Minecraft Live 2020 Ft.1.17 Reveal & MOB VOTE

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Guns until we begin to learn what is in the next minecraft update and boy let me tell you it is it is exciting welcome to minecraft live 2020. i’m lydia winters your host and chief storyteller for mojang studios we’re coming to you live from stockholm sweden the birthplace of minecraft

Some of our amazing team members couldn’t be here today so we recorded the minecraft earth and creator tools segments in redmond earlier this week we are so thankful you’re joining us before we get started we want to acknowledge the number of challenges around the world right now

As well as the mental physical and emotional toll those challenges are taking on all of us with that in mind we want to give the opportunity today to take a breath have fun enjoy the games we love and celebrate all of you our incredible minecraft community

It won’t all be easy you’ll have to decide which mob to vote into the game which based on votes in previous years will be super tough you’ll not only get to hear about what’s coming to your favorite minecraft games you’ll also hear directly from the development teams

We want you to leave today knowing about the exciting additions coming to minecraft and also why our team has made those decisions and insiders look at what’s brewing at mojang studios today we’re kicking things off with the announcement of the we’re gonna tell you right now oh yeah let’s essentially used the same

Set as last year i think but it doesn’t matter what matters hi agnes and brandon hi is this let’s do this thing on the right but ladies well so many of you and well so many of us as well has been wanting for such a long time it’s the caves and cliffs update Hey see now right now they just announced a cave update but if you try to tell anyone about that seriously it’s gonna sound like so excited about this i mean even before i joined mojang i was always thinking about like when is the cave update gonna come and this

This is it but it’s also got the cliffs as well it’s got the mountains like this is such a big update and i’m so excited how are you feeling agnes great what do you guys reckon cave update you know maybe they’re joking we don’t know for sure i’ll believe it when i’m

Seeing uk now we just announced it i don’t i don’t know we’re actually getting our first live look at some reactions some of our communities to submit questions that will answer across the show this first question the chat is why has it taken so long like brandon

I’ve been waiting a long time too yeah that’s a very good question so since this update really is the update like we have been dreaming about it for so long so it feels important for us to do it right like we don’t want to rush

It but now now it feels right time like we have spent the time we need to really like understand the vision we show us the caves show us the caves understand what the community i won’t believe until there are caves in my eyes to make sure that we really can work

Together with the community to make this and like as epic update as possible and we have also hired some new amazing developers to the team and you’re one of the amazing developers brandon yeah i joined uh this year in january and i actually came from the community i used to do modding for

10 years can be done one of the first mods i worked on was the aether which is like a dimension that it’s sky islands it’s crazy yeah i’m just so happy to be here and work on an update this epic win the better person update i made jokes the beast

And this is my question are you making the caves more advanced for older players so they can mine deep or are you making them more accessible and easy to navigate for newer players such a great question yeah i mean with this update we’re making sure that we can have as much

Variation as possible within the actual caves themselves but we want to make sure that the old caves are still retained as much as possible to keep that classic feel yeah and we really also looked into to make sure let’s have something for everyone because you know we have such a huge

Dinner it’s also very diverse community and that’s such a beautiful thing so show us the caves show us the games actually we made sure to map all the features in the update to different player styles to really see that we fulfill that goal that’s so cool and you had such a big

Thought process on how you decide what even goes into an update this week yeah we we have spent quite a lot of time on just making sure that we have a very good like fundament for the update for example we did the play style mapping and we’ve also worked with sign pillars

So the design pillars they kind of describe the vision of the update so for example they help us when we like prioritize between different features and also when we design each specific feature and we have three pillars for this update and the first one is actually all about like the spectacular mountains

The snowier snow and the mysterious goats because at last years live the players voted for these features and we felt like it’s so important to deliver on that promise so we actually wanted to have it as a pillar yeah and another pillar that we actually integrated into this was adding strategy to mining

So of course minecraft already has plenty of strategy and mining but we want to be insane and add even more mechanics that make it interesting for players to mine in the caves yeah and the third pillar is to create an underground of marvel for the players and

That pillar is a lot about like adding variation to the underground and like contrast and like inspire players to like craft their own underground adventures and build underground and one thing we’ve done to like fulfill this pillar is that we have added new cave biomes cave biomes biomes for caves

You said i was a madman you said you couldn’t have stacked biomes you said that oh there we go oh yeah oh yeah show me the cave oh yeah spectator what do you know man those new like see this is just like a cave covered in vegetation

And then that vegetation is super cool but it seems like a low level cave or a high level cave i wonder if you see like cave biomes stacked into the cave or if it’s just like one underground biome because like you’re seeing like some oranges you’ve seen some

It’s so beautiful it doesn’t feel cave-like yeah i mean we wanted to make sure that of course in in minecraft all the original caves you know they’re pretty much the same there’s not much variation in terms of vegetation or different features inside of it so for this we wanted something

Which is a bit more like light and lush and actually has vegetation and i mean i think it looks amazing it’s gorgeous what was the inspiration behind it so we were thinking about cookies how should it feel when you’re in a lush cave and we wanted to be like so you feel

Like very tiny inside like a big garden or a big forest so like when you look up it’s actually like vegetation above you it’s vegetation around you and one source of inspiration we have is actually a swedish painter called john bower because in his paintings it’s always

Often at least like a tiny character and then it’s like huge forest and you see like the bottom of the trees because the vegetation is so big compared to the character and you’re adding so many new plants in the lush caves yes so i don’t know if

You saw but there was this new tree that was actually above on the overworld and this is called an azalea tree so it’s a unique type of tree that you’ll be it’ll be easy to spot for a tree and if you actually find this and start

Going down its roots you will find a lot cave there so this is another part of adding strategy to mining where you know there are certain landmarks which will allow you to understand what you’re doing in the game that’s cool and another one of the new blocks is a block called spore blossom

And it’s that you maybe saw it in video it’s a big pink flower that you find in the roof of the lush cave and it will drip particles from that flower but it will also actually feel like a big volume around it with particles so it’s similar to the particles that we

Added to the nether biomes in the nether update but the cool thing here is that you can move the flower if you want to and get these particles anywhere you want in your world so you can actually be very creative with that there is so awesome and it’s so many features

Yes so in there there are vines in the plan in the last case and they have glow berries on them and these are actually also pick them and blueberries them if you want to see they’re real they’re not just misunderstandings blueberries are a very good leaf plant

And you can actually see that they can kind of grow from like water or anywhere else and they grow quite tall but they have like a little plant on the top that you can actually hop onto so the idea of the mechanic behind it is that the leaf will actually tilt down when

You stand on it too long so this will actually make you fall through however after a few seconds it’ll come back up so it’s kind of this like platforming block that allows you to just it’s like oh you can’t forming over and over again which i hope is really

Exciting for you know content creators making maps yeah yeah you can build like your own platforming levels and then they will repair themselves that’s really cool i actually i think like parkour update is something we don’t think about and there’s there’s actually a mob coming to the lush caves

I don’t know how often you look there it is it will actually not tell you about this mob now because in the end of the show we will show even more features coming to the caves and clips updates and then we’re gonna show that first time we have

So much that we’re actually splitting the update section into two at the beginning and towards the end of the show it’s amazing yeah it’s so exciting you’ve also worked on improving the cave generation yes yeah so as you can see here i mean this is drastically different to what caves

Used to look like and there’s definitely still the old style of caves but we wanted to make sure that there was much more variety in the sort of cave shapes even here you can see that there’s some water underground yes so we actually added something we call

Local water levels so in one cave you can might find like a cave lake and another okay might not have that one and this also means that we can this looks so beautiful this is this is my dreams coming true right here giant caves you know a giant

Look at the size of these things underground you can actually go cave rafting yeah so you’ll see in a bit that uh our player here will actually use a boat to raft and that is just such an exciting opportunity to be able to traverse the caves in a very different

Way than usual yeah we actually we were play testing and then one of the days like look at this it’s so fun and all of us you started to go with the boat on the waterfall it was a lot of fun so another thing to

Note here is that you can see that a lot of the oars were actually glowing uh this is just for preview purposes ores aren’t going to glow now it’s just that the caves tend to be quite dark and we want to make sure that players can see the shapes of the cave

Now will that only be for the like normal caves or will this run across all of the new cave biomes so the really cool thing is that like the new cave shapes and sizes is completely independent from the new biomes so that means that we have so much variation

Because for example a lush cave can for example generate you know in a super narrow tunnel but it can also generate like a huge cavern imagine that that size being a little lush okay but it’s still the same biome so we yeah we’re really gonna have lots of variation on the ground now

You’ve been calling two of the the different cave types spaghetti and swiss cheese like that that’s how varied the cube could be yes i mean there are so many different variables with how the variation works and i mean it has even more variation than the overworld itself it’s just

Crazy it’s a lot yeah some of the caves for example have really cool pillars and some are more like flat some are tall lots of variation very nice and you have another another new cave biome to show us yes so we have the drip stone caves biome

And whenever i think about the idea of a cleveland the the image of stalagmites and stack mites um but adding these are pretty difficult you know it’s a very unique shape that you all said i was unreally accustomed to but i think the way that the artist

Put it into minecraft works quite well and of course there’s some mechanics surrounding this so you can see that uh someone destroyed the block up the top and so the drip stone fell down also unfortunately for this zombie here if you fall on these strip stones you will get that

There’s another interesting mechanic in the drip stone caves yes so maybe so in the video that like from the stalactite you could see that with like dripping water it’s actually if you put the cauldron under a stalactite it will fill up with water so it’s renewable renewable water and how do you

Remember it is incredibly renewable well that’s a very good question it has been very tricky to remember that but i think i think i learned so we actually yeah it’s hold on tight just like tight i was going to say the wrong one it’s true yeah so stalactite is in the

Roof and stalagmite is on the floor perfect the sea and stuff means all of us for a long time like even and you have something really amazing in this update for the sort of redstone engineers out there yes so we’ve actually been thinking about this redstone block that lives in the

Deep dark a new biome at the deepest depths of the world we’re going to talk about this biome too much today but we are going to show some of the blocks and maybe later a mob that comes from it so if we look at the video we can actually see that there it’s

Basically this growth and this is called the skulk blocks and one of the blocks is called the skulk sensor this is the new redstone block as you can see when you place wireless destroy a block or if you have footsteps it’ll actually detect the vibrations around and then emit a redstone signal

