Minecraft Party 2 Minigame Ranking: SHOCKING Results!

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All right we’re doing the Minecraft party mini game tier list uh we have a a sheet that we’re referencing to figure out what they all are and I can share this as well but uh we’re just going to go through it and uh it’s me do and red

TI who’s off camera because there’s literally just not room for three people in frame they hate me uh and we we’ll be adding a few more because some of them are on the spreadsheet but not uh on the tier list just yet so uh the first one

On our docket is dropper uh I mean I feel like us two are like the least qualified people to talk about this [ __ ] Min game I mean this is just a pure skill one though that’s just like it is yeah I and I do think it’s fun it’s just like I genuinely don’t

Understand how people finish this course I mean it’s not the hardest I know it’s random but like dude I I never managed to beat this for me it’s beat it’s a b tier in my opinion uh it’s it’s it’s like it’s a classic though right like

Yeah no I definitely do like it it’s well made I uh but I’m not like hoping it’s getting picked you know and that’s not just because I’m bad at it that’s fair that’s fair there’s one there’s games that I’m bad at that I still like I mean for me

It’s definitely bti or CTI I mean like uh I would definitely I think it deserves at least bti because it’s a classic for a reason like there’s a reason people like it so much I just don’t it the thing that people really liked about the old droppers is that

They were super visually interesting and the one that we have kind of isn’t so that might drop it down a little bit in my book like I feel like if it looked cool which I don’t even know how we would Implement that because it would

Just be the same map every time or it would be like a we would have to make like put a ton of effort into like five different maps that it could randomize between but uh yeah I think B is fair for now we can move it around a shifting

You have that tunnel but it like shifts cuz it’s it’s it doesn’t actually like variate that much it’s just kind of like you know like a twisted like all right uh wacka Bob is up next yeah wacka mob is I like it I think it’s a good game I

Would put my my my natural instinct is to put this in a tier after theyed it um it’s really good like yeah especially with the update that makes it so that not everyone gets the same score I think that I think that that game easily goes

An a tier if not and I might even move it higher later depending but uh think yeah no I don’t think it’s that it’s like nothing like out of the extraordinary but it’s still pretty good yeah no no no for sure for sure the Enderman definitely help um with because like

There like it’s really hard to hit all of them like in one run because sometimes they spawn behind you or like sometimes you’re already busy with something else when they show up and it’s like you just can’t get them yeah you just can’t get to them you just

Can’t see them next up is Monster shoot it’s the one where they’re falling down on the sky know uh yes it’s the one where it’s like animal shoot from the first game c tier C tier yeah yeah I feel that I honestly might have even said D yeah it’s just

Not like it’s just not very fun yeah it’s like it works and it’s not like [ __ ] or anything anything there’s just not much to it yeah there’s nothing really wrong with it it’s just not that it doesn’t feel because like a thing with monster shoot is that all your

Monsters that you’re shooting at will get sniped all the time and other games like that there’s like aha I like sniped you like when you’re playing hungry hungry humans is a great example of this cuz you can get sniped in that game but you know who’s sniping you and it feels

More real in Monster shoot it just feels like they [ __ ] explode before your arrow reaches them well but like like you said it’s not that fun but there’s nothing like pointing it upwards or downwards I feel like C is average and that’s like that’s where it just yeah

It’s kind of just like a whatever game it’s like it feels like a filler game I will say that like most of the mini games are fun I feel like this one is not that’s what I’m saying oh that’s fair I feel like there’s nothing knocking it down it’s like it’s basic

But there’s nothing like that makes it it’s like I just feel like it’s like a waiting for the game to end simulator kind of totally is I I could see this being in D tier especially given that like you it’s kind of is what you said

Like uh all right let’s see I I think this is this is a good I didn’t even modify the te at all but I think that we don’t need any more than this um uh spliff okay hold on sorry we’re next is cave parkour okay um C

Tier uh no I think I’m I would put it I would put it as high as B I’m thinking I think B is it better than dropper yes it absolutely is that’s not even question I’m just not naturally good at a port neither are we yeah I’m not good but I

Have toled that it is a good game I mean just like I get stuck at that one point where you have to like do that jump over like the lava into like the The Vines not every path is the same on that like it randomizes so I I don’t

Exactly know what your jump you’re talking about um yeah I’m just that one jump uh I just feel like this is also it’s a instant Michael win for that one but that’s not that doesn’t take away from the game yeah no no no I mean because Michael isn’t always even

Playing so yeah I mean I think I think it gets a pass honestly in my book kave parkour is probably a really good Min game uh it definitely it deserv at least be tier I mean personally I would PR see but you know you I would even I would

Even think that because of how much better it is than dropper it could go into a tier um I disagree you don’t think so uh I mean the difficulty it does get pretty hard but I do appreciate it does scale so there’s not just like you’re in the in Jungle parkour you just

Got stuck at the beginning of the map forever in Minecraft party 1 uh but you very you get to like at least make progress in this one before you get to like the difficult part which it’s an improvement yeah what the [ __ ] is this next mini game uh this next mini game is

Yeah what is raft Racers it’s um it’s uh Bol race oh okay okay that makes sense yeah okay this is B tier for me uh I think that this Min game really suffers from the problem of like can’t disable yeah you cannot pass people it’s like

You can you can if you get lucky but I think this mini game is three laps and it’s like the game is decided after the first I would put that in seats here because I think it’s a fun game in theory but you can’t disable boat

Collision and so it kind of just I’m like the only solution would be if everyone was on their own track and then it wouldn’t be fun because you can’t see your opponents so I you can’t like maybe you can make a ghost mod or something no you can’t well that would involve

Disabling player Collision you know what I mean so like having a ghost that would be like that would be a mod uh but yeah I think I think I’m comfortable putting it into to into C tier as a game like it it I like the

Concept there but I just I have a lot of trouble because it’s always like you just crash into someone’s ass at the beginning for an hour um knockout eight tier for me this is a really good mini game I I have to agree I this is I think top of a is what

We’re looking at you think it’s better than uh wacka mob oh for sure I prefer playing wacka mob but I also suck ass at knockout so I might not be the best uh well knockout I I love games with the human element like that and it’s just

Always it’s always so fun I don’t think it’s quite n but it’s definitely in the way your stick gets upgraded when you get a kill really encourages aggressive play and I think that’s right off the bat yeah that’s true although uh what does suck is that if you’re the last

Person to get a kill it becomes almost impossible to catch up not exactly because you can if somebody else is already targeting someone you can just like hop into their fight yeah you kind you you have to pick someone off but that is a good consequence for not

Getting a kill early you know what I mean if your plan is to hide in a corner you’re playing for a second like I missed the ladder from Minecraft party the roof all right uh yeah okay I guess I mean I I think that I just I have I get

Salty when I lose this game but uh if you guys think it’s above it it’s an a tier I have to put it there uh okay skyfly is which ectra mini game uh skyfly is the one where you’re in a big white box flying through golden rings B

Tier for me like low B tier I really like this Min game but it is entirely because I’m super good at it I think uh I feel like I could put it cuz it is similar to dropper in nature yeah I think I would put it in B tier for the

Similar reasons to dropper as well it’s just not very visually interesting I think it’s more interesting than dropper though because it’s you will really only get one chance well that’s also like that’s true that’s true that’s also what I kind of feel bad cuz you don’t know play you just like

You’re punished and you can’t like if you mess up like imagine you true it’s much more punishing if you [ __ ] up but I mean you can kind of deduce what you’re supposed to do I mean an idiot that didn’t read the rules could probably figure out don’t crash into a wall is a

Mechanic but it’s like for like I feel like for a beginner that one would be this one’s right I mean I mean we’re not ranking them necessarily based on whether or not like the requirement for it is like makes sense for someone who’s unskilled at Minecraft because that’s a

Completely separate issue that we’re keeping track of in a different place but as a game assuming that everyone is experienced with Minecraft to about the same extent I think it’s a good I feel like it’s a very big like I I feel like you should kind of think anything well

No I think we like for the purposes of this tier list because this is not we should take into consideration that there there’s four people playing this game Who both uh are you know proficient with Minecraft you know issue I understand that I’m saying like

My issue is that if you like if you like in like parkour if you [ __ ] up you at least get to go back to a checkpoint you know like you just uh like just I don’t know I get that but I think that’s part of the thrill of it is that you like

Really have to be careful you got one shot do not miss your chance to blow exactly it’s also I really like how the uh the gaps start getting smaller and smaller as you keep going um so it’s like harder and harder to actually finish the course um so yeah so it’s not

Like it gets progressively more difficult the farther you go into it okay I can’t see black concrete CU it’s the same texture as the background sorry okay spliff uh sple is I mean it’s sple I think it should go in B tier for the same reason dropper isn’t B tier yeah I

Mean it’s like what would you place in B tier uh I would say I like sple better than either dropper or skyfly I would put it I would put it here I think I disagree but I’m okay with that I mean I like it more than cave parkour but

That’s just me though you like it more than cave parkour uh yeah I think that’s a good happy medium then because I think it I I think it should go um you think it should go below skyfly probably I think it goes below skyfly uh you think

It goes there and uh red I thinks it goes above I mean it’s it’s Park it’s kind of a happy medium where it’s not as punishing as dropper it’s not as punishing a skyfly but it’s more punishing than cave parkour dropper because you can you like it is perade

Death but you have like a little bit more opportunity to play if like you weren’t ready at the start or whatever or if like you [ __ ] up your first input it’s not over for you it’s isn’t it um so yeah I think I mean there’s not much

To say about SPL that hasn’t already been said so B tier they still need to add light block to that mini game for the nighttime version it true I’m not going to knock it down a tier for that obviously not I just like I just need to

I really just need to bring that up for me I’m debating if meat slap is an s or a cuz for me it could possibly go an S tier meat slap is fun I’m trying to think there is like I think that my main issue with meat slap and this would does

Prevent me from putting it in s tier is that um The Meta and meat slap is to not be like not be the first person that gets seen by the person with the meat right cuz if they see you they chase you down and it’s trivial to catch you cuz

They’re faster than you um the issue is that when you have the meet and you tag someone the place you get teleported to Is Random so you will be the most likely person so everyone’s going to be hiding right but you’ll be out in the open because you just got teleported randomly

So like maybe if it like sent you to like inside of like maybe if the teleport locations went like to inside a house or like if they some of them would send you to a hiding spot I think maybe it would be a little better I haven’t

Actually I haven’t I don’t like that mechanic though because like imagine you just hiding someone gets teleported you get instantly hit I mean that and you just teleport to another spot what no no no cuz the the person with the meat doesn’t teleport it’s the person who

Just tagged someone so like what I’m saying is you kind of when once you get once you have the meat it can kind of snowball cuz whoever you tag you’re going to be the only person who isn’t hidden for them at the start of their

Turn well but then like you get to high spot when I mean how many high spots can you have a map cuz then would there be just a meta of you going the hunter checking those hiding spots I me you condensing where players are right I I I

That I literally just thought of that now so I’m not saying that it’s a perfect solution but I am saying that like the fact that your score does snowball is kind of uh I mean maybe maybe the solution is to not have hiding spots yes that’s that’s what I’ve been

Waiting to say is that like honestly I think that the hiding meta is a little lame I think the game would be more fun if there wasn’t as many places to hide would you guys concede that’s an eight tier at least eight yeah it’s yeah I would say still despite everything it’s

Still fun it’s still fun I would put it knockout but I can’t I wouldn’t where would you guys put it I above uh right here smack out I like the arena in the first one you just have to shave off top come of the top some of the top blocks

So you can’t hide as well but the AR in the first game did did that a lot better you know yes hon you want to make it more smaller just everybody’s constantly hanging each other uh which would be fun oh we don’t have red light green light isn’t on

Here oh really well we we’ll get to that where we get to it um all right yeah I mean yeah I think I do think that just I I mean it’s it’s hard because you don’t want to just make it like an uninteresting terrain but

Also like the fact that the meta is to hide does kind of make it I think in the in the new map the houses are um really like dude I can’t believe Austin was sleeping in the bed and un literally nothing could be done to prevent him from doing that

Like I mean we had to remove the bed but like the fact that you can just do that and it’s impossible for anyone to ever tag you is so funny I love I love Thea like in the middle of the bridge you know you can see them you can try like

Run around like like try to catch them you know like you you’re chasing a guy around a table right it’s that type of vibe you know uh all right next game is I think that’s Gladiators it is Gladiators yes Gladiators Gladiators is that the four forall yes I mean it’s just it’s just

Fighting I mean I I like the fighting but I won’t place it anywhere like for me it’s B or C I’m just trying to think of which one cuz I think it’s B I think the game honestly kind of promotes in action in a way like just wait for the

Other players to pick each other off and then go fight whoever won that that’s been my strategy the whole all the time like I really think you you should have something to like force the play out of the hiy hole at least yeah because I I do think that’s somewhat of a problem

Because like you don’t want to it it’s like it’s like the exact opposite problem of knockout like I’m not saying that they should get like sharpness or anything if they kill someone necessarily but um just the way it the way it is now it’s like inherently

Better to not be aggressive we got to do fortnite we got to add the storm it just makes it yeah yeah honestly not even a bad idea well the match is way too quick for that but like yeah it would be cool I just want something either a smaller

Arena or like force people to get like literally just force have like the world Border close in um I don’t know I don’t think it’s actually a problem because the game doesn’t really drag on that long does it the issue but it’s not it’s not that

Fair is the issue yes it’s not about time it’s about fairness I’m sorry I’ve been missing the conversation why is it unfair because because it promotes in action oh right yeah you can get you can get second or first place just by hiding the whole game yeah and I’m saying like

On ironically a storm would force you closer and like force you to actually fight and like if right or just force you out of your start hting area honestly or maybe like and I mean there is counterplay for it which is why I don’t think it’s unfair cuz the

Counterplay is just to run into someone’s box and attack them what do you think it could be like games I get it but then like you still only have like a 50/50 chance of or not 50/50 but you know then that’s just regular combat it’s not like right but combat is any

They’re not punished for hiding and getting caught they’re just if you hide and get caught then you play the mini game normally yeah but like I feel like a group of people that gets a certain degree of experience with that game like would start like hard targeting the

Person who’s hiding before fighting each other but that requires like knowledge of the player I’m saying has that happened uh it it has happened once I think that I’ve been the one hiding and like at least two people have just come to my base immediate well I mean that’s

Cuz you’re Deon I feel like imagine like in the middle you had like a a sword with Shopkins or something like say like if you the first one into the middle you get a price like Hunger Games oh that would be really interesting oh like a cornucopia or what if your entire kit

Had to be derived from chests in the middle that were stocked randomly you got to make sure the things in the corne E copia aren’t like too broken though no no I mean it would probably just be most of those items that are already part of

The kit and maybe one like that’s like an enchanted sword well you don’t want it to be you want the players to still start off with something otherwise the Min game just becomes who can take off gear and put it into their like no you’re right you’re right you’re right

So you should there should be like a starter kit but then there’s like slightly better gear in the corner imag you get all steel tools yeah talking talking like you start off with chain mail armor and you go to the middle and you get iron armor yeah that makes sense

Makes sense yeah and well that’s just actual hunger games I’m saying like like it could be though it could literally be that you are not putting that [ __ ] in at are you kidding me what do you think it goes b or c b or I was going to say like

Dude I was going to say like d that really that bad I mean I mean it’s just PVP yeah that’s the problem it’s just PVP nothing special I but there’s nothing it’s not I don’t I still think it’s more fun than like monster shoot it is more fun than monster Sho below the

Boat I would I think that’s fair okay that’s fair I personally like this one better than dropper but I can I can acknowledge that it’s probably not as good of a game I’m actually going to recommend that in the discore Chan like have a corn copia or something because I

That should that yeah actually that’s actually a banger idea to put like a Hunger Games corn copia in the middle to get people to stop hiding cuz then it is a distinct disadvantage to stay it’s knockout you have to go you have to be aggressive and if you want to win yeah

Yeah um up next is tedious tasks s s you think S I think a purely because of the blocks the Note Blocks take it an entire tear down for but for me that’s half the F you can get [ __ ] I think the the thing with the Note Blocks is while they are

The most annoying and worst designed part of the game they are also the funniest part of that game for me it can only be so funny before it just like keeps like it’s funny in theory but when it happens every game you know I think

If there were less not I think if there was two note blocks it would be easier to avoid getting griefed no but see if there were two note blocks then the task would be really easy no but the thing is CU you can still definitely grief someone if you grief note blocks you’re

Griefing yourself you’re not progressing you have to you’re opting to lose when you grief note blocks right necessarily because in order to do it consistently enough it it I do think we should try two note blocks I think this is this is the only place I could put this is at

The top of a TI or at the bottom of s I’m thinking top of a top of a I can I can concede that top of a TS is one of my favorite games in this whole thing I would put it in s but if you guys think

It’s high at I I agree we can move it later if we move it later if we want to we can we can we’ll highlight this one for review cuz we had a lot of dispute here uh where is my bucket there it

Is um I so for me it’s just like one of the most fun mini games all right up next is uh tile capture is that Tron or the land area one uh tile capture is the land yeah like where you capture a region and you you fill it in with as

Many tiles as you caner B tier I really like this game but I am good at it I think it’s a tier I I like like bottom of a maybe actually above monster Wacker or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called this is this is genuinely one of my favorite

Mini games cuz this is like a well you are really good at it so it’s like well but this is like a huge mine aspect too it’s really fun to like like Psy people out right I like the Mind Game element to it it’s not too heavy into the skill

