Minecraft: Ultimate Bee Madness – Flower Power!

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For e did not do that right but hello hello welcome to another adventure oh that wasn’t fast enough wasn’t fast enough sorry but welcome to another adventure of we back after a long extended break been quite a while but I was away for the weekend so I play that much

So I’m here now doing a little bit of a later Adventure but I’ve been prepping a lot of things ahead of time actually get some flowering down now that I have the basics up and ready to go I think we can do it and

Have a little bit of fun a little bit of excitement so I have a few things planned for today is I am going to fight a boss see who I can get actually help fight a boss and then do a bit of this oh yeah speaking of which I got all the basic

Setup so I will show you what I have currently so here is our current setup we have the sippy flowers hold on you have to hear these listen closely hear that do you hear them sipping such a relaxing noise you can sit here and listen to flowers sip all

Day all day I could listen to flower Sip and here is our our little flame box Contraption uh we have an open crate which is from batania Super Crate a box yeah it just drops items that’s all you have it connected to a hopper which has coal which these flowers feed off of

Burnable items they’re like a furnace except they generate this here which we’re actually almost full insane I never expect to have a full Mana pool but we have a buffer over here so that’s good so I don’t think this will fully fill the Mana pool but it will be

Enough this is enough for now we can get set up with this amount fact we can progress quite far with that much Mana right now uh we want to make a Mana tablet allow us to store Mana we’ll do with this oh yeah the first start is these daisies which

Purifies we get like stones oh it does does sew for logs too so hold I don’t currently have logs on but yeah it purifies stone and rock and turns into Living Wood St need to progress here we’ll get like four three sure it is quite useful my setup’s not going to be the

Most optimized Mega Ultra setup it’s going to be from what I remember put this down logs there we go yeah it’ll convert it into what we need but for now let’s build that Mana tablet so to actually make a Mana Pearl that’s I think we need one this

Yep just throw it in a pool and now we have this which we can easily craft over here and this is the start of our journey Mana Journey oh yeah here it is in fact we can do it a bit more so I had some Mana steel found out we can make a

Ring this we have a Mana ring don’t want have our tricket slot which honestly I’ll keep what we have already cuz it’s good I think it just stores Mana passively it doesn’t have to be equipped to store man I’m not sure oh no but it will be

Fine so we will progress more into this uh spks guys are just sparkly sparkly guys help with Mana pools don’t need them right right now goes the stream it just started I’m getting everyone introduced and what I’m doing today going to be a wild ride currently we have four people on the

Server don’t know what azriel’s doing I think he’s I think he’s been in his Tower automating stuff all day for the last six streams he’s been automating I don’t know what he does I haven’t checked busy but I assume he’s going crazy what we are going to do back on everyone

Else the other doing I think they’re over here yep yeah they are will be the start of our adventure hello the copper blocks that you made beforehand will no longer be able to turn into copper ingots like they’re supposed to I think we have alloy use alloy

Forgery we can get it get copper blocks I just got to remember how to build Luna has uh cut cut copper and was trying to make it back into ingots and it wasn’t working oh yeah you can’t you can’t change those back to ingots yeah but you you could

Before yeah it shows up in the item search too I think it’s just with some of the mods being weird and yeah how much we can do it’s supposed to make not cut copper when we mix it together yeah but that’s what it’s doing it’s Ed yeah

So the bug that exists has made a different bug cuz now we can’t get our copper back when previously we made yeah cut copper on accident because don’t ever cut copper that’s my only solution unless we get into alloy forgery which I don’t

Know is there a book for it or do I have to look it up on the mod website I think I have to oh that sucks I’ll do that I know it’s it’s all good I was just going to try and turn blocks back in the in so I could use

Them but that’s fine well you could ripped off if you made those blocks before the fix of the chin cut blocks turning into ingots yes which it doesn’t do anymore I can actually build this here to build St keep SLS uh do we have

Blackone I do I have a sh T let’s go craft one of these yeah I I minded a lot because I was using it for I I was going to use it for my hello it is kind of warp here yeah I noticed yeah I was going to use it for

My little building oh yeah but I didn’t because I forgot it was made out of gilded it’s here oh sweet I need to make a blast F I don’t know man I’m tired I mean one we have we have one right here but I don’t want to use this one this one’s

Ours looks nice there you look nice here sorry okay we okay I am going to start build yes instead of what I was previously doing don’t call them what the the heck do we make smooth Stone what is there a different recipe for that smoth oh my God we smelt it twice really

Okay well polish eight hey yes what’s up thanks for the smooth Stone thanks for the thanks for the black stone no problem okay well H mate I can’t speak I can’t save my life I don’t know obviously bloopin dot dot don’t give me bloopin dot dot dot I can’t speak to

Save my career all right I don’t know why is there a bow in here oh why isn’t there a bow uh I actually have the means to fight a boss right now if we find a zombie yeah yeah uh I just need to throw this splash potion of Str STR on them a

Giant let go it up let’s go at least I hope so I was reading the advancements won’t find one there not a single zombie come on die thank you hey you stay back East okay we just need a single zombie this the Guy is this the guy hey spider okay based off what I read on the advancement page if I whip this at this guy he becomes something something oh my God he’s huge what is he doing [Applause] what please die get him Ki his Ass um what do we get from that baby zombie did we get anything from that the hell happen that’s a white dragon that’s what [Laughter] happened feel sorry I’m sorry chat I think it’s dark you think he probably is po mobile users can’t see you I don’t have any

