Insane Rocket League Stream – DJD_RL Reaches 253/500 Subs!!!

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Can you he what he say uh kind of no well the thing is he might have Redstone his Redstone yeah I heard that but it just just build a normal Overworld Farm without R st and he uh separated all the mobs from them yeah and then he just use the Trident

Killer thingy but he uses Vine thing with the one m c pushes the other one so the M stop okay y you want a One V one cuz if we’re going to play competitive then I think a one one will do good not like we’re going to play

Game Sorry my brain just wi byebye don’t worry no wor ho oh my okay no it’s casual though not going to put us in first game bro all I hear is that’s drink yogurt to you me no I’m talking about I was just playing power wash Simulator for like an hour you

Just Noe oh no it’s not in no way I literally poo to the ball you you missed the Boost I must clean oh clean I must he missed completely I’ll Take I think I have time for this yeah I do I don’t have Boost and I’m stuck mid a what I thought you’d get this boost it’s F I’ll challenge you nice yeah I got your Boost I got your L whoa I lagged don’t worry it’s fine you got my

Beans I got broke yes said okay off broke you come here my little friend th it’s in it’s not in missed I don’t have Boost to you oh yeah oh over me he’s going to get an extra tou is that in plus I got it it’s not

Goie oh what a bomb nice nice a perfect thanks thank you delicious like wow thanks I didn’t so I’m happy with myself cuz all you take oh wait never mind we’ve practiced for this oh yours oh you got another touch bro I tried to double jump I would have

Gotten it but then I double I back flipped I I looked at you yeah there I looked at you I was like what are you going to do now and then I saw oh you got another toup whoops my bad no problem this is B what is this guy saying there’s no ways

Unlucky you boom hey man Hello oh I missed my 50 no I didn’t hear what you said could you repeat that please I don’t know what I said now no no chat no oh my goodness I thought you were zero boost I’m low on Beast now how are you oh I’m great thanks

Oh they bumped each other go go go I took right M oh he jumped early you go again yeah to you I wanted to demo him and then miss so just went back for safety like that yeah like that no dunking me boy I hit it straight up

Please you take it I didn’t get onto the backboard ho J threw a race me in front of me yeah oh there race me is in of I’m going English a rice and oh that thing oh I’m the biggest brain bro let’s go let me see who this is in

My comments by the way I’m Pro boys okay hello Pro boys I’m just getting my phone out so I can actually see you flipped flipped into him and then Hep so I can go good game yeah so C just ready up hear what is that guess what we going to eat for dinner

What delicious stuff against toast toasted cheese oh it’s Sunday yeah toasted cheese sandwiches watch out please don’t do what I think you’re going to do you flipping racist oh you trolling C you actually bro this is your fault J no bro the ball I was on 80 boost boost I

Know I saw you take my 100 boost and then you took that one as well why J J why you taking flip go away oh my goodness yeah how does it feel good touch Bo thought I could flip you for some stupid reason which I could

Nope let me get mini PS J’s taking every boost you can see in there I took that back boost I’m going to wait for it to spawn head spawn what do you mean bro I was running at you I got to assist did you cross he’s trash he’s

Trash bro’s going to clip on us now got a bump on him we can get no no wor not even close don’t understand why you toxic then your own goal F you yeah C your volume Nice Shot does he have a shot nope I don’t have good beans yes bumped I’ll get this Okay search for you I F away stop being sensitive Please uhoh that’s all I can say oh he missed you can’t shoot that I’m dead I see racism really s sorry off demoing both of us that’s crazy oh go oh it’s open it’s open Crazy was it really open oh like oh my ankles trolling can you score that I

Tried I don’t got beans okay said almost done no can we play again let me unle zero P that was actually a perfect shot though I know that’s no bro now you’re 3 oneing now now score score score no he missed let’s go AFK yeah

Okay I’m back come on okay now I’m in your team again thank you bro I was holding you go guys off if I just had boost faking oh my goodness that was a bit scary play again he’s going to go for the double I know this video oh watch out nice

Shot nice oh Katon coming in un I would definitely score that I don’t got beans jie did you hear that what we got three weeks of 2023 left delicious and then it’ll be 2024 how do you know that if 2024 hasn’t started that is true that year could identify as

Anything no no no he just went like no Watch J’s going to clip I told I ran out of boost okay they almost died I need to be less I’m on your side okay J’s going to flip oh yeah can I can I oh I bumped the ball too who is this

Leon um we’re going to play comp twos now cuz we still haven’t finished our um placement matches bro no ways okay well I quickly have to go we you can play I think you can play one game and then that time okay then uh I’ve already at I eat fast cool cool hey

I’m back hello Pro boys when you’re done yeah my laptop crashed somehow okay that’s interesting okay well well Cat’s busy let’s run some ones guys I’ve been working on my pogos been working on my pogos it’s actually starting to look decent I’m probably going to mess it up

First time because I said it’s going to look decent oh that was such a perfect Pogo I just messed up the set up for the ball or it wasn’t a perfect Pogo I could have bounced higher like this okay I’m just going to sure okay I’m just going to show okay

Cool what twos oh flip I ceed for comp twos oh flip oh flip damn that was a oopsie shower bro I didn’t want to play comp TW with some random like I’ll win cuz I’m actually good at the game but like damn this is going to be a bit silly okay

I thought he would go higher with that teammate should have yep I don’t really know what rank this is because I’m still busy with placement matches okay that was interesting no ways I can’t believe I just missed that okay my teammate’s going to challenge him I’m going to wait for the ground

Pinch he’s going to shoot block bumped one okay my teammate did something weird there that should come towards around here on the field yep over me teammate gets a small touch I get a big touch teammate’s dead we got to do this ourself just going to oh that’s not what I wanted

Nice stay here almost missed that cuz I decided to be a city Goose okay damn it that’s kind of unfortunate it’s fine we still have we’re still tied at least silly goose bro really for real for real oh no ways that’s not a demo how is that

