Mind-Blowing Minecraft Update Revealed! 🤯

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You should talk to us so heavily born in that you get confused between like your role playing stuff and um and the streams and you start telling them things please don’t please please absolutely don’t that just tell them random [ __ ] that doesn’t make any sense and they’re like

What are you talking about so much I have Seeds I I have a compost Hut that’s being built and you’re not done with your compost Hut no I’m not done with the compost Hut that’s because he has a bunch of stuff that hasn’t been supplied to him yet don’t ask what is the but of Baron’s

RP it could be an answer you don’t ever want I’m a naughty catg girl with holes in my underwear oooo what and I need to fix them but I can’t afford them oooo so I’m willing to do some things get money oooo now you understand what my like he needs Cobblestone Slabs I need to make sure this music is just from this and not anything else it is I’m so excited for Final Fantasy remake Honey also went over to double check on my uh emulated PC and it seems to be either paused on its own or it’s confused at the moment can you believe how much he even work me just then I don’t know what you said who were You so I feel the need to show off my town yet again because you guys are only ever see Haron but first we’re going into the forest only ever see hobbiton and that’s the witch’s town over there I don’t and there’s a sheep over there we keep the Sheep alive

Because eventually we will need the Sheep but one day one day will not live there’s a dungeon over there that we still want to go into one so you see this chicken it shall be no B I love this spell this spell is so stupidly overpowered hey chicken

Mickey you guys say say goodbye to the chicken Divine wrath is upon it do you think D just likes yelling yeah definitely so much fun you don’t like to yell love what’s your problem with you yell all the time oh [ __ ] wow the truth comes told

You the truth is dirty I’m going to leave that there you’re going to leave that there the ding it’s asking me to load another disc I’ll do it later do it later honey stop being a jackass that’s fun again that’s the emulated PC that I’m working on in the background using pcem

Don’t make me laugh freaking hell both of you no I hate you P for I am a Wizard’s still off in his own world I am a wizard why are there so many golems in town there is like the active worlds that everybody lives in and then there’s

Dilly’s world where only he is a part oh there’s a Town’s person multiple people are in this stream however I am just going to talk to myself I am talking to myself look at the towns people it’d be a shame of a witch came to just cause destruction oh

God honey can you stop screaming so there might be no villagers left they might all be witches there might be a small hord of of witches in this town why would you do that in the town that I just recently rebuilt and spent time redoing the Golems will clear

It and you can rebuild it again can you stop trolling for 14 minutes specifically 14 well it’s it’s so hard for him he lives off of like he he’s like oh I just don’t have the things that you guys have in your town by the way I’m going to

Troll I think all the witches died it’s such a mystery I feel like all the all the problems and mistakes that have happened in this town have resulted in this sheer number of Golems there are more Golems over here than there are villagers why I finally have enough people also

Whichever villager is in charge of farming they be fair we can barely ever hear Chris and that’s because Dilly doesn’t listen to us when we say turn him up no you don’t say that honey you don’t say that and sometimes Chris is very loud and sometimes she’s not here yeah Joe’s

Not here finally have someone working my chicken C thingy I turned her up by by 25% are you doing it for feathers uh I feathers are super no Works in my bakery still and nobody works in the cowo still wait nobody works at your bakery why why you

Could be cuz I don’t have enough people I don’t have a bakery so there bread is just a phenomenon there you go I made wise words when we can hear Chris my ears are melting usually well yeah because turn her up she’s fine turn her

Up I did turn her up if you listened by 25 5% and the statement was oh that’s why we couldn’t hear Joe because he’s not there how do I have sugar on me someone’s your candy girl and you keep wanting him uh this is because I need another guard

Tower I’m I’m just ignoring you right now honey honey guard Tower we need a guard oh that’s two guard towers two guard towers can you guys believe that PX lady Chris doesn’t Final Fantasy 7 remake I don’t think she cares about Final Fantasy 7 because she probably hasn’t played it and doesn’t really care to Chris is allowed to enjoy whatever

She wants Joe and the other hand really needs to learn what good games [Laughter] are buard doesn’t like any Final Fantasy there you Go I have a potion of instant healing would you like this honey I’m going to go put this somewhere to look all wizardy she going to go here amongst the books like right there do you want a shelf no okay go right there I already

Have shelves I made shells go to bed go right there there now you can see it go to bed go to bed [ __ ] off bad off How’s he do where are you where’d you go piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] little piece of [ __ ] would you take as long as he didn’t take a block off my wall he took that block I think okay whatever he can have it you really just wanted that chunk of dirt okay

Goodbye you don’t know anything about Final Fantasy well it’s a fantasy game about finals or it’s a final game about fantasies here let me show you my town because this is this is this is the way we have to do this I got to I got to so obviously the center part of

Town it’s not even the center part of town the important part of town is the Wizard’s tower that I built this is the Wizard’s Tower yes the wez old’s Tower and from the top of the tower ow ow ow ow ow don’t teleport into physical

Objects the top of the tower can see the mountain behind us but the town the town that we have built is all over here yes this is a town this is a real town not something that’s like a bunch of holes and dirt Hills yes yes that bridge took [ __ ]

Forever askot researchers made a break breakthrough they now know how to dodge then oh like getting good grades from teacher simulator what this is the this is this is the cemetery There Is No Grave that is worthwhile in this Cemetery except for this one but this grave is for

Coulson Coulson T Elmer the original Town Builder literally looked at chat for that and didn’t see the chat I wonder how many times we can chat before Dyan notices W so a while good well it went oh my God that felt so good he thinks we’re laughing

About him all I know chat don’t say anything they will notice too long before him oh totes literally the chat for that and didn’t see the chat bro don’t forget I can conjure lightning okay and it sets buildings on fire oh no oh no anyways this is the

University this is where the alumni come to live and that’s the Richer part of town and over here is is where we start becoming poor there also trash here I’d leave this here I don’t know which who dropped it is probably is what do you want Talia get the [ __ ]

Out this house needs to be fixed it needs one door is it couldn’t put the one door in so he just declared it needed to be repaired this is one of the Builder Huts it’s only level two so he’s a minor Builder this is our town

Hall and over here is our true Builder the real Builder he’s level three along with town hall level three and then here’s a guard Tower and this is the fishing Hut where the man fishes he fishes for a living look he’s got a little boat I didn’t know he got a

Little boat he doesn’t even use the little boat this pretty cool and he has the wood cutter he cuts down the trees and makes for the wood well no Lumberjack whatever what did you play Detroit become human no Chris you played that game right what the Detroit become human Yeah didn’t you get a horrible ending when you played it I got a I got an you got a really [ __ ] ending I remember I got an ending a lot a lot of people liked but it wasn’t a bad ending is the word Kata the douchebag didn’t make it wood

Cutter who doesn’t know how to do his job half the time tooth bag uh the the um the guy with the uh like he was like leading the Rebellion uh the robot yeah I had him um blow himself up oh spoilers if you didn’t watch my

DET sorry what’s wrong with you I mean you kind of tell’s dou bag the entire [ __ ] game and then like it was a big surprise when I like let him die what was the other game that I played that I really liked uh uh Beyond Two Souls I liked he’s not

Making honey do you like those games Beyond Two Souls yeah I thought Beyond Two Souls ending was kind of lackluster like I liked a lot of things about Beyond Two Souls and then it just kind of sort of felt really me at the end he’s not

Working I wanted more of the uh the kids that bullied her getting like fire I think that would have made beon more enjoyable like that one girl that burned her with a cigarette one page yeah he has like no tasks he’s supposed to be making five frame paper

Extras why isn’t he working all those games SK me out because the producers okay uh unpopular opinion while one person may have done one thing in one scene it does not make every single game from a series somebody’s fetish material a lot of people worked on that game that’s

True and the game itself is an enjoyable piece of work so saying that the game is bad because one person worked on it would be like so hard to play any game ever why what other games are fetish material it’s in heavy rain too I mean okay there

Were boobies my mom is playing Heavy Rain she’s liking it just fine and she even went oh my goodness I honestly I feel like they put those scenes in to be all like look how uh look how adult we are look at yeah they it it felt like it was kind of just

Pushed in as a uh we’re not a kids game and we’re going to we’re going to impr prove that we’re not a kids game I’m like okay sure I mean you don’t necessarily see that kind of material in video games in general so I’m totally fine with it because it does stand out

