Nintendo Switch Brit – Minecraft Bedrock Anarchy realm

Video Information

Oh wait no [ __ ] and i should be live uh let me just do a couple things first copy that yeah i am live which is good news my phone share this to the discord then i just need to here we go save there we go right so it’s been in a while um

Since i was on the realm so let’s see uh well let’s get you all updated on what’s changed and i’ve not been on it uh yet today so i’m gonna be interested to see on what’s changed since the last time i was on i’m just gonna do that so

So yeah not much has has changed um i built up the towers i think that’s new and there’s some waters added to him to me make them look a bit nicer um this area has not been finished being built yet so i have yet to finish this area but uh that’s

What i’ve got planned for this stream so i’ve actually got some stuff to do that on me i need to just go into my inventory somewhere and stuff um having this new also i’ve updated like um so i’m just going to do this right now but at the start of the stream basically

But the resource packs that i have gone uh redstone alternative redstone lamps glowing terracotta which looks really nice because they actually blow the color of the terracotta um so that is uh nice and maybe wait uh get to see that glowing awes clear glass fancy grass glossy wood glowing amethyst

Rtx clear water ell addon which is basically um emerald lapis and redstone i got changed uh thicker garden which isn’t really um suggested for survival but i actually do uh like because it just makes the world look nice also we’ve got a bit of a chicken uh infestation down here very impossibly

Imagine that why we have a chicken infestation just beyond me you just keep appearing also some of them got stuck in the brewing stands i don’t know why maybe like maybe they like the fumes from the brewing stand um and i’ve normally done much brilliantly i’ve not

Built this like i dug this out in the last stream and then um i can’t remember his name off the top of my head but um a guy basically just came and did it i put the furnaces here just because i thought they’d look good and then i put that block there on

The lamp there and then i made all of these instant damage allows these potions of regeneration and strength just in case we get attacked also got some splash potions of poison just in case that they turn out to be useful um and got some put some spare shulkers in there

And just got like some chests full of uh gear in there um oh i should probably also want uh sure discord yeah i’ll just share it there as well and get live chat back up there we go so yeah and the enchanting tables here so you can change your stuff

And down here the storage area uh has been revamped got a sheet pen in here but i really want to upgrade it so that might actually be something we do in the stream uh is upgrade that can and then the uh iron knight and above areas spin up with a bit and

We’ve got some uh perhaps fossils now which is very nice um correct me if i’m wrong here but don’t like real life axolotls like some like dry land to go on i’m pretty sure they’re like oh yeah i need to replace that um that could go there because um

The guy who decorated yeah but uh the area by placing all these blocks and think um decided to also make a drip stone uh lava generator which wasn’t what those cold ones before and we are running our room in the chests i might want to craft some more

Chests at some point also i’m carrying a person of fire resistance on me just in case i need it also i am level 65. over here is the nether porthole so we’ve got like some never bite me never biomes surrounding it you’ve got the um wastelands we’ve got the um the salt

Biome we’ve got the warped and crimson fungus area and then you’ve got the salsa valleys and last time i checked nothing had changed in the actual level itself yeah now this is exactly the same as this time which is going to know about it someone’s been harvesting some salt soil

Uh the wheat’s been trampled and i’ve not bothered sorting out um this has been has been built but i’m not super happy that it’s here because it’s blocking um i think it’s this one or that one uh people which basically means if we get attacked the attackers can just like

Go here it’s like hide behind here and then shoot in um and it’ll make it ha a bit harder to defend the fortress so i can ask the guy to move that um and i’ve got some trees growing over there uh oh and here we have a salt generator

Uh it’s very basic it’s just um you know lava soul soil uh blue eyes um but inside of the soil soil um there’s a minecart so i had to push the soil soil on top of the mine cart um my cat topper sorry um and that’s collecting all of the

Basalt before it gets eaten up by the lava which is very nice and down here we found some uh spawners in a Um what you call it in a um like mine shaft and a couple of dungeons so it’s very loud i’m just gonna turn that down when i step on this uh skeletons and spiders should spawn fall down into there and drop some xp there’s a spider there on the skeleton

Why aren’t they dropping any xp hmm that’s odd huh weird must be a glitch and also they’ve decided to decorate this with moss blocks which is actually really oh i know that bits glass that’s but most blocks which um as i was about to say are actually

