INSANE New Biome Build in Hardcore Minecraft! #1

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Folks happy Wednesday happy second to last week of the year holiday season all of that stuff how we doing today oh it’s good to see y’all out here what is going on my friends hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome out into the Stream how we doing how we doing oh my gosh

Mike how we doing Ben how are you doing Dylan what’s going on Rocco what’s going on my dude hello hello sarcasm with a smile we got duck in here we got oh my gosh so many people Legend craft what’s going on my dude how we doing hello hello hello

Hi oh my gosh love your videos hey Captain thank you so very much appreciate that Ty’s what’s up eggs how we doing hello BRC what’s going on hello hello hello Emma hello hi oh my gosh how’s your day been um I stayed up way too late playing

Video games last night and so I slept in about an hour and a half past my alarm today um and that’s pretty much the summary of how my day’s been going so far uh that’s pretty accurate for how everything’s going but cool thing last stream because it showed up last Thursday

I have a couch so I finally got a couch in the office I’m super excited about it oh it’s fantastic um so usually me after I end stream I just kind of go and flop over there as my plan and I’m just gonna kind of curl up for like an hour

And then also yeah the dogs can come hang out so that’s what that’s why I got the Minecraft blankie down so if the dogs wanna come up they can just jump on it and then they don’t ruin the couch oh my gosh oh my gosh uh Gothia

Golf here I think I probably said that wrong but uh what resource pack do you use for your shulker boxes there’s one on vanilla tweaks I believe that you can use um I use a mod let me look up what that’s called for you because a lot of people ask about it

It is called shulker box tool tip it’s a mod for fabric Minecraft it allows you to see inside of all of it it is so needed it needs to be Baseline like it’s one of those things where it’s like it’s nearing on my essentials list of mods

That have to be updated before I update the new update uh and it’s really it’s so nice it’s absolutely amazing hails Mary four days till Christmas right back at you right back at you yeah we’ve been kind of starting a little bit of the celebrations over here because we

Have so many different families and which is absolutely awesome to be able to be connected with everybody and be able to hang out with them and see them all and trying to make time for it our schedule’s a little insane but it’s nice to be able to do that uh Mike thank you

So much for the donut my dude will you be streaming tomorrow because that’s my birthday I will not be streaming tomorrow but there’s a new hardcore video coming out tomorrow so maybe we can that’ll should be about even uh might stream on Friday actually I might stream on Twitch tomorrow just playing

Some wow that might be that might be something ugly Linda thank you for the Dono don’t forget to like the stream I appreciate that I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you Jacob thank you for the donuts well my dude thank you thank you thank you

New video yeah I know new hardcore video tomorrow it’s been a week since the last one what is wrong with me but yeah so holidays have been absolutely amazing um we very much have like a I guess you’d say a large blended family I just because multiple different sides and things like that

Um so Christmas Eve we’re going over to my mom’s uh we’re gonna hang out with them on Christmas Eve and do Christmas day there uh this Thursday we’re gonna go see my stepmom and that whole side of the family and go grab dinner with them and do our own little gift celebration there

And then Friday we’re seeing Sid’s family for Christmas there and everything like that so we’re all over the place but it’s gonna be really fun it’s gonna be really really nice Alicia thanks so much for the five gift memberships I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you

It’s gonna be it’s gonna be good being able to see everybody it’s gonna be the first time that everybody is back in town for Christmas for my family in like I think for the last three or four years at least one person from the family has

Always been gone so it’ll be the first time to be able to get everybody together so it’s gonna be absolutely awesome um but yeah for me I’ve finished recording all my videos through the end of the year so I am like unless I’m streaming I am done oh it’s

Gonna be great uh so I’m pretty much just gonna play a lot of other video games that I’ve been wanting to play and I’ve just been working on Minecraft stuff instead but it’s fine that’s how it goes that’s that’s the life prep a thing that you could build today

Is a birch Force Edge biome thing around the monolith Hill that is the area that we’re working on and I’ve got a plan in mind for it so don’t you worry don’t you worry I’m getting my brother a streaming mic for Christmas ooh very cool very very cool that’s awesome

Can you make gobland building tutorials no I don’t even know how I built the things I’ll be honest I made them up on the Fly and then it’s that’s where it goes where do you get the mods for Minecraft uh curse Forge is a great website for it

They also have an app I don’t use it too much because it just kind of I felt like I was making my computer a little clunky but you can use that too if you want like the ease of access uh Merry Christmas please say hi hi

Adibug how you doing when are you gonna build uh uh I don’t know we’ll find out do you plan on building looking for ideas today okay so we can we can talk about this we can talk about this I just moved to a different state this summer so I’m going

Back to see my family the day after Christmas and I’m very excited a sarcasm of smile you have fun with that all right that’s that’s cool that’s cool thanks so much for the seven months my dude oh thank you thank you thank you hypersinos thanks so much for the Dono

It’s been a while good to have you back my friend hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well Eric thank you so much for the donuts as well uh looking for ideas today so the plan the plan the plan plan the plan today everybody for building this custom biome

So the way that we started out here was with the big old monolith and if you saw at the end of the 24 hour building video the very last thing I added in was this little water stream here what I would like to do is extend that water stream

Down here so it kind of comes out this way we gotta do a little bit more terraforming bring the dirt around here but then the water stream is going to come out between these trees over here somewhere maybe we’ll waterfall it down oops our grass

And then that will come out down to this way somewhere and then I’m gonna kind of fork it off into a few different routes so we can have a lot of like little water bits moving around kind of like this is like a plentiful mystical magical water source of things where

There’s just it’s just a lot of water or magic lore stuff and so it’s splitting off and it’s kind of fueling all of the water leading into the river so that’s gonna be kind of winding its way down into here which I want to expand this instead of the multiple

Pawns bring it out to be like a larger access point it really does look like a capybara you’re right I yeah I cannot see it um yeah so all of that is gonna become open water in there the river is gonna be coming all the way down here inching

Its way SP splitting a few times blah blah blah blah this we’re gonna have to fill in and cover up there and then outside of that I want to dot a few of the birch trees around probably not so much in this Central bit in here because

I wanted to be like River land a bit and I also don’t want to disrupt this the look of the rock so maybe a small birch tree but I don’t want anything to be like blocking the sight line of it um and then I also wanted to kind of

Build some birch trees along the border of where we have all the mossy carpets here I thankfully have not had to use this thing pretty much since I built it because we’ve only popped one totem in this world so if you’re newer to the series or you’re newer to my hardcore

World this is a RAID Farm here and it’s very nice it gets it’s one of those ones where you stand at the bottom and you just get your totems um so that’s where I get all my totems if I need them haven’t needed too many

So over here the plan is kind of to I wanted to hide the border of where this stuff stuff stops and like starts with a lot more of the birch trees and the plan is to kind of eventually the land space that we have in here is going to be more

Fields like this and a few more farm houses similar to like how we have the houses and things dotted around over here to make it look like people are living in the region so how do you trigger The Raid Farm there’s a villager sitting inside of it and then

I go up to the Pillager Outpost get bad Omen and walk back down the goal I’m working on over here is kind of expanding because the Birch Forest we built this little hunting camp inside of it I love it it’s amazing we got our puppos they’re chilling

And right now the road over here just ends water wheels on the little streams we could build a little water mill over here that could be fun um we got a lot of Mill things to be building but yeah right now the road just comes out here goes to that and

Ends but I want to fill in this so it’s not in there and then extend that over to the Village here which this Village is gonna be turned into like a tulip field because we have the big old um flower Forest over here so I wanted to expand upon the flower

For us and turn this into like just Rolling Hills of tulips I thought could be kind of fun uh so that’s the eventual plan for this region but before we get there I need to actually finish this part so that’s kind of where we’re at but Legend craft thank you so much for

The tier two membership my dude I appreciate that Ryan thank you so very much for the membership and Justin thank you so much for the membership love your videos super inspiring from not just Minecraft but a visual storytelling perspective as well hey I appreciate that glad you enjoyed it’s been fun it’s

Been really fun being able to like kind of build a story into what I’m doing but not a story to love him to death but I’m not going to the story as in depth as what sausage does I can tell you that much that man’s crazy

That man is insane he’s he’s riding the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe and I think he’s happy about that uh yeah so I’m just doing my own little thing over here and I I like the little world that I’m creating the goal for me is that it’s a world where you look at it

And you want to think of your own story behind it because I’m not telling you what it is the only thing I am telling you though is to leave a like on the video on the stream if you want to that’d be cool we currently have 2 000 viewers and 700

Likes so um how flip out thanks please make pine trees they look amazing with Birches yeah I was so the other aspect here is this is vanilla hardcore or there’s this vanilla Minecraft Survival there’s a slight texture pack on here just to make things look a little bit better

Foliage-wise but outside of that it’s pure vanilla um I do want to expand this mountain going up in here because I think it’d be cool to transform the top of this so kind of mountainy stuff in there eventually uh I’ve kind of decided that everything Before we get into it what tech spec you use them for the leaves everything texture back related in here I’ve created myself if you are a member you can get the download if you join the Discord um yeah so I’ve kind of decided that everything up here from that mountain

Range to that mountain range to over here and kind of through the spawn region leading out into pleased to meet you like kind of over where we have that mud brick Castle it should be popping up right there I want to transform pretty much everything in

Here I want everything that needs that I want to change I want to change it why is the top of that mountain not loading no that is the top I thought that was taller blocky thanks so much for the five months at tier two my dude like And

Subscribe to this lovely gentleman as a gift to yourself for the holiday season blocky said it not me why is my I feel like my render distance is low no it’s on 26. we’re yeah so goal is to kind of everything in here is going to be turning into City I

Want to also transform all of the mountains and everything around it it’s kind of an absurd project I know but it’s a long-term one uh we’re already 2 800 days in the world and we’ve done all of this and I think by the time like that’s kind of the goal for the next

Year is to do the entire city and everything in this region now that we’re very end game I don’t have to spend too much time on the grind of getting there so it’s a lot more like progress time which I’m very excited about pleased to meet you got me there

Please dementia that’s great it’s good this mountain is too short just make it bigger yeah exactly maybe small tree of life next to it yeah yeah get it to a thousand likes oh we’re almost at a thousand likes we’re six away all it’s possible any Christmas miracle

Okay so first step here because I don’t want to die uh we can go and just torch some of this stuff up actually you know what I think First Step before I cover this with dirt is probably gonna be I think we sort out the path for the river hi buddy bye buddy

Because of the river Pathways sorted out that’ll be a lot easier to kind of understand where I need to be going but also I want this raw iron I’m collecting it for building roofs uh Pro tip don’t build roofs out of blocks of raw iron

