay let’s see what he’s doing let’s see what he’s doing okay guys it looks like he’s placing down magma cubes let’s go magma cubes are super strong I really hope Waldo doesn’t have some sort of water related mob oh my gosh guys chippy just gave me a great idea what if I made

A drown first to the counter his Magma Cube okay guys to start out we’re going to be making the drowns feet so let’s just place a few blocks like this and there we go that’s a pretty good foot and now that we have one done let’s make

One more oh yeah just like this just a couple more blocks and now we can use both of these feet perfectly for running next we’re going to build his pants and we’re going to use this brown wool because the drown actually has these tattered cloths that wrap all around its

Body oh my gosh guys these pants are looking really good and really comfortable I didn’t realize we were making the drown so drippy and now that his pants are done it kind of looks a lot more like he has legs now we can add some tears to the pants and it makes it

Look a lot more realistic oh yeah guys look at that next we’re going to make his torso with one simple command and oh my gosh look at that let’s add some more tears in his clothes and then let’s make his arms oh my gosh guys look how funny

He looks with this short arm I’m just going to make it a bit longer and oh my gosh he is looking pretty cool let’s add the second arm to make him even more powerful oh yeah this is looking so good make sure to leave a com comment if

You’re enjoying how the drown is coming along so far and oh my gosh there we go look at him this is so beautiful but I don’t just want him to be beautiful I also want him to be handsome so let’s add the head so I’m just making the

Outline of his head right now and this is what it’s looking like and then if I use another command I can fill it yet again yeah guys this drown is going to be super powerful when I’m done I can’t wait to see what it looks like at the

End and oh my gosh guys we’re inside the head right now but let me get out of here so I can work on the face the drown has these deep sunken light blue eyes so if I just Place some blocks like that and then like that I should be able to

Make the mouth just like that it looks so much like the real drown so let me just do a little bit of shading that’s already looking better and then we just have to add his Mossy kelpy hair oh no guys we just gave him a horrible cut let

Me fix that up by adding a couple extra blocks removing some up here adding some over here and just doing that all over the place oh my gosh guys this is looking so good like he feels feels just a little bit too bland right now so I’m

Going to add some texture and I’m going to show you what it looks like in just a second I’m just going to use some different colored blocks to vary things up a bit just place them everywhere pretty randomly maybe I’ll even use some concrete powder oh my gosh I’m loving

This add a little bit to his arms and legs and even the feet too I have to make sure I get everywhere and oh my gosh wow guys he looks so much more realistic the only thing I would do is add some different colors to his hair

Just to make it not look so boring now that was easy I guess I might as well do the Clos two while I’m at it wow this looks great make sure to like this video If you think this looks like a Minecraft drown now that we’re done though I need

To work on the inside first we’re going to do his left foot right now it looks pretty boring cuz there’s nothing inside of here but we’re about to change that we want this Dr to have super sticky Powers so we’re going to put a bunch of

Slime in here just like this oh my God I’m filling it up so much and then also a bunch of cobwebs oh my God guys I think I’m going to get stuck oh no I’m stuck inside of the cobwebs help somebody help me out we’re just going to

Leave this foot like it is now that we’re in his other foot we’re going to add a bunch of stuff in here too since he’s supposed to be a drowned I’m just going to add a little layer of water here and we’re going to make sure his

Entire body is nice and wet I think this is going to make him a better swimmer then we’re going to put a boat down just so we can swim around really fast and then we’re going to spawn some fish just like in the ocean I’m also going to

Splash strength on the fish to make them strong and super powerful and before I leave I’m going to give them this trident too next we’re going to go into his arm in here I think I’m just going to place a bunch of anvils to make him super strong cuz anvils are really hard

And durable let’s just cover that back up and in his other arm we’re going to fill it up with Fletching tables so he has better aim with his Trident now that that’s done let’s move on to his head now this thing is super empty and when

Your head is empty you’re stupid and I don’t want my drown to be stupid so let’s make it nice place some bookshelves for him to read off of a nice little chair for him to sit while he reads and then a section over here for him to practice his aim oh my gosh

This is going to make my drown so powerful just look how well I’m aiming now that I have this practice range but I’m also going to make him a roller coaster so we can have fun cuz it would just be mean to trap him in here with

Nothing to do see let’s just make it go all around just like this and like this and now I want to try it out but first we need to power the rails I’m just going to do that by placing some Redstone torches just like this one here

One there one there and one there so now we should be able to ride it all right 3 2 1 let’s go oh my gosh this is so exciting oh my gosh we’re going so fast now yay okay my drown is going to have a lot of fun on this roller coaster since

This spends a lot of time underwater I thought it also might want an aquarium so I put this puffer fish in here to keep them entertained but now we need to make him more overpowered so in these Corners I’m just going to place a bunch

Of diamonds to show how rich he is and Powerful look at all those diamonds I’m going to put some on top of the bookshelves too under the roller coaster over here oh my God this pile is so satisfying it’s like dripping over the edge and yeah this is looking pretty

Good to me all of these things are going to make my drown super powerful and happy which is going to help him fight chippy a a lot better oh my gosh guys we did such a great job with this and this is going to spawn in a crazy Titan drown

But I think it’s time for us to move on to the next mob next we’re going to be building the minitar it’s like this man but he has a cow for aead and he also has a golden ax he’s super dangerous so to get started I’m going to make his

