Roxanne Wolf’s Epic 100 Baby Challenge Returns

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to um do you guys know what we’re doing here no what are we doing here Ro I thought we were just playing Minecraft well no I mean well yes we’re playing Minecraft but we’re doing the 100 baby challenge again wait we’re bringing it

Back no not again not again Freddy where are you get back here oh not again I know where you live oh I look last time we played you went you went crazy for babies and then you proceeded the next time we did it proceeded to start burning all the babies oh I guess he actually kind of makes a valid point you were shattered the last time we did this and it was

Kind of a lot and she had just come off of having her maternity chick so I mean this time we have normal Rock sand you don’t actually want like a 100 babies right not in real life no I just thought this will be fun you know it’s Thanksgiving time it’s soon to be

Christmas time this is around the time for you know family gatherings and I thought this would be fun and yes I am normal now so it’ll be different this time okay sweetie no burning babies no burning babies no tormenting unless I accidentally burn a baby then that would

Be unfortunate but I mean there’s what can we do right I think you I think you fell into lava with one of them doesn’t surprise me at all okay but listen are we all on the same page are we ready to uh you know do this challenge together I mean we

Already got started we only need 99 more babies true I guess yeah I am technically like patient zero huh yeah yeah but uh roxan I want to present you first with this sunflower as a gift oh a that is sweet Freddy but you need to present me with something else before we

Can get started on the challenge ah you need to what where does does he know what he has to do I don’t know you know what I’ll go I’ll go talk to him oh okay um you just uh get ready for the all right sounds good Freddy get

Back here what are you doing she’s talking about marriage right now and I am last time I got I that happened everyone almost hated well there was a lot going on the last time that you guys got married you also immediately got divorced so yeah worst

Time of my life yeah it was a pretty awful time but we’re past all of that like she said she’s normal rockand now so if you propose to her which it sounds like she wants you to so you need to get a wedding ring and propose to her fine

There’s just one issue though oh gosh what’s what’s the issue where do I get one I don’t know I mean we’re in a vill Village and there’s a bunch of people around here ask Colleen here the cleric hello ma’am do you happen to know where any wedding rings are uh CH in the

Buildings around here hold on apparently there’s wedding rings somewhere in the village here hello um there’s a crafting table in here not seeing any wedding rings though um ooh maybe there’s a chest in here no nothing up here maybe in the blacksmith there’s always items

In here oh there is the chest maybe hey hey I found one wait really or two actually o an engagement ring and a wedding ring okay you know what here I’ll be the ring bearer of this one at least and then I guess I’ll give it to

Her so she can give it to you and then you guys can be forever tied in holy matrimony or whatever they say um all right um have you practiced your vows uh yeah hold on gregoria here take some bread you you look like you’re hungry thank

You um okay have you practiced your vows at all yet I have to doow vows again no yes you have to do vows again was hard enough coming up with them the first time well that’s not good were you in love with her or not no I was I was but

You got to understand when it comes to roxan and everything needs to be perfect Colleen go away we’re trying to have a moment here and you’re just getting in our way look it doesn’t matter roxan she wants everything to be perfect but everything is going to be perfect um as

Long as we can find her roxan roxan and we have something for you or I guess I don’t it’s more Glam Freddy I got us a crafting table and it also need a pickaxe so we can go ahead and make a wooden axe so we can get more wood cuz

We’re going to have to start collecting wood so we can make our house just clearing out a little space here just in case something crazy and totally out of the blue happens like a marriage proposal or something oh the um marriage proposal I mean that be crazy if like a

Marriage proposal or something happened in this very new cleared out area oh my goodness that would be so insane Fredy if you don’t go okay okay roxan uhhuh we have been dating again for about another year now or I have no sense of time at

All but I feel as though we have resumed the the proper relationship and have spent the proper time roxan do you want a Minecraft marry me oh uh sorry no not yet um wait what I mean I I just feel like you can do better than that maybe um you you should

Have called me beautiful set up the area a little bit more yeah I will say Freddy you didn’t really do very much there here I’ll even help you I’ll set up some more sunflowers be you you go ahead and figure something out oh I just noticed I

Also have a wedding ring um I how that get there oh you sneaky little devil I am going to go continue getting supplies you figure out how to do a proper Pro wow you figure out how to do a proper proposal my dear and U try again okay I

Have an idea I have an idea okay should I be concerned how well you’re able to pick pocket right now no I mean I didn’t well I guess I put something in her pocket I didn’t really like take it out of her pocket look we need to get a

Shovel is the crafting table still down there did she she took the crafting table okay you know what I guess this crafting table right here collect more wood oh okay perfect I guess she’s going to leave the crafting table there while she goes to collect more wood hold on on

I know I know a little cheatsy thing hold on oh wait you have a cheat wait you’re not going to cheat on roxan are you that’s not a good way to start a marriage proposal no I got I stole more items okay now you’re so you’re going to

Cheat on rockan and you’re going to steal from her no oh my gosh what are you wearing I stole what was left in the in that blacksmith and plus we already stole a ring so I guess that’s true to be fair we asked if we could have the

Rings though guess we didn’t ask if we could have them I just asked if they exist and they said yes so okay first things first I need to make sticks second things second I need to make shovels because we need to make a little

Path here you go help me out this has to be perfect right here okay um I guess maybe we can just have it from this Village area right here um let’s kind of have like this be the middle I really thought this was going to be a lot

Better looking dirt but it’s kind of ugly but I guess that’s fine I mean it doesn’t have to be like the most incredible thing okay perfect and then it can end right there and then um maybe we can make this a little bit bigger so

That we can make sure to have all of our friends and family are able to stand here for the proposal no one else is coming but I mean just like a hypothetical you know yeah I mean we would want Frankie to be here if that if that was anything well absolutely we’d

Want him to be here but I mean he can’t just be here right now cuz he’s not here so okay look next thing’s next we need to make an archway because you need to propose to her under the archway why are we stealing this wood one we can just

Grab one of the trees because I’m trying to recycle okay I’m doing what I can for the environment and you can’t just yell at me for recycling hear that everyone Freddy’s not recycling everyone yell at him you oh I wait it’s it’s actually oh wait it’s

Actually turning night oh no this is not good we need to get this finished up and get rockan over here honestly this could work out really well it’s kind of romantic at night I mean maybe we get some torches set up do we have any coal

No I’m going to have to go down into the mines for that one oh gosh roxan how you doing oh I’m doing good I’m just collecting some wheat so I can make some bread cuz I’m rather peckish right now oh she’s peckish oh did you hear that

Freddy she needs some food also don’t worry about the mines I already found some place just like how this is going to be a SE place later oh yeah here roxan uh if you’re hungry have some bread oh what are you wearing sweetheart oh armor cuz I feel like

We’re about to get attacked by zombies oh fair enough you know what by zombies that’s not good I guess I couldn’t tuck in for the night I don’t do these villagers have beds no but there’s a sheep here I could kill him you’re you’re just going to kill the Sheep wait

Wait wait hold on roxan hold on you don’t need to kill the Sheep I just I have I have shears I have shears well there’s another one here I guess is you sound like you’re doing very V things right now oh there’s more sheep we can

All make beds ooh how nice I’m not doing violent things I’m just trying to get some sleep you know why can’t I put this block here there we go if I’m going to get proposed to anytime soon I mean it’s taking forever he already proposed to

You and you said no yeah because it wasn’t good enough you’re not wrong it really wasn’t a great proposal you we just need oh I’m just there might be a use for this later so can I have the rest so we can make a bed yes yes how many do you need

M eight eight okay 1 2 3 4 five 6 78 nice all right I’ll make us some beds shall we put all of our Minecraft beds next to each other so wait no no no you guys can’t make beds you can’t go to sleep right now you’re about to get

Proposed to am I I mean it’s the middle of the night it’s not really a prime hour for proposals don’t you think I perfect time for a proposal what are you talking about I I feel like don’t most proposals happen at night actually like under the moonlit night or something I

Think like you know a dusk proposal or a sunrise proposal could be really cute but you knowen you’re literally a wolf of course you’re going to get proposed to under a full moon that’s a good point but it’s quite cloudy okay well just deal with it not everything can be

Perfect everything can’t be out of you know just in your control and I want everything to be perfect well I’m Gregory Fazbear wolf and I’m telling you that it’s not going to be okay um all right that being said you’re sleeping on the roof Gregory what first

Of all you guys need to come back over here um Freddy get roxand to come back hold on hold on on hold on here here what what what am I what here what wait where did you get this I shared all the sheep in the area are you kidding okay

And we’re going to do this this is what we’re going to do okay perfect um I guess maybe we can um I don’t know how to make this look good um I guess sure and then um like that um this isn’t um this isn’t looking great is it but you

Know we’re just going to we’re just going to go with it anyways perfect and then we’re going to do that and then we’ll do that and does that look good uh does what look good nothing uh don’t look oh okay all right I’ll just stick

To my making bread I guess I think it does I think it does I think it does okay perfect and then some sun oh this is awkward the sunflowers are facing the other direction um we’re just going to put them over here then so that yeah

Perfect there we go oh I have some I have these flowers too perfect and amazing do you still have the ring right here wait get roxs in to come back over here okay I probably take off this armor oh yeah yeah yeah definitely take off

The armor also do you have any food I guess I’ll just get some of this weed out of the way don’t here here here just here just cook this up where there’s people sleeping in our beds wait what what Bonita and Denise I can’t believe Denise are these oh are

You cheating on me oh heck we talked about this into our you know Temporary Home Freddy you’re about to propose you can’t just go cheating on roxan you know I am the person least in the world in our beds this is ridiculous you know what Freddy you’re getting locked out of

The house for now well I don’t want to be locked in here with my you know not even fiance’s here I’ll just hit him with a shovel and then everything’s going to be fine Gregory that’s a clar they’re literally like a nun I don’t think you can just hit oh Gregory I

Think you oh you’re next Bonita oh um oh I broke my shovel on Bonita’s face umap the raw we concerned how violent Gregory’s being right now I’m trying to make sure that this wedding proposal goes to plan and now Clarice and Bernita or whatever are sleeping in your guys’s

Beds anyways now we can break these and we can carry on with our lovely romantic evening um with the lovely couple foxan if you could just come out here all even just I’ll show for you guys woo all right we can we just make our way this

Way um sure I wow oh my goodness oh wow what is this Freddy if only you had something really amazing to say like a marriage proposal or like some vows or something follow me follow me um all right sure this is this is nice you know the

Full moon the stars the you know it’s a good temperature oh the flowers and the Torches and Gregory spying from the little hole over there um this is really nice roxan yes you have been the light of my life been the the wolf the wolf

That hunts all the evil sheep that is my life the Gregory that is punching the Sheep oh oh it’s ruining the marriage proposal you’re you’re ruining the vibe can you oh um thank you I do like raw mutton anyways um you were saying oh uh you have been the rock star that has

Been leading my life and I would have no one else in that position a roxan not you pulling out a shovel would you marry me it was in the way yes I will oh my goodness and conveniently I already have a wedding ring for you I

Have no way it’s like it was meant to be how nice well this is uh great um I I guess we just have to continue The Challenge from here on out don’t we yep uh Gregory uh you needed to sleep on the roof right but I set up this whole thing

For you guys you don’t want to be in the room I’m just going to go sleep over here in a whole different building I think might be better that’s a good idea I guess I should put our Minecraft beds next to each other now uh yeah okay well

I guess um we should probably pick a different house that doesn’t have two dead bodies in it though that’s reasonable let’s just enjoy our night together yeah oh good morning sweetheart look it’s our baby girl oh you guys already had a baby well of course we have to get the challenge

Started this is episode one after all how is that physically possible you don’t want to know oh I don’t think I do you’re right well but now we have a hard decision to make though ooh you’re right we have name the baby and it’s a baby girl so

Ooh maybe we can do Rox CA um rock uh Ro maybe it can be like our names combined like Foxy oh um maybe not that Freddy roxan fedan fedan that sounds like a guy name I’m not going to lie um hm what about Fanny that sounds like that

That that sounds okay what do you want from me a good name what what about a normal name like like oh like a Haley or something okay what is Haley I like FR haly one of your mistress’s names no I can literally count on the on my

Hand who I’ve dated in my life okay okay okay wait so what what Fanny or Franny I like both of those Franny that’s cute Franny yeah okay let’s do Franny all right now I will say after Franny obviously we’re going to have to have 98 more babies so you guys need to leave

Some comments down below of B oh my head’s I’m too short to go um let me do this you guys need to leave some comments down below of different baby names that you want in um our world Greg who are you talking to I I think he’s

Off his meds again I think we need to we need to take him back we’ll take him back to the fa that’s story but here’s our first baby and she look our first bab where did where did our other baby where did where did Gregory go well

We’re back to we’re back to 99 oh never mind Freddy oh my God she’s so cute and she has no pupils just like me oh she has no pupil so here Franny so Franny’s kind of scary wait I can put Franny to work okay wa rock this is episode one rock I was

Just taking note of things we can do with Granny so far she’s going to be my little follower you do look kind of like a raccoon I was going to say she’s giving me Raccoon Vib so um she which one of you was why does this man have a

Sword near my baby Freddy beat them up oh my God oh my God oh my God fredd defend family my God he’s beating you up with a sword oh my good all I got all I got is a shule oh my God oh my Freddy help your

Son oh my goodness do I have to get involved with everything get away from my babies you had an axe this whole time of course I did but I’m the wife I’m supposed to be dainty and feminine you just murdered that man with an ax I will

Do anything I have to do for my welcome to the family Franny that is only a taste of the craziness that is his family are you ready to have more oh God yeah

This video, titled ‘Roxanne Wolf’s 100 BABY CHALLENGE in Minecraft RETURNS’, was uploaded by Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show on 2023-11-21 19:00:05. It has garnered 25557 views and 1061 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:00 or 1200 seconds.

Roxanne Wolf’s 100 BABY CHALLENGE in Minecraft RETURNS

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    Aethro MinecraftExplore the Worlds of Aethro Minecraft!Survival Server: Dive into our enhanced Survival server, packed with exciting plugins to enrich your experience. Enjoy features like Extra Storage, Minepacks, Crates, a Land plugin, Proximity Chat, and many more. Discover the full plugin list at Aethro Plugins.Vanilla Server: Craving pure Minecraft gameplay? Our Vanilla server offers a pristine Minecraft experience with just Keep Inventory enabled and essential administrative plugins.Join Us Today:Java: 25565Bedrock: 19132Xbox Users: Add Aethro2000 as a friend and jump in!Stay connected! Visit our website or join our Discord community for more information and to meet fellow players. See you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Get Wrecked, Noob!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than most of my high school essays. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft

    Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft Minecraft: The Adventure of Avoiding Orange Color Introduction In a recent Minecraft video titled “Minecraft ama TURUNCU RENGE DOKUNURSAM VİDEO BİTER,” the player embarks on a unique challenge where touching the color orange would end the video. Let’s dive into this thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns. The Challenge Begins The video kicks off with the player surrounded by orange hues, setting the stage for a suspenseful journey. The goal? To avoid any contact with the color orange while navigating through the Minecraft world. Seeking Diamonds Amidst the orange landscape, the player’s primary objective is to find diamonds…. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!

    Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!Video Information apa lagi Uh oke Guys Langsung aja kita review untuk edonnya langsung aja oh ya BT sini juga sudah cosplay menjadi penyihir ya guys ya Oke Langsung aja kita ganti kamera guys dan langsung kita coba dari pertama yaitu ada black hole spell langsung kita cobain kayak gini guys Boom untuk Black hole-nya guys Wah berputar-putar kayak gitu guys ya Awas cuy Black hole-nya ini sangat besar banget si kita gak bisa keluar guys ya gila cuy Oh my God gila guys ya Black ho-nya sangat apa ya menyedot banget gitu guys ya kayak kita terserap banget gitu… Read More

  • Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHC

    Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHCVideo Information I just have the Sur as neon thingy I’m not white listed oh snap neon thingy is a good point okay try not to don’t don’t fight people until it starts please yes I’m tting you to yeah yeah everyone sit down I sent my name into the Discord hog yo what’s up boar 209 oh I can Whit list as well I forgot I have powers let’s go and do that real quick consumption of minerals did somebody say minerals I’m just going to use voice chat mod I’m going to leave this PC now all right… Read More

  • EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viral

    EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘clutch with water bucket #trending #viral #like #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ST GAMERS on 2024-05-05 13:35:36. It has garnered 464 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour – Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)

    Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour - Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,601’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:28:32. It has garnered 114 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,601 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viral

    Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viralVideo Information अरे स्विमिंग पूल इधर क्या कर रहा है और यह क्या लिखा हुआ है डेंजर डीप वाटर अरे यार पानी बहुत गहरा है वरना तो मैं नहा लेता इसमें अरे नब की इतनी हिम्मत की स्विमिंग पूल के पास खड़ चलो मैं इसको पानी में गिरा देता हूं स्विमिंग पूल के पास क्यों खड़े हो यह लो प्र ऐसा मत करो मुझे स्विमिंग नहीं आती प्लीज मुझे निकालो सरी न मैं तो जा रहा हूं चलो यार मैं फिशिंग करने चलता हूं अरे यार यह तो न पानी में डूब र मैं इनको जल्दी से बचा देता हूं… Read More

  • PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!

    PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft wies you were not supposed to know starting with a myth sent on Discord from Among Us Red who says guys watch this and tell me there isn’t something wrong with this cave also notice the seed the seed is Kei blood should be a four there huh anyways all right let’s look at this evidence huh oh wow we’re changing the render distance to four and the entity distance to 50% wait why now okay so something is apparently wrong with the cave in the seed it’s not actually the Overworld I… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – Twitter – Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

    Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiked Mountains Server Hub Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Rustic on 2024-05-27 10:31:02. It has garnered 408 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft server hub build in progress will have a video and download link up in next few days! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #gaming #games #gameplay Read More

  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

    EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by DANGER GAMES on 2024-02-25 01:19:49. It has garnered 504 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo techno gamerz anshu bisht notgamerfleet minecraft notgamerfleet minecraft anshu bisht technogamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft technogamerz #94 minecraft minecraft episode I.m bixu I.m bixu minecraft minecraft pe minecraft shorts shorts Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! Join our close-knit community with fantastic bases, a community capital city, a vibrant shopping district, games events, competitions, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft. Content creators are welcome to cover the server. Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, stealing, or unlawful killing Have fun and respect others Avoid creating lag machines Apply to Join: Please reply with: Age Discord ID IGN Gender Nationality Favorite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke 🙂 Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Quartz slabs for the trapper!

    Minecraft Memes - Quartz slabs for the trapper!Quartz bricks slabs? More like quartz bricks drabs, am I right? These memes are really paving the way for some prime building material humor. Read More

  • Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette

    Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a rhythmic stream. From TNT Russian Roulette to diamond digs, Every update, every twist, I’ll give you the gigs. With a wink and a nod, and a playful tone, I’ll bring you the facts in a style all my own. So subscribe today, join the fun and the hype, As we journey through Minecraft, in rhyme and type. Read More

  • Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When your dog is more powerful than a giant iron golem, you know you’ve been playing Minecraft too much! #SuperDogWins #FerrousWroughtnautFails 🐶💪🏼🤖 Read More