Minecraft Project Ozone 3 | CURSED EARTH MOB FARM! #3 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

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Long story sharp for those who are just tuning in and the furnace upgrades are pretty much the same over nail the all processing upgrade and no longer doubles the output of everything that you put in the furnace which i think is probably a pretty good thing all things considered

Like that would have been crazy powerful especially for some of like the more expensive stuff that you could double but they’ve also added new upgrades as you can see here I’m slayers pointed out in the chat that we got to be at furnace overhaul mod if I can spell furnace

Correctly you’ll see there are now a couple new upgrades which is always nice they’ve got the electric fuel upgrade which uses EFI instead of solid fuel which is pretty good I think EFI is just another form of RF so I think that’s just allowing it to use redstone flux as

Opposed to like solid fuel sources which is pretty useful and there are also now speed upgrades which is really nice I do kind of one look into what making one of these into this episode just to see how much of a speed upgrade it will give to

Our already fairly fast furnace like we are already at the tier 4 emerald furnace there with a cook time of 66 or 3 seconds so I’m interested to see how much of an increase that gives and then finally the big new upgrade for the furnace overhaul mod is the processing

Upgrade which as you can see is kind of expensive right like compared to the upgrade that we have which is the all processing upgrade this thing’s pretty expensive and this does what the all processing upgrade used to do which is it doubles the output of everything that

You put in the furnace which is kind of crazy and so I’m hoping we’ll get this at some point but almost certainly and not in today’s stream and not really anytime soon but that’s fine I’m sure between episodes I’ve got ahead and moves some stuff around I’ve moved all

Of our steps over here we still got these irons different measures in here doing that thing and I have done a bunch of sifting to get a ton of stuff it didn’t really take that long like getting a large amount of resources in this pack is fairly easy to do simply

Because of the fact that you can just grab a ton of compressed cobblestone for my compacting draw throw it all down with a wand hammer it instantly and then just craft it back and you’ve got like stacks upon stacks of sand or gravel or dust and so

Sifting is very easy in this pack which are very happy about but one of the things I do want to work on into this dream is that trying to automate that just a little bit so that we don’t have to do manually going forward anyway Before we jump into too much stuff yeah

Let me take a quick look at the quest book because we were a couple of quests apparently we didn’t claim at the end of the airstream threw out some more RAK which is very nice stomach sure what I want to spend my RAK on I do

Quite like opening the loop bags and we did get some pretty cool stuff in our last blue bag specifically we got a the name is slipping my mind we got a vacuum chest I believe it’s called ferment Ohio which were hopefully gonna use in today’s stream to try and get ourselves

A most one up and running I so helps out quite a bit it is this guy right here so very useful to have but then at the same time we’ve also like we’re still good we still want to work towards hopefully trying to get some of the better rewards in the

Rewards happy aroma is there are now more rewards and they were previously we got a bunch of these totems here with all the terms I think that you can get the ones that we’re really interested in are to some extent the night vision but really the one that I kind of

Desperately want to get is the flight one but 768 rack is kind of a crazy amount of rack to try and work towards why like that’s that’s a lot of rank mall loot chests don’t gamble people I only I mean I’m kind of I kind of agree

With more loot chests I really do dig the loot chests man I want to get more of them go for the high tier loot chests that’s also not a bad idea that’s a ball okay real quick how expensive Lee so probably we’ve got we’re always these

Are okay I was what I was confused as a second here I thought we had these ready to claim to sit on tell me what can i is that just a visual glitch why why is the robot here I don’t get it um I assume that’s just a visual glitch

I think we did claim both of those I assume that just blew because we completed them in the past but the epic loot chest is faulty RAK and I think it’s like 80 and a random one is 16 that’s expensive right for a random loot chest considering that the lowest here

Is only 5 are okay and I’m assuming that you can get a like a standard low tier loot chest with this 60 I okay that’s kind of crazy like that’s that’s pretty expensive all things considered so we do have any more I okay the top we’re going

Is 25 what is the highest tier of loot crate that we can buy with 25 are a care we could buy this one week about the greater loot chests taller save up for 40 you don’t know will kicks out a stream here with one greater loot chests let’s go ahead and

Tech slash submit claim our what all right check hopefully this was worth it hopefully my gambling addiction here is not gonna bite me in the backside boom we got we are one extract speed upgrade from n dryer a routine extract speed upgrades men wire it’s not terrible and it’s gonna help us out

Quite a bit when it comes to speeding up our item conduits from n do I own it does mean that we don’t have to make like an hour smelter to get the electrical steel if you want to make our items faster put all things considered not the greatest reward in the world

Like I feel like that could have been a little bit better for is there but nevertheless if we jump back into the quest book here and what are the first quest that I want to complete in today’s episode is the Otto sifter quest now I’ve never used these before I did a bit

Of tinkering in like a creative walls to see how these work and we have to make them that that’s a request so we might as well make them and get all our okay and our sound mufflers I don’t think we’re gonna end up using these long term

As a way to automate sifting simply due to the fact that it’s extremely slow like once you see these things in action you will see that they are ludicrously slow like so incredibly slow they it’s almost painful how slow they are but on the flip side thankfully and they are

Fairly cheap to make so if we go ahead leave and look at the rest before an altar sifter you’ll see to make that when you force don’t gears to hoppers one stone axle and then to normal minecraft Pistons so for the most part just some iron stone wood and redstone

And we’re gonna have to go ahead and smelt up some iron here that is fine don’t think I need anything else here actually I don’t got any diamonds or lapis so that is fine now let’s go ahead and shift care those down throw that in there make sure that

It has a little bit of fuel to keep it going and then whilst that is smelting up we’ll probably also good want to get some bonsai pots going real quick here so we have like a nice source of wood we’d already have a couple of stacks but

I feel like we could burn through that fairly quickly in today’s stream here so let me very quickly here see about getting us some more bonsai pots I think for that we are gonna need more clay I’m actually thinking about putting my own furnace back down as well like

Although the emerald furnace is significantly faster I’m gonna be terrible idea to throw this guy down as well and maybe look at making another all processing and efficiency upgrade over the very least just another all processing upgrade because again this thing is not super difficult to make you

Know and it would allow us to kind of have two things going at once which I think it’s gonna be quite nice for us here so let’s grab some glowstone real quick let’s also grab we’ve also already got like a bunch of blaze powder here so

You know what real quick I’m going sigh I mean like a get off of the tangent real quick here but I won’t do a bit more work on our furnaces oh the quartz is why I need real quick let me grab some of the quartz it’s not in there

Because it’s not gathered from sifting we got it from the nether so there it is nice let’s do a quick all craft like this I’ll get two of those I kind of want to get a number or testing upgrade and I also want try and get a speed

Upgrade as well so at furnace let’s grab one of you and let’s also grab one of you now my main question here is can you put in more than one speed upgrade well that’s quite fast right that’s pretty quick so like normally it takes three seconds right it

