Sly Wednesday Gaming Livestream with Subscribers

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I think we should just do this just a couple minutes early what is up everybody it’s your boy yaer ready for another exciting week of Roblox Minecraft and maybe more this Friday we are scheduled I’m going to try to do five nights at Freddy no guarantees I’ll probably end it early because I and I’m a scaredy cat but before I get too deep into this I want to say hello to the people in the chat we got Dark Side here what’s up dark side we got beerus what’s up beerus hello airplane mattress hello Jonathan how’s everybody doing um by the way guys guys yo what’s up Max yo y’all made it thank y’all for making it here it sounds tired look I I am a little bit tired but I guarantee you my sleep is actually okay give it a little bit and I’ll charge up don’t worry about it but what is up everybody okay today we’re going to be starting off with a bit of Minecraft we’re going to be starting we read the past chat read the okay I’ll read the past chat in a minute but once again I want to tell I just want to tell you guys thank you all so much y’all been helping make this the most legendary rise of any kind any YouTuber I’ve ever witnessed personally in my life and I thank you so much it’s all this success I attribute to you guys yo what’s up thion what’s up what’s up what’s up everybody we’re going to be starting off with Minecraft my goal for today is to make the base look more like a fortress um but anyways uh you can play Friday look look for Five Nights at Freddy Five Nights at Freddy I’m gonna figure that out but anyways anyways all right guys I’m going to be switching the screen over real quick and I’m also going to read the earlier chat you’re going to hit a thousand and two screams okay so guys guys guys what do you think what do you think is the upper average and lower uh no subscriber cap will hit in this stream because I think it’s possible technically I don’t know but it’s technically possible even if it’s not likely to get 1,000 subscribers during the stream it might happen it might happen I still won’t be monetized I still won’t be monetized simply because I need the watch hours I’m I’m I have after after um the last week catches up I’ll have well over a th000 watch hours 750 to 100 that’s actually a good that’s actually a very good range airplane mattress I’m going to real quick give you all my uh gamertag right there Dr SMG that is what you need to add if you want to join the community don’t grief we had a guy named I’m not going to say names but last stream he was griefing he was making it not fun for other people and it just being generally weird like guys I don’t know how difficult it is yo what’s up Stars I don’t know how difficult it is to just not be weird to just be chill but this person found it very hard apparently to just not be chill and was like griefing was like just bothering other people I don’t know but I banned them uh for well I mean for the remainder of last week yo what’s up red what is up beerus W employment there we go I’m glad to hear that can we do creative and surv survival so for Creative uh oh you’re good star so for Creative I’m not sure I’m not sure about what I would do for Creative I want to do mostly survival but anyways and Maxi yeah no that happens for sure for sure but it’s still extremely rare it’s extremely rare hold on allergies are killing me all right all right guys and if you haven’t already if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like on the stream just do a long press on the screen and and uh you and you will be able to leave a like it really helps this channel get seen by other people let’s get everybody to like at once if you haven’t already I’m going to be switching the stre the screen over ready set and teleport there we go all right let’s play the game let’s go back to my world um yo what’s up Delino what is up everybody um I I put let’s see let’s make this another legendary stream I agree we can and it’s and just by liking this you can make it happen yo what’s up red how’s it going bro welcome back you were here during one of the most W streams I’ve ever had in my life okay guys guys guys join right now I’m going once again I’m going to add my gamertag on the screen it is Dr SMG there you go it’s a 3:00 a.m. in Kawai bro what are you still doing like you see this yeah somebody griefed somebody griefed this it was somebody from last stream I don’t know why it’s it’s just like how hard is it not to grief how hard is it to just be friendly apparently if you’re naturally not a decent person very hard very very very difficult but that doesn’t matter that doesn’t matter how is everybody doing this week by the way how’s everybody doing y’all doing great got anything interesting planned are you guys uh you guys have any kind of vacation anyway so join join join join airplane are you like airplane please please please and no dark more importantly Dark Side Dark Side uh don’t respond don’t respond uh stars is not that good why bro be says he killed me and took my diamonds for real no way no way are you serious I made a diamond pickaxe nice bro dude your reasons your vids are the reasons I i’ like to think there’s more reasons in that bro but I appreciate I appreciate that it’s yeah 3:00 a.m. in kawhai by the way what’s up kawhai you got a stack you you got you had a stack for me it’s okay we will rebuild guys we will rebuild there’s nothing anybody can do to stop this as long as we keep trying love you too Maxi thank you I appreciate you bro I appreciate you bro I appreciate everybody in my community um Dark Side just dark side it don’t matter it don’t just don’t here’s the thing don’t rise up to it be the bigger man um you’re let’s see someone in your grade pushed me down to the ground and you have a bloody knee I remember I remember dealing with kids look kids are mean a lot of kids are just mean look you just have to like accept that they’re mean and just heal and move on don’t try to dwell on it too much all right so I think the first thing I should focus on is just making all of this Cobblestone I want want to actually like I want to really like make all of this into like into into like a giant Fortress and the first thing you need to do is look you’re now I don’t think I’m famous famous but I definitely am like small I’m like small famous I’m like micro famous maybe arguably um but okay yeah it’s dark side you already know what to do I don’t got to tell you uh you need to friend me to join didn’t I already friend you I’ll check it out real quick one second one second I got you I got you uh let’s see social there you’re Mr jeters all right I added you I think all right join you’re obsessed with genin impact everybody is in fact I’m actually afraid to play genin impact mostly because I know that it’s like designed to be like super addicting and if I played it hold on I’m I’m going to go to this chest over here if I played it I feel like I would end up like losing a lot of money any yeah I really don’t want to I Really really really really don’t want to play genin impact cuz I know that’s one of those games where once you start playing it’s G it’s basically GG it is absolutely GG from there make a funny face we’ll see when I saw that you were live streaming you jumped off your bed wow really I didn’t know thank you for that um M the ads are weird what ads what are you talking about bro I don’t have ads on my uh on my stuff yet I’m not a I’m not a monetized um let’s see U Gabe says um Minecraft if you had held PB tour of minecft C then you bet on who wins maybe maybe but anyways guys if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave that like on the stream just hold down on the screen and make sure to leave a like because it really really really does help oh on genin oh I I I mean I’ve never played it before and I don’t want to play it uh I know it’s addicting I know genin is like one of those games there’s a good reason why they managed to stay on top for so long like I feel like genin impact is literally like mastered the art of like taking advantage of human psychology they had to have they had to have like there’s no possible way that they would have been in business for this long doing as well as they have for this long if they hadn’t mastered it yo what’s up you made me restart the world and all your loot is gone and I just have a map wow well I got some diamonds for you if you want if you want to get started bro I got you don’t worry look sometimes in life you got to restart that’s okay you just got to have the will to keep going no matter what you made a base and it has good loot not far nice you know what I need to do guys I need to explore I need to go beyond farther than I’ve ever gone before from the base I need to go behind the mountain in fact I think this stream I’m going to dig a tunnel or dig yeah through the mountain right here in fact I would encourage you all to help me figure this out because I need to dig a tunnel to um to get to the other side and explore in that direction Yonder I need to get like a good idea of how far that is okay okay okay I think I know what to do star said the same thing happened to me a while ago uh but anyways all right guys and by the way what kind of while I’m here let’s see my enchanted bro 13 diamonds is enough for two to three armor pieces well it’s also enough for a few pickaxes that you can use to get more diamonds to get the rest of your armor you got to learn how to invest bro don’t don’t waste it in armor get it in the things that’ll get the materials that you need to get more armor honky star reel is up there oh I want to play that too gazer my nose is bleeding what do I do um plug it up with uh I used to plug it up with like um tissues um but just be careful with that okay don’t don’t do that thing where you hold it up cuz then you’re like getting everything back just just don’t worry about it when you lost all your stuff you went to the Nether and you said I took all your stuff look I don’t know it’s probably taken by the magma bro it was probably taken by like magma for real though uh can I have some diamonds I’m GNA look I’m gonna give my diamonds to here’s what’s gonna happen I’m gonna give my diamonds to um dark side and then dark side I’m but I’m going to get a shovel for myself though I want a diamond shovel for myself and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to um I’m going to have him give you the rest of the diamonds and I want you guys to make it into pickaxes dark side will lead you into where our diamond mind is and then you get the D and then you get more diamonds for yourself okay that seems like the most efficient way to do it thanks every time I see your stream I jump from fun oh thank you bro I’m glad you’re having fun I’m really glad thank you thank you man I appre I really do appreciate that it’s like so it’s still shocking to me like the kind of like influence that I’ve been having and it’s the fact that it’s just like an overall positive influence like make letting like people having fun people enjoying themselves like that’s what I want that’s what I really want to do I want to like be as good of an influence as I can be with the platform that I have um but I I appreciate I appreciate you guys for saying stuff like that it really it really means a lot it makes me feel like all this work that I’ve been doing is like it’s it’s been for the it’s been for a good reason all right it’s been for a good cause um so dark when you get in get to the base cuz you know we’re like right by the base get to the base and I’ll give you the diamonds my allergies are going to be a big problem it’s okay it’s okay I know they’re probably both addicting because those people that made that are literally probably like they’re probably like the masters of human psychology I guarantee you you’re the only streamer that doesn’t have any haters no that’s not true that’s literally not true I have haters oh absolutely I absolutely have haters not many cuz I’m not that large of a streamer but I absolutely abolutely have haters I am not going to deceive you into thinking otherwise what is your sub goal this stream how about I’m going to up my anti my sub goal this stream well okay the realistic goal is 750 the less realistic goal is 800 the absolutely unrealistic goal is a thousand okay so a thousand is the absolute up there oh it was just a glitch all right glad to hear you bro okay you need bro you need some diamonds if you need some diamonds I’m gonna give you a few diamond pickaxes and and dark side do me a huge favor bro do me a huge favor and guide uh guide the guy that’s in our uh in our Minecraft game to the diamond mine please please please that’s I need you that’s a huge favor you could be doing me okay it was just a glitch all right glad to hear glad to hear let me get rid of this leather don’t need that leather I’m going to keep all that though don’t need that don’t need okay not enough room for that 800 would be nice yeah guys we’re getting there we’re getting famous guys it’s happening and you guys are witnessing you’re witnessing a rare event on YouTube the last St you were 500 now you’re 700 that’s a I know I didn’t expect it myself I really didn’t cuz live streams are generally like not the way to grow I mean they’re the way to like get watch hours but generally not the way to grow that’s that’s normally like the shorts but because these live streams show up in the shorts feed which by the way if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like on the stream hold down on the screen and like it please please it really helps it uh grow but anyways the live my live streams when they show up in the shorts feed those people are usually looking for live streams so that means that those people people are more likely to rewatch these streams which actually really helps for both growth and it helps for both uh for achieving um the watch hours I need uh to be monetized yeah dark side is in the game Dark Side is the person named full blood moon dark side if you can hold on if you can come over to me bro if you can come over to me bro yo what’s up Phillip if you by the way if you haven’t already philli please leave that like it really helps just hold down on the screen that’ll help get this that’ll help make it more and more possible uh to be um to get like 1,000 uh subscribers this stream as well as become the next big live streamer it really helps bro and hold on I think I’m also going to make let’s see a few pickaxes for you guys there you go let’s get a couple of pickaxes and I’ll just give and I’ll just give those away yo uh jeters come here Mr jet come here come here bro you just did that oh thank you bro um yeah Delino you are an OG absolutely for sure where’s the mine follow full blood moon follow that guy you yeah you are you all are OG’s yo go yo yo stay right stay still I got you bro all right there’s one pickaxe two Diamond Pickaxes hold on to those okay all right so dark side get over here to the main base when are we going to play Roblox in about a couple hours in a couple hours I’m going to switch over to Roblox and we could all play together okay but I do want to get some Minecraft done because minec I really like Minecraft how did you get full diamond armor bro bro with a lot of hours spent specifically mining for diamonds and also a little bit of luck all right that’s good yo hi yo get over uh get to the base to the base of course I remember you Delino it’s 1:14 and you have school tomorrow bro you need to go to sleep you need to go to sleep this is right now but the time I’m streaming is more so for my like American audience I think but I will be streaming late into the night I actually think I might do a super long stream tonight it’s possible it’s very possible possible depending on my how I spend my energy depending on how much I talk um but hold on you and I are we’re waiting on um yo you just took my diamonds and you left the game what it’s a good thing I didn’t give you all my diamonds that’s smart I actually I actually planned for that you already finish school nice bro Kanye West has the name yay you’re not wrong you don’t have Minecraft oh do you have Game Pass if you have Game Pass then you can have it if you have Game Pass then it’s possible uh to get through it hold on I think here is where I’m going to build the tunnel I don’t know how large I should make the tunnel I’m I’m going to go this way there we go there we go 1 2 3 4 5 yo we got a w sub in the chat we got a w sub thank you w sub by the way Mr Sub if you can please I’m lagging hold on well it’ll change if you could please do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen hold down for like two three seconds and uh you’ll be able to see you’ll able to leave like I’d appreciate that so much bro I’d appreciate that so much on are you back bro are you back did you rejoin okay you joined the game all right cool so dark side please lead uh lead um uh that Lee jeds into the diamond mine you’re going to go to bed for school tomorrow all right well thank you for stopping by philli I appreciate you bro don’t forget to rewatch The Stream if you want uh don’t and rewatch other streams if you miss those uh do you remember when I was the only one watching the stream uh I I’m I’m going to be honest with you man the here the thing about streaming the long hours that I stream and how much work I’ve been putting to this it’s like time goes by in a blur like I like it feels like I’ve had like honestly I’ve only been really been picking up for like a month and a half or so but it feels like I’ve been streaming for years but that’s just because I’ve putting the amount of hours that a lot of streamers put in for years all right it’s nice seeing you again bro hold on hold on feel like I just got attacked yo what’s up what’s up bro what’s up what’s up bro what you need bro you you’re a really fun streamer oh thank you Mason thank you food I need food yeah could you give me food he tried to join you but my McDonald’s Wi-Fi wouldn’t let me I understand bro I understand yeah I need I need to cook some food I know I know can you give me some food can you give me some food or I hunt it for myself I’ll just find it for myself and I know and I know how I can cook it too I can I know where exactly where to cook it I mean we have some wood that we can use as F I feel like I feel like I need to okay so here’s what’s going to happen I’m going to really whoa hold on somebody’s attacking me I don’t know who’s it who’s attacking me how do they have such good aim I don’t know oh that’s what’s attacking me okay um let me get out of here real quick and hide so I don’t die because we have it’s night time and we have those people over there uh what do you call it those um those Night Riders I don’t know what they’re called but they like appear at night and they just come down and try to attack you all the time does anybody know what they’re called I could really use some help on that I could really use some help on that hold on actually hold let me take take half of those oh I didn’t mean to take all of those uh but there’s no nothing in there left to burn anyway so hold on there we go there we go and let me get some wood too let me get some I I do have come on where’s some wood oh darn okay there there we go it’s lagging badly oh it’ll change soon enough don’t worry guys don’t worry guys um how do I join you just join Dr SMG join Dr SMG there we go there we go uh just join add Dr SMG that’s my gamer tag there you go got you there you go bro there you go bro yo I need that I need that I need that I need the food I need the food I need give let me have this one let me have this let me have this oh thank you for that thank you for that and then let me just add there and then add there there we go there we go ah by the way guys what kind of content would you like to see me do guys just out of curiosity what kind of content would you like to see me do besides Minecraft all right we yeah we have the beds what happened to the beds oh they took down the beds that’s right that was probably that one guy that was just being uh being a buster fortnite I can’t do fortnite quite yet I will soon once I get some once I can monetize and can get some money from that um I’m I already know the router that I need um that I would would get and then I would get unlimited internet uh yeah I know they griefed I told you about that um and then I would get unlimited data so that I can like a stream in better uh better quality cuz right now I’m only streaming in 720 pixels not even like in 30 FPS too I will go when you’re playing all right got you bro let’s see you can make your own base 3 block make your base in the main base it doesn’t matter yo what’s up Manel you’re in the hospital where I hope you feel better bro thank you for choosing to watch me as your hospital entertainment um Everybody PR everybody pray Foreman let’s hope Eman gets better but how how’s it going man by the way if you can do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream hold down on the screen for like a few seconds and that’ll and that’ll um and that’ll allow you to like the stream it really helps thank you so much thank you so so much all right I’m going to start building that tunnel can you build can you build like some beds so can you build some beds cuz we need to like yeah this guy griefed everything everything thing like I don’t know why man like can you like is it that hard to not be mean is it that hard to just be friendly with everybody like I don’t understand that why do people just got to like go out of their like it cost Z and0 cents to not be to not be mean you know that’s that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying all right hold on let’s go I’m I’m going to be keeping track of the watch hour so far in the Stream just so that I know exactly what um how far I am from my goal I’m going to go for 50 to 7 hours of watch hours for the watch hours on the stream that’s that’s like my goal this stream and I know it’s very possible especially if I stream later thank you for the Hearts by the way especially if I stream later CU that’s most of my crowd is from like um Africa Europe and Asia Mo for some reason but I’m I’m thankful for that too look wherever my audience is I’m glad I got him you know it doesn’t matter to me it does not matter where you’re from um or what your background is as long if you like if you want to hang out you want to have a good time and you want to have fun that’s then you’re welcome that’s all that’s all I really care about all right so can we have some everybody with beds or are we hold on you know I feel like I can still go I feel like it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter I could still do this I just have to I just have to fight a couple of zombies fight a couple of uh couple of spiders just take you down let me take you down I don’t see any of those like flying flying demons up top too so I’m not going to worry about them Yo is that is that a creeper spot um I’m just going to cover this up hastily it’s basically going to be like a a sinkhole like a like like if anybody tries to actually like dig one underneath them over there they’re going to drop but that’s okay just put a little makeup on it and that means we’re fine all right I’m going to start digging the tunnel yo what’s up Lenny and it’s Yer not laser you were born in Europe but you live in Kentucky nice nice bro and I got some coal that’s what I needed guys W luck early in the Stream you gained 100 isn’t that crazy isn’t that crazy like that this weekend I gained like 200 Subs it’s like the most amazing thing and by the way guys if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like on the stream leaving a like on the stream helps make me the next big YouTube live streamer helps to get seen by other people and it really helps out the channel so just hold down on the screen hold down for like two seconds and leave a like and that really does help me so much I appreciate you guys thank you thank you thank you thank you so much I love you guys and thank you uh thank you Lenny thank you for the congrats I feel like honestly I I can only do so much it’s you guys that really make this possible let’s see it um by Yer the work at the hospital told me to get some rest we’ll get some rest man I hope you feel better I believe you will I have faith you will I’ll pray for you bro uh you just gained two subs nice Jonathan nice um Jonathan weren’t you the guy in the game that kept getting up when I was playing flee the facility weren’t you like the person that was basically just get um you’re from Germany I actually have a couple of German uh subscribers yo W Germany W Germany where where’s everybody else from most of because most of my audience is not from the United States which I think is awesome um but but if you guys wherever you’re from country don’t get too specific don’t get too specific I want you guys to be safe but wherever you’re from feel free to like leave that in the chat okay maybe we maybe we could have because I know I got a lot of people from a lot of different places and you know why not just shout shout shout out where you’re at shout out where you’re from let’s make some torches because I’m going to need some torches there we go nope there we go let’s get some torches Muchachos is a Mexican word yep I think I mean I’ve only heard it from my Mexican family I don’t hear it often though I don’t hear that word often but yeah where you guys from guys I’m from the as you know Yer is from the USA Jonathan’s from [Music] Mexico how are you enjoying the stream we got we got Germany in here what’s up Germany or should I say Guten almania or I don’t know how they say it Deutschland yeah it’s deutchland um it’s act it’s called Spanish but yeah I understand it’s it’s Spanish um but it’s a it’s a Spanish is a great language too it’s a very much um it’s I think it’s very interesting and like if it’s very good to hold on hold on guys oh no oh no I found a cave I’m not sure if I want to go that far into here but hold on should I explore a little bit you know why not sometimes in life you got to do some side quests sometimes in life you should do some side quests side quests are fun side quests what are what make life life hold on I’m just going to collect some W coals and then I’m going to hold on hold on yo yo yo yo yo hold on I’m going to put this right here and then actually no I’m not put that I’m because I want I’m going to do a little bit of side quest I want to build a tunnel but I want to also explore exactly where the um this little cave leads hold on so let’s get this going let’s kind of move this out of the way I don’t need that right there let’s make a safe path downward there we go there we go say say all right all right I’m just going to dig down a little bit deeper and guys once again we are going to be playing uh Roblox um in a little bit and by a little bit I mean like maybe like in an hour or so I I said a couple of hours but I don’t know maybe like an hour depending on what happens depending on if we get our our usual Roblox CL Roblox Roblox crowd in here um but we’ll see we’ll see guys um but right now I’m doing a little side quest I’m getting these coals cuz I’m in desperate of coals and I’m exploring this random little pocket of a of a cave over here because um just in case it has anything interesting you never know there might be like a mob spawn creative I don’t want to do creative I feel like if I’m going to do creative I would set like a little event for that you know what I mean um you have to hide uh yeah yeah hide hide hide preferably by something metal uh you don’t know where Leo is uh probably hiding hiding hiding everybody’s hiding all right so hold on hold on guys let’s see let’s get there we go and let’s see how deep this goes let’s see how deep this goes it’s it’s kind of like it it’s one of those things where it’s like the ceiling is kind of really close to to the ground so you got to be very careful we got some W Iron in here I feel like I should be getting more diamonds I have enough diamonds to replenish like my uh my um pickaxes but I don’t have enough to like make like another full armor I think I think the next thing I should do is um is get more pickaxes or get more diamonds but for now side question building the tunnel where did you get the name Yer okay so that’s actually an interesting bit of there’s a bit of lore behind it I like to think God led me to it but I had like a ious reasoning so what I did was hold on dramatic pause and water sip so how I got the name Yer was I was trying to I I was trying to think of like a catchy name something that’s like two syllables cuz I noticed that all the like easier to remember names are like usually like two syllables you know what I mean something catchy um and I wanted it to be something like related to something like you know Imperial um but I wanted something like something that just like had Ro like Roman kind of Royal kind of kind of thing going on so what I was do so what I did was I thought of Caesar you know like Caesar like the Roman Emperor and then I thought of like okay uh Caesar’s first name was Julius but in in Latin there’s no J it’s like a y sound so it’s actually Julius so I took the Y and I replaced the Caesar the first letter the C with the Y and then became yeer if you pronounce it in English and then I just changed like the middle the S into a z because I felt like that was like a more American twist to it that made him more American um so that and also a little bit easier to spell so and then and it caught on it caught it was it’s a catchy name easy to remember easy to distinguish um and I liked it and also in like in Arabic and Hebrew in it means like God will help and I knew if I was going to do this I would if I was going to have a good successful Channel I was going to need God’s help so that I like that too I really like that too how did you get started on your YouTube channel well I started my YouTube channel just to like like I like the way it started was just to like watch a Wednesday what uh maybe sure uh but I started it to like as a way to improve on something as something to like dedicate my attention to into something to get just get better at you know what I mean because it’s like I just wanted to direct my mind somewhere I wanted to focus on something and to and to just get better at something and then then I started get and then like I started getting like real world feedback and I started like get and I started getting genuine like improvement from what I was doing and I was like very thankful and then I just kept going and then I realized oh I could make this into like a career and oh thank you for continuing the tunnel by the way um and then like I and then I looked at it more and more and I was like you know what I want to make this into a career I want to make this into a business that I want to make this into a business that benefits everybody that has anything to do with it I want it to be something that families can watch as a good alternative to a lot of the streamers I want it to be something that you know that can employ people uh do you remember Connor I yeah that name’s familiar absolutely of course I do I do I do remember Connor hold on don’t dig upward guys but I’m digging upward don’t tell anybody I know I’m a bad Minecraft player but don’t don’t don’t tell me um W no it like it could mean that but it doesn’t guys don’t be sus don’t be sus in the chat please I don’t appreciate everybody being sus in the chat oh do I even have room I have a stack of 64 coal hold on I need to get rid of something need to get rid of something for something I’m going to get rid of that I’m going to get rid of I don’t need I I can keep that and we’re bu I’m just building a tunnel to the other side cuz I want to Branch out into the area behind the mountain they still doing it uh yeah I know I know I’m going to start I’m going to start Banning some people if if that doesn’t change soon I you know what I mean like guys don’t be sus don’t be sus just have a good time have a good time is it that hard to have a good time guys is it that hard can we just not be sus let’s see all I found was behind your my fridge what all you found what what are you talking about bro how did you get that many Subs bro I don’t know but I’m very thankful for it like I grew basically in this last weekend like 200 subscribers like it was insane and just by everybody liking the channel like holding down on the screen for like 2 seconds anding and liking this live that actually makes it so that more and more people uh can discover this channel so just thank you I honestly it’s you guys you guys are the whole reason why I gain so many subscribers maybe you’re making a lot of content that’s why you’re making many Subs to be honest I’m not making that much content like I could be making more content but I’m like so dedicated and so focused on to making streams like I’m I’m probably one of the few if only uh streaming only pretty much for now uh live stream Channels cuz it’s like basically up until this year it wasn’t even really possible to be a live streamer on YouTube it’s really impossible how’d you get 736 Subs by uh by live streaming Bro I figured out how just through live streaming that I could get subscribers you know what I mean so it’s like it’s actually absolutely incredible it’s it’s incredible how I be able to figure that out and the cool thing about live streaming is that um if you live stream then the subs that you do get are more likely to like stick by you they’re more likely to rewatch your streams um which which whereas if you just gain Subs through um if you gain Subs through like uh shorts then they’re less likely to to watch your streams it’s so crazy like people will just subscribe but they’ll like not watch your stuff which is doesn’t make sense to me but look that’s how it works people that’s how YouTube works or psych human psychology works I don’t know why I don’t I I don’t try to question why I don’t try to I just try to accept whatever’s truth is truth I just accept it if people like through shorts if people just subscribe through your shorts and then they don’t do anything beyond that then that’s how they work I don’t know why how people work I just that’s how they work but if they subscribe through your live streams and continue to watch your live streams which is obviously infinitely Superior um than just get getting regular subscribers who just subscribe and then forget about you then that’s awesome then that’s what I’m going to do that’s why I dedicated all of my effort all of my energy towards just doing live streams that show up on the shorts feed because that is uh that’s how I’ve been able to grow so quickly you do know that uh I don’t why why you trying to attack me bro I turned I I turned a a friendly fire off and yo we got a w Sub in here thank you for the W sub bro uh by the way I have a Discord it’s in the pinned comment if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join that you’ll be given the special title of OG you have to go to bed in a couple minutes well thank you for hanging out as long as you have I do appreciate that um and also don’t forget to like the stream hold down on the screen hold down on the screen and you’ll be able to like the screen it really helps get the stream seen by more people have you reacted to dark side’s um hitting 600 I think I have I think I have I’ve reacted to all of dark side stuff in fact I checked the content today by the way if you haven’t checked guys check out Dark Side dark side does edits and they do some edits of me and if you guys are editors and you want to edit and you want to edit my content just take it take my content put it on Tik Tok put it wherever I mean you know it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter to me like I I understand look whatever I’m losing out on ad Revenue I’m gaining in recognition which to me is more valuable I don’t I will never copyright strik you guys for just taking my content as long as you at me and as long as you get views I’ll probably be okay with it yo thank you for helping me out um did you stream from hitting 700 uh uh like what do you mean what do you mean bro be specific be specific I need more I need more English in there yo yo there’s a cave here I think we should ha I I I need to get more torches I need to go back and get more torches and then what I need to do is um is get more food cuz I’m running lot food but I have a ton of coal we’ve been running low on coal but I got a ton of coal and by the way I always encourage people to ask questions you have questions about me if you have questions about the channel questions about YouTube please ask I’m always more than happy to share I want I want to share my knowledge I want you guys to benefit for what I know I’m not worried about competition at all because it’s like the my my channel is based around me based around Yer my character my personality nobody can be Yer better than Yer uh how long have you been doing YouTube I’ve been doing YouTube for like five and a half months like basically around five months um in like maybe like a week it’ll be it’ll be six months so almost 6 months um but which is not a very long time I’ve had this channel for a lot longer but I’m I’m started this channel not as like a like as a Creator I started this channel just to like view things you know what I mean I didn’t start to like post content until like middle mid to late October like you can check the receipts it’s it’s there bro it’s there it’s all there um hold on there we go let me add some coal so I haven’t been doing this for very long and I’m very thankful for how much progress I’ve managed to make despite not doing this for very long let get some more coals in there I don’t need that I need coals there we go and then let’s get some food and then let’s sore everything else yeah guys I have a I put a ton of coal um into the um into into the furnaces so just feel free to just you know cook stuff we’re probably going to run out of them soon cuz I always underestimate just how much coal uh that I use during any given run but it’s okay it’s okay guys I don’t need stairs though you know I’ll keep them just in case I’ll keep these because I’m going to need sticks and I get rid of that now why you need coal to make torches to cook food you know just to like live life coal is important for so many things guys don’t underestimate just how much you need it because you will need it you absolutely will need it let get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that okay now my inventory is cleared up let’s make some more I’m going to make some more um torches do you play fighting games I don’t but I would I absolutely would like what kind of fighting games like Tekken like um or like Street Fighter is that what you’re talking about bro like stuff like that cuz I would play that I’d absolutely play that for sure but I just I don’t know I I I’m not oh yeah and Super Smash Bros too I play Super Smash Bros for sure I grew up playing that I’m going to leave those pork chops in there though I took I took some food from there but I left pork chops but I did uh hold on hold on guys we got some we got some enemies in the base hold on guys there we go took them all out um but yeah I I play Smash Bros too I’m not I don’t like play it like a lot but I would play it hold on you know I do need some Cobblestone I got to go back now ah I hate how did this how did they just spawn you know my guess how they spawned was because they didn’t put enough torches in that tunnel that’s probably how that happened hold on let me get some let get some of these put that away that away don’t need that or that put that there that there and then maybe get some more just because I I hold on no bad zombie uh just because like I I need to be able to look and they’re still coming they’re still coming get out of here all right we need to solve this problem now oh and you’re no you’re you and your kid go away okay let’s just block this up make it more creeper proof you’re lagging bad is it your Wi-Fi or is it me all right see you later bro thank you for hanging out appreciate you bro appreciate you all right hold on let’s get some torches over here and guys I think in about an hour we’ll be switching over to Roblox in about an hour no maybe no maybe hour and a half that would be better oh is you’re lagging too it’s your McDonald’s Wi-Fi bro I I understand I understand my Wi-Fi is like McDonald’s tier as well too that’s why some of the first bit of money I get has to go towards the um stream you want to sew creative well I want to sew not creative oh I know bro look look maybe in the future we’ll do like some building contests or something um but not right now right now I just want to right now I just want to focus on doing regular Minecraft but I have to organize that a little bit I feel like you know what I mean I know you do bro I know you do but me no want to on let me just that right there there we go and then build that there we go there there there and then just keep going cuz I have to I want to build a tunnel right to the other side of the map Mountain you said you were going to do creative since eventually not now though play drege what’s dredge bro what’s that never heard of it is that something in Minecraft or is that like a game you can get like on [Music] Steam yo how large is this mountain why not now because I said so yo hold on I think we’re almost to the other side I see dirt I see dirt remember me when you get famous I’ll try bro keep hanging out keep hanging out you should become a member I’m probably I’m going to give away a lot of like I’m going to give away my free I have a few people that I reserve for memberships but I I’m going once I have memberships I’m definitely going to like give those try to give the free ones out and also whatever Don it’s like if I get large large donations I’m going to try to put a lot of that into um into to membership cuz that money goes back to me anyways and it like gives you guys all the a lot of benefits so like I’m more likely to see your chat and stuff like that it’s a boat game but it’s a horror game it’s $30 you don’t play yeah right now at this current stage of my u YouTube businesscareer I don’t want to pay for games right now especially when I know I can grow for playing games for free uh when you play Roblox can we play the game Syndicate Highway Syndicate what’s that bro can you tell me about it cuz I I’ve never I’ve never actually heard of it I might have played it might have it I mean honestly it kind of rings a bell but not like enough you know what I mean you know what I mean have you played content warning no I have not no I have not no but I did get a little bit of money re a little bit of extra money recently um and I could get that it depending on I mean if it is it trending should I play it have you played God of War yes I have um but I’m not sure if I would play that game because it’s like rated like it’s a mature game and this is a familyfriendly channel but I do make content that more so for like you know for like you know uh older teenagers you know to adults you know what I mean but with that content if it’s rated Mature what I will do is I’ll put like a maturity lock on it so you have to have be in like a channel that’s like 18 or older to do that um just to be responsible uh it is trending oh cool cool um have you played power world I have played power world but you know I haven’t played it in a while I still have that on my PC too and I’d love to play that but I want to also play it with more people I don’t want to just play it by myself you know what I mean there’s only so much fun you can have by yourself in power world um but yeah guys like you know I am pretty much family friendly but like a PG so it’s not like for it’s so I don’t make content for kids not I do not do that I make content for like it’s probably like it it’s probably arguably PG rated content like once in a while you’ll hear like a mild thing like here and there like H double Chopsticks or whatever but it’s pretty much for the most part like you can watch it with your family you know what I mean like but it’s not for kids if you want to watch content for kids watch CoCo melon okay Coco melon is basically exclusively for kids I’m not Coco melon guys but I am my content is is pretty much clean uh let’s see uh make part three because you made just part one and part two I mean I go to if you look back at my live streams you could find it you could find the find the entire unfiltered uh Power World playthrough um pretty much and and I I didn’t get very far into it I really did not um but I would once I get more subscribers and you know once I once I get an idea of what everybody wants to watch watch CoCo melon is brain rot true can you play lumian Legacy I Tred for a little bit I wasn’t too crazy about it because I’m not too crazy about I mean it was fun but I don’t know I’d rather play Pokemon Pokemon that’s going to be in the future once I can get a capture card and and and can pay for like the new Pokemon game I would probably do Pokemon streams cuz I I just like playing Pokemon I love playing Pokemon and I haven’t played honestly it’s going to sound sad I haven’t played uh the last two Pokemon games like I’ve only played up to uh sword and shield hold we got we got a notification here yo we got a w sub in the channel Mr mask what is up bro uh if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like just hold down on the screen and leave a like thank you so much bro it really helps the channel get seen and I got uh and I also have a um I have a Discord it’s in the pin comments and if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join that you’ll be given the special title of OG it’s going to be big Flex in the future because I’m growing fast and I’m going to hit 1 th000 subscribers this screen this stream just watch it’s going to happen uh maybe not I don’t know but we’ll see what we’ll see guys all I know is that someday I’m going to be the next big YouTube live streamer I mean technically I don’t know that but I’m really trying here and it’s going to happen it’s going to happen thank you all so much for making it possible by liking the stream and watching my content and hanging out I appreciate that you’re going to have to quote if I said that last stream you’re going to have to quote me on that have you beaten the Ender Dragon yet first of all what is up paper what’s up bro uh no I have not I have not beaten the Ender Dragon like ever in my life and I want to do that on this stream I want on this stream but while during a live stream so that you all can join that and do that with me and by the way if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave that like just hold down on the screen for like two seconds it really helps this channel get seen by other people I’d appreciate it yo I need somebody would I stay your mod will I would I stay your mod when you get famous um depends if you do a good job okay okay if you do a good job you get to be a mud okay but that doesn’t but here’s the thing here’s the thing um that here’s what that means and here’s what that doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean you prioritize My Stream over your other actual priorities like look look I actually would be happy if you were not showing up to my stream as often if that meant that you were focusing on school and your family and things that are like really important then I’m happier than I would be um if you were to like sacrifice those other things to be a mod on my stream okay like look by good mod doesn’t necessarily mean you’re here all the time to me if to you being a good mod is just being responsible being responsible and being here when you can and doing a good job when you’re here um guess this uh I’m not going to guess that can you do game uh can you do other games next lives I mean right now I’m going to be focusing on these games but what kind of games would you like to see see me play and keep in mind until I get money from YouTube I can’t really do a lot of stuff that’s like multiplayer like crazy multiplayer but I want to do other games I’m planning I’m a variety streamer I plan on doing like a lot of like other games for sure I see your progression of Subs when I was last year you had 658 now it’s 738 yeah I know it’s crazy it’s absolutely