Minecraft FNAF: Banned from Ballora’s Gallery!

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Oh man I have so many things I need to do today I got to check this and check that oh well I can start with the backstage but wait Freddy what are you doing oh Foxy look at something crazy is going on in there do you see what the side

Says yeah Galler closed wait yeah yeah I want to see you read too good okay what this says please enter gallery no no big big big event going on right now wait there’s not even multiple of a word there Freddy it says this it says Gallery closed do not enter or else foxy

I don’t know how to tell you this but I don’t think you can read hey okay your sec I don’t know how to tell you this but I don’t think you can read foxy I don’t know how to tell you this Freddy Freddy you got to stop you

Got to slow out oh there she is Foxy I want to see what the big event is okay what what’s B going to do kick us out or something what is she doing over there just got to tighten it up a bit it has to be something cool let’s

Get let’s get a closer look if she sees us she’s going to oh wait I know how to avoid her stair what are you doing why why you crawling oh no one’s there this we’re perfectly camouflaged in the snow yeah yeah yeah yeah it looks like it just tightening up the

Chicklets why is she tightening them up for this is so weird but I don’t see any Gallery I’m going to get a closer look don’t worry hey I’m just a bear rug oh if you’re just a bear rug I guess it’s okay if I shoot it oh no run run look at

That a little fox F Co baby I just don’t come back she said come back no she said don’t come back here she literally said it she said come back no she said don’t come back oh I tend to to get that word confused with silence so basically it goes in one ear

And out the other what the exactly that’s what I expected I wonder to know what’s back there though so do I foxy you know what you wait I’m going to go come up with a very good plan to enter in that Gallery but until then you

Stall her for time I’ll be back with my master plan oh no oh Freddie are you okay there oh that’s a big hole he is definitely not okay ah well if he’s not going to figure out a plan I need to figure out something myself then that’ll be a good idea actually hey

Hun nice to oh look at this you have to me happy birthday no your birthday is not today me happy birthday to me happy birthday to me but it’s not your birthday wait did you lie to one of the restaurants again no no but what are you

Gonna say you don’t really do you realize that you could literally just either buy or make your own cake like a birthday cake like all year around like you don’t have to wait for your birthday yes I know but you also do not need to sing the song when you eat the cake

Isn’t that freaking awesome yeah just makes it more festive you know a birthday cake is just a normal cake it just you call it a birthday cake no no it isn’t if you sing it it makes it taste better no wait wait do you really believe that yeah because you’re putting

Magic into it okay well I have something even more cooler well as cool as that cake more Laura has a secret gallery and I want to see it foxy that’s not a word wait what word what did I say or that’s not a phrase more cooler more cooler

Yeah it is I made it up it’s my word now okay what about balora yeah she has some some mysterious gallery that we haven’t able to see yet cuz she she kicked us out oh sounds sussy but you are one of her friends gallery of all the the what’s that noise

Chicklets buff duck it’s probably like a gallery of that hey what are you doing heyas hey you is for the rats no hey hey go into the events I dare you I’ll show you I’ll go I’ll go right in those events yeah do it I hope Monty’s going to be happy we

Just gave him a snack I don’t you know oh God I hope bora’s Gallery thing has nothing to do with that weird L bit well you’re not going to know until you go in there I don’t even want to know well I do and I need your help really

Yeah cuz you’re her friend she’s going to let me come in or let you come in and I’ll will sneak in what why why are you second guess this why do you feel like she’s do you think she’s going to because I don’t want to see this freaking L bit thing it

Freaks me out what if you just destroy it you know be the number one lob bit just ignore the sign it’s not important but it literally says Gallery is closed enter or else it’s fine it’s fine it’s going to be okay want to make her mad she just she just oh God it’s

Right there in the front seat it’s the freaking whatever that is yeah yeah be fine little bit come on come on come on got to put the pipe in the back so your back is straight up should I say something no no no yeah yeah yeah sure

Sure sure sure yeah you said she would let me in so yeah yeah try it out see what happens Bora I’m here H girl don’t you read um oh I struggle with that sometimes H fun time Freddy’s spreading to everybody I guess yeah yeah totally

So uh what you working on in here you might want to run oh it’s just a secret Gallery but I can’t tell you and if you keep asking questions then I’m going to have to take very drastic measures oh like what but I just said don’t ask questions

