Setting Up a Base on Lifesteal SMP

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All right I’m live hola why cry oh hello [ __ ] hello Gamers I I am back on life steal if that was an obvious hello I’m doing another impromptu string well I guess in the the last one was an impromptu but this one is impromptu you weren’t expecting this were you no you

Were not I am back uh I have the lowest hard count on the server I just died and someone is at the old base uh uh Pro tip don’t go to the old base and we get you up eventually homie whatever hello Gamers hello it’s a bunch I

Apologize to my mods ahead of time I did not inform them I was gonna be live streaming I kind of I kind of just like went on live still right and I was like you know if I’m gonna be playing the game might as well be making money all

Right it’s just you you got you gotta think logically here it’s a business all right guys like I I if I’m gonna play Minecraft might as well make sure I make at least minimum wage to win it because playing this game is insufferable all right I’ve been doing it for 10 years

Non-stop but let me let me catch you all up to speed what has happened since like I went live like yesterday I think was yesterday I I’m fairly sure it was yesterday I I I lose track of time all right but basically um we we kind of set up a basically the

Whole Camelot thing then earlier today or actually well you guys know that like um I I basically died to Warden which is why I’m at nine Hearts which is obviously not a very pogchant moment so later that day as well as today me subs and Woogie have been kind of like

Grabbing gear and like trying to like get set up like you know like trying to establish ourselves like you know get get get get back to our our previous stature of like actually being a reasonable competition to other people on the server but what ended up happening is that me and Woody were

Going to go and check out this other base which supposedly according to Woogie was actually spoke space or a spoken Ash Wednesday I’m not entirely sure about like who actually owns it but uh long story short we thought it’d be funny to steal their horses while they were online

What I I now own a horse um I haven’t named him but ashwagon spoke are pissed all right they they’re not very happy with the fact that I we we committed Grand horse Auto all right they they were not happy they like stood stood us down it was like a Mexican

Standoff them like over there us over here on the horses they’re like all right you better give us back our horses or make a fair deal while stealing them and I’m like psych see ya and we got out of there I look I I like I I respect them for

Trying to like be proper businessmen but I I I I saw what was coming from a mile away they may be calling me a coward for running but they had like full villager farm spoke went Bank to basically geared up all right I I saw my fate from a mile

Away I knew they were gonna try to clap or clap us a second we got off those horses so me and Woogie we just got out of there I still have the horse and um then like as we were leaving the call with them right um they basically went like yo let’s

Check out those chords basically I’m fairly certain they were implying that they were gonna try to hunt us down after that so um basically we found this alternative playsuit call like you know called Refuge or call a refuge I suppose which in reality it’s nothing impressive it’s

Literally not it’s just a cave and if you’re a lifestyle member do not watch this do you care care about what what am I supposed to care about what what am I caring about I’m planning ah tiny Toby thing for the two bucks my sweep schedule died glad I can make it

I’m so proud of you but can we all say we’re proud of Toby for you know staying up ruining his sleep schedule SMH but back to the story I’m trying to catch y’all up to speed what’s happened while I was offline or like not streaming um basically like um they get very

Pissed at us we realize that Camelot or like that little island is no longer safe because there’s ludia nether portal right next to it so we get out of there we like grab the horse and make a dash for it and find this place and then like

Literally as we get here we’re like ah perfect we’re safe from the bad guys then like you know I have a you know I have I have a quick realization that like oh wait they’re looking for another base what about floppert they’re gonna get floppered oh shoot so then like you know

Me Woogie and Subs had to go in like an hour long like expedition to like transport floppert and chill bird over here it was a struggle okay we can’t use another you are a pain and pain in my rear end but I love you okay we we got

We had to make sure Flopper survived all right I built him up as like a secondary character he’s practically my B plot at this point if he dies people are gonna go mad we’re gonna have a freaking Riot all right it’s it’s just not gonna end well

Um so yeah we we we we we rescued Flopper we also got a bunch of stuff from that Island um I actually just got a message from my tallest up here saying he got clapped and that people people are at the old base which indicates that we were right

In our suspicion that they were looking for us because they’re at our old days but anyways here we are um in our new compound I suppose I I don’t even want to call it a compound it’s really nothing impressive of I built a little pumpkin farm up here so

We can slowly but surely get a bit of a revenue stream going we actually have to travel quite a bit to get those villagers once not even a villager that man is a zombie but we’re gonna turn him into a villager so he could work for minimum wage

Actually no it’s not even wage it’s indentured servitude but don’t worry you’re gonna you’re gonna be working for me you’re gonna do it anyways um that’s basically all that’s happening and like this is just kind of like a like a I I suppose I can call this a quick little

Um what do I call this a grind stream is that is that the proper terminology do a flip oh did it I win uh let’s see if Flopper dies ions up no wait no that’s gonna like be a that’s gonna freaking negatively impact my

Career no no don’t do that I I need the subs I bang um let’s see this hey red unless this is pre-recorded I am fairly certain I’m not pre-recording right now I I’m pretty sure this is live unless that was me intentionally saying that so you would you would assume that

I’m actually live streaming oh what the heck oh I got another donation from Tiny Toby it is 9 22. I’ve just woken up that does not seem good I want wreck back all right let me let me put on the rec uh the rank messages to um and

Um since like I’ve been getting them quite a few and so you guys can stop spamming about it because gosh it’s annoying um basically rank decided that he wants to take a little break from lifesteal this season which is understandable it um it’d be like that there’s been times

Where I’ve gone on like a huge break from life so fun fact the last four months of Life still season four I did not play at all I I hope that’s obvious to people that are part of the community but I did not play whatsoever

Um Rin if Flopper dies I’m on an art strike see that’s a lot more convenient don’t go on a Flopper or don’t go on an art strike for me go on an art strike for whatever kills Flopper all right give them like a huge distance incentive from killing Flopper all right let’s

Just strand them and then we got oh hold on um Gekko there’s a distinct lack of Minecraft on vacation do you mean like while you are on vacation or do you mean while I’m on vacation because I don’t know if that makes sense Um wreck is gone because of armor trips yeah he’s up he’s like working on his own projects He wants a break from life so he’s doing single player which is understandable I’ve actually considered doing like single player projects too one of the products I’m working on right

Now is me kind of like you know experiencing and like surviving the ancient city because fun fact I did not survive last time I kind of got clapped so I thought it’d be kind of cool to like make a video about like learning about the ancient city and whatnot

That’s probably that’s going to be a side project besides for lifesteal so um stay tuned for that but anyways something that I gotta work on is I gotta make that guy into a villager we got to make sure we can we can make them do do the thing I I need more villagers

I need more servants all right I know that’s something I picked up a few mushrooms I I I I forgot where you put them oh there they are um okay we got that we need sugar cane right right hold on I think that’s over here in this chest yeah

And then we need spideramp which I have fortunately uh fermented spider rhyme perfect look at that do we need anything else I I don’t think so hold on oh bottles let’s take care of that bacon waffles live on Twitch I am so glad that you’ve discovered that bacon

Waffles is live on Twitch but did you know radunes is Live on YouTube did you know about that one did you chat did you all know I’m live right now who would have thought what a crazy what a crazy remark what a crazy Discovery the the one red guy is currently live streaming

But you’re the audacity to tell them that bacon waffles live thank you I’ll make sure to tune in oh wait I’m not allowed to see lifestyle or lifesteal YouTubers or life so conquers are not allowed to watch other people’s live streams unless they’ve indicated that you can just because we don’t want

Stream sniping man we take stream sniping very seriously hold on let me pull up bacon waffles stream let me see what they’re up to that is a joke wait red is live yeah who would have thought man I’m live can we get like a pawn can everyone go crazy redones just

Live oh my god oh it’s twice in a week the gods have favored us hey this is this is so unusual clearly it must be a lunar eclipse this just it’s a blue moon this this just can’t be happening oh hold on it’s it’s a red moon oh kill bacon reduce I

Currently there’s like three or four of their teammates online I am I’m kind of playing solo right now I do not think I could take them in a fight especially with the fact that I do not have Max armor um okay hold on we need gunpowder right right

No way riddles just like Park night dude everyone’s going crazy I I just want to make a remark and this is like I I’m making this remark towards all my sentient viewers and I I feel like at this point it’s quite a large amount of y’all like I feel like you know like

There was a while back where like the YouTube live viewers were like kind of weird like I don’t know if you know what I’m talking about but there’s a certain like stereotype or just like a common known thing that YouTube live viewers can be kind of weird like I I don’t know

How to put it if you know you know if you don’t you’re probably one of them but uh they can be kind of weird they kind of like just don’t have a mind of their own it’s like a hive mind you know um but I feel like as of late like the

Past few months slowly my chat has become a lot more I I feel like mature is the wrong word I just I’m gonna say sentient all right y’all are becoming sentient y’all y’all’s IQ are like growing and I appreciate that like there was a while back where like y’all would just Spam like

Something random I’d be like oh Chad please please give me like actual things I could read not like just a three three letter word or something oh God they’re back to okay never mind they lost their sentencing they lost their Consciousness be cool yeah constrictor gets it or

Constrictor my bed like I’m a constrictor uh I’m not a weird creep see the fact that you could clarify that makes me think you’re a weird I’m just kidding what do you use to record I use OBS it’s pretty cool um my IQ is negative 15. well I feel

Like self acknowledgment is the first path towards growing your IQ it hold on can you increase your IQ is that something that you could actually do is IQ just a pretty standard stat that you get like upon like birth is it just like one of those standard unchangeable stats

That you get and like you know like every other stat like muscle intelligence all that it’s just like things you you can grow over time or no not even intelligence I think knowledge is the right word everyone act normal no stop stop acting weird no don’t say egg

Chat no please go back to being like conscious no what did I okay I guess like the other part is the second you acknowledge that they’re being weird they just become weird okay you know what I figure it out it’s like it’s like I I feel like it’s like when you say um

Frick what is it it’s like when you say Beetlejuice when you say Beetlejuice three times I’m not gonna say it a third time but when you say that certain name three times it just like awakes like the monster right I feel like it’s kind of like that the second you acknowledge it

