Rattle – SWEM: Narcissism, bad management, lost passion

Video Information

Horse games are cursed that is just a fact of life if you have not been in the horse gaming world you will not appreciate how lucky you are that your game is actually being released that is a rarity horse games Star War equestrian mod or Swim for short was a mod that was

Being developed for Minecraft that was supposed to be the ultimate equestrian mod however due to poor management and a sudden change of heart the mod is now foundering and stands on the brid of Simply Fading Into Obscurity and I am sick and tired of this it’s like horse

Tales wild shade equestrian the shame can we get a break please that would be lovely in today’s video we’re going to be taking a deep dive into swims behind the scenes exms and exors have very kindly shared their stories and we’re going to be looking at all of them the

History and ask ourselves just why the answer is for those who don’t want to watch essentially Miss management sheer arrogance of the owner Hannah and how that arrogance essentially choked the project and finally sent it to the point of a slow death we got a lot to cover

But it’s best to start at least where it makes sense with theme mod itself however before we do get into that I would like to thank froggy for helping me out with some screens and all the EX moderators and ex developers who decided to contact me I sincerely appreciate

This and I hope you guys are happy with the video and of course my coffee supporters for being more awesome than a good lovecraftian horror game which is about as rare as a good horse game I’m not even kidding let’s get into it Minecraft for the of you who might not

Know is a survival game from mayong games which was launched in 2011 and stands as one of the most popular survival games to date the game is Limitless in its application and is often modded or given to plugins to players to give wildly different experiences to the base game the key

Component to these mods is that they are usually free mostly because these are being made by fans or passionate people who want to make something fun for Minecraft or aiming to better their skills in development and modding now browsing on curse for a place to up

Upload and share mods for a wide variety of games including Minecraft we can see that many of them are free and easily accessible these mods are usually focused on single player experiences whereas if you want to have a server experience you will have to find a

Server that hosts the type of plugins or mods you’re looking for which is where equestrian mods and servers come in since the Inception of horses into Minecraft Tech saavi equestrians have taken the time to try and turn it into a good horse game A Blocky good horse game

Which is why I don’t play it pinecraft equestrian being an excellent example of one such server equestra fun and equation are both also St longstanding servers with excellent plugins and mods for equestrian Gamers but in 2020 during the lockdown era our hero Hannah also known as alahar and honor say that three

Times fast felt that these were not adequate and so she started to plan out the swim mod on the 17th of May of the same year Hannah was not much of a modder by her own admission so she had to hire people to help her realize her

Dream one large part of this dream included Lucy not a developer but a horse she had to leave with her parents when she quit her job during lockdown now Lucy was still hers but she could not afford to keep her close by anymore so the mod was also a means to finally

Get her horse back yes this is a very important point to the story and the slogan for the mod for horses for equestrians for Lucy was born now Hannah would go on to create create a Discord to get a community going and a few people would join in to

Help out and get things started Hannah would very quickly start pushing these couple of members to bring in more members into the Discord she had a patreon set up by this point and it was going very slow overall the mod took time to pick up but Hannah was very

Adamant in pushing players to bring in new members and to push people to give her money Hannah would get a new job on the 29th of August 2020 despite this on the 21st of September she would ask for financial help she couldn’t pay for another Dev out of pocket because she had

$183 to her name by her own admission why she didn’t just wait for 9 days to get her a paycheck and then look for someone is because apparently she’d already lost her job again however two donations would roll in on the same day and the project was saved Hannah would

Also host invite contests however this would prove to be a double-edged sword as people would start to complain about spam messages which is something I could have told her would happen however on the 31st of December 2020 they would announce the first release date for the first version of swim 22nd of April

2021 this was met with a lot of excitement and the supporters were very happy at this point as the mod was going at a steady Pace the support was wonderful also if my voice sounds absolutely awful it’s because I’ve been sick for two weeks okay moving on it is now a good

Idea to talk about the three versions of the games that were supposed to be released version one is the bass version and the one currently available it was supposed to have a survival aspect with horses the survival aspect was a little wonky though for a few reasons one was

That you had to craft your own horse which was a little odd and took away from the survival aspect however this would change with few further updates when they would add the wild horses the other problem was that you could very easily acquire high quality armor which instantly ruined any sort of survival

Aspect the reason given was sort of we want to ensure that everyone can play the problem is this killed any sort of challenge however this would still be early days and this would obviously be fixed at some point so people weren’t too unhappy about this now the version

Two of the game would add disciplines genetics FS detailed breeding more horse breed models ponies and raft and then version three would add flight mythical creatures Alicorns Pegasus unicorns Etc in 20121 there would be some interest from the YouTube Community with just pachy and even Abigail pin Haven both

Making videos about this up and coming mod and also zap sorry for missing you there buddy just pachy would go on to become their marketing division often making videos this new attention would propel them to 4,000 members and over $500 of patreon income alone this would not include the extra money that was

Being sent into Hannah’s personal bank account which was specifically meant for her according to this lovely post money sent to swim when swim money that went to Hannah went to Hannah however despite this Good Fortune they would miss not one but two deadlines the first being

22nd of April and the second being the mini swim server which just never opened but they promised beta testing application soon which at least did come to fruition however none of these extensions really concerned the fans who were Beyond supportive of the project 2021 ended with a message from Hannah

That she had found her place and her passion and that she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else this statement would bite her in the ass 2022 started with 7,000 members and a $750 on patreon which meant Hannah could work on the project fulltime according to her now on the 1st

Of March 2022 Hannah would make an announcement stating that the beta version would finally be available but it would cost a total of $25 this came out of the blue and the backlash was pretty pretty mild no one really minded and they supported Hannah quite happily just a quick addendum here

I was told by one of the people who worked on the project that the beta virgin was really a very simplified version of what was initially promised but even despite this the people were still very supportive of the project and didn’t give Hannah a lot of trouble

About this but yeah this quote unquote beta version was very simplified in comparison to what they had been promised from here the Discord continued to grow with them hitting 10th th000 Discord members in May and Hannah giving yet another release date this time the 21st of September 2022 then on the 3rd

Of September 2022 Lucy passed away this was of course a shock to the community causing Hannah to remove herself for a few weeks to recover however despite this tragedy they would push on and release swim on the 21st of September this would mean that players would now

Finally play the mod although there was still no official swam Minecraft server which meant the game was a single player mode except for the playing testers who could play on the VIP server and in short the mod had become openly free to play however public servers were not up

Yet and it did appear that they were trying to get money back via server possibilities but yeah this was something a little different the work on swim would begin to slow down and Hannah would make a post about this noting that their main Dev was being overwhelmed by

University and then the Infamous nword incident happened in March of 2023 in the EQ MCC Discord which was meant to be a sort of hub for equestri and Minecart servers Hannah was trying to explain that you can’t control the nword usage outside of their server however instead

Of censoring the word she used both versions of the word openly now this was all said in a private discord’s Channel specifically for staff members so it was supposed to possibly sort of stay privati however shortly thereafter screenshots of the statements were leaked on the main Discord I hear you’re a racist now

Father but Hannah didn’t really seem to care about it until about 3 weeks later she only then made the announcement when people started talking about it this would be the first time she would receive honest backlash some people even went so far as to say that if she was