Takes sixty ticks or three seconds that’s like one two three sure and then that goes down to like maybe one and a half maybe two seconds that’s quite an improvement that’s pretty nice and it’s also not particularly expensive honestly sir you know what sure well tell that in there

I’m gonna go ahead and very quickly here make another speed upgrade just because it was so easy to make in the first place so let me grab some more iron which now remembering is in here I kind of wish give me that these furnaces the transparent I kind of wish you could see

What’s going on in the furnace like I think it’d be pretty neat if there was like a little animation that showed like the iron like spinning in there I think it could be really cool but ultimately unnecessary employee just adds to the frame rate like but nevertheless let’s

Go ahead and have ourselves another one of us along one I’m a fool I need one of you there we go nice okay hopefully we don’t need too much blaze powder in today’s episode but again it’s super cheap to make so let’s grab our clay why

Don’t I put declare there it is and we’ll throw that in there that’s really as our first hoppin Banzai pop in just a second here wallstreet wait for that to do its thing let’s ahead and do what we were doing before Auto sifting here we go so two Pistons

Should not be too difficult grab some cobblestone real quick also I don’t think the strong gears are too bad they’re not that require a bunch of sticks which is also fairly easy for us to do also check I’m losing it or because you can do do a few SBT you can

Do with worldwide like you can do this to get oak chest I could have sworn that you used to be able to do this to get sticks is that not how that works I thought about if I did work try to speed up grids in one furnace that is a

Good idea also I didn’t play a few in there whoops that’s not lucky if I put another speed upgrade in there then let me quickly go grab some more iron does that in fact go even faster I don’t think so I think it’s I think it’s like

In in the previous episode we tried doubling the double right we try putting into all processing upgrades I don’t think that it recognizes more than one of any particular bridge so I think this is kind of the max speed that we can get with the emerald furnace obviously

Without upgrading to the the next your furnace what I think is the ender pearl furnace so for the time being I think that’s the best we can do and the blood moon is rising which does scare me a little bit here hopefully it should be

Fine I don’t think we have any areas of the island are not well lit up and I’m gonna press f7 real quick yeah we’ve got torches pretty much everywhere so I don’t think mobs are gonna spawn but we do want to get mobs spawning hopefully before the end of today’s stream because

We need some mob drops to kind of progress forward especially in the realm of also a sifting but never got the also scepter we also need to go ahead and if I consult with my quest book we need another stone axe so I think and then a

Water wheel water we also this thing is pretty neat in that it allows you to alter a sift so we need a lot of rock stone gears are lost on axles ok that’s fine it’s pretty neat it allows us to set up ultratip thing without having to go through like any super expensive

Mods which is really nice but the penalty for that is that it is painstakingly slow like horrific least slow and you’ll see in just a second and I kind of just how slow it is oh my go speed so much cobblestone for this kaboom Capel and one more start an axle

Here after we the most oh no almost axle monsters rods come on you can do this yeah most on hold on chat hold on hold on Barry it is alright quest complete so I believe if I’m not mistaken the way this works is we gonna go ahead we’re getting a bucket

Of water which we have and it’s gonna be a little awkward trying to demonstrate it on these Sims because there’s like nothing beneath these sips like there’s no platform beneath them so real quick here I’m gonna do is I’m gonna grab two sips just kind of show off that it works

With more than one and essentially what I’m gonna do is kind of set up like a little bit of a testing zone because again I don’t think we’re gonna use this long term simply due to the fact that it’s very very slow so the way that it

Works is we throw down the water wheel like so this could provide the it’s got a power the whole operation right we’re then gonna have the axle coming out of the water wheel like so and then the auto sector either goes down this way yes correct you only also sift it to

Connect to the axle like this right and then you wanna make sure you put your auto sibs on top of this here you’ll see that kind of connects up like that and it does work with multiple sips you’ll see if you do that it does connect up

Like that again if I go and grab third sip you can do this all the way up to like a five by five area which is pretty cool so if I throw this guy down like so we fill all these up with any kind of mesh for now we’re gonna use iron

Sniffing measures and I believe that the water wheels are not like super sophisticated I think all we have to do really is kind of it’s either put the water here or here let me see if I can get this right like it might be there yeah I know that we need this here

Either we could do this and that I think would still work I don’t know if this is the optimal setup for this by the way feel free to correct me if I’m wrong in the twitch chat but that is now spinning and if we were to go ahead and put

Something in here so for example if we were to grab some of our non-existent gravel so if we were to quote very quickly go ahead and hammer down some cobble into gravel and then quickly craft that up and stick it in over here what you’ll see is that very very very

Slowly hold on I’ve done this wrong cuz you really chicks like if it’s working it shakes I don’t think this is correct I might if I put this out Oh look I think this is the back end I think it goes here again no like that I

Think it goes not like that either I think chat but it goes like that look at that it’s spinning okay right ignore what I did previously chat we’re gonna get rid of these meshes we’re gonna get rid of this we’re gonna move this all over here so we’re gonna throw

It down the auto sift up it’s gonna go right about there that is now correct because that is spinning fantastic we’re gonna put the sims on top you know it’s working when they start to shimmy all right they start to shimmy like this you know that you’ve done it correctly so

Let’s go ahead and throw it in our iron stiffer meshes and now if we throw in our gravel you’ll see it at work so you’ll see hopefully that’s not too too horrible to look at but like if you look at the line like by the top of the sieve

Day you’ll see that it is slowly but surely working its way down right it is doing its job it is sifting just really slowly you’ll see it went down just a little bit there that’s crazy slow so people tell me more water wheels so if I

Put more water wheels down is that gonna speed up how fast this works and I’m assuming the water wheels just go in series here right like which part of the one behind this and then have them continue on like that let’s try it it pains me that these are not in time like

They are spinning at different speeds but like it’s still so slow like it’s still so very slow more water wheels and more water in each wheel I so I also want to put down I want to make sure that every like every wheel gets our block full is that right because this

One’s definitely on the fastest right get rid of these are my offhand here you can see we finally managed to sift something like we got some resources here and the core thing is that it is automatable y-you don’t have to manually put the gravel in like I did just a second ago

And let me quickly get rid of this excess cobblestone and what you can do is if you have a hot bump you can just feed the gravel into this bottom section not like that let me make a hopper real quick just kind of show you how it works

But if you make a hopper you can just feed whichever resource you’re trying to make into trying to sift even into the the bottom bit of the auto Sybil it will just kind of automatically pump it in there which is real nice so if we go

Ahead and grab you and then just stick that down right about I think I guess here for now would work and we do this you’ll see it’s taking that gravel it’s putting it in there and then it’s gonna put it in the fit which is pretty cool

Anyway this is the the also sifting set up that you can use with the water wheels from ex nihilo creation we’re not gonna use those and we have gone ahead and complete the quest as we can go ahead and claim our and already a real quick but you know we’re probably gonna

