Mind-Blowing Reactions – Minecraft Live 2023?! 😱

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All right and we are we are in guys um like I said U we’re just going to react to the Minecraft live chat um feel free to tune on in join on in feel free to enjoy as we uh La the Minecraft live do be sure to also check out Minecraft’s

Actual Channel as we get into this all right here we go got my cursor here so let’s find out all right Minecraft live let’s see what we’re getting for Minecraft 2023 ah I love these animations they’re fantastic very good lighting and overall I just love kind of like the uh plastic

Feel of it feels great I really love how they did that that’s awesome little AEL love it let’s see here ah the end I’m re I’m really hoping this update’s really good I really I would really I really want to see It let’s see yeah sorry guys I haven’t been uploading uh as much recently I’m going to turn this down so that way y’all can probably hear me a little bit better but yeah sorry guys I haven’t been uploading as recently with the exceptions of like every Sunday with the FNAF thing I’ve

Just been kind of moving around with with trying with my new living space oh here we go hello and welcome to Minecraft oh wow they got a green screen going on or I think that’s a green screen yeah that’s definitely scen we know there’s a lot going on around the world and we

Want to take this time to have some fun together today we jump into the game and celebrate All of You our incredible Community a that’s cool show is packed with all things uhoh oh I can tell they’re putting a lot of creative thought into this that resolved itself you’ll find out about

The next update here directly from our development teams face some of your favorite creators and we’ll end with a special musical performance oh going to be such a great time and I can’t wait to get started so let’s jump in hello Minecrafter of the world I’m Vu

Buy VY guide you through this year’s mob vote all right in case you’ve never heard of a mob vot and have noidea idea what mobs you would even be voting on well you’re in luck I’m basically a genius in mobs for the past years at each Minecraft live you at home have had

The ability to cast a vote that chooses a new mob that will be added yes the penguin armadillo or crab chat what what are we voting For you get to choose which one gets to move into development and go from concept to feature and be added to the game okay so now that you know the what let’s talk about the who who are these mobs that are buying for your precious boat let’s review your choices first up

We have the crab the crab crabs live in mangrove swamps and I feel like this year just there’s a lot of good mobs to pick from The Claw is very handy for players who like building because they allow players to place blocks further away I kind of wish they’d tell us how many

Blocks cuz something tells me it’s like only two two or three tiny V so next we have the armadillo armadillos live in warm places like the Savannah bio the armadillo drop skew which can be used to craft armor for your wolf these will give your favorite four-legged friend

Some extra defense against hostile moms and finally we have the penguin penguins live in the Stony Shore biome and they’re super friendly so don’t be scared if they come up to say hello penguins are a bit clumsy on land but they are elegant swimmers Penguins can

Also help your boat travel faster okay I can’t pay attention to this I thought the dolphin already does that do I really need to finish this segment I I guess maybe you could uh put the uh penguin in the boat hopefully you can decide which your I don’t know I’m kind of leaning

More towards the kravin armadillo on this one I think one of those two will win I I don’t see the penguin winning if you haven’t voted yet don’t worry it’s so easy that even I manag to do it just before oh that’s good that’s good it’s

Simple. all right guys all right chat go ahead and make sure that you’re doing that visit this website right here the Minecraft launcher and cast your vote there your in and choose one of these wonderful little mobs will join you in the game oh all these are really [Laughter]

Cool all right so so you heard that folks uh make sure that you go vote we want to make sure that we get in every single votes as much as possible I I don’t know what what what what are we thinking so far I think I’m leaning more towards the armadillo just because

That’s my one fear about the uh with wolf armor is I I I want to bring my wolf with me and there is a mod called The Wolf armor mod um and and that help that gives me more confidence in bringing my little pet friend around

Plus this may uh this may give some more use uh to other kind of like maybe um maybe some like enchantments down the line like protection 4 uh or maybe even some kind of speed kind of like what Alex’s mobs already does here some like us I love this I love the Minecraft

Community and their creativity I’m hoping I’m hoping that carries on forever and got teleported to a land of love this kind of reminds me of that um that that one cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid it was like purple crown or something like that it was like

It was like a really nice cartoon and it was just a kid with a purple crown in his hand all the time he might to become William Aton but you know we don’t know for certain that’s just a theory all right the animations too are getting better every update and that’s I’m I’m

So glad that they do go back and focus on stuff like that the sniffer I wish the sniffer would have more potential I I I really I really wish I would I would love to see like the sniffer get some kind of add-on like like getting a saddle on the

Uh sniffer or something like that or just being able to travel with the sniffer the sniffers are currently underrated that I need we need more love for the sniffer it’s such a creative creature all righty then here we go hi Lydia it’s amazing being here in Minecraft I’m usually in Minecraft

