Mind-blowing first session of Wuten’s detective adventure in Newspire

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Hello everyone and welcome to detectives of new Spire a brand new shortshot campaign that uh chaotic has very graciously set up for us uh as you can see uh this is a very different um interface and layout compared to what we’re used to uh this time we’re using uh what is it

Foundry Foundry VT yes excellent excellent so it’s going to be a a bit of a learning curve for all of us to to get used to this new layout but I think it’s going to be just fine so why don’t we start up with our character introductions I of course am John Dark

Soul uh a a human Warrior of many different classes and and archetypes but you’ll find out later on what those might be any who down below me we have uh ebony playing as I am AAR the clever a small Goblin lur Oracle who likes money and crime soling crime that

Is looks at you very closely go my child do a CME Knuckles cracking all right solving crime yes yes of course now below ebony we have signis playing as uh Bran who is a seven Charisma dwarf which means I’m going to be working out whether she talks at all

Let alone what kind of voice she has hell yeah um yeah all right wolves More Than People Fair very fair very fair and Below signis we have goody playing as uh sirel vle vereal there are many pronunciations to it across the city he just gets used to

It uh he sirel was a uh higher end is is a constable Cavalier and a higher-end uh detective in the city but um after several things went AR Ry he’s been kind of down on his life lately until uh a character being introduced shortly after me a good friend uh gave

Him a nice G gave him a little place to kind of get back up the ladder a bit and help out with some investigative this and that so yeah good [ __ ] good [ __ ] and of course below goody we have solar playing as well I’m playing as chesher gray

Shanks picker of pockets poiner of purses Thief extraordinaire and royal pain to all royalty uh she is here going to be a uh Consulting expert on uh criminal activities of course just a Consulting you know of course not here to do anything else currently on a work release currently on uh work release

Currently uh just uh on a bit of probation you know here to here to help out in whatever way she can and uh you know so long as the job gets done who really cares what uh what happens along the way you know exactly exactly and of

Course of course uh below below solar we have the uh the butter that keeps us all together this campaign it’s Kai playing as the wet Scotch tape there we go yeah the wet Scotch tape holding us all together I I am playing zero FIA he is a

Private investigator of uh new Spire um here to make sure that y’all stop why do why do half of y’all commit crimes please the other half of you hate each other stop why do I work both sides oh I’m sure it’s going to be just fine

It’s not the squad we deserve but the one we need no it’s very much the one we don’t need but the one that we deserve any we get the one we’re going to get it yeah and now now last but certainly not least our beloved benevolent DM of the evening

Returning after nearly 3 years chaotic dming campaign return yes indeed I have returned to narrate and follow this Intrepid band of investigators on their perilous Journey Into the Depths of crime death fear and deceit so who without further Ado let us see so just checking you guys can hear

It did you just [ __ ] drop some Diablo music on me I might hush [ __ ] such is the way such is the way indeed for those familiar with the old tales and for those not so yet acquainted we returned from the fabled and many storied Kingdom of place you

From to the lands where our first stories were told the three United city states of narur Nia renf fall and spy Down May that treachery never be forgot some 50 years ago narur was beset on all sides by vicious enemies morala the dragon had returned from the depths

To which he was banished by the wizard in the fabl depths of myth and his return emboldened many a monster and foe to crawl from their hobbles beneath the Earth the Grand Dragon brought a star down from the heavens obliterating the old city of spy down

Orcs from the lands south of bulur under the dragon’s Banner marched unopposed by the dwarves whose homes were kept by The Red Dragon idros they marched onto Nia which was saved only barely through timely intervention of the Champions King baldemar I first too looked to end the life of alvor roswald

Claiming insubordination and dereliction against our good King dead now only 5 years morala built his dark creations of man and dragon in the Badlands north of the now destroyed spy down he was however finally ended by the inexhaustible might of the Champions whilst his armies were held at bay

Through the Strategic Brilliance of Marquee ragel prania now some 50 years later the survivors of spy down have shown their cour courage and willingness to cling to hope for a new city new Spire was built below the watchful gaze of castle prmia with its with the Glorious speed and

Precision of the dwarves of kakarat to the north it is here now our newest Story begins this band of intrepid City dwellers must now face the rising threat of fear murder and death under the ospice of a new moon suddenly appearing in the sky a mere day before oh all right

I love that not apologizing for the moon I’m not apologizing you don’t need to why would you need to exactly I’m loving [ __ ] castle prmia in the distance here I even I I even see sebelius’s Wing over here you see that oh yeah yeah aara got murdered yeah yeah oh yeah

I drew that look at that oh oh good old memories memories good I was eating steak when that murder took place hell yeah was that at the con no that was that was the con was razor tide wasn’t it no no no no no no

I’m uh that was I’m talking when me and that was at Aon yeah but then there was also Winnie City when you and I went there that that was chaotic sprun the [ __ ] Titan Golem on us right right the [ __ ] ogres yeah ah the ice giants FR yeah the [ __ ]

Yeah so does anybody have anything else they’d like to add about their characters any more connections anybody you know anything that you’ve done why the city considers considers you competent enough to be on this mission on this investigation everybody and everybody that needs to know anything I

Am of course you as the owner of fya Investigations of course you have done a lot of work for the city guard I I figured that probably avara is mostly known by everyone because she might handle accounting for everyone she’s a she’s a third party accountant it’s one of those you know if

You run a business and you don’t have the time to handle it yourself she does the books for you yeah yeah she likes she likes doing numbers she likes making sure everyone gets paid what they deserve and she gets paid to do so there you go my qualifications are much

Simpler I am an adventurer that is brought on as hired help really good I’m just glad to have a roof over my head I would say that if you if you don’t know cheser herself you probably have heard of gray Shanks as she was a

Bit of a she was a bit of a a Robin Hood before for uh her uh timely capture wonder who did that sorry about that it’s fine I had to was for your own good enough so that the orphans have their own little uh their own little

Diddies they sing about gray Shanks yeah a she’s a she’s a little bit of a celebrity a faceless celebrity and you see now you got a good deal that that that’s the old would have been put to death if I hadn’t had them catch you what about bran I assume that she

Often is contracted because well very very good at tracking people down that is exactly right uh she doesn’t have much to say and she just kind of lives off in the slums by herself with her favorite dog uh doesn’t like dealing with people because she has a very

Difficult time seeing people as people and not just animals um and uh the only reason she works with a guard is because they pay to ensure that she and her dog have food um and means that she gets to use the the skills a for mentioned to track down bad people

Who might hurt other people exactly or hurt other animals for that matter mhm I get confused by an animal very often as well aren’t we all just animals deep down yeah that’s what she thinks right I mean she’s right well maybe we’re GNA have more in common than we

Thought well I mean if you’re thinking about it fundamentally in the terms of evolution uh nope your character is just the right size 20 intelligent I have to 20 intelligence somehow by all laws of of Aviation a beast you should not be able to fly there it is collecting pollen so and

Yet now that we are all introduced new Spire Ingenuity creativity and sheer will brought to the four by a people Hardy and shrewd Cosmopolitan and fierce unwilling to allow the great evil to end what had truly mattered their Spirit 50 years on and new Spire has grown to match the

Wonder and size of its former closer now to the so named arar Bay that ships would dock to whilst traveling to and from across the red Isles for trade profit and Adventure like any City however it has its fair share of problems ones dealt with through the city guard the Church

Of zealous and those independent actors willing to put their service to the church to retain the city’s stability and prosperity our actors incidentally are often pulled together under the name fya investigations following the trails of criminals and n do Wells of All Sorts to ensure Justice is properly meted things

Have been well for the city these past 50 years but with the sudden appearance of a new purple magical moon in the sky only a day ago the people are rif with rumor speculation worry and fear many have risen up to the temples of zeelos and rados searching for sucker

And relief whilst those few abies to Lanas have already tried and failed to gain answers for why their Lord’s domain has suddenly shifted leaving those searching there their only answer to Riot and deface those without better answers perhaps you’ve already seen and maybe even aided these past few days a

Few incidents of people trying to break into these abies demanding answers of lunan priests and unwilling to take no for an answer and here now a day later with hard wrapping on your various doors wooden or barred the city guard have approached you with a new problem one

They say is to be kept Under Wraps something where if pushed the ones sent to fence you only answer with it’s terrible someone in all came out wretching and muttering some terrible curses even Silver Spire himself was shaken and that’s a new one that we need up with all the others

Contracted to take on this case the guards leave you and you proceed through the streets to The Address given alongside the name sorl knickknacks and brick let us move you to the scene all right oh you guys should be in the lower right I can see it yep Oh Nifty you our guys are now free to do as you see fit the address you you have been given the address and it’s to head north essentially mhm we just need to unpause the game right um before I unpause I do I I will say um uh this is just a

Thing probably uh AAR does in the mornings like you know or when when possible uh I do have to make a few rituals every now and then uh which are either uh examine the entrails of a creature read the patterns of the birds and make their charts and each of those

Gives me a bonus that I can choose to use at any time um probably the first one is the one that’s most difficult but the other two probably I do every day to um just to make whichever ones you think you would do every day would probably

Make sense yeah so one of them is to give a plus 10 on a skill check and the other is a plus 4 to one to one initiative check okay well we will unpause the game and as you’ll see with the calendar the time is now going it’s

About 5:30 in the evening all right oh okay you guys are free to move about as you see fit oh the address is to your North okay oh my God this is so smooth whoa all right my character might be calm but he’s controlled by a

Grandma that is not a wall to your North By the way that’s not a wall [ __ ] look at that transition holy [ __ ] oh my God damn oh my God oh my God we’re so wild by the animation that we’re just going to get just not even notice that we’re

About to get [ __ ] surprise round speak what type of what part of the city is this like do we have uh any knowledge about like is this a like a relatively wealthy side of the city or is it the Poor Side you know ugar are in fact in

The Newcastle District which is one of the more wealthy and closer to the closer to the castle um sections of the city all right I’ve been here a lot the question is for what reason h exactly so sorry what is what is the I I

I I am very wild uh what is the context of why where are we heading sorry you guys are going to the address of the place that they’ve asked you to go which is sorel’s knicknacks and Bricker which will in fact be to your North from here

And as of now we don’t know exactly the context we just know we have to get there they told you that something was bad and the guards that came out were wretching and cursing so can I well we’re walking up then just have my ears peeled for uh

Any um any rumors any chatter that I can listen to with my big Goblin ears sure uh do I roll a perception sure okay there are various people around there’s a cat on the roof these dog these uh these guards are petting this this stray dog over here

Oh 20 uh could I roll a local check or any form of check to find out exactly what type of establishment we are going to I feel like that could be sure give me a local check and for my part I’d like to perception to see if I can kind of gauge

The uh the uh attitude of people’s in the local area okay suround I will as well trying I’m getting my train of thought here so for avara um while we’re waiting for the others to roll there are some people grumbling about the guards stopping them from moving a little further north

Somebody saying I’m trying to get home and they’re going to make me take the long way around you do hear somebody say that um probably about it though other people are just kind of talking about their days things like gun shopping work they’ve been up to somebody’s back hurts you know oh my

God so for zero with a 20 on your local check you have heard of sorl knick-knacks and brick ack the man is known for literally essentially having an antique shop you could what we would call an antique shop he sells random Wares he literally buys random things

And he sells random things you could find just about anything in there some people have said they’ve even found magic items on occasion that the owner didn’t realize was a magic item before they sold it so H interesting uh sirel you were just listening out for you were trying to get

A sense of the um people around you uh yeah just kind of like the general just kind of mood attitudes of uh the local of the surrounding populace yeah that that was my role too it’s a mixture of you know just normal content along with some of that just grumbling

About the guard being extra today especially because well most of these people seem to be acting normal however there’s an under current through the whole city of just general unease and fear because of the massive Moon that appeared yesterday just before Sunset yeah I wonder I wonder why I wonder who

Could have caused that no idea which is you which as you guys can see on the calendar yesterday was in fact normally a new moon so everyone’s wondering why there’s a new moon yeah I mean it was on the calendar guys we we we have not

Lied it was a new moon yes as we make our way down which I’m assuming will be Yonder this way uh that would have to be the way you will end up going yes yes um going to mutter under my breath H I wonder if he finally traded in something

That he couldn’t like take back traded something that he doesn’t he really didn’t understand mhm so we also have great Shanks was a role for what uh that was also a role for a general Vibe check okay you’re getting the same thing most people are mostly content that

Undercurrent of you know just une and fear with the moon it’s the evening so the moon the newest moon had of course you can see both moons in the sky now one is just barely a crescent as it is waxing the other is starting to wne I

Will pick you up you are plantable I did just notice that uh that cheshir just went through this group of people so I’m just going to make sure she kept her hands in her Pockets unless that’s to say I’m not that I’m surprised that I’m this is a

Point in time where I’m either surprised to see her out of prison yet but I don’t know um well you know I’ll go and say that this is probably the first time she’s in this group if you know mean wait question solar yeah the you did got inside my house

Uh she she admired your she admired your PL plushies M I’m going to like you probably don’t know you probably don’t know what she looks like though cuz she has a hat of Disguise okay okay you probably didn’t know it was her yeah she did leave you a message that said your

Plushies are great um there’s there’s probably many of them in the bag of holding as well oh my god um so sorry did you roll a perception check to see what I was uh what I did uh goody no I didn’t roll I just that was just more of a flavoring

Oh right okay well flavoring uh no she didn’t but it was just like uh you might have noticed her uh just like maybe maybe you saw her eyes cast to people’s pockets but uh she didn’t take anything she was just like no there were cuz I imagine when we around

Probably like around the time if if that’s the case we’re going on with how we talked about things mhm I imagine it might been a part of like seeing this group gather up and he just think to himself is that Bloody gray shanks it is it is it’s okay it’s okay I’ll

Take you off for a drink don’t worry about it bud when she when she saw you for the first time she was just like wink it’s just how it’s just it’s just how the cookie problem is it’s just how the no wonder no wonder no wonder people are displeased