Little bit why you ask me questions can I just ask one more little bit I don’t want to push this button can you please get rid of that uh if I push this button kind freaks me out you’re going to break it and run break it and run don’t make

Me push it you have 3 seconds to turn around three two one what’s happening a you made a terrible mistake this red button is going to destroy your bedroom no wait P wait wait wait wait wait what are you doing in here get out of here of me oh

Gosh I oh I took out the wrong CH Albuquerque I’m so sorry I thought I was going one way then I another way that I ended up there I don’t know what happened Foy you’re going to wish you were never born what where did where did loette go she just ran off

Into the distance she go back to the Rockstar room L are you back in here ah whatever time to move on oh hey Pig patch what you doing oh hi foxy frd I came here to get a snack what is this is this thing part of your plan

What what we can’t let him know too much he might be in cahoots with balora oh yeah I still haven’t able to get in there that’s what I’m doing I’m coming up with the plan me and Magic what do you want first uh can I have some chicken tenders with honey

Mustard sauce no the chicken’s mine oh I’ll give you one sponge though wait what how do that help now be on your way good sir you know what I’ll just pass okay good we got rid of the Spy okay so me and Magic squirrel have been

Coming up with a plan to get in the gallery without balora knowing we have two options you want to hear them sure the first option is TNT okay we destroy everything but we don’t get to see the gallery though if you destroy everything oh see that’s what I said magic squirrel

Wait you actually said that oh oh you’re right that’s what you said hey are you done ordering oh I’m not ordering I’m apping are you a spy if you’re a spy do this you pass you may join the collective oh I’m already part of the collective magic squirrel how I thought

I with your best friend what is this this is awkward now isn’t it what is this I thought you lost this man we’ll settle this later what’s your plan Ned bear how are we getting into bora’s Gallery oh isn’t that simple no you got to travel Back to the

Future he’s a genius quick think that won’t work what is he doing see in the future you all get to go into her room it’s not working well technically he’s not wrong we are going to go back in a room in the future but right now is where we want to

Go oh oh fart disgusting who farted whoever smelt it Del it oh I didn’t smell it I heard it I smelt it first so by it with me get out of here you spy I’m sorry only spies fart foxy okay and now on the plan number two

I dress up in my big big disguise and sneak past her undetected what do you think magic squirrel where is that coming from decency okay I’m going to go with the disguise option okay yeah yeah I’ll meet you back at B’s room but I I’m going to go jump in the bathroom real

Fast you’re trying to go the mo V the Vanessa thing her old friend she’ll think I’m just a normal cow she’ll have no idea that I’m actually Funtime Freddy in Disguise okay you go try that I’ll Me You by the front door yeah okay I’ll be there in a

Second what’s that loud noise I keep hearing is it coming from over here oh there it is again hello oh no Pig patch you’re joking right oh wa Foley are you in here what do you want um oh why are you giggling hey do not interrup my client going

Dookie I for once just take a dook I’m so sorry Mr pups foxy please step into my office okay you must remove these Vanessa huh how’ she find out about this wasn’t me foxy well maybe she saw the camera out here maybe she’s just talking about this

Camera like how do she saw all your other cameras oh right yeah she told me about that someone spilling some beans out here and I don’t like it yeah I wonder who it is H my little sus y all like not look at me the door isn’t high enough oh I’m

Sorry sir but we’ve got hold on hold on do not a little nervous there do not put wait that didn’t work foxy why I’m trying to help my friend there we go go by putting a sponge over their head yeah see we can’t see and the sponge absorbs the you know

The smell smell we know the smell don’t think that’s how sponges work but what do you need today foxy oh I came here for a moment cuz blor made this new gallery and stuff and we’re having a lot of trouble getting inside why you going no

De what was that sound pck patch okay ask you to keep your little toots a little more quiet please I can’t control it man sure you can you just hold it in dislike your emotions no you don’t do that either I can’t hold it in perhaps I should put soundproof

Glassing yeah please please do and you should actually why don’t you just move your place out of the bathroom I can’t hey well am I supposed to wash my hands if there’s no go to the girls room yeah someone stole our sinks oh it is the boy wait why can’t she just