A demo but me bumping that guy wasn’t a demo oh no why was my teammate so close flipping chop I don’t know why he turned away there the ball is actually going to land on top of his car but it’s fine that’s not in they might have a

Double though if my teammate doesn’t get back just going to hit fake it I guess whoops teammate has this should spawn there we go he pops it mid nice nice nice nice nope I’m not going whoops I just flipped Away by mistake oh my goodness come on teammate get there nice

Get out low and boost high on Boost yours yours yours nice I tried I did that backflip thingy to try to make him see that it’s his ball cuz it looked like he wasn’t going nice teamor damn yeah EX exactly my teammate’s ball there oh my goodness there’s no

Boost okay we’re fine we’re chilling I didn’t think he would read that I thought he thought I would go more wide this guy’s going to try to demo me that’s for my teammate not for my teammate I guess he’s going booming what a save bro I’m going to just fake a jump there

Holy okay bumped him teammate’s caught okay my teammates making me nervous the way he’s going with the ball here oh what a save again I had to get like a really fine touch to actually hit that so that’s for my teammate he should get close I need to get back this guy is

Going to Boom it never mind he’s going to fake it oh he’s going to beat me up I’ll just jump down he shoots nice teammate blocks teammate fakes oh no I thought he went flying past the ball that should be in the net let’s go Beauty cating I’m actually

Angry why because I just searched for twos like a [ __ ] they call you very I just got uncom drop really yeah we ugly rocket can you invite me yeah I did did you lose your to game no I just we destroyed them but I’m just saying like now my

The place matches are going to be like one off if you know what I mean bro I was about to perform a juicy Pogo before that match in free play thank you K I’m back oh my good what is my car doing hello J oh that

Was J can you be 100% honest who’s better at mechanics me or depends what mechanics do you have a well I mean you take in a match if you talk about in a match then you if you talk about like in free play then I think Yan because like I don’t

Know what else you can do other than stealing pinches and coxer pinches and flip resets and air dribbles oh wa actually might be you now that I think of it I think it’s actually you faking okay we’re playing against dog Jordan say what I’m going to pause back to you get

Yeah do you have a t Miss I should have scored that my bad oh my goodness it’s over me he’s got it you shoot it what is your friend’s YouTube I want to sub to him it’s goated crayons with no space y I believe he’s also streaming are you

Streaming no I’m not streaming at the moment oh he’s not streaming right now but he’s going to start his stream soon after this match he’ll start a stream oh my goodness I did some sketchy little maneuver there I wish up my oh bro just missed uhoh be he’s going to beat he’ll

Beat oh nice I go say yours I’m up yours I’m left low on Boost o close that was a good pass thanks I tried yeah you take nice oh nice good boom I’ll take one more for me actually I can’t oh he broke me I’m in the net I’m

Trying to get back nice nice good beat sa challenge oh watch out is they passing got I don’t have Boost that’s fine it’s F I took this boost they don’t have Boost I’ll wait for him yeah there we go I just to him is that in almost

In I’ll go grab mid and then I’ll turn for it I’ll let him Flick I’ll go now Yours I don’t have any boost it’s safe it’s safe oh she can challeng out yours yours okay waiting a that’s fun whoops got a bump on the one guy I’m waiting I thought you would beat this I just SP to him oh I flipped into it nice

DJ on cleaner look in the chat uh oh oh no I would have had it it’s fine it’s fine they missed him I’ll keep yeah what a shot that’s my bad I lost control for a second Djd above the Builder or shooter un cleaner look in the chat uh do I have twitch um yes I do have twitch but I like I think I’ve done like one stream I probably have zero followers on Twitch bro I just missed the ball like three times that’s

SP that’s yours didn’t spawn it spawned for me almost the second one missed the ball there we go I got the second one watch out watch out he’s spea he’s beting I’m getting I want I’ll go I’m nice you can score that oh I messed up

The flick oh come on you can challenge take do you whoops I’m just going to hit it there should be able to grab that yep bump him oh nice nice one cat you’re actually insane oh you really are the goed crayon oh my goodness I got it you just B how

Much placement matches do you you can jump it’s up oh I missed the touch how did it jump bounce up off that yeah I tried to hit it up there you go you might oh oh a I jumped too early I’m sorry we’re going to play also after the

Placement matches so we can like fix our rank if you know what I mean because I’m trolling we’re going to be playing some comp for a bit there’s no ways Diamond 2 d three how is that Possible the thing is I almost had to Go I got it can we play look so weird in this map yeah I have time for the boot they shooting nope yep it missed nice J Beats oh my goodness sorry I tried to jump over you nice good touch I almost saved it after I after I missed it

Because of the way I landed look fake fake yeah that fake that must have faked them I think they definitely thought you were hitting that yours nice one no Way that was difficult to do yeah yeah Oh I thought I got to touch there yours I’m up yeah O Let’s Go thought I’m trying oh oh low five damn look my bro my mom made A no what I pre jump I just had to make the scoreboard look bit better it’s not like I did nothing this game just this no you you missed you missed yeah I noticed do you have Boost yeah okay that hit the ceiling I couldn’t reach it I thought it

I didn’t realize it was hitting the ceiling what a read I don’t think he meant to read that though just nice pause oh hello it’s not in would you get that yeah I don’t have a lot of boost yeah nice oh nice pause damn it I’ll go oh

Missed yeah can we at least play till 9 oh oh creat with the clips nice this is a thing I’ve been trying the entire time and then they just hit the ball the ground GG I remember you did it once when we were playing ones against each

Other it was so I literally didn’t expect that yeah and I’m sure you didn’t expect that they what exactly bro that’s what I’m saying do div three yeah that’s I also got into div 3 that’s why I’m so confused well we at least the same rank no so that’s yeah I

