Video Information

Welcome to the Mischief I’m Bon I’m kashka and we’re here today playing fantasy Skies mod pack for Minecraft hi everybody say hi to people in chat we’ve got brisinger Aro wi some crazy skunk jensan rainbow TI Kitty uh Sirus Grier siren moons no kit uh dren

Barell uh butt spots here as well roxus unknown uh wol real diess and of course CIT quack to you too hi hi everybody hello gotcha yes we did it valon updated yep I like how you say that valon updated well I didn’t want to steal the credit you did all the work

For it I did suck I I like it better when you say the pack has been updated because then if [ __ ] goes wrong I don’t look so guilty oh pack has been updated thank you jensy for the tea and hi everybody the pack has been updated which should please Nai to no end

Uh let’s see so if I put this in here this in here koska made me an Anvil pet I did she did true story Duck on it my book yeah shaders what that is really loud okay hi tall oh oh f and you want a friendly dude hi hi

Autobon did you come outside oh my gosh I know all those yeah koska is the leader of the death leader board for one specific reason dragons dragons which people on our mini stream saw earlier uh yes dragons invaded uh did you owner koska a geeka TOA isn’t he amazing that’s got eyes way

Up top he looks like he’s about to fall off koska are you sure there’s a safe spot for him friend but if you would like one there is one down they keep spawning under the the I’m working on so you know as you do oh and we now have vo friend we now

Have three uh herob Bruns downar I don’t I don’t even oh oh dude dude hold still chunky boy indeed come here come here it’s okay you don’t you don’t need to freak out M Mr geka is just come here come here don’t don’t fling me into the void please no

My hands are being super productive no flingy into voidy Now have more glowstone than I have any idea what to do with I got the hearts oh good job oh I was so worried that I was like so we got yeah during the Min stream we got a couple of dragons showed up koska tamed

One valum was trying to tame it and I stole it from him I can able to sleep people boy he’s doing the oh oh my God the eye capsules are closed for business oh oh no no run run away quack did you did you T the other

One or no I did but I don’t have a saddle so he’s just kind of oh no wandering around it’s fine okay I didn’t exactly have a place to go with him anyway so you might as well wander around without a saddle you know so the

Dragon showed up yep and we man to tame them um and uh yeah immediately well not immediately actually that’s a exaggeration but um but fairly quickly um I managed to well before that I managed to get the dragon up on the chest after some struggle on my part there was

Struggling definitely struggling and then like I couldn’t figure out how to get it to sit h um and then it flew away okay fine I don’t want to be friends either so I don’t know what the heck what the heck I don’t know if yeah if it’s probably user error could not

Figure out how to make Dragon sets so Dragon [ __ ] right off and who can blame them it probably thinks that you’re trying to like pick them up with carryon or something what dude dude what are you doing oh is yours about to take a leap or something oh

God oh jeez oh gosh careful do not meddle in the Naps of dragons we were not overrun by fairies would be cool if small Flames came out their nose when they slept late notification hey ofen and koska and C hello Rowan how you doing hiow uh and I’m now regretting not grabbing my

Cardigan really I can’t oh it’s a sophisticated storage chest oh that’s why uh there we go I’ll take one of these uh oh that’s a lot of did I just my My Game just crashed yeah me too oh [ __ ] Night cast your 55 months was too strong too

Strong too strun indeed um let’s click Play Why is it asking me to update it again yeah did was there another release I’m G to say no I’m also saying no uh curse Forge I’m GNA take a come on let let me type please yeah that that’s

What I want to see thank you so much night cat asked for the 55 months of support and 110 frogs that just got spawned in and booted us from the server yeah I’m glad to hear you feeling better to R night crash yeah that that’s more appropriate yeah let’s

See uh if the server’s still running as well can look that up files pels I need to shift my chair hang on one second yeah it’s still running says no no players so we crashed ourselves off the server and yes there’s a brand new version God damn it docks what the

[ __ ] and it mods removed modifier mod wait what why why fewer stronger mops but but the the the Frog March the Frog Army right let’s close this we’ll close this too I don’t know why modifier got removed now I’m curious what modifier does uh modifier U frog Uber

Frog I have no idea serious Cooper what’s frog in German frug sure it’s not frog excuse me it’s probably frug got to push right oh there’s 500 pages of mods with the word modifier there’s no way I’m going to find this mod on chis Forge [ __ ] that I’d have more luck just

Looking through the the 300 mods in the mod pack Uber FR spent the car ride to the eye doctor today saying Uber FR now I can’t talk but I’m not coughing on my nose stopped it’s Shenanigans is that is that c like a sh is it

Fros fros sure he’s like I’m not going to try and teach you with work with just chatting right it’s not my my job to teach you German H mod pack why why my mod pack didn’t start no let’s try it again here we

Go I am I am it was pretty ACC about to click the join server button good brace brace it’s going to be instant death basically unless all the frogs despawned here we go mod pack is starting up how be getting vintage story for crimbus Aly cat that’s cool that’s cool bage

Story nice welcome to the wonderful Glory that is vintage story votage yeah yeah that too hey no hello nox Haack we just crashed ourselves by spawning in 110 frogs and we were just talking about to see here the the extremely recent update of which by the way my FPS might be

Dropping because I’m booting the pack up um but uh the latest removal of the mod modifier I can’t find the modifier mod on curse Forge because there’s 500 pages of the mod why why was it removed to start doing bad things it was the one adding random

Stats ah well I guess we’ll have to suffer suffer with extra stats on our tools for one more I’ve been wanting BS for years and it’s all our fault oh I I’m shocked to see that I was slain By Night can oh no it crashed again uh

Oh there might be just too many frogs we might we might have to limit it so that it’s just one of us spawning the Frog they just came out as well yeah we just did the uh it’s a release candidate so it’s not a release version but um

Vintage story just released uh as of I think 5:30 today uh release candidate one for version 119 oh the FPS drops today on Mischief we play Fantasy skies I mean we tour our vanilla world warning world does not exist I bought the game the soundtrack and the game OST for vintage story since

Then nice they just um they just released another uh music track as well frog crash behold my power my cast holds too much power over these streamers too strong thank you ro oh you meant the Sporter tier as well yeah all right folks let’s see how badly I can get crashed out

Now oh boy work meeting BB okay here we go oh gosh something tells me you’re not going to miss much I see what to you drinking today uh honey Bush royos it’s it’s mostly the the drink I drink in the evening I I usually drink

My Earl Gray in the morning’s cup or two a coffee in the midday and sometimes I switch it out from hbr in the evening to uh a bit of chai hello Nico gaming hello hell butt to all may the game maybe the game spawn toads instead

Of frogs it messed up the game no no I’m pretty sure it was it was the Frog yeah frog apocalypse yes chai is good especially when it’s made proper like homemade chai stuff instead of like the store Bots but still our store bought is really good

Too you’re so excited to play the latest version well keep in mind that there are some things that are still very much work in progress I think uh trapping wild animals you’re only going to be able to trap some it’s still uh you know the Basics

Are there but the a lot of the other stuff is not it’s release candidate exactly not you know not a full stable release all right I don’t I don’t have my sword anymore where the heck are all the frogs uh I’m not looking at them there’s a sword in here

Somewhere I I have oh is this it yeah that’s the one I’ll take this one there’s one the rest must have like I don’t know what happened uhoh oh I just crashed myself out of the pack by killing the Frog What I just told you I don’t know okay why okay I don’t know I don’t know why uh they’re trying to join I don’t have crash reports there’s no crash report in this mod pack that’s weird why don’t I get one huh new aminals let’s see what it says

Oh no Minecraft crashed please check the logs for any errors and provide these logs when asking for their for support the frogs will not be murdered today at least not in that method maybe I use something else will be frog murdering fantasy sky let’s click play do not

Update proof that the universe is a frog keep spawning frogs guys this may be a short stream if you enjoy the black screen of [Laughter] death how many times can we load the mod pack in one stream I think this is the game we’re playing today uh I might switch my weapon maybe

It’s my sword it’s it it has the modifiers on it as well so will the frogs be in the report I don’t know push the frog in the void could you send me the latest log file oh I oh upload upload log oh um oh did I just did I just like

Screw myself over there can I copy the log I don’t know what’s going on oh um what’s up I well there’s there’s a couple of frogs over here what where’s over here in amongst the O blocks okay rox’s happy birthday happy [ __ ] birthday roxus happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear roxus unnown Happy Birthday to you okay come on all right I see a uh a frog com towards me did I did I copy it I don’t know if I copied it or not let’s let’s see hey I’m G try oh [ __ ] no

So I moted a frog with an RS pew pew spell oh and crashed I was like I’ll try something different instead of my swword but no not this day okay uh maybe those frogs are bad choice I don’t know and they weren’t before I know I

Know oh is this actually oh this is a pretty big log I guess I’ll save it it’s good save wait do I need to hit new and then save something went wrong all right today you’re a year older Hey Big Big Al hi how you doing killing frogs is now illegal yes

In more ways than one might expect so Ro says do you have any plans for your besides watching Us okay I can’t paste it into hpin because the F you partaking in the caking I tell you what uh KNX when it you know it might be Critter fights or something like that but um if if I crash it out again which I’m very likely to do

Um before starting the pack I will grab the log and get it to you cuz I can’t seem to get it uh while this thing is open here oh I might be able to open a folder here oh that just crashed star magic go oh did you just crash again yeah

Pumpkin pie oh yeah you prefer pie failed to connect to server let’s try it again pkka pie is awesome pkka pie is great all right I’m just going to sit patiently not click any buttons until it’s done I’m joining world just don’t murder any frogs okay not only allowed to murder you

We’ll see oh my screen is getting Bright Now okay we’ll see have thorns or anything do you I don’t [Laughter] know hey dwx happy holidays to you too hi dwx happy Holidays happy froggy days okay I heard a rumor and I’m not I’m not doing the Umbrella Academy thing but I

Heard uh that Michael bé stopped being a singer a musician to become an actor why is it generating chunks what the [ __ ] you have to Brave the grocery store this weekend pray for you we have to as well we have we have to go probably tomorrow it’s true I mean that I there

Is no um you know don’t do it Bon there’s no room say that he has to keep singing and is not allowed to change his career path I took and I dropped in the void frog oh there’s more of those freaking Herobrines uh I’m sorry kashka but your your friend is

Missing oh [ __ ] hell I think the Frog’s probably pushed him off probably probably uh boom instead of Smash okay so uh that means I need put those in there boom indeed went to the grocery store yesterday so you could avoid most of the M this this weekend um I’m trying to think if

Yesterday was even an option for what right going to the grocery store why does it say I have 493 mods loaded I don’t know thought there were more than that I I don’t know huh uh so if I do this and I try making one of these okay I’m GNA try joining good

Luck thanks there we go I’ve got some nuggies oh gosh what was that no wonder okay Zoom no Zoom what happened I was zoomed and now now I’m not speed two uh what happened koska what happened I was given the effect and then it went away Night cast

Is just really trying to break [ __ ] well I can see koska very clearly oh hi LCA through walls even thanks fosi and hi um so I am going to grab a few more of these to feed my pet what what just happened I’m so confused there we go okay my name is

Luca you’re doing a shiny I forgot you’re wearing diamond armor trying he is yeah well he’s trying to keep it off the air all right sir it’s back let’s see what you’ve done here if you kill oh something else like Luka seriously you just go oh I’m small you’re

Small I am tall hi I am big frogo wow you are Itty Bitty you are pocket size that is amazing I can’t fit out the door God damn I have to crouch to get out the door who gosh H I can’t even get over there to there we go I’m normal size

Again thank you CH oh did you just make some Slims God damn it mm I did not I just grabbed them out of the wood chest there was four of them I grabbed and now have one left Boop there it’s back in there and that’s a lot of chickens by the way

I know I made the the chest bigger thank you I feel like it’s going to need to get even I don’t know how to handle this because it’s like I have to throw away chickens and I don’t know if I can do that uh well I suppose you could cook them so

