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Like you are fine sh a year with imish flour imish flour imish flour you are fine CH m swiggle you are fine welcome back Ms dish Mish wiggle IM dish wiggle you are fine hello mysh um is 7 TV broken cuz I can’t see it hi CH it’s been a moment a moment another month another message for Miss dish almost a onee sub oh my I hope you’ve had a wonderful day you continue to be my biggest inspiration in Dish flow early Christmas and New Year tantos thank you for the 11mon resub wow hi

Guys yes as the title suggests we are launching rech long time hope everyone is doing all right less than 33 are yeah it’s been a couple days I have been with Boos SL scam slash content friends for the last three 4 days not yesterday but the 3 days before M finals week is

Upon me please wish me luck thank you for the resub yak shase thank you for the tier one um paully thank you for the Prime orgia thank you for the resub Haley thank you for the resub alien Dan you looked happy it was a great time

It was a great time made Christmas decis I made gingerbread today we’re constituting and decorating gingerbread houses tomorrow you know we were supposed to make gingerbread houses but it kind of just slipped through the cracks we made gingerbread cookies though you are fine I did have fun yeah I guess I could

Tell you a little bit about it um yeah we’re relaunching the Minecraft server today I hope you had a fun time with your friends Ms dish Mish flour Mish FL 10 minutes I think 10 15 minutes so I could tell you a little bit about I could tell you a little about a

Bit about the guy didn’t even Realo big one year welcome back Ms streamer thank you honey thank you for the tier one month happy holiday season oh thank you your sweater is so cute by the way thank you hope you enjoy all the festivities this year heart H paralysis

I hope we get Dona world yes Um thank you so much thank you so much paralysis thank you so much I read it but I’m not reading it out loud you guys should have done the gingerbread building competition we were going to but we had a whole bunch of we just I

Think we bid off more than we could chew on some stuff but we almost we almost got like everything in that we needed yeah the video is going to be really cute um hopefully out before Christmas I’m assuming that is the objective hope that is the objective um

Yeah it was a very cool time so for those of you who don’t know I guess yeah I’ll tell you a little bit about the whole thing Um sort have been in like SE October September um me and Jake did a Grace across to that challenge dear diary Merry Christ birthday yep yep thank you for the 100 bits so true yeah Drake’s doing the video um and we didn’t we didn’t set a prize before the challenge started

So when I won spoiler alert you could watch the video but when I won context one of the early challenges in the um beginning of the of like the race required it ended with me taking two shots of Jin I mean spicy juice so you know I was

Not like drunk or anything but I was you know I was a little there you know I was buzzing um by the end still so when we got to the end of the race I made a wish and I wished for a scam boo secret santa uh to be like filmed

And yeah for us all to like Gather in person slightly SAU yeah yeah that’s a good way to describe it um that was my wish and for some reason he agreed and started the started the coordination um got everyone on board to fly out and get gifts for each other um so we

Obviously it wasn’t like all of our friends or all of my friends all his friends whatever but it’s it’s actually really fitting that we’re relaunching the Minecraft server today because that’s the the term bozos came about because when we launched the first Minecraft server like oh man two years

Ago maybe even more than that two years ago the Discord server that we that ATU started and invited us all to was called bozos um so many of the people who were there for the first Minecraft launch were there for the for the thing um and they dipped who dipped

Um yeah so many of the OG I guess bozos were there um U NECA wasn’t there she had a family uh emergency on emergency she had a family situation she had to be at um ATU Bop ant Acron going an alphabetical order I’m trying to Ed btmc Ed um fob Lily me And oh gosh I know I’m forgetting someone am I oh oh Dawn of course um and obviously Jake who’s hosting so no I’m not drunk or Tipsy uh right now I just hope you have a good day I just 36 Stars my Abyss after playing for

More than 2 years he he sorry to interrupt you yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever um yeah so that’s who was there um H shuch chat happy Chrysler to all and a very merry Minecraft server relaunch Ty always for stre Mrs Plato and chat party Kirby thanks

Viper um so we had those people there they all flew in for I think 5 days total I was there for three I just like drove to the house um the first day say I won’t spoil everything I just want to I want to save some for obviously for the video

But actually I guess I could show you some pictures I should can show you a little bit maybe maybe just a little bit stuff um oh yeah so I think the first day we just like that is so Cur played games Cherry look at this smug look on his

Face and like had dinner at home okay so time and we had um hot pot at home can you hear this we lit just played games and and so are you saying IR ironically or unironically oh B was saying m a lot actually um there’s no video yet there’s

No video yet it’s going to take a little bit to to be ready yeah we just we did Hot Pot at home also died he was like he was just like nausea exhaustion he was he was like asleep for a good half of the trip poor guy poor guy yeah dinner was

Good St sideways get and we had we had a we had dinner at home like almost every almost every day which I I don’t know it felt very cozy and happy like very wholesome went to karaoke that night it was like such an insane karaoke

Kryler did you get to see the HSR live stream during your trip I didn’t also such a lovely feeling having family over for the holidays yeah yeah when I was like I’m like not even aware of genin or or HSR at the moment or games to be honest um yeah we went [Applause] To don’t dmca strug me please nice um Jake Hut huton Hutchinson huton we w’t talk about that so first day was pretty chill just to like karaoke the second day was really special we did so we had I got there a little bit later and I just

Helped Don make dinner uh we had lasagna and like her like her like special lasagna recipe and then we went to Dison Gardens went to this um we went to this was like this Enchanted fairy tale like it was like a light show with like bog and and mist and and like like

Cool music and stuff and um honestly this doesn’t really this doesn’t really do it justice it was just like all fixtures and stuff like this there was one like really cool Lantern part I see Jake having the same dilute drip merch I have the sweater and maybe the oh

Shoot it was just like all sorts of stuff it was super cold there like tea and hot chocolate it’s very magical very magical and cool um and then that night that night when I was driving home home I saw a shooting star and I was like no

There’s no way I just saw a shooting star I I imagine that or like that was or there was like something that I maybe like a like a drone or something that lit up cuz it was literally right in my eyline as I was driving like right

Like I W like the star or like the whatever meteor appeared and I watched it fall through the sky so I was like that’s not and then when I got home I texted on our group chat and I was like I saw a shooting star on my way home and then

They went outside to the roof at the house at like their house and they watched and they saw shooting stars too which is it was like the perfect it’s like the perfect cloth on a very very beautiful evening um look at this picture of f l looking At just giving you guys teasers you have to watch you’ll have to watch the video to like to see to see everything uh and then the last day well not the last day but like the last full day before we went home like that was secret santa day

Uh we made gingerbread cookies in the day the daytime before dinner he’s sleeping is Lily making AO Jam what the [ __ ] did you do that water in many flavors to the Discerning palette monart water is crisp and pure while water from Leu has an enduring aftertaste Ina zum

Water possesses flavor unlike any other does seem like the time meanwhile has a rich and complex flavor profile it must be saved patiently to fully appreciate it is now the time to start yapping I think not anyways I’m more cookies thank you for the prime sub oh no I hope there’s nothing behind

Me oh no what’s that levitating in the in the air um so after that we had a gorgeous steak dinner we I tastes the same as I remember but where are those who share the memory thank you so much for the six Monon sub thank you so much for the six Monon

Sub look how cute they are Merry Christmas so cute I finally had Ed’s Famous Steak and it was fire it was fire oh my gosh it was so juicy and tender and flavorful I see why people Yap about btmc Famous Cake I mean what why would I say cake steak it rhes with steak mistake curse this

Mouth my brain actually could you taste the roseary I could taste the Rosemary Famous Steak anyway so we had the stakes and this is the third night in the row I I’m a very sentimental person and there’s a part of me that like was so shocked still even there amazed that like this whole thing came together and that everyone like flew out and that we

Were all just like hanging out in the house together and and cooking and eating and just I don’t know I just multiple times on the stair just had to like step out of the room and like Bo dab my tears um yeah so then we had secret Santa

Which is super cozy I’m not going to tell you anything about that you have to wait for the video um and then after that we did Pokemon cards we open Pokemon cards on stream on Jake’s stream if you saw um yeah the whole day was very special the whole thing was really

Special I just though the secret day today actually felt like Christmas like we ex we we like were lazy during the morning we made cookies and we ate like a big dinner and um after we opened presents there were like people on the floor tinkering with like

Their new whatever redacted to like make it work whatever and like showing details about what you got or what the other person got um and it’s just that was it’s I don’t know I’ll just I’ll never forget it just the fact that we all started as strangers and we met on the internet

And somehow from all playing G and impact to starting a Minecraft server and playing for two weeks that we’ve all like stayed and become like dear friends and and I don’t know Creator relationships or like friendships or friend groups I should say is it’s just like so

Rare and there’s so much conflict and like weird stuff that happens between creators that it’s still like amazing to me that we’ve all become such like true friends I get again t i just talking about it so I should stop um yeah and we also like we all live far

There’s only a small group that actually lives in La so just people the fact that they were willing to like sacrifice their time to participate and fly out from like the UK and and the other side of the country and and and is thaton from Canada thatr’s Canadian

Right gosh I hope what he is I hope that’s right um during during the holidays which is already like super busy time it was very cool was very cool yeah just the coordination involved in all that so is very special I’m very grateful to all of them grateful to Jake

For organizing everything and making it happen yeah I feel very blessed to know them all and yeah it was a very special couple days so there’s a little teaser of what’s to come will not say anything else until the video is out so keep an eye out sometime probably in the next

Week you or maybe it’ll be out on Christmas it’s hard to say I won’t I don’t actually exactly know um yeah watch out for the full video I think it’s going to be half V vog half the actual secret Santa yukimo says it’s so sweet Tom gim going to tear up this

Is so you don’t cry chat I princess and descend Upon This Land by the call of faton oh you are also a traveler From Another World very well I grant you permission to travel with me q q Pig this is everyone every everyone who participated in secret santa minus NECA

Who wasn’t with us but she still brought a gift yeah it’s cool man I love these people I love these people I’m so grateful to hi and chat have fun today smile hi Mom yeah so there’s there’s a little bit of my my experience um with the whole thing without telling you too

Much oh too long too long process oh no here is something so you don’t cry and get annoyed hello everyone first I would like to thank my family then my production team and more importantly dish thank you for this memorable moment I am officially a side dish clip Subs I

Remember I was homeless once and I wished to be famous I was born at a very young age sniff sniff crying noises and my dream wouldn’t have happened without darab Bartholomew to show my art in bits thank you Subs One Last Time yep good one whyin you’re being annoying so I’m going

To time you out for 30 minutes you can think about your chatter your chatting behavior um great well I am not the Arbiter of dish Clips so you can petition with Ethan to get that on Dish Clips thank you so much for the 100 bits thanks for listening to my story my

Story you think I told you a lot but I really didn’t there’s so there’s so much left it made me so happy and warm to hear you talk about your trip and hear all the warm and happy memories you got to make thank you for sharing such special and wonderful times with us

Here’s to another month with lovely Ms Dish Dish love well when the video goes live will uh I will wait to watch it and we can watch it on on stream we can we can cry together can anyone join the Minecraft server no this is uh this will be a private server with

Some CC friends which I am late too so I’m going to I’m going to go in there yeah we’re launching a new Minecraft server today some people you will know actually you will probably know most everybody but some people that are from the genin circle and some that are little bit outside

Yeah yeah it was really special oh my gosh it’s so quiet pre-order your nv/ weapon summons here what a pleasant Crim use event with friends was thank you pre pre thank you for the 139 wait 193 bits that’s so specific yeah I actually haven’t been on I haven’t really been on any games

For the last for the last couple days um too busy uh but I am planning for a couple more things I’m planning for uh charity or uh karaoke stream I have almost have my set list finalized and then once that’s ready I have a one more thing I need to

Do or that I’m trying to do rather TVD on yeah I not telling you but it’s a secret it’s a secret and hopefully I can pull it off in time but yeah it will be before Christmas hopefully within the next week no it will be oh gosh I only

Have a couple days at the latest it will be Thursday the 21st so I got to hustle okay I’m so annoyed I can’t see any 7 TV emotes is it dead can you guys see 7 TV emotes secret hi Nala hi hi I can’t see them so

Annoying well we can see them in our hearts is it dead on other people’s channels not that you should go and look and and watch other streamers but you know you are fine happy holiday season Y all funny enough it was a Tik Tok of you playing

Minecraft that led me to be part of this community oh why is there only how about now testing it’s like not you are fine did somebody say Miner mince raft yes mince raft dear diary it’s like I’m so happy for you that you made such incredible memories and friends I wish I

Could do the same like I never been invited to parties before you got to reach out you got to make effort to do that what the heck own emotes bro it works I feel so lost without my emotes bro there we go now we’re talking I feel like I can’t see your

Expressions you know okay I’m loading into Minecraft I got shaders that’s very very um cute cute Minecraft aesthetic Minecraft assuming it still works CU I’m kind of Pega with I’m so useless with stuff like this oh is De but I see it I see it wait really you can’t see it 7tv is

Like our cams being off and calls exactly I feel it feels lonely makes me feel that’s how I feel when we had our we had like a like a iMessage group chat during while everyone was here cuz like something with SIM cards it’s kind of it’s easier

To do I message and I felt like I could not properly express myself without without my my Discord emote okay we’re launching with Minecraft um I will try to put in the description who’s all there but it’s going to be more kind of complicated it might switch around a

Bit Yeah refresh guys I can see M I can see m adamant thank you for the tier one I’m having actually quite a few technical issues today so if something is weird or I missed something I apologize in advance for that loed ATU do you know how to walk her

Through that part why is your sound so I mean can I just bring in any shaders yeah any shaders uh some people have complimentary and some people have BSL so whatever you want I think all right can you turn your thing back down to 100 uh

Yeah it’s it’s fine in my ears but in my OBS it’s like saying that okay you can turn it down just in your OBS it looks so cute oh my God I’m obsessed who are you who are you can you hear us you should download cute Christmas

Outfits you can’t mute wait can you guys hear me Christmas they can’t hear me oh my gosh I don’t hear you Dawn or fish you guys might be talk okay yeah hello hello oh hi I hear you hi does it work okay I think it works yeah yeah yeah I love your how

About now oh thank you about now oh thank you I love the bow I love the bow oh thank you there’s a bow on the back of your head why it’s not working how do I how do I look at that F5 can’t M oh push to talk absolutely

Not one off the internet this one looked pretty cute had me on push to talk like I ever use push to talk Hi so good to see you all again this skin is so cute I think so no FS but it’s okay I’ll take good care of you guys hello I’m so jealous we’re newbies yeah I miss happy holidays and happy 36 years ho ho ho ho

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho oh oh yeah so once you thank you for theun 36 months from the spawn point so I think if you break grass like here it should be fine yeah okay is the volume good guys to go a little further away from God this game

Looks so much better with shaders y it does okay it works wait come back everyone come back wait wait wait I’m coming I’m coming I’m here I’m I want to go get some melons so we’re still waiting on some people right we’re waiting on will and

Saki and fob right yeah and fob and Jake because he’s inevitably going to join us oh my God is he come in surely can I go get 10 gifted that he will resist resist rars resist oh it’s picking up a lot resist I the flow what the oops do I want to hire do you know who you just hit is do you know what his saying is

No it’s come tastes the same as I remember but where are those who share the C stop it why do you keep saying see haven’t we heard you say that enough people are slow let’s go yeah let’s go get can you stop griefing please oh God you stop

Say no oh my God Street I want to find I want to find a biome that has um cherry blossoms ooh okay just punched my first tree should we go get cherry blossoms W me too I’m punching this tree as well know what be how do I craft again yeah

That’s not whatd say you got to open your uh tastes the same as I remember but are those used to be G comeu oh my God are you impressed that I know gen stuff I really impressed starter set I used to be a want to be the first person with

Stone stuff watched strugle fighting some bosses it’s really embarrassing Stone Age baby you made a stone I’m I got Stone happy holidays M dish psycho P call Psycho yeah I’m psych early Minecraft is so fun it’s it’s psycho something think about like the early survival stage is epic

Yeah yeah I’m going to add people I’ll add some names into the well you can just call me this is a huge stream actually don’t call me I’m Callan it’s so slow I’m mining I’m mining how do I turn yeah how do we stuff again in this I have completely

Forgotten how do I open my inventory uh inventory is e no e inventory is e it’s e it’s e it’s e ask me anything you need guys I got you okay I have created a crafting table nice why are you making dirt we’ll need these eventually

Now uh yeah two of these make sticks and we need sticks to make torches don’t we need for torch wait what’s better a stone pickaxe or a wooden pickaxe Stone oh Stone one but a wooden is all we can make right now no you can get Stone from already had stone I have

Stone there’s also stone with your hand uh no you use the wooden tools to get stone oh I see oh yeah how do I do this again punch can you imagine mining a rock with a piece of wood that’s crazy like that con crazy to me or did they

Just like throw stones against stones to break them maybe I do not remember I actually don’t have enough stone is it already getting later yeah oh dear it’s nearly Sunset oh dear the zombies are going to come it’s okay we will equip ourselves the dirt make a dirt house a dirt pile to

Survive oh God a pile Oh like to make a like a pillar just a a tower to survive the night oh yeah oh I forgot about that now I have a stone pickaxe can I have your um can I have have your wooden one if you don’t need I have wood and stuff

That I don’t need you can have this how do I drop something G right talking to me G anyone anyone I thought it was G oh no it’s not g I think you just drag it off of the screen you click on there’s definitely a throw key though oh there

It is wait did you oh that’s where are you can barely hear you wait someone dropped their Stone one here you can have it I I’ll make another one y oh oh I’m conf I have I have gathered some farming supplies nice God it’s dark I’m

Scared going down I’m going is it safer down oh my gosh already actually went down whoa you can make a tower too s oh we need to go back for saki who the [ __ ] shut me out Gat keep him just going to it’s okay we got this and if we die

We’re not that far from St spawn anyways saki we should go back for saki it’s just right here right saki saki me hello we have moved just slightly this direction wait sorry I’m in my voice settings one second okay but be just you be mindful

Cuz there’s going to be a mob soon I’m coming I’m almost done oh my God actually where are they why are we like doing anything I’m dude I see a spider its eyes are looking at me make some it’s not going to hurt me right oh

Gosh can I find a spider with a axe I have a ho tomorrow I will start my farming Adventure you have torches already yeah oh miss dish look look at this boter I’m going to fight it oh you’re fighting it oh oh oh we fought it kill Ste

Oh I’m just kidding there’s so many animals over here we’re going to be fine guys I’m going to go oh just oh we’re so high up oh my gosh we are super high elevation s just killu oh that is a lot of creepers in that direction we are so high elevation

Have you looked over here yeah I did notice how is we’re so high up mining getting down to Diamond level is going to be miserable I mean we can we don’t have to start here right no we don’t what is our is it F2 oh F3 we’re at 118 right now

Oh no we at oh yeah gone I hear a Jeff’s voice in the distance I’m already thinking about diamonds bro how do I turn it off creeper I need to stop sprinting around for no reason going to starve to death volie oh that’s not good I think come here

Idiot what’s your plan my plan is I going to get some iron so I can get a bucket so I can start a pumpkin move sheep move sheep and Aon oh they made some torches here s over here professionals hello I got a baked potato [Laughter]

Yes oh this is oh oh they’ve already started tunneling I’m stuck hello D you’re so cute oh you’re so cute okay what what was what did I want I’m here hello hi zagi what the [ __ ] oh you so pink you’re so cute I’m em who character no she’s the character in Project Z

Guy oh I see me stone me stone why are you on HP why do you got like two arrows coming out of your butthole oh cuz I protected you Boos did you yes I did all right doubt if you say so I know I’m going to I’m just going to

Chop wood I’m sure everyone needs wood eventually yeah I we’ll need PL it can you talk Don sorry I’m talking hello hello sorry friend going to need more food I think that volume’s better I’m so sorry but I need to cook you so how do I cook food

Over here over here oh Mr shy has a furnace oh my God oh my God she’s cooking alreadying literally There’s a Zombie coming watch out thought i’ be so [ __ ] you don’t touch me stit I’ll kill you oh I almost hit you D back okay never mind dude I lost half that

Zombie we’re cooking it’s not a bad amount of monsters have showed up honestly we’re doing okay she doesn’t have oh there’s monsters are we going to make this our starting I guess we should cuz everyone’s going to load in here right yeah die oh oh my go wait wait wait let me oh

Go I need string get over here I’m start starving it’s right so how do I Sprint why is uh with control control forward you can reide it though it’s kind of UNC to Sprint that way is Shifting Crouch uh yes okay um we should run away we’re good spam left clicking is

Always oh God guys are you guys okay out there we’re all right great we’re fine we’re fine where the hell are you I’m going to dig down yeah I’m ready to fight the Ender Dragon oh wait I see I see I see Janet’s name in The W I don’t see see the monsters are coming hi friends hide you guys got to hide in the in the mines oh wait is that Seline oh no we fight like Warriors don’t set it off dog

I see J J we fight like Warriors I don’t know okay if we die you know only spawn a little bit away uh basic penis comes your way saki do not bring the penis to us what what is the penis why would you say that what do you

Mean what is the penis the monster looks like a penis that explodes you mean a it’s a creeper ATU yeah and it’s clearly in the shape of a penis I know the creepers are oh you all they all have brain R actually yapping actually yapping loud holy crap

Well hello what are you thank you for everything statue Steve oh thank you thank you for the 21 sub mons thank you for the 41 months thank you for the follow yeah went turn everyone up so much 200 is DK oh Omega all right ignore