crazy how quickly I’m growing guys I’m going to do my homework while watching this good W Jonathan shout out Jonathan for being responsible you said you’re going to do creative stream I’m you’re going to need to find a quote for that cuz I don’t remember that bro I don’t remember that you need to you you need to go back to that stream and find when I said that okay please cuz I do not remember it um and and also like put it on the Discord please let’s see I’m allowed to have my phone for I’m pretty sure 2 hours yeah well that’s awesome thron thank you and thank you for choosing me as your entertainment I appreciate that I do appreciate that do you watch anime yes yes I watch anime in fact in the future I would think I I would do anime content I would absolutely do anime content and commentary on stuff like that cuz I love anime I love Naruto and boruto is what I’m mainly watching uh and and jiujitsu kaisen and I love all I love anime guys okay I haven’t got I’ve been able to watch that and also solo leveling I’ve been able to watch a lot of it like recently cuz it’s like we were going to do no don’t just quote me like find the actual video like caught in live in real time like find the actual me me saying it don’t you use AI bro um where are you from take a guess take a guess what what does my accent sound like take a take a wild guess I feel like you can figure it out you know it’s not that hard my accent is pretty much like what you would find on the news in my country for the most part it’s very formal it’s very much Italy no I’m not from Italy I’m not from Italy no do I look Italian guys I mean I do have Mediterranean kind of genes kind of uh but I’m not I’m like Hispanic uh Australian no I’m not Australian you said you’re going to do it bro you need to find it hello Yer I’m sorry b l I’m sad I can’t watch this weekend cuz I have a field trip all right well thank you for hanging out bro Spain no I’m American I’m American guys USA USA baby that is right I’m from the USA and I and and thank you for hanging out YouTube dude if you could do me a huge favor YouTube dude and leave a like on the stream before you leave hang down hold hang on on you hold on the stream for like two seconds and leave a like it really helps me out bro appreciate that uh you lied I did not lie you need to literally find what me saying that like the video of me saying that bro I’m going to need that bro otherwise I don’t I won’t believe you I won’t believe you okay anyways uh let’s see okay see thank you bro appreciate that um yeah I’m not from Italy I’m not from Spain although I do look like I’m from there I’m like SP I’m mixed Spanish Let’s see have you watched blue lock or um no I I haven’t W well I’ve watched a little bit of that one uh and I’ve watched a little bit Dark Side drop it um but I have not like watched like like deeply watched it you know what I mean like I haven’t gotten too far into it you said I was going to do it look I need you to have proof that I said I was going to do it that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I need proof that you said that I said I was going to do it like you know what I mean like come on come on guys you can’t just say I did it and say that the fact that I said I did was proof in a live stream watch Megamind I’m not guys that that’s silly no that’s like copyrighted content um I did give proof what you did not give proof where’s the I need you to find a video and it clip the video clip the video and that’s proof that’s literally proof to me um but anyways guys I dug into the other side stop trying to derail me you’re actually derailing me right now and if I have to I will I ignore you uh I will ignore you um to prioritize the stream anyways all right see you later Delino see you later bro um anyways so I found my way I found my way to the other side of the mountain to the other side of the mountain yeah I’m us say I’m USA and I need to now this is I’m going to try to find a village I am going to try to find a village so let’s let’s just start making like markers like things that I can like follow yo what’s up K Fox are you going to be friendly K fox or do I have to ban you again bro cuz you were not behaving yourself last time okay and if you if and my look it’s not that hard to not behave yourself it’s going to take so long to find this clip well then you better start clipping me in the future bro you better start clipping me in the future and and just just so that you can get it me be friendly did you go to the nether yet yes but I’m not going to do it again cuz I literally I I lost everything in the nether I lost everything it was not fun it was not a good time it was like really really really bad I need a hold on I need to find I need to find my way to a village that’s what I’m trying to do I need to find my way to if I could find a village on the other side of this mountain that would be fantastic and branching out is like so important guys like we we’ve already we’ve already explored like a really good part of the immediate area of our of the mountain we need to like we need to go much deeper we need to go much deeper guys we need we need to we need to solve this we need to find new things explore new territories and make mistakes and get messy or whatever it is that Miss Muriel said was it Miss Muriel oh you know you know what I’m talking about the um the Magic School Bus that that’s who I’m talking about what did K Fox do he was being mean bothering other people he was griefing was like attacking other people or whatever I don’t know like it was a it was not a good it was not a good thing it was just not he was not being a civilized person and I didn’t appreciate that so yeah it was like okay you’re banned for the rest of the week or well the the rest of the stream pretty much yeah yeah um but every I always try to give Second Chances but if you do if you take advantage of the second chance and you don’t like change your behavior if you don’t repent in other words or change your brain uh change your mind uh yeah you’re going to you’re going to like you’re going to get banned forever like I mean forever forever ever let’s see I have a yo don’t quote me on that don’t quote me on my on my most um sus moments that’s that that’s not nice I don’t need those flashbacks welcome back philli thank you for hanging hanging out bro I appreciate you I’m appreciate you so guys when we do get into Roblox what do you guys want to play allergies oh my gosh you got a clip no you don’t no you don’t it’s not real if I don’t watch it it’s not real if I don’t watch it you couldn’t get to sleep you couldn’t get to sleep oh well you shouldn’t well here’s the thing if you can’t get to sleep um you shouldn’t like stay on your phone cuz that’s going to keep you awake K Fox is being rude you’re G to yeah if he’s rude he’s going to be timed out for the rest of the stream like here’s the thing I give a lot of Mercy but if you repeatedly take advantage of that Mercy my punishment will be more harsh and more Swift um let’s see I flee because I want to flee from you again that was that was fun wasn’t it that was a lot of fun we’ll try we’ll definitely play that play the facility in a bit I’m making a Yer hangout uh on Roblox what do you mean a Yer hangout what’s that is that like a game or something like that hold on let me just make a little mini bridge over here we’re going to be playing that in a little bit guys in a little bit and if and depending on uh if uh if uh what’s his name if Dark Side um has like a clip of me saying we’re going to play cre next stream I might actually have to follow through with my word uh I try not to follow through with my word because I because not actually try but I I tend to forget because I’m like a human being and I got like so many other things in my mind um so I don’t so sometimes like I’ll just forget about it but if I do if if um if if I have said that I’m going to play my creative the stream there is going to be a part at the end of the stream we’ll probably do some creative but not now though show your gaming chair it’s just a generic Walmart chair guys it’s a generic chair from Walmart how about a story like camping what do you mean a story like camping is that like a story game is that what you mean bro is that is that what you’re talking about hold on keep your eyes peeled guys I’m trying to really look out for like um for uh for like Villages hold on it’s a game Cool hold on I’m just going to travel upward see what there is to see hold on there’s nothing there I’m going to need a spy glass or something I’m going to need something yo it’s getting dark yaer read my chat uh let’s see your chat is um making a hangout it’s a game for your subscribers oh cool Yer how you said laser though and it’s not laser it’s Yer how long are you planning on streaming for uh for eight hours I’m doing eight hour streams guys because that’s what I got to do if I want to like within the next month or two uh guarantee being uh monetized I mean there’s no guarantees in life but yeah there’s a village Northwest or South I have not come across any of the villages yet yo creeper let me just take this guy out and take this guy out no oh well well I got to go back I got to go back look at me I lost everything [Music] no I know you’re right it’s just a game but sometimes but I still F I’m not going to let it like get to me like you know past the immediate moment but it’s like no no oh okay um camping is a game where you camp and it’s cursed that sounds scary guys that sounds kind of scary I’m not sure if I want to play that game all I tell you what guys after I recover my stuff and after I find after I do a little bit more exploring I think what’s going to happen is I’m going to switch games into Roblox okay guys oh yeah this is going to be a long stream it’s going to be a long stream guys don’t worry you have to do things don’t worry about it you’ll probably catch me cuz I’m going to be going for another 7 more hours at least 7 more hours it’s all good guys don’t worry we’re going to have lots of fun there’s plenty of opportunities to hang out and do stuffs let me just go okay I’m going have to go up here all right where’s my stuff oh you don’t don’t you don’t have to stay for 7 hours no no I’m not I don’t expect that at all that’ be unreasonable uh just stay as long as you want it’s all you know I don’t expect you to stay like forever like no that’s silly that’s unreasonable that’s not cool that’s like not that’s not what a normal healthy-minded person could ever reasonably expect like No No in fact I encourage you not to stay for seven or eight hours okay y’all need sleep y’all probably got school y’all probably got family stuff like come on guys be responsible you sent the clip to Discord all right I’ll check it out I’ll check it out I’ll check it out in just a second because I’m probably going to take a break and go to Roblox in a bit hold on one second let me just hit that there Yer can we have a sleepover uh not IRL obviously because that would be weird but like an over like I would do like an overnight here’s oh here’s the issue hold on guys guys guys hold on here’s the issue so I found out with YouTube streams the most you could do for YouTube streams is 12 hours cuz at 12 hours they will uh um they will absolutely delete your video immediately after like you can’t do more than 12 hours on YouTube like like actually let’s see if you would give a YouTuber new advice what could it be it would be pretty much the advice that helped me with which Mr Beast gave out to everyone which is try to improve something a little bit every time and don’t be discouraged by the Numbers those will happen over time like for example like first you know like and also focus on shorts shorts are the number one way to get subscribers absolutely shorts like make shorts and and and always try to make short when you’re making long form content try to keep in mind the short form content that you can make out of your long form content and improve something every little bit of time like try a new edit try a new inflection in your voice uh try to like okay oh or or try to look at what people are paying attention to it’s like oh at the very beginning of this video I was very I had a lot of energy and that seemed to get more a better number stuff like are you good at editing no I’m not good at editing like and pay attention to everything pay attention to the numbers pay attention to everything guys absolutely everything all right hold on hold on I um hold on guys I need I need to get to safety I need to get to safety and then I’ll answer your questions real quick when are you going to look at it when I take a quick break to go to the bathroom and then uh change to Roblox one second all right there you go I’m w safe I’m W safe um in mansion Tycoon I don’t know about that uh is your pet’s name haaa and Coco what’s the last one the last one is chicha the last one is chicha um when are you going to look at it I already answered that all right all right guys all right I’m going to take a quick break I’m going to go to the bathroom um how we going to play Creative U probably towards the end of the stream bro probably like we’re going to do probably like an hour of Roblox and then we’ll switch back okay all right all right so give me just one second guys I am going to I am going to um take like a bathroom break I encourage you all to do the same and we come back we’ll be playing some Roblox okay guys okay how would that be at the end of the stream uh we could do we could do it before let’s just we’ll we’ll get to that okay dookie break okay ju just give it a little bit of time we’re going to do an hour of Roblox and we could probably do creative like afterwards okay so just give me a second guys stop getting on my case every time you take a damage the more scary Minecraft server I downloaded a mod to your Minecraft server don’t do that don’t do what no don’t you can’t download mod I have to download the mods to my server what I’m not going to do that I’m not I’m not going to do that myself I can’t take I can’t take scary guys anyways I’ll be right back doie break for [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why are y’all being sus what did I say about being sus and by the way dark side I saw that clip you’re not funny bro you’re not funny that is the most what that is literally one second that is literally one second of me saying creative I didn’t say that we’re going to do creative I didn’t say that I just said creative and that in that clip you didn’t clip it right uh anyways dream is joined the chat dream is not in this chat nuh-uh you made a a gang called YT on Roblox okay bro what uh what’s up miss queen what is up how’s it going how’s it going Queen you said going to do creative you literally just the I looked at look guys oh my gosh I literally looked at the clip and all it said it says creative and that’s such a like no you need to have like at least a 10c unedited clip of me saying we are going to do creative okay for just for that I don’t want to watch it again it is one second bro I already watched it 3 seconds cuz it was on repeat it’s Mabel what’s up Babel what’s up thank you for joining by the way if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen hold down for like 2 seconds to leave a like and it really helps get this channel seen by other people all right guys we’re going to be switching over to Roblox in a bit all right I’m going to be doing I’m going I’m going to poll you guys I’m going to give you guys a poll what what should we do uh for kind what game should we play first should we warm up with a bit of Blade ball should we get into another game what kind of game welcome back Jonathan welcome back everybody oh and I got a lot of requests I play doors we could play doors for a bit you’ll unit don’t unit yeah make it less and thank you for the Hearts by the way do the bike game um maybe in a bit maybe in a bit I’m driving right now I’ll get home iink well wor of all what is up Z thank you Z for watching my stuff you could hold down on the screen and leave a like too while you’re at it but oh and and don’t and don’t drive and and stream don’t do that actually don’t forget what I said don’t like the stream wait until you get home uh we can do Quest play the carnival for Terror oh my all right guys we had a lot of games I think to warm up to warm up we’ll do some blade ball just to have fun little private blade ball game and then afterwards uh what we could do is we could um uh you just like the stream oh thank you Z but be drive safely my brother drive safely okay um and play Total Drama Roblox I actually do want to play that dungeon Quest I’d play that but oh of course you can join Mas guy hold on I’m gonna write my name down real quick Yer live it’s the same thing it’s the same as my handle on YouTube um it’s the same on Roblox yeah please please go on join I I’ll add you I’ll even wait for you bro I’ll wait for you in the meantime I’ll just chat with you guys um the chosen one are you talk are you referencing my uh my short is that what you’re referencing cuz I you know it was it was one of those you were the chosen one moments um do you have a Discord I do it’s in the pinned comment just copy and paste in the pinned comment and you’ll see my Twitter and you’ll see my Discord and uh it’s all there if you’re on the first 10,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG all right I’m going to switch the screen over real quick I’m going switch the screen over change it three two one magic teleport there we go there we go me just adjust this right here go perfect perfect perfect all right do you consider blade ball a pay to win game lowkey yeah a little bit a little bit little bit there is an element of skill but there’s also an element of like of of not skill okay oh the one who loves ketchup that’s funny he said to Long version of that uh it better be like 20 seconds like I want to see everything in context if it’s not I’m not going to believe you all right we’re going to go on my private server guys if you want to join join right now and I’m going to put some music on put the heartbound original soundtrack on there we go you send a friend request I I added you bro I added you bro why is this not let me join great private server but so you jumped in the puddle with your new shoes and now they’re soaked in water sounds like you need to let them dry and get and wear your old shoes in the meantime I don’t well the reason why I know it doesn’t require that but that the the point is not that it requires it the point is that um I know that you didn’t heavily edit it what’s the most populated country in the world China or India maybe both I don’t know one second guys for some reason I might need to restart my um my Roblox because for some reason it’s not letting me join my private server correct oh cool awesome I’m correct guys everybody let everybody knows that I am correct may not be a genius but I have some facts memorized it says we are going to do creative All You Need No cuz I need to know that you’re not manipulating uh the when I said when we’re going to how we’re going to do creative like I need to know W Yer let’s go let’s go hold on let’s do blade ball private server hopefully it’s going to work because guys I know how to look I know how to edit things I know how to make it seem like I’m saying something even if I haven’t actually said it you know what I mean um I’m trying for some reason I can’t join mine what do you think about the new Roblox page book looks um looks more streamlined I like it I like it I’ll just yeah I’ll just join you you’re in the server we can still do it in the Stream we can we can we’ll see though I don’t know you already tried to manipulate me so I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know there we go Kai all right joining you there’s no AI that can copy your voice oh my gosh yes there is yes there is in fact I’ve already I’m going to be talking to my bank soon and let them know that I have to be in person for any like transactions for major transactions because of like as a streamer you I’ve already given so much voice data that it’s very easy to replicate my voice like you guys have to be extra careful when when you’re when you’re figuring out whether or not something’s actually coming from me like AI is like crazy these days guys AI is crazy you could probably like almost make like if you you have to pay really pay attention to my lips really pay you don’t just because you don’t know AI that copies voice doesn’t mean that one does not exist Yer what’s the most famous celebrity in the world Beyonce that’s my guess it’s got to be fiance if it’s not Beyonce then I don’t then I then it doesn’t EX exist probably Mr Beast honestly Mr Beast probably is more famous than Beyonce maybe or maybe Taylor Swift and how do you measure the most famous in the world do you want a clip with lips in it maybe probably I hope so they don’t have Auto clickers on the phone do they is that possible yo triple threat let’s go I already got like 3K gold what should I oh what should I spend it on can you make the chat a little bigger I can it freezes your screen for most of them hold on there what I need to do I need to I need to move over this way okay so so that way I’m closer to the right side of the screen and then I need to take this and drag it downward and then drag it backward okay there we go all right try chatting now try chatting now see how it looks don’t be sus Lenny don’t be sus Messi no Ronaldo I mean I don’t really know I honestly I don’t even follow soccer like that SL football I don’t I don’t really follow it h my sister’s gradu ation is coming up and I’m not even sure if I’m going to be there and they’re all going to be mad at me but I don’t really talk to her anyway so whether or not she’s mad at me or whether or not she likes me it doesn’t really change the fact that she’s not going to talk to me so I’m thinking you know maybe I can live with her not being happy with me you’re almost home get home safely Z hey guys should I go to my sister’s graduation go to my sister’s graduation this is not something by the way that um that you should ask like people on the internet advice for CU I’m no matter what I’m not going to follow it but what do you think should I should I keep in mind she doesn’t really talk to me um and she doesn’t and like we don’t really like we love each other but we don’t really like each other or you’ll send the new clip send the new clip you better do you guys have good relationships with your siblings your lizard is trying to bite you well that it’s a lizard what do you expect they’re coldblooded you have a great relationship with your siblings guys I I sort of do but I also sort of don’t like it could easily be better but it’s just because of how different we all are and we’re all like we look alike but you would have like based on personality you would have thought we all came from like completely different parents we are we are all so different we’re so different yo look at the clip I think it’s very sus I’m not going to look at it I almost crash in a stop yeah no kidding bro your life is more important than anything on YouTube I’ll look at it later bro it doesn’t it’s not going to stop trying to distract me from the stream because no matter what it’s not going to change the fact that I got to focus on it don’t do it I’m not going to do it in fact no I’m not it’s not going to happen I’ll do it how about in about an hour in about an hour I’ll check it out but it won’t be on stream it’ll I’ll look at it on my phone on my iPhone I should say cuz that’s that’s is not just a phone it’s an iPhone that should be like a commercial tagline it’s very sus yeah I know yo dark stop being sus stop being sus and by the way guys don’t forget to leave a like on the stream a sussy baka a sussy boy uh hold down on the screen hold down on the screen um and uh for like a couple of seconds you know you’ll be able to leave a like it really helps get this channel scene thank you so much look Dark Side dark okay everybody dark side is officially known as The Gaslight King everybody all hail the Gaslight King because that’s that’s what dark side does he gas lights he gas lights that’s what he does you’ve done it many times before you’re doing it now and don’t deny that you’re gaslighting cuz that’s literally gaslighting a dark that’s not what I meant I meant the clip what are you talk about what are you talk about me I’ll check it out either way just to be diligent just to be diligent because you know I feel like I owe that uh but um I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see guys we’ll see we’ll see okay so what what’s the next game you guys want to play do you want to do Total Drama Roblox Total Drama Roblox guys doesn’t that sound fun what do you think what do you [Music] think I sorry I meant to say thank you for making my day oh thank you mask thank you bro appreciate that I’m glad I could make your day all right we’ll do Total Drama Roblox next okay I’m sorry I can’t play Roblox oh that’s fine thank you for just hanging out thank you for just hanging out having me on in the background and just you know just joining in on the fun I appreciate that thank you so much thank you so much what is Total Drama Roblox anyways is it basically like Sur like a like a survival game or like a contest game or like squid games cuz that’s in my brain what what it means can somebody please briefly describe um what Total Drama Roblox is cuz I’ve never played it before I’ve only heard about it like a lot of you have been talking about play it it’s like Total Drama Island like Total Drama Island okay I kind of know what that is I kind of know what that is Obby survival all right all right I’ll check it out let me get some Easter [Music] eggs no uh play Poppy’s play time I mutic are you the motic um do the camp mode when you’re in game what’s Camp mode what’s the difference on I need to put force field [Music] on there we go there we go yeah we we’ll do we’ll do a toal I’ll tell you what I’ll do like five more um like games of this I’ll do like okay not that doesn’t count I’ll do like five more games of this and then we’ll do a then we’ll do Total Drama Roblox okay yeah guys if you have if you don’t have allergies you are blessed because my allergies are super bad you like Expedition I don’t know any of the game modes we’ll try them all we’ll try them all cuz a lot of you have been wanting to play that so it’s like okay I’ll I’ll check it all out I’ll get a good idea about it it might even be like a regular game that we play I also need to get on block Roots too cuz I need to level up a little bit Muchachos I mean the Bros isn’t that like the like the Spanish that’s basically like the Spanish words for the Bros um let’s see how do you know if you have allergies um if you have symptoms like runny nose uh itchy skin maybe you get asthma I get asthma sometimes like really bad um and as a result of being around like dust or animal fur or whatever it means boys I know that means the Bros the boys I know that that’s what I meant that’s what I meant I’m going to spectate I’m going to spectate Kai oh nope yeah Kai won I knew it I knew it I knew it all right I’m going to play a few more games in this and we’re going to switch games bros we’re going to switch games yo pick classic pick pick classic all right watch I’m going to win this round I got to win this round guys you’re getting shoes soon nice what kind of shoes are you getting can I gift you something I would appreciate it if you didn’t I don’t need anything I like I play Roblox for free for fun I I you don’t have to give me anything obviously I can’t stop you Nike nice and I got wrecked uh but you know I I I like I don’t want anything guys I don’t really I don’t really want anything noos means boys that means boys bro SA [Music] um I’ll try uh to yeah we we I’ll try it we we we’ll try it we’ll try it but don’t give me anything I don’t really need anything guys especially on Roblox I’m going to be doing giveaways once I get like some money from it too um what’s going on yo London what’s up London if you could do me a favor you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream hold down on that screen for like two seconds to leave a like it really helps this channel get discovered thank you bro thank you bro appreciate [Music] it all right what power do you got Kai IA what’s up Jessica Barnes what is up welcome back to the stream if you could do me a huge favor real quick leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen for two seconds and uh that’s that’s how you leave a like thank you so much it helps me get discovered by more people and it’s going to make it possible cuz I know it’s possible I don’t think it’s likely but I know it’s possible uh to get 1,000 subscribers this very stream that’s like the the large impossible goal why didn’t you stream yesterday I don’t stream Mondays and Tuesdays in the United States time Mondays and Tuesdays um I I take off what is 9+ 10 well it’s actually 19 but the way you do math you’re going to say no it’s 9910 yo why is hold on today’s uh Thursday it’s it’s um Wednesday for me it’s Wednesday for me remember in the United States that’s why I said United States time United States time hold on guys hold on guys look I no boys aren’t sigmas nobody’s a sigma nobody’s a sigma nobody’s an alpha that is literally astrology for men [Music] bro can we play box RS maybe later ah my nose is itching bad allergies I hate it when they get when I get bad allergies Mason you’re a troll but at least you’re not like a bad troll no let’s see it makes it the standof kai you died uh laser you’re going to be up to like 1 to 2 a.m. yeah basically I’m basically going to be up like uh 1: to 2 a.m. I gift for you is a like oh thank you for the gift thank you for the like bro Yer are you going to play Mario plus rabbits I’d love to but I I think I need a capture card I think I need uh I need I need to get like like to invest in the future once I get more money from this cuz I remember all money I’m getting from YouTube I’m pretty I’m going to re basically reinvest in itself so that I can grow more and and have better content for you guys but I want to get an Elgato capture card in the future and I’m going to use that to um I’m going to use that to play like games that are like on consoles like that um but So eventually eventually and don’t forget to like the stream why do I welcome con hold down on the screen hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds to leave a like it really helps um and I appreciate that if you haven’t already joined the Discord it’s in the pinned comments that’s how if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG you were your like number 16 awesome that’s W that’s a w thank you so much for liking the stream bro um but yeah I’m going to get a po. box soon like here’s the here’s the priority for the money from YouTube One internet so that I can um so that I can like do this um to do more games uh two is um two is going to be a po. box and and get art and commission art and for merchandise so that I can do giveaways and that I and if you guys want to send something I can you can send it to that or whatever um and let’s see you’re an OG you were an OG you were seventh seventh and what bro seventh and what all right we’re going to be switching to Total Drama Roblox Roblox we’re going to be switching to Total Drama Roblox soon [Music] guys ah but yeah I’m going to be up late this is the basically the first couple hours of the stream you’re the seventh like nice Bob is behind you where no Bob’s not behind me I know he’s not behind me no he’s not he’s not there’s no ghosts look I think it scared Bob off Bob the ghost would you he’s the he’s the ghost in my closet I have not seen him in a while he’s basically scared of me I think I think he’s scared because of how unscared I am I think he thinks that I basically got know how to like take him out I I don’t know I actually don’t know how to fight ghosts guys um but I think he but he doesn’t know that he doesn’t need that can we play C I have no idea what that is bro can you not use initials for things your back pretty princess oh thank you welcome back aari and if you haven’t already uh don’t forget to leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen for like two seconds hold down and you’ll be able to leave a like it really helps me out hold on I hope it don’t lag me too bro me too you’re join the game soon nice nice yo I took down Stars chicken nuggets with ranch or with ketchup Ranch bro Ranch L day every day um you’re you’re going to try hard murder mystery we’ll try it later we’ll try it later um if don’t forget to leave a like and also uh check out the Discord it’s in the pinned comments okay they get the notifications before everybody they get the updates and if you join the Discord uh you won nice uh you’ll be giv you’ll be given the special title of OG um nice nice and thank you for the Hearts by the way I always appreciate the hearts all right last game and then we’ll be switching last game I know it’s been that I already said that last game we’ll be switching guys or should I stay until I win I feel like we should stay until I win then I’ll switch games then I’ll switch games maybe you’re an OG on Discord nice nice how come every streamer is like one day before me we’re the I’m in the United States if you’re in like Australia or something like that that’s probably why so it’s just a difference in time zones and you know I feel I mean and I feel like American live streamers tend to be more popular than you know I don’t know maybe not I don’t know Yer can you bring hop aery to your stream not this one he will chew every single wire and cord that I have if I brought him in this my stream room uh so no um Can OG be the first 100 people no a thousand cuz once again I’m thinking large scale I’m thinking big numbers I’m thinking millions millions of subscribers uh I’m not a pretty princess all right one more game one more game I know I just want to do one more I want to redeem myself I want redeem myself one more game then we’ll switch to like total Roblox drama um because I got to be careful about my cat is my cat is a cat 1,000 members actually takes very long um no it doesn’t no it doesn’t no it doesn’t it’s not even easy with 100K I don’t know look one more game guys one more game and then we’ll switch okay cuz I I I I I I don’t want to go out like that I went out I’m jumping onto the ceiling I wouldn’t do that if I were you that sounds dangerous I don’t encourage people to do that I don’t endorse that I don’t endorse [Music] it okay game starting in a few seconds last game for real this is the last game last game oh be mad dark side be mad bro be mad I’m not going to let you emotionally manipulate me like that nope nope My Mother Does that enough already uh guess what I’m eating pizza right now I’m jealous I’m jealous actually not jealous cuz I have Chicago Pizza in my uh fridge right now I got leftovers all right see you in a little bit Jessica see you in a little bit I’m just going to hang back let you guys destroy each other in the meantime just try to not die and be the last man standing hold on guys I let me just win you’re from Chicago no I never said that I never said that I’m not from Chicago I’m West Coast I’m West Coast but I do go I I do have family from all over and I do you know sometimes travel and stuff so I get and I’ll get like t-shirts and like souvenirs and stuff from different places you’re confusing that’s the whole point that’s Warfare baby that’s Warfare and YouTube is War uh well I mean I I have like some family in Chicago I have some family like everywhere really um but you know I like Chicago Pizza are you a handsome prince no I’m a pretty princess everybody knows that hold on let me just win this one game let me just win this one game I just want to win I just want to win and okay forget it I’m not good enough to win I I accept that all right all right all right switching games to Total Roblox drama are you a keyboard no no I’m not I’m not a keyboard I am a mouse you just said you weren’t I said I’m a pretty princess I’m a pretty princess everybody knows that everybody knows that every that hold on guys allergies I need to blow my nose hold on hold on oh that’s bad bro that’s bad RZ I’m GNA in fact I’m going to steal the pickup line it’s like are you a keyboard cuz you’re my typ bring all your pets on the stream no one literally won’t fit because she’s gigantic and the other won’t like I she’s delicate so I don’t want to like carry her in here uh and the other is like going to chew on every cord all right see you in a little bit of Cari all right we’re going to do total Roblox strong is that what it’s called total Roblox drama you’re going to be turned into a princess by me nuh-uh can’t be turned into what you already are all I’m going to start a private server does it cost money I don’t want to pay money tell you what okay then and if it cost money I’m going to do an order of sending we got two out of 50 people that sounds like plenty of room for everybody all right join everybody join hold on why is my phone going crazy why is my phone going crazy I know I’m not this popular guys I’m starting to get popular but I’m not that popular I don’t think okay maybe I am that popular okay hold on I can’t join it for some reason it won’t let me join I don’t know why it will not let me join I’m going I’m going to have to join one of you dark side I’ll join you Dark Side yo what’s up Stars welcome back dark side if you can do me a huge favor and join something I can join you because my thing is like glitching or something I don’t know what’s going on it’s not letting me like join stuff it’s it’s like bugged or something I might need to update or whatever you need more more of a challenge well we’ll do Roblox drama that’ll be our challenge let me go to my friends let’s see chees has joined the chat if I can I will be Justin wait is Justin like the announcer guy cuz I want to be that guy I want to be that guy where are you where are you kawaii’s backup all right I’m joining kawaii’s backup right [Music] now Justin Bieber what about Justin Bieber no that’s Kyle you can’t be him I am Kyle I am Kyle hold on hold on so guys my my goal for this stream is 50 to 70 watch hours probably 70 watch hours since I have more people that on average that watch that’s my goal for the stream all right everybody join everybody join I’ve never played this before so I’m going to need a lot of help do what do we do do we go to Camp do we go to camp Camp okay do you know my friend named Justin not off the top of my head can you react Earth what do you mean react Earth I don’t get that doesn’t make sense to me bro you need to be more [Music] specific oh yeah it’s like tot I know but I need he’s cracked my my fortnite my guy uh I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know who that is never heard of a lot of these people all right all right guys we are playing Total Drama Roblox or whatever it’s called game is starting I hope I’m going to be the announcer guy VIP character getting priority okay I’m not a VIP yo what’s up let can you let everybody know that I’m streaming could you guys let people know I’m streaming please thank you very much and tell everybody to subscribe to me I made a clip watch it I’ll watch that after the stream because I like to stay locked in and focused in my streams I want to be I want to be Nolan I want to well I want to be Nolan’s mom but I’m going to be Nolan I can’t even select it I can’t even select anything do I have to be Cory no I don’t have any roox so I’m just going to be whatever I can be everybody can join yeah everybody just join me join me guys you’ve never heard of uh viewers what wow what do you mean viewers um never heard of them it’s at 60 at 60 okay you have 38 I I thought I have zero I I don’t know how at 10 I literally have at 10 I don’t like I don’t understand half of this stuff guys I’m kind of blundering around figuring out you just have to win the challenges okay I could do that all I got to do is win easy easy you’re too late all it’s okay if you win then you’re good all right that’s fine that’s fine if it’s about winning I understand winning I like to win I mean I don’t mind if I lose but I like to win too team up okay we got teams this person said ew I’m Brie I’m Bri L Bri in the chat everybody press F to pay respects to Bri in the chat all right campfire ceremony okay okay it’s revoe there’s Kyle I want to be Kyle I want to be Kyle so bad can I be Kyle you’ll be watching all appreciate that Mason appreciate that all right so I’m AJ yo I’m AJ W AJ all right so what do we do I’m just try to follow these guys we got 10 seconds anyway so I’m guessing it’s going to teleport us to the next uh challenge Sigma Yer yo Sigma Yer that’s what’s [Music] up your Tyson nice I actually I actually Pi like I saw Tyson on there I was like oh that sounds cool is Pond Pier is the challenge we must complete the course to win safety you got DC oh sorry to hear about that Jonathan but thank you for hanging out in the chat bro okay so I just kind of like go across and then that’s it okay no short cuts no shortcuts all right does that mean I’m safe now now is that I’m safe I’m safe W safe W safe cool all right that was an easy challenge all right we growling growling gorillas one safety is that me am I the growling gorillas the mutant meal worms in the campfire tonight Who’s the growling gorillas and who’s the mutant meal worms well I’m AJ and AJ is grow so that means we won guys w win we got the W guys congrats yo let’s see um hold on oh you’re Nolan got you your team saved cuz you have marshmallows oh nice okay got it got it um I’m live streaming right now uh right now let’s see Yer Live on YouTube subscribe subscribe all right there we go yeah we W save okay cool I didn’t know that once again I’ve never played this game ever before ew save that for the DMs um no no yeah see you later see you later gamer see you later thion thank you for hanging out all right we have to vote somebody okay okay guys everybody vote what I vote everybody vote what I vote I vote hold on wait do we is it our Vote or their [Music] vote nope it’s their vote can you play uh no I don’t play any sus [Music] games yeah I thought you were I thought we were able to vote for their it’s your team’s vote got it got it hold on can I watch them can I watch them vote I don’t see them where they at only when you lose you can vote all right cool yo thank you for the Hearts by the way I appreciate [Music] that like to go up the stairs to watch them vote okay I didn’t know that got it I wanted to watch the whole time Justice got eliminated Tyson has been eliminated oh [Music] no the stairs oh will send you to the back rooms why would I want to go there I didn’t know that how many figur this out guys let me figure this out all right the next challenge that was too easy though that the first challenge that was too easy was it supposed to be that easy I feel like it wasn’t all right we got 20 seconds he’s lying I wouldn’t doubt it I would not doubt it yo red stop being sus bro stop being sus your Germans are already sus stop being super sus everybody tell red to stop being sus in the [Music] chat dodgeball okay all right how do we play dodgeball you’re playing with your friend from school nice nice W friendship let me just pick up this there we go no I got eliminated I got eliminated win for me team I think I got somebody out though so it wasn’t that [Music] bad then stop acting like it bro stop acting like it all right we won again the growling gorillas have won twice in a row okay the the mealworm team is going to get destroyed oh my gosh guys guys we are kicking butt by the way Donald what’s up Donald welcome back bro if you do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on that screen and leave a like yeah we got let’s get W Yer in the chat more importantly W growling gorillas and L mutant meal worms okay because they’re they’ve lost twice in a row guys yo red red take it easy and guys take it easy okay I’m I’m going to start putting people on timeout if you can’t chill I need everybody to chill just keep it chill guys keep it chill Good Vibes Good Vibes guys Good Vibes moving on yeah let’s move on that means you too uh Donald everybody just chill we’re all good we’re all good all right guys what game would you like to play after this what whatever game you guys would like to play leave it in the chat I think we’re probably definitely going to do flee the facility again for sure for sure guys but I don’t know if we’re going to do that next that’s the only thing all right can we go can we go three for three can we go three for three I think we could do it I’m thinking it’s but not just possible but it’s inevitable I have all the best players on my team almost all of them Yer if it’s Exile let’s see opposing team gets a pick somebody yo welcome back Jessica welcome back um thank you for joining thank you for staying thank you for hanging out all right we’re winning you must vote somebody out of the game hold I’m going to I’m going to try to witness the voting I’m CU I didn’t want I wanted to do that last time but I was like not I thought I could witness it from like where I was at um but no apparently you have to go like way up here to see it if you’re not on the losing team can I get a w growling gorillas in the chat I’m going to hang out next to Kyle I’m going to pretend like I’m like what it teleported me backward no I wanted to watch the elimination no come on come on you can’t get too close I figured that out just now bro I figured that out just now hold on I’ll watch before Oh courtland’s getting eliminated l kland l it’s a tie between Justice and dizzy how are ties resolved that’s what I want to know the decision is up to Kyle ooh flip a [Music] coin dizzy for being too crazy the military is after you whoa Kyle whoa Kyle I didn’t know Kyle was like that I didn’t know he like get down like that that’s [Music] crazy yo W growling gorillas w w in the chat W [Music] Kyle yeah Kyle’s funny Kyle’s funny hey yo somebody returned from their Exile somebody returned from their exile on one second chat I’m think I’m going to switch to a different song There we go yo we got a w sub in the chat what is up new subscriber what is up I got a Discord by the way it’s in the pin comments if you check that out you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people to join and you’ll be given the special title of OG and also um if you like the stream right now would really help this channel get discovered just hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds and that’s how you like like it yo what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do 740 I know we are so close 740 right uh what’s going on Lenny stepping sus Lenny what are we supposed to do is it we supposed to get to the top is that we’re supposed to do cuz I think I have an idea how to do that on to go here go here and go there okay no okay it’s it is an Obby okay this way this way seems like the obvious way obious way is that is that a joke is that like a technical pun I feel like I accidentally made a pun ooh o hold on guys I hold on I see the chat I got to concentrate there we go hold on hold on there we go W safe W safe W safe let’s go if you don’t make this one you’ll be eliminated I am not getting eliminated obviously two skilled two skills yo W Obby AER let’s go let’s let’s go first time playing this and kicking butt let’s go W gazer W AJ W growling gorillas what’s up elain welcome back welcome back um if you can do me a huge favor and leave a like just hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds uh to leave a like it really helps me out Elaine thank you so much you’re better than me I don’t think so I think I’m just probably lucky and I’m and I’m good at concentrating too um so but guys guys yo look at the other team there’s like three three people left on their team we are whooping butt right now W growling gorillas hold on I’m going to see who’s getting eliminated I want to see who’s getting eliminated I got to see it I got to see it hold on let’s let’s see let’s look at the losers guys I bet the losers are not doing so good good new thumbnail oh thank you Gabe thank you appreciate that bro and if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave that like hold down on the screen I