Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – EPISODE ONE #1

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Aha Hello friends old and new welcome to a brand new Minecraft let’s play series and this series we’re going to be playing all the mods eight it’s a 1.19 mod pack and I’m really excited to jump in the goal this series is simple get an ATM Star and we’re gonna manage it this

Time guys by Pinky Promise so we’re going to be playing through all the mods that are required to get an ATM Star we’re also going to be checking out the mods that are brand new to all the mods 8 that I haven’t seen before also this

Pack has mine colonies 1.19 so I’m going to be building a new Colony with a new style to check out what’s new with the mod but not only that I’m also going to be using the mods that are in all the mods 8 to push the colony into overdrive

Imagine a lumberjack or farmer enhanced by powerful industrial Machinery a warehouse with a powerful computer storage system at its heart furnaces replaced with high tier electric ones it’s going to be crazy it’s going to be fun and if you want to be a part of it consider joining my patreon in the

Description below to get your name in the list of colonists now enough talking it’s time to generate a brand new world so the first thing we’re going to do is generate a completely fresh new world forget that intro scene that you saw me in because I was kind of messing around

And testing the mod pack let’s see where this baby lands us and we’re gonna hit the ground running oh no is this snow where the hell are we Blue Sand okay so as the sun Dawns on this brand new era on this new playthrough with so many opportunities

Open to us it’s honestly the most exciting time in the world oh it’s like Christmas in Minecraft but without Santa or the snow or the reindeer or the guilt of forgetting people’s presents and you know the rest of it so what we’re looking for is to start with a nice

Place to set up our base now because we are going to be building a mine Colony there’s a few things we need to know going forwards number one we’re gonna have to make sure we build in a place that has a lot of space oh man look at these leaves look at this

Mod shaders so we’re playing 1.19.2 Minecraft and the mod we’re playing is of course all the mods eight now all the mods eight comes with support for shaders as standard so definitely do check it out and if you’re looking for how to install all the mods

Eight I would say the best way to do it is through the curse Forge client that’s how I’ve done it it’s a simple download click and play no fuss no Musk and we’ve added no extra mods to that at all so what you see is what you get if

You download that and play it then you’re playing along with me now I will look up the world seed how do I do that so seed there we go so there is the world seed the world settings are default so if you want to play along with me and build

Where I’m building make sure you plug that into the world seed oh now this world is bristling with opportunity oh wait wait I can’t drag the map oh no what’s this there we go mischief managed oh now this is a pretty biome so if you’re new to mime colonies which

Is one of the mods we’re going to be going through it’s not going to be purely mind Comics we’re going to investigate almost all of the mods that all the mods 8 has to offer because one of our other goals is to get an all the mod star

Which does mean you need to go through most of the big mods from the mod pack so there’s a few things we need to look for when we’re looking for a place to set up our first mine colony we’re not going to be doing just mine

Colonies but I want to make sure my base is in a place where I can do that oh man these are pretty lights what kind of place is this a light from all ours in the vote so we could even be Wizards within this Kingdom of ours now if you

Want to know what the best area is to set up your base make sure you do check my video on getting the best start in mineconlings I go through all of the basics but the two big important things are make sure you’re in a place where the blocks underground are like you know

The ones you want to dig up so it’s just dirt Stone and sand and you don’t get any of these weird magical blocks from different mods that aren’t going to be useful in mine colonies oh my God elephants already we’re off to an amazing start

Look oh my God look at now they are friendly aren’t they they seem friendly they’ve got Angry Eyes though oh look at the way those legs move these are freaking fantastic and this is from a mod called naturalist oh man there are probably so many cool mods in this

There’s a bird I think that’s actually from base Minecraft though um but yeah so the most important thing we’re going to want to do is be able to skip the knights there could be all kinds of crazy scary menacing creatures here so I need to keep my eyes peeled on the map

To grab a sheep get some wool and make a hammock or a bed or a sleeping bag so I can survive the first night ah and there we go I spy with my little eye our first confirmed kill well let’s dig a treat get some wood get some shears

So here we go crafting bench obviously can I make a portable crafting bench is that still a thing yes I can crafting table on a stick that’ll come in very handy now the way this works is you put it in your Hotbar and then when you right click with it

