Peppa Pig Learns How To Make Pancakes! 🐷🥞 | @PeppaPigOfficial

Video Information

Pancakes it is tea time and mummy pig has a surprise for everyone today is a day for pancakes delicious i love pancakes [Laughter] everyone loves pancakes i’m the expert at flipping the pancakes over leave that to me are you sure daddy pig last time you got a bit grumpy when

You dropped the pancake on the floor i did not get grumpy there was a problem with the frying pan mummy can we help make the pancakes please yes you can help me make the batter first i put some flour in the bowl now i add an egg now the milk

And i give it all a stir Mummy can i stir yes of course pepper pepper loves stirring george wants to stir as well no george like this okay that’s enough stirring you two sit at the table while i cook the pancakes Mummy pig is going to flip the pancake over hooray you could flip it higher mummy pig you can show us how when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this first pancake is for george mummy pig pours a little syrup on george’s pancake delicious This pancake is for pepper hooray hmm you could flip it higher mummy pig you will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake daddy pig syrup please mmm delicious this pancake is for mummy pig hooray you still aren’t flipping them high enough mummy pig the next pancake is

Yours daddy pig so now you can show us how it should be done delicious is everyone watching the secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air a one two three silly daddy oh maybe that was just a bit too high oh

What a shame that was the last pancake it should be a simple matter to get it down Oh dear daddy pig cannot reach his pancake don’t worry daddy pig i think i know a way to get it down let’s go upstairs children this way what is mummy pig planning to do on the count of three we all have to start jumping up and down one two three jump

What are they doing It worked now daddy pig has his pancake daddy has a pancake on his head syrup on your pancake daddy pig yes please one two three hmm delicious Peppa and george have come to granny pig and grandpa pig’s house for lunch Thank you hello my little ones would you like to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch yes please [Laughter] grandpa pig papa egg hello peppa george this is grandpa pig’s vegetable garden he has grown all these vegetables himself what’s this i’m sure a dinosaur oh let’s chew some vegetables for lunch Peppa do you like tomatoes yes grandpa pig george do you like tomatoes no George does not like tomatoes oh dear do you both like lettuce yes grandpa pig george does not like lettuce oh dear i must have something that george likes Do you like cucumber yeah george does not like cucumbers and he does not like lettuce and he does not like tomatoes well george what vegetable do you like chocolate cake silly george chocolate cake isn’t a vegetable maybe george will like the vegetables when they’re made into a lovely salad Oh lovely fresh tomatoes lettuce and cucumber first we have to wash them pepper and george helped granules wash the vegetables maybe that’s enough washing granny pig has made the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber into a salad grandpa pig can you call everyone to lunch lunch Bunny pig has made pizza for lunch and here’s some salad made with grandpa’s tomatoes lettuce and cucumber chalking everyone George has eaten his pizza but george does not like the tomatoes or the lettuce or the cucumber oh dear george don’t you like the salad no george just try a little bit of this lovely tomato yuck george this is cucumber grandpa pig grew it in his garden try a piece of lettuce george

It’s yummy oh now now george look what i’m doing now it’s a dinosaur a dinosaur george loves dinosaurs george is eating the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber well done george would you like some more george so george are you too full to eat any more tomatoes lettuce or cucumber

George is too full to eat anymore george are you too full to eat anything more george is too full to eat anything more oh wow then you won’t want any of this chocolate cake chocolate cake my word george seems to have got his appetite back hiccups Peppa george mummy and daddy are having breakfast it is a lovely sunny day and pepper and george can’t wait to go into the garden to play mummy please can we go out to play you can go out to play when you finish your breakfast Don’t drink your juice too quickly george drank his juice too quickly and now he has hiccups can we go on to play now bobby not while george has hiccups the george’s hiccups have gone bobby haven’t they george [Laughter] oh all right you can go out and play but look after george

Peppa and george love playing in the garden George i’m gonna throw the ball and then you have to catch it george please stop hiccuping george now you throw the ball to me and i have to catch it george oh dear george’s hiccups are spoiling the game george i know how to cure hiccups you have to do what i say

