OUR FIRST MINECRAFT SMP?! – Aphmau Crew Minecraft SMP Episode 1

Video Information

We spawn at night oh god the server was running The lava is glowing i can’t see anything right this is what i look like i don’t know i can’t find you guys where are you everybody here’s my here’s here’s mac here’s shadow escape right and then michael michael climb up let’s go to the oh

Guys this is what i look like oh i know i got a golden hoe on the back of my hoodie i’m on our mouth can we do it hello guys hey oh yes we need to show each other check it out new look new look i like it

Oh i’m so glad you included your ponytail there’s a zombie shadow shadow behind you we’re in survival ah it’s not a I’m like on a floating island To the people watching me here so here it is you ready yes oh god no that’s not gonna work hi hi brian yeah there’s shadow guys guys there’s a creeper right there where next to the chickens what it’s next to the chickens over there i don’t see it it’s over there [Applause]

Is it daylight yet nope no work in progress all right we’re good there’s some chicken over here oh this is skeleton shiny water i’m running i’m running i’m running mac you got your classic skin michael the skeleton guys we need to find shelter don’t save moica where’s smart i can’t break blocks

Either i got an egg i got four i have wait it’s about to be daylight how do you know how do you know i can tell you that the sun is rising oh yeah you’re right nice pretty i’m fighting a skeleton i might die knock him in the lava knock

Him in the lava oh i’m gonna die i’m gonna die here we go i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it hey i got the achievement oh wait i see you guys whoa look at the water over here guys guys guys there’s

There’s a waterfall over here it looks crazy wait wait first we should we need to save moica guys all right where’s my There’s a tree right below you um like uh try to land on the top one you’ll probably only take like one or two hearts good news guys i’m the first to die this is a really neat texture pack this thing is awesome i’ve been using another uh smp that i’ve been doing with

A friend and it’s very pretty There’s a witch I’m going to die again i’m fighting a witch i’m going to die i died again going for the high score huh hang on i need i need to get that death counter command because it’s like cloudy [Applause] as soon as the rain stops then we can

Get it going okay i mean i need to get that death counter going give me a second yeah we should probably figure out a good place where we’re going to start setting things up i mean yeah how about we walk around i i want to find a cool biome for our yeah oh

No we can’t use that command in this how do i turn off the auto jump it’s in your controls auto jump oh there we go oh which poisoned again yeah let’s even get back up there micah okay work back towards your options controls it’s on the top right yeah there’s a witch

Can i pick it up i’m kidding nope i can’t pick it up okay you guys are flying out over there so i can’t really climb that much i love it i’m going to beat you with dirt so michael yes it appears that since you created it

You have to use the commands to turn on the death counter i have to do what again i have you have to paste in this command and then this way and then just a second once i’m done dying to be killing this witch yes i might be dead so my death counter

Might be uh no i’ve already died twice well i’ve died once that’s cute i’ve got three i will paste in that death counter in one second once i get revenge yeah where’s the witch it it might poison you oh there’s my guy all right now that we’re all here i’m gonna disconnect

Really quickly because i can’t uh break any blocks well you can break blocks because i think you’re like directly well yeah yeah you can’t on the spawn area like within 20 blocks of that or something like that no like even even down here i couldn’t oh weird when i was like running away

Now i can though oh interesting okay yeah uh we need to figure out where to go because i’m running out of food real quick and michael where’d you go i’ve got four raw chickens so that’ll work no no that doesn’t work that doesn’t work lava Man the switch is completely gimped me look at this guy oh sunlight it’s raining look at the water guys look at the water that’s what i was saying i’m so yeah this is um it’s um it’s a shader pack yeah yeah i’m not i’m getting close i’m down

To half a heart i’m half a heart too thank you son michael and i are beating on a witch oh my god it’s like the 1700s burn the witch wait where are you guys i lost you guys no you shadow you does anyone have wood um working on it

Madam will you please be gone do you want me to make a uh like a something more eggs yes so we can make wooden swords hang out guys i mind crafting i’m punching a tree oh punching wood i’m still going i will take this witch out that is our first

Goal right here guys all right i have enough for a bed hey which has gotten poisoned there’s a couple more sheepies over here if you need them yeah or we can breed them don’t kill the brown one i want the brown one there’s a couple brown ones get some

Sticks oh no i thought those are great oh you made a sword already thank you oh dear man how many times are we gonna have to try and smack the switch we’ll not you run away and ignore the witch she is invading our village there we go

I got the achievement hey you got it man okay all right everyone everyone yes it’s it’s down here at the bottom of the hill ooh glowstone dust hang on yeah uh let me come find you and i’ll lead you down here or you know what oh okay

I’ve got a couple tools for starters shadow shadow thank you for the sword here have a pickaxe yep i also have one of the wooden swords in case you want it back to dinosaurs here’s an extra sword and an extra shovel if anyone needs oh i got two extra swords there’s more oh

Oh boy also we are now adding these scoreboard objectives so we can see how many times we go oof hey i may have died twice already i’ve done once all they want so far also also i don’t think piggyback is working we have a bag uh i’ll have to play

Around with that because there might be something i need to do because it’s a bucket mod yeah but optifine works yeah yeah that one works fine no i’ve never opted to find it before monica is wearing a piece of chicken nice and uh oh i got some arrows in me i didn’t even

Notice what c what c okay oh you guys have chicken too on your back yeah okay what the heck how do we turn that off i think it’s the thing that’s in your first inventory slot shows up on your back maybe or not no because i have chicken

Like in my second third to last do i have anything on my back for you hold them on you’re letting me know yes you have something on your back details yeah how do we turn that off what’s that how do we turn that off uh that’s i think it’s tied to more player

Models so that’s another one but i forget the exact shortcut for that but hey i got it hit hit f12 that’s right Uh similar to another mod that we might happen to know rather well so then so then hit config uh then hit config block highlight and change that to no block highlight already sorry i got too close to my face there we go what does block highlight do does it

Highlight the block with the black square oh wait no i think that is right yeah hang on i didn’t do the right thing then what is it again config oh show back item [Laughter] all right so so are we just gathering stuff here until we get enough stuff to

Find a a place to make a hub like that i mean we right we are kind of ooh sheep we are kind of close to uh a starter mine and um yeah this might be a nice place to call it there yeah let’s make a temporary hub here

Okay temper i like the word like number one rule of minecraft is like don’t settle where the game spawns i made an extra pickaxe we need to initially survive so we don’t care i accidentally made an extra picture yeah you had a bunch of wool woods yeah i have a bed

Here mac i made an extra pickaxe oh thank you yeah i’m a i made an axe i’m getting us wood and then i make a chest because i have raw stuff you have coal yeah i got coal coal so quickly he’s mining some in the mountain i am That makes a lot of sense all right guys we have a chest next to the crafting table okay nice i’m gonna wait do you guys want to come with me me hi come with me i’m scared okay i might need a weapon so here let me give you the weapons

Never mind i’m keeping my sword i heard weird sounds from down here in this house i know all the sounds are different i like it we have a furnace little sounds not yet okay There’s so many sheep here does anyone have iron we gotta share these sheep uh i think it is what is it i think it might just be sunlight oh oh like shade it looks like it’s flowing down there a little bit oh but as soon as you get

Close to it then it gets really dark and i don’t like it i’m scared okay yeah the sun is setting again oh nice um should we make a mud hut then you know what if what if we just seal off this little this little hole that we

Have here we can dig deeper yeah let’s make a hobbit hole nice yeah let’s get the iron we need the shears so we can make beds and sleep i have wait wait is it a stone sword in order to make uh in order to get the iron right now stone pickaxe yeah

Does anyone have that if you’re just not yet i got a wooden one yeah let’s cut some wood before we have to hide planting some more trees so we can get these back i’m gonna start covering this up a little bit so that we got our entrance yes

Hello sheep okay where where is the home hole right around here All right i i lost everyone i’m over here there we go oh i see you all right so where’s the home gonna be uh i think generally around here is where we’re starting to look okay we can cover this up for safety temporary uh hobble hobble hole yeah i’m gonna make a

Marker of something oh who’s got coal let’s make some torches to mark the home yeah and let’s also have torches inside the home so we don’t die yeah yeah yeah okay so i i blocked out the wall so things can’t come crawl to us yep i’m sealing off the uh the sides

Here a little bit so we’re gonna do a little bit better oh i’m so excited all right hang on i’m borrowing one i’m gonna do it yeah we’re gonna get some once it gets lighter i’m borrowing some coal from the oven so i can make how do you make torches again

Yeah so sticks yeah and coal oh there’s moonlight Guys if you hold a torch it lights up that’s pretty cool also let’s make sure we clear this there we go okay we’re fine I think mihai is still out there yeah i’m coming i’m coming come on yeah how do we get out there we go we’ll get out later there’s a spider okay we’re fine guys we left all of our supplies out there it’s fine don’t worry about it we’ll get

More support yeah that’s why we got it oh there’s an iron down here cool yeah yeah yeah i told you okay okay now that we’re all together and there’s light let’s do another skin reveal for people who are for people who are showing up Guys we’re professional minecrafters now we are yeah [Laughter] right get myself some cobblestone use that to make some stone tools a little bit i hear the monsters those those my spiders are so mad oh no i don’t like it you know i well i’m just gonna seal up this little dark

Area just in case that’s a good idea i’m just trying to expand a little bit without necessarily expanding the point where it gets dark yeah let’s stay away from the gravel this way there’s holes that’s why i patched up all the holes oh my god there’s so many sounds man uh-oh i got

Sorry guys we got a tech issue my graphics card is causing trouble yay there’s too many mine i i went and re i re-downloaded every driver possible for today because i was like i can’t i can’t lose it today i can’t dang it ah oh man i was hoping that they fixed that

Driver issue so i might need to join y’all in a minuto oh we’ll still be in the hole so don’t worry if you want to put that torch in this sounds good talk to y’all in a few i think sorry i’ll get this all fixed dang it that’s a lot

Ah boy time for dd uh it’s an installer yeah yeah put it up here in this corner i’m gonna create a crafting bench because i feel like it’d be nice to have to get that iron before we forget it exists yes yeah yeah Yeah we should have grabbed all the other stuff oh yeah a lot of it could have been ah still dark out there okay so how’s everybody feeling really i still have arrows in my body it hurts but you know what that’s okay all right i’m still paying you know

There you go i’m gonna go and get that oh scars build carrots so oh i see yeah how you two doing i’m doing good pretty good in fact i will talk to you guys in just a minute once i get this all fixed okay all right

See in a few are you guys using webcam okay i was trying to decide if i want to keep mine on or not oh it’s outside back i could make one for in here i can make one yeah hey guys there’s a cave that goes deeper in here yeah

Wait wait no no don’t seal it up what is there any coal no i was hoping to find some coal quick but i didn’t see any immediately you have like one oh oh hang on i like it you’re in the way and i got the wrong block there we go

Okay i’m gonna go in if you hear screams you know it’s bad all right all right okay have fun um there’s no coal we need coal i’m gonna go look for coal i’m gonna keep mining and hopefully nicole yeah i’m i’m bringing one torch just one one two there yeah

We can just if we can periodically although you i can’t see the light coming off of your torch so if you could just periodically oh okay yes oh actually it it’s a dead end oh That’s great that’s so great coal which leads to more cave yeah let’s get this cold go back and make more torches before we go on yeah and i have food we can cook too oh nice i have cooked food in our furnace back in where we started

Oh there we go that’s better oh shoot i’m starving i just realized i’m not starving i have three i have three things here let me all right more torches make some food it would be very nice to be very nice sad hearts yo put this back on the death counter So we knew where we were going oh it’s still a dead end oh well hey you don’t want to go down into the cave it’s this hole right here takes you down into the cave what was that nothing nothing okay okay yes what’s going on you’re staring into a corner like the

Blair witch yeah i know my game got messed up because the counter was hidden oh no um i’m gonna take a piece of mutton yes i’ll put oh wait there’s some chest in here i’ll say i’ll put stuff hang on i’m checking it’s still night outside great

Okay i’m digging deeper i figured my oreo style just dig too deep yeah we don’t have a spawn point yet i can show you i can show you a thing does anyone have any iron so we can make shears so we can make beds have one piece That is not enough you need two for shears yeah i thought oh whatever it’s good enough for now oh the sun’s coming up get out i’m okay go get our stuff that we left behind waiting for us just multiple skeletons it’s still dark out all right he’s covering that up technically right