Just dived up into four Though but it means I’m literally one div above you which is nothing no it’s nothing I think you for my car I can man the of my car but then give [Laughter] I think map which one are you showing her the Manfield oh the dusk Manfield dusk yeah

Bro in free play it’s like it’s it’s a very like gray almost map if you know what I mean this okay this the map doesn’t look bad so I won’t complain the thing yeah they were just very I’m going to be honest I feel like they were just lazy with yeah they were

Lazy this there’s something remind me I need to tell you what I’m angry about after this game okay oh I’m flipping stupid I hate this game he does too now oh oh my goodness no he didn’t my bad no way bro oh hello P how are you doing we

Just bro we just did our play for matches and we got Diamond 2 D four like what the flip but now we going to get it a little bit Higher I’ll take I’ll take I’ll take oh pinch that works too yeah the pinch works also you know who was it that asked me if we can you’re doing doing oh same hi me too don’t worry for real get that what am I doing I go oh bro [Applause] ankles whoops Whoops come on the last one has to say it I’ll go again a s sorry I won’t I tried to turn away to miss the Boost it’s fine I got all you yeah I’ll stay up I’m not getting it again I just smacked my oh I’ll get it again that was so

Powerful yeah it’s the way I turned just before I was hitting the ball oh yeah so we like get a little bit more power because I didn’t have a flip That no yes it is in what type of question is that cre obviously it’s in I never miss oh I almost ra him I’ll get back oh that bounced weird yeah I so okay that’s going to bounce down down bum him I need this Boost nice when you want to play today because I have to go at 99 oh I died mine yours I don’t have Boost yours that’s fun you can I’ll go PA it back whoops kind of messed it up there careful he’s there for a shot nice one I’m low boost DJ

D oh my goodness some wants to play with you I’m aware of that Pro boys oh sorry about this no it’s no there was no boost there come on spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn does he have a shot NOP he’s trash I got these guys 100 boost in Mid but Pro boys I already told them that I can’t play with them right now and I don’t like repeating myself so I’m just ignoring them now like I like them they’re cool to play with but I’m not playing with him right now so yeah that’s just

That oh right oh my goodness I was bro I didn’t know what to how to defend that boyo I got E I thought he was going to hit it up and then a he literally flipped into the 50 so they you can 52 times yours yeah I stay on this thing um last

Touch yeah beautiful no bro I I underestimated I completely misread how high it’s going nice I won go again you just need Bo okay okay it’s fine do you yeah AR reading beautiful a I missed it it’s not I faked him that might be in actually was it in

No it wasn’t I just when I I did something weird it’s in it’s not in Katon flipping insane are jumping I’ll be defending I won’t be defending cuz I’m trash my bad I’m trash Oh flip nster no no that’s on me the B you can get the Boost I’ll go

Again oh my bad my B already you can take yeah yeah I saw I’ll jump no what a 50 you got the bo that’s just you see me yeah I waited too long it’s fine no no it’s fine L to you yeah to you oh close bro that was a good play that

Was a good play no no it’s fine that was a good play no I tried to double jump and I flipped I’m in it hello I’ll go out n yeah yeah okay you can get fine nope you’re not getting that demo him oh it’s still it’s still on their

Side I’m just jumping getting a Touch Away to you nice good game game GG got to play tactically there now need you seriously tell me you what makes me angry what H what makes you angry guess what can I join I played rocket racing today on fortnite hello ghost man

Um yeah who designed all their tracks of the Rocket Race Sonics I know bro they haven’t done anything for us sorry uh ghost man we’re actually playing comp twos right now we we literally Champs and we somehow I’m not I don’t I can’t tell you how but we somehow managed to get our

Rank down to Diamond two in our placement matches well uh I looked at our ranks before the placement matches we both were Diamond one before the placement match not Diamond one Diamond three how I was literally I was like div three champ one all way Seas you know

That bro I didn’t I actually didn’t know that MAA 60 mua mu yeah this is fine he’s going to get my Boost or demo me okay I’ll I’ll get I got the Boost by the way it’s fine you’re still good yours all good this seems like a very slow pace

Lobby to start off with watch out this is dangerous I’ll get it would you oh my goodness what I thought he was getting a touch there it’s one don’t worry that is crazy oh what doesn’t look you can get that bro what the flip bro this is Diamond

Two nice again oh I wanted to demo him unlucky close double committing now I’ll go you would beat oh CH I can’t see oh the is that in is it going to go in oh triy to read him oh B yeah I see do you whoa what J thank

You I’ll get take take thanks beautiful I’m no ways how does that bounce down my M made I got C I see that it’s missing what thank you one touch I’m still low boost I wanted to bump him I’m not reaching that he up yeah yeah it’s going to bounce up it’s not

Going to bounce completely up do you just going to pop it’s fine it’s fine what go up 16 boost you can go good touch how did I go up you you you’ll beat the double tap oh zero boost no J’s too good bro the rap my mom made was crazy

Good hey that’s good thank you Katon I’m glad your rap was good that was actually crazy as I pre- flipped I’m like oh damn it I missed I thought I missed the double oh flip I thought you were sending that I’ll go okay S I was really it’s missing yeah

Nice watch out you to you you oh my goodness how did I get so much power that’s un lucky you can’t even have that you as long as you score that oh I’m sorry I tried to dodge it you play I bro he just missed the ball I’ll

Get what B thank you oh what a bang holy flip no ways watch out go go nice the fake huge I might miss I might miss oh you still at a flip what yeah I jumped so badly there okay we’re chilling we’re chilling Oh I thought I could get the Boost here

But I got bombed I’m over committed uh oh I’m going to get you you you go it’s over yours what is that yours oh nice nice they overing it yeah I know to you oh was going I’ll turn what’s happening I’ll get back okay what I

Got no it’s what a touch I’ll try to get first to this thank you f f this this get just a dbbl but that’s useless you go yeah nice nice oh flied yours yours ooh I’m low boost nice one yeah yeah grabbing some minis I messed up that’s fine I’ll again thank

