Minecraft YouTuber UHC Season 2: Episode 1 – Just Keep Swimming (Ft. The Pack & The Cube)

Video Information

Three two one what is this welcome to USC with walk we this is the second UHC with the pack and this is a special UAC I think there’s a few special chairs with sand turns out special right now though we got some shine to start us off yes oh and we’re

We’re near the wall so we’re order yeah we’re pretty far out oh I’m literally right next to it okay where are you I don’t see you I run off the other direction towards the ocean to get the shirtkin I’m done I’m gonna head this way oh my

Goodness is a lot of rocks here we got a little temple real quick so yeah um it steams and we’re here with private and he’s here with me and yep let’s get spookily Oh razor wise grazer here lets the scare him again oh here oh yeah yeah wave oh

Watch when he sees me he’s gonna get scared hey Archie he’s scratching yep yep yep let’s go let’s go let’s go get off he might be able to find a temple yeah I’m hoping it will sear too we have to swim away well well we have to swim because

There’s no trees oil– adds almost surprise grazer I just swim much bigger worse though oh they sure can right now it’s not that that’s mine I’m taking it fly minute alright dimension double health let’s go yeah so there’s double health I believe there’s still the fast melting thing but

Um you know I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen again where the tick rate is increased to like a million and why do we have this bond pride bit yeah yeah I think we’re actually gonna die of starvation by the time we get over there I think this was purposely made I’m

Feeling some conspiracy this conspiracy theory and I’m definitely thinking heck we got spawned right on the border away from with water in a desert not a forest there’s no wood see I don’t see anything I’m at a random distance you’re way ahead oh yeah I’m a white snowman oh I’m

Gonna melt I’ll help nope okay come one with the ocean no not to me grazer caught up real quick I am NOT ready to die I hold the spring key yeah no it doesn’t do it does it yeah I think it’s just visually like yeah people

Think it does but I don’t I don’t know oh it does it does does it oh no grace is going to decide actually actually we should maybe go to the side because that way oh we should get like a little corner let’s check the chords cuz okay so we’re

Lowering in every single maps only 700 no it’s 1,000 that’s yeah 1000 1000 that’s that’s actually pretty small I think well it’s 30 players but this is what is this mod yeah this is a thrown me off a little bit so private uh do you know to

Swim yeah I didn’t until like a few years ago though I was I was a late I was a light learner oh I I’ve I’ve been to the beach but I’ve never swam like um I hate swimming at the beach I can’t do it oh it’s too

Many people were not the beach it it I’d wanna increase my chunks too far but yeah I’ve never swam before I mean I tried but I I do not know how to swim in I’m like I got a few years ahead of you I was why are they following us I don’t

See anything yeah we’ve gone to the left they’re following us oh wait maybe to the far left I don’t my far run their distance I really see no I’m going straight locks I see the block sticking up a little bit I’m gonna go towards and see if it’s

Anything all right yeah you go left a little bit I’ll go like straight we’re going I think you think that has to be lander I’ve never seen something like that in the ocean I’ve never seen such a crap respawn than this oh I see a little

Land but it’s oh I see I see tall grass and reeds oh I don’t think it’s a desert okay I’m coming towards you yeah cuz the thing it to the left yeah I could be a little island yes the chunks um underneath the water I think okay oh I

Don’t think it’s anything I hope it’s a Plains I see sand blocks Reed’s razor and Willow right next to us man now why are they following us an island or a it’s a I think it’s just an island all my get all and lent to the left okay okay melody autonomy yeah

They’re gonna go diagonal I’m going straight yep I hope you know the water real quick I don’t think they use a bar in the distance so they don’t see our land oh yes cuz that’s an island to the right yep oh there are they gonna go for it yes wait where’s will

Oh Wells wait well the head will disappeared no he’s stood all right he’s next to grazier is he I can’t see him I just see crater what’s your render distance now I don’t see you you should have it far don’t lower it because I think if you lower it

You don’t see the players rendered it just kind of goes with the chunks to the chunks yeah yeah one pointing oh yes oh yes lanes yes they got some we got some apples get some leather we’re ready to go cuz we got that sugar cane already alright not bad four minutes and let’s

Just swimming you know that’s just keep swimming insert commentary here Finding Nemo finding private and who how we you think that at least give us a treat to make some boats like this is a pretty this is a dude we just swam 600 blocks let me see oh wow