And a spider all right spiders oh okay i am gonna the spiders are fighting the skeletons ow there’s another one fight together unless they turn into like a rider situation oh my goodness i got an egg i’m just running i’m just running i’m just rotting all right

We also are not able to keep our inventory which sucks which it does suck but i think it i think we kind of deserve it i think we’ve had too good give me my stuff i’m trying to get to the sunlight yeah coming out enough they are starting to

Burn out here guys yes and remember spiders are docile during the day i got rotten flesh well i don’t know if it’s worth eating though no i don’t know what it’s worth zombies they sting string guys we’re like next to the swamp oh that’s where the witch came from that makes sense

I’m back out here i like that we have lava and water close by oh baby zombie babies bring it to the sun run into the sun get out of here baby let me punch you in the face with the pickaxe i got a sword all right now let’s see

Do we have any iron in our chest uh there’s all more stuff i have literally got a piece of chicken i can show you guys something though that might lead to iron all right it’s down in the cave okay covered it up with the secrets

We just i really just want to i mean i can start killing sheep if we want to but i’d rather cheer them okay here follow me we’re not gonna be here here forever so like i just start burning you know all right fine i’m killing the sheep

What do i need to make there’s something down there i covered it up because it was scary not the brown sheep for fears two iron it might be a dead end but i saw it you know what i wanted to grab some torches from the other area because we

Know that’s a dead end and let’s bring him down there you have something cool yeah i made something okay i’m just i’m just killing sheep so we can get some beds going out i can make one bed just one skeleton i’m gonna try to see if i can take it on uh Oh my god he scared me i need one more brown shee Yes i got him hey and i may have picked up some of your stuff in the process i’m sorry this is right now we are extreme community mode what’s yours is mine and what’s mine oh this game’s going hey squids so somebody can have this here oh wait

Wait no no no no no no no a moica i have another brown wool for you oh okay i just need one more so do we have three beds then i have i think i have enough wool for beds for everyone i i already have your head

What hey micah you and i why don’t we work on getting these things into our little cave for the time i feel like it’d be a good idea to have those with us as opposed to leaving this all out here i’m getting all this stuff my god this takes place there are

Like so many more sheep that way but i think i have enough wool i’ll come back there’s tons of sheep so we need three each i’ll come back for you in three okay there we go into the end of the hole for now uh-huh saw what looks like a ocean or something

So maybe we could make some boats and like find the motherland of like i mean maybe there’s some cool sunken ships or some good like who knows all right uh here’s here’s brown wool okay all right shadow picked it up shadow give me that that’s mine

Oh all right i didn’t need to go there you go wait so so who needs a bed at this point i got a bed i think everybody should have a bed i made three i can make a wait oh no i would because we’re always gonna need more wood

But the trees are so far away now wait where okay our beds are going here i just put it down just because i knew i would lose it otherwise so i figured i might as well set it down somewhere okay i’ll set mine here then guys i have made a pink bed

Oh wait i want that one i want that all right you can have the pink bed mine okay ugly stinky all right here here is your pink bed thank you thank you i’ll take the brush somebody somebody can have that bro oh you want the brown one uh well

I mean eventually obviously i want to make a blue one okay okay but you know what a brown bed for variety is great now we got a nice oh hang on no no we put the white bed in the middle or what’s the order of neapolitan ice cream uh i think it’s

Pink white i chocolate so so we got a neapolitan bedspread right there i want to say it’s white pink and then chocolate i don’t know guys good news and some bad news huh good news is i found an underground pool that’s just right next to our house okay

What’s the bad news the bad news is there’s a creeper already swimming in it oh oh boy okay well the more good news i found cole uh-huh hey getting some good stuff i am muted i had iron there was iron right next to us the entire time

By the way micah uh the chat agrees with you it is pink then no no it’s white pink chocolate white pink and then chocolate yeah i’ll go move them and then we should actually set our spawns All right uh i’ll just brown bit is mine you can only sleep at night but also it’ll still set us yeah your spawn point on it also we have a pet bat are there any more flowers out there oh what was that oh that did not sound good this sounded scary

Okay oh i can make a yellow one yeah i’m gonna look for more flowers for dye yeah here’s oh never mind i don’t know if we can turn these into dye but i’ll pick them anyway yeah there’s a oh yeah oh the bat’s leaving goodbye oh our pet

Bat no no it’s he fights fine he’s scoping out the area you know totally he’s he’s a familiar yeah all right i have a yellow bed nice oh we can get a black bed too there’s ink sacks like those are squids yeah yeah there’s no lapis though huh we have to go down

Yep i need a lapis for a blue bed well you can make blue with corn like a bunch of blue flowers like corn blue or whatever it’s called uh i got some blue block oh wait there’s blue over here there’s blue flowers i found mushrooms this is more i think like a piercing

But yeah here’s blue it’s okay we’re not being pure certain or anything any type of blue worker whatever color you feel i see pigs also i got butter there’s regular pink yeah we do have pigs over here Chris yeah picking mushrooms picking mushrooms there should be food up here where are you at uh i’m just in the swamp close by okay i have walked away pretty far let me come back to y’all yeah i’m coming back i can’t sprint there’s some cool stuff

Out of food here myself i’m gonna make a tower to landmark our home good plan like the door you know yeah you can make a little flag here you go chris i brought you some food oh thank you yeah there you go what what hole is this

Is this going down into our home is this our i fell into it Oh wait i have an idea actually okay i’m going back the way back leave the hole open leave it we need like a more normal entryway i feel like the door would be real nice we could just have a door open okay hold on i i have an idea i have to

Go back to where i was to get some ingredients get all of this out of the way okay you’ll love it you’ll love it okay it’ll be iconic i have 13 cold now i like it like hey guys so how’s the death counter going hey i died another time

Mac is the only one not on the board with the death hopefully yeah i um i had three different uh whoa oh nice man i got to get a decoration a lot of iron also thank you for the raid welcome raiders yeah welcome welcome go oakland nice

Yeah i um hopefully got everything fixed uh just geforce driver for some reason the last two versions have not been nice yeah they’ve been kind of a monkey the most most recent one has so far been doing okay for me and i’m hoping it holds out

Yeah hopefully i got the right one at about three side by side and i go i think i know which one i want but we’ll find out soon enough all right i’m heading back guys i have enough of an ingredient for our yeah the sun is setting

You’ll love it oh we have beds though so we can just sleep we got you a bed too thanks guys there’s a dark corner this is not gonna work yeah well i yeah we need more torches i made like and yeah i’m gonna make some torches so let’s see here have 16 torches

Nice i’m gonna make a tower and put a torch on top of it to mark our home yes that’s a good idea that sounds good to get it because i found a whole giant vein of coal and i’m getting it quick before i leave yeah i have 64 i have a stack and

A half or a sack and a quarter and i have 14 iron so what do you think we should be doing then should we start uh getting some farming in order outside all right see well that’s the thing do we want to try and make a small settlement here or do

We want to gather and move on come here come here oh you got glass so that we can not be at nighttime once i find my way out of the caverns outside the uh our hobbit hall uh also everyone can choose a bed of their own we have a white bed a yellow

Bed a brown bed a pink bed and a red bed nice as long as we simple lola thank you for the best of shape yeah shape or two thank you for the subscription yo let’s go let’s get some rest hang on i’m going to get to bed

I feel like i want to make it right where can my way back i’m working my way back i got 37 coal i just got to make it back i feel like i ate oh my god that’s a lot of coal i feel like i want to make my

Bed purple but then i go in case we have another uh person joining the server i mean you could temporarily first come first serve yeah fair enough yeah exactly earth day candle in the distance i’ll i’ll take the red bed oh there’s a red bed now yeah yeah

Okay okay okay okay okay uh bye you sooner thanks for stopping by you’re ready we’re sleeping or what no we’re waiting for shadow just waiting on shadow shadow actually put real effort into getting that so i’m not going to break it oh get the bread the glass don’t you

Break the glass that’s our skylight that’s what i’m saying that’s why i decided not to it’s okay i have more yeah our home looks adequately lit so i don’t think any monsters will spawn while we’re sleeping cool yeah let’s get something just sleep immediately get in bed hey

Oh look at that daylight coming through our window morning we should get more glass have a little like four four by two by two yeah It thank you we’re gonna go out a little bit to get some wood huh yeah i found this really cool area i think we should make boats and explore we are next to a swamp yeah there’s an even cooler area okay i’ll show you where cows are here

Cool also i have a ton of iron i should probably oh yeah throw it in the oven throw it in the bottom oven i’ve got iron cooking there all right minecraft we cook some food though i’m so hungry it’s a furnace one non oven whatever i don’t care

It’s an oven to us i’m there we go also to note because we have a future mc we can also make up uh smoker and other things that aren’t in that’s what future mc is okay yeah so things like that lanterns stone cutters wait i thought all that stuff was in

This wait are we playing 1.12 uh-huh oh never mind the ocean update’s not in one point 12. ocean yeah it was 1.13 yeah because i know we were talking about we were talking about some different versions but 1.12.2 still has the most varied mods sure i’m gonna put this back

There’s some mutton there too okay i’m gonna use up all my wooden tools first gathering stuff and then i’ve got stone tools there we go ah yeah i’m gonna go chop some trees i’m gonna keep getting cold cause we’ll we’ll always need it yeah we’ll never oh there’s a baby chicken It’s kind of like a troll like a little statue it’s cute oh he’s moving [Laughter] i was joking after a second i thought he did how do we make a lead so we can just take an animal with us Well if only piggyback would work i’ll work i’ll figure that one out that one’s a new mod that i’ve not used before so there might be something well hang on some mod options wait i thought mac was a vegetarian listen i normally play vegetarian in all

Games but you guys were saying that you needed me and i am providing i am the mother type okay oh thank you max the hunter gathering for cave not inside the cave hmm all right i’m coming back for those of you that are hungry tell you what there’s going to make

Actually there’s lots of mutton in the chest if someone wants to cook it too i ate most of the i put in like 20 raw mutton oh my gosh yeah that’s look like oh yeah i do see that because i was slaughtering all the sheep for beds true i

Will put that in the stove uh i’m going to start making a field just so that we have some stuff that we can be able to eat in case we have any issues with him yeah we got lots of seeds we can make some bread to go nice

Yeah i’m getting a lot of seeds right now so yeah all right this water is so pretty it is i love this texture pack um so uh why do i still have arrows in me they won’t go away i know i’ve had them in my body for a

While i think and they go away yes fine i don’t see them on you like if i look at you i don’t say hi don’t we need a water uh yeah that’s what i was realizing probably a little bit better by the water do we have enough iron for a bucket yet yes

You want me to make a bucket i mean if we want to put the farm somewhere else yeah okey-dokey that’s a bucket is acquired i put it in okay we can play it over here too now oh nice oh up there yeah yeah because mac’s making a bucket

Yep i made a bucket i’m also i made some boots because why not i don’t know if we’ll need lily pads but i’m grabbing some anyway sure here’s operate in the bucket hello squid anyone want some ink sacks should i get some sure just to have black if we need it

For anything right yeah goodbye squid and i think uh does it take some uh who’s it what’s it’s um what uh crafting are there any potions that you think sex or no i have no idea i’ve never made potions in this game uh those are gonna take a while to hmm

We have to walk before we can run you know yeah yeah definitely definitely stumble and fall on our faces before we can run die a few times you know okay i mean yeah i can speak spanish sugarcane yeah yeah i’m on a gathering mission yeah i i know a place that’s kind of

Nearby to where we are that we can plant it nice i mean all we have to do is plant it on some sands near the water right yeah i don’t know why i said saturday sand oh here’s some sand and more sugarcane we need sand i i got

Plenty of sand over here yeah there’s some sandman bring me a drink Ah i keep remembering we have optifine and like oh yes so when are we going to start our barbershop court quintet yeah we got a quintet yeah as soon as i can harmonize yeah i’ve been in i think like almost a dozen acapella groups what are you thinking let me see if i

Can fix this uh patch it up a little bit down there yeah because we don’t actually need the water above if we can get it underneath oh my goodness and we also don’t need the water to be one block i think it’s like four or five blocks

Uh so like all these like this is just more water than we physically need unless you’re going for aesthetics kind of a little aesthetics yeah you say aesthetics i say hell yes please i say whatever i mean yeah we’ll do plenty of survival because otherwise it’s uh diamond planet you broke your headphones

Do you think people are going to enjoy watching us just like gather stuff and do stuff the slow wow Hold on one second um i mean otherwise you should have a treat doing creative right if that was if they didn’t want to see us gather stuff right we got a we got to get some survivor drama up in here i like some drama we can do like confessionals