Never called out or the n-w situation was never revealed she would never even have addressed it and never have apologized however despite this extremely long statement she never took responsibility for the usage of the word and never actually admitted wrongdoing this is where Discord members started to

Move away from the project in Anger along with volunteers many YouTubers would also stop promoting the mod out right and so the interest in the project started to wne now from here on out the updates of the mod slowed and then on the 28th of August 2023 Hannah would

Make the announcement that swm was shutting down but the announcement was not very clear on one hand uh she was stating that the work would be slowing but on the other she was still encouraging people to donate money and I quote as much as it may hurt to say swim

Shutting down many of you have been with me since the beginning Through Blood Sweat and Tears I’ve given my absolute all to this project for the past two plus years through highs and lows Joys and suffrage I’m a completely new person than when I started I have learned all

That I’m capable of and I absolutely proud of what swim has become I never thought my passion project would be this beautiful every job gives you two things income and education swin has given me barebones income but it always supplied me with Incredible learning opportunities well it hasn’t for a while

Since Lucy passed it has been hard to keep my heart in the same place it was I simply can’t do it my life has changed since the start I’m being offered job opportunities I found that love of my life my health has improved my quality of life has improved I’m with family

Again this just isn’t the place for me anymore look what’s been made of what was supposed to be a little test of my skills I just want to point out that she didn’t have any skills I’m 25 and I have places to go things to do people to be

With simply put I’ve outgrown this place and it’s time for me to go the community has been a beautiful thing to see grow all the way from one member to the 20,000 we have we’ve created and enjoyed such beautiful things you’ve donated to a wonderful project of all of us

Volunteers I hope from the bottom of my heart that swim is enjoyed for years to come at this point in time it is an absolute mess there is a lot of bugs and a lot of problems and it’s it’s a bit of a mess at this point and they didn’t

Deliver on like half of what they promised so it’s um yeah it’s probably not going to be enjoyed for a long time if we keep gaining income I’ll keep putting it towards development and bug fixes the project won’t shut down completely till we run out of money

Never if need be which is kind of where a lot of the people’s frustration and confusion is coming from if you’re going to be doing this then maybe you should um just shut down the project completely but that is not what you’re doing you have decided deliberately to keep this

Thing going kind of like on life support so it’s it’s just really frustrating everyone’s just kind of standing around the bed slowly watching this thing die I won’t be focusing on Sim anymore as I’ll be taking taking one of said jobs and focusing on my life on living my life

Away from my computer I am me though I can’t help but build and create and do things seemingly impossible Here’s a thought how about you do the possible before you try the impossible and actually finish a project that would be nice keep a lookout for my name I’ll pop

Up again somewhere I thank you all for such a beautiful thing as this project has been to me with heartache and with relief I’m happy to accept my work is done this is me signing off for horses for equestrians for Lucy all right so yeah you didn’t finish

Your job though you and like the first question that a lot of people immediately asked was why didn’t she just put it over into someone else or why didn’t she just hand it over to the community I will be getting into that briefly but for now I want to discuss

Something a little different the finances is a big thing that a lot of people actually want me to talk about but but it’s an extremely difficult thing to actually discuss it’s a lot of guess work and as a result it is very difficult to determine exactly where all

The money went but here is what we do know coffee got around 10,000 coffees if we take that at $5 per coffee we get around $50,000 in total for patreon I used this chart I went ahead and counted up every month they made money and I came up with a total of

13,843 the highest I ever went for patreon was 1,6 57 more than double the amount that Hannah would need to work from home so honestly they were making more than enough this would also be around this time that they would switch over to coffee so we do see a huge dip

But yeah they were making a lot of money however we also need to keep in mind that all of this does not include Hannah’s personal PayPal we have no way of knowing how much she made on that as well but the minimum they probably made on this project was around

$63,000 now I spoke to someone who had some insight into the finances that they didn’t know everything but here’s kind of of what I figured out in total they spent around $224 a month on hosting a website on servers Discord Nitro and Google Drive we also know that an admin was paid at

Some point but we’re not sure how much exactly and that one of the developers was compensated via curse Forge but another developer was actually paid I believe $1,400 for around a year however we don’t know all of the expenses and we don’t really know how much was spent on

The project nor how much Hannah was making extra on the side so it’s a very difficult situation to kind of you know draw a conclusion on what I can say is they were making more than enough at one point at least so I’m not sure why Hannah was complaining so much however

What we can say is they did make a tidy sum and if anyone has any further insights into these finances please just let me know I would be very happy to learn more so the other issue we have is that most of the people who worked on this project project did so voluntarily

Meaning that a lot of work was done out of the goodness of people’s hearts and this is kind of where the largest issue of this project actually lies the development of swim was interesting to say the least I’m going to try and tell a few different sides to development as

I feel there was a lot going on behind the scenes overall the general consensus was that Hannah was very difficult to work with due to her perfectionism and unreasonable deadlines essentially work was constantly sent back over minute details this coupled with Han having very little knowledge of either modding

Block benching or development resulted in most likely slowed production and caused people to become very frustrated with her as one person tells when I joined as an animator X the previous animator who had created the vast majority of the animations you see in the mod today had quit due to severe

Burnout and he too left the swam server I was then the only dedicated animator and shortly after joining Hannah began to implement the different breed models unfortunately her blockbench modeling knowledge was not not that great and in creating the new model she broke all the previous animations my job then became

Redoing all of x’s work with a deadline of July at one point the new model was only made in March to April alongside that stressful deadline Hannah was constantly praising the previous work that X had done asking why I if I could fix the animations instead of remaking

Them fresh but due to how severe the damage to the pivots was fixing them would take a lot longer it was disheartening to put in so much work to the animations and always being told how much better X’s work had been it gets a little worse though according to a few

Sources Hannah would tweak work and then claim it as her own and I quote Hannah definitely had a sense of inflated ego in that regard and used her own work as standard despite not specializing in any of the field she controlled Z left shortly after because modeling for

Hannah meant putting in a lot of effort to follow her specifications for her to take the model tweak it and claim it as her own the swim horse is as it stands now not her own work and was instead a collaboration of different staff members but credit goes solely to Hannah end

Quote furthermore as a volunteer you were expected to work basically a part-time job with no pay or rather the pay would be perks in game which of course will not be realizing now you were assigned tears depending on how much work you did and those who worked

More got more perks which is even worse when you think about it people who put in a lot of work are now just Plum out of luck because Hannah has now decided to go live life and then we have the nail in the coffin for the developers

Which came in the form of Moet being fired for a very little good reason in moet’s own words I wasn’t getting paid because I had joined the project as a volunteer and Junior Dev I knew she had talked about compensating our longtime lead Dev Legend and I was completely on

Board with that he had built the majority of the mods from the ground up and definitely deserved it the project had had a couple of other devs fleetingly and as far as I was aware they had never been paid either I fully believed that she was never actually

Going to pay me and only said that she would when she confronted me in order to make me feel bad or guilty quorus the dev she hired on 100% has more moding experience than I do and had we both been paid I would definitely say that he

Would deserve a higher wage than I it was the fact that she had hired him without so much as a message to me I was really the only one working on the mods at the time as Legend was on a break for school and she had me working on three

Mods at once I was pulling nearly 20 to 30 hours a week trying to get things done by her deadline of Christmas a deadline that was not well communicated on top of 8 hour school days in a very physically and mentally demanding program and an almost 2hour each way

