MCPE / BEDROCK : How to install Add-ons [Easy Tutorial]

Video Information

Before we start this video I just want to say that there is a lot of information involved in this video for all sorts of different things from what are add-ons and how they work to how to upload them to your world your realms you’ll serve us how to make existing

Servers work with add-ons what issues you might face and how to start brand new servers as well there’s a lot of things to go through it’s going to last a long time but I have broken it down into timestamps for you below if you check the description below the video

You’ll see the timestamps so you can jump to the sections that you need I hope you enjoyed this video thanks very much for watching hello and welcome to a brand new tutorial with me foxy no tail here on the website looking specifically at the add-on page

If you’re not sure what add-ons are then I’m not sure why you’re watching this video but you might find it useful anyway I’ve been releasing quite a few add-ons on my website lately and I’m getting a lot of questions about how you add them to worlds and servers and how

To fix problems when problems arise so today we’re going to look into that your first port of call those should be the add-ons page as you can see here as you scroll down there are some installation instructions for Android iPhone and iPad Windows 10 even the oculus rift gear VR and Amazon

Devices as well which show you basically very very briefly how to add these packs to your devices now we’re going to go into a lot more depth to that but before we do that let’s talk about what add-ons are or what is involved in add-ons so if

We look at the add-on packs that I’ve been working on and some of which I’ve released you’ll see there are various different types of packs there’s ones called MC pack there are ones called MC add-on and there are ones called MC world and what’s the difference well realistically there’s not a great deal

Of difference between pack and add-on I could call any of these MC add-on or MC pack and they will work just as well but generally speaking an MC add-on is a behavior pack and an MC pack is a resource pack and if you don’t know what the difference between those are let’s

Have a look at that if we hop over to minecraft and look at created a new world you’ll see there are two options down at the bottom left ones called resource packs called behavior packs now this is different from the main settings page because on the main settings page if we

Go back out of this and into settings and down there in global resources you will just see active and my packs now behavior packs are not going to be listed in here only only resource packs are going to be listed here and there’s a reason for that this pack here foxie

Two point zero point zero is a resource pack if I double click that that’s going to import that into minecraft like that and it says successfully imported foxy resolved pack 2.0 and if we go into settings you’ll now see that that is in the my packs area on the global

Resources in your settings what a resource pack does is that changes things that you can see visual things like mobs entities items animations even the look of the game if I activate that pack now it will go into the active packs and if I look at this screen now

You’ll see subscribe to foxy up there if I go to play any of my games that’s going to this test mode you’ll see we’ve got custom things here like visit foxy no tail comm you’ll also see in this world if I grab myself a shield I’ve got

A much smaller shield than the normal one which means that when I’m using my shield it’s not taking up all of my screen even if I put it in my off hand lock it’s not taking up tons and tons of the screen space which is great so

Resource packs are all about what things look like and not how they act or behave going back to my release packs this one here which is a deathcounter is all about how things behave rather than how things look so if I add that to the game it will say successfully imported Foxy’s

Deathcounter version 1 if we go into the settings and global resources and my packs you’ll see there isn’t one there it’s not listed anywhere down there because it’s a behavior pack it’s not a resource pack so it can’t affect any of this stuff it can only affect your game

So if we go to a world let’s go create a new world and go down to behavior packs you’ll now see that in here we’ve got foxes deaths counter in the behavior pack section down here the resource packs folder has still got my new one there but the behavior packs got this

One so if we add this to a world it’s going to ask us to turn off achievements that’s fine let’s create a new world and let’s see what that does it really is as simple as if I die it’s going to add one to my screen but it’s going to be

Difficult to kill myself on this without commands so what I’m going to do is I’m going to come out of that I’m going to go to the settings I’m going to scroll down to activate cheats I’m going to go to play kill @s and there we go I’m dead

And now you’ll see if I go to the escape screen there is a one next to my name that’s my death counter kill myself again and you’ll see now there is a two next to my name and any other players that join your world will get the death

Count next to their name as well so that’s a behavior pack that is working with the behaviors of the game it’s not changing how anything’s looking at all it’s just about how things are behaving so what do I mean about resource packs change how things look and behavior

Packs change how things behave well let’s look at a vanilla resource pack this is the vanilla resource pack as part of the actual game and you can see in there we’ve got entities we’ve got animations we’ve got animation controllers we’ve got fonts items materials models particles render controllers sounds texts textures you

