Minecraft NOOBS react to INSANE Hardcore MEGA Base!!

Video Information

Did you guys hear that i just i thought i heard something i thought i heard somebody say subscribe wait now that you mention it i think i heard it that time i don’t know this is so [ __ ] stupid dude i love them i love them they’re so stupid

Okay hardcore minecraft is when you can’t die in your world or it deletes it from your pc you cannot die in your world and the whole world dies we had just reacted to phil and you guys really liked that remember i told you guys once phil once phil died in that world

Hardcore just blew up this forever is one of the results of that this guy’s someone commented he’s been sneaking for 13 days these are the stats in the world wait i didn’t know i gave you stats look how many look how many times he’s jumped dude

So this guy i mean what i what i like about this guy’s edit is he or like he he he edits his videos very well and like takes you through like a like a it’s almost like a story it feels like it feels like he’s making a documentary about his look

So this is above the nether roof this is which is called bedrock which well yeah look at what looks like we don’t look at what he built of crazies look at what he did no no that looks like bowser’s castle from mario kart 64. do you it does are those lava trees

Dude do you remember remember that remember how it was just bedrock nothing but bedrock way flat all of this and here we have a lot of dispensers shooting up fireworks in hardcore i have come to love this place and recently we celebrated 5 000 minecraft days which was a really special

Wait so how long has looney been doing this or is he like just popping right now let’s see so he started uploading a year ago and he’s got 620k 620k and when so you know how like youtube algorithm works this is this no one knows we don’t know yet but so

This video hit a ton of people’s a ton of people’s um uh sub boxes for you yeah i have a little bit of a lag issue yeah a little bit of a lag issue you built a [ __ ] fortress it wasn’t supposed to be done right so that i mean what he just did

What he just did there with that switch is that’s what made that switch is what made all the fireworks and stuff go off yeah so uh let me see if i can get like the builds around so this is the the big that people build so you know you know

How you know how people some people i don’t know if you if we ever did this but when you go into the nether and if you want to get to somewhere fast in the overworld you build another portal and then you go through the nether walk because uh um because one block

Underground is eight blocks I took a guess but i remembered everybody keep going so this is his this is his nether uh like his his nether hub so like all like throughout all this are different his hub so like where you go where you go into the nether for the first time and then

You find out where to go in the overworld yes it’s your og portal right so that’s what he built this because he kept flying from destination to destination in the overworld and he was like i want this flight to look good and so he built this so in the in all these

Towers and stuff throughout all this are different nether portals that go to places in his over world that’s actually so easy and he built that i mean you can we can i don’t want to go too much into it but you could make a vid an entire video on just this

And he does that like just this place like the amount of work that went into that lava river so the thing about lava is lava does not spread like water like you can’t put a lava bucket here in a lava bucket there he had to bring

He had to bring like thousands of lava buckets and put it all down by hand to bring out some of these well this guy made a whole world we fly around him look at that dude buy him over here we have the cuz i really so he’s still building all that simulate

Height differences in the terrain we got another meteor over here another meteor casual part of the flame gemstone and brutus the lava squid around here the lava brutus the lava squid you know every five minutes so he has this on a timer and it erupts every five minutes he throws snowballs

Through like snowballs are in dispensers and he or whatever and he throws them through lava and they turn into fireballs so it looks like it’s erupting and he has that on a timer snowballs up into the air around this side we find another forest a crystal

Biome so then he see how i said there’s portals on all these different like all these different places so he knows which portal is which so he’s going by going through here now this portal doesn’t take us directly to the heart of the sea because we are

Going to take a little bit of a detour he calls his base in the overworld the heart of the sea project that we’ve been breaking three and four thousand days and the one that is probably out of everything so far the most challenging build you guys are about to be mind blown

Vanilla game shaders you guys are about to be mindful and more vivid due to optifine but no difference like a palette special effects okay so this is from the room this is his stronghold room enderman here so this is where you what does that mean so the stronghold is

Where the end portal is so you put all the eyes in there and then you jump through the portal yeah so he dug it all out and built a different one so then again a lot of light and dark contrast so i think the uh we’re seeing so you put shaders on make

It look cool is that right when we go through the portal here dude we are going to go to the end and the end is also designed for suits so he so the port the portal is up there the in portal up here so he’s going he’s walking up here

Yes this is the first and portal that i found in the world i’ve got some questions previously how i put this one up in the tree and the answer is i i really didn’t i built the room around it so we mined out everything and then built a room oh that’s cool