Go with that because we do have in this pack and mechanical uses from XQ till –’tis and if we get this thing it will save just substantially faster and just be better all around right the unfortunate thing is to make this we need one resonating redstone crystal to

Make a resonating redstone crystal and we need an end a shot and the end a shot of course requires some kind of ender pearl so the next thing I guess we have to go ahead and do is well take this thing down but then also look at making

Ourselves a mob spawner and the good news is as I mentioned earlier we do already have a vacuum chest from end Ohioans are collecting all of the mob drops that we get from a mob spawner should be pretty easy so we should be able to kinda set up a nice and

Automated mob farm you kind of earlier than we normally normally would be able to in in this kind of mod pack which is pretty nice all right so I’m thinking chat up probably but first of all I want to first of all I want to get rid of

Some of this trash in my inventor because we got so much nonsense just kind of clogging up my inventory I do not like it one bit but will clear out my veggie over here and then I’m thinking I’ll just grab some more stone I kind of want to keep any more building

That I do today in line with this kind of like initial base design that we got going on and so now we do have the clay now actually for our bonsai pot so if we do something like this and then I believe what we have to

Do is I can’t but if you do this or if you actually like put a hopper with it I think it actually does require a standard minecraft hopper so if we just really quickly get ourselves one of those and I think it’s just this and

This it is nice and then all we have to do is I’ll make a new chest for this simply due to the fact that if we if we put it on this one it’s gonna fill up real quick so for now we’ll just do something like well kind of a lot of

Space temporarily I’m gonna put it like here with the hopping bonsai pot on top that does require a little bit of dirt which hopefully we have we done we’d have any dirt oh that’s a pain okay so given that we have no dirt instead we’re gonna do we were thrown out our barrel

We’re gonna grab some of our many many saplings that we’re gonna quickly whip up a little bit of dirt here well that’s doing this thing I think my chisel is almost broke and it is like that’s not gonna last us too much longer whatsoever so I’m gonna grab another one of those

Real quick we could make a diamond chisel but the diamonds are a lot more precious at this point in time and we like getting iron is so ridiculously easy right we’ve got so much iron in this chest over here I’m not too worried about being like hyper efficient on on

That kind of stuff but just go ahead and grab some more of this chiseled stone dent which one I’m using on the floor here hopefully our dirt is done it’s very almost done Capel we could then throw that in like so drop in the tear the sapling and cappell look at

That we have automated wood just ready for us to go I love it I freaking love it so those who don’t know that’s gonna go ahead and it’s gonna grow a tree and then when it’s done it’s gonna output hopefully the tree weight I don’t have to cut this right okay now

It works oh I thought oh wow that took so long to to kind of gates do its thing there but all right that’s fine so let me go ahead and open up the quest book here real quick we did complete a quest ever making but the basic bonsai pot and the

Hopping bonsai pot add some more RAK in the bank for us as 20 in total not gonna buy any more loot chests just check how I was trying to save as much money as we can but why I’m gonna do we I’m gonna find the center of our platform I’m

Gonna build out about 25 blocks ish in this direction to set up a pretty basic mob phone so before I do build them up spawn we kind of want to figure out what we’re gonna use to kill our mob is what we’re gonna use to move our mob is what

We’re gonna use to collect the mob drops thankfully the final question has been answered for us we have the vacuum test ready to go but as for killing the mobs and as for moving the mobs that’s very different questions so I think the easiest way for us to kill the mobs is

Probably gonna be spikes from X utilities – these things are super cheap to make and get the job done I think a more long-term solution might be like the mob grinder for mob grinding utilities or the mob masher even it’s a little more expensive does require some

Time it’s a block of redstone and like a quite a bit of iron the upside to this is that much like the spikes doesn’t require any power whatsoever it just runs off of a forever I cuz say it it just runs off of a redstone signal which

Is pretty cool to require any redstone flux whatsoever but it allows for upgrades later on down the line like if I go to ants mob grinding utilities here you can see we can put in like mashing upgrades we got by looting upgrades fire aspect upgrades might be handing all

That kind of stuff which will make them die faster I’ll make them drop more loot so I think we might want to go with this kind of splurge a little early on on our mob killing method just to get a little bit of future proofing done and we do

Already have quite a few diamonds so why not yeah we got two swords which is good we also need to get ourselves a block of redstone which we should be able to do just fine like some and then we also need three diamonds a block of iron and

Some iron spikes which means even more iron swords I’m like goodness we need least six more of these I really do wish that like own used tools would stack like if you could if you hadn’t used a tool yet I wish you would stack unfortunately not the case in in this

Game that we play but that’s fine well go ahead and grab a couple box of iron get ourselves to lots of iron spikes or running a very space very quickly and I am really realizing I did you put some an iron sword in there not my intention

Capel and kaboom and I think that’s all of it nice but the next poll of the read try and swap now that we’ve got the mob masher is what we’re gonna use to push them ups right like I’ve got a couple of options again in this area we can use

Conveyer belts you know we can use these we can use vector plates which also conveyor belts but we could use fans I think fans again might be a good idea for us here we can use the ones from mob grinding utilities unfortunately and you can’t make any of the fan upgrades

Without having tethers and we don’t have any feathers just yet nor do we have any chickens to get feathers nor do we have the ability to make these chicken seeds to get feathers and so I’m going to highlight on what the default distance is on a mob fan here I think it’s about

Six blocks I’m gonna make one real quick just to get an idea of how far it pushes if it is six blocks I think we could probably make that work and then maybe upgrade it later on down the line if it’s if you wanna make I’m up on a

Bigger and then let’s see here because the vector plates are pretty easy to make but they are definitely more difficult to make than this was so I’m kind of hoping here that this is good enough at least for the time being so if I go ahead and turn that on hopefully it

Doesn’t push me so if I was to take off the edge it doesn’t all right it pushes me like what one two three four five six maybe six or seven blocks sure that’s fine alright I like it I like it alright so we are gonna need a couple of those that

Is finally we got quite a bit of redstone that’s all good he’s going to fall off I have no intentions of falling off this platform my friend that is another thing that I would like to get into this stream if possible I’d like to try and get towards a

Jetpack if at all possible the first year of jetpack is not particularly hard to make the most difficult thing I think suppose you could be a like setting up power for it and it’s just a little bit tedious to craft but for the most part

It’s not too difficult to make and so I am thinking about getting one of those today just because we do have like we got more holes in the island now you’re like stuff like this that I could see myself accidentally falling down at some point in the near future hopefully

That’s not the case we’ve yet to die which I’m very happy about and so hopefully we can keep that up throughout the course of the series but let me quickly go ahead and eat some cooked apples here and then let’s see about building this mob spawner real quick so