We vote people off every day and we just only last like three days until it’s the last person left going my gold my gold my diamonds bye oh there’s a creeper yep we just cratered the entire server see that’s the thing if we had the hand cannon uh mod in we

It would still be a long time before we make any tnt worth uh being dangerous like the hydrogen i might not be able to be this low for the sugar cane okay my axes are gone i’m coming so um what were you thinking for this water

Here or was that for the trees or it’s an infinite water source so i don’t have to keep going all the way over there oh no yeah the triple yeah i was hoping it wouldn’t go down as much um i am returning links down here so

Uh if we make planks here i’ll just make a crafting table for out here because i’m lazy af yeah a lot of nice aspen over here and then if we go like this and then shadow what’s your language hey no i love aspen so like california beautiful

Is this what you mean you don’t want it to go down it’s cold i know because i don’t want to put the like see i want to be able to block it off like oh that’s too much that is too much usually maybe it’s in uh older versions

Yeah it might be one point thirteen oh okay let me yeah look give me give me that peanut yes this helps a gifted 300 whoa shout out to people third stretch goals whoa no our third i can’t math by the way mac would you mind sharing your charity have you shared your

Charity with the the group yet or yes again and i i’ve been muting to like talk about it a little bit because you guys are having conversations don’t interrupt but yeah so i’m raising money for the um starlight children’s foundation they provide sick kids in hospitals with a means for entertainment

So like modded nintendo switches as well as puzzles uh books coloring books things for kids to do that are stuck in the hospital for weeks sometimes months at a time due to the pandemic they have closed the playrooms in hospitals so you have these kids that are just there pondering about

Their illness and this gives them something to take their mind off of everything and yeah exclama in my chat exclamation point donate expiration point charity to get our tilted fire donation page and then if you want to know more information about starlight uh exclamation point info for their uh web page

Yeah i’m gonna have to use my tiltify thing to up our goal oh my gosh because our final day of fundraising is on the 29th so um wait can i have that water bucket yes let me send this to you i’d love to sleep i have a problem what’s the problem

You know where i am anymore oh no do you see the lights i turned up my record it’s 27 blocks so i’m going to see if i can spot from here oh no uh well you can always die light up the dark a little bit light up the dark

I don’t i don’t see but i got lilac i was so excited to find lilac so we could get purple nice guys i have so much wood yeah i’m trying to figure out where to put a tree form so we can have more wood all right it’s night again

It is night time we got a baby chicken we had one there’s been one around yeah it’s it’s in the cave for me i think i just made that i may have made two at one point hello chicken i hope you like living underground me too i hope it likes zombies because i

Hear one right about now lovely yeah it’s time to get back here and once again shadow is the last one away from home again i mean we’d love to yeah but right now i’m on an adventure of my own awesome i’m talking about if there are sheep there then kill them ryan sure

By the way may i borrow the bucket for a second please uh yes okay this should be plantable i wanted to ask you guys and feel free to say you don’t have time um but so i’m coming up with a higher incentive um would you guys be interested in doing

Another like collab stream or something as a like um i don’t know maybe we could since we’re doing more smp like we can continue like the smp for a day or um yeah just like a day where we all agree to be on totally um uh depends on what the day is

But a saturday it could just be a nebulous someday right yeah we’ll just do like crew stream totally thank you guys what are you doing on top of the furnace there’s so much bad stuff out here right now you need to get inside right now i’m

Speaking of which mac and i are home where the heck are michael and moica oh we’re just up at the phone out here with the spiders and the creepers of the what not there’s a creeper behind uh i’m going to run by the way who wants some rotten flesh delicious

Look how much wood we have i’m gonna make it more chests lilacs so there we go i’ll spawn more sand and the creeper is right outside hang it out don’t do not touch no sir we have already heard the good word for those wondering who i’m playing with

It is back shadow chris and michael aka hi yay all right we’re ready for bed bedtime yeah yes yeah i was just saying i was thinking a little rotten flesh for some sweet dreams oh and i just made myself sick sorry i have stink lines oh dear glad

I’m not sleeping next to him sorry man there we go okay so hanging out yeah before you go outside oh he’s gone nice oh he’s gone your friend has disappeared nice i’m going to organize these chests a bit are we getting it are we getting a little too weird wild with those a

Little bit oh he’s still here oh no close to the door not going outside all right oh wait that one kind of did work don’t worry shadow he is now coming after me i might regret this fun all right wait um nice oh i’ll stay away yeah don’t worry there we go

Did we get more iron oh no not yet oh well actually no i think matt got some i think mac’s muted right now though yeah every time i see you running around i think you’re either a creeper or a zombie from how your new look looks rapidly moving tree just kind of zooming

Through wait did we ever make the shears not yet i don’t think so we should have enough iron to do so though but yeah i guess at this point though it’s like do we really need cheers unless you want leaves and stuff but that’s for later when we like decorate a

House yeah yeah oh uh who’s working on the gardens so that was moika and i uh me and michael yeah here is the sugar cane oh thank you thank you cool and i have the water bucket in case you would like it hello chicken i made another one uh

Where did we get glowstone dust uh the witch at the very beginning nice yeah we got super lucky okay really but the saplings here and this creeper i heard that found it ah we’re good we’re good mac is the only one not on the board

Yeah mac take a chance come on matt join the minecraft take chances make mistakes get exploded you found a b b is plural bees oh there’s all your stuff oh thank you here’s some stream yeah i got blasted i’m planting trees at a team rocket moment i forgot how often

Like how quickly you get hungry again yeah if you run all the time usually i just have a whole stack of mutton that i eat from yeah right [Laughter] in this world we’re a little bit uh naked compared to our usual fare yeah Okay all right oh that tree’s covering the sun uh oh well time to time to uh punch some wood yeah yeah wait my skylight no no no the uh wood oh there’s a tree i was gonna say if they’re messing with my skylight that’s no go don’t worry the skylight’s safe i found

Some red mushrooms so you can make some mushrooms perfect oh the food gets so weird we got a lot we will be entering the mushroom kingdom and saving princess peach from bowser yet again i have an idea yeah i’ll be back okay hold please i found i’d find a giant mushroom

I hear zombies and bad things i need to find one piece of iron thank you for the follow there we are and also to everyone who’s been following thank you very much apologies yeah they focus on i hear scary noises down in the caves yeah they’re like

No i got like a music stinger i feel like it’s it would be irresponsible if we didn’t do some like uh some shameless plugs for everybody here uh periodically tell us who everybody is and what’s going on man yeah who wants to start you your idea okay all right fine

Oh hi i’m shadow temple i stream here every day slash night on twitch uh at twitch.tv shadow underscore temple you may know me as pierce from the half mouse stuff and minor demons and what all um but yeah i i play lots of fun games on twitch here you should

Definitely check me out and hit that follow button yeah go follow the shadows so who next who next uh okay so that’s with football so i think that’s my cue i am michael lazekis also known here on twitch at as uh mihai zetta i play noi for the afmail

Channel and am a voice actor i do a lot of video games and animated content uh go what the heck have i been doing recently uh working on a bunch of stuff including the upcoming animation far-fetched by ashley nichols and dave captiville who i believe are going to be playing an undertale

Stream after this but uh yeah i love video games i love making video games and hope you all are having a wonderful day yay all right max no ball of truth who’s that mario okay she doesn’t get snowballed yeah for me i didn’t like it i i stumbled she didn’t notice

I’m farming i’m in the zone also right thank you for giving me that sub hi oh wait is it my turn yes yes oh okay hi hi hi i’m i’m mega moeka i do the voice of kawaii chan if you watch half mao um otherwise i am a

Youtuber in my free time i play a variety of games i do just chatting i play valerie i play minecraft i also have a youtube channel where i predominantly uh upload my minecraft content on occasion i’ll do like jack box and stuff like that but hi i’m hoshi sora if you want to

Check out a new independent youtuber that’s me hi hey chris you’re next my name is christopher escalante if you’re familiar with the aphmau channel which you know why else would you be here uh i am the voice of ian i’m the voice of ian as well as derek and shad i also do

A lot of voice over for other anime dubs video games uh most most recently got to announce that i am the new voice of batman in dc’s mobile game dc battle arena uh as well as the anime series ishida and asakura and uh higarashi when they cry new

Uh i am also a musician composer film soundtracks video game soundtracks i do a lot of music and sound stuff and uh i like to stream every once in a while just as a hobby really i think i am probably like the least serious streamer of everyone here but it’s super

Fun and uh i love it we got batman for our smp go figure that’s so i have to ask you why so serious because criminals criminals do bad things and that’s why i beat them up isn’t that right alfred yes sir i also voiced alfred in that game you

Did he did both he had one line just you got yours yeah guys good news i have made oh hang on i accidentally placed a thing i am making flint and steel nice cool cool cool go to the nether i think i messed up on this side i somehow have a sixth bed

Oh yeah we have extra beds just in case we have travels yeah if someone goes on a travel they can take a bed with them that way uh if it’s night time before they get back they can still sleep yeah just in case people need uh their two flint and steel

Nice so what do you think would be good for our next objective as we got the farm working we got some trees planted i got some string ah yeah take a day on the farm and then maybe maybe find a new place to hang out i’ve been trying to

Kind of scout out around the area and i haven’t found anything too cool yet i like the idea of being so close to lava and water though pretty cool there’s more lava and water where we go but question with the future mc mod does that mean that ocean biomes are in this

Or they’re not in this uh i i know the items for them at least are um so like um the treasure ships would be Good so don’t don’t quote me on that uh just dropping off my stuff i don’t know what else to do right now um yeah that’s where we go get blown up by creepers some more rare materials that would be pretty yes yeah i could go mining more

Deep dig deeper i’d get some more tools let me get myself a pickaxe the sun is also setting yes it is yeah so we’re gonna have to mine yeah we could all just spend the night yeah i think we could pull it all nighter tonight all nighter yeah as long as we don’t

Sleep for more than three days we’re good yeah i’ve been that mistake before Fortunately those will not start showing up oh are they disappointing i spent in minecraft got it pretty sure yeah um okay i guess so i did make pickaxe and i’ll use that to help get some more iron yeah i need to make a yeah we found something real nice down there huh

I’m mostly digging with the stone pickaxe but yeah using yeah iron pickaxe once you get yeah i’m just using stone as well also somebody’s watching all the way from ireland thank you welcome uh a856 maybe or do we have another or irish the no you’re a witch

So where are we digging where like where are people going with this i’m building a stairway to the bottom of the world i think uh where are you at noises over here shadow do you want to dig in maybe there’s possibly we can find something down there where are you at

Oh there you are yeah yeah yeah remember you can hold a torch in your left hand and it’ll light up for you yep just for you uh-huh just for you so you can at least see where you’re going that’s one of the nice things about us

Where do you think that is is that up or down oh yeah i don’t know yes so the shader pack is it’s s-e-u-s and it’s uh something intended for all versions of uh all versions of minecraft something crazy oh found them found them creepers

Okay okay what do we got what do we got is matt gonna get on the death board oh i see it i see it now she’s fine nope i ran away i’m sorry i’m sorry to report that she is perfectly fine oh i found the witch too oh my god there’s

Everything in here yeah yeah yeah every single thing are you above ground or underground we are like just a little bit deep uh here let me see if we can mark it with some torches here there i have marked which one is which where it is going to steal it off

Yeah you kidding me that’s how you stay alive put doors in those places this is why i’m not on the death board i guess there’s a lot of things there you know if we had the death board working earlier it should be me at three and i think michael at two yeah

We get a few mulligans i mean i mean we could just kill ourselves to even it out and not count like just us doing that you know just just make sure you put your inventory away before you do that because that’s redstone i don’t have an iron pickaxe already

I i’m digging down i have a giant stairway nice all right i’m going in i’m going in back i’m going to try it out okay i want to see this all right i’m going to have to dig around it because i don’t have an iron ready mihai you want to come uh

Okay i’ll join you i see where chris is going to get these creepers to blow up that would help a lot i think actually i hear lots of bad noises oh yeah there’s so many bad noises come on blow up blow up hurt you wouldn’t you won’t we could do it all right There you go that was a good explosion okay that was good that sounded really far away from me i found bedrock very productive already i hit bedrock nice well i’m gonna get some honors in here oh there’s this there’s just so much there’s so much time to come back and get an iron

Pickaxe so i can mine this redstone oh my god i’m getting out i’m so hurt i want to see where you guys are sounds exciting so we’re by the diorite yeah we’re back up towards the top pretty much really especially relative to you here i’ll put a a thing by the door here

