Minecraft’s Strongest Player Revealed

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this is the strongest player on our Minecraft server from spawning 1 th000 Withers to killing every player to literally breaking minecraft he’s done it all just to gain power and because of this he’s feared by literally everyone the owner the players even the best pvpers don’t want to fight him but if he’s so powerful then why did he just ask me to team okay listen this might not seem like a big deal but the server just reset and I’m not even joking I’m the weakest player here in the past I’ve died hundreds of times to stupid things I’ve never even gotten a kill and I once lost all my hearts to a skeleton the point is for someone like him I’m the last person he would ever want to team with so when he sent me a message asking to team I obviously thought it was a mistake no way right but out of curiosity I decided to join his voice chat anyway hello yo what’s the team name by the way what so I guess he’s actually serious so this is where things really got complicated see this is one of the most competitive Minecraft servers and that’s because every time you die you lose a heart but every time you kill someone you gain one and I was now left with a choice on one hand teaming with him could be a huge opportunity for me since I’m obviously not good enough to gain Hearts myself he could actually help me get a ton of kills and in that case that would be my one chance to achieve something most players have never done get 20 Hearts so it’s an easy choice right all right so what’s the plan what’s the mindset uh but on the other hand spoke is known for backstabbing and betraying people he calls his teammates and with the new season setting everyone back to only 10 Hearts he would have every reason to kill me you know a lot of people are greedy for hearts like around this time so okay good to know yeah maybe he actually wanted to help me or maybe he just saw me as a free heart but I’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to actually have power on the server and this was my only chance so I took the risk all right are we just going to a village why so we can get stuff oh yeah that’s a fair point you want to do that yeah yeah and eventually he led me right to a village which I hope was because he wanted us to start gearing up but who knows luckily for me though fighting or PVP as it’s called was still turned off for another 40 minutes which meant spoke couldn’t actually kill me or anything yet but it also meant I would have no way of knowing if he was really on my side until it would be too late so until then I just had to try and convince him that I was worth teaming with oh oh destruction and killing team that’s going to be us that’s really like not a great name either yeah okay this wasn’t going well so far so to try to make a better impression I came up with a plan that could actually work for both of us the plan was to get villagers that sell us protection enchants and diamond armor and after we get those we could find other players with like iron armor or even less and because we would both have so much better gear we could easily get tons of kills gaining tons of hearts for both of us it seemed like the perfect plan but for some reason spoke didn’t seem too happy with it oh you’re going straight for like the enchants well yeah yeah okay that’s fair but since he eventually agreed we started working on the [Music] villagers all right they’re going they’re yeah at this point I’ve been grinding for about 10 minutes and even though time was slowly running out a lot of good progress was made on the plan we had a ton of villagers producing stacks of emeralds meaning we can now afford the enchanted diamond armor and now just needed a villager to sell us some but while I thought everything was going decently well I was about to run into some problems see I started noticing that other players were also starting to prepare for PVP turning on wait what what how does he already have diamond armor dude we can’t fall behind like this this is actually bad I knew we had to get this plan done fast since the longer we waited the harder it would be to get Hearts but this is where things really got scary see I noticed that spoke kept trying to assure me that we could just take our time with this plan it’s all right though I mean yeah but I feel like we still have to hurry I mean okay PVP does turn on in like like it’s in like 20 minutes yeah but you know that’s besides the point on Top that while I was working on getting the diamond armor spoke was doing completely unrelated things and he kept trying to get me to focus on other stuff so here’s here’s what I’m going to do though boom boom um shoot wait and that’s when I realized something all right hold on I got to go to the bathroom bro I feel like he’s trying to distract me I think that’s what this is yeah he’s smart I think I think he knows what he’s doing oh God bro what do I do I realized there was a big possibility spoke was just trying to distract me from the plan so I would stay weak since he probably realized I’ll be way easier to kill if I have no gear I mean in past Seasons when PVP was on he had no problems killing me when I had no armor oh my God and realizing all this it seemed a lot more likely that he was going to end up betraying me and I really didn’t want to take the risk of dying and losing a heart when PVP turned on well I didn’t until oh my God no way I I need to upgrade him I need to upgrade him quick come on come on oh oh my protection too okay are oh God bro what do I do now this