The 200 setting then I need to be in somewhere safe okay all right I’m building a tower who is this here Who’s down here who is that oh oh I was going to dig here who is this who went down here who is down here uh what’s playing right

Now is just I can show you actually yeah a zombie following you I don’t know who’s actually it’s in hear that ex Point song it’s just Animal Crossing Ambience cozy Christmas minutes ago it’s following me why is it following Mee I happy holidays Miss dish merry CRI merry Chrysler Merry Christmas Santa Claus

It’s still go away need to some tools um how do I make a thing I forgot okay all right all right you know what I’ll just ask my chat oh there’s a monster where huhi movei move move move ah what’s happening it followed me all

The way down sorry I didn’t warn you I literally said to Saki a monster comes to you don’t come to us I was I didn’t fall oh that was me that was me oh oh it’s a big CERN oh it’s so big oh there’s way to get

Yeah yeah coal and maybe some iron too would be nice where oh yeah did you we need iron I turn off this doesn’t work why down right no we’re going up how do you know what time it is upstairs oh no be careful be careful I

Don’t know you’re going to get poison do not fight it the witch will mess you up she will cook you sheh maybe we should go down oh careful oh my God run what oh she’s not coming watching this while playing League oh watch this we playing leue can without

Toxicity I’m deep I’m dead oh my God oh my God someone go get his stuff avenge me I’ll take your stuff though God the witch is coming oh my avenge me I got it I I’s AEP I just it out but I’m on like three hearts and I have no food it what is this I need any food I’m on half I have a baked potato oh god well I feel like the Strat here is we both just suicide in game oh

No I can survive I can survive help that was [ __ ] up what happened someone kill me he didn’t consent to that oh it’s daytime wait I want to do it I want to do it I want oh should we go up I I think that sounds like a

Wonderful idea I think that we need iron though we need iron I’m look at the sun praise the sun I’m going who I am scared of getting lost honestly I don’t know how to go any iron have you seen I just a bunch you did kind of bad at detecting

It oh I found some thank you God thank you [Laughter] God iron iron bro I’m getting lost no doubt about it I so going to get lost yeah oh who can you oh bye ah [ __ ] oh I just made a loop you’re right there okay we stick together we should be able

To make it out yeah there was a zombie that flanked me although I don’t have much food so where is the not going to be able to stay down here for too long I iron here bro this go iron uh wait my pickaxe is almost dead I

Think you can make one pretty easily if you have wood [ __ ] I don’t have a crafting table do you have one a yeah I’m being shot where’s where did that come from down or up I think down I don’t see it up yeah it’s there I don’t have the

Health for that oh my it can shoot straight up okay I did not know that it’s annoying yeah I don’t I don’t think we can really maybe we go back maybe we go back and come back with more food I want that I got I got all I need so okay wait let’s

Let’s jump three two one go nice nice oh that’s a it keep going like inside your head don’t like these noises at all me neither taking that uh I think it’s this way to get back out yeah yeah over here wait I kind of want to check this

Side I don’t know if anyone has okay you go you do that I’m going back up okay I will risk it sometimes for the best G but not this time there’s there is nothing oh uh where are the stairs the hell is this I swear they’re

Right here oh I found it I got steak for free oh maybe uh no I’m not using optify I’m just using oh what are the Shad is called dude stairs by S it’s daytime I’m going up I can’t remember what the shaders are called hold on I’ve played

Before but not much so my experience is limited Iris shaders I’m going to BSL shaders is the one I’m using actually hey BSL shaders I’m leaving this is [ __ ] up I didn’t I don’t have to stand for this yay I’m making us house you’re making your house need to start wheat

Farming I’m starting a wheat farm and no one can stop me I’m building a a house oh I’m going to start making beds actually cuz I have she I can make shears now will hoo house 2.0 how do you shck coordinates uh F3 F3 is that a quick way to share them uh

It’s XYZ in the second like bunch of numbers at the top left okay I just put three in there XYZ and it’s in that order x and z are what if you’re looking for home two buckets what’s a bucket for carry water 5530 okay excellent unless they pass

Back when I play back in my day back in my day you could use two buckets of water to create an infinite source of water you can still do that the one to m they have given 341 gift Subs in the channel thank you J for the gift sub to my appreciated it

It’s KDA hey come in this is an Asian household don’t think you can run away what is this skin you are so ugly oh my God you even have 411 on your back yeah it’s AIT skin what do I have I think I so ugly

I feel like I feel like that’s what I said to you when we first played Minecraft probably oh my God okay I made us a block look at what a coop coopy scoop poopity scoop poopity scoop scoop okay let’s see crafting B all right guys I’m going to make you a

Home I don’t know how oh for the chickens yeah they’re following me oh um you can make a fence you need a fence for it yeah um let me make one I make a door oh there we go maybe I make a bucket first what what come

Back so I can start farming you [ __ ] we need wheat for sure okay I got to get water before the sun goes down bro oh my gosh I don’t want to have to scale the freaking Mountain you got this way I’m is there any water closer’s edge than

This oh I see pumpkins oh my gosh careful yeah I went there I went there earlier oh you went there did you bring back pumpkins I did yeah let’s go yeah I’m going to farm pumpkins you know that’s what I want to do but I don’t remember it being this hard to get

There right right something’s wrong I think I I I think it’s cuz I came from the other side of the The Cliff it’s too dark for this I will find water elsewhere I’m so sorry honey water doco why did they stop following me they really only follow you if you have seeds

In your hand well can wander too far but maybe I can find some water excuse me excuse me oh I feel myself wandering to much too far broie we are too high up honestly but the seed is really beautiful like we’re actually in a gorgeous place you know doesn’t really matter

That much in the oh it’s dark out it’s just fun I will happily take that do do hi there hi um have you seen a water source Chien yeah I did here you go um I have not seen any water anywhere why did you why did I only get

One what because I only you only cooked one I it ran out of fuel I’m making more fuel we need more charcoal yeah I only made one I thought that be enough it was not enough oh this guy was a professional yink for you’re lost already oh lost yeah I do get lost

Pretty pretty easily in Minecraft though water I need water bro I mean I guess I could take some from the cave what is this Oak sign all right I’m off to get diamonds goodbye bye byebye bye don’t come back just going to take some from here so that we can get

Started you’re so brave at night um like I feel like I’ve gotten more used to it although when I’m playing alone I still get kind of scared strip mining like I get scared when I hear monsters oh yeah HDMI I got to tell you guys about HDMI again

Tonight oh this is kind of makes me dizzy this part suppose I could steal the water from here you are fine oh no nor ah okay that was not that was suboptimal I would say sub optimal I could have sworn there was water like at least one block

Of water here maybe someone grabbed it I guess that’s for the best this is where we were oh this is where forward SLS spawn water block okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to wait till it’s daytime and then I will scale oh is this

Right oh no this is a dead end I’ll wait till it’s daytime and then I will go on an Excursion downhill okay this is where the tower is I think or the oh no I’m getting lost oh no no no no no no please who’s right over here what the oh water

Hello excuse me I will need to follow you to your Source block a no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no where are the stairs m okay I know it’s this way and it’s kind of like oh it’s this way and it’s up here yes

Yes I could be a cartographer in another life yeah y is it snowing there oh yeah we will get snow up here well actually I don’t know these were high enough elevation to get Water all that work for a bucket of water and zadra is already starting Farm the farm awesome wait for me I need to get my blocks what what Excursion do I get office Excursion magic god oh no no no no I think I found I think I found it

Um I’m going to start a weat farm but it’ll be a bit until it’s ready yeah that’s what I said I literally don’t don’t know where she said wheat wheat we down we’re going down the girls are going for my go excuse where’s the wewh really cute we should really Pres that’s not

Cool that there is already planting HP bar see Oh it’s been so long since I’ve played I’m so confused but I’m doing my best well we could find a cute biome to start our little yeah I that sounds like a wonderful idea dude it is so dark I do want to find Cherry Blom or bring them

Here where a Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper I cannot run it creeper help a boat oh how do I oh I can have no Health careful don’t blow up the F stop angro me I can’t even run thank you easy all right we got wheat growing oh

Wait there’s an end over there how do I make a boat thank you thank you how do you how do you [ __ ] up the Ender again like you have to like oh [ __ ] we got no food yourself or some [ __ ] uh you have to go under oh no oh gosh please

No stop how do I make a boat stop Jare but I don’t care for Jungle I want snow and cherry blossom cherry blossom I’m dying I have no food guys let’s go shouldn’t we wait till it’s daytime you don’t want to wait till it’s daytime day it’s turning day I’m okay

Per how do I I’m going to do my best I’m just gonna follow this game [ __ ] sucks following is perfect can you start burning so I can leave I’m hitting it with [ __ ] grass okay I got to catch up I’m not missing out on a girls trip absolutely

Not let’s go around find another way oh let’s go this way yeah this way we’re going to have to scale a little bit Yeah to get down yeah okay this looks much safer Ladies okay it’s a little bit safer I truly cannot fall at all though or I’m dead my cankles Myles ma’am wow shaders are so pretty o pumpkin i e that right yes oh no not right away you have to like cook it with sugar and egg

Oh we kill pig okay yeah yeah we need some food I have two HP bars left yeah I have one and a half I don’t know what I’m are these babies no they’re not goodbye I miss you goodbye there’s bees over there goodbye yeah oh there’s sheep

There’s a black sheep don’t kill the black it’s okay that’s crazy do we have a furnace does anyone have a furnace on them not on me okay we should probably get some fish and cook some food I have oh there’s some fish here in

The pond do you guys want to go kill it yes kill it yeah run at them and kill them and then put them in this furnace I’ll put coal in die I’ll go hunt some fish this is my new calling catching fish fish Killer Fish Hunter fish what happens if you k um

What about the squid trying to add everyone who’s playing in no the Jeff oh I don’t know everyone’s twitch username uh RZ bars what’s your wait who is that you are J Cho bars X choco bars okay CH oh there you are I have I have fish and I have yay does anyone need food uh uh yes please here is some

Fish oh I will add some fish to this pile okay that’s a lot of fish do be the Jeff was slain by Asian guys tree the second that’s the second person actually he’s just been killing people no sh me to take one oh no I didn’t need to take any no take these

Out I’ll try to kill some more fish while I’m healing up we fishies here I’ll make you or actually you make like a very shallow U where water looks so pretty though wowe you are fine jazzy Christmas with Dish chat peo happy Ace fish is a great starter thanks starter food in

Minecraft I have fish oh I don’t know if they can hear me if I’m underwater the water is so pretty yeah this is yeah the women are just like Gathering and so civil and they killing each other like Barbarian we need to go to the Cherry

Blossom biome I know no we’re going to boat out into the sea after we’re all done let’s [ __ ] it up all right I’m ready it’s going to be so cute and if we find like a like a Christmasy biome that would be so cute oh my gosh the Cherry

