[Modded Minecraft] Now for some creative beautification! [ep 5]

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Foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you hello hello how is everybody doing I’m back for Minecraft I know we all thought that I was probably done with Minecraft but it turns out I’m feeling inspired so well here we are well and welcome I hope everybody’s had a good week um mine’s been fine I suppose

Largely uneventful which I suppose is fine uh but yeah so we’re back in Minecraft uh rather than Blacktail I was going to play Blacktail but I was holy non-plussed if you will I just not not particularly stoked to play Blacktail again it really left a a a a sour taste

When I played it last time just trying to deal with the stupid uh frame rate issues constantly particularly irritating after I had dealt with something similar with uh stranger Paradise which just stopped being an issue eventually which was great but then Blacktail which is and not a particularly complicated

Looking game really should not have been causing me so many problems I was just I was just too freaking annoyed I couldn’t I couldn’t deal with it so hey Kappa so instead of blacked out honestly it’s blacktails on there for Friday but quite frankly it might get pushed off Friday too just

Because I don’t know it made me so annoyed that I don’t even feel like playing it we’ll see um wow yeah look at that storage room it’s the The Familiar storage room we’ve all been here before um so the goal today is to do a little beautification of the town uh in

Creative mode in Creative modes what I’ve been doing a bit lately just because I I kind of like now that we have gone through a lot of the sort of the the trouble of collecting all of the stuff to get going it’s kind of nice to not worry about the

Fiddly bits and just you know make the place look nice which mine colonies actually kind of gives a A an interesting sort of like hybrid sense of satisfaction because even using creative I still have the like time investment of waiting for my colonists to like do the thing so if I’m like hey please build this building I still have to wait for them even if I created them all of

The materials they could want they still have to go build it so I’m like you know I don’t hate that like it’s not too bad um the one thing that I I did notice though that I don’t love is that if you’re in creative mode and you start research as

Far as I can tell the research is done instantly and I don’t want that I don’t want the research to be done instantly so I’ll I’ll probably switch over to um non-creative to go set up some research and get them going and then we’ll switch back to creative first however um

It’s time to you know re-tour the town because things have changed since we’ve streamed not too much honestly in this immediate vicinity looks much the same we need to get some stuff started leveling up for sure however it is starting to look much nicer down this way see our farm

Our farm is now level five we got a bigger windmill big and fancy we got the fifth we’ve got the the fifth Farm going up now which is great this one is is now carrots we we have three crops we have carrots and potatoes largely because carrots and potatoes are the

Cure for the flu apparently I don’t know maybe they’re making like chicken noodle soup with no chicken I don’t know but that’s how they cure uh it the flu which is like so common so I needed to get farming carrots yep good old Landon he is one of the ogs

And then the other three this one this one or no this is that’s potatoes this one and these two are all um wheat so that we have bread and things to help feed the populace um here’s our our big fancy Town Hall which is a level five Town Hall so it’s

As fancy as it gets although I am going to be trying to replace this one because I realize that there’s a second Style of uh of a town hall and I feel like we missed out because we found this one so I didn’t like choose the style

Yeah there’s there’s a water block under the Scarecrow on all the all all the new fields um and so I’m going to leave this building as well like this that it’s it seems to be some location to make uh proclamations from um I’m going to leave this building here

But I’m going to try to destroy the the actual Town Hall block which means that it will not be a functional mine colonies building anymore and I’m gonna rebuild I’m going to creative in the other style at level five to just replace it and I believe that will just

Work I might make sure to download a backup of the world save because I don’t want to just destroy my colony because I I did something stupid because I hypothetically possible for that to happen I have done this once but it was on like a throwaway other world and so

I’m I don’t think anything happened but I also didn’t really check because I didn’t really care that much um but well we’ll download it quick backup when the time comes um so yeah that’s that’s our big fancy and then our mine of course with one of the other OG’s Meredith just hard at

Work you know down there doing the mining hey Meredith no Malaysia that’s one of the not the OG’s but our original Courier just doing the rounds a restaurant maybe today we can get the restaurant upgraded it’s got several more upgrades it can go through uh this is one of the builders Hut that

Just recently got to level four so it’s a little fancier than it was before I like the basement in this one ah clicks it’s a roomy it’s got I think it’s got a lot more storage than the other builders Hut style which is nice you just keep more stuff down here

On hand you know construction purposes so this this side of the town has been expanding a little bit this is our sifter they pull things out of gravel and sand and the like Courier only level one it’s our glass blowers Hut our Stone smelter which I want to get a

Second Stone smelter up because this one I think gets kind of bogged down between trying to make charcoal and trying to make any smooth Stones because of the way priority works I think it might just be eternally trying to build charcoal and not really doing other jobs just a little house

Is our mystical site it just makes everybody a little happy it’s like it’s like a religious site I guess there’s a graveyard here’s one of our logging operations a new bridge that was built this this bridge was pretty cool because the bridge was uh fully uh available in one of the decor

Styles and I was just able to pull it in with the mine mine colonies Builder I noticed that I don’t think the but don’t actually go all the way down I I don’t yeah I can fix it hold on while we’re here was a matter of principle it’s all problem solved

One of our Mini barrackses no forestry Hut working the spruce White I feel I feel like we’re missing a spruce hello why are there so few over here add more spruce is this why we don’t have enough spruce have gaps in our trees come on man get on it

Oh well maybe he ran out and he didn’t have any to put down or something bizarre the the other side Spruce Farm seriously why are there so few that’s weird have a couple extra trees my dude oh maybe maybe it did throw off the replanting well regardless hopefully those extra trees will help

So yeah this this side’s grown little by little there’s another another Courier’s Hut I think we’re up to eight couriers of the maximum ten for our our warehouse couple houses here oh yeah maybe bizarre so here you can see some of the the nice stylistic touches that have

Been going in we’ve been been adding some uh Riverside canal and well they call them canals you know essentially shorelines of an organized fashion for our town I think they look very nice come with the the lamp posts and everything they act as paths for our guards that Posse is kind of always

Together the guards have ended up in little clumps now it’s another one of our mini barrackses of course this is the other tree logging operations of our two our two that’s right Kappa did build the bridge this one here I think it’s it’s a good Bridge it uh it mixes well

With the rest of the style very little um changes were required to get these to fit in all right here we’ve got our Plantation this is our I don’t know sort of manufacturing area to a degree it’s not very organized like that though so this is our that’s our

Fletcher who hasn’t been leveled up in freaking forever he makes wooden string well mostly string based things this is our Sawmill he makes wood-based things Plantation growing things the the he’s so bad at growing sugarcane though so freaking useless I don’t know why they’re so bad at the

Sugar cane we’re we’re always out of sugarcane and it’s because this Yahoo can’t freaking keep them going Bamboo’s going nice I guess thanks for that there’s our Stone Mason we’re making Stone things that’s the composter for making well compost we got our florist for growing flowers a couple houses there’s another Courier

It’s our our dye Dyer’s Hut makes dye obviously this is our Crusher who uh crushes Stone into like gravel or less sturdy Stone but I love the fact that what are you doing down here I love the fact that if somebody’s not working on the crusher they just hang

Out down here for some reason I’m not sure who the second one is your career bro what are you doing your get to currying surely you have something better to do than just tool around great all right whatever another house over here that’s actually a pillager’s Hut uh well not hot hey pillager’s

Fortress I don’t know I have not been keeping track of who’s paired up and made kids in the camp I just I have not been paying attention there’s another barracks this is a the fancy new um a little dock for our our supply ship that I I put down here just to

To look stylish it doesn’t really have a purpose it’s just chilling but it looks nice especially at the end of our our little dock all right let’s see here over here then here’s our our fancy level five Builder Oakley truly one of the ogs what are you working on now

Go there you go get back to work I think he’s making the hospital upgraded I think is what he’s doing right now guys I could help you with that create those guys yep truly one of the ogs it’s our blacksmith here we’re back to where we started if

You aren’t keeping track of how all of this is tied together which is understandable it’s kind of confusing I was Square here’s our under under square power plant of uh uh starbuncles growing berries you know keeping the the spawn force field active so that there are as few spawns to kill

Our villagers as possible this is our fancy giant Warehouse that just recently got leveled up to five houses all of our stuff I really like the way the racks work in that um as soon as it has stuff in the rack it actually visibly has stuff on the outside

The things on the outside are in no way related to what’s on the rack I think it’s just a random of a few different like tile sets but I just think it’s a nice stylistic touch like I know this rack is empty and these rack have stuff on them very cool it’s just

Tons of racks here all the organization the Sorting in search is tremendously useful yes that is definitely true it’s got it upstairs nice style here it’s got a little under chest location for you little seating area it’s very very stylish it’s a university over there

Oh oh oh no can I not get down these stairs I can’t get that on the stairs can I can I crouch down the stairs nope I can’t I climb too high Hey cap has joined Um so The Courier so I I’ve added a bit of style here I plan to use more of this style up here in the uh the sort of University District um the problem is that I actually packed this stuff a little too tight at the entrance here and I I can’t fit

Like a pathway between over here because it’s too close to the hospital oh you know I say that I actually kind of just realized was I no no I definitely definitely not it’s like one two three is all of the space that I have yeah three is not enough I

Was wondering if I had based it on the ticker tapes which are one further out than the actual location but no no no no no here’s my little workshop that’s still chilling from guard the library is getting bigger look at the fancy Library it’s a it’s a bell tower up there

A patio out here sitting here I do think it’s interesting because this particular style of Library um strikes me much more as uh like actually a like a monastery or church Style than necessarily an actual Library because if you notice like in here the main room does have books and things

But it’s also kind of like a little cathedraly sort of area it’s not very big I guess but I don’t know it it definitely got some uh some churchy sort of Monastery vibes pardon uh uh sunset I’m gonna go over here to sleep often sleep in the University for

No particular reason except it’s nearby oh did you throw like literally all of the iron also if you do you want to jump on a a voice call since you’re you’re now on playing we don’t have to like necessarily do any Adventures but we can just pop on all right hold on

I changed my call settings again go all right hello oh hold on I gotta turn you on first there we go now you’re on the Stream I arrived welcome thank you are you streaming as well or are you just I’m just chilling I’m kind of tired from where but I did

Want to play video games so I understandable got a new bridge over here for the University Village yeah I’m gonna see I I there might have been the occasional thing that you have noticed that is is different that I am leaving aside until I get to it as my current project

Is a sizable oh yeah this oh yeah this yeah you’ve been No problem don’t worry about it okay don’t worry about it we’ll get there don’t worry about it it’s okay hey bunny bunny definitely an escaped one he’s gone far from the farm now yeah they’ve run far I don’t mind the rabbits they’re allowed to get loose

On my front porch earlier I watched him from my corn I was looking out my window at my office and I was like did that rabbit just climb my front stairs so I went to the living room and looked out the window and he was she was there no