changed literally everything now that we had enchanted diamond armor getting Hearts would be so much easier which honestly makes this a risk worth taking now I could just hypothetically run away with the armor but like I don’t know how to kill people alone I I need spoke bro I I’m going to regret this aren’t I hey yo I’m back I gave spoke his own set of diamond armor knowing very well he could use it against me soon did you see I had a protection on it it’s going to be like really hard to die now that’s true and it restarted he have zero warning yeah and I knew that if he did kill me that would be it I would have no chance of becoming powerful anymore however there was only one way to find out all right service back up oh actually yeah all right here we go boom boom are you just like farming I’m trying to get all the wheat and stuff for the animals I’m getting the farm okay [Applause] yep um all right I want to start Play I genuinely couldn’t believe it the most powerful player on the server wanted to team with me [Music] now at first I was super excited about this I mean being on spokes team basically guarantees me getting to 20 Hearts soon which is something I could have only dreamed of in past seasons and not only that but whatever crazy things he’s planning I now get to be a part of scamming people for hearts I’ll be there killing every player with illegal arrows I’ll be there destroying all spawn with thousands of Withers and duplicating billions of items to disband the strongest organization on the server however that’s all assuming that he actually keeps me as his teammate so I just have to be extra careful not to mess anything up but unfortunately I’m going to put the clay in the chest so if you want you can trade but I’m going to go back out and try to find some more what dude you as I do every season I die to something completely stupid making me lose an entire heart off my health bar oh my God I’m on nine hearts and because I’m a lot easier to kill now it was going to be way harder for us to become powerful this season something that I knew spoke wasn’t going to be too happy about so I desperately tried to convince him that it won’t happen again but then dude it’s all right all right so I I’ll don’t I’ll work on like the Villager stuff then don’t worry yeah yeah okay that works thank you bro even after dying and losing a heart he was still fine teaming with me which don’t get me wrong I was super happy but also more confused than ever I know spoke is very smart and calculated and he literally had a whole server of people to pick from the best pvpers the best grinders or the best Trappers but instead he picked me the guy who dies a lot I knew he had some specific reason some kind of other motive for picking me but I had no idea what it was however I was going to have to figure that out later because now we got to go to spawn and get some kills dude we’re about to get so many hearts I’m actually excited [Music] okay so how are we actually going to do this like are we just going to pull up and like kill the first person we see cuz that would actually be kind of funny if you want how far hello um one sec oh okay wait for how long are you serious bro right as we’re about to go get some kills spoke had to leave his computer for a bit I thought I could wait for him so I waited and wait waited and waited but he was kind of just taking forever and so out of boredom I did something stupid all right screw it I’m just going to go I decided I was going to go to spawn alone and sneak around to see what kind of gear people had that way when spoke got back we could be more prepared like I know I technically shouldn’t be going out alone this early in the season but I don’t know I just really want to see what we’re going up against oh found someone okay okay um I think that’s 4C he he just has iron armor unenchanted iron armor and Diamond pants I think okay that’s actually good to know that means we’re pretty ahead since spoke was still gone I decided to just message him an update telling him I found him some easy kills for when he got back on he for some reason told me not to fight which like duh I don’t know how to do anything without you but either way I kept going and eventually I saw even more people with worse gear than us and at that point I kind of knew everything I needed to know dude no one has good stuff dude I want to fight them so bad bro but like I’m just going to die like it’s not worth it I just need spoke to come back and then you know but what I should have realized at the time is that spawn wasn’t as safe as I thought oh sh oh wait he’s kidding right he’s kidding oh my God I was totally not prepared for a fight and at this point I was completely panicking not wanting to lose another heart nope they’re actually killing me they’re actually killing me they’re actually I can’t die again please oh please luckily the enchanted diamond armor was working better than I expected making their attacks pretty much useless so I was able to get away run run run oh my god that hurt go luckily most of them didn’t have a boat so I was able to get pretty far away however one player continued to follow me alone but right as I was about to run I realized something I was in diamond armor while he was in Iron even without spoke if I attacked him I could actually win and although it was risky the thought of gaining my very first heart was too much to resist got him oh my God oh my God oh my God that was so fast okay go go go to be fair it was just Bry but I don’t I don’t know I’m proud of myself like 10 Hearts bro feeling super happy I