PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday

Video Information

All right we are live I say that every time if you guys have no idea uh all right let’s let’s start the stream in the sense of doing the things that I mean that looks like a little laggy um let’s make sure that this isn’t like

Most streams where I start and it turns out I’m not even recording or I don’t even have the right screen okay it’s working all right so this this is uh this is day 11. what is the things I gotta say Let me let me look real quick uh when this timer runs out

Still every time I try to record it anyone can enter my base and try to kill me for ten thousand dollars this is day 11 of me trying to fight thousands of players there we go recorded it easier this time it wasn’t as wasn’t as strange um so today’s objectives

Uh uh today’s objectives today’s objectives are essentially just to dig the trench and then I guess expand the lava Farm a little but before we do that we have to get we have to get at that um we have to get enough Emerald blocks I’m pretty sure I need two stacks and 36.

And obviously I’m not quite there so let’s see if we can trade the rest of these pumpkins welcome everyone welcome thank you for pulling up not that you had a choice well you I guess you have a choice to to show up or not but you don’t have a

Choice of whether you can leave or not um since I have four yeah I probably won’t get enough emeralds right now to be honest I thought yes last night oh my god well this is surely enough surely enough like pumpkins and whatnot to to get all the emeralds we need nope

I severely underestimated how much you have to grind to get enough Emerald blocks for Beacon you’re not allowed to leave the stream nope um are you still uploading the video updates you don’t have time to watch the streams yeah uh I am trying to I think we’ll get I said yesterday we’re gonna

Get the video update like five is gonna come out and then nope it didn’t come out because still not done um but I think I say it every time like oh we’re gonna get a rhythm and then we’re gonna finally get the videos the video updates are finally gonna be

Consistent and then nope nothing changes um what are you doing right now so today’s objectives uh for the people who are just joining today’s objectives are to dig the trench essentially that’s kind of is the main thing it’s just get significant progress on the trench today but of course before that Beacon

So let’s uh so let’s go farm and now you guys favorite every single stream is just farming but I’ll probably focus on the the things that are like the things that are easier to collect yeah so mainly the sugarcane pumpkins so let’s Harvest oh I just realized

I have to be recording so then uh all right I’m recording with replay mods so essentially in the recording everything’s gonna suddenly disappear so I hope that was close enough that I can like follow where I’m going next yeah I’m kind of behind on editing uh we’re working on it I’m trying to

Figure it out but like editing condensing six hours five to six hours of stream footage for every day is just difficult and then making it into a good video I don’t know shout out please uh can you mute him please I mean like I’m fine with saying like yo shout out to

Whatever I don’t even know how to say your name as like a as like essentially saying what’s up or like shout out to my man as in like not telling people to subscribe but I feel like this is one of the situations where he’s like please please tell people to subscribe to me

And that as I’ve explained in so many streams it’s just not it makes no sense yeah I’m glad that I put the lava Farm over here instead of by the villagers because it it makes it I guess it’s kind of worked out better it’s made more sense unfortunately yeah we’re missing all the

Buckets I threw one of them to the lava an accident because I didn’t have a empty space in my inventory oh come on come on welcome Channel named a prior farming yes yeah I mean I’m almost there the thing is especially live stream I got so many Emerald blocks but of course

It takes it takes over almost three stacks of emerald blocks in order to make a Max Beacon so of course it’s gonna take a lot of time but farming is kind of central anyway so it’s good that I’m actually able to also get some lava farming done because lava

Farming is kind of one of the passive objective objectives we have several passive objectives throughout the series and farming lava is one of them because it’s not necessarily something I need to do on a specific day but it’s something I should like actively kind of be thinking about and doing so yeah

All right I hope you guys love lava farming that row is complete it says time to mine out further all right [Applause] what’s the point of a lava Farm because I’m gonna need a lot of lava for doomsday when you jump around the lava like that I’m giving her anxiety well

That’s just it’s not good at the game I’m just too good to die I’m too good to fall in the lava and then I’m sure in the actual video we’re just gonna cut to me like jumping in the lava last last stream because I’m sure it’s happened a few times

What month what is a month in Minecraft uh I’m this is a real life month Noah plays I’m preparing for a real life month so like the entire month of September and then October 1st is when we do Doomsday you’re watching me on my phone and Xbox

Nice thank you Sierra gotta get that watch time do you think you’ll win on doomsday yeah I think so I mean it depends on if like more than like a thousand people show up then I’m not really sure but I think if fewer Than People yeah if fewer than a

Thousand people show up that day then the thing is on just the random events we’ve gotten like almost 100 players in each and so for the actual doomsday itself where there’s the actual ten thousand dollar prize and where everything kind of hinges on it I’m like well we’re

Probably gonna get at least a thousand you see the big Cobble wall on your border I guess I’ll probably see it later when I’m digging here for this stream for the first time awesome what is doomsday consist of just watch one of my most recent videos what is your favorite TV show uh

Either Utopia UK version or Breaking Bad now Better Call Saul wait Breaking Bad Breaking Bad I think was more interesting Than Better Call Saul but Better Call Saul I think is objectively better call Saul you’re here from yesterday nice what if it’s just super underwhelming

And you die in like the first 10 minutes then that would suck I would not be happy if that happened I would man that would be the worst but I mean that’s a possibility I don’t think I think that’s a problem I guess it wouldn’t be the end of the

World that’s the thing but like I don’t know it would it would kind of crush crush me if like if I like I died from something super stupid at the beginning say if it was like there’s a possibility of just being like okay reset and then like the second time

If someone killed me somehow and it was like a completely like Fair Way no hacks uh they didn’t get disqualified in any way then I may be like okay reset the save and let’s do it one more time for the entertainment value even though there’s no prize this time

Um or maybe have like a smaller prize the second time yeah that would suck it for some reason like somehow I mean I have it planned so that it that shouldn’t happen but still it shouldn’t happen but what if it does you know I don’t know

The smart play is just to go in the center and do this we do and every night I’m just dreaming about like the Doomsday series that’s just what all my dreams are not necessarily about like actually surviving doomsday or anything but about like just working

On all the videos and stuff and like the streaming and this is what my dreams are because I’m spending all my time doing this I think I’ll there’s a good chance that I may not be able to get to all of my strategies before the end and I and I

Had to tell myself like you know that’s that’s all right that’s not the end of the world like I think I can still win if I just do the most important things at the start it’s just it’s a lower likelihood that I’ll win have you watched the wire or Game of

Thrones I don’t know what the wire is I haven’t watched Game of Thrones now I mean I heard Game of Thrones has good writing or at least I heard the last season is the best season now I like to say that just to mess with people

Because I know people are like that was horrible I mean maybe it is I don’t know I just like to mess with people your favorite show is stranger things because it’s so good I mean I think objectively strange things is like decent it’s not bad by any means I think it’s good

But I don’t think it even competes in terms of one of the top like best shows like objectively in terms of writing everything although the latest season was really well written with all the character motivations and giving each character screen time and then I don’t know that’s what happens when

You have extra extra time to write you have the whole world go around what do you mean so you’re a king versus army uh for sure is no one sleeping right now how many people are sleeping oh is that the last one I needed nice you guys should join come on join the

Server where’s my dad joke dude you ask her that every time and I’m not giving you a dad joke live and water buckets should get stacked um I don’t know man you can stack buckets in real life but you can’t stack filled buckets in real life so it kind of makes sense

All right let’s go let’s harvest the pumpkins and then the sugar cane gives it gives the sure game time to heart to grow honestly I think everyone is listening to the stream by while listening yeah I think a solid amount of people are doing that

Right is that Bedrock or Java it is both I mean I’m playing Java of course so I’ve got like multiple mods installed I think I have like almost 20 mods installed but uh most of them aren’t being used some of them are like just performance mods or like little features

Like say this for example is a singular mod where I have like Axiom and world edit and schemat like mataka specifically for my building videos or whatever um so like a lot of them are aren’t being used but right now I still have like I’m still using like eight or more mods

Right now you should have a death count that would be cool although I I mean technically you can find how many times I died but a lot of the times I was just messing around and so it’s it’s higher than like what is official I think I’ve only officially been killed by another

Player six times because I I think I remember paying out about sixty dollars obviously ten dollars per kill every time I die from a player then I have to unless if it’s like unless if I clarify like oh this this won’t count if you kill me during this

Event it won’t count like the parkour event the dragon event people are already just trying to kill me over and over with like the bed bombings and stuff so but death count would be cool I mean it I guess it is a thing we have is what I was saying

Because we have the counter on server if you want to check it out yeah one of the days I was like let’s like let’s test my gear against other players and see how good I am at PVP at this version and then it was just a matter of just us

Goofing off like spawn killing each other for like I think it’s 30 45 minutes for what the recording said so yeah that was not productive and then I died many many that many times so my deaths are in like the 60s even though I’ve only died to like fall damage like

Four maybe three four times and then well it died to mobs and fall damage I think like seven times ish somewhere on there because I’ve gotten creepers have closed like killed me caught me off guard several times and then I’ve like just fallen in like caves because I’m not paying attention

How does a lot of farm work so you have lava source blocks over a block and then the drip Stone like concentrates the drips like into the cauldrons and it’ll randomly fill it it’s an intentional design by Mojo because they want you to have renewable lava foreign Bedrock cross play work so essentially

We have a plug-in so you can just join it’s just a thing in the server where it just allows you to join and whether you’re on Java or bedrock the IP is a little different so on Java VIP is wanted to keep it as short

As possible I thought that would just be nice seems more professional it seems it’s easier to put in whereas the the Bedrock IP has played up prior mc.go so it’s a little extra um there’s nothing we can really do about that I don’t think um and then there’s also a port number

Because I don’t have the default port number for RRP maybe it’d be worth getting a port number or getting an IP I don’t know how it works to be honest I just play Minecraft and I make videos on it so breaking bad but more realistic yeah yeah that’s essentially what Better Call

Saul is and then probably just better acting across the board I mean I think the acting was really good in Breaking Bad and the writing was really good but just overall it’s just better and Better Call Saul I remember I was like I was like always into like the superhero or just like

Anything that was like not realism uh or not like it had to be it had to have some sort of twist for me to want to watch something and then I watched Breaking Bad and I’m like oh I guess you can really enjoy a show if it doesn’t

Have some sort of like twist like superheroes or something something silly like that I mean it’s not silly because actually having beings like superheroes it’s a it can be a powerful storytelling device although it has gotten a little overused and just people just milking the concepts for money you’re watching Minecraft while playing

Minecraft awesome you’re double Minecrafting what’s up everyone in chat everyone’s saying hi for some reason back to back foreign I feel like maybe I do have enough stuff now to for the thingy I don’t know let’s harvest the sugarcane I wanted to give it a second to grow but

It’s probably gonna grow as much as it’s gonna grow so it’s probably grown also I just realized I could hear anything so I think it would be worth me get taking a second and then adding connecting to my what I have in my ears wait why are they low on battery

Huh I think the case is low in battery and I haven’t charged them we know I did charge him and Skyblock for fishing right now dude you should be on prior MC preparing how to join I am Batman says I’m Batman I don’t know that’s something that the Joker would say

I can’t really trust you someone says something about sleep I’m last night I actually got some decent sleep for the first time since the series started it’s like you know some nights getting like three four hours of sleep uh mostly just like maybe if I was lucky

Like five hours and last night I’m like okay I had a headache so I’m just like I’m not working on any video stuff I’m just going home and sleeping and then I got almost eight hours it was like two hours of deep sleep so I was good I feel a bit refreshed

All you guys should be if you’re watching the Stream well of course you are if I’m talking to you if you can hear my voice and you’re probably watching the Stream but you should be on prior MC right now what are you doing we only got 30 people

32 people online we got spots you don’t have Java you don’t need Java we got Bedrock cross play because I’m on Java but there’s a bunch of Bedrock people online too you had an office yeah you’re on PS4 as well hate that I have to use an apt to join servers yeah that

I didn’t really know that until recently that in order to join servers Like This Server you have to and if you’re on PS4 you have to get like install an app like I don’t even know how that all works I’m sure there’s tutorials in YouTube are you posting videos from after day

Four yeah I’m working on it I mean the day five video is essentially done we just have to lock down subtitles um and then I think tonight I’m gonna try to I’m gonna start batching the videos so I’m gonna like write the scripts like you know like the voiceover

And everything kind of fashioning it all into a video um I think I’m gonna do that all at once like for like several videos and then do the recordings like the voiceover recordings all at once and then edit together in in like a bulk so then that way I’m like more efficient because

Bulking items it’s like it’s it’s very efficient it’s much more efficient than um than not how are you this fine day I’m great honestly the sugarcane farm is not big enough but I’m not gonna expand it right now too bad it’s my exam season so you can’t play I mean you can

You made 2K tonight today nice you’re in the server nice you think about donating some money that would be appreciated um server name is Primacy but it doesn’t matter that much yeah the name doesn’t matter just the IP information and how to join it’s in the description of the Stream

The office is actually um why at an office because it’s easier to balance work life with personal no it’s because uh uh we had no Wi-Fi or sell signal at my house for the longest time also we do not have enough beds for this dude sorry man you’re gonna have to be

An insomniac also Dude too I’m sleeping um yeah so we had this problem where well we’ve always had no sell signal in my neighborhood the entire time we’ve been been there we’ve lived there for I don’t know how long and just no cell signal ever um

Just it’s just a weird pocket and I don’t even live like out in the country or anything and so we’ve always relied on Wi-Fi and then the Wi-Fi situation like it just didn’t work for months and I’m like okay doomsday has to happen so I’m like I’m just gonna go to the office

Yeah the office was actually pretty nice um you’re talking about the show yeah that’s a that’s a good show secondly I got I get the Wi-Fi part for my PC oh the second you get a Wi-Fi part for your PC you’ll join awesome I mean if you’ve got Minecraft on your

Phone you can drill into do that you can start preparing although I don’t really know how the accounts are connected or how that works oh okay they haven’t refreshed they haven’t refreshed their trades yet gotta love the paper dudes yeah it probably would be smart to expand the

The sugarcane farm because honestly my sugarcane farm is Tiny I say that as like I’m the dude who’s like will say something like that as a joke but no it’s the sugarcane farm is not nearly enough all this and we still don’t have everything we need where is farmer I’ll take it

Sorry I wasn’t here join what the the server IP information is in the Discord income of bio you’re saying you watched the entire the office show in a week it’s a great show but dang I don’t even watch shows or anything just work I was on the ground you know what I’m saying

I would have it no other way yeah we are not we’re yeah okay at least this dude has better price let’s stick with this dude let’s wait for him to restock and then come on there we go this should probably restock too nope wrong dude here he is not nearly enough

Not quite there I just need if only I still had the iron blocks but I spent them all on the thing I went I won’t even need it pretty soon I won’t even need the Amazon’s pretty soon because I’ll have iron blocks can you join the server on Xbox yes you can

I p is in the description of or it’s in my Discord Lincoln bio is P11 q11 my editor no I’ve been pushing steady to get prepared and I also respect that thank you why don’t I zombify them uh I don’t think what’s the difficulty I know I don’t have any perms

Uh I don’t if it was hard difficulty I’d lean more into it and I’m pretty sure in whatever difficulty it is uh I can’t oh wait let’s check the age let’s see if there’s any sponges no sponges I mean I see overpriced items sponges because everyone just want sponges and

They just buy it up immediately but I guess there’s a lot of other people on the server if there are sponges on the market they probably got bought like immediately and if they don’t get bought then they’re probably overpriced so chances of me getting like a good priced thing is is low

Twelve thousand what are you doing bro I’ll sell my I’ll sell my money books for like one thousand everyone’s just messing around with what they’re selling of course selling my head all right what do I even do then because I gotta I gotta get these M’s

Wait what resources do I have in here I wish call blocks would be used can you use no you can’t just use lapis either let’s be like diamonds or another right or okay wait what can be used for a beacon let me check to be sure what blocks

Can be used for a beacon okay iron gold diamond netherite or Emerald wait gold how much gold do I have not much I thought I had more so I got a bunch from that one place oh I spent a bunch of it on gapples of course I did

Could dip into the gold storages another right for diamond or Emerald diamonds all I need is 36 I just need some 36. that’s 21. so I need 15. 15 more blocks so that’s so then I need seven all I need is seven more I’m pretty sure I think I think

Maybe I should use diamonds I don’t have enough damage all right I think I just gotta get just get more M’s only way to do that is far more and there’s wheat let’s go harvest the wheat and then thanks for the rose him what is the command to go to the shop

Area it’s just slash warp shop that’ll take you right there this should be enough I know I said this live stream I’m like I harvested like a ton of stuff I’m like this should be enough but it wasn’t also by the way I have 35 levels it may

Be worth enchanting before I go to the place I was smart I’d enchant the hoe so that I can get maximum drops from these plants are these these crops I mean technically the plants you can’t tell me otherwise but I guess crops is just a more specific term

You could put a bunch of tree saplings down and grow a wall of them uh I don’t think that would stop many people but I appreciate the suggestion what’s your in-game name it’s a prior underscore gaming I need to buy I need to find who has prior gaming and like buy the account

From them but I don’t know who has the account like there’s no way to find out I’m pretty sure someone like made the account ages ago like I looked up the name on name MC and they just like never ever logged into a server or anything they’re just like just got the account

Name and just never used it and I’m like great like like things working what’s the IP um it’s in the description of the Stream oh Dad got you could be enough no let’s let’s Farm more pumpkins and then it should be enough another Pumpkin Run luckily they they grow so fast

And then if it’s still not enough then I’ll dip into my uh my storages of wheat I don’t really dip into those much because I of course it’s useful for several things like uh like things so yeah I thought these Farms were big enough but they’re not they’re not big

Enough for how much how much I’m farming or at least they should have I should have put them near the Village area or put the Village area over here it’s too late now at least my base is a little more well-rounded around the mountain feels more used

You got an idea I don’t know how useful but but you thought about it this morning awesome [Applause] wait you’re letting Minecraft on your fridge nice I mean yeah get a video of yourself playing on prior MC and then upload it on your fridge

And then and then send it to me so then I can be like um it’d be funny please tell us a dad joke dude you’ve been so persistent about it why are you always trying to get me to tell a dad joke like you could just look them up I don’t

Know why it’s any different from me I could say something I heard before like does Pavlov ring a bell does that satisfy you are you allowed a TPA trap no well actually we should probably write that down in the rules because I don’t think I don’t think that’s written down

But that’s just dishonest and just abusing one of the features of the server [Applause] and also make sure to be a friendly reminder if you’re on the server make sure to be recording your experience whether you’re building your base whatever you’re doing your game plan and

Then send it to me after the series and then also if you’re recording then when if someone like us Breaks the Rules or anything they hack they do they like brief um or they do something against the rules against you then you have like video footage of them doing it

Because then it’s not a he said she said type of situation and then we don’t have to wait until multiple people multiple people say the same thing in isolated incidents thank you please don’t troll your land you haven’t gotten Diamond gear right you would record oh your phone would

Blow up yeah it’s your phone I guess and get like get like a console or like or play on your PC if you got like get a PC just require them so you come on man and edit down the 30 hours I have 30 hours of recording so far

We’ll edit it down man I don’t know it doesn’t necessarily have to be edited down like a ton it’s just enough where like you you get rid of all the dull moments and if you send it to me then I can I can like craft it into something for like the

Video if if it’s if it’s integral to the overall video the Doomsday movie so because essentially we’re gonna make a video that’s an entire like movie essentially of the whole doomsday experience like all the progress videos things that are going on outside the series uh like my hidden strategies that I’m not telling

You guys about what I’m doing to prepare that I’m not telling you about PS5 is pretty cheap I don’t know if that’s true or not so happens when you’re an epic PC Gamer so epic am I right is this like RP I’m assuming by RP you mean role play no

You love to show your base after it’s over why don’t you hire an editor I’m assuming that’s directed at me I do have an editor because I do some of the editing myself for the videos but like the rest goes to him I can’t do all the editing or why I

Don’t know I mean I can’t like give away all the editing because I have to do the voiceover and kind of like fashion it all together like the replay mod footage and because I do it in a certain way maybe if someone proves to be like who would

Proves to be the kind of person who could do it really well then I’d actually probably Outsource that but I don’t really know many people who are like good with replay mod and like putting together footage in a good way I don’t know yeah at least you don’t have to play on

A fridge well I don’t know I was kind of kind of cool to play in a fridge more of a I get to play in a fridge situation where’s my dude this dude all right uh I’ll give you some weight please lower your trades these are the number you don’t mind

Where do you go there he is let’s go he did drop the number awesome I swear I didn’t threaten him or his family 25 honey do I need 36. so I need three more blocks three more and then I can Beacon I remember me from yesterday yes

It’s Tricky I’m gonna lie listen to your stream it sounds like it’s in the game what do you mean is the the audio quality bad uh how did you make the end Island for your server I want to do that and I don’t know how to it’s look up Axiom

Join the Discord download the mod so you guys know that subscribing is free yes guys did you know that subscribing is completely free unlike Oliver who just paid me two dollars thank you Oliver I appreciate the two dollar donation you like my glasses thank you I bought it off Amazon

Actually I think I got like a two for one pack or something there’s blue light glasses when entering the Bedrock code do I need to enter like the entire dot something for joining the realm uh I’m pretty sure you just put in the numbers so it’s like 19132.

Also yeah I just don’t have enough things for the thingy maybe 25 will suffice um let’s get another m but even if I get this is I’m still not really much closer whatever reset did it did I say that your fridge is heating up a lot last

Night I was supposed to do fridges are supposed to stay cool I know I’m super funny here’s what we could do let’s enchant these what are the chords to Pryor’s base why why does everyone keep asking I mean I get it but also I don’t like the fact that everyone just knows

My chords wait what am I doing I’m so genius uh all right do I have anything else I can enchant also do I seriously have no like diamond helmet like spend some Downton boots I’ll just disenchant this all right what is this prop four breaking three that’s not bad not great though

About three looks horrible it’s not even caught for I just cringe what am I even doing using the wrong things constantly hey by the way guys don’t if someone’s selling their selling saying they’re selling my cords don’t buy from them because people already know my chords

It’s it’s useless to you and you have no way to trust if they’re telling the truth our prop 4 down boots and leggings that works I’d say okay we’ve got decent thingies this will do for now unfortunately Redstone won’t work for this can you join this yes

Join the Discord Link in my bio has the IP where I put the code 19132 at that’s where it says port number that’s where you put it Let’s Love A Farm baby did you like the parkour event I thought it has a lot of a lot of potential

First stream of attending of yours thank you welcome welcome welcome um parkour event uh if we were to do it again I think there would be several things that we do different and it’d be more optimal optimized I think it was fun I think because if you have a good

Enough weapon you can commit tax fraud yes that’s why my ax is called tax fraud well there’s tax evasion and there’s tax fraud naturally that’s going to be the case I cannot Hawk key so bad at it do you only play Minecraft uh for now yeah I got no time for anything else

Can cracked players join no only only a few mean cracked as in you’re good at the game but no if you’re playing a a version of the game where it’s not that what you’re referencing no you have to pay for the game as with most servers you have to pay for

The game in order to get again in them because otherwise it caused a lot of issues from what I know you feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t know my chords well okay not everyone knows my chords when I say when I say that everyone knows my chord

Is kind of an exaggeration but like if you ask for my chords in chat there’s a good chance just some will just blurt it out although I’m not saying ask for my chords in chat and also you can’t really trust what people are saying because they could be lying

Some people are just trolling when they say my chords yeah if I like go to my red border you can see a bunch of people are like next to my base but of course they can’t enter because how we have it set wait I just I just realized I had 10 M’s

In there and then I have 24 iron I may actually have enough wait I may have do I have enough okay two yeah I think this is actually enough I I have just enough I guess I just didn’t need to go farming to begin with so I have to crack my foot

Sometimes it feels a little weird and then I have to like bend it to like there we go what are you doing I’m preparing for doomsday if you’re confused about what doomsday is just check out one of my most recent videos excellent well I guess we have everything death doomsday ended yesterday what

You have to pay to get into the server no it’s free how do you get mending uh Builders or you just I think it’s just villagers I don’t remember foreign yeah so if you guys leave a like you’re probably gonna get a girlfriend that’s how it works I’m stranger me is spitting facts

Is this day 11 yep if you’re ever confused about which day it is just look in the description of the stream it says if you want to see my base dude it’s nothing special this is I haven’t done like anything base wise you’re helping me get subs and likes

Thank you I appreciate it wait I just realized I have to be recording right now Let’s uh camera follow me do you answer viewers questions no where’s your nether I don’t have another right don’t flame me man just because I have another right doesn’t mean just because I don’t doesn’t mean I

Don’t know I don’t know what I mean I’ll set up a beacon down here what’s the point of PVP if we can’t Camp Angel chest because this isn’t a this isn’t a um Anarchy server we’re trying to appeal to all types of players and a lot of people who are

Going to be joining aren’t that great at the game so you’re just like spawn killing and ruining the days of like kids we’re like new to the game that’s that’s no fun for maybe that’s fun to you but it’s not fun for a lot of other people

We’re gonna set up the beacon all the way down here because it actually doesn’t reach that hard like down uh do this I’m making this out of cobblestone it’s not an easy block to break you can’t instamide Cobblestone with the beacon I don’t think maybe with another

Right I know I don’t think so fake he’s watching a stream of someone else you got me it’s fake good job why is the light not reaching all the way down here oh cause of course I go in the one bit where it’s like okay the block right above my head

Turns out that’s I don’t know how to explain it why did you make them all lava source blocks and not have them spread out uh because they don’t generate the um the stuff without it being love Source I think what y level is this negative 42. so we could probably set up

The beacon right here of course the issue is I built it in the wrong spot that’s fine so if we build it right here this should be far enough down I’ve built and taken down too many beacons in my lifetime what’s the IP I want to join well you

Can find the IP in the Discord Link in my bio the welcome message tells you the IP or you can just ask someone if for some reason you can’t find the welcome message why did you build it down um because the beacon it won’t it doesn’t

Reach that far down if you build it down towards the bottom like what I’m doing then that way it’s going to reach all the way so then when I build so when I dig this down far then it will actually reach and it doesn’t get in the way

So I cannot see well right now let’s just get a torch I don’t even know if I’m placing the box right why do you need so much lava so I can defend my base with it if I don’t like I will lose my girlfriend yes you’re worried well that’s

You should only be worried if if you didn’t like the screen so if you go left from Spawn there’s a couple of friendly people uh left is uh is pretty subjective man because that changes depending on what direction you’re looking at I’m so rich I love when you read our comments and

Comments on our comment I love commenting on your comment it’s the best I’m glad you enjoy it you broke your fridge what you liked just to be sure dude you should have liked already you don’t have to be you should be like oh it’s power gaming stream immediate like

Can’t believe it my own mod disappointed okay my math was correct oh this isn’t gonna work is it because not exposed to air ah I have to go all the way down here again because that singular block ah why’d I have to do this wrong I just

Wasted an extra like I wasted like two seconds and I don’t have two seconds to waste I’ll just I’ll do this is he playing a server or what’s going on just got here Yep this is a server got 41 people online you can join join join join now

If you’re in the YouTube just go in the description of the stream has the IPS whether you’re in Java Bedrock doesn’t matter any version of java and then of course if you’re on Bedrock now if you’re on the tick tock stream you just go into my profile click the link hit Discord

And then from there you’re able to join by uh the the in the Discord like the welcome message is the IP information so yeah yeah yeah yeah we should make a series of the day a series of day huh do you use any opt uh yes I use sodium not OptiFine

Because OptiFine because stupid optifabric is not compatible with replay mod and probably some of the other mods I use are you just on Survival option for the server I’m not sure what that means but no we don’t have any creative it’s just survival your life story okay

What happens on doomsday just watch one of my most recent videos and you’ll find out uh I just realized how annoying it’s gonna get be done to get down there which I block oh I did block it off okay all right haste two let’s go it should be working let’s go

Look at the Speedy binding slash slash home so I can go all the way back to the surface and then run over this little the extra work that’s fine all right so we’re I’m about to start digging I’m gonna do some mad digging but storage is an issue

Obviously this is not gonna suffice and so for temporary storage I’m gonna make and bring a bunch of chests over to the area the best way of course to do that is this that and this I think that should suffice it doesn’t then of course cry myself to sleep people will come after

Me as always saying sorry it kind of like come after him yeah yeah so and once this timer runs out like okay the premise is essentially when this timer runs out then my baseboard or drops people can finally enter my base because I have a red border around my base

And then if people kill me they get ten thousand dollars and so this red border is what’s stopping me from people from well okay it’s not the Border that’s stopping me it’s a it’s like a barrier in the Border over the board over the border so but I can go through the Border

But if if someone catches me outside my base and kills me they get 10 bucks so I can’t just go willy-nilly like anywhere wait what am I doing okay let me go into the river and farm this tree oh they’re doing more lava casts uh the reason I want to go into the

River is because podzel sucks sorry puzzle is kind of trash if that offends any of you then you just have wrong opinion all right I think it’s so funny when I do I’ll do community polls on my YouTube and then set uh and then have a correct answer

And so I’ll ask like what’s better Java Minecraft or bedrock and then I’ll just like set the right answer as in Java and just mess with people because they’re like there’s no right answer you’re asking for opinion and then and then you’re correcting us and I’m like yeah it’s funny

Uh what’s up stanimous welcome uh this is fortnite thanks for pulling up to the live you tried play it to play Minecraft on my fridge it worked my fridge started heating up it stopped working soon when my mother finds out I’ll stop working uh okay well good luck on Surviving

I don’t know if you’ll have a better chance than me on doomsday hopefully please at one point make a crack server uh I probably won’t if he makes a server that supports crack players and it would be little to no anti-g yeah hackers all over the place it’s just

It’s a mess and I want everything associated with my brand to be high quality and besides you should be probably playing for the game that you’re you’re paying for the game that you’re playing day 11. yep is the base Build Challenge where you need to build a base during

The challenge or you can look at the bases uh that were made uh it’s not during the challenge no it’s like you have the entire month to build the base for the base Build Challenge we’ve got a few people working on big bases I think but I don’t think there’s a ton of

Competition so if you want to join the server even just for the base build competition maybe get the 250 prize Maybe then that’s that’s an option and thanks for the two dollars uh Isaac Braun from Connor’s brother nice you’re at the baseboard right now and you’re also working on huge bass nice

Well I’ll look forward to see you on day 30. so let’s make a ton of chests we’re gonna need a lot of storage I’m not going to craft it all into chests I’ll probably craft this 32 in a chest though there’s 34. wait whatever I know it’s a bit weird but using doors

For PVP is good oh I actually know that um doors are actually strangely good in PvP it’s it’s interesting watching I need to watch gameplay like door PVP gameplay because it’s I’ve seen it like once before and it’s like it’s so strange but doors can be placed they can be used so

Well it’s it’s so weird because they can’t jump over it immediately and so you can really catch people off door off guard with just doors uh thanks for the gifts uh Tim Jim you fell in the void LOL I’m sorry to hear that Alex you’re at the ugly sign

When’s the challenge ending uh what is the number behind me man so this is the Doomsday countdown when we hit that then that’s when everyone tries to kill me okay Devin don’t leak my coordinates what are you doing as a moderator you’re not supposed to leak my coordinates

I think I’m just gonna have a bunch of chests right up here or should I should I play some low or should I just place them as I go there’s a lot of options there so I can collect them but like I guess like on the staircase

So like say if I had a staircase right here what I could do is like Place one chest Wait no that’s that would stop me from walking up so not used to insta mining right now so I could do this and then like as I

As I walk up I just Place more chests whenever I run out of inventory space I just Place Another chest I think that’s the move and then I can collect it as I go because it kind of works in place of shoulder boxes and then it if slash when

I get a shulker box then I just use that then I collect all of the chests the shulker box would be nice it would be more of a convenience though at least start the moment you’re like that’s fine Devin it’s not the end of the world so many people know my chords

And are leaking it so who cares you don’t have Discord dude how to get Discord I know I know a lot of people can’t because they don’t have like a number and so that’s why a lot of people can’t join my Discord um because you need to verify your

Number because we’re trying to weed out like Bots and stuff are there other players in the same server as you yep 46 others at the moment a couple days ago we had like almost 100 it was crazy it’ll be crazy when we hit the 100 mark

And the server the series has kind of like not hit a lot of people yet we’re still it’s still building up steam and so it’ll be crazy once like you know we hit a bunch of people and then just tons of people join we still have a lot of people which like

Even if we just had the people that we currently have I think doomsday will still be crazy gotta go have us have a great stream dude you can’t leave it’s against the rules all right whatever see you man what are you saying about or Gmail or what

I’m I’m the guy who’s addicted to collecting every block so yeah I know I’m just running around collecting blocks that I’m probably never gonna use you can leave you’ll like though um I don’t know did I say you can leave all right I’ll let you leave but no one else

Almost 250k congrats already thank you yeah we’ve gotten like we’ve been gaining like 10K Subs a day for the last few days so it’s pretty cool it’s awesome seeing the numbers just Spike it’s so weird it’s like it’s kind of hard to imagine that some of these people are real

People like I’ll talk to people and then they’ll be like yeah I’ve seen your stuff and I’m like huh and it’s just crazy I mean it feels very validating to be like oh well the stuff I’m making people are actually seeing it and someone your Discord help me no one

Will just submit a ticket so go into the frequently asked questions like FAQ and tickets Channel and then hit create a ticket and then fill it out with whatever whatever you need what like whatever your issue is we’ll try to help you but we need information first

If you ask in general chances are it’s going to kind of get buried get buried within whatever anyone when else with whatever anyone else is saying because people say things it’ll kind of cover it up is this a server anyone could join yes welcome thanks for the follows

Yeah this is the Doomsday server so don’t just join assuming this is regular Minecraft this is people preparing to kill me for ten thousand dollars so make sure you know you watch one of my most recent videos get it get a sense of the premise and then join

And so if you want to join uh all the information is in my Discord Link in my bio roses are blue violets are red when that timer runs out you’re dead Okay I guess that kind of I mean you got it to work maybe a little bit inaccuracies

Wondering why Elijah’s are disabled so we haven’t disabled for two reasons one is obviously Elijah’s We’re not gonna allow you to use them on doomsday because then you could just Elijah to my base and kill me in two seconds that kind of would ruin Doomsday that’s overpowered there’s not nothing I

Can really do to stop people from a lightering into my base um so we haven’t been disabled so then doomsday can be possible and so the reason we have Doom we have elytra’s available to be or not available to be used right now is that um is that we don’t want people getting

Used to having them and then be like okay my entire strategy is I’m going to lighter in and do all this and then they’re like oh well it comes to Doomsday and then they’re upset because they’re like oh my entire strategy hinged on having an elytra

And we’re like it was in like the rules the entire time and they’re like well I I didn’t see it and then they’re still upset because people most people aren’t looking at the rules and all the information in the Discord we have literally the answer to almost all your

Questions in the Discord but no one’s looking at that channel for some reason but I guess that’s kind of what you expect because people don’t want to take the time I mean I say people like I’d be the same kind of guy though I’d just like jump in

The server and I wouldn’t look over all the details because who’s going to look at the fine print so one of the things that we’re doing is just making it like outright Banning items the entire time so then you don’t you don’t get used to using them a

Second reason is Minecraft can kind of get boring because of repetition you don’t want you don’t want a situation where you’re just doing the same gameplay even if there’s just a slight twist and so by Banning elytra is what we’re doing is also forcing you to play as like

Different than you normally would you play more like it feels more grounded okay I know that’s kind of a pun like pun intended uh anyways it it doesn’t feel it feels like you feel more limited and in a way when you’re able to accomplish things or do things it feels better because you’re

Not you don’t have these absurdly overpowered things like an elytra and so it the event’s gonna feel so much more unique because you’re playing differently and that’s what we want you go to UNI um yeah I’m in I this morning actually I started the Streamlight because I was

Like trying to grind out two weeks worth of classes in two hours so I mean I almost did it I just have a few like I have like a couple assignments left discussion board but I did six quizzes and a a really I mean dare I say a really good discussion answer and

Responses just in like 30 minutes the quizzes took me like an hour and a half to do six many hundred I think it was over 100 questions total two other quizzes were like 12 questions and the others were 25 each so that’s uh 124.

I don’t know how to do math yeah I think that was accurate very true Devin actually there’s no point in filling that in I don’t know why I was trying to fill that in because there’s still stuff that needs to be whatever is there a point to progress after

Killing the dragon in Minecraft yes I don’t think the dragon is even the point of playing the Minecraft like that’s just like a side quest you can do in my eyes I don’t think it’s the main thing I think the point of Minecraft is much more than that and I think the reason

Why a lot of people kind of get bored of Minecraft is because they’re they’re just searching for the extrinsic motivation which Minecraft isn’t good at doing if you’re looking for extrinsic motivation as in motivation outside of yourself so like something intrinsically motivating would just be like building

Like a cool build because obviously the game isn’t rewarding you for building a cool build because like nothing happens safety built the universe in Minecraft like my boy Krista Cal you’re not the game isn’t going to give you like 20 diamonds that you can then like go be something else

It’s it’s just it’s indifferent and so I think that’s part of why Minecraft is genius and if you’re looking for extrinsic motivation then go play Terraria you can go explore you can conquer you can I don’t know it’s it’s super gratifying because there’s like a bunch of uh intentional progression

And it’s just it’s like it’s super fun Terraria is awesome but if you’re looking to do stuff like this like Doomsday like you have to come up with it that’s the thing about Minecraft is you have to come up with what you’re gonna do and why

And that’s why a lot of people get bored is because they don’t do that they just play the game like just they just played the game normally which that’s not necessarily that fun you’re back welcome Doug and I request request to leave the stream if I give you this cookie why

Would you want to leave the Stream there’s no there’s no reason to want to leave the Stream and I don’t eat cookies so can you turn off PVP no we have claims some people are asking for more PVP like like turn off claims and so we’re trying to strike like a happy balance

The dragon has become easy yeah was comparing Minecraft to a game like ARCA what Arc sorry I said I have a plug-in that translates things to Spanish that’s why I sometimes read things in Spanish I mean I’ve been learning Spanish from it it’s actually been great mainly from

Chat because I’ll I’ll start recognizing words and I’m like oh I don’t even have to translate that I can I’m like oh well that’s letro de Roca that’s a bedrock so I mean I’m never gonna have to I’m never gonna use that in a normal conversation ever but still it’s kind of cool

Arc is as fun but I made a base like just then diversion diversion that’s not how you say it I know that’s how you say it but I said that anyway just because there’s a little accent over the O um because I know that’s fun in Spanish

I know I’m learning Spanish is that crazy anyways I just have to stream and I learn Spanish um yeah Arc is fun but you kept making a base with your friends we kept getting raided that sucks are you made with you made a base with your friends then you kept getting raided

Yeah well sometimes that’s the most fun part is when you’re getting raided and when things go wrong and then when you have to adjust and then when you and then you start winning it’s obviously losing sucks in anything but when you adjust you change something and you win that’s when it gets fun

That’s like when I did wrestling high school wrestling I started liking it when I started winning I wonder why when I when I suddenly started hitting the weights then I started winning when I suddenly started giving effort I started winning and I started being fun

I never became like fun fun but you know what I mean I love you still thank you Jacob can I give you this chocolate it’s 3am oh well if it’s 3 A.M okay you just tell me it’s late at night and then I’ll let you leave

Because I don’t want you guys staying up late at night watching my streams unless if it’s like maybe unless you can sleep in but don’t ruin your sleep schedules because of a stream I’m all about taking care of yourself what are you playing I’m playing uh fortnite you’re from Europe welcome

Wait if I leave Minecraft will I spawn back in the same place where you yeah so where you where you leave is where you spawn back and if you have a base set up make sure you do slash set home so then you can do slash home to get

Back to your base whenever so you don’t lose where you’re at trying to join my Discord but the human verification literally won’t work that sucks we’ll try again later all right maybe maybe you’re not real I like that Meme where it’s like maybe maybe I am maybe I am robot

You’re from Scotland welcome welcome Scotland’s person I’m starting to go through these chests real quick oh crap all right um yeah that that’s great uh the levels thanks for the rose Stefan uh bruh that is not that is not Epic there’s no epic Gaming there can I play two yes

The way you join is it’s in the description how long have you been doing YouTube a while uh well I guess technically I’ve only been serious about it well I YouTube specifically post my sixth first video like six years ago but I was like oh well it got no

Views I guess it’s not possible to go viral on YouTube and so it wasn’t until like not long ago I was like I was going viral on tick tock I was like getting big on Tick Tock and I’m like well I want I want YouTube rank in uh

For like Hypixel I want YouTube Rank and so I’m like let me just start uploading my stuff to YouTube and then I get like 150 000 subscribers in like a month I’m like oh well I guess YouTube is possible I guess the same content will work anyway all right let’s get our stuff

How do I join you um well you have oh your friend has 290 dogs are you scared the dogs won’t do anything though it’s just gonna be a waste of entities to be honest because he has to hit me first and even if he does hit me then I could just like

I don’t know like the dogs don’t do much damage and how do I join you um well I’ll just go into the Discord Link in my bio and then it has the information in there they will like your game well we may need to kill entities then

If it if it lags the the event then yeah we’re gonna have to like kill all the entities to be honest um just being completely real I don’t we don’t want to do that but like we’re gonna prioritize the event over anything else also I’m pretty sure I could have

Just died there from one of the spikes how do I get back up yeah I’m just going to mine back up because might as well spend the time mining then walk because I’m gonna have to mine these blocks eventually anyway and it doesn’t hurt having a staircase

And it wouldn’t hurt being able to see either screw area yes pop the big pot what does that mean gotta go grind another right on my server dude you can watch this you can listen to the stream you got to give me watch time please please no go do you you do you

Are you playing GTA San Andreas right now yes smell the you’re putting his dog down well we wouldn’t want to but if if it does cause an issue then we’re gonna prioritize the events over his dogs so yeah if it causes like a significant issue then yeah

Yeah this is I’m playing Minecraft on the Nokia right now how’d you know bruh of course I dropped my pickaxe why am I so bad at this game actually not Epic all right I got tax evasion back good good good do you allow op to find on your server

Why would we not allow OptiFine I’ve got like so many mods installed right now I mean none of them are like hack clients if you start fly hacking or anything then that’s not allowed but OptiFine is of course allowed I don’t think there’s really anything that’s stopping you from using it

You have to go by all right see it see you Doug thanks for pulling up I know I should probably no I have furnaces on me because I was like a good way to get the experience back is to smelt the oars that I get because I I know this from experience

With mining out a massive area finally almost back to the surface let’s go the rescue mission is a success I rescued myself well my items I don’t know why but I won’t let you join my Discord to have you verified your your Discord account foreign you just don’t want to cheat

Um fulbright’s allowed I’m pretty sure we don’t really care if you useful bright because I’ve used it a couple times I mean I don’t recommend using Fulbright because the problem with that is it kind of makes the game a lot easier and uh you don’t want like it kind of

Can mess with your Minecraft experience so say if you’re it takes away a lot of the fun of like having to strategically plan out where your torches go and how to optimally light up your base because if you can or like when you go spelunking there’s no fear because you

Can see everything because it’s some of the fun is like when you go into a cave and you don’t know what’s around you and say you die a bunch of times like it kind of it makes it difficult and it makes it fun and maybe not fun in the moment but in

The long run it’s fun also yeah I did place this chest wrong all right let’s move everything into this I like to put full stacks of things away and not if it’s not a full step so then I can have optimal storage actually I think this is actually not to

Pat myself on the back but I think there’s a smart way to do the storage I’ll just play stress down as I go It’s Gonna Save so much time the only issue is yeah the pickaxe uh it may be worth getting another pickaxe maybe like the a silk touch version but

Like I don’t really need silk touch that much here let’s let’s start um we’re gonna keep mining let’s wait I don’t know let’s let’s do six you know five two five rows at a time right now why not what are you doing I’m preparing for doomsday so I’m taking a trunch

Show me your res I’m just I have just too much charisma what are you making I’m digging a trench so I wouldn’t really do much I may have to do villager trades as a way to get the XP dude I know you guys favorite you just love it when I do

Villager trades all the time you had to stop away eat Master you can’t skip the part of the Stream swore Blood Oath when you became a moderator but what if they bridge over the trench well they probably will but it’ll slow down new players like people are inexperienced or just a

Lot of players in general people are unprepared and it’ll look cool come on it’ll look cool like that’s what matters right it’s significant progress already um I don’t remember how many chunks specifically the ring is but it’s no small amount skunks yes it’s getting too full of random things I

May need like a random chest or it’s just a bunch of random items so I’ll do um Yeah I may need another pickaxe I probably will I mean the XP I get from Trading with villagers I’ll probably use to okay or the emeralds I get when I when I’m trading with villagers to repair my pickaxe is probably the same emeralds I’m going to use to get stuff to upgrade

My like get another pickaxe but if you make a lava wall I’m one step ahead of you this is actually going to be a combination of a lava wall and a trench it’ll look cool come on it may not have a ton of function but it’ll look cool

As you gotta remember I’m also a content creator I’m all about that content baby gotta gotta make things look cool let’s go to the edge of the chunk and I’ll probably stop at this point for now well I’ll figure out where the beacon reach ends and that’s when I’ll stop

And then I’ll mine all the way down maybe to bedrock or maybe just pretty far okay let’s not use that anymore a little slower and yes I just leaked my coordinates I know my face cam is coming up well actually I should be fine I don’t really care everyone knows my coordinates

Please answer my question uh what’s your question how are you I’m good thanks for asking wait oh Shield’s worked out nice yeah we had a shield glitch for a little bit for a couple days good stuff let’s go let’s go back to the base see you guys

It was about to pounce on me less stream delay on my laptop for some reason maybe there is or maybe that’s just what it seems like I don’t know why my gotta charge my case for my pixels my Google pixels um because they’re dying I guess I didn’t charge them enough last night

What is doomsday prep just watch one of my most recent videos it explains skeletons or two appeared they come at you sprinting with speed two skeletons they’re way too fast use Soul Sand huh I actually that’s one thing I didn’t think about was probably too much Soul sound I mean it’s

Not gonna do much but it would slow people down slightly well if people have Solstice Soul speed boots they would just help them I probably wouldn’t even do that to be honest thank you Jacob Minecraft is harder than it seems Maybe magma blocks then so perhaps guys please sleeper FK yes let’s go

Now let’s go farm you guys favorite it’s farming time the sugarcane is fully grown so that’s the main thing we’re gonna focus on right now hello creeper has anyone killed me six people have killed me but they only get ten dollars because it’s before doomsday hi subbed thank you Hunter zero

While we’re here might as well do a little bit of lava farming your guys favorite build foreign I just placed lava within a lava block so I was a waste of lava I mean I don’t think that one piece of lava is gonna make a difference but still mildly annoying

Is there TNT in the server yeah we don’t have TNT disabled no I mean you’ll see me I’ll plant a bunch of TNT underground like under so then you guys can’t like try to like tunnel or anything I mean tunneling wouldn’t make any sense because I’m on a mountain and it would

Probably be the full hour would be up before even reach me prior shorts w es thank you yeah I got it got a lot of influx of viewers from the YouTube source you have bedrock and Chopra Edition deluxe version I didn’t know there’s a deluxe Java version

I have a secret plan with a lava I mean it’s not so secret I’ve told you many times it’s to make obsidian and to like line the trench let me come out TNT artillery thing I thought the sugarcane grew more oh well that’s what was loaded in you can

Clearly see what was loaded in over there let’s collect what what this is and then and then I’ll go collect all the tall stuff and hopefully wait for some of this to grow taller and then mine that efficiency you know make what does that mean Greg it’s pretty cool it launches TNT like

100 blocks interesting I mean I’ve expected the reason I’m going to build my base out of obsidian too is partly why I’m getting a bunch of lava so I can get obsidian to build my base is that people are just going to TNT launch at me

Which I don’t really get why you do that because I don’t even know I don’t even know how the kill credit might work who knows I guess if their TNT can killed me then I have to get the money but um so like I expect people to do that so

I’m just gonna be making my base out of obsidian so they can’t just like TNT launch everything at me I’m coming that way pick up all the sugarcane I’m gonna do that after I line it I’ve already timed it I know how long it takes to to mine this and how long it

Takes for the obsidian or the sugarcane uh this is that sugarcane ASMR the reason I do this in third person is because people will they’re not people so I think it’s easier on the encoder to make this a higher quality video or screen so like there’s less frame rate drop there’s

It looks higher quality because you can’t see the particles as well speaking of that maybe it would be worth turning down the particles why can’t we leave the Stream So stream roll you can’t leave the Stream foreign myself on his base and hit such a nasty uh MLG he’ll quit yes

I expect that too but like I don’t I don’t think that would go well we didn’t get a ton of sugarcane now it’s tough now it’s time to farm pumpkins the great thing about farming these things is it takes so little time it’s so much less time than harvesting

Like the crops like that takes so long it’d be awesome if you had a VR headset and play Minecraft with it I can’t spoil anything but I may have a series coming soon well soon within the next year maybe uh that involves VR Minecraft and it won’t be some gimmick it’ll be

Something like well thought out that will be actually interesting instead of like the normal VR Minecraft videos that are just like oh I tried VR Minecraft and then that’s the entire video is them playing VR Minecraft nothing like special about it other than that yeah doing maybe maybe VR Doomsday

What if I did that VR doomsday that would be crazy that would actually be insane like what bruh unch people are killing one guy huh oh I guess you’re talking about me like the premise of the series have you tried to be our chat yet

Um I think I like logged into it but I’m like I was getting sick would be awesome especially since someone already got you the Oculus well I know I know about the um I know it’d be awesome it’s just I don’t know if that would be possible

I mean I have a VR series coming up um because someone got me the Oculus I don’t know who I love when people ask is the server against x-ray can I x-ray can you turn on can you turn off the X-ray blocker please I know he’s not asking that but like

I’m like seriously like you’re asking me to whatever I mean I did a bit about that like yesterday like analogies of what you’re asking uh thanks for the for the gift I see penguin is a headset in Oculus Quest 2 yes I think so all right see you unfazed

VR chat is something special I was just talking to people you could just go talk to people in real life I mean I get it if it’s like someone like you know online or something but just go socialize in real life you know real life is a is a VR chat

Uh uh is a is it’s a VR chat simulator that’s what real life is face reveal for 300K all right if we hit 300K Subs all face reveal okay what do you guys say you’re getting an Oculus Quest 3 this Quest Christmas I didn’t know they had three yeah

I don’t know I don’t keep track oh wait like my camera’s on crap dang it I have has my camera been on this entire series oh that’s such an accident can’t believe that happened dang well what are you gonna do I didn’t mean to face reveal until I hit a million subscribers

Not everyone wants to talk IRL wow yeah I mean I kind of get the appeal of like VR chat it’s like you’re talking to people without having to reveal our identity and so there’s less like social um there’s like like less social risk so I can get that but it’s kind of weird

Um are the preparations going well yes preparations are going well been mining out the perimeter but of course my pickaxe is almost broken so I should do a grand Face Reveal video when I hit 300K I may do that when I hit a million face viral prior gaming face reveal

When are you going to start your VR chat stream uh I don’t have plans of doing that if only farming in real life was that easy yeah that would be nice infinite infinite crops clutch and what’s up uh it’s kind of like what’s up Goose goose um it’s kind of like

Um social skills for Library kids that’s the way to put it I think VR chat is free all you need to VR heads up for that I’m new to your channel welcome Logan welcome to the channel I’ll let them lower their prices oh this dude give me a good price

It probably would make sense actually to expand the sugarcane farm especially since I’ll probably be doing a lot of villager trading just to um even if it’s just to what should we call it can you join the server on cross-platform yes you’ll sub just because I said that thank you thank you Logan

All right come on restock what are you doing ah man I remember why I locked that dude away socializing again he’s doing the VR chat but in person can’t believe you do that why would he do that to me man should be working Brian Souza never stops five okay

That was not a lot of XP man do better do better the student’s prices are still kind of like have you restocked yet nope just drop okay oh okay then I need the XP restock you’re right next to your workstation no excuse you’re gonna go sleep tonight or go to sleep all right

Have a good sleep I’ve I see you have a lot of villagers since your last short yeah I I haven’t been keeping my videos up to date we’re on day 11 and my last short was day four I’m trying man I’m trying I want to

Catch up and I as I was saying earlier in the Stream I’m gonna bulk create the videos oh more expensive I’m not I’m not doing it if it’s more expensive yeah I’m just gonna leave pumpkins here and the next time I’m here I’ll trade them I’m not gonna go for those higher prices

Right now not worth it under 10 minute stream let’s go yeah we are yeah I guess we’re like 113 minutes in well technically when I started the stream when I went live that’s a little different because like it takes a second for me to like start the stream then go live

Hey you like how there’s a bunch of white beds and there’s four yellow beds well that’s just because I got beds from a village so well there’s five yellow beds you’re wrong get it right how’s the end project been going uh I finished that like almost two weeks ago

You can check out the videos if you want all right buckets buckets this will be enough XP for now it’ll do all right um let’s check his trades one last time make sure oh wait okay he has more trades or not more trades but he just pumped and trade reset let me trade

Have you come to your senses nope no pumpkins for you what’s your major theology have you gone to the end yet yes we did the end fight pretty recently what’s her biggest glow up in Minecraft terms or I wouldn’t understand I’m not sure what you mean what is it

I know what a glow up is but in terms of what like a Minecraft build you should build a drawbridge by the trench should look cool uh uh uh Maybe even but I’m kind of looking for more function right now because it’s going to take a lot of time to do everything I

Need to do before doomsday and I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do everything so um what exactly is theology uh well Google has an answer I don’t know the definitions I always say Google it I mean I know what it is but I don’t want to stand incorrect definition

Why are my messages getting ignored um because I guess they’re not responding to you I don’t know okay it’s within the Border not border but distance of thing this also is yep when do I stop losing haste what about here what about here what about here what about here nothing here

Okay so what I’m doing is I’m trying to see what’s within the range of the thing uh why’d you pick it because I think it’s very interesting to me do you take inspiration from biz on like PVP servers and faction bases uh no I just was like well whatever whatever I

Think looks cool by the way this is the line I was just like what looks cool and what would work with given my game plan so I play to hold a ton of Minecraft and maybe I could look at some faction bases or whatever but

And then we can also go as far as I can mine in this direction that’s how far we’ll do this so even though if I step right over here I’m pretty sure I lose haste yeah I don’t get it back it just runs out but if I stand here I get the haste

Um so even though I could go a little farther too because I can just use it get the haste walk over here walk back that’s just a waste of time and it it won’t be worth it so what I’m just going to do is just make

It so that I can mine everything while being within the haste I know from experience um kind of not necessarily I mean I mean a lot of passes would take that major yeah is that the periodic table yes it is the Periodic Table of my patrons

People who pay me money so that I could make more videos and they can get a rank on the server we have uh we have no VIPs online right now huh yeah you got VIP rank on my server you gotta bunch of other things access for like basically like all the exclusive

Things I do you get it if you’re a patreon patron yeah and then you get on my wall I guess I think I’m gonna do it I think I’m gonna automate it so then like a TV like automatically display your name if you become a new Patron or something

Or like all the new patrons are shown on one side and then all like the longest patrons are on the other I think that’d be cool I just came up with the the new Patron thing so originally it’s just going to be like the the longest people were patrons

Along after show up the biggest and then from that on look up action bases they use like water obsidian layers and stuff yeah um I mean I know about factions I know like a lot of the strategies and stuff we’ll see I mean I’m kind of limited on what I can

Do because this is survive like vanilla I can’t like just buy a bunch of obsidian or anything yeah Devin when you copy the link it uh or would you copy it kind of like for some reason turns into that I don’t know why and fight was very good thank you yeah

The end fight will be 20 times better and very difficult next time we’re going to be making a couple changes to like how it works and stuff what is this uh this is Doomsday if you want to get what the premise is just watch one of my most recent videos

You’re new here welcome this is pickaxe a tax evasion yes it does tax evasion tax fraud my two trusty tools and I play the server on Xbox yes you can we have Bedrock compatibility just join my Discord Link in my bio and I’ll give you the information

People say that there’s like some kind of like I can pin like a comment on The Tick Tock live but I don’t know how to do that especially from like this web View and then if I try to go on my Tick Tock to do stuff then I’ll just end the

Stream so I don’t know I don’t think I can do it because otherwise then I could just put the IP there and then I wouldn’t have to answer that question but they build slash Break Stuff in your land only during doomsday hour what are you streaming besides here sorry that’s been out

That’s been asked a lot what do you mean streaming beside oh where are you streaming wait I read it as what what my brain um just YouTube tick tock I mean I don’t make I don’t really make any money when I stream on Tick Tock because Tick Tock for some reason

Doesn’t give you out of Revenue which is so dumb like why would you not give out of Revenue I don’t know if I don’t know if there are lives or ads on live Tick Tock I don’t know um yeah so if you probably the best way to

Support me is just watch all my YouTube streams if you’re looking to do that I just realize I’m not picking things up foreign chest we’re gonna Place Another wait I haven’t been recording how about I didn’t forgot to turn on replay mod I got on pause it oh no ads here oh

Well that explains a lot you’re trying to do nice I appreciate that thank you if you have 250k Subs you started two hours ago and yet you only have 60 viewers yep you know like that just because people are subscribed to you doesn’t mean they’re going to see your live streams

And they subscribe to me for shorts so how do I get in all the information is in the description of this game I’m Doug and the stream is the goat thank you Doug how did you get so famous uh I don’t consider myself famous maybe when I hit

10 mil subscribers or followers then maybe I can start considering myself famous but I don’t know I just make videos yeah you know Logan 60 viewers is actually a lot for a live stream especially since my viewers subscribed to me from shorts like I’m I’m happy about it

But enchantments do you have on your pickaxe just says efficiency five fortune 3 mending and breaking three I think that’s all you can get on your pickaxe I’m not mistaken I know you can get silk touch but then that conflicts with uh Fortune three so I don’t think I

Could get that on a pickaxe if I want to which I don’t want to I want the resources you load it in nice welcome to Prior MC and thanks for everyone who’s voting on the the websites probably doesn’t really do anything for us but I guess it’s I don’t know

I don’t think we’re gonna get a ton of new players just from voting on these websites I mean maybe maybe maybe we’ll get some players from it as these websites are essentially like just websites that will like promote your server and the more books you get the higher you rank

Thank you Jacob honestly there should be like ad revenue on the server we should like set up ads that would be the worst one that because you’re playing Minecraft and there’s just ads but then that’s how you could like play for free without us having to like monetize Maybe

Or maybe there’s like a rank where you like get ads but you get like special things that would be funny you’re just playing Minecraft and it’s like buy this product now that’ll be the worst how do I buy the battle pass on your server uh patreon click the link in the description

Get paid or become a patron link your patreon account to your Minecraft or to your Discord then link your Discord your Minecraft and boom you got VIP rank which is essentially the battle pass I guess I know that’s not what you’re asking but what are the objectives uh this digging down

You have 250k Subs you’ll get noticed in public if you go where where your Athletics say you’re at I’m sure you mean um analytics say your videos are most watched if you get noticed for Content creation then you’re famous I’ve been recognized a few times one time from Instagram reels

And then the other times from tick tock I haven’t gotten recognized in real life from YouTube yet but I mean I just got to 250k Subs um I mean again like I’ve been gaining like 10 000 subscribers a day for a few days well you will not put ads in your server

It’ll be so funny yeah I just got a lot of subscribers on YouTube so maybe it just has to like kick in as to like render or something are you a you you look like it you I’m assuming you mean Australian no what do you mean by AU

Oh AI oh are you a bot yeah I’m a bot obviously why everyone questions if I’m real or not I don’t get it am I just that Epic I’m just too epic aren’t I I just can’t help being so epic I guess foreign that people actually like ask me if I’m AI

And this is not the first time watching your stream instead of studying for calc good Tommy you should not study vetting is the worst imagine you’re fighting the End Dragon and then all of a sudden a fortnight ad plays in front of your face yes that’s genius that’s honestly genius just adds

On the videos or not videos sorry in in on the server no I’m not gonna add ads I mean we do have to figure out some ways to monetize though um so then the server is self-sustaining because a lot it’s just kind of out of pocket

Like I pay out a pocket to host of servers and so you know I don’t make a lot of money at all from it I lose money by hosting these servers I mean right now it’s for the for the event but yeah I gotta figure out a way to

Monetize it more than just patreon because I want prior MC to grow on its own without me having to like lose money all the time from it you know that fish is delicious uh that is not true fish sucks fish does not taste good objectively you’re wrong my opinion is correct

Word that I came across is randomly well time to dip ever been seen again um rep Jacob prior you could do members only servers maybe but we’re just kind of the appeal in that I want like everyone to be able to join without having to pay but I also got to make money

So then the servers can be up so I wonder if enough people became VIP you know I could probably pay for itself but you don’t have enough people paying for um patreon so you should realize you have to get Xbox game pass to plan the server that sucks I just gotta do though

Make ranks like a bounty hunter ranks where you can see temporary footsteps and a delayed location ping I’m not sure what you mean uh thanks for the dollar uh go go get oyt appreciate it you’re contributing to the server thank you all right bye see you tomorrow if the

Stream is still going on when I get back I mean I don’t think I’ll be streaming that long I don’t think you’re gonna wake up and I’m still gonna be streaming I mean I stream every day for this series at least so you’ll see me tomorrow though or at least you better

Or else get to bed before mob spawn the other people on the server already got to bed so and I’m not worried about mobs what’s up Thomas real I’ve never played that game I don’t even I’m not entirely sure how it works made more than this

Honestly I should mine all of it all these resources so then I can smell to get XP foreign gotta be able to hear things my pixel died so now the other one in the reason I got the pixels is because they actually have better battery life than um then airpods

And I’m like well if I’m gonna be streaming for a long time it only makes sense let me give me a second yeah I’m talking about that game Soviet you’re here no that’s weird why can’t I hear anything it’s like it’s working why isn’t it working

Whatever it’s not the end of the world but why level are you on uh 50. decently far down I mean obviously this is sea level and I need a chest for like every y level this is ridiculous uh this is a way to do it I suppose

One two three four five six seven eight let me just do this ah dumb yeah XP is going to be an annoying issue for this project so I don’t have an XP farm that you’re playing Minecraft for a second yeah no I would never play Minecraft what is copper used for uh generally

Just building and I guess like lightning rods I don’t know if it’s useful for anything else to be honest foreign whatever might as well just if it’s not gonna work might as well just let it charge Redstone activation via weather I suppose I can be useful this Fortune is paying for itself

Turns the XP and everything I swear if I break this I’m not gonna be happy I’m gonna be better about getting oars 54. we’re good 53 here I’ll just I’ll repair it a little to just be safe this is why I’m smelting it that already repaired a lot of it

Into three and let’s melt that too all right there we go there’s zero games so it’s so it’s not just me huh that’s that’s strange did I mute it no I was in New Zealand when it went when I went it was amazing beautiful place how do I fix it

I don’t know I don’t know Minecraft just like kind of broke in terms of sound I don’t know caused it I don’t know what to do it’s not the end of the world not from New Zealand but I am from Australia and I know New Zealand is beautiful yeah this one’s awesome

If I were to live outside the United States it probably would be there just because of how I mean if I was just trying to live a Chill Lifestyle but obviously I have like a lot of goals and so being there probably wouldn’t actually be smart that’s why I wouldn’t live there

But if I could get that in the United States then that would be awesome watch this uh one two three four five six nothing teaches you quick math better than Minecraft yes I know I made an absolute statement that I can probably not back up I’m aware uh

Where’d you go in New Zealand uh we went like across we went from Auckland all the way down to the like the bottom of the South Island South Island is Wine Country nothing there except for just like fields and everything it’s beautiful though what was I about to do

Oh yeah the sound I have to fix the sound because that’s important for the video Maybe maybe I just like muted it on accident maybe I hit like stupid McAfee why do you have to do pop-up notifications dumb stupid dumb are other sounds um so say if I like unmuted my Live Well

Actually it’s not loading in it said it you said it sounded like I switched my earbuds but I don’t it’s it says it has it on the right thing it says my pixels are connected got the Bluetooth but I it I don’t think it’s a matter of that because that’s

I don’t know that’s so weird maybe I’ll switch it I’ll switch it and then switch it back maybe that’ll fix it because I don’t know if it’s just Minecraft that’s not working all right let’s see foreign I don’t want to go through all this on stream but also I need audio

There it’s working now I guess I just had to switch it and switch it back okay Auckland is nice yeah I think yeah the South Island was definitely something definitely was nicer in the sense that there’s no people there was like no one are you streaming on Twitch no just YouTube tick tock

Places where I have people watching I wouldn’t get any viewers on Twitch always obviously that’s an exaggeration but let’s be real here I saw your shorts that you mentioned the craziest Minecraft series of all time is starting tomorrow that’s what this has been the the short you watched I posted

Like two weeks ago what is your opinion on rings of power it sucks horrible show garbage I don’t know how they could mess up Lord of the Rings that badly like how do you take something so awesome and just make it that bad with such a big budget I don’t

Know maybe they’re trying to screw it up who knows Australia’s beautiful I have to see it to be sure yeah Australia is more Red Dirt yeah here in Georgia here in Georgia we got more Red Dirt too got a lot of Red Dirt they caught the Georgia red clay it’s everywhere

It’s like until you leave Georgia you don’t really notice well at least I don’t really notice and I leave and I’m like dang the dirt is like it’s not red here like oh is that is that normal what am I building I’m digging a trench around my base

How do you feel about The Hobbit The Hobbit sucked the film sucked but it wasn’t as bad as rings of power well the thing is I I have I’m holding it those shows to such a high standard because the original Lord of the Rings just so much so good

Probably I think the best films of all time so I don’t know that’s why I went to New Zealand was for Lord of the Rings tour oh what’s up zash Co what’s up Anaya I would play I would say Australia has some of the nicest um nicest people or beaches

Nothing like a crowded Florida beach what happened with the end short I saw uh we did an upgraded end dragon fight with the finished version but it didn’t it it was a little underwhelming so we’re doing some upgrades and stuff for next week when we attempted again because the dragon’s

Gonna get more powerful each time we fight it so next Sunday we’re fighting it again The Hobbit soundtrack was great yeah the soundtrack was good I can’t complain about The Hobbit soundtrack and they definitely they definitely did some cool stuff with it it’s just the story and then the CGI wasn’t that great

Like they didn’t use as many practical effects as Lord of the Rings like you can’t lean into CGI that much you need practical effects like that’s what made Lord of the Rings like ahead of its time as the things that were depicted were real it’s just they were like they were like Miniatures

Like even they even made a giant ring I got to hold it um for that scene where uh Frodo drops the ring and the snow and Boromir picks it up that’s that ring like when you see it on the ground that’s actually a massive ring and it looks massive or it it just

Seems like it’s not massive because of perspective but you’re able to get such a high quality shot because they made an actually just massive ring it would just blow up it’s not that hard I’m just gonna kill you Lord of the Rings um was shot there New Zealand was shot

There you’re gonna assume I already know that dude that’s why do you think I was in New Zealand it was for Lord of the Rings you started watching me on Tick Tock what are you doing well I appreciate it um I’m working on doomsday yes

Can you put a link on screen to play with you well I don’t know how I’d do that um I’m out of the range of the beacon that’s why okay um uh just join the Discord like in my bio has the IP I would put stuff on screen but I need it

What is your take on politics yes very much there’s nothing like Politics on a Minecraft stream I would be genius to just delve into politics right now looks like we’re running in a lot of water that I kind of didn’t really think about that I forgot there’s a lot of water

Underground these new versions which may pose a serious issue Such a ways of gravel turning into Flint you don’t got Discord it would just get Discord or go on my YouTube stream and or just any of my most recent videos on Tick Tock the IP is in the description of like all my most recent videos so

Just do that your profile picture is epic thank you bad joke please and put some love into it dude I literally told you the only dad joke I know or the only one off the top of my head I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with dad jokes what was your favorite Valor

Um I mean I read the silmarillion but like I don’t remember much of it because the silmarillion was like it was so dull it was like a history textbook that’s I mean that’s literally what it was made to be was just the history of Middle Earth and everything and I don’t know man

I mean I thought melkor was cool in the sense that he’s like the original bad guy but I can’t read that man it’s too boring and that’s coming from a Lord of the Rings fan I was like obsessed with Lord of the Rings especially back in the day

But then reading some early and was like it was like watching paint dry I’m sure there were cool moments but like I don’t know you’re back you’ll be back and I better have an epic dad joke dude just look tell me a dad joke and I’ll

Tell you the the dad joke back I’ll repeat it back to you I think someone’s wanting to team I need to tell everyone I keep always having to tell everyone no I can’t team sorry I like I appreciate people want to help me but like that’s against the rules for me

To team with anyone foreign is fixed why do you think no one made a politic mod for Minecraft what what are you working on a trench what do you think of helicopters I think they’re kind of fly bro okay I think I think they’re pretty cool too

I loved those RC helicopters I had one I thought it was the coolest thing ever to ever exist I was like this is literally the coolest thing on Earth being able to remote control a helicopter I was like dude I’m toad like there’s nothing cooler than this nothing

Yeah I need to turn off direct messages this dude’s definitely not watching the stream otherwise he’d know that I said I can’t team I’m not going to take their time to respond just because if if I respond to people then it kind of encourages people to message me

And I need to turn them off like it’s not entertaining I don’t generally like respond to people off stream because then like I don’t have viewers like sitting there waiting trying to watch me play the game um because it’s kind of inconsiderate to you guys from like sitting responding to people

We need Minecraft presidents I sure what you mean by that Minecraft players that are President of the United States Are you talking about like the trend of like Obama and them playing Minecraft well I don’t know you’re always talking about milk man the milk’s great don’t get me wrong you talk about it a lot can’t let items despawn that’ll be the worst what do you think of anime I think some

Of them can be good don’t I’m not really a fan generally though how could I become a patron that is an excellent question Elijah so all you have to do is click the link in the description of the Stream uh that says I think patreon or is it

The link tree I don’t remember if the patreon link is it directly in there but hit the link tree then hit patreon then hit subscribe well or you just like pay for it there that’s it just go on my page and it’ll like direct you politics are cool but like

This is not the place for it man like I get it like there’s it’s it can be fascinating talking about like countries and War and I guess controversial things too well I guess countries and Wars can be controversial subjects too you just watch my guide to trees nice

You’re just excited to be here that’s good do you want to talk about it it’s gonna okay okay Preston so mean why do you call me skin boned I’m allowed to say it but you can’t I mean I am getting bones right now dude I’ve continued to drop weight well actually

No my weight is I was kind of stagnated but I can tell like the cut is it’s working like the striations like dude they’re only increasing and then the vascularity it’s crazy I’m gonna get more Cobblestone it makes sense to fill this wall with the Cobblestone because then um

Man I thought of something but should I do that um no I’m having this inner turmoil on should I do this certain thing probably probably should but like how would I go about doing that when and how and together first Tick Tock stream you’ve watched in your life nice

I’ll welcome to the party um all right let me respond to things we got with want to start a modded survival world I’m not really a big fan of modded survival type stuff done this if it’s like enhancement mods and I actually have something like that planned but yeah

So I am actually going to do that soon but it’s gonna be single player series you need food in game um that sounds like you gotta go collect food or do things to get money so you can buy food if cops pull um okay Devin dad jokes are not allowed

Jacob added the skin and bones oh yeah of course he did I mean I figured it was Jacob I have some sort of influence from him what are you making I’m digging a trench you want to gain some way I hate being skinny LOL I want to bulk up dude the

Bulk is the best I love bulking but sometimes it can be harder than cutting depends on who you are and what your habits are and everything because of your lifestyle because it’s all about lifestyle and what you’re already used to and it can also involve other things like neat which is uh

Something resting expenditure or something energy expenditure I don’t know but essentially what neat is is like how many calories you burn just like sitting down or doing nothing because you can like fidget like your calories away and that’s why some people will have an easier time bulking or cutting in other

Words why some people can gain weight very easily or why some people struggle lose weight it can also factor in neat so if you’re like a low energy person then there’s a chance that you have like high levels of meat or something well no or is that low of levels I don’t know

If you tend to like tend to like move around a lot then you probably have a high level of need should I subscribe it’s up to you man if you want to see more of this if you want to see more of my videos then yes if you don’t then don’t

Now any mods that tell you where you last died uh well they have that in vanilla Minecraft you can just look that up I’m not really the mod guy I don’t know everything about mods I’m so skinny my ribs are always showing through my skin sorry to hear that

Yeah that always comes down to like you’re not eating enough obviously I mean I don’t really need to tell you that I’m sure you’re aware of that when people can’t gain weight they’re not eating enough it’s like oh why am I so small what and

They try to go to the gym to fix it but that just makes it worse because you’re expending more energy but no you have to you have to eat eating is so important for gain weight oh that’s what I love to do it’s getting a little annoying

I don’t know how I’m gonna get rid of all this water are you big gym guy yeah why are you talking about that because that was the subject we were on we’re about talking about gaining weight and stuff because we’re all about that that bulk season

Man it’ll be nice to go back on the bulk I don’t like not eating a lot but I do love there’s lots of love about it though you’re the guy that makes cool Minecraft Builds thank you can you say cheese uh I don’t know I don’t think I can I know that’s possible

Reading more proteins to hopefully add some but I’m mainly just the same weight and I’d like to have something physical on the physical side to show my efforts I’m good for you man love your bibs thank you I appreciate that you’re back welcome back Lenny craft is my first stream of yours

Welcome welcome sorry I joined late you better be sorry can’t believe you would joined late it’s so sad so disappointed PC 248 uh it’s seven um found your content yesterday over in Australia super cool idea I’ve got here thank you yeah I was surprised no one

Did it has done this yet but then I was like oh wait problem with that is or the reason no one’s done this is before is because it’s absurdly difficult to pull something like this off like not just like the actual like surviving but also producing the series and

And like setting up the servers and getting the player base and all that stuff like no wonder no one’s tried this before got a sponge or something dude if I leave my base people are gonna hunt me down so I can’t really go get those sponges

You eat until you’re full every time so you eat but yeah so yeah a lot of times people will eat till you’re full and then they’ll eat like they felt like they’re eating all they want to eat but they’re still like like too skinny like they struggle with putting on

Weight that’s the case with a lot of people some people it’s like the opposite but it comes down to a lot of different factors and you just gotta if if you’re looking to gain weight all it takes is you got you gotta stop yourself man that’s that’s kind of when it gets when

The bulk sucks is when you’re like eating way more than you want to but like you’ve gotta whether it’s for health or for getting muscle or something if you’re a lot of junk food but you’re skinny well junk food of course junk food is not going to sustain you it’s

Not it’s not a ton of calories it’s just empty calories the water is a pain yeah do you do YouTube shorts yes I do same videos there though except the videos are slightly longer on Tick Tock but there’s also the long forms on YouTube so the doctor is concerned you need to gain

Weight or you’ll die relax so that sucks I hope you get better yeah well um gotta get on that bulk baby let’s go take a break oh we should maybe I’ll like pause the stream go eat and stuff and then stream again because I want to do a lot of mining

It’s gonna take a while it’s gonna take a while I mean what I expect um it’s been broken your whole life been working out for nine months and you’ve lost about 25s and you’re on day 35 75 hard well good for you man it’s good stuff what are you reading

Bro why are you telling me to take a break do I say I need a break I mean I probably should but take a break to keep my eyes healthy yeah I probably should #take a break the coefficiency is crazy well it’s not that crazy or I’m not doing that much coefficiency

I mean I have like infinite calls so I don’t really need it I bet his left hand is in pain right now my left hand is not in pain I have a like a pad and everything to rest my wrist on I’m not switching to a chicken and rice

Diet you don’t need to a lot of people like think like oh I have to eat in a certain way to bulk or cut or anything you don’t you could it all comes down to how many calories you eat the whole like macros sure chicken rice they’re great macros but you could

Eat whatever you want really in bulk you can eat whatever you want and cut just depends on calories so and also of course how much you’re exercising of course but um yeah like you don’t have to eat healthy in order to gain or lose weight that’s

The kind of a lot of people’s mistake although of course I’d recommend it but even eating chicken rice that’s not necessarily super healthy gotta mix it up you got to get the various nutrients you need so if that’s what’s holding you back just I don’t know just you start going

To the gym or eating less if you’re trying to lose weight or whatever don’t let having to do it a certain way stop you I don’t know why are we talking about this on a Minecraft stream well it’s something that interests me and I care about so I guess it makes sense together

Uh the Discord was chaotic but I have ai what do you mean you want to add some so some kind of bulk just not massive arms dude a lot of people especially women or girls or whatever would be like I don’t wanna I don’t want to look like I don’t want

Like a bunch of muscle or anything or whatever I don’t want to look like massive and I’m like that’s literally not gonna happen like what you’re what you you’re worried about looking like for a lot of these people it’s not going to happen unless you’re like on steroids or something or if you

Worked out for ages it’s not like you don’t wake up one day and be like suddenly be like oh man I’m crap I’m like super massive like I wish that was the case I wish that happened but that’s not how it works it takes a lot of time and gradual

Strength training and everything and if you get to a point where you’re where you’re like I don’t want any more muscle than this just do that just like don’t uh just like maintain that’s all it takes like just don’t go crazy every time and then you’ll your muscle mass will

Probably stay the same because it’s muscle growth kind of comes down to intensity so if you’re like pushing yourself to the edge you’re probably going to gain muscle as long as you’re eating the nutrients you need to you um work out one time a week yeah I mean and

For people who are like well I don’t have to do a bunch of stuff like work out constantly just work out once a week I think I’m actually going to move to working out once a week because like lifting once a week at least but then exercising every day

Um because actually I’ve been listening to Mike Mentor a little and like the high intensity lifting and technically you only need to lift you only need to do really one set like 30 minutes a week once once a week for 30 minutes could be optimal for muscle growth

So and I want to try it so how old are you I’m 19. and I continue to play y’all probably I’ll probably take a break in a minute true bodybuilders eat a whole lot of calories not necessarily I mean um because actually if you bulk too hard

You’re gaining more fat than you are muscle there’s a way to do optimal you actually don’t need that much in order to bulk in fact a lighter bulk can be better because then you’re gaining more muscle less fat so easy dub yes okay Jacob uh what do you plan on doing with the

Trench um this is going to stop players from attacking me on doomsday I’m just going to slow them down that’s uh that’s facts bro but I think one set per week is Extreme and only worked for Mike menser because roid’s well roids are the same reason why people are saying I have the

Impression that you need to do a ton of lifts or a ton of sets or a ton of whatever because um you’re gonna need to repair my pickaxe I’m gonna go farm because the reason why people say do a bunch of sets and stuff is because

They’re like oh well well these big guys are doing it but then there are Androids and obviously so it’s based on people who are on road so like if you think about it like what Mentor was saying I it’s it’s super logical and that’s why I’m kind of leaning towards

Like I’m really interested in it is because it makes sense and even and I’m just gonna try it you know I don’t think there’s a harm in trying it at worst I like lose some muscle but then you know obviously muscle memory is a thing so it’s not the end of the world

So um it’s the kind of calories they intake but they eat a lot because when you get big it tastes whatever I’m not sure what you’re saying Minecraft Trend mod uh Trend mod would be pretty awesome that that would be that would be pretty epic but even for the meme I don’t want

To encourage people to do Trend because it they think it’s funny trend is horrible for you don’t do it you love this series thank you can someone tell me the address it’s in the description of the stream the server address the server IP can you can you shout out the country of

South Africa shout out to South Africa yeah that’s true steroids can have a massive negative impact if not taken smartly yeah you have to you have to get professional advice and everything if you do roids regularly get blood work all that kind of stuff because they’re gonna be dangerous

Yeah no harm Mentor is one of your favorite bodybuilders that’s good how do I access the description sorry uh zashco there’s no description on The Tick Tock you’re gonna have to go to the YouTube stream in order to check out the description so have you watched meg2 no

All right well I’m probably gonna go eat and then start streaming again so today is a double stream day you guys better be excited all right I’ll probably be back in like an hour or less all right see you guys

This video, titled ‘Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday’, was uploaded by PryorGaming on 2023-09-11 21:47:30. It has garnered 3502 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:43 or 10543 seconds.

This is day 11 of preparation for Doomsday in Minecraft. Our goal is to make this the biggest Minecraft series of all time and you can be a part of it. Come be a part of the series using the IP shown below! You can join on any device in any version. Except cracked clients.

**Doomsday Premise:** I’m streaming on PryorMC every day for 1 month to prepare for ***Doomsday.*** On the final day, I try to survive for 1 hour from ALL players trying to kill me for $10,000.

**PryorMC IP:** Java Edition: Bedrock Edition: []( Port: 19132

**Discord and Patreon links:**

**Purchase a HIGH quality Minecraft server** at an **excellent price:**

By using this affiliate link to get a Minecraft server, you greatly support the series and future projects. And can go play Minecraft with your friends 🙂


Key Words: (Ignore all this) Doomsday Minecraft Doomsday Doomsday IP Doomsday Server 1 Vs 1000 Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Battle Minecraft War Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Civilization Simulated Minecraft Simulation Minecraft Series Minecraft Assassins Minecraft Survival Minecraft Hardcore Doomsday Bunker Secret Minecraft Base

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  • Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!

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  • INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥

    INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥Video Information YouTubers be like Minecraft but if I see an endermite the video ends all right so we spawned in the most normal spawn ever okay we got to make this more interesting oh my gosh no way we spawned in a cheese biome this is so awesome all right I don’t even know why I did this let’s just get out of here okay let’s just go to creative mode oh my gosh no way is this an obsidian biome I haven’t seen one of these in Forever ooh a chest oh my gosh how convenient I got… Read More


    🔥HOTTEST JAVA MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI!🔥 JOIN NOW!Video Information हेलो मोक्स प्रो भाई लाइव आ तो गया आ गया ब्रो लाइव आ गया अच्छा तुम भी लाइव हो ठीक [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] गा जल्दी जल्दी से आ जाओ मेरे फोर की वाचिंग अच्छी है [संगीत] अरे सही है ब्रो मेरे में तीन की आ रही है गा जल्दी जल्दी से जवाइन कर लो यार माफ्ट का न्यू सर्वर र सो रहा है गा जल्दी जल्दी लाइक एंड सब्सक्राइब कर दो और आ जाओ जल्दी से जल्दी जल्दी जवाइन कर लो गाइस इसमें तो मैं ही खेल रहा हूं और कोई खेल नहीं रहा नहीं भी नहीं इस अंदर… Read More

  • UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixel

    UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick’, was uploaded by UnWarmed on 2024-03-23 09:52:14. It has garnered 14632 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick #minecraft #hypixelbridge #pvp Discord : Background Music : Dancin is What to do ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains… Read More

  • “I’M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱” #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagic

    "I'M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱" #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagicVideo Information I’m so tired of everyone saying S&P servers are so boring like that’s just not true on mindwave you’ll never get bored we have custom armor hundreds of quests and an amazing community and the best part is that we’re available on all devices so come join today This video, titled ‘I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-05-19 15:00:38. It has garnered 10625 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts… Read More

PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday