Mastering Iron Solo Challenge: Minecraft Madness

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Hey Rory you’re good being on stream right yes C see you don’t have to ask me that every time never know man I might get Tesla by you feel like after the what is it like 20th 30th time you’ve asked me that that it’s probably on me if I decide to

Suddenly get shy and not tell you about it well well so you had a little falling out with Tesla huh yeah well it was I don’t know if you saw any of it yesterday but it was like I literally came back and I just was excited to

Share like I spent three day five days okay five days on stream researching like what new phone am I going to get and like you know I try to make my purchases like you know Justified not like I’m going out and spending like I’m dropping two grand on a phone like I’m

Trying to brag like dude I don’t know if you’ve ever had the experience worry but like I literally make sure my equipment lasts as long as freaking possible and you know how technology gets better like 2x every single year it just got to the point where like my phone was so slow

Like I can’t use Discord without it crashing on my phone I can’t record videos I can’t take photos without like everything on my my phone stuttering and because of all that and like you know I’m posting a lot more stuff on the social media now it’s like you know I

Would like a device that could help me with that problem and so I was like you know what I feel justified in getting an iPhone even though everybody was telling me that Samsung’s also good too so I went in yesterday with the intention of getting the the best latest model

Because I know that it’s going to last me eight years so I went for the iPhone 15 Pro Max which is like the the uh the the latest iPhone that’s out right now cuz I went with the iPhone 6s 8 years ago and when I spent I spent like $900

At the time and so yesterday I spent $1,200 now here’s the deal obviously I don’t have a phone plan all to myself I share with other people so I can save money because I don’t need to use a phone plan all the time if I was were to

Have one by myself I’d just have mint mobile for like $10 a month cuz I’m on Wi-Fi all the time it does not make sense to me but because I share a line with other people we’re entitled to better deals and because you know obviously my family is not dead you know

My family’s alive you know I help them out with certain things like taking care of the bills and so you know it’s my responsibility I take it upon myself to make sure that I get my family the best like deals for like phone lines right and so uh a few

Years ago before uh T-Mobile bought over Sprint I got uh us a four line plan for 145 bucks where we get literally everything that everybody has like you know how they try to get you all these uh unlimited data whatever it is I got the unlimited data like forever right uh

That thing I got that for like $145 like it’s a steal like you know these companies like Verizon and T-Mobile offer like these unlimited deals but they charge you like 250 for like four lines it’s like bro we save a $100 some per a month for four allines

And here’s here’s the catch right uh you you spend I think it’s $60 on the first line $50 on the second line and every other line that you add after that is $10 extra and so the other day I wanted to see what um what deals they had

Because we already were planning on getting somebody else an iPhone who’s on the plan because they needed it for work so they were gu we were guaranteed to be spending like $630 on like at least an iPhone 13 uh yesterday but here’s the deal because we were adding a new line

So basically uh we were adding another line for somebody in my family right we added of that right and it only cost us $10 to add a line that qualified so normally if you want to add a line it’s like $35 we only had to add it for $10

And uh per month extra and so that qualified US to get a additional line so you can have another phone number on the line a six line we now have six lines on the plan and they gave us a uh Samsung uh Galaxy s23 for free that phone itself

Was 800 bucks it’s sitting fresh in the box and uh we also got $700 towards any phone that we want for the most part like it has to be like an iPhone 13 and above so I got somebody else on the plan that we that needed the phone for work I

Instead of us getting them the iPhone 13 I surprise them by getting the iPhone 14 by paying 30 extra bucks cuz the thing is that if you have $700 of like towards a free phone right you might as well get the the the SEC the highest model uh

Above that because since the iPhone 13 is like 630 bucks we would have missed out on $70 of value so I decided that okay let’s do this uh iPhone 14 730 bucks only 30 bucks extra and I still got myself the uh the iPhone uh iPhone

15 Pro Max which was 1,200 bucks the only thing I had to pay yesterday was the taxes on the phone that’s it I didn’t have to pay for the phone in full uh because I what’s it called they allowed me to finance it over uh 24

Months so that means I can use the I’m not going to lose $1,200 I can use that cash on anything that I have because I already have the money to pay for it already so there’s no point in me like you know burning a $1,200 hole in my

Pocket when I can just do it like I can just keep the money on the side and just pay it out per month so I got a really good deal I went in for one phone we got three phones and a lot more and so you know I shared that on stream here

And you know Tesla like it could have been like again I’ll take the fault for the bad communication right but you know I just was not happy with him like talking about my family and I just really really felt that he was being really disrespectful towards me when he

Was saying like so your family’s paying for it right it’s like no dude I I I’m I used my credit card my money the $1,200 cash that I brought in cuz I thought I was going to buy it all in full to buy this stuff and so it’s just like you know

Like it’s you know I don’t know it’s because it was like an ego thing for me it’s just like you know it I don’t know I just really don’t want that perception to be there of me that like I’m some like spoiled kid that like doesn’t work

For his [ __ ] like literally all the stuff that I use here all my equipment all from from my own money but I don’t need like to prove that to anybody cuz like I’m not going to go back and find my receipts and show like you know this

Is how much money I earned from my summer job and I bought all the stuff with my own cash like I’m not going to bother with that but for somebody that like you know Tesla at least I considered him a friend like bro that’s like a low blow like it’s just not like

You know it it just doesn’t seem like it’s coming from a place of respect it just seems like someone like you know it’s just like you know you’re just saying it just to say it and so that’s the reason I want to have the conversation with you Rory because again

I consider you someone that’s my friend and I just you know don’t want another Tesla incident and so I feel like because I did poorly communication I’m not going to [ __ ] up this time with you so that’s all I see I see I see so that’s like to

Speed you up to date like basically I guess it was like cuz I hate talking through twitch chat like it here in the Discord call is easy to have a conversation where you can like you know a little bit more Rapport versus like you know you’re listening to me on a

Delay and like you know I have to assume you’re like mental through what your text message is yeah at least I don’t have to have a conversation with you where uh I have to wait two minutes every three minutes for the ads to stop so I can hear you again

You can thank tessle for that one I know I appreciate that but yeah know I get your point so I I’m I guess I’m slightly confused what exactly I heard all that you said but like what exactly advice or opinion of mine are you looking for cuz

You seem to be like yeah you don’t want you don’t want me to test loud on you and suddenly hate you which like no I just thought this is more like a catch up conversation I don’t I go was there anything in like in particular thought that I wanted to talk with you

About well yeah I mean you you were telling me a lot there’s obviously stuff on their your mind and you oh yeah there’s a lot of Stu are obviously curious a little bit about what I think about the whole situation which is fine I could just give you that

But I don’t know I just I didn’t know yeah just show relax you’re just hang out we haven’t talked in a bit so you know yeah I you know I’m trying to do a better job of like not leaving you in the like you know it’s funny cuz when I

Went to go get my haircut my barber is like you know you don’t have to wait 5 years before you come back here you don’t even have to get a haircut just come and hang out and talk to me true so like you know a nice Barber yeah yeah

She she’s really nice and so like you know I was just like I you know a part of her is in me and I’m thinking about her and I’m think that like I don’t need to like ghost Rory for like from May to like no I don’t have to ghost him for

Like six months before we can talk again because you I don’t want another incident where like you know it was a call between me you and aray and you guys you guys did you know I really appreciate both of you guys for what you guys said that night but um you know I

Just like I was like damn they don’t know any of the [ __ ] that’s happened over the last six months that’s terrible well I if you haven’t noticed that’s kind of like how I’d like to deal with with my friends because one of the last things I want is to be like I don’t

Know like needy or like annoying no like if they want to talk to me they can talk to me best case scenario with that is [ __ ] frisbee where he bullies me all the time for not messaging him more and I’m like bro that’s just like I don’t I

Don’t want to be that person who’s like you know out here starting conversations or starting interactions or being like pressuring people into wanting to hang out when they’re if it’s on your mind if you really wanted to do it you would do it and that’s kind of the point

Right um but that’s just me m yeah yeah your you never need to feel guilty if you don’t do that there’s a reason actually I just talked to I talked to Ian for the first time in like nine months a few days ago and like not really much of anything has changed like

He’s doing his life he’s doing whatever like we’re still chill and like that’s kind of how it is right yeah yeah just because you don’t talk for a while people got their lives yeah yeah yeah that’s the same thing with my live stream like you know like I started like

Religiously like documenting all the people that hang out in my stream cuz I just like to look at like their frequency and like what they hang out and do how much time they spend and for the most part I get most of my joy and fulfillment not from just the people

That hang out here daily but even the people that like you know they haven’t tuned in in like a year and they like come in like yo how are you doing so it’s like you know it’s funny I’m curious do you see because I I’m pretty sure most of my viewing habit of

You is me just tuning in for like 4 seconds to just be like what’s up and then I leave yeah you able to see that or like oh am I into that no I said you able to see that yeah I’m able to see that yeah well I don’t I don’t see how

Long you stay I can see when you join the stream but I can’t see when you leave you just see that I’m about there so like I like if you look at you can look at the chat list right you can refresh that button you can see like

Okay people who have a Twitch account that are watching with the Twitch account and have the ability to chat these are the people that are part of my these are my air quote viewers but the number of viewers is not reflective like you’re if you see like all like some

People like donk 7 or whatever they’re not act I don’t know if they’re actual viewers and I don’t think they’re counted as viewers I think they’re just chat Bots is what it is but I know that you’re because I get on Twitch like I’ll usually check twitch maybe twice a day

If I like don’t have anything going on almost always because you’re like I only follow like four or five people on Twitch I’ll almost always just click up there yeah but that’s the whole point normally you’re playing a game of League or doing whatever if you’re ever having like an interesting conversation or

Something I might stick around for a few minutes but yeah yeah yeah I thought you might find that funny cuz it’s it’s a little bit habitual no no no but that’s the whole point like that’s my Target demographic like so when it comes to like streaming like you know I’m

Applying all the stuff that I learned about business you have like the goal isn’t to be to serve every single customer possible like I’m not a Walmart like I don’t have like 2 million employees like that’s not like my strong suit the best thing for me to do is to

Focus on like you know one particular niche one particular customer and just advertise to that person really like constantly because there’s more than enough of that that one type of person to go around so if that person is you that Tunes in like for a couple days like habitually that’s the type of

Customer that I want a person just like you Rory and so because I know that that’s what you do that’s your habit it’s easy for me to replicate that and then go find like a million other rores versus trying to get like every other every person try to put like some like

LGB ptq Square on my screen like all this other stuff like instead of casting a wide net I just focus on one group of people and that’s people like you and I’ve had more success doing that because again you have you seen the number of viewers on my

Stream yeah I came back here you had like 30 or 40 or something at one time right dude because I’m like specifically advertising to those guys yeah yeah um or and I already talked like business with you for streaming and stuff quite a bit um and like I said like going for

The niche that you kind of support is what it is um you’re very methodical about things um which usually goes to benefit somebody in like your position anybody anybody who works a complicated human interactive sort of job aside from like you know [ __ ] working at McDonald’s or something yeah or you

Actually benefit from like having good interactions with people usually you benefit by you know paying really close attention to that you know appealing to audiences and knowing uh but I do honestly believe I think he take it too far um but that’s not necessarily bad it’s not like entirely to your detriment

It’s just you know you are just a very methodical person it’s why you take so many notes it’s why you document every single one of your well you know you know where those stem from right like like we’ve already had that conversation or have I not like made it clear like

Where that stems from I feel like I’ve picked up a bit here and there but I don’t know um so uh starting of high school so 9th grade to 12th grade I was uh manager for a volleyball team so that was where I picked up my like my uh Excel

Spreadsheet like tracking and stuff so like that was like where I learned how to be very detail oriented like seriously because like that was what I did for like four years because I tracked statistics for like a team and so you know I took that over into League

Of Legends and that’s when I started doing my whole like EXL spreadsheet of like tracking every single one of my games having 24 accounts like that’s where all that like stems from uh but that was like you know a major like growth period for me it all really SS

Back from my childhood when I was like growing up like when I was like the moment I was able to speak English like the moment I was able to talk uh my mom you know my dad my family like really got me to like try to like become like

The basically like genius kid is what it was not like what they said but like but again it wasn’t in any like force way like my my mom was more of the nurture side my dad was more of like the here’s a chemistry textbook read this [ __ ] like

I I don’t know like I’ve never read a chemistry textbook before but here I want you to look smart or whatever it is just start reading this [ __ ] and so like it was my mom mostly that was able to like get me to actually like learning

And you know I I think I told you the story already I basically skipped out of all School like I was at the age of 15 taking like college calculus and I tested out of all math stuff and like uh they put me in a separate classroom by myself which like

Like really like hurt my socialization because I was just that kid that like only appeared for like a short period of the day because I just was like in advance class by myself because they had no other students that were at my level at the time so uh but yeah the reason

Why I’m like super super detail oriented and I have like that like level of methodical stuff was because literally that was how I was trained at home from like a kid like I was trained to be an assassin I was trained to be a repetitive [ __ ] like I like when

I wake up do my 100 times or my table my time staes 100 times write it down say it out loud all that stuff and so I was like you know I I didn’t become a genius kid because I had like some super high IQ like I just have like above average

IQ like I have I’m a 123 tested Q like that’s it I’m not like I’m above average that’s it like I’m not like some Super Genius the only thing that got me to this level in terms of like how well I do stuff was because I literally did

Everything like a million times like there was like it I was the type of person that was successful not because I like had any Talent it was just because I did it like so many times like there’s literally no question as to why I would fail hence the reason why you see me

Playing like thousands of games of like twitch or thousands of games of Draven or thousands ofam games of of vain is because that was just how I was trained to do and that’s just you know it permeates in everything that I do and you see like you know it works like you

Know I wasn’t like I and and and and again repetition is a double-edged sword you know if you repeat good things you know good things will happen for you if you repeat bad habits or bad things like that will also compound so it’s like you know it’s a double-edged sword and so

It’s like you know you know I I’ve had like and changing direction is tough for me because like you know I’m not an expert myself so you know when like you know when you were trying to like get me to stop playing 24 accounts you know it

Like it was a slow gradual process but like you know now obviously we see the change it’s like how like you know I spent from you know May and then July I concentrated on working out I got a six-pack right and so like with my with the League of Legends accounts you know

I weaned off of playing on 24 accounts concentrate on getting Willer into Masters and that was it and then the second run that I started in November to like December whenever I hit Masters again was just on will and that was it and like right now I’m even doing like a

Iron to Masters grind and I’ve only been playing on one account that’s it so I’ve made the change I have changed I have gotten better so if we were going to like you know go the Rory route and be like you know like I you

Know this are you in the same spot that you were like last year no I’m like I’ve made a lot of progress in my opinion but again I’m always happy to hear outside opinion if people think like well you you seem like you’re still running around in circles or something I don’t

Know when people usually say that they’re more so talking like in a general sense yeah sure where they get the impression that like I can tune in and like you hit Masters your view count has went up you know a bit a decent percentage comparatively but right like

You know nothing nothing massive um but people see a lot of these things and they see that you yourself have not seemed to change very much at all and then given the totality of the circumstances those haven’t changed too much either right because things like right you know things even even if you

Up your viewer count by 50% or 100% when it’s already incrementally low that doesn’t make a huge difference when you hit Master tier and League of Legends it’s an achievement and of its own but it’s nothing that big right it’s not life defining it doesn’t really change

No no yeah it’s not life defining I’m not expecting that to be like oh what’s up yeah you’re you’re hitting these these milestones for yourself you’re see oh yeah yeah no the hitting Masters is not a oh I I’m going to get like infinite amount of viewers no it it’s

Not that at all it’s my own personal like you know I set this goal for myself I want to achieve this goal I’m going to work towards this goal right right but that’s what I’m saying is because like from an outside perspective especially as your average viewer somebody who doesn’t really share

Your like lifestyle and your obviously your your viewpoints what you go through each and every single day most people you know in your Twitch chat are their own people yeah of course and I don’t expect lot of those superficial things they give the impression that like yeah

You’re kind of still doing mostly the same thing um that’s for each person to decide right if they’re like oh they didn’t like you beforehand then they’re probably still not going to like you now and then vice versa right it’s not too much is going to change um in my opinion

I honestly and I think I kind of told that a little bit in our twoh hour long spiel with a r i don’t think you like you dream big enough so to speak I guess that’s probably not the right word dreaming big enough isn’t the right

Thing I mean you literally have like in your bio about what you do with $10 million no but I think yeah but continue explaining because I think I think I’m kind of like understanding what you’re trying to say is I I would say it’s not dreaming big but thinking big especially

When it comes to like what you actually do in your day because like you can sit here and you can have that Daydream like you’re you know playing the lottery what would I do with $100 million or you know what how am I going to invest in my orts

Team once I reach 10 million followers on Twitch right like you have those ideas like you thought about it so it’s not dreaming big but like thinking big when it comes to a lot of this stuff like thinking big is not somebody who gets excited when they have have 10 more

Viewers on average on Twitch yeah sure thinking big is not somebody who you know just hit Master tier which although you know like I said an achievement itself is is only incrementally good that’s it’s not overly impressive in a grand because we had the conversation that like you know there are certain

Things that could make your stream better like that would get you more efficiency out of it than like focusing on things that don’t actually matter and like my thing is too and that I’ve said before right like thinking big is not being the The Humble optimistic guy who

Just want to be here for his stream and like you know be a good person insing his value sharing with the world as as weird as it is it’s not being Mr Rogers of the streaming world yeah because there are a lot of really wholesome really nice people that stream and they

Don’t make an impact they don’t make any real they’re just they’re just nice people they’re good people they don’t do anything because they don’t know how to or they like yourselves they think too small because that’s what I’m saying too as well like there’s not anything like moral there’s certainly moralistically

Wrong with like just wanting to be you know the study buddy or you know nice to your or your viewers more like there’s more opportunity like that you can go after and like sure limiting yourself like just because you’re trying to like do one thing it’s like you know it’s

Going to somebody who is so like and I say autistically is almost in a complimentary s but so for someone who is so autistically like um ingrained with how they they deal you know your notes and all that sort of stuff right like you are very very particular about

That you don’t really think like a business person sure for somebody with that sort of you know Focus that’s just abnormal you don’t think of it in the sort of sense that it actually profits you okay you think of it in more of an obsessive sort of way do it what do you

Mean like so I’m not thinking like for in a business perspective like what do you mean by that like your your notes your the way that you view your YouTube videos all the the things that you keep for each one of your your viewers and stuff like that

All of those things are like they’re the representative of a drive and of like a level of focus that very few people have when it comes to this sort of stuff but yet you’re applying them all to things that don’t actually benefit you what they do is they make you

They’re like a coping mechanism right you’re used to it you do it because you feel like it’s right but they’re not really helping you grow a stream they’re not helping you grow an audience they’re not helping you you know create a successful YouTube channel right like they’re all they’re just for you right

Like my best example for that would like would be like you know you’re your notes after game right or even to the point where you think that they help you be better at the game they’re still extremely inefficient mhm and like they they’re massive uses of like time

Consumption and stuff that could better spent like on other activities that would actually be more effective in like doing the actual almost on anything let alone like if you literally just like took that time that you do to take your notes and like just explored other basic

Avenues for like how to get better at the game they would be 10 times more time efficient yeah I that most that’s what I’m saying is like that lack of know I think it’s just a lack of knowledge then and like not being able

To to do that well what you do right is you you’ve acknowledged and you’ve I’m willing to bet been rightfully so that at some point that way of you know you trying to improve of you taking those notes and looking at the game in that certain way

Have helped you improve I’m willing to bet that that is entirely true you’re not wrong that it has never helped you but then what you do is you notice that and then you just stick with it you’re essentially stubborn right like you know it helped you at one point and so you

Continue to train yourself to think that it’s going to just continually be the best way to keep improving and to keep doing all the stuff that you do well I I disagree with that because uh you know I don’t do that anymore like I don’t spreadsheet my games

Sure it was just an example right no no I know I know did for many years like yeah no I did I did and because I realized that like you know there’s going to like I have to like if I keep repeating the same thing that I’ve been

Doing like I’m not going to get like the only reason why I was able to make it the Masters because I changed like my behavior I changed the way I did stuff so I don’t I don’t know like like that that’s just how I see it like you

