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Hey what’s going on guys it’s waffles here and welcome back to another episode of blood in bones here on the server we are playing at least the first part of this episode solo so I’d like to say welcome thank you so much for hanging out on the previous episodes and

Enjoying them as much as you did as you can tell we’ve made some pretty significant progress and we’re ready to really move to the next level I’ve just actually recently done a lot of research on blood and bones in terms of what to do next and it really seems like the

Next thing on the to-do list is to go to the nether Damascus steel is pretty much I think as good as we’re gonna get maybe a little bit better I’m not entirely sure but it’s essentially probably one of the best armors you can get without going to the nether and without wasting

A metric metric ton of resources and and yeah we have food we have you know high-level blades and all that jazz ready to go so it looks like in this episode we’re gonna be doing a little bit of preparation for the nether so that nutrient myself can tackle that

Together as soon as possible and I just wanted to do a little bit of he’s gonna snipe me off oh I don’t think so buddy see what we’re killing outside um actually that water is protecting why is there water there that’s leaking out of there right okay oh whoa what is down

There alright let’s go let’s go kill these guys real quick and oh that’s terrible that is that is not what I wanted to do or have happen and I better not die at the beginning of this episode from something so that is that we got a brooder zombie and a skeleton okay wow

We are so stacked guys I also want to level up my shortbow because right now come on guys could we just not do this could we just pretend that we’re friends please just pretend that work around these guys are great because you actually get the that slime ball which

We’re gonna need a lot of in this episode because we are doing potion making in this episode guys that’s right we’re gonna be making potions mainly fires as potions do I not have any arrows to eliminate I got three arrows I’m just gonna use it on this guy and

Just level up my archery anyways let’s just see if I can get nice and close and short bow is awful though oh come on yeah boy what in the world spider how did you get up there that’s a naughty naughty spider-man are you kidding me how dare he has killed his British

Zombie it’s unfortunately stuck in this this water torrent and then we’re gonna go ahead and actually head to new cheese place because he has something that I need that I’m going to use and I think that’s ok I’m sure he’ll be ok with it because of all the stuff he’s used of my

Whole whole whole and you can stop me have our bridge I’m gonna use the bridge because we built it so I might as well I might as well use it you know what I mean it’s like oh what in the world what happened there that’s crazy

What I have no idea how I fell down there anyways by the way guys welcome back to blood and bones if you are pumped for the continuation of this series let me know if I hit that like button I do appreciate all the support but

Either way we are we are gonna get some some good ol work done today I think 100% so let me just put this back I would like to make a little bit more food do I have any food left over from mmm no anyway we’re fine we’re fine okay

So the first thing we’re actually gonna do this episode guys we’re gonna head up here and the reason I wanted to go to the bridge is for a very particular reason and I’m gonna show you is I actually wanted to stop by this lovely table over here to make a hammer so

We’re gonna put this in there we have our two Damascus steel plates as well as a silver head oh and we have ourselves a gorgeous hammer that looks way too sexy honestly way way way too sexy and we also have this ball of moss that we’re

Going to be thorough on as a modifier and we’ll be good to go that’s pretty awesome let’s do this Bala moss Oh Bala moss doesn’t work on a hammer until I’m sure I level it up a little bit more so that I’ll be able to do that okay no worries

No worries just put all this stuff away shortbow there the stuff into our cooking chest boom boom and then boom we’ll take this garden soup why not and let’s head over to niches place I actually haven’t been there in a while I’m sure he’s probably done absolutely

No work on it because he has been staying a lot at my place which I don’t believe him my place just kind of uh but either way we’re gonna go over and actually get something that we need from him which was a first I know I know

My god and I don’t know how he got it either I think it was from one of the I’m sure it was a rare drop or something but he was able to get a blaze rod from a la burn now I don’t know I haven’t actually done research to see if I can

Do this in blood and bones but we’re gonna try and get potions so obviously blaze rod and stone is all we should need but who knows and blood and bones you know what I mean it could just be like Oh Lal you actually need to do it this way we should probably actually

Check let’s see blaze rod okay so bring Stan okay so you can make bring Stan it’s actually with cobblestone so what’s up with this recall the stone okay sweet blaze rail awesome oh my god do blaze rods are amazing will have a crystals whoa essence HOH essence sword lava diviner

Oh my god these look so cool these look so cool so let’s let’s talk real quick about why we really really really really need to go to the nether now you might think it’s actually to get the higher level of armor and to do all that jazz

But you would be actually mistaken I don’t really I mean I care obviously about higher level armor and I know that we need to go to the nether to get it but really I want to go to the nether so that I can get and start making red

Alloy ingots and to do that I need an induction smelter and to do an induction smelter I need to get a special type of furnace which is called a Oh what’s a call that is just get into nature’s base and then I’m gonna see okay I am I can’t

