playing on a haunted minecraft seed

Video Information

What’s up Gossage and welcome back to a new stream as you can see I’m right now playing on my own the Survival Series today what i’m gonna do i’m actually gonna investigate some stuff because i heard from an anonymous tip that something has occurred on the server

Right now and sir for the voice tracks but it happen as you can see wait first things we’re gonna do i’m gonna check out the kinks for his house because i haven’t seen it yet and I think it’s absolutely hideous but I don’t know how Kings Firebolts so

We’re gonna see what he is going to do I love people joining in right now hi John my violet how I remember oh hi Tracy bye Cynthia x-craft that also hello is it off Matt or Ameth I don’t know but hello everyone hello say come on say hello so

Yeah as you see we just started but right now first thing I’m gonna do is actually check out his house this actually looks a hideous I have to know what I’m going to do today I’m gonna make this house look better because King’s fire apparently can’t build but sure maybe you’ll also

Join in who knows ever say I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get some stuff from my base hi everyone who just tuned in okay okay okay check things real quick sibel yeah my my Christina strike I know look like my Kreskin like and just slightly it’s it’s

Basically like the same with like I take a frere like I gotta look like my Microscan but for sure do i stair floats also kinda I I don’t know but yeah I basically made my skin look a little bit like my myself I guess I was like yeah

People like that first what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna farm up some stuff oh wait I want to make a dock for boats I’m not a loser like you know I like to sorry like yeah yeah where’s that from from where because like the world is

Quite a big place so we’ve got lots of time zones and I want to know where everyone’s from ins myself I live in Netherlands way far away from like most of the things I think not sure but oh yeah hello mythical hello everyone else yeah I got your lecture oops

Now just get in III regrab myself so based on potatoes actually that’s a goal and first gonna dump some stuff by the way I played like all myself line for a little bit and what I got is a few how can I describe it’s a few like spruce trees yeah oops

Yeah okay I made my skin like good going fast and spooky fixed it she made my skin look way better and she also made one with headphones on hello cheetah of course who I just kidding who are you just kidding I’m offended now Alexis you don’t have to be

Offended like it’s it’s just thing I do like names aren’t the best thing oops right now I’m wearing a cap I was feeling real all morning a couple days huh I don’t know I think Mitch Kraft actually bring me but I’m not sure because I live in a quite dear friend

Like country because of time zones etc etc answers are different in each country like both of Europe is like the same America like East Coast is eight hours behind and while New Zealand Australia China etc all twelve hours from so oops now I’ve no I don’t know you for a

Couple of months it’s a I’ve just been doing this a YouTube thing for like two you monster now I’m not gonna show my face when did you met dark I’m a dork like two years ago I think almost no I’m not gonna do it face film then k stops by

The way I won’t do a little bit later food go through the nether I actually haven’t got obsidian yet so maybe maybe that’s thing to do nah I don’t have to do anything but if it is hundred likes I’ll show my arm okay I’ll put a picture

On my Instagram follow it as it is Jerry haha self-promoting by the way how do you you trash bag filled the window mmm don’t trust your said I’m not stupid oil way chat is 30 seconds behind so if I response something in chat like it’s probably from 30 SEC’s back so if you

Ask something I’ll do it like a little bit later I’ll sprint through it because via chat I’m gonna do an arm reveal elbow reveal sure yeah five nights at Freddy’s I’m actually planning on just you you don’t need to tell the other guys but I’m gonna prank them and I’m

Not sure as what it’s gotta be fun elbow view nah not yet not yet okay what I’m gonna do first I’m gonna fix the house of my dear friend gets fired because she can build Jesus and it’s some of these okay and I’m gonna need some glass yes he are some others right

Maybe someone else gonna join me I don’t know yet I can ask someone yeah Kings fire I’m gonna build your house better because it’s not the best thing mmm I actually don’t know anything about it here my shrines just kidding oh cool what’s a urban shrine along my

Stream for probably around an hour-ish maybe TV depends on what I’m going to do and what else I don’t know either look this house is like it’s actually like hideous oops I dare its prank dark maybe Oprah York mmm hello white beard XD a friend of

Mine we lately we actually stream like a few weeks back I think oh yeah a few weeks ish very first thing we’re going to do about this houses about Mitch and vintage yeah I dunno Mitch and I dunno vintage well I’m gonna call Kings for a real quick second well second you you