Eyes so basically all the textures in the game are found in resource pack so you can change any of the text just from the game even the block textures it’s got all the sound effects that are in the game so you can change sound effects

It’s got the texts that come up them on the screen the language files that change the language of the game it’s got the user interface and changes you can make to the buttons and stuff around the game and the entities themselves it can change how for instance a bat can be

Animated when it’s resting or when it’s flying how it looks differently it’s all about how things visually look in the game and they can all be tweaked and changed using these resource packs all you do is based we copied the files into your own resource pack tweak them and then you

Can add them to the game now there is a little bit more to it than that but that’s basically how it works with behavior packs looking at the vanilla behavior pack you’ve also got entities but in this case this isn’t how the entities look or are animated

It’s how they behave so if we look at a donkey for instance in our text file here we can see that we can grow a donkey it’s a gerbil by giving it wheat or sugar or hay blocks or apples or golden carrots or golden apples or enchanted apples we can look at whether

A wild donkey is rideable or not and we can look at how we would tame a donkey and if it’s equippable with the chest or a saddle and things like that so this tells the game how entities work and what they’re supposed to do in the game rather than what they look like

Similarly we’ve got things like loop tables which allow us to say what drops we get from the items when they die we’ve got certain item things that we can fiddle with in here but the most part is generally tends to be the entities they are adding custom recipes

And custom blocks as well but they are currently behind experimental mode and we’ve also got things like spawn rules in here so we can see with the cows born rule it’s saying to us here that a cow will only spawn on the surface it will

Only spawn on grass it needs to have a brightness filter of between light level of 7 and light level of 15 it doesn’t matter what the weather is and this is like how regular they’re going to spawn what the herd sizeable spawning will be

And what biome it can be in in the biome tag that it’s looking for is any biome that’s got the tagged animal in it so that’s basically how behavior packs work I’m a very very scratch the surface kind of way so what’s the difference between

Dot MC pack MC add-on and MC world very very little the game will know whether it’s a resource pack or a behavior packed by the files that are inside it and an MC world file if we open this archive like so generally has the whole world in it so this actually contains a

World with resource packs and behavior packs already loaded into it so when you double-click on this one like so the game will actually import the entire world with the resource packs and behavior packs already in them so now if we go into world we scroll far enough to

When that world was made we can see it’s here Superchunk block and if we click on that we’ll see in the behavior packs it’s got that one already added and it’s got the resource pack already added so it was a texture pack or resource pack maker it’s much easier for us to just

Add them in as part of a world to save you the faff of trying to add them in yourself however that’s what we are here for today is to find out how we add them in ourself and there’s lots of different ways of adding them into our worlds so

Let’s find out we’re going to cover adding them into single-player world as well as realms and servers as well so hold on to your boots we’re going to get stuck into this and the first thing we’re going to look at is how to add one

Into at just a normal world I would just like to take a second to say that if you’re not already subscribed to my youtube channel then please do so if you enjoyed this sort of content and you find this code sort of content useful also if you could leave a like and drop

A comment about any other sorts of tutorials that you would like to see from me or anything that you’re having issues with yourself also don’t forget to join my discord anyway that’s enough plug-in from me let’s get back to the video so to start with we’re going to

Look at how to add my chunk loader pack into a brand new world not an existing world but a brand new world and there’s three files for this is the dart MC pack behavior pack resource pack and the add-on if we open the add-on with our

Zip thing again you’ll see that hat has both the behavior pack and the resource pack in there and we can add those both together so if we double click on that the game’s going to start importing it and then it says it’s successfully imported it so now if we go to create

New world and then create new world again you’ll see that down in the resource packs and behavior pack series here we’ve got those already listed if we go to behavior packs and go to my packs you’ll see Foxy’s chunk loader is there if we activate that that’s actually also going to activate our

Resource pack as well because they are dependent on each other it says in the code behind them that they’re dependent and we don’t need to add both of those it’s already gonna add one or the other let’s go into that again and do that again create new create world and this

Time I’m going to add the resource pack like so it’s gone into our active packs if we go to be heavy packs you’ll also see that that’s been added in so now if we create the new world both of those packs will be added in here we can test

That with some commands which means I do need to go back into the settings and activate cheats so that I can actually enable the commands and if we do function run you will see we now have Chuck loader sat next to us so that works so that’s the easiest way to do

This but what if you run into a problem right at the first step what if you got your file and you double click it and it says import started but then it says fail to import the pack duplicate back detected well if it says duplicate pack detected that’s good that means you’ve