And it they are scenes that you do remember and that’s kind of something you want out of a game that’s very story heavy as scenes you remember yeah I think I need to I think you also get to see uh what’s his name’s but they’re all asking for paper oh my [ __ ] the

Character what is his name I have to finish that game so my open requests my open I heard you my open requests are sitting there and asking for a bunch of [ __ ] but I don’t have anything along the lines of what um of what they need for the building I

Need five frame paper extra that has the X in Oak my wood cutter is not working like he’s literally just walking around because I’ve seen them actually work okay did you go okay I’m going to come to your thing and you sometimes when you show up because you are the person I

Don’t think properly are you looking at are you looking at the are you looking at the stream because I’m tired of you sitting there and just telling me that you’re correct all the time go to the Builder this one Whatever Builder is building the thing that you’re building

The Builder go to the Builder himself CU you can’t see it through that okay l so open request he’s asking for pickaxe okay go to him yourself and you’ll be able to tell I just went to him I’m in front of him and he’s asking

For a pickaxe what can I do for you give him a pickaxe pickaxe because they only request it from the wood cutter when they actually need it like at that time so it’s in there because he needs it eventually but because he doesn’t need it right now correct he only will

Hit ask the wood cutter to make it when he actively needs it at that very moment because that’s when he puts in the request okay that’s why he’s not working dumbass why is he a dumbass because my wood cutter the guy who cuts the wood

And it makes those things is a lazy son of a [ __ ] who doesn’t know how to work and you can active actively see what step each item is on by hovering over the little um him and then set him on fire okay how do I he doesn’t have anything

On his building thing by the way the wood cutter so the Builder has request he hasn’t requested anything why are you like in all black clothes that it’s Shadow Armor it’s Shadow Armor it makes my magic the evoke it makes the the uh El eldrich whatever sounds like management it makes the Whatchamacallit

The Ender magic stronger which is Magic missiles so my magic Missile now does 11.4 go to bed go to bed I have to get there first don’t I go to bed I have to get to bed first bring a bed with you I don’t bring my bed with

Me all I have to do is point at my window go obviously not because you’d be in bed I’m already in bed I teleported to my bed I look out at the morning and I say ah glorious morning Damian if the boats are rocking don’t come and

Knock that could also be just inclement weather I was going to say something along those lines but didn’t know how I wanted to say It so these are the poor part of town it’s where the Farms are or the farm there’s one Farm got three Fields this is the chicken Cube it’s just a singular chicken CBE and this is where we’re going to make our poop factory right here this a poo factory need a Sheep you’re a poop factory wow just talking to Riley Riley is a poop factory the skew this is this is where the residences are we’re going to have some of the Richer families over here cuz it’s a rich part of families of town and we’re going to

Build a wall between the poor people and the rich people how many times a day Do uh if we take him for a walk he’ll poop like four times on one wall Jesus Christ are you kidding yeah I don’t know why where does it come from I have no idea we ask that all the time cuz he acts like he’s starving but he’s not he’s losing at

All poor doggy to him it starts with the big one and then a little one and then a little one and then go shits where he like pretends he’s about to poop and then he just sits there yeah on an unrelated incident you taught your lizard how to associate your index

Finger with food one day you’re going to wake up and not have an index finger now yeah that sounds like a problem but good job congrat congratulations you did a thing you did that you did a thing you might regret the thing but you’re going to enjoy that thing for

Now it’s the thing all right it’s a tiny lizard it’s a tiny liard change fact that he’s he’s going to have a very big meal then this is a very long so my my my town is really it’s the other poor part of Town no it’s when you put your index finger up he knows wormies are coming oh that’s cute a I thought you would like rub it in near his face and you’d be like getting ready for what I don’t know I don’t have a lizard I don’t know how lizards are fed do you

Have a lizard have you fed a lizard lately have you fed a lizard lately feel like I know he’s my baby I know he’s your baby it doesn’t make him any less of a hungry little baby structure Canal Bodie never gets fed we actually don’t feed him on purpose

Go child I wonder tiger threw up on the back of the couch yeah he do irritated me oh you didn’t clean it still irritated me that was enjoyable that that was something I really enjoyed Canal we going to do a Canal Bridge I think little baby’s name um the lizard

Oh my God I know this I know this don’t say it don’t say it in chat it is it’s Lenny Yeah it’s actually a really cute name car’s shown pictures of Lenny in the Discord guys are interesting so I’m thinking of doing that and then put a guard Tower right there I am harvesting out of because there’s like different things that I need we’ll turn this into a link Jesus

Youe did not like the mech scar [ __ ] out of me you got attacked in the mech was yeah well it was just a normal zombie but changed the fact that it scared the ever living crap out of me speaking of I should go back into my dungeon I was getting good experience in

There and I need the experience [ __ ] I didn’t catch wmart and I didn’t notice wh Lord this sucks a I’m sorry derer no that’s please fill the kitty pck dump up with other animals so your weird ass cat video disappears no no I I think I well I recorded Bodie

Making biscuits today body biscuits and if we should I should I sell out for this and be like and if we hit our sub goal for this stream you guys can see no we don’t come on guys bod isn’t used for all people give what they can give I

Know it’s very sweet what they given Red come on guys didn’t you want to see B sorry in advance for anyone who gets sick with this kind of thing what’s sub goal sub goal is it I don’t know Chris what’s our sub goal two yeah what make it at least 10 then then

Then you have the they do what they can don’t make any but two isn’t good enough for you two isn’t good enough no you got to make it 10 that way it’s all like two people sub and then they’re all like where’s the other eight all right if you if only two up

You get a really out of place um still frame of the videoes this even work don’t is all right I will we get one B ones per stream you get nothing good day sir you do get B you will like it I’m joking you guys don’t have toit I mean like

We’re not going to withhold C I just completely forgot that I uh does this stop making stuff because it’s lit up some I forgot that put torches on it I forgot that I did it until like just you do get B once per stream if he’s in

Here you guys still have the donation goal where you’ll make animal noises the 1500 one wait wait yeah yeah yeah yeah 1,000 you donate over 1,000 in one tip when we get SS on stream there the price so it’s not just putting a torch on the spawner it’s any Light

Within the room keeps it from working is that the way that works now no it shouldn’t be but like I don’t know I don’t really it is indeed yeah it’s super old hey all right we’re going down oh sag is here we were just talking about you were we

Yeah oh not on the stream no only started watching streams last year but I’ve been watching bods for ages oh my God look at all of these yeah bunker definitely I like you’re watching this right now tell me your favorite things right on the recipes ah [ __ ] no I threw my sword

I must find it yeah if I die my God the Vex just Mur Mur everything anyways excuse me oh God I almost died [ __ ] am I I just jumped off the mech waist and landed on another part of the mech waist into a completely different area I have

No idea where I am if I die here I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys watch the stream God damage her you guys watch the stream oh like I can’t tell if we’ve ever been down here because there’s no light you talking about Saga yesterday I I think I

Talk about Saga like once per day what what is your weird ass obsession obsessed with me I’m only here for sagitta see we all are we exist for for Saga we wake up in the morning and we’re like I wonder if saggy will mess and then we all collectively oooo at the exact same time group oooo grp group like I’m trying to make sure it’s not the wrong way pretty sure they’re through there but where why are youall soet

Me uh Chris do you want some Barrack blocks like for the barracks what the [ __ ] in case you want to make another one you doing your invitation of Dilly yeah what is your problem both of you do you want do you want my Barracks blocks no no okay good cuz they’re just

Going to sit and story for probably makes me my my heart kind of happy and it hurts cuz I haven’t been feeling like drawing for a while now what wait what did you see I’m here for sag’s pixel art well I had messaged him a bit ago I want to say oh [ __ ]

Dumb was a month ago I was like can you draw something for me back yo I was just trying to use frame make frame paper extra and I used wool instead and wasn’t understanding why the request didn’t go away oh so now I just have some random ass framed

Wool never going to get used just put it in your somebody request have to find it oh H I have to I have to scroll through the the pages of sag talking about DN D What don’t take his [ __ ] take the paper ender pearl o slime ball [ __ ] what am I supposed to do with all this [ __ ] ow all right go Vex kill it what is the Fletcher do makes bows and other things and like bows that aren’t bows it makes items related to string leather and