Torches sucks suck imagine being a mobile user but yeah no sorry well that zombie was cool it was pretty damn fun we just kicked its butt instantly like it was passing all right I got it where are you going this was that oh I just a my Phone my okay wonderful okay so these are Boots propels the bear with the power of the Giants hold sneak then jump okay ow suck uh you can have them your boots I don’t think I can wear them but thanks okay well thanks for fighting big boss with me know these are

Like iron level I can’t wear these creeper oh I’m drinking I’m drinking a drink that’s not fair Ah okay I will get the heck out of here oh I’m out of flight juice I wish I had fireworks anyways does not matter ow why is every Enderman want to kick my freaking ass go Away me up there’s a problem on This Server every time I try to exist peacefully an Enderman out of nowhere attacks me just start a war against them don’t think anyone’s going to poop make the blast furnace Ed for the Allo thing okay I don’t know how to build This valid multiblock configuration what’s the multiblock tell me what is it according to this pattern that’s the person that’s made one before one’s Different block supports blocks okay need a bunch of Polish and yeah the sippas are here that’s flowers to Exist I got too close and I was stealing them on accident this is my little tiny setup fact my I felt a Mana pool this way you want to just dump vable garbage toss in here okay going to craft a thingy Kebab do you see what’s this face configurations for for the sippy

Flowers I I don’t remember his name or anyone’s name [Applause] perator yeah that one have not seen his configuration eight X12 3 4 5 6 over here yeah I think the best configuration is just this one here all sip the he you drowned are you tall enough Yet I Drown Dam It looking at the mob mod website okay right I may have made an extra block so it’s okay oops I can’t click on already screwed up that was the wrong block good job me there you go this should be it valid multiblock configuration Aha know it takes F there it is yeah two recipes melt everything all of it pretty sure we can smel things more efficiently can we can you yeah two wow two blocks of raw iron turn into three blocks of iron that’s pretty good to what two blocks of raw

Iron or two raw iron turns into three iron ingots this is we’re guaranteed to get two two gold is three gold still what about full blocks that can’t be converted finding that we can make blocks of copper this way we compress copper to the raw form and then turn it

Into lots of blocks of copper then we the copper to turn into ingots you can you can smell cenite into more cenite that works perfect what was what were you doing flowers getting a little flowery pass step one now it’s time for step two get deeper into flowers I need a runic alter

This thanks to all the Endermen that hate me crafting have a good amount of two chapters unlock par Steel okay uh um so terce steel we need to make this plate but we don’t really yet here’s old the extra flowers yes I can make the munchie flowers ones now we’re in business

Okay there yourself things are about to get Munchy need another perfect even go on fine get alter set up so I bookmark the runic alter page going to need it we need fire something else how are you doing Sky Josiah oh are you welcome to Minecraft I have a big guess prepare

Yourself are you tired yeah yeah I’m on top of that aha I’m 100% on top of that yeah screwing up everything give me a second when I’m on top of things I’m on top of things I truly know I got to eat good old the garlic bread what do I want to

Do we need fire need fire and summer I think summer is complicate next summer we autumn summer so we need Earth and air okay fire so we’ll start with Earth and air Earth block of coal we have that okay clear the bottom part of our inventory block a coal Stone we have

Stone next Mana steel you have Mana steel next steps next Mana powder which is just gunpowder clapped into the Mana pool like this there there we go that is our step and then we need a mushroom honestly that be hard I don’t know if we own a mus do we uh

Oh we might be in trouble if we don’t own a mushroom at any point do we get a mushroom doesn’t look like it damn we’ll have to double check somewhere else mushroom I’ll put the mushroom there’s a mush there’s eight red mushrooms we’re in luck okay is there any way to grow mushrooms

Poss possible not too adapt I have no clue what you’re trying to do but seems NE well I’ll tell you what we’re trying to do we’re trying to make uh hold on try make a flower that eats food that’s a little crunchy flower that is all and the eating food flower gives us

More blue Liquid Blue liquid is good for us uh place a mushroom in a dark area can grow bone meal okay do this there it is you have created progress yes and now rock on here and then whoosh we have our our Earth runes need some room to

Grow next step’s next cuz we’re trying to make summer Runes I think we need air you sure need air we need oh we need a carpet oh my God same idea you drop some Gunpowder in here there you need ring Mana steel a feather don’t know if we have any put the mushrooms have string but we need wool H have Man of Steel I think we have feathers somewhere not too sure but let’s uh go get that feathers will guide us which this place is a mess but this is a bit more organized I say as I look in the trash chest organize we have a single feather great

We have any wool we do have wool oh wait no pressure plate H make a carpet what the hell I just gave me a book a dor okay book you can uh stay in the book section don’t need this you see my Discord messages let’s see no G hey I see your

Message there you go okay now back to our craft do I make carpets this simple yes okay we have the next ingredients this is all for crunchy flower I need I need four of them we might have to make multiple ruines of Summer which honestly might be easy all right my my brain

Has whoops get some of that we need living Rock to make the runs there we go and then the r of wand of the forest perfect okay now have the means to check out the summer which we need let’s say four four summer runes I want to make

Four munchie flowers so I can automate the process and have a ton of Mana for myself so that is what I’m going to do I hope I have enough I probably have enough in the Mana pool it’s been growing all day we don’t have enough slime damn okay uh

Unfortunate well we’ll have to figure out how to get slime but I’ll put my runes in here rotten flesh ring a little gentle flow gunpowder carpet okay let’s figure out how to get slime can we craft it let’s find out slime uh no no hacker okay egg okay it just does not help