We go you killed the witch yep there’s still so much down here though ding dong i wonder if there’s a spawner whoa what was that oh there is a lot of stuff down here ah i hear so much violence going on yeah there’s a lot of violence a lot there’s

Where are you guys look at this door wait through the door off to the side of the door okay uh i need to eat again never mind i don’t i don’t know matt can you lead him down yeah yeah yeah i’m i’m home you’re home you’re right chris over here turn around okay

Yes and there is a skeleton so watch yourself i’m just making an iron pickaxe so i can get that stuff i Someone else can have it you guys are fighting stuff i’m pretty damaged yeah uh anybody got any arrows like i have some arrows i need to figure out my way back down iron pickaxe oh yeah iron pick one dang it i’m gonna take this one iron i i got a couple more

For you uh if you make a shield the skelly’s you’ll be We have the caverns right now oh they’re here guys i’m bringing friends why you’re so good who got a pumpkin well at least i can be a meat shield i’m go uh the house oh wait i don’t want it don’t worry we already got our own problems inside the house yeah no

Now where was i zombie villager okay we could be on the track to getting somewhere on that right yeah that means there’s a village nearby right possibly right oh we could take it over oh yeah there’s a zombie villager that means there’s a village i think yeah yeah

There’s another iron pickaxe here by the way you want your stuff oh my god you are i need to find my way back out back home there we are guys remember we are all streaming so if you want to see a more exciting view than what i’m doing just

Mining you can see everyone else okay i’m good in battle apparently uh where did you guys go anyway because i see same spot um how actually do i get that i go through the door and then where to water um i’ll show you i’m right here go down all right right here

Okay good let me see um i’m by the house there we are see now okay more iron i keep getting it i didn’t make my way down here yeah i got it with me in here um yeah i’ll get you if you can not today thank you what does that mean

Oh i’m gonna die just just keep your shield up there you go so guys uh i think i’m right underneath lava i’m scared to dig maybe i can dig around it because there’s not leaking over here yeah oh it does it goes lower creeper yep yep

Yep yep yep yep yep i found the i found the lava how how are you doing good i’m still alive okay It’s fine it’s fine i sacrificed a torch accidentally oh i am so oh no i can’t see it i’m trying to light this up as much as we can i’m gonna go make another stone pickaxe i’m kind of like okay i have a steak for you

Oh thank you all right hold up hold up hold up if the lava okay guys bad news i need i need you all to listen bad news i found the lava i panicked and placed my torch and now the torch has been consumed by the loft so i have no light source

Um that’s not good it is pitch black down here oh no i will make some just because i got it okay they’re all burning i think we can get down here back i think we can make mark this out i think so all right

Okay if i i can i can tell i can guide someone to me if you can come and save me been please black there’s another skeleton just doing that we’re getting close i don’t see it oh there you’re coming out via one side yeah whoa all right hey come on jerk wait

Holding a sword oh it’s growing why is holding uh nice come on come on never mind apparently i’m okay you get a little bit of light from the swords i don’t know why okay never mind i’m okay then yeah i am on my way down i see mac

I’m trying to fight a skelly you got it i got a boat got him nice nice right okay there’s so much coal oh okay so that’s the way home yeah there’s a lot of resources so chris i’m trying to see where you are down the cavern it looks like yeah we can block

Off the areas that we know aren’t safe i’m out of torches you you dig oh i have torches oh you got torching Yeah i can make torches hmm i don’t know why holding tools gives us light that’s really handy it is really really nice it is like lint off of them i don’t know oh yeah like the little glimmer yeah oh it’s only the iron ones or oh no

No no because cause my sword works a reflective surface yeah cause my stone pickaxe won’t do that but my stone sword will really weird so yeah still trying to figure out i see where mac is yeah all right i made uh i think shadow went this way this way behind the gravels All right i’m heading back to camp okay i got some stuff to smelt bye mac i need to get i need to get another pickaxe just because my lost mine when i got bodied uh do i have it no i don’t have it uh let’s go

Did you have stone because i have one stone one iron here i got uh i i think i picked up your stone here you go okay thank you yeah i’ll use that to get us more stuff since we got boku iron down here also yeah i i do have a bow tie link

Command it’s just multi oh um sorry hey yeah you go ahead multi-link oh yeah yeah it was just exclamation point yes definitely click on the multi-link if not to actively watch because sometimes that’s hard on people’s internet uh browsers make sure that you uh you follow everybody on that list yeah

And we greatly appreciate it so you can uh jump around once i get blown up by a creeper or whoever happens to be the next victim of a mob there needs to be like an nfl red zone version of minecraft where you like uh like the game will sense when someone’s

About to be in danger and then they just swap to them oh nice uh also my mom’s just mentioned that there is a way to manually add death counts so chris you and i can catch up oh nice i’ll have to fiddle with that later though yeah we can update it for sure

So you guys got any fun plans for the rest of the weekend uh no hanging out relax yeah is there nothing too active uh oh yeah oh tomorrow on youtube i’ll be screaming um story of seasons ooh just came out yeah the newest one that just came out

I’m really interested in trying it out um because i’m a huge harvest moon fan like the old original ones it’s fun um but if you know what happened their ice skating got all messed up so they had to rebrand a story of seasons yup oh yeah i’m really interested in checking

Out the newest one so i think it was what hudson’s soft that had harvest moon uh and natsume okay i never played harvest moon uh i like it it’s cozy i guess that’s why i kind of uh like i’m so far i’m i’m really enjoying minecraft way more than expected other than

Obviously playing with you guys i’m coming yeah you just farm and like hang out with some of the npcs and like just hang out chill i’m live yeah my fiance marissa is a huge fan of that entire like genre oh my gosh uh mac i am

Looking for yous i’m lois all right guys time to reveal my big uh secret where are you guys uh i am a million miles away i’m trying to find where mac is dirt hut guys how am i supposed to show you my how am i supposed to show you my

Gold hoe and gold helmet oh my gosh after all that after all that of course uh mac are you did you seal up the dirt entirely ah hey michael there’s a ceiling oh wow i’m jumping in everyone take it in ah yeah Legitimately don’t know how to get back to y’all i’m just going to keep the hoe in my off hand generally i’ve been keeping the right sides of the walls so if you’re in an area with torches uh just follow them make sure you come to your

Left you should be okay yep that is a good strategy i remember hearing boating trouble so the way home is torches on the left okay uh anyway gonna go back down to my mind okay let’s go do it at least i was able to show someone my accomplishments though

We’ll keep an eye out for you guys man there is lots of coal down here yep yes And iron oh yep i got a bunch of iron from earlier did you actually hear that i was in the original pit no i hit bedrock wow oh Okay where are you guys heading back at home yeah we’re just picking up this colon iron on the way oh i see you oh my sounds like a pokemon game no yeah pokemon colon iron that does sound legit though it you do know what it is though right

Thornton shield no it’s jess’s minecraft pokemon roleplay she made like five years ago oh really yeah yeah that’s hilarious yes no that’s the wrong way is it this way yeah good shadow that doesn’t sound good i’m definitely not good definitely not good oh no man shadow why don’t you just tp to us

[Laughter] we’re playing also guys it’s daylight it is that’s so nice oh i found back okay i found a major artery again that’s good at least there we go all that in there bringing back all my coal here i got more coal Yeah it’s better than the first one i made so shout out to jess for showing me how to make a good looking beard in welcome minecraft you are riddled with arrows also everyone look upon my beauty Yes oh i’m also sad we can’t do the sit lay crawl commands oh oh you can i love setting you up chris you type them you can edit buttons inside inside uh more player models and you can set them inside options so look for mpm one two three four and

Five oh that’s what those mean uh-huh well what the heck it which one’s which so you can set them up all right yeah take a look inside config and then edit buttons this is two okay so i need i need two moved to one yeah oh yeah i’m dancing over here hey

We got our goodies hey look at you laying down let’s see sit lay crawl hug dance got it [Laughter] It’s a little slower than what we usually do but it works it looks pretty fast it gets the job done give me a hug yeah there’s there’s a very intricate cave system if you just dig a little bit deeper um i probably put down maybe a hundred

Torches down there and it still keeps going and i had to just oh dang it’s uh this is pretty terrifying where are these glass bottles i keep feeling myself oh it’s probably the witch yeah that makes sense somebody made him yeah pretty sure was the witch because i know

Those were dropped yeah i got a witch and a pretty good place to take her out but unfortunately it uh i then got bodied by a skeleton immediately afterwards oh welcome welcome oh wait i’m getting so hungry okay let’s uh and so question the chat for sam

Yours so the say optifine actually has um it actually has a dedicated site where you can grab it so i believe i get the exact name but it is a site where it very simple white background it’s just you get optifine everything else curse forge is probably your most reliable

Place it’s from curseville yeah it’s a legit mob all right i’m going back into my stairway there’s forge as a website but then directs you to somewhere else to download don’t do it yeah i need more torches because i’m scared yeah i think the farm is gonna turn into like a

You know the you know rice paddies are set up yeah so guys i have to go um what yeah yeah so it’s my dog’s adopt-a-versary and we want to spend the day with him and go to petco and get him a bunch of stuff and treat him like it’s just i also

Need to shower because like low-key literally just brushed my hair and turned on the canvas Myself well then you have a great rest of your day yeah yeah see what you guys come up with with our whole area i guess let’s keep gathering your stuff and wait to move until we’re all together again yeah yeah all right bye guys bye see mac bye I’m gonna make this a little bit more beacony out here so we can see just a little bit better as we’re trying to like sprint back So i’m back in my hell cave where i found the lava the gold i’m looking for diamonds we’ll see how it goes yeah let’s take a look let’s check out the hell cave i’ve dug down to the bottom of the earth uh oh i do that i am going to get some

Food because i am hungry yay it would be also a probably a good idea if we keep collecting that iron eventually get ourselves some armor built oh yes yeah that would be amazing i hear lava and water i don’t know what the heck i’m near pretty good chunk of iron going so far

Right yeah and it’s still smelting anyway i’m gonna make myself an iron pickaxe so that i’m gonna i’m just gonna go hardcore iron so we could all have a i’ll be fitted out for a bit yeah i think iron pickaxe would be good right i’m gathering as much iron

I’m gathering everything that i find you know yeah hey i don’t hear anything anymore so i’m going farther away oh yeah i found a ravine like a big old cave there’s that lava that i dug onto myself where where did you dig down into the hell dimension so you know you you head

You go downstairs and then you turn left to go your way right uh yeah instead of going left just go keep going and then you’ll see a different staircase uh on the left yes it’s just like it is a single path all the way down yes

That’s the one oh boy um and also so so you’re putting torches on the right side to go into the cave so it’s left to go home yes all right i will do that then generally a good play i hate this i hate every second of going down the stairs

I just i’m my head every three steps yeah oh that’s not the right way oh my gosh the baby zombie oh oh shut up hi uh Which means diamonds have got to be nearby there’s more iron there that’s cool my my main objective today is the food zombie all right you die zombie thank you shadow yep i [Laughter] We must protect our friend give me that gold let’s see oh my gosh being underwater messes with your vision shadow i hear arrows near you Okay i made a button i didn’t mean to ah what did you make it out of just wood okay well there are worse things you could have made yeah it’s not that bad i was trying to make the fence for the chicken oh i found a ton of redstone over here chris

I nice coming down into the hell level diamonds though i know no diamonds yet there’s more iron in redstone oh this water is dangerous it flows like right next to the lava so it could push you in nice frankie you really did dig fart we we very deep

Dug two d uh uh greedily and deep however however the phrase goes my gosh have you ever stood in just like just high enough water to reach your eyes it messes with your vision okay i need uh a wall of safety thank you oh man oh our sugar kangaroo yes oh okay

I see the eye oh that is a lot of lava i’m gonna get some iron while i’m here i’m exploring this lava to see if i can find any diamond it feels like i’m surprised we haven’t found at least one diamond there’s grass what the heck grass underground that’s always fun yeah

Next to the lava there’s dirt and grass down here okay i think i oh yeah i’m michael you know i’m behind you hey guys rice paddy field i was that’s kind of what i was going for with ours nice but with meat that’s definitely a good play creeper creeper creeper creep Creeper creeper no creeping creeper no creeping no creeping oh man guys this is really fun actually this is super fun i’ve played real minecraft in like a decade i hear you on that i did a hardcore mode so back when i was still living in utah jess actually tried

To set me up with a survival mode thing where we did hard we played a few hardcore mode videos on her channel and then she was like you can use the server and the hub to keep going if you want to stream i’m like great i’m going to do a