It it’s a it’s a strategy game and I I I I don’t know it’s like well strategy is skill no it’s not I I would say this game is more fun than meat slap because it doesn’t have the glaring issue of uh yeah that’s true uh I don’t know how you guys feel

About putting it above knockout or not but I personally I would but I love knockout I would I like I didn’t realize how much people lik knockout to be completely honest knockout is one of the best ones in my opinion really I mean I I agree that it’s a good one I just

Don’t I just don’t think it’s as good as you guys do okay rainbow run rainbow run I don’t like rainbow run I don’t like it either and that’s saying something because I’m really [ __ ] good at it I like consistently win this I feel like this goes in D tier cuz it’s boring yeah

This is this is yet another instance of waiting for the game to end simulator yeah and also cuz like if you lose your streak you just lose yeah yeah like straight up yeah no I I I have to yeah I I don’t like but what’s the difference

Between like a elro where if you [ __ ] up there and then this one if you [ __ ] up you know well because the game keeps going you know what I mean like you have to wait the rest next two minutes or have to wait in a light not very long

But like the time that it takes for someone to beat skyfly is less than the time that it takes for this to so even less like if you make it through like three and then die and skyfly it doesn’t take that long for someone to finish the

Game I mean yeah it kind of sucks but like it the game itself isn’t boring like the part where you’re actually playing like any game boring if you’re not playing it right okay which I guess that is kind of a flaw of skyfly is that you’re not playing it for a substantial

Portion if you’re bad at it I okay D tier’s fine I I think it goes in D tier just for it’s like even if you’re cuz the thing about uh you going to play a above monster shoot the thing about rainbow run is that no I don’t think so

Is that it’s not fun even while you are playing it you know what I mean so I see that’s what does it for me platforms platforms I love platforms I think this is probably an S tier game for me uh I mean for me it’s B especially in doubles

It’s an S tier game for me yeah in doubles is awesome I I really do think I play I feel like if you like this almost goes in two different places cuz it’s actually a different game in doubles well do you want to add like a different

Ion no it’s okay we can just take both versions of the game into for me this is a Battier game um I feel like there is still some sort of like meta mind game [ __ ] to it even in single player mode doubles mode this is easily an S tier I

Think that I H I honestly also think this is an S tier I think I think it’s just it’s a good game it really it it’s anyone can play it anyone could be good at it and it’s just it’s pure mind game Madness so there is a degree of luck to it in

Single player but like it it’s kind of it does embody the Mario Party Spirit really well given that we ripped it from Mario party but I feel like I I feel like I’m feel comfortable putting this in s tier yeah I I I know that you put

You don’t like youve admitted that you don’t like the Mind Games so I mean that’s well I do like Mind Games I just don’t like this I like the original game theory I just don’t like this one as much I actually don’t like the original game theory despite the I love the

Original game theory well the the original game theory basically boiled down to let’s figure out what is like the mutually agreeable one and then if you betray someone you could win the mini game but they’ll never trust you again I don’t know I’m just going to

Keep it an I’m saying I’m fine with s that one because I have not played the doubles mode so I cannot uh I mean you probably would lose the doubles mode against and I but I’m not saying I’m win or win or not but I’m

Just going to say s for now because I do not know enough about the game I think we’re still undefeated in the doubles version of that we are not technically but in the latest version of it we are because right yeah there was a before

Like it was it like there was like a team that would just they they had like the highest gem value was just in a corner that only they had access to and that was uh that was kind of scuffed but ever since they changed it so that we

Always spawn across from each other you and I have not lost a single time r that doesn’t have anything to do with me putting in an S TI I just think that it’s cool that it works that way like it shows you that there’s you know a degree

Of Runner is just as good as sple I think yeah I like sple better like sleeping TNT run like I would put it like below flight yeah I I think it’s worse than skyfly 2o but that’s just cuz I really right right like skyfly I like

Skyfly too well skyly I try to think of like I I think I’m good at skyfly I feel like skyfly is a good mini game but it kind of is put to shame by the other elri games I I don’t like rocket launch too I understand why people like it but

It’s also kind of like a wait for the game for end to me cuz you kind just like you know it’s very long well we’ll get we’ll get to that one while we get to it yeah yeah um horse race we’re talking about the second yeah I I definitely agree

With what you said about like there’s having to hit lava or fire and just reset the checkpoint immediate instead of just running into a wall or falling into there’s in the first one there’s only so much grink you can fall into like without like completely going off the side like being

Stupid for honestly the lava puts in like low B tier for me this is like I I’m thinking like I like it just as much as like cave parkour I it’s pretty fun although I think cave parkour is rated higher than it should be I think cave

Car parkour is better than horse race um maybe move it lower in B tier you think both of them well what would be above them what no no no move the saddle I mean oh okay um well is it worse than spliff I I I like spliff more than that

I like hor race better than skyfly personally okay I like the concept I just I feel like the map is dragging it down for me like if it was Minecraft party one it would go in a that’s true that’s actually I would agree that with

That I could even see this going as high as a tier in Minecraft party one I think I will put it still in B personally but I think I could be S would you like lower it down a bit uh I I put it below skyfly okay I’ll put it below skyfly

That is uh runner runner yeah I uh I think Runner is better you think runner’s better actually no wait hold on let me think about that again I I have more fun in horse race than r a low you know a low 80% it’s a low be here for I

Just really like runner cuz it’s a very fast Min game like you’re in and you’re out you know I mean yeah yeah you’re not there for tooo long horse race is quite a long meing game I think that drags it down a little bit Yeah the ones that go

On forever do especially if you’re losing the whole time which three people are well yeah it’s very I feel like it’s I know like Ryan said it’s easier to like get on La back but I still feel like it’s kind of just you know like

It’s still a bit too long that’s fair uh okay speed Builders I’m not good at this but I can see this has being a good game um I think it’s a good game yeah it’s a good game that I suck at honestly um uh I we removed most of the [ __ ]

Ones there are a few that kind of suck but I don’t think it’s a bad game I do think that the uh fact that building scaffolding can be incorporated into the meta is kind of weird because it doesn’t say anything about that and like people just wouldn’t know that you’re supposed

To do that or that you don’t get punished for doing that I still don’t build scaffolding even though I know to do it this is also a pure skill one I I mean it is a pure skill one but I don’t think that being a pure skill game isn’t

A bad thing is just that there’s a lot of pure skill games already but if we’re raing it in a vacuum as it relates to Minecraft party as a game and not as it relates to every other mini game I think that there’s nothing wrong with it being

You place this cuz I’m not really sure what to place this one I feel like it could go in a tier but also it could go in B tier with the other games that have been done before like these showes I’m not very good at this game I can’t get the most

Out of this game but like that’s why it kind of like I like yeah dude some of the people that we play t with are like inhumanly good at it it’s so weird so I feel like that’s swaying my opinion because it’s like the moment this mini game gets

Rolled it’s like okay I lose right right I just kind of accept defeat and that’s the emotion I associate with it but like imagine if you were in hot contention with someone for this game and you’re like watching the scoreboard go up like as you’re doing it yeah then I imagine

It would be I feel like this would be kind of exhilarating replace it there like in between a horse race and dropper I I I would almost put this in a tier because it like the intended experience bottom of Aer bottom of Aer but I still think it

Belongs there okay Steve says dude this goated yeah I love Steve says Steve says an S actually I used to not like this game and I think it’s just because I don’t really like the the area that it’s in but I feel like it’s a personal preference thing like there’s enough

Effort put into the area that is it better is it better than uh theat uh I wouldn’t call it better than platforms cuz I have more fun playing platforms but I I could I could an argument could be made that it’s better I will say I

Really think that the eat two slices of case uh cake um event should be uh removed I I just I feel like people die to that so often and people will be like what the [ __ ] everyone always says it’s [ __ ] like even if it is their fault

Like maybe it’s just shouldn’t be there like having to whittle down your hunger to be able to eat the cake is really annoying I I just don’t like that borrowing that’s not borrowing well below before that one makes sense for me you know I’m happy where it is right now

Now all right farming frenzy farming frenzy I for me see here bring back the bone meal I don’t know dude I didn’t like the bone meal maybe but it should start in your off hand for me this is pretty like are you able to put things automatically in the off hand of a

Player uh yes you can set you can put something in any inventory slot I I feel like this is a pretty average game I would place it in C tier for my that’s how we do uh that’s how we do for some of the games like uh speed Builders you

Can’t drop you can’t drop anything cuz it’s just what basically it just kills the the item instantly and it’s setting your hot bar every day it’s not doing give commands it’s setting your hot bar to have that’s how we don’t overfill people’s inventories is uh you always

Have 64 because it’s just always selling that hot bar slot um so I would say I don’t know farming frenzy for me it’s C tier I I would agree with C tier or low B I’m thinking I mean I like it because I’m good at it but I I’m thinking like I’m

Thinking like above dropper yeah you’re right it probably could go above drop I was actually going to say I would I would concede that it might be better than dropper maybe dropper shouldn’t be in B tier honestly I like dropper though you like dropper I feel like dropper could

Stand to be in high SE honestly I I think so too well cuz are you ring the Arenas too because you said it’s like visually unexpe or you like the mechanic oh no I I do think that definitely part of the experience is how the arena looks

So because like I feel like there a very thing I feel like dropper should be in high SE honestly I’m going to put it there for now but we can talk about it again if we need to uh farming frenzy uh Port priority I like Port priority I

[ __ ] hate Port priority dude I I know this is like an unpopular thing like I don’t know it just feels I don’t like navigating the ships uh just having to like even though they’re beacons and like the beam is up sometimes it’s just still hard to be able to yeah I agree

That it’s kind of rough especially if you don’t already know where all the beacons are to figure them all out there’s it used to be even better because like there used to be stuff like on the shore that would like easily accessible one that you could get to and

They’re not there anymore they’re still there basically the way that it works now is that there’s a few more there’s a few extra locations and it’s randomized it’s the same number of locations but it’s randomized which of them will come up just to make it so it’s not that

Makes it even more confusing well it’s to make it so that you don’t have the same route every time basically like so people who have figured out a route already can’t just use the same route but it’s still you still just gra it I agree with do that I feel like the map

Should be smaller I feel like a lot of the boats is just unnecessary fluff I feel like I I don’t mind the size of the map but I feel like with how fast you’re going you want to be smoing and there’s a lot of claustrophobic areas you have

To navigate in that game I feel like yeah but I feel like the ships just add too much like it could be very confusing for it could be very the map the ships can be like it’s kind of unnecessary yeah they’re they’re with how much speed you have it’s really rough to navigate

Those sh I feel like PT priority I I feel like there’s a special place for it in my heart because it was my baby but I would put it I didn’t even make it I would put it in B tier I would put it where dropper was amazing name though uh

Is it better than farming frenzy probably not I I I KN dude the the that’s part of the reason that it’s not that great probably is because I thought of Port priority and I’m like we need to make a game that takes place at a c Port

Called Port priority and I need to think of a concept for it the name came first I place it above farming frenzy that’s me I I also prefer it to farming frenzy okay well you can do it then I don’t agree but you can do it I I just yeah I

Don’t know well I I guess I haven’t really explained my grievances with with farming frenzy and I don’t know it’s just I feel like uh oh I don’t really know why I don’t like it either I just I don’t like it like I just feel like if

If you’re if you’re breaking melons or pumpkins you’re just wasting your [ __ ] time so why are they even there like the points don’t really balance out for how long it takes to break them there was one time when I was playing that game and I know this is true cuz I

Was in the barn and I literally spent the whole time growing Coke like breaking cocoa beans and they always grew back fast enough that like I never had to I never ran out of beans and I did that the whole game and I lost which means that it’s it’s just not balanced I

Don’t know but I came in fourth place well you can’t say that because like the point of the game is that you’re supposed to follow the trends and if you don’t well I get that but like that the mean that cocoa beans like are just suboptimal inherently unless why should

You be able to just form one crme you shouldn’t but with the way the game is now like if someone was in cont contesting the cocoa beans then there wouldn’t be enough for me to just stand there forever and that’s like why I could do it is cuz people were

Contesting the other crops but like still like I I feel like your strategy should not be a you’re right it shouldn’t it should be based on the based on the way the game is now it just proves that cocoa beans are suboptimal even if they grew slower because like

The amount of time you spend breaking them you could get more points breaking something else exactly even even ignoring the even going into the barn and breaking a single cocoa bean that’s like 10 wheat you could have broke you yeah yeah like even ignoring the um the season seasonal like bonuses and stuff

Like cocoa beans are I do think the bonuses make it make it good uh but I I I agree with putting it in low be tier I do like that the cocoa beans are there though because it’s like oh like when it’s like oh it’s cocoa bean season like

Do you really want to go in there and go grab those or else to do kind of got to go and I like Nether wart meta kind of rotates around who was the last person to go there and when yes like if you if

No one’s been in the barn in a while you get just a billion points for harvesting all the Nether wart but if someone was there recently then you just just wasted a ton of time I don’t know how much of this is intentional design decisions and

How much of it is just it happened this way and it’s really interesting this way but I think that a lot of it just by happen stance that it just works out really I feel like this is by happen stance because it’s a one game I feel

Like one gamees are a lot like you know a lot you know um rocket launch no but like that’s just that’s what I think that I’m I agree with it being in beats here but that’s why I feel like it belongs at the bottom uh rocket launch I think this

Game is my child well for me this is a weight game like like this is a waiting game it’s not a waiting game because it is active you’re doing something I don’t know I do like it just because there’s so there’s such a high skill ceiling to

It but I feel like that the high skill ceiling is just kind of it’s it’s this one is not very fun for me I the mini game is definitely too long nothing you can do about it yeah that’s the problem it takes too long there’s nothing to be

Done I mean what you could do instead is just have the players start from higher up and not have a rocket I think the rocket is a really important part of the game though considering when to use that and how to use yeah but like The Meta that VI did

To go infinite distance was to just use the rocket immediately I I mean I I don’t think that actually makes a difference well I feel like I think she could have well that’s what I’m saying I don’t think it matters when you use the rocket necessarily well it does if you’re not

Playing 100% optimally that’s true most I would place it in C2 you would place it in C let it at least be top of C tier yeah I would say it’s better than dropper for sure easily EAS I’ll see that um Red Light Green Light yo funny Mr

Beast funny Mr Beast I dude I actually what the [ __ ] do you think happened to Jake the Viking I can’t believe that funny Mr Beast we stole his idea and that Netflix stole his idea I haven’t played much of the new map but the new

Map seems way better than the old one CU there’s actually L when Netflix did it they killed people there was like there was like variable train and I love that I would place this in like bottom of this this this mini game is very uh interesting now because there are traps

Essentially that’ll keep you moving like fallowing the cobweb is like devastating not only does it make you slow as hell but if you’re in the air you’re [ __ ] those ice leges really promote like taking your time and like stopping before the red light but then if you want to get

Really risky and like you really need to pass someone then you could go like full Hail Mary and send yourself over the lake hope that you’re going to be able to like it’s I I think it’s a really good game in its current it’s better

Than speed bills I I I like it more speed and there’s no way to optimize this game either cuz like it’s random and so like I feel like every game like you can never be in a situation where you’re like oh there’s no way I’m winning this because it’s always

Possible that the people it’s always possible yeah right it’s always possible that the person in the lead is jumping when the [ __ ] red light comes up you know yes like you have to cross Riv than that honestly uh I would I would be down I would put it

As uh is it better than tile capture maybe I think that’s a good spot for I think this is a good spot for it as well what did you guys decide on it uh we put it right above uh meat slap but below tile capture okay I yep might opinion

That’s perfect place for it yeah I think that it’s I’m glad we can all concur on that one uh next up is white dye which is Lane Memory Lane I mean this one I’m so bad at this low be tier it’s all right I understand why I

Would put it this a good game it’s a good game I don’t think it belongs in low beat here I’m bad at it I like I might possibly even worse than do but I I’m thinking top of B I would put it yeah I would put ITP just getting a

Multiple in a row streak is so satisfying so rewarding to do it right that like and like the only reason it’s not fun is when you’re playing against people who get it right without [ __ ] it up a single time and like you can’t just expect that that’s going to happen

Every time you play if you get right 15 times you just lose you in you get shot and killed pear I have very mixed feelings about this mini game how so I some of the throws are just [ __ ] stupid actually hold on this this game is better than uh Cave parkour not cave

Parkour it’s better than uh speed Builders wait what what game is it Memory Lane Memory Lane uh yes it is better than speed Builders I’m going to switch their places actually yeah I I’m happy to see speed wheels and be you I I’ll take that uh yeah uh Pearl hurl there are

Just some shots that are just really weird in yeah I feel like Pearl hurl would be better if there wasn’t so much like Jank in it like the ones where you have to throw it into a jet stream and you can’t you don’t really know how to

Adjust your aim to make it better MH there’s also like uh player Collision that really [ __ ] with it like yeah like there’s always going to be that Collision but like what are you going to do like it’s like it’s just like yeah like I’m not blaming them for

It but that is a flaw in the game that is quite frustrating and I feel like it’s very hard to uh gain on people once they’re already ahead I mean it’s not it’s not as hard as like something like boat race but like it’s still like that player Collision can cause problem where

The more the further behind you are the harder it’s is to get ahead because the player Collision yeah once you’re behind someone you start hitting people with pearl that’s why in mega party mode there will be like a couple people who finish like super early and then the

Rest of the group is like not even halfway done I feel if you taking a car I haven’t played Mega party but if it’s like that like I know how it’s like to be CAU like I feel like that would actually drag it down see it’s like I

Don’t want to judge it based on Mega party mode alone I was just n because of Mega party no it’s double doubles doubles is different cuz that was in yeah uh dou I feel I don’t feel like we should consider like flaws and mega party cuz those are really

Still being hammered out right yeah like I don’t feel like we should judge it based on that but I do think is not being hammered out though that’s done right doubles is done so doubl doubles is settled so if a game performs poorly in doubles that should reflect on it but

I don’t think Mega party mode should I think honestly I think Pearl hurl is a d tier I really do not like I would play C tier I don’t think it’s I think it I I I was going to say low b or a high C honestly would you concede lowc at least

I I could concede lowc yeah is it better than gladiators no that’s what I’m saying yeah no I yeah is not better than Gladiators I I mean I find it fun like it’s fun to Thrill the pearls and stuff I just don’t think it’s the most like I

I I kind of like yeah I don’t like that oh my God take flight is so good s tier honestly okay okay the thing is s TI I would think I would agree it’s in high a I don’t know if it’s better than H I guess it is probably better than tedious

Tasks but not by much I play below T I think I would put it below TD’s tasks actually it’s probably better than knockout but I don’t think it’s better than t if if you got lag Spike you just lose like that’s that’s true but like

Again like how much do we want to blame lag for also uh it’s like we play on Devon’s [ __ ] ass server you know what I mean like how how much Grand does you PC have uh more I actually don’t remember how much I installed memory 32 gigs so a

Decent amount that’s that’s was like I wanted I wished I had 32 games everybody everybody pay for that Ram Moon iting usage job it this one what the thing about about it is that if you [ __ ] up once it’s game over for you assuming like it’s so it uh it is really

Difficult to get in the air again cuz you start with slow falling and then you get your wings and then you’re supposed to start flying but you don’t really know when you get your wings necessarily unless you’re playing in third person well okay it’s a weird thing to get hung

Up on I still think that I could put it in aor because it is so much fun but I I don’t think it belongs in here’s the thing like oh you can go maybe yeah that might be good it’s just that like I I I what I really like about this Min game

Is that like it it it plays with this whole concept of like almost like the like the legend of like Icarus you know what I mean where it’s like flying too close to the Sun like you have to like you you have to play risky to keep your

Lead yeah to be fair once once I played it a few times and I stopped dying to like just being really bad at pointing at the mouse at my screen I do agree with that because like it’s easy enough to not hit something if you’re just trying to complete laps but to complete

Laps quickly you do have to be AIS I’m winning this mini game I’m whipping Corners like crazy and that feels so rewarding but it’s also like this game cuz a smooth game yes it is a smooth game it is absolutely a smooth game do yell and usually this mini game

Tends to end with like multiple people finishing within like a second of each other you know what I mean yeah like like it’s like it never feels like oh it’s so over unless you crash which crashing is kind of a lose condition only if nobody else does right well the

Fact if you do crash if nobody else does then you kind of deserve to lose right it is your fault for crashing right like assuming and we we have to assume that the game isn’t like you’re not playing on a server that chugs and you have a good connection like yeah bad connection

Really [ __ ] with that game but it it might burm be into your chair a lot what oh I if you are it does I haven’t noticed so one shot wonder One Shot Wonder I’ve only played this a couple times but it’s good it’s good I mean it’s a good

Concept it’s it’s only rolled like once I I think ever but people have played one in the quiver so people know what it is what’s the AER uh the white Dy in there the white dye is Memory Lane Memory Lane this is better than Memory Lane is it better than wack this

Honestly I think this is better than meat slab honestly I I just like I like I think you’re right it’s similar to meat slap I think it should be next to meat slap but I think it is better strictly speaking I play c a lot and I

Just like running CH but like one of my favorite game modes so you know I don’t think it’s better than red light green light yeah I don’t think so no I think belongs I think that’s a good spot for it I agree with that redai you were able

To see the tier list screen right it’s tilted away from you but I’m assuming you’re looking at it cuz you’ve been making commentary on it uh color chaos I’m I’m just really that good read in the room color cha the S tier which oh absolutely s tier color

Chaos this is the one where the floor drops out from underneath you yes yeah no that one that one is top tier that is honestly I would place up of these two as well Nintendo popped the [ __ ] off when they made mushroom mixup in Mario

Party 1 and hit his not been a formula that yeah no no they’ve never made a better mini game no it is absolutely okay make exagon heat in Mario part which is better because it’s called hexagon heat instead of mushroom mixup exactly I I love this one I mean it’s

Just like it’s a really fun game overall it’s just so Fu it’s fun it’s it’s fun if you [ __ ] up it never feels like if you ever [ __ ] up it’s you like whenever someone I like it whenever someone lands on a battle mini game Space I’m like [ __ ] I hope it’s color

Chaos it’s just it’s so good I it never feels like you lose because of the game I’ve never felt once I’ve been cheated yeah no I would say I wouldn’t I don’t know if I would say it’s the best game in Minecraft party 2 but it’s certainly

It’s one of the top it’s one of the best I I just hate that I’m an idiot and sometimes color blind you can’t tell sign I actually I use uh when I’m in first uh in third person I always look straight down cuz the top of the block will have the same light

Refraction and it’ll like blend in perfectly with the block I’m standing on you’re nerd in person no it’s not a nerd thing it’s just optimal to play that boss battle boss battle Yeah boss battle is the uh the four for-all this is the one where you and everyone else are

Fighting the same boss the most damage wins I mean b b or c yeah I’m thinking see like I also kind of feel see it should be in the same tier as Gladiators in my opinion this is a genuine question do mobs have invincibility frames after you hit them I

Don’t because like sometimes it feels like somebody else will hit them right before I take a swing with my Axe and then I can’t tell if the axe hit actually counted or not um I think that they don’t and actually we can kind of prove this experimentally because we can

Just set up a creeper that has a dropper fire or a dispenser firing arrows at it on a rapid Pulsar but I don’t think we need to I do I think it’ll take damage for everyone because I I distinctly remember the sound of a creeper going

Like you know just like getting hit over and over again and I don’t know what it was but I I do you feel like it’s I mean this one I mean it’s all right I just feel like I don’t know it’s just it’s just not very fun I don’t like yeah it’s

Just not very fun it’s very punishing to die and I feel like it’s easy to die and not have it be your fault in this game cuz like you take like you can manage like your you could do a lot of damage control against the electros skeleton assuming you aren’t stun

Locked um like there and and I guess the electros skeleton in in Minecraft party one did fall into the same Pitfall because you could get stun locked but basically like you can do damage control pretty well and I think it’s actually quite fun and like you’re kind of like

Gaming like all right how do I avoid getting hit when do I use my shield when do I back up when do I go to regenerate Health but if you get hit by an area effect Cloud those things are brutal you’re just [ __ ] and you can’t you don’t necessarily know where they’re

Going to show up um I would say C tier probably for this one God I I mean like I’d put it lower than that I would put it in your Gladiators honestly maybe below it what would Su say go at I think I think it maybe goes it’s either C tier

I it’s definitely low C or high D I agree it’s not better than you know it’s definitely better than monster shoot I like it more than ender pearl and I think it’s below gers yeah I think yeah that’s probably a good place for it uh I actually prefer per per personally but

Not enough that I’m willing to like make an argument for it you know I it wasn’t until recently that I realized tier list like the placement in the TS themselves mattered I didn’t can it depends on who’s making it cuz sometimes you just don’t care like you’re like these are

All literally the same to me but well no that has a noral lay of like customiz like that I find that cool I like that um Blaze P um color Trails yes color Trails it’s like worst tile capture for me this this Tron this is Tron this is

Worst tile capture yeah I don’t know if it should go in a tier with tile capture I wouldn’t put it I would be more comfortable putting this in B tier honestly how B tier what’s the White die again I keep [ __ ] forgetting Speed Build speed Builders why why speed why

No no no it’s not not speed Builders this is speed Builders that’s Memory Lane this is memory lane I think this is better than Memory Lane oh wait no it’s not top of B I think yes top of B better than speed Builders yeah cuz I don’t

Like speed I don’t I don’t think it’s better than speed Builders but okay I’ll put it there uh I don’t think it’s better than speed Builders but it’s probably just because I’m bad at it to be honest Minecarts musical Minecarts is a good game I think it should go in at least a

Here yes is a good game yeah I mean there’s there’s a degree of Randomness to it I like it more than in the spirit of Mario party I don’t know if I would put it above meat slap I would definitely put it above Memory Lane I think putting it above uh wacka

Mob wacka mob I like wacka mob Better there’s more I feel like we’re I feel like honestly I feel like I would put I would put wacka higher in a tier anyway but I I would I I agree with do and should go above wacka all right oh [ __ ] that’s

Fine it’s the controller is pretty durable that’s why you broke your last one that is not why I broke my last ones but go hole in the wall uh hole in the wall wall is good hole in wall will be great once they remove that dumb [ __ ] wall that you

Get like glitched on uh where you have to like jump through the one between the slabs yes yeah I think I agree that it’s it’s it’s too good to not include yeah otherwise this this one’s honestly like close to S tier I don’t think it’s like there but like it’s it’s closed it’s

Closed I yeah I would say okay let’s see is it better than tedious tasks probably I think so I would say no yeah but you really like you’re like number one tedious tasks fan I’m the number one Min Gams fan get that right Dragon Doom I don’t like this game

I love this game what which one Dragon Doom Dragon Doom is the one where you are all standing on a a series of four islands and a shitload of Ender Dragons just start hitting you off I think it takes too long I haven’t played it and

It’s kind of random anyway I mean I played I haven’t played enough no there’s a good deal of skill involved with the ender pearls you’re right you’re right I think the end end pearls have just been quite buggy in the past cuz you can’t throw them straight up

They are quite buggy yeah I think that if you could throw the ender pearl straight up and it worked I think that that would dramatically improve my rating for this game but I just feel like often times like the only time I want to use the ender pearl is when I’m

Falling into the void and that’s the only situation where I can’t use it you know what I mean I don’t know I try to use it when I get Knocked Up really high by one of the dragons and I like need to when you need to go back well right but

Like you use it if you get knocked up it’s pretty it’s optimal because you just Ed it to ride back towards the the islands right if you’re falling if you get knocked down with at the same velocity you don’t get knocked down you don’t get knocked down at the same

Velocity but like if you get the if you just get the ground if you just get knocked sideways and you’re falling down you need to go up and you can’t so I feel like yes you can not like directly up not directly up but like yeah I don’t

Know uh what was say where would you put it me I would put it above one shot Wonder above one shot Wonder uh I I couldn’t I don’t think it’s better than meat slap I don’t think it’s it’s better it might be better than musical mine carts but yeah I’m I’m cool

With that okay um this one M mft Madness it’s okay it’s it’s good I think it belongs in at least B tier if not higher yeah B tier I feel like B tier I think it is a b tier game it’s not like I’m not excited to

Play mcraft Madness but it is fun what do you think Mr do if this going to be B tier better be close to the top really you uh uh it is fun like you can test people there’s strategy to it there’s skill to it I can’t say on wear

B tier I a little bit of lock component I don’t yeah it just okay well I mean let’s like let’s uh what what the [ __ ] is the blaze powder uh color Trails color Trails color Trails what’s the black concrete black concrete is speed Builders I think it’s better than speed Builders okay

I’ll give it that yeah I give it that I I forgot what our standards were for B tier honestly I don’t know like 80% I mean for me it’s was like C the average and if it has good things going for it it’s B tier and if it’s really good it’s

A and if it’s top tier it’s I like that we have some diversity we don’t just like all the same games like some of us like there’s games that I’ve been like oh I really don’t like this game and he like oh this one of my favorites I’m

Glad that we have a diversity of opinions not just like [ __ ] like obviously we agree on the bangers but like uh what are we on Emerald that is May Market Mayhem okay this is what I’m saying like if this game wasn’t a vacuum it would be so much funner it’s h

Dragged down but the fact it’s a it has to be a mini game it has to be a Minecraft party mini game I’ve said that about minions in the past but I don’t think I feel that way about Market Mayhem I I feel like this

Game takes is too long it would take too long and it’s too it cuts off it cuts off too soon but if you made it longer it would be too long that is correct yeah I do think that the there is a I think it would be a high pixel game yeah

For sure it wouldn’t make a good standal in map cuz there’s not enough depth to it far too often when I play this mini game I’ll end up with like a thousand [ __ ] items in my inventory and I just cannot for the life of me find the

Villager who will trade yeah there’s too many types of items I I think what it should yeah I think I think there should be multiple villagers that carry the same stuff that way like if you just can’t find one particular villager that’s not going to completely [ __ ] you

I would put low B tier I would say High B tier I like it better as a coin mini game I think it’s a better coin mini game than um m m what you think must do I think that’s a fair spot okay um it is quite fun tunnel the gay tunnel the

Tunnel of fun yeah I missed the Mario Kart boost on this uh I I I know it’s it’s [ __ ] but like I I kind of miss it I I’m not dragging it down for that I feel like I would put this game I would put this

Game as a high CEO B but then there’s doubles mode I really like doubles mode doubles mode you have one person who collects all the coins and the other person just griefs the [ __ ] out of the other team that works so well for us dude yeah um dude I think I think that

There should be a little bit more of an cuz I really like the element of like punching people underneath blocks however I think that that I feel like it’s like disincentivized cuz like they’re going to punch you and then you could end up underneath blocks like sure

But I think there I I but it helps because you’re going to want to punch the people above you so that helps keep things balanced I just think that there should be more opportunities to do it because like if you st near the middle of the thing then you’re not going to

Get punched under I think there should be certain like ceilings in the midle just like floating single blocks in there yeah kind of like that you know I always thought if we keep it the way as is in single players mode like the like I know there’s a weird thing to say but

Like double the amount of coins but at the end like have them cuz I just feel like there should be more coins in the map itself you know like if you get knocked over the person on top is just going to be able to snag most of them

Yes that that is true there should be more that’s what I’m saying like you can double the amount of coins in the thing but have them at the end or something so you get the same amount of coins you just have more opportunity to get coins

Although you do want to give the person at the top a good reason to be at the top you know what I mean right yeah but then if you still at your top you could shoot you can you’ll still have the first pick of coins which is still

Advantage yeah yeah no being in actually there’s the coins are so sparse in that game that being on top is always going to be a huge Advantage I’m seeing like you should lessen the advantage of the people at the bottom still that’s true I think there should be more coins maybe

Not double but there should be yeah I think a few more well the thing is that uh basically all of the G the coin mini games are balanced based on how many coins people end up getting I think that maybe the making it denser and less tall

That’s that’s why I’m saying double the coins and half to things because I feel like the main issue is that the fight get a coin in the game you can’t really admal coins without [ __ ] up that balance yeah right right and I think that’s a similar thing with Market

Mayhem but iest say I forget Market mayhem’s a coin game Market Mayhem it’s weird though because in Market Mayhem there’s always like one person who gets lucky and has like 20 coins and then like the like fourth place always has like one you know well you can’t find

[ __ ] hold on actually we have this written down somewhere going oh here here here here zero this is what the average has been so in Market a Mayhem it has never been zero it’s never been one it’s never been two it’s never been three I was kind of looking more for the

Spread though which isn’t here I feel like or maybe this is how many times players have gotten that um what are we talking about tunnel of fun yeah I think it would be better tunnel of fun they have no data logged oh tunnel of fun here tunnel of fun the new one is

Apparently it is low it’s lower the the target distribution is so I think adding a few more coins would actually be good for tunnel of fun I agree yeah I think tunnel of fun is a game that has a lot of potential that’s just not being realized just yet

Because of a few minor flaws yeah I I agree I agree so should we rate it based on how it is now or how how it is now how it is now yeah I think so low beer uh yeah I think low B tier makes sense you think sometimes it’s hard for

Me to put a tier but then I bottom of B tier yeah is it better or worse than farming frenzy worse okay yeah yeah you’re right in doubles mode though it does kind of pop off that’s the only reason it’s not lower for me I feel like farming freny I don’t

Have too many issues with it it’s just like tun front it’s a good game it has like is the main thing is dragging it’s like you literally saying it has so many issues yeah like that’s what drags it down for me creeper catchers is I love this very Mario party it

Is very Mario party I I I I do my uses that one quote I say constantly like I would Place s tier honestly honestly yeah bottom of s tier bottom of s tier but yeah it probably doesn’t this game is amazing like the fact that it’s like it’s not RNG but it

Kind of is like not orang it’s like well yeah it’s like a it’s like it’s like a perfect combination of skill strategy and RNG and it has an interesting meta in doubles I think that I I know Michaels has it constantly but I do it I

Really stand it by the fact that it’s a good kind of [ __ ] it is it’s a good kind of [ __ ] it that’s what makes the it that’s why that’s what I mean when I say it’s very Mario Party hungry hungry humans is this the one the the

Fishing rod now this is a good mini game yes I like I I don’t like it’s it’s better uh better monster shoot like way better moner it’s if if monster shoot was fun it would be this game if you wait why do we put Monster this is one

This is one in the quiver this is Monster shoot this is one shot up here um it’s not CER for me it is not it’s I think this is at least B tier I think it’s better than farming frenzy I think I Port priority definitely better than

Port priority uh I think it’s better than horse race I think it’s better than runner I don’t know is it better than skyfly in my opinion yes but it’s bow belief I would agree I would agree with that placement what do you think we to do I think it’s below skyfly but