Feet out of dark oak planks and they’re going to kind of look like this and the reason I’ve made the feet look like this is because a Minar actually has hooves for feet so we’re just going to build up his legs with these stripped logs oh my

God this is looking so so good I’m just adding the finishing touches and nice his feet and his legs are done then we have to make his pants and they kind of look like this it’s this weird blue/ light blue color it’s kind of like the

Sky but a bit darker plus we’re just going to mix in a bit of this darker blue and I’m just doing this to give it some variation and a bit of a pattern but yeah that’s looking pretty good those pants are super cool next we’re

Going to make his body and the body is different from the legs because it’s a bit bigger so I’m just going to have to extend the Torso a bit upwards and add a bunch of logs just like this and then I’m going to have to awkwardly Branch

Out to the side guys I know it looks weird but trust me it’s going to work out in the end let’s just place these on the end and there we go that’s the bottom half of his chest the reason I haven’t made the top half yet is because

The top half is actually part cow I’m just going to extend this a bit upwards and now here we can start making the part where it becomes a cow I’m just going to add this brown and white wool cuz that’s like the color of cows we’re

Just going to fill it all up and oh my gosh guys you can see the transformation happening right in front of our eyes then we’re just going to show that as arms stick out and oh my gosh guys this is so funny I just realized I made him

Hitting the T pose but yeah we’re just going to take These Arms a bit down and oh my gosh guys this arm actually looks so good I’m just going to copy the same thing over here nice nice and oh my gosh guys we’re almost done look at this so

Far this is so cool I can’t wait to build the cow head on top okay so now we get to start in this head and this is going to be the best part I’m just going to extend it out like this and we’re going to build the frame then just like

Last time we’re going to use a command and it’s going to be filled in just like that then we can just fill fill in these gaps you know we wouldn’t want to have these sticking out put a roof over his head literally just keep placing these

Blocks and now that we’ve got a block for a head we can finally add in the white splotches and details that make a cow face for starters we’re going to make his white nose and then let’s just make his nose like this oh my God that

Looks so good and then if we just give him Derpy little eyes like this they look so cute then we’re just going to add some more splotches we’re just going to have this run across his entire head all the way down the back until it finally meets up with the bottom that

Looks Spectacular Now we got to do is add his ears and then his big horns that come out of the Minotaur just like this oh my God that’s so cool and I’m just going to mix in some other colors to make it look even better just like this

And then I’m just going to even it all out wow guys now this is looking good he looks so menacing right now so this is what he looks like completed let me just get a full 360 so you guys can check him out but yeah I think it’s time to add

The inside so I’m just entering the legs right now and I think I’m just going to add this little Brewery stand with potions of swiftness that way he has tons of speed to use I’m also going to add an armor stand with some netherite boots on it just to show that his feet

Are a really important part of his powers and I’m going to add a bunch of pressure plates cuz those are what you step on with your feet to top it all off I’m going to place a bunch of TNT to show that when he pushes off the ground

The power is explosive so let’s just cover that back up and move on to the pants so inside of his pants there may not seem like there’s a lot but the pants is actually going to turn out to be a really important location cuz this is going to be the nature section this

Is going to be where all the magic happens when it comes to Mother Nature and him I’m going to decorate it with these little rocks add some trees and even add a little Hill plus I’m going to add some mobs inside of here too just to

Roam an adventure this area is going to be the central Force powering the Minotaur cuz it contains all of the life then we’re going to fill in the Torso and this is arguably the most important part of the body the Torso is going to need the most protection because it’s

The biggest part of the body where he’s going to get hit a lot inside of here we’re going to place a bunch of iron blocks to show how strong he is and also how much damage he can take then we’re going to place this layer of obsidian to

Reinforce him I’ll even add some up here too and then to really cement his core I’m going to put some Bedrock which is completely unbreakable making him one of the best mobs in this video just to top it off I’m going to add some iron bars

But I think he’s good to go next we’re going to move on to his arms we’re going to have to make these super strong to make up for the rest of his weak body in this arm I’m going to put some Pistons to show that I want his arm to extend

Quickly like a piston I’ll even Place some redstone blocks to make sure they’re powered and then in the other arm I’m going to place down a bunch of dispensers cuz I want him to be really good at shooting I’ll also leave a bow and some arrows in there and then I’m

Going to seal it back up now the only thing left we have to do is his head so if we go in here right now we can see that it’s pretty spacious and I actually really like the design of the room but this is like really comfy and I feel

Like this Minotaur would live somewhere in the mountains so I’m going to add some mountains over here I’m going to place some snow on them and oh my God that’s looking so good then I’m going to make a little memorial for the axe we

Saw at the start of the video if I place it just like that it’s going to show that it’s one of his most prized possessions I’m also going to make a little river here running through the middle of it even though cows can’t swim I feel like they would still like it and

Speaking of cows I also want to put one of them in here on this side we’re going to have a cow in the middle of this pen and on this side we’re going to have a villager representing how he’s half villager and half cow in the comment

Section let me know what I should name these guys I think that’s all I’m going to put in here for now maybe I’ll throw some splash potions of luck around to get him lucky during the fight but for now we got to move on to the next mob

And you guys already know that this final mob is going to be Puss in Boots and to start you already know we have to make the most important part of him the boots I’m just going to make them like this and I think that’s the perfect size