It’s not as fun as you think it would be it looks good does look good I’ll give it that oh is that wow that’s his lapis I don’t see any Diamonds though woohoo we’ll be fine I’m sure there won’t be any issues it’ll be fine totally fine

And her boy on the cave no need for context no yeah he’s just chilling how much health did he have a crit off of another eight sword mine all valuable or is IE copper Diamond emerald and also maybe find an ancient city yeah yeah there we go

There we go there might be an adventure along those lines of the next episode actually we need to do that little dirt terraforming along the edge over there because we have to fill in the I need more Rockets okay we’re only how much oh dude I’m not even 20 minutes into the

Stream today and I’m already working since you’re building with flip series started continue doing absurd projects and continue having fun that’s the goal that’s the goal always the goal thank you so very much Eric I do appreciate it hope you’re doing well today my friend I appreciate

All the support thank you thank you thank you building with whip was one of those things that I am so happy I did it because I learned so much but I’m also very happy to be doing all these things now yeah I feel like I’ve really changed kind of

Where I’m at with it all and it’s it’s been fun okay let’s cut straight to the building I love me some grinding on the mountain hey we’re getting there we’re getting there don’t you worry notice me please notice me notice me w okay I think we just start with some dirt

Coming all the way down because this can kind of come out to here yeah I’m thinking that and then we just can’t work this going back upwards it’s okay if this is like a flatter section a lot of this is subject to change as the mountainy stuff will probably be

Coming out from here but it’s it’s a good idea to have a start because I think if we have that and then we have some bits of mountains like the Stone from there we could have some dirt in between I don’t know we’ll figure it out I haven’t watched you for that long

Probably a year and a half but it feels like I’ve been watching your videos for forever hey I appreciate it I appreciate it hopefully that’s in a way of like wow these are so fun instead of oh my God there’s elbowing also uh how did you all enjoy the 24

Hours building video seems like a lot of people really enjoyed that one YouTube has been a little slow for the past while for Minecraft so if you’re a Minecraft Youtuber and your views are down just chill just it’s okay YouTube is Minecraft on YouTube is just in a

Quiet spot right now and that’s totally fine uh but the video that I released about the 24 hours building was my first one out of 10 video which is a very good thing I mean out of the last 10 videos I’ve released it’s done the best best on

Views and so I was like it’s possible I haven’t seen this since August it’s amazing so I appreciate all the support I think the next one’s gonna be a good one too I think I’m on a good Rhythm right now it was a one out of ten I know it’s amazing

Really liked it it’s nice to see different projects like the village yeah so the next video I will say a full-on fair warning here uh I’m trying to no I’m not I will never be the one who click baits and lies about things but I think it’s a smart thing as

A Creator to jump on some Trends as they are active so the next video is a remixed version of a trend in the hardcore Community right now that I just kind of did my own way and made I think I personally think a lot better uh so I think y’all are gonna

Enjoy tomorrow’s video too I think it’s a really good one I really like how it turned out also question question question every time I get to like a new year I’m always like what can I do that’d be something kind of new and fun uh I’m currently thinking about doing

A like oh one Block Skyblock series like a hardcore one what do y’all think where’s the double dirt uh you saw nothing imagine see look triple dirt triple dirt yeah it’s there it’s yep totally there very much there but Skyblock one block how do we feel

About that yays or Nays in the comments also I think every solo series like single player series I’m gonna be doing would be a hardcore one I’ve kind of decided that I’m very much enjoying Hardcore Minecraft right now it would be cool would be cool yeah yeah

Okay cool I’ll see what I can do there where did I want to have that water coming down we might need to change okay so the water comes down here nay I’m not really a fan of Skyblock and one block that’s I mean not everybody likes it I’ll be honest I don’t enjoy

Watching it too much but I do enjoy playing it but I also know it’s like the big thing right now in the Minecraft YouTubes so I’m like maybe I need to do it for like Channel growth opportunities it seems to be like the current version of like the

100 days Trend that was so popular for a while excuse me sorry uh let me go get some Stone I think we need to plot out a few Cliff layering things here more than 35. more than that there’s 20 in there wow we’re really getting man I came prepared for this project

Let me go get some Stone Alicia Simpson I’m all for SkyBlock series but maybe if you’re getting mixed reviews you could do it on the second Channel yeah potentially yeah yeah also thank you so much for the Super Fan Alicia I really do appreciate that all your support thank you thank you thank

You I really do appreciate it okay let’s get like five stacks hardcore super flat see that to me it I feel like eventually would be very similar to this series and I want to do Series in a way where I can still focus on the building and the

Creating and like designing aspect where I feel like if you get into hardcore super flat you’re very much like following a set of steps that somebody is already defined as like the way to get to the point where you can actually play the game so hardcore Superfly does seem

Interesting to me but the problem is is that like there’s only so many ways you can do it to get started and I just like that part doesn’t sound fun I’ll think about it I’ll think about it would you I guess this question would you rather see hardcore super flat or

Skyblock one block so super flat or Skyblock in the in the comments chat super flat Skyblock which would you see Raven muster with a 23 months holy cow holy holy cow for real what’s up with you glorious Goblin lots of Skyblocks in there wow lots of Sky Blocks

Uh Merry Christmas so the holidays will are treating you well also I hope that Nova encoded get some dude they have gotten so many trees and toys this year they are so spoiled you don’t need to worry about them I’m not that ex what Skyblock is Skyblock is you start on literally

Like a few blocks floating in the sky and there’s nothing around you and you get some tools to get you started from there you have to like figure out how to create everything yourself um so it’s kind of a fun cool challenge mode that people have been playing for a while

That’s made a recent comeback okay this will help a lot from here and then I’m thinking we need to this needs to be down to here do you know the 1.20 released it yet uh no I do not I currently don’t have any more information than you all do about 1.20

And that’s not me just trying to hide something uh they have not told us anything unfortunately um Mojang decided to not unfortunately this an idea in practice absolutely amazing thing the unfortunate side if people took advantage of it uh this last Minecraft update Minecraft live cycle and everything like that Mojang decided

To open up the Creator stuff to anybody that had a YouTube channel so anybody could come like join the call learn about the new stuff as long as they at one point had uploaded Minecraft content and then realized that Mojang was allowing anybody to join

Um so it’s a great way to like make sure all creators are on even playing field I think it’s absolutely amazing like in theory to do it but what happened was before the broadcasts where they were telling us the stuff before it was even it was like three days before

Minecraft live and we were all learning about everything going on uh one of the people that joined the call was in there decided that they wanted to get some publicity out of it and try and grow their Channel by being the person who leaked Minecraft live hoping that their name would be everywhere

Um so it before the broadcast had even finished there were a few people on Twitter that were posting literally the slides from the slideshow that they were sharing the information with us on somebody literally like screenshotted the Zoom meeting that we were in or Microsoft teams meeting that we were

In and posted on Twitter being like look at this new stuff coming to 120 and then um since then we haven’t heard anything like the creators are in the dark now because unfortunately people ruined it um so I think Minecraft is trying to re-figure out how they want to do things

And how they want to provide information to creators again to hopefully still like include everybody which would be cool if they can but yeah unfortunately one person really ruined it for everybody so yeah I’m I’m as in the dark as you all are right now it was a big bummer big bummer

Especially when Mojang likes spent an entire year working on the update then somebody’s just like I want the five seconds of Internet Fame and then also it didn’t go anywhere because Mojang caught it really quick and got it shut down so that was cool but also uh if you ever want to have

Like a zero to 100 real quick like any percent Speed Run trying to get yourself banned from all future gaming events and blacklisted from any Creator related things in the future do that great idea great idea if you want to do that and get blacklisted from everything then

There you go there you go just leak information also with your name attached to it yeah from your official Twitter account great choice big brain play right there what did they do uh I mean Mojang got the tweets deleted and then instant Blacklist of the person I’m assuming from every future Creator

Event put on my Mojang New video come out yeah yeah new hardcore video coming tomorrow I know it’s amazing it’s a Christmas miracle I got another hardcore video done I hope you’re all okay with this music today I was kind of like I need something a little different I needed I needed something a little bit more upbeat than the game soundtrack music also my friends we got 2 600 people in here and 1400 likes I believe we can hit

2 000 likes it is possible [Applause] music is very good good good good reminds me of Kung Fu Panda hey all right foreign [Applause] [Applause] I don’t know where I want to take it from here so we’ll just leave it at that for now uh and then in here is where I want the water to be coming down foreign there let’s just do dirt I don’t want it to look like it’s

Falling through like layers of rock I want it to look like a natural like flowing stream this is my goal we shall see if that is possible because I’m a little skeptical No that’s not gonna work we gotta have this guy come down right here foreign Because I think if I do something like this oh not like that specifically actually not that we don’t want to send that down because there is a ton of redstone below us for the sorting system and that would ruin it okay so this should work here

To get it all the way down into there and I’d love for it to like kind of Bend there and then we remove this block and that should keep the form Hope for the amount of water we add at the base it’s not gonna look super realistic for like what’s up here but I’m hoping it still is okay look at that oh no that’s not good yeah it’ll do because then we can just do a little bit more right up here

But this could be a Little Rock Yeah okay perfect we can get rid of that yes yes double dirt would have fixed that listen here listen here quiet um drip Leaf is so underused yeah I if you could get more amounts of small drip Leaf I would use that everywhere a small

Drip Leaf is a pain to get and I don’t I don’t like big large drip leaf unless it’s like a replacement Lily Pad I just I still looks too chunky it’s not it’s not for me it’s not my vibe Oh foreign traitor where was there actually Uh I got a decent amount of dirt left I can just keep bringing this up we chilling we chilling have you made a rail duplication machine I have not because I don’t like duping items the only thing that I will dupe in this game is TNT

Everything else I try to avoid and TNT is only because it’s kind of a necessity for some larger things like I’ll dupe TNT for like parameter clearing and things like that I’m still on the fence if I want to do it for um like tree farms or anything like that

I’m not too sure if I want to do a tree farm quite yet I’m really leaning towards making a nether Tree Farm I will say that much yeah that’ll work nether tree farms to me are the worst nether trees are the worst thing ever to

Farm I I love warped wood I love Crimson wood but I hate Gathering it so I’m really thinking about another Tree Farm so if we also come through here you make like a little one of those yeah yeah a little ant sound no but this way we kind of have like a

Little layered thing mountain spring ish why don’t you stream on Twitch I used to didn’t like it uh I like most of my community is here on YouTube so to me it makes sense to be streaming on YouTube okay for real I feel I don’t know I feel

Like since I’ve come back to YouTube or come to YouTube for live streaming I’ve just my mental health has been a lot better so I’m just a happier person over here and that that works for me lizasaurus with the five gifted memberships thank you so very much I

Really do appreciate that how you doing today Liz Merry footmas Mary flip mess right back to you sorry it’s too hot it’s too hot today just got gifted a membership there you go wise mystical three you now have a tree next to your name it was meant to be

I like the idea of layering these I think it’s kind of fun I think it’s neat okay there’s that done now we need to figure out how the heck these streams are gonna be getting down You collab with any Minecraft Youtuber who would it be um I don’t know I’m really happy with everybody who I have had a chance to collab with recently there’s not really anybody else on my list that I’m like oh I really want to work with that person

Uh as of right now I though it used I used to be like oh Scar and B-Dubs but I got to meet them I got to know them through the collab we did with hermitcraft on Empires so that was uh that was cool to be able

To get to know all of them there so I don’t really know I don’t really know I really have too many people on my list right now maybe some of the Hardcore Minecraft guys like because there’s a pretty big community of Hardcore Minecraft youtubers that would be fun to get to work with

But also it’s like hardcore is a single player thing so like doing hardcore on a multiplayer series is just weird so many collabs recently it’s true there have been a lot of collabs okay uh we need to think this guy out for a bit pleased to meet you probably not doing that

Um nice to meet you Gekko thanks so much for the five months my dude uh and Lucy thank you so much for becoming a supporter I really appreciate that thank you thank you I really do appreciate all the love everybody thank you so very much okay are you making a River delta

Like a micro version not like a stream Delta because I wanted to like I want one I want the whole thing to flow down to here-ish foreign ly bringing the whole thing that way and then in here we can have it split one kind of following this natural curve here

That I’m thinking another would come follow the curve and drop down here but also originally I wanted to like Smooth the terrain out so that it like is just a smooth slope going from there to here but I don’t think that’d be a good play now that I’m thinking about it

Maybe we work on the end let’s work on this right in here get this set up and then from there we will kind of hatch it back together if we get this because the middle right now is the unknown but if we get the beginning and the end sorted

I think it’d be a lot easier to get the middle done because then I know how I need to get from A to B if I have an A and A B and then we can figure out how to get in between that seems like a good idea

Also this is one of those things that I think is going to be like a multiple stream project my idea is because January for those who don’t know a lot of YouTubers tend to take January off since it’s a low Revenue month which means that we

Actually get it’s kind of a good time to take a vacation and have a mental break as a Creator and it’s very much needed after the insanity that usually is December um so I’m kind of going along that we’re not traveling or going anywhere so I was instead thinking I would just live

Stream more than record videos and just more hanging working on a project so I’m thinking it’s gonna be this one we’ll see I think it’s gonna be a big boy that we could work on throughout most of the month but I think be fun he’s making a micro River delta for

Everybody who’s asking yeah yeah we’re doing that and we’re gonna do some custom birch trees because I want to like Smooth out the end of the forest we kind of need to do a little like dithering on the forest because right now there’s just an Abrupt line and I

Want to have a few trees dotted out here in like the plains sounds great good good good starting to use your build style any tips uh I really just make it all up as I go to be honest no I that I I think a big building tip is

That you have to like think of the few different features that are involved in building whether there’s like the shape of the build the color of the build and like the scale or size of the build as long as two of those are the same between every single house that you’re

Building you’re fine you’re totally okay so like building a style is making sure that everything is Cookie Cutter and the same as the one next to it but you want them to be related so as long as you pick some blocks you want to work with

You pick like the shape that you want to do and as long as like and then also the scale that you’re building make sure like there’s similarities between everything but then have fun in between those thank you so much for the Dono I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you For real I hope you have a great Christmas and I’m excited to see what you have planned for next year also my birthday is tomorrow oh Gekko happy birthday happy early birthday I hope you have a fun time celebrating I do have to ask because I I’m I’m very

Curious not having a December birthday if you have a December birthday do you get birthday presents and Christmas presents if you celebrate or do you does your family just like lump it into one it’s uh the world needs to know always been curious as well holy cow thank you thank you

Also with the four months at tier two thank you I really do appreciate that hope you have a good Christmas and New Year as well get both they lump it Honestly as a parent I’d probably be like I only have to buy one set of presents yes had goal scenarios there yeah yeah I feel like if I were a parent I’d be like sorry just the luck of the draw okay uh let’s get the shape figured out

For the total and then we’ll dig down as much okay I saw those in the chat thank you thank you again I really do appreciate that do a Rocky Face on the end of that guy the reason why I dug this down so much

Is because I want it to like be more of a natural sloping into the river because like it doesn’t need to smooth all the way down to there but I think we do need a little bit of a flatter area foreign Banks into this River eventually but for now it’s not really needed

Foreign getting water fixed up in places like this will be very annoying but we will sort it my birthday is the 29th and normally they lump it long there you go there you go average Delta thanks so much for the donut I appreciate that We’re just gonna fill this place with the dirt and things that we gather it is a storage room we might as well store things in it nah big brain play right there it is storage room so I can put blocks inside of it yeah yeah I wish there was a tool you could get that would silk touch clay and gravel but would not soak touch grass blocks like can I put a filter on my silk touch because I just don’t want to pick up the grass blocks but I want to pick up the clay and everything else

I feel like I’m not asking to they used to be too maybe I am who knows I feel like it’s an okay ask where’s the sign sun setting Let’s bring the bed over just stuff everything into barrels like sausage does yeah when you’re if you ever tour one of sausages worlds that he’s done just look at how many barrels he builds into his houses and you will learn why that man has a storage problem because they are all

Full every single barrel especially if you look at his starter house they are all full of cobblestone and dirt every single one of them it’s so funny I gotta get if we logged on to Empires right now and went to sausages base I could find so much stuff and take it and

He would never know because he doesn’t even think it’s there like a terracotta shovel silk for clay only would be kind of fun watch the series this week love that tree I want to expand the tree that is that’s a goal for the new year I want to

Make the canopy of that tree bigger to make it match the size of the trunk a little bit more because the trunk is a little a little a little flat I think I could use some luck okay before we go too much farther on digging this stuff out

As I’m digging it all out I think I need to get this water fixed because we get this sorted we can slowly just raise the water level up here and after this is all fixed we just need to replace the bottom with some grass or dirt not grass and then we built it

All in with seagrass it would just kind of fix itself Be My Hope or that that’s enough to fix it nice okay perfect look at that smooth water blocks much better great great great and then we’ll never know what’s down below is not water it’s fine it’s easy it’s great

Could you include mud into the bottom of the Delta yeah we’ll get some mud and everything in here soon I one of my next goals is to make a mud Factory I wanna I wanna get one of those set up soon so that’s kind of on the list of stuff

I think that’s gonna be a January or February project that honestly might be my first video back to making videos in the new year is getting a mud Factory all of this gravel is pretty much useless too because I can get so much through pigland Trading

I just wanted to say that I love your videos and thank you for creating amazing content for us happy holidays Christmas tree hey Vivian thank you so much for the Dono I really appreciate that and the kind words happy holidays right back at you hope you and your

Family and friends are able to have a good one or whoever you might be spending the holidays with I think uh actually I have a very important question for a chat right now what is your go-to holiday movie I’ll tell you all mine afterwards but what’s your go-to like your your number

One movie you have to watch every holiday season like if you if you just or if you don’t have one that’s totally fine too yeah that dream in chat is uh not real by the way if there’s no check mark next to their name not real Home Alone Die Hard

Nice Jim Carrey’s Grinch we watched that one over the weekend yeah yeah it was good the Santa Claus krumpus elf we watched elf earlier too yeah yeah Polar Express that one I has never really been on my list I can’t even remember too much about it I know it’s a train but that’s

About it I will say if you haven’t watched it the one that has been turning into our Christmas my Christmas go-to uh my wife says uh Harold Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation I think name of it uh she absolutely loves that one um so that’s that’s her go-to my go-to in

The last few years has been Klaus then it’s on Netflix oh my gosh I love that movie where I think we’re gonna watch it tonight and I am so excited if you all haven’t seen Klaus yet it’s a crier but it’s so good it’s so good it’s it’s like the year it

Came out we just watched it randomly being like Oh yeah sure let’s give it a shot and literally every year since I’ve been like I want to watch it I I want to watch it like I need this I have to watch this it’s too good it’s too good to not watch

I’ve never seen Klaus how is it it’s really good and it’s not your stereotypical Christmas movie so I think it’s a good one I think it’s really good it’s very well done wonderful a wonderful life is the best I’m not sure about I haven’t I don’t think I’ve seen that one

Hey for real happy feet is always a must penguin yep Happy Feet’s good too actually I probably want to tear this out because we can make it look like we’re all the river water is coming in because we’re gonna have the water coming in from this side so it makes sense to have

This dipped back farther kind of as if like it the water pressure is moving things along now we’re thinking with water the hydro homies will be very happy with us today oh geez hello I really hate that when you have an elytra and you’re in water randomly

It’ll just like be like me you’re swimming now like no I want to walk I want to do the water see I didn’t do anything it just randomly was like hey you’re swimming now all I did was press w mukbit The Muppets Christmas Carol is a classic yeah there we go foreign

Building we’re kind of doing like a custom Riv like mountain spring Highlands biome almost mixed with a few little Birch foresty things so we’ll put some other types of custom trees in here too because we did we did we had a variety in the Birch Forest

So I have to carry the birch trees across because we’re right next to it but doesn’t mean I can’t add a few new things in I know a lot of people have been saying I should include some like Spruce or pine tree I feel like they’ll be too dark

And I’m also really digging the custom birch trees I heard A ching ching I did hear a shing we’re swooping Trident copper oh yeah salmon make seagrass ah foreign could you add a hot spring that would be kind of fun I built a hot spring type thing on if anybody remembers Source block

I built a hot springs type biome on that SMP I actually would love to revisit that build Style again I tried going for like a Tibetan styled monastery and it was so fun it was such a fun build style so much that was like back when I was like trying to experiment

With including oh geez uh color in my build and in my builds and that was I’m very happy I did that that was a really cool project I wish I did more of it with a server unfortunately kind of died so I didn’t want to be on there alone it

‘d be real it’s a strange one but Nutcracker ballet for me there you go yeah Nutcracker is a classic I always love that everybody has so many like really random strange Christmas movies or whatever movies that they’re like I have to watch this one at least once a year and I I always love learning that about people that’s one of my go-to facts or questions for people is like what’s your

What is like a movie or TV show you have to watch on repeat constantly [Applause] or not constantly but like once like you you probably are just like you know what it’s that time again I’m watching this one I’m doing it thank you what is this emoji big brain pudding

