Ultimate Skyblock Adventure – Day 91 on Penguin.gg Server!

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for problem hello HOA and good afternoon no good evening good evening that’ll be the one evening it’s not so hard is it it is I CJ’s goose and well I have something to show you which is a little bit funny if I just remove these and then I come out of this um there are some servants here apparently there are servants here I don’t know what’s happened but um apparently we have servants and there are no servants but the work is being completed I have never seen this before it is brand new to me let me just put on to the chat that I am on the Stream okay let’s do that let’s also remove our vote Keys shall we while we’re doing this uh just see if anybody’s going to turn up oh it’s 13 why does it have to be 13 that’s a horrible number I think everybody’s um got other things to do it is very late today and one more um yeah so we have invisible servants we’ll just watch them for a few seconds while we’re just um cuz I might send an image to someone actually I just put in chat and see if anybody knows um does anybody body else have invisible cble servants oh yeah it’s actually easy with the chat thingy up see if anybody answers as per normal generally people don’t answer but we’ll have a look and see what happens it’s not looking like anybody’s going to answer NOP none of them come to my Island we have the most Pig spawners on the server I think I saw that earlier on I think they’ bought about 5,000 5,000 Pig spawners for some random reason yep nobody’s going to answer we just put it back on again just in case no it doesn’t look like anybody’s going to uh to acknowledge I might um send this first part of the video through to uh the Discord and raise a ticket because I don’t think the servant should be invisible I’ve never seen that before it started off with one started off with unopes and then I’ve come back on and mine is missing too don’t know where everybody is today we normally have a few people on here but it doesn’t matter we’ll just carry on anyway cuz some people will catch up afterwards um so have we got other the nobody’s there they’ve all gone the minions have gone too um oh thanks uh thank you um hang on text my servants and minions are working but invisible b i I don’t actually know it wouldn’t be under HP no now I think I’ve just turned them all off you can see yours uh thank you after stream I will send images uh video link two tickets in DC um yeah that’s um it’s quite funny no minions no servants but they’re working apart from DDs because DDS is not there um sorry don’t know what’s going on well I just just watch them for a few more seconds and then what I’ll do is I’ll after I finish the stream if they haven’t come back to work um I will send uh I’ll send a a ticket over to the office again because you know that’s the kind of thing that I have to do and it’s always tricky things and yeah it’s it’s just odd I don’t know why they’re not there it so I know that it’s started off with this one because I was laughing as um I’ve sent a message to Bob to say why is your servant invisible mine was still working and then I’ve just come back of I was sorting out some food and sorting out the children and everything and mine’s gone too and now the minions have gone roty look at this roty help what watch them just just watch I need help where are they what’s happened they’re not there they’ve all it’s like they’ve got invisible juice there’s supposed to be six minions and two servants Diamond duck is not there so his is meant to be invisible I don’t know earlier on I came on I was doing stuff and I noticed that Bob’s servant was missing but working and mine was still there I didn’t even think about the minions to be honest so I sent a Discord message to Bob to say why is your servant invisible and didn’t I was laughing at it and then I’ve just come back I was just chatting to you and then I’ve just realized that when I’ve come on a stream that my servant is invisible and then I’ve turned around a little bit and realized all the Minions have gone too where have they all gone I have never seen this before so you know what that means I have to send another T I have to send another ticket in I’ve already got two in there and one of them’s had to go to penguin again so they’re going to hate me so much at least I’ve got a video evidence I was trying to take some screenshots but it’s like how do you take screenshots of invisible stuff I don’t know so I thought I would do a video and then I can tag them into the video and they can see it I don’t know why are they not there are your servants there I just put in chat and apparently other people’s servants are there it’s just mine I don’t understand so yeah apparently my servants have gone on holiday kind of maybe I don’t know so or they just don’t like me and they want to see my face I mean what’s wrong with my ugly face where is the button there look what’s wrong with this ugly face look see I’m fine this this fine this face is probably better than the actual face to be fair that’s why we don’t do uh we don’t do video cameras um oh I would hate to have one of those um that is something that we won’t be doing you know when everyone says oh you got to do one of these no we won’t be having face cam no hello push buttons correct buttons no that okay not sure if your yours won’t be able to check until tomorrow afternoon oh well they probably be fixed by then if it’s if it’s a bug I mean it’s clearly a bug if I do that that might help um don’t actually know what’s going on I will um maybe I should just raise a ticket now should I raise a ticket now hold on oh no wrong button I can’t get out if I do that oh f11 let me raise a ticket now on another oh hang on a minute I just uh I just um accidentally did that on another note your second episode of your hardcore world is now on way on on I don’t know what I’m saying a weighty what is a wating don’t ask me what a wa is okay on a weighty they’re going to hate me so much I’ve already got two tickets in the other day I had to make an extra ticket while I was on the stream and now I’m having to make another ticket uh let’s go with bug report if I can put them all under different things they might know not know it’s me but they technically know it’s me cuz it’s the same people uh [Music] um it’s me again again again again sorry uh my servant un hope 12 servant and the six times minions are all working but invisible uh any idea I can give you a video link after my stream if you would like uh to to see them well not see them working thank [Music] you and sorry again there we go that we’ll have to do we’ll put that in um just like I’ve had to write so many tickets anyway so um yeah we we have raised a ticket to explain that the minions and the servants are invisible but working at least they’re still working I mean I I can’t be Grizzly with that okay well let’s just try something can we actually open the minion I mean the Ser I mean don’t open them I ready my fists hello no it oh but the block makes me move I can stand on the Block okay I can’t access the servant though okay that’s unfortunate what if I do that oh no I’ll be trapped I get the Block in the way and I’m W be a to get out no there’s no uh the block went uhoh did I break it did I break my servant I might have broken my servant I somehow broke the block it should have a block before that one comes back oh thank goodness okay right okay it’s safe don’t touch don’t touch the servants that are technically there but not there okay we’ll do that uh oh oh oh hi I can’t pronounce your name I’m really sorry oh no I can that’s not the problem that the problem is they are all here they are all working the servants are working the minions are working but they’re invisible and they’re not meant to be inv invisible go to/ servants and see if it does anything okay right let’s see so well I can’t do anything with bobs there’s not really a lot I can do because you no I don’t want to despawn my carrot thingy minion um because they’re working okay yeah it’s very weird oh Benny be Benny be I was expecting you to be fast asleep sleep and not here how are you did have you ever had invisible servants and minions and had to raise another ticket no I don’t want to collect them and put them back down cuz it’s funnier that they’re invisible um and then I can just show people that they’re invisible and it’s you know it’s fun and I don’t want to touch them cuz I might break them and then I break things and then I can’t have them back and I can’t do anything with bobs because that’s Bob’s one we’ll just leave them so did I get yours right it says all good I’m in your last breath is that your um your gamer taggy thing I’m I’m really rubbish at this I I really shouldn’t do streaming because I’m useless okay we’re just going to uh back away from the invisible servants and run over here and look at my nice things that around the corner um I’ve been I have filled these up a couple of times I’ve just been Oh I thought this would have been done by now oh maybe not that’s fine they I think they’re working it’s just that this one is much slower than the other one because I ran out of Sky coins again let’s see if we can just pop a little bit more wheat in there uh check you got first today on the leaderboard in mob kills wow um yeah I’m never going to manage that um hold on I don’t I can’t remember where the leader boards are they are in are they huh they’re in the hubit how do I get to where the leaderboards are I’ll go and have a look I can’t remember I never go and look at the leaderboards I’m never going to be on one so uh unless I can oh these are empty unless I can um get to the top five which I’d like to do you know that’s that is the aim if we ever get our act together but we will we we will that’s our problem it’s not a problem it we’ll be fine thank you for the likes on the stream and thank you for everyone that’s here sorry that it um you know it’s a bit jittery it’s uh um it’s just normal for me warp crates yeah that’s what I thought that they’re somewhere around there but then I thought no that’s wrong but no it is isn’t it I’ll go and have a look uh while we’re down there then we might as well do the keys so let’s do all these little eggs let’s get those sorted we’ll share out the keys and then we will sort ourselves out thank you for those little hearty thingy my Bobs if they were Hearts whatever those things are that move I really like those is there still more I can pop in no that’s it okay finally that was a lot let’s see if they’ve come back are you back nope um maybe I just need to shut down the computer and reboot it but I don’t want to do that it’s more fun that they’re invisible um anyway at least you guys can see that they’re invisible it’s not just my imagination right they’re not actually there and I’m just hallucinating that they’re missing but I can’t access that servant so that’s a that could be a problem but I don’t want to despawn and we’re just going to leave them working for now um so what do we got these are my vote keys and we’ve got another couple of books