Carpet so many of these buildings have been left at like rank two you were talking about I don’t think I I don’t think the blight bee is loose one of our bees appears to be a blight bee oh did I set him loose I don’t know I see a blight bee over here

This one’s very own I thought he was in our pocket no he is but I thought the thought the well he lives here now oh yeah that’s right I hadn’t seen this yet I had him upgrade the uh the night Academy is ranked three now if you upgrade the apiary I have more

Bees to go into another Venus but we can only have one Venus per level yeah definitely on the docket it’s for another stairs oh we should put like a ladder here where uh where there’s more than a one block High well the yes yes however

Um one issue is that of course uh if they if I have them upgrade the wall they’ll delete it cool yeah if it’s not fully upgraded we should need it yeah it’s not although I I will probably leave the these you could probably put one here and by

You I didn’t I could probably just creative one up why can’t I hear a skeletons um because I I think for general stylistic purposes I’m probably going to leave this at rank three for a little while just because I I kind of like the look of

Rank three and yeah I don’t think we really needed the academies higher than three for a bit yeah that’s fun um we’ve got floating floating tree here though that I am willing to fix I I’m trying to think if they unlock any other researches by being higher than level three I’m not sure

Yeah the tree’s got a little bit messy as I built these walls yeah is this one also floating Couch You have merged with another tree yeah that was happening oh but yeah I guess I should show the rest so these are these are new walls that I put in we actually have like an outer wall on this side a little I don’t know a little Palisade on the

Outside we haven’t done much beautifying of the pop-up here’s the fourth of our current barrackses this one doesn’t have any Towers yet so it’s not actually doing any jobs I need to get somebody out here to build those um this is just a little supply Camp because I like the look

Then we’re then we’re outside of town that’s pretty much the town um yeah yeah sept of course oh the population got high enough for you to get that achievement while you were on so the other thing that I had been working on cap are you gonna come along are you

Stuck fighting that tree for a moment I’m fine literally just let me fight the tree let it happen let it happen just just these little sticky Audi bits those will Decay I don’t care about those just a little sticky faster Slappy and faster yeah okay we we did it

Hello there Concord duck welcome welcome I see that you are new thanks for stopping by e welcome to the Colony that’s true sadly you’ve missed the majority of the tour though you have not missed the the showing of the thing that I’m actually kind of actively working on I lost Kappa again

What are you doing over there there’s a ladder I think a barbarian put that down at some point actually oh well mine now I saw that the other day and I was like oh no hold on hold on there’s actually one in this tree what are we doing these wild barbarians

I mean I did read that they could put them yeah yeah but why there is so Random well so what’s going on here is we’re we’re tooling around I’m playing the mod mine colonies fantastic Minecraft mod by the bye um the the colony is largely up and

Running and today we’re doing a bit of uh a beautifying of the location and well we’re shortly going to be doing a lot of Excavating uh uh meet me at the square for uh just uh the purpose of making the place look a little nicer and specifically I’m trying to make a

New District uh specifically an underground District the fun part of this mod is that it spends a lot of time updating the villagers so they’re smarter yeah the villagers are like very smart set them like you gather the materials and give it to them but you can set them to build

These buildings you know what I I did just run through the tour but I can at least give you a nice panoramic view which I haven’t done because the colony is quite large but I do like looking at it look at all of them go to town beekeepers and miners yep yep career

Shepherds cow hands Fishers Carpenters couriers we got all kinds of folks tooling around well thank you for that subscribe I appreciate that all right so now where’d You Go Kappa Anthony so you might notice the mysterious new gate In the in the Square which is access to what is working on being the underground District um there’s a b no wait that’s a fight that’s probably a firefly yes so um you’re gonna have a hard time getting around yeah uh don’t worry I have a single ladder

Uh here I can show you here follow me I’ll show you the the actual way that you can see that mine quote unquote mine uh because it was it a vanilla mine chapter no no no no no no it’s something I did but I can show you where it comes

Out because the the mining the mine shafts are something that you can actually apply through um the decoration Decor yeah nice so you see here which this is pretty much in line with the the dock so like I’m gonna have a road down to the dock so then there’s this gate here

And then so this will be the second Direction to get into the very sizable uh yeah this is a forge run mod uh what’s really convenient is this mod has this is just running the official curse Forge mod pack uh if you look up mine colonies it’s like super easy to use

Because it’s just one officially put together mod pack that has been like Rock Solid yeah yeah it’s like been incredibly carefully curated it’s really neat it’s got It’s got a really huge variety of like Adventure stuff it’s got the colonies it’s got some convenience stuff like it’s it’s really well put

Together mod pack and it has been it’s got super performant as well modded Minecraft like our snubo is in here and stuff so yeah like some big names but it’s it’s curated it it hasn’t crashed like almost at all maybe like once uh it did crash early on

Yeah yeah yeah it was conflicting with our use of um the shaders and OptiFine but once we turn that off Rock Solid no issues it just runs and does the thing yeah and they’ve made sure that all the mods play well together it’s really good yeah it’s really really good

Um and really fun they’ve been working on it for like eight years and this will scream it sometimes like they’re over on Twitch and so you can like watch them develop it or play on it or like experiment with new features it’s pretty cool yeah so I’ve been uh

Just last night essentially I mined out this whole cave uh it was not a cave I literally just went straight through the wall and uh turned it into a cave hi Omega how’s it going welcome welcome faces today said they’ve been working on this for eight years but this version

Right here is 1.19 yeah 119. they’re they’re buried it’s a 120 beta like they are yeah they’re really on top of updating it it’s really a passion project and it shows yeah yeah it’s really good so yeah uh so this is kind of what I’m gonna be working on a little more uh

Tonight is wanging out more of this cave and trying to get it usable for uh the purposes uh are you having trouble well I think oh well thank you I appreciate it here hold on I got a second one I guess get out of the way move your big dumb

Head so I opened your backpack accidentally so yeah um yay here capital I can show you some of the details so you can see that this is now connecting to this path um yeah yeah here I think I’m gonna probably knock out some more of this

Dirt because if you recall this was all dirt that I just stuck up there to be a platform so that we could build on it but now I’m you know have a greater purpose for actually leaving things available to come down here I thought the walls were a nice Touch

Personally I like the yeah they look nice the ability to Crown them in here ah thank you thank you push the button yeah so I I do have the uh somebody complimented my model it is the compliment button that runs through uh the camera demo of the whole model

Since you know generally speaking you only get the one view of the the front and the face but this way we can actually look at the rest of it as I tool around here um but yeah Poe made it himself I did I did in fact

Uh make this model myself I’m your hype man that’s true I’m pretty bad at hyping myself I just get on task I’m here for the hype there’s also there’s also more toggles that I can do this is this is the most basic the model looks

I got like oh you know what for for purposes of cave diving I should use I should use dark mode we’re just we’re just mining a cave dark mud seems appropriate you know but we’ll put up the old we’ll put up the hair toggle that’ll be good yeah I made it myself

Um I made it from essentially knowing nothing honestly I started work on it uh what like two years ago um so how I made it it was originally I started from a point of using an application called vroid Studio uh is is sort of a an application

Available on Steam it allows you to make large yeah free um largely anime-ish you can go a little bit off um different from that but generally it’s it’s for like anime stylish um 3D models uh it’s it’s kind of like a character creator except you know you

Have to supply more of the textures yourselves uh but you can go on to a site called Booth where you can uh pay for or find free textures and assets to to use for that so that’s where I kind of started I did that um and made some relatively basic textures and things

For there I used a model that was kind of straight up that for like half a year and then I became um you know well I guess yeah I was gonna say unsatisfied but I guess obsessed is a valid way to put it as well

Um and it was just a matter of like really it became my creative Outlet is really what happened like I needed a creative outlet that you could achieve what you actually wanted yeah and so I I started diving into then how to take a model from there put it into uh Unity

The game engine which is also a free download and then start making more significant modifications so from there it was you know improving the textures at a higher resolution and then it came to you know uh starting to do particles and particle systems you know like this

Guy up here all of that stuff and then it eventually became replacing a lot of the parts around the you know animation skeleton and just making it from scratch kind of myself which I still use a relatively unusual um build style because most people that are making 3D models do blender blender

Is the a free 3D modeling application that most people use to make a 3D model like this I’m I’m very unfamiliar with blender so I had to make what I knew work essentially and so I I made one in vroid and then I just modified the hell out of it uh in unity

And you know eventually we got here and I just kept making new particle systems I made you know animations all that wild stuff and it made my mind here we are and that’s true I did make a model for Kappa as well oh that’s a ghoul I don’t want that

Yeah it you can obviously you can pay somebody to do it and if you do pay somebody to do it it can be expensive there are artists and ways to get it for a little less expensive right um it just all depends on you know the

Level of detail and the level of work that goes into it it can be very expensive um for instance I if I were to sell this model right like based on the amount of work I have put into this model I would say that this is probably worth approximately like four thousand dollars

Is probably what I would value my model at I’m I don’t generally do um commissions to make models um like I made kappa’s model but it was less expensive it’s not as detailed he’s he’s like more than probably 300 hours on that yeah I I’ve put hundreds of hours into my model

Um so like like there’s I think for my model you charged me like 450 or something yes I was I wasn’t going to talk pricing of your model unless you you were comfortable with it okay yeah I should know what things cost you yeah I I charge Kappa 400 for the initial model

And then I came back and updated it uh for another couple hundred yeah but as I mentioned I my model I have not paid anything for it I have well that’s not fair I I’ve spent like fifty dollars in the unity asset store to get some particle textures because I was too lazy

To make particle textures myself so like that’s what I’ve spent vroid Studio free Booth a way to get textures has free options can be paid for maybe five ten bucks for like a skin sort of style texture so relatively inexpensive Unity free and then you know you make all your modifications the the

Application that is running the model uh the one that I use is called venon um by an excellent developer named suvi She’s also a v-tube streamer um like I you can get that application it’s a Pay What You Wish so like I I gave a

Tip when I got it but you can just download it for nothing you can find that on ichio and that’s you know that’s it like that’s that’s the thing that runs the model and and you know it’s possible to do for cheap you can use a webcam to do

It a webcam does give you less uh good results than say using little lower expression Fidelity yeah the expression Fidelity is not as good if you use a webcam but you can use a webcam to start there’s no reason not to I started and then I got an iPhone um

An iPhone specifically is required for the best tracking because it’s actually using an infrared camera uh it’s it’s facial recognition like unlock system it uses an infrared camera which is why it’s different from an Android it’s not like it’s just oh the right software will fix it it’s like the

IPhone’s actually put more camera Tech that is useful um and then of course I also have a hand tracking solution which um the elite motion 2 actually just came out I’m using a different dev kit style but the leap motion 2 came out and it’s like 140 bucks so I’m considering that well

See and that’s why I like hello you were shy about the webcam or Mr Pickles that’s why I like v-tubing because yeah I like being able to see the expression on someone as they play video games or talk like I enjoy that engagement but I don’t

Want my face online yeah but worry about my face or what it’s doing like that’s why I like youtubing it’s great specifically what I what I meant by that though um Concord deck you might have uh misunderstood me which is totally fair you can use a webcam to map your face to

The model so you don’t like doing this can be done with a webcam you don’t have to be on the webcam so you can you can use a model and just use a webcam that you maybe already have rather than spending a bunch of money on you know

The best technology to get the best results like I I would simply suggest not starting with the most expensive options honestly for like anybody because even if you’ve got the money there’s no reason to invest a couple Grand into trying to like think about streaming if

You you know if you’re not sure you’re even gonna enjoy it I use mine colonies yeah mine colonies although I’m in a hole right now which doesn’t really show off mine colonies but this is this is the colony at Large oh it’s daytime we must have been in the

Cave through oh you slept good yeah I had a bed in my pocket as you do super is that a bed in your pocket are you just happy to see me no it’s definitely a bed in my pocket okay you can’t not make that reference if

Somebody says they have a bed in their pocket all right so I I do not generally play Among Us I would be terrified to play Among Us with poets but I have I have not in a long time okay so right now I thought you would

Just everyone else would lose I need to make make this cave like a lot bigger um fortunately I have a magic book which lets me break at an insane pace I don’t know if that’s gonna cause server lag wandered off you should just go delving in the

Kitchen I don’t know where I am I did I thought I was sticking close to the eyes I mean the good news is yes oh well that’s nice so one of the things that I want to do is I want to try to sort of um get the

Sort of the edge of where I’m going to be building a little more open to some of these Chasm bits because I think it looks really nice grass so I’d love to to have that as like an Overlook right we we build some stuff like on the edge here and then you

Can kind of look down um that’s that’s what I kind of like to get to and so some of these some of these columns I’m sort of contemplating knocking out as well but in general I just kind of need more space over here I actually know what I hopped on to do

I’m gonna be yeah you’re just here I’m just here to Vibe Story of My Life man I’m just here well thank you for choosing this one to watch Mr Pickle I know that freaking live streams become like crazy popular everybody’s everybody’s out here streaming there’s giraffes and lions live streaming what

Let’s commenting about livestream and then you’re like there’s giraffes and lions drafts and lions I mean who knows man I’m sure there’s some features oh there’s absolutely well not even just V tubers there’s absolutely just live streams of a zoo somewhere just oh with giraffes and lions like that’s absolutely just a thing

Oh so this little bump down here uh so this is actually just the default texture pack um I like I would have liked to have used one a um a Shader pack and two a different uh resource pack but I ended up not one because uh obviously I mentioned that the OptiFine

And the Shader packs weren’t playing along with the mod but I didn’t download a resource pack because I I didn’t know if the mod would add a bunch of materials that wouldn’t be present in the resource packs those dreaded x’s and then it would just be nonsense and I now

Knowing what I do it definitely would no this is this is all only the mod yeah because all of these tiles and stuff one looked great but they’re just straight up from the mod so all of these textures all of these I think if I had tried to

Run a resource pack would have ended up looking ridiculous right like yeah either they would have been weird marked out or they would have just been mismatching right because like now they’re they’re no longer in style with whatever resource pack I obtained so um So yeah this is all just like this is pretty much just download the official mod pack of mine colonies go to town like that was those were the steps pretty much and this is what you can end up with it’s very exciting is that is that what you wanted to add

I would okay there’s so much in this mod pack that there’s stuff we haven’t even done that’s true there’s actually focused on the magic and yeah it’s been vibing and like hanging out with the colony stuff but like there’s a whole technology mod in here

Yeah so like this is this is my spell book like I I went and explored the the RS Nouveau magic mod that’s in this mod pack and like I can have spells and like I went down that path but there’s there’s no reason that you can’t do both

I just didn’t have that freaking you know attention span to do both but there is a whole like steampunk automation Tech stuff in there that I was just like I’m not even gonna worry about it until we maybe make a different world like I’m not gonna pay attention uh there’s a lot

More like food recipes as well that we haven’t seen yeah there’s a whole delving down cook assume there’s like yeah I don’t know I don’t know man so one of the goals that I have I’ll I’ll kind of show um is I I mentioned earlier I wanted to get the

Well thank you Concord duck I will say I don’t terribly often play modded Minecraft it is not my bread and butter you are welcome to of course come anytime I do play it or just come when I play other stuff I’m I’m by all aspects of variety streamer I play

Lots of different games all all the different kinds of things but I just destroyed him to the Minecraft dark side because we had a conversation about what he felt like was missing from Minecraft and literally the next day I saw a YouTube video of someone explaining this

Mod and I was like I have found the Holy Grail yeah so and uh I addicted him so here’s here’s um what the Builder tool looks like so this is part of the the Minecraft the mine colonies this is how normally you direct your Builders to build things for

You uh but in Creative you can just slap it down which I really think that’s awesome because I like being able to sort of bypass um that stuff when it suits me essentially and just be able to rather than going piece by piece to just be like I just

Want to slap down into course so this is kind of what I want to get down here and which is why every time I’m like it was it is so much bigger than I thought it was when I was on the surface because this is the the Town Center that

I want to replace the current one with but I’m gonna put it down here but it’s like it’s astronomically huge uh and so at the level five is what I’m gonna build it it’s it’s this big it’s it’s so big um and so I have to make the cave bigger

So that I can fit it but also I can’t fit like any other buildings down here if I build this I I can’t believe how big it is um so that’s kind of my current goal right now is to maybe build this down here but every

Time I look at it I’m like I don’t know maybe I should just build other stuff down here because it’s insane Kappa are you do you have my stream available that you can okay it’s so big it’s so cool though it is but it’s it’s huge so big and like that’s

Not even the top there’s the top of it so if I with the the height of the space right now that is where that’s how deep I would have to get it and it is I was gonna say we could tear down the pillow Turner building and put it out

Here but I don’t even think that’s big enough I don’t know if it’s big enough out there either I I don’t know I I last night I started Excavating this cave and I excavated a bunch of the cave um where where was it I think I started at

This height I was like surely surely this depth will be plenty look how tall the room is wow it’ll be great and then I opened up this thing and I was like oh my God it’s so tall and it’s so big and I realized I realized I was like I have to go

So much deeper to get that to fit and I still haven’t made it it’s it’s a big ass room yeah it kind of like hides how big it is when I’m flying around but it’s pretty big um but it’s not big enough I oh it’s so

Big I can’t believe how big this damn building is I think that might be the biggest single building I’ve seen in mine colonies here let me see what it would look like if I tried to replace this with it how does it look out here so I I

Let me know if I’m causing lag where you are because I have decided to go on a journey okay I want to find mending books you aren’t yet but we’ll see what happens when yeah we’ll see when you I start Excavating drastically it’s really fun I think if

You like Minecraft I yeah I think this is this is really my first foray into modded and it’s pretty great okay so if I moved that uh yeah good oh my gosh sorry it’s a spider riding a spider and it landed on my head and I don’t want to tell you it

Terrified me a spider riding a spider it’s a big spider with a cave spider on its back that’s fantastic I did everything about it no that’s amazing I don’t care what she’s saying okay I’m all for that that’s fantastic how do we get on my head how do we get the spider cavalry

That’s what I want that I didn’t so something about the mod has made the monsters riding monsters more of a thing because there was what was it was like uh zombies with creepers on their heads that we’d run into a while back I forgot about that yeah they just they

Just do that but anyway as to what cab was saying well you said yeah like the this is the I think the best Minecraft experience I’ve had and like I used to play Minecraft a lot when like it was in beta it was fun like I enjoyed it but

Then it just kind of got stale because it’s I mean it’s sort of one note if you’re not like really into the like the building aspect which I I’m not hugely into this though this really elevated it because it’s everything good about Minecraft with the addition of Colony management um

As well as like the ability to construct things right without um having to do block by block which is a big you know thing that I like um oh and something we haven’t mentioned uh with all of these like you can see all of our buildings right and all of

The Styles so this is this is a medieval Spruce style um oh yeah and there’s actually like a ton of different styles that all of the buildings come in so like we are using this one so we’re using medieval spruce but there’s there’s a dark oak there’s a

Desert Oasis there’s a Nordic there’s a jungle tree house style there’s this Urban Savannah there’s space wars there’s a cavern based like focused Style you know a lost Mesa so there’s like way more options to style your town if you so desire um than just the one that we’ve used so

There’s there’s just a tremendous amount of content in the mod pack and so that’s like Adventure stuff too like yeah there’s you you can do all kinds of Adventures you don’t have to to stick with the colony if you don’t want to there’s all kinds of stuff you can do

Uh it also has um like a multiplayer well obviously we’re here on multiplayer uh but obviously the um it was it was hard to set up personally because I was going to try to run the server which is probably best that I didn’t because I don’t think my system

Would have handled streaming and playing and running the server no why is it another uh but uh through like they have like a sponsor uh hosting site that if you wanted to get that or you know somebody using like a a hosting service that it’s really like a one-click ad of mine

Colonies to a multiplayer server as well so we’re just running a bisect toasting yeah literally it’s just like we just added it we clicked okay make it make it a mind Colony server which yeah especially means it was easy that’s true I’m really bad at this kind

Of cap is not great at the the technology side uh yeah so yeah but you can but you don’t need it in single player yeah you don’t need it you don’t need it it’s just the multiplayer app it’s just it’s just an option if if that’s something you want to pursue or

You have friends who have one or whatever it’s a thing that you can do but I just as fun in single player like there’s no reason also if you have like a beastly setup and feel like you can probably run it yourself then you I there’s no reason you have to have a

Server I guess well I I struggled to get the um no no the multiplayer like mod stuff this is 119.2 119 2 I think um but I’m I’m not really familiar with modding Minecraft as like a specifically modding uh multiplayer servers is something I’m not really familiar with so it might have been

Straightforward to someone who’s done that more but I simply had it so I we were just like I will just pay somebody I can’t be bothered anymore um and it was a very fast setup it was a quick setup oh right I was gonna go ask the researchers to do things

I forgot about that but for that I’m going to change to survival so they don’t instantly complete because I don’t want to cheat entirely I just want we just want Decor yeah I just want to make things look nice um okay so what do we got here we’ve got

We need white wool we need some books and we need some golden carrots add do a Concord deck I mean oh if if you are having trouble understanding what the heck is going on uh they have a really good um website yeah a good Wiki website to help

You there’s like a nice getting started page too because you’ll you’ll jump in and it’s like well okay now it’s regular Minecraft how do I get a city um and it explains the getting started and like how you get a colony set up and and how you get going and what the