We started up – 700 – 700 how the hell no we started like – 900 for the X I think all we did is we were right up on the border on the border with the border shrinking so fast is it I don’t see the border well look at the center what does

That mean on the table Center oh and I think it shrinks by like 2 blocks yeah it does shrink oh crap yeah a lot is well no no no no sensor is how many blocks were away from 0 0 so if it lowers we’re getting closer there was

There I see Polk oh ok that makes sense oh yeah he’s right here with tofu um you wanna give you food yes it does and it gives you leather the hide you can make that into leather yes it does ok I’m attacking him oh it sounds so

Cute no all right well tough time to die yeah they’ve got a lot of help oh he said yeah I got hide do you think the mobs have double health probably not I’m hoping not only not I mean that could be a glitch right like

You think I could be oh I see poke as well a nice-looking cave to a a pub I’m up the melon just chopping some trees I hope they don’t let here because I want to get some apples without them stealing it here yeah I’m out of sprint oh we

Gotta get food soon yeah kill those rabbits just kill kill all the rabbits we can cook their food oh I got one more one ball one wall Abbott one wall happy button I’ll get stone for us so you don’t have to worry about stone I see a

Wolf yeah I’m walking around man I need a look for sure yet some need some stone to run to get look for that cook this up not about teeth this wrong don’t eat it wrong yeah I got some wood not enough no it’s not enough at all already baked

What do I need yeah I do need one more all right six minutes in we not looking the best we should be able to make up time for that swimming thing a swimming adventure um let me go and wait did you take the crafting table no I placed one I don’t

Think I’m next to you I’m a bit I’m a bit further closer to the plains oh okay I’ll just say up this little hill or stone come on give me eight achievement get getting wood mmm beautiful ah yes that poke poke still next to me yeah

Pokes just chilling next to me Mon yeah we’re we’re taking this island from him huh or this glam rabbit oh it is so smelted oh yeah yeah yeah oh that’s actually good half ah rip I know I got to keep looking for mobs I’ll keep the

Hide – you can make leather yeah I got one though I don’t think I can make anything out of that yeah a little food I’ll get the apples first um okay I’m walking off a bit I don’t know waste my my sprint I think there’s another ocean

Over here alright I’m losing hunger I’m down to five so yeah I’m not four and a half yeah I see grazers here – Wow grazer came to our land there’s another ocean will stick in our land we gotta we gotta build boats and cross another ocean man there’s no food

Really which where you go I went Northwest and it’s no more it’s cool North is an ocean yeah North East yeah try not happy I think I see some land here if there’s more ocean then okay then West yes this is a full-on ocean oh it’s raining oh yay

Whoo let’s get wet and while then it’s a little bit late how would I would never say that’s your private you know but I know a lot of ladies might as I mean you pretty good luck princess Lee another person and who’s you don’t know print

Princess Lee oh my goodness well I lost respect for you everybody’s here yeah big party uh one island when you ate see who will find it for a sample I’m out of Sprint oh is that an Apple over there I’m about to run out of sprint am I

Going to starve to death if we starve to death iwase oh I see chels wait I didn’t see these Cal’s earlier they’re just right under me I see a cow – I see you well there’s a Skelly here oh my god food oh don’t Skelly weapon don’t shoot

Okay I’m coming back up I’ve got a furnace over here if you need it okay I got a lot of stone I’ll just make my own Oh cows nice get them all kick don’t leave any cow left behind here uh there is three cows oh I see a pig – one – so

The mobs are stronger we forgot to say this Oh sir a lot stronger so they’re gonna start spawning oh I found our first Apple oh no first out way cave here the water what’s the deal what are we gonna do cause I don’t – out you seen

Right here oh yeah that would be a you have to kill this u-shaped your oh ship dewdrop yes sheep drop food I think it’s the same food as the bunnies the rabbits uh raw mutton no no cuz rabbit for some reason yeah I thought that too but the rabbit gave me

Raw rabbit oh all right I forgot about that okay we’re crows in Minecraft this another cave oh I found I found a sheep inside a cave kill it uh all right I got some food but uh bad news not enough to do anything real with

Oh I need to cook this I’m about to I don’t have anything to cook oh I can’t cook it with a pickaxe all right oh yeah you need wood I have a lot of wood for you we should meet up soon I’m gonna try

