Mischief of Mice 2 – 25 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack

Video Information

Welcome to the mischief i’m velen i’m kashka and we’re here today on a sunday chill stream with create above and beyond hi everybody hello sir disarm deez bennett some crazy skunk rainbow tea kitty rose heart yuna and anybody else that might just be joining now or just wants to lurk in the stream

Sorry for starting a little bit late but that’s what happens when you just kind of like taking it easy you know sometimes it takes a few minutes longer i have to wait and hello astro birder okay there we go all right astro i just want to say i think you

Have the patience of a saint and thank you for that that’s all that if anything that’s because astro birder is a saint i don’t know if you overlooked that or not he said sorry what was that koshka i said i hear echo maybe i need to move the mic

I said i think you have the patience of a saint and thank you for that there you go hello carlock how are you hey carlock oh man oh i see a penguin way the heck over there i think that’s one of the eggs that i threw earlier on in the series oh gosh

I didn’t think saints had many patients always figured that was more of a doctor thing hi funny man and how appropriately named all right cool i think i fixed it again we’ll find out in a minute you guys don’t know what happened your guests are probably pretty yeah you’re you’re so oh

Gosh oh my goodness That’s not the right that’s not the right emote we did not get the penguin spawn thank you very much serious creeper for bringing you folks over here so uh welcome raiders we’re currently doing a chill stream on sunday there are some cci interactions but they’re relatively uh harmless or and or peaceful

Or helpful and uh we’re doing a chill stream on sunday because we’ve got a big day and it was it was cool and uh we want to relax see that’s probably about as exciting as it gets right there all right here we go is this gonna so i understand you were just finishing

Your morning stream serious uh having some coffee and and playing some create yourself chapter 24 part six uh subsection 13 i think i think that chapter is called series one minecraft yes yes isn’t that yes have you gotten into occultism yet if no why not oh wow so demanding

Where are you i gotta fix it here it comes that that looks meh nope hey i think that’s never gonna happen thanks deez bennett i’m um techy yeah that’s my reason the show am i we’re quick okay all right it’s working again i have no idea why that broke but it broke oops

Right now it is fixed again what i wanted to go all right some of these might be good let’s see steel traffic factory got to close the door now because penguins because penguins i can’t remember what i was doing fallon um did did you put any notes or put any

Recipes saved up on the side come on now this is me we’re talking about um what was the last thing you’re working oh you were working on uh your contraption you’re working on a contribution your contraption where you were making vines your vine harvester yeah that’s done

But i thought there was something you needed to do to refine it oh um yeah okay fair enough because penguins is the best reason you’re giggling as valen jumped into the boobs of doom that’s true i do remember giggling quite a bit i was just demonstrating how how to crush a diamond

Look at all these bees actually let’s see don’t don’t i have i i do let’s take one of these bees come here i need one come here come here gotcha i gotcha all right so so we’ve got a b okay actually what we need is two gems

Oh there’s another one in here if i get two then we could we could get a bee farm going on come here serious oh we’re gonna we’re gonna milk it for all we can here seven uses left okay you’re just getting chucked now because i can’t

Be asked to come back later and replace you let’s try dabbing evie nice try how’s this thing doing still still doing okay it’s got a bit to go so i feel like sundays are like the day like if we want to go to the nether or something like that at the end

Sundays are a good day hello and and also hello harpster i i i say hi to all the people that popped in mingo feldrey uh of course carlock was here ningo and dabbing evie hello everybody and all the raiders that i may have missed and for those that are here already if

You haven’t please do give serious creeper a follow he’s been streaming a lot more often recently so if you’re a lot more than enough yeah but now but i’m about the same maybe i don’t know maybe i don’t know maybe more than us i don’t know i’m pretty sure half of them were

Already here well they probably were sensing that you were ready to go so then they were like okay i’m just gonna jump ahead of the raid no no no um you were saying hi seriously saying you were saying hi to people who are already there you’re not building a

Cool loft at the same time who who’s building a cool loft at the same time oh you mean croft is that what you’re talking about that in that case i guess i mean you would know it’s my sandwich shopkins what i was gonna do with this i need to renovate um

We need some water don’t worry seriously just being white difficult difficult spelled me hi cutie pikachu wait what oops yes store-bought sorbot for a minute i thought you got butt spot to actually apologize okay so i’ve got all the things happening over here is this still working as expected all right um

Sandwich shots slightly upbeat and rustic um what i know it doesn’t sound right right let’s let’s try some of these i have no idea what these things look like they look kind of crazy oh no do they link oh they do that’s kind of cool we could probably do some of that zero

Apples okay yeah this looks all about where i left it okay all right oh and wood what was i doing over here uh refining stuff oh wait does he slowly like shrink as his fuel uses up i didn’t notice that i thought he just went from like

Regular sized head to tiny head but he’s got a medium sized head that was it you needed to automate feeding him whether it be on a timer or something else oh there he goes tiny head this was it i was gonna feel like you wanted to automate feeding

Him and i was just like along for the ride whatever oh words are hard let’s do this and then i also want these so how’s everybody’s weekend there’s that and then we’re gonna do this that’s my line words are hard thank you very much harvester for the tea i need to

What am i doing next with this stuff i made this stuff your vine farm inspires me to tear down mine and make a nicer one nice and chill um funny thing serious um i was we were watching i think at one point it’s just at different times uh chichava playing create he

Deleted his old world no he didn’t delete it he he he stopped his entire area he was on like chapter three or four something like that i don’t know and he stopped because he was so upset with himself for just sprawling everywhere that he went and played great power oh

Thank you fuzzy crafter for this song or no ningo thank you for the what’s up the fuzzy crafter oh that’s so kind of home uh but but he thank you very much uh he um he got upset with himself for just kind of making like

For lack of a better term but for those that are modded familiar uh dire wire everywhere on on all of his builds that he just went to a completely new area took his inventory brought it all over to this new area and rebuilt everything in a much prettier manner and

It was just i could not fathom that and i was just like oh my gosh wow that’s some pretty hardcore stuff there kashka how will you get all of the lava that you need if you’re not doing 2a in the next so i don’t know that i’m gonna

Get all of the lava that i need but i do have these three halbach trees which were a pain in the ass because you know how many times they grow like the flat bushy ones instead of the nice phallic ones yes yes i do thing

I don’t know i don’t know if this is gonna be um i don’t know if this is gonna be enough but but we have these three going on i could always add a fourth if i want to like fill this in a bit and chunk a fourth one over there or something

So or even a fifth one could have like a ring of trees going on so that’s what that’s what i’m doing i don’t know you just did that on sc’s channel too oh my gosh ha i had considered restarting when i got to chapter three too i’m i don’t

Like my bass either lol but i think it was tall but it talked me out of it actually i’m thinking of doing that says dub tray well in the quest book it states that you need 24 buckets for mechanisms i know i know i know but i i

I don’t know how much these produce i like ice cream it’s my um it’s my quantity there we go i don’t know ventilation it probably tells me somewhere and i just haven’t read it but that’s a problem for future me to worry about [Laughter] oh crap that’s gonna go over here there

We go so hang on these these things okay that’s why they need 24 buckets of lava why is that because these need it needs to go into a sequenced assembly shenanigans with precision mechanisms getting some liquid sole and then 24 buckets of lava let’s try these and see how these look uh

I mean here’s my thing though i mean i guess you could chuck them through the um oh wait no no it’s xk right xk one extractor makes 25 millibuckets per extraction i i saw the puffer fish the deal the deal with it puffer fish that was pretty good man threshold um

That was really cool i liked that a lot oh where are they they are not called thresholds i mean do we want to do we want to have some kind of lava contraption should i do the pulley thing in the nether just for completionist’s sake they’re very cool

So cool they have they they have to wear shades indeed where is it i swear it was in xk it wasn’t the roof tiles And they don’t need to be powered once lowered i did hear i did hear things like that hose pulley there it is what is that that’s great okay okay there’s a copper machine so that’s not too bad that’s kind of that’s fairly cheap right it’s just these guys yep sure okay

So it’s not the it’s not the consumption of the lava in the nether it’s getting it from the nether to here well if we spend a lot of time to make like one set of those uh ender tanks then that’s one way of getting it over

There’ll be a lot of manual stuff that would be that would be pretty painful i think victory light bar what were the other options the other options were a rail car going through the portal is that right i mean i don’t even know if that that’d work or or buckets being chucked through

The pocket that was a thing yes yep rich i’m all a fan of flinging things thing flingers yay i could even make some uh some little minions that could just like pick up things in case there’s something dropped on the ground could the little minions carry things through the portal um i don’t

Know that would really oh what if we had okay i think you click on an inventory and they’ll pick up in an area near it bear with me now but what if those little minions were then on a conveyor belt into the portal why do you want to put minions on a

Conveyor belt like why do you not that’s the better question look like i’m a minion with my bucket of lava a good way to break their ai i agree i have no idea um it was a minion on an ejector it’s like you link them to an inventory

That’s at the end of a corridor and the only way to get to it is for them to step on the eject oh my gosh come on this sounds like fun you know you want to help me build this what no it’s not what [Laughter] I will get you a minion if you want a minion i don’t i don’t know what you want them to do all right then i’m gonna go and set up come on i know i don’t know what you want them to do though so i don’t know what minion

To get you um they need to oh can they back it i don’t know what they’re capable of doing picking things up chopping down a massive area um or picking things up and putting them in a chest um they could put things from one inventory into another

I don’t know if they’ll do that through portals i don’t i have no idea i think that might like make them just go they want groups they poke rubber ducks i don’t know i don’t think that they actually will use items but they could like if buckets of lava

Were deposited into an inventory they think we need to cycle the buckets as well right i mean i know we’ve got a lot of buckets because because channel points but we do need to cycle the buckets as well so they need to send empty buckets back filter that side moods hello hi ceremonies

Thank you very much about 100 bitties all the minions and ejectors indeed i can’t find the part it’s not a seat that was something i was looking for here but i can’t seem to find it it doesn’t matter we’ll find something else um i feel like your pressure plates won’t connect

Oh i don’t have any copper plates this is the thing that i’m missing over on this island it’s a plate smasher a plate smasher yeah so that’s what peppa pig i’m building a sandwich shop wow sandwich stand i beg your party it’s under construction put on a construction hat if you go in

There thank you very much might be falling debris [Laughter] for a boomerang right oh [ __ ] i haven’t even looked to see if there is one i’m pretty sure there is not that’s the only reason i don’t have one is there anything with rang in it sometimes you know there’s like

Something a rang you know so no i don’t see anything oh one cup or anything there’s one copper and get down what oh well there’s two over 2 000 copper dust in the system so i think oh thank you very much we’ll get those thanks [ __ ] for the 500 bitties

And the husks with the zombie masks he’s trying to get us to to use the uh the sandwich and thanks for the the golden carrot as well that was very useful i’ll put that in the culinary station i just got one piece of silicon from a random ore clearly i’m done with chapter

Four now right okay uh i need i can’t sing today what nothing what’d you say nothing uh-huh maybe these will work i don’t know these guys the black people right oh do we not have any oh oh i need black tiles any black terracotta for that oh really

Speaking of singing any shoots that need placing what’s in this hello a little addicted to the butter sauce just took some leftover from last night and baked some french bread slices with it on there wasn’t that a garlic butter sauce if someone’s in the herb but it has herb

Butter yeah yeah yeah i can see that all right i have to try and get up there herbs as well oh no that was bad oh god what have you done koshka what have i done minced garlic parsley chives seasoning butter and dijon mustard i can’t get up there now

Where the heck am i even all right so i’m gonna need some doors or lemon zest and juice yeah sometimes you need something to like okay oh god that was a terrible one oh no oh thank you i don’t know where they are there somewhere thank you thank you

I lost mine somewhere like in there making me more hungry now i go make something to eat oh you guys started up the hype train oh my goodness wow thank you guys even on a chill sunday what the heck what do you guys think uh what where i just want some oh god

Oh god no those are okay all right here we go here we go it’s time oh do you think i read it oh i’m under the island oh come on please oh come on serious creeper thank you so much this is not good really not walking a

Bit away from spawn to a nice biome i just found such a nice pile fine before i go eat serious creeper thank you for gifting subs to tank trip ants in the kitchen cyther big al 607 and bodica this is a place thank you very much great power thank you It’s very kind of you yes put these on either side this is a place of great power oh my god i can’t this is impossible it’s impossible uh so well that gave me a lot i got it finally now you enjoyed it it gave me a lot of vlogs

Lost the logs all right so that’s that’s that but i need uh i want to do some roof tiles of some sort roof uh now tile tiles there’s lots of okay uh stair steel maybe a bit much olive stone oh i can see olive stone being pretty good

Oh this is green dye and stone bricks okay let’s try that this oh really stone i don’t have any let’s make up some regular stove i could probably do it with a trader as well hello slime mc live are you like two persons playing in the same world we are

Uh you’re seeing kashka’s view right now and this high is my view here and you guys can actually switch the view back and forth with uh channel points subscribe this mine was just too good um oh i’ve got these already okay should have gone for a stone trader

That made things a little simpler uh let’s take these and start with those at least so making stacks more and green all right awesome nice okay okay let’s start with these at some point we need to get that automated and then that goes what i can’t deal with that what

Going to get the rubber what what what you heard me no i didn’t black so if i do some of that and then some of these here what’s up progress on the pack slow and steady yeah something like that we’re somewhere around chapter 2 to 3.

Right now yeah like we could move on to chapter 3 but where completing 2a or whatever okay that’s that that’s that and i’m gonna make a hose pulley because i fail obliged to oh no let’s take a bunch of these there we go that’s better okay those and actually can i

Yeah chapter two like almost chapter here i’ll show you probably easier there we go uh here’s chapter two all done right except for like this dude down here the 2a stuff so we’ve got this done i kind of like worked around this um and then now i feel guilty so i’m

Gonna go do this like i’m supposed to do this so they just switched to your view so i don’t know if you want to repeat oh okay so like here’s chapter two all done right um and i’ve got this and this done this is done this is done

This is kind of like i mean i’ve got lava automated but not in the way that they were thinking so i’m kind of redoing this and then i have to set up the sequence doodad and then i’m done No i mean like what chapter we’re somewhere between two and three yeah i answered that just now that’s what i was answering okay sorry um let’s get up here do this yeah all right so what do i need to build in the nether nothing don’t need to build anything in the

Netherlands you don’t want to kashka so i need to retrieve and i’m just i’m going to assume that the hose pulley has a similar kind of um max y level change just like the elevator probably okay so i need to get somewhat close um you know like a little bit closer than

Our portal oh but then how’s it gonna get i mean i suppose i could do a bubble vader to get it up to where kind of close to where our portal is uh in the overworld sure wait what there’s not in the original pack well it’s not in the original pack

What’s not the original pack i’m confused i mean we did add a couple mods but nothing that should really drastically change anything we added like wall jump yeah um and zero’s mini map yeah instead of ftb chunks nothing really too major yeah i need to take that out all right let’s

Go have a look at where we can set up the storage mod that’s a cultism yeah we’ve got which is definitely in the pack if there’s magic to be found i tend to find it it makes things infinitely simpler and easier oh mugger it’s a bit of a question to get there

But well worth it in my mind there i can’t i can never remember which way yes which way do you want to go see i’m at wait hang on let’s measure the portal is at 117 in the cook shop we’re gonna need so the minions you were thinking of

Yes which minions are they figure out how to get that storage system set up it’s best to work backwards uh just like you do with the create if like if you want to make iron nuggets infinitely you just work backwards in jei that’s the best way to

Go with this and if you want the storage you need to make a dimensional storage actuator that’s what you want to look for and then of course you’ve got your stabilizers to expand it further but the dimensional storage actuator and then you work backwards from that

Namely you’re going to need a lot of chalk here [Laughter] why uh so let’s see we’ve got i’m gonna need a cleaner floor than grass in there so we’re gonna need some time oh oh what what color are we going with here uh oh we’ve already got brick so i think maybe some

Small brick tiles or some large brick i don’t know oh i don’t know i don’t know that seems like a long way away bricks they’re not that far off no the lava down there oh god i really don’t wanna pretty pipes wasn’t in there i would have gone with

Occultism but was curious how pretty pipes works is storage but no i i totally think that it’s awesome that you went with pretty pipes to be honest i’m just giving you a hard time uh because it that is a lot of fun in my mind as well because it’s similar to the

Old logistics pipes and i really liked that but i think it’s a little bit simpler than the old logistics pipes too i’ve gotta think about how i’m gonna get back up from your probably was a long way up from the lava wasn’t it for an emmy you’re looking forward to a butt system

Me too debri the box the butt system the way the button there are no regular bricks i think the answer to that question is no oh actually that looks easier wait what clay what was that even what kashka don’t we have clay what somewhere oh no no no creepers there nice try holy

