Our First BIG Hostile Mob Farm! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E59]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixariffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you’re all having a good day we’re back here at spawn today because today we’re going to tackle something incredibly fundamental but something which is going to change the way we can live in this world now i have

Been holding on to my elytra for a while and a bunch of people in the comments and on streams and so forth have asked me why aren’t you using the elytra a lot more well the simple answer to that is that i don’t have a great supply of

Rockets and i don’t feel like spending all of my nights chasing down creepers around here in order to get gunpowder but today that is going to change because we are going to make our first mob farm a general hostile mob farm that takes advantage of the game’s natural

Spawning mechanics and uses them to the player’s advantage and before we get started with this tutorial i will remind you that unfortunately this kind of farm isn’t going to work as effectively in bedrock edition because one of the major differences between bedrock edition and java edition is in how they spawn mobs

As far as light goes basically both versions work roughly the same if you have a light source nearby hostile mobs will not spawn when it gets dark because that light source is providing light to the surrounding environment and in the overworld at least mobs will only spawn in complete darkness but bedrock edition

Also has rules about how many mobs can spawn in a certain area how frequently they spawn and various other bits and pieces which java does not and so a lot of the time on java edition you will find players taking advantage of being able to spawn lots of mobs in a very

Small area which is more or less what we’re going to do today we’re going to need to gather a large amount of blocks which in this case i think i’m probably going to use dark oak wood because i’ve gathered a huge amount of that over the

Course of a couple of tree farming live streams we’re going to need a bunch of redstone components namely hoppers observers and dispensers and before we do anything else we’re going to have a brief talk about soul fire normally when you make a torch in your crafting

Interface you just put a stick and a piece of coal like so it can be made in a 2×2 crafting interface but the reason i’ve got this open in the crafting table is if we put a block of sole soil underneath that it turns into soul torches soul torches are a little bit

Different to regular torches they give off less light level they’ll actually give off a light level of 10 from a single torch which means they don’t melt snow layers when they’re around as you can see the tip of the torch and the flame burn blue instead of an orangey

Red and piglens here in the crimson forest biome are actually scared of soul fire they’ll run away from soul torches likewise they’ll run away from any soul fire that you light on nearby soul soil blocks they just don’t like the stuff the same is true of soul lanterns which

Can be crafted the same way as a regular lantern except with a soul torch and they will burn with a blue flame and last of all substituting the piece of coal for a piece of sole soil in the campfire recipe will get you soul campfires and that’s what we’re going to

Be focusing on today because the cool thing about soul campfires is they will deal twice the amount of damage as regular campfires which make them pretty ideal actually for killing mechanisms in mob farms while a regular campfire will deal half a heart of damage every time

It damages you a soul campfire will deal a full heart of damage every time it damages you which means when we need them to literally burn through mobs in the case of the mob farm we’re going to make today soul camp fires are twice as fast so now we’ve got that explanation

Taken care of we need to figure out where exactly we are planning to build a mob farm and then we’ll talk a bit more about the design but the location of a mob farm is very important in java edition mobs can spawn in a 128 block radius around the player so 128 blocks

In every direction from us a mob has the potential to spawn as long as the conditions are right as long as there isn’t too much light in the area as long as it is dark enough give or take a radius of 24 blocks around the player or

I think 23 but it probably includes the block you’re standing on as well in which mobs cannot spawn basically mobs can’t spawn too close to the player otherwise a creeper could just spawn next to you and you wouldn’t have any time to react to it outside of that

There is a radius of 32 blocks beyond which mob’s ai starts to act less regardless of what your simulation distance is set to the mobs will tend to freeze in place unless they are zombies which track towards the player from a longer distance but you’ll typically

Find that most mobs don’t do a whole lot of moving around if they’re 32 blocks away from the player between 32 blocks and 128 blocks away from the player mobs also have a chance to randomly despawn which won’t happen instantly but once you get more than 128 blocks away from a

Hostile mob they will despawn now we’re talking about hostile mobs pretty much exclusively here when it comes to passive mobs sheep cows other animals that kind of stuff all of those have similar spawning conditions to mobs give or take the darkness aspect but they don’t tend to despawn in java edition