Whatever well yeah skyfly you also has a special place for you I I think that usually just settling these disputes when two people concur on something and the one person doesn’t I has been working for us so far person you just go f yeah uh prison Pals s oh the top this is

The best Min game probably the best orange uh that is uh color Chaos color chaos yeah better it’s better it’s better it’s better than color chaos rock paper scissor chased another straight S I love this mini game this is a good mini game I would place above um I would

Put it color chaos but I there was perfect I would put it above platforms for sure God we just hit two s’s in a row yeah dude no what’s the creeper mini game in the top tier creeper like the creeper catchers the one where we push the

Creepers in the holes with cats oh right I thought I was thinking of uh um the fishing rod one I was like what the [ __ ] yeah no no no I was thinking of hungry hungry humans yeah okay uh no no no no not that one prison Palace is the one

Where you like side by side right prison Palace is the one yeah where you it’s you and you you complete like three challenges okay it’s like dungeon it’s it’s it’s ripped from dungeon Duos I I kind of wish the H like randomize each I

Say that’s a huge ask uh I mean it’s not if we could make I mean we could have the thing about that is it could be outsourced we could have people make modules for prison Pals but I you just teleport to the next one I disagree I

Think that I think that part of it it’s uh goodnesses and its consistency because you kind of have to learn the mini game you know what I mean you don’t want you don’t want to have to the rules be different for the mini game every time because the three challenges are

All completely different so yeah it’s already you’re already basically playing like four mini games so it’s like yeah okay I I understand I feel like if they were more I feel like I feel like what would be cool is a standalone map would be modular prison Pals where it’s like

The only the only thing it is is you run through a dungeon on a team of two against a different team of two but the dungeon is randomized each time and you can have people submit modules that would be goed I’m saying like yeah make it like a rogue light that’s what I’m

Saying like just what right I think that that would be good for a standalone game I don’t think it would necessarily improve a Minecraft party mini game you know like instead of prison Palace make a different one that’s like small pass like that’s something that’s easy to

Understand like put a head on snow snowman like three times like do it quickly so there’s this cool Min game called there is that but I kind of what you’re saying like kind of like a warrior Weare type situation War yeah but like could I I do you think it would

Be different enough from Steve says and different from sorry tedious tasks if there was like a like some sort of like Wario Weare type thing where it’s like a bunch of like trivial challenges and you’re like just teleported to the next one at the same time you get a point for

Do that would be very fun but that’s not one of the mini games I know I know but just as a concept as a concept it’s a it’s a fun concept yeah I’m I’m just pitching an idea here before we forget it now it’s on recording uh tanks I have

A mixed feelings about this we I do too because it’s kind of well actually they we should keep take into consideration I don’t think we’ve actually played it since this change was made but uh I haven’t you if you play tanks now if you’re the Archer and your boater gets killed you

Get teleported into the boat and you become him oh okay that changes a yeah right okay so that that oh yeah yeah okay I I I that change alone game so much better my main grievance with tanks was that you kind of just get [ __ ] if

You’re the Archer and your boat guy dies but it’s not the case anymore so I mean I would suddenly this is a way better Min game for me it would still be beer tier like I mean probably I would put this in a tier I think this uh is better

Than uh no I it might be high be tier what do you think was to do um it’s just that I haven’t really played it but like from a I haven’t played it in the new patch but since that design revision it’s I think that

Before I probably would have put it in C but now it’s definitely at least in B you know what I mean is it better than farming frenzy maybe not you know I feel like we’re doing the mini game a little bit of a disservice where

Do you think it goes I don’t why is farming frenzy so low that’s what I’m wondering I don’t like it too much my opinion um what’s the mushroom uh the mushroom is that’s hungry hungry humans definitely better than that uh it’s better than sple I think so which one is this one again

Thanks this is tanks yeah cave parkour is also better than I think I don’t think it’s better than cave parkour I I would I agree with them I was thinking there yeah I I think we leave it there uh this one must be Capture the Flag

Couldn’t be anything else yeah S I love this Min game really I I would put it the bottom of s but I I I I would agree bottom of I feel like I could I would be even I think it’s better than creeper catchers and Steve says no I you’re

Stupid you’re not just drunk you’re stupid oh okay uh it’s a good game I just feel like there’s like there’s like redundant map making cuz I’ve tried using the flank before to kind of like sneak around the back and it’s always punished no the flank matters the flank act absolutely matters okay

I takes so much longer than going through the middle though but you’re supposed to catch people off by surprise that’s literally the whole point yeah but like the last two times I’ve done that like I have made it to the flag while it was unguarded but by the time I

Got there like my flag was already halfway to the it also means that you can take the the flank back to your base and they might not expect you to do that it’s no no Deon has a point they will kill your player and then take the flag

Back to their base quicker than you it’s already like like by like by it’s like by the time I reach their flag my flag is already if your teammate is good enough to defend alone you know what I mean that’s true that’s true if your teammate is cracked but if we’re

Assuming that all four players are about the same skill level which I think we should like even even if the if if if this is is like if you’re nobody even if nobody uses the side path even just the threat of it being there is enough to

Make it more interesting I guess I just feel like it should be shorter I feel like it take because what I said is true like I have I have had multiple times the experience like oh I’m going to go use the flank and surprise them and then

By the time I get to their flag my flag is halfway to their base that’s that’s the main issue okay that’s fair I still don’t think that’s big enough of a problem to Warrant moving it out of s tier I think this is an a tier game for

Me but if you think it’s S I can leave it there I uh I would I mean also I really wish that fall damage didn’t make you drop the flag I don’t I don’t know how you can like are you able are you able to make it so that players don’t

Take fall damage I do think that um isn’t that isn’t that a whole world thing that you can’t just turn it on for one game um I don’t think I give them like feather falling on boots or something uh no because you’d still take a damage tick maybe like a very small

Amount of slow fall no no no cuz even if you took a damage take if you had like feather falling 100 and you couldn’t take fall that would stop you from taking fall damage right yes but the dam but here’s what I’m saying you could

Just your health is a score oh so you can just check for if your health drops below 20 yeah yeah because like far too often I’ll get the flag and I’ll be Sprint jumping away and then I’ll jump more than three blocks and I’ll take damage

And I’ll drop the flag because of it yeah that’s kind of [ __ ] especially because it takes so long to pick the flag back up I kind of a little bit changed my mind I would Deon top of a tier I I think it I think it belongs in

High a but I don’t think it belongs in s just current state I think it’s a few minor improvements away from being s tier I agree with different like it just there a little bit before it gets like it’s 89 you know it’s 89 um your

Business S I like I I this is one of my alltime favor uh I do like it I just I I I don’t like the combat games cuz there’s a lot of them but you’re right as a game it’s this one has so much man

And there’s so many like I love the idea of having like M it doesn’t it doesn’t make the same pitfalls as Gladiators and it’s like it’s a little bit more it has like the you have to explore you have to be aggressive it gives you items that

You can play with the TNT is risky it is a good game and it’s played in survival mode which is also fun you can like place blocks and stuff yeah you can place blocks it’s it’s it’s like a better version of Capture the Flag cuzz like imagine Capture the Flag where you

Can like make your own flight CRS and [ __ ] like that’s like it’s l that’s yeah know I I agree with that I I think it is probably better than creeper catchers and not Steve says okay right uh Turtle hockey okay people agree with my placement in s tier was it I put it

Between creeper catchers and Ste Turtle hocky team hockey my bad oh team hockey oh are we on the the wait is that does that mean we’re on the uh oh we are we’ve been on 2 VTS for a while now I’m stupid my new business team hockey what’s from team

Hockey team hockey is 2v2 Turtle hockey I feel like this one’s worse than Turtle hockey no it’s not Turtle hockey ends in like one second this is two this is two people right two versus two oh you no I was thinking the other way I don’t like

The one V one yeah no no no I think this one’s good team hockey yeah this is a great Min game uh I think it goes an a tier I don’t know is it better what is this one that’s uh holding the wall hole in the wall I don’t think it’s better

Than hole in the wall I don’t think it’s better I don’t think I think it’s in the lower Echelon of a like yeah it’s better than meat slap is what we should be assessing yes yes better than meat slap better than one shot no okay then there it is

Um this maze Navigator maze Navigator yeah this is top and bottom no no that’s Labyrinth maze Navigator honestly God bro oh is this the one where you meet at the bricks yeah okay um although it’s not bricks anymore oh [ __ ] beat at The Brick no it is it’s always been brick oh

It’s still bricks oh okay it’s always been bricks um yeah I uh this uh this one is also ripped from Mario party but in Mario Party you do have a map uh that’s some of the like that’s some of a minor detail we could make like a map I

Would place it in a tier this to me feels so oh my God a tier I like this game I dude I I this is like a d tier game for me really I I like this this is this game is like feels to me is like

Super it’s literally just luck like I there is some very light strategy you can employ but the fact of the matter is like there’s no real like way to find your partner except giving coordinates which takes too long or just like far too often this game will just end just

Because the people happened to get lucky like that’s true I do think it’s not the fun kind of Lucky either it’s just it presents itself as a skill game but it’s actually kind of a luck game so where would you place it um after what do said

I do think you’re right well there is like something that I need to really work on in this game is that like the more efficient you are at searching the maze the better chances you have at winning but I do absolutely agree that like I feel like about half the time one

Team just trips over their own dick and Falls face first until their die and then they’re just right next to each other already so I mean I would I mean you do start in opposite in like all four different corners but like I it feels like sometimes this game just ends

In like eight seconds um it does I’m trying sorry it it’s because there’s no way to know like I think if there was like a if you could tell where your die was in any reference like if it showed you before the game started or if you did have a map

Maybe I don’t know I think I think that I would put this in seats here showing you where everything is like from a a bird’s ey view at the very start would actually be so interesting yeah and you could just give people slow falling into

Their corner or some [ __ ] I I mean you know where I put this I put this in C tier cuz it’s not boring I would put at least can you guys at least concede it’s high SE tier uh is it better than rocket launch mean no matter what question you

Ask me it’s going to be no so I way better than rocket launch I uh I like it better than dropper I don’t think I like it as much as rocket launch I honestly this is one of my I think this is a good

I I think this is a good this has a lot of potential to be one of my favorite games it just I think the dude’s right like there’s a few glaring flaws with not knowing where anything is that make it kind of just a luck game cuz like

You’re it’s basically four people run around like chickens with their heads cut off until two of them crash into each other that that for me that’s a little that chaos is a little fun it’s good chaos but it’s not even chaos it’s just like found you it’s like a luck

Game that presents itself as a skill or strategy game like a good luck game presents itself as a luck game you know what I mean yeah like you wouldn’t want to play a mashing game or the threshold for how many times you have to hit the button is randomized and sometimes it’s

Impossibly high like um TNT that’s uh bombs away um this one’s pretty yes really I I disagree with this but I guess I’m it’s better than I would put this in a I would put this like right there I do not think this is better than Capture the Flag

Honestly I think okay well two against one my guy yeah I think it’s better than Capture the Flag I yeah I think this goes uh above creeper catchers yes above creature catchers and I’d leave it there okay creep creature catchers creater catchers okay uh trip B

Hook uh P priority no we did P priority already chip Hook is a labyrinth uh this one’s pretty high up for me I like this one a lot yeah do you’re bad at it but you have to acknowledge that like if you if you didn’t chug balls it’s a pretty good

Game like this is my worst mini game I so bad this is m i i i like this one I put I would put it I would put it I no please I would put it in Ace I would I think it either goes in low s or high a well okay

At least decide that low okay here’s here’s my here’s my argument for putting it in high a instead of low s it takes way too [ __ ] long to break the iron bars it would slow you down just like happens like you put like a cob web or

Something is that too long no I just think that they should have a better pickaxe I think they actually have mining fatigue so if you didn’t have mining fatigue I think that would make this better it just takes too long to [ __ ] break out I could see higher

High a uh a flag yeah I agree I agree I’m sorry dud the button I like solving the maze on top is fun and be you don’t feel like you’re just jacking off on the bottom either like you have to actively be participating in the mini game at all

Times I just like that discourse you know V yell people that’s also like it’s fun it’s stressful to be on top uh but it’s fun and being on bottom is it just I don’t know you feel like you’re working together on a team even though you’re not really in charge of

What’s going on like being having that communication with whoever’s on top I will say though this mini game does fall for a like I don’t know how much you want to take this into actual consideration but this mini game is like borderline unplayable without voice chat like that’s true but I think

Like like we kind of are assuming that either like everyone’s going to be in a voice or no one is and in a way for a game based on Mario Party which is a couch play Only Game by Nature I get that but you you look at the rest of the

Games here and almost none of them require uh D I do have a question where would you place it like where would you put Labyrinth if this was your tier list where would I put Labyrinth yes okay here let me let me just run through this real quick probably not D better uh

Better than Pearl hurl better than uh uh boss fight is it better than Gladiator Gladiators really I mean like that’s youf I just don’t like it I mean I know it’s cuz I’m [ __ ] horrible at it but I like if if they were both on the mini

Game roulette I would much rather it roll finding the path is rewarding and the reason you don’t like it is cuz you’ve never found the path and gotten that it’s dopamine noow worries is this the one with the arrow snowballs yes I like this one this is quite good yes um um it’s

Pretty good I think it goes above uh Team hockey yeah yeah uh yeah I would put above team hockey and I would even consider putting it above one shot but what’s a red stone torch redstone torch is Red Light Green Light I would put it

Red light I would not I would I’ll put it here I think that that’s a good place for it it should be n Red Light Green Light I think this is the most scuffed to list cuz it’s like three different people’s opinions well no cuz we all

Come to somewhat of a consens less scuffed it’s less scuffed cuz like you get Nerf my a to a c yeah but he had a good point is the thing I I actually I might put this in B tier yet like low B tier are you guys

Going to run down to okay let’s let’s let’s say that for later bookshelf bookshelf is hide-and seek see see wait how is this one in two hide-and seek yeah what is this in two in two it’s the big building with the trees out oh my god dude this version is

So much worse well I found it funner than the first version I like I it’s it’s the 1v3 yeah yeah I mean I I like the three people looking for one person instead of uh one person looking for three yeah okay here’s I like that but

It’s still it’s I didn’t here are my thoughts right the as The Hider you are twiddling your dick the whole many G yeah as as the as the The Seekers only one Seeker is going to get that dopamine Rush of finding the person and that’s if

They find the person so yeah for like for half the players this game just ends after like two minutes you know I mean I’m going to be honest I really like this game they cut out the trees like if it was just the building itself that’s

Honestly if the map was smaller I do think it would be better cuz the other thing is it’s impossible to like there’s no route that allows you to check the whole map or even if like if there there’s like going to be one part of the

Map that just no one’s ever going to look in you know what I mean yeah if you condensed it down and make I that would be unfair for The Hider wouldn’t it uh yeah I mean a little bit you shouldn’t be able to Tech everything but it maybe

It could be rebalanced a little bit like that you check more of it maybe make it like you can have Escape like imagine if you’re on the top floor and you can like go to another section so like the Hydra could Escape quickly like it make it

Make make it instead of like prop you the Hydra has to be a lot more active and like actually like Dodge him into it’s a very impressive Arena though it must have taken a long [ __ ] time to build that yeah know it’s it’s huge and it is it’s very well put together I

Don’t know if they ripped it from something else or not but um what would you guys assuming they built it it is very good what would you guys place it I would place this in B tier I I would put it in C tier I would put

It at the top though is it better than I think I like’s the feather the feather is uh tunnel of fun it’s not better than tunnel of fun no I don’t think so either Game Theory i f honestly I think this might be the only F on the list I I

Can see it on that I it wouldn’t be f it was the if it was the Minecraft party one version but like this version understanding this mini game I straight up just throw a random paper every time because it’s there’s no reason for me to go through all these mental gymnastics

Of like thinking thinking about this for like a minute at a time only for me to be wrong anyway it’s just there’s too many there’s too many [ __ ] variables if you have a good re like even even that’s why I always do I just I don’t try in

This game I stopped trying in that game long you just have to think too damn much for this it’s like like cuz even if you can read the person you’re up against it doesn’t necessarily matter because there’s if you’re on the yeah it’s hard to read the person you’re up

Against because you have to consider the game from their perspective too like what do they want and then what do they think that you’re going to want there’s so many layers of reading also if the person you’re playing up against if and if one person is using R if the if the

One is using a a random number generator then it’s just an RNG game period also I’m not even get like I what I’ll do is I’ll just take the scroll wheel just up down up down up down and then hit Q yeah I have a refined method I use Google oneg

Through3 I don’t know yeah it’s just I don’t know I I I’ve expressed fences with this game I still think that the I like the one this wouldn’t fix this would not fix this game for me I still think that the score for the team of three should be cumulative that’s what I

Saying instead of uh you have to do math in your head to decide what the good outcome is cuz you need to be at least triple yeah but but then then why even have it be a 1v3 I don’t know well I I understand changing it cuz the this game

Was fundamentally flawed in the first game as well because in the first game the there was no incentive to mind game anyone it almost was always it was almost always optimal to just do what whatever the most beneficial to both parties and it kind of just created a

Okay well if we do this one then we both win and that’s just kind of what people did and if you broke that system then you no everyone knew not to trust you and so you wouldn’t be able to mutually benefit anymore it there was no no

Reason to to like mind game people necessarily and and it was meta to to to do that like there was the Mind gaming people was not the meta in that and it should have been and that that’s kind of what the idea was with changing the

Format is that now mind gaming is the meta because there’s no incentive to collude with the person on the other side of the wall it doesn’t for me though it’s it’s just a different problem I actually think that the whole collusion with the other person on the

Other side of the wall thing was very inter because then it it really does become like the prisoners L way where it’s like you want to like you can agree on you know what I think would be a better Min game the actual prisoners dilemma that’s so real yeah you know

That that I feel like that that’s kind of what I said when I when they told me about this [ __ ] but I I I don’t know I feel like it it’s they took one flawed game and they fixed that flaw but introduced new flaws yes um boss sprawl

1v3 Boss spraw 1 V3 is definitely better than boss battle yes yes but I think it might even be a higher tier I would play in b as well I would I would I think it’s either low b or high C it’s is it better than hide-and-seek

Yes is it better than uh tunnel of fun no so where do we put it top top of SE I don’t think it deserves to be a tier higher than the other Gold Rush is f for me Jesus really I dislike this game I mean I would put it I would could I

Could see putting it in D but I wouldn’t put it in F okay for me it’s the fact that the gameplay Loop is itself is not the most exciting thing in the world and the other thing is that the main gimmick of the game never has never worked

Properly and like moment time is pring you know the teleporting sliding back just is broken but I mean it we never have that on anyway but saying like that’s the main point of the game is just like Crouch occasionally like it’s extremely boring in my opinion this is

The most boring game I don’t agree I think it was better in Minecraft party one cuz everybody could get the jump boots yeah no and one it was I don’t like the fact it’s a 1 V3 that’s fair I think like I mean I don’t know gold rush to mean

This is a weird game isn’t it I would could see I would could see d i just nothing I would not go above C it just it it is competitive but it doesn’t feel competitive I don’t know if that makes sense it’s so low it’s like it feels so

Low stakes and that just like makes it like right it it kind of just feels like yeah I’m walking around and if I encounter gold I’ll crouch on it like I feel like as a team of three a lot of weather or not you win just comes to

Comes down to how much the person on top trips over their own dick which is uh similar problem in money belts it’s just the analog of this in regular Mario party I think it’s at best Loi but I I think honestly I like it more than Pearl

Hurl I would place it in D tier I don’t like it more than Pearl hurl actually I would put it at the top of D or the bottom of C top of D is fine top of d i I’m happy with that actually actually bottom of C bottom of C I enjoy it

Significantly more than yeah no you’re right it’s much better than the games in DTI what is the r for for me it’s the same it’s same thing as monster red concrete is concrete rainbow rainbow run yeah rainbow run belongs in the for me it’s the same thing as rainbow run

You’re just going for the Motions in the same way you do in those games that that’s kind of true but see the pro main problem with rainbow run is that if you [ __ ] your streak the game is literally [ __ ] over like there’s no there’s literally [ __ ] over condition in Rush

It’s the same as also the fact that like there’s like the pickax and Sho is just extremely [ __ ] boring I I like I don’t know what at least to me like Gold Rush is more engaging because there are pickups that change things like you know the speed boots and you also have to

Like mine the Gold Blocks sometimes there’s like a little like stuff happens in that game as the as the three what does I feel like the speed boots are like just well and like the thing about is like other players the thing about monster shoot that sucks in particular

Is that other players have agency over to your game but you never see it coming so you just have to pick a monster and hope no one else picked that one to shoot at you know it might be fun if jump boots were in the mini game yeah

And they let and they flowed down naturally and then the person on top had to make sure that the people down there did never got a hold of them yeah I think that one is hold on let me actually check the uh but then but then

Like once they got up there then that would kind of be a problem cuz then how do you get them back down maybe you give the guy on give give the guy on top like a knockback stick or something and let them like knock see in Gold Rush the

Team of three wins a lot oh hold on let me see that might not be the latest version Gold Rush Bas uh Gold Rush in the new version we don’t actually have anything yet wa what how did they change it um I actually don’t know because they

Don’t put notes they just put oh here this is the latest version of Gold Rush that’s been tested holy [ __ ] this is so unbalanced it’s super so giving the giving the theme of three jump boots I mean I don’t know what the most recent balance was hold on it actually says

Beta 2.11 plus so if we just look at uh I am the biggest gold gold rush hater in the world it says beta 2.11 Plus but we didn’t change anything about gold rush in beta 2.11 according to the change log well I’m just going to go off the old

Version then yeah well I honestly think this should be in D tier it’s also it’s just an unbalanced game and the main gimmick is just busted hold on let me see if there’s anything about gold rush in here lost city bat Blast Dragon Doom here’s what we’re looking at right now

Uh I want I want Ryan and Michael to like watch this like a [ __ ] movie night yeah no honestly how long have we been Rec 1 hour and 35 minutes yeah no it’s been a while uh that they literally zero changes in the log here or on

Discord for updates to Gold Rush so I don’t know what they changed that they felt it warranted its own category on the spreadsheet suspicious lack of uh def in there here actually you want to know what Ryan and Michael when you are seeing this like this specific portion

Of the video DM me I want to know when you’re actually yeah I want to actually yeah keep us in the loop I want to change your minds guy I want to change your guys’ minds put this in D tier put what in D tier gold rush I do not it is

Cuz here’s the thing dude you said that it would be more interesting if you could get the jump boots but the most recent version of Gold Rush that we’ve tested the team of three won 18 out of 22 times yeah well I know but that I know there would need to be more

Rebalancing done I understand that I I feel like this game meets out overhaul oh sorry uh like cuz it’s boring for the three that’s how was it different in Minecraft party oh it was a four for-all wasn’t it y I think it was better that way me too

Uh probably yeah if you guys think like honestly I think the four- for-all version of this game was like honestly like an a tier I mean it’s better than the games in D tier but I I feel comfortable at the top I think I disagree with that I don’t think I don’t

Think it belongs in the same tier as as Pearl H and dropper it’s just I yeah like yeah like dropper is way much much more magnitude of fun than gold brush in my opinion dude this this is [ __ ] annoying I I understand that I can’t

Drag it all the way to the top of the screen cuz it’s going to do the snap thing dud do not make this [ __ ] bar that me going to get close to the top of the screen that’s so [ __ ] annoying all right whatever uh back to the back

To the sheets uh next up is the log which is Treet toop hop nope that is Blockbuster this is Prop Hunt no yeah this is Prop Hunt uh I have always disliked this game I do I I don’t know how you guys feel about the sword cuz my problem with this

Game if you don’t have the sword it’s impossible oh it wasn’t but I I do think the sword made substantially better cuz the last time I complained about this game was before then and it was literally just jacking off Simulator for three people and the fourth person is like it’s an RNG

Game yeah it it is kind of just jacking off like and it’s like okay how about SE I do think oh yeah it should go in the same category as hide-and-seek it’s honestly just as good as hide and seek uh I think it’s a I think it’s a little

Bit better but like I think it’s better because of the sword thing yeah and because the map is smaller I I do think yeah I think I’m comfortable putting putting it there it’s like the same game as hide-and-seek but different enough that it definitely doesn’t feel exactly

The same I’m I’m content I’m content where it is pack Cube this one is good actually as much as the pack board sucks I I’m going to be honest I don’t like the fact that you can see like the ghosts from like I don’t know why you

Can see them in like you can see I get what you’re saying like I feel like the Pac-Man wins a lot actually we can check if the Pac-Man wins a lot no no no you know like the like the fact that you see the board and then you see

Like Beyond Pacman ever lost this uh according to pack Q I think the yellow highlighted version is the most recent cuz I don’t see any actually so it’s pretty balanced is there any other games like gold rush that’s like [ __ ] um like balance twise uh slight favor for

Three uh I don’t see any like massive massive oh here slime time uh the old one this is an outdated one the new slime time is currently four and five we haven’t played nearly as many games so it’s hard to say hide and seek and Game Theory are both 9 and 11

I don’t know why this one is labeled balance and this one is labeled slight favor for three when they both have the same stat but whatever uh so where so it’s not so P cube is balanced as far as we know yes it is balanced I’m well I can’t remember

Oh God I can’t remember it’s just like I don’t know like from a technical standpoint this mini game is a Marvel like it’s really cool I’m I’m not going to Pine on this one the way the warps work is like amazing yeah no I I agree

It feels cool is it fun no that’s the problem that’s what I’m like like it shouldn’t go in D tier with the other unfund games because it’s cool there’s a like the spectacle of it is awesome and it’s just not very fun to play and it’s

Not even like I have any criticisms of like oh you could do this to improve it or whatever it’s just like it’s not a good concept yeah like first person Pac-Man is just not something that’s a fun as an idea if it was top down it

Would be better oh it would be amazing if it was top down but you can’t really make it top down can you why not like can’t you make it like well because you can’t get far well armor stands yeah that’s true we that’s asking Ryan and Michael to like completely remake the

Mini game I think the better solution is just to not have it yeah like well we not well we know that we’re not going to remove it yeah I know we shouldn’t remove I’m not saying you should remove it well here’s the thing cuz you already

Have a system that we use for slime time for move controlling a character below from above and that if we if like imagine if the pack Cube controlled like slime time except you were faster like would that be better probably I would say Losi well how would how would that

Work how would that work because there the it would have to be defined by walls you know what I mean well yeah you would have maybe the walls on top would be barriers or or it could be something like betris where there’s controls that are injected into the game you can see

The whole board at once and it works like real Pac-Man where the last Direction you touched just the direction you’re going forever that’s what I was thinking yeah kind of similar to uh um the minecart one no I think I think that actually does make sense you just have

To keep track of which ghost is you and the there doesn’t have to be real walls on the board below it just has to be like blue is wall and black is not wall because otherwise it would be parts that would be partially obscured due to

Parallax so I think that this goes in low C but I do think and that’s a big ask but I do think that would make it that would make it so much it would make it it would be at least a tier yeah that would Propel this that like it might

Honestly be S tier like if it was I could I could see this being high a low s maybe even mid ass if it was if it worked that way but what I mean what do you think of Ghost Hunt that’s that’s a hard one for me ghost hunt yeah I like

Ghost Hunt I think I didn’t like it at first but once I started learning like more about it that’s the issue I feel like you shouldn’t have to know like a meta of a game like that like it’s not because of the meta though I think I

Just I got better at Minecraft I’m saying like you have to be you have to play this game a couple times before you’re ever able to win as the one I feel like yeah I do think that the particles are like really misleading I

It’s it’s yeah know I have I have a ton of trouble playing this as the one but other people don’t see like playing this mini game as the one [ __ ] awful playing it as the three really fun you know what I mean well let’s check the balance let’s check the balance I it

Doesn’t even matter if the balance is off it’s just not fun to play as the one yeah that’s fair I do think that it might be better as the one if there was just more healthy villagers to begin with you didn’t have toal them cuz like

What’s the point you have you have to heal three villagers why like that just feels like that’s skew toward yeah that does feel like a dumb mechanic right like I feel like that removing that probably makes it better for the one cuz you’ve just got less [ __ ] to think about

Like why do I have to stop playing the game to the the particle the particle delay really does like it might be it might help to like force the player to hold like a button in their off hand or something that’s something that really small but like if you lock your eyes

Onto it you can see it you know what I mean then I feel like that would make it really unbalanced so you’d have to it’s already balanced in favor of the one isn’t the is the thing yeah I I just like I don’t know you would have to

Change some things but like I just think that the particle system is not reliable enough because it just feels like you’re just swinging at the air and just I would place it in high high SE I mean it’s not B tier in my opinion it’s not B

Tier I don’t think it’s yeah I agree it’s better is it better than boss brawl we boss the the 1 V3 one no no no I it’s there there is perfect for me all right our sapling is Treet top hop I do not like this I do not like this video game

Either I don’t think I’m good at I like the bow and arrow like the peeking like it’s kind of like saying who has to shoot first thing I don’t think it’s a bad game I just don’t like it like I would feel bad putting it in a in a low

Tier because I I wouldn’t I don’t even feel bad about it either because it’s not not like this was such a difficult game to make or anything it’s very simple true the fun of it you know yeah no I get that and it’s like I’m not saying it needs to be

Super compc I’m just saying that like it’s like it’s just not very F like being the players down at the bottom and having to like shoot like art bow shots to like hit him it just feels stupid I don’t know three it could be well I mean

You can like well I mean we’d say it’s probably pretty balanced but it’s not like I don’t know I would you guys say um lowpop in favor of the three actually latest I say like Losi Losi I would put Ms I I like this game though it is it it’s not better than

Pat it’s better than Pac Cube It’s better than is it better than Pearl HL no I don’t think so okay um I maybe it’s better than Pearl hurl actually I I would put it above no you don’t think so I don’t know it’s not it’s not the worst I we we

Haven’t played this in Forever actually was the last time we played Treetop [ __ ] hop okay anyway slim oh wait I was already back here slime time that that game is there’s a mini game called slime time in Mario Party and is I like that one better but only because it’s a mashing

Mini uh slime time is it’s fun it’s fun it’s fun it’s more fun to be the one it’s B I don’t think I’ve ever been the one in this mini game it’s funny break their ankles quite well I would honestly place it in beer I

Would put it in either yeah b or a it is quite fun to be on the top uh it’s like a oh what’s the mini game uh it’s like the cube one for Mario party I know what you’re talking about what what do you think of GM to do I

Don’t know where in B here to put it I I’m starting to forget what the icons mean is it better than tanks yeah let’s start there yeah is it better than tanks I don’t think so like with the new and imp it’s it’s better than the old

Version but the new and improved like I have not played the new and improved we haven’t played itone of us played seually alone it’s better like I feel like I don’t know I feel like it should go right around here I think I think think it’s better than is it better than

Sple no I like sple better purely because of the bow is it better than hungry hungry humans yes okay yeah yeah no yeah it’s not bad than sple you know I like sple more yeah sple is fun SP is fun there’s a reason it’s been prevalent

For so long in the zone I don’t like this one are you kidding me it’s it’s after they fix the balance it’s one of the most it’s a very I in the zone this is in the zone is a 1v3 yeah one oh wait wait what the one where you’re in the

Middle you have to capture it the person has like the knockback three stick this is a one V3 yes you like it in doubles mode CU in doubles mode it’s good but you have to take into consideration as a 1v3 this still let’s see no in doubles

Mode this is fantastic in doubles mode this is I would say that this is probably an stier game if doubles mode was the only if it was a 2v2 in normal play well you have to weigh both of them I still like both of them though I I I

Just I would put this like given both versions of it I would give it I would put it I would put it what’s the white wool white this is uh color Trails better than color trails better than color Trails worse than knockout knock is similar to knockout knockout knockout is better but barely

All right yeah it is similar to knockout so it makes sense Excellence Excellence I only played the pr patch version which was suck this is a spreadsheet simulator uh it I think it’s pretty fun I do think it’s a good game I don’t I don’t think

It’s boring but it uh I would it’s it is it’s just different it’s different from every other Min game it’s it’s like more unque it is good I like it a lot of Min games do feel I low be is it better than uh tunnel of fun yes is it better than

Farming frenzy no okay and then there it is stag might drip sagite uh dripstone dripstone Dan which one I again this is uh you probably haven’t played this one I can show you a drown dripper drown I knew that that one would get votes but I was hoping it wouldn’t win I think

Honestly this one’s it seems fun but I can’t know until I play I think this mini game yeah it it it looks more fun than it is yeah that’s that’s actually this mini game should be two-dimensional I don’t think it should be a 3D space they run around in I think

It’s that would make it so youever play a coconut conch yeah coconut conch except coconut conch does suck but that this would be better I think cuz this you can knock go down multiple at the same time I think I think you’re right I think this would be better if you like

Ran back and forth it that’s that that’s the optimal strategy anyway right you know what I mean like just go to one Edge and just like look up I don’t necessarily know if this would be better than as a as a 2d game I think I would rate

It around this I don’t think I don’t think it’s like as different as like if we made our suggested changes to Pat Cube it might make it a little bit better I think it would make it a lot better I think it would be pretty unbalanced though hold on let me

Actually we haven’t played this one that many times but I will check the stats on it because making it 2D would make it way more balanced or way more in favor of the three well you could adjust things around that adjust the speed dripstone dance is currently pretty balanced it

Needs but we haven’t played it enough to really say uh the team of three tends to win already though it’s about 50/50 right now and it’s also kind of similar to that uh Mario Party 8 mini game where you drop the bombs into the Plinko and then you got to hit the

Dude on the bottom there’s lots of Mario Party mini games that are similar to this in like a 2d format but because I just think like it it just feels futile as the one like I don’t know it just feels like if I hit him like the person in the middle it just

Feels like it was by chance right I get I get that you don’t feel like you made a strategic or a good play because you hit the guy it’s just like oh he happened to be on his Flite I just hit like you’re aiming for him but you have

To aim where he’s going to be and he can move anywhere in three dimensions yes so in dim it’s much easier to trap them or like do something smart where it’s like oh you get all three of your teammates to like shoot like a big area around him

To where you can’t escape or like you Corner him like [ __ ] like that and like you could and we could definitely balance it by like adding delay to how long it takes them to regrow or something so I I think if they took a while to regrow that would definitely

Make things a lot kind of do so uh where would you where would you put the 3D version it does look fun even though it’s not as fun it’s it’s fun but it’s not as fun as it looks it I I think this mini game in its current state um it’s

Better than Pat Cube I don’t know if it’s better than Pearl HL honestly okay the minions I [ __ ] with minions I [ __ ] with it like I I joke say s but I would put it in Austin [ __ ] hates minions Austin that’s just like his opinion man

I would put Austin is also bad at minions really B put it in a vacuum with no lag it’s a in a vacuum with no lag you’re right well the question is basically on a good server how does it run and it runs well on a good server but there’s

Still Jank to it there is still Jank yeah but I think that’s part of it would I put it between capture the flag and oh no no no lower than that lower than that I it’s not better than skyly above skyfly Jesus wow okay you understand I

Unironically like this game no I like this game too I just I think it’d be lower a tier than that I do think it’s better than knockout how whatever okay no no no what what do you think what give me your cuz there is some Jank this it’s been a while since

I’ play it break it down for us Mark below red light green light is where I would put it I would I I do have more fun playing Red Light Green Light than I have playing minions you know I’ll con seeed that put it right before that yeah yeah

Yeah ring in the ring is [ __ ] s tier it is absolutely as far as a mashing mini game though it’s like the best format of one it’s so intense the it’s so intense the uh the arena matters a lot ARA is [ __ ] awesome I love how

You can jump onto the corner of the thing and like cheer them on like your [ __ ] doc Lewis no it’s great and it’s like it it becomes an endurance Masher like the longer you play like it it it’s so Peak it like combines every good type

Of matching mini game the one thing that I don’t like is that it’s not a raw Mash but that just might be because it’s me but like you can like you do there is some degree of you have to like be able to read if the person in on the other

Side is going to jump in front of you yeah but I I think that would be better if that wasn’t a possibility but I don’t I don’t think so I think it I think it adds a little fun the fun but if you like already know that it’s pretty easy

To just go it’s like a wrestling ring in a way it’s kind of like the same thing with being able to snipe the fish in fishing like yeah I I could see that I could see that it’s kind of like it’s not really the meta but it it it’ll work

Once or twice against someone he better at you than you at mashing fight fight fight fight fight fight it’s just PVP this is so lame I mean it’s not badad I would put in SE just because it belongs near Gladiators probably because it’s like the same Gladiators is more fun though I would

Put it below Gladiators yeah yeah it doesn’t have like the same flaws as gladiators but Gladiators is still more fun because there’s four people in it I mean you here’s the thing you can’t it the Minecraft party 2 needs to have a game that’s just you [ __ ] fight

Someone you know what I mean like it it it’s a game that’s there because it has to be and there’s nothing I would change about it but it’s just it’s it’s not as good as the other mini games well you know there’s a problem like the the

Description of the Min game is one [ __ ] line kill the other player that’s it like it it’s like yes it it you could argue that it needs to be there I don’t actually think that’s true I I think that no I think that if there can be there are combat mini games but

They don’t have to be this boring yeah but it’s it’s a dual mini game though right you know you’re fighting someone else if you’re making a game that has one V one dels in Minecraft and you don’t put a kill the other player duel in there well yes but again there can be

A kill the other player duel that’s not literally just kill the other player you know what I mean well yeah but like a PVP a Minecraft PVP should at least come up you know what I mean in the DS mode I think I think the other Duss where you

Kill the other player could be cool like if there was like buttons that you shoot rockets at them or something but I don’t want to get into that right now you know what go hard as hell what if like you know the 2D concept that I was explaining for dripstone dance what if

That was like a duel where both players had stag ties above their heads oh my god dude that would be an insane concept holy [ __ ] dripstone dance but it’s one V one or 2v2 as the mini game goes on it like get they grow faster they grow

Faster yeah yeah dude like that would be that honestly that game would be like a or S tier I think cuz DS are automatically balanced obviously yeah if you want to have both of them we can’t name that one drip or drop yeah that’s true um Turtle Hockey put it with the

Other one put it with the other one no it’s it’s below the other one below the other one for sure I would arue that one I would I could I could see this one being this game ends in 5 seconds but I don’t really care because it’s a duel and they

Should be fast but like it it like it’s basically the same game it’s basically whoever punches the turtle first just wins not exactly well no you have to kill knock the other thehe out of the way but like winning that winning that uh who wins is decided winning that

Scrum at the start is like that’s all that matters there’s like there’s nothing other players going to do once you better than meat slap and all that no I don’t think I don’t think it’s as good as team hockey even team hockey is a completely different game yeah I

Feel like it’s I feel like this goes in B tier honestly I I still think it’s good I it’s good it’s good but it’s not it’s not as good as it’s not as good it’s better than that one I think there’s a good spot yeah there yeah I just think

That wor the market Mayhem better than uh think I think this game would be is it better than mft Madness I think so yeah no this would go right alongside the other one if there were two points instead of one yeah cuz then if you lose if you lose the immediate scrum twice

You kind of deserve to lose you know what I mean that’s fair like s It’s s fishing go fish oh s is [ __ ] s is [ __ ] honestly we have to it’s RNG with like a little bit of [ __ ] you can make an RNG if you want it’s a good game

Cuz just the the mere the mere fact that you can fish up something other than a fish and it’s like a really low chance is so [ __ ] funny I think that if once I make the bomb game that will also probably be S if I do it right if you

Make the bomb game it will be the best mini game in [ __ ] I don’t think it’ be better than prison Palace but it would be it would be S tier uh is this better than creeper catchers yeah is it better than bombs away I think so it’s not better than

Ring in the ring but true uh it is I think I think this is a good spot for it uh this is button search don’t push my buttons is it yeah don’t push my buttons don’t push my buttons this is a very good it’s a very

Good mini game yeah I’m bad at it but it is a very good mini game I would put it it should go near ring in the ring and to go fish probably but below those two I think this is like a top of a type Min

Game uh I could see that is it better than uh capture the flag capture the flag and my opin I know okay I really think that this mini game should not have a win threshold I really think that because like isn’t this mini game work in a way

Where it the threshold gets smaller and smaller it shouldn’t yeah I think that it would be better if it just timed out no I don’t think it I I don’t think it should do that eventually one player is going to get exhausted enough where they will

That’s true but the issue that want W want to put a hard limit on it is that if two players are about the same they could keep Pace with each other for quite a while and every game would be so intense but every d game has two players

Jacking off you know what I mean it’s true but like if if if if it was a mini game you’re like the victory Buton if button search took forever it would be bad but this one taking a while would just be hype it’s like there is a

Certain degree of where it is hype you know what I mean I can see that I can see that ringing the Ring of I’m glad it goes down because the wind threshold is 20 [ __ ] clicks like that’s a lot mhm but like it this one like it’s n blocks

Like you can you like eventually even even the like slightest discrepancy in skill the better player will win eventually that’s true that’s true that’s yeah but snowball I I think yeah so but as it is now is it better than Capture the Flag I mean I [ __ ] I think

Capture the flag actually should be S so no but like based on okay how about well cuz you disagree with that is it better than hole in the wall what are you guys theba about yes you think is better than hole in the wall all right well uh red

To what do you think uh push my buttons better or worse than Capture the Flag I don’t look masers though so my opinion is influenced by that it’s not really you do need to mash but it’s it I would win it I lose it every time I would win

It every time Masher you would put it below all right well you would do concur on that then I’ll put it between these two would you say it’s better would you agree it’s better than hole in the wall I haven’t played I actually wouldn’t say it’s better than hole in the wall hole

In the wall is fun it yeah okay um yeah is it better than tedious tab yes in op yes I like T though so or I mean yes it is better than TDS that’s what I meant to say I would put it below TS only because of the no blocks man you just

Say no blocks would be High s tier if it wer for the [ __ ] no swear to God just put it I well I’ve already said my P about the not blocks you you be the deal breaker you put it whereever I’ll put it right there I think it doesn’t deserve

To be near TS tasks I do think TDS tasks is yeah he’s salty about the no blocks it is like this is like a hard Choice actually these are like really similar and like how much I like them Bridge Crossing this mini game is so good I actually don’t like playing this

One cuz I always lose but I love the concept of it actually I think I put it here because I suck at playing it so I’ll put it above this mini game is so [ __ ] good I it like there’s so much depth in such a simple concept oh yeah absolutely

This is like the type of mini game that you strive to make this is better than uh creeper catchers at least you think so yeah you’re right it probably is I think that’s a good spot for it though I really like bombs away I would put it an

A tier I don’t think it’s an S tier game it’s just no because like if you’re thinking about that creeper catchers I for me if bombs away is an S tier that game can also be an S tier I Bridge Crossing Bridge Crossing yeah I feel like Bridge Crossing is like a literally

A tier below those two really I heavily disagree I don’t I don’t think so I think it there’s like the concept is so easy to grasp but the gameplay can be so so complex anyway I just think it’s it’s a really good balance it’s fun to play

You feel great when you make it across the bridge it can go it can be over in an instant it can be over in 10 minutes like it’s it’s a good game and it’s interesting to watch it’s almost as fun to watch as it is to play like honestly

I just don’t think it’s anything too special that’s the thing no it’s not doesn’t need to be it needs to be to be good it’s a good game you know know I’m saying like it’s fun but it’s not like I feel like s tier for stuff that excels

Is excellent a TI are for the good games and S tier plus [ __ ] that I would like I think is really good but here’s the thing I would put it in I think it’s better than what’s the key again the key is uh Labyrinth oh it’s way better than that

Uh it’s also I mean I don’t think it’s better than Capture the Flag but that’s because I think capture the flag is one all right so let’s like aside from the ones that we that like we’ve all disagree on we all believed that it’s better than hole

In the wall hole in- the wall should be here is it better than hole in the wall yeah so I me I don’t think so I’m comfortable putting it uh is it better than ho in the wall yes yeah I think it is okay I think it’s better than creeper

Catchers I honestly would could see creeper catchers being an A but it is it’s it’s it’s too perfect yes Pig pushers Pig pushers is okay it’s not super fun let the spectators spectate the Pig [Laughter] please I would put this in beads here yeah that’s what I want is it better than hockey

Yes it’s a better Jo mini game than Turtle hockey I think it’s worse but just barely I will put it below I agree with you okay if you guys agree then I will switch them uh balance beam it never [ __ ] work this is so good um yeah but the

High ping mode version high ping mode version which is basically the only version yeah C I would put C what the [ __ ] why I would put it higher than C it’s like I don’t know it’s just not are we talking about the same mini game the

One glass Bridge yes but the one where the gravity isn’t being shifted yes I understand okay yeah no this is a great game what about what are you what are your thoughts on the on the the low ping mode version Oh F it’s it’s really bad the long ping version is terrible I

Don’t think so I think that there’s a skill ceiling to it but we just play it so infrequently that I think that there’s some Merit to it honestly there’s Merit to it but in in its current state where in in non-h high ping mode it’s just so [ __ ] janky

Like yeah if it wasn’t janky I think it would be a lot better but it it is janky and it might not even be a server thing cuz like it we’ve literally always needed High ping mode for this game on any server I would put in see because of

That like I mean uh no I think I think that because we only mainly play it in high ping mode we can raate it based on that because that’s the game that people are experiencing but for me that’s just I would at least bar and if and if you

And if you are if you’re if you are playing on a server that’s good enough that it’s not Jank in like outside of fight ping mode it is also a good game I would place it more around the tier of like the chest and the wheat like that’s

I think that it should be where these ones the chest and the you really think it should be around uh farming frenzy and uh which SP game are we talking about uh balance be balance beam still oh no what the [ __ ] this is a tier you

Think a tier is not a tier where would you put in an a tier um what’s the white Dy that’s uh Memory Lane me why the [ __ ] is that okay okay what do you think of memory Memory Lane is a good game no I

Know I just why is it a white Dy oh I don’t know yeah I uh I would put this above musical Minecarts I really disagree with that I would put it below musical mine carts I would actually I would put it I would put it at the bottom of a here I think

We can settle on that that’s I could I would put it on right below for FY if it was my to holy [ __ ] really yeah I don’t know I think it I’m bad at it but it is fun it’s a good concept I me it’s a good concept I just

Really most of the part I mean I think it maybe belongs somewhere I I would put it somewhere around here red TI would put it somewhere around here D would put it somewhere around here I do think at the bottom of a tier or near the top of

B tier is like the compromise location uh you two really like it so I can’t really say much I don’t really like it but a is [ __ ] you really like I really like it that’s true D really likes it uh I I think I think I would feel comfortable saying that a

Compromised position is in high B Because red wants to put it all the way in low B just put it in the top of B then I’m more more than comfortable just having it in B I feel like okay yeah that’s fine just top of b top of B is it

Better than what the [ __ ] is the blaze powder uh color Trails color Trails well then yes obviously both of us think it’s better than that we both we we could Cur it’s better than C Trails yeah absolutely okay so then hbe is I’m satisfied with that decision uh button

Search okay oh my God you guys need to fix the spectation Box in this mini game we did what you mean or you mean like make it better or make it worse no you can’t see anything going on down yeah no that that I agree with literally it’s

Just the the people who are spectating are jacking off the whole mini game because you can’t even spectate properly cuz you can’t see where they’re hiding their button it would be interesting if you knew where the button was yeah I I agree I agree cuz like you could say

Like oh like then people could tell the people where the buttons are but that’s like bad [ __ ] sportsmanship anyway like right like you if you really wanted to you could do that anyway in doubles mode I get it but in in singles in like in not outside of doubles mode why don’t

You just even in doubles mode you could just slash spectate you on to your own teammate yeah you could you could force someone to spectate someone every tick it’s like it’s not uh but like I think the cheating argument doesn’t really need to be applied right I think that there is

Definitely a better way to handle spectation for this game but we should not take that into consideration at all I I just I just wanted to bring that up because it’s really frustrating yeah for sure but I I don’t know this minning game’s I mean it’s good it’s good yeah

What would you place it then uh I would put it either High B low a I feel like what is the mushroom the mushroom is hungry hungry hum I think it’s better than hungry hungry humans I just feel like it’s is it better than slime time I

Don’t think so I feel like it’s a very boring game it’s not that interesting I would IM between slime time and hungry it’s kind of a mind game but it’s not the type of mind game that feels good yeah I I I’d be comfortable putting it

There bet betris bet is good it’s good I it’s not like it’s when this mini game is being rolled in the roulette I’m not like [ __ ] yes bit hon a little like that cuz I just like Tetris a lot as a game no I like Tetris

Too but this isn’t really balance beam I would say yes I would say it’s better than balance beam is it better than Memory Lane yes is it better than wacka mob yes is it better than musical mine carts yes maybe maybe it’s just a unique worse than

Dragon dun yes okay so I guess that was this is where D would put it I might put it a little bit higher I would put I think I would put it here between dragons Z and meat slaps you know I would I I don’t really like the Dragon

One too much so like like from the brief I don’t think it’s better than meat slap I don’t think it’s more fun than meat slap I do think it’s impressive like this is one of the most impressive games for sure oh yeah but that doesn’t come into that does really yeah that doesn’t

Really matter uh last one is like if we’re taking that into account the literally the second top the like the second one to the top in our tier list right now would not be that hard to make what right right I could have made that one is the deuce

Is it’s the volleyball volleyball one okay the jonic uh candle mini game The jonic Candle mini game that’s the one uh jonic what the candle what what about wait do you not you know this clip one of the funniest clips ever don’t know this are you not familiar

With this this is like the Devon clip what the [ __ ] this is this is the one that is winning the uh we could yeah we’ll do this we’ll do this after we finish the tier list but I will show it to you I just remember the first time I

Played it you hit the ball and goes he went straight into the [ __ ] Stratosphere uh yeah that was funny he just was like uh this is a good game it’s not the best game I would put it in a I would put it in B You’ put it in B I like now

That there’s Mulligans and it’s not like you don’t get cocked if you miss your server right away I think it’s what do you think Miss do I think it’s better than balance beam I would put in be I would definitely like I’m thinking like which one would I prefer to be

Rolled if I was rolling a mini game I think I’d rather play Turtle hockey or uh or not Turtle hockey uh balance beam team would I rather hockey I would well this is dual if well I I guess you can’t just rate it relative to dual but like

If you if you were in quickplay mode and you were picking a mini game to choose and like you could only play you only had time for one would you rather play Oh I would if I only had time for one and I was picking a mini game to choose it

Would I mean I’d rather play it than whacka mob I I think below musical mine carts for me uh I think it is more similar to I think it’s more close to the team hockey range I would put it between team hockey and meat slap you I haven’t I

Haven’t played much of the new one I only I’m spctor I might put it like here CU I think betris I would rather play betris yeah so so this is the you want to run it down or do you just want oh yeah you do you want to do like one a

Once over real quick so in s tier we have the best game being prison Pals which I definitely agree with color chaos banger uh I I I think I’m going to agree with all of these pretty much until we get to like I think I think

What we should do is like just phrase these as statements like prison Pals is better than this and as long as two people are saying yes then that’s fair that’s fair prison Pals is better than color Chaos color chaos is better than rock paper scissors Chase Rec Chase is

Better than platforms platforms is better than Steve says yes that that’s I’m a little iffy on that but I also agree Steve these are like these are a lot closer than some of the other ones but yeah Steve says it’s better than mind your business

Yo ah I would also say no I would switch this one Steve say is better than C says is better than ring in the ring yes no no yeah I have to agree I think ring of the ring is better well C say is better than Go

Fish no no no damn Go Fish ring in the ring is better than Go Fish ring in the ring is better than yes yes okay so then these ones we would all agree no no no this one’s better than that one no no it’s not ring in the ring is better than

Goish I like uh what do you think you it’s your op you’re the side breaker uh I I’m much more well it is because I’m good at it but I just think even even if I’m watching other people play I’d rather see ring in the ring okay so

Steve says is better than I TNT is better than Steve says agree really okay we’re moving Steve says all the way down here uh it’s a very good game it’s just Steve says is better than uh brid cross bridging no no uh I would say yeah no I

Would rather play Steve say okay okay Bridge Crossing is better than than creeper uh creeper catch I would say yes okay creeper catchers is better than uh Labyrinth yes I mean yes well you yeah D D’s vote was already decided I would say well it’s always two maybe

But it’s already two people but Labyrinth is better than Labyrinth is better than Capture the Flag I would say yes no I’m sorry uh capture the flag is better than hole in the wall yes yes uh I would say no but I’m out voted uh hole in the wall

Better than don’t push my buttons yes yes all right don’t push my buttons better than uh tedious tasks actually no okay I I was going to have a hard [ __ ] deciding vote on that one t t sweep let’s go all right uh hole in the wall better than tedious

Tasks wait are we moving we keep we we have to go both ways okay hole in the wall better than tedious task I would say yeah uh I said no but I me no but iord it either way yeah uh but don’t push my buttons better than

Uh uh take flight I’m going to say no I don’t really care if don’t push my buttons but it’s not better than that game take flight is really good no I’m saying that one’s better you think don’t push my buttons is better than take

Flight yes I do not what do you think I think take flight is better I’m just going to say that if I was good at take flight I would think it was better so I for that reason maybe I should put it better my Burns is like a lot more

Intense I think it’s a lot more intense that is the thing you no I agree the take flight is better all right then I will put that’s this is a tight one I think this is a hard Choice uh knock uh don’t push my buttons better than

Knockout yes no knock that is better I think don’t push my buttons is better don’t push my buttons is better all right great that means we don’t have to assess knockout versus take flight knockout uh versus Zone definitely better yeah uh in the zone versus tile

Capture I would say no in the zone is better in the zone is better damn all right uh tile capture better than red light green light yes yes tile capture better than land area capture War versus Mr Funny Mr Beast yeah yeah I think so okay um red light green light is better

Than minions yes yes not being joking yes I think it is a better game uh minions better than snowball or whatever it’s called Uh the snowball yes no you think but snowball is better I think he thinks snowball is better I think minions is better I think snowball is better uh

Snowball better than red light green light no so wait you mean Red Light Green Light better than snowball no I well either way sure is should snowball do it do it uh left or right every time okay Red Light Green Light better than snowball Red Light Green Light better than snowball

Uh red light green light is better yes yes red light green light is better yeah red light green light is better agreement then yeah okay um okay so that means uh minions better than uh one shot no no minions better than team hockey yes yes okay

Team hockey oh wait uh we don’t have to reassess one shot do we is one shot better no we said no yeah we have we do have to is snow snowball better than one shot I say no no no so it should be switched is red light Greenlight better

Than one shot yes uh red light green light is better red light green light is better one shot snowball okay this these are then everything to the left is now solid uh Team hockey better than meat slap no no I think so but okay uh minions better than meat slap I think

Meat slap is better yeah meat slap is better oh wait no I meant yes but it doesn’t matter I out voted anyway uh snowball better than meat slap yes wait no yes no yes I think is snowball better keep in mind the hiding keep in mind the hiding actually I’m going to

Change my vote on meat slap because I just remembered why I don’t like it yeah forgot about the hiding so with that being said meat slap better than team hockey we still agree yes I think it’s better uh yes okay uh Team hockey better than betris team hockey better than

Betris uh yes okay betris better than this is not slime sign this is Deuce yes betris better than Deuce yes yes Duce better than Dragon Doom I would say yes no all right uh dragon Doom better than musical Minecarts yes I say no actually I’m happy to move that I think

Musical Minecart is better than Deuce you think musical Minecarts is better than Deuce honestly yeah you can see that all right uh another upset betris better than musical Bine carts yes it is betris is better yeah okay then we’re back to Dragon Doom better than axe

Better than uh wacka mob no wacka mob is better I think wacka mob is better okay uh dragon Doom better than have to do uh that one oh yeah sorry uh Deuce better than wack mob wacka is better you think wacka mob is better what do you

Think okay I I like wacka mob I don’t feel like it’s a flawed game okay here here’s the only thing with wacka mob that I want to point out I really feel like you should pick a different mob that subtracts points than blazes it’s so easy to what if it was testificates

Right like villagers maybe yeah I don’t know because like you you look at like there is no other mob in that game that’s [ __ ] bright orange it’s like the moment you see that it’s like okay don’t hit that like nobody ever getting tricked by the [ __ ] blazes people

Being tricked by the blazes only because they didn’t know the rules yeah I guess you’re right you would never hit a blaze well we should never hit a villager you would never had a villager either I don’t know I don’t know some some kind of way like to where you actually have

To think about it a little more than how about skeleton I don’t know I don’t I do think that maybe we could discuss this later but I think that’s a deeper discussion than I want to do right now musical Minecarts SP is musical Minecarts better than wacka mob I think no I yes

Wacka mob is Mak it doing [ __ ] numbers right now dude is musical mine carts wait okay I’m I’m putting myself I’m the guy that’s waiting for the mini game to get picked I know that one of them isn’t to battle mini gamees not the same wacka mob is a wait for the mini

Game to end mini game even if it is very fun you know what I mean I get that I just I don’t know I like that I’m playing the whole time I do too I do very much like the mini game I’m just like trying to point out it’s minor

Flaws just like hopefully musical M Hearts is mine carts is like it’s RNG and skill it is fun I think I put wack RG skill and strategy I think I put wack themop here but I would say it’s not better than I think betris is better than maob yeah B

Is better than wob for sure okay so we’re at this one then uh yeah we’re all the way back at Dragon Doom Dragon Doom better than uh Lan absolutely yes I would say no I would say no Christ almighty po Dragon Doom better than balance beam yes

Yes I just hate balance beam I like how once we hit the bottom of a tier it was like yo yeah see that’s what the tier lless format is for yeah yeah uh if it wasn’t for balance I think that would have fallen a lot more balance beam caught it well hold on

Balance beam better than uh runner is this no color Trails color Trails yes yes no by voted yeah color Trails better than Market Mayhem I would say no which was call Market Mayhem Market Mayhem if it was fixed would be way higher in its current state no I agree with do okay

All right uh Market Mayhem better than Turtle hockey I would say yes no no okay uh I just want to say I kind of like this format because if one of us has a [ __ ] opinion the other kind yeah yeah this is a good this is a good this is

Literally just what the bias sorder was I don’t know why you guys are so uh no I like I like having them in approximate order to begin with cuz it makes all of the choices tough one cuz we we kind of went for all opinions first I’ll be

Right back I didn’t use B there was like way more discussion going on I understand what you mean dud we we’ve been talking for two hours yeah now that being able to just do a yes no now is uh helpful helpful um Steve says fell off in this

Dude Steve says was like top game Dragon Dance one was like [ __ ] now one took a be Dragon Doom got so [ __ ] well I think do really likes Dragon doom and neither of us really care for it like it seems like all right but like it’s all right I don’t think it’s anything

Special I I don’t think I’ve played a new patch version so like uh I mean they they added and then removed Phantoms and then they put Phantoms back but only under certain circumstances it’s uh well I just think like the main thing of like being launching the air then you let

Glide for the air slowly in throwing the pearls I didn’t too care for the gameplay too much yeah okay that’s fair that’s fair that Loop dude I know this is a weird question I feel like this is like I’m not going to agree with everything on this tier list but

Honestly I’m really liking the way it’s coming together like no none of us would agree 100% with this list but I think it’s a pretty good representation of how people feel about the games well not except like not like you know well usly we I think I would call ourselves pretty

Devoted to the game well we and we have like three like I have a lot of experience with the games but I’m not good at them do has experience with the games and is good at them and you have not as much experience with the games

But you’re okay at them well but like I do like that how you two like like I don’t like straty as much like I have a different play style right right I feel like that’s really okay where we at and do also knows a lot about game design so he’s a nerd

If uh we were at I think we just switched Market Mayhem and turtle hockey and now we have to say is uh Tron better than Turtle hockey T this is yes I think I I think that Turtle hockey is the One V one I think that one V one

Turtle hockey if there were two you don’t think you think toron you think one V one Turtle hockey is better than I think Tron is better than Turtle hocke okay so Tron is better than Turtle hockey you guys would both I I need to yeah yes but I do need to emphasize

Again that if there were two points in that Min game instead of just one it would be significantly better like whole tier up we could save this tier list and uh I’m saying modify it later let’s save let’s just save it for now get I just I

Just need that feedback to be heard yeah okay um post things on the feedback channel uh is mar Mayhem better than Pig pushes I would say yes I like would say yes no all right then that’s settled uh is pck pushers better than mft Madness no no

No that we all unanimously agreed that our first opinion was [ __ ] good is Market Mayhem better than M shaft Madness uh no I m is better I would think I think so too okay is uh I was vouching for MC uh M mft Madness I don’t

Know why you guys put it so low is Turtle hockey better than M shaft Madness yes yes I wait no this I don’t think that’s sorry I would switch these yeah yeah okay that’s what I’m saying is uh [ __ ] is Tron better than yeah is Tron better than that’s a hard one M

Shaft Madness I I think the pre both similar in my opinion like on like gameplay wise like overall points this is a tough one I would say I I like playing mcraft Madness better I do too okay so it goes up I think that’s where it’s stopping though yeah is

Balance beam better than M shaft Madness yes yeah so y just have a [ __ ] opinion this is gatekeeping a tier and B tier um all right then these are all agreed upon I think we’re back at Pig pushers the black Square yeah is pick pushers better than speed Builders yes

Yeah all right I just don’t like speed is speed Builders better than cave parkour yes no yeah is bar is cave parkour better than tanks I would say yes no new and improved version is better okay is tanks better than speed bus is tanks better than speed speed better than

Tanks yeah speed builds better than tanks yes okay okay I I think so too um is cave parkour better than spliff no uh yes yes [ __ ] you is spliff better than slime time yes yes is time better than button search yeah yes yeah a lot better actually is button

Search better than uh hungry humans I would say no we all agree that it’s not is button search better than skyfly no is button search better than runner yes better than runner runner is the one where the blocks fall out from under you no okay is button search better than horse

Race yeah no yeah is horse race yeah we got oh we have to go back uh we stopped that sple we we sple is the one yeah the contention wait is is cave parkour better than spff no no okay is tanks better than spff yeah no sple is

Better is speed Builder better than the B no no no damn is uh no no is better sple is better than we were way off The Mark with sple holy [ __ ] way lower down Market Mayhem better than sple no no Turtle hockey better than sple [Laughter] no uh let’s we an AIDS here

Man we’ll keep going we’ll keep going we only have to do rearranging again starting from over here anyway so okay so is color Trails better than SP color Trails better than sple uh no I con with Deon Mark May or not Mark Mayhem uh man shaft Madness better than SP no no

Okay let’s [Applause] see balance being better than sple you know my opinion I don’t like I like spli more than balance fle yeah there it’s going up it’s going up is it better than Dragon do dragon Doom is not or no I mean sple is not better than Dragon Doom

I like does sple belong in the same tier as Dragon Doom wait do we all agree that it’s that Dragon Doom’s better um um do you think no I actually do like sple more so I I think Dragon Doom stays in eight here but slee moves above it uh

And then it’s Memory Lane better than slee this is where I’m GNA have to draw the line SLE is better I think s’s better all right uh Deuce is better than spliff absolutely spff is better okay [ __ ] musical mine carts better than sple musical Minecarts is better I’m drawing

The line there okay what do you think D if you agree that’s the end of it actually no it’s not no it’s not it strictly isn’t better than sleep I would rather play sple I’d rather play sple than [ __ ] wacka mob too uh I would rather play

Wacka mob bump it up bump it up betris is better than sple sple is better you I want say betas is better just cuz I like pet you know actually you want to know what I’m just going to say this now I would put spliff below red light green light I think that’s

Where I’m drawing we should do it here so we have to do we have to compare it to every game along way I get that but my answer is going to be no all the way up in so basically if unless red so if red Tire eye will say that’s and I agree

That it shouldn’t move up that it’s basically not wait wait wait wait so I think betus is better what do you think do he thinks that all of these are worse than spliff so it’s I’m the decider right now um if I am playing a random

Mini game when I to play sple or betris I just like betris cuz it’s so fun it betris is fun but spliff is good uh I would rather play betris actually okay I think that spliff at some point it is just spliff spff killed the [ __ ] um spff dude spliff was like here

Yeah that’s C dude we need to go back in the video and look at our original ranking for why we put it there I think I think what it was is that we were saying oh it’s just spliff like yeah but spliff is goated there’s a reason it’s

So like there’s a reason it’s so popular so we we were at uh no we were K parkour better than oh really is is that where we were I thought we had made it all the way here oh no you maybe you’re right uh is cave is cave parkour better than

Slime time I think we said yes is cave is slime time better than hungry hungry humans yes yes uh is hungry hungry humans better than skyfly Sky which one skyfly again the ring one or the that’s the one you fly through holes in the wall I would say yes this one is better

Okay okay yes is always the one on the let’s just say switch or don’t switch okay so uh hungry hungry humans and skyfly I would say don’t switch don’t switch I mean switch uh skyfly and Runner I would say don’t switch don’t switch Runner and button or button

Search don’t switch I would say well you out voted either way yeah I out voted I think I I think I would switch them uh button search and horse race switch don’t switch m I would switch what do you mean for all of its flaws horse Race’s flaws I would

Still despite its flaws I would still put it above buron switch that’s another mini game that does not need to be two laps yeah I think I’m going to leave it where it is horse race better than Port priority I would say switch switch don’t switch Port uh Port prior okay uh Port

Priority sorry it doesn’t matter the order doesn’t matter these two button search versus Port priority Swit switch you think Port priority is better I agree Port priority is better is Port priority better than runner uh I would say yes switch switch Port priority better than skyfly don’t switch don’t

Switch all right uh button button better than wait we ready to this one we ready on this one uh so we’re on horse race horse race better than farming is horse race versus farming frenzy farming frenzy is better switch don’t switch I’m I just can’t remember the last time

I had fun playing horse race once because I didn’t fall into any of the [ __ ] I just don’t like Farm Friendzy that much I do I don’t like farming frenzy but I do think I’d make this switch I don’t I think I’m going to say don’t switch these yeah don’t switch uh

Horse race better than Excellence don’t switch we could just say don’t so that way we’re not all saying switch at the same time I’d say don’t for these two um um what do you yeah don’t yeah Excellence versus tunnel of fun don’t switch switch uh tunnel of

Fun is better than excellence in my opinion you’re the decider I would say don’t I think that exellence is a better game even if I I like put on a little fun because it’s stupid but I think exence is objectively better tunnel of fun and once I yeah is that the tun the

Tel ofun versus the Electro skeleton that’s the one that’s the 1 V3 don’t switch don’t switch don’t okay uh boss brawl versus Ghost Hunt don’t switch I think I would rather play Ghost Hunt yeah I’m just running like why is it always D tunnel of fun versus because

We’re the first ones to speak up versus cobweb or [ __ ] versus Ghost Hunt wait tunnel of fun versus Ghost Hunt don’t Swit switch okay should we move Ghost Hunt into B tier no yes yes okay are you agreeing do you agree cuz like if it’s

Just me uh I know I do think so I do think so I think we move it up I think ghoston is a good game and I think that it I think it it could be it could be better but I think it’s good the only

One I would fight to finel is is that gold rush should never get into C tier oh yeah no I I don’t think I would um is uh is 1 V3 boss battle ver and prop uh yeah is boss battle ver I would say yes even though I suck balls at this one

Yes don’t switch don’t switch don’t switch uh prop punt better than hide-and-seek don’t switch uher better than hideand-seek I would say one of them is just the better version of the other hide and seek better than or hideand-seek versus rocket launch switch don’t switch I would say switch uh Blockbuster versus rocket

Launch don’t switch Yeah I switch uh boss brawl versus rocket launch I’m just going to keep following no switch I hope you know that yeah you don’t like rocket launch so you just stop wherever you would’t switch it and that’s like it’s it’s essentially up to you I’m always running up where would

You put it do like how high up would you put this well you have to compare it to each game I’d put it below Excellence really so do you think one I don’t know I I don’t think I would want I don’t think so that’s how far I’ll go so

Anything else is I would move it to the top of C tier okay so you agree to switch but not switch it I would say cuz red TI is going to say don’t switch I will also say don’t switch I don’t think it belongs I don’t think so okay um

Hideand-seek compared to hide and seek versus m Navigator uh don’t switch don’t okay Ma Navigator versus dropper switch I was going to say don’t okay too bad uh okay uh hideand-seek versus dropper don’t don’t switch switch okay okay that’s two don’ts uh uh uh [ __ ] maze Navigator versus

Raft Racers I would say don’t switch well it’s you said don’t I said don’t don’t that’s too don’t so okay raft Racers versus Gladiators don’t switch Gladiators is better I think Gladiators is better uh maze Navigator versus Gladiator Gladiators switch okay uh dropper versus Gladiators don’t switch

Switch um the flaws are just too big for me for me it’s flawed but it’s still I have way more fun playing Gladiators than droper even though I’m bad at I bet it both but I versus switch honestly yeah switch Yeah Prop Hunt versus Gladiators switch okay don’t switch switch wait wait no