decided to message spoke about my kill since he was still away from his computer I told him I was back on 10 Hearts he seemed surprised then asked me who I killed I told him I killed Bry which to be honest wasn’t that impressive since he’s also one of the worst players he obviously told me to be careful but I told him I was fine in that the diamond armor made it really hard for me to get killed so far to which he said that’s not what I meant that’s not what I meant what what did he mean then this response kind of confused me but whatever either way that fight made me realize just how much I’m going to need spoke if I actually want 20 Hearts I mean if I did this alone I would have to do all of that 10 more times and against better players too even worse I would eventually lose my gear Advantage I was pretty hard to kill cuz of my better armor however most players would also be at that same level by the time I fought again so I decided this time I was just going to wait for spoke to get back until I did anything stupid and after doing a bit more grinding I logged off for the day the next day I logged on a bit early and spoke said he was getting on in around an hour which was actually perfect since that’s when a lot more people would be online but instead of sitting around waiting there was something I could do until he got on if we wanted to keep our gear Advantage for a bit longer we would need something even stronger than diamond armor strength potions I don’t actually have them yet so I’m probably just going to put something up on the screen strength potions once splashed these would make us do almost double the damage in fact these are so broken early game that even against someone in diamond armor we would be able to kill them in three shots so I knew we had to get our hands on these as fast as possible all right we got like 55 minutes to get these and then we’re going to pop off uh how do I sh all right I started by looking around in the nether since most of the ingredients for the potions were found there but I quickly realized I wasn’t the first person here someone’s been over there and after looking around for a bit I couldn’t find any of the stuff I needed but what I did find was a portal this is pretty far out I think hold on this might actually be a base now if this was someone’s base they probably wouldn’t be too happy about me just entering but the fact that these players have already explored the nether tells me that this base might have some really good stuff maybe even including strength potions and with 45 minutes until spoke got on I knew stealing would be a lot faster than crafting all right you know what please don’t be a trap please don’t please oh okay oh my God I am liking this okay there’s got to be some good stuff here of course minutes here um he’s nice right he’s nice I’m going to message him can I check out your base oh he’s looking at me now he’s looking at me now oh he said okay okay um I’m just going to explore he’s not or chill right I just is this oh this looks good um I’m going to go down there if you don’t mind oh I hear villagers oh my oh my this was by far the biggest base on the server so far so I knew there had to be some good stuff here there’s oh okay let me see wait it was here no he just wait there’s actually no way do I just take them all right screw it oh okay well oh Okay I uh I’ll leave one in there sure after thankfully acquiring a bunch of strength potions I decided to look around a bit more just in case I missed anything else to steal oh no what’s in here projectile protection ooh oh okay wait should I okay well I might as well I’m stealing over there’s actually no way are these real I just found two actual Hearts now stealing strength potions that can take a couple minutes to make is one thing but taking two entire Hearts from these people is a lot different but realizing how much time this would save us on our journey to 20 Hearts it was a pretty easy Choice Hearts no right if I right click oh my God oh my God um okay I’m I’m going to get out of here wow I’m I’m more than happy with that where’d he go I think he just left which is actually kind of perfect guess I’m good to go okay what what just happened after that big win I message spoke about it because he was finally about to get online I told him my actually got to 12 hearts and again he was surprised he asked me if I crafted them but I was like nah I stole them and he just said oh dude what at this point I really started to get annoyed like I thought he would be happy we were getting Hearts but he’s just been acting weird every time I did something like this he asked me what our plan was next and I told him about the strength potions I stole and how we could get some easy kills now but he said I’d prefer not to this was weird but surely he was joking right like why would he not want free kills oh there he is okay I’m calling him let see what’s going on hello hello hello hey hello hey Planet Lord Planet Lord I can hear you Planet Lord bro he said we can meet at our base so I started heading there and sure enough there he was but it looked like he built a lot more stuff here [Music] yeah oh my God you did a lot of work on this yeah now him upgrading our base was cool and all but the only time he would be online to do something like this was yesterday when I was out looking for kills and that means even though I told him people that spawned were free Hearts he just decided to stay at the base and hold back meaning he wasn’t kidding earlier dude I need to make an auto fish farm that’s what I need to do wait so you were serious about