Bow is adorable yeah every year Minecraft turns their chests into presents oh that’s so cute I don’t know when it’s going to happen but I hope they happens soon all right we’ve got five of us so that’s just need three boats oh yes nice I love

Okay we’re just waiting for this fish to cook take forever there’s a thing in the water a thing oh yeah that’s my garbage take your garbage I don’t have anything please please don’t give my garbage back to me but there’s like a um some lava to

The left you guys see that oh yeah so there might be a chest there if anyone wants to go check it out while we wait okay who has armor not me let’s go let’s go saki let’s go check it out um yo is that F I’m going to make myself

A quick meal it is totally Fontaine I don’t know guys I’ve just been in like a I want a game with friends mood lately driving still but I get what she was trying to do but yeah the boat do men comp their pee length I thought that was in this was

There anything good in there did oh I I didn’t go I didn’t go I just came running back when I heard whatever you just said oh the pp length yeah no cuz my chat was like oh men are just doing men things like comparing PP length and I

Was like is that true is that just like proverbial like ego each other is that is it like a euphemism for comparing or maybe it’s to like validate each other I see interesting I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know no boy noises right now it’s great How was it wait where’s saki she’s killing a a a a pig yeah um I got this and I got this and I got and I got that oh my gosh let me explain it okay so uh especially the golden apple if you’re ever in trouble and a monster really scary is killing

You eat that Apple you will be fine does it give you extra hearts or something like that your life yeah it give you extra hearts and it’s just amazing the watermelon does something similar but the apple is stronger oh do you want it then no no no take oh God

Okay I will protect it where hello hi hi B look at it it’s adorable cute are you guys ready um good question almost I mean we’re chilling okay are you working on are you doing something oh I was just coming back but I was killing pigs oh that’s

Helpful okay then I’m going to kill more pigs and I’ll be back okay saki is killing more pigs and then she’ll be back okay we should yeah it’s be good to stock up on food yeah I see more fish spawn here I’ll put my furn back down wait there’s a be

Su okay it might sting you oh welcome back saki we’re ready I think where’s s might need to sit on the back of someone else’s boat yeah but where is she gets a little motion sick she’s killing F she’s killing more she’s getting more food merry crimas everyone po

Tree merry kma oh found diamonds already classic extra rough it did seem like that was his one objective yeah he just like always wants to be the first one to do it stuff like that yeah well it’s not a race yeah it’s not it’s an experience

It’s a race can get on any one of ours backs oh oh no PR no one’s feelings will be how do I get right C click let’s go I thought she was deciding she oh no I didn’t oh sorry sorry that command is wrong oh a my chat is more that’s so

Rare too really really yeah o can we eat the mushroom what you mean twoo what else was rare the jungle biome this jungle biome we keep running into the mushroom pretty R yeah that’s command is wrong oh there’s bamboo does that mean there’s pandas here oh oh yeah there’s

Pandas where we were really I’m going to get some bamboo real quick can you domesticate them domesticate them how do you oh shoot is there a map in this game is there like how do you get out of the oh I’m going to bring some home but oh no it’s already night time

Guys guys guys I got left Behind oh no this going to happen maybe they went the other way no they had to have gone this way this is the only way to go hello dish hello hello I was circling did she kill us yeah I stopped to get bamboo I can’t hear her is she talking sorry I stopped

To get bamboo I did motion sickness settings I I I feel fine so far oh good y okay my plan is to keep going One Direction which is South okay that’s probably best so we don’t get lost yeah how do you know this is South if

You press F3 you’ll see a bunch of [ __ ] that might confuse you um but facing sou yeah it’ll say facing south oh I see I see I see the ice sky looks beautiful you really are a Minecraft master I love MRA I love this game no like I love this

Game so much oh it’s so cute I like it it’s so cute wish you could put a torch on your boat attach one to it like a little Lantern yeah I like the water sounds they make sounds SOI oh I don’t oi what The way to describe things Seline uses the word badon badon bonad for sounds what’s that there’s a vage oh yeah that title’s not updated or the command isn’t updated you can see who’s playing Really maybe we steal their loot take their bed sleep sleep in their bed oh yeah we could steal their beds actually oh wait are there cats in the village can we domesticate a cat oh maybe if you have raw fish everybody watch out watch out there’s uh

Zombies can I set the zombie on fire oh we need all players sleeping I think so yeah oh oh I did set it on fire you can reset your spawn point though how are you living oh horses any Saddles lay down uh that just sets your spawn point get off that bed you

Man that’s our bed that’s mine wow I got a whole we Farm here let’s see what am I doing I am does anyone want to all of this yeah um so sorry are we loing their houses morning oh I didn’t lose it oh my God there’s a zombie behind you hold on

Sorry you look really cozy it’s okay oh oh I didn’t hurt you oh like MRA music oh my God I do kind of want to play Minecraft music who’s shooting at me how do I change the perspective again like the fov yeah uh go to menu oh sorry not fov

The like the actual perspective Janet uh F F5 F5 yes F5 oh good morning thank you everybody W for again uh it turns into wheat but you don’t want to turn it into wheat right now or else it’ll take over a lot of your inventory I don’t know how

To fight okay okay I hit it I hit it I pretend thank you hungry how am I supposed to fight effectively I forgot so your sword and you left click the zombie yeah it’s coming up smash it left click left Shield left click it how come oh there we go

Yeah but what about the bar I’m going so I’m okay IQ I’m taking this stuff it’s nice what are you looking at Pig why I eat it it’s okay you know fight don’t lift a finger don’t lift a finger you just let me know I’ll set the pig on

Fire oh my God I set it on fire I think it ends up cooked if you do that wait really yeah like you don’t have to cook it Oh Come Back Pig how do I get rid of this hey guys I cooked this pig no I I wasn’t I wasn’t trying to be

In third person I was trying to fix it but it C this sheep but I fixed it come here nice I think that’s everybody become food for the greater good need that I got a cooked mutton oh will is also playing violence will ston and fob here we go now everybody’s

Included I just watch it happen I’m glad hello hello hello what are you eating what get oh are these what are these sounds so good is that a rock a smooth Stone yeah I have three beds that I stole I have one bed I guess would we want to reset our spawn point

Or No Yes to the cherry blossoms oh true our new home our new home start going now should we just set sale at night want to go yeah let’s go I need a bed oh I don’t have it oh wait saki can you can you get this too please I don’t have

There’s a cat want it Miss okay so you you have a fish in your hand and then you I don’t have raw fish oh wo wo wo water right just go to the water and Hunt some fish I need some there’s another cat there’s two cats c i good

Morning it’s a galico cat Okay I need this cat okay later where Le fish where fish there we go where is the fish are those are those guys riding on spiders yes oh yes they do that sometimes Oh I feel so vulnerable without a shield dude Minecraft is fun I think I could do this for hours and hours that’s usually how it starts oh God why is the Golem chasing us oh no or nobody me chasing the zombie kill it kill it okay should we continue yeah where are our

Boats I think we left them water I left them over here yeah I think did we leave it here where did we leave it right here in this direction I think oh okay right oh yeah see statue think I stole somebody’s Birch or which way is south

Uh this way oh so maybe we got to go around it like this oh okay okay okay are we all in boats yeah I got saki oh perfect let’s go roll out to the Cherry Blossom what is the motion what is the motion s what is it called the motion sickness mod what does it do oh I don’t have a motion sickness mod I just adjusted the settings to like make it better oh I see yeah for motion sickness turn off like bobbing and stuff oh

Bobbing sure yeah there’s a few other ones but yeah actually I feel quite good right now usually I don’t so I’ve been told I’m a smooth driver you are you are by Don I’ve been told I was F driver do we get off on foot now yeah oh yeah take your

Boats let’s see I have no room though oh I picked up too many flowers a I’m going to drop stuff I don’t know actually you can drop your wooden sword I saw a wooden sword that you had that you don’t use oh how do I drop it you did oh it’s on the

Ground oh you want to drop that one too that one’s your stone one though wait I see some sheep who dropped this gold stuff okay this gold who’s whose armor just dropped like I don’t see that oh oh maybe it was on a zombie I would

Wear that oh yeah I dropped that all I found it in a chest oh you don’t need it like you know the nether stuff you don’t want to wear that if you don’t need it wear it now I can I can I still have the chest plate I haven’t put

It on yet you’d like it you look like you’re wearing rain boots yeah so cute oh this POV is kind of cute I wonder if we’ll find it today cherry blossom surely I believe we domesticate Bees uh you want to domesticate everything I do I think I am going to make a farm it sounds like we’re going to have like a farm of like animals and cats yes everything yes food I would give all the cats a special name a I like that’s

Cute we’ll have a cat named star for Star smitten and then we’ll have one named choco a that’s so cute can we get to pick and choose what color our cat is and stuff like the fur yeah oh my God I don’t know how to make name tags so yeah

We can do that later wait you’re like a breeder actually am an animal crossing I used to breed flowers oo you know so you can get the pretty colors like pink and black I domesticate villagers respect she builds them a dungeon underground oh I remember that

Make them have babies oh wow oh I’ve seen oh I know I’ve seen those and then you trap them in individual to get stuff cells to sell to you at all times kind of farm oh I like that and I just sit in the corner and I

Watch she said I like that huh it she had to think about it but she coming I like that this what you opening what are you opening what are you wrapping what are you un wrapping oh that’s sorry what you eating what you eating I’m opening um premium shortbread cookies that got

Us the ones you got me from Hawaii Hawaii cookies Hawaii cookies Hawai cookies are so good oh my God oh my God I’m e polar bear this is a Christmas snow there’s snow right there I see it foot don’t mess with the polar bears the polar bears are scary we’ll kill you

Oh it’s icy why it’s taking so long I lost my boat but it’s okay oh mine is sinking to the bottom again oh there it is oh I don’t have any inventory space but I’m going to get left behind no it’s all right get the boat okay go uh

No I’m not getting lost again don’t go um Um ladies this is my plight this is my plight actually in life to to decide to stay back to do something and then get left behind this is like my it’s just like my it’s my cross um where don’t go I’m I I lost [Laughter] again help help me oh

Yeah I have your Boat well that’s it I’m abandoned I got to start my new life here until somebody Rescues Me I’ll put on this armor does we grow in snow I’m lost I’m going to freeze to death do they know that I’m gone did they even notice that I’m gone oh cords what the freak F

F1 please I don’t want screenshots um minus 7 67 2920 I’m still by this the ice I stayed back to get boat saki’s coming for me I’m not going to die here I’m not going to die here I’ll wait here for my savior Saki saki monsters won’t be able to reach me

Up here right oh can I make snowballs with this oh I see movement oh saki I See stay back because I stayed back to get Janet’s boat and then and then I I could figure out which way you guys wi I got before it gets dark let’s run let’s go let’s go turns night I will not get lost again I swear it’s okay I might but I’ll try not

To okay we’ll always find you we’re going to that mountain to the towards us to the right is so just go there okay we’re going up that mountain up yeah to the rsh okay why are they so much faster than so brave oh I’m I’m sprinting I pressed

