MrCrayfish – ✔️ How To Place ANY Item as a Block! (Minecraft Mod)

Video Information

Hey guys how’s it going it is mr crayfish and welcome back today i’m going to be showing you guys how to place down any item as a block so today we’re actually looking at a mod which allows you to place vanilla items such as a pumpkin pie or rabbit stew

Something that normally you wouldn’t be able to place down as a block it is absolutely insane and i really love this because now i’m a big fan of decorative mods and as well this mod actually just uses vanilla items it doesn’t add anything in it just is more of an extension to

Vanilla items so the really cool thing is like you can know you can place an apple inside of a kitchen you can place a clock like the clock item up on a wall and it actually works which is really cool so what i’m going to do in this video is

Show you guys how to place the items as a block and then we’re actually going to decorate my mansion and pimp it out with these awesome new decorative items that are already items that are in the game just a block version of them how cool it just sounds cool it just sounds cool

All right folks let’s go ahead let’s get into this what i’m going to do is show you guys how it all works so pretty much you can get any item from the creative tab here and you can actually place it down as a block so anything from the miscellaneous um

Food stuffs here um i think there’s a couple from the tools not all of them but um some of them do you can place down in chapman books which is which is really cool um some from the combat here and then as well from the brewing here which i

Think is really awesome because you can actually place down potions right place down potions you can create some sort of potion room inside of your house we might even attempt to do that in our mansion in this video today so let’s go ahead and let’s grab out a

Couple of things here let me let’s get a diamond let’s get a diamond maybe an iron ingot uh a bucket of water let’s see if we can actually place these down as blocks now how you actually do it is very very simple so all you have to do is just shift or crouch

And then right click wherever you want to place it so let’s place a diamond down right here so boom there we go so you can actually rotate it as well um so if you actually do face straight on here it will actually face you but

You can actually put it on a 45 degree angle if you want to so you’ve got a lot of options there uh when it comes to uh you know designing your mansion or pimping outside pimping your house out so that is the diamond let’s place down the iron ingot

Place an iron ingot on the ground that looks really really cool i like that you could create like a blacksmith a proper blacksmith have a look at have a look at this over here this is our blacksmith but we can actually place down like he’s got iron ingots laying around like dude

Clean up your place like seriously you got iron ingots just everywhere here that actually looks really cool i like that i like that a lot um next one we have here is a water bucket now normally normally if you actually um you know you right clicked with the bucket it

Would actually put water um in the ground like so but if you actually shift and right click it will actually place the bucket of water on the ground how cool does that look that is a really awesome model now if you guys think that this mod is

Awesome make sure you go ahead and snap that like button snap it right in half and if you want to keep up to date with more epic videos of mine make sure you go ahead and subscribe i suggest as well you go ahead and hit the post notification button so you

Definitely get notified when i publish a new video but let’s go ahead let’s get back into this video now i love that that actually just it just fits in perfectly it fits in perfectly so it props to the mod author for actually creating really awesome models um for this mod

Uh but this is not this is like nothing this is like nothing yet we haven’t even looked at any of the other items so what we’re going to do is we’re actually going to decorate our mansion and then we might even see how many items can we place

Like that we can actually place um down so this here is oh hello guys how’s it going that’s my boy right there that’s young greg how are you guys doing i actually haven’t named my bird yet so if you guys have any ideas right i should name my bird let me know

In the description because he needs that he needs a name this is my boy right here let’s see if we can get him on our shoulders hey how you doing boy that’s my boy right there he he likes to mimic young greg here by making barking sounds quite a lot i’m not

Not going to lie quite a lot uh if you guys remember uh we have a jumping castle kitchen uh using my jumping castle mod uh this was a sir piggles idea to have a jumping castle as the kitchen so it’s been a little bit you know it’s been a little

Bit difficult to navigate around here i kind of have to walk on the counter tops to actually um you know get to anywhere inside of the kitchen here but let’s grab that apple let’s grab an apple out here and as i said you can like you know if you have a kitchen

We can theme it around the kitchen so we can have an apple place down here uh can we do that oh no we can’t place on top of the bench what do we do all right hold up can we do this let’s test so is that actually