You what got a bump on him no that’s a bump that’s how you bump that is how you open bro nice one headphones open and got a piece of Boom by the way you like my headphones what do you mean you like my headphones you can’t see my headphones but thanks I

Guess I’ll stay back cuz you’re busy enjoying yeah muasa muasa from from um Lion King he’s holy fli you going to keep it I saw yeah let’s go bro no GG that would be so cool oh okay makes sense first boy uh Pro boy sorry yes D3 okay exit to main menu no

You the ultimate comeback sorry I just took both back boosts not don’t good oh please can you take that I almost just pumped you I got my bad oh just you the P how’s this going to bounce is a question perfect what the flip is that bounce bro was Ching on water it

Sounded it was coke we’re playing with with the lambo you can go I’m yeah I am I thought you’d beat them myad I turned does he have a shot no he doesn’t no I did how am I over that boost I’m just going to Boom to

You nice oh I had to catch it and he got a weird touch yeah I know that was good I don’t have Boost left now whoa J’s good I’m dead me yours bro I just missed the minis that’s fine I’ll keep I’ll stay on the ball that’s perfect nice one C got I’m

Left I missed no I no SK emo skull that’s so unlucky bro I had [Laughter] it what Mommy and Daddy are sleep cool well done why is that L always in the way I got distracted watch out they shooting it’s in it’s not in I completely misre it challeng I’m low on

Boost what a save nice thanks yay Bob The Cleaner stay quiet lol I hate this game I’m sorry yeah that was good I’ll challenge oh flip oh my bad I need this yeah thanks thanks no problem watch out nice all you to you nice what a pause bro bro if I scor this

Thing it would have been insane look at this yeah holy how did you still have your flip dude what I it what do you mean Qui you good yeah I’ll go watch out nice boom are you doubling what oh I got pumped got a pump on him you might be able to

Score that faking bro I heard the voice saying stay quiet in the background oh oh oh my bad my bad I forgot about that already I did your I did your ground double thingy yeah did you see that yeah I saw it hello friend how are you doing how are you doing my

Friend you it’s a me it’s a me Mario nice oh my bad yeah I could have gotten that F unlucky I jumped too early I mean I jumped way too late bro how am I supposed to say your name no that’s how I said I don’t know if that’s

Right fake okay fake so you’re doing more content on different games yeah yeah to you whoa that was interesting nice I’ll jump I can’t jump yeah yeah bro I wonder when will you play Minecraft again Bo to you oh I played my inecraft earlier today just going to grab this guy’s boost and

Then I’m going to go like this to you nice good catch oh that’s a bit scary it’s kind of open I’m there also left I know damn it bro I’ll go it is 409 a.m. austalia oh go go go go nice no I I got the notification and now I am

Here the I saw the stream although I W live in the Stream bro that’s crazy I got whoa OHP no way you can get there you can get there yeah he’s beating yeah oh you well I landed weird you got got that I got one more okay you yeah

Nice nice as long as it’s in that’s all that matters I think I had an easier shot than you yeah I know you did I’ll go back right okay they both going for you I’m just going to waste yeah I’m going to waste some time then I’m booming what how did

That go in the ground ground boom how about that is that a better boom indeed just challenge him just so can’t get to ourside I’ll go he’s booming I can’t I don’t have Boost okay there we go I got boost challeng him nice that was smart a real challenge there we go is

Nice we can get I’m trying holy FP dude dude what the holy flip UNL it it’s F that was so close oh GG another another day over the Among Us um bro I’m literally we we managed we we were not the biggest brand Boos and we managed we were both champ

One did you PCD y plan um Caton what was I just saying oh yeah we would champ one at the end of the season and then we were not the biggest brain boyos and we somehow managed to get ourselves ranked into Diamond 2 after our placement matches but yeah

Now we just you can see we’re just winning winning winning because we obviously deserve champ but anyways did I make the PCD and G to play some cubecraft see you later see you later Pro boys enjoy um no I did not make it the owner of the Esports organization made it

Yeah he’ll be on the stream okay cool yeah Katon in season five I won a gold tournament and a platinum plat tournament but I’m pretty sure they were both snow day I i’ only have a snow day tournament when when I was called yeah like on my on musty tube I

Have a diamond tournament win but that was a 33 tournament what rank are you now maybe we can get another one this season I’m I feel like just getting a tag this season cuz why not yeah yeah Leon I am currently Diamond 3 div 2 I believe the boys Diamond three death to

Okay nice right I think so well I’ll just take the Oh you mean sorry I thought you were asking me if you were Diamond 3 div 2 when you said right right yeah like am I right hello my friend how you doing how you P oh

Oh my bad I don’t know how he look like you would get that second touch yeah that’s why I missed it how the flip did he get second I didn’t think you would catch up with the ball but anyways fake fake it yeah hey thanks for the follow much appreciate it bro

Holy yeah I not score that yeah bro I’m so trash honestly just boom watch out what a save all you he took my Boost and he blocked he bump me okay I got that boost though nice another C recovery I’ll wait for him to Bonk beat him he got my Boost but now

He’s dead bump him nice Jon you’re actually crazy bro look at this bomb bro watch it watch watch it in 4k nice one bro so I was just chasing the cat off the flipping table where all the food is just going to grab back boost he’s going

To I almost smacked him over the over the do you I’m grabbing right mid just careful I lagged unlucky my brain okay unfortunate should have gone back though I like that oh go beat him oh nice BR I lost the sky I have scored that thing oh my goodness I’ve been

Hit nice good boom I’m up yeah you shot j i I made I after I saw you it looked like you were jumping for it so like I tried to stay low but then but then you said me so then I just kept going was nice job thank you great pass watch I

Might I’ve been bumped it’s it’s a little bit kind of open let him cook I’ll go again you again do you open nice no I should have missed that beautiful bro let him cook oh I tried to demo Henry Oh Henry us skill in one0 languages uhoh oh I wanted to save