To get a few miles run to you I’ll run to you now in a sec when M after I’ve eaten this because I’m a 1 hunger I’m about to start yeah you’re gonna take damage if it’s like half there we go okay um yeah yeah now I just need to get

Wood there’s iron right here which I want to mine but I had to use my pickaxe to cook the frickin took them what’s it called are you up on that hill yeah I’m right here I’m down here by the river I’m getting getting someone so two zeroes gamma is allowed just uh

You have to use torches when you’re caving and I mean yeah my gamma is like it’s not it’s at eight so it’s I guess is okay I’ll grazers going – turned up I might have like a custom light room on my pack that I’m pretty sure I do you

Have to turn custom colors off all this a spider oh you do yeah if you have Optifine do you have Optifine 41.8 uh yeah then go to quality options quality and turn off custom colors and I’ll show without the colors which is the raw brightness Oh No okay eleven minutes in

We’re good as long as we can get a few apples before we cave um see I guess I did get the wood okay all right while I’m cooking oh my god that looks so cool when you cook it all that’s so satisfying yeah all right I cooked it all I’ve got six

Take three mutton oh my goodness there’s a lot of moms here I’m scared yeah you want to start maybe stair casing over here yeah you can start that way do you have enough food first of all uh no I only have one steak I don’t have one steak uh we have to get

Like at least ten each yeah we do and I don’t think this much left on this island that one else clear to that it’s like six other players on this island this poking joke at Pizza Hut we have to get out of here I think yeah we

Nice yep but we buy another Island I bet there are a lot of people there too the snap seems to be a bad path for this you see 30 players a thousand one thousand half of its water obviously uh-oh I just made two pickaxes Jesus that’s okay

Make sure you have wood yeah I need to grab some more actually I just I just make stone tools um my turn on my sounds some zombies are zombies yeah I got mine up Oh iron okay let me mind this real quick aw it’s only three oh my goodness that’s

A lot of zombies oh it’s five I’m gonna grab some wood and then meet up – the same look not by leaking boat in the same direction I’ll go work we’re gonna be boating – really close to zero that’s fine it’s better than like staying here

With six other guys yeah I see a spider and we’ll go for it alright I made two boats I’m ready to go are you um got one screen you see the corner I was at UM when you’re up on the hill I see yeah I’m down here watch out

There’s a scale we down now I’m just trying to get like one more Apple or to only have two oh I have none yeah alright let’s just get out of here I don’t want to spend time here a lot of food give me some food yeah yeah

Meilin real quick let me make this into crafting tables gee okay um I’ll just make a few bolts for myself here oh um there’s two spiders here do you want to go from all ever mind but there’s a Skelly just be careful walk backwards because they might take no not bad

Aw did we not do mean we didn’t ask about final heal uh I don’t think there is there is there will be if there is no that’s fine oh my guess okay we go oh I didn’t drop I have three hunger bars down can ya take these let’s let’s sprint but not

Sprint jump I think yeah when you splash it and write it right here we can just walk I think alright we just go over here you want to just vote yeah I know I’ve got I made two boats you need one I already have one I’ll get that spider we

Need to both there’s a skeleton right there too Oh No uh it’s still gonna fire uh-oh well sprockets but you still took that hard took out far enough you guys oh he dropped a bow I’m not in it nice oh oh oh I can’t get that shrinked I

Don’t know if you can make it go back up I’m gonna actually drown yeah that’s too deep ah I’m not getting that string that is too deep alright let’s let’s get out of here this is not good alright that’s okay it’s how many hearts are you I know

Like oh yeah couple hearts double arts three 19.5 oh you’re fine you’re fine all good look how close this other bit of land is – oh my god yep oh we got a pumpkin rarer than diamonds I think yeah somewhere right I said that I think so

Someone and they didn’t believe me and I was like I don’t know where I heard it I’m not sure but oh this line over here let’s go to the left yeah need some actual we need food oh I’m not about to yeah I’m not about to be mining inside that mountain oh no

Way that I know all this more feel to the right ways this a desert no oh what the hell my boats okay there we go it’s a little bit glitchy right yeah it like stop for a second courses the horses little job though they drop leather

They’ll put there some sheep oh my boat – OH my boat’s gone over them yep Oh didn’t even get those sticks all right more food we can use the horses for leather anyway yeah – horses don’t even drive me all that way it’s Joel other Island are

You kidding me I know you ate see ha ha oh boy oh let’s kill this sheep – we need all the food we can get here when I take no chance on these there we go alright now he wasn’t dead should we dig straight down what do you think oh um

Well we sell time it’s not 20 minutes yet let’s cool let’s go to the right I saw some more land here yeah we’re gonna need more food because let’s say we come back up and we’re trapped in water yeah right cuz we’re not gonna stay like

Right they’re not gonna mind back up the same way we came we came down exactly exactly how did your effing island how do you feel about your ping ah I don’t think it’s that bad like the hits are okay right 128 do it mom do usual I mean

The same as Bob line I guess yeah no actually no they say killing mobs is pretty okay okay that’s good alright there’s some land over yup I knew I saw this this reads we don’t need that anymore we don’t have much well anyway now I’ve got a fair bit of

Leather I’ve got eight leather we can make a boat there’s a tiger balm okay we are staying here haha this is all that I see oh definitely is a pig here – or like what we’re talking about this is energy thing again there we go you I’ll

Kill the pigs I’m gonna go to my sugar cane I can’t help it I see it and I just need to take it all right over here this as well yeah kill them kill them all oh serious to all the Reubens I mean oh my bad I’m kidding okay porkchops I’ve got half

A stack of shuriken now yeah there’s a lot of pigs over here oh my all right do I hear chickens are you a chicken I want you more than uh oh here is I plant an egg – you planted an egg yep well is a cow just one random Cal

This freaking field of pâtés it’s one Cal that’s all – Cal’s never mind how bad for the Cal awnings over here – all right think I’m good with food I got like Toni food should be good there’s some cave here too so we could just kind of look down well yeah this is

All land I’m surprised we haven’t like seen anyone here yeah our boys sing it for the first mainland we’ve actually found I think I just got I got 20 M 20 watts are called 20 cork okay uh smelt that and you you find a cape I’ll get

The apples I think we need more apples and yeah we definitely need more I’m not about to go down with two is that you that is you okay here I’ll drop I’ll drop two for you take this and I’ll get the rest myself and a two should be okay there

Oh I need some blocks Cole I got a hold on Cole I want to spot all there no you need wood – I know you didn’t really get oh yeah sure I only have like 15 planks here take that this and that’s not all this food take us to

Right thank you you’re welcome is right there yep pick this up there okay and then do the chicken all right there add you need some food you got some of your own I’m good I am good I got leather I got everything let’s go look for that cave

Yeah all right let me get rid of this and go down watch up I’ll get one okay I’ll get a little bit more stone for stone ax I’m going to clear this little area down here out I don’t mean don’t need much cold cuz of Auto smelt and all

We need torches oh yeah my yeah my nephew a monster I’m gonna spawn more does this go down at all no maybe here no no I don’t think this goes very deep it’s like a little room should we get down yeah we have to dig down you want dude in two different

Points we have a better chance yeah I’m getting the apples for so oh I cliffhanger lads so yeah thank you guys for watching episode 1 here and I hope you guys are having a good one I’m very bad at I’ll chose want to finish it for me yeah you guys enjoy

Drop a like rating checkable POVs and some next episode

This video, titled ‘Minecraft YouTuber UHC Season 2: Episode 1 – Just Keep Swimming (Ft. The Pack & The Cube)’, was uploaded by Huahwi on 2016-01-24 20:30:00. It has garnered 121159 views and 4406 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:57 or 1317 seconds.

Minecraft: Ultra Hardcore is a gamemode originally created by Guude and the group Mindcrack.

In UHC mode, health does not automatically regenerate, so players must use a golden apple, golden head, or instant health potion. In addition, everyone has double the hearts! (20 hearts each), smelting is instant but will still require smelting materials + a furnace. Golden heads obtained from your opponents can be combined into an even more powerful head. Strength potions, fishing rod knockback, and horses are disabled.

▼ Teams Justin: https://www.youtube.com/c/AciDicBliTzz Kenny: https://www.youtube.com/KenWorthGaming

Preston: https://www.youtube.com/PrestonPlayz Lachlan: http://youtube.com/Lachlan

Jerome: http://youtube.com/JeromeASF go down: http://youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian

Brayden: https://www.youtube.com/TheCampingRusher Mark: https://www.youtube.com/DfieldMark

Bee: https://www.youtube.com/HeyImBee Straub: https://www.youtube.com/StrauberryJam

Fin – https://www.youtube.com/finsgames UnFuggettable – https://youtube.com/channel/UC-vlWJoHuVKm51TEfPDik8A

Vick: https://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123HD Rob: https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless

Sean: https://www.youtube.com/Grapeapplesauce Ant: https://www.youtube.com/CreeperFarts

Dylan: https://www.youtube.com/TheHyperCraftt Nathan: https://www.youtube.com/NoBoomGaming

Grasses: https://www.youtube.com/Graser10 Kiingtong: https://www.youtube.com/Kiingtong

Cool: https://www.youtube.com/Huahwi123 PrivateFearless – https://youtube.com/PrivateFearless

Brandon: https://www.youtube.com/PeteZahHutt Kara: https://www.youtube.com/ItsPwincessly

Choco: https://www.youtube.com/KwehCraft Ashley: https://www.youtube.com/AshleyMarieeGaming

Joe: http://youtube.com/TofuuGaming Poke: https://www.youtube.com/Pokediger1

Mat: https://www.youtube.com/c/mathewnoochm Erin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyYukkVgPjmSQuaDAFlk7dw

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► Twitter: http://twitter.com/huahwi ► Twitch: http://twitch.tv/huahwi ► Facebook: http://facebook.com/huahwi ► Google+: http://plus.google.com/+huahwi123

▼ Music Secoya – Run (http://soundcloud.com/secoya) (http://youtube.com/watch?v=Uvs8DzB1mwU)

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    Dronio's CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком спавнится рандомная структура Итак я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста Поставьте лайк и что вы ставите гораздо больше лайков чем я думал Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз о и вы заспавнил пустынный храм Надеюсь там будет хотя бы один Алмаз Эх К сожалению в сундуках Одна фигня и вы просто посмотрите сколько структур уже заспавнился А это означает что вы продолжаете ставить лайки и вы заспавнил город края там то точно должен быть Алмаз Нет не трогайте меня так открываем сундук и да Алмаз This… Read More

  • Creating Kitchen in Minecraft – Building Tutorial

    Creating Kitchen in Minecraft - Building TutorialVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pakistani Gamer on 2024-02-09 11:04:41. It has garnered 59 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft My Instagram account:- https://www.instagram.com/pkgamer_288?igsh=bzVqZnRpaWx3c3do Video related keywords:- minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building ideas,how to build in minecraft,minecraft build hacks,minecraft shorts build hacks,cool minecraft builds shorts,minecraft build shorts,minecraft tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft shorts building,minecraft kitchen tutorial,minecraft build ideas,let me fix that minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpace

    Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpaceVideo Information trucos de Minecraft que probablemente no sabías si necesitas ir de una isla a otra con Ender pe y no sabes cómo medirla puedes tirar una bola de nieve ya que esta tiene el mismo recorrido que la Ender peel Así que podrás calcular la distancia a la que debes tirar tu Ender peel This video, titled ‘EL TRUCO PARA NO FALLAR ENDER PEARLS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🎮| TRUCOS DE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MapleSpace on 2024-03-29 02:00:13. It has garnered 11685 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Maple Spaciest Minecraft 🎮🎮 THE… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #ShortsVideo Information मेरा दिल था केना तूने खेल ऐसा खेला तेरी यार में जाग रात भर बाजी कर चिंगारी सर में बदन में कपड़े ंद This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raj Rai Gaming on 2023-12-05 13:30:50. It has garnered 2533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#minecraft #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraft#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts#minecraft#ytshort #firstshortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft#ytshort… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫

    INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫Video Information Minecraft habe ich darf nicht die Farben von der Flagge von Wales berühen Multiplayer ausstellen [Musik] welerstellen This video, titled ‘Minecraft ABER ich darf NICHT die Farben WEIß GRÜN und ROT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Berühren! ❌️’, was uploaded by MCTiger on 2024-02-22 17:00:43. It has garnered 9356 views and 381 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀

    LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀Video Information he H H ra br actually wait I literally have the sound effect like on me at all times what am I I could just play it I could just play the let me see how well I can do it hold on [Music] oh oh oh no that’s not you’re not making it through the stream dude I’ll I’ll be fine I’ll be fine right I took I took my meds that should pick me up also had a glass of tea that should wake me up also had a little bit of coke cero that should… Read More

  • Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio Family

    Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio FamilyVideo Information yo Welcome back to my channel b sama gu Kal ini Waduh 996 nih subscriber kurang terus nih tapi ngapa guys Sorry banget ini lagi agak sibuk banget dan kita tadi masih ada bug di server jadi kita istirahat dulu guys karena capek banget ngurus server kita main pubg dulu nih sama para Admin let’s [Musik] go [Musik] Aduh live chatnya belum ku ini cuy guys stream sampai subuh kayak [Musik] Git stream sampai [Musik] subuh [Musik] t [Musik] gampang [Musik] ya Buset anjing gede banget eh maksudnya tekatnya guys Apanya gede tuh di anu ya di di… Read More

  • Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft’s Progression Failures!

    Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft's Progression Failures!Video Information if you’ve played Minecraft for at least 5 minutes you probably know just how terrible the progression is you get some wood some stone tools get some iron do all that basic stuff make a house get some food find some diamonds go to the nether then after really just a couple hours of game play get to the end and kill the Ender Dragon then what for a lot of players it feels like after you beat the Ender Dragon the game just kind of ends it’s not really over really nothing has changed except you beat… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!

    Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!Video Information oh [ __ ] about to kill you I like a [ __ ] silverfish oh my God I understand how the bat flying works now you have to spam space bar holy [ __ ] you fly in the air yeah it’s a Ser [Music] like oh [ __ ] so this actually drops another eight scps when he come didn’t realize that I’m at the EMC some [ __ ] iron no cheesy oh B works the same way for mhm all I broke your glass [ __ ] to watch even load finally been loading how do you H how do you EMC you asking the wrong… Read More

  • SmGCraft

    SmGCraftWe are not just a Minecraft server. SmG stands for So many Guns and originally started in March 2010. Games include Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Halo, CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG, LoL, Roblox, and CoD. Despite your favorite game not being mentioned, it will still be played! A community with over 40k members! Version: 1.15.2 mc.smgclan.net Read More

  • Not So Hardcore – Hardcore Whitelist 23w13a

    Welcome to Not So Hardcore! This is a server for people passionate about building, Redstone, and creating large projects together as a community. Not So Hardcore? When you die, there is a waiting period until the next day to respawn, adding a challenge to the gameplay. Interested? If you’re interested, please message me. There will be a short application reviewing past projects, maturity, and long-term commitment. Welcome to Not So Hardcore! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft Memes; Stolen on Twitter!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than my own original tweets! Read More

  • Zoonomaly: Where Cats Nap and Nightmares Spawn!

    Zoonomaly: Where Cats Nap and Nightmares Spawn! When you can’t decide which level of Zoonomaly to spawn, just take a catnap and let your subconscious figure it out. Maybe you’ll dream of a world where all the scary creatures are just fluffy kittens! #dreambig #catnapgoals 🐱💤 Read More

  • Uncover Ancient Artifacts on Minewind Server!

    Uncover Ancient Artifacts on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and all its hidden treasures? If so, you’ll love exploring the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players and embark on exciting adventures in a unique Minecraft world. While watching a fascinating YouTube video about deleted Minecraft items, you may have come across some ancient artifacts that sparked your curiosity. Just like those forgotten items, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Immerse yourself in a server where creativity knows no bounds, and the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new… Read More

  • Insane AI Drone in Minecraft Art World

    Insane AI Drone in Minecraft Art WorldVideo Information Какой самый прочный блок в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это бедрок Но это совершенно не так ведь бедрок можно сломать даже деревянной киркой кто-то скажет что это обсидиан Ну и это не самый прочный блок Так какой же блок по настоящему самый прочный в Майнкрафте и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это блок барьера ведь его вообще ничем не сломать This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Showdown: Warden vs Grenade Launcher

    Epic Minecraft Showdown: Warden vs Grenade LauncherVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Warden vs Grenade Launcher’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-25 18:17:22. It has garnered 106 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment Tags:minecraft, memes, alexa real, meme, speedrun, this video will satisfy you, shorts, this fight will actually never end, 10 ways to destroy your pc, real, all of your minecraft questions in 1 min (hehe), do not show this to dream…, 31415 iq?, alexa, how to make a gaming pc with this screen (no mods), minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 CUBICBITIE: Join EPIC SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraft

    🔥 CUBICBITIE: Join EPIC SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraftVideo Information this is how you can join the best Minecraft server first open Minecraft on any version above 1 17 next when you’re in the main menu press the multiplayer button after that click the ad server option you can completely ignore the server name menu however you have to write Phantom s.net in the server address bar press done and you should be good to go This video, titled ‘How to join the BEST Minecraft SMP 🤔#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Cubicbitie on 2024-04-05 16:00:24. It has garnered 3819 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • 🚀 INSANE! Baked Dean conquers Hardcore Minecraft in 5269+ days at Space Station | !HOF !dailybeans 🎮

    🚀 INSANE! Baked Dean conquers Hardcore Minecraft in 5269+ days at Space Station | !HOF !dailybeans 🎮Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] kind of prevents me from uh doing it completely Fair completely Fair [Music] no but um as I like to say no oh my gosh dude yo but if there’s anything standing between you and your dream get that thing out of the way [Music] man one day when you look back [Music] [Music] you won’t be like dang I shouldn’t have taken that leap and tried to try to chase my dream right you’ll you’ll be saying you’ll be saying the opposite if you [Music] didn’t [Music] there you go so if there’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Content Creator SMP – JOIN NOW!

    Ultimate Minecraft Content Creator SMP - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is Minecraft’s Content Creator SMP (APPLICATIONS OPEN)’, was uploaded by Advanced SMP on 2024-01-12 18:48:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join the discord server here: https://discord.gg/JunqrHjnDt TAGS:Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP … Read More

  • Uncover the REAL Ethobot in Minecraft!

    Uncover the REAL Ethobot in Minecraft!Video Information in today’s video we are going to be hiding as players in Minecraft there’s a bunch of clones of us hiding in this castle and three of my friends are going to be hiding to see if they can get away from my gaze you never told me there was killing invol I mean I could I can’t swim oh by the way you can’t be outside of the castle I don’t think she can swim 4 3 2 1 zero all right so if I was a muo a chicken behind you or a fox oh my… Read More

  • Aishii Ai Ch – Minecraft: Starting Own Server!?

    Aishii Ai Ch - Minecraft: Starting Own Server!?Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I everyone Hi I good morning good morning I’m AA girl from the year 4000 who’s here to entertain and make memories with all of you life can get crazy so let listen with me and we’ll all get through this together hi I everyone Hi I hi IE IR inside oh stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch a hi I chicken adobo hi I Ruka Hi I rapot hi I Dark Shadow hi i z hi I Bonkers bear hi I JP… Read More

  • Join Vqlenh and try the game-changing ZOMBIE FARMBOX! 🧟💥 Easiest way to survive?

    Join Vqlenh and try the game-changing ZOMBIE FARMBOX! 🧟💥 Easiest way to survive?Video Information Hoy me levanté con ganas de probar otros servidores de la cual andamos en un servidor bastante pedido por la comunidad y si le voy a ser sincero nunca lo había escuchado nada más que lo escuché por usted pero la verdad que estoy viendo y estoy como ya saben yo grabo bastante temprano y amigo hay más de 300 personas conectadas hay más de 334 personas conectadas de la cual nos encontramos en infection como dije anteriormente un servidor bastante pedido por ustedes ya sea por Twitch y por YouTube y como le digo hay más de… Read More


    ULTIMATE EASY STARTER HOUSE BUILD! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘easy survival starter house #minecraft #minecraftcinematic #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by TeamBuildMinecraft on 2024-03-05 20:27:47. It has garnered 438 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly #like #explorepage #instagram #cringe #playstation #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #mcpe #videogames #minecrafthouse #spicymemes #comedy #offensive #fortnitememes #minecraftideas #minecraftxbox #explore #minecrafts #love minecraft,minecraft monster school,… Read More

  • Avalion

    Avalion8 éve ugyan az a map. Nálunk sosincs map törlés. Amit építesz az megmarad. Skyblock, Survival, Hardcore, Towni (ideiglenesen szünetel), Creative. Jó fej és segítőkész staffok vannak a szerveren, gyere bátran játszani :). Megnyílt a vadonatúj skyblock szerverünk Ikarosz néven, gyere fel és nézz körül! mc.avalion.hu Read More

Minecraft YouTuber UHC Season 2: Episode 1 – Just Keep Swimming (Ft. The Pack & The Cube)