Yeah so you mind everything in the room or the place that once was the end island because this place houses probably the craziest build in the world so far this one is called the end statue and it’s based on my minecraft character with a flaming fire aspect sword and a channeling trident

Shooting both flames and lightning across the sky the entire end island has been bombed out this guy is a higher fighter whereas the obsidian pillars were mined out right now and that took me a solid 20. i was literally just talking about the scene the enderman farm is currently located under

The building it has literally it’s literally all water and in the middle of this character is a is an enderman farm so enderman fall down and he that’s where he goes and gets all of his expertise which was this is the elevator shaft that drops us down into

The basement i want to go back into the shaders that it’s designed for because this effect this flashing tunnel one of my favorite bits the interior of the ant statue currently hasn’t been designed yet much like the uh nether hub it’s one of them inside

But we’re gonna have to get back to it later this here is a room we’re gonna exit but i want to show you guys the enderman anderman farm which is currently located all the way under the building i know everybody knows that everybody’s got the same 24 hours

In a day but his are different his are different bro we just jump down here grab our sword and start slashing simple so those are all the intermittent he kills and they’re all one shot farming we got to swim back up here and then because of that yeah because of the fall so

Intermittent farming you you drop them as many when we go up that’s the return portal you know where you where you beat the game and you jump through the portal at the end he has it he has it here and like where he goes back in and uh he hasn’t like suspended

Like it’s [ __ ] changed by chains dude uh kind of suspended the portal from the ceiling that is so sick bro that is so sick we go through this every single stream with these wall designs quite intricate and then his walkway that is with the yoyo this will take him back to the over

World this will take him back to the overwhelm that will bring us to the heart of the scene so this is because this takes them back to the heart of the city his home yeah it’s the part of the world that is hardest to load in

There’s a lot going on and i think the most leg is generated by my chest room so i’m going to get the chest out of here and replace them he’s got the bangers on this video we got a lot of pets here around all around the place

No this isn’t a minecraft this is a flower pool and this here this is the armor set that i use for the first five thousand days in the world thousand days Not much to worry about in regards to equipment back at that point if we go through here this will put us that’s a really cool car part of the sea the heart of the sea is the main base and it’s underwater that because it is also my industrial district it’s called the

Heart of the sea but at the same time the heart of the season the center of my entire heart for syria so so you know the thing that that phil uh drained out the big temples that spawns the fish those fish drop shards that can build these these uh uh

Blocks he built a uh a farm for that in the middle of his base so they’re dropping down right there they’re called guardians but here we also have a cocoa bean farm he just has a [ __ ] ton of farms in his in his basement yeah the azalea trees and most carpets here

Over on this side we have a pretty tall creeper farm and you see a little red zone around the sides of the creeper farm that is because i can turn the creeper farm off the same goes for the guardian farm yeah so he he he has on and off switches for

Everything to to prevent lag okay so i mean this is all just like industry stuff all in here these are all farms like his his base is just filled with farms it is a better idea to actually go out into the world and gather the resource

Yourself because i try to get the most out of my game time and that means that i don’t fk anymore so this is his base so he he hollow he did what phil did where he drained us uh temple and he lives in it and then he built to

Make that work all of this [ __ ] around it sometimes it is cool to get your materials we’ll go through that later here we have a dragon skull like a white dragon yeah white dragons go on top of that stream where we defeated 19 ender dragons in a row

To unlock all the end gateways here we have geralt keeper of the country it’s protected gerald and every now oh he’s like it’s like a octopus yeah we visited gerald to uh to have a slice of cake because if we celebrate we gotta share that celebration with gerald

Oh i like the ship as i said keeper of country is protector of the loot and that loot that he protects to find that we have to go through this room a little hidden room that leads into a little hallway and the hallway goes to where gerald is hiding his treasure and

They’re underwater we find a lot of diamonds gold emeralds yeah so you can’t go under without breaking the glass i don’t think i’ve ever seen people store their treasure under water there’s a tentacle here which you can barely see because there’s no light on it you can use background what are those

Right lighting techniques photography to bring these edges out a bit so these sea pickles behind the actual tentacles they make them pop out dude i was watching this my guy’s working with light with sea pickles i was i was watching this the first time i watched this i was just mind-blowing like

Like sat there the whole time like this this is really really cool i’m happy with the way it turned out so do you know how to get a mob head in vanilla minecraft i don’t but they are one of my favorite things in the game because you i

Remember you put the wither head there for regular mob heads you have to get a trident and you have to put a uh a certain enchantment on the trident and then during a thunderstorm you throw the trident at a creeper it turns it into a charged creeper which is three times the

Blast radius and then you have that charged creeper kill a mob with its blast and it’ll drop its head it doesn’t even sound like it should be in the real game there are two wings and how did people figure that out i i think i think it just came out in

One of the patches so it’s relatively difficult to do like it takes a lot of sounds even just to get the trident itself is hard because it’s so hard to get a try this is the drowned zombies yeah yeah and that is a different kind of quality where where are they

Oh so he has like a it’s like an aquarium this is a place i really cherish it’s so he goes down here my first mob has and when i made this room i had no idea what the world would turn into we made a little art installation here called

Raindrops that rains lapis cycle cycles it back through the floor the water oh that’s the ceiling that’s really cool it sorts it back out kind of like uh it looks like somebody’s in the airport like a fountain right all the music discs oh we collected all the music

Two first rare mobs that i found this one is uh was really quite rare he did not have the sword but he had all the other pieces and this one was the first one i found that was fully enchanted look at all of those heads so the the process i just

Told you about this creeper skeleton zombies so that’s how many times he’s done that creep creeper bro skeleton bro zombie road creeper rosen zombie like that’s how many times he’s done that so he’s getting a charge creeper into a regular creeper right and the regular creeper drops

Drop rate of their head yes if they die from the blast at this point we have more than i think it’s a guess definitely more than 1500 probably more than 1600 thunderstorms and this is probably the craziest okay dude dude this so this is called a notch

Apple it’s a golden apple but it gives you way more health the guy who made the game right so if you eat it it gives you all of your bars plus five more golden hearts and it’s the hardest it’s the hardest item to get in the game

Pretty much besides like the dragon egg and they only spawn in they only spawn sometimes in like desert temples or like some random places so they’re very very hard to get even though those mall hats are insane so one stream he went fourth and got a whole stack of them

Dog so he has 69 for a meme on stream one day he went and got 69 of them 64. wait so how do you and one more assistant they just spawn like that they have to you know item and then enchant it no you can’t enchant you used to apparently back in

The day you used to be able to enchant those to get them but it was too op so now you can only get them if they spawn there’s a really cool construction project but also there’s a world map and not just any world all the world 750 combined maps showing the entire over

550 maps thousand blocks around we go over this staircase that has a fish tank inside of it and we pop out here oh goodness i love this room we got the heart of the scene the heart that’s that dude that is the that is his base that

Just that wait how did he get this you can you can make a map it’ll be blank and then you have to travel all throughout the map and then it’ll fill up and he took that one map and then made 500 of them and put them all down this room we got

The heart of a sea right here in the middle that is how small dude that is small compared to the rest of them and then over this way this this is his island called the looney adventures so put into perspective how small the heart of the sea is look how big his like

I mean i’m sure he’ll go there soon see you right here in the middle and then over this way the loony adventure written out on a map dude i’ve been collecting all the rare stuff i got a lot of diamond armor from end busting um i think at this point 130 electra

He’s got 130 elytras that means he’s rated 130 base in bases all the islands connected to the sea floor like it was pushed up from the ocean floor like that’s actually dope dude i was hoping i was like maybe he was just he was just able to mess with

The map and it’s not actually as far as the basic layout for difference look at it fully developed huge actual city area a city my dude made a font richie rich district luxurious shirts like the jeweler and the bank and then here we have the trade district the marketplace i can’t believe

And behind here we have industry and loonyville harbor but what i have no point in talking about a hardcore server this entire area uh you take a few days it’s mentally reasonable no i didn’t mean mentally i meant like in the physical servers so it says

Uh it when you die it says delete world or spectate world so you can go into spectator and fly around or you can just delete the world i choose i chose glass because oh is this a patreon wall i keep track of everybody’s name and all

These names they end up here on the walls of the netherlands yeah it’s like a patreon wall that’s a thank you and here we have the super smelter yeah we did there was one fully loaded and ready to go and as you can see there’s bedroom

This entire room yeah he mined it all out this pillar here oh first got up on the bed roof uh the bedrock roof of the nether by throwing an enderpearl there you see this do you see this this line yeah remember i told you he had to place thousands of buckets of lava

Yeah he would come and walk along this line and just take empty buckets and go and just get lava and then take it back up top lines over here are where all the lava buckets came from that are placed around the nether hub all these lava buckets are placed by

Hand and you can use that i carried up 31 000 lava buckets to me dog i said a couple thousand i said a couple thousand thirty one 000. i i just have never seen this much dedication to the process through here guys this is the first time i get to use this thing