It I’m not even making a joke bro told us skill in 100 Lang what are you saying N I don’t know what just what do you mean bro he says in my comments creaton bro told us skill in 100 languages oh so that’s your first you don’t skill

Very well you’re making such a come back good if you scor that oh oh thank you damn it I missed it though if you scor it if that’s the important part of the sentence though are they going to P it now I’m back left I’m paing

Back nice back leftt pause love to see it I’m low on Boost I’m trying to get back I should be back be I don’t got beans I’m going to grab this and then I’ll boom backwards because that’s a smart thing I missed I missed where the heck are you oh there you

Are sorry I’m looking around I’m like I I watched you going back towards the net and then 3 seconds later I’m looking back trying to see you and you just gone what a bro I really lost another match dude that would have be a clip I lagged we’re chilling this is fine to

You I wasn’t zero boost and under that this should spawn right oh it didn’t spawn nice you go for that you’ll beat bro I can re I literally what I did that exact read in Boomer mode and I can’t do it in a game no I couldn’t reach it sorry

That’s it was just going too come on Pro boys you got to win you got to win pro boys come on man hey our goals and assists are switched around look like I have three and you have two and then oh wait what I’m just going to 50 whoa that’s

Not what I meant to do I’m going to go back with grab this boost oh y um he’s right there what bro you should see on my screen my car was like having a [Laughter] seizure oh my goodness I see you clip that we need to we need to lock in yeah he

Delayed oh flip my my mouth registered that he delayed but my fingers didn’t I’m left okay that works too what happened lost touch oh you little gay oh that guy’s so mean he’s a meanie he took my I thought you you would be oh man I I didn’t know what to do

Bro I didn’t have any boost and then I messed up my touch here okay it’s fine no we they’re not comebacking right we can’t let that happen yours this is yeah gr you actually just gave me a heart attack oh my goodness watch out I get ni see you again

Yeah just one I’ll get one more sorry hello how are you doing the oh don’t be in no ways what a shot I’m not going to fake I think they’ll know to you I thought you missed nice shot what do you what do you mean I miss I would only miss open it

One what rank are you now bro you don’t y go he’s actually going to beat me to this oh I’m going to get my ankle snapped no okay he’s not going to be beat us now yeah it’s not going to beat okay I won I don’t know how I flip him miss

That dude a Lucky Block match I’m just booming to the ceiling oh that might still be up oh I don’t have any boost no keep it up oh G my bad I actually tripping I don’t even know how we lost let me get water no it’s fine you can go get

Water oh yes these boy maybe play when you’re a champ yes you can no hold you okay I’ll jump I’m just going to hit it to the corner to you oh this is great I can’t go any of this it’s fine I’ll be I’m waiting I’m going to get demoed

The guy oh oh J with the big brain sorry I just didn’t want to get bumped I’m stuck in the a no was Big Brain oh the F oh you’re not going yeah wait I’m going to go way back okay I need boost I’m just going to grab back left sh

This wor shot Poss could have shot get one oh he’s getting another tou no he’s not you going to go yeah oh yours me I’ll go back I’ll jump right oh you good can you I can’t I can’t fine I’ll try to 50 yeah no way

But just challenge I’ll go I’ll go pinch oh flip sorry I’m low on Boost but I’ll challenge oh my no one I don’t have any bro one end that’s insane pinch well it was a pinch I won again nice there’s no shooting that boy to me little bit can you get

That oh let’s go nice look how insane was get nice one great boss thank great pass hey nice one pro boys good win great pass to the pass yeah thanks okay I’m going to start delaying my kickoffs also 50 good 50 I didn’t even see what happened oh I I

Pogoed he shoot he can’t shoot it do you oh wait where is he oh I’ll grab the Boost I’m going to grab this recovery please watch out zero boost you’re raming a lot more is it PC of school holidays damn it bro my bad I

Thought no I got confused when I saw all that flipping explosion yeah yes it is it is school holidays he faked oh it’s over me I’m on their side oh oh close close close unlucky just get back I’ll go you oh my goodness dead well they coming

No ways did I just czy did I actually just do that what did you do I don’t think you did anything you just Eed me you could have cleared it I’m sorry I just Tred come on make up fo nice I wanted to flick but then it didn’t flick

Just that guy was so confused no ways how much does he delay it oh flip I thought you were launching that you faked me what there’s no ways nice Over Me Not Over Me I’m on 11 view okay you got 100 I’m waiting you can go okay I’ll go now

Oh he just got my Boost oh no oh the ceiling it’s under me I got get that watch out H in the ceiling bumped him literally stood on top of him like an insect bro I they going to you want to a you got a good clear even you Str

To De I’ll go okay you yeah you thank you I can’t believe it I actually can’t believe that just happened that’s a good tou man is he going to jump he might nice flip I should defend you he’s there nice oh nice good bump he’s maybe he’ll oh I couldn’t he hit it

Like I’m going to grab this back boost they should be very low on Boost at the moment just don’t troll oh I didn’t I Didn’t I’m so awkward bro yeah I know is kind of crazy bro second I saw and I’m low on Boost oh my dude we’re playing so well though that’s the thing yeah Huh ah really thank you holy bro anyways mat abandoned bro why did you let it rain BR you just told me I can play for another half an hour mhm so then why would you tell me I can play for another half an hour my brother just told me he’s like

Uh JD you can play another half an hour and then he’s like actually know you can play three matches anyways so yeah I can only play three more matches unfortunately wow oh my Days one I’ll get never mind they’re ball chasing bro where are you even I think I got bomed or something well I got bullied by the post I’m kind of low on Boost it’s fine they can’t shoot that nice this map looks very strange I’m going to be honest with you in my

Opinion like right now how did I miss that what what was that one nice can you shoot that please go in please go in nice five I was like each come here boy oh that was funny I can play Hello fan Robbies nice that’s cool it’s cool that you can play bro oh