Then are you some sort of uh special investigator or um I’d imagine you guys have at least worked together at some you guys should at least be aware of each other most likely so you’ll know at least minim some people hate each other and I’m here like

Panic were you uh were you saying that to uh oh no the dogs oh no for forers going to kneel down and uh give him some some ear scratches he enjoys the ear scritches for a second before the two of them just hop off and this guy go that take mons

Aw I wanted to be on eye level with them I’m fine I’m fine just not need to get animal control or something out here I wipe off some dirt that got on his coat from them I I forgot I I I forgot animal handling roll

Anyway I forgot how to do the accent I wanted to do what’s the accent you’re wanted to do I wanted to do like Scottish I think or Irish I don’t remember the difference good [ __ ] yeah that’s I like trying to I like trying to think on Luna speaking as as as a

[ __ ] N I can’t remember oh keep in mind also she has also led a life of splurging on British television so yeah no worries and rewatching it like one like once every couple of months is a watch of Pride and Prejudice oh God what goodness that’s certainly a choice it’s

It’s her Comfort show I can’t everybody has one he tells you thank you zero for it before he wanders off in this direction oh he looked well off didn’t he h no you got it remember you’re on probation you’re not allowed to steal from them until you prove your wor I

Mean you’re not allowed to steal from them ever oh yeah yeah yeah my mind ears ears perk up slight the slightest notice of I had tilt back in that direction when you say both John both John and and uh oh what’s his name sirel just just like a slight head tilt

He walks straight through you two with this like smug expression like eyes closed oh com sorry oh god Pocket swords are oh oh me no no not at all okay so just just comment now nowh sense motive sure she’s lying she’s dying she’s never stolen anything in her

Life why would you assume that because she was arrested for thief like thievery like what what oh oh you know sheing you know she’s lying and and that’s that’s fine I think she’s not really trying to hide it she’s just all right oh I love it uh you know

She’s lying chaotic just made another perception roll since we rounded a corner I just wanted to you know see about any since we’re probably a little bit closer check making another Ro to see if there’s anything of note the perception check you would make would be as you had

Passed you saw the guards over this direction shuffling people off interesting okay he’s going to stop then turn to the some of the others kind of tilt his head back around and be like and you notice some of that so sorry what was it it was people

Are being turned away by the guards yes that way zero with your check you would know where sorel’s bricka was that is the that is his building over that direction all right oh where we need to be in that case um well you know what if we want to get

A better look I can always do that for you those were words pair of eyes all right uh which direction was it where they were being turned away goody this way Mhm y over is anybody stealthy and flexible enough to go with yes hi yes hi I don’t think that legally we’re allowed to let you go alone come with me if you want just got to keep up so like was chaotic out of C just a

Ask out of uh lorewise what were we ask for like a public group or like a private the city guard it was the Guard the guard had approached you and brought you here they they peeled off because they have they they would have said they

Had other work they have to do they were just told to get you and get you guys together so before they took off right yeah I’m assuming they’re expecting us yep seeing you guys approach the guards look at you and go oh you’re the ones that they sat there and sent for

In yes we are constable voral and uh oh Zer I think I’ve seen I think I’ve heard of you before I’ve been around he does some good stuff right well this one’s all you he says he knocks his his um you know his head over his shoulder and looking

Further down the street you do in fact see some broken glass on the ground um instead of in of Captain silver spy is expecting you out to front I walk past and go straight towards where the glass was which would have been like over here roughly yes it would be about here

Okay I look at glass and it looks like it was broken from the glasses on the outside is is there any glass on the inside does it look like it was broken into or out of you are able to see the glass that’s on the ground this building

Is a three story building it looks as though the glass is from uh the third story okay so looks like someone might have broken out from the top the third window uh quick perception roll if I may uh to see what the height of the buildings are around them to see if

Maybe like they escaped onto like the rooftops mhm if they’re like an awning or grab foot grab footo holds I’m going to do the same if that’s okay I will also because that’s a great idea I imagine some quick looks on the way by as you make your way towards the

Front of the building yeah mhm so how do you get those dice there is a uh customize your dice yeah in the settings area you can you should be able to go under configure settings and there’s something there for configuring your dice y even that

Effects for when not one 20 yep and then you hit 3D dice settings so a quick look on your way by you’re able to see the shattered glass on the ground uh all the buildings are about the same size all of them roughly three stories tall uh 30 feet so about

10 feet per per floor okay um somebody who the the walls are if somebody had like really good climbing skills like a good C like a cat folk they could probably scale these walls but the average person would probably have a lot of difficulty doing so challenge except I was

Saying um you know what she has things she has things um actually she’ll actually if she sees you looking up there she’ll say I want someone to go check that out for you she points she like gestures honestly might be a good idea uh who

Could we send with you uh I mean do you really need to babysit me that much I’ll be right back right legally sadly yes this is temporary if you’re on your best behavior for now remember you’re all right well F uh brand would you mind go going

With her to check out the uh roof while we check the inside she nods all right let’s see what you can do in that case what I’m going to do is I’m going to uh pull out my hand crossbow and I’m going to fire my grappling hook up

There wow okay it’s going to brazenly pull a weapon out like that I mean it’s got a grappling hook on it it’s yeah I mean so for a future note you guys would probably have all of your weapons peace bound at the moment which just means you have cords you you’ve

Made them inoperable oh right okay in that case uh if that’s the case then is that one of the items I’ve declared yes it is okay we’ll just do climing normally then well in the meantime sirel has rounded the corner which means that no are you all here

Then uh yes I’m gon I’m going to be here and be like I’m Pro I’m going to say that I was here and that I didn’t notice what’s happening over here because it’s funnier that way and then if if they get in then because then

If chesh gets in trouble it’s not on my ass as as I hear that I go H uh yes we are here uh we have a few people scouting uh around the rooftops um currently but yes we are here he’ll come around the corner good what are you lot doing back there

Goodness you’ll uh see about to climb the roof I guess from the RO y Dark Souls is just low she cheser gives a guy a thumbs up I didn’t noticed that sorry that one’s always trouble but trust me I know she reports to me right now it’s okay we sent her with a

Babysitter it’ll be fine it’ll be fine well it’s on their head it’s on their heads what they see without having heard anything first come on as he walks to the front most innocent expression you’ve ever seen we can fill the John will turn John will turn to uh the two back here

Come along we need to debrief first then we can look at it afterward scruffs brand scruffs check trying to deselect oh grab you by the Scruff oh oh like grab by the Scruff yes as one does a cat I was playing with the door all right all right fine should

Have locked sorry I didn’t I didn’t see nothing I’m just playing with them go it’s reinforced so you guys you guys did see the um the piece of artwork I gave out yes y okay so that is argath Captain argath Silver Spire a local city guard Paladin captain of the Newcastle District

Good deal you guys would know him obviously as the captain you work with him if you work with the city guard and for cheshier specifically he is your probation officer I work with him frequently he knows me yeah yeah we know him how’s it going half his case

Of you’re looking great today Pat’s on back shut it he just glares at you double clear yay Y come on guys she means well so many bad moods today goodness well I woke up on the on my rough side of the cell and I’m still looking pretty

Happy his eyes go to the sky for a second and then he looks at sirel so let me go ahead and give you guys what I can at least before you go charging in there head first first last charge in there there’s protocols we know to all we know to follow them

Good last night we had reports after the moon appeared in the sky screaming from sorel’s Mr sorel’s establishment over here a few folks came down to find Gloria just bursting out the front door screaming and crying and snotting and everything of the sort a few guards responded only to

Well immediately find their way back out shall we say I did take a look and it’s it’s a Grizzly sight is there vomit on the ground around us um there is not they most likely there was a um at least the night before there would have been a

What I’ve called right now if if the name doesn’t work the name doesn’t work but I’ve called them the prim men like they’re the premier men they do a whole bunch of odd job they’re public servants that do a whole bunch of odd jobs for the city including uh me cantrip

Messaging to you know spread out across the me messages across the city very quickly and also keep things clean as well as hand out citations for if you don’t throw your chamber pot in the right hole that’s I apprciate very valid very you’re not drinking with a sauca

Sir and also keepers of the public latrines and public baths so good stuff very very admirable work so we’re talking about a murderer here right you’re very perceptive there yes you guys will end up finding him on the third floor but it’s I didn’t look for too long

Myself all the s where I saw the window broken out yes that’s why it was better to sit there and at least give you guys a heads up before you started crawling that way you guys will find him on the third floor and it’s up to you to figure out

See what you can figure out maybe see if you can find out who the Killer is I would hope we guard are stretched thin today because well there have been people trying to break into abies all morning refusing to believe that lunus would just create something like this

Out of thin air without his priests being any the wiser and I’m sure you can tell he lowers his voice a little bit to be kept on the down low on this as best you can try not to let the knowledge about what happened here get out if people knew

That people are just suddenly dying left and right it won’t help anyone well people don’t always suddenly die there has to have been a cause behind it and once we find that there will be no reason to panic hopefully and that is why we’re hiring you this job

Will go if you can figure out who’s done it this job should go for I believe the budget I was given was 750 gold pieces I’m on my way each 750 to split well I’m sure a work of this caliber could maybe warrant for something more

Right would you like to try to make a diplomacy check yes of course i’ want to try to do a diplomacy check go for it you can try we could assist it is technically our money too guys you’re GNA notice a very strange you’re gonna notice a very like

Just kind of dis almost like disgusted look that a goblin is not only here but also weas moneyy weing money out of you know good people weaseling money out of the hey man 18 so he’ll look at you he’ll lean over and he’ll go the budget is

750 however for any infractions I am allowed to lower that price going take my avoc going to take in my my little laus which is also like my spell focus and just do some quick Math and how much would be behave yourself suppose it’s fine I can I can

Work for a low for a lower fee this time just because it’s a murder and suppose altruism sometimes doesn’t hurt oh shut it green skin a man just died well I’ll go ahead and leave this to you then and he’s going to move off this direction when you guys are ready

To open a door just let me know and I’ll unlock them for you cuz this is stupid you can technically open open doors from any distance if you can see them so I have to leave them locked otherwise so just let me know when you’re opening a

Door and I can unlock it for you right gotcha all right now now let’s uh let’s go see what’s in front of us I guess it’s this door that we want to open yep and let me go ahead and and get everything fixed for you there are

Two to attempt here so two questions while you’re doing that chaotic so before we do anything else I’ll go ahead and start this I think it’s this one resis okay so we’ll go ahead and start first signis okay so my first question here is I’ve sent my wolf over to the east

Um is that the same cat that was watching us before where are we specifically oh I see I have just used some generic cat and dogs so it’s a different cat I see all right it’s the same token you are correct it’s the same token you are

Correct it’s it’s just a cat it’s just a cat it’s just never trust that if you do look at a lot of the NPCs the NPCs are also doubled up so very good I I I think we should all in favor of signis changing his Discord name to Rogue IR [Laughter]

I love you too me such nice compliments looking across the front of the building here there is indeed the front door here it is a fairly well-built door obviously um not like it’s airtight or anything but it’s a good sturdy door this is a window with the curtains drawn shut okay right well

Uh could I sorry no you go on uh just door since I would consider as part of an investigation that not only the uh the inside is important but the outside can I roll let detect magic outside like just before we come in you can activate detect magic sure yep

Just meanwhile I might say uh say gray Shanks H you know you break in the houses right on occasion what’s uh a situation like this whether or not you work alone if you were with a group would you stick together or make a way make one group through a door another through a

Window huh let me think can’t speak much for murderers I don’t deal with that elk but with this a job they probably would have taken the easiest point of entry probably case The Joint as well if they were trying to be clever whoops and the door would be the the front door would

Be the easiest huh here I would think here I would think it’ be the most expected most expected perhaps but really depends haven’t had a good look at it yet I’m going to go for a walk around uh building see how I would might get see if anything looks like it’s been

How do I say it tampered with well I should have asked if the door was locked when they found no because she ran out L’s First well she asked you if you wanted me to if you wanted her to walk around the the the the building yeah I thought I thought you were giving a description um you noticed that there’s a little more down here like a gap in the building MH there is a gap between this

Building and the other building yeah it leads up it leads up onto a deck it I you should be able to see on the deck but I drew the wall weird he’ll probably point that I was like I did notice a little more of a little Gap over there go have a little

Gander right sadly bran you are still on babysitting dude you can we’re not allowed to let her be alone no she follows attentively uh she mentioned that the oh sorry sorry take a peek inside uh he mentioned that the corpse is on the third floor right yes uh does anything on the the

First floor look heavily Disturbed does the door look like it was tampered with at all so everything down here looks like a normal shop it is starting to get fairly dark outside a little more difficult to see there are knickknacks and bricka all over the place there’s uh several

Shelves of books in the upper left area the floor is well-kept there are items strewn about across various tables there are daggers there are bags there are marbles there are snow globes there’s some bird cages up by um the table over here which looks more like it’s where he conducts business properly

So I guess my first question coming stepping in here is this a safe that one is a cabinet which if you open there are some mothball strewn coats okay well if uh we can just visit our little victim upstairs I have a few questions for them so while we assume

You guys are walking around the bottom area we’ll quickly move out to chesher and branth yeah yeah so first question chaotic the window we walked by um chesher would have taken a little uh look at that just to see does it look like it’s been tampered with on the

Outside the glass was out on the street so right so that’s where they that’s where they they probably made their exit right yeah that’s where they went out from we don’t know where they entered from right in that case oh o that’s a Nat 20 my boy damn yeah was

That a roll for anything he rolled what he said he was rolling for oh right right right right yeah I just didn’t want to talk over you in that case yeah uh the other thing I’d like John dark has joined you guys so so uh don’t mind me I’m just uh there for

The stream to view oh okay yeah don’t mind me I am still okay uh canonically inside okay on the uh on this side of the uh road then would you say there are there any Windows especially windows on the upper floors cuz I was thinking there are no windows on this side no

Windows on this side okay um somebody just got blinded oh okay that’s Wen messing with things yeah okay mind so there are no windows on this side of the building just go quickly check the front again then anything on that side no no windows on that side either correct okay and um

Avara if you want to steal from somebody by all means it’s up to you you see you might have to pocket it with a uh with a with a slide of hand check so that others don’t notice scub face is is uh is is looking because I mean if you want a more

Thorough explanation if somebody’s dead sure but you know the wife ran out she’s her place too so M yeah I might spot that the The Tall Bearded Sentinel and like nah think think twice yeah I probably give you a look too of you’re on a really tight you’re on a very short list

Already literally short yeah I see this is this is this is your your racist game well I mean here’s okay I was going to kind try and save this card in case you I did catch you in the act but since you didn’t it was going it

Was basically if you would like me to move you I can there are invisible walls basically when this guy in his younger adventuring days he curb stomped goblins for Less there you go you are now so seeing so working with one in investigation is incredibly unorthodox for

Him no to be fair um she certainly does you actually to be fair you might not know the difference between a surface Goblin and a and an underground Goblin so he would not no he would not to be fair I’m also way better dress than any other Goblin in you have

Met so while you guys are continuing to do things outside assuming that you’re taking some time making your perception checks along the outside we will move back to the inside yeah uh do you want me to make those now sure make a couple make you two can both make perception

Checks that are essentially your search checks sure and when we come sorry go on I was going to say um I could tell you what you get and then we’ll move back inside so between you guys on the outside at least for the parts where you were looking if you’re looking for any

Kind of signs of tamper or forc entry of any kind you do not see anything okay um in that case uh you can you can go to the guys on the inside but we’ll I I was thinking probably good time to try the roof see if there was

Any entry points on the roof like um what what are they called like the slanted roof windows I don’t know what they’re actually called like bay windows kind of GES B are I don’t I know what you’re talking about I just don’t know what they’re called yeah on on on window but roof

Skylight yeah Skylight but also like there’s like those ones that jut out it’s the ones where it’s like there’s a another slanted roof that pokes out of the slanted roof and there one for the thir Flor either way point of entry on roof because you know we’re

Uh in in in the cat burglary business you know that’s one of the that’s one of the the places you would look so moving back to the inside for the moment uh we had uh Cel vagal doing his perception check for any tampering with the books

Uh there’s a lot of various books of various kinds couple of actually a lot of them seem to be trashing romance novels funny enough it seems when people are done with them they’re done with them so um but nothing else necessarily seems out of the ordinary okay uh John

Dark Souls perception check for anything unusual looks like the guy’s shop uh should be ready to go uh so you want to draw the curtain okay yeah just check the door and the windows see if there’s anything over here that might have implied forced entry so you would have seen the window from

The outside just the curtain was covering it the window was fine window is fine nothing looks like the latches are messed with nope what does uh this symbol repres that is a chair that’s a chair okay I’m assuming this is the counter and that’s the chair that he would sit

Behind waiting for customers and this is a fireplace yes there is a fireplace up there with uh just some ashes from previous some there’s some ashes from previous fires but no um but it doesn’t seem but it’s not lit currently we have the same thought Kai

Yeah need to look up this thing to see if like the flu is open is there anything I talked to somebody I didn’t mean to do that I’m gonna age your perception yeah I’m G take out my ever burning torch so I can see up

I love I love the click so 29 with the a to check up the um fireplace with a light source to see if like anything looks Disturbed inside any of the ashes has been rubbed off if the flu is open at top so you’ve pulled out your torch I gave you a light

There and you look up into it the I don’t know if any fireplaces ever actually get built like this I’ve done something weird here I think so but um it looks as though it um the flu goes up and then comes in slightly and it’s a very smaller

Outtake about what you would roughly consider to be the second floor so it gets narrower at the Second Story and doing your best to see much further up blackened from SU none of the S looks Disturbed like somebody might have come down the chimney but not particularly

No be a point of entry probably would have left some dirt outside of it as well run while we’re standing and some Prince Alo I roll a six that’s a free lock Point get [ __ ] investigation you want to check one up zero yeah let’s check the next floor

I don’t think there’s anything here that we could learn from this floor everything seems to be pretty well placed are be going to the third floor if you don’t mind um qu uh quick questions I think we got some people with spells in this group does anyone have [ __ ] message I

Don’t so the answer sounds like magic I will take the resounding take the I will take the resounding silence as I know that is that is cool oh it it transitions it transitions holy [ __ ] oh my God I do think that it is probably

Good since there is uh six of us to try to stay in groups of two at least uh yeah two are better than one so if uh VAR is going up to the third floor would you want to go with her John Dark Souls or would you prefer the second floor cuz

It sounded like me and serial wanted to go to second I’m just going to keep calling it that I’ll supervise the goblin I’ll supervise the go because I don’t really want to put Cal with the goblin because as we’ve learned there’s racism I feel like that’s a bad idea I

Feel like these are good teams to split up in come in come in with me it’s it’s that it’s that gray it’s that gray and gray morality of understood DND D racism you know yes yes zero has a racism Bell and I feel like ring it every time we say something yeah hold

On uh we’re paused yes I have paused you guys real quick so because we are going to I assume that you wanted wolf to go upstairs so yes so I’ll have it go upstairs we’re moving to the outside now so you guys have been doing the

Bottom floor we are going to now move outside all right W Wen since you are um since your eyeballs I can just move you out there real quick yeah just move me out there real quick whoa I’m I no clipping T POS have you have you heard that like

That that that video where it’s like that oh yeah bust through the wall it’s Kool-Aid man yeah it’s Kool-Aid man um he’s just teing right well I I actually just had a thought while we were out here um with my with my cross grappling Arrow I don’t

Necessarily need to use it with a uh uh you could just use a normal ass grappling hook yeah you can just use it as a normal grappling hook so you know what I will throw it up there throw it on up to the roof mhm good stuff all right uh what would that

Be that would be a ranged attack yep I believe so range touch attack range attack range touch attack roll in nice probably enough to find a good hold somewhere Up on the Rooftop okay we now have a a good bit of rope J should just be like check this [ __ ] out

MH what a professional at work you know what actually as she walked by these guards here uh while we walked by them the first time she might have just like said something like looking good Bobby or something jeez they under their helmets have no eyes so you cannot see their expressions that’s

Fine anyway uh continuing on yeah she kind of like saying that like oh yeah I know how you’re doing how’s your wife and kids hey B how’s the family how’s the family B working hard they hardly working just like oh just shut up please go away you represent a a part of my

Life I do not enjoy Jesus oh no in which case uh giving it a few solid tugs to test out the grappling hook I will uh do the first uh climb up give me a climb check that should be good enough to start climbing and we’ll get you up to

The rooftop so let me go ahead and is uh bran going to join yes indeed as soon as I’ve rolled that okay so I will go ahead and put you on the rooftop okay there you go oh brand E I thought it was like I thought it was

Like BR r i n b r a n d ah no like like or like old brand may I may I be moved please with them I cannot see them Co [ __ ] model just breaking breaking the camera so you guys are on the rooftop now right um looking around um I assume

By what you said inside there’s a is there a chimney there should be a chimney over here although you can’t it’s not on the paint thing but there is a chimney over here on the other side of the uh the window of the um window area cool in

That case first thing I’ll do is I will go I’ll go check out the window area just to see do they look like they’ve been uh tampered with on this side so doing a quick look down here based on what I’m thinking on what you would be able to see can’t quite see

Inside yet but um I mean it’s definitely broken and most certainly broken outwards yes broken outwards yeah the third floor window is broken out broken outwards okay um oh let me unpause I’m sorry no no it’s all right yeah uh I will I will basically swinging back around from the

Window I I’ll look at um branth looks like we got a breakout here she nods she points at the glass she shrugs that’s two methods of exit interesting can’t help to check the other one in the chimney eh she waits for you to move okay we’ll go check this one out

Then be careful on the roof cuz I didn’t draw um I didn’t draw walls up here so okay don’t fall off the roof don’t fall off the roof there is actually not supposed to be a window on that side so I apologize oh never mind then in that case straight to chimney

People doing stuff down below what the hell you doing I’m just opening the windows oh okay mhm so you’re checking the chimney from the other side so if you’d like to do perception checks on your end sure and after we’re done up here we’ll pop back

Down to the Second Story I I I do have a question which this is just me mhm how the [ __ ] do you have a chimney on a second floor and on the first floor is it just like a hole that goes down all the way and like you could fall from the

Second floor to the first oh so I’ll just describe it for a couple of things so as you’re checking the chimney I’ll just describe it to you right so you see the flu up here is actually fair I’m pretty sure the word is flu is fairly

Thin mhm the design of this chimney I don’t know if this is anything [ __ ] real but this is fantasy so [ __ ] you yeah yeah basically have a chimney that goes from the third floor through the second floor and be able to work on the middle floor yeah the idea behind it

Being the first floor is full siiz the flu Narrows to give room for the Second Story fireplace that you could light and then the third story doesn’t have an opening but it’s just you know the rocks will get hot and it will warm the room

Yeah so it’s like um it’s like how that uh it’s like how my in and valheim worked when we were on that big server was like three stories this is just I don’t have we don’t have chimneys here I don’t know how they work well yeah ever gotten below like 70 degrees

There um yeah no that’s how a lot of um that’s how a lot of older Georgian Victorian houses and the like work so I am right perfect you are entirely valid it is a thing that happens and works however due to the size of the chimney

It would be you would find it very difficult to wiggle down this flu you might be able to but it would you might get stuck uh what about what about me the small the small a smaller person would have an easier time of it for sure so however

Looking down it it doesn’t look like any of the soot is necessarily um displaced displaced yes same thing I saw on the first floor where when I looked up there was no cuz you can tell if someone’s been down a chipy that [ __ ] is yeah mess in that

Case uh final final question for me being up here um yeah cuz I see you moving around up there my question would be from the window that’s broken here mhm does it look like they could have um like whoever broke out of it or anyone on this roof do does it look like

They could have uh gotten onto this roof here or like do you think that that would have been a logical Escape because obviously like there’s no there’s no blood or anything down there for if they like like smashed their way out of the window so I’m assuming like maybe they

Jumped or something if they broke out the window and climbed onto the roof they could possibly have done so okay gotcha so we will go ahead and move back to the other group now assuming you guys are taking the time to look over the RS and down the chimney and do all

That y good deal so w we’re going to move you back to the second floor got a t pose and collision my way back down just hear GM as he comes back down multi Collision noises and I did already notice that our little Goblin friend has all gotten patient and is

Already up on the third floor so yeah all right the uh like looking over this followed along with followed her and looking around this area he’ll probably he’ll probably mention the zero comes through here just like wouldn’t be the first time that that a murder like this is uh involved

When I think of a murder I in a shop like this I think Contraband wouldn’t be the first time and I don’t like to think ill of people like honest folk like this but you truly never know it is highly likely he was not very magically inclined could have

Gotten a magical item there has been many such cases where it turns out something was magical and he had no idea yeah with that pied up something cursed who knows that with that moon in the sky who knows so we’ll move up to the third floor in a second we’ll go with the

Second floor for now okay good 17 to check out this uh cabinet situation okay yeah I apologize I can hear you trying to [ __ ] with the door and I’m just like I can’t see that level at the moment give me a second I have to I have to

Move between the levels to see things I can’t see everything all at once I’m going to let you check that cabinet I’m going to check out this window I’m assuming this is a window window withdrawn curtains again yep if you’d like to open it you can it looks out

Onto the street if you move out you can see out the window fully so if you just move one more you’ll be able to see out the window fully so oh yes okay I see so checking out the cabinet um it appears to be full of cooking pots and

Pans uh seems to be some possible spices of various kinds that come from across the red aisles one of the Premier locations for Gathering spices in fact all across those islands are multiple crazy plants of all kinds that put a lot of um a lot of different flavors into into

Food nothing seems Disturbed on this floor from a cursory glance i’ assume from what I’m seeing signis does uh does does wolf and does wolf take head paths from others absolutely like I said she is sticking to you like glue while uh okay Brown is not in the room you’ll be

Very glad to know that sirl is is beyond a dog person so hell yeah he hears when the wolf sneez party needs to meet Kai yeah well when the W the wolf sneezes he’s just like all right little guy and just kind of brushes his head around his

Ears yeah he uh the the the wolf just kind of leans into him and and moves its head away from the horrible spice cabinet my 29 was just to check the room to make sure there’s nothing Disturbed make sure that everything absolutely was contained on the third floor because it

Seemed like the first floor was fine H as of the moment taking your time to search this area yes nothing looks out of place okay and while you guys do that we’ll move to the third floor yeah cuz that’s assuming you guys are taking some time we’re going to start make yeah

We’re going to start making our way to the third floor and while we were doing the checks on the second floor what happened on the third floor mov on up there transition mhm won’s already here so he doesn’t have to move he doesn’t have to T pose

Yeah I don’t have to I don’t have to t- pose through the wall establishing dominance I am already I am already dominant oh I I did I did ask him something uh oh you did okay yeah need to get you a Torchy War tooth you can just go ahead and say it

Now cuz we’re focused on you guys so yeah yeah yeah yeah so while you guys are making your way up there and the others are searching the lower floor mhm oh uh you want to see me do an interview Armor man I am here for protecting if something were to happen I

Could not live with myself now then what is this uh oh unfortunately I’m not all that vers in magical doohickeys and whatnot but uh if something comes up you just let me know I’m sorry I’m just hearing Bane I know I know for you for

You I was fren by it just break of our B Spot Jesus I was molded by it I did not come into the light until I was a man and by then it was nothing but blinding breaks Aur spine avar spine rather anyway anyways which to be fair like how

Tall are you again uh he is 6′ three Jesus Christ I’m like looking at like looking at your [ __ ] knes yes don’t worry I will protect you and he will uh he will be the one to open the door and step in first for protection of

Course okay so give me a second here cuz I have some things I need to dobi open up FBI well what would it be in new Spire NBI open up MBI actually no it would actually be FBI because Faria buau of Investigations the FIA Bureau of Investigations yeah C it’s

CSI narator yeah not you not you it’ll be you two that get this so I I know imagine doing the [ __ ] CSI like uh like like the [ __ ] catchphrase and John Dark Souls just getting an a second helmet on top of the first one oh oh goodness you can open the door

Now I don’t want to open the door now I will open the door and step inside oh oh uh a first thing that needs to happen here I need you both to make me will saves I think actually you’re a paladin right John yeah I have levels in Paladin

Are you immune to fear I am not immune to Fear Can you both please make me will saves all right but that is good because I do I do do I oh no it gave it uh removed my first level of uh bravery one second imagine if you like n once and he

Just jumps to aar’s Arms he poses and helicopters out of the roof [Laughter] likees all right good deal 22 you guys are close to barfing but not quite yeah the scene that you saw is what you see mhm and there is blood everywhere oh everywhere all across the

Back corner of the room it’s almost as if someone had almost painted the walls with this man’s blood mhm oh Lord this uh I thought someone just smed him and killed him this is a this is definitely some more occult going on MM uh is how is the body looking is it

Like um is it just like opened up or like is it like is it men’s meat or I will describe it to you after we move back to the roof and the people downstairs if you’d like to just make your way up by all means you can because

At this point I’m trying to get everybody in the room now so all right okay T me up Scotty all right let me do that for you to get some people into the room you need to get one person out of the room I see s

Can you please make me a will save as you walk into the room yeah sure this is be this is going to go great I’m gonna have to follow this up with the for sa to hold the vomit in I think we’ll see what happens yeah I’m gonna have to hold

The vomit in baby yeah can you make me a fort save now yes I will ah zero I will ask you as well now wolf can also do so uh okay please do not pro our vomit please do not projectile vomit onto my armor Cal with

That save since this is this is this is more just to see if you hold your lunch it’s not actually related to any ability you could probably hold it but you are commonly seen crime scenes or the smell would be awful have anything that would

Add to it because otherwise no no I do not that would just a normal will save will save okay yep I get the feeling that the two on the roof might want to come in through the window 28 um zero you will manage yeah again I’ve seen these types

Of scenes the many times don’t worry many ult investigations I’ve seen worse in my adventuring days yeah we’re just like yeah no this is part for the course okay let’s see how many in so we will have um wolf go ahead and make a will save need to make a whe save Yes

Actually okay it’s something called is this an enchantment effect it is a fear effect okay I think that may qualify for devote spooky fortitude save okay spooky if we have to worry about the [ __ ] dog’s breakfast I’m gonna be annoyed didn’t that didn’t Fe him any

Jerky on the uh second floor doggo is Fright is uh shaken as is Cal yep you are both shaken pretty much essentially so doggo is not happy about this something about the whole thing feels wrong to doggo okay doggo is wavering in the doorway and kind of hides between your legs s

Mhm and then the two on the roof do you guys want to come in through the window um only if that wouldn’t like disturb the evidence because you know it’s been broken I don’t want to break the window further yeah so we’re going to put Mr Mr to POS back down real quick

And then uh you guys will put you at the right Heights uh so you can look through the window at least which is this is going to be fun because you hopefully you don’t fall off the roof so oh [ __ ] I’m gonna look at this shaking folk like

You holding up up we’ll put you guys like this let me go to the right [ __ ] level here here we go so that you can at least see CU this is you looking in can you both give me will saves were you holding up beard though why are

You hell yeah cheser you will manage to hold it together cheshier hell yeah BR you are shaken oh really M however with as high as you rolled you were so close that I won’t make you roll to keep your lunch but you are this is disturbing to say the least yeah I think

Even though you see uh you might you might see uh cheser yeah she’s doing okay in terms of like wasn’t shocked by it I’m going to share I’m going to share this again so that the people who haven’t seen it will see it now there you

Go now I for one as a player love this [ __ ] oh yeah so so are those curtains or is that his skin flade across the room yes those yeah they both I will give you a description of everything thank you so first off would you guys like to just crawl in through

The window or do you want to go back down the grappling hook and come up no I’ll hang here like a degenerate monkey hang in here so they want to go into that the room appears to be like I said painted with this man’s blood the back corner his body is viciously ripped

Open it looks like it’s been knot on too oh his head if you see that little bit on the picture is tied up in the drapes of the bed of the bed you know the drapes that go around the canopy bed yeah yep his head happens to be tied up in that

Portion there is out of his blood there is a circle that is drawn on the ground and across one of the walls is a phrase and I will type that out in a moment for you but I can also just say it across the head of the bed where the

Head of the bed would be on the wall the phrase Atasha a is written on on the wall in his blood uh what language is that would you like to make a Linguistics check check I’m going to do you one better I’m going to cast comprehend languages oh okay I will make the

Linguistics check though as well sure which I get another plus three plus six everything’s hell yeah okay so typing it in the chat here real quick 15 nice there you go so let’s see here first let’s go look at comprehend languages because that was the first thing we

Had so it says you understand the spoken word of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible messages this ability does not necessar neily impart Insight merely its literal meaning the spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language not to speak or write it so you don’t necessarily know what language it is but

You will understand the literal meaning of it fear fear leading like fear leading yes I’m gonna like that’s the literal meaning of what seems to be there beard leading so we had avara there’s wolf chesir brand okay so Cal and zero those are your Linguistics checks yes

15 uh let’s take a look see at it I want to see what uh the DCs are here we go yeah um base DC is 20 for simple messages so you got are not certain would they be a to identify what language it is that’s a good

Question uh I would probably say that Bas DC is probably the same as deciphering so no okay question with that that phrase and this symbol could I maybe roll religion to see if I know what this might entail I’d like to roll that as well to assist because because

You I will use my natural divination to get a plus 10 on this one John Dark Souls is assisting okay I’m assisting okay so both assisting avara and her knowledge plus four and you’re using your divination for the day to get plus 10 on the skill

Check uh one of mine one of mine uh I have the they do three different things I can use each once uhhuh I assume this much hell yeah so with that high of a role 42 the circle itself seems to be gibberish to you as far as you can tell

It doesn’t seem to be it doesn’t really even seem to be a working Circle in any kind of a religious or Divine context specifically Divine context um almost as if it was just drawn as if somebody knows what a circle looks like but not how they actually

Work the phrase on the wall with your check so [ __ ] high you some esoteric book that you have read in some deep archive in the church archives because I’m sure you just sometimes spend you’re a lore Oracle you just spend time reading books right when you have nothing better to do

You check out books or you go down to the arch and just read things right yes because of your ridiculously high check you might you’ll actually also possibly know the language too I’ll just give it to you at that point you roll so [ __ ] high um I had the DCS figured in

My head for everything so a point for the green ones you recognize the phrase as incomplete the complete phrase is in common fear leads to Madness or in the language of Alo Atasha is the full phrase oh I’m going to look at the phrase this is a bit odd to say the

Least um um so Circle over there is I’m almost sure is [ __ ] um at least it’s just painted to look like a cult activity and that that is um I don’t know why why it turned German Jesus Christ oh um that that uh writing over there is um incomplete um

I I’m just going to relay the complete phrase to them I go ahead and write it to you which uh might be concerning if uh by the fact that I know it but rain SK one om me zero so that so the circle might have been a

Misdirect that means he’s going to try and strike again soon well words may also be in this direct then may trying to give us a clue in a wrong direction if the circle is one as well it’s unfinished so it can’t be a part of any form of ritual maybe they

Just didn’t even know how to complete it or you could have it could be that they were just interrupted if that uh language there is uh only half done seems a bit strange that they would just finish it halfway through seem how murders operate from my understanding the wife could have walked

In but how long does the body look that it’s been there would you like to make a heal check sure heel check would be the way to determine that mean I’ll start perception the room to see if there’s anything else of value that might have been Disturbed taken anything of the sort

24 so zero with your so we have okay so we’ll start in order that was done here branth your first one was a perception check that’s a heal it can be a heal to assist if need be oh that’s you I’m I thought that was Cel I’m sorry

Okay so did a heal check to assist with the body mhm okay you are able to see that this body appears to be about a the blood is dry but it’s not starting to rot yet neither is the body it seems very likely that based on what they had

Said earlier that the that this happened last night very well seems like he’s been dead since last night yeah we’ll definitely need to talk to the wife do when did the wife when was the wife spotted leaving the scene did they give us that information they did not however technically you did see

The guard you did see the guards consoling somebody outside so so we’re going to definitely need to talk to her and get some information about when she discovered the body MH well uh perhaps maybe before asking D we can ask our friend here he might be the best source of

Information so I point at the dead guy I’m going to give this one to you branth um rather than specifically the age of death will give you cause of death uh it looks like a wild animal came to him like he was ripped to shred he looks

Like he was ripped to shreds in fact looking across some of the things it looks like almost almost like claw marks interesting in various bits of skin what manner of claw marks a knowledge nature check might might be able to figure something like that if it’s an animal I will assist in

That and or make my own depending one thing my [ __ ] archetype give takes away from me that a ranger would otherwise have nature his knowledge nature knowled is there anything that I could substitute handle animals survival I rolled a 31 nature check never mind I was going to say I don’t I

Don’t think that anything really would for nature unfortunately surviv surv I guess and then this is what I do hand animals how you work with animals but not know things about them I guess so but uh with a 31 nature check the claw marks do not match any pattern of

Claw Mark for any animals you’re aware of not animals at least not animals what would it be an Arcana to check maybe or planes maybe to see for other kinds of creatures possibly yeah while you’re doing that we’re GNA move to serial’s perception check as he’s searching around the room there are a

Couple of CH there is a table in the back here that has a couple of various plants apparently um each of these drawers I mean nothing necessarily looks Disturbed there are some chests of drawers that have various clothing items in them a bookshelf over here A T A bedside table that is covered

In some blood and what looks like I will for that one I have some for that one so let me find it for you okay cuz all the while while everyone’s doing these checks and he’s checking out all these things across the room he’s like just kind of thinking to himself and asking

My dad had something like this holy [ __ ] yeah his desk in the that appears to be his desk in the corner so but yeah he’s just kind of muttering to himself some probably hear him just like why him why was he the target uh perhaps we can we can figure

That out um but yeah desk so this was well this is while um zero is furiously thinking yeah and these are the things that you find you find the desk there’s the corner that has some books which yeah some blood got on them it’s mostly

On the walls and the floor but some got on the books on the bookshelf his side his bedside table the plants and the chest of drawers with clothing in them and to answer um each of these following checks let me see here there’s ples 27 mhm no planner creature

Arcana no creature that would be covered under Arcana dunge engineering I the pause aberration I’ll give it to to you more in the sense that dung engineering involves different kinds of items M they look like a manufactured claw of some kind to you okay okay perhaps even claw

Maybe so what was that last roll zero I see you rolled a 1 D20 plus 11 plus 1d6 uh 22 Kai oh no oh no hello that was my dunge engineering disc I was saying things Discord wasn’t ah fair enough y’all couldn’t hear me oh yeah Discord is dumb

Like that sometimes uh can you guys hear me yes okay okay okay yeah but yes that was my dung engineering check uh 22 okay between between you and bran you will both be able to figure that it does seem to be Manu a manufactured item of some

Kind that rather than um a natural claw just because dung engineering I’m like it’s items so you know I’ll give you that so a weapon of sort I’m sorry I’m taking notes you’re fine wow avar just straight up to the body okay cool yep a weapon of sorts

Would engineering help with that if it was a weapon craft checks or profession checks could also help with that okay I don’t have that so I would only have done uh engineering to help [ __ ] I engineering is more buildings I only have craft armor [ __ ] I

Am oh [ __ ] natural 20 hey what was that for profession Guardsman oh profession Guardsman uh what were you rolling profession Guardsman for uh two followup on Kai’s question about whether this was recognizable as a specific kind of weapon since Guardsmen deal with various kinds of weapons and all that sort of dealio

Um one kind of weapon is similar to a punching dagger where it’s like claws instead of a dagger proper is one that guards will sometimes find on people but that is more straight whereas these claws at first you might have thought they were animal claws it’s a more like

Uh rather than straight it’s almost as if you know they were just on their fingers instead a claw Gauntlet of some kind perhaps like a Freddy Kruger kind of deal like cestus maybe like a yeah yeah um so I I got disconnected for a bit so everyone is examinating examinating the room right

Yes yes um I’m getting closer to the guy if no one objects and I’m going to do the smell of I’m pretty sure it’s iron blood smells like iron right not copper yeah the smell of iron gets much stronger as you get closer so first off I’m get um examinating his entrails

Without touching uh to get my natural divination to to safes um but the second one is that you’re doing the Oracle end tril reading how did these fall what does it mean I’m just like oh my God his liver was so swollen uh man drank a lot I don’t

Know oh I’m also gonna like take a little coin flip it and do uh cast my uh speak with the death well I mean you got to find his head first oh it wasn’t the head here no his head is tied up in the b in the drapes yeah it’s somewhere up

There oh uh I’m like uh uh John Dark Souls I need help going to turn and uh make my way around the circle what do you need assistance with I’m doing grabby hands at the head on the drapes give me man’s head I want head I want his head oh and I’m also

Realize meanwhile I’m also checking out I’m checking out this desk it was locked right I could try to open it all right so since we have what we’ll do is we’ll go avara and John and then we’ll go to you two do you two at the window want to

Do anything or are you just watching um chesh is kind of uh not into uh all of the the blood in there but um I think she would be checking out to see like when you said this window was smashed it was definitely smashed outward yes the glass seems to have shattered

Outwards and is laying on the street below yes would you allow me to make a check to see if this was done intentionally or in a hurry I mean like just kind of by checking of how the glass was broken does it look like somebody just threw themselves out the