When i first got out of the nether i was really scared so i built this little box to make sure i couldn’t get hit by a guest that’s funny looking at you finally that never so is this i think this is his og spawn this is before this

Is the first time that i’ve got to dodge a gas so there that looks a little better that looks a little ah that looks familiar right that’s what i’m used to right now yeah yeah yeah yeah so this is like when he first started in the world

This is like where he is mind and stuff there’s still cool stuff in there staircase situation oh i think they’re nice i think they’re good and we find the first little farm yeah this looks right i build one of those right there this is where i think the world begun it

Can be off like two blocks not much more after uh that first little moment of exploring and trying not to yes so he just took off tried to go this way found a pretty extensive spruce forest decided that that was probably not the best way to go doubled back and started so this

Is how he chose house this is how he chose home yeah didn’t go far at all but from here i just went through the forest and on the other side of the forest i found a village and that village was where my first villagers came from it’s insane

So then he moved into this village basically right over here is where i got closest to death out of the entire hardcore series so far this hole here is where uh my first horse exploded and i walked away first horse my first horse exploded yeah i guess because of a creeper

And he said he was on half a heart he went to half a heart insanity dude i knew when he was going to the end i was like you guys are not ready for this 130 000 isn’t enough no it’s not he needs way more subscribers it is not enough that is

Unreal that’s one of those situations where the youtube recommended hit and i was like thank you because that is so impressive shout out to looney shout out to minecraft shout out hardcore shout out you guys being hardcore subscribers Is that not like guys was that not You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOBS react to INSANE Hardcore MEGA Base!!’, was uploaded by Team Summertime on 2022-02-06 21:45:33. It has garnered 139794 views and 4603 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:15 or 1455 seconds.

TST react to Loony’s INSANE Harcore Minecraft Base!

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    Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Simple Tricks for Modern House Building easy Tutorial’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-06-06 03:00:28. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #house #starter #survival #house →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =)https://youtube.com/@Fevelyt →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=)https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉https://youtu.be/rpWKd79v1Ao👈 👉https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek👈 👉https://youtu.be/cUBUYgjadlc👈 👉https://youtu.be/9AZZbnUuIRY👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the freedom to build and create their… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

    Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #5 1000 – 1300 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-04-09 17:11:20. It has garnered 470 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:01 or 13201 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

    INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock #012 / German / 4K’, was uploaded by TaublerTV on 2024-06-01 15:45:49. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:45 or 1845 seconds. About the game ✒️✏️ Minecraft is a sandbox computer game that was originally developed by the Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson and the company he founded for this purpose, Mojang. Mojang and the game have been part of Microsoft since September 2014, which bought the company for 2.5 billion US dollars. Minecraft was first released on May 17, 2009 as an early access… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Watch till end 😱

    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!

    EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAC Season 4 – Two Sides – Episode 193’, was uploaded by Pretty Depressed Productions on 2024-03-22 20:30:01. It has garnered 5861 views and 629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ Social Media Links Discord Link – https://discord.gg/MHzDB5RkHj ​​✯Behind The Scenes✯ ​ Thumbnail Artists – Pluless https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt DamienCandle https://bit.ly/35KgOmP Editor – SpookyPooky https://bit.ly/2VaCMdK ✯People Who Were Here✯ Dylan (Dylan and Candy) https://bit.ly/34Ru34k KainaBunny (Circus Baby) https://bit.ly/2IhY06d Steele (Blank) https://bit.ly/358s78U HandfulJake (Red and Wilford) https://bit.ly/3eQlHyN Keldo52 (Blue) https://bit.ly/32nwHi4 Pluless (Yellow) https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt… Read More

  • Skeletanarchy RLCraft

    Skeletanarchy RLCraftWelcome to Skeletanarchy Minecraft! Which includes RLCraft on rl.skeletanarchy.com, Better Minecraft 1.18.2 [Forge] on bm.skeletanarchy.com, and Vanilla Minecraft on vanilla.skeletanarchy.com:25569. The servers are all Anarchy, there are no rules. The players do whatever they want, whether it’s creating communities, building amazing structures, or bands of griefers destroying everything, or literally anything rl.skeletanarchy.com Read More

  • Turtle’s Crossing: Creative 1.20, No Plots, WorldEdit, Dynmap, Whitelist, 18+ Preferred

    Turtle’s Crossing Turtle’s Crossing is a creative server started on 1.20 large biomes world generation. We welcome all kinds of builders, and look to create a community where members can relax and enjoy building without having to worry about complex tiers or thematic restrictions. Read More

  • AardvarkMC

    AardvarkMCBRAND NEW MAP! Started in 2024, AardvarkMC.org aims to be a sanctuary among servers for balanced survival PvP economy and provide the space for great builders to bring their dreams to life! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Unknown player uprising!

    Minecraft Memes - The Unknown player uprising!The Unknown player must be really good at Minecraft if they have a score of 54… or maybe they’re just really good at hiding their identity! Read More

  • Resource Rush: Wither Storm’s Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Resource Rush: Wither Storm's Hardcore Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With the Wither Storm looming, danger within. Gathering resources, preparing for the fight, In this hardcore mode, survival is tight. Uncut and epic, this series will unfold, With twists and turns, stories untold. The final boss awaits, a challenge so grand, Will our hero prevail, with sword in hand? Stay tuned for more, as the journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. With the Wither Storm lurking, ready to strike, Our hero must be brave, in the darkest of night. So join us now, in this… Read More

  • “Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂

    "Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 “Why did Japan and America start playing Minecraft together? Because they heard it was the only way to bridge the cultural gap and avoid any more awkward trade negotiations!” 😂🎮🇯🇵🇺🇸 #minecraftdiplomacy Read More

  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod – Part 3

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  • Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Entojin SMP (S1:Ep1):A Whole New Beginning!’, was uploaded by OverExposedKaiju on 2024-04-23 07:15:41. It has garnered 45 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:39 or 9939 seconds. Hello I am The Prince of the Dark Abyss,TheLivingNightTerror, and The future Inevitable Emperor of the world OverExposedKaiju welcome to my channel in todays Form of Entertainment we’ll be beginning our journey on the modded SMP Entojin Season 1! if you enjoyed watching consider leaving a like & subscribe to join my Satire Mob! #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberstream #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftvtuber #funnygameplay #satirecomedy… Read More

  • Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBage

    Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBageVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Fastest Blockin(World Record)’, was uploaded by GodBage on 2024-01-14 15:45:47. It has garnered 7632 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ================================= LOoOOL ►Pack: ask in comments ►Music: non ►minecraft client: BLC ►Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/xmEuB87TjQ =============================== #GodBage#Bedwars#Hypixel#Edit#PvP#Minecraft#遊戲#床戰#shorts#blockin Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT GAMERS LIVE NOW India - JOIN US!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-22 05:38:35. It has garnered 115 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:02 or 7142 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- https://www.instagram.com/crazy_8899_ckg/ To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP… Read More

  • 🔥 FRIO – Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshorts

    🔥  FRIO - Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les différents types de joueurs dans les villages #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FRIO on 2024-01-10 19:34:38. It has garnered 2544 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by MOX – CREATE on 2024-03-02 05:13:41. It has garnered 4710 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater… Read More

  • 🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥

    🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: time for phasmo and were back at 789 subs’, was uploaded by Moonwalker on 2024-05-26 02:38:16. It has garnered 301 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:54 or 15414 seconds. thanks for stopping in if you enjoy like and Subscribe also give me some tips #minecraft #hardcore #shorts #subscribe #like #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)

    Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)Video Information This video, titled ‘Auto Ore Generator | Minecraft Skyblock Episode 11 (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2024-01-07 15:00:40. It has garnered 8669 views and 396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:09 or 1929 seconds. Play with me! Java IP: neocubest.com | Bedrock IP: bedrock.neocubest.com Port: 19132 | Let’s Play Minecraft Skyblock on NeoNetwork is surely going to be a great episode 1, episode 2, etc style of series on Minecraft Java and Bedrock. Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series… Read More

  • Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shorts

    Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft parkour guanlet TAS #shorts’, was uploaded by Extreem MCgamer on 2024-05-04 21:00:23. It has garnered 10227 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Welcome to the Extreem MCgamer channel, dedicated to Minecraft! I’m Extreem, and I’m excited to share amazing Minecraft shorts with you. Join me as we explore the blocky world, go on thrilling adventures, and witness incredible creations. From awesome builds to cool redstone contraptions, we’ll dive deep into Minecraft together. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something here for… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎’, was uploaded by Karan tech kvp on 2024-05-05 08:04:44. It has garnered 7259 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎 minecraft sand art mod | minecraft sand art mr beast |minecraft sand art 123 Minecraft send art😱😱😱😱 gaming minecraft sand art minecraft sand art b minecraftsand art minecraft b minecraft banner fan art minecraft g minecraft banner h minecraft is minecraft sad is minecraft a… Read More

Minecraft NOOBS react to INSANE Hardcore MEGA Base!!