Legends defending the Overworld those piglins are a huge problem I know right those evil little piggies it must be so so cool to finally release this game you’ve been working on for so long worked so hard and it’s finally out and we’re really thankful to the amazing Community playing Legends we’ve been so

Happy that so many people have loved playing the game since it came out in April but we did get some really great feedback and so we’ve been listening to the community of you know what they really want perfect so oh is this from Minecraft Legends or is this something

Else amazing changes and we have some new things coming as well I’m SOC excited about the new thing oh Al oh the ls me it’s time for you to jump into the game well let’s go welcome to the beautiful and dangerous world of Minecraft Legends and dangerous continuing efforts of the

Piglins to Devour the world we’ve been adding lots of fun new ways to play all right oh is that like upgraded Golems I don’t know I I I actually wasn’t really that invested in Legends I’m not going to lie I mean it looks like a really

Cool con of a game to find your way to a tle with those hesky piglins your friends are even better at fighting and following you on your adventures it’s so nice that the creepers are on my side in Legends all right discover a different way to play Legends with custom campaigns oh gravity

Down and launch those little piggies into the oh okay so so basically a form of creative mode I guess I mean I’m going to assume that’s what it’s trying toying to say legend legend team what’s the Lost legends about in one you could even play as a Llama yes please amazing oh oh it’s just the Llama it’s just you as a llama okay that’s pretty cool that I like that that’s that’s that’s cute okay have I mentioned you canet the animals so cute you’re not petting the animals you’re kind of more of just like throwing throwing hearts in the

Air AR yet but we couldn’t wait to show you ooh a nice frog Mount that’s cool H around the Overworld with your new Mount and friend the Frog so I’m going to assume it’s going to be slower but it jumps incredibly High LL clanger takes the stage pigling

Clanger alongside a structure that will blow you away the air choer oh my see I wish we could have kind of have like this cuz this sounds like it takes expiration from um the Llama I mean not llama dang it I was just reading Chloe Chloe’s um type and I

Was just singing llama uh similar to like CR mod I was hoping we could kind of get some of these devices in Minecraft explore the over Minecraft Legends full of fun fights and Friends but that’s cool the only thing about adding an add-on especially to a game like Minecraft Legends is is people

Already played through the game immediately captured all of our hearts okay sniffers yeah animation brings on the adorableness in a way that will surely make you say yes yes yes yes yes sniffers I want to see more sniffer Keith the sniffer oh oh a just love him okay go on a he’s all

Alone sort of oh the llama’s waking up oh no no camel sorry camel’s waking up and sees it’s gone oh no oh no no no no no don’t little sniffer no no no no Keith Keith Keith get back here Keith get back here don’t do it don’t do it you little

Bugger go little camel or go uh oh uhoh yep that is definitely Keith so it’s an inside joke for for people who are not a part of the studio that our sniffer our main sniffer name is going to be Keith that’s right mobs leave them alone just just leave them

Be don’t attack the camel that poor thing oh no I bet it’s like a redstone lamp or something down there I I love the sound effects of these mobs too oh I love [Laughter] this uh-oh oh no this poor camel see look they ain’t nothing going

To happen to Keith Keith is is too good oh sorry buddy oh no oh oh no this isn’t going to end well for him why is everybody after the camel not the sniffer I guess they recognize the true Predator versus a true prey Oh I hope they don’t end up like in the skull place or whatnot bro is using creative teleportation oh got to find the sniffer oh he didn’t abandon the sniffer did he A it’s okay buddy Keith always [Laughter] returns yes that was me upon my first sniffer aw there you go [Laughter] buddy see guys I’m telling you the sne need this the sniffer needs more oh okay I guess I guess my votes are done tallying oh sorry I’m just playing with my new little friends but I have some news the mob vote is now over I hope you

Got to cast your vote if you somehow missed it don’t worry the fun isn’t over just yet the live vote experience on Bedrock will still be open for another day join tiny Agnes tiny yens tiny Lydia and that mischievous tiny Vu and play games earn in-game rewards and explore

To find little sec secret I heard the tiny Bo is sitting right over a dunk tank I can’t wait to pay him a visit myself right after the show for now just enjoy knowing that soon I’ll be able to announce the first mob that was voted

Out and after that he sounds so happy about that okay I really need to focus these cuties are just too distracting I have a family the penguin is out old friend right now really sorry about this but Oh no hey R2 R what it’s nice to see you too hey I was hoping you’d tell our viewers all about the Minecraft Star Wars path of the Jedi oh yeah I think I I thought they already did this I mean yeah I guess I could explain

The details I do know that players will get to play as a Padawan and train to be a Jedi oh warlock would like this is yeah that’s what I thought players will get to battle monsters duel with other Jedi use the force and even who okay hold on don’t spoil the