Control she is not I thought I was I hold control and then I hold space bar and I just travel crazy distance but you’ll run out of hunger really fast true oh that’s what that’s for I can barely jump in third person but third person’s less scary I’m sorry I’m

Sorry no sorry it’s my curse yeah what what’s your curse it’s my curse getting left behind but not that I mean I you guys didn’t leave me behind I got lost and then but it’s like my own fault oh boats it’s okay I have beds I made a friend I how it’s l

Sleepover oh my gosh what puppy say w um oops oops I’m not resetting my spawn point because if I do I’m we’re going to get like oh I just said it on accident oh because I’d rather reappear back at our home base than in a snow biome by

Myself this is my new home this is our new home it’s a wolf yeah it’s my baby I should oh no I didn’t mean to do that uhoh I meant to throw the snowball M it’s too late M dis us forever okay now I really can’t die you stuck with us

Forever can you watch my body I have to go to the bathroom Okay be are back are you sleeping yeah we can’t sleep I’m trying to flatten our leg do we have a a furnace by chance I do yes let me you mind thank you puppy s slim

Party um I’ll put it I guess I’ll put it right here right here and then works for me I got raw salmon pork chops Creeper Creeper doggies help keep away the monsters right I hope oh yeah they’ll Chase skeletons but not if they’re seated I don’t know if they can

Move ow I’m getting sniped I should start on dinner so I’m going to make a temporary enclosure for us and then I’ll be back to help build the home okay oh my God start on dinner like real dinner like real dinner I need to really Cook we just have a little temporary tomb closure to protect us okay oh you can come shoot I haven’t heard someone say they have to go make dinner so did you Lally hear I need to order order Uber [Laughter] yeah you helping thanks lucki oh okay that should be high enough they

Can’t jump over these walls right oh I don’t think so okay okay nice I’ll be back okay okay wait Phantoms are a vanilla thing right Jan Jan yeah so we are going to get hit by Phantoms we’re going to get hit by Phantoms with no way out of it yeah yeah um smiley

Smiley we’ll just live oh wait we can’t get into the yeah we can’t oh I see uh here epic oh wow we have a good amount of Stuff this peepe oh are you ladies nice and cozy in good yeah good good Merry Christmas um loving lime thank you for the tier one strawberry syrup thank you for the prime sub uh tone thank you for the 9 months thank you thank you thank you guys I wonder how long starting dinner

Takes cuz I don’t really I don’t want to can’t leave anyone behind got to all go together I guess it depends what she’s making but when I cook I’m gone for like at least an hour oh it’s like a you know Ry hello hi wow you guys made a home there’s a Dog oh my God how cute love it oh I should cook this food do we have oh yeah we merry christm mtia sweatshirt is so cue a thank you I got it from a brand called co co can we use brown mushrooms for

A um if we find the red ones yes then we canbe I wait might be while we wait for Dawn I could do my I could do my HDMI ad read before we proceed on our girls trip could tell you guys about the the glories of the HDMI cord yep

HDMI I don’t like that guy don’t make eye contact with the Enderman I know he might be tall and handsome but you know don’t look at him okay I will not that’s beautiful I’m going to read I’m going to do some of sponsored ad reads while I wait while we wait for Dawn

Okay I’m going to do something really quick too hold on okay is this a fox where’s my thing Landscaping ISO Chatters it really is of young and old so manys oh forgot to mute inin I have performance anxiety I could do my ad read I could talk about

HDMI in front of you guys but not in front of a a live audience who could talk back to me HDMI listen HDMI makes the gaming world go around HDMI 2B gear like the PS5 the Xbox series X the PC with or with a high power graphics

Card can all be nerfed when not paired with the latest and greatest HDMI 4K TVs what’s the point of having a incredible PS5 that can render these insane games if you don’t have a screen that can match you know what I’m saying that can go to um oh uhoh okay it’s fine everyone’s

Inside uh don’t don’t you want to experience the latest HDMI 4K TV Advanced gaming features like Auto low latency uh variable refresh rate uh 120 refresh rate 144 refresh rate for immersive quick Action gaming especially if you’re like an FPS player um High F High pace incredible Graphics gaming is no longer limited

To um a dedicated gaming screen you can do you can experience incredible gaming from your TV so it’s Christmas I feel like TVs like TVs are one of the only things that actually go on good sale around Christmas time and you can investigate TVs that support HDMI 4K uh

21b my TV real you have a TV I have a TV unfortunately I don’t have a promo code to offer you free televisions I’m just here to tell you about the power of HDMI and I mean my setup has like three HDMI chords um I run some of my monitors through HDMI

PlayStation uh Animal Crossing switch it’s all freaking HDMI Ultra highspeed cables support 48 GB of bandwidth and all the 2V1 Advanced gaming capabilities so thank you HDMI for sponsoring My Stream I hope that maybe you could find a good deal on a great new TV uh to enjoy gaming to the fullest not

Just by yourself but with family and friends no free TV no but but after Christmas you know after Christmas when everyone’s returning stuff and and like big stores are coming off of the uh Giga sales from um The Christmas rush like January you can actually get some good deals on

Tech me relabeling my HDMI cables as dish cables from here on out yeah you know what I should talk to them about dish custom HDMI cable it could be green with Froggies on it and could have a little teacup yeah well why not why not huh why not it could be

Braided sold out day one sold thank you HMI you gig Chad for sponsoring twitch streamers especially with all of the ridiculous and unpredictable changes that are going on with twitch HDMI baby makes the world go go round thank you so much HDMI boom check

Check scope it out I did it what if I go another Direction I did my corpa okay y wait Janet I need Stone does anyone have St do you recommend I go H my Grandpa bought me a 25 foot HDMI C it comes in all shapes and sizes North

That’s where we came from go here this way west okay okay I’ll be back do you have food make sure you have food oh excellent I have stone we’re actually on like a trek like a cross country Journey I’m facing I don’t know where I’d be without HDMI monitor list

Probably exactly literally I you know I didn’t even know that HGI was a brand until recently until this I thought HDMI was just like a type of cord like USB is USB a brand surely not surely not yeah I didn’t know that HDMI was like a company it’s like when people say

Kleenex for tissue HDMI is that iconic exactly exactly oh be nice if we had eggs to make some some pumpkin pies oh Flint bake a couple oh no no no bake a couple Potatoes oh should put there bamboo each I may realize I need glasses that’s so epic a chicken wait a minute no wait a minute you are fine 16 months wow now I can’t wait for HDMI gifts for Christmas thank you dish and flour exactly who can honestly who

Can do I have seeds I do maybe some chickens would pop out an egg you go I have one for a Friend Chicken a try it again huh try it again yeah that’s right I’m sure my family wouldn’t mind buying me an entire TV for Christmas

Right I mean I feel like TVs also aren’t as expensive as they used to be wait I just wait where did you come from because is it just you I just fed your friend a Fox I think I just fed your friend would love an egg that’s egg in honor of HDMI sponsor corpor big TV giveaway could you please say that you are fine china line like you did after every sub in the old days circle of life I guess it is it do be what it

Is I yeah I killed the chicken I actually never seen that um HMI sponsor Cora yes thank you everyone who sub today and thank you to HDMI who sponsored My Stream um and welcome to the china cabinet because you are fine china I used to say that for every sub Miss peee left

No can you cook bamboo probably not you’re so cute Is it not the TTS anymore uh um you are fine china but I used to say it this exclamation point song it’s just a really long video can I just say I feel very excited and hopeful about content right now 18 years wow anyway hope you having

A great day Ms dispo comfy TR D thank you for the 18 months feel like I’ve been kind of unfocused I’m not really sure I don’t know I don’t want to say I lost my way this sounds too dramatic it’s more like like I think I lost sight of why I was

Making content and what it is that I like actually love about it and I think that’s coming back like I feel like it’s a mixture of a lot of things but especially this last couple days being with a bunch of content creators and like thinking about how

Much it meant to me and also would mean to the people who get to watch like the video later like I have a clearer vision of of what it is that I what’s the reason I’m making content and like what do I want my content to

Mean so I’m just very excited for this next year and to bring some ideas to fruition yeah what do you love about it um there’s so many things I love about it I think one that I kind of forgot or like maybe the meaning of it got diluted a little bit

Was how cool it is to be able to like connect with people and make people feel seen and like cared for which sounds kind of like self I don’t know how to explain it like self congratulatory that’s not like or like self-important that sounds self-important kind of um but it is just like

The like a lot of my content is very casual and I don’t do a lot of like thoughtful I have been doing more and I have ideas for more but yeah I don’t know I think I just got like a little unfocused and was thinking too much

About myself and not enough about like my audience and why exactly it is that they watch me and watch my stuff I think I was reminded of that recently oh what was that oh no please no no no no no no no are you okay I’m good I’m

Good I was just walking around yapping oopy yeah so I think I’m in a more clear place about it and know what it is that like makes me happy about making content like what kind of benchmarks I’m I really want oh my gosh oh my gosh Seline have you

Been are you like setting up camp here yeah I’m trying to expand the house oh my gosh I’m trying to make it huge huge I mean it’s pretty huge hug you want to start on a farm yeah I didn’t know we were like setting up camp here yeah yeah yeah I think they’re

Going to come eventually the boys eventually once they’re done Racing for diamond oh yeah uh the Christmas playlist that was in song request ended so this song makes me upset because it just makes me feel sad I feel traumatized by the season of jjk bro this the such a far cry

From from the first season season 2 has just been nothing but anguish bro bro bro bro okay I can craft I can do pumpkins you just need give pumpkins like a place to land right okay farm farm are you thinking do you have an idea of where we

Put the farm you can pick anywhere anywhere well it’s really and then I’ll just build around you okay a yeah oh oh oh hold on you are my special do you know that you are literally my special yeah that was way louder than uh I lowkey want to keep listening to Christmas

Music oh wait not did I say Minecraft Animal Crossing the snow music how’s this Yeah yeah how’s that volume good dear diary want I swear jjk fans don’t know how to duct tape their mouths shut for a whole 24 hours literally an hour after an episode comes out my Twitter feed gets flooded with spoilers so far I got spoiled for every episode

And manga yeah I’ve been I’m getting spoiled on the the manga the the anime the manga and the spoilers and the leaks for the manga nothing is sacred nothing is sacred truly why is the world called Goku um because the server that we are in that is where this servers like the

Discord server that this is based in is uh is called Goku that’s why okay I’m going to put the farm I think over here it’s a good amount of open space Coco farming at Sunrise absolutely can you Burn burn can you stop killing everything I’m just going to create a bit of like a platform I guess I SN okay um please tell me oh I left my water did why can’t I melt the snow no h it’s only water that way I mean trees yeah the jjk phandom spoilers like no one has nothing is sacred can’t tell if that’s unrendered or if that’s ocean cow