You you now another good ability you yeah like what I said I’m gonna fix his house first because that’s a hideous yeah I do And like the IPU to be honest so I could check it out if you have got a second wait a second wait a second wait a second you okay yeah I guess I’m I’m gonna make someone moderator real quick speak english in chat four four four

Hello Wow wait I’m first gonna fix your house why do I like I well I went Boston that’s like a Dias no offense what’s wrong with me nothing it doesn’t matter have you actually seen my views like my views are out of the roof right now

Actually out of the roof I just hit 20k real time actually thank you I actually just hit almost 5k so so yeah let’s say going well it’s going like like dude why you like started like really good yeah I can’t again ask for more oh no no no I

Don’t know farmer your house actually absolutely hideous like I’m not gonna do facecam guys like how many times do I have to say you like before the voice not for the face quote at Reggie’s yeah but that’s quite the truth like yeah it’s yeah you’re not here for like my

Face right like it’s okay maybe a thing but the person who asked know how it looks like because I know am i RL so yeah it keeps fire when and how did you build this house it’s just think you know what I’m gonna make a box with going me going me get on

My boat wait get a member okay I’m gonna show you my house but but I wasn’t quite done because I should have built it like on stream or on a video but the person in me what a friend of mine just join actually but I’m gonna add a minute call

Real quick if you have second boobs or medic group chat real quick so yeah yeah yeah yeah greetings fellow Lala hello I could write at the Kings foreign chat please from micro the items I have let’s um wait a second wait a second wait a second

Wow I do you guys know each other no okay gangs fire destroyed beer why beer this is cakes fire nice why is the door the doors oh yeah you’re not up on the server and I actually made an only spawnposition it does a bit like did

Like I said the problem is wait it’s actually getting a fascinator I’m gonna chorus as well Jesus we’re getting quite some people hey Reza Shah know what to do day I’m gonna we’re gonna fix their houses yeah have you seen the house of kings for the air here oh yeah that’s gonna that’s

Gonna hurt game Kings fire is probably the worst builder of ever seen With what words let Alexis just hi-rez yes sorry wait I have to say where’s years double it’s a double you you know what why don’t you get a bye miss ward the one the one problem we’ve got like last time to back I was on the surfer

And he stole my entire chest employments yeah that was quite none someone was holding out like diamonds what did someone say my boat wine recipe I can try okay I see your house over there okay but but rescues what do you think about his house like it’s a very

Nice Wow Kings bar doesn’t play minecraft much so this is cool for that he’s old so it’s good for those bad to say this absolutely hideous like none no offence wait Erasmus that’s actually 33 people watching right now Not a problem as Kings fires always say kind of screaming this fire do we need to fix your house or yes okay yeah I can okay first the first thing the first thing we’re gonna do I’m gonna algae called like the cook from England the one who swears a lot Gordon Ramsay and

That one this entire video is gonna be in death so except the screen this would water so 2012 you stupid I need to get some mood I can do I can do a means I’m gonna make are we actually gonna make a village or guess I know the

Perfect place for village where we can all live together and happy family instead of my my big house where I’ve prepared big house and then let’s go to door where’s the chicken you speak quite quack [ __ ] language quack I think that’s a chicken I think if the wrong voice

Wack what quickly that’s quackity quackity someone broke him where are you good a big I’m Thomas but I’m coming us it’s really hard to make this glass and destroyed it took time pressure and awesomeness it took it took a furnace and let’s took some sand okay cool do

You pay an awesome currency I trade you one awesome for the equal amounts of Awesome back whatever that is if you have too much bread just trading bread like Alexis just said it’s quite like hectic there’s a lot of people why are you breaking a cobblestone hmm considering how to make it actually

Because you made a kind dude we extra play minecraft minecraft’ are you just replaced to get where it’s a spruce yeah yeah that’s prison spruce is my favorite I love spruce more like like the problem with a thing to say Bruce is my favorite words in minecraft authors Christmas

Bruce is quiet and I always like the thing about spruce is quiet like a little bit darker which makes it a little bit noisy no way to go back with why so crunchy I’m thinking about making this one yeah how did you make a picture frame again I remember

You sticks rest yes tell me am I good at building building games I play Mike with I bet you I bet you play roblox as well you built house oh good I bet you live in a house I actually haven’t played like roblox a lot though like I wasn’t I

Have I have like 500 followers on that game never have been my game to be honest okay stop breaking the blocks thanks though I’m stealing the boat just to get some leather up I’ll be back okay ain’t there any stairs up here no that’s you have to park over here I don’t wanna

Parkour if you want to boobs oh yeah yes I do that sometime so just killed Gary yeah there’s some planks no two plagues what no don’t but not all cut down a tree here I got I got two points hi guys I got to applying slight saala I

Got two plagues how do I guess a Birchwood ugly wait for my three new update I’m gonna prank a dark some day you know what go to my own house I’ll go to my own house says the weirdos well I ran home yer edges have separate rooms

That’s why we’re sure I don’t have got something to drink actually aha I want to run downstairs but I’m not gonna run I had to do it the prominent got a new boy yeah now haha you get it Iran notices America I don’t gotta explain where did you go I read haha you know yeah can we sleep before my screen my screen is like five times like getting

Darker and then starting to get light in the story oh how be searched at like 10 points nah my building is right I’m really better I’m chilling in bed for like 10 seconds hurry like 30 seconds probably wait Reza Reza yeah I want to show you something

What I found what I found a little bit earlier but I don’t want to say because otherwise you’ll think I’ll create I’ll be crazy okay follow me for a second is she across wait we should have cross over are you you should have cross over

There I do maybe dad a hero right laughs time place that that’s what he would visit us twice over there just a little quick no closed shop shop is closed today why do you guys want to do at my house I want a party okay yeah we’re doing the

Sneaky sneak check it out sneaky sneak check it out it’s a crush you first have speak one number rejection oh yeah what was that across Lake okay the dress yes we’re gonna do the same thing because every time when we see across there something close to it so

We’re gonna walk in circles I expand Yeah we have to take in a second but we just found this and we’re gonna like we’re gonna investigate yeah there might be some smelly Christians on the server you know you see a cross always those Christians no not this time I’m out Maybe yeah wait the hair O’Brien last time we’re gonna hunt them down Yeah mr. sticky keys in college hello hello arabic where are you at we found a shrine here you’re getting this flower again let it be let it be only stall doors that’s like way if I go in there this looks like that papers please game papers please

Glory towards toast occur but it pours please miss your papers you sir where is your paper I actually turn everyone down like quite a bit because people were quiet screaming and I don’t have to loud us voice some are minecraft hello guys its Gary to the grave Jerry not that Kenny

That’s my Kenny I actually want to get some now way okay precious like a few days ago yeah I asked you if I had a deep voice Alexis says I have a deep voice but I don’t have a deep voice right it doesn’t know like no no like my

Voice is just soft like did that’s like the thing I’m never loud for this sometimes like mostly Africa mostly ethnic roots I’m like my voice ain’t that deep but I’m just not talking it loud so I’m more whispering what did you say I must pay respects by placing a flower on the grave Today okay Great if I do this year it is actually Assign it’s a strange desire for a house it’s where’d you pee [Laughter] To MTV Cribs seriously spire and its new settlement what you call the King spire [Laughter] What you walk straight to my door they were lit their own literally too many go soon like okay but how your stick in my house I mean this is what what did you say The fact I have a hobby of closing the doors behind oh wait he went all the way down because it’s a spawn point he can I can’t do it here nothing which you guys are quite trapped actually because you have to get you know get here getting

Here walk to this way down there yeah I’ll help you I’ll chop something down that will help you so you can catch this whole place is fine you can take my bed is gone I’m good Now if you get more press go find our Brian arrests are going to search here for right now no problem crazy guy you’re stuck again gracias Reza 27 doors you’re a collector man sorry it’s just staring I’m Bob spawn at nighttime oh did you know that I did I

Just didn’t know they clearly Isis Sports one down there because I have one egg okay yeah it’s actually quite a lot of people watching right now so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna find out if herobrine is reading on the server Okay why why should I hire new builder like a table this is my friend Miss Nude people this is cool we’re just joking that’s cool man that’s totally cool okay why craft i’ma gonna mine or something I don’t want to fight I don’t want a fight

Herobrine worse the good go what a worse guys finds what we’re gonna to do is we’re gonna find here Brian no just kidding you can you can sleep over here if you want I’ve got a few bets actually except I haven’t got enough that’s got quite a bay home – yes

Check this score for a second coochi thank you sleeping take so long you tribes by the way yeah me too I meet you I’m in bed mine I’m in bed strange this morning that’s funny good morning of kite I’m kite sorry gasps but it’s taking oh yay finally it’s okay okay okay okay