Move somewhere else foxy I can’t I’ve established myself here who comes in here people love it they love coming out of the the Stalls and then coming up here to get themselves a nice glass of apple juice this feels like the worst way of get getting your business and the

Worst way of promoting yourself hey I have to taking a pee come over here and get some of my yellow not that it’s not we hey can I have a cup of your not we please of course it’s fine that you said that foxy cuz that’s what it’s called

You’re joking I really like traps apple juice is it’s there you go a whole bottle as always oh thanks man you’re no problem have a good day I’m leaving wa foxy I’m up bora’s gallery um beware this is not the first time what do you mean it’s not the first time you

Remember the monkeys no no no now I need to see this now I need to see oh no I remember the monkeys oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no pck patch pick pck P whoa that was a weird glitch why did I end up back

Over here Big B you okay did you feel that too oh there is a disturbance in the force oh what happened to puppet’s room who what it wasn’t like this there’s actually a giant hole here here how about I just there we go wait a second all right back okay okay okay Freddie chill don’t go any further fcking cow in there no it’s Freddy he’s in disguise FR be careful are you sure about that yeah he’s in Disguise I saw where the alfit when he came over here she’s going to hear you uhoh Vanessa what the Vanessa you’re back oh

My goodness I so mean you survived the no that was her pet cow that used to be her pet cow named Vanessa oh was calling the cow Vanessa no no no Vanessa was before your time you’re alive you’re not dead hey wait hey no bad bad Vanessa is actually

Working Vanessa no you don’t go in there don’t do it you know the punishment it will be utterly terrible for you oh going to die oh good one hey wait wait wait you just laughed like Freddy nooh uhoh she said imp my costume it didn’t work rip your head run run Run oh man that disguise was perfect hey uh Freddy if you didn’t mess up you would have been trapped in there with her forever but I would have seen the Gallery you would have but you would have been trapped in there and probably Dead Oh but maybe the gallery is a way

To eternal life are you hearing that too you know foxy I think I don’t want to see what’s in the gallery after all I kind of want to see what’s in the gallery even more now foxy foxy I have an idea I just saw that

Big Bird go into that room the the big bird can overpower balora and get you into the gallery actually I had even a better idea I can go talk to B chica she’s currently next door to bora’s room she has access to bora’s room from her room

That’s what I said with a back entrance Freddy that’s what I said no you didn’t he plan no you said that she go over plan no this my plan why are you dancing why are you dancing I tried to point at you I’m sorry oh you’ll figure it out one day

It’s okay yeah don’t worry well if all else fails I have my secret dirt don’t I’ll get in that Gallery one way or another please please do not do the why’d he go back in okay well he’s going to die probably hey chica two and three and four

And Foxy look her Gallery was this Big Bird’s room uh Freddy uh you took a left you were supposed to take a right oh wait hold on let me do the finger trick uh L for oh my hand was on backwards I thought left was right what is going on

Oh B has a secret Gallery we all want we want to see it but what is that backing up what chica don’t move oh it’s okay it’s just regular dirt ah you took a chance no I I I tested it but yeah balora has a new gallery and we want to

Go see it but she won’t let us go see it yeah she’s been working on it for a while like her Joy right now you want to go see it want to go sneak in well it’s not ready didn’t you read the sign outside her room dummy no it’s

Definitely ready she just doesn’t want us to see it what it if it was ready she would say it’s ready she hasn’t said ready yet that’s what you’re wrong she says it’s it’s ready but it’s that she’s not telling the truth it’s actually ready foxy what don’t make me hurt you so I’m

Getting the hit you don’t want to go hey girl who was that Bora oh no no I’ve been hearing her working on that for like weeks now then who was that out here what was this stupid mimic thing going on around here I am kind of

Curious with all the noise going on but it’s not ready W it sounds like it sounds like a sounds like butt cheeks flapping like when you’re farting I’m going to go back to my room and wait cuz I if I stand here I’m going to want to go in there even more okay

He ah foxy what you could peek in through my door I could that connects to hers I could do that but what if she catches me W she’s waiting outside the door and waiting for me oh the door is open oh yeah oh what do you think you’re doing foxy