Yummy okay as long as I just go in one direction I shouldn’t get lost right famous last words or maybe I could find water in a cave oh think I hear water or maybe that’s the music that I hear no no bad I am actually so paranoid of getting

Lost well paranoid is not the right word I do get lost I should say more so that I anticipate getting lost I ow okay maybe cave solo is not a great idea any Greers what if there’s water okay there’s something right on this other wall but not for

Me not for me and not today at least we’re like kind of up on a hill so I shouldn’t get it should be hello hello hi hi hello hi ma’am I’m digging a little bit down here or mining guys uh I am currently looking for water I’m coming up I’m coming up right

Now Tucky to hello hello hi I see you hello did you go on an Excursion yeah I just went to go see like what biome was at the end and it’s a forest biome oh and I was on my way back how far is it from here cuz I really need

Water oh there’s water down there it’s which direction is it oh um let’s go this way okay then we’ll come back it’s get a farm started it is yeah West West just go straight down okay it’s kind of far but just keep going down straight I should go back because my inventory is

Full so I’m going to go empty it okay which direction is is space so um make sure oh yeah so water is facing west and then when we when you go back home go east facing East is home facing west is water uh where is east west on the on

The menu so when you press F3 uh-huh one of the things is called facing like oh you see it it’s on so I’m going west first and then back East yeah facing west water thank you thank you East home okay bye okay by I’ll make it back fine just

Fine so it’s just a straight line pretty much I uh need need water need water Stat okay I want to lose Health too much so I got to might have to Sprint back oh there we go oh this way it’s a long walk for a drink of water okay well that’s all I needed so oh wait that’s all I needed whatever I can start my pumpkins

With this I think let me out almost missed imagine I totally it’s just like so likely that I could have made it all the way back before realizing thanks thank you okay am I going east yeah yes I am hey we should put a tower for those of

Us who are prone to get lost oh can’t we make like mushroom soup or something that would be epic we just need to like stalk up on food sorry I’m sorry I’m really sorry oh leather oh uh why do I have three I have three shovels I’m literally going east what if

I go too far east that’s something I would do uh I think it’s a little bit up this way aha C suck up Here There and Everywhere don’t judge me using a the wrong tools I’m back with one bucket of water let me cook those guess maybe I start with wheat

It’s always safe yes and then I will make my own furnace so like this I did it oh I went too far I’m a [ __ ] genius bro oh it’s like a snow fox yeah they’re so cute they have like little green on them can you domesticate those I’m going to

Try can I go further they’re so pretty have tra every animal lovely yeah Sak is like must love me I’m your mother now Exactly oh wow I totally thought you needed more my mission is to find this cherry blossom so I’ll be back I don’t get lost okay come back home soon okay make sure you have food on you I do dang this is ainal already right my gosh well done get stuck so

Quickly that is not a um question make a boat guys how do you keep your water from freezing over oh a boat you have to make it a 2 by two oh thank you oh a 2 by two mhm I think a singular block will freeze but maybe a 2

By two wouldn’t is it okay if there’s only one source block are you with you oh okay thank you I don’t know actually moving water helps you make an infinite pool of water with two waters you might have to run and grab another bucket though yeah I only have

One bucket took me forever to Traverse far enough okay goodbye goodbye s good bye thank you Bye what are coordinates or Christmas biome how do I type3 um our coordinates are how do I read this oh 205 113 one water covers 9 by9 oh there we go got it wow are you eating dinner already what did you make I made I made kanji kanji oh that sounds

So yummy I know what that is m it’s like rice porch is the best way to put it I put some mushrooms in it I put some bok choy in it Ginger that’s okay cilantro yummy wow shrimp and this thing in Chinese called Century old eggs

Called pe oh I’ve heard of these yeah are they good those are the the like aren’t they really dark yeah yeah I want to try those look so yummy MH what do you need to make mushroom soup a bowl I’m a bowl I decided yeah mhm that I can’t travel at

Night oh yes at night is kind of scary I don’t blame you it yeah not worth not worth as soon as I went outside I got attacked so you did your best do is there any Rhyme or Reason to these chests nope okay I see some rhyme and reason going to keep

Organizing I you make a sword probably like like that I’m a oh hello M hi is that all the tools they probably have a have a a food chest food I agree we can make one I’ll make one okay oops okay put it right here this will be the food chest okay

Do you have a fan blowing in your room by chains oh my God you hear that uh sometimes it’s like like cutting out really sensitive it’s just my computer fan oh no way I can make the voice activation even higher it’s really weird how it’s picking that up it yeah it just

Like goes in and out every couple seconds interesting we can Minecraft oh sugar cane oh you need a lot more water to make sugar can huh hopefully that’s a little better dude there’s so many cows we could like breed cows oh good idea oh we could I need a little door here for

My you need a door yeah just for the farm oh hello a trapo I have some trap they foxes came in where are you guys going stay trap it don’t let it leave Bye they need a trapo uh just any door right here like a real door yeah oh just so I can ah get easily out to the farm oh it froze again killing my food thought it was a 2 by two man what am I doing wrong

Actually if any of you know chat I wouldn’t mind go away can make beautiful this can be like the great room yeah I will organize wow who built this place it’s great huh did you make this place Seline built it crazy actually amazing no it’ll look better I promise it looks

Great no no no it’s going to look like a real home I I believe it’ll look better but right now it still looks amazing agree okay goodbye course goodbye all right guys we’re going oh we have obsidian so we just need diamond and we can make a enchantment table

Formally only goes three blocks out so you from the source block so you need a certain amount of light at all times oh I see oh wait well almost I see okay oh no you died oh that is not what I to do I see so these aren’t growing because

They’re too far from the surce Block okay I’m done eating I’m need more water well they Sun just Rose so if we wanted to continue our quest Quest for uh Sakura Cherry B Taki is on that mission at the moment oh she did she go already um that’s a good question she just

Out I’m not really sure where he went okay we’ll do enemy drops here organ do we collect any of that bamb oh we have a lot of books excuse me is that a bir yeah did did you did you collect any of that bamboo from earlier I did

Oh I see it there’s some right here drop it on the floor oh thank you Mhm can bamboo just be planted anywhere yeah I think so can does it need sun uh I don’t know if I need some but it’s going to grow forever it seems yeah it doesn’t really stop growing they just go and they go just go where they please I’m not

Married to those uh bamboo locations so feel free to move them are you sure yeah oh yeah oh it’s making me kind of sleepy oh my God fb’s already trying to enchant things I know that guy is speed running he’s playing the game just for this he’s

He’s going to end game already we’re just trying to enjoy life yeah what’s he going to do once he like I don’t know finishes the game then um that’s kind of cute I dedicated oh man I’m getting sleepy this is not good wake up wake

Up the night is young it is Young and Minecraft is so relaxing that it kind of like so sleepy it’s okay I understand this game is like the epitome of relaxing and the organizing is just like I’m zoning out mhm all right I’d call that organized oh everything’s so

Organized almost done a couple more things to do guys what’s on a margarita pizza um B Margarita mozzarella and basil mozzarella and AA sauce bless you thank you H ordering pizza okay I think almost everything is organized oo everything’s so cozy once we get more valuable items it’ll be easier

But we don’t really have any stones or any gear or anything yeah it’ll be way more organized okay great um I think I would like to go strip mining yeah start finding some some goodies can BR torches and wood H door in case of water

Okay I think I’m going to get down as close to sea level as possible and then I will start strip mining so I’ll let you guys know just general vicinity of where I Am see you later byebye okay I’m going west oh there’s oh this is a good place to start and there’s water as well okay good to know there’s a little bit of water this way can I get any lower dish solo Adventure height I love Minecraft I love streaming

Minecraft feels so chill wonder how many people join stream and are already asleep wonder if there’s any go anywhere I like it would be unwise to oh yeah it’s already night time should get underground esap oh I’m still 58 that’s not that bad actually ow maybe I will stumble into a

Cave is it g to switch hands F yeah oh oh okay I can’t live with a stone pickaxe anymore I can’t do it yeah I’m hearing I am hearing some like this is this is like older Animal Crossing music oh that’s no good uh that was like my first oh my first game

Was ah it was a DS Game hey diamond and found diamonds New Leaf and then what was the what was the Wii one oh dirt oh wait I need to one is this what what happens if there’s thir do that mean I’m entering something or am I just unlucky safe folk yeah yeah yeah yeah city Folk

Oh oh oh I hear a cave why so much dirt bro 33 little bit more to go my first game was the wild cats game on PBS Kids website oh man the first computer game I think that I can remember was the Lilo and Stitch sandwich game I was obsessed with the

Game holy moly I could play it for hours and then I played some like poly Pockets games oh yeah oh oh this is gravel what oh oh stop making me switch tools iron thank you God just a little bit but I’ll take it I’ll take

It just a couple more and I can start strip mining you guys mine it strip mine at 12 or 11 I normally do 12 oh right as my pickaxe breaks it’s okay I can make I bring a crafting table idiot since the new caves and cliffs

Updates I don’t think strip mining is as effective oh so more so like you like you find a cave negative 57 that low thought it used to be wasn’t it 12 way back when finding caves is better where do caves spawn typically like what level I need a

Shield oh thank God now I can breathe yeah where do where do uh caves typically uh spawn what level the lower you dig the higher chances of finding damage which is why negative 57 is better really dang I’m I guess I forgot I’m not really educated on the caves in close update TBH

Oh 2023 best way to get diamonds deep slate diamond ore 58 got it or 57 H well the thing is I really like strip mining so might not be able to resist doing a little bit dang it I don’t have enough for a little bit longer on Stone people take you with me

Byebye strep mining so mellow you know in caves you got like Monsters and cliffs and places to fall BR G I don’t want to do that but if I find a cave then I guess I’ll go in deep sleep what about lava can’t you just like end up in lava if you don’t

Have if you dig get that level well maybe I can find yes yes thank you God thank you God thank you God dig straight down more fun I don’t think that’s fun I do not think that is funny come back up for that at any

Level I guess I thought was it it used to be that minus 11 was like the same level that the Lava Lakes were so that it was so it was better to strip to strip mine at 12 than 11 like it was you could potentially

Find more Diamond at 11 but it was more risky let’s what it that’s my memory oh I need an iron pickaxe I can’t do this anymore taking this going to going to conserve a bit he could have brought way more Yippe RTX 490 yeah I have a pretty strong PC now thank you Lord okay give me freaking iron bro no oh finally uh let’s Do helmet since I don’t have it still good on food haven’t eaten anything some much Stone I don’t need no don’t give it back to me No onward gold this stage I’ll take gold I’ll take it oh I hear something I can’t tell if it’s from the Ambiance of the video I’m watching or if it’s h oh least if I die I’ll respawn at the Winter Camp you’re watching a shark tail it’s a

Banger I love that movie watching him forever don’t need the hoe why I bring that minus 57 H I still have so Far and I haven’t stumbled in any caves whoa whoa who I’ve reached the point of like I’m getting disoriented like I know I’m looking down but been looking down for so long is this gamly Minecraft server uh scam plus there’s there’s a there’s lots of friends on this one so I don’t really