Bro what the coolest cut ever they both missed go go go faking faking faking I’m not going to I asked everybody on my messages to sub to you no way no way you can get that Holy flip bro holy flip how the flip was that not in the first place I actually don’t

Know I don’t have Boost yes he left the boost for me I’m just going to get one so I got four kills oh my goodness okay I’m going to come back then oh W that’s over me a troll I only had a sword nice they had diamond armor dude what is

Happening watch out no he won’t have a shots wait what is this guy’s username oh my goodness you almost saved it yeah but I had to bump him though otherwise he would have saved it never mind you almost sto oh thank you so much n much appreciated dude I

Got sorry I’ll just cross it there you go you can have it he just did what I was trying to do so it’s fine sorry that’s confusing me watch out he might have a shot he I can boom is that in yeah it’s in J’s scoring

That boost I I ran out of boost bro you have that yeah nice good boom I’m low on Boost tried to pinch it but I failed I’ve been bumped I’m I lost all my careful oh what the bro I’m goingon to lose this I’m confused boys dude he he tried to do a

Flick but he messed it up yeah yeah yeah oh I tried to jump so that I’m kind of low on Boost I’ll get one just to the right yeah Linker Bell is so good close I need to grab this boost let him touch boom that’s past him oh my goodness that

Was a weird I’m stuck on their post nice we can get our no we can’t no I can’t my car didn’t go up okay then Adrien that is interesting oh wait oh flip Katon yeah you just want to save them yeah I did cuz they would have saved us and I

Remember this club name oh oh oh my bad I remember I remember this exact club and then long ago they want to say it doesn’t every goal they got and oh I don’t even remember yeah this was like three months ago we played against them Adrian are

You that one I just realized that Katon both of their names are inappropriate I only noticed that now my friends might get mad VC I message them while they’re [Laughter] sleeping I wasn’t paying attention oh go in nice and is is like me L ball yes I won my friends might

Them while they sleeping flip I was looking at the comments no man what what what is happening how did that not go lower it just stayed at the same altitude oh it made me chain Dash I I passed it back for you tactical yeah yeah uh-oh I BM him there oh where’s he

Going I just missed oh flip what the flip is this watch out watch out I’m sorry I thought it would be funny okay interesting hello friend Hello friends you missed the boot Bo I can probably beom sorry I didn’t mean to get in your way there that’s fine nice oh o

These nope I don’t have Boost oh keep it up keep it no they bumped me away they hey well done pro boys what I am flipping Diamond 2 I was I started this game on death one what monkey look at K yeah God we just play against normal people

Uhoh I’m giving them to jump and then I’m going to their names aren’t bad though he missed yeah their names AR bad until J realizes prawn and Mojo what’s wrong with those oh my goodness that’s underneath me oh flip the abbreviation no why you fli you shot it straight at

Me that’s my fault No zero boost close oh my yours yeah sorry I just missed 100 Bo for the seven it’s fine we’re chilling like I would have no I would have been there if he was getting it but I saw he was missing that’s why I went for the back

Boost I’m on your right oh watch out he’s there nice good beat oh flip I’m stuck in the a oh let Jen was like one of this was this was way more difficult than it looked what a shots py yep oh he hit it

SK no is it we still fun oh he might beat me let’s go no he won J oh nice I tried to read him but I didn’t think I would just got dunked yeah good kickoff pass him back to me oh J’s waiting let’s go are you near

Me oh tried the how much more longer will I will be well I’m playing this game and one more and then I’m going so like maybe 10 minutes kind of I assume that’s how long it’ll take what are you C okay oh were you just eating a piece of cake quickly Stucky

Cook oh I need recover nice oh watch out no there’s no one shooting I’m faking you’re literally faking let’s shoot nice I won oh and I was MVP oh he beat me nice bro I need boost Mojo what you doing 12 boost 20 boost I’ll I’ll go I’ll go

Okay just be careful I’m getting back nice I’ll go I’ll let him get a touch first shoot it I missed oh what a clear what a clear I did not think you would be able to do that I got yeah oh I’m low boost that’s my last touch close

Keyboard disconnected while I did that it’s fine it’s fine they can’t shoot it how did his teammate score that he’s so bad let’s go I just rushed it nice Pro boys you nvp and you won well done thanks I’m just going to give it a second try to bait him

Out Oh I thought that was he left his boost I’ll get back good touch whoa I lagged okay we’re chilling oh flip um I didn’t mean to do that oh you faked I’m grabbing back left boost oh my goodness I got like one zero kills nice 50 or read I mean nice demo

GG okay does this not count as a match yeah we unfortunately play Roblox okay final match guys final match Kon tomorrow we champ one actually tomorrow we champ two or or high champ one sometimes can I add you the ranks the ranking system at least looks a little

Bit better not how do you mean like the people we’re facing are actually Diamond threes yeah but don’t mind my user it’s cringe it’s not like we’re facing champ J is actually in Diamond too and same as mine LOL realize yeah what do you realize some of

My DC friends from the r from the RC they’re ranking once guess what they rank what is they rank all of their ranks are like diamond three bro and I almost hit Diamond three the other day so you all are playing against GES wait oh I missed the

Musty dude I just got the perfect Pogo there’s no ways I’m playing against G season 1es bro oh they just they just never played yeah well maybe it’s possible I don’t know UHS J do you know what swall what yellow is actually it sounds like he’s like 12

Years old dude I know I heard him I’m like what the flip bro this child this child shouldn’t even be able to like speak it I got it okay yeah yo my brain took a second to register to that um okay he beat me and he got my Boost just

Careful nice good save thanks I’m just going to take this boost also for safety that’s not in nice face you got time got time face red droopy eyes face red droopy eyes no way I’m sorry that’s fine I should have just got the double tap anyways no