Moly look at all those skill bones yeah soul sand will do that these days yeah i’ll go check my nether y level guys are crazy you like the jankiness a pretty bit yeah yeah it’s good i like that i remember the old like request system and then it would pull things from

Inventory i need to shield but i also liked being able to like have all your stuff sorted into different chests and such i i still liked that you know that’s the only downside for the occultism stuff that it’s all in one inventory it’s not like accessing a whole bunch of

Chests that you’ve already got set up and then we’ll potentially put them back in there i guess if you have sorting set up for it my pulley is at y level 81 kashka yeah see mine’s at 117. mine would be at 117 if i like oh where is it

I don’t know if it’s gonna you have clay being made somewhere right yeah um in the water yep in there like uh see the um [ __ ] hang on i need to be out of sight is there a mushroom i can hide in yes let’s hide in here this is yeah there it washes the sand see and then the clay goes down there so there’s no there’s no like backlog of it if that’s what you’re looking for ah

There it is okay oh maybe there is a backlog so i think is it sneak click there we go okay nice thank you and yeah there there’s it had 611 in there now it’s got 413 so i’m i’m grabbing a few maybe trying them moving another instead of valen apparently

I’ve done my time i’ve served i kind of had to get my cup i need to have a little chimney wait i need a what are these these are olive stone oh [ __ ] that was a mistake olive stone that was close there we go how the heck i have no idea and

That’s the portal up there i don’t need it how did i get down here should have taken better notes there we go how that looks like grab these oh do a couple of those and then i need olive stone i only have one tile left no i’ve got two tiles okay

I don’t know how to get back up there we go you okay sure oh i see my stairs hang on um internal still is forbidden and arcanas not occultism this is true oh god that’s all set oh god all right so i’ve got like a little

Chimney thing going on there i feel like uh i need campfires uh just regular old camp fireplace two of those and then all right i need to find a good spot to bring this back up if i put one down it goes up into there and i feel like we need what vent

We need ventilation do you think the factory vent fans actually rotate koshka hmm anti-duct oh wow stealing it’s do we have any we do i don’t know what i’m doing though i don’t know what you’re doing either truth be told cash i’m trying to find um a good spot to bring lava up

And there isn’t one okay uh one second that’s all right i’m in the midst of crafting something right now wait what the heck adding that where does this go oh it does work oh that’s that’s awesome okay i think we can yeah i’m gonna make another one of those

Hi alpec it’s because you’re stuck with my view at the moment that’s why his face is so tiny i’ll pick hi stuck with my view it’s because they they requested your view maybe that could be a good spot to right let’s do this this seems terrible hi i’m back

This and one of these and another factory vent yes okay why the heck is the purple nice okay so we’ve got some ventilation going on oh there is okay okay i think these are still gonna fling to the back i gotta test this what if we wanted to see koshka’s face

Though it well i mean that’s that’s between you and carter not this day it’s a chill stream she doesn’t have to do anything i don’t have to do anything even if it’s not a chill stream i was just using that as an excuse i don’t need an excuse ow i do not know

There was talk yes there was we were just talking about it now i thought that it was really cool and it reminded me of the old logistics pipes system when using it for a an inventory system which sirius creeper has in his twitch streams his cab world yes

I i went the way of occultism just talked about how i use pretty pipes in this and the music made a video about it really early like you summoned by talking about it i did i did i even mentioned that you could make inventory systems but you know me with magic mods i’ll

Pick so i i had to go the way of the of the magic um oops hey hey i need to grab a couple of these does occultism have auto crafting though yes you can set it up for that to a point oh i broke into the

Mushroom so that’s nice and safe for a minion why is it suddenly cold in our office uh no reason there we go hopefully that’ll work let’s go back up past the chicken coop which the chickenless chicken coop i know r.i.p i still need to fix that

Uh clear these out clear that out got my second campfire oh my god where is this stop enter also is your frame rate always a slow balance or is something wrong because it’s very smooth my frame rate around here is actually pretty low right now i don’t know why

I’m not dropping frames it’s actually i think in game where is f3 yeah look at my fps there that’s pretty poopy 16 27 30. have you got the carrot farm running i think the carrot farm is running i’m going to turn that off i am going to need a floor in here but

And i need to test that as well but that that’s a good point let me go turn off the the carrot farm maybe that’ll help what why level was that at i can’t remember which way it was that was 104 okay got this how did our like portal area become such a freaking

Rabbit warren i don’t know it also could be my computer like i could be like doing windows update right now and i don’t even know actually no the the carrot farm is off there is no power to the carrot farm how’s my my fps is still pretty crap

Down here what is going on what do i have oh there it is right there huh that’s so weird that my fps is so poor you raise a good point i did notice that okay that looks like it’s gonna hit something in a doubt blame balance

Computer that is what i do you blame my computer too i guess we’ll find out a stream dies in a few minutes well i suppose that’s the thing too yes i blame your computer too hmm i kind of want to build like a safe area here what

No such thing gosh get in the nether but you know all right well i feel like these wood columns need to be like the ones on the corners need to be a different color it looks way too one-dimensional here cast has not i accidentally activated the narrator

And i’m laughing my ass off right now i never used oh come on i’ve used it before it was a bit weird that’s right those are just going to turn into walls i just need to take out corner blocks and then make wood columns out of a different color wood wood column

Ebony mahogany wood wood oh [ __ ] they’re all the same except for ebony and mahogany i don’t think we have either of those i haven’t even seen any ebony or mahogany what if we grabbed some spruce straight up tried that okay that’s cool that’s safe defy this as much as i can

That’s really chunky what if i did spruce log walls or something spruce wolves there’s no walls because everything’s fences okay cool halisade would it look would it look better with a different color hot i get it i’m allowed to send links in this i have a

Fun video about the narrator uh give me a minute uh strip it strip it strip so i do need to power this thing initially though right to get it going i need to ponder these hose pulleys doing a ponder yeah i’m we’re gonna do kashka view for a moment while i while i

Look at something give me a second there i’ll pick uh that oh but i can just power the hand crank temporarily got it okay all right cool beans all right there you go i’ll pick now you can do it if we go like this above lava right yeah okay that’s

Terrifying can you use the crank i guess you’ve got to crank up your create skills oh gosh just gave you vip status and now i’m going to ban you [Laughter] oh i want to run the other way i’ll take these oh actually no that’s around the right way that’s good that’s good

Okay so now pipe tonic’s wafer oh who’s got tonics oh that’s a good harvester harvester we’ll come back to comments about stripping i mean this is uh us after all welcome you’re talking to us right all right uh soulless sandstone no um what no what kind of tank we’ve got gauges maybe

Scoria no there isn’t any in there all right wall jokes are going around and around on a call oh it’s the last one what what funny narrator shenanigans you’ll have to forgive me for not playing it here alpic i know one gets uh banned forced to play things

That i shouldn’t be playing on twitch that has been happening to way too many people lately who just play random stuff you’ve done well to make the pack last four days you have man i’m watching right now and realize that too what why are you no go why you no go kashka

No really why you no go okay maya maya it’s not doing anything what what granite and andesite no he’s talking about the pack of tonics wave other direction rotated i don’t want to rotate it because then the pipe will be facing in entirely the wrong direction

Hold shift i see i see to rotate the crank in the other direction hello gamma apx no hold butt dang it butt spot why do i always have to like allow your comments no it’s hold alt f4 hello after alt f4 for cookies what’s your problem shift right click says seriously shifter

That’s what i’m doing uh nothing is happening apparently not enough shift right click you need the ultimate and shift right click shift right click oh shift right click is it sideways click it harder [Laughter] okay hang on we’re gonna cover that up because knowing my luck it would fall

Straight through the flapping hole in the floor all right let’s grab some lights try turning well sorry valen i know i’ve been playing this pack for a bit but it sucks to be you no it doesn’t thank you very much where is this thing there we go putting the maya stone in here

What the [ __ ] [Laughter] why why pulley damn it this let’s see oh one two three these and then the is it going to reach what do you think also i did not check if um oops if that was above lava that probably would have been a good thing to check before i whoopsie

I need a couple more blocks that is ugly oh man wow yep okay that’s good we’ve got myself that is like terrifying you know what i’m gonna do hang on nope maybe so i can like see what the hell’s going on maybe it’s the oakwood columns and stuff we’re gonna do this that’s

Exactly the pretty it won’t be it won’t be terrifying at all i’ll pick oh my gosh all right can see kasich if you can’t crank it one way it’s his stuck on a block or it’s all the way in okay well it i don’t know i mean says or disarm

I don’t think it well anyway it’s working now that’s it start the pack all over again didn’t even push one block i love how your character is just slapping themselves in the face with the crank are you there yet okay oh god is that oh [ __ ] there’s two of these bastards go away

Maybe busy cranking here maybe the algal green are they going to see me are they going to run into my my hose these are questions i beg your pardon is it going to start gushing lava maybe man all this cranky makes me hungry you have nothing actually for it to output with okay

All right so you should be fine should be i’m just getting away i’m just gonna crank from a distance three two three oh it stopped try those in fact you are alpac you are all my hoes i don’t like having gross slimy uh mossy stones for the sandwich shop oh man

That’s it i’m gonna go a little bit cleaner we’re gonna go we’re gonna go steal so now i just need to think yep yep they even have steel columns also i need to make this safer for the the possible future minions steel pillars steel tile some of these oh crap all right iron

I only got 2 000 blocks of iron i’m going to take a few out hang on let’s melt them up places gross i’m procrastinating dude i don’t like having slimy stuff procrastinating about actually making a tank is what’s happening here okay that’s doing its thing already that that’s fine

Take out all the gold i need to cook up all this clay for bricks right use in here use hmm how am i going to do this so okay so these minions that you’ve got they will they will um they will deliver things from one um one inventory to another okay

What is this made from though what what chisel item is this dug on it i have no idea what i’m chiseling to get these i guess it’s just bricks oh god can these minions climb stairs they should be able to climb some stairs if you if you have them go long

Distances that that might be a challenge i don’t know do not make it more challenging for them how’s that there’s a little much to say places actually that’s up to this certain adult site early oh my gosh cash is giving up and just letting the minions do it instead heck yeah

I mean if you’ve got minions available why wouldn’t you i see is this why we’ve got our little like like little straw helpers let’s grab these out put those in there sorry i have to tidy this up a bit because this is bothering me okay this is that

And that there all right put the rest of this stuff away for now it should be enough that i can make bricks and then i can see if the chisel will work with that it does yeah well they’re kind of nice so if we have them come so they could

Come up here i’m a little minion you and your little minion sounds scared to join kashka on another adventure no it’s fine she’s doing another thing i’m letting her do it i don’t want to stand in her way i tend to dig a hole to my death um so then oh

Yeah they need to come up like further over here and then i’ll have the inventory over there right hang on hang on here’s what we’re going to do like this right inventory over there and maybe like this so they have to come this way and then conveyor belt

Going right up there and it will just plop them right onto that square right there minion with lava bucket [Laughter] is this nuts yes what yes no what not nuts if it works it’s not gonna work i can tell you that I think you’re being a bit optimistic with it but hey you know um well the do we have any chests negative can i just click it once maybe there we go no that looks like no i don’t like that wait oh gosh i mean the other option is well

So you said though that you haven’t tested them like interdimensionally correct so we don’t know if they would um if they would like potentially they might deliver a chest through the po to a chest through the portal dear god professional person yes i am a professional person can’t you tell title

Crash things sure we could try it i have not backed up this world since the last time so i haven’t actually made any progress today you know not a big loss do the minecarts mod has a cart with a tank yeah but this is more fun

Making minions do the work she’s got you there hi popper leo hi papade how are you all right there’s a bit of those i just need to make this stairway a bit wider for them i think so do you have a minion handy no i’d have to make some can you make a

Minion do what what do you want it to do specific transport from one inventory to another um yes let me put down the floor place i just made a bunch of flooring that i’m putting down so you want to transport from one inventory to another yes i do okay for

Probably going to change a bunch of this but it’s a start this is terrifying yeah this looks pretty crappy now come on dirt get out of there got it i cannot reach just ignore that it’s floating right now okay do this and put that in there that in there for now

All right uh transport i need to go look at the book oh god there’s a gas like somewhere very close there’s two castings they will be going to another dimension cache will require three minions named after the beastie boys all right let’s see uh pentacles rituals uh summon possession binding

Familiar i think it’s summon bullet transporter there it is avr circle oh that’s a cheap one a chest a dispenser a hopper and a mine cart transporter that one oh [ __ ] okay yep i forgot there was a hole in the floor right there siren is so right uh chest oh

A regular chest okay we can fix that come on just chest make one there we go and then a hopper and a dispenser a hooper wink and the dispenser oh we’ve got a whole bunch of those okay okay there we go and folio book of course completely safe nothing to worry about

Absolutely fine that worries me to no end although maybe i should block this bit off die i need some dye and ink purified ink make folia book craft it with the book to get the name put the book back down and come on come on just let me

Just i just want to transport it just transporter will move all items that can access from one inventory to another including machines it can also deposit into the inventories of other spirits by setting the exact and insert side they can be used to automate various transport tasks

I mean that’s all i want thank you dren an automated transport task going from here to there why is the sandwich shop roof floated keppa wow is that like yeah the whiny voice that was the whiny voice that that was i just said yes don’t ask about this like but

I’m gonna ask about this so yeah they they go fair enough don’t make me turn this car around come on there we go and that is purple particles fine [ __ ] i need another gemstone oh fudge biscuits that really bothers me i thought i could leave it by calm

While it’s doing that i’m gonna leave you in the library don’t go anywhere okay just stay there little blacksmith familiar i’m going to need this to to nab this minion does the wrong [ __ ] where’s the right ritual there it is i might need to make a book so i can direct him uh cultism what’s it called a book of calling not for the gin foliate that’s the janitor come on i just a ball jump machine operator well that’s is that it do i even need

One maybe i don’t need one i finished my boba and i am now sat you’re boba hello luck meritron luck be a miratron tonight oh you spawned with a book oh you’re beautiful can i i can pick you up with the book can i just borrow your book oh my gosh okay nope

Fireworks you almost got me um all right koshka you in the nether i am let me do a snooze then i’ll pop through with the the transporter okay and he will kung fu things into place oh yeah what the heck is a boba one half of a boba fett also i need to

Harvest these quick because my my hay minions do not gather these and i need these put them in there and i can put my blacksmith back in my infantry okay perfect and we can we can bring luck metron uh through this into the nether are called bobas and so most people wait what

Plus item transport oh [ __ ] okay it’ll be a few minutes koshka i just flung myself halfway across the world oh my god how how ah i was reading chat while i was stuck on something and i guess i wasn’t as much as i thought oh god okay there’s this come on come on

Oh oh actually it’s not that not as far as i thought i’m not too shabby yep doing okay we need to fling a ring fling a rang from over here i’m just standing here looking at the portal i’m coming i’m coming Okay there we go actually here um so they need to transport items from one inventory to another right yes bubble tea oh gotcha things it are called bobas and so most people refer to the drink as boba too okay there’s one inventory wait but okay where’s the other

You want you think he’s gonna go through the nether huh i’m saying we need to try this for science okay all right luck let’s see if i oh [ __ ] okay that’s the other inventory i need to click on you let’s right click on him oh oh a filter mode oh oh

With a white list option oh i didn’t know he could do this this guy is pretty cool okay let’s click on here shift click on it there we go we’ll now deposit into chest from the side up actually know what we’re going to have you deposit deposit deposit

Deposit wait what do i have to do to get you to pick up dude these little boba’s going to get stuck at the straw i have no idea for some reason i have changed my mind at some point not a fan of bubble tea um okay where

Where is he taking where is he taking from and depositing two how’s that that’s why you get a thick straw exactly what where is he depositing from and taking taking thomas taking from and depositing two taking from the nether depositing to that chest there okay he’s already actually he’s

Deposit there okay let’s go into the nether and see if we can figure out how to get him to take from something that chest right there okay i don’t know if this is gonna no now he’s now he’s gonna deposit [ __ ] um let me i didn’t bring the book with me what’s

It say here deposits to block nude alert transporter shoot all right occultism suddenly fallon doesn’t remember occultism no this guy wasn’t in there when i did the bit by bit oh my excuse oh okay uh where’s the book the book shift click on a different block to toggle between pickup and deposit like

The ground says skunk or is it just up in the air it’s not it’s not doing that not doing that deposit there it is no oh okay okay be right back hey buddy how’s it going i see you only have four hearts that’s unfortunate okay so there we go we’ll deposit there

I think we need to wall off that bit down at the bottom oh come on why won’t no because i have to aim it a block right uh set extract okay and then extract from this chest on side east there we go and there’s nothing in there do you have

Do not he does not deteriorate okay he’s he’s set okay so if i take from that there you go buddy yep nothing wrong with a bit not experimenting just as gosh if i push him can i push you can push him i’ll go to the other side hold on okay

All right and then you can push it through okay this side isn’t loaded either so that could be a problem as well now it is and he’s not doing it right come on oh he he’s being difficult does he even have anything in his hand did he grab it no he did not