We’ve got four fans like I kind of want to make a decent sized spawner but at the same time if we can’t make any width upgrades we really can only make this like four wide for the time being which is not the best hmm how do I do this

Like we could have we could have another fan right like we could have a fan that pushes them down here and then have another fan kind of like here or maybe one for the back that pushes them into a corner that would only have like one for

Each side you know that pushes them together and that could work although I don’t know I feel like having fans at the opposite side would like would break for now I’m gonna go with the only thing I don’t like about having like a fan that pushes them to a corner is it’s not

Symmetrical but I think for the time being we’ll go with a function of like how it looks would you make a mob smaller that works and then we’ll worry about how it looks in the future and so for now what I’m gonna do chance I’m gonna make another one another two even

Of these mob fans which thankfully are pretty easy to make but only if you have cobblestone by that I mean normal stone we got more slabs there which is nice but we do need just a little bit more so Capel and kaboom we’ll take two more of

Those and so one of these is gonna go at the back and what is gonna go at the side I think this should work so we’re gonna have one here just to fill in the line and then we’re also gonna have one here so all the mobs should be pushed

Forward and they should be pushed this way right that’s the plan and then hopefully we can just have like a mob match up there and I think every mob should hit that maybe the spiders might move above it but hopefully eventually we’ll look at this maybe we do need our vacuum chest

I’m not certain if vacuum chest can pull through walls I don’t think that it can like the vacuum chest if we just throw it down here collect items like that and like if I’m not mistaken I don’t think it can collect through like solid walls

Look if I do this real quick just kind of test it and I put this here and then this here yeah it it really does struggle trying to get items through walls it can’t do that unfortunately the solution for that would be like an item collector which is a much better way of

Doing this unfortunately at the item collectors do require into pills and so we can’t set that off until we get our first few Enderman so hopefully that shouldn’t take too long I did put one torch on the roof I think that might actually be enough but I will go check

Real quick just in case this works it grabs two Collister oh really I will test that out just a second there we go yeah let me give that a big of that crank just to see if that does work because if it does grab the corners that’d be quite nice the vacuum hopper

Also requires enderpearls unfortunately now once we get in the polls we can switch it out like right away so like if we put it here it can grab that okay that’s pretty good to know so it means that we can if we want here put this like again it will be a

Bit bit off for but we can put it like here and that means that when we cover the front which we’re gonna do like this the mobs will move over the land here and then the actors will be kind of sucked up to the corner into the vacuum

Chest right I don’t love it it doesn’t look great but I think it’s gonna be practical I think it’s gonna work maybe we’ll see it well suppose if it doesn’t work so let’s get rid of the torches so the mobs can spawn eventually let close this up like so so you should be

Nice and dark in there now and then in the interest of my personal safety so that I don’t fall off the edge here I’m gonna build for come around the base of this because we do have to access the back so that we can turn on the fans but

We also ideally need feel to access this like vacuum chest right going forward here so let’s for now hold down shift so that we do not pull them it to our death and just kind of move very slowly around the back here I really I hear that I’ve

Only half done this with iam with the with the woods here but it’s fine for now it’s fine Oh man this thing it’s so horrible it looks so bad also I should eat I also kind of feel like putting like a fence up around this area so I don’t just wander off the edge there we go alright so be a little scared of this as well

I’m sure do that and so the mop masher is I believe right about here it is nice so if we go ahead and turn it on you can hear it doing its thing no loot which worries me why is there no loot I guess I just didn’t drop anything huh that’s fine so

We’ll leave out like that I think this is working chat I think this is working modern art I mean yeah we can call him whatnot if you want if that’s how we if that’s how we justified this monstrosity call it modern art real quick let me try

And salvage this ever so slightly right let’s try to make this look at least not completely horrific ok so now it should not be possible for us to fall down under there which is great and we’ve got kind of little space to walk around here as well which is nice I think that’s

Kind of gonna work now let me quickly look at getting us some looting upgrades because I don’t think the loot II upgrades are gonna be too hard for us to get now they do require some form of blue dye we can use lapis here lapis is a pretty expensive way of making this

While we do have a lot of lapis ready to go I think it’s probably gonna be easier if we don’t want lapis I want gold it’s probably better if we look at getting like maybe some Patania flowers so that we can try and get like a floral blue

Dye and then use that instead maybe no edip oh yeah for the collect I’d doubt it I doubt it well leave it alone for a sec I’m gonna do its thing let it work and hopefully we’ll come back to some some drops also do I need to put a torch

Down there I think I might I think it’s probably like I’m missing torch right about here somewhere just to make sure absolutely no mob spawn whatsoever bomb meal plus the atomic we constructor is dual bomber we don’t have expense with the atomic Reconstructor here it’s actually not too bad right do we have

Any black quartz flying around how do we get black quartz are the smoky quartz so we can make I guess and then use that instead is that how this is done now you can smell smoky quartz alright that’s not too bad and how much never quartz do we

Have left you got 25 that’s fine all right let’s do that then real quick cause we’re gonna need the atomic we constructor at some point anyway might as well get it out of the way nice and early so go ahead to make some smoky quartz and then phenoms gonna smell all

Of that up into it’s a black quartz only really the one that’s nice and then we don’t have any redstone flux which is gonna kind of be our our biggest issue here like we’ve got the Atari constructor but no power to go with it what is like the cheapest generator we

Can make we could look at making the one from you know what sure let’s make the odds of actually additions just because it’s kind of in theme here and we’ve already got the black quads ready to go let’s make another one of these are iron casings and then with a little bit

Cobblestone and a little bit of charcoal this should not be too difficult for us in fact you might already have some charcoal no that’s fine nice alright so for now we’ll throw this here we’ll go ahead and put in just some like standard wood for the time being

Like some oak planks will do just fine throw you in there and then we do need a redstone torch because by default and this guy is set to deactivation mode we want him set to an activation but Auto pulse yeah ports not deactivation otherwise you keep sending out lasers

And every chance he gets regardless of whether or not there is anything there which is a massive waste of our resources we’ll quickly grab a pressure plate throw that down in front like so and then we do need a lens of column which I’ve only should have looked at

The rest before before we made this because the lens of color is what allows you to actually change the dyes the lines of color which is black quartz with glass which is very nice I assume what this is like we zap it maybe let’s see so send we do have we got an

Abundance of sands nice we’ll go ahead and craft that back down and smell that into a nice amount of glass which you might end up using for some building at some point that’d be quite nice so do we do this we do nice and we can put that

Right click to put that on the atomic we constructor and so now if we thaw I died in front of it so we could use lapis but we can also use bone meal here if we thought bone meal in front of this and let me think I probably want to get

Like 32 if I can I don’t know how many cycles it takes to get to blue wait chat I know I’ve already done this this is gonna give me lapis right it’s just a long comfortable way to turn fun really the lapis like alright sure why not for some reason I really

