MINECRAFT BINGO! camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on Twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there hey maybe I’m live right now anyways go follow do first link in the

Go follow it also this is a chip hello everybody so uh today whoa I’ve never seen that all right so today uh I’ll explain by opening a world all right so we open a world this is step one okay the broken Samurai gotta admit bit creative hope the stream goes well it’s

Close enough bro that was too complicated all right so here is what we do right I’m just playing single player right so this is kind of like the wheel but a little bit different so we get to see our spawn right this is what the stream is we

Spawn in we get to see our spawn right then I do bingo create normal right and then I do Bingo join magenta and so all right we see oh let me turn on my music oh God I haven’t even oh God I didn’t even open my music

There we go all right so now we have this right and so now we bet how long will it take me to do this the thing is though it’s way more complicated right so normally I do the wheel and I speed run an item and this like I know my spawn so you

Guys can see my spawn how long will it take me to speedrun one of these uh what is it I don’t even know what the easiest one oh second row is really easy oh God I can’t show you the row guys Point like see the second row from the top that

One’s Easy A lot of them are easy so I don’t really know though because there’s like a lot of random stuff I’m just say 15 minutes for the first one and then we’ll go from there I think like okay will if it’s Bingo by the way

I get bingo in 15 minutes yes or no all right start the prediction I’ll hold this up will I get bingo in 15 minutes here’s my spawn I need one row it can be up down diagonal swirly anything Scott decides well we’ll make chat decide like later

It’s like or I guess it’s like it’s just like the normal Bingo thing it’s always like chat input I guess so I don’t know what do you guys think predict I spent 70 you better win predict predict predict and then we’ll start anyways I was supposed to be okay

If you were here last week 70 points chat is broke what do you mean chat is broke oh yeah um these are all pretty easy everyone thinks yes all right I should probably be studying all right what should I which one should I do honestly I need a desert though for Green carpet

Jesus it’s a oh God I always pronounce their name wrong second row Green carpet though you need a desert I’m pretty sure thanks for the five gifted mannequin I think so I got it right last time just diet yeah but green dye is it only in the desert all right I’m starting

Bingo star all right I’m just throwing out this crap because that’s cheating you can see the timer oh shoot I didn’t move my camera down a tiny bit oh God I’m ruining my display uh this and this I need to move down a tiny bit oh God and this all right there

We go all right see look the timer’s above me do you guys see the timer okay hurry up you morons all right I don’t know what I should do middle right yeah that one seems kind of easy but I don’t need a Sandstone wall I feel like I need a desert is there any way I don’t need a desert bro forgot how to stream all right I okay let me talk about

Second from bottom polar bear second from bot you guys have to say up and down or top to bottom or horizontal or vertical because like it’s too confusing if you don’t say minakin oh yeah it’s knock does she remember knock or sand for Sandstone oh true true true

True what am I saying it’s just sand oh so I think it’s second is the easiest left or up and down a second from the right bro it’s so hard saying those things they need to make a universal you know what I was thinking oh God there’s

Some no I’m not gonna be able to think of it why do you guys do this I’m not gonna be able to think of it okay I need to get sand I think I can do that second one white Banner sand mushrooms too okay there’s some words every word should

Have an opposite word it’s so hard to describe though without an example there’s some words that don’t have an opposite word like no Guys try to think of one Second it’s so easy for you to Spruce Village true hello that was what observes mine thanks for the 15 months Jesus and the legendary cow with the 13 months I am impossible if I get a spruce Village that uh column oh shoot on a volume on

I really am bad at this whole streaming thing huh I’m in 1080 now though Isn’t that cool all right if I get a spruce Village this is kind of super easy I don’t see a spruce Village I don’t think I should look for one I think I should do this right one mushroom though okay an iron pickaxe I should just get an iron pickaxe because the problem with bingo is there’s not like a zoo like there’s no Zoo that’s the problem

With Bingo right in in oh God okay you know what I’m saying you you you can’t focus on one thing in Bingo there’s like three things but there’s there’s not even three things there’s more than that like when I’m speedrunning one block it’s like okay I just have to get this but then

This is like I can do this or this or this or this or this oh it’s kind of annoying Birch is good um no you didn’t set a timer look above me mate that’s right built-in timer Yeah it’s kind of like smaller but I thought like it’s built into the mod I should probably use it because literally built in I don’t even have to think about it why is the timer small it’s 1080 mate you can look at it do people really have Wi-Fi where like

1080p video lags like we’re literally we’re living in 2020 too okay leak dreams number I would never betray a dream like that we text all the time oh shoot it’s 20 23. all right it’s February hey when do you stop cutting me a break for that

Like you know like right when the next school semester starts and you write like 2022 on your paper like I swear you can cut Flack then when do you stop in April you stop cutting Flack I remember one time oh my God this pissed me off okay so I was in school

Let me all right I need to focus there can’t be why do I okay I I can focus with music no I can’t okay so okay I need to also focus on the game though what am I doing um Stu white Banner brick I’ll get brick I can get

Brick and okay we can turn the music back on all right in school right in elementary school did you guys have cubbies did you guys have cubbies in elementary school you guys know what Cubbies are they probably call them something stupid in Britain or like Australia or like

Cubbies they’re like where you put your backpack in elementary school that’s the gist right did you guys also have like numbers like cubby numbers like oh I’m number 23 I’m number seven I would always be a late man I’m watching 360p to not lag cause I have satellite

Internet can’t get cable or Fiber no yes yes no yes yes you had numbers they always did it based on attendance for for our school so if you showed up late or like the first day and the cars were always so crowded first day they’d always be like make

Sure you get there 10 minutes early but anyways um I was number 17 I always I just remember one time I was like number like 16 or something right and then the next year right you have to write your number on you have to write your number on the paper right

You have to write the number on the paper and so like the next year I was writing my number on the paper and I wrote 16 because I was just used to writing 16 right but it was the next year so I wasn’t number I was probably

The number 14 now or something right I wrote number 16 the next year and then my teacher was like why’d you write the wrong number I’m like oh that was my number last year and she and she just didn’t understand she was like well you’re supposed to write the number from

This year and it’s like I know but it’s just like last year I had that number so I got it mixed up it was like but you’re supposed to write the one from this year I was like I know that she’s like why are you telling me that

That was your number last year it’s like that’s why I made the mistake it’s like how do you not understand that oh my God that’s not okay I need to focus you guys are distracting me I’ve just been running in a circle okay what am I talking about um

Oh yeah here’s my most this is this story pisses me off okay I need to get food I need to get food you guys are distracting me I need to get food I’m not gonna be able to Sprint what are you guys doing I have us I actually my least

Favorite actually I have a lot of I I somehow I’ve never told like any teacher story oh my God there’s no food there’s foxes I don’t need foxes okay there’s a cow all right okay and there’s sheep I need sheep for the banner it’s already been seven minutes how has it been seven

Minutes how has it been seven minutes I’ve been here for like two minutes what what I don’t how has it been seven minutes who is what Oh my God okay I need these for banners all right then I can get to my shoe people have been donating and I haven’t read them and subscribing and stuff oh God all right I need sheep no way there’s only I need this okay you guys are making me throw okay

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I need more sheep um all right let me get my furnace and I can smell this sand and I can make a Sandstone wall and then we just need stew and sheep we can this is easy we

Got this easy we got this easy we got this easy chill out ombres Are we need two more clay all right you’re my here’s my I have two least favorite School Stories I think well teacher stories specifically like teachers screwing me over all right one is in chemistry class this was in high school um all right we got slabs we need to do I

Start smelting the sand and I need more wood for that all right high school chemistry class I don’t know it was 9th or tenth grade um and our teacher was like and I I’m a God at chemistry all right I was like I was I was doing good in chemistry right so

What should I do while I’m waiting I can make a bowl um I was a God in chemistry so I was chilling in that class but at one point you like really like people weren’t writing their units like uh what are the units oh what am I doing with this said

Why am I making glass foreign who told me to do that that’s not how you make sandstone oh my God oh my God oh my God bro I’m so bad at multitasking but I like to tell stories and stuff you guys have to calculate that into your

Prediction it’s not my fault it’s your fault oh God it’s gonna become night I can sleep oh no I need one more wool all right how much are they so I need six six times four twenty four but I already have two so I need uh 16. and

12 13 14 15 16. what a bing that’s called math yeah boom all right I just need stew and sheep stew and sheep mushrooms and sheep mushrooms and sheep I need mushrooms and sheep mushrooms and sheep I see a brown mushroom I need a red mushroom and sheep lock in Gamers lock in

I need a red mushroom and sheep that’s literally it but we got this stupid this stupid Spruce biome one more sheep and I can sleep that rhymed I was trying to think about what else runs with sleep and sheep I think those are the only two words sleep and sheep deep got him

Gobbledy goop no that’s not that’s goop not geep beep keep all right you guys are just flexing you guys are just flexing stop uh I need sheep um I don’t know if I should tell my story because I’m kind of focused right now and I only have a couple minutes

Left I don’t know if I’m gonna find a red mushroom though to be honest I like these are kind of garbage biomes and I might not find sheep either no pressure four minutes all right you know what hold that story remind me it’s the chemistry a teacher story