Buildings do and blah blah blah blah there’s a lot of good information on there okay so what was I here for I need oh my gosh oh there’s another one oh right I did uh there’s that um and then I needed golden carrots I needed eight of those one two three

Uh what was the other thing that I said books books I needed 12 books wow this is almost like a spider Castle wait did you find it so that’s kind of Awesome so there was a spawner that was said dinner bone on it and I was like yeah

Well dinnerbone is what you name things if you want them to be upside down oh okay interesting I I couldn’t figure out why and then I was like where am I getting shot from and it was just one of the dudes walking on the ceiling so I assume that’s the dinner bone spawn

No I don’t want to talk to you later for Generation studious so they learn faster masks so that disease transmission is reduced God our people are civilians civilian citizens because it includes our guards they get sick all the time I would love for them to get sick less often um

Uh what is what else do I need here there’s nothing really significant I really need to get enchantress Tower up to three I’ve been yeah yeah we have a we have a hospital building uh one of our citizens is a doctor um there are like three different

Illnesses that they can get each one with a different uh set of items they need for healing the most common one is the influenza and you give them a potato and a carrot and then they do some magic with the potato in the carrot and they

Get better uh but you know with the hospital we don’t have to go and babysit them they’ll just wander over to the hospital if they get sick and the doctor citizen will be on hand to give them um the the medicine potato and carrot medicine that they need yeah it’s it’s really

Very cool and it’s very impressive because I I mentioned several systems there that are like complicated right like sickness going somewhere getting items so it all kind of like this is the warehouse which is like the heart of this the the town in a way the town hall is you know

Technically the heart but honestly it’s the warehouse that keeps the town running because it operates as a storehouse for everything that the town uses and essentially like knows exists if you will um oh blocks of emerald are what’s needed to upgrade the storage oh we got that baby

Um and so like here this is a list of all of the items that are in the warehouse um this uses these specific um items called racks that the the mod it you know like knows exists and so that categorizes and organizes everything on these racks and knows that

It exists so then all of these citizens here they’re all couriers and they work at these Huts here technically but then they are assigned to the warehouse and so the couriers will come and wait at the warehouse um until some other citizen decides they need something so take for instance this

Is the blacksmith right and we also have a mine so if the miner realizes they don’t have a tool they need to mine a pickaxe right they’re like hey I don’t have a pickaxe it puts in a request to I don’t know the the town brain I don’t

Know the the town at Large Um and then it will sort of assign that it’s like does the town have somebody to make a pickaxe and it’s like ah we have a blacksmith blacksmith can you make a pickaxe so then the the blacksmith checks their inventory here at the blacksmith and it’s like do I have the things

Necessary to make a pickaxe and it’s like uh no I don’t have any iron on hand and so then the blacksmith puts out a request to the town at large to say like hey I need some iron ingots and then either the warehouse can be like ah we have iron ingots

Courier come get the iron ingots and take it to the blacksmith and they’ll be like you got it and it goes and gets it then takes it over there blacksmith makes the pickaxe and then a courier is like I’m gonna go get that pickaxe and

I’m gonna take it to the minor it’s like you got it done and then it it’s doing that for like all of the requests and then eventually if um that request makes it all the way through the system and is like we don’t have a thing we need

It ends up coming to as a player request and you can make this item called a clipboard and this shows me all of the open requests for people that are like hey we need these items but we simply cannot solve it like we don’t have what is necessary

To fulfill these requests and here’s the person who wants it you go get it you’re the mayor that’s your job or whatever and so that’s that’s kind of like the the early gameplay Loop of the colony is like okay I need the villagers to do something what do they need so you

Like you’re checking your clipboard you’re like okay they need these to do this I’ll go get it for you and then it’s like okay let’s build a building that will have a citizen that will help fulfill that request so I don’t have to that that sort of like that’s the the

Core gameplay Loop generally you know Colony management it’s really really enjoyable to me like that’s that’s a style of gameplay that I really like so let’s let’s get you some of your requests filled there’s your banners there’s your green brick extras and Brynn was another Builder over here

Stop spawning spider brighter I’m I’m just over here talking about complicated mods and you’re just like neck deep in spiders that’s true zombies are so common and I hate them well thank you Concord deck I that honor that does actually mean quite a bit you might you might

Notice I don’t get a lot of viewers not a whole lot of people hanging out here but I appreciate the people who come by it’s tough out here to get noticed no spiders oh I need some water don’t worry po the spiders notice you dude I would you know if I got freaking

Popular with the spider crowd for streaming I could have millions of followers millions of viewers like one one freaking spider birth suddenly there’s you know a hundred thousand more spiders in the world I thought you meant spider birth on your stream and I was like what what no

I want to be the number one spider V tuber and by that I mean I’m not a spider I I stream two spiders two spiders yeah I make I make content appealing to spiders I don’t know what that content is what does a spider want

To watch a fly I guess I need I need wait no I have a lot of particles they would love this somebody somebody put some spiders in front of the screen wait is this cool I just found a ton of blocks of coal that’s exciting blocks of coal yeah nice man I um

I’m really my my confidence is sort of going down as far as I need to hit on on the shape of the cave that I want because like I’ve kind of Hit the outside of sort of following the natural Contours a little bit and I’m I’m a little afraid that I’m

Gonna start making a box accidentally and by accidentally I mean clearly on purpose but just like out of convenience but yeah cool yeah this this magic mod is like my favorite thing ever because I hate trying to mine uh huge amounts of in Minecraft uh because it’s a pain in my ass

And I do not find it like Zen or therapeutic like so many people do it is not my bag and the fact that I can make a spell to just break I don’t even know how many I’m breaking at once what is this like is this like eight by eight it’s like 64

Blocks at once right now I just like a tear through this Mountainside and it it is so satisfying to me so convenient wait is this a I found a new style where’s this wait is this outside it drops Spruce logs what oh no not outside okay dude there’s some people who just like

Love to just mine huge amounts of material they’re just like ah yeah I just you know I just sit down I get a giant line of whatever I’m Mining and I just get that pickaxe out and it’s great and I’m like that no no I will go insane that is not

Very loud breathing in an adjacent room and I don’t love that for me I I do have to be very careful though because I break stuff so significantly it’s very possible possible to make enormous mistakes like just just disintegrate oh boy I got really close to just pulling the bottom out of the

Hospital here like I was literally one block away I I was just going to town and I thought I had left enough space and then I got in there and I noticed I was like wait a second I think that’s the side of the basement of the freaking hospital and it it was

Because I was like oh that’s that’s some andesite next to Cobblestone like I didn’t put that there and it was it was very nearly catastrophic because if I just hit that with one one shot of my spells that’s like three by three and then like seven long

Like I can just dig a tunnel here like this let me let me get over here and just show so like here’s here’s one spell which is like Bop it’s like this all of this is now just gone and if that was something you spent a lot of time building

That’s a damn bad day but yeah and I have to be careful because there are buildings on the top of this hill that I am digging into and one little oopsie and you know some of my houses are going to potentially collect well I say collapse but you know it’s Minecraft logic they

Don’t technically collapse but yeah it’s close enough I also have to be a little careful because I don’t really want to bust out the back side of this um although that shouldn’t be an issue I can use the town uh the town border to sort of Judge

Because as soon as I hit the town border here I gotta start being careful because I’m essentially at the edge no don’t spawn more so did you just go out there to look for like uh meaning books and stuff yeah basic Adventures one of the things

That is a result of this spot like uh mending is actually really hard to get because all your villagers are the mine Colony villagers so you can’t just like get a librarian who will give you mending and in the magic mod you can pretty much magic any vanilla yeah you can you can

Sort of force enchantment they’re real stingy about the name you have to find mending books so I’m on a mending Book Adventure because I have gear that I would like to use yeah which I is one of those um I think it’s actually pretty pretty cool that mending is like a true Rarity

I mean it certainly increases its value exactly like I think because you can find gear with mending on it yep and you can find many books out adventurous and that’s kind of like what you have to try to do because you can’t get mending on an enchantment table

And you know as uh cap and I we played Path of Exile a while back with their new sort of hard mode which is an increased Rarity of things I was really Illuminating to like yeah the the value of making something rare in a game is actually like

There’s more to it than you might expect like it’s like oh no that really does increase the satisfaction of like having it and finding it and being like yes like this was a big win because we found it whereas when you can just Farm everything in vanilla Minecraft it like you know what

It what is there to be excited about when you’re out and about like that it’s like uh you know yeah it makes it worthwhile to go out and look for stuff which is why I’m out here trying to find mending books because I’ve got two really nice pickaxes that uh I can’t save

You guys the one weird thing is that uh water does behave oddly in this I don’t know what mod is doing it but water behaves as sort of a gravity block sort of yeah it’s kind of weird that’s the one thing I don’t like

It it has its goods and bags I’m not as negative on it um I don’t like because it ruins my Aesthetics it does do that it’s ruined my River I will certainly accept that that is a consequence I don’t know what I want to do with this

I didn’t mean to sorry bro that Enderman was holding a pumpkin I always rebuild it if I Um I don’t know maybe I’ve never seen one in vanilla holding a pumpkin that’s gotta be it oh yeah sure fight each other skeletons while I kill this spider I wonder if I’ll just run into something if I just keep breaking hundreds of thousands of blocks I wonder

How many blocks were in this cave that I have broken it adds up a lot faster than you expect that’s for damn sure I mean one of these lines has got to be a couple thousand and I mean this place is huge oh there’s a spawner in here no no

It could be Millions yeah I it very well could be no I’m so glad that I didn’t have to individually break millions of bucks dear Lord oh I would absolutely lost my mind there’s an exciting room over there I’m just gonna let them be exciting to

Themselves for a moment get out of here you know another thing that we haven’t utilized tremendously as far as the minds go that I think is also pretty beneficial is that if you do like sort of the adventure side like with cap is going out and doing now

Um the difficulty of the game scales based on how far you are from Spawn so like if what you really like out of Minecraft is just going out adventuring like it it doesn’t trivialize the content eventually like you just go a little further and you’re challenged again

Yeah what is your your fresh hell in that room uh it was just a bunch of The Upside Down dudes on the ceiling and the upside down dudes uh are they just like walk on the ceiling yeah they’re both dude that that is mod that’s part of it okay the ceiling

Vanilla but all it does is flip the model upside down it still walks on the ground okay okay so it’s like this is this seems like something I am not familiar with no the dinner bone just flips the model upside down but in the mod it also puts

Them on the ceiling and so which is kind of amazing skeletons with spider heads with bows and I entered the room and they all turned and looked at me and that seemed terrible is there curious do I have like a freaking reverse gravity spell can I do that feels like a missed opportunity

I don’t think so stop shooting of course it’s YouTube it’s on the ceiling stop it and they all have uh Enchanted bows so it’s just like is this really dark room it’s just a bunch of purple just a bunch of glowing bows trained at you yeah yeah

Yeah I can see how that might be a little discomforting I also found a a new breed of Creeper oh yeah they’re called Spruce creepers and uh it drops Spruce locks so are they aggressive maybe I’m thinking of the Jungle creeper do they look like they’ve

Almost got like a a weird headdress on them he’s about to blow me up so that’s great I think it’s a jungle creeper yeah maybe yeah maybe oh oh but he’s got like little mushrooms on his head but he drops two Spruce logs when he dies it would be right Concord duck that

Would be awesome what would the screen do though that’s my question like that’d be weird yeah that honestly that might be why that’s not an option because they the the Minecraft camera is not particularly robust like there’s not a lot of complexity to it let me break your spawner

Oh there’s two spawners I break the next spawner so ideally I think it would be cooler if it flipped the camera so that it essentially just looks like the world’s upside down I think that would be very cool I mean awful awesome the differences I’m just

Thinking of all the ways that would make me sick nah you just gotta you just gotta muscle through there’s no muscling the only muscles being exercise are the freaking stomach muscles from throwing up yeah yeah exactly correct that’s the muscles in play there yeah I don’t need those do

Not need a workout we’re good all right everybody I was doing something in a recent game that like oh actually it was Minecraft like I’m I’m very resistant to getting motion sick due to games for some reason oh man I’m so susceptible but like I was trying to

Yeah right I I don’t think the Minecraft camera can turn upside down by default I don’t know I don’t know if it handled it I don’t know it was when I was trying to excavate that stupid um cave wall for the the village that we were looking at for building you the ink

In one and I I got my auto clicker going and so I could just like wildly swing the mouse around and just mash and auto clicker like on everything that got in my way and that that was finally enough that I was like all right that’s a little much

I gotta I gotta tone it down but I think it was specifically because like it was too inhuman like it wasn’t a natural movement it was just me flailing wildly in an attempt to mine I am I am a first person stuff I I can tell like I played Minecraft in first person

But when I started playing Minecraft I played it in third person at the beginning uh and like made it to first person but if I don’t play for a few days I can tell it’s so bizarre all right well the cave is slightly larger but I do need it to be deeper um

I don’t know if I wanted to be oh well here goes nothing I guess now we gotta do it in a more annoying organized way because I can I’m using the small shots that dig way farther drop the floor disappointing chest slap this to touch the other fun thing about this mod is

That it has some of its own music so there’s like more music added like it’s just there’s all kinds of stuff going on in this granted I don’t have the music on because there’s still not enough new music for me and so I’m just running

Well but even like I was thinking I was looking at a music disc uh there’s a ton of them yeah well I’m I’m sure that every one of those discs is representative of it you made me smack the Firefly That’s So Rude why why who I it came in my face oh

Not me I didn’t make you do anything although I am breaking enough blocks that I thought maybe the server might have like slightly oh no good bruh this dude was dude was on the ceiling two store y I’m on the floor we’re both directly below and above each other and like just

Trying to shoot each other I’m like can you move look at this glorious efficiency of how quickly I can mine a space it’s pretty good I love it so much all right I got your spawner what I’m gonna dig this oh I got more Aya this is an iron what is this it’s

Cold Charcoal blocks break it break it break it break it break it the other thing that’s weird about this or feels weird if you play a lot of vanilla is that you have to break all the spawners oh that’s true plates torches within a perimeter around them

So you can’t really light them up I haven’t tested with bite blocks like I mean I think I can put the Mage lights yeah that works I assume that would turn them off maybe yeah I think that’s part of their efforts to make it a little more

Adventury right like yeah but like it casts blindness on you when you start breaking them and like it starts so like there are consequences to breaking a spawner but you also have to break the spawner yeah they made the spawners like a a meaningful sort of Adventure interaction rather than just being sort

Of the the common thing that you deal with the same way you want those fusions all right well my my pattern has been thrown off I don’t know see weird stuff it says you’re hearing things as the flavor text I didn’t I sting I you know

What I’m grabbing it I’m gonna play with it later you know what I don’t know why I’m concerned clearly the I was trying to keep things level down there but obviously that’s not going to be an option because well the floor isn’t level I have dug into a cave this freaking go crazy

Yeah it casts poison and blindness on you when you start breaking spawners murder murder let’s just go to town oh hey like spider what the heck white spiders those just all oh I see what’s happening the the blight stuff like when it dies it has a message in the chat as though

It were a player it’s real weird yeah I don’t know what the deal is with those guys did you see the message when I killed it uh maybe I wasn’t paying attention I did I just wonder if it’s localized or not it is not I just I

Should have shot it that would have been cool because you would have seen the name of my bow and it’s a pun oh it’s a shame I need to kill something with oh I’ve got I’ve got silverfish oh I guess they’re not gonna show up are they no of

Course no you gotta do blood kill that well anyway I named my halibur the Hal burn which I thought was fine you named it the What the how bird Like a Bird yeah like h-o-w-b-r-b-i-r-d how bird because it’s a halberd Albert the halberd oh like Howard well it’s just halberd because it sounds

Like hybrid I think I think I need to see it because I’m not getting it the way you’re saying it to me how how bird is the word of the weapon yeah Albert yep yep I named it halberd like how how bird okay like how a bird

I like my halberd even if you don’t I don’t dislike it I just don’t understand when you say things to me of course the pun is in the spelling and you’re just saying it’s true Albert Albert it’s it’s close but different blindness they also introduced some uh interesting like Shield

Enchantments like this one oh it’s true blindness on someone when you block their attack with the shield because normally you can’t enchant a shield right you can put on breaking on it oh well I’m breaking that’s yeah yeah not much else there’s nothing of like interest it’s just no no no yeah there’s

Not stuff that will trigger when you oh my gosh well also I mean I guess I should make the note that of course also they added a bunch of weapons I’m using a halberd the reach on the halberd is so good I’ve taken for granted the fact that I’m just

Using a halberd forever the nice thing is when they oh get out of here yeah shoot each other just fine yeah there’s like a bunch of other weapons totally fine I just prefer the halberd hey Oakley finished upgrading the hospital I’m think I’m gonna have to

Give him a new task because I don’t think got something to do next oh why should I go have him build some of the uh Barracks Towers the nice thing is sometimes shoot each other and then Beau fights on the ceiling and ignore me while I Break Stuff which is Pleasant

I’ll click the winner also the Ender Dragon was a lot harder oh my by the way don’t don’t go into that expecting a vanilla experience wow we got we didn’t expect a vanilla experience and we still got a hard time yeah it was something else a worthy boss boss encounter boss encounter

Certainly Worthy it was fun going in cold though oh for sure that’s why I’m not gonna reveal anything just it’s harder just know it’s harder there’s minimal spoilers is always good harder though know that break it break it break it break it no no I’m hitting you with a torch I don’t

Want to hit you with a torch I want to hit you with my hell bird I’m leaving so much Cobble behind I mean I don’t care we’re tired of listening to spiders so tired I haven’t found any mending books I’m so sad all these spiders are no mending demanding

I still hadn’t finished this route no no no no no oh the other thing that’s fun about this is that you can uh use power crystals and health crystals to increase yeah that’s apparently a leveling mechanic a little bit that’s apparently tied to the um the scaling difficulty

Um is the scaling health so that kind of enables you to be able to fight the higher difficulty stuff yeah because you can kill monsters you get health crystals you use the health Crystal and it increases your max health yeah that’s great and then power crystals increase your base uh weapon

Day like rank oh weapon damage yeah I mean strength yes but strength is an actual stack yeah so it gives a an additional path of sort of advancement and then there’s the magic which is another sort of path of potential advancement yep because that’s honestly that’s the big

Thing that I kind of feel like Minecraft vanilla is missing is organized uh advancement structures and well for my enjoyment I should say because obviously not every game needs that it’s not necessarily what Minecraft sets out to do and there’s nothing wrong with that that it doesn’t but for my enjoyment

Adding that sort of organized progression structure gives me like a lot more satisfaction and and something to strive for and something to work towards and do um speaking of a heart Christmas more so than you know just Minecraft which is like do whatever you want build stuff

Make it look cool which is cool which I enjoy I yeah I simply don’t have the attention span to do it in the vanilla way because I have a tendency to work in much broader strokes and then Kappa comes in like the minute niceties yeah makes the the little Minor Details

A little more put together which makes this a good team for Minecraft purposes and I’m and I am sad they really like the chainmail yeah well get out I don’t know what’s up with that I feel like the goal is mostly for you to find um armor instead of like building it what

The heck is that is that Divine helmet can deflect a hit once in a minute I think it’s part of a whole suit it said one of four oh oh that’s right uh the okay well there are like drop that I didn’t get that out of a chest I don’t

Know maybe what the heck that could be because there’s there’s a whole extra like armors mod in there well I think I just encountered one the like the essential armors that’s what gives us immersive yeah that’s it that’s what gives you um access to the the wood armor and

Some other various kinds of armor are all that immersive get out of here so that’s cool baby zombie all last sets which kind of makes me thought it was kind of different armor but the fact that there are armor sets that you can collect and give bonuses

That’s for cool it kind of makes me wonder if they are in any way uh uh tied to like difficulty right like if you go to higher difficulty areas is there a potentially likely 2 300 blocks out I think so maybe oh man Oakley Oakley’s like right at the edge of

Working on that Barracks Tower depending on where I’m at in the cave so he just keeps chiming in with like I’m gonna start working and then I get to the other side of the cave and he’s like you’re too far away I’m gonna go to sleep and then I get back

There and he’s like I’m gonna work on the Bears Tower and I’m like oh no what have I done oh no Oakley creeper exposed me I’m exposed nah hiding behind a wall and the creeper came and lit me up and it took the wall out and now I’m not hiding behind a wall

Plop yep shooting shoot each other that’s right fight amongst yourselves oh well good job oh that’s a bit weird oh something just popped what just popped do I want to get rid of this column I feel like it would improve sight lines if I were to remove that column guys are

Taking too long let me murder you I mean it is however like a nice complete column I could get rid of this one how about this one I think my chest plate popped oh oh no Oakley just decide to work on it or not come on man

Killing me did my chest play pop my chest play pop oh my gear is getting just obliterated yeah shouldn’t let me make you the magic stuff that prepares on Mana okay okay if they’re all fighting each other that’s great I love that yay creeper took out the spawner good

Job keeper time to knock this thing entirely down all right so how wide is it oh don’t cover it uh there’s gonna be that one then here all right down it goes what what no thank you I mean I guess I’ll take these books here baby baby zombie

No thank you baby zombo oh things have gotten a little bit weird down there right oh right I switched this to touch all right recoil why would I want that why would you want is it a curse or is it not a curse uh it’s a curse chance to get back on firing

Yeah but if it’s 100 and that’s something you can use it gave me chain mail boots that have mending on them and it’s like bro unbelievable bro these bro oh all right well that should open up some better sight lines we like that I keep missing and just

Tearing Oakley just work on the damn Tower gotta go get him something else to do oh I can’t handle this he’s gotta freaking my man you gotta work on something in the Square so that you’re like actually regular skeletons get out of here come on Oakley work on this instead make this

Cottage better hopefully upgrade all right Oakley we gotta we gotta change your task because acting the fool over here steel feet you’re falling like a hammer working at least there’s diamonds Oakley upgrading the square Cottage put that priority up I can’t get out the door now it’s raining

What do you need spiders up there suffocating you are confused as to what your current task is Sir and everything you have so I’ve gone up so many floors I’m on the like fifth or sixth floor stop hitting me all right Oakley I’m just gonna babysit you as you go build

This Barracks Tower because clearly that’s like the only thing you want to do but you don’t want to get that far away from me and you allegedly have all the materials already so let’s get you freaking the number of red dots still happening on the mini map over here is

Concerning concerning yeah it’s just like a swarm of them Oakley Oakley you’re running off apparently building this Barracks is about as far away as Oakley can operate or maybe it’s just because I’m far away come on Oakley get on it I wonder what these towers actually look like well it’s gonna be yokely

Ah okay pretty quick ah sorry I’m standing there damn Oakley going to town there are even more upgrades to improve his block placement speed go crazy damn oh my gosh there’s so many spots also why is Oakley working in the rain Oakley getting needed you’re Oakley is just fine working in the rain

Right now for some reason well that was quick thank you Oakley now there was no reason for that to be such a fuss as it was oh boy oh boy we break we break we break we break we break okay Oakley are you going back where are you going

You gonna go work on the other the house like I asked you to make sure he’s got the materials necessary oh you haven’t started yet yeah I don’t even know you don’t even okay look a chest plate that’s great put that on my body anything is better than nothing right

Anything is better than nothing indeed is that one of the chest chess pieces that I had Enchanted or you put that one away good so I don’t know maybe but it wasn’t that good it wasn’t that extensively upgraded no no no no no no okay

I tend to take trash gear when I’m going yeah I know that’s that’s kind of your your typical Strat oh why are there more stairs up I don’t want to go up anymore these kids are dropping enchanted diamond swords by the way damn zombie I am looting I’m looting stuff

You’re being very rude no one cares about you right now a lot of materials for this house let’s put that guy on all right ugly go crazy I don’t know why you don’t care about the rain hopefully it’s just decided to be like nope I don’t care about the rain anymore it’s fine

But how did we do over here not bad okay so we knocked down most of this pillar came from that way to open up a little bit more sight line okay I like okay everybody relax okay what if you shot each other I like to have Vision over to here

This whole area is cool okay and actually technically within Town limits although it’s really vertical they’ll take forever if I had to make any of the citizens walk up and down like stairs to this place so I don’t think I can really build it down there but it is cool looking

All right I will worry about that later all right continue our journey and smashing walls these bows have like so much knockback on them I’m getting tossed around like crazy oh yeah yeah pretty sure that’s what the enchanted because it is like nuts and I don’t think there’s any kind of

Like new enhancement to reduce the amount of slapping around that happens which is a shame because that feels like it’d be really helpful well armor actually takes oh it doesn’t matter yeah it’s vanilla interesting I think it has just a chance to block yourself this sometimes doesn’t take the knockback

Where was the stairway that I was really getting that uh that Minecraft view bump today it sometimes I haven’t got like 33 views on the stream which is I really is people love to watch it can certainly be fun to watch but sadly I can only play something I’m enjoying actively otherwise

What’s the freaking point you know I Found You The Mod that you enjoy yup I will I will put what time I can in it as well stream get get some views the problem is I I feel like at least some degree of Minecraft viewers are relatively like dedicated Minecraft

Viewers and so yeah they’ll come back for the Minecraft yeah as as a variety streamer it can be a challenge to sort of pull those people into the fold so to speak you know all I can do is give them the chance to have a good time that’s the best I can do

All right let’s see here please tell me this is the top floor I’m so tired of this place please I’m just so tired it’s a shame they don’t have the the signs on the floor like our mind does then you can know how far you’ve gone I do intend to put another uh

Mine down here in the cave as well by the way oh interesting I’m gonna try to have a whole District um however of course we can’t ignore the fact that the town hall down here takes up an ungodly amount of space so we’ll see what I can fit

Originally I had planned to have like um a another Stone smelter the the mine I was actually gonna try to put the the other storage building down here though that would also be fairly large just mostly as a set piece and we could store stuff here if we wanted rather than being inactive

Uh active Warehouse not pushing me I’m trying to break your spawners stop pushing me I’m trying to break your spawner oh yeah that knockback has got to be really inconvenient for that I kind of forgot that that’s going to keep you from effectively getting rid of their

Yeah it’s rough man yeah that is inconvenient fine get up all right get out of here with your babies on your back outside this freaking level we’re almost there man I’m so excited for Path of Exile too I mentioned Path of Exile earlier and I’m like man I’m really looking forward

I I hope I’m not going to end up like disappointed just because they I hope they maybe have the hard mode like from the get-go because like I like the hard mode so much I don’t want to lose that by going to the second one but

I also want the new stuff out of the second one yeah the stuff sounds really good yeah it does look like it’s going to be a little bit harder though and just overall mostly because a lot of the like every main area seems like it’s going to

Have sort of a boss and every boss is going to have like meaningful mechanics rather than sort of the the earlier game stuff that was relatively like mundane in path back saw because it was you know from like their game design from like good God like 10 years ago or whatever game’s

Been around for a long time now the amount of upgrade updates they’ve done to it is really impressive actually okay moment of truth let’s take a look at what trying to add the damn Castle looks like now okay we take the pants off before they break okay how does it look

All right all right okay okay this this this looks like it mostly pits you know something that I kind of forgot that I can do is if if I do creative build this it will clear the whole box of everything in it for me

So I guess I can just push this into the Cliff face back here oh here’s the edge of and just let it knock out let it deal with it yeah okay so here’s here’s the edge of the town which means that can just a little beyond that is going to be

So what would happen if I actually if I pushed it back to the town Edge what’s that going to look like because I want I want enough space down here to actually freaking also build I wonder if it’ll let me build here even though it’s technically outside of town

Limits on one of the chunks okay so that would be the edge and that’s gonna wait okay where’s the top how hello top I need to see the top there it is okay so that that will technically fit oh that would look pretty rad I’m not oh that’s that’s pretty good

Oh something just popped uh some of that is supposed to be a basement okay so that would be the right level there I mean I guess let’s put The Mending helmet on that probably won’t break do I want that to be centered where do I want that

I mean I could put it like over here that it’s kind of like right on this Edge I mean that’s pretty cool power overlooking all right you know what I can get behind that I think I think we have a place for this to go is that a goblin Trader that spawned in

Here it sure is okay all right and now you’re going to give me planes if I try to build this right yeah you are too close to your existing town hall to place another wait I can have a second one I guess just have to be far enough away regardless

We have a place for this all right that means we’re gonna try to go download a backup of the server in case I destroy my town because I do not want to lose my town I have worked very hard servers hop on over file manager it’s bad boy kissing

Are you gonna are you gonna let me download while the server’s running are you gonna give me some grumbles how do you feel about that huh And download please wait I’m waiting come on it’s a server surely it it can pull a file off of it while it’s active that’s what like the servers are for some home system file system I wish I didn’t use the word system twice I was gonna say yeah it was too late it’s

Called a file system the decision had been made I couldn’t I couldn’t back out I was doomed when I said home system home PC file system um and it grumbles when when you try to use stuff that’s actively being used are you excitingly I can fit this stupid thing in the cave

Hope fully it does in fact clear the whole cube of stuff otherwise I’m gonna have some very tedious bit of extraction that I’m gonna have what the heck I just got Divine legs but I got it from breaking I got it from breaking this coal block what the diviniest cold block I don’t

Understand oh I got a respiration two book I’ll take that I guess it’s not mending but it’s not nothing Damn the world’s over a gig in size now we’re really uh really piling it on the world here well then all right oh my gosh there’s more steps why I want to well you know actually that’s not even the last time I downloaded it when we switched to the other world to make

Sure that we had a backup it was already 973 Megs so all right I want to world’s just big I guess with this place world’s bigger I’m sure the mods have a significant impact on that I’m sure all of them how many floors are there a hundred thousand

I mean are you going up or are you going down up I mean what’s your what’s your like Z level are you surely you gotta be running 126. oh yeah you’re right level I hate that they switched it I mean you’re you’re you got to be getting up there

Yeah I can see yummik the toxic now on my map he’s like that sounds like a boss yeah I’m gonna have like no gear by the time I get to him because I’ve just been battered within an inch of my life actually what if I this looks like it’s

It’s leaving me with a pretty good chunk of space to make to fill in with other such it’s just nicely shot that other spider that’s rude welcome then we can add other various things down here such as the maybe another Courier a warehouse some houses um I’ve got 50 million numbers

I’m just waiting for it to download then I’m gonna go lap the Old Town Hall and I’m gonna replace it with the fancy new one in the in the cave I feel like once we get this cave going I’m gonna have to rename the town because

I feel like the the fact that it’s overlooking a jungle is no longer the notable feature of this town it’s outgrown being the jungle Overlook what the heck it is it has become something greater than that me foreign yeah fight each other good job man we really did find an interesting place to

Put this not that the terrain necessarily was interesting but like at least like the Little River Nook that the yeah Townsend is pretty interesting it’s a very believable place for a town to be first and foremost like it’s got a river the river’s pretty close to the ocean this is a new

Centerpiece that’s kind of cool we’ve got a column of magma cubes and a glass case in here which is interesting new okay zombos get out of here look at all my busy little workers running around why is that chest empty why are you hey friend what are you currently

Working on are you working on anything that’s so rude why is that chest got something you’re working on what’s the point of the chest materials that you’re lacking and then Skye I think is working on the tavern um I should make sure that Skye’s got everything what the

Oh I’m looking forward then to that being done what are you missing Skye I really need to go through and like gather all of the things that are necessary to make die because we need to go and like babysit the dye shop so that we can give

Him all the recipes like here’s how you make dye here yeah it’s how you add that die to freaking wool to make that because I think the dye shop is being underutilized because it’s such a pain in the ass to go through all of the dyes is really what it is

So many of them I wish you didn’t we didn’t have to teach it to him like individually because it’s it’s kind of annoying I don’t even know why I’m bothering to pick up this iron we have so much iron true we do have a lot of iron all right we’re still just

Downloading them server might be good at running Minecraft but it’s certainly not good at being downloaded from downloading files yeah they really slow that uh bit right okay okay stop showing off that you can fit through that black stupid spider it’s worn out am I gonna do it before I finish downloading