here let’s just leave those in there for a moment I did do a little bit of mob killing earlier on I’m now on looting level eight um I’ve got 357,000 kills which compared to most people um is pretty much nothing um have we got any eggs in the Overflow I don’t believe so oh I have three okay that’s similar to none and then if we go into the PV we’ve got a whole bunch in here we’ve got 13 there and another 64 we’ve got a bunch more vot keys those are the skin crate Keys we’ll leave those there I’ll just check and see if there’s any more eggs and we’ll just release all of these in one Heap and then sort out the keys and then we’ll pop down and we’re going and have a look at the leaderboard at the same time you think your mob kills are less oh well that’s that’s good oh we need to do the fishing dock don’t let me forget cuz I was already thinking about not doing it um Bob doesn’t have anywhere for the fish to go so I need to do it right so I’m just going to Chuck these all down no Oh I thought they were all invisible too I like no they can’t be invisible all right we need to just dump all of these I bet rotties are uh sorry uh Benny bees are high aren’t they Benny why aren’t you in bed fast asleep I thought you know it’s a bit late for you isn’t it was it like halfast 1 in the morning no halfast midnight get my time values correct um oh well I might as well just let this all tick over need to check as you need to catch up on that end and do lots of fishing yeah um I haven’t been doing what I need to be doing well I I have the thing is I’m trying to do too many other things just for a change I was thinking that what I could do for um have I got any tags here yes there are let’s just bin those straight away not the bank notes we want those that’s a tag note you can go that’s 10 tag notes there’s some more tag notes nope most useless things ever invented okay right so you not going all go in the bin Alpha hello bunny never sleeps what do you mean bunny do you mean Benny never sleeps or do you mean bunny never sleeps I don’t really sleep very much I’m getting better and I now have a a proper mattress which actually is not too bad I was a bit panicky when it arrived cuz it’s quite hard um and the children went on my bed and they’re like what is that that’s not comfortable thankfully actually when you lay on it is not that bad so it’s it’s not quite as comfortable as I wanted but I think it’s definitely better than what I was sleeping on so that’s good um right so so yeah Benny no it’s fine sorry um Benny you’re a bunny I have bunnies I have but no I don’t have bunnies I used to have bunnies uh okay like that yeah I know you don’t sleep a lot either do you uh right let me put that into there and then these into here so we we what are these ones cosmetic so we share everything I definitely share everything not always so sure that everyone else shares everything but I share everything and then we’ve got three grinder Keys one no that I’ve changed it to Donald Duck and Bob Bob Bob uh because um DD noticed that I changed he said what is this your tablet hates me well apparently the game hates me because my servants are all invisible um I’ll show you in just a second hold on um let’s put that one in there yeah right so I just got come fuff for a second what I’m trying to do okay right so that’s those and then these are all mine and then uh no we can’t go in there with a key these are more books that we need to do right here we go look there that’s what you do with servants these days so it just looks like there’s nothing there until everything starts moving like there look see they’re my wheat and carrot minions the bottom one on the left is my servant the bottom one on the right is Bob servant I can’t access my servant but you know we’ll just go with we’ll just go with they don’t they just don’t want to be seen you know maybe they’re having a bad makeup day or something we got some pet my computer being fixed no maybe oh I just may as well stop and go home um the I I speaking to sky today and uh my internet provider and they have decided it looks like I’m having um a lot of technical difficulties and therefore I should be able to have a booster installed of which I do not have to pay for which is really good news and so they’re sending me out an engineer tomorrow to have a look see if there’s something that they can do and then install a booster hopefully oh yeah they did that to start off with I’ve placed them this way because that was the way that they wanted to place if I remember rightly uh we’ve got three more vot ke there that’s fine and they’re kitn notes as a bank note they’re all Bank notes and silly tag notes hold on it’s bank note oh can’t it just stay on the page I want it to be on another bank note another bank note we like those and another one all right I’ll take those and then we’re going to go down and we may as well just um Mass pop these keys in and see if we get anything nice do you think we’ll get anything nice today no my luck it’s going to be something completely random so we’ve got 12 cosmetic Keys Grinders vote uh hold on they’re all vote keys there oh we got a mystical key as well we got mixture of everything here today and then we can go down and have a look at uh the leaderboard at the same time and see if we can see um who is it in your Last Breath Right leaderboards where are they what are they all having a snooze over there look at them lot what is this day someone just suddenly looked at me that was so scary I’m not playing anymore why are they like this today I’m not going anywhere near them um did you just see how they just suddenly jumped up and stared at me that was not nice ow now I just banged my elbow right where are we looking boss down mob kills oh you’re in third now what you did you say you you got first but you’re in third now you you’ve done 7,284 136 how many did I do 357,000 how how have you done that many 7 million this this guy’s done 12 million did your finger hurt mine would have fallen off okay the yeah routy that’s what I’m thinking no that’s boss damage I’m never going to get on that that list never no that is just um I’m never going to be on these lists okay let’s go and open some keys it’s much more um of what I can do um this is not where the keys are all right where are they oh here okay right I got it I’ve got it I’m not having a bad day okay really not having a bad day okay I was watching I’m going to have to tell you this story I was watching about you’ve got 350k mob kills and what did I have 357 does that mean I beat you cuz are you just hiding some of them um and uh yeah so I was watching this bloopers I better do this uh blooper thingy that was uh not it’s not technically bloopers it’s like quiz shows where people have given funny answers and there was this one where they said um what would a burglar not want to see if he um broke into somebody’s house so um it’s a quite a standard question you probably know maybe a policeman or a burger alarm or something like that wouldn’t you this person answered a naked Grandma I just couldn’t stop giggling I everyone else was just like why would you even have suggested that so apparently on this quiz show that was what this person thought of oh that was just another boring cosmetic key I was hoping it was something more fun than that um yeah yeah yep yeah I wouldn’t like one of them what hello that’s not suspicious at all why are they sneaking past me like that why did they do that how is everyone today anyway are you doing all all right thank you for the likes on the stream by the way I got all of these P spawners and they’re just literally Pig and sheep okay right so we’ll do the boring old cosmetic Keys um you never know it might be time to get this rare skin Crate Key that’s that’s the only reason why I’m doing it I don’t care about the Skins these these whatever they are cosmetic things they’re just boring and rubbish I normally sell them but they’ been too many to sell more bashing for the next 6 hours R uh no Benny B you’re meant to be sleeping okay people do that around you too okay it’s um why do I have a condensed iron block what oh what is going on how has it managed to condense an iron block that I got from the vot keys you can’t UNC condense it can you Goodness Me do I report that is that like a thing does anyone know if it’s an actual thing I have never heard of that before they have condensed all of my stuff I got I must have got 2,000 blocks on the crate yeah but why has it condensed it 2,000 condens Ed blocks oh so I have all of these um you’ve had it as well it’s an actual thing so I don’t need to raise a ticket that’s the condenser enchant doing that is it on my pickaxe right that seems like a pointless enchant I thought it was quite a good one and then I found out that it is not uh well hopefully I get good good money for that next time it’s you know when we do that one no I don’t want to put them up there Nicholas hey you love the stream this is your first time but you love it a thank you this is like the this has been I feel like I’m having a really really bad day so if you like on a really really bad day that’s going to be good so we’ve got grinder keys and Survivor Keys which one of the I normally go what competition have we got as well thank you for coming by the way I really appreciate it yeah I normally do this one first and then that one let’s see what the competition is first oh melons okay we can go and do that in a second have I got this ready I do why do I always get the boring loot I don’t want all of these it’s always boring what’s that money 300,000 couldn’t even give me any decent money either I feel like my entire de is wasted on these keys this mythical thing better give me a good one what is it mythical or mystical mystical why do they have to be so similar please give me something useful a stick you gave me another Black Market totem you mean I did not want that I wanted something nice let’s go and farm then we’ll do farming instead I’ll put my Mankey cold cup of tea over there oh uh looks like someone’s already doing them somehow no they’re not doing the melons not not that fast you have one on your ah I never buy them I don’t buy keys right we need to make sure we’re we’re not flying I’m sure I just saw somebody running up and down uh the only trouble with these is that um I can’t fly did fell off the end try to read what you’ve written you saw your play when you per you were streaming in sp7 I say that again no problem saw you were playing when you put you were streaming in SP sp737 and said oh okay um I don’t quite what know what you mean cuz I don’t normally say that term I wouldn’t normally say that I’m thinking that I didn’t say that is that what you thought I don’t know I’m a bit confused I get very confused you don’t need any more mythical chests oh okay Mr you’ve got Mr money bags who’s got everything because he bought 6,000 Easter crates and it’s got 6,000 skin crate keys and everything else that goes with that how many servants I can’t give you the money for the servants yet uh because this thing that we wanted to happen has still not happened and um I’m hoping that it still will really hoping and um so we’re having to make sure that DD stays there which is a bit frustrating because it means we don’t have any money although I’ve managed to get it to 81 million but I think I said what did we say 100 million or something do I owe you I don’t actually know how much I owe you you still got my keys that’s good he means he saw you were streaming on PGG and said that and came to watch not anymore you use them all now oh okay uh thank you thank you for the translation because for some reason I don’t understand YouTube talking or uh I call it what do I call it normally 125 mil for both oh I think that was it yeah something like that I mean you could literally just change the price and I probably wouldn’t remember I’ll have it in writing though so that’s fine I like things in writing I’ve I’ve chatted to you on Discord so I’ll have it in writing so that’ll be fine so we’re just trying to win this competition we don’t win the melon competitions but we do come in normally we normally do okay I’m a bit slower at harvesting and we were busy doing the keys anyway but we should get some points it’s a good good source of Sky coins and it also forces me to harvest that’s why I do the competitions because generally speaking um I don’t normally do the harvesting which is really really rubbish but now I know that they’re kind of more important than I thought and you get more sky coins and stuff than what I thought you did um I was thinking of an alternative to um hopefully we’re doing the team thing next season um and then I was thinking that I would like to do a solo one again uh knowing more about what I know now and I was thinking I think I should play it slightly differently to how I do normally so what if I have to get like all the mar masteries in say the mobs and the fishing and everything else before I can move on and do I’m not allowed to build anything until I’ve done all of the other stuff you you have a million Sky coins with nothing to use them on have you upgraded all of your mythical chests and have you um got yourself one of these magical mystical um um um masteries chests because you need Sky coins to upgrade those there are things to use them on and they have to be in your hand not in your bank which is even more annoying no visit CJ’s goes for all tier one 25 SP can’t spell spawners also live streaming on YT no that’s just T YT CJ’s Goose there we go not the chess you forgot about them yay you can need them for those you need loads to upgrade those oh Benny’s here look yeah always need always need Sky coins Sky coins are a thing that you never really have a problem with having too many I don’t think does anyone know how to build a good house that’s not a question I thought I’d hear yeah so I’m debating whether I should I’m not allowed to build anything there’s Bob Bob is there Bob’s underneath Bob’s doing something different to me he’s not in that bit there he is there he is look there he goes that was [Music] Bob someone was selling 8 million the skyc and you you nearly got them but you didn’t want what you’ve got why would you want to buy more how does someone get 8 million I mean I spend mine straight away because there’s just too many things to upgrade still got loads more to [Music] upgrade how many more minutes is there how are we doing on this competition anybody oh what is that that’s not even if we go up this way oh come on Bob’s here hi Bob we were just watching you zooming past um can you see the servants and the minions or are they there for you because they are totally invisible to me it’s really hilariously funny and I’ve just spent the last 10 minutes laughing about these invisible minions instead of doing anything who summoned Bob anyway one I still had one Island upgrade to do when I saw it but then you weren’t enough to do it yeah well you didn’t need 8 million for one Island upgrade so you’ve done all of your Island upgrades now too you didn’t are you sure somebody summoned Bob normally if someone types in SL summon in the chat Bob turns up it’s really funny by the way that pet patch Lo yeah useless what good is a pet pouch that you have to use an egg on Enchanted Birch which isn’t really a problem but a pet egg a whole pet egg and all you get is to use it for 24 hours I thought it was going to unlock the slot and you could only access a pet for 24 hours and then it would kick it out but to have to put in a new pet pet pouch every single time that’s just crazy yeah okay smarty pants I just wanted to check I did check it’s rubbish I’m very disappointed I thought it was going to be really helpful for the nether but you don’t get enough um pet eggs I’m not buying them I refuse to buy the pet eggs I’m not paying ridiculous sums of money for them if I was super duper rich and had like nearly 800 million then maybe I would uh technically I do have about 800 million but it’s in um DD’s bank account and not mine but then I’ve got lots of things to buy I’ve got spawners to buy other things to buy more spawners and Soul Sand to finish all of this oh I came third Reaper of the weeds okay so we got ourselves another 10,000 Sky coins and another 300,000 in money so that was really helpful we might as well just do this last bit any idea when it opens um I don’t know because um I’m sure normally it’s at least halfway through the season yeah you started it late didn’t you last time um I need to harvest a bunch of this I I’ll just leave that for now um oh they’re back noay they’re back oh oh no no they are back I thought these two were still not there but they are back oh look it’s nice to see you all right so now it just looks like I’m lying although I’ve got it on video evidence that you were definitely not there um there’s a isn’t there a thing down there that tells you hold on let me just um it be quicker to pop this straight in I should just place it really but it’s it’s fine uh let’s do it up this one hi can I I need my mouse to work oh apparently I can right click on them why can I right click on those to make them work that’s not really a thing yeah oh hang on a minute I’m just going to have a look just want to put these in here got this really obnoxious thingy that I didn’t want how many have we got now 65 and another 25 yeah I needed that haven’t even been down there once yet because I haven’t had any spare money pop those in there for a minute we’ve got boosters it’s your birthday I thought it was in like 4 days it was your birthday how come all of those are different boosters that’s really annoying um happy birthday um and what do I do now what oh yeah Community goals Community goals progress oh oh it does it like that no that’s not what I’ve seen before 4 hours oh for hours not four days okay yeah is that it mine is over two what you think your birthday is over 200 so one a Smart Ones are over 20 really oh yeah that’s that’s fine I get it not your birthday then you’re not 200 on your next birthday no it’s it’s not that it’s warp SE goals there’s a thingy somewhere yes happy birthday yeah I don’t know yeah these are the the guys aren’t they what does it say if you if you you should be able to used to be able to click on them no apparently not all right well while we’re here let’s see if we’ve got any any nice things hello I’ve got 500,000 can I click on them again nether info what is that one I’ve never seen that one before hi it says unknown hello hi okay um nether I just tried it info no space NE I think Bob’s just telling me fibs oh nether info what is this oh they’re all open I don’t know maybe it’s going to open then I don’t know right I need to get on sorry sorry whoever you were basic enchant books we got this one there’s always there’s always three missing and I have no idea where they are I always um I’ve just always lost I’ve never I think two of them yeah I’ll try I will try in a second 15,000 XP you just have to wait for a second while I just you know go around and try and find the presents that I hate finding but it would be nice if they they do sometimes have nice things in okay just walk through my body that’s not freaky at all a booster yay got another booster can’t have that one no I’m going to walk through you now I’m a bit fat to get through that one I need to go on a diet why is it everything that I touch I can’t have no I’m not allowed any of the present oh it’s a point of me coming in here no out does anyone else get bored of doing these I like the presents but I just I don’t know why I just get bored I’m always losing them I can’t they’ve been in the same place for like three seasons that’s why you check before you go I knew I had some but I don’t I don’t want to go in there I don’t like um I like I don’t like using the coordinates on purpose to check a zombie spawner okay this one doesn’t work there’s a couple that don’t work for me follow you who am I what hi why do you want me to follow you should I you know should I really be following a stranger into a dark windmill upstairs in the ha Loft get that one I I was going to I got another zombie spawner thank you you’ve just taken me out of my my routine now I know where they are I know where oh boring old head tokens why could why do they have to be head tokens now I need to get back where was I hold on I was over this corner I just done these two there were two down there weren’t there and then I was just coming to this one I do it all in a particular routine that’s why I go around I go around the outside I get lost a lot oh CG reward it tells you the coord I know it tells me where the coordinates are but I don’t it’s behind the house that I know I just cu the guy told me I had to go and follow him and didn’t know why and I just did there’s that one to I can’t even get to it um I I do it all in a particular routine and it’s just Disturbed all of that where’s the door there’s one wow I got another or Hopper which is fine if I’m making those special things where is the really good loot I mean I’d take some treat three Hoppers right now is there nothing in this bit I can’t remember do you ever feel like you’re being stalked I did that one I’ve done I did that one didn’t I that was the O Hopper yeah why are they following me what is that why are they doing that everything has like wait six years for yes and I feel like it’s oh more head tokens to me it’s cheating to use the to do it so I have to do all of the um I have to go around and try to find them first then I look and see if I missed any that’s how I do it can’t have that one most of them I can’t even have anyway uh I think I did this one but I’ll do again no I don’t think I’ve been to the grindstones this one doesn’t have one there’s the grindstones I don’t think I’ve been in there see I don’t usually use coordinates at all um so when I first started to play they um um that one doesn’t work uh I didn’t have coordinates so I didn’t know the coordinates were a thing I don’t know if I did this one right where’s the where is it there right let’s go and have a look so I actually got used to playing without coordinates so to me I don’t do it this portal goes nowhere no specific Nether world has been linked to this world and War Zone nether is not a world wars all night Bob take care see you later really oh it’s gone it doesn’t doesn’t have it on there right we have to put this back on look so it says war zone uncore nether in inverted commas is not a world that makes it sound like it really is a world that’s quite funny and that they’re not going to tell you about it it’s like it’s a you know it’s it’s it’s not a world let’s just see if I missed any can you just do you can speak two languages there’s quite a few people on here that can Benny speaks two languages um TM t m n t VR oh okay um what languages do you speak can you just do it like that ah CG reward okay okay I’m bored of trying to do that we’ll just leave it um I think the Lucky Block was ready so we’ll go and do that I only speak one language and at the minute I speak that badly Dutch Chinese Japanese and Korean wow and you speak in Dutch as well that’s really cool my daughter wants to learn Dutch she has been doing this at the minute she’s doing Italian and Spanish and um she has done a load of Dutch and I’m just atrocious at languages I really want to learn German when I sort my head out more but I don’t think I’ll ever make it I know I know little bits but not very much why does that have to be another new booster can’t it just be one of the others let’s take these upstairs I’ve been why do I have another egg I got rid of all of those uh we have Vines creeping down that’s different I to’s sell these and we could just go and top these up as well did I do them a minute ago I think I did them a minute ago uh we’ll just leave these for now you forgot to say earlier you gained another sub on YouTube today so it brings your subs to a massive 16 oh that’s really cool um that’s really good oopsie it just I mean I I didn’t have subs for a long time and then who put these here are they Blaze heads I going to pretend that’s not annoying they are Blaze heads why would you put Blaze heads four words for that in German yeah I can see why that’s a bit of a problem um I don’t know why someone thought it would be funny to put Blaze heads in my way so this bit here yes I’m going to attempt to try and do that as well um except yours will probably be more skillful why is there a candle what is going on honestly uh okay this is not where I had the bit that we came through in how do I get out I’ve got stuck in my own what has happened it’s like I just got caught in this weird trap oh no go back up it’s got to be DD do you think so this is just just oh okay can we just keep the chat in English please because I have absolutely no idea what we’re talking about and um I would I would rather just keep it all in English please I think it was around here my exit yeah it’s where this water is okay okay right so I was working really hard earlier on and if we come over here I now have have 50 no all right who’s moved the cell wand we now have 50 fishing nets um the only trouble is to upgrade the basics we need to have um 5050 we have the maximum amount easy money that’s what it is um and we just want to turn them into advanced but we can’t do that that until we can have tropical fish and I don’t have any tropical fish because we haven’t reached that level yet has anyone reached that level where they have tropical fish that I could buy off them roty Benny routy or Benny Benny I’m thinking I’m sure someone said that they had got further you don’t even have one I could I could arrange just sell you some some fishing nets if you would like as part of a deal you’ll nowhere near the tropical fish yet maybe it was Benny Benny were you near tropical fish anyone just want to pay a sensible price for some you haven’t even locked com no we haven’t either I need to start doing fishing stop it um but we did unlock uh the fishing net recipe so well I say we Bob Bob did Bob has been doing a lot of fishing lately uh so in the masteries for the fish we have got what have we got uh we’re on tier three uh which allowed us to get the multi fishing enchant and then we managed to get one and I’ve given that to Bob and a couple of wizards blessings and then we’ve got tier four U which Bob neglected to tell me so he didn’t know that it was really important because then allowed me to have the fishing net recipe we’ve only got to get to tier five only three more thousand fish to go and we can unlock common fish okay um yeah and then we we don’t have the others because and then where have we got to get to tier five on common fish to unlock the Exotic so that’s really nice that that won’t take us too long uh no the fishing the fishing cell wand goes in there so um I was busy earlier on and it’s not done um but I’ve done this bit so I’ve sort of decorated down there I’ve added some decking bits um I’ve turned this into the fishing pond bit so you can stand over here and I’ve put obsidian because obviously water and lava will make obsidian so you’re going to stand here and you can go fishing and this is all in one chunk so if I go into the chunk borders um the fishing lake itself is within this one chunk and then we’re going to pop down here somehow I haven’t quite fathomed it out yet and then through the back here we can have uh The Hoppers that will take all of the items so that’s what we needed to do so if I have a look at um my PVS and see what I’ve got in there so we need yeah we can use an auto cell chest we can use normal chests we don’t need those we don’t need a candle don’t know why I have a candle um we can let’s just move all of these up to this corner I’ve got some more spawners oh let’s just pop them all in there they’re all annoying me there should be some fish Hoppers here somewhere yeah no you take care thanks for popping in see you later bye um we might need some more we will need more [Music] chests yeah we can use some of the Jungle log uh let me put a crafting bench down here and we could also do with one of the special ones so I’ll have a look at that in a second oh they need to be put away those that pet egg ah fish Hoppers I knew they were here somewhere they got some more extreme books there I have to remember that they’re in the wrong place okay so uh we need somewhere to put this so we might as well put that in here and then just got to think about this logically if we put them here maybe we need normal Hoppers um no that’s going to be in the wrong place isn’t it that’s a that’s a ho this is an ax so let me just have a little thing we got a little bit of height not too much uh we need have I got any iron on me I’m not sure if I do I have in my inventory don’t I um hang on one second if I do this and then we do that and we can do another one we we need chests and we need Hoppers hopefully we’re going to get to the bottom of this trouble with the internet tomorrow that would be really nice go into the Overflow and take out a few of these oh it’s over here isn’t it so we need chests plenty of okay you can just do it this weird random way that’s fine then yeah 64 Hoppers would be great just close that and then if we or we could do this one this way which takes up this corner now we only have a certain amount of Hoppers so we’ve got to be frugal I suppose um we could have in this corner we can have the auto cell chest with one Fish Hopper in and this one uh if we disable everything this one takes all of the rubbish and that one and that one and so they can all just be automatically sold so that’s fine then so we want to take this let go together we don’t have to access the top Hopper no it doesn’t like me doing that does it that’s too far away there okay so we can do that one into here and disable everything in that one now what do we do with these maybe we add them to this and then basic fish okay now we’re going to need to add these Hoppers we’re going to come to the Limit probably very quickly which is very frustrating okay so that one is for the basic and those other ones and then if we start it this way no that’s not right is it I’ve put it in the wrong place no that’s going to be okay that’s okay there we just we’ve got this wrong way around so we actually want to take these out don’t we yeah take these ones out collect all of them any land in there [Music] no all right we want it to go that way like that and then if I put that there then I can stand on that and then we can put that one up there no we have to Shi shift and Crouch so then we can disable everything that’s on here and then this time we want to do the common fish hold on where does the common go to here so if we just select everything from here it’s a little duck okay so then that would be onto that one and can we get the last two hoppers in oh no the hopper limit has been reached I did think it would be close so we just need to get two more hoppers in um for now if I take this one out and I put that one there then it will fill up to here so that should be fine so in theory these should all be collected in this one do I have any signs on me I think I do let’s have a look yeah let’s use a couple of these so we’re going to put uh vanilla and hold on I think I can put another and above no another Gap no that won’t and basic fish and then this one is common fish okay and then we’ll gradually need to remove items um other Hoppers so that we can put more hoppers in here and then we’ll want another chest somewhere um we could put it there and then we could put the cell ones in there I think I had some here so we could put those in okay and then if no here’s the super rod uh we need some sticks we don’t need that many there six enough no we need a few more than six uh let’s put those in and make a few more ladders if I can do it and then just for now I’ll put these on here so the idea is we will be opening up the island so that people can see all the way around um but not everybody can fly so we want to make sure that everybody can fly that wants to uh sorry that can get around that wants to so we we’ll be taking out some of these ones and lowering them down uh we don’t need them that high now we’ve all got molten on our pickaxes and the only thing that will come in here is um from the servants oh I was going to say Bob’s is invisible again but Bob is actually gone so it’s not go it’s not there now um I’m just trying to think why I came up here I think it was just to do that cute Dolphins at the fishing area I haven’t put any dolphins in I did some Dolphins last season and by the time you log out and you come back in they’re all gone they they actually I think they’d all died before I could even do anything oh there are dolphins where have the Dolphins come from are there Turtles no the Dolphin’s stuck why you how is your name flipper this is flipper this has to be flipper why are you sad um I don’t think you should be doing that dolphin no get in the water that’s it you’ve got in the water where did they all come from they’re all trapped that’s not nice they should be in that bit and be free how are we going to do this they they they’ll be gone by the time I despawn Anyway by the time I despawn um I had stuff like this last season and they they will all just disappear they don’t they don’t actually last so I just want to see if the if the Hoppers are working I didn’t put them in um I don’t are you putting them in how are you putting them in did you honestly just place [Music] them how can you do [Music] that you’ve really confused me I didn’t think you could do anything on anyone else’s Island mkr I know I had 492 earlier on um absolutely Gob smacked Alpha’s back free mobs nons spawner despawn after a lot yeah they they just disappear don’t they so you have to pay for the spawn eggs and then they just vanish magic how is it magic how are you placing them and stop placing them in my fishing pond because they’re all going to die how how and why why would you do that who are you and how are you doing this I didn’t think that was possible on someone’s Island he’s just placed all of these mobs and then is killing them oh no it’s fine don’t worry that’s what a lot of people do they just sort of have me in the background which is um what I want to be able to do I want people to feel that they can just put me on in the background and I’m there like um so I used to watch uh Looney um I haven’t watched him for quite a while because I’ve I haven’t I just haven’t had the chance and um I don’t get a lot of time and what time I do have I’m I’m on here a lot and um anyway what I really liked about one of the things I like about him is you can just pop him on the television in the background and he’s like having another grown-up in the house uh just just in the background you don’t have to sit and watch everything but you can keep tuning tuning in and out if you know what I mean I’m really confused by what you’re doing I don’t know how to pronounce your name and they’re all confusing me cuz there’s too many bubbles so we’re just testing to see if this system works which I think it does so I need to spend more time fishing I want to see if we can go and get a multi fishing book but these uh these dolphins are really confusing me and turtles and they’re they’re clearly unhappy no don’t put anymore no what are you no how how has he played stop stop doing it don’t you tell me no you keep placing things and killing things I don’t I don’t want what I don’t want those you take them they’re yours he’s hiding why are you hiding I don’t I don’t know how he spawned all of these things and then killed them look they still got XP orbs down there where you killed them oh there’s a I’m just watching I thought that was oh no they’re going to despawn oh no you can’t just let them despawn no it’s just vanished no don’t understand why does everybody like confusing me right we’re just we’re not going to fish for long I’m just going to fish for a few minutes and then just see make sure that everything is working okay and then we’ll go and have an open some of these books and see if we get any more of the fishing enchants which would be useful did I still have some of the the ladders I think I did okay so we got a treasure chest here to use beep beep we want to put so I’ll try to tidy this up but I’m not too worried about it at the moment yay so those ones are working what about the vanilla fish oh no we don’t have any common ones at the moment did I not earn any vanilla fish I do have them don’t I on there yeah they are enabled I just obviously didn’t have them oh and we’ve got a couple of things in here left to sell so that’s good uh so that one’s working as well so that’s really good so we’re in a position and we can I know where the fishing bit is I could in time move that down lower and we’ve got all of that space underneath uh which then takes us back over to the main area over there so we have that option and I can smarten all of this up the main thing is that this area here is what’s within that chunk I can’t move this because this is the pond I can tidy it all up um um we need to block this off somehow to stop people from using it so I need to think maybe if I put a door actually if I just put a door on there no that’s not a crafting bench crafting bench is here so if we make ourselves a little door can I not make one of these I can oh it’s because I haven’t made one isn’t it what are you doing what’s all of this what what what you seriously you can’t do that thank you what it this is that look this is just like he keeps appearing and disappearing is he actually real or not okay so now we can access it but other people can’t so I get some people that like to try and follow me around everywhere don’t ask what the Dolphins doing [Music] um we may as well put all of this in here I feel really bad because I’ve now got all of this stuff um yeah I’m just just getting a bit confused about everything at the moment we got a treasure chest is that XP I suppose didn’t really need that but we’ll take it um oh okay um so I’ve still got to decorate all of the top but the bottom I think is going to be enough for what I want to do I would like it to be a lot nicer than this but at the end of the day we just want it so it’s just somewhere nice and we can do the work I’m really sorry I feel like I got a hair in my mouth hang on I’ve got some water here it’s um really annoying me um so yeah I need to decorate all of this bit up here yet which I haven’t done um but I’m happy with this little piece it looks quite nice um this little area down the bottom the dolphin climbing up there obviously um and um then I’ll work on the lava one maybe tomorrow I’ve still got to do all of that bit too not going to work on it right now though we’ve got our little um people over here and yes that’s me we’re on day 91 of 100 which is really good and oh what is going on somebody’s filled all of this up uh hold on what’s going on oh I’m getting really confused let me take a load of these oh that was really nice but you really didn’t need to that’s a lot of stuff there thank you oh I can’t sell them all right I have to bin them then we like building um DD’s done a whole bunch of stuff it’s not just me um I’ve made the lighthouse and um where the fishing dock is and hope has built all of these and designed our characters um and he copied uh SB and then all of that area over there with all the jungle trees that’s all DD’s bit uh so we’ve sort of split it up into different pieces and it’s working really well it’s going to look so much nicer when it’s done but it’s we still got a long way to go but it’s uh it’s really coming on nicely I’m really chuffed it’s been really lovely that DD’s got a similar idea to what I wanted as well might as well just get rid of that that’s be a couple of Pence um I’ll leave that one I suppose I don’t know what to do with all of these I’ll just leave them in there for a minute okay right so um the books let’s have a look at what we’ve got I feel like there was some more we can put those up into there that needs to go back down there are some more okay don’t know if this is enough yet oh maybe it is enough yay so I can make I can make my Minor’s dream book I’ve already given the boys there one so we can do that and then what value is it it’s a 44 so we want to enchant and roll first no that’s no good we want more than that I try to get it really above 70 if I can oh I do not like rrolling the books there we go 79 that’s better and then we’ve got a few of these up here see what values we’ve got right let’s take out a couple of Scrolls then go back into the enchant okay hello how are you oh wrong one there a six a one a four an eight and a one all right let’s put the eight on 93 97 do we have any threes oh we have a lot of Threes oh they’re both ones okay so that can go on to there then I can en enchant enchant Bedrock right so we now have the minus dream six on our pickaxe as well which oops which will allow us to gain more XP I think it does 496 oh that means I’ve gained another four on this stream thank you just four away from 500 that is just crazy absolutely craziness I I’m so happy and just confused and bemused by all to be honest we need more treasure chests that’s a oh here they I knew I had more books right so we want to see if we’ve got any of the fishing ones no it does not like doing that uh that can stay up here I think I’ll just leave it in there for a minute we do all of those now have we done treasury I think we’ve done treasury yes I’ve done treasury done Miner’s dream and I’ve done multi-kill so we’ve done all of those now which is really good um I I’m really shocked at hang on where are the others oh they’re there okay I think I was um I just lost them all for a minute um how many people have been subscribing just over the last few days as well as the last month it’s amazing I can’t remember ah bait saver that’s one that we needed we save sell that one yeah I don’t blame you it must be really late for you Benny I’ll speak to you tomorrow have a nice day nice sleep I think is what I should have said I got two strikes I think they’re about 15 uh let’s look in the auction house uh there’s a four 5 million oh they’re not very expensive then I would do them at eight and then we can just do the same again for that one um it does allow you to do those ones because they’re always slightly different some things that you can’t do them on right unsteady hour Arrow hour get everything muddled [Music] up oh maybe I’ve had it already then oh I have [Music] right so we can put that in there now we’ve got bait saver I’m sure I didn’t give Bob a bait saver so to start off with we’ll give it to Bob we got a bait finder there we just keep that one there I’m going to give this one to Bob but I’m going to see if we’ve got any more cuz I would really like to have a multi fish myself and the bait saver as [Music] well ah there’s another bait [Music] saver and a too as well uh haste how much do we sell haste for trying to start selling some books and earning some money thank you for the likes on the stream by the way I really appreciate them um haste oh oh is it all two all right may as well do it like that some are on two some are on three last season I would make sure that they were all on maxed uh this season I’m trying to just put them on if I want I I will Max some if I want to but if I put that one in the he he keeps not taking the books out and no one takes their books out so um I then can’t put them in new places uh let’s put this bait saver to over here if I need to I could come and use that one but I’d prefer if I can just get one straight out of here when do we get the bait finder recipe I can’t remember right so pet bait recipe bait saver enchant bait finder so that’s tier three in the common okay so we can’t have that one yet all right there’s another two I wonder if there’s any bait savers on actually no I do want to do that let’s look under bait oh there’s some bait finder is on here actually how much are they bait saver 2 is 5 million whoa bait finder three is 47 they got a bit finder two for two what 90 million they’ve got one on here for five tell you what I’m going to take that one and then let me just have a look see if there’s another cheap one cuz it’s going to be a while before we can get to it oh put that on I always press enter and that doesn’t work now I’ll leave the other one but if we get because Bob’s been doing a lot of the work so we’ll give that to him now we’ve got a bait saver too um yeah they’re about 5 million so we’ll just put the bait saver on for 5 million uh I’ll tell you what I’ll do I’ll put Bob a new little chest there so he can have those I’m still looking for a bait saver I need to try and get all of these books put away into those chests as [Music] well um I am starting to get really tired so I think I’m going to finish soon oh there we go there’s one for me all right so I’ve now got one that’s what I was looking for so we’ll leave these ones here I’ll um I’ll sort those out um I’ll Max this enchant and put it on mine as well so I’ll have that and um yeah let me just go down the bottom no the wrong way got to do this one to go home uh I’ve only got just a few minutes left uh so what I’m going to do is I’m going to to toddle off um I’m becoming really tired and I’m struggling to get words out so um I will see you all tomorrow for day 92 of 100 so I’m really pleased with managed to get this far and um fingers crossed uh we managed to keep going not got too many more days left and um yeah we’re almost at 500 subscribers so thank you to everybody that has subscribed um and for all of the likes on the stream and for keep supporting me I really appreciate it you have a spare bait find of three you can get if you come so you can visit um can I give you like 5 million for it or something rather than just taking it off you because um I don’t like just taking things um is visit DJ n e s said do not want them thank you uh let me give you a ticket with draw five I mean that that’s really cheap are you sure that that’s acceptable thank you I really appreciate it you you won’t take the money oh well than well I’ll give you a good tour of the of the place thank you so much let’s see what you’ve got uh so what are you selling here uh sorry you’re buying I the blocks oh this is really nice you’ve done a little church I like way you’ve got I like these Corners they’re really cool you said that my build was better as not this is lovely totally not annoying um so you’ve got oh you’ve got more than so you’ve got this is a team build is it cuz you’ve got these ones are by you and these ones are by Suave welcome to penguin Valley oh it’s a game for SB can I fly I can fly this place is so [Music] cool you said this wasn’t very good this is oh you’ve done a big Bild you’ve got one as well this is you’ve got a windmill this is really nice I like the windmill I love the field with it as well this is really cool there’s two of you but you’ve built all of it and you’ve got a Dutch Barn as well this is amazing oh it’s an a tractor look at this you said it was wasn’t very good it’s really cool I love the windmill and I love the Dutch Barn as well are these your fishing ones he’s done a giant fishing lake and you got this waterfall are you still still working on it this is really lovely you got this cool little house I have to say out of the I haven’t been to very many islands um but out of what SB has shown this is by far the best island it is brilliant it’s really really lovely thank you for sharing it with me I really love it I love Dutch Barnes and I love um I love windmills I live in Norfolk in England and we have windmills just like this um we have a lot that are broken down too but this this just kind of reminds me of home the hills don’t remind me of home because we don’t have any Hills you’re planning to build a better mob area well what you’ve done is is amazing I really love it I love the houses I love all of it vertigo’s got the best builds I’ve not been over to be honest I just concentrate on myself to begin with with um and get what the the team needs done um it’s really lovely thank you for sharing with me I will try to go and have a look at vert I will try and go and look at some of the the bases at some point uh I need to go down the bottom no I don’t I need to stay up here for a minute thank you for the book are you sure I can’t give you anything for it what is this monstrosity here in Gold Bob’s going to be in trouble I’ll take the other bait book um Bobby Bob why have you built it with gold that’s atrocious no I’m going to have to change that oh no you’ve done a it’s really lovely I I genuinely love it and I genuinely love that windmill one of the things I want to put in my world is when in my in my survival world is um is windmills because I really love them I have um being brought up in Norfolk there are wind Mills everywhere so it’s a bit like going around Holland um we have the same type of land in uh Norfolk as they do in in Holland uh sorry in the Netherlands they’ve changed it you used to say Holland but now you say the Netherlands um if people don’t know they’ve actually it’s been decreed that it has to be called the Netherlands and not Hollands I think since 2020 was when the rule came in place and it’s because Holland is an area within the Netherlands not um the whole country and so they’ve they’ve changed it so that people use that so um it’s a thing that my daughter and I were looking into and we discovered it was a thing so I do always try to say but I was brought up calling it Holland so that’s why I was doing it uh so yeah they um the Netherlands and East Anglia share the same type of land um and further out to Lincoln shears where they we have our F and where they’ve actually drained a lot of the the water out the fen lands and it’s below sea level and that’s where they do a lot of the crops and that particular area is even more similar to the Netherlands as to what ours is but yeah we have so many windmills this has to change I can’t have that horrible gold wall I don’t think I’ve got any copper on me uh let’s have a quick look let’s this why did he put that there he’s in trouble I’m going to have to change it all I don’t think I’ve got many many pieces of copper on me I’ve got a tiny piece I need to put this egg away that’s not that’s to go in the sharing box no I don’t really have very much I I will change that tomorrow I I will change that yeah this is much nicer what he’s got here that one’s obviously not joined it’s fine I’ll do that um so I’ve I’ve told him that cuz he had it all cracked in this little piece and I’ve said no you can take it all the way around here um I’ve got the piece that I need for the library over there and we’re going to turn this into the shop so um that will be really nice so Bob wanted to work on that so he’s doing that this monstrosity is here because we’re we’re trying to do something but we don’t think we’re allowed to we’re waiting for it’s actually being referred right up to penguin so we’re waiting to find out if we’re allowed to or not because we want to be one of the top teams there are strict rules as to whether or not you’re allowed to do certain things so we want to we’ve come up this really clever idea but it looks like we might not be allowed to because it would be seen as boosting Island boosting we don’t want to do that we want to go home so we’re not 100% sure at the moment what we can and can’t do oh hello uh how are you sorry I was trying to read the the name and then I got really confused thinking that you’d written a whole bunch of stuff in um in what looks like French but you haven’t have you that’s your that’s your name I don’t actually know what it means [Music] I know it means something I’m trying to I I can’t read French how are you anyway uh s is it SAU um I’m not 100% sure I’m really sorry if I pronounce people’s words names wrong uh so that goes in here it means this time you won’t steal my account I would never have got that so has somebody tried to steal your account before or successfully stolen your account before um that’s very sad if that’s the case oh did I give him the wrong book I’ve given him the wrong book oh just is go I’ve just switched them round wrong Goosey I’m fine you pronounce correctly since there’s no there’s no correct pronunciation oh okay oh I put them in there for some bizarre reason I was going to take them back out that’s why um that gold is really annoying me that that really fills me with great um great pride that I pronounced them correctly and then discovered that the only reason why I’ve managed to pronounce correctly is because there’s no correct way of pronouncing them I love it someone stole two of your old accounts that’s just nasty why do people do things like that Bob’s going to be so happy with those and I’ve got I’m going to take these two and I’ll keep the the bait finder two and upgrade it when we’re when we’re able to um I’m afraid You’ you’ve actually come right at the end I’m just going to come off the stream in a second um it is really late here uh it’s 5 1 in the morning um I’m assuming it’s quite late for is it late for you are you in France or uh where do you come from it is French isn’t it looks looks French I don’t it does sound bit silly but looks like it might be French to me um time we can go up one more on the time and yeah on a storage right so we’re out of Sky coins again oh we need to take one of those with us oh look at all of this this is going to be really helpful when we finally get the wheat enchants done uh the wheat masteries I mean uh we really need to be having iron in here now I got anything left in here let take those out uh you’re not French and it’s 1: may I ask where you’re from I can’t you might have told me already and I can’t remember and I’m really sorry I really struggle with my cognition and I can’t always remember everything it’s 106 to be precise so we’re we’re sharing the same time zone so if you’re if we’re sharing the same time zone are you in the UK first of all but you okay yeah are you in the UK and it is French text though is what I meant is it is it written in French I’m trying to trying to look at my map to see if I could figure out where you might come from where you say share the same time zone I’m just trying to think because we’re on uh British standard time at the minute so it’s a bit confusing how it all works with everybody and my brain isn’t going to play with that today but we’re just going to take a few of these and fill them up oh these are those ones that I don’t need so it is French text and you’re not in the UK but you share the same time zone okay I’m going to have to have a little guess here um so we’re 1 hour ahead from what we would be normally did did we say before you from um from Belgium I’m trying to think if if in Europe we are we sharing the same time zone as the countries nearby like the Netherlands and Belgium I’m really useless with this it’s like testing my head I’m just going to see if I can open up a quick Google page um which I can’t do if I do it like that I need to do it like this um uh time is it in the Netherlands I’m sure that at some time they’re the same as us no uh in the Netherlands they’re an hour ahead okay uh right what countries share BST time GMT is the standard I know it’s the standard but we’re not we’re not in the main ones using GMT all of which operates oh all of which also operate summertime right so there’s Portugal the Republic of Ireland and the Canary Islands I was going to going to say Portugal at first no I know you’ve never you so you haven’t said it before I wasn’t sure if you’d said that you were from Belgium I kind of had Belgium in my head probably because of the French um in the text but I’m going to say so according to what I’ve just read to be able to share the same time zone and we’re on British St British summertime so BST rather than the normal GMT it says that Portugal the Canary Islands and the Republic of Ireland share that time so I’m going to say Portugal I don’t know I’m going to say Portugal this has really confused me the French part won’t help me you live in GMT plus one yeah but the Netherlands would be GMT plus one but currently their time at the moment is 2 a.m. which is an hour ahead of us which is I’m really confused by because I thought that they have some times where they’re the same time as US unless the the computer was just wrong and I was looking at it wrong oh I don’t know I I’m thinking that you’re in the in the time zone where the Netherlands is cuz it comes down what a lot of people don’t realize is that the time zones actually go down so in England for GMT you can have the same time as what it is in Africa yeah a no summertime okay oh this has really got me you’ve got to just be to the right of us and then straight down in a line so there’s I really need the other map this map doesn’t have the time zones on no I’m going to have to give in I haven’t got a clue I could just stand and look at the map and just listen off different countries am I allowed to have a clue um that could be nice it’s socialist I don’t know about that it’s in the Northern Hemisphere and it has 2 million kilometer to and surface I don’t really know anything about politics I wouldn’t know what is a socialist party is a 2 million square kilm I’m thinking Russia but I don’t think that that think us too far 2 million 2 million plus Square kilomet so you’re in the north I I don’t actually know how big 2 million square me square kilometers would be these are really tough Clues it’s in Africa okay how does that make the Northern Hemisphere I thought that would have been in the southern hemisphere wouldn’t it cuz you’re in the equator and lower so is it Algeria cuz I nearly said Algeria is it Algeria I used to know someone that worked there it’s 3.1 1666 times of France you got some really cool facts here this is really testing my knowledge I’m sticking with Algeria looking at that France is about three times smaller three no oh it is Algeria I thought you were saying no so most of Africa is over the equator so Algeria is classed in the northern hemisphere part and the rest is lower oh I suppose okay so the northern hemisphere is above the equator line is that what you’re saying this is a really good good test I like these kind of things on the stream it’s really fun um CU it just shows how rubbish I am um I should have said I nearly said Algeria yonks ago because when I was looking at the time the equator is a lot lower isn’t it yeah uh cuz it goes right through the Sahara Desert um I’m just trying to imagine where the where the line is in comparison but my map that I have on the wall doesn’t have it cuz it’s a corkboard map so um can I put you in the whole of Algeria is above oh okay yeah yeah that would make sense so I get to put a new pin in my map this is really cool so I have this cboard map on my wall and every time I find someone else that doesn’t live in that country no does live in that country but isn’t on my map I get to put a pin in the board which covers it and earlier on today somebody was from South Africa and that’s the first pin I had in the entire African continent and now I’ve got another one um in the northern hemisphere part of there which is now Algeria so I have just two people one from Algeria and one from Southern uh South Africa so that’s really amazing thank you I really like that yeah put it in algia I’ve done that already oh that’s really amazing so my map’s filling up a bit more I’m going to take a screenshot of it as not a screenshot a photograph of it at some point and um put it somewhere so that you guys can see I absolutely love it I came up I had this idea a long time ago because where I used to stream downstairs I have a full-sized map on my wall it’s massive it’s about I think it’s bigger than an a zero size it’s a really big map because I home educate my children and um my late hubby used to love having a map on the wall as well so it’s something that we just sort of do and we just love it every time we’re talking about something if something comes up on the news we can go over have a look at the map and we go and have a look and um actually that’s about where I put it in the middle of the north and um yeah we can go and have a look at the different countries where um different events are happening or whatever and so every time I was talking to people on my stream I would look up uh the equator is entirely under Nigeria so it’s low let me just have a look wow that is really low then hang it is even lower than what I’m thinking cuz I was looking there’s Niger and then there’s Nigeria that’s so low I’m going to have to look at that on the map downstairs because this one is not a true Map size I don’t think because obviously it’s just this it’s just one for putting these pins in so the the IDE of this particular map is you have your past and your future Adventures you’ve got two different colored pins and then you put down where you’ve been and then you put other color pins in for where you’d like to go um but I really loved it the idea that I can put in pins where all my all my viewers come from which I I just really love and I’m getting this really nice spread I don’t have anyone from uh Southern America or from Canada yet or Greenland or some of the the northern countries actually so there a few little gaps but I’m doing really well I’ve got I’ve got quite a really good spread I’ve got from the United States to Algeria and South Africa I’ve got Australia Tasmania New Zealand Indonesia Malaysia India I have quite a few people from India uh the Philippines Russia and then a cluster of you got the UK we’ve got Wales uh the Netherlands and Belgium which is really amazing by the cancer Tropics it’s the line where the Sun hits the ground 90 oh it’s hot in the summer yeah I bet it is hot um I used to know someone that used to work in Algeria so we used to have where I used to work um for a pipe and fittings company uh for the offshore uh for the offshore industry they um one of our me team actually worked in Algeria and the culture is so different over there to whatever what I’ve ever heard of it is a worldwide stream the thing is what I do is I’ve always streamed at odd times and I think that’s partly why so sometimes I’ll stream at like 2 or 3:00 in the morning and other times I’ll stream at 5: in the morning other times I’ll stream during the day over here and then a lot of times like I am now it’s 20 1 in the morning over here so um a lot of people tune in from different places which is really lovely and then I so now that’s happened I keep purposefully streaming at different times but the way that my life works it’s really difficult anyway because my children have autism and um my daughter has autism with pathological demand avoidance and it can get a bit tricky here and uh sometimes it’s the only any time I can stream you know I have to wait until they’re asleep or actually they’re a lot better now but when I first started um and so it’s just a habit really um I just stream whenever I can if I if I can’t stream when I would do normally then I’ll stream later on sometimes I’ll do two streams a day like I have today and um yeah it’s uh it’s really I I just really like it I love chatting to people from all across the world everyone it just amazes me that I’m doing a stream here in England and I’m chatting to somebody in Algeria you know and then later on I’ll be chatting to someone from New Zealand or from America or you’re all on the stream at the same time I just find it amazing you know how the world has shrunk so much in such a short space of time and you think a 100 years ago just over that they barely had the telephone anywhere yeah that will be um one of the reasons I’m supposed to be doing some work here no that doesn’t work double O FS do not work uh I think I was going for iron um which one was I going to put it in this one I think was nearly done it was done yes I was putting iron in it uh if you’ve not seen one of these this is the new enchanting chest uh which is really uh really good cuz then you can just walk off and leave it and it gets on and does what it needs to do I know with less than half a second delay except when you’re on my stream because I’ve seem to have about a 30 second delay which is a bit annoying um and I’m trying to correct it and I haven’t managed to I just keep making it worse if anything oh we’re out of iron I put some more wheat in then um but I am really going to have to go I don’t want to CU it’s been really fun chatting um um thank you for giving me another country to add on to my list which is absolutely amazing um uh I’m going to have to toddle off cuz I’m really quite exhausted and um I’ve got to be up early tomorrow there isn’t you’re not getting a 30-second delay maybe it’s um it’s tided itself up a little bit today um it is really bad at times yeah I know s SP failed the challenge youngest kid um it’s I’m not happy oh we just had a lag Spike I [Music] think yeah the 30-day one I my my computer’s just Frozen Minecraft is just Frozen should I say um yeah well I think that’s a a good a good place to leave it because I going to have to shut down Minecraft to make this work again again I don’t know why it keeps doing this it’s really frustrating um however the uh I have a a sky engineer coming out tomorrow to hopefully install a booster which will maybe fix some of these problems I’ve been having um I don’t quite know what’s going on but yes youngest kid he has failed a challenge I keep hoping he’s going to still do the video that he was going to do um in a in a day or two but um I don’t know guys my computer has stopped working with Minecraft and um no he doesn’t to be fair though if you if you give him a little bit of a break he does do a lot of videos doesn’t he and um there’s a a lot of stuff that he does do it must be very challenging at times when especially when he’s doing two two lots of videos in one day um it must be really difficult to try and do all of them and you have to do a lot of effort at times just to get a small amount of content and that’s why I or live stream because I just can’t make the videos at the minute it’s lovely chatting with you Minecraft is officially broken and um I will I’ll have to I can’t even get my mouse to work now um nothing wants to work I might actually have to shut down the whole computer at the minute I’ll just do controller delete um guys I’m going to toddle off and too much in so little time yeah I’m I’m pretty much like that too though I can I can see where he’s coming from um I will see you all later thanks so much for popping in and I will see you tomorrow [Music] bye-bye

This video, titled ‘prt 2 DAY 91- SEASON 7!!!! SKYBLOCK SB737 PENGUIN.GG SERVERMINECRAFT BEDROCK CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-04-10 13:24:01. It has garnered 66 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:13 or 7933 seconds.

The fishing Docks today

===================================================================== Meanwhile in GOOSEVILLE

Subs are coming in super quickly (thank you so much!) 500 sub challenge – Respawn the Dragon (and go to the ancient city for the 400!) I haven’t forgotten.

400 subscriber challenge :-

Let’s return 2 or 3 Elder Guardians to our Guardian Farm! – that should be ‘fun!’

450 subscriber challenge

Find an actual Ancient City – not a skulk farm – and attempt to get there without being in a Death Loop.

[Guardians will be first – only if we have finished the monoliths – we can’t really build with Mining Fatigue!!]

Let’s fly on into GOOSEVILLE // SKYBLOCK

Take care & stay safe everyone, Carrie Brady ‘aka’ CJSGOOSE / CJSCRAFTS ——————————————————————————————————————————————– ]USEFUL INFORMATION [ DISCORD – CJSGOOSE

FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/CJSGOOSEAJMOOCDJSKYRA2020

INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/cjsgoose_ajmooc_djlion/

MERCH – CJSCRAFTS.redbubble.com ] CJSGOOSE & AJMOOC official merch[

And for all those that love Craft as well as Minecraft, you can follow my Craft business here; https://www.cjscrafts.co.uk/


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  • ColonyState SMP modded, MineColonies, Whitelist, 1.20.1

    ColonyState SMP – Modded Minecraft Server Looking for a refreshing modded server? ColonyState SMP is a welcoming server encouraging all abilities and types of players. Join us now and grow your colony at your own pace! Server Details: Custom modpack based around MineColonies Light, semi-vanilla pack suitable for low-end devices Includes mods like Iron’s Spells, The Graveyard, Create, Farmer’s Delight, and more Rules: No PVP without mutual agreement No stealing, griefing, or duping Server aimed at players aged 15+ How to Join: If you’re interested in joining or want more information, please DM the head admin on Discord: TimeLordVampire#2140 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Net loss on the mining mission.

    Looks like they were mining for diamonds but ended up hitting rock bottom instead! Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension!

    Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension! Thank you for joining us on this episode of Minecraft Encrypted Underscore. We delved into the mining dimension, crafted custom tools, and explored the world of modded questing survival with Nik and Isaac. From building a smeltery to generating lava, we tackled various challenges and set the stage for future magical adventures. Stay tuned for the next episode where we dive into the realms of magic with mixing cauldrons, mana, and artifice. Mahou Tsukai awaits us with its mystical wonders. Join us as we continue our journey through the encrypted underscore mod pack. And remember, always know your worth,… Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

    Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser Minecraft Storymode: Youtubers vs The Wither Storm Part 2 Sneak Peak 2 A Mysterious Return In the world of Minecraft, unexpected events can shake even the bravest of adventurers. The return of the Wither Storm has left our heroes in disbelief. The once-thought defeated command block seems to have a new lease on life, causing chaos and confusion among the Youtubers. A Race Against Time As the Wither Storm wreaks havoc once again, the Youtubers must band together to face this formidable foe. With time running out, they must uncover the truth behind the Wither Storm’s resurrection and find… Read More

  • JeromeASF’s EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!

    JeromeASF's EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!Video Information all right let us play video games all right mate all right what what you said all right and it made me think of all right terrible I love ah yes everyone’s favorite mini game in Minecraft cookie cam his named after my pet rabbit look how adorable she is you should see how much she poos it’s a lot oh that this is where we figure out that drum’s just been covering for cookie the entire time yeah yep y well that’s the whole point of the game you have a rabbit named cookie in this box… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Guide

    The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock GuideVideo Information okay so I think we’re live me slide this down looks like it’s going yep that girl is probably more entertaining than me how you doing tonight sir oh two viewers I am popular Pro streamer is not in my future I’m afraid there’s a lot of work involved in that that I do not want to be all right so can you hear me all right by the way I did have to just configure the mic for the Minecraft settings an OBS and so hopefully it’s doing okay my volume okay too quiet too loud too… Read More

  • Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1

    Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1Video Information This video, titled ‘PvPlegacy Battle 3×1’, was uploaded by Twicher on 2024-03-31 20:26:38. It has garnered 60 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:25 or 685 seconds. PvPlegacy Battle 3×1 https://discord.gg/3bUSt2y5 TAGS – IGNORE Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server… Read More

  • Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!

    Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!Video Information and we’re back and we’re live and we’re back uh doing an early todayand early uh welcome everybody back to Minecraft we’re going to get some stuff done hopefully without any internet problems uh if you watching the V on YouTube than on the video hope you enjoy it if you do like comment subscribe check me out live right here on Twitch all of that fun stuff being said let’s get into this so we’re going to Adventure a bit we’re going to do some stuff and and so it will go so we’re on the constant… Read More

  • EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!

    EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!Video Information benino si offre a bar da guida per la città Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Petro Petro Petro Petro Fidati di me Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Pedro Pedro P This video, titled ‘So exited for #minecraft 1.21!! #calcitecube #minecraftserver #server #funny’, was uploaded by Calcite Cube on 2024-06-12 17:24:17. It has garnered 463 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Lily ROBS OMZ’s Limbs in Minecraft?! – Parody

    Lily ROBS OMZ's Limbs in Minecraft?! - ParodyVideo Information oh gosh guys take me to the hospital I can’t feel my body I can’t walk what who stole my limbs where my hand and leg oh my God help us good morning and wait is today the day I think it is it is today is the day we’re going to the brand new amusement park they opened a new roller coaster I can’t wait this is going to be the most fun day ever we got to go quick though because I want to be first first in line so let’s wake up Roxy Roxy wake… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!

    Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!Video Information oh guys guys he’s he’s getting out of the cave come back to where we were I think it’s because we just outed hey man [Music] hi This video, titled ‘Full video on channel #minecraft #viral #gaming #manhunt #streamer #clutch’, was uploaded by HyperlinkLuna on 2024-03-19 04:38:22. It has garnered 446 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)

    Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 95 | Satisfying sand art (Ghost 4)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-02-12 14:00:42. It has garnered 7719 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack 🔥🔥 #viral

    SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack 🔥🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral hack 😳💖 #shorts #tranding #viralshort #minecraftshorts #viralshirtvideo #gaming #tot’, was uploaded by ROYAL FF on 2024-02-15 12:02:32. It has garnered 2877 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 😊🙂!! | #shorts #minecraftviralhack34 🙂🔥 #minecraftshorts #gaming #viralshort #ttanding #gamingshort #subscr VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 😊🙂!! | #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25… Read More

  • Elidia

    ElidiaServeur skyblock en cours de développement, n’hésiter pas a envoyer un message sur discord pour venir aider. Read More