God what a [ __ ] just thinking about it he has a literal signified [ __ ] red mushroom and sheep I don’t I don’t think I don’t know how we even find a red mushroom I’m gonna be honest not like yeah I don’t know I think we’re kind of screwed unless we find a

Flames that could be good for I need to eat I can’t hear like if we find one of the uh wooded forests but I don’t see one stop also why is there no sheep I haven’t found a single sheep since those two and they spawn in packs of three so

If I get if I get four chickens I’m resolving yes it’s 1 and 256. all right there’s a sheep up here I don’t know how I’m gonna get a red mushroom though and how is there one cheat what’s up with these cheap herds can I get red mushrooms and shipwrecks

Are there sheep over there I think I’m kind of screwed though to be honest I have two minutes Ten you cannot you passed a red mushroom I did not brown baby sheep that’s rare I think that might be as rare as a pink sheep someone someone run the odds I think it’s actually rarer ah maybe not maybe though because Brown is the second rarest sheep

Um do I just go into a cave I swear I never see red mushrooms and caves dang we really I shouldn’t have done this one red mushroom is rarer than I thought Um I have to bowl or any way to get a red mushroom how do I get a red mushroom you passed a mushroom Temple I don’t think I passed a mushroom Temple runs with feet kinda yeah I think I think I’m kind of screwed rude forced yeah but I don’t see a

Rubbed Forest that’s my biggest problem um yeah I think we’re kind of screwed Red red mushroom oh if I get it in uh not GG what if there’s one right here we have we have 40 seconds left [ __ ] out yeah I think it’s over have you been remaining pure this night sir Passed an ancient Monument How do I even I should have looked up how to get rid of mushroom see this is the thing it’s hard to focus on one thing honestly even if I wasn’t even if I wasn’t super or even if I was super concentrated I don’t think I would have

Gotten it because I don’t even know like how do you get a red mushroom I think it’s like the Nether and then roofed forest and mushroom Temple or mushroom I really just said mushroom Temple I meant Mushroom Island you guys really got mushroom temple in my head all right we lost

Classic Hair man l where is the locate biome Dark Forest thousand blocks all right let me look up red mushroom how do I get red mushroom not real life Mushroom on the Bingo board looks like the nether no I was trying to get mushrooms too uh let’s see obtaining um natural generation

Oh caves they can spawn in caves I should have went into a cave but they’re rare oh swamps also all right good to know good to know um all right you know what that was our first one we can we can do better just a little bit of classic a little

Bit of classic Minecraft Bingo oh actual cool thing I’m gonna be doing a Minecraft event on let me let me open my calendar real quick that’s right I have a calendar now I’m a bit professional I’m a teacher story I’ll tell in a second wait first let me before I

Um let me start this world and get my thing in prediction all started up shoot my calendar opened over everything chem teacher story all right I’ll do that in a second Rose professional yeah yeah that’s right I don’t think I’ve actually ever done anything on my calendar though because they keep

Getting rescheduled so I’m still in pursuit of doing the first thing Bingo create normal Bingo join magenta all right here is the board how long do you think we need for this Um middle is oh cat though could be hard to find top top seems pretty easy I just need Redstone I think I go with top oh I haven’t even gone over what happened with my next event true okay I need to Pop I think top is pretty easy

Middle or middle top oh I know I have to trade in that one Um oh diagonal bottom left to top right can be easy second from right top down uh yeah that one can be easy too shoot I hate these where there’s like a lot I can focus on I kind of think top right to bottom left is easy because there’s a birch Forest right there

I think top right to bottom left diagonal are you guys picking up what I’m throwing down shoot people are subscribing I’m not reading them bling loop with the prime and stuffy with the prime four months I always try to read the multi monks because I feel bad if I

Don’t I’m gonna do I’m gonna focus on top right to bottom left all right Um Bingo is it just star and then I go oh then I throw all these out then I go all right um shoot oh and then I have my calendar I was gonna check the date but I I didn’t do a prediction what am I doing I

Knew I was forgetting something bro they really all right shoe how long does this take all right um oh it didn’t give us the thing for entering a birch thing yeah shoot but the timer started all right we’ll do our own timer we’ll do our own timer shoot

How long will this take um top right to bottom left I feel like that’ll be depends on carpet when I get sheep eh that’ll be 10 minutes I think because I have to smelt the eye or nine people are saying like 15 12. all right we’ll do 10.

For these I’m not making them too hard because I want to feel about first we’ll do a 10 minute or 10 minute or will I get bingo in 10 minutes We’ll do a bingo in 10 minutes all right let me check my let me check my calendar for when this thing is happening um um March 11th March 11th I’ll be doing the Block Wars which is like some event with like a bunch of other Minecraft youtubers but

Like pretty big ones like I think like I don’t know it’s like the mini MCC it’s like made by the MCC testers or something but there’s like Captain Sparkles and Preston and like all like tubbo I’m gonna do an event it’s like a team thing it’s like MCC if you know

What that is but um upright to bottom left all right people are guessing yes this time you’ll survive longer than that one event what one event um who will be your team I’m not sure yet and I’m also not sure if I’m allowed to say once I know but

Um all right the prediction is through all right so I’m [ __ ] at two minutes all right it started at two minutes we’re going so subtract it’s really 12 minutes on the timer God dang it it’s so confusing though but we’re going to 12 minutes how

Have I not I’m in a birch Forest why isn’t giving me the Bingo this is an old growth Birch Forest it says old growth Birch Forest which is different than the Birch Forest are you kidding me oh my God this better be a normal okay and that’s a normal Birch forest all right

Um now we need Stone armpit all right we’re good believer’s got scammed no no we’re good we’re good we’re good all right now am I ready to tell my chemistry story but anyways yeah March 11th it’s a oh my God the point to going to that I think there

Kind of is because iron I can get the iron I can get the iron definitely a point oh this is an easy dub unless I die if I die one of them gets xed out also keep that in mind all right I can tell my I can tell my chemistry story

Since this is an easy dub all right I’m in chemistry class right the teacher all of a sudden is like hammering down like make sure you show your your units and like chemistry I don’t even remember the units like the units in chemistry it’ll be like micrograms or something or Nano or

Something I don’t know show your units was like the thing he was hammering down Village stalls true true there’s yellow I think there’s yellow carpets nah maybe not I think there might be literal yellow carpets in the uh thing all right so anyways the chemistry teacher was like make sure you

Show your units make sure you share your units right we get a worksheet for class just like a basic worksheet easy 100 because I’m a chemistry God and uh he’s like I don’t know anyways we get this let me I need Stone I need to kill big guy I

Can get the yellow wool here man that’s kind of lucky um so anyways we get this worksheet right and so it says oh my God it’s already been wait no it hasn’t been four minutes it’s been two minutes because we started that too all right

Um wait I need to make yellow carpet not a yellow bed all right we got yellow carpet now I shouldn’t kill big guy and this is gonna be an easy peasy win I’ll get a uh I don’t need a pickaxe actually um I am a chemistry God um

So we need to show our units on this worksheet though it says build up on this worksheet it has like blah blah blah blah blah right and then for the answer it’s like a fill in the blank right that’s like a little space right for like fill in the blank so it’ll it

Like ask the question but like inside the question like it’s normal text but like inside the question there’s a bunch of underscores right for like what like the answer is supposed to be is like is what the underscores are supposed to be but it’s like in the question and there’s like a

Big space below for you to like show your work and everything right but so I do that right and I fill in the blank with my answer and after the blank and then fill in the blank it has the unit so it’ll say it says like uh whatever sick it’ll be like

Blah blah blank grams right in the question and so I fill in that blank and I put uh you know whatever 60 right and then he marks me for not putting the unit even though in the question the unit is there in the question is the unit like right after the blank but

Since I didn’t write the unit even though it’s right after it literally the blank like he he and then so he marks it’s like a five question or four question worksheet and he marks up Five Points each for each one and so I’ll get an 80. even though I should have got a

Hundred I get an 80 because he marks off 20 points for me not putting another like a bright because she’s like oh well you weren’t supposed to fill in the blank that was just to like show you what you were supposed to write below it’s like okay well that wasn’t clear

One like it doesn’t say that anywhere it just like implied it I guess by having a big space below and then all right I need to andesite but it’s like okay and so then I’m like all right you know what whatever right and so I was like annoyed I didn’t

Really like argue it that much I’m like but didn’t this say and he’s like no and then so I go home and I was complaining to my parents and my dad got pissed he’s like this is the stupidest thing ever so my dad’s like all right I’ll email him

And usually like if your parents are gonna email the teacher about something stupid they’re definitely gonna change it right my dad emailed it my dad has probably emailed the teacher like three times in my career in my academic career and he emails the chemistry guy and then the chemistry guy’s like no you’re

Supposed to write the unit it has the unit in the assignment or in the fill in the blank he didn’t change it like that’s the first time that’s ever happened like what of what a [ __ ] like bro that chemistry professor or I keep saying Professor feature was the

Biggest [ __ ] in my entire life that was the that’s I I have like two actually three stories that make me like I have three stories that’s one of the three stories that I just hate teachers uh oh I need polished shoot is this how do you make polished oh nice

I think I only have three stories like that one I don’t think I have any in middle school I must have had good Middle School teachers I used to have uh two High School ones in an elementary school one did any of your classmates do that too