appreciate it um and also if you if you haven’t already make sure to join the Discord in the pin comments if you join the disc in the pin comments you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be giv the special title of OG it’s going to be a big Flex in the future make sure to do it make sure to do it do it all right we got to climb a hill that’s it that’s easy that’s super easy why would you quit Roblox it’s just one game that you’re not doing good in just one game guys hold on is that it is that literally it yo what’s up Elaine what’s up oh okay I did not win safety I did not win safety don’t forget to leave a like guys hold down on the screen hold down on that screen to leave a like it really helps cap boxes skibby um yeah don’t quit Roblox bro it’s just one game one game that you’re not good at there’s so many games that I’m not good at doesn’t mean I’m going to quit them does not mean that I’m going to quit them and if you want to join guys add Yer live on Roblox you were doing good in the game but the in this game but pulled the card and voted me when the girl was last really really dang it’s okay we’re going to be playing a new game after this I think we’ll try a different game after this AJ made it I saw him I did not make it I don’t think I made it you’re back you had to do something well welcome back aari and also thank you guys for the hard I always appreciate the hearts okay the red marshmallow what does the red marshmallow mean forgot what that means thank you thank you welcome back by the way and welcome welcome back you too [Music] Mason yo how there’s only like how many people there’s three people left on the other team we just been taking them down and winning every single game you miss me I liked of course I miss welcome back Aquario welcome back bro and thank you for the Emoji s was appreciate them Yo nobody okay nobody vote me everybody vote uh vote Blair okay vote Blair why Blair though why vote Blair 74 I know we’re almost at 740 I feel like it’s possible to get um a thousand subscribers in this in this stream it’s possible I’m not going to like ride on those hopes like I’m honestly realistically like 750 is probably what I think I’ll end at but I know it’s Poss now I know it’s possible to get like 100 plus subscribers a stream now I know yeah of course I remember you Elaine you were here last stream you were here last stream I remember [Music] you all right Thunder safe Jen safe all right who else I’m safe okay W yaser Casey is safe no one’s going to be safe Now Elaine I do remember you stop spamming the chat please and Blair oo sorry not sorry Blair but there’s only going to be one winning team and I got to be on it only going to be one winner and it’s me yo they’re like all girls on the other side literally all girls and this one’s like three boys and two girls our team’s like three boys and two girls Blair what are you talking about Blair the power went out that’s why I’m late well I’m glad I’m glad you’re doing better I’m glad you’re doing all right I I’ve had the power go out on me before randomly and it’s like you got like stuff in the freezer and it’s like no I don’t want my food to go bad Yer in the shop you can buy marshmallow skins and you can buy character skins I don’t really care about I don’t really care about the skins and the marshmallows or anything like that it doesn’t matter to me I’m going to chill with Kyle I’m just playing to have fun guys oo we’re in a volcano that’s interesting you’re pulling into your driveway oh what’s up C all right see you a little bit [Music] Z okay so basically don’t die that’s that’s the name of the game don’t die and make it out of the volcano alive which is basically the same thing hold on I got to concentrate guys got to really concentrate no all right hold on hold on guys I’m got to focus I’m not paying attention in the chat for a little bit cuz I got to focus I’m going to I don’t want to get a my concentration means nothing it means [Music] nothing no I’m gonna be last no elazer [Music] eler no I was so close I was so close that’s how she got the red marshmallow have you ever had uh I don’t I’m not going to answer those questions but I will say that I date to marry I am a very marriage-minded person yeah it’s okay guys it’s okay you’re playing one more game then you’re deleting Roblox for a day don’t get that mad bro it’s okay it’s okay I’ve never played that before hello again Elaine hello again welcome [Music] back huh all right all right it’s fun I mean maybe we’ll check it out later maybe no guarantees I don’t think they’re going to vote me why would they vote AJ AJ’s awesome who should we all vote for who should we all vote for let’s be honest let’s vote for Jen let’s all vote for Jen is Jen on our team hold on who’s Jen who should we all vote for who should we vote for I’m going to vote for Jen just cuz I don’t know who they are I’m not going to get eliminated you’re not going to get eliminated we’re both going to survive [Music] this and worse comes to worse bro it’s just a game it’s just a [Music] game you ate too many apples no such thing [Music] yeah wow it was just outing us it was just literally outing us wow I got three people voted me ouch ouch no love for AJ I guess that’s okay I don’t know Mason I don’t know bro yo welcome back Mr masy what’s up bro we’re just doing total Roblox drama or whatever it’s called I just got eliminated yeah no love for AJ that’s okay bye AJ shut up you voted for me yo what’s up red what’s up Bros can we play fortnite I don’t have the internet for fortnite but once I get better internet one cuz I’m going to get like an ASUS router and I’m going to upgrade my internet plan for un limited data once I do that um then I definitely will play fortnite but for right now I can’t really play fortnite I that’s and I I’ll do fall guys too I’ll do a lot of stuff Elaine says notice me please Senpai has noticed you um you ate like five Apple five pairs two apples and three oranges with what’s chamoy what’s that all right guys okay guys two two player Evolution Tycoon what’s that I’m going to hey guys I’m going to play this game called two-player Evolution Tycoon you guys should join me one more sub yeah one more sub uh one more sub till we get uh 740 740 guys we’re so close we’re making it we’re going to be the next big YouTube live streaming Channel and very soon I’m going to be making some serious upgrades to the channel once I get some YouTube money like we’re going to be playing some fortnite that’s going to be a part of the repertoire we’re goingon to be playing some other trending games once I can write them off in my taxes we’re be playing lots of stuff I’m going to probably upgrade the uh I’m going to definitely upgrade the uh the streaming closet we’ll get some LEDs in here we’ll get some some sound better sound proofing we’ll be it’ll be great guys it’ll be fun you’ll love it oh yeah I’m get PO box that I can use for giveaways so I can mail stuff you guys you’re close to getting monetized I am I’m at about 1,000 hours and I got that basically in like the last month and um it’s going to be a little bit over once it catches up so if you guys just keep watching and I continue to grow within the next month or two there’s a chance I’m going to get monetized it’s very within the next month or two for sure technically if I go super viral and I can get like a thousand people um in the chat for like a couple of hours then I can probably get monetized today uh a slice that’s okay Elaine stop elae stop spamming I I already addressed you multiple times okay I’m gonna no more attention for you no more attention for you because you keep spamming all right so we just upgrade we just upgrade got to go by remember me I remember you all gosh wait oh they’re just they’re just attacking us you know I don’t want to play this nope I remember this game I remember this game I guys yes I remember you all you guys are clowns you guys are clowns stop clowning yo what’s Islands what’s Islands this looks like Minecraft yo what should the next game we play guys what should the next game be are you a nerd arguably so yes where’s your title I don’t know W gazer we got 740 no we didn’t get 740 I don’t see 740 on there we’re close though we’re very close I’m going to do murder mystery 2 I’m going to do murder mystery 2 so if you guys want to join check that out right now oh you I was saving the w40 dark side oh my gosh I I I completely forgot about my own mod that I modded myself all right playing murder mystery 2 playing fortnite I wish I could play fortnite I accidentally clicked I was saving for 740 I gotcha gotch you you’re good you’re good no we’ll get there soon we probably during the course of this where is David I don’t know but that’s the OG Yer how about Teen Titans I love Teen Titans I love Teen Titans when there’s trouble you know who to call like the OG one you ever watch those reruns Teen Titans when was like um when there’s trouble you know who to call Teen Titans from their Tower they can’t see it all Teen Titans you’re joining my Discord oh nice nice thank you for joining my mod will probably add you to the OG list right when you join my Mod’s really good about doing that they’re from Sweden and they don’t really hang on they don’t really hang out that often uh on the chat but they are good at taking care of Discord stuff do you accept people’s friend requests on Roblox yes I do yes I do U what part of what I do on this is by is um is playing with subscribers you got to go all right see you later Jessica see you later you just got done driving and and prank all right that’s good Z that’s good Z welcome back David had never forgotten cuz he’s the remember me dude Yes W I really like your live that’s why I support you a thank you Elaine I appreciate that elae thank thank you so much and thank you all for liking the channel and helping me get discovered by other people and thank you all for helping me grow and go from like like zero to one viewers to like 13 to 20 something viewers that’s crazy to me that’s so crazy just how much I’ve been growing um and once are your joins on they are I believe they are they should be but it might be full um but anyway so yeah so guys guys guys guys guys very soon I’m going to be monetized we’ll play Minecraft later very very soon I’m going to be monetized and then we’ll be I’ll be doing a giveaway for that for sure um I’m going to but I have to use the money from getting monetized into like the po. box I’m going to be doing like memberships I’m going to be doing like merchandise um I’m going to be upgrading my equipment so that I can like have better content and can and can grow better like from doing fortnite like playing fortnite I I literally cannot play fortnite right now I can’t even play it like not streaming I really can’t because of how bad my internet is [Music] all right I feel like this is not the room I need to be in I feel like the I feel like the person that’s going to eliminate me is somewhere in here AAR you I’m not going to make you a mod you have to go to bed in 30 minutes no I got you bro I got you you joined in 2024 no I joined in 2020 but I didn’t start posting until October like mid to late October of 2023 so I’ve only been posting for basically less than 6 months almost 6 [Music] months yeah no this is a very new channel like this it’s it’s a very new channel found the murderer wow found the murderer I’m just going to run it’s not even a year yet not even 6 months yet bro technically not even 6 months and I’m already if I were on Twitch I’ll put it this way if I were on Twitch I would already be monetized if I were on Twitch I would already be able to have like membership SL subscribers or whatever and donations and all that stuff I feel like this music is too chill to be playing this game for uhuh twitch is yeah I don’t like twitch either and in fact when I was thinking about what I wanted to stream I I I had to really think I had to really think of um of like what like what I wanted what platform I wanted to stream on and YouTube is I chose is the better one because it has more potential and they make better they’ve made better decisions than twitch has twitch has made some sus decisions recently no no you blocked [Music] me all right you know what we was we’ll to Minecraft for a little bit in fact we could do creative I can make a new world and we could do some creative Minecraft for a little bit oh you’re a fan yo thank you bro thank you bro thank you for watch thank you for watching bro thank you for watching bro all right we’re going to be switching to creative in a little bit guys okay you know what in fact I’m going to leave I’m going to leave real quick I’m going to switch it over and I’m going to take a quick water I need more water water break and then when I come back we’ll be doing some creative Minecraft okay guys we’ll do some creative Minecraft and I’ll let you guys get go crazy with it so I’ll be right [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] nah [Music] [Music] aahah [Music] [Music] teleport hey don’t don’t spam the chat by the way what’s up guys okay I got my water and an empty bladder I am ready to go for some more Minecraft we’re going to be doing creative okay we’re be a bit of creative and uh hey no more spamming no more spamming you do you say the same thing one more time I’m going to have to put you in time out for like a minute okay you’ve watched us for two hours thank you thank you for watching for as long as you have Oh no you’re good thank you for apologizing miss queen thank you but I’m going to be making a new Minecraft world just for Creative we can all just go crazy with it and uh you know try to make some fun stuff I think I might make a giant TNT pyramid see if I can crash the server don’t copy me but I’m going to try it well we’ll find out we’ll find out well maybe not maybe it won’t crash the server uh can you make it a flat world no I’m not going to make it a flat world uh anyways so let’s do play um I don’t don’t ask personal questions guys okay but I am like a older genz SL young younger Millennial depending on how you cut it off why it’s better flat world because I said so because I said so that’s why no no good reason at all I just don’t want to do a flat world and I kind of want to find villages too I actually think I’m G to make a a giant TNT thing in Minecraft for the Village um anyways I’m going to switch the screens over now you have more space to build I don’t care I don’t care play Let’s create a new let’s just do hold on let’s just create it what about more what do we got what can we do here I don’t have any coins anyway so I can’t do a template all right let’s just create a new world okay let’s make it peaceful do creative and then let’s see we’re going to call it creative craft let’s do Advanced there we go multiplayer let’s do just friends and then no cheats maybe cheats hold on day cycle let’s make it always day well it doesn’t matter really keep inventory no cheats no cheats no cheats all right guys we’re going to create right now everybody join Minecraft and fortnite is copying Roblox do you think so no I don’t think so I think um there’s some elements that are similar but Roblox is more but it’s it’s also just like everything’s coping off each other if you think about it and like there’s it’s just better like Roblox has more potential I think for things that you could do that compared to compared to Roblox or sorry compared to Minecraft all right guys join join start building stuff I don’t care what you build just build it I’m going to make a giant golden statue of something um hold on can I type gold gold there we go a giant golden statue of something and let’s make silver hold on the silver no I mean Iron Iron Iron Block where there we go get an iron block and then let’s get some TNT and there we go and I’m just going to make a giant metal statue that’s that can like go boom all right so let’s let’s just start building it one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 you know what I’m going to make it 13 by 133 so 12 13 you know why not go there we go and then I can just eliminate this away Pig you know what pig fine you could stay there that’s fine all right then I add a bunch of this how do I become a mod um I’m not looking for new mods so there’s no way to become a mod right now and don’t question about what I’m doing just just trust me trust the process trust the process guys this is a process don’t ask what I’m going to do I’m just going to do it not doing anything nefarious I’m just I’m just having fun hey look this is basically going to instantly make bacon look see that see that let me just oh no he got out all right fine he was about to be instant bacon if he didn’t leave all right join me if you can guys everybody’s welcome to join my uh gamer tag is Dr SMG just add me so I can add you if this is bedrock Edition although I think Java can play somebody was saying that Java they were on Java and they could still play well I got to do one thing though me Center that perfect burned bacon they if they if if the TNT takes them out does do they become like bacon is that what happens you know I’m going to alternate between gold and iron there we go let’s alternate between gold and iron make like a little little step pyramid or something like that little basic a step pyramid that’s basically a trap ready to go boom perfect now just get another layer in there I wonder if this can crash the world I hope it can I’m going I’m going to try to make it crash the world all right just keep building stuff guys remember everybody’s welcome Jo check out Dr SMG that is the name I wrote it in the chat wrote it in the chat welcome back Jessica we’re doing creative mode M mode Minecraft we’re all just making stuff don’t ask what I’m making it’s a secret although it’s not very very much not a secret if you pay attention to what I’m doing okay and actually I’m going to see if I can crash the server I’m going to see how much it’s going to take to crash the server that’s my goal and then let’s let’s add more of this I heard you’re crashing the world I’m going to try you’re excited awesome stick around guys stick around I I’m going to make a few of these buildings and they’re just going to look pretty they’re going to look like these giant like um beautiful pyramids on the landscape and I’m going to should make them all go boom I’m going to make actually I’m going make each one larger than last before set I’m back nice oh yeah I’m crashing this world I’m going to try to at least I’m going to try to for sure for sure but it’s going to be quite a process in the meantime I encourage you guys to ask questions about me about the channel as long as you’re not too personal um and you know just be respectful you can ask what you rathers or if you want to discuss any topics or anything that’s going on in gaming uh feel free to ask I’m a relatively open book but remember keep it PG guys keep it PG there we go doesn’t this look great doesn’t it look pretty and beautiful and like totally not a giant destruction device I think so I think this is going to be amazing I wonder how I can detonate it on let me just add more uh Minecraft is such a beautiful game where we can just have so much fun and make and and totally not make things a go boom and crash the server totally not I think I’m going to make the next pyramid like twice as large on wait nope there we go there we go I feel like the iron is going to be very resistant to um uh to all this stuff hold on there we go and then I should have made it larger should have made it much larger there we go that’s that’s close enough before you got so many Subs uh could you switch to Twitch I don’t think I’ll do twitch I think YouTube is going to be the platform that I’m going to stream on um the you know may just because I like the platform better um and I like the way they’ve been they’re maybe they’ve been doing business better you know what I mean would you rather eat pickles or eat expired peanut butter first of all I hate pickles second of all I hate stomach aches with that comes with eating things expired so probably probably probably if I have to pick uh I would have to say it pickle I don’t like pickles though I really genuinely don’t like pickles but that I would rather have that all right there we go now I’m going to make a larger base much larger base watch this watch this hold on I just going to make a vague outline just like just a large vague outline there we go cuz it’s this remember I’m trying to crash the world here trying to crash the world here that’s my goal of this entire stream yeah I don’t think I would do twitch unless like twitch changes certain policies I would not do twitch I want to stick I want to stick with being a YouTuber depending on what happens I could imagine myself doing kick but even then kick it’s like they’re making some sus decisions they’re making really sus decisions too a little just a little a little bit a buckshot roulette what’s that never heard of it if you’re going to suggest a game I need you guys to like tell me what it’s about you’re playing Mario plus Rabbids nice nice what other games do you play on Twitch but or on switch by the way because I’m looking for I’m looking for more ideas this is so not even if you had to choose would you pick a million dollars or a million Subs probably a million dollars and use that to invest into YouTube to get a million subscribers you know what I mean cuz then I could like do like I can like advertise or whatever or advertise my channel and like get more people in there cuz for with a million dollars if you know if you have enough knowledge of YouTube you can easily get more than a million subscribers from that you know what I mean unless unless they’re like a million loyal subscribers if there were like a million loyal subscribers then probably the a million Subs because here’s the thing about subscribers guys there are subscribers and then there are subscribers and not every subscriber is like a super loyal subscriber you know what I mean some of them just subscribe and like never watch your content so it depends on the kind of subscribers and cuz I’m doing better than a lot of channels that have hundreds of thousands of uh subscribers mainly because like I’m um because I’m like I have I have a good amount of people that actually watch my content and hang out on my streams although a lot of them admit are not American so they are they’re on at like late late hours like I don’t even expect to basically get most of my people until like maybe three to five hours from now queen says good choice thank you thank you feel free to keep asking questions Mario and Rabbids Minecraft dungeons and fortnite I have well I don’t have Minecraft dungeons but I have that on Game Pass so if I wanted to I could um I could play that and by the way what do you guys think of the sub the new thumbnail I try to add new thumbnails like every week pretty much I got to count this I got to count this 1 two 3 four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 set it to always day okay I got you hold on uh let’s go to game I think it’s on cheats is it on cheats uh let’s see I’m back to pray nice by the way it’s oh so muak muak welcome uh let’s see how do I change it to always day you’re going to play Minecraft nice nice how do I switch it to always day I don’t know how to do that right there we go got it I I found it thank you thank you for helping out guys yo what’s up Jessica all right there we go do you think do you guys think if I fill this up this will crash the server what do you think I think this is a good a good chance of crashing the server I don’t care what you guys are doing here’s what how about this here’s all right here’s the here’s the content build whatever you can before Yer crashes the server it’s going to be amazing you’re back welcome back Mason so guys if you’re going to build build right now cuz I’m literally going to try to crash the server if you had to choose between the funnest game in the world or most popular game funnest game funnest game easy how good is your PC my PC is really good but I but look we’re going to put it to the test guys we are going to put it to the test and if you don’t have a good PC good luck and if you haven’t already guys don’t forget to leave a like just hold down on the screen for like two seconds I have like a razor laptop and it’s pretty it’s a pretty good one too if it’s over 1,000 FPS and and and your FPS is under a th000 it will crash we’ll find out I’m hoping it’ll crash I’m really hoping to I want to set off like a chain Reactions where I have multiple giant pyramids that just go boom your PC is good you don’t play much nice yo what’s up Stars welcome back Stars after crashing the server what are you going to do uh probably either switch to regular Minecraft or um do Roblox welcome back brother welcome back remember you guys have until I finish building three giant exploding pyramids okay after I’m done I’m going to check on what you’re building in Minecraft and uh if you don’t have anything good well if you have something good I’ll rate which one’s the best and then I’ll destroy we already did Roblox we did we did we did but we could do it more we’ll do some more why not I can even do some stard Valley do you guys know stard Valley do you watch stardy Valley it’s a lot of fun yo we got rain no Don’t Rain on My Parade are you helping me out bro are you helping me build out build this giant destruction pyramid appreciate that bro appreciate that cuz I probably can only do it so fast on my own I appreciate the extra speed you don’t know stardy Valley is stardy Valley is like Animal Crossing mixed with like Minecraft AFK all right bro is about to create ww3 server I don’t know guys I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see I’m about to create like the next um I’m about to create like the next like uh Ground Zero on on my Minecraft server just watch guys it’s going to be crazy look at this giant pyramid I’m making and look at what I’m feeling it with it’s going to be so much it’s going to be crazy when I set them off how should I should I do I have to set it off on creative mode with like um with a with red stone do I use Redstone is that how you do it or do I have to like just turn creative mode off for a second and like whack it I’m probably going to use Redstone yeah yeah we got little boy over there and this one over here is called fat man actually no this is going to be little boy and I’m going to make an even larger one larger pyramid called fat man maybe maybe I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see I encourage you guys to build something before I completely destroy the server please please build something before I destroy the server you’re only going to get a limited amount of time guys oh we got somebody else joining nice it’s it’s taking so long long to fill just the base oh my gosh oh yeah no this is this about to go crazy once I have this thankfully it’ll get like easier and easier with each time oh thank you for the Hearts by the way with each like layer that I build up uh because like after I after I build up um like the base it’s like you know that’s like one layer less that I need to to fill it out I don’t even think I’m going to build the third pyramid I think literally like this is like enough oh yeah no this about to go crazy guys this is about to go so crazy hurry up and join before you cause World War yeah guys just yeah just join join and try to build something you don’t have to help me out try to build something before I destroy this entire planet um in in Minecraft I don’t think it’ll destroy the planet no it won’t but it’ll it’ll probably crash the server easy easy have you ever thought about making a blueprint of your world so you can go into your normal one builds you made in the copy one um what do you mean make a blueprint I don’t know what that means like a copy of it like a copy of the server then and just keep it nope nope nope yo I heard a boom oh yeah your VR is going to crash bro this is you’ll probably have to buy a whole new VR not going to lie I copy of it got it oh no this is going to be crazy guys this is going to be crazy I’m I’m so excited for it though it’s going to take forever it’s going to take like really a lot of hard work and by a lot of hard work I mean my uh my hand’s going to get sore Yer what are you doing um drinking water don’t ask questions just accept what’s happening I may or may not try to crash the server may or may not there we go there we go this one’s going to be all gold though there we go let me just aim downward yo I figured it out no don’t don’t make it go boom don’t do that and this one’s going to be just gold though cuz I think I feel like Iron’s very resistant to TNT oh thank you thank you I’m glad Elaine yo this is crazy I’m going to fill in these gaps and now back to destruction yo hold on you’re blocking my way oh I figured out how to speak speed run this look at that speedrun you don’t have to do it I’m going to do it um if you had to choose Minecraft or Roblox which one would you choose probably Roblox cuz there’s more to do on Roblox in my opinion there’s like way more to do yo I’m going to finish this so quick I figured out the recipe guys I figured out the speed run Strat how many pyramids are you building probably just three like this is the largest one I’m building and then I’m going to build another smaller one on the other side of this um and then after that I’m I’m just going to make them all go boom so guys if you’re trying to build something in the server I would start building it right this second cuz it’s not going to take too long before I crash it ah hold on bright light just need to Blink better oh my gosh this is beautiful guys this is going to be the best this is going to be the best server crash ever you to play Geometry Dash nice nice nice and don’t forget guys Friday we’re doing Five Nights at Freddy but Friday is going to be a split stream again I’m going to do a short stream for my North American audience and then I’m going to do another stream for my uh European African and Asian audience okay and that’s going to be like late late so if you’re if you’re so if you’re in North america/south America my time zone um make sure to be there okay make sure to be here Friday um early and it’s going to be a short stream so stay as long as you can and what games did you guys like to see me play by the way out of curiosity I always like to pull people for what games they would like to see me play I have five nights at Freddy for sure people want to see me play fortnite but I can’t play fortnite right now not yet not yet but it’s it’s coming guys lethal company I’ve never played that before are you planning to do block fruits yeah we can do block fruits later we can do block fruits later for sure what by the way what fruits do you guys have in Block fruits I have I have a lot of fruits I I have ice fruit and storage I have magma fruit and I have a magma fruit in the storage I have um also I have what do you call it Quake fruit and then something else you only level 356 that’s close to my level it’s like a spider thing you mean the spike fruit how do you speedrun blocks like that okay so you look down you look down and then you hold you hold the right click and then you drag yourself backwards look down right click and then go backwards hold on yeah you got it you got it bro congrats nice nice nice oh now I’m going to go back here and I’m going start I’m going to start doing this do you have a voice chat on Roblox I won’t do voice chat on Roblox I won’t do that I won’t do any voice chat not really because you know for safety reasons I want to help out but I don’t have Minecraft well you’re helping out just by watching my channel literally just by hanging out here and just you know having just being chill being cool you are actually helping me get monetized so thank you so much Elaine I appreciate that yeah I don’t do I don’t want to do voice chat one time I tried to do voice chat on like a game a while ago I had to get rid of it cuz people are saying like the worst curse words you could ever imagine on voice chat so I’m not I’m not doing them no it’s too much of a risk too much of a risk and I got to be smart yeah Mason what do you think of this I I got it aari I got it I got you I got you don’t worry about it yeah I wouldn’t get it no matter what because I do want to be safe and I do want to be very conscious of like um of like the content that I’m putting out and the potential for things to get bad you know the potential for other people to ruin the fun and to get me banned so you got to like you got to protect yourself you got to protect yourself H hold on a hair in my eye I do encourage you guys to build the to build your own stuff before I destroy absolutely everything yo check this out chat let’s see where we’re at look at that chat isn’t that crazy and we ain’t done yet we ain’t done yet nope POV my farts be like no no farts are not like this farts do not go boom farts go depending depending on depending on things depending on things oh my gosh this is going to be great I thought it this is going to take forever but now I feel like I can get it done in a reasonable amount of time hey Yer is your real name Yer uh no depending on what you ate yeah that’s funny Stars uh no but uh just call me AER just call me Yer it’s not like lwig where Ludwig’s actual name is lwig or should I say ludig look at that super easy easy does it let’s see if you have a gun and one bullet and four doors the first is many sharks the second and some snakes and zombies and the fourth is a lion and a wolf um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know do you think you’re going to lag I think I’m going to crash the server that’s what I’m trying that’s what I’m trying to do yeah here’s the thing I would I’d rather deal with the sharks cuz all I have to do is avoid the water that’s what I would probably do Mr mask guy any other W you rathers any other questions you guys want to ask I always encourage questions although try not to make them too personal okay I want I want everybody to be safe cuz remember you never know who’s watching you really never know hey yo you could just outrun zombies that depends if they’re slow zombies yes if they’re fast zombies no and it’s in a room with a door so there’s no guarantee that you can even outrun them wow okay hold on hold on guys okay wow you guys are building fast would you be a cat or a lizard definitely a cat cats have like the best life ever on guys I need to concentrate cats basically get a or get basically a house yeah true you have a cat name Max oh nice I got a cat in that called haa Dappa I got a cat named HOA he’s the most adorable thing ever he has like blue eyes he’s like a mix of like chocolate and mocha and he’s just beautiful yeah the thing about being a cat is that you’re basically like a king you live like a king like human beings no matter how you behave human beings for the most part would just like accept that you’re just a cat and they’ll just take care of you whereas if you’re a lizard I don’t know lizards have less space that they can roam cats are also like ninjas too cats are crazy ninjas your cat’s name is I wonder why I wonder why I should have named her mixed lizards get eaten a lot because in the wild I mean cats get eaten too uh do you have a pet yes elain I do have a few pets I got a cat named haapa I have a pitbull named Coco and I have a um chihuahua named chicha is it going to crash this live yes and that’s my that’s my plans that’s my that’s my intention they’re like kids names kind of they’re like they’re like what You’ name a Teletubby kind of does anybody here watch anime and you and do you guys watch Legend of Kora which is not necessarily an anime but let well how about instead of cor just Avatar in general beautiful look at all that you watch the last air bender that’s a great show isn’t it it’s like one of my favorite shows of like all time like the writing on that is like a one and the animation it takes a while for the animation to get really good but it’s still like like basically like the end of the first season SL the second season but it’s like seriously one of my favorite shows of all time has anybody been watching boruto been keeping up with boruto or Naruto boruto Naruto is like my favorite Naruto definitely before Boro but I still like them both who’s your favorite character you don’t watch Naruto oh it’s great it’s absolutely great um who’s your favorite character in Avatar mine would have to be Zuko because of like the car his whole character Arc you like Ang or as they say in the um in the what do you call it the the movie that they made live action movie on that movie was so bad I don’t even like remembering it you watch my hero Academia that’s a great show it really is a great show I haven’t I haven’t like I think I’m like on the fifth season but I don’t know how I don’t remember how far into it I am but I got to I got to like catch up on that for sure is it me or my hero Academia but when they got to like the third fourth season they started getting a little weird just a little weird you finish it all really it’s finished I didn’t even know it’s finished I thought the manga was still ongoing you just watched the first season nice bro nice let’s see I had finished if there’s making you don’t know if they’re making more oh okay okay so like you you finished that season but they could be making more well I feel like it’s not over until the protagonist marries the female love interest which is uraka um that’s like the very last actually they don’t even do that last they should do that last but it’s probably going to be like because it’s a Shonen they’re going to probably do it like Naruto where it’s like they’ll do that after the show ends as like a special or something like that but it’s not going to be over until all for one is taken out like until all for one is taking out it’s not going to be over what do you guys think about the main character deu what do you guys think I think that he’s starting to get a little too overpowered for me to for me to like like him does that make sense like the protagonist of my hero Academia is getting he’s gotten way too powerful for me to like him because he’s changed so much it’s almost like it’s almost like he’s like a shadow of his former self because what made me like him was like his Underdog qualities and like how much he planned and strategized cuz he had to cuz he didn’t have have powers and I will be doing giveaways once I get some money from YouTube which is should be in the next few months maybe sooner depending on how what happens and depending if I go viral or not who knows if I get a th000 subscribers now honestly even if I get a thousand at this point I probably won’t have enough to monetize it’s going to take it’s going to take a few months of grinding watch hours to get monetized so remember just by watching my streams and rewatching my streams um you actually help me get to monetization you’ll get to the point help me get to the point where I can give away Robux and then before that I have to get like a PO Box um and hold on I wish you got a million Subs as fast as possible well thank you I appreciate that it’ll happen it’ll happen for sure I mean I’m sure I’ll get to 750 by today I mean the longer I stream I notice the more I end up getting pushed towards so you never know you never know you never know guys I’m keeping my I’m tempering my expectations I’m keeping them low but you know within the next few months for sure we’ll be getting monetized cuz I already have I’m going to probably hit a th000 subscribers before I get the watch hours at the rate I’m going um so as long as I keep grinding I keep streaming I’ll get there I also think I want to make a video for Like A th Subs thanking people for a th000 Subs I should have done it for 500 but then I went from 500 to 700 in like a day or two uh so it’s like I you know at this point it’s like I’ll do it at a th I’ll do it at a th um because I I changed from five I didn’t have time to process 500 I went from 500 to 700 like that that was crazy yo thank you for helping me out thank you all yeah just by rewatching the streams that you like that you liked watching and just watching the streams that you missed y’all are seriously help every single one of you in that way is helping me um get to uh get to U sponsor or get to monetize that’s nice haircut oh thank you I cut it myself I cut it myself thank you I need to cut it again actually I think like tonight not tonight but tomorrow I’ll cut it again you deserve more subs oh thank you I don’t know I’m not a fan of believing I like I don’t want to get into the mental state where I believe I deserve things because I I don’t want to do that I feel like it’s very easy to get an ego if you start telling yourself I deserve this I deserve this it’s it’s a little narcissistic too I think so I so I don’t think I deserve it but I will work hard for it no I will not be meeting any of you IRL unless it’s in like a public setting like VidCon or whatever and even then I don’t like conventions or doing stuff like that so no no don’t expect to meet me IRL it’s not going to happen guys I need boundaries there has to be boundaries between the YouTuber and the and the audience but maybe maybe one of these days not now but in the future obviously maybe in the future I’ll do a convention maybe that’s a big maybe and I don’t like conventions okay so like it once you do like no like VidCon or YouTube con or there’s a YouTube convention something like that it’s G to happen Aquario it’s going to happen it’s it’s actually going to happen like really quick I don’t even think I’ll make a third pyramid I think after I finish building this I’m just going to I’m just going to set it off first I’m going to see what everybody else is building do you think it’s going to crash what do you guys think do you think this whole thing’s going to crash hopefully it will crash I’m hoping I’m hoping your computer will lag badly probably there’s a solid chance there’s even a chance I might end my stream that’d be a good clip right uh YouTuber um YouTuber crashes his or makes such a L amount of TNT in Minecraft that it crashes his entire stream wouldn’t that be crazy if I if it crashed my entire stream um and I restarted would you guys like laugh at me would that be funny maybe I should not crash the stream maybe I should not I feel like that’s not a good idea yeah that would be wild that’ probably go viral to be honest Yer come look at my house all right let’s see yeah that’s Apollos all right let’s check out your house it kind of looks like a German Cottage it looks nice so far I wonder if it’ll survive the crash probably won’t and by the way if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like guys just hold down on the stream it really helps me out yeah I looked at the other one can I spawn a villager I want to spawn a villager the one that you call the cottage is mine I know I know rip phone users yeah true if you have a phone your phone’s going to crash when I set this thing off and I’m close y are you going to destroy your whole PC no look I didn’t spend the kind of money you would spend on a car on my PC just for it to crash from a measly Minecraft game no it’s not going to happen guys it might but I don’t think it’s going to happen you’re on the phone by the way well not going to handle it feel bad for you watch it’s going to be real bad I like to think of this pyramid as a metaphor for me in real life golden on the outside destructive on the inside just kidding just kidding feel like that’s all of us though oh it’ll be fun you shouldn’t leave you should hang out you should stay oh no it’s not going to crash your phone cuz your phone is just watching the results it’s not like if you’re if you’re playing the game you’re not you’re not processing anything besides the visual information for my screen you’re not actually processing the TNT in the in Minecraft no don’t worry about that your your phone will be fine your phone will be fine uh like if you were actually playing though then it might crash then it might crash yeah you’ll be fine don’t worry yo okay check that out I want to make one more I think I want to make one more nothing like a small one you know what I mean something to set off this one on a chain reaction that’s what we need we need a chain reaction okay so let’s go here let’s connect these two and let’s kind of cover that up welcome back welcome back we’re about I’m about to crash my server with a bunch of TNT I’ll check out your house it’s not this one this Cottage over here it’s got to be this one this looks nice this looks nice it’s going to be a shame that it’s not going to survive the crash should I just start a fire I’ll just start a fire right here let’s see what after this you playing Roblox I’ll probably play ROBLOX after this I’m going to make a little zigzag line it’s a big zigzag right there and I’m just going to get a good distance away from it let’s see now what I need to do is I need to set up a redstone redstone something oh it’s going it’s going there’s one two whoa dominoes okay it’s it’s making its way towards the pyramid it’s making its way making its way look at that it keeps going it’s going to go towards the little pyramid and then make its way towards the big pyramid yo hold on hold on did it stop no it’s still going it’s still going yo go go go go crash crash crash crash okay now it’s make let’s go to the little pyramid little pyramid little pyramid what boom big pyramid’s about to go boom big pyramid’s exploding yo I’m lagging I’m lagging real bad I can’t see anything there’s like a frame rate of two frames per second well it didn’t crash but I’ll tell you this it definitely it definitely destroyed some houses that was amazing I’m going to clip that yeah you guys can still build sorry for your house bro I kind of I kind of ripped a giant hole through your house sorry about that sorry about that oh no it’s still going it’s still going look at that it’s still processing look at that it’s like craters like the Moon you got kicked out by the explosion nice yo what’s up Elaine look at dark side’s house look at that it just missed him look one made it over here and one made it over there it literally just missed him you got lucky bro you got lucky you want to be crazy you want to be crazy yeah I know check that out check that out let’s see I’m back I’m pretty sure that I’m on the wrong live stream what do you mean you’re on the long wrong live stream you’re on the right one you are with Yer and by the way guys we’ll be switching off to uh to Roblox in a little bit all right I got you Elaine all right remember eat your food don’t forget food and nutrition is important yeah yo bro this is crazy this is crazy look at that giant crater that I made that was beautiful that was beautiful look at that I look like I made like a lake you know what actually I am going to make a lake I’m going to I’m going to turn that into a lake right now extreme hide-and seek we can I’m going to make this into a lake and I want to make an island on that Lake why you break my cereal bowl I didn’t break your cereal bowl you broke your cereal bowl all right first I made a crater now I’m going to make it into a lake see I’m just being creative guys being creative make a giant Lake it’s a big pool no it’s a lake there’s a difference you tried to do a back flip and you got on your back after that y you got to be careful guys don’t do a back flip unless you’re being um assisted by a uh a certified gymnastics instructor cuz those are dangerous when are we going to play Roblox in a little bit in a little bit that’s like the next game we’re playing be patient guys be patient I want to build I want to turn this into a giant pool and then I’m going to look at the houses that you guys are building and then we’ll switch to Roblox oh I’ve played extreme hideand-seek extrem hideand-seek is fun I’m probably going to take a food break for for a little bit I’m going take a food break and like what are you guys are you guys in here to hang out with Yer or are you in here to play Roblox okay are you guys here for me are you guys actually fans are you I got to know I got to know just be honest it won’t break my heart it might a little bit but I’ll be fine I’ll recover I’m I’m just look up water nope nothing besides the bucket that’s fine you’re a fan