Really close to grass blocks just a bit more green which i do like um but if if i if you get some bone meal so me yeah he grows more muscle lessons on cordy on top of it then it doesn’t like to grow more yeah like that and you can just

Burn meal away oh they do break super quickly though these must blocks boom boom i do like this more than the grass that is in this uh biome which is actually quite handy because uh because it’s so close to glass you could basically use it as a grass substitute for the most part

I know how um like saplings we could be where pounding flowers don’t like this stuff i’m sure it’s happening to work if uh these alias work on it well so maybe this happens with where i don’t know and i’m just gonna throw a few stacks of bone meal around boom boom

And it’s somewhat more proofs itself because mobs won’t be able to spawn on moss carpets i do not think at least i could be wrong on that so take what i say with a grains mine you you should always take whatever anybody ever says with grain of salt but um i’m pretty sure

Mobs can’t won’t be able to spawn because it’s very much like um carpet which mobs also can’t spawn on and i know that for like definite almost like i would be extremely surprised if mobs could spawn on carpets because i’m like 99 sure they can’t oh yeah look if you actually look in

This biome here because the bindings changed but the grass is a bit brighter color and it’s actually actually closer to the color of the moss block do you think it’s cool so i’m just going to bury me all over here because i don’t like the colors

Of this glass and i much more prefer the color of the moss block compared to it oh hey you mmm just spam boom meal everywhere oh gold thanks also you get flowering azaleas from this which is i think they’re actually uh going to have their own type of wood um later on

But right now they don’t have their own type of orders just outward with their own type of leaves which still if you uh want to use the leaves that’s nice but i would prefer an entirely new type of that for them preferably probably a pinkish wood actually would i think would look nice

Like uh oh some sort of like rosewood i think it would be uh make sense with like them having like purplish pink uh flowers meal um oh it even kind of is podsoil that’s cool did not know that so um just got this last stack of boom wheels get through

There’s a bit of a glitch with this block in um bedrock in uh minecraft java and uh you can break these blocks by pushing them with a piston um and that’s how they’re supposed to work with a minecraft bedrock they just act like a normal block when you push them so

Yeah bedrock bug rock strikes again yeah we have bones there that’s where i got the bone meal from you boom boom boom boom boom oh boom boom boom boom boom so film boom boom oh one one boom and um now the area is covered in clown gazelles and azaleas

I might as well plessy place these 18 well lost coppers what are you doing you’re gonna go for us so yeah don’t undo that come on hey you can actually place flowers on these that’s cool great so i’m gonna get building the rest of this two three four three four

One two one two one two one two so okay oh so mark and now to build up the roof also gonna destroy this uh i’m gonna leave the chest and then move the chest later but i have as i should have taken down those that name was uh so oh sorry about that

Uh hum i missed your messages um but yes um if you look down in the description there should be two links uh the first link will take you to my to the uh discord for the youtube channel and the second link will take you to the discord for the

Uh anarchy realm which will have an invite link that you can click to join and it also just like um be where you can like talk to other people that are on the well and if you want to you can make it um what you call it a faction alright so c

Break them right there torch there and there there and there make sure no mods will spawn any however i told wants to go there actually what are you doing luna okay now i want to save it i did literally everything have to come out like seriously uh 60 fps six two

Six sixty fps six six 60 fps six to six says bad and there we go um yeah that’s fine oh wait um oh [ __ ] fps six two six is bad and just um there we go so everybody can have a bed and a double chest put their item

For their personal items that they want to keep and just like this main storage can just be like for whatever they don’t mind sharing i don’t know why they all keep trying to cram themselves into this step there’s an echo player okay get to it here

Um oh yeah i’m not done yet i need some letters and they’ll gets well what i just reckon what uh what what what what first i need some letters yeah that should be mulling the flood this m then chests there we go there we go there’s a chicken in the cold one so

Oh come on that was one double chest short there you go and i’ll just build this up okay and i’m out of stone bricks so i’m gonna need to go mine some more peppermint oh yeah that’s nice oh yeah i also had like a garbage disposal

Then if this was the best idea to build this way there by a hall ah the mine’s over here oh yeah and the dock was built this looks very nice Oh wow oh lava yes i have answered oh i have logs i didn’t turn into yeah no problem oh my no i got coal yep hmm that there did redstone or i really like this redstone happy birthday for the 20th for the 25th here uh oh got some daylight here i can use

The bridge across because i don’t want to use stone because that’s why i came down here to my info okay it’s a shame that candles weren’t uh implemented because you can put her candles on cakes on uh jab but they didn’t add them into bedrock for some unknown reason so let’s do all

Oh yeah water cave we’ve hit the ocean which is annoying so just so i don’t get i’ll put actually i should probably polish them so i can distinguish them from normal diorite blocks i know no i need that much more i know because i’ve got oh lapis that’s only my uh

And in my shoulder my end chest and sometimes i know huh hmm one two make sure i don’t fall into the lava this isn’t it good thing oh let’s place block of dirt there uh not in these chunks it’s only the new chunks these chunks were generated before

Um caves and cliffs part one so the uh problem of the diamonds uh generating too low uh isn’t a thing in these chunks but if you go out to new chunks that were newly loaded in caves and cliffs with like copper all in them and stuff then yeah you’ll have that problem with

Diamonds but i’ve not found a single bear couple couple yet and copper always super common so i’m assuming i’m not in any of the new chunks yet let’s do i’m only reminded for diamonds i’m just mining for uh stone right now if i find diamonds i’ll be a nice treat

Uh nice surprise but not planning on it thank goodness that never right reduces knockback otherwise i would have been in lava right there pop that there oh really lapis except i think that’s diamonds oh i love our diamonds looking this um shook them away uh choked that way

Oh look at the grip good also not found any deep sleep yet which is also a good um way to tell are you not in a newly loaded chunk and there’s a witch somewhere around here a witchy woman hello hmm that’s cool deeply it’s a nice block more redstone no faith

And more animal how much i know do i have now 55 wow i almost have as much redstone as i do i know now i have more redstone all than i do i know i’ve never gotten this lucky with redstone though before not like a member at least shhh

Yeah that’s my inventory full i know the site well i’m going to keep this on but myself redstone all right three huh there we thank go mixture of moss and grass down here i think got into the boom understood all right this should be enough to finish this off

Uh i have a fortune in pickaxe in my own chest i think i have enough diamonds to upgrade to diamond make a diamond one i probably want to upgrade it’s never right and then enchant it so get better enhancements yeah some mending that’s going to be painting about together like i don’t

Have any mending books mm-hmm there we go so and from all layers really two bleeding blocks short now what i’m gonna i was gonna expand this area anyway So right yep there you go one two and then so and now no mobs will ever be able to spawn in the air there now this is going to be the phone room so center i wanted to be about here so what i want yes that’s this is Post blackstone yes will work again i’m going to expand that area anyway so polished black string stairs all right so let’s go to this house i need more polished blackstone but so um a bit more polished blackstone and one of them was two snapster wait if i remember correctly can’t you craft

Yeah hmm i like that nice little phone for me to sit on i want a window here big window Um there you are i want 10 stairs now wave is some glass locks or peens would be fine no there was a stuck a stone in there i’ll take that because i’ve got more plans for the top so might okay so i won’t hate having some extra building materials so

There is one glass block here let’s take a stack of sand and i’m going to put this glass block back because i don’t need one single glass block and yeah this one has nine blocks called so just this one see hold on and then i just dump my inventory into an empty shulker

Real quick i’m gonna need a hole i’m gonna call and they can go in there so one two three four there’s eight actually take one and this is just going to be a shocker that i keep on me this has stuff i’ll need in it and then here we go sand and done

Now just tweak that smelt up and what i’m going to do is i’m going to take this bad i’m going to go up here scorpios on i have my bed behind my throat so i can respawn here and there they are no not like that well i’m going to take the shield off

Because it makes it a bit hard to see when you’re building and you’re trying to aim your cursor there’s my biggest problem about um how they change shields is that um you put your shield up by holding shift but in a bedrock but in java you only have to press right click

I do wish i gave you the ability to decide which one you want uh which one you want instead of forcing you to um only you as one or the other i’m going to leave one or the other just like um just forcing to you to use shift to

Walk if you should when i would much more prefer to right-click but hey-ho oh my glass is all done and turn into glass panes i’ll take this shortcut with me oh that looks nice oh you can actually see the reflection of the torches because of the rtx oh that’s cool i love that