Um I’m not sure I don’t remember I guess probably not since because like it was like it wasn’t like an obvious fill in the blank but it had it was like it was like a normal question normal question followed with a big space below but it had like underscores in the question

Then it said like grams or whatever right after so I just put the answer in there like I didn’t put the answer below and circle it he sure just gave me a zero I would have been happier if he gave me a zero because he would have

Been like oh stuff up there doesn’t count but no he’s this dude write the unit bro all right anyways easy win easy win that was like five minutes you should rank every grade one through twelve well I didn’t like I pretty much didn’t go back to school after like 10th

Grade like or like I went like I did like online you know because like covid to do shoot um what am I talking about oh should I tell my other two two stories best grade for me was eighth grade but that’s because I was never I never went in class as a senior

The best best grade for me was eighth grade is eighth grade you’re like the top of the school and it’s not that hard still To to senior oh sorry Australians 12th year 12th yeah th you gotta say it as an F because you’re a [ __ ] all right um next one common eighth grade w um I tell my other two School stories that pissed me off or teacher stories teacher stories that piss me up I tell those

Stand up tell them all right first let me get this one started and then I’ll tell it I have a third grade one and then another wait no the other one is Middle School I’m a [ __ ] I think that was eighth grade so I have a middle school and Elementary School

And a high school each one I’ve won all right so here’s my spawn Birch Forest Awesome um slash Bingo 38 all right how long has this taken top is pretty easy I shaded mine a little bit um top might be the easiest oh oh second from right down up and down

Second from right is kind of easy um you are really cute true second from right down and up yeah that one oh I know I need Blackstone for that wait I need Blackstone that’s Blackstone I thought that was something else um second from now I think it’s just top

I kind of think it’s top oh prediction well we need to know how much time it’s gonna take before I do the prediction yeah I thought it was deep slate too Um I kind of think it’s just top is the easiest I think I just do top thanks inverted wait what what does that mean converted I’ve never seen that minakin converted a prime sub to a tier one wait so when you’re primed you can tier one or something thanks I think

Second from bottom I need red sand though I need a Mesa what are you guys talking about up layer horizontal yeah I think top is easy especially on mine a little bit but all of those are easy with some mining all right um Bingo oh prediction all right

Um shoot how long do you guys think for that top row I need to see a mine a little bit I need a smelt so I’m gonna say I feel like 10 minutes says Tiggy gamer I think 10 minutes is fair it’s averaging around 15 but you guys you guys are you guys

Don’t know my power all right 10 minutes oh cptn did it and minutes and minutes to do that top one and minutes oh yeah so shoot I need to talk about so if you guys were here in my last year I’m gonna talk about how I was going to

Go to Nevada randomly that we like scheduled something in because things kept getting canceled and then my grandma whose house we were gonna go to got covid so now we’re not going to Nevada we canceled that also so that was like a one week plan that got canceled

But I’m moving my wisdom teeth surgery up to next Wednesday so I’m probably not going to be able to stream on Saturday I’m guessing um because I’m guessing not but maybe I will but I would say like probably not if I’m getting wisdom teeth surgery on Wednesday but um

OMG your vacations are done forever that’s the thing I felt like I’ve done so much in the last month but I haven’t gone anywhere I’ve just been like prepping to go places I like it’s just the weirdest thing but yeah next week I’ll probably get my wisdom teeth out or at least it’s

Scheduled unless it gets canceled so that’s that um and that’s how my next School Story once we start slash Bingo star boom oh I didn’t no I messed up messed up I messed up messed up I messed up messed up I messed up oh I think that I think that Bingo board

Is gone forever I’m gonna be honest I forgot to join the team God dang it God dang it oh all right we have to do that all again new Bingo board oh my God speak Andrew Tate’s number give points back yeah they they refunded Um dang this one’s hard I think I have to go to the Nether on this one top is easy if I go to the nether back into bottom oh shoot you’re right that’s easy black banners or yeah that should be easy second to bottom I think second to bottom oh oh or right

Second from right if if I get a snowy tiger and Azalea that’s also easy all right I think this is a I think this one will take longer though I think because I need a lot of iron how many minutes do you think for that bottom one oh shoot for that for that

Second to bottom 12 12 is 12 is pushing P if you ask me but I don’t know we’ll do it 12 minutes this is this is quite pushing P if you ask me if you ask me we’re really pushing P here since you guys were asking uh second from bottom is what we’re

Gonna go for initially we could change it you know halfway through but oh no no I’m good I thought I forgot to join the team again but we haven’t started yet I would have oh my God foreign I need to get a haircut I keep on doing like all right after this I’ll get a haircut and then it gets canceled or not just haircut but like everything I’m like all right I need to start working on my long form video again but I’m like

I want to start it then leave for a week and then like let shot cut your hair I think I’m good with that yeah the long form all right it’s let me get my wisdom teeth out just let me let me chill all right we’re starting we’re starting officially Bingo star

Throw out all the crap the timer’s going get out of this Birch forest all right um oh there’s a planes over there um the Overworld serve us we need an apple probably and then we need we let’s just get an apple and then we can we need an apple and sheep and Squid

Apple sheep squid that’s all we need from the the land of the living Apple sheep Squid Wood Apple sheep Squidward true I could I could go for the for the uh iron first and then get cheers that’s not a bad idea is it a good idea though

Leak Notch’s number this guy just wants me to leak everyone’s number Um okay here’s my third grade story that pisses me off about this one teacher I actually might have told this one before like a long time ago maybe I don’t really remember maybe so uh you guys know you guys have like standardized tests in like Elementary School like in Texas

It’s called the star test state of Texas assessment of academic Readiness I think like they have like a standardized tests you take to see if like you go to the next grade or something it’s called the star test in Texas I don’t know it’s called other places okay you do all right so

I should have given other background first all right here’s the other background I have this green watch in third grade and in fourth grade I think I don’t really remember um I need to get an Apple should I I think I should get iron before everything

Um if there’s a I don’t know if it’s worth looking for a village because I actually need iron I don’t see any caves though I need to look for a cave and iron um Ben 10 watch it wasn’t a Ben 10 watch it was green though

Um so I had this watch right and I had a friend in that class like I think my best friend that year um he didn’t have a watch but I did have a watch so sometimes he would like ask me for the time right you would

Ask me for the time he’d be like what time is it and then I’d tell him the time because that’s how asking for time works for all you anti-social people out there that’s how that’s how asking for time works someone asks okay I think we got that part down um

So I really want Iron and we I hate these okay the only problem with oh I can’t get on another tangent we can’t go two tangents deep just a 1.19 caves is that like the problem is like 90 of the caves aren’t caves there’s these little divots that

Do nothing like look this looks like it’s gonna be something but it’s guaranteed a like just some stupid thing that’s just gonna have copper and it’s like it’s like a weird like crack like horizontal like look it’s just this stupid like I hate that stuff all right Zoom back to the other tangent

I really just want to get iron though because right now I’m kind of waste time yeah I’m not wasting time I’ve actually been pretty on track in my Minecraft Gameplay mentally I haven’t been that on track but in my Minecraft I don’t think I’ve wait I haven’t smelted

Glass for no reason I haven’t found a cave though also past an end City I don’t think I passed an end City all right that’s awesome give me a cave I need like I realistically probably need like 15 iron because I want ideally I’d want uh two years

Or a sheep dang it’s already been so long I can’t find a cave dude oh I hate these I hate everything also this Minecraft update is so stupid they keep on okay I can’t get on this I’m in the middle of a story about my watch okay we’re focused we can do this

Bamboo jungle wait a second Mal now is it is any of the ones with the melon easy no it’s not I can’t I just run past sheep It’s a pig you’re not focused you’re right oh sheep I knew I heard them I heard them all right we got this we got this I have I so far have zero items I’ve just been looking for a uh I’ve been looking for a cave and haven’t

Found a cave look you might be thinking oh this is probably a cave no it’s just one of these stupid things and you can just know before you even know is that a lava pool or is that an actual cave oh I forgot I can’t get an actual cave it’s impossible

All right more sheep though this is good we’re getting good numbers of sheep bro you passed a bingo Temple I don’t think I passed a bingo Temple all right we gotta uh we just need two more sheep we don’t need shears anymore um you know what

I think we do mining last now now that we got like a lot of sheep I think right now we say about a bing bada boom we make a hoe Uh and we’re not in a forest when you get in a forest and we get an Apple when you get an Apple ASAP um you passed Green watch you guys really have no idea where this story is going I’ve given you star test and green watch

It could go in any direction yes guess what direction it goes into you guys won’t I know what you guys are gonna guess and you guys are gonna be wrong guess where the story’s going North that wasn’t you ate the watch they had to take the watch yeah I know that’s what you guys would guess like oh you were doing during the test and so they took the watch the thing is though it’s impossible to guess because it’s so irrational and stupid like because it’s

Impossible to guess when someone’s doing something so stupid it’s like why would anyone ever do something that stupid that’s what happens all right give me an apple give me an apple give me an apple give me an apple guys we haven’t got an apple can you not

Get an Apple from I’m pretty sure I’ve done this before right you can get an Apple from owing leaves I’m like 90 sure right like 90 sure I’m pretty sure I did it like uh a couple streams ago right finish the story you need silk touch to get an Apple yeah I do you’re right I do need silk touching in the Apple like one in 64. one in 200. yeah so it should take me a couple times

