Neceros – Minecraft: How to be a Wizard – Part 6

Video Information

Welcome back guys so I went ahead and a off camera before recording today I went ahead and just played around I played with all the thumb crafts and stuff in this world I’m doing it legit and let me just tell you a little bit of what I’ve

Done catch you up I did a lot of mining with this guy I made another mine over in that direction because as you can see from these lines this is where I cut the world off because I saved this area and then all this is new chunks so all these

Chunks that my house is in they don’t contain anything for Thaumcraft too but the outside chunks do so that’s why my mind is over there instead of here secondly in the bottom right corner right over here you should notice two of these little gauges there one is a beast

Gauge it’s the purplish one the light purple and one is a taint gauge and that’s the darker one it’s because i have this thing and it’s not very complicated make actually i’ll just show you how to make it let me get some supplies I I have basically what I’ve

Been doing is keeping one of everything and then putting everything else into EMC because I don’t really need to hold on to all the stuff I just need it in case I I need it so you know I take my client star put some red power some

Redstone in there and get a stack um let’s put some glow stone in there stack get that back and let’s just put it back I don’t need I don’t need all this stuff on me at all times you know nor me okay so before I do that before i

Show you forgetting that over here my energy condenser is going pretty strong um I actually just split this in half it was down that about maybe 10 couple minutes ago it’s going a lot quicker i added a third collector next to it I don’t know if I can no I can’t but I

Also happen to have enough for another another collector and I’m going to definitely do that his collectors are amazing they really fuel my Wizarding needs as always we need a diamond block to start in the middle we surround it with some glowstone gotta keep one though a furnace and glass energy

Collector I want to put this one here good and of course you want to put the glowstone on top so now it is surrounded on four sides with mark one collectors and it’s going pretty quick I expect to get lots of good stuff from that very soon okay so some craft that’s we’re

Done with equal exchange for the moment it’s it’s going let’s check our furnaces real quick I’ve been doing a lot of smelting because you have to smelt all of your or in the ingots for the transportation tablet to understand it doesn’t know what ores are ah this is of course my crucible and

Then I’ve got a couple new things here that you you don’t know what they are probably or you might you might so this is a conduit you can see the conduits right here and this is it’s holding some purple beasts or visit or whatever this thing here it doesn’t have an interface

This is a visa filter now the filter is we’re somewhere all right there and you make it like this it takes iron some of this enchanted wood stuff conduit which we have an aluminum wow that’s a lot of stuff two of which three of which I mean

Two of its you I don’t know two or three might not even know what that what the some of that stuff is ah how he’s step in that uh and what this does is you can see that my lease is a nice nice bright purple it is in fact povs there’s no

Taint and the filter takes it out of my my liquid v’s here as you can see it this tool tells you a lot about these in the area and in you know relating to objects this tank is a thirty-two percent full and it happens to have a

Hundred percent v’s so and you can do that on anything that contains of ease and it gives you a note depending on how full it is the higher the note the more full it is I suspect okay and this is of course just a tank tanks are pretty easy

You need some more enchanted wood and uh just glass panes just like that enchanted wood how do you get enchanted wood well you have to use this this is transparent ah this is the foam craft to infuser it does have an interface is lovely interface here and it has seven

Little while it has six little input slots this is an output slot here in the middle and this is where any depleted crystals could go I don’t know what these are on the side obviously some sort of meters this is an upgrade slot I don’t have the upgrade chips or anything

So we’re just gonna leave that as is for now alright and this infuser consider this the thumb craft to crafting bench this will make like more than half of all of the crown thaumcraft to stuff and let me show you how it works if you put redstone and glowstone you get this

Night or substance also if you put I think redstone and coal it goes so fast I can’t even can’t even see the graphic tom graph to has very pretty very good particles and graphics so that’s a very big plus so these are just two more elements two more building components if

You will in fact you can even put them together again and it will create this arcane singularity I don’t know if our can see you later that I singularities are for anything other than blowing things up to show ya lizard dukan yeah I gotta go I

Kind of messes with the aura in the area a little bit and it’s just kind of a neat little destruction block uh not useful for mining because it literally destroys everything that goes into the singularity all of these blocks I have picked up I don’t know why I’m I’m