Boom you get a crafting bench you don’t even have to put it down very very very handy so we’re going to be trying to make a bed or a sleeping bag here we go sleeping bag and it requires just some wool just three wool come here

You and punching will do at this early stage of the game Ah you know what no won’t let’s make a sword so come on three wall that’s all we need now as you guys know as Avid players of Minecraft and modded Minecraft to say that there’s a big list of things that are really important in the game that

You’re going to want to do early on number one is secure a source of food because hunger can be fatal in these mod packs number two a way to sleep and that’s what we’re doing right now looking for sheep and number three I would say is a good way of collecting

Stuff storage because these mods add a whole bunch of stuff you’re gonna have to collect and you don’t want to leave anything behind even at these early stages of the game so we’re gonna have to make some kind of backpack or storage for our personal stuff now luckily

Enough sheep provide you know two birds for one stone with the fact that they drop raw mutton which is a great source of food if we cook it up but also this wool is gonna make a great sleeping bag and suddenly we don’t have to worry about the first night

Oh man how Pro are we so let’s finish off this final little booger right here oh yeah thank you very much my chief and we’ve got four raw mutton number two let’s turn that into something we can eat so we’re gonna need a little bit more

Wood unless we kind of chop down some of these trees because look at this limes can I eat the lime I can it’s not great but you know what it’ll do okay so number two I haven’t looked at every single mod within this pack but if I start pressing some random keys I’m

Gonna get some things come up that kind of give me some Clues as to what’s in this mod pack now number one the advancements table this is a great place to start because it’ll show us some gold but also a rough overview of what’s in the mod pack you’ve got Young’s better

Dungeons that’s going to be great with some of all the mods new weapons and armor belongs in a museum which looks to be an exploration treasure kind of mod oh the biomes you’ll go which is again just diversity mechanism a classic when dungeons arise oh all about all about

The dungeons as well very cool repurposed structures again an exploration and Dungeons mod Tombstone tutorial Discovery of Tombstone I don’t know what that is but it sounds like a cool mod and so on and so forth create Minecraft Taste the rainbow obtain the rainbow color no idea what that is oh silent gear a classic that we know well Adventure you know what the sky’s the

Limit husbandry here we go so that’s it for advancements Wait hang on farting enabled farting disabled well I’m gonna turn on farting oh but yeah it looks like we’re coming to the first night so let’s put our sleeping bag to use and see if we can skip this sucker but before we do let’s chop down this tree and get some wood

Oh man look at that warm glow from the Sun so we’re using the shaders that come with the mod pack complementary reimagined it’s very cool Shader pack I suggest you try it turn it on see what it does it’s very cool got a lot of customizable options that are not too crazy stressful

On your computer’s graphics card okay nightfalls that sleep before we get some monsters oh sweet dreams the first advancement first of many so another way to see what kind of mods you have in a mod pack is to start typing a slash and then put random

Letters in after that and it’ll come up with some of the commands you can do From the various mods and now when I type in food lists check it out oh wait what’s this unknown or incomplete command food lists size you’ve eaten two unique Foods you need three more to increase your max health so that’s reassuring to know there’s that mod that we know and love that

Gives you more Hearts from eating lots of different food so we’re gonna have to eat everything we find let’s start with an apple yummy stuff Nightshade could be deadly oh yeah poisonous when eaten disgusting snack but you know what we’ll take one for the team because it will give us

Another heart in the long run oh if I die here that’s gonna be really embarrassing what the hell is this a mini melon oh very cool what a unique flavor you’ve gained two hearts boom already storming through this mother trucker but before we do that we’re gonna look and see if we can

Make a backpack no not a neck pack but a backpack so yeah we’ve got which mods have backpacks aha I remember this one sophisticated backpacks these add-ons that you can get for your backpack are insanely cool so we’re gonna see if we can make one of these basic backpacks

Leather a chest and some string or you can use sinew fiber which is just dried sinew In a crafting bench and dried sinew comes from cooking sinew well we have some sinew from killing sheep so let’s go and kill some more animals for some leather and some sinew and make a backpack what’s that over there oh my God is that oil you know what let’s go