Now i can just look out her upon my kingdom and the they just survey the land those are build like a couple more on the other side as well but i i like this oh idea the id idea idea idea let’s uh sticky piston doesn’t matter um somehow ever sticky or not

Just means i’m just gonna have to use a slightly different approach with a sticky piston and ingots and then a crafting table also i put lava in the floor just because we had love so far i do it uh mine that um oh i’ve got that rail i need one like rail

So i can place down the minecart might be a good idea just saying uh do we have any rails in here yeah there we have my first um yep yeah yep yeah wait yeah that’s the keyboard what are you doing oh you couldn’t put me in bubbles come on then

I’ll puke home my precious puppy girl uh well i guess we have whales in here that there that there push that into there break that oh luna that there that there that there great piston oh yes now this is nice i’ve got my own phone

That i can sit on with a gold block behind my head and uh another little person face up there looking out upon my land now what this is i never actually expected um this to survive this long especially um once i found out that there was an end

Portal nearby because even though the end puzzle is activated people can still find this end portal using uh ice vendor soils like oh somebody’s gonna back use either eye vendors against the and the butts then they’re just gonna stumble upon this place and then destroy it but now

It’s not been destroyed yet at least and now i’m going to go up here shulker oh luna i might need a bit more stone to finish this off but it’ll only be like 16 more stone maybe not even that maybe i miscalculated oh yeah we’re fine on this one i’m gonna do that

Actually i think on the on all corners just gonna have corner ones oh but i don’t know i think that’s fine uh i think we work this a little bit so like that and then um oh the fortnite all right what if well that’s when i would like that

And that one over like that and that and uh that’s not looking too bad though Yeah i like that so um oh hang out there we go now you can come up here and just have a look around see what’s going on and it means that uh this building on its own is uh defendable even if like the outer wall if the even if the walls fall

You can fall back into here and then hold out because you have uh you can like come up here just like shoot out and just cause trouble for the people below So so many eggs here i should get these into a chicken in that cooker soon um so yeah there’s a couple more there’s some more beds in here so i’m going to take these and put these upstairs i’m going to make more chests for the beds upstairs another bed and some chests

I think i saw another bed yep oh wait terra cotta yeah i can show off the terracotta texture pack quickly look at that oh that is just like beautiful now you can make some really cool stuff with this terracotta text back i got 54 chests so i think that’s way

More than we need but hey hell i like run great neither would um i’ll think about it just just more chests yo luna chest chest oh luna and then torch there Here we go yeah i pull my food in this shulk at the entire no what did i do oh my food’s there choke choke choke choke Here there you go a bunch more storage now what oh thanks ancient day bro uh i’ll just lock them in there then i’ve got plenty of gold and i’ll just dump them in there um am i fortune free yeah iron pick is in here so i can just line up these

That’s 21 diamonds and i only need three leaving me with 22 diamonds yeah why did i put them in there i guess i could put this in there and i’ll go get a couple sticks Here we go and there we go for gold it should be super easy because i am the gorgeous day was given earlier so all right let’s craft the table back here there is uh another i think it diamond pick now just need the smithing table which do we have the smithing table

I can’t be asked to craft one gave at peace smithing table and then just shove that there not super expensive it’s just like an ironing guitar crafting table or something like that if i remember correctly into the chicken infested enchanting area i need lapis this should be the lapis in this battle

Hey there’s two diamond picks in there that’s one just left for some reason i don’t want to touch i’ll just there go and then where’s the grindstone there’s a playing style such one again i’m breaking free fortune free efficiency for wow i got really lucky with that

I just need to get my hands on the mending book somehow okay let’s sort out this chicken problem quickly um let me think i’m gonna need that and that probably did i do with those chests yes yeah damn it hey there’s 26 phone box there just i feel like i’ve missed them just

Oh here they are all right so let’s have the output chest here uh redstone shulker box miss so joker box and that shulker box oh [ __ ] say cheap all right so i’m gonna want two dispensers which will take well now i want one dispenser a redstone comparator redstone come repeater

I need one never ports for that we’ll never quote um i need some stone which yeah not gonna be too difficult yeah let’s get a crafting table down also i fired two custom tables not free my crafting tables are duplicate duplicating themselves all right uh i need sticks sticks all right so comparator