So this is going to be very interesting for redstone players we even have a mechanic around it where you can actually use wool with wool occlusion to essentially prevent signals from being able to uh get into the skull sensor so let’s take a look at that now

What does wool occlusion even mean and also it knows when you’re nearby it’s next to the stock sensor and it’s actually kind of doing an infinite loop where the piston is causing a vibration and then it’s uh activating the skull sensor and going over and over again

But here i’ve actually put in between the piston literally wireless from going to the skulk sensor literally while you start directional skulk sensors where you can put wool blocks on each side and only allow it to detect vibrations in front of it and vibrations can be so many different

Things you know it can be a snowball a hit it could be an arrow it could be footsteps it could be blocks anything so cool now what are you going to rant about says another thing we actually well we had a bit of a happy accident with this because

We realized that we get wireless redstone thanks to wait is this really gonna work oh my god so and we didn’t even plan to add it but then when we started play testing like wait we got this redstone and that’s so exciting and that is going to

Well you can just build more things like that it’s going to be exciting to see what the community will build yeah you’re really looking for community feedback to make sure this like feels great for everyone absolutely i think because this is such a unique mechanic we really want to make sure

That we get it right and you know we love the redstone community and we want to make sure that we do it right so any feedback you have any ideas send it to us and we will work with you to make this the best block that it can be

And now we we said there’s another mob coming later but i think it’s time for a new mob coming to the caves and cliffs update it is and this is a very scary mob and it is and this is a very dark place and the cool thing

Is that this mob is very well adapted to the environment so it actually it can’t see anything so it’s the first blind mop in minecraft and that’s very interesting because it gives such interesting mechanics so instead it will react to vibrations just like the skull sensor block

So if you aren’t like very careful when you walk around in the deep dark you might upset that mob yeah with this mob we really wanted to make sure that we kind of recaptured that feeling of the first night of minecraft and like we can often forget that minecraft can be a pretty

Scary game um so we wanted to make sure that we could kind of go back to that i mean caves can be scary they’re dark and all i’m going to say is that when you go into the deep dark i want to make sure that you’re very quiet

And watch closely for the warden the warden man is that new minecraft track this is like perfectly spooky oh so what’s this block everything in this is new everything we’re looking at right now is brand new candles oh there’s a mob that can play around the light level spooky This is so surreal my brain can’t comprehend all of this also thank you charlie cubes he’s got a little bass Let’s throw it all the snowballs making noise that oh cause he’s only attracted to sound not oh my god that is that is bizarre i will say Oh no oh christ it’s like a horror movie okay you can’t you can’t detect wherever attack came from right okay now it’s all good you just gotta oh man oh hello this is a genuinely terrifying oh no okay let’s keep this game oh six and a half hearts when he has full armor I’m really excited for this because uh not only is it trying to be scary it’s you know we had to keep a balance to it it was very challenging to design a mob like this um another thing that’s really important to know is in that video i was wearing full

Nether eye armor very powerful you definitely want to watch it yeah which i think it was such an interesting game play because like if you want to you can avoid it but then you need to really be careful like sneak all the time to not make

Like any kind of movement that it will detect but that’s a lot of fun and he’s like feel scary but in the good way and you wanted to kind of take everyone back to their that first night experience with the warden absolutely i mean i had such an amazing

Experience when i first played minecraft it was terrifying listening to zombies underneath my house and in the caves and hopefully we can bring that back to players but you know 10 years later yeah but that will be just amazing because you hear so many lovely first night

Stories it’s such a big thing and i mean i was very fond of my first night in my craft so we hope to give that experience again but you really balance sort of the look of it it’s like it’s it’s almost cute but also really really terrifying

Like so like how does scariness look in minecraft because we wanted to be very scary and we didn’t want to take it from the bunnies we thought add some derpness to it it’s like a mix so for example we added mouth i love the mouth and some actually

Reacted like oh it’s so cute which i think it’s more scary but i think we find like the perfect balance yeah absolutely greatest character yes definitely well you’ve been sitting up here you just announced an update that everyone has been waiting for and we actually have some tweets that have tweeted

Oh that’s awesome okay that’s amazing to see so much excitement oh even more tweets so it’s lovely it’s like we really developed this game together with the community and now to see that people are so happy that feels so good yeah honestly this is it’s such a privilege to work on a game

Like this and an update like this and we just love this game and we want to make the best update that we can for everyone yeah thank you so much agnes and brandon that was a lot of amazing new things don’t forget that we have another segment full of

Even more cave updates later on in the show more okay though to mine our minecraft live correspondent i hear yeah you all voted into the game last year she is the host of this event and we still it that proves how hard it is for the name to say hello minecrafters of the

World i’m boo bowie and i’m here once again to help all of you at home to choose a mob that will go into minecraft but first we have a message from our good friend max brooks author of our first minecraft novel with some exciting news hey minecraft community it’s max brooks

Author of minecraft the island thank you so much for embracing my book and i hope you’ll enjoy the sequel minecraft the mountain where our character leaves the island and paddles to a strange snow-covered world and discovers another castaway and together the two of them have to find their way home

Minecraft the mountain coming out in 2021 available for pre-order right now and as always thank you for embracing all minecraft books that sounds awesome another minecraft novel and this one’s called the mountain speaking of mountains remember last year’s vote it was a fierce competition but the mountains won

After two intense rounds of voting well i have a sneak peek into what your vote is bringing to minecraft on the cliff side of the caves and cliffs update hey the goats are guiltier than before mischievous and adorable see that at the same time you see that as you can

See they live on the mountains and if you aren’t careful they might knock you off they also have excellent jumping skills better mountain generation with spectacular and mountains with height dependent generation that means things like tree lines and mountain tops that will be more challenging with lots of snow and ice

And speaking of snow yes it will be snowier we will also have a new block called powder snow show us what you mean by snowy it looks similar to snow but if you or a mob walk on it you will fall right through now let’s talk about this year’s vote

We have three awesome mobs for you to choose from and to introduce them we once again have tiny agnes and tiny ends let’s see what they have to show oh bees and moo blooms are friends just like we are right agnes these friendly cows live in the flower forest biome yellow as sunshine

And covered in beautiful flowers what’s not to like about these beautiful bovines we are friends right Why do we have to record these videos on an actual so what do you guys think animated please let me know is a new illager that lives on mountain tops it’s a hostile mob that attacks you with clouds of flying ice you did pack the supplies we need to

Survive the night up here right yens do you ever wish minecraft’s oceans were glowier not me i always wish for world peace well wish no more meet the glow squid What was i meant to say again vote for minecraft can’t talk must admire glow agnes yens it’s really distracting They’re so tiny and they’re so susceptible to distraction hopefully that won’t happen to you now let’s go over how hello oh hi tiny agnes yeah no i i’m live right now okay okay well you really shouldn’t read too many internet comments but okay i’ll tell them okay bye

Tiny agnes would like everyone to know that she and tiny yen’s are in fact good friends okay where was i and why do people keep leaving phones around the studio fair enough no again better over how you can be a part of what is likely to be an epic showdown don’t let

This decision be made without your voice be ready to cast your votes first make sure you have a twitter account if you don’t go to twitter.com sign up for an account and make sure you’re logged in i’ll let you get a twitter voting start get one you’ll need to go to the my

Man in the hotel to find the latest poll think carefully debate with your friends and family make a decision then click on the mob you want to make it into minecraft there will be two voting sessions and i’ll let you know when each one begins for now just be ready and keep dreaming

Of victory for your favorite mob So uh you guys playing minecraft though and i am the game sign up for twitter account right now get ready to vote i am so excited to be a part of minecraft live this year and to share this wonderful experience with you our amazing community it’s been so fun

Seeing what you’ve been doing with the game i’ve seen lots of creation shared each week and i wish i were that creative i mean wow while everyone has been discovering new hobbies i have been logging in each day to collect a new adventure crystal which lets me play life-size

Adventures in augmented reality in various parts of my home my dogs are very confused to say the least it seems like i’m not the only one who’s been going on lots of adventures we’ve had more than five million adventures played throughout early access holy moo bloom that seems pretty low actually

Five minutes and daily challenges to collect mobs even more adventure crystals and exclusive character creator items that can also be used in bedrock sometimes when the weather is just right in my house lightning strikes and a new mob is made later this month we have two new mobs joining minecraft earth

And i hear they’re going to make quite a splash speaking of mobs our beloved moo bloom from minecraft earth has a chance to be brought into vanilla how cool is that now i’m not going to tell you who you should vote for but what i am saying is

One of these mobs is definitely way more adorable than the rest so choose wisely in our last couple releases you may have noticed that we added slime ball and slime blocks with that i’m super excited to let you know that we are adding pistons and sticky pistons to minecraft earth

Be on the lookout next week for a content update and i can’t wait to see the awesome creations you make with blocks items and now redstone contraptions our friends mumbo jumbo and green recently took a minecraft earth road trip and made their own awesome creations let’s get a sneak peek at what they

Discovered hello everyone my name is mumbo this is my friend green and this is my 1974 vw bus there’s no air conditioning there’s no heating there’s no radio um there’s no anti-locking brakes no power steering i’ve owned it for about four years and to be frankly honest it’s his pants

Times were definitely different in the 1970s so it’s ridiculously slow and it’s definitely lacking some of the modern comforts you would usually expect to find a car these days we are in this fun that they got youtubers to do the segment i’m going from the south coast up to

Wales and it’s going to take us three whole days i’ll be honest career mate would you class that as a grand tour well yes we have no radios so it’s going to feel a lot longer but you see this isn’t a regular road trip in a rubbish old van this is a

Minecraft earth road trip in a rubbish old van with minecraft earth being a game you can play on the move we thought we would travel to a bunch of different locations in the uk some of them are iconic some of them just feel very minecrafty and some of them are barely linked to

Minecraft at all but we just really wanted to go to them so we did he took it out on the guidelines frisbee is a bit of a challenge dude sorry minecraft earth badminton can be quite dangerous to onlookers and real life sand blocks are alarmingly difficult to construct

If i just film this angle there we go there is our sand block all in all though the road trip was a huge success and we had a lot of fun you can expect to see the full length episodes appearing on our channels very very soon that’s uh Mumbo jumbo and korean had quite the minecraft earth adventures at mojang studios we’ve also been making more original content than ever before on our minecraft youtube channel our goal is to create shows that give you inside knowledge directly from our team we’re even giving away all of our

Secrets in a new series called how we make minecraft which honestly feels sort of risky and guess what we have lots more awesome minecraft content on the way here’s a look at what shows you’ll find on our channel Without getting hurt i know cactus has prickly but punching a tree probably hurts too everyone just starts panicking please like and subscribe i’ve always wanted to say that but really you should it’s good stuff in 2017 you voted for the terror that is the phantom and i presume not forgiving you for that

2018 the tiger won your vote with fantastic foxes last year it was the mountains with our soon to be friends the goats what will you the minecraft community do this year let’s review our choices once more i was inspired by some of the amazing handcrafted things i’ve seen

Made by our community over the years so i decided to make my own versions of our three mob choices hi babies for illustrative purposes i think i did a pretty great job took me three months each anyway all the way from minecraft dungeons we have the ice solider

They make clouds of ice that smash down on whomever they are attacking not quite as chill as they look from minecraft earth we have the adorable moo bloom i hear they may come with a new flower the buttercup and i’m pretty sure they’ll be best pals with bees

Also from my flower the glow squid as the tiny trio will surely attest they sure are distracting to look at the first voting poll is now live on the minecraft twitter account go to the poll right now and click the mob you want to win we’ll check back in before we start the

Second and final poll now though look at that louder to my desk to talk about the dungeness minecraft game ever minecraft dungeons hello laura hi thanks for having me maybe they gave an extra picture here already so what do you do at mojang studios i am a game designer which means i am

The one that gets to decide how difficult the bosses are so i’m sorry about that one you can blame me for that i think people will blame you for that that’s okay while i have you here on the stage which one were you voting for

I think if i don’t say am i i am voting for the isolator my team will kill me so but it’s an amazing mob it brings a lot of fun to dungeons and i think it will bring a lot of fun to minecraft as well

Okay i figured you would say that but i had to ask so tell me about the launch of dungeons this year oh wow that was that was quite the ride it was such a crazy launch i don’t think anybody in the team expected to ever uh release a game from home

So we were all sitting in this like massive teams call and like sharing streams with each other and sharing videos and comments from players and it it was very good it was fun in a different way what would you say was your favorite thing from the release

I think it was how people came together to play the game it was very fun to see parents like show their children dungeon crawlers and children show their parents minecraft i don’t know it was very nice to see everyone just sit together and play and enjoy that sounds wonderful yes

Well let’s take a look at what the community has done with what’s come out so far yeah can i actually believe that we like got close to the end and it was like nope well time to be blown on my milk So the village merchant a really cool merchant simple straightforward items and definitely a nice addition to the game a good replacement for the wandering trader now let’s go check in with our friend the blacksmith here this is definitely something that i’m looking forward to because this is one of the coolest

Things that has possibly come to the game oh boy oh boy all right all right i see what’s going on here i see what’s going on here [Applause] the jackpot stop killing the pandas you monster stop killing the pandas tell me chat do you think this is australian or new zealand

Right there you are free villager let’s find the caravan villagers oh i got invisibility holy smokes boom you’re right yeah yeah i put my um oh look there’s a pig kill the pig that looks so fun yeah it’s so cool to see people have fun with the game

And it’s fun to play and watch yes i i hope so at least but this week you also had another launch oh this month it’s been a crazy month like we haven’t stopped doing things i feel we released first the creeping winter together with our new merchants and the new daily trials

Which was awesome i hope everyone loved it we launched for xcloud so now people can play on mobile which is so fun i really like that and this week we just launched in china so now we get to welcome our chinese friends to the community and

I i am super happy about that that’s really exciting well now we have a question from the community for you all right now minecraft okay he kind of snuck two questions into that yes but they were great great questions and thank you for sending them uh regarding the first question i think

We were very excited to see how fast people found the secret mushroom level like i was very confused about it as well because we had worked very hard on making it very secretive and having little snippets of things everywhere but players are so smart they found it so

Fast so if you haven’t played the mushroom level go go check it out because it’s very fun and the second question right uh so that’s what we are here to talk about today we’re gonna talk about our coming up upcoming dlc that we prepared with our friends at double 11

And that’s called the howling peaks so i’m going to the mountains with dungeons as well that’s awesome why don’t we take a look at some live gameplay yeah let’s check it out we are very lucky today that we have four members of the dungeons team with us uh here’s mariana the nintendo switch

Oh they’re gonna show up how it’s cross-playable here’s david at the playstation 4 and at the xbox one we have annika so we get to show you here for the first time cross play which we’re very excited about uh so people can play together from everywhere that’s exciting and yeah that’s the our

First look at what are your conferences can you excited about dungeons already i see a goat raging yeah we were so happy we asked the minecraft team if we could bring goats to dungeons and they said yes so we get to release them a bit first in dungeon so

We’re super excited about that they’re equally as mischievous yes so i see a lot of wind coming out of these grates there’s a mechanic that we’re going to explore a lot in the mountains missions and the players will be both challenged by it and will be able

To use it so the wind will push the player so you need to be a bit careful i keep thinking of trying babies to solve puzzles push items and open doors and stuff like that so yeah that’s awesome what is this right so yeah our mountains biomes are so

So tall that the player will need to find new ways to traverse the levels so that’s a mountain lift and there’s going to be full of like these little contraptions all around that seems like a real actually looking pretty cool it’s actually looking pretty cool uh

Yeah the goats are all around and you need to be careful with them because i saw them attack yes they’re really going to push you out of the edge if you’re not too careful yes leave the goats alone that’s very important and as you’ll see in a bit uh the

Ideologues that you can find in this mission and in all the mountains missions are very ready for the weather so they’re wearing their little cozy clothes and they’re wind resistant which means that while the player will be challenged by the wind the isolators won’t over these these are new mobs called the

Wind collars and that’s a ravager coming for the first time to minecraft dungeons that’s another minecraft mob that we get to welcome they’re quite sturdy what do the wind collars do right the wind callers spawn a draft of wind right under the player and they push the player up so the

Player gets fall damage okay it’s very important to deal with them quick or run away because they’re gonna be they’re gonna be painful to combat otherwise yeah this actually looks like something i want to play which has been a while since i’ve been outside dungeons looks like they’ve actually started

Playing around with new mechanics images yeah that’s going to be an interesting one but so far i can see that the all the consoles are working very neatly together we’re super happy about that it’s been progressing very nicely and we hope everyone can soon play together oh that was a nice holiday

I wanted to say like that’s my favorite mom but you know all right we’re leading up to this big ravager battle yeah i’m looking at this thing like but i think we can literally It’s actually like brand new the first two dlc is already not the most intriguing things yeah so oh by the way the the poll is live now the muppet was up game mode yeah the game mode is coming very very soon and it’s gonna be for all the players for free

And that’s called apocalypse plus uh which means that we’re making the game just wait uh now i’m going to show you harder a bit at the time yeah when you call something apocalypse it sounds good i don’t know so this is an apocalypse plus means that it gets

Even harder so hopefully there is a mobile twitter.com minecraft found different ways to tweak the balance so the challenge is different everything but okay that’s a lot of stuff you’re working on even more new things for dungeons we’re working on a ton of stuff i feel we’ve been so busy it’s crazy

Uh but yeah we have today a little video with a lot of work in progress there’s been 590 000 votes but yeah for the next mob look at the video what are you guys voting for i’m sorry you know i’m not even gonna there’s 12 minutes left to vote

And there’s already been 600 000 votes jesus i want to show you this again I’m gonna cast my vote live do you guys wanna democracy is important friends so you see this it’s free choices what are we going to vote for i’m not voting for the isolator because i know he’s the favorite so i’m going to vote for mood bloom because you know it’s a cute mob

At this point they’re free they’re free mobs have no function let’s vote for the cute one am i right let’s okay let’s see this boat happen live no bloom bloom is sitting at 28.2 glow squid is actually winning jesus Friends we might actually have a glow spin in the game if enough if enough people like me with the new bloom switch over i’m never voting for a hostile mob when i have the option of a squid that just glows one of my favorite things we do at mojang studios is minecraft education

Edition students around the world are able to learn in exciting and interactive ways using the game as a learning based platform students and teachers in 115 countries around the world are able to collaborate learn and share together minecraft has always been a way to connect people and we’ve seen that

Now more than ever with minecraft education edition being used in remote learning when you’re in the game you don’t have to feel so far away from your classmates from creating graduation ceremonies in japan to creating first date orientations for american universities to teachers doing virtual meetups we’ve seen students and teachers using

The game in incredible ways today we’re launching our first ever minecraft education edition global challenge for students around the world to build a better world with us over the past few months we’ve seen wildlife roam through cities while humans stayed inside without cruise ships and fairies around

Dolphins visited the port of calgary in sardinia italy and wild boar roamed the streets of barcelona but what if animals could share space with humans all the time today we’re kicking off the first ever minecraft education global build championship and asking students around the world to design and build healthy spaces for

Humans and animals to co-exist together what will you build hey i’m ayanna i’m a developer in the minecraft team if i were to participate in the global build challenge i build a series of underwater tubes so we can transport things without disturbing the aquatic life hello everyone i’m omg chad and if i

Were to design a build for the global championship i would make a house with a habitat for my cats on top and i would call it a habitat home boycott Design and build your own solution in minecraft it’s so dumb why did people do for the chance to win minecoins awesome minecraft gear and a video chat with mojang studios the championship opens today you can register today and download the championship world template we can’t wait to see your amazing ideas

And jens and i can’t wait to see the winner on video chat we get the awesome prize of chatting with you no matter who wins for those of you who don’t have education edition we have something for you too our education team has already added amazing free lessons to minecraft marketplace

We’ve also been working with some amazing educators on a new series about diversity and inclusion coming this fall hi minecraft live i’m kenneth shelton and along with my fellow educators felicia ford and natasha rochelle we’ve been building a series of minecraft lessons that will help people explore topics of social justice

Equity identity and tolerance the first of these lessons is called good trouble and it’s based on the life and philosophy of congressman and civil rights activist john lewis the additional lessons continue teaching about social justice from across the world and through time from black lives matter to malala’s quest in pakistan to achieve

Equal education for girls to the civil rights movement of 1960s america to the women’s suffragette movement and more we can’t wait to share these important lessons with the minecraft community i’m drinking looking forward to playing through the good trouble lessons myself together with the notice by the way my glasses are commemorated

The black lives matter global network foundation equal justice initiative yes well i do have a bigger global defense fund we’re proud to continue supporting organizations donation today to the naacp legal defense fund this brings our 2020 contributions to over two million dollars beyond this we continue to look within our company

Our products and ourselves for how we can help create a more inclusive world Now it’s time for a brand new segment of our show you may have missed our next guest during the minecraft update segment but not to worry you’re about to get some dedicated time with the one and only jeb hello hello thank you very much hey it was very different not having you in

The minecraft update section yes um yes it’s it’s a little bit different this year since uh we always want the ones that are actually working on on the features of the games to be the ones to get to talk about them because we feel that it gets more genuine in that way

And so what are you working on then yeah that’s a good question no i work of course i still spend a lot of time with vanilla and agnes and and the team but i now work with all our products all our games and like the board games and try to support

Our developers and designers uh to to capture the minecraft feeling and make them fit together but honestly everyone’s so talented so it’s actually quite an easy job but to help um help everyone both in stockholm and redmond i i wrote a book um a minecraft game

Design book are you trying to sell that to everyone in the audience watching no this is only for mojang studios employees so it contains a lot of secrets but it was helpful when they when the team grew to to kind of explain my thoughts and ideas about minecraft and in for vanilla

Particular there are some guiding principles that are going to help us uh continue updating the game for the years to come but you did decide to share some today so people can kind of see what’s what’s in the the jeb game design book absolutely um so one of these guys

Maybe sounds obvious uh but that is uh it’s always one block at a time and you place one move on block you pull one lever and you trigger one tnt and of course that causes a big explosion but at the core the interaction is always one block at a time

And it’s not only important for the the way you play the game but it’s also if you’re playing together with someone let’s say you’re building a house or something then i will be able to observe what you’re doing and quickly understand where you’re going and and then i can help you and every

Block counts and if you would just copy paste or make templates and such then then then it would be a little bit harder to collaborate um and also minecraft is a lot about the journey uh to to create your massive castle over whatever but uh so it’s important to that we retain that

Feeling and you have another principle but it applies pretty directly to a community question that we have wow yes the chinese community inspired me to try to take on a new language but i have a long way to go honestly but about the question if we’re going to add things like natural disasters

That um kind of contradicts one of our other guiding principles that bad things happen but they’re technically the player’s fault okay they’re the player’s fault yes in the sense that it was either caused by a player like a griefer or summoning the wither or a player was nearby such as when a

Creeper explodes so whenever something bad happens we want to make sure that the players are actually either actively taking part of that or have a way to prevent it from happening and an earthquake or a tornado would obviously destroy something that you’ve spent hours building but there’s definitely a few i can think

Of that maybe fall outside there are still a few cases like yeah and the man can grab a block uh and maybe ramp straight someone’s or you can have a unlucky wolf running into your sheep garden but there’s also the worst thing is of course lightning strikes that can set your whole

House on fire um but i’m hoping that agnes and the team i may have a plan for that exciting so what’s the last feature you were active in developing um yes the last feature i did was a the netherride feature and i i thought that was a very

Important part of the nether update that i wanted to help where i can um but i all i don’t want to i since i’m working with so many different projects now i don’t want to do something halfway and then kind of leave it to the team to fix my bugs

So i try i try to be a little bit hands-off and but recently i’ve of course uh also been working a little bit on making a combat one minute left that leads us to another community question hey i’m dantdm and i would love to know what kind of combat mechanic changes are

Being made to minecraft java edition yes and that’s an excellent question um we currently have uh a problem that on the two different editions of the game there are two different combat mechanics or combat systems that’s bad squid in the air moving on i have to

Pick it’s gonna be one of those two modes of that for the community that wants to have the same experience um so the main objective is to reach parity uh but i still want to make sure that we make a system that is kind of fits with the building

And that doesn’t distract too much from building but still gives us this step that allows us to design interesting um behaviors um also i want to make sure that it works both good in both players environment that means adventuring and players versus player and i want to make sure that it feels

Good playing both with mouse and keyboard and when you’re on a controller you don’t get tired by frequently pressing the trigger and we also want to improve touch uh like the touch experience so it it it’s a lot of the a lot to do but you said you weren’t working on future development

Yeah you are working on combat yes i mean of course it’s a little bit it hard to keep your hand out of the feature cookie jar [Laughter] but i in this case i also felt that this was this was an area where i could help uh the team so they could focus on

Doing the the content updates uh but at some point in the future i will of course dump this on the team okay so exactly what you said you don’t want to do yes and they will have to carry it over the finish line nice now speaking of combat we just had a

Really cool announcement about alex and steve coming to super smash brothers yeah we did so amazing we did and just like i said like my my job gets easier because everyone’s so talented and just in this case sakurai’s son and his team have they have they really understand bank

Understand minecraft and have made an absolutely amazing uh super smash brothers fighter you guys watched that by the way it was incredible like the way there’s like actual tnt and stuff inside smash for this reason characters that was a really big secret to keep yes

And it was a it was a really hot secret to keep even in the studio because it was super super secret but it has been so fun so much fun to work on yeah it’s amazing to see the community reaction yes okay so we’re gonna switch gears here

You have a sort of famous saying within the office which is the world would be a better place if everyone played minecraft and why do you think that yeah i like that they’re supposed to quote this kind of god in their life people’s creativity and and helps them

Collaborate but also teach them things like like geometry languages and maths so yes i i do think that the world would be a better place if everyone played minecraft but i i know that you also are very engaged in building a better world you’re interviewing me now yes

Thanks i i mean i think it’s i i feel so privileged to work on minecraft because of all the amazing things that people do with it from education edition and something i’m extremely passionate about is block by block which is our partnership with un habitat and it’s really helping people reimagine

Their public space and then have it built well there’s still people up in arms about the uh physical comments from earlier oh Well before the area felt very cold and unsafe basically it was just an abandoned place block by block is a program created by mojang and yuan habitat where we use minecraft to help community members redesign their kosovo has been impacted by years of conflict and in those situations we often see communities

Divided and public spaces neglected therefore i’d say a day that minecraft has started so little kids like me could help out they got to use minecraft to sketch and try different solutions about how the space could be improved it was very funny that minecraft says kosovo exists for being able to help the

City while displaying after that the ideas were presented to local architects and city planners and later that year construction started i’ve been drinking a lot of water i need to use the bathroom it’s not that i dislike it’s been five years since we participated in the program and

The streets and design has become more developed and is now more frequented than before it seemed kind of unbelievable that this was made with minecraft so seeing my own idea as a kid changing a whole area in my city it was very special to me it’s unbelievable that we were able to

Make reality what was once only an idea in our computer screen finally decision makers have changed their perspective because maybe they realize that we can make a change in a democracy you want the people who live in that community to be asked about what’s going to happen in that community so

This is a perfect example the community was us the community decided the community designed and the community is using it i’m probably going to be like really happy and be like hey friends i i made this i walk here almost every day and every time i see it

And i see a lot of people spending time here it’s a very gratifying feeling i just hope it will become real as soon as possible so the reaction of the community was great and to me it was a great feeling which i’ll never forget i came up with a skatepark idea and some

Trees surrounding the park it is possible to change the world and make your dreams come true It felt like i was being heard and being heard and listened to is one of the best feelings that you could feel it’s true friends i mean when i got a cave update it felt like i was being heard i actually was able to go to kosovo at

The start of that project and it’s just amazing to see the transformation using minecraft yep it’s amazing jens you must have seen a lot of amazing things because you’re about to hit your 10-year anniversary at mojang studios in like two or three months yes it’s true yeah yeah i

It it has been an amazing journey this this 10 years and i’ve had so much fun fun working on minecraft but of course i’m also a minecraft player and we’re all like with the community and in the end it’s really the players and the community that gives everything its purpose yeah absolutely

And from myself as part of the community i just want to say like thank you for the 10 years and all that you’ve all came up with happening at the end a huge difference in my life and i think many people watching right now thank you thank you so much jens

Last year at live we announced the nether update maybe since then you’ve been wondering about what it would be like to attend another ballet wonder no more our friends at element animation will dance us through hey and all the new nether features i actually like the uh i think they’ve

Done some good stuff i think they’ve done some weird stuff too let’s watch Good So it’s now the blow squid or the iceology of the first round of voting are in the round which determined which mob’s dreams would be dashed with no hope of making it into the final round and it was intense but sadly let’s all say a fond farewell

Then forget it ever existed because it’s time to vote again we are now down to the iso i saw the joke first round they were quite close which one i’m quite interested to see where the voters of the movement will go if you miss the first round of voting

Make sure you get in on this one it determines which one of these two makes it into minecraft i know who i’ll be voting for the final voting poll is live now this is your chance chad whoever yells loudest i’ll vote for your mom so don’t leave yourself

I want the glow scoot a little more but i’m so you know i’m like oh yeah squid did it squiddier than before oh it’s so exciting Hello i’m quinn head of the marketplace partner program and i’m joined by two of the guys people how would you guys introduce yourselves hi uh i’m funny i’m the reason i got my mom’s team hungry great tools for our uh creator community and these things are very visible and we’re going to talk

About them later some others are more behind the scenes and that help backward creators make content that is more efficient and reliable like the schedule command that is coming out soon chad is telling me to vote for the glove squad we’re in the engine team what am i going to do we’ve been

Responsible for a lot of the people just gave me money that have come to bedrock i am willing to change my vote for money so your teams uh help make creator tools for all of our incredible marketplace partners all around the world to help make content for you So i’m sorry friends what’s the man gonna do how how can i choose from zombini and i run a small studio based in california we create lots of marketplace content and i’ve been making tutorials for the last seven years to teach others how to make their own minecraft skits

People who like the squid are more generous so i like you i’m gonna vote for it we’re gonna do it right now let’s go minecraft live my name is mark from kubo studios and we are 15 working here in the philippines wait these guys are based in the uk

Never been games and we have 38 people working here in england 38 jesus christ hi michael live this is liz pratt and we hope you like our stuff on the marketplace yeah i got a 20 super chat for the glove squad i think i think you can minecraft the money likes good

And we are super super excited about the new updates my sister just gave me the middle finger And i get to spend my days making content and working with awesome people All the people in the uk did their shots in nature and it’s like is that where you work is that why you make your marketplace max because i make mine and there are twenty people working here in israel okay i work with i work with the goycraft people geoe craft

I didn’t know they were israeli even though we’ve like we’ve had a lot of conversations and like work together and a lot and the best part is all these features can be used by all creators so what do you have to show us today yeah so the last couple years i got a

Hundred dollars for the glove squad so this time we’ve doubled down this is a joke guys we focused on it okay that’s what it is again so as part of that i’ve made a custom crop to kind of show off a lot of capabilities everyone vote for the glow split

Okay so if you don’t understand studios was given tomato seeds to try and grow a tomato plant at home so i thought that was kind of perfect inspiration to go make a crop so you can interact and place the place the seeds use the crops a couple of them getting to the flower

Stage now that i can actually go pick so in this case i’ve made them work like they sweet berry bush where you can just right click on them but i think tomatoes taste disgusting so i thought it was better to make them as a something you can throw so

Code and i had some fun we were throwing them around it’s harmless or sort of yes totally harmless it was mean mostly i can’t decide who i want to vote for says baby carrot blossoms will actually rot on the vine as well and oh no wait

Thanks sir if they rot for too long we’ve got 169 on iceland now everyone broke the iceland here i’ve suddenly decided that i i care about that rotten tomatoes they don’t fly as far as a regular tomato but they knock you back a lot more

But kind of based off all this stuff i think tomatoes maybe aren’t the best idea so i’m gonna get rid of all my plants and never grow them again yeah i agree with you on this yeah so all these Oh definitely so like i think it’s a great example of show slice that you can get there um normally you would you would eat the eat the item but uh or you can make projectiles um but they also have the ability to get events that are fired

Okay the poll is now live so as it adds about 17 minutes the block run through multiple make a decision and eventually at this point like you can choose like what loot spawns at various stages of growth and stuff like that yeah i thought it was really cool how

You could like interact with them like a normal berry bush but then you know get the tomato out yeah it’s just another interact it’s an interactive vent that you can key into yeah and then there’s a tomato monster there at the end too yeah i call them tummle people tell me

It’s so cute it’s not even scary but yeah it’s an example of what you can do with them combining events and comments that’s one of the features that our creators have requested for so long just having commands to be able to run them when something happens

So now instead of also in in addition to doing it with actors you can also do it with blocks and items in this case as the flower is rotting you can disappear that crop and also someone a tomato monster hatoma monster that’s really cool because like i can

Totally see creators like using all those combinations of features to make some like really cool like adventurous maps yeah uh like for example the little adventure that we can show you where we were going to the desert and then we found this mysterious uh golden school they have revealed 1.17 it’s a cave

Update and moore’s coming up on the show so what do you say place our golden skull over there and see what happened everyone vote please yes and obviously we found some creepy monsters inside luckily we have our trusty custom sword to fight them off i’m not sure if we even survived that

Yeah that doesn’t seem very safe no not at all but that pedestal that’s i know that’s one of the most requested features block models yeah so i’ve been super excited that we finally be able to get block models in something we’ve been wanting to do for years and we’re finally able to

To work on them and get them in so we’ve got it working with using the same this might be a really plus oh i sing it really close to 50 50 people using to build custom mobs they can use to build the blocks with oh that’s cool so you only have to like

Learn a new skill you can just contact almost identical that’s awesome and then i noticed on the hot bar with the the golden skull there was like a little red triangle what was that yes it’s a new feature that we’re calling item lock i don’t know if you found yourself sometimes just going

Through some content and you have this special item and then you die and you lose it or maybe you drop it accidentally now we’ve made it so that creators can actually lock something on your inventory so that when you die or you press q it won’t go away that way you don’t

Me like lose your mysterious golden skull to unlock the nest station it’s so nice it’s super easy because i’ve definitely been in an adventure map and i lost the key on accident and then i had to go and you know try and fix that yeah and then when you

Place the skull there’s a lot going on in the background like there’s three features to talk about right there the first one is like we wanted to give power more power to creators with cameras this one is just a small one where we just shake the screen i don’t know you

Notice that one and then you can help players convey something like uh there is an aircraft going on or maybe something is going to about to fall uh over you so you can do that with this new cool or dinosaurs or dinosaurs dinosaur steps yes the second one that we know okay i’m

Gonna vote instructors you can now you know leave them using commands i’m gonna do what americans apparently do every single year i’m gonna vote for the thing i don’t want the internet much more easily and as part of those commands you can now animate the structure placement for those that

Know this like the mountain was opening and that was just a structure animating uh we provided a couple next one is just like a 3d printing animation and the other one is layer by layer and yeah you can combine them i actually can’t see them i hope i’m hitting the right one

I see like creators you know using those to add just that level of polishing i think squid’s going to win absolutely and then i recognize this i don’t know how that’s happened yeah well the desert theme well the glass would have slightly ahead mobs that i’ve ever built yeah well

After watching that video for so long having a nightmare about having to rescue my mom from some like aliens writing a scorpion i’m sorry that was not the intention he was creepy well speaking of aliens i know our team put together a really cool sci-fi parkour map that uh well they

Made you run through jason yeah i’m pretty sure they knew this when they asked me to run through it but i’m pretty awful at parkour so it took a few tries to get us a clean run through but at the beginning here it’s a pretty typical sort of parkour map of

Running and jumping but we definitely have some uh twists up ahead and here’s kind of the first one of even i know i can’t make that jump so let’s see what’s in the chest and we got a slime inator so i’m pretty sure you know what to do here

So now hopefully i will jump and be able to clear clear this gap and please yes putting it up so to get teleported to the next section kind of make it along and see what next obstacle we have now i know the chests have useful things in them so we got a blockinator

And we’ll throw that across and get a little platform now i can make this jump even i can make that jump and uh we got the hot dog or the cyber dog and blow it up but it poisoned me so i needed to use the antidote to uh

Rescue me there lead across and get through here now we got a wall in the way so let’s see what tool we have to get through the wall we are currently sitting at 47. you got to vote now keep going if you don’t vote now you’ll regret it for the

Rest of your life actually not our last obstacle here you can’t remember yeah they just think you can’t quite get to it but that’s above looks promising along with the ladder so let’s go up see we get here fall down and block breaks i can get to the teleporter and fanny’s already there

[Laughter] yeah finally wow that’s 86 times i love the just the aesthetic of that too as well like all the art and things so those teleport blocks those seem like a really cool way to add like another level of immersion to the worlds you’re creating yeah with data-driven items some blogs

We get so many new events that you can act on like for example in the case of the teleporters you kind of step on it and then on the bandwidth trigger and you can react in so many ways you can add particles or in this case

For example you run a series of commands that just teleport you to the next area that’s awesome now i love the slamming of the block nair and the magic wand i’ve never seen items do that before yeah so that’s another example of how combining the same tools you can achieve

So many different effects uh for example the laminator was just using the event and the replace sorry and the fill command right to replace the blocks at the bottom with the slimes then the next one uh we have the wand and that one is just replacing blocks

With uh air and then we also have the blocking nader which allows you to walk by placing some blocks replacing airwood blocks so just by combining events and the same company different ways to achieve so many cool effects yeah so it’s just small little simple things you can

Combine in lots of different ways yeah you get a lot a wide variety of results and even that blocking error allowed you to make that jump yes and then i also saw that there was you know messing with mob effects too as well yeah so we’ve had an example of custom

Food in there but in addition to just satisfying hunger like a food normally does you can add and remove mob effects so we had the cyber dog that gave three effects the levitation nausea and poison and then we had the antidote that would actually only remove two of them so

Unlike a bucket of milk that removes all mob effects you can make things that remove very specific things yeah and it seemed like you got you know after you use that or after you use the the magic wand to get to that wall it seemed like you were stuck but

There was something else that was going on there oh yeah so there is the block that was in my way so we made it so that um another one of these events similar to like the on step on is we also have it on fall on

So in this case it was just an on fall on and you can set what distance you want the event to trigger so you have to fall at least 10 blocks or something like that and when you land on it we then break the block similar to what like the tomato plant

And other things that we saw earlier yeah and it seemed like it took you quite a few tries to make it through but danny was able to do it first try yes unlike others 86 times yeah and one new feature that we have is that on drop text you’ll be able to show

The names of the players that are of interest at that moment and also show scores like in this case we were tracking how many times major was dying yeah well thank you both for for coming on to the stage and talking a little about these creator tools and new

Features that are coming out and with these new features there’s going to be a pretty amazing new thing coming out later this year for all minecraft players oh yeah the summer i you’re excited team bedrock bedrock boys You got me i i was that was a part of me that’s like no way are they doing it i mean we know you’ve waited a long time for this update and if you thought the first set of features for the caves were all okay about that even more awesomeness

Agnes and nir from the vanilla minecraft gameplay team are here to tell us what else is coming to the caves and eclipse update hello welcome hello hey how does it feel it’s so amazing it’s so awesome to finally be able to share that with everyone

Yes it was great and we have you know looked a bit of tweets during the break and we have some more sweet we have more yes there will be so many cool things you can build with that in the warden it’s amazing to see all the excitement so cool mirror you

Recently joined the mojang studios team yes i i joined this year um but honestly i’m not oh that’s all right i’m sure how would that happen i’m not really sure how i’m here in minecraft live uh because like just last year i was home glued to the stream just just i

Had to know what the next thing is coming to minecraft and today it’s not the only that i get to share that it’s i got to work on some of those things so it’s it’s fairly incredible um but yeah i’ve been i’ve been uh developing games for a few years now and

Uh more recently i’ve actually worked with uh this non-profit organization called games for peace which is an amazing organization which basically uses games to promote peace like he takes kids from areas of conflict all around the world and sits them down to play minecraft and sometimes it’s kids they don’t even

Share a language so they can’t talk so minecraft is the language they share minecraft is what helps them connect and get to know each other and creates friendships right it’s it was amazing being part of that it’s so cool i mean sometimes i feel like oh i know all the amazing things

That are happening with minecraft and then you described that to agnes and i and we both were like you’ve never heard that and it’s so so cool so beautiful amazing absolutely beautiful so in this update you’ve been really looking at like filling out the caves even more yes so even more things to

Show and in the things we showed so far it’s a lot about like improving the journey underground but of course we also want to add like new things to find like new resources and one of them are crystals crystals hey crystal caves wow I know that’s like added sound effects but can you imagine a cave like having this sound to it They’re so beautiful yes that the moment you turn the corner and you see that glowing thing that’s so it’s just it’s incredible the atmosphere in the crystal diode it’s it’s like mystical four minutes left to vote and the next mob coming to mind like what is the purpose for crystals in mind

Between the ice soldier and the glass and we will talk more about one of the usages soon but the other thing is a lot about just adding a lot to the experience of exploring and we want them to be quite rare so when you find them it’s really gonna be like like magical

Because they’re just beautiful and you know when you walk on on the crystals you hear these sounds yeah it’s just we talked before about the pillar of underground of marvel i feel they’re just the perfect feature for that sort of player right but you can’t just take them with you right

So you can break the crystal plant we saw in the video but they actually grow from a very special block and that block is unobtainable it’s it’s sort of like you think about uh spawners right you cannot just take it and put it in your base

It it makes you go and build farms all around your world and that also encourages you to create tunnels between them and and find out ways of transferring those items from places i love those sort of features that really encourage other uh gameplay in the game as an explorer myself i’m

Very excited about finding all of these and you’ve mentioned a usefulness to them oh yeah yes so from those crystal plants you get crystal charged items and you can actually use them to craft the telescope so this is um this is such a bizarre feature because it’s like the optifine thing

Inside of the game the only questions i have about it though is like if it only works whilst inventory and it does this whole circle thing it’s like you know snipers and call of duty and something like how often are people gonna want to use it it’s amazing

But i don’t think so super cool and the cool thing is that so yes you use the crystal shards to craft them but you also need something more and that’s also a new thing that we added ah copper right right right is it is it is it is is it a it is

So oh wow do you wanna know a fun fact the statue of lotte is made from pop-up and even though it’s like green now it used to be orange it’s amazing yes it’s near or um and in you saw the cover or individual and a very interesting thing with the copper ore

Is that it generates in a different way so normal ores often you know like an ore blob but cover copper is different so imagine that you are out mining and you see copper ore say like okay i’m gonna mine the copper and then you see some stone it’s like

Hmm they look a bit different so you continue to mine and then you find another copper ore and you go like okay i think i found a copper vein so we’re actually adding ore veins to minecraft and like they really add so much to mine a little differently

Like following a trace when you mine and they tie so well to the pillar we have about adding strategy to mining yeah strategy you mentioned that once or twice well maybe a few times but yes so i think i got inspired by the pre copper roofs in stockholm and they

Are all green because we have so many like old buildings here and we’ve actually added that mechanic to minecraft as well you know if you place a copper block it will first be orange but after a while a pretty long time it will turn green and it’s something ah i think it’s

Cool because it actually adds history to minecraft because for example if you have a really old mineco minecraft world then you can see on like a house and like oh the roof turned over how long have they been you know how it’s been for a really long time weeks of minecraft time

Oh it’s cool it happens randomly at some point your copper will start to like i don’t know if it rust is the term but like age and so your orange actually oh maybe it’s the rain that doesn’t more actually but look oh that’s that’s actually a huge amount of time like several

You know you know a whole real day and copper won’t only be used for the telescope you actually have another really cool thing that you’ll be able to craft with it something redstone related it’s copper right it’s good i already talked a bit before about these design principles that we have in

Minecraft and one of them is that if something bad happens the the player either caused it or it has a way to sort of avoid it and one of those exceptions for example is lightning striking now some people like to build wooden roofs in minecraft some

Even build wood wool rules looking at me right not at all like my like the grandest castle on in my realm actually has a roof fully built of wool yeah that’s not not a good idea yeah so to try to help the players with that we are introducing the lightning rod lightning rod

Now i think this is cool that they’re like fixing one of the big flaws in like you know everything you do is your own thing now now you can have lightning deliberately strike a certain place which also means it’s easier to get charged creepers if you don’t use the trident

There’s probably a few other benefits right and probably just looks cool on your copper roof but still that’s very useful for all the wool roofs out there yeah i think this is a problem that uh happened to a lot of our players even personally i had this peaceful game

That i played with my partner squid is and we came back and our uh house was gone and i was quite confused because i consider myself to be someone who knows a bit about minecraft and there are no creepers no no enderman so what happened we figured that probably a lightning

Star hit and burned down the house and we were quite traumatized because we were not prepared for this so i think this lightning rod is really going to help with that yeah now you don’t have to worry about that problem anymore no i’m going to place like lightning rods everywhere on my bull

Roof now you’ve introduced a lot of things already and players already have a lot of trouble with their inventory and the amount of items but you have an idea for that yes so as you know we keep adding new blocks and new items all the times

And that do create a bit of an inventory problem and we’re aware of that and we’ve actually been thinking quite a lot how we can solve it because we won’t have like good gameplay gamepl bundles wait yeah okay so you get a little bundle and then you can you can throw items in

It kind of like a shop box except oh it’s a single stack instead of a 27 stacks Ah but you can mix and match so it actually holds more items in the shocker box if the items are one of a kind yeah that there is a way that the bundle is better than a short box oh and you can have lots of them i like a flower

Uh yeah it’s like it’s like how you use shulker boxes in the late game they’re giving like an early game version of that which is fun bundles that’s cool yeah it this is awesome it’s it’s essential as well and i love it i think we spend a

Lot of time talking about the inventory problem and i think one of the biggest takeaways there was that this is not actually one problem it’s it’s constructed from a lot of sub problems for example uh hot bar management is one part uh getting a lot of blocks for your huge build

Somewhere that that’s like something the shulkers help with but i think there is a third sub problems where every time you leave your base to go exploring somewhere your inventory keeps getting full of junk like this lot just has two flowers this lot has just one seed right and i think the bundles

Are really going to help with that problem yes so the thing with the bundles is that you can place many different kinds of items in one bundle so many different kinds of items in one inventory slot so for example i can take those two flowers and one seed and put

Them in one bundle it’s great and you can kind of use them like presents too oh yes i’m so excited about seeing what players do them in uh like shopping district right you can have the the bundle of the day which has a bunch of things with it or

You can have secret bundles where you have three of them in the chest but you get a random one i think it’s really going to be cool yes and for example if your friend has a birthday you can put like your prettiest item in the bundle because it looks like a

Gift wrapper and then you can give it to your friend that’s so cool we’ve talked so much today on the like really game design side but how do you work on the art side we actually have it’s really torn on whether they like it So my job is basically to get an abstract idea and imagine how it would fit into the minecraft universe and then start sketching it so once my sketch is finished i send everything to the 3d artist that it’s going to model it and animate it to make it alive

My job is to bring sketches to life and make a move in 3d space to work with a game that has such a special look it’s amazing it’s a challenge it’s fun it’s sometimes frustrating but it’s very rewarding i love it i make the pixlr of the vlog and usually

When i create a block texture for near rock type it’s going to be a lot we’ve never seen 50 iterations of one block because i want to make it right every block is like a building block for people’s imagination right so i try to like

Pour a lot of love in each block to make sure that people can create what they want so i think my favorite thing about the minecraft look is that it’s very unexpected very unconventional and that’s where like this special comes from minecraft in terms of game art is

Special because it has such a unique look and it’s very restricted and has to be 3d pixel art and we can only work within those boundaries so we have to like think inside the box but also outside the box so i’ve been working on this exciting new one inside and outside

Predator ever existed in minecraft this update is incredible like people have been waiting for this for so long and we’re finally gonna do it i hope that the community is really really happy about it i hope they have a lot of new stuff to play with and i hope that they’re

Excited to see some concepts as well it’s so lovely when you can think about all of the different jobs within game development i love seeing the artists and developers we all like across the show there’s so many different types of roles that people have 27 bundles we’re very open in mojang and getting

Ideas from all over the place and specifically working with the art team is amazing as well uh you sort of throw one idea to the hair and he draws something and you’re like oh what is that white thing in your drawing i didn’t even think about it and it starts

So many awesome ideas going and we even integrated into our prototype uh process and actually i think until i saw those sketches by the art team i didn’t really understand what archaeology and minecraft even means archaeology yes so we’re actually adding a new system called the archaeology system

Uh in this system this sounds cool it sounds like excavation sites all throughout your world you can make this new tool called the brush that is going to help you uncover the mysteries of all these dig sites okay i’m confused so you come to one of these uh ancient structures

And you can sort of use the brush to clear away some of the rubble that may have collapsed in those structures and sometimes you might even find something shiny inside them but and this is important if you are not careful enough like in real life you can destroy that artifact

And when that artifact is gone that artifact and all the secrets it held are gone forever i stay but if you’re careful enough if you take your time and you’re deliberate you can get some of those hidden artifacts and for example here we got a ceramic shard which is basically how whoever lived

Here used to tell and pass on their stories i love the story size of the archaeology this is so bizarre we often talk about that we want to deepen the mystery exactly find like connections and hints this is actually pretty cool people never tell the full story but

This will inspire the players to tell their own stories about their own minecraft worlds exactly i think it’s going to be really exciting to see what players do with them for example here we see an excavation that someone built for this where he can compare all the different

Clues he finds right and try to preserve whatever was down here uh and he can uh compare what he what we found with whatever a new thing and sort of try to connect the pieces right and here we see those pieces connected in a clay pot actually trying to reconstruct them back

And you can create that wherever however you like you can create your own stories or try to guess how those pieces used to connect yeah so you gotta make your own story creative with these new pots because you can put the charge like in any way you want exactly and when you’re

You’re pleased with your creation you can fire them up you have your own painted claypot pretty so near is this programmer art still yeah the the art we’re saying is still work in progress uh but i personally like the dragon i think it’s cute yeah they don’t say programmer architecture this feels weird

I think right now i’m not like are you too good i don’t know i love the idea but i’m not saying execution makes me like amazing i mean the excavation site is so incredible i’m i’m so excited about this i’ve spent a lot of time about it and

I actually got to uh do a lot of awesome conversations with actual archaeologists from all around the world and it’s been honestly i i sort of feel like i got so passionate about myself that their passion sort of stuck to me and it was so amazing to learn more

About this and i’m really excited to see where it goes from here and you have a dev diary coming out on our youtube channel where you kind of explore all of the archaeology even more yeah it’s it’s honestly really really exciting so i had so much fun with this and i learned so

Much that i i decided that it can’t stop with me so we’re gonna do a dev diary when we’re actually gonna talk to those archaeologists and actually we might even get to visit some interesting locations that is amazing well it’s it feels very sad but we’re almost out of time

But we’ve been hinting at a new mob like over the course of the show like three or four times so are you going to tell us It’s the cutest predator you will ever meet come on show it to us axelals i wonder if they’re only in lush games everywhere in caves this is some loud oh oh look look at these fellas oh i’m only just adorable i don’t know what they do but i guess i

Don’t really care minecraft it’s local on the school bucket i feel like there’s only one sound i can make after seeing that which is like Adorable how did you decide on axolotls so when we add a new mob to minecraft we really want it to have like its own unique character we want it to have purpose and it’s also a very good thing if it happens to be ugly cute and axolotl is perfect it has

All of these things well i guess on the ugly cuteness it might be quite a big emphasis on the cute side but still and we actually had a brainstorm in the team so we were like okay we’re gonna add goats but we want to add another animal

And then one of the developers posted like a big picture of an axolotl and we all went like yes this this right now it’s like a definition of ugly cute it’s like made for minecraft perfect and then we also found out that axolotls are endangered

In the real world and we think it’s it’s good to add endangered animals to minecraft to create awareness around that so that’s also a good thing like with the bees yes like with the beets last year for example but yeah so the x models as you saw in the in the video

They live in the lush caves and they really add a lot of life to the lash case and there’s also a bucket of axolotls you know you’re walking around in a lush cave and you see some axolotls then you can actually scoop them up in your bucket and take them with you

So maybe you’ll be like a pretty aquarium for them in your base or maybe you bring them to your ocean adventure the sony will be like oh this looks so modern it’s like man everyone says that about every update it’s not a unique comment and it’s only true because it’s new things

Bizarre things are gonna look modern right like unless it looks exactly like something that already exists you’re gonna say it looks modded but that doesn’t mean that it is also whoa they they do well i see why you’re calling them the cutest predator you’ll ever meet exactly so when you

Scoop them up in a bucket you can actually create your own uh exoludo army basically and charge into the oceans with them and they will help you fight various uh well they’ll attack cute fish as well but they’ll help you fight the the drowns and the guardians and they’re actually

Quite useful when fighting guardians because these they have this special ability that whenever they take damage they sort of play dead and when they’re playing that no mob will actually attack attack them so they have this time to regen back help and then jump back into the fight together with

You and if you learn how to cooperative with them really well they might even heal you during the battle that is so cool but okay so you added like you added these two mobs that are like as different as possible with the warden and the axolotl

Yes so this update is actually a lot about contrast which is great because it creates like a dramatic player experience which is so good so we you know we’re like updating the highest highs of minecraft with the mountains we’re updating like the deepest of the caves they had this

Terrifying board and the cutest axolotl and also indicates like the lush caves are very light and welcoming and then the deep dark is super scary and challenging i guess we can’t forget our little goat in there it’s kind of the in between yeah we shouldn’t forget the

Goat i guess it’s in between it’s a bizarre very cute but in between let’s take a look back at some of the exciting things that we’ve talked about today Honestly that cave generation alone gets me going oh yeah give me the case give them to me mojang I um i really love the cave system i love the vein system and i want i think those two features alone i’m happy you could you could not update anything else i’m already hyped about this update but then there’s so many little sub variations and that’s just what we know

So far right like that’s that’s insane [Applause] was the worst way to show creative tools that was just the guy doing bad popcorn axolotl bucket oh yeah before we get to our bomb vote i think there’s one more question people are really going to want to know when are we going to get the clay

The caves and the cliffs update a good question so we plan to release it summer 2021. and this actually is really good as i mentioned in the beginning of the show we really want to have a lot of time to work together with the community to like other feedback see all the great

Ideas because the community has so many good ideas so it feels good that you know have a lot of time to actually work together on this update amazing and the community decided on a new mob that will enter the game so which one of you gets to do the honors today but

I think tiny agnes has been a bit mean chad’s not happy about her in 2021 Can i look first you’re gonna know before everyone else it’s the glow squid floss squirts coming to minecraft i would be happy but someone paid me not today not just the tiny ones no wow really not expecting that that is so awesome yes like i i didn’t expect it at

All but it’s great and close not available ah these themselves are predators so i’m not sure thanks a lot actually oh no we’ll see we’ll see i’ll talk to them think about it yes we have committed to a lot of things so i think we need to i really hope it’s

Not just all the things that we’ve shown in the show watching minecraft wouldn’t be what it is today without all of you from all of us at mojang studios thank you so much bye i think that’s the end there’s probably some like potion stuff but that is 1.17

Wait real quick real quick madison i have my assistant uh here i wanna wanna have a quick discussion while we do this let’s do this let’s uh let’s talk 1.17 so cave update big big bueno could have said almost anything after that wouldn’t have made it any worse Tell me about the keyboard I mean the cave update i kind of like had heard about it before it was announced and it was hard to keep it a secret yeah you didn’t hear about anything before anything was in there but technically since i’m on the marketplace i’m allowed to know about it so it’s fine

That’s that’s she’s she’s making it up she heard about it just there forever now yeah i Um the only thing that i heard about before this announcement was the drip stone caves i like what they’re doing like the lush caves actually look really cool and i like how big the other stuff i like the is but okay if someone knows what i’m talking about i feel like we saw

Minecraft tweet something about the next level a really long time ago but i could be wrong yeah i felt like i saw like whipped cream like don’t you remember seeing that on minecraft news or something like i’ve seen it somewhere it’s so much worse than optifine objectively in every way like because

You need an item and it’s a circle and another fan of it i would probably never make a telescope the bundles are okay everyone’s seeing my recommendations and i can’t i don’t know how to hide them there’s this weird there’s this weird mosque’s a hot shot like when my old business failed

My business there we go um but yeah overall uh i i think glow squid is better than iceland just because they can’t mess it up as much um that’s exciting um i i think i i think i want to round up some thoughts and i’ll definitely make a video soon

But um are you a pisco supporter thank you for watching everyone uh that has been minecraft live 2020 and uh i’m looking forward to i i’m looking forward to seeing this in the flesh i think 2021 is gonna get a lot of people riled up though

Uh the the mob the the the date it’s actually happening what’s up oh it’s all good um but yeah i uh there’s a there’s a lot of uh it’s a lot of questions but i wonder i have bunny ears now uh there’s a lot of questions about this

Update i’m looking forward to seeing the monster with the snapshots when are those snapshots i don’t know it’s 20 20. so you can just say covered and delay anything which i think is interesting i mean like you know what can’t work cave update because yeah corona right but um yeah i’m

Excited to see uh this come out and i also am very curious as to where the messaging goes from here uh i also you know they got me excited about dungeons that was impressive like minecraft earth they’re like oh did you know you can and i was like

Zoned out but minecraft dungeons huh minecraft dungeons huh anyway thank you for watching uh this live stream i’m gonna be streaming tomorrow if you wanna come check out obviously there’s no mike on live happening but that’s a thing and if you want to see my kind of like

Breakdown of each of the things because i know not everyone’s watched this uh live stream right now you can come watch those that break down on the channel in like some number of minutes but for now thank you for watching i hope you have a great evening

Morning it’s a morning for me but i know it’s not for most people um ghost bros go celebrate steak says cats i genuinely might i genuinely might um i uh yeah a lot of people are excited and chat about blow squids you know i’m happy if

You all again they can’t mess it up as bad worst case scenario worst case it’s a squid that glows and no one cares i solid your worst case scenario it’s another phantom situation you know so just remember it could be it can always be worse you know if you ever stub your toe

Just remember um at least we haven’t gone into a nuclear holocaust yet so uh with that said thank you for watching and i’ll see you all tomorrow for i think super mario 64. actually if you want to come hang out as well as some minecraft so you know

There’s there’s we’re doing a lot more streaming come check out the streams at like this time but two hours ago every day over the next couple weeks or so or until i you know die of over streaming okay thank you for watching and i’ll see you later and tomorrow and

Other times and you know i’m bad at saying goodbye okay so um how about i

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 2020 Ft.1.17 Reveal & MOB VOTE’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2020-10-03 18:11:17. It has garnered 333330 views and 12901 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds.

Minecon Live this year will show of 1.17 (Cave Update???) and a new mob will be voted for, amongst other things in this 90 minute show

(no text to speech or response to tips, because of the special 1 time nature of this event and the need to focus/listen. Hope you understand, normal streams resume tomorrow)

– The Previous Video(Mob Vote): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR7_spYBGrA

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

Update Adventures (My Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

– My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat – Follow for video updates and Early News!

You can become a channel member by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_GQ4mac4oN3wl1UdbFuTEA/join

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    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners Explorando los Desafíos de Minecraft para Principiantes ¡Hola, aventureros de Minecraft! En este video, vamos a explorar lo desafiante que puede ser Minecraft cuando eres un principiante. Desde sobrevivir la primera noche hasta encontrar recursos esenciales, descubrirás los obstáculos y las estrategias necesarias para superar los retos iniciales del juego. Hablaremos de cómo manejar el hambre, evitar mobs peligrosos y construir tu primer refugio seguro. Si eres nuevo en Minecraft o simplemente quieres recordar esos primeros pasos difíciles, este video es para ti. ¡No te lo pierdas y suscríbete para más contenido épico sobre Minecraft! 🚀🎮🗺️ Superando los Retos… Read More

  • RELAXING Minecraft: Building EPIC Mage Tower!

    RELAXING Minecraft: Building EPIC Mage Tower!Video Information start streaming [ __ ] sending us your video oh now I’m live do I believe you this time YouTube I don’t know if I believe you this time YouTube If I am live then this is the most confusing start to a video ever for anyone this is waiting for me what are you doing YouTube what the [ __ ] is happening are we live am I alive do I hear myself talking I don’t Jesus Christ are we live ah there’s me am I alive what the [ __ ] is happening okay that was… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    ULTIMATE Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information s ding welcome back to another s lad stream I’m getting the music s lad what are we doing today today we’re playing Minecraft and that’s it what nice guys actually you forgot there’s a gimmick we’re on Hardcore so if we die it’s just like real life oh no dang it but don’t worry guys I’m the strongest server on this SMP so no you’re the strongest server on this SMP you’re not the oh strongest player on this smv so don’t worry yeah yeah what’s up we got wait guys I’m going try to do a… Read More

  • Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥

    Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥Video Information так ну в общем Ребятки всем Здорово С вами я наверно первый видосик За столь большой промежуток времени я решил записать всего именно на гриф наверное хочу поиграть сейчас на гриф немножко поснимать тут как бы попробовать тут но много людей которые играют нормальных ну всё короче ребят погнали получается сейчас получается тут р в чат Пит какой там РП Это скорее всего сейчас будет закрытый Мне кажется я уверен Ну как бы да как бы вот тут у нас тропа челика убьём я лук не взял да О гень я взял Стрелы но я не взял лук… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯Video Information hi it’s TV and today we’re doing a very ordinary Sky Block oh but what about that guy what guy what is that honeycom I have no idea what that is uh how do we get out of here uh well I I mean we just have to play Sky Block and uh he’ll stay over there yeah yeah I mean it’s not like it can come closer or anything like that so I think we’ll be safe wait what’s he doing wait what no no he’s building towards us he’s evolving he’s EV he’s building towards us… Read More

  • Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2

    Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2Video Information [Applause] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] uh h [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h ER rs2 says here [Music] [Music] h huh h This video, titled ‘Friends SMP Survival in Minecraft PT5 | Building crop farm | TRS2’, was uploaded by TRS2 on 2024-03-05 12:37:55. It has garnered 8 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:39 or 219 seconds. Next EP gonna get the Ender Dragon! =================================== 📦Resource Packs: 🏞Complementary Shader Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders 🥊Armor gloves Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/armor-gloves Enjoy…!! =================================== ➕Follow Me: 📱TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@trs2yt 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trs2yt 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRS2YT Enjoy…!! =================================== #trs2 #minecraft #survival #villager #farm #smp Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Joaquin – You won’t believe it!