Commute for her to hire pay another Dev and announc it in a public Channel demanding I hand in everything I was was working on as if I was a truant grade school kid without so much as a conversation or even a heads up first and zero indication that I would

Possibly be paid also was a huge slap in the face yeah no I totally agree I would be freaking out if that happened to me however for those of you interested here are some highlights of the argument between Hannah and moed which followed after Hannah had made the announcement

At moed we are commissioning a DA to try to get LM and DM done by Christmas can you please push your changes and up update me and the docks on what’s left moth fet oh yeah no that’s cool not like I’ve put in a ton of work and countless

Hours only for you to pay someone else to finish it DM is almost done I’ll update them when I have time after classes today glad to know you value my time so highly actually you know what why should I bother I’m sure he can figure it out it’s not that complicated

If you’re paying him I’m sure he’d love the extra work at this point in time I believe Mo fet’s developer tag was removed and they asked what the heck was going on and of course Hannah replied concerning your messages in swlm swdm Channel earlier today and a lot of other

Actions of time it’s time we have a talk a long talk where you don’t yell at me or think you have the right to challenge every decision I make but one where you sit and listen you’ve done a lot of talking challenging criticizing sniping and hypocritically demeaning a lot of

People and I think we need to come to terms with exactly where we stand I’ve been quiet for a lot of this not because of being incorrect or because I don’t have my team’s backing but because your ability to change given critique seems to be very low that’s partt calling K

Black whether you can’t or don’t want to that’s your deal but it’s obvious it’s not happening your indignant replies to tend to be self-righteous and you hurt me even if no one intended harm at any or even made an action to be considered to able to harm without considering did

I do something wrong or how do they feel or what did I do to make them respond that way that was a weird sentence that’s your choice of behavior but I’m done being silent you can scream and cry and blame me for this message that I’m forcing you out and that’s fine your

Emotions and your skill I don’t possess you can and will be replaced of your behavior retains its level of Intolerable I don’t want to replace you because you have a friend group here and you seem happy to be here on the normal day I don’t know what your real in real

Life is like but given you seem to spend all your time online with us I worry for your mental emotional and social health to lose your entire volunteer job hang out place and friend group all in one go I’m assuming given past experience that you’re going to take this as patronizing

However I urge you to suppress that I actually have to stop for a moment it’s like wow again I never mean harm and I’m messaging you for you not for me or swim or anyone else however that does not mean I will be gentle I’m going to be

Frank with you because I think you need to hear it and hear it straight as much as it hurts I’m talking for the vast majority of us who confirmed backing whether they’re willing to be honest about that if you ask is another thing but most of all they are

Non-confrontational which is why I’m the only one to come to you like this it is my job to speak for them when they feel they can’t speak for themselves enough prologue now to the main bit I just like the amount of arrogance in these statements I can’t even begin

To express this I’m sorry but it’s bizarre Hannah then proceeded to drop a 3,000 word message to mothed essentially tearing this person down from the ground up bringing up a lot of issues that they had with them but I’ll go through some of this but before I do that I would

Like to remind everyone that Moet was not actually being paid they were a volunteer helping out on a project and person that they believed in and this is how they were being treated first at the gate what started the downtrend was challenging my design decisions in Dev Channel while every volunteer and player

Has the right to question my choices and I welcome them to do so what you did was challenging you spoke to me like I needed to be on the defensive and it was my responsibility to report to you then you were on De team for measly 2 weeks I

Had been on the project for two .5 years and Legend over a year you spoke as if equal standing and as if you even had somewhat of the pull to be able to pull something together that was out of control when I mentioned I have every

Right to be concerned and you don’t have said P you flipped out upset because how dare I say such a thing how dare I state fact that you’re not of equal standing to the owner and Senior Dev who built the entire mod himself this is kind of

The trend that the entirety of this post goes I’m going to leave it up for people to read because it is absolutely insane the amount of anger and bitterness now she goes into a lot of details about things that happened things that upset her things that upset other people why

This person was not ranked up to a Cavalier I think that’s the way you pronounce it and it’s the thing that I find very disturbing is if you are a proper manager you should actually be addressing these things as they are happening you should not leave something

To grow to the extent that you can fill a 3,000-word you know document and then tell the person what you were having issues with these things should have been addressed immediately in order to avoid it to escalating but because it was never addressed it continued to escalate and this person didn’t even

Know that there were so many issues she continues into another section adding on to toxicity mentioning to hide things in code is an absolute disrespect and threat you know it I know it I’ve mentioned this before but you didn’t seem to get how seriously angry I was

And still am even as a joke trying to hide something in my project that you volunteer for is completely out of line so in this section Hannah kind of responds directly to some of the stuff that moth fet said in her message so mfet said oh you now that’s cool not

Like I’ve been putting in a ton of work and countless hours only for you to pay someone else to finish it her response to that was if lmdm PM was done 13 days ago as scheduled we wouldn’t be having to Shell out hundreds of dollars to an

Emergency Dev we have no choice to hire trust me I would love not to have to spend donation funds but all progress on swim in the public eye has stopped dead in its tracks and we can’t afford to lose their faith or be called a scam but

That’s what the funds are there for for the first thing is you’re supposed to be using it to you know develop swim so it shouldn’t be that much of an issue the other problem that I have with this statement is it is once again a volunteer so you know if you’re going to

Hire volunteers you’re going to have to understand that it takes time and moth did explain that they were very busy with University so you know it’s part of the of the of the threat you know if you’re going to have volunteers and you’re not going to use the money that

You’re getting in order to Shell it out to people who can actually do the work you’re going to have to be patient so the next thing at modfet said was actually you know what why should I bother I’m sure he can figure it out it’s not that complicated and Hannah’s

Response says you’re letting your emotions take over for the ninth time in public all of this work for a project we all love you’re going to let temporary emotions make you act childishly polling said work you already completed and are donating is in bad taste selfish and simply unprofessional and this entire

Message is not absolutely 100% unprofessional it’s again pot calling kettle black she’s very good at this so mfet said if you’re paying him I’m sure he’d love the extra work and she responds this comment is the most sarcas castic of them all the disrespect you seem to feel you can show is absolutely

Out of line you know that would be costing them headache they didn’t deserve and costing us donation money we are hoping to save up for emergencies and swim Investments for the sake of the project but isn’t this technically an emergency you’re having an emergency you

Should use the funds you know to pay the dev the other thing is you know this is an absolutely sarcastic comment and this thing of the disrespect you seem to feel you can show again comes into that absolute arrogance that this person seems to be portraying so there’s just

One little part I want to also touch on now to really tell you something you didn’t know if you didn’t act like a petulent child and public channels and pull your work this would have gone different if instead you politely gave your work you had been promising for

Weeks updated the docks you were supposed to update weeks ago and went into my DMs to quietly ask to be reconsidered for payment I would have said yes see if you can hold yourself together for just long enough to act professionally and investigate right after I checked the work you turned in

You were going to be offered a paid contractor position too whether you dm’d to ask to get paid or not despite all of the above issues and gripes and irritations I wasn’t going to hire outside devs and ignore the fact that you worked many an hour and you’re as

Dirt poor as I am granted you w’t told this before but given the above it all hinged on just once if you handled it well it would have ended well it was a 25 to 75% chance that you were going to either recognize the situation and your

F alternate or again blame me for your shortcomings so this whole thing is absolutely manipulative she probably would not have paid this person if she had planned to pay this person she would have DMD them and let them know hey look we’re going to be hiring a different Dev

For now but don’t worry we’re going to be planning on paying you as well we just need to get someone to get the work done quickly for now though just be patient and just give us the stuff so that we can move on there’s a lot of

Nicer ways it could have been stated but the way that Hannah handled this was absolutely unprofessional and ugly and just just if you had problems with this person you should have spoken to them long before this blowout this is just oh ugly so another point that I want to

Make is she says this line here uh I’ve said multiple times adults don’t confront other adults because they are adults they simply go quiet and walk away this is absolutely not true adults are adults because they have the mental capacity and I’m able to confront someone and tell them hey look I’m upset

With something if you ever have been in a in a in a work situation you will understand it’s very easy for someone to woke up to you tell you hey I’m not happy with the way you’re doing things let’s do it somewhere else this is just

Once again I’m saying this a lot but it’s so ugly and so unprofessional the final line that she has here is your response will heavily weigh onto my decision of going forward please take time to respond how you wish it’s so threatening and passive aggressive this person has absolutely no self-awareness

So obviously Moet was extremely upset by this they apolog oliz they said that they need to get a level head to write up a proper response but they do apologize they said that they wanted to do the DM for a Christmas surprise but you can clearly see that Moet is very

Upset by this entire situation which is right I mean these things were never brought to her attention for a very long time so obviously anyone would be extremely upset and then and finally Hannah says all material was shared with admins and a vote was held we have

Decided that there is no longer and will not be a place for you here at swim reasonings given for Behavior covered maybe 10% the rest remaining unexcusable your time is well appreciated and credits will be respected of course without question I wish you well and good health I’m sorry to hear that

Hannah I hope you find and get the help you need best of luck for the future with swm I wish you and the team nothing but success and then she says something which I think deserves a medal you want to entertain the idea of speaking to a psychologist about the possibility of

Narcissistic personality disorder that isn’t meant to be an insult it’s not your fault your brain may be wired differently but I do genuinely worry for your health and future if you don’t get proper help the signs are there Hannah and the evidence lies in the way you

Speak and act not always with ill intent mind you but you’re not the Martyr that you perceive yourself to be I’d like you to consider them your quality of life and personal relationships could be so much healthier for everyone involved I absolutely agree with this statement from Moet I do believe Hannah

Is possibly just plain and all narcissistic the way she responds when she feels threatened is bizarre and very over the top but yeah good for you moth fet just get a little jab in there but the entire story is a very sad one of betrayal and just shows how bitter

Hannah is when things aren’t going her way however another Creator had even more to chime in just pachy who had actively promoted the game and was their marketing division said this I started volunteering for Hannah in late 2020 and at first was very hope ful the community was small welcoming and underdeveloped

To the point where I could see it grow which was a big deal for me coming from past toxic communities I was finally excited to be part of something great soon after I started I began to notice the inconsistencies within the project and within Hannah her ego out did her

Own leadership she would let her own toxic mindset lead others meaning she’d look at how she could outdo so many other mods or servers than making her own unique experience my job which was helping with marketing consisted of helping with creating content and managing media Hanah attempted to bring

On people to help but nobody really stayed and I could see why volunteer applications went unanswered or rejected for poor reasons things were set behind backs when nearly all of us were adults and working for free and it soon felt like a sinkhole of lies and the image of

A passionate horse mod was Now overshadowed by something evil almost all of my projects which I spent hours on were sent back to me with edits to be made some understandable others tedious and outrageous think things like font changes centering text that wasn’t centered high quality Clips rendered

With hours wasted it became a full-time job for me balancing the media and also in real life projects eventually I saw a lot of my hard work go uncredited or ideas to help promote get changed to something completely opposite of my suggestions after I departed from the

Team which wasn’t an easy decision after me being there for a little over 2 years I was shown screenshots of things said about me whilst I was on the team behind my back throughout my time on the team there were many things said about me that uprooted all of the happy memories

I had with my time there whil as I’m grateful for my time there and the things I’ve learned a lot of the problems could have been avoided I do hope that all of the volunteers included can heal as they shared their work with a passion that was ultimately taken

Advantage of and twisted to something so much worse pachy really summed up the entire situation the fact of the matter is Hannah just handled this entire project very poorly now this could be due to narcissis her ego or whatever it could be but we see the end result of it

She simply Shrugged off the project and moved on with her life because at the end of the day that wasn’t really the important part never the project it was really only ever about Hannah and that’s kind of where projects usually fail when the focus is wrong it should always be

On the project never on you now this wasn’t the only instance of people being unhappy with Hannah’s management Riley a user who had worked on this project as a volunteer for a while would write up a letter of resignation when she felt unhappy with the situation in swim and I

Quote recently though it’s felt like the staff is getting further and further apart staff are left out of the loop of important talks not to mention some rather rude trash talking about other staff members behind their backs which I don’t think should ever be common practice I’m finding it harder and

Harder to trust staff what I do or what I say is going to be talked about and ragged on behind my back it’s like we’re all in high school again clicks here clicks there and C to P around there was little accountability within staff that hasn’t hasn’t been taken when several

Circumstances arise where it should have been lower staff were not informed of important circumstances that they needed to and left to fend for themselves they were often bombarded with messages from people in Discord and left with no answers to give them which left for more messages and accusations and more

Problems in the long run this leads back to transparency calls no longer felt welcoming like they did at the start it feels like everyone is out to get you it used to be fun to get into calls work and spend time together I guess it’s because of the clicks you get left out

Or cast aside because you aren’t working on the same task anymore on top of that whatever work I did felt underappreciated simply because it was a task nobody wanted and left sitting there and I would pick it up to finish it it was never valued as a task that

Eventually needed done you were always compared to others who could do the job not against standard it was also brought up as a collective effort at least once back in December but nothing ever came of it it was brought up again when pachy left but again it was brushed under the

Rug then talking behind the back started up and started getting rather excessive it was never praise or concern it was rude thank you for the opportunity and friendships I have made while working as a staff for swim Hannah did not take kindly to this and of course responded

In her obligatory accusatory tone so I am not going to be reading this entire thing but it’s once again an entire blowout by Hannah just pure vitriol just so arrogant just so angry it’s very bizarre and it’s once again again in this situation of she cannot stand the

Idea of receiving any sort of criticism or receiving any sort of push back and it’s once again handled extremely unprofessionally I’ll be leaving these up for you guys to read so I’m going to be reading some parts of this because there was a response made to this particular post that Hannah responded to

With Riley so here’s some of the highlights your issue isn’t with the staff or team or how we function here it is with me I also know that this being public is an attempt at poaching star as has been reported a goal of yours just to be clear Hannah is specifically

Talking about pachy server which was pich’s Pixel place no I do not care to continue this in DMS we are not friends anymore haven’t been for a long time given the way you’ve treated me so I have no interest in reconciliation why should I trust you and talk to you and

Tell you everything when I know full well exactly where you’re taking it especially to people so toxic that they ride in the filth of hating other people you’re getting what you gave and there is no innocence here there is no equal handling of a situation because I’m the

Owner therefore I have to be power hungry money hungry prideful and who knows what else people label me as people expect the owner to be corrupt so I can’t resolve issues quickly and easily like I would if I didn’t have that role you weren’t cast aside because

Work it was because of the list of actions above you weren’t being compared to others and not standard I was trying to politely tell you that your work was valued would be used and paid for despite many jobs I paid you in points for despite me completely redoing them

Myself because they weren’t even close to standard but they weren’t up to standard so they would likely be replaced in time I was trying to not Blindside you if they were replaced so again I come back to the previous point if someone’s work is so bad that you

Need to redo it that is the point that you take them put them aside and say hey look I’m not happy with the way things are going how about we try something different that is the way actual adults handle situations they don’t leave it and then explode that is highly

Unprofessional and very childish she continues this started after pachy left you mean months after the trash talk server stealing of my processes and horrible statements made about me that are so false at sickening leaving wouldn’t make it better the damage was done and as long as you keep poisoning

The well it would never be washed away all of the above was a vile buildup but no striking reasons to fire you didn’t deserve it in a professional sense no matter how I felt about the toxicity leaking in towards me so it wasn’t done again you should have spoken to Riley if

You were having this many problems highly unprofessional um it’s like it’s like a mantra at this point to the staff reading this I am sorry this was made public this was posted publicly for reasons I expect to be sour your relationship with me with swim to

Distrust me and to have you leave here to a competing server if you want to Poison the Well publicly instead of handling personal matters personally then so be it if you had handled it personally beforehand this wouldn’t have happened if you had addressed situations and issues it wouldn’t have happened you

Are a very very bad owner and bad manager I see this as standing up for myself as I’ve had enough of people who have bad intentions abusing social politeness in hopes I won’t fight back does anyone else feel she’s extremely paranoid because I feel like she’s extremely paranoid but anyway so this

Was Hannah’s response to this whole situation with Riley resigning and then pachy who this entire situation is actually about they were actually talking about the pachy server responded because these posts got back to her and then she responded to Hannah and said hi Hannah I wanted to reach out to you

Personally as I was sent some concerning screenshots from someone within your team it was not Riley as she did tell me she was leaving so I asked that whilst I’m saying this you do not Target anybody firstly the words you spoke in light of my team was entirely inappropriate from the beginning my

Server has always been for members only and I was planning it before your VIP server even released but was in the dark about it the poaching comment was unnecessary the only time I asked some want to be part of my team was X and Y and I recently demiss them due to

Scheduling and some other conflicts the only time we spoke about swim team was in processing the incidents that occurred and it was for a short while before I realized that speaking of them only made the situation worse and only brought up bad memories for me and the

Others as you said in your reply this isn’t one-sided I have heard some pretty nasty things from some old friends that were on the team after I left and I always sort of wondered if it was a truthful repeat of what you said or attempting to make it sound worse second

I am not competing nor am I attempting to compete with you I do not have a team like yours and I never claim to my team has worked hard alongside me to bring this project to life and all I ask is that you respect it the same as I have

Respected yours if you want to view me as competition that is up to you but I ask you respectfully to not include your staff in the idea that my project is competition third poison I did not ask Riley to put that in your chat and the words poisoning the well were very

Poorly aimed I have not done anything purposely to make you or your team suffer and if you think I have then I would be more than happy to speak about it privately as adults just want to say yes this is exactly how you should be handling it if you’re an adult you will

Be able to handle it like an adult I have never asked any of my friends who still remain on the staff team to say anything or cause problems to rough up the competition I quote I do not own them and I will not claim them their

Comments are on them unless it is made in the name of my project or business fourth and final I do not plan to speak about anything publicly unless it’s spoken with my name first any public statements I have made have been professional and very specific to prevent any attacking of the team

Because I do continue to respect and talk to some of the team members all I ask is that you please keep the idea of my project and team respectful as I’m finding it difficult to do the same I cannot and will not force you to think

Differently as I I hope you do that on your own but I hope you hear my words and sincerity as I’m attempting to be respectful I’ve worked hard as have you and your team to make a space for myself in this world for the people I love and

Care about and it doesn’t feel great when someone questions the space with words like competition poached and poison thank you for reading Hannah would not get back to her and this is kind of where this situation ends I will say though that I can completely understand pichy and Hannah were pretty

Good friends at one point so it it should have been pretty shocking for pachy to find these types of comments from Hannah it’s just very bizarre again for me it shouldn’t be that difficult to contact someone and speak to them it is something that should be done between

Friends at the very least which is something that Hannah very quickly throws away in favor of her own ego from these statements and responses reactions and handling of situations the project was not handled at the best however to be absolutely Fair many people did support and defend Hannah saying that

Although she had harsh deadlines she had a lot of passion for the project and and she really did care but I had a chance to actually chat with Hannah herself and I will let you guys decide how you feel about her responses I’m going to run

This one a little bit off the cuff in order just to give my own responses and to keep it a little lighter here we go so I first sent a message which went hey Hana I saw that swim is going to shut down it’s a sad day for a lot of people

To be absolutely open I’m planning on making a video about this but before I do I would like to ask you some questions there are a lot of stories and rumors running around Regarding why it’s shutting down I would just like to clarify a few things let me know and

Thanks she responds with I heard you were looking for me I heard a few people were attacking swim in my character so I knew it was only a matter of time before you contacted me what questions do you have quite a few so we go back a little

Bit back and forth I asked her about the finances which didn’t really go anywhere and was absolutely Fair as it’s a bit of a difficult one to answer so here’s the first question that I would like to read out if we consider the situation as it stands now your post essentially boiled

Down to I have a job now so I want to go and do that people feel this is an abandonment of a project why did you abandon it she essentially just responds with every job gives you two things incomes and education swim has given me barebones income but it always supplied

Me with Incredible learning opportunities she has places to go and things to do simply put I’ve outgrown this place and it’s time for me to go so this was essentially her response to that so then I say I will follow up with the following question you’ve outgrown

It the people who put money and time into it did not why will you not sell and or hand the project over to people who are still passionate about it and her response is I’ve been dirt poor for 3 years sometimes so bad I was eating peanut butter on torella that day’s meal

Or a cup of dried mashed potatoes I’ve been abused relentlessly by people constantly bashing my ability my work and I love my project and now my health is better I’m with my family again I can get even a part-time job that pays me better than swim does with less than a

Tenth of one tenth of the abuse stress and time work for triple the income I found the love of my life life they may love my mod but I love myself more than to be trampled for the rest of my life my life is better now and the money was

Spent to the best of my ability and I want to live life now I have a right to do so was that I think it’s the sound of no one caring so then she finally responds to my original question and here we go so she says I will never sell I wanted to

Make swim such a success that I could buy Lucy a home in a real stable I can’t imagine giving it away either those who have worked with me every single day for two plus years have confirmed that no one can do my job like me to give it

Away would be to watch it fall apart this is like where I’m going to go in with the narcissism and arrogance this is beyond arrogant and narcissistic I’ve been offered an undetermined dollar amount any amount to keep swim developing I don’t know how much that would be but we’re shut down completely

It’s not as easy as flipping a switch back admins are looking for other work volunteers have said their goodbyes I’ve shut down many of our services resources again it’s it’s very easy to get that stuff back up it should take about a week to get everything going again maybe

Two weeks just to get a couple of people it’s really not that big of a deal my heart is moving on and my life needs to progress it’s no secret that swim has been holding me back from Life actively holding me down as I painstakingly and relentlessly work to deliver the best I

Could no one told you to do this you decided to do this by yourself I don’t know how I could stay on especially since all staff have been let go major progressions need stuff we didn’t have in the first place I don’t know if I could consider remaining on even if it’s

Just a side gig the lack of income on all fronts is one of the largest reasons we’ve shut down but shutting down was never a cash grab either if I remain on and get paid to do it I feel it would be like reopening as if the shutdown was a

Lie except in a considerably worse place without volunteers to help but you didn’t actually shut down because you’re keeping it open and accepting and still accepting donations so you’re lying here you’re not shutting down you’re still accepting donations so you’re still keeping it as a side gig for some reason

Or another we have had thieves try to steal our work before and I protect Ed viciously on behalf of Lucy and the other volunteers who donated their work open source is a threat to that protection it’s being considered but under lgpl maybe someday in future once the dust settles it’s again that

Arrogance like you can just give it to someone or like sell it make a quick Buck out of it and move on and just let the people who have put time patience and money into it actually get something out of it Oho is going to be a long one

We move kind of into the patreon situation why didn’t she shut it down she essentially says that didn’t want someone to copy the page and just make money off of it as I said that is extremely difficult to do so I kind of did some research into this there’s very

Little information about making fake accounts and then taking money that is essentially meant for someone else but it is absolutely against patreon policy so if these types of things happen they can actually be immediately reported so so patreon is very aggressive against these types of things it’s just very

Bizarre to be so paranoid about this now to to be fair it’s not something that can’t happen but it’s not that likely from what I’ve seen and I am honestly just getting the suspicion Hannah is just extremely paranoid in this regard just wanted to touch up on that I

Couldn’t find much about it but yeah it’s not something that happens a lot that patreon pages are made like this it seems to be a rarity so she’s literally being paranoid about something that most likely would never have happened so it’s pretty random I asked them about pause

Billing which is a function they could have used appar you have to keep PA billing doing it every month but in that case you should have just shut it down and taken away the perks and told people to go over to CI now this is kind of where the conversation goes a little

Strange but I say to her oh well then it should have rather have been cancelled entirely so that people didn’t continue to donate just one more thing why aren’t you just taking a break and coming back later so her response is that’s your opinion possibly referring to the you

Could have just canceled it not mine if they really wanted to that bad I will not stop them and I’d rather people not get frauded by a fake account that’ be set up probably the same week if I shut down Swim’s patreon Kofi down no that

Would not happen I plan to still do tidbits here and there if I can with my own paycheck if there’s enough in the account to pay for another de day from people who still have a little hope that I’m going to use it just like they intend it so you’re stringing on

People’s hope that’s wonderful another Dev day it’s not my responsibility to stop the public if they wish to donate even if they know it might not be used for a while it’s their responsibility if they choose to donate to cancel I am not their accountant and I think it my duty

To respect their donations to putting it in the project where possible humans have every right to do and to assist that hope so then she responds why she’s not coming back so here’s what she responded you want to know because I am damn sick of being audited by people who

Have accomplished nothing try to destroy Something Beautiful to feel important question my intuition and judgment on every turn despite phenomenal product produced challenge my character and Def face my name I am sick of giving my heart heart my soul and my all my love to those who consistently spit in my

Face fine I’m done I have a better life waiting for me that my family is begging me to live one where I can go out to eat and buy new clothes and not be locked to my computer for 16 hour day 7 to 6 to 7

Days a week I’m done I love those who were positive and sweet and trusted me just like I proved they could and I hope they enjoyed every animated pixel of swim every minute they can no they couldn’t trust you because you proved that they couldn’t trust you because

Just canceled the entire project they helped give me just enough of what I needed to go the extra miles I could but the road ends here I will respect donations till they stop 100% Till They till the Hope dies so again you are exploiting people’s hope in order to get

Money out of them despite the fact that you have decided to move on this is messed up like messed up I know what swim just stopped short of so much the public doesn’t even know we had in the work shutting down swim is killing my

Dreams too but it must be done I refuse to be routinely punished for being the very best human I try to be so it’s all about you it’s not about the project it’s not about the people who put in all the time it’s all about you it’s all

About you you you you you you’re the one that is the most important little Jewel in this entire situation no you’re not no you’re not people don’t give a damn about you Hannah people care about the project I’m sorry to say but the reason why you became popular was because of

Your personality or how nice you were or how horrible you were the reason why people quote unquote liked you was because you were producing a product that they liked that they wanted to see come to fruition that’s the only reason people cared and sorry something else

You say in that one post you are possibly going to start another project in the future why in the world would anyone trust you ever again you just blackened your name in the community blackened excuse me like the only thing I can ever accomplish in my life is to

Serve these specific people I am a highly capable individual if I choose to close this chapter and open another I have every right to do so they do not own me and then I respond with a highly capable individual who couldn’t finish a project because it was too difficult

And then she says what do you not get about 16h hour day 6 to7 days a week not being able to afford food or shoes why do you what do you not get about four to 5 months I cried every single night from stress trying to do my best I think it’s

The sound of no one caring I respond with I’m sorry but you say over and over again how awful people were to you here’s the thing that’s part of being online part of being a game developer of working on a project that starts out as

An idea and then I respond with her and yes blackened if you try anything under your name people will recognize you and they will remember you as the person who abandoned a project for very flimsy reasons and then she says I broke no promise I says yes you did the second

You made the promise of making a game and you didn’t that was a promise broken and not what promise one that asked for money and I said to her give it to someone who wants to do this project Justice and her response was no one can

We’ve already tried no one can do my job no one wants my job and then I said to her prove it prove it that no one can do it which she won’t do she says that I didn’t promise a game I worked on something I loved and they wanted to

Love it with me no if that was the case then you would not have taken money you took money which meant that you are being held accountable for that money you’re being held accountable for the fact that you are abandoning a project like onethird way through for very

Flimsy reasons and then her final thing what she says that kind of riled me up none of you own my skill my blood or my project they got exactly what they paid for the money was used to the best of my abilties till it ran out they got

Exactly what they paid for and not a penny more or less no they didn’t they got not what they wanted they got onethird of what they wanted and then I said to her oh button up and stop this and I say to her your arrogance is overwhelming Hannah it is terrifying I’m

Starting to realize why this project failed goodbye and then at that point we kind of blocked each other so that is my entire conversation that I had with her it really riled me up badly as you can see I will leave it up here every you

Can read it through if you want to I’m not going to be hiding anything and uh yeah by this point I really was tired of this so what can we make of this what I see from The Outsiders perspective is a person who was clearly far too arrogant

For her own good as the Project’s Fame and size grew the arrogance only intensified which had a KnockOn effect on the people working on the project those that believed in Hannah and supported her were all treated well anyone who dared contradict or called her out was quickly shot down and

Attacked the perfectionism created a bottleneck for the project resulting in work often being pushed back and deadlines being missed through these actions the project suffered and the bitterness and frustration from both volunteers and workers intensify to the point where Hannah decided she wasn’t in the mood for all the problem she’s

Caused anymore and bailed but unfortunately the end of the result of this is just another knock for horse games another knock for another project that went down the tube due to burnout passion whatever Hanah said that is really the Crux of it and a danger a lot

Of these passion projects run when a game is being made by a company we know a product must be procured for contracts to be fulfilled salaries are paid and expectations must be met but when a game or mod in this case is being developed by a small team of passionate people the

Chances for passion to burn out is an unfortunate reality there are no expectations not actual signed contracts to be fulfilled nothing to hold these creators accountable for their actions however a sword of contract was broken I told Hannah that she broke a promise the promise to produce a functioning mod

That she opted out of that promise and is now going on with her life and K holding people onto a line of Hope in order to ensure she makes more money out of the project because she really just wants the money and she really just doesn’t want to put in the effort by

That definition she broke a written contract with the people who paid money for something to be delivered and wasn’t but unfortunately we have to shle back to the risks we run when giving money to strangers for a possibility of something we might want all we can really do is

Remember people like Hannah and make a point of steering clear when she ever comes up with a new project and always be cautious who you back I

This video, titled ‘SWEM: Narcissism, bad management, lost passion’, was uploaded by Rattle on 2023-10-03 16:53:11. It has garnered 22036 views and 1683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:58 or 3478 seconds.

SWEM, the horse Minecraft mod has now been kinda-sorta abandoned. Ex-developers and ex-moderators had a lot to say about what happened with SWEM, and it paints a picture of an owner whose ego was too big for the game to carry.

00:00 – Introduction 01:29 – History 10:19 – Shutting down 13:56 – How much did they make? (I’d like to know) 15:55 – Problem Development 18:42 – Mothfet (Problem Development Continued) 32:44 – JustPeachy (Problem Development Continued) 35:19 – Riley (Problem Development Continued) 45:05 – Interview with Hannah 55:46 – Conclusion

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  • UneasyVanilla | Semi-Anarchy | 1.20.4 | No Hacks | No Reset

    UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not. IP: uneasyvanilla.com Version: 1.20.4 Website: uneasyvanilla.com Discord: Discord Community Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you’re seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pillager Invasion 2020

    Minecraft Memes - Pillager Invasion 2020Why did the pillager bring a map to the village? Because he heard they were low on supplies and wanted to help them find the nearest Walmart! Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: A Swift Fortnite Parody

    Minecraft Mayhem: A Swift Fortnite Parody In the world of Minecraft, we’re here to play, Crafting and mining, in our own special way. With diamonds to find and adventures to seek, We’ll conquer the game, strong and unique. Spitting on foes, with damage galore, In this virtual world, we’ll settle the score. Fortnite to Minecraft, a seamless transition, We’ll conquer them all with our gaming ambition. So let’s dive in, with laughter and fun, In this world of pixels, under the sun. With rhymes and emojis, we’ll tell the tale, Of Minecraft adventures, we’ll never fail. Read More

  • Creepers be like: ‘Hot Girl Summer’ 😂

    Creepers be like: 'Hot Girl Summer' 😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • The Ultimate Color Showdown

    The Ultimate Color Showdown The World of Minecraft: A Colorful Adventure Embark on a vibrant journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where every block tells a story and every color sparks creativity. Exploring the Rainbow Palette In Minecraft, colors play a crucial role in shaping the world around you. From the lush green of grassy plains to the fiery red of molten lava, each hue adds depth and character to the game’s immersive environments. Building with Style Builders and architects in Minecraft use colors to create stunning structures that stand out in the blocky landscape. Whether crafting a cozy cottage or a… Read More


    SHOCKING SECRETS REVEALED - FableSMP S3 EP 101Video Information last time on fa SMP was will not fake the grand opening of this fun cool casino that Fenris and oosi have been working on for quite some time finally came together and it was a success everything went well eil Ren I am so epe it well hi Olive uh it well and it went good and everyone had a lot of fun who got to come Ari showed up even though maybe she was a little apprehensive and it was just really Good Vibes by the end of it when they unveiled the grand prize for… Read More

  • IRL Friends Turn into Iron Man! Minecraft Challenge

    IRL Friends Turn into Iron Man! Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information [Music] what a nice day let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful well another day another walk huh uh what are these huh uh wao what um I have no idea what’s going on run Mikey get inside let’s hide wow what what is with the puppets the puppets weren’t about to attack us but I have a bad feeling okay I’m going to take another look what are they doing here they’re behind the house too let’s get back inside oh man why now why here oh a news alert it’s an emergency uh… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE XP FARM On Minecraft Bedrock!

    UNBELIEVABLE XP FARM On Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] Che [Music] [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] Che and This video, titled ‘EASIEST Mob XP Farm In Minecraft Bedrock/PE 1.20! (Xbox/PS4/MCPE/Nintendo Switch/Windows10)’, was uploaded by IUG PLAYS on 2024-03-17 22:30:12. It has garnered 260 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:01 or 421 seconds. best and easy xp farm in minecraft pe 1.20! (Xbox/PS4/MCPE/Nintendo Switch/Windows10) This farm works in Minecraft 1.20 and previous version.this farm gives better loot.you make more layers for best rates and loot. This video is a tutorial video. How make… Read More

  • “Minecraft Marketplace Pass: The Ultimate Game-Changer!” #marketplacepass #minecraftclp

    "Minecraft Marketplace Pass: The Ultimate Game-Changer!" #marketplacepass #minecraftclpVideo Information yes what you see here is a basic Minecraft player in a basic flat world with basic Minecraft blocks isn’t that right [Music] Billy do you long for a more exciting experience in Minecraft would you like the choice of different worlds skin packs textures and Creator items well don’t be like Billy because I have great news with the allnew Minecraft Marketplace pass you can have access to explore more ways to enjoy Minecraft with adventured filled worlds from themed quests set in Mystic lands to a survival experience overrun with Dinosaurs excitement and probably a little… Read More

  • Unleash Lightning League in Faqu Official Trailer!

    Unleash Lightning League in Faqu Official Trailer!Video Information This video, titled ‘TRAILER OFICIAL LIGA ⚡ RELÁMPAGO ⚡ | FLORUS NETWORK’, was uploaded by Faqu on 2024-04-24 22:50:51. It has garnered 36 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. Minecraft Server: MC.FLORUS.CC Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlorusNetwork YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCQAIhwDoNoCyCFUwim2tPvQ Store: https://tienda.florus.cc/ Discord general: https://discord.florus.cc/ Ts3: ts.florus.cc Etiquetas (IGNORAR) #MinecraftHCF #HCF #PvP #CWS #SKILLWARS #DN ⛔TAGS IGNORAR⛔ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2… Read More

  • Farfadox Becomes Minecraft Mod Owner! 😱

    Farfadox Becomes Minecraft Mod Owner! 😱Video Information Qué onda manga de nebros en este video vamos a estar jugando un mod que hicieron sobre creadores de contenido y vienen que hay referencias mías vamos a estar explorando el mod en su totalidad Aunque es bastante amplio hasta llegar al jefe final en las farlands Ajá así es hay un jefe final en las farlands Así que acá iniciamos un mundo nuevo estamos jugando en difícil y lo primero que encuentro es una estatua de mono referencia a la serie imperios obviamente vamos a agarrar recursos porque si no por dónde vamos a empezar bueno acá… Read More

  • 🔴 EPIC SoapMC Livestream – Join now to SNIPER fun! 🚀

    🔴 EPIC SoapMC Livestream - Join now to SNIPER fun! 🚀Video Information welcome welcome everybody the stream I don’t know how many people are going to really show up guess we shall uh find out I mean y you guys hear the background music oh not even playing all right let lock in welcome everybody to the stream think we’re good here hold on this might hold on give me a second chat oh all righty yo I love to join but it’s crazy late right now yeah I realized that kind of late cuz I’m on the Pacific time so like it’s like different like for me it’s only… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Stonebuilder’s EPIC Minecraft stream ϟ

    Unbelievable! Stonebuilder's EPIC Minecraft stream ϟVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] hallo Leute und herzlich willkommen zu diesem neuen Livestream hallo Aloe Vera Pflanze und hallo joglo und stonebilder Fan akami oder und hallo Hölzchen willkommen Stream hier und tofer auch junge waren hier direkt 1000 Menschen am Start okay vielleicht nicht ganz so viele vielleicht sogar auch noch mehr nee aber ja moin junge wie auch direkt alles voll ist im Chat junge hier Minecraft roblox hallö zusammen ja moin Ball Song mit Gurke wer auch immer Gurke ist aber cool heute um 20 Uhr bei mir lecker im se Server Eröffnungsfeier aber… Read More


    INSANE MGA Villa Start! YOU WON'T BELIEVE HIS REACTION!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Start In MGA Villa | MGA Troll Series | Minecraft’, was uploaded by AKS CRAFT GAMER on 2024-05-20 11:28:14. It has garnered 137 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. MGA troll series | Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay @Midhunflip @g4gaming2.O » Thanks for watching my video make sure that to subscribed my channel If you want to see this series from beginning → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1sxEnqfAwOo2JiBafpeMlel__q1DSH1G&si=eLlStZXTUQhb6WFI › Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aks_craft_gamer?igsh=OWx6Z2U5YWVkc3Q0 › Discord https://discord.com/invite/KZf8UGtnMZ › Whatsapp https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDvhJc23n3asuAGAc2h ====================================== My Specs Device : Realme 11x Ram : 8GB Storage : 128GB Headphone :… Read More

  • Onslow Network

    Onslow NetworkThings we can offer, a nice community, an SMP, A war server (wip) On our SMP we do our best to make it a chill survival experience with plugins like Voice Chat, Dynmap and more that enhance the survival experience. We do not include setting homes wherever you want, although you can /home bed and /back on death Dynmap: https://map.onslow.network Dynmap2: http://onslow.network:25569 (Use if other one is slow) Website: https://onslow.network We are currently looking for staff on the Minecraft Server. I am looking forward to see you on the Onslow Network! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/a5eJ33uxV3 onslow.network Read More

  • Kamacraft S6 SMP Modded 1.20.4 Whitelist Proximity Chat Squaremap Discord Events Custom Datapacks Europe 18+

    Kamacraft Community Why Kamacraft? I asked my regular players this a few days ago. The response was instantaneous and unanimous: the community, both on the Minecraft server itself and in the Discord server. absolutely the community, everyone’s so kind and nice always and it’s the first time i’ve played on a server that felt like an actual community instead of just vaguely familiar strangers who play minecraft together Kamacraft has been running for 5 years, always focusing on community, from providing a “welcome center” at spawn to seeking player input on decisions. A Bit More About Us We’re starting our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This is infuriating

    Minecraft Memes - This is infuriatingLooks like even Minecraft items follow the rule of “righty tighty, lefty loosey”! Read More

  • Optifine 1.20.6: Minecraft Magic, Download and Install Galore!

    Optifine 1.20.6: Minecraft Magic, Download and Install Galore! In this video, we dive into Optifine 1.20.6, With Optikai, the download fix. Iris + Sodium, an alternative to mix, Enhancing Minecraft with a new bag of tricks. To install, follow the Optikai link, And watch your Minecraft experience sync. Don’t forget to share the video, spread the word, Let’s make Minecraft even more absurd! Read More


    THE HOTTEST MINECRAFT MEMES 🔥 “Quando você está jogando Minecraft e seu amigo diz que vai construir uma casa, mas só faz um buraco no chão e chama de ‘casa subterrânea de luxo’.” 😂 #minecraftfails #amigoscriativos Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds & Community Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds & Community Fun! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an active and friendly community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine exploring a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build and expand your base to your heart’s content. Join us on Minewind and witness the endless possibilities of Minecraft come to life. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all levels of expertise. With regular events, competitions, and updates, there’s always something exciting… Read More

  • Train Factory Madness in Minecraft!

    Train Factory Madness in Minecraft! The Train Factory: ALLArthur’s Minecraft Adventure ALLArthur embarks on a new project in Minecraft, this time focusing on creating a Train Factory to produce thousands of train tracks for his expanding railway system. Join him on this exciting journey as he dives into the world of automation and industrialization within the game. Setting Up the Train Factory ALLArthur starts by setting up a waystone for easy access to the Pullman’s Mill Island, where he plans to build his Train Factory. After arriving at the island, he begins flattening the land to make space for the various factory buildings. He… Read More

  • Shocking Twists in Minecraft Twilight Forest Adventure! #77

    Shocking Twists in Minecraft Twilight Forest Adventure! #77Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi Kita Berada di Dunia Twilight Forest #77 #minecraft #shorts #twilightforest #mods’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-04-11 23:00:34. It has garnered 11542 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Mystery Minecraft : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay,dana,ovo,link aja) SOCIAL MEDIA : Channel ke 2 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source:… Read More

  • Exploring Secret Horror Tunnel in Minecraft 2.0

    Exploring Secret Horror Tunnel in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND HORROR SECRET TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by RICH MINER 2.0 on 2024-01-02 13:05:25. It has garnered 233564 views and 1902 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:35 or 1055 seconds. I FOUND HORROR SECRET TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT | MINECRAFT HORROR | Read More

  • STAR PROZ 55 – Insane First Word in Hardcore! 😱

    STAR PROZ 55 - Insane First Word in Hardcore! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘My first hardcore word 🤣 #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by STAR PROZ 55 on 2024-05-06 14:28:04. It has garnered 11243 views and 404 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. minecraft hardcore,minecraft,hardcore minecraft,minecraft hardcore lets play,minecraft hardcore survival,minecraft hardcore episode 1,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,minecraft hardcore survival ep 1,starting over in hardcore minecraft,hardcore,im starting over in minecraft hardcore,minecraft hardcore ep 1,minecraft hardcore ep1,i had the best start ever in minecraft hardcore,hardcore minecraft 100 days,we survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft My First Hardcore World in Minecraft 🤣 #short… Read More

  • Underground City: My Illegal Minecraft Village!

    Underground City: My Illegal Minecraft Village!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built Minecraft’s Most Illegal Village’, was uploaded by Majgo on 2024-04-15 18:58:08. It has garnered 287 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:00 or 1020 seconds. Ever since Minecraft released their most famous structure the village it has barely been through any new updates. So I decided to spend a huge amount of time rebuilding the village using EVERY single block in Minecraft.. Enjoy💙 Watch from the beginning: https://youtu.be/IwHTjK9JZZw Watch the last one: https://youtu.be/cfSHK7JyWtA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🐦 Socials: 🦃 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MAJG0 ▶️ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/majg0 ➽ Discord: https://discord.gg/XyJWh9JKn7 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This series is… Read More

Rattle – SWEM: Narcissism, bad management, lost passion