Say I remember what it’s called alright so let me just let me just show you guys what we’re trying to do now induction smelter is net necessary for everything because to get the induction Spoto can then make rent alloy ingots which is used for essentially every coil and all

That jazz we needed ignatius and the Ignatieff ingot is only found in the nether from from the small research that i did that’s what I found now obviously blood and bones there’s not a lot of information about it online so it is difficult but haha thank you very much

Matt let’s head on back there’s not a lot of information about blood and bones online there is the like though the wiki but a lot of the times information is very very hard to obtain so don’t know if there’s any other way to get igneous in the overworld but I

Doubt there is I really do doubt there is so anyways we’re gonna get a brewing stand going we have the magma cream we have nether wart we’re gonna get we’re gonna get some buckets and bottles of water we’re gonna have all of that set up and we’re gonna make some fire

Resistance and probably just try out the hammer and do a couple other things to prepare for the nether like make some more new fresh interesting food and we’ll be good to go so I’ll see you guys at the other side of the bridge alright guys let’s get ready for some

Potion brewing here throw to not get rid of that blaze brewing stand complete alright let’s go ahead and oh my god close the door oh Jesus throw this right here and we can we can now brew potions a little bit of bad news though we got a head outside at nighttime

Let’s go ahead and get some bottles of water tricky alright let’s keep our eye out oh man maybe we should just wait for the morning who knows I say we go for it alright let’s kind of be very careful here I think this is my first time out

In the dead of night all right get that all up good oh man just a little stressed but doesn’t look like anything is really spawning out here great part about the desert all right and jump back close the door and take a deep breath that was a lot easier than I thought it

Would be alright so water bottles another word now if you guys do not know where I’ve gotten this stuff because we are on episode of like 25 or something back in the day I actually found in my first house nether fortress under my base which was really cool and I feel

Like I should actually go back there and it was it was fantastic so I found that and there’s a ton of nether wart in there and that’s obviously giving me the ability to have all this nether word was really great actually my first encounter with a lob

I decided to scream and run away and that was a good time I’m not entirely sure I can’t really member when that was but it was it was awesome that was really really sweet so definitely one of the one of the cool parts of the preview previous episodes and now they are

Coming okay I’m kind of worried that that spider was up there I guess it climbed all the way up anyways so this what we’re doing we’re gonna actually do fire is this potion Zev eight minutes there’s no real point and I don’t even know if you get fire assist too and I

Think we’re really gonna go for duration over anything else here always just put redstone I mean I have the glowstone to get like speed to the only thing I would think of doing is getting strength to you’re in a pinch you toss a three or health two but we don’t have the

Necessary of stuff for that so anyways three potions of fire resistant 16 minutes that’s at least for myself and I wanted to make some speed potions as well so we’re gonna brew those now I could make another set of fibers as potions pretty easily I have the ability

To make more magma cream like I have a lot of stuff actually which is nice oh we already have a potion of swiftness do I need to make more hmm I think I’d rather have what we have a win am nineteen gunpowder so you can make it

Splash so there’s a lot of really cool things we can do with that so awesome that’s that’s sweet that’s sweet so let me let me actually go see if if Matt wants to jump in and see if he wants to join in for a little bit of preparing

For the nether alright guys and waiting for Matt I decided to become a little to unlock my inner chef nice again and I decided to make some great things now we are running a really really low on salt but we were able to find it a little bit

By a little bit I mean one but let’s make something well delicious classic fish and chips or at least attempt to I don’t know what that accent was I I apologize I’ll never do it again but bakeware Ralph fish and some flour we get ourselves some fish sticks hold

Baby so we only have one unfortunately but let’s go ahead and throw in some salt some potato and we got fries and what do we do we put our fries or chips and fish sticks together and we have fish and chips which is a nourishing meal that’s awesome

We do need more salt I mean who would ever think that you need to be looking for more salts well I know just the way we’re gonna do that we’re gonna do some leveling up on our hammer so let’s actually head down into the depths below

And see what we can find on our first level there’s a lot of stuff to actually go through a lot of places to look at a lot of little areas that haven’t been explored so actually I need to get some torches though whoa that’s nourishing man that is nourishing and a half let’s

Eat it because why not delicious that’s good that’s good I was very yummy we can actually bring some candles down with us and take up so much space and are so useless might as well one two three four and we’ll make some torches at the same

Time so let’s do that one two three four and then some coal boom all right so we got some lovely ways to see things and you know I’m gonna put our candle right there cause it’s beautiful and it deserves a nice little home but let’s go ahead and use our hammer

I’m really excited we’re gonna prepare our next food which is gonna be fruit salad to eat and they hey Cal what’s up man how you doing I probably should do it if I had a bucket on you man I do have a bucket someone’s gonna get milk