Already got it if you haven’t already got it and it says that it means there is a conflict if you go to global resources and then active and then click on one you can click the little tick box next to it and see if there’s any errors

Now you’ll also see there’s a pack ID this ID is found actually deep inside the pack itself if we go back to our pack here let’s have a look at the behavior Pat one of these and open the archive look in there we’ve got a manifest file here if I double click on

That it’s going to open that up in my TextEdit editor and that refers to this number here the UUID now this is just a randomly generated number that you generate with the UUID generator on the internet it doesn’t mean anything then it is possible although very unlikely

That this could have the same UUID from one pack as another if you found that that’s the case and you’ve got a duplicate pack just come in here change that to something else and then upload your pack again and it should go in so well let’s do that let’s open up that

Pack that it wouldn’t let us open up in a zip archive let’s go to the behavior pack part let’s change the manifest let’s call that two one three there for no particular reason we’ll do exactly the same fit here just to make sure that we’re doing it across all of them so

That’s the behavior pack one changed and they want to update that now let’s go to the resource pack one let’s go to the manifest file and we’ll do exactly the same thing two one three two one three and then two one three and we’ll save that we’ll close that will update that

Now if I double click this it should import in even though it’s the same pack we’ve already got because it’s got a different ID there we go look successfully imported it so all the games looking at when it’s important it is that ID’d file so if you’re running into every issues with

Duplicate packs that’s why so now we’ve got exactly the same pack listed twice in our world all the reasons why you might have issues and you might find that the packs not working properly if you go to your storage and you go to your cache data you’ll often find that

You’ve got lingering bits of resource pack in there and also sort of your resource packs in here the other good thing about these ones is it will actually show you when you click on them a little exclamation mark and it will often tell you warning there’s a missing

File or there’s an error with some of it so this is a really good way in your storage section of finding out if you’ve got issues with your files so I’m going to come in here and I’m going to delete these ones now because I don’t want to

Be using these ones and we’re gonna go and have a look at how we get resource packs into an existing world ok so I’ve got an existing world here that I want to add a pack to I’m not going to create a new one I just want to add a pack to

That so same thing again I go to the little tick box there and then I can add my packs directly to it here now I’ve got no behavior packs installed so what I need to do is go back to my pack folder double click on whichever pop

Pack it is that I’m going to be adding import that to my game and then when I go to my existing world I should be able to then add that in to my existing world now it is going to say do you want to turn off achievements in order to have

Add-ons on you do need to do that so now when I go into my world that will be added into the game now we haven’t died at all yet so it’s not showing up on the counter but if we add commands to this world again so we can kill ourselves

Kill out s respawn and you’ll see that is now working so that works perfectly well what about if you want to add it to a realm well if we go into our realm settings realms have been updated so you can actually add them to a realm just

Using these bits down here so you can add your resource packs directly on to your realm just from down here so we can add those on to our realm like that and then if we go back out of it is actually going to initialize that and upload that

To the world but what if you want to start brand new world on a realm with those behavior packs already out he done well if you add them to your survival world first then you can just go into your realm and choose replace world and when you choose the world you’ve already got

It on that will have the packs installed already if we go to resource packs now and behavior packs you’ll see that’s got it on already we didn’t need to add it ourselves so if we go into that realm you can see that the death counter is working it’s already built into it

Because we uploaded it from the single-player world so that’s the easiest way to add them to anything is to do it to your single way of player world first make sure they work in and then upload it to your realm and likewise we service as let’s look how we

Add these things to service and this is where we’re gonna get a little bit more complicated so for the next step we’re gonna look at how we get our world with our behavior pack and our resource pack into a bedrock dedicated server we’re gonna start with a brand new fresh one

Rather than trying to hack it into an existing where we’re gonna start from fresh and then we’ll do the happy one after that so we’re going to come to forward slash download server bedrock we’re gonna click on I agree we’re going to download the bedrock dedicated server we’re then

Gonna create a brand new empty folder I’ve got a called it underscore BDS on our root drive or C Drive you don’t have to call it that you can put it wherever you like but I’m gonna go to my downloads folder and I’m gonna drag that bedrock server into there like that I’m

Gonna right-click it and do extract all and I’m gonna get rid of the folder name that it wants to give me and I’m just going to leave it with C Drive and then BDS and extract it to there like that we can get rid of that zip file we don’t

Need that anymore so first thing we’re gonna do before we do anything else we’re actually going to run this server and make sure we can connect to it do it Windows Defender might come up and say a are you sure you want to run this it is

Safe so we’re gonna click more info and run anyway and there we go that server is now running let’s go to minecraft I’ve already added it in here localhost you can call the server name whatever you want server IP address while it’s running on my PC so I’m doing that the

Port is the port that is specified in the server properties file of the BBS server if I save that and click on that we will go into this world and if I open the console you’ll say see there player connected Fox in hotel in a brand new world that this is

Generated so let’s come out of that world for a second let’s go back to our server console and type in stop and hit return that’s going to stop that and let’s go back into this folder and you’ll see we’ve got a lot more folders that we had a minute ago and the main

One we’re looking at right now is world if we go into world you’ll see bedrock level and this is the world that we’ve just created now we don’t want this one we want our world so what I’ve done is I’ve gone into my world like I did

Before and I’ve created a brand new one and I’ve added the chunk loader pack in there and I’ve added the chunk load a resource pack and if we go to play on this world as you’ll see in a second Chuck is here so this is working absolutely fine so let’s close that I’m

Going to go to the little pen I’m going to scroll down to the very bottom and I’m going to click export world and I want this to go into that folder we’ve just created in the worlds folder there so if I click export that’s going to export directly into there and if we

Open that folder back up you can see chunk loader MC world is in that folder click on that and what I want to do is change the name of it from MC world to dots it and then I’m going to right click extract all and I want it to

Actually be in that folder that it suggested to me so I’m going to click extract now it’s created a new folder with all of the behavior pack and resource pack stuff already in it let’s click on the zip file and delete that and now what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to rename this folder to have the same name as that one so I’m going to click on that hit f2 ctrl C to copy that and then delete that then I’m going to click on this one hit f2 and then click ctrl V to paste that and now we’ve got

The bedrock level with all of the stuff from that world so now if we go to run the server like so that’s going to load up the world with Chuck loader in it if we go into that you will see Chuck is not there chuck has not come into this

World and there’s a good reason for that so let’s figure out why if we do function and run to load chuck in it will say cheats aren’t enabled in this level the other thing we got to be careful of here is that we’re not an operator we are only a member so first

Thing we need to do is go into our server console and do opie then your player name so Opie foxy no tail and it will say opt foxy no tail and you’ll now see I’ve got a crown instead of a star and I can change

Things as I see fit for all the other players so now I’d be able to run commands but we still don’t have cheats enabled on this level so I need to come out of that stop the bet dedicated server again go back into the dedicated server folder go to servers dot

Properties and change the fourth line down which says allow cheats from false to true save that go back to one server folder open the server again and now let’s login and let’s see if it will let us do that now so now we should be able

To run function and then run but it says function run not found so we’ve still got a problem there and the the reason there’s a problem is because the bedrock dedicated server folder system is different so the minecraft one or the vanilla one if you like so let’s come

Back out of this let’s go back to our BBS folder and you can see in the worlds folder in our world we’ve got behavior packs and resource packs which is where all of the files are we’ve also got these world resource pack and world behavior pack files these are really

Important and these actually need to stay here but these ones these folders need to go into the root folder you’ll see in the root folder for the server we’ve also got behavior packs and resource packs folders and our behavior packs and resource packs aren’t in there

So what we’ll do is go to worlds will go to bedrock level will go into behavior pack and then you click on that and click cut or we can do ctrl + X go back into the root folder go into behavior packs and then hit paste and that’s

Going to paste that in there instead so it’s taking it out of where it was and it’s putting it into here instead they don’t need to be in both places then we go back into world they had bedrock level resource packs click on that click cut let’s go back to the root folder

Resource packs folder and then click paste now there is another file here says valid gnome packs if we open that up and look at this this is all of the files or the known pack files from inside of your behavior packs and resource packs folders now these

Ones vanilla and chemistry they are part of the vanilla world and the same with these ones vanilla test vanilla and chemistry they’re all really important so don’t delete those but if you do have other packs that you’ve added in personally there could be a conflict but

These ones you need to keep now we don’t need to change this one at all that will update itself so when we go to run at the bedrock server like this it’s going to start running again and now if we click on valid gnome packs it will show

Us that our new packs are already in there we can see this one behavior packs foxes Chinese in there and resource packs foxes children so it’s added those we didn’t need to add those and so now if we go into our local house server and join that world you should find that if