I’m just going to bring them up a bit taller and I’m going to add his signature custom Brown strap then I’m just going to bring them a bit taller and do the same thing over here because this is coming along really nicely but now we need to start out on the actual

Cat I’m just going to use the command to automatically make his entire body and boom now I can add details however I want so I imagine that Puss and Boots has this white little torso that kind of is shaped like this and then it comes

All the way up and oh my gosh that looks just like me then he actually has this belt that comes all the way around around his body and I’m just going to add his belt buckle nice now we’re going to add his arms which are a completely different color his long arms basically

Come down below his Bell on both sides just like this and then turn into Paws a look at his cute Paws make sure to subscribe if you like how Puss and Boots is coming along guys now let’s get to work on his head so we’re just adding

Some details to his face to make it look a little bit better so here’s his mouth and here are his eyes oh my gosh look how cool they are and then for the final touches let’s just add his hat and here is his cute little hat done guys oh my

Gosh p boots is so cool and he’s finally finished I just need to add some texture like these little stripes and I think we’re basically done now what we have to do is the inside so to start out I think I’m going to place a bunch of redstone

In his legs to show how Nimble and crafty he is and also just how he’s like quick on his feet so yeah let me just get it all over like this yeah that’s coming along pretty nicely let me close that back up and move on to the second

Foot in this one I think I’m going to place a bunch of flowers just to show his soft side and how he isn’t all bad I’ll even hang some lanterns too cuz he’s like really calming then in this arm I’m going to place a bunch of item

Frames with swords in them so that when he punches with this fist it’s going to combine the damage of all these swords and he’s going to be super powerful so let’s just fill up the wall like this oh yeah this is going great and wow guys

That is a lot of Swords let me just get out of here and close this up real quick and then in this arm I’m going to put a whole bunch of chests that way when he steals stuff he can fit it in this hand but in case he needs to be sneaky or

Attack someone I’m going to add some trap chest too finally we have his torso and I think I’m going to add m multiple layers to this the first layer is just going to be a bunch of cats cuz he’s Puss and Boots and he is a cat and then

On this layer I’m going to add a bunch of creepers cuz creepers are actually scared of cats these two things combined will boost his confidence because he’s going to see the cats scaring the creepers and he’s going to be like Oh I’m a cat I can do that too then I’m

Going to add a bunch of daylight sensors sent to night time cuz we all know that cats have better eyesight in the night time because of that I’m going to hook up glowstone lamps to it showing that they’re powered on when it’s dark out and then I’m just going to add nine

Totems of undying to represent his Nine Lives I think that’s enough for the Torso though now we got to do the head so p and boots is actually really smart so I’m going to add a lect turn and A Chair for a little study area over here

And then over here I’m going to add two armor stands fencing with iron swords because if you didn’t know pen boots is actually a very skilled swordsman and finally I’m going to add a big heart because in reality Puss and Boots is actually a caring individual using the

Power of His Kind Soul I’m sure he’s going to beat chippy so now let’s take a look at all of our mobs done here we have the drowned oh my God he looks so good here we have the Minotaur oh my that is so scary and look at his horns

And then finally we have Puss and Boots the one we just built he is looking Dapper and very cool I can’t wait for all of these guys to come to life oh my gosh guys we just finished building all of our mobs and they all came to life

Here we have Puss and Boots he’s got a pickaxe and he’s going to be doing so much quick damage with it here we got a drowned he’s going to be using water attacks on all of his opponents and here we have the minitar he’s going to be

Using that gold axe he’s super strong and I think chippy stands no chance against my team and now guys let’s go check on chippy mobs let’s just break this glass and see what chippy build oh my gosh chippy what is this I have three

Super op mobs I have found oh my gosh so that’s a Magma Cube and that’s a king spider but is that a Yeti no way yep and I’m certain that I’m going to beat you oh really chippy well how about we just drop the walls and find out all right

Let’s do it all right you’re going down cuz I’m trying to get what’s in that chest oh my gosh guys the wall has just come down and oh my God look at them they’re all going up against each other but my mobs are way bigger oh my gosh

Look what my Magma Cube immediately died yeah p and Boots just one shot it and now he’s going for the yeti wait P and boots is going crazy right now look he’s going to hit him so fast Yeti needs to fight back oh my gosh he just two shot

Him the yeti picked him up and he barely fought back now it’s all up to my king spider let’s do this oh my gosh I had no idea ping boots was this op look yes I K spiders doing damage oh my god dude that’s crazy chippy dude there’s no way

You just won Puss and Boots is so powerful yeah that’s why I cheated with him at the start of the video chippy I I planned this all along what how did you get such op mobs chippy I built Puss and Boots in Minecraft and then I made him

Come to life what insane I want these Powers well I’m sorry you just can’t have them but you know what I want I want what’s in that chest fine I guess you wanton fair and square all right Waldo well here is your prize oh my gosh

I can’t wait to open this this is so exciting oh my gosh Chippy the lit trophy Talisman of the cube and cube of annihilation as well as a bunch of diamonds thank you yeah you won them all battle so as I promise you won the mystery prize yay today me and Chippy

Are going to be doing a Minecraft mob battle but what he doesn’t know is I’m going to be using these security cameras to cheat look that’s me right there oh my gosh chippy are you you ready to start yes Waldo I am oh my gosh chippy

What are you doing to this poor chicken let him out the chicken is literally one of the most dangerous criminals on Earth he’s super dangerous oh yeah let’s see Yo wait Waldo don’t do that he’s he’s super dangerous don’t break the lasers oh yeah really well kill me then see

Look you made the chicken Escape Waldo now he’s on the loose okay well clearly he’s not very dangerous chippy do you even know what we’re doing today uh maybe a security house uh no we’re clearly in a mob battle arena and you clearly don’t know what mobs are

Dangerous or what aren’t so I’m definitely going to win no I’m going to win I totally knew we’re going to do a mob battle fine then let’s put the walls up and let’s start okay guys so we just put the wall up and now I can’t see what’s on chippy side but that’s

Actually a big problem I’m supposed to be cheating with the security cameras and I didn’t put them on his side so we’re going to have to drink invisibility and go over there and place them down while he’s over there so let’s just do this and there we go I’m now how

Invisible and Chippy can’t see me so let’s just fly over to his side and oh my gosh guys there he is I’m just going to drop down here and what is he doing it looks like he’s just aimlessly wandering around so I’m just going to go

Right here and I hope he doesn’t see me Place one there assign it and oh my gosh if he turned around he would have sell me okay okay this is so dangerous but I need to keep placing them down I like this tree I like this tree let’s get it

High up and oh my gosh wait where did he go oh my God I don’t know where he went but here let’s go up here yeah this is super high up he’s definitely not going to see that one and oh my gosh he’s over there right now quick quick quick quick

Quick I’m going to place one right here oh wait where did he go oh my gosh where is he oh he’s over there okay guys we’re good to go we’re good to go just one more all right guys so I’m just going to place one more right there and oh my

Gosh did he just see me don’t look at the camera don’t look at the camera oh my gosh guys we’re actually so lucky see I’m invisible but when I hold the security camera in my hand you can actually see it so when I was placing it

He could have very well seen me but he didn’t oh my gosh let’s get back to my side before he finds out okay guys so now that that’s done let’s see what’s on the cameras okay so we’re in the camera monitor right now and let’s go to camera

1 and see what he’s doing wait what is he doing oh my gosh wait what is that he’s placing down pillagers let me try and zoom in oh okay I can zoom in yeah those are definitely pillagers and what is it he’s just crouching teabagging on

It it’s kind of funny Chi’s so quirky like that but so far I only see three oh oh my God he’s coming super close to the camera I do not want him to see this so I’m going to stop moving the camera around and yeah there he’s going away

Those are pretty op mobs I think I have an idea for what I want to place down first I’m just going to place down a bunch of skeletons just as like the base mob that we’re going to be using for this round and then I have a decent

Amount let’s go see what he’s doing now if we go to camera 2 we can look around oh my God he placed a couple more and now he seems like he’s building something wa what is that let’s zoom in it looks like a cage I don’t know what

He’s going to be putting in there but it could be pretty good n it’s just a normal Pillager I don’t even know why he’s doing that okay so yeah I saw he placed a couple more and I think the Pillager is better than the skeleton in

General so I’m just going to spawn a bunch more let’s look again from a different camera yeah this angle is not very good I can only see about three pillagers let’s try another one what about here oh yeah wow this is a really good camera angle I can see the whole

Field and still what is this cage he’s making it just makes no sense whatever I’m just going to stop questioning it and let’s start this mob battle chippy are you ready to start yep I have a pretty good mob let’s begin all right yeah chippy let’s drop the walls in

Three two one go let’s go oh my gosh no you placed pillagers and then also the op chicken from before yep I got him again wait but he is actually kind of op cuz my skeletons can’t get to him oh my God it looks like they shot him hey

That’s not fair actually chippy it is very fair because that was just a stupid chicken and look they’re actually about to finish off your final Pillager this round was way too easy for me my Pillager can’t even reach them because of how many arrows they have yes let’s

Go oh wait there’s one more it doesn’t look like he’s going to win though he doesn’t even have a weapon chip oh he does yes there we go okay come on you’re doing good you’re doing well nice come on just a couple more arrows oh some of your skeletons are hitting each other

There we go good try chippy good try all right I guess I just have to get a better mob next round all right let’s do it all right guys I feel really bad for Chippy so I’m just not going to check the security cameras this round oh but I

Want to so badly like imagine what he could be placing down right now I have no idea if it’s too op all right I think I’m just going to give in oh my God gosh what is that that thing looks so odd it’s like a bug with a slime on its back

Oh my gosh those things are so creepy I think they’re actually supposed to be like creepers I’m not sure though okay it’s a good thing I went and looked because those things are terrifying good thing I actually have my own creepy mob to use this thing is called the mimik

Crab and oh my God look at it it’s supposed to be like a chest but then when you go to open it it attacks you here let’s go on survival all right guys I’m going to go and try and open this and then look oh my God it’s coming out

And attacking me oh my God this is so scary and it also does a lot a lot of damage look it’s almost about to kill me but I’m not going to let it these things are pretty weak on their own so I’m going to spawn a bunch in and hopefully

They’re going to trick chippy’s mobs and kill all of them so I spawned about like 15 in and let’s go just check and see how many he has wo okay guys it looks like he’s actually building something wow all of these camera angles kind of suck because his mobs are hiding behind