Milk me please oh oh my god I did not know you did that oh my god it’s got one hell just milk me poop oh I thought that was that really looked like a cow from up here guys come on you know it you know it alright so we have our guardians

Great let’s go ahead and just jump in here real quick and see if we have any more seeds to feed these guys we don’t just release some more of these eggs we have these guys need some more light man they must be scared come on ahaha baby chicken released good good so we’re

Trying to get some some chickens up here these guys are gonna be the first to die by the way oh huh darn it but the Guardians man they are really the guardians ok so let’s try out this hammer no man I’m excited I just want to get rid of these torches and I’m

Gonna put a torch on my head for this because we’re obviously not gonna run into any crazy evil monsters or not ones that we can’t handle and let’s go ahead and start breaking things with our stood my god looking for salt or not aluminum or looking for salt or and obviously

We’re gonna fill up on cobblestone pretty quick but check this thing out we are officially the caving machine like just wrecking it just absolutely wrecking it so hopefully we’re gonna find some stuff pretty quickly but this is strip mining to the next level guys this is insane I’m gonna I think you

Could find salt on any level I just want to make sure I’ve never actually read up on it so let me just go see I’m gonna do a little bit of mining a little bit of grabbing of stuff and I’ll be right back in just a second all right guys this

Only took me like I don’t know five minutes to do it’s so crazy with this hammer I was getting a little bit worried and I’m gonna explain why now to level up your stuff you need to use it but when you use your stuff you actually

Start breaking it and if you break it I’d have to repair it and to repair this thing is extremely expensive and actually got a little worried that the Damascus steel wasn’t that durability eyes or whatever dirt wasn’t very durable and I got a little worried because I was like what if it doesn’t

Level up and then I can’t add the moss modifier to it but have no fear it is a 318 block durability and we’re already almost at the next level of the of the hammer so that was just a little bit of a worried moment for me but we’re

All good we still have 2600 I’m sure that we will get to the level to put moss on and if not we will add a modifier using an extra slaughter soon but anyways this is what I was able to find and we got some iron which is

Always good news only to unfortunately a lot of aluminium ore and I did do a little bit of research guys on where salt is is you know situated and apparently it’s random that’s Oh I’ll begin mining levels nice skill level adept that’s awesome what did I I got reinforced fine this pickaxe is

Literally never gonna break now I wish I didn’t get I would say that reinforced is probably the worst cuz I just put moss on it but hey I’m not gonna complain it’s still pretty cool it’s definitely not worth you know starting starting fresh but anyways yeah apparently it’s random which makes me

Really salty oh man no no no no I should I should I by the way i found this sand here and i was like this is making me nervous so i stayed away from it I just didn’t know maybe there’s like a sand monster or something but anyways I’m

Gonna I’m gonna continue mining until I find salt I will not give up we’re gonna continue the the on salt onslaught get it and I’ll be right back in just a bit oh my god no I don’t want to play DotA I want to play blood and Bill’s oh my god

I know eight oh wow I got I just I just I just I just solved yes okay sorry I’m really really really really happy about that find so yeah welcome back guys I just spoke to Matt unfortunately he has no time to do blood and bones today’s heading out which is unfortunate but

That’s good because I’m doing all this prep and how probably just joined for the nether run but let’s just see how much salt we get out of this hopefully it’s a really really good amount yes okay so we can make more efficient chips we should need to get a fishing rod and

Do a little bit of fishing that is really really good to have oh my god finally 13 salt good to go and check out what else what else I found a whole bunch of other good stuff obviously ton of aluminum yay and this just leveled up to

Reinforce – yay alright I also need to level up my hammer let’s let’s all up the hammer honestly I think I’m really close I’m at 92% so let’s just do this and we’ll just go straight until we leveled it up so probably like 93% 94% now almost 94%

Okay just want to get this maybe we’ll find something else cool hopefully maybe probably not more aluminum God we’ve so much aluminum it’s insane I can’t even handle the amount of aluminum that I actually have right now and we’re still above 50% of our durability on this

Hammer so hopefully we don’t have to repair it that honest to be the site I mean we have enough Damascus steel to do it don’t get me wrong I have metric metric poop tonne of Damascus steel but I’d rather not I’d rather not waste Damascus steel on something that could

Have been fixed with a simple of mush cobblestone whoa I just wrote all this that was awesome that was amazing I have me will wrap around stay away from the dirt level up yay what do we get look you got luck that’s awful no haste nor reinforced I get luck

Instead of getting luck with my pickaxe all right I’m mad I’m mad blood and bones I’m mad at you I’m not gonna remake a hammer just because I got a bad enchantment like that but still that is that’s insulting man that’s insulting I made a pun oh man all right well scrap

Up all this aluminum I was also doing some research on some recipes and there’s no such thing as enough aluminium I’ll tell you that right now and I believe there’s salt gonna be three blocks deep here one two three salt okay maybe maybe one more darn it