Hardcore mode and it’s going to be a great series i died immediately a couple of years and that it bought it went about as well as it went for you and i i brought maurice there yeah it was like pretty hardcore and uh i was doing fine but she

She dropped into a cave when she first spawned and immediately died is like well i can’t join you anymore i was like well like great this is fun yeah having a great time and i was like fine we’ll just do regular minecraft i got revived lava under

In fact i think i might have found where the staircase also lets out because i’m digging around the lava right now yep the staircase eventually ran into lava so i dug around it so we might find diamonds i’m looking what i’m looking for right now there’s tons of um oh lapis

Uh i was gonna say tons of obsidian everywhere oh i hear bad noises yeah i hear bad noises too i’m just enjoying the rumbling oh there’s a zombie thank you for the follow i’m gonna kill this zombie maybe oh i’m scared scared i’m so oh gosh there’s lava right beneath me

Oh more lapis i think it’s daytime oh yeah it is daytime yay i swear if this zombie comes to knock me in the lava i will be so sad oh i’m gonna die he died good news everyone once congratulations and there’s exactly three just enough for a pickaxe I’m heading home now yes do coco coco after i pick up this gold what no get out of here oh my goodness hashtag on brand uh i just need to find the torches where’s the torch path that’ll lead me home otherwise i’m lost uh-oh oh no bring him home

Oh i see the torches i’m coming hey wait a minute why is there what huh you’re okay there i think i just ended up in a weird loop because i saw you were digging farther down and then it went back up i was digging it i was also digging around trying to get

To a safe area ah okay yep i know where i am now uh uh hey water slowing me down okay and this way then stairs as i’m gonna make a diamond pickaxe do it do it do it greatest tools wait a minute where’s the stairway oh

It’s uh there you dug out the stairs i didn’t realize oh that was a stairway we can fix it i can fix the baby next to the baby oh you guys dug deep yeah seriously yeah that was that’s all chris blame chris y’all were fighting monsters i was trying to get the treasures

All right hang on hang on new route oh my gosh yeah wow guys i found a monster spawner in a chest spiders spiders michael michael this way oh over here over here over here zombies and spiders i haven’t gotten the chest yet i’m running away

I got diamonds i’m out i’m out i got three hearts left i’m leaving i’m leaving oh no no no no no but i know where it is i’ll go back for it i will drop off the diamond pickaxe someone else can have it and i will go for that

Chest go back and die yep oh it sucks that sucks so much i know we drop all of our stuff what are you doing here No doors closed did he is it too dark in here is that the problem there we go spawner is dead oh you got the spotter what’s in the chest a lot of rotten flesh and some name tags i guess name tags are okay uh let’s see we got about

We got a bunch of bones we got a bunch of rotten flesh we got a bunch of coal a saddle saddle okay we can get a horse and let’s see a music disc oh the maybe the door was open or it just walked here eventually didn’t it be it like

I didn’t see it open i don’t know i know there was a skeleton in our home though yeah rude more lights well at least we got a bit of a shorter path down to the lava now yep yeah that’s true guys no of course i’m not gonna make

Another golden hoe i need to make an entire golden armor set oh geez come on be reasonable i mean what else do you do with gold in this game you make railroads i guess i could make a pressure plate i don’t know whatever uh yeah i think you use them to make

Activator rails wait am i already wearing a helmet okay i need golden boots then yeah i’m so fly 13. uh they’re apparently they’re apparently cursed minecraft discs oh oh there you are yeah my chat mentions that my chat mentioned that there’s apparently cursed minecraft things come here oh more lapis more lapis

Well we’re getting low on food yeah come here come here i’m trying to get this chicken to follow me into the pin so i can get another one more chickens yes do you have seats yes i gave him one too please get out i’m leaving behind the diamond pickaxe

It’s in the chest but i’m going back down to where i was okay cool that’s good that that’s that’s what that’s what i cared about the most if you got that we’re good okay uh i am leaving um some marker just for a dead end that i found haha fenced in chicken acquired

Nice and michael hey chris back here that yeah yeah great zilla i don’t know i don’t know what you’re going on about keep looking for treasures maybe hopefully find more diamond right hi Came what the heck what do these three torches here mean oh that means it’s a dead end okay i found some lapis there but it i was uh not seeing much wait whoa you got you guys have so many planks in here already what yeah that’s when i went on my wood expedition

An hour ago oh my goodness i’m also grabbing all of this mossy cobblestone just in case what do you think mossy is there a use aesthetic nice yeah i gotta reset i gotta restart everything unfortunately i i lost everything and there’s no way i’m finding my way back to work oh no

Survival mode smp acts of iron i was so excited oh you know i was thinking about doing keep inventory on for the sake of oh no no no no no no no it’s got to do the we’re going for real if you die in the game you get sad for real yup

Why does the little skylight that we have going on look like a little sacrificial pedestal on top right [Laughter] interesting it’s mostly so like if we’re walking along so we could spot it just in case and also so that skylight actually provided light even when it’s dark outside oh wait wait wait i think i might have another one a what i’m another chicken friend so we might

Have more chicken we might have a chicken farm oh yeah seeds yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah back to where i was get it in get it in the place yeah chicken oh i think i need another one hold on Anything up here okay i might as well pick up this iron mica you have done a fabulous job out here i haven’t had a chance oh yeah i see the skeleton okay i think i can beat it I wonder if i’m near diamonds but i know right now cause i got a lot of spawn oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no michael see me smile sorry i got two hearts and there’s a spider chasing me hello spider die

Oh so i was hiding from the skeleton and the spider snuck up behind me roon why don’t i have any food i gotta head back with you hang on chris i got something here bread thank you can i have one more piece of food so i can heal uh

Oh wait no i am oh thank you i’m healing kinda i’m sitting here in the corner with my porkchop gold follow me good sir where’d you go i’m alone i’m sad okay i’m back it’s your lucky day yay lots of gold i can get my full gold armor set

Oh and iron right behind it so i’ll keep mining do we have anything down this weird dark dead end grow baby grow okay i need debatable food can i can i get an opinion from you guys i’ve been seeing a lot of like uh opinions online

That like arby’s is trash food you know that it’s no good what do you guys think i like arby’s i think step up like mcdonald’s yeah i like their curly fries but i think for their pricing it’s kind of meh yeah i kind of like it for the fact that

Arby’s is different that you’re getting brisket and roast beef sandwiches and fast food that it’s kind of their own thing like how wild they got with chicken sandwiches before anybody else realized that was a good idea i love their chicken sandwiches it’s a pretty good chicken sandwiches there

And you know what there there’s that like kind of idea that if you work at a fast food place you’ll realize how gross the food is and like it less arby’s was my first job and i hated arby’s until i worked there i mean like there’s only so much it’s

Only so gross you can get about like roast beef and stuff right like they slice it themselves yeah uh-huh we got the big machine which if you’re not careful you could totally like slice off uh i know i just saw the chat talking about arby’s for some reason and it brought that up

Just like hey people yeah i mean anything go after arv why are you talking bad about arby’s i like it it’s like if i if i want it’s very specialized of course i’m the only time i eat there is if i want their turkey ranch and bacon wrap or their uh chicken

Swiss and bacon sandwich with a side of mozzarella sticks and a jomo could shake now that sounds good it’s very good but it’s also going to be like 12 for that and i am not a rich man the fast food in general it’s just it’s gotten expensive oh i see a skeleton

That must be the skeleton i was hiding from when the spider walked up behind me hey bruh what are you doing wow someone said they’ve never heard of arby’s never heard of her barbies i mean i think they’re only in the u.s i would say definitely americans

Yeah i was now i’m now i’m wondering like what country are you in nice there we go oh another skeleton around that corner um left corner or right corner behind you this one how rude oh never had our bees uh yeah that makes more sense but somebody else did say they’ve never

Heard of it it they’re from britain there you go thank you i just they’re my chat was reminding me of nihilist arby’s on twitter he has a great twitter page the first uh the first like you know guerrilla marketing page before wendy’s went off oh really that was arby’s official thing

No no but i’m sure i’m sure arby’s wasn’t upset about it oh it’s like life is an endless spit of despair eat arby’s yeah let some welcome to night fail level stuff there if you if you fail if you fail at something in life don’t worry the sun will explode in the next

Couple of billion years and none of this will matter also eat arby’s Uh by the way somebody in my chat redeemed a channel point thing that i have for these cards that i have called pod decks which we’ve done before uh i got three decks in total and they picked from the interview deck and i was was wonderfully okay if i asked a

Question from that absolutely okay this this is an interesting one actually i wish mac was here for this one but you have 100 000 and you have to donate it or create a charity of your own what do you do with that 100k um i think

You’re allowed to pick one charity or a combination of charities let’s let’s say you you have a hundred thousand dollars and you want to do the most good you think you can do with it what do you do i’m not gonna i’d probably say pet charities are the dearest to my heart although

Yeah i guess let me just qualify it doesn’t have to be like utilitarian like for the greatest good of humanity but just like what what would you give it to what what’s what’s important to you i would either oh no go for it i’d say pet charities and actually even

Going off of what mac was doing um entertainment charities so that you can have kids have access to things that’ll help bring them a smile when they’re in bad times totally so yeah hang on i think i’m lost i follow the torches on my left but then

They turn into torches on my right and i get confused i just have a can-canning zombie up here oh i think that’s another monster spawner i need to find my way out yeah how about you how about you chris what would you do with 100k so so yeah i

I definitely like the whole on brand thing of doing like uh extra life and games for kids and stuff but honestly um i really want to like support the more uh single mothers and families or um uh racial communities because sure yeah i think i’d do something similar as well

The first time i was building charities the first time i really ever started caring about or like noticing and caring about stuff like that was since i moved here to minnesota being so close to minneapolis and uh black lives matter going around here sure um so and i went to my first

Protest here uh did streams raising awareness for uh the minneapolis and minnesota communities stuff like that so i think that’s nearest and dearest to me right now cool also where the heck are we michael we are lost i’m trying to figure out oh no i was trying to make sure so okay

We have torches on the left torches on the left oh did i never fill this up over here what the is this the right way nope not it’s not it’s like you or i got confused as to what way was our left and now it’s all kind of messed up oh no

Well i guess this is our home now you guys got there by digging straight down you could always dig straight back up and i know i i’m this close to building a stairway just up sad might be worth it eventually yep i’m gonna start doing that i’m trying to

Think what it what i do with that i kind of like with you chris i i’ve really uh kind of gotten close to the city of milwaukee and and like everything that’s going on inside of that and like i i would want to support initiatives in milwaukee to make it a

More equitable equitable place um it’s just it’s milwaukee actually is like one of the most segregated cities in the entire united states which you don’t really you don’t get that feeling from like well it’s way up north you know that’s that’s a southern thing but no it’s it’s not true

Um having grown up in the northeast i’ll tell you oh yeah it’s very much true in northern cities northeastern cities yeah especially there yeah inside i’m towards like you know sheltering housing and then probably educational opportunities as best i could yeah thank you uh thank you cutting dolphin

For turning in for those pod bed questions yeah michael i’m fighting zombies and they are winning oh uh let me see if i can figure out where you are yeah yep yep yep because there’s a monster spawner in the chest well uh if another one gets your pickaxe i shall a little zombie

It ran right past you toward me yeah i saw is it up towards where the water is yep that’s exactly where it is hello drowned zombie it’s kind of stuck there well let’s help make him uh let’s reunite him with the earth yay so yeah coming up on our left yep and nice

Oh we got an enchanted book nice nice or smite’s four also fun video game fyi ow skelly wait how do you get the oh oh that’s a creeper ow i have one and a half hearts that’s the lock yeah he’s dead now okay hi this might be a dead end but um

You got a need for more iron i might as well i’ll pick it up and then i’m just gonna start well all right stairway to heaven did you you just hit me did i i think so yeah sorry it’s all good uh someone’s saying i only have one death technically i have three

Yeah i need to adjust the numbers a little bit just because um uh i will say i’m probably gonna have to leave you to figure out another way up because i don’t have a pickaxe so unless you want me to be dumping cobblestone behind you

I mean you you can you can follow me yeah okay you can get our way up together the only trouble is i don’t know how long my pickaxe will last well let’s see what happens oh wait i might be able to bring more chicken friends oh more chicken i i hear