I do function and run Chuck will appear so that is now running on a server he is working is in here it’s all working exactly as it should be doing so just to recap there the behavior pack needs to be in the root behavior packs folder the

Resource pack needs to be in the routes resource packs folder not in the world ones we can delete those ones altogether if we want and that will still work but these ones the world resource pack and well world behavior pack files need to be there these files point our world to

These folders so if you don’t have those it’s not going to work so the final part of this tutorial is how to add your add-ons into an existing server if you’ve already got a server and you want to add these add-ons to it let’s have a

Look at that so as you can see we’ve got an existing server listed there if we go to it you can see it is here I’m using the same one we had before but it’s the same theory we’ve got a world the world doesn’t have any resource packs it’s got

None of the resource pack files in there and if we go into the behavior packs folder there’s no custom behavior packs and there’s no custom resource packs it’s still got the vanilla ones they’re really important and if we go into our valid known packs file you can see

There’s no custom ones there’s only four Nilla ones and the chemistry ones which need to be in there so that is basically all on our server back at square one so let’s run this server again let’s make sure we can actually connect to it like

So and when we log in here let’s just check that we’re in the right server it says on the console that I’ve connected that’s good so let’s stop this server we don’t want it run in at the moment and let’s add our packs to it so the easiest

Way to add our packs would be to export our world into here again like we did the last time but let’s say we haven’t got that opportunity let’s say that we’ve only got the PAC files how do we add them in to our world or our server

If you’ve only got the raw pack files and it’s quite easy let’s take our chunk loader MC addon file let’s copy it and let’s go back to our server folder and this time in the main server folder I’m going to paste it into here and now what

I’m gonna do is I’m gonna right-click it I’m gonna do open archive and I’m going to move that across slightly and I’m going to drag the behavior pack one with the B into behavior packs folder I’m going to drag the resource pack swarm the one with the R into the resource

Packs folder like that and then I can close that and we should see now we’ve got our chunk loader be in there and we’ve got our chunk loader are in there so now we’ve actually put those in there we can delete our MC add-on file and we

Can run the bedrock server and hopefully we’ll see in this now if we go to valid gnome packs that they have been added into loader B chunk loader R so they’ve been added in automatically which is great but they won’t work if we go to our server

Like so and we do function and run it’s gonna say function run not found and the reason for that as we explained before is that in our world folder we don’t have those world resource packs or world behavior packs files we need to make those now so what I’m gonna do first of

All is I’m going to stop the server like that so I’m going to create a new file by right-clicking and going to new and text document I’m going to connect and I’m going to call it world resource packs dot JSON and it’s going to say you

Sure you want to change it I’m going to click yes and I’m going to do exactly the same thing again I’m going to call it world underscore behavior underscore packs JSON or jason for short and I’m going to change that and then I’m going to open up the resource packs one so

What we need to do with this file is actually point this file to our resource pack which is in our root directory here we need to point it to this one so if we open this one and click on it manifest that’s going to come up in our text

Editor and we can see the UUID that we need to point to we can also see the version number there so what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to copy the UUID and version all the way just before that comma there so we’re going to copy

Both of those with control C and I’m going to go into that file that I just made world resource packs file and I’m going to start with an open square bracket then I’m going to drop down tab in and do an open brace which is I call

A curly bracket then I’m going to drop down with return and then tab in and then I’m going to paste what we’ve just pasted there then I’m going to drop down again do a closed brace and then a closed square bracket there now this UUID we need to change to pack

Underscore ID and the version can stay exactly as it is so that is absolutely fine now you may often find that the version number is actually written like that in a straight line rather than down it doesn’t matter it’s just JSON formatting as long as you’ve got a comma

After the top line and not after the bottom and you’ve got your braces in the right position that will be absolutely fine so I’m gonna save that and now I’m gonna go back to our folder I’m going to open the world behavior packs file we created and

Then I do exactly the same thing I’m going to go to our route file I’m going to go to behavior packs I’m going to open our chunk loader underscore b1 and I’m going to open the manifest file I’m gonna copy from the beginning of the

Quote mark on UUID to the end of the square bracket after version gonna copy that I’m going to go into that new file just created I’m gonna do a square bracket followed by an open brace and then I’m going to paste it close the brace close the square bracket like that

And before I forget I need to remember to change the UUID to pack underscore ID there on our world behavior package.json file I’m going to save that and now if I run the server by going to our root directory and clicking on bedrock server and we log into that world fingers