Um got to get some shulker boxes we have backpacks Dilly just fills his backpack for literally no raisin definitely don’t fill it for no raisin it’s literally no Raisin ow ow ow ow did I kill it I kind of did okay torches torches summoned Vex burn it is 8,000 PS months over um more Vex I go to bed more Vex go B iron what is this Phantom membrane do we need those b

B guys in chat say bed I have to teleport back home if I’m going to bed do it why do you do this to me bring a bed with you no somebody died someone died my God it’s finally not my town sleep for the week because someone

Died in the SPID spider died Damen honey that’s not your bed he’s sleeping in the W again iron sword with fire aspect and Unbreaking creepy guy who sleeps it next to him as far away as he can get I have diamond boots with protection two on them how do I destroy them into

Nothing can I um please don’t give them to me if you don’t want them do what with them give them to me they’re almost broken I don’t care what do I do with them give them to me no what do I do with them grin Stone and then what and

Then you can take the experience and then you can combine them with other diamond boots would have been helpful if you had told me that did you turn away in no I did not I can just disenchant all this stuff huh guys have you ever heard me actually smack Dilly you’re about To honey I don’t know Minecraft as well as you so sitting there and saying you’re stupid for not doing something with it and then not explaining what that’s something is is you just being an [ __ ] no spell is this your first day here we’re sponsored by spousal

Abuse and viewers like you and viewers like you why who’s messaging don’t know my parents probably no it’s my mom oh can’t say that now she’s sending me like screenshots of how to keep cookies from going stale if you’re going to send them in the mail why does she want you to send

Cookies she didn’t ask she was telling me not to send her cookies because she said it’s too expensive you shouldn’t do that it’s what she told me initially here’s how to do it in case you decide otherwise she’s probably like she’s probably feeling bad that she told me

Not to send anything cuz I told her I said I could send her some and she was all like no it’s too expensive she’s like your aunt sent something to the US postal office and and I was like thinking that’s because it’s the US Postal Office do you have a Crusher uh yeah

Why make a Crusher you I was checking to see if you had a lot of Flint or arrows but you don’t have a lot of either so I’m not going no you can take take my gravel you can the Fletcher can turn the gravel into Flint

Which I don’t this is where I put things for jelly Ville but he has not found I can’t make a pressure so I need to research it you’re back to square zero what happened oh God yeah I want to say last year uh all of the the nuts and stuff

Su I wish I could say I did it and that I’m like an evil mastermind trying to get you guys to stay around longer but I really I’m not it just oh no Cypress Le is a rainforest fuzzy and bunker is a Java fuzzy I’m pretty sure I’ve been around longer than you

Probably very much recognize the ndon was in my the nut M A gave you 100,000 nuts wait we can we can do a we can do a an obscure game knowledge thing to give out nuts so Chris give me give me like an obscure game knowledge thing that they can guess

On something about your life like what was Chris’s first game but no that doesn’t make any sense I want them to guess she can give what was the first gaming system you think that I used regularly there you go there you go guys and if you get it correct you get 250 thousand

Nuts creeper put the answer in I’m not Watching uh N64 no Atari no PS3 no neses no Super Nintendo DS No 3DS a computer not honey the chat is guessing not you you don’t get the nuts why hi computer no Game Boy Color No Game Boy no Sega hard to no PS4 no cast do you think I’m a baby no

Why would you even why would why what okay said you just said tet it’s not a console we nope Le sucks I know what it is wow because it’s the game that you used to play while you were enjoying Time arcade machine no Xbox no one of those 8 bit handheld games Dave

Said n Dilly Tetris is a console game there what I mean Tetris was was its own thing said PS1 no hi Sasha wrong tamagachi that’s not gaming system but I definitely had this was it the first one you use regularly no somebody already said Dreamcast PS2 yeah bottom bunkart

Wins every PlayStation except two and five was guess wait minut ow ow wait that was R why did it give it to Cypress Lee well what is your problem why are you [ __ ] things up wrong one it’s fine it’s fine you get it too all right Bank error in your

Favor bunker remind me to do it in like 10 minutes because it has a time a cool down the nut economy is in sham okay he’s working on wooden fingers oh my goodness wooden fingas is going to oh no one knows how to make a crafting table for [ __ ] sakes

Wait wait oh no okay the nut bubble’s about to blow what this is random but there’s this game that I used to love on the PlayStation 2 and for a long time I thought maybe it was a fever dream because I could never find anything about it okay and like nobody’s ever

Heard of the game but it’s called Ka Kaa dark lineage I think it sounds familiar I was like obsessed with it when I was younger oh my God I haven’t seen this one in a million [ __ ] years you can’t like play on anything current well if you want you can you can make

Dly make it playable for you no it’s not that not that big of a deal but I loved it when I was younger and like like I said for a long time I could never find anything about the game and I couldn’t remember the name so I was like maybe I

Just dreamt of it I think they’re not picking up from this right now and I have to reput it down getting hot hi honey welcome home about time you love me wow ow right he was out with another man he just lives there it’s Jim Bros Jim Bros

Hey bro eatting there Ste broccoli and boiled chicken yeah that’s just what they do you go to the gym and then they’re like hey guys do you want some steamed broccoli and boiled chicken they’re like thanks bro I’m going to do a couple sets honey you didn’t give anything to bunard I did

I I manually did it within the you don’t even remember your own C like your own command it’s already there bunker check your thing now where’s all my torches oh they’re right here it’s like going insane I’m like where the [ __ ] is my torches oh my God torch light oh my God

That’s a game oh my God what you done working I keep forgetting I need to pull out my shovel to fix it so uh just while I’m now you’ve got me like walking down video game memories okay W video game memories are we doing another giveaway

No yes I was just going to tell you like the first game that I like played regularly cuz Okay let we can make it a g a game where they have to guess it okay you can guess it I was young that’s your hint your hint is she was young

First game that she played regularly the prize will be 275,000 whoa is it Kyra of Darkness you don’t get to guess why don’t I get to have fun Zelda no blue dragon no I’ve actually never played a Zelda game Harvest Moon how have you not played Zelda shush up harv moon

No um Crash Bandicoot no this is going to be a hard one Spyro no I’m going to tell you guys right now Chrono Trigger is way off she’s that is not something she would have play what honey all [ __ ] no what is all this [ __ ] no those were already guessed and no Red

Dead the first Red Dead oh my God FIFA God think of a young girl who has zero video game experience my mom literally bought me the game Tomb Raider no but close well not close but that is like one of the first ones I ever played Barbie

No but bar Kingdom Hearts no she never playing Hearts I did Sims what you did yeah it wasn’t my first but I love Kingdom Hearts Sims no Mary K and Ashley not get light over no Uncharted no game it’s not red deck Redemption 2 well it was on PlayStation 2 so

Wow you given them all the hints well they are wasn’t Kingdom Hearts Playstation regularly some obscure horse game no there it’s not a game that I would have played GTA no but I did get in trouble for playing that game you got in trouble for playing that did you play Dance Dance

Revolution no I hate that game Dark Cloud no she didn’t put that Prince of Persia which one Simpson driving game Hit and Run yeah no singstar that’s not it Batman Devil May Cry no they weren’t Batman or Devil May Cry but uh that where are we going to

Bed okay hold on I gotta go say hi to my headand since we’re going to bed but I put the answer in our Discord is he joining or is he like I’m not playing I don’t he’s making dinner well he’s finishing dinner he’s got to make me need

Those I need my other bottle of water darling this one has been exhausted oh you guys are knock to get this one is it a Disney game yes what if it makes you guys feel better it is a Disney game that I have never played I played it sha Disney for the

PS2 is not Ling I’ve not played it on the PS2 though that’s why I said you didn’t play it it didn’t did play it no you didn’t not on PS2 it’s a different game doesn’t matter no Disney princess Enchanted Journey did you just watch me play that

No trying to see stop saying Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts it’s like the third time somebody said K Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts find the woman kid Disney game is’s never played I mean to be fair I didn’t really play a lot of PS2 games Enchanted journey is just so

Iconic dude it was so [ __ ] the game is so bad the high school music game now Chicken Little no CH little I’m back did anyone figure it out your planet no gratitud no they’re not going to get it well they might arnia that’s not Disney Disney does own it now they

Kingom heart chain of Memories it is nothing to do with Kingdom Heart well you know what no it is a little bit to do with Kingdom Heart Narnia was uh produced by Disney at least the movie there is something to do with King it it is it is in Kingdom Hearts that gives