Closing the door uh-huh that’s what I on get out that did not work yeah I guess not let me try again one more time one more time are you serious nope it did not work again oh hold on I got this see I can see the weapon oh I’m walking away stop stop

Stop stop stop shush hey it worked why you get out of fight fight fight fight oh oh my gosh stay away from that boy I’m taking a break from this I’m going back to my wait she was just was who was that get there when she was literally just right

Here I’m done I’m done I’m going back to my room seeing weird things like that I’m going crazy I swear what the um what what happened what’s with all this destruction wait a minute someone said they were coming to my room to destroy it what the D what did you do I didn’t

Do this this wasn’t me at all what happened someone happened what did you do to make I don’t remember I really don’t remember I don’t even think this is from today are you sure about that I’m not sure anymore about anything oh yeah Bor pressed the button and it blew

Up the room cuz lit went in there that’s right what H okay you seem very forgetful today well I’m seeing weird stuff so I’m getting confused where were you going I’m going to go I’m going to the arcade play games oh you don’t want to break into

Someone’s room a heist you say wait why did you say it like that a heist doing Dad do you not hear that noise no this noise is happening down here hello Hello oh here it’s over here oh here Freddy what are you doing under here nothing a tunnel to under the gallery we don’t have to do that we have a kid now going in the wrong direction watching it that way which way that way yeah why you in my room doing this

Anyhow I don’t know I started in the backstage and here I am I get very lost with directions I can tell please not read the sign in front of the Gallery Place thingy yeah it said all are welcome super big secret surprise inside it said it’s closed and it’s not

Ready yet no I never say anything about not being ready come in you can’t read you’re a kid you can’t read I I can read I can read better than you nuh-uh nuh-uh Freddy let’s go for our last chance to get into the the gallery All or Nothing

Right here Heist Heist Heist what are we stealing we’re trying to get into the gallery we don’t want nothing from it oh is it the Mona Lisa we’re going to steal the Mona Lisa we’re going to steal the monisa hey Freddy uh springt says something very worrisome though about

The gallery what said you remember the Apes do you remember the Apes Freddy I remember no Apes no the long room of Apes that uh blor made no oh you’re good you remember wait Panda just ran ahead oh no quick follow her it’s clear we can go in oh we can

Sweet doors H there’s a problem uhoh um huh wait yeah there’s like dirt and stuff stop in our way I know what we have to do something only I can do to open this door underneath we have to dig wait what no wait only I can wait no Freddy are you

Sure this is a smart idea wait why else would there be reinforced doors with dirt if I can’t blow it up foxy wait that’s a little weird reinforced doors with dirt mhm it’s basically like balour is begging me to open the door this way hey please don’t she’s

Taking is it actually working I need to use the TNT uhoh where is she uhoh uhoh where we’re going to go what foxy we have to oh what’s wrong with you what do we what do we do we explode dad come here that sound jump down jump down jump down hey we going

Over there fun time I’m not here that was a close one where you this where are you okay we we broke in there’s a hole he what are you doing in here we’re not in here Bora you need to be here what the wait where’s the other one you I’m on the big

Egg oh my Bazinga you’re not supposed to see this what’s wrong with them why are they like this Le now this was not meant for a child but what is this I don’t like the blue Mohawk one Bora I’m confused secret Gallery then how come you said it was for

Funtime Freddy this isn’t for me I don’t like these what did I say was for you yeah she never once said that on the side outside your door said for me specifically oh this was a waste of time I could have been eating chicken yeah I

Know I thought this was going to be something cool like some art project or something really cool looking like a creepy monster or something but nope thanks for was our it’s heart no no Laur it’s not thanks for for wasting our time but don’t you like the one with the blue

Moha no no be wasting my day what about the one with the very enlarged chicklets no no sorry ruin my day Blora could doesn’t nothing better with it get better Secrets jeez it it’s almost like I had to walk through crawl through her room without her seeing me that would be even worse

This video, titled ‘Kicked Out Of Ballora’s Gallery In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2023-12-19 19:34:54. It has garnered 5594 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:21 or 1701 seconds.

Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers!

