SB737 – CATCHING THE SEEKER IN A COBWEB TRAP! (Minecraft Hide and Seek)

Video Information

Hey guys this is SB and what about today to another hide-and-seek and today we are going to playing on the Scooby Doo hide-and-seek as you can see it is the scuba antique map builder I love Nix and the Youth Day YouTube is killer through so I will link them down below in the

Description and they are also hosting a game for us today we also have Joker 2039 mr. night folks Mooka buy one two three four and Big B also all join us so the map looks really awesome cuz I’ll give you a little a little sneak peek I don’t know if we can

Actually see the front of it from here look at that just as a little sneak peek it looks really cool I mean I can’t wait to see like a proper view of the year the skin balloon Allan and I joined the world it was in creative okay

And I just quickly grab myself a cobweb I did have lot longer nobody saw that hopefully okay so I didn’t have long to get myself that cobweb but alimonies to get the cobweb so I may use that for a trial if I can if I can find the right

Place I will I will very likely use that right why have I not gotta hide a stick hide a sticks 9 this awesome pin oh is this oh no that’s not a ver I got hired a six era or an extinct thing right I’m going to move out right what is

Everybody like just stand around the randomizer is anybody going okay looks like Joker it’s got to hide it night Fox has got a hider and I’ve been through look I Mookie boy’s got to hide it Big B don’t do this to me what what what how

Did this happen I mean come on how did I get CK what kind of a day is this okay well don’t all just hit me fine I see how it is I’m going in you better watch out because I’m gonna go and Jimmy like while I’m being seeker first round and

You know I’m gonna go in all guns blazing and you’re all going down okay good you know I get to just do a flawless round I’d like to think anyway it never happens with birth defects yeah I’m going to descend through these cobwebs and see you at the other side

Um there we go I’m out I’m ready to go and get some people okay right I’ve got my seeker bone and I’m gonna get some people as some of those things so I little look around on that very very small right I can see people roaming

Around okay I’m going to find a seesaw in a tree over there you can see in top right in the grass skin as well they think they can hide but it will not work I think that is them that is kill approves as well okay that’s his skin so

I will get some people here like you never know people might hide in a cake now you never know that I say you never know alright so really very simple looking back on we’re going to get on out of here and we’re going to go once

Robbie I think this is where the most of people are so then we can get the real chasing going kind then we can get down to business with this ok where is everybody they’re not see you guys look up fire here this is very very nice

Indeed right what do we got around here anything no nothing ok there’s a lot of parkour around it’s some very high places you can get to I see Joker ok Joker your big mistake was to let me see you okay where’s he gone he’s gone in here I think my goodness

Don’t tell me that this is a duck you can’t wait miss somebody yeah write em Oh oh-ho some of these benefit ok this is this is spooky this is suddenly kind of scary actually is there anybody up here at all Joker yes your days are numbered I don’t to

Break any paintings but I’m kind of finally good I almost let him get away though I didn’t want to break any paintings those always feel bad about breaking pain there we go first person down so what he went oh you could even he could have escaped we carried on through and jumped

Off as well yeah just jump be hadees Jam Cerny let it flip it was actually quite quite sneaky if we could go around there and then around there there we go very nicely I see your night Fox okay don’t think that I won’t come over and a sleep

Big piece going he’s going out on the park off alright Joker you go around that way I don’t if you’re not going in I will I will go in okay right now folks who’s been in probably I saw something there because I see some I chose jungkook attract a mic right now folks

I’m coming for you okay I don’t know what his plan is he’s planning something no doubt ok jumpin off he’s jumping off now I’m the smart person you see that most people would have swam through the water but the smart person uses the hands to go yes I’m catching him now okay yeah

Anything that’s really nice bugs egg okay I’ve got him I’ve got him sure if I can reach him come on come on mr. Joe you’ve got away there that was a very close escape I almost go in there only fell back down I could have probably gotten them

Group and then where do you go when you go left or right left alright um where did he go how could somebody just disappear like that I think a single I see he’s orange it’s not good enough in the green you need to blend in okay guys he’s hiding