You a hint the property is is in Kingdom Hearts Micky Mous Little Mermaid sag a wind y I didn’t even know there was a PS2 version of the little mer yeah it play who just like the movie but I played it on this Nintendo and we only had like one memory card at the time and my stepdad used it

For his game so I wasn’t allowed to use it so I had to play it in one straight playthrough if I wanted to finish the game oh my god get another memory card we were your stepdad could have been nice and given you a slot on it oh my God

Little Mermaid is in Kingdom Hearts goofy turns into a turtle he does and he’s like Donald Duck is an octopus yep because that was a game that mom bought me aywy I mean I wanted The Little Mermaid on Nintendo because the graphics looked cool on the original Nintendo and while

It was very easy to beat it was still a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it Chris did you steal all my corn flowers I did not take any corn flowers the [ __ ] where did all my corn flowers go I’ve been walking around trying to find my [ __ ]

Corn flowers and there isn’t a single corn flow to spare I want to know if I can scar Joe did you take is’s corn flowers oh he said he didn’t okay good okay just beinging a sure cuz he found some for me at some point he just like happened to also find corn

Flowers like I don’t know what you’re talking about he said he just found them in my Village did you find them there no he said he didn’t take them I believe him shit’s not going to be built without corn flow get a hint do you get a HD for what what it’s

Over we already gave it to you bone oh CH oh Carrie’s asking everybody guess car Cher first game all right not everything is about you I mean wow is it just I mean shows he’s correct is it get over yourself whoa wow I’m not going to tell them that

They’re wrong no Builder did one of my Builders die yes yes you walked away and your your Builder got mauled by a immediately after you walked away yeah he walked away and I saw like a builder and Ascot has died it was like literally a second after you got Up want Fu in my Village [ __ ] my maybe I’ll be nicer if is it gives me my nuts they’re already in your inventory just do exclamation nuts I H end on the back end because the command was [ __ ] up we give you my NS now that’s C streamers get in trouble don’t do

That imagine not knowing the command for your own bot you know what I’m not Dilly excuse you deduct five nuts five nuts I command you to try to Chris did you know you can steal nuts should give it a shot in chat right now don’t do it I don’t know how to do

That just exclamation steel why do you do this to people do you mean do it are you pegging me as somebody who is dishonest basic she did it she did [Laughter] it steal are you are you sure okay we’ll steal 50,000 nuts from you oh covered it’s still my favorite [ __ ] Command oh it’s a different level from here now I know how to get rid of nuts by removing them from this economy instead of giving them to someone true nobody has ever hit Top nuts nobody’s ever had the most nuts what the top he’s talking about titles guys in case you didn’t

Know the Top Nut rank in the entire thing is ramp fuzzy for 130 million that happened I’ve got top nuts so far but you’ve never hit the tippy Top feel like there was a ramp pleasing for Noe only one ramp f it it doesn’t let you have um two of the same crazy Nether Bricks do we need these I only have 8 do we need Nether Bricks then no you might I don’t

My villagers need to food and have so I get still shuttle fuzzy you’ll be a shuttle fuzzy for better nut in the sink uh put that there put that there wait did you only play Kingdom Hearts one or did you also play two I’ve played all of

Them what you played three yeah I’ve played three and I’ve played the uh spin off side ones I like was boring yeah three wasn’t great it’s fair short too got like really irritated sof you play chain of Memories I did I didn’t like that one darn raid coming Advance or did you play

It on the there’s some darn Raiders coming for Ascot I never I never finish that go coming chain of Memories was um on the Game Boy Advance was on I never played it on PS2 I heard it was easier on PS2 my ex played all of them he was obsessed

With having to play them all and I think the PSP one was the only one he didn’t play well the issue with kingom hearts is like story the story is it does make sense but it’s super super disgustingly convoluted and you can literally write Pages upon Pages trying to link

Everything properly it’s yeah that’s a lot and when you think you have everything done they decide okay let’s make this story longer and add five more layers did you know that anom was also a heartless if you go to the southwest corner of my town you can

See he was a heartless that was also a heartless but he was also heartless for being heartless oh teleport into a tree you into a where’s my SP Oh I thought I dropped it I got really scared over here don’t run past me so um I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix

Lately and Dilly is getting on my case and saying oh young Sheldon is stupid and then he watched an episode with me and he ended up watching so many episodes with me I’m like yeah it’s so stupid right so stupid but you’re enjoying yourself aren’t you young Sheldon I I freaking hate Big

Bang Theory it really upsets me that I likeed young I think it’s because it has a different tone I hate ow oh smells very garlicky why so they can’t get around us and hide behind it ow [ __ ] yeah don’t worry I’ve got lightning laugh track that room shows for

Me uh I almost missed is’s point of view where he just keeps assaulting bees and It’s oddly entertaining I don’t do it on purpose good job thank you where you keep assaulting bees why do you keep assaulting bees I don’t do it on purpose Big Bang Theory is amazing

You’re amazing here Jo I’ll give you some I’ll give you something be hard to get a tattoo of a squirr with the caption what uh a little weird I’ll tell you what if you do that I’ll give you a grand total of two million nuts worth

It if you get a tattoo that says nut me DD I heard that my backpack is empty of food is Joe not draining he’s still making meatballs he’s making meatballs I wants he’s going to bring some to work for his co-workers oh so he’s doing the potluck

Anyway no that’s oh his work oh okay dude I freaking want meat why don’t you ever make Swedish meats can you stop trolling there too many too many Iron Golems that’s why of them were made by me and you stop do something productive Ow like it’s literally just go do something

Productive so if you keep doing lightning strikes near me I’m going to assume you’re attacking me and that will probably be the end of your town I kill the chicken calm your [ __ ] you need to learn how to have fun it’s not fun Mr killjoy I’m not trolling literally did nothing to your

Town it literally used something why the [ __ ] is a gym holding a potlock that’s a big question that we all had just Jo good Question oh let me let me hold this cuz I need experience because I need to repair this yay I didn’t think of that wonder if I can go through my stuff and just get things that need to be disenchanted and just run repairs on that that goes for instance in here you

Black check out some other stuff gold oh it’s upstairs we’re getting gold bars now yay put that back what are golden apples good for um your people need them in order to cure abely nothing also refill your health why are you tired oh because I was working most of

The day tired that doesn’t make any sense I know but one day you’ll have a do you want to go there right now no that’s really mean and horrible and Incredibly insensitive towards me sorry take off your shirt really don’t want to now no you people would destroy the gym toilets

What with a pot lug no am I going over here oh I know where I’m going I’m going over here Health people don’t poop I’d go to the gym if I weren’t debilitating the self-conscious and I’m horrified by the idea of being I don’t like the idea of having to

Get dressed to go to the Gym but also I’m fat right now that’s the whole reason people go to yeah nobody’s going to if they do they’re not going to [ __ ] say anything if that’s what you’re at there are some judgmental Pricks out there but they don’t tend to say anything and

There is a large number of people that would defend you from what all I’ve ever heard yeah the people at the gym aren’t going to be like there are some that do it there are some that do what the [ __ ] is the point in going to the gym um

But like but the general the general people who are there for health and wellness get really angry when people get [ __ ] like that what wonder if I could take this sword so is a chief sword equal what is a chief sword equal to the thousands of

People posting Tik toks of them at the people they see the gym beg to differ okay well those are the kind of people that you just punch in the face dozens of people oh yeah yeah those are the those are the [ __ ] and a lot of people do

Not like the tict Tock people in the gyms because they’re incredibly disrespectful to the equipment and to other people that are in the gym because they are more concerned about their clicks and their views and getting the perfect shot than they are about actually you know sharing the equipment they’re supposed to be

Sharing like I’ve seen a number of like of things where people shame those people yeah but yeah I I like like when I was working out it for me honestly it wasn’t so much about like the gym or anything it was about do I really want to spend the extra money on the

Membership so I had decided to opt for buying my own stuff for at home and I still have my free weights that I use downstairs in the basement because ISAC wouldn’t let me put them in a place that was easy to get to now that you’re getting

Now he’s okay with it but he originally he was all like I don’t want those in I used to keep them in the living room my got how many times so it was next to the couch the main walkway I have tripped over those free weights like three to