Melting purple jelly shroom okay great furnace purple jelly shroom slime ball whatever this does gets two slime ball or we throw a cactus okay I think our best bet is getting Cactus uh plus I find a fourth one liim Ball put my any slime balls in here hello we have four Cactus perfect get some sand one two 3 four start our little sand Farm prob I just need to kill slimes I don’t know where the hell slimes will spawn in this world we’ll ask real or something hey have you seen uh

Slimes uh other ezal had some oh yeah okay I’ll go ask For you who are you talking to are you just talking to yourself yeah do you not talk to yourself no it’s my it’s my life I talk to myself all the time I mean sometimes I mentally talk to myself for processing you have to talk to yourself out loud rejuvenating but okay all

Right I’m G to go find Azel wait I was going to ask if you have a lot of iron and coal you could spare uh how much do you need a lot how much is a lot I how much do you got like 64 blocks of

Iron I’ll have a stack of blocks of iron well I can’t hand you a block of or a stack of iron just out of nowhere I need to know what you’re using it for I need to know if I can ever give it get it back Rockets Rockets I’m going to go to

The Moon going to go to the Moon okay yes so I will invest uh 16 blocks of iron CU I’m am greedy and I’ll help you get started okay okay I I don’t want to give them all our iron I don’t want to do that but I will

Give him bunch of blocks of coal He actually have three stacks oh but I’ll just give him 16 it will be fine oh he doesn’t know okay so I guess at this point I’m like the NASA of the group there you go okay I’ll take this dirt block all right thank you that’s your [Laughter]

Trade okay I’ll go see if I azriel can give me some slime Balls hey hello you have stuff spawning on your roof I know I don’t really have much in the way of light sources put some torches down you Goblin you have so many of them you have red feathers look you go I need uh do you have any slime

Balls uh so I actually need the slime ball I also need the Slime balls uh let me see how much I even have oh oh I used them all you kidding me I just needed one God damn I’m looking at all your boxes I’m going through them all what’s

In here is there a slime bow where is all the Slime I used it all I spawn one in what do you mean I spawned one in excuse me what are you takeing me for did you just find a rocket in a chest somewhere no I just gave him iron

Why would I spawn in a rocket what it takes more than just iron to make a rocket a lot more and azreal is doing something crazy he’s had all this time okay well I’m going to turn cactuses into slime balls then yeah I’ll be back uh unless do you know where a slime

Biome is or where slimes exist so I’ve tried going to the a mangrove nearby the tech building uh and I I haven’t gotten a slime to spawn there at all going to have to do Mana stuff ah aren’t you going down Bania anyways yeah I am I have a Mana pool

But this sucks all right I’ll be back or I won’t be back I don’t know but maybe derp a has slime balls clim spawn in the swamp yeah I think they only spawn during a certain moon cycle at night absolutely not sure if that’s true uh we need to make an alchemist [Applause]

Catalyst we need to figure out how to hell to do that would it be natural apparatuses yeah okay Mana Pearl and Brewing stands SP during any moon phase okay I’ll just stick with the cactus route cuz all I need is one I’m pretty sure then I’ll be generating a ton of

Mana but I need you why is the Enderman attacking me every time I exist or stand still these stupid guys hit me be gone I’m sick of you go away hey hi up I don’t know food food’s good like fooding about these dang Endermen how many how many times have you been

Attacked by end um a few but I’m also not on the ground very often I feel like they just attack indiscriminately I think they do I don’t know what’s causing that though cuz they’re supposed to be neutral even when I was AFK I think I got killed by

One see why is this one mad who pissed off this Ender me apparently do make any sense uh need to go yoink some Brewing stands okay uh uh yes goodbye Brewing St no I might to efficient hether Brewing sand seems cool light Dior Granite it just any stone okay how convenient

Get three of these two make this uh two gold you should be fantastic our little Brew thing cool oh yeah I’ll s you oh you yes now that I that wait for me prce to grow a lot of work making crunchy flowers yeah yeah

Yeah try to make a mass amount oh wait I should make fire oh you should show me your botania stuff oh fireworks my botania stuff no not your botania your witchery stuff I mean it hasn’t changed much to be honest well give me the Omega toura super Grand amazing exploration tour

Oh this is the alter it’s an alter it has power it does have power you can actually enchant things with this yeah have you Enchanted anything yet one one I Enchanted my pants oh nice what’d you get uh wasn’t my pants it was something else what the was

It you know we have a netherite sword you can put on here so far away there’s a way Stone right there go get it hold on netherite sword will help their uhy stuff immensely really good amazing it’s kind of their endgame item that we got from that one Dungeons I think it was last stream I think we got it hey who here it is it is NE it’s it’s immensely more powerful it’s only about 100 extra it was a switch from a iron sword so yeah okay we got going on I have the set

Up set up for enchantment I’m probably going to change the floor at some point but I’m too lazy to do so right now the floor is nice but it could be spookier true you want to be cursing people this round the farm and this is where I store all my

and that’s my cat have a nice pot of soup the hot tub Tu yeah I guess if I need something Enchanted get something better than just I stole our chips stuff yeah I was wondering where these went I brought them down here so you didn’t have to fly back and forth while I was making those looks great I’m probably going to change

How the stairs look just a temporary block so we going to it up cuz they can’t fly okay that’s awesome awesome and over there is four Dragon Blood trees so we can get Dragon Blood resin or what the it’s called first round no the evil or someone’s