Crossed if all has gone well we should find that Joe keys with us there we go so his work so if we now do function run you’ll see we can create create another chalk so that is how you do it all you’ve got to do is make sure that

You’re pointing the files to the right place now if you do all of those things and it still doesn’t work and you’re still not getting your packs to work properly then there could be a number of reasons what I would suggest doing first of all if you’re on a dedicated server

And you’re having issues is just start from scratch make a brand new server and see if you can do it the way I did it originally and actually get them working on a brand new world next thing to do is check that you haven’t got all the packs that things are conflicting with

Resource packs are generally okay to be worked with other resource packs so you can have multiple resource packs but behavior packs or add-ons are not if an add-on has the same file on two packs for example our deathcounter one here an hour one player seat sleep one here both use

The player entity they both manipulate those so those packs won’t work together whichever pack you add at the top is going to overwrite the other one so with behavior packs you can only have one behavior pack on at once or multiple if you can guarantee that none of the

Files are going to overlap each other so if you’ve got more than one pack on remove the other ones until you get it working other things that potentially could cause a problem are the UUID conflicts which we mentioned earlier and just broken packs you know downloads not downloading correctly badly formatted

Files things like that there are a few different reasons why it wouldn’t work at the end of the day if you go back to square one delete your world delete your custom behavior packs delete your custom resource packs run the world make sure it works properly and then add them in

Again you really shouldn’t have a problem and just to remember with the dedicated server you need to make sure that your behavior packs are in the right folders your valid gnome packs has the packs listed in there which should be automatic but just double check if

They’ve not gone in there it could be that there’s an error with one of your packs and it’s not picked it up correctly if they’ve not gone in automatically it means there is a problem with one of your packs make sure you don’t have duplicates make sure you

Haven’t added them in twice make sure you haven’t bad the behavior pack into the resource pack folder and vice versa make sure you’ve not put them in the development ones and make sure that you don’t have them in your worlds folder but you do have these two files pointing

In the right places and they’ve got the right UUID numbers in there and make sure it says pack ID and not UUID there’s a lot of things to go wrong it’s not the easiest thing to do in the world but it is doable and it’s definitely

Doable and you can all do it go back to our single-player worlds and our realms that couldn’t really be easier for us the game does it itself I guess if you’re playing on xbox or ps4 or something like that you’re gonna struggle there are ways to get file

Managers on your consoles to add them in I’m not going to go into that because to be honest with you I don’t have it on those systems and I wouldn’t be talking from experience I would be making it up as I go along

So if you want to learn how to add it to your xbox in your face floor or your switch go along to youtube or google and find a good tutorial not show you how to do it the information I’ve given you today about where the folders and everything

Go and how to link to them will still be the same no matter what device you run but how to get the files in the right places on the other devices is something that I’m going to leave you with yourselves anyway as usual I would like to say

Thank you all very much for watching this video I hope you found it useful if you did do please leave a like if you haven’t already please do subscribe and hopefully I’ll see you all in the next one

This video, titled ‘MCPE / BEDROCK : How to install Add-ons [Easy Tutorial]’, was uploaded by FoxyNoTail on 2020-04-14 13:23:18. It has garnered 180762 views and 3270 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:11 or 1931 seconds.


Learn how to install add-ons on Minecraft Bedrock Edition including how to run them on realms and servers. Includes tips & tricks for issues you might face.

Addon Pack Downloads:

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In this video I guide you in how to install minecraft bedrock edition addons into your single player worlds, realms and servers.

I go into detail about what add-ons are, how they work and how to set up a brand new server with addons including using the Official Bedrock Dedicated Server software as well as showing you how to add addons to an existing BDS server world.

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#minecraft #bedrockedition #mcpe

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  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

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    CRAZY FIND: JJ & Mikey Discover GIANT EYEPRINT!Video Information I’m finally here could I have ended up in this stupid world well now the people you’ll have to pay for sending me to Hell let’s see what you can do now I hope you won’t disappoint me I couldn’t believe what I just saw it’s just terrible we need to tell everyone urgently guys run some kind of demon has come here it’s too late to run because I’m already here are these your houses they’re kind of fragile you used to have huge strong locks what happened to you why did you decide to switch to… Read More


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  • INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

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  • FatCatMC

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  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, application-only, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! What to Expect A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly… Read More

  • Dystoria Patch -Chains- I Weekly new Content

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌

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  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥

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MCPE / BEDROCK : How to install Add-ons [Easy Tutorial]