Window or does somebody look like they actually smashed the window on purpose then climbed out I don’t know if you could tell that specifically but it certainly it does just look smashed it’s not it’s not like it was cut it’s not like it was it definitely looks like it

Was just smashed I’m not sure if it was in a hurry or with a hand but it was definitely smash I’m more just asking because she’d have a lot of experience sure but I don’t think you could neily tell if it was done with an arm or a

Handly or anything else what you could tell is kind of the point of impact did they clear more glass on the edges does it look like they were cut how much glass is still attached to the frame is there a footprint at the bottom of the

Sill um left in glass shards does it look like they were leaping anywhere check the edges around to see if there was some form of Glass Trail because you can get the particles of the glass maybe get like a torch of some kind and see if

You can grab reflections You See Kai is Kai is Kai is Kai is Kai is on top of this this is why Kai is the leader of this group I really love mysteries I yeah yeah fair enough in the criminal justice system murderers based

Off Jesus oh my God I was I was I was going to have that sound in here here I’m sad I don’t know I was going to have it it’s all right he’d get the the stream get demonetized yeah it get demonetized yeah so to give it to chesher it does

Look like it was a big object that came through it wasn’t just a small corner of it or anything the whole pan is smashed out with some bits left on the edges right is there any blood on those edges no okay okay so they didn’t cut themselves any forms of fabric maybe

They got like their clothing caught C like no you’re fine I I did think about these things it’s fine I’m just trying to reset a little bit trying to I’m more trying to figure out what order to keep moving things in and keep no you’re good I’m helping solar figure out questions

To ask these are all in ches shire’s head don’t worry about it so if there would be a perception check made it would only be ches and or brand I’m not over there I’m I’m not over there I A A perception check please okay you over there playing with Kai’s thing

Goody a little bit exception you do not see any fabric of any kind that seems to have gotten caught okay brand did you have anything to do or you just watching for now well like I said are there any other um obvious claw marks or anything around the room the bed is torn

Up um obviously seemingly where he was attacked mhm maybe a couple around where the circle itself was drawn but other than that there doesn’t seem to be any other claw marks anywhere else all right so we’ll move to avara and go ahead I was just going to say I will

When the time is right whistle for wolof to go and have a smell at the Circle oh anything is is it is its name wolof like a or or wolf or wolof yes okay the answer is yes yes so we’ll move to avara and John okay all right uh I’m going to attempt

To extricate the head from the knot of uh the canopy okay um I imagine there could be a check for that I suppose I mean not really you’re more yeah not really if used rope was a skill then that but it’s not a skill so yeah

Um give it enough time you’re able to his yeah nah give it enough time you’re able to extricate his head from it so you pull his head head out his I mean his head’s in about the same state as everything else as you hold it for a second you know almost

Would make you make a will save again if I didn’t have you make one earlier it’s just you’re holding some man’s head in your hands it’s bloody it’s bloody bloody head claw marks along it it’s bloody murder one of his eyes is got claw marks across the front of it and

There’s another very very obvious fact about him which is going to make certain things a bit difficult M his jaw is missing oh does it look like it was removed on purpose to be taken or does it look like it was an accident well the real question is could

You find his jaw anywhere yeah that’s the question is where is the jaw and Je own it was found at the police station no at the Care Center I’m gonna look for the jaw because I need it the villain might be Wolverine is all I’ve been Gathering I will I will look as

Well reception 28 so we have an ebony we have avara searching the room for the jaw we have John dark soul searching for the for the jaw while you guys do that we will move down to the desk yes yes okay I assume that is wof going and looking at the

Circle no that was actually ception about the jaw since I’m here and can listen ah okay so you are also trying to see if you can maybe find his jaw okay yeah all right well now that we’re at the desk wof can also act as well so um

What are the two of you doing down there uh we were checking out desk yeah I think zero was going to try and uh pick the lock open it yeah cuz it is in fact locked yes there is a small lock a little pad lock on the bottom of it that

Seems to to keep it shut and his chair is tucked neatly underneath it doesn’t seem to have been touched by the blood or any sort of claw marks so if you’d like to pick the lock uh pull out some thieves tools and give me a disabled device check I’m just checking some

Things uh oh nope I did not take that who did we lose that was ebony I will expend I’ll expend a point of inspiration to add a D6 and then the [ __ ] B1 plus one B6 20 welcome back ebony uh your circle is going off but if you are talking I can’t hear

You uh there he is there you are at least for a second no I heard an I heard an uh P biscuits Peta biscuits pea biscuits oh I forgot to add my that should have been 30 okay well it wasn’t the most sophisticated of locks it’s more it’s

Almost as if it’s more just a prevent the average person from snooping on it so you are in fact I’m not average mhm you are in fact able to unlock it sweet there you go there is actually stuff in it but this is just the open one so

Okay there is several different things there there is so I’ll just show this to everybody so I don’t have to worry about things right there are notes that are stuffed into the little Cubbies all over the place and there is also a book sitting on the on the table

Portion this looks like a manifest I assume that those were all popped up and you just have all the different popups yep I do and I am yes oh my God this is so good yeah uh wait isn’t no might be a different thing never mind never mind never

Mind is it showing me three at a time that’s weird huh so while you guys are busy looking at all of the items that were found there I think I’ve shown it to you but you don’t have access to it so let me go ahead and

Give you guys access to things so you can go back to the journal and find it later have to do this for each of you let’s let let’s get our Tim taes ready Kai yeah that should be the series of notes if I if my brain’s piecing things

Together there might be an upcoming Rendevous somewhere and this should be the other one yes okay and then I make you guys observers of those too so while you guys are reading those over we’ll go ahead and see if wof is anything okay so I had thatt to somebody

So if there is a specific way that sent works let me know but at the moment I’m just going to ask him to investigate the claw marks in particular and see if he can get a scent I’m sorry she if she can get a scent that isn’t the blood in the

Room or that is overwhelming okay so this is a perception check with scent sure 39 goodness oh nice as a 20 so sniffing things out around the circle W isff and then starts nosing on a pair of vials that were covered under some blood on the circle interesting okay seeming to pick

Something up possibly from those two vials that were covered in blood so they were kind of hard to tell apart from the circle I will know this from my empathic link that he is frightened but also curious about what he’s found she excuse me yeah I’m going to do it too don’t

Worry so I will she’s a good girl yes pick up the vials if I can do it without necessarily disturbing the circle they’re covered in some of the blood alongside the circle but you don’t necessarily have to you know I mean it’s dried blood at this point so fair enough

But still you don’t disturb a circle fair enough those the notes sorry you guys over there furiously reading what you found are you looking at the Melissa one too y yes I am we’ll just have to we we’ll have to ask her name we we are

Going to I don’t want to say inter question the wife so we have I have notes about the questions I want to ask that’s fair I’m gonna Pro you’ll probably end up doing most of it anyway no no I mean you’ll be able to help I know yeah I phrase that wrong anyway

Sorry no you’re good you’re Good so we will go ahead and move back to avara and John first and their roles uh you guys made some roles earlier I think right right or are we just going to ask you to roll again I’m not sure where they are yep trying to find the

Jaw for a for a total of 30 because JN was helping me I see okay so I see the check up there okay you cannot seem to find his jaw anywhere question do I need the jaw for him to to say the answers yes D this to you despite everything this feels

Deliberate to you ah does he need to speak the answers or can he nod uh the body so funny enough we had to speak with dead at some point where a spirit showed up instead but um you know that was in Pirates however the spell actually normally should be you have to

Have access to the body the body has to be in a good enough state to be able to speak with you as if you’re talking to a person if the jaw is missing they cannot speak that is one of those things where like if a body is C is

Ripped up in certain ways sometimes you have to take them to the church and have them sew them up so that they are able to properly answer you so however his jaw just you cannot seem to find it amongst the various pieces strown about I’m gonna like which is uh I I’ll I’ll

Say on on the Pirates end that’s why his head was in the Pickled jar for pres so you could talk to his head exactly yeah I’m going to like hold ahead and like uh guys uh I I’m starting to suspect that this fella might be more no [ __ ] no I’m

Sorry uh but that the murderer is um quite well versed on what means there could be to find them out uh they took off this guy’s mouth so so they didn’t want him talking my interview is no longer useful but um have you have have you found anything

Else in your end because I still have another Ace on Under My Sleeve yes whichever order you guys would like to act in at this point only that of unusual chest I’m also curious as to he seemed to be running in the black why would he have been in debt

Seemed like he was making around as much as he was spending maybe other expenses but he seemed to be maybe even in the green bran whistles and holds up the vials I I didn’t think that money was the issue is it always could be well looks like looks like the work of

A serial killer if you ask me or something like that oh we do have a couple not be an assassin because an assassin wouldn’t leave this much of a mark anyone know uh I’m gonna make a local check chaotic sure I would like to roll m on a Chester

Hes unless need to be nobility that would be local yes I will as well also on if his wife’s name was Melissa or not um earlier uh Silver Spire said her name his wife’s name is glor is Gloriana ah okay then that’s why I wasn’t okay I was like hold up a second

Question chaotic okay then that’s yeah that’s on the Chester homes and I he had a mistress or he was at least pining after someone yeah uh could I roll local for rumors that I might have heard about this fellow the killer no the the the

Yeah sure you can so we’ll go in order like this first we’re going to go with bran you have the vials in your hand you’ve whistled and brought attention to them is there anything else you’d like to do uh I guess just take a brief glance over them myself to see if there’s

Anything about them that I recognize the make uh if there’s anything I can determine about the contents former will do the same since she’s not helping with the other conversation so um they are most certainly almost any kind of person who’s even tangentially related to an adventurer recognizes these as potion FES

M and there does in fact seem to be at least maybe some remnants that you could possibly identify however you do need to have some ability to identify them whether through ident the identify spell detect magic along with spellcraft checks and so on and so forth if they are in fact

Potions if one of them is not a potion I think craft Alchemy would answer a question regarding anything else that could have been in the vials okay I unfortunately or other detect okay I may have spellcraft but that is it I do have the you do have spells as

An urban Ranger right no you’re a Trapper you switched it out yep I do have to take magic if you want to bring that up to me okay yeah so I’ve whistled and if you approach looking at me I will wave them at you oh uh eyes uh very open glowing almost

Like a little Lantern so let’s go ahead and see how we identify certain items let me go ahead and look that up go see where’s identification it says that you can attempt to determine the nature of a liquid with a perception check and sampling it uh I don’t think that’s what we want

Wo I think yeah we’ll probably just fine just use detect Ma I think detect magic and spellcraft is good identify just gives you bonuses to it you don’t have to use identify so just give me a spellcraft check because one of the vials does have a very faint magical

Aura to it from whatever remnants are left in the vial okay little little bits of liquid that are left over afterwards you know so hey more than good enough only one of the vials glose and with the identification taking a couple of SEC taking a about a minute or so uh you

Will identify that there this was a potion of invisibility okay question if the if the other one didn’t glue glue glow glow Glo gloated um could I use that quick detect poison to see if it was poisonous by any chance sure yes it

Was it is yes oh hey there it is so it’s funny just like first they’re glowing orange and then like blink and now they’re glowing purple um oh these might belong to the killer brand nods she looks a little unnerved by your weirdly color changing eyes but she

I I I I I blink again they’re back to normal um this is a potion of invisibility that’s poison no so she mimes like someone walking into the room disappearing and then stab stab stab and then holds up the potion vial and looks confused why would they leave such a obvious item behind

Though pretty sloppy if you ask me if I might make an assumption this might be in that case this might be a first job and the writing and the circle are definitely a dis means of distraction to make a thing it’s might it might be a cultist which means that most

Likely the person who did it knew this fellow and knew how to avoid being captured but was not efficient enough of a killer to um do a spotless work um I uh couple if you guys would like to speak up yep go for first of all uh I

Don’t know if my local check I don’t remember if my local check un answered about any oh yeah I got it as well correct so sorry there’s a lot going on that’s why we’re just right so we’ll start with avara and move on tell me what your role

Was and what you were asking about uh it was a trainy it was mostly to to know if I have heard any rumors or any anything odd or suspicious about about uh jural so uh you do know this man’s name it is his full name is Kevin sell of of sell’s

Uh nicknack and bricka he is a newcomer to the Newcastle district with him and his business and his wife and I mean people didn’t necessarily dislike him neither did they necessarily like him some people were off-put by his appearance he’s a bit more portly he tries he to look fashionable but he’s a

Little mismatched on occasion almost as mismatched as his store what’s the current date there is the little calendar in the corner there that should tell you it is hin third the third I’m trying to find that thing where’s where is it if you want to reopen the calendar

It should be in the configure settings simple calendar and you should just be able to open it y uh I’m not used to these menus you’re good man configure settings uh uh down to simple calendar yep and then you just press simple calendar and it will open it up it’s

Also seven it’s also 7 o’clock it was 5:30 when we started I think so hey nice it’s going oh this paints this paints a bigger picture okay yes so I’m I I think I’m going to speak up here too and then if there so we will we will

Continue with local checks before we continue yeah so so next Cal what was your local check and what was it for was it the same thing as avara it was I cuos yeah curiosity towards uh Chester Holmes yours was towards Chester okay what did you

R what did you roll r a 15 I rolled a 31 okay so between the two of you uh you know of Chester Holmes you also know of His companion who is um what was his name again I gotta I gotta look um cevil cevil um civil bark civil bark and Chester

Holmes Run a a lending business called um Barkin Holmes lending they are lenders essentially they do they they hand out you know they hand out loans to people and they interest on that loan until it’s repaid and so on and so forth um bark is a an elf and he’s known

To actually be quite chummy very sve whereas Chester Holmes legitimately just imagine um Ebenezer Scrooge and that’s basically Holmes he is not he is older most people don’t necessarily like him a lot of people terms of rumors like to believe that bark is the only reason why that business has managed to survive at all because Holmes is very stingy especially about who he lends