And check out that black stuff on the map because it looks pretty freaking spooky now I’m really looking forward to getting technical with all the mods eight because I really freaking love Tech mod packs if there’s oil if there’s machines computers oh I’m there for that wiring lights oh Pistons hammers

Pneumatics lasers rocketry oh it’s the real deal it’s what you play modded Minecraft for mine colonies was a great segue but uh it was you know a little bit basic when you got down to it so we’re going to make ourselves a wooden ax because I want to see what these mini

Melons are like there we go okay mini melon time yeah there we go what can this be used for oh melon slices it’s just like a miniature version of a melon perfect well these will come in handy later on for sure let’s grab them so these are the Black Blocks that were

On the map and oh what the hell are they oh wait is this basalts Overworld Basalt this again is really useful later on oh but you know what it’s probably better just to mark it off as a battle spot on the map and come back

Here later if we need it so the b key I’m gonna call it Basalt oh it even has the right color now traveling overground can be fun and exciting it’s a great way to explore but the best way to explore is obviously by boats so what kind of

Boats can we make in this mod pack can we make one of those fancy boats Supply ship from mine colonies and a mangrove sawmill a ship a ship Cannon small ships mod hang on a sec Ah now this is what I’m talking about can we make ourselves a brick or a cog maybe we can make a cog yeah we’ll just need string chests boats all very easy and a sail which is oh no leads how do you make a lead string and slime balls

They’re a bit complex what about rope from Farmer’s Delight where does that come from it comes from straw okay man all the things that I don’t really know how to get well what we’re gonna do is uh see if we can find the backpack first that’s

The most important thing also how do you make string can we get it from wool usually you can usually there’s a way hemp fiber flax so if we see flax that’s string apparently so they say grinding from Elemental craft Milling crushing compactor from alchemistry oh man I cannot wait to get

Deeper into this mod pack there are some really freaking cool things okay let’s smash some cows get some I’m singing so you want a backpack and cows are a great source of leather I think they’re the only source of leather right but I think like in real

Life you could probably make a leather from any kind of animal right you could probably make like a rabbit leather jacket if you really wanted to onwards and outputs let’s slay some more cans that’s right son of a gun die so according to the map we’re kind of

Running out of places to go so we’re gonna forget the small ships mod it’s a bit beyond us right now we’re gonna build a normal boat and head out across the brave Open Seas because we’re kind of running out of animals to destroy for sinew laughs rest in peace donkey honestly like I’ve

Seen Shrek so many times that killing donkeys is actually quite therapeutic a dead bush from Minecraft the one issue with boats is you cannot sleep on the sea but the one advantage of boats is monsters don’t really spawn in the sea except drowned but they’re not really an

Issue see if you’re confined a boat and by Joe if we have there it is we’ll carve up the mini melon have some melon because that’ll help our hunger there’s also these old roots there we go I like to call that the roots maneuver okay oh now it is getting

Late so we’re gonna just sail off across the ocean and see if we can find some land pretty quickly now we saw elephants before on the land I’m spooked there could be some dangerous sea monsters here I have no idea what to expect oh now I spy with my little eye a

Man-made structure could this be our first Village a great place to loot before we set up base well one thing’s for sure we’ve got to get there before the sun falls because we could need to sleep oh yeah it looks like a village learn to fart what the hell

What I learned how to fart what does this mean finally release all of those nasty gases oh is that because I pressed shift does does doing this well it’s going to enable sticker keys for one but does it does it fart I didn’t hear myself fart oh it’s the gas look at that

I’ve got gas oh yeah I’m farting now I’m I’m worried actually this is gonna make the villagers hate me is going to make them hostile so here we go we found our first Village let’s grab this boat because we need it come here you and see what we can pill for because as

Always stealing stuff from Villages is a great thing to do when you start a new modded Minecraft playthrough or even with vanilla actually these are great sources of early game materials so what’s this stuff here organic compost from Farmer’s Delight probably really valuable Oh lovely stuff now again we’re going to be going through as many mods as we can to see if we can get the most value out of all the mods and make it work best with our mind economy got some tomato seeds here but then none of them are

Grown so we’re gonna leave it what’s this on the ground though is this special Farmland no it’s just regular Farmland crops of the Wild this is four new crops may be found in the wild across many climates or maybe in a chest somewhere well okay we’ve got some

Tomatoes now cool we can make some tomato ketchup or something so what’s in here whoa what what is this thing player detect the turtle CC tweaked does that mean computer craft player detector well I’m a player and I’m here has it has it detected me

It’s green so I guess it has what is this right click you can change the color of a disk what do I turn on the computer turn it off turn it on Hello message program run help oh my God too much reading well we’re gonna leave the

Player detective for now or maybe just grab it yeah it could come in handy later on never know when you might need a player detector or an End Rod they’re rare oh and what’s this free armor Don’t Mind If I Do wait what the hell is this oh my God

Wait no hang on a sec it looks like they’re cool glasses but when I put them on it’s just a crappy helmet what about if I put it on as like a curio no there isn’t the Cosmetic button in this mod pack either or is there yeah there is okay cool what’s this

No oh I’ve been ripped off why have I got this lame helmet oh that’s so sad moving swiftly on what’s in the next house what’s behind door number two ah a loot chest so we’ve got the mod looter amazing either way wheat seeds are good tomato seeds are great a saddle is going

To be important cabbage seeds might be cool as well but we can leave grass because we’re gonna get shears at some point oh yeah but we are fast running out of inventory space so we’ve got to make sure we get ourselves a backpack ASAP whoa zebras very cool

Oh and what’s this bad boy over here ah it’s a Minecraft blacksmith let’s get some precious metals from in here a grindstone a Lucha oh my God the motherload already Diamond Gear Well thank you very much for watching this playthrough I just completed the game that’s crazy evil craft what the hell is

Evil craft I don’t know what it is but I want to do it we’re going to do some evil crap we’re gonna play some evil craft Boom Diamonds oh my God like five minutes into the game and I’ve got my first diamonds I think that might be a record we’ll get the guardian gem because I don’t know what it is Windswept iron chest plate gives me increased speed oh man I am excited to

Get started with this there are so many cool modern options also got an ancient Crystal a socketable a socketable gem oh there’s gems oh I like that I like that a lot like some Diablo action going on over here oh man this is just so exciting

Oh hello we got a Way Stone oh amazing I didn’t know the wastelands were in this mod pack but we’re definitely gonna grab this because waystones are very important very useful later on oh who are you oh my god computer scientist villager peripheral casing for emeralds and vice

Versa I don’t know if this stuff is any good though is it we’re gonna leave it because this stuff looks like it’s quite common here we go a blast furnace this is kind of what I was looking for but it will come in handy at some point so we’ll

Take it a smoker now this is what I’m talking about let’s cook up some of these meats and uh yeah get them in our belly oh man though look at this Guardian gem when socketed base Overhill from apotheosis it looks like apotheosis has changed a lot since all the mod 6 and I

Can’t wait to jump in and work out what all these cool enchantments are now as always I’m a big fan of modded Minecraft but there’s going to be things I don’t know and you do so if you’ve got any top tips make sure you lay them down in the

Comment section so that we can both help each other out on our route to Greatness within Minecraft oh man I really need to find a place for my base but it’s got to be a place where I can put down a colony so it needs to be lots of flat land

Well another night is about to set and what is that over there is that another Village looks very cool there’s a beacon too oh well okay let’s go and check this bad boy out now you may have realized that this episode is a bit longer than usual

And basically what if this oh my God a giraffe freaking amazing what I’ve decided is because the first episode is quite an important episode we’re gonna make it a longer one this is a bonus video with extra extra time because there’s so much to do in the first

Episode that you can’t really cut this short yeah it looks like a basic Village but oh man there’s some pretty valuable stuff around here oh I need this backpack stance so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to focus on getting this backpack as soon as

Possible let’s do it let’s do it right now we’re gonna need a furnace so we’re gonna grab some Stone boom welcome to the Stone Age and perfect Cobblestone is always useful so for the time being this little kind of blacksmith’s Hut is going to be our setup base Boom get some fuel in here and I think uh wood will do And when life gives you lemons throw them away so we’re gonna need four string four leather and a chest boom a backpack and how does this go on this is going on like the curio right that’s how it works boom a back oh yeah looking looking pretty snazzy now how do

You make your backpack a different color oh you just add some dye so what color backpack do we want well I’ve always been green or orange you know let’s just find a pretty looking flower and pick that color red a red backpack there it is a red backpack

Why not hard to miss in a crowd stand out just like Ash Ketchum very snazzy so we have our backpack but how do we open it well we have to assign a key to open backpack of course so we’re going into controls and finding where that keybind is backpack

Open backpack is B by default but what I like to do is change some of the number pad keys to the ones we want because the number pad keys are usually always free so open backpack is seven and so there we go bash the seven button

And there we go we can just put all of our stuff into this backpack now and free up loads of space that’s incredible Okay so we’ve got a backpack we’ve got food and we’ve got a sleeping bag the most important three things are within our grasp now we are

Finally ready my friends to look for a place to live so I guess silent tools is the new version of tinker’s construct and it’s a bit of a shame because I really did love tinker’s construct it’s just I don’t think it’s in this mod pack oh the smokers are smoking well smokers will

Come in handy as well so we’ll grab those I do miss tinker’s construct quite massively because you know what those big old blast furnaces where you fill up all the all the lava and stuff and the metals were really really cool so I’m gonna miss that quite a lot nice little

Bit of coal and emeralds there a bell now these things always come in handy especially in mine colonies so I’ll take it Stone Cutters are also really useful so we’ll take one of those all of this stuff is going to go into our initial base and just make things much easier

From the start and I think our initial base is gonna be a mine colonies Camp because those things come chock to the brim with valuable resources so we are storming our way through this Mountain Village just pilfering it for all it’s worth because inside these chests you never know what you’ll find

But you will usually find something pretty valuable Another saddle useful oh what’s oh leather tunic blue leather tunic Windswept leather tunic of stubbornness gives me 15 speed for minus 22 total entity gravity I don’t know what that means oh look at this Windswept leather boots let’s put on some Enchanted gear so this already has oh some stance oh look at

This Max health but this one gives us 10 speed and the tunic here gives us 15 speed and I am getting downgraded from Iron here but what I am also getting is like a massive speed increase look at this I’m now running at the speed of sound

Which for the record is pretty quick yeah man golden nuggets almost not even worth picking up what’s this though Au 79 oh it’s this atomic number and uh name very interesting for all you chemistry students out there oh look at this and now I can jump and uh I slow a

Little bit slower because this weird gravity effect foreign what is that for find a wishing well oh it’s one of these I’m this thing remember what happened last time I jumped in as well it looked way different this time though so it’s a wishing well a wishing well

Now in theory if I throw a coin into a wishing well it’ll Grant my wish so let’s try it with gold nuggets what is this gonna do goes to gold nugget what do I get in return Hello hello well there’s only one thing to do right now jump in and grab my stuff in here you fight to win back to your life kids oh oh no oh that’s a that’s an experience I never want to live again and also I’m gonna die from wither if

I’m not careful what the hell oh my God my health is so low luckily enough loads of steak and what is this oh it’s crazy but there’s so many man-made structures in this mod another Village right for the Looting and as much as I do want to find

A base to settle down in you can never really pass up the valuable loot that you find in a village so let’s go and pill for this sucker but we’ll kind of fast forward it so sugarcane very useful grab it another blast furnace why the hell not carrots and beetroots very very

Important later on so we’ll grab some of those oh and did I spy a potato as well amazing oh some rich soil that could be useful oh hello a nice chest what is an Arcane gem with 25 swim speed there’s some crazy enchantments you can get another way Stone very very very important

Oh and hello a church now is there anything valuable in here a brewing stand always good to have oh whoa oh yeah look at this the motherloader block of gold but we need an iron pickaxe to get that block of gold oh Iron chest plate loads of armor on that some Crimson iron ingots oh yeah look at this Blaze gold oh very valuable there’s some real good stuff here oh man so we are still on the hunt for a place to bed down and call our base and

It’s kind of nuts I’ve never taken this long in any kind of playthrough before to finally settle on a start location but but honestly I think I really should have because it’s the most important thing you can do in the game is pick the right place for a base ah here we go

This looks like a bamboo biome we could find some pandas here not that useful we can get is bamboo Bamboo can be a real pain in the butt to find later on take the bottom one and the rest should tumble and while we’re here might as well get a stack bamboo great for