You got you gotta have the big brain to understand the big brain emoji you’ll get there okay you’ll get there we’ll figure the rest of this out soon probably I don’t know all favorite currently is sing two ooh is that one good I I watched sing one

And really enjoyed it but I never got around to watching the second so if it’s a good end I will take a watch everybody looks at me crazy when I saw a Nightmare Before Christmas as a Christmas and Halloween movie I’m a bit by a sense of my favorite movie hey I

Think it’s fine it has Christmas in the title it has to be there if Die Hard is a Christmas movie I think you’re okay because all that means is that if it took place during the time of Christmas somewhere in the in the in the movie then it’s a Christmas movie and you’re

Fine you’re not trying to like hate on the Die Hard Christmas movie Watchers but like it’s kind of it’s a one-off it’s a it’s an exception to the rule sing two was a Vibe okay okay Die Hard is a funny one though need more I was like oh I’m gonna get so

Much dirt I only bring over a shulker box with me today I need more we’ll change this out and then we’ll be good on this corner then we can focus on the rest this is a good start to hear we don’t need to waste too many hours going under doing underwater terraforming

That could be for later when I really want to just like stare at the blue all day because this can be something that we can spend an entire stream detailing this section with like rocks and stiff [Applause] the last thing I will do will be this Like Baldwin is Santa okay okay I see it Austin all right I get it I get it thank you for the donut I appreciate it thank you thank you also uh Jaws thank you so much for the donut earlier I I think I missed that one but I do

Appreciate it I I do remember hearing the Happy Feet thing but I think I did not say thank you sure thank yous Yeah this already looks much better you yeah so we got that opened up now which is much better because you used to that used to that was not very good that was not very good do you enjoy playing Minecraft no I absolutely hate it this is the worst game ever

Yeah no I I have a lot of questions been watching since the cross the crossover I have I love Goblin files at the end of the season like hermitcraft we did upload at the end of season one um we have not decided for season two yet the thing that we will not be

Including is the mod or the texture pack so the world when you get it would be a little different than kind of what we see in our videos um so just take that into account if we do release it okay so that’s in there we need to

Figure out a way that needs to just kind of come down through here I think that one’s done I’m gonna come up here I wish I had some more Stone right now foreign but I think I can make this work how long have you played in this world we are on day

2842 right now in Minecraft I started this world last December so we’ve we’ve survived a year IRL in Hardcore Minecraft [Applause] should I put that as a so who thinks I should put that as a video title and just release a video with all of my videos just slammed back to back

Huh ah yeah yeah should I do that I’ll just put no effort in at all whatsoever I’ll just go to YouTube download all of my videos and just put them in one big video so you don’t have to click on the playlist you can just watch the video

That’s never been done before right because nobody would just reuse content like that right I’m kidding uh because we all know a lot of people are doing that I would actually watch that Maybe maybe we’ll see we’ll see if I feel like I want to throw a video out together

Jimmy’s here Jimmy’s here hi Jimmy okay so water here water go here water go here water go here I’m trying to not have this just like fully blocking everything is the problem howdy share yeah yeah maybe that title with a world tour yeah yeah yeah I have been wanting to do a

World tour for the second Channel I have so many second Channel videos that I’ve been wanting to record either like scripted out ready to go and like for the talking points I want to hit on everything that I just have not had the desire to record which I’m kind of bummed by

Like I I want to do a year in review where I just kind of look at and a little bit of like a reflection almost uh how everything’s went so far this year because I think it’d be kind of fun but that might be something that I get

Up in January because then we can actually like look at where everything happened throughout the year but we’ll see okay so this should work no because that’s gonna that was gonna clip also sorry if it looks laggy this is a region file borderline right in here that is uh a one-year-old Minecraft

World so it’s a little lager I’m draining an ocean Monument for the first time uh remember to sing to yourself the great song of sponge torch sand it’s it’s a great song you can find it on my video of draining an ocean Monument I think if

You sing that it’ll make your time spent there a lot better see I wanted that to fill that second line over but it made it What biome are we building we’re kind of expanding the one I worked on in the last episode it’s not like a we’re building a custom Birch biome I’m kind of mixed it’s a mix of a birch plains River biome type thing I don’t know if I had the answers I would share them

I don’t have the answers it’s not like different color let me all see that is that the region found no it’s not weird it must just be the shadow of the Box around it okay so I think next we need to take that to like here

And I want to start expanding it to give it a little bit more room so we’re gonna give it like two or three blocks wide which I know doesn’t make sense from being like a tiny stream but also I don’t care one Minecraft water source can actually fill up an entire Minecraft

World if you do it right so We’re going for Vibes we’re going for Fantasy Vibes here okay for real a wonderful life is a classic you must watch it keep it in mind Leif thank you so much for the donut I appreciate that okay so that comes down to here kind of looks kind of stupid

But it comes down to here nonetheless that actually looks okay that looks fine for now for now it looks fine I do need to reinforce this up a bit so the bottom of those birch tree might disappear a titch it just frustrates me a lot when you have like uh instant grass block

Uh I always think it looks a little weird when you have like a river here and then like a few blocks over it just like goes down like to me and my brain I’m like that doesn’t make sense it doesn’t it does make sense to do that

So we have to kind of build up the train here to allow it to make more sense whether it’s just this little skinny thing we could have done some slabs or something we might come back in and change it when we’re like detailing but as far as right now it just needed

To make a little bit more sense to me like that now it feels like it’s got its own little bit also building tip if you’re ever making a river in general giving it like an edge like this and then going up will make it feel a lot more natural

Than just like running the course of the land with just flat across give it like a little little dip a little dip down as someone from West Virginia that is normal actually here we go shows how much I know okay so here we can have this foreign kind of going off this way

Like I said um honestly we might just send it through the mossy carpet now because that’s a long way we’re doing that we’re doing the cheekies if through Escape okay so we’re right here we could send one I think one needs to come straight through here

Dip down like that and through there so let’s get that in that’ll be like our direct route but then it’ll wind so that’ll make sense once we get that one in place I we can maybe thinking about this could be kind of fun but then off of here

We could also because I don’t want them to just be like three coming off of this one point so I want to have them like branching off of each other how do you pause the game if you’re on Java Edition Escape pauses the game if you hit F3 Escape it pauses the game

Without the UI um so you can do that okay yeah so we can do this through here so Escape pauses F3 Escape pauses like this Pro tips so let’s go like over this way to here foreign oh I missed the spot that I meant to go

Down it but we can have it come down like in here this will give us more space to work with this is where we’re getting all the dirt back hey no worries uh kaichi hopefully said that correctly thank you so much for the donut I really appreciate that Merry Christmas right

Back at you hope you’re having a good hope you’re having a good one and also thank you so much for the three months I really appreciate that uh here I actually want to dig it down kind of because I was talking about having that little bit of a lip

Like a little bit of like a River’s Edge type thing so we can dig this back and then dig it down again in the middle these only need to be like two or three blocks wide so if it looks wonky we’re just kind of shovel spamming

Shovel spam for now and we need to clean up later we can and it’ll be fine that way we’ll block off for now because I’m not too sure where I want it to go um yeah yeah this will this will do what day are you gonna die is gonna oh I

Was like what day are you gonna die in this world I was like oh you know I’m planning on day six thousand three hundred and twenty four but you know it’s not anytime soon if that happens throw out a random number I swear it’s not a real thing but if it did

I should buy a lottery ticket it does uh yeah uh he won’t die Tulsa he’ll surpass filza yeah we’ll see the problem is is that like not a problem just a fact the fact is that the twitch Hardcore Minecraft streamers will always be farther ahead than YouTube Hardcore

Minecraft streamers on day count and like time survived because one they don’t have to edit videos because they’re live streaming all of it and two as a twitch streamer you actually have to be alive and working a lot more often than you do on a YouTube like as a YouTuber like

Twitch is much harder to take time off than it is as a YouTuber because twitch if you’re not live you’re not making money uh and if you want to do it as a full-time job you have to make money off of it so you have to be live whereas YouTube

Thankfully uh you upload a video and it’s just there it’s just there for people to watch when they want to watch am I trying to get up there okay foreign yeah so I’m not trying to catch or surpass anybody on Day Count just because I know me as a person it won’t happen

Like I I just know I will never get there but I think linksy just hit like day 23 000 or something a little while ago and like dude I’m not even at 3 000. [Applause] sponge torch sandpits do you know Espy uh I know of SB I haven’t really chatted

With him too much but kind of like a friends of friends situation any tips of Fantasy World building in general I no I’m very new to it I don’t really know what I’m doing quite yet so far what I’ve had is apparently successful but I it’s not off of any theories I’m just

Like ooh you know it’d be cool over here giant Stone monolith yeah and that’s where I’m started that’s that’s as much as I’ve gotten you can go the route of like reading old mythology and building off of that wait what how did you do that everyone what oh

I always I’m like who wait what oh just an ODST okay yeah yep instantly the the comment makes more sense thank you so much for the donut my dude thank you thank you thank you hope you’re doing well today I mean if you want to like learn more

About fantasy world building and things like that the best way to do it is kind of the way that the the people that are considered the greats of fantasy did it is just read all old mythologies and get inspired by them and create something your own off of it like that’s how

Tolkien created everything he did um and like all those all those great fantasy novels that we have now are all inspired off of like old mythologies that are like created into their own unique way of showing it so that’s that’s the easiest way to try and learn I guess nope

Okay uh let’s get some water in here I guess we’ll see what happens maybe I don’t know might as well give it a shot and then this can kind of come back in here touch the clay again I thought I got rid of it foreign And we will see how this works I don’t know we’ll kind of play it by ear go with the flow get it because it’s water that we’re sending down the mountain going going with the flow foreign I’ll be here all day no I won’t gotta love the dad jokes

Yeah it could be a little skinnier we’ll do something like Rockery through here to make it make sense for why it’s skinny but for now we just keep going all the way down the river just keep swimming swimming swimming what do we do we swim foreign

There we go that’s a little bit better actually we don’t need one right there oopsies foreign this can kind of be a slower bit because it’s wider and so we can have like some lily pads and things in here and we’ll slowly get it started tip for those who are building Riverbanks when

It comes to Curves on the inside have a larger dirt sand patch than on the Outer Edge it simulates water erosion now make that dang River realistic you bet you bet yeah so like right here we could have this we could have a little bit of

Like the sand and dirty stuff in there uh then we can also have it like right here and it’ll be good you know flows all the way down stuff like that as we get into the detail but uh not quite yet today all I want to do is get the shapes