Can you sneak right click on him can i sneak right click on him yes yes i can so can you whitelist the thing that you just put in there i i would assume he’d just take everything by default but you never know as long as you push it real good koshka

Nobody know what now don’t think so oh now he’s got it okay wait not go through portals yeah this is my thinking gosh is appalled by the idea of sneak right clicking on it he’s here come on look no he’s so confused he’s so confused no not extract [ __ ] why oh gosh

Set deposit okay he just deposited because i just set him to it i think it’s got to be the same dimension koshka hmm that’s unfortunate yeah he does not understand the portal well also doesn’t understand like the the chest when he gets to the right dimension yeah that’s that’s an extra thing yeah

Let’s grab that another brick wall come here we’re going back into the nether use mind carts they work mind cards these pretty much i aim to chest between have you seen the recipe for under chests great set extract time for ejectors yeah it might be he lost his white list as well

With me picking him up and bringing him through yeah the whole dimensional thing does not work you might be able to have him bring it from like down there up here and then ejector it through yeah that’s fair enough that’d be an easy way well maybe

Get my ips thank you for the pork chop i have to figure out how to fill the flap and bucket and the fall and the follow and welcome to the mischief so i have to fill it with a spout okay we actually did get a spout from one of the run

You could have um a deployer click on a tinker’s construct gauge with an empty bucket if you don’t want to use a spout i mean the spout’s fine yeah i mean you’re already going to have one just to get the lava out anyway right oh now [Laughter]

What is it you’re trying to do i have not watched all the way so koshka wants to get lava from the nether to the overworld and she was hoping that this little dude here actually who’s a an item transporter from one inventory to another would do inter-dimension now inter-dimensional uh travel but

It does not i was i was hoping for shenanigans basically and was solely disappointed yes that too that shenanigans were not available right oh i just broke a hole in the wall claim chunk uh there we go loaded chunk and then i need to go this way to this and then here I should make these floors too thick shouldn’t they claimed and loaded oops heck we’ll just do this and we will load all these just to make sure there we go we’ve got a three by three of lotus oh god that’s terrible okay oh it can go in the back of the

Spout i did not know that all right hang on thank you very much for this get rid of that ben and just put this spout further up to be honest it would be super cool if the minions understood portals i agree i would i would have been tremendously surprised and impressed if

That would have been a thing but in the meantime get in the book need a pump for the pulley to work can’t you just make a crate with a tank and make it a construct and then push it into a portal great with a tank and make it a construct

I think that would work yes but kashka wants to fling things through the portal so yeah i mean that’s my backup plan is flanking things so i’m going to go to the other side and load the other side of this portal because that’s that’s what i’m doing

I mean i wouldn’t worry about it too much it’s going to be a bit before i uh you know i’m ready to rock and roll with this thing um there we go especially because i need to and it’s night time as well so let’s hook up here power a mechanical pump

I don’t need to power it with a lot though so i could um everyone else love using shulker boxes even in modded they are so satisfying to me i like barrels for some reason i realize that shulkers are more convenient but i like the sound of a

Barrel more than i like the sound of a shulker what’s that thing you have a fan sitting on a thing right and that’s powering contraption doesn’t do the entity is in portal thing yeah i need to come back transporting items yep well i mean you could have it on a contraption but

All right we’re just going to leave that there for a minute yep i was trying to get over here and i i did that to you instead of where i was aiming dr signoff thank you for the bread and the follow and welcome let’s put the food supplies in here yeah

Magma block under in a case fan exactly just to get the thing working um except i need to make the stuff and i need the uh what that table thingy over there oh [ __ ] i just i just destroyed luck matron’s book uh oh

Uh i i gave him his own book i feel like i just freed a house elf or some [ __ ] um give me give me back here take this book he destroys things you give him in his hand what wow oh no he’s putting it directly in the chest oh [ __ ] okay ah

Oh you’re such a good little house elf you didn’t accept the clothing you just you just yeah okay you just put your socks in the drawer you just put your socks in the drawer you have lava buckets on a conveyor belt and then have them drop them into the portal probably

But flinging things well you could have him conveyor onto a flinger that flings into the portal and then it could come through and luck matron oh then i would need a janitor spirit instead of a transporter spirit well he can transport over this site right like

Would you like a janitor spirit to pick up the stuff that comes through because it could land just about anywhere uh i mean maybe that’s wrong well while you’re doing that i’m gonna go make a janitor spirit then i’m very worried about this floor now maybe the floor is worried about you

Cultism why oh god damn it i’ve forgotten this come on frame rate why are you so bad so hang on bad day frame rate bad day because i could just awaited ejector says nightcast exactly a weighted ejector oh really all right i prefer weightless ejectors myself yeah

You know what i i like uh weightfulness ejectors because yeah so i’m gonna fling it through the i’m gonna fling it through the portal but that dude’s gonna take it up there to the to the ejector for me the the the luck guy it’s fine nightcast he’ll he’ll he’ll be fine he’s fine

Throwing buckets of lava rats catch why do i keep putting the fan down first i don’t know why no no no familiar binding maybe i should make the entire floor out of clear glass just to terrify myself i think it was avr’s what do you think sonic apocalypse aviar’s circle i think that’s

And there it is janitor oh heck i even have somebody i’ve got a bunch of these things let’s grab my chalk brush that i never use anyway no that’s the butt way yes stream is too far behind about weight watcher rejectors no i hate those no just just know unacceptable oh oh oh

Like right here with a vertical gear okay copper chest i just had to put the cog down to see to visualize i visualized i and then it was fine just okay a hooper one in here maybe we put it back here and uh and then we just put the wall

Slightly forward to protect protect and dispenser hey so okay um close i have no idea what’s going on i should really learn create at some point this this is actually moderately advanced stuff alpic that you’re watching right now moderately advanced sorry well i’m not going to say it’s

Really advanced because i think that’s the end of the pack but this is only chapter 2 right i feel like this should be higher because or that so all right let’s take this hang on i need to see something a depot give me a depot something’s going on it’s like i’m

Double clicking on again then give me one of these things that i can’t remember how to pronounce wait is windows doing the update thing yay thank you for doing a virus scan while i’m streaming [ __ ] you windows no that needs to be underneath really does that work gosh

Can i make more of these plus how can how can how can oh oh oh um we need these first okay if i put a funnel on the side here i’m gonna hang a funnel no not on the top oh but i could put it on the bottom right uh sure

Yeah yeah yeah okay then i don’t have to do i have a crafting table done i don’t have a crab in there all right is that chest grip okay there we go put some paper in there ah i don’t think that’s gonna work is it probably not

It would drop it into a barrel right do a barrel maybe you have to go now all right see you later trey thanks for hanging out dev see that oh god damn it clear uh all right so i’ve got those i’ve got this thing facing the wrong way die die jeez i think

Let’s grab that because oh it needs to be a book that’s why i’ll pick oh no what oh no uh book and quill does that require it does require an exact son of a gun instead of black dye oh we’re out of ink will that work exactly work the funnels extend

You’re gonna have to spawn some of those uh squidoos no no and kill them it’s a lucky sword yes i thought that would work oh no it’s just like whenever i turn on a stream because you’re interacting with the streamer that’s why um okay so that one or

Try to like find an easy way to get it oh squid beaks they’re good for six each the chute yeah okay let’s make a few of these so i can make a bunch of different yep there it goes okay cool then can he okay hang on hang on excuse me i think

There we go one of those thank you nightcast she’s doing it okay oh oh right here we are circle avr circle janitor and that needs to be three matchmaker matchmaker make me a janitor okay there we go is this for catching the empty buckets maybe because he can

Be waitlisted to full buckets of lava oh that’s right i i think we can filter our dude for picking up specific stuff the transporter would be a better way to go than funnel or shoot but can a transporter pick up from a depot yes yeah i haven’t even tried it and i feel

Confident about that okay all right cool then we’ll save the the shoe shoe beard um for other stuff um oh he’s gonna need to we’re gonna need two transporters because we’re also gonna need one to return the buckets i feel like stairs are really gonna be a

Good thing for him stairs yes i can do that okay oh hello oh i even have a book of calling portfolio janitor get in the book let’s see what this thing says uh set deposit set base location set deposit oh nice okay and what oh and you’ve got a white list in filter

Mode as well you’re so good such a good little demon get invoked wouldn’t the shoot cause a problem as it would shoot through the empty buckets has anyone here in chat done a full ae2 storage in this pack um i don’t know is his name oh that’s a good question what is his

Name no another luck miratron it’s his twin brother i feel like i should name rename this guy just because otherwise we’re going to get the two lux thank you for the fireworks no not stairs name tag all right what kind of luck pun can we do we’ll need a lever for the fan

Yeah i’m getting there i’m just listening to that thank you for the reminder that’s serious it seems a rather later game thing dark fan is working on it yeah dark fan i think is in chapter four or 12. something like that i can’t remember um i do need some xp to name stuff

And i think i need some kind of hooper or something like that the hooper okay um i need something for them to deliver empty buckets to that would then deposit those empty buckets onto there so that would work right if i put a hopper on the side can they deliver there we go

That’s awesome i still extended me a photo of my nephew with the caption mischief mode and for a split second i was like how does she know what i’m watching okay nice and that just delivers them one at a time okay all right little pig mix that is awesome you

All right well now deposit into chest and then can i put a lever on there it’s a base location work area oh it’s so slow oh [ __ ] 16 by 16. i might need to wrap this up a little bit oh god we’re gonna do this i don’t know that’s gonna end up

Ss blur thanks for the following welcome to the mischief thank you very much all right little picamix is set koshka it will deposit into your chest things that i think are dropped on the ground like a carrot will you get it you won’t because i need to set filter white

Blacklist there we go now you’ll get anything in the area there we go that could be bad we need to make sure you’re only getting what is it buckets of lava how about bucket uh bucket butt bucket yeah i will go get a bucket of lava and then we will filter that

So you don’t pick up everything because you’re gonna end up being like run over by stuff hi tall wow okay this is really bad in fact the lava is never gonna get here why is that because this is so [ __ ] slow yeah oh you could probably use lava on water wheels yeah

I really don’t want to do that that sounds like a certain death it’s hardened you don’t need to like soul sand or anything just you know all right little dude or yes in fact the pump is waitlist thank you property but noticing that i’m a complete the gear conversion thing you can but

There’s also stress units so you can only can like increase the speed so much before it gets overloaded i made a helicopter windmill does it go as it goes by that would oh i just saw lava dripping there’s oh look at him draining the planet’s core there’s lava

There is in fact lava it’s slow as [ __ ] but there is impact lava there’s really i’m going to try something here do we have an insight machine in the system no no we don’t uh i enjoy being a complete idiot basically [Laughter] i revel in my idiocy uh i need

Oh where is it there it is a portable cutter thingy i mean yeah i guess i could do like a bigger windmill up there maybe i should do that all right then oops oh what did i do it’s almost there did you see that behold i have a bucket of lava congrats

So if i put this here and then i reverse this is the cave he’s picking it up and putting it in there so fast you can’t even see it right it’s just this blink so fast a little pick a mix is is a winner [Laughter] he is keeping busy

Do we have a windmill turbine no we do not i hear they’re actually not that bad to make i i do hear things of that nature as well oh i have to make the thing first turn the table no turntable no thing done okay little pigment stay there and try not to

Die when we get like spammed with like stuff from chat yeah maybe we should build them a safety zone [Laughter] you know it’s going to be all productive and do programming and now i’m watching this that you can speed up oh productive during a mischief stream what’s there

What’s what we attempt to do i think the gear shift is just reverse direction the adjustable chain gear shift is a thing to make other chain drives in line with it speed up but you could also you just use cogs i think gear shifts is what they’re working towards too

So what kind of stairs would you like this to be here gosh can i i’ll put them i zero [ __ ] about what kind of stairs basically basically um but i do think we need to like do them at that height you know what i mean yeah i’ll i’ll get it please okay

Okay oh my god i just don’t know if this is so [ __ ] slow although how fast can those dudes move what dudes they move pretty quick it’s like a large i mean did you see little pika mix he’s a champ and thank you very much now but now he’s got to go upstairs

I’m actually i should work on that but the chat is very lovely oh thank you elpic you’re lovely too no you’re lovely no you’re lovely bricks get out of there i need a different kind of brick because we’re going nether brick stairs so now we need hmm uh

Red nether oh you know what we are going to need some kind of shenanigans because is that all the netherworld we have what Yeah maybe we do like just what i was looking for oh [Laughter] you’re a one-month streaker good job alpine try to keep your pants on in chat though please thank you our pants are completely optional we’re always up for pants parties so that that’s fine i planned on automating sand and kelp

Last night and instead spent a stupid amount of time fishing for a saddle to make a piggy backpack so that i could get animals into the automatic animal farms i built instead it was like do you want to share your one month streaker joint that was like sure thing mate

Sounds good to me see if i do like a big old like thing here then i could potentially also use it to um how do you stream for a solid month without getting arrested you stay indoors um i have a favor to ask easy okay would you mind sharing some sheep

You need more wool i do need more wall i’m sorry very sorry to have to ask you that uh no i don’t mind that’s fine i wonder if i can shear a panda so i’ve got some good news and some bad news hey fariato there’s all of our sheep oh no

Well the good news is that we have more she eggs right right 11. yeah and the even better news is that when you crack those eggs open they come fully walled oh but not necessarily in white that’s true and i need to exchange some of these uh

Mud bricks in here so that they can eat grass easier that’s probably a good idea all right there is four white woolen three gray wool in the system i think i need to like put looting or luck or something on my on your shirt the sheer audacity of that request but

It’s not another cheering contraption they call him this yes let’s grab some grace and my exchange you do dad put this in here and that do this excuse me are you crazy animals excuse place i’m trying to trying to feed you you’re not making it very easy

Get no get out of the way chicken oh my gosh the constant pushing well maybe if you had them in a larger enclosure there wouldn’t be so much pressure no no that’s just just [ __ ] not not an option not an option let’s do it right so windmill bearing this

Okay this is annoying now because it’s six wide check out that way or that way probably this way right sure or this way it doesn’t help that the pandas are in there i feel like the pandas need to be in with the cows i mean pandas have nipples too

What does that have to do with shearing sheep i really need to set up the animal farms i built last night probably i feel like cheating using ender chest but man does it make things so much more convenient Okay snooze after put this grass away there’s more wool in the system thank you very much put that there did you just say pandas have nipples too i did not she did i love how you had just the right space to replace the block then the chicken stood there like well hi right

Wait she you just destroy the grass way too quickly i’m glad i’ve got the uh the loot beams going on uh all right there’s four more wool in the system now thank you okay sheep also do though so i feel like they should all be in the same enclosure the nipple club

Panda milk when she’s they already give slime balls what do you want respect people club sounds like a sex toy i agree hugh now i have fully automated anderium casings for all the under chests and tanks what oh my gosh i don’t even want to hear

About that oh new hefters doing a heft do that go you have to do it oh well done you actually i don’t need to worry about that do i because oh my god that carrying animation is adorable were you hearing the sounds as well he’s all like these guys are so freaking cute

I’m worried about getting swept off the side they’re so derpy i love it have you seen their boobs of doom with tassels oh yeah i guess i should be uh showing the showing off kashka’s boobs but batazzled uh boobs of doom there you go oh he had to switch views for that too

Hey thank you for the eight months of support thank you so much [Laughter] and and they’re of doom because you get in the middle and yeah you’re doomed put this in here there we go what the [ __ ] they’re crusher wheels you throw things in there and it will duplicate yours is the idea

I can’t get past just like real boobs i don’t know what books you’ve been messing with to to to daddy’s to ted heads um tdds i don’t know tds welcome to the mischief wow thank you for the fella i’m so sorry thanks ted welcome to the best show

Sorry for the mispronunciations i was just having fun what is happening i’m i’m having a stroke no it’s a joke i’m not it was a joke he has boobs on his mind it makes me laugh boobs make you laugh when we talk about them like this it does

It made you laugh just now oh it was [ __ ] the boobs made you laugh that made me laugh to dd’s usually people have them on their chest ah yes the famous double d button i need to do something more with this this looks kind of out of place

We’re all mature here i swear i swear too and that doesn’t make me any more mature okay i think i think that’s good right really you’re gonna block bra it’s it’s just a piece of it’s an undergarment for crying out loud what the heck bot

Bad thing is they need a custom bra to make bra make to fit them who are you and what did you do with the person that has been here for more than five minutes um right uh i was i was smelting bricks okay i’m going to get the bricks are you

Okay you’re doing something else good okay never mind bricks oh almost done uh okay that kind of works right right sure uh okay so there’s another stairs out there yeah that’ll work and those are just yeah okay so let’s make a stack of those and then just because this is quicker