Feeding pandas torture and primitive scaffolding oh now hello what is this this is a computer generated uh Village kind of thing but this is not a regular Village what could this be now I have heard tales that in this version of mine colonies you can actually find old abandoned colonies

And while these can be great places for materials they’re actually kind of garbage places to set up colony because well you know I mean look at this place it’s the urban planning here would make make a man sick anyway let’s take a look and see what it’s got to offer

Nothing in the chest aha but yeah look at this a town hall block yeah you know what let’s pick up well no because we get a town hall for free when we put down a supply Camp but there must be something else that we can use that will be vital

Oh what’s this a mine wow bam yes please so we could actually right click on the town hall over there and set up shop here but like I said this is a really bad area to set up your Colony it can be tempting to try and find an abandoned

Colony to get a head start but the truth is you really won’t get that much of a head start because you’re you’re kind of shooting yourself in the foot because these areas never have enough space to build a proper colony all right all right what’s all this then

More loots Don’t Mind If I Do ah yes a house now called a residence interesting oh and hello a builder’s heart amazing more things we don’t need to craft So as you can see a lot of these buildings are kind of hanging off over the edge of the landscape and it looks really ugly so it’s not really like a colony that you’re going to want to move into it’s pretty broken so where are we gonna build our Colony

Let’s find the final location because I’m tired of looking around oh now hang on a sec that’s a cool little kind of raised Savannah over there let’s go and take a closer look yeah there’s not really enough room it kind of dips down in the middle this is more like a crater

Uh it’s a cool looking Creator I’ll give you that and in any other world I would love to make a base right in the middle of there that’d be pretty cool but there’s not enough flat ground for me to make a colony here so let’s keep on looking

Oh now hello would you look at this another Colony by the looks of things because I think in the middle there is a weird kind of Barracks well let’s go and take a look yeah this is another randomly generated abandoned Colony amazing is there anything we can grab from here that’s

Worthwhile these loot chests are always full of cool stuff there’s a blacksmiths over here with anything cool inside oh more of this weird condensed blood oh an iron shovel why not whoa look at this oh my God the world just looks so cool and there’s a lot more buildings I could

Raid here but you know what forget that we need to set up our base we need to put down our camp we need to find a nice big flat-ish area to start building so the Frozen North we’ve arrived at like a really wintry biome and I’m not

On board for making a colony here because it really sucks when there’s snow everywhere it’s just it gets in the way it’s like sand it’s coarse it’s horrible what is oh no oh no oh no oh no what is this well let’s break the spawner pickaxe oh I don’t have a pickaxe crying

Obsidian we’re gonna leave it we’re gonna leave it we’re gonna run hit and run let’s get out of this snowy ugly biome oh luckily enough this step height thing is really handy I don’t have to jump like a weird okay so I’ve taken to the seas because

Honestly traveling over land is a little bit too slow and there is this weird blue floating structure in the sea oh no wait a minute oh no those Guardians oh it’s an underwater giant Temple well I’ll tell you what I’ll put down a waypoint because this could be huge big water temple

Perfect we’ll come back here later Loop this bad boy but onwards to our oh no the boat Shake boat Shake boat Shake time to go we’re gonna continue onwards to our ideal location for a base now I wonder actually could you make an underwater mine Colony that’d be pretty crazy

Aha here we go land ho and no I don’t mean a very promiscuous Beach lady I mean it looks like there’s a nice big piece of flat land here ideal for our first colony oh ticks all the boxes so is that yeah applied Logistics is applied energistics

In this looks like it is man I haven’t made an Emmy computer for a long long time but if you wanted to we could raid that asteroid for I guess like what is it those weird uh blueprints I can’t remember it’s a bit of a chew aha oh I

Think we’ve finally done it my friends pull up a Pew and have a gander at this there is flat land as far as the eye can see there’s oh a half-built nether portal over there a weird dungeon and the makings of a village down here so we can certainly get our Colony started

Over here we might overwrite this Village get it smashed down and replace it but you know what I think this is the perfect area now the first step of course is to give ourselves a place to live put down a supply Camp and that means creating one and we’re gonna put

That down here over oh is that like an abandoned mine Colony over there as well oh man we’re quids in right here so let’s make our camp and set it up up supply Camp lots of chests pretty simple get the wood crafting table on a stick get these into chests

One two three four plus those two make ourselves a supply Camp so here we go what has changed with putting down a supply Camp in 1.19 of mine colonies the build interface has changed massively we’ve got settings down here in the bottom left that’s got previews and stuff render placeholders yeah we want

To do that as well so we can see what’s going to stay and what’s going to go and we can switch the pack so this is where we pick the style of pack and this is a big decision so Fortress every Monarch dreams of having the perfect capital

City where everyone works hard and everything is clean and organized no pesky holes to fall into no random heaps of dirt to detour around it’s a very cool style but it does really need you to have very flat land Caledonia is a pain Urban Birch and urban Savannah don’t really fit I’ll

Tell you what does look very cool though is Shire what the hell is Shire there’s Incan true Dwarven which is now a stalactite caves lost Mesa City mineconic’s default which looks absolutely awful jungle tree house medieval Oak their classic oh Cavern is that the cave Style no that looks like true Dwarven okay

Very interesting well you know what honestly Shire sounds freaking amazing let’s take a look at this so while the menu is nice actually scrolling through the Shire style to see what everything else looks like is a bit of a nightmare but you know what this is a pretty cool

Looking base camp so let’s try and put it down and see what we need not all blocks in the area meet requirements check the highlighted ones and fill it in not a solid so if you put down some dirt so we can finish that or we can

Just move it over to the right a bit not all blocks meet the criteria what’s change what do we need ah need air above okay well we can fix that there we go a bit glitchy with the shaders but a right click boom whoa welcome to mind Colony as well I’m kind

Of an old hand but look at this the Shire style very new style and I’m very excited to get going on this and see what it looks like so thank you for watching this episode of all the mods 8 mine colonies oh man I’m very excited to get building this

Colony but more than that I’m really excited to start looking into some of the mods this mod pack has there’s a whole bunch of things I’ve never seen like evil craft I’m also Keen to get started on things like an elemental craft oop I’m still farting I thought

I’d turn that off well never mind you have to put up with the stink for now now it took me a long time to find the perfect base site and put down my camp but it was a very important Journey along the way we gathered a whole bunch

Of cool things we made a backpack got some armor gathered loads and loads of Loot and I really do think this is the perfect place to call home we can build a farm here we can have a high-tech base and we can build a shire style mine Colony so night’s about to

Fall I’m gonna have a fart and a bit of a sleep thank you for watching and until next time take care

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – EPISODE ONE #1’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2022-12-01 16:45:00. It has garnered 181503 views and 4514 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:17 or 2297 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 🏰 Getting started with modded Minecraft and All The Mods 8 , we begin our epic adventure into a brand new series and new world, we find the best base location and go over the most important way to start the modpack and survive the first night in ATM8

👑 Sign up to my NEW PATREON here! 👑

All The Mods 8

World Seed: 5547783346912800649

Minecraft version 1.19.2 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

Subscribe for more lets play and gameplay videos! Thanks for watching!

In this short videos, I’ll be talking about the new ATM8 mod for Minecraft.

If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM8, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

#Sjin #AllTheMods #ATM8 #Minecraft

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  • INSANE!! AFK GOLD FARM Time Lapse – MUST WATCH!! #Minecraft

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  • Queens Land

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  • SwipeSMP Vanilla 1.20.4

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  • 🔥 FamilyMC 1.21 Pre Release 3 New World🔥 Survival Hard World 🔥

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  • Minecraft Memes – Wither on the Loose!

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  • Minecraft Pro Player Goat Meme 🔥

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  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Secret Tunnels Revealed!

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  • Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 – Get It Now!

    Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 – Get It Now!Video Information oh you see the Flames that burn your passion when I look in your eyes yes yes yes are you afraid to feel what you know is real like any other guy the when I look in your eyes yeah are you afraid to see what you know real like any other guy I the when I look in your eyes yeah say yes are you afraid to be what you know is real like any other [Music] guy you got to come on inside my heart open up This video, titled ‘Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 | (DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Hold Blink to Save Villager #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Hold Blink to Save Villager #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] stop s l Sal This video, titled ‘Challenge Tahan Kedip Mata Untuk Selamatkan Villager #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Patrick Man ID on 2024-02-17 11:00:34. It has garnered 3072 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Challenge Hold the Blink of an Eye to Save the Villager Welcome to Patrick Man ID This video is not BeaconCream, NightD, or ElestialHD, Brutal Hero or Viva Fantasy livestream, not Minecraft’s Weirdest Jundy Juns Creepypasta, not Minecraft’s ending speedrun Clementdav, and also not Baww or ItsSandwich 100 in Minecraft Hardcore. Tag:… Read More

  • Unreal OP in Minecraft Survival! #Shorts

    Unreal OP in Minecraft Survival! #ShortsVideo Information how overpowered can you get in Minecraft you might think you just have to get the best armor and tools in some totems but tools lose durability and you don’t want to run to your Enderman Farm to repair them every few hours like a peasant so I decided to make a full Shar of elyra and of every type of neite tool one set of every type of armor and Shas for golden carrots Rockets Redstone beacons and other stuff to put them all in my Ender Chest that took like 40 hours because I had to… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That’ll Make You JUMP!

    INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That'll Make You JUMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods 1’, was uploaded by Recoil Mojo on 2024-04-01 15:06:42. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft mod pack adventure with our comprehensive Cursed Walking series, now available in action-packed YouTube Shorts and detailed survival guides. From harrowing encounters in the Nether to epic battles in the End, each piece of content is crafted to capture the essence of survival, strategy, and the sheer will to conquer in this hardcore mod pack. 🔥 Epic Journeys & Fierce… Read More

  • EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. – (03.30) off/season part 5

    EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. - (03.30) off/season part 5Video Information [Music] welcome to the monastery fishing feel confused to tell you about it just catch whatever fish requests have till the end [Music] of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you caught one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I tried to get the Su with the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is [Music] evil [Music] I tried to get the suit the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is evil [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]… Read More

  • SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts

    SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by SG GAMING PRO on 2023-12-29 04:31:14. It has garnered 5864 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez’s Ultimate Adventure

    EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez's Ultimate AdventureVideo Information you know how the sign of a really good movie is when you think about it throughout the following day I think this is the first time that’s ever happened to me with a Minecraft map this is kacha Labs 3 and after thinking about it the last day I pretty firmly believe it’s the best Minecraft map ever made obviously that’s a pretty bold claim and we played Maps like diversity 3 Canadians escape map on the main Channel and even that recent box pushing puzzle map this channel but in terms of an overall experience story… Read More

  • INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!

    INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!Video Information [Music] e [Music] d [Music] o [Music] o oh [Music] a [Music] This video, titled ‘British Armored Cars (1) – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vitiv on 2024-04-23 16:00:32. It has garnered 76 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:06 or 246 seconds. How to build British armored cars in Minecraft. – CHARACTERISTICS – ⊳ Type: Armored car ⊳ Nation: United Kingdom – VEHICLES IN THIS VIDEO – From left to right: ⊳ Morris Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Scout Car ⊳ Humber Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Armoured Car ⊳ Daimler Dingo ⊳ Daimler… Read More

  • Join HearthCraft SMP – Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Server About: HearthCraft is an economy-based SMP server that has been providing a griefer-free experience since October 2018. Key Features: No server resets, world dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Monthly resource world resets Live map available at Active economy system with player shops, warps, and auctions Technical Information: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Additional Details: Website: Discord: Rules: IP: Statistics: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Torching Minecraft memes!.

    That’s more points than I’ll ever get in a game of Minecraft! Read More

  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

    Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes and discounts, there’s much to cheer. Twitch and TikTok capes, brand new and bright, For Bedrock Edition, a colorful sight. To get the Twitch cape, watch a streamer live, Wait for a code, then redeem and thrive. For TikTok cape, watch a stream on the app, Get a code, redeem it, no need to clap. Minecraft’s 15th birthday, a special treat, Discounts and freebies, all so sweet. Don’t miss out on the fun, watch till the end, For Minecraft news, I’m your rhyming friend. Read More

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – EPISODE ONE #1