Know like try not to have confirmation bias with yourself it’s very self-destructive um oh that was an example of confirmation bias right there okay got you okay it wasn’t it wasn’t like necessarily and like I said any of these things could be wrong could be right um it wasn’t trying to give a

Specific example but I do like I have noticed that before that it seems to be something that you you really want it to be right about the things that suit you the things that you want to keep the same um and you don’t really keep an overly open mind you’re not you’re not

Exactly an egotistical person the very least not in like the traditional sense right like don’t necessarily you know you don’t try to I would say that that’s one of the better things about that you definitely still do have a bit of an ego pretty much everybody does right yeah

Yeah yeah I have my ego I know that I’m not going to for yeah for a very straightforward way it’s decently admirable that you you find yourself very far away from wanting to put other people down um which is nice right like nobody nobody likes the bully who you

Know tells you that you’re ugly because it makes them feel well you know i’ because I’ve you know the context behind that very simply is that I’ve already been I’ve already been like so growing up in an Asian family I don’t know if this is for other families as well it

May not just be limited to Asian families but from what my grew up in just completely judgmental that’s it and so like you know I understand what it’s like to be subjected to other people’s judgment especially when you consider them like family and like people that

You care about and like you’re like Oh I thought I could trust this guy turns out I shouldn’t have ever it’s like you know because I’ve been subjected to all that stuff my entire life it’s like you know I try to not the things that people have

Done wrong to me I try not to do it on to others because I just know how how shitty I feel on the inside when people do that to fine like I said that was that was genuinely meant as like you know complimentary towards that’s that’s

One of the the best parts of your like I said your ego that still exists but like that’s it’s a very good in my opinion healthy way of you know having that where you can have that sort of you know it can be used as good as like a drive

Right like but yeah I know put putting other people down is usually pretty pretty frowned upon um and I’m saying you don’t do that very much um at all honestly I only I didn’t mean to interrupt you with that I was just only saying that CU you know the Pug God and

Other people watch and like you know this is going to YouTube so I try to provide a little bit of context because again it’s like you know other people listening to this if they just hear it like they I don’t [ __ ] know how the [ __ ] is he like doing this like what

Where is this even coming from so just context that’s all but I I don’t know maybe that’s almost a good example too right like your part of your thought process even at this exact moment obviously goes into oh this is you know I’m streaming right

Now this is this is will be on a YouTube video later you know I got to keep in track of my audience all of those are very good things that a lot of people don’t have as far as like multitasking and thinking about Their audience and

Stuff like that but very much of this thought process what does any of this do to actually you know push your goal towards being a successful streamer or just a successful person in general it just seem like like caring about like so paying attention to the attention of

Like no like you gave an you’re worried about you’re worried about giving like you know context to a YouTube video that you’re going to put up on your YouTube about why it is your past and your this and that and family relations and growing up as you know in an Asian

Family like all of this is what why does any of that matter like because very that’s not going to M like those YouTube videos those prospects those things those basic interactions with your audience what what what do they really amount to at all well let’s let’s have

The conversation then cuz like you know obviously like you know there’s a disconnect there like you know like I do it because in my mind it seems like something that matters cuz like the way I look at it like from my perspective is that like you know you know I have to

Practice habits of like okay very simple if I want to become a successful streamer I need to replicate the habits of successful streamers just like if I wanted to make it to Masters in League this is like again one of the only success areas that I have that I can

Just look at right I go look at somebody like sasio or saso that you played against before that made it to Challenger or called grandmas Challenger playing Vin top so I’m not going to get any better just by you know fumbling around and just like you know throwing

Darts in the dark it’s better for me to go replicate somebody that’s already done it before so the same thing with twitch right if I want to become a successful twitch streamer or a successful YouTuber go look at other channels that are similar to what I’m trying to do and replicate what they’re

Doing interesting to you this might be interesting to you um but I think this is a very good point I I still think it’s very important to keep your ego in check nobody likes [ __ ] egotistical rat no no yeah of course please this is a point where in a

Straightforward you know paint by the number sort of way you can use your ego to make you better uhhuh because of the fact that one of one of the big things that you like to do and it’s obviously at some point been you know a philosophy of yours or something that you learned

Is to give appreciation to the people that are better than you right at whatever field it is whether it’s you know you’re you’re talking about Bob Ross or [ __ ] you know Faker of League of Legends you like to try and just like you said replicate those people to learn

From them learn from the successful streamers learn from the successful league players does it occur to you that the like an iron player can go watch Faker play League of Legends mhm they’re not going to be better than an iron player after they watch Faker play League of

Legends mhm just in the same way that you just watching somebody or trying to pick a part or trying to do all of these things you know watch a a l coach watch this review their games do what these other people said I should do that everyone can do that which means

You’re probably not going to be special about it you’re not just going to be that one person who you know watched this one game watch this one video observed this one streamer and then just copied it in one right no it’s a long continuous process yeah a good part of

Having an ego like that is that you can figure out what makes these things work because who the [ __ ] did Faker watch to get better yeah exactly but that’s but that’s why like all of these people that are at the top of what they do and you’ll probably even notice this as well

Too the vast majority of your most successful streamers are very different from each other yeah sure and largely that’s because they fill in niches as well for you know um like bases audiences that they’re trying to to get to right you know you can have really

Good streamers that are you know just a cute girl face to look at you can have streamers that you know play MMOs like asmin gold or something that are you know charismatic you can have people right like there’s all these different people that F into the but they’re very

Unique a lot of them like right like they didn’t they didn’t just copy somebody else to get there yeah yeah sure they copied basic etiquette they you know watched a YouTube video on how to properly you know but they created their own like they created their own

Niche like like they got to the point where like people know them by like a name they’re like asmin gold like you hear asmin gold people like associate stuff with that but what I what I’m saying and I see that I it’s the best example in like

League right where why it is that you can have people that can watch every single one of these [ __ ] skill capped videos and this and that and they can try and they think that if they just like listen to their Challenger friend or watch this video on they’re just

Going to get better mhm they try to do exactly what everyone else is doing and then expect to be better than everyone else and I see you falling into that so frequently and part of where that healthy ego comes in is not just just wanting to copy everyone who you think

Is better than you right like if you have not copy other people who I think are better than me well that’s what I’m saying right CU you you’re always quoting these streamers you’re always quoting these good League of Legends players this and that I want to do that I want to do what

They do I want to do and sure that’s perfectly fine you can want to be good at something but like mhm if you find yourself just trying to copy just trying to there are so many other people just like you don’t fall into the realm of what everybody else

Does wait wait wait wait but hold on hold on hold on is that like something that you think is chronic and going to be forever that you copy other people and not like create your own thing for yourself on your own what do you mean do I think it’s

Chronic chronic for you or like chronic for me like is that something like you think I’d be doing longterm like I like like at this point like all I’m doing is that I’m copying other people that are better than me and all I’m going to do is copy other people that are better

Than me and not create my own like unique like structure of my own like build my own house I think it has its benefit right that’s why I said right there there’s absolute Merit and value in learning from people that are smart or better than you at a certain skill

Right for the most part that’s how we all learn like we start out by like copying other people because we don’t know we don’t jack [ __ ] but you full swing into that so much to me that it seems pretty obvious that it’s actually becoming a detriment to you it’s not to

Say that you should just you know stop caring you should stop respecting anybody who’s good at something right but it’s the point that like that is your go-to thing every single time is let me find somebody who’s better than me at this and try to copy them and

You’re saying that that is not like that is not the most effective or the efficient or sorry not yeah not efficient because we don’t care about efficiency effective that’s not the most effective like if I were to if we’re talking in terms of like inputs and outputs like if I’m like spending 10

Hours a day copying somebody like that like that that time could be better spent doing something else that would get me more of what I want more output of what I want which is like okay like everyone every everyone wants to be Faker everyone wants to be [ __ ] PewDiePie

Of of YouTube everyone wants to be Tyler one of streaming Le right like all of those thing but for every time that you see that and you’re just like okay well what is he doing let me see if I can do exactly that you’re missing the point

Okay because right like it’s you’re not thinking for yourself and you’re not at the very least seeming to understand how they actually got there and how you could get there that’s why it is that so many of these people right like I would be willing to bet that all of those

Aformentioned people right they they didn’t do what you were doing they they they did it from the bottom up rather than backwards you’re seeing success wa wait bottom up from backwards what do you mean by that you’re seeing yeah I mean like bottom up like they’re starting off with what are my strengths

What can I do how can I fit myself into this piece and make myself successful whether that piece is YouTube twitch or playing a video game right wait but is that okay no sorry you know I’m going to let you explain first because I I I kind

Of get what you’re you’re trying to say but I don’t know I see I I feel like you know in my own personal assessment it’s like you know but no go ahead Sor go ahead the point is C you obviously do like you’re doing what you think is best

And like that that’s fine that’s good um and nobody really just you know self sabotages them for no reason right so like it’s not a matter of do you think you’re doing the right thing of course you do um it’s just the idea that like what I’m saying when I talk about like

You’re kind of doing it backwards from what in my opinion is the more efficient way is right like like you said you take you take Faker you take somebody whatever right like of course they they watched people that were good of course they learned from you know people who’ve

Been playing the game longer this or that but I’m willing to bet that all of these people they focused on what they were good at and how they could fit into the equation first what are my strengths what do people find it Charming about me what would make me work in YouTube and

Streaming what would make me a good video game player not what makes a good video game player they’re not sitting there thinking a [ __ ] you know good video game player got to have mechanics he’s got to have this he’s got to have whatever it’s how can I learn to get

Good at these things that are important how can I learn how can I create an audience how can I create this Niche that I work with because all of these people are different individual people some of them more or less charismatic some of them more or less you know

Gifted at at you know something like okay okay okay okay okay okay so correct you I’m wrong you’re basically saying like so everybody is uh what’s it called so everybody like I don’t know if you ever read the animal school there’s like a small little poem that was out like it

Was semi- poopular but anyway um basically I’m I’m like a squirrel trying to like learn how to fly like a bird like like it’s better for me to focus on what my strengths are what people would find like you know good about me what qualities I present cuz you know not if

You put two people side by side they’re not going to have like the same quality same like you might find somebody similar but like each person has their own individual unique strengths like for example like uh Michael Phelps is really damn good in the pool but he wouldn’t

Have as many Olympic gold medal if you put him on the on the track also genetically built like a dolphin yeah he’s genetically built like a dolphin long Limbs and everything versus like hi Hickam garouge who’s like the fastest shortest dude on the world like you know they’re just built different that’s it

And so like but I I feel like you know that Discovery process of like what your strength is like that’s something that you you figure out like doing over like the rest of your life it’s not like a it’s not like a one Time game like okay

It turns out I’m like a nice guy or whatever it is like that’s it like you know people evolve people change and you know for me you have respect for I I don’t even know what to call it if not almost like the scientific method like

You have you have respect for the idea in these traditions for how you should improve at something right sure I I I understand that as well as much as you joke from coming from an Asian family I grew up in a martial arts studio no I

Know I know so I know you understand like how like yeah that that whole idea that’s why I feel like we connect a lot cuz you you went through the similar experience but anyway go ahead sorry sure sure it’s it’s also to a point where one of like those defining

Differences is I basically said [ __ ] that to all of that yeah you wi the contrarian route well pretty much but part of that reason is too is like it wasn’t and I I believe I’ve said this before too is that like there really wasn’t a singular person that was at

Fault so to say right like for the [ __ ] state that I ended up in as a kid right like part of it’s on my family a little bit part of it is on you know the people at that studio a little bit on like the world and circumstances and luck and all

This right but like not anyone specific thing can be like the main culprit you know um and the idea behind that is then that like the thing that got me to that point to having that unhealthy you know like obsessive Focus whatever and a lot of these similarities where like oh my

God I just I had to be the best at this I had to do everything by the books everything by the numbers I had to be the best be respectful do this learn from people who are better say yes ma’am no ma’am like all this sort of [ __ ]

Right like that was what led me to it it was this entire indoctrination into this idea of just doing things by the number of being that person who is just the most straightforward respectable this that this whatever and so much of that is even reflected in like what I just

Said right we’re like you’re taking these ideas like learning from good people and you’re just you’re just running with it you’re not seeing the Nuance the the minutia in all of these ways that you’re trying to apply the things that you’ve learned mhm you’re just you’re you’re you’re not you’re not

Like reducing it to what it actually means you’re keeping it at a surface level and then you’re just running with it and expecting results one of the things for me is that like for so long I basically did what I was told right for the idea that like

If I was going to be the best at martial arts the best at school the best person I can be I just had to do what people tell me I should do sure do what the right thing is I should work really hard I should you know eat my veggies I

Should do right like all this stupid [ __ ] just do what I am basically told needs to be done in order for me to be amazing right but at the end of the day CeCe like you are the one responsible for if your life turns out successful of

Course I agree with you on that but go ahead continue but that also means genuinely even understanding that right so it’s like you you may do what you were told was right you may work extremely hard sure but if you just follow what other people say and you end

Up with an unsuccessful life you can’t just sit there and say I got unlucky no of course because you were the one who was ignorant enough to believe all of these things that other people were say of course yeah that’s personal accountability right there for sure

Right but like that that’s my idea at the end of the day it’s just if you’re going to fail if you’re going to succeed it should be regardless of the upbringing that you had these these habits that were instilled into you because that’s all just that’s essentially luck right we don’t get to

Choose the family that we’re born into we don’t get to choose like all this like genetics I don’t get to choose my height but once you become self-aware enough then you can make the decision like okay how about I just live life geared towards like my strengths not

What the world thinks is is right or like what people want to conform you into believing is right or the box that they want you to live in just cuz again the only person you have to live with is yourself right is basically what it is I don’t know that’s well because Rory

You say that but it’s like you know I see a lot of instances of me like not like I grew up listening to everything my family said similar to you every every authority figure that you saw in your life was like okay well you know

Tell me to do this I’m going to do that you know I took a shower every single day because everybody in my family said that you have to take a shower every single day it wasn’t until I got to my dermatologist that she said you have to

Stop taking showers now or you’re going to ruin your skin for the rest of your life and they had to hear that from the doctor that they’re like okay well maybe this idea that we thought was a good idea is now a bad idea for our

Son sure sure sure so like again it’s like you know I’ve you know and here’s the deal the mo any time I tried to push outside of what my defined box was I got feedback Okay negative feedback when I was 6 years old I was at a Macy’s for

The holiday shopping I said I want to be president of the United States somebody in my family was extremely embarrassed pulled me aside and told me like don’t do that right and it it took other strangers that watch this family member of mine do that to me and they came over

And reprimanded them you shouldn’t do that to your son so all of my life I’ve tried to do things that break outside of the norm at at least the box or the cage that I lived in growing up as a kid right like I got my first taste like I wasn’t

Allowed to have video games in my house we didn’t have cable like there’s a lot of stuff that I just didn’t have that like a lot of other people had that they didn’t that like created that sort of like disconnect and but that made me like because I didn’t have those things

I always strive for more and so like you know I always had that you know you’ve seen my crazy goals like they all be they’re all because I think cuz I want to go after these crazy things like I want to go and pursue the challenge and

See the experience of going after these things because I don’t want to live a a normal boring life where like you know I’m some Asian person I go to school become a doctor get a job because I did that as soon as I got out of high school

I took the family advice and went to University of the Sciences in Philadelphia the best pharmacy college in the United States ended up signing a student loan for 40 Grand thank God because of like uh all the scholarships and stuff I had that only was 10 grand

For me realized that I actually didn’t like Pharmacy as much as I liked streaming and playing league and all that stuff and decided that it was it was going to be a lot better for me to focus on doing one thing than to split my attention into two things especially

Since I was commuting to college and trying to do league and streaming all that in one go so it was like a lot of stuff ended up making me the black sheep of the family so I like similar to you how you went against Norms I went against all

The all the family books like who drops out of college who decides that they want to go after some passion or some dream like who does that you do apparently but that’s the point it’s like you know you mention all the stuff like in a way like it may not appear it

But I have gone through stuff like that and I I know I know like you know maybe I am focusing and again like again I am a I am willing to humble myself and say that you know oh you know what I don’t know everything in the world let’s

Listen to what Rory has to say because again like you know maybe there some like some insight that I can learn from what he sees because I’m staring at myself in the mirror like one inch from my face versus somebody who’s like standing like you know from a good

Distance and can give me a good assessment of like what they see from their from their eyes sure I mean hindsight is usually pretty helpful um but no it’s not we are we ourselves are are very different people uh CC like despite our similarities and that it’s it’s there’s

Lots of things about us that are are different sure of course um but it is the idea like I I genuinely think that I see a lot of that right like I I’ve told you it’s kind of it’s kind of my thing I kind of enjoy getting to like learn

About people especially interesting people and I do consider you one yeah of course I’ve said that before right whether that be you know complimentary in some aspects or you know a dis in others you are an interesting person sure um but a lot of these thing like I see so frequently that like

You’re like on the right path for a lot of these things a lot of your approaches a lot of the the like almost like philosophies of the things that you do mhm I very largely approve of right like a lot of them I could even say like Dam

Like yeah no like I I essentially agree or I really wouldn’t have any criticisms about how you’re you’re doing this or whatever but so often like the ways that you apply them right it’s it’s like an idea right like you may see the right thing you may see like I don’t know

Something as basic as like you know just being nice to others is good or something right like I just give that as an example for the most like annoyingly basic thing that we can probably both agree on um but then it’s like the way that you apply them once you you put it

Into your head and then you think okay how do I take this thing that I believe this thing that I you know kind of hold fundamentally true to the way I view the world how what do I do about that how does that fit into my life and it’s

Somewhere along those lines that you are just not getting an efficient Progressive outcome for how you’re like approaching and dealing with your life how it reflects in your personality and all these sorts of things and I think the biggest example for why that is the

Case is why you have as many haters as you do on on the internet and stuff and I’ve told you about that like one of the biggest reasons is just that like your personality is offputting a lot of times sure and largely that’s because like right you can you would honestly you

Would be less offputting if you were just an [ __ ] right like if you were just a normal egotistical Basket Case of somebody who just didn’t care about other people thought they were the best and told everyone to go [ __ ] themselves mhm but the thing is is that a lot of

These interactions that you have with yourself about like holy [ __ ] I think all of these humbling and like nice optimistic sort of things to take care of people are then weirdly reflected a lot of times by what is your true ego what is your lack of being able to

Understand others and be sympathetic in some of those ways it’s just you’re complicated right mhm and understanding why you’re like that will probably be your biggest strength MH um but it is also the exact reason why I say too right that like I I do value that part

Of you above because it’s rare right like you are a complicated person when it comes to that but a lot of times your your results they leave you stuck in place running in circles and not actually being aware of the most important part of your life which is you

Which is how you’re interacting with all these circumstances reacting with your family the things you’ve been through the the the UPS the down yeah yeah yeah choosing my response to all the stuff that happens around me like that’s the most important thing got it yeah I so one of the what

Did I [ __ ] I heard from like a YouTube video or somebody um but they were talking about like a North star I think it was talking about like writing in movies or something but like the idea of having a certain sort of like guiding Point like this North Star that you’re

Focusing to I mean it’s it’s kind of almost just an analogy to like having a goal right but like the idea for you like you don’t seem to have anything specific that you hold on to towards what you want in life you have ideas for

Things that you want to do you want to be a good person you have some of these like basic financial goals you want to take care of your family you want people to like you you want to be good for the world and share your philosophies and

Ideas but these are all so General right like even the the things that can you can put numbers on like oh I want to make a million dollars and stuff like that right like they’re they’re just in the air right it’s the same as somebody wanting

To win the lottery how are you going to do that what are you actually focusing towards towards Wan thing to do because all it seems like to me that you’re doing is you’re just appeasing your own anxieties which is very common it’s literally just coping right like you’re

Not you’re not alone that’s not something to specifically be embarrassed about but like you want these things and you don’t know how to get them so you keep telling yourself I’m going to do this I’m going to do this and it doesn’t seem to me like you value your time that

Much really okay so okay let’s have that conversation then because I don’t usually fight back or push back whenever like you have these conversations with me because like you know I try to not hold it like you said like look I want to learn every time we have these

Conversations I shut up because like again like it’s not because like you know I don’t have a backbone or like I don’t like talk back or fight back but it’s like again I value every like who the [ __ ] takes time out of the day to have this conversation with someone like