Thought my brain was telling me for a second that that was gonna give me blue dye for whatever reason but yeah that’s just a wait that’s how you get lapis guys like you didn’t turn bomb we little APIs with a couple of a couple of zap so

The atomic we constructor fun facts all right what was i after here I was after ATS mob grinding utilities I would like these look upgrades so we do it got nuggets that’s why we have these golden ingots ready to girl like sir should be more than enough

Let’s get eight of those I think eight all the ten is the max so we could get a little bit more here but now if you put these into our mob masher they’re gonna get significantly more loot look at that already working like a charm so we’re

Throwing those looting of grits I am actually you know I’m quite tempted just to go ahead and make the final two just to get it up to 210 real quick because why not and we’ve already used lapis we can go get some more as well yeah like

We don’t really need that lapis I don’t think we don’t need as much of it as we have right now at least and then I don’t think for these other two or these other drops even are that expensive either like the the sharpness upgrade will be quite nice it would kill

The mobs faster that requires really a large amount of iron fire aspect I don’t things used for binet the arthropods could be interesting but we do need spider eyes for that so we have to kill spiders to get better at killing spiders but you know what let me try let me try

And like max this out real quick you know my Maxie how I mean I’m gonna put a sharpness up grids in here I do want to make another chest real quick just the kind of temporarily dump my inventory here like that and then I want a lot of

Sticks a lot of iron so you could pop the tenon that means Tayla means 40 swords which means ingots which is actually not too bad whatsoever considering how many iron ore pieces we have and considering every single one of these is very easily duplicated in our standard furnace like

80 iron is really not that much whatsoever which is really nice and get storage drawers to the loot banks that is a fantastic idea I think I definitely will start I put storage walls over here to kind of start to to collect all of this stuff and we are already getting

Loot bags which is real nice and also a bunch of XP already which is very nice indeed let’s see if we get anything good here we got some lorem ipsum a lorem ipsum sure and some string we got a music disc on lovely my favorite to rare

Loot bags and another uncommon here – melon seeds under the law Epsom hopefully those are useful sapling and milk chocolate whoo delicious and then a small spigot from nuclear craft and enchanted scroll of feather falling allows you to fall slowly hold do I click to cast this spell never walk

Pumpkin seeds and engineer’s blueprints holy excuse me right click to cast this spell hold on how does one oh I mean we wasted it because there we’ve got 10 minutes of feather falling for no reason been evolving for which we don’t need really but I try to see how that works don’t

Use that tell what is that from Coryell tombstone huh it’s actually not too difficult to make it by depend on how if you’ve got this like grave dust is alright and that is gonna get as 10 mob mashing upgrades it is a Blood Moon I love the Blood Moon effects so opposite

Spawn inside the mob spawn why I assume it does and we are going to need to get our tools back can I pick off out the the feather falling here fantastic alright let’s see how well this thing’s doing it might be doing too well like also I didn’t where did I do

This where did I pick the cell mimics a nice fall for me to just kind of dumb stuff in there but did I do that I don’t think I did that now if you fall off the edge you will fall very slowly to the nether that’s true you know if I do fall

Off all very very slowly which is nice all right so hopefully that’s gonna do quite well for us that’s gonna get us like a nice amount of stuff we don’t need to cover there like three do the top there for the with wood that’s fine all right so I think really the next

Thing we go I’ll do here is probably look towards sorting out all those mob drops into storage drops but I like right now the wall storing in that mob farm which is all well and good but that is gonna fill up very quickly and then start to clog up and just kind of

Overflow and they’ll go be items all over the floor it’s going to cause like not a good situation for us to be in so let us consult with our oak chests here full of oak wood and let’s look at getting quite a few chests right put your chests and then upgrading those

Chests into storage drawers I probably want to make them two by two storage drawers just I don’t think we’re gonna need that many like full full fat storage drawers yeah I think honestly these will be fine for now I’m missing you I’m missing more chests that is a

Okay I didn’t what go for I mean any of these is already quite a lot right we might not need that many more but I’ll gonna make twelve and then let’s see here I’m holding a little annoyed with this feather falling like it’s kind of slowing me down because every time I

Jump somewhere it takes a little bit extra time to how to fall anyway so let’s go and throw it down I think that I was gonna put these like in front like right here we could how do I do this yeah for now I’m gonna do like this and

Then we’ll replace like maybe the center wall I maybe will replace like a back one here with the controller so we can pump everything in and that’s gonna make our lives a lot easier when it comes to mob drops I don’t know how many mob

Drops there are there seem to be quite a lot and you can see already we gained so many bones and so much compound like I feel like those looting upgrades are really starting to pay off quite nicely now you could put an anti barrel for nonce a couple items excuse me an anti

Barrel stores a lot more salt a lot of non second items it can store a hundred thousand non stackable items excuse me it does require an enderchest I don’t think we yet have an enderpearl like I the less I’m blind which I might be yeah we don’t yet have an enderpearl

Which kind of sucks but hopefully that will come actually do we have another poll we’ve got our zombie hearts there is like what’s the UM what’s the thing that you can get for a nebulous heart if you get a nebulous heart we can turn that into into enderpearls which is nice

A hundred thousand types of items what does that mean they’re like I assume that means a hundred thousand different items right like if you have two identical non stackable items can it hold both of those in one type or does it hold both of those in two different types and also

We are gonna need never rack to do that thankfully the nether is just like a standard minecraft nether and so getting there shouldn’t be too difficult and gangers what we need shouldn’t be too difficult there and we do have full at leather armor so we are just you know

Fully prepared to fight anything that we may face in the nether for those of you maybe missed the last stream the nether is a little bit nasty in that we started like a fungal area I actually don’t know if is any netherrack near us in the

Nether but I’ll try it I’ll take it off wall baffle with me just in case we doin it well a bit of trouble but so let me go see if I can get some netherrack real quick because I’m very interested in making this anti chest or anti bowel

Even yes in one slot oh really that’s super cool if it holds that many items that’s insane like actually crazy jeez alright okay this is fine we do indeed have have is this Eric lively never ranked as always lie together I kind of scares me the question is can you smelt

This into you guys what’s it’s a lively nether brick our issues about the lively another rack is like a replacement for standard net lack okay so I’m just gonna mine a little bit of this I don’t have been mining because I kind of want to break my pickaxe I don’t want that much

Lively netherrack we only really like six okay so let’s see I’ll start smelting those up we do still have to wait until we get a an ender pearl so we can’t do that just yet but so whilst we’re waiting for that let’s look at getting ourselves a draw controller here

Real quick let’s go allow all of our drawers to kind of connect to each other and it’s go allow us to easily pump all of our mob drops into the drawers without having pipes going to every single individual draw and so for this we need some stone we need another basic

Storage drawer which we already got every two at Redstone the comparators which is just some redstone torches at some nether quartz and at some stone and then one diamond that should not be too difficult we’ve already got three diamonds good stuff take you do I need anything else out of here