And easier than the other boom we’ve got 41 that’s that’s a start that might actually be enough we’ll find out put this down this here and go through what this conversation is about again breasts if you think that’s the case then you are sorely mistaken no stop okay all right yeah

Yeah the babbling is really good okay dren thank you very much for the tea don’t snap your feet nice open rude oh god pick being too good actually okay so i hear the gas down there okay six left uh okay oh nice nice try nice try citron um

Giving it a temptation starting up a and b oh wait not yet friends want to game maybe next time i’m guessing that means that you’re critical game so i’ll see you later so get some crazy skunk all right so there we go stairs accomplished uh but that well done that looks that

Looks crazy down you’re gonna have to get rid of those bits uh fireworks just in case wait where’d it go there it is what yay another stream i get to catch hello valen cashcon chat what’s yourself everyone littlebeard22 thank you for 20 months of support thank you very much

Thank you that’s very kind i’m glad you’re able to join oh god i almost like jumped right off huh that was terrifying all right and now we need some light because it’s really dark in here uh torches we do have some that’s still very [ __ ] slow like these

Is the rumor oh there is these i could add more sales there we go now we’re talking all right so let’s let’s do this and say let there be light and then we’ll have lights every so often going down the stairs and then we can have the light here and the light here

There we go we now has the light oh [ __ ] i can see that gas down there i know there’s multiples oh god i know hence my oh there’s a glass floor what what i need to see i can’t get up here okay so got it i got that block

Oh i need the duck those things all right put those over there and put them away i need to add more sales also check your pump is pumping in the right direction too koshka i will look it is yeah but this i need to add more sales

Because this holy slow it’s still going to be slow adding sales doesn’t make it spin faster it does thank you very much does it yes it does that guy i’ve been lied to oh hi hi it’s a lot of fancy lanterns you got there i feel like it does anyway maybe i’m

Imagining things even a fully upgraded windmill isn’t all that fast though still better to use cogs how could valen the maker of all bits and bits not know a fact about a mod at this mod pack has [ __ ] me up something awful about create i tell you

What because so many things were tweaked and changed oh okay i i know nothing i’m john definitely faster when it came to this mod pack i became jon snow that is definitely faster you’re making such a mess there’s blocks everywhere wished what is this that is a bit that needs to get covered

In excuse me i agree about this pack being really weird furthermore very little is documented je is several broken things especially about tinkers and alloys yeah tinker’s a little bit messed up and different about that um i mean there’s even what is it uh that’s faster um

Electrum is listed in here for some reason that’s not default as part of tinker’s but you can’t even make it and yet it’s somehow in here and it’s i’m confused by it it’s pretty well documented it goes even faster if you color the sales car It’s it’s orc logic koshka yeah you paint it red it goes faster okay so so now what now i need to interrupt this to make i need another gearbox based basically doug gearbox got that right let’s just make like five of them there we go so what what do i have

You got any oh can i grab this bucket of lava uh sure oh look at that i have a weighted ejector there goes it went through yeah all right let’s see i’m gonna go through the other side yeah see if your dude see if it’s in the chest it’s in the chest

He’s so good he’s like little pick a mix for the win present it turns the recipe on what we do need though is to just completely block up this wall uh i will do that well hang on because don’t i need to like um i thought i needed to target a block the

Other side of that wall with my you could probably just target the bot the obsidian at the bottom or a wall a block on the back yeah that’s what i was thinking okay what so [Laughter] oh [ __ ] i probably should have put that one down shouldn’t it hang on

Now luck needs to move lava buckets to the other chest from the depot yep exactly well for that we need no we’re not using chests there we go that’s all right hadn’t i done that done what oh because i scrolled off of it i hate that

Okay there we go so that will fling through the nether portal oh no i don’t even need a barrel ew wait yeah okay because he could easily get flung and that would break things so yeah we need to have him deposit before well maybe i should move this over one then

No no it’s fine if you have him like deposit up here or something i think like let me grab a barrel one now like that we’ll put it in the corner we’ll fence off can’t believe we’re not using pretty pipes don’t hate me i can’t believe you’re not using pretty pipes

You know funny thing you should mention pretty pipes helping what the heck man what i am using pretty pipe it needs more interactions with occultism but i blame occultism you should using pretty pipes and funnel and filtering from what was it from wormholes in occultism causes lots of crashes and stuff but

That that’s more occultism’s problem i definitely know what this is about so play occultism in it yeah yeah okay sorry with the magical mischief tour mod pack it was like all right well something has to go and if it’s not getting fixed on occultism’s part and i need magical storage well i’m

Sorry but i’m not having to crash so it ended up removing pretty pipes which was kind of sad and then the druid craft crates ended up having an issue and that was druid craft crates and not pretty pipes as well all right what what’s meta did you drop flip mike

I said no i said go that way i’m not even using it in here yeah today on velen’s video he joins a cold so much hate where’s that so much hefting that goes there and then we just need shifts oh i see you’re just gonna so much exposed shaft here

I like the exposed shifts here wait what what wait what yourself why isn’t that because those aren’t chain drives i know they’re not changed right oh because i need another vertical one i’m an idiot yeah yeah feeling hate’s pretty no harvester that’s me there we go wow that goes slow as [ __ ]

No that’s fine how how fast do you think this thing’s gonna go with the lava buckets right i mean very fast fan okay very fast i suppose you could crank it up i mean using the windmill it can go a lot faster i want to expose shafts wait what

I’ll pick i like those too let’s see alpic’s a fan of long exposed shafts i mean me too clearly look at all i think that they’re just some insecure people in chat certain moons omg i mean look at these they’re long solid rotating rotating strangely yeah

Rotating in a in a consistent and we could have them go faster in satisfying manner and i mean yeah they could rotate faster now now villain no one likes people bragging about their long shadows i’m not talking about the length of it i’m just talking about how we use it all right so

Really family friendly i’ll pic this is an 18 plus stream thank you very much what i try to keep the channel a little bit light-hearted um so now how to get the [Laughter] how to get how to how how should we have him funnel barrel funnel or the depot

Underneath funnel barrel funnel for the depot underneath yeah here i’ll do it all right you don’t oh [ __ ] i need more funnels yeah there’s only like one in there i made four just a few moments ago that’s awesome what yeah i know just put a barrel in there actually that’s fine

Well i’m like i keep stealing all this i don’t keep making i don’t think chat can handle it so i’m gonna cover the shaft oh god you guys ruin everything here i’ll do it can’t do it well i didn’t say i could i just said i’d do it there we go

All right so there that’s that’s not the right position can’t do it put this here there we go free the shaft need to put this here the shaft and then it’s the depot depot depot there’s no depos i know it’s like it’s almost it’s almost sexier this way because because it’s like

The idea of the shaft instead of just the shaft in your face you know it’s you’ve got the kind of suggestion of a long shaft oh my gosh you’re just like a protected shaft that’s all [Laughter] i hate this conversation but you are right all right okay okay so you can yeah

Should we try it i could chuck something onto there well before you do that let me just grab uh what’d you do it landed there then it’s not aimed at the right spot i guess well feel free to change where it’s aiming for i don’t know it’s not aimed

At the right spot could it be because somebody insisted on did you i think you picked it up no it’s oh what it flung it never mind why is it is it is it like too high i don’t know uh i can put my goggles on so i could

Maybe see i don’t know can you see one it’s hitting the top put my goggles on it’s hitting the top look watch this you ready uh hold on one second no i’m not uh all right yep i see go ahead yeah when i look at its preview it

Actually says that it’s gonna do it now which is kind of weird oh god that spooked me ah yeah maybe don’t do that and then don’t do what so for some reason it is angled really high up i think it’s trying to drop down on something for some reason

When i look look at it with my goggles and holding the wrench oh god i didn’t mean to pick it up i didn’t think you were going to do that here you go i don’t know why you just put that i just exactly where you broke it

I can’t get him because the funnel all right let me get up and out of here and then i’ll throw it to you and i’ll get out of your way enjoy your alert some crazy skunk game for reals good have good have good games good luck evan

Okay we’re waiting for it to crank down it’s still aiming to the ceiling again yeah it’s aiming at the top of the oh it’s aiming above it even what the [ __ ] why what did you click on when you chose it the obsidian block right there really that is so weird that it’s doing

That jesus i looked over and i s i saw the windmill and i thought it was a gasp that came around the corner that’s amazing maybe aim at the portal not a bad idea thanks ted oh god i just chucked all the netherrack okay excuse me let’s try that

Hate when you can’t get in from the bottom excuse me such a short distance means high angle short do you think it’s because there’s a block in front of it like if i move these i don’t know out of the way maybe nope oh whoa did that like ricochet off the ceiling

And go through the portal i think it did what if i did this then what that kind of works you want to try that i don’t know what we’re trying but sure it works it’s bouncing off the ceiling and going in now 10 out of 10 mechanism amen

All right here i’m going to try it from this side ready oh sorry yep do it it’s working it’s bouncing off the ceiling but it’s working put this in here close that put these on and put them right amy at a depot below the portal okay it’s devolving into a very cool stream

She was evolving into something i’m not saying what tries one more time try aiming at it i’m gonna go through the other side and pick up all the blocks well surely you’re a dude uh i white listed lava buckets so i would only pick up and chase those yup i’ve got three

Another racks all right and it’s raining on this side gross gross minecraft rain particles suck so much all right here we go i’m gonna try it you’re right oh you’re not there i’m gonna i was hoping i could make it nope it is not thunderstorming oh that’s terrible bounce back over there okay

Let’s let’s see this fireworks oh yep bucket came through he walked forward grabbed and put in a chest nice all right so shall i shall i grab luck and have him bring the the we need one we need one more as well oh god oh because we’re gonna need to have the

Buckets come back in right yep well that’s fine we just need to have them thrown through the portal just like the other one yeah i don’t understand why this funnel depot thing is here either can’t he just put it straight into the power what what can’t he deposit the buckets of lava

Straight into this barrel i did not want him getting that close to the ejector but i don’t know he is kind of small i don’t think that i don’t know that he can get over that far that’s what that works here i am also kind of contemplating

Putting this the other side of there to give it a bit more space to to shoot because the other thing is hang on do you mind if i do that [Laughter] am i just shooting yes perfect exactly why is valen enchanted by the way uh because buzz and supporting kittens

This is a real rube goldberg machine to be honest that’s the whole point of creating yeah i mean that’s kind of that’s from depot anyway this would still have been easier if you just made vellum be the minion i’m not as fast as these minions boob

All goldberg so i’m just going to move over here and start so the the the glowy skin that i have is because a while ago uh buzz adopted a an abandoned kitten that had some terrible stuff going on with it and it was pretty much going to die unless

It had some heavy medical bills paid so i i helped support buzz a bit along with a lot of other people so that the kitten could get an operation um because it it did not have use of its hind its entire bottom half and the surgery was a success and the kitten was

Learning how to crawl and everything like that and um so from that buzz gave out a whole bunch of people that helped out um like little in-game aesthetic stuff so there you go that’s very wholesome well i was i was fortunate enough to catch it when he posted it i

I could have easily have missed the post the glowy skin i have is because i moisturize every day okay oops did it go through uh you try it again i’ll tell you okay oops yep did it hit the ceiling uh barely okay and it actually went through up here

Instead of down at the bottom okay so now we kind of have some it puts the lotion on its skin all right now we get to see if luck can actually transport stuff up the stairs and around a corner i have no idea let’s uh

Luck how you doing uh what are you doing how you doing is that deposit set extract right that is your extra oh he did it he grabbed it all right okay he’s got it he’s like oh boy let me do this set deposit uh that side oh here it goes

Fantastic works as intended oh he’s got another one he’s coming back up to do there you go we got our demon workers works as intended i just saw a lava bucket go oh through oh god i’m feeling so drained today i’m sorry kid sir he’s gonna run out of buckets and i’m

Too red wait he just took an empty bucket yeah he’s i did not white list anything oh sorry no no look dude stop [ __ ] i need to i need a lava bucket to to do that get in the book it just flung back i’m going through i’ll be right back i’m

Going to get lava what if we flung luck up the stairs just cleaning all the things he might die he had empty yeah he does something he does only have like four hearts all right let’s do this and i can do this and then dude uh let’s see

We want he’s oh [ __ ] come here no he’s still got he’s funny he’s grabbing my empty buckets he’s your little bastard white list give me there we go stop it notice he is not grabbing it you better not grab it oh don’t get upset with him he’s only

Doing exactly what we’ve told him to do what you’ve told him to do oh gosh see it’s phil and he grabbed it all right luck is a genius i mean that’s giving him a lot of credit luck be a lady tonight right so now you flung the buckets up the

Stairs why flung luck when you could fling valen i’ve been getting flung i can’t fit back here sadly so i can’t get flung um and i’ve got multiple buckets here let’s do oops oh he’s off yes now we need empty buckets returned oh yep so i’ve got a hopper there

So we need a janitor dude yep we could have a janitor here just picking stuff up putting it in here and putting it in where wherever you want in that hopper the hooper the hooper uh he can cover a 16 block radius oh [ __ ] uh or 32 i could have him

Do 32. oh how many blocks is this thank you navi make a cow milk that flings the cow back and forth between two depots so for wool if you still need it is it possible to set up a shearing device to fling sheep through nine probably time

Can you filter based on the container don’t pick this up at all yes it’s 14 so it’s 14 blocks horizontally so i don’t know if he’ll it’s fine wait i can set like i said i think i can set it up for 32. so let me go make another janitor and i’ll be

Right back all right uh you can’t filter based on the container you can filter based on what they can can or cannot pick up but there are containers that we can put filters on if we so desired and like create uh crates i knew benedict how you doing

Thank you for bringing light and happiness to my life you’re welcome thanks for doing the same for us 16 block radius there’s plenty of room okay i need to sleep oh god i just i just did it oh thank goodness thank you uh i needs a janitor That’s transporter janitor janitor okay recipe for that i needed a brush chalk brush one of those i’m using some of the gray wool that’s great uh hey no not it it’s still horribly burnt out you’re enough unmotivated and deeply unhappy about a lot of things in your life

Sounds like you’ve had a rough day or two i hope all’s okay that was just telling me about all the stuff you’ve been doing with luna which sounded like you’ve been really busy yep what’s in there that in there makes everything feel a thousand times better

Okay i’ve got all the stuff oh no wait i don’t i almost used a power tubo uh i need the book the foliage book foliate come here fully out what i’m trying to decide is like what to do with the lava once it gets to that side because it really isn’t like

Oop chloe book go oh newbie i’m sorry all of that has been spread across one to two months in like one or two hour sessions every day outside of that i feel like i can’t concentrate on doing much else hey billy man how are you sir i’m sorry to hear that new bandages

Still i appreciate all the things that you do do and i oh i’m not saying i appreciate your doo-doo why are the slimy blocks on the roof for the i would kind of hurt you you need to drain to empty the buckets papa cheese is correct

Did you hear that yes i did okay um i’m just trying to decide like okay so buckets currently being deposited to that chest classic burnout i think coupled with anxiety slash depression yeah i appreciate your doo-doo as well i appreciate that you do do do everybody poops sometimes but uh yeah

I i need to drain how’s it going bully man how how have you been welcome to the stream welcome to the come to the streets to a new level new low of lewdness enlisted volpe to make a special variant of the duck skin for your shoulder duck oh that’s awesome

Volky does good work oh my goodness oh i need the iron bars sorry not sorry hello roxas poppy does do very good right now welpy did my skin right i’m pretty sure valpate did my skin well we did both of our skins yeah vulpe does amazing this villain here

Oh chip thank you very much for that thank you for the eight months and the prime sub prompt all right i have an item join do you oh i need a new name for for the the the janitor because we got little pick-a-mix grabbing stuff in the overworld uh what

Do you want the one grabbing the empty buckets come here what is his name it’s another luck butlin i feel like we’ve used butlin apparently i’m not allowed to write [ __ ] channel moderation blocked it what i didn’t get any notification of your stuff right except for you saying hey bullyman

What oh he’d do that too i mean you’re a vip as well you should be able to write [ __ ] all you want i know the feeling the same with table chair i am stuck at all the new things i added and there’s so much that i have started stripping it down to individual

Mods the next update might have removed a bunch of stuff and instead have dependencies for them right prime account was unsubbed well i i think the prime the prime stuff you have to keep redoing each month yeah it’s annoying your message wasn’t posted due to conflicts with the channel’s moderation

Settings i turned them off there aren’t any and yet still i do get like the butt spot gets like we we allow all the things that pops up that’s what i got after saying what a [ __ ] show but you’re saying [ __ ] here what the [ __ ] no he’s not he’s using an exclamation point

Huh maybe doesn’t want you to do some weird programming stuff in chen i don’t know really windy and cold i got all toasty undercovers dozed off for a minute and twitch myself back awake oh full body twitch yeah i know those things oh oh dread

Thank you very much thank you for the 13 months and and not forgetting your prime stuff so this thing contains flowers i’m not criticizing others i’m just oh whoa having fun with it oh okay we’ve got buckets of lava now if i put a shoe on the top on the

Bottom of this name tag shoe oh [ __ ] wait it’s not that’s literally what it is called too the hypnic jerk blarf i can’t see [ __ ] okay that’s not working so now i’m getting some tea hubby and kiddo should be home soon stop oh what hi buddy

Do not try to get back up there oh because you are trying to pick up my buckets what are you tempting our baby demon kashka so rude um can i just can i have that can you can you do it how about if i like chuck a bucket down up here all right

I’m calling this demon buckets come here no don’t go back back at it oh dread thank you for the 200 bitties dred thank you very much jeff it’s a hold over from like prehistoric times when your brain misinterprets something something you’re thinking about sometimes even a dream or

Just some sort of external stimulus and triggers fight or flight really thank you every time i start moving thank you very much jordan thanks for another videos referencing the lizard brain i have one of those [Laughter] um i think kashka can vouch for it too all right kashka all right well

You ready there’s our new child buckets oh bouquets no buckets yes i need to understand how to use these item trays right click to pour your fluids oh okay so do i need to use these with a deployer it’s a really cool animation no you don’t have oh just a

Okay you could have a funnel just kick it out on top okay but the chute did not work yeah that that makes sense so i think it has to be fed onto it from the side i don’t think it can just be dropped on it i could be wrong on that but

Like buckets of flowers yes buckets and buckets of flowers all right all right this one here is going to be picking stuff up that comes through i need your your little friend here to can you move this guy uh yes i can you want me to move luck

I’ll come back and think no little pika mix oh a little pick a mix okay i’ll grab all right come on hold on pick me up pick a mix where is he at he’s down here come on we’ll pick a mix no get in the book okay i’m leaving him

Here with the lava buckets in the chest above your head because that’s his home okay i started this pack last night and loving it great to hear it billy boyd so did we yeah we did don’t listen one day totally last night we’re doing for a bit to be honest welcome back alpic

To the stream of your unproductiveness where you are still welcome to lurk if you need to i hope everything is better for you soon home alone for not happy reasons nobody oh so you built a kitchen since i last what no i got interrupted and i’ve been roped into uh creating um

House demons which is fine i like spawning house demons also turns out that my memory issues don’t come from just adhd i also really dissociate and stuff just disappears okay okay that sounds like me with chat to be honest the things the things that i revealed downside of using your garage as extra

Drink storage when it’s cold out when it freezes your drinks oh no did they explode create above and house demons true um okay we’re going to make i’m going to do some quick water wheels in here buckets and you’re going to be i think i don’t have any

Large cockroach there’s no empty buckets are the all the empty buckets on on your side guys i’m coming through no i wait there’s no empty buckets in there oh there’s 20 empty buckets in the thing but don’t use them all the way i just need one for a filter

I almost spelled it the way that i named this guy right white list empty buckets uh and then i need so that that’s just pick up loose things i don’t think that you’re gonna grab from inventories uh and then set deposit yes we’re going to have you deposit actually

If i could squeeze one it’s crazy deposit into the depot ah one more no damn it no actually we’re gonna have you deposit into the hopper because that means it’ll have at least a small buffer for buckets to go into okay guess that’s not happening site south and then

So base location that should be fine go this way instead no definitely not here there we go set base for buckets to netherrack bouquets but like three to six months my tea didn’t well but it’s a block of ice of iced tea i have this like three to six months window

Of things that actually that i actually remember i really struggled to actually delve into my past remember specific events things like that hmm do you make kitchen with the chef demon be called buffett’s 20 buckets just suffer hey serious creeper even said iced tea i just suffer from free good great minds yeah

Suffer from frequent bouts of crs let’s see no crs i can’t say i’m familiar with that abbreviation i can’t believe you’re actually getting something done right now i guess it will have hot tea then you mix it with the iced tea and then you end up getting room temp tea right

Lots of newspaper to use on this no okay bucket residence lady of the house speaking exactly that’s the reference now throw a bucket to check now throw a bucket to butt okay all right i’ll throw oh i’ve already got a bucket oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] indeed actually what i should do

Is oh okay here we go this will be the test i will throw a bucket through the portal and see if it comes back as a filled lava bucket all right and all right so there goes what what buckets what are you doing buckets get back buckets no buckets buckets come here buckets

Where the [ __ ] he going he’s off damn it come here he’s too quick for me i don’t want to settle and this is this no come here come here get in the book you little [ __ ] he came through the portal but we tested before they wouldn’t come through the port what

He’s walking to his home coordinates what what even i don’t have any tea left thank you for the water inside is he trying to move to that location in the overworld i have no idea yeah that’s what i’m thinking maybe this is a punk zoe had a big old wacom today

She did so did we she walked down on the beach it was pretty good yeah we had a good day today at least i did did you have a good day i did it was fun it’s nice did you want this to be empty underneath now um yes because

I have to set stuff up underneath there he reminds me of my bunnies when they do stupid things and run away here’s the thing though i need some fence uh kashka if you come through the the portal i’m sorry but i’m keeping him from like getting through right now um whoops

So if i hmm now if i sneak click buy buckets uh no not so set deposit here dude do you have okay you just have the filter okay i don’t know what you did with the bucket did it make it through i don’t i’m guessing it it might have been destroyed i don’t

Know let me grab another bucket it could be on the other side of the portal i have no idea but let’s say it pops through you grab it and then you joyously jump down the stairs and pop it in the bin then you run it back up luck is faster

Than you what the heck okay so now i have this poop i’m out okay what the auto mods are wise to your shenanigans you got modded wait hold on i’m confused is everybody getting modded now because we have mod the auto mod turned off two more hours until my chill is ready

The suffering is real but i use the s word lol what the what the [ __ ] it’s awesome and i wish i could show it to you can you link that to me on discord i want to show that to my partner it sounds so much like me except it’s not damaged

So i like the last minute can you have a look at the modding settings please yeah in just one second i’m just catching up with chat real quick uh it’s not a public post my boyfriend said he would chill in bed for a bit and

It has been hours so i’m pretty sure he fell asleep sounds like chilling in bed to me is that too i can’t say [ __ ] why can’t anybody say [ __ ] ow i’m doing it i’m doing it you don’t have to force me so hard hi lipo cap not viewer rewards uh settings moderation

Uh permitted terms and phrases always active no i don’t think sirius can because i think he’s using um an exclamation point instead of an i okay there i’ve added i’ve added [ __ ] i’ve added sh exclamation mark t all right you guys should be able to say all the [ __ ] you want now

There you go yay [ __ ] for everybody [Laughter] what if we die i have gifted you all [ __ ] and you rejoice and i just i was trying to oh my god i was going to search for buckets and i type [ __ ] guys are broken oh look at that shitty

Chat this is great i love all the puns okay [ __ ] show continues there you go wow oh i’m so sorry siren hi kiddo i was saying shoot uh we were talking about someone having a fit no it’s turned into one of those streams it’s getting smelly around here

Okay so dude i’m going to remove the fence post do not go through i don’t think you can do that what remove the fence post yeah why i think he’s gonna go through i don’t think he is because i just reset i i set his his home point after i told

Him to take from the thing i think he’s i think it’s gonna be fine now but i’m still going to try it uh let’s grab a bucket and we’re going to put it in here and we’re going to actually i will come back through to the other world we’ll repeat what exactly

What i did before and if he pops through come on he pops through i will try and book him look her catch um buckets there we go all right so waiting for him wait for him oh i think i think that was it i think i did it out of order

He didn’t have a home location so he was like people were saying he was trying to go back to his home location in the overworld oh and there’s a lava bucket [ __ ] it it spawned right in the portal i wonder if that’s going to be an issue

Either way it’s there so is that one it worked though [Laughter] he’s just waiting for his chance to make a break for it all right so uh i’m gonna need is there bookshelves are there book shelves that you can actually make no how about just shelf oh oh the supplementary shelf should work

Let’s do that now we can put those here and then we can put uh lux book in place and then we can put a buckets book in place and then they are here should we need them buckets looking at you okay it holds what you could make an item

Item mover fan to push them out of the portal that is that’s actually a pretty good idea that is a pretty good idea because these guys have proven that they can come through the portal oh [ __ ] try to at least is there an item vacuum yeah but that that eliminates the whole

Idea of little pikmix hi subby how you doing good morning hey it’s a blemish they purify my base a bit wait i get pushed pushy pushy push push so i like that we’ve got these little guardians here now all right so okay or youtube doing okay we’re just kind of doing a

Chill sunday so we went out to a cafe out in uh what was it uh johnnick roads thank you which is like the northeastern tip of scotland um or close to it and there’s a it’s a bit of a touristy place but it being january yeah there was like six cars there

And it was really nice um and the sun was out it was cold and frosty but the sun was out and there was no wind there was no one which is crazy for jonah girls it’s gorgeous and here’s the strange part is that um koshka pointed out

To me that if you looked out into the the water towards um thank you towards orkney um it was smooth water and then like off in the distance it was really heavy choppy and we couldn’t figure out exactly what it was if it was like different

Um currents colliding or if it was like it was the tide like you said the tide going in or out or something like that but it was crazy how it was perfectly smooth and then it just went huge waves like there was this defining line and we walked down the frozen beach onto

The regular beach that was in the sun and watched some massive waves coming in uh yeah i have to post a video yeah we both took lots of videos and pictures and stuff it was really cool it was really nice my mom’s been there yeah looks like little demons are watching

Valen while plotting his demise they probably are i mean they’re demons so which i think what i might do is move this out oh you do have an entrance because oh look at all this we’ve got a waterworks going on yeah i just wanted a little one to be able to just power

Technically a part of the empire of norway but we we went into uh a place called stacks there’s a cafe up there yep and we got some snacks at stacks they make amazing hot chocolate i guess yeah it’s so good it’s ridiculous i was watching they left a bunch of space in

The top of the cup and i’m just watching and i’m like okay that seems a bit lower than the mocha that i ordered and then i see the lady pull out the big can of whipped cream and i’m just watching her like go around and around and around and i’m like oh my

Gosh how much is she putting on there then oh springfield this is so good you should play lpx game again on monday oh actually we were discussing that we might we might end up taking monday off we’ll see no talking about tiny life yeah yeah yeah

And that wouldn’t be again i have yet to play tiny life all right so um but for those that don’t know elping has made another game this one’s called tiny life it’s similar oh no inspired by there we go sims if i’m not mistaken and it’s all pixely and really cute and

Stuff and you need to check it out there we go hi koshka hi sorry to interrupt no no it’s fine um i’m just trying to figure out how to do this so lava buckets are up there could have them like drop down onto a conveyor with a drain yep totally could

Like yep just straight onto a conveyor and have that just push onto a drain and it will actually roll across the drain and go to the other side so that i that animation was pretty cool so i definitely want to use that i’m just trying to decide quite how to

Do that whatever happened to that podcast you were doing with help with epic by the way um well we both uh he got busy because uh life changes um i won’t go into details because there it’s his life and not for me to discuss um but also

Oh gosh i grabbed i got some of your um but nothing bad uh but also strangely around the same time as when they had all those fires in australia so it was just really stressful yeah really stressful he was like doing a move and then there was like all the fires going

On and oh it was so terrible so we just were like okay we’re just gonna meh for for a while and if we come back to we do if we don’t we don’t and that was pretty much it uh similar works lmao it’s advertised as such

A friend of mine tweeted about it the other day and then some linux gaming magazine picked it up and now i got a ton of extra wish list today oh that’s great fantastic congrats yeah all right so pretty sure he actually told me about these changes i just straight up forgot

Because i am amazing friend i haven’t talked to him in forever either i feel kind of bad about that i should probably reach out to him i just said it i’m sorry koshka i should probably say something catch up to him corporate term and i’m no i’m not

Corporate person i don’t know he said it this morning we were like chatting about stuff while we were waking up in bed and he’s like yeah i should probably reach out to i’m like what did you just say corporate terminology i need to send the emails

Moving with them due to the fire danger amongst other things i haven’t spoken to squid in ages exactly yeah same here greetings and sanitations hello gnu hello mobius how you both doing and chip bunker i don’t think i even said heidi earlier really should work more on my mod but i

Think that’s going to have to wait till after rent best oh basically just demanded control of the mystic projects and slapped him every few days that works hello you are summoning him as we speak oh gosh all right my guilt has been completed thanks elpic all right so

Lava buckets well gonna pop out here by the way something you might be interested in you can actually have multiple drains next to each other and it’ll keep going across them oh okay i’ve got an elaborate costume to make by the end of the month serious that’s my focus right now fair enough

We’ll see in a minute there siren working on things is overrated play more creative this coming from serious creeper and he knows putting him to work moving buckets you didn’t valen but i don’t think you were seeing my chatted stuff due to me not being subbed

Subbed or not i i should see your your stuff i just don’t always identify who is talking every time that they say something because it’s important shrugs creative to them lipocap do you hey valen do you know of a good mod pack to learn the create mod um shoot this

Depends on the version you want to go with if so well on how much you want to other stuff you want in there if you just want to learn the basics of it i’d say i’d say just pop create into into surprise whatever you like there but i mean this

One here this mod pack it’s an expert pack it’s intended to be difficult and a lot of the mechanics are slightly changing the rest or the the recipes are slightly changed epic squid hello how are you sir hello epic i miss you man i send love though if so if you don’t

Want one that’s like this like expert kind of style it still flipped it i forgot that it will flip things in general and you and you want to like um have a look at some other stuff as well like you don’t want just create in your pack then um

Then you could try um ruins of our dania right that has create in it it does so does the magical mischief tour but it does not have i don’t think either one of them has tutorials for it though that’s true there there is um if you look up if you go to curseforge

And click on the create or and search for the create mod the mod author is semibooby click on him and then click on the projects that he’s done he’s made a mod pack before this one it’s an earlier version but i believe that he made it so that people could learn

Create and not just go expert pack with it ears perk up so that that’s that’s ruins of artania ruins of our dania ii which is also a very great magic mod pack yeah equally as good as magical mischief tour made by feldrae and uh friends i

Think i think it was mostly i think it was just felt right though squid i hope you’re doing good i was missed so i dropped by glad to see you squid by the way yeah hey generic i’m sorry that you can’t stay i realize that if you are working

You you’re probably going to be getting in trouble but thank you for stopping just realize i’ve done this but i haven’t actually sweet that goes on the receipt was sent with a 2021 expiration date problem is solved so [ __ ] buckets are helping too i’m glad they here at mobius

Think about that i’ve got [ __ ] buckets going on on this stream what’d you stream today valen oh [ __ ] pockets pen ran out of ink and an ink fairy in the shape of a squid appeared he said if i let him eat my dinner of shrimp

Help me out by giving me some ink the deal smelled kind of fishy but i need to finish my homework so we did it squid pro quo wow he’s doing it wow it’s doing it kinda simi booby yes s-i-m-i or yeah s-i-m-i-b-u-b-i why why is there a book down there

Oh cause you put oh [ __ ] i put oh because yeah the book was in maybe i should hey generic b how you doing maybe a show yo how you doing maybe maybe a shoot is the wrong thing glad to be here now it’s fine i will stay for a bit oh

This gym really has gone to [ __ ] i mean we started with people not being able to say [ __ ] and then then i fixed the [ __ ] and then we get the buckets and now we’ve got [ __ ] buckets and it’s just no it’s it has gone to [ __ ] right can i

Just if i put a funnel on here will it will that do that secretary stream this pack is more expert pack but the mod is very easy to figure out and the ponder feature works well otherwise watch some youtube yeah this pack is not as create in

Is intended for for the gating with the materials and stuff you can make a lot more things earlier on uh with standard create mechanics now officially the head of my own department made entirely of me congratulations epic squid oh sometimes that’s good and sometimes generally i had my weekly shower last week

Very good congrats mine earlier today hey you know what high five clean clean crew yep and then [ __ ] [Laughter] drain only holds four buckets so you need to empty it yes use a hopper or something else finally stopped being unproductive now and i cannot keep up with the chat and

Stuff me either alpic i’m still scrolling through everyone is talking [ __ ] of course done i used two shoots in a row so you don’t get entity spam in the world well what if what if you did like uh is that so that’s a thing oh because the other shoot can’t

Shoot into a shoe unless that shoot oh wait doesn’t that shoot where did all that i i think you can actually oh [ __ ] making cool stuff with maggots and oh [ __ ] oh my god that sounds amazing man maggots what is happening did you break it i might have i thought

That you could see through the sides i guess not okay so let’s smell good spit all these back under the belt okay that’s so but the double shoe how does the double shoe work because can’t the shoot still i don’t know i’m gonna try yeah that

Doesn’t seem to compute in my mind but okay that’s better yeah i should not mess with that i’m trying to get a huge red armchair out of my small doorway this great this is great background noise sounds a bit shooting well i’m i i do prefer shoots for no logical reason so