Toh well looks like he was racking up a bit of an interest with this Chester Holmes fella and not only that he had more than enough to get out of the black but then he spent that that amount that he could have spent to get out of that to get out of

This Mon’s debt on some kind of strange chest from what I’m seeing on his book here H that was the last thing he entered just yesterday any idea what that strange chest could have contained no idea but we did see he also looks like he bought bird cages around

The same time and we saw those when we were walking in so maybe it would be in the shop still if not do we see anything chest likee in the room around us there does not seem to be a chest in here specifically other than the chest of

Drawers which has all of these clothes and such very good very good going to check the door to the room as well to see if there any kind of force entry to the room like maybe did the guards no they wouldn’t have because the wife would have opened the door and yeah also

Some yeah beads Marvels I think we saw some of those coming in yeah I the only other check I’ll make uh is um of the uh conversation just taking place um I would like to just roll maybe a local check to see like from from my perspective as someone who’s been on the

Underbelly of the city I’m I’m imagining it’s pretty obvious that this is kind of a murder like this isn’t really heard of so not really to do with the to do with the poison vial and the uh potions of invisibility though broken glass and everything does this fit the emmo of

Anything I’ve heard before the more the things we’ve discovered this is very new a murder like this hasn’t happened here in new Spire as far as you’re aware in terms of potions and poisons there are since you are somewhat related to it um there are actors that do deal in potions

And poisons and all that sort of stuff that are somewhat more under the table and less uh you know less above board that aren’t necessarily kept in a uh they’re you know they’re open to see account books MH okay um but what I what I’m more getting

At is does this does this fit Theo of anyone in particular none that you would have heard of by under a local check okay so this may be something that happened while I was stepped away but um did we ever get the full quote um that was supposed to be up on

The wall and did that lead to yes a had a really high religion check and determined that the language was AKO and that the full phrase was in common fear leads to Madness the full phrase being Atasha okay I think that’s all I can ask in character but thank you you’re welcome now this part’s going to have to break to his wife as well when we get back downstairs so Melissa reading things John wants to activate his ion torch uh I went ahead and turned on my oh yep

Your Little Torchy icon yep yeah okay you already had it uh I I have a question for everyone um so before you ask that I’m going to go down the list of everybody what everyone’s been saying okay yeah yeah sorry so we have perception the

Door and the room in the hall any signs of force entry so go ahead and give me that perception check oh no you the r was oh there’s a rule oh I see it okay um I see it the um it does not look like there’s any

Signs of forced entry on the door no gotcha and what’s this down the hallway is this just another door yes we should probably check this I’m goingon to check this room out uh everybody else have turn in the room yeah yeah you’re my these notes have me very curious

Now if anybody else wants to do something more in the room we’ll allow them and then we’ll deal with this next door okay so we have um John Dark Soul do you mind watching my body while I try to ask for something to fate your body is safe with me small

One and then we have this doesn’t sound like any killer I’ve ever heard of whoever did this was more up unright in the head than the worst rabble okay so we’ll start with we’ll start with the room is there anything that anybody in the room currently would

Like to do more of well um I do have a question for the group just because uh this is a thing I can do once but I’m not sure if my question might be the smartest one so I wanted to ask for input um I can cast divination with a 90% accuracy

Okay and uh div ation can provide you with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal event or activity that is to occur within one week so I can ask one question and receive an surely know what to do but I am thinking to

Ask who should we look for if we are seeking to to prove who murder Uh Kevin bran seems to have summed that up for you that’s about what you wanted to ask um I what do we need to do to find the murderer and I would say that’s a specific goal right so

M so I’m going to like probably ask the to the group uh that we are with and ask uh John Dark Soul to watch for my body uh to not get mocked by uh uh cheser wow wow I would not presume but I will protect you sorry I don’t steal from

Mates she’s going to uh look out the door you call me [ __ ] what let us know when you find some chesa um wow oh my God burn you know what I don’t like either of you now oh my god oh you know what I wasn’t going to steal from you before but you

Know what now later you just might find your pocket it’s empty [ __ ] you I love shuts the door shuts the door behind I I love how this party just [ __ ] hates each other no I didn’t hate any of you now I do Jesus you two are saying some really nasty

[ __ ] so I’m gonna uh just uh get out some of my coins uh on the like sit sit on the floor grab some of my coins um like in a little Arrangement and roll my eyes to the back of my head okay we are looking at the timer it is 1910 in

10 minutes you will be done casting uh it’s 1 minute 10 minutes I’m looking at uh no no no it’s my ability of uh gift of Prophecy okay I have to enter a minute trans to cast divination so that is a lore Oracle thing correct uh that

Is a sear Oracle thing okay let me okay take a look see here yes where is SE hiding uh archetype that’s to prophecy once per day trans last for one minute uh which must be uninterrupted okay so it’s only a minute instead of 10 like normal okay yeah so 192 you’ll be done

Soh okay so in the meantime anything else in the room or are we or will we move out to the hallway no just that bran and the Wolf are watching this going on with matching stairs fair enough so out to the hallway we have chesher over here um

Pouting and we have the other two about to go in the door yeah oh God I see she’s pouting and I wait for her to come over here hey come Let’s uh check out this room together h fine she will come over there all right um that was weird did I just

Ghost what was that uh I think that’s going to be a perception Check [ __ ] ghost oh no o oh my god well that’s somehow I’m still high zero very slightly very slightly as if something was muttered under the under their breath in the far corner of the room you hear there’s still so much work to be done still so much work to be done and

Then it stops I think we may still have S may not have yet left the building in no I haven’t at all s s cereal shut up if I’m talking to you I’ll say cereal no sh go close the door um hold the door so much work to be

Done did anybody else hear that I did yeah you did not I did not I did Z was the only one that managed to hear it he what apparently I didn’t hear anything exactly the figure after it disapp it dissipated it it dissipated towards the corner and I

Heard so much work to be done saying like a ghost or something well he’s I don’t like this well I wonder if anything think from this manifest is any in any of these cabinets M might be good to check and cross reference maybe we could find

Out more about that chest CU again it is very odd to me that he spent so much money he would have been able to pay off his debt if he hadn’t bought that easily along with everything else that he seems to have that he was able to sell that

Day I I have a thought it doesn’t makees sense what if like and I don’t know much about magic or whatever you could buy on from crazy chests or something but from what I’m seeing I don’t see any points of Entry but only points of exit so what if

What if whatever killed him was already in the building when this happened yes I there are some questions I want to ask his wife that she was the one found the body she would have she’ll be able to tell let us know if the door was locked

Or not but from the rest of the building looking fine that’s why I want to look into the chest it seems like it was brought in here I want to ask her if he was planning to meet anybody if not would there have been any like when did

She come home there’s many questions we need to ask her to gain context of the timeline gray Shanks I’m with you on that on Magic I tell you for all we know something terrible could have come out of the chest h the thing that also

Bothers me is how the room looks to be that circle is entirely fake why would they make it stage to look like some kind of occult ritual have been bought brought in here some came out who knows but we got a we might be we got some names to follow

Once we’re done here but I’d rather find some object some trace of some of his latest purchases if anything cuz we got what what did you say we saw the bird cages the marbles downstairs this one thing is unaccounted for so this room for sure does seem to

Be a storage room it seems like a lot of stuff that he doesn’t currently have on sale is in this room yeah I’m gonna get my perception rolling to check out some of the storages Sor go ahead I while you do that I run I go back to the other

Room I have a question to ask the Goblin okay so we will do the same with you s you guys are searching the room you are running out at this point your divination will be complete can you please give me your percentage rooll yes uh what low or high is bad um

Low is bad so one through 10 I think would be yeah zero dou double zeros is 100 one through 10 would be a failure y we good byy y so you asked the question that bran had posted earlier which was what do we need to do to find the murderer mhm okay who

Is the Mur yeah who is the murderer it’s John Dark Souls what and we’ll be right back no I just to like who’s that Pokemon it’s the murderer the darkness is coming you need to run run so with your divination your question is what do we need to do to find the

Murderer you first off who do you worship uh zills hell yeah so a slightly mechanical sounding voice in your head is what you will hear and almost a whisper sort of that rises and lowers in intensity to some degree before your eyes will roll back to the front of your

Head the desk there’s more the desk he keeps there’s more that will lead You before your eyes will roll back to the front of your head I want to thing is she rolled them up and the pupils come come from downward from like they rolled up and then they rolled from the bottom back up yeah from the bottom back oh come

On bran is now scrabbling for the door man magic is [ __ ] is it yeah just holding the holding wolf like I like to imagine as she’s her eyes are rolling back into her head is when I walk into the room to check on things and I just go oh

Oh is she good oh perfect timing uh thank you John GNA give uh put a coin in his uh uh inside his boot just slide a coin in the boot yeah just watch it that can’t be comfortable very well it’s just know it’s like oh thank

You Mr Mr Dark Soul and will she she takes the coin and she puts it into like the slot of his helmet yeah you hear some sounds as it bounces down and then down the neck and then down the armor you’re like wait

What H it’s a c it’s a c it’s a copper oh okay yes and then a small uh and then you pull his arm down and then a couple of letters start spinning on his chest but anyways yeah uh you mentioned that you were looking through his through uh his desk before

Right uh I’m going to asking zero maybe Kai walked away sorry I’m making hot chocolate that’s fair like yes we were um I’m going to approach the desk and I’m thinking that maybe because I’m smaller I might be able to spot any other secrets that there might be if uh

They were just looking through the normal drawers can I perception see if there’s anything else in this desk how are you searching the desk uh underneath the cabby like like just walking underneath and seeing if there’s anything else and pulling the drawers all all the drawers it just walks underneath the [ __ ]

Desk I mean honestly you might actually be able to do that yeah God give me a perception check what what what’s happening I’m came back to lter on uh ebony is checking the desk once again with uh the knowledge of uh her augury right okay the laughter being about the fact

That uh she is small enough to just walk under it and look oh so you are searching the desk a second time MH you are pulling out the drawers you pull one of them out almost slightly too forcefully MH and the bottom slides a little bit Bingo you lift it

Up you will find another book ooh let me what’s the books go ahead and make you guys all observers of this item thank you Zas you’re welcome massive massive thumb comes down from the sky welcome no it’s like the Monty Python where you see the God God in the cloud [Laughter]

There’s people outside like the [ __ ] you’re welcome h i PE over at the book that you pulled out but I also ask you is this also might sound a bit odd but is there any way I know you can speak to many different things is there a way that you

Can speak to a ghost yes um I might have seen one in the other room I I can speak all languages actually right now um I mean if there’s a ghost I might be able to make a piece with them I’ll par through the you want me to

If you want to go help out um serial and and the and the brick kid um wow I didn’t want to I don’t want to give one worse and worse names you know I call you byet name yeah we all we all need code names guys I I will be

Very happy to assist uh however I don’t think I am the best person to be inside with the room with a pig pocket and racist fair enough um BR we all have our we all have our with the goblin we we all have our flaws it’s fine I’m a

Paladin I don’t have any I my flaw is that if I have flaws iing my character is no it sounds like you’re the one with a problem kitten what yeah what you oh my god what do you mean by you people Kitten God does John or bran want to go with the goblin to see about The Ghost and the other can just stay with me with a book I will I will walk with the goblin I I love I love how me and are just in a dark room with a potential

Ghost in here by the way to ask if a dwarf can read you know guys you can love a character and SL at me when they are wrong I love John Dills but can acknowledge his flaws he has none and can him accountable for what his wrongdoing exactly he’s never done

Anything wrong in his life yes I have never done a thing a single thing wrong in my entire life that’s why I’m a paladin and I can also call him out on all of his actions which are always correct exactly see ev no I haven’t made any bad

Actions that you have seen in fact I have been very kind I even helped a man who got knocked over by dogs on the street I I’ve been a very good boy but but to paint a picture here this little Goblin who I’ve never seen once in my life

Tried to extort extra money out of a murder case the very F that was the very first impression that I got you see you call it you call it extortion I call it bargaining for a fair for a fair wage and that is part of the

Problem we don’t have no this is this is Medieval Times ain’t no workers rights here I I see so seral is is is one of those that that calls calls doing your job uh quiet quitting God God damn it hyper Funk this so degeneration doesn’t want to work I

See would you like a light yeah you guys have probably been working in the dark over here for quite a bit I was gonna say I was trying to bring in I was trying to figure out how to get my uh Lantern working but uh if you right click yourself there should be

A little icon in the corner that looks like a torch you just push on that oh beautiful okay I mean I can I can see in the dark anyway so I’m I’m fine yeah you didn’t have any problems this whole time he whereas coll was kind of working in

The dark for a little bit she didn’t even think about it I was more trying to figure it out but also didn’t want to interrupt what happening in the other room he just didn’t want to give chesher the the uh satis satisfaction oh God it’s like a game of

Chicken between the two of them I knew I forgot okay um I have a couple other things I need to show here I’m just going to bring them Observer and I did give you guys the book you can already look at that it should be in the

Um you should be able to see it in the journal I I don’t think I pressed bring up and I probably should have oh it’s The Hidden book there we go Hidden book yes there we and um I forgot to bring this up too it was just other it’s just another item that

Was sitting on the desk so other than his papers and all that there we go I’m sorry I just forgot to bring these up that’s all oh you’re good potion vials that were on the ground and then there was also a lantern sitting on top of the uh a lit Lantern

Sitting on top of the um the table so just wanted to bring those up all right cool uh and I could press bring up Hidden book if you need me to although it should be in your Journal now so I can uh I can see it the

Pages oh okay so I can see how these are starting to line up M all right uh so as soon as uh we go into the other room I’m going to look at the uh at seral uh hey uh Captain beardo Captain beardo Constable to you Constable beardo here you go I’m

Gonna hand uh the book I assumed the book was kept with zero and bran yes oh it was with Z I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah I asked you to hand uh s asked to look through the book while you dealt with the thing see if you could