Door I probably could to be honest every time they open it it teleports them to a random location I can’t do that okay I will do more flower stuff is Luna helping with you with all of this what she been up to uh Luna’s been doing house stuff and farm stuff in the

Depths yep in the farm I like to see the farm we can go bother Luna Luna’s eating food right now oh okay so she’s not here sorry I got distracted okay I was down here earlier and I was feeling all the coal oh they have potatoes wheat this is also where they’ve been

Storing all their mounts and a little Mount cave I’ll probably ask Luna for an immense amount of food is my garlic not good enough for you it is but I need two different food types oh yeah there’s a different Farm site it’s supposed to be a community place so oh

Yeah where comes the worst I can automate a farm maybe maybe with botania or something something silly [Applause] awesome I guess they disappeared all right fine by me we’ll figure it out so now let’s get flower got wait for these cactuses but we’ll make hey flame Mar yes or these what

Or two batches of flamer one two that’s more warts warts man should be good I grow in power power one one is a freaking mess Bop and what’s the last ingredient GH powder yes it’s a catalyst now so I just converted my gunpowder to Flint God damn it

Hey just suck up my ah no no correct to yoink my runes maybe you just yed my living stuff you yed it all seven blocks of coal and eating it consuming I survive all my materials are oh Ender you why why you have no reason to fight me why you have no reason

Ries Enderman rabies this grow grow cactus is to wait for a cactus Cactus I command you to grow why why are you like [Applause] I fully resist Cactus damage I cannot die to Cactus I’m too powerful Mak sense because you’re Wing light well I took it I took it off and

It’s not penetrating my HP at all maybe because I have 50% damage resist I get absorption when I’m hit nine hearts and a lot of health and the wing light health fire I am just tanky I am just hard to kill Sor you can’t give yourself more

More Health with the wi light because it already thinks you have the max amount honestly it’s fine I’m already overpowered as I don’t need to be any more powerful I’m happy as I am keep in mind going into the deep dark will half your health yes I still also have the damage yes

Cactus let’s get that slime ball and get going woo wait I went the wrong way I took the wrong path sorry yes yes we have slime balls we don’t have enough slime balls for what don’t you only need like one for this four all right what no that fast you went to goddamn

Fast we need all the Slime balls now we’re going to get into summer so we need two sand and so what we need two four 6 eight sand melon slices don’t have think there’s melons over here might be unlock yep I should have mined it with

Fortune oh but we got seven so it doesn’t matter I was going to mine a melon with Fortune you hey where did you get all these I gave you 15 holy cow have so many 30 down in the witch area whoa that’s huge another Cactus

Gr oh now now I don’t need thank you well you fine I appreciate the slime need air and Earth I’m going to go get sand I haveand oh you have it on you I need eight sand I mean it’s in the barrels but I got sand

Before oh yeah okay I’ll go get the barrel sand acquire ow it’s just found the warding GG the warding or the warden yeah yeah yeah the warding Waring shouldn’t attack me your friends this thing oh air fortunately for us these runes don’t get depleted I think on low tier Rune be You you’re missing an HP it’s cuz you punched me you’re powerful all right you can take one oh do you n them may I please have those what what did you say may I please have the air in Earth RS look I was complimenting you you can take a gigaton

Punch I heal by giving head pad my canonical healing how many summer runs do you need four I need to make four flowers I’m do that automated thing it’s really nice you’re eating my ruins your suction is too powerful yeah I can’t do anything here there you go how many ruines of Summer

Have you stolen I haven’t gone through much pretty sure yeah I have a huge Reserve apparently building this and then leaving for a couple hours other people are on the server is really nice no please may I have yeah this will be my Rune crafting area this low tier Contraption will keep

My runes in check all right have a good day just y all my ruins are you no entire career all my flat all my coal too oh boy that ring of magnetism has done more harm than good what do you mean it has sucked away everyone’s item thank

You they’re not the ruins of Summer I will have to get them that’s it put these in the chest we have to go on a journey we have to play tag Journey yes Journey for what for you for me I need to find you and steal your runes or my runes I

Made what are you talking about you’ve eaten four summer runes I mean I’ll ask The Tech Guys to make an AI Cannon I’m sure they’re capable of it okay what making anti-air somehow I am air you are air excuse me I will I need my wordss oh what the

Hell what are you going to do about it I Bonk you that’s it I’ll unorganized everything that’s that’s my biggest threat I’ll hit the auto sort button no I can’t fly as good I don’t have the power have fireworks I could use those those you could that doesn’t mean you

Can slow down in time that’s it I’m going to get all the help I’m going to mass the server to get these runes back going on there I think it’s time we go on a quest what I Quest We Shall go on when I got to eat some garlic bread Ezreal in here

No are you snitching on me no no then what you doing I was going to see if he can amass some antiair and bring you to the ground cuz you’re too fast that will also bring you down that’s true I seen a Phantoms on the Sur talk to him what he’s been up

To that Azel hello hey hey h how far are you in Tech uh so I’m able to now mass produced storage okay but hear me out here he my plan can you build a device that shoots at Airborne targets I have a problem is it Phantoms no also the Yes

Actually they have stolen something very precious of mine that make crunchy flowersun because of their little slurpie ring so I don’t have the ability to do that at least not very accurately the little Quest I have I can just send them to the Moon just send people to the Moon how

Um I forgot how you lock the rocket so that they can only go into the rocket and never come back out that means they have to willingly a rocket on purpose yeah that’s the best I can do okay well and then the runes will be stuck on the moon that’s true and I

Can’t get him back could do witchery nonsense get them back I mean I could also just make a non loock rocket so that that I can go up there and then just that depends on if you can find my body touche I can fly real quick my friend you’re not finding yeah they’re

They may be immensely strong I have alternate plan uh what kind of food do you have I need food well I have a bunch of bread I can’t eat food yeah I mean I can it’s not going to do anything for me though refills itself that that would be aun that had that

Okay I know a secret weapon if I make tea things will work out pretty sure oh funny Quest unable to be done okay let’s go oh don’t have the power to slow fall I only have Rockets could just make more that’s what we could do just make more R slow

Fall your slow fall is powerful you can just turn it on no no no my sipp have died oh this is tragic the sad day have to make more no yeah what I could make the gripper wand hold on the Grier wand a gripper

Wand that’s if you can get a hold of me in the first place it has a huge range can be gripped from anywhere radius my friend except I that’s end game never mind yeah get fart you probably need these back for you to make that thing yeah I need a mass produce mana

And that those ruins are the one thing I need well I guess I could start a farm actually start making food or Mana or Fant on [Applause] it I’m chasing you to the sky well that sucks don’t have the hyper boost don’t have the ability to just do

That do what literally turn upside down and slowly reduce my fall I don’t have those Mega Ultra flly abilities crazy you know I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room I’m smiting you that’s it with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I’m smiing you down get down

Here I will Smite you down with all my power hey come on don’t have the power I will Smite you no I don’t have the rage think they’re gone I lost all my momentum hey hey get back here way I can do this oh not progressing we cannot catch that fast bird

Yes a companion bats after that yeah what you talking about my plans your plans about what I need to yoink those things back I need them let them fly how do we get this how do we acquire what they have what kind of creative thing can the stop a flyer h what she

Saying absolutely Nothing excuse me oh there they are go over there hey oh why didn’t the firework work a it’s cuz I hit something what ow fireworks are terrible don’t know how to use them the hell I was able to do that before what changed canot keep up with the boost

Ability and they have slow Falls they can turn on a dime stay in the air forever I mean we can artificially do that ourselves if we put on the slow fall ring mid fly it that’s all we really can do also commence a dark ritual want to put on Dark

Ritual think can summon the be in place ow hey can I have my runes back I don’t know can you I can I what do you want in return I don’t know what do you need do you wouldn’t you like to know we boy look I can offer it whatever it is

Whatever it is I have the power have the power yeah yeah yeah Power to what I can get you a thing I can help you Oh no just those ruins of Summer back help me progress on my journey yes yeah guarantee hey yeah do you need something yes yes I do

Perhaps need something that you have of mine yeah pull there’s no way I can ow ow no is very dark kind of stuck my domain now in my own hey I leveled up I have we could just make more ruin don’t think we’re getting Tri the heck out of

Here we have lost what we have lost that we have nothing to gain anymore acquire what we nice hey hey yes do you need something I would like the runes I have acquired those runes again my little technical flower knowledge is in need of powerful artifacts that you have gobbled

Up with your big slurpy Wiggly arms that sucks items from 10 eons away in order to progress I need to acquire what you have and I cannot do it without those ruines unless I go make more I mean you can certainly try it could I can sure as hell make more always steal

More you could it would be very inconvenient that zombie okay well we’re going to recharge we got we can’t handle the situation we’re not powerful enough yet you’re not powerful enough the power of asking nicely failed okay in efficiently used allar light but we can get up here

Easily well we can figure things out on oh my God why Wings apply okay thank you much better M need sparkling yeah I guess we’ll do some farming not progress anymore that is what we’ll do hi hi thank you w toied what I don’t know what I’m

Saying that I want to say hello to your birds Hey a blue J A robin you like the Army I do like the Army they’re ungodly loud I know it’s great lizards naturally be this loud if they in this like pseudo cave and it caused it to Echo like a Echoes are ridiculous I even hear them when I’m

Just wandering around down here yeah it’s great makes the area feel so alive already so alive more alive OD need I mean like the game is like naturally so quiet my dude it is especially without music so the birds make it feel less dead yeah it’s like the sippy flowers sippy flowers

Sure I like the sippy flowers a lot wait you can just pick those up yeah oh wait you well you can’t pick them up because they’re my pets not yours I want to pick up my bird can I pick you up know what that does but

Sure you don’t know what it does oh you need two free hands for you to pick up an animal wow I must go nice kite oh no hello not here I need light though need to recharge yeah we are recharging efficiently oh wait so I got the curse slug I don’t

Know if any of you know about the curse slug I won’t tell you about the curse slug sorry other people know about the curse Slug it is absolutely utterly horrifying hey yo hey hello no not what dog you just turned invisible the dog started floating I pick up

Dog no it’s pet so no I pick up Luna wait what no I don’t think you can I pick you up what what I can’t pick you up onward say let’s go I didn’t know this was possible is it because I’m bigger than you maybe honestly this is awesome we should

Be doing this more often more often he hold on land you on this tree see if you can pick me up I [Laughter] missed this is hilarious I’m going to start Ying [Laughter] people now I just got to think who am I going to yink this is your flying ability

AB wait it’s not normally this overpowered what do you have going on that’s helping you the iine wings oh you have those those that’s why you’re maneuvering so well there don’t those have durability no for some reason well I’m going to go pick up someone else and Scar the hell of them hello