It and I just can’t tell what it is and how many mobs he has even this one oh my gosh I think it’s like a big slime it actually looks really bad I couldn’t even tell at first okay so let’s just count how many he has 1 2 3 four and

Then if I zoom in all the way it looks like it’s four and maybe five behind it oh my gosh chiy doesn’t realize he’s going to have to spawn in a bunch more mobs if he wants to beat me man chippy you should really give up on building

You’re not very good at it what what are you talking about my build looks awesome no I don’t think so how would you know what my build looks like we’re literally on opposite sides of the Bedrock wall well chippy a slime is supposed to look

Like a cube but yours has like a flat top it’s so ugly it looks like it’s squished how do you know which wait a second W are you using oneway glass let me check this Bedrock wait this is real Bedrock wait how do you know yeah chippy

I’m not cheating I swear I just happen to know these things M I think you somehow know it every time but okay yeah I guess my slime looks a little bad okay as long as you admit it that’s the first step to Healing oh my gosh guys it looks

Like chippy got really offended by what we were saying cuz he’s spawning in a bunch more of these guys this fight is going to be really close all right chippy do you want to drop the walls yep let’s do all right in three 2 1 go let’s

Go all right let’s begin in three 2 1 I’m Bringing Down the Walls w okay look chippy these are just normal chests and oh my gosh yeah your slime is ugly hey it’s not that bad look at the smiley face yeah he’s a little bit cute but

Look our mobs are going crazy on each other right now oh what are these wait these aren’t chests wait they’re moving wait what the heck they grew legs Yep they’re actually mimik crabs but I’m kind of scared because your guys are shooting a lot of slimes and doing a lot

Of damage I mean I used to have like 10 of these guys but now they’re all so dead look at all the Slime balls yeah my crabs are actually going crazy on them right now look it’s not even close oh gosh I only have a couple left come on

Guys you guys got this I built you a I built you a special slime just for you so you better win okay come on look it’s actually really close I changed my mind look okay I think your last one is about to die let’s go wait there’s one more

From the back he was scared at first but now he’s blooming let’s go okay let’s just see what happens okay he’s going in he’s going in and there’s my first crab going for the attack you got this you got this I’m cheering for you okay well maybe you’re going to need to cheer

Harder cuz he’s about to die no no no run away run don’t die and let’s go a I guess my slime build wasn’t good enough yeah no it wasn’t chippy oh my God this is trash hey that’s not nice okay do you know what whatever let’s do another

Round oh yeah well I’m going to beat you again we’ll see about that I have an even better mob all right guys that last round was really close and I hope Shippy doesn’t keep building stuff cuz it was actually really hard for me to see on

The cameras when he was doing that for now though let’s just look at what he’s doing he’s just crouching around and oh my gosh he just places like a grave robber you can see the coffin on his back the scepter shovel in its hands and

Oh my God look at his mouth and his clothing he’s so scary with those glowing eyes see chippy has a really scary mob and oh my God it looks like he’s placing quite a lot let me just get a better angle from up in the tree oh my

Gosh yeah I was right this is not going to be an easy fight but good thing I have the perfect mob to counter this this is like a cactus and it just walks around and shoots its little prickles at you and it’s so op watch as soon as I go

Into survival it starts shooting and oh my god I think I’m going to die yeah no it’s definitely going to kill me there we go I’m dead because it shot its spikes at me just one of these things is op enough but I think I’m going to spawn

In like one two or three and looking at chippy’s camera it looks like I might actually have to spawn a bunch more and oh my god he has so many yeah there’s two over here as well so if he has five in total I’m going to place down five in

Total of mine and let’s see how this plays out hey chippy do you want to drop the walls yes Waldo I am ready I got a yes Waldo I’m ready I got a better mob than my slimes from last round oh yeah I have a much better mob than my mimik

Crabs last time let’s just drop the walls all right let’s do it in three two 1 begin oh my gosh wait so my guys are already shooting at your guy but he’s running at them really fast oh look how much damage he does good thing he’s grabbing them I’m going to activate the

Battle alarm oh my gosh what that’s actually so scary okay come on now my grave robbers know it’s time to fight you guys got this okay so let’s see what’s going to happen they just spawned in zombies and those things are super deadly come on cactuses shoot well you

Have a lot of cactuses and they’re doing like the spinning move oh gosh I want to be able to do that yeah it’s actually like a really cool dance move oh here we go the zombies are going for the cactuses okay let’s see come on guys

Shoot your spikes at the zombies oh look my grave Rob was going for your cactuses in the back oh no it died already oh my God that was actually so fast yeah I’m going to need to use my fishing rod come on guys you guys got this don’t be

Scared they’re just little cactuses hey why you trying to run away you can win chippy you’re just leading them to their death don’t do it look they’re actually about to destroy him oh here we go yeah they’ve locked on and they’re already shooting this is crazy he picking him up

And they’re like fighting oneon-one nice there we go see you got this no I think my guys are a lot stronger come on oh he spawn the zombies here we go oh wow those zombies are really going to help him but you got know there he is he’s

Dead and there’s only one more left hey come on I’m going to need to use a fishing rod on you too come on you got this who do you think is going to win one grave robber or four of these cactuses My Grave robber of course why

Would I want my guy to win no you’re so wrong all right here we go okay this is going to be really close he’s spawning in his zombies and they’re he’s spawning in his zombies oh come on no nice okay he took a lot of damage from that one