Know if I can find at this point scam and Friends of scam it’s SC premium you never know oh 57 give me that and give me that you are fine and give me that and should grab my it hitting the top is so annoying I’ll install stairs eventually BR this and I’ll throw

My nonsense oh no don’t need that my one iron H raw copper guess I could guess I could just for now that there I have to come back up Anyways oh and I have C stuff I don’t need yep uh should have brought more wood honestly I should go get more U but it’s so far no all right May our Bounty be plentiful step scam so much as I hate the name scam okay 57 off we go

I will find diamond I will find diamond whoa I thought I heard someone’s voice it’s going to freak out I will find diamond I will find diamond I will find diamond redstone take it for the XP sometimes or be connected to each other I’m going to find diamond I will find

Diamond F’s already got diamond armor I hate him I hate him oh never mind I respect and appreciate fob Master unless this is only a one a single Diamond a thunderstorm oh no oh two two what about three no way it’s only two I’m poor I’m broke it’s okay I didn’t have diamonds

Before D yay dishes firsts diamond baby’s first diamond cool onward to to bro yippe I’m pacing on the floor and my cat just walked on my canvas ah say thank you it kind just made it better yippee Oh no just realized if Jake doesn’t join at some point I owe ASU 10 gifted Subs I was counting on him getting foro as he is so prone to I have found any more diamonds no back to broy stone pickaxe for two seconds Until It Breaks I have to make another One I did not bring enough wood do you have a water bucket I do I know I wonder if I guess I could do the swim trick oh they’re coming to the cryst house oh yeah should make like 10 no I’m going to make two because I’m

Going to find p uh iron and then I won’t have to use Stone anymore I’m going to hit big on diamond right chat get this out iron oh my gosh uh come on yeah another another what if it’s only two again oh let’s go go let’s freaking go

Or I will dig a little bit more around but wait can you break can you you can’t break diamond with stone can you you can’t broy I need to come back for it [Laughter] cool that was close I was like halfway through de mining it till I was like

Wait something feels wrong about this something isn’t right okay I will find iron I want to get the cool achievements kayate thank you for the prime sub black Lev thank you for the tier one sorry I missed that earlier I run I run I run oh diamonds I can’t touch

Them how hard can it be can I even break this with stone I’m broke I have enough I have Diamond but I don’t have freaking iron no howdy howdy P what’s up come on throw me a bone I you got iron down here dang I should have to conserve some

Of my pickaxe for more Diamond finding and I can probably find iron if I go back up to the surface it’s easy enough to to locate wonder if it’s daytime or I could punch some holes near the higher parts of my oh I only have 11 torches left can’t go much further

Anyways is it harder to find iron at deep in at uh like deep site levels what was that noise can’t wait for pizza spawns higher up might need to go higher fine hopefully it’s daytime and I can just OAB boa get some iron and come back M won’t worry about having to

Give having to give a to 10 Subs because Al an old man memory you’re kind of TR right now uh best I 20 2023 iron mining levels -4 and 72 okay so let’s go for like 26 netive 20 oh or yeah right around Here wait is it daytime it’s too far to tell surely it’s my lucky day have a snack P get attacked it’s my lucky freaking day wow I was right next to this should probably explore a bit more as well epic iron okay anything else thank you God thank you God did I bring

My it doesn’t matter actually uh I’m going to put these here okay cuz you know your girl gets lost hey didn’t see that until it was U I was already heading toward it I dare say that gave me uh it gave me a fright oh is that oh I’ll take that

That no way I just heard the doorbell ring there’s no way that’s our pizza literally no way it is what insane break neck delivery speeds God bless Toppers God bless Toppers Pizza just kidding I wasn’t going to come down there all right maybe I’ll come down

There I have a shield now at least hold on can protect myself a bit who wants some I got a stone sword and I’m kind of afraid to use it do it good see are pizza is here already yeah kind like oh is it really oh weird you want

To run um no I going to I was going to wrap up when the pizza got here but I anticipated that being Diamond up there that being a lot further away from now uh oh my gosh okay you know what I don’t actually have an iron pickaxe yet so I should

Just okay chill out bro okay all right okay okay okay okay that was sus sus okay hidey hole really quick that was almost not epic Ging okay here’s what we’re going to do jet we’re going to smell this iron going to make an iron pickaxe as well as maybe

Some pants I’m going to go get that diamond we’re going to go back up through the hole and then um get the diamond that I left behind maybe strip mine a little bit further but my piece is here because Toppers moved at the speed of light to deliver

It that I would like to go eat with Joshua might be a bit of a shorter stream oh it’s been 3 hours okay not that short I guess it feels like it’s no way it literally feels like it’s been an hour hour and a half I mean I guess three is on the

Shortest side but not as short as I thought oh cutie Cinderella’s Christmas concert is tonight I didn’t know that cute have to watch the highlights later okay um bro when am I going to start bringing my crafting table with me I actually don’t have enough wood to just

Be using it like this or we should make an iron sword plus five armor plus six no I don’t have enough for that pickaxe X sword is only two do that instead I guess I have three actually why not let’s use it all okay now I’m more protected let’s have a baked potato

Big Papas um okay anyone want to mess with me bro trying to like jump from one oh no okay don’t fall please excuse me just get this yet just two fine just want to make sure nothing else in my line of sight okay now let’s get out of how do I get down

Here isn’t that the question of the day how did I get here and how do I get back assume if I go up I’ll be going the right way oh yes is it oh Epic um peek around this thank you God thank you God thank you God for my

Curiosity it has led me to so many wonderful things in my life especially diamond curiosity is my lifeblood if I wasn’t curious if I didn’t have like an insatiable curiosity I would not I would never achieve anything in life genuinely I’m being real Oh I thought it was Dam I thought

There was uh iron the possibility of the future keeps me going in so many ways okay let’s uh quit while we’re ahead get out of here take those I’m poor this chocob Bar’s Janet but I’ve been on my own for like a good hour now just mining can chat suggest a game that

Would keep me entertained for at least one hour yeah I would suggest sea seea is very addicting I don’t know if there’s any good phone knockoffs yet but it’s a switch game or you could play uh Cookie Run that’ll keep you occupied for more than an hour easy go a little bit

Further just until my pickaxe Runs Out agree don’t care my Sea’s bootleg CRI and no switch Yeah that’s that’s the C kicker the game costs only $2.99 but the console that’s another I for there’s a hotkey for that H I’m out of pickax I mean torches anyways I don’t like mining in the

Dark I search s online Cookie Run will definitely keep you busy for more than an hour Easy Come On One More Diamond excuse me one more string of diamonds I understand why fob wants to start doing enchantments and stuff it’s kind of like I don’t really like using

Diamond tools until I can enchant them like at least for diamond pickaxe I want at least Unbreaking before I start using them I will at least me I will use iron until I have like a mending pickaxe maybe I’m too Frugal mending on gear I guess I can go

Without but at least early game when you don’t have a big stack of diamonds I’m not using it until I have uh come on one more time I’m out of Tores I need the one that illuminates I need the mod that makes the actually ah silder Shader does does it where if

You’re holding a if you’re holding a torch in your hand the area around you will stay lit I would I would dig in a dark environment if I could do that but these shaders don’t work oh iron what the heck I’ll take that we we take those right now we take

Those oh yeah there was IR I thought I was hallucinating it was iron just two though IR IR I tend to wait to get netherite you wait for netherite to you using your Diamonds oh yeah I forgot you can make netherite stuff now I totally forgot about that part 90% do I hear

Lava the moment this the screen is eliminated in front of me I’m sprinting in the opposite direction the new Minecraft updated having like two new mobs and a single new block yeah oh oh I don’t like I don’t like mining around iron mower all right unless you got a secret

Diamond I just heard Joshua rip a crazy fart oh I hear lava I hear lava I hear lava I don’t like hearing lava nope that’s it for me I’m leaving oh can I have that nope I will not lose my nine precious diamonds to freaking to a freaking lava lava lava

Cake cover me in Gold oh what is that song Having a memory come back allora about freaking time you showed up look I have nine diamonds dendrum C is better than Kay that is correct why fortunately Kay is not good we hate that we we hate to see that ow oh my gosh I haven’t moved my arms my my my

Elbow the scammer was asleep I see I see all Right at this hour oh um great I will take that whe I can live without late is this what auration stands for no no no don’t call it auration because that’s just validates Allin isn’t real okay it’s made up propaganda it’s propaganda oh I see a name hot stuff

Uhoh oh oh right that’s why I didn’t dig up the whole thing wonder who it would be no it’s night time eight night time I hate it when I don’t have a full a full Enchanted armor set okay it’s fine I’m supposed to go East to get back home I

Think these are my torches so maybe I can find whoevers these are hello is there’s someone running around here do I have a chingu a I think the did you just shoot the I give me give me your arrows no drops no no no no no it’s wowy daytime

Hello welcome back h i me it welcome home thank you I missed you very much getting attacked okay who full diamond armor what’s up you’re crazy I actually actually actually actually I was about to come back here and be like wow guys guess what I found nine

Diamonds and like the first thing I see is the full drip a fly D there we go there we go now now now I’m now I’m chilling okay how do you make a shield I don’t know how how you make a shield how do you make a

Shield any noers uh yeah you use an iron block and it’s block no sorry iron whatever it is the block the the square Ingot and uh this is such a nice house or what don’t you have the recipes visible I can’t remember exactly the formation there’s a recipe thing oh okay

Yeah it’s uh yeah it’s at the top okay and you make like a fork you have a diamond sword too did you find them all yourself yeah where did you find them uh in the [Laughter] mine asking for specifics in the cave in

A water cave in a in a cavern in a in a mine shaft in a strip mine in a m in a strip mine just [ __ ] in a strip mine I used four iron pickaxes wow dang you kind you bring back any more iron home I brought four ingots I have 10 in

That is Flint right I’ll just hold on to my diamond for now our house is so beautiful wow oh this is how you keep it from Yeah I should put space power outages your house I know the hoil house oh really oh no this bad timing that’s why will keeps disy okay I’ll put a I’ll put a space between these two it’s kind of hard to walk around okay I have a pizza to eat so I’m going

To I’m going to head off okay are you g to come back maybe maybe tonight but me and Joshua also have a Minecraft server that we’ve been playing on so might play with with him enjoy your pizza Miss thank you okay I don’t know if you guys have

Anything to do with deep slate but I have so much of it wait what I have so much deep slate just putting it in a I was more asking oh my gosh we have a ton I was more asking on a decorative level if people wanted deep

Sleep cuz I don’t know what to do with it all right I’m dcing have a good night guys night all right medium stream medium stream not really short average maybe a little bit less an average little snack bite yeah until I have reached my full power um let’s see today