For the rivers in because I think that’s going to take long enough but that is a true thing very good tip very good tip that doesn’t need to be there maybe it does need to be there nice okay let’s look at what we built Okay I like that that’s a good start I think that route there instead of going all the way down there like I was we can just kind of pivot it to here and have that sneaking down and merge back into this I think that’ll be good yeah let’s do that foreign thinking mode

What think flip thinks everybody flip things in the chat that could kind of pop back into here and then that could explain why this is a bit wider foreign plays too yeah yeah yeah yeah the goal of the flip think is then to have the foot big brain you have to like lead

Into it though you know let’s keep three of those with me not all we can just dump ignore that that doesn’t have any thing to it he’s thinking he’s thinking he’s thinking what’s he thinking about nobody knows I do kind of like the idea of this one being skinny

Like we have the big one in there and then this is just that little skinny guy Like I think this I think a little skinny skinny skinny river right here could be kind of fun and maybe this is a little bit steeper like that’s just like and we’re back down to here instead of like smoothing it ‘ll be kind of fun I don’t know we’ll see

But then we need to skinny this one out yeah let’s give it a shot [Applause] foreign we’ll just leave these flowers here for now they were here first they can stay for a bit I really wish there was a way to make this raid Farm like still functional or maybe we just kind of say yeah to the raid farm and we just turn it into like a cool functional part or a static part of the biome and when I run

Out of totems of undying which hopefully doesn’t happen for a very long time we build like an actual raid Farm because right now I think I have like 12 totems and I don’t really plan on using them that I don’t plan on using them that often Mr skeleton thank you

Show The Raid fireman action uh it’s kind of hard to see from in-game you have to really look at it with replay footage because basically I sit in a pit there’s a trap door right down there that takes me all the way down to the bottom I sit in a pit

All of the mobs come running into the middle they get trapped in the water stream and then they fall down the pit and then there they meet me at the bottom with one Health left and I’m just like I’m a guitar foreign but that’s okay uh ODST thank you so

Much for the Dono again my dude I’ll wait for that one to read it out so I know you like fantasy stuff like Bob but have you ever gotten into the best fantasy Universe of all the universe of Warhammer 40K so I played the video games

I’m a sucker for a good strategy game I do not like clutter though so I haven’t gotten into the Minifigs mini figurines and anything like that for pretty much anything just because I hate having clutter uh I very much the type of person where if like Sid hates

Me for it because every time we move and we’re like looking at stuff in our closet I’m just like I haven’t used it in a year throw it away yeah I can just throw it away I get rid of it um so me collecting little Minifigures and things like that probably not something

That I would be very into but the Warhammer universe is pretty cool like the story behind it and everything pretty cool the gobland in Empires is very inspired off of uh space Orcs for the wonky wacky I thought spaceworks were a pretty fun one that was like really unique

And just that of all like fantasy races everything like that I always love the spaceworks and Warhammer because they’re like arguably one of the most powerful out there for the little bit of the lore that I know because they’re basically so mystically powered that they could be

Like yep it’s purple and therefore it’s invisible and that’s true for anybody who looks at it well that you can’t look at it because it’s purple but that’s where I got the idea for like if it’s orange it’s fireproof for Goblin uh and absolutely I love it it’s so fun

To run with little stupid ideas like that it makes it really enjoyable [Applause] glad you didn’t go for the Lord of the Rings goblins I’d originally thought about it and I had been like a core element that I wanted was like the gobland cave was originally going to be

I was gonna build up a bunch of like Dwarven styled stuff and then Goblin a fight and I’m really glad I didn’t foreign you’re right guys just keep on no don’t get stuck on the shulker box I need that I actually specific thank you yep just keep moving through the forest

Hope you find whoever you’re looking for yeah paint it red and it goes faster I think it’s so it to me that concept is just so funny it’s so stupid but so funny at the same time that I just love it so much foreign You get one more chance thank you foreign I gave him a chance he got the chance to leave Fire Emblem is super fun Fantasy game series yeah I like I played Fire Emblem back on the Game Boy as a kid I loved it I haven’t checked out the new ones

Have you made a Green Goblin Lair no I’m not really up to Spider-Man Goblin Green Goblin vibe where do Pillager patrols go when they don’t focus on a player they just wander they’re literally just keep walking they their AI is built to avoid Villages I know that much but outside of that I

Don’t know that works Thoughts on linking there to there I don’t think it’s a smart idea actually Bring this out to here like somehow this got split by a rock and goes up right here the tree is inspired by the jurgressil Norse mythology tree yeah that I absolutely butchered pronouncing the name every single time uh but the big tree in red God of Wars kind of where

It’s inspired from and then also a little bit about how it’s shown in Sword Art Online the anime no it won’t look good if we connect that yeah I think that’s split it I like this Middle Island but I think I want to have a third prong two prongs right now is

Not my fave I want a third I need to find a way to have a third if that means like a third goes here and connects in its own Point wait that can be kind of fun we get a little mini micro one stretching all the way over

Here that isolates this chunk that Chunk in here and eventually we’ll have like some bridges going across I like that let’s do that you watch Sao yeah Sao is one of like the few anime series that I actually get pretty in that I usually watch whenever a new one comes out

I wasn’t a super fan of the way they did alicization but it was I still watched it I just think it’s one of those that like had its time at like the season one season two and it’s gonna be pretty impossible to bring something back like that intense again

So I don’t know I don’t know how much more Sao I’ll watch but who knows foreign finish my final but I think I failed you know what even if you don’t think you did that good enjoy the fact that you’re done that’s the most important thing

That I think I learned when I was in school was that as much as I feel like I might have done poorly on a test whatever happened during it I was I really tried to focus on the fact that like you know what if anything

I’m done I don’t need to stress about it anymore I’ll get the grade when I get the grade and we can deal with it then but for now I’m my brain is checking out and I’m not focusing on that it’s gonna say hi buddy but okay little spicy boy

Somebody was a little spicy today foreign yeah that’s true hypersenius that’s true I don’t know if I really want to waste ancient debris for a pine cone also I don’t have invisible item frames in this world I’ve thought about installing it though but that it’s a good that’s a good creative idea

Right there that’s a really really good idea I kind of just throw some flower pots in every once in a while if I want a pine Coney looking thing it’s a good that’s a good idea why is there no sound for me have you tried unmuting I guess they can’t hear

Me so that me giving advice probably doesn’t help out that much foreign there we go let’s do that I think this brings it down as pretty even slope going yeah that’ll do pig that’ll do I kind of make it look like it’s like cutting between the rocks

So we’re gonna have I think this will be pretty steep throughout here sunflower field should have a farmhouse next to it yeah yeah the sunflower field was a a starter for this area more is definitely coming there’s a lot more coming out to eat this place right now we’re just gonna

Focus on the biome because once the biome is in place then we can think from there about where would the buildings go because the terrain would exist before people came in and built on it so I want to make sure that we kind of build up from the ground layer you know foreign

Hardcore death uh I think season one is my most infamous death of me literally taunting Minecraft being like Minecraft’s Never Gonna add anything that’s gonna one shot kill you in this game that’d be stupid no no no Q into them adding the warden for one uh but

Also cue into 10 seconds later a creep creeper going you said what you said what sorry you want to try that one again would you like to try and redo that you want to take that statement back no okay and I was getting too comfortable I

Literally had a totem on my hot bar and I was just like yeah it’s just a creeper it’s fine and then nope we’re out to dinner with some friends and uh last week that know what I do but they don’t really like know what I do you know like they

Aren’t Gamers or watching gaming creators on YouTube or anything like that uh and so they’re like they’re asking about it and Sid brought up the that there’s a video out there of me just like dying in hardcore about like what happens if they they it’s a my friends thought it was so funny

They watched it on repeat like six or seven different times in the video cool that’ll work over here again we will clean up more later but for now shape is good Pleased to meet you foreign I kind of want to level this for now just to hide it I know this won’t do much but torch okay so this is pretty flat throughout here um I really do think it’ll look a lot better if we bring the terrain up to being like It just creates a lot more depth and interest to it I think it’ll help a lot we’ve got a lot of dirt that we can kind of just work on filling things in from here but actually before we do this before I spend too much time on it uh

Let’s go take a look let’s go do a look-see also I missed a bit Shan thank you so much for the 11 months at tier two I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you And we pause I think that’ll work so we’re gonna fill in this this whole section right here is gonna get filled in that’s kind of like the next thing I want to work on today um but I I think that’s fun embarrassism one was just 10 months ago really number one did flip lose his

Hardcore world no no no we’re still in it this is just the first stream working on this project I want to do like multiple back-to-back streams working in this project so I wanted to number them out and put them in a playlist for anybody who wanted to like watch the

Whole thought process you know of how do we transform this into like a cool custom biome this entire section so I wanted to leave it there for somebody else who’s wide in the river well this isn’t meant to be this is a stream this is a river

So it’s meant to be like a creek coming down from the mountain here that’s just kind of flowing down winding its way and reaching the main body of water The two split River looks like a heart a little bit oops also looks like a chicken nugget you see our chicken wing got like the bone in here and you got like the chicken wing portion at the top maybe I’m just hungry and it’s lunch time

But that’s what it is because I want to do this I also want to like find a way to bring like we have the water the fall coming down like right through here but I think we need to get like another little river flowing in like that

Looks like an energy drink yeah it’s a Celsius foreign From here now that we got all the river like are the little streams in place we can mess up this train a little bit more and just create some more interest trying to think of the way of like how things would erode in this middle section because we’re not

Going to include many trees here because I don’t want to block the sight line of that big boy uh we gotta really think of like a fun way to make the terrain shape more interesting so real what is the custom biome You’re Building I joined Lane

Uh Shannon thanks so much for the donut I appreciate it it’s a mishmash of like a river Delta but like a creek Delta so like the magical water source flowing down from the monument monolith uh and then also mixing in everything we did with the Birch Forest to try and like

Dither the Birch for us so because right now I tried putting a little bit of like a fade on the edge here but I didn’t do that much so I want to include some of the birch trees around here and probably some chop down ones and we’re gonna add in some

Farmhouses and things of making it look like the forest is kind of ending maybe the force will continue back here to create like a natural barrier before we go back into that section actually I need to write that down that’s a big brain that’s a big brain big brains in

Chat we had one an official big brain um so I want to do that but yeah the idea is basically to blend the monument here into the landscape so more birch trees along that edge kind of causing like a a border for that section then in here we’ll have a few of them

Gravel exposed rock along the creek bed could show erosion yeah yeah yeah we’re gonna get into that stuff um right now today shape next texture then assets on top okay like little like bits of I don’t know things growing along the River’s Edge most of the River Edge I

Want to turn into like coarse dirt and rooted dirt and regular dirt like this lower level here like all of that grass is going to change out to root of dirt and coarse dirt probably uh so that we can have a more of like a muddy base honestly