Um all right so here’s the story with the watch right so my friend asked me for time a lot right but eventually like over time right over time language evolves right so but also language can turn into gestures Okay so um so over time language revolves the

Language can turn the gestures right and so instead of asking what time it was he would just look at me and go like this right like if he was across the room he’d just like look at me and tap his wrist because he was asking what time it

Was then I’d like tell him the time right so that was the second that was the second iteration of him asking what uh I really want an apple oh how much durability these okay 59 No it should take me four hoes to get an Apple statistically first trees have higher

Chance I think you’re lying and I just got one Um boom okay we got an apple we need um yeah pickaxe I need a furnace I need wood I need ink sacks and then I need to mine oh I’m so screwed I don’t have time I spent so long looking for a cave and I couldn’t find a cave screw this God

Four minutes I have less than four minutes there’s one teleport that’s just for a multiplayer but this is just certified cheese like how long did I look for a cave oh I forgot it all right are there are there any squids in this darned in this darned River

More like a certified scale issue all right one squid that’s awesome I love getting one squid on this stupid God I hear bro this nothing pissed me off more than the exact World Generation I’m getting right now like where it’s all like these like big Cliffs for some reason like we’re

Just like all like Amplified like it’s just so annoying and because these whenever it’s like like this they never spawn caves ever ever passed to the temple of notch you know you’re a real one for no one about the temple of notch all right yeah I’m screwed I need to the only way

Is if I get one of those ruined portals with like 13 iron that’s the only way I don’t have time to mine and even if I did have time to mine I can’t find a cave I literally can’t there’s just no cave there just isn’t one well maybe I can go

To the temple wait no does anyone spawn Hoppers naturally I don’t think do Hoppers spawn naturally anywhere in fact they must but I don’t think they do time’s up it’s 12 minutes yeah it’s 12 minutes but it’s I’m screwed I couldn’t find a cave that whole time

That’s crazy and it took me so long to get an apple that’s just annoying 2006 was already eight years ago you know it’s crazy we’re closer to 2030 than 1990. crazy world we’re living in the one time I switched from being a doubter to a Believer the world generation does this

I still haven’t found a cave there’s a jungle temple I don’t think I guess that could give me a million iron and I can also find oh you know what that actually could give me a bunch of iron I don’t think I’ll get there on time though I also need to get

I need these squids to drop me enough do do do do my hair is too long I feel like I shouldn’t get it I feel like I shouldn’t get a haircut before my or maybe I should get a haircut before my wisdom teeth surgery doesn’t matter yo I need to look at the

Data for that seven all right well how much time uh I don’t think we have time you know what let me just at least craft my Banner so so it looks more like a Better Effort all right I I want to check this even though time’s going to expire if it was 13

Minutes would we have gotten it well let me just we lost but let’s see did this have a crazy amount of iron let’s see oh what about a four in that one and then dang two diamonds though oh rats all right all right wait let me finish my

Let me finish my dank three months CJ YouTube video since the how far can you fall in Minecraft yeah sure buddy that was my first video all right um let me tell my the rest of my story all right so third grade right third grade I’m just

I’m just running around while I tell this because I need to tell you this uh third grade STAAR chest story so right my friend Taps his wrist whenever he wants to see the watch right whenever he wants to know what time it is he Taps

His wrist and looks at me and I tell him the time right during a STAR test though which is like the Texas uh standardized test every year during the star test it’s like a four hour thing it only takes like two hours but you have to sit

There for four hours in silence you’re not allowed to talk you’re not allowed to do anything you have to sit there and silence for four hours because they don’t let you leave because then people would rush to finish so it only takes like two hours you have

To sit there for four hours in silence waiting for everyone in the school to finish before you can leave or if the four hours expires but it always does there’s always one loser in every class there’s one God I hate the loser if you’re the loser

All right anyways you have to be silent for four hours right and so at one point my friend during the star test apps his wrist right because he wants to know what time it is right because we’re not allowed to talk right so everyone’s done probably in our classroom except for

Maybe like one person or whatever he looks at me Taps his wrist he wants to know the time right so I don’t talk because you’re not allowed to talk so I just like lean over with my wrist and show them my watch right I’m just showing you my watch and then

For some reason like the teacher the teacher comes over there’s a third grade the teacher’s like what are you doing and I was like oh he just wanted to know the time and and uh he’s like you weren’t you weren’t saying that you were you were like blah

Blah and I don’t know wench like after or something she was like come talk to me and she’s like you were telling him like look what time it is we’re not in recess yet and she’s like telling me that’s what I said it’s like I didn’t

Say a word and she’s like well you were that’s what you were implying that you were like look look what time it is and we’re not in recess yet and for some reason she was telling me I said that and then I was like what and

So then she calls the kid who’s my friend right she called I’m like ask him he calls the friend who is my kid or who is my kid my he he she called the kid who was my friend who asked what time it was by like tapping his thing and I

Explained like he was tapping his thing that’s what time it was and I think the kid thought for some reason that like he would get in trouble for asking the time so so uh the teacher asks him what he’s doing like were you tapping your wrist

To ask the time and the kid goes no I was just scratching my wrist he lied and threw me under the bus and then I got like a recess I wasn’t allowed to go to recess he my friend bro yo there’s a reason we’re not friends anymore bro he

Literally and then like like it was the stupidest thing ever like like my and then my friend was like just like like bro it was the most annoying and then like I got in trouble for like for like being like look what time it is when we’re not at recess yet even though

I didn’t even do that like I did like it was just like fake it was just like like I don’t even this is like the worst teacher ever I hate this is like the only teacher I didn’t like in elementary school mainly because of this honestly but no

One liked her but like what the stupidest thing of of all time oh yeah yeah that friend yeah we’re still beefing to this I’m just kidding I don’t talk to him like at all but Canon 18 was a bingo Pro his skills were known to all it’s

He met his match and lost with a loud unhappy catch doesn’t even make sense their cheers no more as their hero locks them at school do middle school now all right I’ll do my middle school story in the next one but dude that one I have three teachers

That L teacher L friendship room for not having a clock I’m guessing they probably didn’t I don’t remember because it was a super long ago this is third grade I’m guessing she probably got mad because I’m guessing they didn’t have a clock in there because like they didn’t

Want people to know the time because people would like complain or something but like so she’s like rejected onto me that that’s what I was doing but I don’t know I’ll just know more did you end prediction yeah it’s over um I’ll do anyone but the second one also

Pisses me off and kinda has to do with uh another kid um um Bingo create normal All Right Bingo board all right here’s the pretty good biome see like this world generation this is the same thing though which these like things with like the river and it’s like

Chunky like I don’t know how to describe like the loop it’s like a thick World Generation we’re like these are like thick planes biomes they’re not normal planes biomes they’re thick you guys know what I’m talking about like that’s a thick Plains I don’t like I don’t know

How to describe it all right here is the thing B is easy black wool ooh diagonal top left to bottom right could be easy besides zombie villager um far right is actually honestly far right it might be the easiest even though I need a diamond ax top to bottom far right

Because honestly getting diamonds isn’t that hard you shouldn’t find like one good kid in a video you said if you don’t get to 100 000 followers on Twitter by the end of the year you would build a birch house but did I say that I think I might have said that

Wait link that to me in like my Discord or at me at it on Twitter wait I said that but someone has to link it to me because I remember saying that for something but everyone’s saying yes did I say that I have to see the link I have to see the

Link I remember I said something about building a birch house but if anyone links it to me on like Twitter or Discord or anywhere then after the stream though I’ll look at it and then we’ll we’ll Converse later I think honestly I think far right is the easiest actually Diamond ax and

Everything else is extremely easy um all right how long do you think that takes for Diamond ax and like also killer bee and stuff Flint CD place 20 minutes just just for diet three diamonds 18 minutes honestly I feel I can I can do that I feel like just like one cave but the problem is you can get screwed on caves so bad for real with my storytelling you’re kind of right 15 is kind of the average I think we can do I think we can do 13 13. lucky number 13. 1313 go join magenta

1313 prediction is up by the cptn renowned world-renowned cptn d have you ever taken the t-a-c-e I don’t think so but maybe foreign People are saying no chance Today video you said you would make a birch house if you got to 100K followers oh but are still irrelevant oh easy yeah that’s right in sixth grade I poked oh my God I have one from like kindergarten too this is actually a Savage story I think I’ve

Told this one before this doesn’t have anything to do with teachers I don’t think I think I’ve all right yeah I did join the team all right I’m I’m starting um I literally I’m just gonna go for diamonds uh bingo start all right we’re going all right here’s my Savage I’ll do my

Middle school story in a second this is my this one has nothing to do with teachers this is either kindergarten or first grade so it was like a recess right and for some reason I don’t know why foreign I think I’ve told this one before like a long time ago

For some reason I really just wanted to throw an acorn at this kid’s head I don’t know why like I shot like this weird urge to throw an acorn out of this kid’s hat it’s like a random kid he didn’t do anything I didn’t even know

Him for some reason I just had that urge you guys ever get that urge to throw an acorn at a kid’s head like not like a big like Walnut like one of those tiny like acorns like for some reason I just wanted to do that I don’t know why but

Okay this is almost 25 viewers hello VOD viewers oh dude this better be okay I think there’s a cave um do I need to get anything first um Flint string CD plays let me plant a seed so I really want to throw an acorn at this kid’s head for some reason like not