Okay it didn’t work it didn’t work I tried that never works and I’m always wrong piece of shift Q I like that okay alright what else did we find there’s some water up there we have some iron obviously some more aluminum because why not some copper that we found so this is

Just a great way to get some pretty decent resources quickly very very very very very quickly clearing a lot of space here a lot of space I do want to make sure that the majority of it is indeed lit up so that we’re not you know calling unnecessary hostiles yeah that

Way looks like it’s gonna be just blocked off which obviously we know isn’t gonna do much but hey we’ll see hopefully that’ll be good enough but check this out so we got a whole bunch of really good resources we have our salts we can do some more cooking

We’re gonna go ahead and finish up our potion making and I definitely want to increase the quality of our Bo that’s that’s an absolute necessity so we’re gonna increase our Bo will put all of our aluminum away and we’ll get ready to go for sure I think definitely the next

Episode we’re gonna go to the nether I can’t see a reason why not let’s just what’s down here anything in particular another another little case isn’t now I don’t know whose case is sin this is some women strip mining it wasn’t me I guess this was us from before

Okay so that was literally just us from before that’s fine that’s totally cool great so I’m gonna head up to the surface we’re gonna make some more food with this 23 newfound salt which I’m really really pumped about and maybe we can do some fishing make some more fish

And chips and get ready for the nether by making music me please actually he might be mill kabal at this point let me see bro are you ready to be milked aha more milk for me good alright well bear back in a little bit alright guys so man

I think I’m pretty much oh my god I should have done this before recording hold on one second guys I totally want to see if I can put this ball of moss on mmm please tell me I can yes okay our hammer is kids just like I was recording

Supposed to do so anyways let’s prepare for the end of this episode I actually wanted to do something really cool we are gonna be accepting and bringing on more people onto the server so I wanted to get a little bit of a care package ready because the first day blood of

Moans is brutal now that person whoever does join needs to do the first day alone because that’s the that’s the way blood and bones works you know what I mean you got to deal with it but I do want to help out a little bit so I’ve

Prepared a little bit of stuff so you can see I got some little bit of bronze bronze armor it almost all broken so really not really gonna help but I figure just just to kind of give them just to tide them over a little bit some defenses some snowball

I’m gonna put a sign there’s gonna be a chest filled up with stuff not not this stuff I’m not gonna give a furnace or anything like that or pickaxe because it’s all about learning how to use tinker’s but I am going to give a little

Bit of food so I didn’t want to try and make some new food as you can tell I have this egg out when I’m you’re making is mayonnaise out of these eggs because we’re starting to get to a point where we actually have a decent amount of eggs and chicken downstairs

I would like more but anyways what am I gonna do with this Mayo you may be asking well we’re gonna take raw calamari and we’re gonna throw it in with which need a saucepan a skillet I mean and so skillet and our calamari so calamari skillet mayonnaise and bread

And we have ourselves some fish sandwich which is three and a half plus two and a half golden which is not bad not bad what else can make with raw calamari let’s see well we could use them for fish sticks awesome coconut shrimp which I’m really down for

If I ever get those really cool materials as well as some normal sushi so we got to get CBS seaweed and rice all these things that I’m actually gonna be looking for so another reason I want to do this welcome package is actually allows me to explore a little bit more I

Gotta go to spawn and I got to set it up near where people spawn which I haven’t been to in a very long time maybe I’ll find some very interesting things either way let’s make some more fish and chips shall we so let’s just get the recipe out for its

We have our flour we have a ripe raw calamari we just need our bakeware which we have right here so bakeware Rock calamari flour and we’ll make the rest that’s fine and then we have our fish sticks we got to make our chips so we

Have I think I have some I only really only have one potato that’s really unfortunate man I can’t believe I only have one potato left what am I going to do potato salt bakeware chips and chips and fish sticks together we have this maybe I’ll put fish fish and chips maybe

I don’t know it’s gonna be a fishy lunch though that’s for sure I’ve been eating the bacon cheeseburgers by the way and getting pretty filled up on them rather quickly oh man and nostalgia my old place Wow look at you now whoa what was that oh god it’s scary but let’s just let’s

Just go inside for funsies let’s just go inside for funsies I mean we might have to stay here the night or just do some caving underground or something – oh man this place got rekt those those sad that’s so sad man it’s so sad all right jump jump so anything’s still here

Fire charge I mean I’ll take it gunpowder sure strawberries sugar cane Zink cactus fruit I mean all right it’s actually not bad stuff this is officially worth it I’m a visually really happy okay there you go well yeah there’s a there’s the base little nostalgia and down below is actually

People do that during the night who knows anyways heading back to spawn and I’m gonna go ahead and place this chest down get get everything sorted for the name new people that join alright guys so I figured out what the spawn was and it’s actually really different than when I

Originally jumped on the server with Preston and Vic like should go home and spend the night but we’re we’re back here again and ready to go was I didn’t actually go that far use boats to my advantage so really not that bad but actually the spawn is really close to my

Base but I made this little sign here to the tallest trees you will find a tree and we’re gonna head into this direction now I hope that there is indeed a battle tower some there’s one right here – cool just in case we do need to spend the

Night in a safe haven we do have that opportunity and I also on my adventures did find a ravine that we could possibly go check out maybe with someone new joins cuz it is kind of in this area whoa so we’re probably gonna stay there the

Night if we have to and I definitely want to kill oh I don’t want to kill all the cows I want I want to grab one right I’m such a derp okay Safari net and come in here the food cow please milk me is gonna have a little bit of a friend okay

And either way if the night does come not super worried I honestly think that we can survive I’m not gonna lie it’s like this should I be worried I don’t think so we’ve survived the night before not the full night of course but we survived you know getting back home and

We’re we’re at about midday right now so we definitely have a little bit of time to get this thing done and and set up so what I’m thinking is gonna go to the top this this hottest tallest tree now it’s not the redwood tree and I know that

There’s one near here nutri did say that there was one near here so we’re not gonna go there and for shakes I’m not sure where it is but I did I saw in the distance at some point but either way this is gonna be a lot easier to do and

For whoever joins to actually get to the top of oh great be a more grapes good good to have good to have whoa and also gives in this ball mm-hmm I love ravines man they are so good all remember the good old days of eating absolute like

Poop like this dog nah not even gonna happen I can make it to the top of this tree and I’ll let you guys know when I’m all the way up there I’m gonna sit up a little bit of ladders just to make it a little easier for for whoever to get up

To the top of the tree to get their reward and we’ll see you guys in a bit alright guys so I have made this little home all the way up at the top of this tree and check it out so welcome to blood and bones I would say good luck

But luck won’t help I failed this chest up with a little bit of cobblestone a furnace for dirt form grout for strawberries for grapes trapdoors some sticks and some bronze armor so all some flowers a crafting bench and for coal in the furnace and some torches now the

Only real big test is to make sure that it’s possible to survive the night here obviously my only concern are those flying son of a guns and I actually don’t even have arrows to combat them man old Reilly fish and chips you know I’m gonna leave chicken noodle soup

That’s it just some chicken noodle soup that’s something that’s that’s a good one that’s a good that’s a really nice meal actually I would say fish and chips is probably worth less so I’m gonna do I’m gonna leave some fish and chips and I’m gonna keep this chicken

You probably eat it soon / now because I’m actually running low this is no longer eat worthy and that’s pretty much all I have left so we got to make it back to the house without really consuming too much more too much more much more hunger let me just see this

Real quick this is three and a half and that’s exactly how far down we are so let’s go and just eat it and I’m going to spend the night here guys and head back to the base and prepare for the next episode which is going to be the

Nether but this is this should all be good I believe this is safe enough hopefully someone joins the next couple days and checks this place out but the welcome present is here I’m pretty pumped I can’t wait to see who gets this first so anyways I’ll see you guys later

That’s going to be the episode in the next episode you can expect us to be heading to the nether to build our base they’re not really gonna explore just want to get a base set up so gonna start preparing some materials maybe try and get some salt or something cool just

Stone bricks we have a lot of cobblestone to do that I definitely want to make that place look really nice and I’ll see you guys there in two days or tomorrow perhaps if you guys absolutely obviously crush Lightman’s who ridiculous mind-blowing amount but anyways I’ll see you guys later

It’s been a pleasure a lot of bones a complete take care and goodbye

This video, titled ‘POTION BREWING AND WELCOME GIFT! (Modded Minecraft FTB: BLOOD AND BONES) Episode 24’, was uploaded by MrWoofless on 2014-09-07 00:04:23. It has garnered 108670 views and 3763 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:20 or 1820 seconds.

Minecraft Modded, Minecraft Blood and Bones, with Woofless ➨SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/MrWoofless Blood and Bones, the true Minecraft apocalypse. These adventurers are stuck in this tormented and twisted world; lost in hell. Will they survive? Or will they die and be forgotten – left to becomes simply… Blood and Bones.

Nooch: http://youtube.com/thenoochm

The Pack: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/public-pack-blood-n-bones.31815/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ My PO Box: Woofless 1055 Lucien L’allier #416 Montreal, Canada H3G 3C4 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Music in my intro: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/lyricless-pt.-1/id874976220 By Can’t Stop Won’t Stop! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♦ GOOGLE+ https://plus.google.com/+MrWoofless ♦ TWITTER http://bit.ly/WooflessTwitter ♦ WEBSITE http://bit.ly/WooflessWebsite ♦ FACEBOOK http://bit.ly/WooflessFacebook

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    Games Better Than Minecraft?! Exploring Minecraft-Like Games: A Review Introduction In a recent video, the gaming enthusiast showcased several games that offer a similar experience to Minecraft. Let’s delve into these Minecraft-like games and see how they stack up against the iconic sandbox game. Game 1: Craft Man Java The first game explored was Craft Man Java, which impressed with its unique textures and smooth gameplay. The world-building aspect and multiplayer options make it a must-try for Minecraft fans. Game 2: Crafting & Building Next up was Crafting & Building, featuring a cartoonish loading screen and familiar skins. The game offers a creative… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution

    Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution After watching the insightful discussion on the changing work mindset of Gen Z employees, it becomes clear that the world of work is evolving rapidly. With the rise of hybrid work environments and the increasing demand for flexibility, it is essential for companies to adapt to the preferences of the new generation of workers. One way to embrace this change and create an engaging work environment is by exploring new avenues for personal connection and engagement. And what better way to experience this than by joining a vibrant community like Minewind Minecraft Server? Minewind offers a unique sandbox experience… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Build a small modern house with Minecraft 🏠”. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taking your creativity to the next level as you build your own modern house, just like in the video. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of players who share your passion for crafting and building. With a variety of game modes to… Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “2014 And 2024 Difference Minecraft” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the evolution of Minecraft over the years. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for a vibrant and engaging community to share the experience with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its unique gameplay features, active player base, and exciting events, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme “When you’re trying to blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft but your Wi-Fi is so slow that the TNT takes forever to detonate. Talk about a real blast from the past!” Read More

  • Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9

    Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9 Exploring the World of Minecraft: All the Mods 9 – ATM 9 Minecraft 1.20.1 Minecraft’s All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is a vast world with over 400 mods, countless quests, and an integrated endgame. Players are challenged to create the ATM Star and face off against the formidable Gregstar. Dive into this immersive experience and see if you have what it takes to conquer the challenges! Unleashing the Power of Bees One of the fascinating elements in ATM9 is the intricate world of bees. Players can engage with beekeeping, creating hives, and producing honey. By attracting bees with honeyed… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft Let’s Play series? If so, we have some exciting news for you! After watching the latest video from a popular YouTuber announcing their new 3D Minecraft series, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to experience epic adventures, thrilling gameplay, funny moments, and unforgettable memories – Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine exploring vast landscapes, embarking on exciting quests, and building your own unique creations in a community of like-minded players. With Minewind, you can dive into the wonderful world of Minecraft and create your own unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE

    Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE Exploring the Top 3 Java Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience with some exciting Java mods? Look no further! Here are the top 3 Java mods that will take your gameplay to the next level. Java UI Mod The Java UI mod brings a fresh interface to your Minecraft Pocket Edition, reminiscent of the Java Edition. With this mod activated, your game will feel like a whole new experience. Explore the various options available in the global resources pack and witness the Java-style interface in action. Create new worlds and… Read More

  • Dronio’s CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio's CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком спавнится рандомная структура Итак я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста Поставьте лайк и что вы ставите гораздо больше лайков чем я думал Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз о и вы заспавнил пустынный храм Надеюсь там будет хотя бы один Алмаз Эх К сожалению в сундуках Одна фигня и вы просто посмотрите сколько структур уже заспавнился А это означает что вы продолжаете ставить лайки и вы заспавнил город края там то точно должен быть Алмаз Нет не трогайте меня так открываем сундук и да Алмаз This… Read More

  • Creating Kitchen in Minecraft – Building Tutorial

    Creating Kitchen in Minecraft - Building TutorialVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pakistani Gamer on 2024-02-09 11:04:41. It has garnered 59 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft My Instagram account:- https://www.instagram.com/pkgamer_288?igsh=bzVqZnRpaWx3c3do Video related keywords:- minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building ideas,how to build in minecraft,minecraft build hacks,minecraft shorts build hacks,cool minecraft builds shorts,minecraft build shorts,minecraft tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft shorts building,minecraft kitchen tutorial,minecraft build ideas,let me fix that minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpace

    Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpaceVideo Information trucos de Minecraft que probablemente no sabías si necesitas ir de una isla a otra con Ender pe y no sabes cómo medirla puedes tirar una bola de nieve ya que esta tiene el mismo recorrido que la Ender peel Así que podrás calcular la distancia a la que debes tirar tu Ender peel This video, titled ‘EL TRUCO PARA NO FALLAR ENDER PEARLS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🎮| TRUCOS DE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MapleSpace on 2024-03-29 02:00:13. It has garnered 11685 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Maple Spaciest Minecraft 🎮🎮 THE… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #ShortsVideo Information मेरा दिल था केना तूने खेल ऐसा खेला तेरी यार में जाग रात भर बाजी कर चिंगारी सर में बदन में कपड़े ंद This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raj Rai Gaming on 2023-12-05 13:30:50. It has garnered 2533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#minecraft #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraft#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts#minecraft#ytshort #firstshortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft#ytshort… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫

    INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫Video Information Minecraft habe ich darf nicht die Farben von der Flagge von Wales berühen Multiplayer ausstellen [Musik] welerstellen This video, titled ‘Minecraft ABER ich darf NICHT die Farben WEIß GRÜN und ROT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Berühren! ❌️’, was uploaded by MCTiger on 2024-02-22 17:00:43. It has garnered 9356 views and 381 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀

    LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀Video Information he H H ra br actually wait I literally have the sound effect like on me at all times what am I I could just play it I could just play the let me see how well I can do it hold on [Music] oh oh oh no that’s not you’re not making it through the stream dude I’ll I’ll be fine I’ll be fine right I took I took my meds that should pick me up also had a glass of tea that should wake me up also had a little bit of coke cero that should… Read More

  • Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio Family

    Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio FamilyVideo Information yo Welcome back to my channel b sama gu Kal ini Waduh 996 nih subscriber kurang terus nih tapi ngapa guys Sorry banget ini lagi agak sibuk banget dan kita tadi masih ada bug di server jadi kita istirahat dulu guys karena capek banget ngurus server kita main pubg dulu nih sama para Admin let’s [Musik] go [Musik] Aduh live chatnya belum ku ini cuy guys stream sampai subuh kayak [Musik] Git stream sampai [Musik] subuh [Musik] t [Musik] gampang [Musik] ya Buset anjing gede banget eh maksudnya tekatnya guys Apanya gede tuh di anu ya di di… Read More

  • Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft’s Progression Failures!

    Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft's Progression Failures!Video Information if you’ve played Minecraft for at least 5 minutes you probably know just how terrible the progression is you get some wood some stone tools get some iron do all that basic stuff make a house get some food find some diamonds go to the nether then after really just a couple hours of game play get to the end and kill the Ender Dragon then what for a lot of players it feels like after you beat the Ender Dragon the game just kind of ends it’s not really over really nothing has changed except you beat… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!

    Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!Video Information oh [ __ ] about to kill you I like a [ __ ] silverfish oh my God I understand how the bat flying works now you have to spam space bar holy [ __ ] you fly in the air yeah it’s a Ser [Music] like oh [ __ ] so this actually drops another eight scps when he come didn’t realize that I’m at the EMC some [ __ ] iron no cheesy oh B works the same way for mhm all I broke your glass [ __ ] to watch even load finally been loading how do you H how do you EMC you asking the wrong… Read More

  • SmGCraft

    SmGCraftWe are not just a Minecraft server. SmG stands for So many Guns and originally started in March 2010. Games include Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Halo, CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG, LoL, Roblox, and CoD. Despite your favorite game not being mentioned, it will still be played! A community with over 40k members! Version: 1.15.2 mc.smgclan.net Read More

  • Not So Hardcore – Hardcore Whitelist 23w13a

    Welcome to Not So Hardcore! This is a server for people passionate about building, Redstone, and creating large projects together as a community. Not So Hardcore? When you die, there is a waiting period until the next day to respawn, adding a challenge to the gameplay. Interested? If you’re interested, please message me. There will be a short application reviewing past projects, maturity, and long-term commitment. Welcome to Not So Hardcore! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft Memes; Stolen on Twitter!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than my own original tweets! Read More

  • Zoonomaly: Where Cats Nap and Nightmares Spawn!

    Zoonomaly: Where Cats Nap and Nightmares Spawn! When you can’t decide which level of Zoonomaly to spawn, just take a catnap and let your subconscious figure it out. Maybe you’ll dream of a world where all the scary creatures are just fluffy kittens! #dreambig #catnapgoals 🐱💤 Read More

  • Uncover Ancient Artifacts on Minewind Server!

    Uncover Ancient Artifacts on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and all its hidden treasures? If so, you’ll love exploring the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players and embark on exciting adventures in a unique Minecraft world. While watching a fascinating YouTube video about deleted Minecraft items, you may have come across some ancient artifacts that sparked your curiosity. Just like those forgotten items, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Immerse yourself in a server where creativity knows no bounds, and the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new… Read More

  • Insane AI Drone in Minecraft Art World

    Insane AI Drone in Minecraft Art WorldVideo Information Какой самый прочный блок в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это бедрок Но это совершенно не так ведь бедрок можно сломать даже деревянной киркой кто-то скажет что это обсидиан Ну и это не самый прочный блок Так какой же блок по настоящему самый прочный в Майнкрафте и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это блок барьера ведь его вообще ничем не сломать This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Showdown: Warden vs Grenade Launcher