I’ll just double shoot if you had no just hear me out for a second i’m just curious oh [ __ ] if you had something like that if when it emptied the bucket if the bucket went into the hopper you know oh i know how to find out let’s grab these

Can you back it out of the the thing i don’t know i don’t have any empty buckets but i do have a pumpkin pie yep there we go pumpkin pie went into the hopper but how is that how is that helping i was just curious of something else entirely sorry there you go

Pumpkin pie back in the system get digitized pumpkin pie how do you get a squid to laugh 10 tickles bonus how can you be sure you’re doing it right 10 tickles uh how can you be sure you’re doing it right test tickles here well that does work drain the pie that’s right

Suit shoots yeah i think on a personal level you would love what my new job is doing i’m sorry nobody’s gonna dm you about it did you want my help anymore because i i’ve made you the demons they’re doing the thing i feel like i’m interrupting more than anything now

Um i’m good okay all right drain the pie pie drains pie drains i’m gonna go fix my my failing sandwich making company business that is barely floating let’s get back to sandwich shop amen can right i was going to make different kinds of walls how’s gabriel look really pathetic and it doesn’t connect

To that what what why would you do that would column walk i think i need more pipe see i kind of dig it like generic because um i kind of like like having like this island over here for this and we’ve got like all this stuff here and i don’t know it’s giving

I like like the separation that it gives honestly i love using the grappling hooks just like thank you very much burning paper giant that is a really interesting name i can pipe out of this so what if i did this on the back so i’m going to need a mechanical pipe that i

Could hook that up to my water wheel shenanigans also dylan if i know you were interested in tiny life i would have put you on my list of people to just send the link to updates to on discord i kind of assumed it wasn’t your kind of

Game to be honest well i’m i’m not usually a player of sim uh you you were correct in your assumptions that uh because i’m not usually a player of that type but i appreciate the the fact that you would consider it so so that’s the thing

He’s hollow and did i just fling that in there almost i think no i’m gonna want the opening back here i’m gonna need some more pipe where are they there we go they’re like little computer people but updated but computer people unsure what little computer people is butt computers are my favorite computers

You can’t make squid cake but you can make an octopi oh gosh can you pipe it into a tank and bucket it out of said tanks as chip well i need to get it like from from that island over there right like the the port like this portal island

I need to get it from there too oh if i go down there i’m gonna get there’s that all right so i’m kind of thinking drunk penguins that’s not what i’m thinking but look at this look at these two drunk penguins drunk penguins everywhere um i’m kind of thinking If i tried these instead um twitch just recommended us oh okay actually i don’t really know what i’m thinking what am i thinking though just paper giant was taken lol i’ve watched some of your youtube videos and twitch just oh i know what i’m thinking i’m thinking um of putting a tank on

Some kind of tank or seared gauge or something on a minecart and whooshing it over there what do you think is that crazy no i mean you can you can have tanks on minecarts that’s cool that’s actually really cool i like that a lot i mean is that like you’re just talking

About a contraption right like there isn’t a minecart a natural oh what is that chamber trunk loader scooter minecart with tanks around for it to be honest where does squishy transport tank silica steel oh [ __ ] hey that’s a big pile of nope why not fling the buckets of lava over to that island

And then fling it back it may be resource efficient says chip just fling it like like we’re doing the doing by doing hang on i need to make some copper hang on one sec chip i will have a look at that but right now i need to make some copper

I’m gonna put some iron in the system because i never put it in after melting it there’s that oh that doesn’t connect that connects in weird ways uh this that does not want to connect at all okay why does some stuff just not connect it’s just like no i don’t want to

Come back sounds more like a tamagotchi type thing but yeah i’m pretty young to have possibly played that don’t pronounce good your sides might need rest thank you thank you we don’t have a build a custom contraction with a seat you can ride and fling yourself and the car thing what

Oh that’s right i forgot to put a seat on your uh contraption that’s running around the base so we can’t ride it very easily i forgot about that okay we’ll do that close these uh i feel like we need uh the trapdoors let’s grab some of these and see how this looks now

It’s got a spruce stand on it like that let’s let’s try some more spruce trap doors this so you think that you think it would be possible to deliver a minecart to a weighted ejector what and then the whole thing gets flung that sounds crazy i don’t know about that

Oh this actually works like closed shop it’s kind of cool i like that oh and what if i did some over here Oh that works too i like that okay but we need to fix this this gate needs to no actually the gaping like that is fine nice i need a sign uh put this in here me too inverted bread took me a couple tries to feed but i got there in the end inverted

Bread i thought you were gonna have like a car contraption that would like absorb the liquid and then yeah that was my drop it off elsewhere yeah that was my initial kind of pets are excited to tiny humans because you need to head out for a bit

All right see you like to subbie thanks zombie take care have a good day because i was just thinking like i mean there’s this line right here so i was thinking it could run like alongside this one choo that sounds good it could take advantage of the same uh levers for rails yeah

And then it’s gonna have to go its own way to get the rest of the yeah yeah because um i could have it delivered with those i’m trying to remember how i did this before i think i used it did i use a clutch there we go i think i used to clutch

We’re gonna need more bricks not those bricks what i don’t have regular oh there they are giant create bug ah giant create beer mug onsie on rails oh my god to be honest i don’t can’t talk anymore complicated as it looks i don’t know newbies all singing giant create beer mug on

You rails probably do something like that so Could you put a create tank on a contraption yeah you mean a cart contraption yeah totally and then you know the um the kissy blocks yeah they can transport fluids oh really because what i was having it to like when i was messing around with stuffing created before

What sorry just said doggo has the zoomies zoomies and it makes me think of all the times that our dogs spend zoomies they make slurpy noises when moving fluids oh then i think i have to do this just to hear those noises do they i don’t remember that but hey um

It’s just like it’s just like a really wet slobbery kissy machine [Laughter] no that’s not even close um actually i think the kitchen oh no the kitchen is not that clean we need to fix that i have one rig you’re moving into the city that your boyfriend’s family lives in soon

And you get seized all every day every day that’s cool then okay so do we have any of those portable no we don’t no portable the storage interfaces oh so there are fluid ones that’s what it is okay so that i need a copper machine one there

That’s so that’s my kind of thing and i think we have a ton of rails oh we’ve only got 57 [ __ ] we can make plenty though uh where am i going here put those in there so that’s my thought so i think for today though um

Maybe i’ll just get this bit of the rail set up i hope the zoom is easy to clean up after what kind of zoomies are you referring to you can put tile entities etc on them so you can use the super glue to connect things and customize awesome silly things yes

Oh my god i’m moving in the scene dogs are incredible yes they’re all the goodest boys and girls um sign let’s see jacaranda thank you pappardio spark sparkly sandwich shop sammich that’s oh wait i need uh campfire all right now i need what i need to do is connect this oh

Hello pneumonitis i see you just remembered to this somehow i need because i need a thing yeah yeah okay i need um oh maybe i could take advantage of this one right here no i’m on the roof i don’t think it’s gonna get me up here nice try

Because i need for a trap to it i just want two more of these i think that’ll work i don’t know ew that i could just do stairs stone stairs which i have plenty of did you see that sneaky creeper clip yes it’s a nice try um did i

So do these things hang on do i need a mechanical pump right i still need a mechanical pump to pump into the fluid interface yes i would assume yes that would be a pretty pretty accurate assumption there yes and then we’ll need some of these for on top of that

This here that’s here and then these on top oh fudge last block always does it doesn’t it there we go okay so a little caulk occasional puffs of of of stuff coming through with the fan base all right can i have it at the bottom please i’ve got the cutting board oh

I got on the floor back here no it says no what dirt on the floor no oh thank you really i have to really butt spot [Laughter] in my butt okay so make sure there’s a tank or stopper at the other end as these pipes will leak

As it’s already engaged yeah yeah yeah don’t do what i did in spill lava everywhere in my wood house oh siren yeah so what i learned was i can just do this right i can just like go look and then it can’t go anywhere while that is a cheeky lp i don’t know

That that’s what she said yes i did and now that is exactly what i said okay there you go confirmation kashka band cool okay uh except i’m stuck i’m stuck there we go mistakes or bite and i’m gonna need some more just for the foundation i can’t wait god damn it

But this will work plus why why you do that there we go what akash can you turn on the rubber ducky poker machine why is he over there i i am i have been for the whole time this these colors are terrible oh man this sandwich shop looks like [ __ ] um but that

Helps you’re welcome glad i could help how about one of those can i make one of those really i can’t make one of those i need to make this oh gosh why do i why is making whoa planks so difficult there we go now can i make one let’s try this and then

That that doesn’t work nope hmm so i cannot convince my mom that i am not interested in all the random videos she finds on facebook good luck gotta stop trying to find something that works with the ugly roof i don’t know that it’s the roof that’s entirely ugly

The roof is really ugly though right so that’s the lava one right there this comes through and shows me them all the time i am the voice of reason i don’t know what else to use though i’m gonna have to pick something else that’s just oh and i don’t know about the

The spruce pierce maybe the palisade needs to change colors palisade can we do an oak palisade it’s cheap enough just too many colors and they don’t they don’t all match let’s try oh and then switch that maybe we just do a spruce roof because let’s just no

The olive stone just does not look good excuse me sir i’m going to have to ask you to leave what what reason or being a voice um rails just don’t go off them koshka i will try not to it’s what i have just done and i have regrets

Actually i’m kind of glad that i walked away from this for a little bit just so i could oh have a moment to uh see the error of my ways there are roof pieces but they they’re a little bit wonky and they require some other stuff from xk deco They require tiles which requires a bunch of black terracotta i suppose i could try some i mean i did in the past and it didn’t work out so well but we’ll give it a go um make it look like a sub bun that would be pretty cute actually

I need some like lettuce sticking out the side or something maybe i switched the spruce trap doors for a green trap oh there is one green heart trapped we can do those okay hang on a sec i’ll be right back oh my gosh okay how do i make these okay

I can do that what the hell is that room well there is no roof there is only spoon uh i think if you’re in chapter two kashki you can have a large connected tank but can’t think of what it’s called but it holds quite a bit yes make it look like a sub

I don’t have any i i do have clay i can get clay but i’m rather entertained with the fact that i can make these green heart trap doors those are slabs i need these that’s only two oh my gosh oh that’s enough i can make

I can make four and we can see if this actually resembles some sort of lettuce all right so then one two three four because the oak would would somewhat resemble a uh a bun in a way i i would have to redo a bit of this but could be do you say

Lattice or lettuce is electrum in this pack well chip that’s actually a tricky question because yes it is i mean look tinker’s anvil electrum you can make electric from molten electrum how do you make molten electrons you don’t it’s normally silver and gold but it’s been removed but it was also added by

This pack so i think that there’s some mod that adds an electrum tinker’s automatically took it on for its recipes and the pack itself is not supposed to have electrum in there because it’s also listed in the tinker’s uh smeltery books for different stats and stuff

So it’s in there but i don’t think it’s supposed to be used and i don’t think that you could actually make it properly without going into creative let’s put those in there so i need some trap doors that are red oh there is red blood shroom trap doors

Do we have any blood treats no i bet i could find some though and another and have like red at the top and green at the bottom that would be like lettuce and tomato we can have like a giant hot dog made at the end all right so let’s see we have

That could be like a pink pink terracotta that would look like like a wiener sticking out okay i’m gonna go get some some terracotta you can melt the coins the coins are silver yeah yeah you can make silver by doing that i see clay and this has 316.

I can’t get any from that side i have to get it from this side and how many is left in there 126. it’s it’s putting the pushing them out they’re not being made that quickly okay birch buttons for sesame seeds on the roof oh my gosh okay suddenly this is

Taking on a whole new level of interest i proof butt buttons for sesame seeds that’s that’s that that’s a bit much [Laughter] um i need blood shrooms though let’s take these and make a bunch of terracotta power okay so how does one make pink terracotta it needs to be terracotta first okay

All right let’s start with there we go uh we’ll just get a bit of that and we’ll leave the rest for future use birch buttons has sesame seeds on the roof once again timing stepped away only to hear velen talking about a wiener sticking out when i came back so they can’t mix

There’s not a recipe i’ll be heading out in a minute but i miss you all feel free to just ping me and say hi always happy to drop by though you will have to catch me up on modded these days i have barely touched it since 115. nothing has changed it’s the same

[Laughter] everybody put it on pause because they wanted to make sure that that you would not feel left out there you go at least that’s how i feel about it thank you for stopping in epic squid it’s good to see you again my friend say say hi to you you and yours

Kashka says hi too there you go el pic just said it just just came up with it right there gosh i slept gosh guys all right and this cli type it was good to see you appreciate it catch y’all later all right so let’s put those away for

Now we’re going to need some pink oh we’ve got pink dye oh even better all right let’s let’s go see if we have enough terracotta done we do okay okay and then there was excite was that you just arriving yeah i just flung myself across all right let’s take this oh

I may have busted a bee boot can i break a beetroot and then this huh And then i kind of like this um let’s see we need really this thing doesn’t work as a whole blood sure uh comma works as a hoe would you like one i just want this bit to be held i can fix it i’ll take care of it is it in the farm

Area yes yes this piece of dirt right here thank you you’re welcome and let’s put away these columns for now a trapdoor i’ll hold off on for a minute now everything you stream create i’m going to remind koshko about the rubber ducky machine first they’re exposed shafts now

Villains weiner is sticking out that’s right works as intended uh buttons we’ve got lots of oak buttons is there any birch there’s a little bits do this one two let’s just do a few buttons i can’t put them on the walls oh they have to go on the roof so we’ll

Store them for now that the pink terracotta and then we’re going to need the roof made in a similar way but the back end the backside is going to have to be redone a bit though i do like the color of the oak for a bun that’s an amazing kitchen well it’s a

Start uh we’re we need to go into the nether to get um do you mind if i go into another country no of course not to go and get blood shrooms oh oh that’s a tinker’s construct oh no okay i need to get out the orphan maker uh let’s do that

Put the sword here that one there these soul gems in here that have bees in them oh doggy all right and off i go kitchen needs more acacia now then then it would just be a burning sandwich it’s true backside looks shaky hello buckets how you doing

Why are you at three and a half hearts looks at four is there a heel potion heel there is oh those are not splash potions though i can make that though hold on a second i’m gonna i’m gonna heal up buckets real quick okay cool looking sandwiches come from

Culinary construct yep nobody called it i think we still have yep brewing stand here i just need gunpowder oops two three one gunpowder and put that in there we go so i thought i just forgot the name i didn’t know it was in above and beyond

Me either until someone in chat told me about it and then suddenly everything is sandwiches i think that someone was papa cheese as well because i think papa cheese was making like all kinds of sanis there you go i just realized i need to make two yeah these bastards don’t i

There we go okay [ __ ] it’ll make the making the roof a lot simpler i think maybe like some stripped oak instead of planks because then i can get like a smoother texture on it having a hot bun alone all right buckets there we go he’s healed and uh fire fire protect

Potion of fire resistance just in case you got that with me you should probably get some sleep since you didn’t go to bed until 6 00 a.m yeah maybe wow you are nuts oh my gosh so is that uh all right map speaking of what we should probably stop somewhat shortly

Yeah i agree i think it there’s a blaze spawner with mag okay so i need to go north west that way that’s what i was looking for right down there oh [ __ ] i was in the lava that could have gone better oh god good night amber night amber jade where’s that that island

That size guilty yeah it was papa cheese with the sandwich discoveries um so i need one of those cart thingys don’t i cart assembler right yep oops except i need it and there’s a thing keeps using jungle logs and it’s like no use the outclocks right oh my gosh ow ow ow did

They they are not coming down after me so i have to go up after them there they are hi harvester thank you for the hundred evil bits oh gosh there are so many magma slimes down here um i thought there was a tree is there no tree

Don’t forget to glue it to the cart right i will try i’m just thinking about like where this lava should i kind of feel like actually the pipe needs to be over here right because this needs or or over here probably over here actually hi y’all bloodshroom stems there they are yeah

Get out of here get wrecked okay so this is actually what i’m looking for yes and i know it requires something instead of this but i’m going to still touch this stuff just because so don’t forget to glue it to the card and grenade oh yeah yeah that’s that’s a pretty good

Idea that’s pretty good idea it is too bad that i don’t reach yet oh dear is she okay yeah she’s here okay okay all of you back off oh god there’s so many back off there there’s a lot of magma cream though i tell you what yep

Wow what are you doing down i’m trying to get the tree ingredient okay there they’re all in there now tree ingredients for blood wood stuff and i need some of this stuff oh okay bloody nailing no don’t set that stuff on fire jerk get out of here that’s the wrong movement

Trying to pick that stuff up and he’s all like i’m gonna burn it there we go get all the stuff okay i’m getting bounced around i stab all of them do slimes even have heads slimes are heads there we go yay oh there’s even some some icker down here

You see the drips happening okay got em got em congealed blood bouncy stuff oh there we go a bit more of this so i can make more blood glue because i betcha i can grow some of these trees back at home slimy wart use for this to make covers

