Minecraft but Your Ghost HAUNTS!

Video Information

Today we died and became a ghost in Minecraft but it’s up to me if I’ll be a friendly or evil ghost so let’s begin by dying Minecraft first okay so step one is to die a dumb death welcome guys to the graveyard we’re right over there is

My tomb well this is gonna be weird here’s the plan I have first we’re gonna build all the way up right here and make a diagonal line to the entrance where I’ll be taking a nice good old Minecart and then run it all the way up and just

Fall down to my deck not onto the ground but we’re gonna have some spikes right here that’s what we call dumb death so let’s begin our ghostly Journey want some wood and now for the Second Step we’re gonna dig straight down probably not be doing this oh wait we found a

Case mine for the minecart it’s perfect okay I did not expect to find a mind job but this is gonna speed things up a lot more let me real quick get some string and at this point all I need is some powered rails which how do

I craft those again I think I just need rails all this just become a ghost guys oh and there it is guys one of these and now we can fall into the drip Stone all right let’s get some more rails so I think it’s all we need to stack of rules

But before we continue let’s actually cook the iron and there we go all right first we need a minecart there we go and now with an iron pickaxe we gotta get that because that’s ground for a power drill right there we need the gold we need the Redstone all that good stuff

Because we’re gonna go zoom in to our death what a weird start to our video all right that should be enough and now we just need some rails there we go one stuck next up let’s build okay I got my wood and this is what we’re gonna do I’m gonna start

Right here and all we gotta do is just staircase all the way up and we should be good oh gosh okay let’s not fall right now okay so it’s gonna leave right here and then we’re gonna fall straight down and splat all right now we gotta do

Is set the rails let’s get that going all the way down and just to make it fun we’ll make it lead all the way over here okay let me get the minecart there we go get this thing right here before we do anything else we can even add a leaper

Right there all right one of the last things we need to do is get this pointed drip Stone and I guess put it right there oh gosh now we got the powered rails there we go and so I think it just works like this right oh nice now the

Goal is to make this very fast I mean we’ll put two pod rolls right there there we go I’m gonna need a lot of power to get all the way to the top but this shouldn’t be too bad right here oh gosh and now Moment of Truth guys at

The very end I’m about to get super boosted straight down okay all that’s left to do now is just get our Minecraft in there we go and now it’s time to finish step one by dying a dump death hopefully this makes me a ghost here we

Go and let’s go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay up we go oh it’s going good speed let’s go good speed all right no punch me off oh guys it worked yo now we’re half a heart in step two hot mobs and feel great wait can I fly I can fly now

Oh my gosh it’s me oh that’s rough well now that our grave is filled next up it’s apparently caught people as a ghost and fill these Graves okay wait so as a tiny ghost how do I break things do I have a new ability hold up let me like

Like you oh wait and I possessed them I’m literally the pig now yo okay so here’s the plan I’m gonna just take you right here and I think if I right click again only one inside and now the bar went up so let’s roll quick close that

Off and that’s gonna be one grave done okay now we gotta get one of every mob so I guess next up we can also get the cow I mean we can get the hay bales or we can just real quick possess that and now as the cow we can go ahead and make

Him walk all the way right here and it goes the cow sorry about this I’ll give you some food at least there we go that’s two done I can even do villagers guides are you guys over here I’m just gonna walk away I’ll have a great day bye-bye hopefully no one notices that

I’m literally just walking away as them but yet again another easy one let’s leave this guy right there and that’s another great build okay let’s put that there and now watch this Look at this guy okay no one mind me oh sorry about that and pay no attention I am a normal villager just going straight to the graveyard for no reason at all all right let’s put you in here and that’s another one done all right have a

Great day you’ll get calls soon no one will suspect the cow and it looks like we only have one more to do and so this is the last one and it says llama required is there a llama over there oh wait there is okay don’t mind me just

Nester The Not So Friendly Ghost right now I just gotta go to the Llama okay you right there hey like me okay nope nope nope new plan guys they are not friendly against ghosts oh wait I have an idea what if we get a zombie let’s

Just go in this cave nearby own a zombie okay can I possess you oh yeah we can and now with the zombie let’s go back real quick okay I don’t want to get caught by that aren’t going but we just gotta go in and scare him all right