Like like I don’t even know but um anyways uh give me a seed boom boom boom you know you always get seeds when you don’t want them all right there we go boom CD plays all right Flint string oh B I need to kill a b um

So anyways and like recess was almost over right and so I think it was like while recess was oh like ending and we’re like getting a line or something it was like when I was in kindergarten or something so I don’t really remember but anyways I throw an acorn at this

Kid’s head but like it was like there was like a crowd of people or like a lot of people or something but so I threw an acorn at this kid’s head I don’t think I threw it that hard but Heather I don’t know if he started crying or like

Just got like mad or like I don’t really remember because it’s so long ago but he got mad or something and somehow saw me do it I don’t know how I must have been a [ __ ] he saw me throw an acorn at this kid’s head cam school bully I was not

The school bully but for some reason this kid just this kid just had it coming that day I I don’t know why but but so the teacher was like did you throw an acorn at his hat and I was like oh well when recess ended

I was like playing with acorns and I was just like there’s a random kid yeah I have no idea this is like the weirdest I was in my kindergarten I’m just like random I’m just like randomly doing stuff I don’t know that’ll be um yeah like a guy literally never talked

To in my entire life and I’m just like I’m just like oh the teacher asked me did you throw an acorn on his head I was like oh no I was just like playing with the acorns and then when class was over I was like oh

Time to go and threw all the acorns up and one of them in his head that’s why and then she believed me and then I got off scot-free I’m really the acorn Bandit laughs I don’t like I don’t that’s like I honestly like probably wouldn’t remember it if it wasn’t just

Like the most random like thing ever like Canon 18 a parkour Ace his skills all right these are too long in a game of bingo oh you got scared like if it’s like if I look over at the donut and it’s a whole paragraph Thanks thanks for the hundred

Bits though yeah now I seem ungrateful but bro that’s a whole short story that’s a whole novel um what am I doing I need string and uh no it’s just annoying yeah it gets it gets too much TDS I like to keep TTS slim maybe I should set a limit on words

I don’t know if you can do that though I need Flint I need string and then I need a diamonds thanks for the bits though bucko don’t mean to don’t mean to rain on your parade um yeah that was my random kindergarten Acorn story I I don’t know why like yeah

I think that’s just like I don’t think I’d I it’s weird because that’s like pretty out of character like I don’t think I did anything I like that any other time that I remember or maybe I forgot all of that I don’t know um all right I need iron I got wood

All right iron and core uh and then I have my middle school story my final my final School Story this one’s about the teachers um one iron gun see look copper locked it um I’ve seen three for a pickaxe green is gonna be difficult I don’t

Think so because once you get down to caves there’ll be a bunch of stuff um all right so the middle school I think there’s a seventh or eighth grade um I had this like one class I don’t even know what it was called but it’s just like random like

Building stuff and like it was like kind of like a engineering class I guess I don’t even something like that and so we showed like a bunch of random stuff and like we had Legos in the class and stuff um and one day like two of my friends were were running around

Imagine all of the copper of iron true every one of these coppers could be Iron remember what they took from you all right so for one of my one of these engineering class things two of my friends were running around and throwing Legos at each other for some reason but

I was I was like sitting and like doing my work because like I don’t know it was like I was like laughing at them and stuff because they were like mad at each other for some reason and throwing Legos at each other um and like running around the classroom

And like all this stuff and I was just like oh and at one point oh my God please be three dang it yo it’s pretty rare to find a stone diet diamonds instead of uh deep slate diamonds Jesus oh if this cave ends and I got two diamonds I’m gonna be so mad God dang it all right two times bro how are you getting here here I’m gonna get I’m gonna get diamonds before our Diamond ax before I get string all right um give me one more Diamond I’ll be so mad if this is a dead end and I get no Diamonds oh shoot

All right I’m not gonna go down there just give me one diamond I thought that was a diamond it was a glow squid ow I just hit me ow if I die I really don’t just give me one diamond just give me one Diamond one oh no and I’m gonna

I’m gonna die I’m gonna die how did he what yeah nice I’m so dead though I have one food just give me one Diamond then I can die and I can respawn and get my string God dang it I’m gonna be so annoyed low squid yeah thank dream every time

You see one of these and realize you can do nothing with it dreams fault like most things in life all right I’m really not gonna be able to find one Diamond I’m really gonna die because I can’t find one Diamond at Deep slate all these blocks could be a diamond look

Right there could be diamonds this is a amethyst Gia does that mean this will open up to another cave oh that open dude that would have been imagine if I found diamonds there that would have been the most 200 IQ thing I’ve ever done

Is there any way I can get wait can you eat glowberries oh my God yo good job chatter Big Ups we need guys I think we as a we as a stream need to start saying Big Ups more Big Ups to that chatter big Ops diamonds diamonds I need diamonds nice place

Why can you place okay please Really Gonna Lose because I can’t find diamonds at this level and I get these okay please just open up to a big cave all right there’s a okay that should have a string in it if that doesn’t have a string in it I’ll be so mad

And also how are there no diamonds down here all right give me string there’s no possible way this doesn’t have a string all right string nice that was kind of uh epic food no food no bread or wheat all right I literally just need one diamond and I win one single diamond

At layer negative 41. I should get enough food there’s no way rip mine are you guys the actual morons do we have the [ __ ] the [ __ ] Brigade in my chat strip mine strip mine have you guys just strip mine in 1.9 or 1.18 caves might as well be playing

Something can’t find the diamond got him oh these caves are literal garbage it’s like like what is this what is this oh my God how much time do I have left I have two and a half minutes does this lead anywhere play for the prime scorpion finally tell my middle school story but

It has to wait for this stupid cave all right well I actually might have to strip mine but it’s so inefficient I don’t think I have time well you guys wanted it and I’ll give it to you the luck generator let me get my sticks all right random luck generator slow

Dig straight down Um I’ll dig um I should dig straight down a couple blocks I could die here but probably not gonna win anyway I should dig down to like negative 60. here all right we have a minute to get a diamond one Diamond one diamond wait a second lava pops

I don’t know where they are I think we’re screwed how much time we have until 13 13. that in my diamonds Diamonds oh diamonds we have like 10 seconds we need diamonds I can’t believe we instantly got two diamonds then explored an entire giant cave at Deep slate and found none

And and time’s up all right let me just reclose at all we weren’t this is why I didn’t look this is why you don’t strip mine look look at this look how far we could have gone with nothing look at this yo 1.18 strip mining be like yeah

I mean I should have nowhere else to go at that point is this Jesus look at that all right was there any I swear I just saw some diamonds See this is the cave I wanted but until I get this these stupid like ooh little sideways crack like all this like I should explored all of this no diamonds in this whole area so the left there were diamonds in that other cave okay I’m sure somewhere on my

On one of those caves there was diamonds but all right you have a favorite teacher uh probably I have a lot of teachers I like um all right let me start up this next one and start the prediction I’ll tell you about my class where people were throwing Legos at each other

Bro your forehead is massive no it’s not it’s average it’s just that my hair is normally here so you’re not used to it is it massive okay maybe a little I’d say large not math look if I back up okay it’s it’s now a bit of a five head it’s large not

Massive kind of wide what’s on my forehead that’s just my face for my head wide all right here’s the spawn all right bingo create normal boom um dang these all have like nether um wait did I I messed that one up I actually did I’m not just redoing it because it was hard

I actually messed that one up um top might be easy but I literally have no idea how to make pumpkin pie um middle column but I need quartz for that one um uh second from right up and down is kind of easy how do you make pumpkin pie I

Think top is probably the easiest if I get pumpkin pie does anybody know how to get pumpkin pie oh second from Bottom’s kind of easy oh and now red Sandstone is hard I think top is easiest honestly oh and bottom left to top right is pretty easy

Bottom left to top right oh no but Brown dies hard again sugar egg pumpkin all right I think top is easiest top is easiest It’s gotta be dark oak could screw me but I don’t think so okay what’s my spawn I don’t see any dark oak

I do not see any dark oak so top could screw me will you stop streaming if Minecraft gets deleted from the face of the Earth ah I mean like probably but you know it’s kind of a I don’t think that’s gonna happen 16 minutes because you’re really struggling

Uh you know how much time do you guys think because I I would you would think low based on the top but I might not get dark oak could be super far 2014 15 16. all right we’ll do 16. we’ll do 16. we’ll do 16. not that I need it

All right 16 here’s a bat bat bat all right here’s my story right so this is like seventh or eighth grade like this engineering type class thing you’d like build stuff and whatever my friends are roaming like Legos at each other and running around the class while I do

Uh work or whatever and at one point they’re like hiding behind me as like a prop to throw Legos at each other but I don’t really care because there’s like tiny so I’m just like kind of like ignoring them or like laughing at them or whatever but they’re like running around

Like literally like running around right and uh the teacher comes in and gives us all like lunch suspension or I don’t remember what it was called but like we have to like eat lunch in his classroom instead of the lunchroom for like a day it’s like it’s not really a big deal but

It’s like I’m like I didn’t do anything I was just sitting here and then even my friends oh no okay so they’re like uh okay this is starting shoot lunch detention yes so so the teacher’s like giving giving me lunch attention I’m like I didn’t do anything I’ve just been sitting here and