Hmm I’ve got its flesh but it’s you know what I’m gonna do I’m actually gonna make a beer I’m going on what them boats I’m gonna make a what’s on the booth as Canadian it’s friends do you play Yahtzee with yachts I do thus we sound like when you banter yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah okay to sleep man Loser you mister got minecraft he’s gonna play another game minecraft gotta go to sleep okay I’ll speak to White Bear has let the game thanks minecraft for letting me know you’re so good to be minecraft there’s 20 breads enough or what I wanted to know it was a free test I found it

Wonderful chest but what I’m gonna do do we need some stone in case I get stuck you know dark isn’t more someone said the darks funnier to me I feel offended [Laughter] just true I’m already streaming for prubs that’s my dude laughs by the way I’m gonna do I’m gonna make some buckets [Laughter] yeah I play Minecraft and roblox and terraria I know what I’m talking about I play minecraft I play so much I see squares in real life you doing your

Parents edge if you watch too much TV your eyes become square now just minecraft terraria just like pissed servers like Rorschach images like it’s like blob so faint kawaii versus like what do you see here it’s like just a picture of a by craft clouds [Laughter]

I think this menace I think this man isn’t dude in this head yeah I’m making dark like four bouts because I’m getting annoyed by the boats that just randomly float here but about but about fight about like more stairs of three would be good to get more wood diarrhea via hey Louis

Have you been seeing ryujin trying to practice my Peter Griffin voice I see this happen in daytime sometimes hey it’s been a long time since I played Minecraft okay don’t boy My name’s case fire don’t bully me don’t bully me why are you bullying me because it’s fun sapling there and over creeper okay sometimes we’re like don’t be a blocks worth of rain somewhere so maybe that’s why there’s like thunder and lightning one block range of rain

Somewhere it’s so true yeah I’m like a pro so ask me anything about Minecraft go minecraft very close well it’s not like on fire at least cuz lightly dusting that’s it says fire – anything with wood so trees or okay I don’t see anything though we’re good

Jerry the house is fine don’t worry Jerry the animals are fine it’s not like someone came here I need a pet wolf because some certain bear killed my chicken so body wants Toby notes don’t mean it now it’s too late for you some body did you buy did not you take that

Back or I’ll tell my mom I’ll do it I’ll do it good I’m running aside I’m running aside Ladies approaches first thank you just get in I just realized the top of the armor maybe I should make some maybe I should make some as well how much of you Guys I’m gonna make a furnace armor you won’t understand I’m up I’m a pro furnace armor you wouldn’t understand uh-huh in Terraria you get wood armor true story it’s very true I don’t think there’s anything to make armor off actually because I don’t want our this

Eight leather here oh I imagine if you can make like zombie armor just Ross and fleshed armor that’s gotta be a thing right for a second because I’ve had something you pushed me into feelings go to you sir even take any time it’s you know cuz I’m wearing fashionable gold

Lingerie are you turtle II wearing armor right now no I want some aid leather in one of the chests but I started I’ve got another one here you want to go mining for a bit but that’s boring I’ve got iron here that’s it one’s armor here make some

Yeah I actually don’t want a helmet I will make everything Cloak and you make some booze it’s easy you put your left foot all right what is the iron girls put it the rest in here mmm you put your eye you’re in here your eye you’re in there I dare you go enjoy it to show your

Mother so she could stick the picture on the fridge and hopefully gives you a feeling of satisfaction and meaning in life Wow deep Wow you’ve walked you as you walked in some your sources went inside him like this it’s like stop a yucky cooties oops technical difficulties run run why uh

Yeah I thought I see here something I mean the trees gone I sometimes breathe for relocate on the bike I’m sorry Razi c-channel had 30k but I was like what happened you fell asleep okay – what we’re gonna do now yeah gonna go through the shrine actually for there’s

No time first we’re gonna sleep okay no you’re not gonna sleep in why for five blocks apart Christmas okay yeah sorry I had some I had some some problem problems yeah you can okay what no you’re holding up a no go one for a down

Place your bed Oh half an hour left if your bed yeah I’m not gonna scream for dead lot as well Oh eating around yeah Jerry Jerry Jerry can you give me a bed yeah I’m 15 I love sleeping in your in your house and I want to have a bed and