This is a one3 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Prop Hunt versus Gladiators yeah yeah I’m switching those I’m switching those as hell I agree with you either way yeah and then don’t switch don’t I agree okay uh that puts us back to Raft Racers versus uh fight fight F fight

Switch wait hold on raft Racers versus fight fight fight uh don’t switch I don’t yeah okay uh don’t fight fight fight versus boss battle don’t switch um boss battle is is perfect there I would say don’t I would I rather play I think fight fight fight better I’m not

Switching them boss battle versus Tree Top hop don’t switch it’s up to you I think I would do it fight fight fight better than Tree Top hop I would say no don’t switch don’t I’m not switching those okay so uh uh boss battle versus Pearl hurl don’t switch

Switch what would I rather play boss battle Pearl hle probably Pearl hle uh uh oh you moved out a little too far yes I did Tree Top hop Pearl hurl switch switch uh fight fight fight Pearl hurl don’t don’t switch Yeah okay um we’ve already decided these okay boss

Battle versus dripstone dance I don’t know dripstone dance I would switch well you two have to agree on this don’t switch okay dripstone dance versus Pat Cube don’t switch in fact no yeah no never mind uh I think that that’s fair Pac maze versus Gold Rush Pac maze versus switch Pac Cube

Versus Gold Rush okay so the question is switching or moving it down to D tier I would put gold rush in C tier and leave would the others Al would you move Gold Rush up to C tier I would I would say stay in D tier but it’s up it’s up to

You at this point then I I you know why I I don’t like it I do think it belongs at the dead ass bottom of C tier but I do think that it’s no it does make me feel the same way as these two games

Though doesn’t it for me it does too so I think Gold Rush stays top of D tier honestly does pacm go down um I don’t know just for like the the novelty of it I feel like it should be in C tier it looks more interesting Than Gold Rush

Gold Rush actually does have a banger Arena come to think of it it does it does but like you can’t older theming can’t really save you know like I think it’s good I think it’s good yeah all right uh mon Rush better than or yeah Gold Rush better than

Monster shoot uh don’t switch don’t switch don’t switch monster shoot better than uh rainbow run I would say switch really okay um I was happy with that I mean r I think rainbow runs more and then we all agreed that uh with this one these two oh yeah yeah yeah Gold Rush

Better than rainbow run I would say don’t switch don’t switch uh and then we all agree that this belongs in F tier as the sole Contender is all right well that’s it that’s our tier list we have ranked every mini game that is currently in the

Mini game sheet that they ranked so uh you could tell their sh opinions kind of influenced a lot yeah well I’m glad that we did it together because honestly any one of us would not have been able to assess it from as many viewpoints so this would

Never get into s my what what wouldn’t um the one you uh platforms platforms oh yeah I mean I iagree with you yeah I have to dis I I think that uh yeah I am going to put it on Discord and I’m going to stop recording thank you Ryan and

Michael we hope you liked our movie feature [ __ ] fil

This video, titled ‘Devin, Dew, & RedTyphlosion rank every Minecraft Party 2 Minigame to the best of their ability’, was uploaded by Devin Illy on 2023-12-29 02:04:26. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:35 or 8975 seconds.

I think we missed Bat Blast, oops. It wasn’t on our reference sheet. I’d put it somewhere in B tier but idk about the others.

Timeline: 0:00:00 Intro 0:00:25 Dropper 0:01:52 Whack a Mob 0:02:37 Monster Shoot 0:04:10 Cave Parkour 0:05:36 Raft Racers 0:06:39 Knockout 0:07:48 Sky Fly 0:09:57 Spleef 0:11:08 Meat Slap 0:14:18 Gladiators 0:18:22 Tedious Tasks 0:19:42 Tile Capture 0:20:48 Rainbow Run 0:22:12 Platforms 0:24:21 Runner 0:24:58 Horse Race 0:26:51 Speed Builders 0:28:33 Steve Says 0:29:27 Farming Frenzy 0:30:58 Port Priority 0:32:53 Farming Frenzy (revisited) 0:35:20 Rocket Launch 0:36:27 Red Light, Green Light 0:38:08 Memory Lane 0:38:48 Pearl Hurl 0:41:08 Take Flight 0:43:48 One Shot Wonder 0:44:36 Color Chaos 0:46:00 Boss Battle 0:48:36 Color Trails 0:49:19 Musical Minecarts 0:50:00 Hole in the Wall 0:50:34 Dragon Doom 0:52:08 Mineshaft Madness 0:53:15 Market Mayhem 0:54:25 Tunnel o’ Fun 0:58:16 Creeper Catchers 0:59:03 Hungry Hungry Humans 1:00:06 Prison Pals 1:00:17 Rock, Paper, Scissors, Chase 1:01:00 Prison Pals (revisited) 1:02:00 Wario Ware? 1:02:42 Tanks 1:04:25 Capture the Flag 1:07:23 Mine Your Business 1:08:23 Team Hockey 1:09:06 Maze Navigator 1:12:26 Bombs Away 1:13:06 Labyrinth 1:15:47 Snow Wars 1:16:34 Hide and Seek 1:18:42 Game Theory 1:21:47 Boss Brawl 1:22:09 Gold Rush 1:28:03 Block Buster 1:28:59 Pac Cube 1:32:33 Ghost Hunt 1:34:30 Treetop Hop 1:35:51 Slime Time 1:37:05 In the Zone 1:38:00 Eggcellence 1:38:30 Dripstone Dance 1:41:08 Minions 1:42:12 Ring in the Ring 1:43:17 Fight Fight Fight 1:44:34 Dripstone Dance (suggestion for improvement) 1:45:15 Turtle Hockey 1:46:23 Go Fish 1:47:00 Don’t Push My Buttons 1:49:59 Bridge Crossing 1:52:03 Pig Pushers 1:52:31 Balance Beam 1:55:34 Button Search 1:57:11 Betris 1:58:22 Deuce 2:00:10 Reorganization

  • Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let’s Play

    Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let's Play Vanderzone MC Lets Play Episode 9: Trades, Melons & Treasure Expanding the Villager Trading Hall In this episode, Vanderzone embarks on expanding the villager trading hall to accommodate more villagers and trades. The addition of new villagers brings a variety of trade options, from armor to tools, enriching the gameplay experience. Vanderzone’s meticulous approach to design is evident as they incorporate different materials like andersite and wood to create a visually appealing trading area. Automating Composting with Style One of the highlights of this episode is Vanderzone’s creation of an automatic composter for excess seeds. The attention to detail… Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!?

    Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!? Welcome to the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft! Embark on a magical journey through the whimsical world of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft. 🍀 Unveiling the Cottage Witch Modpack Step into a realm filled with enchanting spells, mystical creatures, and charming cottages with the Cottage Witch modpack. 🌿 Craft potions, brew magical elixirs, and explore the vast landscapes teeming with hidden treasures. 🧙‍♀️ Immerse Yourself in Captivating Music Enhance your gaming experience with the enchanting tunes of “Evening” and “Midnight Tale” by Kevin MacLeod. 🎶 Let the music transport you to a… Read More

  • Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun

    Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun Exploring the Best Mods for Minecraft 1.20 Vanilla Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience with some exciting mods? Look no further! Here are some of the best mods for Minecraft 1.20 Vanilla that you can download and enjoy right now. Horizons Mod Horizons is a fantastic mod that adds a whole new dimension to your Minecraft world. With stunning landscapes and unique biomes to explore, this mod will keep you entertained for hours on end. Download the Horizons mod here. Minimap Mod If you’re someone who loves to keep track of your location in Minecraft, then the… Read More

  • Crafty AMA: Architect Player’s Minecraft Mastery

    Crafty AMA: Architect Player's Minecraft Mastery Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft scene, Where creativity reigns, and dreams take wing. In this AMA, we helped an architect player, Crafting builds so grand, they’ll make you say “wow” later. From towering castles to intricate homes, We worked together, no need to roam. With blocks and tools, we shaped and we built, Creating a world where imagination is gilt. So join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and more play, And together, we’ll make each and every day. Thank you for watching, for… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

    End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner's Home! - Chill Survival - #16 Exploring End Fortresses and the Ranch Owner’s Home in Minecraft In the latest episode of Minecraft survival gameplay, our adventurous player embarks on a journey to discover End Fortresses and work on the ranch owner’s home. The world of Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities, and our player is determined to create a stylish and unique environment while enjoying the thrill of survival. Discovering End Fortresses The quest begins with the exciting task of searching for End Fortresses. These mysterious structures hold valuable loot and pose a challenge to even the most seasoned players. Armed with determination and a… Read More

  • Becoming President of Paradise Island – Minecraft

    Becoming President of Paradise Island - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Adventures Embark on thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and mysterious quests in the enchanting realm of Minecraft. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends as they navigate through a world filled with excitement, suspense, and camaraderie. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Explore the boundless possibilities of Minecraft as you immerse yourself in a world where your imagination knows no limits. Build awe-inspiring structures, craft intricate tools, and embark on epic adventures in a universe that is yours to shape and mold. Join the Adventure Experience the thrill of the unknown as you delve into the depths of… Read More

  • Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft

    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Hard Mode Upgrade

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Hard Mode UpgradeLooks like we have a crit-ically acclaimed meme on our hands! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From hidden temples to mushrooms that astound. Digging down, finding treasure in the ground, With diamond armor and swords that are renowned. But beware of traps, lurking in the dark, One wrong move, and you’ll miss the mark. So light up the way, with torches bright, Navigate carefully, through the night. And when it comes to schoolwork, don’t delay, No excuses for not writing, come what may. Headaches won’t save you, from the task at hand, So grab your pen and paper, and take a stand. In the realm of Minecraft, adventure… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe” 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems

    "Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe" 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯

    EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯Video Information [Musik] ja halli hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück zur finalen Folge hier dieser Staffel bei Minecraft in genau gesagt in der 205 mittlerweile aber ohne experimentelle Futures ne für die die jetzt er eingeschalten haben genau wir wollen in dieser Folge gegen den Witter kämpfen und darauf haben wir uns auf jeden Fall vorbereitet ne ich habe mir ja noch mal eine neue Rüstung gemacht nachdem ich meinen guten stuff wo ich lang dafür gegrindet hab verloren hab habe ich mir noch meine neue Rüstung gemacht und in der letzten Folge haben wir uns den Helm hier noch… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod Adventure

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod AdventureVideo Information [Music] all right we can hear things yay finally some food we need to make another thing okay so what I was realizing um after the stream yesterday is that we have moss and that we can use that Moss to turn rock into moss and um then we can then we can um then we can compost that moss and get um and get bone meal and then we can bir trees so we’re going to try doing that today have this iron cooking than that copper but also let the copper finish I guess I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts’, was uploaded by VIJAY_SHORTS987 on 2024-05-17 10:00:37. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcomedy #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftanimation #minecraftpe #minecraftlive Read More

  • Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animation

    Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘im not gay #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by raiza dimension on 2024-02-05 07:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello dear cats, I’m Rizqi, the discord dimension cat:https://discord.gg/UUMhWxPc … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!Video Information I was on my server when I saw the most toxic player online and he was raiding my friend’s base so I took off my armor and threw down an invis potion I went closer and I saw him eliminate my friend and then he started placing a bunch of signs he was griefing this poor base and leaving a massive mess then a few minutes later my friend teleported back and he said he was quitting I couldn’t believe this so I decided to fix his base and soon the base was back to normal 1 hour… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola1ZOmCEY Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: play.infaru.gay Website: infaru.gay Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamemodes with friends – the ultimate Minecraft adventure!

    Looks like they ended up with a “fun” game mode called “Accidentally Burnt Down the Entire Village and Villagers Hated Us” mode. Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • “Remember Son… Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape” #minecraft #meme

    "Remember Son... Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape" #minecraft #meme Remember Son… in Minecraft, always make sure to dig straight down for the best loot! Just kidding, please don’t do that unless you want to fall into a pit of lava and lose all your diamonds. #minecraftprobs #lessonlearned Read More

  • 10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft!

    10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft! The Epic Castle Build in Minecraft Resource Gathering and Preparation After spending hours collecting resources, ShadowClawMCYT embarked on a monumental task – building a castle in Minecraft. With over 3,000 snow blocks and countless other materials, the challenge was set. The Castle Construction Utilizing a layer-by-layer building style, ShadowClawMCYT began constructing the castle walls and towers. The meticulous process led to the creation of a grand structure that stood out in the Minecraft world. The Manor and Details The main Manor within the castle featured intricate details, from mud brick gradients to oak planks and stripped oak logs. Each… Read More

  • Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival

    Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival Explorando Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Survival O mundo de Minecraft está repleto de segredos e truques, e um dos mais interessantes é a possibilidade de ter trilhos infinitos no seu modo de sobrevivência. Com um simples bug antigo do jogo, você pode criar uma máquina que produzirá trilhos de forma ilimitada. Vamos explorar como isso é feito e como você pode aproveitar essa funcionalidade única. Como Ter Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Para começar, você precisará de alguns materiais básicos: pedregulho (ou outro bloco de sua escolha), um pistão grudento, blocos de slime, um observador, uma alavanca e blocos de… Read More

  • SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi’s Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱

    SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi's Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱Video Information also ich weiß ja auch nicht so ganz Leute aber irgendwie kribbelt ganz unangenehm wenn ich hier gerade so rumlaufe in diesem hffelpff [Musik] Gemeinschaftsraum und damit erstmal herzlich willkommen meine lieben Freunde hier zu einer neuen Folge von Let’s build hffelpuff Gemeinschaftsraum aka let’s build hogbots mit mir dem dcky LP hi Leute ja ihr habt vielleicht letzte Folge schon gesehen ich habe damit angefangen die dritte und finale Version von vom hffelpff Gemeinschaftsraum zu bauen genau ich ihr merkt schon an meinem rumgestotter und an meinem verhaspeln der Wörter das es eine sehr ja anspruchsvolle Aufgabe… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op Item

    Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op ItemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Jump Gives Op Item 😱’, was uploaded by GaminG-Do on 2024-03-04 01:29:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Video I will Try Minecraft but, jump Gives Op Item in this video making 9 days + Hardwork and if you like this video than … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-15 09:00:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43

    EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43Video Information a du coup ça ça me sert à rien là c’est le portail bleu là oua atts etpou paspack que apparemment c’est de la merde vous avez du stand de dragon de glace let’s go voir ce que ça fait c’est abusé par contre les compagnons abusé les bordelas un zombie qui m’a regardé mal s fait [ __ ] ça ah mais d’accord les gars alors je vous préviens tout de suite V comment il peut y avoir un poin de glace dragon dans la maison desx V ça dit de est-ce que ça dit de foncer… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction – Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction - Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts’, was uploaded by Crazy Playz on 2024-03-20 08:40:56. It has garnered 2543 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts “Watch as I unleash my creativity in Minecraft, constructing an impressive structure block by block. But the real twist? I rig it with TNT and set off an explosive finale! Don’t miss the blast! 💥🏗️ #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSkins #MinecraftPE (for Minecraft Pocket… Read More

  • Unleash Lord Indra’s Ultimate Power in Phase 3!

    Unleash Lord Indra's Ultimate Power in Phase 3!Video Information [Musik] Hello what guys jadi kita hari ini akan melanjutkan brut ada ada ada Dito ada ada ada GL ada Bulbul ada ada Idil ada ada Mandala ada fat ada siram Ada Pak Ada Alvian ada ada cruzi ada ya ada Yon ada Ka ada arsen ada lagi ada Lis ada ada anak em ada ada Mal ada a yaudah lagi ya welcomeakat emang Apa nih Apa nih Apa ni emang ada apaan Ang Ada apaan Ada [Musik] apaan apa apa apa Ada apaan bangk bias Bang mana si an Tadi Ana ada di sih t gini Berti… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #Shorts

    🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #ShortsVideo Information yatak bana bir yatak yapsana şö uyayım bakalım ne oluyor AB koyduğum ne konulmuyor mu buraya This video, titled ‘Twitch mbdrx #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #keşfet #fypシ #game #latspreas #twitchclips’, was uploaded by MBDR on 2024-01-16 09:41:37. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraft

    ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 [Music] a [Music] p [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey hey heyyy [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon’s “THERAPY” MMV

    Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon's "THERAPY" MMVVideo Information you’ve got all the answers whenever I’m hurting but I feel like a project and I like a person I don’t know why you try to fix me like I can be fixed overnight don’t try I’m fine don’t tell me you understand I don’t need every need Wonder to with make I need someone to feel my pain and I just walk away I don’t need someone to P to me I just need a little L for send me someone who will shut them mouth and listen what I say I don’t need never pay you… Read More

  • Virtual Earth

    Virtual Earth(WARS, CUSTOM VEHICLES, MILLITARY) | BRAND NEW SERVER!!!! | Discord: https://discord.gg/VS5PyUnczr Java IP: play.coffeeinacup.online port: 25565 (1.20 – 1.20.1) Join us today and write your story! Server is fairly new so there is room for improvement! Thank you for being part of the community! play.coffeeinacup.online Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Hark, brave adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating survival experience like no other! What to expect: A lite RPG experience: Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Outposts, Quests, McMMO, Custom Enchants & Custom Monsters Excellent QoL: Player Warps, Homes, Monster Heads, RTP, TPA, Autocrafters, Land Claiming, Non-Premium Crates, Live Maps Voting system: Earn rewards with Voting Crate Key & pinata Player-owned economy: Sell what you want at your price Cross-platform play: Play with friends on different MC versions Informative Discord channel: Chat between Discord and Minecraft Custom Help menu: Available 24/7… Read More