I don’t think that I do because all my nether quartz is over here like so and then redstone we already we’re running a little low on redstone right like we’re down to under 10 but as a 10 exactly 10 redstone we do need to spend like I

Think another five year forgets the six we need so we might have to do a little bit more just sifting in just a second if you want to get if you wanna do anything else with redstone today which we almost certainly do and let’s also go ahead and start smelting up some more

Stone we can tell that in there now let’s throw some fuel in there as well like right now this guy doesn’t have any fuel is thus completely useless do we have any ender pearls like as soon as you get any pearls the pack becomes so much easier already was trying to fill

Up on on trash here but like as soon as we get ender pearls we can jump into X utilities grid power we can look into getting the mechanical user the resonating with Sun crystal we can get the advanced items to collect it to make our collecting much more easy we can get

The drokken we can get the antiviral we can get all this kind of stuff like once we have the just like one or two ender pearls but it’s getting those first few ender pearls it’s gonna prove like the trickiest part of our journey here alright where is where are my drawers

There there I’ll get the one and then what else what I’m missing here now I need to make the two comparisons right that’s why we’re doing all this stone this thing is so much smaller like geez it’s look a bit bare wood furnace holy Hank like I knew it was slower but I

Didn’t realize it was so much slower like flippin heck it’s very slow I’m gonna swap these out like wow why is the speed limit iron furnace 117 compared to I think 60 so it’s like three times slower geez I think I’m gonna put the controller right about here because like

The good news is that once we have an item collect or even advanced item collector we could just put it directly onto the door controller we don’t have to worry about pumping our items from like the vacuum chests over to the door controller we can put an item collector

Directly onto the door controller and it will distribute those items into the storage drawer I guess the only problem there would be like if we wanted to use the anti Bower pumping all of the resources into anti-power might be a little bit more tricky if that is the case but either

Way it would be quite nice at this point chat I think all we can really do here is it’s kind of just wait and see if we get ourselves a an enderpearl like I don’t use a whole lot we can do to speed that process up hopefully when

We do kill an Enderman maybe we’ll get multiple enter pearls because we are not looting up grid we will see for now let’s go ahead and take a look in the quest book let’s complete the quests that we have already done here we can done quite a few of them actually so we

Got quite a nice amount of of Rek I think we’ve also we’ve done this mob mashing a quest but we haven’t been rewarded for it because I think before you can do that you have to do the mob farming quests we actually have to manually kill one of each of these mobs

Here before we can do that we were 25 RAK then 25 are a kid there I think I am quite tempted to buy a loot crate I think I’m gonna try buy an epic loot crate though alright needs 40 what is the legendary look we need it needs 18

Oh man you know what let’s do it let’s gamble epic loot chests boom I’m a gambling man here we go epic loot chests chat this better be worth it alright this better be like 85 nether stars okay boom three good circuit boards from new attic raft again

Much like with the extract speed of grids from earlier I feel like these will be useful at some point but right now they seem fairly underwhelming but again I probably useful in the future it would have been nicer to get something a little bit more useful right now but

That’s fine let’s see here is what we should probably grab these loot banks because these loot bikes could contain ender pearls which would help us tremendously also decent give me just so much XP you can shift clean by the way shift white victor like either full

Stack of those at once which is really nice and then let’s see here so we’ve got I’m a squid beak – Moss spider eyes and a friend of pearl which I think might substitute was ender pearl oh it totally does nice and then we’ve also got another loop

Back here which contains some on spider eyes call a music disc gold and oak saplings oh nice okay that’s all we got for the time being so we do have one ender pearl here where do I want to put my first ender pearl I think the end of

It in your mob farm stole the wood earlier are now chilling in the opposite corner really summer look let’s go let me check this out in the opposite corner like how are they how are they doing this yeah no that’s goddamn it no I was

So hoping we wouldn’t die today I was my own spotter as well go haha dang it oh okay let me get my stuff back here let’s let’s close that up so the good news is that the swallow is fine like the Enderman still then that now we’ve got

The sharpest upgrades I think the end of um will die before they can pick things up gosh dang it it took oh my goodness look at this one death how long that take number of deaths lot number of deaths I want to see time plate I haven’t played nine

Hours of this pack but man geez I love how they’ve added jumps now as well like I’ve jumped eight hundred and fifty nine times okay hello is there like a jumps per hour spec as well that’d be interesting to see how oh man well gosh dang it

Killed by a prank you got me chat you got me gosh dang it alright I’m really very quickly symptom dust because the next day I think a little work on here is probably to try and get a jet pack of some description right and we’re all it dies so I mean

You know if we died again I guess it’s not the worst thing in the world now but hopefully once we get a jet pack we won’t have to worry about falling off the edge and also yeah I do want to use probably my first ender pearl here to

Get online I’m a complete fool I meant to use a hammer there I do want to use my first enter pole I think to make some ender shards to were to get the mechanic user opening cuz that’s couple hours to ultimate sifting we’re just gonna make

Our lives a whole heck of a lot easier so let’s make sure we use the right tool this time Isaac so do I have to reapply my my totem now my charm I’ve got here stall ready like do I put magnetize well no I guess that’s nice

All right I know how much right so we’re gonna need for this let me check real quick actually it’s not a look so we’ve got 28 already which i think is probably enough so I want to make a mechanical use them to make this we need

A dropper which is one piece of redstone when you level which is no no it’s done and then forward stone for this as it’s actually like super easy honestly we probably need much more at all once we get our second in the poll though which maybe we’ll have I’m gonna go check

First one who dumped some of this inventory into my like sifting chest here okay pretty much everything other than the redstone but if we get like a second and the pearl we could make another item collector and that I can collector can go and next to the zip as

Well because we do of course need a way to collect all of our drops once once you get them once we start Auto sifting all of our stuff another ender pearl will be nice an overgrowth seed is nice to have nonetheless and then not super interested with the music discs but

These are like custom music discs maybe we should get like a a jukebox just we can kind of hear somebody’s like we do have a couple of what luck to be custom music dissatisfy like these this was also from nuclear craft juke box is it worth a diamond chip the answer is

Almost certainly not but at the same time what kind of twitch streamer would I be if I didn’t waste my resources for entertainment right let’s see yeah so do I have any other standard minecraft music discs like those volley normal just in case this is off All right let’s do I got like I get copyright strikes on YouTube now for this music oh yeah my dad was like let’s go check out our wheel 12 feathers up so we could we could increase our mob fun with the feathers now which is nice I will take

Some of this stuff out again just to kind of free up some space here it’s got quite a bit to it I don’t I don’t dislike it let’s listen to this other one real quick oh that’s a lot more Oh be a lot more chipper all right

I’m gonna turn this down just close loud That doesn’t work okay so a jukebox though is oh if the recent reset yeah sure that we go alright well let’s play in the background let’s have a look at this mechanical user shall we so rock stank it feels like it with me always it like well the sound does get quieter