With some exceptions like squid and fish because they’re constantly moving and there’s a chance that they might take up a lot of the game’s resources but that 128 block radius is very important because if we’re standing here at sea level for example at y63 there is 128

Blocks of vertical space between us and the bedrock floor at the bottom of the world so basically anywhere underneath us at this point mobs could be spawning in dark areas that we just don’t know about so underneath us mobs are spawning and despawning in caves pretty much all

The time we just can’t see them doing it and once it gets to night time we’ll find that a bunch of mobs start to spawn on the surface because there’s a lot of dark area around here and as the player runs around mobs in those caves will be

Despawning and freeing up spaces in what’s called the mob cap the total number of hostile mobs that can appear in the world at any one time in order for us to farm hostile mobs most effectively in order for us to get a bunch of hostile mobs to spawn in one

Place and then set up an easy way to kill them we basically need to make sure all of the mobs can spawn in one area we want one dark area away from any other spawnable spaces in the world or rather we want to manipulate the game so that

The player is standing far enough away from any other spawnable spaces in the world that there is only really one place or a series of places in which mobs can spawn which is why when it comes to mob farms the simplest the most straightforward place to build them is

Over a large area of ocean like this one this is an almost perfectly circular area of ocean that i think is going to provide a really nice perimeter for our starting mob farm design now the other thing you should know about mob spawning in java edition which

Once again is not the case in bedrock edition is that mob spawning gets more and more efficient the further down in the world you are so spawn rates at the bottom of the world are multiple times as fast as they are further up in the world because of the way the game

Calculates these things it sort of figures stuff out from the bottom of the world upwards and so in terms of spawning efficiency the most effective thing we could do is build the farm at the very bottom of the world as close to bedrock as possible however that would

Require a huge amount of work in order to spawn proof light up destroy whatever we wanted to do all of the caves in the surrounding area for 128 block radius that’s also now twice as deep as it used to be in older worlds it is honestly a huge staggeringly large amount of work

Especially for the stage of the game that we’re at right now so at this point we have to compromise we need to build our farm as low down in the world as we can but we don’t want to spend a bunch of time removing terrain lighting stuff

Up all kinds of other stuff so we’re going to build our farm at sea level around here and then in order to make sure that we aren’t standing near any other spawnable blocks which include blocks of the ocean because the drowned can spawn down here we’re gonna set it

Up so the point where we can stand and step away from the computer and allow mobs to spawn and accumulate and die about a hundred blocks up in the sky in total it’ll be 128 blocks up in the sky but the farm is going to be relatively

Tall and we’ll build a scaffold up from the roof that we can stand on and use as our afk point our point where we’re away from the keyboard just letting mobs do their thing in the farm so let’s get to building the first thing we’re going to

Do is find roughly the center of this area and it doesn’t need to be the exact center because honestly there is enough of a radius of water around this that i don’t think we’re going to cause any mobs to spawn if we’re high up enough in the air the spawning range around the

Player is actually a sphere so if you take a 128 block radius directly from where the player is standing most of the time it will kind of round off at the bottom here and we won’t have to worry about too much stuff spawning around the

Periphery so i think here on top of this kelp plant is probably where we’re going to start our mob farm having set up this 3×3 platform here that’s going to be our base of operations we’re actually going to peel her up a few blocks from this

And maybe go one two three four five before we start building the farm itself because i want to leave enough room down here for an automatic sorting system that’s gonna sort out all of the mob drops we get collect the bones put them in a separate chest to the gunpowder and

The string and the spider eyes and all of the other stuff that we’ll be getting from the natural mob spawns in the area so we’ll create a three by three platform up here above that we’re going to put in three chests which will eventually be the filter chests that

Sort everything else into their component categories we’re gonna put a bunch of hoppers facing into these and we’re going to create another three by three of hoppers on top of these will go the soul camp fires this is what’s going to be killing the mobs as they make