Cactus though come on I need my other cactuses to step in now come on over here oh here we go nice you got this oh my gosh wow he’s taking a lot of damage this this might be bad oh but he’s dead and on my Cactus is one that’s so

Awesome oh man I thought I had a way better mob how’ you know to place these cactuses well I just had a feeling that five cactuses would be enough to win M that’s a little suspicious how you literally were just able to win n chippy it’s just luck here let’s do another one

All right that last round was really fun but I think I’m going to have to cheat again because chippy is getting better and better at winning these if I look at camera 3 Let’s see what he’s doing I’m zooming in he’s placing zombies these are kind of bad they’re actually like

Really normal mobs and I you can usually come up with really cool mobs but wait what are those oh my gosh are those like Orange zombies I can’t even tell these guys look so dangerous but look he’s also spawning in these glowing infected zombies those are actually so scary and

They look like they do a lot of damage no ways Frozen zombies too he’s got like a whole Zombie Army and the mutant zombie there’s no way that thing is so op I am actually scared after seeing what chipy placed on his side so I’m

Going to have to place down one of the most powerful mutant mobs in the game this right here is the mutant Enderman and these guys are actually insanely op so I’m just going to place down three of them and let me show you what they do

Now the reason I plac down three of them is because they’re like really dangerous and they work well as a team so I’m going to look them in the eyes and oh my God I’m already blinded I’m looking at the other one he’s like throwing me in

The air and I’m already about to die please no man oh my gosh can you imagine being a zombie and having to fight this guy in the mob battle now there’s a bunch of purple Enderman attacking me and oh my God I’m already dead these three combined are already really op but

Let’s just make sure he’s not placed any more down and oh my god he has but wait I can’t really see because he’s making this giant green structure in the middle let me get a better angle okay it’s just some random green structure I still can’t tell what it is doesn’t look like

He’s spawning too many more in it still looks like a lot though oh I can finally see him placing black wool on the front I think those are supposed to be eyes I have a feeling I know what he’s trying to make let me just check one more time

And oh my my gosh guys he’s made a Derpy zombie that thing is more terrifying than his mobs look how proud he is of himself oh my gosh all right from what I can see these three mutant Enderman are going to be able to beat all of his

Zombies combined so let’s tell him to drop the walls let’s just look on the security cameras one more time before we drop the walls oh my gosh wait it looks like he spawned a bunch more in that’s actually so scary I don’t care though these mut Enderman are super op chippy

Let’s drop the walls now all right let’s do it in three 2 1 dropping the walls all right watch them go wo are these Mutant Endermen oh my gosh no yeah they are and they’re super op just watch how they spawn in minions wo what is

Happening over here oh my gosh it looks like he’s using a special attack but I can’t tell what he’s doing oh here we go he’s teleporting no come on guys you can hit him my Mutant Enderman are doing a lot of damage but you guys are throwing

Snowballs and getting good hits in get my Mutant Zombie versus the mutant Enderman let’s go oh my gosh look at that he’s getting attacked and I think he might be frozen by the zombies but it doesn’t look like he can get hit by them either oh look and whenever my toxic

Zombies die they drop like this poison fog on the ground yeah that’s actually so crazy both of our mobs have really cool abilities wait you still have all three of your Enderman left come on guys we’re losing they’re doing a lot of damage but I have a feeling they’re

Pretty weak hey some of your Enderman are breaking my build that’s not nice okay well it was pretty bad anyways I think it’s fair enough come on Mr zombies you got this man your mutant Zombie is really the only thing standing in the way of my win you guys got this

Come on kill them if only your mutant zombie wasn’t so op oh no he’s down come on get up get up come on you got this get up guys use this time to kill the rest of the zombies oh he’s back up good job good job keep going oh he launched

Him okay I think this is almost over mutant zombies having a good fight but I think they’re going to kill him any second now yep look at that he’s on the floor and now he’s getting pulled up oh wait one of my Mutant Enderman just died

Maybe he has a chance yes he’s back up okay he can only go down like one more time so he can’t take too much damage here come on goshi’s throwing them okay it’s it’s a 2v one you got this he’s taking a lot of hits okay he’s down for

One more time please get up get up I think he might I think he just might he’s got that doging him chippy look at this this is his last time he can’t get up anymore after this so you got this come on come on you were close get him

Nice nice oh my gosh he’s officially dead chippy oh man I was so close I guess my zombie statue wasn’t good enough yeah it probably wasn’t but I think my Mutant Enderman were just really op how’d you know to spawn the mutant Enderman against my mutant zombies I mean yeah mutant Enderman are

Are really good against mutant zombies but it was just a lucky guess I swear Walo you’ve been saying that every time you’ve been able to guess my slimes you’ve been able to guess my grave robbers now this Waldo is a little suspicious well chippy I don’t know what

You mean I’m just going to go over to my side and put the wall back up all right guys that last round was really intense and it was a little bit close I think my Enderman were pretty weak but let’s use the security cameras and see what

Chippy’s doing all right I’m just going to go on security camera number four and look around okay he’s placing witches down wow those are actually like kind of op compared to my mob oh wait that’s a sludge Lord that thing is insane and it does a lot of damage he even just plays