That’s what that button does rude okay dude what so did you did you do anything to get your Anvil pet to start repairing stuff I haven’t really noticed anything I put them on my H bar your your the items to be repaired oh I don’t know if I haven’t I

Don’t know if it repairs that oh okay that damaged items in inventory yep I just heard something well either you or I went nom nom nom I think it was you and I did I did feed mine he had an empty bar underneath him and then I put

Some nuggets in my inventory oh if he repaired something I don’t know what it was okay all right I guess I’ll figure it out feed the Anvil pet iron nuggets yes I I mean I have the in my inventory so or I’ll even do this uh your friendo is still down here pointless

Healing H I don’t I don’t know how to give him more all right well there’s a bunch of nuggets in there should be good for a while pach is just eager to spend points right now um so I’ve got the quests have changed uh got everything that

Way oh got Diamond me diamond mesh oh there’s di amethyst shards don’t know those ones rare growth ores we still need to get emerald oh put a bunch of emeralds around a stone oh oh oh I got a floating TOS what stackable diable fantasies Furniture okay uh right oh hi

Friendo lordy that’s not you’re not shy I I need an axe it’s broken do we not I have any axes Jesus okay well I guess can change it to smash and see what happens oh it gave me both okay can I can I just get past please there we

Go why do you have no tools Veil I do I have the the novice spell book but it’s just some things won’t some things when you break them with it will be permanently destroyed I wasn’t sure which items those would be um but let’s see emeralds do we have we have

Five how do we get more how did we get five to begin with what the [ __ ] okay I don’t know maybe I should try going for an emerald chicken uh CBO combustion of course excuse me doing sneez salvaging oh you just need some toems of undying kashka or Emerald

Blocks that’s a good way of doing It there is an emerald chicken we can sa deep slight oh wait mult things it’s just a 1% chance as all gravel gets me a 9% chance with netherite 7% chance with diamond mesh okay that’s probably the way to go probably gravel cuz we don’t have

Much I’ve got 40 let’s see if I can get a few few more emeralds then we can start like growing that [ __ ] o Mobius hello and gentleman canoe how are you guys are going nuts with the with the lightning today Jade oh you can use that did you just

Grab something oh you’re sifting um um yes no I’m cing thank you very much I got Onyx and Arcanum I’m getting all sorts of weird [ __ ] the siing drops have changed considerably okay so you and you is there such a thing as a gravel chicken

Maybe a chip off the old block what what a obtained a DI amethyst Shard oh oh [ __ ] dead okay let’s continue siy this is on right yeah I did get it I’ve got the chest here let’s put this over here so that koska can can get the loots as well

She’s got two loot chests to loot over here that’s a lot of loot just saying uh let’s put this in here oh there oh that’s the crappy sort uh put all this in there except for the gravel there we go gravel put this up uh here there we go that that looks

Natural Perfectly Natural doing asleep greetings because dates I’m cooking and serving our biggest Christmas meal today oh wow you also have an emerald no I have Jades or did I just deposit the emeralds oh hey one of the Herobrines just fell into the void yeah they do that sometimes I did

Get an emerald you’re right that that’s really [ __ ] with me there because it’s rotating back and forth from one ear to the other ghost friend I just saw a little ghost friend like popping around okay okay all right you may have to build a little spot for your friendo

Okay oops take this put those there there so I’ve got six I don’t think that I’m going to get the uh the remaining two more but I will try let’s see come on that was so creepy the barils of typing are being ignored for minutes at a time

What I’m making gases but really nothing I do feel like doing drawing this weekend so maybe I’ll be artsy fartsy damn if this Shard looked like a kazoo maybe it is getting so many epic Samurai drops oh yeah yeah I’m siing gravel okay Mr who sent that it’s canoe who’s cooking

Yes I got one more Emerald I needed two which means I’m going to have to make some bum bum bum gravel dead Bush you talk about some kind of president or something is that what’s going on here I think you got the uh chests peoples oh did I sorry I turned on the

Magnet cuz I was piing up stuff bed about having chests no I did not get the chests yes I did I did get the chests where they I did get the chest planning on doing a new drawing this weekend myself or a painting JY because it’s Australia and hot sliced

Cold meats and salads and a family favorite Nasi Nasi balls like an AR Aran arini Ball but filled with rice meat and Curry I I don’t even know what an Aaron Keeny ball is I’m thoroughly confused right now right what do I need Crystal or crystal growth oh

Compressed gravel oh no it’s been fix now where you can get gravel from the compressed oh so it’s been added in now that you can get gravel from a compressed gravel block like it’ll grow stuff oh okay there are no gravel chickens what’s this guy

What got a bunch of deep slate uh but that’s not what I’m looking for that’s right didn’t I used to just get Stone from this but there’s this chest of Cobble that I can just smash uh hmer I just heard the nom nom nom nom nom the nomy noises and it wasn’t

Mine I don’t know what to tell you about I don’t know what to tell you either koska what the heck cool draw a D and D character maybe a Santa been burning through the iron oh no there it is it’s always had growth Crystal when was it you last updated

I’ve had the compressed gravel for ages 1 point 1.16.1 I think it was um which was a while ago wait a minute what I need to do is one of these stack upgrades because this chest is just getting out of control no pal you’re out of control I mean you’re not wrong but

Okay and then use for this yeah oops use that so then if I put this in there take this out no D do not push me off okay thank you wait no um I’m trying to figure out how to do stairs in here okay use this that then

Because we has a bunch of these I’m doing it with diamonds too we’re going big time depth so I won’t need to do this again for this drawer I don’t think I don’t think I think the next step up is like that no that’s it how many stacks does it

Do time 16 there we go okay so I can take that one out actually here I’ll do this there we go okay all right so now we can then rememorize Hokie doie oh but I I recognize that there’s some stuff in here that shouldn’t be duck on it like this and

This dirt Essence complete okay congrats me um thanks and it was quite challenging to pick that up out of the chest but I I somehow was able to manage there we go I going to put that in there they both go in here excellent going to try and steal their

Cake haven’t had any fairy spawns who cake fairy cake and no I’m diabetic my brother said I should mimic gloves well that in that in oops that in okay and this can be uh this one and I will need a couple diamonds and a bit of leather and a couple sticks

So I can make a hammer that I’m pretty sure we already have du kind I’m so what the heck it’s it’s a diamond Hammer I swear I’ve seen it needs iron nugs I I have iron nugs in my feedback you know what here I’ll take a

Bunch out and I’ll I’ll put it on the wait where’d it go where’d my friend go he’s in my off hand Jesus okay I’ll even put the the food gold for days now yeah yeah good and yeah I mean these chickens are like killing it cool good job good job

Chickens Ron nugs pro wrestler good news though because fairy cake is a lie those tricky fake creatures I already repaired something I heard the tink tink tink sound earlier that’s not the right Hammer uh is this one doesn’t even need the uh the leather all right oh koska your dude is

Back oh yeah yep do you have a saddle on uh I can’t tell from here my just a different dude sorry that’s a different dude well replacement lizard has arrived I’m yeah that replacement liard can just stay there because is there a wand unless we’ve got a safe place to

Store them it’s just like I may as well Chuck Saddles over the site you know there’s just no point okay um I don’t see what is that trying I’m trying to clean up the chickens a little bit because they’ve got a bit out of hand one goldfish just like another

Um so I need one of those couple of sticks and another Diamond I like having diamonds in this quantity this is quite nice thank you chicken master yeah no props I’ve got another six on me that I mean I could just literally spend all stream like running to and

From this chicken house you know all right so if I do this there we go and then I smash this right nothing bad happens it is night time though so I’m going to sleep thank you effortless building lets you place a ton of blocks instantly for

Free oh [ __ ] yeah um get dead dragons was telling me about effortless building earlier oh yeah what’ she tell you she showed me how to use basically oh yeah yeah just repaired my diamond Hammer nice and my sword maybe that’s the thing maybe it doesn’t repair uh mechanism stuff [Laughter] yourself um

Let’s do this one and then oh it doesn’t have a space let’s put that one in there no come here this and then the dirty Essence get in there you dirty Essence is it it’s night time again what the you don’t feel tired right now okay and the increased quantity of Herobrines

Is really starting to get annoying it’s not creepy anymore it’s just really annoying you has return it Welcome Back Sir um put that over there this here and then do this can you still enchant the Civ meshes I don’t know oh actually that’s a if I take this out yay KN blacklisted

It now so I can take the diamond mesh out use you can with fortune and efficiency oh no stop it I need some lapis I’ve got a few levels maybe uh do you have the enchanter there it is I see it never mind never mind uh nope it don’t want to says you

Can but I think it’s like you can combine it in a in an anvil oh he didn’t disappear oh but I can’t I can’t even hurt him so now I’ve just got these Herobrine entities popping up that are going to take up places where I’m going to want to place blocks at some

Point or is that just at night oh it’s just at night okay anyway salty about that anyway I noticed what I don’t know what you’re talking about um I need you learned about the potato puffer yesterday it’s an ouch bow that looks like a potato I beg your pardon like when universes

Collide oh wash the off the platforms good idea G I have to try that next time it’s night time and they’re in the way like a sweet potato yeah there we go so with this we start like the blob fish of Poa fish it’s so cute yeah it’s

Cute I’m trying to imagine like a sweet potato hang on oh there’s a there is a a JPEG being okay that is kind of cute I got to see this now oh yeah cute until they hurt then then less cute all right uh I can put this

Down um are any of these ores ones that I should remove actually I might remove one of the coppers do you do you mind I don’t mind because I’ve got 39 copper in my inventory from just going over there so okay uh let’s do smash your dude uh my dude yep my dude Dude there we go Focus [Laughter] dude all right I’m going to do a little bit more saving and see what see if I can get a few more of these uh Jimmy drops okay did you see there’s a free demo on Steam for a game called United penguin Kingdom I have [Laughter]

Not oh that’s not food that’s hats love that we have a chest for hats it’s Cosmetics so there’s like Furniture in there too but it’s important to keep things sorted I mean there’s a lot in there actually totally butt oh inventory is just filled up let’s get rid of those we don’t need

Those uh put this in here what in here that’ll have to do oh I got 64 deep SL Pebbles I think I’m going to need those at some point because you sving deeps so you get extra stuff as well yeah no was telling us about that earlier misspelled now

Um by the way G was working on some dungeon stuff for a pack and remembered your pack hope you get to make it one day indeed but but no indeed what’s telling you about the Deep slate theep you mentioned the Deep slate siing um I think maybe sadly that won’t be happening if

Anyone wants the files I can pass them on a oh never I never knew so I found a game that came out in 2016 that’s get DLC see 2024 well oh my gosh all right I might the lizard spam I might break down and Hammer it’s okay

Chicken let’s take this up here fine oh that’s so much better okay gotcha okay that’s fair enough while Microsoft owns moyang and those policies are in place Minecraft is in my blacklist for playing uh spit I’m not sure if the dungeon sets you made would work in my pack as minus 112

Tool there’s a there’s a lot of lizards I don’t even know what to well there’s two that’s a lot of lizards when they’re as big as they are see one is a lot of lizards I can’t get out cannot get [Laughter] out um okay oh my steel Shield has been

Getting repaired so it does work it’s just a bit slow okay yeah yeah which seems appropriate yeah yeah yeah so let’s see if I open this I have 36 so next Nom Nom that I hear we need to check on that uh I have all right I’m making a run for it okay

That that damoth is growth or Crystal what the diame’s crystals oh oh oh [ __ ] that’s oh that’s a ways off wow okay so do you have any other mods that you’re planning on getting into here uh I’ve been enjoying getting into sophisticated stuff um I did get this book

Uh not the Sol lexicon the the blueprint binder from weapon Master I’d like to check that out I got a book stack I’m got to put it in the Aesthetics W yeah that okay what the inventory my repair pet just immediately like like I just um used my hammer

On couple to because I yeah I’m impatient storage strm yeah have fun making that one making ramen making ramen la la la blueprint find weapon Master don’t worry this guide is very concise LOL oh [ __ ] it’s the LOL that makes me not believe it let’s see how many pages it