Was it was it just lunch detention that’s kind of hard okay so then one of my friends starts crying for some reason I think from lunch detention I don’t even make sense but it’s just like eighth grade I’m pretty sure one of my friends started like tearing up

Like for some reason I was like what and then the teacher was like all right fine you don’t have to have lunch attention because he started like crying and but I still had it and one of the other guys still had it so but he got it for this one guy even

Though I was the one doing nothing I still got it he was actually doing stuff he he didn’t get it because he started crying I was like whatever and then so I’m like I go with the other kid and I’m like all right let’s go up there and tell them

This is stupid right and so then I start telling the teacher how I didn’t do anything why should I get lunch attention and teacher starting to buy it then my other friend realizes that I’m about to get off on lunch detention right so it’s just gonna be him by

Himself because the other kid started crying he got off I was gonna get off because I didn’t do anything there’s gonna be him alone in lunch attention so then he realized he’s like oh shoot and then he started going oh wait no no and he starts telling the teacher that I

Was actually doing bad stuff so that I would get lunch attention with him so he wouldn’t be alone and then I got lunch attention too and because the other friend wanted me to be in it with him because because he didn’t want to be alone well I don’t really care about that one

Because it’s just lunch attention but the funny part was I was like this is the stupidest thing ever the funny part was uh his wife was like in the classroom during the lunch attention and so so she asked the first kid who like actually did bad stuff why did you get lunch

Attention and the kid was like I was running around throwing Legos at stuff uh I rode I rode the bike like he did like a bunch of he was like known for doing bad stuff right and then the wife asked me what did you what did I do and

Then I said I don’t I don’t know and then and then and then she’s like oh you know and I’m like no I literally don’t know and then I’m like what did I do teacher and then they were like goofing off all right I was goofing off my bad all

Right anyways that’s my those are my three stories four kind of all right we’re starting 16 minutes Bingo star get rid of these um so I need top I need to do the top uh row um iron pumpkin pie I need pumpkin and dark oak honestly is the hardest things and

Iron kinda but pumpkin and dark oak are inconsistent so I think for this one I’m gonna get food off the bat off the bat what’s your favorite eighth probably um all right there we go chest stream one I think a chest stream would be incredibly boring I think I’ve

I think maybe I’ve played chess on stream once I’m pretty good at chess I destroyed someone in the Discord was bragging about how good they were at chess and I played him and utterly decimated him I forgot who though but this is born we gets thousands of

Viewers be out but only chess people watch that like no Minecraft people are gonna watch chess streams like everything in the right Niche gets thousands of viewers what’s your rating I I don’t really play like I used to like play but like I don’t really like I just hate chess.com because they make

You pay for anything you want oh it just pisses me off because I hate paying for things but I watched chest stream I mean I I’m guessing you’d get pretty bored all right Cobblestone stairs I could just get instantly and die right slab I could get right here so maybe I’ll just

Do that since I can just do it instantly um why’d I get copper gusting all right and then I need like what six of these dust is boring that says you know what a phenomena every game is more fun when you play it in school like if you’re

Playing against your friends in Chess at school it’s super fun especially if you’re destroying them like me um dark oak I would really appreciate dark oak and pumpkin dark oak and pumpkins it’s like the snow biome I could get pumpkins pretty easily because I’d be able to see them

I feel like they wouldn’t be near dark oak so I’m gonna go the opposite direction keep an eye out for pumpkins eggs pumpkins eggs dark oak and then if I see a big cave along the way this one’s gonna be mainly running and looking for dark oak but if I see a uh

I see a cave along the way I can stop and get iron ham read my message I got you I just have pumpkin pie True Tiger villages Um problem is like I might go in there and not find one I could imagine I found a tiger Village next to a Pillager Outpost and I got the dark oak too that would be so nice that almost makes me want to go under the Tiger but it’s

Not smart because I’m kind of screwed if I don’t get it so I’m banking on a lot there my first Cayman live stream Epic up here looks like a better biome Outpost has dark oak that is why I said that oh I could also oh pumpkin boom I can also do uh

All right nice I need an egg honestly I feel like egg might be kind of underrated hard because you only get eggs like I don’t know like you kind of have to like wait for a chicken to lay an egg like when you think about it it

Might take me a bit to get an egg um also shipwreck I could get dark oak shipwreck I can get dark oak pass an outpost I don’t think I did drop a chicken it dropped a chicken all right two chickens watch this why chicken okay it’s gonna happen one day Um it’s actually a dark oak really and sugar cane and iron I could get a village for iron potentially and they’re called eggs since when chicken quad chicken okay one of these days I’m gonna have an epic clip and post it to tick tock the problem is I don’t post like

Oh if I ever oh I could post shorts on my vods channel of dream highlights I just thought about that idea but spend too much time editing do do questions on vods yeah if something crazy happened I would but like but it’s like a lightly edited clip like just

Like I was live streaming and this happened then I’d have to people make a stream highlights Channel I there’s been like five in existence but none of them stay active I probably pay someone but I I’m like it’s like like I could I could always pay someone to like edit but kind of like hard to do that with stream highlights because you need someone that watches the Stream and if I were to like get an editor then

I’d have to pay him to watch My Stream which is like multiple hours and also like that’s like a weird thing I don’t know Loki getting better at editing No Cap well if you number one my only paid mod cptn if you ever wanna or anything DM me

Or if anyone if anyone here is like a good editor but I probably won’t trust you though because like I remember when I was like 13 I thought I thought I was like good at editing but if you think you’re a good editor and you watch the stream and you want to

Send me like you have to send me like some stuff you’ve done like I can’t just take your word for it like you have to be like look I made this then maybe I’ll take you or if you have any Talent email me I got a new email

And it ends in kman18.com so it’s like business at camden18.com it’s kind of Epic looking email also translators if you want to translate all my videos into another language like if you look up camman 18 Russian I have a Russian Channel with a hundred like 200 000 subscribers someone

Made oh Village okay I can get okay there’s a there’s a 200 000 subscriber command 18 Russian Channel I don’t even know how to look it up though because it’s in Russian but someone just made that so if you speak another language and want to just like every day just dub my

Videos and subtitle them in a different language you can keep like I don’t know 80 or something 50 of the revenue or something email me if you are multilingual not Russian though because I I speak or I already have a Russian one so and I think there might be a German guy

But he’s not he’s not as consistent the Russian guys killing it he’s probably making yo I’m not even taking a cut from the Russian guy I might have to yeah I might have to hit up the Russian guy he has like 200k subs or it’s monetization just got turned on I need to

Do I speak Spanish perfectly well I’m email me business at camman18 is that it yeah business.camman18.com email me with like I can do this blah blah blah look up the camera 18 Russian Channel and then if you can do that just like dub and subtitle my videos in a different language

Take whatever percent age Point email command maybe true oh oh oh dang I really got a chess play that could have been all right Focus up um is that the last thing I need um um Iron could help I just don’t see a big guy

I don’t see a big guy this is a giant thing there’s an outpost though that’ll give me dark oak and I just need iron shoot how much 16 minutes I got this dude what is this like this is like some some like open world like you know open world

Video games like they changed the elevation so like you can’t go somewhere like Elden ring like uses elevation to like block off sections even though like they it feels open world but it’s like oh you can’t go up there because it’s too high that’s what this is like

Like I have to like go around or like mind blocks but I think that’s slower God you missed sugar cane shoot I forgot that’s the problem is like I forget to look for stuff because I’m like oh sugar cane that’s easy I don’t have to think about that

From India and I speak Hindi it’s about the uh in language I don’t know if it’s worth going into that Igloo I kind of think it’s not what could it have via any language we accept all or besides Russian and of maybe German that the German guy might be lacking so it might have to be replaced

But you know I believe in the German guy it shouldn’t take that long to uh subtitle and a dub title I can do British true all right there’s a iron golem in there I really I should I should be able to sleep New English dub yeah I didn’t need some English dubs on my English video three oh if that guy drops four all right if we can get four from Big Guy ow that was stupid alert stupid alert stupid alert stupid alert Oh wrong music not my playlist oh God

I need to change this music all right I need to kill this big guy wait I’m safe in here right kind of okay if this guy chances are this guy will give me four iron okay I don’t like this can he hit me from right here okay

Jesus okay I think right here I’m safe right I gotta be safe right here sure we’ll even do that I gotta be safe there’s no way I’m not safe foreign nice okay he drops three to five he drops three to five if he drops uh four

Or five we win if he drops four or five to win he drops three to five so we have like a we have a 66 chance to win right here 66 chance the only way is if he only drops three 66 chance to win right here 66 chance

Please please don’t be three I swear to God if it’s three oh my God it was three oh my God it was three are you kidding me are you kidding me are you actually kidding me are you actually kidding me are you actually kidding me are you actually kidding me

Are you actually kidding me are you actually kidding me her sugar came down there oh my God we’re gonna lose I have three minutes to get one iron and get foreign I think they can have iron nuggets I don’t think they have iron ingots that guy’s slowness I don’t want him to hit me I’m gonna run out of food I don’t have an ax God dang it how we would have been we would have won by now if it just dropped I’m gonna be out of food I need a I need a cave I need one iron actually gotta be kidding me you have to be kidding me you actually have to be kidding me

This has to be some sort of elaborate meme this has to be some oh oh These can have iron another one he’s like almost always have iron the last one gave me three this one almost hashed out of iron I’m out of food though right now I have food

This is this is is this the same one this is a different one right Like barely any pillagers for some reason if this gives me zero I’m gonna oh my God does it have an iron golem spawn no way there’s actually no way there’s actually no way there’s actually no way there’s actually no way there’s actually no way I actually can’t believe it I can’t believe it

All right give me an iron right here come on there’s a bunch of caves and stuff I don’t even know if I have time even if I get it give me an iron come on give me an iron give me an iron give me an iron all of

This cave no iron drip Stone cave no iron just copper just copper just copper just copper just copper Foreign The Matrix has sent their agents Let me look up the odds for that all right so first of all one in uh one in three for the uh iron golem now Outpost loot villager Outpost let’s see what percent of pill dropouts have one iron um Java Edition 30 not great but times so that’s another

Two and three down so Just brow why couldn’t it just give me I’d like an 80 chance over an 80 chance all right why am I running around all right last one this is where it gets serious Bingo create boom boom um Middle top down middle hop down middle I think

Or top side side could also be easy maybe angry middle up down what’s hired help what’s hired helm Minecraft someone in an iron golem to help defend a village yeah it’s way too hard I need 27 iron um I think it’s top I think right now

Middle I think middle up and down I think middle up and down I think it’s got to be middle up and down yeah I think it has to be fourth vertical to the right hired help is summoned an iron golemen second horizontal up and down um Redstone and Nether and prismarine

Middle up and down is the easiest middle up and down all right you have to get cooked rabbit though or do you remember how long it took me to get Rabbit that one time I got so unlucky with my biomes it looks like there’s a spruce right behind me um all right

Uh shoot uh how long do you guys think or middle up and down 10 minutes 18 20. terracotta that’s it’s just hard to add things up in your head so many things yeah it’s probably a decent amount of time 2014 15 18. all right you know what I’ve I’ve had a disappointing showing

People don’t believe in me I think we’ll go for the 18. the number guys I can’t lose on the number it is literally the number 18. 18. the prediction is up B number dang it everyone believes in me they don’t know how bad I really am Last prediction for two weeks probably something behind you I don’t think so doubting is the Strategic option who put 36k power underscore Sammy the god with 36k doubting me let me get a haircut by next stream I probably will because it’ll be two weeks so it’ll be even longer than this

Wow 50 50 at the end 41 doubting me all right bingo star all right um okay we can’t have that music for the next 18 minutes I mean come on bro what was the talk I was I was on a rant about something I don’t remember though I I can do polish translations everyone email me if you want me to you you can I think it’s in my Tick Tock bio and then also in my YouTube about thing if you scroll to the bottom but anyone can email me I I probably won’t respond though I

Don’t know if you’re supposed to or spawn because companies always emailed me and then I don’t respond and they like keep emailing me for like six months like did you see this like are you does anyone know like are you supposed to respond to every email and like say no like

I’ll take so long I just don’t respond I I’m guessing nobody knows this but okay shoot um boom did one flint and steel rabbit all right rabbit should be in this tiger I think if we just focus on like one thing at a time we can do this

But I should also keep an eye out for wool clay and flint and steel so there’s one thing at a time rabbit Flint to wool steel clay Any rabbits dude is this like a it’s a tiger I’m pretty sure they can spawn in Tiger these just have a rabbit spawn yeah let me just look it up Justin Gates rabbit Minecraft I’m 90 sure they can spawn in Tigers because we yeah tiger all right they can spawn in tigers I’m certain just looked it up nice parkour oh rabbit let me get kill these guys for food oh rabbit what noise do rabbits make I’m a rabbit or something hop hop something like that squeak squeak true um F3 plus b hitboxes are shown now I will

Be able to see a rabbit from a mile away I don’t even know how to describe the sound you just made well good All right they really have bats in this game Crazy World we’re living in Grouch to find Robin I don’t think that’s how it works God I’ll be so annoyed I hate rabbits I think they’re they’re my least favorite mob how are they so hard to find please just be a rabbit don’t be a chicken oh great it’s a chicken I love chicken

I love more than chicken four chickens that was a waste of time because I can get four chickens here would have been cool it’s a duck no way people actually think that back in the day people used to say that before you could hover over it and

It says chicken it’s kind of hard to say otherwise now because you can hover over the item and it says chicken so Fox I found foxes but I can’t find a rabbit Wolf I’m finding it every mob wolf box pig cow chicken oh and the one other mob I need is sheep that’s awesome I need sheep and uh rabbit and those are the only things I haven’t found that’s awesome Don’t tell me it’s more Fox I hate this stupid game I never get what I want to get please okay at least I got sheep and one of them’s Gray meaning I can’t die the whole all right what’s up here this this feels promising um or anything I need the ocean for

Shipwreck you give me steel not really worth it though I’m really in a biome that can have rabbits and I don’t have a rabbit that’s kind of crazy when you calculate it out that has to be a rabbit that that that’s a rabbit okay we got a rabbit nice okay we got

One thing done Flint play Flint clay that’s our next two objectives unless there’s iron down here That’s another one of these stupid cracks with copper another thing about the cracks they only have copper you can never get iron from a crack it’s never happened ever which were young for middle middle up and down middle up and down you need to cook it I know I need to

Cook it just give me a darn second I can kick it whenever I want you missed gravel you know I think I’ll find gravel later I think I’m good I think I’m good on gravel all right should I just all right there’s iron I saw it I saw the iron

You missed cyan Banner oh sorry all right we’re doing good foreign We need a furnace and we need this iron and then we need all right we’re out we’re winning this one I can feel the wind incoming just FYI guys are your opinions on archeology being announced this update is just all over the place like this update is it’s the camel and

Armor trim and bamboo and Archeology update like what and hanging sign like okay Like awesome man that’s a great update like I keep thinking they’re gonna do something big because like they announced a year update cycle like it’s gonna be a year between our last update and this one all right let me do this first actually um look at this then I’ll get um

This for Flint I can get flint and steel um all right let me get flint and steel let me just get some flinty from over here boom and then uh clay if I can get clay over here too that’d be good all right give me cook rabbit I will

Cook the rabbit in a second don’t worry um give me Flint nice Clinton Steel boom and then clay boom clay right here we should need a we should need we should I think we just need wait I think we should one clay I think we do And you raid my twitch I cannot Who’s the best YouTuber but it can’t be you um who’s the best YouTuber that I honestly don’t really watch YouTubers that much he’s the best Minecraft Youtuber that’s not me um I don’t know here’s the best Minecraft Youtuber that’s not me I don’t really watch any the only person I watched was technoblade so No Mr Beast Um all right let me get one more and then I’m gonna do this All right um I’ll do the clay Um I really would not watch any Minecraft youtubers I don’t think I do I think when Wilbur uploaded his videos were pretty good he didn’t really upload much anymore Like some of the classics like there’s some classic Wilbur series like the uh random Sky Block and uh the old like he was the first to do like Minecraft but the lava Rises Minecraft with the water rises those those original videos were good it’s a bit pretty occupied with Lovejoy

All right I need sheep sheep and cyan how do I get cyan wait a second okay whoa whoa whoa how do I get cyan oh god I didn’t even think about this how much time do I have okay I don’t get cyan oh no how do I get cyan blue and green

Lime green or cactus green because cactus green is only from cactus I need cactus all right there’s sheep over here we’re sleeping and immediately going oh we are so screwed I know we needed Cactus you know we have a lot of time we can do this

We have a lot of time we have food we can do this we can do this you can get corn flour for the uh blue we don’t need lapis luckily there’s a lot of sheep right why are they like there’s only three of them are white ah dang it

All right oh I know I can’t sleep because I’d have to uh okay um uh sea pickle oh no I think she pickle is lime I’m pretty sure C pickle is lime I’m like 90 sure because I remember like doing that being like Oh yeah you can get this from sea pickle um

All right let me get a corn flour from this Plains and then we’ll probably just ocean wait do any flowers drop cyan like do any flowers drop cyan does anyone know there’s there’s flowers that are in the swamp that are kind of bluish but I’m guess they’re not cyan

No no no no no no no everyone said blue orchid but I’m guessing they’re lying because most people are saying no we got two of these just in case all right we need cactus um and two more two more white sheep and Cactus I’m gonna look in the village for or in

The plains for a second because there might be um can I get I think cyan wool spawns naturally somewhere blue orcas drops science and dude if that could be true but not enough people are saying it so I’m guessing you guys are lying um beep all right no sheep I think I

Just uh I think I just got a boat and hope for a desert cyan wool in ancient city that is true but I don’t that seems harder than a desert to be honest is about to show us if it’s possible hey cam I just sended you thank you Spanish

Translator by the way who is or who is her celeb Crush where’s my celeb Crush I don’t really like having a celeb crush kind of weird but if I had to pick I don’t know because every celebrity is like old like is there any non-old celebrity I guess Charlie demilio but

I think she I think she only dates emo boys so I might have to I might have to go emo pick Zendaya yeah Zendaya is pretty good but but he’s like 25 probably though it doesn’t really make sense Ayodon true all right um not a mushroom Island oh it’s a shipwreck is that or no that’s a ruin portal all right well we’re off to find a desert that’s okay warm ocean that’s actually a good sign oh that looks like it’s about to become a desert but it’s just a big beach