Big brain play as well could use mud block for mud it’d be amazing it might be a little dark though the problem I have with the mud block is it’s so dark so I worry if we bring that in here like if I was making like a big forested

Area with a river running through it the mud would be great because it would fit that like darker Under The Canopy Vibe but I feel like out here in the middle it’s just gonna be so Stark so I think I might go with my core start method because I know that works

But we’ll probably this is kind of reserved for more Fields along here we might do another like a water mill or something I actually haven’t even done one yet in this world so that could be kind of fun uh Shen thank you so much for the five gift memberships I really

Do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you we’re almost back to the seven hundo look at that use hardened mud that could be a good way yeah yeah I do I did fix the wheat farm the wheat farm does work just look at this anytime I walk across this look at that

Region file this whole line anytime I walk across that it’s a region file I hate that they start the longer your Minecraft world is the more laggy region files get unfortunately which are basically like a 16 by 16 chunk area or 64 by 64 32 something like

That I don’t know but like they’re big they’re basically like how your game loads everything in and it is uh painful okay so now that we raise that up a touch do we like more foreign that needs to come in a bit but overall big so yeah so this needs to

Come in here that needs to come around there and then that should be good okay people in the Stream are so generous I am always very thankful for the community we have here whether y’all are chilling in the chat lurking enjoying the Vibes or donating I really do appreciate everybody who takes the

Time to come out I was talking about Sid about it last night while we were eating dinner and I was like I try to not miss the Wednesday stream because I know I don’t stream all that often but I also know that there are a thousand or two thousand people in a

Year because like we average mid-2000s in viewership most streams which means that there are that many people that like set aside time every single Wednesday to hang in the Stream or every other Wednesday or something like that but like there’s a core group of a few 100 if not thousand people that like

Every Wednesday like to be here to hang out in the Stream and I just I think that’s that’s absolutely amazing to me that’s just surreal uh so I really try and make sure that I’m not missing the streams and that I’m not like skipping out on them unless it’s

Something where I feel like I really need to just like take a minute for myself because I know that this is a place where a lot of people like this is their minute like everybody needs every once in a while everybody needs to just like take a minute and

Chill and just like let their brain not be in whatever’s bothering them and that is 100 a very valid thing to be doing and some of us need to do it more often myself included uh and so I know that this is that time for a lot of people so

I try and bait here and like just chill and so people can have a mental break from whatever’s bothering them so I really do appreciate y’all hanging out with me so thank you so much for being here and I give you a thousand dollars only if you want to Um I absolutely love your build style it’s inspired me a lot in my own builds smiley face hey princess Maddie that’s awesome that’s very cool thank you so very much thank you for the donut I really do appreciate that how long left on the live I usually go like two and a half

Hours we’re almost two hours in I’m starting to get a little hungry though so we’ll see I’m gonna get this middle bit filled in like this needs to get smoothed out especially down to here oh glitchy I need to go get some Stone we need more Stone

You considered growing out your hair uh in high school I tried being one of those kids who grew out long hair and uh my hair just grows so uh no I’m not considering doing that anymore I was a swimmer growing up and uh was always just like yep I need to keep

My hair really short so I like doesn’t get messed up by all the chlorine and everything like that in the water cause I’m I was in the pool like 20 something hours a week for swim team uh so I’ve just kind of always kept my hair short Okay that’ll do there because I just want to make it look like it blends with the rest of the river which is absolute chaos flip has a big brain for building always yep you know it okay so if we do this I think I can just do like a Little Rock in here

Foreign like a tiny bit of an overhang but like not really almost like a micro version of that dude where it overhangs a wheel a little bit yeah that’ll work we’ll come back and texture it later and everything but for now that’ll do so that allows me to just get up here a

Little bit easier uh my friend Kevin does swim and he has a similar hairstyle to you hey there you go I used to just like buzz my hair and then I’m pretty sure uh want to Sid’s conditions on when we started dating was that I no longer

Buzzed my hair which I I get I get it was it was a cheap haircut and it was not a great one I didn’t like buzzer all the way but it was it was a lot shorter than it is now don’t forget to like the video exactly like the stream everybody

A mini whale a mini capybara we’ve decided that it is now a capybara instead of a whale because it’s more accurate I don’t know fantasy you know so let’s do this just kidding I can’t do that I have no dirt I has dirt has more dirt

Just mute my mic no I don’t okay I pressed a different button we’re good well dirt gang don’t hate me here we can loot this foreign ER torch spider torch oh it got really bright outside all of a sudden holy cow so we had like a random

Snowstorm a few days ago not random but like a big snowstorm um and we got like six inches eight six or eight inches of snow like overnight which was very uncommon for here and outside is beautiful right now but also it is so cold it is currently the high today is 24 degrees

Um Fahrenheit which is uh seven eight below freezing seven so very very chilly for for Seattle it’s very very cold it it rarely gets it used to rarely get below 30 in Seattle and now like the low tonight is like 13 degrees why do you prefer earbuds over

Headphones I have a big head so uh headphones hurt my head that’s the whole reason if I wear headphones for too long they feel like they’re like squeezing in the side of my brain and it just does not feel good I need to get a new pair of earbuds

Because my last one’s broke unfortunately when the power surge happens somehow my headphones got fried my earbuds got fried don’t ask me I don’t know uh so I’m looking about getting a new one because these ones are not the best but they were uh eight dollars at Walmart so I bought them foreign

Needed a quick fix because I couldn’t hear anything out of my computer for a while raise the dirt we’re placing the dirt don’t you worry never we always got snow for three days nice nice yeah it’s gonna be a chilly week look at him taking a little trip down

The river oh he’s so cute oh he’s got a buddy they’re going swimming I’m in Alaska it’s like 17 to 21 degrees here and it’s crazy yeah it’s global warming you know huh who would have thought real thing below freezing in Oregon yeah yeah the whole Northwest Coast or Pacific

Northwest areas uh a bit chilly right now we have some family that’s supposed to be driving up from Oregon and I hope they’re still able to make it because I know the mountain passes have been a little rough [Applause] this is a little flat but we might be

Able to do something with it I’m not too sure foreign it could be somewhere where we put a field but we need to get a little Bridge across to be able to build the field honestly what could help is if I just extend this down here

Now we just do a little dirt back in this section and then we do dirt here do you think Timmy is a toy I mean I guess in person or like his Woody the sheriff I mean what no he’s just been toying with my heart that’s that’s all

I just want to be the best Deputy I can and he doesn’t want to let me so I will by force no I’m out of dirt not again two sticks wait I think I have more I showed up more hurt was the reason you started making

YouTube videos uh I got bored One Summer when I was in college and I was taking Summer School courses and going insane and I needed to do something because I was staying on campus and 99 of my friends had went home for the summer to work jobs and

Things uh so I started uploading YouTube videos I’ve been building in Minecraft I’d been helping to develop some mods and things like that and like I’d been very involved with the Minecraft community from like a building perspective I was selling for before I got started on YouTube I actually used to sell like

Minecraft maps and things and builds and stuff to build teams that they would use in Worlds and then do all that like I was selling server hubs in the works um I’m very happy to not be doing that anymore uh because that was a lot of work

But it’s where I got my start and I had a few friends that I made through doing all that that were like you’d be really good if you started uploading YouTube videos like you should share your builds with everybody they’re like you could be funny and maybe make interesting content

And I was like No And they’re like you should do it I was like you’re right I’m bored let’s give it a shot and here I am what are you thinking for lunch uh We’ve made risotto and like Italian sausage and broccoli last night so probably that

Because we’re kind of snowed in so we can’t really leave the house or I think I have if anybody has a goes to Trader Joe’s they have those little like frozen Indian foods like a tikka masala and like a butter chicken you get for like a little lunch we always keep

Some of those in the freezer so that’s usually my backup thank you I’m gonna bring this out would you study it in uni uh I got a degree in computer science and business I did like a human resources HR degree So I managed to sneak out of college with two of them but yeah the computer science one I I wanted to get into game design and like the video game industry that was like that’s all that was always my goal one way or another I was gonna

Figure out a way to do it very happy with the way that I got in through YouTube uh just kind of being able to do my own stuff but I really wanted to be able to create things for a living whatever that entailed but I just wanted to like use

The I use my creativity in a way of Designing and Building Things and uh so I wanted to get into the gaming industry because I thought that could be a fun way to do it I’d like to check okay this is looking pretty good that’s gonna get transformed into a different

Probably a little custard milk tree um this is looking pretty good throughout here That will just leave as a little dip for now those are okay to have um yeah that’s a really good start I think How do you pause like this F3 Escape This little river bed will work on a little later uh uh all of this needs to get some coarse dirt along the edges of it just kind of to like reinforce that the river’s there actually it might do rooted dirt because all of our roads are coarse dirt so it

Might look kind of stupid I love to just use regular dirt but the grass will grow over you should have little rocks between the rivers yeah yeah yeah We kind of plot some of those out now I do want to come back in and texture them and things later but it’s like right here would be a good spot for a rock Showing why the river splits Doesn’t need to be that big so maybe something like here we need to get a Little Rock right in here Thank you probably another one right about here uh definitely need one right along here the little guy right here why are you doing this why do we do anything in Minecraft I don’t know having fun Thought it would be cool I just thought it would look nice What do you like some slaps up there but yeah I get a shout out Crafting gaming I don’t know man shout out I said thank you for becoming a member yeah Channel shout out I don’t know you my dude I don’t give shout out to people that I don’t know because I don’t know what I’m shouting out so I appreciate the support thank you thank you for the support but uh Rock Sweet chunks off of the big capybara the little baby Capybaras have made their way down the river To join the rest of the sea whales in the ocean Tis the process of life it is the circle of life Yeah I didn’t see your name come up in the list so there should be if you do become a member there’s a little share button down underneath the chat so make sure all you’re clicking on that so your name will pop up I think it’s if you click under the dollar sign icon there should be like a share of my membership Mouse down or something like that and then my computer all yell at me and it’s great no that’s didn’t want to do that something like this I don’t want to do too many rocks

Because then it just looks like we made a rock field but yeah that’s that’s good we’ll we’ll get like one more right in here We need mud near the river we can try some mud giving the planet earth guy run for his money dude if I had that dude’s voice oh my gosh it’s so relaxing and so interesting at the same time what are you getting for Christmas I got no idea We need to seal in that How do you get so much dirt for builds uh building other builds and removing dirt honestly just like leveling out areas to build other things you get so much dirt in this world but I do have a area where I’ve dedicated dirt farming over that way like a good like a thousand two