This how many Ries am I ever going to meet in my life right and so I do maybe I might overv value the conversation but I I value the conversation nonetheless I’ll take the time to have this conversation because again I feel like this will help me grow

Every single time we have these conversations regardless whether I agree or I disagree with you but I promised myself before we have this conversation that I’m going to try to be more vocal because I feel like you know there are some things like I disagree with but

I’ll like not say anything because you know it’s just like you know I’ll just shut up and listen like cuz for the most like that’s just how I usually going to insult me and I don’t like it’s not but no I I disagree with you on that in in

That regard because uh you know I’m not putting a pie in the sky and trying to cope like I genuinely am trying to get better at the things that I’m trying to do and the way I look at it’s like you know the word I put in my head is that

Like I don’t like if if Tyler one is you know eating 200 GS of protein and he’s like squatting 150 I don’t just go and do that what I care more about and what I’ve learned more recently is that like you know you don’t you don’t copy what a

Person does like what they’re doing right now you go back and look like how did they get to that point like and so the the key word for here in my head like when I look at stuff I reverse engineer it like you’re not going to have an apple tree without having

Planted the seed right and so like the only way for me to get better at league is like I have to deconstruct everything I [ __ ] know because obviously everything that I knew prior was only getting me the results that I had at that time so obviously something within

Me I have to change if I want to get the results that I seek so if I wanted to become a better streamer it’s like it’s not like you know oh I need to stream you know 12 hours like xqc does I need to play the same games that he does

Whatever it is it’s like what are the the the finding the key habits that this guy did when he first started out that he did over a long period of time that made him successful like how Panda Express is like A9 billion do business now because all the guy did uh uh Mr

Chang he at 35 years old he just decided to make kungpow chicken for 40 [ __ ] years and now he has like 2,000 some locations the business is worth like 9 billion they’re like basically the Asian McDonald’s so it’s like you know let me let me let me ask you this basic thing

Then right because it’s a very I think good like Baseline for discussion yeah please my point is largely like this there are people um quite a few of them it’s not some sort of anomaly there are people who by my opinion who are dumber than you who have less basic

Capabilities as far as you know just being a human being who have played less League of Legends and all this sort of stuff that are better than you at the game oh yeah so at what point because I I’m agreeing with your philosophy right that like understanding like I had just

Talked about right that like understanding why people can be better why you know what goes into making somebody good at video games and like I said this just a specific example it could be applied to anything else though um but then why is it that those people right

Because we we just ruled out it’s not like you know they’re they’re super Geniuses it’s not an intellect issue it’s not like you know you have some sort of you hand disability that prevents you from playing it’s not right like there’s no super obvious impairment or thing that’s holding you back so what

Is it that is making these people this large group of people that do exist better than you at the spefic specific thing and if you are trying to understand that and you’re saying that you value you just don’t know what it is right like that’s the point and that’s

Perfectly fine MH that you you just don’t know what exactly that is they well [ __ ] it’s not this it’s not this it’s not whatever you obviously haven’t deconstructed it enough to the point to understand why yeah of course so that’s what it is that’s where the problem lies

Like it’s just the lack of knowledge lack of information like not knowing like I think it just comes down to knowing like not like intrinsically knowing like we like for example like if it’s like weight loss right I went from 145 to9 like it’s like like maybe it’s

Knowing the right answer but actually executing on doing the right thing like everybody I think most people know like if you want to lose weight you eat less and you move more like that’s gen like that will get you in the generally direct like the the correct direction

That you need to go if that’s your goal right so like with getting better at League like you know you don’t have to be SM the smartest you know person the sharpest tool in the shed you could be dumbest and you can just like make it to

Challenger or whatever it is but it’s like repeat like not repeating but doing the things that actually get you what you want like you said like I spend like hours doing notes of like [ __ ] that doesn’t matter when I could be spending time like learning more aects of the

Game that would just make me infinitely better at League like again it’s just it’s it’s having 168 hours in a week and spending it on the the things that will get you the most output versus just you know just doing random [ __ ] like obviously you got

To throw like some spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks but at some point like you know you’re going to have to find stuff that you have to repeat for a while anyway like I wouldn’t have lost weight if I didn’t like actually just stick to eating healthy and just working out

More yeah you know um I I can absolutely appreciate right that like what you’re trying to do is you’re trying to improve yourself you’re trying to see the complication and all of these things yeah what is the complication like that’s the key question in my head is

Like okay if Roy is saying like you know I’m spending all my time on things that actually like are like low like it’s it’s a lot of input low output when other people like you basically said they are like Dumber they don’t they’re not as like you know whatever it is as

You but they have the result that you want while you’re still here like and you don’t know why that is right yeah you don’t know why that like the disconnect is you don’t know why that is why do you think that that person even though they’re Dumber they’re shorter

Whatever it is they have the Challenger you don’t like or whatever just something like you know we can compare example like that say like I said was just League of Legends because it’s you know commonality but right it could apply to anything it could apply YouTubers it

Could even just apply to people being happy in their lives right like just being successful whatever um and you don’t you don’t right like like I said you are you are the vast majority of not you know basically everyone on human Earth doesn’t know for sure why things

Like this happen um but right like that it’s a very common thing to just be like [ __ ] right like you don’t know you can’t you can’t deduce that you can’t be a super genius and figure out every single variable that goes into why someone is the way they do why they succeed or

Don’t to specific things um but my point with all of that was basically that right like you can understand as you say you do that it’s important you can TR to focus on that but you’re also partially you’re just like I know it’s important I don’t know what to do about it right

Like it’s cool that’s obviously where you know large part of the answer lies but like okay like what do I do except just you know keep doing what I’m doing and that’s what I’m saying like you’re it’s still almost like an art right like there still is a form to trying to

Understand these things rather than just rinse and repeat repetition and then PR like well that’s that’s what like the whole process of learning is like godamn like Atomic habit socks about it right and so it’s like you know if you found something that works you spend 80% of

Your time exploiting it exploit exploit exploit but you don’t spend all of your time exploiting you spend like 20% of your time to explore and learn for other things so like while I’m spending all this time significant amount of time playing vain top like if I don’t get

Vain embrace the Rory way or something you know just something stupid I’m just saying something silly but play Jace go play Ja go find another Top Lane Champion that you actually enjoy have fun like I spent like time this season to go like you know I used to play Jace

A lot but I I haven’t like worked out those muscles with jaay in a long time and jayon is a pretty decent Champion if you know how to use him well same with Jack and like you know I keep getting creamed by like garens and seeing that like you know they’re these constant

Like Garen Challenger top players and garen’s like a very easy Champion so like play but you know it doesn’t take a lot of brain power to like use his abilities and you can spend a lot of time learning so like those are like the three Champions that I see as like you

Know I want to learn top if I don’t get VIN you know so I do have that as a thing for myself I don’t know just thought I’d mentioned that no it’s all good um one of one of one of the few reasons why it is that I normally don’t like like

When you ask me about stuff or we have conversations like that I spent I spent enough time around you and I even like I said I’ve watched your streams so I’ve actually you know seen you doing your thing more than you directly talk to me

And stuff I I feel like I have a half decent understanding of kind of like you know your reactions to things and the the general surface level thoughts that go through your head when you when you’re dealing with something um but like like I said too especially when it

Comes to conversations like this like feel free to disagree with me and speak your thoughts it’s part one of the biggest things about like um having a having a good constructive conversation is that like I in the first I’m sure you’re aware that I speak with a certain

Degree of like confidence about the things that I say of course because it’s it’s very rare that you I or just about anybody will have a conversation about something that I haven’t already either thought about or probably even had a similar conversation with somebody else sure but every single one of those I

Understand that I could be wrong right yeah yeah that’s I’m trying to I’m doing something different now which is like you know like if I disagree with you I will actually like be do the healthy thing which is like like push back the wrong thing is to think that you’re

Right all the time and the wrong thing is also to think that I’m right all the time yeah it has to be balance it has to be a balance of both I love you Rory don’t get too Sentimental Man no I know but like I just I don’t know how else to

Express it but other than like trying to at least like be a decent human being when we hang out yeah well that’s the way that like I said I I do appreciate that about you I I certainly don’t fall you for it but it is also it’s fine it’s

It’s a weird thing um cuz you are a part of like my online friend group and all that and they they are a bunch of interesting people and I’m honestly kind of proud of that just in general sure sure sure I’ve talked up the Praises of

The internet as being that you get to meet people that are all over the place because you have access to so many of them so you genuinely get to kind of just pick and choose versus meeting all the people in your small town so exactly right like you just you don’t have that

Level of diversity of what works for you yep beauty of the internet I don’t know I I might use aray as an example I suppose because um right like I have I have compliments and um I guess you could say insults that might be a little too harsh about all of my

Friends right like they all got their things they do good and they all got their things that they do wrong um but one example I would say for like a Reay or somebody right like we obviously we we share our Fair bit of things that we

Do agree on um one thing that I think he’s pretty bad at is he’s quick to judge people he’s very quick for the idea of like this person is different this or even I wouldn’t even say different because often times he usually only says

It as far as like when he is pretty much right right like somebody is doing something wrong and he’s quick to judge for why they’re wrong and he’ll judge their personality or dislike them because of the fact that they’re wrong and usually I think there’s more

Complication in my and my to it sure um but for every single person they have in my opinion their flaws I’m sure every one of my friends has things that they like and dislike about me too which is perfectly fine that’s kind of the point

Um but right like just in those sense we all have our sort of view on our world and we all are the only person who’ve seen all the things that we’ve seen from our perspective yep as far as I’m concern right like exactly right from from each perspective I’m willing to bet

To a certain degree that everyone’s like well [ __ ] look to put that simply like we are the hero of Our Own Story we see ourselves as like the protagonist exactly what I’m saying is like for example what to me seems like well [ __ ] cc like not only does it seem a little

Bit obvious for some of these things that you’re doing wrong but even just like your general approaches to the world that I disagree with or seem like they have obvious flaws to me to you they’re they’re not that at all right to you they are the best of what you have

Observed in your life cuz that’s what I’ve been scripted like you know what’s working like you know if as the old adage goes if it ain’t broke don’t fix it sure even though that can [ __ ] you up because you know but my my point is too and I I also

Do understand that like I said it’s it’s pretty natural for you to try to be humble especially towards people that you you know do tend to like or give a certain amount of appreciation towards like myself because you’ve said it many times but like I’m sure even to you

There is things about what I say or my life philosophies whatever the [ __ ] that you’ve deduced said that you think are just like ah you know he’s probably wrong right like I’ve seen differently I disagree right yeah yeah and that’s why I tried to be a little bit more vocal

About that now exactly but go ahead what are you trying to what you yeah I personally appreciate all of that sort of stuff and my point being is that like I do see that a lot with like the ways that you go about your life the the the

Philosophies that you have and some of the very interesting and weird quirks that you have about things that you do in your day and to me a lot of that’s like oh seems kind of obvious to me that what you’re doing is you know falls into

This category or this is why you’re like this but it’s not true it’s not the best way to to approach things but at the bottom line is I do think that there is so much that I don’t know about how or why you got to that point that I don’t

Judge you for it yeah sure very least I try not to right cuz you’re using uh aray as like a counter to that like you know you say aray is quick the judge but like you know that he would be more of the sort of person that as very least as

Far as impression goes he’s just like well this person’s you know they’re a dumbass or they’re just yeah he like he he comes to conclusions very quickly instead of like taking the more sympathetic or empathetic approach which is like you know like you know maybe there could be a little bit more than

You know meets the eye here in this situation maybe there something that I don’t know that’s an unknown that leads to why this person is this way so you know I could be a little bit less harsh with my judgment because you know this guy had like a [ __ ] up

Whatever well I also say that and I use him as an example but it’s like literally one of the most common things that people do right and he’s not even a bad cul no he’s not everybody well I mean biolog logically how we’re designed is like you know is this thing going to

Kill me like we have to like our brains are designed to like create a judgment real quick like when people talking about don’t be judgmental it’s like okay well you dumbass like that’s just how we were wir like the human brain has not changed much over the last 200,000 years

That’s why people get obese and fat and that’s why all advertisement for like uh for McDonald’s and fast foods is just marketing towards getting you to eat more that’s it like our pay lithic instincts have not changed much over the last 200,000 years we still have the same like genetics from like our

Ancestors from like 200,000 years ago like technology and all this stuff has changed around us our environments has changed but our like our genetical stuff has not changed so in terms of like judgment like like yeah like what’s it called uh a Reay is not a culprit at all like this

Is everybody and to to a degree we can be like everybody’s judgmental it’s just there’s like a spectrum of which they are like more judgmental or less judgmental but everybody’s judgmental that’s not a that’s not like a thing that you can avoid and by the way you have to like

Like obviously and here’s an argument as to why you like you should not ignore using judgment if I see a guy walking to a 7-Eleven with a rifle like a AR with like a bag and everything like I’m not going to say that H H gee maybe I

Shouldn’t judge this guy this guy may be some rocket scientist coming in to get his like cup of joe for the morning no I’m going to literally turn around and walk away a very extreme example of judgment but yes I I was obviously talking a little

Bit more in the like L practical sense as far as like how we judge other people’s like basically entire lives right like yeah it’s not about right it’s not as simple as like oh do I do I believe that this person carrying an AK into the local gas station or preschool

Is like you know there with great intentions it’s more like how did these people get to that point yeah sure sure how do how do we judge the basics of people’s characteristics like damn near judging their souls right as whether or not we think this person is a good

Person or a bad person sure um and I don’t know it’s it’s complicated but that was just me kind of tanging towards the entire idea that like there it’s you’ve got a lot of ways that you view your world and I would unironic Al say that despite how much

You seem to try to expand and learn and you know experience all these new things it seems to me like you really haven’t experienced that much MH that like your perception of the way the world Works has still been very largely from just what you’ve managed to see in your life

To the YouTube videos the people you’ve met on the internet and your isolated you know instances and um experiences like a child growing up and stuff right that and that’s not to say right that’s not it’s not your fault not in that sort of direct sense but like there there are certain

Capabilities and like instances of reality that you almost kind of just have to get lucky with to sort of understand the Dynamics of people and some of the fundamental parts of the way this world works like so I don’t know that was just a really complicated and probably dumbass

Way of me me saying that like you don’t you’re kind of naive when it comes to some of the experiences oh yeah dude I don’t know everything no sure but yeah but C it’s not it’s not about like the humble I don’t know everything like nobody knows everything right no but

It’s it’s more so to the idea that like I I think the idea of go ahead yeah the idea that one of the biggest examples of that is you seem kind of naive to the way people actually work like towards like actual human emotion not to say in

The sort of way like you’re not like a sociopath you you’re not like unfeeling towards emotion but like your your understanding of what like really motivates people what people want to see and why they do the things that they do you don’t seem to know a whole lot about

That which is why you find yourself confused why you find it tough to appeal to large audiences why it is that you you have people that are you know making troll hate montages online and you know making interactions with your family members awkward and it’s because of that

It’s because you don’t seem to really understand how other people are viewing you I think the simplest way for me putting it is that it is tough for you to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes and look at yourself uhhuh you’re able to do it objectively from the idea of

Like I’m Willy Ren what is Willy Ren doing but not from other people’s perspective MH right like you’re not you’re not seeing it from a unique standpoint of another human being you’re just like this is what I’m doing okay now compared to somebody else this is

These are my stats these are What I’ve Done these are how many hours I’ve done this whatever whatever but you’re kind of of struggling with that subjective like know and it it leaves you I like I said I’ve I’ve said it many many times that like that [ __ ] is important it’s

People that run this world it’s people that make the decisions like yeah if we were living in caveman era when we’d have more difficulties dealing with the cold and woly Mammoth but like right like understanding how other people work and how other people see you is important right like that is probably

The single if it could be categorized like that defining characteristic of what makes you or somebody in this world successful given you know that’s why I read like okay I as much as you you know think I’m a sh for books right it’s like you know I’d read how to win friends and

Influence people because one of the most important things is being able to communicate with other people and like seven habits they talk about like you know you’ve got your like when you first start out in life you’re dependent then you’re go like you’re working towards becoming independent but the thing is

That we don’t live in an inde dependent world we live in an interdependent world where we have to again like there are people that also help you run this world like I’m not in charge of putting on the lights like somebody’s out there like toiling away to make sure that we have

Lights in our homes make sure that we have internet and all that stuff and one of the best things you can do for yourself is make sure that you can get along with other human beings be a lot harder to survive in this world if like everybody literally hated your

Guts so I get it in that regard it’s just like I get it my execution of like what I think I understand is very you know very sh like you know uh different than what you know you would think like you would expect of somebody that gets that kind of

Stuff like I can grasp the concept but obviously my execution is like a little bit what’s the word shoddy like not like it’s not it’s not great well I mean I want to see you succeed um it hasn’t been obvious enough after all of this time I want to see

That and it seems like you’re you’re you’re big time struggling with your your basic self relationship right like you don’t and that that’s I I don’t think probably more obvious than in the fact that this entire conversation and call started over you telling me that you kind of didn’t really understand or

At the very least were like f and couldn’t prevent a bit of a Fallout with one of your closer friends right like it just kind of happened [ __ ] I didn’t know what to do it obviously you know from the way you’ve talked about it like it wasn’t something that you wanted to

Happen so if you could have prevented it you would have or at least put some sort of effort into that you just you just didn’t know what to do right MH and that’s what I’m saying is like it’s you’re a human being right like understanding how to human being is more

Important than you know a spreadsheet or this or that or even just you know money and [ __ ] in general understanding how to do that that important part of being alive the person um yeah just you know most important aspect is just you know remembering that you are human that’s it

And sometimes it’s about taking a deep breath and you know not being like a cringe Edge Lord and just being like [ __ ] like there might be stuff that I’m doing wrong I’m not a Buddhist monk either I’m not like you know the stage of all wisdom for understanding that I

Might be flawed and I say that every single time when I’m like trying to like make sure that I clear my head sure sure go ahead yeah also to a point of it is not just saying it to say it not just saying it because it’s yeah like you

Know I have my attitude where like you know like H it’s you know like you know I get it it’s my fault for the reason why we lose League games exactly and then going on and doing the exact same thing but like yeah that that genu I’m aware of that behavior yeah I

No I would like to improve on that too that’s fine cuz it’s like you know it’s a thing that is like my like what we can call Like A coping mechanism it’s like you know bad games happening it’s like you know well you know this game is going super great

You know I’m the reason why we’re losing it’s like you know CU in my mind like my modus operai is like you know all right let’s try to practice as much as we can practice uh what’s it called personal accountability like like obviously at

The end of the day like I know like even though even though I’m like performing in a bad way I know deep inside the truth is is that if I lose a game in League like most of it is just based on my choices and my decisions like like

100% for the most part all of it is just my decisions like even like even if I have a bad team it doesn’t matter what matters is like you know how I choose to play the game despite like what the situation is presented to me like you’re

Always going to like what I learned from our conversations in all the years of playing league is that you know uh you have no control over what happens in the game other than what you can do with your Champion that’s it and the way that you’re able to Pilot your Champion is

Going to be and how you’re able to Pilot your mind and like see like you know your teammates going like 10 deaths in bottom lane or seeing your mid laneer just in like 10 deaths or whatever is or seeing you camped all day long like your mind is like the most important thing

That you have to pay attention to doesn’t [ __ ] matter like if you get can 100 times what matters is are you going to be the guy that caves into the pressure of being camped 100 times and like lose your [ __ ] and then forget like that you need to still focus on CS you

Still need to focus on like dying as little as possible you still got to focus on all these important things are you going be like everybody else that didn’t make it Challenger because they let that one thing stop them from like you know that one little like monkey

Wrench that like got thrown in their way like is that going to be what gets you out ofation bias like I was talking about oh me oh I’m still confirmation biasing okay go ahead no saying that that most league players have and they’re really bad at it because instead

Of being like [ __ ] maybe there was literally anything I could have done better they want to think oh [ __ ] I should have won this game let me think of why it is that I didn’t that doesn’t involve me well yeah that’s putting so that’s instead of putting the focus

You’re it’s like that you know you point the finger but four fingers are pointing back at you type of thing right it’s like you know you’re blaming your teammates but like okay but what could have you done are you literally saying that there’s literally nothing you could

Have done here and that’s the biggest thing that I think has helped me grown and got to Masters is stop blaming teammates stop flaming teammates and start like directing the energy like like you said like you know if you put your like most players are Platinum we