And just be really pinkish red molten slime wacky slime no they are slime balls they are they are slime balls and they are heads at the same time how much more did you want to do today kashka because i just finished getting my trees um i don’t know

Uh i guess i’d like to see if this i can activate this thing slimy blue [Laughter] so i need to make some tanks oh there’s a strider on a strider strider on strider action well i mean it makes sense okay here dude where’s the thing to get up there uh let’s do

Some of these here and i’ve got my caps lock on that’s great it happens there it is oof back up top it’s carrying it’s carrying its baby strider chicken fight as soon as i get further away they spawn a whole bunch more gosh all right grab this and let’s

Eat a sandwich and then i’ll fling my way back home maybe maybe maybe missed oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come here i flung him too far he just made way too many all right so if i go like this no i need the sword please thank you where is these guys okay

Got to eat some sandwich all these guys all right you eat it [Laughter] lots of dead stuff bones and arrows skeletons go there we go mega tank is getting mega tank oh this seems insane does it look like a coffee cup can it look like a coffee cup

I need to go over here oh whoa how do i get up there now is that too far away as well i’ve got two blocks in between the the kissy blocks uh i don’t know uh it should be able to stretch at least uh one to two blocks i think okay oh god

Really get out of here jerk jerk too far too far cash cake i thought it was one black space now they each each one of the kissy blocks can stretch one block so you should be able to have them stretch at least two blocks sorry typos i know i was just having fun

At your expense i’m sorry uh how do i get back sandwich time it can go two blocks according to the ponder well there it is i just need to get in there wait yeah science time exactly all right so if i put oh god you okay yep

I don’t know what’s happening i think is it transferring stuff it is yeah look it’s doing it oh [ __ ] i wasn’t quite expecting them to turn like that i mean it’s doing something it is an awkward kiss oh that is feeling really but still hey it works as intended pretty much if you

See the direction that the thing was aiming i think that’s why so it was was it turning around oh maybe because it’s got an arrow on top yeah yeah can i wrench that so i think so yeah there we go heart movement mode always face pause pause actors while rotating what

Recipe for this rotation oh i could do a song an automatic saw hooked up anywhere that i can toss planks on and get what i want without messing up something else okay cool probably well i have a tank yes nice tank full of lava going on

That makes me happy well it’s not full of lava but it’s a big old chunky tank lover i’m confused i got it straight uh kashka can i clear the filter for this saw yeah totally that saw is just there for whatever you know wait what how come i can’t clear the filter what

Do i need a wrench for that you might oh god oh don’t stop oh if i sneak click then it’s going to pick it up okay i can’t remember i know hey there you go it works yeah so here’s my here’s my last oh it’s probably a rail right

There’s probably a rail that i can use to strip to make it go back the other way there we go it’s an awkward kiss the way high schoolers do it that was the don’t kiss me turn head away too late kiss all right let’s try this tomato blood shroom or should i try

A slab signal switch oh gosh huh no i think blood shroom actually oh no it looked like a tomato that that that’d be great we’re going for that before oh it is the controller rail to make it go back the other way what if i altered it this just says it’s for speed

Now i want it to like that’s what i want it to do i want it to get to the end right and do the kissy thing and then go back the other way you know whatever it’s the controller rail if you want it to only go in one direction sorry kind

Of zoned out for a sexiest i don’t know if i should alternate or what but we shall see all right i feel like having these along the top is also a good thing but i don’t know all right oak what can we do with regular old oak that looks like a sandwich bun

Do you do you know what rail this would be what is it you’re trying to do i want to make it go so arrive and go back uh without the loop like dark is there i think there might be nope there’s no dock station nope what’s that other rail mod it will

Automatically go once it reaches the end with the power out sweet then never mind i accidentally did what i needed cool then i think then i just need to um thank you sirius very good i just need to run the line and have it uh pick up at the other end

Fill an arch your wiener towards the sky no i like it being long and horizontal let’s put those in there this here uh i do need some stripped oak logs though i think exactly this is the snoring beasts do i just grab the hook she’s doing snores like

All right so how much do you want to do oh i mean i can stop at any time i’m just i’m just trying to make a sandwich shop do you want it do you want to finish your sandwich shop it’s going to take me longer i’m fine with continuing

It on another stream you sure yeah i mean i don’t understand how it’s going to take you that much longer i didn’t finish at this stream today no but that’s because most of them you spent a lot of time helping me This news is i could grab some of what are these things again the cottonwood walls all right walls we’ll grab these and these and i’m going to do the ones without the holes in do you really think there’s going to be fast progress when cci’s back out no i didn’t say there was

Wait what these different different wood columns oh that there’s hollow ones i think this might be halloween oh crap there we go and why is this is it because of the trap door that’s weird i feel like these aren’t going to work on the end i think i can make it look

Better with the strip clog it’s probably the best time to get your dysfunctional sausage shop done thanks it might look more like a sandwich but by the time i’m done here now let’s see if i can get up here sounds like a too familiar pokemon snore yeah yep that’s that’s zoey

And can i get up here snoop snooze oh wait actually i should be able to oh i can’t i thought it was going to push me off like that how about this yes i can use this oh my god we had a pug named zoe like 10 years ago oh wow

Oh really wow funny thing we named ours after a stunt woman well her name in the rescue was was smiley and we didn’t really want to keep that name so yeah but we’ve you know thought it might be easier on her if it was we kept something kind of similar so

At least with the same number of syllables or something so so we opted for zombie mhm because sometimes like the the way her teeth fit together sometimes um her top lip gets stuck she gets the granny lips going on and um it makes you know then she the

Top lip gets stuck on her teeth and then it looks like she’s like smiling weirdly in kind of a menacing way actually maybe i do need this too and i could probably toss some of those logs and get even more wood with that saw bye spruce planks bye do that

We had another pug who passed away a few months ago lily also yes i totally understand the weird smiles oh sorry to hear about your loss especially when it’s a popper it can be missed but she lived a nice full life that’s always the the best way okay

There we go i’m gonna keep these even so that more green heart trap doors so then if i do a bit of this i could just do palisades along the back here or not i don’t know there’s some it’s trying to link somewhere oh it’s because of this probably do with that

That’s a hollow one that’s a regular one okay regular that’s better okay and then he really doesn’t like listening to the duck no nope works as intended oh shoot i put that on wrong i might swap some of this out for gabriel like so it kind of fits in with

The rest of it but not this day not this day this side that works and then i’ll need oh what was that we had over here uh palisade i don’t know if i want to do palisade or not but uh there we go this is gonna be insane it’s gonna be

Like this giant tank just making its way across the landscape oh oh oh we could do that i need to make sure this doesn’t interrupt the flinging that’s happening over here though maybe it should drop down there what if i do more of these yeah this oh really oh come on

One more more of those there we go melanie needs to raise the middle sections of the roof up to get a bit of curve well right now i’m making a sandwich it looks like so i do need to fix that let’s see here so i’ve got like the end to the bread or

Something um but you’re right i do need uh let’s see slabs i’m currently trying to side orange sandstone if i need to go up because i’ve got is my problem i’ve got an ejector over there that’s flinging stuff to that chute and i don’t know if i’m gonna interrupt

It if i stay at this height hang on orange sand from a regular strainer what what okay when you run out of hot dog buns oh oh there’s a thing there maybe a strainer strainer base oh really okay let’s make one of those and then i need iron bars okay

See if that interrupts oh excuse me and then here this and this is that and then i need some water uh just a pool oh that was going up and over that wasn’t it So there is the potential that occasionally that will be flipping stuff at the same time that the car is coming back and then it might bump into the car and not land at its intended destination green yay no problems detected okay it’s it’s straining all right maybe i can get some

Of the sand i’m looking for uh let’s see i’m trying to decide if that’s okay or not i think uh so the hot dog has ketchup mustard and relish oh is there any yellow ones oh there is gold trap doors of course hold on gold what can we do that’s gold hmm

All right well let’s take some of this might not even need these but we’ll try i don’t know what just happened oh well it’s like a giant gold coin i didn’t realize that it actually comes out to connect to it interesting it requires a pick to mine huh

What if i did those on the end instead of the lettuce and tomato yeah i gotta get the lever back on before the car comes back there we go i was worried there i’m like i’m running out of Terracotta i’ve got four more pink i could probably put this in the back oh no i can’t i can’t i can’t cover that doug on it i could make this much bigger oh i didn’t even realize that i could do this why didn’t i think of this before i can’t do that

I can make this much bigger i can make this thing freaking huge it’s the royal wiener right how’s this doing ah orange sand i’m getting it huge it smells to the glass no no no no no no orange sand how do i make it into this four

Crud i need more than that okay well i need to wait for that okay choo-choo goes along here down this up here take two more blood shoes and i’m gonna grind these up for bits make it into wiener zillah [Laughter] chop chop all right and then with this i can make

More of wait a minute no same way welcome to huge wiener home of the huge wiener can i take your order that orange stair those are tiles there’s no no come on can i get more orange scent oh i need four place got some mustard we got some some

Tomato we got some lettuce we got some bun we got some wiener but in the middle it seems to kind of be somewhat visible you’re right it does look like a sandwich with a hot dog in the middle hmm Did the boob death from the other day get clipped it did eye of mobius it is in our discord clipped in the discord eclipse uh chat put some of this stuff away for now oops got away i mean i could just do like i was lost

And turn it into like a a big old meat sandwich sausage of suffering all right let me see if we’ve got that other orange bit yes that’s enough that i can make at least is that one oh that’s rude that’s one oh at some point i’m gonna have to go

Down and i just don’t even know how to do that you raise the middle three log rows on the roof you can make the hot dog a bit thicker and cover some of the top cooking area with the red terracotta yeah only thing is i can only make the uh the

Hot dog thicker by one block increments which could potentially make it really really fat weiner but i think i’m gonna have to try it i’m going to need more of the terracotta like this shoot indeed i am tall brackly eyebrows wiener of calamity all right there we go i’ve got a bunch

More terracotta actually what i think i need to do so i’m at 6 14. i think i need to build it from the opposite direction oops and then i think if i do something like let’s just experiment with the end here because i’m not going to be

Able to see the inside at the moment so if i do that that six fourteen so it should be like right here this could be a really big sausage roll [Laughter] oh i could have more space for um for like dressings and condiments and stuff because of this cleaner

Wiener to bun ratio is very bun heavy right now well it is a cheap shop feasibly if i were to take the strip dope logs let’s grab these oh look at all these bits that fell in there whoopsie why are you making it look like a hot

Dog when that’s not what you serve it’s a good point maybe it will be maybe or maybe valen just likes a good wiener amen to that uh this that and got it one two let’s just see what it looks like before i go totally nuts with uh building everything and making all the

Blocks it does look a bit better um but it kind of looks a bit weird with it being like a t-shape walking all over the kitchen equipment somebody called the health department it’s not being used right now it’s in under construction maybe i should like raise this up one over here and do

This and have that going on and then grab that and do the pink terracotta there be like a giant sandwich i could even raise this level of one as well get the fda in the light soon to be a red cross shape the sausage sausage badol [Laughter] all right let’s grab these

Let’s see if i can kind of it’s important that i get this done today because if we have cci it’s just all over basically um we can go across the front here and then have oh god this there we go and then have those palisades uh where that palisade

Coming up to support it oh [ __ ] you’re not supposed to connect to that that looks kind of weird it’s fine and then we add in some of this thank you for the tea i think it’s like get used to disappointment tall i can’t tell if that’s the same level or

One more i think one more oh maybe i could make the defense gate there’s the other one okay do you think that looks like the same level see that you see the rails there right is that the same y level i don’t know what why level are you on i’m on 144

I’m trying to find out where you are so i can go over to that other spot i know you’re downstairs so let me go down to the magic area uh definitely not there sit over by our chairs no no no keep going i can sign back

Oh i see you okay so that rail line there where are you right i am at y level 140 oh this you need me to be up on that yes okay hold on climbing the ladder uh i’m on 145. okay one more then thank you you’re welcome happy to help oh okay right

All right back to the wiener palisade on the back here almost I feel like we need some mayo or something but still it’s fine um it’s definitely looking a bit better gates need more rails fair enough i need to ease one more block at the end of the sausage of suffering oh yeah yeah that’s a good idea i see what you’re saying with that

So you’re talking like that yeah yeah that’s totally good i i i approve oh it helps if i do that from that probably do some back there too it’ll make it a bit more pink in the middle um so with this i can make the gate which then i can probably

Trade that out and see if that’ll actually help i don’t think i need this back i here instead i’ll use that i guess no that doesn’t look right that’s a hollow wall good column there we go there we go wait a minute we can actually have a sign up there

Park snores i know yeah that’s pretty good i like this oh you know what probably would be better actually if instead of that i so i might chop this tree down sandwich up there we go and work on the back and stuff like that later but i don’t think that there’s any other

Gates that’ll work unless it’s a blood shroom fence gate maybe that could work do we have enough for that no no uh but true i’ll make one for that the other side this saw has been very useful kashka i’m glad that you made it here i’m going to do everything in my power

To make the sausage of suffering i think also my text predict totally knew i was going to type the sausage of suffering okay This there we go put that in there that’s that way this sand for the moment well it’s getting more stuff there we go eight more so that’s three i think i’ve got enough that i could make three sandstones then i could smelt them into slabs and stairs and stuff yep yup yup yup

Okay which is a smooth version so let’s let’s cook this this is to be for the top which i have no idea oh i can’t even get up there um where do i want this maybe and like goes around the corner kind of like oh it’s actually really good so if i do

Get rid of those wood wood walls let’s try a couple of those and see if that works oh it stopped the smoke completely no it didn’t stop the smoke completely okay there we go so we’ve got a little chimney and hot dog just needs some more

Terracotta and stuff to fill up the back side more uh more dressings along the side there as well but yeah this is looking pretty good i gotta say pretty thanks I’m sleeping thank you sausage needs to go through some suffering in order to complete its vanilla arch okay let’s grab some more clay they don’t sound happy koshka they’re not all right i just need to lever it up sixteen one two two four there’s one this let’s see how close this resembles

That color did i put those away that’s pretty close actually okay um no no no what is it the heck okay oh oh my god they’re right there okay yep i just can’t see a thing for okay so if that’s there two blocks and then

Tune in next week for the origins of the pizza of penance okay i like that there we go [ __ ] that’ll have to do that’s not enough love us and that’s this is not enough orange sand but uh it’ll eventually get there just not this day it’s more green heart more bloodshed

And then i think that’s i’ve got three greenheart and four bloodstream four of each never mind take that back hog okay poggers i can’t place levitz on leaf blocks clash could know oh that’s a pressure plate can i do pressure plate on here as an arcane gold pressure plate no less ooh

Can i put this so fancy so so dang fancy it hurts i have a feeling these are going to be too far apart oh my gosh that’s actually really awesome i need to have like more of those pantries from farmer’s delight act as chests that open from the front if you

Need storage for your ingredients in your sandwich pantry nice can we do an elk pantry oh yeah we probably could let’s do this see if we have space for that in here yeah we could totally put that up here right in the uh kind of kind of maybe

The whole backside is still missing so that’s the thing all right i’m almost ready for a test run of this craziness uh what’s this craziness let’s do this rail line actually you know what though i am going to move this out a little bit one two three and then one two

Strip it strip it there we go pretzel of pestilence all right so that’s not too bad i’m liking that we do need one more red here okay there’s that and then there’s that and this is the last thing i need to do is set up some kind of tank receptacle with this end

Oh yeah yep how about praise your question oh gosh oh jekyll gaming welcome welcome raiders hi we’re currently playing uh create above and beyond on chill sunday stream we’re actually nearing the end of our stream so we’ll probably be doing a raid soon ourselves kashka and i which i just switched to

Her camera view are currently playing woo and we have see a little bit of cci enabled just for some light stuff that’s really uh slowing us down and i i just made a sandwich shop wow i can’t believe you plonked this like right in the middle of the base to be honest

This is where we’re gonna need our food food is important it needs the cornerstone of any anybody donut of devastation right so the chat’s been helping me make this uh but what were you guys playing uh jackal gaming and welcome on in also hello foxtrot gable how you doing hello new people

It’s going to bed since it’s a bit over 1am but i want to see if koshka can complete her fancy lava silliness i know i know it’s already busy as a bee too too excuse me sausage of suffering it’s not the sausage of suffering what can i do for you thank you very

Much jekyll gaming for the follow thank you and the cookie and thank you for bringing your viewers on over as well indeed how is history fernando p81 hi welcome in oh i need more cable thank you for the follow-up thank you foxtrot cable for that follow do i have

I have more terra cotta i can make more more of the pink baguettes or botulism you know would you stop stream as well building another portal hub awesome nice very nice let’s do this uh see if i can actually get oops wrong spot all right oh we’re waiting for craps and