You should be a good host and give me a bit but now that mean hey why don’t you sleep like Harry Potter with the stairs yes and you got glasses as well Why can’t you sleep okay okay he does worth as well okay now what we’re gonna do we’re gonna check out the shrine gasps it’s daytime so it’s not scary what do you what do you guys think about the dog is it’s cool it works

I just lying to you okay okay Oh what I saw someone no you didn’t see me don’t run to me oh wait I know it’s you we have to get up we have to put the fire out honestly what is going on I think we’re safe

Wait you pause the fire what does I mean res yes we have together we have to get the pink flower oh there’s someone here somewhere I’m running I’m running I’m running I swear get them go fetch no you go yeah wait Reggie we need to

Get a purple flower with the pink one we have to put it on a cross got one wait are you gonna put on the cross or the fire fire you stole it for me how’s that for you okay listen I didn’t know it would be terrible it’s gold rapid

Florin Reza Shepherd floater stop ng I’m running power off attack oh that’s totally Benjy sounds like he became he became he became hey yes I’m coming what a very sticky situation hammer price of the server s worth flowing the flow that’s a rummy sward run nice war deer jumps in i’m swing you know what III

Think it’s just my house attracting here or something I’m gonna go to bed I’m gonna go to I’m coming home boys yeah keep me safe you guys is to keep us safe from a brain Nobody’s gonna get here don’t worry about it Pixlr dude lives I favor suppose the fire on the cross or something Office office is off stream I think like let’s be almost beeps we’re wretches super secure I’m gonna ring I’m saying happy with me You’ve combined for us we have four heads pleasure trip all the fun that’s we’re gonna die here it’s life or death is life [Laughter] Okay boys I think your awareness is they can revenge for all the times that we’ve come down and Hera brine is near but you cannot hear him you cannot sniffing here then we guys before the entire servants like entirely off I think gonna end the stream here yes I don’t want to die

[Laughter] Come come and end the stream yeah we have the f5 in here like we have to end here okay okay so guys this was a stream it also has to do because it’s almost well Ian I’m quite loud yes Turner I see her right but he’s just here for fame

But now guys this was stream I hope you guys enjoy I for sure had some fun it was quite the loud scream like a lot of rumbling but I hope that there now I’m fine you guys won’t say something oh yeah wait guys check out our Instagram

Kommen hashtag darknet if you watch the entire video slash stream because it Wallace would be YouTube later so you could watch it back and see all the moments ooh doli not self-promoting would I wait I’m gonna get the no I’m gonna get the bill it’s a notification but oh and I hope to

God I hope see you guys later it’s Jerry signing out boy

This video, titled ‘playing on a haunted minecraft seed’, was uploaded by ItsGerrie on 2020-02-09 23:05:04. It has garnered 2016 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:29 or 5129 seconds.

This server is invested with haunted things and some really spooky things often happen on this seed…….

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    Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMPVideo Information it’s happened it’s happening we were all quiet to make sure that going live was easy for you thank you I need I need the help uh make sure to add your tags I am I’m doing it right now Minecraft I know I know gambling new V New Vegas I did I I already copy pasted all the tags from the last one you know what put that one game with the raccoon in it for fun Indigo Park did you listen to the song that I sent you it goes too hard it has no way… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

    Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who's to Blame?!Video Information This video, titled ‘did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts #notsparky’, was uploaded by NOT SPARKY on 2024-03-15 03:30:13. It has garnered 10351 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Musik] than This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook:… Read More

  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Starman’s Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World!

    Starman's Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World! Why did the Starman bring a pickaxe to Minecraft? Because he heard there were diamonds in the sky! #miningforlaughs #starman #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure

    Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure Minecraft Adventures: Getting Lost in the Mines Duo SMP Exploring the Depths In the world of Minecraft, two players, Dave and the narrator, embark on a journey filled with surprises and discoveries. From exploring caves to finding hidden diamond spots, their adventures are nothing short of exciting. The narrator meticulously marks each diamond spot with torches, showcasing their dedication to mining. Challenges and Triumphs As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter challenges like spider spawners and witches. Despite setbacks, such as losing half an amethyst block to a spider spawner, they remain determined to overcome obstacles. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!

    Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!Video Information hey guys and tell us again how you saved the entire universe where do you get your superpowers all right guys one question at a time Spider-Man how did you get your superpowers I was just bitten by a spider and I’m strong fast and can shoot webs wao that’s cool and you’re the Hulk how did you get powers I don’t like you Mikey what what did I do wa what’s this hey Iron Man watch out look out wo what there’s of them hey what are you doing stop it what do we do what happened… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Seeds

    Terrifying Minecraft SeedsVideo Information गाइस यह है हमारा घर और यहां पे मैं और एलेक्स अपने घर के अंदर देख रहे हैं टीवी और हम लोग एक बहुत ही बढ़िया यह क्या हो गया हम लोग तो अपना एपिसोड देख रहे थे और टीवी बंद हो चुकी है क्या डिश एटीना खराब हो गया यार गाइस एलेक्स कह रही है कि हमारा डिश एंटीना खराब हो चुका है और यह क्या हो गया अंधेरा हो गया लाइट चली गई आखिर ये हो क्या रहा है एलेक्स यहां पे यहां पे ये हो क्या रहा है कुछ पता तेरे को यार भाई मुझे… Read More

  • Uncover Bizarre Minecraft Sounds! What’s the Explanation? 🔥 #MinecraftExplained

    Uncover Bizarre Minecraft Sounds! What's the Explanation? 🔥 #MinecraftExplainedVideo Information en este video verás algo anormal que le pasó a un streamer mientras jugaba Minecraft este streamer conocido como Luis se encontraba picando con sus amigos cuando de repente escucharon un peculiar sonido proveniente del juego haga una casa de diamantes salari cómo le va a hacer una casa de diamantes aari qué se No qué se escucha gey gey gey gey no no para aclarar fue un servidor el cual no contaba como ni nada por el estilo tienes alguna idea de que fue ese sonido déjalo en los comentarios This video, titled ‘Sonidos raros del minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC FINALE! How Far Can We Go? – Tango’s DECKED OUT 2

    EPIC FINALE! How Far Can We Go? - Tango's DECKED OUT 2Video Information hello Wolf Den my name is f telda and welcome to what is going to be our final episode on Decked Out we’ve had a good run but there is no denying the fact that the dungeons of deep Frost Citadel have proved to be a tremendous challenge for me and we just talking about level one and two we didn’t yet get to see the third level out of four which was a small goal I had kept in the back of my mind but I can guarantee you that in this final episode we will enter… Read More

  • Unbelievable! JerryMC reveals lightning arrow secret!

    Unbelievable! JerryMC reveals lightning arrow secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make lightning arrow in minecraft’, was uploaded by JerryMC on 2024-02-29 08:50:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Creating INSANE Minecraft Art from YOUR Ideas!!

    Creating INSANE Minecraft Art from YOUR Ideas!!Video Information [Music] n aah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] l [Music] a [Music] [Music] heyo good afternoon I think what is it what time is it for you I’ll tell you what time it is it’s my birthday it’s my birthday I’m so nervous right now and I don’t know why I literally live streamed last week but today I’m really nervous and I don’t know why it’s probably because of coffee but that’s okay um oh no oh no oh no hey what’s up Dakota what’s up poken what’s up Frogg here… Read More

  • Insane Creeper Attack?! 👽 #Minecraft Madness

    Insane Creeper Attack?! 👽 #Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creeper become mad👽#minecraft #trending #creeper’, was uploaded by Mindstorm07 on 2023-12-21 06:42:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello welcome to my YouTube channel!! I am regularly uploading videos, please support me ❤️. If you wanna play with me, … Read More

  • Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮

    Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮Video Information [Music] mil This video, titled ‘Beta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-07 09:30:07. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. houseBeta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft… Read More

  • Nishant’s Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!

    Nishant's Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!Video Information This video, titled ‘#beatbox #flutebeatbox #duet #flute #music #memes #minecraft #song #trending #fluteringtone’, was uploaded by nishant on 2024-05-27 05:17:26. It has garnered 12836 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Herocraft Network

    Herocraft NetworkHerocraft: the best Minecraft geopolitical Earth-Towny server ever! You will have to make the right choices if you want to dominate over the world. Will this be the lucky year? Read More

  • Macaroni-land factions java bedrock towns pvp playershops

    Welcome to Macaroni-land Java IP: Bedrock IP: PORT 25984 Join our Discord server: Macaroni-land is a standard survival server with elements of factions, SMP, and PvP. Our friendly yet chaotic community has been running for a couple of months. Explore our towns, check out our spawn shop selling custom music disks and more, and experience our unique gameplay features. Try out our server today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown"Well, I guess even Minecraft memes need to level up to a score of 10 for that ultimate gamer satisfaction! Read More

playing on a haunted minecraft seed