Can say because they point the finger outward instead of inward well I’m curious then CC because you say that um and I’m trying to get direction correct I’m not a saint okay I’m not Buddha okay that’s what I’m saying but like you said that right now and I remember even

Though I didn’t watch your like very last game I think I did end up watching with like a ray or something I think we even told you about it we like watching it’s a habit okay there’s still stuff I’m still wored I was like that’s what

I’m you just said one of the biggest reasons why I got the Masters was cuz I stopped doing that like you know I was focusing and like I’m pretty sure you just like yelled at your teammates for both of the last two games that you played terrible they were I in the chat

Like cuz I was just like Killing Time because it’s just [ __ ] annoying and again it’s not a good thing I know it’s like look I’m glad that that is my vice or that’s my issue versus like smoking weed or like being addicted to spending on cigarettes cuz you know the average

Cigarette smoker spends like 200 Grand but it’s not you know in term in comparison of like spending $200,000 versus like shaping your mind like you know this is mental toxicity in my brain like I know I’m trying to work on it but anyway go ahead sorry Rory don’t mean to interrupt you like

That it was just that it was just a little bit of that it seems like almost ignorance towards the way you rationalize those things in your mind because like yeah you just accredited yourself and I think you genuinely believe it I don’t think you were trying

To lie to me but like that that was one of the biggest reasons why you did that and you’re obviously still super struggling with that to the point that it’s yeah it’s not like you know terrible compared to the normal League player but they’re all [ __ ] terrible

At it so like it is terrible right like yeah yeah it’s I don’t know it’s it’s sort of the idea and part of it is video games online anonymity all that sort of [ __ ] but like imagine if you had that attitude and you were like my brother you were like a professional soccer

Player mhm and all you did even if you were like polite enough professional enough to not say it to their face but every single time that you you know went in the locker room or went home you were like Jesus [ __ ] Christ my team sucked we lost that game because you know they

Were [ __ ] idiots they they let them get that shot off whatever and that was like that was your idea mhm like imagine how terrible and unhealthy that would seem obvious to any professional athlete or something like that right like yep it’s like [ __ ] basic you know kindergarten level like human psychology

Like that is self-defeating at its base mhm so like I I’m doing better at it while you still continue to yell at your team after they you know essentially at the the end of the day it’d be like the equivalence of you just won the the the soccer championship or the Eastern bowl

Or whatever the [ __ ] and you spent the entire time thinking exactly what you were just thinking oh my team’s stupid we’re probably going to lose this game all they did is this and that and whatever and then you ended up getting the Masters you ended up a winning the

Cup or whatever and you’re like ah I think I did it I think one of the biggest things that allowed me to win this Championship was the fact that I’ve just gotten so much better about you know self accountability and KN and that’s what you just spent doing the

Entire game was complaining about that in your own head in twitch chat whatever the right like that’s where it’s like do you see my point where it’s like okay like you might be incrementally better but that’s probably not to the point where we should be patting ourselves on

The back just yet and saying that was you know one of our defining characteristics for why we won like unless you were literally you know a seething pile of toxic [ __ ] who just thought every single person was the fault of you know every loss was the

Fault of everyone but me like sure it’s incremental Improvement but Jesus like it’s not seen the big picture right that example I gave like I said it should be like genuinely obvious at how bad that is from any perspective towards improving any sort of thing other than

League of Legends it’s just because it’s so normal in League that people don’t give a [ __ ] right they think it’s the right thing to do they think that it is actually their team’s fault like yeah know I talk a lot when I tangent no there’s nothing wrong with that you have

Water cuz I know when I talk a lot like I need water I’m good bro I always have water I always have my bottled danani that people make fun of me for and say that I’m rich because my tap water tastes like [ __ ] oh yeah no my my tap

Water doesn’t taste that great either that’s why I buy bottled water but I don’t have enough money to buy danani so I just buy like a $4 pack of 40 bottles of water no I’m convinced I could have like died of dentry or something if I actually just drank all

The water that came out of this sink yeah no I know yeah I I feel the same way like I even with the britter water filter and stuff the water does not taste the same as I TR that thing enough huh the I said yeah I don’t trust that

Thing enough I have a filter myself somebody gifted it to me but I that’s why I still go out and buy $4 of 40 water bottles of like yeah so I got you I I do the same thing I don’t care if people come like oh but you’re

Ruining the environment I recycle my bottles like Jesus yeah [ __ ] the environment I want to live yeah exactly yeah basically yeah oh do you like my new setup with the for the uh streaming did I think it was like that oh goe I’ve seen it a

Couple of times is it still like the same room you were in or you just like what up uh doesn’t seem like the same room you like lived in the whatever right like that’s where your stream was set up yeah my my stream was set up in a

Certain area and now I have a different area that’s all different area a less aty area I mean looks better than a basement true cuz then people are say like well it’ll be either one or the other like you live in your mom’s basement or you live in your mom’s

Addict be like all right well rather honesty Point CC it’s a little pretentious that half of your screen is taken up by books makes it look like you think you’re really smart but you know well I don’t see it from that perspective but if people do

If people do see it that way [ __ ] them oh that’s it what about success CC what about you know that whole thing that we talked about where passion for business can’t just say [ __ ] the customer because I like well you can to an extent because you’re not going to katow to everyone that’s

Appeasement like I’m not going to like just because like you know certain people see it a certain way like I have a whole testimonial folder of people that like look I’ll put it you this way testimon it’s a lot easier to build a customer base of people that you

Naturally get along with than to try to appease the people that you just like it’s just like I fundamentally disre that goe that would be like that would be like opening a vegan restaurant and then saying well you know this is My Philosophy it’s way easier to build a

Base with the people that you know support my values and support my philosophies and that I personally like as opposed to being McDonald’s because you know which one’s a multi-billion dollar company not the vegan restaurant that I made up but that’s if you want to be a multi-billion dollar company like

If you don’t give a damn then I think you give a damn I think you should give a damn I think most of the human race should care about being successful it’s one of our primary motivations towards bettering ourselves yeah but that’s why I say thinking small too by the way want

So that’s an example of thinking small right so yeah of just doing the right thing and it’s better to build an a no it’s not it’s not better to build an audience it’s literally not you would have a bigger audience they would just consist of people that you didn’t like quite as

Much and you’re also not really at that luxury of being able to decide there are certain streamer where it’s like [ __ ] they don’t want the the toxic this that whatever you know name any demographic of people you genuinely don’t like or disagree with and then maybe they can

Choose to like wean their content this way or that way or moderate or do whatever because they don’t like that audience they don’t want to support it mhm you don’t really have that luxury because you’re not somebody who you know the difference of a few hundred, a year

Makes not much of a difference you building an audience is the difference of you having a successful life and not from a you know up in the sky standpoint right by most yeah so then compromise on your values to build an audience of R of

Anybody that you can get and then I mean in a way yeah it’s not as simple as just compromising your values it’s about choosing which ones you’re going to you know have Define your business yeah well that’s what I’m saying Ching I I already chose the values of who I want like I

Want people like Zachy cats I want people like you I want people like aray like sure sure and what I’m do like I’ll put you this way if I wasn’t the way that I am you wouldn’t be here right now that and again that doesn’t mean I’m perfect that’s not like a confirmation

Type of thing like you know what I’m doing is right and it’s always right and I’m never wrong it’s like you know but no we’re you’re to choose the sort of people that you want it’s just that you’re continuing to stab yourself in the back or whatever the analogy is yeah

Yeah single time shoot yourself in the that’s what stab yourself in the back same thing kind of not really but right like every single time that you do that there are there are two reasons one you’re just being bad for business and being stubborn which is fine iose right

Well it’s not great obviously for the business but if that’s you know the way you want to live your life that’s still your choice to do or two it’s just your own mind right it’s it’s confirmation bi essentially the same thing is the reason I lost my League of Legends game is

Because my teammates were bad the reason I’m not a successful streamer is because I’m just upholding my moral values they’re just they’re just different sides of the same coin MH and for one it could be an ex like imagine if I did that CC imagine if I was a

Streamer I was up and coming and whatever and it was like ah I’ve I’ve had this many viewers I haven’t gotten really big honestly I think it’s just because right like I just I don’t want to appeal to a wider audience cuz I don’t really support them you know I

Want to hold strong to my moral Valu so I like doesn’t that kind of come off as cope big glass of copium like no no not really because I don’t I don’t agree with that I’ve been like yeah I started my Twitch account July 2012 and obviously like I haven’t like

Concentrated as much effort to making the stream better like I have with League of Legends to getting to Masters like with streaming like the equivalent of like getting to Masters in League I have not done that with twitch like it wasn’t until like now like I’m finally

Starting getting out of iron out of bronze I’m maybe at Silver right now in terms of like League of Legends analogies for where I’m at with streaming I’m not the best but I have an audience like I have a following like I’m getting like you know I’m putting

Out shorts on YouTube and getting like 10,000 views it’s like that stuff I didn’t do prior and now that I’m like really like starting to taste success a little bit these small little like sugar droplets of success you know in my mind you know I’m thinking well how can I

Replicate this how can I get better you’re playing it safe right you’re you’re contining to do I’d say so okay um especially cuz like what I’ve said like many many people would kill to be where you are as far as having that you know decently okay siiz base having

The the know- it how to you know run a stream and [ __ ] like this right like you’re you’re primed to be actually successful to actually explode but trickling in 10 extra viewers every single year you know you’ll be dead before you actually make any real money right know

So I need to I need to start like doing things that help me Sprint then like that’s exactly why I said you know the difference between thinking big and not right like especially when it’s one of those things it’s also one of the biggest baits is people are like oh my

God well you know this person they they didn’t make any money they didn’t do anything and then they had 10 million subscribers within two months or some [ __ ] right like it’s it’s bait because those things do happen but it’s about why mhm right and that’s back to that

Same other argum is understanding why like how these things work and what I’m saying is from the perspective that I have it seems to me like this approach for you is going to keep you on the same level of progression yeah where by the end of from your perspective I could be

Growing a lot faster if I stopped like all these bad I have 168 hours stop doing the 128 Hours of dumb [ __ ] that isn’t getting you what you want like I get it and that’s why I’m happy mechanisms all this in that the reasons for why you choose not to do

This the reasons for why it is you choose not to be a good businessman when it comes to your own job like which is understand morals right like you don’t you don’t want to be a big oil conglomerate who’s destroying the world in order to make money but like you’re

Not doing that yeah no you choosing to not you know uh I don’t know appease all and try and have your audience consist entirely of you know people like Zachy cats and stuff the people that you specifically approve of it just makes you bad for business yeah right like

I’ve said that same argument too and it’s kind of a to my own opinions of it that like if I’m going to be successful as long as I’m not like actively destroying the world or you know being a terrible piece of [ __ ] then what comes first is being successful MH right like

I’m not going to stop every single time it is to you know make sure that this and that and that all of this is you know rightfully sourced and no one in all of history is negatively affected by this because as far as I’m concerned if I actually have the right idea for

How to make the world a better place then the biggest thing preventing me from doing that is that I’m a nobody right so like it’s kind of that old philosophy right like you can be Mother Teresa but if nobody’s ever heard of that name you’re not going to do

Anything yeah and so that’s why be inspired you’re not going to change the world you’re not going to do anything if you remain a nobody like and so and so this is the reason why I’m starting to get more audience in reach so I know that I’m already a decent person I I’m

Not saying that to be egotistical you know I I know myself opinion y Abol what what’s up I said sure by your own opinion right like that’s what it is right and and I have an audience but like you said even if you’re Mother Teresa if nobody knows that you exist it

Doesn’t [ __ ] matter and so I studied a lot on how to get more people to watch My Stream and so this is what I’m doing right now every single day for the next year for the whole year I’m going to actually produce content content that actually matters which is YouTube shorts

Tik toks Instagrams and all these Social Media stuff that I did for a little bit but I didn’t stay consistent with it Enough by doing this I’ve already shot up my viewership we hit 50 viewers Rory good that’s awesome like all because I did one different thing the one thing

That I changed was that I started uploading YouTube shorts of what I do playing League of Legends working out and all the other stuff that I do on my stream the fact that my live stream 24/7 makes it even easier because if they go to the YouTube short or whatever it is

They see that I’m alive they can click on the red circle and go see what I’m doing da you know what occurs to me right now that I think about it is I remember you talking cuz I think it was partially like you had a project you

Were doing for like your family or something right but you worry a lot about I I don’t I don’t even know if it was actually that but you were talking about like the the live streams or something and um having your videos your streams archived and crap like that if

Somebody I want somebody to be able to go back in 10 years and be said it does matter well exactly this is what I said what what it makes me think of like at this very moment is like for the people that that ever would apply to the people

That are actually curious and whatnot you would want to be that person where somebody looks back and they say [ __ ] how did how did Wily Ren get to be so successful how did he do all this and that they go back and they look at these things and they’re like damn he was

Smart about this he knew what it is that was going to work and that’s what he did yeah whether it was you know they’re looking at before before he changed these things before he did all that but like are you that no right now would sit

Back and look and be like damn he knows what he’s doing like this is what it was he’s he’s the guy who understood this [ __ ] he’s the guy this is why he was successful right like and for most of your big streamers you can kind of do

That and that’s what I’m saying is like you’re not at that point at least not in my opinion right and so like it’s it’s perfectly fine that you’re trying to get to that point but like when you’re still sitting here concerned about oh let me put these YouTube videos let me do this

Let me do and you’re like right you don’t have that part of it yeah so let’s deconstruct figure out like what’s the important stuff that I have to spend my time on you know that’s what that’s what aray and I talked you about right that was literally like business 101 what

Makes a stream G or even did a good job of talking about it he’s like hey you know bro like this is I I got these thoughts these opinions and like honestly like this is your this is your your Auditorium this is your [ __ ] Arena you chose to be a streamer MH like

It or not this is what has been shown to work not work this and that and this is how you can innovate on your own and a lot of those things you said I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing I appreciate your input I’m going to keep

Doing what I think works mhm right y That’s what I said yeah yep yep yep so yeah it’s just making that change um I don’t know I just feel like I just want to do the uh the thing that I’m going to be doing for fun and then we’ll

Make the biggest change after January 10th cuz again like I said like from the last time we had the conversation like I want to try doing what I’m doing like I I’ve seen some recent success like we’ve seen the stream blow it up like I have the statistics on the twitch page that

Show like you know like my average view count is not like also the same thing too as well right like that could be pretty fun you know entire week of non-stop League of Legends see if I can get this new account whatever to this and that I can absolutely Envision a

Successful person even if it’s not you right like doing something like that they they start their stream they they’re they’re charismatic they’re playing League of Legends they’re doing whatever talking to their chat mildly entertaining they don’t even have to be gods they have to be anything right like

Just that’s it that can be success but then again it comes back down to the exact same thing that is holding you back before which is you got too much ads you’re streaming crap that you don’t need to stream it’s inconsistent and then also a little bit of the mental

Attitude you’re not as charismatic or reactive as you could be and or sorry interactive with your chat your community in a way that’s actually like beneficial right because what I see and hell I can literally even tell you this I started watching one of the one of the

Card streamers a little a while ago just this random dude that I I chaned across on stream because or on Twitch because I literally opened up like I was saying as I usually do and it was recommended for me and it was like some 60 [ __ ] viewer card streamer or something I was

Like I never seen this guy whatever I clicked on it for like 5 seconds and it was just a dude and honestly he it was kind of cute because he was like really enjoying this game I just started playing Legends of run Tera it’s pretty

Fun or whatever he used to be like a Marvel snap player or some crap right and he was just having a good time just playing cards you know I sent him a little message I was like hey you know what’s up you know the you’re liking the game or something right like something

Real basic and he like reacted he was having a good time he was typing talking about his his decks and this and that he streamed for like four hours and then he got off next day that I I did the same thing I happened to check twitch and he

Was right there on my recommended again cuz he was streaming for another three or four hours playing some card games talking to people going about his business being a pretty nice you know up upstanding guy I was like oh okay sure and then I dropped him a follow I was

Like hey you seem pretty nice you know whatever right like I didn’t even tune in for too long it was nothing whatever but what I didn’t do is I didn’t tune into an empty chair I didn’t tune in try to ask him a question and then I got hit

With you know four minutes of ads because every single one of those things would have made me not follow him yeah of course yeah yeah so that like that’s the value equation of like you know what is the cost like so if the dream outcome or whatever like so what people like so

When people sit and watch the stream they think of like how much value they can get out of their time right and so the things that would stop people from watching my stream are exactly those things like you get hit by 4 minutes of ads you’re watching a chair you’re not

Like actually interacting with anybody and so because of those like those being the C like why would somebody watch my chair stream versus going to hang out with somebody that actually is going to talk about exactly yeah I get it yep business 101 for twitch streamers

Yep and that’s the reason why uh now I have my new iPhone so even though I’m not going to be at my chair I’m going to be streaming 24/7 because I’m going to actually be 24/7 the only time I’m not going to be 24/7 is during my sleep

Streams like where I’m actually asleep and I can’t actually talk to anybody because I’m asleep so the same thing where you know we’ve talked about this right it’s another thing with it’s like basic human psychology too it’s that value I want to be able to trust that if

I tune in Wily stream something interesting’s happen he’s not asleep in his chair because if I see that Wily Ren is Al that’s what you value though right that’s what you value and that’s also what the majority of the twitch stream values right majority of the twitch Community expects something similar sure

Of course yeah yeah yeah and but I’m saying like I’m countering cuz it’s like you know there are people that do sleep streams and they have thousands of people watching them sleep so it’s like is it not like they’re extremely rare extremely few and far between and

They have something that you don’t which is an already existing audience they didn’t get their Audience by sleeping on stream sure yes no yes well well I I don’t know I just for me it’s like you know I the thing that I want to make my

Fun thing is that I stream 24/7 like I documented every like every step of the process as much as I can so that’s what is that it’s not any one of those specific things that is your Achilles heal it’s all of them together MH right every single one of them hurts you oh

Yeah when it comes to the basic analytic when you you love looking at numbers you love overanalyzing statistics that you don’t quite understand yeah sure this is one that is like tried true tested and honestly pretty obvious if you really think about it sure it’s not that you

Can’t be a for fun 247 hour streamer if your community kind of understands that if it’s 3:00 in the morning and they tune in to your stream you’re probably going to be asleep that’s your gimmick that’s your thing I’m 24/7 you can always come in here to hang out you can

Even get a little bias a little bit of you know fun going on that hey maybe if I tune in he might be asleep but because it’s a 24-hour stream there’s probably going to be some people in chat I might get to know that Community it might just

Be fun to hang out with the people that aren’t even him because that’s what he’s built up around himself that’s a okay that’s an A+ that is applying what it is you want to do to its most efficiency the thing that you’re doing is you’re not being efficient about it you’re not

You’re not playing on the strength of any of these things that you specifically want to do you’re throwing them in there and then they’re all just destroying each other my opinion yeah sure sure sure do you like Captain Crunch CC uh I think I might have had it once

To try it out but it never really stuck with me enjoying myself a bul of Captain Crunch right now oh nice I haven’t had cereal in ages I only I’ve been just doing two meals a day just like two meals and that’s it with a 16 pretty

Much always have like one box of cereal that I get when I goow to the store it’s just like whatever I feel like and I have it like every other day every few days this sweet week was Captain Crunch y last week’s was Honey Bunches of Oats

Honey Bunches of Oats I know you’re very curious I know you asked no no you’re good I’m thinking about all the stuff I grew up as a kid I tried Frosted Flakes I tried Pops I tried Apple Jacks you know all the sugary ones friendship question CC what was my

Favorite food you have to make a guess you got three tries okay favorite food sorry not favorite food uh favorite cereal okay I was say that’s very broad but we’re just talking about we’re just talking of a said cereal what can you deduce that my childhood favorite cereal

Was cuz I don’t think it’s necessarily still the same but it was it was a banger Fruity Pebbles no that’s actually my favorite cereal now is Fruity Pebbles oh okay close I’ll give you like half a point cuz you know you’re on to something it’s

My favorite one now but as a kid so what would have been what would have been the up how did you up Rory’s favorite cereal so not Fruity Pebbles Lucky Charms nope God what do you think of me Cece that’s Embarrassing Fruity Loops oh no no no Fruity Loops are FR Loops by the way come on or sorry sorry I was thinking two can Sam fruity cuz I was like if you went to Fruity Pebbles like then maybe it was like something else it was a more surprising transition okay from what it