Is I mean it’s it’s not bad and it’s got these crazy pictures as you might guess you need two things to start with a weapon mod place to make weapons the weapons so far so good the first is the studio you’ll use it to redeem your weapon choice and

Upgrade SL customize make it or look it up as below or steal from a friend your pack may vary for balancing copies your base blocks what so we need a counter a base man and cloth what thanks naby um because you know we have like create

In here for stuff like I feel like we could use like a workshop space you know for because it sure would be nice to have some boobs at Doom so I didn’t have to use a hammer on grapple okay are you suggesting that uh oh gosh tiny did I get really tall um

That get out of my face I’m seriously going to push these Geckos out wow Bean boy hello guess people missed the reference it was to the tune of making Christmas from Nightmare Before Christmas oh r i I’m a little obsessed with that movie all year round is a great movie

Understandable so I guess I I was interested in in trying to develop some of the the arms and armor type Got Mods is what I was most interested in um okay that’s fair is there something that you are interested in uh like create for instance no oh there a dragon

[ __ ] Dragon my my geka just like T takes a step off the platform and then Dragon shows up and another G up yeah this one was here before here excuse me let me just kind of he’ll be back it’s like those villagers from uh what’s that mod called we’ll be

Back M colonies yes that go there’s a reason I’ve been focusing on building my base out before getting too deep into any of the mods s it’s illegal to build a bridge wider than one block vill you may want to look at the sections in the quest book for arms and armor um

Yes uh I’m I’m looking at at I’m trying to catch up with the mods compressed block of endstone boies oh God did you just say boobies I said B J [ __ ] [Laughter] Christ all right I’m got to go in here when I look at Stu cuz you guys are going to

Just throw me off the what does this do I can’t remember it it launches us in a random Direction Shalom called bone Daddy okay um some of these wow like this pole arm though I have no idea how to make this um so crushed Netherrack will get us all number of different

Things oh my gosh I’m not there’s so many ways we can like progress at this point I’m starting to feel a little overwhelmed again catching up on Quest is virtually impossible see I feel like um what I was talking about for a workshop space is I

Feel like uh not for one particular mod but just for like or we could do some general power gen and I don’t know that reminds me is power in here cuz that has no it’s not I was like that has Wireless power but no not in here uh so RF oh

Boy uh how about battery oh [ __ ] uh how about cell there is mechanism generator enderio excuse me there we yeah enderio has generators there’s generator Galore mod better for why would you need anything when you’ve got end anything else when you’ve got enderio uh kazand is still in Alpha but

Okay wow there’s a very limited amount of tech in here that has never stopped you before yes koska is on 11 deaths oh I see y froos That’s Right froos can’t spell cologne without looking up no it’s fine I boo you but I want to save up a bunch of points

Oh Jesus oh no get out of there I know it ran over to the bed oh god oh why would you want that in a pack that’s just so disturbing hello Tetris man oh my gosh um okay um so it says that in void world I still have an unclaimed Quest reward but

I don’t see where it’s fine let’s go down to Relic shop this one claim that okay I did it there you left the bed bug eggs just sitting out here what the what bed bug eggs there were none these these ones that ended up in my inventory because gross take your bed BG

Eggs take them I just take them God damn it why because you’ve got a bad a magnet on [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] it actually died as it throws me up I’m take it take it ow oh [ __ ] [ __ ] thank the light did you just get yeated ow ow ow

Well your your dudes came at me so I’m guessing so I’m fine how are you I’m all right you got some oh friendo coming at you Tetris man thank you very much for the 100 bits thank you Tetris man for the 100 Bitties I have a batania p

Hanging out here oh maybe that’s what people were talking about and it uh wait what no stop it leave me alone I hear Ducks CRA why it attacking me that’s what they do [ __ ] off well the quest you seek is in the top middle of the Void World section thanks

Naby uh papers let’s put the papers next true do gave to him quack quack quack quack quack there so the Ducks right are um they’ve been inside uh today because it was cold and windy and thank you they started they were doing all right outside but now they have started going through their

First their juvenile malt when they really do get rid of like all their baby feathers and oh their juvenile feathers cuz I guess they they got rid of their baby baby feathers quite a while ago but um and I I’m probably overreacting but it just seems like if they have like a

Few less feathers at the moment maybe it’s not a great thing for them to be outside all the time so it was pretty chilly today and pretty windy as well and those yeah so they’ve been in inside a bit today they went out for a few hours and

Yeah then they came back in because they’re all like huddled on the ground and um yeah but it’s like every time they flap feathers fly everywhere oh God feathers thank you is what you’re hearing yes exactly I was thinking about like Sister Knits a lot it’s like Miss but then I also think

No I’m not washing ducks for this like oh yeah um so this the gateways all all these are considered completed because koska got a glitched one uh in the previous version yeah so [ __ ] me I’m molting exactly they’re all crazy like it’s it’s feathers for days oh [ __ ] the uh the nether quests

Have changed up a bit kashka I did hear things this one oh yeah I get to choose Choice reward I don’t know the difference on the goddess statues on nin section of the Quest Books Quest book has a kitun spawn egg oh really oh really all right um no I’m just going to

Cook it all got to cook it all I got to one with the flowers I got to one with the flowers there we go there we go can trade Spirit orbs or stamina or heart containers nice Trader token blah blah blah got a bunch of stuff double Bone Bed of course couple of

Signs experience magnet what thank you Tetris man get glitched koska R statue of the wild bird people so I got a spatial sign Relic you may learn more about this Relic on the researching table oh right uh which by the way let’s find out I’ve got

A wait while my shield is equipped I’m I’m not picking it up for certain but I was also thinking if I’m back here there’s a certain like distance that you can reach something and carryon will only work when you’re closer okay I think it works [ __ ] I just equipped the damn

Thing oh that’s just a experience magnet I want those little green balls all right let’s see this I just put it on TG on it ice Gates oh it just it just says right click on it instead okay oh now it says Crouch and right click okay okay ice skates plus one experience

Point for each second of acceleration from the ability skating what pretty sure the research table is blacklisted for carry on it wasn’t in the version we were in before but it it probably is now yeah that’s that’s on us totally for not staying up to date increases the speed of movement on

The ice depending on the duration of sliding uh okay that’s really weird I don’t think that I really care about um skating let’s find out this one uh spatial Sign Plus One XP point for each second of return from the ability time Rift time Rift when used Returns the

Wearer along the Route traveled during a certain time repeated use will terminate the ability uh cost one leveling Point 15 XP points I don’t have a leveling point what are leveling points in this mod oh oh that it works now koska you can trade your X your XP for oh

Wow ping leveling point yay cool okay interesting uh so how do I go back now or is that was that it well now I need 30 XP points which is no oh just hitting Escape will those let you ice skate uphill that’s a good question researching table is blacklisted now no

Worries thanks KNX Haack oh there goes all my XP okay well I now have this oh gosh wow that’s that’s different I can’t put it in there so if I go out here I can’t get past dudes okay giant you knock me off you bastard God damn it I have a a three

Second rewind ability from my movement so if I fall off a cliff I might be able to click click this fast enough and get myself back on the cliff cuz what watch this oh 3.7 you’re right roxus I leveled it up well that’s SA if you fall it absolutely

Does I wonder if I like step into like lava if I use it if I’m still burning cuz you know I’m going to do that too that is awesome yeah it is that’s really good and I I will even put on the ice Gates cuz why not maybe we’ll find a dimension with

Lots of ice maybe oh my shield is fully repaired nice thank you dude let’s take a look at your goms repair p p you have been repairing oh I just got super tall oh so did you yes uh put this here yes pet suddenly I I want more pets I

Remember having lots of really good pets meta [Laughter] Pet haven’t seen inventory pets in so long right yeah the spider one is the cutest oh that is a good one too yeah it is a good one yeah you climb walls downside with my latest playthrough I miss my repair trinket H well wasn’t the

Cat scares away skeletons uh no no no it was there was a cat pet or a chicken pet or something gives you eggs speed boost I thought that was one that gives you like the ability to fall like not take fall damage the spider pet gives you

String oh you can feed the brewing stand pet Nether wart koska and it Brews random potions potions I mean that could be really good random potions oh the sheep gives you slowfall so cute though I think it’s still cute look dudes you’re blocking the whole path yeah I think they changed the

Spider so that it was less arachnophobic catches fish near water night vision mushroom fills empty bowls with mush mushroom stew oh that’s right the cow pet was a really key one it removes negative potion effects which I think is kind of important in in some places but you need to feed it

Weight the chest pet I remember that just being like a backpack or something uh the Double chest pet enchanting table hey Ray how’s it going spoter is cute good morning Ray hi uh furnace pet jukebox pet no lead pet it’s like hating its existence leash and tame

Mob nether portal pet teleport to Nether and back wow okay saddle pet ride mob right click that could have so many bad events on saded chest pet never hungry oh there’s saded pets interesting the banana pet throw a banana things good haer can you ride a player

Maybe I I don’t know I do not even gra stay away from me uh oh yeah Merson meeing of life pinket pet find ore or dungeon oh Auto extract nearest ore purpleicious cow pet health regen and fills empty buckets with lava save a creeper ride of player summon Stow

Minions insta shot 30 seconds gives you arrows if you run out oh sponge pet SquarePants Place water absorb water walk on water sink in Water turn dirt to Cobble turn Cobble to dirt there’s a dirt pet oh that could be interesting wait a minute oh the why does it say YouTuber oh they’re made by certain like YouTubers okay how you doing today and Merry Christmas hello njn happy holidays happy holidays Juggernaut pet

That you just happen to have in your pocket invulnerability for a minute Illuminati pet true invisibility oh get the glow thanks Tetris penapple pet oh no no it’s not I just it was just an apple pet and I just added pen oh oh the house pet that one’s a

Good one we’re going to put see if we can we can craft it okay that cuz then we could just teleport to our home Point that’s really good favorite food Ender nuggets we can manage that Pac-Man pet Auto eats when you’re hungry that’s not bad either pixie pet Double XP [Laughter]

Something I probably need more than I thought silverfish pet makes you immune to Suffocation and a glowing star helped guide their way just before Christmas dubstep pet sound blast I’m curious now it’s going to be like thanks naby it reminds me of the dubstep weapons uh that were in um Advent of

Ascension Shield pet protect allies and tame pets I’m sorry I’m like down this like Pet seriously thing now this is this is the stream now there’s a Christmas pet there’s a Hanukkah pet Quanza pet pet stuff politically correct pet listen listen giant gecko TOA dudes you’re adorable and everything but lordy

Puffer fish pet it should be called the ouch ball pet poison on attack Venom blast Sun pet prevents nearby mob spawns sends mobs into fiery orbit SS like a Transformer name okay there’s lots of good pets uh I’ll even put that one on there but the the house pet I think is

Really important because it is um oh my gosh ender pearls that’s perfect we need those wait wait wait wait this here I’ll do this perfect um so I need would you like a house pet so you can teleport back to your home Point have we set home well once we get

A house pet we can okay is where I find out it’s not interdimensional still it would be nice to just teleport back to the portal sounds blast sounds like a Transformer name okay uh let me get another one of these and some planks and gold and

G going to need more than that uh let’s go with half of these there we go and craft them po two house pets there you go and there’s some Ender nuggies um would you like a feed bag that you can like store all of the the feed for these Goa sneak and right

Click I just wait a minute did you just ring a doorbell I just set my home you sneak right click there you go ding dong and then teleport home right click so if I go over here oh uhoh hi you okay yeah everything just like it

Was just pure sky and I thought that I crashed out or some [ __ ] like that thought you were done I did thought I was done did that use up any of the feed bags oh it used up one nugget oh my gosh all right I’m going to do the risky

Thing and I’m going to go try this From Another Dimension oh boy oh boy we got to test these bugs for nox Haack there’s a returner that does the same thing oh nice I’ll make a reason to use the house pet oh that’s right my my nightmare is