Deal with a ghost so I’m gonna like change my sentence conable beardo uh you are scared of a ghost why is that what what what what no I didn’t say that don’t make him think that I said something I didn’t you know I would never say ghost I’m trying to search for

Things don’t be antagonistic all right slink some spells around to try and find what we might have saw and get to work so for you guys searching in here you are able to find at least stuff that matches up with his um with his descriptions uh in terms of the stuff

You found in the accounting book and so on and so forth and um you are able to find the weird chest that he bought it is locked it looks like sort of like a halfway between a jewelry box and a Foot Locker you’d find at the bottom of a of a bed

And um the feet are um eerily similar to human feet carved at the bottom nice okay what if I see this guy some interests um I’m glad I was the only one thinking of that joke will we take Melissa got little tootsies she got to those little tootsies

Um yeah uh mind if I just have a little look at that chest there I’m not I’m assuming I’m I’m not sure which one of us found it uh it was found by you guys in general okay I couldn’t by the way I would have had a picture for this but I

Could not find a picture of a chest with eerily human feet as their feet so you know just saying um this must be the one that uh they were discussing right that we found that we found in the in the Manifest well mind if I work my magic on

It see if I can discover anything anything about it I care with that of course and what my uh bearded friend is trying to say here um Miss Goblin is that uh we saw a ghost in this room of some kind some figment of the guy who uh you know passed away in

There you notice she’s very respectful with her words there she’s not she’s letting you do the explan the explaining while he’s reading this new book that was found yeah um he’s a she’s uh you notice she’s very respectful uh when she talks about the guy uh I don’t know anything about magic

So uh you might know something a little better eh well that there if it’s spirit is uh is nearby I might be able to what I hate this I hate this I’m I’m devolving to the Lila [ __ ] um oh you’re good you’re good that’s that’s the I’m trying to focus on that

Um question chaotic answer eony so could I cast speak with a death on a ghost or perhaps could I because I I don’t see the ghost right right now like a communing thing wasn’t it so speak with dead is for bodies and um you would need to find assuming the

Ghost is even assuming it was a ghost assuming a lot of things you would still need to find them um you know detect Undead wouldn’t be a bad way to try to find a ghost wait what the [ __ ] I I do not have detect UND dead what the f

But sorry I’m I meant to mute myself but I’m going over the books and being like just have do not have detect detect Undead but I have detect thoughts well do Undead have thoughts no they don’t I mean eat don’t they don’t I would say mindless ones don’t that’s for

Sure I I will try to think on the tech thoughts to see if uh I can I’m going to like put myself here M and like look around and cast attch thoughts um well uh everyone in the room would make some will saves if you don’t want your thoughts

Read doggos are probably just eat fun on my first round I do detect if there is a presence and abs or absence of thoughts well you’re detecting thoughts on the first round yeah there’s there’s thoughts in the room it is it is from any creature with intelligence with

Intelligence score of one or higher so if it’s a spirit it also has an intelligence I would think no you do not read my thoughts okay so then the number of thinking minds and the intelligence score of each you protect four so 1 2 3 4 and then looking around anywhere else

In the room you’ll still only detect four okay and now I’m just curious let’s see if I can just go further and see if I can read their server thoughts you want to read everybody’s surface thoughts still H just to see if I get if if I can get a bigger picture

By in chance with all other information and maybe well it looks like uh what is your DC uh right it is uh is it school school is divination so I do not have uh spell focus on that Um it’ll just be sorry how do I 10 10 plus spell level plus your casting okay so 15 so wolf has failed chesher has failed Dark Soul has succeeded and um Cal will save to not have your thoughts read you guys will also recognize the spell is

Affecting you guys this is how you get to know whether you get to make a save or not so you know you recognize that a spell is being cast upon you even if you do not know what it is looking at her you probably recognize she is using

Magic of some kind to look at the room so yeah mhm bigs are likely like big tails are like floating like antenna so uh first wolf what are your surface thoughts wof what are your surface thoughts uh mostly bacon scented static uh you can actually smell the bacon that’s that’s

My go oh that’s great a little extra in the way of uh let’s please not go back in that room next door that was unpleasant yo bacon bacon scented static makes me think of the it’s I think it was something in the hot dog flavored water I’m trying to

Remember Limp Biscuit Limp Biscuit oh yeah maybe might be one of their albums starfish hot dog flavored water yeah yeah you mean a flaxi pancake no so so spam okay close enough anyway so we have wolf W’s surface thoughts Cal what are your surface thoughts because you did

Fail uh I almost timed this really poorly but I was but I was using this with what Emon said about Oh you mean flas of pancake I was going to be like I that really poorly when you ask that question nothing head empty no thoughts

No um so um he’s kind of um his thoughts right now are just like uh sort of like as though he he’s you know he’s reading this book He’s reading something and he’s just kind of thinking to himself sounds like opinions of a D in this in the city based on thoughts based

On what I’ve heard public say about this and what the hell’s happening to my mind right now oh and then a final um I believe that would be chesher what are your current surface thoughts uh uh well she was looking at the chest so it probably be something similar

Like uh W this is certainly a strange chest I’ve ever seen uh can’t see any immediate traps uh what is this strange feeling inside my head what is the goblin [Laughter] doing I just have like like like my like my head and finger my chin is like like just like what the [ __ ]

Uh well you’re reading you use detect thoughts you’re reading thoughts so not only not only Goblin but also Dr M and then and then her gaze turns to John Dark Soul and just just a resounding no no I’m just happy that you didn’t get to read mine the other

Room yeah while that’s happening I will uh deception check to just detect traps on this uh here uh chest son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I’m pie something I’m you know I could probably say that like he might chess should probably hear him say that in character just like a bit more

Mutter than how I just did it though Fair she she she notes it but she’s G to assume you’re going to say something so um I’m we have you we’ll have you finish with the chest then I’m sure chesher has something he can say and then we’ll have everybody convene

Wherever they’d like to and you can discuss things how’s that sound uh oh that does so you can give me a perception you’re searching the chest for traps it does not appear to be trapped okay I will try to open it okay give it a disabled device oh is it locked yes

There’s a bad lock on it oh right okay I’ve already added bonuses to that okay 24 yes it’s not that difficult of a lock it clicks Open click okay is this wise is it to find I don’t know you’re not here to find out um you’re not here

To tell me no open is this lost well it’s a good thing no but no but no one in the room has stopped me yet and when I asked should I take a look at that for you sirel said yes so yeah it is I said be careful with

It and you haven’t stopped me yet she’s going CU I’m investigating she’s right next to you there are six other eyes in this room do it so zero do you think the next round of investigators that we’re paired with are going to be any better or

Um we have to get a replacement talk it’s gonna be like a week oh my God you can talk what no sure don’t tell them I can talk do it let’s see what happens all right you open the box she’s going to uh open the box okay it appears

To be empty it seems to extend further down than you expect secret chest secret chest secret chest he’s actually so he gets to I I want to narrate something actually real quick does does this let me ask chotic does this box have like a creaking sound to

It the h i mean the hinges are pretty nice I don’t think it necessarily creaks when it opens okay so he’s getting to like a page in this book that he’s reading and he’s just like this magical book that’s in two places at once I thought

He was given the book nope it was with zero oh okay but you know it’s guess I was wondering what you were reading he was reading one of the Trashy romance novels on there there you go go he was just getting to the good part s now is not the time [ __ ]

[ __ ] I’m kidding I’m not you know you may ask have been doing so but um I’m sorry goody you thought you were reading the book the whole time I did because I’m actually doing it right now no that’s fair well when we all convene obviously between discussing it and

Reading everybody getting it pass around to read it you’ll definitely be able to see it at some at some point here soon um do we want to assume that avara comes over and does a detect magic and identifies the Box um well I i’ I’ve gone

Forward so the Box is open yeah yeah uh it’s like this box is some kind of magic like a bag of holding or what’s it called I’m sorry goody I think I uh I think I affected your narration did you still have something you wanted to do uh not if I don’t have

The book okay I’m sorry that’s fair it’s all good I apologize it’s okay all good which also kind of which also which also kind of attracts uh Goblin’s mental thought reading as well so it’s fine we can say we you can just retroactively say that he’s that it was

Just him reviewing the account book and the notes trying to like cross reference things that’s fair and then later you can probably do your narration when you’re reading the book when you guys can be sense that you misunderstood because um eony forgot the detail of giving me the book before going to check

On The Ghost and when ebony did come into the room did state that they gave you the book but it was still with me and and ALS and in addition to all that that I was also distracted by that because I had one of my contractor’s workers come over to collect a tool

Despite the fact that I said no no entry on [ __ ] Sunday and he still came over to [ __ ] get it so I just glared at him the whole [ __ ] time godamn so a multitude of things God yeah that’s fair yeah anyway any don’t let my don’t let

My Outburst stop this no you’re good are fine so what next well she opened up the chest and said it’s almost like a bag of holding or something right yes yeah something magical I am not but I know someone who is turns creaking helmet towards avara yeah you’re the only magic user in

The group get used to this yeah are you there AB ah there you are are you is your mic doing weird things again nope uh sorry what did you say so we were we found out the box is magical and now everybody’s looking at you waiting for you to identify said magic

Item yeah you’re the you’re the only mag staring at you the whole time yeah all right uh and I’m just gonna say something in Goblin to myself does anybody speak Goblin nope I do oh what did you say put Madre so Goblin is Spanish got it do I

Speak Goblin I think I do as well but I’m not uh I do speak Goblin Goblin is now canonically Spanish is this is this what’s happening now Spanish is just whatever language my characters speak that that’s it entirely simar me in Japanese Japanese is whatever I speak as

Well what did you end up saying in Goblin uh ches kind you’re all very kind and sweet people not evenly close yeah I I don’t even need to roll up on that um like like have to have to have to cypher things for these pentos um uh I will um

You know what I I I think uh you know what she uh chesher is going to say something to that she’s going to say she’s going to say um in Goblin uh and you know this is going to be something uh despite the fact that her

Accent is very uh lilted and a lot of the words are mispronounced she turns to you and speaks in perfect eloquent Goblin thank you and for the record I wouldn’t pickpocket you even if you weren’t my friend which I guess you’re not o wait where is it where is

It oh and then she will step out hi how’s the GL how’s the how’s the damp masing tape doing hi um great in the other room in the room is this the most dysfunctional party we’ve ever rolled yes it I don’t think you understand starting from before even this session half of

These people hated each other oh yes yes like literally John Dark Souls is entirely a neutral party you are entirely a neutral party I hope and I literally know everybody like in a good way but everybody else hat like half the people in that more than half the people

In that room hate each other but but but here’s the funny thing it’s only session zero and gray Shanks is going a little bit up in affinity for me so it’s it’s going good it’s going okay see I told you just keep being a good girl we be

Wilding um so so with that chesa steps aside and like gestures a hand towards the chest and she’s like smiling so innocently it’s like she she just said something really nice to you and like like just eyes wide open all right oh my God [ __ ] me oh would you

Like to identify the chest of ARA see um see gracias uh oh one moment I’m sorry did you trip over your pants that fell down no there we go this is the will this is me sign sign sign might might be able to [Laughter] tress oh there are many D&D groups across this

Earth of ours but I don’t think any can pull off a dysfunctional group the way we can in entertaining way this is beautiful if you want to translate say this oh so wow I really [ __ ] up at least it’s an 18 plus stream so sorry it’s a spellcraft right chaotic

Correct I just want to bring it up cuz it happens to be in the chat but so Samurai suggested something that’s just funny to me if you accidentally misspell detect thoughts does goody show up he did say that to I I don’t know but

You know oh they said that okay do he it wasn’t I thought that was I thought it was just Wooten that added that in I’m like what the [ __ ] why this was just this is just a session of reading Jesus Christ also I did just buy a wand of message

Because that that seems to be a much needed thing and I do have used magic device I I just want to say I love you guys sorry I’m playing a Grambling I love you too I hope you know that my racism isn’t real don’t also it’s also just mild half racism to be

Fair there is chesa’s Angy so we have our detect we have our spellcraft check I’m just going to give it to you it appears to be it is for all intents and purposes a bag of holding level one just just in a chest form instead of

Instead of as a thing and it does with thorough searching appear to just be empty huh it was locked still so there’s no way he got it open he even said in his sorry I’m gonna just just to see if if if if there may be anything hidden on Plain

Side I’m gonna stick my head inside the chest you probably could fit entirely with you could probably actually fall in the chest yeah someone grab that Goblin by her ankles willest I will hold her by the ankles above the chest there is nothing there does appear to be nothing in

There oh uh back you see anything it’s a bag of holding fascinating lifts her back out of the lifts her back out of the chest sets her down well Chester folding with weirdly carved feet yeah now wait a minute uh I’m going to use a t magic to see got 20 [ __ ]

Got the thing for 20 gold pieces I truly hope he didn’t have any unian interests as he walks his way out of the room of that thing hold on uh I’m using the te I’m using the tech Magic on the chest to see if I can spot anything else other

Than the fact that it’s a bag of holding a detect magic around the room will give you no other magic in the room and it is just a bag of holding okay all right uh I have to be uh I wait um okay so you I will say you just

Hold hold held me like from the head like like just my head inside because if we if if you had put like all my body uh we would have created a black hole I know I know yeah that would have sucked would well no no that that’s not what happens it’s

Only if it’s a portable hole into a bag of holding you don’t have a portable hole is can can it doesn’t happen if you put a bag of holding inste a bag of holding um bag of holding inside bag of holding I I feel like I’ve been told that you

Just can’t uh if you put a bag of holding in another bag of holding it creates a singularity oh I think that I genuinely think Boon’s got it I think that’s just a port hole it’s portable hole specifically oh okay okay okay okay the I might be thinking the bag of

Holding just get stuck so might be thinking I’m 5 yep yes yep if it’s uh yeah it’s it’s uh yeah bag of holding placed an a portable hole Rift to the astral plane is for uh torn in space bag and hole are sucked into the void and forever lost if

