Shimm Thinking Vertically – Modded Minecraft 1.20 ATM9 (9)

Video Information

Hello hello hello everybody I am shimmering Shadow hey look yeah it’s me and I in the corner and today we are back for more modded Minecraft or 1.20.1 with Annoying villager mumbles in all the mods name sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle yeah that doesn’t work best does it either way

Um last time we made we made watering Camp uh we made the discovery for these things they’re gonna take freaking millions of years and um oh yeah orange elevator which I’ve decided to do the complete opposite with but I’m still gonna use so don’t worry it’s good luck going you’re doing

There we go they do they do jump to me slightly worried then no they do jump um can you stop some videos scary me bad zombie uh of course it doesn’t do all of them foreign I think my decision was these boys I think I think it was either deflated or the

Diagonal ones uh pretty cool stats where it stacked there you are one at a time geez they go in different places depending on what I put in that’s crazy yeah so the flow will be kind of let’s go doesn’t it nice nice cold Bloods and um instead of doing it down

Underground I decided I want to be different but I still want to keep this as kind of natural I’m gonna do clouds I’m gonna make clouds and buildings on them that is my theme and it is going to be crazy but I think you can make fluffy blocks

With the floppy boys all right my fluffy boys I don’t have any fluffy boys okay I’ve got a change oh aren’t you hungry to Sprint that’s why I’m not sprinting I was like huh what are you doing sir I do I do jungle sapling might not be the end of the world

I don’t know if I’ve got cabbage cabbage um sorry bud okay there we go foreign slowly there we go there we go you’re easier slam blam thank you ma’am cool um is there anything I can do with those cabbages quickly um have I got seeds for them yes I do so

I can I can just mess around with these individual cabbages I can’t eat it as that is I do think I’ve got tomato if I can get tomato and beat I don’t have tomatoes uh do I have melon I don’t have anything in this it’s so annoying beetroot climate beetroot into its thing

Beetroot soup there we go six beetroot and I have five why would I possibly have enough I’ve got loads of seeds that are having five please come on there we go I should give us some more I need the one and then I think I’ve already got a bell yeah

The ball is already here you and you oh no and gives me a cup fit on Earth is comfort okay I can advance with everything I don’t know what Comfort is what the heck is this so where do you have bowls no the balls I understand why I could have only made

One ball uh I haven’t had soup either red mushroom Brown mushroom Brown mushroom yeah which also gives Comfort okay Comfort is just a maybe it’s a thing in Minecraft and I just don’t remember it because it’s a new boy very much could be the case

Either way I need to go booked into the sky but I wanted to get some fluffy things to start making some clouds that was what I was doing because I believe so wool takes eights to make one fluffy fabric it takes 16 to make one but they do look good

I’m guessing I can’t put you in the thing though which is entirely frustrating okay cool sir Extreme Measures are they only do things at ground but I understand do do massive amounts of fluffy seeds bye bye bye bye everything else recedes let me cut off a few seats down uh you

Can go in there you and you can go in there I don’t know why you are all in there the the the way oh that freaks me the heck out I lost them you silly boy silly backpack really freaked me out man um yeah and now it’s shift clicking in ah

I’m allergic to sorting early onset it’s randomly out of nowhere okay UFO UFO you are back full you are before I might as well just sorry Flex seeds and it ruins you but I’ve got enough of you okay Um yeah they don’t go in that kicks that’s seeds crotopia croptopia seeds seeds seeds Growtopia seed Seed nut s copies you get the nutcroppies okay I could have some planted can be staying up like using it I mean I don’t need a massive amount but I’d like to know if you build it afterwards even if I only do it like 50 blocks up that is going to be

Awkward to do afterwards uh it looks like a jet pack at some point jet packs are there and jit pack there are jet packs okay how expensive are the jet packs you are wood wood thrusters which are basic coils which are easily doable the wood Thruster also needs with energy pack easily doable

And that makes capacitor as well yeah that’s easily doable I’m guessing copper is just more of the same um wait is it Stone first then copper now I can skip to Copper and I can skip from copper to something a lot better 800 800. 1200 with silver how much silver do I have