There it felt like there was no difference in in sound quiets me for a second there like between a hundred and ten but let’s get the friend of pearl we do it to get if we’re gonna make our mechanical user we do need a glass cutter which is just a stick and three

Iron oh that’s easy enough against a glass cutter the glass cutter with the four ender pearl hopefully get it excuse me this is all just blah can you not use the glass cutter width does it have to specifically be an ender pearl is this the only recipe in which an ender pearl

Like a friend a pearl cannot be be used to make an ender pearl really really you gonna you gonna cook you a sty for me that way again you’re gonna you go do me like that Oh what I can craft a friend a poem for nether quartz in to end the

Crystals and then I think I can craft for in the cryst am I ain’t fine you know what this is extortion right here they’re extorting me for my nether quartz for my plentiful never quartz bounty that I apparently maybe don’t have yeah you have some here this is

Extortion chat plain and simple price gouging and in the packs name but here we go he’s done it alright finally some shards we can craft those shards with some redstone to get a resonating redstone crystal I then do need one piece of cobblestone to make a level

Like so and then what I’m missing for the mechanical user I think that is pretty much everything I do the dropper again super easing boom and boom nice alright so so so so no really I guess you want to put this kind of underneath the safety of the the the the CIPS I

Guess eventually I should play build by eventually I mean fail shortly I should build a platform underneath our underneath this area here so it’s easier for me to kind of pump things into the mechanical user but for now what does it like that I will put in

Like all this dust like so and then I think I’ll just activate item with block I think is what we want and we want to put our stems back down like so we place the meshes like so and there we go we have automated city I’m not quite sure

Why these ones are not going I’m going to quickly run through a cycle there we go now it’s working and look at that like compared that compared to the the sifting at the start it’s so much quick I like it’s so much faster I by any stretch the imagination that’s far from

Quick but it is much faster than it was at the start if you saw the the author’s 15 we did at the beginning of today’s stream it was painfully slow right like it was really really really slow this one is much much nicer now I’m going to

Try and stop this which might prove difficult now that I’ve like locks down leap there because we can’t really start to collect any of these resources until we get some kind of vacuum hopper or some kind of like item collector which hopefully we can do fairly soon like the

Idea is that we will get and the pearls out of our dropper against still no ender pearls we got some we got which hand which I’ll happily way because it looks try put this in my bobble slot no I put the other which had my ball slot

No okay I have to wear on my head head which one looks bow hold on got this one and we got this one for some reason this one looks bigger in my in my inventory but then this one is actually bigger so we’re gonna go with that one I guess and

I guess whilst we wait for that to finish we should probably look towards pumping resources from here aim to here that I guess which really is gonna be too difficult forward so let’s do that let’s go ahead he’s like a transfer that I reckon transfer no it’s let’s see yeah

So have fairly simple stuff some redstone some pipes and the pipes are mostly just stone white baby glass stone slabs let’s see here so standard transfer pipes yep just redstone stone and glass you get of them which is really nice and we do need another standard minecraft chest

Also fairly easy to do grab some more stone and I think Chad that’s pretty much the transfer that’s done these are so easy to make I love it and we do have a red heart do I eat this I’m all worried that my first instinct was to

Eat the heart although I know that’s my shield slot I do eat the heart memory um that do anything that oh I’m not supposed to eat it whoops I guess in the future I’ll save those hearts but for now essentially the whole go do here just kind of run this

Along the back like so I actually just to make it look a little nicer and to like avoid any confusion with the piping what’s going to be like this and then pull down from there and along and in like so and so that should start pulling everything from our vacuum chest here

Over along and into the storage drawers not particularly fast but hopefully it should be faster than not moving it at all ooh with uh small fragments oh you can actually get with a skeleton skulls from this farm that’s crazy that’s real nice anyway go to the nether and try to get a

Drop of evil from wither skeleton so you can get the cursed earth to make the farms mobs spawn way faster they do and that is something will pour your look towards doing in the future here I’m not going to add juice yet first want me to go to this Waypoint

Why don’t we do in today’s stream but it’s definitely something I do want to do going forward them wait we have a drop of evil where what oh we totally do all right so okay geez so we could just put down dirt now and we’ve got like a

Curse spawner right out the gate yeah excuse me all right in that case and how big is our our spot is not super big right yeah is then Yeah right so our spot is not super big as follow is like what let me go and crunch some

Numbers here on how much don’t we need because this should really start the supercharge our spawner quite quickly it’s 1 2 3 4 5 by 1 2 3 4 5 oh and for those who don’t know 5 multiply out of its place yeah it’s five by five yeah 5 by 5 is 25

Now we could expand the spawn again so expanding the spawner and now we’re just require putting in more making upgrade so our fans like the thing that was limited before is that the fans that were using they’re only have a certain range and now we got feathers from our

Mob spawner we can’t go ahead and increase the range of our fans as well to make them significantly larger now so we couldn’t read the the space as well so really at this point is just kind of how fast and how much dope we can make

That’s gonna limit us so and dirt is super easy to make honestly it’s a fast way to make it in this chat anyone know then putting resources into the barrel not into a about all I guess we’re like a bunch of barrels again just because they’re super cheap and easy to

Make yeah yeah sure instead of doing this manually just to have it ready to go for the future I’m gonna do a little bit of temporary automation you know I think the best way for us to do this is plug be to make a filter real quick for our transfer note

Again redstone is kind of the the bane of us right now we don’t have a whole lot of it thankfully are we all regardless that guys we got more than enough redstone what Isaac future-proofing no I know right you get the job done you need to get done now

And that’s it you don’t you don’t worry about the future you just do what needs to be done in the moment and let future Isaac deal with deal with the consequences right that’s my that’s my typical plan anyway um let’s pick these up we could automate like we couldn’t

Alter it multiple of them I guess which wouldn’t wouldn’t be a terrible idea I guess as well I think for now again this will give me move so I don’t love the location of this just yet but for now yeah for now just go do this I’m gonna

Do this I’m gonna put this like here here now I’m gonna move these up I am gonna use hoppers because I want to I want to automate this a little bit more than than just a base level Dulles travel equals constant that’s how you get dirt third plus gravel equals

Constant but like what oh I guess it duplicates the dirt cuz you get four dirt can you turn normal Koster back into normal dirt or is it just like Koster is that like what’s the what’s the logic there are you dig it oh oh okay I’m gonna do I’m gonna do

This anyway I will hold on I’m gonna both of these things okay first things first I’m gonna finish what I start here I’m gonna try and get my pipes where in the world of my pipes gone let me out first things first I’m just gonna finish

This so that we have like automated dirt going forward so I have to worry about it so we’ll filter saplings like so stick that in there and then we’re going to run pipes like up and into all of these like so okay that’s fine it’s gonna start to automate at that forest which

