Ryguyrocky – I Survived 100 Days as a TITAN in Minecraft

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What would you do if you suddenly woke up and were 50 ft tall well today I’m going to become a Titan in Minecraft and uh I’m going to be absolutely huge and so my goal is simple survive until day 100 as a Titan all while three Scouts

Try and stop me from surviving will my giant Powers as a Titan be enough to survive are these Scouts going to successfully take out my Titan with their flying odm gear and uh as you can see I am huge as a baby Titan and because I’m so big I actually get 10

Full Hearts of Health but uh I’m really really slow and of course that’s a massive problem cuz there are three Scouts in front of me trying to kill me before my Titan can get to day 100 but luckily for me I have this Titan upgrade menu where I can make my Titan even

Stronger with attacks like Titan fist devastating clap or even the rumbling so uh the second I leave this little grass area they’re definitely going to start to chase me and with their odm gear they have on that’s going to be easy so if they have a power I need to get my first

Power Titan fist like completing the quests you see in the top left so first things first let’s go to that Village and complete the first quest which is punching an iron golem okay here we go 3 2 1 go okay go get that baby after him

Oh yeah see how fast they are oh my gosh Go baby go oh no no no no no okay go run run run run we got to get to this Village we got to get to this Village go go go go go okay into the village you’re

Not going to go away baby Titan we just got to find an iron golem oh I see a Golem I see a Golem oh we just got to punch him ready and punch and run now let’s jump here onto this building oh wait there’s a hay bale there I need to

Land on a hay bale and reduce fall damage I got idea okay I got a hay bale now we just going to reduce fall damage onto this hay bale somehow and I got the perfect idea put the hay bale right there jump up here onto this log and yes

Okay we did it we reduce damage with a hay B oh goodness now we need to kill one of these Scouts that are chasing me but of course that’s the hardest part I’ve got you Titan oh there’s a Pillager Outpost let’s go there and use the pillagers to distract them oh we’re

Going to need that and I really hope that Pillager Outpost has something I can use go surprise baby oh this is not good he’s in the tower you know we’re going in the tower too we’re going in the tower he died he died he died go go

Go go up here up here up here quick get in this chest there’s got to be a crossbow there’s stuff we can use log items yes there’s a ton of stuff and food now let’s go and let’s quickly make ourselves a crafting table table now let’s make ourselves a wooden sword okay

They’re definitely going to be here soon we need to get the kill where are they he blocked me off wait what am I doing that oh no we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him done I can’t hit him oh oh we’re low

Okay we got him we got the kill we got the kill we need to get out here for the others come back let’s go make some bread let’s e these potatoes we need to get some health in us okay go go go go we’re getting out of here go go go go go

Go go go okay we’re going to get out of here please don’t let anyone see us okay so we’re definitely safe from the scouts for now but I’m definitely lucky that they stink using their odm gear and pretty much all died using it but you

Know what we take these W’s so now let’s just go build our first Titan base somewhere where we’re going to be safe because if I stay outside I am a Sitting Duck okay I found the area that I want to build my base it’s in this giant hole

In the ground in the middle of a forest so let’s start finding a safe way down there real quick by putting down our crafting table and making ourselves a pickaxe so now let’s go down here and start building ourselves a staircase down into this hill okay we made it down that was

Actually way harder than I anticipated and luckily there’s a waterfall down to the bottom part but before we go down there we actually need food so I’m going to take a risk and go back to the village where the scouts were to see if I can get some food which I’ll get from

The hay bales in the village and make a bunch of bread but before we go there let’s unlock our first upgrade Titan fist as it does an absolute boatload of damage and should help us survive okay the village is just up ahead here oh wait I just saw Scout in that Pillager

Outpost oh I think he sees me okay I don’t see him behind me he may not have seen me I might have been wrong let’s just start grabbing some hay let’s quickly make another crafting table put it down next to us get three bread let’s

Eat the bread so we can at least Sprint did he see us oh no he definitely sees us that’s him right there okay quick we need more we need more food grab two pop them in get some bread now get ready to fight get ready to fight we have our

Titan fist we should be okay just go this way for now okay here he comes he’s coming into the village now let’s just get around this building and this is where we’re going to jump out on him and get him with the fist come on here he

Comes I see his name through the wall oh he sees me oh we got him he’s done oh maybe not yes we got him we got him we got him yes we killed him okay now let’s go grab as many hay bills as we can and

Then go back home go go go go go grab grab grab go grab okay I grabbed 40 that should definitely be enough for now now let’s get out of this Village and never come back and so I spent the next few days just finishing the Titan base making it

Perfect to hide from the scout I also upgraded my armor cuz uh I don’t want to die okay so welcome to the baby Titan base it’s really not that big but it does have pretty much everything I’ll ever need it’s got some chest and furnaces a lava generator infinite water

And of course the most important 100 day item a bed but now that the base is done it’s actually time to start working on some upgrades and the next upgrade we’re working on is called Sasha’s potato it’s basically an infinite potato that heals a lot more hunger but as you can see it

Also apparently grants magical abilities whatever that means so let’s actually unlock it and find out what that’s about so first things first let’s crawl our way back into this Village and let’s grab ourselves the eight hay bals that we’re going to need and now if we just

Go up here we’re going to find the only Farm in the village which hopefully has potatoes oh I saw a potato I definitely saw a potato oh and it had two beetroots seed and so we look at Sasha’s potato all we need is beetroots and potatoes so we actually have pretty much everything

We need we just have to go home now and farm it all but you guys know me I hate farming so let’s go ahead and let’s make ourselves a diamond pickaxe real fast and let’s go grab ourselves some obsidian so that way we can make a nether portal and get bone blocks there

Okay so let’s just pour the water right here and we’re going to start creting creating some obsidian and now let’s just mine 10 of this up so we can make ourselves a nether portal okay we’ve got the 10 obsidian now let’s just go back up and uh it’s definitely night time

Outside so let’s build the nether portal tomorrow after we go to sleep anyway day 10 let’s go build a nether portal right here which if we combine a flint and an iron ingot we can light up and now go to the nether okay and now that we’re here

We just got to find some bone blocks and uh not burning lava okay we found some bone blocks barely we can barely see them right there in that little sliver but I have no idea how to get over there except the good oldfashioned way of building over wait what if we just go

Over here let’s just jump here real quick go here and let’s see if we jump from here down if we’re okay ready okay we live yes we’re down hey and there’s a Bastion okay now let’s just start building our way over and let’s go get those bone

Blocks okay we made it to land now let just start getting over to those bone blocks you know what I just realized as a baby Titan I get extra blocks of reach look at this I can break blocks all the way over here and I think it’s cuz my

Titan’s so big that it counts as only being a few blocks away anyway that’s really Broken But now that we do that let’s just grab these bone blocks okay all those bone blocks will give us two stacks of bone meal which should definitely be enough now let’s just head

On back home real fast and let’s grab a bunch of dirt okay 30 dirt should do now let’s build a farm over here in the base so we’ll quickly set up some dirt like this and now let’s put some water underneath and now all we have to do is till this

Land uh wait I think I screwed up the water so now let’s put a water right here instead okay perfect I think the whole thing’s working now okay so let’s put the potato on the ground and now let’s grab our bone meal and let’s grow

It and break it and now we have four potatoes now we’ll plant all four of those grow them break them and now we have all the potatoes we need now let’s grab our beetroot seeds and do the exact same thing and there we go now we have eight

Beetroots which means we have everything we need to unlock Sasha’s potato and now you’ll see we have a steaming potato in our hand now if we eat this potato you’re going to see that I got a bunch of effects I got speed I got jump boost

I got strength and I got water breathing and this potato will only get stronger with each and every Titan I unlock speaking of which now that we have the potato we should probably work on unlocking our first Titan the regular Titan so that way instead of 10 Hearts

We’ll have 25 hearts and hopefully we’ll be a little bit stronger but anyway it’s night time outside so let’s go back in shut all the doors and let’s go to sleep okay so to actually become the next Titan we just need a block of emerald eight targets and a bunch of rotten

Flesh so let’s start by getting the easiest part of that the rotten flesh and you are my first Target come here let me build your little Bridge come over here there you go that did not work that did not ow that was a lot of damage

Oh we’re in trouble eat s potato quick oh that was bad okay here’s a zombie and now let’s start getting rotten flesh ooh a diamond okay there we go we got 20 rotten flesh which means now we need eight targets and a block of emerald but we’ll work on

The targets and stuff starting tomorrow okay so to actually make a Target we just need to get four Redstone and a hay bale are you kidding me more hay bales well either way I don’t have any Redstone so let’s just start by grabbing four Redstone and I guess then we’ll go

Grab a hay bale and make ourselves some targets okay there we go here’s some easy redstone let’s just grab this okay that’s actually exactly the amount of redstone we needed surprisingly enough oh my goodness so many zombies so now let’s just go grab eight more hay bales

And make these Target targets you know I’m hly so lucky there’s so many hay bales in this Village and H just for safekeeping I’m going to take every single hay bale in this entire Village so I never have to get a single hay bale ever again I’m so sick of them I’m sick

Of hay bales anyway I believe there’s a crafting table over here let’s just go over to that real quick and now we take our Redstone and we split it up like so and then we put the hay bals in the middle we can make Target blocks and we

Now have eight Target blocks which means the last thing we need to become a Titan is a block of emerald and since I’m already in a village let’s see if there’s any trades that can easily get us there 32 rotten flesh for one Emerald that’s not worth it hello anyone home oh

I heard a villager in here flip a page oh he doesn’t give anything for Emerald wait is there two Librarians in there where did the other one go hello okay wait you wait what do you have 24 paper for an emerald now that I can do so

Let’s just go out in the world and let’s just grab as much paper as we can if 24 paper equals 1 Emerald we need 216 sugar cane that’s over three stacks okay we’re going to need to find a desert if we want to do that or we could just find a

Mountain and mine them you know what let’s see whatever comes first either we find a mountain that has emeralds or we find a desert with sugarcane whichever comes first that’s the one we’re going to do yes there it is there’s the desert I knew I saw one okay we found a desert

First so let’s go grab some sugarcane since that stuff spawns everywhere here hey another Village maybe it’ll have better trades I got to check it out real quick like what do you trade 20 wheat for an emerald wait if I just turned my hay bales into wheat and then I trade

You how many emeralds are going to give me for this 3 6 eight oh I’m so close wait let me just steal your wheat oh wait wait wait let me take the hay bale turn the hay bale into wheat trade this man and boom we have nine emeralds I

Didn’t even need to do the sugarcane method okay so let’s just go ahead and let’s cut down a tree real fast and let’s make ourselves a crafting table and now let’s just go make ourselves the emerald block which means we have everything done to already become a Titan and the sun’s actually beginning

To set so we should get heading home real quick and we’ll unlock the Titan at home once we know if we fit in the base or not okay so let’s see if the Titan fits first we click our Titan button to turn into our brand new Titan but uh for

Some reason my camera’s in its feet so let’s fix that so as a regular Titan you’re going to see I am really really creepy looking oh dear oh my God that did so many hearts and now I don’t even fit in my base so uh we’re just going to

Have to carve out a couple blocks up top here like this and now we fit okay so now that we actually fit inside our home let’s see what else this Titan unlocked does the first thing I’m noticing is I have insane block reach I can mine

Blocks all the way over where my nether portal is so that’s pretty crazy but anyway now that this Titan’s unlocked let’s unlock our next tier two upgrade called block Smasher this ability is pretty simple is it’s just going to allow me to walk through blocks that are

In my way so if I ran straight into this wall right here I would just plow right through it and destroy everything don’t you dare rude and that’s going to be super useful as a giant Titan especially cuz this is still a small Titan because later on we’re going to unlock the

Colossal Titan who’s uh well let’s just show him from the anime real quick yeah he’s huge but anyway to actually unlock our new Block Breaker ability we’re going to need to discover a Jungle Pyramid so let’s do that first because that seems like a pain in the butt and

I’d rather get that one done with and so I went searching for a Jungle Pyramid but it turns out they are impossible to find and finally after 4 days of looking I finally found something the scouts please make the jump yes oh W look at this cave this is huge oh there’s a

Scout there did he see me he didn’t I’m going to catch a legendary fish out here the scouts are literally right there wait I have an idea they don’t see me they don’t see me they don’t see me I’m going for it please make this

Jump oh that did not work eat some food get in the water get in the water you can pretty much died there’s lava there’s a tie underneath us get up there in that cave go okay they’re coming in they’re coming in they’re coming in we got to hold shift oh NOP they’re here

One’s here and one of them just died to fall damage oh that fall damage he’s done where is he where is he oh he landed in water what okay eat some food okay he’s still down there where’s the other one oh there he is there he is

There he is where is he I definitely saw him down here oh there he is dude he’s done you’re done and you’re done done oh maybe not Maybe not maybe not maybe not ah get away no he killed me so quick yes okay thank God our Titan fist

Is op but now we need to find ourselves a jungle temple after getting through the battle with the scouts I continued looking for a Jungle Pyramid and I did find one but not before realizing that I didn’t even have my quests active so uh none of those kills I just got count

Towards anything anyway on to the Jungle oh I see one one it’s right down here oh we got one literally on this hill go down here let’s break inside oh wait the quest already counted it’s already green on my screen that took literally 10 days to find that’s ridiculous I feel like

Jungle temples are even rarer than like Woodland Mansions sometimes okay so now I’m done with the hardest quest of my entire life let’s finish up the rest of them next we have to enchant a bunch of diamond tools so we’re going to need to make an enchanting table which requires

A bunch of diamonds obsidian and a book now the book itself is easy to get I can just steal that from a village but we’re going to need a lot of diamonds to make all those diamond tools and we’re going to need diamonds for that enchanting table so let’s start collecting diamonds

And battle that spider jockey that’s a super rare spawn get over here you you’re dying now I see a diamond way up there so let’s get that one first there we go here’s another one and now we just need six more diamonds for all the tools okay that’s definitely enough diamonds

Now let’s just go grab some obsidian real quick okay we got four obsidian meaning now we just have to go to a village and steal a book or that’s what I was going to say but the Sun appears to be going down so we’ll finish the enchanting table tomorrow okay so we

Just need to steal a book from this Village there was two Librarians in here so I feel like this is probably the best place to do it so let’s just break through your building here I just need to get to those bookshelves now let’s just break this bookshelf with a shovel

And boom we got a book now we can just go over to this crafting table right here take our four obsidian two diamonds and book to make ourselves an enchanting table now let’s go seal the rest of the books so we can upgrade the enchanting table at our base okay that’s 23 books

That’ll definitely do for now now let’s just go home and enchant a bunch of stuff so let’s go ahead and let’s remove our farm real fast cuz we don’t really need it anymore and now let’s put our enchanting table right there and now we just got to enchant a bunch of diamond

Tools so let’s go and let’s make ourselves a bunch of sticks and now let’s make ourselves a diamond pickaxe a diamond axe and a diamond shovel and now let’s enchant each one of those with a weak enchantment and now we are almost able to unlock block Smasher all we have

To do now is kill three Scouts so let’s go find the Scout HQ and let’s pay them a visit it took a couple days of searching but eventually I found the Scout’s base and was ready for battle oh that’s definitely it I found the Scout base look at this it’s like a village

Surrounded by a wall I’m guessing they were trying to recreate the wall from the anime but um that looks awful either way let’s go in and let’s just start battling them we get to get three kills on them to unlock block Smasher going in their front door is definitely a trap

They definitely have a Titan trap here or something I don’t like this wait what there’s not no trap I just walk in oh oh oh here it comes oh guys there some Titan I’m coming get over here Titan bring him over here bring him out here

Bring him out here oh he went too high oh no he’s not oh ow O stay back I just keep Hing him back keep Hing him back nice he’s dead one of them died of fall damage which is good cuz it counted for me and goodbye Goldie I made it I made

It away oh my gosh oh he what he hit so far all right Ty You and Me Maybe not okay they’re all dead let’s unlock block Smasher no I don’t know where their beds are I got to try this ability out oh my God look at this I’m breaking through

Their wall look at this I can break through this whole house look at this everything’s breaking around me okay go this way go this way let’s go through the wall here oh my goodness their base is Toad no dude he’s destroying the wall and look I hit one they all back up stay

Back yes get back here oh God no dude dude okay you know what block Smasher is also op wait what does the other block Smasher button do oh I see I just no no no no stop stop stop stop stop oh we just started digging underground now

We’re stuck in a hole okay wait we can just do this I forgot we can just run through the ground this is way easier and now we are out of here there he is get him or not oh god oh we’re in trouble e do his potato go he’s sitting

On fire somehow oh gosh oh no oh my gosh dude he reached so far nice we hit him back just keep hitting him backwards we have really good knock back a nice we got one dead oh oh he’s he’s actually getting me with those oh no nice we got him oh we’re low

We only 10 Hearts you’re not going to get oh he just destroyed me bro nice we got him we got him we got him he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead we need to get out of here go go go go we can’t leave a trail so we need to get out of here

Manually they’re going to think I’m going in this Direction Let’s Take A Hard turn and let’s go into the forest they’re not going to expect me going into the forest and we are out of here okay so let’s start by getting the apples as we only need five to make a

Bunch of golden apples so let’s just cook down a bunch of these trees till we get some apples I saw the last Apple I needed it just fell in the cave I’m coming for you buddy okay there we go we have five apples now if we check our chest I think

We already have like 20 gold or something like that yeah we have 15 raw gold so we just need to go down to the caves and grab a bunch more gold so we can get five golden apples okay 28 gold is more than what we needed

Now let’s just get going back to the base and make a bunch of golden apples now let’s throw the gold inside of our blast furnaces to start smelting but while we wait I’m going to tell you what we’re going to do right after the Gold’s done you see for regenerative Focus

We’re going to need a bucket of tadpole and to get that we’re going to need a slime ball so tonight we’re going to head to a swamp because it’s easy to get slime balls inside of a swamp ow okay the Gold’s done now let’s put our apples

In the center and the gold on the outside and bada bing bada boom we have ourselves wait three golden apples oh I see I forgot to put the rest of the gold in I’m so dumb okay still just take the remaining gold stick the apples in the

Middle and boom now we have five golden apples the first Quest done for regenerative Focus now we need to head to the swamp we found earlier that’s right near the desert and then we can easily get some slime balls okay we’re at a swamp so now we just have to wait

For that sun to go down and wait for the slimes to spawn in okay I’ve spotted my first slime he’s over there give me a slime ball give me a bunch of slime balls that’s two oh my god there they go flying there’s one over here and to be

Honest that’s actually all we need to breed some frogs and get a bucket of tadpole but I want to be extra safe just in case and grab a few more before we go and this slime right here we do that should be enough for us to get out of

Here so let’s head on home and tomorrow we’ll get a bucket of tadpole which means now we just got to go find some frogs and technically you can find frogs in a swamp I find them pretty hard to find there and I find them much easier

To find in a mangrove swamp and I also know where one of those is so let’s head to that real fast and let’s see if we can find ourselves any frogs I’m just going to go and put on my block Smasher so we can walk through the trees it will

Just make it way easier to navigate around okay we bumped into a lot of frogs there’s one right here and a bunch over this way actually let’s just do you two cuz you’re kind of near each other if I give one to you and I give one to

You you guys should supposedly make a bunch of tadpoles in the water let’s see how that happens oh yeah there it is look at that tadpoles and now we just got to wait for the tadpoles to hatch and we pick them up in our bucket and then we can almost unlock regenerative

Focus wait there’s one in the water right there come here yes we have a bucket of tadpole hey there little guy well I guess we don’t need you so now we can go home with the bucket of Tad pole in hand and all we need now is three

Suspicious stew now to actually make suspicious stew is surprisingly easy you just need to get a flow and two mushrooms with a bucket to make this stew so let’s start by taking our wooden planks and making four bowls and now let’s go to a dark oak forest where we

Can get ourselves some ground and red mushroom all right here’s a bunch of red mushrooms and here’s a bunch of brown mushrooms and now we need to grab some flowers like these guys and now if we combine this all together in our hot bar absolutely nothing happens cuz lilacs

Don’t make suspicious stew but you know what does red and yellow flowers now if we take these red flowers next to some bowls and we put the red mushrooms in along with the brown mushrooms we should make some suspicious stew and there we go we have three suspicious stew which

Was the last thing we needed to get regenerative Focus so let’s unlock it and let’s try it out so first things first let’s grab a bunch of wood right here and let’s get a bunch of these pillagers attention to start a attacking us now we’re going to start building up

Okay so now see if I take a bunch of fall damage next to these guys and then use regenerator Focus I start using steam on them and stealing all of their HP so yeah that’s our regenerative Focus works and now we’re going to work to unlock the next combat ability consume

Probably the strongest Titan ability out there if you’ve seen the attack on Titan anime you know this ability you know the one where the Titans grab people and then uh bite them well that is literally the power I’m going to unlock so starting tomorrow that’s what we’re

Going to get okay so to actually unlock the consumability I’ve just got got to eat one puffer fish kill an Elder Guardian and smash a bunch of blocks near the Scout so let’s start by eating a puffer fish okay we should be at the

War oce yes we are I see all the coral reefs now we got to kill and eat a puffer fish they’re really hard to spot cuz they’re tiny oh I see one wait no that’s not one okay I see a puffer fish he’s right there that tiny little thing

Let’s go get him okay we got him he’s dead there it is I see the puffer fish now we’ve got it now I just got to eat it and Quest complete wait I didn’t realize this is going to put me on half heart this isn’t going to kill me is it

Okay we’re barely alive I can’t take any damage though okay we’re healing we’re good I can get out of here now okay so let’s just jump in the water and quickly go down to the base that wait what oh I thought I no there is where I knew it

Getting closer he’s getting closer I’m pressing it no let’s go oh no I knew it where is it I knew it looked weird when I jump down okay I got to kill him I got to kill him I got to kill him the rest of him try to get him surprise Titan

Surprise ah hold on eat a potato hold on go here go here go oh nice he’s off he’s done in the lava okay he’s dead he’s dead he burned in lava okay she’s hiding inside look Goldie’s not good at PVP so I’m not really worried about this what are you

Going to do you’re our only hope Janet well it’s just being a Titan right now what are you going to do you’re trapped a goodbye oh she didn’t fall come on yeah goodbye no I knew it the minute I get out and she’s dead that plan did not

Work at all I think they were trying to trap me in that sand but that completely failed so uh we’re still alive but we do have to move bases cuz they know where this one is now so I’m just going to go ahead and uh grab a bunch of our

Essential stuff and and then just head on to a new base after my base was discovered by the scouts I had to move to a new Titan base cuz even though I’m a lot stronger than I was as a baby Titan I still have less Hearts overall

Than the Scout’s chasing me so I need to get stronger much faster or I may not live to day 100 okay so welcome your faces to the new Titan base it’s literally right behind me in this lava pool all I got to do is stand in front

Of the lava activate my mining ability and deactivate it so I’m fireproof and then I just swim through and fall in this water and then we’re inside the base and before I actually show you the base the exit for the base is right down the this giant tunnel cuz uh you can’t

Really swim out the lava but anyway besides that the base is simple we got our chests bed smelting area a fully upgraded enchanter a lava generator and of course our giant nether portal cuz we’re a Titan now obviously our base was destroyed before we could finish our

Last Quest so let’s go Ahad and finish it now and let’s start Gathering some supplies to get an underwater map and the first things we’re going to need is a bunch of sugar canane okay that is all the sugarcane we’re going to need now we just need to

Grab a bunch of sand which uh is kind of everywhere okay that should be enough sand now let’s just go home and turn that sand into glass panes and the sugar cane into paper and then we need a few other items to trade with a villager and we’ll be

Able to get an underwater map that’ll lead us to a monument so first things first let’s turn our sugarcane into paper nice and easy and now we have all the paper we’re going to need okay now let’s throw all of our sand inside of our furnaces and now let let that turn

Into glass now just take that glass and turn it into a bunch of glass panes then just go ahead and make yourself two compasses and a cartography table and now tomorrow we trade with a villager okay so now we just got to find a villager to turn into a cartographer and

One of you looks perfect Take This Job perfect now let’s tra a bunch of our paper for emeralds and then he’s going to level up now we trade him all our glass panes for even more emeralds and then we can go ahead and get ourselves the Ocean Explorer map which will lead

Us straight to an underwater Monument which is in this direction so let’s slowly slip through this water and get to that Monument oh the map’s starting to load go my Titan we are going to slay an Elder Guardian oh there it is straight ahead of me okay so now we just

Got to go in there and kill an Elder Guardian which should be pretty easy cuz we really just got to plow through the walls here until we find one so let’s just go ahead here and let’s break through here oh and here’s an Elder Guardian

There we go he’s dead and there we go that was easy we officially killed an Elder Guardian now just get back in our boat and let’s head on home okay so now we just got to head to the scouts base and destroy a boatload of blocks which

We can easily do with rock Smasher so let’s go to their base and let’s show them the real power of a Titan and then we can unlock consume one of the strongest Titan abilities okay the base is literally up here we just got to go in and break 500 blocks and we’re good

Let’s not go through the front let’s go through the side like right here this will work nice we’re in I don’t see any Scouts oh I see one I see one he sees me you guys good over there I’m on him I’m fighting him actually I need to break

Blocks near them let me kill him real quick oh he’s done he’s done get over here Titan no he’s he’s got reach on me bro he’s got reached this way this way this way one’s behind me okay let’s start breaking blocks go okay we’re breaking we’re breaking we can play almost like

Whack-a-mole with them look oh they’re on me they’re on me they’re on me going bro I I’m hitting him once what is he doing this isn’t where our base is Titan oh what’s down here oh it’s their base oh we’re destroying everything no he’s going get

To our base no no B There we go 500 blocks destroyed let’s go in here beds beds are gone oh my goodness I’m destroying It All We destroyed the 500 blocks now let’s unlock our consume ability oh we’re in trouble quick unlock it unlock it unlock it we got consume we

Have consume go go this way oh God okay they’re all in front of us they’re all in front of us let’s use consume ready if I hit the button I I’m biting one of them I just hit him I’m whacking him I’m whacking him oh and she died immediately

In one hit she’s dead and now I take all her Hearts as gold Hearts oh he’s trying to get me okay let’s dig underground ready watch this nice nice nice he’s falling he fell he fell he fell nice we got him we’re going to get him

He’s so done get him come on yes he’s digging into the center of the earth ow dude get away from me no no no no dude one’s gone one’s gone let’s get Su him another one oh there’s one more on us let’s go let’s go ready oh no yes go go

I trapped myself oh no uh this way this way this way this way back up he’s running he’s running he’s running he’s running okay I think we lost him here he comes and now use consume we bite him and he’s dead you see whatever’s nearby me when I use consume automatically gets

Eaten and killed and now that the players are dead and their base is totally destroyed we can get out of here with our new OP consumability in hand man I love how op this Titan is okay so consume is broken like unless the Scouts have another weapon they are actually in

Trouble but anyway now that we destroyed their base that should slow them down a bit so while they’re slow let’s go ahead and let’s unlock our next ability hardening shell basically if we get 200 glowstone dust Five Arrows of slowness and a sniffer egg we can get this

Ability so let’s quickly go back to the base and make ourselves a brush as we literally need that just to get a sniffer egg okay so let’s combine a stick with a feather with a copper and then we get a brush and now we just got

To go to a desert to find some warm ocean ruins uh and the reason I say desert is cuz there’s warm ocean near one and then we just dig around there with the brush till we get a sniffer egg okay I found our first one it’s right

Here you go away okay now we take our brush and we right click this and see no way is that a sniffer egg first try we just got a sniffer egg let’s go what do we get in the second one okay that’s just a wooden hoe I don’t care about

That you literally can’t make this up I just got that first try that was easy well I guess we’ll head back home now and uh start working on getting that glowstone dust to the nether okay that’s all the glowstone dust we’re going to need now let’s just go back to

The nether portal real quick and head on home so that way we can get the last items we need which is just Five Arrows of slowness now if you didn’t know to make an arrow of slowness what you need is a lingering potion of slowness which requires dragon’s breath meaning we have

To kill the Ender Dragon not actually luckily for us we don’t have to do that at all because inside of ice biomes instead of skeletons spawning a mob called a stray spawn and those Frosty skeletons drop slowness arrows and so since I know where a nice biome already

Is we’re just going to head there wait till night and kill a bunch of the frosty bone boys okay I found a snow village over here we’re going to wait here till night time okay there goes the sun goodbye sun which means hello moon and hopefully that means some Strays are

Going to start to spawn oh and there’s some Strays right there time for you to die and see look he dropped a slowness Arrow okay there we go we have all the ARs of slowness we need which means we can go home and unlock armored shell

Tomorrow okay so all we have to do is unlock hardened shell and now to test it out and now that we have that ability unlocked it can do something really cool you’re going to see that now I can break blocks with my hand and I’ll actually

Get the ore for it that even means if I break a block like this I will get an iron ore now you’re probably wondering to yourself uh Ry the ability is called hardening shell that’s not a hardening shell well that’s only part one of the ability you see once I actually get to

The tier you see once we actually finish up our next tier of Titan which is the armor Titan then we’ll actually unlock the Shield part of this upgrade which would give me an exoskeleton that lasts for 120 seconds and blocks most of my incoming damage man you you you and

You’ll see when we get there and since we need to get the tier three Titan just to show you this ability let’s get them I mean seriously all we need is 30 dead coral three recovery compasses and a wax block of copper which I’m pretty sure a

Wax block of copper is just a normal block of copper so let’s go go back to the base and let’s just double check on that okay let’s grab our copper and now let’s see if we put nine ingots in shouldn’t that give us a whack oh wait a

Waxed block of copper I need to combine a block of copper with a honeycomb okay after a quick Google search I need to make some shears and now we need to head to a beehive to quickly get ourselves some bees wag and there’s literally a beehive right here so let’s just use our

Shears on it okay now the bees are angry probably attacking me but I do it three honeycomb now which if we combine that with our block of copper we’re going to get a wax block of copper which is exactly what we need to become the Armored Titan and now we just need three

Recovery compasses which if you don’t know what that is it’s basically this Compass that’s blue where it shows your death point and we just need to get a bunch of echo shards to make that which we can find in an ancient city so let’s go find one of those real fast it wasn’t

Easy I mean normally finding an ancient city is easy but this time I struggle but on day 51 I finally found one okay so we found an ancient city it’s way over there um and it’s oh uh never mind you can’t see anymore so let’s head on

Over here and let’s get inside this ancient city okay so let’s check out this chest first we have no Echo shards none in this one either okay let’s check this chest out nothing no way that set off that treer that was so far away and

Still no Echo shards okay we got two we just got two Echo shards okay hey look and we got the best disc other side hit it please do not die I please do not die I please do not die I please do not die I oh there’s a bunch in here and diamond

Leggings oh a bunch of XP and some Echo shards oh wait and two enchanted golden apples I didn’t even realize those were Enchanted okay we so far have 14 Echo shards we need 10 more we got two more okay we got three more here oh we just need five

More two more we just need three more in fact we did not find three more I looked throughout the entire ancient city and there was not a single another Echo Shard anywhere which means I have to now go find another ancient city so again I went out and looked for another ancient

City and this time I found one a little quick quicker and that’s good cuz I’ll definitely have the remaining Echo shards I need there oh I found an ancient city wait what I didn’t expect to find one okay we found the second ancient city we needed now let’s just

Start checking out these chests and seeing if we can get any Echo shards there’s none in there we literally just need three more so it shouldn’t be that hard there we go there’s two one more we just need one more there we go two more that’s all we needed we can officially

Make three recovery compasses now let’s get out of here before we summon another Warden and with the recovery compasses in hand we just have to go get some dead coral so let’s go back to the warm ocean and let’s collect some Coral and there we go just like that we have

All 30 dead coral we need let’s go turn into the Armored Titan oh and by the way there’s still one other thing the Armored Titan can do you’ll see I have these new Arrow icons on my screen and when I hit them I can now Titan shift

Down to the lower Titans so I can become a baby Titan again or this ugly Titan or the armor Titan and as I upgrade I’m going to be able to transform into all five of these Titans and seeing as the next Titan we unlock is the Colossal

Titan you know this is going to get interesting okay so with all our tier three upgrades officially done we’re on to our tier four upgrades and this is where things start to get extremely powerful cuz now we can get abilities like devastating clap or even Titan

Flight and I’m not going to lie it would be pretty cool to see a Titan fly so let’s get that one first all we need is 30 feathers 30 Moss blocks and 30 blocks of gold which is actually quite easy to be honest with you so let’s start by

Heading back to the base let’s go into our nether portal and now let’s go get some gold blocks at a Bastion okay here’s the Bastion from earlier let’s just go get the gold that’s inside ooh a chest and nothing really useful okay we got some arrows and iron ingots but

Still nothing that we need you know what I’m going to just go down here quick ooh an ancient debris okay so I can’t find any gold inside this Bastion if you know where the Gold’s located in these let me know in the comments below but so we

Don’t waste any more time let’s go to a different Bastion for now one where I actually know where to get the gold blocks oh goodness now I’m burning okay we’re at another Bastion and I already see some gold blocks right behind there let’s make our way inside this thing

Real quick okay now we need to get up to the gold blocks and see how many of them are left okay we get another gold Block in this chest as well as a netherite scrap and now we have another gold block and some iron ingots go away oh there’s

Two of you okay we have 20 blocks of gold we need 10 more so now we got to go find find a third Bastion okay there’s literally another Bastion right in front of me and it’s literally my favorite type of Bastion a bridge so let’s just

Go over here real quick get to the center Bridge okay let’s grab this gold block and this one and now let’s go in here and grab all the gold at the bottom now check the chest oh four more oh we have so much gold and we have three

Netherite upgrades okay well we have all the gold blocks we need so I am out of here goodbye so to finish up Titan flight we just have to get some feathers and some Moss blocks so since Moss blocks can be found in caves let’s start by just getting all the feathers we’re

Going to need from some chickens sorry buddy okay there we go we have 30 feathers so now let’s just go back to the base and head to a lush cave where we can get some moss and then we’ll be able to unlock Titan flight okay we

Found a lush cave so we just need to actually grab the Moss which I think we just break with a fist right now let’s just grab 30 of these and there we go we have 30 Moss blocks which means now we can unlock Titan flight but we’re kind

Of in a cave so that’d be pointless so let’s just plow our way back home okay so let’s actually unlock Titan flight all I got to do is click this button and now if I double click space my Titan is going to grow wings no I’m not even

Kidding look at this he flies around like an actual angel but uh the Armored Titan actually can’t fly for that long you see I can only stay up in the air for like 20 seconds before plummeting to the Earth so while this flight is good

It’s not going to be super op till we get the founding Titan who has Infinite Flight but anyway now that we can fly hold on I think I just found the Scout base I literally found the Scout base after destroying their last one they moved here okay I’m not going to attack

Them right now I’m going to leave just in case they have something strong up their hands but we found their base which is super useful at this point in the game for now let’s head home and start working on our next upgrade which has got to be unlocking devastating clap

Now this ability is broken and I’m going to do everything in my power to unlock it so to actually unlock devastating clap we just have to kill a warden kill a nitwit and consume three Scouts so let’s just quickly fly to a village and kill a nitwit that should be easy okay

Let’s see if there’s a nitwit in this Village this is the starter Village near spawn now if you don’t know nitwits are the green villagers who can’t get jobs well you have a job okay I don’t think this Village has a nitwit let’s go look for another Village okay here’s the

Other Village we went to earlier and this one hopefully has a nitwit what the heck this Village doesn’t have a nitwit either I thought nitwits were common nitwit yes he’s in green he’s a nitwit and you are dead yeah we got him what are you going

To do about it ugly huh you want to go let’s tussle and now that that nitwit is dead I’m out of here okay so killing a nitwit is actually pretty easy but what isn’t easy is killing a warden which means we got to go back to an ancient

City summon a warden and kill a warden so I guess let’s go back to the ancient city we went to earlier and let’s take on the worst boss ever added to Minecraft okay let’s go summon a warden real quick we just got to find a shrier and activate it okay that’s definitely

Summon a warden get ready okay now we just got to get near the warden and use consume on it and it will literally automatically die got him we killed him but it didn’t count okay it summoned another Warden but that literally didn’t count I guess I have to kill it with my

Hand keep him right there keep punching him yes we killed it so with that we are out of here okay I saw the Scout space earlier it was in this winter Forest somewhere there it is there it is it’s spawning in we want to stay low to the

Ground so they don’t see me past their wall as I fly up here now looks like there’s lava through the wall I don’t know if they think that’ll stop me but I’m fireproof too so uh that ain’t stopping anything let’s just go ahead let’s walk on through okay we’re in the

Base they I don’t even realize oh hello I’m here oh what is that they just threw something at me was that a thunder spear we just need to consume three of them okay now let’s use consume once nice we got one we got one we got one that’s one

Now we got to wait for the cool down oh I’ve been hit by a thunder spear I got him right got we got him we got him I can’t hit him with that oh he got me with the Thunder spear he got me he got

Me got me oh God that did so much damage that time let’s get consume on him God he has to be close I’m hitting it get him why is that not yes we got him we got him we got him no he consumed me ooh we’re in trouble okay hold on we’re low

We’re low we low low low oh and we ran out of fly okay you know what those Thunder Spears are actually dangerous they’re doing like 8 to 10 hearts of damage so I’m going to get out of here for a sec get some blast protection armor and then we’re going to get the

Last consume kill cuz I’m not risking dying right now okay let’s see if we can get blast protection on any of our armor there we go we can get blast Protection One on the helmet oh blast protection three we’re getting that now we need to get something on the chest plate come on

Okay this is the last one I’m going to do if we don’t get it here we didn’t let’s just get protection two on it but we do have blast protection on our boots and our helmet hopefully that prevents us from getting killed next time so let’s just go to sleep and face the

Scouts again tomorrow okay we’re back at the base it’s literally right here we’re just going to go ahead and activate our Block Breaker here first now there’s holes everywhere in their bases look at this woo okay there we go I’m done breaking blocks let’s land on the ground

We just got to consume all those are thunder Spears we just got to consume one more okay let’s use consume let’s use consume ready got him he’s dead oh he ate me we literally have all the kills we need now we can unlock the devastating clap ability which uh does

This look at that hole what what was that this a thunder clap what was that okay we got to actually hit them though watch oh he’s done yeah you’re stuck in that hole buddy now let’s figure out where they’re spawning and let’s get rid of their beds oh yeah they’re coming

From down here look at this boom oh yeah their whole base was down here there’s nether portal where’s the beds where’s the beds I think I destroyed them they must be gone oh he sees me oh she’s done oh he used a clap on me there’s one more

There he is oh wait he’s back he must have reset his bed oh they’re all coming back wait are the beds knock onone we got to figure out where they’re all spawning oh it’s up here I found it look at this it’s in this little crawly hole

Oh it’s gone now let’s eat our potato and now we just got to take them out okay one’s dead oh he’s done he’s dead yes and last but not least uh Goldie so let’s just put our armor on so we don’t take any more damage and now

Goldie where’d you go you can’t hide forever this isn’t going to end well for you and she’s dead no I TR to run and uh so is this base oh my goodness well with that base destroyed we officially can get on out of here and head on home okay

We are flying through the tier four upgrades in fact there’s literally only one more to go and that’s the Colossal Titan and if you don’t know who this dude is he is actually colossal look at this clip of him standing over wall now luckily unlocking him is pretty easy as

We just have to get two totems of undying 150 nether quartz and 32 cookies and so let’s get the most boring thing out of the way first which of course is just mining nether quartz so with all our nether quartz officially in hand we just have to

Either get two totems of undying or 32 cookies and because totems of undying are kind of tricky let’s fly to a jungle and get all the cookie making supplies which if you didn’t know is just two weat and some cocoa beans okay so first things first we just have to get four

Cocoa beans which we can get in this jungle somewhere oh I found some cocoa beans okay here we go here’s one and here’s two oh grew right in front of me oh that gives us all four cocoa beans we need so now we just need eight wheat

Which we’ll just grab from a hay bale and now we just combine the wheat and the cocoa beans like this and we have 32 cookies and now time for the hard part getting two totems of undying because to do that we need to get a woodland

Mansion map which we can only get from a village okay this Village here has a cartographer that I made earlier we just got to find him we’re just chilling on top of the block still and he should trade us the Woodland Mansion map but

For 12 emeralds well I only have 10 if I give him both of my compasses I’ll have enough okay we’re flying home real quick to go get a compass okay let’s come find the iron in our crafting table like this put the Redstone in the middle and we

Got our compasses back now we just have to fly in here trade with this guy and get the Woodland Explorer map which we can now follow straight to the Woodland Mansion as it’s straight north of us so let’s just keep flying North till we find this thing okay I see the Woodland

Mansion it’s right ahead of us okay let’s just break through this wall real quick and let’s kill that guy in the back corner can we get it we got a totem nice oh there’s another one where is he are they in here they must be in here

Right yeah there he is you’re the one causing problems givey okay we got both totems we need let’s just get one more for ourselves there he is I found him nice we got his totem and now we are out out of here with four totems in hand

Okay we’re finally back home with the four totems in hand oh he’s coming he’s coming Get Ready Get Ready which means now we could actually turn into the Colossal Titan uh but obviously oh it’s Hunter through here they found the base hold on this is dumb they made a pitfall

Trap but I can fly and also one other thing I can do besides fly oh wait I’m out of steam oh God I’m out of steam let’s actually turn into the Colossal let’s turn into the Colossal oh we’re huge let’s get out of this now he’s dead

What do we do do we just he flew out I can hit them from all the way over here look at this oh they’re both dead oh no you instantly deleted us they did a ton of damage but you can’t kill me as the Colossal Titan okay so as you can see

I’m now the Colossal Titan and I am absolutely huge like this isn’t even fair and when I’m in first person it just looks like I’m running on the ground but I’m like 50 blocks tall and the best part about being the Colossal Titan is I now have 45 total hearts of

Health and if I’m too big of course I can always shift back down into my armored Titan form but anyway this base is definitely toast see as there’s not only a giant hole but they also discovered it so it’s time to pack up all our things and go to the Titan base

3.0 with my base uncovered by the scouts I once again move bases and this time I built a huge base that my Titan would actually have no issues fitting inside of oh and it’s also super hidden so good luck to the Scouts in finding this base

Okay welcome to my brand new Titan base as you can see I built this thing on top of a woodland mansion and it has all the essentials from my chests to my furnaces to even a properly working lava generator this time so while the base isn’t too much different I actually like

This base a whole lot more cuz I could literally peek over the wall like this oh and I look really cool with my armor on since I turned blue but anyway with this base officially completed it’s time to work on our tier five upgrades the last three powers we can unlock now if

We look at each one of those upgrades they all seem to require something from the end so let’s make our way to our nether portal and get inside and now we just have to go find ourselves a bunch of blazes and kill them for their blaze rods okay here’s some blazes right here

Now we just got to wait for them to spawn okay that’s eight blaze rods that should definitely be enough so now let’s just go find a Bastion we haven’t looted yet and go steal a bunch of gold blocks and let’s trade for for a bunch of Ender

Pearls okay here we go here’s a fresh one right here let’s go up here real quick get up here now let’s go down to the bottom okay now let just grab this gold okay 30 blocks of gold should definitely be enough and that doesn’t even include what’s in this chest right

Here I just can’t reach it let’s see let’s see can I reach it we got it one gold block okay let’s just trap a bunch of these piglins over on this bridge okay perfect we got one piglin in trading let’s just toss him all the gold okay looks like they’re done trading

Let’s kill them all okay now let’s go in and see how many ender pearls we got we got 17 ender pearls which I’m not going to lie to you that is way less than I was expecting but it should still be enough for us to get to the end so let’s

Fly back to the portal and let let’s head on home okay so now that we’re back home from the nether we just have to grab the glass from this chest and turn this glass into a bunch of bottles and the reason I got to do that is the founding Titan requires 20 dragon’s

Breath but with that complete we officially have everything we need to go to the end so let’s go ahead let’s take our blaze rods turn them into blaze powder and let’s combine them with 16 of our ender pearls to get a bunch of Eyes of Ender and now we’re going to go ahead

And fly up and simply throw our first one off okay it’s going this way let’s grab that one and now let’s fly in this direction for about 1,000 blocks and then let’s throw another one oh it turned around it must be near this mountain oh that one broke it’s

Definitely like right down here though and now to get down there all we simply got to do is uh use our digging ability Goodbye Oh I think we found it let’s break through here now we have to just break our way around this place real quick till we find the end portal I

Think it’s down here I think it’s literally it it is I found it I found it I found it okay let’s be careful not to break the End Portal and now we just got to be careful cuz we don’t fit inside I might be just

A leg but let’s go into this end portal and in we go oh where with the Thunder spear he’s here he’s here he’s here I shot him once I shot him once wa that did half my hearts what is happening where’s my armor why do I not have armor

On hold up put that totem in my off hand just in case I die they’re trying to kill me okay I’m killing this one first ow he ate me okay one’s down one’s gone one’s gone now we got to wait for that cool down to go away let’s start destroying these

Towers I popped my own totem with that that’s crazy this is not going well okay let’s take out the rest of these crystals we can reach them from all the way back here look at this there’s one in here gone and there’s one in here

Gone now we just got to kill the dragon oh they’re trying to hit me with thund Spears without armor they’re actually doing a good bit of damage here so let’s put on our resistance and now we’re blue and now we take even less damage than before don’t let him perch don’t let to

Perch we can keep him from perching oh my God look at this my knock back is too strong for the dragon okay let’s grab some of this dragon’s breath oh yeah that should be all we need for dragon’s breath okay we need to kill the other off nice we got him he’s

Dead now let’s kill the dragon dragon’s dead now we need the egg she’s surrounded by Enderman she’s in trouble yep enjoy your Enderman no a I try to escape okay they’re all dead now we can get the dragon egg let’s right click the dragon egg and now we just got to break

It there we go it’s it’s gone we got the egg we got the egg yes we got the dragon egg which we need to become the founding Titan now let’s just take this ender pearl and let’s make our way to the the outer end so I spent the next couple of

Days just flying around the outer end looking for an elytra ship and while I did find several end cities not one had a ship so I gathered all of the en rods I needed instead until I could find one with a dragon head okay that one’s a dud

But there’s another one right here oh and it does have a ship it has the ship we can get the dragon head right here okay we need this dragon head let’s break that and then we also need to go down to the lower part of this ship

Right here okay now let’s just grab these elytra and now we got sky the limit though I’m not going to lie I just realized I made a huge mistake if you look at my Quest Bar I forgot a CL Clap the dragon three times so we’re definitely going to have to resummon him

Let’s just go home for now and we’ll worry about that later okay it’s day 82 and we are home so now all we have to do is kill 10 Scouts make a beacon get a trident and then obviously Clap the dragon a bunch of times now we can

Respawn the dragon pretty easy as we just need four end crystals to do it and I already have the gas tiers and all the glass we’re going to need and I even have three Eyes of Ender left over so we literally just have to get one Eye of

Ender which we can do in the nether now while we’re in the nether we’re actually near nether fortress and one of the other things we’re going to need is a beacon and to get a beacon we have to kill a bunch of wither skeletons so

Let’s go go ahe and let’s get all those skulls first and then we’ll go get the Eye of Ender okay we officially have all three wither skulls so let’s just grab them back here and now we can summon a Wither but before we leave the nether

Let’s grab the I ofender we’re going to need first let’s just kill this Blaze for its Blaze Rod thank you and now let’s head over to that warp Forest over there and kill an Enderman okay there’s an Enderman literally right next to me I just want

To make sure we get the kill here nice we got him he’s dead there we go now if we turn the Blaze Rod into blaze powder and combine it with that ender pearl we’ll get a fourth Eye of Ender and now we just have two things we got to do

First let’s grab four of our gas tiers and let’s make our ourselves a bunch of end crystals oh am I just short on glass oh I would be just short on glass oh we still got tons of s we’re good oh no there’s glass in there too we got 50

Glass no we’re fine and there we go four end crystals now the sun is starting to go down so we got to be quick here first things first let’s go fly to the end portal go back in and let’s kill the Ender Dragon okay here’s the hole we

Made Let’s just jump down here and into the portal now we just got to resummon the Ender Dragon and clap him a bunch of times so let’s put an end Crystal on each end of this portal and the dragon should start to resummon and boom the

Dragon is back let’s go okay now let’s take him out we just got to clap him three three times so let’s do that first there’s once there’s twice yes three times and there we go we’ve clapped the dragon three times so now let’s just kill him bye and there we go the dragon’s

Defeated so now we just got to go back through the portal where it’s obviously night time in the world so let’s just quickly fly over here and kill a Wither okay let’s put some soul sand on the ground right here and then we’re going to grab the three Wither Skeleton

Skulls really as I was saying we spawn in the Wither by putting down the Soul Sand and the skulls on top and now we have a Wither boy okay now we battle the Wither boy he’s dead and now we have a another star so let’s head on home and tomorrow we’ll

Make a beacon okay so to make a beacon I just need three obsidian five glass and a nether star and since I already have the glass on me we just need to look through our chests and find some obsidian since I know I have some somewhere there we go so let’s put the

Three obsidian at the bottom the glass surrounding it with the nether star in the middle and we get ourselves a beacon and now all we need left to unlock Wrath of yir is a trident and all we need left to unlock the rumbling is 10 kills on

The scouts but then there’s the founding Titan where we have everything so today we say goodbye to our giant friend and hello to the founding Titan who uh might look smaller than the Colossal Titan but he is way stronger you’re going to notice I now have 60 hearts of HP can

Reach blocks super far away and I have speed four jump four and strength four though if I eat Sasha’s potato those stats get even stronger you’ll see that after I eat the potato I get speed five resistance two jump five and strength five and with those powers in hand we’re

Doing really good but now we need to go get a trident from a drown and this could take a little while so uh let’s begin looking okay we officially have a trident which means there’s only one thing left to do and that’s get 10 kills

On the scouts but uh we got to find their base first so that’s Priority One I spent all of day 86 just searching the scouts base and I knew if I destroyed this one it was over for the scouts okay their base is literally just behind this

Hill but before we go up here let’s unlock the wrath of yir ability I don’t know if you can tell what it’s going to do from this little icon so instead I’m going to show you what this ability does after I kill the scouts 10 times cuz

Let’s just say they won’t be coming back anytime soon here we go we’re going in I see two of them I literally see two of them I’m going to consume one immediately and just get rid of him watch Bonk what the I don’t even I die instantly okay I killed one that’s one

Down nine to go they have a pink sheep not anymore where’d they go oh I see one I see one I see one she’s trying to run oh but you got yourself stuck oh yeah you’re done that’s two down okay let’s get rid of you did he teleport he must have teleported hey

Another pink sheep I’ve been hit with the spear oh it’s going to hurt not with my armor on it doesn’t nice that’s another one gone oh they got a bunch of villagers trapped in here nice he’s dead oh he’s done okay that’s five kills let’s put on on our armor so we start

Taking a little less damage and now let’s go back in okay we got to use our Titan power oh it hurts it hurts there we go he’s dead that’s six there he is I got him boom we got another one we just need a few more kills now we can get

Them with wrath Mir that’s two oh he’s done that’s nine we just need one kill he used the villagers cover this 10 we have all the kills that means we can unlock the rumbling but we’ll do that in a sec because first things first it’s time to get them with Wrath of yamir

Let’s put it in the center of the village here we are ready right there we got it marked now watch this what is that why is there a beacon in the middle of our town it’s going to start thundering and lightning and then you’re going to watch their entire base disappear

Oh oh my gosh what just happened bro their whole base is gone look at it I nuked this whole base as a founding Titan that is so broken this base is absolutely destroyed and now that we’ve done that there’s only one thing left to do to start the rumbling and win this ch

Challenge okay now that we’re done sleeping let’s just go to spawn and see if we can find them because if we can start the rumbling next to them it’ll begin and then they have to kill me within 3 minutes or they’ll lose the game yeah there it is they’re literally

Building a little base I can already see what is that okay you know what time to start the rumbling let’s unlock it and now let it begin okay we’re going to do it right here in the middle ready now you’ll see a countdown appear at the top

Of the screen and when that reaches zero it’s game over so uh in the meantime time to take these guys on okay I’m going to consume this one boom he’s gone already just like that get back here there I hate me bro okay yeah they’re respawning right there literally right

There so we just have to keep killing them here over and over again and keep them here until the rumbling starts get back here you don’t get to get away with this nice he’s done dude now let’s go and put on my armor again oh those

Aren’t doing any damage with my armor on in fact I could probably do another Wrath of yir right here and be fine let’s do it let’s lead him over here and see if we can get him with it okay one of them’s in the water oh here he comes

Ready and he’s going to try and run no dude I got to run run nope you can’t go that way what are you going to do you going to hit me with a thunder spear that’s not going to do anything you’re going backwards now dude he’s keeping me

In please oh yeah hit me hit me do it hit me beat me up oh no so scary I think it happened oh yeah it did here he goes okay he is definitely dead oh dude what now let’s keep taking on the others oh he got me with a thunder spear hold up

Eat some food how’s our armor looking still pretty good still alive we are halfway down on this countdown we are doing great right now let’s see if we can trick one of them to falling into this hole ready watch this come in this hole come in this hole

Do it do it do it ready watch he’s getting down there a good perfect kind of perfect time get down now you’re stuck down here they fell for it now they’re stuck down there oh my goodness now look at this they’re stuck let’s remind them of our power real quick let’s throw another

Wrath of yir over this way real fast if they come near me they die so they’re not going to want to come here oh is he actually coming in oh you’re dead oh he’s so done bye-bye dude he got a race they’re getting destroyed right now and we only

Have a few seconds to go oh my goodness here it is the rumbling is about to start what’s with all these mobs oh I got it with two Thunder Spears oh God okay we healed it up we healed it up Rumblings beginning oh look at them all no

What oh it’s so laggy do you see all these Titans all of those Titans are me and they are destroying the entire world it’s the rumbling it’s over we’re dead I need to see chat they’re screaming ah they can’t even move oh he was killed and when they die it should ban them

Watch it they’re going to leave the game yes I know it’s laggy but trust me that’s what’s happening how did we get bned two of them are gone only one person remains oh she’s gone that means it must be over okay I’ve officially stopped the rumbling from happening but

You saw all those Titans in a line they were going to Devour the entire world up until the hunters were killed and they were killed which means we easily could survive till day 100 meaning I’ve survived 100 days as a Titan thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a TITAN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2023-10-07 12:30:33. It has garnered 987448 views and 17764 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:36 or 3036 seconds.

Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! ►https://discord.com/invite/nZpvfe49Vk

►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a TITAN in Minecraft


Check out my other CHANNELS! ►Ryguy IRL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3ioJV6Nanz-HjAkLnvrxQ ►Ryguy Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepSF6Lms2gtEJo9RslDWFQ ►Ryguy Plays – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxASykySKRXfAxvFtdMqig


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Thanks for all the support, Rock Army!

#ryguyrocky #minecraft #minecraftroleplay

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    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: https://youtu.be/Q4oZDbMiRVo?si=Oso7xoaUvnAfIE-S ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More

  • Superdou

    SuperdouSuperdou! Argentina Android Windows 10 1.16-1.20.2 me vos Vote bedrock Discord BP_Name Java Name Superdou .net Earth PvP Survival Argentina – EN mc.superdou.net Read More