Four times my apartment honey you trip over things that are like a foot apart from each other quite easily so want to go what you want to go old shopping that would do do you want to descent to the shopping mall to the pound town to the pound town that sounds like a

Invitation for sex what is wrong with you do you want to go to hey you finished it I would love one of those a bicycle or a treadmill they have treadmills that work I don’t break out at work do you work on or do you work out on your break I do I

Work out almost every day at work such a better person trying to stay fit during my Pregnancy I’m Fat I’ve gotten so bad my roommate bought a Paton and I’m like this is still much I need to I need to am I out of stone no I have it right here is it bedtime yet yes it is go to bed not B time go to bed it’s not bad

Time you don’t think you guys are supposed to go to pound town on stream sh this is their final stream the wrong webite for that oh my God cre my people are all sleep I have an iron pickaxe go to bed we don’t need to

Go to bed yet yes you do it’s in the middle of the [ __ ] night where’s my bottle of water don’t know can you get my bottle of water when you get a chance for the fridge please I have one that’s filled up is I let her put more on this one oh my

God he doesn’t want to walk downstairs so he’d rather just fill up thisly when is the next Spirit te stream you require the tea we’ll do it sometime this week I didn’t want to do it today but I might do it tomorrow or Wednesday or Thursday

I don’t know but soonish you did yes I told you like four times don’t we have to go to the store tonight no every night well no because actually we haven’t gone much this past week and I’ve been going through our uh reserves of food and I have nothing to make us

For dinner tomorrow not unless he wants me to I don’t know find a way to work potatoes in with a Cann of beans and that’s about it this happens more often especially with me not working because you know I don’t have I have to like keep making us

Food so we keep running out of [ __ ] yeah that usually happens when you need food I need to research stuff ow that’s why I can’t work from home cuz I would just eat all day well we don’t eat all day it’s just I’m constantly cooking I would Uncle know a good place

To get we should go to New Jersey and get who to get good Goble I okay oh here we go when did he discover this place first of all years ago was it prior to his current diet probably okay then I I’m I’m willing to say that it

Might be good uncle no his name’s Dan I need an or was that was that a British joke is that a British joke that makes very little sense to MOS heard that before Bob’s unle yeah I only know about that from Austin Powers anvils eventually break right yeah I eventually oh you know what that’s right I have to get a cow just steal one from my Island yeah I’m going to I have to push him into a jar do you want it do you want a cow my

God you want a cow in a jar do you want a cow in a jar how do you put them in jars you got to put with Precision okay you dig a hole you put a jar in it you put the cow on top of the jar and then you drop a

Rock on the cow to force it into the jar an anvil on top of the cow because then it will force it into the jar okay it’s science yeah definitely do you want to see it happen do you want to see the Miracle of Life I’m good it’s okay no you should watch

It it’s actually entertaining hi I can do it near you as long as you have a cow near you I don’t hold on I’ll meet you at the aisle of the witch gra well I don’t have everything with me like right now oh well then never mind

Okay go to the go to the aisle I’ll be there in a second hitting iron I need I it can’t be a damaged Anvil it has to be a regular Anvil well [ __ ] that think iron grows on trees bro here my unlocks the blacksmith though I’m going to need another Anvil

Just for the [ __ ] blacksmith cows while I’m here Anvil if you want no because I have a damage Anvil I was trying to use because I have an anvil that’s been in my place for repairing my sh Little Island dot dot dot theu did you just sick and where is she

Oh know oh there she is all right I need a cow a the Miracle of Life all right you see this cow hold on so first thing we’re going to do strike it with Lightning is we’re going to put this jar in there see the jar yeah let’s see that the cow that got stuck mhm did you stick him in my god get get out of here hold up there we go hold done science I mean it’s Minecraft science what did you

Want how else are you supposed to get like milk on a regular basis God go to the grocery store ah what happened you’re going to have white people taco night by the way we never did Dilly always promises me this [ __ ] and then never delivers he’s like it

Went into your inventory give me my cow I was um I I know give me my cow strongly considering making it tomor put the dirt in your thing as well but someone’s bitching about us going to the store are we going to do white people taco night

From the grocery store what can I do for you shut up you want some ground beef from the grocery store God what makes it white what makes it white have you guys not heard of white people taco night us because we’re old I feel like those are one of those jokes that only

Old people really get some ground be honey honey honey you don’t need to sing it I promise you don’t lce from hone you not content steal for 22 seconds it’s fine at the moment and that’s not content stealing because I’m not trying to make anything with it I’m

Just repeating it no you’re not allowed to have fun just to have fun so white people talk on night for all intens and purposes is basically taco night at home made using the whitest American not quite Mexican ingredients where you take like a packet of ground beef and Lowry’s taco

Seasoning or something to that extent and you cook that up and then you open up a bag of shredded cheese and you get a head of iceberg lettuce and you shred that up too and you get some tomatoes and you cut that into qbby bits and you

Stick it all in a crunchy store-bought taco shell yeah that sounds party to me sounds like white people T night sorry last time ISAC woned tacos I was like doing something more like with the horn tortillas where I got two of them I warmed them up I had made some meat that

I had had a little bit of a spice rub or a marinade or something with some like chopped cilantro and onions and I thought it was fantastic he was like what’s this I said tacos and he said from where and I was like oh my [ __ ] god from home every street Taco in

La they still make the Taco Bell seasoning you remember that from the yes they do still make the Taco Bell seasoning here’s the other thing too is I told because ISAC was going to buy the taco seasoning pack and I told him I was like why are we wasting

Money we literally have everything you need to make taco seasoning in our spice cupboard you just need the measurements and a little bow of pour them into and but uh it’s done cuz I hate buying pre-done seasonings with the exception of Trader Joe’s 21 seasoning salute because I am

Not chasing down 21 jars of 21 different seasonings to stuff into something I will buy that premixed and love it every single second of the day now I think everything here is supposed to be this level maybe I should just let the Builder this place where I used to live

Where it made really good toito I love I love good Taquito I bought Frozen Taquito and I knew they were not going to be great taquitos and their flower tortillas and those are called flas I don’t know who the [ __ ] decided those were tquo but they were still okay

I was not upset with them medicine build this you little piece of [ __ ] they’re working on the composters H and [ __ ] I don’t want to dig this out and help him anymore than I currently have because I would have done it but the problem is oh God hi show hello

Raiders my point is I don’t want to use up my shovel because it needs to be repaired magic it’s got mending on it I need some experience for it how is everyone doing how are people welcome to Minecraft the modded Minecraft stream hi hi with ISAC in the background

Andx CH what was she playing Li of pe oh yeah she was playing Liza my favorite game I’ve heard some good things about it I don’t think I’d necessarily want to play it because I can’t be a spellcast you son of a [ __ ] you stealing but I do like the look of

It ISAC doesn’t like games like that so him saying ew is very on par for him so dark over here need to do this this this this there a yeah I don’t like challenging games I don’t like games where I have to you liked Elden ring just fine I liked

It I didn’t love it never finished it I never finished it either I actually got stuck with the the fire giant that’s where I got stuck I think I got frustrated and then we got rid of the PS5 so I don’t have the game anymore get

It on the PC and replay it all play I thought about it but you know if you wanted to there’s actually a there’s actually a mod for it where um you can play it the whole thing completely multiplayer and the way the mod runs is it creates a separate executable file so

If you want to actually play the game as intended you just turn it on as normal and it does nothing to the game files but it allows people to be um able to jump into your game and just play it oneon-one with you completely without having to wait for those little

Moments go to bed go to bed you okay El why does your elbow itch CU love CU it’s a [ __ ] I was so proud of myself I it’s been like a week and a half since I last changed the freaking bed sheets well no since not since I last

Changed it since I wanted to change the bed sheet there we go there there’s that there’s that people are calling liip the next most amazing there’s nothing original about it thank I don’t know if there’s nothing original about it from what I’ve heard about it I would say there’s definitely a lot of

Originality behind it I don’t think it’s the next most amazing thing I think there’s a lot of people who like the game a lot that will say things like that honey come here it’s a tiger look at that is’s now stopping playing so that he can stare at Tiger what do he

Want great to see you she’s dead she’s she’s got small poox she needs to be cured with a honey bottle and golden apple holy [ __ ] I did these wrong because I have no way of putting a campfire under them [ __ ] how do I have to fix my honey hives