Is nice and let me quickly grab a bunch of iron and also some more chests makes more hoppers and we could use transfer loads as well to pull out of the bottom of them which I mean also wouldn’t be a terrible idea actually it might be

Cheaper in the long run than making more hoppers it does require a single extra piece of stone which I think we should almost only have my inventory is such a mess right now guys I do apologize it’s so so very bad but let’s go ahead and

Make another all of you and then yeah for the time being we’ll just go ahead and we’ll make another standard storage drawer like so thought that down right about okay I’ll go here in just a second I do want to be able to it’s like an

Easy way for me to get under these nail I don’t think so right like I think I never have to move them up by one flat note some of the amount I don’t like another flat notes would would help right now cuz I kind of want to if I

Notes would work if I was just kind of moving them all into their own draw like if I was gonna pump them directly from the bottom of the barrel into a draw but so what I kind of would like to do with the very least is do something like this

Was going to get a yeah a wrench to kind of disconnect some of these extra extra bits here how expensive is this thing um not super expensive it does require a red dye which we don’t have but thankfully due to some investment in the the early game here can we eat this

Candy we can come on I cook this I can craft it alright oh gosh it’s bad for your teeth don’t eat candy apparently alright we do have the lens of : o so we can’t go ahead and just zap some bum you love a real quick my

Inventory’s so full of stuff geez I need to work towards getting like either we find storage or apply logistic system like ASAP I assume we have both mods installed right so black I’m a red nice ok cool alright let me quickly get the wrench so that’s gonna allow us to

Disconnect we don’t need to do at that pipe but we can do it like that and then specifically the one I do want to disconnect is that one right there like that I’ll have all this pop down and into a storage drawer right about there alright so that should hopefully have

Automated forwards in the future it’s pretty slow all things considered like it’s just as fast as this hopping bonsai pots produces saplings which is probably quite quite slow but nevertheless let’s go do its thing in the meantime whilst you wait for that to do its thing let’s get a bunch of

Gravel and let’s use the dirt trick shall we cuz that seems like it’s gonna be a lot better for us to do stuff kind of right now so where is my one notice alright so this go yeah there’s a bunch of gravel which is lovely and then the idea I

Guess is that we can crush you so much gravel it’s so much gravel and the idea then is that we can craft gravel with dirt to get Coster and then we just break it you just do you hoe it and then you break it maybe this Robin I’ve been

Baited by chat it doesn’t work I hope it works come on please oh it does Sentinel dead Oh would you look at that it also gives us the perfect opportunity to use our shovel let’s just hide it away because I never use it perfect here we go

Look at that lovely all right so that does work which is very nice so we can get a lot of ground up this way it’s not particularly like fast I mean it’s quite fast actually I guess it’s like compared to the bowel method it’s not particularly like automated method it

Takes quite a bit of manual labour but it does get you a nice amount of dirt we only need what 25 dirt for now I’m a little scared I’m on my show no go I I kind of want to turn it off honestly I’m gonna put a stone here just right on oh

Oh I got to my fans off gotta turn your fans off Isaac I’m not gonna die I’m not gonna die to my own mob masher again not twice in one episode check come on now geez who do you think I am I’m thinking don’t wanna make this bigger before I

Put the cursor down before doesn’t matter all right like I feel like we couldn’t make this bigger but I think this is I think this with cursed earth he’s probably give us more than enough stuff I don’t think we need to get greedy with it like especially given if

We juggle out the base and leave it going like over overnight I think this would be fine I don’t think this needs to be any bigger yeah yeah okay cool all right boom okay so already I think I heard a mob in there which is a good sign it sounds

Like a pig though non blessed lesser mob and now the fans have caused the fans the fans can’t forget about the fans Jesus Christ man do is hear that screech holy heck but I think that’s working chat I think that is working I think we’re good a demon Pig

Jeez yeah that only works like we got we got stuff in them we’re definitely getting with more like the factory a 10-10 gunpowder in there I think just kind of shows how the loot effects are taking into consideration like they’re being taken into consideration when the mobs being killed because

Getting much much more gunpowder per kill now than than usual I don’t think we necessarily need a sound muffler we do have some more fuzz and we could put them down I guess but given that it’s far enough away I know that we need to worry about it

Hopefully a dim lit parcel a bucket and a golden lug it would look at that Wow just why just why I wanted how did you know again how did you know there we go all right holy heck cheese I think chat but that is go about do it for today’s

Stream we’ve got our mob SWANA up and running it’s now actually much much better than I thought it was gonna be at the started a stream which is very nice indeed not my show our larva charms gonna do what I’m interested nonetheless hopefully when we come back for the next

Stream we will have more loot bags and hopefully more ender pearls as well and we can set up stuff like a loopback opener we can look at making the anti barrel to hold all of the items that don’t stack because we do need to we’re not gonna have enough slots in all these

Storage drawers here like these are gonna fill up super quick so we do want to make sure that we always are you a zombie one right and a pearl one so we’re gonna make sure that we kind of work on making this better and also we don’t want we don’t really like slots

For wood and cobblestone and stuff even though that was gonna get put back round again pretty soon here gosh dang it but but yeah next time we’ll come back we’ll look at the altar waiting sifting a bit more time trying to get our gravel sand does production up and running and

Alternating those fully we’ll look at making our mob farm a little bit more efficient especially on the storage front we might look at getting started into some kind of actual storage where we applied energistics maybe refined storage do we have and refined no no refined storage okay in that case

I guess we might look at getting some apply logistics we will craft back store with your loot bags do not fear up you know what I put a sign down guys I’m not gonna do it just yet but I will very quickly make a sign for future Isaac

Right here that says like loot bag storage plus open up alright done there we go alright so I have this sign ready for me when I come back so I don’t forget but fit-out guys I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up for today is extreme therefore now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Project Ozone 3 | CURSED EARTH MOB FARM! #3 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2019-03-02 01:00:02. It has garnered 105312 views and 1018 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:39 or 4359 seconds.

Minecraft Project Ozone 3 | CURSED EARTH MOB FARM! #3 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Subscribe for daily gaming videos: https://bit.ly/GamingOnCaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc

Project Ozone 3: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/project-ozone-3-a-new-way-forward

About Project Ozone 3: Project Ozone 3: A New Way Forward is a pack filled to the brim of mods ranging from tech to magic to even exploration. A Better Questing pack filled with “currently 1129” quests (if you include the reward system). Project Ozone 3 also supports pack modes as they become available (Normal, Titan and Kappa). Normal mode in PO3 will be “slightly” more difficult than Project Ozone 2’s due to mod progression. There are still “simple” achievements after the main quests we just use Better Questing entirely.

#Minecraft #ProjectOzone3 #Modded

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5

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  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!

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Minecraft Project Ozone 3 | CURSED EARTH MOB FARM! #3 [Modded Questing Skyblock]