No no but I literally had an open I’ll try it nice shot oh nice oh I knew what I was doing okay okay I tried to double it but then he ended up passing to me yo I thought you were missing fake again I don’t even think they’ll think it

Because like why would you fake two times in a row baby back I need more to see him now I oh nice oh flip I launched you straight up bro oh My I was trying to Dem Him my keyboard I missed I can’t my bad no no it’s fine it’s fine a w that Miss Even though I am on phone watch out oh never mind hey yeah I know I’m just that good I’m actually just him go go go yeah I need this

Boost close I bumped him it did nothing though but I did bump him just going to hit it to this wall there I got a touch whoopsie you did get a touch that is true damn I took it oh come on man more to

See baby is back I need more to see him what are you saying n oh your cat typed on your phone okay that makes so much sense bro makes sense oh I’m going to get flick Katon I’m just challenging DJ D will you stream Minecraft tomorrow oh that’s so

Close I yeah I’m back I’m back you’ll be at school soon I just didn’t want to get bumped by him no you still fine yeah to you oh what a 50 I’ll try got to BM Oh School ended you can p to me no I need that p m i I’ll

Keep he’s probably going to demo me sad oh I want need to down coming open nice I know right shot oh hell BSB BSB bro how are you doing it’s been so long since I saw you dude how are you doing BSB I got

It easy I saw he was delaying so I went wide I can’t move oh we were close if we were in same line yeah I didn’t have any boost so so I couldn’t like get to you I’m going to delay okay cool me again I’ll just boom I’m just

Booming straight up oh my goodness that’s not straight up and it’s not a boom I’m back I’m back and I’m boost MDA biggest bird emoji Eagle MDA biggest bird emo Eagle watch out you shooting oh nice good that’s beautiful I’m low boost but tou I don’t want to challenge that it’s too

Risky nice thank you beautiful yours I’m wasting time I’ll go up okay are you ready for something special Katon you going to buo no yes do you I tried to beat him I tried to beat him so bro bro almost just got clipped on in

C sorry about that no I’m sorry bro I messed up the Pogo it was difficult to be no fake we don’t need to yeah yeah that’s crazy I messed up the Pogo so bad get a bomb yeah bro went flying I missed the bump I’m up he might beat he might beat

I went to BM the other guy it’s fine you just get that yeah nice okay I missed my clear Miss I’ve been I’ve cleared I cleared myself I’m waiting for you to come back oh close yo I didn’t even think he’ be able to shoot that dude BP in

Chat how do I not touch it unlucky okay I got you again do you that was going in one touch just missed good fake oh I actually almost just missed that open bye I’m going goodbye Leon good night good night Liam what how did bro even get there you go I’ll

Defend nice I specifically up oh flip GG can we play one more please py please car can we play one more thank you Yes W okay guys this is really the last match now actually like tell if you can add another game I’ll go like all his Tik Tok videos on all my

Accounts no no no bro my I actually did a a good setup and then I adjusted it last second as I was about to bounce on the Pogo that’s that’s why I didn’t really bounce very high run the no tomorrow we’re getting oh good luck I know you paed

Though all he one second at my school were do doing Tik Tok as for the last day DJ D when will you stream Minecraft oh was it a high five or no no I didn’t get anything I it to you I tried to EIT you Pro Bo I’ll stream again tomorrow fake yeah

Fakey I’ll check what you said now no what the flip a flipping races we’re still chilling I’m back please spawn spawn spawn it didn’t spawn this this is here though waiting for me jum yeah faking that actually [Laughter] work what [Laughter] time BR just went fine that was actually such a funny face

He beat me but he passed you watch out he’s getting over oh my God I just launched myself into space somehow now I’m sorry yours I’m going to go back because causing I’m causing trouble up here ouch did you just snap my booty cheeks that’s a mean thing to do buddy

You score that I’ll boom it yeah you can I got I got I got I got I got I got up options let’s go did leave no way don’t tell me don’t tell me that’s our last match okay demo demo can’t y almost just got scored on nice clear nice clear slapping and

Slurping that’ss crazy you see me that way you see me oh flip I back flipped I could have saved it Pro boys calm yourself J I’m so good what a shot bro okay I’m doing Turtle kick off here I’ve missed you bile do watch out I’m flipping [Laughter] break spawn thank you what

Yours does it have to be bro thinks I’m low on Boost to me oh the flip de see I stayed when he grabbed my Boost I stopped using my Boost until he saw yeah it probably calm myself but come on man you are slurping I just

Start to beat him beat him oh you’re on kickoff me too flip can you getar to me I can hit the ball properly really fake yeah I was but because milkshake I almost just own gold but we don’t need to talk of that okay watch this Katon wait let me Pogo let me

Pogo watch out I bro lose this [ __ ] hello fan Robbies I don’t know what you mean by I can play beat him keep yeah I will there you go I feel like he thinks he’s actually doing something here Katon to you oh I’ll get one should be in let’s go oh

Flip I almost stole this thing chill really I boost oh close one close one why is he not leaving fake if I had a bit teamate he’s going to take my Boost I think I got the Boost no bro I’m going to be G wait I want a pogo

Oh J just w a pogo let J boo Pogo whoa I’m going to touch up the wall fall down and bounce oh your turn is it ah he bumped me okay well good games thank you all so much for watching the stream Please Subscribe if you haven’t already because we’re trying to get to

500 Subs before the end of 20 23 bro what time will you stream Minecraft tomorrow because I got school I have no idea Pro boys I can’t give you a definite time but yeah thank you guys so much for watching I also do a lot of um

Minecraft whoa calm yourself n but yeah I do a lot of Minecraft content also um but yeah thank you guys for watching peace

This video, titled ‘253/500 SUBS!!! Rocket League stream’, was uploaded by DJD_RL on 2023-12-11 09:09:35. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:14 or 6494 seconds.

Playing Rocket League and Minecraft for YOUR Enjoyment!!!

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    SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi's Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱Video Information also ich weiß ja auch nicht so ganz Leute aber irgendwie kribbelt ganz unangenehm wenn ich hier gerade so rumlaufe in diesem hffelpff [Musik] Gemeinschaftsraum und damit erstmal herzlich willkommen meine lieben Freunde hier zu einer neuen Folge von Let’s build hffelpuff Gemeinschaftsraum aka let’s build hogbots mit mir dem dcky LP hi Leute ja ihr habt vielleicht letzte Folge schon gesehen ich habe damit angefangen die dritte und finale Version von vom hffelpff Gemeinschaftsraum zu bauen genau ich ihr merkt schon an meinem rumgestotter und an meinem verhaspeln der Wörter das es eine sehr ja anspruchsvolle Aufgabe… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op Item

    Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op ItemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Jump Gives Op Item 😱’, was uploaded by GaminG-Do on 2024-03-04 01:29:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Video I will Try Minecraft but, jump Gives Op Item in this video making 9 days + Hardwork and if you like this video than … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-15 09:00:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43

    EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43Video Information a du coup ça ça me sert à rien là c’est le portail bleu là oua atts etpou paspack que apparemment c’est de la merde vous avez du stand de dragon de glace let’s go voir ce que ça fait c’est abusé par contre les compagnons abusé les bordelas un zombie qui m’a regardé mal s fait [ __ ] ça ah mais d’accord les gars alors je vous préviens tout de suite V comment il peut y avoir un poin de glace dragon dans la maison desx V ça dit de est-ce que ça dit de foncer… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction – Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction - Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts’, was uploaded by Crazy Playz on 2024-03-20 08:40:56. It has garnered 2543 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts “Watch as I unleash my creativity in Minecraft, constructing an impressive structure block by block. But the real twist? I rig it with TNT and set off an explosive finale! Don’t miss the blast! 💥🏗️ #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSkins #MinecraftPE (for Minecraft Pocket… Read More

  • Unleash Lord Indra’s Ultimate Power in Phase 3!

    Unleash Lord Indra's Ultimate Power in Phase 3!Video Information [Musik] Hello what guys jadi kita hari ini akan melanjutkan brut ada ada ada Dito ada ada ada GL ada Bulbul ada ada Idil ada ada Mandala ada fat ada siram Ada Pak Ada Alvian ada ada cruzi ada ya ada Yon ada Ka ada arsen ada lagi ada Lis ada ada anak em ada ada Mal ada a yaudah lagi ya welcomeakat emang Apa nih Apa nih Apa ni emang ada apaan Ang Ada apaan Ada [Musik] apaan apa apa apa Ada apaan bangk bias Bang mana si an Tadi Ana ada di sih t gini Berti… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #Shorts

    🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #ShortsVideo Information yatak bana bir yatak yapsana şö uyayım bakalım ne oluyor AB koyduğum ne konulmuyor mu buraya This video, titled ‘Twitch mbdrx #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #keşfet #fypシ #game #latspreas #twitchclips’, was uploaded by MBDR on 2024-01-16 09:41:37. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraft

    ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 [Music] a [Music] p [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey hey heyyy [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon’s “THERAPY” MMV

    Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon's "THERAPY" MMVVideo Information you’ve got all the answers whenever I’m hurting but I feel like a project and I like a person I don’t know why you try to fix me like I can be fixed overnight don’t try I’m fine don’t tell me you understand I don’t need every need Wonder to with make I need someone to feel my pain and I just walk away I don’t need someone to P to me I just need a little L for send me someone who will shut them mouth and listen what I say I don’t need never pay you… Read More

  • Virtual Earth

    Virtual Earth(WARS, CUSTOM VEHICLES, MILLITARY) | BRAND NEW SERVER!!!! | Discord: Java IP: port: 25565 (1.20 – 1.20.1) Join us today and write your story! Server is fairly new so there is room for improvement! Thank you for being part of the community! Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Hark, brave adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating survival experience like no other! What to expect: A lite RPG experience: Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Outposts, Quests, McMMO, Custom Enchants & Custom Monsters Excellent QoL: Player Warps, Homes, Monster Heads, RTP, TPA, Autocrafters, Land Claiming, Non-Premium Crates, Live Maps Voting system: Earn rewards with Voting Crate Key & pinata Player-owned economy: Sell what you want at your price Cross-platform play: Play with friends on different MC versions Informative Discord channel: Chat between Discord and Minecraft Custom Help menu: Available 24/7… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Legends of the Block 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Legends of the Block 🔥Why did the Minecraft character go to therapy? To work through his block issues! Read More

  • Scarecraft: My Map’s a Trap, Friends Beware!

    Scarecraft: My Map's a Trap, Friends Beware! In the world of Minecraft, a map was made, To scare friends and viewers, a thrill to cascade. With 50 likes, floor 2 will be unlocked, Feedback and comments, all eyes are clocked. Old videos deleted, a fresh new start, Perfection is key, each detail a part. Subscribe for updates, for floor 2’s debut, In the realm of Minecraft, the adventure ensues. Read More

  • 2024’s Hottest Minecraft Shenanigans! 🔥

    2024's Hottest Minecraft Shenanigans! 🔥 “2024: The year when Minecraft players finally figured out how to trap their friends in a never-ending loop of ‘Creeper Aw Man’ remixes.” Read More

  • Top Mods for Minecraft 2024!

    Top Mods for Minecraft 2024! The Best Mods for Your Minecraft in 2024! In 2024, Minecraft continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and creativity. One way players enhance their gaming experience is by using mods. Here are some of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024: 1. Biomes O’ Plenty Biomes O’ Plenty is a mod that adds a plethora of new biomes to the game, expanding the world and offering new landscapes to explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, this mod brings diversity to your Minecraft experience. You can download it here. 2. Alex’s Mobs Alex’s Mobs introduces a variety… Read More