Oh okay it works again cool cool we can actually we can hack this we can hack this real quickly guys so we place a full block here place an apple and then we place the counter back there we go we’ve got an apple on the counter here really cool

And it looks a lot better than this plate version that i’ve got here um what else could we do can we do bread does bread work you want some bread boy he’s got a breadstick i think i think right you can actually place down like fish so let’s grab the pufferfish clownfish

Maybe ones that are actually alive raw fish salmon here let’s see if we can actually place them down uh let’s do it somewhere where you guys can actually see maybe over here all right so you place that down look at that it’s a puffer fish i’ve never seen that

In a 3d model before that looks really cool i really like the model it’s even a clown fish so it’s like a more of a flat model um the bigger fish here and then this guy whoa the salmon is big the salmon is a big one so small fish

Medium fish big fish so that guy eats that one and then this one eats that one and then nobody eats that one because that one’s too big too big to be eaten um so that’s pretty cool uh what else can we go here melon can we place melon down okay you

Can place melon down this mod is officially amazing so let’s that’s kind of like a bunch of the food items here let’s see what we could actually you know might be good to put in our kitchen i really want to put maybe we could just put that down there maybe that’s young greg’s

We got a little doggy bowl for you we got a little doggy bowl for you this is where i’ll put all your food this is where i put your cheese and crackers have a look at that he’s looking at it you want to get a boy

You don’t want it all right i’m gonna take away that breadstick as well because it doesn’t look like you’re eating it let’s see if we can place down carrot okay you can place down everything you can pretty much place down everything so that’s the food items um let’s actually get a clock happening

Here so let’s go clock and i’m pretty sure you can actually place this down so let’s just shift right click boom have a look at that and i think i think it actually works let’s test this out right now so let’s set it to night time okay that is amazing there we

Go guys have a look at that it actually it actually works so we can actually change time to like here it is a real working clock guys it is a real working clock that is that is attention to detail right there so props to the mod author for

You know the attention to detail there can we do a compass i’m just thinking of all these items that i’ve always wanted to actually place down that normally you wouldn’t be able to can we do a compass okay you can do a compass that is cool and as well

It is pointing in the right direction guys it is pointing in the right direction so i’m pretty sure if we go over here okay look have a look at that so it’s pointing that way now uh we’ll pop one over here where is our spawn i think it’s our bed

Where’s our bed i don’t know but it’s pointing in this direction so the compass actually works when it’s on the ground here so you could actually have some sort of let’s see if we can do this can you actually place like it on top of

A oh that would have been so good we can actually hack it we can hack it so place it there oh that looks amazing imagine this like you could have this around your area and you would know which way home is pretty much have a look at this so it’s pointing towards

Our home here this is where we live this is where we live that would be really awesome in survival mode if you’re ever lost you actually be able to place one of these down and uh you know figure out where your home is let’s see what else

There is uh let’s go ahead let’s grab out a book here this one might be interesting this one might be interesting let’s head over here let’s place the book on top of this counter oh oh that is i like that i like that model a lot that is really

Cool have a look at that that is that is what we need oops and uh oh and there goes uh half of my building there goes half of my building right there let’s place this down maybe like here that is cool i like that that is a decoration that 100 needs to

Be in minecraft um let’s have a look what else papers paperwork okay paper doesn’t work so there are some items that do not work in this mod i’m pretty sure um milk okay you can do milk that is cool i like that uh bones tell me this doesn’t work tell

Me it doesn’t work okay it does you can place bones on the ground that’s interesting that’s an interesting model what else have we got um can you do a bottle of enchanting oh oh that that is cool have a look at that guys a bottle of enchanting it even look at

It it’s even got an animated texture on it it’s got an animated texture on it let’s try the actual potions that’s going to be cool that’s going to be cool hold up let’s grab out a couple here maybe there’s night vision this one looks cool that one looks cool i’m just trying to

Look at the actual potion color um to see what would be cool and let’s also let’s see if we can play some ingredients there’s magma cream uh let’s create a little potion room maybe upstairs uh hello there so giggles how are you doing um potion room maybe we’ll make this back

Room the potion room i’m pretty sure i guess redstone blocks here let’s get rid of those um let’s create like a little potion stand over here so we’ll grab out a table for my furniture mod right here place three down like that and then let’s place them down