Thousand blocks away something that I it’s in a snowy biome and I have zero plans to ever build in a snowy biome I will eat my words if I go and build in a snowy by them later and I have to travel to a very very far

One but I just I don’t enjoy building in the snow in Minecraft so I like having snowy mountains on the background because it’s cool but building in the snow for me is Big Gnar it’s a big no not a big smell how long is my break

I don’t get a break I don’t I don’t get winter break anymore yeah this is looking pretty good cool okay I think I actually I’m gonna fix It it’s bugging me Much better okay that I just need it was a little harsh The Edge was a little harsh what are your Christmas plans um we’re just staying local hanging out with some fam all of our families coming into town so we’re just hanging out with them that is gonna look so good

I do kind of wish I’m very tempted I will say to bring this down here cat chat any any opinion this yes it just looks so naturally ready it’s just so ready I think we do it I’m doing it I’m doing it Chad I’m doing it any resource packs you recommend I use

My own we gotta clear a lot of space for this unfortunately but to make it happen but we can we can it’s not like I just spent like 30 minutes placing all this dirt but that’s fine it’s totally fine it’s not like I just spent like a really long time doing this

And we’ll just completely undo everything I just did I put a torch how are you here one torch to spawn proof everything around me right I thought that’s how they worked foreign I thought they were a mega torch did my clickbait Minecraft Youtuber lie to me that in fact not dirt foreign

Packs you’d recommend I I just answered that one my dude rewind the stream but if you cannot rewind the Stream I use my own so no I don’t have one I’d recommend unless if you want to use mine you can get it by becoming a member I love reading questions in chat that

Allow me to self plug it’s great I don’t have to have any guilt about it there’s an honest answer to the question it’s fine Are we still on the same Lair we are I need I do need to drop this down it needs to just be a new place then that can go to here yeah we’ll do this okay don’t need a self plug I can do it for you oh eggs you’re the best

Nope I missed a spot okay dude yeah that’ll be fine and we can just drop this down a little bit more and from here that’s Minecraft forever and I don’t care so go building whatever him look at your builds and I’ll uh thank you for the stream gym hey

Evelyn thank you so much for being here trying to read your message but you know I got the idea I got the idea I could do some some little rocks yeah yeah we’ll get more details in here soon there we go that is much better okay

Yeah yeah yeah yeah I I like this a lot more that’s the way we wanna do it uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh mix of the planes in a river bomb I Think So the plan is here is we’re gonna have more of these fields and things like in a little stretch right in here

Almost like a little farming Community back in this section the birch trees are gonna go back across here and block that off basically a shadow this Village out and a road will eventually run through those over here I want to add a few more birch trees along here maybe one or two dotted

Into this front section and some of our smaller little like the what was I using over here like little Oak we’re using the oak trees and the little acacia trees whatever these were where’s that Acacia no that’s Azalea the azaleas so this is looking good as a start though I

Like this and eventually that Mountain’s gonna go farther too basically this project is me trying to contain I’m trying to contain my projects and basically create a a world where everything is like I’ve done it all the goal is to create like our spawn civilization City in here

As everything has either been aoked for it to be there or I have built it is my end goal so we’re kind of slowly it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a big project big projects all over the place but I think it’ll be a fun one

Like this is just the first of many this is the first of many projects like this not only can you get the amazing packs made by flip no you also get access to these beautiful worlds that the man built become a member now and enjoy the best content on this planet

I need to just like record that I need to just like oh sorry here’s a mid-roll advertisement foreign dude I really appreciate that it’s Troublesome it is troublesome do that and I can pause actually I’ll just live right I need to go repair these real quick otherwise I will forget add a windmill

Uh last stream we planned out the windmills that are going in here I gotta get those built up soon I know what I want to build for them I just haven’t built them that’s that’s a short that I was actually going to work on next week February uh YouTube is releasing

Monetization on shorts which would be kind of cool to be able to actually make money on them because I had I have a short on my Channel right now that’s well over a million views and it made me less than ten dollars no no no no no yeah nailed it

Um so I’ve just been very much like yeah I want shorts but I want to try it again when they come out when they actually get updated I think it should be worth a shot to give to try them again so I’m kind of trying to re pre-record some

Mission plug this stuff is complete yeah there we go ah they are one shot kill with a shovel oh I don’t get looting though we want the skulls it’s really so 45 minutes episode cut down into 20 second shorts yeah yeah there we go whole video

Also the key is to like run around just like and that’s how you get an entertaining short right there that’s your that’s your that’s your tutorial on how to make an entertaining YouTube short it’s just uh and then you run around and you’re like look at all this amazing stuff that I

Did in here and then you put some subtitles over it and that right there is how you go viral on a YouTube short is you do some subtitles you say I survived a million hours in here but all I accomplished was building this little starter house then you show like a dirt

Hut and then you’re like haha this is funny and then you get like three dollars off of 10 million views most people published as an actual video in the future uh this will be available on the live pay like live tab on mice I’m like there

On my channel page there’s a live tab now and all the live streams will be under there I’m just leaving them as public I think I’m testing the waters to see if it’s good or bad to do for the channel so far it seems okay

It used to be if you left them as public it would actually like make it so you get less views on your actual videos because they all counted as a video it was really weird words are hard they are Alicia they are foreign look at all those skeletons all right that’s prepared nice

Oh there’s still skulls from last time I was here her swords I’m just gonna I need to get a crafting table in here somehow get him doggies get him get him doggies good job dogs good dogs they’re good dogs you take the coal take the skull leave the bones because I really don’t need them right now I might I actually need to put some in

Uh my Moss Farm ran out of bone meal again so I need to go put some more in there and that would actually be really nice because I can just pull them from there now big brains can you do a Christmas themed build I actually try and avoid doing holiday

Themed stuff because I want my content to be pretty Evergreen as in like you can watch it at any time and it’s like oh this is something interesting and like doesn’t feel out of play with like what I’m doing right now in life um so I tend to not do holiday stuff too

Often just because one I also don’t know if I’m gonna post it on time so I don’t want to do like a big holiday video and be like oh man it took so long okay let’s post it mid-January make a better XP farm but that gives me weather Skelly skulls also I could

Definitely improve it yeah I’m working on a little CR see we’re at 28 schools now I’m working on a little creative mode tweak to it in a backup of the world see if I can’t improve the rates a little bit more I think I got something pretty good that’ll help out

Just have not done it yet oh Enderman Enderman Misty Enderman all right everybody I think that’s actually gonna do it on today’s streamy stream Danny thank you so much for becoming a member my dude I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you but

My friends that’s all I got time for today I’m gonna go get some lunch I’m gonna go hang out and uh I gotta go get the snow out of the driveway before my wife has to go run some errands so I got some work to do yay thank you all so

Very much for hanging out with me today I really do appreciate y’all are absolutely amazing thank you for the support hope you all have a wonderful holiday season if I don’t see you again potentially we’ll be live again on Friday and should be live again Wednesday next week for sure we got a

Hardcore video coming out tomorrow and I’ve got a Empire’s video coming out soon as well um and they’re both good ones I hope you all enjoy thank you so very much for being here happy New Year if I don’t see you again thank you thank you thanks for all the

Support this year it’s been absolutely insane here but that my friends is it for today so I’ll catch y’all on the flip side bye foreign

This video, titled ‘BUILDING a Custom Biome in HARDCORE Minecraft 1.19 Survival Let’s Play (#1)’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2022-12-21 21:09:38. It has garnered 130856 views and 5035 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:50 or 8930 seconds.

fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft 1.19 Survival in the new let’s play world! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE!

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fWhip uses SHOCKBYTE server hosting for all of his Minecraft SMP series! Use code FWHIP at check out for 25% on your first month. Learn more here:

CHAT RULES: 1. Be respectful to everyone 2. PG-13 3. NO excessive language or crude topics. 4. NO POLITICS 5. DO NOT STATE YOUR AGE IN CHAT 6. English ONLY, please help me and the mod team keep things safe!! 7. NO SELF PROMO

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    LongHaulWelcome to LongHaul Minecraft server! We are a semi-vanilla server still in its beginning phase. All players are welcome to join in. We are community driven. Looking to build a strong server for all to play on. We keep it close to vanilla Minecraft for all to enjoy the basic game. With a few quality of life plugins. Hope you enjoy! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Unstoppable Milk Maniac

    Minecraft Memes - Unstoppable Milk ManiacLooks like he’s really milking the popularity of this meme for all it’s worth! Read More

  • Garten vs Minecraft vs Gmod: Boss Battle Bonanza

    Garten vs Minecraft vs Gmod: Boss Battle Bonanza In the Garten of Banban 7, chaos reigns supreme, As characters clash in a virtual dream. Syringeon, Nabnaleena, and more in the mix, Facing off in battles, throwing tricks. Naughtified Bittergiggle, Toadster, and Opila too, Each with their own moves, ready to pursue. Senengeon, Sir Dadadoo, and Jumbo Josh Fight, All in the ring, ready to ignite. The tension rises, the drama unfolds, As the story of Banban’s world is told. Will they survive the bosses’ attack, Or will they fall, never to come back? Stay tuned for the ending, the final showdown, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL Edition Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Drawing a Creepy Character While Minecraft Plays in the Bottom of the Screen.” The artist, Jacob Drinking Jones, showcased his talent by creating a unique character while Minecraft gameplay served as the backdrop. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but be inspired by the creativity and innovation on display. It got us thinking – what if you could be part of a community that values individuality, imagination, and fun just like Jacob’s artwork? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a vibrant and diverse player… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK Zoonomaly in MINECRAFT pt 2!

    Insane SKYBLOCK Zoonomaly in MINECRAFT pt 2! The Exciting World of Minecraft Skyblock Zoonomaly Embark on a thrilling adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with Skyblock Zoonomaly! Dakoon Animation brings you the second part of this exciting series, filled with creativity, challenges, and endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With Skyblock Zoonomaly, players are transported to a unique skyblock island where they must use their creativity and resourcefulness to survive and thrive. Build, explore, and conquer the challenges that await in this dynamic and ever-changing world. Key Features: Custom Skyblock Island: Start with a limited set of resources on your own skyblock island and expand it… Read More

  • Insane Farming Hack: Double Your Iran Production!