Their way down into this bottom part of the farm and around the outside of those we are going to arrange a bunch of planks so that the mobs filter down into this area with nowhere else to go if you want to have access to those chests

While the campfires are on top of them i recommend adding in some stairs or slabs here just so that you can still open the chests while closing off this area with the soul campfires and remember you can always extinguish a campfire with a shovel and re-light it with flint and

Steel just in case you fall into this thing don’t want you taking so much damage that you end up dying above this area we’re going to make our first large-scale platform and this is going to be where water streams will direct all of the mobs down into these

Campfires we’re going to come out seven blocks from each side of this so that each stretch of this platform is eight blocks long which will allow a full water stream to carry the mobs over here and tip them into the pit with the campfires once we have these seven block

Arms we’ll simply connect those up at the corners here and if you want to save on materials this doesn’t have to be a square it can be an octagon you can kind of round the corners off here as we’ll see a little bit later but making it a

Square makes it a little bit simpler to place all of the water streams correctly so we’re going to start with this design we can always refine it later now we’re going to fill in the center of each of these platforms you can do this with whatever materials you want to these

Don’t even have to be solid blocks because these are the ones that are just going to be channeling the water streams i usually make these out of full planks because you can get four of them out of a log block and they’re a little bit easier to place than slabs are you don’t

Have to be quite as precise with how you connect them but naturally if you want to save on materials then you can build this out of slabs it doesn’t really matter now that we have our platform in place we’re going to place a block at each of the four corners and from there

Around the outside of the platform we’re going to place another row of blocks one block up from that just to make sure that the water stays in the farm now i’m gonna dip down to the ocean and grab a second bucket of water which is another great reason to build one of these

Things in an ocean and we can start to fill in water sources around the outside of the platform here making sure that we skip these two corner blocks because we’re going to place a water source on top of that which is going to flow down into the farm from each corner placing

Water sources all the way around the rim on each side of the farm and then one flowing inwards from each corner block on here creates a set of water streams kind of similar to how we set up our cave spider spawner farm a while ago where anything dropped into this whether

It’s a mob or an item will always end up going directly into the center now since we built this outer rail out of solid blocks we will need to spawn proof these and we’re going to spawn proof them using slabs because if we put any light around here we risk compromising the

Light level in the inside of the farm which is going to need to be in complete darkness for mobs to spawn so we’re going to take some time to cover this outer rail in slabs just to make sure that nothing is spawning over here so we’re going to take some time to cover

This outer rail in slabs just to make sure the whole thing is spawn proof and now from above our mob farm looks like this a tray of water directing everything into that central killing area and it drips a lot from the underneath so if you find that

Uncomfortable you might want to slab the bottom half of this or add in a different layer of material just to make sure that the whole thing doesn’t feel like it’s raining on you while you’re using the farm now this is the point at which it’s really going to help to have some

Scaffolding because we’re gonna want to make a couple of platforms here and we’ll need easy ways to get up and down between them as close as possible to the center here we’re going to build up a tower of scaffolding we’re going to build it one more block up here and this

Is where we’re going to start our platforms now we can once again make these out of slabs if we want to conserve materials the important thing is that you make sure these are top half slabs and not bottom half slabs because bottom half slabs are of course not

Spawnable as we covered in the episode about spawn proofing so it’s pretty important to make sure that those stay on the top half if you want to conserve materials and use those for the farm in my case though i am just going to use solid blocks because i find them easier

To work with and i’ve got enough wood that i can spare the resources so we need to take note of our central block here which is directly over this campfire and from that block we need to go out seven blocks in each direction if you counted this right you’re going to

Have two blocks worth of space between the end of this platform and the outer rail of the platform below and instead of squaring these platforms off like we did with the one below we’re going to be building these into effectively a diamond shape with the idea here being

That if we place a water bucket directly on the center of this platform it’s going to flow to the very edges without any of the water flowing off and interfering with the water down below and while hostile mobs naturally won’t spawn in water we’re going to have the

Water dispensed and retracted from a dispenser in the center of each of the platforms we’re going to be building here this one and the ones above it the dispenser is going to be facing upwards we can put a water bucket in there and now any time this receives redstone