Pigs and i hit dirt hey there you go you’re going up yeah maybe we were higher than we thought daylight water nice water Drowning trying not to drown yeah trying to get one more headspace so we can get out hey we made it welcome back we’re in the swamp there’s the pig oh i know exactly where we are because the floating block on the mountain oh nice I’m gonna i’m gonna build a tower here and uh i am going to block this off so that we have a place to drop in okay new chicken friends acquired you babies on their way this is a place where we can go down in the cave and get some more fun stuff

For now i am heading for bbs yeah but i’m gonna pick up these mushrooms on the way uh also here is a water source yay i don’t have the button i don’t have a bucket oh no there’s a skeleton up here oh it’s hiding in the shadows bruh come on

I have one and a half hearts i have two i am running oh i go this way this way to home there’s our tower leave some torches figure out our way back someone what the heck is this i’ve seen the altar you guys were talking about oh hi yeah

What it’s not that weird is it it’s a little weird i like light okay is that just so many torches here yeah i put a lot in you and the babies say hello to all the babies there’s so many babies babies everywhere i brought back one and a half stacks of iron ooh

I have lots of lights yes there’s enough for like everyone to start making a full armor set you have so many oh come on don’t worry i’m making more gold too i’m trying to get higher up so i can figure out where i am because i know i’m

Out of food and i lost all right mark wait did you just leave the the diamond pickaxe yeah it’s in the right chest oh okay okay cause i thought i might die so you know just in case yeah yeah no no so nobody’s really used it then not yet no it is it

Is available for use i believe so like once we want to start gathering um obsidian and stuff okay also yes i am loving the sacrifice circle that you made shadow oh my god i know yeah no it’s really cool okay look at all these chickens there’s so many

Here i’m putting seeds and eggs and stuff in this chest next to them help clear some space there we go that feels better oh my gosh you know what uh i’m not gonna waste food michael take me out take you out uh-huh what do you mean as you wish

I do not wish to waste food or it is precious oh And here i am with full health And you know what that that works for the death i had earlier hey guys i i’m definitely in need of this right now because i’m a little bit scared where i am so i’m gonna i’m gonna provide some words of encouragement because that’s what somebody pulled for uh

Okay you don’t mind this one is called imagination i revel in the wondrous mysterious most beauteous power of my imagination and let it whisk me away on a right brain drop through all things nonsensical seuss plus wonka style i’m an off-road adventurer playing in the upside down glow-in-the-dark woods of possibility

There is no no here only whoa and flow and holy moly here we go okay cool whoa and holy moly here we go can you make an armor stand what do you need to make an armor stand probably a lot of sticks yeah i think just sticks just sticks you say

You make some more sticks i think so yeah well i have i have so many sticks and it’s not that you need more than just sticks apparently there’s probably some bits of wood as well uh i’m going to make another pickaxe because i went quickly they can make a bowl

What would that do i actually can’t find it in the even if you search it it doesn’t show up i think some items they don’t show up until you try making them yeah yeah do i need a wood plate that i’m afraid i don’t know i’m gonna try making v

Yeah i don’t i’m not certain hmm i keep coming up with my chat once again folks uh everybody’s currently streaming right now uh that’s currently on this server so if you want to say hello to everybody be sure to click the multi link in everybody’s spot Between perspectives when one of us gets bodied by a creeper which is fortunately happening a bit less now a little bit oh my goodness not significantly less just just less Ah yes gaze upon my golden glory oh wow you you are you you know yep oh okay oh you even have the golden hoe too i do you know what i do need a uh golden sword though oh yeah before you’re fully decked out yes and

Uh too bad you can’t make a golden shield but i will make a shield there’s probably a mod i can get that’ll have that where there’s a shield i’ll look around to see if i can do oh yeah i found the mushrooms mushrooms all right i guess i’m fine to

Finally leave my leftover gold ingots behind so if anyone else wants to use them they are available now cool i know i know you want to i i know i definitely don’t [Laughter] you know though what would be nice is maybe if we if we if we got some redstone we got some iron maybe he’s making some compasses oh we got lots of redstone we never really have we never have to think about that when we’re when we’re otherwise doing stuff in minecraft right

Ready for adventuring world would that be ready for royal adventuring they’re saying uh armor stand is a stone slab with six sticks ah so stone slab they make a sunni it doesn’t need to be a smooth stone slab uh i yeah you guys would have to what what’s

The answer chad is smooth stone oh let me get some eggs because i think all we need is a cow and we can start making cake cake oh yeah we are definitely gonna have enough iron to make uh all the armor we need yeah cool because i just brought back a stack

And a half too nice you smooth stoning out here boyle i i am i’m trying to get just enough to make a smooth stone slab okay which i keep checking i don’t know how much it is there we go got it let me take all that out and you can

Take the top of it you can either make a stone cutter or i think you can uh smelt it yeah top furnace is available again armor stand armor and i’m going to throw on are there no objections i’m just going to double work the iron here yup i’m going to dump in

The redstone that i have as well as the lapis i’m working on fencing our little home yeah i i like the idea of kind of making it the the exterior of our little cave a little bit more domesticated so that way we if we’re like wandering away we can spot it really easily

So i guess this armor stand you can’t put equipment on just the armor like you can’t hold a sword oh look a zombie be gone be gone with you zombie all right now i’ll finally make real iron armor because as much as i love the

Gold joke it it is not helpful he came through he came through where where oh okay i’m coming out i’m on the way i’m on the way where where are you at oh my gosh there’s a spider on me there’s a stone right here i bringing friends that are not friendly

Oh yeah i see it oh the zombie the spider fighting each other yeah love it you love to see it thank you hear it here we go here take that iron huh oh makes make armor and stuff yeah i’m gonna make a sword so i can stop dying um

What else my goodness this stone fencing you this is gorgeous boyka right i’m wearing i’m going i’m going i’m trying building a beautiful thing here guys i need one more creeper to make a tnt block i i have been killing a lot of creepers underground uh bring back the gunpowder

Uh i’ve been trying i i put in more when i when i came back but it wasn’t enough i suppose i like your stand it looks good chris thank you you’re stando estando oh there are so many zombies outside our home yeah i see that uh behind behind

The wall well the fence is working uh finding a creeper it’s fine okay speaking sure don’t worry it was not close to home what uh what oh miss aphmau joined uh she gonna talk about how bad our home is yeah she’s just gonna make you here to be honest isn’t she yeah

Probably hurry don’t let her steal my gold armor stand let’s see if i can find her because i i you know the the whole business of the uh look for a baby unicorn yep it’s not going to be helpful this time [Laughter] someone said hi came from chris’s stream hi welcome oh

I mean if she spawned at the spawn point she should be able to see our tower and stuff yeah our huge power how are the zombies getting in Probably a good time to hop out [Laughter] she is she at the base i haven’t seen her yet freaking skeleton no the skeletons are beating me up out here yeah i think i’m gonna get a little more food should i make the fence twice as high

Uh they don’t they don’t seem to be able to jump over it yeah i think they’re just getting around oh uh-huh oh wait one sec that didn’t sound good it’s her alarm or something well no i heard that oh hey yeah here’s jess she’s in our chicken She’s playing as a helpful chicken Very lucky they’re very rare on this an arrow in their back there [Laughter] yep she spawned an egg not spawned but she just threw a chicken egg oh oh she yeah she found my little farm chicken Have yourself a stone sword there you go a little something to defend yourself with [Laughter] hi jess is now a chicken oh you can change your name on this note charity i mean what the the sword i mean sure why not thank you octa for the subscription i really appreciate it for

Three months that is awesome right you’re welcome you’re welcome i don’t know if she’s listening yeah i i don’t know if she’s actually listening to the stream yeah we got five beds so she could she could just uh grab perfect should we sleep through the night

Maybe probably a good idea at this point so we can keep i’ll help you on that big fence there when we when we get back to daytime yeah we can give her the tour yeah come too bad like the 30 feet we’ve we’ve uh we’ve like built

Up on the outside and then yeah we’ve mostly just been mining yeah also acta thank you three months in a row appreciate it same here yeah acta is a champion oh yeah she’s good people there we go so uh yeah yeah we’ll have to make the colors work

Oh don’t don’t we have purple dye we do we can make her a guest bed and we do have an extra white bed so awesome well i guess i have to go for black men that’s magenta how do we make purple dye i mean magenta for now

Yeah uh lilac makes magenta die let me see what cornflower makes uh cornflower is blue dye so let me put that in came from shadow thank you here’s uh hang on there’s the oh shadow got it oops red and blue make purple they say so we have blue dye in here poppy and

Lapis if i made it elaine has gifted five subs to kitkat the moon midnight wolf cake four how are you knight quinns and miss kichi thank you very much just got some gifted subs over here so yay that’s nice just to be our chicken minder for the rest of this

Well uh hang on now we need to make room for the other bed yeah maybe we should build another room yo yeah it’s fine just throw some stone dirt over here and now we have purple bed so mike are you thinking about spreading out our uh our fencing here oh

I’m just kind of doing a parameter i will uh i will build the ripper over on the other side and we’ll uh i guess beat in the middle meet in the middle yeah yeah yeah that sounds good i’ll do eventually we’ll get a gate yeah right now definitely not known as we senpai

So light blue and rose red do not combine as we simplify oh what about the lilac did why not get us purple uh lilac gave us blue i think i mean now that i have lapis i can make the dark blue bed i think i need a white wool for that

Going back to being a chicken long as we simplify also kate with five more gifted subs the thing named tiana yoga potato sapphire storm willow hopeful hope fly five thank you so much that is amazing uh do we have more white wool yes we do uh we should yeah mm-hmm i can

Make a new blueberry in our sheep buddies oh yes this is our land now yeah it’s our sheep too our sheep so shadow which bed is yours i don’t know would you like a light blue bed oh my gosh this is so cute yeah uh i would like whatever whatever

Color you got chris i’ll go for it michael how about you what color bed would you prefer you don’t have to stick with orange yeah you know what let’s go for it since we got uh since purple is now joined the server i think um all right all right hold up no one

Died cause i’m picking up all the beds and rearranging wait remembering mermaids is calling me out they said i remember from moyka’s v tuber smp on youtube how it took her like three episodes to get a bed it was only me and fumi actually look there were five of us at the start

Okay that helped a lot since you got purple i’ll take magenta okay so you want a magenta bed yeah shadow how about you i’m sorry i was just going to say i’m also the type of player that gets really lost and just kind of adventures yeah that’s how i keep getting lost away

From my area and actually chris scratch that because i realize i’ll be too close we’ll have pink purple and magenta um you want red sorry yeah shadow what what yeah red i’ll go for light blue that was that was painful i i heard that in that case we have all of the bed

Colors we need so let me rearrange because i’m totally putting these in rainbow order nice okay oh yeah i brought the sugar or the sugar kinks back uh i’m curious red yellow light blue dark blue and purple yay should we go rainbow or boy girl boy

Girl or boys on one half girls on one half i don’t know what do you guys want uh maybe we’ll figure that when we uh split when we you know kind of expand a little bit yeah okay so no one die because you’ll have to get a new spawn point

So who wants to go creeper hunting mm-hmm i’m kind of sad we haven’t found a village yet i i really have been trying to like trophy i haven’t gone anywhere i have a little bit i haven’t found it yet right now i think we’re just trying to not die No the brown sheep came and visited but they’re outside the fence does anyone have the bow uh just cause we got a stack of arrows here i’ve been calling skeletons so i can make it i can make a bow so we should be able to do it yeah all right okay uh

Is there can you make uh can you make a gate out of stone or if they have to be made out of wood oh i don’t know i think it has to be yeah out of wood and another gift it’s up to reagan a little bit but i think it’s time we go

Ahead and maybe make one because yeah the whole time that is amazing yeah i’ll work on that do you want it in oak or birch or spruce is fine we made an underground tunnel uh i think that was just there by this by default

Yeah i just i just filled that in so he wouldn’t fall you know what though actually this might be an opportune spot we wouldn’t even have to break our stone wall we could just have a door here yeah it’s peeking underneath that because we have an extra door okay yeah

Who needs the door who needs the door where are you we need to uh we’re right outside the door i’m bringing you the extra door here oh okay thank you right here that’s the only extra we have right now okay so wait do you just make sure do you

Guys want to uh have a door instead of fences i mean just for this part over here okay just let me know because i was about to make a uh i was about to have the fence gate gonna like double door oh i just made a fence gauge

Oh okay yeah yeah it’s over here over here all right cool all right yeah gosh once we get our new home we’re gonna need a new inventory system oh yeah also if anyone does not have full iron armor uh come get it i think there’s enough iron

Nice yeah i got enough iron right now okay man i need to sort out my inventory it is a mess some days just playing this game gives me hives it is so hard to organize uh let’s see i need i’m gonna make an axe and get more wood we’re getting a little low

Yeah that might be a good idea we’re low on i think i think i’m getting getting low-ish we’ve gone through like half of the wood i brought back before i i think i saw jessica grab some wood i don’t know if she’s bringing it back or not yeah

I think you got the other bit offense that we had always yeah yeah you’re right she like making her own house somewhere she may have run off to make her own house oh and look at all these trees growing in our home oh this is so nice yeah

Yup yup she’s definitely on her own getting an upgrade does that mean stone uh i don’t know either stone or even uh iron maybe no iron is uh is an iron pick iron pig wait this fencing is so ugly where oops oh do you want something else what

Do you think in a door yeah i might just put a door for now okay oh okay well i should have made an axe why did i run all the way over here without an axe let me go get some cops you will never find me is that our new objective now

Is that a challenge gosh no yeah she’s gonna like sneak around when we’re doing stuff she’s gonna stream snipe find out where we are find out when we’re gone and steal our stuff oh she’s going to grief us [Laughter] wow finally for the hey make another door here

Oh you have another door yeah our stream has an antagonist me and my friends play minecraft for real but little do they know i’m gonna steal all their stuff [Laughter] do they know i’m gonna kill them all oh my gosh no will they survive let’s find out

Also be sure to like and subscribe thanks where’s are we at right now we all have this is a survival game have you been picking up the wheat uh yeah oh okay okay yeah i was making some bread with it so um is there any leftover

There should be some i got six bread give me a sec i just want a bit so i can start uh giving it to the sheep yeah you want to get some babies where did i put the wheat let me see uh actually i need to get more never

Said i was a trader trader villager’s job yeah sorry sorry mike i didn’t know you had the plan for the sheep gotta let um there’s a few of them but they gotta i’ll get the ones that have grown in okay i really wish piggy back was working

Because we could just grab these sheep and drag them back yeah i’ll work on that figure out how to get that maybe it’s an incompatible version um that and also i’ve just i’ve never worked with bucket mods so i think there might be some dependency that’s missing All right hey jess is here we could see if we if she’d be willing to tell us or if we have to trade her stuff for it oh i think she doesn’t know where the door where the door is try to get in yeah yep she’s trying to get around the

Fence i made it fool proof that’s not gonna work oh dang it yeah i specifically made it so you couldn’t do it she built she just built over it yeah Oh there they are did she steal it no they’re hanging i would have been really sad if if she did kill him she just came in to just everything make babies he’s making cutting down that tree took all day it was a big tree franklin nice nice

Where is the door by the way uh by the front of our a little bit under the ground yeah yeah what yeah i thought it was accidental oh that’s cool it’s pretty cute isn’t it i’m gonna go plant these trees yeah it’s a good idea just try to try to

Regrow a little bit uh there are some seeds by the way uh my could uh that were left over i might go replant these if there’s any spots open i think everything is uh everything’s been pretty yeah at least for what we have right now oh yeah we need to we’ll figure something

Out It’s still looking pretty good all right got three more stacks of planks and an egg thank you yeah i think eventually we’ll have to expand our farm start making into a little village huh yeah what are you doing i i gave her some seeds and now she’s collecting [Laughter]

She’s just just clucking away just a happy little interesting i feel like she’s playing at home casually but also like talking with her family and anytime she’s needed she can just leave since she’s not in fall did she is in her free time does she just turn into

A chicken is that yeah is that what’s happening right now it’s too scary to be out at night right now so she just comes here to roost [Laughter] for oh i like the color beds we have so many colors now yeah it’s very pretty yeah means do we slice uh oh oh geez

I think she’s away from keyboard she’s not really wait i don’t think i ever set my rece yeah so we will need to reset re-sleep in whatever beds we need oh sure so everyone come to bed in one moment this one uh michael move That was a paper wasn’t it oh yeah nope not the younglings done yeah i’ll continue my work in the morning yeah bedtime oh yeah so it’s in rainbow order yeah question in the chat what do you think is the best style of house in minecraft oh like we could go for

Venetian yeah very modern cubic cubism uh anything hang on where’s jess going i’m following her well we can use the gold for art deco probably she has to we have to she has to know that’s right i’m stalking This way come this way no this way she’s looking for the door she’s looking for the door okay she just jumped over and she hurt herself all right whatever the aft jumped over the mountain i’ll make this yeah for her hang on hang on i’m going to follow her

I need to find out what she’s up to there’s the creeper right yeah i know oh wait you automated the door i’m going to take on the creeper she’s got a sword i have a sword i gave her i gave her an iron sword she’s fighting creepers

Nice oh okay i kind of like the thing she’s a bold soul out here wait what is is that a witch do you think she’s trying to get stuff for tnt to blow up our face no don’t kill them a lot longer than normal yeah there’s a wind caught here

Oh no yeah i see it ooh oh there’s a there’s a magic over here i’ll see if i can help oh i need to find where is she going here i’ll put this carpet here on the side oh i’m out of arrows all right i’m going to die if i’m not careful yeah

What are you up to hi grandma what i’m guessing she probably found a witch herself out there in the swamp why can’t i hop over now no grandma i don’t know oh since are you guys fighting the witch i was trying to but unfortunately i got

Poisoned mm-hmm we got it we got we gotta put this no grandma bye grandma where is she come on give me some slime yeah i got some slime balls nice she’s in the mountains she’s hiding in the mountains yes what’s she doing up there now here on avma hunter we watch as she

Stalks a prey going into the swampland crikey yeah right where’s she around the mountain we spawned on we’ve got a target lock on the subject he’s killing a sheep monstrous fresh here we have sustainable farming and she’s going out and killing the wildlife i know it’s not good for the environment

What’s the point of getting the animals then i love the little slow glide you get from optifine too yeah oh it feels great oh wait i see her too now what is she up to i don’t know she’s just standing there [Laughter] okay she’s got wool and is now just collecting grass

Maybe she’s getting seeds might be might be she’s trying to she’s trying to like just get all the chickens can’t let her see me i’m crouching oh wait i can lay down i can lay down in the grass i forgot yeah oh we’ve lost visual yep

I lost it we’ve lost visual i repeat nope i see her what is she doing tell us she has a stone sword and she’s going into the swamp yep she’s in the swamp out of the swamp oh god i gotta go i got a home run she’s

Got a crafting bench i’m running i’m coming with the camera she’s got a crafting bench what is she up to i’m running i’m running okay i see her i got visual contact made i repeat my jacket again i’m watching for any appearance of a hand cannon so now she’s got a hoe

She’s got a hole she’s got a stone hoe what’s she going to do with that with what you call the thing with her oh but now she’s got a stone shovel she is digging out a a garden possibly i don’t know how do you know that stop fake newsing i said possibly [Laughter]

They’ve been spotted [Laughter] quick hide in the grass wait how do i lay down you can’t see me i’m hiding mpm things in more player models all right i’ll just crouch scrouch yes all right i am laying down in the grass wait the mobster is you think

Now what is she doing what is she up to she’s using the crafting bench um i i don’t know what she’s doing hey everyone welcome to our asmr oh yes second getting really really quiet up in here real quick where are you going to find you guys she looks like she’s

Staring at me through the grass oh no it’s fine it’s fine she doesn’t see us she’s planting she’s got a wooden hoe oh i but why why would she do this why is this getting more and more demonic over time i don’t know what’s wrong with us

Wait does that mean we have to eventually kill her here on the other show what is she up to what could she be thinking she’s got a sign what does the sign say she’s putting the sign i can’t see what it says yet she hasn’t posted anything on the sign yet no

It says food for the sheep fields oh for the sheep fields what do we do my hands hurt holding this camera right hurry up your paid scale continue holding i don’t have enough food to sprint i gotta head back wait wait i got some mutton on me oh

Shadow you’re just in time oh you wasn’t talking flush do you need more delicious that’s good enough is she type anymore no no she’s got a furnace building a furnace she’s doing something she’s gonna have a mansion on the server by the end of the stream that’s right

She growing potatoes or those seeds i think it’s just regular seeds yeah i don’t know where wait what is that i don’t know she’s lighting well whatever it is she’s making more she’s gestured she’s making more now she’s chopping their trees it’s like a friendship call in minecraft

All right i’m i’m heading back you too keep up the good work we’re gonna hear about this on monday aren’t we [Laughter] moyka don’t lose sight of her no matter what get out of the shotgun i’m counting on you [Laughter] well it’s getting dark so i think i’m going to sun’s going down So yeah soon enough she’ll just turn back into a chicken so uh cinder clock [Laughter] it’s getting dark i wonder if she’s gonna make a shelter there or come back well i mean keep in mind all this is temporary right like we are eventually gonna move out of here before we get too

Too nice about our space as we’ve been spending hours making the plays nicer with every revision watch we we move like uh while jess isn’t here and so uh she spawns in one time and it’s like abandoned we’ll we’ll leave you know we’ll leave for a trail we can leave a note yeah

We’ll leave like breadcrumbs as we go oh i put a a carpet over here so you can jump over now without having to go all the way around that’s cool that is a neat trick okay that does also mean we don’t have any more carpet for now that’s okay

I mean we’ve got sheep we can cheer my shoes are dirty enough as in i’m gathering some feathers and chicken oh gonna make some arrows yep oh yeah i believe jess yeah i mean it’d be nice to have some arrows and not feel like i

Have to just put my face into the middle of somebody perfect i left two chickens sweet and i got more eggs so i’ll just drop off more here we go i got three little chickens uh unfortunately we need babies we need more flint girls so many they’re all gone

You need flint we have flint and steel we have two of them yeah yeah we can flint two we need flint we need flint to make arrows 32 gravel you can keep digging into that until you find it that’s true yeah but it’s bedtime

It is my time that is if people can go to bed i don’t know what jess is up to chris question for you yeah did you take the gunpowder that we had oh yes okay just just check him i was wondering if maybe somebody else had maybe wandered off that means oh

I have a tnt block crisps [Laughter] i’m just to keep this in my inventory for a while you know uh-huh never know when that might come in handy exactly you never know i mean i could blow up jess’s farm but you know no she this is gonna be like this is gonna

Be like secret millionaire where she just drops everything on us and suddenly we uh despite not having the mod we’re going to have nothing but golden toilets she’s gonna leave him everywhere inside our houses guys we’ve been streaming for three hours and 15 minutes i know we’ve been

Doing it go to bed you hooligans i’m going i’m going i’m going to bed i’m coming i’m a coming there we go oh there we go i knew it she got a new bed and has a new home oh my goodness she made her own life independent of us i need it

Do we have any cows yet no i know we need to make it sheep and stuff yeah i was thinking about that would be nice by the way i’m not cheating on your bed wow she’s just a polly polly with the bed right [Laughter] Holly bed or hey that’s an enderman uh should i take out the enderman oh yeah there’s never been hanging in our area oh hey buddy no leaving me is it just fine yeah he’s fine yeah oh wait there’s another sheep out here no there’s a skeleton in the water

Skeleton next to the sheep i’ll take him out i’ll see if i can find some cows out there in the wild bring him back yeah we need cows we might as well wrangle some pigs while we’re at it too yeah the pigs hang out in the swamp

There right actually do we want to do we want to ranch too much before we move if nothing else leather is pretty nice to have i did not see that creeper unfortunately uh mama emo do you have instagram if or discord they said they had some fan art but that

They didn’t have twitter oh yeah discord or instagram good places yeah if you if you have an instagram then you can just tag it under my hashtag um otherwise i have a discord and you could just put it in media spam get out of the water skeleton

At fear of causing myself an issue let’s see if i can get uh hmm piggyback has not loaded oh oh the other baby groove all right i’m looking for oops i guess just either cows or monsters hmm Just taking i’m checking out the creeper crater don’t worry he’s outside the wall yeah oh there are tons of chickens over here like 20 chickens lots of pigs lots of pigs still not finding any cows though yeah they’re too far away for me to want to lead them home though

That’s the trouble is that even if i do find one at this point like walking it back is going to be miserable once piggyback is working we’ll be set oh yeah i’ll figure that out once uh i’ll figure it out for the next one yeah

Sure no worries this is going to be a fun series yeah i think so to that end i don’t know much how much longer you guys are planning on going i probably got maybe another 15 minutes in me and then because i could i’m still going to stream again later tonight yeah

I’m getting hungry so that works for me yeah i’m still going to stream after uh we’re done here so if you want to send people my way until you start again everything and i actually yeah and i might end up streaming for long enough to where like what time are you