Rub the top of your head and rub your tummy Good now your hiccups have gone peppa’s cure for hiccups doesn’t seem to have worked george you’ve done it all wrong i know a better way to cure hiccups first jump up and down three times on one leg Now wave your arms up and down and stick your tongue out and now close your eyes and turn her out quickly three times Peppa’s new cure hasn’t worked either george still has hiccups i know to cure hiccups the ill piggy must be given a shock george i’m going to scare you but you must remember it’s only a game and it’ll stop your hiccups remember this is just pretend daring peppa

You mustn’t play so roughly with george he’s only little sorry bobby i was just trying to stop george’s hiccups george’s hiccups have gone here comes daddy pig with two beakers of juice george if you drink too quickly you will get hiccups again i’m not as little as george i can drink

Juice as quickly as i want to [Laughter] hey picnic It is a lovely bright sunny day peppa and her family are going for a picnic daddy pig is bringing the picnic basket picnic blanket bread cheese tomatoes and lemonade is there anything we’ve forgotten mummy’s strawberry cake i was just teasing mummy’s homemade strawberry cake is there too is everybody ready ready

Then let’s go this looks like just the spot for our picnics ah it’s great to be outdoors we should run around a bit and get some exercise i want to eat then have a nap i certainly don’t want to run around maybe daddy should run around a bit his tummy

Is quite big my tummy is not big but later i will get some exercise even if no one else does let’s eat good idea mummy pig i’m really hungry Delicious I feel quite sleepy i thought you wanted to run around a bit daddy pig later look there’s a little duck point mummy can we feed the ducks yes you can feed them the rest of the bread pepper and george love feeding bread to ducks mummy i think they want some more that

Was the last of the bread i’m sure they’ve had enough sorry mrs duck we’ve no more bread the ducks want more food so much for daddy pig and his exercise what you lot again peppa told you there’s no more bread mommy we do have strawberry cake

Well if there’s any cake left over you can give it to the ducks Everyone likes mummy pig’s homemade strawberry cake oh a wasp i hate wasps shoo what a fuss mummy pig it’s only a little wasp go away wasp just stay still mummy pig then it will fly away there you see all you had to do is stay still okay get away scram help oh chew

Get it off me i hope the wasp doesn’t sting daddy oh get away you little pest no daddy pig is running too fast for the wasp to catch him Let’s eat our cake before the wasp comes back oh no we forgot to leave any for the ducks I think i lost it you said you would run around and get some exercise daddy pig but i didn’t believe you’d do it Luckily i managed to hang on to my slice of strawberry cake stop daddy we promised the rest of the cake for the ducks oh Say thank you to daddy pig you’re most welcome it’s time to go home say goodbye to the ducks bye bye ducks see you next time [Laughter] Flying a kite It is a bright sunny day peppa and her family are in the park they are going to fly a kite [Laughter] george is going to fly the kite first george runs as fast as he can but the kite won’t fly george you’re doing it all wrong You didn’t run fast enough now it’s my turn peppa runs as fast as she can but the kite still won’t fly the kite won’t fly if there isn’t any wind no matter how fast you run oh we just have to wait until the wind picks up a bit look it’s getting windy

Now that it is windy the kite can fly The wind Daddy pig flies [Laughter] Daddy pig flies the kite very well Yes i am a bit of an expert at these things watch out for the trees you might get the kite stuck in one don’t worry i know what i’m doing Oh dear daddy pig has got the kite caught in a tree oh no Don’t worry george daddy will get the kite down yes careful there’s a big muddy puddle pepper and george love to jump in muddy puddles chloe jump in the puddle please no i don’t want you covered in mud oh stand back children please be careful daddy pig i know what i’m doing

Please be careful Just a bit further daddy daddy pig you are much too heavy for that branch nonsense i know exactly how heavy i am There hooray daddy pig has rescued the kite Oh dear everyone is covered in mud it’s only mud [Laughter] luckily daddy pig hasn’t hurt himself and the kite is out of the tree hooray mummy now that we’re all muddy can we jump in the puddle i suppose so after all you can’t get any muddier

And i think daddy pig is going to be doing the washing oh [Laughter] pepper and george loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles mommy and daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles jumping up and down in muddy puddles is

Just as much fun as flying the kite Shopping peppa and george are going shopping peppa and george like shopping george loves sitting in the trolley so does peppa daddy can i sit in the trolley too you’re too big for the trolley pepper but you can help with the shopping oh goody we’ve got four things on the list