Ending let them find out what happens when they join Yoda for a journey all on their own okay no it’s okay R2 you just got excited for anyone who can translate r too well that was a better introduction than I could have done myself oh my

Gosh this had to have taken them a long time to do oh this is where they get the kyber crystal ah jog Grievous oh that’s Cool oh yeah Josh would love this I wonder if you could play both Jedi or Si I guess it’s considered path of the Jedi so therefore it’s not even more oh okaya Panda um but no no no I I kind of wish you could like go either way cuz I’m

Actually more Sith than I am Jedi just because I I I like the color uh red Green’s my favorite though so maybe maybe I will stick with Jedi as long as I can get a green lightsaber my girlfriend’s more of the Sith than I am like right

Here look at that huh hey that’s experience right there you have to respect the experience there I was just about to say where’s Jeb at look at this place it’s so beautiful they did really well in the green screening I I I built a track to the

Underground base it’s a I’m I’m pretty sure it’s a shortcut okay well I actually I mean Agnes is supposed to be there I need to meet her so if you’re you’re short it’s a absolutely absolutely don’t do the boat don’t do the boat through the desert yeah I’m

Sure I’m sure okay let’s try it Jeb’s going to go through the boat okay Jeb smart cinematography is beautiful with this yeah they they’re really going all out for this which I really love uhhuh that’s right it’s like a collaboration of all the things that they’ve done in the past

I love this place wow very peaceful very nice there was like a geode up there if y saw it that’s right oh no she did the Ice Bucket Challenge everybody don’t worry there’s some power rail ahead ah beautiful chip [Laughter] fantastic uhoh uh is this right I got the

Spiders why did it have to be spiders oh could you imagine like a VR roller coaster of that that would Pro that would oh that would be terrifying yes right welcome to the Lego mcraft brick oh here we go two worlds two creators an infinite am of possible builds all right

Rose I’m a Minecraft content creator and streamer my name is Tristan Kane and I’m a master mot Builder here at the LEGO Group here’s how it Works each Creator was challenged to build their ultimate Minecraft Hideaway they were both sent Lego Minecraft chests containing prompts to guide their build but there’s a Twist

Neither were given all of the prompts so after each Creator finishes a prompt they’ll have to give the other clues about what they built we’ll see how similar or Inc different their builds turned out all right was given the first prompt in round one as you Hannah Rose began

Crafting you’ll start in the Cherry Blossom biome and build level one off the ground you feature a Lookout Point to watch for mobs and of course no home is complete without a crafting table to start my building process you have to find the best biome in a cherry blossom

Biome I’ll use pinks and greens okay Anna Rose it’s time for you to give Tristan a few clues about your build my Clues to you are elevated pink and water good luck oh elevated off the ground wonder how tall I’m going to have to make it okay Tristan time for you to

Open your test and get your prompt create the next level of your build by adding transportation to make it enjoy the ride the process for this build started with laying out the overall idea which consisted of three layers look like Minecraft but still each have their own story to tell okay

Tristan it’s time for you to give Hannah Rose a few clues about your build and she’ll put her unique Twist on it you’re going to have to build something that’s round seasonal with an animated expression and Ride Along oh that’s cool think of blocks so this is going to be

Kind of hard for me to build and when I think of seasonal I think of Halloween so thought it would be really interesting to build a big skull oh so they’re kind of feeding off of each other with this infus life into your Abode I’m building a big bee that

Can travel from one biome to another okay Hannah Rose now you can give Tristan a few clues about your build my build includes an energy source and has elements that are industrial futuristic and multifunctional futuristic I know just the parts to use for that uhoh oh

He’s crazy it’s finale time for the Epic reveal of our Minecraft creations hey welcome hi thanks for coming all this way to Lego HQ yeah it was an easy trip just jumping through another portal how did you do all of this I took movement literally no way wow the eyes

Are literally moving that’s so cool this is great I tried I remember when I would build with Legos all the time a front door you can actually go inside yep now let me show you what I’m made that’s awesome is that a giant bee that is a

Giant bee and a giant skull with smoke coming out of it animated expression and seasonal oh wow and you even got a little cottage under here yeah the cottage and inside of course crafting table Lookout Point who I love the use of the cherry blossom wood I haven’t

Been able to really use it in a lot of my builds I’d love to know how or I would love to know how to especially the cherry blossom itself I use that in a lot of my um Japanese style builds anything around that culture I think it

Fits pretty well I think we going to have to go with the Lego one though I think there was a lot more effort put into it oh here we go very gently bring this to Tiny boo he needs to set them free again well that’s solved for now all right 33% team let’s

Go all right of voted this year so many of you joined our armadillo or penguin the who receiv the least amount of those votes is the Penguin a don’t feel to sorry penguin gang remember our little frog friends didn’t win the vote either but they still managed to hop