Somewhere over here now I think it’s a below look where did he go he went in here you can actually go in here and then you can go up a ladder okay he’s in it’s in a pretty intense chase now okay this is actually kind of it exciting all

Right I’m going through okay we all know the trick of jumping on the top of the leaves to catch people up it’s not working too well some cause where’s joke when you need him okay I need a bit out these cobwebs are pretty dangerous as well especially if you’re being chased

Right we call me he’s turning around his turn around he doesn’t know he’s got nowhere to go and we called him area all right that’s person number two down with denied phone’s right now on to try and get Big B he doesn’t some teams have

Done a lot of parkour to get worried god I don’t know how he managed to get over there but I am going to attempt to find a way to get him now wow I didn’t even have a chest bite on all this time and

So I fixed it now I just saw Big B if I message in the chat saying just uh I didn’t realize why everyone knew I was a seeker anyway so there we go I’m back in business now I feel bad because they may have run away things

You know is either hider however and then I’ve called them and I haha that is the ultimate drop pretend G in Beijing okay right let’s just carry on over here and let’s try and catch Big B okay I see somebody roaming across there I don’t

Know where it was Big B was last seen up here but we’re up here okay there’s quite a bit of parkour to be done here as well I’m gonna try and get along here nothing it wasn’t up there what was the point of going up there Big B’s not

There at least I don’t think he’s that easy there hmm I would say no he’s probably hiding somewhere else at this point but where that is the question where is he hiding exam scene there’s a few people I haven’t yet seen and he’s one of them was it leave it if we do

Anything there’s also some redstone mechanisms there now I’m very could I see somebody I see somebody he’s being cornered and he’s being caught by Joker well blindness or why didn’t mean of all the people to hit me I didn’t even catch it a big B is also being caused

So I just leaves Mookie boy where is Mookie boy hiding where was he last seen hmm there he is it’s been spotted and I can use the hand of doom to catch him I love the hundred in Pride we’re gonna go over this way we’re going to jump and

Come on SB come on you jump off this cake and you’re in trouble don’t go down there there’s no way out there is no escape okay right I need to get up this way all right Big B yeah you go down that way I’ll head him off here okay there we go

He’s got no escape who’s cut escape now I think he got caught that big me if it I don’t think it was a way out that was it so it looks like everybody has been a human he was in that was he in that big

Big did you catch him did you do the job you did the job well played well played right well go ahead and jump into round number two so welcome back and I very thankfully don’t have to go to the randomizes time because everybody do my time mr. seeker so nightfall school so

He has got the hider okay he is a hider who’s gonna be next it looks like it’s gonna be Mookie boy and he has got a hider okay who’s gonna be next Joker and he’s got the seeker so Joker is the seeker for this round okay so whilst he

Is going through that time hopefully remember two boys just bite on this diamond like unlike me and I I can go along here so I’ve decided I’ve come to working grunting a very clever decision but I’m going to lay a trap okay I’m going to lay a very sneaky trap in bit

I’ll do hmm I know you see I’m kind of I’ve got a few different ideas of where this trap could be as well but I’m thinking I’m gonna have to do inside the cake okay it’s gonna be a cobweb crap okay I might even like not doing this run but doing

The next one but like get it ready you know like like work out exactly how I’m gonna do in everything okay I might need more blocks now obviously I don’t have any blocks and I don’t think tile drops are on so if I was to break a block

Tells us might be on but I don’t know if they are easy so I need to find the right the right place to do this the cake is a strong contender okay and do I do a cake I’m thinking I’m thinking the cake is most likely one because I’ll be

Really open at least done there then drop down and put the cobweb and people will literally be trapped right there so I think that I might want to do I’m going to use the cobweb I don’t know if I doing this right depends how long the

Drone goes on for I might do in the third round all depends if we’re good X we’re going to have a third round okay so that that’s my plan for this okay so for this one I’m probably just gonna do some standard parkour and then we will

Do a cobweb trapped role in the final round out of that sound okay that I think that’ll work very well right can we go to pit all we can as well nice we can actually climb straight up to the top of this tree and then from here we

Can parkour our way around okay don’t know what Big B’s trying to do is he’s not very hard and very well is it let’s be honest I’ve seen better hiding spots alright so we’re going to go in jump up to here there we go and then onto this

Ladder and we’re just going to mix I’m going to a hiding spot like big bees now yeah so we need to get around it Ridge get out of it okay right mera scare me like that okay I thought it was a seeker right I forgot the sequel’s it was I

Have a joker on Mookie violating his joke it was joke okay right okay take two on the parkour the trick is to not panic I don’t know what happened before whether I think i mighta bang my head actually I feel like it was a head here because something went went wrong that

Okay that way it was it was a head here I thought yeah it’s a head here of all the things you do a dirty head here I don’t know now he’s got to be still be doable it’s just really annoying oh my goodness oh my goodness run espy the Seekers right behind you

Whoa come on right are we all right he went the other way he was going after after a killer free wedding whoo that was close that was very close indeed all right let’s just hide in here for a moment compose ourselves a little bit I don’t

Know how you it’s the worst place in the world to hide in it it does seem to be Co if you hide that I love this map as well with the concrete blocks I think it looks so so good right oh no it’s a trap

It is a trap okay but again the boss then there’s no other things though we can go on top of the bus come leave it there was no way out of that cage there I just had to go up okay right are we still okay we’re still in the clear now

Then I need to get out of here oh I see Joker he sees me please don’t tell me he sees me okay it’s to seekers and I think he sees me just from the way that day is coming after me oh dear Oh Deary Deary me right he’s left me he

Knows not to mess with this penguin I hope anyway a big base on the roof look there’s big base come on get big place don’t catch me catch Big B he’s coming after me me he just knows I’m gonna do the parkour like he knows about the boss okay

So he’s gonna yeah hey hey yeah there we go right I’m going to make this quad okay don’t mess it up SB there we go I was slightly I almost missed that one as well okay and then this one and this one and this quadrant okay my being chased I

Think I’m being chased I’m being chased it’s confirmed I’m being chased okay why would I go through a soul sand area when I’m being chased for my life okay just don’t panic sb just just carry on along okay we all know the way to do this all

Right just keep running okay I think we can loosen as well if we we play our cards right we can totally lose some people okay so here’s the plan we’re going to carry on going through this forest okay actually I wanna do some parkour from somewhere actually that’s

That’s the planet don’t see him anyway it’s very Isaac it’s all very well and good like losing people but it’s also hard to see where people are at right let’s just hide here okay we still in the under pursuit I think he gave up I

Think you lost me I think we I think we lost him no no he didn’t lose me we lost him that’s what I’m talking about okay a great escape okay right now what do we do here we go round oh my goodness we’ve been found by another to chica yeah

Don’t do this Joker okay right I think he sees me as well we almost caught me as well do Joker don’t try and hit me don’t try and hit me you can’t reach me I don’t think you can reach me you can’t reach me there we go it’s okay it’s okay

It’s okay it’s okay don’t tell me can reach me you can’t reach me courage it’s alright alright no need to panic no need to panic okay right and here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to run around this treat we’re going to run around right the way around there we go

There now he’s there now okay and then we’re going to jump over here okay and then we’re going to make our way along here okay right we’re all right I know we’re not all right we’re not all right no we’re not all right where did he hit

Me with the right thing right did he hit me too I think he caught me I think he caught me there you got me you can hit me read the paper right I’m knowing I mean when you’re in war you know I forget but he hit me with these

Stick so there enough there okay so we’re still looking for night fox where is night fox hide we found him we found night Fox okay so yeah I will be saying my cobweb trap in the next the next round okay that is the plan okay next next one my cobweb trap will be

Complete and it will work perfectly just your way just you I’m going to try and tell as many seekers as possible with it as well okay if I don’t know I built this one up so much if it doesn’t work out I’m gonna be so upset right so now

Fox is pretty surrounded to be honest what’s he gonna do now Fox where are you gonna go oh it’s all around into my okay no into Minecraft but it’s been gone okay so that is everybody called for this round so I will see you guys in round number three so welcome back and

Big B has kindly volunteered to be the seeker and I I may not I may or may not have found a few blocks in the old the officer just somewhere they were there was nothing to look around it was nobody would need nim-sai I found them I don’t know what color

Fruit was flying us to eating that if you got you got flax right so here’s here’s my plan okay so this has got to be well crafted this is not just going to happen okay this is not just going to happen okay right so first things first we’re going

To break these alright this is the only way the only way to do this alright these got to be broken okay next we’ll put a block white we want this to be down a bit actually great can we dig this oh it’s beautiful right and we’ll put this line it’s right

We’re going to dig out all of this okay right this is this is a well-crafted plan okay a very well crafted plan indeed right and I’m going to put my cobweb in there I know when somebody comes in here it will be sorted okay only thing is they’re going to be able

To catch me so I now need to create some way to make them unable to hit me how am I going to do that I’m by digging a tunnel by digging it this is completely cheating by the way but no one else is even recording now so I’m sure I’ll be

Fine I’m sure I’ll be fine right okay so we build a little tongue okay one they fall into my trap then it wouldn’t be perfect Oh brilliant this is just it’s genius okay I’m building a trap I’m building a lovely little trap okay so now someone’s gonna fall down there

Oh Oh what’s going on with that might do I could I see someone I don’t know if I did or not okay I got to be kept all I need to do now is try and lure the seeker in now night Fox okay can I can i I don’t think there’s anyone

Right so what I need to do is I’m going to need a lot of here in the ladder here okay I need jump that right well whoa whoa whoa no way don’t catch me no catch me break the ladder break the ladder break the ladder right the ladder break the

Ladder yes he’s in he’s a much coffee yes yes I got ya I got your night mugs of selection in my trap Oh brilliant it was a magic egg like a job oh man I’m so proud right now we’re going to do we’re gonna legibly go away okay Oh brilliant absolutely brilliant this

Is okay you’ll never find me now he will never find me now okay right oh it was amazing it was just amazing that was right gonna put that there I can uh I can get okay I’m gonna go above him now I’m gonna cough up I know I I’m

So proud of that one that was a funny one and that was it I almost messed it up cuz he was right that and have a lot of time but it just about did it before I could catch me another trial successfully put it miss me again

Is mr. Ken no I oh man okay I’m gonna get go I’m gonna get go yeah go gosh yeah that was amazing that was just your call a knife you got drunk good there you got rolls good yeah well well night folks GJ yeah I love that that cobweb trap

That was good that was good right I’m trying things anybody else left to catch I do think that killer frou is the only person left okay can we see them they I think they’re in the one in the dirt skin as well so we’ve got to try and find if I’m a

Screwed-up Lee Sparkle but I just I was loving so much I like to do was literally jump like that it would’ve been okay I would not go at all but I fell off so that’s one matter though because it was all about that troll why don’t you pull up a troll they doesn’t

Matter if you get caught it’s just like it was the most it was the best thing ever really okay so it looks like everyone’s kind of ganging around over here to try and find him so is he easy hidden up you think you might just be up

Here for all we know you could just be up here let’s say let’s go up to the top I don’t know why I’m really checking all this because I doubt we use okay wow this is an annoying place this is annoying them as my troll or a secret

Camera or both right but the thing is you if you get in a 1×1 over the cop we’re at the bomb you have to break the cobweb to get out there’s no other way so that’s always really funny right so I see Big B over there now easy easy oh I

Got him I’ve got him Oh what I’m gonna move I did not expect you were too slow you missed a pie big bait you’re mystified well guys that is going to be it for this hide and seek on the Scooby Doo hides a which we really awesome I’m

Surprised no one’s ever actually built a hide-and-seek for Scooby Doo I really I really like it let’s just go ahead and go over here and have a good look at the hide and seek you know get it get a nice angle to actually show you guys really

Mainly the Scooby Doo bill because I think it’s absolutely awesome killer fruit is a really good builder that’s for sure but wow that’s that’s I think the troll game has been strong for me lately I have to say I mean write a few messages up here and there but that was

That one came off perfectly I’m very pleased so on but there you go there’s the scooby-doo show it looks a bit like shocked with me that’s the way I would describe him shocked but much better than anything I could do that says you’re looking at us awesome so anyway

Make sure to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it and if you’ve got any troll ideas in the comments just make those let me know and I’ll try and put them together and they also subscribe if you use the channel for daily videos of Minecraft and well that’s it

Hopefully I will see you guys hi

This video, titled ‘CATCHING THE SEEKER IN A COBWEB TRAP! (Minecraft Hide and Seek)’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2017-08-04 15:00:03. It has garnered 2459132 views and 2551 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:43 or 1183 seconds.

CATCHING THE SEEKER IN A COBWEB TRAP! (Minecraft Hide and Seek) ►SUBSCRIBE HERE! ►TWITTER: ►Hit “LIKE” for more Minecraft videos! ►Facebook:

Welcome to a Minecraft Xbox Let’s Play on Minecraft Hide and Seek, this time on a map based on Scooby Doo.

Players: KillerFrui – BigBst4tz – Mookyboy – Joker2039 – Mr Nightfoxx –

Map Maker –

———- MUSIC ———- Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Other music by Kevin MacLeod at

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    INDIAN TEKEN GAMER CRUSHES MINECRAFT with 200 IQ! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯’, was uploaded by Teken Gamer on 2024-03-18 10:30:03. It has garnered 1230 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯 INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ INDIAN GAMERS INDIAN GAMERS REACT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT VIDEO MINECRAFT VIDES MINECRAFT 200 IQ VIDEO INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 MINECRAFT 200 MINECRAFT BEST VIDEO MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ #minecraft #youtubevideo #minecraftvideo #gaming… Read More

  • Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱

    Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Encounter 💀#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by White_official on 2024-05-28 16:01:05. It has garnered 10508 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine ,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game, vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine clock man, clockman, true story bro, titan clockman, jack bhaiya dance on gamerfleet song, triggered insaan, jack bhaiya degree, speakerman,speaker man, true storiestuffeRELATE titan speakerman, jack bhaiya dance, jack bhaiya doctor, huge stuffed pink… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream – You won’t believe what happens!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE-Minecraft N Chillin’, was uploaded by Zapzzz on 2024-06-04 01:39:45. It has garnered 2811 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:03 or 14343 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD- Twitch- Read More

  • LiosNetwork

    LiosNetworkWelcome to LiosNetwork, a survival server based in Germany with an English-speaking community. Join us for a thrilling adventure filled with custom items, boss fights, the ability to create nations, and a player-driven economy. Explore our immersive world, claim land for your nation, and engage in epic battles against formidable bosses. With a friendly and supportive community, LiosNetwork offers an exciting Minecraft experience for both new and experienced players. Join us now and become part of our thriving community! Minecraft version: 1.20.1. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelisted – 1.20+

    Welcome to Universal Tranquility! If you’re looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join, look no further! Whether you prefer to work with others or alone, you are welcome in our community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join our DISCORD server and check out our SERVER WIKI for more information! Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Enjoy all of vanilla… Read More

  • Intransigent SMP

    Intransigent SMPNew hardcore survival server opening for beta Multiple version compatibility We have constant updatesFriendly & Mature Staff teamWE ARE IN BETA We are looking for staff !DISCORD : a few weeks of hardwork, im finally ready to open my server for players to test it out and let me know downsides and upsides, I take suggestions and Extremly active. I hope you join my SMP crew :)We have- Thirst- Seasons / Temperature- Severe weather ( Earthquake,Tsunamis, And more!)Daily rewards and votes 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – PICK A SIDE, NOOBS!

    I’m on the side of the villagers because they have better trades and don’t blow up my house with creepers. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧

    Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧 In Minecraft, water is faster than lava because it’s always trying to make a splash! #minecrafthumor 🌊🔥 Read More

  • Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP

    Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP Exploring the Explosive Fun of TNT in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, there are few things more satisfying than the explosive power of TNT. Whether you’re mining for resources, defending your base, or just looking to have some good old-fashioned fun, TNT is a versatile tool that can add a blast to your gameplay experience. The Joy of Destruction One of the most appealing aspects of TNT in Minecraft is its ability to create chaos and destruction in a controlled environment. From clearing out large areas for building projects to setting elaborate traps for unsuspecting players, TNT… Read More

  • Minecraft Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft Teleportation Trick Exploring Villages in Minecraft Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to discover villages in Minecraft? Villages are bustling hubs of activity in the game, filled with various structures, NPCs, and opportunities for exploration. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft villages and learn how to teleport to these fascinating locations! Teleporting to Villages Teleporting to a village in Minecraft can be a quick and efficient way to explore new areas and interact with villagers. To teleport to a village, follow these simple steps: Open Minecraft on your device. Press the “T” key to open the chat… Read More

  • FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel Skyblock

    FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Hacker Offered Me 1,000,000,000 Coins – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-05-24 20:00:15. It has garnered 1282 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #hypixelskyblock I’m really curious how many players Hypixel has banned for macroing/hacking in Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!

    Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft horror ain’t even scary…’, was uploaded by Laynce on 2024-05-09 15:08:53. It has garnered 1935 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:25 or 10105 seconds. I am really hoping to eat my words. I’ve been on the hunt for a properly scary minecraft experience. Reallly hoping today is the day. I want to feel FEAR. Music courtesy of C418 BISECT HOSTING: ** Use code “laynce” for 25% off! ** 📸 Socials ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! Testing CRAZY NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by KYLEBIRK MC on 2024-05-28 15:30:06. It has garnered 609 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. In today’s video, I decided to hop in to Minecraft 1.21 to test whether or not any current duplication glitches work in that version. And, to my surprise, the result was not what I was expecting… If you enjoyed this, please consider clicking the SUBSCRIBE button. I’ve got many more tutorials in the works, and you won’t want to miss them!… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥

    🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft PVP Legacy’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-16 18:56:28. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:56 or 2876 seconds. Playing Minecraft Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival,… Read More

  • Snowee’s Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!

    Snowee's Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-03-31 16:00:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft! Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend … Read More

  • Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌

    Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘¡El Verdadero Tamaño del Universo! 😮🌌’, was uploaded by Papelitoyt35 on 2024-02-28 15:00:26. It has garnered 396793 views and 18202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. #shorts #curiousdata #universe #minecraft #reaction #reaction #universe Read More


    DUNCE BECOMES FORTNITE KING IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘FORTNITE IN MINECRAFT (battle royale)’, was uploaded by king dunce on 2024-03-15 20:03:20. It has garnered 626 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:34 or 754 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Live Stream – MUST WATCH NOW!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Live Stream - MUST WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE (road to 600 subs)’, was uploaded by Dragonray on 2024-05-20 02:37:07. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:05 or 12065 seconds. no swearing #minecraft #live #livestream Read More

  • HeartHunters

    HeartHuntersThis is the Heart Hunter server, with an amazing community, amazing staff team, and just very good server. Sometimes every season we have lifesteal, or we change it, depends what the people want! you can have that freedom here! We are trying to grow our server and you can be apart of it. So please, join me on grind! Read More

  • ExeosCraft – SMP, McMMO, Friendly, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win features? Join ExeosCraft, where we focus on your experience. All money generated goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with no resets on our 35,000×35,000 map. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness is our priority for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: Hate speech is not tolerated, and all are welcome in our safe space. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Designed for Java and Bedrock players, with exclusive… Read More

  • Arcano Netowrk

    Get ready to immerse yourself in exciting challenges, unique events and lots of fun as we compete for exclusive prizes. From rare items to valuable resources, there’s something for everyone!Don’t miss the opportunity to join this adventure full of prizes and fun! See you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft MLG Pro Firelords

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft MLG Pro FirelordsLooks like this meme is MLG-level popular, 360 no-scope approved! Read More

  • Craft a Nether Sword Portal: Minecraft’s Instructive Roar

    Craft a Nether Sword Portal: Minecraft's Instructive Roar In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to share news that will make you high-fives. From Nether Sword Portals to giant Alex’s tale, We’ve got the updates that never fail. So subscribe to our channel, join the fun, And let’s explore Minecraft, one rhyme at a time, hun. With Bobby and Boralo leading the way, We’ll keep you entertained, every single day. Read More

SB737 – CATCHING THE SEEKER IN A COBWEB TRAP! (Minecraft Hide and Seek)