the not wanting to kill thing yeah this was bad if this was going where I thought it was then my journey to 20 Hearts would be a lot harder but it kept kept getting worse as I walked up around our base I saw he had built a random flower farm and uh I don’t know how flowers are going to help us get more Hearts but that’s when it all started to add up from the very start of the Season he’s been acting different avoiding even the easiest of kills never really caring about how many hearts we had working on completely underrated things and teaming with someone as weak as me in the first place spoke for some unknown reason and didn’t want to be powerful at all anymore uh loky I might go try to get some kills alone then sure you don’t want to come with me or if you need help I can jump in but oh God I took that as a no I knew he was trying to be nice and I appreciated it but either way for some reason all his passion was just gone it was like looking at a whole different person okay um well I guess I’m doing this alone now so now that I knew spoke wouldn’t be helping me getting to 20 Hearts seemed a lot harder I mean I would be outnumbered in basically all my fights moving forward but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from at least trying so I got my strength potions ready and began searching I see mapix Slayer I see mapix Slayer oh my God oh my God I I see them I see them I see them this was actually super risky since this team had a streamer on it hundreds of people would be watching me take this fight live if I lost I would completely embarrass myself in front of everyone and lose a heart but if I won I would gain two hearts and best of all people might actually start seeing me as powerful so I took the chance and followed them I just want to put out all the fire okay oh my God bro stop running we’re Bots you can’t move villagers dude I saw him and now they went into like a hard biome to navigate and now I lost them there’s nothing over here yeah we did I did realize that yeah okay chat isn’t there a fancy this l l seed L seed whoever made this is a bum oh my God I see them oh my God oh my God I see bacon specifically yeah yeah yo I hit that I like never hit boat clutches bro from my heart is pounding bro genuinely you got blocks for this behind us Planet here oh is he [Music] ATT oh he is got [Music] one please no way no actual way that just happened oh my God that went literally perfectly I was able to kill both of them in a matter of seconds mostly thanks to the strength potions but the people in the chat loved it and when a clip of my kills was posted on YouTube everyone there was hyping me up too and I can’t lie it felt kind of awesome planet is like absorbing power from spoke oh my God this is better than I expected the feeling was so new to me but I already loved it however it also made me start thinking a little bit if being powerful is so amazing then why would spoke purposefully choose not to he just said spoke do you approve of this bro planet has his own personal agenda that I don’t control bro why does he care so much like what is his problem it just didn’t make sense to me I mean he never used to care about his reputation if he had an idea to gain power he would just do it he didn’t care how far he went so what changed what could have possibly happened to make him quit and would it happen to me [Music] too plan of Lord Nation I’m your host plan of Lord finally bro all right uh I’m heading to the base right now cuz I got to ask you something [Music] you’re about to trap me okay bro shut up yeah let’s go up here epic epic lore conversation let’s get it I have I have a very simple question okay what’s up why why did you stop being powerful what what happened like I mean let’s be for real planet if I wanted to be the most powerful of this season I could like nothing is stopping me from just like ending the server again well yeah that’s what I’m saying like there there’s one thing though to be honest I don’t really know what I was expecting I mean I guess I was hoping for something more straightforward maybe he would tell me he just got bored of being the best or maybe he got a bit worse at the game and couldn’t keep up but he just started yapping about random stuff something about ruining a relationship something else about Redemption like it genuinely seemed like he was trying to warn me of something but it kind of just sounded like he was saying a whole lot of nothing and as he talked more and more I kind of just realized that this conversation was useless all right I will uh I’ll talk to you later than I gu that was that was interesting yeah I decided to just not worry about it and keep doing what I was doing like I was almost halfway to 20 Hearts I wasn’t about to let spokes vague warning stop me so a few days later I went to spawn to see if there’s any more people I could kill I don’t see anyone let me go to the main area yeah I don’t I don’t think anyone’s here unfortunately but everyone seemed to be doing their own things at the moment if I wanted to find players I was going to need to search for some [Music] bases and I’m not even joking I spent hours running around the server trying to find stuff I guess people have learned to hide their bases better throughout the seasons cuz I could not find literally a single thing but eventually oh oh my that looks like a base to me looks like it’s still in progress too which is even better we got like a fancy bridge and everything okay it’s like yeah this is pretty recent yeah they have Coors fruit okay is anyone here I’m going to see if there’s like a secret thing okay I don’t think there’s anything I guess is good to know okay I will mark this down and then there’s definitely be more people on tomorrow so I can pull up and do like an epic sneak attack boom boom boom okay what the hell am I doing before leaving I decided to steal some chorus fruit it’s an item that randomly teleports you nearby when you eat it which doesn’t seem too useful but ender pearls are actually banned the season so definitely seems like the best way to escape if I get in a bad situation tomorrow I’ve also been stocky up on golden apples which are absolutely crucial so I can heal in fights so I made sure to get a decent amount okay I’m just gonna head back to the base until more people are on this just mapic and bacon on right now they have been on like all day though I feel like they’re planning something lowkey while I waited for more people to get on I got on a call with spoke and we met up again he really wanted to get some designs for our armor which we really didn’t need but eh he was still my teammate and I wanted to help out and to be honest they ended up looking pretty cool anyway wait no I didn’t get it wait Did you want cop so after that we headed back to our base dude this is the opposite way you were lost you were confused you are lost you are confused all right J M oh what was that um I mean all the grass is oh my God spoke spoke spoke spoke what I see TNT mine carts yeah all the grass is broken someone had planted explosives under our base and based on who was online I knew it was the people I killed earlier they were trying to get revenge there’s a bunch of TNT Minecarts under the chests are they here okay spoke be very careful right here what’s the what’s the plan okay we have to disarm this oh my god oh are you good you good you good wait wait spoke they’re here I knew this would be the perfect chance to gain two more Hearts but I had to convince spoke to fight with me I’m taking the horse and running bro come on you’re already here please just help me fight I I actually won’t ask you again please just one time please [Music] thank you thank you thank you okay come on come on come on I even have bods oh God but I quickly realized spoke wasn’t prepared for a fight he had a bunch of building materials on him not potions yo help me out struggling I’m struggling to hit him with the horse and even worse he carried barely any golden apples meaning he wouldn’t be able to heal for much longer if we wanted a chance of winning I would have to pick both of them off before he died oh Bacon’s coming in spoke spoke genuinely gen [Music] genuinely I’m good I’m good I’m good oh my God the cor Strat works so well just try try and stay alive as long as possible I’m all right but they were stronger than last time they had Enchanted their armor got a bunch of golden apples and got strength potions and right as I thought things couldn’t get any worse hello yeah I died spoke had run out of golden apples and died and I was quickly running out too he is he is he is we got this bacon unusable un [Music] losable okay spoke spoke this is bad he’s eating Gods oh man bacon oh shoot if I died here I would not only lose a heart but my powerful reputation I’ve been working so hard to build I had no choice but to escape okay that’s actually crazy that we were able to get spell spoke all right now he’s going to try and Escape I am really low on gaps so spoke that’s the problem and they’re both on you yeah oh I can’t stay mad at you but dang that was a huge throw oh there’s a portal oh if he gets through that portal it’s going to be difficult if I just made it through the portal they hopefully wouldn’t follow me through since people like to trap nether portals on the server try to okay what’s it called yeah I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it I think we’re good please please okay okay I I think I’m good I think I’m good I think I’m good not going through nether yeah obviously oh they they are they are what the hell what the hell I guess I underestimated just how much these people wanted me dead yes spoke it might be it for me hey you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine I’m eating gold carrots that’s how bad it’s getting dude hey it’s all right I I okay yeah your your voice is shaking take the breaths you’re fine try to do the cor Strat where you get in the water oh you’re right spoke had a risky idea if I went in the water and ate a CO fruit I could actually get Super Lucky and teleport into an underground cave and with only four golden apples left I had to [Music] try okay that one didn’t work I can try again he’s going to he’s eating horse for he’s trying to get in the water cave [Music] okay I’m going to get get in get in get in get in come on oh I’ll just make a chest somewhere which direction you I I think I got away hold on I’m digging down to yeah super focused you got this easy did you use cor to get out yeah yeah yeah that TR works so well H he could be out no you know what that was impressive running I want to kill him so bad though you know like I don’t care so much about spoke I need to kill Planet yeah oh my God I made it out with with four gaps left bro I oh my oh my God I’m kind of mad they killed you I’m sorry about that but I mean I don’t know I’m I didn’t have any I didn’t have any PVP stuff on me why why were you going in then you said you ready help you I need to help you dude spoke what am I supposed to just run and let you die after returning back home it really set in just how much these players hated me I mean they kind of just blew up our whole base and chased me around the entire server but to be honest I’m just happy I made it out alive and if anything surviving that 2V1 just made my reputation even stronger okay that’s enough Minecraft for today the next day a lot more people were online so I went to the base that I found earlier hoping to gain some hearts all right um okay this base has not changed since I’ve been here oh oh vitality’s outer layers on wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uh okay where could he be I began searching the area for my next kill until oh there he is okay I’m just going to be very very sneaky oh what is he doing look up my friend I’m singing on stream he then asked me to join his call I mean I guess I have nothing to lose so hello hi will you duet with me so clearly he didn’t know that I was going around killing people yet because for some reason he wanted me to sing with him I mean sure yeah I guess yay okay all right I’ll be right here um how’ you even find this it’s like a fossil yeah yeah I was Excavating oh you just cut out are you wait wait are you screen sharing yeah yeah I’ll screen share but you’re you’re singing right I mean I guess okay are you ready we then proceeded to sing together over Discord screen share for like 15 minutes and we did pick a bunch of extremely copyrighted songs so luckily you you don’t have to hear that either way that is not what I expected I was going to be doing when I logged on today but I guess I was just along for the ride and to be honest I was actually having a pretty good time that was fun that was fun that was so much fun yeah dude that was probably so delayed like I probably sounds so stupid on your stream N I still carried the what but I couldn’t get too comfortable I knew what I had to do no no no no please please please please please please please please please please please please spare me spare me spare me spare me spare me spare okay 15 hearts I feel so bad dude it’s just need it to happen though like it’s so hard to find people now the next couple of weeks were interesting to say the least even though I started to get the hang of the whole powerful thing it became way harder to actually find people to kill my next kill happened an entire week later I found the owner of the server parrot Who funny enough actually used to be spokes old teammate in past Seasons I just kind of randomly found him in some forest and well I I took my chance cool uh 16 Hearts I guess I got super lucky on my next kill because this time instead of having to search for people the guy from earlier actually wanted to fight me again but this time I won finally bro 17 Hearts I guess that wasn’t enough for them because his teammate also challenged me to a duel but it didn’t go so well for him either 18 Hearts but after that my luck kind of came to an end as people went back to hiding from me at this point weeks were passing in between each kill and again I had to resort to running around the server for hours looking anywhere just to find a base I did end up finding one but it was a couple days of waiting until I finally got a Target but that base was never really used again and that was it that was my last interaction with someone that wasn’t well spoke I was at 19 Hearts so close to my goal and yet it was impossible to even come close to killing anyone I tried visiting past bases only to find them completely empty and when I tried to come to spawn to find people I ran into a similar problem oh he got stuck he’s right behind us there’s no way he turns around oh no no head turn oh no oh no hunting us oh my God I spent hours building countless traps hoping that one day someone would fall fall for them and I could take their heart but the only person that ever set foot in those traps was spoke and that was just to help me dig them out however having him around did help me feel a lot less lonely throughout all this he would help me with my stuff and I would help him with his but after so much time passed it genuinely seemed like I was never going to reach 20 hearts that I would never achieve my goal until one day all right um so yeah I don’t know how many empty shelers you have but we have a bit to transport like any other day we were just hanging out at our base and spoke asked me to help him transfer some items for a building project okay I have one but I have like empty space and other shulkers yeah I have no empty shulkers I can make space though uh do you think my stuff would be uh here let me all right by the way you from the start I only had one goal two achieve 20 hearts and as I’ve learned if I want to be powerful I have to stop at nothing to achieve my goals and as I saw him with his back turned and his armor off my decision had already been made I was going to betray [Music] spoke um [Applause] [Music] I mean let’s be for real planet if I wanted to be the most powerful this season I could like nothing is stopping me from just like ending the server again well yeah that’s what I’m saying like there’s there’s one thing though but this SMP there is a resource more valuable than anything else if you kill another player you steal one heart from them let’s begin when I first joined Hearts each following this the server invited a few new members and to try and get them on our side I decided to call with one of them named spoke little did I know that this would be one of the most important conversations of my life hello yo yo I offered a proposal spoke the owner parrot said I can come as long as I help him out where’s the E perls I have no I don’t know where the I don’t know where they are you’re so annoying bro I