In Todays Video, Funtime foxy and the other animatronics want to know wants inside balloras new gallery. But she won’t let them see it early. Will foxy get a sneakpeak at a new update in the mega pizza plex or will he get caught before he can? Kicked Out Of Ballora’s Gallery In Minecraft FNAF A The Oddities Roleplay Series

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Join Our Discord: https://discord.gg/Xfpmjr4

The Oddities! ( The Oddies Roleplay Team) ► Darzeth as Funtime Foxy / Bonnet / Staff Bots: https://www.youtube.com/user/XdarzethX ► Gallant Gaming as Funtime Freddy / Nedd Bear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOsLinHfFppH4XKs4PCKt2A ► Odd Foxx as Lolbit / Vanessa / Panda / Pigpatch / Candy Cadet / Glamrock Chica: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJeAGcLsejQiQEwF_NFjMg ► Feelsbadpat as Puppet / Purple Guy / Glamrock Freddy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBGMZjADwGFmMQhDe0xFnBg ► Beatboxcrazy As Security Tablet / Music Man / Molten Freddy: https://www.youtube.com/c/beatboxcrazy ► MrBomberman as Bonbon / El Chip: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMrbomberman98: ► Chewy Roleplay as Vanny /Vannie /?????: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7kVmYBL6F9o1YiiQxy3Slw ►NebNeb as Circus Baby / Chica: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnXJlRpkLr8asd7qWAWa11A ►Digitized pixels as Ballora / Springtrap / Bonnie / Helpy: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitizedPixels

WARNING: This Series is not meant to follow what happens in the games. This is fan made With Fan Theory’s and Ideas.

This FNAF Minecraft Roleplay based around the Five Night’s at Freddy’s Games, The series revolves around the Animatronics and what they do when no ones around.

This series is based off our speculation,fan theorys or ideas of FNAF (and other fnaf related topics). There will be developments in this game’s story that do not directly follow the finished game.

This series will also focus on many different games and stories, Like Fnaf Ar, Fnaf Vr ( fnaf help wanted ), Fnaf Pizza Plex and even Fnaf sister location.

All music comes from Incompetech Production Music by www.epidemicsound.com

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    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ Minecraft

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ MinecraftVideo Information [Music] fore [Music] speech speech [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] spee [Music] [Music] you [Music] you This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШИЕ ТЕКСТУРПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП 1.16.5+ x5 Minecraft | HolyWorld | FunTime | ReallyWorld | РП | МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by __Crook__ on 2024-03-16 17:52:20. It has garnered 7715 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. open, here rp open, here rp open, here rp SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE BRO THANKS FOR WATCHING i love ❤️ ● tgk with rp: https://t.me/crookrp =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ⚡•Nick:FeDaMonsTeerka ⚡•Ds:Chupaa#9577 ⚡• My fanpay – https://funpay.com/uk/users/8107098/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ● tgk… Read More

  • Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires Battle

    Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires BattleVideo Information disclaimer before this video starts this is not the video clip that we are using this is just a this is just a episode of what we were planning to be a series but then WF fail the whole recording and then we decide to do the series again so that starting series episode like the next one that’s going to be the real series will come out a later date C is basically a pilot and yeah please like subscribe and enjoy the video w welcome everybody to the long awaited Minecraft series with your boy 4J… Read More

  • Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1

    Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1 – The Zombie two-step’, was uploaded by DogOfKrondor on 2024-01-10 14:00:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds. A MineCraft recorded round organised by Codwhy Thanks to Spyro, Rochket, Crow and Camkart for teaming! Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashi

    Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashiVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Illogical & wierd things in Minecraft #kazirikashi’, was uploaded by Kazirikashi on 2024-02-19 16:38:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftrtx #realistic #mine #craft #minecraft #creeper #vs #gun #enderman #herobrine #amazing #minecraft #shorts … Read More

  • Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #Dream

    Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘I broke the world record of cobweb mlg 😎😎#minecraft #dream’, was uploaded by The diamondi pie on 2024-05-16 18:34:49. It has garnered 432 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. I broke the world record of cobweb mlg #minecraft #bossa nova jazz #cafe music #coffee shop music #dream #jazz instrumental #jazz music #jazz relaxing music #live insaan #meditation music #morning jazz #mr beast #palworldshorts #smooth jazz #soft jazz # gameplay # Minecraft animation https://www.facebook.com/shibu.shaw.5205?mibextid=ZbWKwL Read More