Oh have a look at that that is cool have a look at that we’ve got a little potion lab happening right here we can also let’s make this themed a little bit better here let’s actually get out the brewing stand and have one um in the middle here we’ll

Also put that green one on that left side how cool does that look imagine having like a proper you know setup of potions here let’s have this table going all around here have a look at this we can place down some more empty potion if we want to

Uh let’s place down this one a yellow i’ve already got a yellow one let’s grab out something a little bit different here the green one what’s this one so let’s place down the green one maybe we should place down some of the ingredients oh whoa that is magma cream dudes that

Is a really cool animated model there what do you guys think of that that’s really cool i never thought you know the texture would have been an animated texture but this guy is putting into a lot um a lot of detail into this mod which i really really

Like so again big props to the model of the right now for the attention to detail let’s see let’s try something else here glistening melon okay that works that’s cool i like that as well um let’s grab oh dragon’s breath this might be cool that is probably the best one so far

That is the best one so far what do you guys think what’s the best model you have seen so far let me know in the comments below right now this is amazing this is amazing i hope you guys actually do check this mod out because i’m loving it right now i’m just

Having a decoration overload um let’s go into let’s go into something else let’s go to combat here so we can i think you can place a diamond sword because this is like advertised on the actual mod when i downloaded it and as as you can see you can actually place

That down that’s really good that’s really cool what about stone swords i’m guessing every single type of sword that looks cool i like the stone sword uh the stone sword when it’s placed down arrows okay oh look at that that is really cool i like the arrow model because it’s

Exactly the same as the kind of the normal one just like you know 3d imagine you could have like a you could have like a munitions area where you place down all your arrows and swords um let’s try a bow does that work yep the bow works however it looks a little

Bit different um than the actual model but i still think it looks good i think it could be like a bigger model kind of like how the arrow looks i think that would be um a little bit better if it fit into that a little bit more

Can we place down spectral arrows oh you can as well look at that the attention to detail right now maybe this one wow you can place down everything every single arrow you can place down green one too the green one looks cool the green one looks really cool

Um let’s see what else what else there’s so many cool things enchantment book all right tell me this works tell me this worked please because this would be absolutely amazing let’s do it downstairs in the garage here and let’s replace this book here this is like a witchcraft area now and

Have a look at that you can place down enchantment books i just love that you can just use the vanilla items and place them down and have a look outside here we’ve also got these on the table here i think i placed these earlier just when i was testing it out

We got a golden apple here um what other foods are there that we haven’t placed down yet um maybe just replace this with a mushroom stew maybe uh beetroots do beetroot soup sorry all right let’s test this one out this one might be interesting we got a

Wheat here can this one be placed down because i mean there’s a wheat block let’s grab out some wheat blocks here uh where is it wheat and let’s create like a little bit of like a wheat pile somewhere um let’s create it over in this corner here because i’ve actually got space so

We’ll create like a bit of a wheat pile here but let’s have like some wheat kind of leftovers oh that is cool look at the look at that that is probably the most decoration i’ve seen oh my boy’s here how’d you get out how’d you get out boy i don’t know how

He got out but that looks really cool that’s like you know legit farm right there that’s a legit farm right there what else is there like other um farming things that we have in place can we place down a end eye of ender oh have a look at that

Imagine that thing staring at you as you walk inside your house that would be amazing can we do ender pill you can do an ender pearl that is again amazing slime look at there’s a slime is that bouncy tell me that’s bouncy it is bouncy look at that guys

It is actually bouncy that is again attention to detail right there i’ve said this so many times but props to the model with this this is this is really cool um what else can we get um fire charge is that going to let us do it yep fire charge

That’s cool i wonder what things you can actually do to them because like oh it actually works no way so you can actually place it down let’s try this you can place it down and then actually fire it like normal wait does that mean hold up does that mean you can actually eat

Like eat things does that mean you can eat things off the ground i didn’t i didn’t test this out i think you can eat things off the ground here so let’s go game mode s no way that is i didn’t even know that i did not even know that you can actually

Interact with these blocks as well so any food i’m assuming you can eat it look at that look at that let me get that we can get that emerald back there let’s place any glistening melon can we eat that no we can’t eat that this is honestly one of the coolest