Things what tiger yes make an apiary it’s too late for that why no Apiaries I don’t have one unlocked just make one I don’t have one unlocked do you need to unlock you need to unlock it I don’t know where to put the at here underground I’m not putting anything

Underground I don’t live in dirt HS like your people do your people are all like we’re Hobbits and in reality they’re just filthy dirty humans oh my God that live underground guys do you realize how much Dilly abuses me quite a lot thought I had more bottles in

This I don’t even have a glass blower for this why do I have water water bottles what do we do with water bottles um I’ll take them if you don’t want no the baker needs them for what and my um my Farmer needs Them how do I get a bottle of honey do I just use a bottle on a hive is that what I do yeah okay let’s go cause problems don’t do it at mine you can do it at the one near the teleporter stop you stop

Telling me what to do I’m telling you to go to the one they it’s already smoked I’m not doing anything at your town wait you have one at your town that’s gaming is blah blah blah really enjoy the first Half oh Chris already did it where are all my bees I don’t know fix lady Chris where are my bees silence can I just use the Honeycombs on like on a jar to get it can you use the honeycomb on a jar to

Get oh you have to do it on a hive yeah I can’t just use honeycomb I don’t have any hives currently in my town which I normally do yes I do right there no I don’t that’s a piece of wood [ __ ] I knew I had done my hives incorrectly

Look we’re just going to have to cause chaos for now is it in his bees dude I love my bees don’t give me [ __ ] about my be I don’t think they know what to do with me when I teleport oh don’t know if the be was

Okay look I have someone with small pox that desperately needs some help fine morning isn’t it replace a child with bees and change it what can I do for you you might love your bees ISAC but those bees do not love you they do love

Me do they cuz it looks to me like they all ran away from home I they’re all back okay oh great I’m wondering if I should just you know honey look it’s an excuse for them to not work I know I’m so happy yeah I’m so happy

Oh replace a child with bees and change ISAC to Chris what I just said no you didn’t what’ you say is yeah I wasn’t here it’s raining no assigned workers build worker upgrade build options build Edison upgrade Riley stop begging go yeah Riley stop stop dogging always don’t be a dog oh

Woof that’s that’s no he’s just like love me love me love love me oh please everyone in chat acts like me killing a child with this big thing like it’s somehow me being ridiculous what it’s true though the Irish word for Santa Claus translates to Daddy December nice I

That’s pretty it’s a pretty good translation probably see what the lighting is like over here my farm area I haven’t decided how far this road should go yet quote 63 just abuse him now looking back now and thinking all the people I’ve lost along the way maybe

Sh guide wasn’t the best career choice for me God I’ve heard that one go to bed are we going to bed saying that this housing stinks my housing is actually pretty nice thank you know what the [ __ ] is wrong with them I mean other than their landlord oh got him

I like how the people that work underground are like I can’t go outside my clothes are going to get wet like [ __ ] you’re underground no I don’t know what I want to put here yet but we need chickens and sheep and pigos it’s still not

I oh right away I don’t like staying out in the rain my clothes are going to get wet but I’m going to wander in the rain for no reason you’re going to die it’s not even my fault it’s like then maybe go in one of the many buildings what’s this way what’s this

Way me there’s this one really yeah never would have guess I forgot to eat just put a potato on your backpack and then you’ll never forget are you like Chris now honey I forgot to eaten real I know you did you sat there and said oh frozen pizza gross I’ll have

Ramen tonight and then Pro it to not have any I forgot it’s [ __ ] God honey go to bed was deserve bed you’re the one who’s been saying go to bed seriously Frozen pizza’s good yeah I don’t mind frozen pizza and I make sure that we get better

The good ones because I kind of hate the really crappy ones I will be right back CU I have to use the restroom no BRB boy what tiger do no you’re not getting any okay I’m back I’m pretty sure that ISAC turned on the uh bathroom faucet so that certain tiger

Kids could drink water and I went in there to use the bathroom and it must have been shortly after he turned on the faucet and tiger was all like I don’t want to be in here if no one’s in here and he promptly Left typical cat but the water was still running actually normally tiger would just sit in there and stay and be all like oh yes someone has given me glorious fresh water and be all like it’s not what fresh water is he’d be like oh yeah is that how that goes pretty

Much how’s he doing it’s okay he’s Okay okay not that way this Way Well too late what oh for the heest yeah Well stream no no no no no because I don’t want him clawing my chest while he’s trying to get oh kiss him kiss him the Puts that was Quick he’s uh bringing B over something I can’t I’m in danger Territory he doesn’t want to be held by you like that yeah he’s in so much distress he doesn’t like that but may be come here you want to go down or do you want to be on my lap going to be on my lap and be very

Awkward cuz it looks like you’re going to you either want to be in the window and I have stuff in your way or you want to calm down here shook the whole chair when you shook your head just now now now I have awkward positioning here because I have body he’s bunking

B body is bunking bottom bunker oh my God what I need enchant a book eh golden pickaxe all right guys in chat who’s more important Bodie tiger or Riley what he can’t hear you like how Riley got shoved into this riy is all like wait people have to decide if they love me

Attention attention attention my parents sent me a picture of them at the um Miami they probably sent it to me too because my phone just lit up they tend to send stuff like that to both of us not just to you and even said I don’t love Matt at

The bottom is your name it would say I I don’t not we don’t they are One Feel like there’s more to this floor still all right guys Diamond shov if you guys want a video of Bodie making biscuits just ask just ask there’s no requirement it’s a Discord literally just burn this place down loves he’s a little baker did the mossy bricks catch on fire they do that’s funny

Huh the MTH Burns off brick then they’re just normal bricks I don’t know if I ever checked this one I mine cart B is a Baker B is the best baker just heard him jump down yeah probably from the uh stair banister where he is currently probably um trying

To make snacks of the Christmas G no he was in he was in the bathroom but if he wanted Negative Nancy yeah he’s he’s destroying things my good baby kitty netive kitty okay that works Cody has never done anything wrong and yet you give him and go he not supposed

Toody is a Vic mostly of Dilly’s disain andness one of my Vex just burst into flames ooh I do not want Netherrack for [ __ ] sakes I do not want Netherrack potion of regeneration sitting next to me not facing me but just like side eyeing me while I’m

Eating pretend he’s not begging So like um are you going to share that with me what like what do you want if I don’t act like like I don’t if I act like I don’t want it she’ll give me some right do I get any of this try to be

A can you do anything with diamond horse armor or no no you give it to a horse give it to what you can give it to a [ __ ] to a [ __ ] just give it to a wild horse to a wild person let them go back and show off to their buddies

My pimp gives all the girls Diamond Whes H oh man two giant hordes one from barbarians one for pirates and there’s no Joe is it for your town H up yes or is it night time yes okay go barbarians and Pirates are coming through my town come we’re going to bed go to

Bed this is this is it they’re not going to be able to survive this go to bed for get wiped go for the ship first we want to get that ship now you want me to strike it with lightning I don’t care what you do as

Long as you destroy the ship but if you kill me I’ll be really dis there’s not much I’m going to be able to do that’s my spell book’s gone oh it’s in my handy they’re coming from two different directions Southeast all right where’s the Pirates coming from Pirates in

Southeast I don’t even see them on the map oh I see them oh God they’re all going Down [ __ ] hell you know getting around your town with these fences makes life so much more difficult I Can’t think I could set the the the ship if you set the ship on fire it doesn’t destroy the spawners it just causes problems for us slight problems why is the ship on fire dly lightning bolt can you not so many of them one down spawner yeah two down here ow why’

You hit me I didn’t fight I’ll be back are you up above no it was down below okay do you want me to go up for it yeah no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sh how high up is it oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m fire because of you I’m

Sorry isn’t there one up at the top or something yes there it’s at the top of the Mast how high up is it on the top of the mast at the top I’m at the top are you at the top yeah I’m at the tippy top cuz

It doesn’t seem like you’re on the top I’m at where it says pirate ship like schematic okay well you’re you’re not looking for them because it’s in the ground and I just destroyed one it’s not I’m it’s not up here then and thanks to lag I can’t change my

Spells that wasn’t why [ __ ] Archer there’s none here so it’s there’s no more up above oh no I don’t even know where it is and there’s so much fire I can’t [ __ ] tell I’ll be back it’s probably in the C in the cabin or something in the bottom okay