Tomatoes spaghetti onions and fruit i’ll find it all This way pepper and george love shopping peppa first we need tomatoes hmm i can see them i can see them here are the tomatoes mummy well done peppa one two three four now put them in the trolley I found the tomatoes well done pepper tomatoes that’s one thing off the list what’s next on the list spaghetti that’s right george but it’s called spaghetti spaghetti is pepper and george’s favorite food i wonder where the spaghetti is i can see it this way spaghetti look mommy here’s the spaghetti

Well done peppa let’s put the spaghetti in the trolley What’s next on the list pepper crisps crisps are not on the list we have plenty of crisps at home pepper have another guess hmm i just can’t remember can you remember george dinosaur dinosaur george there aren’t any dinosaurs in the supermarket no george the next thing on the list is

Onions onions i remember now here they are well done one two three four onions very good that’s nearly everything on our list there’s one last thing on the list A plant is that on the list oh no george the last thing on the list is fruit oh never mind george you can choose the fruit where is the fruit over there there are apples and oranges and bananas and a very big melon what fruit shall we have george apples oranges bananas [Laughter]

This is the checkout where all the food is paid for tomatoes spaghetti onions melon chocolate cake chocolate cake chocolate cake is that on the list peppa did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley no mommy george did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley no

Well i didn’t put it in then who did I thought it might be nice for pudding daddy pig naughty daddy sorry it just looked so delicious it does look rather yummy oh let’s pretend it was on the list great daddy puts up a picture Mummy pig and daddy pig have a new picture of peppa and george we should put this lovely new picture on the wall leave it to me i am the diy expert of the house are you sure you can do it of course i’ll just put a nail in the wall and hang the

Picture on it very good i’m just off to visit granny and grandpa pig i’ll see you later and please don’t make a mess mess goodbye goodbye daddy couldn’t we help put up the picture you can watch and then you’ll learn how to do it properly first i need a tape measure And a pencil that is where i’m going to put the nail don’t break the wall daddy now i need a hammer and a nail stand back children and watch a craftsman at work daddy pig is going to knock the nail into the wall don’t break the wall daddy don’t be silly peppa

Easiest pie oh it’s not meant to do that daddy pig has made a big crack in the wall oh daddy you’ve broken the wall it’s just a tiny crack the picture will hide it there i can still see the crack daddy yes i’ll just take the nail out and fill in

The crack don’t make a mess daddy oh don’t be silly peppa go it’s coming out oh daddy now you really have broken the wall do you think mommy will notice uh yes i think she might quit george what are they doing daddy we can see you

Daddy pig has to mend the wall before mummy pig comes home Brick please first daddy pig fills the hole with bricks Next daddy pig puts plaster over the bricks this is pie then daddy pig paints the wall [Laughter] good as new the wall is mended hooray but look at all the mess they have made goodness me we’d better clean up before mummy comes back first daddy pig quickly washes pepper and george

Then pepper vacuums the floor and daddy pig tidies up the tools mummy mummy pig is home mommy mommy’s here quick pretend nothing has happened Hello hello what have you been doing oh nothing yes i can see you’ve been doing nothing i thought you were going to put the picture up in all the excitement daddy pig has forgotten to put the picture up oh well i’m no expert but i’m sure it’s quite easy Hmm yes that did look quite easy but when you did it daddy it looked really hard shush peppa don’t tell anyone Gardening pepper and george are playing at granny pig and grandpa pig’s house What’s this are you sure a dinosaur grandpa what are you doing i’m planting these seeds seeds what do seeds do seeds grow into plants i just make a little hole and put the seed in then i cover it with earth and water it everything in my garden grows from tiny seeds like these

Even the big apple tree oh yes this tiny seed will grow into a little apple tree like this and that little apple tree will grow into a big apple tree like this And inside this apple are more seeds to make more apple trees exactly grandpa grandpa i want to plant a seed would you like to plant a strawberry seed yes please this seed will grow into a lovely strawberry plant first make a little hole then i put the seed and cover it with earth

Shall i water it for you no no i want to water it Good now we wait for it to grow peppa and george are waiting for the seed to grow it’s not doing anything you’ll have to be patient peppa it will take a long time to grow pepper george it’s time to go home but we’re waiting for my strawberry plant to grow

I’ll do strawberries for teas don’t worry peppa next time you come the seed will have grown into a plant a lot of strawberries yes come on pepper bye bye grandpa bye bye strawberry grandpa pig looks after peppa’s strawberry plant after many days grandpa pig finds a tiny plant growing Day by day the plant grows bigger and bigger then one day grandpa pig finds something very special strawberries peppa and george have come to play again grandpa grandpa didn’t my plant grow yes look oh strawberries thank you grandpa grandpa can we plant something else yes now it’s george’s turn to choose

Yes you choose george choose a carrot grandpa i think george wants to grow a carrot george would you like to grow a carrot no what would you like to grow george has thought of something he wants to grow dinosaur george wants to grow a dinosaur tree silly george dinosaurs don’t grow trees [Laughter]


This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Learns How To Make Pancakes! 🐷🥞 | @PeppaPigOfficial’, was uploaded by Peppa Pig – Official Channel on 2022-03-01 08:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Peppa #PeppaPig #PeppaPigEnglish Celebrate Pancake day with Peppa Pig and family! ❤️ Watch more Peppa here!

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    Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. After watching the “Then/Now in Minecraft” video, it’s clear that the world of Minecraft has evolved and grown over the years. Minewind is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re into survival games, building, or exploring haunted places, Minewind has something for everyone. Join… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

  • Néloxi – Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!

    Néloxi - Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!Video Information bye la by la B oh toi ma belle andalouse aussi belle que jalouse quand je danse le dansarrête je perds le Nord je perds la tête toi ma belle Espagnole quand tu bouges tes épaules je ne vois plus le monde autour c’est peut-être ça l’amour oh oh ah je viens le soir danser sur les air de Guitar bonjour tout le monde viens le soir attendez [ __ ] mais le chat il marche pas ça m’énerve ça m’énerve les gars j’ai trop le seum par contre ce qui m’énerve un peu c’est que genre on a fait… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!Video Information all right what is up everybody wait one second wait one sec all right we’re all good we’re all good what is up everybody I am uh you know back we’re working on the Kel base again bro crazy amount to get done dude crazy Mount has been done since the last stream actually played a lot yesterday and of course everybody on my team has played a lot I mean I’m pretty sure we’ve created the perfect team possible dude my team has played a lot this is uh it this Bas is is growing team has… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend – Part 5!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend - Part 5!Video Information hey chat it’s me moldy hey um okay now I’m streaming [Music] oh I think I might I hope stranger Ranger isn’t here yeah you guys are on the screen now axi waxy yeah hi hi yo tablet my goat’s in chat my goat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat my goat in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat oh God I just looked at the stream I just looked in the Stream my avatar is so old wa you’re… Read More

  • INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftlive

    INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftliveVideo Information हम हे आ [संगीत] [संगीत] अरे यार सॉरी वेरी सॉरी यार अरे यार सॉरी री सॉरी अरे यह बंद था भाई सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी मतलब इतना टाइम मेरा माइक का साउंड नहीं आ रहा था वाइट लिस्ट करो मुझे वाइटली को वो नहीं कर पाऊंगा ये सर्वर मेरा नहीं है मेरे को बना के दिया है हम खेल [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] रहे मेरा नहीं है भाई तुम रात को आओ जरूर खेलेंगे वह आएगा जिसका सर्वर है वह आएगा रात को खेलने तब आ जाना एक्चुअली यह बना इसलिए क्योंकि देखो लोग आते हैं ना चीज चोरी कर लेता… Read More

  • Explore MrPaw’s Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!

    Explore MrPaw's Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!Video Information तो ये है गाइस हमारा छोटा सा जू जो हमने इस वाली वीडियो में बनाया है सिर्फ एक वन ब्लॉक का यूज करके मतलब वन ब्लॉक वर्ल्ड में हमने ये वाला बनाया है तो भाई देखेंगे हम कैसे बनाएंगे तो बने रहना वीडियो में एंड तक सो हे गाइ वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो m तो आज हमारा डे 15 इ मा वन बॉक्स सीरीज और भाई आज हम इसकी बहस की ठंडी भाई मैं ना आज बोलने ही वाला था कि आज हम बनाने जा रहे हैं जू इसके लिए और ये साला यहां से गिर गया… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MOB World 2

    Insane Minecraft MOB World 2Video Information [Music] hey it’s Jared Merlin and welcome back to my YouTube channel um I have an announcement to make um this video is going to be my Minecraft mob World 2 now most of you probably seen my mob world one episode one well unfortunately Minecraft had some issues about stuff not saving so one night I saved my mob world one did a video came back the next day and it was gone and I guess people were telling me well didn’t you get the warning from Minecraft the stuff wasn’t saving guess not so I had… Read More

  • 600 Wins in Epic Battle – What’s Hoobs’ Secret?