Power it’s going to flush this platform all the mobs will fall off the edges and they’ll go in towards the center where they’ll die in the campfires two blocks above this dispenser we’re gonna place an observer facing upwards like so so it will be looking at the next dispenser

And when it detects that that dispenser fires it will flush this platform for us just for the sake of my own sanity i’m going to remove the buckets from these dispensers for now just so we don’t have to deal with the platform’s flushing and not flushing in the meantime and right

Here we’re going to start building our next platform up and we’re going to do this five or six more times so that we end up with about seven or eight platforms all stacked on top of each other these platforms are two blocks high which will allow for the majority

Of hostile mobs that spawn in the overworld to spawn on these platforms the exception would be endermen which require a three block high area in order to spawn but since endermen teleport away when they come into contact with water this wouldn’t be a very effective enderman farm anyway but in the meantime

All of the other mobs like skeletons zombies creepers even witches will be flushed out of this farm and down into the campfires unfortunately the witches won’t be killed by the campfires because witches have the ability to drink a fire resistance potion that makes them immune to fire damage which unfortunately

Includes the damage that they will take from campfires it also includes the damage from lava and various other things that we could use to kill these mobs if you wanted this farm to kill witches as well you could simply change the kill mechanism for it witches have a

Higher amount of hp than most mobs but they still won’t survive a fall of i believe about 30 blocks and if you wanted to you could place some pointed drip stone at the bottom of your kill mechanism which would multiply the damage they take from falling onto it in

The process of that i think you do risk a couple of the mop drops lingering on top of the hitboxes of the pointed drip stone instead of dropping down into the collection mechanism so you might need to figure out something using hopper minecarts to collect those drops that

Might end up getting stuck on top of the pointed drip stone in my case i’m not too worried about that we’re going to kill witches via a different system elsewhere in the world because eventually we’re going to want to make a witch hut farm which will only spawn

Witches and which will be able to harvest drops from witches in larger amounts and since our afk platform for this farm is going to be 128 blocks above the lowest point in the farm then the witches are probably going to despawn from that 32 block radius of

Despawning anyway so even if they stay alive the witches aren’t going to hold up the farm for very long because they’ll just despawn eventually at this point our farm is gonna look like this a series of platforms which right now are not spawning anything because if we step

Into the center of the farm here this is not nearly dark enough it’s currently at light level eight just from the sky although obviously there is no block light around the farm would function perfectly well at night like this but we are going to need to make sure that the

Farm is completely dark on the inside the rest of the time and there are a couple of different approaches we can take to this the most typical is to build a large roof over the outside of it which blocks the light from the sky even during the day unfortunately of

Course to reach the outer limits of the farm like this tip of this platform right here or the tip of the platforms below it is gonna have to be quite expansive it’s gonna have to basically travel 15 blocks away from this just to make sure we don’t end up with any light

Filtering in and it also helps to make that platform out of non-solid blocks like slabs just so that the game doesn’t think there is another layer above this that it can attempt to spawn mobs so our final observer right here is actually going to be embedded in a platform of

Slabs and these will be lower half slabs just to make sure that they don’t spawn anything and also so that they still provide two blocks worth of headroom for the farm below another option we have is to completely surround the farm in tinted glass or some other kind of solid

Block i would favor tinted glass because we’d be able to see through it into the inner workings of the farm and make sure that the farm was flushing correctly and still producing mobs but of course when this farm is in operation we’re mostly going to be standing a whole bunch of

Blocks up in the air so we won’t really get to see a great angle on that anyway i also think at this point in the game it’s just going to be cheaper to build the entire roof out of slabs because i have so much wood available to me

Whereas tinted glass takes a while to farm and we need enough of it for a large enough scale farm like this that i do need to wait a little while longer for my amethyst in my geodes to grow so i am sorry to tell you that this is how

Far out we need to build the roof of this farm at least for now we might end up making some adjustments to it later just to make things a little more aesthetically pleasing but for now at least we’re going to be building the platform all the way out to here and all