Buddy uh boo I am a zombie oh wait that works okay I’m gonna let go of him and now let’s get the lava okay okay no attention to me just a llama walking all the way back I think this is the last thing we need oh here we go guys let’s

Just drop the llama in and see what happens there we go and that’s ten done so what happens now oh where was that noise oh we grow in size and now we’re ghost level two and now step three hot house number one wait what’s house

Number one and why am I haunting it is it one of these oh wait this is house number one wait I can straight up haunt a house like I was Haunting the mobs oh wait there’s this thing right here maybe I gotta try onto this oh the house moved

Okay apparently I can do that with my haunting powers and now let’s open up here it looks like there’s a basement thing wait what is this Village only um can I just come in hello oh no no okay oh we only have the guards let me think about this oh wait hold on

These guys well why are they all the owner and I don’t think I don’t think if they’re buddy right here just only put on an outfit and just walked away don’t mind me I’m just going to this place over here under house number one okay let me come down oh okay

Let me pass by yo all right thank you guys okay don’t mind me let me open that door real quick and now we can go back to being a ghost but where am I now holy dark room find the buttons oh oh there’s a button right there that’s one there’s

A trap door here that’s another button and is that all of them oh and a button right there wait is there another one after that oh my gosh wait that button’s so hidden oh it worked yes okay and what the heck is going on here oh oh okay

That’s all good a bunch of skeletons and if I fly I get shot from the top okay we gotta go through the bottom please don’t get shot please don’t get Chompies don’t get shot let’s just go through here oh okay and oh my gosh to the end okay what

Is this now move the chicken I love these okay let’s get the wheat seeds real quick and chicken I could possess you but instead we’re gonna not haunt you and make you and your partner go all the way over here all right let’s make

It go all the way up and we just gotta get to that pressure plate come on here guys chickens here do I need both or I just have two for no reason there we go all right good job guys okay now what do we got here completely sure wait what’s

The picture though oh wait there’s a seven picture button do I just press it oh is that a ghost oh okay that’s the ghost body I think we just gotta figure it out okay so we put that there we got the sides right there and oh gosh that’s

Definitely off I think it’s just upside down oh and it worked yo okay that’s the picture done and now oh is this the treasure room or is this a track you don’t mind me just gonna grab one of each thing uh we could grab a little bit more diamond blocks that doesn’t matter

They won’t notice a ghost who’s in here right I mean if there’s cameras that can’t really see me technically and in the middle I think we have like a coffin thing it was a little bit hidden do I like open this oh gosh wait was that supposed to open that oh

I think whatever was in there now upgraded our ghost oh and step four go forward and survive slash haunt huh so do I just go forward is there something down here for me okay you little slime blocks and oh my is not good this is not good breathe alleys

Light disabled what that’s not good okay so now I’m a buff ghost and I guess we just gotta sneak in not make much of a noise where are the lathes oh that’ll do it okay here’s the plan guys I’m just going to look around and we’re just

Gonna get to the alley place is there anything I gotta do beforehand there’s a place there okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay he’s just tone right there I don’t think he’s seeing me right now let me just go through here I still

Don’t know why there’s a gas up there but I’m just gonna go ahead and break that all and we’re on the other side okay should be good no wardens here so to free the alas how is this gonna make me a bigger ghost I mean it’s next step

Oh gosh wait no not good not good oh no okay nope don’t come this way oh gosh oh gosh okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I am just gonna Crouch okay there they’re just making their way

Over there oh and there’s a lock oh wait so I gotta unlock them oh and that’s a short of a key okay so we just got a brand new craft where straight up we need four Keys apparently maybe there’s a key there what about underneath let me

Real quick come down oh gosh no no no no no no it’s literally right there okay we’re gonna go inside and is there anything we can grab here oh just oh another key nice okay so that’s two shorts right there we need two more and then we are good let’s just be careful

On the way out oh gosh okay no no no no go go go away okay he went away let’s just go left side and now they’re here I think we can make it to the other place boom boom okay that’s the goal right there so let’s go the easy way and

There’s no Warden dry here and that’s where the next dress is apparently literally at the top maybe the one on the other side is good too okay let’s go before the wardens come yep uh let’s write another key right there and now with the keys I think we can go ahead

And craft a full one oh there we go full key now let’s say valid oh gosh why is he there I literally just need him to go away oh wait I think he’s moving away oh gosh what’s doing hello okay let’s just move right yeah okay let’s put that in

And be free always yo oh and flavors stored now I gotta ghostify the wardens oh wait what we got a brand new crop in the screen right now where now it makes sense why we need the gas so does that mean I gotta get all the warnings in one

Spot real quick I guess let me get that here okay so now I just need glass or a bottle maybe there’s some down here oh wait what is this oh yo that is so hidden okay wait that might be exactly what we need instead of bringing the

Blocks which is the old-fashioned way of doing things we’re gonna just go ahead and crawl in there and now let’s check oh that was a very hidden okay I actually like palette pack and so now with this we can get one guest here and one glass bottle and now we get the

Ocean of ghostly I’m gonna guess I Gotta Throw these on the wardens so we might need to make a quick plan for this okay with them pretty much being there here’s what I’m thinking what if we brought them all right here this exact spot and

Then threw the push on all of them that might be the play so if I can fly again follow me yep yep yep okay then none of them like me it’s all good oh and one thing I’m gonna have to do is actually hold on they might be stuck sorry about

This guys okay let me uh open it up for you guys let’s get that going right there oh gosh no no don’t stay back stay back okay come straight this way guys so now I just gotta punch them in oh my gosh it’s way too many wardens okay

First we gotta block them off let’s block each side off there we go and now honestly if I get them in one spot here I guess let’s Splash here goes nothing in three two one oh wait did that work ghost level four apparently now and now

It’s step four eat large mobs oh my that is terrifying okay well we’re now scary ghosts and going to eat a prime creeper apparently okay so for a prime creeper first I think we gotta get a free paper somewhere oh wait what’s that right there mob cave all right I guess this

Might be where we gotta go no my meat just scary ghost guy going in and okay that looks like a big spawner oh and there’s a creeper right here hold on let me just go up to this guy and I’m gonna press the scare button scare oh what not

Scary enough find what the creeper really fears oh okay so what a creeper really appears then is gonna be a cat and ask for a cat should be around here oh there it is okay I’m not sure if the villagers see me or remember me but I’m

Just gonna go up to her real quick no no no get back here why why why scaring me oh and yes okay we become the cat and literally change colors now let’s just walk around don’t mind me I’m just gonna casually walk straight back to the cave

And this should scare the creeper if it goes right okay let me just go up to this guy and Miss griever oh oh it’s down oh and Next Step bone meal wait are we growing this guy to eat him oh that might be what a prime creeper is okay

Let me let go of the cat now then do I have any bone meal oh no uh maybe there’s some here okay don’t mind me just a friendly ghost not really friendly but it’s all good oh wait that might be handy right there archaeologist’s house okay I think I

Might need to disguise real quick then hold on I have a little bit of an idea let me just run in here and I’m sorry about this but we’re now villager okay let’s just walk outside real quick like nothing’s gone and that villager right there is a suspicious no I think we

Should be good to go inside okay let me get rid of this guy right there and uh yep walk away thank you okay now what’s down here oh and just one chest oh wait are we sure this is an archaeologist why does he have a full-on skeleton school

Down here holy okay well let me grab that bull mirror real quick and this should be exactly what we need let me come up real quick and is anyone outside oh gosh yeah not a good idea right now new plan we’re gonna do this old-fashioned wait let me make one trap

Door there we go and with the drive to work we can just go ahead and place it right here okay let me crawl out no one sees me oh gosh oh gosh by wait that’s don’t break there and no one’s fly away that’s the best being a ghost literally

Can just fly away and now without further Ado do I just put the bone meal in this guy oh gosh oh gosh did you just charge I think he might be ready now okay let’s press the E button in three two one oh that worked nice okay that’s

The first one done and now eat a giant zombie is that over here oh and Next Step scare 10 zombies oh okay wait do I gotta like get them all at once I feel like that might be better so real quick what we can do is let me get them in a

Hole oh gosh this might be harder okay Dodge it real quick quick and make a hole oh gosh oh gosh okay okay stay away guys stay away stay away stay away I need to get 10 zombies oh yes they’re falling in get inside their zombies oh

Gosh I gotta be careful guys I only have five Hearts okay let me keep doing circles another one in okay that’s five so far I guess now we pretty much wait oh there we go another one that’s gonna be six oh and I think that might be ten

Guys okay without further Ado let’s get the scare ready in three two one okay that is a gigantic zombie well I think it’s time to eat a giant zombie that’s much oh I think we’re good and now final step build a giant iron golem oh okay um

I guess we’re eating that now but to build a giant Golem I think we might need to go back to the Vault so one sec all right though my meat just came back for a little bit more iron I think I’m gonna make it literally look like this

Thing on the screen right now it’s pretty much no thumbnail but imagine only one pumpkin up there yeah it’s gonna be a big one oh wait I might not have enough iron blocks I only have 10 right now I mean I guess we can make whatever we can with this okay 14 blocks

Of iron now pumpkin okay finally found pumpkin let’s get the jack winter to break that and now time to build a big guy okay I don’t think the villagers see me but this might be a good spot right here so what we’re gonna do is since we

Need to giant iron golem I’m just gonna sort of build up and then we’ll do three on each side to make a t and I guess all we gotta do now is place a pumpkin and to make it a little bit special let’s do one block of diamond okay let’s place

This down in three two one oh it worked so do I just like eat this card do I scare him let me try to scare him nope he doesn’t get scared so do I just like munch on the pickle iron thing like oh crap stronger teeth okay so we got a

Brand new crowd on screen right now which pretty much is diamond dentures where we gotta do diamonds in a c shape like that okay let’s put on the diamond dentures in the diamond now yo all right um buddy sorry about this but now I can eat you

And that was a good dinner oh my guys we are now the ghost parking said so build a ghost ship you know what I’m so down I guess we can build it right here literally and without further Ado what we can do is just be not the prettiest

Boat but we we can try the best like always guys I’m not the best builder in the world but the best thing about being a ghost is that we can fly so we can fly build so without further Ado watch me build a pirate ship okay let’s do some ladders real quick

There we go and honestly it’s not that bad all we gotta do now is just like build straight up and I guess do like uh the what’s that thing called that the flag the Mast oh whatever it’s called but we’re just gonna build straight up

And oh gosh my boat is so crooked oh it could be better but it’s all good because we can fly okay so let’s do right there and I wonder if I gotta make a crew or something that’d be kind of cool we’re pretty much becoming the

Ghost King but okay so we got the mask right there and as we’re getting the sails I might know where I can get enough wool so this right here is the shepherd’s house and oh gosh I am gigantic who are you looking at you know

What no I should fit in all right don’t mind me just gonna walk in here in in the shepherd’s house I think we should just be good to just crawl in and now let me let go of you real quick and let’s go down oh wait are we too big to

Go down uh Plan B let me real quick just do this oh and what the heck is down here oh wait um shortness five cheers apparently sure okay we’ll take that and holy okay that is a lot more what I thought okay this should be perfect for the boat because

We can’t fan through the fire door really let’s actually just fly up okay no one noticed me and let’s go back to the boat now with the wool let’s go to place it down and see how nice your boat is gonna look oh gosh I mean it could look better but

It’s something okay now let’s click this button that showed up of complete build and I guess let’s see what happens right click oh and it transformed pirate attacked the Pillager for okay this is much better than what I did okay can I ride the ship oh I can yo I’m running

The ship wait and I got our ghost Cannon item oh my gosh wait it can shoot nipoid things hold up can I fly the ship then I can fly the ship guys I am officially the Flying Dutchman this is amazing okay where is this Pillager base then oh wait

Let’s say down there cross the sea to build your base oh oh and there it is and this is the plan guys I am just gonna follow the cannon at them and hope for the best okay we don’t have that much range we gotta get closer wish me

Luck here we go fire the kittens oh gosh oh gosh I can’t hit myself let’s fire all these villagers down there oh actually I have an idea let me park my ship right there and this might be easier Get It Go on get him okay that’s

If you down a few more right there let’s get those guys too and honestly the flying ghost thing is a very op oh and Village takeover oh my gosh wait they’re all ghosts now possess an entire Village oh wait they’re coming to me oh my gosh

Guys we are literally an Army of Ghosts now well I’m Gonna Leave the ship right there for now and now let’s get to the next thing where we gotta convert houses apparently oh wait what the heck are these things we gotta convert these so I think we got a brand new ability so

Let’s press it oh guys we can now make ghost houses that’s a ghost house that’s a ghost house this is a ghost house literally everything is becoming a ghost right now you’re being haunted and you’re being haunted and now convert the giant Golem oh all right Mr giant iron

Golem let’s throw this okay I don’t think it’s happy anymore sorry about let me hit you a couple times okay I can’t hurt him anymore do I just throw this oh now corrupt the town Bell like this thing all right without further Ado let’s see what happens oh wait it just

Became night king of ghosts hope the lost souls oh yo all the villagers are ghosts in them now the king of the ghost okay what about lost souls though oh wait what is this delivered my last package all right what’s his last package is it in here oh it is and we

Have a villager nose in a package what the heck deliver to Steve is Stephen here oh wait this might be Steve here oh and that last Soul has passed on now okay who’s the next Soul now I lost my dog returning to my son it’s like the

Dog in here okay not there where is the dog oh Timmy’s dog okay let me I guess possess it let’s grab you now that we’re the dog I think we can take him back to his owner but where would that be oh there he is okay we’re pretty much a

Friendly Ghost right now but Mr Timmy there you go that’s gonna be another soul that passed on and as the king of the ghost let’s see what the next one is okay get Vengeance for my death uh what’s the Vengeance for your death okay I don’t know if I can do this okay

We got soulset around at least let me uh real quick grab a few of these and good thing we have ghost Cannon because we’re gonna go ahead and fight this guy in a cave all right nobody Place him right here let’s go ahead and just spawn this

Guy in I guess see what happens one two three oh gosh here we go time to get Vengeance as soon as this one’s in I’m about to spam this thing ready fire oh my gosh oh gosh okay couple more hits in down it goes just like that and finally good old

Nether star let’s bring it back to him with that guy being done I guess he passed on so I guess the last one is make a ghost cake oh and a cake recipe what’s this gonna be three buckets of water two sugar one egg and three wheat three buckets of water that sounds

Disgusting oh gosh okay let’s get the we easy there we go two sugar right here let’s grab that get some sugar right there and now for the weird part with three buckets of water all right all we need now is mags oh egg right there thank you and now to actually craft this

Which I don’t really know how this is gonna go but let’s try it okay one more water bucket and giant ghost cake oh gosh do I give it to him all right here you go sir giant cake oh we bust down oh and the Kink is there do I eat this oh I

Think I leveled up oh my we’re a dragon yo and now possess something from the end oh like an underbite or under men oh gosh oh gosh okay come straight to me buddy let’s possession you and we’re good new ability unlocked oh okay let’s press it and wait what am I doing wait

Are we in the end oh oh hello let me get out of this guy real quick and now I think we just gotta shoot the dragon all right let’s go on oh it possess the dragon wait can I just fly up there and possess him here goes nothing and yes we

Got him congratulations challenge complete so with that being done guys that’s gonna buy a couple of ghost hunts oh my God so enjoyed off a great one in this video just like this one bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Your Ghost HAUNTS!’, was uploaded by xNestorio on 2023-03-27 00:00:00. It has garnered 2292547 views and 24755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds.

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🎨 Thumb Inspo: @Craftee

🎉 What was your favorite Scary Ghost stage in todays Minecraft, But?

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    Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed The Power of the Mace in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how powerful the Mace is compared to other weapons in Minecraft? In this video, a fascinating experiment is conducted to determine the speed and efficiency of the Mace in combat. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the potential of this unique weapon. The Experiment The experiment involves testing the Mace’s ability to defeat a Guardian by hitting blocks at different distances. Starting from one block, then ten blocks, and finally reaching a height of 100 blocks, the Mace’s effectiveness is put to the test. Will… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Minecraft, Cops And Robbers Alcatraz.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can experience thrilling gameplay, interact with unique mods, and join a vibrant community of players from around the world. That’s where Minewind comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!Video Information 9 you later where are you no problem all right I won’t make y’all wait any longer I just want to get that pin message out um hello everybody hello hello um how’s everyone doing man you guys are really early today huh let’s get on in here just get on in here let’s let’s not cut look you guys are so early so let’s not waste any time hello everybody Welcome in how’s everyone doing [Music] tonight some of you might be immediately asking R you’re wearing a robe what’s going on well fairly simple I don’t… Read More

  • Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4

    Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4Video Information hello hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing welcome to the stream what’s up everyone what’s up Flores Quant crafter torn bird Angel cool name by the way me how you doing me uh Hitman what’s up guys Matt random chat my man mini wolf how are you guys doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream hello hello hello if is everything working it has been a while since I streamed actually it feels very weird and very off uh but here we are again in Minecraft Survival it is time for episode number four… Read More


    🦈JOIN MY CUSTOM SMP WORLD NOW!🔥 #MXSharkbaitVideo Information for for all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just thought like you know what I was like I was just like setting everything up and then like yeah okay so okay so here okay okay I know you guys were like you know just I was just I was just like making a cool entrance okay I was just making a good entrance okay I was just trying to make a cool entrance okay I just you know peer out of nowhere like poof like but that’s not the case so anyways hi… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & Jon

    Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & JonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Horizons in RivenSMP! | Minecraft Survival Series ft. Ivan and Jon’, was uploaded by Yüki on 2024-01-15 16:58:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join us in the second episode of our thrilling Minecraft Survival World series on RivenSMP! In this exciting installment, Ivan … Read More

  • Sourspider – Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️

    Sourspider - Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️Video Information making a Minecraft city but I only get as many blocks as a two subscribers from this short day 14 and we got 59 subs from the last so that’s 59 Blocks place down tell me what else I should build This video, titled ‘each sub = 1 block day 14’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-04-13 15:59:19. It has garnered 5190 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. each sub = 1 block @sourspider_ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360,… Read More

  • Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!

    Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!Video Information [Music] is [Music] well met Lords and Ladies Jacob butter speaking and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft review because we still don’t have an intro for that I keep forgetting and I keep coming up with uh doing one of these again I think last time I did in my passion video uh was pre-recorded and it came out right before a uh five years later episode that was actually longer than five years later and now five years later came out yesterday doing my passion again why not uh and uh yeah I I’ll give… Read More

  • Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraft

    Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraftVideo Information कम ऑन कमन [संगीत] हेलो हेलो हेलो वॉइस इसका मतलब क्लियर कट आ रही है और हम सर्वर ऑनलाइन हो रहा है होने दो होने दो हेलो रम रुद्रा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसी हो हेलो हेलो जो बोलना है बोल सकती हो कि मैं मस्त हूं आज ऑलवेज आप बोलो मैं कैसा हूं स्प्रिंट गेमर्स हेलो स्प्रिंट ब्रो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसे हो आई थिंक ओके आई विल बी रली सिस ठीक है लिटिल सिस्टर अरे भाई लग जाना है डन लगाने के लिए भी क्या करना एक्टिव डन हा आपका रियल… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul’s Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontage

    Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul's Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontageVideo Information [Música] i [Música] like This video, titled ‘help_urself | skywars duels montage #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage’, was uploaded by pual on 2024-01-08 21:01:36. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. https://youtu.be/48xh_x5Y3V8 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage Read More

  • “Wild village TikToks: What you won’t believe!” #villagersong

    "Wild village TikToks: What you won't believe!" #villagersongVideo Information This video, titled ‘Indian tiktok’s be like 🤣 #villagersong’, was uploaded by Villager’s Village on 2024-01-13 01:37:00. It has garnered 2289 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. This is a humor and parody of indian tiktok style, it is meant as a joke. Again the minecraft villager is singing a cover of satisfya. Was this full of minecraft epic moments that make Minecraft 1000% better, or is it full of minecraft funny moments that make Minecraft 1000% funnier? Or would it better be suited to a minecraft memes compilation? If… Read More

  • Lost Fables

    Lost FablesLost Fables is a medieval fantasy Minecraft roleplay server, aiming for a rough tech-lock of the late medieval era, early colonialism. Currently in Beta. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/CFx5SCz7Sc Throughout your time on the server, you will be able to roleplay and develop your characters in a myriad of different ways. Maybe you will be an Armusian adventurer looking to explore the world, or maybe a simple Spring Elf farmer spending their days tending the fields outside one of the servers player created and player-run, cities or towns. Lost Fables focuses on the roleplay between players while also providing advanced plugins that… Read More

  • Super Happy Friends – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelist – 18+ – 1.20.4

    Welcome to Super Happy Friends! We are a small intimate LGBTQ+ friendly international community of Minecraft players. We work on personal bases and collaborative projects, chat on Discord, and support each other through real life struggles. Join us for community events and build districts in Vanilla Minecraft Java edition. Rules: Be considerate of other players Be over 18 years old If you’re inspired by Hermitcraft and looking for a welcoming community, fill out our application form to join our Discord server. The bees can’t wait to meet you!🐝 Read More

  • TxTGames.de Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x]

    TxTGames.de Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x]Welcome to TxTGames.de – your Minecraft survival adventure!Are you ready for an adventure? TxTGames.de invites you to immerse yourself in our exciting world full of possibilities. Here you will find everything your survival heart desires: from expansive landscapes to exciting challenges.Our survival server offers you the freedom to write your own story. Build your base, collect resources and explore a diverse world full of secrets. Whether alone or with friends, on TxTGames.de you will find a friendly and active community environment.Our team of administrators ensures that the server runs smoothly and ensures fair gameplay.Get ready to be part of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 🔥 Crafting Drama: Minecraft Edition 👀

    Minecraft Memes - 🔥 Crafting Drama: Minecraft Edition 👀Wow, that meme is really seeing things clearly with a score of 1073! Read More

  • Spider Monkey’s Minecraft Mansion Mayhem!

    Spider Monkey's Minecraft Mansion Mayhem! In Minecraft, a spider monkey took on a secure house, With tricks and traps, like a sneaky mouse. But Angela’s cosplay stole the show, With Angel and Devil, a fierce duo. In My Talking Angela 2, the battle unfolds, Between light and dark, stories untold. Join the journey, the clash of good and bad, In a world of cosplay, where emotions are had. Subscribe and like, to follow the tale, Of Angela’s transformation, without fail. In Minecraft and beyond, the story will sing, With rhymes and emojis, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Orion’s Hot Minecraft Meme Madness

    Orion's Hot Minecraft Meme Madness Why did the astronaut bring a pickaxe to space? To mine some space diamonds in Orion’s Sandbox! #spacejokes #minecraftinspace 🚀💎 Read More

  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. After watching the “Then/Now in Minecraft” video, it’s clear that the world of Minecraft has evolved and grown over the years. Minewind is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re into survival games, building, or exploring haunted places, Minewind has something for everyone. Join… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

  • Néloxi – Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!

    Néloxi - Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!Video Information bye la by la B oh toi ma belle andalouse aussi belle que jalouse quand je danse le dansarrête je perds le Nord je perds la tête toi ma belle Espagnole quand tu bouges tes épaules je ne vois plus le monde autour c’est peut-être ça l’amour oh oh ah je viens le soir danser sur les air de Guitar bonjour tout le monde viens le soir attendez [ __ ] mais le chat il marche pas ça m’énerve ça m’énerve les gars j’ai trop le seum par contre ce qui m’énerve un peu c’est que genre on a fait… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!Video Information all right what is up everybody wait one second wait one sec all right we’re all good we’re all good what is up everybody I am uh you know back we’re working on the Kel base again bro crazy amount to get done dude crazy Mount has been done since the last stream actually played a lot yesterday and of course everybody on my team has played a lot I mean I’m pretty sure we’ve created the perfect team possible dude my team has played a lot this is uh it this Bas is is growing team has… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend – Part 5!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend - Part 5!Video Information hey chat it’s me moldy hey um okay now I’m streaming [Music] oh I think I might I hope stranger Ranger isn’t here yeah you guys are on the screen now axi waxy yeah hi hi yo tablet my goat’s in chat my goat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat my goat in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat oh God I just looked at the stream I just looked in the Stream my avatar is so old wa you’re… Read More

  • INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftlive

    INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftliveVideo Information हम हे आ [संगीत] [संगीत] अरे यार सॉरी वेरी सॉरी यार अरे यार सॉरी री सॉरी अरे यह बंद था भाई सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी मतलब इतना टाइम मेरा माइक का साउंड नहीं आ रहा था वाइट लिस्ट करो मुझे वाइटली को वो नहीं कर पाऊंगा ये सर्वर मेरा नहीं है मेरे को बना के दिया है हम खेल [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] रहे मेरा नहीं है भाई तुम रात को आओ जरूर खेलेंगे वह आएगा जिसका सर्वर है वह आएगा रात को खेलने तब आ जाना एक्चुअली यह बना इसलिए क्योंकि देखो लोग आते हैं ना चीज चोरी कर लेता… Read More

  • Explore MrPaw’s Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!

    Explore MrPaw's Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!Video Information तो ये है गाइस हमारा छोटा सा जू जो हमने इस वाली वीडियो में बनाया है सिर्फ एक वन ब्लॉक का यूज करके मतलब वन ब्लॉक वर्ल्ड में हमने ये वाला बनाया है तो भाई देखेंगे हम कैसे बनाएंगे तो बने रहना वीडियो में एंड तक सो हे गाइ वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो m तो आज हमारा डे 15 इ मा वन बॉक्स सीरीज और भाई आज हम इसकी बहस की ठंडी भाई मैं ना आज बोलने ही वाला था कि आज हम बनाने जा रहे हैं जू इसके लिए और ये साला यहां से गिर गया… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MOB World 2

    Insane Minecraft MOB World 2Video Information [Music] hey it’s Jared Merlin and welcome back to my YouTube channel um I have an announcement to make um this video is going to be my Minecraft mob World 2 now most of you probably seen my mob world one episode one well unfortunately Minecraft had some issues about stuff not saving so one night I saved my mob world one did a video came back the next day and it was gone and I guess people were telling me well didn’t you get the warning from Minecraft the stuff wasn’t saving guess not so I had… Read More

  • 600 Wins in Epic Battle – What’s Hoobs’ Secret?

    600 Wins in Epic Battle - What's Hoobs' Secret?Video Information you are stepping into the spotlight black spot here showcasing Mustafa ibsl versus one of the battle bosses liked it show some love and drop a like congratulations to Mustafa I hbsl for winning the battle This video, titled ‘!battle: å ä¿ Muç ç å å¼ stafaä½ å å ¯ä»¥ ¡i | HBSL. has won 600 battles’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-04-14 15:49:59. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN THE INTERACTIVE LIVE STREAM NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@HoobsLive/live #minecraft #live #smpnYou are stepping into the spotlight! Blex… Read More


    EPIC GAMER BATTLE: NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM vs ME! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending’, was uploaded by Plays GamerZ_ on 2024-01-17 06:15:00. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending parkour,minecraft,minecraft hacks,technoblade,dream,asim aly shorts,challange,noob,hacker,dream vs technoblade,technoblade vs dream,minecraft dream vs technoblade,dream vs,best parkour,real life parkour,irl parkour,best parkour compilation,parkour shorts,best of parkour,minecraft dream,dream minecraft,dream smp,dream team,dream tiktok,techno,minecraft streamer,minecraft streamers,tiktok streamer,minecraft school noob vs techno vs dream vs me #shorts #viralnews noob vs techno vs dream vs me me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱Video Information [музыка] один чёрный узкий мальчик разработал Ловкий планчик Как украсть у деда бутерброд род дед его хотел захава но беда хоть он и старый У дедули дел не в проворот весь день в поле он ебал наколол дровишек в баньку узкий мальчик в дом проник урот думал наконец похавать но спалился узкий парень не трожь мой буть ребро This video, titled ‘#minecraft #шортс #песня #майнкрафт #пародия #приколы #morgenshtern #мем #рекомендации #юмор’, was uploaded by NyrиK33k on 2024-01-03 13:55:56. It has garnered 2557 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts

    All The Mods Gravitas CyanDesertsWelcome to All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts, We Are a All The Mods Gravitas Server . Our goal is to create a community of players, that love Modded Minecraft and care for one another. now for some reason this server list wants the description to be at least 100 characters long Read More

Minecraft but Your Ghost HAUNTS!