    Insane Farming Hack: Double Your Iran Production!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हो आप लोग मैं हूं नट स्पीड एंड आज मैं आपको बताने वाला हूं तीन ऐसी टिप्स जिससे आपके आयरन फार्म का प्रोडक्शन लेवल 1x से 3x तक हो सकता है एंड यह टिप्स बहुत इजी टू यूज़ है एंड इस टिप्स को यूज़ करके आपका आयरन फार्म सच में बहुत ज्यादा प्रोडक्शन देने वाला है तो वीडियो को लाइक कर देना एंड चैनल पे नए तो प्लीज चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना लेट्स गेट स्टार्ट द वीडियो तो गाइ सबसे पहले एक बड़ा क्वेश्चन आता है व्हाट इज़ द बेस्ट आयरन फार्म… Read More

  • Alé’s Insanity Unleashed in Minecraft

    Alé's Insanity Unleashed in MinecraftVideo Information hi um so me and my friend started this like Minecraft world like two days ago and it includes mods such as the cave dollar the sanity mod the yeti and other ugly fatties basically everybody in their mama wants aead and this is me trying to finish her house while not going insane because I’m alone this is a lot of me just rambling to myself here we go again I actually hate this game I’m actually like I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself time to finish the house and hopefully not lose everything… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Hypixel Games CANCELED 😱😭🚫 #minecraft #bedwars

    SHOCKING: Hypixel Games CANCELED 😱😭🚫 #minecraft #bedwarsVideo Information hypixel’s canceled Games part one sheep Wars this game was showcased by Hypixel admins back in 2021 as a concept 9v9 two team game where players use sheep of different colors with different abilities to fight each other with the game was never meant to release to the public until today Hypixel recently made an announcement saying that within the next year they’ll be working on releasing sheep Wars to the server officially so subscribe to stay updated on This video, titled ‘Canceled Hypixel Games PT1 ❌😭😭 #minecraft #hypixel #server #minecraftserver #bedwars #gaming #mcyt’, was uploaded by alebrazil… Read More

  • Are You Playing Minecraft Wrong? FlyawayGoblin’s Revelation!

    Are You Playing Minecraft Wrong? FlyawayGoblin's Revelation!Video Information what the okay that was an interesting start welcome everyone two better Minecraft what oh my whale do I have a zoom I can Mark stuff I clicked the wrong button and no I’m marking things whyer a whale yes welcome everyone to better Minecraft so it’s Minecraft but better apparently so I decided ah let’s figure out is better Minecraft actually better now as you can see there’s a few mods I I I say a few there’s TR 830 of course there is oh there’s a little structure over there going to have to go over… Read More


    JOIN MY EPIC MINECRAFT SMP 2024 NOW! 🎮Video Information यो यो यो व्ट्स अप मित्रों की हाल चाल आई एम बैक विथ अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम और बताओ भाई लोग क्या हालचाल सब ठीक ठाक बजे में क्या गुड मॉर्निंग तो बोला ही नहीं भाई अरे यार गुड मॉर्निंग मेरे भाई क्या चल रहा है और कुछ बढ़िया मेरे को भे ओ ओ कहां चला गया मैं बावा क्या बनाया रे कहां हूं भाई मैं अंदर भाई जान जान जान बख भाई मेरा सस एच ए करने के लिए बुलाया क्या भाई ऑलराइट मित्रों और बताओ क्या चल रहा है एक सेकंड हां चैट भी तो देखना है… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Enchanting World with Sjin! #19 Demon Quarry

    UNBELIEVABLE Enchanting World with Sjin! #19 Demon QuarryVideo Information hello my dudes and welcome back to enchant the world our all the mods 9 magical playthrough so far we’ve stomped through ours noo built a crazy Tower we’ve conquered mystical agriculture got loads of resource generation seeds and we’ve begun to set up a very small small bespoke little mine Colony using the fairy tale style we’ve built a crypt last episode and we’re trying to go through some of the more evil oriented magical mods let’s jump in now you guys will be happy to see that I have cleared out my backpack mostly got a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC RAINBOW Showdown: Katherine vs MEGHAN!

    🔥 EPIC RAINBOW Showdown: Katherine vs MEGHAN!Video Information last time I went up against dolly in a holiday themed builds battle where I built a Christmas tree house and he built an Elf on the Shelf with a snow globe after you all voted in the poll you decided that the winner was me after so many losses I can finally put my head on the Winner’s wall and place my build on a cloud Hi Megan hi Catherine welcome to build battle are you ready to build uh you know I’m ready to give it my best well I mean I’ve lost quite a bit… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Adventure in Pixel Perfect Minecraft

    Ultimate Crafting Adventure in Pixel Perfect MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 16’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:27:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Chroma Noob Creates Mind-Blowing Mushroom Sand Art!

    Chroma Noob Creates Mind-Blowing Mushroom Sand Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 130 | Satisfying sand art (Mushroom 54)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-03-23 14:00:28. It has garnered 8100 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • Kaeda RPG Survival Server

    Kaeda RPG Survival ServerAre you new to Minecraft or looking for a quiet server where you don’t want to be disturbed by unnecessary fake beef or other distractions while playing? Are you old or still in your prime? Then you are exactly right with us! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, everyone will get their money’s worth with our newly developed sophisticated Minecraft experience. The basics are quickly understood and should guarantee a quick start. Our complex systems in the MMO and RPG sector ensure long-term dynamics. We are Kadea, an MMO/RPG survival server consisting of nice, but long-time experienced developers… Read More

  • New anarchy server PvP

    Welcome to our Anarchy Server Opening on 05/18/2024! Join us at IP: for some exciting gameplay. Server Specifications: 2GB DDR4 RAM 1 AMD EPYC 7543p core 2GB NVMe SSD Subscription Information: An optional subscription of 5 euros provides access to a priority queue for smoother gameplay. Upcoming Features: We are currently working on setting up a Discord server for communication. Stay tuned for updates! Join now and experience the thrill of anarchy gaming. See you there! Read More

  • Nations Unleashed

    Nations Unleashed Server Description:Welcome to Nations Unleashed! This is a geopolitical minecraft server with towny and siegewar. Links:Website: Link: Link: Server Features:1:1500 scale of the earth in Minecraft!Towny and SiegewarRoleplayGold Economy Server Category:Towny SurvivalRoleplayStrategyWarsGeopolitical Enjoy your stay at Nations Unleashed! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Real spicy memes!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Real spicy memes!I guess you could say this meme is a solid 16/10 on the humor scale! Read More

  • Mineshaft Mods: A Horror Show in Minecraft

    Mineshaft Mods: A Horror Show in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, a mod did I try, Turned the game into a nightmare, made me want to cry. Herobrine lurked in shadows, Cave Dweller a fright, Surviving the night, a challenge, a fight. Mineshafts, once a place of adventure and glee, Now filled with horror, not for the faint-hearted, you see. Terror and fear, like a horror movie scene, In Minecraft, a nightmare, a chilling dream. So beware, brave players, of mods that may scare, In the world of Minecraft, danger lurks everywhere. But fear not, for in the end, it’s just a game, A thrilling… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Witherstorm Fail

    Spicy Minecraft Witherstorm Fail “When you accidentally unleash the Wither Storm in Minecraft and suddenly regret all your life choices. #minecraftregrets #witherstormwoes” Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Meme Compilation – Teacher vs Student

    EPIC Minecraft Meme Compilation - Teacher vs Student Minecraft: Exploring the World of Block Xuan Introduction Welcome to the world of Block Xuan, where creativity and humor collide in the realm of Minecraft animations. Block Xuan, the creator, brings joy and laughter through original and entertaining content. This channel is the official home of Block Xuan, so be wary of any unauthorized videos related to him. Content Variety Block Xuan’s channel offers a diverse range of content: MC Funny Animations: Dive into hilarious Minecraft animations. Classroom Series: Explore the antics of students and teachers in a classroom setting. Song Adaptations: Enjoy creatively adapted songs. Special Moments: Delve… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Community Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Community Fun! Welcome to! Are you a beginner looking to build the ultimate house in Minecraft? Look no further! While watching Super Soul’s tutorial on how to build a house for beginners with an awesome roof, you may have realized the importance of finding the perfect server to showcase your building skills. That’s where Minewind comes in. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, collaborate with other players, and explore endless possibilities. Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind server by entering the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET… Read More

  • Insane ZOONOMALY HEADS TeeVee in Minecraft!

    Insane ZOONOMALY HEADS TeeVee in Minecraft!Video Information hi it’s TV and there are zunal heads can we go to the Zookeeper yeah Gary we have to go through all of the heads to escape we got to do the challenges in each of the heads but I wonder what’s inside all of them oh I want to see smile cat you want to see the Zookeeper oh I want to see the zooe keeper I just can’t see where it is oh uh look up look up look up look there you go well well Gary uh let’s be quick then let’s get a bunch… Read More

  • Crafting Fear: Minecraft’s Scariest Mod

    Crafting Fear: Minecraft's Scariest ModVideo Information bro Cara you were missing everything bro the freaking bog monster came in really murdered murdered me instead of you and then I and then I came back and the bog monster came back and killed Jason instead of me and then a tiny little skeleton man ran into the cave and I was like ah and I was trying to run away and I was at half a heart and I made it out and I’m like I’m safe p and then I got sniped by a [Music] skeleton oh it’s daytime uh why is Herobrine right… Read More

  • “Insane Pokeblade Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🔥” #viral #shorts

    "Insane Pokeblade Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🔥" #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pixel Art 🔥#minecraft #gaming #viral #like #shorts #subscribe #pixelart #youtube’, was uploaded by Pokeblade on 2024-01-17 05:30:13. It has garnered 2507 views and 127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Pixel Art 🔥 Pokeblade #minecraft #gaming #gamers #gameplay #viral #like #shorts #subscribe #pixelart #support #new #herobrine #himlands #pokeblade #youtube Subscribe for more minecraft shorts Goal is to hit 100k subscribers Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour and Pixel Art Build

    Insane Minecraft Parkour and Pixel Art BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,274’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-19 08:05:56. It has garnered 74 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,274 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • INSANE SURPRISE on Day #0005 of Minecraft SMP!

    INSANE SURPRISE on Day #0005 of Minecraft SMP!Video Information all right so I’m back guys I did a couple things off camera I made a uh little chicken Coupe here um didn’t really work on the town hall much yet I’ll add some details soon and I’ll cut to that but uh what I’m going to do is I’m going to make an automatic chicken farm so need to get a lava bat here which I’ll do here shortly so I’ll go ahead and do that all right so got the lava bucket just need to head back okay so I’m pretty sure this is all the… Read More

  • Insane Villager Trading Hall! EPIC Minecraft Build – #5

    Insane Villager Trading Hall! EPIC Minecraft Build - #5Video Information what is going on guys welcome on back to the let’s play world I’m just taking a quick little walk through the custom cave we built last episode and man I am so happy with how this thing turned out the nether portal could use a little bit of work but I think it’s actually a pretty good location and also some of you guys were saying there’s some iron up here I need to harvest I don’t see where the iron is you know I don’t like when you guys lie to me obviously I see the… Read More