Freaking yeah that’ll do redstone’s the main issue but is it the second half of it uh I actually need sticky pistons are there any sticky pistons in that that would be leather and the thing okay no no slime needed because I don’t know how do I have any any slime

No yeah that would have been a problem I think jellyfish next time yeah and I might be able to make it in those boys but still okay so I can’t do jet packing later which point it’s not massively initiated oh you’re filled up okay Um I can only make more of these drawers because the drawers are being annoying they have got lots of lots of wood yes now that doesn’t work pain eh how do I make a drawer oh top and bottom sham them I was massively freaking for like absolutely no reason uh

There’s the full draw I guess beautiful there you go for any annoying boys okay um personally boy first eats goodbye second annoying boy actual seeds ain’t adding rich soil put one out here um can I use you that can I use you no they didn’t pin it for him okay

Which means you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you what have you made free streamline cool and then everything that’s inside okay um a bunch of you let’s go hide away bunch of apples need to hide away foreign everything else should be fine wait

Uh yeah possibly forward and berries okay uh there is some forward any photo berries any photo berries anything annoying charcoal uh very okay everything else can go in normally betray you saplings and seeds Gonna Run Place blocks okay they’re in place sticks stem okay nice limiting last pick

That pick was looking weird because of where it was sat on the rooted there freaking me out dude no okay Okay so we’ve got uh our 2003 MCS we will need some more I believe I can just put normal seeds on on them so it’s number six oh a few

Makes a lot easier uh where’s the hoe makes farmland it’s very in Farmland you can go there foreign spirit world okay I do want to do ours Nouveau as the main magic mod first because it looks neaten I know a little bit about it from watching other people do it even though

Mayumi in normal day I was doing our stuff that was fun yeah okay um elevator I mean make me the Spade we’ve got any sand uh okay 40 blocks in the air should be above any any annoying trees are getting all of that sorted would be lovely I guess jetpack will do that

Uh or sleep first wow okay my fingers dying all night but I’ve got three stacks fine so yay uh where do you want to put it um do you like growing in the middle of the moments aren’t you and the other ones are all producing lovely uh I mean if there’s a holder

I mean you want it not too far from the hole we’ll do it here foreign can you stop making me feel like I’ve lost stuff it’s truly truly upsetting to think I’ve lost stuff okay I was freaking out massively then okay I put the fluffy stuff away yes I did okay foreign

I did not think about how I was going to get down I understand I’m India high above everything and this will be my house looking down at all the peasants and things and as long as I light it up no mobs will be anywhere near here apart from flying ones look 108 67. that’s pretty cool isn’t it laughs Nito okay sound go goodbye uh original

This house We’re not gonna be a basement like jump up to the storage basement that could be a shout really another one huh oh that might be amazing okay where’s my dude Bandit where’s my Farmer I’m around mama you want potatoes and wheat wait what I was clicking the wrong one

Do you trade forever mister that was a lot of trading nope now you go back in your back in your place big charm thank you I guess I might as well do a couple slime balls because they’re all good make Um charm no I don’t need sleep um obviously I like sleeping because Darkness means mobs but once I’ve got a safe base up there and a safe place down here I might do that often hey mate yeah I’m gonna make um one hell of an eyesore and then cover it in clouds

The clouds will come don’t worry yeah we’ve got them got another pretty pretty pink boys already uh so a stack of this makes a stack 16 green and 16 green makes four Orange which makes one blue yeah this has been like a while it’s even that with two stacks I haven’t

Got enough for it for for reverse I think any purples to make the thing blue goes into red goes into purple and purple makes them I was right to double up quadruple up production double double uh that’s the dude gone anyway I do still want the lever and things

Mate you do still need to die okay Oh you’re lucky gonna live an extra few seconds and there we go bye bye okay bye bye I was left very often killing these now I must have killed loads 21 lover eek that’s kind of scary where’s my statistics what would that be mobs nine chickens eight cows nine hoglands

16 llamas and eight Traders okay more than anything else like one seven skeleton or one mimic two zombies five skeletons and six endemonts around a bit about nine chickens which is all the lovers I feel bad and I probably should feel better yeah I probably should feel bad

Uh I can’t see how my are my fluffy stuff’s doing if I can make a single fluff like let me show you guys what kind of thing I’m making um was it Eights was it four and four sixteen I can’t remember it’s 1 4 16 okay I’m making white fluffy blocks there you

Go totally nice and white and they bounce like a bed but doing good doing good doing good doing good doing silky bouncing the bed that’s on this slightly done done yeah coffee blocks I believe you can then dye them but I’m not gonna I don’t want any rain clouds covers

I think I’ve seen the soap so I can I can swipe up here different colored ones here either way now can I do anything in other things nope yeah I’ll be making the white fluffiest a few blocks out of that and we’re already halfway through our

Time I am a Time waster I am sorry okay so you have a stacked Cherry planks and we have our Cherry log and that might have actually been something useful to grow lots and lots and lots of uh not doing anything funky would fur I think fur walls would make sense

Oh but we’re going to start off with um yeah nope I’m gonna do the main island it’s gonna be huge island not have a little sub Islands or like a magic Island and things so that is the plan I might totally get rid of this um I’ll do one of each

One of you one of you is there any time speeding up in this because that would be useful no Acer glyph um those Graves no there’s no time speeding up apparently time wood in Twilight Forest I do not remember time with being a thing funky

Oh wow that was the how quickly did I sleep is that part of the effects of the charm do you make me make a sleep quickly because that that was definitely quicker than normal well I’m guessing if I do actually need to do this because it’d be awkward if I didn’t need to

Okay um no you’re the weird one don’t have a normal vanilla one what’s it called is it called a stone cutter a stone cutter iron and stone as well I’m making stones they obviously grab far too much of everything because that is just a shim move hey 200.

Okay if I put cobbled in no I can make funky things but they are all cobbled over a couple deep side bricks isn’t bad yeah I don’t know why I’m cooking it actually that does look pretty good okay got it to them uh you want a couple deep sleep

I guess we’re gonna have some blocks of of those weirdy boys okay uh how big do I want to make this thing foreign Thing afterwards so I’m thinking I’m gonna Gonna Want It sensitive just being a flat but a house on there’ll be the house and then it’ll go like under the house and then I swoop [ __ ] yeah I’m not the best at the nice Hoops it’s going to be awkward to

Make some lovely fluffy Cloud shapes instead of just eyesore Ahoy but at some point maybe immersive in this not yet I’m going to keep an eye out for that which I think that’s what makes the mega the mega Zoomies on the seeds like you get distracted I’m sorry like every every so often

Let’s give me some but not like a hell of a lot give me more seeds than anything can I use the seeds for anything it’s very loose yes at least it’s still useful um yeah I wanna just be doing doing stuff Okay so we have a stand to go around it on top what does that mean we’re doing deep sleep walls actually doesn’t it yeah okay well we’ve got dark floor normal walls foreign All the rest swing Oh okay that’s gonna be awkward Oh So that’s the magic spot I’ll check for Builders one than a sec just wanted to make sure this was going good Very obvious I found that point which would be the center of my Empire so it will slightly push over the water that’d be fine how much of an eyesore is this thing already not as much as the hole it will get worse is there a Builders wand no crap

What the hell are you what do you do I remember there being a Wonder nut uh well that’s cool oh it’s very useful if you don’t spawn there a religion kidnap like all of them I have slightly kept the footage but that’s fine they will get their new home

In the sky there I’m taking them to Heaven you know I am an angel and I’m doing the Heavenly thing and it’s only I I’m only keeping them stored in the most horrible containers for a short while it’s not going to be forever it is not going to be forever no no

Not forever not forever I wonder if you could zoom in on that person that’s pretty cool do you wanna see the back of my head sorry that was a weird hotkey mix-up not 20. yeah there’s no Builders once I’m getting through this little old-fashioned way

I guess it just depends on how how big I want things foreign pretty cool looking okay I definitely need to use all of these for sure but not right now um so I really want to move all of the containers up so any little like container posts and things

I should have designed this in out in advance um thank you 40 minutes I’m I haven’t really designed a house at all I just assigned a plan in my head because I’m a dumb if you have not realized yet the shame is assume is dumb dumb shim

M oh that goes one at a time she had an idea foreign but we’ll get there I don’t know what it is about the force loaded those are the important ones yeah oh my God that’s so quick I can make a sleep now and it only took eight

Emeralds which only took like two stacks of wheat this is so good I love body Minecraft it is good again I’m getting distracted by ideas I mean I guess because everything will fall down here if I change my mind it’s not the end of the world um how could this cobblestone

The end of the world yeah we’ll go with that as a wall and we’ll do it like four deep oh that’s where the wand is you can use the ones instead of a button that’s kind of dumb uh okay if you’ve got that as our wall and then we can start moving moving

Stuff up through my chests yeah oh I could always have a slightly taller wider or slightly shorter on top so the basement the basement’s what matters actually by nature of the Curve they would be wider on top okay yep so I can just do whatever I want

Whatever I want the nail design top when the top comes hmm kind of pillars okay she was getting distracted already pillars none of us make good pets do you have some funky pillars does that make any difference yes it does uh voxel pillar or what are that is

Okay I think this Square pillar looks the best I make three for one that might be enough okay so I do and then I have oh that’s pretty that’s pretty I’m with the building in the sky and yet designing this like I was building on the ground shims weird

This is this is definitely the shadow aesthetic coming out well she wants to be a freaking dwarf is weird okay that’s freaking dumb idiot shame is doing the building for sure do I like the pillows the idiot shame is definitely doing a building there we go there we go

To build four pillars you must build twenty that is the way of the shim M um I’ve never gone to the roof Thrift same or roof the hmm having fluorine see any match could be pretty neat that’s what I’m gonna do um foreign No I can’t okay so I need very much see for 27 or 30. oh yeah I think too further dude tip yeah this is cool Um this yeah that’s what I’m doing let’s do yep they look correct I think I meant to do this the other direction but well I’m covering the water with some dirt some Darkness I’ll definitely need to make put this room lights down there for sure yeah yeah where’s our thing and then

Oh wrong freaking walls okay foreign top hmm okay uh on two three four now you’re being dumb but yeah there will be the chests go up pretty cool houses for lighting uh I think if it goes there and on The Middle and one in the middle and on the middle okay

This is the kind of vibe I’m going with and I don’t know would you guys hate me if I book off camera am I I might speed up I might do it do I think a little little edit and speed it up next time so we can sleeper in the West

Oh the actual zombie Darren ashes and Bones oh telephone where’s my boy foreign There we go I’m sorry I didn’t know why why be you hanging around the mean skeleton I didn’t mean to hit him curse of Bones chance Supply bone shield and oh and a bag of seeds oh well those are pretty sweet I’ll help the farm immensely when I have a farming island eventually um broccoli and kale I had never off okay uh you can get the rotten flesh or the heck of vanilla seeds foreign like like vanilla ice cream vanilla I thought they grow on trees I think that’s why I was confused

I’m a freaking [ __ ] but yeah I’ll I’ll do some boarding and stuff next time and then speed up official yeah see you guys next time at this time we made the lovely Island above my head there we go weird Island Boy weird Island Boy weird island girl with Island Boy with Island girls

Till next time everybody though bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘Shimm Thinking Vertically – Modded Minecraft 1.20 ATM9 (9)’, was uploaded by [VTuber] Shimmering Shadow CH on 2023-08-21 19:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:00 or 3300 seconds.

Hey you, thanks for reading the description. I hope you enjoyed watching this, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

Make sure to check out the full playthrough here:

If you want to play Minecraft too you can find it here:

Game played: Minecraft by Mojang Modpack: ATM9 Art included in the video: Made by none other than Shimmer herself, using some pieces from the game in the thumbnail. Programs used: VroidStudio, VSeeFace, Streamlabs OBS, Sony Vegas Movie Studio, Audacity,

If anyone wants to make clips or otherwise include this video in something they produce please provide a link back to my channel:

I hope to see you next time

~ ShimmeringShadow

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    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More

Shimm Thinking Vertically – Modded Minecraft 1.20 ATM9 (9)