They just do it uh thank you for the two dollar do not spam do not spam it’s just not no no no you know what I’m just not gonna acknowledge it anymore I’m gonna wait till hold on for the donation I’m just not gonna acknowledge you guys until you act

Normal again all right y’all y’all can keep spamming I’m just I’m just gonna talk to myself I got a lot of things I gotta do for instance I gotta cure that villager right now we’re just waiting for that to happen I should also probably expand the farm a little bit um

Uh what’s it called I think I have a hole over here somewhere hold on what the heck did I put it oh there it is you know the freaking this see I I just want to point out that like the one ancient city they went to and like I

Died this is like all I got from it all right a fortune actually no I did get a golden apple I got a notch Gap out of it or two but basically besides that the hoe is like all I got but anyways it’s it we’re on the grain boys we’re on the grain

You know I I’ve observed that there’s a few ways to like make money in 1.20 I I did see that like um who was it I think it was actually spokespace I saw like a freaking clay Farm which I don’t know Clay Farms are kind of whack

What is the IP I’m not gonna say what the IP is I mean you could probably try like maybe that will lead to something I don’t know foreshadow unless JK JK uh hold on what was the other think of the mods please stop what mods oh yeah dude I feel bad for

The mods that are moderating right now that are like have to like moderate this actually no hold on no the chat’s coming back around slowly acknowledge us I’m not acknowledging the spammers now go away leave me alone thank for the donations never mind the second I said they

They’re coming back around they just went back to spamming never mind it didn’t work it didn’t work but um I I think like the key ways to make money is like villager trades and 1.20 uh pumpkins and melons are definitely up there then uh iron is a

Good one then I think Clay is a solid one um I’m I I’m I’m wondering if like sticks and Fletchers is still like a good one I’m not I’m not entirely too sure still gonna have to evaluate that one as a and as an option

But um I I’m currently working on a few videos I work on day one I want to make a day one video so bad because although we did not get a single fight I just feel like everything from like you know exploring the ancient city with a Woogie

To like you know the still in the crafting table from Brand Z to say um going to the end with Subs in the gang and like beating the dragon and then uh Flopper I feel like it was quite an epic day one you know but at the same oh

I did I just need to acknowledge so they know I am not curing villagers all right I would never chat I would never cure villagers all right that guy you know I swear I was just next to one he did it on his own ah hi babe I’m sorry I see

Right wait hold on I gotta set up a breeding Farm chat as a mod I acknowledge you stop the eggs oh speaking of which fun fact actually you know the people that are spamming egg no screw you guys I gave the egg away I don’t even have the egg I gave it away

So y’all lost y’all just suck y’all are just bad oh here’s how by the way here’s all the crafting tables I’ve stolen from day one or actually I keep stealing them this is my growing collection I want to make a 5×5 Cube or five by five by five cube

Um right here of crafting tables saying I feel like that’s gonna be my S P long goal originally it was going to be a house maybe I’ll still turn it into a house but for now this is my little crafting table Cube oh I need water I’m still a bit sick from yesterday

And the days before so if you notice I start coughing that is probably why slowly gonna die like you know within a few days actually no I’m just that that was a joke I would never die I promise oh give the mods eight cents for their pain and suffering not for real though

BC uh sure ah let’s see here let me let me pull up Vitality oh they’re in a call right now hello hello hi how we’re um um if you wanna um Send Me chords or something anything unfortunately I cannot hold on I’m not able to show the chords on stream due to that’s

Okay yeah how are you all doing what is what is up uh it’s been a interesting past hour are y’all winning is right behind me okay is he trying to kill you guys he’s right behind me oh no no okay no I’m not running I’m just behind a tree so basically

Vitality died again again yeah so he’s at five hearts and so I was gonna go like help him because he was stranded in a cave yeah so as I was going there how like I have to pass our base to like get there right I see planet running around our base like

Circling in our like old vase yeah so I so I turned back and run because I can’t take that fight no that makes sense so yeah and Sylvia tells he’s now like armorless uh like running around yeah I’m gonna be honest guys people kind of hate us I’m not gonna lie

Um yeah no we’re we’re a really hated teams we are we are in fact probably the most you see we me and Subs were joking about it I think we’re gonna be changing the name from Camelot to The Outlaws just because of how hated we are

Basically I I don’t know if I gave the proper story I was actually telling my chat about this earlier but me and Woogie were um we kind of stole uh spoken ashwags horses yeah they didn’t like that very much I think they were preparing to fight us

Because they were like Max geared out and they were coming kind of coming at us and they were trying to like prevent us from backing up they’re like oh you guys are cowards we’re like no we’re just good thieves that get away with the crime and they’re like but you didn’t

Get away with it I’m like psych and I just get out of there um but they did try to get to my ego by calling me a coward but in reality I feel like coward this is another word for a person that intellectually can run away without dying

So if anything I’m big brain but uh yeah I know they hate us and like they’re like friends with like you know everyone anybody like anybody on the server that could potentially be our allies potentially Mr Cube hold on I’ll be right back I gotta acknowledge some donations I’m making

Money oh [ __ ] y’all did kill him okay never mind there’s just nobody you know what’s we’ve just completely fractured any like chance at relations on the server it’s fine but I’ll be back in a moment just gotta acknowledge some donations real quick all right uh see I

I don’t know if I hold on message subs or Wiggy to send the chords because I don’t know if I could do that on stream you can like hide your screen for a second and then I don’t have any I don’t I don’t know how to okay hold on maybe

I could all tab okay make sure if you come here turn off the make sure to if you come here to be um to not like stream showing the chords and um make sure to use the Overworld and make sure you’re not getting followed because if you get followed we’re screwed

But anyways I’ll be right back right now as Planet Lord is still yeah I’d say maybe hold off a little bit but we’re we’re setting up shop I’d say if you want to help just get like varying resources for like say like Brewing or like Farm stuff or whatever but I’ll be

Right back all right sorry that took a moment I was able to send them the chords we’re fine but here are the donors ion thank you for becoming a goon you Legend thank you everyone say shout out to Ayan ion is see I was gonna say one of us but I feel

Like that is that is a phrase belonging to Legend um we’re just gonna say ion is a goon and it’s a legendary goon a chat um let’s see can you please kill someone make a cursed sound when you do it this is a bet for twenty dollars my homies

Make me do it Hugh Jensen I I I I’m not able to do that right now I just I’m I’m nowhere near anybody uh do people log on no never mind I just I there’s nobody nearby and I’m kind of standing up shop right now if you want

To help me help the lifesteal wiki yeah guys help the wiki help the wiki dude I’m actually like I’m actually like surprised we got a bunch of freaking channel members yesterday we we grew the Army by like I don’t even know we grew up by at least like 15 people which is

Huge we got an elite goon as well it was crazy man people are becoming goons it’s part like the trend all the kiddos are doing nowaday I would have a peer pressure viewers into like you know becoming a goon or a channel member but it would be pretty cool

It’s 20 bucks not the normal one only only the Elite gun is 20 bucks I think or something like that uh let’s see here all right team with clown see I’m down to like not see I’m really like hesitant about My Relations on this showroom right because

On one side we had that offer from like clown piers on day one that like we could join his mercenary Army at least like me and Subs that is but then like legit like yesterday or like earlier today I find out that like he is trying

To like form like a like a business trade relationship with like spokes team AKA la la land or whatever and so we were kind of we’re kind of in this weird awkward spot right now we’re like he clearly he can’t really side with us over spoke if spokes gonna benefit him

Like that I mean you could take the argument that we’re gonna try to help him but at the same time I just I feel like it makes a more logical sense for him to like become business partners with spoke oversighting with the Outlaws all right we’re literally criminals chat

We are the Rogues of the server nobody likes us we were hated by everybody besides planetlord who seems to be chill with me but I’m certain he would kill me and I’m a heartbeat also spooty thank you for becoming a channel member thanks for becoming a goon see

It’s growing Chad I like I said it’s it’s a trend but if you’re wondering what I’m doing right now I’m setting up the Villager trades once and for all I need to get geared man like the whole purpose of all this is so I could get one heart because like let’s be honest

Everybody else like well we were getting their dragon and like exploring a few like you know ancient cities people were setting up villager Farms people were getting sacked if I tried to fight in one right now like let’s look at this well I I guess the helmet’s solid button

Here prop one that is not gonna hold us on that that is gonna like freaking break immediately prop 4 this is good we just need mending on this and we’re chill but Pro okay maybe my arm is not that terrible but my sword sharp too disgusting we gotta get to the five uh

We need we really need to have like an overhaul on right we gotta we gotta we gotta have a glow up moment chat I mean I like I don’t know if y’all have seen But Subs he legit has Max diamond armor with the silence trim in netherright man is rich he is flexing

All right hey bud I kind of looking for my father and I thought I’d ask if you’re my dad I I don’t think that would make sense chronologically speaking I am I am not that old I mean I’m old but I’m not that old

Um so probably not I I wish you luck in your searching also I feel like any person that says hey bud in reality is not that young so I I think there’s some misunderstanding Happening Here because something tells me you may be older than me if you’re using the word but

It’s like hey bud are you my dad it just I don’t know that sounds like what like a dad would say I don’t know there’s some oxymoron about that unless you know it’s a dad looking for his dad it’s a dad squared oh God me miklo

Is that is that the me cool I’m thinking about miklo thank you for becoming a goon I don’t know if it’s a miklo that I know because I know a guy named iklo or I guess username iklo but like I know I am Michelob I don’t know if it’s the

Same miklo but miklo thank you for becoming a goon we’re growing champ how is floppert it’s me Fam it is you miklow yo we love miklo man miklo is a chat or he is a Chad I don’t know why I said was I remember me Khloe

Oh here it is here’s floppert he is he is he’s well he’s good he’s he’s a legend amongst men a low flocker and then his child chillbert chilbert’s vibing as well they’re kind of stuck in this little pen right now but that that is completely fine

Speaking of which I feel like we should grow their numbers a little bit listen yes I I know it’s a mother and son or whatever but it’s Minecraft all right they made this a feature you can’t blame me all right it’s part of the game all right I I’m just