Everything’s on fire so I can’t get to it there we go get to it and jump I can’t jump in in the ground soone that’s missing oh the supplies in here are all gone we have plenty of them to pop up don’t worry my God we still haven’t found the

Spawner Chris how was it back at Camp yeah I’m I’m going to camp now did you say you just left I’m going no yeah I’m going to Camp to help I look for the spa here otherwise they’re just going to keep spawning yes that’s exactly it oh wow I just they were literally

Right by the way Stone I spawned and they killed me coming I see it oh great a child was happily my they’re inside a guard Tower your ship is on fire and you’re worrying about me me back be back got it coming back oh he’s going to say goodbye to the bees why did you attack the bees I didn’t the Barbarian did because they are the Barbarian just got [ __ ] up by the

Bees barbarian was firing at me and he hit a beehive [ __ ] hell there’s just so many of them so many people uh only your guards are mostly dying doesn’t change the fact that there’s still people in my town okay calm down I’m calm I’m just observing

The fact that my people are dying well if you have a good infrastructure and allow for a good school system you’ll be able to get Replacements that is not how that works we’re not done there’s so many he broke down this house and the person died in front oh my God you are

There are many so many The Barbarians are done even though the Pirates are like hey there were 70,000 of us on that one ship your guard just walked past a pirate probably retreating there are so many bows in town e spider eyes you see the last person I saw them over here Before no not really is there another one oh he’s still on the ship there’s a ship still it doesn’t just disappear I mean it does if it’s on fire let me get him okay you need to hurry the [ __ ] up then well I’m trying to but oh my God I

Honey he looks like he just can’t get out because of the ship’s on fire give it a Sec are you in the ship trying to get stuff yeah okay I’m going to strike the Mast okay can you not just the mask no because I’m still in here okay I’ll leave it alone tell me when you’re done the fire is going to be put out by the [ __ ] rain

There’s a creeper that’s spawned on the top of the Mast that just jumped down [ __ ] stupid skeleton going to [ __ ] with my Vex now got the can’t find what tower are you out did you get out honey I’m in I’m still in it you can

See my icon no I can’t you’re too far away are you [ __ ] kidding Me where’ the necro go whatever happened to you placing a Beacon of Hope and light underneath this entire shadowed area ah you are out of it oh finally nope that was an old one God damn it it’s okay be careful of where you’re striking I pointed directly

At the mass and not Mech it won’t hit the mech was it goes to where my cursor is goes from the sky down to where honey no it doesn’t it goes of where my cursor is because I tried it in a dungeon and it literally just hit the one monster in

The dungeon it hits areas around it but it seems to hit at where my cursor is I’ve already played with it enough that’s why I was also making sure I was only doing the mask because yes I could have potentially hit the mech oh [ __ ] this is same to Chris’s dead B is let Chris get her body okay guys the one that was in the tower no it’s at the teleporter oh that one has nothing on it I died in one of your Barrack towers and I can’t find oh there’s four of them let

Them show you the different ones because I had that problem last time we’re going to send you guys off on a raid thank you for being here for the chaos

This video, titled ‘Pixel & Chill – Minecraft 11DEC2023’, was uploaded by Dilzik on 2024-03-02 17:00:34. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:10 or 7270 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dilzik

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

    Soundcraft: Cube Xuan's Location Quest! In Minecraft, sound can guide your way, Listen closely, don’t go astray. Cube Xuan’s animations, funny and bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting MC animations, second to none. Avoiding harm, keeping it safe, For all the young gamers, in every place. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For daily doses of joy, oh so sweet. Minecraft facts, shared in rhyme, Keeping the community, in perfect time. Read More

  • Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts

    Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a mystery to me. But fear not, for the adventure is still grand, Exploring, building, in this blocky land. With each new update, the game evolves, New features, new challenges, for us to solve. So join me, fellow gamers, in this digital delight, As we craft, mine, and survive through the night. Don’t skip the video, don’t miss the fun, In this world of creativity, we all are one. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, your bow, And let’s dive into Minecraft, where the possibilities… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • 10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas!

    10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas! Les 10 Commandes Puissantes de Minecraft 2024 Dans cette vidéo, tu vas découvrir 10 commandes très peu connues mais vraiment puissantes. Il est fort probable que tu ne connaisses pas ces 10 commandes, alors n’hésite pas à partager ton score sur 10 dans les commentaires à la fin de la vidéo. Commençons sans plus tarder avec le numéro 10. Numéro 10 – Commande de Décoration Cette commande ajoute des décorations lorsque tu tires avec un arc. En activant la commande, il te suffira de prendre un arc et de tirer une flèche. Tu verras une trainée stylée derrière la… Read More

  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

    Sasha's Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi's Basics Mod In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Sasha takes over, with mods that entertain. From Baldi’s Basics to new adventures to try, Each video a journey, reaching for the sky. What version of Minecraft will be next in line? Leave a comment, let your voice shine. Like and subscribe, show your support, For Sasha’s content, a fun-filled resort. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

    Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes and discounts, there’s much to cheer. Twitch and TikTok capes, brand new and bright, For Bedrock Edition, a colorful sight. To get the Twitch cape, watch a streamer live, Wait for a code, then redeem and thrive. For TikTok cape, watch a stream on the app, Get a code, redeem it, no need to clap. Minecraft’s 15th birthday, a special treat, Discounts and freebies, all so sweet. Don’t miss out on the fun, watch till the end, For Minecraft news, I’m your rhyming friend. Read More

  • Fakir’s Fate: Minecraft’s Presidential Twist

    Fakir's Fate: Minecraft's Presidential Twist In the city of Minecraft, chaos did brew, As criminals plotted, their evil plans grew. Mayor Fakir, a target, in danger he stood, Assassination attack, a plan for his blood. But fear not, for heroes rose to the call, To protect the city, they stood tall. With TNT in hand, they set a trap, For the assassins, a deadly wrap. The car approached, the moment was near, The explosion rang out, loud and clear. The deed was done, the mayor was no more, The city safe, from the threat they tore. So remember, in Minecraft’s tale of might, Heroes… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling trailer and felt inspired to create your own epic adventures? That’s exactly the kind of motivation you’ll find on Minewind. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about art, music, and all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no… Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Biggest Secret Revealed in CraftVids Music Video🔥

    Minecraft's Biggest Secret Revealed in CraftVids Music Video🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Checkpoint and Guido “Tales” Minecraft Music Video🎵 [VERSION A] -‘, was uploaded by CraftVids on 2024-06-06 15:15:02. It has garnered 52 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. 🎵 STREAM THIS SONG NOW! Spotify ▶ Apple Music ▶ Lyrics [Verse 1] Checkpoint stands, map in hand, Guido by his side in this blocky land. Together they quest, through rain or shine, Finding treasures hidden by design. [Chorus] Checkpoint and Guido, through thick and thin, In a world of blocks, together they win. Building dreams, one block at a… Read More

  • T2NDS – Cobble Collection

    T2NDS - Cobble CollectionThe Second Server Network presents, Cobble Collection a curated Modpack & Server for the community. Download, T2NDS – Cobble Collection, and play today! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/t2nds-cobble-collection Featuring: Cobblemon for a fun cobblemon experience! MCA Reborn for a unique starting experience. Vanilla+ structures~ Create mod (and addons) for simple automation. Immersive Aircraft for a vanilla-like flying experience. Lots of decorative and quality-of-life mods like Beautify, Fairy Lights, Chipped, Immersive Paintings, etc. Croptopia and addons for a varied agricultural experience. Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon progression system with endgame PvE and weekly tournaments + events.

    Welcome to Silvermons! Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join us for exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Don’t miss out on Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server Details: Server IP: play.silvermons.com Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (Link) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang spitting straight facts

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang spitting straight factsMaybe Mojang should start giving out points for memes instead of just for mining diamonds! Read More

  • Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox – The Ultimate Showdown!

    Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox - The Ultimate Showdown! In the world of gaming, where choices abound, Minecraft and Roblox, which one will astound? Both have their merits, both have their charm, But which one will leave you feeling warm? Minecraft, a world of blocks and creation, Building and exploring, a gamer’s sensation. Roblox, a platform for games galore, With endless possibilities, always wanting more. So which is better, the question at hand, It all comes down to personal demand. Do you prefer building or playing with friends? Both games have something that never ends. In the end, it’s all about fun and delight, Choosing the game that… Read More

  • “Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft” #hotmemes

    "Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft" #hotmemes “I guess you could say that portal was just too cursed for them to handle! Maybe they should stick to building something a little less…haunted.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More

  • Crafty Villager Shenanigans

    Crafty Villager Shenanigans The Craziest Train Station for Villagers in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In a recent gameplay video, a dedicated player showcased their impressive creation – a Villager Hall that doubles as a train station for transporting villagers. The result? A unique and innovative addition to their Minecraft world. Creating the Villager Hall The player meticulously designed and constructed a sprawling Villager Hall, complete with intricate details and functional elements. The hall served as a central hub for villagers, offering various amenities and services to cater to their needs. Transporting Villagers via Train What set… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft hacks REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cheats part 4’, was uploaded by Posterfridge gaming on 2024-05-30 17:46:05. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:52 or 15412 seconds. your favourite friendly definitely a human… Person! check out last stream to see what i did in that one Read More

  • Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYT

    Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but it’s a Medieval Fantasy RPG’, was uploaded by ManzbegaminYT on 2024-02-19 19:43:25. It has garnered 2587 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:32 or 3032 seconds. I’ve finally returned. Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/manzbegamin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manzbegaminyt/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/manzbegaminyt TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manzbegaminyt?lang=en (Thanks to Chatgpt for the absolute yap of a description this is) 🛡️ Embark on a thrilling journey with the incredible ManzbegaminYT as we dive headfirst into the enchanting world of a medieval fantasy Minecraft modpack! 🏰 🌍 Immerse yourself in a realm where knights don powerful armor, mighty dragons soar… Read More

  • “Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!” #minecraft #endcrystal

    "Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!" #minecraft #endcrystalVideo Information This video, titled ‘”This Much” #minecraft #cpvp #endcrystal’, was uploaded by CPvP Settings And Mods on 2024-05-03 19:18:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal pvp texture pack, crystal pvp server, crystal pvp bedrock, crystal pvp guide, crystal pvp … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuilding

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Build Hacks! ⚡️#minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by MineMINE on 2023-12-15 09:50:28. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 🌍✨ Embark on a thrilling journey with us in the Minecraft universe as we delve deep into the mysteries of the Enchanted Realm! In this action-packed episode, we explore uncharted territories, face off against menacing mobs, and unveil hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat! 🏰 Our fearless adventurer, is armed with nothing but determination and a trusty pickaxe… Read More

  • EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills – Day 12 – New Village Build

    EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills - Day 12 - New Village BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘[No Voice] Minecraft:Survival – Live Day 12 – New Village Build (Android)’, was uploaded by SSG GAMING SKILLS on 2024-01-13 07:08:45. It has garnered 32 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Game Mode: Online Size : 1.5 GB Device : Realme Narzo 30 Pro Like and Subscribe For more Awesome Gaming Videos For Android. ——————————————– —–—–—Description—–—–— ——————————————– Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey meet Witch & Blue TV Woman in Minecraft! Craziness ensues!

    JJ & Mikey meet Witch & Blue TV Woman in Minecraft! Craziness ensues!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met Witch TV WOMAN and Blue TV Woman! WHAT JJ and MIKEY CHOISE?! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-03-19 11:30:13. It has garnered 16852 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:09 or 3909 seconds. JJ Met Witch TV WOMAN and Blue TV Woman! WHAT JJ and MIKEY CHOISE?! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lorder Gameplay @DELTALOO #shocking

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lorder Gameplay @DELTALOO #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bize Bişey Olmaz @DELTALOO #fypシ #keşfet #minecraft #beniöneçıkart’, was uploaded by Lorder on 2024-02-26 13:28:36. It has garnered 117 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • “SHOCKING Announcement in Cypher’s Minecraft World!” #hypixel #clickbait

    "SHOCKING Announcement in Cypher's Minecraft World!" #hypixel #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Important Announcement…#hypixel #minemenclub #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvp’, was uploaded by Cypher on 2024-05-12 17:11:06. It has garnered 155 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this video Cypher plays Minecraft 1.20 and not 1.19 but a challenge. In this video I play a game of fireball fight at Minemen club. It was super fun and super intense. My opponent was good. GG’s to him. But thats not important now. There is an important announcement. From now on, I will be posting fewer youtube shorts because I can barely… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cover of Gravity Falls Theme! 🔥🎶

    INSANE Minecraft Cover of Gravity Falls Theme! 🔥🎶Video Information This video, titled ‘Gravity Falls Main Theme – Minecraft #minecraft #noteblock’, was uploaded by MuzicBlockTime on 2024-01-14 22:00:01. It has garnered 244 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Gravity Fall Main Theme Song Thank you BeastRyan for recommending this song, loved this show when it came out, hope yall enjoyed! Read More

  • Mastermc.EU

    Mastermc.EUVote für MasterMC. wir sind ein cooler Server der Vieles bietet wenn du uns unter stutzen wilst vote doch gerne und joine unserem discord MasterMC.EU:25566 Read More

  • Justalpha – Semi-Vanilla Server

    Minecraft Alpha Server IP: justalpha.ddns.net Port: 2189 Version: Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.1 Gamemode: Vanilla Survival Whitelisted Discord: Join Now About the Server: Join the tight-knit community of Just Alpha for a fun experience. Explore a world beyond the 256×256 limit by stepping into the world border. Engage with good people and active admins, and don’t forget to visit the nether portal near spawn. Help us grow! Join the server, say hi, and be part of increasing its popularity and population. From: Falcomaster3 Read More

  • Survival-Players

    Welcome to the real survival players!Are you tired of boring servers with economic systems that are more complicated than your tax return? Are you looking for a place where you can just enjoy pure survival, without cheats, mods or other bells and whistles? Then we have just the thing for you! Our small but nice Minecraft Java Survival Server offers you: 🌳 Real survival feeling: Everything is like in single player mode – only better because you are not alone! Experience the wild nature, build your dream house and discover the world in its purest form. 🎮 Experienced and active… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamer girl-approved?

    Looks like this Minecraft dog has mastered the art of playing fetch with a diamond sword instead of a stick! Read More

  • Ore Mining Showdown: Noobs vs Pros

    Ore Mining Showdown: Noobs vs Pros Rank 1 Ore Mining: carefully mines ore with precision Rank 999 Ore Mining: accidentally blows up entire mountain Who knew mining could be so explosive? #MinecraftFail 😂🔥 Read More

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More


    INSANE SKYBLOCK ADVENTURE - DAY 83 SEASON 7!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘prt 2 DAY 83 – SEASON 7!!!! SKYBLOCK SB737 PENGUIN.GG SERVER – MINECRAFT BEDROCK CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-04-02 12:06:56. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:10 or 6790 seconds. Happy Easter everyone! The lighthouse has a roof!! We need to get working on the mob farms – so lets do that today ===================================================================== Meanwhile in GOOSEVILLE Subs are coming in super quickly (thank you so much!) 500 sub challenge – Respawn the Dragon (and go to the ancient city for the 400!) I haven’t… Read More

  • Insane Pillars of Fortune Montage

    Insane Pillars of Fortune MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillars of Fortune montage. #clutch #minecraft #cubecraft’, was uploaded by JoyfulMage on 2024-04-03 01:18:04. It has garnered 630 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!

    Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REALM code! No Permission REQUIRED’, was uploaded by FG Dakota on 2024-05-31 06:52:05. It has garnered 901 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. vatar minecraft realm code, anime universe minecraft realm code, ultimate achievement world minecraft realm code 1.19, zombie apocalypse minecraft realm code 2023, rust minecraft realm code, minecraft rpg realm code, minecraft realm code 2023, minecraft realm code survival, minecraft realm code skygen, minecraft realm code smp, minecraft realm code 1.20, minecraft realm code xbox, minecraft realm code naruto, star wars minecraft realm code,… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP SERVERS TO JOIN NOW!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftgameplay #joinmysmp’, was uploaded by Flow on 2024-02-05 02:33:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!

    Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live With Viewers One Sub = Griddy’, was uploaded by JustNonSense69 on 2024-03-02 20:56:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftTexturePacks #animeaddon #hive #mcpe #minecraftbedrock #minecraft JustNonSense69FaultDownload … Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!

    Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ AND MIKEY BECOME BEDS AND ATTACK THE VILLAGE IN MINECRAFT ! Mikey and JJ BED VILLAGE.’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 19:51:36. It has garnered 17813 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. Read More