The way out to here and all the way out to here and finally all the way out to here so 15 blocks from every single corner of the platform and then square it off on all sides but before we completely darken the farm and make this problem even worse for ourselves we need

To come through remove the scaffolding add the water buckets into each of these dispensers and think about how we’re going to activate them luckily for us activating all of those dispensers is going to be very simple from up here because we’ve left ourselves an observer that’s going to

Trigger the entire thing when we do anything at all to this observer as you can hear a couple of dispensers tick and they’ve actually ticked all the way down these platforms so that if we place water buckets in each of the dispensers we can flush all of the

Platforms simultaneously or if we want to we can have them flush alternately we can have one platform flush while the other one retracts the water and so on and so forth down the line and that will make sure that there are always mobs spawning when one platform is flushing

The next one will be spawning mobs potentially but we don’t need to worry too much about that i think it’s going to produce roughly the same results regardless we’re going to activate this entire system by activating a note block up here it’s going to simply play a note

That’s going to activate all of the observers going down into the rest of the farm and that is going to be activated by a simple redstone clock that was invented by a very well-known guy called etho the majority of the community thinks of this as an etho

Hopper clock it’s going to be activating this observer right here which will activate a single piece of redstone dust powering this note block now when we do anything in front of this observer it activates all of the dispensers on the platforms below and we take the block away does exactly the same thing

That’s going to be monitoring this redstone block being shuttled back and forth between two sticky pistons we’re going to place one of those there we’re going to place the other one here each of these is going to be powered by a piece of cobblestone either side which

Is going to pick up a redstone signal from an adjacent diagonal block that redstone dust is going to be powered by a comparator one facing that way and one facing that way and those are going to be detecting the contents of two hoppers that we’re going to be placing facing

Into each other like so we break one replace it so that both of the outputs are connected to each other looking at that i think i’ve done it slightly wrong we need to have one piece of cobblestone there and a piece there okay so we can

Close that back up we need to have a redstone dust on that one yes there we go so the comparator signal goes into this block which powers that redstone dust if it was the other way around the redstone dust was just coming out of a comparator in a line and it wasn’t going

To activate this piston but hopefully now it should so in a second we’ll get another piece of redstone dust to put here but in the meantime i will show you how this mechanism works effectively the redstone block here is going to be locking one of these hoppers each time

So that when we put some items in here they do not leave this hopper the output of this hopper is locked and it’s not going to be pushing any items into here but the comparator is going to detect that this hopper has some items in it

When it does that it’s going to send a redstone signal to this block here which is going to power some redstone dust which will activate this piston i can show you that right now just by moving the redstone dust over here like so and when that happens it’s going to eject

All of the items from that hopper into the other one and now it’s going to cause a redstone clock to happen because i don’t have a second piece of redstone dust here we go i actually went and got some redstone dust this time so that i

Can show you what happens so we’ve taken the lever away that was locking that piston and you’ll see that the redstone block shuttles back and forth because as soon as the items leave one hopper the piston on this side is going to activate as the other one deactivates and that’s

Going to allow the redstone block to shuttle back and forth it will only pulse that redstone once which means all of the dispensers get activated once and they all flush their platforms with water if we want to turn the clock off at any time we can do that simply by

Placing a lever against one of these and that will activate this redstone dust permanently if we switch it on locking this piston in place and then the clock will stay stable and that lever now effectively acts as an on off switch for this clock the other thing we’ve done

Here is create a bunch of solid blocks that mobs could spawn on observers cobblestone blocks the pistons the redstone block each of these is a spawnable block which could spawn mobs at night so we will need to make sure that each of these is slabbed over with

The bottom half slab to make sure that they are spawn proof alternatively we could just place a torch here but now the only thing that is left to do is go and collect some water sources either from the ocean or from just down here in our water tray and we’re going to fill

Up each of the dispensers in these platforms with water i’ve put water on half the platforms for now we’re going to switch this lever off and we’ll switch one on at the other end of the clock and that has flushed alternating platforms down here allowing us to go in

And put water buckets in the ones that have remained dry we’ve also got to make sure that i remove any temporary scaffolding from in here and with that the farm should be complete and will now alternate platforms every time that hopper clock switches we can also control how long it takes the hopper

Clock to switch back and forth by changing the amount of items in here so it will count down for longer i think i’m going to put 32 blocks of cobblestone in here as the starter amount for our clock and we can adjust that if we want to here and there

Depending on whether or not it feels like the farm is filling up with mobs before it flushes the platforms but now if we remove the lever from this side and the other side of the farm remains off you can see that the platforms that didn’t have water on are now flushing

Back on one of the open arms of this thing we can take a look at it from a distance and you got to make sure that there’s enough time for the platforms to dry out entirely and allow mobs to build up in there before they flush the next

Time and allow all of the mobs to be thrown off there is some wisdom to having all of these platforms flushing at once because if the other platforms have generated enough mobs that they take up the entire mob cap having some dry platform still in here is not going

To matter until those mobs end up getting killed in the campfires i’m not sure which method i want to set this up with really so let me know in the comments what your preferred method is and we’ll see if we can come to some sort of consensus i have one last piece

Of scaffolding to take out from down here by the campfires and this should now be a fully functional mob farm all we have to do is darken the farm by continuing to build out the roof and defend ourselves from this drown down here who seems to be trying to throw

Tridents at me you’re not part of the farm buddy i’m gonna save you for later yeah looks like he’s getting a little closer now i should probably be worried anyway we’re gonna fly back up here and continue placing slabs for the roof of this farm so that hopefully the entire

Interior of the farm can be dark and once it’s done this thing should be spawning mobs like nobody’s business well with the roof all done all that was left was to determine what our afk point should be and for that i took the coordinates of the bottom part of this

Tray here which was about roughly i think y71 and i just added about 120 blocks to that so we’re up here at y 195 right now meaning that the lowest point in the farm the area where the mobs end up dying on those campfires is roughly

120 627 blocks below us you don’t want to go the full 128 because more often than not that means some of the mobs would end up despawning when they go slightly outside of that radius so up here on the top of the world we can set

Up a little afk box for ourselves so that we can stand up here safely without phantoms interfering with us from the sky if it gets dark without lightning striking us and we might even want to put a lightning rod somewhere nearby so that lightning doesn’t strike and set

Fire to the slab roof down below us and coming down to the collection mechanism here we definitely get a picture of how well this farm is working because we can hear all sorts of mobs dying in here as we stand underneath it i’m going to expand each one of these chests we’re

Not going to attach the storage system to it quite yet but i am going to grab all of the drops out of these chests and from here we’re going to spend an hour standing afk on top of this farm just from putting the roof on and spending a

Little bit of time figuring out the afk point it’s giving us enough gunpowder bones arrows and string that we can safely assume that the farm is working pretty well and now for a quick final check we’ll make sure that the clock up here is working which it is we’ll go

Halfway up this tower we’ll come out as far as a scaffolding bridge will allow us to out to about there we’ll place some calcite and we’ll put a lightning rod on top of that because that will allow us to divert any lightning that would be striking the farm onto whatever

That block is and have no harm done eventually we might make a more permanent afk platform up here that’s going to look a little nicer than this tower of scaffolding but part of the plan here is not to use so many fireworks in getting up here in the

First place we’ll make sure we turn each of these chests into double chests just so we have enough there and as we climb up into our little afk box in the sky i’m going to put a timer on for an hour go make a cup of tea do the dishes come

Back and see how many mob drops we have acquired okay time for the moment of truth let’s see how many drops this farm has produced while we’ve been afk for an hour i’m just gonna stand up here on this ledge because i haven’t really formalized the sorting system yet

And that’s looking pretty solid that’s almost a full double chest in each of these it looks like we have a little bit less in the central chest as we have the ones on the round the outside which makes sense because the things are probably falling around the outside of

The farm instead of directly into the center but that’s looking pretty solid if you ask me let’s grab all of the gunpowder out of this and i think that’s going to fill up the rest of the spots in my inventory and then some i’ll throw some into this

Amethyst box that i was gathering from another geode on a live stream but i’m pretty sure we’re going to fill up that and my inventory as well yes we have a lot of gunpowder right now that’s looking very very nice let me slip another piece of calcite in there and we

Can head over to our storage system so down here in the storage system i’ve designated this chest for gunpowder the ones on the ends here are going to be the mob drops and it looks like we’re going to probably fill up this double chest within a couple more afk sessions

It’s really not looking too shabby is it and now we can grab maybe a couple of stacks of this we’ll head over to the sugarcane farm that we’ve had working here since the early days of the world let’s grab a few stacks of that and we can make ourselves fireworks for days

There we go that’s our first row of a shulker box all filled up and we can make this a dedicated fireworks box we’re going to stick that in our ender chest and we can use that to fly across the world with now well naturally the drops from this farm aren’t going to

Provide absolutely everything we could possibly get from these mobs it doesn’t count armor it doesn’t count things like the rare drops you get from zombies the iron ingots the carrots and potatoes the things that you only get by actively killing those mobs yourself but it is

Going to supply us with a bunch of rotten flesh that we could trade to clerics we’ve got a ton of bones in here that we could use for bone meal or craft into bone blocks all the arrows we could ever want a handful of string as well

Which we can craft into wool or use for various other things and these drops are just an infinite supply they’re going to keep coming every time we afk here at this farm this is only the beginning of our adventures with mob farm mechanics but i think they’ve started off pretty

Well and that’s where we’re going to wrap it up for this episode of the minecraft survival guide folks i hope you’ve enjoyed this look at mob farming and good luck if you decide to build one of these farms in your own survival world i’ll leave a link to a couple of

People who originated these farms in the description specifically the folks like nembon and el mango who really put the work in to optimize these farm designs in recent memory but there are a ton of different farm designs out there that i highly recommend giving a look if you’re

Interested in doing a bit more of this for now that’s gonna be it for me thank you so much for watching this episode of the minecraft survival guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it

Subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now you

This video, titled ‘Our First BIG Hostile Mob Farm! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E59]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-02-25 11:00:24. It has garnered 136764 views and 6326 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:03 or 1803 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues! Today we tackle a classic – our first overworld AFK hostile mob farm. This tutorial will show you how to build a general hostile mob farm for drops from skeletons, spiders, zombies, and creepers. We begin farming gunpowder for fireworks and TNT, bones for crop farms and other bonemeal uses, string for bows and wool, and rotten flesh for trading… But perhaps more importantly, *why* we’re building the farm this way. We cover the basic concepts of the mob spawning radius and its relationship to the player position, the hostile mob cap, and how we can manipulate these to our advantage. In the process we introduce soul flame, soul torches, lanterns, and most importantly soul campfires. We also build our first ‘Etho’ hopper clock, and gain the confidence to use Elytra more freely!

Credit to the folks who pioneered and refined this farm design: Gnembon’s Simple Hostile mob farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guvMmdeZqiI Ilmango’s dispenserless mob farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg17wAr_IOI

Season 2 world seed (Java Edition only): -3821426255058016680

Season 2 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.18 and beyond!

Follow the Season 2 playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7lE0MG80qw&list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjpNDm056_NSPhIntVMG0P8


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #MobFarm

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  • EuphoricFactions


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  • HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #Minecraft

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  • EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!

    EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen Craft on 2024-03-31 11:00:27. It has garnered 12597 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024

    Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rivals! Livestream: 16.04.2024’, was uploaded by Tandzo Zockt on 2024-04-20 05:25:49. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:48 or 9168 seconds. Have fun watching 😇 If you want to support me, be sure to leave a like and subscribe! 😇💜 We do livestreams of the project on Twitch! My Twitch: twitch.tv/tandzozockt Discord Team Tandzo: https://discord.com/invite/tGc6xE9Jta Special thanks to @Tzagor who made the video! #tandzozockt #minecraft #minecraftdeutsch #minecraftchallenge #minecrafthorrormaps #minecrafthorror #newvideo Read More

Our First BIG Hostile Mob Farm! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E59]