    600 Wins in Epic Battle - What's Hoobs' Secret?Video Information you are stepping into the spotlight black spot here showcasing Mustafa ibsl versus one of the battle bosses liked it show some love and drop a like congratulations to Mustafa I hbsl for winning the battle This video, titled ‘!battle: å ä¿ Muç ç å å¼ stafaä½ å å ¯ä»¥ ¡i | HBSL. has won 600 battles’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-04-14 15:49:59. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN THE INTERACTIVE LIVE STREAM NOW: #minecraft #live #smpnYou are stepping into the spotlight! Blex… Read More


    EPIC GAMER BATTLE: NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM vs ME! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending’, was uploaded by Plays GamerZ_ on 2024-01-17 06:15:00. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending parkour,minecraft,minecraft hacks,technoblade,dream,asim aly shorts,challange,noob,hacker,dream vs technoblade,technoblade vs dream,minecraft dream vs technoblade,dream vs,best parkour,real life parkour,irl parkour,best parkour compilation,parkour shorts,best of parkour,minecraft dream,dream minecraft,dream smp,dream team,dream tiktok,techno,minecraft streamer,minecraft streamers,tiktok streamer,minecraft school noob vs techno vs dream vs me #shorts #viralnews noob vs techno vs dream vs me me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱Video Information [музыка] один чёрный узкий мальчик разработал Ловкий планчик Как украсть у деда бутерброд род дед его хотел захава но беда хоть он и старый У дедули дел не в проворот весь день в поле он ебал наколол дровишек в баньку узкий мальчик в дом проник урот думал наконец похавать но спалился узкий парень не трожь мой буть ребро This video, titled ‘#minecraft #шортс #песня #майнкрафт #пародия #приколы #morgenshtern #мем #рекомендации #юмор’, was uploaded by NyrиK33k on 2024-01-03 13:55:56. It has garnered 2557 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts

    All The Mods Gravitas CyanDesertsWelcome to All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts, We Are a All The Mods Gravitas Server . Our goal is to create a community of players, that love Modded Minecraft and care for one another. now for some reason this server list wants the description to be at least 100 characters long Read More

  • BCraft – smp, 18+, whitelist, crossplay

    Welcome to Our 18+ Community! If you’re looking for a build-oriented SMP with creative players, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re a builder, redstoner, or just enjoy projects big or small, you are welcome here. No playtime requirements – your progress stays intact even if you take breaks. Join our cross-platform server for both Bedrock and Java players. Experience a Hermitcraft-inspired economy with diamonds as currency. Visit our shopping district at spawn to buy and sell goods. Take advantage of our resource and creative worlds connected to the server. Rules are simple – no discrimination or racism, just… Read More

  • TulipSurvival 1.20.4 | Your safe place | Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival (Very Friendly Admins!)

    TulipSurvival 1.20.4  |  Your safe place  |  Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival  (Very Friendly Admins!)TulipSurvival is a semi vanilla Minecraft Survival 1.20 server with quality of life plugins to make your experience even better!You can play with your friends, make land claims, make towns, make player warps, buy & sell items to others and more!Come join our welcoming community 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!

    Minecraft Memes - Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!Well, I guess you could say this meme is really building up its reputation with a score of 57! Read More

  • Submerged Splendor: Minecraft’s Underwater Wonder

    Submerged Splendor: Minecraft's Underwater Wonder In the depths of Minecraft, a hidden villa lies, Beneath the waves, where the ocean sighs. Crafted with care, a mansion underwater, A true work of art, a gamer’s wonder. With glass floors and tropical fish so fine, Each one unique, in a watery shrine. But beware, only one fish per column to show, Lest they fight and cause a watery woe. To keep the water out, a clever trick, A pathway to block, the flow to stick. Dig deep, build high, create a grand design, In the underwater mansion, where the sun does shine. So dive into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #gamerhumor #minecraftmemes Read More

Peppa Pig Learns How To Make Pancakes! 🐷🥞 | @PeppaPigOfficial