    Minecraft Madness with Joaquin - You won't believe it!Video Information oh my goodness oh my God oh my goodness oh my god oh where did I put that torch right here how did I do that okay I suppose y’all okay so I suppose anyone who’s in this stream right now has read the title and we’re just going to uh play some Minecraft yeah so I have a couple little goals in mind for today’s stream in this Minecraft world um first thing I need to do is I need to gain the Cobblestone just like the amount of cobblestone to build a mob farm one of… Read More

  • SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!

    SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MY MY WORLD 😍 IN MINECRAFT 😎 #1’, was uploaded by SWAG LEGEND on 2023-12-26 12:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #viral #minecraft #games MY MY WORLD IN MINECRAFT The “About Me” Gaming Channel “I’m just your … Read More

  • Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraft

    Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saving My Dog and Take Revenge 😔 #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #shorts #memes #music’, was uploaded by Smaze King on 2024-05-04 16:30:02. It has garnered 49158 views and 1580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. For More Amazing Videos. Also Thanks for Watching. Inspired from! @SB737 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GameBeatYT @GamerFleet @dream Tagss. #PUBG gaming #gaming #fast gaming#best gaming #pubg mobile #mobile gaming#eyeshot master #revenge#pubg king#top kills # minecraft #gta 5 #ipad gaming #ipad 9gen#ipad 8gen #android gaming#clutch gaming#1v4 game #pubg pro player#pc pubg #shooting games #fighting games#killing games#fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft IQ – Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft IQ - Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cytech Gamerz on 2024-01-14 07:30:00. It has garnered 5664 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 RELATED QUERIES:- world’s smallest violin minecraft the smallest violin in the world world’s smallest violin minecraft sounds world’s smallest violin 1 hour minecraft are you a fast talker test world’s smallest violin twi shorts singing world’s smallest violin world’s smallest violin on violin minecraft most dangerous trap i blow… Read More

  • OneCraft Semi-Vanilla Survival Java 1.2.5 Nostalgic Economy Old Version

    Welcome to AlphaCraft! Join our nostalgic survival server running on Java 1.2.5. Use the /register command and start playing today! Server Details: IP: oc.alphacraft.fun:25575 Discord: Join us on Discord Website: alphacraft.fun Version: 1.2.5 Read More

  • ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING

    ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING-=ContinentalMC=-With a 1:500 Scale map of the Earth, in Minecraft!We are a small, but growing server! We’d love to have you with us!Some of our features include:Custom items: Grappling hooks, Grenades, Custom Recipes, Custom materials, Custom Textures & More!Movecraft: Create your own moving ships and aircraft!Economy! Create shops to sell items, and play the server to gain in-game money!Vehicles: Craft small, but quick planes!Towns & Nations! With the ability to make them completely neutral!Wars (Economy only! No losing your builds!)Capture-Zones with hourly materials!Machines & Factories! Automate material production, Crafting & More!Partial Keep-Inventory, Keep your Tools & Armor, but lose resources!Limited… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Swamp Wood Heist!

    Looks like this meme is branching out into new territories with that high score! Read More

  • Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World’s Close Call! #shorts

    Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World's Close Call! #shorts In the world of Skyblock, I nearly met my end, A close call that almost made me descend. Random items spawning every 15 seconds, oh my, The challenge is tough, but I’ll give it a try. On my YouTube channel, the video is out, Subscribe for more content, without a doubt. Twitch, Discord, TikTok, all the addies you need, Join the fun, let’s plant the gaming seed. Dio, the streamer, the YouTuber, the pro, Inspired by DreamSMP, putting on a show. Minecraft, reactions, vlogs, and more, Dio does it all, with content galore. So come along, join the fun… Read More

  • Hot Wi-Fi Door Physics in Minecraft 😂

    Hot Wi-Fi Door Physics in Minecraft 😂 “Why does the physics door have better Wi-Fi than my actual house? I guess even Minecraft knows the struggle of bad internet connection!” 😂 #firstworldproblems #minecraftwifi Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • 10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas!

    10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas! Les 10 Commandes Puissantes de Minecraft 2024 Dans cette vidéo, tu vas découvrir 10 commandes très peu connues mais vraiment puissantes. Il est fort probable que tu ne connaisses pas ces 10 commandes, alors n’hésite pas à partager ton score sur 10 dans les commentaires à la fin de la vidéo. Commençons sans plus tarder avec le numéro 10. Numéro 10 – Commande de Décoration Cette commande ajoute des décorations lorsque tu tires avec un arc. En activant la commande, il te suffira de prendre un arc et de tirer une flèche. Tu verras une trainée stylée derrière la… Read More

  • MINECRAFT LIVE: Twich Nywoz SURPRISED us with insane plot twist!

    MINECRAFT LIVE: Twich Nywoz SURPRISED us with insane plot twist!Video Information o attend je te tu tu me tapes ok je te ki Tap Tap tapi tapi le truc ah mais c’est recu V V personne le drop je c’est bon je suis sur lui c’est bon je te B tu es en train de me baiser tu es en train de me baiser il va crever il va crever il va crever je suis vas-y b b toi vas-y B attends attends ok jou à qu serveur plot.mcb.fr serve de T quelquun vois quelqu’un de la non c’est bon Arte Dr par que Dr je l’ai déjà fait… Read More

  • Insane Luck on Live Stream!

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  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Herobrine VS Entity303! – Minecraft

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Herobrine VS Entity303! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine VS Entity303 #mobs #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr.Trools ff on 2024-06-02 11:18:40. It has garnered 10056 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥Hive Live & Play CS:GO With Fans!! JOIN NOW🎮

    🔥Hive Live & Play CS:GO With Fans!! JOIN NOW🎮Video Information yo hello hello chat how are you all on this fine day what’s good yo film fil star welcome welcome welcome welcome hold up let me just set set up something real quick um oh my God what oh I’m sorry okay I’m sorry about this okay hold up um yo yo yo yo hi hi hi hi hi hi yes yes hi yes hi hi hi suchu hi fstar welcome welcome um okay should I start should I start or should I wait a little bit more let’s just play a game of SkyWars why not right… Read More

  • EPIC LEGO Minecraft Adventure with Ярик #lego #minecraft

    EPIC LEGO Minecraft Adventure with Ярик #lego #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] a This video, titled ‘LEGO Minecraft: Witch’s Hut #lego #minecraft #legominecraft #ярикlegominecraft’, was uploaded by Ярик Lego Minecraft on 2024-03-27 05:48:40. It has garnered 5250 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane 20K Minecraft Challenge: Chicken vs TNT Trap!

    Insane 20K Minecraft Challenge: Chicken vs TNT Trap!Video Information This video, titled ‘🤔Will the chicken survive from this TNT trap?😱 ( spirits ) #minecraft #minecraftpe #viralvideo’, was uploaded by 20K MINECRAFT CHALLENGE DAILY on 2024-01-17 14:10:37. It has garnered 2544 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. 🤔Will the chicken survive from this TNT trap?😱 ( spirits ) #minecraft #minecraftpe #viralvideo Hi everyone, welcome back to our channel. In this video, We’re going to show you topic covered in video Share, Support, Subscribe!!! Subscribe: Discord : Youtube: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: About : 20k minecraft challenge is a YouTube Channel, where… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Sand Glitch! #viral

    Unbelievable Minecraft Sand Glitch! #viralVideo Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘Minecraft floating sand glitch #viral #shorts #short #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by karan Gamerz on 2024-05-14 01:30:15. It has garnered 5129 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Minecraft floating sand glitch #viral #shorts #short #shortsfeed #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuild Karen Gamerz #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecrafthindi #minecraftshorts #minecraftips #tips_and_tricks #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuildhacks tips to tips and minecraft building tips and tricks minecraft tips and tricks for Survival minecraft beta tips and tricks minecraft expert tips and tricks minecraft building ideas tutorial how to do tricks in minecraft minecraft mobile… Read More

  • Insane Curse Mod in Minecraft #134! 😱🔥 #minecraftmods

    Insane Curse Mod in Minecraft #134! 😱🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information Baru Malam sih ini kayaknya tidur ya Semoga aja gak meledak sih H Semoga aja gak meledak sih Wah ini guys ini meledak nih Gua yakin ini bakal meledak sih Entar entar gua gua pengalaman soalnya nih ya padahal gak ada monster guys Oke aman ya aman aman jangan sampai kepancing ya Soalnya kalau kayak tadi itu guys ya kayak ada monster nerby gitu guys itu bisa jadi langsung meledak guys loh What the hell Oke baru juga Baru juga bangun guys This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #134 #minecraft #mcpe #mcpc #mods #error422’, was uploaded… Read More

  • EternalRealms

    EternalRealmsEternal realms | A new Era is a new experience to the Minecraft world, join the fight to end the reign of terror that has been caused by Temerus The death-walker , gear up and get out to the land of Amedell fight monsters and players who stand in your way, level up and collect loot on your adventures. Do you have what it takes to be at the top? The world of Amedell needs you. build your guild and level up together to end the wrath of Temerus The deathwalker. What are you waiting for ? Join now. Play.Eternal-Realms.com Read More

Minecraft Live 2020 Ft.1.17 Reveal & MOB VOTE