We’ve got our six shot oh and we still need um put the rails away birch right birch buttons for sesame seeds right yes how’s your ice stream going it’s going pretty good yeah yeah making some progress making some sandwiches making a sandwich shop at least i need to put some up top

And apparently i’m getting you a hot dog vendor outfit for next stream nope definitely not i wanted to change the angle of that one no wait what why what is this okay well apparently you can change the angle of the seats up top but and all right um i need more more birds

Deliver these yeah this is this is currently a mod pack you can get on curseforge it it focuses around uh the create mod which does all sorts of weird contraptions which you can see like this giant thing in front of me koshka is currently working on lava transportation yep yeah i’ll show you

Hello spirit scribe how you doing although this is probably the slowest way for me to get back to the get there five more buttons for the system oh you know what we didn’t set up though i don’t think anyway what we didn’t set up a way to get the empty

Buckets back through the nether portal uh that’s what the other um the other uh minion is for how he picks them up on the other side but we don’t have a way to go back through the pod nothing is being flung through you’re right uh

Oh [ __ ] i think i may have like led a bunch of buckets to spawn um can i give you this book sure you want me to hang on to them yeah i’m gonna need him in a sec but little pick a mix he’s the goodest demon

So stuff goes in here it gets drained then it goes oh it’s all sealed up already i’m gonna go through the portal i need minecart boots a what oh the what are these books here for those are for the demons in here oh okay so hey spirit scribe

Need my car books gosh guy a few mods yeah there’s a there’s a lot of mods in here all right so that fills it with lava then this guy brings it up here luck takes it up and depends it gets shot through the nether portal which he

Just did yeah he’s gonna do it again in a minute i hope oh we gotta wait for the lava to fill up right really the bucket’s empty down there he’s not gonna grab an empty bucket oh yeah wow that’s going slow maybe it’d be a good idea to

To put in two pumps at some point not not not right now but put in two pumps so that there’s like a backlog maybe yeah it’s gonna fail any second second upstairs any second there it goes there it goes you can do it look it deposits it there then it gets shot

Through the portal right so then and i’ve got the book for this guy he’s not currently doing anything oh no yeah because i oh what i see yeah because i picked i just picked up two buckets of lava right which this guy little pika mix would pick him up they come through

And he puts him in the chest okay and then it goes down here then i get dry the empty bucket yeah i know this is the part that we haven’t that we need to have it recycled back up and yeah pitched through so um then down here but the lava

Gets can i can i i can’t push it can i not push it oh comes down here right can i oh crap i forgot i need one more rail can i not push it back the other way you have to push the cart not the contraption okay please don’t push me off please

There’s no windows it pushed me off bye if i could hook you back up i would it’s doing the kissy and it’s filling up with lava if you guys look closely you can probably see the lava thing oh and then it’s yeah except they’re on your view or

My view so they can’t see any of that well they could see it’s just a bit switch i do a switch oh also i’m missing it damn it this sucks i’m trying i’m running it’s faster than i am koshka oh god definitely faster than i am oh god

And it came all the way down wait why is it going back and forth oh i don’t know oh it doesn’t have enough momentum to go back up but it’s not it’s not kissy oh the kissy block is on the opposite side oh [ __ ] yeah really sorry we can put

Another kit oh it doesn’t turn fast enough i’m so bummed that it ran and i was like running around in the freaking undergrowth i had glue glue oh go away zombie let’s see here so no it’s the same distance at both ends i think like balance said it’s just on the right not

Doing the kissy it’s close enough huh oh there’s a freaking creeper oh god i don’t know if this area is protected okay come out into the middle uh okay he’s dead okay let’s take a look at see if this is this is a protected area okay let me eat a sandwich [Laughter]

I will sleep thank you need a card stop no we if we want to we also that doesn’t look like it’s getting all the way up because it’s coming back way too fast yeah is it getting stuck there okay that needs to be a bit closer which honestly do you mind a fight

Get out of here excuse me penguin can i borrow your water okay thank you there we go oh and of course it catch it caught it now because i stopped the cart it’s that sorry i stopped it so it wouldn’t keep trying to go back up so this is not quite close enough

So i think try to move it one block and see if it works it will stop on the down hopefully hopefully it will yeah all right you want to try it again sure i don’t think it’s going to make it up to this one but i want to see where it gets stuck

Oh so close don’t push it oh it’s catching on the block now i just moved over the kissy block one block and it’s now i i i oh it’s now catching at least yeah it’s gonna fall but it’s it’s not oh it’s kissing but it’s not actually it’s not depositing the

The fluid because there’s no there’s no pump connected to the portable fluid interface the gotcha yeah yeah okay oh feasibly hold on a second we could just put pump on there and it’d be fine it’s all right well there’s no pump can make one of those oh make one of those

Yes i can we do have a pump in the system so if i were to borrow that and i don’t even think that needs to be there this and then that no that no why are you turning around there we go there’s that okay i’m thoroughly confused

I thought that that would need it but i guess it doesn’t oh that was facing outward sorry i think there might be a rails that slow the car there are but honestly i just moving it over the one block did it and i need to move this like that and then we need

Something to spin the pump [Laughter] watch it looks like you’ve already got some power going on down here koshka oh these chunky chains look really cool with the lava area you’ve got i missed those before how you doing i’m all right how are you i’m okay um one two three

I might be able to let’s see uh microblock magma block get rid of these and then we need what uh oh there is one in here nope got all this stuff glue only on the contraption that is moving right water will inside the mountain i don’t think we need to go that far

Koshka do you mind if i put a power source down to power the pump what are you going to use uh i was just going to use a a encased fan and a magma block that’s super slow okay then never mind i will put that there and that’s it

Um you can probably tap into some power from Like over by the um the vine farm though okay it just seemed a bit far away but yes i believe i can uh let me get some shafts there is one shaft oh i’ve got some in my inventory sorry oh that’s right i’ve got a bunch now and then i’ll need a

Gear oh [ __ ] almost pushed me out some of these and something that’s still too if i put one of these here nope nope and then go under here thank you nabi for the water ah [ __ ] chester cobblepot will come for you bail into an act revenge

It may it may it may be true uh another block i think yes there it is all right well that make it up this time i don’t think i still have too big of a cat right there yep here one too why that one went like that i don’t know

But there we go and we can always put the casing on that shaft right there oh that’s going at a really good speed ah casey oh it’s doing it it’s taking the lava so it worked oh i’m going to break this for the moment just so it stops doing that

Can you let me know when it’s about to head back up it’s heading up it’s right next to you oh it just turned around why did it turn around uh well i think you’re about to see sorry it’s like slow slow slow slow all right see you later right there thanks for

Your company coming back down again i still missed it sorry that’s really funny in my lap that don’t want to leave me but i will say good night and leave the stream been here for most of the silliness so i’m glad i can catch it now

But bye for now and take care of you guys and girls thank you sir disarm have a good evening damn it still doesn’t quite make it to that one does it i just need some grass grab some of these all right so right that’s one two four dirt got it i think there

So move that down one missed it by that much right uh uh my brains are starting to not brain very much can you stop it from running possibly yep it is stopped thank you you are welcome okay so that one needs to move down one right that needs to be there hi hi

Power rails right one two three i think sticks right there i think we’ve actually got a bunch of those in there let’s do that now i’m watching koshka’s tushy wiggle yes a little bit it’s a cute tushy oh there’s a traitor yeah got an idea let’s see if i can get him

Over here all right dude come here okay let’s just put one here whoa all the powered rails oh he’s not dead oh i don’t know this might be one two three actually that should work oh now he’s dead okay well all right would you try can you restart it yep

Give it a push and it’s coming back up up it goes oh oh kashka view coming up there invaded i’m gonna do a snooze in the bed traders in space right i mean please tell me that just left my render distance and didn’t like oh really i totally missed it can you

See if it’s over there yep let me get around the sandwich shop oh yep it’s coming back oh god there it goes oh yeah we’ve got buckets that are despawning over here oh [ __ ] we should just put a hopper there or something yeah i’ll grab one okay but it didn’t take me right

Oh it’s not connected what’s the shaft missing if i throw these buckets was that’s purposeful uh yes i didn’t i i didn’t want it to actually do so until you could see it or be there gotcha okay so feel free to plug one in and then it should actually drain the lava

Oh there’s our lava oh lava buckets he doesn’t actually need to he doesn’t go all the way to the nether portal he stops before it to grab the stuff okay there we go little pick-a-mix you’re a champ it’s filling it up was that multiple buckets that’s just one bucket very cool uh

Where’s the rest of the buckets pick a mix oh we’re waiting for them to fill and i don’t know if that’s loaded in the nether it should be actually it should be good night rainbow tea kitty good night okay cool there we go it’s on its way back yep such a huge area

Mood penguin is still in a mood yeah oh another lava oh it’s draining the lava oh and it’s on its way with some lava in there okay i think it’s got two buckets worth what that’s all that there was this massive tank just for two buckets

Yeah the empty buckets will have to get flung back but that is a job for another day i wonder if we keep the area loaded enough that it’ll reach from one end of the base to the other i don’t know oh another lava bucket just came in nice cool

Okay very cool well i think we can officially check that one off now well i mean we need to have the buckets returned but yeah it works that’s just an ejector going back in yeah with the return of this stuff but there we go indeed so yeah i’m not sure about about what

Congrats on getting it working it’s always so satisfying to make progress with your custom contraptions very productive gg minecraft is one oh got more lava buckets coming in pouring down that’s four we got two more still coming from another this is really cool these guys are doing the things they are doing the

Things okay where’s the got the rat kissing machine and sausage of suffering and i’ve run out of tea yep i run out of tea as well i’m almost out of water actually i might reduce actually the size of this tank it is a little ridiculous now my conscience can be clean yeah

I’m not sure how i feel about this actually i mean it’s cool but but i don’t know all this and you’re uh like put these away you love it that makes me happy seems like an awful amount of effort well here’s the thing to be like i had the lava like arboreal extractors

On these halbart trees like producing lava anyway so it’s kind of like i don’t know a little bit like unnecessary but it stops to being a bottleneck so i’ll just be happy with that and handle on the bear my car you know what should be a handle on the bear my car

Actually a couple of seats that’s why it should be oh a seat should be the handle on the bear mug cart okay actually that that reminds me there’s no oops there’s no seating for uh for what i’ve made i made the shop but this oh people have

To people have to walk up to it right now rideable beer mug yep sounds like can i just slap a seat on the side can i just glue a seat yeah totally you just need but you do need to dismount it on your card assembler gotcha to do that

Or a card at some point just do a card assembler anywhere and it should work i think the seats that we have we may have used for our no there’s a spare one penguin drinkers i’m curious i need to glue it presumably there we go that’s better do you know

Do i what do you know do i need to glue it yes do i risk it trying to okay there goes that one where’s the deck okay make a run for it try not to get knocked off and then take this oh you okay yep

Damn it i missed it i just need to turn it off right and that will disassemble it should do okay there we go sandwiches got this the frying pans It’s too bad that the frying pan is tossed to the right i really would prefer if they tossed like off the top of them i’m just fighting out here so i’m gonna break that rail just to make sure that the car cannot go back okay ha ha got you card all right

So where shall i stick the seat god this is not going to be good over here on the portable fluid interface on the back of it like uh this side the back of it i don’t know i mean actually what direction was it going what direction is the card assembler facing that way

Like the way that i’m facing okay then yeah that puts you on the front so oh geez sorry why is that like that’s weird so that puts you on the front then okay so stick it to the very front like this i was saying put put it here

Oh but then you’ve got this thing blocking you yeah so i i have it on the very front why not it’s not really much of a handle then is it but yeah you going for it sure we’ll switch views let’s do this ah [ __ ] [ __ ] works as intended

[ __ ] i forgot to turn the lever back on that’s right there’s no players in it so it should go really slow okay lever we call the cave it lives in the subway of suffocation riding a mine cart with a large tank of lava what could go wrong okay oh god bye kashka bye

[Laughter] This is going well yep it’s filling up they turned around all my way back up oh it’s like a it’s like a roller coaster where it’s like ding ding ding dig dig dig dig dig to go back up oh nice oh [ __ ] what happens when i get all the way in there

We’re about to find out oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh okay okay it’s not done yet though oh oh i got dismounted in the pipe oh that’s great and i’m okay and that’s amazing it works as intended oh yeah automatic dismount so there you go it chucks you off at the end [Laughter]

Oh [ __ ] is that a pig man it’s not a pigment oh [ __ ] it is indeed what are you doing hey no going for a ride get out of here out oh [ __ ] uh okay yeah i’m fine lol indeed and now i’m running back over here oh

You don’t think the pig man would have like messed with the two fellas at the other end do you uh uh probably not i don’t think he’s he attacks anything unless he is attacked okay i gotta smite two golden sword off of him though let’s put this shelf away

And those things and this thing go and off she goes koshka kim it’s a full moon This is skully right there i’m gonna try and do a sleep but it’s gonna take me a second to get back to the bed ow stop it stop it you bastard i’m almost there i’m sleeping i started my sword in my hotbar called the bloopers villain needs flushing what cool there we go

Job’s done indeed i may have to fix it so you don’t get squashed the other end but yeah i kind of like that it automatically dismounts you i’ve got a bunch of stuff already made here got some sandwiches Maybe i can time it though so that what i can’t make a fork but one exists okay It’s a lot faster way to get to the other end of the base i have to say well oh god oh it’s fine it didn’t hurt anything yeah there it goes there it goes it’s cool all right we’ve got carts going all over the place it’s great isn’t it though

But that can’t go there that can’t go All the deliveries i do need to actually fix those entrances because they look a bit crap i need one more piece of turret pink terracotta i got it i thought you were done i thought so too and then i was like oh [ __ ] i’m not done there now it should be done

There we go we’ve got our little sandwich shop pretty happy with that thank you chad for helping me out with this i was just about to order a sandwich yeah i don’t know what would you what would you like oh god is there a chef’s hat there’s no chef’s hat

You wouldn’t have room for it anyway your head your hat would be like in the wiener all right ma’am what can i get you it’s okay you want sandwich i can do that we got plenty of ingredients uh most of which are not very vegan friendly actually cabbage rolls golden

Carrot baked potato fried egg okay well that’s a good thing i’m not a vegan uh i don’t know if they’re pescetarian friendly either but all right clothes shop wow [Laughter] functional and beautiful [Laughter] all right well i think we should call it there kashka i think so too especially since we played about

Three hours longer than we had intended we interception right all right well uh let’s see who can we do the raids on this evening let’s see go back to twitch twitch okay got uh the minecraft oh thank you all for your company oh [ __ ] dark pins on chapter five oh god

I’m pretty sure he didn’t shenanigan around with like with uh getting demons to transport buckets of lava or some [ __ ] like that should we just hit up dark fan i’m too tired to try and figure anything else out so sure i mean he’s doing he’s doing more

Of the same here so if you guys are enjoying oh wait is he is he done or something or did he just start how many minutes has he been streaming does it 16 minutes so he just started this is perfect we can hit him while he’s loading up here so

You’re welcome for the stream thank you for coming out yeah thank you for hanging out with us so if you want to join us though here’s some stuff you can spam and chat when we get there if you’re not a sub to the channel already if you are a sub to the channel

Then you can use these things here and look at this i go over to the stream screen and we have the magic number of viewers oh it just changed [Laughter] we had 69 viewers nice okay so yeah anyway um sorry as siren says posted if you’re a sub to the chat if

You’re a sub to our channel those words that were posted there will show up as in emotes just like that so uh feel free to copy that to your your clipboard and we will go spam him and he also is using cci so we’ll spawn i believe little hummingbirds and stuff

I i have or birds or some i i don’t know we’re gonna spam spawn stuff into his world when we read in so please do join us for it and you also get more channel points that you can use here oops we’re not rating the the emotes yet okay raid

I can do this right dark fan okay thanks again everybody for all the the bit subs and chat and lurks and just just yeah thank you so much for your company and we’ll see you later yep hope you have a good evening and a good monday bye

This video, titled ’25 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2023-01-01 15:00:23. It has garnered 71 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:51 or 18051 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer #createaboveandbeyond This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch (twitch.tv/mischiefofmice) or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links: https://hypel.ink/mischiefofmice

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    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes

    Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes When your cat discovers your secret Minecraft world and starts wreaking havoc like a creeper on a rampage. #catpocalypse #minecraftmayhem Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-25 06:35:54. It has garnered 93 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

    Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!Video Information clown hey Kaboodle hi hey Kabuto hi what hey kabood what are you doing the [ __ ] is that that one kab what yes hi hey Kaboodle yes what do you want Kaboodle yes hi you can hear me right hello hi kabood I mute hello no I didn’t mute you’re just an [ __ ] what hello what I’m here you can hear me stop being a dick hello Kaboodle hello wait can hi hello Kaboodle hello helloo hello Kaboodle hi what kabood what you can hear me are you there yes I’m here what you… Read More

  • Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PE

    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

Mischief of Mice 2 – 25 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack