Minecraft|Wizards and Wrenches S1E13| Ars Magica Spell Creation

Video Information

Hey welcome back to another episode of wizards and wrenches now it is currently Saturday night December twelfth and I am all alone cypher had to work again a sixth day this week so he’s at work right now and my son and daughter or spend the night at their grandfathers so

It’s just me yes indeed cooking up some bacon here and I was cooking up some iron before just trying to get some stuff ready look at that I already feel he’s that up stick that down now I did set this one to oil town because that’s

Where drago and i left off we were in oil town going to do the towers but right now right now right now I think I’d like to get into ARS magica so let us get going we’re didn’t work oh man this is not can you not fly with the

Surf at this order chef I’m hand ahead and shift I keep hitting control that’s what I’m hitting there we go so I’ve come across quite a few essence pools but I have this one marked so this is what I’m gonna go to this is the one

That’s right sort of near our X where lexar orespawn was I check my magic there it’s starting to drop pay attention it’s gonna end got it oof here we up here is the essence pool so all we need is I think it just goes like this

All right yeah and then we need the item frame in the book I don’t know much about ARS magica too and I’m pretty sure this is how you get started see if it works oh look at it go it’s absorbing the power of the magic

Bean look at it go oh oh even lock the secret of the arcade no are they okay excellent so now we have the arcane compendium I think the end of interview probably not with the rain that’s a vendor for us but there’s one we get out

Isn’t how to kick it under a tree all right so all right so I think what we’ll do now is I just just head back okay so uh what this happened all rights dump this dink dink dink cuz I can dump the item frame why do I have an air show

Here let’s check out this book I know this book has everything right so yeah oh this is like literally just about him okay so we’ve got all this guides the mechanics different items all the blocks we can learn through the shapes I’ve many components yet I mean modifiers

Talents or these terms to boost it Finnegan shades this is permanent foot how do you get them hmm augmented casting put you pay him Oh changing the color extra soon I’d like to do somebody how do you do summoning hmm sounds mom’s the different moms few structures

There’s bosses so many rituals I got that those are good I thought to know about these summoning like creatures and stuff I think that would be cool spell creation so maybe yeah on occasion during the night small meteors may crash down the old world this is the only way

To obtain moonstone or a full moon increases the odds meteor always falls within three blocks per player they will only ever fall in and biomes cover block meaning unless you have a house made of grass it won’t even hit your home if you do have a house man grass then what is

Wrong with you didn’t even read the three little pigs yes through big spell components sure sure sure I’ll read that later if you want to read it you just pause the video and check that out get my mind crashing spells okay skill points you could say what sparingly my love in a

Patient even level you gain one skill point additional points can be attained by flying across the street villagers exploring you choose how you want to go at it over there across the capacity also specific so there are some dungeon since I my mother was famous oh that

Would be neat hmm essences right to some lexi is so the first spell no that’s not no I figure to make a spell you will first need to create an oculus and unlock at least one spell shape and one component you start with three blue skill points to make this possible then

Craft a rival book and head over to your inscription table place the book any inscription table and drag the spell part you want an order from the top gray section on the button which commercially go your cards are in place your book contain a spell throw a blank ruin into

The middle of the crafting altar to begin the process then follow the books props the book itself is worth reading as well as it contains the recap if it’s spelled so we need an oculus we need an inscription table and we need the crafting alder and the crafting altar

Palmate armor goodman as Hydra bleh the major everyone’s ass over a pair right oh there’s major to it’s the lower level stuff I can’t worry about that right now so we need it’s not here mm torsions folk a keister licenses how do we make I

Guess I can just do this huh I’m like how do you regardless well let’s just get into it here or shall we let’s go to mudds ARS magica to there we go perfect so now we just need the oculus which is this thing right here so we need some

Blue topaz Cole three stone bricks and some glass I have the coal I have the glass I happen to have three stone bricks and all we need should be in the magic until pass sweet so let’s do it oculus now i am going to have to make a

Room i might have to make a room soon because crafting altar hmm but there we go so there’s offense defense utility are they go I’d like to know talents so I could learn color or mana regen those are the talents I’d be curious where the summoning stuff is like what is this

Stuff utility that’s quite like night vision may be dropping stuff this point has like the jumping higher that but I think you have to specialize guy like you can only go so far in any one particular what the heck is that this is defense some healing staff

Though that can be useful and then of course everybody wants offense like I think everybody probably goes for office right whatever the heck this stuff is so let’s do it all right let’s do projecta gravity physical damage or bounce huh I guess we’ll go physical damage and then

There’s fire I magic let’s do fire it gets us like a fireball type of thing right okay and that uses a power points so now we need the inscription table which is this thing so we’re going to need it’s this spell parchment how do I

Make us whoa I held it just paper in a wood ok it sticks you know I need to do let’s get the clipboard down here cuz it’s going to be helpful baby I have some paper I’m trying to evoke those pieces of paper be much much easier oh you know what to know

Okay and then I think I have aha I do three of those a torch which already had but and then I have torches on me I didn’t need to specifically grab that torch but a feather feather I have plenty of feathers so is that enough to

Make the it is description table ok so the inscription table here it sounds like it’s getting placed yeah that’s not gonna work for me that’s better for now ok yeah see so I can we need the writable book we need a bottle feather and ink not used to make I don’t make

Ramble book so it’s like vanilla minecraft I know that’s not crash don’t don’t we’re gonna have to make a bug right so let’s just get that I’m doing but that is nothing different than usual okay so we can make a book that and then do we just combine it with this and that

Ah we do nice ok and then that will go right there so we could say it’s a projectile it does you just say fired at nine does physical damage and you can end it right there I could just be physical and it’s fire physical damage fireball okay so now we have fireball

Projectile physical damage fire damage we’re going to need an iron sword to read runes a snowball to venom does an arrow and flint and steel earth so now we have to make mmm the crafting the crafting altered you can click on this that would be much more helpful if you

Just click on that so I don’t know where to find okay next sense new mantra connection so this is what tell me what to do but how do you block shapes components modifiers talents mom structure structures there we are crafting author okay okay so housing the force of creation the crash

Melt all is measures to work miracles of magic this is where you will create all of your spell’s the structures upgradable by two main groups the caps and the main material both groups individually increase the available power built around allowed to make more powerful spells the main blocks in order

Of power spots you go wood stone sand so the best is another brick another quartz okay for the caps of which there are five the best is of course emerald blocks which I don’t have a diamond blocks which I don’t have I probably could do gold blocks maybe irons

Probably what I’m going to have to do for now o moon stone blocks sun’s down box oh you can click through here to get out look at that and you can see what everything oh that’s sweet oh so I guess I can try nether brick you’re gonna need

A freaking but little bit like it pause so is that one two three four five oh it’s a five by five and in the middle is one of your caps okay so I’m gonna have to make a buttload of I need that bottom we’re doing a buttload of the bridge to

Think how do I have a bunch of bricks but you know what that doesn’t matter because what I need is room for this thing so what I’m gonna have to do is build another room because I don’t have room right now so you know i’m going to

Go ahead and get on that I just can do that off-camera and then we’ll come back that’s going to take me a little while and then we’ll come back when that room is done alright we’re back and that’s done and I screwed up somehow in the rooms all bit bigger that’s good because

It’s going to need to be so we’ve got here’s i think i’m going to go for the moon stone blocks we need five so perfect so it’s five one two three four five one two three four five right just make this room try not big enough but if

I can do this in the corner and we’ll be okay he would be okay this thing gets to go here oh no that’s not the thigh my book okay now I have more had more another rat cooking because i knew i was going to need more bricks but i will probably need more

Than that even won’t i won’t die right no need to turn these things that will be I got two more okay yeah good about now right alright so second layer that’s the first layer block glamour which I’m not having but the ok so then on the

Swords that one two three turns that on the sides i guess and we need magic wall which is stone and to vin TM dust so let’s get some vient en dust and I guess we’re gonna have to start cooking stuff up it out okay drink it and we’ll start

The vin tiem and we’ll just stick that all in there what’s going on it’s being weird yeah we hope so too excellent and then it was stoned I guess that’s just the regular stone makes it how many does it make that didn’t do anything your crafting

Alter or start crashing oh there you go like that oh that’s plenty mad okay that’s done so how do we how we do this yeah structure is crafting all day ok so the next layer it it’s just the three middles it looks like right yep it’s the

Middle part and it looks like it goes up one two three move the blocks one two three yep so so it’s the one that’s right here one two three of course my roof isn’t going to be big enough one okay going to have to enlarge the roof

On each side okay so I hate that lectern how do I make the lectern just wood and wood planks because I need that I need it okay over here so we just got in this nice and this just goes right there perfect let’s go back okay so I’ve got that one

So then we do the same thing on this one so it’s that that and that and that except we need a lever over here so right there okay so now we have a little lever we have in here I’ve been Tim dust yes which I’ll stick that their stick

Those they’ll stick the stone there for now put the blue topaz I didn’t other moonstones get rid of moonstone ok so I think we’re going to need more of these because we’re going to be needing steps and crap like that so i might not why I might not have enough stuff here might

Not have enough guys which will stink is for sure okay so now we’ve got that and then the next layer up things start that’s what down right so okay so we do still have on each side and then we need the bricks so that goes there goes there

There there and then we’re going to need bricks not bricks stairs have enough for for stairs which is this point is what I need that was good they’re not going to have enough room with this wall that’ll be cool there we go we’re close we’re so

Close okay so then but you know we need to caps yeah so we are going to have to keep going up okay so we have this letter and then you’re the next layer which is one more appt well we need the crafting altar oh yeah that’s easy okay

Um so then we need wisps that’s a brick we need two more bricks and one two three four five six seven eight more stairs yeah I might have to just pop into the nether real quick just a real quick grab some more stuff it’s having weird bug there we go

And then we needed the vent IAM dust and a smooth stone just we could make our crafting altar super duper and that goes in the middle all that glass he stayed so I think that’s the crafting altar right there and then I think goes right up above that right above that right and

Then stairs go up there ok guys so let me we’re almost out of time this video is almost over tryna get to the end here to get the first spell so let me head to the nether real quick since the portals right over here and let me grab some low

And let me grab some more stab Rick ok so we are back let’s I cleared out that so let’s put our caps on and then right and then it’s I think these go in the middle because the stairs go in the end so it’s like that like that and then

Over here I think it goes just like that and we are things out I don’t have enough is that so I need what three more bricks so that would be 12 cuz I need why one made for more right okay so let’s wait for those to cook up and

We’ll be back wait and we are back we’ve got four more steps I think this is do it like that like that I like that right and I don’t know just it do something or it’s easy just supposed to work when we start with our spells ok so now I need

To figure out how to actually make a spell right so let me read over it first without just you know a throw stuff into it you tear your spell parchments but uh let me make sure how it works and then we will give it a try

Ok we are back and just threw the book ok I gathered the stuff except through the rooms I’m going to make a bunch of runes we got this stuff here and we need to red ones like that so I think we’re ready we’re just supposed to throw it do

I put the book on them yes and then we just throw a blank rune oh god I just threw all the rush through five rooms in dang it vidiyum dust a row snowball red rune sword Red Room listen how it’s working oh yeah Flint steel click steel

NTM dust can you get it all right get it oh I need this bill parchment there it is i still have one and spell parchment worked we watch what is it um is it shift there we go okay so this is a fire polish tight spell let’s do this

Fireball it’s already cool hope that just lets you do that okay so fireball all right now i’m currently hit see it’s also my way point right now but it changes the power if you look down here when it’s a crescent moon it means it’s less powerful where are they hey

We saw that I don’t like that oh there we go come on going up in levels though guys all right I’m aging it up no I’m out i’m at a magic I don’t know run away run away here we go we’ll away you give your yeah I don’t know how you get the

Man back it’s just too slow for me you know it’s not enough it’s just not enough well that’s kill him alright so my journey towards mage hood is even farther along now because now I’ve got you know magically infused gear and and I had it I had it right i had had

Magically infused gear and then I you know have foam craft gives you you know the magic toys right but now I actually have an actual stone like that i think i would rather even not have you see that I think that looks weird so let’s let’s clean up the bottom

Him yes and it’s not so that suddenly doesn’t look like the super thick wall super done to dunt dunt an undead and we met mana comes back very slow by the way looking down there it is coming back extremely slow and I wasted all those freaking blank rooms so that’s good why

Are these in here because of my soon putting stuff put in places alright so i have a spell now and we are here at that point we’ve done it though I got it we’re going to have to build like a nexus or something which is another five

By five block so it would be one two three four five one two three four five so it was very tight in this room couldn’t do it here I didn’t build this room big enough this room might have to be extended out but I’m excited for this

Because we’ve got a pretty good one here with the nether brick and the moonstone caps it’s quite it can hold we can do quite a few effects and now that we’re level five right we should have a few we have two more blue points we don’t have

Access to read stuff though you can’t so we can’t even get over here to lightning oh crap I I did it just took me two points it looks like oh did I only have two points I only had two points so i just learned lightning damage and then there’s magic

Damage which gets you into any other stuff i mean utility gives you touch defense gives you self which gets into healing roof set myself on fire yeah yeah i’m not sure about the point anyway guys if you liked the video makes you hit that like button share this with

Your friends subscribe so you don’t miss any of the other great content yeah my cause we will see you next time waste this he’s got a gun Oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft|Wizards and Wrenches S1E13| Ars Magica Spell Creation’, was uploaded by Wolfenout Gaming on 2013-12-08 17:25:35. It has garnered 3896 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:48 or 2028 seconds.

Episode 12 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvXl_ATv8-g Episode 14 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ-Hli0rzVI

I decided it’s time to get into some real wizardry. I start Ars magica and make my first real spell.

Welcome to the World of Wizards and Wrenches!!!

This is our FTB inspired mod pack where we can enjoy the power of the arcane along with the earth changing structures of industry. Is one better then another? Can both sides coexist with each other? Join us on our new journey as we fumble around this crazy, blocky world and gather more power then anyone should posses. The mystical and industrial join forces to create miracles.

xpsyph3rx Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/xpsyph3rx

Mods Used ReiMinimap Damage Indicator Advanced Machines Ars Magica 2 Applied Energistics Archimedes Ships Barrel Mod Battle Towers Buildcraft Tools Bibliocraft buildcraft Chicken Chunks Chococraft ComputerCraft Craftable Horse Armor Dartcraft Dynamic lights Enchanting Plus Ender Forest Extra Ultities Finndus Fillies Flat Signs Forestry Forge Multipart Gravity Gun Hats Hatstand IC2 Experimental Inventory Tweaks Iron Chests Nether Stuffs Modular Powersuits Morph Mystcraft Natura NEI obsidian plates PetBat Redstone Paste Reliquary Rings of Power Soul Shards Tinkers Construct Teleport Pipes Thaumcraft Extras Thaumcraft 4 Thaumic Tinkerer The Camping Mod Thermal Expansion Twilight Forest

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nMoStudios Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nmostudios Get minecraft here: http://minecraft.net/

Music from Kevin MacLeod:http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/

Follow us on the forums here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1608018-new-minecraft-order-lets-plays-and-shenanigans/

** All copyrighted media is property of their respective owners. Videos are commentary in nature, as defined under the ‘Fair Use’ policy of copyright

Feed the Beast is a modpack for Minecraft. It adds a huge number of items, recipes and world-generation to the game, and is used in the YouTube series “Feed the Beast.” The modpack centers on several famous mods such as IndustrialCraft and BuildCraft but the full list is extensive. All of the mods in the pack have been approved by the modders to be included. The FTB launcher was first released on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012, with a live-stream broadcast on the Feed The Beast website. Fantasy magicians usually gain their ability through innate talent. Most fantasy wizards are depicted as having a special gift which sets them apart from the vast majority of characters in fantasy worlds who are unable to learn magic. Magicians, sorcerers, wizards, and practitioners of magic by other titles have appeared in myths, folktales and literature throughout recorded history, with fantasy works drawing from this background.