Still on this side hello good Pony uh so click loading terrain promising op pet op yes okay it worked koska okay and it just used up one of those nuggets so oh yeah yeah I’m putting it in my uh backpack for now oh to stop it I thought I thought those all got

Pushed off the ledge I’m pretty sure they keep spawning wait a minute is is my Anvil trying to repair my amulets and bracelets and stuff I don’t know oh also I’ve got a pocket lightning rod that I’m wearing it just says Thunders fall from the sky i’ can’t be bad right what if

You’re on the horse when you use it I’m not going to use it while I’m on the horse no we don’t have any cook cookies do we no no cookies Swing oh but I can make those with a little bit of this what I already had those okay well it’s just trying to catch up that’s all coca beans plus some of the the wheat oh it likes cookies so I need to make those oh okay oh okay I can make those

Specifically lots of those let’s do that I can make lots of cookies um what is it to make cookies that yep Boop one two uh and then this gosh wow wow this is quite impressive that I could just bam cookies I have lots of [Laughter] cookies [ __ ] what did I just

Do acts really weird sometimes there we go cookies are in there too is that a lightning rod in your pocket or are you just happy to see koska mix that pocket rod with the saddle and sounds like an interesting time oh gosh you guys dude mop okay Um gold nugget and some well Ingot and some nuggets there we go one Diamond uh let’s see about making this now P pack my pet made um cool wakka wakka wakka I mean Wakka Waka um koska would you like a a pet that will auto feed you if you have it

On your hot bar I’m good thank you okay I thought you might want a hot bar full of pets you know I just have two right now but yes I I get I that makes sense H coal nuggets Really some of these man Smashmouth whatever happened to them anyway it’s like they just disappeared this uh one diamond and some wheat there we go craft this little guy here there we go hold on this and these I’ve been watching the charismatic Voice YouTube channel a bunch lately and

She says waka waka often when talking about the function of vocal cords interesting lead singer died a few weeks ago oh no huh he was your age wow struggled with the alcohol and then passed away wow wow that’s so sad okay well thanks for telling Me uh gateways I’m going to collect those last what is it vinery hey I call dibs on vinery that’s fine I’m just doing the The Grapes it’s just it just says click the check mark and there’s no reward it’s really weird but I will leave you with vinery

It is all yours thank you right now to collect all of the rewards from the thingy uh let’s do this some wisdom Scrolls oh source Stone chests yes koshka’s favorite wait did I just get a blindfold and a thundering sword of the end sword charges when attacking mobs

Strikes Mobs with lightning when fully charged whoa the zap around it is really cool but the uh the colors they’re perple no right purple okay extraction let’s put that in there and then a decoration oh that’s a fancy looking uh crafting table I got to say uh I might have to

Um I might have to dig this one up what something he’s gonna have to something t on it well you now have a crafting table in your inventory I sure do you want it back oh you can’t have it because I got Ma you just put it in the wood chest

It’s fine yeah I just H doubles infinitely the amount that each smelted raw ore gives huh what if I put that in there um we don’t get a lot of raw ores so I aside from like mining the crystals off the blocks out there oh yeah that actually works that that effectively doubles

Huh all right well either way it it’s at least a processing thing that does work so there we go got a thundering sword of the forest today nice on to Good News the Aether is 119 and 120 now yes yes time to make an entirely purple pack

No ra all we processing upgrade though hey kashka you want the 23 shulkers of perer I have says pringer oh my God actually purple isn’t that bad cuz that’s like kind of a light shade what no kka just just no it’s also no I have to say it’s like

Aside from a Chacha it’s all fine in moderation right it’s just when that’s all there is it’s like okay variety is the spice of life a blindfold I got a I got a trinket that’s a blindfold is totally fine it makes you invisible because they can’t see

You no y I got it I got it what would it Go in oh [ __ ] hell slot head or trinkets slots I just made the wrong thing humbug uh oh there it is so am I am I actually invisible I look pretty visible to me yeah I can I

Can see my head and everything I don’t think that’s working all right I’m going to put the pocket lightning rod in here there we go sir where is the duck redeem uh this is the Frog show I don’t know what you’re talking about thank you frage come back later except wait

Wrong pack don’t murder them yeah we have to find ways of pushing them off the platform now if we don’t get like destroyed by them FR oh gosh it is what the [ __ ] no go Jesus it’s a special one yes it is in fact a special one oh for [ __ ] sake

What how much health does it have I am like dying here I can’t tell if I’m even hurting it is it what are you fighting it’s it’s just a chest a baby zombie chest oh you should come up to the chicken house when you have a chance for

Extra fun oh gosh thank you why did you there’s something going on over there no nothing at all come on come and check it out though ow ow frogs no no sorry go right Harvester thank you for gifting five subs thank you so much thank you harer thank you

Uh okay they can’t get up here right all right I’m coming oh gosh uh I think I’m going to use this sword because it’s less likely to kill stuff around the base so you want me to come up there yeah pao’s boss oh [ __ ] hell really no never mind it just disappeared there

Was there was a Herobrine that was super um like uh had the all the special moves the and it had it had um repulsion or some [ __ ] so it was basically like tossing me around and it had 8,000 health okay as you do yeah totally fine excuse me

Jesus H frogs coming my way and there are gekas blocking my Path let’s see I’ve got the smash one set up so if I do this right and he gets on there got it got him and I got this back nice oh gosh they’re following me I’m so afraid cuz I can’t kill them oh here we go normally you don’t really enjoy apotheosis that’s

Fair oh no no no oh for [ __ ] sake they’re Gathering underneath underneath the sivs koska that’s just this massive pile of them under the Sims H thank you for gifting five Subs oh oh no there enough to get me back up there no it’s not okay well I’m I’m dead where am

I oh [ __ ] oh oh god there are so many frogs so what I need is that’s a lot of Ms W water bucket of water thank you so much for gifting a sub dren and Rowan for Prime sub and oh my gosh everybody jumped in at the same

Time didn’t you um let me thank you guys very much thank you bucket and I just need to go oh [ __ ] there’s for your Prime thanks for your sub hinan thanks for giting those subs no thank you for gifting me there is no ESC there Rowan you stay down there okay

Oh gosh there you go that’s the wrong way but I don’t care right now [ __ ] how am I going to get over there to wash him off the platform [ __ ] more more spawn [ __ ] there I go okay all right Dan dance no that didn’t work the water didn’t work what the

[ __ ] so is it definitely like we can’t like we’re going to crash if we kill them I don’t know right I’ve got a new sword I could try whole Army of them like dino dance dino dance dino dance dino dance oh gosh oh no oh no they’re

Going to kill me they’re going to kill me okay they’re they’re just walking right murer the water oh gosh they’re frogs I know they’re not it’s not pushing them at all though that’s the thing I’m used to drowned you know that that oh koska you’re translucent it’s amazing it’s because I’m a ghost

Ghost um so I am all right folks uh I’ve got my lightning sword like I could try this one thundering sword of the end we could see what happens you did a murder and if if it doesn’t work you did a murder so many frogs oh I got I one died oh yeah

Yep oh jeez oh yeah huh I can Mur them now Ray I’ve had my revenge put this back all right oh it’s charged harer thanks for gifting a sub to frog apocalypse jeez this sword is amazing at the same time really [ __ ] scary oh jeez wait this this sword summons

Lightning bolts so I wonder what happens if I put the uh the pocket Whata call it the the pocket um oh gosh no no no oh God no excuse me yeah it didn’t just it didn’t just happen did it no I don’t think it did did

It how do I um resummon Luca with your your charm that you have murdered accidents happened yours are just just as bloodthirsty as campaign ruining murder hobos I love catch you oh my gosh uh Essie thank you for gifting a sub to movius Harvester for gifting a sub to

Ally and frog frog apocalypse and they are coming for you Ray for the 33 Bitties Harvester for the Ribbit gifted sub and There Is No Escape and one t Nai all right I’m going to attempt to okay it’s a fluffing frog in oh jeez ah [ __ ]

Oh okay I’m busy right now come back later that’s what happened Bishop Shatner thanks for the 500 bitties ow my gosh um where’s the thank you this thing thank you Bishop there we go thank you harer for gifting another sub uh am I wearing both why is that

Like steps down uh I was trying to break steps to I’ve got them in my inventory I was trying to break steps to um to kill the frogs didn’t work the way I thought that’s all I need my my Luca charm so what do I do now I just unable to

Spawn sneak right click because there is an active respawn timer for wait how what oh god I can’t see anything thanks the L [ __ ] hell dinos than for the 500 bits oh Bishop you got a new bits badge yeah you did you got your Canta badge for being gifty all right wait it

Says it says that there’s a respawn timer so does that have to count down and then I can respawn them I guess I believe so if it’s not letting you do it beforehand okay all right how long does it say I was worried that I had to um

Just over a thousand seconds okay I thought that I had to like respawn them before then you know oh and I was like oh oh [ __ ] uh I think I just picked something up oh thanks no what give me what you picked up oh [ __ ] [ __ ] a

Um uh did that I can’t see I can’t oh God this is hurting my brain okay what did what did I pick up of yours your head I think my head oh let me thank you turn this off oh boy oh my gosh this is really Challenging oh my eyes yes oh a monkey got a 10K pits patch nice thank you monkey for the 1,000 bits H oh boy oh gosh and we’re tall oh god oh no no no no no no no no let me in let me in I can’t see them I can’t aim die

I’m oh got it hold on I will revive you thank you for the Thousand bits let me kill this dude first there we go and now hold right button me I am rescuing kashka wait what uh no you’re not hey get off of her okay rescuing koska thanks for the the heal attempt

There skunk give it give it one minute and you can heal again gosh oh my gosh um I see fros it’s like no failed failed successfully can come stand in here for safety you think it’s any safer I tried using my spatial sign to re to oh gosh I got it there we

Go there’s more out here I’ll take care of they’re silent as well so they creep up on you like when there’s a lot of them it’s like never saw it coming oh that one got zaed oh okay oh there’s still another one oh my gosh I think that’s all of them oh my

Gosh oh nevertheless you persisted yes you did oh that’s right I’ve got yes yes a Crimson Moon I don’t know what that means me either uh I don’t think this torch is needed I’m getting cold sucks okay fruit crumble there we go oh wow hype train success level five hype train

Emote what the [ __ ] is that is that like a burning reindeer thank you very much for gifting that sub what the heck hype o deer oh gosh sure I share it everybody share your flaming reindeer who look at the Moon it is Crimson whoa the stars are kind of lining up

Okay Choo thank you guys very much I was looking at oh thanks for the clip hin thanks hitan weapons Rowan froger is eternal oh I need to need to have a piece first did I put I did okay cool that woohoo I got another loot chest I got an

Iron chest okay and it’s a purple one which I’ll put above the pink chest there we go for colors have out see you later nby we’ll see you nby take care and it was good hanging out with you earlier in the mini stre yeah Helix blade what repeatable quest

Oh you can buy these weapons these are weird Fern blade hold on a second Helix that’s just the one thing huh why why do you want that though I mean oh you’re in Angel’s Bane oh okay that that’s two-handed but it does some good damage H interesting so

Armor I need some money there we go so many loot chests not saying it’s a bad thing just got you another one Fisherman’s hat get in there uh okay so then this bone armor doesn’t do a lot yeah look that NE is like but that could that could look

Really cool which oh it doesn’t okay lets your attackers wither oh my gosh oh the bone armor gives you speed bonus robe armor has fire resistance wait what 10 takes fire damage what magic resistance steampunk armor explosion resistance uses steam Jets to avoid fall damage discharges the steam tank for a double

Jump never lose track of time again with your chest plate and A Primitive radar shows you the position of close entities with this with the helmet oh I see nice heavy armor that’s pretty good warrior armor h plus 5% extra damage with axes and up to 20% damage when

Injured wa I got an Ender helmet from that cosmetic chest okay and it says uh hold the helmet in your hand and sneak right click to define the teleport location okay we’ll do it then so if I do that sneak right position saved okay so now if I put that on my