I gotta risk it I think there’s also ways to get pulled back up as well but I don’t know I’m gonna do it ah the Town Hall’s gone uh okay um it hasn’t quite collapsed yet oh although my oh no it’s still there we’re all we’re all good and then yeah

Okay he’s got a whole bunch of messages now let me go away first like damn this is so much fancier there’s my thing okay Colony name is still correct you still have permissions citizens are still here statistics the work orders are still in order okay colony is okay you should definitely

Find your way back because we now have a new exciting Town Hall in a cave you should make sure that the villagers still have access to it like they don’t have to yeah they’ll um yeah I’m gonna have a house they’re gonna go there yeah so they’ll boy sorry guys

Sorry for that during climbing letters is hard okay and they they will climb ladders so no I yeah there there’s there’s now a ladder in the corner which will accommodate them it is it is quite a trip down here though I’m sorry for anybody who’s gonna have to make that Journey

I will try my best to make sure you have homes so that you don’t feel it necessary to come down here but I don’t know what I’m doing I’m hearing a music disc now this is sort of the main entrance so we come in here To light it up a little more over there now we can see it I have 128 bones so I don’t need more bones I do want to clear the space around it a little bit it did a lot of the work but it’s it’s a bit close at the moment let’s

Let’s extricate it so that it’s got a little bit of breathing room shall we okay I can I can hear a music display right man this was quite the Endeavor getting this thing down here I really didn’t think it was gonna be that hard and then it turned out to be absolutely gigantic

Very hard not to accidentally I wonder if there was like a floor underneath that I missed uh no I definitely didn’t see any lighters down oh wait why is this can you not get any more hit points than dark blue I don’t know why do I have to so carefully extricate

This area why didn’t this knock this out better what the heck why are you like this why did these stay leave me alone oh these are like that too huh uh maybe I guess that’s okay does that look like from the inside got an anvil here

I can’t wait for you to come back and take a look at this thing it’s so crazy I can see some of it on here although I’m not paying a ton of attention because I’m trying out prison here now has blood in the prison oh no it’s using the Redstone as blood as

We’ve I believe established that that’s a thing they do yep yeah well prison has been used here this takes so many hits why did I just why why have you done this some of the stuff is not Place baby zombies the one with the backpack of for the music oh that’s

Funny hilarious why are there so many baby zombies right now what is happening oh there’s still music are there more music some of the some of the pieces when you do create a kind of get placed a little improperly and you gotta kind of fix

Them I think the dark blue might be the cap on the it could be oh chicken Cable in here oh what the heck is this room cool oh there’s an enchanting table there’s an enchanting table that’s cool I’m so tired of listening to spiders we have some form of a little like Barracks

Area got some like Throne styled seating as well which is cool all right I can see down there yolmec the toxic so there you’ve got a window that’s kind of the other side of this wall foreign this place is really big it’s crazy big what the devil there’s so many bedrooms in here

Oh Proclamation balcony this the lantern specifically didn’t get placed properly in this place some of many of them at least it’s weird I gotta go through and like put them back on chains where they belong we shoot across we kill oh that is a skeleton creeper hello skeleton creeper lanterns on

This this one doesn’t have a little Tower side does it feels like a flagpole but I’m gonna put a lantern on top because that feels appropriate to feel like my lanterns could go there too okay the lanterns on all the spiky bits they might be just spiky bits but we’re in a cave

So spiky bits get lanyard now if that makes sense to me you’re ghoul breathing as well as the music disc playing ghouls are like a wild model there’s a pretty cool creepy I did not enjoy my first encounter in with one like I stopped coming at me and I was like nope

Surprise no thank you that’s a little bit more light which is good because well it’s real freaking dark in here I feel like you should look at what Decor roads there are that you can lay down that include oh Lance lamps and stuff yeah before I build any bellies down here build any

More buildings yeah yeah for sure I need to figure out my strategy for getting people from the the the mid-level like the entry level down to the bottom level I’m not totally sure how I want to do that right now I don’t know what we need pistons for but I’m collecting them

Because there’s just so many of them over here this cave ended up very large turns out it’s like it’s almost the uh the castle in the back is far enough that it’s it’s not out of vision range but it is as a far enough that the banners disappear

I don’t know they’re like a moving model or whatever so they they get yeah they’re a different type of yeah they get rendered differently and in this case we’re gonna run in here a little less and let the skeleton creeper oh my gosh stop Mr presidenting the spawner

I mean honestly that is the best strategy they could possibly have oh no finally this did have the unintended consequence of unlocking a lot of the space uh behind the Hound or well now being part of the town and really intend for that to happen but

It is a town hall so I guess it expands the town quite significantly makes sense it does I won’t really be able to use too much of it because we’re definitely reaching the the bounds of effective simulation like only half the town gets simulated at a time or too damn far apart

I can still hear that song playing in the background and it’s like where where is it kind of terrifying okay oh look at that oops like in there yeah I might have to rely on you to spruce up the area immediately around the castle sure kind of situate it within the

Well yeah mostly because obviously it just chunked a giant cube out right because I stuck it in a wall and I said create so it turned into a freaking box I’ll knock out a little bit of this the sight lines whoopsies well I didn’t really mean to do that but

Honestly now that I’m doing it why do I hear a cat hissing what is happening generally the the roof in here is gonna need some help to kind of get it looking like a cave roof yeah honestly I think that could be a really cool opportunity though for like

Hanging stuff and all kinds of interesting things down here yeah okay please tell me this is the last level you fit in there for so long it’s taking forever I just want mending kind of amusingly wild mending books oh no I was I was missing well that’s a

Lot okay I finally killed the guy wearing the music backpack you got that going for us I’m running out of torches and I brought a ton of extra sticks and charcoal with me he’s like baby why do I hear a cat hissing where’s the cat slap around and rough up

This Edge so that it looks slightly less that was cool I hate it I hate turning around and seeing that thing like running on you it’s the worst I think this named dude is actually in the cave next to the thing oh no let’s go I had concerns that that was gonna

I have spawned so many silverfish in here I got is this the last level hey the tavern’s done why did I hear breaking clips yeah yeah what’s new did you hear the sound of glass breaking when the tavern got made no what the heck not that I noticed at least or Tavern

What is going on Tavern looking stylish so styling oh yeah it does hello oh the rooms are expanded there’s a third floor now one of the rooms are on the third floor second floor is just the two rooms so there’s more nice oh this is a cool room this

Nice guy are you still been here building oh neat each each room is actually a little bit different like this one’s got a balcony no zombie this one’s got the two beds and a little bit of a extra Nook and there’s the Loft on the third floor I’m at 142. cool

Cool cool cool uh uh I don’t know oh right what’s that I feel like uh the visitors got a little bit bugged though because they all have for a while now just crammed themselves next to the oh crammed themselves into a corner yeah next to the the building Tavern building location they’re just

Like I live here and then there’s this guy with a scary murder face It Breaks the Rules and he doesn’t hide in the corner just there to greet you when you show up stupid wait are you just scared surely not you guys are just are you

Scared of this guy is that why you hide that’d be amazing no no oh my chat is being confusing because I’m oh there it is Beethoven the great the green white and gray flag hold on let me let me go get it back to daytime and then I will try to find what

Green black and gray flag you are referring to oh my green black and gray flag right that one the the green white gray and black flag is the uh agender flag my flag right yeah see that’s I was like game flag Minecraft flag no my flag my down there in the corner

The green gray and white is the well in the black on the borders but it’s hard to see on my dark background that’s the age Ender flag I see Skye I see Skye welcome also all right uh oh right I forgot what I was doing what Bullseye what does that mean oh the

Archery range got upgraded I guess you weren’t here when the uh the archery range was built originally I was fighting so right I assumed you had done some sort of killing while you were out there but no no no Sky do you have a job right now you

Don’t why do I want skydiving let me break this Um uh I could have a work on the smeltery that seems good get on it Skye Man I think I found the top level I think I’m about to hit are you are you finally going to be able to escape your oh my gosh there’s whatever spider home I hope so there’s so many dudes on the ceiling here all right now what am I doing ah yes that’s right

Uh let’s look at Decor roads I am on a server uh but it is a private server so I’m afraid we are not uh accepting any other joining uh decorations okay so let’s switch Styles no big boss up here which is like good but also kind of disappointing yeah

So this one doesn’t even have roads in our medieval um it’s got good roads what’s caledonia’s roads look like do they have roads uh yeah they do and actually one of the upper levels is like gravel with Stone Road so it might look nice so they got

Wrote that’s like a single oh there it is um that’s kind of basic lack of diamonds okay Diamond block oh right there are levels I need I made it there there are stairs I could use stairs to get a path down uh look at the top level of that yeah that might actually match depending on yeah we can potentially also when you lay that down

Can you rotate the camera so you’re looking at the back of it magnet yeah look look at them oh it’s got the rail in there yeah well that’s complicated yeah it was a lot when I put it down I just want stairs yeah what what if I

Just want the stairs Jesus I just want stairs like relax And this was this was roads rather than Avenues oh I think maybe that’s the main difference Avenues seem to not have oh Avenues are like basic dirt pads roads include they all include do they all include this one doesn’t seem to have it oh wait at highest level

Yeah okay the roads all include rail okay I mean we talked about wanting to do right I know I probably should give some kind of rail in and out of this place because like I mean it’s it’s very far away diamond leggings diamond boots um so how do I do this stop hitting

That’s pretty sizable relax okay that’s a large Plaza builds by rail alleys oh there’s your just stairs stop it monorail where are you coming from uh I wonder if I should just actually maybe I should just just make some regular ass stairs Mod pack called mine colonies that’s the thing and it’s uh wild it’s extensive really good but it’s huge so let’s go take a quick look at the Old Colony as as another opportunity so essentially it turns Minecraft into a a colony Sam like you know Rim world or uh

What’s another really common one um actually that’s really the main one that comes to mind um where you’ve got a lot more villagers the villagers have jobs the villagers have requests you can direct the villagers to build buildings for you they have their jobs that they do to

Keep the village running they need food they cook they have a mine they gather materials all that stuff so this is this is our Colony we spent quite a while sort of building it up it very much as intended uh not with very much creative

Um but now it’s to such a degree that at least I have sort of moved to pose decorating doing some more decorating and just like going creative getting some really fancy giant stuff getting things looking nice as they kind of continue to build and exist in the town

See just a man looking from above there’s a there’s a lot of freaking buildings this thing is real big but all of these buildings were built by the villagers I did not manually build any of these buildings we put the blueprint down we say hey Builder get to building and he’s like

You got it boss you might actually literally say you got it boss and then off he goes and today I have been trying to get a cave down here as a new district with all sorts of interesting things um mainly I was trying to excavate it sufficiently that

I could build this big ass Castle down here uh uh it took some effort this is another this is a blueprint from the mine Colony so I didn’t build it Brick by Brick I have a building tool which you can see here it has you know given me the the

Outline of this possible construction here and then if I just build it it’s just instantly there because I’m in creative mode I don’t have to have a builder build it normally a builder would build this over time but I am impatient now and I simply want my place to be cool um

Yeah so I’m a little less confident about using those roads because I don’t know if I want the uh edition of the Rails under them I think we should use the model rails instead because they just they have a much smaller footprint so whatever you

Want to do I’m fine with they can get in and out yeah I think that’s that’s the better route however I still got to figure out some roads down here so this is this is lower because it was a cave that I destroyed um all right let’s take a look

Um what about the actual cave style what are your roads look like structure Mega Halls on your spaces oh interesting intersections where are you oh yeah okay so this this one’s really intended to be just built literally into caves cool actually okay so these aren’t really going to be roads however

These would be doing main gate Courtyard main gate Dock and I see Quarry inserts wow this is some like extensive cave stuff this is a pretty cool tile set the cavern one oh wow that’s I see what that is oh man I might have to stick one of these down here oh it’s

So big it takes up so much space though there’s a decoration here that it looks like it’s designed so that if you if you have a quarry that runs its course you can put this on there because it’s a Cory cap and it turns it into like a huge Garden

In the the Quarry like Terrace that’s cool Isn’t that cool I almost want to cram one down here but God it takes up so much space so cool I’m getting a lot of diamond gear just as a heads up you know what maybe maybe I’ll find a use for that I’m a fall

Oh Magma Tree Crimson blue tree cool some custom trees for you neat some nice decorations there Gates whoa gate whoa whoa the decoration options are something else in here I’m no longer listening the spiders to spiders it’s so good I still hear a cat hiss indication oh yeah

All right so where was Jesus that hole because I saw the name to do man these gates are crazy this is cool oh outside I’m a little confused as to how these are supposed to work it’s like well they actually not destroy the area around it as they build it

I feel like it’s just gonna tear it open but I feel like it’s intended to be doing there buddy like in the mountain itself Okay so okay cavern’s got some stuff but it certainly doesn’t have roads what about the still act height that one was kind of that’s cave certainly cave adjacent

Stalactite cave so it’s got the name cave in it I’m intrigued here we go some rose-ish Corners stairs Road s roads with grass section whoa steep stairs make like pyramids oh Stone Bridges it’s pretty good Bridges I like that I don’t know if I have somewhere to put those here

I’m just kind of gonna have to look at things until I get inspired like I don’t know where to put things all right well there’s dark prismarine on here so I’m just gonna what major sort of shapes do I want this room to take flowers okay I think the big boss was

Accidentally on the outside like on the roof yeah whoopsies instead of the big open space and the okay um Pagoda do you have roads what are your got Bridges you got you got a lot of bridges why do you have so many bridges I mean Pagoda I feel like is

Like Japanese inspired they got all those lovely Bridges like I guess so Garden Bridges the Asians there are some Pagoda Bridges that’s for damn sure so the the guy who was like the big bad the toxic I think maybe would have poisoned me like he would release a puff

Of steam and that was the cat hissing noise well and he was holding 32 Crimson fungus okay for some reason so all right so that’s not really I got those uh player home Lakota player home hello on this to yourself I did check out the castle Yeah inner men must have made it

I gotta say your your cave is kind of dark scary that’s fine wow they can’t spawn in here anyway oh that’s right I’ve tried to light it relatives see the bloody prison oddly enough though there’s only the one the one prison here instead of like why

Why did the other Town Hall have so much prison space hang out by the cell like what I mean I guess I don’t know it’s kind of wild I like these Gardens though yeah like the entry is so cool hey A little stall for horses yeah a very saw yeah right here I guess this is just a it’s a room back here yeah I hadn’t wandered back there yet yo ain’t that cool is it put your flags in here yeah there’s a special connection a special construction for uh Colony flag that the

Mod adds and you give it to them and they put it down me oh hey up here yeah this is cool isn’t it it’s much bigger than the other one hey yeah oh this is oh a lot of diamond weapons on item frames actually there’s a

Diamond sword the the main room had a diamond ax I believe oh there’s like a whole hallway of yeah what the heck like I said there’s freaking there’s I’m this is I’m lost this is so much it’s so much right it’s so so much

This is why it took me so long to make enough space for it I was like it’s so huge I want you well getting down ladders I don’t know but yeah let me go there’s just several bedrooms like a whole a whole party of players could

Exist in this place yeah this is cool I also actually forgotten to get to the third floor because I forgot that there were the stairs there when I was looking around it earlier this one is like ready to be decorated however you want it’s like an attic oh yeah there’s like a spider

That’s a cool stair way oh yeah you’re the the fancy spiral back there yeah a like a big spiral staircase It’s yeah it’s one of the back it’s the back like covered Tower so you can’t get to the roof yeah they’re cool in this cool this is very cool that’s why I was like okay I gotta I gotta make the other Town Hall we really missed out by

Being forced into that one although my God would it have taken Oakley a long time to build that thing yeah oh like I’m I’m kind of glad that I created it up but because God is so cool so big it’s just a whole thing and it’s tall it’s so tall

I don’t think it was ever intended to be put into a cave no I certainly did it how do I put it in that damn cave yeah uh the stairs here oh I’m I’m falling the uh the ergonomics of the space isn’t exactly there right now

Um no the the flow is off no we were largely focused on getting the giant ass castle in the back of the cave oh you know what I didn’t find mini book you know what you did find though a giant ass castle in the back of

The cave all right and I I just like to remind you that by doing the teleport though you did miss the fact that this is this is the entryway right like this is this is how you enter and like well bam yeah and now I have enough space to put

Some like City buildings up in front of it yeah I think we probably want to clear out the stuff at the back of it too at least some of it yeah yeah it’s too close for sure no I agree but I’m just trying to get it

That’s cool yo I gotta figure out how to get the stairs down to look good as well you can see all the stuff I found uh I will yeah like you can see that I I cared for like a moment when I made the nice Stairway to the level I thought was

Going to be required yeah yeah and then it turned out I needed to go like 30 blocks down more and then I was like all right well I freaking tried now I gotta just excavate a mountain and then I’ll come back to this in a minute I guess I tried

All right let’s let’s take a look at your your winnings then I think I might wrap up for stream because I feel like the the big castle is the big win so let’s see what you came back with hang on I’m emptying your Wild Adventures out there

I was trying to keep it nicely sorted and then and then it failed yeah well because I forgot that I can keep two stacks of things in my life yeah the double stack backpack that was pleasing you’re welcome which is also a shame we need to figure out how to upgrade the

Backpack uh upgrade because it can be more than a double stack I think really knew how to upgrade that upgrade that’d be great upgrade Square more upgrade the Uber upgrade the Uber grade Ender dragon head over here oh speaking of upgrades I should take some of those blocks of emeralds and upgrade the racks in the warehouse because that’s the thing we can do all right there you go those those which one the top two nope to your left yep

Plus all of the gear I’m wearing I had to switch all my gear out foreign golden apples box gold ah those Divine gear looks pretty cool yeah I’m kind of sad I didn’t find it also dyable impaling and feather falling wait yeah two things can’t be on this

Side no you can’t be on the same thing vanilla does that too you have to yeah depending on what you put it on freaking rude and then oh it’s Med kits that’s nice always love to make kids and a bunch of gold yeah nice I haven’t actually put the

Divine helmet on what does it look like let’s find out oh they’re pretty cool they’re not catty they’re like feathers horns ish yeah they’re like it’s hard to say oh oh are they animated pixel no it’s showing my pixels yeah it’s it’s what it’s doing okay it’s like

I guess chain style so it’s got the whole yeah interesting interesting indeed oh Tavern takes up a lot more space you know that oh also I wanted to put this curse so curse what curse of illusions on do I hear anything oh yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t really hear anything

Okay whatever I’m gonna put these over here dude all right well now that we we’ve taken a look at that I think I’m going to wrap stream up okay so thanks everybody for coming by stopping by saying hi nice I didn’t even do that on purpose

To be fair two of the Rhymes were the same word so right there you know I can’t take full credit on that regardless yeah thanks for hanging out um I don’t know how much more Minecraft I’ll be doing but I don’t have an immediate plan for what else I’m doing because

As mentioned earlier black tail kind of annoyed me so but I should be back Friday for something whatever that something may be I’ll figure it out uh but I hope everybody has a good rest of the week and I’ll see you next time bye bye sequence person appropriate dosage of a compound

Three four seven initiating phase four of memory calibration foreign

This video, titled ‘[Modded Minecraft] Now for some creative beautification! [ep 5]’, was uploaded by P0.e – AI Vtuber on 2023-08-10 03:12:51. It has garnered 70 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:13 or 10213 seconds.

I’m the quantum intelligence P0.e, streaming three times a week here on YouTube.

Ask me about model making!

If you’re having a good time, please remember to like and subscribe! Sadly, it is the lifeblood of Youtube videos.

Mod used is MineColonies: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/minecolonies-official


Be respectful to me and others.

Don’t self promote.

Don’t be a dickhead.

English only.

—- Credits —-

Animated backgrounds, stinger, and logo by Freya (https://twitter.com/FreyaAmari) BRB screen made with background by Steam user MajorGeek76 Stream ending screen made with background by Steam user visualdon Model made by me


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  • Unonics.eu

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  • INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥

    INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥Video Information YouTubers be like Minecraft but if I see an endermite the video ends all right so we spawned in the most normal spawn ever okay we got to make this more interesting oh my gosh no way we spawned in a cheese biome this is so awesome all right I don’t even know why I did this let’s just get out of here okay let’s just go to creative mode oh my gosh no way is this an obsidian biome I haven’t seen one of these in Forever ooh a chest oh my gosh how convenient I got… Read More


    🔥HOTTEST JAVA MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI!🔥 JOIN NOW!Video Information हेलो मोक्स प्रो भाई लाइव आ तो गया आ गया ब्रो लाइव आ गया अच्छा तुम भी लाइव हो ठीक [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] गा जल्दी जल्दी से आ जाओ मेरे फोर की वाचिंग अच्छी है [संगीत] अरे सही है ब्रो मेरे में तीन की आ रही है गा जल्दी जल्दी से जवाइन कर लो यार माफ्ट का न्यू सर्वर र सो रहा है गा जल्दी जल्दी लाइक एंड सब्सक्राइब कर दो और आ जाओ जल्दी से जल्दी जल्दी जवाइन कर लो गाइस इसमें तो मैं ही खेल रहा हूं और कोई खेल नहीं रहा नहीं भी नहीं इस अंदर… Read More

[Modded Minecraft] Now for some creative beautification!  [ep 5]