Two down wait no three that’s actually crazy wait it looks like he’s making his way over to one of my security cameras here let’s see oh my gosh wait he’s he’s right here guys no if he turns around he’s going to see it please don’t please

Oh no wait it looks like he’s caught sight of it he looks really surprised he’s looking straight into it wait guys oh no I think he found out chippy Look Away don’t don’t look at hey Waldo do you have security cameras cuz I just found a security camera on

One of my trees on my side oh my gosh guys wait I don’t have security cameras but maybe if I lie I can convince him I do yeah chippy I do have security cameras on my side I think it just came with the map kind of strange okay you

Know I’m going to place something called a projector to block it it’s a little strange oh no wait guys he’s placing down a projector and I think it’s going to block my vision oh my God I just put up a Bedrock wall and now I can’t see

Anything oh my gosh wait if he does this to all this security cameras I’m not going to have an advantage anymore let’s check the rest okay this one is good he’s going over to my third wait no he sees oh my gosh guys he just found this

One too it’s a lost cause yep I can see him placing down the projector but this one is really high so I think he’s going to leave this one alone anyways while he’s doing that I’m going to place down my mob he placed down witches and sledg

Lords so I think I’m also going to place down some swamp themed monsters first I’m going to place down the warp Toad and this thing is super op and kind of scary honestly if I go into survival you can see it’s attack let me just punch it

And now it’s trying to lick me and pull me with its tongue and look how much damage it does I can’t even get away because of it’s pulling me alongside this warp toad I’m going to be using a crocodile and these things are actually terrifying look at its teeth look at its

Body it is so huge I don’t even want to go in survival to show you what it does but basically it’s just going to grab me and now I’m definitely dead because I can’t even get out of its jaws and it’s just going to bite me until I die these

Things combined move the mobs around quite a lot so I’m just going to place a bunch of them and hopefully this turns into Total Care chaos let’s check the security cameras again oh my gosh wait guys I thought I told chippy that I had security cameras on my side too but it

Looks like he’s trying to troll me he’s saying stuff like I see you angry face oh my gosh guys do you think he knows here let’s check another camera yeah he didn’t put anything on this one so I can still spy on him and he’s just placing

Down witches yeah just like before all right Waldo I think I’ve gotten rid of all the security cameras I don’t see anymore okay I think now I’m okay yeah I broke all the ones on my side too so you won’t see any all right let’s drop the

Walls then all right Waldo I am ready let’s do this all right drop the walls in three 2 one go let’s go wait what are these These are toads and crocodiles and they’re actually really op oh gosh wait oh these are crocodiles wa they are so powerful yeah look my toads are already

Going crazy on your sludge monster and your witches so I think I’m going to win this fight how do you know about this Perfect combo your toes are pulling my mobs in for the COC was to bite them yeah I know that was my exact plan and it works perfectly against your sludge

Monsters and witches come on witches you can heal we only one oh my God he’s getting pulled everywhere that’s actually insane he’s getting destroyed oh no come on oh no let’s go chiffy I won that one Waldo that’s crazy how did you know well chippy I’m just really

Good at M battles I told you I mean I would have thought that you would have placed a security camera see all these projectors I’ve been placing I thought you would have done it but I blocked all of them so there’s no way you would have

Known yeah no I had no idea you were doing anything like this it’s it’s just the mob battle chiy come on you’re stop being so paranoid you’re right okay here let’s just do one more for all the marbles one more all right all right guys so this is going to be the final

Round and it’s going to get really intense so I’m going to have to cheat and hopefully chippy’s taken down those prop he put up to block my cameras let’s go to one and yep he’s placing Snow Golems those things are pretty op but I don’t think they’re as good as my mob

What is this though it’s like a a ghost but with a sword yeah there are more over there these are pretty op too but I still don’t think it’s going to stand a chance against my mobs even if he’s placing down those mutant Golems let’s

Get a better angle oh we can’t over here here what about this one oh my gosh wait he just put down one of the most OP mobs in the game the frost KN guys that’s actually really scary but I have some insane mobs to spawn of my own first I’m

Going to spawn in the insane dog and while this doesn’t look that bad watch how fast it is when I go into survival oh my gosh he’s attacking me yeah this thing is crazy look with one hit he does like two hearts but I think I’m going to

Instead spawn the even better Alpha insane dog it’s a big white dog with three black ones and then that’s basically like three times the amount of damage next I’m going to spawn in the super scary changeling and wait wait this thing isn’t scary at all at least

That’s what you guys think it looks really cute and look it’s even like following me oh my God I love this thing man this thing is actually so cute I love it so much but let’s just see what happens when it reveals its true colors look its eyes are kind of vibrating and

Look what’s about to happen next if I run away from it it’s going to get kind of angry it’s making all these noise but I just don’t want to love it here I’ll even go in survival and watch what happens when I pet it oh my God it

Changes up so fast and now it’s this horrible creature that’s attacking me like crazy this thing is absolutely terrifying and I would not want to be one of chippy Bobs trying to fight this I’ll place what two or three of those down but finally since chippy has an

Insane boss on his side let’s just get a look at it one more time there is the Ross notot that thing is way too op and look he also has quite a lot of other mobs so I’m going to have to spawn in the nether scorge this thing is the

Nether boss and it’s super op and scary just look at it oh my gosh it’s got these giant heads and it has some crazy attack watch me just go and survival this thing is probably going to kill me instantly look it’s jumping and yeah I’m already dead that thing is absolutely

Wild yeah with all my mobs spawned I think we just need to start this chippy let’s go all right dropping the walls oh my God wait they were already fighting this is actually crazy look how much damage they’re doing wait what are these all fire mobs oh no this snow is not

Going to be able to survive oh my gosh guys I even realized I placed down the perfect counter to chipy mobs he’s going to be so suspicious when I win what are these dogs oh my gosh they’re destroying my snow golems yeah my dogs are actually

Super op okay guys so my nether scorge is doing really well and his Frost m is taking quite a lot of damage you can see at the top yeah wow this is actually one of the most intense fights in all of mod battle history oh my gosh your dogs are

Destroying my snow so good thing the frost m is here to help these bosses are so loud and look the frost m is already dead the nether scorge is just way too op no come on now it’s just left with the mutual Snow Golems but they’re already dying yep it looks like it’s

Over to me chippy oh no one more left one more left one V one you got this and he is dead oh wow he isn’t that’s actually crazy there we go let me just kill this another scorge he is way too dangerous to be left alive and Chippy

That was the end of the final mob battle Waldo how did you you know exactly how to counter my snow golems with your fire mob well chippy I kind of have something to confess to you what show me you know those security cameras that were on your

Side yeah I blocked them with projectors and block well there were some you missed like this one wait how do you know wait wait a second hold on let wait how do you know where my security cameras are and you missed this one wait

What okay hold on hold on let me go on your side cuz you said you have security cameras I look wait you don’t have any security cameras on your trees chippy I was actually lying I’m sorry here check this out camera monitor okay wait angle number one okay wait angle number three

Wait a second I can see us wait have you been using this a spy on me yeah I have chippy I’ve been using it to see what mobs you use and then placing the perfect counters that’s so mean a yeah I’m sorry chippy it’s pretty unfair but

I was just doing it for fun you can actually have the win for this mob battle okay I’m okay with that all right let’s go thank you so much for watching another chippy Waldo video If you enjoyed make sure to subscribe to both of our channels and click the video on

Screen right now to watch another bye see you later

This video, titled ‘MOB BATTLE, But I can PAINT EVERYTHING!!! (Minecraft Compilation)’, was uploaded by Waldo on 2023-12-29 23:00:17. It has garnered 198 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:57 or 3897 seconds.

Waldo and Chipy are having a MINECRAFT MOB BATTLE! Together, Chipy and Waldo will be painting thousands of Minecraft’s most OP BOSSES, and putting them head-to-head against each other to see which mob is the best! The battles are EPIC and CRAZY, and Waldo is secretly going to be using ONE-WAY GLASS to cheat and troll Chipy… Will Waldo or Chipy find the strongest mob to win the Mob Battle challenge games tournament using these OP PAINTING POWERS!?

Thanks for watching the video! ❤️🤍

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Waldo #ChipyAndWaldo

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    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More

  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

    "DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] you one of 13 [Music] BL not bad [Music] [Music] Dam [Music] This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 | TOOL TIME MINECRAFT TOOLKIT TUTORIAL 🛠️ #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-05-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. “Get ready to tool up in Minecraft! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a comprehensive toolkit that will make you a master builder and adventurer. With its clever design and functional features, this toolkit is the ultimate accessory for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

    Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bunk Bed🛌 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Lomby Shorts on 2024-05-12 17:33:43. It has garnered 38700 views and 2642 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More

  • “UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 – Minecraft” #clickbait

    "UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 - Minecraft" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-15 19:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD Welcome to anotherVoD of our Enigmatica 9 Server which is … Read More

  • Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1

    Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Roblox Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft – Part 1’, was uploaded by Qwerty on 2024-03-22 19:05:13. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Building the Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft! Since it is not possible to build so low underground in Minecraft’s flat worlds, I did not get to make the cells. Maybe I can hide the cell part inside a mountain in the next video. The police station will also be finished in the next video! 🎵Music Used in the Video: Egzod, Maestro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges – Must Watch!!

    INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges - Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #animation #@MPGAMERANURAG75 #funny’, was uploaded by MP Gamer ANURAG on 2024-05-18 06:55:24. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. @MPGAMERANURAG75 Minecraft, ek sandbox video game hai jo Mojang Studios ne develop kiya hai. 2024 1. **Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update** 2. **The Wild Update** 3. **New Biomes** 4. **Deep Dark Cities** 5. **Warden Boss Mob** 6. **Mangrove Swamps** 7. **Frogs and Tadpoles** 8. **Fireflies** 9. **Archaeology** 10. **Cherry Blossom Biome** 11. **Ancient Cities** 12. **Allay Mob** 13. **Updated Swamps**… Read More

  • CosmicGalaxy

    CosmicGalaxyPrepare for an otherworldly adventure at CosmicGalaxy, a faction server in the depths of space. In this cosmic frontier, you and your faction will tackle mind-bending dungeons and trials that will push your limits and camaraderie to the max. Traverse uncharted galaxies, overcome enigmatic challenges, and rise as the cosmic conquerors. Join us and let your stardust legacy begin! Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong community and active players. No hacking or duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ Escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Can you do better? Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Zombie Pigman BBQ!

    Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score! Read More


    ALL DID THIS IN MINECRAFT 17: LAVA DANCE PARTY When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftfail Read More