In medieval chivalric romance, the wizard often appears as a wise old man and acts as a mentor, with Merlin from the King Arthur stories representing a prime example. Other magicians can appear as villains, hostile to the hero. Both these roles have been used in fantasy. Wizards such as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books are featured as mentors, and Merlin remains prominent as both an educative force and mentor in modern works of Arthuriana. Evil sorcerers, acting as villains, were so crucial to pulp fantasy that the genre in which they appeared was dubbed “sword and sorcery”.

Ursula K. Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea explored the question of how wizards learned their art, introducing to modern fantasy the role of the wizard as protagonist. This theme has been further developed in modern fantasy, often leading to wizards as heroes on their own quests. A work with a wizard hero may give him a wizard mentor as well, as in Earthsea.

Although they are often portrayed as wielding great powers, their role in shaping the fantasy world they inhabit varies; much of fantasy literature writes of medieval worlds with wizards in a fairly limited role as guardians or advisers.

Industry is the production of an economic good or service within an economy. Manufacturing industry became a key sector of production and labour in European and North American countries during the Industrial Revolution, upsetting previous mercantile and feudal economies. This occurred through many successive rapid advances in technology, such as the production of steel and coal. Following the Industrial Revolution, perhaps a third of the world’s economic output is derived from manufacturing industries. Many developed countries and many developing/semi-developed countries (People’s Republic of China, India etc.) depend significantly on industry.

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    NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief]  By CubedWorldsCubedWorldsPvP/Grief Server: atm9pvp.cubedworlds.comPeace Server: atm9.cubedworlds.comPeace Server 2: atm9-2.cubedworlds.comOur Links:Website: www.cubedworlds.comDiscord: discord.cubedworlds.comFeatures:*Playtime rewards: Get rewarded for playing on our servers! Earn special rewards as you play on our servers, the more you play, the more rewards! *Ranks: You can earn 12 specials ranks on the server via playtime or purchasing one of our packages on our website.*No Map Reset: Yes!!! The map will never reset, except for a few dimensions (The end, The Nether and Mining Dim)*Dimensions Size: 20k Radius each, 31 Dimensions available*Economy: Rent a shop to sell ressources or buy from others.*Chunks Loading: Enabled*Voting: Vote for our server to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Mob Showdown: Bye Phantom, Vex, Silverfish, Giant?

    Looks like the Phantom, Vex, and Silverfish couldn’t handle the heat and got eliminated quicker than Steve can mine a block of dirt! Top 3 comments can decide the fate of the mobs – will they be voted off the island or will they live to see another day of Minecraft mayhem? The Giant better watch out, it’s game on! Read More

  • Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes

    Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes When you can’t decide on the size of your Kinito Pet, just remember: bigger isn’t always better…unless you want a pet that can double as a scarecrow! #shorts #minecraft #meme #memes #kinitopet #scary Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we explore the latest and most intriguing developments in the world of Minecraft. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of AI-generated Minecraft content. Have you ever wondered if AI can truly make Minecraft? The possibilities are endless, and the results are truly mind-blowing. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can AI make Minecraft?” the creator delves into the realm of AI-generated Minecraft videos and images. The video showcases the incredible advancements in AI technology that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming and content creation. From AI-generated Minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!

    Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!Video Information for hey what’s up Carson and uh missed you yeah it’s free when you join Carson and Kimberly oh yeah Kimberly you’re from [Music] uh ghostly barbecue what’s up Daryl one moment [Music] y’all what’s up what’s up what’s up I’ve never what happened to snake eyes he’s he’s still here it’s um I don’t know you new here Carson CU it’s um it’s me and him we both stream on this channel I’m OT or Noah or whatever you want to call me all right enough s still we about to Ping it I mean we’re looking… Read More

  • EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore Minecraft

    EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information this is Minecraft but you probably already knew that this is Hardcore where if you die it’s game over but you probably already knew that too what you didn’t know is this is ultra Hardcore in this mode if you die it’s game over but there is a twist natural health regen has been turned off and if I want to heal I need either to find instant health potions or craft suspicious do with the regen effect or golden apples let’s see how this goes and this is not great we spawned in a desert as you… Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Rickson’s Spawn Vertical Stream

    Insane Adventure: Rickson's Spawn Vertical StreamVideo Information what is up guys welcome back it’s Sunday Yay good old sunday good old Sunday hope everyone is doing really good hope you’ve had a good weekend and uh hey yat thanks for joining the club as well really appreciate that right all right let us get into The Nether and let’s uh look at that fan that that was so good already doing really well what’s up toast what’s up rotrex what is up guys let’s get some blocks so we can actually get into The Nether and uh let us just do our thing let’s get… Read More

  • Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!

    Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get into some more new mcraft but today we make one of the most OP pieces of armor that exist and we also make the rest of the creative items from new mcraft hopefully you guys are ready now I’ve have been sort of on a creative item spree over the last few episodes we have set out to gather all of the creative items that we can really get our hands on and well today is going to be a continuation of that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! I brought Minecraft to my coworkers! 😱

    Unbelievable! I brought Minecraft to my coworkers! 😱Video Information let’s go le chicoter qui rejoint bon ben il  manque plus que bon je vous dis bonne app et   j’arrive mais frérot nous on mange pas il y a  que temp en fait nous on a déj m supportable   ce mec qu’est-ce qui passe là il y a des  bruits alors attends attends tu es où toi   ah tu es là non tu es où alors je veux savoir  un truc moi c’est pourquoi qu’on entend c’est   les vaches qui font du bruit là je sais pas il  y a il y a de la pluie aussi mais… Read More

  • INSANE Mangrove Swamp Build in Minecraft! #shorts

    INSANE Mangrove Swamp Build in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Week 8 of 36 | Mangrove Swamp | #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Calven on 2024-03-23 18:15:00. It has garnered 10119 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. The “Mangrove Witch Hut” is the 8th build of A Week a House a Biome challenge. Designed for the Mangrove Swamp If you want to download this build or any of my other creations you can do so in my Patreon or Ko-fi. Thank you! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/calvenmc/shop Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/calvenmc Read More

  • Will the Legendary Shield Return? Watch Etoiles Replay! QSMP #245

    Will the Legendary Shield Return? Watch Etoiles Replay! QSMP #245Video Information [ __ ] c’est vrai qu’on est dimanche soir quoi ça vrai qu’on est dimanche soir oh là là merci au streamers de l’année d’accorder de son temps VI de League of Legends mais vraiment m’a trop cassé les couilles robalass CIT trop drôle en vrai pour ceux qui étaient pas là sur le live tout à l’heure robalas avait avait comment dire une un running gag qui consistait à chaque fois que je disais un truc que je ne je n’aurais pas pu le dire quand je n’étais pas streamer de l’année c’était c vraiment B la dernière fois… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Starter House Build #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Starter House Build #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Starter House Tutorial Timelapse #shorts’, was uploaded by DESIRITHALIYA on 2024-01-07 10:30:00. It has garnered 9367 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #minecraftshorts #minecrafttutorial #shorts #shortsfeed minecraft starter house tutorial timelapse Read More


    🚨 VILLAGER NEWS: EVERYONE IN UNDERWEAR! 🚨Video Information [Music] I wake up in the morning clam out of my bed stick my mustache to the front side of my head eat breakfast in the kitchen with my wife and kids except I don’t because I live alone head over to the studio to say hello cuz I’m the news an I got to start the show I’ve got a lot of work to fill my predecessor shoes before he died he told me just which words to use break it new the arm is looking for people to become part of a big hot air balloon… Read More

  • Warrior factions

    Warrior factionsWelcome to Warrior factions. This is a server with custom items, like enchants, gear and much more. What can I expect from the server? You can expect all kinds of things, but we are aiming to have a great community, and that everyone feels welcome on the server. We will do our best to provide help to each individual player on the server. The server is currently being worked on, and won’t open up before around the start of ”July/August” Feel free to join the Discord: discord.gg/BxXgwtPav4 First 10 people to join the discord server linked above, will recieve a… Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – VANILLA 1.20.4 SMP No Reset Hard PVE Whitelist

    Welcome to Binecraft Bealm! Join our Hard Difficulty survival server and become part of our growing community. What We Offer: Opportunities to build and adventure Active community looking to expand No griefing or stealing New player friendly environment Accessible Nether Hub and Highway Server Features: Vanilla server with quality of life modifications Custom armor statues and nether portals Multiplayer sleep and more mob heads Wandering traders with mini block trades Requirements: Must be 16+ and mature Discord is mandatory Join our Discord server and fill out the application if interested! Apply now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Boys, we got em diamonds!

    Minecraft Memes - Boys, we got em diamonds!Looks like the boys are back in town…or in this case, in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft ULTIMATE clutch play! 🔥

    Minecraft ULTIMATE clutch play! 🔥 When you’re about to fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft but you pull off an INSANE CLUTCH move and save yourself, all while Herobrine is watching in disbelief like “I didn’t program that in the game!” #minecraftmagic #clutchplays #herobrineisshook Read More

  • Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land!

    Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land! Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Xin chào mình là chủ kênh Lờ Đờ Vờ, xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của mình, mình sẽ cố gắng làm chủ đề Minecraft trên kênh game của mình nhanh chóng phát triển. Mặc dù có những lần nhận được nhiều lời bình luận không hay nhưng mình vẫn sẽ cố gắng làm video và sẽ bỏ ngoài tai những lời không tốt từ phía người xem có ý nghĩ tiêu cực. Chân thành cảm ơn các bạn. Building a Chicken… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “BEST WORKING MICROWAVE IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE MICROWAVE IN MINECRAFT ?” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine a world where you can not only build a working microwave in Minecraft but also interact with a community of like-minded players who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of what… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Money: Click Now!

    Master Minecraft Money: Click Now! Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey: Conquer the Nether Fortress! Welcome to IDSP GAMING, where Minecraft enthusiasts unite to witness the most thrilling adventures in the game’s universe. In this episode, prepare to be captivated as we set our sights on conquering the formidable Nether Fortress, a task that only the bravest dare to undertake. Unleashing the Adventure in the Nether Hold onto your pickaxes as we delve deep into the heart of the Nether, a realm filled with treacherous challenges and untold dangers. Our mission is clear – to conquer the Nether Fortress and etch our names in… Read More

  • 🔮 MASTER MINECRAFT MAGIC: Enchanting Guide! 🔮 #shorts

    🔮 MASTER MINECRAFT MAGIC: Enchanting Guide! 🔮 #shortsVideo Information you get wasted love wake me up tell me I’m doing the sa s not the wasted [Music] love This video, titled ‘Minecraft Enchanting Guide: Mastering the Magic #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-07 20:51:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Pranks and Scares

    Ultimate Creeper Pranks and ScaresVideo Information toma Creeper hijo de tu madre ese s me hizo [Aplausos] daño no un skeletor This video, titled ‘Creeper #minecraft #creeper #sustos’, was uploaded by Zukekito on 2024-02-12 23:30:36. It has garnered 5362 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🚀 If you are ready to face your fears and immerse yourself in an adventure full of terror and excitement, don’t miss this video of OccultCraft in Minecraft! Please like, subscribe and hit the bell for more scary moments in the future! #OccultCraft #Minecraft #WitchHunt #Harlem #Scares #Zukekito Read More

Minecraft|Wizards and Wrenches S1E13| Ars Magica Spell Creation