Their way into the game that’s right we still have two amazing mobs left which one will win no seriously I’m asking haven’t told me I I want to say it’s probably going to be the armadillo but I I would I wouldn’t mind if either one

Cuz I do building and I and I love uh taming mobs I was inspired to become a Creator because at heart I’m an artist that’s right there’s TNT on there I’d be careful ah Tyler when log.zip God he’s been growing his beard really well I start creating seeing things that

Other people were making for the marketplace I build anything that I could imagine whether it was dragons or palaces or Cathedrals oh yeah I think we all started off with dirt houses on our first night favorite piece of content that I made was pendulum my favorite piece of content is called spell run

It’s a spell experience that uses the new scripting API to just do complete magic my favorite piece of content is my monster hoodie it was the first time that I’d done that’s really well done props to you I love those models I’ve been starting modeling actually doing Godzilla models here in

I thought about streaming um how I’ve been model channels my favorite piece of content was a skin I made myself of the Zulu the Zulu is a community from South Africa they well all over the world foring and great hunters I love that I love to take all this inspiration and

Apply it to mob kingdoms the the amount of creativity and culture within it really something truly magical about watching someone else enjoy something that you put tender loving care into I love that you could customize so much and how malleable the game itself is we can reimagine things to help you see the

Game in a way that you never thought you could I still get an absolute Buzz out of it I don’t think it’s ever going to get old I don’t think that’ll ever change that looks like stuff from um um Essentials mod I would adise new creators to learn

Their tools and don’t give up try to create work that is familiar to you that is interesting to you learn from other people help other people where you can give yourself permission to make whatever it is you’re wanting to make make content that you really want to

Play and that you can’t yet play if you keep pushing yourself in this space I promise you there’s nothing you can accomplish Minecraft has done so much for me and I can do the same for you yeah hey Max Ms nice to see you join the chat oh all

Right guys here we go I guess this is where they’re about to talk about the update I’m back at where we started time for Plan [Laughter] B Jeb’s like hm if I’m going to make this I’m going to make this look good now oh where are those blocks is that m

That guy has been through it all I love it ah forcades the BBC Studios Natural History unit has pushed creative and Technical boundaries to bring us incredible stories from the world we all share in 2022 a creative collaboration maximum is like ah it’s the jungle Dimension everybody it’s a

It’s a new new plane it’s it’s a 2.0 Minecraft world or Minecraft gets teleported to Earth worlds invited millions of look there’s Penguins the globe to step into our fragile Frozen ecosystems and experience the plight of their animal inhabitants firstand fantastic infused with scientific research and unexpected gameplay they

Quickly became some of the most downloaded educational DLCs in Minecraft history next year we’ll embark on a second remarkable Journey with BBC Earth exploring stunning new worlds and there God made a beautiful place that’s all I can say right there my friends is God made a beautiful place

Planet earth oh some people get to be some people can be a shark we can get sharks in the game look at that that’s a shark my friends ah here we go this is fantastic oh my gosh I need to build something like this I love it

Oh hello everyone so lovely to see you what inside Minecraft to see it we’re all same quite cool so Agnes last year you and uh oh that’s so cute that’s what we get for being in a game love it so last year you and the team really you

Decided to present things in a very different way yes so last year’s Minecraft live we decided to only show part of the trails and tales update and then throughout the development process we could announce more features like archaeology the armor dreams cherry blossoms yes and the very precious cherry blossoms and we actually

Really like that because it enabled us to be creative and we could collaborate with the community and we also saw a lot of excitement in the community throughout the full development process which we thought was beautiful so we want to do the same approach this year

As well I really love that change so what’s the Minecraft game team up the Giga Dragon that’s cool I like that idea maximums maybe I will maybe I will for example we have some amazing developers working on tools for us to make our development process more efficient and

More joyful oh that’s so good it is I’m I’m very very or maybe the gig on and another thing I I would love to mention is that this week uh we released to snapshots betas and preview a no a new release cute feature and that is that

You can put items inside decorated pots I love that so you’ll revisit some older features yes so we want have like a good balance between adding new things and also going back and improving existing things that’s such a good idea and we are also working on a new update coming

Next year I we a toast about that well then all right boys let’s hear what it is we want to evolve Minecraft for everyone and in the recent years we focus a lot on creativity and exploration so for this year it’s time to focus more on like combat adventures

And on tinkering my time has finally come tinkering and combat Adventure okay maybe hopefully new weapons next year Minecraft turns 15 years old 15 holy crap precious and so we were thinking wouldn’t it be quite cool that after 15 years of Minecraft time to test your skills in some new trials