And then i need eight cobblestone one two three four five six seven eight i don’t think i need to do it i think i need like seven i think actually i do need a bow which if i can just get a free string will be super easy free stream oh wait

I saw it one two three dispenser now i’m going to need some hoppers so i’m going to need let’s see hoppers i’m gonna need one yeah i’m probably just gonna need two two should be fine could be one but if i remember correctly two is all i’ll need

So i’m going to want a slab of any sorts that’s a bit too far back boom boom boom all right so comparator we’ll need to go there and we need to get some more redstone stuff out there but should be fighting for the most part this is like setting this up

I say you want comparator um repeater and dust and a then thing all right so the helper will go there so look won’t hurt so now if i put yeah that one lock up the yeah and they’re coming in good all right so now just need to build up the holding cell

For the chickens also i’m just going to give myself some torches okay two one two two all right throw that there and white so i’m just gonna get a bucket of lava which i think pretty much purple sphere in here there’s two buckets but not of lava

Now there’s a book of lava just dang them out so okay lava there and then block there and then um stone bricks brick blocks stone brick stairs then yep all right now for chickens i need to get the seeds seed seed seeds seeds ah here we go i’m gonna go up here

And now hold on the seeds come to me chickens how did you get behind there oh i’ve got mine as you can see i can probably just kill any stragglers i just have a flock of chickens following me hello into the hole i don’t think that

Much of an option but to go to all because it’s going to be like a bunch of chickens behind them so i can right click here and then you and then you’ll jump in the hole into the hole into the hole the hole oh no one jumped up i went straight into

The hole come on into the hole oh luna oh into the hole feed you feed you um oh hello you going hull oh [ __ ] nope yeah i got tx on into the hole with you chickens so come on mojocks nope oh uh oh goddammit not the bridge how did he

Break something from the bridge all of that’s on the ground [ __ ] sake into the hole into the hole into the hole into the hole into the hole into my hole under my hole sail take me again and then you well i just was really just super eager to get into the hole

Into the hole hello how many more chickens are there left get in the hole pesky beds and so all of them from what i can see a couple of sheepy skates but that’s not a big problem free sheep escaped yeah that’s all of them apart from these ones that got

Stuck behind the brewing stands oh you’re from clever don’t you all right let’s get the sheet back in there pen wheat one two where is dinner bone sheep there you are come on come on good shape there we go all of them are back in now let’s um and let’s patch this up

So actually while i’m here make a quick little entrance into it just dump a bunch of eggs in there and that should so work i’m here i’m just gonna organize the shulkers and luna’s pushing my chair yeah and that wants to go into there oh so and

All right so this and this one can go back into my ender chest well this one needs to be sorted out so that that can stay in there that comes out water pockets are usually useful old i can stay in there that can stay in there pushing the fire resistance patient

Strength pressure off we regeneration Just in case i need them and i said shane touching source of water in the air is in there which means you can just look at that in there a couple of empty buckets in case i need Them i’ll probably put some emergency food in there just in case you need the just in case i need some food i’m just gonna jump that’s in there and pick this up there it is there we go actually the last block and just strip that swap script swap with my shovel oh [ __ ]

Sake there we go there you go that’s a bit bad so what happens is that the egg get put into the dispenser then the comparator will send out a signal um and then there’s a thing with a comparator with the comparator we see a signal on one end and the thing

It makes redstone clock so that automatically shoots out the eggs or whatever’s in the dispenser and then when the chicken’s there it’ll grow up and when it grows up his head will go into the lava and die giving us cooked chicken and some feathers why do they go yeah um

Oh for [ __ ] sake what did he do where are even this redstone’s around here somewhere here we go all right a lot of us down here so what the hell did he do to this [ __ ] thing what the [ __ ] how the hell did he break this so there we go

What the hell has he done to this thing [ __ ] thing [ __ ] sake right so that’s the hell is it why can’t people just leave [ __ ] alone okay why is that getting powered before everything else is it this no okay better question why is that not getting powered

Oh my [ __ ] god why how did he break this [ __ ] thing my [ __ ] odd if you don’t know how it [ __ ] works leave the [ __ ] up alone why is that not oh my [ __ ] god oh i think i [ __ ] know what this [ __ ] has done it’s probably [ __ ]

No that can’t be right because then that wouldn’t extend what i see what the [ __ ] has he done he [ __ ] plays cobblestone that’s why he’s [ __ ] done my [ __ ] god just [ __ ] what why why did he [ __ ] place cobblestone there what the [ __ ] what’s the point of that

Oh [ __ ] how did he [ __ ] break that part all right that’s extended that’s extended that should be all the way yes that should be extended what the [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] idiot dong oh hey why is there a stone block there and a couple what the [ __ ] ah

Yeah he put yeah broken all right he [ __ ] jammed up with [ __ ] stone and cobble why how did he even manage that oh just leave good enough alone there’s no problem about it with it working and then he just goes up and goes and jams up with [ __ ] stone and cobbles still

Like an idiot ah the test lever back yep i broke something i think yep there we go and then test lever foreign huh that was actually a baby chicken in that one i’m gonna get rid of this wheat farm yeah because it just keeps getting trampled

Actually if i get by when you’re that might actually just overwrite it and it was like 29 bone blocks and storage so i’ll grab that am i the only one online no i’m not if they go to bed and i’ll go to bed so come on huh doesn’t actually overwrite um farmland

Um i don’t have a dirt block almost blocking in this so i’ll just wait for that to dry out and turn back to dirt so there we go oh yeah it won’t go because it’s got something cool there we go so so so all right this is actually quite relaxing so well so

So punch punch shh huh uh stutter more uh if you look in the uh description of the live stream there’s two what discord links the top discord link is a link to the uh channels discord so you know it’s all about this channel if you want

If in case you want to keep up to date with like uploads and live streams and all that and just have you know a nata about stuff on there um and the second link is the discord link for the realm which um will have the uh

Invite to an invite link in there which you can click and i’ll let you join the realm so hmm uh oh ew there we go whoops so here we go yeah i think if i use a water bucket well it should clear this real quick the only problem with using doing this

Is i also clears um torches but because of how it works um i can just put the torches back creepy i forgot about that may have destroyed never part a little bit do so uh look at that myself a way of preventing the grass from growing so so i’ll sort this out later

Um make sure it’s all grown and looks look nice so i want to make it look like um everywhere oh [ __ ] sake i’m just gonna i’m just gonna go into game mode one quickly to fix this because i’m lazy i still have that familiar

So like i was saying i want to make it look like uh everywhere around here is like uh wilted and dying and you know sound you know a little bit brown well around here it’s all nice green luscious and full of life and it’s now 4pm what did not mean to do that

Anyway boom boom there so so sometimes a bit hard to tell what’s carpeted and what’s not i love how it just overwrites the life and doesn’t actually break it oh look at that sunset breaking through the bamboo and the wall fungi and comes in from like oh look at that that’s nice

Really yeah he’s still online so actually i’m going to break that one per torch there and put a bit of moss carpet there so any way to farm specifically moss carpet oh there’s another i chicken like they should be torching yeah let’s watch there watch there torch there porch there torch there

Torch there torch there there there there there there there and there and then i’m just gonna here into here grab a death block on that going back to top chat should be live chat bone meal grab that and then oh yeah right there that there bone meal that over there anyway

Well i need to move it there manually but nope boom do okay niche and so Everywhere and it’s looking good great i hate this tall glass slow so so so and i almost done with the inner wing and while we’ve been doing the inner wing a little bit of the outer wings been getting done as well so just need to finish this off then move on to the

Finishing off the outer ring with one stack of bone meal left is there a torch in the new torch so right now this bit bam that cow really wants to go in there oh no he doesn’t i know weird cow church all right and boom from

There you go now that doesn’t all look nice compared like look here that is much better than that i believe if i pick up this lever they’ll retract the drawbridge but then that will also allow me to place affect the arm and the job it just back out nice boom boom boom boom

Um Um whoop did not mean to break the moss block just wanted to break the carpet there’s a bit of a downside with this i said the moss blocks are really easy to break so you might break them on accident so ah there we go i got azalea

Flowing azaleas and the ladies all the way around nice little pattern i honestly didn’t think we had enough of them to do it all the way around but apparently we did that’s all the moss carpet i’ll have to do a bit of testing with the most carpet see if there’s a way to

Grow the moss carpet and just the most most carpets so i can just make tons of it and just like spread it all over and i want a torch there and one there so you know that’s too close to the other one get some bone meal [ __ ] this tall grass

Uh he yeah he’s a new guy he’s a spawn getting white beds okay then hello um well i think i’ll do oh yeah the farmland stands who uh will tell what i’m probably gonna do is get somebody on um there’ll probably be like a bit of a delay between um

You sending a message and me reading it um anyway uh i think i’ll end the stream here and in between streams i’ll probably get somebody to um clear up the area and spread the moss blocks a bit more and uh like i was saying earlier the idea of this is that um

Uh we are so prosperous that uh the land around the castle that around the fortress is nice green and lush but the grass uh you know outside of the fortress is like dull green dying and not doing as well and it’s just like to get around the idea that we are prosperous

Uh and that um we you know we’re prosperous and what’s um what’s the word i’m looking for prosperous and um prosperous and bountiful i guess maybe um here you can bring up about where that like uh definitely leave it down in the comments like anyway um what i’m gonna do now

Is go into gamemode one and go to spawn to check out uh here we go i have small coordinates here so i can just teleport straight there boom uh oh fun yeah hello so yeah spawn’s been a bit ballooned up um since the last time i showed it on the stream

But other than that it’s mostly the same we’ve got like obsidian there’s a giant pier to um oh they’ve changed up the command block a bit that’s nice um yeah got a lava pit and yeah there’s some random bits of unexploded tnt uh smarted here and there

So yeah this is what i expected to happen uh the giant cobblestone cast is not what i expected and he fell for my place yeah um random floating tnt block uh flynn let’s explode some of this unexploded tnt oh those went over there a bit oh another unexploded tnt up here and bluey

So okay anyway i’ll see you guys in the next uh live stream which shall hopefully be tomorrow um but uh i’d later still be the day after tomorrow and i’ll we’ll be going back to game build a garage and because i’ve got stuff in there i want to do

Oh and then the stream after that uh it’ll just be like whatever i feel like could be more game builder garage could be some more this could yeah i’m closer to the command block all right um oh if i could hit the keys right give roger bad oh that’s too big

There you go all of the beds don’t know why you want so many beds but apparently needles anyway i’ll see you guys in the next live stream that i do

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Anarchy realm’, was uploaded by Nintendo Switch Brit on 2021-06-21 15:41:22. It has garnered 64 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:24 or 9924 seconds.

Join the Nintendo Switch Brit Discord for updates stream links mems and chit chat:

Join the Perfect Chaos Discord to play on my Anarchy realm with others:

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

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  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

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  • Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

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  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 6

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  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

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  • Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!?

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  • Minecraft Memes – He Just can’t stop dying

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  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

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  • Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

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  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

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  • New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?!

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  • EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don’t Miss Out! #hivemc

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  • TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft Parody

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  • INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won’t Believe #Viral

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  • Unlock the Power – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️

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    🔥SONDERGAMER CREATES EPIC GAMER WORLD 3🔥Video Information [Música] Hola a todos chicos chicas de YouTube estamos un nuevo video para el canal y Bueno chicos en el día de hoy estamos aquí en mundo Gamer número tres comenzando desde lo dejamos en el episodio anterior episodio en el cual si no recuerdo mal estuvimos creo que seguimos con la construcción de lo que venía a ser la muralla y también estuvimos aplanando un poco la zona que creo que lo hice en directo si no recuerdo mal pero bueno el caso me dirán vale Sander Y qué vamos a hacer durante el episodio del día… Read More


    🚨 SHOCKING REVEAL: AJHT TV RETURNS TO MINECRAFT AFTER 3 WEEKS! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘SOM SPÄŤ! Minecraft po troch týždňoch…’, was uploaded by AJHT tv on 2024-04-11 06:48:08. It has garnered 210 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:15 or 8115 seconds. Instagram: Discord: Donate: Read More

  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

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  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

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  • Grivyzom

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  • Stinky SMP Modded No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! If you’re looking for a 1.20.1 Minecraft server with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find your place here. We welcome all playstyles and suggestions for improvement. Why Choose Stinky SMP? GREAT PERFORMANCE! Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal lag for players. With 16 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 9 7950x CPU, our server runs smoothly. UNIQUE GAMEPLAY! Experience our Safezone-Borderlands system, where you can choose between a peaceful area with rules against griefing and killing, or a resource-rich but dangerous… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex’s cursed dilemma

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  • Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥

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  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!

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  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

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  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More