Uh warm ocean though this is good I think we’re gonna find it I believe I believe will this help us in any way um I don’t think so but might as well since it’s like right here and I’m gonna go this way a bit anyways there’s a beached shipwreck right there

But I don’t think that will help us and that will take time oh Golden Apple all right give me I got everything all right I literally have everything except for um sheet I mean there’s a trident guy go with that dang okay this this warm ocean look like looks like

It’s gonna end soon so I’m gonna go this way warm ocean has a higher chance of uh colliding with desert so it’s good to stay in the warm ocean but I might not be able to in my end What else do you watch Tommy in it videos uh I used to I think Tommy got lost in the uh Austin thoughts his videos but here’s my here’s my YouTube Theory I think I think this is a good YouTube Theory I call it Mr beastification and up it’s called Mr beastification where

Every YouTuber once they start getting views thinks they just need to become like Mr Beast Style videos and they are like Hammer themselves in to one video style just because it’s like the Mr Beast video style where it starts you like today and it’s like

I feel like a lot of people fall into Mr B and I like Mr Beast I’m an OG Mr beaster and they were it’s not good for him but I feel like people think it’s good for everyone just because like he’s the most successful Channel that’s like one video style is like

Everyone does it oh shoot bacon waffles thanks for the for the uh 85 you were raid buddy thank you your uh life’s lifesteal SMP person right I think right now we are trying to get cactus in the next oh my God two minutes I’m Really Gonna Lose I’m trying to get a

Bingo and I need a cyan banner I have uh shoot do I have like follower only mode on I should probably turn that off wait oh God wait does my timer pause when I Flash follower off Oh I don’t know how to do it followers off all right follower only mode is off for a second I don’t want to arm follows off the ray that’s kind of mean hello Raiders um dude wait did that not pause my timer wait did it 27

Why it did it I don’t think it did whatever though I think we’re screwed to be honest we need a cactus in the next one minute use your teleport that’s not for dude I hate every single one of these stupid bingos what did we win like one

That person bet 38 that person’s gonna have 70k they bet 36k on this stupid Cactus they must have known I wasn’t gonna get the cactus all right maybe there’s gonna be connected to the planes surely Hey why are you not streaming next time I’m getting my wisdom teeth out next week so I’m Pro on Wednesday has anyone got their wisdom teeth out before how many days are you out like streaming though is kind of hard because like multiple hours of like being loud

So I feel like that’s like the worst thing for a wisdom teeth recovery and I’m getting them out Wednesday what do I be able to stream on Saturday three or four yeah I’m thinking probably not it’s five six yeah I’m thinking probably like there’s probably like a five

Percent chance on stream next week but I would not count on it dude where was the Village man or where’s the desert Dude that one guy got 70k because I can’t find a stupid locate biome desert four thousand the closest desert was 10 000 blocks from spawn on this world pet like You know what today just wasn’t our luck remember last week how lucky we got just wasn’t our day did that person redeem VIP all right you know what you got it buddy yeah oh my God following since December 2022 literally like three months but there’s God predictors all right you get

VIP but if you say something stupid or spam with it you can be unvip be careful with great power becomes great responsibility this is the quickest VIP ever this guy must just be a god predictor with great power comes great responsibility don’t say anything stupid don’t spam or your VIP will be taken

Easily easily um all right I’m gonna rate someone sorry for the new Raiders that just got here because I’m kind of I was just about to end but um thank you bacon waffles or the raid I don’t know if you said I should have viped him because he said something I

Didn’t see it um I’m gonna raid someone you’ll get channel points if you stay for the right I need a tweet I I didn’t tweet last week I need to tweet what do I tweet guys think of something funny Let me go on my Discord see if these losers gave me a good tweet suggestions Dora the Explorer get mad at Mojang for mine cards All right someone think of a good tweet come on now you guys can do it To that that’s funny but people wouldn’t get it I’m gonna raid in a second you’ll get channel points if you stay for the raid or you could leave now but we’ll not get channel points and not know what my Banger tweet is gonna be Foreign dies I feel like that needs like a second like a second part there’s still context do it either way what was it we scroll up all right it’s good enough to that one kid I threw an acorn hat in kindergarten I’m not sorry oh it says I’m not sorry I

Thought I said I’m sorry all right it’s it’s decent And then below it I need a post do I have like oh I do my downloads All right the Tweet below is makes it better all right retweet and I’ll uh and I’ll follow some of you back retweet and like all right there’s the tweet it’s pretty funny I like the picture beneath all right sausage wallet I followed you Kaden I followed you dark gamer boy

Riker all right I’ll follow some more later all right um A good stream um I will stream probably not next week I’ll if you join my Discord I’ll announce what I’m streaming next um Yeah you joined my Discord that’s why I say like whether I’m streaming or not let me just find someone to raid promise I try not to raise the same people over and over again but it’s hard because I go live at the same time all right we can ride person seems like a

All right don’t be cringing the rate in the raid true if your cringe I will ban you from my chat just don’t be annoying um all right I’ll be back probably in two weeks join my Discord if you want to know exactly when Saturdays at 8pm Eastern I go live um

Don’t be cringe boom boom boom I think that’s everything right uh see you guys next week bye bye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BINGO! camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2023-02-12 16:00:13. It has garnered 13342 views and 574 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:41 or 7361 seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18

Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft VOD from Twitch camman18! It was HILARIOUS.

Edited, uploaded, and thumbnail by: https://twitter.com/cptnpotatoe/

also follow my twitter https://twitter.com/camman18_

Follow my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/camman18s Join my discord – https://discord.gg/45tvHdhUPA

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / VOD / twitch live stream ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.17 in 2021!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a hunter / runner but it is me, camman18 from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.17 and not Minecraft Bedrock.


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    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

    🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMPVideo Information sh [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone oh my gosh Le you’re on time I can’t believe it how did you do it this time hi everyone Hi bre hello ano hi coffee table on Twitch and YouTube hi set hi hi JD hi meno hi noodles hi Coco Al coffee table why were you in here so early welcome in everyone today was a scheduled work stream but I did some work before stream because gy woke me up early because gy woke up early to play Minecraft and… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

    Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclipsVideo Information here has to go This video, titled ‘raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #shorts’, was uploaded by SGGAMER000 on 2024-03-19 03:38:34. It has garnered 446 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #short #minecraft #lapatasmp #valorant #valorantshorts #valorantlive #applemc #valorantindia #lifesteal ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ pojavlauncher how to join fake loyal smp fake loyal smp ip fake loyalsmp Lapata smp war Loyal smp war lapata smp season 5 lapata smp niz gamer psd1 lapata smp psd1 boys psd1 senpai spider how i… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that set me free [Music] a yeah This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 952 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 06:05:42. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art… Read More

  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NeekSj856k Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client – 1.20.62 Update!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client - 1.20.62 Update!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.62 MOD CLIENT APK – Toggle Sprint, Full Bright, Unlocked, No Circle – BUGROCK CLIENT’, was uploaded by matixdev on 2024-03-04 22:37:09. It has garnered 851 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. CHECK Download Tutorial https://youtu.be/JDPoU15od9g?si=4kr61rPk2C6–ei_ Download Link 1.20.62 https://bit.ly/4avrFAo 1.20.72 https://bit.ly/43I0YWY Educational Disclaimer: This video aims to provide educational insights into hacking techniques related to EDSA in a responsible and ethical manner. Everything demonstrated is solely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities and security practices in digital environments…. Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More


    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

    "Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic's Love Drama in Minecraft" #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animationVideo Information [Music] help [Music] please wow [Music] [Applause] This video, titled ‘Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Minecraft #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic’, was uploaded by Snuka Game on 2024-04-25 18:39:17. It has garnered 17307 views and 545 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Sadako or Aphmau Minecraft Herobrine #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic Read More

  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

    Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!Video Information o Coach do Ramon avisou que ele vai ganhar o mter Olímpia esse ano eu já falou já deixou Claro só que eu duvido sebum tá começou a preparar muito mais cedo que o Ramon o ceum já tá na frente do Ramon então tipo assim se o ceum já tá começando a preparação na frente significa que ele já tá na frente então meu filho só se O Ramão treinar de verdade mesmo sem com vergonha na cara com sabe porque realmente não dá se ele ficar cendo assim aqueles treinos fofo igual ele fez nas outras… Read More

  • EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL – Episode 6 OMG!!!

    EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL - Episode 6 OMG!!!Video Information Cal’s pretty freaking good all right way better here shame that I’m being demoted but oh well it’s not like we could do anything wait a minute are you doing here oh I live here y uh you’re sler like me though yeah I live here right right right to be honest that makes no sense um like why are you in R yellow if your life uh so there’s a room that apparently was contaminated with bugs I cleaned um I got someone to gas the room um then I broke in through a window then now… Read More

  • Determinacy

    DeterminacyDeterminacy.net is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore In the world of Minecraft, we build our dreams, Crafting structures, mining seams. From underground houses to mountain retreats, Every block placed, every resource we meet. Agni Gamingz, our guide in this land, With updates and builds, always at hand. In Hindi he speaks, with passion and flair, Sharing his journey, with a playful air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let the story unfold, in the gaming light. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, Thanks to Agni Gamingz, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

MINECRAFT BINGO! camman18 Full Twitch VOD