Picking them up actually it could just be blocks that we’re going towards the single arity but didn’t get quite to it I don’t know but yeah it destroys things that and now you put it so careful with those don’t throw them anywhere you probably noticed this red fiery crystal

And over here I have another one a the yellow one the air natok way it quits vaporous I put those there myself each one of those takes 9 of any particular type of crystal and you craft them in a bench put nine in here and you’ll get one of

These and you can place it down and I put them there so that they will start to generate that notice that there’s a chunk chunk line right there so that’s why okay uh anyhow they generate better or they generate visa in the aura so if your area starts to lose visa then yeah

You need you need some of these interesting or the different chunks are so I need to put some crystals over here as well because this chunk as you can see down here on the bottom right has a glowing little purple symbol this chunk doesn’t that means this is doing well

And because I’ve got crystals here and is a positive this one’s just neutral and you can’t have negative if the the taint gauge down there glows then that’s bad you’ll get some zerg creep creeping around your area it’ll change the land it looks pretty cool though all right ah next we’re gonna go

Upstairs and I went ahead and moved my enchantment table right here for now I when I do in chant I really only need ones and twos I don’t have anything to get a lot of levels so instead i put my cue block the quays at them the quays

Item block what this does is this is how you learn new recipes Thaumcraft to you have to research pretty much every cool thing in Thaumcraft to you have to research it you can’t make it until you discover it I’m sure you’ve heard that before so let me just show you real

Quick there’s a whole bunch of these theories and then fragments of knowledge and then these forbidden artifacts and a whole bunch of stuff that we have yet to get into and we will eventually just not not yet so and you can see I put a hole

So I can get to it I did finally actually get something any fragment of forbidden knowledge I don’t know precisely what it’ll get me if anything in fact it could give me nothing depending on these losses and failures and success rates so kind of complicated once you understand it it’s not very

Complicated anymore but just just to show you i won’t use it up it wants to research in each different fragment or tome or whatever has different percentages that they will succeed or not and these blocks here are to help make it succeed better you can put valuable items here and it will increase

The success rate like diamond blocks for instance will probably give it like a depending on the the tome and how much it needs etc etc it could give it five percent or more depends on how hard the what you’re researching is so that’s important to know um all of these things over here

All of these generators and furnaces and stuff you can’t make them until you discover him a brain in a jar awesome I happen to have a distorted skull here from killing a skeleton or a zombie or something and i’ll show you how it works i’m going to allow it to use up to

Diamonds it may or may not use those up they are used at the same rate that this stuff is used up so we’ll see I warn you though nothing probably will happen because it’s common yeah okay so it had a 75-percent lost chance so unfortunately it ate it and the diamond

Was lost but this was lucky and wasn’t a 25-percent and did not get neither and you can use this stuff for blood apparently you can burn a brain in a jar I don’t think that’s right though you can use this stuff to make oh yeah the filter that’s how you make the aluminum

Remember that’s that’s one of the ingredients I was telling you about which I forgot Gus I trekked conduits you know how to make the enchanted wood is pretty easy all you need is a crystal any crystal I’m going to use a acquiesce crystal and you need some wood and you

Just put in here put put a plank a full piece of wood and a full crystal and you get enchanted wood and you get these depleted crystals I want you to understand that this infuser also needs to be connected to this this is the whole reason I have the v-system here is

Because it uses visa to do its thing so the enchanted wood can be used for all sorts of things and I believe if I can see it’s recipe I can make it so I can make all of these things without any researching or anything these these are the basic

Things that everyone knows condensers are cool we’ll get into that later bellows are pretty cool and this one specifically needs a vaporous crystal this one specifically needs a beast crystal but some of them don’t require specific crystals usually when you’re using them in here it could be one of

Any crystal so if you were getting enchanted wood or something else a lot of times you can switch out the crystals no problem alrighty out we’re going to put some of the thumb craft to stuff on hold for the moment because I want to move this energy condenser and replace

It with a new block a new machine from equivalent exchange which is called the antimatter relay yeah that one right there BAM let’s teach it take it and I’m going to take all of that out went away for this to finish like magic it’s done so take this and put the relay

Where the energy collector used to be condenser now the benefit to using a relay it has its own little little job but the main benefit to using a relay is that energy it gets from these collectors because you know I am awesome at a grand mage I force the energy to

Multiply a little bit there’s a I think it’s a 50-percent bonus it might not be that high I can’t remember right now it’s better the higher the relay is so mark 2 gives you more in a mark 3 gives you even more but now this relay is simply giving us energy because it’s

Next to a collector and it’s also receiving the energy from the collectors so that’s that and then um what this can do is you can use a relay with a client start pretty easily you can stick it in there and it will just power up your client star and there’s a nice little

Graphic I don’t think these energy bars are in any any machine except for the relay so I know there is that it’s a little little nice thing if you want to put energy into the relay you can do like so or you can the main purpose of

The relay is to simply put things into here and it will digest them so to speak and it will eat them up and store the energy the mark ones eat things up a little bit slower a mark 2 and mark 3 are much fast

I don’t want to eat that up though and I don’t want to collect that so what to do with the energy condenser we can of course if we wanted to do that oh good it’s learned it and it’s worth a good amount of EMC but instead i’m gonna keep

Letting it do its job and target Eternals feel for now later later maybe i’ll have a target diamonds they’re the same e and c though so it’s okay so why did we do all this well it gave us a boost to our MC production because of

The relay that’s why we did that i think i might have forgot to mention that the reason i put this Q block here is because it uses the bookshelves to give you a better success chance so that’s why it’s taken all the knowledge of the books and making it more successful so

That was it’s kind of important thing to note about about the q block it is time that i make a very powerful artifact this is what I’m one of my favorites it’s kind of a staple to everyone should have one of these will go over here and

Take half of that stuff we’re going to be making some kind of big you’re going to need a bunch of diamonds actually going to need 99 whole diamonds so get them and then you are going to need an eight eternal asst fuel put the diamonds into a block form and then

Surround them with the eternal is filled and this gets you Dark Matter don’t teach it there it’s worth that much emc I am going to need two more of these I don’t know if I have enough actually probably not well i scrounged around and i got too

Dark matter and i’m going to put that little tiny project on hold a real quick because i have something else i’m gonna make ah you should should remember this put a diamond put a chest some stone some errand dark blue over here light blue green you get now chemical chest

Now let’s make sure i don’t remember if this nose now it does fantastic okay then if you put the alchemical chest here put some blue some dark blue dust on top and then the bottom is wool of a color of your choice you will get this this awesome little thing called an

Alchemy bag oh I am going to put the world back cuz I don’t need it and show you these this outcome go bag let’s let’s sleep first that’s how chemical bag is actually this out coming back is quite quite awesome obviously it can go in here inventory as you see and as you

Would expect right clicking it brings up this huge ass inventory and you can store things in here and then put the bag away so you eat normally you have 27 slots here plus the nine down at the bottom and this this bad boy I think this is a full alchemical chest so

You’ve just increased your inventory but I don’t know four or five times it’s great it’s fantastic all right and finally we’re going to make one more toy for today this is going to go with our alchemy bag I need some string will get one more and I need

Some iron I need eight eight iron and then I want to get a lava bucket there we go and that is I think everything I need all right now watch closely I make a iron band like so with the lava with iron you get an iron band put this in

The middle surround it with the two dark matter that we have remember this is expensive and then surround that with the string this is called the black hole band watch out this tool is quite entertaining it’s kind of fun to use let me show you how it’s used

Put some stuff away okay let’s go outside now I don’t think it does anything if you right-click or left click it’s not like that doesn’t charge up what it does do is you can push g.g activates it and it will suck up stuff around you and pick it up it’ll suck up

All the items that drop around you within seven blocks and it will put them back in here inventory and I do believe this is all it does however if i take my alchemy bag yeah I won’t do it if you take the alchemy bag and put the black

Hole band inside we can leave it there now it will still do it it’ll still suck up items but now they’re going inside the bag watch all right what you guys in a see thanks to lag was all of the cob will go inside

The back so this is going to be how I and go down and do the mine which I will show you now and mine without without getting a full inventory because before it was happening quite outfit I’ll these are bad kill these whenever you see them

I think you do need iron or better but you will sometimes very rarely get good things like knowledge and stuff or if you don’t they’ll just suck up all the lease in the area like if they get into your lab for sure they’re gonna destroy

All of the visa in your lap so kill him here it is here’s the mine and yeah it was pretty pretty simple pretty easy all I did was do a spirally all the way down Claire it out this area and I just have a hole right now because

I ran into this large cave and I think it is time for me to continue mining but unfortunately that’s going to be the end of the episode for today so thank you for watching usually kill come here all right I’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to be a Wizard – Part 6’, was uploaded by Neceros on 2012-03-31 17:41:11. It has garnered 9790 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:55 or 1735 seconds.

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MODS — Equivalent Exchange 2 Thaumcraft 2 Red Power 2 (4e) Rei’s Minimap Inventory Tweaks

ADDONS — Not Enough Items Iron Chests



NECEROS — Facebook: Twitter: Donate:

MUSIC — Kevin MacLeod:


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    The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java and Bedrock! Playing With Viewers! LIVE ​’, was uploaded by Rizzy And Mizzy on 2024-05-30 09:35:06. It has garnered 110 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:00 or 5880 seconds. I’ll be doing Java for one hour and bedrock for the rest of the stream, please be patient 🙂 Come and play with us if you play Minecraft on console, PE or PC bedrock! Just tell us your username and we will add you and invite you to the game! Rules: -No asking for Operator -Don’t troll -Don’t steal… Read More

  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

    Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and SethVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL MODE!: WARDENS WORLD | Cody and Seth (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Cody and Seth on 2024-02-04 17:00:46. It has garnered 65590 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:23 or 4043 seconds. SURVIVAL: CAN WARDEN BE FRIENDLY?!: | Turn on ALL notifications Amazing JNE HOUR journey with Cody and Seth exploring the world of Minecraft in their full Minecraft movie! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE #minecraft #animation #adventure Follow Cody And Seth: Subscribe: TikTok: Instagram: Other Channels: Cody and Seth Ukrainian: Cody and Seth English: Cody… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

    EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1’, was uploaded by AjjuGamerz on 2024-05-30 07:30:01. It has garnered 1980 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1 #build #tecnogamerz #ujjwal Finally aaj se me chalu karne wala hu minecraft sky block survival to let’s go iss viseo ke andar mene temporary two islands buils kei Small Animal House and simple xp farm Like Share Subscribe:) Minecraft Sky Block Survival Subscribe For 1 Diamond ❤️ Thanks For Watching Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More

  • People of Crafting ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ Friendly

    People of Crafting   ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ FriendlyWelcome to People of Crafting [1.20.6]we have a supportive community for all types of communities out there.We provide gamemodes at the moment:- Towny- More coming soon!Connect to People of Crafting Java Edition using play.peopleofcrafting.comBedrock Connections are currently not supportedJoin The Adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!Wow, this meme is really racking up the points! It must be mining for gold with that score of 59! Read More

  • Wiki Wonders: Minecraft’s Lore Encore

    Wiki Wonders: Minecraft's Lore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, The Minecraft Wiki is where knowledge arrives. A community-driven site, filled with facts and lore, For players to explore, and learn even more. From English to Russian, and French to Thai, The Wiki is global, reaching the sky. With updates and tips, for players to see, The history of Minecraft, told in poetry. So leap into the verse, with a playful spin, And let the Minecraft Wiki, be your next win. Explore the depths of the game, with a curious eye, And let the Wiki guide you, as you reach for… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a lava pit, but you still have the audacity to blame it on a glitch in the game. Classic Minecraft player move. #minecraftprobs 😂🔥 Read More

  • Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record!

    Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record! Minecraft Speedrun: Currents CTM Any% in 9:22.540 In a thrilling display of skill and strategy, a Minecraft player has achieved an impressive Any% speedrun time of 9:22.540 in the Mapwreck 5 custom map. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable feat. Game Version and Mods The speedrun was performed on Minecraft version 1.19.2, utilizing a selection of Fabric mods to enhance gameplay: Fabric API 0.76.0: Essential for the functioning of other mods. ReplayMod 2.6.15: Used for video production purposes. Sodium 0.4.4: Improves chunk loading speed for faster gameplay. SpeedrunIGT 13.5: Aiding in tracking in-game time accurately. Starlight 1.1.1:… Read More

Neceros – Minecraft: How to be a Wizard – Part 6