forever oh I appreciate you I appreciate that this guy said Roblox hey you don’t watch me you just watch want to watch Roblox oh no that hurt bro that hurt my heart this guy said he’s here for both nobody cares about Yer no my feelings my precious feelings they have been damaged I will never recover I’m I’m joking I’m joking you guys I know I know you guys are here for me or at least most of you most of you okay yeah um I thought I was doing more than that okay hold on yeah this Lake isn’t even like partially full there we go there we go you’ve been here since 190 Subs um to 200 Subs nice nice and I appreciate that stars I do I do thank you guys for being a part of the Journey of becoming the next big YouTube live streamer I appreciate that I really do it’s going to happen so fast guys imagine you put uh in your fish what I don’t understand that I don’t understand that at all here he’ll stay here till 100 million what is that is that uh one let’s see z uh so like a million a million you’ve been here since 100 have you have you really been here since about 100 I’m not I don’t remember anybody I I don’t remember uh who’s been here since 100 at all I don’t like I don’t remember like I don’t remember I I know some of you are earlier than later but I don’t remember like how earlier like it feels like it’s been it was so long ago when in reality it wasn’t very long at all it’s just been so crazy how quickly things have been happening it’s like hard to process it you know what I mean thank you for the Hearts by the way thank you for the hearts all right let’s see how far I’ve gotten on my Lake there we go W Lake look at that look at that hey look there’s still TNT over here yo what are you doing don’t build no no no more TNT you’re going to destroy my Lake put fish I’ll put fish hold on let me first add more let me first add more water how dare you destroy my water the loneliest day of my life oh there’ll be more lonely don’t worry about that it gets lonlier from here and it never stops I’m just kidding I’m just kidding guys or am I all right all right now I’m going to add some fish what kind of fish should I add should I add like deadly fish I’m going to add puffer fish just a bunch of puffer fish I can’t even add them I can only eat them and I poison myself that’s not good and now I’m tripping look at that I can’t see everything’s all blurry there we go you’re still sick but you’re watching my live oh thank you for choosing Yer as your streamer for when you’re sick I appreciate that I hope you get better everybody pray for Elaine I’m sure she’ll get better and thank you for the Emojis I I should have fill it full of poisonous puffer fish why not that sounds funny to me look at that doesn’t this seem like a good Lake just full of things that’ll make you like die and trip look at this beautiful all right see you later Elaine hope you get better all right guys now that I’ve nearly crashed the server River or at least craft some other people built a giant Lake over the crater that I made and filled it with poisonous puffer fish I am going to take a quick food break and then when I come back we’ll be playing some more Roblox guys okay he said wait all right you better hurry should I just this this is not going to be nice hold on what’s up Leia what’s up have you are you new to this chat come see my house I’m looking at it I’m looking at it all right I see it all right well welcome Leah if you haven’t already could you do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen for a couple of seconds and uh that’s how you leave a like thank you so much look at your house it’s I think I flooded it I I might have flooded it just a little bit and also I a Discord it’s in the pinned comments if you check that out Leia um you’ll be given one of the um it’s a different house that actually ruined it no it did not it did not ruin it watch I can easily I can easily undo this the zesty chats we’re just warning you Leah um yeah check out my Discord uh in the pinned comments and if you join that and you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people to join and you’ll be given the special title of OG yeah it’s all across the top it’ll go away just watch see just go across the center of the top maybe I did ruin it maybe I’m a bad person didn’t mean to bro no you don’t need roo you don’t need it um I might have ruined it might have ruined it yo what’s up Kaden welcome to the chat and if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like just hold down on the screen for two seconds it’s infinite water source bro you didn’t tell me that oh on I got it I can fix it I can fix it watch I can fix it see I can fix this water with Magma see okay maybe I can’t you’re back welcome back beerus okay hold on I I can fix this I can fix this I can fix this I just need lava guess what what is it Kaden I could fix this with lava there’s no sponge there we go I can fix it with lava see lava will fix [Music] this look at it oh my gosh I’m a bad person I’m a horrible person but this is hilarious it’s okay the lava will make all the water go away I not no I’m not setting in a fire I’m getting rid of the water see lava fixes water it’s okay the wood Will Survive it’s on water we’re fine guys see look see the water’s going away I mean everything else is going away too but it’s okay see we’re fine I’m fixing it I’m fixing everything I got you bro I’m looking out for you why are you putting more because we need more there needs to be more lava there’s too much water you see all the water damage everybody knows the way you fix water is with lava see I got you I got you bro I’m looking out for you brother I am I’m Team Dark Side over here there we go there we go let’s just let’s get all this water out of the way there we go there we go you know got I I think I think I made it worse I might have made it worse well you know you could all what you could always do is build a lava house why don’t you build a lava house bro ever heard of building a lava house I got you I’ll help you out SAR said it was ugly to start off with looks good yeah check out it’s a lava house bro it’s a lava house look I’ll go inside real quick and it’s nothing but fire and brimstone okay that didn’t work all right hold on where’s your house you want me to check out your house I got you bro look at your house it looks much better now oh this house well it’s beautiful it would be a shame if somebody were to accidentally do that and that and that and that I’m feeling like a menace today chat there we go now we got two lava houses this beautiful isn’t it yeah I don’t know I’m just doing this for Content I’m just messing around I’m honestly I’m never I’m probably never going to play this create I’m going to make a new creative eventually but um you know should you should be more of a menace on Roblox you know I should be I should go Menace mode I’m in a menace mood right now on let me let me finish off this house just so that I’m like like I technically I already blew a giant hole through it but I’m just going to finish the job with lava I seeing a little bit beerus yo is that house actually recovering you actually salvaging this house bro all right I’m not I already destroyed it I’m not going to I’m not going to overdo it I’m not going to overdo it but I’m thinking about it all right we’re going to be playing Roblox in a bit guys hold I want to look at some things real quick it’s actually a picture of me it’s a meme of me doing uh doing my Riz it’s actually and welcome back paper welcome back oh y y’all could play for sure y’all could play let’s see there should be a Monster Spawner in here I had to ruin your Lake it’s okay you ruined my Lake I ruined everybody else’s houses it’s look we’re all being a menace towards each other what’s this a beacon what’s the beacon do what is that do I’ve never even seen a beacon before hold on oh let’s add some totems okay Dark Side Dark Side the point was not that you were doing anything to me you did not deserve this I will tell you Dark Side you did not deserve this I did this because I thought it would be funny for content and in content creation sometimes you got to destroy to build here you go here’s a here’s a Golem that how do you place a Golem there we go play with Mod sometime later and what’s that there you go here’s some Iron Golems for you bro here’s some Iron Golems to protect your house you’re welcome and we got a w Sub in here thank you for the W sub bro I got a Discord in the pin comments if you join that you’ll be one of the first 10,000 people to join and be given the special title of OG and I also also um make sure to like make sure to like the stream just hold down on the screen for two seconds yeah hold on he’s a menace yeah I was feeling a menace beerus says I did a face reveal don’t Reveal Your Face guys don’t Reveal Your Face don’t be silly all right in a little bit what’s going to happen is how do I draw my mobile I can’t copy and paste it uh if you hold it down if you hold down you should be able to copy so what’s going to happen guys um I’m going to end this real quick I’ll be right back I’m going to take a food break and when I come back uh we’ll be playing uh some more Roblox o Snow Golems hold on I I could I could save you with snow golems I got you bro on let me see if I could save this place with snow golems just tell me what the beacon does I have no idea what it does I’ll accept your request I got you bro yep we’re going to be playing Roblox in a bit can we play flea we can play flee the facility do you guys want to play flee the facility I’m just sending a bunch of snowmen to their Doom it’s so laggy really can I think I can crash the server with uh ice Golems yeah we’ll play block RS for sure too let me just crash the server we could also play some murder mystery murder mystery is a classic let me just try to crash the server real quick remember I created this server for the purposes of destroying it so don’t get to never if I if I ever do okay so if I ever do creative that’s generally a server I plan on destroying so don’t get too attached to anything don’t get attached to anything cuz I will destroy it put on cheats and after I crash the server just let let me crash it real quick just to crash nah let me crash it first you can’t crash it you darn totin I can all right guys guys add more TNT in can all the Snowman will crash maybe maybe maybe that sounds interesting I don’t think I’m going to do it though all right guys I want to take a quick food break quick 15 20 minute break anybody that comes in here um I’d appreciate if you guys would just let them know that I’m just taking a quick food break and if you can hang out for like 10 15 more minutes I would very much appreciate that as well um I’m going to leave real quick I’ll put on I’ll put on cheats fine fine but I am going to uh basically like I’ll leave the server up but I’m not going to be on the server okay I’m going to be going to get something to eat so let’s see where’s the cheats where’s the cheats I don’t see the cheats no 1015 like like basically up to like 15 20 minutes about right about let’s see General No Game No peaceful member flat how do you turn on cheats guys yeah cheats are activated you can use cheats okay all right you’re an operator I’m only going to give full blood an operator only going to give full blood operator all right guys I’m going to go get something to eat feel free to join feel free to have fun I will be right back for e e for e for for e e e e all right I’m back you Hooligans I’m back I’m back welcome back R welcome wel how’s it going aari welcome back serial yo hold on let me just see how sus you guys have been while I’ve been gone chat chat why every time I leave y’all just start getting zesty like why oh my gosh oh my gosh guys why why every time every time I probably shouldn’t be watching in general like honestly I should just like close my eyes whenever you guys start uh whenever you guys like um start talking after I leave Yer I’m not with them you better not be you better not be by the way guys I want to show you something I want to show you something we’re only a few hours into the stream and we’re already at 34 watch hours guys there used to be a time where my goal was to get 40 watch hours by the um eight by The 8 Hour Mark and we’re not even like less than half of that so guys I might need to readjust my expectations to 60 to 70 watch hours per stream guys all right so the first game we are playing on Roblox guys stop being guys stop being crazy all right the first game we’re going to be playing on Roblox is uh I’ll figure it out when I get there hold on let me just switch the screen give me a second and put on some music 3 two 1 yo you got 30 seconds and your Wi-Fi cuts out well there serial if you haven’t done so yet don’t forget to leave a like on the stream it really helps bro hold down on the screen and leave a like thank you so much bro all right guys enough spamming enough spamming you had your fun you had your fun I got you aari I got you all right all right guys now here’s what we’re going to do there is something called Power Tycoon and we are going to play it while we figure out what to do next and guys if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like just hold down on that screen to leave a like and we got like we got a w sub do we got a w sub I don’t know all right guys we’re playing join join while you can I want to be [Music] storm we could we could try something new after this for sure we could do um let’s see doors we could do later but what what did you have in mind what what what did you have in mind what new thing did you want to try yo we got a w sub thank you you can do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on that screen for like two seconds and uh I also have a Discord I have a Discord in the pinned comments check that out you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be giv the special title of OG beerus can I roast someone as long as they AG as long as they consent to roasting if you agree to roast each other then for the normal limitations that I have on the respect rule will be temporarily lifted so you have to ask this person can I roast you and they’ be like all right bet and then it’s then it’s hats off guys sub toer oh thank you thank you rder thank you bro thank you bro I’m I’m growing super fast guys it’s crazy although I’m growing like too fast and by that I mean my subscriber amount I’m getting so many subscribers but I’m not getting like the watch hours I need so even if I get I think honestly the way things are going mathematically even if I get a th000 subscribers I still won’t be monetized cuz I still need like about a month to catch up on watch hours depending depending uh go to ascending servers uh what’s that yo what’s up airplane what’s up bro never heard of that before and what what game do you guys want to play next oh got you now I know what you mean uh no it’s too late it’s too late I’m already in the game I’m already in a game and there’s like okay no there’s actually zero room there’s zero room left oops it’s all right guys I’m not going to play this for very long this won’t take long don’t worry but thank you all for joining if you have not already don’t forget to leave that like by holding down on the screen it really helps me grow to become the next big YouTube live streamer and I’m working for that guys let’s see Hello play you what’s up man guy you play strongest Battlegrounds and you are Italian Jessica welcome back Jessica welcome back but no um brother but anyways yeah guys guys don’t forget to leave a like hold down on the screen hold down on the screen and for like two seconds you’ll see it watch guys I there’s a chance I can get a thousand subscribers this very stream it could happen you never know aari what are you counting up for what are you counting up for bro why you being sus oh that’s why you’re doing that you’re doing that to like call that other person out see Jessica’s back like it doesn’t have to be 5 Seconds that’s just a matter of saying things oh aari chill chill you need to roast somebody why don’t you roast your own mother just call her over and be like hey mama I got some things that I got to say that are going to make you want to smack my head upside down and then we’ll put rip in the chat for you do it you won’t I’m just kidding don’t do that that’s that’s not nice don’t do that respect your and honor your parents as much as you can at least ripip Kai in the chat decided to roast his own mother he said I bet I don’t want to bet nothing don’t do it no don’t actually do that that’s horrible that’s not advice that was just a bit it’s joking around bro can’t control his urges yeah bro is literally letting the intrusive thoughts win although I’m sorry to say that I was the intrusive thought Gabe says Yer is playing tycoons now I love tycoons for those of you who don’t know tycoons are my absolute favorite game type they’ve always been my favorite game type even back in like 201 like 11 2009 I was I love to play tycoons it’s just my thing guys it’s literally just my thing why are you listing random animals are those your favorite animals you know what my favorite animal is I personally Love Dogs I know it’s basic I know dogs are basic welcome back Jessica welcome back but I like dogs but like a like a w you got slapped what What You’re darn right your mother should have slapped you for saying that stuff I hope I hope you didn’t tell him that I I hope you didn’t tell her that I told you to say say [Music] that why didn’t it change why did what change what are you talking about Jessica that haircut is already grown back yeah I know I need to cut it again I need to cut it again have you been putting milk uh before the cereal no no no the only people that do that are sus people remember when your cat ruined your stream that was staged that was staged you could actually go to the live stream when I did that and I and I tell you guys I’m about to Stage something watch what’s a crime what are you talking about should I drink milk oh yeah drinking get putting milk before the cereal everybody should drink milk even if you’re lactose intolerant you should drink milk milk is good for you you should make yourself not lactose intolerant by drinking enough milk yeah I know putting milk before the cereal that’s just sacriligious that’s like an insult wonder what’s also wonder what’s also evil play D we’ll play that in a bit bro and if you haven’t already Ado frell don’t forget to push on the screen push on the screen two seconds and uh you’ll be able to um and you’ll be able to uh like the channel like the stream star only people know that it was staged if they knew Yer lore it’s literally in the description too bro it’s literally in the [Music] description what’s my favorite food does anybody know my favorite food I feel like we got some people that have heard me say my favorite food if you know my favorite food let me know in the chat I know you’re a boy Jessica but your name’s Jessica I thought we were going to play flea we could do that later we could do that for sure we got bro we got so much time I’m going to be streaming for like four and a half hours we have so much time yep cheeseburgers I already liked and subbed when I saw your channel oh thank you Mr guy thank you or should I say um Gra gra by the way where’s everybody from where’s everybody [Music] from yep the other ones like pizza like fast food SL delivery pizza how you going to drink milk if your dad didn’t come back oh oh that one’s going to leave a burn [Music] all right should I just start being a menace towards people on the server I’m thinking about [Music] it he could buy his own [Music] now yo what’s up Jessica what’s up what’s up everyone what’s up Mas guy what’s up oh yeah my chat’s being toxic I know it’s okay it’s okay they have permission oh what’s up Philippines what’s up who’s hogging the spaces in the server oh I’ll I’ll out them right now we got some person named o there’s airplane mattress we got Eve here some person named breadsticks some person named Brizzy and some person named owl and some person named flash go I could put well I’m going to I’m going to I’m not even going to like finish this I’m just going to get my weapons and then I’m just going to like start being a menace and then after I’ve gotten my fill of being a menace won’t be that long uh we’ll switch to a different game I think I’ll switch to flee the facility first and then I’ll try something different and like a new game I want you guys to suggest a new game for me okay what kind what’s a new game that we haven’t played before that sounds fun we could do like an Obby we could do like another Tycoon I mean this is like a new Tycoon um we could do I don’t know I don’t know what’s out there you guys tell me there we go yo I could shoot electricity at people cool yo that’s cool and I just got wasted no no Mario Obby that sounds fun can we not do blade ball or death ball or anything that’s not already played we could try some stuff we’ll try some new things in fact I’m going to switch games right now guys we’ll switch games right now what do you guys feel like what do you guys feel like dots doors piano what’s piano yo stop spamming we played doors before what’s piano doors or flea I love your Mario impression oh thank you thank you I don’t want to play a piano no oh no I’m not going to do that I’m not going to do that doors sounds fun though we can play doors a lot of people want to see me play doors let’s do doors and then let’s do flea and then we’ll pick another one let’s see we’ll do doors we got most people want to watch doors all right we’ll play doors we’ll play it I’m switching over hold on do I have a private server let’s go to ascending Five Nights at Freddy main theme I do not I do not it’s it’s going to be weer live there we go bu now it’s free let’s customize it see you later airplane and then there we go now we can join all right I’m making a do a private doors can we do Pian I don’t want to play piano that doesn’t sound fun to me what I can’t join it there’s something wrong with my client somebody join my private server so then then I can join [Music] you I don’t want to play it I don’t want to I don’t want to hold on Kai are you playing it I can’t do doors like I can’t do regular doors like my private server for some reason it’s not letting me [Music] join no go to doors go to private server cuz watch wait there we go we got some on some people oh I’m going to join you there we go all right guys join me in my private server I can’t join it directly but I can join it with um other people all right we’re playing doors guys we’re playing doors get in there everybody join yo what’s up so how do we play where do we go yo what’s up guys what’s up you guys how we all doing we chilling tonight we got a good crowd going come on let’s go pick a place where we get there’s enough room for everybody where’s like the most where’s like the largest door is it down here nope nope cuz it looks like the largest one is like four people only and that doesn’t seem like it’s [Music] enough okay we’re it’s going to be first come first served join if you can and if if you miss it okay I if you if you play this round you have to leave for the next round okay isn’t this a scary game I think I remember that’s a scary game okay it’s not so you say so you say all right we got Hive in here we have this person with the red hair we got looks like Jonathan only four people yeah what tell you what we’ll switch to a different game it’s scary for new people it was scary for me when I played tell you what because there’s not that many people that can play this we’ll just do one round of this and then we’ll move on to a different game you can create for 10 I didn’t know that I did not know that okay got a key I mean yeah obviously if you know what to expect it’s not going to be scary but I have no idea what to expect all right see you later Jessica thanks for hanging out when the lights flicker hide in the closet well where’s the closet why isn’t it working yo out you’re out of the way there we go can I join later yeah we’re going to be changing game soon anyways okay there’s a closet I want to stay close to the closet so we have to like get past all of this stuff and when the lights flicker hide in the closet and try not to die that’s like the main goal right okay I don’t see any closets nearby though this is a little worrying we need to find closets as soon there are some closets there’s a bunch of closets in here this is like the safe room can we do murder mystery 2 next well I’ll think about it that’s okay Elaine that’s okay you just want to watch okay thank you for watching it’s actually helping me get monetized so thank you appreciate [Music] that oh scary music is better it’s better yeah scary I hear it coming from my headphones which I have set to the side but I don’t like to like actually listen to my [Music] headphones I feel like it’s been a while since we come across any monster I hope I don’t drinx it oh this looks like the Hufflepuff um area like that like where the Hufflepuff common room is in Harry Potter [Music] the gear is the scary part of the music to playing what day are you going to be live again I’m going to be live every day until Sunday Sunday is going to be the last day this week that I’m [Music] live yo where’s the scary guy I feel like we have it too easy and don’t forget to leave a like if you haven’t already hey look a [Music] pencil where is the rush I have no idea what we even looking for bro so are we getting attacked or what I don’t hear [Music] anything I’m just following like I’m running around with my head like a a chicken with a head cut off and I’m just following Hive trying to keep in mind where all the Heidi spots are what do we do bro I’m just waiting for the lights to go up because I can’t really hear it too [Music] well you guys play speed running I’ve never played that before no all right what’s in Door Number 15 no the lights on I’m hiding in here guys there’s a monster somewhere nearby you’re no you’re speed running Fame am I speed running Fame am am I is this is this am I speed running YouTube live streaming Fame could be if I was really speedr running I’d have something go viral that’s scary that’s terrifying I don’t like that I don’t like that what happened I got pushed out of the hiding spot does that mean I’m [Music] dead I’m going to hide under here no stay hidden stay hidden I got you Elaine I got you and thank you for the W sub by the way appreciate apprciate that don’t forget to like the channel you can do me a huge favor just hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds and leave a like and also if you can do me a huge favor and um uh join my Discord I have it in the pinned comments yeah I’m getting out of here bro I’m getting out of here bro there’s a light over here do I go towards the light no I do not light is bad light is bad light is very bad all right hide right here there we go are we safe W safe chat W safe W safe okay maybe not W safe maybe I got to get out of here now I’m going this [Music] way all right can I get W safe can I get W safe can I get W safe no I’m trapped I’m actually very much trapped in here I got to find a different place got to find somewhere else I can’t see anything though yes nope I’m dead I’m dead I’m [Music] dead I don’t know what to do is everybody else dead I’m hiding under here am I safe now de you safe come I don’t know where you guys are at all I know is that under the bed is safe for now and it’s not safe anymore nope okay well it was safe for like 2 seconds yo there you at there you at I see you all right see you later beerus how did I survive that guys that was crazy all right next room speedrun let’s [Music] go okay yeah that was scary guys basically for a moment I was pretty like 100% sure that I was going to die play Dark Souls in the future um maybe maybe I’m not good at it I’ve never actually gotten very far past the very first game [Music] my brother was really into Dark Souls though nothing you have school to 8 to N9 hours left okay do well in school bro do well in school you’ll be doing me a favor if you did also let him know that Yer is the next big YouTube live streamer so let him know to subscribe to me [Music] can we play Murder Mystery too we can do that in a little bit for sure all right let me know when it’s safe to go out let me know when it’s safe to go out is it safe now is it safe now nope is not safe I do not know that game no where did hi [Music] go there you are Hive all right I’m following you bro lead us to the promised land oh I’m not going to make fun of you Elaine don’t worry don’t [Music] worry Clash of Clans um I’ve I haven’t played that in years and I wasn’t a big fan of it when I did play is there a lag that’s just your Wi-Fi bro get out of McDonald’s go to Burger King Burger King has way better wi-fi bro yeah thank you for having me on in the background I appreciate that look we got a letter Clash of Clans is weird it’s like it’s just like a regular addicting mobile game I know people that are into really into like Clash of Clans like they used to like spend like hours every day doing that [Music] stuff do you play uh rage Shadow Legends no no I don’t play rid Shadow Legends if they sponsored me I I might play you know I might try it out a little bit yo get it off get it off get it off me get off [Music] me do you play Call of Duty I haven’t played Call of Duty in a long time but I think I definitely do want to play like I want to play zombies again I really want to play Call of Duty zombies again I mean I probably do some streams for [Music] that would you guys want to see me play Call of Duty zombies and would you guys want to play the music right now is my f nice and mobile whoa you ran to a door it’s funny uh there’s a monster over there no wait that’s Hive just Hive never mind it’s all good yeah I definitely one day when I can uh when I can get games and write it off as a business expense I will for sure play Call of Duty for sure but as of right now I can’t write it off and I can’t justify getting it did you see those eyes yes they were the very things I was trying to ignore yo what is that [Music] I’m running I’m running M I don’t know what to do guys all I know is I got to run I got to [Music] run [Music] yeah yo what’s up Legend what is up Legend how’s it going bro welcome back to the channel everybody check out the legend they really helped me out in the beginning of YouTube and I appreci and you know I really do appreciate that Legend yo what’s up zahed you can revive how do we revive bro how do you revive just another night another grind just getting my watch hours up trying to FastTrack myself into um into uh monetization you either Rush Screech hide Timothy or Ambush I only know some of those words bro the rest sound like gaming lingo uh $30 of roox I’m not going to spend money on a game that I can have fun playing for free all right guys we’re going to be playing a different game now I’m going moving to we’ll do some murder mystery too we’ll do some murder mystery too it’s a I have to leave in 45 minutes that’s all right brother I Mubarak I muak thank you for hanging out if you can do me a huge favor and leave a like just hold down on that screen for like 2 seconds uh to leave a like I appreciate that bro it really helps the channel grow uh let’s see all you need to know is don’t play with Tommy or he’ll try to got you bro gotcha um yo Yer do you see that red hair guy that’s me okay that’s you got it got it anytime always happy to help out fellow YouTubers thank you Legend I know I appreciate you man you really did you really did help get the ball rolling for me all right so let’s see uh murder I don’t want to do piano mystery 2 I don’t want to do piano I don’t want to because then I got to put on my headphones then I got to put on my headphones I don’t want to do that by the way we’re already at around 40 hours by the way we are already at around 40 hours of watch time which used to be my like goal for watching through eight hours you never try my games out that’s cap I always do but sometimes it’s like unless I really don’t want to I’m gonna go I’m Gonna Leave This but I don’t want to my mom to see this because I’m thinking my mom is g to be mad I mean it’s just a live stream it’s just a live stream okay but whatever it’s all right are you going to play Five Nights at Freddy this Friday Friday is f is Five Nights at Freddy Friday that’s when we’re going to try it out make a server like a murder mystery server you never try my I try all yours okay but guys keep in mind keep in mind okay like I’m not going to be able to do everything all right don’t get mad at me I’m trying here I’m also trying to consider what everybody else wants to do you’ll be back after that okay got you Elaine got you nope okay got an idea how about we can I join that one no yes I do don’t don’t don’t say I don’t don’t say I don’t curse Battlegrounds I don’t play I don’t like Battlegrounds games that much I always get wrecked in those games I always do oh hold I got an idea I’m going to go to like the most engaging or hold on hold on hold on hold on better yet up and coming cuz I’m cuz I’m up and coming so let’s see what’s up up and coming we have anime punch simulator we have Bigfoot Alpha we have aftermath what’s that it’s an open world Zombie Survival looter shooter guys let’s play it no let’s play this one guys guys let’s play this one zombies I want to play zombies don’t you guys want to play zombies IES play Zombies oh I had to buy it never mind never mind you’re right you’re right can’t play it it’s Roo yeah you’re right I just saw it bro I literally just saw that people who don’t have roblo I mean Robo I don’t have any roo I’m not going to get roo extreme hide-and seek Tower Defense simulator all right guys here’s what’s going to happen all right I’m going to leave a poll I’m going to leave a poll I’m going to make a poll if I can make a poll I’m G to end that poll hold on not that pole that’s that’s a blank pole that’s a blank pole I’m going to make a poll what to play okay Extreme Hide and Seek Tower Defense broken bones something else and I’m starting the pole now you guys got about five minutes to decide you guys got about five minutes to decide I’ll wait I’ll wait I’ll be on my iPhone okay more like two minutes to be honest look I don’t care they’re all fun to me it does not matter to me so just whatever you want to [Music] play thank you for the Hearts by the way I tell you what one more minute guys one more minute and thank you for the Hearts by the way thank you thank [Music] you I need to cut my hair again my hair is getting longer it’s getting long I used to have a nice nice fade and now it’s it’s it’s grown okay guys one more minute one more minute probably like another 30 more seconds actually nope Extreme Hide and Seek has the most votes we’ll do 10 more seconds 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 well actually extreme hideand-seek and something else is pretty much the same so all right guys I’m going to end this poll what is the something else that you want to play What’s the something else what’s the something else guys whatever that’s we got murder mystery 2 okay I’m going to put it between murder mystery 2 and hide and seek okay murder mystery 2 and hide and seek ready hold I’m going to start another Pool okay what game mm2 hide and seek or piano anything else anything else guys we did but we could play it again it’s not a big deal oh yeah flee the facility flee the facility there we go I can only put so many on the pole I’m very limited how many I can play all right those are the choices I’m gonna leave it up for about a minute and a half everybody vote everybody vote let’s see um let’s see one second all right the votes are in 30 more seconds guys 30 more seconds I don’t want to play the piano guys I’m not in the mood for playing the piano dark side I I genuinely do not want to play that I don’t it’s not going to happen all right I’m we’ll go five more seconds Four 3 2 and the votes are in is going to be murder mystery too now I’m going to put the I’m going to put the uh old pole on back on real quick all right the old poll is back up hold on one second guys I have to answer my texts all I’m going to be going on murder mystery 2 guys we’re switching over to murder mystery 2 on I’ll be right back guys right before I go to murder mystery 2 I have to do something real quick I have to do something real quick I’ll literally it’ll literally take like a minute and a half I’ll be right back guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was not a dookie break all right murder mystery 2 join if you can guys join if you [Music] can uh it’s the newest [Music] one all right I’m in let’s go I think I’m going to try to get a w this time normally I don’t really I just try to hide but I think I’m going to actually try to win W stream in the chat all right guys join if you can seriously join join join thank you for the Hearts by the way I always appreciate the [Music] hearts I’m innocent all right it’s my favorite one that means I get to hide where should I hide I’m I hide should I hide right here is this a smart place to hide okay this will be a good place to hide let’s see let’s see [Music] going [Music] one second guys I’m just [Music] texting yo you’re kind of exposing us oh we’re fine we’re fine guys we’re fine oh I’m G I’m G to ask I’m gonna I’m get some questions [Music] [Music] going let’s see do you have any pre-stream rituals or routines yes I go to the bathroom I let the dogs out I have coffee then I look through then I look through YouTube I look through like my um engagement and I try to find like certain things I just try to look up certain metrics and then I have another coffee and then I go to the bathroom again and then I stream it’s it’s not very interesting but it helps how do you handle trolls or negative comments in your chat to be honest I feel like I’m a little too nice with trolls or negative comments I I always give people tons of Second Chances but what ends up happening is they take advantage of that and so like I still give like Second Chances but by the third time it’s like you for for the rest of the stream you’re not going to be [Music] here that is not very well hidden at all okay hold on I feel like I’ll just go around collecting Easter eggs yo that guy’s got a really realistic looking Avatar that’s freaking me [Music] out the wolf what do you mean bro what do you mean yo oh that wolf that’s funny I did not see him either I did not see him he just kind of popped out of nowhere [Music] yo why does beerus look like um Shannon sharp will there be an age filter on the Five Nights at Freddy stream no there will not be because it’s not a mature game I don’t think let me double check [Music] I’m checking it out right now I’m checking out the age rating for it cuz if it’s like rated T then it should be [Music] fine looking this [Music] up it’s rated for 9 plus so that’s fine yeah no there’ll be no maturity filter in Five Nights at Freddy yeah we’re fine some people rate it like 11 plus but that’s still you know 11 12 13 plus that’s still like family friendly arguably yeah so no maturity rating there will be no maturity filter on there you’ll be fine don’t worry about [Music] it do you remember me what’s up big tender what’s up I don’t I actually don’t remember you I don’t I don’t see you here enough [Music] [Music] I’m just honest I’m being I’m being honest like I I I think I might have remember you like I I think I only seen you like once before like once before oh don’t cry you’re a big person but if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen and leave a like then you’ll be much more memorable yeah you need to hang out more often bro you need to hang out here much more often David I wish I could forget you sometimes cuz you now every time I think David I think do you remember me do you remember me yo hidden spot that’s [Music] cool yo what’s up radio demon hex welcome to the stream bro we’re just playing some murder mystery 2 on Roblox you’re welcome to join and don’t forget to leave a like on the stream just hold down hold down on the screen for like two seconds and you’ll be able to leave a you’ll be able to leave a like appreciate that all right got you David just let me know you’re David or make the name like David or or just say remember me and I probably will remember you to be honest cuz you’re you’re the guy that always asks if I remember you hold on I’m going to see okay there we go there we go now I got if I just stay right here I should be fine I got this hallway clear I don’t think anybody knows that there’s an area P there’s an area behind this so we’ll we’ll see we’ll see if we can we’ll see if we can uh stay hidden is this a w strap probably an L strap but we’ll find out after this can we play Fleet the facility yeah we can for sure I want to do a couple games of this though [Music] first is this hold on is this the murderer no it’s not Victory hey we got a w sub in the chat welcome bro if you could do me a huge favor and uh leave a like just hold down on the stream and you’ll be able to leave a like and I also have a Discord in the pinned comments check that out if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG which is going to be a big Flex in the future just watch I’m going to be the next big YouTube live streamer and at the rate I’m growing that almost seems like less of a pipe dream and more of an actual reality so we’ll find out we’ll find out but I believe it’s going to happen I believe it’s possible I even think it’s possible that I’ll reach a thousand Subs during this stream if I like I’m already like halfway into my stream and I’m already destroyed the watch hours that it normally takes like eight hours to get so you know what it’s possible guys it’s possible and last stream I actually got over a 100 subscribers uh during that stream so you never know guys 750 is like the realistic goal that I’m planning on on on getting that I like to get but 1,000 is the realistic but not the less possible goal that I’m plan on getting also guys if you could do me a huge favor and leave some suggestions for the next games to play some other content that you would types of content that you would like to see me do I would very much appreciate that and if there’s anything you guys want to talk about any discussions anything you want to chat about uh feel free to leave that in the uh chat and uh and if I have anything to say about it and assuming it’s appropriate um oh why am I so bad at this game anyways and assum uming the topic is appropriate um then I’ll I’ll try to see what I can add to [Music] it is there like an Obby somewhere around here that you can do while you’re [Music] waiting [Music] there we go I’m standing on Kawaii yo get off me it’s rude when you do it what’s up Billy did you have a nice break uh I I it was all right it was all right don’t call me handsome man I’m not a handsome man I am a uh I am I’m just a man but yeah I had a good break good couple of days uh honestly I didn’t get good sleep till like last night the other two days they were not good like probably two to four hours for like two days so that wasn’t good and uh you know but but last night I actually got some okay sleep if and by the way Billy Bob if you can do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen for like two seconds to leave a like I’d appreciate that wonder if the guy talking about me cuz he wouldn’t be wrong my aim is horrible always be confident yes but also always be [Music] realistic there’s a big difference between being confident and being arrogant I know I know the difference very well all right well um sorry to see that you have to goane sorry to hear that you have to goane but thank you for hanging out I appreciate you for hanging out you’re always welcome in my chat I think soon enough we’ll start getting the European African Asian crowd because that’s those are the people that mostly um that are compose most of my followers for some reason like seriously less than half of the people that follow me are American which I I’m not angry at at all I mean I love it everybody’s welcome in my chat um yo what’s up thank we got another W sub you have a nice personality thank you Billy thank you Billy um we got another W sub bro if you can do me a huge favor and if you can hold down on the screen hold down for like two seconds and leave a like I’d really appreciate it and also if you could do me another huge favor I got a Discord in the pinned comments check that out bro uh check that out and if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG my moderator is really good at at um at giving people the OG title very quickly they’re really awesome um it’s a person named K 58 from Sweden yeah we’re just playing murder murder Mur none of that we’re playing murder mystery 2 right now in Roblox we’re just chilling having fun I’m going to be switching games in a little bit probably after this game I’m going to be switching I’m just jumping around and then later on we’re going to go back into Minecraft uh because Minecraft is uh kind of like you know this it’s kind of been my game it’s been my jam for a little bit it’s been my jam it’s really fun to play for me too will you try the whole Five Nights at Freddy series I’ll try it but this Friday though uh can you play geometry dash because it’s $3 and I’m lagging and welcome back Jessica welcome back um I mean I’ll try it I think I can get it for free too I’ll try it but not this stream I kind of want to like practice it out off a stream you know what I mean or at least uh familiarize myself with it off a stream before I actually like go on stream to do it you know what I mean cuz I have to like make sure that um there’s like no issues with running it like with my browser or anything cuz I found this website this really cool website I forgot what it’s called but I got it saved where you can that guy’s dead I’m going the other way around uh where you can basically play like five nights at FR in a few games for absolutely [Music] free why is everybody dead run run right behind us [Music] run it’s two days I’m trying to follow you and we all died well I won I won yo it’s 2D oh got you got you like two dimensional all right all right guys I think I’m going to try a different game is there like a geometry dash in here I’m going to type in Geometry Dash and see if there’s a geometry dash in Roblox I misspelled it there’s geometry blocks I’m going to try that out yo let’s play geometry blocks all right join me guys we’re going to try something new [Music] yo this is basically Geometry Dash but like Roblox Edition I guess all right there’s a character select I’ll be this one and I want to be let’s be purple with red eyes o actually no I want to be I want to have blue eyes there we go I don’t know what the difference between any of these is yo what’s up Stars accept and then hold on I got another notification we got another W sub do we got another W sub what is up new subscriber hold on this this counter should show up in a few seconds give it three two one and nope there we go there we go what’s up sub number 745 if you could do me a huge favor bro real quick and leave a like on the the stream just hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds and then I got a Discord if you want to join it I got a Discord it’s in the Pinn comments he counted it no I didn’t count and count it like it took a little bit but I get my notifications on my phone before everything else but yo thank you for the W sub I got a Discord too if you’re want of the first 1,000 people to join the Discord you’ll be given a special title of OG I’m should be doing Geometry Dash I’ve never played it before it’s not actual Geometry Dash it’s like the Roblox version but still it should be fun should be fun all right what do I do what do I do okay I do that and I and I died well let’s try it again let’s try it again jump jump easy easy yo okay that’s like a double jump and I died stereo Madness is first but this isn’t the normal one okay I’m just figuring out a little bit at a time I don’t know how this works jump jump there we go so every time I hit a every time I get something yellow I jump but I can’t hit any [Music] spikes click for orbs click for what do you mean click for [Music] orbs whoa no and pads were you okay got you got you all right I’m going to try this for about five