Hello how goes your automation well I’m automating the produ the processing of nether quartz that’s big Neato there I don’t have enough crafting CPUs okay what the CRA you’re mine now you can take me through a block you’re mine you have been stolen I’m going to see where this

Goes gain I honestly have no plan after stealing you but that was that was it okay then yeah we have the ability to steal people and it’s freaking hilarious you can When I think and when your pet is above 30% and then when they’re near they get regen resistance me animals have Giga powerful battle animals yeah Dr overpowered dragons like I have two dragons of my own and they have like half the health of Lunas oh my gosh

Don’t mess with Luna is what you’re saying yeah and now now my stuff can also heal me and they get strength speed resistance and Regen huh ston animals kind of that’s a lot of stuff ah no no no no no why why don’t spit me please no thr up why why

H it’s not this is my true flying ability still really good yeah it’s not nearly as maneuverable and I can’t just like fly into space on my own fitions yeah you just can’t gain height not not very well no unless you use the Boost yeah the balanced flight

It’s honestly not much different from the elyan Boost that I have more that I can rely on they’re just not as hot yeah I think it’s time to make some munchy flowers I still need to Dy my wings and I don’t even know what color to dye them

Because usually go with like a dark gray a blue now my color been tinted dark dark blue I don’t think dark dark blue is an option there is like blue but not dark blue option okay bye happened to Me why am I why do I have Slowness this Luna I also have slus last forever oh I can see again how much slowness does it give you I I don’t know it didn’t look oh wow it disables the speed from shoes oh I don’t have any speed boost I’m just tanky that’s it me see disengage that’s it

You bounce out yeah I mean I can kind of do the same thing oh I just I just fight all I do I have AOE heals I have no heals besides head I still think it’s funny that your your origin ability is better than the class abilities when it comes to

Healing well I haven’t been in a group fight but my little new move does AOE healing and I’ve never healed anyone also your staff smites me instead of healing me [Laughter] So it’s kind of funny you are a being of evil so it makes sense ow look I thought that would be a compliment compliment it was just a bird once you were a bird we gone to the dark side oop there’s a key I can press what the was

It scroll sroll Sr sroll this one who else is on I’m want to go pick up other azreel hey hi want to see what the sky looks like okay hold on I’m eating candy welcome to the sky hello you are here I’m trying I’m trying to eat candy not

CH I’ll land you gently at azriel’s place here you go why’ you do that what are you doing I’m bringing you to Azel here why [Laughter] from me that was this guy it’s blue why’ you do that I want to take you on a trip in the

In the sky going on a trip I can’t finish that because I cpyright claan hey other me I got the Launchpad workbench NASA I’ll head back what materials oh okay the power we have is now immense we can just pick someone up and fly into the sky oh thank you

Onward literally if someone’s saying something you just pick them up and just bring them up bring them up P okay ping ping ping ping ping ow okay I’m fine and give you healing in a little actually if we go to my candle cakes I can ah here you go there you go there you go it’s my new favorite thing I’m just going to pick people up and send them into the

Sky to the moon the only issue is you can’t drop them in the air well they can Dismount that’s true and with my ability I can just sit up there forever intention to drop the midair the only intention is to scare the hell out of to drop

The thank you we drink this will it kill me maybe blindness careful it might explode all items off of you true can I take the Mana out of the bottle I haven’t actually tried maybe and uh uh can I reverse the process I think so I can make Mana in a bottle

Hey I can jump I can jump too same I upgraded with I can jump anything yeah I can show you how high I can jump oh my God welcome to the [Laughter] sky Okay go down safely I’m have light so funy new silly thing this is great getting distracted okay I know what to do oh wait yellow red gray two three four six seven eight is hook hook no for about half can keep those yeah flowers is just for you yellow is not really my

Color same the I like green Green’s my favorite yeah yeah think are you Red you red I like red I like red Dark Shades yeah up my memory no it nose the process here ready to see the crunchy flower wait hold on I think I’m missing something second missing light gray got it

Okay come here come you okay yeah why is it killing you I maybe a little is he pissed yes why what have I done to you Enderman what wrong have I done right I don’t intentionally look out for killing your kind come to me to die okay summer fire you’re trying so hard

To yoink these maybe it’s too late too late they’re in my grippy Paws oh oh my flowers no it’s gone they’re in my grippy Paws no oh uh I have the cursed slug you like to see it sure here it’s the complete complete mega version you get exclusive eyeball

Looking no one else El exclusive eyeball looking yeah yeah give me your thoughts this it I think this is it they gave me the smallest file size but here it is is that another angry Enderman ow stop I’m all tabbed out Tab out you I swear this is like a bewitchment curse

At this point no what’s your thoughts didn’t you ask them to change the ears I told them to keep the ears time for the contration insert can’t spell it the hell what spell dispenser how the hell do you spell dispenser oh it’s yeah Aha let’s make a dispenser break quick you have any more bows floating around Bow Bow actually four of these hold on I underestimated the I needed oh sticks hold the string sure need two more okay or Redstone hey hey I still think you should ask a proper fur artist and not some person that doesn’t do fur I mean you can find me an artist now if you

Want that’s not my job I’m going to pick someone who’s clearly wrong it looks like they put their heart and soul into it that’s all I see I mean they worked well but you obviously gave them a task that they weren’t really meant for dang so that’s what I think

Okay I did give them the the briefest of descriptions did you not give them the I gave them the art and then the character description okay I’ll draw this I went okay have fun had fun I think it was a win I’m not good with this stuff though I see and I go

Yes torched St covering hour I mean manag Glass GL cuz we need it for Diamond upgrades itch as hell yeah yeah I ah literally killing me what the hell not fair the heck is that would you like to know WEA kind of spooky things were you doing in the corter she like you know I’m just going to leave I’m

Going I don’t know why my nose is itchy brutal flower okay what I need is the idea for this thing is Toop oop Boop oop Boop went did I only need two screw it up think I did you need four if you have two

Plants yeah so I I guess I can double it but then a lot of food fine or automation go here this probably like this need no I need to expand it a bit more I might have a screenshot of it I know I built it before I can figure it out it’s

Just be rough here for Discovery trying I’ll figure out when I start building the Contraptions I need an animated torch and hourglass I’m pretty sure pretty sure build that o got Mana Steel a torch powder you Ain that did I no yeah I got it

If I had my magnet ring on right now it’ be slurping up all of the fuel oh yeah how’ this work We really hard remembering what you did previously absolutely definitely need dirt the flowers H might have been by three we might be able to build something similar to my fiction that I provide the a gift of echo’s past echo’s past echo’s past wait a minute it should be the thing you’re

Currently making yeah hold on let’s see a gift of echo’s past well I did it wrong already okay well now I understand everything makes sense now okay I helped always help for the part where I steal from you and then no turn it for a little bit no it’s fine

Funny not like it’s going to end my entire career that I didn’t build Mana I’m having fun there made a torch oh yeah cuz the torch flips side to side I do it like this goes that’s go down uh actually remember the count as well I think it might change cuz we’re

I think I need to expand it a bit more no I don’t really need to oh I do need what hold on I need to move some stuff need to expand it one more or two is a pain he ass to build the first time

You’re lucky that I had a picture of it then yeah oh actually sucked okay so need to put that there uh this goes here this goes here The Hourglass goes a torch makes this go here oops this this this don’t know if is that connected would that activate it that’s we’ll see random

Toggle means I need to expand it one more yeah cuz you had it connected in to the sides pretty sure this one was just connected right here this thing didn’t the dirt this I want to make it compact I don’t think it’ll work this way I do it like cuz then that moves

Sideways damn it okay I’ll just have to make it bigger I don’t want to make it bigger H so that means this needs to be here red why are you so complicated there you go any way to change how the Redstone ra go can’t change how Redstone works it’s red stone well that

Works I feel like there’s a more efficient way to do this there might be the best efficiency way is to put magic grass wait does it work if I do something like this it’ll help it make smaller and then that turn on but what if it was a

Torch turn it on if it was a torch he it’s always on what if I toggle the torch off of no I’m just making it more complicated than it should save some freaking space let’s just make the functional version I will admit I’m pretty sure this is smaller than the version we had

On the other world was the idea really efficient we need grab grass to mix it oh yeah it needs to be grass block and then you just place it on okay why do I remember this and you don’t well my memory just turns things off just deletes it I can’t so much going

On my memory just turns everything off forget I have my ADHD thing which makes me forget even more I’m just forgetting like crazy it is my silly brains way of life forget till you remember enough Living Wood for you nope there you go I need more log wait till it grows

Grass and I bunch of this wood more Red Oak and we should be good to go even further oh God that this these and a gold ingot turn to Living Wood do it now no come Living Wood come Living Wood Arise My Wood become alive I’ve fallen help I’m in a Hole okay I’m good this this cool too don’t know if I should make another Mana spreader too but I probably do want another spreader go to anal pool here use for other things I’m stop that’s perfect right there no nope okay oop my okay I’m stuck into a bowl of

Soup there you go thank you my little rat brain was like that’s a gap I can fit in and then I can stepped into the bowl and it couldn’t get out ah ah yes a trap a [Laughter] trap I just throw you hold up I did yeah waiting for this to grow

Grass but this is ready to goop this now you just need sustenance oh Jesus just from one food item that’s a lot lot of man W hold on I have things all of these things I’ve never used go cool I’ll have to connect this to a

Bigger system I want to fully leave this alone build a food with food with food eventually I might have like chests with Hoppers just so the dispensers Stay full that’s already huge oh my God the C I have flowers let’s go with that we are Grand this is fully

Functional this will make a trillion Mana no in it yeah I mean there’s food in the chest but I don’t know how useful that’s going to be well any food is Mana yeah but the better the food is the more Mana it takes it gives

True right now it’s just to see if the Miss functional take all the r i I could probably start making like a ton of like go garlic farm that could be good take easily to both of these this nocking in it’ll just be around have what get this fun for myself

Okay here it comes yes yes the Mana flows good good don’t know if it’s fast enough though that’s the issue I have to make Mana lenses yeah I could probably add more speed to it and it’ll be better this will take a bit for it to go

Through and it will fill my Mana pool generously they’re feeding do the server lagging no it’s fine ass amount of wow holy macaroni the mag pie provides let me get everything out okay we have 14 left on each side we’ll add 64 potatoes here 64 potatoes here 64 carats here 64 carats

Here 11 garlic on this side 11 garlic on this side oh garlic 43 garlic on this side they 43 so need to balance that out with our potatoes potato I help hell yeah this will provide some man I’m thinking I need a faster man spreader if I want to put better Foods in

Here I think it’s lagging behind I need to add some L don’t have a a cook so or Baker cuz those items are St we had a cooko everything would be great or anything from crop Topia to be honest yeah I know honestly maybe I should get into it everyone’s getting into techy

Side stuff I know Luna was planning to go into words but you maybe I’ll go bother them I think we’re both kind of distracted by the exploring and loots this is the most progress I’ve ever done right now wow I have almost two Mana pools filled this also I could watch these flowers

Eat all day relaxing sounds of flowers eating for 12 [Laughter] hours munching flowers ASMR with mild sipping flowers yeah coupled in with sipping flow that I should make four five seven eight wait stop the system I thought of something while I was over there yeah wait

No I thought I could balance the whole system with potatoes or uh we flesh but can’t wish there was a way to automate I think there is but I don’t know it yet I’ll have to figure it out till now it will be like this oh my sips there we

Go we have the sounds of progress here the sounds of progress really nice uh maybe I’ll ask Azel if he wants to hear my e Flowers they were roommates Firefly yeah we have a firefly stuck in a chair that I started stream there uh hey it’s just leg no leg has killed the

System no not working anymore it’s 20 TPS what are you talking about oh there you go yeah this is the the hungry flowers reason dispensers aren’t working properly anymore much be isue ow was working fine until you got here what happened your power is too immense you scared the

Flowers well I am sprouting fire everywhere just by existing I have firef flers down here you can talk to them hello they demand fuel like sticks okay why aren’t you working in reality I should be able to like eat flammable stuff like I should be able to eat

Coal these guys a pallet cleanser and try to figure out why the hell this isn’t working you have a magnet ring um no I don’t have mine on I think it might be because like um they don’t necessarily need it right away it’s just the dispensers aren’t working that’s the only issue is

Dispenser not dispensing why is it not dispensing I don’t know was working fine for a good I mean it could be at the flowers have their own individual inventory that we just they don’t they eat the food they turn into well they AR eating the food but

Not super well I don’t know what’s going on yeah they eat the food they send it to the spreader which sends it to the pool which sends it to this spreader and sends it into this pool what did that do giv me Mana and upow everything these dispensers are just not dispensing

Dispensers aren’t working at all weird yeah this is I’ve been up to is almostly automated except for the sippy flowers I just like having them around so they make a nice noise I like listening to them I mean the flowers AR eating yeah just a dispenser is not dispensing

There’s a chance a dispenser doesn’t work give it a pallet cleanser again watch how it was the lag that was making it work this works before has worked in the past I built the same system here don’t know why dispensers aren’t working this the server thing like they should be working cuz I’ve

Been in multiple temples that like shoot arrows at me using dispensers they do work may they don’t like potatoes I don’t it’s a dispenser it shouldn’t give a about what items in there yeah literally base Minecraft I don’t understand wait do you have an exra dispenser yeah no

Cuz I I want to see if if it can still like outside of the system work I can destroy this one and replace them I think it just ate the entire e defenser no well my Math’s now off I don’t know what the hell I’ll just throw potatoes in

There oh here’s a normal dispenser does it work does it not work if it’s like pointed upwards was working just fine before you came here literally the second you came here broke what so it works out what I don’t know it just ate my entire stack of God

Yeah you got to take the food out before you break it cuz otherwise the plant will just consume atat my entire stack of rotten flesh God damn it it just do the only thing I can think of is that somehow the flower has an inventory the flower doesn’t have an

Inventory the only thing it stores is has two an inventory is while it’s eating once it’s done eating it’s clear to be consumed to consume another piece so if it does have an inventory it’s like one and also if they had an inventory and multiple items are given to it it

Would continue to eat those items but it doesn’t true then I don’t know what the heck is going on I pick up the flower of car no it’s not technically a talent oh I can do that that that’s an over fight can leave it any time either way this is how I automated

It goes forever well when it works anyway yeah when the dispensers work then yeah it works but this gives me a lot of Mana actually a ridiculous amount that’s a lot of Mana how do you even use the Mana use it suck it up and I can use it for tools items and

Other stuff and other flowers oh now I have Mana I wonder if I leave will it start working again maybe it could just be the amount of players here H and now it’s just broken huh can Enchanted soil be still touched yeah oh the server died so that’s fine is what it

Is hopefully our thing can be fixed next C up uh eventually we’ll get up and running here again figure it out and connect serer up how unfortunate I cannot possibly run this no oh okay it works aha okay let’s see okay that works does it work

Now no it’s I think for some reason the dispensers just don’t want to work what the heck it doesn’t work when it’s next to the what so weird it sometimes works wonder what mods making happen there shouldn’t be any mod changing anything with the earth I guess I’ll have to change how I

Do this to something different without dispensers hly I don’t know how I would do there’s droppers well I’m too tired to figure this I’ll figure it out another time time to Google Google I’ll probably end my here too figure this out next time and Flower Magic to okay oh a little

Out hey so thank you thank you everyone for coming by I really appreciate it head Pats if you stayed till the end guys the next venture where I figure out what else to do with Minecraft what else to do I can’t they’re crouching okay yeah

But that that’ll be it for now I will come back with more of this so thank you and bye what you’re not holding anything but you have the animation what were you holding byebye everyone I depart

This video, titled ‘This Time getting Flowered up | Minecraft: The Ultra Giga Bee Pack Ep. 4’, was uploaded by Bloopin on 2023-12-18 05:30:07. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:33 or 10473 seconds.

Welcome Welcome everybody another one of Autumns slugventures where he wanders about saying random stuff about Bloopin the slug. Whether this is your first stream hundredth stream or even you last stream, You all get head pats. So welcome to the slug world and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Now we ride to minecraft victory and get some healthy flower magic done

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    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More