could have killed parrot right there and used his heart to easily gain total dominance over the server but no matter how powerful I would have been I would have never been able to get that friendship back kill him kill him no no I’m kidding it was funnies it was really funny we’re getting out of here everything was going well but I still wanted more I’m looking at the terrain right now how is he not dead but miraculously spoke managed to knock both mapic and terrain into the void yeah let’s go he fell he fell are you serious fell oh my god let’s go let’s go that’s a oh my God we went from like guaranteed losing there go we killed Zam but we still had to fight so we needed to strike at their base go no oh my God oh my God oh my God bro we managed to get two hearts but the oh my God what oh oh my God what you’re spawning a bunch of wiers on server yeah everything is about to be destroyed so we made a plan to kill every player once so that in 5 days we would be strong enough to kill the players with more than yo yo yo good job good jobob let’s go let’s go but I still wanted more when the next season started I decided that I wanted to team with spoke again dude we have like dogs here what about ooh parrot we got some iron wait I might keep this actually yeah yeah get some pants bro you need you needed some I kind of like playing without oh yeah if he jumps me again I’m actually dead run the other way Parr run the other way where where oh oh no bro dude he is shooting at you and parot eyes this is a friendship being reunited jump this is the stupidest thing ever I don’t even have a p [Music] bro however this is only one step of my true master plan this all began 11 months ago when I discovered a video that caught my attention the description explained that the glitch allowed you to connect to two servers at once but even transfer items from one server to another however I noticed an immediate problem when Minecraft realizes you don’t have creative it turns it into a ghost item the only way we can get by this scan was if we tricked the game into thinking we had it or what if we actually had it the only player on life Who Had Creative was parot ount Lifest admin then spoke messaged me saying that he had something that he needed to show me so he told me to log on to my admin account and meet him at a set of coordinates the reason why this server is still here is because I’m your teammate for I knew as long as he believed he had the chance of saving the server then I could easily trick him everything I’ve done so far has been for this team you understand why you need to place this down right by placing this you will effectively save the server what wait what what I didn’t click that successfully taking down the last player that stood before me in the world what and in that moment I started to realize what spoke had just done he had used me tricked me manipulated me into giving him exactly what he wanted oh my God oh my God oh my God open [Music] from uh pretty not okay things on the server I mean parrot where where are you at Parrot you’re over there oh so like you want to give any words on that um was it just cuz you were like just terrible you couldn’t continue with like you just were too weak like what was it spoke look at you bro [Music] gain total dominance over the server but no matter how powerful I would have been I would have never been able to get that friendship back [Music] [Music] with that life steal season 5 [Music] begins there’s one thing though and this is the thing I think no one else would understand because no one has reached that power but but it’s not about like the consequences or like direct like getting banned or whatever it’s more like the relationships I’ve had with the players like you’re literally the only player that like wanted to like team with me there’s no other player on the server that actually trust me I don’t even honestly know if you trust me I I trust you and I appreciate that but you’re the only one that I can actually like rely on right now and that is of course my fault but like I need to redeem myself Planet that’s why this season I don’t want to like be the most like powerful this season because I’m trying to redeem myself I’m trying to I’m trying to show these players that I’m like actually good now because I can’t handle being alone again bro and honestly it’s a miracle that we’re we’re actually a team so and my advice for you is don’t do what I did because you have to understand that much power you have to let go of everything including the ones close to you go [Music]

This video, titled ‘The Truth Behind Minecraft’s Strongest Player’, was uploaded by PlanetLord on 2024-05-19 20:46:00. It has garnered 735462 views and 30004 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:21 or 3081 seconds.


#Minecraft #PlanetLord

special thanks to @Merffinn for teaching me to be a “pvp sweat” lol

not breaking survival minecraft to get revenge… or why i destroyed my friend’s base, this is a minecraft server where killing another player steals their heart. This is the LifeSteal SMP, a server with creators such as ParrotX2 and RekRap2. But, i try to gain 20 hearts as the worst player on the server!

1647 439,973 5/19/2024

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    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

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  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

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  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

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