Nogin go over here uh I mean these are half blocks so I don’t know if that’s influencing it well I’m not on oh I I don’t know how to use it like oh use an ender pearl to teleport to the defined location H okay that’s kind of weird

Aren’t they used for teleporting by themselves oh no my armor is like wrecked so do I just Chuck it Like who oh that was interesting that was kind of cool huh that’s pretty cool handy mhm uh the prismarine armor has uh Thorns built into it the Divine armor has it can deflect a hit once in a minute and it’s got massive armor stuff but no toughness I got Panda plushy oh yeah

Yeah that’s pretty good this one hasn’t taken any damage at all H I can’t possibly put any more frog heads in the Frog head pile what what what are you talking about just look look at it you see [Laughter] oh nice I got a fancy sword fancy sord oh I

Got a thin handle iron scyth spatial sign what is that spatial sign from relics see check this out oh [ __ ] where’d you get that sword from from a rare loot chest nice that looks [ __ ] amazing what’s it do wait oh it has a unique effect wait so hang on unique effect

Righteous standard chance on hit to regenerate health and then on right click summons a righteous battle standard that ignites damages and slows enemies whilst periodically granting strength and health to Friendly players within its vicinity that’s amazing I worry that it sets things on fire that are blocks

Though I’m um I’m going to hold on to this bad boy for like wait hang on let me look at the attack damage what mod are those swords from what what this one here swords in the OR Sword in the Stone is mine 3.5 range 2. this is from Simply swords test for

Science no not in here just immediately runs away out here is fine look I’ll even stand on the a no it’s fine it’s fine my armor is about to break anyway is there a dummy in here all right all right fine there’s no dummy here we go you ready just one hit please

No more okay that doesn’t seem like it did anything well I mean I’ve got some pretty good armor going on did was that the special ability I didn’t no I didn’t right click I just whacked you with it all right you’re going to right click no no because

You’re a friendly player and yes I I’m going to save it I’m saving it okay save it I do keep getting these solar craft books every time I die yeah that has not been that’s still a bug that has not been figured out yet okay

Sword all right so I need a new chest plate I need I need some kind of armor H wait I already claimed this I got it twice did you buy multiple scythes what I I I got two Thin handle iron scythes did you buy it any I have

Not purchased any sites that’s weird Okay H interesting mobs Ms companions Relic shop Relic shop what random Relic oh okay uh skill shop takes a token uh let’s do one of those and Amnesia Scrolls resets 20% of your skills tree oh okay it’s four Trader tokens for one of those

Scrolls otherwise it’s 10 Trader tokens to re to buy a new scroll or to buy a new point and then there are random gems you can get for five okay so have you been Buy buying new like or have you been selling I should say um stuff to get Trader tokens yes

A that’s how I bought some chicken eggs because yeah there still fluffing frogs up here up where uh there in the chicken house oh Ley yes I did notice that there’s also upgraded stuff too upgraded weapons and armors oh my gosh upgraded weapons cost cost me a token are your frogs on the

Roof of the chest you mean of the little like storage Hut I don’t see them up there I don’t see any up here either I have lots of death way points though I don’t know how to clear oh no wait that worked okay never mind take it back oh who’s

That Gator hello how are you oh my Frog’s on the roof night no frogo on the rofos oh another wisdom scroll oh five of them wow okay um oh jeez oh no oh no what the [ __ ] was that sound did you get a crazy sound no uh

I got like like I was being invaded by a ghost or something going on uh did are you okay are you am I okay yeah where are you are you chopping through them or I’m over the by the chicken house okay oh I see oh oh [ __ ] oh thank the

Light gosh okay I’m going to sleep thank you Tetris man for the 100 Bitties the way the mobs break it should make the Lego sounds oh it’s a lot of harvester frogs up there ow oh [ __ ] wandering widget thank you for the sub thank you very much and six months of

Support okay that worked okay and who was the one that did the the crazy one just now that that was Harvester with a tier two in 55 months holy [ __ ] it’s in fact a lot of months thank you thank you very much Tetris thank you very much for the 100 bits yes

Thank you hi Tetris how you doing thank you Harvester yeah uh oh I just broke my scaffold trying to murder harer frogs nobody ever thanks the boy thank you boy um okay I wanted to see wait wooden sword stone sword what these are not so many frog heads these are just t

God this is weird why would I buy the this isn’t Advanced weapons okay modular weapons did I get them all maybe I feel like there’s always a frog luring somewhere what what the a pole arm from weapon Master Okay this is this is the weapon Master stuff friend tag what weapon

Kit di amethyst Armory oh wow what’s this do that gets me all of those and you get luck from a full set bonus wow that’s really good how I want to test this that’s to make it gotcha these are all things that you want to

Make how do you make one of these Dam with this copper oh oh I see what what was that oh that was you you just teleported in scared it’s so good scared the crap out of me it’s so good I can just pop back here like Hey do it co it doesn’t cost you anything no it cost an end Pearl but I’m picking up like a dozen when I’m over there so I don’t feel bad whatsoever oh I see na’vi was talking about how he’s a ninja now his ninja armor why am I putting these things in

The drop box I don’t know how did okay cloth decorations that should be in there oh that’s it’s from the Epic Samurai mod okay why do I have to pay a Trader token to get I guess it’s to get the oh it’s a kitsun mask oh

That’s pretty cool oh is that one we was talking oh yeah but you need kitsun hide to make it and it looks amazing oh my gosh but no said there was a kits spawn egg yep it’s yeah I I found that too it gotcha cool uhhuh there’s so much in the quests

There are so many quests it’s amazing um Empire Armory that stuff’s cool too Spartan sword gosh okay uh you’re not getting anything done today no I’m not I’m just overwhelmed with the amount of like cool shisa that you have access to it’s ridiculous um let’s to make those not the other thing sorry

Koska I’m sorry I I’m it’s like oh okay weit we’ve got a lot of access now oh what the heck did I just open what was that I don’t know these are this is the skills one okay interesting um yeah sophisticated storage why does everything cost a Trader token to unlock

It sophisticated chest iron chest gold chest yeah I’ve already completed all those as well but I don’t why are you so salty no I’m just curious It’s like I’m sure there’s a reason for it I’m trying to figure out what 5005 mods may be installing fantasy Skies to try it out

Microtransactions oh okay yeah that that makes sense then silk touch that’s what I need how to make that o an enchanter RS nvo mystical culture or Ender iio enchanting okay I think I I think I figured out what I need to do then um uh ender myio stuff

Right are you are you claiming dibs on .io stuff no not at all but here’s the deal what you can’t stop building andio stuff without outter space to put it well I wanted to see if there is actually a spot for it in all of the quests before I jump into

It that I should unlock so that it will actually get Us rewards as we go through my I hear a frog still oh I never unlocked mystical agriculture there we go I don’t even have the book there um botney pots we’ve completed stuff without even having some of these things okay

Um uh Quest completed I just got another Scythe so you frco where the heck are you and by completing that oh [ __ ] no I just bought them no oh no no I didn’t I still have the my Trader tokens it’s so weird anyway um it’s like a young Bon sitting by the

Christmas tree opening all the gifts you’re right it is very much so there I’ll do that one there’s the hopper botney po oh mob Farms gateways got that Bakery vinery no potioneer a pathosis RS blood Bania create occultism requery the where did I see mystical agriculture there oh right

I need to make the book that’s simple enough and everything on that list has disappeared this plus this Quest complete then I throw the book in the Box need this stuff and then I throw all this stuff back in this okay completed some of them

Okay uh I’m going to grab a regular pick just because I don’t know got it Quest complete and then I’ve got some Imperium farmland and infusion pedestals too ow TG on it oh no no Alie thank you I’m sorry oh I see the nether portal has um expired

What the nether portal has uh expired is it it looks empty to me but there’s a pigman standing there oh okay oh I see you glowing in in the build up there Sparkle Sparkle package rip yes RIP indeed um so I wanted to do the other thing

What was it oh it was these wasn’t it I wanted to take this out and put this back in and then Prosperity shards and Seed base yeah okay which seed base where’s the shards oh there they are thank you T okay and then Pentium I don’t know if I have

Any no but I can make one by doing this is it there we go put that in there too and I think that gets me caught up with where I am in mystical agriculture pow okay I have so many of these [Laughter] sies that was a delayed tea time what it

Seemed all right to me oh like you claimed it a while ago chopping hat okay hat hat you okay um I got the Uno reverse card trinket I can’t remember what that is it says sometimes you are your own enemy 50% chance to damage the mob that has hurt you with its own

Damage oh nice lots of wonkiness with the stream tonight hey Valen can you or koska Whit list my brother to the BH server when you get the chance sure uh let’s see here ah I see the there copy uh uh do I even have that open I do not but give me a

Second uh it’s this is on the AAS server so I haven’t given anybody access to that I don’t think Kos even has access right now so I wanted to see that it was working first uh let’s see uh White list ad there we go all set cette done there go

Enjoy um and I was looking at this to see where it would go in the trinket SL yep okay oh God you all right my inventory is so full oh oh oh I see oh okay I got an egg and a crimson iron chest okay th

Those are very similar so I I get that I hear quacking mhm that be quacking uh you just stole my chest IR chest just stole my chest put it in the wood chest chest thank you there we go um this one skills the crate got a wiom

Scroll and in the food chest I’m putting an egg we’ve got 27 regular eggs [Laughter] yes yes faen yes we do have you seen the chicken well no there there’s only one regular chicken over there and just excuse me you know occasionally kind of collect uh that’s right I was headed for pumpkin

Pie there we go oh my God what no we just got so much like yep that’s a lot yep there is a lot going on it’s like as I as I unlock more things that we’ve already done there’s just oh my gosh I’m not even buying that anymore this is broken um but

Uh but it just like unlocks so much more we can sell the coal iron gold one wait gold is two to two so that that’s that’s a one: one ratio oh or ender pearls are 1 to four ratio you’ve been like raking in ender pearls haven’t

You there yes there are a lot of Ender Pearls oh yeah for some reason the crystals started the obsidian crystals started growing yeah I don’t I don’t know why I don’t know four for 16 H did you stop sorry what sorry what was happening tokens I’ve got lots of tokens now jeez

That was just from 32 uh oh you getting them too oh [ __ ] wow we’re so rich from that Ender chicken dear Lord oh my gosh koska can I chicken bu cheuck uh I can buy that armor that I want now okay let’s see um I don’t think that I can buy any of

These armors these are all like you need to make it but where was it just Armory there we go the Divine armor no there’s no armor toughness heavy armor though no no did you get did anything just happen no oh I don’t have any money it’s in my

Backpack okay let’s try this again this buy this there we go now I can take these off put these on I’m keeping the the super helmet oh I look like a fancy frog now hey are there Ender um I can look never mind okay all about the pentiums is in my head

Now all right put this away I have so much so much cash I need to deposit a bunch uh of of monies there we go that’s much better um so uh an enderio platform for and this Pig needs to uh needs to move excuse me dude all right I also need to

Get flint and steel to repair that you don’t happen to have a flint and steel already do you negative why do I have armor there’s one it gave it to you in your inventory as well dear Lord okay cuz mine had mostly broken so I bought some new

One I made a new one gotcha I’m G to put it in there for Now it’s there okay there’s nothing in there now so I should be able to there we go you want to like get back in the there we go bye dude push the Pigman back in he seemed a bit lost there this is just this is just been so

Much I’m going to put this book away as well I don’t want that right now spent too much time on quests and inventories I need to see where um I can build something for Ender iio there it goes um I’ve got a lot of stuff here it might

Be good to have it not too far from the chest good to find it um Ender iio probably is there like Ender blocks that are just going to be good to have for building is that a question a rhetorical question or you’re actually asking me or uh a bit of

Both I mean I see like the the blocks of things but that’s a lot of materials can we have the the zombie head um the zombie electrode no it was the hang on I find it oh my feet getting really cold baby dragon egg what so I think I you’re if you’re talking

About the um oh I don’t think they the zombie generators they’re not out yet spaghettified oh did we did I just get I did see an Ender generator though and I mean with these these chickens being so productive we could definitely do that yeah there’s a sterling generator we could probably

Just sit a chicken on top top of it oh gosh hi R man R hello welcome on in Raiders how you doing gosh get bunned kka yep scared me oh for the r rhino how was your stream ah I think I’ve got everything in there uh food companions

Relation um is there anything for wait Machinery locked uncompleted dependencies of in Machinery did I not oh it’s this one I’m supposed to unlock this with with a coin let’s do that oh byebye bunny oh you know you’re still bouncing around okay had fun got way too into automating

The complicated spaghetti in my pack that’s cool nothing like getting involved in it though I got totally lost in all of the questing today I have accomplished very little um this is not the Machinery I was hoping to progress with charging cobblestone generator koska did

That uh if I break this I get to pick it up or I get I get a reward for it okay oh that that’s M okay let’s put this back down oh [ __ ] that’s not what kind of pack is it that you’ve been working on or that you’ve

Created is it a kitchen sink pack okay so we put this this there we go yeah definitely spend loads of time reviewing all of the inventory PS I’m sorry no stone was left unturned no I’m not sorry actually I’ve got I’ve got four be sorry it’s just funny yes it’s

How it went that’s just how it went and in the pet store yes it’s a pack called evolution of the ages 2 it’s professed to be a hard pack and it’s not well it’s not easy but it’s not Greg Tech okay yeah I mean if you’re enjoying it then it’s

Right H do I have some monies let’s put some over there that’s just a check mark check mark iron generator generator yeah these aren’t getting me into uh into enderio for Machinery so Mystic Golems Enchanted enhanced doggos Farms Bakery Greg and his Tech Jenny would say

It feels a little closer to subtech ages in the as I progress and get new machines and Magic tools the recipes to make things get easier and easier ah okay enderio is in the pack but there is no quest line for it so what this means

Is I will have to pick this stuff up later once that gets added in but for now I get a snow fox plushy and a bunch of purple blocks uh let’s put this in the Cosmetics chest these in here getting like the the western music playing oh

Yeah okay um so Ender iio let’s see where we need to start with a platform and looking at the ender stuff it’s kind of greens and oranges or a green orange bunny back off what do we have for greens and oranges bamboo hay bales logs a chaa would

Fit she’s like go ahead and try it uh there other Ones how about planks oh thanks right now example when I started in order to make gears I had to smash a block of metal with an engineer’s Hammer to get a single gear now that I have access to immersive engineering machines I can use a gear metal press ah yes yes um okay

That’s in the ather I’m not going to be able to get that anytime soon that’s in The Ether okay um see what Cobble types we have oh my gosh oh that was you I thought that you were a traitor it’s meing yes h i mean I could just go with like the

Reisel Cobble variants that could be cool or endstone we have the ability to make endstone right we do yeah that is very very Ender ioish that’s very thematic I agree I like the idea speaking of SE Tech remember better with wolves and better with mods I feel like create is the spiritual successor

To those yeah yeah I can see that how are we making these before we can make it with a crystal we can Barrel mix it with Glowstone and lava probably eats up the lava but I can also make it with end Essence but I don’t know how difficult those are they’re tier four Oh Okay lava that requires fire Essence oh which is common H that would allow me to get buckets of lava but that’s still quite a process to get through just for a bunch of endstone duck on it h I guess crystal growth is probably a good way to go

H i on it maybe I don’t do endstone no come on let’s do or do like do like Cobble to begin with and then we can replace it with endstone that’s what I’ve been doing with like like I started building with stone and I’m replacing with copper because okay

Yeah cuz I didn’t have the copper to begin with but do you want some help setting up an endstone thing or you’re good um what do you mean setting up an endstone thing way to make yes I have no idea how to make endstone I mean there’s several options

But it they’re all kind of longer paths to make to get to so lava and lava and glowstone mhm and the stone Barrel yep and it probably uses up the bucket of lava in the process yep so that’s a lot of bucket lava oh but but but but but but I have lava

Chickens okay how does that work what do they produce they produce um it’s the same thing as these water eggs they produce lava eggs actually there’s seven lava eggs in this drops chest oh uh I hit you and nothing happens with it do you know how here I’ll look up

Lava nope I have not used them at all so but I understand it’s like a bucket of lava you know oh so I probably click get in the world and it turns into lava okay excuse me h i mean that would be better than clicking yeah okay all right so

Barrels are there so yeah lava chicken sounds like the way to go okay let me get one I’m on my way to set one up uh Barrel just a bit of smoo smoo stone one of these cuz I don’t want to use the water barrel I want my own barrel for

This damn it treat it like a bucket of lava they’re basically one use lava buckets perfect that’s great and she know what [ __ ] they’re going in with one of these chickens for now um oh [ __ ] you okay oh it’s not dead what okay well it’s gone yes I’m

Okay I was worried I would not be um I just need glow stone I understand we’ve got some of that I didn’t grab I didn’t grab the lava eggs to see if it would work the way I was helping uh here yeah this works like a charm I just need

Lots of lava eggs now great I’ve got two lava hands down and I’ve bred them already so um y oh gosh it is in progress okay can I come over there and take a look sure I have no idea what you have going on over here chickens lots of

Chickens do not judge my chicken collection Ender chickens and diamond chickens lava chickens gold chickens and yellow dye chickens yes prismarine blue dye and light blue dot no ice chickens water chicken water chickens okay and then copper and Clay chickens oh jeez oh my gosh you see what I mean

About this stuff that’s why I’m like I need an ender chest or something because uh I mean there’s there’s vacuum chests from Ender iio I know this is why I started down the Ender chicken path to begin with because uh let’s see how to make pulsating

Alloys um oh there it is yeah don’t like don’t because honestly there’s a lot like you know like stay focused yep yep make the platform before I make the stuff uh how do I get out of here again oh this way okay this is a pretty fun mod pack and

I’ve barely started you talking about the this one that we’re playing right now Aly has definitely got an interesting twist to it and the the mob spam in the Overworld is a bit weird but it’s also kind of interesting at times oh I still got this stuff here there we go couple

More so that gives me six Endy Stones which I think that’s actually part of the quest somewhere I don’t know which one but it’s one of them probably the void World quest yeah you can crush the End Stone so this is a good thing that we’re

Making End Stone because we we can crush it and get all sorts of drops from it yeah yeah yeah yeah what a skull allows you to spawn wardens what use it on a skull skull shrier to enable it to spawn wardens oh my gosh why would you want to spawn Wardens

All right let’s put those in there for now well uh that thank you monkey so I have oops I put away the wrong bricks I put them there they are these polished bricks here will be the start of a platform and I will need some lights let’s grab are there torches in

Here yes got them and I will need another set here whoops there was this okay excuse me bun buns hey Sarah for the pieces of Warden and hi mice and kashka hello Sarah sarapen roseblade how are you uh koska do you mind if I have my under platform slightly below this platform level

Which platform level this this level that I’m that our default stuff is set up on no not at all okay I was just thinking I would start staggering the the height that the platforms yeah yeah no that’s why I kind of moved this one

Up a bit okay um the only thing I would ask is that um that you give plenty of space in between what what would just be plenty of space just oh oh God yeah I don’t think I’m going to make it back up there no not quite oh it’s going to

Hurt um anyway oh [ __ ] I’m dead can you revive can you revive me y I can I was just coming back anyway nice monkey well done oh my gosh [ __ ] what happened what I walked up to you and got zapped okay that’s interesting I’m being rescued though there you go you have

Been rescued thanks ow what is doing that the bed that’s that’s what I I I bounced on the bed and it went boom why fell from my what what the heck I have no idea where the bed cursed I don’t know thank you for healing goober

H all right I’m going to try clicking on it all right I’m sleeping okay that was really weird I bounced on the the bed I yeah I heard you I still don’t understand why it’s cursed why it was cursed I can bounce on them again that’s nice a booming bed yes it’s

A bed boom boom um I totally forgot I know that I was going to make a platform but what the heck what the heck happened there I don’t know oh um what would you say is an adequate distance uh minimum distance for it um I think this space between like this

Island and the chest is minimum for me okay um H those are going to need to be switched around maybe this will make up for thanks for the package uh let’s see here I think I’m going to have it over here then and I’ll have it go down if possible if possible we’ll

See why does that seem so far away hold on a second control J and we’re at y level is that 66 Okay so we’ve got a little bit of oh God please please please no so close found out what the Boom is it’s when I you yeah when I landed from the

Sky yeah what the [ __ ] was that was that my Uno reverse card or something going on yet so far mhm first step is a doozy yeah sure no no trying to Spook me while I’m doing this stuff no not that way you know what doesn’t matter ran out of iron nugets what

What how can you run out of iron nuggets kashka that’s just not a thing do I not what can I not I can only place on top extend from any side of the original block unless I look at the side of it in which case it says no oh no just the

Sides that I’m looking at okay so confused what all right what what’s the keybind for effortless building Alt oh God a line how how does it work oh God thank the light tet span thanks for the 100 pites I got out of there just did time oh they all died wow than for

100 um how’s this work let’s take some of these what oh Oh [ __ ] okay I need to turn on my magnet cuz that’s bad just yeah uh yeah oh that’s so good that’s so good yeah yes nice I only have eight blocks or something okay I don’t know what the heck that was about there we go uh Alt oh no

No [ __ ] I think I fell too far again H come on no it didn’t even bre no it just bounced my head underneath the platform oh here goes the boom what the [ __ ] is that about I’m awake feel the eat hi siren moons hello siren how are you single

Line wall floor hey now we’re talking uh let’s go here and then I can go out that far oh that’s so good okay [ __ ] the wand it can go away cuz it’s malfunctioning anyway um I just saw one of those lizards push another lizard off the platform they’re ruthless that’s bad for the

Knees maybe wait what okay I can go out that far and then I’ve got eight left so let’s do there here and we’ll start with this I think I’ve got four one and last one what did it just eat that one or something what just happened disable Okay there updated

Now for now let’s put down some torches so that we’ve got some light mobs don’t spawn over here hopefully okay and now I’ll need the first ingredients for setting up some Ender iio Stuff nice oh what is this building sorcery it’s effortless building you just hold alt and then you

Can do any of these amazing things you can build effortlessly yes stretch your come here come here no stretchy all right I picked up some of the gold chickens because it was getting a bit redon okay um so I’ve got that’s fully repaired um I need to start somewhere I don’t know

Where to start uh machines I don’t before it was I just look up simple machines but none of that oh the stretchy um the stretch stretches this in game not um oh stretch yeah it’s it’s not IR stretches it’s not for me to get and stret activity it actually changes our avatars

Uh to be different shapes resizes our our bodies yes G mm you’re all like get up you lazy butts come on and I’m all like no no we are lazy What’s your [Laughter] deal okay uh and you and you needs the stuff ah there we go oh thanks

Tren hydrate at least doing it done it primitive alloy smelter alloy smelter can I just straight up make those void chassis oh o I think I can so we’re going to skip the Primitive alloy smelter we’re going to need uh lots of stuff probably a generator sag Mill oh [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn

It you showed up with your purple backpack and I I instantly and the black hat and instantly thought oh my gosh I was in trouble you’re only in trouble if you actually try to murder me you know charger travel anchors we’re going to want those XP vacuum not yet but the

Vacuum chest for certain okay so uh let’s start with uh hello hello uh was that a dude that just showed up I don’t know I was looking in chests I think that they arrived and fell off the ledge oh I see you yeah I don’t see them anymore they they disappeared

Okay it’s unfortunate for them T toes I see you through the walls I’m doing asleep you are fast all right who um so I think it’s the sagma I can make first nope how do I make dark steel I do need the simple one don’t I uh alloy

Smelting which also requires dark steel we don’t happen to have any dark steel just like from Rewards or anything to do no no okay okay maybe I do need to make the simple one or a primitive aloy smelter three furnaces five deep lights and a grain of infinity grain of infinity um

Peebles deep slate pebles okay got the five oops put these in here and uh a bunch of furnace got the gold chickens to t t okay that’s a lot of gold chickens to 10 10 10 wow that’s yeah quite the achievement koska wait what oh that’s Cobble deep slate oh gosh