Things ever i didn’t even i didn’t realize that you could interact with them but now we know now we know can we place down a fishing rod oh no okay it doesn’t look like you can place down a fishing rod what else can we get here we got so many

Particle effects happening around us right now and place down just an empty bucket which is really cool can’t place anything in it inside of inside of it though um what else what else haven’t we done yet coal that is cool i really love that but that my friends

Is going to end off this video today hopefully you enjoyed i definitely suggest you guys go ahead and download this mod if you’re a big fan of keeping that vanilla feel to the game uh because you know it just uses vanilla items you can place them down as normal

And it doesn’t add in anything new so download link is in the description below and if you haven’t already make sure you go ahead snap that like button and i will see you guys for another video bye

This video, titled ‘✔️ How To Place ANY Item as a Block! (Minecraft Mod)’, was uploaded by MrCrayfish on 2018-01-30 16:30:00. It has garnered 570285 views and 18853 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:14 or 1034 seconds.

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    Darkhelmet MinecraftSurvival, Towny/GriefDefender, mcMMO, Jobs, Auctions, Orders, Stocks, Lottery, Crates, Mini-Games, Contests, and more! Custom plugins, expert hosting. Ranks are playtime-based. Since 2011 DHMC has been the first and last server for thousands. Donations cover operating costs and get cosmetic perks only! Zero Pay-to-Win! Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Hacks No Reset

    UneasyVanilla UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking. UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not. IP: Version: 1.20.4 Website: Discord: Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you’re seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive… Read More

  • Baine Junior High School

    Vanilla SMP, Small community that's trying to build our numbers. We have a shopping district, /trigger home, spawn, back, /trigger set home. Nether roof hub, multiple xp farms. Join the discord & fill out the application to join. 18+ Server. Come Hang Out With Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting prediction with these guys

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting prediction with these guys“I bet these guys were the original beta testers for Minecraft, constantly trying to figure out how to make a diamond pickaxe before it was even added to the game.” Read More

  • Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Me: *subscribes and leaves a like* Also me: *waits for diamonds to magically appear in my real life* #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed

    Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed The Power of the Mace in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how powerful the Mace is compared to other weapons in Minecraft? In this video, a fascinating experiment is conducted to determine the speed and efficiency of the Mace in combat. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the potential of this unique weapon. The Experiment The experiment involves testing the Mace’s ability to defeat a Guardian by hitting blocks at different distances. Starting from one block, then ten blocks, and finally reaching a height of 100 blocks, the Mace’s effectiveness is put to the test. Will… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Minecraft, Cops And Robbers Alcatraz.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can experience thrilling gameplay, interact with unique mods, and join a vibrant community of players from around the world. That’s where Minewind comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!Video Information 9 you later where are you no problem all right I won’t make y’all wait any longer I just want to get that pin message out um hello everybody hello hello um how’s everyone doing man you guys are really early today huh let’s get on in here just get on in here let’s let’s not cut look you guys are so early so let’s not waste any time hello everybody Welcome in how’s everyone doing [Music] tonight some of you might be immediately asking R you’re wearing a robe what’s going on well fairly simple I don’t… Read More

  • Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4

    Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4Video Information hello hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing welcome to the stream what’s up everyone what’s up Flores Quant crafter torn bird Angel cool name by the way me how you doing me uh Hitman what’s up guys Matt random chat my man mini wolf how are you guys doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream hello hello hello if is everything working it has been a while since I streamed actually it feels very weird and very off uh but here we are again in Minecraft Survival it is time for episode number four… Read More


    🦈JOIN MY CUSTOM SMP WORLD NOW!🔥 #MXSharkbaitVideo Information for for all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just thought like you know what I was like I was just like setting everything up and then like yeah okay so okay so here okay okay I know you guys were like you know just I was just I was just like making a cool entrance okay I was just making a good entrance okay I was just trying to make a cool entrance okay I just you know peer out of nowhere like poof like but that’s not the case so anyways hi… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & Jon

    Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & JonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Horizons in RivenSMP! | Minecraft Survival Series ft. Ivan and Jon’, was uploaded by Yüki on 2024-01-15 16:58:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join us in the second episode of our thrilling Minecraft Survival World series on RivenSMP! In this exciting installment, Ivan … Read More

  • Sourspider – Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️

    Sourspider - Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️Video Information making a Minecraft city but I only get as many blocks as a two subscribers from this short day 14 and we got 59 subs from the last so that’s 59 Blocks place down tell me what else I should build This video, titled ‘each sub = 1 block day 14’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-04-13 15:59:19. It has garnered 5190 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. each sub = 1 block @sourspider_ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360,… Read More

  • Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!

    Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!Video Information [Music] is [Music] well met Lords and Ladies Jacob butter speaking and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft review because we still don’t have an intro for that I keep forgetting and I keep coming up with uh doing one of these again I think last time I did in my passion video uh was pre-recorded and it came out right before a uh five years later episode that was actually longer than five years later and now five years later came out yesterday doing my passion again why not uh and uh yeah I I’ll give… Read More

  • Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraft

    Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraftVideo Information कम ऑन कमन [संगीत] हेलो हेलो हेलो वॉइस इसका मतलब क्लियर कट आ रही है और हम सर्वर ऑनलाइन हो रहा है होने दो होने दो हेलो रम रुद्रा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसी हो हेलो हेलो जो बोलना है बोल सकती हो कि मैं मस्त हूं आज ऑलवेज आप बोलो मैं कैसा हूं स्प्रिंट गेमर्स हेलो स्प्रिंट ब्रो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसे हो आई थिंक ओके आई विल बी रली सिस ठीक है लिटिल सिस्टर अरे भाई लग जाना है डन लगाने के लिए भी क्या करना एक्टिव डन हा आपका रियल… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul’s Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontage

    Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul's Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontageVideo Information [Música] i [Música] like This video, titled ‘help_urself | skywars duels montage #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage’, was uploaded by pual on 2024-01-08 21:01:36. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage Read More

  • “Wild village TikToks: What you won’t believe!” #villagersong

    "Wild village TikToks: What you won't believe!" #villagersongVideo Information This video, titled ‘Indian tiktok’s be like 🤣 #villagersong’, was uploaded by Villager’s Village on 2024-01-13 01:37:00. It has garnered 2289 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. This is a humor and parody of indian tiktok style, it is meant as a joke. Again the minecraft villager is singing a cover of satisfya. Was this full of minecraft epic moments that make Minecraft 1000% better, or is it full of minecraft funny moments that make Minecraft 1000% funnier? Or would it better be suited to a minecraft memes compilation? If… Read More

  • Lost Fables

    Lost FablesLost Fables is a medieval fantasy Minecraft roleplay server, aiming for a rough tech-lock of the late medieval era, early colonialism. Currently in Beta. Discord Invite: Throughout your time on the server, you will be able to roleplay and develop your characters in a myriad of different ways. Maybe you will be an Armusian adventurer looking to explore the world, or maybe a simple Spring Elf farmer spending their days tending the fields outside one of the servers player created and player-run, cities or towns. Lost Fables focuses on the roleplay between players while also providing advanced plugins that… Read More

  • Super Happy Friends – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelist – 18+ – 1.20.4

    Welcome to Super Happy Friends! We are a small intimate LGBTQ+ friendly international community of Minecraft players. We work on personal bases and collaborative projects, chat on Discord, and support each other through real life struggles. Join us for community events and build districts in Vanilla Minecraft Java edition. Rules: Be considerate of other players Be over 18 years old If you’re inspired by Hermitcraft and looking for a welcoming community, fill out our application form to join our Discord server. The bees can’t wait to meet you!🐝 Read More

  • Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x] Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x]Welcome to – your Minecraft survival adventure!Are you ready for an adventure? invites you to immerse yourself in our exciting world full of possibilities. Here you will find everything your survival heart desires: from expansive landscapes to exciting challenges.Our survival server offers you the freedom to write your own story. Build your base, collect resources and explore a diverse world full of secrets. Whether alone or with friends, on you will find a friendly and active community environment.Our team of administrators ensures that the server runs smoothly and ensures fair gameplay.Get ready to be part of a… Read More

MrCrayfish – ✔️ How To Place ANY Item as a Block! (Minecraft Mod)