Restreaming at i’ll be uh coming back at 8 pm uh central okay then i might yeah i might end up actually finishing around that time so i might just be able to send people back your way i’d appreciate that thank you yeah okay i’ve gotten two cows and one sheep

That are now on my tail let’s see if i can get him all the way back nice gonna be a trip guys i found snow and randomly had a wooden shovel on me so guess who’s gonna snowball the heck out of jess oh boy i figured that’s nicer than using the tnt

A little bit nicer than the pair yes it’s moderately nicer okay come on it’s gonna shovel a break what side am i coming from yeah i will have no idea i i’m just trying to walk back right now i think the opposite side of where the mountains

Are near nearby us i think i am deep in the mountains come on you cowboys wait what’s that oh there’s our floating the nice thing about our home is yeah either you see the tower or you just see the random floating block by the mountain and you know that’s right

It’s always nice to see all right i am equipped with four stacks of snowballs come on my cowboys and an egg come on come on my little house bring those cows home guys i don’t know how to make a cobblestone generator you think we know this oh oh it’s not hard

Yeah that’s true we actually we had to make one for a video didn’t we yeah so so we just need lava and water and we already have the water so we just need the lava we could do that uh at our next home i love how we keep talking about the

Next home and yet it’s just you know this place is looking pretty cozy the first 15 episodes or first 15 streams of this are gonna be like next house next house next house and we’re finally approaching the end next house and she’s building a house i called it next house

She is building next house where’d you go cows come on cows no no don’t don’t don’t don’t give up on me here they gave up they’re no longer listening to me come on really go we’re almost there come on yeah they do that sometimes frustrating because i got them very close come on

Wait i’m i’m coming chris i’m bringing the camera i’m okay good go to the cameras point i smell smile [Laughter] because i’m i’m trying to go around here take a shower today uh okay so yeah if you get the uh camera point i’m coming in from the right

Oh i see her i see her house how’s it looking so far holy i think i need to go down because yeah it looks almost complete oh i need a yeah i need to get under natural cover Definitely not me i’m throwing eggs oh yeah she has a nice little house soon come the snowballs oh no she coming at me oh i think she is no no no nevermind she’s just checking out the perimeter of her house wait she attacks me i’m blowing up her house

Oh she’s finishing up the roof good she’s distracted i’m going behind the trees okay okay snowballs have been equipped she’s got windows in the back of her house i can see her yeah she has one in the front how did she do that that fast she’s looking right at me

Wait actually i don’t know if she saw me wait i don’t know if she saw me oh wait she’s looking out scratching is handy because it hides your name oh yeah oh whoops oh no i think she’s staring at me i hear evie oh wait she’s going around nevermind

Never mind she’s sneaking around the front oh i think she’ll look for you i think she might be going for you no no she can’t i don’t know what she’s doing oh no oh no oh no running she’s running uh where are you she’s coming for us There’s nothing in the house Oh wait she’s going back to her house she’s going back to her house bail bail bail ah dig it well she has the tnt block now what what you gave it to her you double agent [Laughter] So i placed it down on the house and stood next to it with a flint and steel she opened the door and didn’t even walk in she just broke it before walking in i’m like dang know it you know what i’m going to set her house on fire i can’t believe you

Did this no congress you’re starting a war all right no i’ll just do snowballs this is a war that i don’t think you’re ready to fight through i mean i don’t think she saw you or did she i don’t know she’s throwing eggs at me hang on

No no no you think you earned that one oh she she’s she went around going around the back uh shadow how many sheep did you bring i’m trying to get the cows in but the sheep keep following me what do i need to get the cows wheat pretty good you’re right here and

They’re walking away with me who just hello dinner hello i’m i i like how our little uh home is like so lit up yeah we really i tried to make sure that it really there are so many creepers out here think house come on you drink clothes

You’re so close get in in the door and the door please oh oh that’s an enderman i’ll learn i’ll lure the sheep away in this direction come on uh and i think there’s a good way to end the stream [Laughter] she uh still has the tnt block by the way

She did not give it back that makes me uncomfortable that’s so great i’m so happy open the traffic jam this isn’t new jersey come on you think sheep get out of here yeah they’re all trapping everything inside no no no no no no don’t you dare cows come on i walked in

Seven chunks away from where i started and i need them in okay we got some

This video, titled ‘OUR FIRST MINECRAFT SMP?! – Aphmau Crew Minecraft SMP Episode 1’, was uploaded by Christopher Escalante on 2021-04-02 21:00:05. It has garnered 2117743 views and 17515 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:40 or 10180 seconds.

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  • Minecraft 1 de junio – ¡Evento especial Pacure ok!

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  • BUCAMU – [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!

    BUCAMU - [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] แต่ ห้ามนอนข้ามคืน’, was uploaded by BUCAMU on 2024-05-26 17:15:07. It has garnered 203 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:27 or 14607 seconds. #Bucamu #Camu #betterminecraft Support me at https://tipme.in.th/bucamu Donate with PromptPay and no fees will be deducted. ___________________________________________ twitter : https://twitter.com/bucamu tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@bucamu ___________________________________________ General Hashtags:#Bucamu Fan Art : #BucamuFA Meme : #BucamuMeme BGM: Get Ready By Kyatto BGM: [Free Use] Lazy Rabbit | VTUBER THEME | VLOG BY Tofuus BGM:FootStep | Japanese Kawaii Chill Vibes | Free BGM No Copyright Music | 無版權背景音樂 | negative… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:看看你知道多少梗!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-25 10:10:16. It has garnered 4027 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Update wonderful original videos every day, come and follow us, and save unhappy moments with… Read More

  • Kerberus

    KerberusWelcome to Kerberus, the most distinctive 1.20 Minecraft Server in the world. We a team of experienced and well-known creatives, we’ve been perfecting a range of exceptional game modes including survival, originsSMP, prophunt, Dungeons, Fowlplay and build, each offering unparalleled gameplay experiences. Everything within the Kerberus network has been uniquely crafted for our players. From our specialized runes to our enriched economy, you’re encouraged to let your imagination run wild. Establish and run your own shopping complex, become a seasoned fisherman selling precious catches, or transform into a renowned farmer with the world’s largest crop field using our massive array… Read More

  • OrbitMC: Semi-vanilla, whitelisted, new, active.

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to make sure that your experience in the game is the best that it can possibly be. Along with that we have a very fun and positive community of people just like you! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server! Once you join, go ahead and get yourself whitelisted so that you can join and play on the Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it just me, or…🤔

    I guess we all need to level up our meme inspection skills to catch that elusive hidden humor! Read More

  • Raju’s Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider’s Storm SMP Showdown

    Raju's Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider's Storm SMP Showdown Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where the players roam, In the land of Storm SMP, where legends are known. Raju sacrificed for SenpaiSpider, a tale to be told, In the realm of gaming, where the brave are bold. Killer’s Lands channel, a teaser so grand, With Minecraft challenges, a mod in hand. MS Gaming Zone, where heroes unite, In the world of gaming, where battles ignite. Join the adventure, with Killer’s Lands in sight, Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might. For in this world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Every player’s journey, a tale to be… Read More

  • Blazing Redstone Shenanigans 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Blazing Redstone Shenanigans 🔥 #minecraft #memes “When you try the Powder Piston Prank in Minecraft but end up launching yourself into a pit of lava instead. RIP to your virtual self-esteem.” Read More

  • New City Gate Revealed!

    New City Gate Revealed! Exploring Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond #6 In the latest episode of Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond, Lennert embarks on the monumental task of constructing a grand city wall, starting with the majestic city gate. Alongside this ambitious project, he delves into completing the Farmer’s Delight Buddycards set, beginning with graded Buddycards sets, pays homage to a statue of a pig, and much more! Building the City Wall Lennert’s journey begins with the construction of the impressive city wall, a vital structure that will define the boundaries of his burgeoning city. The meticulous planning and intricate design of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Gameplay! Dronio #shorts

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft Gameplay! Dronio #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, но ЦЕЛЬ видео МЕНЯЕТСЯ 🗿 Дронио #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:00:01. It has garnered 1050 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic Revealed

    Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft macam pagar logic #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by YamMC on 2024-03-07 03:59:03. It has garnered 9 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Haloo, sudah hari kamis nih waktunya minecraft logic🤔🎉 Terimakasih sudah menonton video saya, di tunggu video selanjutnya.. Support chanel YamMC dengan cara : -Like✔️ -Share✔️ -Subscribe✔️ Dan terima kasih yang sudah subscribe, semoga kalian betah di chanelku ya🌾😄 =============================== -Minecraft mcpe : V 1.20.51 =============================== See you again friends👋🏻~~ Tags🐾 : minecraft logic, minecraft logic 3, minecraft logic 2, minecraft no logic, minecraft on… Read More

  • 🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms – Play with Subscribers

    🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms - Play with SubscribersVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Realms Live🔴 – Hardcore – Limited Life – Survival – Playing with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-03-27 10:51:45. It has garnered 254 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:42 or 13482 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore Realm with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Limited Life Everyone gets 24 hours If you Die you Lose 1 Hour When your time is up you are dead forever… Realm Code in Discord Discord: https://discord.gg/xCzr7MZAyV Use Code “RaptorGamez” in the Fortnite Item Shop 3000 Subscriber Giveaway: https://forms.gle/DzMiDyPegJMjuUx37 please… Read More

  • 🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won’t Believe What Happens!😱

    🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won't Believe What Happens!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘This New Mod Is Honestly Terrifying… (THE SILENCE) [BETA]’, was uploaded by Slow🧊 on 2024-03-08 15:00:48. It has garnered 3248 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:05 or 1805 seconds. This New Dweller Is Going Too Change Minecraft HORROR… The Silence [BETA] #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #SlowMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days JOIN THE CORD: https://discord.gg/aVDP3m7v MOD LINK: https://www.curseforge.com/ minecraft/mc-mods/the-silence #cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Follow My Socials: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@slow824?lang=en Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/slow220 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slow824 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- About me: Hey there, Im slowMC, i try post as much as i can but i promise there will be… Read More


    🚨SHOCKINGLY INSANE 24/7 PIRATE SMP - JAVA & MOBILE!🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 Eternal PiratesSMP (JAVA + MOBILE) Wi 🛑🤩ETERNAL PIRATES’, was uploaded by YO HARDIK on 2024-05-13 05:25:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 (JAVA + MOBILE) With @JustJPShorts / @JustJPLive #minecraftjava Welcome to our … Read More

  • Hidden Slime Block Magic – Unseen Circus Raft Fun!

    Hidden Slime Block Magic - Unseen Circus Raft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘INVISIBLE SLIME BLOCK on a DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Slime Block on 2024-05-23 12:00:07. It has garnered 7351 views and 295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:49 or 1669 seconds. Slime Block is INVISIBLE on an AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft! Slime Block needs to find out Caine’s past to help him get back her memories!! Will Slime be able to do it?? Watch and find out!! The video is inspired by Aphmau, Cash, Nico, Omz, Johnny, and TeeVee! 👾 Want to chat with Slime and his friend… Read More

  • “Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏” #MinecraftShorts #BlockBusters

    "Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏" #MinecraftShorts #BlockBustersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bring Back Minecraft Earth! Here’s Why #MinecraftShorts #CraftyClips #BlockBusters #PixelPlays’, was uploaded by Ft_Ranger Facts on 2024-05-21 02:48:46. It has garnered 601 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090

    New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 準備起屋仔🏠 找數直播《MINECRAFT 當個創世神》著色器 & 光線追蹤 | RTX4090 | 4K直播 | 廣東話’, was uploaded by O-iPOWER『安特』 on 2024-05-30 17:29:55. It has garnered 178 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:06:30 or 14790 seconds. 0:00:00 Live broadcast starts 0:05:32 Construction begins ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♕ Certificate of thanks for sponsoring this live broadcast ♕ Xiaoji▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✩ Directly sponsors the operation of[Ante]✩ https://payme.hsbc/oipower (PayMe) ✩ Become ⇨ O-iPOWER channel member ✩ http://www.oipower.net/join ✩ Like⇨ O-iPOWER Facebook ✩ http://www.facebook.com/oipower ✩ Follow ⇨ O-iPOWER Instagram ✩ http://www.instagram.com/oipower ✩ Join ⇨ O-iPOWER Discord ✩ https://discord.com/invite/ZbPvTfg ▽The following is… Read More

OUR FIRST MINECRAFT SMP?! – Aphmau Crew Minecraft SMP Episode 1