I’m not making I’m not gonna make a comment on it all right yo I don’t even know how to pronounce that name but thank you for the for the Goon thank you for becoming a channel member perfect what is a goon it is it is one of my my

Foot soldiers one of my one of my Lads you know if you’re a Dunes goon you were you were the goon goon chip as a badge of honor all right you’re you’re one of my own you’re one of my Kinsmen that is that is we’re really building up this

Lore about and not in like a parasocial way I would I would never be a parasocial content creator that’d be kind of cringe listen here Buckaroo are you are we going back to the whole Bud Buckaroo thing listen here Buckaroo are you my papa someone uses the word Buckaroo in a

Sentence run that man is that man is senile okay let me in oh hold on huh let me in that’s you those is he at the door hello y’all see the outside where you at message vitality vitality hey where you went I saw you I saw your

Name and then you disappeared come to the side of the mountain by the river is that by the Mesa or uh the entire the entire thing is Mesa it is not by the planes it’s like if you saw a desert temple it’s like where the dancer Temple kind of is kinda not really

God I was like making sure I did not go outside partially because I don’t want to get sunburned but also because I did not want to show the chat where we are but here we are chat don’t leak don’t snitch you’ll be kind of cringe if you do

I’m on the side of the mountain I don’t know what you’re talking about I I am in fact on the side of a mountain as well uh okay let’s put it like this what the frick is the sun I I was gonna use his son as a metric but the sun’s not even

Here um hey I can’t see the sun either he’s yeah no that’s again that’s awkward hold on one second calamity calamy’s a goon too thank you dude Calamity the legend dude oh wait hold on go to the side with this go to the side with the moon right now the

Moon is rising I am on the side with the moon what that is that is Camp oh you’re literally over here if I tell us turn around dude I’m gonna let you figure this out where you got this are you serious you literally just looked at me foreign where are you going

Is this like a secret entrance no I’m literally right over here you fool look to your left [Laughter] you were what hey don’t don’t break my Mountain all right here come with me cut oh oh yeah clear dude you you lost your hoodie man you’re like practically naked you got

Iron armor god dude I’m I’m just dude we gotta get inside I can’t let people see you with me like that you’re you’re dude people are gonna think I hang out with broke people and that’s just yeah does anybody online know where our base is old base most likely

All right here we come inside comments uh because okay um I’m hoping no one else is at the old days I think you’re best off um where the frick did your horse go oh he’s down there oh it’s it’s down there all right I’m gonna bring him inside

Um welcome to the base Welcome to The Cove I think the mountain the Cave the bad cave but for criminals were kind of Outlaws if you haven’t realized um oh wow there’s a lot of gold in here watch out by Chelsea what’s up what’s up I saved you

They call me a coward they call me redoons and also a coward but we’re not right um I mean we did steal the horses from spoke and ashwag and they called us cowards and sweep dipped all right all right you know what you living with us I’m putting you to work right now

You’re helping me uh you are hold on I will I will let you make a pickaxe you know this is like a welcome home present to your new home here take the take that take and that make yourself a pickety Pick X did the crafting tables over there

Uh clearly sister oriented oh God the constant death the constant death is up that’s a whole probably don’t want to go down there I’m heading over I will most likely not have someone follow me uh I would say if you do go in a different location and take a

Long way to the base like go in the long way I’ll go I’ll go like a circle around the world maybe yeah like make maybe even overshoot I don’t know all right Jumper in the uh double or in yeah in the spawner thing XP thing there’s nine diamonds if you care about

That in there uh care about that personally I don’t want to go near our base okay just in case well in the meantime I’ll wait for jumper who um here make yourself a pickaxe I did all right come with me come with me uh not for Dunes what

Can I please get some food I’ll like this I just have a mushroom that is an iron horse that is in fact not a mushroom I mean did you try eating it it didn’t taste so good yeah I’m assuming a bit stale a bit all right but anyways now that you have

Your comida um follow me we are currently working on setting up a villager breeder which will be right over here so this is gonna be the room with the breeder then we’re gonna make a little shoot so like what I want to do is dig out here just down here I’m gonna

Get the dirt actually no I have the dirt all right I’m gonna do the floor then bro my chat is calling me Mr Beast that is me they’re also calling you bald and broke so um take that as you would man traumatized you got a slave no he is he’s just I

Mean I did technically give him a pickaxe so like I feel like that’s a certain exchange of or certain transaction for his work and he’s kind of my roommate now again yeah yeah yeah well roommates Vitality how do you feel about that dude he’s ecstatic um that’s ran like killer amazing you could

You could have said like I won’t take it for granted but uh that works too it’s fine you’re gonna you’re you’ll you’ll you’ll I’m about to die your right Tia I’ll leave you to your work I’m gonna I’m gonna talk to my chat for a moment what

This this was not a good idea Chad this was a terrible idea I I take it back getting getting additional employees terrible decision I’m joking I’m joking I can’t take the dad jokes chat they’re too cringe that’s you but thank you for all the channel members I appreciate it y’all

Y’all are y’all are Chads you got a few channel members we also got some super chants it’s me it’s it’s awesome especially with the fact that literally literally right now I just went live for the heck of it and somehow we have 1 300 viewers just spontaneously just just

Randomly wait we got another one snarly Griffin 60. thank you thank you for becoming a goon I I appreciate it should have got one with eyes I mean they have eyes they’re just purple which I don’t know if that’s a guy like an infection or like a genetic thing I don’t know

We see all types of people on the server all right we don’t we don’t judge we accept sales is booming for real dude for real dude everyone everyone wants to be a goon nowadays man everyone wants to be part of the club all right let’s see here um okay with

The dirt we’re gonna put in the dirt and with the dirt please say my name was that a good attempt listen man your spelling is a bit foreign to me yeah hello yeah did you do it pretty far oh good job I’m so proud

Yeah I went I went I went the long route but like a really long round uh where you followed I don’t think so um I’m still like a good thousand blocks out what would you I wouldn’t I went like a really big circle would you like to like double check just in case

Uh how like like just look around you is anybody following you is there like is there like a Minecraft Steve or what like I’ve been like f5ing this whole time like checking all right hmm it does not look like it all right fair enough [Applause] listen here jumper who I know I know

You’re new to our our ways but you gotta you gotta be as cautious as possible around these parts I I’m okay banned just for finding like faces like if I if I if I have a mod to like check if there’s people around me is that ah that is probably

You know I’m not too sure this is why we need more proper like explained rules because there’s a lot of room for interpretation water I need to get another bucket of water what are you doing I’m gonna go back to deafening for a second I hate this I hate this so much I

Hate this chat and my suffering please please God I can’t take the dad jokes man I can’t take it God damn it no way I’m back okay hi back I don’t see like like literally I I see no one so I’m pretty sure I wasn’t followed do you see

Yourself it should be like what the frick why why does the spider have potion effects what there’s supposed to be a breeding Camp not not a spider I see a mountain I see Mountain the mountain meet up you’re on the other side of the mountain actually wait wait

Hold on wait jumper jumper jumper hold on wait wait there should be a mine shaft entrance wait hold on a mine shaft entrance yeah hold on just do you see my name yes okay come over here okay all right uh red there’s a zombie villager

Um where if you want you know like it’s right above the pumpkin farm oh this is nice this is really nice yeah yeah it’s a little where oh above the pumpkin farm you know at this point let’s just leave them up there let’s see if he survives tonight this man

Oh the devils yeah basically save I’m telling you like after we kind of like pissed off like ashwagon spoke right they basically made the indication that they were gonna try to look for our old base and that they were making progress to find it and I panicked for a moment

Because I realized Flopper was still over there so me Woogie and Subs did an emergency evacuation of philopard and children we went back to the old base grabbed everything we could and got out of there and we traveled thousands upon thousands of blocks across your world we got a

Couple of things yeah we probably forgot a little bit but oh wait hold on hold on I’m having fun can I buy individually signed Oreos for 63 cents I I mean maybe like an Oreo with the text Oreo on it I don’t know we’re doing is more like red noobs get

Dunked on what the frick I I’m not a noob I’m I’m redoons you want a trap door there you go take a trap door to jump jumper who you don’t have food to jump you don’t want food to jump you’re here take some okay you’re just going the wrong way here

Look at the peasants down there hey I wouldn’t call myself that okay fine you’re just a charitable individual that’s giving foods to the I’m not gonna call you a peasant you are you’re just a sill little guy you’re a homeless man oh that’s too very you’re you’re you’re a silly little guy

All right radunes what would you like me to do next all right oceans you’re I want you to take this and this I want you to uh put carrots on every single one of those dirt blocks down there while I make uh composters these signs lied there’s no potions yeah my

Bad we’re still working on it we’re we’re provide you’re not jumping hold on Balkan blade can you say hey like that or huh all right see I I Know What You’ve Won I’m not gonna I’m not gonna play into it more than that foreign what am I doing wrong here oh shoot um Are you my mom I am not your mother no Flopper flopper’s over there man Flopper it’s vibing what oh I just got a donation I don’t see how to become a member hope this makes up for it love your videos been watching for a long time Justin

Thank you for the 20 bucks you Legend you goon you know what you you may not see the button to become a goon but in my heart deep down we all know you are a goon man you are you are Chad you are a stud thank you for the 20 bucks

Appreciate it also hope you’ve been enjoying the content thank you that is freaking awesome what a what a lad that’s freaking hype flaupert is your mother I I do not think my mother is floppered my my mother’s my mother I don’t know hopefully you eventually become the

Richest thank you I hope so too that’d be pretty cool super breeder I don’t know if they already have one do you have a villager reader yet uh that’s what we’re working on right now actually okay we’re uh setting up camp but yeah um was that all the carrots or what do you

What’s this uh there was no not enough light for oh hold on let me put a glowstone in the middle my bad I hate being sick yeah thankfully I only my um what is that I was only sick for a couple days but yeah see like I’m not as much sick

Anymore as I am just like I still have a cough which kind of sucks okay try now that the glowstone should help are you serious okay hmm okay either you need food it’s more that we need carrots for the farm oh okay oh I see yeah I appreciate you

Asking me if I want food though that was that was quite courteous of you I might say but yet we are criminals on the server yeah but then again you were kind of pulled into it I don’t think you’ve actually been that mean to people

I mean you did try to kill bacon waffles in Epic I saw the clip to be fair that was not my idea wait if I tell us an iPad oh or wait a minute huh um do you need it hold on let me just validate something

With my chat chat did I see something down there um okay I do need a hoe but what did you see or what do you think you saw I think I or I thought I saw a name tag down there for a second but that that could have

Just been an accident could have been just like the the thing from the thing wait reduce on what redoons I don’t think do you even have another layer i i in fact don’t have it out later okay that’s what I was thinking so that did not make any sense

Please wander this water right there not any more rotten flesh you sure do you need food I’m an independent woman how far I’ve gotten on my own okay well if you need food just let me know hold on keeping a funny nerd dude I love the

Fact you acknowledge me as being a nerd if I don’t get I don’t get bullied for it people know I’m a nerd I love being a nerd to be honest thank you for the 20 bucks man that is thank you so much that is freaking Eclipse Mage appreciate it thank you you goon

I love the fact it’s just like yeah Red’s just a giant nerd man like I I’ll be making like Lord of the Rings references or talk about how I play like hearts of iron forward like something like that and people just go like yeah Batman does not have a life Batman just sits

Inside playing games or reads books I do actually read books I’m reading um this book called The Last Kingdom I’ve been meaning to talk to people about it it’s just nobody else reads books nowadays man or at least not a lot of people people that read books are considered

Just like weird to most people like why read a book when you could just watch movies man like I get it but I do like reading books every now and then um yeah I know so I’ve been reading this one called the the last Kingdom which is

Written by Bernard Cornwell hold on yeah Cornwell yeah it’s they actually made into a show on Netflix it’s actually it’s actually very hype you mess up the outer ring ain’t getting water oh not too bad that’s fine we only need the inner ring in reality I kind of made a

One too large but that’s fine um but anyways what we’re gonna do now is um I’m trying to figure out the best way to do this okay we’ll do it like this um Okay shoot ah Gravel probably not the kind of books you’d do though what um no I don’t read fanfics or like that I um I read like um I I usually read like either fictional books or um fantasy right like I after I read uh the last Kingdom I’m probably gonna read

Lord of the Rings because I’ve actually never read the books I am a big enjoyer of the movies and I feel like it’s gonna sound weird a lot of people say that like they believe you should always read the books before you watch the movies I

Beg to differ I like to watch the movies before I read the books so I could like get an even stronger visual sense of and context sense of what is being discussed and then um hello uh we were kind of done with carrots hold on one I’m gonna hold on

I’m gonna send you a YouTube video I don’t want to watch the Youtube video while I’m live on stream but if you would wouldn’t mind hold on um just following the tutorial I will send the video it’s very simple I’ve used this tutorial many times

I’ll put it in the chat how long will it take it will not take long for the section you gotta do so I will show you what you need to do it’s just certain parts that I forget about um let’s see here let’s see yeah you just throw a bunch of carrots

On the floor okay no no the carrots like we don’t need to worry about right now it’s the other part basically like I’ll bring over the villagers don’t worry I mean we could both bring them over actually um the part that we need to set up is this additional second

This additional section which is basically this little pit that they fall into and then beds on the other side and for this part I’m thinking about just setting up like you know glass for most of it just we can see it hold on I need a I I can’t stand being bald

Oh what the frick what just happened oh the light the light are you ready for the worst in you’re gonna see one moment one moment all right what ready no there’s like no difference whatsoever oh wait a minute oh it’s one layer oh oh I’m gonna be honest I barely noticed the

Difference I’m not gonna lie don’t I look like a little Teletubby when I have this thing on my guy you always look like a Teletubby and like a positive way thank you and a positive way man I think you found that positive either way yeah he he did not take insults I’m

Glad he didn’t I would have felt awful but basically what you need to do is um I need you to set up this little compartment um it’s like a four block ditch I think right here and then there’s gonna be beds on the other side I did wood and

Beds yeah you should find the resources you need over there hold on I’ll be right back I am pretty certain I just got a donation videos can we Planet Lord no we cannot I don’t think he’s edible I don’t think that would work well fake red I do not think I’m fake

Actually just got bigger like your head just like expanded okay oh what you’re talking about all right sure who are you saying hi there too literally everyone I want to spook them out because I have my outer layer on oh okay that makes sense it makes sense I

Thought you were like seeing someone else would be like all right I’m out like casually seeing someone saying hi there welcome into the face make yourself at home there you go I’ll be right back I read love your vids and streams thank you Brody I appreciate it thanks for the five bucks dude

This is literally just a casual random like it’s legit a random grind stream and we got like 1 000 something viewers that is you know what can I call myself popular can I finally fulfill like that middle school dream of being the popular

Kid am I have I hit it at a peak ripe old age of 21 have I finally fulfilled my wish ah which which is a goon now welcome to the goons welcome welcome to the dunes goons which welcome appreciate the channel member we need blood yeah I don’t think we’re gonna get

Blood this stream dude uh uh probably don’t remember but I used to tune into your streams every day no matter what you wore big inspiration to me and now I have more than a thousand subscribers God bless you dude that is freaking hype Man 1 000 Subs congratulations dude like that is that

Is freaking hype that is like I I like it generally like astonishes me when like um people that like I know have washed my content like obviously not inspired off me but like just like you know decide to go off on their own and make content like you know um

Like no they they popped off or started growing that is just it’s so awesome to see man so GG [Applause] see plan not might not be a bad option klon might not be a bad option it’s just more that um it’s just more that I have a good

Certainty that he’d choose like the other team over us you know sacrifice Vitality to the Red Gods the Crimson Gods where’s he at he’s over there a Vitality are you religious uh not very have you considered not my my Chatters were going I should sacrifice you to the Crimson Gods but

Um I I think you’ll be fine oh frick I wanted you to make it on this side you know that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine we can make this work we’ll make this work the same thing no new it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry don’t worry um let’s see here um

Okay yeah I’ll let you finish up and I’ll connect it afterwards uh I’m literally a basically done I’m so proud of you hmm I’m just missing one singular torch according to this you got this also oh my God I opened up Microsoft Word you got a problem with word bucko word yes dang

Oh by the way I completely forgot we gained a lot of Subs yesterday I think we gained like 2 000 something so if you’re new to the channel welcome hope you’ve been enjoying the content appreciate all the new subscribers start a Flopper cult I think we already

Are a Flopper cult around these parts man did someone you become a channel member or what just happened oh snarly Griffin donated five kill someone or blow up something if I had TNT I would blow up stuff man actually hold on I can make oh you know

What screw it I’m gonna use some of our gunpowder and make a TNT real quick I’ll do it for you I’ll do it for you Griffin I’ll do it I’ll do it watch me floppered cult ion thing for the five bucks yeah floppered cold chat quick let’s get a chance for flapper

Going to the chat Flopper Flopper Flopper I love the fact that Flopper was just a name where we combine filbert and then just uh flop who became the elite goon yesterday and since that day flop has just like been an integral part of the the verdunes channel little did he

Know that I’m easy 20 bucks would make him part of the content all right all right TNT we got it I did not realize I had a flint and seal I did not make that all right let’s see hey guys if I want to blow something up

Where would be a good spot to do it my heart so I’m reversible why do you want to blow up oh no he doesn’t because you would not want to lose another heart right do you want to blow up not really I don’t find that like that’s

Not really a fun activity this is no yeah yeah yeah you want to do that no no no no okay why I I don’t know if he’s being serious or not I don’t know if he’s being serious or not I don’t know if he’s being serious or

Not do I do it no I do a champ I mean what’s there to lose right uh besides your life nothing oh my chat is asking me are you a nerd as well don’t worry I got 10 bucks for that question so you could be honest

Uh I’d call myself a nerd I made I made a video on math on my main Channel all right blow them up foreign you know what I’ll let you I’ll let you choose actually no you know you don’t need to blow up but my my my my chat my chat did ask for

TNT to get blown up they did ask him Vitality yeah no problem no problem no problem you’re a true American hero you just saved vitality this is why we love Obama wait okay you want to put your armor back on I thought we’re just going to keep the

Awkward silencer for a little bit but all right oh I I okay you know we got it we got to let that like stir up you know oh never mind my chat’s already starting a presidential Community or campaign for Flopper apparently we’re moving on oh okay there we go wait hold on

But he’s neither a camel I mean an elephant which one or a dog I don’t see any name tags oh wait they had a kid oh wait yeah wait I gave him a cactus earlier my bad there’s another one okay so what’s this what’s this one’s name uh

I need to find a name tag there we go all right chat all right hold on are you all streaming or anything no all right all right a chat what do we name them why do we name them what do we name them it’s a giraffe do I name him giraffe

Yeah I mean do you want to have the names keep matching wait guys Planet Lords oh wait no never mind it’s a fake skin never mind I I had Hearts bobber oh my God some people are saying bobert there’s one that is Bob flirt I really like it I really like Bob flirt

Bob’s Larry that’s honestly not that bad it’s very funny oh now they’re just spamming everyone someone’s saying name it vitalacy we already have one yeah I think you could do with two or three or more or any more some people okay it seems like the most people are

Saying Bob Bird by chance do we do bobert or FL or Bob flirt it’s either Bob Burton or Bob flirt wait Bob flirt oh I’ve seen flirt like f-l-e-r-t but I guess we could do Bob flirt o don’t uh what he’s testing how much Hearts things uh ow

How many hearts did that do not even half a heart Gonzalez chat no I said bobbert or Bob flirt not not Gonzalez you’re you’re kind of going a bit off topic now all right people are saying bobber need any more assistance if not we’re gonna go on a little Adventure uh let me

See oh the team bonding activity did you uh did you set up the little hole down there like did you set anything at like a tunnel to get in there and uh there’s a tunnel well yeah you gotta collect them somehow oh I see all right um

I’ll take care of that y’all y’all you kids have fun all right just make sure to not be followed back to the base all right oh oh we’ll be around all right well if you got no I’d say like if you guys are going outside the base like go a bit

Away so like you’re not in the premises of the bass you know is there any like interesting or big cave like entrances near here uh not that I know Subs had to go quite a bit of weight for the cave oh that’s just wonderful all right um

So we might have to go on why did you make another bed there’s one right over here okay no there you go all right well you all have your adventure I’ll talk to you a little bit later all right all right I’m just gonna definitely hold on

All right we’re still getting a bunch of different names for I’m just gonna name them bobert all right it’s just gonna be easy that way bobbert’s easy chat don’t worry about it all right well now we got villagers hopefully they start doing the thing but

I gotta figure out a way to collect them you know uh hold on we’re gonna exit here we’re gonna get another bucket of water um because what I wanted to do was make it come out here so then we could set up like a villager trading Hall going down

Here like using this space for that I feel like that would have been very useful but um I mean we could probably still do it oh that’s jumper we can still set that up do a poll you can’t do polls on YouTube man oh oh my God my cough my bad keep in

Mind Chad I’m still sick also something I’ve been really considering doing whether it’s like while doing like the big live streams or just live streams for channel members doing like recording my commentaries like how many of y’all watch the commentaries like my second Channel I got the second Channel named

Dunes I I don’t think everybody watches it but I do have a second YouTube channel that um I do like commentaries and a bit of more casual content on I’ve been meaning to like possibly do them while live streaming but I’m I’m not sure maybe I’ll keep doing them like off camera

It’s just weird because I feel like I talk a lot more properly when I’m live streaming as opposed to like when I’m um I’m recording because when I’m recording right I I get so like self-critical about my articulation my word usage right but when I’m like live streaming I

Just say whatever I want and if it sounds good then perfect if it doesn’t well too bad I’ve already said it right it’s not like I can undo it it’s just like maybe some viewers that are gonna be like hey you’re you’re grammatical usages are off man that’s that’s a

Hyperbole you should not use it like that hey that is that is a metaphor not a simile I I don’t I don’t freaking know man some people some people get very critical no I’m just kidding nobody’s really gotten that critical but I’m just saying there’s one day there’s gonna be

A Karen that gets angry at me for using some like term improperly or something and then my career will be over man it’s just all going to ruin all right so I’m just gonna go with what I think seems best which is just go out here go out here

And as soon as we go here we do like this we’re also going to put torches here so they don’t actually die when they fall down you are cool thank you I appreciate that sentiment all right oh gold this is quite far actually no hold on that’s pretty that’s

Pretty good I actually like that all right perfect uh we’ll make them collect there so that will be our collection Depot what the frick I didn’t know he was stream I’m always doing the stream man I’m the Stream but yeah I really want to post more on uh Dunes

I um I just I don’t know I want to post more like overall I I keep getting this like pressure that like everything that’s on the redunes channel okay this one has to be such high quality like I fear that like for instance like me and

I mean not I’m just gonna name this but like how are there any people in chat that know of a YouTuber named Captain Sparkles Maybe I’m just putting it out there is sort of like any people that know Captain Sparkles yeah basically a little bit ago

Me and the captain did a little collab for his channel but on top of that we did one for my channel where we were trying to beat the game but every few minutes or so um we swap places it was a pretty funny thing to record we

Had a lot of fun but it’s just like not what I usually upload on redoons right so I’m having this like fear that perhaps it’s just better that I posted on like the Dunes channel because the dunes Channel’s like I could post anything on there I don’t really care I

Literally painted myself like drawn an egg right ah there’s a child wait close it up you’re not getting out there Pali but at least we know the system works yeah you really thought you had a chance of life no not allowed you’re my you’re gonna have

A life you’re just gonna be a boring one with just doing trades for me man I hope you enjoy but um like I don’t know that is not flop Junior that is a whole other species Chad you got it mixed up but um anyways yeah I was just like

Having this like weird thought of like is it worth posting that on the main or do I post it on like the second I don’t know what do you guys think like what what like generally I’m very curious to hear y’all’s opinions I know it’s like hard

To gauge because like you know maybe you guys don’t do YouTube all of you guys or like whatever but like what are y’all’s thoughts on like seeing less less like super over the top high quality content the verdunes channel and seeing more like just me messing around you know because like I

Feel like it’s evident that like the messing around videos are just not gonna get as many views which as a YouTuber I gotta think about it but at the same time I feel like not every video has to get a lot of views which puts puts me in this weird dilemma

Everyone’s saying main at the moment Maine for more clout no but that’s the thing it’s more like a casual video there’s not much Cloud to be had um all right so there’s something that I’ve seen with this system right and that is that you said like a mine cart I forgot

How you do it I think you actually need to I think I actually need to kill this child I’m not gonna lie I’m sorry little one I feel terrible but I have to be happy um now what I’ve seen people do is um hold on let me let me see if I recall

How this works it’s very weird but I’ve I’ve done it a few times across my bases so I gotta make I gotta see if I can do a first try um everyone’s yelling at me for killing their child my bad chat my bad it was an

Accident all right I apologize I made a severe Lance in judgment um okay so what we want to do let me do like that we do like that then we do like that oh oh wait hold on no wait is hold on I think we do this side first I think we

Do like that and we do like that and we do like that then keep it going and then at some point I definitely did this wrong didn’t I um that looks right I don’t know if it is right though um life’s still day one on dunes now I’m

Gonna post it on the main dude all right so we gotta be fast about this um All right there we go so we’re gonna need like a dispenser that shoots out here we’re gonna have one Red Zone probably around here below that or somewhere around here so how this works is that we shoot a dispenser out that we trigger with redstone comes out here picks up the kid

Puts it over here and then we have a system that takes it up to its new life and then well do we even have to bring it up now we could actually just shoot it out here or we could just have like the the zombie system happen over here not a terrible idea

Hmm um I definitely gotta revisit this once I’m like off camera with like an actual video but we need to get a zombie to place in here like that and then um the idea is that villager gets shot with the minecart goes through here comes down here zombie will be waiting

Here zombifies it then we shoot it out here then we have we’ll have like a little group of them that can wait over here and then um yeah bam villager Traders pogs in the chat I’m actually gonna make a little room here something like that just makes it easier to divide everything foreign

And then we could also just like use that for the sake of um just one of my what am I trying to say when we basically want to Splash them with weakness like the zombified villagers it just gives us a nice controlled space bye guys gotta go have a good night

Dang I’ve been going for like what an hour not bad you should try and get more allegiances I probably I probably should get more allegiances I just I don’t know who to Ally with just because I know everyone hates me or a lot of people hate me um

So for the time being I will I will stay on my own for a little bit did you finish the Lego castle no I was actually gonna do like a channel member only stream until I continue that basically it’s like a more limited or exclusive like like live stream but I’m

Not sure maybe I’ll keep it I don’t know maybe I’ll keep it public 75 minutes I have been streaming for about 75 minutes you are right how are you I am doing good who’s on your team at the moment it’s um vitalacy jumper who Woogie and Subs which I feel

Like it’s pretty nice stream I like it although we have not been up to much Mischief which hopefully changes soon I would love to see us come in a bit more chaos hold on oh perfect we we already had um the power drills um then I guess I can make a dispenser right One two three if we do like that do like that bam I’m rich face reveal I don’t know if I’ll ever do like a big face reveal if I do a face reveal it’s gonna be very random like you won’t really expect it it’ll just kinda happen you know because like I don’t

Know I feel like as a content creator I don’t need to show my face like there’s no reason why like I understand like certain people want to see their Contour that they wash their face like what they look like but at the same time my face is nothing

Interesting it’s just like you know like every other content creator unless you’re little like famous is like in every video or like you have a face cam I get it but if like you’re like a hit like a you know a faceless content creator like why does it matter like I

Mean if people see my face or clown or like for instance like dream right like dreams face reveal was like super hyped up he’s just a dude man he’s just a dude what were people expecting a god amongst men a Herculean descendant no he’s just a guy

This is so so are weak you know every like literally look in the mirror there’s a possibility will look just like you you know there’s no difference between a content creator and a normal person the only difference is that they have been sitting enough long enough that like they’ve potentially been able

To you know get a few use on the internet all right like at the end of the day we’re not we’re we’re just people I don’t know so when people like hype up can’t decrease like face reveals and whatnot I find it very silly there’s

Really no reason for it like if you want to show your face as a content creator yeah sure go ahead man like I don’t know I just there’s really no reason for me to show my face you know like and like there is like I mean I may

Do it at some point just for the lulls but like content wise there’s legit no reason to doing it none bro got canceled so much that you went back to the mass that’s what I’m saying man people like really hype up like thinking that they’re just gonna be

Like I don’t know something amazing when they’re just a person like what do people expect what time is it there it is currently 10 35. the honor people stopped watching I mean that’s fair I’m not doing anything special right now I’m just kind of playing the game you know

I don’t I don’t expect people to sit around watching me I’m literally just ranting you know I’m not doing anything interesting I’m just I’m walking back and forth talking building a farm it’s it’s not that good content man it’s not that interesting the fact that there’s a thousand people watching astonishes me

You know because like there there’s so many other things you can do take a crash course play Minecraft you can literally be playing Minecraft yourself but no for some reason I’ve tricked I have deceived a thousand plus people to watch this live stream in the middle

Like towards the middle of the night you welcome I’m I’m I’m amazing I know uh hey coffin okay what I need for powered rails I think that’s good enough right [Applause] what oh nothing better to do with my life you know what I relate you should amputate your leg for Content

Ah you see that that sounds like a great idea besides for the fact that I need my light to walk you know it’s it’s kind of I’m gonna be honest I kind of like my leg it’s it’s kind of been beneficial so I it’s a tempting offer but I’m just

Gonna have to pass you know I’m playing GTA oh yeah I guess you could multitask you know what if you’re multitasking good for you man you’re thinking ahead of time it’s like you know when I do school work I’m usually watching anime at the same time and when

I’m watching anime I’m also playing Minecraft at the same time you got a multitask man ADHD really comes in clutch but then again like that then like you know you say you’re multitasking but then like at some point you just you get very tired and you realize like you know you’re just procrastinating

A lot so what we’re gonna do I want to set up a redstone Mark that goes from here out here right so I could press a button and then another one comes um I’ll watch don’t worry thank you oat nut dude oat nut the mod the goat we love

Oat nut thank you oh no nobody else answered the call oh nut came perfect where where was oh no when Gondor oh no when the West fold fell oh no it was there answering the call Gondor did it but oh nothing did all right okay so what I’m thinking is like either

I I don’t know if Redstone works like this if if I do like this oh could this work or do I have to bring a one down I’m I’m not the strongest with redstone oh that does work but if I bring it down does it work still um

This here okay that still works all right so then in that case what I’ll do is like I’ll bring it down here now bring it back up here and then the bun will be up here um like that I’m a genius I know look at this redstone and if we do like that

Oh it works all right perfect now I’m wondering if we should also place the other like red somebody like over here like an additional one So like um hold on so basically we do like another Redstone string that comes out here in the bun will be right there

And then we will trail that one back to the dispenser in the back I think that would be pretty cool like everything connects okay hold on let’s make sure we hear it there we go all right sweet mm-hmm So then that will probably get the Villager do we have any children yet I thought I heard a kid I hear a kid is it over here I I hear I hear a child somewhere I it’s oh it’s right okay it just popped up over there all right fair enough what’s happening

Did I miss something in the chat I want to fall asleep right now but you’re way too entertaining I am not entertaining man I’m I am not entertaining oh God I’m coughing I am not entertaining right now I’m literally just vibing decided to go live while like working on some like Redstone

And like setting up the farm I should have had this Farm or like done a lot earlier but I was just I was a bit busy bless you thank you you murdered the kid well the last one not this one I’ll become an elite goon if you get 12

Hearts like get to 12 hearts or get 12 hearts huh plants in the same chunk I don’t think so because um I mean if he is then he’s gonna kill me because I I I do not have the gear to stand a chance but

Um I have to see him from to be in the same chunk right because we’re all in the ground but if isama found the base I’m not even if he found the base he’s had like 14 Hearts I’m not even gonna complain man I’m just I’m gonna give him a full like

Scale like auditorial Round of Applause for hunting me down if he really wanted to also Coulter dog get a dog and name a Coulter one hold on I gotta hold on I will make a sign right now cough hold on wait Colter Coulter can I name can I name the third uh

The name can I name the third uh let’s see here yeah the third uh camel can I name it Colbert or Colt Bert I mean I could just name it culture if you want I’m waiting for Colter to say yes in the chat come on please it would just be so much easier

Sorry my cough is getting a bit worse come on Colter come on Colter cough yeah no see the problem is with my cough right now with house like with like me being sick it’s like based on how much I talk Coulter has yet to respond and chat

Or was her name not culture I thought it was Coulter dog yes dude thank you for another five bucks Perfect all right we’re naming a Coulter Coulter gave money therefore he gets priority there we go all right Coulter there you are buddy you got a camel we love Coulter

He did say yes there we go GG thank you for the five bucks that that is that was not necessary well 10 bucks I suppose hold on I need I’m gonna grab some more water I apologize chant I can’t wait for this cough to be over so I can actually talk without like dying every five seconds

Like I every single time I go on a convention right I was at VidCon with like lifestyle whatnot every single time I go to a convention I um I usually get sick not like bad well last time I got coven at twitchcon but this time I just got like a conflue

But it’s still like annoying enough to be a bother all right why are you streaming while sick money I like money ASMR Channel what with me coughing you want you want oh are you talking about me drinking water was that ASMR for you for a second I thought you’d rather be

Like yeah I want to hear you coughing ASMR whoa just like going crazy about that yeah please just make a whole Channel dedicated to you coughing man it’s gonna be great content cuff there’s so many people coughing well I usually don’t have a cough that’s the

Thing I just I had one because I I was sick and I’m still recovering like I still feel a bit physically fatigued but I’m like all right why are you like one of the best lifestyle members um we’re talking statistically I don’t think I am I’m at nine Hearts if

Anything I’m like one of the weaker ones right now but if you’re talking content wow because I’m just that good I don’t know cough Dunes check stop making fun of me I can’t help it I can’t help it stop it I’m getting bullied fight the warden last time I did that I died

Tell us our favorite anime or my favorite anime um I mean I really like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood right I think that was like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was the anime that took me from like not being a big fan of anime to being obsessed like not obsessed but just like being a big

Fan like anime is very simple for me to watch now like I can binge it um but the signs for Full Metal Alchemist my top three are or no I guess with besides format Alchemist my other favorites are um um one punch man that is that is this

Big one really like that one and then I really like Attack on Titan um or Titans or no Attack on Titan I think that yeah I I’ve watched Sword Art Online that was pretty solid like The Abridged version on YouTube then um what is it berserk like the movies were

All right then I watched um what’s called Promise Neverland or whatever it’s called uh that was pretty good like that one then I watched uh devil man cry baby that was chill um right now I’m like re-watching one punch man but eventually I I’m like considering going back and watching like you know

JoJo or what like Naruto or something like that I also watched The Demon Slayer I was actually not too big of a fan of Demon Slayer demon slay was just like I don’t know one piece what you want me to watch like a whole freaking Library it’s like 1 000 episodes man

I’ll be watching that for the rest of my life seola bridge is good yeah I want to re-watch it actually what do you think about every s p needing a Twist now um okay this watch someone clip this and just repost it um you know like recently there has been

Like a design for like the whole clipping or not what am I saying clipping my bad my I was just rephrasing myself to sing the clip or whatever I do that sometimes when I talk fast uh real quick big boy big boy thank you for the one dollar

Um okay what are my thoughts on the fact that a bunch of s PS really think they need like a gimmick uh like you know a Twist I I I I I get it you know like I feel like after 10 plus years of Minecraft what we’re we’re coming up on

13 14 at this point I I get it like the game is not as interesting as it once was so usually giving some sort of twist or like a stake makes sense you know because it just kind of spices up content if you’re like oh you know

This is like your average s p but instead you know there’s a finite amount of lives and it’s competitive due to the fact that you could steal the lights from other people and over time there will be an attrition where you know Hearts get removed from the server and

Eventually people will get banned because there’s no Hearts left AKA lifesteal you know like I feel like that then you realize like oh shoot these guys were freaking sweats God they don’t have a life let’s watch and you get a bit like peaked or like interested but then like eventually like I think

Like more and more gimmicks like were added and at some point some of the twists uh became a bit like just they’re just twists for the sake of having a Twist because twists Works which that that is a sentence and a half you know I’m not I’m not gonna name names because

At this point like you know um like to be fair I don’t even know all their names at this point but there’s there’s a few twists there that I feel like are actually good there’s some that I really enjoy that I think are interesting but others I feel like yeah

It’s it’s a Twist I I don’t know how else to put it like I feel like every content creator um needs to go above and beyond with their content you know like nowadays just with like the climate we’re in and people want to like succeed they can’t

Just try to do what everybody else they gotta make sure that that they do something like different and I’m not saying like everything has to be different I’m just saying you need a certain element that is I guess unique or authentically your content so for me that was like I mean

Like one example for me was if you don’t know I put tiny little animations my videos instead of like doing like replay mod and like doing the fancy cinematics I’ll just draw a little cartoon and put it on the screen because I thought that was kind of funny and eventually people

Really enjoy those and that was something that like um people started like um you know affiliating with my content Hunter thing for the two dollars over saturation basically well I suppose like over saturation obviously leads to like you know redundancy right like I feel like to some extent life

Still itself has become redundant at times right because of how long it’s been going on like life still has been going on for like several years one piece has a life lesson watch it it’s a life lesson to not spend all your time watching anime is that the life lesson

It’s a self-actualization but um I mean maybe I will check out one piece again I watched like the first season I think um but anyways I am I recommend every person that wants to be a content creator to just kind of figure out a way how you can stand apart you know

Um because like if you’re gonna if you’re gonna try to be like everybody else let’s be honest what is the reason for viewers to watch you know you as opposed to the other 50 000 people doing it you know like I don’t think it’s 50 000 but at least a thousand people

Um I feel like life’s still content creators like the group a lot of us have similar type of content but I feel like a large portion or if not everybody does a good job of having a trait that makes them stand out you know like Ashling and spoke they

They they have that like well I guess Spokane is like the bit of like hyper crazy energy but the the Wormhole the exploits you know Ashwin gets the exploits but he also has like that semi not not condescending in a bad way he just has like a very like don’t give a

Don’t Give A F attitude which is very cool and respectable um I don’t know I just I just do what I think is funny kind of thing but also like making money you know wealth power or whatnot It’s a combination like everyone has their own like kind of

Personality or twists everyone has like their own way of making content which you know it’s kind of good I I don’t know what I’m ranting about content I don’t think every viewer is interested in talking about this but at the same time it’s fun to talk about at

Least because this is literally what I do on a daily basis you know but I feel like you know um yeah if you want to be a concrete just make sure you find a way to stand out from the crowd you have the dark humor but chill person

Oh okay okay I got the dark humor is that hold on chat would you all see of dark humor I know I made a video about like you know war crimes and whatnot but I don’t have too dark humor right I’m not too messed up Death Note Death Note is another one I

Need to watch you right and change some in ashwag uses his leg oh for sure you and Ash the team I think we’re kind of on different spectrums right now in terms of alliances right now title should be running on pumpkins hey man I’m getting a thousand viewers doing

This clearly something’s working also thankfully all the people that have like become a channel member really appreciate y’all are awesome the goons and then also thanks for all the super chants hold on I need more water do you support spaghetti spaghetti’s all right but I’m more of a what’s called a

Firefell I think that’s where it’s pronounced God it choked up water if it ain’t the coffin’s gonna kill me it’s a fact that I [ __ ] about a freaking water Port myself my [ __ ] I heard you like money I love money but not what I’m dying hold on I should probably break these pumpkins

Oh God that went down the wrong pipe my bad champ [Applause] dude I just sipped the water went down the wrong pipe it just all went over man choked on water listen man if there if there’s a way I gotta go choking on water just seems the most

Peaceful besides for all the coffin it’s in the ambulance no that’s like five thousand dollars in America I don’t have that type of money are you good you could though no I’m fine chat don’t worry don’t worry oh God I’m about to get swatted so that they can send an ambulance

No I’m fine [ __ ] I’m fine I just um the water went down the wrong pipe do you watch ethos yeah dude he’s cool drowning dude I’m drowning by drinking water uh hold on something happened yeah I think for the money um I saw something there’s a Content moment what me

Drowning or choking no that’s not that’s I mean you’d consider that content like lol get clipped that’s that’s gonna come or going life so Eclipse isn’t it oh God ion think for the one dollar I think Batman wait I think that’s a least peaceful way to go yeah honestly drowning is terrifying

Man I think I actually spoke about that in a brute booster video but the concept of drowning like I don’t know what I’m talking about this to my viewers right now but like drowning is just like one of like the most terrifying things I could imagine

Like I’ve been close to it once not a fun experience man not fun I I do not recommend foreign monoxide that came after me the water was just like your time has come full you thought you could consume me with that consequence didn’t I

Uh are you bored light still no no no no no I I was bored last season when all the explain was going on that’s why like I did not play for like months that’s why I made the Airship video the the filbert one but then this season like

I’m excited you know that’s why like I mean if you haven’t noticed I liked live stream twice in two days which is quite irregular if you if you know anything about me um so I’m vibing wait hold on what did I do this wrong hold on

I feel like I messed up on one thank you there we go where’s Flopper he’s down there your actions have consequences oh consume coincidence oh damn how’s the base going uh it’s slowly going we we got a tiny little villager farm I don’t know if it completely Works

Yet but it’s it’s going I’m currently trying to um get like the the pumpkin farm we have a bit more established so that we actually get like a better growing pumpkin farm because I I realize we should probably get a source of Revenue once we have uh the uh

The the or the breeder or I guess the villager farm up and running um but what’s my plan this season my plan is it’s a bit odd because I feel like a lot of like the lion suit guys from what I’ve heard have like very big plans like they’re like oh yeah I’m

Gonna steal the moon I’m like psych I already did that um like what I’m what I’m doing this season is I actually want to treat it more like a series this time around I kind of I think it’ll be cooler to upload more videos make them be simpler

Right instead of like focusing on like all right I’m about to go away for like a month to make like this Grand project and then come back and post like once a month instead what I want to do is um kind of record my journey

And just show it as it is I may make like a big video now and then in between when I have enough for a big video but I think it’ll be cooler to make like for instance like a video every week or two like maybe every other week I don’t I

Don’t know if I could hold myself or promise a weekly upload schedule that just sounds like a freaking Death Note um or death sentence I suppose well I guess you could say Death Note as well um but that would be my dream being able to upload every other week which is

Quite drastic from what I do now but that is my goal I promise you that one day it’s gonna happen one day should I pursue my dream of becoming an actual businesswoman I mean if you want to be a businesswoman then go for it man

My dream was to become a YouTuber and I feel like that dream is going pretty well I am I’m quite content I am I I got no complaints filbert or floppert uh I like both I think they’re both very dope hmm I’m back flop it’s flop dude flop dude

Flopper is still alive man he’s still alive he’s he’s become a like Channel favorite all right um do five six minute videos every week no no no no no these are like if I were to make videos every week they’d probably be like 20 minutes perhaps like

20 minutes long or something like that it’d be pretty raw like in my sense like of like I don’t know instead of being like you know today I did that and then I did that and then like you know I got attacked and then that happened like you

Know just narrating the whole thing I think I’d like actually show what happened and stuff like that and um I don’t know you guys get content and I get Revenue it works out how old are you when is YouTube your full-time job um so I am 21 right now and um YouTube is

And is not my full-time job um I I technically could do YouTube with my full-time like it would honestly pay almost reasonably enough to like what I’d get from going to college and fun fact I go or like I go to college and get a job but I have been doing college

For like a long time and I am studying like multiple degrees I’m studying a bachelor’s degree in economics I’m studying a another bachelor’s degree in it which is like information technology so like you know I don’t know cyber security and then I am um studying a masters

If you guys don’t know what that is that is the thing that comes after University in um data science so um I I feel like there’s a bit of a sun cost fallacy that like I could stop right now and like you know just um go full time with content but I think

I’d rather wait to like I finished that up because let’s just say that like YouTube ended up now working out or like say like I don’t know YouTube just got deleted I’d like to know I’d have a backup option you know I’m just that kind of person that I

Like having backup options just in case um yeah but nerd listen man listen man listen I I’ve just studied a lot okay I I didn’t even do that well in the SAT all right I got like a 13 30 all right I was I’m not

A good test taker I’m more just I don’t know I pay attention in the classroom I don’t I don’t freaking know um oh hold on we got a channel member toasted Skittles staying for becoming a goon I apologize for not reading that out earlier the Chad you’re gonna be a statistician uh

Probably a data scientist which I guess is just a fancy word for saying a statistician yeah they make a decent amount of money which is always good which is kind of the reason why I decided like I’ll just stay in college and Masters because like that way I know

That like if YouTube fails so I’ll have a pretty solid pain job what happened to the island base um it got compromised we’re kind of criminal so we’re on the Run their Dunes thing what a nerd my bad you should play Round music while doing while doing boring things like farming

Nah I want you all to suffer I want you all to you know fully grasp the boredom of the moment if I’m bored y’all are also going to be bored okay it’s just perfect Loop I’m hoping to become a legit video editor if YouTube explodes I’m building up my oh hey Percy uh

How you doing bursty first you make some of my thumbnails bursty makes uh or made the uh the Airship video thumbnail and the uh the Earth war crimes video thumbnail so everyone say hello to Percy my editors are also in the chat actually we got both sage and Florida or I guess chicken

Wing I think his name I don’t know if he’s still here he was here earlier um if red suffers we suffer everyone suffers do you plan to make more merch I need to pay you more the mini Dunes is not enough um I was considering like doing something eventually my my goal is

Eventually to uh um maybe consider doing a YouTubes when I’m large enough that YouTube would be down to partner up I want to do a figurine because I just did a plushie but I don’t know maybe eventually do merch it’s not something that I’m like thinking constantly about because I’m

Gonna be honest merch is such a weird like like thing right because like with a plushie you could just design after your character by like merch I mean either you go for like the super over the top like Minecraft Youtuber merch design where it’s like yeah YouTube name

So many fancy colors like the logo get some Minecraft swords up in there I don’t know it’s like over the top and it’s just I’m just thinking back to when I was a kid you would not catch me walking around in middle school or like high school with like my favorite YouTubers

Like mercha right it’s just like the only thing you probably possibly see me like next to or affiliate with is like Tech numbers but um even that I don’t really watch or wear merch in school um usually the way I like collect merch is like plushies or figurines or like what not

Um so I don’t know I just I have a hard time seeing how merch could be done well for the redoons brand like I feel like it’d either just be like sunglasses or money or something you know it’s just screw it it’s just gonna be a red shirt

That that’s that’s that’s gonna be my merch right there I’m not even I’m not even gonna put any fancy print on it it’s just gonna be a red tank top or a red t-shirt that’s all it is if you do a merch hit me up oh thank you

Miklo I appreciate that man you’re still watching appreciate it though thank you yeah no if I were to do merch it had to be something very clean like something that like foreign could wear in public and not have to be like you know like give it like beamed on as a

Spotlight that like they watch redoons they watch Minecraft content gross like um see I’m thinking for y’all’s well Wellness all right I don’t want y’all to get bullied for watching Minecraft content all right because that is something like you have to be conscious about when I was in Middle School right

I was a middle school Bank when like Minecraft was considered a cringe game and yeah we we got we got bullied for it man costume oh like a morph suit God my cough it’s getting worse grinding with you in the bathroom fair enough all right well

Concerning my um cough is getting a bit annoying I think I’m gonna grab some tea probably to lie down read a book or something I don’t know um but it was uh fun streaming I know it just kind of randomly decided to abruptly end this stream which I

Apologize but if I do do more streams you’ll probably notice that I do that I usually decide to just like kind of end the stream when I feel like it I’m not I’m not a huge streamer all right I don’t I don’t like to stream for long

Periods which is kind of ironic because I stream for five hours yesterday which just means that I really enjoyed streaming yesterday but um I I appreciate y’all watching the spontaneous stream there’s like been like a like a literally over a thousand something people watching which is which

Is freaking insane yeah y’all are crazy y’all y’all are awesome make sure to subscribe but anyways um we’re gonna end the stream here y’all are great have a good one bye-bye oh shoot I did not mean to show that don’t worry about the light still Network thing bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Setting Up a Base on Lifesteal SMP’, was uploaded by Reddoons on 2023-07-10 03:21:38. It has garnered 73423 views and 3106 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:51 or 6771 seconds.

i strem, pls subscribe.

discord: Thumbnail by @FrizzMcwizz

Thats right gamer, Lifesteal SMP Season 5 launch be happenin right now! And not entirely sure what I’m doin.

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea / challenge where you can steal SMP Minecraft player’s lives. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is a thing.

#lifestealsmp #lifesteal #smp

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  • Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in Minecraft

    Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in MinecraftVideo Information e e is that there there we go now my microphone is actually plugged in oh it’s black screen though hold on where is it where is the the stupid pack okay open it no stay stay in the basement stay in the basement you don’t get any food tonight maybe if you worked harder in the sweat shop You’ get P you get you get to eat I’m GNA sneeze I’m gonna sneeze oh my I’m going to sneeze so much okay I’m rolling over plug it in really fast I was stuck in traffic my bad… Read More

  • Bizzie Survives Alone – Insane Minecraft Challenge

    Bizzie Survives Alone - Insane Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information I have already survived 30 days on this island but all of that progress is nothing compared to what you’re about to see in this video Welcome to Minecraft hardcore 100 days on a deserted island when I had started I had absolutely nothing and I can only use what’s provided by this island and nothing more so I’m hoping and praying that there’s diamonds down here because I still only have stone tools after some digging I found them and while I’m this deep I’m going to go ahead and find a lava pool because I told… Read More

  • Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request 3,125

    Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art - PPL Request 3,125Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125December 14, 2023’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-14 09:15:46. It has garnered 2758 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

  • ๐ŸŒŸ Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿš€

    ๐ŸŒŸ Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿš€Video Information This video, titled ‘”๐Ÿš€ Minecraft Public SMP: Join the 24/7 Adventure NOW! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒ #MINECRAFTLIVE #SMP’, was uploaded by ChillMode Gaming on 2024-03-06 07:07:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft adventure on our Public SMP – Join 24/7 and experience the excitement NOW! Highlights: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don’t Blink… #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don't Blink... #shortsVideo Information to hit the road and laugh but something told me that it wouldn’t last had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture those were the days hard work forever P now I see you in a better place how we about everything I would do you was standing there by my side and now you going to be with me for the last ride been a long day without you and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again I see you again we’ve come a long way from where we… Read More

  • “Exploring Florist’s Island – EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!” #minecraft #seeds

    "Exploring Florist's Island - EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!" #minecraft #seedsVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the charer B I was given this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen let’s go okay we stay in wow in water okay more water and we have in the spon a cherry be wow it’s a is land and we have a small beom of snow ah for me this is the have more Iceland and we have a more bioms oh a village it’s more along of the spoon I like this seed because we have more more Iceland and we… Read More

  • Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames – EVIELUTION!! ๐Ÿคฏ #shocking #drama

    Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames - EVIELUTION!! ๐Ÿคฏ #shocking #dramaVideo Information everybody’s [Music] crazy eeve you were just standing there nobody was touching you I had to do something wa why did you do this to me I I could have stayed on and you hit me up this is a competition there’s no friends This video, titled ‘Minecraft BETRAYAL!!! #minecraft #minecraftminigames’, was uploaded by evielution on 2024-04-04 02:57:08. It has garnered 423 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. He’ll never forgive me… #minecraftbuildbattle #minecraftminigames #hypixel #gaming #minecraft Read More

  • “๐Ÿ’ฉ PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #clickbait

    "๐Ÿ’ฉ PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THE NEW BEGINNING IN SURVIVAL SERIES DAY 3 2024#gaming #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by PooKRi is Live on 2024-01-14 19:10:32. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:25:23 or 19523 seconds. #valorant #valorantindia Hello everyone ๐ŸŒน welcome to the เฒ•เฒจเณเฒจเฒก เฒ—เณ‡เฒฎเฒฟเฒ‚เฒ—เณเฒšเฒพ เฒšเฒพเฒจเฒฒเณKANNADA GAMING CHANNEL Do like share subscribe and support Kannada channel ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน Letโ€™s do fun ๐Ÿ™Œand enjoy the stream ๐ŸŒน โค๏ธ ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅˆ Second Channel Link - Join Discord:- โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” DONATION ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ธ (Gpay and Phone pay) โœ…Rules of chat ๐Ÿง‘โ€โš–๏ธ NO spam,self promotion or… Read More

  • Breakfast Club

    Breakfast ClubBreakfast club – Minecraft survivalists Features: > Free for all. > Keep inventory is on. > mob griefing is off. > 15 current active players > Java 1.15.2 Breakfast Club is a friendly discord society committed to civility, compassion, and making a difference in the world. We host regular Minecraft get-togethers, movie nights, chess tournaments, and more. Join our community and meet people from around the world! Read More

  • KazzyKraft Modded | Whitelist | 15+ | 1.19.2

    Modded Minecraft Server for Building and Exploring If you’re tired of grindy Minecraft servers and want to focus on building and exploring, this server is for you! Created by Ezzy and Katty, we offer a small, no P2W server with around 100 mods including Origins, Cobblemon, Naturalist, and more. Server Specifications: DedicatedMC server 24/7 run time North America based Version 1.19.3 If you’re interested, join our Discord here to get started today! We hope to see you soon! Katty and Ezzy Read More

  • NitroGaming

    NitroGamingWelcome to the NitroGaming server page!We are still a fairly new server.Our main component is the game mode Survival!IP: ng.mineplay.meServer version: 1.20.4Discord; are still looking for team members) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft trend alert ๐ŸŒถ”

    “Looks like this Minecraft meme is hitting a high score of 95 in the meme game! Guess it’s mining its way to the top!” Read More

  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft's Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Who needs a superhero when you have a super dog in Minecraft? Watch out Ravager, this pup is about to unleash some serious bark-our!” ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’ฅ #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most intriguing stories from the world of Minecraft. Today, we have a unique tale to share with you that will send shivers down your spine and make you question everything you thought you knew about the game. Have you ever encountered something strange in Minecraft that made you question reality? Well, in a recent YouTube video titled “Something in the Rain,” a player shares their chilling experience in a survival world that took a dark and mysterious turn. The player starts off innocently enough, exploring a new world and… Read More


    1 JT DAMAGE WEAPON ONE-SHOT MINECRAFT BOSS Minecraft Bosses: Can a 1K Damage Weapon One-Shot Them? From the comments on the previous video, curiosity sparked. Yesterday, we tested the bosses in Eden, and now, we’re here to find out if this weapon can take down Minecraft bosses like the Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither. In this video, we’ll put it to the test. Testing the Weapon As the experiment begins, the weapon doesn’t feel powerful at first. However, as the battle progresses, the damage starts to add up. Upgraded to a million damage, the anticipation builds. Results First up, the Wither. With a single shot, it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!

    Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!Video Information all right definitely didn’t start cuz I have to actually hit like start stream right wait why does it say end stream wait hold up hold up did I just successfully start a stream without any hiccups like at all ain’t no way am I able to find this or is it on like unlisted holy CRA what I actually was able to start a stream without just throwing immediately like I started a few minutes early because I was expecting hey I’ll have technical difficulties like I’ll be failing a few times because I always fail every… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

    Surviving Minecraft Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information in this video I played the Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse mods these zombies are actually insane they can break blocks build dig under your base ah and they’re really fast there’s already something there a what is this all right so we’re in this game so the first thing I always do in Minecraft oh yeah we have a gun it’s insane better find some shelter before night time cuz when it’s night time then it’s going to going to suck funny thing is when you break a tree everything breaks instantly isn’t that insane still the skin from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!Video Information [Music] Eric are you okay man yo what are you saying okay guys no no let’s not put enough torches down oh my God oh my God actual progression has been made nickm oh This video, titled ‘Funniest Minecraft Hardcore Deaths| @GamersReact |#trendingshorts #youtubeshorts ||’, was uploaded by Akshat Gamerz on 2024-01-15 07:45:02. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!

    Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT ๐Ÿ˜ฑ MINECRAFT WEIRD DIMENSION’, was uploaded by MaveMarvy on 2024-03-21 10:20:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found myself in a dimension of strange creatures #minecraft Please subscribe MINECRAFT SERVER MINECRAFT … Read More

  • “Dream_pro’s Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!” #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€

    "Dream_pro's Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!" #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€Video Information are you ready for the official release of [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Nostalgic Minecraft ๐Ÿฅบ #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-05 14:00:15. It has garnered 9041 views and 271 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #nostalgia #nostalgic #dream #dreamsmp #herobrine #herobrinesmp #shorts Read More

  • CaptainSparklez 2 – Ultimate Minecraft Exploits – SDMP #10

    CaptainSparklez 2 - Ultimate Minecraft Exploits - SDMP #10Video Information Hello everybody welcome back to the SDM PP um I’ve been visited by the prank wiin let’s hope you find the gift he left before it finds you who is the prank wiin um remove Astros HOA fine and the king is set free [Laughter] uh H I don’t know I don’t know if I can that’s a mighty friendly greeting after kidnapping the king you know you know I I don’t that doesn’t seem in line with the uh with what has been what has taken place here I don’t know have I found any gifts is… Read More

  • Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information why is he hold the cat like that what he’s he’s holding the c a machine gun why wait guys there’s a [ย __ย ] picture of Neil newon holding this cat and apparently according to the caption this cat is what ins ire the attitude and personality for aaran but he’s holding this cat so incorrectly oh my God oh my God that looks so funny oh my God oh my God ow my head ow ow ow ow ow oh my God oh my God it’s like it’s like he’s holding this cat and this cat’s like leaning… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene Landscapes

    EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene LandscapesVideo Information [Music] [Music] I [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] a e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] for I [Music] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft Infantry War: Battles in Serene Landscapes with Shaders’, was uploaded by DasGamingHaus on 2024-04-06 12:56:48. It has garnered 2490 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. Minecraft Infantry Combat in the trees and hills Mods: BSL Shaders Flans WW2 mod bots Flans mod Modular Warfare Custom NPCs Optifine Read More

  • Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!

    Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!Video Information Allora allora Tano Allora io vedo comunque una descrizione che dice Salve straniero Ok piacere Mi chiamo Luca e sono un ragazzo con come tanti con la passione per detec non penso che sono tanti Tano No beh come come tante Cioรจ nel senso su 60 milioni quando siamo in Italia 70 Insomma Qualche migliaio ci saranno no intera Community almeno 1000 sono tuoi iscritti Quindi penso di sรฌ Quindi Quindi almeno penso che giร  stai raggiungendo il massimo di iscrizioni No no c’รจ c’รจ molto margine Ok ok abito a Pisa Giร  ti sei fatto contro Praticamente… Read More

  • UglyDuckling

    UglyDucklingOn UglyDuckling, our goal is to expand our lovely new community with people who want to have fun and be a part of our community. This server is new and we are willing to expand and improve whenever possible. We strive to make a safe space for players to come together and have fun during these weird times. Our server has extra features that add to the fun of the game while keeping a vanilla feel such as Mob heads, /spawn command, /home bed, and multiplayer sleep. Read More

  • Hermitcraft Style SMP Bedrock Vanilla Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A spicy Minecraft banger!

    I guess you could say this meme is truly mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

Setting Up a Base on Lifesteal SMP