Saturday okay you won’t see me tomorrow because I’m hanging out with family but I’ll be back Monday probably will be streaming most days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday maybe one day off if I need to do some preparation for the karaoke stream and maybe possible gift that I am working on that I feel

Possessed to make and that’s all I’m saying about it for now there will be more Minecraft streams absolutely yes yes absolutely but I’m going to go eat pizza Sing Santa know you like I do um mayhaps I mayhaps I will I started listening to that song during the days that I was with

Bas so it’s I feel like the song is always going to remind me of the secret santa I keep saying weekend it wasn’t a weekend it was just it was three days so in my mind it was a weekend it will remind me of that trip so I’ve been I’ve been it’s very

Sentimental to me now I’m now a Sabrina Carpenter stand because of that song okay Champs dish lings pork spoons whatever thanks for hanging out with me shichi thank you for the tier one Sub um have a great rest of your weekend probably hopefully zzz beta video about the beta tomorrow if my sponsor can get back to me that would be so awesome sponsor on that video they could just answer my question it would be so awesome so I can post my

Video you’ll see me live next Monday sponsors sponsors I probably shouldn’t speak ill of sponsors right before I post of their sponsorship but this is like a standard procedure like thank goodness most of my back and forth work is handled by managers what the dude it’s so often that sponsors are super

Like tight and and hard on their like their creators to like get everything done on time like there’s no room for error there’s no room for delays you must have your draft and all of the related stuff on my desk by Tuesday but you might not hear from them for

Like four or five days I’ve like stopped what I’m doing to get something done on the weekend for a sponsor but then I won’t hear back till Monday at 10: a.m. so it’s just it’s weird because they they give the impression that they really like especially right

Now they’re always like we want it out for like people to be able to to be able to market for people who are buying for like Christmas gifts and stuff so I think the original date for this one was was like December 7th so they’re super hard on the

Creators to get things done on time but then they don’t get things done on time just like it makes it feel like that the I don’t know it’s always like this whatever as long as I’m happy with it and I get paid this is not the Christmas spirit it

Just is always kind of funny I just have to I just have to be okay with like I can only control what I can control and if they want things done by a certain date but then don’t give me the tools I need to get it done by a

Certain date that’s actually what’s what’s that’s what only thing I really get from frustrated with is when they are super intense on like we need the draft by 3 days from now and then they don’t provide the brief or the talking points until like two days before I’m supposed to send it

Back and I’m like you didn’t give me enough time like like I need at least a couple days to film and shoot as long as they abide by their timeline I am so more than happy to abide by mine or by their timeline for me it’s just

When they when they have delays but they still expect me to like basically pick up the slack for their bad timing like time management mean not like I’m not really uh I like my job but just it’s sometimes sometimes people in this industry just kind of this it really cries my

Gears is it contracted that you have to do things on time but they don’t have to well so when you get normally how it works is you get a you’ll get an offer and they will decide on like a post date and when they want the draft back

Um I guess it’s not a written how long you should provide materials to your creators before you want the draft but typically I would say most of the time the standard procedure is to provide like a brief in talking points at least a week before you want to draft

Back um but many times it’s happened where I haven’t gotten a brief until like Friday afternoon and they want it back on Monday okay I’ll do my best and I do like as as unless it’s completely out of my control I can’t I will do my best to

Pick up the slack but it’s just I just wish that they would communicate and like if they’re late on something they should allow me a couple more days it’s just like corporate it’s like corporate stuff I would like to think that user CR would have freedom to go with a

Different sponsor if you needed to but I don’t know how that works uh it varies I have long-term sponsors and that’s like that’s easy because that’s all like you establish the terms early on and you just kind of stick to them and you know how what you kind of

Content you need to get out at a certain time it you this usually happens with like companies that like want to have a want to put like a game sponsor on your video and they have like a super tight turnaround cuz it usually that usually means it’s like thrown together so

That’s why they don’t have the materials ready for you but they still expect you to like turn things around in 24 hours uh rage Shadow Legends actually R Shadow Legends is usually really good to work with because they are I mean you know how R Shadow Legends works okay they

They they be promoting they be promoting and the bag is usually pretty good not going to lie Roman thank you for the prime sub um so they’re like a well oiled machine easy it’s usually like I I would say I have had the most issues with like upand cominging develop

Vel opers or developers that are releasing new games or releasing their first game like first significant game or companies that aren’t really like in the gaming space yet or haven’t done a lot of like twitch or YouTube activations sometimes their expectations are just like not really reasonable I was thought rage just was

Sort of money laundering thing behind the scen I would say most creators at one point most gaming creators have at one point asked themselves where are they getting the money from but raid has a big player base you know that yeah there’s a mty right here there’s an Ashley right here

The gas are awake yeah but they’re usually great to work with raid most of us are like I’m not going to do a raid sponsor unless unless the Price Is Right sure well I’ll I’ll play R for two hours yeah disclaimer I always want to make it clear whenever I complain about work

Stuff I love my job I’m very privileged to be in this position I enjoy it 90% of the time and I’m grateful I’m grateful grateful to be in this position 90% you well you know you get used to stuff and different different benefits always come with different challenges but overall I love my

Job you better slice those cancel Tik Tok edits in half cancel edits Tik toks well I just don’t want to be like toned deaf and be complaining about oh my gosh I have to talk about a video game I have to play a video game for two hours my life is so

Hard to people have to like go to school or go to a 95 job and clock in and have bosses telling them what to do just don’t want to be uh no dude I’ve seen videos of like people it’s usually people who have been doing content for like a year that I’ve

I see people being like um actually being a twitch streamer is really hard um yesterday I had to work a full I had to work almost eight hours um first I woke up and then I spent an hour doing my hair and makeup which was so hard

Um and then I had to get my nails done and I’m actually mixing right I’m more I’ve seen more of these types of videos from like fashion and like lifestyle influencers oh my gosh I’m so tired I had to work eight hours today oh oh my gosh you mean like

Everyone Oh you mean like the average American and they have to go home and cook oh my gosh the horror oh my gosh you had to run errands you had to make a Target run like things people do on their days off I’m so sorry for you your life is so

Hard I just I I am always very conscious of that and I never like I just can’t imagine tuning into a streamer after working or while you’re working like a like a difficult job that you don’t like in hearing someone who gets to play games for a good portion of

Their of their daily life complain about how hard it is you [Laughter] know yeah content creation is hard to be successful in but the actual workload is so manageable it’s more like the psychological part of being in front of the camera and like being confident like that part I would say

Is difficult but as far as a job it is not hard it is not hard have you ever worked a corporate job yes uh I worked before I did content creation I worked at a market or no I wor I was marketing director at a small like a midsize

Company in a cubicle uh kind of it was like a it was a smaller office so I had like a we had two people to a cubicle but it was like a Inlet there wasn’t like a door or anything wasn’t like a uncomfy cubicle I had a standing desk back

Then that was fire should lowkey get a a standing desk might be a good investment marketing manager whoa yes I was the marketing director I was the marketing director I got promoted to marketing director about two two two months before the pandemic hit I then I went home and I collected

My employment for a couple months while I played Animal Crossing for for 6 hours today uh which is kind of crazy CU California at least California was pumping out the unemployment and the covid relief pumping out yeah and then I started then I started I mean I had been making Tik Tok content

Already um not anything gaming related but just like I was doing some artistic stuff that was doing well and then I just did like Trends or whatever I had built a small audience and from there I started streaming and I started with Animal Crossing and started to like make money again 2020

Moment I was bummed about I mean yeah I wasn’t I was bummed about not being able to do my job cuz we had I had just dude at my work I had just gone through like a like a month and a half process of like heavy rebranding and restructuring like like intense

Um goal definition and like brand messaging refinement like I had I had a big plan for for this company and how we were going to continue to grow and then the pandemic hit and my all my plans just I don’t think someone has posted I did I did so I started doing

Like the higher level marketing stuff when I was promoted but previously I was doing email marketing and I was doing Instagram and I started doing Tik Tok and uh I don’t think we did Twitter but I did all those types of marketing I don’t think that company’s Instagram post

Instagram account has posted since I left there’s still in business but they don’t post on Instagram that’s kind of I mean they’re still in business I think they do really good word of mouth so I did by the time that they that the world was opening back up and they were

Ready to like rehire the people that they had let go um I was already making enough money to support myself doing stream content Creations so I I think my manager my manager was aware um like the overall manager knew that I had been doing content and that I was

Doing well so I think he knew that I wasn’t going to come back that I had moved on were you playing mine waft without me I was I was but I was playing on a I was playing on a genin cc plus server do you have a Minecraft server

I’d play with you man we need to play lethal company actually I need to get you on lethal company um yes sorry I was I meant to end but then we started chatting so yeah anyway dish Lord oh what were we talking about I love being a conent Creator that’s

All that’s all that’s all I really want to say it’s fun and if you have interest in consecration you should try it genuinely you should try it because it’s it even it could be like a nice little side hustle seriously if you have a special especially if you have like a niche

Interest just like start making Tik toks about it or whatever just have fun enjoy it I think content is a nice content is like everything now it’s like a part of every job at this point um every company yeah I think I I I like being my own

Boss I don’t think I was cut out for office life or like 9 to5 I really hated it like I didn’t hate my job but I just hated the having to go somewhere and work for and like run down the clock I hate that but yeah I think the Financial Freedom that

Comes with like starting something for yourself or doing something that’s your own if you have interest in it I would say it’s worth it Tetris content yeah I’d watch sounds cozy you can genuinely make content of anything any Niche interest that you have you can make content out

Of it 100% Tik Tok the algorithm oh my gosh the algorithm on Tik Tok is so incredible and YouTube too Tik Tok is better but YouTube too you will find your audience and just like your Tik Tok account is Niche and and very specific to you the same way as

A as a Creator you’ll find your people my content will be reacting to Dish videos sounds boring it’s a diss on both of us we did conentration it’ be so all the place because I have so many interests just make like 10 accounts only the ones I

Make so my and your content together YouTube gives me constantly random Chinese games with girls that Tas out I don’t know if they yeah Tik tok’s better the algorithm’s better Joshua sitting at the table no he knew that I wasn’t going to come out right away but I should end

Um let’s see who else is streaming is uh we already readed s the other day is Miss Pee streaming no oh she’s offline actually oh no she’s not she pretend offline let’s raid fob sorry if you see BBA sorry if you hear something sus fob stream is is definitely an 18 plus

Stream but he’s my friend so okay say hi to fob thank you for watching inaugural new Minecraft server fob has degenerate Chatters yeah yeah very much so okay Gamers um probably a mixture of Minecraft and other things for the next couple days who knows life is a mystery bye Chad

Chief Cutlery signing off byebye

This video, titled ‘hi froggies 🙂 MINECRAFT SERVER LAUNCH DAY ! !hdmi #ad’, was uploaded by Dish VODs on 2023-12-22 21:03:25. It has garnered 400 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:17 or 14177 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dish

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  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

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  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

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  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

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  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

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  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

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    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More