    Epic Minecraft Showdown: Warden vs Grenade LauncherVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Warden vs Grenade Launcher’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-25 18:17:22. It has garnered 106 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment Tags:minecraft, memes, alexa real, meme, speedrun, this video will satisfy you, shorts, this fight will actually never end, 10 ways to destroy your pc, real, all of your minecraft questions in 1 min (hehe), do not show this to dream…, 31415 iq?, alexa, how to make a gaming pc with this screen (no mods), minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 CUBICBITIE: Join EPIC SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraft

    🔥 CUBICBITIE: Join EPIC SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraftVideo Information this is how you can join the best Minecraft server first open Minecraft on any version above 1 17 next when you’re in the main menu press the multiplayer button after that click the ad server option you can completely ignore the server name menu however you have to write Phantom s.net in the server address bar press done and you should be good to go This video, titled ‘How to join the BEST Minecraft SMP 🤔#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Cubicbitie on 2024-04-05 16:00:24. It has garnered 3819 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • 🚀 INSANE! Baked Dean conquers Hardcore Minecraft in 5269+ days at Space Station | !HOF !dailybeans 🎮

    🚀 INSANE! Baked Dean conquers Hardcore Minecraft in 5269+ days at Space Station | !HOF !dailybeans 🎮Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] kind of prevents me from uh doing it completely Fair completely Fair [Music] no but um as I like to say no oh my gosh dude yo but if there’s anything standing between you and your dream get that thing out of the way [Music] man one day when you look back [Music] [Music] you won’t be like dang I shouldn’t have taken that leap and tried to try to chase my dream right you’ll you’ll be saying you’ll be saying the opposite if you [Music] didn’t [Music] there you go so if there’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Content Creator SMP – JOIN NOW!

    Ultimate Minecraft Content Creator SMP - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is Minecraft’s Content Creator SMP (APPLICATIONS OPEN)’, was uploaded by Advanced SMP on 2024-01-12 18:48:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join the discord server here: https://discord.gg/JunqrHjnDt TAGS:Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP … Read More

  • Uncover the REAL Ethobot in Minecraft!

    Uncover the REAL Ethobot in Minecraft!Video Information in today’s video we are going to be hiding as players in Minecraft there’s a bunch of clones of us hiding in this castle and three of my friends are going to be hiding to see if they can get away from my gaze you never told me there was killing invol I mean I could I can’t swim oh by the way you can’t be outside of the castle I don’t think she can swim 4 3 2 1 zero all right so if I was a muo a chicken behind you or a fox oh my… Read More

  • Aishii Ai Ch – Minecraft: Starting Own Server!?

    Aishii Ai Ch - Minecraft: Starting Own Server!?Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I everyone Hi I good morning good morning I’m AA girl from the year 4000 who’s here to entertain and make memories with all of you life can get crazy so let listen with me and we’ll all get through this together hi I everyone Hi I hi IE IR inside oh stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch stretch a hi I chicken adobo hi I Ruka Hi I rapot hi I Dark Shadow hi i z hi I Bonkers bear hi I JP… Read More

  • Join Vqlenh and try the game-changing ZOMBIE FARMBOX! 🧟💥 Easiest way to survive?

    Join Vqlenh and try the game-changing ZOMBIE FARMBOX! 🧟💥 Easiest way to survive?Video Information Hoy me levanté con ganas de probar otros servidores de la cual andamos en un servidor bastante pedido por la comunidad y si le voy a ser sincero nunca lo había escuchado nada más que lo escuché por usted pero la verdad que estoy viendo y estoy como ya saben yo grabo bastante temprano y amigo hay más de 300 personas conectadas hay más de 334 personas conectadas de la cual nos encontramos en infection como dije anteriormente un servidor bastante pedido por ustedes ya sea por Twitch y por YouTube y como le digo hay más de… Read More


    ULTIMATE EASY STARTER HOUSE BUILD! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘easy survival starter house #minecraft #minecraftcinematic #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by TeamBuildMinecraft on 2024-03-05 20:27:47. It has garnered 438 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly #like #explorepage #instagram #cringe #playstation #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #mcpe #videogames #minecrafthouse #spicymemes #comedy #offensive #fortnitememes #minecraftideas #minecraftxbox #explore #minecrafts #love minecraft,minecraft monster school,… Read More

  • Avalion

    Avalion8 éve ugyan az a map. Nálunk sosincs map törlés. Amit építesz az megmarad. Skyblock, Survival, Hardcore, Towni (ideiglenesen szünetel), Creative. Jó fej és segítőkész staffok vannak a szerveren, gyere bátran játszani :). Megnyílt a vadonatúj skyblock szerverünk Ikarosz néven, gyere fel és nézz körül! mc.avalion.hu Read More