What do I have to do to this to make it I have to smelt it okay hold on I can do that I could do that put those what oh I took them all out that’s why give Gib okay now do this this yay primitive alloy smelter which is going to be temporer

Working let’s put some in here and then I need to make dark steel don’t I which is iron obsidian and cold dust excuse me all right iron uh obsidian and coal dust uh I think we’ve got a cracker in here somewhere yes from mechanism will that Work maybe yes yes it does start with that for now and this this and this go make stuff getting the dark steel kkas nice although I’m not sure I would trust my dark steel form you know your dark steel what you said dark steel Casas so like

Gotcha yay first couple ingots so I can make sagma yes yes I can I need some iron and some those I’ll also need some of These so my general plan is once I’ve got them up to 10 10 10 yes then I’ll put them in that stasis thingy so they can just sit and produce Eggies or well the drops basic okay uh allies no the SAG Mill requires Stone compound gear Sticks and Stones okay I can manage

This sticks actually no I will need all those and Stones oops need one more there we go and then I should be able to make these okay with that then I’m one step closer I need Cobble and cauldron cauldron need some Cobble I need to go get Cobble

Uh did you change this to be making Blackstone no Cobble deep slate Cobblestone deep slate oh wow obsidian dang all right no don’t make obsidian will it use the lava bucket if I set it to obsidian I don’t think it does not 100% sure I guess I’m going to find out here okay

H yeah I think it I think it’s doing the thing proper uh so that’s cool I’m going to have it make some obsidian for a bit Okie do it’s going to be slow stop it you getting pushed by bun buns I think it was more there’s a dragon flying around oh they’re not

Helpful not at all they just steal your Saddles all they do Cobble deop I beg your pardon one two of those uh does this get that now no no it doesn’t all right yeah two of those I think is good going to head off chores we’ll see you later brisinger thanks for stopping

In uh can I make this alloy smelter get sag Mill three flint and a piston put that in there oh know I we’ll need this um damn it I think the dragon is like down underneath the platform and it keeps pushing the chickens all around least it’s not killing

Them I’ve tried to find a silver lighting that’s all this why did I just make a redstone torch I don’t know I did not need that I wanted one Redstone and I don’t know why I grabbed this I need need some of these and some Cobble to make a piston

Okay there we go and now I can make sag Mill all right I’ve got my base machines Going I think I can smash that yes and I got it back oh I will need a sterling generator uh which requires some dark steel and avoid chassis and more B metal gears and all sorts of stuff okay that’s fair um couple of these hello wolfin how you doing another

Piston my gosh these bun buns kind of kind of getting a bit pushy um more planks and then some Cobble I can make that wait what is it to make however I do need to let you know that I’m probably going to be long off shortly here yeah oh yeah about 1:30 a.m.

Y just as I I get my my stride just the stream for me for me just starts no I it’s time for us to pretty much go you’re absolutely right I would like to make this one last item though yeah yeah that is the Sterling generator uh which I need some of those

Sticks that’s why I had wood in my inventory that’s not enough the RAR where do you have uh where are you planning on setting oh I see okay cool good how y all been been doing all right myself that was weird um kashka yes how have you

Been I have been all right thank you do this been enjoying the pack definitely 100 day uh void chassis oh right the bars our bunnies I know they Spa on Rays they’re so damn cute mhm and then this air bunus air bun buns I need one furnace seriously okay there and then

This got it so then Sterling generator between these two and I should be pretty well set I’ve got a little bit of coal or charcoal yeah I can work on um making a coal uh chicken yeah I see the I see the dragon now oh yeah I thought I I thought I got

Him oh my gosh there are so many those dudes around oh I need a capacitor I forgot about that where is this underneath oh that’s a different Dragon there a silver one with wings and then there’s these Geck toas everywhere you’re going to pop off too we’ll see you later Ellie thanks for

Stopping in was fun watching and thanks for showing me a Sky Block pack I actually find fun no problem yeah let’s put this air bunny Tech chest excuse me excuse excuse me Bunny these that away that away all right uh which means I need capacitors and then upgrade yep grains of infinity gold

Nuggets and copper think we’ve got some of that 573 copper ingots Jesus um 787 gold ingots wower koska just m wower you’ve been busy it’s not me it’s the hands they’ve been busy damn it I can’t hit this guy with the dragon yeah I’m trying to hit him like

With the pews and I just cannot we go charcoal is Distributing the power into the machines okay one machine at a time apparently ah I got mine I could help uh this oh missed we go that’s tricky it’s like hitting a moving Target or something damn this might take a really long time

Mhm maybe if I like push a geoa off at it damn and it’s also regening Health slowly so oh that that just kind of sucks maybe we should look into some some better ranged combat yeah for sure where is it now oh my gosh I just picked up so many

Resources just coming near that area sorry yeah it’s almost back to full health now MCE I want to wish you and koska very Merry Christmas from my family to yours says Sarah indeed for you as well Merry Christmas Sarah hope you have an excellent thanks sarin I’m trying to get

Mice to see that message but I hope you have an awesome holiday as well and a very Merry Christmas to you siren nice all right oh I’m sorry SRA I so focused on trying to kill this damn Dragon I’m ready to like leap off the platform and try and there we go murder

It on the way down oh not nighttime I see it there um is there something that can be used is there a boomerang I haven’t looked to see if there’s a boomerang in the pack there are boomerangs I think they’re the weird ones though is a solarcraft

Boomerang I cannot hit it with the spell like yeah you really got to like shoot way out in advance I guess but I yeah it’s it’s a luck thing we don’t have a lot of Mana with what we’ve got currently right piece of glow stone glowstone dust I’ll take some of that too

Okay what did you get I made a banana rang no idea if this is going to be helpful or not but I figure it’s worth a oh the I’ve got the magnet going no I feel like it this spell actually just does not hit it there it is here

Comes oh we have not unlocked any our newo stuff except for like the well for me the very basics like I have a a Pew which I cannot hit this [ __ ] dragon with so I I threw the banana and we’re in a void so I don’t think the Banana’s coming

Back oh I might have got it just then did a growl oh yeah uh have you unlocked the gravity spell plus four damage to monkeys Maybe where is it did it Fly outside of our render distance now that’s what happened to the last one it just flew too far away oh I yeah

Maybe let me go over to my to my to the enderio platform oh the drops and’s see if I can see it from there oh I see it it is like well below the platform and just flew off in that direction oh there it is yeah it’s uh it’s just going further

And further away it’s it’s no longer in interrupting anything at least okay as long as it’s like you know hey oh [ __ ] oh no it’s just an epic chest it’s got so much health why I got to use my better weapon okay it’s at half Health Jesus pleas rare apathetic husk the

Equipment what rust no I just got this equipment it cost me some some of our infinite amounts of toin oh I finally died oh that hurt my equipment pretty bad but it’s all right oh really for for five seeds some tall grass and three aacha saplings I got some chain mail leggings

That gives plus 50 Max Mana oh that present better be good no it was not in fact I’m just going to destroy it I don’t think kashka wants uh the achacha chest not at all hi uh so with the dragon done gone whatever uh I think I’m

Going to call it here is that all right with you y yeah dokie uh it’s enabled so I’m getting the seeds oh wait you need seeds don’t you I do need seeds yes there you go oh thank you yeah actually using them right now there

We go it was useful after all all right good children get good things V and got worse than coal oh but coal is is burnable all right we’re going to we’re going to call it here thank you so much everybody for coming out yeah thanks for hanging out with us for the stream

Today’s the 23rd I don’t know if we’re streaming on uh on uh December evening Kash and I haven’t discussed it yet and we’ve got our own Christmas plans so uh stay tuned on the Discord and we’ll let you guys know so thanks again for coming out it’s

A fun pack I really do enjoy this even though I’m I’m starting to get a little bit overwhelmed because we’ve unlocked a lot of stuff and thank you for the tea time there’s actually nothing left one last sip skunk that’s another sign it’s the end of the

Stream thank you all so much for coming out uh let’s see who is out on Twitch maybe we can do a raid and spread the love thanks for stream hope you all have wonderful holiday yes very much Happy Holidays whether you celebrate or not we hope you have a good time the weekend

That’s can still hear my pack going off uh Feld is streaming oh then a biotic factor halflife but it’s a survival game that is where we are going yep cuz Feld is amazing oh and Roger’s playing too as well okay two as well yes this is interesting okay uh so let’s go visit

Feltre uh raid sub or if you’re a sub to the channel there’s some emotes you can use uh if you’re not a sub feel free to use whatever emotes you like just not those ones where they’ll show up as words and look real all funky in chat we’ll go

Raid the Feld and the ray uh who’s also streaming with Roger they’re they’re a lovely Duo and we we’ll see you guys again soon have a great have a great weekend and holiday happy holidays bye bye oh oh oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fantasy Skies modpack! Day 6!’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2023-12-28 17:00:32. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:28 or 12088 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice

  • Fakir’s Fate: Minecraft’s Presidential Twist

    Fakir's Fate: Minecraft's Presidential Twist In the city of Minecraft, chaos did brew, As criminals plotted, their evil plans grew. Mayor Fakir, a target, in danger he stood, Assassination attack, a plan for his blood. But fear not, for heroes rose to the call, To protect the city, they stood tall. With TNT in hand, they set a trap, For the assassins, a deadly wrap. The car approached, the moment was near, The explosion rang out, loud and clear. The deed was done, the mayor was no more, The city safe, from the threat they tore. So remember, in Minecraft’s tale of might, Heroes… Read More

  • Top Mods for Minecraft 2024!

    Top Mods for Minecraft 2024! The Best Mods for Your Minecraft in 2024! In 2024, Minecraft continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and creativity. One way players enhance their gaming experience is by using mods. Here are some of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024: 1. Biomes O’ Plenty Biomes O’ Plenty is a mod that adds a plethora of new biomes to the game, expanding the world and offering new landscapes to explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, this mod brings diversity to your Minecraft experience. You can download it here. 2. Alex’s Mobs Alex’s Mobs introduces a variety… Read More

  • Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans

    Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans The World of Minecraft: Exploring Bedwars, Skywars, and More! Embark on an exciting journey through the blocky universe of Minecraft, where adventure awaits at every turn. From intense battles in Bedwars to thrilling challenges in Skywars, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Bedwars Step into the adrenaline-pumping arena of Bedwars, where teams compete to destroy each other’s beds while protecting their own. With strategic gameplay and fast-paced action, Bedwars offers a unique multiplayer experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. Key Features: Team-based gameplay Resource gathering and base building… Read More

  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

    BoraLo's Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3 BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi – Minecraft BoraLo MOD V3 Merhaba RSmoody ailesi! Bugün sizlere çoğu kişinin istediği BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketini sunuyoruz. Eğer bu küçük minnak YouTube kanalını büyütmek istiyorsanız ABONE OLUN!! MODU ALMAK İÇİN DİSCORDA GELİP ABONE OLUP BİLDİRİMLERİ AÇTIĞINIZA DAİR SS ATMALISINIZ. Discord : https://discord.gg/jcxk5rqfxX Reklam iletişim vs; [email protected] Key Features of BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketi Minecraft oyuncuları arasında oldukça popülerdir. Bu mod paketi, oyuna yeni özellikler ekler ve oyun deneyimini geliştirir. İşte bu mod paketinin bazı öne çıkan özellikleri: BoraLo Codeman Mod BoraLo Codeman modu, oyuna yeni bir soluk getirir. Yeni eşyalar,… Read More

  • 2024’s Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick

    2024's Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick Minecraft Duplication Glitch Unveiled in 2024 In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new tricks and glitches to enhance their gameplay. The year 2024 has brought forth a new multiplayer duplication glitch in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 that has the community buzzing with excitement. How Does It Work? To execute this duplication glitch, players need to utilize UI Utils and the /printer command on the server. These tools work in tandem to create a seamless duping process that can significantly boost a player’s inventory in a short amount of time. Step-by-Step Guide: Install UI Utils for Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

    Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide Unlock Limited-Edition Capes in Minecraft! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add some flair to your character? Well, you’re in luck! Minecraft is offering limited-edition capes that you can easily obtain. These exclusive capes are available until May 31, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to customize your avatar. The codes for these capes will expire on June 30, so act fast to secure yours! How to Get the TikTok Cape The TikTok cape is a trendy addition to your Minecraft wardrobe. To get this stylish cape, simply follow these steps: Visit the official Minecraft website. Log… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX!

    Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Exploring the Killadis SMP In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players find endless opportunities for fun and adventure. One such realm is the Killadis SMP, where players like to relax and enjoy their time. Whether it’s building magnificent structures or embarking on thrilling quests, there’s always something exciting happening in this multiplayer server. Joining the Fun If you’re looking to dive into the action, Killadis SMP welcomes you with open arms. With a vibrant community of players, you can share your creations, collaborate on projects, and make lasting friendships. The server… Read More

  • Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun

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  • Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19

    Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fallen Kings Episode 19, a mesmerizing dream. The sequel to Ghost of The Past, a tale so grand, Witness the war from the past, in the present land. Crafted with care, each animation scene, With music that sets the perfect scene. Featuring ONLAP and Vindsvept’s fantasy tunes, Setting the mood, under the Minecraft moons. Aliaksei Yukhnevich, Colin Root, and more, Their music adds depth, to the Minecraft lore. Victor Cooper and Vitalii Suzdin’s sounds, Bring life to the battles, where victory resounds. Timur Haisyn’s Brutal Fervour, a fierce track, Perfect… Read More

  • Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮

    Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮Video Information [Music] mil This video, titled ‘Beta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-07 09:30:07. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. houseBeta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft… Read More

  • Nishant’s Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!

    Nishant's Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!Video Information This video, titled ‘#beatbox #flutebeatbox #duet #flute #music #memes #minecraft #song #trending #fluteringtone’, was uploaded by nishant on 2024-05-27 05:17:26. It has garnered 12836 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Herocraft Network

    Herocraft NetworkHerocraft: the best Minecraft geopolitical Earth-Towny server ever! You will have to make the right choices if you want to dominate over the world. Will this be the lucky year? play.herocraftmc.net Read More

  • Macaroni-land factions java bedrock towns pvp playershops

    Welcome to Macaroni-land Java IP: Bedrock IP: PORT 25984 Join our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/V4ESac7ydU Macaroni-land is a standard survival server with elements of factions, SMP, and PvP. Our friendly yet chaotic community has been running for a couple of months. Explore our towns, check out our spawn shop selling custom music disks and more, and experience our unique gameplay features. Try out our server today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown"Well, I guess even Minecraft memes need to level up to a score of 10 for that ultimate gamer satisfaction! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 21 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 21 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 21 is here, Chopping wood, no need for fear. Thought I found a desert, but it was just sand, Plenty of trees, safe on land. Shout out to Tomasito Play, L3 334, And all the others, feeling great. Stay tuned for surprises, giveaways to come, Become a member, join the fun. Keep collecting wood, one more each day, In this challenge, we’ll find our way. Stay tuned for more, the adventure’s just begun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll always have fun. Read More

  • Herobrine vs. Dragon: The Ultimate Slow Chase!

    Herobrine vs. Dragon: The Ultimate Slow Chase! Herobrine must have forgotten to drink his Red Bull that day because he’s definitely not flying at the speed of light like usual! Read More

  • Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3

    Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3 Minecraft Kino Der Toten: A Black Ops 3 Custom Zombies Experience Journey into the world of Minecraft Kino Der Toten, a faithful reimagining of the popular Black Ops 1 Zombies map within the realm of Minecraft. This custom map offers a unique gameplay experience with a full crafting system, a graphical overhaul that mirrors the original game, and a plethora of exciting features. Main Easter Egg Quest and Custom Features Unlike the original Kino Der Toten, this Minecraft version boasts a main Easter egg quest, adding a new layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay. The map features… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #Shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😯 #minecraft#shorts #trending#wizy king #fyp’, was uploaded by WIZY KING on 2024-04-23 16:00:16. It has garnered 6684 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys, I haven’t been able to post a video in a long time because I’m sick.They keep posting videos. Subscribe to the channel and keep it guys subscribe 🔔…….♥️ Read More

  • Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥

    Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥Video Information क्या आपको पता है मा में विलेजर्स दो टाइप के होते हैं विश्वास नहीं है तो देख लो फर्स्ट ये और सेकंड ये तो अब आप लोगों के दिमाग में क्वेश्चन आर आ रहा होगा कि भाई तूने ये विलेजर्स कैसे स्पर्म कि बताता हूं उससे पहले कर लो हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब आपको जंगल बम में आपके जैसे ही आप विलेजर्स स्पम करोगे तो य विलेजर्स आना शुरू हो जाएंगे This video, titled ‘New Villagers In Minecraft 😲 #minecraft #hacks #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gulabisadi’, was uploaded by Flox Gamerz on 2024-04-16 09:47:50. It has garnered 555 views and 22… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!

    EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-04-09 09:30:07. It has garnered 41726 views and 1521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. Title: I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft! Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash, Dafuq!?Boom! Parody! Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, HabitatPH 2024 Also Watch: @EsoniTV @PepeSanTV @OLIPTV @ArArPlays @potpot Comments available on: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, Sheyyyn Plays, HabitatPH 2024, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_ , Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc… Read More


    💥ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION: Jerome Becomes OPTIMUS PRIME!💥Video Information today my friends and I had Transformers lucky blocks to Minecraft walls with 20 minutes to break the blocks to get the best gear possible we then battle it out in a lives battle to see who the best is in the description we added a bunch of new stuff including the Floppy Fish bomb which dropsy has no idea what we’re talking about yet but she’ll know but she’ll know soon I I’m still recovering from the balance of War can I not find out I don’t know chat what do you think else find out this… Read More

  • GREENGHOST – Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!

    GREENGHOST - Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!Video Information I have a video to edit I think that’s what I’m going to do your uh yeah I know they’re I think they’re going to figure out a way to make it so like the camera on your phone stays on they’re still working on stuff hey flower yeah yeah yeah yeah textas speech working now I just had to restart console all right I got to do the thumbnail yo Viper hey yes flower look at my look look at your look hold on I’m back hey text to speech is working now so my foral mem… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!

    EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!Video Information oh I didn’t bother typing it in crap not that one come on there it goes sweet cool I wonder if that drop is still active on T talk side or not let’s see let’s see yep still going cool got that going got that going uh I think I’m good although let’s see how to go again oh that’s the armor trims okay so that makes sense and then you got those for the gold bars make the netherite bars right but then how do you go about what’s up Fort and tonight question mark I might… Read More


    ULTIMATE COOMER TEX PACK in MINECRAFT! 😱Video Information [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and fellow cumers arise for the best texture pack ever made the ultimate Kumer texture pack in Minecraft the Cute Mob Models this pack has got me cuming 24/7 I will not be showing any baby versions of the mobs you creeps [Music] oh This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE COOMER TEXTURE PACK IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zeeknee on 2024-04-21 13:00:20. It has garnered 1011 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS PACK NOW #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftskywars #shorts THIS… Read More

  • Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGE

    Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 03:42:23. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDY

    Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDYVideo Information tiny emot Left Foot Right Foot left yeah oh This video, titled ‘GRIDDY in MINECRAFT ! Flauschi MACHT DEN GRIDDY’, was uploaded by Candy on 2024-01-08 13:00:06. It has garnered 63935 views and 4890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. ➤➤🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! ➤➤My real-life VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1UBBs_BQJk_dLe1nE5GKd7iWhhTFVeW ➤➤Youtuberinsel 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyWMUO85ECQ&list=PLM1UBBs_BQJnzIKW2MIo99ggbMSF8p7Rr ➤➤🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/P7PwRXHGSp Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • ODBO Network

    ODBO NetworkEmbark on a journey like no other and immerse yourself in the captivating world of ODBO Network. Our server is fueled by the passion and dedication of our community, and we rely on your support to help it flourish. Share your experiences on social media, create engaging content, and invite your friends to join the adventure. Together, we can expand the realm of ODBO SMP, welcoming new players, and building a vibrant community that thrives on friendship, camaraderie, and the exhilaration of Skyblock, Survival, lifesteal combat. Join us today and become a part of something extraordinary —ODBO Network awaits your… Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP Complexity SMP is a 3-month-old server focused on exploration and quality of life improvements. Join our tight-knit, active community for a long-lasting world with endless creativity. Features: Explore with mods like Alex’s Caves and Create Built-in economy and Discord chat integration Unique mods for a fun late game experience Join Us: Ready to embark on a new journey? Join our Discord and check out the modpack to get started! We look forward to seeing new faces in our community! Read More

  • Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥

    Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥 When you and the boys are playing Minecraft and someone accidentally hits a pig and suddenly it’s a full-on manhunt to take down the entire village. #MinecraftProblems #PiggyPayback Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results

    100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results The Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Challenge: Surviving 100 Days Introduction Embark on an epic journey of hardcore survival in the unforgiving world of Minecraft. In this challenge, players must survive for 100 days in Hardcore Mode, where death means game over with no second chances. Day 1-10: Establishing the Basics The first days are crucial for gathering essential resources like wood, stone, and food. Exploring villages and constructing a basic shelter for protection against hostile creatures is key to survival. Day 11-30: Expanding and Mining As days progress, it’s time to delve deep underground for valuable resources like diamonds and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling trailer and felt inspired to create your own epic adventures? That’s exactly the kind of motivation you’ll find on Minewind. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about art, music, and all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Large Modern House Tutorial In this Minecraft tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a large modern house with detailed interior decoration. The house features various rooms such as a kitchen, living room, study room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a swimming pool on the second floor. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this impressive modern abode. Exterior Design The foundation is laid using “Smooth Quartz Blocks” and the surrounding ground is replaced with “Smooth Stone.” The layout is built up with various blocks like “Jungle Planks,” “Brown Wool,” “Polished Andesite,” “Polished Granite,” and “Smooth… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in Love

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in LoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Falling Pixel Art: two lovers’, was uploaded by SculptCraftQueen on 2024-05-08 06:00:28. It has garnered 445 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Embark on a journey of creativity in Minecraft as I bring forth unique and innovative creations. Witness the magic as blocks assemble and flames dance beneath, only to reveal a stunning masterpiece upon their destruction. Join me as I showcase the beauty of my craft, turning ordinary landscapes into extraordinary works of art. Don’t miss out on the enchantment; subscribe now for a world… Read More

  • TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang’s Minecraft Bans

    TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang's Minecraft BansVideo Information Minecraft is no stranger to adding features suggested or created by the community in fact there is an entire website fittingly called the feedback website and a popular subreddit where they take the community’s many suggestions some of which have even been added to the game but what’s much lesser known is that there is an interesting but mostly hidden list of features which Mojang will never add to the game they aren’t allowed and in fact will remove your post and potentially ban your account from the site if you do try to suggest them but why… Read More

  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

    Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!Video Information we are here on the brand new season of Sky Block over here on complex MC and boys it literally just released not even a full hour ago so there is still a plenty of time if you guys want to go ahead and hop on and play alongside me the IP is heroic mc- complex.com is for 1.18 and above and actually both Java and Bedrock compatible now it is obviously start of the world so our journey starts today and I believe our faction from actually factions is creating an island over here on Sky Block… Read More

  • Karan – 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft Attack

    Karan - 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft AttackVideo Information you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower a bunch of flowers dude I don’t know man I’m just all about my my sunflower you know post Malone gold I told him to meet us here like is he is he over there I don’t know gold I just wanted to show him my my my play button that YouTube sent me for 200k Subs guys that I almost have oh my God you don’t have 200k Subs I almost have you don’t have you literally do not have 200k at this very moment why are you… Read More

  • Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz Oyuncu

    Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz OyuncuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft deneyleri’, was uploaded by deli oyuncu on 2024-02-10 16:52:16. It has garnered 5508 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More