Trials yes trials so we are adding a new big multiple room structure called trial Chambers o oh even a new structure words consist of like multiple new features and they also have a unique visual style so it’s like she so ambitious it really feels like you’re in

A place you never seen in Minecraft before they’re amazing and I think you need to show everyone yes come join me to my real and we can meet some of the team members we can see part of the new features coming to the update good Luck hi Mo I see you found something rather epic here yes I’ve been digging around our caves and I found a trial chamber a trial chamber are this just like steampunk the big part of this update is that we really want to add new adventures for our more combat allowing players and the

Chambers certainly includes some exciting challenges so what we’re looking at here in the center of everything oh my oh there’s new chiseled blocks oh look guys connected textures or at least it looks like it the leads to different rooms and it can lead to supply chests ah doesn’t look like

It’s an end update boys also things that’ll help you the shame bears are new structures that are combined of lots of different rooms they are procedurally generated so there is a lot of variation and like it’s so fun Copp doors each time we play Ted it felt

Like finding a new chamber it was exciting each time so there is a lot of replayability okay don’t follow me I really really like the like the sty made Chambers and that something that is a nice combination of deep slate and copper Chambers you know you found something

Special it looks like something from uh Spartan I mean not Spartan um Skyrim so many beautiful new decorative blocks yeah I think the tough blocks it will be a lot of fun to build with because of oh those are that’s tough oh okay and copper gets more uses to with the copper

Set we want to introduce a tinkered kind of feel okay yeah very steampunk F way to light up their builds we actually some of them in our vage and it created such a cozy feeling I’m honestly so excited to see what people build with these new blocks I do love the tough

Blocks grades okay think it’s so nice because we can use yeah that sounds like great experiences but then all of so it doesn’t require any kind of like button to build you can imagine okay that’s cool that’s cool oh here is one of the supply shifts SM we’re talking about hi Brandon hey

Agnes so nice you’re making brigh through in here yeah these di but with this axe I can actually scrape off the oxidation and make it brighter again okay that’s cool I love that that’s really uh that’s really nice moreid the Copps are the more that kind of brings like the light

Block into Minecraft in a bit definitely I don’t even need to bring torches anymore to the tri Chambers I just bring an ax and light my way through oh yeah that’s cool I love how they’re not broken either they’re just not nice a trial spawner time for a combat challenge trial

Spawner okay I see ice blocks around the trial spawner so it’s definitely spawning Strays what’s our plan well I will go ahead and scrip up some oxidation so we can see I’ll just head in straight for the fight you ready like I said I’m really hoping they

Kind of add new weapons I feel like it’ be a missed opportunity let’s go I love the particle effects oh oh no so many I’ll take this one nice one yes ah he got me Agnes we’re CET in arrows oh and it gives you reward good

So I guess it runs out once it’s done so this is a tri so that’s why don’t break it B am of that join the fight it actually a li amount ofs compar to AAL yeah we really wanted this to be a fun challenge both in single player and in

Multiplayer and this is also why we both got some nice loot so you can see the smoke coming out of the trial spw that actually means that it’s on cool down so we can come back later and play this all again oh that’s really cool it’s like a

Cool farm we want everyone on our realm to play the combat challenge all right I’m up for challenges I like that soon but first I’m going to go to the Village but you go ahead I wonder if you could break it with silk touch oh hi wow good luck ooh love the

Walls of course I want it thank you trying to keep an eye out if there’s anything actually a that’s so pink and so cute the world could always use more color that’s lovely Cory Oscar hey AG hi it seems like you placed crafter here oh yes with a crafter you can automate

Crafting with redone ah this was teased crafting table except instead of pulling the item out yourself you can use the Redstone PSE to get it out I going have this crafter make hanging signs everyone can decorate the village with them and let’s place a button here and I’ll press the button and again

Yay lots of hanging signs oh so you can keep it in there and so if you ever need it crafted again you can just press the button okay oh hi I hope so too wow you’ve been busy yes I’ve been building an automated sword crafter but instead of pressing a button it just

Keeps on Crafting infinitely we used the new to slots to make sure that the Hoppers Place items where we want them oh okay that’s cool so how does it register to show is so precious because you can both do these like really Advanced Contraptions but it’s also very welcoming so we hope

That it will be delightful to use both for like Redstone beginners and Redstone experts okay you out to grab some oh thank you that’ll be nice and like some PVP challenges sham oh yeah now this will be a breeze I got you okay yeah that’s really cool it’s

Magnus ready to fight the breeze oh yes the breeze I’ll let them take care of that oh it’s a new mob the breeze is a playful hostile mob that jumps around and uses wind to provide a combat encounter unlike any other in Minecraft I just got hit by the wind

Charge a burst of energy from the the wind charge doesn’t de any damage when it bursts and blows things away but it does deal damage when it collides directly with something it damag me he’ll be fine Cory the wind burst doesn’t only knock things back it also interacts with certain

Blocks yeah like buttons and trap doors oh oh that’s challenging we hope you enjoy these playful combat encounters with the breeze when you stumble across them in the new trial Chambers it’s trumpy and cute but also real rude I’m heading out now okay oh whoa that looked like a really tough fight it

Was I just loved seeing all of you play together on the realm and like letting everyone get to meet more of the development team mus it was so fun and I Think Like A really lovely thing with this update is that of course it’s funing single player but we have a lot

Of effort in ensuring it’s very fun in multiplayer too I can’t wait to play with all of my friends and the trial Chambers the first time I saw them my mind was blown yes like I love the unique visual style we created with like the new decorative blocks and also we

Just showed like a few of the rooms so I’m really looking forward to like when all of you get to explore the trial Chambers and find all the things we didn’t share there’s a room that I love so so much and I can’t wait for everyone to like finally get to see

It when I saw the trial spawner I don’t it took me back like the Nostalgia of the first time I found a spawner it it’s so cool to see that in a completely new way well that’s so lovely toar because it’s it’s actually really intentional because you know with the 15 year

Anniversary coming up next year it felt so good that like the main thing with the update the tri Chambers they are actually a very classic feature the monster rooms and what do you think the community is going to do with the crafter I can’t even imagine no like I

Just very very much looking forward to seeing it like everything for craft would be good for like uh farms for bread and stuff like that I I feel like that’s going to be very useful I also think it’s really nice with the crafter because it tights so well to the more

Like tiny side of the up it really gives you a chance to like mess around with the features that you all added in a new way yeah and we cannot forget a very grumpy New Mob the breeze yes this little Whirlwind with the most like epic eyebrows ever

However don’t let it fall you cuz it’s actually quite challenging to fight it and what I like really really love with fighting the breeze is that since it um activates Contraptions in the room like a dispensing dispenser shooting arrows for example it means that it’s not only fighting the breeze

Because the environment becomes part of the fight as well which is like it’s a complete new kind of combat Challenge and I like it’s very playful and I really like that that’s nice yeah playful combat which I really love and precious I know I’m not the only one but

Like when can we play it well actually quite soon so the features we’ve shown today will come to betas previews and snapshots in the coming weeks and then just like last year we will now some more features throughout the development process that’s amazing we need to head

To the Cherry girl yes I think we you go through nether for some fast traveling perfect Idea oh here we go boys crab or armadillo what we think boys crab or armadillo mob of this year’s mob Boone I have to say this year we’ve been Amazed by the massive participation in the mob vote we’ve never had so many votes your passion and energy Inspire us to keep

Building okay so I can’t wait to see who it is let’s get right to it because no one wants to wait for these kinds of things which reminds me of a story was just a young boy oh sorry so unprofessional tiny ends hey I’m in the

Middle of Minecraft live no I I know I’m just telling this super relevant I think it’s armadillo boys no I understand okay I don’t want to keep got it sorry um wrong number so mob yes soon to join Minecraft the winning M for the 2023 Minecraft live mvo is the armadillo

Yep I knew it armadillo boys I’m so excited to see that little cutie in the game it’s hard to believe but next year is the 15th Minecraft it’s going to be a year full of fun and surprises we’ll celebrate all of you in the community as we journey through the past present and

Look to the future of Minecraft there are lots of exciting things to look forward to in 2024 for years we we’ve loved seeing the Minecraft Community create parodies of their favorite music it’s always been a wish of ours to see an artist take their own song and turn it into a Minecraft

Parody today that wish comes true oh I’m excited to welcome a Minecraft player who also happens to be an incredible musician Alec Benjamin is in my as walk away got my compass my FL and Inep I think I’ve heard his music before but I don’t know the Artist what’s the song Leona Amazing Minecraft wouldn’t be what it is today without all of you from all of us in Mojang Studios thank you and bye all right so so it’s like a tinker update I guess here I want to go and pause it here oh oh wait [Laughter] that poor camel’s like not Again all right all right so let’s let’s take it apart here yeah okay so so some of the highlights from from what I’ve to from what I’ve seen is still focusing kind of on the overw world I guess um I guess bringing more dungeons so I guess this is probably

Going to be like a Dungeon Crawler update or some kind of um uh steampunk related thing cuz I mean that’s kind of what it seemed like the focus was mainly put on is is a lot of more of the build uh the um dungeon aspect so I guess

Another kind of cave expansion if you will uh W which is really cool the only problem is is I know it’s unfortunate because a lot of people are expecting an end update um as well but I think one thing that we have to remember is

They’re trying to work at it one at a time so how I so how I’m seeing it is they’re going to continue to do uh they’re going to continue to do updates in the Overworld make the Overworld more playful and enjoyable just before the an

End update I I mean I’m I’m kind of mixed on the feeling cuz I would really like to see the end being touched up on like the nether was I feel like there could be a lot more potential I feel like I think Max U maximums had it right and I think maybe

A boss we should probably add another boss to the thing um but look at these right here I love the tough tough bricks along with tough chisel that is going to be so useful in builds in the future I can already tell that plus the little um

The bulb here being able to oxidize it and and it generating brighter light I feel like that’s a really cool feature um especially for myself which is I use the um the light block a lot when we were doing mob kingdoms and the ability to actually use the light Block in

Survival mode I feel like that’s going to be really really cool um trial spawners I really like that that’s my favorite thing I think I’m going to take out of this entire Minecraft live uh segment here is being able to uh use trial spawners um I wonder if we can get

Like a silk touch and actually take them with us so that way you can have multiple trials in the same area that’ be that would be really cool and really rewarding um really rewarding exploration right there I wonder if they could also do like villagers having quests uh and that like actually play

Into a part of the thing um in terms of the combat itself I really wish they would kind of overhaul it if they’re going to do something like that I mean swords and axes they’re they’re really nice but there are so many weapon combat mods out there that I would really love

To be actually vanilla integrated features into the game I feel like that is kind of what’s missing from our combat system um is just the lack of weapons and the lack of uh variety espe especially for a game that is really embracing culture I mean if we’re really

Wanting to embrace culture for what it is then I suggest maybe getting a katas uh different types of swords broadswords great swords um different types of uh weapons in general like a c a kunai or or a u a a bow in mace something like that like that’s kind of like what

Terraria had that Minecraft lacked was the variety of of weapons and I and personally don’t think it takes that long to really in integrate that I mean from from what I’ve been dealing with it doesn’t seem like it takes that long it’s not like we’re wanting special

Abilities with the weapons I I would just love the idea of having different weapons do different damage and Stuff Plus that also gives room for different ways to attack like some weapons reaching further some weapons being faster or some weapons uh being more durable um but not as much damage

And then the crafter at first I was I wasn’t really that hyped for the automative crafter because I I I thought of it and went well I mean who who really automates things with crafting I mean I don’t really care about automative crafting but then I really

Got to thinking of some things like like armor like it showed or the um or bread bread I think is going to be the highly most used part of the automative crafter um stuff like planks uh people for like more of the building Community I probably not as useful but definitely

For people who need to get things fast and get going I think the automated crafter would definitely be useful or torches even I think torches would also be a heavily uh thing used for the automative crafter I just want to know how they do it to where the ingredients

Know where to position properly cuz like earlier it showed the iron uh going in one at a time and then a stick is is that something that has to be done manually or just something that uh you have to just kind of play with in the

Actual thing cuz if that’s the case that might be a little bit of a let down um for some people who really like the idea of the crafter um as as for the mob vote I I kind of assume the armadillo would win I think it’s probably the likely the

Better choice especially with this fact being it’s a another exploration update so the building thing that would have been cool but I just I just don’t think that it would have been as useful as the wolf armor will be so that way you can actually have companions on your

Journey um but yeah guys what what are you all thinking so far about the live V what are y’all hoping for I know a lot of people like like I said was really expecting an end update and for the most part I I really think that’s that’s something that should be saved

Um let’s see yeah we we got some people who are who are really mixed about it yeah kenman 18 we got people saying hash stop the mob vote yeah but um yeah I I could imagine U Megan they they just was uh they they’re just spamming the mob vote thing

Um but I guess while I still have this on here oh my my PC battery running low I got to put that in charge real quick let me mute all righty then sorry about that so um for the most part guys uh like I said uh

We will be having an episode uh for the once again Five Nights at Freddy’s the blood crop coming up in about two about about an hour and 15 minutes uh from now so I want to just kind of take this time to just hang out chat with y’all I know

I know I haven’t uh been as active with the community as I really want to be it’s just I haven’t really gotten around to it plus I’ve had to move in uh with a person that also does live streams so I’ve been trying to be respectful of

Their time as well as um uh as much as possible um but for what we’re doing guys I’m really thankful 2023 has been a great year for me um as well as I hope it’s been a great year for everyone else um we have managed to gain a lot of

Subscribers in the past couple of months going forward FNAF has been popping a lot and I really I really hope you guys are enjoying my content I really hope that you also so uh try checking out other content that I do on this channel uh such as the mob kingdoms uh Pokemon

Or cobon actually cobon uh dragon blood I really I really want to integrate as many many things on this channel as much as possible without it seeming disorganized or anything like that um but yeah so the so overall I feel like this year uh for Minecraft is going to

Be very mixed uh I’m not going to be blind to it and just be overly positive about uh Minecraft 2024 uh I I I want to be real with y’all as much as possible because I I don’t want to have to seem like that I’m

Putting on a show or a figure for yall I mean I want to be me on my channel uh so my thoughts is I am positive that it’s going to be a great update uh I think for the most part people are going to be satisfied with what they get and like I

Said they are only only releasing the features that they’ve already done so this does not say what they plan on doing or how they’re going in the future I just I really hope it doesn’t become disorganized and it starts to feel like that there’s no really Center theme and

They’re just like kind of tackling one thing at a time that’s how I felt with the trails and tals update I didn’t really see all that much in the exploration all I saw was you get armor trims and you can go to the jungle biome and get

Bamboo that that that’s kind of that’s kind of what I took away from it the Nethers felt more like an exploration update than than the exploration update itself but who knows may maybe they’ll add a lot more uh to try and explore like I said I really think that there’s

A lot of potential within that dungeon that they’re uh announcing especially with the idea of it being kind of like a Skyrim steampunk kind of deal I I played Skyrim a lot back in the day and I and to this day I actually play it uh here and there just

Loading up a different account and just going through and playing it again it’s just that immersive for me to enjoy but going forward with Minecraft uh I think for the most part that it’s going to be a decent update once again it’s definitely not one of my most

Favorite updates and it’s definitely not an update that I’m exactly hyped or looking forward to but it’s nonetheless nice content that they’re engaging with I think um a lot of backlash to Minecraft have been uh the idea of not responding to the community as much and which I don’t really necessarily think I

Want to put the blame completely on moing for that or in general at all because they were like comparing it to Terraria and here’s the thing I do love Terraria don’t get me wrong Terraria is by far I think if I were to play Minecraft or Terraria more often if

Terraria teria felt more immersive to me I would probably end up playing Terraria more um the thing is with Terraria is just they’re also a private group they’re they’re they’re like a few bunch of people plus not to mention it’s 2D and 2D is always going to be visually

More uh stunning than some some things 3D especially a game with like Minecraft to where it’s it’s more than just a flat world and plus Terraria is not much of a Sandbox game considering it is limited borders compared to Minecraft Which is far more expansive sorry about that um yes the

Armadilla I think I think I I already I kind of knew the armadillo was going to win uh the crab was an interesting choice however it’s just for a lot of Builders such as myself I find my self using world edit I mean let’s face it we

Don’t go too heavily into our surv survival builds as we do more of our creative builds so I I kind of knew the crab wasn’t going to add something that Builders would really care for all that much unless they really are survival dedicated Builders I and I think that’s all the

The building claw would have done is it would extend the reach by one or two blocks which is something world edit could do from 30 blocks away you know what I mean and with the wolf armor I I’m really intrigued to see how what they do

With it I’m intrigued to see how far they will go with the um with the process of it the penguin I knew wasn’t going to win just because it it just it seemed like there could have been a better feature for the penguin I feel like there should have been like a

Tameable mechanic something like that um I felt like I kind of knew the penguin wasn’t going to win and as for as for just the overall theme of this I think the best name that could probably come up with is Minecraft the Dungeon Crawler update I’d love to see more

Dungeons I love exploration my girlfriend loves dungeons a lot so she’s definitely going to get a kick out of this update um for the most part for but for people who were wanting a dimension another dimension or even another uh exploration in another creative Dimension yeah I think that this is

Going to definitely be a backlash on the Minecraft community so my review on it I say I am giving it an a B+ I I I think moyang is really trying their best and trying to be as active and engaging as possible which is why I think they do

The mob vote but I see a lot of more negative reviews than I do positive about it so maybe the mob votes won’t continue going forward um overall how I think Minecraft will take it I I I give it maybe a c a c a c or C minus

Somewhere around that um but yeah guys I hope you did enjoy this if if you want this to kind of start becoming an annual thing as long as I keep doing the Minecraft live uh videos then feel free to subscribe and make sure to hit that like button for more content similar to

This I love engaging with y’all I love talking with y’all I’m a very commun communitive based person so I love having a community to talk with engage with and hopefully one day that we can do even more things going forward within the content but anyway guys this is giga

Blasto 2 son out I hope to see you all next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘REACTING TO [MINECRAFT LIVE 2023] #minecraft #live #2023 #MobVote’, was uploaded by GigaBlast 02 on 2023-10-16 06:17:38. It has garnered 69 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:28 or 3928 seconds.

Hey hey hey everybody, Gigablast02 here, reacting to Minecraft Live 2023, feel free to join me as well as feel free to ask questions about my thoughts and how this will shape the future of this channel going into 2024! Thank you all so much for your support and feel free to chat and chill.


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    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us,discord.gg/KWFqazhCZz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More