  • GuySky

    GuySkyWelcome to GuySky, an extraordinary cracked Minecraft server that aims to transport you to a world of limitless possibilities, inspired by the legendary Hypixel network. Prepare yourself for an unparalleled gaming experience, where adventure knows no bounds and unforgettable memories are waiting to be forged. Step into a thriving community of passionate players, united by their love for Minecraft. GuySky offers a vibrant and bustling hub where players from all corners of the globe converge to embark on epic quests, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore a vast and diverse world brimming with hidden treasures, challenging dungeons, and awe-inspiring… Read More

  • David’s Cloud: SMP Network PvE Java Bedrock – Latest Version – U.S.A. – 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players… Read More

  • Survivor’s Sanctuary SMP

    Survivor's Sanctuary SMP🌍 Welcome to Survivor’s Sanctuary! 🌍Join us on Survivor’s Sanctuarya brand new Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server run on Paper! Owned by Audiatorix, our server is a friendly and relaxing environment where players can unleash their creativity, build massive structures, and enjoy a plethora of features.✨ Why Choose Survivor’s Sanctuary?Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded players and make new friends.Grief Prevention: Build with peace of mind knowing your creations are safe.Voting Rewards: Get rewarded for supporting the server.GUI Shops: Easy-to-use shops for all your needs.Active Staff: We’re looking for dedicated staff members to join our team.📢 Join Us Today!Server IP: play.survivorsanctuarysmp.onlineDiscord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He Just can’t stop dying

    Minecraft Memes - He Just can't stop dyingWhy kill an iron golem when you can just go mining and avoid making it mad? Plus, you won’t have to deal with the guilt of betraying your peaceful iron friend. Read More

  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

    Sasha's Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi's Basics Mod In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Sasha takes over, with mods that entertain. From Baldi’s Basics to new adventures to try, Each video a journey, reaching for the sky. What version of Minecraft will be next in line? Leave a comment, let your voice shine. Like and subscribe, show your support, For Sasha’s content, a fun-filled resort. Read More

  • Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! Rank 1 ore be like: “I’m rare and mystical!” Rank 999 ore be like: “Hold my pickaxe, peasant.” Read More

  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

    Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to encounter some truly terrifying mods. One such mod that caught the attention of many players is the “From The Fog” mod. This mod introduces eerie creatures and spine-chilling experiences that can send shivers down your spine. Herobrine and The Man From The Fog Before delving into the depths of the Nether, Madi decided to dip her toes into the world of modded Minecraft with the Herobrine and The Man From The Fog mods. These mods added a new level of suspense and mystery… Read More

  • New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?!

    New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?! Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s Coming Next? New Features Await in Minecraft 1.21 In the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update, players can expect a plethora of exciting new features to enhance their gameplay experience. One of the most anticipated additions is the introduction of 9 new types of dogs, each uniquely found in different biomes within your world. These furry companions are sure to add a new dimension to your adventures. Discover Hidden Trials and Treasures Delve deep underground to uncover the mysterious Trial Chambers, where you can obtain valuable items such as the Heavy Core and the Whirlwind Rod. These… Read More

  • EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don’t Miss Out! #hivemc

    EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don't Miss Out! #hivemcVideo Information yo what’s up everybody let me know when y’all can hear me I would appreciate it if y’all could let me know when you can hear me thank you thank you should take just a second here then it should be good so let me know once again when y’all can hear me come on come on where is it at let me know when y’all could hear me let me know when yall could hear me there we go okay I think you should be able to hear me now we got a lot of laws in… Read More

  • TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft Parody

    TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft ParodyVideo Information what’s going on Dad I’m bad boy oh my gosh why does my son have a deeper voice than me there’s a guy is he peeing on the floor bab stop move out of the way I’m watching what that so guys today I’m having a toxic family really really toxic family this is going to be interesting going to be married as Batman and Batwoman what no Crystal we’re not getting married but check it out look at my bat boy what’s going on Dad I’m bad boy oh my gosh why does my son have a… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #Minecraft

    INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #MinecraftVideo Information 33 đến 35 ngày chim ngốc hăng hãy trở thành người của tôi tôi khiến anh trở nên mạnh hơn hắn cũng thành công trở thành người của tôi rồi lúc này tôi có 30 trái tim ta có thể triệu hồi Võ Hồn chân thân các cậu đang làm cái máy bay gì thế mâu giết hắn đi tôi không mơ đâu thật là thái quá toàn bộ phi thuyền bắt đầu chìm với kỹ năng dịch chuyển chúng ta không cần phải sợ hãi hắn cũng đã thành công trong việc thoát khỏi tàu bay vên… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won’t Believe #Viral

    Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won't Believe #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic video #minecraft #viral #memes #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WORLD on 2024-03-22 09:52:09. It has garnered 13474 views and 507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like share and subscribe❤️ 🔴 Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of… Read More

  • Unlock the Power – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️

    Unlock the Power - Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️Video Information cinq astuces pour survivre sur Minecraft astuce numéro 1 le premier item que tu dois crafte ce n’est pas une armure mais un bouclier il te permettra de parer n’importe quel dégâts venant de monstre astuce numéro 2 si tu n’as pas encore de bouclier tu peux poser un bloc entre toi et le creeper pour ne pas prendre de dégâts d’Explosion astuce numéro 3 poser des bateaux peut bloquer plein de monstres et dans certaines situations ça peut vraiment être pratique astuce numéro 4 si tu pars à FK pense à te cacher dans un composteur avec… Read More


    🔥SONDERGAMER CREATES EPIC GAMER WORLD 3🔥Video Information [Música] Hola a todos chicos chicas de YouTube estamos un nuevo video para el canal y Bueno chicos en el día de hoy estamos aquí en mundo Gamer número tres comenzando desde lo dejamos en el episodio anterior episodio en el cual si no recuerdo mal estuvimos creo que seguimos con la construcción de lo que venía a ser la muralla y también estuvimos aplanando un poco la zona que creo que lo hice en directo si no recuerdo mal pero bueno el caso me dirán vale Sander Y qué vamos a hacer durante el episodio del día… Read More


    🚨 SHOCKING REVEAL: AJHT TV RETURNS TO MINECRAFT AFTER 3 WEEKS! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘SOM SPÄŤ! Minecraft po troch týždňoch…’, was uploaded by AJHT tv on 2024-04-11 06:48:08. It has garnered 210 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:15 or 8115 seconds. mc.qplay.cz mc.survival-games.cz mc.hypixel.net eu.minemen.club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajhttv/ Discord: https://discord.gg/yt2TCrVhzf Donate: https://streamlabs.com/ajhttv/tip Read More

  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

    Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Forge and Mod Installation- Minecraft Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by Sky Guy 1 on 2024-03-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. Thanks for watching! Hope y’all enjoyed it 🙂 —Subscribe here for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzY61qUs-sRPc_89yLxKjFg —My Friends Channels! Consider Subscribing? —DannyGamerYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1AfHnPiZYYlvM7UHj2MSkg —Cyrus Da Grape: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg90p-UivNc-6PEgsXXoNvQ —Intro song: Password-Infinity-123276 —Outro song: Abstract-Technology-112288 Read More

  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

    SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE's EPIC Minecraft Garden TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Simple garden in Minecraft | Minecraft Tutorial |’, was uploaded by GAMER FIVE on 2024-05-02 10:40:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to build a Simple Garden in #minecraft ° ° ° ° ° Minecraft Tutorial video Music Used : Carefree Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Grivyzom

    GrivyzomNetwork oficial de @Maincrapost pagina de memes chilena, en donde buscaremos crear una nueva comunidad y comenzaremos por este server, unete para ver todas las nuevas novedades que tiene para ofrecerte “Mundo Maincra”. maincra.playwn.co:25586 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! If you’re looking for a 1.20.1 Minecraft server with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find your place here. We welcome all playstyles and suggestions for improvement. Why Choose Stinky SMP? GREAT PERFORMANCE! Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal lag for players. With 16 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 9 7950x CPU, our server runs smoothly. UNIQUE GAMEPLAY! Experience our Safezone-Borderlands system, where you can choose between a peaceful area with rules against griefing and killing, or a resource-rich but dangerous… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex’s cursed dilemma

    Minecraft Memes - Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex's cursed dilemmaLooks like Alex is stuck between a rock and a hard place, or should I say a gem and a diam-hen place! Read More