minutes and then I’m going to switch [Music] games now I got to jump over this triangle and jump there jump there jump there jump there this is so bad I’m already on attemp seven I’m at this point I’m just going to move past it the flat it does Auto gotcha gotcha why am I so bad you should play fling things and people do you by any chance fling things and people know I’m want to see if I can go past this oh I forgot to I forgot we were going to play flee the facility I actually did forget I did forget I’ll try this for a few more minutes and then I’ll switch to flee the facility I got [Music] you poly Dash Why does the invite link say it expired it shouldn’t be expired it shouldn’t be I could set up a new link if you guys want just give me a couple of seconds I hate this game I give up I give up I give up all right guys one second I’m I’m going to do a couple of things I’m going to I’m going to get the uh I’ll get another link going let me just turn off let’s see this display and then that display and then I’ll post a link in the chat I got you guys I got you don’t worry I got you give me a second I got you I got you guys I got you there you [Music] go there you go I even pinned it too they should be you should be able to join now all right flee the facility we’re going to be playing flee the facility now you guys want to join join while you can I’m going to try to see if I can find an ascending server cuz there really aren’t very many like spots open you can only play like only have like five spots I think it won’t even let me join all right guys there’s something wrong with my Roblox but it’s okay just join me if you can guys join me if you [Music] [Music] can you’re about to play Geometry Dash nice I was so bad at that game that I rage quitted you would love to play with you but I ain’t cuz I only go in 15 minutes I got you zah thank you for hanging out bro I appreciate you for hanging out for as long as you have [Music] bro I’m a Survivor okay hack computers to unlock exits and then flee the facility all right fair enough easy enough oh look right here what happened what’ I do I’m stuck what happened the Beast left easy I guess we won I mean technically I didn’t won but in a way we kind of won did you do ascending servers no I could not my my Roblox is bugged and if I try to do a private server or if I try to do ascending servers it will not let me click on it I don’t know why I got you Jessica thank you for still keeping my stream up I appreciate [Music] you you’re a YouTuber as well nice what kind of content do you [Music] do I’m a Survivor okay easy all I got to do is find find the terminal hack it and then flee GG easy you kept another streamer up okay [Music] cool what happened the Beast left who’s doing this who is the Beast and he just constantly leaving what is that all about yo do we got a w Sub in here W sub yo what’s up W sub um make sure to leave a like on the channel just hold down on the screen and leave a like thank you so much and I got a Discord it’s in the Pinn comment check that out if you join you’ll be given one of the special if you’re if you’re going to join you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people to join and be given the special title of OG you joined the Discord nice bro nice yeah we probably just got another troll or something hopefully it’s a good-hearted troll W sun or I think you mean w sub it’s okay guys it’s okay we already grow we’ve already grown a lot the stream my my goal for the stream is 750 and I’m not halfway through so we still got plenty more five more till 3/4 to yeah right right at 70 at 750 it’s basically 75% to the minimal necessary for monetization Jessica says I’m a great learner oh cool I think so too okay if the Beast if the Beast leaves oh I’m the Beast I okay I’m not leaving all right cool cool I know what to do let me add him let me add him how do I get out of here oh it’s a [Music] teleporter you’re lagging I’m not yo that hurt my eyes [Music] no now where are you where are you I’m trying to find you what is the next victim what’s up Lenny it’s Yer why why aren’t you going to school are you okay Connor what’s going on bro are you are you feeling okay yo found you where’d you go where’d you go you had to have hidden in here you had to [Music] have oh you’re up the stairs I know you at I know you [Music] are you’re on the other side hey there Hive hey there Hive how you doing Hive you trying to hide from me bro you can’t hide from me not for long NOP get out stop playing me bro stop playing me I see you I see [Music] you yeah I know 7:45 guys isn’t that crazy all right forget it Hive you’re too good I’m going have to get this person that’s hacking gotcha I got you you’re mine [Music] now yes I got you I got you you were mine [Music] mine trapped all right who’s next Who’s Next W Yer for the [Music] win I’m going to just be opening every single door so that way the door is closed there you are Hive I’ve been waiting for you Hive oh I’ve been looking forward to capturing you you are mine boy there we go I just like seeing you dragged around look at that look at you just helpless totally caught look at you I love this this is my favorite moment this is like my favorite moment for us I just like dragging you around look at you you’re like useless meat yo get back [Music] here get back here no I had you I had [Music] you [Music] yo what’s up Kota if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold this hold down on the screen for like two seconds I’d appreciate that thank you very [Music] much crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats s me CRA no I’m not glitching I’m you guys don’t know the meme you know the meme come on tell me you guys know the meme you got to know the meme I need you I need you guys to start saying that in the chat so the people start freaking out out and being like what’s going on in this [Music] chat come on do it it’ll be funny it’ll be hilarious you should you guys should totally do it do it do it make make the internet think my chat is insane because it wouldn’t be too far from the [Music] truth where is everyone looks like it’s literally just [Music] Kawaii we need to spam Brothers no it’s not the [Music] solution Hawaii there you are gotcha I gotcha I’ve been waiting for this been waiting for this exact moment and look at that you’re now trapped look oh my gosh you’re like my favorite you’re my favorite little frozen popsicle there we go there we go all right one more game guys what do you think what do you think one more game I think we could do one more game what’s up Jessica I think I’m going to do one more game of this one more just one more game just cuz I I really like that one you’re going to watch a Nintendo nice I didn’t know you saw me oh in other words I outplayed you wait can I upload emojis to the Discord I’m not sure if you can use outside emojis but keep in mind it is a community Discord and everything gets scammed okay so if you try to do sus things there’s a chance that the report that the uh that the authorities might get you more than one match okay we we could do one more we could do one more more than one more I don’t know if we’ll do it more than one more at least one more at least one more for sure I’m a Survivor okay it’s more fun to be the Beast I think but I’ll be Survivor oh hey look I can hack right here foret how hard it is to hack though hold on I get to concentrate guys got to concentrate need to focus got to stay locked in get ready for that got to get ready look in the Discord General chat I will after to this game concentrating chat I can’t focus on you guys I got to look at this W Focus no no hey can you make a video where the where you chat just like a YouTube Discord but in YouTube uh what do you mean what do you mean hold on one second I’ll be I’m going to turn off the display real quick and then turn off the game displ and then I I I’ll check the Discord chat just real quick just real quick I’ll check it real quick see what see what all the shenanigans are about is your Roblox user Yer live yes it is yes it is that’s sus that’s the most sus Gojo I’ve ever seen in my life somebody let me out of here let me out of here I can’t even spectate Guys somebody come on win win the game Set Me Free Set Me Free Jonathan I got you bro hold on you’re free go see I return the favor all right I got you like I literally walked right behind you as you were walking away Jonathan stop getting captured oh thank you I like the music too it’s actually the heartbound original soundtrack welcome back I play games you can do me a huge favor and leave a like just hold down on the screen for two seconds it really helps this channel grow bro appreciate you and a Mubarak if that’s if you’re practicing that [Music] today I got to concentrate guys give me a second to concentrate come on come on come on come on no come on I think after this round I’m going to change games I’m so close I’m so close yeah we’re doing eight hours today again oh yeah we are if I stream 40 hours a week There’s a solid chance within the next month or two that I will be uh mon [Music] IED oh I got to help that I got to help a brother out real quick I got you be free hly Dash I don’t know if we’re going to play that I keep lagging get disconnected no I feel you on that one my internet is do do my internet is absolute dooo that happens to me all the time so how do we get out of [Music] here hold on guys I’m trying trying to get out of here no let’s see uh have you tried playing Theme Park Tycoon 2o I have not no I have not bro left me to die did not you you just had skill issues actually I did leave it to die I was trying to find a way out okay maybe I didn’t so what if I did I was trying to win the game you understand right okay you understand it’s not that I don’t like you it’s just that I consider you sacrifice it’s uh hacked yeah it’s I already hacked one all right guys we’re going to be switching games here in a bit let’s switch game actually right now all right what should the next game be what should the next game be and by the way if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave that like just hold down on the screen for two seconds and you’ll be able to leave a like thank you so much guys all right we got blocks fruits all right Cod I accepted your request we got blocks fruits we got Theme Park Tycoon two I’ve never played that before though let’s see what else do we got guys what else do we got fling things and people all right we need to come to an agreement we need at least two people to make an agreement what do you think I’m thinking I’m thinking poly Dash wait do you guys want to play strongest Battlegrounds what do you think toilet Tower Defense sorry we’ll do strongest Battlegrounds but I’m not good at it I’m not good at it we’ll do we’ll do strongest Battlegrounds for just a little bit strongest battle cuz that got multiple votes that got multiple votes and that’s just fair yeah go easy cuz I’m not good at [Music] it I could do the I could do the blob game or too guys ever heard of [Music] that [Music] yo I just came in just started punching somebody and then like dashed [Music] away gotcha thought you were going to come after me nuh-uh get out of [Music] here ouch okay that that guy got me that guy got me [Music] good [Music] yo you’re a pro at this game nice I’m a I’m very new at this game very very [Music] new oh you want some bro let me show you the flowing fist oh you just threw a trash can in my head that’s that’s cheap that’s a cheap attack I don’t appreciate that oh and this guy’s coming over here using his [Music] hacks and I’m lagging he Hive is a hacker not uh make a private server is free here’s the thing here’s the thing about making a making a private server right now my Roblox client is like broken be and I don’t know what’s happening but I can’t do private servers I can’t like make my own or if I make my own I can’t join my own and I’m lagging really bad I don’t know if you can tell but I’m lagging like really really bad you just saw me from the other side bro I don’t know what’s going on this guy’s just everybody’s just teleporting and destroying me I can’t I can’t make hide nor tail of it okay now I’m respawned okay now I got my bearings I’m going to go after this guy right here no it’s lagging guys I can’t play this there’s too much lag my internet’s too bad for this you were crawling under the vent when I got you nuh-uh you were crawling you’re okay don’t don’t nuh Lenny you Lenny you can’t you can’t talk Lenny okay Lenny Lenny’s known as Lenny the the Capper Lenny The Hacker no bro I was far away from the wall and you were on the other side you get me yo what’s up Luffy what’s up bro you could do me a huge favor and leave a like by holding down on the screen for 2 seconds I’d appreciate that thank you so much yo I got knocked all the way into the air I’m getting knocked out of the map look at this what is going on this is like a this is like an ultimate move a Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm yo nope I don’t want to play this anymore I’m done I’m done that was like that was too much that was literally too much nope nope nope nope you’re lagging yeah Bob’s behind you nuh do you like a do you like a like a like a sound effect uh yeah no Bob’s not behind me Bob he don’t want to fight me Bob is too scared he can’t handle me he knows it that’s why he’s hiding bro almost one two did not did not okay all right so guys I’m gonna be playing a different game because I was lagging too much and I was getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter and I don’t appreciate other things hit the computer right it said it was wrong you hit the computer right but it said it was wrong sometimes it lags sometimes it just lags you guys want to go to please donate actually no I don’t want to do that okay guys what should we do Sky Wars build a boat slap battles poly Dash I’ve never heard of poly Dash what’s poly Dash I’ll check it out real quick though fling things paully Dash and then we got Theme Park Tycoon too oh I don’t want to play that game I’m really bad at that game the UNAM game do you guys want to do Sur natural disaster survival what do you think of that what do you think of natural disaster survival natural disaster or survive the disaster eh and what are we thinking guys yes yes yes okay we got a bunch of yeses in there we we we got we got at least two people saying yes we got a third yes all right guys we’re going be doing natural disaster survival we’ll be playing that and then after that we’ll play Broken Bones because Stars really wants to play that all right join and try to listen to me because I got the strats guys I got all the strats oh yeah I don’t want to play the Geometry Dash clones I didn’t have a lot of fun with that I’m not good at it um so what what we’re going to do is uh we’re going to be just doing this and then we’re going to try broken bones we’re going to try that and then we’ll try fling things afterwards okay we got plenty of time guys and by plenty of time I mean about a little over three hours a little over three hours left in the Stream after broken bones can we play theme park Tycoon 2o by the way can you friend um just add me just add me on Roblox no have them add me have them add me all right guys listen up I got all the strats guys all the strats geometry block was annoying to be honest yeah it’s annoying to die all the time personally I I don’t like dying all the time well done bro for getting 7:45 oh thank you Luffy thank you and guys don’t forget to leave a like on the stream hold down on the screen don’t forget to do that leave a like I’m not laser bro I’m Yer um but and uh yeah it really helps guys and I got a Discord in the pin comments make sure to check that out thank you so much all right guys he can’t what do you mean he can’t who you say he can’t he’s your brother uh yes he can he absolutely can just have just um just have him add me add Yer life uh can I call you yay I would prefer if you didn’t because once I get famous Kanye is not going to like the fact that there’s another person called yay I’m just saying I don’t want beef with Kanye guys I’d rather he stay in his Lane and I’d stay in my own lane no thank you I don’t want the beef I don’t want the drama because he he’ll drag me through drama on Twitter I guarantee you look at that volcano look at that it’s beautiful isn’t it it just screams Majestic burning destruction I’m GNA name it vvus just have them add me bro just have them add me I don’t like adding other people I I’ll add anybody that adds me but have have them add me okay also have them subscribe too all right guys watch Yer die first no it’s not going to happen not going to happen then he’ll add me later on it’s okay he’ll add me later on Jessica all right I’m gonna ask you to please stop um it held me in place and flying yellow things oh stars star whoa is that a doge and a maid outfit with giant muscles oh that’s enough internet for the day that’s enough internet for the day all right guys here’s the Strat here’s the Strat for this map the Strat is to go up here for 10 days yeah you can wait 10 days 10 days is not a big deal it’s okay 10 days is fine it’s fine why are you guys so mean toer I don’t know everybody thinks that like everybody like demands that’s one thing I don’t like about having like a little bit of Fame is that everybody just demands everything of you and it’s like come on I’m trying but I can’t do everything I I I don’t want to disrupt the flow of the stream I just want to focus on this and it’s like guys I can’t just please please take it easy on me all right take it easy all right we got a fire where’s the fire all right come on come on as soon as I find some where’s the direction of the fire you know what the smart thing to do would be to get out of the building cuz the buildings are probably what’s going to go down first okay guys follow me leave the constru C site over here to the very edge of the island is where we need to be right here we’ll survive just like that let’s see how do you balance streaming with other aspects of your life uh by not sleeping if you could collaborate with any streamer who could it be who would it be in y probably queso I’d probably collaborate with queso for sure when you get famous people will start saying buy me a PS5 where I’m unsubbing or nobody cares uh yeah pretty much bro you don’t understand even now people are like play this game that only I want to play or I’m gonna leave or I’m going to unsub like I already get that I already like on a small scale I already get that bro I’m and I’m like and and look they don’t understand that I’m in a I’m in like a a a state of mind where it’s like all right leave then leave then you obviously are not contributing to the goodness of my community you just want to hold me hostage it’s not going to work yeah the boys too zesty did you push me off bro did you actually push me off yeah I would absolutely collaborate with queso someone pushed me yo yo I should have survived that then dang it Lenny God dang it Lenny why dang it boy why you push me off what about bananas you’re joining me oh welcome back void by the way void if you can do me a huge favor and leave a like just hold down on the stream hold down on the screen and leave a like it really helps me out the disrespect I know that was so disrespectful that was like that was like Sal and wounds right there all right well all right all right join join join everybody join I’m going to go here I’m going to hide in this little trailer over here this little looks like an RV or something no it’s a trailer this is absolutely a trailer can’t join your eating a blueberry muffin with milk play with one hand eat with the other dark side says raar but yeah no I’m already getting people that’s like you know play this game with me or play this game that nobody else wants to play um or I leave or I unsub or you know do this or I or I leave do it’s like believe bye byebye see you don’t I will not miss you uh but yeah pretty much that oh absolutely people are they don’t understand that like the world doesn’t revolve around them it revolves around me uh no but like the stream the stream’s more important than any one person and if I lose one person that’s like a brat then I count that as a good thing what I lose what I lose in like watch hours I gain in an improved Community by them leaving you understand it’s your live don’t let them control you I never do I never do like worse comes to worse I ban them you know what I mean like guys I I I list anybody who’s been watching me for a while they know even though I give Second Chances even though I do try to be as graceful as possible I do enforce boundaries I absolutely enforce boundaries and I’m not afraid to lose people treat them like your pets no people are human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity these guys are chilling over here on these like little look at this look at this Doge guy and I died I literally wanted to look at the do the the Doge dog with in the maid outfit and then I died bro like it’s one Subs I I know right I isn’t that funny isn’t that funny um I know right it’s like losing one person doesn’t mean anything you know what I mean it’s like any there’s no one person that’s more important than the quality of the stream you know and shut up Lenny shut up that wasn’t funny yeah like especially like when I’m trying to do a like votes like okay what do we play next and it’s like you try to save me oh that’s all right appreciate you bro appreciate that uh it’s like you know um look if we got if we got everybody wanting to do their own thing but we have at least two people that made you know have like a that I want to do the same thing it’s like okay that’s the majority majority votes that’s fair you can’t be mad at it it’s fair you know what I mean and I honestly that’s a way for me of like weeding out um potentially bad members of the community too because if I’m going to be if I’m going to have a good Community if I’m going to be the next big YouTube live streamer I got to do buy me a Bugatti with a house or I unsub unsub then bye-bye I couldn’t even buy myself a Bugatti and I literally would not buy myself a Bugatti even if I could I think that I don’t like luxury cars guys I know that sounds weird but I don’t like them I like I like old Jeeps I like Mini Coopers that’s pretty much it I like what I like the Heart Wants What It Wants and luxury stuff really isn’t my thing I don’t care don’t at me all right this is the Strat this is the Strat you go onto this this floor right here and you wait oh yeah they they get damage bro that’s like bro bro that’s so much money to repair like forget that and I don’t even think they’re that like cool cars not really all right let wait right here this is like the perfect spot where you don’t know the strats yes I do avoid crowds all right there’s this now I know where to go there’s the Strat I I know all the strats plus you’ll start getting yep absolutely hold on virus run run it’s a purple bubble run away from the purple bubble stop following me guys six feet six feet go away six feet all right cool if we just all stay away from each other we’ll be fine what’s up what’s up uh red what’s up bro you’re going to be live right now try not to advertise Yourself by the way i’ appreciate that don’t promote yourself yeah lagging happens guys lagging happens six feet six feet guys get away I know they’re still following me hold on I forgot to turn the music off I’ll put the music back on in just a second guys just let me try to get my six feet six feet leave me alone leave me alone I hope he get sick go away why it’s like how can you not get the message bro how can you not get the message okay we’re safe now W safe W safe let’s go let’s get the music going back too hold on hold on guys I got you Eric what’s up what do you play right now we’re playing natural disaster survival and by the way if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen and leave a like and it really helps me out hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds and if you haven’t already don’t forget uh don’t forget to uh join the Discord it’s in the pin comments the first 10,000 people will be giv the special title of OG Cota says hey hey W safe you’re lagging oh yeah l i get lag all the time I’m a laugh if I see no don’t be don’t don’t be messed up Lenny Luffy says the best streamer oh thank you Luffy thank you I appreciate y’all are the best y’all are the best audience yall are the best subscribers you guys watch me all the time and I and I and I’m sure you rewatch me and I’m sure you like my stuff and I appreciate you guys you guys are what’s helping me become the next big YouTube live streamer you’re going to help me reach my next goal of getting a th000 Subs but for this stream hopefully we’ll get 750 I think 750 is reasonable especially for a weekday hey amazing that’s corny no that’s no that’s cheesy that’s super cheesy okay we got a fire fire where the fire at though where’s the fire at I think we’ll be safe as long as it stay in the Outer Perimeter okay there’s the fire I’m going to go this way I’m going to go this way I’m going to probably make it to to you know I think over I think I know the safe spot I just got to go all the way around all the way around hopefully get around get past these buildings cuz there seems like the debris might be able to destroy those areas over there I got to take my time cuz I got time if I go way over here and get to a position where Lenny can’t push me over the edge I think we’ll be fine as long as I pay attention as long as I pay attention we’ll be fine yo chat 45 watch hours guys 45 watch hours that’s awesome now you got to go a little bit further out you’re such Yer you’re such a pretty pink princess no you you should check your internet if it’s lagging that badly wasn’t it at 70 before well last stream after 8 hours it ended at 70 Mario voice I got you I got you bro do a Mario voice if you guys want me to do the Mario impression everybody say w Yer Mario in the chat yo survive there we go there we go how come I’m still on the island how come I’m still on the island guys do you see this do you see this all right I’ll do I I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it give me one sec all right you ready a me Mario look at this guys I literally was the first one here I was the first one here I didn’t even spawn back in the back in the spawn back in the base that’s crazy though that’s crazy that’s like the first time that’s ever happened I’m not cheating no I’m not cheating I’m not hacking you’re projecting Sigman Freud would have something to say about that guys I did not cheat you saw me I was literally doing the Mario voice I was literally doing the Mario voice how could I be cheating when I’m doing a Mario voice that’s not a that’s not a cheat code for Life guys it’s not how it works am [Music] not that’s Mario luck probably probably honestly tsunami get to Higher Ground oh this is not a good map for tsunami aari says I have a question what’s your question bro Prince says can you be my princess no I am an independent princess and I don’t need no Prince how long are we playing this we’ll do it for one more round I think maybe one more round maybe two more rounds and then we’ll switch games I got you though this is like the worst place ever for a tsunami this is the worst place can we fling things to an oh oh that game yeah we could try it out yeah we could try it out that could be next you’re no I’m not a pretty pink princess I’m a pretty purple princess there’s a difference yo we going to die yeah we’re gonna die I’m gonna I’m gonna stand on top of Gojo over here wait we’re live all right I accept this I accept this outcome this outcome is very acceptable what about Broken Bones oh yeah you’re right we were going to do that next thank you for reminding me stars we’ll do broken bones next and then we’ll do um and then we’ll do the fling things okay thank you for reminding me stars thank you yo that’s a w it took down the entire first floor though after the fling things have broke can we do the theme park Tycoon Lon what’s up Lon are you are you new here uh do you have a baby in the future I will have many grandchildren but no not right now not right now no I want children someday though I’m hoping that YouTube will be able I can make YouTube into a career so that I can provide a a good life for a wife and children yeah that’s that’s one of my secret motivations creating a family he wants 200 grandchildren honestly I know you know it sounds crazy but I would love to have 200 grandchildren I actually would assuming they were all if they were all had like their parents together I like hopefully I don’t have a kid that goes crazy and then like has a you know a bunch of different children with a bunch of you know what I mean like but I honestly if I had ended up with 200 grandchildren I would be happy I would be happy do you like a the pasta I cook a the pasta and I eat the spaghetti and if you haven’t already do me a favor and leave a like on the stream hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds and you’ll be able to leave a like thank you so much thank you it really helps me out Tor oh well time to move on to a different game guys time to move on to a different game all right yeah that was an insta kill for me guys I will be right back how is that fair it’s life’s not fair I don’t know I’ll be right back I’m going to get some more water I yeah the tornado spawned on me too that was crazy I’m going to get some more water cuz I need more water I’m like out um and then when we come back we’ll play uh broken bones be right back be right back don’t be zesty don’t be crazy don’t get sus while I’m AFK I’m serious guys no and every time I leave y’all always get zesty y’all always just be saying y’all need to say less when I’m out I’ll be right back guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m [Music] back [Music] yo what is the capital of Eur guy um you’re a man anyways guys anyways guys we’re going to be moving on yo yo what’s up radio demon heck shout out radio demon hex um Yer number one or number two wouldn’t you like to know Mr curious man uh we’re going to be going we’re going to be moving on to the next game it was a request here it was called broken bones I’ve been putting it out for long enough star suggested it and stars has been a longtime viewer of this channel so I can’t just I can’t just be ignoring them can’t can’t just be ignoring them now all right we’re do we’re going to try this out guys we’re going to try this out I’ve never played this before we’re going to figure this out Monte video is that you talking about that is a capital of uguay or your whatever it is all right guys we’re playing broken bones join me um Yer can you watch my stream no because I’m streaming myself I am streaming myself and I don’t have the internet to be able to do multiple things at once I barely have the internet to stream all right we’re trying out this new game guys we’re trying out this new game hurry before the Europeans get here hurry all right okay what I’m I’ve spawned in this area this mountainous area I don’t know what to do I got money I have there’s a sprinting option and uh and I see a tunnel I don’t know where else to do what do you do guys what’s the point of this do you are you supposed to jump I mean it’s called broken bones so are you supposed to like jump off the edge and break your bones that’s my guess I’m going to give it a shot all right I mean it’s called broken bones let’s see if it really is supposed to break your bones let’s see here we go oh oh I landed in the water I should not have broken any bones for that oh wait actually technically yeah I mean I guess I should I 148 mph fell 116 M are you saying I can survive that fault I’m going to be honest I don’t think so um let’s see I earn I earn money by breaking my own bones okay that’s kind of fun let’s play again let’s play again okay so I think I need to go higher up I need to go higher up you still have a little bit of progress nice do you like Mario I love Mario I love Nintendo in general I’d want to play Nintendo games I’d want to stream Nintendo games in the future for sure I want to stream Pokemon games in the future by the way guys if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave that like hold down on the screen leave a like it really helps me out thank you so much it’s a me Mario on I feel like I I went off key for the a it’s a me Mario yeah there we go that was a little more smooth that was a little bit more smooth I like that one [Music] all right so what’s the Strat guys what’s the Strat way better right oh thank you for the Hearts by the way I appreciate that appreciate [Music] that all right guys I think towards the end of the stream which means in about an hour I want to be playing Minecraft oh and I love the hearts guys thank you for the love I’m going to for the last couple hours of the stream I think I’m going to be playing Minecraft let’s just jump and just break my bones there we go there we go that hurt that hurt a [Music] lot okay it looks like I broke my shoulder broke my my hips dislocated a joint nice nice I reached 146 miles hour that wasn’t as fast as the last speed that I reached that’s okay that’s okay let’s try it again try it again I’m just going to keep jumping off don’t I get more Powers hold on I I got to get more Powers well I’m only level one though what can I buy can I buy stuff it says I on I got I have money but I don’t know what I can spend that on I guess I just keep jumping off guess I just keep jumping off until I get enough money there we go insurance fraud speedrun did I survive what I didn’t break any bones apparently you don’t land in the water cuz if you land in the water you don’t break [Music] bones there we go there we go there we go nice got 14 bones this game is so awful wow look at that damage I did on my left femur look at that that’s beautiful well Al Leo I’m only going to break my bones like a few more times few more times if you broke your bones your bones will crack IRL well you’re not wrong I mean that’s I mean the the breaking the severing of the coent bonds you know between the bone between the osteop sites or the bone cells that’s that’s kind of that’s kind of what a broken bone is and the pattern of it changes the categorization of what kind of broken bone it is whether or not it’s um a stress fracture or if it’s a or if it’s a transverse fracture etc etc [Music] etc well I didn’t even do [Music] anything wait I’m level two now guys I’m level two now look I broke both of my arms guys look at that both of my humai I got my clavicles I got uh my that looks like the the shoulder or or the scapula right there who’s your favorite in the Stream all of you all of you are my favorites all of you that support me and watch my stuff frequently y’all are my favorite okay I got a firework I got a firework I I’m activating it I can’t activate yo there we go yo don’t I’m not your dad although depending on how your mom mom looks and if she can cook I’ll be her stepdad CU remember if she’s cooking and good look then we can make something work we got a w Sub in here let’s go let’s go W sub uh thank you for thank you for joining the stream bro you could do me a huge favor and if you could like the stream by holding down on the screen for like two seconds and you’ll be able to like the stream it helps it helps get me viewed by other people and also if you could do me another huge favor and check out the Discord okay the Discord is in the pinned comments and uh if you join that you’ll be one of the first 10,000 people to join you’ll be given a special title of OG thank you so much oh yeah we got a w sub that’s what’s up it did Dawn me that what do you talk about aari what’s up kot welcome back Kota W red yeah W red guys W red I didn’t break any bones that was an L all right guys I’m going to be switching games now I’m going to yeah what’s up what’s up gamer what’s up what’s up bro welcome welcome remember do me a favor it’s like a huge favor hold down on the stream and leave a like I’ve just been in the game breaking bones with you LOL I mean you know that’s all there is to do in this game fling things okay fling things is next and then we’ll try that uh Roller Coaster Tycoon thing thank you so much bro thank you so much is it Mustafa thank you so much Mustafa God bless you man thank you thank you all right let’s try the next game fling things you said fling things hold on I got a I got is this a friend request you want to add me by the way just add Yer life no it’s just a join request all right Muchachos what’s up red okay hold on hold on I got you guys I got you guys so it is fling things and people all right we’re trying this game out it’s a request that I had we’re getting right to it fling things and people Muchachos team team Muchachos the Yer Muchachos let’s get him Diamond play button I don’t know about Diamond play button but maybe a definitely a silver and a gold um okay when you switch to theme typ Tycoon join me I’m in an empty server so we can join all right we’ll try it out yo what do we do yo I just grabbed this guy okay grab him and then I throw yo I’m just flinging flinging around the Hulk I feel so bad I feel so bad I’m just targeting one person look there’s a frog okay so what’s the point what’s the point you just grab people and then you throw them around that sounds fun what’s up red what’s up red you know hey Incredible Hulk oh somebody got me no Hive don’t don’t I got you Hive I got you while you got me who’s going to get each other first yo yo no no no no no no no hold on I got to find you I’m going to find you where you at where you at got you got you I got you bro oh you got me well I got you I think we’re literally flying you and I are flinging each other and we are flying yo we figured out flight in this game all right I’m going to get you again though yeah I got you I got you yo do did you get me oh you dropped I’m going to get you got you got you bro I’m sorry too slow too slow to slow no I’m going to get you N I got you while you got me yo we’re like a we’re like a helicopter check this out we broke the game if you get somebody while they get you then you can like break the game and start [Music] flying oh I’m going to run away I’m going to run away I’m going to be I’m going to get safe I’m going to get this rubber ducky use a rubber ducky as [Music] self-defense ooh a next victim hello Mr victim want get to right up to you grab you by the hair and then throw you this [Music] way yo Around the World Around the World Around the World Around the World Around the World Around the World yo I feel bad for this person I just like targeted them and I’m just flinging them around yeah you like that you like that a they got whiplash I’m I’m going to throw them up and down up and down up this is so much fun this is so much fun yo you’re going to wait here on the stream before the switch all thank you kot yo hold on this person wants me too all right you want to grab me I’ll grab you why are you grabbing me we’ll be grabbing each other bro we’ll be grabbing each other no weird stuff but let’s grab each other let’s do it let’s do it let’s go what’s your highest viewer count it was probably like 20 something last weekend or last you know last stream was like 20 something I held down to it for a minute all right after this I’m going to be switching [Music] games get off me get off me feel like I’m having a seizure Sarah of course I remember you Sarah and Sarah could you do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen and leave a like thank you Sarah or is it s Sarah or S it depends on on where you from like in Italy you your name would be S the game thinks you might be flying in an impossible way so it just attempted to put you on the ground to check if you really are all right thank you s thank you thank you Sarah W Sarah you just hit 1,000 Subs did not did not I I’m at 7:45 I know I’m not that popular yet but 750 is like the goal of this stream all right guys I’m going be switching over to the next tycoon in a couple of minutes yo you’re send a random thing in Discord as long as it’s appropriate and remember everything gets scanned in the Discord everything it’s a community oh I’m dragging this guy down I’m just holding his head below water nope stay down stay down below water you sent the Gojo nice all right find an empty server I’ll be changing soon and I’m dead and I’m dead yo if the game if the game thinks you’re flying it’ll actually put you on the ground I know I died no hide Hive no no no no I’m going to fling you around SkyWars what’s SkyWars you could use them as a stair n i I don’t know that game that well 8 seconds until Escape nice where’d he go where’d you go Hive yo no no K get over here get over here Hive I’m going to find you all right you got a server nice nice I remember guys in the last couple of hours of the [Music] stream at the end of the stream we are going to be doing Minecraft okay guys and y’all are all welcome to join of course I mean I could do some more Roblox maybe if enough people want to do it but they’ have to be uh they have to be like a good agreement on what game you want to play uh bro Yer inspired me to play Minecraft and I saw how fun it is I’m glad I inspired you to to have fun to play Minecraft cuz it is fun star says I can’t it’s my bedtime oh well then good night bro good night bro me get me just hold on to this [Music] guy you going to go to sleep cuz you have school tomorrow thank you for hanging out Jonathan thank you for hanging out hey and that’s a personal question that’s a very personal question Red Enough personal questions find netherite when you play Minecraft later and Advance quickly hey if you guys tell tell me what to do I’ll do it like like I don’t know about like I think I already have a lot of netherite I actually think I got a lot of netherite I just need I need to build armor with it I think I think or I have nether rack which is like suppose different yo go to the Nether Again guys I died in the nether last time goat Yer oh thank you go to Nether 32 diamonds how about you I lost most of my diamonds I legitimately lost most of my diamonds why would I do that stars I’m no that’s only for creative server stuff redo the incident that you did that stream no I don’t want to do that that literally made me restart everything it made me restart everything all right I’m going to try Theme Park Tycoon right now guys I’m going to try that out right now let’s see let’s go to friends and then let’s see where you at where you you at I don’t see you on hola amigos much you’re getting on the server Kota got you Kota I see you you’re right there it doesn’t say you’re playing a game though so I’m going to have to refresh you have to get ancient debris and then you can make netherite look I don’t know how any of this stuff works guys I don’t know how any of this stuff works okay now I’m joining Kota and Theme Park Tycoon too we’re going to be playing that for a little bit how’ you lose your diamonds when you bringing diamonds in were you bringing diamonds into The Nether maybe maybe yeah yeah I brought him into The Nether and uh then I I got burned and then I lost some stuff probably it was the it was the magma check out my Park all right start a new game start your first Park okay this is my Park is this my Park this is my Park Yer live same park yo let’s go why because I’m a Noob I am a noob I don’t play much Minecraft and this is like literally this is the first time like in the years that I played Minecraft consistently and I’m a Noob I lost everything I had to restart I’m very liable to dying remember cheese what about cheese he’s my oh your friend from the UK Lenny don’t got to rub it in you already have I know I got diamonds now I do cuz I had to rebuild I had to rebuild hold on I got to BU rides teacups and we’re going to put the teacups right here oh go I got to build them over there got it okay Teacups ride has no entrance has no exit Okay so the entrance will be right there the exit will be right there okay entry cost I’m going to I want to make it oh I can’t make it more expensive you only found diamondss after 3 to 6 days are your R that’s slow bro I found mine way quicker than that and I’m a Noob okay hold on um paths I need a path okay we got a cobblestone path and then we just build a path let me get out of the way Q paths okay I got to go to a q path got it there we go you Lo get ancient debris turn to scraps get gold turn to netherite ingots then netherite and then diamond armor tools together with Anvil or somewhere with the crafting to get neite tools okay got you you’re iron locked what does that mean see I’m not a noob I know well I am you’re have in fact you’re going to have to repeat all that information again but one at a time okay so that I can process it right by the way guys if you have not already don’t forget to leave a like just hold on to the screen hold on to the screen for like two seconds thank you so much yo we got a w Sub in here we got a w sub thank you w sub I appreciate you I appreciate you w Sub make sure to like the stream just hold hold on to the screen for like two seconds for that to be able to like the screen or like the stream and also uh I got a Discord in the pinned comments check that out to get scraps you melt the ancient debris with furnace I have some I think I have some ancient debris I think I do I’m not super sure though all right all right click on your built ride to open up its menu okay let’s open it up stalls and I go to soft drinks okay I build the soft drinks right there but I got to rotate it there we go so like you can access it right there there we go tutorial complete all right I got my ve Park iron lung what’s that what’s that is that a game in on Roblox this looks like a w thing so far this looks like a w hold on let me get my bonus there we go got some more money I got some snacks I got some I got a theme park do you need a sign in order to play Minecraft to sign in order to play yeah you need to set up an account it could be done through like Microsoft or it can be done through like I think it’s done through Microsoft actually I think I think not sure iron lung is not a Rob oh I don’t play horror games so I don’t like playing horror games I really don’t like playing it on I feel like I need more let’s see we need a bathroom in here is there a bathroom there we go restroom I’m going to put the restroom right here there we go what’s the version of Minecraft you’re playing on it’s like 1.2 point something how long till the stream ends 2 and 1 half hours 2 and 1 half hours I wish I was as cool as Yer bro you’re even you’re way cooler are you going to build some of your Park and then come over and see our Parks yeah I’ll do that I I got you I got you oh and then let me check out the rides uh I don’t need another ride I don’t need another ride so for you it’s 3: so for me it’s 3:00 a.m. yeah for me it’ll be like 1:00 a.m. like 1 2: a.m. sorry like pretty much like 2 a.m. when I’m done all right I’ll check out I’ll check out the other Parks I’ll check out the other Parks real quick if I was you I prefer to play horror games like a man well I am a coward I am a coward who likes sharks here guess who’s back back again welcome back Mason okay all right I’m at this park whose Park is this this is kot’s Park Cod is this your Park whose Park is this bro oh this is okay this is not yours let’s try to find an show me where your Park is bro you can’t stand hor I don’t like horror anything any scary anything all right I’m following you bro haaa Coco chicha that almost sounds like a spell bro yo what is this that is the most developed Park I’ve ever seen in my life this is C yo we got a giant swing right here we have a giant parking lot we got a this is nice this is very well done we got an entrance this kind of reminds me of the entry to like Universal Studios yo we got oh and then we have like the plants on either side just like Disneyland this is beautiful this is very well done the longest word in history I thought it was um hipopotam monstrosa calop phobia I’ll check you guys out in just a second play Master Bakery ah I don’t know about that I don’t know about Bakery yo we got a Coliseum thing looking thing over here yeah the longest word in the English language I think is hippopotamus calop phobia do a reaction to the Five Nights at Freddy movie no bro that’s just asking for a copyright Among Us I’ll play Among Us for sure what about super cal fragilistic xous not even as long asid hippopo monstros pedophobia no way if I did a reaction to it I feel like I would have to cut out a lot and I just don’t know enough about reactions and and like fair use to do that I wouldn’t do it I play the game play Super Mario I love to play Nintendo games do you have a PS1 PS2 I only have a PS5 and my PS4 is missing how do you say that bro I don’t know hippopotamus with pedophobia all right I’m going to check out another I’m going check out another one this is really cool though there’s a lake over there too see see that Lake guys you’re Nintendo broke how’ it break look at that Yer laser Chaser bars bars all right I’m going to check out the other ones what are you going to do in 1 th000 Subs well hopefully if I get monetized and I get some money I’ll do like a giveaway and also I’m going to do a video I’m going to do a video for sure um my uncle stole your PS2 and now I’m playing Flappy Bird on it that made no sense and uh my PS2 no I think I still got it in my garage somewhere my cat dropped my Nintendo in a drawer um why would you give your cat access to your Nintendo how did your cat pick up your Nintendo and why would it drop it in the drawer there’s so many questions all right moving on to the next one it ain’t longer than that so is so is all right this is laugh Park no we’re looking for hives park I’m going to I’m going to go find hies Park is this it over here did I come full circle no this is super okay let’s keep going you didn’t even know how to pronounce it I don’t want to pronounce it I don’t even want to pronounce it my cat pushed over my PC and broke it since it’s old well it sounds like your cat is trying to send you a message you should probably get a new pc your cat doesn’t like your old one Yer more like Yer yeah know this is kind of lame bro this park is lame I’m going to go back to the laugh park I’m going to go back to the laugh park I got you bro I didn’t knowers I thought it would have like the same name or something yo okay four stars my cat did the same thing to my monitor we stop getting subpar equipment and get equipment that your cat approves of okay don’t don’t treat don’t cheap yourself treat yourself okay so where is more actually treat your cat um okay so this is a nice park we got a nice little river in the center so when are you going to play Super Mario not this stream I need to I need to get a capture card and then I I need to get a good like Elgato capture [Music] card go Northwest and you’ll find a secret badge I think yeah this is crazy though check this out on hive is tell me to follow him it is basically like roller coaster Tycoon it basically is I mean it’s called Theme Park Tycoon it’s all right Sarah thank you for hanging out okay where where are you showing me are you about to lead me do you like old Roblox I’m an OG in Roblox so where are you leading me this one can we actually ride the rides is that even [Music] possible yo why do I get a bad feeling that you’re going to lead me to my death no come on bro you’re leading me in circles where are we going where are we going Yer become Mario by accents are you asking me is that like a is that like an English as a second language way of asking me to give you a Mario impression cuz I’ll do it I’ll do it if you guys want me to do it I mean I’ve done it a million times but um let me finish it okay finish that finish that up finish that up up I’ll do another Mario impression if you guys want me [Music] to LOL no then what are you asking bro what are you asking okay yeah okay yes or no make up your mind if you want to hear a Mario impression say w Mario in the chat okay say w Mario that’s all you got to do if I get if I get like three of them I’ll do the W Mario impression and I’ve already done it a million times I don’t know why you guys want to keep hearing it’s like then it’s like my only good impression that I can actually do so if you guys want to hear it please type w Mario in the chat do you want to ride my roller coaster after um I don’t know maybe maybe W Luigi L Mario pronounce Mario Mario is like how Midwestern white mothers pronounce Mario you know how they like how they say Pokemon pokemans I don’t know about this Super Mario okay why is what’s so super about this Mario okay and what does he have a word Mar in his name I don’t understand it all right hold on um I got in the seat Wario I can’t do Wario no wa don’t even try it’s not going to work Waluigi I can’t do W I can’t do anything let me just enjoy the ride yo this about to be crazy check this out by the way guys guess how how many watch hours we got you can press F to go into the camera okay I got oh I see I see you sound like glitch who’s glitch yo this is pretty cool the first person persective is nice yo we had a w Sub in here we got another W sub thank you w sub I appreciate you if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream by holding down on the screen for like two seconds and leaving a like thank you so much and also I have a disc in the pin comments make sure to check that out the first 1,000 people to join will be giv the special title of OG a Roblox YT who isn’t family uh okay okay I feel like I’m like my channel is mostly like PG Yer isn’t no I’m not no oh nope you’re on a timeout for even saying that Lenny you’re on timeout for a minute you’re timeout for a minute bad Lenny bad Lenny did you get it yet no I don’t get it why is your accent a woman I was I was impersonating a woman I was impersonating one okay guys guys I am going to be changing games right now right now what is the next game that we should play I remember there was some suggestions earli I don’t remember them I don’t remember them so guys what is the next game we should play put it up put it up on the chat Matthew says I just got here uh welcome Matthew um thank you for hanging out bro if you’re the new sub welcome to the channel everybody Welcome Matthew make him feel welcome uh do do me a favor and just leave a like on the on the stream it really helps hold down hold down on the screen for like two seconds and then you can leave a like thank you so much and I got a Discord check it out oh no we’re going to be change we’re still going to be playing Roblox but we’re going to be switching games um let’s see no I said I get the OG badge yet in Discord you should be wait no fix the roller coaster yeah what everybody say what’s up Matthew welcome Matthew why is there so many people here why is there so many people here how rude Yer you’re the one being sus you did like oh thank you Matthew I appreciate that bro appreciate that by the way how did you find this channel how’ you find this channel I am not a pretty pink princess you’re a pretty pink princess your mom’s a pretty pink princess yo yo yo okay so guys guys I’m going switching games now okay what’s the next game we should play somebody said uh R I’ve never heard of that never heard of that uh what should we play guys I need some suggestions I need some suggestions everybody leave the suggestions and suggest if not if not I’m going to be playing Roblox uh the the blockx fruits okay because I do need to level up on that a little bit rust oh we played rust we can’t look my chat’s too dysfunction to play Rust with me like way too dysfunctional it doesn’t work out doesn’t work out and once again in about 15 minutes I will be playing Minecraft we will be switching over to Minecraft why don’t you test out my roller coaster again I’m good Matthew says I was just looking for a live well welcome to my live bro I’m the next big YouTube live streamer just watch I already grew I’m I’m growing like crazy I’m picking up momentum uh and the last weekend I got like 200 Subs which is absolutely insane just from live streaming which basically is not heard of like B there’s nobody doing I’m kind of pioneering the whole YouTube live streaming Channel um there’s a lot of YouTube live streamers don’t get me wrong but not of strictly live streaming channels and and and it’s honestly it hasn’t even been possible for since about until about like like the last couple of months slash this year um because of the updates that YouTube’s been doing so it’s going to happen guys just watch just watch how about pubg or Call of Duty I don’t got the internet for that I literally do not have the internet for that uh can I join you I’m going to say hi Yer and I will still be on your live yeah voy you can join me you could join me um we could do here hold on hold on let me go back to these games not the most let’s go back to these ones let’s go to continue Titans Battleground I don’t want to do Battleground I’m bad at Battleground Games guys I’m really bad at them we’ll do I could do Blox fruits although that’s one that’s a game that’s like not only it’s a lot of grinding and it’s not good for like a lot of people like like joining together so maybe not we could do elemental powers Tycoon we could do the fun elevator we could do squid game yo what’s up void we can do uh Creek craft we can do build the survive we do Total Drama I have a potato phone and internet and internet and I certainly better than me play bedw Wars I’m so bad at bedwars guys I’m so bad at that hold on grind off camera for Blox Roots yeah I think I think you’re right I think I should be doing that off camera uh Breaking Point what’s Breaking Point hold on let me quick real quick switch up the menu or get my get my music going I have to restart the OST soundtrack right there there we go perfect all right Breaking Point what’s Breaking Point Lenny wants to play El of Tycoon fight simulator it’s like a murder mystery game I don’t know what you know what we should do guys you know what we should do that’s really fun hold on we should do don’t get eliminated don’t get eliminated because that’s like kind of like it’s like a really fun like um like a squid games like game but it’s like much more random so so if you guys want to play that um guys join me squid game you guys want to do squid game instead we could do squid game instead poll okay do I’m not going to do flight simulator I’m bad at that all right do you guys want me to do a poll I’ll do a poll but I’m going to need games okay we’re going to do let’s see I’ll do I’ll do squid game I’ll do um breaking point and Elemental Tycoon okay we’re doing a poll we’ll do a poll okay all right I got you guys hold on let’s see a what game all right squid game Elemental Tycoon breaking point and then murder mystery or how about that all right poll’s starting you got about a minute minute and a half okay minute minute and a half okay all right it looks like a lot of people want to play squid games flight simulator I’m not flight simulator is not a good like multiplayer game I feel like you thought Breaking [Music] Bad what that short circuited my brain for a second bro all right looks like squid game wait wait a second squid game seems to be the overwhelming majority guys overwhelming winner of the poll all right all right I’ll give you guys another we’ll say 30 more seconds 30 more seconds chat play among us next uh stream I could do among us next stream I’m not I’ve never played among us before like legitimately I have never played among us before ever so it it would be a first time it would be a first time hey I’m watching you on Nintendo what’s up Ma I’m on the [Music] Nintendo just to tell you okay got you thank you Jessica I appreciate you Jessica thank you for uh leaving a stream up for me thank you for watching my content I do appreciate that W Yer we need more of him a thank you Matthew says I won in this game you talking about um are you talking about um Among Us let’s see many of us probably don’t play used to play but it’s been years at least I’m putting in new games you are star you are all right so guys we’ll be playing squid gam since that is the overwhelming winner I’m going to end the poll and then I’m going to put back the old poll where it’s like did you smash the like button thank you guys for for participating in the poll um let’s see did you smash the like button and subscribe and the answers are either yes in all caps or uh doing that right now no option to say no because why give an option why all right there we go old pole is back we’re going to be playing uh squid games right now hold on just go to squid games s squid game all right I’m going to need you guys to join me okay hold let’s see if I could join us no I can’t do a smaller server all right try to join me if you can guys it’s gonna be a lot of fun we got a w sub did we get a w sub yo W sub where’s the W sub 747 if we got a w sub thank you w sub oh nope never mind well it’s okay your dad got back from the hospital I hope he’s doing better I’m glad he’s doing better someone unsubed look it happens it happens I’m not mad I don’t care about the people that choose to stay subscribed not the people that leave they obviously don’t care about me and I refuse to to care about people that don’t care about me it’s just it that’s just the mature way to do it let’s see you can’t got over my aunt you can’t get over your my my grandmother actually died of that and she was like the person I love most in this world but if if you depending on what you believe you’ll see them soon enough what’s 100 years compared to Eternity you’ve been sub for two days paper is your other account okay by the way I’d appreciate it if just one account per person I I if I get too many sub accounts the YouTube algorithm could think that I’m like Bing or something like that and I could get in a lot of trouble so just one account per person please yeah oh it’s okay I mean I I honestly the way with my grandmother um I do believe I’ll see her again I I do believe I’ll see her again and I had like the best last moments with her you know so I’m very comforted very comforted when I think about her it’s it’s not even very sad to me at all I do miss her yeah but I do believe I will see her I’ll see her relatively soon even if I live to be even if I live 100 years it’s very short time it’s a very short time yo I’m a guard I’m a guard yo you won this game nice man I’m a guard guys yo yo this is the first time ever being a guard let’s see I’m using my mom’s phone so it’s technically not my account gotcha I immune to this yo I’m a guard my first time ever being a guard this is [Music] crazy bro is playing squid game I’m going to mess with other people too I’m going to push people over yo get down I want to push you over I’m just going to push people I’m going to sabotage them yo I’m just sa I’m a menace I’m a menace push you over I’m going to push you over yo Hold On Target you’re out who’s next Who’s Next I’m going to push this next guy over too hold on red light yo pushed over yo yo what’s up Hive what’s up Hive yo why’ you push me don’t push me I’m the guard you can’t push the guard how dare you do it again I dare you do it do [Music] it you’re pay to win don’t pay to win you joined me but then died say ly say [Music] lovey all right just win Hive just win just go ahead and [Music] win oh I was about to I was about to shoot you I was right about to you don’t need Roo to have fun that is the truth Stars never forget [Music] it all right guys somebody this is like a game of tag on your next birthday you’re going to become a YouTuber nice what kind of content you planning on doing it dark side says I already got to the end oh I didn’t know you did I thought I push I thought we were just kind of having like a back and forth Lenny’s pay to win yep everybody say everybody say l Lenny in the chat L Lenny L Lenny that’s what you get for paying to win on I’m going to get to like a good position to where I can like snipe [Music] people wait there we go there we go who is Lenny Lenny is a is a person in the chat when I move I’m going to get my own room so I can do content finally nice bro all right who has a Target over their head nope nobody I going to just push people over why not there you go and push you come on I’m going to push you get over the edge guards can be infected too cannot I’m immune to all the challenges I’m absolutely I know I’m immune what kind of content do you want to do bro when I’m YouTuber I’m going to make videos of you being the best YouTuber ever oh don’t do that you can make edits of me in fact I would encourage you to make like streamer edits or like a like a large like Market that you can actually do um I encourage you not to do me if you want to it’s perfect but if I I would do like larger streamers like people that like kisat Aiden Ross um anybody that has like a large following that would be a much smarter move to like do streamer edits for but I I’d be flattered if you want to do my edits I never will copyright strike you every one of you that’s listening you are all welcome to take my content and edit them and whatever Yer Sigma edits no no Sigma edits Sigma is cringe Alpha Beta Sigma that’s all cringe to me that’s super [Music] cringe yo guys I got 53 watch hours and we’re not even done we’re literally not even done guys that’s so crazy like I’m probably going to have 60 watch hours by the end of the stream maybe 70 if we if it really picks up guard me Yer I got you where you at I’ll guard you I’ll be on your side just cuz you’re my mod just cuz you’re my mod I got pushed over but to be honest all streamers are kind of cringe like it it’s very I mean I mean it also depends on like what you on what you like think is cringe too but I think in general streaming is fringe fortnite I’m doing Noob To Pro on on keyboard and fortnite I want to I become like really good on fortnite you could should play aerplane simulator I I I tried playing Microsoft simulator but I wasn’t a fan of [Music] it I it doesn’t even work it actually does not even work no I I can’t even use that you got to go well thank you for hanging out aari thank you for hanging out aari appreciate [Music] you I am a guard how dare you hit me nice took him out yo Hive get back I’ll defend you I didn’t even know that guards could die that’s crazy all right yeah see you tomorrow Cari I’ll be streaming every day until Sunday Sunday is my last stream day Friday is going to be a short streaming day though so keep that in [Music] mind yo I died yo can I revive no as in like La as in I take a two-day break I take a two day break after um after Sunday so Monday and Tuesday I don’t stream in the in the United States time I died I died gg gg you guys want to play again do you guys want to play again or you guys do you guys want to play Minecraft Let’s do random dang it Lenny stop showboating I mean I know I Showboat but that’s just cuz I’m Yer oh I got a free revive I’ll take that I’ll take that free revive guys we are winning in [Music] life ah it’s a beautiful day chat I mean a beautiful night [Music] all right guys I got two more hours of streaming two more hours two more hours and I want to play Minecraft during the last bit if you have any game suggestions besides Roblox flight simulator because I don’t like flight simulators um because I’m bad at them uh please leave a suggestion what do you mean dookie you’re a [Music] dookie guys this is cram this is crazy cram look at that Among Us Among Us you want me to play Among Us is there an Among Us in this game is there like an Among Us in Roblox cuz I don’t want to play Among Us quite yet I have to download it my internet’s super slow and yo we got a w Sub in here thank you w Sub make sure if you could do me a huge favor to leave a like on the channel leave a like on the stream by holding down on the screen hold down on the screen okay for like two seconds and to leave a like and I’d appreciate that and if you and if you haven’t already I got a Discord in the pin comments please join that um if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG all right I got to concentrate guys this is Red Light Green Light I got to stay locked in I can’t blink can’t blink I gotta blink a lot first and then I gota wait until it’s green light and then I can stop blinking all right red light blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink green [Music] light red light green light red light green light Hive don’t push me yo I don’t appreciate [Music] that am I going to make it am I going to make it made it made it St safe now I’m going to push Hive now I’m going to push Hive oh you got to go sorry Matthew thank you for hanging out for as long as you have bro I appreciate you I’ll be streaming every day until Sunday and Sunday is the last day to stream before a couple days of [Music] break oh my gosh sorry guys ah my eyes hold on I need to I need to let it I need to let it moisturize a little bit let get my eyeballs lubricated okay we’re good car crushers what’s that bro what’s [Music] that all right let me get out of here let me find a w safe [Music] spot no now I got to sneeze is is the worst time to sneeze it’s a Roblox [Music] game hold on I got to time this there we go made it safe sort [Music] of hold on guys what time is your live tomorrow it’ll be in the around like maybe 5:00 p.m. um Pacific hold me I got to concentrate guys hold on hold on there’s enemies a foot okay now I can look at the chat you hate this Gear song yeah it’s kind of weird isn’t it uh let’s see it’s about crashing cars and getting money that seems pretty simple and straightforward I like it hold on okay am I about to die nope W safe W safe we only got like 25 seconds left I think we’re good they’re already chasing after other people I know never heard of um I’ve never heard of that game either bro Stars what’s it about it’s like amongus okay if it’s like amongus I’ll check it [Music] out oh no no horror games no scary games all right I’m gonna hide up here [Music] Forge alliances with other players who wants to be my alliance who wants to be alliance with me all right it’s about to get crazy I’m my goal of the Strat of this is to just survive yep I don’t even want to fight I just want to stay out of everybody’s way let everybody else [Music] fight oh this person looks like they’re jumping up to [Music] me took them out I knew they were coming up to me based on how they were moving [Music] too I’m well hidden for the the most part I [Music] think and I’m not nope now I got to run there we go safe de be safe we got less than a minute left all right guys we’re going to be playing one more game and then we’re going to switch back to Minecraft okay and you guys are all welcome to join no Luffy [Music] no all right 20 seconds [Music] guys [Music] oh we’re going to be doing survival not creative I want to build up the main base and I want to build like passageways out of the main base why can’t I join the server on probably because it’s full there’s a chance that it’s full is this the one where we get cookies I think this is the one where we get cookies yep I oh this was easy though I think this is very easy the hard one was like the the mirror one what’s up Jessica thank you for watching Oh no I got the hardest one ever guys literally the hardest one ever got to be careful take my time lick it a couple of times there we [Music] go yeah I did it that was like the hardest one [Music] too yo what’s up [Music] Jessica [Music] all right that’s a w that’s a w guys that’s a big W all right I I think there’s a way to do this there’s a way to do this yo I’m going to let you guys go ahead all right see you in the next stream bro yeah we’ll be playing Minecraft in a bit for sure one of the crazy thing is that everybody’s actually like everybody’s actually like going forward there’s a way to do this you have to go forward and jump from my other side who’s Brave who’s Brave who’s Brave who’s Brave and I’m not [Music] brave yo we got like two more who wants to go yo one more that’s it yo we made it w that’s the first time I’ve ever done [Music] this it’s like the hardest game too guys [Music] you know the drill what’s the drill hide good luck I’m going up [Music] here get away [Music] Hive what Bridge there’s actually a skill to it too there’s a skill to it too I’m going to eliminate this little this person right here bye-bye sprinkle got a kill you’re playing fortnite I wish I could play fortnite didn’t there used to be like a fortnite mobile like used to [Music] be what happened does anybody know what happened to fortnite mobile come back here no let me hit you with the baseball [Music] bat this kind of reminds me of like a Pokemon [Music] song back here there used to be not got taken down due to Apple uh it’s now coming back to Europe oh nice if it were on mobile I’d play that I mean I don’t know how it would work but I try hopefully my internet would be good enough right now my internet literally can’t handle it literally it cannot I’m planning on with the cuz I’m going to be monetizing very soon so once I get YouTube partnership or once I monetize I’m going to be taking some of that money that I get and um be putting that aside for a better router and upgraded internet cuz that’s actually the the thing that’s limitting my ability to grow um more than anything all right guys so after I die I’m going to be hold on hold on after I die I’m going to be switching over to Minecraft okay so if you guys want to play Minecraft I will be showing I will be um playing with subscribers all right everybody click click everybody click click like you’re trying to speedrun getting carple tunnel syndrome go somebody’s got an auto clicker somebody come on we’re winning we’re winning yo that’s what I’m talking about you’re playing Minecraft now nice are used to okay already answer that and last thing by the way check the link I have in the Discord it ain’t anything bad or sus I’ll check it out on my phone um hopefully hopefully that’s true I’ll check but I’ll check it out on my phone bro all right now we got to play Oh yeah this is the one where it’s like the the marbles trying to guess if there’s an even or odd amount of marbles yo what’s up Infinity wolf welcome back if you can do me a huge favor by the way and remember to leave a like like hold down on the screen for two seconds leave a like I appreciate that um you run out of marbles you’ll be eliminated uh play Pokemon brick bronze no like there’s no brick bronze I think I think oh thank you so much Infinity wolf and thank you for the hearts um and by I don’t think that uh you can play brick bronze I think that they got like um I actually think that they got like like copyrighted or or something that got taken [Music] down I’m going to go there we go even why not yo what’s up straight kids fan what’s up welcome to the channel if you’re new here and if you haven’t already if you could do me a huge favor and uh leave a like by holding down on the screen for like 2 seconds and I got a Discord and if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join the disc Discord you’ll be giv the special title of OG thank you so much appreciate that bro and thank you all for the hearts oh thank you for answering well thank you for commenting thank you for commenting all right I’m going to go even for this one gosh I’m so close to dying I have like two left and all these people have been like very lucky I’ve not been lucky at all yo no don’t attack me don’t attack me bro you could have let me live and thank you for the Hearts by the way I appreciate that wait I got a free revive I’m back in this thing yo I lost but I still won okay okay cheats cheats it’s okay I’ll cheat I’ll cheat I did I used my revive I just [Music] did so what is this try not to get shot this is like the hood simulator or something and I got and I died again okay well well I’m going to be switching games over to Minecraft okay [Music] tort all right chat I’m going I’m not going to play brick bronze cuz I’m pretty sure they took that game out so um they they actually there’s that game is not available anymore I’m pretty darn sure uh but I’m going to real quick um go to the bathroom and then I’m going to come back we’re all going to play Minecraft all right I’ll be right back guys be right [Music] back [Music] [Music] y yo that is scar you did I surprise you yo what’s up all right hold on I’m going to be pausing this music because now we got Minecraft music that’s about to play you guys want to join um I’ll I’ll leave my gamertag in the chat there you go there you go there you go all right guys I’m going to be switching the screen over in three two now all right guys this is going to be the uh regular server what should you build you should build a house um let’s do my world build a house and make it like a giant mansion actually why [Music] not beautiful beautiful let’s see I oh that’s right I died and I had to recover absolutely everything what are we going to do when are we going to do creative again we could do that once a stream and the stream ends when I feel like blowing everything up let’s see I’m going to leave okay get rid of that get rid of that going to need [Music] that need that keep the diamonds move that there just build your house in here bro help build the Fortress we need I need to start like actually like getting serious about being able to beat the uh the Ender Dragon that’s what I need [Music] and we need to find a village too I need to build like a gate like that goes from like the one side to the other so everybody join everybody join join if you can if you can’t oh well you can watch the stream you’re and it it’s okay and maybe in about an hour we can games okay but I do want to do more exploring in this game uh but we might we’ll probably do Roblox later on all right I’ll try I here’s the thing well also here’s the thing about like um Pokemon games unless it if there if it’s too similar to Pokemon just by doing content about it I could get in trouble with Nintendo and get my channel banned so I do want to be careful about like Pokemon mods and things that are not very good like that are not very good like what do you call it um like fair use or potential copyright yo we got a w sub what’s up W sub thank you for hanging out bro if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like by holding down on the screen for like two seconds and you’ll be able to leave a like and I got a Discord in the pinned comments check that out too um if you join that you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people um to join and you’ll be given the special title of OG yeah just one more until 7:50 guys one more until 750 we’re smashing our goals thank you guys for for liking the channel so that oh we got a troll silly troll I’m not I’m not going to be mad though look I understand trolling is life as long as you’re not like a mean nature troll there’s such a there’s a there’s trolls and then there’s trolls you know what I mean like if there sometimes on YouTube people troll by like unsubbing but that’s just like normal to me that’s just like what you’re supposed to do on YouTube you know so it doesn’t really matter that much y welcome back Matthew welcome back and welcome back Stan and Stan if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream right before you leave I’d appreciate that bro you’d be helping me become famous if you do that um and not not that I want to be famous but that’s the name of the YouTube game eventually I’m I think I’m going to start a network and then probably Fade Into the background and you’ll never hear from me ever again but but you know yo what’s up well I’m going to call you gani I don’t know how to pron that’s it’s probably butchering the pronunciation of your name but what’s up Giani what’s up bro welcome to the chat or welcome back bro and if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like by holding down on the screen I would very much appreciate that thank you so much um every like really does help all right I’m just going to get some wood because I’m going to need some sticks because I’m going to need to get some more pickaxes and then I got to enchant those pickaxes but I got to wait because my l right now is so low oh yeah and I got a Discord by the way join the Discord if you do you’ll be one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG and it’s going to be a huge Flex in the future trust me bro it’s just gonna I’m GNA have millions of subscribers I forgot to I told you I was going to troll right before you’re going to hit your goal oh well now I know who it is at least I got you like I’m I’m literally at right right about to be 750 right about to be Lenny Lenny yes I remember you yes of course I do looks like okay David okay Mr remember me Mr every time you join the chat you always ask do you remember me do you remember me yes I can’t help but remember you me go there get some more of those get some more of those David Garcia who that’s gonna be that’s part of Yer lore now that’s literally Yer lore now we go there we go let’s get some let’s get some W pickaxes you know I think I’ll just have one pickaxe and then I’ll save these for like something else and then let’s see can I enchant is there can I is there even a point of enchanting no I’m too low level too low level I’ll just have to use this that’s fine all right I’m going to dig over this way but first I’m going to need a lot more torches there we go perfect all right now I’m going to build a way out on this wall cuz I don’t think we’ve ever explored over here over here is like over here is like the mystery Zone I need more cobblestone though I do need a lot more Cobblestone and I need to build a path so thankfully I have torches just going to light the way yo somebody’s already somebody already made a way out yo I didn’t authorize this who made this I did not authorize this whatsoever this is not Yer approved but I was going to do it myself anyway so it’s actually not a big deal at all but I’m still mad okay not not that mad I’m like fake mad all right hold on let’s get the torch right there let’s get a torch right there which way do I want to go left or right let’s go let’s go left let’s see what else is out here hopefully I want to find a village I really want to find a village I’m I’m not there’s no Villages around here we got a nice little Valley that’s nice it’s not particularly useful but it’s nice oh and we have a little cave over here and you know I’ll explore it why not I’ll do a little bit of exploring yo there we go we just dig down a little bit deeper there we go beautiful all right what do we got we got something something down here there seems to be some kind of light hopefully it’s something useful hopefully it’s magma cuz that means it’ll be diamonds doesn’t it look like there’s light down here there’s got to be maybe it’s just a trick of the eyes I don’t know I don’t know guys I don’t know it’s not if it’s lava it’s not lava it can’t be Lava oh and then it’s pretty much nothing up here okay well dead end there’s one more area I can explore though it’s it’s this one right here hold on wait yeah there’s light coming from in here there’s light coming from in here I don’t know where it is though it’s right around here you see that but it’s like a vague light like it’s see there’s a light but there’s no obvious Source there’s zero obvious source oh hold on hold on hold on there’s more of a cave over here all right let’s do a little bit of diving okay go down here then I want to go down actually no I don’t want to go down I want to go here can I go down here is there will I die no okay then we go down one more then I go down one more then we go down one more perfect all right let me just take care of the spider so it doesn’t sneak up on me thank you for the Hearts by the way appreciate that appreciate the hearts where like it does is it me or does it look like the light’s just going out coming out of nowhere like light has to have a source guys that’s just science you’re building a mansion nice nice what what’s going on in your Mansion what what are you putting in there are are you building like an area for entertainment are you building an area for hores hold on we need to build a stable too that reminds me we need to build a stable on let me just get right there we go little light over there before I get too deep into this um I don’t no that looks like death let me see if I can like slowly ease my way down the Anvil broke how did the Anvil break where’s dark side and I have no idea where they’re all at no idea dark side’s here though just for a sa oh hold on hold on hold on we got more yo that could have been a fault to the death oh look there’s a Creeper down there too look at that I found a little Cavern area oh look there’s the creeper hey creeper why don’t you mind your own creeping business ah missed me he tried to kill dark side in Squid games but he ran away sounds like a skill issue bro sounds like a skill issue you were more skilled you would have gotten him basically I’m telling you you got played whoa hold on need to eat I got knocked down so far but look there’s other torches here there’s other torches I don’t know where I’m at though but I know there’s torches I’m going to follow these hey Stars hey hey keep that keep that nasty stuff off my chat profile picture yeah we we’ll call it a pfp cuz otherwise it sounds very sus okay now I’m lost I’m lost all right thank you bro appreciate that you’re fine bro don’t worry don’t worry about it no harm no foul what I need to know is where do I go I’m like I’m really lost right now I’m genuinely lost I found some gold that’s kind of useful oh there’s magma I did die as a guard but look you don’t got to flex that you don’t got to flex that all right I need to find a way out of here I’m I I’m actually like genuinely lost I was supposed to be going one way but I ended up not and now I’m like I I just by trying out a side quest I ended up somewhere deep in in the mins that I have no idea how to get out of I’m like 3 seconds away from just starting to dig [Music] upward hour and a half left yep hour and a half left of the stream guys stick around if you can and don’t forget to like if you haven’t already [Music] [Music] yo okay I found something I don’t know what I found but I found something find another cave I’m going to have to dig out the oldfashioned way in just a little bit and I am going to get all of this iron though iron is super useful and I think we’re like kind of low on it [Music] actually nice the spider took out the skeleton and we got an Enderman and diamonds we got diamonds chat on I’m going to fight the Enderman take him out yo and I got an ender pearl guys yo that’s a w luck right [Music] there it’s just one Diamond I wasn’t that lucky yeah blessings be like scrolling through shorts and I seiz your stream well thank you for stopping by on my stream paper I appreciate that bro I appreciate that all the watch hours really do help and now I’m getting like crazy watch hours like my goal used to be 40 but now with all the new people like I can realistically get uh 60 to 70 depending on if it’s like a weekend or something and it just seems to be going up and up every week it’s crazy yeah no this is a dead end this is an absolute dead end I found some diamonds but I can’t look if I want to make it out of here for sure like be safe there’s no way like no way um there’s no way I can like waste time trying to find diamonds all right that’s it guys I’m going to start digging upward it’s probably not smart but it’s what I’m going to do on there’s something over here did you cheack the link I sent yet I didn’t I didn’t see it yo what’s up zahed welcome back brother welcome back hold on I’m still exploring hoping to find a way out nope no way out all right I’m just going to I’m going to have to Brute Force this then all right I’m going to dig in this direction there we go did you find a spawner no I did not find a spawner I did not there we go now you can see I don’t know where I’m going to end up so I’m probably going to have to like I’m going to have to um like once I get up top create like a giant Cobblestone like uh Tower underneath me to get my bearings I already know that I’m so far from base would it be crazy if I like if I um dug all the way up and I found myself in base do you have the coordinates no I don’t look I’m just going to I’m just going to dig my way out of here I’ll find it don’t worry coordinates are very useful I’m not that I have coordinates I can’t sleep bro I’m trapped I’m digging myself up one layer at a [Music] time you need to create those tall things that you find all around the place that flash red lights yeah true true that would be great give me a second bro I’ll find my way out don’t worry one block at a time I will dig myself out of this mess oh my gosh the things I get myself into well actually it wasn’t my fault it was actually the fault of a creeper that knocked me down a cliff or knocked me down an edge and made me lose my bearings it would have been it could have been worse like I actually could have died and lost everything make One Singular live stream playing fears to Fathom and to play I’ve never even heard of that is that a scary game I literally can’t play scary games guys too scary too scary for me no I can’t do scary games I don’t know how many times I got to tell you I can’t do them I cry I’m not built for scary games some PE I’m just built different but not in a good way I’ll invite my friends to sub yeah feel free to share with your friends I’d appreciate that paper thank you so much bro and tell them to like the stream you could be stuck in the mountain not if I dig myself out of it one block at a [Music] time well I’m going upward one at a time [Music] [Music] [Music] come on there we go you’re digging three blocks and going one up well that’s just should I have room for my head I I don’t know what level I’m at bro I don’t know what level I’m at I think I’m at level 50 51 so I’m close yo we got some iron W Iron yeah I’m at 53 now so I’m close to ground level this is the most roundabout way to get out of a mess I’ve ever taken 53 is above no bro I’m out of here watch watch I see Cole I see London I see France look at that I’m almost out of here guys I’m almost out of here guys wouldn’t that suck if I was in the mountain if I was in the mountain I could figure it out I I’ll figure it out guys yo never dig straight up yeah I know I know that I know that much I look look guys dirt we found dirt how are you slain bro that should not be possible I turned down I turned off uh hold on Friendly Fire Friendly Fire is off bro that should not be possible maybe it’s night I don’t know I don’t know I got to keep digging upward [Music] though yo made it now where am I Hold On now time to figure yeah that’s the most important question where am I is that the base always leave torches to know your path and caves I do I do I I actually do hold on let me just kind of make a giant Tower of dirt I am lost hold on what did you say 3571 – 46 that’s what he said 3571 – 46 so I got to go this direction that takes down the the this axis down okay so it’s in this direction 35 oh I got it I got it I think nope now that’s going up now it’s going [Music] up now it’s going down hold on there we go I think I figured it out and I look I see in the distance I see in the distance the giant monstrosity of a tower that somebody built no I I know where I’m going now I saw it look hold on you’ll see as soon as the trees clear you’ll see it just watch ready okay maybe not cuz there’s still more trees ready [Music] wait there it [Music] is all these trees hold on you’ll see it there found it found home we made it guys have you seen a horse we used to have a lot of them then somebody mysteriously cooked them all wasn’t me in fact how do I know that they were cooked don’t ask when did you make this world like a week or something ago a couple weeks ago maybe all right made it we made it chat we’re back home oh I see you later good night Lenny good night Mr sus king of my [Music] chat all right where do we go what’s up bro don’t call me a princess I am not your princess you don’t know me like [Music] that and we need to slaughter some of these things hold on thankfully your other viewers that joined that other world didn’t make a oh yeah I mean well they can when I’m offline uh the server’s not up you can’t join when I’m not online and if they did I would justed I would just end the stream and edit it after you know what I mean just edit it just blur it I’ve had to do something like that before no actually no there’s a better storage yo um follow me Dark Side check this out check this out he it’s it’s not a big deal you just edit it after you know it’s really not that big of a deal like end the stream and then edit what happened to all the dogs I think I think that fox kid basically griefed them all when he got angry because he was being sus and I told him to stop being sus is it a castle this area kind of kind of it’s basically like a giant Fortress that’s the way I like to think about it yeah somebody killed all the dogs it was not me I I swear to you I cuz I’ll own up to that I’ll even brag about it I I got one but no no no there was um yeah this guy named K Fox that just ruined everything because they were just being disrespectful and I told them to stop and then I banned them so I don’t know why I don’t know why it just that’s how it happened swear to you W to my mother as they would say in in New York on I got to check out a couple of these sus structures like we have some giant structures that look nasty and ugly that I got to look at because I know I didn’t make them I’m not a good don’t get me wrong I’m I’m a horrible uh Builder but their structure made me look good and I and I I might have to I actually might have to tear a down name that place Brotherhood of the Iron Fist so that name isn’t uh let’s see but that name isn’t really friendly to hear and I’m good was he so he was a hater yeah he was kind of a hater I got a few haters got a couple of them well some haters some just just people who are not naturally nice you know what I mean just not naturally like they’re just de like deep down they’re not a good person I don’t think I don’t think anybody’s genuinely a good person but that whoever that was they just were just it was like an effort for them to not be mean to people if that makes sense yo who built that who built this I did not authorize this yo yeah I don’t know what this is but I don’t like it you did did you build that why did you not build a way to get into it I don’t think anybody in this chat right now is a hater I think y’all are actually cool it was supposed to be a mob farm what happened cuz that does not look that does not look like a mob farm bro that looks like a monstrosity somebody griefed it or I don’t know some it doesn’t look good hey look there’s a horse oh this I don’t know the sus dude’s not here right now the sus dude’s not here don’t worry about that yo guys 58.1 watch hours in a couple more like basically my goal for the stream was like 60 we got a couple of horses I don’t think we have any Saddles though I think we used that let me give I’m going to get rid of my stuff no Lenny sus but he’s he’s not he didn’t do that he did he did not do that it was somebody else it was somebody named K Fox K Fox all right do you want to see the nether base I’ll show you all right hopefully I’m not going to get attacked and wait wait big reveal did you ban them from the server I banned uh Lenny’s little cuckoo yes Lenny is cuckoo but Lenny didn’t do all this stuff yo who did this hold on did they grief this area too yes they did they actually griefed this oh my gosh why sleep all right I’ll head back oh my gosh why you know what forget it forget it it’s okay it’s just a game it’s just a game I don’t got to concern myself about it I’ll go to sleep in just a second bro let me just like build more fireproof uh Cobblestone floor there we go that way nobody else spawns that doesn’t need to spawn and then I’m going to kind of build like a kind of like a window right here so that I can be efficient with the things that I got Netherrack is fireproof yeah but uh doesn’t um don’t like mobs like nether mobs spawn on it I’m pretty sure they do so if you use a a silk touch pickaxe to mine the Gold and the nether just okay so that automatically smelts them when you use that I didn’t know that what’s a silk touch pickaxe I’ve never even heard of that yeah I don’t need Netherrack I do not need Netherrack I got a bunch of gold ingots though what should I do with those gold ingots gold nuggets hold on hold on I’ll show you what I mean I’ll show you what I mean they’re over here in my little storage area you need an enchanting table for it I got one I got it somewhere somewhere I got one there’s raw gold when you mine ores it drops ores like diamonds and Lapis la oh we got lapis Lai see plenty right there got a diamond axe right there too Redstone Dust nether quartz uh a lot of Netherrack and I have a phantom membrane I got a phantom membrane it’ll drop the whole block the um the silk one right the silk the silk thing you’re talking about what is Sil so silk touch is an enchantment and you need enchanting table we got enchant look right here right here see we got one right here but I can’t I can’t use that I can’t use that yet it’s very good do I have to keep trying to enchant until I get it is is it like luck of the draw cuz I only get efficiency or Unbreaking and I’m a low level anyway so it wouldn’t even work yo we got grief so hard that’s crazy you have 20 levels yo what’s up Stars you might want to do the enchanting can we do a PvP map uh what do you mean a PvP map in a little bit you want levels I do want levels I want as many levels as you can give me thought I heard a creeper you have to go through the enchantments to find it like you could scroll down is that what you’re saying hold on so if I go here go there go there and I can’t I can’t scroll down mine all of the ores in the diamond mine when it says up breaking it doesn’t mean that there’s only one enchantment there there are multiple look I think I I think what I need to do is I need to go to the diamond mine for right now pretty much y you reconstructing this whole area it drops lots of XP so the Redstone and Lapis oh those give you XP okay well I could head over there right now I just need let’s see probably some more torches I got you I got you so I need to level up right now let’s build a few more torches any ore okay all right well then I I got it I got it let’s see I’m going to keep that I’m going to hold on you want any hey bro here’s an ender pearl you’re welcome yo get back here I’m trying to give you an ender pearl bro chill take stay still take take the ender pearl take it youres take it there you go yeah I’m not I wouldn’t count on luck guys I don’t have much luck in this game an enchantment for a fishing rod it’s op I don’t even know how to make a fishing rod I’ve never even fished in Minecraft before legitimately all right I’m going to go to my super special secret diamond mine which I’m pretty sure I tapped out of all the diamonds but we’ll find out guys we’ll find out all right you ready to see it’s not going to be that secret cuz you’re you are literally going to be able to see it you got a nice bow enchant there oh do I I didn’t enchant it myself I actually I probably uh grabbed it off of a mob yo in about an hour not an hour we we have one okay so we have one hour left in the Stream and I think in a little bit I’m going to switch back over to roadblox what do you guys think what do you guys think about getting back on Roblox and if so what game do you guys want to play I’m thinking we’re probably we might end the stream with Roblox that’d be a good idea okay we’ll wait until you upgrade the base we’ll let you upgrade the base a little bit we’ll mine a little bit but I think I’m the in the last at least half hour of the stream I’m going to end it on Roblox all right see you later Jessica thank you for hanging out are you European no I’m American why where are you from paper I forgot you’re not playing Geometry Dash yeah I didn’t like that hold on I totally wasn’t paying attention and I totally missed um my cave hold on it’s right here it’s literally right here just looking at the chat I hope you get 750 me too I’m sure it’ll happen you’re from the Philippines nice means you speak Tagalog you speak a Tagalog I don’t know Tagalog I just know that’s how it’s pronounced all right I’m going to level up a little bit I need to because I’m too low level and I got to enchant my other pickaxe I want to try to get the silk touch or whatever it’s called it’s a rare enchantment he said should I even try to go for a rare enchantment you know what I mean cuz I feel like I feel like this not optimal there’s a lot of redstone down oh yeah there’s tons there’s tons but I use the Redstone to kind of like be like indicators they’re like kind of like a little markers there we go and then that means hold on I need to hold on I got you I got it I got it I got it I want to add like little indicators like there we go to indicate to the left all right there’s nothing over here look more Redstone all right now I want to add some more indicators let’s see to the left there we go and there’s nothing really down here to get anyways that is a that is Stars chest hey Stars I’m in your chest when I was last year you tried to make a very suspicious your friend tried to make a very suspicious thing right there oh yeah it kind of looked like but it wasn’t really wasn’t really hey stars do you mind if I take your crying obsidian well it’s mine now let’s see you got a water bottle you got a bottle of okay I’ll take it I’m just kidding you can keep the bottle of water you can keep the crying obsidian too I just want to unlock the um unlock the the recipes it’s okay bro I’m just joking yeah that I don’t know if he was or if it was on accident I don’t know if it was on purpose it didn’t really show up well on stream so I didn’t like have to censor it or anything um so I was like eh hold on bro got jump scared by wood so so what if I did oh yeah I tried to trap him in here because I was getting annoyed with him let me just get rid of all this trap Stone Cobblestone that I used to trap him he was doing the same with me too just being generally sus in fact if he does it one more time I don’t remember the name but it was it Jason if Jason does that one more time he’s banned like forever I’m I’m I’m tired of it especially if he’s really trying if he was trying to make something sus I looked at it it didn’t seem that sus to me it seemed like it was close but I don’t really know mg Jason got it yeah so if Jason does that again he’s going to be banned thank you for reminding me stars I trust you’re one of my more trusted subscribers appreciate you he isn’t even in the Stream I know he’s not but if he is um I’m going to keep an eye out yo what’s up voy what’s up I don’t know who hold on I don’t know what his name is in the off Minecraft feel was like Jason’s something in Minecraft though oh I need to add like indicators let’s see [Music] um there we go there we go I don’t want to dig upward because I’m pretty darn sure that there’s lava somewhere right above me mining the Redstone equals less light that’s fine I that’s why I brought plenty of torches I brought a lot of torches to be able to compensate there we go level 14 let’s go void says I’m eating nice what you eating bro all right is that good feel like I should start digging for more diamonds what do you guys think we get some W diamonds over here I’m thinking it’s possible on I’m going to dig in this direction TR to excavate this entire area why not I’m feeling lucky chat and what how many diamonds I have four diamonds left I have enough to make a pickaxe hopefully we can get some more and hopefully I have enough to [Music] enchant diamonds would give you at least three levels that’s what I’m hoping you’re having soup nice is it super salad or is it super salad which is like like Sal with a cape you could probably get some by doing that oh I don’t need to do that I don’t need to I want to excavate it more clearly I mean I could do the strip mine but if I do it’s a lot harder to get my bearings and remember where I’m supposed to go like it’s very easy to get lost in here if you don’t like cut out broad areas in the mine and have clear torch indicators it’s a straight line how look trust me I get lost guys I know I I I’m not a good experienced Minecraft player okay but I know what works for me and if I cut out large areas then I know it’s harder to get lost just trust me on this one trust me bro Source trust me bro just trust me look it’s going to be one large open area and it’s going to be literally physically impossible to get lost okay now where did I come from I think I came from that direction I came from that direction somewhere in that direction I don’t know where though hold on give me a second guys I might already be lost with signs as signs are for noobs then again I kind of am a noob all right hold on hold on let me just clear out this this whole area let me just do it okay my OCD and my ability to get lost easy ability to get lost by the way guys um you love my videos oh thank you void thank you so much bro appreciate that it’s so crazy to think that I’m making stuff that people actually like I still feel like I’m very much a new con like I’ve only been doing this for not even 6 months guys I still feel like a new content creator you know what I mean but it’s so very nice and validating when people um you know mention that they’re my fans that they you know like they watch and like my content it’s very nice ah Dark Side fell everybody put l dark side in the chat L dark side in the chat everybody you heart diamonds everybody loves diamonds bro diamonds are forever all right hold on chat yeah L dark side thank you thank you for that [Music] wait Stars what what are you talking about bro what are you talking about lside to dark now he was killed by a witch using magic yo that’s a Double L put Double L Dark Side Up in there Double L dark side in the chat dark side can’t catch a break first he falls from a high place then he think gets taken down by a bruha dark side thank thank you for making me look good Dark Side welcome back Jessica welcome back quadruple L just watch he’s going to fall into lava next all right I don’t want to dig too far into here because these things right here can we play Roblox I’m probably for like the last half hour going to play Roblox so if you stick around for like 20 more minutes we’re going to change let’s see he’s worse than me in the in the NE backs and he got slain by a spider oh my gosh bro are you okay do you need help dark side is not okay guys we need to we need to pray for dark side we need to pray for him Dark Side needs prayers and thank you for the Hearts by the way I always appreciate the Hearts dark side needs mental help Dark Side needs somebody to like guide them every single step if he gets killed by zombies I’m losing at laughing dark side don’t purposely walk into zombies just for that bro try to live dark side but if you want to make me look good I I don’t mind that either I need some W diamonds I need some W diamonds in the chat I feel like I feel like if I just dig a little bit further if I just ignore the concept of the sunk cost fallacy I will eventually if I keep going in this direction get some W diamonds let’s go we got one W in the chat we got W coal I mean coal can be diamonds technically technically if you really want it to be and you have like the right pressure pressurized machines banana number one what does that mean what do what does that mean and that’s an L that’s an L nope guys I made an L we wed so hard we LED okay what if I go in this direction hold on what if I go in this direction can we play uh shaders on that world what do you mean shaders that makes no sense to me what do you mean play shaders apple apple thumbs down is that is that like a Newtonian reference is that like a gravity as your enemy a better graphics mod look if I get any more gra if I do a graphics mod on my laptop it could handle it no for sure I have a great laptop it can handle it but it would turn this closet that I’m streaming in into a SAA and I don’t want to do that apple bad banan’s good no Banana’s good Apple’s bad well why not why not both be good and full blood was or dark side was just killed by a zombie guys it happened dark side is given up on on Minecraft I see Dark Side just taking L after L yo no for real though dark side are you okay bro do we need to switch to Roblox cuz you’re not having any good luck in Minecraft then again neither am I I found some gold okay right as I said that I found some gold but Gold’s not as useful as like diamonds I really want some diamonds we got some W gold but I want some W diamonds Dark Side doing bad right now to be look I understand look we all do bad sometimes we all do bad but dark side’s doing really bad right now I don’t know what dark I did probably like broke several mirrors it’s got like 20 years of bad luck what did he do what’s he doing assign him to collect wood I could look I could tell Dark Side to do something doesn’t guarantee that he’s going to do it I’m just gonna let him I’m just gonna let him live and learn I’m I’m gonna let him L and L and collect his L’s sometimes you got to collect your Dells your El’s before you collect your W’s yo I found some red stone and where there’s Redstone there’s diamonds guys that’s the rule of life it’s not always true but it’s true at least 20% of the time and 20% of the time it’s true 100% of the time he ain’t learn it multiple times already look sometimes sometimes you need to let your children learn their lessons and take their eles okay I can’t I can’t be I can’t be helping him out all the time not that he’s my child but sometimes I think of him as an annoying little brother sometimes okay I’m not getting any diamonds in here I’m getting sick of this I’m going to Rage Quit It Happened two times no it happened like three times in about 15 minutes we’ll be switching over to Roblox about 15 more minutes don’t worry we’ll switch mostly because I’m tired of not finding diamonds I I got a feeling this is the direction I need to go this is the direction where diamonds are at I got a feeling this is it guys watch I’m about four blocks away away from finding diamonds how would you think if you go to fight the Ender and will you have viewers playing with you when you beat it I hope so I don’t want to fight the Ender without backup I’m just saying and by backup I mean making all of my more experienced viewers do 90% of the work while I stand back and gloat and can and can argue and brag about defeating the Ender despite not doing much of the work which sounds a very lazy and messed up thing to do but look let’s be honest guys I’m a Noob I’m not very skilled and if I have any chance of beating the Ender it’s by letting people that are more experienced do it for me and then taking all the credit also tired of dark side dying yeah Dark Side stop being a noob and dying he hasn’t died in a minute though hold I’m going to check the chat let’s see he was slain let’s see he fell from a high place was slain by a zombie was killed by a witch using magic then slain by a spider and then slain by a zombie I didn’t know all the mobs are going to jump me while renovating the base well you should have figured it out and I and literally I was just reading like line after line that’s what the that’s what the line said bro and those sound like excuses excuses it’s very reasonable since you may get yeed off the island yep very reasonable that’s what I was thinking oh no W diamonds ah no W diamonds that’s okay guys cuz if you if you believe in yourself and you keep going and you’re willing to take L after L and you keep doing that for years and you think you’re on on the verge of a breakr and you still don’t reach a breakthrough and then you learn about the definition of a sunk cost fallacy then you will be rage quitting I’m probably going to be watching your streams daily I appreciate that I appreciate that paper thank you so much bro it really helps guys I’m going to be monetized like very very soon I’m actually probably going to reach partnership Within by the summer it’s very possible if I if my numbers go as they are and assuming they don’t like go up and up and they’ve been going up so I’m going to be a YouTube Partner soon enough and if YouTube accepts me I think YouTube will accept me I think YouTube will I think it’s possible I think I’ve been making clean content um and I think I’ve been just working hard and the hours are you know they’re the proof they’re the proof look you could check the receipts look at the lives they’re there and I think YouTube’s going to accept me if they don’t it’s going to be I’m going to have I’m going to ask you guys to like bother them you should add them on Twitter you should fight for me um no matter if you’re dumb uh smart queso size or skinny at the end of the day since I don’t want to hear any swearing since watch streams near my mom oh yeah no for sure I don’t swear on my streams once in a while you’ll get an HG double Chopsticks but technically that falls under the rating of E10 plus technically speaking technically but I you know even then I I don’t I won’t you could you could actually watch me with your family in fact I I already do have families that watch me like they tell me this one person want said that their mom likes me and that they wanted me to be like their stepdad nah h double hockey sticks no yeah technically you could say that in a video game um and it’s still E10 technically speaking I’m not even joking literally somebody’s mom likes me somebody’s mom actually likes me and they’re like they want me to be like their stepdad all right I’m tired of taking L’s guys I’m going to be switching games in like a little bit probably like five more minutes 10 more minutes for Roblox yep 5 10 more minutes maybe sooner I don’t know depends on whether or not I rage quit and I’m feeling kind of ragy I need to find diamonds yeah if I find some more diamonds I’m going to stop no I know what you’re talk I know what you’re talking about bro I know I was a typo but I know what you were saying I I got to go watch you later and check the link in the Discord all right see you later see you later paper all right where am I no really though I’m lost hold on hold on there it is double torches double torches this direction see it’s nothing bad or Su I’ll check it after the stream though I I’ll check it after the stream for sure am I the only one here I don’t think so we got a lot of lurkers here I think and it’s getting late so what’s crazy is that um my main C shows up like really really late cuz normally especially on the weekends like when I do my late streams bro you are still live yes I’m still live for like another half hour I told you this was an eight hour stream bro I told you I’ll see and ask your reaction tomorrow okay got you paper got you told you bro this is an eight hour stream and I just hit my uh quota yeah 60 hours right there because if I do that five times a week that’s 300 hours 300 hours a week that’s 1,200 hours a month do the math that basically means in like less than two months I’ll be monetized with the current hours that I got and that’s if it doesn’t keep going up and it seems to be going up like my like the amount of watch hours that I can achieve in 8 hours Let’s see we might not hit the goal until the end of the stream oh yeah for 750 I could keep going until I hit 750 assuming it’s not an alt account I could on I’m heading back to base I’m just going to take an l and go back to base yeah even if I don’t hit my subscriber goal I’m definitely going to hit my uh my I’ve already hit my watch hour goal so when are you going to end the live and probably like 45 minutes 40 minutes or so maybe until I get 750 when I get 750 I could end all right I’m going to head back to the base I’m going to be right back get some water and then afterwards we’ll play Roblox guys okay whatever y’all want to play we’ll play it what do you guys feeling like I know one more sub till 750 Yer is the goat a thank you appreciate that how far are you in upgrading the uh the upgrading the base bro oh I’m going to check guys we should rate how well Dark Side did if if it’s an L if it’s an L upgrade we you should definitely say l upgrade wait let’s go all right going back to the base it looks like you add some smoother Stones back there I I could see the smoother Stones we got some zombies though I don’t know about that I don’t know I don’t know about that hold let me take this guy out are you a zombie no you’re a merchant oh okay yeah I don’t have any emeralds okay I see I see you I see you and are you adding like a stairs over here what’s this area for oh I see look hold on I’ll add some torches I’ll add some torches there you go that way no zombies spawn in our area that looks nice want me to get some more sand bro I can get some more sand we can get a better window I’m I’m going to store some extra stuff I got a lot of stuff and then I’m going to get some water water and then we could all play Roblox no wonder he died five times yeah no kidding right no kidding there we go you know I’m going to keep that so I’m G to put that maybe like right there and then I’ll keep that and everything else I can just leave there I kept on dying because I fell off because of a spider when I tried to retrieve my loot yeah those spiders are no joke those spiders they’ll they’ll creep up on you they’ll crawl up on you we need another door though there’s kind of a there’s a missing door Yer do you play after the live no after after the live I am done with YouTube I only just you know respond to comments and make sure to favorite comments from uh from my uh my consistent subscribers I I check Discord once in a while and then I try to like decompress you know that after live streams um I generally kind of go ghost for the most part cuz you got to have healthy boundaries between yourself and YouTube you got [Music] to I want I want there to be a good difference between my uh personal and like the YouTube and and I don’t generally play I try to save the games just for the Stream [Music] on I can add more [Music] Cobblestone don’t subscribe with your Al guys it there’s a chance that the system will detect it and then take it away yeah don’t do that CU it doesn’t actually help me because if you think about it if you think about it if you subscribe with your ult there’s you’re still only one person that can watch me yo what’s up penguin Squad we’re going to be switching to Roblox in a little bit bro if you want to watch that uh welcome back bro and if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like by holding down on the screen for like two seconds what’s up penguin Squad you’re one of my subscribers oh thank you bro thank you bro I appreciate that we’re just going to be upgrading this base a little bit I I have to real soon take a water break get some more water and then we’ll probably get to um playing Roblox yep and the most basically you are a part of one of my most legendary streams where I got like a 100 subscribers in one stream that was also like a weekend and the weekends there’s a lot more people that are on whereas the weekday like right now the weekday is right now um there’s not a lot of people on but yo we got another couple W subs thank you guys youall can do me a huge favor and leave a like on the stream just hold down on the screen and leave a like thank you and I got a Discord check out the Discord it’s in the pinned comments um unless you’re basically the alt accounts of the mask guy if you are then which case um in which case uh don’t do that don’t Al the counts guys what was your dream when you were 5 years old besides YouTube uh to own a horse and I didn’t realize that owning horses was like a rich man thing and my parents weren’t exactly very well off so uh yeah no that did not work out my mom like lied to me and she was like oh Yer when you’re 10 we’ll get that’s enough time to save up for a horse we’ll get you a horse and then when I was 10 years old I totally like it it escaped my mind for like most of the year and like I think before I turned 11 I thought wait a second that woman said when I was 10 I would have a horse she lied to me and then that was when I stopped had uh when I started having trust issues I think probably before that yo what’s up dream Lord what’s up what’s up are you the alt account for mask guy uh if not welcome to the chat um thank you for uh subscribing and don’t forget to leave a like by holding down on the screen holding down on the screen and um whoa watch out creeper uh and and for like two seconds how’s it going Blaze Itachi what’s up Itachi that’s like my favorite Naruto character by the way that and and narut yo 750 let’s go yeah 751 guys it’s crazy we’ve been growing super fast that’s that’s this is a w stream guys so we’re just basically upgrading the base uh I think I’m going to like hold on I’m going to make it harder for a creeper to creep up on us yeah thank you bla thank you let’s just make it impossible for a creeper to get over here there we go yeah thank you guys so much and don’t forget to leave a like just by holding down on the screen for like 2 seconds it really helps the stream get seen by more people BL it I not you know you had 750 bro that literally that was not a week ago it was not even true like I’ve grown like basically in the past week like a few hundred Subs uh just through the live streams I don’t know maybe the algorithm found my crowd maybe I’m just getting lucky I’m trying to temper my expectations but I am very much on the track to being uh uh monetized moms when you get money oh when you got oh okay um are you oh you’re doing you’re singing lyrics I feel so silly I feel so silly when I look at people and I’m like wait um yeah no it’s AFK gotcha I I I say their lyrics and it’s like nope they’re just they’re just I’m not going into an ALT well thank you yeah don’t do alt account subscriptions guys don’t do that because that that literally could get me banned it could be it isn’t lyrics then what are you talking about oh thank you for the W sub by the way if you haven’t already uh don’t forget to leave a like by holding down on the screen for like 2 seconds and you’ll be able to leave a like thank you and I got Discord in the pin comment make sure to check that out um if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join the Discord you’ll be given the special title of OG my mod is very good at upgrading people turning at giving people the title of OG when they’re in um it’s when a kid gets money and the mom steals the money that happened before I’m not going to elaborate but that happened all right guys all right guys I’m thinking I’m thinking it’s about time to switch games what’s up void hello void welcome back to the chat bro what do you guys think you’re off from school today nice Blaze nice were you from Australia I forgot where you were from I think you were from Australia I’m not super sure though okay you want to hang on for a little bit more okay we can hang on for a little bit more oh from South Africa nice what’s up I got a lot of South African viewers what is up South Africa why are you off from school just out of curiosity why are you off yeah right now is about the time when all of my um all of my uh foreign viewers start getting on here stars is sick well you know you got to go to school so they can get everybody else sick goo goo gaga okay okay talking like a baby over there oh is that the map that is an empty locator map I’m not going to use it though who’s whose house is this I forgot whose house this is oh yeah I oh yeah I mub by the way I mub if you celebrate that it’s your stars don’t reveal your real age guys just keep it safe keep it safe guys this is the inter hold on I do need to get more water I do need to get more water so I’ll be right back I’m just going to grab some more water cuz this is kind of empty BRB guys be right back just stick around for a second [Music] m and we’re back we’re back sorry don’t you just love that transition I love it personally I think I might change it you know there’s some other transitions that I really like but that’s not a that’s far from a priority there’s internet that’s a priority then audio quality maybe and then webcam quality cuz my webcam is not like that it’s good like it’s it’s way better than I had before like guys guys my webcam like on my laptop was horrible it was horrible is like you can’t even like it looks like pixels and now it’s like okay like now you can kind of see that’s good Blaze that’s good all right yo I need to like I probably should use dirt but I’m not going to use dirt I think there’s it looks like there’s a creeper here boy do not reveal your actual age please please be safe you like the transition don’t change it okay I’ll keep it I’ll keep it I’ll keep it but eventually depending on like the scale I want to have like custom Yer transitions custom transitions yo are you done building this place bro can I switch off now mine sand okay I’ll get some sand Cristiano Ronaldo is that is that what you’re saying is that what you’re saying bro you know I don’t even watch football like like soccer but football in um your countries like I don’t really watch football I like real like real Madrid Madrid but I don’t really watch it void void void bro TMI TMI bro TMI hold on it sounds cool I don’t think it sounds cool I think it sounds scary you know the first time um I Heard a creeper like um blow up on me I actually like I I freaked out out so loud I screamed at like the top of my lungs everybody know look even Ronaldo’s so famous that even if you don’t like know about football you know about Ronaldo yo what’s up Caleb welcome back to the channel bro if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like hold down on the screen hold down for like one second two seconds and then uh you’ll be able to like the stream thank you bro appreciate that really helps the stream get seen by more people yo we got 751 Subs 751 Subs guys we are getting there we’re going to be a thousand within a few weeks just watch guys we’re gonna be at 1,000 uh if you want to do a transition and make a mini uh you must make a mini character and profile oh yeah I’m planning on getting like an artist to like do better branding and like maybe do like an like an anime version of myself what do you guys think like an anime version of myself what do you think sounds that would that be cool like I’m I’m gonna have like a for I still want the um I still want the um the hummingbird as like my logo but I’m going to have like an animated version for sure do stuff like that an an like an anime version of myself just have like a couple of different branding things I think I already have a few people in mind that I would uh commission but I definitely want like a pixelated upgrade for my um for my logo but and there there is already an artist that I have in mind that I want to get it done by do you have three iron hold on hold on check the chests yeah check the chests bro I got a ton of iron earlier it’s pretty good oh thank you mask guy thank you all right I need more glass I have about I have about 45 Sands thank you for the YouTube Emoji appreciate that oh yeah I have big plans guys I want to employ a lot of people I want to spread the I want to spread the success around I want to commission artists you know what I mean I I I definitely have big plans for this channel I just have to grind hard and and just always think about the next step and there isn’t a single iron bro there’s got to be there’s got to be look around look around do you like Star Wars if you do what was your favorite character I do like Star Wars and my favorite uh is Qui-Gon Jin I actually think Qui-Gon Jin and Darth Vader they’re both my favorite yo we got another W Sub in here thank you for the sub bro you can do me a huge favor and leave a like on the channel Channel just hold down on the screen for 2 seconds and that will let you like it and really helps the channel grow thank you so much and I got a Discord in the pin comments check that out bro um the first 1,000 people to join the Discord will be given the special title of OG you hurt your head well looks like you’re going to die sorry had to tell you it’s be hurt your head you become dead that’s that’s what they say that’s the that’s the saying everybody say uh rest in peace blaze in the chat everybody rest in peace rest in P Stars you don’t have the title you should on Discord you absolutely should if you don’t if you don’t I’ll correct that after the stream I got you bro I got you you going to make a blast furnace what does a blast furnace do what does a blast furnace do out of curiosity like I swear you should have the title oh because the goalkeeper kicked the ball and your head well that sounds like he had it out for you it’s a faster version of the Furnace okay gotcha but you scored that’s what counts that’s what counts let him be mad and whack you in the head it’s okay that’s okay you still got the score that means you got the dub let him be mad you won it’s like Harry Potter when um they’re my favorite characters nice yo what’s up villager by the way if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like hold down on the screen for one second two second and you should to be able to like the stream really helps welcome back villager good to have you back bro always love my regulars I feel like I got to stream later because my crowd like most of the people that follow me are not from the United States and you know it that translates to like I would basically monetized faster if I streamed later in maths are you no but I taught myself a lot of maths I taught myself up to calculus yeah you’re European I got to like most of the people that um that follow me are like Europeans pretty much no come on there we go much better now we got a w you’re in the UK nice nice W UK what part of the UK are you from are you from the aisle of man you should have that title like look under your name you passed the Matrix exam so you’re come to the USA nice nice congratulations welcome welcome to the USA bro welcome to the USA the land of the cheeseburgers AKA my favorite meal ever you should try Chick-fil-A when you can you’re from England nice W [Music] England I feel like I feel like hold on no I don’t want to do that I want to do that yo we got another W Sub in here yo what is up blast vertices can’t cook sand really really we got a w sub by the way W sub if you’re still listening if you could do me a huge favor and leave a like on the channel just hold down on the screen for like two seconds and you’ll be able to leave a like thank you so much and um also I got a Discord in the pinned comments and please please please join that if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to join you’ll be given the special title of OG uh let’s see you’re hungry well I’m hungry too bro yeah we’re getting W Subs we already smashed we already completely smashed our sub goal for the stream guys thank you all for helping make that happen all right we already we also got our watch hour goal like we’re basically going to be monetized depending on how things scale within a month like it’s possible within a month we could get like monetized possible probably like 2 3 months at most but we’re there we’re getting there guys we’re getting there super fast let me just get out of here there we go and oh nope no it’s about to get dark it’s about to get dark that’s a w how much hours of the stream is left like honestly like 15 minutes but I can go longer if you guys want do you guys want me to stream for longer CU I will you know I love my audience oh we got a some oh Itachi’s from Australia sorry I didn’t see you what’s up Itachi what’s up Australia or should I say good day M good I might and let’s see U stop making me more hungry I already said that I’m hungry too I definitely hate the weather in England yeah and your breakfasts all right I’ll try to stream longer guys I’ll try to but I have to reserve my voice a little bit CU I’m already losing my voice hold on [Music] no there we go H there we go taking out taking out all right dark side I got a lot more glass hold wait I got you hold on let me just there we go there we go that’s the worst part of the voice what are you talking about bro you hit 700 Subs yeah I know it’s crazy huh yo W sub thank you for the W sub bro appreciate that um if you do me a huge favor and leave a like on the channel hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds and you’ll be able to leave a like it really helps helps me grow and I know everybody’s coming in that’s because like okay so B after midnight like that’s when most of the people that watch me I need to start really streaming later like figuring that out because that like most of my crowd is not American which is awesome because I would rather be famous everywhere else but America so I can I can walk my butt over to the Walmart and pajamas and and not have to worry about people taking pictures of me personally that’s my personal thing all right guys I’ll stream for a little bit longer Bas is finally done nice nice nice yeah it’s not just you and paper well there was more people but they were lurking you’re going to decorate it more next time do you want to switch over to Roblox we can switch over we can switch over bro and guys don’t forget to leave a like hold down on the screen for two seconds to leave a like thank you so much and check out the Discord uh yeah 90% % of us is European yep and from South Africa and from Asia too if you met a sub on accident what Would You Do Well I probably wouldn’t recognize them but if they ask me to take a picture I take a picture you know what I mean if they want an autograph too I do that too um I wish I was in Spain still Spain seems like a fun place to visit I wouldn’t want to live there though not sure about living there but I definitely want to visit there someday they should tell you their user like I’m going to remember every single user like I’m going to remember if they’re frequent if they’re frequent of Watchers then for sure I probably memorize them remember them but not like you know like if you like guys if you stay here long enough I’ll remember you can you say my country uh can you say my country to the live or it’s an OG yeah for OG’s for sure um I don’t remember your country I totally forgot I actually forgot well then again I’ve been going for so long usually by around 6 to seven hours that’s when my brain’s like Tapped Out on on most of my energy Dominican Republic yo what’s up Dr what’s up what’s going oner yo what’s going on leer fish welcome back and if you haven’t already please do me a huge favor and leave a like hold down on the screen to leave a like thank you so much appreciate it yeah we’re going to be switching to Roblox I think let me let me just first um block up this entrance let me block this entrance up there we go how many languages do you know uh I know like Spanish and Italian and I can like read like read mostly it’s not like fluent but I can I can translate most of what I want to say pretty much but I can read um and once and I know a lot of the rules for let’s see Spanish Italian um Arabic Korean a bit of Mandarin uh I can read some Portuguese cuz it’s similar to Spanish and Italian but once again that’s not even like a flex cuz I don’t know them all that well I just have like a foundation in the languages you know what I mean so it’s like I I can I got I developed them all to the point where if I had to go to that country it would take like a couple months two to three months it would be very it would be very quick for me to like brush up and to uh and to become like arguably survivable conversational level but I wouldn’t say that I’m really good at any of them because I don’t really practice them but I do have a the the foundation for a lot of languages already already figured out and I and I know how to learn languages pretty quick if I need to all right guys what do you think what about what about what do you think Dark Side you want to switch you want to switch Dark Side switch over to Roblox what do you think I’m Bosnian do you know what that means that means you’re from Bosnia obviously obviously W base upgrade total W total total W all right so we done with this or should we build into this cave here what do you think should we have like an underground city d means yes I thought that was German Oh I thought when he said that like that was like a typo for saying do you know what that means like that so I was like oh yeah I know what that means that means you’re from Bosnia but you’re like no do like the actual word da oh my gosh guys my voice is crazy is that Java version or Bedrock this is bedrock all right guys so I’m probably going to have to end the stream soon I can say one word in Japanese I know uh I know I [Music] know uh but I don’t really know I don’t really know much El beyond that guys I’m going to have to end soon cuz my voice is actually getting strained it actually legitimately is my country is Kawai oh yeah kawaai I know Kuwai they speak Arabic right they speak Arabic my best friend or one of my best friends is uh is is Lebanese guys let’s stop talking for a minute I know my voice I can already feel it I need to rest it I’m not going to talk for the rest of the night I feel like but I’ll go 10 more minutes 10 more minutes no guys I have to cuz otherwise I can’t stream tomorrow don’t forget about my title okay OG I got you bro I got you for OG I got you don’t worry about it hold on who attacked me oh it’s the Phantom it’s the Phantom that’s what attacked me you want to skip the night bro hicha is the only one I know it’s the only one you need pretty much only one you [Music] [Music] need yo check that out that’s crazy Gojo needs cap King and David needs its you title yep yep or the remember me title no that’s facts that’s [Music] facts yeah David should be the quote unquote remember me a guy and Gojo needs the cap King the Coco movie remembers me remember me and me talk asking if I seen the movie Coco yeah I’ve seen that movie it’s great fantastic I love [Music] it hold on one second the song I don’t remember the song [Music] yo we yeah we should expand this area we should have like a more of an open plan I feel like there we go much better you know what else I should do hold on I need to get rid of this I need to expand the ceiling see you later Blaze no I have to say remember goodbye remember me okay I remember you goodbye I remember you no don’t leave no I’m not I’m leaving in like 10 minutes guys uh to guess my favorite anime out of these three Naruto Dragon Ball Z or one piece I’m going to guess Dragon Ball Z although my personal favorite is Naruto I’m going to expand this place a little bit get a little bit more room in here having like an open floor plan it’s one piece really I haven’t I actually have not gotten very far into one piece what’s like the best season in one piece like I know I I but here’s the thing guys I’m not going to be here for very long and I you have to talk guys you have to that’s the thing about streaming I’ll rest my voice afterwards there we go beautiful uh why’ you put that right there no get get out of here that that makes no sense let me get rid of all these like there there we go get rid of all the dirt in the ceiling just make it all uniform isn’t that look great guys doesn’t that look beautiful your favorite anime of these two Naruto or one piece [Music] Naruto I’m not going to guess all all this guys you just got rid of the main entrance it’s not usable and nobody uses it what do you mean the main entrance what are you talking about you mean this one after this make a 10-minute video I want to look I want to make videos I’m going to make a video for uh correct nice thanks awesome it is Naruto I love dude Naruto’s my favorite too um but I want to make a 10-minute video thanking you guys for uh reaching a th000 subscribers once we get there once we get there what kind of videos would you like to see me make I’m not really good at making thumbnails so I’m going to hold off until I can hire somebody to do that until I well I mean 1 thousand Subs I’ll make I’ll make I’ll just make a video and just not worry too much about the thumbnail um but what kind of videos would you guys like to see me make what kind of content would you rather have $1,000 or have in or or have 1K Subs $1,000 an or uh one piece is my second favorite nice hire Dark Side Dark Side needs to be making some million uh short million view short edits before I hire [Music] him reacting to videos hold I’m going to switch over to chatting reacting to videos I mean yeah reacting to videos is nice but here’s the thing like it’s also very risky it’s very risky and reaction channels tend to be valued less by sponsors because of the potential for copyright so you got to be very careful with that all right guys but you have me for a few more minutes you have me for a few more minutes I’m going to check out I’m going to check out the Discord I got you guys though hold on I’m going to check out the Discord real quick 64 watch hours guys that is awesome we smashed our goals we smashed our goals let’s see you are an OG this person is an OG looks like dark side was already really quick on doing that I don’t know about you but that looks like Jesus in the marketplace on and somebody wanted me to check out this video real quick you rck red me bro Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down why would you do that for the 1K video put your profile pick and the title and we’ll be thank you for 1K where’s my title bro hold on I got you I got you I got you let me just go legend I’m back been reading borto oh boro’s out is Boro out or you just catching up no it can’t be out it’s too early the leaks can’t even be out there’s no way I’ve been wanting to catch up on the on Boro [Music] to oh yeah and Shout out the legend by the way everybody check out the legend they’re an awesome YouTuber check them out um hold on hold on I got you Stars I got you look I know I already know I’m look I’m going to server settings going to rolls we got OG manage members add members you’re already a member bro you’re literally you made me do all that work for nothing why would you do that why would you do that look you are literally an OG like not look look like hold on and go to the general Stars yeah you’re an OG bro yeah it does click on your name and then look down not yet but I was reading the last month Manga chapter oh nice nice oh yeah that was crazy like how basically himawari might be the continuation of Kurama or or might at least be the key to Reviving kurma or be the next reincarnation or where the cuz I remember it was said earlier in like borto like canonically speaking that uh that even if you kill um a beu or if you kill a tail beast they will eventually like reform like you can’t actually destroy it so that’d be interesting to see if if himari is like the vessel for the next Kura very interesting I think um and if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like on the Stream just hold down on the screen for like 2 seconds um thank you so much I’m actually going to be ending the stream very soon if you’re not able to get a hold of the person in charge of the project uh you will have to go through all your work what are you talking about bro that seems that’s so out of context that feels like so out of context but anyways guys all right it’s been about eight hours can somebody double check has it been 8 hours for the stream because I I’ve already smashed my watch hours uh goal smashed it completely destroyed it now we we’re we are over 34 likes that let’s go uh let’s see that part shocked me I know right like that made it that made himari so much more interesting that I thought himari was going to be like kind of background noise don’t check the Discord what do you mean don’t check the Discord why you being sus yo no stars don’t don’t stop it stars I’m GNA delete these messages if you get sus yo what’s up muj you can do me a favor and leave a like on the stream um you actually caught me right when I was about to end the stream bro I’m so sorry but if you could do me a huge favor still and leave a like hold down on the screen for 2 seconds but all right guys it’s been eight hours it’s been putting putting full-time hours into this guys it’s been eight hours would you rather slap yourself or act like a like a Simeon no just all right guys I’m I’m heading off I my voice is exhausted I need to save it for tomorrow you will see me tomorrow guys I’ll try to stream later so that I can catch more of you okay I will try to stream later bye Yer see you leather see y’all leather I’m going off okay don’t worry I’ll be on tomorrow and I’ll try to be on later okay I will try to be on later CU I know most of you are not from the United States so I will try to accommodate you guys I love y all see you bye-bye

This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft & Roblox Livestream with Subscribers | Join Yaezer’s Wednesday Gaming Session!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-11 08:22:41. It has garnered 594 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 08:01:57 or 28917 seconds.

Welcome to Yaezer’s first livestream of the week! Get ready for an epic gaming experience as we dive into the worlds of Minecraft and Roblox. Join us for a fun-filled adventure where subscribers get to play alongside Yaezer himself! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, everyone is welcome to join in the excitement.

In this livestream, expect thrilling gameplay, interactive chats, and plenty of laughter as we explore new realms and conquer challenges together. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of the action and connect with fellow gamers.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday and set your reminders because this is a livestream you won’t want to miss! Hit that subscribe button and join us for an unforgettable gaming session with Yaezer. See you there! 🎮✨

  • Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem

    Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem Minecraft – Episode 1 – Did it for the Meme Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with Clifton3D in Episode 1 of his gaming series. Join him as he delves into the realm of creativity, survival, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Minecraft Universe As Clifton3D ventures into the vast landscapes of Minecraft, he encounters a world brimming with resources, creatures, and challenges. From building intricate structures to battling hostile mobs, every moment is an opportunity for adventure. Building Blocks of Creativity In Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Clifton3D showcases his building skills by constructing elaborate… Read More

  • Mining in Minecraft: Dark Fear Strikes Twice

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  • Crafting Ultraman Arc: Minecraft PE Portal Fun

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  • Tipsy Girlfriend Takes on 1M KM Minecraft Trek 🍻🎮

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  • Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of creating cozy, magical homes in Minecraft like the ones featured in the “Cottage Witch” modpack? Do you enjoy the thrill of exploration and the satisfaction of building your own unique world? If so, you’ll love the immersive and dynamic experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who appreciate creativity, collaboration, and adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. With unique features, exciting events, and a dedicated staff team, you’ll never run out of things to do or new… Read More

  • Unpredictable Minecraft Every 5 Minutes

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  • Top Minecraft-Like Games You Didn’t Know!

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  • Kelp Wall Shenanigans

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Farm Builds

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Forged SMP

    We are a No-Hack anarchy server that just started. We have a welcoming player base, and amazing style of server. So come check us out I don’t think you will be disappointed! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Everyone Hates Tall Grass. Whats the Hottest Plant?”

    I guess you could say the hottest plant is… fire? It’s definitely a lot easier to deal with than those pesky baby zombies in tall grass! Read More

  • Crafting My First House: Minecraft Survival Ep#2

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  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness!

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  • Forever Stranded EP3: Moosey Town Production Kickstart

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  • Minecraft építmények: kihívások és viccek

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  • 🔴Extreme Minecraft SURVIVAL Mode – Come Chat Now!🔴

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  • TNT vs Armor: Ultimate Showdown!

    TNT vs Armor: Ultimate Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which armor stay longer vs TNT???’, was uploaded by Gasbo on 2024-03-14 12:13:27. It has garnered 860 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. #minecraft ​ #gasbo Which armor survive more TNT in Minecraft? meme,memes,minecraft funny,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft memes,funny minecraft memes,pepenos,minecraft cursed,funny minecraft,steveee,minecraft challenge,minecraft mods,minecraft update,minecraft golems,alexa real,pepenos minecraft,cursed minecraft,iq,iq test,craft,mine,tnt,stevee,minecraft but Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack: Build Password Door! #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Hack: Build Password Door! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a Password Door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #shorts’, was uploaded by Bezor Minecraft on 2024-04-29 00:54:16. It has garnered 3684 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘5 minecraft facts u might know’, was uploaded by ItsAqua on 2024-01-14 19:10:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CapCut I made this amazing video with CapCut. Open the link to try it out: Read More

  • MINECRAFT BUILD HACK!!😱 || AxySpy || #shorts

    MINECRAFT BUILD HACK!!😱 || AxySpy || #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-03-31 14:26:09. It has garnered 8298 views and 161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One Thing From… Read More


    PixelDrink - WE'RE DYING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘LETS PLAY MINECRAFT TOGETHER (we will die)’, was uploaded by PixelDrink on 2024-06-19 22:33:37. It has garnered 22460 views and 1407 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:08 or 4088 seconds. Join this channel to support my work: ———————————————————— – Merch: – Instagram: Pixel_Drink – Tiktok: Pixeldrink – Business email: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate Friday Night Game Night!

    Ultimate Friday Night Game Night!Video Information This video, titled ‘Friday Night Gaming #livegaming #robloxlive #minecraft #toilettowerdefense #livestumbleguys #friday’, was uploaded by Cash Presley & Oakley Star on 2024-06-22 13:25:45. It has garnered 633 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:10 or 8650 seconds. Friday Night Gaming #livegaming #robloxlive #minecraft #toilettowerdefense #livestumbleguys #friday Read More

  • “EPIC MINECRAFT GAME CREATION: Part 3 = SHIZO FUN!” #minecraftshorts #minecraft

    "EPIC MINECRAFT GAME CREATION: Part 3 = SHIZO FUN!" #minecraftshorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Creating Another Game in Minecraft: Part 3″ #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by NICE FF MYNK on 2024-03-09 04:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Creating Another Game in Minecraft: Part 3” Welcome to Part 3 of our series on creating another game in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cube Xuan Minecraft: Crazy Encounter with Mysterious Stalker!

    Cube Xuan Minecraft: Crazy Encounter with Mysterious Stalker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:我没K我没K!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-26 11:15:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animation! Our channel focuses on integrating Internet hot topics, using funny humor… Read More

  • SCP Area 61 Roleplay

    SCP Area 61 RoleplayExplore the world of SCP and try to escape the facility’s prison where they’re using you as a test subject! Even apply to become a guard and help the foundation contain the escaped anomalies! Don’t forget to stay away from SCP-049 😉 Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat & No Grief Paper 1.21

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP is a small whitelisted community of enthusiasts of the classic Minecraft experience. We cherish the game’s core essence and we’re excited to welcome new members who share our passion. Mystmoor provides: Friendly staff ready to help. Authentic vanilla gameplay with sensible enhancements. Overworld in which immersive builds are promoted. The challenge of Hard mode. Strong measures against cheating and grief. No pay-to-win. Feel free to check out our website and join our Discord to start your journey with us today! Discord: Join us on Discord Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Get spicy with your Minecraft decor!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Get spicy with your Minecraft decor!"“I guess you could say this meme was ‘crafted’ with love… and a little bit of Photoshop magic!” Read More

  • [Hot Villager Launch] Oi Oi Oi Meme! #minecraft #memes #funny

    [Hot Villager Launch] Oi Oi Oi Meme! #minecraft #memes #funny When you accidentally launch a villager into space with a Super Launcher and all you hear is “oi oi oi” as they fly away into the distance. Minecraft truly is a wild ride. #SpaceVillagers #MinecraftMishaps Read More

  • Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh – 2013 POV @Altraxu

    Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh - 2013 POV @AltraxuVideo Information This video, titled ‘pov it’s 2013 @Altraxu’, was uploaded by Rijakpreet Singh on 2024-05-05 04:31:50. It has garnered 114 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft memes herobrine gaming memes minecraft meme meme funny minecraft steveee #shorts laggy friend minecraft challenge funny minecraftjava minecraft funny minecraftshorts animation #tiktok best minecraft memes new world funny minecraft memes fyp lags minecrafthacks funny lags minecraftbedrock that laggy friend in minecraft when your dank minecraft memes gaming mandeer minecraft tiktok cartoon minecraft mods minecraft animation minecraft pov minecraft pov shorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days Challenge

    Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days – [Minecraft Creative 2]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2024-06-15 17:00:07. It has garnered 1207327 views and 52928 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:21 or 1821 seconds. Get my new Plush today! – I survived 100 Days in the Creative, this is what happened… Thank you to all my subscribers you are all amazing! If you want to become one hit that sub button! Other GREAT 100 Days videos, The ORIGINAL 100 DAYS – 100 Days with Cheats – 100 Days on XBOX 360 – 100… Read More

  • Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!

    Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘I make my fully iron armour in Minecraft survival series part 3’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-09 09:42:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Starting Fresh!’, was uploaded by NerdKambo on 2024-06-15 06:23:45. It has garnered 149 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:30 or 23310 seconds. Today we will be embarking on a new Journey! i know i have a 100 days world but tbh, i got bored and forgot what i was doing! This series will go on forever! Either on this world or many to come! I hope you enjoy! GoFundMe Link for Char: ​​ ________________________________________ Follow Me: ▷ Twitter: ▷ TikTok: ▷ Discord: _________________________________________ I made up… Read More

  • Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!

    Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I clipped through a wall in Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Dean DuBose on 2024-01-14 21:35:25. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Its crazy! #xbox #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21

    Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Vizag OP on 2024-07-13 07:14:00. It has garnered 16246 views and 1123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21 Hello Guys, welcome in Vizag OP youtube channel ——————————————————————— ➤ ABOUT THIS VIDEO : salutation for all my youtube family, friends iss video me mene apko [ Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 ||… Read More

  • 🚨 Insane Minecraft & Valorant Action LIVE! 💣🔥

    🚨 Insane Minecraft & Valorant Action LIVE! 💣🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft & Valorant LIVE Stream! Build, Battle, and Dominate 💥🔨’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-12 07:51:02. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:03 or 11283 seconds. Minecraft & Valorant LIVE Stream! Build, Battle, and Dominate 💥🔨 #valorant #valorantlive #minecraft #Gaming #ChillStream Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights: 🕹️ Engaging… Read More

  • Unbelievable! From 700 to 1K Subscribers?! 🤯

    Unbelievable! From 700 to 1K Subscribers?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘THANXS FOR 700 SUBSCRIBE| NEXST 1K|’, was uploaded by MBF TAHMID on 2024-07-05 06:03:16. It has garnered 11487 views and 778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. THANXS FOR 700 SUBSCRIBE| NEXST 1K| minecraft,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft hacks,testing minecraft tiktoks,real minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok,minecraft viral hacks,testing viral minecraft hacks that are real,tiktok minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tiktok minecraft,minecraft tiktok compilation,minecraft build hacks,tiktok hack,testing tiktok minecraft tricks that are 100% real,minecraft tiktok hacks 1.20,minecraft tik tok hacks minecraft,minecraft funny,funny minecraft compilation,minecraft funny moments,funny,funny fake minecraft speedruns,funniest minecraft clips,minecraft manhunt,minecraft… Read More

  • SAM’S HEARTBREAKING Minecraft FRIENDSHIP Story 😭 #Shorts

    SAM'S HEARTBREAKING Minecraft FRIENDSHIP Story 😭 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft FRIENDSHIP story will break your heart 😢 #Shorts’, was uploaded by sam is playing on 2024-06-16 06:30:25. It has garnered 12839 views and 1131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. This Minecraft FRIENDSHIP story will break your heart 😢 #shorts TAGS IGNORE triggered insaan,fukra insaan,nischay malhan,abhishek malhan,abhishek,nischay,dimple malhan vlogs,triggered insaan roast,triggered insaan sourav joshi,fukra insaan vlog,fukra insaan bigg boss,fukra insaan live,fukra insaan song,sourav,sourav joshi,sourav joshi vlogs,sourav joshi new car,news,youtube news,neon man,elvish,elvish yadav vlogs,elvish yadav,elvish yadav song,bebika,uk07 rider,ashish chanchlani,mrbeast,technical guruji,virat kohli minecraft naruto mods , miecraft live , minecraft… Read More

  • Elysian SMP

    Elysian SMPWelcome to Elysian SMP! Embark in an exciting journey on our Origins Factions server! >> Join one of three factions or walk alongside the peaceful faction of Aethra! >> Has mods such as Lootr, Oh The Biomes You’ll Go, Better Animals Plus, Croptopia, and Origins++! >> Plenty of origins to choose from!! >> Java Fabric Server 1.19.2 !! Join us today!! You MUST be a member of our Discord: Read More

  • TFL semi-vanilla whitelist

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! We have a friendly, global 18+ community where PvP, griefing, and stealing are not allowed. Join us for pure fun and building experiences on both Java and Bedrock platforms. Stay connected with our active Discord for gaming discussions and updates. Server Update: New World Launching on July 28th! While the server is under construction, join our Discord to meet members and stay informed. Explore our temporary creative world to pass the time. Community Features: Shopping District Nether hub for fast travel Community megabuild project Survival & Creative worlds Special Events (contests, games, and more) Gameplay… Read More