Wasn’t always this fruity I had three tries I I didn’t know you use all three of them oh yeah oh wait oh thought you gu fro loops and Fruity Pebbles what was the other one I on I’ll give you the benefit of Doubt one more gu okay Okay crazy transition huh cuz I’m thinking about the the texture of Fruity Pebbles and I’m like what could you have upgraded to that from you might be over thinking it it wasn’t like a textural evolution of cereal tape no I know but like I’m just thinking

Like you know what did you like what could you have thought similarly to this maybe it could just been some bland cereal that like you know embarrassing Bland cereal me no Lucky Charms you already guess Lucky Charms now I remembered what it was oh oh I did say Lucky Charms God you’re so

Stupid Cy I give you one more try I forgot the your second guess and you guess the same thing again that’s right CeCe it was Reesey Puffs oh it was Reesey Puffs it was oh wow I’ve always seen ads for them but I never felt enticed to eat a like I’d

Rather just eat a re Reese’s cup it’s it those go pretty hard too like Reese’s cups I love Reese’s Cups like those are like my favorite on Halloween Reese’s pces those are not bad either I never tried the Rei’s PES I just like you know my habitual mind just

Kept me with the same St like I like it I like it I’m going to keep eating it like Snickers bars freaking Reese’s Cups hery Bars were all right they were better with milk I like the fact that you can snap them the tiny little rectangles yeah know I live in

Pennsylvania so like you know I live like one of the thing one of the uh frequence was going to the uh Hershey Park so Hershey Pennsylvania and going to Hershey Park that was always fun getting all the like candy and stuff it was always nice okay so this year we’re going to

Focus on getting directionally correct and better at improving with the stream you see maybe you just need to be the the Donald Trump businessman of the twitch Empire why not let’s do it that sounds fun you’re fine Donald Trump cared too much about uh being more Al correct catering to the proper

Upstanding Bits Of Human Society mhm but he is a [ __ ] millionaire is he a billionaire he’s probably a billionaire he’s a billionaire he lost like half of his net worth by becoming president yeah but he gained clout yeah but you know you’re still losing like a lot of work that you put

In I would trade billions for that just become a household name Trump household named Rory I think even from an economical standpoint it’s actually undervalued still by a lot of people just how much influence people no it is it no it definitely is like I honestly like I

Talk about this all the time it’s like you know the only reason why Donald Trump won the 2016 election is because nobody would stop talking about him like he got like billions of dollars in free advertising because he became a name that nobody could ignore like Hillary Clinton would have

Won if everybody just stopped talking about Trump and you know to that extent I’m still happy that Trump won because it was actually I like Trump in the sense that you know I don’t care about Republicans Or democrats I think I’ve already said this before and for a

Record anybody watching this I I don’t care about political or politics in that regard I’m not a direction head I don’t care about left or right all I care about is like some guy that has the best ideas for the country and getting other people to collaborate to doing it like

Here’s here’s here’s the tldr as much as I studied United States government and history you need to understand that the president president doesn’t really have that much power other than just being the executive branch that’s it like Trump no matter who is in office no matter what president’s office they are

Not making the changes in the world it’s all the other people that get the work done that make the change for the country he’s just the person the figure had that gets people directionally correct I like Donald Trump because he’s an [ __ ] not because he’s like you know the smartest guy or most

Intelligent guy in the universe but like Rory just said he is a [ __ ] billionaire so again no matter how you slice it or dice it again you may think that Trump is the worst guy in the world whatever it is that’s fine I respectfully like the guy and I like underdogs I like

People that think that you know I like it when people think that somebody isn’t going to win and they somehow pull it off even though they people think it’s not possible that’s why I like the Philadelphia Eagles that’s why I like you know Underdog stories that’s why I like the movie Rocky

Okay all right I’ve eaten my cereal now that’s gool yeah know take your time enjoy your it’s serial time it is does [ __ ] Captain Crunch have a jingle I don’t know if they do I don’t think they need one you know what’s funny Reese Puffs Reese funny you

Mention that because yeah Reese’s puff has their jingle but it’s like it’s like you know I love the companies that don’t need a jingle because they’re just like they’re like you said like they just focus on business like I remember like so I live in PA right and like there’s

This insurance I think it’s available in other states as well Eerie Insurance you know the funny thing about eie insurance is is that they never put out an advertisement like they only put out one commercial ever and Giga Chad insurance company yeah oh what’s up I said Giga

Chad insurance company yeah I love it I love your insurance for that cuz you know what they put an advertising like here’s a 30 second we don’t have time to make ads cuz we’re too busy serving our customers we’re too busy being so good at our job yeah like but it’s it’s so

Effective because you see their market share like they’re huge meanwhile like you know uh State Farm and all state and all these other insurance companies have to like create these like you know can’t lie though the [ __ ] Geico Gecko goes pretty hard yeah the Geico Gecko ones

You know makes sense like you but they’re all advertising to get more customers right but your insurance doesn’t have to because they do such a good damn job of like their insurance that they get more customers By Word of Mouth which is like the the the the best

Way to grow a business like regardless no matter what still exists there though cc is I’m still pretty sure that insurance company is smaller than all the other ones and makes less money so they might be literally qualitatively better but like that doesn’t mean they’re more

Successful I know it’s very sad to think about the good guys don’t always win but his life I guess but it’s just like what you want to be remembered for like I mean again like you said you much rather focus on being successful than like you

Know doing it then I can worry about being a saint yeah then you can worry about being a saint like I said as long as certain parameters exist as long as I’m not like you know human trafficking like abusing puppies then like I’m probably all right you know

Yeah like that wouldn’t Bor you or hold you back from doing what would make you successful although I do tend to be a little bit um like that in general where like if I was made a decision as like morally gray or almost morbid as it would be like say

For example take either of those right like is going to sound [ __ ] harsh but like if I had to like abuse puppies to in the future make it so that they wouldn’t be then I would probably pretty quickly be okay with that right like I’m willing genuinely believe that it would

Lead to me being able to prevent more of that in the future whereas for a lot of people it’s like oh no I wouldn’t do that I could never it would hang on my conscience you know like yeah so you so you’d basically like you know uh Cambodian Holocaust type of thing you’d

Kill the you know you’d kill the people just so you can say more people in the future like know that specific example but what’s the train track one again the train track one where like you save one person oh yeah you either change the train track to run over one person or

You just let it kill five like [ __ ] why the [ __ ] would you let me let me just stick my head in the sand and let four more people die because I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] who can’t deal with my consciousness of thinking that me pulled that trigger did anything other than

Save four people’s lives like yeah that’s just like that’s like basic that’s like kindergarten level moral philosophy yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s like you know like that’s what it sounds like it’s just funny but that’s but that’s how it should be right like you’re making like

A decision like you know like if you like okay if you want to be a better streamer stream more consistently stop putting so many ads and just you know just do do the things that streamer successful streamers do that’s it pretty much whatever it is in your mind that

You envision good that you’re going to do for the world or even just selfishly that you want I highly doubt that you’re going to suffer from being influential from being successful right mhm you’re not going to reach out to less people you’re not going to you know

Have less capabilities of taking care of yourself and your family and the people you care about and you have less money like M yeah it is a slope though right people talk about that that you go into something for the right reasons and then you You Lose Yourself to it and you end

Up being a greedy [ __ ] but at that point that’s still up to you right like the other option is being a I’m pretty good in being self-aware of what’s GNA like even with the money that I have right now like nothing nothing’s going to change when I make more money like

It’s just you know it’s like making it to Masters didn’t change anything for me like it wasn’t lifechanging like it was like you’re a beast you’re a master tier player all right well everybody I’ve been keeping you waiting I you know I was going to get all this morning stuff done but Rory

I really still want to have this fun like it’s towards you know I like I have I have this high right let’s say like like whatever it is look there’s like seven days left in the season I like the way I approach things is like you know I

Now like frame it as like you know this is a challenge this is for fun like I want to see if I can make it to Masters in the time crunch that I have left while maintaining like you know a positive mental while like not like you

Know becoming another age clip like it’s okay to be frustrated it’s okay to be human but you know I’m not going to be mahat Gandhi or I’m not going to be Mother Teresa but you know the goal is like you know this time around I’ll be better that’s it just you know better

Than I was before I raged a lot uh towards the end of the uh the last Masters run but this time like again it’s like you know I just want the bragging rights I’m doing it for myself I’m doing it that I want to be able to

Have the bragging right in my own head to feel comfortable with myself be like you know okay I took an account from Iron one to Masters fresh no like no Duo okay I’m like now I legit like allow myself I give myself permission to be in the Master’s

Club like again like you know I create these desire contracts that make me upset until I achieve it like I get it I understand I’m sure at this point you understand my perspective too you I know like you don’t have to do give yourself permission but also understand that I

Understand that you know I sit at a different position than you right like and so this is how this these are my this are my scripted stuff you know take me a little bit of time to like get get rid of it like it took me some time to

Get rid of playing on 24 accounts I had a conversation um the other day but I was talking about the differences between having confidence and an ego and being humble and having you know no self-confidence right like they’re both like entirely but they’re basically just different versions of the

Same thing right like having self-doubt thing that you acknowledge that aren’t good about you can either come off and you can play it off as humility humbleness acknowledging that you have flaws or you can play it off as having a lack of self-confidence and hating yourself right and the same thing goes

For the things you’re good at having one of them can come off as a Charming sort of you know self-confidence that you acknowledge the things that you’re good at you’re proud of them but you use them the best that you can and you don’t make it annoying to other people and the

Other one is an ego right M no well it’s a spectrum it’s like it’s it’s a dichotomy you know it’s finding the balance of both it’s one of those things if it I think that’s where my my like only real criticism about it comes in is absolutely go for this thing that makes

You feel happy makes you feel proud of yourself gives you that little ego boost maybe try and keep it in the realm of self-confidence hey I’m proud of myself I did this as opposed to now I have you know let my grow big and [ __ ] tell all the haters to go [ __ ] themselves

That’s unhealthy right like okay so don’t got to be the Zen master you don’t have to do it only for the most wholesome healthy reasons like but I I I would like that like I I would like okay being honest and transparent because again like you know I think I I like the

Conversation that we had last time is like you know I’m trying to be more honest about things that upset me because again like that’s the only way to address it and I think it’s good to sh share at the stream like you know I feel uncomfortable people doxing me like

That’s it sure like we can just say that and be like you know that’s why I do what I do and so like you know the reason why again like you know I’m happy to make it to masters from Iron one to Masters the reason why I’m able to smile

And be happy about it is cu [ __ ] everybody [ __ ] you guys that’s it it’s not like in in like a crazy unhealthy way like in you know the people that tuned in my stream like bro you know I’m not saying [ __ ] you to you it’s like you

Know it’s just like you know like you know just like you know it just it’s just in my head it’s like an insurance policy it’s like you know I did it like okay cool like now I like reduce the amount of like you know head space that

I can like care about or whatever it is like it’s not like any particular person I think about like it’s my own self you know I want the like I the way I look at it is like you know I like having the ability to do stuff without having to

Pretend that I’m confident like I don’t I don’t like that philosophy like you know fake it until you make it like I for me personally I I wasn’t raised on that I was like do it 10,000 times to the point where like literally you can sleep and do it and like nobody

Can one thing that I would consider if I were you CeCe though is that like for every bit that you pursue of that when I talked about being like a good business person right business to Twitch and stuff sometimes things like you just talked about people

Don’t want to see that mhm people don’t really care as much as to how important it is for you to hit mastered for the second time on a account and then feel really good about it and talk about it the entire time and do whatever yeah sure not content that people really give

A [ __ ] about and sometimes even just tempering your attitude to the point that like that’s not the entire meaning of your stream that’s not all you’re you know portraying sometimes you do just ought to suck it up for the sake of yourself your own success right so

That’s what I’m saying like uh it’s because I think of it think of it one you you know good old T1 as an example again or something right mhm people probably wouldn’t be as entertained if Tyler one was hopping on another account to go hit Challenger on support or ad

Carry again or something so that he could prove to some of the haters that told him that he was wrong and then this and that right like M that’s not the most entertaining stream people don’t really want to see that they’re not really overly entertained that let me go

Watch this stream or do something that’s not that entertaining right like that’s what I’m saying right like hopefully that just gives you an example it’s not like that would never succeed it’s not like there’s not way I know I know but like I just want to do this for myself

Like just like how when I bought an iPhone I didn’t go and buy an iPhone because like oh like everybody in the world is now going to be saved because I bought myself an iPhone like this is just something I’m doing for myself I’m streaming it and that’s it that’s all

That’s what I’m saying is you can keep as as long as you keep that in mind and you understand that like you’re not like you’re not streaming for the sake of getting bigger you’re streaming for yourself yeah this is for myself you know don’t be confused don’t ask

Yourself questions how could I do it better you already know why you’re I know yeah I’m making the active choice to say like you know I want to stream for my own like I’m not doing this from a business perspective I’m doing this from like a willy rent like this is what

I want to do because if if I was streaming for the purpose of making a better business model like a better twitch stream then I’d stop putting all these ads that make people like make it the watching my stream unbearable CU that is one price that people will just automatically

Click off streaming crap that people don’t want to watch like a empty chair like people want to go watch like they want to have a fun time they have like an hour to watch something they want to watch something fun like what they’re not going to watch Netflix but they want

To come watch you right like and they want somebody that’s going to interact with them so I get that and so you know I will say and let’s be honest here so that you know nobody’s confused like when I’m streaming I’m streaming for myself right now that is where we at

Currently just like how if like I wanted to make it to Masters if I was playing on 24 accounts I’m streaming for I’m playing for for myself I needed the confidence to play on 24 accounts but is that what people that make it to Masters do probably not I don’t know many people

That do that so I played on one account on willly made it to Masters and I was able to repeat that success uh between November in December because I did the same exact thing played on one account focused on playing on one account only

And it took me 111 games to go from D4 to Masters at the end it comes down to a choice then right and that’s perfectly and the choice is entirely yours to make but you will likely from what I see then be in the in the in the in the ballpark

To make the choice that you either continue to stream for yourself do what you want to do or suck it up and give people what they want and actually grow no no I yeah yeah I’m I’m going to gravitate towards sucking it up and give

And doing what it takes to grow a stream cuz I’m already I’m already getting directly correct there I’ve already changed up my stream background I’ve already changed up like you know what I want to like bring out in the Stream we’re getting we’re setting the thing is Rory is that I’m in

No rush to making a good stream I’m not rushing this like I’m playing and that itself is um when you kind of fundamentally disagreed with me why it is that I said that um there might be a something to consider about how you value your time

MH um because I understand you’re not in a rush and part of that is perfectly fine you know keeping the level low doing what you want to do with your life and all that sort of stuff but I I only give the idea that like imagine how much

Happier you would probably be if however many years ago you chose to suck it up then and you were now a multi-millionaire already yeah I know I know I know I’m I’m imagine how much happier you would be to be able to say oh I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want now

Because I chose to do that because every single time you had that opportunity you said H I’m going to take my time with it yeah yeah Rush right now like I know yeah so one last one more time Rory again like this is It’s look when I look at

It there are 7 billion people on this planet people could have a lot worse than me I’m not it’s not that terrible but in terms of trying to become a better streamer obviously I’m not there there are people that are already there already and I’m not just I’m not doing

What they’re doing I get it but I’m going to smoke one more cigar or so doing something bad for your health type of thing just one more for the [ __ ] of it just just one more for the [ __ ] of it yeah like how I did 24

Accounts and now you’ve seen me be not 24 accounts like how I was like not working out and spending time to take care of my health and then I started spending time taking care of my health I think like I said it’s it’s entirely CH uh your choice but I I think

It’s genuinely kind of funny how you fail to see the irony in exactly that as to anybody who is either suffers from laziness procrastination or addiction just one more is essentially their entire [ __ ] motto and then every single time it’s just one more yeah well you know I did but I I

Did do one more I did a little bit of 24 accounts and then I stopped little bit a little bit yeah I’m I’m just poting out is it’s all good it for what you wish no no I know I’m just I’m just saying like I know I I appreciate you mentioning

That like that’s how every addict like says you know just one more hit of heroin just one more just one more time Rory that I’m going to choose to focus on doing what I want rather than make my stream successful just one more time one more one more spreadsheet one more

Account one more clim spread sheets I know I stopped the spreadsheets I’m doing one last one more climb the Masters I just master I wonder what’ll be next evening one more playthrough of this one more time that I play Vin Top Lane one more hey but it’s good to have those one

More times because the whole point is that it’s one more time why did you do it twice like I don’t do the spreadsheets anymore now know you did good got rid of the spreadsheets now I free up time that I’m spending on like it’s not the most productive but it’s better

Yeah I started watch it’s your life your level of efficiency productivity and where it goes is ultimately up to you I just don’t want to see you want to see me successful and you see me doing things that are like pushing me in the opposite direction of being successful and so you’re doing

Your best to like get me aware of that it’s kind of just that I don’t want you to do the same thing and keep thinking that it’s going to work and keep thinking that this is going to be the time I’m aware that it’s not going to

Work I’m aware like you’re telling me like bro you are chain smoking cigars your health is not going to go in a positive direction you need to like wean this Behavior out of your life and I did finally stop smoking cigars now I’m just doing one more thing of heroin now I’m

Just really it’s spending it’s spending seven days to get to Masters they’re just different vices see see that’s the point different things that we keep replacing our same issue with and there one more excuse for why it is that in the you know theoretical drug sense you haven’t gotten clean

Like because yeah you did you did quit this and you did quit that and you did stop doing that and then you replaced it with something else like and know you’re just you’re lighting up one more last cigar for all time sake just like especially when you’re extremely hesitant to even stop

Doing the one thing that you are and then you’re finding yourself replacing it with something else immediately after like sure one little analogies there no yeah saying cc is your a drug addict there go yeah I’m a drug addict I’m a drug addict to just fulfilling my selfish

Desires about being selfish in the right way right oh you said this is not being selfish in the right way no I said it’s about being selfish in the right right way right but this is like you know I’m at the end of the day I’m going to be

Living in my own skin living in my own head space and like this is what I feel like you know I’d be happy with like I’m happy already having made it to master two times already the third time is going to feel even better even better yeah know that’s

Fair most of the time the stuff that you do it’s not what you do that is the problem mhm or like you know the issue that could be solved yeah yeah it’s not that playing the Masters is inherently wrong it’s not this or that or whatever

No but it’s just like the you know if I want to make my stream better like you know putting [ __ ] ton of ads and on stuff is like you know not really good business practice because you have to look at it from a business practice perspective not a like you know like any

Other perspective that’s kind of what I’ve just been trying to say is like put some of that Focus put some of that you know meticulous note taking business ethic this and that whatever put it into something that’s actually you’re going to see return on like [ __ ] businessman CCE be a beast like well

We’re going to get there I I I can definitely say that with confidence Rory we will get there just like how everything you’ve talked with me about like I’ve made you you make me look from a different perspective like I try to make sure like any time that you invest

Into me I know like you I don’t owe you like you know obviously you do this cuz you know you again you have your own fulfillment from spending time with me but to me like GL you remembered that yeah don’t owe crap I said I’m glad you

Remembered that because I said that the last time we talked you don’t owe me anything I’m choosing to be here so yeah so but it’s like the way that I try to not be cringey is that you know you will see change Behavior what up that’s all I’m going to

Say I do what say it again can of cut on no no you will see changed Behavior okay okay okay okay cuz the whole point of like you know not being insane you know is like you know you’re not doing the same thing over and over and over again

Expecting different results like I may be doing things over and over and over again but we’ll make tweaks we’ll make changes we’ll remove bad stuff and replace it with good stuff stop taking notes on every single game because you’re not going to review this like this is not going to be a

Higher value thing than going to go watch sasio playing at a master Grandmaster level the same Champion that you’re trying to play and just learning what he’s doing and then applying that to your gameplay on one account so usually when you just find yourself doing something that is extremely weird by most definitions

You’re probably not doing it right because unless you have a specific reason and you have genuine understanding that like I’m doing this I’m right because like the vast majority of time if you’re doing something that nobody else who has been super successful has basically ever done it’s

Not to say that you’re always going to be wrong because you just might be that one person who you know you could new but if you don’t really have a reason if you can’t actually justify it to how rare of a thing it would be for you to

Actually be right you should proba just stop M yeah yeah also a weird Point by the way CC but part of the reason I joined your stream um I ran into an old friend of ours but uh do you remember uh vain hell singer oh yeah what about him he was

From uh Legends of Runa uhuh I was uh well you remember the example I gave of the dude who I like subscribed to whatever like new card player or something he was in the Stream and this was literally like the last two days where I like and I dropped him a follow

Or whatever and he was there and I was like hey yo what’s up curious if you remembered me and he he’s like oh how’s how Willen doing did he uh he ever get his account back from when it got hacked I was like no sadly I just thought that was funny

Because I yeah no good dude you know P tuck P Tuck’s been are there’s been like a lot of people like sometimes from the L community that just like pop in the chat and just like look at what I’m doing pach I think is his name yeah yeah fun

Times I might playing the the open that comes up this next weekend oo I know very hype haven’t done it in I’m just wondering how I’m going to incorporate wait hold on what oh I’m on the front page you’re a beast let me see whoa on Twitch you God damn Wait no that’s

That’s that’s just my recommended there God damn e what is the front page like uh the uh the little uh the the top like recommended stuff like so it can either be the top like thing that you can panel through or it can be like the recommended like

That’s right underneath that sure sure cuz it’s literally the front page uh glad to finally be famous but I love the suit aesthetic that I have going you know it’s funny cuz like uh Tommy and like everybody’s like oh but isn’t he the guy that thinks

That you’re wearing a suit as a gimmick it’s like I that’s me hi oh and uh Crouch kick said hello I don’t know if you saw that at all he said oh hey vasilis yes hello don’t know you but hi okay well I’ve got from now until the

End of the season and that’s how long I’m going to allow myself to smoke some weed there you go well the goal with this year is that we’re going to get we’re going to make the stream better like either you know whatever metric that’s going to be increas in the number

Of viewers increasing the number of followers like you know oh yeah that’s what I that’s what I was hung up about it wasn’t the idea that um what that like you’re you’re doing this right it’s not it’s not the idea that you you’re you’re you’re smoking your last cigar

Before you go out in a week or whatever the heck it’s that like you could do this and you could do it well you could apply all of those things that I said it’s not that you’re even like it’s not that you playing league and hitting Masters again is the issue right like

You can do all of this well mhm you’re kind of just like not choosing to take advantage of the time you’re already dedicating to it mhm like maximizing the effectiveness of the time like I could be like I had just said about all those things that you could and would likely

Need to do to you know become a big time all those efficiencies you know fine-tuning your stream streaming the right things doing all all of those things are things that you can do you can start right now and they will be exactly the same you already have the

Content like that’s exactly what people do still want to see they want to see you playing League of Legends talking about this and even though yeah maybe going for Masters again for an ego reason isn’t exactly like the the that would be perfect but it’s still like it’s still you being passionate

About doing something playing League of Legends that’s still you know a 90 plus perc on the on the test as far as what people would likely want to see uhhuh but like you’re still going to choose not to do that right like choose not to do what you’re still going to

Choose not to change and fine-tune your stream you’re just going to play the way you always do stream what you normally do and whatever right like yeah so that’s just going to be for another week so they’re not mutually exclusive though is what I’m saying right yeah you’re saying

What you want to do is you want to hit Masters again to make yourself feel good to have bragging rights you can do both but in the next seven days well yeah if you’re not going to change it after why it’s not they’re not like difficult no I’m going no no I know

I know but like like I got I have seven days Rory so I’m going to literally be all I’m going to be doing is streaming League like these next seven days like I’m going to I’m hulling ass I’m like 600 LP how much LP away let me

See uh where am I it was just all those things I talked about right about how to make your stream better I’m saying none of them have to stop you from doing what you’re saying you want to do which is to play Masters and do this again yeah yeah

So like you know obviously the things that fine-tuning my stream would be like you know not streaming crap that people don’t want to see right so obviously I’m already filling in those holes so I have my phone so like I not going to have a dead Air Stream so either music’s going

To be playing and if the chair like if I’m away from my computer I’m taking you guys with my phone so like even though I’m stepping away from the computer then like what are you going to be streaming on your phone that’s going to be particularly entertaining like well yeah

Sure obviously like I’m again like directionally correct like obviously so like I just don’t know if like shutting off my stream is just worth it if I’m just going to go eat for an hour and then turn back on the I absolutely is from a business standpoint like I just said

Because nobody wants to sit there and like I said you’re talking about human you have to understand like the it’s inconvenience for me to like turn off the stream and turn it back on because of like my computer right now it’s not that easy to like power down the stream

And then power it back on like like all these bells and whistles like have to be on so it’s just simpler for me to just keep the stream up and then say change the title be like you know I’m going to take an eating break like this is my

Chair like I’ll be right back in an hour you know what you know what normal successful streamers do they do that when they’re going to the bathroom and they’re going to grab a snack for 10 minutes maybe uhhuh because that’s what people are willing to tolerate he like

Yeah no it’s inconvenient that you’re not going to turn your stream on and off to go take a [ __ ] or to go whip up some food real quick and then bring it back and watch some YouTube they don’t expect you to turn it off for that well you’re

Gone for a couple hours that when they expect you to just turn the damn thing off and turn it back on right like sure but then but what’s what’s the issue of just like coming from the premise like people knowing like you’re like this is how you stream because people don’t know

That because you’re never going to grow an audience of new people expecting them all to know what you’re doing mhm so I have to go from the perspective of like assuming like okay I’m a new viewer like what am I like what catering towards the 20 to 30 people that are already here

And you’re cutting off every other of the millions of people that could join mhm that is just a logical fallacy yeah I know I’m trading I’m trading 20 30 people for like the millions that could be here yeah MH okay for one more week one more

Week we got all of 2024 look either we’re going to get better or we’re going to get worse there’s two directions we can or you know we can go neutral those are three directions and that’s actually encompasses every single possibility known to humankind so yeah so that’s what that’s what I’m saying we

Can get better we can get worse or we can go nowhere yeah exactly so the go the in my head I would like us to get better improve and so we have the whole year to do every single day every single second obviously but one more week yeah I’m not

I’m not hating on you if you want to if you want to I’m just saying no that’s what I’m saying like if you want to just do your thing you’re looking forward to plan some league for a week your thing you don’t want to have to worry about

The stresses about you know really up stresses it’s just like you know it’s just like sure you prefer to just you just want to do your thing for one week like that’s fine that’s not the issue right like that that’s okay you could turn off the stream for a week go on

Vacation and honestly like I said I probably wouldn’t even have as many issues because at least you’re like leaning into it right you’re like [ __ ] I don’t I don’t want to do that for right now this is just me I want to do what I want and then I’ll focus on it yep

That’s what I’m doing don’t have anything like that be an excuse for when the week’s up you’re telling yourself I am focusing on this cut those excuses out right y good for you right like yep yep yep I’m just doing this one last one week expenditure and you know I’m going

To go to Disney World or whatever the [ __ ] it is this is my last you know thing at Disney World and then going to focus on trying to improve the stream actually improving the stream so that’s what we’re going to do good good it’s just that uh you know I’ll be

Honest with you I’ve made so much money from streaming 24/7 and having people that just lurk My Stream and if I increase that lurk audience of people that just watch me for like a study stream that’s a lot less effort than having to be like again

Like you you say like success right it’s like you know like let me ask you this then who’s going to make more money if if if we’re looking at in terms of money the guy who works four hours a week and makes like a million dollars or the guy

Who works 80 hours a week and makes like you know million dollar or like let’s see no who makes more money they make the same based off with those metrics you just gave like they both make a million dollars right but like who would you rather be the guy who spends four

Hours or the guy who spends 80 hours OB the person who does less that’s not the point though because what you’re sitting here with you in front of you right now cc is you have a steady is stream of by your own account fairly decent Revenue

Right uhhuh and you also don’t have to work too hard for that that’s fine you could live your entire rest of your life doing exactly this and if that is what makes you happy [ __ ] go for it don’t don’t you know I’m not going to tell you otherwise you shouldn’t let other people

You know turn you down if that’s what you want to do if that’s your ideal go for it yeah but if we’re trying to make a business out of streaming this is not the right way to go want more yeah if you want more which like I said be

Greedy in a good way if you want more than that there’s a trade-off right yeah yeah because if I because for me greedy in a way is like you know I want to make more money but not like there’s like once I make a certain amount like for me

I don’t need more than $10 million so what the [ __ ] you’re gonna get close to 10 million like this no I’m not going to make it to 10 million like this I’m not going to make it to 10 million by doing nothing streams and all this I acknowledge that I accept that I’m

Taking exactly what you’re saying I agree with you I don’t disagree with you I’m not fighting back like I’m just saying like you know you know I you know I understand and I acknowledge and I’m aware that there not really any confusion is there right that like no I

Understand that this is easier right to just do this to make a little bit of consistent money so so yeah this is easier I’m taking the easier rout I’m not doing the hard route the hard route is being able to like okay let’s actually do the things that make a

Stream better versus doing what willin wants putting some elbow grease in to actually make yourself better make it like you said treat it like a job yeah bronze players are bronze players for a reason willly Rin is bronze on Twitch for a reason interesting way to put it but

Yeah sure if I want to be challenge your streamer right like Tyler one level or like anybody else on Twitch doesn’t even have to be League of Legends like have an actual audience have an actual you’re very quick to put in a lot of work and a

Lot of mental effort to play League of Legends but League of Legends doesn’t make you millions of dollars League of Legends does not making actually currently has made you zero dollar not gotten paid I said League of leg Legend has currently made you Z because League

Of Legends has not paid you to do anything the only thing that’s paid you to do anything is Twitch yeah is Twitch yeah yeah okay okay okay yep yep yep yep yep there you go I will be very reserved in in the compliments that I give to you Rory so

The only way I I understand that for us the way that I try to like compliment or like give you a return on your time is like dude like you seeing like that I’m actually improving and getting better you don’t need to show me results either

No I’m not I’m not but I’m saying that out loud because you know I I try to like shoot myself like okay shut up well don’t say anything cringey here just like accept it you know he’s here like not because he wants anything in return but in the back of my mind it’s

Like you know like I will I will buy becoming better that’s all sure sure you’re not irely wrong it is one of those things to you know show pseudo respect or whatever the [ __ ] right if that’s how you want to do it then like yeah you know you listened sure like

Yeah that’s the whole point it’s like you know I I want to make sure like I’m the type of guy like you mentioned like you know like you know if people look back at your videos like are they going to like you know be like oh wow this guy

Knew the [ __ ] it’s like when I’m thinking about myself three years from now like and the conversation that you and I are going to be having you be like hey you actually like you know made some changes and now you’re tasting success that’s what I want the

Conversation to be in the future that’s like how I Envision it y be like you know CC like you know remember how you used to like do all those spreadsheets well you’re not doing them now your Masters now the ideal conversation is absolutely I told you I

Thought you you had what you needed you had the potential there and that’s exactly what I said and look at you go you you achieved it yeah like that’s that’s the ideal conversation but you yeah you wish for you wish for that for me and it’s like you know I want to you

Know I want to now take the hammer to go to the [ __ ] Anvil and like mash this out after one week in Disney World and I’ll get fat you know I actually over the last two weeks like over uh Christmas break I went from 119 and I

Ballooned 131 it didn’t even look like it but I had to confirm with two different scales I went up like 12 pounds in two weeks bro that’s like unhealthy actually bro you know I ate McDonald’s like three times dude I documented everything that I ate on my Christmas

Vacation it was bad man like I didn’t even like I don’t even know where I put all the food people have been saying it’s unhealthy like people told me I should go get my blood checked or something you got diabetes or something yeah who knows

Bro I went from 119 to 131 ate a lot of food it’s all good but like don’t overthink it oh you’ll probably gain more weight because it be stressed out but i’ be stressed stress out about me gaining weight oh well yeah I don’t know

No I’m good man I don’t care one of those like skitso people like me where when you get stressed out you lose weight but yeah I think the only thing I’m going to be doing is I’m going to go back to playing league for a bit going

To play some Vin going to do some awesome stuff vain I love vain man I I just I love her man she’s so cool I don’t like her her using Vin to get the Masters and then you were going to be done with her she was just a a stepping stone no but

Like now I can appreciate why like now that you know all the conversations have has helped me like appreciate why I really like vain she fits my play style like that’s my personality like I like finding exploits in a system and just abusing it because I just think it’s fun

Like like what everybody thinks is like like you know is like bad mannered or whatever like I don’t care just like how you like you know you care about being successful in a business like as long as you’re not like murdering uh you know puppies or whatever it is go for

It like I’m not murdering puppies playing I I would use the example of right like you’re not wrong I kind of agree too I I personally think that something like vain Top Lane is exactly that a bit right like it’s an exploit it’s a sort of Niche thing that people

Stay away from because it’s a little bit unique but it’s yeah I’m not the only helps you win games but like take the example of like the boss right yeah boss also plays a very very N Style top laner that abuses a certain type of underappreciated play style mostly with

Procing and abusing deaths and objective F yep that is the that is the niche thing for an understanding that people really actually I it’s been years now so more people are aware of it but right like that’s that’s really expanding on the possibilities of League of Legends

Yeah for most people vain Top Lane is just abusing what other people literally just don’t feel bothered with trying to abuse because it’s so annoying to play against yeah they don’t bother to learn how to play versus range top so I take advantage of that because so few people

Learn it because so few people like playing against it y it’s also right so it’s like that’s why there’s kind of like a difference and why most of the community love the boss and most people who tune in your stream say oo and icky

V Top Lane yeah I know exactly so I know but that’s the reason why like when I don’t get to play vain like I’m learning other Champions too but people still people have [ __ ] to say about everything like you play Jack people think you’re a a PDF F or you

Know yes I’m aware like come on man it’s just a champion it’s ja what who every I’m pretty sure every Champion Top Lane has a stigma mostly yeah you play irelia Camille Fiora but I guess okay business perspective wise is it not a good idea to play vain better to play a different

Champion not really huh what’s up I said no not really no yeah I know so like so we’re going to transition out of vain right there you go so what do you think is like the most audience neutral top laner Garen I don’t I don’t think it’s

That much it’s just that you you pretty specifically picked probably the most hated top laner in the entire game even more so than JX even more so than atrox even more than Teo even yes more than Teo probably has a better chance of being a successful streamer than you

Do ipav the Teo Bo oh I sorry I didn’t I was just completely thinking him back I like who the what the [ __ ] is that because like Teemo is notably annoying for a reason but he’s also not that annoying in High ELO so like he’s got some charm for the fact that he’s

Playing he’s yeah cuz you can kill him but V you can’t kill little rat like playing something kind of unique it still has its own play style especially in higher ELO well if it’s not if it’s not beatable people have more of like anxiety against right like Vin top is

Actually difficult to beat against if you like if you’re playing a melee Champion like you know all right Rory can I what’s it called you want to hang out with me while I’m playing I really dude I I feel press for time is what it

Is like I’ve got six days 15 16 hours only six days of League of Legends to play left [ __ ] yep I sh my screen a tough life unlucky do you have anything that you have to do no nothing nothing too great then feel free to hang out here or watch

Stre I think you can watch your live you watch your right here in the Discord three seconds oh no wait who’s wait I got to double check who this person is somebody just po popped into my stream it’s a Tesla not Tesla Rory Tesla what’s up this guy who’s that

Guy B how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know this is a random name okay that like a homie is that like the Hitler no no no no no this guy just has lurked before okay oh he’s like the number three player okay gotcha the number three

Player and I’m looking him up CC I got you I’m doing a background check as we speak yeah I’m looking up his thing right now just wanted to double check got to make sure it’s not I don’t know the worst person in the world oh Jesus

Oh bro what are you doing with all your documentation of your Twitch viewer what am I doing speak speaking a weird n strange [ __ ] things that you do what the hell’s up with that uh just paying attention to like what I actually do in the Stream that brings them in so

Like for example you’ll see on my other page um where’s the one like for example like you know people like May and Remy are like you know you guys have a really nice you know Vibe here you know it’s cozy right or like you have a positive

Attitude right like you know okay these are examples of things that I want to repeat and things that you know every other like criticism is like you know stuff that I want to remove like these are all business things that like you know if I can be more of a positive

Person on my stream I will get more viewers so I collect these as like you know people are writing the these are reviews that are being written on my channel like I don’t have to pay people to do these surveys they do them for me you know surveys you sure it’s not twitch

Logs yeah it’s a twitch log whatever form it is like I’m studying and paying attention to the the intervals at which they time in and like you know hang out and stuff it’s like this guy like hasn’t hung out here in like 8 months but he was you

Know he lurks and the point is that you know people tune in and check out your stream it’s like you know at once we start doing the stuff that actually improves the stream like they will come and hang out more you see do you does it not occur to

You that people might think that’s weird and be kind of bothered by it that they show up in your stream and you’re documenting the dates and times that they showed up like a goddamn zero killer uh not if they’re here they’re not here right now but other people

Seeing me do this like I think it’s understandable when I explain itting yeah know that’s it’s just another small example of the things where you you think it’s giving you some sort of innate value whereas in reality you’re literally just you’re making it harder on yourself

Because you’re also doing all of this on stream if this was like a a personal thing where you just decided to be yeah but you know I’m stre 247 so like I’m not in a position where I’m like like at this point in time I’m you’re showcasing to every single new

Viewer that you’re going to psychopathically document everything that they do and like keep a little notebook about it that’s not like something that makes people feel overly calm and welcome like okay hold on play ADC yes sir that’s fine let just go ADC Vin that’s not bad

Either I have to work on my ADC Vin too I’ve been playing a lot of Vin top but not a lot of Vin ADC she’s still good right now yeah she’s like number two Jesus static Shi okay CC we can Bond over having a very tight schedule of

Video gaming today cuz I’ve been busy the last several days um okay I told told a few people we’re going to play Boulders gate later today and a little bit of Lego fortnite and I also wanted to uh start playing some TFT again that was nice speaking of which I might play with

Ian he might get invited this call or something but okay cool I might I might excuse myself just so I can focus if it gets too like uh distracting not you know obviously it’s it’s not because of any of you guys because I personally like it’s hard for

Me to concentrate in certain like environments like for some reason I can still hang out with Cho and he’s like laughing giggling about like the games that he’s playing but like that’s cuz it’s not like you know it’s not too distracting cuz I’m not like you can

Tune him out he’s nothing an insect in the background no I know Ian can be annoying as [ __ ] I got you no no he’s not an annoying he like his voice draws attention to himself and like you know I’m like those attention like tokens that I’m trying to

Focus on League like it pulled away I’m like oh what’s what’s he talking about I understand back when I actually did play league half seriously for like a whopping month two years ago um I would uh I would invite like Ian and aray and whatever every once in a

While but like I would un ironically sometimes just not invite people even when I was playing for several hours in a row cuz like I knew I played a little bit worse if I was talking to people like I get It yeah you know what I want to try this one out I’m going to do Fleet footwork because I’m probably just going to go for One auto attack at a time I’m not really going to be able to what’s it called I mean I’m playing up against a

Twitch and a Senna so Senna is going to outrange me Twitch is is going to like focus on csing and hitting me and I have a saraka support so we’re just going to be healing back I don’t expect the saraka to do anything good anytime I get a healing support I’m

Like biased against healing supports it’s like most healing supports like just do just that they’re just an enchant for support they don’t do anything more than just they’re just a heal bot that’s it like very rarely will I find a actual support player that plays saraka and can play her like you

Know moderately well meaning she’s looking for auto attack she’s looking for cues instead of just like standing behind me and just praying like oh my ADC do all the work for me and I’ll just heal you from behind instead of standing parallel with me or standing aggressively and like positioning

Forward but you know that’s why I stopped playing ADC because I just don’t like thinking about it that way the daylight is so damn bright Okay little [ __ ] rat is dancing right there does he know I’m Here I highly doubt it all right if he Auto attacks the wave I’m going to go for an auto attack Q oh let’s go I [ __ ] get P yeah get his ass yeah all right so that and uh s’s got to be sit in the bush switches in VI

Sen [ __ ] no she got a kill with uh she got a kill with kha’zix on the Zed the Z the [ __ ] I didn’t even pay attention to that happening temp no because uh I need to be able to move up got the twitch blue yeah I know I think get better CS oh

Okay not going to miss this Canon minion though oh man that one that one I haven’t played in a while you missed all six of them yep I did not going to get any better unless I keep playing more ADC I’m going to want that thank you all right let’s go back I in it’s been a while Jesus I’m Rusty tumble away recall right here okay who needs have kills right mhm that’s my philosophy and it’s not good but it works I CH better here right now

Yeah cuz you’re going Fleet footwork not lethal Tempo you’re also into to two squishy spotland you don’t really need the much I should stop building the stuff that I’m used to but that’s for another time I can’t I it’s too late I walk away from the fountain so and I’m

Not I I don’t know if I want to try something new yet long if you’re not tell you’re telling me you’re not going to build blade of the Run King into zero tanks to ADC bot Lane no I’m not I’m trying the uh the uh static shift build

With the uh Trinity Force approves of that anything overun King yeah no I’m not going BL the right now the Shadows are to be Fe I’m not playing uh I’m not playing top bin so I’m not it’s a completely different monster that’s why I’m saying like I’m trying to

Learn to play ADC vein because again like I haven’t played it in ages like it’s a completely different build cuz you’re playing against like two squishies Lane I’m not fighting against a Camille top so I’m not dueling anyone good heal back so six already all right Ian wants him to call

Okay just make sure he just careful about what he says cuz you know sometimes you be a little voal I’ll yell at him to keep the slurs to a minimum no no you can slur As You can feel this is said building this stuff a [ __ ] he’s here hello yeah you called me while was in the MD of a game so oh my God you [ __ ] dumb ass oh oh yeah you’re supposed to be like calm down he’s streaming so don’t say anything about yeah just say anything

That’s okay on Twitch to you just no you know no n word hardar like you I’m not racist so it’s fine oh yeah yeah niba well I’m not going to say what we we don’t go there yeah you can say niba I say niba all the time

Okay oh oh I don’t want to watch myself right now no oh yeah I’m just streaming you you could stream in Discord but I figured Ian would like to see this high quality gameplay oh yeah no no no if you want to watch it through that that’s fine uhhuh

I got you I got you okay dressed up I know got his little suit on he’s all he’s all Dapper mhm four and one let’s go hold on I got to make sure you guys are actually able to see my stream good because I have

Like so I have two monitors and I try to cram everything on my two monitors fair Enough so sometimes I forget to change the scene yeah I want to play normally so bad like you don’t understand like I just got to Emerald 3 like I’m ready to play how am I have to climb you know bro how am I supposed to climb on DFD you

Refuse to play with me like you can play climb like I don’t know I personally climb very very well like I don’t know I just I play one game and I’m already to Emerald four personally but maybe that’s just you I don’t know all right are we playing quick play draft or ar

Draft I mean like we play Arena dude this rock is like really good like holy Jesus I was not expecting anything good about her but Jesus she is exceeding my expectations she like she’s actually Auto attacking hitting cues like this twitch has 35 Cs and it’s all literally thanks to

Her God she’s so cute dude she is just giving me the ability to just Auto attack him to death like this is beautiful man wait what rank are you in right now uh I’m sitting at Emerald 2 on this account right now oh [ __ ] [ __ ] uh I think Ian the last

Time we talked I made it to Masters twice so far damn let go and it’s going to be your third time uh this time is supposed to be an iron to Master’s grind so this account started iron one first time now hear me out here the first time

It apparently didn’t count because he duoed with a couple of people yeah I does didn’t count because he played on the account that had boosted MMR from the time that he duoed with people M and this one’s brand new so all the haters be down y yep wait do you have Ops do

You have Ops Ops yeah like oppositions like enemies oh oh sorry yeah haters yeah yeah yeah you have haters [ __ ] idiot the voes the voices you have haters yeah of course I do okay well you’re right them wrong right now well you know obviously I know the

Healthy things is to not worry about those people cuz at the end of the day they don’t matter but to me like I’ve been structured in my brain like you know they kind of matter in the sense cuz like it’s not that they matter not like people live in my head Run free

It’s just more like you know that business perspective yeah like you’re about to get Mastered by yourself and you’re going to and why not like just just for the self worth too like you know beo proud of yourself you did it all on your owna you’re letting her die what you I have

No Mana I could Auto attack but like there’s I’d be close to the fight like I have to break away part of my vein you press R and you just lost all your Mana for every queue you had you do less damage no I know you stay for the wave yeah I’m

Staying for the wave cuz going to recall here oh you’re not even playing jungle am I [ __ ] fos blood I don’t know what my Z’s doing by building four crit cloaks is there a new build I don’t know it’s but what’s called right now so what’s it called no

I’m not iron right now I’m A2 but it’d be funny though it makes sense that they would build that here in this it’s like so so here’s the other thing I the third grind to Masters is that my biggest focus is working on my mental so the haters again they are justified in

Making their content in sense because again like I don’t have the greatest personality when content about you yeah yeah you’ve never seen Willie salads bro I swear I showed you a video one time no wait what the [ __ ] you have to know about wait you for real have haters yes

Dude they have a whole Discord community of like 50 people where they like live breathe and talk about me every day what yeah it’s a real thing man I don’t make the these same people make make like a doc document of like trying to figure out where I live who’s in my

Family what the [ __ ] yeah all because all because I have like you know my attitude is not the greatest when it comes to playing this game like again like I try to not be an [ __ ] but like at the same time it’s like you have to be an [ __ ] sometimes

It’s in your blood you know what I mean you should yell your rocket she just I don’t care I we can we can kill we can kill just hide hide get in here get in here there’s a k right there she’s confused I don’t want the

Y oh you’re a beast that’s going to be the best are you you really want to do your blue buff right now wait Kindred Kindred Lilia Kindred Lilia oh oh it’s against Evelyn all right TR be now I can go for the sheen now whatever whatever Spirit Blossom or Super

Galaxy whatever little heart desires my little heart I have a big heart it’s tiny heart up below average heart no actually my heart work really well person I just work is there a reason why my Z is cuz small get the job done okay it’s not about size it’s about performance it’s

About passion yeah for real do I want to play Sion and do IIA I do cuz I’m a beast wait do you lose against that Lo against everything SK yeah so then why would you PlayOn because I don’t want probably terrible no know like why would you play like why

Is like why would people play he SC he sces well oh he loses every match it’s like C thing they lose every up they kind of Champions oh my God like um kale for example pretty much the Beast herself pardon yes the queen yeah we love kale

We love kale she’s my most Mastery Champion love K love her she’s so cute yeah Zachy one of my viewers really likes uh what’s called kale as well K MH I like K as well like if I can’t play uh if I can’t play Van I play K top oh good

Good good oh I I’m sorry I hate kale top I literally oh my God like like you hate playing against one or you hate playing as it as top I play kid cuz hear me out like it’s [ __ ] hard to CS when like there’s so many [ __ ] maybe I just

Suck at Top Lane cuz I don’t play Top Lane a lot but like [ __ ] annoying and like they just bully me and then I can’t see s but then in Midland like there’s no way I won’t be able to see us it’s such a small oh s rocket took it dear Lord does

That not make sense I feel like that makes sense no it does when you’re [ __ ] piss low so thank you thank you now Caleb usually goes Top Lane because K’s just better as a DPS Champion she gets bursted by too many good midliners oh that’s true that’s actually very true

No no leave it leave it we don’t have Zed here like he’s all the way in Middle like I’m not I’m not in Challenger yeah you’re against the silvers he just hard you leave like does why is it so bright here that’s my bad wait is this actually actually [ __ ] there’s so

Much wow they want to surrender too unfortunate it’s okay my first game in the day is usually like this anyway I use so I used to be a person that would get upset over things that I don’t have controller what I do have controller just how I play this game this is just

The nature of League of Legends count what’s if you want oh you’re just talking to good yeah yeah I’m sorry I’m I’m not used to being in a call like two things are going at once you’re good you’re good multitasking is bro lies my you know that we’re

Actually not able to multitask like that’s not no yeah we we’re not able to multitask people say like they multitask but no you’re not you’re multi- distracting yourself mhm real like even when you’re driving a car and like multiple things are going on it’s not multiple things you’re focusing

On one thing like other are are independent of you your focus on like your hand is on new steering wheel that is the activity that you doing yeah you can’t focus on steering wheale Activity one too many I love wait is Kindred good in like

High yeah she’s PR cuz like when I hit Challenger I still want to play her you know o spider challeng go yeah yeah you got relax yeah my bad my bad um no maybe maybe in TFT maybe that’s my oh my God okay um I don’t know if you play TF Wily

I played a little bit like this patch this uh what is it called like patch set patch set not good but Ari Sentinels is so [ __ ] broken like so like like basically I found my new like oh yeah no like I not hard force it but like I pretty much force it every

Single game yeah I don’t understand dude this Z is just farming the entire game like he’s not even like bothering with interacting with the team or anything nothing was said in champ select except for me asking if I could like go mid or top that’s it like I don’t understand

What happened to this guy and twitch just cleaned up Top Lane he is only one death oh my God I’m getting out of here I don’t know why I took this then as word but I really it was just she’s trying her best I’m saying

Yeah I’m five for five I’m just going to let this game end on this I’ll keep my stats up it’s whatever said that is really good yeah I have to be careful the Z took for the kill what a guy careful is really good had her last

Game I think this stream is making me lag [ __ ] turn on C stream interested in shut the [ __ ] up oh my God I like lost an auto attack because my game wait where is this wait no no no you don’t want that and then you keep going you keep

Going cuz I got you oh let’s go let’s go I got you bro I got you yeah get my wave get my wave bro I got you this is all oh no no no I’m tping back in I’m tping back in I got you oh we got this we got

This got you I got you I’m scared what are you doing you’re let get away hey go back in go back in go back in yeah we got this just the nature of League of Legends kid you dumb I’m about to [ __ ] whoop this [ __ ]

Oh okay let’s go that was all you oh I was at 23 LP never mind or 34 LP I mean let’s go gave me tilt proof thank you Rocka yeah I didn’t tilt that much at all that game real I never got tilted personally but

Only I dude I get tilted I like I’m work I’m actively working on becoming a player that doesn’t tilt from a game like League real I probably used to get tilted but like I do not play league ever hey there’s nothing wrong with that I wish you a lot of Health better mental

Health for not playing in real I hope you’ve been well though uh I have been I have been have you what G you playing with the mid laner nope I’m playing by myself this is a solo climb all by myself let’s go let’s go I’m just hanging out with my two friends

On Discord no carry no well it’s like you know for the what’s it called for the bragging rights you know of course for real real cuz you know like Rory you mentioned right it’s like you know one of the voices in my head is

Like you know you got to make it to mass solo C you [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] you see actually my thoughts exactly [ __ ] [ __ ] on do you see that Challenger gameplay I saw you steal dragon from the idiot Evelyn trying to solo it yeah and then I killed her oh my God

You walked around the corner wait yeah yeah that’s my gaping jellyfish are you this rocket that just played with me yeah yeah she’s Gaping it’s a very inappropriate name aw I just wanted to say you weren’t able to hear it but you were really like uh what’s it called good uh hold on YouTube for uh if you get an ad you prefer to not watch ads okay yeah I just wanted to let you know

That you played Saker really well like for the early game to the mid game like obviously as you got to the late game like you know the enemy team got bigger and stuff like I really actually was happy to have you as my support like I don’t really see many enchanter supports

That I play with that actively look for auto attack cues and looking to silence people and locked them in their silence like yeah you actually did a good job of that so well okay so early game mid game you were fine but it wasn’t towards until

The later part of the game you started dying a lot more as long as you just work on that part you’re good like you’re solid you’re a solid saraka player like you’re good so I I honestly thought that you were I honestly if I didn’t have you as

My support I probably would have tilted a lot harder than if I played with somebody else that was just a monkey or autofilled so I’m telling you this because I genuinely like playing with you so keep it up oh you’re trash shut the [ __ ] up don’t talk to

Me wait did the Yoni get the jungle Camp what the flip what the well Ian it was nice talking with you and Rory I I’m going to P I’m going to peace out for now I’m going to I really want to focus I just lost this understand I got to get

Her I I got to get my fix I got to get my cocaine I got to M man oh Dam dam he eaten all right take Carey byebye guys nib knob I am back all right back into my peaceful Discord server where not a lot is going on and niba just texts

Me E2 11 LP so if you don’t mind since you’re here hanging out with us in chat uh what got you to play league why do you like league and again thank you for taking the time to hop into my stream after uh you know such a crazy game like that I

Hope you’re feeling good I hope you’re okay yeah I think I might wean off of like the ads after the conversation with Rory but I’m just going to do this for one more week and then we’re going to do whatever it is that we want to do the

Intention is making the stream better I had another conversation with Rory it was a long conversation but it was definitely worth it learned quite a lot and uh you know I understand that me doing this League of Legends thing is just for me it’s not

Like you know it’s not going to make the stream better but we’re going to get like you know directionally correct and keep on going that’s it yeah nimba niba I love you so much you’re such a good friend to me and I love this new iPhone I love you iPhone I

Get to take good care of you I don’t know to name you though I feel like I want to get a cover for my uh my thing cover for my camera I oh I didn’t I didn’t try gaming on this phone yet oh you know I could

Try playing I could play The League of Legends wild Rift game on my phone I’m pretty sure oh my God I could play all these mobile games that I couldn’t ever play before because my phone sucked cuz I had the iPhone 6s dude I the game crashed trying on this

Life proof well I don’t have a life proof case I have an Otter Box I got an Otter Box I actually like Otter Box Otter Box is nice all right let’s go we’re going to go for another game another game another game another game yeah but that jellyfish person was

Really good I actually really liked having that person as my support can I also live stream it probably if I’m playing it why not but I don’t know how I’ll do that though that’s the problem yes sir thanks you too jellyfish let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness for

Heather G just followed what’s up Heather think it’s going be Jack’s top what do I want to run here muus just followed I’m going to try working on my tug and pull game with this team maybe I might regret not taking cleanse but I think I should buy qss if I need it he takes ignite God damn it

Man it’s okay we got to learn the goal right now is to get the lp back from the loss that we just had in this one right here we’re going to start right here I would like to make it to Diamond today if we can what’s up M Mor Morgan

Dad instead of Morana like Grandma it’s more Morgan Dad hello daada so I’m probably going to Camp by j4 I’m also going to have Jack show up top so I’m just going to chill this game the Shadows are to be feared oh we have a Shen mid oh God

We a’t win we have streamer I wish that was the case but League games don’t change fite who’s there yeah I don’t know why she decided to bite off more than she could chew can I get get big leash please I lose like so much HP now smell black

Magic no I walk through that bush that’s not that’s my fault no that’s where you’re usually supposed to sit if you’re Jacks that’s my fault that’s not stream sniping that’s me being a idiot evil looks around cool come back to Lane all right minions are just touching we’re

Good in the dark all is laid fine first three cs’s in just stand on my dying minion all right cool you decided to trade HP for that minion the dark should fear me this going to force this Jack to make an active decision he side uses Counter Strike to get that minions that’s

Fine yeah I just got to focus on like this extra part of the game right here I I pass judgement oh my God the wave my bad that was really unfortunate my intention was to make sure he couldn’t run to the tower forgot you had Q up am Mo my bad I smell

Black evil L around every corner I release them from their pain the all is all right now I can Auto attack Champion or can’t commit for the full three CU again I don’t know if he’s going to try to Counter Strike leap on me and then I have to use everything to fight

Him dark should fear me he’s under tower now one two three beare has the Shadows are to be Fe way should be pushing back to me if j4 ganks probably be a good idea for me to recall there cuz boy’s coming back to me now anyway so him getting a couple of

The Cs and me coming back with like more stuff is a lot better here I hear the innocent cry out now they have a leblan support all right jack should be recalling here so I’m going try to pull the wave all right Good cing blood silver he doesn’t have teleport so we can like farm this wave yeah I’m not going to freeze I think the best thing is just to let the wave go back evil we’re good in the dark all is La I mean thinking about it right like

The only thing that the avoid is his e so it’s all good the dark should fear me they will be purified are the wings of nothing Shadows are to be evil lurs around everything corner I SM in the dark all is WI What the his ultimate did 164 damage oh I keep forgetting those Al there magic damage now I’m so used to Old Jacks On Wings Of Night I pass judgment the Shadows are to be feared I smell black magic I from that evil looks around the wave on his side Mak sense

Okay in the dark all is laid be On wings night I death I pass judgment they will be I smell black magics chge with silver did you use it oh okay was wondering EV LS around every corner oh God Samir what are you doing up there I know I screwed up but like damn

Dude is that oh it’s Harold okay I’m going to go bside this face is down there right now probably the dark should fear me wow 1,700 physical damage I [ __ ] that up too oh well yeah every’s dead why are we surrendering doesn’t have r he just soloed it man innocent cry like

Nobody’s I no nobody wants to move to check objectives like yeah these are like the Dead games that like you end up in plat or sorry this not EMD like there’s nothing for me to do here I’m like I’m literally just waiting for teammates to move to objectives and like

Nobody wants to do anything like this is what I don’t like about vain is that like I don’t have enough HP to take an initiative and just do stuff on my own like I actually have to rely on the team if I’m like I’m not that far

Ahead she’s level 11 because we’re not doing anything it’s literally like Jax is just getting the farm for free top side like I don’t know man I can’t do anything about that like the thing is that this is a team game and like I only can take like my 20% share of

Responsibility for this game that’s it like I can try to use that to exert more pressure elsewhere but again it’s only 20% is the Morana just sticking with me because I’m streaming I really hope she’s not because that’s like if you’re listening to me right now like you’re taking

XP it’s not going to do good for us if you want me to carry later so I think it’s better if you stay around the team especially mid like if they start sending two for me I’ll ask for you to come and help me but for the most part

Oh hope she gets out of that works around every corner wait why is nobody close by nobody was intercepting them dude she’s free right here right here go in on that please now you have one more oh man dude it’s not that difficult is it like it’s pretty straightforward this

Game like I played I had to wait for everybody to use everything in Morana unfortunately I had to use her there because if they still have their abilities up they save them for me what is Samir doing why is she trying to fight the Caitlyn like Caitlyn’s n and

Five right now you don’t win that stop doing that oh he’s just dabbing oh he’s just chilling oh God they like posturing around Baron I have to be D now can’t be botside yo guys oh man are to be feared checking for vision I got to go the long way no

That’s not the way to go they’re probably on it right now are we just am’s just giving it we’re just giving this for free I smell black Magics I don’t know we’re just taking really dumb fights just go next they all un surrender already I don’t know

Man what more could I have done this game pressure not over obviously why would I I’m going to mut her pings nope they can have theb that’s fine I’m not going to be there right now this guy’s like silly I don’t know why he’s doing that got a front to back of the

Team yeah I don’t know yeah was worth a shot yeah they’re like eight 19 bot is though they’re not going to end it yet so we’re good we can buy there’s one more Drake up on the board I don’t know it’s just rough like I take too much damage man

I’m it’s like and I’m trying to carry but it’s like having this build does not work when you have to be like the primary Carri that has to survive so I think I have to go back to resolve as much as I like having the extra moving

Speed like I gotta be that guy that can just go nuts what’s it this is why I need W cuz I lose 20 like again I don’t have enough HP like if I had 3,000 HP as v i don’t die to one shot that’s it the shadow are to be feared

Not doing anything right yeah okay I’m just going to go f my top wave move out Morana that was a good flash e yeah fun game like wasn’t even like the ja was good it’s just like you know across the board oh well I can only choose to play

It however I played it there are sometimes I wasn’t present with the team but like I don’t think that would have mattered much better that you know no Dash way too early it’s all right though we all make mistakes I understand we’re going to lose our next

St if we don’t focus on taking that down yeah I lose like half of my HP it’s insane that’s how big he is oh I missed my auto tag thought I hit it’s okay I’m not suring in this game but it is what it is yeah it’s just a lead

Game no point in getting tilted no point in getting upset it is what it is oh jellyfish sent me a friend request Hello it’s unfortunate that we lost another game but it’s the nature of League I think my win R is going to stop top or start topping off but you know as long as we get into Diamond before that happens then we’re good we can just grind the rest of it out that’s

Fine it’s not really bad we can probably do like three more games and I’ll have lunch but take us at 2: p.m. I’ll take a small little lunch break and then uh we’ll move from there I’m going to get uh another bottle of water from across the uh the room so I’ll be

Back Start Is apologize for what you have nothing to apologize for you’re just learning how to play the game that’s all I’m not upset I would hope if you know I played poorly in your game or something you think happened you know you’d forgive me that’s

All I just don’t I try not to Flame and you know it’s just a game that’s all so don’t worry Morana don’t sweat it like I know you guys went like 9 and 22 botling but it’s like you know it’s just a game you’re learning it’s

Okay see I’m already moving on to my next game it’s like you know I don’t like this game is already in the past for me now now it’s gone now we go focus on this game you gave up on Med sure sometimes you find roles that we like better yes

Sir what made you decide to switch to support versus playing mid Oh Mugo let me know if you get hit by ads okay let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness oh Fair enough he dodged because he didn’t want to play against the ve Top Oh good All right the reason why I didn’t start Q right away is because uh because somebody dodged I didn’t want the next Lobby to be somebody Banning my vein because uh I’m kind of a one trick for now John Cho no I do not oh he did Cowboy Bebop like facial complexion yes Sir let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness All right no one shot Champions just CC oh American Pie Oh meai is attitude got you Iz he that’s good I’m working towards being that as much as I can I’m not perfect but we’ll get there especially when I get cool people like you tuning to my stream you’re pretty chill though I really like you hang out

Here I mean you know I’m grateful When anybody stops by because you know I used to have zero viewers I made this account to stream like 12 years ago so the fact that you know you’re taking time out of your precious day to even spend here with me means a lot to

Me so I genuinely mean it when I say like you know I appreciate you being here you know having more viewers like you make you know streaming for me like seems like fun like it sorry not seems like fun makes it fun for me I get to drink more milk today my knees

Are knacked up I’m not having enough potassium in the dark all is laid be he knows I’m here minions have spawn I hear the innocent cry out evil lurs around every corner night I smell black magics I bring Swift death beware I dark should fear me oh I wasn’t paying attention I wasn’t

Paying attention I was looking back at the turret Ah that’s okay we went back to base faster that’s all right boots um this this go that’s okay calm down it’s all right increase my heart rate a little bit I’ll good while M goose is here I’m going to practice maintaining a calm attitude

Because it’s not something I have to fake I already am calm I’m in the place that I want to be I want to stream to an audience of people that appreciate me and the way that I can give back to them is by creating the best environment for them Al iar innocent cry

Out he’s coming back to me that’s fine I didn’t die there is fine I don’t have any money I can spend this on if he’s not buying boosts I’m just going to work on my Blade the Run King components L okay as fortunately just got some free

Gold the wave fully crash let the wave fully crash here I Magic the dark so chase him all the way make him lose all of his HP they will be he’s either going to have to recall instead of his Tower I’m going to push this wave as soon as possible

Cuz I made him lose all of his HP so he’s going mess on a lot of gold he finishes recall he should be coming back soon oh no you stayed I dude I had no Mana left that was so bad of me oh my Lord that was

Terrible that’s okay that’s my fault I wasn’t managing my Mana properly so that’s my fault I could have had that a lot smoother and I wouldn’t have died to him giving away my lead had I done that properly so that’s fine I think he’s going to stay for one wave nice okay

Good I’ll kill him right here he’s going to go the way I hear the innocent cry out got this way oh he’s going for it oops I have all my items out of order so my attack speed’s kind of different than I’m usually used Toge with silver all right I have 20

Some CS lead on him it’s kind of bad that I gave him some kills and then I died to the silus cuz I wasn’t paying attention but it’s okay move with their mistakes I’m we going to crash this wave into the tower and see what we can do with

That I relas them from their Pain All like 3 minutes of far three to four minutes of farming off from getting this uh lasering King he’s getting a little Frisky got a double kill off of that my fault for doing that I guess um pante was the first primary target for me I had to work front to back don’t think I could have done anything else there for that one yeah I’m just you know I’m just

Really focused on just trying to optimize my game play like that’s the only thing that’s going to get me in the diamond here just is focusing on improving like don’t worry about the lp it’ll naturally get itself see see here let check if he’s waiting this bush he has double Buffs

So oh whoops Tumbl into the wall we’re good just got to pay attention to where just fadas constantly wait I keep forgetting how much damage Cante does it really makes me sad so his R doesn’t do damage it’s his passive and his q and his W that do a

[ __ ] ton of damage after he hits you I positioned myself against the wall too so that’s my fault it’s okay is that’s good he’s recalling right there too that’s good he doesn’t have all evil looks around corner yeah I can’t afford to let cassant get that close to me anymore especially

Since we know he’s not running flash he’s just running ghost and TP one it’s okay I I just can’t move the CC is really hard Jesus all right I’m going to me whole team I don’t want to hear or read anything about ffing like that doesn’t

Make any sense we can still win this game yeah I piled on mistakes here six deaths already this game I’ve made six big mistakes that’s okay though blade of the r like what if Cante gets his item first like he becomes really tanky and it’s a

Lot harder for me to chunk him out and kill him than it is in the early game so I have to wait until I hit my item Spike and I keep on delaying that for every single time I keep dying so that’s my fault we can still win this game like I

Have if I have all my items I kill all of them but it’s a matter of just getting to those items so it’s like making like less mistakes in the early game and stacking my wins as much as I can like we had a couple wins early but

Again we’re making a lot of major mistakes El I’m going to go back for my BL King in the dark finally have it all right 20 seconds and I I ghost too so we can finally fight him the dark should Fe me the Shadows are to be feared On Wings Of

Three Auto attacks that’s how much it takes for him the stun C or alt to me auto attacking three times and then I Die yeah so Twisted Fate anybody that can like point and click me I should probably build uh what’s called resolve so it’ be a lot better to go for that wait she’s free the hell Now I wanted the tower but it’s okay at the rate playing this I might actually do to I’m L three that’s going to suck that was not the intention today but oh man G is off in the middle of nowhere evils around every corner I’m getting this bottom

Turret let’s see you watch the fight miss a Canon minion God damn it can I keep going or going come stop me good Shadows are to be feared okay like he still launch himself through me after that that’s interesting yeah I’m not playing uh one hit vein so

I’m not going to be doing 600 damage One auto attack so unfortunate she tried I saw the intention good try yeah cassant is building his third item already I’m still working on my second item it’s kind of sad I made a couple of mistakes compounded my mistakes right

So I don’t know I just also kind of thinking about the conversation iory before this finally got my second item completed we just had we actually yeah we Hadar CU I could break out this was here the dark should fear me fight I hear the cry

A you knew the steps to the side for a second there so we’re good that’s all right need to get qss first no wrong item this yes there we go hit me with the sun card but it’s fine just got to stay in the fight long enough that we win that’s

It Shadows are to be feared I smell magics I release them from my pain beware in the all evil looks around I think it demoted unfortunate but it is what it is it’s okay I’m get a lot of time you know what matters though we didn’t tilt just accepted the loss

Yeah it’s just you know you can look at the board right here like I tried the best that I could and that was it teammates wanted to FF give up again you’re not going to have control over the mental of your teammates the only thing you have

Control over is your own mental that’s it oh it’s a loss happens we move on that’s it 625 LP from Masters you’re kind of going the opposite direction that I want to go but it’s okay it’s all good you know what I’ll do just chilling out yeah you know what let’s use some

Minecraft we’ll relax let’s see if we can find some more diamonds I don’t know that seems interesting to me is what’s up man yes sir oh look we’re both on three game losing streaks son how’s your three game losing Street going okay Good let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness hey mugus do you play Minecraft at all if you play Minecraft you can let me know cuz if you do you can join our Minecraft server would you like to join our Minecraft server if you’re a regular

Viewer of my stream you’re welcome to join us as long as you’re not you know a griefer we’re kind of like I’m selective about the people that we bring in here cuz you know we’re just trying to chill play Minecraft relax and we just don’t want people that like you know would

Destroy what we built we don’t want Griefers this is going to be in version 1.20.1 if that’s okay think this should be fine yeah a little bit short but H some gold three pieces of gold Jesus Six pieces of gold 10 11 oh my Lord last piece 12 pieces damn I love this Fortune pickaxe uh up against a ribbon I’ll try this out oh wait I should have gone resolve tree I’m kind of inting myself at taking the wrong runes each game I’m going to go back to

Resolve or against Pantheon so AP and the rest of their team’s ad interesting wait gar and ADC oh okay let me disconnect from Minecraft takes some time to launch it up too that’s what I’m going to spend money on for What’s called the in the seconds all right let’s focus

Up this early game is going to be extremely important the dark should give me all right win the trade be I hear the innocent cry cleansing blood with silver Purge with silver I mag the Shadows are to be feared On Wings Of Night dude what is that

Time yeah against Pantheon I have to have uh what’s it called I need to have a what’s it called around corner that is absolutely bad dude that’s terrible I’m sunned for so long and I can’t survive the burst damage either like Jesus I know I’m playing around 300 HP

So he has execute range for his q but it’s like that’s just horrendous man uhoh H the wrong minion eny Swift death in the dark all is laid I release them be I hear the inocent cry Shadows are to be Fear I smell black magics On Wings Of Night dark should fear me evil looks around every Cor they will be puf has been I hear the innocent cry out in the dark all is made purifying element I pass judgment cleansing blood silver wings of night I’m not really saying much because

I’m just focused in my zone I’m just concentrated I’m doing pretty decently well after the turnaround from the pantheon only one death so far the shadow are to be feared he’s just dancing little have chat the dark should fear me evil looks around every corner in the dark all is laid be I

Will On yeaha I don’t think I’m raging if I can just keep this attitude I think we’ll be good be are to fear I hear the innocent C shall never end never are all s yeah if they can’t kill me quickly then we can go sorcery but if they can kill

Me quickly then I should go resolve tree the dark should feel me this unga build is like you know it’s all right but we’re not going to slam our way into diamond we have to actually start thinking now I on wings of silver they will be purified shadow Pantheon came back wow

En yeah just do beware you don’t need no woman I pass judgment cleansing blood with Silver evil looks around your turn All oh there’s the point click stun right W from the pantheon that sto me from be able to do anything should fear me never judgement I smell blue never On Wings Of Night evil lurks around every corner the dark should an enemy has the Shadows are never I hear the d I you

All right we’re back to 2 again but we’re here for a little bit 599 LP for Masters if we can guess get at least like 150 some LP for today that’d be good should I just eat real quick what do you guys think like I’ve got Fish and Rice so

That’s what I’m going to do for today you know what let’s go prepare some lunch that’s what we’re going to do dude I’m getting like Instagram messages and everything this is so cool I love my iPhone man that’s cool how’s the food look it’s not that

Bad that’s what lunch is going to look like today so guess what we’re having again folks Fish and Rice all right here we go be be we’re going to grab food and then we’re going to queue up so uh I I’ll bring it up here so we can eat together

I’m going to go to the kitchen all 149 I’ll be back let pop out the camera and use Discord on my other device oh wait hold on forgot I got to switch it yeah wow that Browning is so cool all right let’s do this now I’m

Going to go ahead and go over to Discord on my phone try this out hello my lovelies let’s go all right let’s do this you guys going to come along with me for a little journey all right I’m going to keep you guys in my pocket oh wait oh I need toare

Mine right here we go share screen going to set up lunch today guys to come along with me today first first I actually have to call have take off my rainers yeah it doesn’t fish in the oven so pretty good my lunch is pretty simple Tex who’s texting on

Discord that’s right before I eat I need to use the bathroom who’s texting on Discord though is that nib knob oh someone’s texting on Instagram cool all right let’s go use the bathroom Qui oh wait I forgot microphone off the side of no do St it’s going to be on oops oops

This uh heating it up we’re going to have some sardines with water cluster all right here a lot of stuff just got to punch it into the menu now let For for For bir S I B E And we’re back all right let’s go um put these on first all right good to go yeah it’s not that bad the transition between uh streaming on the computer and then streaming on my phone it’s really not that bad quick little lunch break all good to

Go now I’m just going to close out a Discord on my phone yeah we just get directionally correct with my phone now that I have it dude my phone literally looks like a mini tablet somebody posted another comment on YouTube let’s see what it’s like take off the eating cuz I’m no

Longer eating and we’re going to be in Que in a second here music study who why is this on the wrong account hold on let see what’s going on here there it is all right let’s see these YouTube comments what’s going on over here oh not it let’s go over

Here is that nib knob oh VB okay all right so let’s go and read the comments let’s go going on every few years there comes a phone that is The Benchmark for the iPhones coming in the future not always the redesigns but much more too okay dude your argument backfires and so

You spend $280 for get a higher storage and ditch iCloud all right cool oh that’s right I’m getting messages on Instagram I should go take a look at those a lot more people are liking my videos spreed cheeks are we at 30 viewers oh then we better start playing some League then

All right nib knob we got an audience to take care of today doing good single yes what I la yes sir You too late let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness TR ban vad oh he’s going Gangplank ooh ooh you know what I want to try I want to try the one shot vein build so take armor toen flinching or overgrow presence of mine laity cut

Down oh it’s zad oh and it’s going to be GP mid okay good good thing I took armor anyway so that’s fine we’re going to go for one shot vein here so this will be interesting all right this is the last week we have left for to make it to

Masters every single game that we play matters but we got to play this properly that means I have to do my due diligence and keep myself a really solid lead and just keep on pushing one inch at a time I’m not the perfect vein player but

I can get the job done and that’s what matters right now I’m going to make it to masters with this current current challenge with what I’ve got that’s all I’m interested in right now this guy took to I turn on light okay we’re good should fear me evil lurks around every corner

The Shadows are to be feared I smell black Magics I pass judgment I release them from their pain I bring Swift death in the dark all is made damn these minions are slamming his Tower Jesus beware Ally me take armor boots this game that we can survive the

Zad Mugo what’s up welcome back I missed you uh actually I took a dinner break or a lunch break to get some food you know can’t fight on an empty stomach around every corner ah the wave is too big man oh that’s so lame man I’m still

Getting used to using Fleet versus Zed here even though I have attack speeded the entire time wow wow graves are we really just going to farm this man come on man a you didn’t just unfortunate man it’s okay we’ll do better next time it’s my fault by the way so it’s

Okay it’s not his fault I know I have to be more calm yeah I think I’m just going to take armor boots just to be done with it that way if Z tries to fight me like I know I’m not going to take that much damage in dark all are you kidding me

Beware on ah he hits level six off of that I don’t play against Zed top enough with this build to know like what is right and what is wrong we’ll be fine we’ll learn evils around every corner yeah it’s just better to go like the old build would have been just go Shield

Bow he’s going to sa for the tank wave here use W will I pass judgment why do I like taking turret shots I smell black terrible man I can dodge from oh he just uses w that’s all the Shadows are to be in with silver okay we’re good

Good be like armor boots so we don’t really take much damage from his alt right now I hear the innocent cry On Wings Of Night the dark IES this gra is not thinking he has Al and everything we could have killed the goddamn zad but he decides that he’s just going to do that and then call the day and greas my gold Tower too when I could have just sold and killed the Z on my own too I don’t

Know Shadows to be feared in the dark all there oh my Lord dude can you go in like he has to go either on you or me and you have armor I don’t like I don’t have an e that gives me like 500 armor un

Fortunate man and GP did a good job of helping out for that fight yeah I I really I really don’t like relying on teammates man it’s really not fun WIS I’d much rather have control over the game but it’s like this is not a game where you can have that

Kind of control the only thing that you can do is just focus on like whatever’s going on in the match that’s it he’s going to get the plate and leave I think yeah one two iar the innoc 5 6 7 8 he’s gone purifying element oops was supposed

To put point to my Q messed that up a bit it’s okay we get another plate smell black Magics blade of the Run king would have been fine in the Zed I’ve played blade of the Run King in The Zed before the dark should fear me it’s

Actually pretty easy to play with it in zad and you just take stuff especially with how I play vain now it’s like it’s pretty easy yep evil looks around there just on a killing spre dark all is laid on wings I will bring fire upon he already uses w so that’s the reason

Why I went in if he uses his W like the only thing has left is is r i don’t remember Zed’s R CD I’m pretty sure he didn’t have it I bet on it that he didn’t have it over I was that twitch that put that wood there yeah that was probably

Twitch let’s get some HP the dark should fear me I kind of want HP CU I don’t want to get popped by zad or anybody so I’ll buy the cool down HP stuff cuz I already do a lot of damage right now like the only difference is that I would

Be having Sheen and why is my towel touching my back behind me I release them from their blood you guys left me to die thank you and my whole computer Li yeah I need a new pc I couldn’t but the whole my FPS dropped to 75 like what is going

On yeah okay so okay I need to go check out what’s going on my computer what is going on what is eating my computer my FPS dropped man what the hell yeah that’s why the next purchase I’m getting is a new pc that’s what I’m getting like my computer died that fight

Like that was terrible man that was not supposed to have happened there did she kite him oh wow I was hiding in the dark all is laid bear he’s way more CSM by like 20 I got to use this to uh at least catch up a little

Bit gang flank is at 180 CS like Jesus man he’s just been csing all game Wings Of Night no a that’s so sad man like the Smite dropped me 137 no uh 40 HP and then man the fight was over I know I could have just walked away

But I decided to get greedy and limit test so that’s me yeah there are times where you should just walk away I did not want to walk away that time I hear the innocent cry out should we go for the bottom CS the dark should fear I smell black magics all

Baron call that I wanted that’s good do I really need a witon though I don’t really think I need it blade of the r King should be my priority Shadows are to be feared the extra moving seed would be nice beware what the dude that’s why I hate Fleet vain she’s

So slow on the attack speed man like I would have cleaned that Gangplank with that play that you just did just there like ah this okay we’re learning something new I’m going to kill him this time I’m up in 13 seconds I hear the innocent cry it’s my fault

It’s okay kaisa I’m good just keep G in now he can get job csing 10 CS per Minute this a different game it was me versus game flank that’s okay I’m ready Z’s dead rand’s top only three possible people game dead now the all is laid I smell black Magics evil Are to be [Applause] I hear the inocent cry out whatever I’m so bored I know it’s not really that good but I messed up just bored to wait yeah dying there is not fun I know playing at this FPS is not fun either like what I’m waiting to do is

Like restart my computer that should usually fix the problem I don’t know why I’m at like 70 something whatever but it is what it is evil looks around every corner dark all is laid bear I hear the insult cry look what this man this game in the dark bear your team destroyed AET

Evil looks around every corner see priority I hear the innocent cry out there a tank men one too blending blood Shadows are to be Fe should feel me they’ll have reason to probably not a good idea for me to do that with my low uh FPS yeah I need to you know what I’ll do as a project once I make it to Masters I’m going to work on deciding on what kind of PC I want to

Put together my new pc can I actually undo this going go for armor here oh no we took a lot of magic damage spirit vage in the dark extra heal crap on heal shil lurs around every corner nice good job I’m proud of you On Wings Of Night okay sounds good good luck

I the Shadows are to be yeah I need to figure out what’s going on I think it’s my my other stuff let me try to minimize this stuff all right control delete right kill Windows explore I should reset the cash I smell black no 74 FPS video let’s go and go to

Windowed let’s go to full screen yeah my computer’s just dying right now I need to restart myu after this game no choice evil around me again or I’m just going to stay bot the rest of the game On Wings Of Night will be I will Thank God to Carri that one epic win I was just very fortunate that we had decent teammates nothing I did crazy Mugo do you mind if I take a second to restart my computer I am not having the greatest FPS right now it’s not good okay we’re up to 27 LP

Now hopefully we can continue going in this direction but again we’ll have to see there’s no guarante I was hoping that I could make it to Diamond in under a 100 games but here we are all right let’s get everything ready to go what the just get in

Here yeah that’s fine I don’t care I just put you inside this thing consolidate all my stuff the workout organizer in there all right good all right everything’s ready to close control delete we’ll be back in a second it won’t be too long all right let’s end the live stream

First let me shut down the computer for

This video, titled ‘Mr. Rins Iron to Masters Solo 4Fun Calm Challenge! Clips or Minecraft Breaks’, was uploaded by willyrin on 2024-01-03 20:26:01. It has garnered 100 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:30:37 or 23437 seconds.

Just playing Ranked and doing my little grind! Here is my main stream:

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  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More