It’s the other way around then the hole the bag and any creatures in a 10 foot radius are drawn inside destroying the portable hole and the back of holding in the process so can we just not put things inside portable holes in general now you’re thinking with

Portals I I could just make the joke that the Goblin’s a portable hole but I don’t think I want to go there so no no no no no no it’s okay I already went there many times I mean I mean have you seen her her her whole her

No and I’m perfectly happy to continue on every single every single Goblin that ebony has ever created is a portable hole right oh my God anyways would you guys like to convene now yes I am I am not wrong in that I am not wrong no you’re not you’re not wrong oh

God I will not be criticized for being right would doggo like to come too yes okay you’re good oh I’m sorry I’ll leave you to I’ll leave you to control it uh there are some invisible walls just use your AR just use your arrow keys okay because there there are some

Invisible walls that will sometimes if you try to drag yourself over an invisible wall it will just not let yeah will collide so not only has he been ill but he’s been pining for this Melissa woman the whole time as well Melissa Haney hany so uh so now you’re getting your

Chance to to read it so if you felt like your narration you can now because you you came back in while everyone else was looking at the chest so mhm so what did The Hidden book say something about definitely was a seems like he was a low par character some kind of secret

Deal going on with this some kind of Enchanted shoe business yeah some kind of import from all the way over in aalia is this why the chest has feet he might really just genuinely genuinely asked that I was I was actually thinking I was actually gonna say that that’s just that’s the strange

Thing John I don’t think this this for the moment at least this chest feels unrelated cuz it came the last day from some stranger and uh I guess the guy who brought it in to cell wanted to his wife wanted to keep it until her last

Days there’s a few things between all of the journals there’s his debt this box and his seemingly pining over a woman that is not his wife I would like to R knowledge local for this Melissa Haney person if I may yes I would as

Well Sam I’ll join you on that if I can just roll above a 9 today I would just I would come I would straight up [ __ ] just just [ __ ] nuts oh cool thanks yeah baby I mean if it makes you feel better with my God damn it everybody else’s

Dice is knocking my roll higher I love the 3D dice it’s so good I’m sorry interrupted you what did you say I said if it makes you feel better between my 20 Dice and my six dice I did roll an N so between your guys’ Collective brain cell

Um I can give you guys a picture you guys would somebody’s probably seen her at some point all right so uh ah right I think I just do this there we go there we go oh she pretty yeah oh yeah she might be pregnant outside of wedlock the har

Pergant with your right there with that Kai you would know that Melissa Haney is the adopted daughter of Joseph Haney who is the not too far from here he is a barber he is a Dwarven Barber and tattoo artist he runs a he runs a barber and tattoo

Shop is she a dwarf she is human she is human okay she is his adopted daughter adoptive right right okay and according to the thing Maria is talking about how she is pregnant outsides of the wedlock the Harley my goodness I mean so like seriously Yes actually like not even

Joking actually yes precisely actually a harlot anyways it’s it’s just in her [ __ ] burn book Bran Bran fumbles for some paper on the desk and a quill and nudges Cal with a a little note once she’s finished quote do we do we know if he was interested in

This girl before he got that shipment he actually writes Enchanted and underlines it several times so um I’ve only given you the last couple Pages there are more if you go back through he will have been writing about her before before this and you as

It your note asked if it said if he know before he it was before the shoe shipment before the shoe shipment yeah yeah he flips back to like page one of this uh of this journal and uh shows it to you and it and says this looks like he’s know like this

Almost looks like he’s known her for quite a while and not only that definitely had feelings for her yeah had feelings for her not very good at it not only had feeling seemed to have some pining feelings towards her but also while his while his M outside was had been

Ill impressed rhyming orange with door hinge but I’m not too confident about rhyming um the word um seafoam with seao like she lies gagging he at your expression you have this Meed you have this Meed annoyed look of just like yeah yeah we’re we get it we get it we get it we

Understand each other yes you see you see like the annoyed fa face of a formerly married man yeah I understand your pain I was married once to what a golden dildo oh my god wow [ __ ] Savage are you sure branth isn’t it can’t talk cuz she has a lot to

Say this is why she doesn’t talk this is exactly the reason this is why I why is this party I’m supposed to be holding together guys come on she she is a woman of few yet pointed words her weapons or her words that’s why she writes Jesus Christ was was that [ __ ]

Like did did she cast vicious mockery or something that would be that would cause psychic damage wouldn’t it yeah Jesus looks like he was also trying looks like he was also maybe considering gifting her something for the upcoming Festival you think that chess could be the

Gift u a little lesso ter for uh someone you’re might be in love with but well I wasn’t him this is my thought though he seemed to want to sell the box he was looking out a ways to he was going to hire a locksmith on the morning

To see if he could get it open so I don’t think he would be planning to give it to her with without even knowing its contents find some riches to resell pay off his debts maybe it would be helpful to note as well in terms of the festival

Yes in a few weeks is the all Hollows Festival by that point most Farmers have made their way into the city it’s harvest season and everybody’s a lot of people are showing up for trade so lots of lots of food lots of um grains Meats people who make pottery just everything

From out in the farmlands that are otherwise essentially under new spire’s jurisdiction so we have we have some people to inquire with too we got Melissa her father this CJ person and if we think there might be ties to it uh perhaps that collector as

Well you want us to go talk to him one by one or split up well may as well keep information together to start the my it’s not going to be ain’t going to be easy to explain all this to the wife that he’s been that he’s had eyes he had eyes for

Someone else at the end no not at all we got to break that news if we’re going to learn anything so have we red out that there wasn’t anything Inside the Box just about curiosity there was definitely nothing right now inside but you were the one who picked the lock yes

Chesire you could have did you notice if it had been tampered with beforehand because last in his note said he couldn’t get it open well uh it was locked when I found it but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been opened and relocked that is true um what I do think

We should do is first I think we need to get some information from the wife we don’t understand the state of the room when she found it was the door locked was the door opened we don’t know if it is a locked room or was how they could have gotten in yet

Cuz if it is if the doors were unlocked they could have just walked through the front door doors who knows uh where was the wife that night was she she wasn’t in the room she walked in what time did she discover the body what time would he even gone to bed

To give us an idea of a time frame of death because we don’t have that yet there’s a lot of information we need to get from her and then we could probably pursue the other lines of inquiry perhaps some local people yes we need to see if uh another thing that would help

Pin down the time of death and or the time of the window breaking we should probably ask around at around the Alleyways maybe a few pubs see if anybody was passing around this time of night to see if they heard the glass shattering that wouldn’t have been quiet

I I I do have another question there were no signs of a forest entry right Windows nor or otherwise only Force used seem to be to exit through the window in this bedroom so if the chest was empty could there be the possibility that mayhaps someone perhaps the perpetrator used the

Chest to hide themselves as a means of transport and then locked the chest after they left right and that that would explain no for entry and perhaps use the potions of invisibility and poison to murder a friend and uh go a notis while doing so after killing them that is possible but

On that thought can’t isn’t there only like a certain amount of air inside a bag of alen or what you said like I’ve got one myself and you can’t really stay in it for too long until you run out of air there’s two other things oh God so so I

Was just going to add on so you’re fine my only my only thought was what what if what was in there didn’t need to breathe or anything like I think we’ve we’ve assumed that it could be something kind of monstrous maybe I mean there could have it could

Have been something similar to an undy or even if there could there be a potion that they could have taken to make them breathe water you could easily bring water into a bag of holding with you to be able to sustain off of the oxygen in

The water for longer so there can’t be air but there can can certainly be that not to mention there are magical spells that create um breathing bubbles for you as well for breathing underwater and such which could also be used to be applicable here we we could follow that is another

Inquiry line we could follow it would be rather easy the note did state that the man who gave who sold the box to Here recently was a widow was widowed from his wife if we could easily search down the line of who who died recently who

Was left behind and who had a box that he was trying desperately to get rid of that would be an easy line to follow which brings up a couple other thoughts here if we can find out the last page of this journal says that he’s a little

Makes me think he was a little bit nervous about about this uh CJ person keeping their keeping their ways to something shady and not to mention flips to the back to the first page who the hell is this Finch person apparently he’s keeping their end of the bargain someone trying to keep

Their end of some trying to keep their end of a bargain as well could I roll local to see if that name rings a bell or nobility or history and on top of and and one more thing I was going to tack on you finish and it may also will be worth

Going to speak with this Chester Holmes as well because who knows that this could be the first with in with this type of Interest increase as well as some of the debts as as well as the amount of money owed this probably ain’t the first you should probably been dealing with him

For a very long time might have the Insight on some of his Goods so uh in answer to your question ebony I actually would like to give chesher the chance to roll on this first if you want to okay seeing as you are the roguish

Type and would be uh more akin to the Underworld the underbelly of the city sure so it would be a local check ah [ __ ] with an 11 you maybe you’ve heard the name Finch but you’ve never visited an establishment with him or know much more about him beyond that

Okay so I will now give others the chance to roll if they want although the DC will be higher did I roll with something via local or city guard to see if that’s like a name that’s kind of been like tossed around the the guard houses I would be willing to give you

City guard okay because I because I use it kind of like well actually funny enough kind of like a lore check but you know sure I would be willing to allow it so it was the other dice it was going to be 18 the other B I screw

Me John Dark Soul has a lot of knowledge about the city damn okay local assist fair so who are you assisting uh I was assisting avara so oh that was the first one 31 avara you’ll know about this bran so a question for bran where does bran live would bran

Live in the more rundown portion of the city of the residential districts closer to the docks yeah no some place that’s if there are any places in the city that are particularly run down and abandoned that’s where she hang her hat um if she can she’ll just get a hold of

An abandoned building in the more destitute parts of town so between you and avara although I’m going to more so just give it to you cuz you would figure you’ve probably been to an establishment before that is called Finch is gullet in this sler part of the city very close to

The docks where a lot of the sewers actually LED out into the ocean and will’ll have probably met the barkeep I will go ahead and give you his artwork okay because that is his name so there you go yep and there he is and there he is that’s Finch so when you see

The name Finch this would be the first guy that pops into your head in fact the name Finch to you is very rat folk sir yeah so she is scribbling again and on this now extremely grubby piece of paper that she once again presses into Cal’s hands she has circled the words Finch’s

Gullet and the address Finch the rat H oh well bartender you said Say bartender did you identify that yeah you said fin address yeah and that’s another lead good job bran would I thought I’ve been always kind of wondering about where these kind of where these uh you know criminal dealer

Types tend to get their info spread around think that’s something you this place familiar to you gray Shanks shows shows you the note she looks at it quizzically h I heard of it but I don’t really go there I find myself in other establishments and you mention I would

Know right chaotic you rolled high so you would also have heard of Finch’s gullet which would give you the idea as to it’s a name that matches you probably um Heard it Through the Grapevine you’ve probably never been there yourself so any info you would add would not really

Be beyond what bran has I know at least you I know at least you and Branan will prob might be some of our insiders if we end up uh following that I would recommend if we do go there uh probably a good idea that well don’t

Take this the wrong way SEL but you know if they see you yeah no he he puts up a little little side SM he like nah I wouldn’t dream of it that easiest way quickest way to blow our cover yeah don’t don’t take this the wrong way but

People like this they can see people like you coming a mile away and by the time we get there they probably you probably not find much of a bar by the time you walk through the door yeah they would see they they would see me coming a good

Ways away you didn’t at one time just send chier and bran towards that path then your little comment there he said that he did he did say that as a little bit of a joke just kind of like a with a little bit of an arm just like you know

Just a little you know just a little nudge little nudge of the arm wink wink nudge nudge and a slight you know muscle Flex like he did around your neck in that picture I assume that picture is Canon so I I believe it is uh to which she

Smirks like in the picture and uh says oh I was tired that day you know I gave it I went easy on you easy okay well reading the room save the jokes we outside and maybe question the misses break the bad news huh sounds like the most logical way of

Going about this right now let’s go and get some answers so a question how much how are we feeling how much longer do we think we got I gotta go you have to go oh [ __ ] the time has flown it has wo it’s it’s a good game

This is real good yeah this so this may well be a spot where we can call it yep yes M okay perect uh good luck Chiefs H uh 49ers on my end apologies I mean I mean I go steers so I don’t really yeah all right

Whatever oh I see I see uhuh okay all right I see all right so thank you guys for tuning in we hope you’ve enjoyed this little uh session Z session one of this uh new little short shot that we’re going to be doing here for uh decent few months and uh yeah this

It’s leading up to some interesting [ __ ] you got a great setup here chaotic I am very much looking forward to it yeah agreed yeah so and here’s hoping that you can catch this man before he does any more damage exactly we got to move quickly presumably my plan exactly

Already have quite a few lines to go after yep yep see you so until next time you guys we will see all of you in the next exciting episode of detectives of new Spire bye-bye

This video, titled ‘[Pathfinder D&D] Detectives of Newspire – Session #1’, was uploaded by Wuten on 2024-02-12 18:38:00. It has garnered 266 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:55 or 12655 seconds.

A strange and bloody (commit exit game strategy in Minecraft) in Newspire’s Newcastle District has investigator’s baffled, and as an experienced band of sleuths under the Abathian Inquisition, the case falls into your hands. Who’s behind these events? Are they truly a returned serial (exiter), a copycat? Or is there something more…

A brief shortshot campaign as we get things set up in the background for other campaigns going forward!


Featuring: Chaotic as GM Wuten: John Darksoul – Human… Warrior Solar: Chesher “Greyshanks” – Aasimar Rogue Guti: Cyrille Vanderegal – Human Constable Cavalier Cygnus: Braneth “Bran” Cragbiter – Dwarf Urban Ranger Ebby: Avara the Clever – Goblin Lore Oracle Kai: Zero Furiya – Human Sleuth Investigator


Music licenses from the stream: TBD


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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More